Saturday, June 20, 2015

Conversation--June-July-August 2015

Osage Blog Conversation continues at


  1. News of the next lawsuit filed against the Osage, LLC at

    1. I was surprised by the article to be honest the text where it said I found perplexing was ,the statue of limitations is almost up, Really? In a round about way I got the feeling the Nation had missed something? And we know what it is about why not say what when and where?

    2. During the commerce committee session on 6/9 it was stated the first lawsuit was filed because "the statute of limitations was running out in June." Also, it was said "some claims were already gone and out the door." The next lawsuit is being filed soon because the statute of limitations expires in the middle of July.

      The lawsuits are being filed in an Oklahoma court, so OS 12§95 must govern. For fraud, the statue of limitation is two years after discovery. A previous article stated Amanda Proctor had difficulty getting access to some records. Depending on what is in those records, it may be the horse left the corral more than two years ago on several pending matters.

      The second case to be filed must involve Osage Manhattan Builders, as it was mentioned and the need for the gaming board to participate in executive session. This private discussion was to reveal to the commerce committee what OMB actually is. We'll have to wait and see when the lawsuit is filed.

    3. I just want to clarify; the statue of limitations begins running after you find out you've been harmed. So if five years later, you find out that you've been harmed in some document that is proof of the fact, the clock starts running right then and there and goes for two years from that point onward for a total of seven years altogether from the time that actual harm took place. Yes? When is the Board, stipulated as "management" of the Osage, LLC., going to be taken to the woodshed too?

    4. I second that.when is the Board going to be held accountable?


    6. Unfortunately, the Osage Nation courts do not have jurisdiction over several of the parties to claims made or pending. The first lawsuit argues to establish venue in an Oklahoma court, and makes claims for violations of Oklahoma laws. Granted, the board members who are Native American could be brought before an Osage Nation court to answer. However, even these individuals could claim that an Osage Nation court is an improper venue because the alleged wrongs were committed outside the jurisdiction of the Osage Nation. The chief and/or the commerce committee should have taken action to remove board members unwilling to comply with the operating agreements and operate the tribally owned and organized businesses upon Osage Nation lands. It isn't like the complications weren't foreseen - there were multiple directives to return to the reservation.

    7. Well then, why aren't the Chief/s, the Asst. Chief/s and the members of the Congress who continued to vote for legislation and sign legislation to give the OLLC money being held responsible when they knew that the operating agreements were being violated in spite of the multiple directives given out but STILL continued with such irresponsible funding? They placed this money at risk and should be held just as culpable as the all of the rest of them involved. When we hold them responsible for the spending they make and they begin to see negative consequences for what they've done, they will stop acting like money drunks with our Tribal revenue and start taking what they are doing very seriously.

    8. Right on now someone is talking the say you all are accountable...

    9. Anything that OLLC Board had management control over also has to do with everything they went along with no matter where it happened. Your logic is like saying that the Board knew of capital murder having taken place in American Samoa by the CEO of an Osage Nation owned LLC and did nothing whatsoever to bring the perpetrator to justice, therefore the Osage Nation Courts are an improper venue in-with-which to seek justice for the wrongdoing of the Board members who knew and said nothing and did nothing about it. Any argument can be made before a court but that doesn't mean it will be successful in the Osage Nation Court when $18,000,000 of the Osage people's money has been lost under what is becoming more and more clearly, odious and nefarious circumstances. Is our Osage Court capable of setting up and convening a Grand Jury and a Grand Jury hearing process under the Osage Nation Constitution? I'm sure it is and wouldn't it be negligent of the Osage Nation Judicial Branch not to so with this much money at stake and this many responsible parties involved in what took place all along the line in order for this much capital to be lost?

    10. Jurisdiction over a matter depends specifically on where the act is committed. For example, a person cannot be brought before a court of New York for a wrongful act under the laws of New York if the act was committed in Texas.

      On some occasions the OLLC board made communications with the commerce committee in Pawhuska, so any wrongful acts committed during those meetings or stemming therefrom could be brought before an Osage Nation court. However, most actions were taken under the jurisdiction of Oklahoma at the company's offices in Tulsa.

      The SCOTUS ruling in its Oliphant decision also limits the ability of tribal courts to take actions against non-Indians. Even the ability of tribal police to enforce tribal laws off reservation is by willing consent of the governed, and in Oklahoma subject to a tripartite cross deputization agreement among the tribe, the State of Oklahoma, and the federal government.

      The operation of OLLC and its subsidiaries outside the jurisdiction of the Osage Nation has created a very complex problem.

    11. there were several congressmen notified of possible wrong doing and lack of propper paper work showing partnerships with companies that had been sold to 3 tribes prior to any appropriations in early 2011. Yet no one would believe that such "Bad Buisness" could take place in the Osage, this gentleman settled out of court with these 3 tribes selling the same companies that were sold to them to the Osage. The current Chief was notified along with then Congressman Simms and partially to Congressman Supernaw. Congressman Redcorn, Congresswoman Edwards continued to protect the LLC by making motions to continue to fund the LLC even thopugh there was a little talk among cngress that something just did'nt seem righjt. I know that the former Assistant Chief uncovered alot of descrepencies (which was shared with congress)and was callled names and cursed at by board members for being to nosey. So the way this case is being handled is to go after the CEO and no harm or foul to any Board members or Congressmen and Congresswomen. Most of these elected officals hold high elected positions within the Tribe ..... It was also discovered that the LLC was addressed at 615 Kihekah in Pawhuska for Sov. Immunity yet the LLC was allowed to change address to a Tulsa adress.

    12. NOT! If the members of the Osage Congress and the Chief and Assistant Chief knew or suspected anything wrong, it was up to them to take it to the AG and file a complaint to have it investigated. Prior to the AG being around, they should have filed a case with the investigator that had been appointed by law and he should have taken it to the lower court trial judge for a determination. The OLLC has a managing board of directors and they are called out as such with that responsibility in the governing documents. If they called the Assistant Chief names and cursed at him for pursuing his civic duty then they MUST be called into Court too, as well, for obstruction and criminal neglect of managerial duties and responsibilities leading to this massive loss of public funds. You're the third source I know of who has come forward with the information that Kugee knew about Carol Leese and the companies he was dealing with from the very beginning when he was hired on to run OLLC.

