Session closed this afternoon. If you wish to hear any of the session day meetings and committee meetings associated with it on demand, see
"FDIC-Insured Institutions Earn $40.8 Billion in Fourth Quarter 2015 Commercial banks and savings institutions insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) reported aggregate net income of $40.8 billion in the fourth quarter of 2015, up $4.4 billion (11.9 percent) from earnings of $36.5 billion a year earlier. The increase in earnings was mainly attributable to a $6.8 billion increase in net operating revenue and a $2.7 billion decline in noninterest expenses. The reduction in noninterest expenses is attributed to a drop in litigation expenses at a few large banks. Financial results for the fourth quarter of 2015 and the full year are included in the FDIC’s latest Quarterly Banking Profile released today.
Of the 6,182 insured institutions reporting fourth quarter financial results, more than half (56.6 percent) reported year-over-year growth in quarterly earnings. The proportion of banks that were unprofitable in the fourth quarter fell from 9.9 percent a year earlier to 9.1 percent, the lowest level for a fourth quarter since 1996."
HOW MUCH Interest on your banked cash did you earn last year?
Did any of you see the GOP Debate last night on CNN? That was the funniest two hours I've seen since I first saw "The Jerk." Political theater at its worst, political bear bating and melodrama at its best. Trump is like a boxer who comes up to meet the opponent at the start of a professional prize fight and sucker punches him right in front of the referree. This guy is really something and I loved how Rubio and Cruz tag teamed him right and left all throughout the debate. Trump so had it coming. Trump University indeed.
GOP is in total disarray. Made Trump pledge to not go elsewhere if he lost and now he's winning they are trying to four-flush him out of the Party altogether. Serves them right for letting an all around strange-o like Trump run under the banner of the GOP to start with.
Neglects to mention that you now have to file in person which they said you had to do before but didn't really have to do because it wasn't nailed down in the law which it is now. Still unclear if they kept that crooked election challenge where the only vote counted is the candidate who files for the recount. Home court advantage all the way for those outside of Osage County and such a conttnued lack of incusion is unconstitutional and should be challenged at the Osage Nation Supreme Court level. No way for John Q. Osage to do that as far as I know and that's wrong too.
The Osage News are interested in hearing your views on what makes a good (or great) Osage legislator. What change would you like to see a legislator bring? Do you think everything should stay the same? What are your views?
Contact the Osage News:
Soon to be eating our Osage Nation Tribal benefits alive! The Nation's elected officials simply don't understand that we're living things too or worse; they don't care. Remember this come election time this June...
More Bogus Bogi from the Osage Nation and its favorite pet megaphone:
"We could then build a packing plant to pack and ship the meat." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! With what, Jim? Funding coming from your Social Security check? More spending that won't ever benefit the Osage people with ideas to kill off these buffalo left and right and ship them off to market? I hope you are paying attention Ted Turner because this will be exactly what will happen to your precious buffalo herd when the Osages have ownership and control of it. They only know how to kill the golden goose, and your buffalo right along with it, and convert it to cash as fast as it can become available for the purpose of their immediate discretionary spending. The political class of the Osage Nation are the most greed driven people living on earth which they prove to us almost on a daily basis. Jim Ryan is known to be their mouthpiece and he is for sure a good one for a third party testimonial when they need someone to put what they want out there to the public. I give that "sacred" herd a year or two to live at most from the minute the Osage Nation takes "pride" of ownership.
WoW! More weighing in from the Peyote Pipe Dream Osages. Nutziods at every turn and they have a conniption fit when we belittle them for their immaturity, imprudence and speciousness.
Buffalo Pie Thunder is more like it. Smells to high heaven to me and I ain't talkin' ozone. Just as toxic to our financial future though. You can't spin gold out of buffalo hide but the elected Osages will never know that until they have them dead and littered all over the prairie. Jim has no idea of the sacredness of the buffalo. You can tell that from the very first word he wrote in that letter. The buffalo are to be preserved, not offered up as a blue light special meal plate at the Osage Casinos. Woah! How awful
What say we have a 1st Annual Running of the Bison on Campus with the participants being the Political Class of the Osage Nation? It will be just as exciting as it was earlier this year in Laurel, Montana.
ON Supreme Court hears oral arguments in Standing Bear v. Whitehorn case. If the Gaming Enterprise is owned by the Osage people then there is no problem obliging the Osage People withe a Per-Cap...stop the waste and spending at
The thing that is so curious about the ON Supreme Court decision is this statement made by SCOTON Chief Justice Drent:
“There are actually three branches of government and all three branches are stewards of the Nation and stewards of the Nation’s resources,” Drent said.
The reason that the wages were frozen by the Osage Congress to begin with is because the Executive Branch spending has begun to go above the mandate in the Osage Constitution that the Congress not spend more than the projected income in the budget:
Article 7, Section 23, "The annual budget shall not exceed projected revenues."
If the Executive Branch continues to eat up revenue resources with salary increases and undeserved bonuses for employees who can barely answer the phone or return a phone call, eventually and I mean soon, this will cut into the budgetary fiscal operational resources available for the other two branches of government and most importantly, into the money spent yearly for benefits on the very people for whom the stewardship is supposedly taking place. Drent goes on to say:
“I want to make it very clear when we talk about ownership … it is the Osage people that own that enterprise.”
The issue isn't micromanagement which has always been the Executive Branch’s argument to further its depth of greed since Jim Gray set this precedent from the day he took first took office. The issue is how much budgetary revenue is available to be spent yearly that is within the parameters of the Constitutional mandate. The Chief Justice's opinion seems a bit short sighted in focussing on such fiscally perilous minutia when the overall issue is what is to be done about the Executive Branch overrunning every other Branch of the Osage Nation government with out-of-control spending using bullying tactics to keep it that way including the use of a favorable Osage Nation Supreme Court, which is or soon will be cutting into the little that is spent on benefits to the Osage people when the fiscal pie is split up.
In addition, C.J. Drent does not appear to be aware of the fact that the Osage Nation Constitution was sold to the Osage people in 2004 and 2005 because it is a form of government based on the U.S. Constitution and as a result, we would not be reinventing the wheel. The idea was that this form of government has certain precedents already set in Federal law and that we would not be operational on the basis of a form of government like communism or a tyrannical form of government like that of the Nazi National Socialist model and outcome or even worse; the old 1881 Osage Constitution that was dissolved as a result of the outlandish abuses taking place as recorded by the Commissioner at the time:
"1) Acrimonious disputes between the two factions over elections. 2) Entire absence of harmony between Osage Tribal Officers and the Indian Agent in administration of Tribal affairs. 3) The Selection of ignorant men as officeholders. 4) The profligate use of moneys received... (from revenue sources coming into the Tribal government.)"
This is the way it always is when those who come late to the party, perhaps smelling a big paycheck, at the behest of the Osage people, for the number of hours spent at work, who think they know what is what when they weren't anywhere in sight at the formation of our new government and have no idea what the touted representations were to the Osage people at the time to induce them to vote for another such disastrous Tribal Constitutional government that has gone just as badly off the rails as the first one did in 1881. By the way, Congressman Shaw, where was the vote of the Osage people on the "big issue" purchase of the Blue Stem Ranch or are you another one that made campaign promises to the Osage people without knowing what you were talking about on the basis of what is feasibly possible according to the Osage Constitution and what isn’t because you hadn’t even picked up the governing document and read it through at the time you were running for office?
"We would much rather examine how we operated as a Nation back in the day without a federal government telling us how to run our businesses..." The 1881 Constitution was how we operated back in the day without a federal government telling us how to run both our government and our businesses. How well did that work out for us? This Justice appears to have no background or knowledge as to the historical significance of this period and how badly the Osage people were served at the time by an earlier corrupt Osage Constitutional government. Without question, the Osage Nation government is making identical mistakes today as were made back in 1881. If we haven't learned anything in 135 years, maybe that ought to give her pause for thought if not take her breath away altogether. It will certainly give me pause for thought when the next Osage Nation election for Judges takes place. "Et vous?"
See On the list is: SCO-2015-01, STANDING BEAR V. WHITEHORN, 03-08-2016 SLIP OPINION. Click on lick on EXPLORE / DOWNLOAD to read the Slip Opinion of the Supreme Court of the Osage Nation.
All fine well and good but these excuses don't justify the sweeping of all judicial precedent off of the table where any other Tribal, Federal or State Court is concerned that does apply and isn't inconsistent with the Culture, History and Language of the Osage People and has nothing to do with them at all. We have a wealth of laws where such a statement applies and even inclusions of Federal law in our own Osage Constitution. This looks like a stepping stone being laid for further stepping stones to change the Constitution in a convention and get away with anything they want despite the Osage people and what they want no matter where they live throughout the country.
Scuttlebut today is the news that an Osage constitutional convention is in the wind. This has been posted on a Facebook site by Shannon Edwards and she wrote that Speaker Whitehorn is working on it. This is important because we need to know who will be the appointees to the Constitutional Convention as delegates and we need to make sure that these delegates are chosen from all over the United States, not just from Osage County like they were the last time. Keep your ears to the ground and your eyes open on this from now on. Edwards is being criticized for suppressing the attendance records of the Congress to keep them from the Osage people. You know she will because she's up for election in June. She has and always has had the worst attendance record in the history of the Osage Nation Congress. Been in there way too long and needs to move on and make room for those with respect for the Osage people and the work she has been elected to be there in person to do. She's paid well enough and we should remember that even if she can't seem to when it comes time to show up to do our business in the Osage Congress.
Really busy this month for the price to us of $5,416 a month each not including benefits. Now multiply this dollar figure times twelve for all of them every month that we pay to have them conduct our business:
Check the URL above each month to find out how not busy they are and what it's costing us. This is where it really becomes criminal for them to take the money from the Osage people when they do so little work for our money that they are always so ungenerous to us with and most especially when Shannon Edwards is absent so often when they do work. It's so bad it's hard to believe that we put up with it. Think about this when you vote and consider your choice for the incumbents who choose to run for office this June.
If you think I'm TFOS, click the back arrow button on the calendar and count how many days they've worked in January and February of 2016. This is such a classic rip off I don't know what is even close to compare it to.
Jim Gray reported this in a comment about an Osage Constitutional Convention on a Facebook site today: "I saw some chatter last night about bringing up blood quantum again, cultural and language requirements etc..." Beware of this developing situation and what Whitehorn and Standing Bear whip up together. If they threw all the headright owners out of Tribal membership with the 2006 Osage Constitution and they did, they can throw out all of the Osages living outside of Osage County with a new one. Watch out. I'm warning you and don't ignore it. If the U.S. Congress changes the 1906 Act to permit the Osage Nation to run the Mineral Estate, the Nation will be in a position to defeat the protections of the current Osage Constitution and open the door to running the majority of us off which will rob us of our membership in the Osage Nation too. Pay heed...
Did you know that an Osage is related to the founder and original editor of The New Yorker magazine, Harold Ross? Strange in this part of the world how it always comes back around to the Osages, isn't it? Much like the Omphalos, the American navel of the world so to speak in the ancient Greek.
A civilized way of running a Tribal election without all the harassing rules and regs to prohibit those who want to serve from serving. Note the time available to file and the reasonable amount necessary to file. All the reporting requirements over and over again and the necessity of a bank account in the state of OK are missing for a simple straightforward election to find elected officials. --->>>
Did you hear Hilary Clinton say about the Coal Companies putting them the miners out of business because of renewable energy..all based on a convenient lie..
“Magic” - What a group of U.S. Congressmen think should be labeled a national treasure. Yesterday, they introduced a bill to recognize magic as a “valuable art form.” No wonder Trump is doing so well... With that, I'm going back to bed. Minerals Meeting is cancelled until next week on Wednesday. The MC Team is in Washington, D.C., cooking up God only knows what all. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
The race for ON Congressional Office is on as of yesterday. To keep up with the roster of those filing to run, see If you are running for office see
Oh great, another year of candidates bragging who their great, great grand paw was and how they are going to protect the children and the elders. But hey, for $60,000 a year for a part-time job I just might run for office too.
$65,000 plus benefits. You sound so bitter but on the other hand, do any of them reach out to the constituents? When Ray Red Corn left Congressional office, and they jumped all over Kugee for reporting to the constituents about the Skiatook Casino numbers that the Casino management were reported to be shifting around to make their gaming numbers look better, it's been no written word from any of them, not even so much as a smoke signal. I called one member of Congress twice and on both occasions was it, "I'm glad you called me about this concern."(?) Noooo! It was, "Why are you calling me about this?" At that point I was placed in a position to actually have to give a reason to justify my call on both occasions. They are out of touch with the constituents if there is no communication between us and if they never followup and never do what we ask them to do, what representation do we really have from 12 of them who are all paid $65,000 each plus benefits. This is just my experience. Maybe you have a different one?
New villain brought up on charges in the Osage, LLC saga --->>> Jim Ryan reports on Facebook --
Unbelievable that the Board would go on face value on what documents they had received in regards to what was submitted by Carol Leese..and who referred him? Cronyism at its worse all around. This just needs to end..and Congress allowed this. Everyone is copable. All documents need to be verified in and out. The worst of worst of incompetence in the real world all the board members would be fired..
During the Comm Econ session on 3/15 Kugee was trying to make certain that the current board members are not guilty of any fraud or misdeeds. While they weren't involved in the acquisition of the investments at the heart of these lawsuits, at least three of them have been involved with defrauding the federal government. They've used false representations to win contracts and to attempt to win others for OPDG.
A question was also raised as to whether any of the former management is still there. The answer was that Kim Noble remains on staff, and that she was the Administrative Assistant for OLLC. What was not mentioned is that she was then and is now the General Manager of OPDG.
Just as they refuse to go after the former board members, they are working hard to cover up any misdeeds of the current board and management.
The next meeting of the Comm Econ committee is scheduled for 3/22 from 1 to 4 pm. Topics are discussion with TED board, appropriation request, and transfer of OLLC assets.
Let all of us know if your name shows up on the list and you receive one of the 60 notices to individuals scheduled for Osage Nation membership removal:
It appears as if the Attorney General has lifted any barrier to whatever the Executive Branch wants to spend by way of the budget. This seems like a really crazy ruling that takes the lid right off of spending by the Executive Branch and the AG is using only Osage Nation law and precluding any precedents set by the State of Oklahoma and the Federal Government. I don't understand how she can do this. Can someone explain this when nearly all of the law in the Osage Nation has never been tested in Osage Nation Court?
Won't this just open up the whole legal system of Osage Nation laws to a field day for law suits in the Osage Nation Court system? No wonder GSB thinks this is brilliant. As an attorney, he should be able to see that we soon to be wide open, if the SCOTON agrees, for every law we now have on the books to have to be tested in Osage Nation Court in order to establish legal precedent. If he isn't relected, there will be plenty of work available because our whole system will have the potential to become fodder for every attorney in the county.
Well there you have it. What I was told a number of years back is that the members of the Osage Nation Congress don't actually write laws from scratch. They pilfer from State, Federal and Tribal legislation that has actually been tested in some court of jurisdiction. This ruling appears to sweep all that off the table and it really sets a very bad precedent because it means our lawmakers can do anything the want now without having to worry about legal precedent being set to confirm our laws as having been at least tested in some court of competent jurisdiction. This is really weird and frightening. It's like the first step toward a legal way of burning down the Osage Nation Congress building figuratively speaking, dissolving the Congress and suspending their lawmaking activities as a result, just like Hitler did with the Reichstag fire when all Civil liberties in Germany were suspended and Nazi control of government became entrenched. In addition, it's happening with the approval and support of the Attorney General of the Osage Nation. Certainly, this has weakened the power of the Legislative Branch and probably kicked the third leg of our government right out from under it. So much for a true balance of power now. Chief's in a position to run the table if he care to and God knows where that will eventually lead.
FROM THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES; this ruling may well be of major significance where the Osage Reservation and its loss is concerned: "(a) Only Congress may diminish the boundaries of an Indian reservation, and its intent to do so must be clear." See See also "We recently stated in Mattz v. Arnett, 412 U. S. 481, 412 U. S. 504 n. 22 (1973), that Congress uses "clear language of express termination" to disestablish and diminish a reservation and restore it to the public domain "when that result is desired."
Nebraska v Parker is a case of diminishment. Osage Nation v Irby is a case of disestablishment which the SCOTUS refused to hear on appeal, leaving the decision to stand.
Sorry but that is wild disinformation if I've ever seen it. Irby was a tax case for not paying state taxes that that Federal judge hijacked and made into a reservation disestablishment case, which it had nothing to do with at all. The Omaha case deals directly with disestablishment. The sentence quoted in (a) is from the actual text of the Omaha SCOTUS decision. We're back on up on the boards as well we should be for the real estate implications alone of the land purchased for the purpose of a reservation for the Osages in the early 1880s in the Indian Territory now known as Oklahoma.
It is not disinformation. Have you ever bothered to read the actual decision handed down by the U.S. Court of Appeals Tenth Circuit?
I am fully aware that the case of Osage Nation v Irby is a tax matter. However, the authority for the State of Oklahoma to tax people, particularly Osages, within Osage County hinges upon whether or not the reservation exists. Please refer to page 20, where the opening sentence reads, "We conclude that the Osage reservation has been disestablished by Congress."
The appeals court considered every factor raised in the Nebraska v Parker case, along with other factors peculiar to the Osage. Of course, there is a long history of the Osage throwing millions of good money after bad on foolish ventures. I'm sure another million wasted on trying to push an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court is just a drop in the bucket.
OSAGE NATION v. CONSTANCE IRBY Secretary - Member of the Oklahoma Tax Commission March 5, 2010
Article from the Osage News U.S. Supreme Court declines Osage Nation Reservation status case
Listening to the TED board briefing the Comm Econ committee. Some of what's being said is BS. Dave Stewart said he wouldn't be back asaking for more money without having the right management team in place. The new board is pitching the new management as being qualified in technology and construction. Just who is this new management? Kim Noble is still GM of OPDG aka Tallgrass Construction, and she has no background to run a construction company. Kim is also serving as the GM of OIS aka Tallgrass Technolgy, and she has no technology experience either. Are Jim Holder and Sharon Bertram the qualified new management? They are contractors who run other businesses. Sounds like there asking for money with no better plan than the OLLC board had. What really changed? Same old dog and pony show. Even pitching the same old $5 million investment willing to accept $3 million. At 10 percent they need to do $50 million to pay back the bigger funding, and $180 million to cover the earlier losses. Still aren't looking at growing businesses the way regular businesses grow. Start with a worker-manager who can bring in money. Grow work and hire employees. Look for funding when contracts are too big to fund and not before.
More BS is right! Chief said knows nothing of give money or shut down... where has he been when the audio tapes of these presentations have been available to listen to for months since Dave Steward made that comment. See what I mean... these people are too unorganized or lazy or both to even keep up on what is going on! Chief we don't have 50 cents to throw at this established loser. What are you thinking about believing there have been changes? This Board has sat there for months and done nothing but eat up money and I mean done nothing. This is insane again. Don't even think about it.
Kill this damned idea before it kills more of the Osage people's money that should be going to benefit us. Just because you are now in the middle of this TED, LLC and not an outsider does not mean it will work any better than it did the last time Kugee. So surprising from you selling this skunk as you of all people should know better.
Skunk yes and it smells to high heaven. And these bstrds want $12,000,000 capital infusion. Sure they do and you people are just mindless and stupid enough to give it to them.......
The board says that the give us money or we close the doors was a long time ago. Some memory they have. They've said this multiple times over the past year. They even said it during their last meeting. What changed in the last couple months? Where's a solid business plan before asking for money? Why give money when you don't know what it will be used for.
At closing they say the need is for way more than $5 million. But after the meeting last week they reduced it to $3 million. If they get less than they need will they fail? It is certainly possible. Wager that any money given adds to the $18 million losses already. Oh, and now they say even a loan would work. A loan or a gift is the same when it isn't paid back.
Three million reduced from $12,000,000 and you lowered it out of respect? Hahahahahahah! Drop dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lose three million a year for the next three years? Get the hell out of the meeting and hit the road and look for a paycheck elsewhere other than from the Osage people's money. What kind of a sc**bag is this who is speaking in this meeting? You go out and make money and then ask us for money. Earn it to ask for it and you had a million to work with and what have you done with it in the last six months? Stupid - Stupid - Stupid and then have another Board to manage the ranch land... more money to have to be paid out there too. GTHO and leave the Osage with your stupid and crazy ideas.
It never ends with these jerks who keep taking us for a ride like this and these members of Congress who don't screen these people before they ever walk in the door to insult us this horribly and profoundly.
Kugee thank them politely next time and ask them to leave until they come back with a proper business plan and smaller business start up ideas that will work and won't require such large chunks of initial operating capital. No loans. They've already used this ploy before and lost that money? Is this what I heard? So gross over and over again.
Chief reporting on the Omaha court case about the disestablishment of the reservation there and the SCOTUS upholding the fact that it's the U.S. Congress that disestablishes reservations alone and further that the Omaha have won in court and have not had their reservation disestablished! He said our attorneys will be reviewing this case and that it may have an effect on the Irby tax case where we lost our reservation.
Remedies for Your Anxious Mind Elisha and Stefanie Goldstein offer 11 ways to slow down and stay steady when anxiety trips you up.
Article has been pulled by I think it was the Osage News about a challenge legally to land that we've got ourselves involved with that used to be an old railroad right of way. This legal challenge will cost a mint probably and add this to another bad decision by the political class of the Osage Nation. Does anyone know anything more about this last minute challenge in court?
Spring Regular HunKah Session of the Osage Nation Congress begins on Monday. See
Will there be any money left in the Treasury of the Osage Nation as a result of all this hideous spending when this "Snuggle Bunny" grows up?
The Constitution is indeed in play. The ON Congress (Speaker Whitehorn) is calling for a Constitutional Convention in this Session. We must pay attention now as the Chief directed one of his remarks toward the fact that only 3,600 (roughly) live within the boundary of Osage County. I have no idea how this will have an effect on the Osage Mineral Estate and the Headright owner's future interest in it as it concerns that Constitution as written today but this is a matter that will be well worth watching in the future.
The first Session day has ended. Committee meetings for today are posted on the calendar at
Chief's message seems to want to rob the funded benefits for the Osage people to pay for the Bluestem Ranch of Ted Turner. What did we tell you? Hear it and weep! Butterfly habitat at the ecopark to be funded while we go without? How sick and twisted is that?
At the end of the last regular session in Oct. of 2015 for all of FY 2016 they had $24,000 left to appropriated in projected revenue. Now they have $15.6 million for this session's appropriations and this is $3.6 million above the projected revenue figure today. Doing the math, that's approximately $12 million more that they've found in projected revenue for FY 2016? Wow! Have they found a spinning wheel that can spin gold in the past six months? Speaker is calling for a balanced approach to spending. This is unbalanced from the get-go. I don't think they know what they've got to spend for the future, either that or they are manipulating the numbers in a highly questionable manner.
Actually the Chief said 4000 and that's 1/5 of the current Osage membership total of 20,800. If he plans to throw everyone out with the new Constitution who don't live in Osage County then he can live with 1/5 the Federal funding that our numbers currently provide to those who live in the Osage which does not benefit 16,800 of us one single bit!
$840,000 to pay Ted Turner for buffalo! Hahahahahah! It only gets worse and worse with this money crazy -- spending delirious political class, doesn't it? ONCA 16-42 sponsored by R. J. Walker and co-sponsored by John Maker.
The cost. For a herd of 100 in the U.S., the highest as opposed to the lowest price should be about $370,000 for the most expensive animal. This category is for a two year old heifer --->>>
Take a really good look at ONCR 16-14 at
In the document it calls for electors under the new section titled "Amendment by Convention" and it's these electors, not the Osage people, who will ratify any new Constitution. Watch out! This implies the creation of an electoral college of some kind that will be created by this new passage in this amendment to change the current Osage Nation Constitution by Convention.
So what this looks like is another hand full of agenda driven Osages like the OGRC who will participate in a Constitutional Convention, redraw the governing document along the lines they want it drawn along and then vote themselves to ratify it by 65%? This would be like the OGRC members being able to frame the current Osage Constitution and then vote it in all by themselves by a 65% vote in favor of it. "Any amendments, alterations, revisions or a new Constitution, proposed by such convention, shall be submitted to the eligible voters of the Osage Nation at a general or special election and must be approved by 65% of the electors to become effective." As there is no definition of what the term "electors" is supposed to mean in the Congressional Resolution, are we to assume that it means the same as it does in other passages in the Constitution that is in effect today? Maybe this is harmless and maybe it isn't but we should start paying attention to every single word in any Congressional resolution to change the Constitution as written. The Osage Nation government is now the entity with the real power no matter how they may choose to flatter us with words about the power being in the hands of the Osage people. It's not the Osage people and their rights and privileges that are being preserved as an institution, it's the Osage Nation government that is being put forward as important and as that which must survive into the future. Whatever it creates and preserves and defines as authentically Osage is what will prevail into the future not what the Osage people want or think or hope will happen.
