You have a voice. Let it be heard. It's important for the future development of our new government that the officials we elect hear from us. You know what to do...
To receive the latest "Notes to the Nation" from Congressman Kugee Supernaw that provides information about the Motion for the Committee of Inquiry that will look into the allegations against Chief Red Eagle, send an e-mail to him directly at and he will send it to you.
I hope that the Congress will see that the injury to the Osage Nation, if nothing is done by the Congress about what the Chief has chosen to do in the past to bring things to this point, will be to damage the integrity and reputation of the Osage Nation government as a lawful institution. They will either prove it to be a successful working one or a failure on both counts. The Osage people have been waiting for seven years for proof that this government works and that those who work there actually have respect for it rather than just "tongue in cheek" standing in line for a paycheck disbursement from the Osage Nation Treasury every two weeks. The opinion of the Osage people in this matter where confidence and trust in the integrity of our new government is concerned is paramount.
The Live Broadcast of the 6th Osage Special Session of the Third Congress will begin at 10:00 A.M. To listen live, go to and click on the link Listen Live to Congress Session. There are two Congressional Committees that are scheduled to meet afterward. Health and Social Services will meet directly after the Special Session on July 8th and at 3:00 P.M. Goverment Ops will meet. See For later viewing on demand when posted to the Audio/Video Archive, go to
More information is available about the abuse of power allegations leveled at the Osage Chief at
NEW! The official copy of the Motion for a Select Committee of Inquiry that was read out in the Special Session today by Congressman Kugee Supernaw is available for immediate download at PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ ALL OF IT. It includes the fifteen (15) allegations against Chief John D. Red Eagle that warrant an investigation on behalf of the Osage people to be initiated by the Osage Congress if the vote is successful tomorrow in the Congressional Special Session beginning at 10:00 A.M. It is our belief and absolute conviction at OPEN that the Osage people deserve, at the very least, that these serious allegations be subject to an investigation and that the Select Committee of Inquiry be formed for that purpose. Please take the time to listen to the first day of the 6th Special Session that is now up and listed as SS10-day at TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! Contact your members of Congress and let them know how you want them to vote tomorrow morning on this Select Committee of Inquiry at
BREAKING NEWS: The Motion for a Select Committee of Inquiry, brought by Congressman Kugee Supernaw, was voted on in today's Special Session by all attending members of the Osage Nation Congress and the vote was yes on the part of every one of them. Congressman Archie Mason was not in attendance and as a result, did not vote on the Motion. This Committee has been created and formed as of today's Special Session. Be certain to listen to this historic day of the 6th Special Session of the Third Congress when it is posted to the Audio/Video Archive web page at
More on this fast moving story... The Congressional Select Committee of Inquiry to evaluate the allegations brought against the Chief has been chosen by Supreme Court Justice Meredith Drent. The members of the Congress that will sit on this Committee are Alice Buffalohead, John Jech, Archie Mason, Maria Whitehorn and Speaker Raymond Red Corn. It has come to light that this Committee will "meet in the dark" in Executive Session according to the Congressional Rules that can be changed by the Congress. The U.S. Congress held open hearings in the cases of both President Nixon and Clinton and the Osage people should be paid no less deference by our elected representatives in the Osage Nation Congress. These proceedings should be OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AND BROADCAST ONLINE. We should have the right to weigh in on these proceedings and contact our members of Congress to let them know how we wish to be represented when the evidence and facts are placed before all of us. EVERY ONE OF THE SELECT COMMITTEES OF THE OSAGE NATION meet OPENLY and are subject to the Osage Nation Open Meetings Law. They are also broadcast to the Osage people and there is no reason why we should be subject to being kept out of the loop on matters involving allegations against the Chief of this level of legal importance. In addition, the Osage Nation Attorney General has filed an amended ethics complaint with the Osage Nation Court to bring an additional allegation against the Chief. More on this will be forthcoming. The two court cases involving the Osage News and the ethics allegations brought by the AG against the Chief will be heard on August 8, 2013. See the article, Osage News v. Chief Red Eagle case to resume Aug. 8 at
As reported earlier, the Osage Nation Attorney General has filed an amended ethics complaint with the Osage Nation Court to bring an additional allegation against the Chief. This official document is now available for immediate download at
Good. I'm glad that somebody is finally speaking up. I totally agree with osageblogger. Why can't we have open hearings of the Osage Congress for this committee tribunal? They have too many restrictions on these rules they have as it is already. Half the time they ignore them anyway so why not let us in to hear the evidence too?
I'm glad too. The Osage News states, "When the committee meets, it will elect a chairperson and the committee will hold all of its investigatory proceedings in executive session. During this time, the committee has the power to gather evidence, interview witnesses, take testimony under oath and subpoena documents, according to Congressional rules." Executive Session means that the hearings are closed to the membership. How unfair is that? Why isn't the Osage News mounting a campaign to get these proceedings open to the public so they can report on them for the Osage People who have the right to know what the Chief has gotten up to? They are supposed to be fair and unbiased. Fair is seeing to it that the Osage people get the opportunity to hear the evidence too.
You got that right. There are rules and guidence that in the state of Oklahoma when it comes to GOV.and the open meeting act. I hope Congress realizes this. The Gov. Is elected by the people for the people of the people. And we are not supportive of this action they have taken period. I
Yes indeed! We should all start leaving comments on the articles that the Osage News publishes on this subject to encourage them to act on our behalf. What would the Washington Post and the New York Times have done if the Watergate hearings were held in some hidey-hole tucked away in the Capitol Building? Since when does any Federal or State Congress in this country have the arbitrary right to close the doors on hearings where evidence is gathered, witnesses are interviewed, and testimony is given under oath? This new Osage government needs to start to clean up its act and part of that is to make it very uncomfortable for those who behave in a public manner that results in such actions taken against them. If this Osage government hadn't been so soft to begin with, these things wouldn't be happening and we wouldn't have to be put through all of this upheaval now. To register with the Osage News to begin posting comments, copy and paste this URL into your browser:
"I am certain that our process will be fair and reasonable as I continue to uphold our Osage Constitution and defend the Osage people." I mean what? Who will defend us from him? The Tulsa World has an article>>
Like I had said on the OSA site long time ago. It's any wonder the Osage News has made it this far...The Bigheart Times will more than likely be accurate with the reporting. The formatting is better. And I totally support what Osageblogger is saying. Everyone needs to flood the Osage News with comments as well. We need the support of Our Osage Gov. to do what is right for all of us. I said this is going to be ugly no way getting around what is happening with the Chief. Our Gov. has procrastinated enough and as far as my opinion goes there was no reason why ethic charges should have not taken this long to file now we have a road map pointing in the direction and couldn't be more clearer a while back. Make our Gov. accountable to their People. At this point he cannot be partial with decisions affecting the state of affairs of our Gov. and should be put on paid leave till further Notice.
The Bigheart Times ? The owner is still married to the Osage Spearker Red Corn isn;t she? Not likely she;ll call for open hearings. Suspention without pay would be good but I don;t think they have anything in their laws to allow for that. Good idea though. You could call a member of Cogness to find out. The word is going around and I;m wondering about too is if the choices on the committee have the guts to send the Chief down. Most of them blow with the wind and don;t really like confontation with others in Congress or with the community back home. There is one who has stood up before and may have the chops but she's kind of new and only one person out of five so I don't know. If the hearings are open and with the election coming up they are more likely to act and choose differently than they would if they meet in secret. The deal here is that Tim Tallchief warned people about this nepitism thing with Red Eagle before the runoff election and boy was he so right.
Thanks for your reply, I would like to think when it comes to a Newspaper that it would be unbiased and that personal influence would not overcome the truth for Justice. Just like how they report and how the Newspaper is edited. But at this moment we need to call all local newspapers to support the People and not Big Gov. We all can blow wind just who's got the Big Cajones to stand up. This is the time that Our Osage Gov. can cease the opportunity to turn the tables and shutting the door on our People is not a great way to Identify with those who voted for those in the the Positions that they are in. Our money should be working for us not the other way around. I personally do not like confrontation on a daily basis and I will continue to do my best and live a good life with integrity and honesty. Just another way of saying walking the truth is easier than living a lie. Right I voted for Tim all the way.....I sincerely hope he has designs to step up to the podium of truth and run again and not by the pulpit of lies that has come from the executive office......The nepotism and etc....Have a great day....
Why do they always look like they try to protect their own in the new government like they are dealing with a bunch of folks who are so crooked they have to be held to a really low standard. Don't they know they only make themselves look like crooks too? Open hearings are the only way to go on this here thing to protect their own hides. If there smart that is.
Yeah Tim did get it right. And to the poster above you time 3:08 if they don't turn this around they will be looked as maybe we should petition them all out of office. This is not how I expect a Gov. that is fashioned after the U.S. Constitution to behave. Maybe legislation is needed so this does not happen again once and for all or maybe just a new Gov for the umteenth time needs to happen? If these knucle heads can't get it right thats where we might need to pick up the stick and start throwing stones and maybe they just might listen...... I just find it redudant to have a committee when the facts have been displayed so eloquently by the AG'S office and let a jury of our peers make the decision.
The Committee of Inquiry is an initial step not called for in the Osage Constitution, Article XII-Removal, Section 2. But there is no getting around this trial because it is called for: "Section 2. Rules and Procedures: Removal of Osage Nation Officers shall originate in the Osage Nation Congress, except as otherwise provided in the Osage Nation Constitution. The motion for removal shall list fully the basis for the proceeding and must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members. Trial on removal shall then be conducted by the Osage Nation Congress with the accused afforded due process and an opportunity to be heard. An Osage Nation Supreme Court Justice, designated by the Supreme Court, shall preside at the trial. Concurrence of five-sixths (5/6) of the members of the Osage Nation Congress is required for a judgment of removal. The judgment shall not extend further than to removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit in the Osage Nation, but shall not prevent proceedings in the courts on the same or related charges." It says nothing about a closed Committee of Inquiry and there is nothing in the statutory law (passed by the ON Congress and signed by the Chief) that says that either. It's only in the Congressional rules and they can be changed by the members of the Congress who put them in place. From my point of view, it's really strange that they have set up another hoop to jump through before the actual trial process begins when they know that they have enough evidence at this point to go direct to the trial without all of this additional hoopla added into the mix.
Just noticed your post. Right why go thru the hoops when the outcome is not going to change. Redundant. Thats what I said or maybe get a grand jury of our peers. We the Osage would expect Our Congress to do there research before coming to a decision of this sort. And by which they are Not following the Brown Act that's for sure and can be held liable and anyone can bring this charge on though it can cost heavily against the Nation.
And another comes to mind as well is the "The Bagley-Keene act". Anytime a official creates a commission, the act of granting powers or the authority to carry out a paticular duty or task must be "Open and Public". Actions may not be "Secret and Action taken in violation of the open meetings laws may be voided". This is beneficial information pertaining to what is happening on the front this would be a violation of the first amendment I believe. It is our civil right because it's our money, our very public money gives us the right to know. This is to be sure there is no abiguity takes place. Creates the dialogue for accountability and transperency and I can even venture to say a lot more but I'm sure this is what we need to happen.
As a semi-retired Law Enforcement Deputy Sheriff [read firearms instructor/range officer], I am totally dismayed at the militarzation of the ON PD. Travelled thru the nation last Wednesday and noticed that our police department has aquired totally BLACK SUV's with totally BLACK WINDOWS [can't see in or out]and the notification that they are police vehicles is so HIDDEN on the side of the vehicle that you have to be directly perpendicular to notice the identification. I realize this is a public blog, BUT WTF! is this all about. Are we running hidden OP's, Do we have Osage terrorists afoot? Gimme a break, get regular vehicles and be regular poice.
Yeah. You're right. That's a bit over the top. The last thing we need is the image of a bunch of thugs looking like drug runners down in Mexico. Who approved this nonsense, I wonder?
On this Committee of Inquiry, I hope the family and sibling revelry with this Chief is now at an end. We need a government that can keep it's nose clean and be run like it's supposed to
I agree. It's looking bad for the Chief but he took that path so it is what it is. I wonder if the ON Congress and the ON Court Judge will be up to doing the right thing in the end. A couple of those charges are Federal and JRE might be in more trouble than even the Osages have him on the hook to answer for.
That's what I said there is more to the story. Why do you think the charges against the five man board is taking so long? There is a huge paper trail. And why do you think the OSA is not up?
Don't know about the OSA. I hear membership is down. The OSA Blog was not directly linked to the OSA and Kent got tired of paying out for everyone attacking everyone that posted there. He's got a point.
As far as membership being down or more to the problem of attendance in the quarterly meetings is this. From what I have heard at the last OSA meeting in Pawhuska if you don't count officers and board members and two producers, there were a total of 5 or 6 members there. After the new officers took over, the meeting descended into a free for all with people shouting over other people who were trying to speak and interrupting people that had the floor and people trying to change the subject before the discussion on that topic was over. Three members said they were not coming back! Most of this turmoil has been coming from a small group of people, two board members included. Word has come to light that one of the board members has said they do not intend to follow Roberts Rules of Order or written agenda and will run the OSA meetings as they see fit. In addition one of the board members threatened to sue Kent if he did not change the name of the web site. He has provided a wonderful service by sponsoring the OSA site for years and decided that he wasn't going to be threatened, so he shut it down. I would have done so long before that!!
I heard the same thing about the last OSA meeting especially the part about everyone shouting over everyone especially one in particular who tried to defend Kent and commend him for all those years that he paid for the OSA Blog out of his own pocket so the Shareholders would have a place to go to communicate to one another. Gratitude?
Since the inception of this site OSA, I am offended that Kent would decide to shut the door in our faces, is a slap in the face of the Osage Shareholders. Kent did not have to pay. I would have thought this site could have been paid by the shareholders of which I would not have mind or it could have come from the Kansas funds. It's not much per mo to maintain a web. After all it looks to me that a lot of what is currently going on with the Chief and the power of truth this site had to offer along with the power of persuasion had some influence because the call of duty to do what was right,was posted. The site is not due to expire until 2014. After all, these are opinions and just that and a public forum for all who visits the site and why not give the shareholders a choice of the matter, as on this site of which I do appreciate. Formatting could be made a little simpler though. Kent was threatening what a week before june that he was going to close the site because his feelings got hurt. He put that out there. And this site is not about him. I suggest he open the OSA back up and grow some cojones, oops sorry they haven't dropped yet.
In addition to my reply to poster at 1:49 on july 10th, The site became the site for the OSAGE SHAREHOLDERS and Why was kent being threatened to change the name? Because I am hot on the Trail to get that site back up and I will do it legally in the Courts if I have to and I am working on it in the last day waiting for call backs at this point. After all I am a Osage Shareholder. See the conundrum? You know what comes to mind? Did the Chief threatened Kent? Once this info was on the net it became a public site especially to the Shareholders across the USA.
Look, guys. These are your opinions and I respect them. The thing here is that Kent did all of us a great service for a good many years and I am not only thankful, I am grateful to him. All of us wish that he would have a change of heart and continue with the OSA Blog, perhaps under another name or URL but if he doesn't, I don't think that we should brow beat and insult him. He's done way too much for us. In fact, we have had the privilege of his allowing us to tell the truth as we see it and write as we see fit and most other Tribal Communities have no forum whatsoever on this basis to speak their mind and share their honest thoughts. What Kent has done for us is not only outstanding, it's heroic. We owe him a whole lot more than to be disrespectful to him.
I could not agree more. Just pointing out the facts as they are and with all due respect to your post and this site. It's not as if we did not appreciate in the first.....And keep on bringing on the Hot Topics. Can't wait to here your views on todays events....
Remember too that part of the Mission of the Osage Blog is to protect the Shareholder's interest in the Mineral Estate. There is a separate section of this web site for the Osage Shareholders at
The 7th Special Session of the 3rd Osage Nation Congress has been called to consider the Select Committee of Inquiry Investigations. See
What is interesting is why Speaker Red Corn has called this Special Session after the Court is scheduled to hear the ethics case of the AG against the Chief that is scheduled on August 8, 2013. The two processes, the Committee of Inquiry and the AG's court case, are separate from one another and not in any way related to one another, therefore, why shouldn't they be happening concurrently? The 7th Special Session has been scheduled for August 19th, more than a month away from today's date. If the ON Courts can hear their legal case by August 8th, why can't the Special Committee of Inquiry of the Osage Congress? In addition, presumably they will be hiring their own attorney who specialized in cases like this during Committee of Inquiry hearings. Though this will likely take place, there isn't one legally educated attorney member of Congress chosen by the Supreme Court Judge on this Special Committee. Will the Congressional attorney, Trey Gill, be allowed to consult with these committee members during the hearings in order to explain things to them from a legal standpoint along with the attorney who they hire for the proceedings?
Unless Federal Charges are coming the Chiefs way? And why wouldn't the legal team of advisors be directed by Trey Gill? I would think a Judge would insist? or hopefully common sense would prevail in this instance. What are we not seeing or missing? Good Point.