  2. This is Fabulous! See the list of graduates at

  3. See grand tour of the new Pawhuska Arbor at

    1. This will be the inaugural In-Lon-Schka weekend of the new Pawhuska Arbor and a historic event in the Osage.

  4. This is an IMPORTANT SURVEY for the Osage Nation Members. Please take the time to fill it out and send it in online right away:

    1. Article --->>>

  5. Important information on flyer:

  6. A new Special Session of the ON Congress has been called by the Chief to take place on July 13, 2015. New legislation calls for another Boards and Commissions appropriation amendment that is on the Agenda. The Osage Nation Energy Services, LLC is a Board and an appropriation of millions could be forthcoming. This Board needs to be under the umbrella of the Minerals Agency and Management of the Minerals Council if it has anything to do with the Osage Mineral Estate as per the Osage Nation Constitution, Article XV, Section 4, Paragraph 3. If the Chief tries an end-run around the Constitution on this issue with the ONES, LLC, we need to be prepared to file complaints to the AG against the Chief, Asst. Chief and any member of Congress who votes for this spending until the proper organization per the Osage Contitution has been established for the ONES. LLC. The legislation hasn't been released yet but when it is, we need to be on it. In addition, there are appropriation bills for direct services to the Osage people that have effective dates in October of 2015. Is this some sort of end-run too? If they have gone beyond the projected revenue prohibition in Article VI, Section 23, in fiscal year during 2015 until the Fall Budgeting Regular Session, then we also need to be prepared to file complaints against the members of the Osage Congress with the AG for having done so. We may have to file against the Chief and Asst. Chief too, to stop them from spending every dime we've got and more, especially since all Osage Nation revenue will likely spiral downward after the new CFRs are put place. This time we have to act and not sit back and wait for all this spending to continue. I don't think for a split second that the 2016 fiscal year projected revenue amount will actually be realized and come in anywhere near $43,775,000. This figure is questionably speculative at best and I would like to see an "official document" that lists all the actual revenue coming in on a monthly basis that the Osage Nation made for all of 2014 up to May of 2015.

    1. Time to start posting the numbers Chief...

    2. I agree and feel the projected revenue for the fiscal year 2016 is a bit optimistic. What is going to happen to those that have dropped their supplemental medicare insurance in favor of the program offered by the Nation and there isn't enough money in the budget to continue to finance it ?

    3. A bit? You think?

    4. Interesting discussions here

    5. Not on facebook and like to have a place to go where I don't have to join up and make my own page and what a hassle then have my every move monitored by that outfit. Plenty interesting here.

    6. Oh Steven, go listen to some Jane Monheit and chill out will ya? !!!!!!!!

  7. "One policy rider in the bill affects contract support costs at the IHS and the BIA. These funds are used to cover the additional costs for tribes that enter into self-determination contracts to run federal programs." Now may not be the time to compact IHS as the funding won't be there to help get it on its feet and to manage it. See White House threatens veto of funding bill for Indian programs at

    1. I thought the very same thing...after I had read the article. What a mess. It is commen knowledge that this Agency IHS is so underfunded so what is the problem?

    2. IHS is funded at 60-70 percent of need. The government thinks the rest of the budget will be made up by third party billing, ex. Private insurance holders, Medicaid, Medicare. Does anyone with private health insurance go to an IHS clinic for their health care? I have a choice and certainly wouldn't choose IHS, and really wouldn't choose the clinic if the Osages are running it. They can't manage the WIC program.

    3. Well, too late now. Congressman Ron Shaw has submitted a bill today, to compact Osage Nation health care, for the upcoming Special Session on July 13, 2015.

  8. Legal actions filed in Federal Court in Tulsa: See

  9. How many millions will this cost the Osage people? The Chief is out spending again when he should be putting the Osage people and direct servies to them first. Have the Foundation restore this building and have them raise the money to do it instead of eating up valuable capital while they do nothing but take up space... Hominy Roundhouse to be restored

  10. Exporting the Culture and this is GOOD:
    Learning to Dance a Thousand Miles Away at
    Episode 1 - June Dances with Vann Bighorse and John Shaw at

    1. Osage Longhouses:

    2. Language Immersion Classes SOON:

  11. Osage Nation Constituent Services information audio broadcast with Jacque Jones at

  12. Dr. Joe Conner is having an Osage Prayer Sunrise Service on the 8th in the middle of the Osage wind farm. Meet at highway 60 and the turnoff at highway 18 to Burbank at 6 a.m.

  13. Casinos over budget $30M --
    NO! It can't be true!

    1. Ah like I said where and who and everyone needs to be fired including the last vendor should never be used and since when is bidding a secret this is pyblic information I want to know who is screwing the Osages and if I heard it all Kugee and Buffalohead...we need to check the check and balances really...who just goes on ones word. You don't do that with the MILLIONS overspent...I hold you all including the Chief. This is corruption at its best...time for that PER-CAP and a rewrite of the OSAGE CONSTITUTION.

  14. Osageblogger....I am trying to follow your comment about the tribe taking over Federal programs and if the IHS ( Indian Health Service? ) is compacted there might not be enough money to run it? Are we talking or including the Medicare Supplement the tribe is offering, is that through IHS ? I am still nervous about dropping the supplement that I have if I sign up for the tribal supplement. If there is a question about funding this program in the future especially with the concerns about drilling in the Osage and loss of jobs and directional spending at the casinos. Appreciate your take on this.

    1. IHS doesn't have anything to do with the new Medicare Supplement right now. It's a program that is exclusively funded for the Osage Seniors over 65 years old by the Osage Nation with Tribal funding. I don't believe that they have a Federal match of funds for the program as of yet or if ever. In the upcoming session on July 13, 2015 I believe they are going to fund this program to the end of the year. I'm not certain if this is to the end of the fiscal year ending in September 2015 or if it's to the actual end of the year in December 2015. We will have to see what the legislation looks like when it comes through. Mother (Annette M. Gore) is going with this program but there are some concerns with her as well. I am hoping that they will be funding this program as a first priority in spending through the end of the fiscal year 2016. We will know for sure by the end of the next Regular Session in September. This is an important "Direct Services" program for the Osage Elders, no matter where they live and it deserves top spending priority. I hope my answer helps.

    2. osageblogger....Thanks for the reply. Still on the fence as to drop the supplemental I have through my husbands medical plan. As mentioned earlier if I drop what I have and he dies, which may ? be in the next two years I can't go back to it if the Osage supplemental runs out of funds. Guess there are no guaranty's but I may wait and see how things shake out with the oil business in the Osage. Less drilling and less pumping will most certainly mean less employment and less spent in the casino's where this funding will be coming from. Having said that I agree that it deserves top spending priority once it gets started. I would hate to see it dropped and the seniors left in a bind especially when we finance so many boards and salaries!! Some of those I don't see any direct benefit to the people other than those sitting on the boards and commissions.

    3. Can't argue with your analysis of the boards, commissions, and salaries when too many never answer the phone. Kudos to the Minerals Council Office where they always pick up the phone.

    4. Stay with your Husbands Ins.

  15. The update to the commerce committee about the OLLC lawsuits was interested. It sounded like they're playing a game of poker and the attorney is holding a hand full of cards from an Old Maid deck. The cases are weak due to OLLC's poor records and they think the parties being sued will give them what they need when deposed. Like that'll happen. I guess it'll all come down to whether their hand containing a Dancing Bear, a Trained Seal, a Laughing Lion, a Happy Clown and a Jolly Juggler can beat a straight flush.

    1. See

    2. If you listen to the available recordings where OLLC board members report to the commerce committee, there is a lot of talk about oversight, sound policies and procedures, and transparency. The contracts awarded to OPDG certainly wouldn't have been made if the facts of the company were made known in the proposal. What sane person would award a contract for architectural and construction services to a company that does not have an architect on staff, no construction personnel on staff, and no qualifications in that area?

      Disclosures to the commerce committee have represented the staff of Pinnacle Design Group as OPDG employees, but they aren't and never have been. OPDG represents to the government that it has one (1) employee and revenues of $64,000 for 2014. If they are representing the qualifications and past performance of PDG as that of OPDG then they are defrauding the federal government.

      The annual report certainly paints a rosy picture for "profits" on jobs by a company which doesn't cover costs. If OPDG is simply a front for OPDG in order to rake a little money off the top and call it "profit" without accounting for cost of the General Manager's salary and business expenses then the enterprise board is defrauding the Osage Nation.

      The way I count profit is to take the total revenue and subtract all expenses. But then, what do I know? I'm not one of the Wile E. Coyote super genius accountants and business moguls on the enterprise board who've figured out a new method of calculating "profit".

      Perhaps they should focus on the current problems with OLLC and its subsidiaries instead of throwing good money after bad on lawsuits where the attorneys they've engaged are the only ones who'll come out ahead.

    3. Nonsense. You don't ignore fraud. That's been the main problem with the new government all along. The whole thing was set up from the beginning to look like it was putting Osages to work with laws that have little if any penalties unless you're looking at that Osage Nation election law that has so many penalties for those who try to run for office it's like trying face down a rabid mastiff with yellow drool dripping from its barred teeth. Not even one of the attorneys who ran in the last election could keep up with it.
      500-600 employees later, with huge salaries and entitlement merit bonues for them when you can't even get them on the phone or have them call you back when you leave a message, it has become a thinly disguised "institutional" method of divvying up the lions share of gaming proceeds and other income that come into the Osage Nation Treasury and handing it out to Osages who live in Osage County or nearby which the last Chief said where stealing time from the Osage Nation by roughly two hundred employees.
      We still have no judicial ruling on where we are with the embezzlement of Joe Don Mashunkashey in the Pawhuska Village though that's been ongoing now for years. This is trust property and if it continues, eventually it will involve the Federal Government though they declined to get involved initially but they will if the Osage Nation government doesn't clean things up and hold Osages accountable and make them pay for the wrong they do. Now we find out that things are not as they should have been with the Osage, LLC and Carol Leese, DUH!, with over $18 million lost and unaccounted for and no one wants to look at the OLLC Board or the Congress and Chiefs who gave them all that money to lose. If you have laws and people keep breaking them, with or without penalties written in, you eventually begin building a government full of ciminals and what you have is a criminal organization on the order of it becoming a perennial racket. The definition of racketeering is, "A pattern of illegal activity carried out as part of an enterprise that is owned or controlled by those who are engaged in the illegal activity." At some point, the Federal Laws may come to apply on obtaining government contracts falsely and it may well be, if this new government doesn't clean up the mess that's been made from the very beginning, the RICO laws may eventually apply. You have a Chief who is a lawyer now and there is no excuse whatsoever. Outside of the auspices of the Osage Nation, he is an officer of the Court and must pursue wrongdoing in any government or business operation that he is a part of as an elected official or risk the penalties under the law himself. Federal law trumps Tribal law and he knows that a whole lot better than any of the rest of us.

    4. It appears they are ignoring fraud. Instead of pursuing it as a criminal matter, they're moving ahead with civil lawsuits based on, as stated for public record, are insufficient as evidence to prove that a fraud was committed. Also, the attorney briefing the commerce committee was unaware of how business is conducted by the enterprise board and by the commerce committee. He was unaware of the recorded minutes maintained by both groups, and the impact that these and other communications may have on the statute of limitations.

      There are on-going matters of fraud which can - and should - be addressed. Then there are those where they're throwing good money after bad where the cases are too weak to win.

    5. To that, to the above stsatments I concur...all under the Auspices word "Sovereignty ". What we are seeing is huge fruad going on..most of us who live away from the "Reservation ", know that there is no work back home. And you are right if the Chief fails to represents because he is an Officer of the Court and fails to hold accountable then the only Alternative is to relieve him of his Duty and at this point I'm not liking what I am seeing..30000000 + 20000000 = 50000000. This is huge money. Who is getting paid off? Our boards are looking like idiots along with our Congressional body. The excuses I am hereing will not fly anymore..especially after the Last Chief who I will not mention his name was not an honorable man and our current is looking worse everyday...along with Redcorn.


    7. There is an error in the article. Osage LLC did not invest in National Holdings Corporation, nor is it defunct. OLLC actually invested in Equity Station, which was a subsidiary of National Holdings Corp. Before the attorneys drag this one into court, they should take a very close look at which entity was operating vs. which one was registered with SIPC / FINRA. Regardless of how bad this deal may appear from the outside looking in, there are other significant factors about the relationship between the companies and operations under OLLC which will make this case next to impossible to win.

      National Holdings Corp. website:

    8. That's what I'm saying. Go after the people in the Osage Nation government, past and present, who gave O/LLC the money and those who had the management responsibility for it. There is negligence scattered all over the place like a front lawn that has been TPed!!!!!!!!!

    9. Lol, but you are right...We need to do the diligence now, Chief this is incumbent of an officer of the Court. All Osages are watching you.

    10. Last update on the "Village 4" --->>> When are we going to get a Slip Opinion? It's been more than FIVE MONTHS since this article was written. Has the Osage Supreme Court slipped town? What are we paying these people for in the Judicial anyway? When are we going to get an official update?

    11. Trying to make thia an ordinance issue, really? By proven fact alone if the Village did not follow under the Law of the Nation pay for the Arbor, Pawhuska? Time to band those who commit serious crimes such as stealing from your own people. Liens on their assets as well. Yes. Has this been done? It's done all the time..also they can no longer hold a title and so they are not above the Law...and one has to ask again can the arguement be asked this is what we know about, what was lost to the past? And most importantly how was the money spent? Was this repetitive behavior? And of course, they are going to appeal to the Supreme Court..only that they will agree with the lower Court. Thus money was not for personal use..and as a collective body misused the funds..and they had known they would get caught with there hand in the cookie jar, and thought plan B would save them on a technicality.