Candidates filed as of today are located at
To vote by absentee ballot, you must have your written request arrive at the Osage Nation Election Office on or before May 2, 2016. The Absentee Ballot Request Form is located at
Cultural Committee is meeting and they are discussing the 3 to 4 million dollar appropriation for Hominy improvements so they can keep up with the money given to Pawhuska and Grayhorse in earlier appropriations.
Discussing a reduction from $4 to $5 million and the pros and cons. If seems if Hominy isn't asking for the money then why are you considering such a large appropriation? C. Supernaw said they had come forward with no plans or anything but a hand held out. How could anyone from Hominy know how much they need until they have plans in hand with an actual real world estimated hard cost for such improvements. He said other Tribal governments require plans and estimates on paper before they will even consider and appropriation for improvements of this kind. He said we should have a law requiring such an arrangement beforehand and this is a responsible idea, ten years too late maybe, but it's more needed than just about anything else with a government that has never not thrown it at the wall to see what sticks.
See Hear C. Shaw openly admit that we are "all in" on the purchase of the Ranch (Bluestem) when the scholarship funding discussion was taking place. We told you so... It's either the needs of the Osage people or the vanity acquisition of the prohibitively expensive Bluestem Ranch. Already, it is crystal clear that we can't financially afford both at the same time.
Just as we thought, every bill of the Osage legislature in whole or in part is now being labeled unconstitutional. This new government is such junk from top to bottom. So demoralizing all the time on such a relentless basis.
"Land Grab" Kuggee is back at it again to buy more land we can't even hope to afford. 2 bills are being vetted in GovOps Committee today that Kugee is sponsoring and Shaw said we have bought enough land and it's fiscally conservative not to buy more. It's fiscally responsible not to continue to buy and spend and all that they do all the time to benefit the interests of the Osage Nation against the vested interests of and the benefits for the Osage People.
In discussion about the prior announcement of the meetings. And yes we DO listen to the meetings online, live and on demand and if an important issue comes up that we want to attend in person, we should be given notice of the meeting time and the Agenda well in advance by one or two days ahead of the meeting be it Session Day or Committee Meeting. Congressman Shaw is correct in his statement to the ON Congress.
Listening to the discussion with Ron Barber, attorney for Tallgrass, issues were raised about the formation of a subsidiary of Tallgrass to operate the Blue Stem ranch. Mr. Barber believes that he has crafted Articles of Organization and Articles of Operation which isolate the operation of the new subsidiary from the Tallgrass board.
However, such controls will work if - AND THAT'S A BIG IF - the Tallgrass board abides by these governing documents. The majority of the board members were on the OLLC board and the subsidiaries of that company had controls that mandated control by separate boards and required arms-length operation.
The members of the OLLC board were either unable or unwilling to abide by the controls written into the organizational and operating documents of the other subsidiaries. Rather, they operated each and every one of the subsidiaries as if they were divisions of OLLC instead of separate legal entities.
Why would they do that? It could be that they never read the governing documents of the subsidiaries. It could also be that they lacked the business experience to understand the requirements. Or, it could also be that they both read and understood the governing documents but they ignored them for reasons of their own - reasons which will never be made known.
It is indisputable that the OLLC boards - plural, and in the capacity of the "manager" of OLLC - exercised direct control over the companies they formed or purchased. It is ironic that the actual manager (the members of the Enterprise Board) are not named in any of the lawsuits, but OLLC was bound that no act could be taken except by majority vote of the board.
What could go wrong with placing a subsidiary company to manage the Blue Stem Ranch under Tallgrass? The real question is what could go right?
History has proven that the majority of the current Tallgrass board members lack either the capacity or the willingness to abide by controls place on them.
Abuse of power if anything enough evidence to the evidence points in that direction, maybe? To not understand the very pricipal as to why rules and regulations are there in the first, is the fiduciary obligation which is bounded by board to recognize. If not upheld and a loss is driven from just mere incompetency is hard to would surmise just on face value, corruption by cronyism might be, if we were to investigate one why was there not a investigation as to why these board members were not held accountable is the million dollar question. Someone wants to keep that door shut. And the Chief either should let the constituency know why nothing has come of this or has the obligation to file charges..and its telling isn't it nor should I say more.
April 1, 2016 at 3:36 PM. It makes me so glad to see that there are Osages who are astute enough to see the inherent problems and complexities of this situation. Just because Kugee's behind it doesn't make it right or mean it will work. He's committed now to this folly and he can't back out if it fails as miserably as Osage, LLC. This business model simply will not work with what they plan to do with it. You start small and work from there and the idea of diversification from a business standpoint means that you put Osage people to work locally instead load them up on the back of the Osage Nation government. They keep trying to build one of these pyramid type "global initiative" schemes so that they can compete with other Tribes who have them that really don't know what's the truth of what's on the books of all of these created shell corporations and what isn't. It's stupid and the Osage Nation government is not in a position to go there again and I believe that Kugee knows that or should know by this time since he has run down nearly everything the Osage, LLC ever did simply because he couldn't work his magic behind the scenes to get information from them because they had him locked out. He knew from the very beginning when the Osage, LLC was formed because a number of constituents on Kent Radclifff’s blog and at least one constituent over the phone shared their concerns and he did nothing but move forward with it in the beginning. There is an old adage in business, "You can't get big until you start small." The Osages in the Osage Nation government who are alive today make two vastly horrible mistakes. They think they are more far more important than they are in the overall scheme of things and therefore believe that they are above it all and are deserving of much more than other Tribal communities as a result. Second, they are always looking backward at wrongs they perceive have been done a hundred or more years ago when they weren't even alive to witness what really happened. This is a perfect storm where conditions for failure are concerned especially if the Feds really turn the Osage Nation government loose to manage their own business affairs to continue down the path they are on to engage in present day self-destruction which is what they have really proven themselves good at in an exemplary fashion. In reality, it's my personal belief that the Osages have come through most of what has happened to the Tribal communities since the time the United States of America was formed and have historically been in the most privileged position of all of them, especially since the 1906 Allotment Act was enacted and signed into law. If Tallgrass fails, and from everything we've seen of this business model, it can't succeed, Kugee has to go in the 2018 election if he runs because he has no business doing what he's doing acting as a sponsor of these bills to float Tallgrass/Ted LLC and he should by God know it. Got to be kidding, where is the Jail time or penalties? What a joke..No contest is admitting guilt without saying so, lol. Another group of people stealing from there own gets a slap on the hand..isn't that just dandy! Justice for your money working hard..Growl!
This isn't a punishment. It's an open invitation to steal from the Osage Nation. I am so shocked. Is there such a thing as Judicial Conduct Unbecoming where irresponsible judgements in a court, any court, is concerned? This came from Presiding Associate Trial Court Judge Lee Stout. When Stout comes up for vote in the next Judicial Election, don't vote for this Osage Nation Judge. This ought to be called out publicly as the biggest scandal of a court decision in all of Indian Country. This is really really beyond belief.
It is most frustrating, is it our laws that are protecting the criminal? Or setting the precedent that if you are Osage you can break the law and in this case the law lost and always will? People go to jail for embezzlement? Where is the rest of the Money that is missing?
GO TEAM OSAGE! Stealing money left and right, nepotism for unqualified relatives, piss poor wages and no job security casino employees isthe new Osage way. Welcome future. Jim Gray's 25 year plan is comming along just fine.
Get this: In committee, one of the members of Congress was asking for the qualifications of Amanda Proctor's sister, Susan Kneeland, to be on the Gaming Board and made the comment that she wasn't there to talk with to find out. Kugee railroaded the whole thing down and said that any further vetting would have to come, essentially, on the floor of Congress at a later time. The member of Congress then said that there was no requirement that this take place and so another unqualified person who will undoubtedly do the will of this Chief in running the entire gaming operation right into the ground will likely be appointed by the Congress without a puff of due diligence or any real Congressional resistance to unqualified people being placed on this all-important Board just because she's a Boulanger and a sister of Miss run away to attend every pow wow in the Continental U.S. every weekend and never mind the formation of her children or the $19 million we've lost as a result of Carol Leese at the helm of the Osage, LLC.
Kneeland is from Cargill. Think genetically modified organism (GMO) seeds:
Take a look at the smug looks on the faces of these two. They might as well be saying, "We've made it on the Osage dole and there's not a damn thing you can do about it."
Thanks Kugee. I guess we have to conclude that you're now the Chief's go-to guy in the Osage Congress. I'm so glad at least one Indian Committee the U.S. Congress is following this blog on a daily basis to find out what these corruption central political Osages are up to and how awful this fathead Chief is turning out to be who can't shut up about his background and qualifications every time he gets the chance to crow about them.
Ha ha good read..yep we be tired of the arrogance of this position of being Chief..this Chief is not who we wanted as Chief of Nepotism, cronyism. Is Congress just stupid or am I wrong to feel this way..vetting is a understatement where is the diligence?
10 years of the worst woe imaginable for the Osage people --->>>
The way I heard it, the no shows are the staff and health care professionals who never show up for appointments and you have to sit there for hours to be seen when the appropriate health care workers are there or no one is there to answer the phone to cancel an appointment or call you back to cancel one when you need to do so.
Another Osage Nation Board...another $100,000 gone on the wind and more and Faren Revard Anderson back on the dole again. She must be needing more money to support her quarter horse competition venture that she has going --->>>
That's interesting. This registration took place on 09-sep-2015 according to InterNIC. This is peripheral to the business governing documents but if they keep muddling up OLLC and TED LLC together, I don't know that they will ever be able to unwind them. Half the time, TED LLC it looks like a shell corporation of OLLC. They should never have gone in this direction to begin with and continuing with another iteration of the same LLC structure and organization is just money down the drain over and over again. If they could ever find people who want to get in there and get to work and are dismissive of this "global initiative" concept as a driver behind the overall corporate goal, the thing might work especially if they begin economic development exclusively in Osage County and invest in established successful businesses and start ups that will make money and grow in the future.
This could be bad because "Shell" companies that are dormant and it's for a reason though not illegal could be used for other financial maneuverings. Then we go global..whats to stop opening up offshore accounts?
The TED LLC board continues to manage OLLC, a company that no longer as a legally appointed board. The actions of the board gives evidence that the two companies do not have a separate legal identity, and any pretense can easily be shattered in court by what is known as "piercing the corporate veil". Even the two remaining 8a's are just doing business as Tallgrass companies, with the legal names remaining Osage Innovative Solutions and Osage Pinnacle Design Group. This slight of hand was planned by the board and presented to the Com Econ committee months ago with the intent of hiding the transfer of ownership from the SBA. The board stated for the record that they are aware that the SBA's permission is required and that transferring these companies from OLLC to TED LLC without it risks loss of 8a status, but they took the gamble anyway. These board members lack the knowledge and experience needed to manage the companies under their control in accordance with law, and the good sense needed to act prudently. Who gambles the future of the only two real assets under their control rather than follow the legal process? If you look at the TED LLC website these men seem to be more focused on promoting their reputation than on looking after the ON's investment.
What I can't understand is why these crazy stupid elected officials don't have the intellect to get rid of the entire thing! At some point, here in the next few days, a charge ought to be filed with the NIGC for malfeasance and perhaps fellonious use of gaming funds on an economic development construct that has not only failed, it has substantially lost $20,000,000 of the Osage people's money. How is it that we aren't to consider their slight of hand and crooked ways as nothing more than total gross stupidity? They are tying that Turner land up in TED, LLC somehow as well too, I believe and what will happen legally in the future with that purchase and ownership? What I don't understand is why the Osage AG continues to allow these mistakes if you could call it that to continue to take place. We need to find out who every attorney working for the Osage Nation is that is or ever has been involved with either OLLC or TED LLC and put their licenses up for review by the Supreme Court of the State of Oklahoma. Enough of this running outrage and further loss of the Osage people's money.
It is slight of hand..once that money leaves the Casino it's no longer federal money? But that c ould be reason enough to bring Legislation in regards to this loophole. That's telling to why has the AG NOT LOOK INTO THIS? And I could not agree more and get the the Lawyers to worry about their licenses, Start with Standing Stupid first.
What you have is "institutionalized incompetence". Where the Llc. was given millions on top of millions and allowed to proclaim "We're just too stupid to not lose this money" while congress applauded and handed them more. This happened year after year. Now we are fighting to get back a fraction of what was literally thrown away, while those same members of congress smile for their reelection photos.
Stop looking for the Federal Government to save the day and start taking some responsibility. If you think the Feds are on our side, look at the Minerals estate. That's an actual cash value trust relationship, and the Feds would rather sink the ship than uphold their responsibility. Stop rewarding incompetence and start actually thinking about the future.