6th Special Session motion to not have an experienced attorney be fully engaged for the proceedings of the Committee of Inquiry Hearings passed today. Only after the Committee votes to have a trial for removal against the Chief? Wait just a minute... This can't be right but the members of ON Congress attending today voted for this motion unanimously. Up against the Chief's attorneys, undoubtedly the best money can buy, the Committee of Inquiry won't have a professional attorney fully involved and present on a daily basis that has experience where hearings of the kind are concerned? Are you kidding me? I can't agree with this situation as a constituent AT ALL!
If the experienced prosecutorial attorney will not be involved to really help the members of the Committee during the Special Committee of Inquiry (SCOI) phase at this level, it appears to me that the experienced attorney will ONLY be hired for active use and service at the trial presided over by the Supreme Court Justice and conducted by the full Congress if it ever takes place. It seems, then, that if there isn't someone on board with substantial prosecutorial experience to combat and counter the tactics and strategy of the attorneys of the Chief during the inquiry phase, it may never come to a trial. These are SERIOUS RIVETING CHARGES and the members of the Osage Nation Congress had better be able, at this point, to make them stick. This makes me think of Ben Bradlee's quote (the then editor of the Washington Post) in the film, All the President's Men: "You guys are about to write a story that says... the highest-ranking...officer in this country, is a crook! Just be sure you're right." If I were a member of the SCOI, I wouldn't go into a hearing of any kind on this order without proper legal coverage and I mean VERY EXPERIENCED LEGAL coverage. AND OPEN THE HEARINGS and BROADCAST them to the OSAGE PEOPLE! IN THIS MATTER, WE'RE ON A NEED TO KNOW BASIS AND WE NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING WE CAN ABOUT WHAT HAS TAKEN PLACE WITH REGARD TO THESE ALLEGATIONS BROUGHT AGAINST OUR CHIEF!
And this investigative committee better not create a delay or I will cry foul and this was why I pointed out that we need all the help we can get because Congress is on Fire and they better fire this right and all I have to say is, it better be reprentive of the Constiuentcy. Applied Execution in the most judicial way with the out come in favor of their decision. Our Congress needs our support if ever now.....
I know this won't fly, BUT......where as some of these charges against the Chief involved a direct benifit to him, I feel he should have to bear the financial burden of defending those charges rather than the Nation paying for his defense! Come On !! This is like suing your sister then paying for her defense. This is taking Executive privileged way to far.
Yes. I agree that the Chief should have to bear the legal burden of his actions and the people shouldn't have to pay for it especially if it involves federal charges which it does in a couple of the allegations.
To the Posters above Orbi and this goes out to all, we have time coming up the Next 7TH Speccial session to ask our Congress to create a law that amends the Constitution. I agree with Poster July 18th at 1:58 pm. In addition the wording is key as to not allow for any subversion to the meaning except for the interpretation of the true text. He has undermined our Constitution and it's meaning as well he has insulted our intelligence. What he did not count on their our Osages that care.....And he forgot...Wow the Power went to his head.
I've made this suggestion before and I'd like to have it considered here. Certain professions require that those who work in that profession must, by law, take a government approved ethics course as part of their on-going continuing education. When this happens, the individuals who must take this mandatory course then become responsible for their behavior while employed in the profession if they do something unethical. In effect, the person employed is expected to have learned the difference between ethical and unethical behavior and is also expected to know how to behave accordingly after they have completed the course. In short, there is no wiggle room. If they behave in an unethical manner, they become fully and completely responsible for their behavior after they pass the ethics course test from that point onward. It standardizes what is expected of the employee and makes certain that they know the difference between right and wrong where ethical behavior is concerned in the workplace. It really is the obligation and responsibility of the government as an employer to make certain that all of those who work for the government have the same basic level of understanding where the concept of ethics is concerned.
In addition, a certain company that offers workplace ethics courses cautions, "The Federal Sentencing Guidelines (FSGs) and various statutes (e.g. Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) require frequent and comprehensive training on workplace ethics and business conduct." If this is true, why would the Osage Nation not be required to provide such training for their employees?
I think at one point on the OSA we brought this matter more than once. When you set the bar or standard then there is accountability and when the PPP'S are set in mode for training you must have a mission statement. That's the beginning. The benefits are recruiting qualified people, you foster a better work environment, when you build your association' reputation you foster a better relations with your community,when you maintain a relationship in a work environment with your employees you also open the dialogue for open discussion of ethical issues. Trust so elemental in a work environment. Alignment with the broader perspective that the Mission and Vision can be met....It's easy to do and it works. Training is a must.
Seeing as Congressman Raymond Redcorn was so hoppin' hot yesterday to have his bill passed (ONCA 13-53) to have the members of the Osage Nation Congress included for submitted ethics violations to the Osage Nation Attorney General's Office and got the votes for it, that is now awaiting the signature of the Chief, any suggestions for who should be first on the list and why? The web site for the OFPR and anonymous Whistleblower Hotline number and information is located at It is our understanding that you can report without giving your name or any details. There is even a way to report and establish a case number where you can periodically check the status of the case you have filed.
No, it wasn't always that way. The ON Congress system was modeled after the U.S. Congress that has an internal process for ethics complaints against the members of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The best reason given for such a system is to protect the lawmakers and the Justice Department from having to process hundreds of thousands of ethics complaints from the citizens of the United States for whatever the reason such complaints might be filed. It makes sense. Those voting for ONCA 13-53 were Geoffrey Standing Bear, Daniel Boone, John Free, Alice (Goodfox) Buffalohead, John Jech and Raymond Red Corn, the speaker of the Congress and sponsor of the bill. It has been sent over to the Chief for his signature and he has, I understand, until Monday July 15, 2013 to sign it into Osage Nation law. The speculation is that undoubtedly he will and then begin to hit the individual members of the ON Congress with one ethics complaint after another until the ON Court system is bogged down from now until doomsday. That makes sense too. I think Raymond may have bitten off a bit more than he can chew on this one but time will tell...
UPDATE: ONCA 13-53 has been signed by the Chief as of yesterday the 11th of July, 2013. Information about the Whistleblower Hotline is available at In addition, you can obtain a copy of the policies and procedures of the hotline (hotline handbook) and the hotline powerpoint presentation from the Office of Fiscal Performance and Review at
The Osage News case and the Attorney General's ethics complaint will be heard by the Trial Court early tomorrow morning at 1333 Grandview in Pawhuska, OK. Phone number is (918) 287-5400>>
The article from the Osage News is now available for viewing: Two cases involving Principal Chief scheduled in tribal court today at
UPDATE: The Osage News reported on the Facebook feed that yesterday "morning in Osage Nation Trial Court, presiding Associate Judge Lee Stout set an Aug. 8 court date in the Osage News vs. Principal Chief John Red Eagle case to hear oral arguments from both sides."
Wow, it is in my opinion that the Chief is in allota hurt. His Attorney is reaching for straws. One there have been many Newspapers who have filed against the Gov. for violations of the Open Records Act. As a matter of fact a Newspaper is nothing but a Journal of Record or if you like a Public Record and anybody can make the request......Yes.
To the Anonymous poster on July 11 at 11:19, it's people like you that got the OSA site shut down. And I can pretty much guess who you are. Point in fact, the site was never a public domain. It was set up and owned and paid for by Kent . He graciously set it up so the shareholders could share concerns, keep informed and give opinions. We were allowed to use his site free of charge and he certainly doesn't deserve to be brow beat by the likes of you! I'll bet you never offered to help with the expenses are so upset, why don't you quit complaining and open your own web site and call it what ever you want! Instead of trying to harass Kent or any one else that disagrees with you! I miss the site as well but will tell you, the more you keep up on this rampage, the more entrenched I would be to say "It was my web site and I'll do with it as I see fit!!"
Not. As for how I posted Kent,I posted with Great decorum. And If I was ever out of line it was because of the very predicament that we are in today as in, with the Chief. And I for one I would be the first if I was ever out of line to say I was wrong...Just the facts as they are. Sorry if your feelings got hurt. Not. At least I have balls and great big ones. And wasn't it that someone threatened you to take down the site? My point made.
Politely put, it is my understanding that Kent does not lack in any particular area so you both win. Now, can we please move on... Thank you, in advance.
If I remember correctly....Kent posted several weeks before he shut the site down that he was tired of people using the site to slam each other and post derogatory comments about others and it was not his intent for the forum to be used that way and if things didn't change he was going to shut it down.When the threat was made from the floor of the OSA meeting, by an OSA board member that she was going to sue if the name of the site wasn't changed I believe that was the nail in the coffin! Additionally, I would like to know if said board member ever talked to Kent about changing the name of the OSA site rather than threaten him.? And that's the facts as I understand them. I agree that now would be a good time to have the site up and running because of the mess the Chief has caused and elections not to far off. It does no good to bad mouth Kent,but rather than trying to hang Kent, why don't you or someone else be pro active and spend their money to have a web site designed and set up and pay the monthly fees involved in keeping it running?
Working waiting for call back. Kent is not my maker and in the end we know who the hecklers were. It's just bad timing and as I've said before who made him the peace maker? Whether the site was intended for it's use was to create a forum, a dialogue that was huge in Nature, in so many ways. Yes people are entitled to their opinion and it's just that and may be personal for some I get that. But when you do right you have nothing to fear. Most of us are adults and we knew who the Jueveniles were and the games they played. Nah this site is on the right path to give us a voice and give a voice to those who seek. And making a contribution to the OSA site and maybe have log in so if you belong you paid your due. When you have a forum as such of course your going to have the good bad and ugly that's the way it goes like ying to yang. Not everything is black and white. The freedom of voice.
I don't know how these things work, but possibly someone could contact Kent and see if they could take over the web site, formatted as is, change the name and take over paying for it? Just a thought?
Why should I? I am not the one moaning and groaning over this. I merely threw out the suggestion as a way to get around the road block. Should work if Kent is agreeable to the plan and someone wants to pick it up. Also it would seem to be less expensive than starting up a new web site from scratch and everyone involved is familiar with the old site.You could call it "Shareholders Blog" Mary Jane's Blog" or anything you want. Looks to me that the person complaining the most over this, would be the likely candidate to run with this?
I'm not moaning and groaning either. I didn't start this comment thread. You did. I'm just fine right where I am. I like that the lines of conversation stay pretty much one under the other and don't bleed down the page to the right and all over the place. This format is much better and easier to follow if you ask me.
To the July 12, 8:11 PM poster....I don't know who you are referring to when you say" I didn't start this comment thread. You did" you can be more clear on who you are pointing the finger at if you would direct your comment toward a specific poster by the date and time. That way we will know who you are talking about. As far as this web's not to bad....could use some small improvements....but all in all I like it.
First the Chief said he didn't comply with the open records request because he simply overlooked it. Now, he is arguing that the Newspaper is not a "public entity" and that is why he didn't. What will it be when the "lack of standing because it's not a public entity" arguement is struck down?
Ok, The Chief has to prove the burden as to why he is pulling Executive Privilege and in this case will not apply and the Court would frown. Second anyone can file a violation of the Open Records Act exspecially when such as a Public Entity like the Gov. His Attorney he's going to need a better one than the one he has. And why is he still in office with 15 charges against him? Why not put him on notice with pay till further a due?
Red Alert: IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED on ONCA 13-53 Veto Override Vote and the 6th Special Session that Meets TODAY--The Chief has vetoed the anti-nepotism bill, ONCA 13-54, An Act to amend the Osage Nation Ethics Law to designate appointments of relatives within the second decree to Business Boards, Commissions or Authorities a violation of the ethics law; to require ethics complaints against Members of Congress to be filed with the Attorney General; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Edwards). The Osage Nation Congress will be meeting at 4:30 p.m. CDT in the Congressional Chamber today to override the veto of this bill that has been sent to the Chief if enough members of the Congress attend in order to have the correct vote number necessary for this override. Please contact the members of the Osage Nation Congress by phone or e-mail to attend this important meeting and vote at See also
What? And this is why the Chief while awaiting trial should be removed from his position before he does more damage. This is a huge Conflict. Congress needs to make a decision fast and so should the Investigative Committee. These laws are for one purpose and one purpose to protect The Osage People from one faction taking strong hold of any Gov. Agency. The Chief should not be able to enact any law while under investigation or hold office till otherwise. Like I didn't see this coming. He and his cohorts will try anything to grasp straws and for what to make himself even look more so incompetent.
To listen live to the Special Session today at 4:30 p.m. CDT in the Congressional Chamber today go to and click on the side "Quick Links Menu" to open it if it isn't yet open, then click on the link Listen Live to Congress Session. If you are unable to listen live, be sure to go to when it is posted to the Audio/Video Archive for on demand listening.
Wow has Congress resigned to the fact it looks to be a trial for removal? And getting another Attorney is a must no offence to Gill. It looks to be Congress wants to make sure the Due Process that no one misses a heartbeat and get this right on the first go around. And thank the lord for there is a heaven on earth. Congrats to OUR CONGRESS......And yes we have a short mound to get from A to Z on this one. Now does anyone see a window of truth openning up? Unfortunately this Chief will go with his tale between his legs as we climb to a higher voice for our People. I personally do not like what has to take place but it's our future and our future for our children. Let this be a exmaple by a Chief of our Tribe not what to do.....oh, glad the bill was overturned by Congress. This is the first I could be proud of you all.....
Anonymous, July 15, 2013 at 4:17 PM, I think you have misunderstood what the ON Congress has done today in the 6th Special Session. By unanimous motion, they have agreed to hire an experienced attorney for the Committee of Inquiry who will NOT BE FULLY ENGAGED until after the Committee makes its recommendation to go to trial, if and when that takes place! So, we will have front an center an attorney with NO TRIAL EXPERIENCE WHATSOEVER sitting in the "First Chair" throughout the Committee of Inquiry hearings coming up against the best attorney that the Chief can buy and in closed Executive Session? In other words, the experienced attorney will not even be in the room to advise the members of the Committee of Inquiry when these hearings takes place? WHAT? GIVE ME A BREAK! Talk about giving the Chief the best possible advantage for a favorable outcome! I am floored by this egregiously bad decision of the Osage Nation Congress today. This is just ABSOLUTELY wrong!
I just see a different take, all the while we do not need a Committee of Inquiry it is in my opinion that why do we have a court system in the first. The Outcome of this will be the same in the end and the Chief in my opinion will be removed. I do see your take did not see it the way you are seeing it. The Chief is going to try to conjure something out of his old hat of tricks but then again any one of the Violations will stand on it's own merit and he will be removed. I think in any event Congress needs to get this right the first time around. Nah we will get an attorney who has Prosecutorial Experience. But I won't be holding my breath or counting my eggs before they hatch either. I thnk we should have some faith. Watch ,wait and see. This is going down in the books for the History of the Osage Tribe.
Yes, and let me be the first on the historical record to note and issue a warning that the reputation and integrity of ON Congress, in filing such SERIOUS charges against the Chief, is on the line, front and center. Remember the old adage, "You don't show up to a gunfight with a knife?" If I were them (ON Congress), in order for this whole thing not to backfire and blow up in their faces, I would lawyer up to the eye teeth from the second that this whole process begins and most especially when the Committee of Inquiry hearings take place with this same TRIAL experienced legal council IN THE ROOM and in the "First Chair" right from the very get-go. Listen for yourself to today's proceedings of Special Session 6 on 7-15-13, Parts 1,2 and 3 at
They don't really want to go to trial do they? This must be another one of those times when they try to make it look like they are doing something about corruption and it will all fall through in the end.
Both you and the Osageblogger has got me pondering but all the same I agree with you,lets put the end to the broken record. I just see a outcome. And the outcome will favor a New Chief if not it will be up to the Constituents to make the demands in favor of by way of petition and I do see Congress better Lawyer up and I say this for them to not miss a Heartbeat. There will be a lot of us watching an waiting and this process should go fast for the evidence is loud and clear. With witnesses. I want to see and hear about the Outcome and this is my right for my funds are going to pay for this, the Peoples Money, addition We need to be watchful because the outcome could be dangerous precedent for the future. But for whatever reason I just have a gut feeling the Osage People will prevail in the Name of Justice......trying to be positive here for once.
I know that your last remark on the post beginning "Both you and..." was an attempt at humor and I got that but in the main, where such parts of the anatomy are concerned, we're on a need to know basis and we need to know absolutely nothing. I hope you take this edit in the spirit in which it was intended. Thanks.
The last I heard was they were inquiring with two Attorney's that had over 20 yrs on this subject matter with heavy prosecutorial background. What I would like to know who is paying for the Chiefs Attorney? What is going on with the Five Man Board investigation?
Id like to know those ansers too. ON News has an FB sqib to an artical about the sequester This is probably a dumb question but if these guys are making so much money in ON government pay how are they qualifying for all this assistance in Fed programs? Dont they have income limits to get the help?
