Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Osage Shareholder Matters--June 2021-December 2022

Post your comments, questions, information and concerns for Osage Shareholders here.


The Mineral Council website at the Osage Nation is located at

NEW! The Mineral Council Website is located at

The Minerals Council NEW! Facebook page is located at

Cobell Updates are at located at
To listen to the Mineral Council Meetings online go to
Oil Market Tracking Website:
The Osage Negotiated Rulemaking Committee information is located at

OPEN Disclosure: The Osage Blog is not affiliated in any way with the Osage News, the official newspaper of the Osage Nation or the Osage Nation Government including any of its instrumentalities or affiliates.

For those who are here to post anonymously on the Osage Shareholder issues of the day, we welcome your comments.

We utilize cookies in order to optimize the website, to provide the best experience to our users and to improve their navigation. By using our website, navigating further in the site or closing this window, you accept the cookie policy of Google who is the progenitor of this Blogspot Blog.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Conversation--June 2019-December 2022

You have a voice.  Let it be heard.  It's important for the future development of our new government that the officials we elect hear from us. You know what to do...

OPEN Disclosure: The Osage Blog is not affiliated in any way with the Osage News, the official newspaper of the Osage Nation or the Osage Nation Government including any of its instrumentalities or affiliates.

WHISTLE BLOWER HOTLINE Phone (918) 287-3107 Toll Free (855) 495-0373.

For those who are here to post anonymously on the Osage issues of the day, we welcome your comments.

We utilize cookies in order to optimize the website, to provide the best experience to our users and to improve their navigation. By using our website, navigating further in the site or closing this window, you accept the cookie policy of Google who is the progenitor of this Blogspot Blog. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Conversation--November 2018-May 2019

This thread is now closed. Go to:

Welcome to the Osage Blog!

Where the Osage Discussions left off, let the new Osage Blog begin. We're here to keep the Osage Nation government honest, to protect the Shareholders and give a voice to the members of the Osage Tribal community. Let us know what you think about what is happening and why.

OPEN Disclosure: The Osage Blog is not affiliated in any way with the Osage News, the official newspaper of the Osage Nation or the Osage Nation Government including any of its instrumentalities or affiliates.

We utilize cookies in order to optimize the website, to provide the best experience to our users and to improve their navigation. By using our web site, navigating further in the site or closing this window, you accept the cookie policy of Google who is the progenitor of this Blogspot Blog.

We wish to clarify that this is not the personal blog of just one person or persons because it has been set up as an online communication center in service to all Osages so that we have a place to find out information about what is going on with other Osages around the country, in Osage County and to share our views about what is happening on a daily basis with the new Osage Nation government and its various divisions or entities.

We're FIVE YEARS OLD TODAY, June 18th, 2018! A BIG THANKS to all of you who are making the Osage Blog an active communication tool for Osages all over the world. Thanks to your participation, we can now report that the Osage Blog has the number one (#1) listing on Google and Bing! We have had 14,418 total published comments in the last FIVE years registered on 94 main blog posts. Our statistics are as follows:

Page views all time history: 342,925.

Thanks again Osages and keep on Bloggin'...

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Archive #45: Osage Shareholder Matters--January-February 2018

This thread is now closed. Go to: