Friday, April 29, 2016

Conversation--April-September 2016

Osage Blog Conversation continues at


  1. I love this! The Osage Nation needs stacks and stacks of these in the Treasury--->>>>


  2. Deadline for the Absentee Ballot Request Forms at

  3. Wichita Osages meeting is located at

  4. Debates are live and particularly good questions are being asked of the Congressional Candidates at

    1. Archie Mason is so full of it. Not all bureaucracies are like ours nor are they as disfunctional because they demand a professional plan and that includes what the money is for and where it will go before an appropriation should even be considered by the Osage Legislature.

    2. On demand, watch online at

    3. Where are the young people in this audience? Is the Osage Nation so lacking in interest for them that they don't even show an interest in it?

    4. 1st Debate Group Summary:
      2nd Debate Group Summary:
      3rd Debate Group Summary:

  5. Sample Ballot and Constitutional Amendment.pdf is available at

  6. Candidate Meet and Greet information is located at

  7. Michael Bristow Campaign Facebook page is located at
    John Maker at
    Jacque Jones at
    Archie Mason at and
    Myron Red Eagle at and
    Rebekah Horsechief at
    RJ Walker at
    Dannette Daniels at
    Shannon Edwards at
    Brandy Lemon at
    Joe Tillman at

    1. Maria Whitehorn at

    2. Speaker Whitehorn, sorry for the oversight and thank you for going to the trouble to post your campaign website to the Osage Blog.

    3. See also

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. That was an excellent comment Kelly. I wish you would repost it but it's entirely up to you.

  9. From Shareholders section: The Osage Cattleman Association has spent so much of their funds on lobbying and supporting the costs of pushing for increase compliance measures on the Oil Producers of Osage County, lead by Jeff Henry and John Hurd, that the Osage Casinos felt that they needed to help them by giving the OCA $4,000 towards their annual convention and other events held on Fathers Day weekend!!!! To bad they do not feel the same about helping the three villages with their dances held in the same month!!!!

    1. Woah is right. Isn't Byron Bighorse still the chief executive officer of Osage Casinos? Isn't he married to the Chief's daughter? What does this have to say about the Chief's loyalties to the Mineral Estate and to the oil and gas producers who make the money that goes into the Trust fund account for disbursement to the Shareholders quarterly?

  10. OLLC lawsuit information

    1. "“access to an investment banking platform.”" For whom?

    2. How many of these sitting politicians argued vehemently on continuing to feed this obvious scam, including our current Assistant Chief?
      They pumped f***ing MILLIONS into this thing, year after year, knowing it was nothing but a hustle to move casino money into private hands.
      Both laughable and sad that there is so much corruption in the Osage and so much naivety to pretend it isn't happening.
      These people literally sh** all over our kids, while smiling and skimming away.

    3. Wish I could argue with you but you'll get no argument from me because there's none to be had. That's putting it in the most succinct words possible and I don't see any of the others running for Congress who will do any different except for Edwards who tries her best to carve out a part of the pot for all of us.

    4. I happen to agree with 11:56 AM. Well said 12:14 AM. There are many of us who feel this way.

    5. “under term revolving loans in the aggregate maximum principle amount of $175,000,000.” For a ranch that will eat us alive and satisfy nothing but the ego of these political no counts who have no business running a government of any kind ever.

    6. I said this would happen, its a money pit. Just like the LLC, the airport ,the park and what is Congress doing? Helping support the corruption.

    7. My. It looks like we have some angry people out there. Good. We need to turn that anger into action but with the line up we have running for the next four years, how will these cowards be able to stand up to anything the Chief wants? Remember, it looks like he has the Osage Judicial Branch in his back pocket since the SCOTON came out and declared total Judicial independence from any other government in this country by way of precedent and said most of the laws governing how the Osage Congress manages to try and control how the money is actually spent by the Executive Branch which today has to be an accounting nightmare the way they are shifting money around from one separate department with a budget to the other with a totally different and separate budget when anywhere else this would be illegal as hell, I don't know what can be done other than to send every budget back to the Executive and say this is the fixed and firm number for your share of things, you come in at or under this number period or we won't approve and appropriate a dime for any department, office, branch under the Executive Branch period. It'll be a cold day in hell to see that happen. The Executive has been herding these members of Congress like gun shy rabbits from the first day this government was formed and the Legislative members have allowed this to happen out of cowardice or far worse; out of slight-of-hand complicity making it look like they are forced to comply when they damn well aren't.

    8. --by way of legal precedent--

    9. How this arbitrary and capricious decision of the SCOTON has denuded in part or in whole the entire power of the Legislative Branch of the Osage Nation. Example:

      Purposes (of the Implied Legislative Power of Oversight of the Legislative Branch in the USA):
      Oversight, as an outgrowth of this principle, ideally serves a number of overlapping objectives and purposes:

      improve the efficiency, economy, and effectiveness of governmental operations; evaluate programs and performance;

      detect and prevent poor administration, waste, abuse, arbitrary and capricious behavior, or illegal and unconstitutional conduct;

      protect civil liberties and constitutional rights;

      inform the general public and ensure that executive policies reflect the public interest;

      gather information to develop new legislative proposals or to amend existing statutes;

      ensure administrative compliance with legislative intent; and

      prevent executive encroachment on legislative authority and prerogatives.

      In sum, oversight is a way for Congress to check on, and check, the executive directors

      As it stands today, not even the members of the Osage Congress knows if their Congressional Oversight has been upended by the decision of the SCOTON.

    10. Death and soon to the entire dysfunctional defacto Constitutional government of the Osages. Kill it or we all go down with it. Born in theft and continuing to fail us every day. What real good has it done? More harm than good is more like it.

    11. The power of the Legislature is the power of the Osage people. They are our voice and without them empowered to act as such, what is the point? They may as well be flipping their junk at the rest world just like that silly Red Corn boy who thinks such a vile thing is funny. If a white person like Donald Trump did a thing like that it would be such a scandal and an insult to the entire Native American community we would never hear the end of it.


    "Committee vice chairman Ryan RedCorn said: “Our goal is to create an ecological and economical sustainable Indigenous village model reinforced by responsible civic policy."
    How would this guy know anything about civic policy when he hardly has any civic decency out in public?

    Raymond, you've done one one hell of a job raising this one. Whew.

    1. What we have is a failure to communicate. Like a true Politician. All of them think we have blinders on.

  12. To 11:56
    No one runs a business in the red, from the start, for years. Especially one that is being funded for Millions of dollars.
    If the current congress can't grasp basic math then they need to go.
    Wake up and stop pretending that because some lawyer living a fantasy about being "Native" throws an occasional "bone" to our children means she actually gives a sh**.
    We had a grocery store in a town with only one grocery store. Are you going to tell me that in the entirety of the Osage population there wasn't one Osage with enough common sense to turn that into a profitable business?

    Stop being naive and cut out the corruption. These kind of people only respond to one thing, when you cut off their paychecks and run them the f*** off.
    And that is the ONLY thing they understand.

    1. You got that right buddy thats a 10...4.

    2. A Big 10-4 too.

    3. The problem with losses is the business is being run by people who don't know what it takes to start and grow a small business. Their "business model" is to take contracts and subcontract 100% of the work to the companies with the real qualifications and employees to get the job done. That model is contrary to the goals for an Osage Nation owned business, which required putting Osages to work. Funding should never have been granted without a business plan that demonstrated exactly how Osages would be put to work, and future funding dependent upon meeting that primary goal. Instead, there is a new board that operates much the same as the old boards.

    4. The Tribe needs to operate as a for-profit organization, with the membership as owners/stakeholders. I understand the need for separating government from business, but this isn't a government subsidized through taxing its members. Its a different animal and needs to operate like one.
      If this government operated like a for-profit organization the LLC. would have never been allowed to accrue the staggering losses it did. Management would have been replaced without apology at the first signs of failure.
      Instead what we have is a bloated bureaucracy constantly making apologies for failure while enabling those failures to continue.

      Our Constitution needs to be written in such a way that this sort of thing simply doesn't happen. Where a business fails to meet expectations there is direct action to correct the problem.
      It has a historical precedence. If a hunt went bad because knuckleheads screwed up, it meant people were going to starve that winter. So controls were put into place to keep the knuckle heads in check.
      Time for a constitutional convention and a better, more realistic constitution that puts the Osage people first.

    5. Great point poster 11:56. Your right. This de facto gov is out of control and I would welcome a re- write of our Constitution.

  13. See how relentlessly stupid they are? Like a dog with a bone they won't let go of no matter what. Broadband no less and we need this like another hole in the head. So crazy sick.

  14. We should change the name of the Congress to the Cargill 11

    What does this Proctor Kneeland woman know about gaming anyway? Just because she's Amanda Proctor's sister?

  15. So how will this work in the State of Oklahoma?

    Lawmakers have given final approval for state health officials to develop a comprehensive Affordable Care Act waiver.

    Read more:

    1. This is what or how they can make adjustments as follows. Benefits and Subsidies: States can modify rules related to covered benefits and subsidies
       Exchanges and Qualified Health Plans: States can modify or eliminate insurance exchanges and
      qualified health plans as the means for determining subsidy eligibility and insurance enrollment
       Individual Mandate: States can modify or eliminate tax penalties for individuals
       Employer Mandate: States can modify or eliminate penalties for large employers

    2. Thank you and this is good information but how does this apply to the Native American health care plans option? Oklahoma does not have a health insurance exchange like Colorado does so can the Osages and other Tribal communities still access the Federal Exchange while living in Oklahoma and obtain Native American plan coverage? This kind of plan offered by a number of insurance companies in Colorado involves a reduced premium if the Federal tax credit is applicable and no co-pay or deductible due and payable at all on any health care expenses or costs after the monthly premium has been paid.

    3. It would not affect the NAHCPO. If we are talking about I/T/U's are permanent. The puchase would have to be QHP from the exchange and yes all AI and Natives have access 24/7 to the Federal Exchange. It will depend on income to qualify for a reduced premium and you will get the tax credit and as you said no deductible or co-pay.

    4. Acronyms?

      Native American Health Care Plan Option?