April 15, 2016 at 7:11 PM Great post but how do you think about the future when the whole of the Osage Nation is filled with this same corruption that starts with not being careful, respectful or responsible with the money entrusted to them at the Executive and Congressional level? Not only that, there are no real consequences in Osage law for those on the Enterprise Board who lose the money who are legally responsible for it according to the governing documents of the Osage, LLC. None of those people will ever handle themselves accordingly because they have no incentive from a negative standpoint to do so. If Joe Don can literally walk away with $806,000 of Pawhuska Village money and the Osage Court let's him off without jail time, all is truly lost. We know beyond any doubt now that we can't depend on these Osage government people in any branch of it to be on the honor system because they have proven within the very first year of existence that they haven't any. The worst blows of all are the recent rulings of the Osage Court. If the Feds fall away completely, we're done for and that's really the ugly truth of the matter. If this Osage Constitutional Convention gets a head of steam, the great majority of Osage Nation members will be swept off the table even if it's just the scraps they throw to most of us anyway. Those Osages on the outside who are paying attention provide the only oversight and balance there really is at all. I don't know how many times I've heard individual members of the Osage Nation Congress stand up to the podium and verbally tear a particular Bill apart with good reason and then say "...but I am going to vote for it." You talk about institutionalized schizophrenia, they've got it and other than voting them all out and putting in even worse people, the name of the song the fat lady is singing is "Doomed." We should have known when they put in all those ONOs on the OGRC that everything would blow up in our faces. What we didn't know is that they are so self-destructive, they are headed in the direction of and are likely going to destroy it all, even for themselves.
Calls for a Osage Constitutional Covention or we just break up the Government period..10 years and the fat cats keep on doing the same thing over again and our not listening to the Constituency. This was not the Government envisioned t b e Osage hoped for..what goes up can come down..where did the Money come from to start this Government? Can anyone tell me?
April 16, 2016 at 8:19 AM I believe you are right and I think the Feds are counting on it. Without anyone at all in place to say, "Not so fast," all is surely doomed.
As for the following comment; gaming, pure and simple and there are Federal rules in the NIGA for how that money is to be spent and on what. Not that the political Osages don't do whatever they like even if it involves an illegal workaround here and there.
To address the kind of situations that happened with the Llc., the Palace, the gift shop, and the 5 man board, I think either a constitutional amendment or if there is a constitutional convention something added at that time that immediately stops the losses and determines the cause. There needs to be a trigger event when a Tribal entity begins losing funds, regardless of the size of the entity or the dollar amounts involved. We need something akin to the "Spanish Inquisition" being put into place to stop the losses and hold those responsible accountable for their actions. A Whip Man in a coat and tie who can bypass the politics and help protect the Tribe as a whole.
The TED LLC board just demonstrated their gross ignorance of how to run companies in the Com Econ session just minutes ago. I don't know which board member said it but the statement was made, "They're one and the same." in reference to TED and OLLC. He went on to clarify that the same pool of money is used to pay the expenses of all the companies.
OIS and OPDG are now claimed to remain under OLLC until the SBA approves transfer. This means that TED LLC is being allocated money to fund entities which it does not own, and there is no board over OLLC or either subsidiary to sign a loan for repayment of any funds loaned (as no other transfer would be legal).
TED LLC is a sham company created with no other obvious purpose than to further the fraud of OLLC in efforts to hide the remaining assets from potential lawsuits. If they just wanted to change the name of the business that could have been accomplished without creating a new entity.
The MAJOR problems are: 1) TED LLC has an identity of interest problem with the OLLC, making them effectively one and the same (as clearly stated by the board); 2) OLLC has no board, and the TED board is acting as if they are the OLLC board (none of their actions are legal, unless the two companies are truly one and the same); 3) the treatment of the companies as one entity eliminates any possibility of protecting the assets being transferred.
Did the board members get their degrees and experience from the prize pack in a box of Cracker Jacks?
They are now going to be giving $500 large a year to that Tallgrass (TED LLC) stupidity and another $2 million startup capital to the Bluestem Buffalo Ranch to run it and the money right into the ground. The ranch is supposed to be a subsidiary of Tallgrass and if it gets into trouble -- and it will because it's the identical business model as Osage, LLC. -- what will happen to the legal title of the ranch land?
Candidate Drawing for the groupings at the Debates THIS SATURDAY. SEE The debates will be streamed online April 30 at the Osage Casinos-Skiatook from 1-5 p.m.
The System for Award Management was updated on 4/7/16 to indicate that Jill S. Jones has been appointed as the Operating General Manager of Osage Pinnacle Design Group (aka. Tallgrass Technology Services). Jill also serves as the Board Chair of ONES LLC.
She's a busy little bee, isn't she? How much do we contribute to this organization?
Two million bucks for that bluestem ranch? FOR WHAT? Ultimate handout is right and no presentation to the Osage Congress on this? A blind appropriation IOW. Where is this money coming from now?
ONCA 16-69. Kugee you have really got stupid on this one. Not even Jim Gray would have done as dumb a thing as this. $2 million for that damn new board and all the expenses to keep and run this ranch we had no business getting involved with to begin with.
Absentee ballots for the upcoming election in June will begin to be mailed on May 3, 2016. The last day to get in your absentee ballot request form to the Osage Nation Election Office is May 2, 2016! HURRY! See
Insult to Injury! BIA Reinitiating Public Scoping for the Osage County Oil and Gas Environmental Impact Statement Go here: then click on the text Osage_CO_REV_EIS_April_2016_NewsLtr.pdf
Thank you..does feel like a set back. Does not take away the fact that real harm has already has not already happened. Non the less The Federal land policy act of 1976 as amended excludes the BLM on Indian lands. And I suggest everybody go to this meeting get there two minutes in and record it.
A new Congressional Membership Committee has been formed and members chosen as of today. Archie Mason is Chair, Norris and Pratt were elected to sit on this committee. I wonder what this committee will do and who will be determined as a member of the Osage Nation as a result of the formation of this new Congressional Committee. Funny how Raymond Red Corn was delightedly smiling like the Cheshire Cat at during this election segment of the meeting.
I thought they were there to represent us, not determine who is supposed to have membership and who isn't. I thought this was the Executive Branch privilege under the Constitution.
Interesting discussion on moving the Membership Office over to and under the Legislative Branch and take it away from the Executive Branch --->>>
The Fall 2015 Regular Session ended with every single dime appropriated for fiscal year 2016 but for $24,000. "The Spring Regular session started with $11.9 million in unappropriated tribal funding with the Congress passing legislation that requested $9.7 million in appropriated funds. This leaves a balance of $2.2 million in unappropriated tribal money for the ON government for the remainder of the 2016 fiscal year." You see what I mean? Spinning Wheel of Gold Economics in the Osage Nation? Where did the $11.9 million come from? Thin air? Hahahahahahaha!
I don't know if you've seen the war zone cropping up around paying thousands upon thousands per each student of the Osage people's money for this crazy academy day care thing the Chief is behind but be that as it may, here is one of the prime examples of putting the Bison and the land for it first and then not having enough money to pay for programs like the summer WYA program that used to be known as the boys and girl club. Children are living things too and more important to offer funding to and for than the $2 million to be given to that Bluestem ranch business enterprise board to run it. This is just the tip of the iceberg folks and we told you so when this ranch purchase idea was being floated as a possible acquisition we had no business even attempting to try and afford. Did Ted Turner consider the future consequences of accepting a bid from the Osage Nation and what it will do to deprive the Osage people of benefits and financial support that has been available previously to the membership? I doubt it. He's more concerned about a wild buffalo run like the running of the bulls in Pamplona, Italy.
If worked properly the Bluestem ranch should be a profitable venture. But that is a pretty huge "if", and apart from gaming its never even actually happened. The Tribe should see about yanking those Federal Wild Horse programs from the area ranches and putting them under the Tribe.
What is happening with the WYA and the lack of daycare is just another symptom of a failed government. I think a Constitutional Convention is really in order. Dissolve the current congress and create a much leaner organization than this 12 person cash machine we currently have. One elected official for each district, a Chief and Assistant Chief. Then put the laws in place that stop rewarding incompetence and start taking care of the Tribe as a whole.
Also make the jobs fulltime. No more of these "sessions". This isn't the Federal government. We're talking about a Nation that is literally Osage County.
Perhaps a nation that is a lot less than Osage County. The last time I checked the total amount of surface land held in trust was under 2,000 acres. Also, the courts have held the reservation was disestablished by act of Congress and not just diminished.
The TED LLC board talks about "profit" out of one side of their mouth and then says the company will lose $150K to $200K on $6.5 million in gross sales after paying for salaries, rent and other overhead costs out of the other. So, a profit rate of 8% to 10% is really a loss rate of 2.3% to 3%. Hurrah for minimizing the losses. Success!
Ridiculous overhead and salaries for people who lose our money. This thing cannot work and it will only eat up money year after year. This isn't economic development. It's gross criminal fiscal negligence on the part of the Osage Nation and the elected officials who run it.
Until there this an actual Constitution that address the issue of complicit activity expect no changes. As long as avenues are available for fraud, expect fraud to happen. You have a prepared feast for parasites and complain that nothing is being left for your children. Stop feeding the parasites.
Lawyers are good at finding loopholes and exploiting them. Just because you can doesn't mean it is right..I have said time after time re-write the Constitution. Create legislation and mo e forward to protect the interests of The Osage. Tragus Piercing I read such an article, do you think these are correct? Has anyone had it done before?
12th Special Session information is located at
ReplyDeleteSession closed this afternoon. If you wish to hear any of the session day meetings and committee meetings associated with it on demand, see
DeleteHeads UP! GovOps Committee will have a presentation tomorrow on the broadband feasibility study between 1:00 and 3:00 PM.
ReplyDeleteIt's up to listen to:
For the entitled employees of the Osage Nation and you know who you are:
ReplyDeleteProof That Your Performance Bonus Is a Total Lie:
Making the case for Bernie Sanders:
ReplyDelete"FDIC-Insured Institutions Earn $40.8 Billion in Fourth Quarter 2015
Commercial banks and savings institutions insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) reported aggregate net income of $40.8 billion in the fourth quarter of 2015, up $4.4 billion (11.9 percent) from earnings of $36.5 billion a year earlier. The increase in earnings was mainly attributable to a $6.8 billion increase in net operating revenue and a $2.7 billion decline in noninterest expenses. The reduction in noninterest expenses is attributed to a drop in litigation expenses at a few large banks. Financial results for the fourth quarter of 2015 and the full year are included in the FDIC’s latest Quarterly Banking Profile released today.
Of the 6,182 insured institutions reporting fourth quarter financial results, more than half (56.6 percent) reported year-over-year growth in quarterly earnings. The proportion of banks that were unprofitable in the fourth quarter fell from 9.9 percent a year earlier to 9.1 percent, the lowest level for a fourth quarter since 1996."
HOW MUCH Interest on your banked cash did you earn last year?
Did any of you see the GOP Debate last night on CNN? That was the funniest two hours I've seen since I first saw "The Jerk." Political theater at its worst, political bear bating and melodrama at its best. Trump is like a boxer who comes up to meet the opponent at the start of a professional prize fight and sucker punches him right in front of the referree. This guy is really something and I loved how Rubio and Cruz tag teamed him right and left all throughout the debate. Trump so had it coming. Trump University indeed.
DeleteGOP is in total disarray. Made Trump pledge to not go elsewhere if he lost and now he's winning they are trying to four-flush him out of the Party altogether. Serves them right for letting an all around strange-o like Trump run under the banner of the GOP to start with.
DeleteCuba is a heck of a lot closer:
ReplyDeleteMohegan Tribe wins license to develop $5B casino in South Korea
Neglects to mention that you now have to file in person which they said you had to do before but didn't really have to do because it wasn't nailed down in the law which it is now. Still unclear if they kept that crooked election challenge where the only vote counted is the candidate who files for the recount. Home court advantage all the way for those outside of Osage County and such a conttnued lack of incusion is unconstitutional and should be challenged at the Osage Nation Supreme Court level. No way for John Q. Osage to do that as far as I know and that's wrong too.
DeleteGood luck to the Navaho!
Conflict of Interest?
Who are the people in the photos on this page? I don't see an Osage anywhere. Is this the direction we are going in a g a i n?
DeleteThe Osage News are interested in hearing your views on what makes a good (or great) Osage legislator.
ReplyDeleteWhat change would you like to see a legislator bring?
Do you think everything should stay the same?
What are your views?
Contact the Osage News:
The Osage Nation Museum has a new Facebook page
Cultural Center Class Schedule for Spring
FYI: For those who are interested:
Soon to be eating our Osage Nation Tribal benefits alive! The Nation's elected officials simply don't understand that we're living things too or worse; they don't care. Remember this come election time this June...