Jeff Irons has some pretty interesting thoughts on this at Osage Think-Tank to create a better Nation-- Why haven't they made to resign and charges brought against them? We have a government culture here of letting people go when they do way bad wrong things and this has got to stop.
Well, if he knows what is going on and he knows who this is, then why hasn't he reported this person to the anonymous ethics hotline at ? Employees and officials in a real working government have the obligation themselves to report wrongdoing if they know that it is going on in the workplace. What is his ethical level of responsibility to come forward with this information? Why hasn't HE reported it?
How is it that the President of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe can be removed by the council so quick, understanding he violated the DUE PROCESS OF AN EMPLOYEE WHO WAS TERMINATED FOR ALLEGATIONS OF CHILD ABUSE? AND YET WE HAVE ALL SORTS OF VIOLATIONS FROM OUR CHIEF AND OBVIOUS ONES? Fifteen Violations any one of them cause for removal? AND yet here we are with another Round Robin attempt?
They have a process set up in their Congressional rules and it doesn't include suspension. I encourage you to get a hold of the members of Congress to add legislation to change this in the 7th Special Session on August 19, 2013. There is plenty of time to amend the Legislative Proclamation to include a bill to suspend the Chief until the hearings and the trial take place if they have the standing under the Osage Constitution to do so.
Ray just posted on his site a article that articulates the disease amongst tribes such as the Pine Ridge Indians, the sequestration is affecting Indian Country straight across the USA and the Obligation the Federal Gov. has to those treaties to protect. And the real question remains to be answered why does the Federal Gov. consistently set up itself for failure to act and opens the doors for more suits and surely they will be on the losing end of the stick again. It is bad enough that our Health System is sub-par and to be subject to more of the same is another way of slowly committing systematically playing Russian Roulette with our lives. And I find it interesting that Indian Country continues to bring alcoholism to the forefront. But, to use it as to not to do what is right is as dangerous as the disease itself. Money discriminates. Alcoholism doesn't. People are still going to find away with money or without it. So who are they kidding. Not this educated Indian.
This is this same editorial that DO posted about a few comments ago and then asked a pretty good question. [If these guys are making so much money in ON government pay how are they qualifying for all this assistance in Fed programs? Dont they have income limits to get the help?]
I do recall. Time for the Osage Nation to start with a Per-Cap. With the Casinos and a Resort in the proess now's the time. There has been a 12% increase.
Oh, but the word is already being spread from on high that the operating costs and new hires and the loan payments and the new competetion will eat up any increases. Haven't you heard? They won't even try to get anything like that underway until its alot closer to election time and somehow it will fail anyway. This money belongs to them not you. Don't you know that yet?
Right seen it heard it all before just excuses not to do what is right for all Osages. When you have a small faction of people maybe 1500 Osages in All of Osage County that pales in comparison to the Greater. And someone did ask how is it they get funding for federal grants is they the ON uses all of us. Not just those who live in the surrounding area and then you have to ask how much of money is going to public assistance for those in the area who are not Osage as well. There are area's of which we do not need to be putting money into that can allow for a Per-Cap. Like not tinting Police Units in Osage CO. pitch black?
Keep those Special Committee of Inquiry (SCOI) proceedings OPEN to the public and broadcast so that the five members don't weasel out and let the Chief off of these allegations! The consensus is building around the web. Kelly M. Bray has a comment on this at OSAGE FOR FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY--
What's all this we're beginning to hear about certain members of the SCOI, before they have even heard the evidence, talking already about not voting to go to trial and just scaring the Chief? WTH! What kind of HS is this? Get whoever this is disqualified from being on this committee. I knew it. I knew it! These sbgs are gonna let that SB walk!
I am also hearing that at least one member of the committee has been threatened if they vote to go to trial. It's really beginning to look like the ON Congress needs to dispense with this committee created per their rules that are not anywhere in the law and skip this interim Special Committee process and go directly to OPEN trial per what is outlined in the Osage Nation Constitution. As far as I am concerned, even if they vote to go to trial, the Chief may have the legal grounds and standing to impeach the charges because this committee is a product of the internal workings of the ON Congress and not based in the law either Constitutional or statutory. I think they should get rid of the SCOI immediately.
Wow. This is so predictable. I see a Constitutional Convention in the near future and possibly more ethical charges coming. This by all means is a scandal coming from our Executive. No if ands about it. If this cannot be handled in a judicious way this can set the precedent and damage to Our People and our future for our children. Our People expects due process and If I have to picket I will be the first in hand with petitions and letters of intent are signed and ready to go.....end of story to build a house of truths instead of the untruths. !
Why are they making the Chief go through all these hearing meeting steps or whatever the hell you want to call them? Just get him in there once to answer for what he's done and get rid of all this extra stuff. This Osage government is so weird.
He'll plead the 5th or Soveriegnty but the evidence is stacked and this process of having SOCI is redundant. Due Process and Justice for the Osage. He just might even play stupid. But stupid is not a excuse. This matter has gone public as well. This is now being looked at in Indian Country and going down in the History Books so THE SCOI BETTER GET IT RIGHT! Stop the Games stop the talking and go about what you have to do even though the language is clear to all Osages's what has been done. I just don't see them turning a blind eye to Justice......In addition you all have to call Congress and get legislation passed to keep this and any entity or for that matter to keep the Chief and his office away from the check book and go directly to The CFO to get his money for his bills like anyone else.....And lets get a look at what the last Chief spent as well. This is not childs play. Lets get the corruption out! Get the O.G. to listen and hear and follow through for us and not big Gov. No more and No less. It isn't easy doing what is right but the end does justify the means, if all goes well. Where are the charges against Joe Don Mushunkashey? Sorry for the miss spelling of the last name. Whats going on with the FBI and the investigation and the five man board? Updates?
I agree with you completely. The question for me is, does the Chief even have to respond to an internal investigative special committee of the ON Congress? They claim, if I have understood it correctly, that they can't even make changes in his Executive Branch budgets because it's supposedly a violation of the separation of powers as so stated in Article V, Section 2. This section of the ON Constitution is very specific: "The Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of government shall be separate and distinct and no person or collection of persons, charged with official duties under one of those branches, shall exercise any power properly vested in either of the others except as EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THE OSAGE NATION CONSTITUTION." There is nothing expressly provided about a SCOI where the process toward an elected official's removal from office is concerned. It looks like to me that they have taken their Congressional Rules from some other tribal community with a Constitution that isn't quite so clear cut and specific about the path that the process must take. The ON Constitution, places the responsibility squarely in the hands of the FULL ON CONGRESS and every member of it, not some interim first step special investigative committee of the ON Congress. It looks to me like they can prescribe additional rules and procedures associated with the trial process itself but not go off in left field with a whole new Congressional tribunal with a new special committee created and added to the mix that is completely under the umbrella of the Legislative Branch of government which the Chief may not even have to answer to from a legal standpoint because it violates the separation of powers Article V in the ON Constitution. It looks like they are taking the wrong path from the very outset.
In short, the idea being is to come up with Congressional Rules that help facilitate the process of justice in the removal process, not come up with preliminary labyrinthian stages that ultimately end up circumventing it. The path to justice can be fragile and there is no point in wearing it out and down before we ever arrive there.
I agree with you as well. If need be, a National Petition might just have to take place. Irony how this looks like the O.N is taking a cue from what is exactly going on with the Administration. Still a lot of questions to be answered and yet no feedback from our O.N.G. and in the same token our Congress can determine after hearing the recommendations by the SCOI disagree and still go forward with the a trial. I cannot see turning a blind eye to abusing his power under the color of authority. That in itself is huge and using the Osage money to pay for his internet and I do not care if it's paid back, he still had his hand in the cookie jar. Wake up O.N. Congress if he didn't get caught would have he paid back the money, NO! The same goes for the five man board. And why hasn't the Executive Dept. or Congress file charges against the five man board? Do I detect favoritism? Watch out O.N.C. There are Osages that are willing to protect their interest even if others turn a blind eye this does not happen in the real world stop the fantasy living and get on board with what needs to be done. I think it is time to start appealing to the greater Osage across the U.S. and start a campaign for the Osage People of the Osage People and by the Osage People and get the real deal out there to all Osages because we've been dealt a bad hand. Just how deep is anyone's guess. I will surmise that it's deeper than anyone imagined.
Good points. Maybe somebody needs to send a message to the two Indian Committees of the U.S. Congress, as well, to keep an eye on the progress of this Osage removal process so things don't slip away from the ON Congress and fall through the cracks, letting the Chief go and get away with all these allegations, if he is actually guilty of them. If he's guilty, getting away with these things isn't going to scare him. More than likely it will embolden him to take even more liberties to do whatever he likes until his time as Chief comes to an end in June of 2014. Plenty of time for payback big time... That's a scary thought, isn't it?
I said that to. What's to stop him from doing more harm to the Nation? That's why I said if we can create a SCOI then we can put him on administative leave.
To orbi-osage on the article. "the Osage Nation was only featured on a national scale due to the infighting between the branches of government." That's because the Constitution wasn't done right in the first place and hasn't been corrected or it wouldn't be the way it is today. Too many loopholes for the Chief and the most power of any branch. When it's this bad it always comes home to roost. Scuttle the SCOI and call for a Constitutional Convention Congress.
Amen again. Let's figure this out. So he has to be put in front of the SCOI, then the AG has him in court and if the SCOI says he has to be impeached then he has another trial for that? I'm startin to feel sorry for the guy. Isn't this kind of cruel and unusal punishment? Plus wont time run out for all this stuff to happen before his term is over?
I would think that the SCOI would only investigate as to relevance as opposed to sitting down and chatting with the Chief, wouldn't it be a conflict of interest. And really I don't feel sorry for someone who misled us to believe in his campaign fool of lies is upon are heads if you understand the meaning, who shows of socialistic tendencies as opposed to the Greater, his Bro's and Sister Osages. Supporting Capitalism as opposed to helping those in the very area they live in. Deep are the pockets of corruption. His relentless self interest behooves the intellect which is insulting to our Culture is counter productive and has created a division amongst us all. But as I've said before Congress needs to get this right for the books. Our History, Our Future and Today rests with our Culture and who we are as a people. To do what is right isn't always easy but for the greater need outways the few.
What's up with this? What is Tommy Thompson going to be doing, now an Oklahoma Lobbyist and associated with AKIN GUMP (See article, How GOP Senate Candidate Tommy Thompson Cashed in Big on His Lobbyist Connections at ) at the Osage Congressional Commerce and Economic Development Committee Meeting to be held on August 1, 2013 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m as part of a Gaming Presentation with Possible Executive Session for Discussion of Proprietary Information? The meeting Agenda lists: a) Neil Cornelius –Intro and Overview b) Kim Arnold – Innovation Group c) John Tahsuda – Navigators Global Principal and Ledger Advisor d) Tommy Thompson – Oklahoma Lobbyist. They will be addressing the ON Congress at that time. (The Indian County AXIS OF EVIL: Harvard, Akin Gump and the Bank of America? See ).
Did you have a chance to read some of the comments about Tommy Thompson and his affiliations and ties to AKIN GUMP. If this isn't lobbying then it becomes a common word that comes to mind, he then is, a advisor? Wow. To think we had or have ties with AKIN AND GUMP.
In a word, the answer is yes. Guys like this don't come into town to do us any favors. They want something and it usually has to do with money. Why should we be padding their pockets when Harvard has a $THIRTY-TWO (33) BILLION DOLLAR ENDOWMENT FUND, Akin Gump is one of the richest and most prestigious law firms with a reach that extends all over the world, and the Bank of America, that bought Merrill Lynch during the banking crisis, has assets, of US$ 2.209 TRILLION (2012) See ?
Ah... Internet gaming. What do you think about getting into that market? We will have to spend big bucks in order to deal with the legal issues to change the law in Oklahoma, if I heard it correctly.
Listen to the presentations during the Osage Congressional Commerce and Economic Development Committee Meeting for today on demand via the internet when it is posted to the Osage Nation Audio/Video Archive at
Here we go... "We can't be left behind." Apparently, if I understood it correctly, we will have to get involved in paying for lobbying legislation on internet gaming at the Federal level, hence the lobbiest.
Since you seem to be in support of a long term commitment to develop this venture, HOW MUCH CONGRESSMAN STANDING BEAR? Can't go into this without going into Executive Session? Hmmm...
To me it seems you want the walk in's. You have eateries and Bars with entertainment, some with live entertainment then you have your Gambling. Internet I feel would detract from the industry though numbers say it all and what about the casino's other amenities as well. In the long run you have to consider what would be profitable. For instance I like to play and stay the night. I can have a couple of drinks, order room service, attend the spa, I like to gamble late into the night. Now not that I do THIS MUCH but it's a short trip away from the worries from time to time when you can't get away for trip.
There might be BIG BIG BIG money if we get involved from the very beginning in Oklahoma. Multi-billion dollar business back East. Gotta stay ahead of the power curve.
What? Coming up with more frivilous spending when 80% of the actual members of this Tribe see no benefit from the gaming we have now? Get in on the ground floor-borrow more money from the bank-go bankrupt sos other Tribes can get into online gaming when it finally happens? No thanks. Start spending money on us who are members and stop coming up with ways to spend money that don't take care of us. You got to watch these new government officials like they're a bunch of errant kids.
I'd like to know how much our gaming and government officials have been lobbied by the lobbyists before today's meeting. Where is the full disclosure statement from each one of them to show the Osage people what they have received so far, if anything including dinners and so forth, to bring it to this point?
"We're not gonna do something to you guys that you didn't see coming." Haven't we been down that road many times before with a bunch of elected officials who have always acted like they are way too smart to accept a warning to not go there from their constituents? And forget any actual representation. Where's he going to get all this money? Another hefty loan from the bank?
Oh and he wants us to get into water litigation, now internet gaming lobbying that's got to be totally expensive. What will he come up with next? What about something for you and me?
I concede. YOU WIN!!! There's no doubt in my mind now that the Osage Nation government's elected and appointed officials as well as anyone else in a position to control the spending of the peoples money NEED SUPERVISION. We should probably ask the Indian Committees, of the U.S. Congress who created this mess, to hold Congressional hearings in both Houses, on what has been going on for the past last seven years and ask (plead with) them to find a way to get the Osage Nation government some financial and fiscal supervision before they destroy everything that we have left after the $47 MILLION DOLLARS IN LOANS to the Bank of America HAVE BEEN PAID OFF. The ON government has shown over and over, again and again that their spending priorities are just simply pathetic! What more can I say?
Mr. StandingBear. We want our per-cap. Mr. StandingBear we do not want our money going to lobbying. Mr. StandingBear the Constituents are signing a Petition to hold you accountable. Yes and we are putting you on notice. Mr. StandingBear. Our Money should pander to the greater Osage and not those in Washington. A card deck full of Corruption as we know it to be true. Show the People the disclosures. It's not the Gov. Money it belongs to the People and we decide not you......
Stading bear saying I know Szudoku or whoever and hes the only own we should work with or something like that. Acting like he's the anointed one so connected. Onbe dayiga. Hes got to know that money should be paying for all of us not lobbying that other richer tribes can pay for and we can come in on it later if they get internet Indian gaming going. Why do they always have to throw our money around and make fools of themselves and all of the rest of us?
The only way is by spreading the word and all go to that site and sign that petition, so we can get a better and more truthfull but accurate account of all disclosures and a deep forensic audit in all areas and facets of this ill be gotten Nation. We've done some good but not enough and the powers that be won't be able to stop the train with this petition that everyone should sign.....I have gotten a few to sign already. Really don't you care to know what is going on with your Money. We have 52 depts you have to ask why? Big Gov is over. We don't want them investing our money so hedge fund managers can dictate right into their pockets. Heck No!!!!! it's easy if you know the key strokes or it takes less than 5 mins of your time can be a per-cap coming your way and not just that. I'm for a lot more to happen for our people and not just in Osage County and for the Greater of us all. Times are hard. Wouldn't have you preferred to take that 500 allownece you get for health per year wouldn't that been nice if the Nation would have not dictated what you should be doing with your money? And on the back end who is making money off of us for this set up? They can come up with what excuse they want, it's better this way because of tax purposes. We should have been the ones to vote how we want to spend our money and surely the tax could have been afforded just another lie to fund someones pockets as opposed to yours. We want a Gov. Audit and an agency who is reputable and honest and not the ones in our local area accountants. Time to get away from the cronyism. Just type in
I think that Congressman Standing Bear wants to make a long term commitment to fund lobbying for internet gaming with these Washington people on an exclusive basis for the Osage Nation alone. What do you think about this? There is only so much money to go around. In the presentation, the most rational person in the room appeared to be Trey Gill who knows that gaming has to be tied to an established Indian reservation per the NIGC so we have what appears to be a two pronged problem. One, to get Federal Legislation passed sometime in the open ended future to permit iGaming in Oklahoma and two, to change the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act to permit it as well. That's a lot of lobbying for a Tribal Nation that has + or - 10,000 members and does not take care of 80% of its own.