      The acronym I/T/U identifies three different types of Native American Health Services:
      1.Indian Health Services (IHS)
      2.Tribal Health Providers (Tribal 638)
      3.Urban Indian Health Providers.

      Qualified Health Plan under the Affordable Health Care Act.

  16. Kugee's latest "Notes to the Nation" has this to say and it's a valid point:

    "Our Constitution was patterned after the U. S. Constitution, presumably because it is the longest lasting successful written constitution in the world. The USC has gone through 200 years of interpretation, amendment and court decisions; the implied powers are well established. Now, this recent OSC decision seems to scrap all the reasons we followed the USC. Oddly it appears to insert ancient Osage government ideas while at the same time ignoring those same ideas and the powers of the No-ho-zinga1 and the limited powers of the old chiefs. It is all very confusing at this time."

    This is exactly what happens when you have people who come late to the party and don't know what happened from the very beginning of the formation of our new government. We were promised that the Osage Constitution would be based on the USC and that we would not be going off road into the hinterland which is exactly where we are now with these irresponsible and ignorant members of the SCOTON who are now reneging on a fundamental promise to the Osage people who were around at the time that the OGRC was framing our new Constitution. This specifically undermines the power and prestige of the Legislative Branch by another branch of the Osage Nation government which further illustrates that they have no idea what they are even doing. BUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    To receive a copy of Kugee's recent "Notes" and any further ones, e-mail him directly to be placed on his list at

    1. It was a fantasy to base our Constitution on the U.S. Constitution. The flaws have already become apparent by the currently bloated Osage government along with a corresponding failure of every Osage business enterprise apart from gaming. And gaming being only used as a cash cow to keep feeding this failed system.
      It isn't rocket science to have a governing document that establishes boundaries while ensuring that the needs of the Osage people as a whole are looked out for.
      I'm sure we will continue to be fed wonderful verbiage in speeches while things continue to deteriorate until inevitably the Tribe is buried in debt, with the politicians throwing up their hands and playing stupid about how such a thing could happen.

      At some point. as just a simple matter of survival, you have to accept that some people are just corrupt to the bone. And no matter what they say or how much they pretend to be different, they will always and every time reset to their default settings of corruption and destruction. Always.

    2. It is a fantasy to assume that any governing body will be bound by any compact. The USC was broken multiple times by the 1820's when the southern states began objecting to the abusive tariffs designed to transfer wealth to the northern states for building out infrastructure that failed to benefit the US as a whole. The USC was completely set aside in 1861 and has not been honored since. The USC is nothing but a yellowed piece of parchment that men who abuse power hold up as a shining example of a model republic when they need credibility for their criminal acts.

    3. Great post 7:22 and 3:55.

    4. The USC still has a long history of legal precedent in the Courts and the ONC now, does not. Who goes off road like this totally? Pretty reckless of the Osage SCOTON if you ask me.

  17. I certainly agree that the latest Osage Supreme Court decision has turned this government upside down and it may take years to get rightside up.

    1. Never to big to fail and it wont be the first and maybe a year or two, not years.

  18. Too many rules for the candidates?

  19. Our members of Congress at work and work product analysis:

    Funny how the attendance records are no longer available.

    How many of these bills and resolutions have anything to do with providing benefits to all of the members of the Osage Nation no matter where they live?
    Suggestion: Swipe the graphic off of the web page and then open it a photographic application. Increase the size of the photo to read the statistics listed on it.

  20. Notice on the Facebook Page of the Osage Nation Election Office at
    Osage Nation Election Office
    IMPORTANT: If you have not received your ballot yet, please call the Election Office immediately at 1-877-560-5286 so we can mail you a duplicate ballot in case yours got lost in the postal system, or it has been returned to us due to a bad absentee mailing address!

  21. Smh... I told everyone ten tears ago this whole debacle would happen. It's all about money and politics. The ONG is going fail and take everyone with it. Certain people became very wealthy and have gained political ties with Washington.

    The rest of us can go staight to hell. Congrats Osages.

  22. Our beloved Chief is up to tricks again. He has ORDERED the Bluestem Ranch board to present a business plan to him, and IF he likes it, he will lease the ranch to them to operate. He has his own plans for the ranch. Why did you bother to put a board together if you were going to run the ranch yourself? Don’t recall GSB asking the old LLC board that got off with $18 million dollars to provide a business plan. His lap dog Raymond Redcorn wasn’t asking too many questions at that time either. The Chief already took the operation of the clinic away from the health authority board through legislation. Thanks Ron Shaw for introducing the legislation, you’re a good team player.

    Had high hopes for this board when they DIDN’T hire John Hurd. That seemed like a promising start. The Tallgrass LLC board buddy Tim Tallchief actually brought John Hurd to a ranch board meeting and encouraged them to hire Hurd at an outrageous salary. The crazy salary had the blessing of the Chief. What is your cut Tim? What were you and Mark J. Freeman’s plans for the ranch? Tim, Mark Freeman, and GSB must be getting something out of the ranch, since none of them do anything that isn’t self serving.

    1. This is a good board made up of honest people who want to do the best for the Osage Nation. The reason for a business plan is to determine if more money is needed to get the operation started. The structure is set up so that there should be no political interference in the operation of the ranch. If any comes, it will be improper. It would be an ethics violation as well as a constitutional violation for the Chief to interfere of threaten the board. Are we headed for another removal trial?