More Bogus Bogi from the Osage Nation and its favorite pet megaphone:
Delete"We could then build a packing plant to pack and ship the meat."
With what, Jim? Funding coming from your Social Security check? More spending that won't ever benefit the Osage people with ideas to kill off these buffalo left and right and ship them off to market? I hope you are paying attention Ted Turner because this will be exactly what will happen to your precious buffalo herd when the Osages have ownership and control of it. They only know how to kill the golden goose, and your buffalo right along with it, and convert it to cash as fast as it can become available for the purpose of their immediate discretionary spending. The political class of the Osage Nation are the most greed driven people living on earth which they prove to us almost on a daily basis. Jim Ryan is known to be their mouthpiece and he is for sure a good one for a third party testimonial when they need someone to put what they want out there to the public.
I give that "sacred" herd a year or two to live at most from the minute the Osage Nation takes "pride" of ownership.
WoW! More weighing in from the Peyote Pipe Dream Osages. Nutziods at every turn and they have a conniption fit when we belittle them for their immaturity, imprudence and speciousness.
DeleteSpin it Jim. You've got a talent for it. I hope they're paying you because you should be paid and well for an op-ed as good as this.
DeleteBuffalo Pie Thunder is more like it. Smells to high heaven to me and I ain't talkin' ozone. Just as toxic to our financial future though. You can't spin gold out of buffalo hide but the elected Osages will never know that until they have them dead and littered all over the prairie. Jim has no idea of the sacredness of the buffalo. You can tell that from the very first word he wrote in that letter. The buffalo are to be preserved, not offered up as a blue light special meal plate at the Osage Casinos.
How awful
What say we have a 1st Annual Running of the Bison on Campus with the participants being the Political Class of the Osage Nation? It will be just as exciting as it was earlier this year in Laurel, Montana.
ON Supreme Court hears oral arguments in Standing Bear v. Whitehorn case. If the Gaming Enterprise is owned by the Osage people then there is no problem obliging the Osage People withe a Per-Cap...stop the waste and spending at
ReplyDeleteObservations, Part I
DeleteThe thing that is so curious about the ON Supreme Court decision is this statement made by SCOTON Chief Justice Drent:
“There are actually three branches of government and all three branches are stewards of the Nation and stewards of the Nation’s resources,” Drent said.
The reason that the wages were frozen by the Osage Congress to begin with is because the Executive Branch spending has begun to go above the mandate in the Osage Constitution that the Congress not spend more than the projected income in the budget:
Article 7, Section 23, "The annual budget shall not exceed projected revenues."
If the Executive Branch continues to eat up revenue resources with salary increases and undeserved bonuses for employees who can barely answer the phone or return a phone call, eventually and I mean soon, this will cut into the budgetary fiscal operational resources available for the other two branches of government and most importantly, into the money spent yearly for benefits on the very people for whom the stewardship is supposedly taking place. Drent goes on to say:
“I want to make it very clear when we talk about ownership … it is the Osage people that own that enterprise.”
The issue isn't micromanagement which has always been the Executive Branch’s argument to further its depth of greed since Jim Gray set this precedent from the day he took first took office. The issue is how much budgetary revenue is available to be spent yearly that is within the parameters of the Constitutional mandate. The Chief Justice's opinion seems a bit short sighted in focussing on such fiscally perilous minutia when the overall issue is what is to be done about the Executive Branch overrunning every other Branch of the Osage Nation government with out-of-control spending using bullying tactics to keep it that way including the use of a favorable Osage Nation Supreme Court, which is or soon will be cutting into the little that is spent on benefits to the Osage people when the fiscal pie is split up.
Observations, Part 2
DeleteIn addition, C.J. Drent does not appear to be aware of the fact that the Osage Nation Constitution was sold to the Osage people in 2004 and 2005 because it is a form of government based on the U.S. Constitution and as a result, we would not be reinventing the wheel. The idea was that this form of government has certain precedents already set in Federal law and that we would not be operational on the basis of a form of government like communism or a tyrannical form of government like that of the Nazi National Socialist model and outcome or even worse; the old 1881 Osage Constitution that was dissolved as a result of the outlandish abuses taking place as recorded by the Commissioner at the time:
"1) Acrimonious disputes between the two factions over elections.
2) Entire absence of harmony between Osage Tribal Officers and the Indian Agent in administration of Tribal affairs.
3) The Selection of ignorant men as officeholders.
4) The profligate use of moneys received... (from revenue sources coming into the Tribal government.)"
This is the way it always is when those who come late to the party, perhaps smelling a big paycheck, at the behest of the Osage people, for the number of hours spent at work, who think they know what is what when they weren't anywhere in sight at the formation of our new government and have no idea what the touted representations were to the Osage people at the time to induce them to vote for another such disastrous Tribal Constitutional government that has gone just as badly off the rails as the first one did in 1881. By the way, Congressman Shaw, where was the vote of the Osage people on the "big issue" purchase of the Blue Stem Ranch or are you another one that made campaign promises to the Osage people without knowing what you were talking about on the basis of what is feasibly possible according to the Osage Constitution and what isn’t because you hadn’t even picked up the governing document and read it through at the time you were running for office?
"We would much rather examine how we operated as a Nation back in the day without a federal government telling us how to run our businesses..." The 1881 Constitution was how we operated back in the day without a federal government telling us how to run both our government and our businesses. How well did that work out for us? This Justice appears to have no background or knowledge as to the historical significance of this period and how badly the Osage people were served at the time by an earlier corrupt Osage Constitutional government. Without question, the Osage Nation government is making identical mistakes today as were made back in 1881. If we haven't learned anything in 135 years, maybe that ought to give her pause for thought if not take her breath away altogether. It will certainly give me pause for thought when the next Osage Nation election for Judges takes place. "Et vous?"
DeleteOk can't comment but man if you did not hit the nose right on the head...History repeats..
DeleteYes. It certainly does and that especially goes for ignorant office holders, appointed and confirmed in the modern day.
Deletewho ever you are, if that Edwards can ever show up for work she can recomment you for a suprme court spot to sit in for justice Scialisa.
DeleteOn the list is:
SCO-2015-01, STANDING BEAR V. WHITEHORN, 03-08-2016 SLIP OPINION. Click on lick on EXPLORE / DOWNLOAD to read the Slip Opinion of the Supreme Court of the Osage Nation.
All fine well and good but these excuses don't justify the sweeping of all judicial precedent off of the table where any other Tribal, Federal or State Court is concerned that does apply and isn't inconsistent with the Culture, History and Language of the Osage People and has nothing to do with them at all. We have a wealth of laws where such a statement applies and even inclusions of Federal law in our own Osage Constitution. This looks like a stepping stone being laid for further stepping stones to change the Constitution in a convention and get away with anything they want despite the Osage people and what they want no matter where they live throughout the country.
Good for you, gentlemen! I admire a man who has the guts that can step up and acquire non-traditional Male/Female domestic skills.
UOSC Meeting Flyer is located at
ReplyDeleteGood! The kind of dreams that make sense for the future of the Osage people.
Texas Osage meetings are now posted here --->>>
Further information is now available.
DeleteScuttlebut today is the news that an Osage constitutional convention is in the wind. This has been posted on a Facebook site by Shannon Edwards and she wrote that Speaker Whitehorn is working on it. This is important because we need to know who will be the appointees to the Constitutional Convention as delegates and we need to make sure that these delegates are chosen from all over the United States, not just from Osage County like they were the last time. Keep your ears to the ground and your eyes open on this from now on. Edwards is being criticized for suppressing the attendance records of the Congress to keep them from the Osage people. You know she will because she's up for election in June. She has and always has had the worst attendance record in the history of the Osage Nation Congress. Been in there way too long and needs to move on and make room for those with respect for the Osage people and the work she has been elected to be there in person to do. She's paid well enough and we should remember that even if she can't seem to when it comes time to show up to do our business in the Osage Congress.
ReplyDelete"Maybe this will be the year that enough voters wake up and send her packing."
DeleteThat's the quote of the day for damn certain.
DeleteReally busy this month for the price to us of $5,416 a month each not including benefits. Now multiply this dollar figure times twelve for all of them every month that we pay to have them conduct our business:
Check the URL above each month to find out how not busy they are and what it's costing us. This is where it really becomes criminal for them to take the money from the Osage people when they do so little work for our money that they are always so ungenerous to us with and most especially when Shannon Edwards is absent so often when they do work. It's so bad it's hard to believe that we put up with it. Think about this when you vote and consider your choice for the incumbents who choose to run for office this June.
If you think I'm TFOS, click the back arrow button on the calendar and count how many days they've worked in January and February of 2016. This is such a classic rip off I don't know what is even close to compare it to.
DeleteJim Gray reported this in a comment about an Osage Constitutional Convention on a Facebook site today:
Delete"I saw some chatter last night about bringing up blood quantum again, cultural and language requirements etc..."
Beware of this developing situation and what Whitehorn and Standing Bear whip up together. If they threw all the headright owners out of Tribal membership with the 2006 Osage Constitution and they did, they can throw out all of the Osages living outside of Osage County with a new one. Watch out. I'm warning you and don't ignore it. If the U.S. Congress changes the 1906 Act to permit the Osage Nation to run the Mineral Estate, the Nation will be in a position to defeat the protections of the current Osage Constitution and open the door to running the majority of us off which will rob us of our membership in the Osage Nation too. Pay heed...
Did you know that an Osage is related to the founder and original editor of The New Yorker magazine, Harold Ross? Strange in this part of the world how it always comes back around to the Osages, isn't it? Much like the Omphalos, the American navel of the world so to speak in the ancient Greek.
Learn something...
A civilized way of running a Tribal election without all the harassing rules and regs to prohibit those who want to serve from serving. Note the time available to file and the reasonable amount necessary to file. All the reporting requirements over and over again and the necessity of a bank account in the state of OK are missing for a simple straightforward election to find elected officials.
Way to go, Jan!
Did you hear Hilary Clinton say about the Coal Companies putting them the miners out of business because of renewable energy..all based on a convenient lie..
ReplyDelete“Magic” - What a group of U.S. Congressmen think should be labeled a national treasure. Yesterday, they introduced a bill to recognize magic as a “valuable art form.” No wonder Trump is doing so well... With that, I'm going back to bed. Minerals Meeting is cancelled until next week on Wednesday. The MC Team is in Washington, D.C., cooking up God only knows what all. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
DeleteOh boy..thanks for the update..
DeleteThe race for ON Congressional Office is on as of yesterday. To keep up with the roster of those filing to run, see
If you are running for office see
Oh great, another year of candidates bragging who their great, great grand paw was and how they are going to protect the children and the elders. But hey, for $60,000 a year for a part-time job I just might run for office too.
Delete$65,000 plus benefits. You sound so bitter but on the other hand, do any of them reach out to the constituents? When Ray Red Corn left Congressional office, and they jumped all over Kugee for reporting to the constituents about the Skiatook Casino numbers that the Casino management were reported to be shifting around to make their gaming numbers look better, it's been no written word from any of them, not even so much as a smoke signal. I called one member of Congress twice and on both occasions was it, "I'm glad you called me about this concern."(?) Noooo! It was, "Why are you calling me about this?" At that point I was placed in a position to actually have to give a reason to justify my call on both occasions. They are out of touch with the constituents if there is no communication between us and if they never followup and never do what we ask them to do, what representation do we really have from 12 of them who are all paid $65,000 each plus benefits. This is just my experience. Maybe you have a different one?
DeleteNew villain brought up on charges in the Osage, LLC saga --->>>
ReplyDeleteJim Ryan reports on Facebook --
Unbelievable that the Board would go on face value on what documents they had received in regards to what was submitted by Carol Leese..and who referred him? Cronyism at its worse all around. This just needs to end..and Congress allowed this. Everyone is copable. All documents need to be verified in and out. The worst of worst of incompetence in the real world all the board members would be fired..
DeleteWhy wasn't this in the Osage News?
DeleteDuring the Comm Econ session on 3/15 Kugee was trying to make certain that the current board members are not guilty of any fraud or misdeeds. While they weren't involved in the acquisition of the investments at the heart of these lawsuits, at least three of them have been involved with defrauding the federal government. They've used false representations to win contracts and to attempt to win others for OPDG.
DeleteA question was also raised as to whether any of the former management is still there. The answer was that Kim Noble remains on staff, and that she was the Administrative Assistant for OLLC. What was not mentioned is that she was then and is now the General Manager of OPDG.
Just as they refuse to go after the former board members, they are working hard to cover up any misdeeds of the current board and management.
Great reporting by Jim Ryan..and one has to wonder why the big cover up as to ss the investigation widens we are sure to find out
DeleteAnnual pow wow issue and frybread winners!