  16. If the shoe fits... See In Last Minute Move, IRS Spares Small Employers Big Obamacare Penalties For 2014 at

  17. For the Osage tweens and teens, see

  18. Powwow in Colorado Springs, CO on July 18th:

  19. 7th Special Session of the Congress has started today. See
    Beautiful video of the Session is available at

    1. The Chief is on fire with his speech, in part, directed at certain members of the Osage Nation Congress today in the new Congressional special session as to the Osage, LLC., "Today is PAYDAY!" GO Chief. "Give 'em hell, Geoffrey!" Well done. Outstanding. I loved it!

    2. See

    3. Sannon edwerds smiled when he said it Jech was chewwing gum Kuggee showed up in a Hawaaian shirt. Chief was grrandstandingg probably

    4. Your cost of living is not in alignment with the wage increase. Compared to the rest of the does not matter that the Congress kept funding the Osage LLC you were Chief still apart, complicit whether you like it or not...everything is always after the fact, where are the recommendation or remedies to prevent this from happening, again, ah the finger is pointing what is Congress's reply all say ye?

    5. There is no kudos to the Chief are you kidding..he should be speaking directly to the Constituency. As far as I am concerned our Congress gets an F..

    6. Reprint from Osage for Fiscal Responsibility Facebook web page:
      We are asking everyone who reads this to contact the Osage Congress and let them know you support the search for Truth and Justice in this matter and ask them to vote for ONCA 15-64. Please feel free to copy and post the message below, or write your own message seeking Truth and Justice and email it to them.
      Dear Congress Member,
      I am respectfully asking you to vote for ONCA 15-64 and fully fund the search for Truth and Justice for the Osage people in the investigation of the Osage LLC and the prosecution of any individuals who are found to be involved in wrong doing.
      Jim Ryan Osage,,,,,,,,,,,

    7. I agree with tracking down and prosecuting any and all wrong doing with regard to the LLC fiasco, same applies to the $30,000,000.00 overrun on the casinos. I would like some information about it though.

      Is there any feeling about what prosecution of these cases is going to cost? I've heard to Shield Law alone $600,000 to $1,500,000 and outlandish claims even higher that I'm having trouble believing.

      Are we paying the fair market rate to investigate and file against these wrong doings?

      Is there any feeling for what rate of success in prosecution we may expect? How many cases are solid, how many is it a less than optimistic outlook.

      What is the total amount that was lost, stolen or wasted (all three categories)? I've heard everything from $2,000,000.00 to $20,000,000.00. I tend to think it's at the larger end of that spectrum.

      Is the $30,000,000.00 overrun on the casinos going to be a part of this investigation since the builder was also an Osage LLC?

      Most importantly, what if anything has been put in place to safeguard against such waste, idiocy and theft in the future? Are we even having those conversations?

    8. Right you are asking the right questions in fact thd Loss will be greater to do something, right. 20,000000. Weknow about right, 30,000000 we know about, the five man board we know about 800,000 is missing right? There is more corruption in Indian Counrty because Indian Country knows this and is ripe for the Taking, because the laws and policies are not there to protect and or are falling on death ears because everbody know everybody and does not want to face the Consequences. After seeing how the last Chief relied so much on others to promote thier longer will the norm be the exception to the rule incompetence be the Norm..Stugy the Osage Tribe as I have and go back to when the colonial influence happened, how the BIA was formulated, there is a pattern of deception not our Culture, in as much it is being used like the word Sovereign ro promote ones cannot make this up..and as I will reiterate our elders never meant a Government for the Government. Just an opinion and observation.

    9. The actual builder on the two casino projects was Manhattan Construction Group, which at one point did business under the name Manhattan Builders as a division. If you listen to Jim Parris' report to the Commerce and Economic Development Committee then you'll hear that Manhattan Construction even maintains the financial records. Osage Manhattan Builders is little more than a fiction, existing entirely on paper.

      The four cases which the committee has discussed pursuing are: 1) New Market Technology Fund (aka. TeraDact Solutions); 2) Equity Station (aka. vFinance and/or National Holdings Corp.); 3) American Video and Security (aka. Osage AVS); and Echota Technologies Corporation (aka. Osage Echota). I've listened to discussions about the $30M cost overruns, but nothing has been mentioned about a claim of damages or filing suit for recovery.

    10. Exactly why? Back then, I had researched the Osage Manhattan Builders and funny thing, red flags went up, web site was telling, so sub par is probably not the best word to describe it as it wrecked of corruption..and back then it was also said they met the criteria for out bidding any and other competitors. Laws were broken and we do not exspect a slap on the wrist.Who was the loudest supporter? Everyone is on the hook, from the Office of Commerce and Economic to the Chief as well as the Boards as well as Congress needs to address this with the constituency. This is going down in our History you just can't make this up and some one has the gull to say our Nation is smart. LOL..long live the 1906 Act as amended. Truth in those words should the ON Government forget.

    11. This is a Junior attorney who wants $100,000? Come on now. Drop that to $25,000 please and start from there. If an attorney sees a number appropriated from a Tribal government anywhere in the Americas, they will come up with billing to justify it. Why do we always have to shoot for the moon when we go to fund actions in court? Crazy spending here again.

    12. $250,000 set aside so far? WTH?

    13. You should feel bad C. Mason. Did you ever vote against any of the funding for the Osage, LLC? Like the Chief said, get out your checkbook and dig deep to make restitution to the Osage Nation for your lack of even so much as a shred of intelligent judgement.

    14. Personally this is for show and tell but the of the matter, what do you expect the out come to be. Everyone is "Complicit " by some degree.? Fraud no doubt, but surly you see how deep the cronyism is BTW Hoping a different outcome. Where was plan "B"? Now all of a sudden oopsie poopsie lets cross are legs and hope a better outcome in prosecution but yet we do not see restitution? This is pathetic and those responsible in our Government must be held accountable or be as Guilty by omission of the truth makes you no better than the criminal themselves. And the oath you took in office means nothing to The Osage. Long live our 1906 Act here for the truth today.

    15. I pretty much agree with what the poster at July 14, 2015 at 12:01 PM. All employees of the Osage Nation should have to take and swear an oath to the Osage Nation government that says that if they break the laws of the Osage Nation or engage in any criminal activity while in the employ of the Osage Nation, that they agree to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of Osage Nation law and to the penalties attached if they are convicted and that includes everyone who receives a paycheck from the Osage Nation government be they elected officials or otherwise.

    16. The Osage Nation Criminal Activities Oath? I like it! Youre going to have to find a member of Congress to act as a sponsor for it. Run it by Shannon Edwards, she's the only "legal beagle" they still have left in the Osage Nation Congress.

    17. I just read ONCA 15-64 which provides $100,000 toward funding the actions to be brought on OLLC matters along with $1,276,140 for general operations of the AG's office. There are two things I'd like to point out:

      1. The $100,000 of moving forward with OLLC related cases is a small down payment. The total estimate is far larger, and actual costs will likely run higher. In the event that the defendants prevail, they will be eligible to recover attorneys fees and related expenses and the total cost to the ON will skyrocket.