    2. All that you represent remains to be seen.

    3. Final signatures on the purchase of "Standingbear's Folly" otherwise known as the Bluestem Ranch is happening today. Chief has taken over and the Board has been out mastered by the ole' Osage sneak up. From what I'm hearing, he has no intention of letting the board run the thing as a money making venture and APC Ray-Ray is right behind him on wanting to keep it a bison preserve. This ranch has to make us money and if it doesn't it will run us even further into the ground financially. Once again, another group of lies from the Executive and the Congress to the Osage people about how our money is being spent and we can hardly afford to carry a ranch of this size that will only eat gaming revenue alive year after year. These elected officials are so insane it's not even to be believed. I hear some of the board are going to walk away and let the Chief run it and the full story is going to come out because those that leave are going to reveal what the Chief has been up to in trying to stop the board from doing their jobs. What's new I know but this is really serious now. Were talking millions upon millions of dollars going in with loans we can hardly afford and acres and acres of land that won't do anything for us but cost money. Travesty after travesty redux. We have to appeal to the NIGC this time and the members of the board should step up to do this and file a complaint. This ranch must be for economic development which it clearly is not or gaming revenue can't be spent on it for an ego trip that we cannot even think about trying to afford long run.

    4. Worth attending tomorrow morning to find out WTH is going on with this crazy ranch deal--->>>

      Bluestem Ranch, LLC
      Board Meeting
      Pawhuska Business Center
      1225 Virginia Short St
      Pawhuska, OK
      Thursday, June 9, 2016
      11:00 A.M.


    5. As always, fundamental flaws infect their reasoning.

    6. Kugee no less running us right into the ground. We need this expansion like another hole in the head.

    7. "In 2014, the Third ON Congress passed a $3.3 million appropriation bill (sponsored by then-Congressman Standing Bear) that was later reduced to $3 million for the Fairfax facility construction with the remaining $300,000 designated to cover the Nation’s investment in bringing a grocery store to the Fairfax community."

      Spend spend spend spend spend.................

    8. Fairfax gets $250,000. Hominy does too.
      Kugee again.
      May 19, 2016 E-Edition.
      Spend spend spend spend spend.................

    9. The loan was for $175 million and the gaming board agreed that $75 million would be used to purchase the ranch.


      Bought in 2001 by TT and was $15,000,000 for 38,000 acres. Now it's $175,000,000 fifteen years later for the base plus another 10,000 acres? Land around there hasn't appreciated 5 times its worth and no one will ever make me believe this price is justified.

  23. However you look at this money pit venture, the fixed cost or operating costs will be the same. Now that this is a National Mammal depending on marketing ideas which ever the Chief approves there are on only a couple of ideas that are available for marketing. Touring, selling the Bison for consumption and is a delicacy high in protein because of how dense the meat is and has good flavor, what other marketing is there for Bison?

    1. There may be grants and other Federal programs for bison preservation now or soon that should be investigated by the Osage Nation.

  24. Donald Trump to speak on Energy.

    1. Maybe we now have a say in how our land is developed and not by foreign energy such as wind farms. This is what Trump had to say Without subsidy, wind doesn’t work,” he said. “If you go to various places in California, wind is killing all of the eagles. If you shoot an eagle or you kill an eagle, they want to put you in jail for five years. And yet the windmills are killing hundreds and hundreds of eagles. One of the most beautiful, one of the most treasured birds and they’re killing them by the hundreds and nothing happens. So wind is a problem.”

  25. Tonight:

  26. Any word on the hearing at 10:30 AM at Tulsa Federal Courtroom of Judge Frizzel? This is the BIA permitting suit.

  27. The Motion to Dismiss the Osage Nation suit against Red Eagle Feather, LLC managers Yancy Redcorn and Betsy Brown, and TeraDact Solutions, inc. managers Howard Hill and Christopher Schrichte was DENIED Monday in Osage County Court.

    1. Read also on this fb page
      "OPA Membership and Affected Parties in Osage County
      OPA Membership and Others: BIG BOMB, SHORT FUSE!

  28. New number for the Health Center:

  29. Interesting --->>>

  30. Keep up with the election:

  31. Dates for the Dances:


  32. FYI:
    Early voting information is located at

    1. Mail and get your absentee ballot in:

  33. Scholarship Deadline is looming:

    1. Take a moment and look hard at how difficult it is for Osage students to get help with school, versus anything requiring a written check that doesn't directly benefit the Osage?
      Want to add on to a casino? Write a check, apologize later. Lose 18 Million? "Not my fault!"
      Need to cover basic expenses while trying to earn a degree?
      "Not on my watch!"
      Good job Osage Congress! Looking out for those who matter.