ReplyDeleteCome and get it:
The next meeting of the Comm Econ committee is scheduled for 3/22 from 1 to 4 pm. Topics are discussion with TED board, appropriation request, and transfer of OLLC assets.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reporting this information.
DeleteLet all of us know if your name shows up on the list and you receive one of the 60 notices to individuals scheduled for Osage Nation membership removal:
DeleteThose that are enrolled illegally know who they are and should be removed.
DeleteOK, it's not of staggering importance but I just love this film... "Aloha."
ReplyDeleteWarmest Aloha! what do you think?
ReplyDeleteIt appears as if the Attorney General has lifted any barrier to whatever the Executive Branch wants to spend by way of the budget. This seems like a really crazy ruling that takes the lid right off of spending by the Executive Branch and the AG is using only Osage Nation law and precluding any precedents set by the State of Oklahoma and the Federal Government. I don't understand how she can do this. Can someone explain this when nearly all of the law in the Osage Nation has never been tested in Osage Nation Court?
Won't this just open up the whole legal system of Osage Nation laws to a field day for law suits in the Osage Nation Court system? No wonder GSB thinks this is brilliant. As an attorney, he should be able to see that we soon to be wide open, if the SCOTON agrees, for every law we now have on the books to have to be tested in Osage Nation Court in order to establish legal precedent. If he isn't relected, there will be plenty of work available because our whole system will have the potential to become fodder for every attorney in the county.
DeleteWhy have a Constitution then just give the Executive branch carte blanche, heck no! Our laws were set for this very reason..
DeleteWell there you have it. What I was told a number of years back is that the members of the Osage Nation Congress don't actually write laws from scratch. They pilfer from State, Federal and Tribal legislation that has actually been tested in some court of jurisdiction. This ruling appears to sweep all that off the table and it really sets a very bad precedent because it means our lawmakers can do anything the want now without having to worry about legal precedent being set to confirm our laws as having been at least tested in some court of competent jurisdiction. This is really weird and frightening. It's like the first step toward a legal way of burning down the Osage Nation Congress building figuratively speaking, dissolving the Congress and suspending their lawmaking activities as a result, just like Hitler did with the Reichstag fire when all Civil liberties in Germany were suspended and Nazi control of government became entrenched. In addition, it's happening with the approval and support of the Attorney General of the Osage Nation. Certainly, this has weakened the power of the Legislative Branch and probably kicked the third leg of our government right out from under it. So much for a true balance of power now. Chief's in a position to run the table if he care to and God knows where that will eventually lead.
DeleteElection debate information is located at
ReplyDeleteFROM THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES; this ruling may well be of major significance where the Osage Reservation and its loss is concerned:
ReplyDelete"(a) Only Congress may diminish the boundaries of an Indian reservation, and its intent to do so must be clear."
See also "We recently stated in Mattz v. Arnett, 412 U. S. 481, 412 U. S. 504 n. 22 (1973), that Congress uses "clear language of express termination" to disestablish and diminish a reservation and restore it to the public domain "when that result is desired."
Nebraska v Parker is a case of diminishment. Osage Nation v Irby is a case of disestablishment which the SCOTUS refused to hear on appeal, leaving the decision to stand.
DeleteSorry but that is wild disinformation if I've ever seen it. Irby was a tax case for not paying state taxes that that Federal judge hijacked and made into a reservation disestablishment case, which it had nothing to do with at all. The Omaha case deals directly with disestablishment. The sentence quoted in (a) is from the actual text of the Omaha SCOTUS decision. We're back on up on the boards as well we should be for the real estate implications alone of the land purchased for the purpose of a reservation for the Osages in the early 1880s in the Indian Territory now known as Oklahoma.
DeleteIt is too a case of diminishment --->>>
It is not disinformation. Have you ever bothered to read the actual decision handed down by the U.S. Court of Appeals Tenth Circuit?
DeleteI am fully aware that the case of Osage Nation v Irby is a tax matter. However, the authority for the State of Oklahoma to tax people, particularly Osages, within Osage County hinges upon whether or not the reservation exists. Please refer to page 20, where the opening sentence reads, "We conclude that the Osage reservation has been disestablished by Congress."
The appeals court considered every factor raised in the Nebraska v Parker case, along with other factors peculiar to the Osage. Of course, there is a long history of the Osage throwing millions of good money after bad on foolish ventures. I'm sure another million wasted on trying to push an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court is just a drop in the bucket.
OSAGE NATION v. CONSTANCE IRBY Secretary - Member of the Oklahoma Tax Commission
March 5, 2010
Article from the Osage News
U.S. Supreme Court declines Osage Nation Reservation status case
Cobell Scholarship information is located at
ReplyDeleteListening to the TED board briefing the Comm Econ committee. Some of what's being said is BS. Dave Stewart said he wouldn't be back asaking for more money without having the right management team in place. The new board is pitching the new management as being qualified in technology and construction. Just who is this new management? Kim Noble is still GM of OPDG aka Tallgrass Construction, and she has no background to run a construction company. Kim is also serving as the GM of OIS aka Tallgrass Technolgy, and she has no technology experience either. Are Jim Holder and Sharon Bertram the qualified new management? They are contractors who run other businesses. Sounds like there asking for money with no better plan than the OLLC board had. What really changed? Same old dog and pony show. Even pitching the same old $5 million investment willing to accept $3 million. At 10 percent they need to do $50 million to pay back the bigger funding, and $180 million to cover the earlier losses. Still aren't looking at growing businesses the way regular businesses grow. Start with a worker-manager who can bring in money. Grow work and hire employees. Look for funding when contracts are too big to fund and not before.
ReplyDeleteLive now:
More BS is right! Chief said knows nothing of give money or shut down... where has he been when the audio tapes of these presentations have been available to listen to for months since Dave Steward made that comment. See what I mean... these people are too unorganized or lazy or both to even keep up on what is going on! Chief we don't have 50 cents to throw at this established loser. What are you thinking about believing there have been changes? This Board has sat there for months and done nothing but eat up money and I mean done nothing. This is insane again. Don't even think about it.
DeleteKill this damned idea before it kills more of the Osage people's money that should be going to benefit us. Just because you are now in the middle of this TED, LLC and not an outsider does not mean it will work any better than it did the last time Kugee. So surprising from you selling this skunk as you of all people should know better.
Buffaloed Buffaohead, this money will not make us money. You are such a sensational dolt at times it's embarrassing.
DeleteSkunk yes and it smells to high heaven. And these bstrds want $12,000,000 capital infusion. Sure they do and you people are just mindless and stupid enough to give it to them.......
DeleteThe board says that the give us money or we close the doors was a long time ago. Some memory they have. They've said this multiple times over the past year. They even said it during their last meeting. What changed in the last couple months? Where's a solid business plan before asking for money? Why give money when you don't know what it will be used for.
DeleteAt closing they say the need is for way more than $5 million. But after the meeting last week they reduced it to $3 million. If they get less than they need will they fail? It is certainly possible. Wager that any money given adds to the $18 million losses already. Oh, and now they say even a loan would work. A loan or a gift is the same when it isn't paid back.
DeleteThree million reduced from $12,000,000 and you lowered it out of respect? Hahahahahahah!
DeleteDrop dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lose three million a year for the next three years? Get the hell out of the meeting and hit the road and look for a paycheck elsewhere other than from the Osage people's money.
What kind of a sc**bag is this who is speaking in this meeting? You go out and make money and then ask us for money. Earn it to ask for it and you had a million to work with and what have you done with it in the last six months?
Stupid - Stupid - Stupid and then have another Board to manage the ranch land... more money to have to be paid out there too. GTHO and leave the Osage with your stupid and crazy ideas.
It never ends with these jerks who keep taking us for a ride like this and these members of Congress who don't screen these people before they ever walk in the door to insult us this horribly and profoundly.
DeleteKugee thank them politely next time and ask them to leave until they come back with a proper business plan and smaller business start up ideas that will work and won't require such large chunks of initial operating capital. No loans. They've already used this ploy before and lost that money? Is this what I heard? So gross over and over again.
DeleteNo Osage preference. Well that settles that as far as I am concerned.
DeleteChief said new structure for the gaming? Oh boy... here we go...
DeleteWhat quality of minds? Are you kidding? Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteChief reporting on the Omaha court case about the disestablishment of the reservation there and the SCOTUS upholding the fact that it's the U.S. Congress that disestablishes reservations alone and further that the Omaha have won in court and have not had their reservation disestablished! He said our attorneys will be reviewing this case and that it may have an effect on the Irby tax case where we lost our reservation.
DeleteChief has to leave the meeting so they have adjourned the committee meeting to the call of the Chair later on today.
DeleteListen online --->>>
DeleteRemedies for Your Anxious Mind
ReplyDeleteElisha and Stefanie Goldstein offer 11 ways to slow down and stay steady when anxiety trips you up.
Supreme Court ruling emboldens tribes in another boundary case. Good news!This from
ReplyDeleteCite the source with a URL please.
DeleteArticle has been pulled by I think it was the Osage News about a challenge legally to land that we've got ourselves involved with that used to be an old railroad right of way. This legal challenge will cost a mint probably and add this to another bad decision by the political class of the Osage Nation. Does anyone know anything more about this last minute challenge in court?
ReplyDeleteSpring Regular HunKah Session of the Osage Nation Congress begins on Monday. See
ReplyDeleteWill there be any money left in the Treasury of the Osage Nation as a result of all this hideous spending when this "Snuggle Bunny" grows up?
On live at
DeleteAgenda is located at
DeleteThe Constitution is indeed in play. The ON Congress (Speaker Whitehorn) is calling for a Constitutional Convention in this Session. We must pay attention now as the Chief directed one of his remarks toward the fact that only 3,600 (roughly) live within the boundary of Osage County. I have no idea how this will have an effect on the Osage Mineral Estate and the Headright owner's future interest in it as it concerns that Constitution as written today but this is a matter that will be well worth watching in the future.
DeleteYou bet.
DeleteThe first Session day has ended. Committee meetings for today are posted on the calendar at
DeleteChief's message seems to want to rob the funded benefits for the Osage people to pay for the Bluestem Ranch of Ted Turner. What did we tell you?
DeleteHear it and weep!
Butterfly habitat at the ecopark to be funded while we go without? How sick and twisted is that?
At the end of the last regular session in Oct. of 2015 for all of FY 2016 they had $24,000 left to appropriated in projected revenue. Now they have $15.6 million for this session's appropriations and this is $3.6 million above the projected revenue figure today. Doing the math, that's approximately $12 million more that they've found in projected revenue for FY 2016? Wow! Have they found a spinning wheel that can spin gold in the past six months? Speaker is calling for a balanced approach to spending. This is unbalanced from the get-go. I don't think they know what they've got to spend for the future, either that or they are manipulating the numbers in a highly questionable manner.
DeleteActually the Chief said 4000 and that's 1/5 of the current Osage membership total of 20,800. If he plans to throw everyone out with the new Constitution who don't live in Osage County then he can live with 1/5 the Federal funding that our numbers currently provide to those who live in the Osage which does not benefit 16,800 of us one single bit!
Delete$840,000 to pay Ted Turner for buffalo! Hahahahahah! It only gets worse and worse with this money crazy -- spending delirious political class, doesn't it? ONCA 16-42 sponsored by R. J. Walker and co-sponsored by John Maker.
DeleteWhat do you object to? The buffalo or the price?
DeleteThe cost. For a herd of 100 in the U.S., the highest as opposed to the lowest price should be about $370,000 for the most expensive animal. This category is for a two year old heifer --->>>
Take a really good look at ONCR 16-14 at
DeleteIn the document it calls for electors under the new section titled "Amendment by Convention" and it's these electors, not the Osage people, who will ratify any new Constitution. Watch out! This implies the creation of an electoral college of some kind that will be created by this new passage in this amendment to change the current Osage Nation Constitution by Convention.
So what this looks like is another hand full of agenda driven Osages like the OGRC who will participate in a Constitutional Convention, redraw the governing document along the lines they want it drawn along and then vote themselves to ratify it by 65%? This would be like the OGRC members being able to frame the current Osage Constitution and then vote it in all by themselves by a 65% vote in favor of it. "Any amendments, alterations, revisions or a new Constitution, proposed by such convention, shall be submitted to the eligible voters of the Osage Nation at a general or special election and must be approved by 65% of the electors to become effective." As there is no definition of what the term "electors" is supposed to mean in the Congressional Resolution, are we to assume that it means the same as it does in other passages in the Constitution that is in effect today? Maybe this is harmless and maybe it isn't but we should start paying attention to every single word in any Congressional resolution to change the Constitution as written. The Osage Nation government is now the entity with the real power no matter how they may choose to flatter us with words about the power being in the hands of the Osage people. It's not the Osage people and their rights and privileges that are being preserved as an institution, it's the Osage Nation government that is being put forward as important and as that which must survive into the future. Whatever it creates and preserves and defines as authentically Osage is what will prevail into the future not what the Osage people want or think or hope will happen.