      2. The budget included in the bill reveals double dipping on accounting of indirect costs. The indirect costs pool includes such things as Employee Benefits, Payroll Taxes, Travel, Operations Expense, Conferences / Special Events / Meetings, Rental and Equipment Maintenance, Occupancy, and similar expenses which cannot be identified to a specific direct cost objective. These costs are separately accounted for, and then there is a line item of $121,240 for Indirect Cost.

      If the negotiated indirect rate with the federal government will only provide for (x) and (y) is spent, then the ON could have to repay (y - x) after a federal audit.

    18. #1 As I recall, they said EXACTLY the same thing about moving forward with the removal of Chief Red Eagle. What was the great benefit there? Our children could see that we won't tolerate those who are in violation of our laws who hold elected office. What does ONCA 15-64 say to our children? We won't tolerate people who cheat and who steal from us. There is no such thing as good money after bad where these lessons are concerned so that an example is set out as a warning to everyone who may try to repeat such behavior.

    19. Live with in the confinement of our Laws Congress! Or shut you down!

    20. Congress approves $100,000 for Osage LLC litigation expenses --->>>

    21. Chief has reported that he signed the bill to fund the litigation expense to go after the men at the Osage, LLC! Good for you, Chief. Outstanding !!!

    22. Five of the eight Osage Mineral Council members were found guilty today in the Osage trial court of violations of the nation's ethics laws. Everett Waller, Cynthia Boone, Stephanie Erwin, Joe Cheshewalla and Kathryn Red Corn were found guilty of failing to file documents concerning receipt of gifts during 2013. Their lawyer (the council's lawyer) said the decision will be appealed to the Osage Nation Supreme Court.

    23. For a dang blanket they all got when they were elected and they let those Pawhuska Village Board men run off with $806,000? You've got a sick and twisted tribal court system, you know that?

    24. Youre not a kiddin'

  20. The Second Special Session Day has begun and is online now.

    1. Good Congressional Special Session today and great news for the Osage Nation members as all of the Direct Services Bills on the Agenda passed for 2016 funding across the board! Outstanding! This legislation includes the Burial Fund, Health and Education.

    2. P.S. If you've been a hold out on the Senior Medicare Plan "F," you are covered and funded by the ON Congress through FY 2016 as of today's Special Session.

    3. Plus, for all of those who are interested in or have been curious about what Indirect Costs are as a line item in the Budgets and the Indirect Cost Rate, Congress had a lengthy discussion about it in the Committee of the Whole open discussion during session today that was well worth watching and listening to at

    4. Today's SS Agenda for the remaining Congressional Committee Meetings is at

  21. So as opposed to telling the truth about our Casinos, I was just informed by someone the economy is not as robust and the excuse that they are modifying the budget to meet the buget guidelines is a farce...They just don't want you to know how bad it is going to get...and did I not say a year ago or less that this was going to happen...still want your Per-cap before the Osage Nation squnders your money on whos steeling from who game?

    1. Amazing how the Osage is beginning to come out with the truth. Not their Government but the people who work for them are coming out of the wood works one at a time. The truth never lies...


    3. If that's the case, why are they raising the salary rate for everyone who works for the Osage Nation, including the Casino employees to $11.50 an hour except, I think, for those who need it the most who work in the casino that get tips. Are we having a mass exodus away from the Osage Casinos because of the new BIA CFRs? I just heard recently that the Osages are being shunned openly now where ever they go in town. I knew there would be a push back factor and it's already beginning to unfold. Did the BIA figure in the human aspect of the burden of these regulations when they came up with this onslaught of new regulations? I seriously doubt it.

    4. Government Bloat and spending.mirroring the U.S. The CFR's have nothing to do with the economy flat lining.and inflation is here..not so much in your area because the area is depressed and the fact that watching the World Markets.combined with the Donelson case.just very bad timing. What is going on with our Government, look at the waist and loss of money..everyone has blinders to the tune of millions..who said that we need to be more diligent to not let what happened with the OLLC in Congress? Really? And the truth of the matter is our Congress for all intense purposes are going on face value, as opposed to be looking out for the Voter the very oath they took to uhold the Laws of our Constitution. You have Osages that are earning way above the income level for the Area..all you have to do is go to one of the Politicians homes for the Holidays and look in their back yard to know and see for yourself..our Government is for all intense is going to burn out..just look at the programs, the waste, the spending..its not pretty..they can post what ever they want in the Osage News, what they will not say what everyone else is saying, This is not what kind og Government we hoped for..

    5. In regards to the communities, nine years later..wouldn't you be upset if all knds of promises were made and still at square one. You have an arbor that cost how much? That we know about? Show and tell does not earn a buck? A Air Park no money there? A park purchased with good intent, intent isn't bringing money or jobs to the local Community . And then you have a Building a Pagoda, more like an Eye sore. Will not bring money in. Then you have the five man Board issue and hot topic also the OLLC. So now you know why the Community is upset..we do not have a strong foundation. Our infrastructure is sub par..

    6. A big 10-4 on that!

  22. The Second Special Session Day has begun and is online now.

    1. Notes on today's SS:
      ONCR 15-18 Passed on the Health Compact. Congressman Walker did the one thing I most admire him for and that is he got up and thanked everyone for doing the work necessary to get to this point. He is indeed a gracious young man and is to be commended for it. Congressman Supernaw got up and told everyone that they, as a Congress, need to keep their eye on things as they are implemented in the Healthcare roll out and move in right away if they hear that things are not right because they didn't do that with the Osage, LLC., (and we all know where that ended up going). Shortly afterward, the camera panned back to the Speaker, Maria Whitehorn. Sitting with a wry smile on his lips was AP Chief RedCorn because he knows what a consummate political animal Congressman Supernaw is as a politician or perhaps it was because he remembered when Congressman Shaw put forth legislation that has already passed that requires the ON Congress to be hands off with the Healthcare compacted system as it becomes established. Congressman Shaw got up as well and did his bit, graciously thanking everyone as well. With all due respect, perhaps now, we won't be seeing complaints on Facebook about the fear of having to call the ON healthcare office for an appointment and never having the call answered or returned because the are "short staffed."

      Later on, the request to the AG for an opinion amendment was discussed as to the indirect cost percentage rate in the budgets because it must be reflected appropriately per Federal and ON law. There was a very informative discussion about this issue in yesterday's session and what it encompasses in addition to what the percentage rate must be in order for the budgets to be accurate. This may lead to all of the budgets having to be corrected across the board as was expressed by Congressman Walker. In a disappointing moment, he appeared to indicate that this is an Executive Branch responsibility. It also appears that he is confused. If the law isn't being applied and followed in the legislation he sees cross his desk, it is his mandate and obligation to make certain that anything he knows is unlawful in the budgets must be sent back for correction because he makes the laws as a member of the ON Congress and is responsible for the legality of them.