    - Archie Mason – 941
    - Joe Tillman – 926
    - Maria Whitehorn – 926
    - RJ Walker – 890
    - Shannon Edwards –
    - John Maker – 721

    See more information at


    2. Wow! Jech got dumped! He's the only one who really knows how the money works around there. With no one who knows the inner workings of the Tribal Treasury and Tribal budgeting in the Congress there will be no one with any real understanding of how it all comes together properly. This can't be good. I'd sooner have seen Maker go than Jech and Tillman has the reputation of being a clown. That's the last thing we need now that the Chief is trying to end run a new constitution through Whitehorn and probably without the locked down protections of the now in effect Article XV. This could be good or it could be bad depending on how the Chief plans on playing it out.

    3. Red Eagle pays for a vote recount.
      Convoluted reasoning to say the least--->>>

    4. Recount underway. See

    5. A mistake was made and discovered in the recount.

  35. Osage Nation Buy-Back Land Program

  36. Business idea for the Osage Tribe:
    Start a trucking company
    Pay for training for Osage drivers with a 2 year commitment
    Use the Native American Guaranteed Loan Program for the Osage Drivers to finance their own trucks
    Act as cosigner
    If driver defaults another applicant can take over the truck

    1. You're kidding right?....Right?
      The Logistics industry is saturated with companies.
      The major companies will under bid any quote.
      Driving a truck OTR will destroy a family because the driver is never home.
      Driver pay is atrociously low and the hours are ridiculously high.
      The DOT regulations are becoming impossibly restrictive.
      The turnover rate for truckers is near 100%.
      The Osage Nation can't even run a lemonade stand and you expect them to run a logistic company?
      Either you're drunk or a driver looking for a company or perhaps both.
      I've been a driver and it's the worst career I choice ever made.
      I'm glad I'm out of the industry.

    2. Your exactly right..clueless.

    3. Thank you both for sharing. (I love that phrase.)

    4. The perpetual excuse machine working overtime...
      "It will never work, don't bother trying" is a traditional Osage greeting, and a popular favorite for teaching Osage children that its better to just wait for the government.

    5. "It will never work, don't bother trying" Geez, talk about speaking in hyperboles.

      Just because some comes up with an idea doesn't mean it's a good one. If the ONG had any type of decent track record of success then a capital enterprise might be taken into consideration. No matter what the venture the ONG goes into, money get laundered, money disappears into thin air and only the politicians and their crony's benefit.

    6. And worse, stealing all the while saying it's your money. Your absolutely right poster@ 3:42 PM.

    7. Just own it, don't start trying to backtrack now:
      "You're kidding right?....Right?
      The Logistics industry is saturated with companies.
      The major companies will under bid any quote.
      Driving a truck OTR will destroy a family because the driver is never home.
      Driver pay is atrociously low and the hours are ridiculously high.
      The DOT regulations are becoming impossibly restrictive.
      The turnover rate for truckers is near 100%.
      The Osage Nation can't even run a lemonade stand and you expect them to run a logistic company?
      Either you're drunk or a driver looking for a company or perhaps both.
      I've been a driver and it's the worst career I choice ever made.
      I'm glad I'm out of the industry."

      That's the mentality of the Osage people. The motto of "If you build it, it will fall over" then making sure to keep electing the same crooks to keep ensuring the same outcome.

    8. Who's backtracking? I stand my ground.

      This "Osage mentality" you speak of is merely an accusation on your part and only serves to propagate the idea of "Lazy Indian."
      You insult an entire group of people for you own argument.
      This government has proven itself corrupt and unreliable.

      Some people want to be career politicians at the expense of ethics and lack any sense of altruistic morality.
      The only way a logistic company (or any company) to be established is for certain Osage politicians to get a piece of the profits, political gain and/or corporate favors.

      Stop the daydreaming and wake up to reality.
      The Osage government can barely run itself and has failed miserably in it's capital ventures.
      The very idea of anything more complex than riding a bicycle for a paper delivery route is laughable -sad but laughable.

    9. "This "Osage mentality" you speak of is merely an accusation on your part and only serves to propagate the idea of "Lazy Indian."
      No, I just quoted your entire post where you make a business idea sound like an impending Zombie Apocalypse, then accused me of hyperbole.

      I think someone is doing some serious "projecting".

    10. Lay off the spychoabble and grow a pair. I know the logistics industry and how it works. I'm speaking from experience. I get the impression you work for the ONG or at least have some vested interest in the trucking idea.

      You need to face the fact that the ONG will never start a logistics company. And if the ONG did start one it would fail from the start due to the ineptness and corruption.

    11. Spychoabble: unintelligible speech usually made by a schizophrenic spy.

      You may have the ability to make up new words, but that still doesn't make you an expert at whatever field you choose.

    12. Logistics is not the way to many people I know in this field at one time or another no profit.

  37. Except with SCOTON where our stupid judicially insubordinate justices have taken all constitutional rulings from other federal, municipal and tribal governments off the table where the Osage Nation is concerned...

  38. Minerals Meeting Agenda and this on it --->>>
    Establish the beneficiary and the assets of the Osage Mineral Trust – Talee Redcorn

  39. Another Osage on the dole and for how much?
    Melissa Currey when she was the BIA Superintendent was the second worst ever at returning phone calls.

    1. I find this peculiar, Each owner who receives an offer has the opportunity to sell their undivided interest, without the consent of the other owners. What is the point to consolidate the fractionization if not all owners in one family are willing to sell? It will still be fractionated. Is the land going to be offered at the same rate a acre that the Bluestem Ranch was purchased? What, was it about $1700 or so an acre?