DeleteCongressional Affairs Committee Meeting is now live at
ReplyDeleteCandidates filed as of today are located at
More information is located at
DeleteTo vote by absentee ballot, you must have your written request arrive at the Osage Nation Election Office on or before May 2, 2016. The Absentee Ballot Request Form is located at
Day 2 Hun-kah Session is on live.
ReplyDeleteCultural Committee is meeting and they are discussing the 3 to 4 million dollar appropriation for Hominy improvements so they can keep up with the money given to Pawhuska and Grayhorse in earlier appropriations.
Discussing a reduction from $4 to $5 million and the pros and cons. If seems if Hominy isn't asking for the money then why are you considering such a large appropriation? C. Supernaw said they had come forward with no plans or anything but a hand held out. How could anyone from Hominy know how much they need until they have plans in hand with an actual real world estimated hard cost for such improvements. He said other Tribal governments require plans and estimates on paper before they will even consider and appropriation for improvements of this kind. He said we should have a law requiring such an arrangement beforehand and this is a responsible idea, ten years too late maybe, but it's more needed than just about anything else with a government that has never not thrown it at the wall to see what sticks.
Hear C. Shaw openly admit that we are "all in" on the purchase of the Ranch (Bluestem) when the scholarship funding discussion was taking place. We told you so... It's either the needs of the Osage people or the vanity acquisition of the prohibitively expensive Bluestem Ranch. Already, it is crystal clear that we can't financially afford both at the same time.
Just as we thought, every bill of the Osage legislature in whole or in part is now being labeled unconstitutional. This new government is such junk from top to bottom. So demoralizing all the time on such a relentless basis.
Delete"Land Grab" Kuggee is back at it again to buy more land we can't even hope to afford. 2 bills are being vetted in GovOps Committee today that Kugee is sponsoring and Shaw said we have bought enough land and it's fiscally conservative not to buy more. It's fiscally responsible not to continue to buy and spend and all that they do all the time to benefit the interests of the Osage Nation against the vested interests of and the benefits for the Osage People.
ReplyDeleteIn the election running:
Session for Friday is now on live.
ReplyDeleteIn discussion about the prior announcement of the meetings. And yes we DO listen to the meetings online, live and on demand and if an important issue comes up that we want to attend in person, we should be given notice of the meeting time and the Agenda well in advance by one or two days ahead of the meeting be it Session Day or Committee Meeting. Congressman Shaw is correct in his statement to the ON Congress.
DeleteListening to the discussion with Ron Barber, attorney for Tallgrass, issues were raised about the formation of a subsidiary of Tallgrass to operate the Blue Stem ranch. Mr. Barber believes that he has crafted Articles of Organization and Articles of Operation which isolate the operation of the new subsidiary from the Tallgrass board.
ReplyDeleteHowever, such controls will work if - AND THAT'S A BIG IF - the Tallgrass board abides by these governing documents. The majority of the board members were on the OLLC board and the subsidiaries of that company had controls that mandated control by separate boards and required arms-length operation.
The members of the OLLC board were either unable or unwilling to abide by the controls written into the organizational and operating documents of the other subsidiaries. Rather, they operated each and every one of the subsidiaries as if they were divisions of OLLC instead of separate legal entities.
Why would they do that? It could be that they never read the governing documents of the subsidiaries. It could also be that they lacked the business experience to understand the requirements. Or, it could also be that they both read and understood the governing documents but they ignored them for reasons of their own - reasons which will never be made known.
It is indisputable that the OLLC boards - plural, and in the capacity of the "manager" of OLLC - exercised direct control over the companies they formed or purchased. It is ironic that the actual manager (the members of the Enterprise Board) are not named in any of the lawsuits, but OLLC was bound that no act could be taken except by majority vote of the board.
What could go wrong with placing a subsidiary company to manage the Blue Stem Ranch under Tallgrass? The real question is what could go right?
History has proven that the majority of the current Tallgrass board members lack either the capacity or the willingness to abide by controls place on them.
Abuse of power if anything enough evidence to the evidence points in that direction, maybe? To not understand the very pricipal as to why rules and regulations are there in the first, is the fiduciary obligation which is bounded by board to recognize. If not upheld and a loss is driven from just mere incompetency is hard to would surmise just on face value, corruption by cronyism might be, if we were to investigate one why was there not a investigation as to why these board members were not held accountable is the million dollar question. Someone wants to keep that door shut. And the Chief either should let the constituency know why nothing has come of this or has the obligation to file charges..and its telling isn't it nor should I say more.
DeleteApril 1, 2016 at 3:36 PM. It makes me so glad to see that there are Osages who are astute enough to see the inherent problems and complexities of this situation. Just because Kugee's behind it doesn't make it right or mean it will work. He's committed now to this folly and he can't back out if it fails as miserably as Osage, LLC. This business model simply will not work with what they plan to do with it. You start small and work from there and the idea of diversification from a business standpoint means that you put Osage people to work locally instead load them up on the back of the Osage Nation government. They keep trying to build one of these pyramid type "global initiative" schemes so that they can compete with other Tribes who have them that really don't know what's the truth of what's on the books of all of these created shell corporations and what isn't. It's stupid and the Osage Nation government is not in a position to go there again and I believe that Kugee knows that or should know by this time since he has run down nearly everything the Osage, LLC ever did simply because he couldn't work his magic behind the scenes to get information from them because they had him locked out. He knew from the very beginning when the Osage, LLC was formed because a number of constituents on Kent Radclifff’s blog and at least one constituent over the phone shared their concerns and he did nothing but move forward with it in the beginning. There is an old adage in business, "You can't get big until you start small." The Osages in the Osage Nation government who are alive today make two vastly horrible mistakes. They think they are more far more important than they are in the overall scheme of things and therefore believe that they are above it all and are deserving of much more than other Tribal communities as a result. Second, they are always looking backward at wrongs they perceive have been done a hundred or more years ago when they weren't even alive to witness what really happened. This is a perfect storm where conditions for failure are concerned especially if the Feds really turn the Osage Nation government loose to manage their own business affairs to continue down the path they are on to engage in present day self-destruction which is what they have really proven themselves good at in an exemplary fashion. In reality, it's my personal belief that the Osages have come through most of what has happened to the Tribal communities since the time the United States of America was formed and have historically been in the most privileged position of all of them, especially since the 1906 Allotment Act was enacted and signed into law. If Tallgrass fails, and from everything we've seen of this business model, it can't succeed, Kugee has to go in the 2018 election if he runs because he has no business doing what he's doing acting as a sponsor of these bills to float Tallgrass/Ted LLC and he should by God know it.
DeleteFor those interested parties, see information as to the dismissal of the Martha Donalson lawsuit at
ReplyDeleteThank you! Great news.
DeleteSession day is live now.
ReplyDelete Got to be kidding, where is the Jail time or penalties? What a joke..No contest is admitting guilt without saying so, lol. Another group of people stealing from there own gets a slap on the hand..isn't that just dandy! Justice for your money working hard..Growl!
ReplyDeleteThis isn't a punishment. It's an open invitation to steal from the Osage Nation. I am so shocked. Is there such a thing as Judicial Conduct Unbecoming where irresponsible judgements in a court, any court, is concerned? This came from Presiding Associate Trial Court Judge Lee Stout. When Stout comes up for vote in the next Judicial Election, don't vote for this Osage Nation Judge. This ought to be called out publicly as the biggest scandal of a court decision in all of Indian Country. This is really really beyond belief.
DeleteIt is most frustrating, is it our laws that are protecting the criminal? Or setting the precedent that if you are Osage you can break the law and in this case the law lost and always will? People go to jail for embezzlement? Where is the rest of the Money that is missing?
DeleteYes. Yes. Yes and yes!
DeleteJail time for Mashunk at the least. $50K out of $806K and that's it?
Delete$50K in restitution I mean, is a crime against the fiscal resources of Osage people in itself.
DeleteGO TEAM OSAGE! Stealing money left and right, nepotism for unqualified relatives, piss poor wages and no job security casino employees isthe new Osage way. Welcome future. Jim Gray's 25 year plan is comming along just fine.
DeleteGet this:
DeleteIn committee, one of the members of Congress was asking for the qualifications of Amanda Proctor's sister, Susan Kneeland, to be on the Gaming Board and made the comment that she wasn't there to talk with to find out. Kugee railroaded the whole thing down and said that any further vetting would have to come, essentially, on the floor of Congress at a later time. The member of Congress then said that there was no requirement that this take place and so another unqualified person who will undoubtedly do the will of this Chief in running the entire gaming operation right into the ground will likely be appointed by the Congress without a puff of due diligence or any real Congressional resistance to unqualified people being placed on this all-important Board just because she's a Boulanger and a sister of Miss run away to attend every pow wow in the Continental U.S. every weekend and never mind the formation of her children or the $19 million we've lost as a result of Carol Leese at the helm of the Osage, LLC.
Kneeland is from Cargill. Think genetically modified organism (GMO) seeds:
Take a look at the smug looks on the faces of these two. They might as well be saying, "We've made it on the Osage dole and there's not a damn thing you can do about it."
Thanks Kugee. I guess we have to conclude that you're now the Chief's go-to guy in the Osage Congress.
I'm so glad at least one Indian Committee the U.S. Congress is following this blog on a daily basis to find out what these corruption central political Osages are up to and how awful this fathead Chief is turning out to be who can't shut up about his background and qualifications every time he gets the chance to crow about them.
Ha ha good read..yep we be tired of the arrogance of this position of being Chief..this Chief is not who we wanted as Chief of Nepotism, cronyism. Is Congress just stupid or am I wrong to feel this way..vetting is a understatement where is the diligence?
Delete10 years of the worst woe imaginable for the Osage people --->>>
Worth the price of this entire session; listen to Congresswoman Pratt's heartfelt comments on ONCA 15-54
UOSC Meeting information is located at
The way I heard it, the no shows are the staff and health care professionals who never show up for appointments and you have to sit there for hours to be seen when the appropriate health care workers are there or no one is there to answer the phone to cancel an appointment or call you back to cancel one when you need to do so.
OH *OD!!!!!!!!!!!
Another Osage Nation Board...another $100,000 gone on the wind and more and Faren Revard Anderson back on the dole again. She must be needing more money to support her quarter horse competition venture that she has going --->>>
Tallgrass LLC has another new website. The URL is
ReplyDeleteApparently, they don't believe in Tallgrass because the registered owner is Osage LLC.
Registrant Name: Kim Noble
Registrant Organization: Osage LLC
Registrant Street: 4500 S. 129th East Ave
Registrant Street: Ste 105
Registrant City: Tulsa
Registrant State/Province: Oklahoma
Registrant Postal Code: 74134
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.9185825633
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax: +1.9185825653
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID:
Admin Name: Robert Davis
Admin Organization: Davis PC HELP
Admin Street: 8555 N 117th East Ave
Admin Street: 102
Admin City: Owasso
Admin State/Province: Oklahoma
Admin Postal Code: 74055
Admin Country: US
Admin Phone: +1.9186098677
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email:
That's interesting. This registration took place on 09-sep-2015 according to InterNIC. This is peripheral to the business governing documents but if they keep muddling up OLLC and TED LLC together, I don't know that they will ever be able to unwind them. Half the time, TED LLC it looks like a shell corporation of OLLC. They should never have gone in this direction to begin with and continuing with another iteration of the same LLC structure and organization is just money down the drain over and over again. If they could ever find people who want to get in there and get to work and are dismissive of this "global initiative" concept as a driver behind the overall corporate goal, the thing might work especially if they begin economic development exclusively in Osage County and invest in established successful businesses and start ups that will make money and grow in the future.
DeleteThis could be bad because "Shell" companies that are dormant and it's for a reason though not illegal could be used for other financial maneuverings. Then we go global..whats to stop opening up offshore accounts?
DeleteThe TED LLC board continues to manage OLLC, a company that no longer as a legally appointed board. The actions of the board gives evidence that the two companies do not have a separate legal identity, and any pretense can easily be shattered in court by what is known as "piercing the corporate veil". Even the two remaining 8a's are just doing business as Tallgrass companies, with the legal names remaining Osage Innovative Solutions and Osage Pinnacle Design Group. This slight of hand was planned by the board and presented to the Com Econ committee months ago with the intent of hiding the transfer of ownership from the SBA. The board stated for the record that they are aware that the SBA's permission is required and that transferring these companies from OLLC to TED LLC without it risks loss of 8a status, but they took the gamble anyway. These board members lack the knowledge and experience needed to manage the companies under their control in accordance with law, and the good sense needed to act prudently. Who gambles the future of the only two real assets under their control rather than follow the legal process? If you look at the TED LLC website these men seem to be more focused on promoting their reputation than on looking after the ON's investment.