    2. I shall remember Walkers words.

  23. The Second Special Session Day has begun and is online now.

    1. Committee reports have just been given and a number of bills have been advanced to General Order Day Two where amendments may be proposed.

    2. Pearls are always a nice choice. I so like to see those who have respect for the Osage peoples chamber by dressing appropriately when they come work to do the peoples business in Congress.

    3. Out for engrossment and will return to the call of the chair.

    4. I take it you don't like jeans, polo shirts and farmer's attire?

    5. May try and finish engrossment in about 10-20 minutes before the 2:00 p.m. meeting.

    6. OK. It's done and ONCA -15-65 passed with flying colors by the ON Congress! We are on the road to recover funds legally from Carol Leese and the Osage, LLC.!

  24. Chief Standingbear has decided to charge the shareholders for certain functions that have been performed free of charge in the past. Accounting pays our bills, the IT dept. provides technical computer support and the janitor provides cleaning services.

    Beginning October 1 the shareholders will be charged for these services and others unless we contract these ourselves.

    The shareholders were never compensated for the properties that were theirs. The Osage Nation should pay the shareholders
    rent for using all properties that are rightfully properties of the shareholders.

    1. Chief you are opening a can of worms

  25. An interesting article on casino gaming competition --->>>

    1. This comes as no surprise. I brought this to everyone's attention this torch will burn out.. Internet Gambling will hurg the Casino's in the long run Vendors will go because much of a good thing Competion or not will affect the over all net profits as we are seeing at this moment...this was all predicted. The economy is not robust.."The Great Depression "more or less stareted before anyone took notice or just more lies. You are witnessing Ford ,Kia and who knows how Tesla is doing. I suspect not well..creative financing to weather the times..Construction owned Businesses dropping out of site..those that have a heavy hand in the Industry..will survive..those known in the Industry their jobs secured, the unexperienced will have to get in line...Yes the Oage want to know how we are doing in this Market Chief? So what we do is tell the truth so reality can be looked at with the right perception?

    2. The Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun problems aren't surprising. They were never profitable, distributing investment as profit until the money ran out. I'd hate to be one of their major investors. The properties aren't worth five cents on the dollar - assuming they could be foreclosed on.

    3. They had until June 30 of this year to sort things out or it was all to blow up in their faces. Does anyone know how that came out?

    4. The Pequot extended a forbearance agreement, but the terms aren't public.

    5. The developer behind the planned expansion of Foxwoods casino operations into New Bedford, MA has officially cancelled the project. The Mashpee Wampanoag are working a land into trust deal to open a nearby casino, and investors are concerned about a tribally-owned casino undercutting profits.

      The big money in the casino business in the Northeast is gone. There are just too many casinos already in the region competing for the same suckers. Each casino added dilutes the revenue of the others, making a once profitable business a money losing operation.

    6. And what I have been saying for 5 yrs this candle will blow out because of greed.

  26. $65,000 a year and she comes to work dressed like this?

    1. Omg! Poor example or an example of just many things wrong with our Government.

    2. PLEASE enlighten us on who you are referring to in your post "And she comes to work dressed like that" Not all of us can come to the meetings to see.

    3. Copy and paste the URL listed into your browser. We're not going to do it all for you. The photograph will tell you who when you open it.

  27. Oversight Hearing on "Safeguarding the Integrity of Indian Gaming" --->>>


  28. I see where the second case against OLLC management was filed on 7/20/15. It is case number CJ-2015-00140 and names Carol Leese, Robert Petre, Michael Morrisett, and IR Partners LLC as defendants.

    1. Where's the rest of them on the Board and the O Congress?

    2. Do you really think the Board and Congress will go after members of their own groups? Then they'd have to worry about someone coming after them in the future. It'll never happen.

    3. If it doesn't then we have a corrupt government from the ground up.

    4. It is corrupt why do you think everthing is 20/20 hindsight. Numbers do not lie the can tell a story..not just that did the 31st coucil sellout?

    5. Did they find Carol Leese? Oh our Government is on the Hook..

    6. He's probaby in Paris looking for a cafe on the Champs-Élysées or maybe somewhere in Spain where there is no extradition treaty with the USA. Should contact Interpol for help and they may have a way to located him if he's in Europe.

    7. Does anyone else see a similar pattern of corruption emerging in the Carol Leese and Jonathan Taylor relationship?

  29. I had heard over and over that Chief Standing Bear was added into the mural in the council chambers. I did not believe it. I have now see it with my own eyes. A full body, life size portrait of Mr. Standing Bear who is now arguably one of the central figures of the mural on the south wall of the council chamber.

    I am at a loss for words. Who does something like this? Next will his benevolent face be added to the north mural of the chambers overseeing creation? Or, maybe his likeness should be added to Titian's Assumption of the Virgin. Perhaps we can show him reaching down to help Mary into heaven.

    1. That's funny! Titian. Interesting that you should pick this artist. One of my favorites is in the Hermitage in St. Petersberg. It's how I feel every day lately since things have spiraled downward in the Osage. Up close, what is astonishing about this painting is the translucence of the tears. This photo doesn't do them justice:

      Most leaders in power around the world including the U.S. have a photo or a painting of themselves in just about every government building. I don't begrudge it of him as long as he doesn't send us one for Christmas to frame and put up in the home. That might be a little over the top.

    2. Lol. This was during a Period called High Renaissance. The term coined as "High Style" first used by a German..

    3. Standing Bear had his face painted dark like a full blood. He is now being called Jamaica Geoff.

    4. That's about enough of that. He's our Chief and this kind of disrespectful nonsense will not be tolerated in future.

    5. While 12:26's phrasing may be questionable...

      I agree the office of the Chief is deserving of our respect, however, in kind shouldn't he respect our institutions? What kind of respect is he showing by inserting himself into a mural that's been there for thirty-five or so years? Should speaker Whitehorn or Chairman Waller have themselves inserted into the mural? It would be one thing if the sitting Chief had a portrait hanging on the wall, that's common enough. I don't think anyone would bat an eye at that. I believe it's something different to have himself added to our mural. How would we feel now if Chief RedEagle had this done while he was in office? I find it wrong not because Chief StandingBear had it done, but because the SITTING Chief (regardless of who he is) had it done.

      For myself, of all the questionable things nation's officials have done, I have taken this one the most personal. I can't really say why, maybe it seems an attempt to rewrite history or values. Whatever the case I found it extremely offensive and disrespectful.