    2. $1542.00 roughly an acre.

  40. So, 74,000000.00 for the Bluestem Ranch and Government has no business in the running a business. Board members are the fiduciaries who steer the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as making sure the nonprofit has adequate resources to advance its mission. Chief butt out. This isn't coming out of your check it's all of our money right? So I say lets make a profit. to the Board members if you have to go to court on this one and remind the Chief his position do so.

    1. They have no business setting up businesses they won't leave alone when warranted but won't intervene or at least stop funding when fiscally prudent and necessary. Terrible track record. Putting this much money in government treasuries will have made them a lot more money than they will ever earn at this rate. Plus they will earn what they will inevitably lose by still having ownership of the cash asset. They continue down the same path they never veer from because they don't seem to be able to learn from their mistakes or even acknowledge that they've made any. Not making a decision about spending money is a good option if you don't know how to make money in the first place.

    2. Thank you for your reply..I could not agree more.

    3. UGH!

    4. The Osage Nation now has the land to build a profitable "Wind Farm" on and pay the citizens for the money they dumped into this Ted Turner buffalo wallow. Bring an Amazon distribution center to Oklahoma. Get some mustangs from the feds. to pasture with little expense.

    5. Wind farms lol are boondoggles and do not make any profit. And survive on the tax payers dole. Called subsidized income. And is all about re-distribution of the Benjamins which in turn will raise the cost of electricity. And kill dozens of Eagles and other birds. Do your homework.


    6. The wind farms pays the land owner to produce environmentally friendly energy. The stories about killing Eagles are exaggerated,you probably can't find any eagles near the Bluestem Ranch property. Eagles go lake property to fish.

    7. Lol keep telling yourself enough times and you begin to believe in your own lies like a true politician.

    8. What's your excuse for the eagle that got hit down town Tulsa last week and had to go to the rehab? They like high places to roost. Do some research or ask the zoo about eagles habits. Geese need water too, but they feed in fields far from water.

    9. The eagle in Tulsa last week was a young one that probably fell out of the nest and was lost in the park. The zoo nursed it and has turned it loose from what I read. It probably won't make it to adult stage and sure didn't have any contact with a windfarm. You must know growing to be an adult in the wild has many hazards.

  41. Congressional Inauguration

  42. Another former member of the Osage Congress, John Free, gets a whopping $90,000 for sculpting the Bigheart statue!!! To put this in perspective, Mike Flanagan, a famous and renown sculptor collected by the late John Wayne, former Vice President Dan Quayle, Shuttle Commander Joe Engle, Vice President Dick Cheney, Buck Taylor and Lynn Anderson is asking $90,000 for this life size bronze bison sculpture titled Thunder in the Plains:

    Why should we have to pay this much for a statue that is a quarter the work and looks like a turn of the 20th Century down on his luck traveling carny? It never ends with these people and how they throw handful after handful after handful of our money at one another.

    1. Sorry CAnn. One person's opinion shouldn't send you into a verbal psychiatric incident on Facebook simply because they've been offended that that statue doesn't do James Bigheart justice. Doesn't even look like an Osage to me. Also looks down and out. I should think you Bighearts and Spurriers would open your eyes and see that you've been charged a whole hell of a lot for a representation of J.B. that I'd personally hide in the closet.

  43. SUPER YUM!

  44. Wow. And all I have to say is Britain is ending socialism and are celebrating their independence.

  45. Put it in trust refuse to pay any state or county taxes. No roads or other government state or county services will make it real hard to use the land for anything but wildlife. I leased my property for hunting and got more than cattle.


  46. Learn something important:


  47. Congressional Inauguration is located at

  48. Has anyone received their letter in regards to their divided interest in the land buy back program? I have and I am not selling.

  49. Special Session called by the Chief

  50. GOOD IDEA!

  51. Nothing concrete to explain this item on the Agenda:
    "A Bureau of Indian Affairs self-governance compact"

  52. Well...ear to the ground...we are hearing that something -- H U G E -- is going to happen at the Minerals Meeting tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then the following Wednesday.
    Comments should be posted after the meeting about it --->>>

    1. I'll just bet it has something to do with this Resolution:
      ONCR 16-34, A Resolution To approve and authorize the execution of a self-governance Compact between the Osage Nation and the United States of America through the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs for the delivery of programs, services, functions and activities. (RJ Walker and Ron Shaw)
      Funny how the "Self-governance Compact" itself isn't included with the copy of the actual Resolution.
      It's the last ONCR legislation listed for 2016:

    2. It appears that there is something terribly significant about the MC attorney's opinion identified as the 177 Opinion on the Agenda. They want to keep the discussion about this issue in Executive Session for the time being. Hear the first part of the meeting today at

    3. All right. Let's presume that the Nation is making a run on the Osage Mineral Estate to run it with a compact. There are a couple of things wrong with this idea and let me enumerate:

      The 2004 Reaffirmation Act of the U.S. Congress gave the Osages the right to form a new government and establish membership. It did not give the Osage Nation the right to extinguish the Osage Tribe or the ownership rights of the Osage Tribe under the 1906 Allotment Act as amended including the mineral rights reserved to the Osage Tribe under this Act. There are only two ways, IMO, that the Osage Nation can secure those rights and all of us going ahead to assume that the rights have automatically been transferred to the current government of the Osage Nation as the legal and lone survivor of the Osage Tribe simply because a new government has been formed is not the stuff of genuine or sufficient legal substance. Either the U.S. Congress must make that extinguishment of the Osage Tribe as a legal entity and transfer all rights owned by it to the Osage Nation in an official Act of Congress as the plenary power or the Osage Nation must go into a U.S. court of competent jurisdiction to seek a legal extinguishment of the Osage Tribe as the official legal entity under the 1906 Allotment Act as amended to actually become the official legal entity. In addition, once the extinguishment action in court is successful, the Osage Nation will have to bring a quiet title action in a U.S. Court to make absolutely certain that the reserved mineral rights are legally secure and fully owned by the Osage Nation as the surviving legal entity. Remember that this is still a Mineral Estate and estate law and particularly real estate law should be involved legally. I submit that until either one or the other has taken place, the Osage Tribe as a legal entity is alive and well today just as it has been for the last 110 years. We have the Osage Nation Tribal Council designated in the HPP lawsuit by the U.S. Court of Federal Claims as the legal Osage government officials authorized to act in an official capacity on behalf of the Osage Tribal Mineral Estate and to handle all business matters for it so that is fully secure legally at this time. The Osage Nation has its legal work cut out for it and a whole lot ahead of it still before they can prematurely attempt to make a successful run on the Osage Mineral Estate. The hallmark of the Osage Nation government and the officials who run it is the constant hell bent for leather headlong hurling ahead of its behavior and actions without thought or pause to consider what it's doing and whether or not what it’s doing or wants to do is even legal. This has to stop and now would be an excellent time for that to take place.

      Even though the BIA court has determined that the Osage Nation is acknowledged as the official government entity with the capacity to act on behalf of the Osage Tribe, it is important to keep in mind this is an internal court in a bureau of the Executive Branch of the U.S. government and it does not call the legal shots where Tribal governments are concerned. The only two branches of government which can and do are the U.S. Congress and the Judicial Branch of the Federal government.

    4. UPDATE:
      The Resolution ONCR 16-34 was tersely withdrawn by the sponsor, R.J. Walker, in the Special Session this week!

    5. I'm not certain that a judgment in a court of competent jurisdiction would be sufficient. The laws are made by the U.S. Congress and because they have the Plenary Power over the Tribes in the U.S., I think only the U.S. Congress can make such a transfer of the ownership of the reserved mineral rights from the Osage Tribe to the Osage Nation government. The framers of the Osage Nation Constitution must have been aware of this fact or they would not have referred to the 1906 Allotment Act as amended in Section 2 and Section 4 of Article XV. Clearly they were aware that Federal law trumps Tribal law of any kind including the terms, conditions and provisions of all Tribal constitutions in the USA.

  53. Interesting...Aloha Coin as an alternative currency. See

  54. Language matters!

  55. Meet and Greet:

  56. "...restoration of a homeland for bison and educational opportunities for Osage Nation youth." This is not economic development and is an inappropriate and unlawful use of gaming revenue under the NIGA!
    See the page 50 under Note 18: Subsequent Event

    1. Once again you are right $175 millon to purchase and the resolution that went into this pet progect will only cost the Osage. Where is the uproar oh thats rignt its not coming from your pockets it the Osages money and where was th vote to purchase this? And all we can aggord to help our Villages is no comparrison. I'll be surprised if this gets into trust? The laws are changing on this matter quickly. The true reservation is the M.E and the three villages.

  57. Congressional Committee Members have been chosen. Best to keep an eye on the new Congressional Membership Committee:

  58. God Bless and Rest you Kent Radcliff! You set the standard for keeping watch on the new Osage government with your OSA Discussions Blog. You will be greatly missed by all of us:

  59. Sugarloaf half a mound again...

    Just knew they couldn't sell it and admit they'd paid close to a quarter of a million bucks for a smoke signal mound.

    Just like The Bluestem Ranch, it was sold as a burial mound and turned into garbage like the BR was sold to provide an economic diversification from gaming that will soon turn into a money vortex right into the ground of the People's money. Again. So stupid over and over again. Relentless and always predictable. That's the people who run the Osage Nation government at the top.


    2. Not only do we pay 5 times more than we should have, Teddie has undesirable bison collected at the ranch that are no good for breeding yet that BSTRD wants $800,000 for this herd? Hahahahahahah and that idiot chief of ours makes a gentleman's agreement with "Desirable Ted" to keep the land for a worthless herd of bison with no money to pay to ranch the Bluestem Ranch. So stupid as a matter of course and the once again the Osage Congress said they've been lied to? Get the agreement upfront in writing with the Chief before you ever appropriate a dime again. Can you read these instructions or do you need to go back to kindergarten? I don't believe for a second that Supernaw and Buffalohead knew nothing about the actual intended purpose for this land all along. Bad enough as it is and then more slight of hand on this deal? Why aren't these seriously crooked people in prison?