Until there is a more even distribution of the revenue among all Osages under the ON Constitution, there is no reason for all this money to be spent on litigation or lobbying for legislation. Why do we want to be paying for business offices, penthouses and condos in Washington D.C. for these rich lobbyists who are paid umpteen salary amounts with golden parachutes or for political pac money for U.S. politicians who also spend money like children to go on travel junkets to luxurious places? Do our elected people pay any attention at all to the Abramoff scandal or are they oblivious to it? I mean, come on, do they think things like this aren't still happening in D.C. today? What will happen if Standing Bear is actually elected Chief? Whatever we had to spend has been blown out of the water with this campus plan thing. He should know that much at least and now that the commitment has been made there, there's no money left to do anything else. I am interested in electing a Chief and Congressional Representatives who don't harbor a profoundly deep seated prejudice against us who don't live in Osage County and who are interested in what interests me and and every other constituent who votes all over the U.S. Allocating funds for more nonsense spending is absurd. We need to get aggressive with these people if the spending that takes place doesn't directly benefit us. Believe me, if any one of you really wants to control spending, they won't spend the money if it goes out to you and me. That's pathetic but they really think it's fully justified. What's weird is most of them don't speak the language and they aren't really involved in the culture. When they do get involved, they are scoffed at. One of them is reported to do the Indian thing when he starts talking in circles. Another one is reported to be involved for business reasons. If you talk to people back there, they can shoot them all down one by one and will if you give them half a chance. So it's not in their best interest to pander to the few who only have contempt for and make fun of them anyway. If they would just step back a little bit and take in the larger view, it's kind of stupid for them to do what they are doing.
I couldn't agree more, but would like to add that not all lobbying is bad. My thoughts are just that it would be most beneficial for the greater morass if we create legislation that would require the lobbyist to sign a register. This would give the Osage Constituents notice on how they want their money spent. I can assure you that most would agree on building the infrastructure as opposed to putting their money to someones personal agenda political or otherwise pockets or coffers. And the only way we do this is by being our own advocate. Because this is what happens when corruption stares at you in the face and do we dare to confront and yes we do want to call out. Lets put the Gov. back into the peoples hand and not just the few.
We do this the right way and not underhandedly and accordingly hold steadfast a lot can happen behind closed doors such as a constitutional convention. Just waiting to see the outcome of said trial against our Wonderful Chief. This will be so telling who's blinders are on.
Suggestion: Be sure to bookmark as a favorite and check the opening page of the Osage Blog daily for new information with live clickable links posted there at Example: The Absentee Ballot Request Form for 2014, featuring a check box to become a Permanent Absentee Ballot Voter, is now available for immediate download at
EVERYONE SIGN TODAY. As we know as of today money is missing,charges are not being filed in a timely manner and as usual the Constituents are kept in the blind. Leaves one with all the evidence what to think? This is what happens when you try to close the doors on the Constituents who put you into office and when the laws are not taken seriously and just the mere fact the Osage Gov. needs to listen to the greater will.
COME ON PEOPLE, GET ON BOARD WITH THIS PETITION! Like the last person to sign quoted, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke. If we want a clean well run government, we need to have more information about what they have been doing in the dark. Look what the OFPR has exposed already. A forensic audit from the day this new government took over is what we need and before that if possible. They won't respond to us unless we make our demands known to them. SIGN THIS PETITION TODAY!
Ok, going out here and I'm not on a branch. Does anyone think the Chief is trying to reach pie in the sky when he say's the Osage News is not a "Business Entity"? After all they take money for Advertising and etc... LOL..Please who does he think he is? Don't insult my Intelligence but your true Intelligence is coming out with the lack of respect for his people, you can't deny. Ah the color of authority is showing their colors in the worst way possible. Great News Article in the Osage News.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out. It is still an entity under the Executive Branch that is funded by the ON Congress. The ON Constitution is very specific about the waiver of Sovereign Immunity: "Article XIX: Section 1. Immunity of Osage Nation from Suit: As a sovereign Indian nation, the Osage Nation and all administrative offices, departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Osage Nation shall be immune from suit or process in any forum except to the extent that the Osage Nation Congress expressly waives its sovereign immunity. The Osage Nation’s sovereign immunity shall extend to officials and employees of the Osage Nation when acting within the scope of their duties and authority." I don't think that the ON Congress has ever waived sovereignty for the Osage News to sue independently the Chief or anyone else in the new government and it would be unwise to do so in the event that that they begin to go so off road that need to be slapped down. It is still an entity of the Osage Nation and I am absolutely certain of this representation. Even the intellectual property interests of the Osage News are wholly owned by the Osage Nation government and therefore bear the full legal responsibility for whatever it does. Agreed, it is a quasi-business, and someone correct me if I am wrong, but it is not fully and entirely independent as say the Osage, LLC is considered to be per its Articles of Incorporation. See article at
Hard not to be cynical. But it seems we have a GOV. that is quasi. Yep, we see the conflict but the greater need should prevail. In other words if this law is open for interpretation and this goes without saying, as most laws are you would think the Judge would lean in that direction. This could set a terrible precedent. I don't want to speculate because you know what that means but this just is like a throw back into times of when Justice doesn't matter. A bad scratch has gotten it's infection and time time to eradicate the corrupt. See how special interest works at hand.
See Whistle Blower Hotline Review Committee Meeting on August 7, 2013 for the determination of the validity of current Osage Nation Ethics Complaints at
Cobell... Is anyone else having to submit document after document, getting letter after letter that conflict about what is required to be provided as an heir only to fulfill the requirement/s and have still have the plan administrator's person on the phone keep trying to move the goal posts as to what is needed to qualify time and time again? To continually try and do rightful heirs out of the disbursement of the settlement by continually changing the requirements is fraud isn't it? They don't seem to have the basic understanding of the ways that one can will Indian property as handled by the Agency. If they aren't competent, shouldn't the court be advised of the fact?
Late fall was going to be for the Land Consolidation. Fall starts in Sept. and they did say checks will be going out in the fall. As far as what Irritated Osage Heir get in touch with the probate dept. and be sure all documents that you are sending is return receipt that way you have stored your documents for record. And be sure to be talking to a super as well enlist all the help you can to rectify this situation. I had a difficult time just receiving the initial check and got the runaround but to be honest it's got to be a Zoo at GCG. And inform them you will be talking to class counsel to resolve this at will. Probate is sometimes arduous at best. And make sure your dates match with time scenarios as well. Call everyday and be that thorn until you get clarification. I did it nearly for two weeks straight until I got the answer I wanted.
Yeah if I had a dime every time they lied to me I would be broke. But we can hope it can come earlier as purported. Don't forget to check They are always posting updates. Yeah one day I called they gave a distribution amount and the next time I called it was a different amount. The left does not know the right and remember this is a call center GCG. Lol. You would think that they know who's who by now except with the exception of probate or for those they can't find or locate the funds would be equally shared between the scholarship fund and the Trust Administration class. Because any money that is not sort of speak left out or not absorb by the settlement will go back to the Fed. Gov.
Ok has anyone heard the News Flintco employees were steeling from the Choctaws Casino Construction by double invoicing to the tune of 7 million dollars. This should have never happened if you had a highly trained accountant, and then again the Flintco did not list the positions of these employees either but I suspect one of them was authorizing the the Po's and the other was signing away. And a super might have been involved as well. This why you have more than one check signer and don't sign the dotted line till you know for sure what you are paying for. You can read the article at
HEADS UP! the ON Attorney General is to give an update on the 5-Man Board at the Governmental Operations Committee Meeting today, August 6, 2013, in the Osage Nation Congress Chambers from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.CDT.
Read it and weep! The outcome is that the Feds have decided to pass on any prosecution so that leaves the ON AG to move forward with a substantial array of penalties that may include: 1 year in jail, a fine of $1,000 and restitution of the $814,000 if he can even get it. Does the word SKATE mean anything to anyone out there? There is still the possibility that the IRS may come after JDM for taxes on the all or a portion of that amount. ("That's how they got Al Capone.")
One begs to ask and if I stand correctly then we are on our own and without sounding naive there is a reason the feds stepped back and you have to ask why? What are we missing or is the obvious staring us in the eye? I got the answer but if I say it would give the opposite what we are trying to do heads up. A Gov. early in it's recognition to the United States, a Nation is being watched closely.
I think there may be a problem with the evidence in the case as far as the Feds are concerned. Records weren't kept properly or something like that. I mean how complicated can getting records from the bank for the 5-Man Board account and the account of the man writing the checks? I fail to understand any of this at all.
I understand, more than you know, but anyhow I am as shocked as you are. The evidence and the admission alone that Joe Don made would have been enough? Time to hit restart with this Gov. I couldn't understand why it took so long for the FBI to get back to us. I'm brain stormin here. I have a few Idea's Who was to be watching the Five Man Board and how they utilized the funds? And what about the 2 yrs prior and other years? Where are the laws to protect against this type of Corruption and this goes probably deeper. I think what needs to happen is this coming up session we need to change and create stiffer fines and kick them out of the tribe and no more if they get a headright not no more. We need to stand our ground.
Owing to the fact that the BIA is supposed to be handling themselves from a legal responsibility associated with a trust obligation where the Villages are concerned, don't they have some obligation to look into the matter themselves and recommend a punitive course of action on their own? Does anyone know how this works or is supposed to work?
Call Frank Lucas and write a letter. This doesn't sound right at all. And just because we have a Gov. does not mean the Mineral Council shouldn't be looking into this matter as well. By and By the true Authority The "1906 Act" gives them the Power and as a MAJOR HEADRIGHTS OWNER they should be having a P.I. on this matter as well and should be snooping. Just because a faction decided we needed to be a Gov. and has cherry picked their way through this Document the 1906 Act does not mean their was not voter fruad from the start and into the second Chief. This needs to be exposed for what it is, has a Movie written all over it. It's a nightmare and we are living it. The People, the Osage, need to be picketing today. And we need to get the other side of this agle to Other Osages and develope communication and start getting the views of other Osages and not follow the Osage News and some of the most ridiculous Polls. How about asking if you are so independent of the Nation then ask the true and most elevated poll and ask real questions that will garner a real answer. Here's a example is "Every one happy with are Chief?" or " Would a Per-Cap help you trust your Gov. so that self-interest does not prevail even if it is 200 dollars a month?" Nah, "How about is everyone happy with lobbying?" How about should the "lobbyist be required to sign a register so All Osages are in the Know and advertised not a day before the law goes into effect?" These people wanted a Gov. for the people, the Osage then we want a Gov. of Republic and a Democracy and then we will have a true equal fight in all matters........Another poll question would be " Why did you Vote for our current Chief?" or another might be Are you happy that the "Chief believes in Nepotism" or " Do you believe that cronyism plagues or TRIBE" Nah can't see the Newspaper getting all the rewards when the facts always hasn't been purported and when you read the Bartlesville Newspaper they don't hold back. Who's working for the real Native Voice. C'mon lets be example of not what to do and do something. I'm going to organize a Flyer to be sent out to all Osages.
Read the article in the Osage News about the continuing response from our Chief regarding the allegations against him and all he can say is they are rumors? Really do you think the AG is going to charge someone with based on trumped up rumors? And then he has the Gall to say with no Accountability. This is what happens when someone is given to much power. Such blatant denial. To say this has tarnished the Osage is he's the black mold of what is wrong with our Executive Dept. and the Nepotism that exists. Cronyism is history of the past and the greater need will prevail with or without him and the likes of him. Shame on him. He put himself in this position now suck it up...Does he think some of us was born off a turnip truck. For the people, of the people and by the people and the oath you took has hypocrasy written all over your face. We will we will rock you. Once he is gone once and for all then can we see a change for our People and bring Pride and Joy....and ethics to the table.
And the more I think about it his daughter knew where the extra money was coming from and thought that they would not get caught as the Chief and now we understand the plot thickens. Nah Chief you brought shame to the Osage Tribe and you thought you wouldn't get caught with your hand in the cookie jar. lol. Just cough up the money and oh I was going to pay it back. Really.
The Osage News vs the Chief lawsuit has been postponed to August 14, 2013. See
If it is what I am suspect of, then we lose but the flip side of the coin,I just believe more incriminating evidence is involved here and might just lead to a long trail of corruption. I just don't know how we can hold the Gov. with the HPP case accountable and yet we can't get the five man board prosecuted by the FBI for extortion, embezzlement, mail fraud you name it. I don't think this show and pony is over because 2 and 2 are not adding up. And I hope this is not some attempt of some political posturing. I just have to say anyone that has anything to do with this Chief say goodbye once and for all, once he is outsted and do not think your going to get this Independent my vote. You all are to represent the People not the Chief and what a failure by grandios. Chief we got your number, in other words in the real world we've seen your kind.
The plot thickens. I can only surmise that they know that they are in deep sht. and if they don't think that they don't smell to high kingdom come they are full of it. Ah, to smh yes this has been going on since the investigation of the 5 man board by the FBI in Dec. of 2012 ultimately lead to other acts of impropriety to be exposed as well. Bar none these charges either way should have been filed in tandum and a scoi should have been formed a long time ago. I can go into socialism but do the homework then your eyes will open up to the disquise. You just can't make this stuff up. I'ts pretty black and white. I don't want a cover up either. So it is evident we must take charge if this Congress does not get it right. We want a pitcher not clearly a belly itcher. And maybe the SOI should be notified as well.
This just in everyone go to Ray Mclain's sight. At Patricis Sperrier Bright filed an heated e-mail to inform all that a few select people named went on behalf of the producers to Washington to lobby for them and not in executive session or was approved or on the behalf of the shareholders. This is just insane and to be honest with you I'm getting tired of Cynthia and her excuses. I for one if these members are to be removed I for one am first in line to fill any vacancy. And I am for one to support this motion. Thank you Ray for the update. Read. So telling
Can you believe it? This coming Monday the 8th the Osage Congress is going to start up the process that might lead to the removal of the Chief.
ReplyDeleteTo receive the latest "Notes to the Nation" from Congressman Kugee Supernaw that provides information about the Motion for the Committee of Inquiry that will look into the allegations against Chief Red Eagle, send an e-mail to him directly at and he will send it to you.
DeleteI hope that the Congress will see that the injury to the Osage Nation, if nothing is done by the Congress about what the Chief has chosen to do in the past to bring things to this point, will be to damage the integrity and reputation of the Osage Nation government as a lawful institution. They will either prove it to be a successful working one or a failure on both counts. The Osage people have been waiting for seven years for proof that this government works and that those who work there actually have respect for it rather than just "tongue in cheek" standing in line for a paycheck disbursement from the Osage Nation Treasury every two weeks. The opinion of the Osage people in this matter where confidence and trust in the integrity of our new government is concerned is paramount.
DeleteThe Live Broadcast of the 6th Osage Special Session of the Third Congress will begin at 10:00 A.M. To listen live, go to and click on the link Listen Live to Congress Session. There are two Congressional Committees that are scheduled to meet afterward. Health and Social Services will meet directly after the Special Session on July 8th and at 3:00 P.M. Goverment Ops will meet. See For later viewing on demand when posted to the Audio/Video Archive, go to
DeleteMore information is available about the abuse of power allegations leveled at the Osage Chief at
DeleteNEW! The official copy of the Motion for a Select Committee of Inquiry that was read out in the Special Session today by Congressman Kugee Supernaw is available for immediate download at PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ ALL OF IT. It includes the fifteen (15) allegations against Chief John D. Red Eagle that warrant an investigation on behalf of the Osage people to be initiated by the Osage Congress if the vote is successful tomorrow in the Congressional Special Session beginning at 10:00 A.M. It is our belief and absolute conviction at OPEN that the Osage people deserve, at the very least, that these serious allegations be subject to an investigation and that the Select Committee of Inquiry be formed for that purpose. Please take the time to listen to the first day of the 6th Special Session that is now up and listed as SS10-day at TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! Contact your members of Congress and let them know how you want them to vote tomorrow morning on this Select Committee of Inquiry at
DeleteBREAKING NEWS: The Motion for a Select Committee of Inquiry, brought by Congressman Kugee Supernaw, was voted on in today's Special Session by all attending members of the Osage Nation Congress and the vote was yes on the part of every one of them. Congressman Archie Mason was not in attendance and as a result, did not vote on the Motion. This Committee has been created and formed as of today's Special Session. Be certain to listen to this historic day of the 6th Special Session of the Third Congress when it is posted to the Audio/Video Archive web page at
DeleteThe Osage News has a new article>>
DeleteMore on this fast moving story... The Congressional Select Committee of Inquiry to evaluate the allegations brought against the Chief has been chosen by Supreme Court Justice Meredith Drent. The members of the Congress that will sit on this Committee are Alice Buffalohead, John Jech, Archie Mason, Maria Whitehorn and Speaker Raymond Red Corn. It has come to light that this Committee will "meet in the dark" in Executive Session according to the Congressional Rules that can be changed by the Congress. The U.S. Congress held open hearings in the cases of both President Nixon and Clinton and the Osage people should be paid no less deference by our elected representatives in the Osage Nation Congress. These proceedings should be OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AND BROADCAST ONLINE. We should have the right to weigh in on these proceedings and contact our members of Congress to let them know how we wish to be represented when the evidence and facts are placed before all of us. EVERY ONE OF THE SELECT COMMITTEES OF THE OSAGE NATION meet OPENLY and are subject to the Osage Nation Open Meetings Law. They are also broadcast to the Osage people and there is no reason why we should be subject to being kept out of the loop on matters involving allegations against the Chief of this level of legal importance. In addition, the Osage Nation Attorney General has filed an amended ethics complaint with the Osage Nation Court to bring an additional allegation against the Chief. More on this will be forthcoming. The two court cases involving the Osage News and the ethics allegations brought by the AG against the Chief will be heard on August 8, 2013. See the article, Osage News v. Chief Red Eagle case to resume Aug. 8 at
DeleteAs reported earlier, the Osage Nation Attorney General has filed an amended ethics complaint with the Osage Nation Court to bring an additional allegation against the Chief. This official document is now available for immediate download at
Good. I'm glad that somebody is finally speaking up. I totally agree with osageblogger. Why can't we have open hearings of the Osage Congress for this committee tribunal? They have too many restrictions on these rules they have as it is already. Half the time they ignore them anyway so why not let us in to hear the evidence too?