    6. The mural can be disrespect but maybe you should ask what your peers might think.. the constituency Chief..

    7. This is crazy he needs to be taken off the wall. What was he thinking

  30. Something to be proud of and happy about. One of our own:

  31. Wind turbines threaten Midwest birds, feds say....population of birds in MidWestern Planes declining.

    1. The wind turbines beat the birds to death and the large solar arrays cause them to burst into flames and become streamers as they fall to earth. You just have to love these "environmentally friendly" green energy technologies, right?

    2. Nonsense. That's ridiculous. Burst into flames fiction.

    3. Yes it does. Do your research.

    4. You do the research and reference it here. If you make such a preposterous claim, prove it.

    5. Federal wildlife investigators visiting the BrightSource Energy plant last year reported observing an average of one bird every two minutes being incinerated. There are numerous articles on the topic. I've provided links to a few, along with a final link which is a report on the problem by the National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory.

      I understand the skepticism. Without evidence it sounds like a tall tale.

      'Streamers': Birds Fried in Midair by Solar Plant, Feds Say

      Birds igniting: California solar power plant scorches birds in mid-air (+video)

      How to Stop Solar-Power Plants From Incinerating Birds

      California solar power plants ignite birds mid-flight

      Avian Mortality at Solar Energy Facilities in Southern California: A Preliminary Analysis

    6. Where are these "solar arrays" located with respect to the wind farms built in Osage County?

    7. The solar arrays have nothing to do with Osage County. It is just a point about the negative environmental impact of green energy technologies, and nothing was said about the hazardous waste created during production. The intent was to point out the ignorance of the tree huggers who think that green energy is good for the environment and carbon based energy is pure evil.

    8. Not just that they are a boondoggle proven fact .

  32. Below is the link to the second lawsuit related to OLLC involving investment in Equity Station. This filing is so fraught with inaccuracies as to be unworthy of review.

    1. Explain your position in detail, if you please.

    2. Did an Intern right this? The way I read it the Judge is going to slap the Nation. You made the Nation look like a bunch of incompetents, should have been more diect with stronger emphasis in the context.


    1. "Staff positions such as an education services administrator, compliance officer, full-time dietician, language immersion teachers, academic advisors and counselors, cultural curriculum and resource specialists, community outreach specialists and more are being added."
      How old are these children, that is, from what age to what age? How much will this cost all in and what do we expect to gain at this age?

    2. Osage wunderkind? How about teaching them to read and write, grammar and arithmetic. The basics. What the hell do they need a dietician for at this age? Compliance officer? Academic advisors and counselors?
      How about showing them a good example by being exemplary adult parental models who don't overspend money when they don't even have it to spend? You guys are such creeps with the way you throw our money around that you ought to be arrested and thrown in jail for malfeasance of public funds.

    3. Why don't you hire an Opera singer from the MET to sing lullabies to them at nap time? Crikey!

  34. I heard recently that there was a side deal with the Osage Court in the Joe Don Mashuncashey case, that the record's been sealed and he got his hand slapped for embezzling $806,000 in that Osage Pawhuska Village scam where he was handing out the money. Is this true? Can someone come forward with information about what happened?

    1. Judicial Branch has never really been forthcoming with their activities except for a while there online. AG has nothing at all online about cases. We pay a pretty penny for these people and they should be letting us know what they are doing. Why isn't the Osage News on this story too? The Judicial is supposed to be a part of this Osage Nation government that derives its power from the Osage people but they are silent about what they do most of the time. We're paying these people's salaries and they ought to let us know what they have been doing since 2013:

    2. I was told that the Osage News interviewed the OMC well over a month ago regarding the then pending suit against implementation of the CFRs and to be expecting to read about it. Unless everyone missed it the editor apparently shelved the story and never published.

      CFRs, stolen money, questionable actions and we get the Osage News reporting about youth activity day at the Hominy pool or something of the like. It's no wonder. The paper is funded by the Nation and you don't bite the hand that feeds you. The question for me is if they aren't going to be doing any real in-depth journalism what is the point of paying them what we do? We could almost have an activity board web page that all Osages could post to and serve the same function.

    3. I agree. Thank you. Good post.

    4. We need to find out. This was and is public money.800,000 reasons.

  35. Things are reaching a total fever pitch over here --->>>

  36. About the Healthcare ON Compact if we are hurt or misdiagnosed or given incorrect medication or otherwise harmed, will this apply too?

    On compacting the OME by the Osage Nation, Under the Osage Nation Constitution, Article IV, Section 4. Remedies: No person shall be entitled to an award of monetary damages, as a form of relief, in the Osage Nation Trial Court for ANY VIOLATION OF THESE RIGHTS; unless the Osage Nation Congress may by law provide for monetary damages as a form of relief for such violations, when relief would best serve the interest of THE OSAGE NATION (the entity not an Osage member or Osage shareholder) or that of justice (for whom? Justice for the Osage Nation as an entity or a member of the Osage Nation or an Osage shareholder?) See also Article IV, Section 3. Inalienable Rights of Osage Citizens, E. and H. THIS IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU UNDERSTAND FULLY AND COMPLETELY that if the Osage Nation fouls up your minerals income due from them in any way whatsoever with a multitude of ways for things to be mishandled and for a multitude of reasons, YOU WILL HAVE NO RECOURSE IN THE OSAGE NATION TRIAL COURT TO MONETARY DAMAGES AT ALL FOR YOUR LOSS OR LOSSES. Think about this carefully. No matter how bad it gets, you can sue but can expect NO monetary compensation in the Osage Nation Courts to restore your loss of income no matter what the Osage Nation does or how badly this compact is mismanaged for whatever the reason. THIS IS IN THE OSAGE NATION CONSTITUTION AND IT IS THE HIGHEST LAW OF THE LAND that cannot be changed without a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT APPROVED by a vote of the Osage membership. Without recourse of any kind like this in the court system, would you want to have any entity managing the OME if such were the case including the Osage Nation? If you do, then you are either ignorant or in need of guardianship yourself. This is as crazy as it gets and don't ever be foolish enough to let them talk you into going there.

    1. Only fools, the insane, or desperate persons would seek medical treatment from a facility that is immune from suit, or from monetary damages if suit is permitted, in the case the facility or its staff causes them harm. They want power and prestige without responsibility. The members of the tribe deserve better than this type of treatment.

    2. What I want to know is why would the Federal government even give money to fund an Indian Tribe or Nation that has such a "locked down" provision in the constitutional governing document that lets that Nation or Tribe off the hook where legal liability including monetary damages is involved? This is a Fed pure stumble landing flat on their face if you look at it closely enough. I wouldn't give money to any health related outfit under these conditions, would you?

    3. Osage Nation Constitution--->>>
      Click on text "Osage Nation Constitution"

    4. I think it was Judge Sotomayor said watch how the word Sovereign and how it is used. Something to the effect. What a crooked Constitution the Nation has, just unbelievable and who has benefits from this and only...The Nation..time to bring down this wall of lies.