DeleteWhat I can't understand is why these crazy stupid elected officials don't have the intellect to get rid of the entire thing! At some point, here in the next few days, a charge ought to be filed with the NIGC for malfeasance and perhaps fellonious use of gaming funds on an economic development construct that has not only failed, it has substantially lost $20,000,000 of the Osage people's money. How is it that we aren't to consider their slight of hand and crooked ways as nothing more than total gross stupidity? They are tying that Turner land up in TED, LLC somehow as well too, I believe and what will happen legally in the future with that purchase and ownership? What I don't understand is why the Osage AG continues to allow these mistakes if you could call it that to continue to take place. We need to find out who every attorney working for the Osage Nation is that is or ever has been involved with either OLLC or TED LLC and put their licenses up for review by the Supreme Court of the State of Oklahoma. Enough of this running outrage and further loss of the Osage people's money.
DeleteIt is slight of hand..once that money leaves the Casino it's no longer federal money? But that c ould be reason enough to bring Legislation in regards to this loophole. That's telling to why has the AG NOT LOOK INTO THIS? And I could not agree more and get the the Lawyers to worry about their licenses, Start with Standing Stupid first.
DeleteWhat you have is "institutionalized incompetence". Where the Llc. was given millions on top of millions and allowed to proclaim "We're just too stupid to not lose this money" while congress applauded and handed them more.
DeleteThis happened year after year. Now we are fighting to get back a fraction of what was literally thrown away, while those same members of congress smile for their reelection photos.
Stop looking for the Federal Government to save the day and start taking some responsibility. If you think the Feds are on our side, look at the Minerals estate. That's an actual cash value trust relationship, and the Feds would rather sink the ship than uphold their responsibility.
Stop rewarding incompetence and start actually thinking about the future.
Good post 7:11 pm.
DeleteApril 15, 2016 at 7:11 PM Great post but how do you think about the future when the whole of the Osage Nation is filled with this same corruption that starts with not being careful, respectful or responsible with the money entrusted to them at the Executive and Congressional level? Not only that, there are no real consequences in Osage law for those on the Enterprise Board who lose the money who are legally responsible for it according to the governing documents of the Osage, LLC. None of those people will ever handle themselves accordingly because they have no incentive from a negative standpoint to do so. If Joe Don can literally walk away with $806,000 of Pawhuska Village money and the Osage Court let's him off without jail time, all is truly lost. We know beyond any doubt now that we can't depend on these Osage government people in any branch of it to be on the honor system because they have proven within the very first year of existence that they haven't any. The worst blows of all are the recent rulings of the Osage Court. If the Feds fall away completely, we're done for and that's really the ugly truth of the matter. If this Osage Constitutional Convention gets a head of steam, the great majority of Osage Nation members will be swept off the table even if it's just the scraps they throw to most of us anyway. Those Osages on the outside who are paying attention provide the only oversight and balance there really is at all. I don't know how many times I've heard individual members of the Osage Nation Congress stand up to the podium and verbally tear a particular Bill apart with good reason and then say "...but I am going to vote for it." You talk about institutionalized schizophrenia, they've got it and other than voting them all out and putting in even worse people, the name of the song the fat lady is singing is "Doomed." We should have known when they put in all those ONOs on the OGRC that everything would blow up in our faces. What we didn't know is that they are so self-destructive, they are headed in the direction of and are likely going to destroy it all, even for themselves.
DeleteCalls for a Osage Constitutional Covention or we just break up the Government period..10 years and the fat cats keep on doing the same thing over again and our not listening to the Constituency. This was not the Government envisioned t b e Osage hoped for..what goes up can come down..where did the Money come from to start this Government? Can anyone tell me?
DeleteApril 16, 2016 at 8:19 AM I believe you are right and I think the Feds are counting on it. Without anyone at all in place to say, "Not so fast," all is surely doomed.
DeleteAs for the following comment; gaming, pure and simple and there are Federal rules in the NIGA for how that money is to be spent and on what. Not that the political Osages don't do whatever they like even if it involves an illegal workaround here and there.
To address the kind of situations that happened with the Llc., the Palace, the gift shop, and the 5 man board, I think either a constitutional amendment or if there is a constitutional convention something added at that time that immediately stops the losses and determines the cause.
DeleteThere needs to be a trigger event when a Tribal entity begins losing funds, regardless of the size of the entity or the dollar amounts involved.
We need something akin to the "Spanish Inquisition" being put into place to stop the losses and hold those responsible accountable for their actions.
A Whip Man in a coat and tie who can bypass the politics and help protect the Tribe as a whole.
The TED LLC board just demonstrated their gross ignorance of how to run companies in the Com Econ session just minutes ago. I don't know which board member said it but the statement was made, "They're one and the same." in reference to TED and OLLC. He went on to clarify that the same pool of money is used to pay the expenses of all the companies.
DeleteOIS and OPDG are now claimed to remain under OLLC until the SBA approves transfer. This means that TED LLC is being allocated money to fund entities which it does not own, and there is no board over OLLC or either subsidiary to sign a loan for repayment of any funds loaned (as no other transfer would be legal).
TED LLC is a sham company created with no other obvious purpose than to further the fraud of OLLC in efforts to hide the remaining assets from potential lawsuits. If they just wanted to change the name of the business that could have been accomplished without creating a new entity.
The MAJOR problems are: 1) TED LLC has an identity of interest problem with the OLLC, making them effectively one and the same (as clearly stated by the board); 2) OLLC has no board, and the TED board is acting as if they are the OLLC board (none of their actions are legal, unless the two companies are truly one and the same); 3) the treatment of the companies as one entity eliminates any possibility of protecting the assets being transferred.
Did the board members get their degrees and experience from the prize pack in a box of Cracker Jacks?
They are now going to be giving $500 large a year to that Tallgrass (TED LLC) stupidity and another $2 million startup capital to the Bluestem Buffalo Ranch to run it and the money right into the ground. The ranch is supposed to be a subsidiary of Tallgrass and if it gets into trouble -- and it will because it's the identical business model as Osage, LLC. -- what will happen to the legal title of the ranch land?
ReplyDeleteCandidate Debates information is located at
Candidate Drawing for the groupings at the Debates THIS SATURDAY.
The debates will be streamed online April 30 at the Osage Casinos-Skiatook from 1-5 p.m.
The System for Award Management was updated on 4/7/16 to indicate that Jill S. Jones has been appointed as the Operating General Manager of Osage Pinnacle Design Group (aka. Tallgrass Technology Services). Jill also serves as the Board Chair of ONES LLC.
ReplyDeleteShe's a busy little bee, isn't she?
How much do we contribute to this organization?
The resolution being voted on today will allocate $500,000 per year to TED LLC, which will fund OPDG with the expectation of repayment.
DeleteBye Bye funding supply!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteEdwards says it's actually $2 million, not $500K. WTH is up with this now?
DeleteTwo million bucks for that bluestem ranch? FOR WHAT? Ultimate handout is right and no presentation to the Osage Congress on this? A blind appropriation IOW. Where is this money coming from now?
DeleteToo many boards and commissions with this stupid government.
DeleteSupernaw's baby again on this damn ranch deal we have no business buying and trying to run.
DeleteONCA 16-69. Kugee you have really got stupid on this one. Not even Jim Gray would have done as dumb a thing as this. $2 million for that damn new board and all the expenses to keep and run this ranch we had no business getting involved with to begin with.
DeleteThe Regular Session of the ON Congress is adjourned as of today.
DeleteBoard on Bluestem --->>>
Buh Big Time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteAbsentee ballots for the upcoming election in June will begin to be mailed on May 3, 2016. The last day to get in your absentee ballot request form to the Osage Nation Election Office is May 2, 2016! HURRY!
Insult to Injury!
ReplyDeleteBIA Reinitiating Public Scoping for the Osage County Oil and Gas Environmental Impact Statement
Go here:
then click on the text Osage_CO_REV_EIS_April_2016_NewsLtr.pdf
Thank you..does feel like a set back. Does not take away the fact that real harm has already has not already happened. Non the less The Federal land policy act of 1976 as amended excludes the BLM on Indian lands. And I suggest everybody go to this meeting get there two minutes in and record it.
DeleteA new Congressional Membership Committee has been formed and members chosen as of today. Archie Mason is Chair, Norris and Pratt were elected to sit on this committee. I wonder what this committee will do and who will be determined as a member of the Osage Nation as a result of the formation of this new Congressional Committee. Funny how Raymond Red Corn was delightedly smiling like the Cheshire Cat at during this election segment of the meeting.
ReplyDeleteI thought they were there to represent us, not determine who is supposed to have membership and who isn't. I thought this was the Executive Branch privilege under the Constitution.
DeleteInteresting discussion on moving the Membership Office over to and under the Legislative Branch and take it away from the Executive Branch --->>>
See Kansas-area Osage meeting information at
ReplyDeleteThe Fall 2015 Regular Session ended with every single dime appropriated for fiscal year 2016 but for $24,000.
ReplyDelete"The Spring Regular session started with $11.9 million in unappropriated tribal funding with the Congress passing legislation that requested $9.7 million in appropriated funds. This leaves a balance of $2.2 million in unappropriated tribal money for the ON government for the remainder of the 2016 fiscal year."
You see what I mean? Spinning Wheel of Gold Economics in the Osage Nation? Where did the $11.9 million come from? Thin air?
See photo #3 of the front page of the newspaper and read the partial column on the right about busting out the checkbook.
Photo #4 is the right one.
DeleteI don't know if you've seen the war zone cropping up around paying thousands upon thousands per each student of the Osage people's money for this crazy academy day care thing the Chief is behind but be that as it may, here is one of the prime examples of putting the Bison and the land for it first and then not having enough money to pay for programs like the summer WYA program that used to be known as the boys and girl club. Children are living things too and more important to offer funding to and for than the $2 million to be given to that Bluestem ranch business enterprise board to run it. This is just the tip of the iceberg folks and we told you so when this ranch purchase idea was being floated as a possible acquisition we had no business even attempting to try and afford. Did Ted Turner consider the future consequences of accepting a bid from the Osage Nation and what it will do to deprive the Osage people of benefits and financial support that has been available previously to the membership? I doubt it. He's more concerned about a wild buffalo run like the running of the bulls in Pamplona, Italy.
If worked properly the Bluestem ranch should be a profitable venture.
DeleteBut that is a pretty huge "if", and apart from gaming its never even actually happened.
The Tribe should see about yanking those Federal Wild Horse programs from the area ranches and putting them under the Tribe.
What is happening with the WYA and the lack of daycare is just another symptom of a failed government. I think a Constitutional Convention is really in order. Dissolve the current congress and create a much leaner organization than this 12 person cash machine we currently have.
One elected official for each district, a Chief and Assistant Chief.
Then put the laws in place that stop rewarding incompetence and start taking care of the Tribe as a whole.
Also make the jobs fulltime. No more of these "sessions". This isn't the Federal government. We're talking about a Nation that is literally Osage County.
DeletePerhaps a nation that is a lot less than Osage County. The last time I checked the total amount of surface land held in trust was under 2,000 acres. Also, the courts have held the reservation was disestablished by act of Congress and not just diminished.
DeleteThe TED LLC board talks about "profit" out of one side of their mouth and then says the company will lose $150K to $200K on $6.5 million in gross sales after paying for salaries, rent and other overhead costs out of the other. So, a profit rate of 8% to 10% is really a loss rate of 2.3% to 3%. Hurrah for minimizing the losses. Success!
ReplyDeleteRidiculous overhead and salaries for people who lose our money. This thing cannot work and it will only eat up money year after year. This isn't economic development. It's gross criminal fiscal negligence on the part of the Osage Nation and the elected officials who run it.
DeleteUntil there this an actual Constitution that address the issue of complicit activity expect no changes. As long as avenues are available for fraud, expect fraud to happen. You have a prepared feast for parasites and complain that nothing is being left for your children.
DeleteStop feeding the parasites.
Lawyers are good at finding loopholes and exploiting them. Just because you can doesn't mean it is right..I have said time after time re-write the Constitution. Create legislation and mo e forward to protect the interests of The Osage.
DeleteOsage Blog Conversation continues at
ReplyDelete Tragus Piercing I read such an article, do you think these are correct? Has anyone had it done before?