DeleteI'm glad too. The Osage News states, "When the committee meets, it will elect a chairperson and the committee will hold all of its investigatory proceedings in executive session. During this time, the committee has the power to gather evidence, interview witnesses, take testimony under oath and subpoena documents, according to Congressional rules." Executive Session means that the hearings are closed to the membership. How unfair is that? Why isn't the Osage News mounting a campaign to get these proceedings open to the public so they can report on them for the Osage People who have the right to know what the Chief has gotten up to? They are supposed to be fair and unbiased. Fair is seeing to it that the Osage people get the opportunity to hear the evidence too.
DeleteYou got that right. There are rules and guidence that in the state of Oklahoma when it comes to GOV.and the open meeting act. I hope Congress realizes this. The Gov. Is elected by the people for the people of the people. And we are not supportive of this action they have taken period. I
DeleteYes indeed! We should all start leaving comments on the articles that the Osage News publishes on this subject to encourage them to act on our behalf. What would the Washington Post and the New York Times have done if the Watergate hearings were held in some hidey-hole tucked away in the Capitol Building? Since when does any Federal or State Congress in this country have the arbitrary right to close the doors on hearings where evidence is gathered, witnesses are interviewed, and testimony is given under oath? This new Osage government needs to start to clean up its act and part of that is to make it very uncomfortable for those who behave in a public manner that results in such actions taken against them. If this Osage government hadn't been so soft to begin with, these things wouldn't be happening and we wouldn't have to be put through all of this upheaval now. To register with the Osage News to begin posting comments, copy and paste this URL into your browser:
Delete"I am certain that our process will be fair and reasonable as I continue to uphold our Osage Constitution and defend the Osage people." I mean what? Who will defend us from him? The Tulsa World has an article>>
DeleteLike I had said on the OSA site long time ago. It's any wonder the Osage News has made it this far...The Bigheart Times will more than likely be accurate with the reporting. The formatting is better. And I totally support what Osageblogger is saying. Everyone needs to flood the Osage News with comments as well. We need the support of Our Osage Gov. to do what is right for all of us. I said this is going to be ugly no way getting around what is happening with the Chief. Our Gov. has procrastinated enough and as far as my opinion goes there was no reason why ethic charges should have not taken this long to file now we have a road map pointing in the direction and couldn't be more clearer a while back. Make our Gov. accountable to their People. At this point he cannot be partial with decisions affecting the state of affairs of our Gov. and should be put on paid leave till further Notice.
DeleteThe Bigheart Times ? The owner is still married to the Osage Spearker Red Corn isn;t she? Not likely she;ll call for open hearings. Suspention without pay would be good but I don;t think they have anything in their laws to allow for that. Good idea though. You could call a member of Cogness to find out. The word is going around and I;m wondering about too is if the choices on the committee have the guts to send the Chief down. Most of them blow with the wind and don;t really like confontation with others in Congress or with the community back home. There is one who has stood up before and may have the chops but she's kind of new and only one person out of five so I don't know. If the hearings are open and with the election coming up they are more likely to act and choose differently than they would if they meet in secret. The deal here is that Tim Tallchief warned people about this nepitism thing with Red Eagle before the runoff election and boy was he so right.
DeleteThanks for your reply, I would like to think when it comes to a Newspaper that it would be unbiased and that personal influence would not overcome the truth for Justice. Just like how they report and how the Newspaper is edited. But at this moment we need to call all local newspapers to support the People and not Big Gov. We all can blow wind just who's got the Big Cajones to stand up. This is the time that Our Osage Gov. can cease the opportunity to turn the tables and shutting the door on our People is not a great way to Identify with those who voted for those in the the Positions that they are in. Our money should be working for us not the other way around. I personally do not like confrontation on a daily basis and I will continue to do my best and live a good life with integrity and honesty. Just another way of saying walking the truth is easier than living a lie. Right I voted for Tim all the way.....I sincerely hope he has designs to step up to the podium of truth and run again and not by the pulpit of lies that has come from the executive office......The nepotism and etc....Have a great day....
DeleteWhy do they always look like they try to protect their own in the new government like they are dealing with a bunch of folks who are so crooked they have to be held to a really low standard. Don't they know they only make themselves look like crooks too? Open hearings are the only way to go on this here thing to protect their own hides. If there smart that is.
DeleteTim did get it right. Funny thing is that it might be the very thing that takes JRE out of office.
DeleteYeah Tim did get it right. And to the poster above you time 3:08 if they don't turn this around they will be looked as maybe we should petition them all out of office. This is not how I expect a Gov. that is fashioned after the U.S. Constitution to behave. Maybe legislation is needed so this does not happen again once and for all or maybe just a new Gov for the umteenth time needs to happen? If these knucle heads can't get it right thats where we might need to pick up the stick and start throwing stones and maybe they just might listen...... I just find it redudant to have a committee when the facts have been displayed so eloquently by the AG'S office and let a jury of our peers make the decision.
DeleteThe Committee of Inquiry is an initial step not called for in the Osage Constitution, Article XII-Removal, Section 2. But there is no getting around this trial because it is called for: "Section 2. Rules and Procedures: Removal of Osage Nation Officers shall originate in the Osage Nation Congress, except as otherwise provided in the Osage Nation Constitution. The motion for removal shall list fully the basis for the proceeding and must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members. Trial on removal shall then be conducted by the Osage Nation Congress with the accused afforded due process and an opportunity to be heard. An Osage Nation Supreme Court Justice, designated by the Supreme Court, shall preside at the trial. Concurrence of five-sixths (5/6) of the members of the Osage Nation Congress is required for a judgment of removal. The judgment shall not extend further than to removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit in the Osage Nation, but shall not prevent proceedings in the courts on the same or related charges." It says nothing about a closed Committee of Inquiry and there is nothing in the statutory law (passed by the ON Congress and signed by the Chief) that says that either. It's only in the Congressional rules and they can be changed by the members of the Congress who put them in place. From my point of view, it's really strange that they have set up another hoop to jump through before the actual trial process begins when they know that they have enough evidence at this point to go direct to the trial without all of this additional hoopla added into the mix.
DeleteJust noticed your post. Right why go thru the hoops when the outcome is not going to change. Redundant. Thats what I said or maybe get a grand jury of our peers. We the Osage would expect Our Congress to do there research before coming to a decision of this sort. And by which they are Not following the Brown Act that's for sure and can be held liable and anyone can bring this charge on though it can cost heavily against the Nation.
DeleteThe Osage News has a new article>>
DeleteRight is Right Wrong is wrong! Those, even the Chief, should be held responsible for their actions.
DeleteAnd another comes to mind as well is the "The Bagley-Keene act". Anytime a official creates a commission, the act of granting powers or the authority to carry out a paticular duty or task must be "Open and Public". Actions may not be "Secret and Action taken in violation of the open meetings laws may be voided". This is beneficial information pertaining to what is happening on the front this would be a violation of the first amendment I believe. It is our civil right because it's our money, our very public money gives us the right to know. This is to be sure there is no abiguity takes place. Creates the dialogue for accountability and transperency and I can even venture to say a lot more but I'm sure this is what we need to happen.
DeleteThat's not a Federal law. I believe that it's a California law. Good try but I doubt that it will apply in this case.
DeleteAs a semi-retired Law Enforcement Deputy Sheriff [read firearms instructor/range officer], I am totally dismayed at the militarzation of the ON PD. Travelled thru the nation last Wednesday and noticed that our police department has aquired totally BLACK SUV's with totally BLACK WINDOWS [can't see in or out]and the notification that they are police vehicles is so HIDDEN on the side of the vehicle that you have to be directly perpendicular to notice the identification. I realize this is a public blog, BUT WTF! is this all about. Are we running hidden OP's, Do we have Osage terrorists afoot? Gimme a break, get regular vehicles and be regular poice.
ReplyDeleteYeah. You're right. That's a bit over the top. The last thing we need is the image of a bunch of thugs looking like drug runners down in Mexico. Who approved this nonsense, I wonder?
DeleteSo when I come riding in my 5.0 Mustang tinted and all I won't be stopped?
Delete5.0 Mustang tinted? Maybe...
DeleteThanks for having this site up.
DeleteYou are more than welcome and we appreciate your comments. Keep them coming!
DeleteOn this Committee of Inquiry, I hope the family and sibling revelry with this Chief is now at an end. We need a government that can keep it's nose clean and be run like it's supposed to
ReplyDeleteI agree. It's looking bad for the Chief but he took that path so it is what it is. I wonder if the ON Congress and the ON Court Judge will be up to doing the right thing in the end. A couple of those charges are Federal and JRE might be in more trouble than even the Osages have him on the hook to answer for.
DeleteThat's what I said there is more to the story. Why do you think the charges against the five man board is taking so long? There is a huge paper trail. And why do you think the OSA is not up?
DeleteDon't know about the OSA. I hear membership is down. The OSA Blog was not directly linked to the OSA and Kent got tired of paying out for everyone attacking everyone that posted there. He's got a point.
DeleteAs far as membership being down or more to the problem of attendance in the quarterly meetings is this. From what I have heard at the last OSA meeting in Pawhuska if you don't count officers and board members and two producers, there were a total of 5 or 6 members there. After the new officers took over, the meeting descended into a free for all with people shouting over other people who were trying to speak and interrupting people that had the floor and people trying to change the subject before the discussion on that topic was over. Three members said they were not coming back! Most of this turmoil has been coming from a small group of people, two board members included. Word has come to light that one of the board members has said they do not intend to follow Roberts Rules of Order or written agenda and will run the OSA meetings as they see fit. In addition one of the board members threatened to sue Kent if he did not change the name of the web site. He has provided a wonderful service by sponsoring the OSA site for years and decided that he wasn't going to be threatened, so he shut it down. I would have done so long before that!!
DeleteI heard the same thing about the last OSA meeting especially the part about everyone shouting over everyone especially one in particular who tried to defend Kent and commend him for all those years that he paid for the OSA Blog out of his own pocket so the Shareholders would have a place to go to communicate to one another. Gratitude?
DeleteSince the inception of this site OSA, I am offended that Kent would decide to shut the door in our faces, is a slap in the face of the Osage Shareholders. Kent did not have to pay. I would have thought this site could have been paid by the shareholders of which I would not have mind or it could have come from the Kansas funds. It's not much per mo to maintain a web. After all it looks to me that a lot of what is currently going on with the Chief and the power of truth this site had to offer along with the power of persuasion had some influence because the call of duty to do what was right,was posted. The site is not due to expire until 2014. After all, these are opinions and just that and a public forum for all who visits the site and why not give the shareholders a choice of the matter, as on this site of which I do appreciate. Formatting could be made a little simpler though. Kent was threatening what a week before june that he was going to close the site because his feelings got hurt. He put that out there. And this site is not about him. I suggest he open the OSA back up and grow some cojones, oops sorry they haven't dropped yet.
DeleteIn addition to my reply to poster at 1:49 on july 10th, The site became the site for the OSAGE SHAREHOLDERS and Why was kent being threatened to change the name? Because I am hot on the Trail to get that site back up and I will do it legally in the Courts if I have to and I am working on it in the last day waiting for call backs at this point. After all I am a Osage Shareholder. See the conundrum? You know what comes to mind? Did the Chief threatened Kent? Once this info was on the net it became a public site especially to the Shareholders across the USA.
DeleteLook, guys. These are your opinions and I respect them. The thing here is that Kent did all of us a great service for a good many years and I am not only thankful, I am grateful to him. All of us wish that he would have a change of heart and continue with the OSA Blog, perhaps under another name or URL but if he doesn't, I don't think that we should brow beat and insult him. He's done way too much for us. In fact, we have had the privilege of his allowing us to tell the truth as we see it and write as we see fit and most other Tribal Communities have no forum whatsoever on this basis to speak their mind and share their honest thoughts. What Kent has done for us is not only outstanding, it's heroic. We owe him a whole lot more than to be disrespectful to him.
DeleteI could not agree more. Just pointing out the facts as they are and with all due respect to your post and this site. It's not as if we did not appreciate in the first.....And keep on bringing on the Hot Topics. Can't wait to here your views on todays events....
DeleteRemember too that part of the Mission of the Osage Blog is to protect the Shareholder's interest in the Mineral Estate. There is a separate section of this web site for the Osage Shareholders at
DeleteThe 7th Special Session of the 3rd Osage Nation Congress has been called to consider the Select Committee of Inquiry Investigations. See
ReplyDeleteWhat is interesting is why Speaker Red Corn has called this Special Session after the Court is scheduled to hear the ethics case of the AG against the Chief that is scheduled on August 8, 2013. The two processes, the Committee of Inquiry and the AG's court case, are separate from one another and not in any way related to one another, therefore, why shouldn't they be happening concurrently? The 7th Special Session has been scheduled for August 19th, more than a month away from today's date. If the ON Courts can hear their legal case by August 8th, why can't the Special Committee of Inquiry of the Osage Congress? In addition, presumably they will be hiring their own attorney who specialized in cases like this during Committee of Inquiry hearings. Though this will likely take place, there isn't one legally educated attorney member of Congress chosen by the Supreme Court Judge on this Special Committee. Will the Congressional attorney, Trey Gill, be allowed to consult with these committee members during the hearings in order to explain things to them from a legal standpoint along with the attorney who they hire for the proceedings?
DeleteUnless Federal Charges are coming the Chiefs way? And why wouldn't the legal team of advisors be directed by Trey Gill? I would think a Judge would insist? or hopefully common sense would prevail in this instance. What are we not seeing or missing? Good Point.
Delete6th Special Session motion to not have an experienced attorney be fully engaged for the proceedings of the Committee of Inquiry Hearings passed today. Only after the Committee votes to have a trial for removal against the Chief? Wait just a minute... This can't be right but the members of ON Congress attending today voted for this motion unanimously. Up against the Chief's attorneys, undoubtedly the best money can buy, the Committee of Inquiry won't have a professional attorney fully involved and present on a daily basis that has experience where hearings of the kind are concerned? Are you kidding me? I can't agree with this situation as a constituent AT ALL!
DeleteIf the experienced prosecutorial attorney will not be involved to really help the members of the Committee during the Special Committee of Inquiry (SCOI) phase at this level, it appears to me that the experienced attorney will ONLY be hired for active use and service at the trial presided over by the Supreme Court Justice and conducted by the full Congress if it ever takes place. It seems, then, that if there isn't someone on board with substantial prosecutorial experience to combat and counter the tactics and strategy of the attorneys of the Chief during the inquiry phase, it may never come to a trial. These are SERIOUS RIVETING CHARGES and the members of the Osage Nation Congress had better be able, at this point, to make them stick. This makes me think of Ben Bradlee's quote (the then editor of the Washington Post) in the film, All the President's Men: "You guys are about to write a story that says... the highest-ranking...officer in this country, is a crook! Just be sure you're right." If I were a member of the SCOI, I wouldn't go into a hearing of any kind on this order without proper legal coverage and I mean VERY EXPERIENCED LEGAL coverage. AND OPEN THE HEARINGS and BROADCAST them to the OSAGE PEOPLE! IN THIS MATTER, WE'RE ON A NEED TO KNOW BASIS AND WE NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING WE CAN ABOUT WHAT HAS TAKEN PLACE WITH REGARD TO THESE ALLEGATIONS BROUGHT AGAINST OUR CHIEF!