    5. All sovereign power of any government derives from the sovereignty of the People, who derive this inalienable right from God and nature's Creator. Governments often claim otherwise in their attempts to make subjects of a free People.

    6. Thank you, I agree.


  37. Contact information for the various entites of the Osage Nation:

  38. Another study group that we will have to pay the salary to and to the detriment of all of us? This was done during the administration of Jim Gray. I thought and it wasn't feasible to move forward with it then. Why do they keep recycling all these bad ideas? Is it just to throw more money at the at home Osages who will be placed in the study group? How many study groups are still alive and getting money for next to nothing? When do the members of the Nation get a report from the Congress on that? BUH!!!

    1. Well, well, well. Buffalohead and Edwards growing the government again with grants and LOANS to get a program like this up and running. There are outages all over the place in other areas too. Do you mindless members of Congress realize that you will be, if your aren't already, starting to lose projected income from the Casinos NOW that you have and could sustain a loss of 30-60% of your income in the next few months and into the next several years if the oil industry is killed by the new CFRs going into effect on August 11, 2015 should that injunction in Federal Court fail and the loss of oil and gas revenue in Osage County that is 50% dependent on this industry? Grown ups would be looking at cutting back on ideas to continue to grow the Osage Nation government. If it won't make money and return a profit, don't even think about doing it and don't even think about studying it or creating study groups that you have to pay to do so. When are you going to stop spinning around over and over and over again in this cycle you're stuck in like drunken youngsters and sober up to the reality of your fiscal situation? When you two run for the next election and are soundly defeated? This behavior is so fetid it's like watching someone with no sense of smell who is stuck inside of a latrine full of filthy water who can't get out with no intention of even trying to escape. It's so GROSS. When will you wake up and see what others outside of your little circle see you doing? Ever? Never? WHEN?

    2. Much to the determent of meaningful production and ultimately the longevity of the Osage Nation there are to many Osage ideologues who treat the Nation as if they are a delegate in a grade school model UN or junior high student council. They place more importance on proposing, propositioning and voting than on real consequential outcomes. They are enamored of the process rather than the reality that is a result of those actions.

      Osages have got to mature and quit living in a pretend world. People have claims, people have needs, and reality is at the door. The time for ideological play acting at governance has got to come to an end.

    3. Thank you. When are they going to ask questions on the "shape the government" side at the Osage Nation web site about how we feel about how they spend money to grow this government?

    4. This De facto Gov. Needs shape up or ship out with a New Congress. Man the forest for the trees.

    5. Another $49K in funding for this? This study should cost no more than several hundred bucks. When is the Osage Nation government going to stop stealing from those of us Osage Nation members with real needs to pay for crap like this at such overinflated prices? BUH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6. They, The Nation must take us for fools.

  39. In no small part, why we do what we do here at the Osage Blog:
    "This most extreme case study emphasizes why the issue of propaganda matters and challenges citizens to actively question, analyze, and seek the truth."

  40. 2015 Tribal Self-Governance Communication & Education Strategy Session --->>>

  41. Think Carly Fiorina. Well done in the early FOX debate. Strong, thoughtful, organized, well spoken and knows what's wrong and how to set about fixing it.

  42. Wow! Is this wonderful or what?
    Osage Ballet to perform for Pope


  43. Eagle kill rule invalidated by court. Wind generation companies are no longer given special exception for eagle kills.

    1. So, whats next? Great news. Take that you boondoggle wind farm now go back to your Country Enel.

  44. Annette Gore had this very disease in 2002 after coming to the election that year and getting a tick bite while sitting outside to await the results. If she hadn't had a doctor who had had a patient with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever prior, he wouldn't have hit her with antiobiotics on the day the fever spiked and what has happened to this young mother would have happened to Annette or more than likely, have ended her life. WEAR A GOOD BUG REPELLANT WHEN YOU GO OUTDOORS!

  45. Here we go again...


    To Congressional Public Blast List Recipients,

    We will be utilizing the new Osage Nation website to make meeting notices available to interested parties regarding Congressional meetings. The website has some great features. One of the features we have implemented is a Legislative calendar that will include all notices of meetings with the agendas attached. You will be able to go to the Legislative calendar and click on any meeting with the most current agenda attached.

    We post all meeting notices to the Committee page and session agendas to the Session page of the Legislative Branch. These pages are listed to the left on the Legislative page. Click on the Committee Information page and it will open up with the committees listed to the left; click on the committee you would like to see; it will open up the page with the meetings listed in chronological order and scroll down to the most recent meeting notice. Click on the meeting listed and the notice/agenda will pull up.

    To access session information, click on the Session Information page to the left and the most recent session information is listed out for you to access. The agenda, tracker and previous day’s journal are listed. If the text appears in blue, there is an attachment; click on it and the document will pull up. If it is in black, nothing is attached.

    I have attached the link to the Legislative calendar below for ease of access. It is listed to the left on the Legislative page as well. Find the notice of the meeting that you would like to see, click on it and the notice/agenda will pull up.

    We will discontinue sending meeting notices by email. If you have any problems, please let me know at the numbers or email listed below.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Congressional Office at (918) 287-5543 or my office directly at (918) 287-5689.

    Barbara Rice
    Clerk of the Congress

  47. Since the wind farm issue is being discussed here, there is an item on the MC agenda for tomorrow's meeting that may be of interest and worth following in the future.


  49. HEADS UP!


  50. Hi there,
    First I apologize if my post will be attached as a reply to another subject. I didn't see how to begin a new conversation.

    I'm wanting to get some info regarding a family issue. In a nutshell my great grandfather died during the 20's. He died will. His wife was already dead. My grandmother was the only surviving child. He was married to a second wife at the time. I have a copy of the legal doc 'Determination of Heirs' that dictates the dispersal of his personal real estate but the headrights are not mentioned. At some point...and I don't believe it occurred when he died....50% of my family's headrights went to his second wife. She has long since passed as have her children and some of her grandchildren. So has my grandmother. My family does not feel it's right that non-blood (to our family) continue to have these shares. I thought I read that part of the Cobell v Salazar suit was about returning headright shares back to the hands of the families...certainly back in the hands of the tribe. This other family is Osage but are not blood relation to us.
    Has anyone seen this type of situation challenged? Can you offer me some advice on how to proceed?

    Thanks for reading. I do appreciate any input you can provide.

    1. Don't worry your pretty head. Probate courts have already decided this matter and if you're out, you're out. Learn to accept what you can't change and move on. Cobell has nothing to do with it anyway. Any lawsuit in the works won't move the money between Osage families in any event so you're dead in the water there too. Forget about it. It may seem harsh but this is the best advice anyone is going to give you.

  51. Osage Health Center info:

  52. Osage Blog Conversation continues at