DeleteAnd this investigative committee better not create a delay or I will cry foul and this was why I pointed out that we need all the help we can get because Congress is on Fire and they better fire this right and all I have to say is, it better be reprentive of the Constiuentcy. Applied Execution in the most judicial way with the out come in favor of their decision. Our Congress needs our support if ever now.....
DeleteI know this won't fly, BUT......where as some of these charges against the Chief involved a direct benifit to him, I feel he should have to bear the financial burden of defending those charges rather than the Nation paying for his defense! Come On !! This is like suing your sister then paying for her defense. This is taking Executive privileged way to far.
DeleteYes. I agree that the Chief should have to bear the legal burden of his actions and the people shouldn't have to pay for it especially if it involves federal charges which it does in a couple of the allegations.
DeleteNew article at the BHT>>
DeleteTo the Posters above Orbi and this goes out to all, we have time coming up the Next 7TH Speccial session to ask our Congress to create a law that amends the Constitution. I agree with Poster July 18th at 1:58 pm. In addition the wording is key as to not allow for any subversion to the meaning except for the interpretation of the true text. He has undermined our Constitution and it's meaning as well he has insulted our intelligence. What he did not count on their our Osages that care.....And he forgot...Wow the Power went to his head.
DeleteI've made this suggestion before and I'd like to have it considered here. Certain professions require that those who work in that profession must, by law, take a government approved ethics course as part of their on-going continuing education. When this happens, the individuals who must take this mandatory course then become responsible for their behavior while employed in the profession if they do something unethical. In effect, the person employed is expected to have learned the difference between ethical and unethical behavior and is also expected to know how to behave accordingly after they have completed the course. In short, there is no wiggle room. If they behave in an unethical manner, they become fully and completely responsible for their behavior after they pass the ethics course test from that point onward. It standardizes what is expected of the employee and makes certain that they know the difference between right and wrong where ethical behavior is concerned in the workplace. It really is the obligation and responsibility of the government as an employer to make certain that all of those who work for the government have the same basic level of understanding where the concept of ethics is concerned.
DeleteIn addition, a certain company that offers workplace ethics courses cautions, "The Federal Sentencing Guidelines (FSGs) and various statutes (e.g. Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) require frequent and comprehensive training on workplace ethics and business conduct." If this is true, why would the Osage Nation not be required to provide such training for their employees?
DeleteI think at one point on the OSA we brought this matter more than once. When you set the bar or standard then there is accountability and when the PPP'S are set in mode for training you must have a mission statement. That's the beginning. The benefits are recruiting qualified people, you foster a better work environment, when you build your association' reputation you foster a better relations with your community,when you maintain a relationship in a work environment with your employees you also open the dialogue for open discussion of ethical issues. Trust so elemental in a work environment. Alignment with the broader perspective that the Mission and Vision can be met....It's easy to do and it works. Training is a must.
DeleteHo-way. This joint is jumpin' today.
ReplyDeleteYes it is! Thanks to all of you who have left comments today.
DeleteSeeing as Congressman Raymond Redcorn was so hoppin' hot yesterday to have his bill passed (ONCA 13-53) to have the members of the Osage Nation Congress included for submitted ethics violations to the Osage Nation Attorney General's Office and got the votes for it, that is now awaiting the signature of the Chief, any suggestions for who should be first on the list and why? The web site for the OFPR and anonymous Whistleblower Hotline number and information is located at It is our understanding that you can report without giving your name or any details. There is even a way to report and establish a case number where you can periodically check the status of the case you have filed.
ReplyDeleteOr cut to the chase at
DeleteWho voted for this bill to pass? Wasn't it always that way?
DeleteNo, it wasn't always that way. The ON Congress system was modeled after the U.S. Congress that has an internal process for ethics complaints against the members of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The best reason given for such a system is to protect the lawmakers and the Justice Department from having to process hundreds of thousands of ethics complaints from the citizens of the United States for whatever the reason such complaints might be filed. It makes sense. Those voting for ONCA 13-53 were Geoffrey Standing Bear, Daniel Boone, John Free, Alice (Goodfox) Buffalohead, John Jech and Raymond Red Corn, the speaker of the Congress and sponsor of the bill. It has been sent over to the Chief for his signature and he has, I understand, until Monday July 15, 2013 to sign it into Osage Nation law. The speculation is that undoubtedly he will and then begin to hit the individual members of the ON Congress with one ethics complaint after another until the ON Court system is bogged down from now until doomsday. That makes sense too. I think Raymond may have bitten off a bit more than he can chew on this one but time will tell...
DeleteI see that their is a conflict of interest here, possibly? And I see a can of worms.
DeleteI do too. Big can of worms.
DeleteUPDATE: ONCA 13-53 has been signed by the Chief as of yesterday the 11th of July, 2013. Information about the Whistleblower Hotline is available at In addition, you can obtain a copy of the policies and procedures of the hotline (hotline handbook) and the hotline powerpoint presentation from the Office of Fiscal Performance and Review at
DeleteThe Osage News case and the Attorney General's ethics complaint will be heard by the Trial Court early tomorrow morning at 1333 Grandview in Pawhuska, OK. Phone number is (918) 287-5400>>
ReplyDeleteThe article from the Osage News is now available for viewing: Two cases involving Principal Chief scheduled in tribal court today at
DeleteUPDATE: The Osage News reported on the Facebook feed that yesterday "morning in Osage Nation Trial Court, presiding Associate Judge Lee Stout set an Aug. 8 court date in the Osage News vs. Principal Chief John Red Eagle case to hear oral arguments from both sides."
DeleteWow, it is in my opinion that the Chief is in allota hurt. His Attorney is reaching for straws. One there have been many Newspapers who have filed against the Gov. for violations of the Open Records Act. As a matter of fact a Newspaper is nothing but a Journal of Record or if you like a Public Record and anybody can make the request......Yes.
DeleteEspecially in OKLAHOMA. The state recognizes in the,"Right to Access. It guarantees that right. Private right action to sue over violation.
DeleteHEADS UP! The Osage Nation Trial Court will be in Session on August 8 and 9, 1013.
DeleteDon't forget to check the Tribal Monthly Calendar at
ReplyDeleteTo the Anonymous poster on July 11 at 11:19, it's people like you that got the OSA site shut down. And I can pretty much guess who you are. Point in fact, the site was never a public domain. It was set up and owned and paid for by Kent . He graciously set it up so the shareholders could share concerns, keep informed and give opinions. We were allowed to use his site free of charge and he certainly doesn't deserve to be brow beat by the likes of you! I'll bet you never offered to help with the expenses are so upset, why don't you quit complaining and open your own web site and call it what ever you want! Instead of trying to harass Kent or any one else that disagrees with you! I miss the site as well but will tell you, the more you keep up on this rampage, the more entrenched I would be to say "It was my web site and I'll do with it as I see fit!!"
ReplyDeleteNot. As for how I posted Kent,I posted with Great decorum. And If I was ever out of line it was because of the very predicament that we are in today as in, with the Chief. And I for one I would be the first if I was ever out of line to say I was wrong...Just the facts as they are. Sorry if your feelings got hurt. Not. At least I have balls and great big ones. And wasn't it that someone threatened you to take down the site? My point made.
DeletePolitely put, it is my understanding that Kent does not lack in any particular area so you both win. Now, can we please move on... Thank you, in advance.
DeleteIf I remember correctly....Kent posted several weeks before he shut the site down that he was tired of people using the site to slam each other and post derogatory comments about others and it was not his intent for the forum to be used that way and if things didn't change he was going to shut it down.When the threat was made from the floor of the OSA meeting, by an OSA board member that she was going to sue if the name of the site wasn't changed I believe that was the nail in the coffin! Additionally, I would like to know if said board member ever talked to Kent about changing the name of the OSA site rather than threaten him.? And that's the facts as I understand them. I agree that now would be a good time to have the site up and running because of the mess the Chief has caused and elections not to far off. It does no good to bad mouth Kent,but rather than trying to hang Kent, why don't you or someone else be pro active and spend their money to have a web site designed and set up and pay the monthly fees involved in keeping it running?
ReplyDeleteWorking waiting for call back. Kent is not my maker and in the end we know who the hecklers were. It's just bad timing and as I've said before who made him the peace maker? Whether the site was intended for it's use was to create a forum, a dialogue that was huge in Nature, in so many ways. Yes people are entitled to their opinion and it's just that and may be personal for some I get that. But when you do right you have nothing to fear. Most of us are adults and we knew who the Jueveniles were and the games they played. Nah this site is on the right path to give us a voice and give a voice to those who seek. And making a contribution to the OSA site and maybe have log in so if you belong you paid your due. When you have a forum as such of course your going to have the good bad and ugly that's the way it goes like ying to yang. Not everything is black and white. The freedom of voice.
DeleteI don't know how these things work, but possibly someone could contact Kent and see if they could take over the web site, formatted as is, change the name and take over paying for it? Just a thought?
ReplyDeleteThat's a good idea. Why don't you?
DeleteWhy should I? I am not the one moaning and groaning over this. I merely threw out the suggestion as a way to get around the road block. Should work if Kent is agreeable to the plan and someone wants to pick it up. Also it would seem to be less expensive than starting up a new web site from scratch and everyone involved is familiar with the old site.You could call it "Shareholders Blog" Mary Jane's Blog" or anything you want. Looks to me that the person complaining the most over this, would be the likely candidate to run with this?
DeleteI'm not moaning and groaning either. I didn't start this comment thread. You did. I'm just fine right where I am. I like that the lines of conversation stay pretty much one under the other and don't bleed down the page to the right and all over the place. This format is much better and easier to follow if you ask me.
DeleteTo the July 12, 8:11 PM poster....I don't know who you are referring to when you say" I didn't start this comment thread. You did" you can be more clear on who you are pointing the finger at if you would direct your comment toward a specific poster by the date and time. That way we will know who you are talking about. As far as this web's not to bad....could use some small improvements....but all in all I like it.
DeleteFirst the Chief said he didn't comply with the open records request because he simply overlooked it. Now, he is arguing that the Newspaper is not a "public entity" and that is why he didn't. What will it be when the "lack of standing because it's not a public entity" arguement is struck down?
ReplyDeleteHe'll fall back on Executive Privilege would be my best guess.
DeleteOk, The Chief has to prove the burden as to why he is pulling Executive Privilege and in this case will not apply and the Court would frown. Second anyone can file a violation of the Open Records Act exspecially when such as a Public Entity like the Gov. His Attorney he's going to need a better one than the one he has. And why is he still in office with 15 charges against him? Why not put him on notice with pay till further a due?
DeleteRed Alert: IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED on ONCA 13-53 Veto Override Vote and the 6th Special Session that Meets TODAY--The Chief has vetoed the anti-nepotism bill, ONCA 13-54, An Act to amend the Osage Nation Ethics Law to designate appointments of relatives within the second decree to Business Boards, Commissions or Authorities a violation of the ethics law; to require ethics complaints against Members of Congress to be filed with the Attorney General; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Edwards). The Osage Nation Congress will be meeting at 4:30 p.m. CDT in the Congressional Chamber today to override the veto of this bill that has been sent to the Chief if enough members of the Congress attend in order to have the correct vote number necessary for this override. Please contact the members of the Osage Nation Congress by phone or e-mail to attend this important meeting and vote at See also
ReplyDeleteWhat? And this is why the Chief while awaiting trial should be removed from his position before he does more damage. This is a huge Conflict. Congress needs to make a decision fast and so should the Investigative Committee. These laws are for one purpose and one purpose to protect The Osage People from one faction taking strong hold of any Gov. Agency. The Chief should not be able to enact any law while under investigation or hold office till otherwise. Like I didn't see this coming. He and his cohorts will try anything to grasp straws and for what to make himself even look more so incompetent.
DeleteTo listen live to the Special Session today at 4:30 p.m. CDT in the Congressional Chamber today go to and click on the side "Quick Links Menu" to open it if it isn't yet open, then click on the link Listen Live to Congress Session. If you are unable to listen live, be sure to go to when it is posted to the Audio/Video Archive for on demand listening.
DeleteWill do. Thanks.
DeleteYou are welcome.
DeleteWow has Congress resigned to the fact it looks to be a trial for removal? And getting another Attorney is a must no offence to Gill. It looks to be Congress wants to make sure the Due Process that no one misses a heartbeat and get this right on the first go around. And thank the lord for there is a heaven on earth. Congrats to OUR CONGRESS......And yes we have a short mound to get from A to Z on this one. Now does anyone see a window of truth openning up? Unfortunately this Chief will go with his tale between his legs as we climb to a higher voice for our People. I personally do not like what has to take place but it's our future and our future for our children. Let this be a exmaple by a Chief of our Tribe not what to do.....oh, glad the bill was overturned by Congress. This is the first I could be proud of you all.....
DeleteAnonymous, July 15, 2013 at 4:17 PM, I think you have misunderstood what the ON Congress has done today in the 6th Special Session. By unanimous motion, they have agreed to hire an experienced attorney for the Committee of Inquiry who will NOT BE FULLY ENGAGED until after the Committee makes its recommendation to go to trial, if and when that takes place! So, we will have front an center an attorney with NO TRIAL EXPERIENCE WHATSOEVER sitting in the "First Chair" throughout the Committee of Inquiry hearings coming up against the best attorney that the Chief can buy and in closed Executive Session? In other words, the experienced attorney will not even be in the room to advise the members of the Committee of Inquiry when these hearings takes place? WHAT? GIVE ME A BREAK! Talk about giving the Chief the best possible advantage for a favorable outcome! I am floored by this egregiously bad decision of the Osage Nation Congress today. This is just ABSOLUTELY wrong!
DeleteI just see a different take, all the while we do not need a Committee of Inquiry it is in my opinion that why do we have a court system in the first. The Outcome of this will be the same in the end and the Chief in my opinion will be removed. I do see your take did not see it the way you are seeing it. The Chief is going to try to conjure something out of his old hat of tricks but then again any one of the Violations will stand on it's own merit and he will be removed. I think in any event Congress needs to get this right the first time around. Nah we will get an attorney who has Prosecutorial Experience. But I won't be holding my breath or counting my eggs before they hatch either. I thnk we should have some faith. Watch ,wait and see. This is going down in the books for the History of the Osage Tribe.
DeleteYes, and let me be the first on the historical record to note and issue a warning that the reputation and integrity of ON Congress, in filing such SERIOUS charges against the Chief, is on the line, front and center. Remember the old adage, "You don't show up to a gunfight with a knife?" If I were them (ON Congress), in order for this whole thing not to backfire and blow up in their faces, I would lawyer up to the eye teeth from the second that this whole process begins and most especially when the Committee of Inquiry hearings take place with this same TRIAL experienced legal council IN THE ROOM and in the "First Chair" right from the very get-go. Listen for yourself to today's proceedings of Special Session 6 on 7-15-13, Parts 1,2 and 3 at
DeleteThey don't really want to go to trial do they? This must be another one of those times when they try to make it look like they are doing something about corruption and it will all fall through in the end.
DeleteBoth you and the Osageblogger has got me pondering but all the same I agree with you,lets put the end to the broken record. I just see a outcome. And the outcome will favor a New Chief if not it will be up to the Constituents to make the demands in favor of by way of petition and I do see Congress better Lawyer up and I say this for them to not miss a Heartbeat. There will be a lot of us watching an waiting and this process should go fast for the evidence is loud and clear. With witnesses. I want to see and hear about the Outcome and this is my right for my funds are going to pay for this, the Peoples Money, addition We need to be watchful because the outcome could be dangerous precedent for the future. But for whatever reason I just have a gut feeling the Osage People will prevail in the Name of Justice......trying to be positive here for once.
DeleteI know that your last remark on the post beginning "Both you and..." was an attempt at humor and I got that but in the main, where such parts of the anatomy are concerned, we're on a need to know basis and we need to know absolutely nothing. I hope you take this edit in the spirit in which it was intended. Thanks.
DeleteI did. Keep the light burning. Thanks
DeleteWhat's the followup on getting an attorney hired for the members of the SCOI? Has anybody heard anything up on the hill?
DeleteThe last I heard was they were inquiring with two Attorney's that had over 20 yrs on this subject matter with heavy prosecutorial background. What I would like to know who is paying for the Chiefs Attorney? What is going on with the Five Man Board investigation?
DeleteId like to know those ansers too. ON News has an FB sqib to an artical about the sequester This is probably a dumb question but if these guys are making so much money in ON government pay how are they qualifying for all this assistance in Fed programs? Dont they have income limits to get the help?
DeleteJeff Irons has some pretty interesting thoughts on this at Osage Think-Tank to create a better Nation-- Why haven't they made to resign and charges brought against them? We have a government culture here of letting people go when they do way bad wrong things and this has got to stop.
DeleteWell, if he knows what is going on and he knows who this is, then why hasn't he reported this person to the anonymous ethics hotline at ? Employees and officials in a real working government have the obligation themselves to report wrongdoing if they know that it is going on in the workplace. What is his ethical level of responsibility to come forward with this information? Why hasn't HE reported it?
DeleteWow, when is the five man board have their day in court?
ReplyDeleteHow is it that the President of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe can be removed by the council so quick, understanding he violated the DUE PROCESS OF AN EMPLOYEE WHO WAS TERMINATED FOR ALLEGATIONS OF CHILD ABUSE? AND YET WE HAVE ALL SORTS OF VIOLATIONS FROM OUR CHIEF AND OBVIOUS ONES? Fifteen Violations any one of them cause for removal? AND yet here we are with another Round Robin attempt?
ReplyDeleteThey have a process set up in their Congressional rules and it doesn't include suspension. I encourage you to get a hold of the members of Congress to add legislation to change this in the 7th Special Session on August 19, 2013. There is plenty of time to amend the Legislative Proclamation to include a bill to suspend the Chief until the hearings and the trial take place if they have the standing under the Osage Constitution to do so.
DeleteThank you will do.
DeleteRay just posted on his site a article that articulates the disease amongst tribes such as the Pine Ridge Indians, the sequestration is affecting Indian Country straight across the USA and the Obligation the Federal Gov. has to those treaties to protect. And the real question remains to be answered why does the Federal Gov. consistently set up itself for failure to act and opens the doors for more suits and surely they will be on the losing end of the stick again. It is bad enough that our Health System is sub-par and to be subject to more of the same is another way of slowly committing systematically playing Russian Roulette with our lives. And I find it interesting that Indian Country continues to bring alcoholism to the forefront. But, to use it as to not to do what is right is as dangerous as the disease itself. Money discriminates. Alcoholism doesn't. People are still going to find away with money or without it. So who are they kidding. Not this educated Indian.
ReplyDeleteThis is this same editorial that DO posted about a few comments ago and then asked a pretty good question. [If these guys are making so much money in ON government pay how are they qualifying for all this assistance in Fed programs? Dont they have income limits to get the help?]
DeleteI do recall. Time for the Osage Nation to start with a Per-Cap. With the Casinos and a Resort in the proess now's the time. There has been a 12% increase.
DeleteOh, but the word is already being spread from on high that the operating costs and new hires and the loan payments and the new competetion will eat up any increases. Haven't you heard? They won't even try to get anything like that underway until its alot closer to election time and somehow it will fail anyway. This money belongs to them not you. Don't you know that yet?
DeleteRight seen it heard it all before just excuses not to do what is right for all Osages. When you have a small faction of people maybe 1500 Osages in All of Osage County that pales in comparison to the Greater. And someone did ask how is it they get funding for federal grants is they the ON uses all of us. Not just those who live in the surrounding area and then you have to ask how much of money is going to public assistance for those in the area who are not Osage as well. There are area's of which we do not need to be putting money into that can allow for a Per-Cap. Like not tinting Police Units in Osage CO. pitch black?
DeleteWell there you are. That's sure a good idea. People ususally percieve that as macho rubbish anyway. Not professional.
DeletePer-Cappppp? Don't be dumb. They have to have their tanning bed at the ON Fitness Center. Those things are expensive. Don't you know that?
DeleteKeep those Special Committee of Inquiry (SCOI) proceedings OPEN to the public and broadcast so that the five members don't weasel out and let the Chief off of these allegations! The consensus is building around the web. Kelly M. Bray has a comment on this at OSAGE FOR FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY--
ReplyDeleteWhat's all this we're beginning to hear about certain members of the SCOI, before they have even heard the evidence, talking already about not voting to go to trial and just scaring the Chief? WTH! What kind of HS is this? Get whoever this is disqualified from being on this committee. I knew it. I knew it! These sbgs are gonna let that SB walk!
DeleteI am also hearing that at least one member of the committee has been threatened if they vote to go to trial. It's really beginning to look like the ON Congress needs to dispense with this committee created per their rules that are not anywhere in the law and skip this interim Special Committee process and go directly to OPEN trial per what is outlined in the Osage Nation Constitution. As far as I am concerned, even if they vote to go to trial, the Chief may have the legal grounds and standing to impeach the charges because this committee is a product of the internal workings of the ON Congress and not based in the law either Constitutional or statutory. I think they should get rid of the SCOI immediately.
DeleteWow. This is so predictable. I see a Constitutional Convention in the near future and possibly more ethical charges coming. This by all means is a scandal coming from our Executive. No if ands about it. If this cannot be handled in a judicious way this can set the precedent and damage to Our People and our future for our children. Our People expects due process and If I have to picket I will be the first in hand with petitions and letters of intent are signed and ready to go.....end of story to build a house of truths instead of the untruths.
Why are they making the Chief go through all these hearing meeting steps or whatever the hell you want to call them? Just get him in there once to answer for what he's done and get rid of all this extra stuff. This Osage government is so weird.
DeleteHe'll plead the 5th or Soveriegnty but the evidence is stacked and this process of having SOCI is redundant. Due Process and Justice for the Osage. He just might even play stupid. But stupid is not a excuse. This matter has gone public as well. This is now being looked at in Indian Country and going down in the History Books so THE SCOI BETTER GET IT RIGHT! Stop the Games stop the talking and go about what you have to do even though the language is clear to all Osages's what has been done. I just don't see them turning a blind eye to Justice......In addition you all have to call Congress and get legislation passed to keep this and any entity or for that matter to keep the Chief and his office away from the check book and go directly to The CFO to get his money for his bills like anyone else.....And lets get a look at what the last Chief spent as well. This is not childs play. Lets get the corruption out! Get the O.G. to listen and hear and follow through for us and not big Gov. No more and No less. It isn't easy doing what is right but the end does justify the means, if all goes well. Where are the charges against Joe Don Mushunkashey? Sorry for the miss spelling of the last name. Whats going on with the FBI and the investigation and the five man board? Updates?
DeleteI agree with you completely. The question for me is, does the Chief even have to respond to an internal investigative special committee of the ON Congress? They claim, if I have understood it correctly, that they can't even make changes in his Executive Branch budgets because it's supposedly a violation of the separation of powers as so stated in Article V, Section 2. This section of the ON Constitution is very specific: "The Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of government shall be separate and distinct and no person or collection of persons, charged with official duties under one of those branches, shall exercise any power properly vested in either of the others except as EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THE OSAGE NATION CONSTITUTION." There is nothing expressly provided about a SCOI where the process toward an elected official's removal from office is concerned. It looks like to me that they have taken their Congressional Rules from some other tribal community with a Constitution that isn't quite so clear cut and specific about the path that the process must take. The ON Constitution, places the responsibility squarely in the hands of the FULL ON CONGRESS and every member of it, not some interim first step special investigative committee of the ON Congress. It looks to me like they can prescribe additional rules and procedures associated with the trial process itself but not go off in left field with a whole new Congressional tribunal with a new special committee created and added to the mix that is completely under the umbrella of the Legislative Branch of government which the Chief may not even have to answer to from a legal standpoint because it violates the separation of powers Article V in the ON Constitution. It looks like they are taking the wrong path from the very outset.
DeleteIn short, the idea being is to come up with Congressional Rules that help facilitate the process of justice in the removal process, not come up with preliminary labyrinthian stages that ultimately end up circumventing it. The path to justice can be fragile and there is no point in wearing it out and down before we ever arrive there.
DeleteI agree with you as well. If need be, a National Petition might just have to take place. Irony how this looks like the O.N is taking a cue from what is exactly going on with the Administration. Still a lot of questions to be answered and yet no feedback from our O.N.G. and in the same token our Congress can determine after hearing the recommendations by the SCOI disagree and still go forward with the a trial. I cannot see turning a blind eye to abusing his power under the color of authority. That in itself is huge and using the Osage money to pay for his internet and I do not care if it's paid back, he still had his hand in the cookie jar. Wake up O.N. Congress if he didn't get caught would have he paid back the money, NO! The same goes for the five man board. And why hasn't the Executive Dept. or Congress file charges against the five man board? Do I detect favoritism? Watch out O.N.C. There are Osages that are willing to protect their interest even if others turn a blind eye this does not happen in the real world stop the fantasy living and get on board with what needs to be done. I think it is time to start appealing to the greater Osage across the U.S. and start a campaign for the Osage People of the Osage People and by the Osage People and get the real deal out there to all Osages because we've been dealt a bad hand. Just how deep is anyone's guess. I will surmise that it's deeper than anyone imagined.
DeleteGood points. Maybe somebody needs to send a message to the two Indian Committees of the U.S. Congress, as well, to keep an eye on the progress of this Osage removal process so things don't slip away from the ON Congress and fall through the cracks, letting the Chief go and get away with all these allegations, if he is actually guilty of them. If he's guilty, getting away with these things isn't going to scare him. More than likely it will embolden him to take even more liberties to do whatever he likes until his time as Chief comes to an end in June of 2014. Plenty of time for payback big time... That's a scary thought, isn't it?
DeleteI said that to. What's to stop him from doing more harm to the Nation? That's why I said if we can create a SCOI then we can put him on administative leave.
DeleteNew article on the Chief's response>>
DeleteYou a real troublmaker ain't cha osagebloger?
DeleteWell. Hmmmm.... I don't have raven colored hair and I'm no great beauty. All the same, whatever it is or isn't, I'll take it. '-)
DeleteTo orbi-osage on the article. "the Osage Nation was only featured on a national scale due to the infighting between the branches of government." That's because the Constitution wasn't done right in the first place and hasn't been corrected or it wouldn't be the way it is today. Too many loopholes for the Chief and the most power of any branch. When it's this bad it always comes home to roost. Scuttle the SCOI and call for a Constitutional Convention Congress.
DeleteAmen again. Let's figure this out. So he has to be put in front of the SCOI, then the AG has him in court and if the SCOI says he has to be impeached then he has another trial for that? I'm startin to feel sorry for the guy. Isn't this kind of cruel and unusal punishment? Plus wont time run out for all this stuff to happen before his term is over?
DeleteI would think that the SCOI would only investigate as to relevance as opposed to sitting down and chatting with the Chief, wouldn't it be a conflict of interest. And really I don't feel sorry for someone who misled us to believe in his campaign fool of lies is upon are heads if you understand the meaning, who shows of socialistic tendencies as opposed to the Greater, his Bro's and Sister Osages. Supporting Capitalism as opposed to helping those in the very area they live in. Deep are the pockets of corruption. His relentless self interest behooves the intellect which is insulting to our Culture is counter productive and has created a division amongst us all. But as I've said before Congress needs to get this right for the books. Our History, Our Future and Today rests with our Culture and who we are as a people. To do what is right isn't always easy but for the greater need outways the few.
DeleteWhat's up with this? What is Tommy Thompson going to be doing, now an Oklahoma Lobbyist and associated with AKIN GUMP (See article, How GOP Senate Candidate Tommy Thompson Cashed in Big on His Lobbyist Connections at ) at the Osage Congressional Commerce and Economic Development Committee Meeting to be held on August 1, 2013 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m as part of a Gaming Presentation with Possible Executive Session for Discussion of Proprietary Information? The meeting Agenda lists: a) Neil Cornelius –Intro and Overview b) Kim Arnold – Innovation Group c) John Tahsuda – Navigators Global Principal and Ledger Advisor d) Tommy Thompson – Oklahoma Lobbyist. They will be addressing the ON Congress at that time. (The Indian County AXIS OF EVIL: Harvard, Akin Gump and the Bank of America? See ).
ReplyDeleteDid you have a chance to read some of the comments about Tommy Thompson and his affiliations and ties to AKIN GUMP. If this isn't lobbying then it becomes a common word that comes to mind, he then is, a advisor? Wow. To think we had or have ties with AKIN AND GUMP.
DeleteIn a word, the answer is yes. Guys like this don't come into town to do us any favors. They want something and it usually has to do with money. Why should we be padding their pockets when Harvard has a $THIRTY-TWO (33) BILLION DOLLAR ENDOWMENT FUND, Akin Gump is one of the richest and most prestigious law firms with a reach that extends all over the world, and the Bank of America, that bought Merrill Lynch during the banking crisis, has assets, of US$ 2.209 TRILLION (2012) See ?
DeleteAh... Internet gaming. What do you think about getting into that market? We will have to spend big bucks in order to deal with the legal issues to change the law in Oklahoma, if I heard it correctly.
DeleteListen to the presentations during the Osage Congressional Commerce and Economic Development Committee Meeting for today on demand via the internet when it is posted to the Osage Nation Audio/Video Archive at
DeleteExample: jff --
DeleteHere we go... "We can't be left behind." Apparently, if I understood it correctly, we will have to get involved in paying for lobbying legislation on internet gaming at the Federal level, hence the lobbiest.
DeleteSince you seem to be in support of a long term commitment to develop this venture, HOW MUCH CONGRESSMAN STANDING BEAR? Can't go into this without going into Executive Session? Hmmm...
DeleteTo me it seems you want the walk in's. You have eateries and Bars with entertainment, some with live entertainment then you have your Gambling. Internet I feel would detract from the industry though numbers say it all and what about the casino's other amenities as well. In the long run you have to consider what would be profitable. For instance I like to play and stay the night. I can have a couple of drinks, order room service, attend the spa, I like to gamble late into the night. Now not that I do THIS MUCH but it's a short trip away from the worries from time to time when you can't get away for trip.
DeleteThere might be BIG BIG BIG money if we get involved from the very beginning in Oklahoma. Multi-billion dollar business back East. Gotta stay ahead of the power curve.
DeleteWhat? Coming up with more frivilous spending when 80% of the actual members of this Tribe see no benefit from the gaming we have now? Get in on the ground floor-borrow more money from the bank-go bankrupt sos other Tribes can get into online gaming when it finally happens? No thanks. Start spending money on us who are members and stop coming up with ways to spend money that don't take care of us. You got to watch these new government officials like they're a bunch of errant kids.
DeleteI'd like to know how much our gaming and government officials have been lobbied by the lobbyists before today's meeting. Where is the full disclosure statement from each one of them to show the Osage people what they have received so far, if anything including dinners and so forth, to bring it to this point?
Delete"We're not gonna do something to you guys that you didn't see coming." Haven't we been down that road many times before with a bunch of elected officials who have always acted like they are way too smart to accept a warning to not go there from their constituents? And forget any actual representation. Where's he going to get all this money? Another hefty loan from the bank?
DeleteOh and he wants us to get into water litigation, now internet gaming lobbying that's got to be totally expensive. What will he come up with next? What about something for you and me?
DeleteI concede. YOU WIN!!! There's no doubt in my mind now that the Osage Nation government's elected and appointed officials as well as anyone else in a position to control the spending of the peoples money NEED SUPERVISION. We should probably ask the Indian Committees, of the U.S. Congress who created this mess, to hold Congressional hearings in both Houses, on what has been going on for the past last seven years and ask (plead with) them to find a way to get the Osage Nation government some financial and fiscal supervision before they destroy everything that we have left after the $47 MILLION DOLLARS IN LOANS to the Bank of America HAVE BEEN PAID OFF. The ON government has shown over and over, again and again that their spending priorities are just simply pathetic! What more can I say?
DeletePER-CAP mr . standing bear? wher'es your legislation for that?
DeleteMr. StandingBear. We want our per-cap. Mr. StandingBear we do not want our money going to lobbying. Mr. StandingBear the Constituents are signing a Petition to hold you accountable. Yes and we are putting you on notice. Mr. StandingBear. Our Money should pander to the greater Osage and not those in Washington. A card deck full of Corruption as we know it to be true. Show the People the disclosures. It's not the Gov. Money it belongs to the People and we decide not you......
DeleteStading bear saying I know Szudoku or whoever and hes the only own we should work with or something like that. Acting like he's the anointed one so connected. Onbe dayiga. Hes got to know that money should be paying for all of us not lobbying that other richer tribes can pay for and we can come in on it later if they get internet Indian gaming going. Why do they always have to throw our money around and make fools of themselves and all of the rest of us?
DeleteThe only way is by spreading the word and all go to that site and sign that petition, so we can get a better and more truthfull but accurate account of all disclosures and a deep forensic audit in all areas and facets of this ill be gotten Nation. We've done some good but not enough and the powers that be won't be able to stop the train with this petition that everyone should sign.....I have gotten a few to sign already. Really don't you care to know what is going on with your Money. We have 52 depts you have to ask why? Big Gov is over. We don't want them investing our money so hedge fund managers can dictate right into their pockets. Heck No!!!!! it's easy if you know the key strokes or it takes less than 5 mins of your time can be a per-cap coming your way and not just that. I'm for a lot more to happen for our people and not just in Osage County and for the Greater of us all. Times are hard. Wouldn't have you preferred to take that 500 allownece you get for health per year wouldn't that been nice if the Nation would have not dictated what you should be doing with your money? And on the back end who is making money off of us for this set up? They can come up with what excuse they want, it's better this way because of tax purposes. We should have been the ones to vote how we want to spend our money and surely the tax could have been afforded just another lie to fund someones pockets as opposed to yours. We want a Gov. Audit and an agency who is reputable and honest and not the ones in our local area accountants. Time to get away from the cronyism. Just type in
Deleteoops should read after the 9827534& not a percentage. My type o.
DeleteI think that Congressman Standing Bear wants to make a long term commitment to fund lobbying for internet gaming with these Washington people on an exclusive basis for the Osage Nation alone. What do you think about this? There is only so much money to go around. In the presentation, the most rational person in the room appeared to be Trey Gill who knows that gaming has to be tied to an established Indian reservation per the NIGC so we have what appears to be a two pronged problem. One, to get Federal Legislation passed sometime in the open ended future to permit iGaming in Oklahoma and two, to change the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act to permit it as well. That's a lot of lobbying for a Tribal Nation that has + or - 10,000 members and does not take care of 80% of its own.
DeleteUntil there is a more even distribution of the revenue among all Osages under the ON Constitution, there is no reason for all this money to be spent on litigation or lobbying for legislation. Why do we want to be paying for business offices, penthouses and condos in Washington D.C. for these rich lobbyists who are paid umpteen salary amounts with golden parachutes or for political pac money for U.S. politicians who also spend money like children to go on travel junkets to luxurious places? Do our elected people pay any attention at all to the Abramoff scandal or are they oblivious to it? I mean, come on, do they think things like this aren't still happening in D.C. today? What will happen if Standing Bear is actually elected Chief? Whatever we had to spend has been blown out of the water with this campus plan thing. He should know that much at least and now that the commitment has been made there, there's no money left to do anything else. I am interested in electing a Chief and Congressional Representatives who don't harbor a profoundly deep seated prejudice against us who don't live in Osage County and who are interested in what interests me and and every other constituent who votes all over the U.S. Allocating funds for more nonsense spending is absurd. We need to get aggressive with these people if the spending that takes place doesn't directly benefit us. Believe me, if any one of you really wants to control spending, they won't spend the money if it goes out to you and me. That's pathetic but they really think it's fully justified. What's weird is most of them don't speak the language and they aren't really involved in the culture. When they do get involved, they are scoffed at. One of them is reported to do the Indian thing when he starts talking in circles. Another one is reported to be involved for business reasons. If you talk to people back there, they can shoot them all down one by one and will if you give them half a chance. So it's not in their best interest to pander to the few who only have contempt for and make fun of them anyway. If they would just step back a little bit and take in the larger view, it's kind of stupid for them to do what they are doing.
DeleteI couldn't agree more, but would like to add that not all lobbying is bad. My thoughts are just that it would be most beneficial for the greater morass if we create legislation that would require the lobbyist to sign a register. This would give the Osage Constituents notice on how they want their money spent. I can assure you that most would agree on building the infrastructure as opposed to putting their money to someones personal agenda political or otherwise pockets or coffers. And the only way we do this is by being our own advocate. Because this is what happens when corruption stares at you in the face and do we dare to confront and yes we do want to call out. Lets put the Gov. back into the peoples hand and not just the few.
Delete"back into the peoples hand and not just the few." I'm all for that starting right now.
DeleteWe do this the right way and not underhandedly and accordingly hold steadfast a lot can happen behind closed doors such as a constitutional convention. Just waiting to see the outcome of said trial against our Wonderful Chief. This will be so telling who's blinders are on.
DeleteSuggestion: Be sure to bookmark as a favorite and check the opening page of the Osage Blog daily for new information with live clickable links posted there at Example: The Absentee Ballot Request Form for 2014, featuring a check box to become a Permanent Absentee Ballot Voter, is now available for immediate download at
ReplyDeleteOSAGE GOVERNMENT AUDIT PETITION--Sign the petition NOW at
ReplyDeleteEVERYONE SIGN TODAY. As we know as of today money is missing,charges are not being filed in a timely manner and as usual the Constituents are kept in the blind. Leaves one with all the evidence what to think? This is what happens when you try to close the doors on the Constituents who put you into office and when the laws are not taken seriously and just the mere fact the Osage Gov. needs to listen to the greater will.
DeleteOK. Good idea.
DeleteCOME ON PEOPLE, GET ON BOARD WITH THIS PETITION! Like the last person to sign quoted, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke. If we want a clean well run government, we need to have more information about what they have been doing in the dark. Look what the OFPR has exposed already. A forensic audit from the day this new government took over is what we need and before that if possible. They won't respond to us unless we make our demands known to them. SIGN THIS PETITION TODAY!
DeleteOk, going out here and I'm not on a branch. Does anyone think the Chief is trying to reach pie in the sky when he say's the Osage News is not a "Business Entity"? After all they take money for Advertising and etc... LOL..Please who does he think he is? Don't insult my Intelligence but your true Intelligence is coming out with the lack of respect for his people, you can't deny. Ah the color of authority is showing their colors in the worst way possible. Great News Article in the Osage News.
ReplyDeletePs. Can the Chief be more predictable. Lets just put this way, we will we will rock you, you got mud on your face and your a big disgrace.
DeleteIt will be interesting to see how this plays out. It is still an entity under the Executive Branch that is funded by the ON Congress. The ON Constitution is very specific about the waiver of Sovereign Immunity: "Article XIX: Section 1. Immunity of Osage Nation from Suit: As a sovereign Indian nation, the Osage Nation and all administrative offices, departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Osage Nation shall be immune from suit or process in any forum except to the extent that the Osage Nation Congress expressly waives its sovereign immunity. The Osage Nation’s sovereign immunity shall extend to officials and employees of the Osage Nation when acting within the scope of their duties and authority." I don't think that the ON Congress has ever waived sovereignty for the Osage News to sue independently the Chief or anyone else in the new government and it would be unwise to do so in the event that that they begin to go so off road that need to be slapped down. It is still an entity of the Osage Nation and I am absolutely certain of this representation. Even the intellectual property interests of the Osage News are wholly owned by the Osage Nation government and therefore bear the full legal responsibility for whatever it does. Agreed, it is a quasi-business, and someone correct me if I am wrong, but it is not fully and entirely independent as say the Osage, LLC is considered to be per its Articles of Incorporation. See article at
DeleteHard not to be cynical. But it seems we have a GOV. that is quasi. Yep, we see the conflict but the greater need should prevail. In other words if this law is open for interpretation and this goes without saying, as most laws are you would think the Judge would lean in that direction. This could set a terrible precedent. I don't want to speculate because you know what that means but this just is like a throw back into times of when Justice doesn't matter. A bad scratch has gotten it's infection and time time to eradicate the corrupt. See how special interest works at hand.
DeleteSee Whistle Blower Hotline Review Committee Meeting on August 7, 2013 for the determination of the validity of current Osage Nation Ethics Complaints at
ReplyDeleteany word on September payment?
ReplyDeleteNormally it would be announced around or near the 15th of this mo. Wow, Cobell should be coming shortly after sept. our sept. payment.
DeleteCobell... Is anyone else having to submit document after document, getting letter after letter that conflict about what is required to be provided as an heir only to fulfill the requirement/s and have still have the plan administrator's person on the phone keep trying to move the goal posts as to what is needed to qualify time and time again? To continually try and do rightful heirs out of the disbursement of the settlement by continually changing the requirements is fraud isn't it? They don't seem to have the basic understanding of the ways that one can will Indian property as handled by the Agency. If they aren't competent, shouldn't the court be advised of the fact?
DeleteLast I heard on Cobell was "late fall"
DeleteLate fall was going to be for the Land Consolidation. Fall starts in Sept. and they did say checks will be going out in the fall. As far as what Irritated Osage Heir get in touch with the probate dept. and be sure all documents that you are sending is return receipt that way you have stored your documents for record. And be sure to be talking to a super as well enlist all the help you can to rectify this situation. I had a difficult time just receiving the initial check and got the runaround but to be honest it's got to be a Zoo at GCG. And inform them you will be talking to class counsel to resolve this at will. Probate is sometimes arduous at best. And make sure your dates match with time scenarios as well. Call everyday and be that thorn until you get clarification. I did it nearly for two weeks straight until I got the answer I wanted.
DeleteI called yesterday to check up on things and again was told distribution for second Cobell payment would be in the late fall.
DeleteYeah if I had a dime every time they lied to me I would be broke. But we can hope it can come earlier as purported. Don't forget to check They are always posting updates. Yeah one day I called they gave a distribution amount and the next time I called it was a different amount. The left does not know the right and remember this is a call center GCG. Lol. You would think that they know who's who by now except with the exception of probate or for those they can't find or locate the funds would be equally shared between the scholarship fund and the Trust Administration class. Because any money that is not sort of speak left out or not absorb by the settlement will go back to the Fed. Gov.
DeleteOk has anyone heard the News Flintco employees were steeling from the Choctaws Casino Construction by double invoicing to the tune of 7 million dollars. This should have never happened if you had a highly trained accountant, and then again the Flintco did not list the positions of these employees either but I suspect one of them was authorizing the the Po's and the other was signing away. And a super might have been involved as well. This why you have more than one check signer and don't sign the dotted line till you know for sure what you are paying for. You can read the article at
ReplyDeleteHEADS UP! the ON Attorney General is to give an update on the 5-Man Board at the Governmental Operations Committee Meeting today, August 6, 2013, in the Osage Nation Congress Chambers from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.CDT.
ReplyDeleteAnd what was the outcome? Thanks
DeleteRead it and weep! The outcome is that the Feds have decided to pass on any prosecution so that leaves the ON AG to move forward with a substantial array of penalties that may include: 1 year in jail, a fine of $1,000 and restitution of the $814,000 if he can even get it. Does the word SKATE mean anything to anyone out there? There is still the possibility that the IRS may come after JDM for taxes on the all or a portion of that amount. ("That's how they got Al Capone.")
DeleteOne begs to ask and if I stand correctly then we are on our own and without sounding naive there is a reason the feds stepped back and you have to ask why? What are we missing or is the obvious staring us in the eye? I got the answer but if I say it would give the opposite what we are trying to do heads up. A Gov. early in it's recognition to the United States, a Nation is being watched closely.
DeleteI think there may be a problem with the evidence in the case as far as the Feds are concerned. Records weren't kept properly or something like that. I mean how complicated can getting records from the bank for the 5-Man Board account and the account of the man writing the checks? I fail to understand any of this at all.
DeleteI understand, more than you know, but anyhow I am as shocked as you are. The evidence and the admission alone that Joe Don made would have been enough? Time to hit restart with this Gov. I couldn't understand why it took so long for the FBI to get back to us. I'm brain stormin here. I have a few Idea's Who was to be watching the Five Man Board and how they utilized the funds? And what about the 2 yrs prior and other years? Where are the laws to protect against this type of Corruption and this goes probably deeper. I think what needs to happen is this coming up session we need to change and create stiffer fines and kick them out of the tribe and no more if they get a headright not no more. We need to stand our ground.
DeleteI think we need to call the BIA.
DeleteNew article>>’s-office-declines-prosecute-former-pawhuska-five-man-board-case
DeleteOwing to the fact that the BIA is supposed to be handling themselves from a legal responsibility associated with a trust obligation where the Villages are concerned, don't they have some obligation to look into the matter themselves and recommend a punitive course of action on their own? Does anyone know how this works or is supposed to work?
DeleteCall Frank Lucas and write a letter. This doesn't sound right at all. And just because we have a Gov. does not mean the Mineral Council shouldn't be looking into this matter as well. By and By the true Authority The "1906 Act" gives them the Power and as a MAJOR HEADRIGHTS OWNER they should be having a P.I. on this matter as well and should be snooping. Just because a faction decided we needed to be a Gov. and has cherry picked their way through this Document the 1906 Act does not mean their was not voter fruad from the start and into the second Chief. This needs to be exposed for what it is, has a Movie written all over it. It's a nightmare and we are living it. The People, the Osage, need to be picketing today. And we need to get the other side of this agle to Other Osages and develope communication and start getting the views of other Osages and not follow the Osage News and some of the most ridiculous Polls. How about asking if you are so independent of the Nation then ask the true and most elevated poll and ask real questions that will garner a real answer. Here's a example is "Every one happy with are Chief?" or " Would a Per-Cap help you trust your Gov. so that self-interest does not prevail even if it is 200 dollars a month?" Nah, "How about is everyone happy with lobbying?" How about should the "lobbyist be required to sign a register so All Osages are in the Know and advertised not a day before the law goes into effect?" These people wanted a Gov. for the people, the Osage then we want a Gov. of Republic and a Democracy and then we will have a true equal fight in all matters........Another poll question would be " Why did you Vote for our current Chief?" or another might be Are you happy that the "Chief believes in Nepotism" or " Do you believe that cronyism plagues or TRIBE" Nah can't see the Newspaper getting all the rewards when the facts always hasn't been purported and when you read the Bartlesville Newspaper they don't hold back. Who's working for the real Native Voice. C'mon lets be example of not what to do and do something. I'm going to organize a Flyer to be sent out to all Osages.
DeleteRead the article in the Osage News about the continuing response from our Chief regarding the allegations against him and all he can say is they are rumors? Really do you think the AG is going to charge someone with based on trumped up rumors? And then he has the Gall to say with no Accountability. This is what happens when someone is given to much power. Such blatant denial. To say this has tarnished the Osage is he's the black mold of what is wrong with our Executive Dept. and the Nepotism that exists. Cronyism is history of the past and the greater need will prevail with or without him and the likes of him. Shame on him. He put himself in this position now suck it up...Does he think some of us was born off a turnip truck. For the people, of the people and by the people and the oath you took has hypocrasy written all over your face. We will we will rock you. Once he is gone once and for all then can we see a change for our People and bring Pride and Joy....and ethics to the table.
ReplyDeleteAnd the more I think about it his daughter knew where the extra money was coming from and thought that they would not get caught as the Chief and now we understand the plot thickens. Nah Chief you brought shame to the Osage Tribe and you thought you wouldn't get caught with your hand in the cookie jar. lol. Just cough up the money and oh I was going to pay it back. Really.
DeleteRight. Rumor and innuendo sounds like lawyer disinformation talk to me for certain.
DeleteThe Osage News vs the Chief lawsuit has been postponed to August 14, 2013. See
ReplyDeleteIf it is what I am suspect of, then we lose but the flip side of the coin,I just believe more incriminating evidence is involved here and might just lead to a long trail of corruption. I just don't know how we can hold the Gov. with the HPP case accountable and yet we can't get the five man board prosecuted by the FBI for extortion, embezzlement, mail fraud you name it. I don't think this show and pony is over because 2 and 2 are not adding up. And I hope this is not some attempt of some political posturing. I just have to say anyone that has anything to do with this Chief say goodbye once and for all, once he is outsted and do not think your going to get this Independent my vote. You all are to represent the People not the Chief and what a failure by grandios. Chief we got your number, in other words in the real world we've seen your kind.
DeleteWhat the hell? So the ON court is going to buy into the run out of time strategy? This is not good at all.
DeleteThat is dusgusting.
DeleteDid you really think the whole thing wasn't rigged?
DeleteMore on the continuance:
DeleteThe plot thickens. I can only surmise that they know that they are in deep sht. and if they don't think that they don't smell to high kingdom come they are full of it. Ah, to smh yes this has been going on since the investigation of the 5 man board by the FBI in Dec. of 2012 ultimately lead to other acts of impropriety to be exposed as well. Bar none these charges either way should have been filed in tandum and a scoi should have been formed a long time ago. I can go into socialism but do the homework then your eyes will open up to the disquise. You just can't make this stuff up. I'ts pretty black and white. I don't want a cover up either. So it is evident we must take charge if this Congress does not get it right. We want a pitcher not clearly a belly itcher. And maybe the SOI should be notified as well.
DeleteThis just in everyone go to Ray Mclain's sight. At Patricis Sperrier Bright filed an heated e-mail to inform all that a few select people named went on behalf of the producers to Washington to lobby for them and not in executive session or was approved or on the behalf of the shareholders. This is just insane and to be honest with you I'm getting tired of Cynthia and her excuses. I for one if these members are to be removed I for one am first in line to fill any vacancy. And I am for one to support this motion. Thank you Ray for the update. Read. So telling
ReplyDeleteIMPORTANT UPDATE: Congressional Select Committee of Inquiry Meeting (SCOI):
ReplyDeleteOsage Nation Congress Chambers
August 19, 2013
11:00 a.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Prayer
4. Election of Officers
5. Executive Session - Personnel
6. Motions and Notices
7. Recess
2:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Executive Session - Personnel
3. Motions and Notices
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Congressional Office at (918) 287-5543 or my office directly at (918) 287-5689.
Barbara Rice
DeleteClerk of the Congress
918-287-5689 (work)
To: Osageblogger Thank you for all your dedicated effort to getting to the truth and getting the word out as fast as you can......