    3. Take a look at the yearlings listing on the last page for March 21, 2015 Missouri Bison Association Show and Sale - MO Group. Seems like $800,000 for a herd size of 440 that can't be bred is way too much if the average price for breedable bison is, on average, about $1,700.00. Karen Anderson wants to start with 50 good bison and go from there. Seems reasonable to me.

    4. See the Bison Auction Sales Results at

    5. Faren Anderson not Karen. Apologies.

    6. OTOH:


    8. And this kind of purchase is why we don't trust our Congress and or the Chief. The diligence was all about spreading the land mass that will never be apart of the reservation the true reservation the ME. So you got to ask who got the kickbacks and we need to get a PI or companhy outside the Nation to give a fair audit of this purchase. All I see is money after money being wasted. Cna anyone prove differently? Step up to the podium?

    9. Yes. Step up and try to justify yourselves and this totally irresponsible purchase at the expense of all of us.

  60. Redistrict the courts in Osage County with Pawnee County?

  61. Better late than never?

  62. An emergency in Skiatook brought tribal, federal and local agencies together. Great article by the Osage News.

  63. Have some fun!

  64. Listen in at the economic development committee tomorrow at 1:00 pm. The ranch board will take a grilling as to why the Chief won't give them a lease to manage the money pit. Discussion will also address why the Chief wanted a bison preserve but now wants to build a lodge and charge his buddies $30,000 a weekend to shoot the bison, evidently from the porch of the lodge. Your Tribal dollars at work!

    1. The Chief sounds like my buddy who invites you over to shoot any deer or bear that wander onto his property, but all he asks is that you bring beer.

    2. Shoot the bison from the Lodge? Hahahahahahaha! I wonder what his buddy, "Desirable Ted", will have to say about that!

    3. Lol, seriously 30,000 for a weekend of fun and play? The fix is in no doubt I want this body of people find out what the true cost to run this Ranch? The Osage Nation is a Government not business managers and never should be. Who got the kick back from this deal? I think we need to have a dialog with our Congress members and question them what was the deciding factor other than to expand the land base for who? A waste of dollars and how is the constituency to benefit?


    5. If you have a brain in your head, read Congressman Supernaw's latest Notes to the Nation. If you think the Osages running the Minerals Estate will be any less contentious and irreconcilable as the mess the Bluestem Ranch purchase is getting to be even before it gets off of the ground, think hard again. To receive this issue and future issues, send an e-mail to and he will include you on his e-blast list.

    6. If you are a shareholder you should be very frightened of the Chief. There is absolutely NOTHING he will not do to get his way, and running that mineral estate is something he wants. He called the gaming board into executive session when no one would second a motion to make his son-in-law the CEO of the casinos. You could hear him yelling at that board, and when the board came out of exec Byron Bighorse was unanimously made the CEO. Chief talked the Benefits Coordinator in HR into taking a pay cut, for the good of the Tribe and placed this individual in another job. Chief then put his wife in the Benefits position, and paid her more than the other person had made.
      This ranch is going to crash and burn, but I'll give it to the ranch board, they wouldn't buy those overpriced bison, when that is what the Chief told them to do. Of course, he won't let them manage the ranch but that is what happens when you don't do what the dictator says.

    7. We warned you back before he was even a member of the Osage Congress. No one is willing to listen and so, these are the consequences.

  65. United Osages of Southern California upcoming meeting information is located at

    1. did we Osage people pay for this?

  66. E-mail your RSVP right away!


    2. I guess "Desirable Ted" didn't attend. The usual excuse of ill health. Probably could't face the Osages he took for 5 times the price higher than he bought it for in 2000. Either that or maybe he couldn't have held back his guffaws.
      More smoke blown on this one than has been seen in many a year and BTW, how much did the tent with the chandeliers cost the Osage people? --

    3. Why on earth does Waller always have to act like such a drama king? So weird and embarrassing and such tall tales!!! The reservation was purchased from the Cherokee and no Osage warrior died in the process of the transaction or to make it happen. Not all of our grandparents were killed during the Osage Reign of Terror either. Making up such BS is ludicrous. Why is he allowed to make such false statements in public and get away with it? He acts like a nutbag half the time.

    4. Party is being reported as costing $35,000!

    5. Sickening. SUBAR exhaustion continues with this crazy Osage government.

  67. A good program from the Nation that should be allowed to continue:

  68. 3 million bucks and still they can't get it right with the Fire Code?

  69. Tallgrass LLC is up to its old tricks again. The board is forming a joint venture where it will have but one employee. Near the 18 minute mark of the latest presentation to Congress they are talking about how the joint venture will permit them to get contracts without having to hire employees they cannot afford. This is similar to the way they were taking contracts based on the experience and qualifications of Pinnacle Design Group and then subcontracting 100% of the work, even though the law requires that an 8(a) perform at least 15% of the direct labor on a construction contract using its own employees.

    The regulations for the 8(a) program at 13 CFR 124.513 are quite clear. The requirement for work by the 8(a) company's employees under a joint venture is 40% of the contract. Section (d)(1) is provided immediately below for reference and the link to the applicable regulation follows that.

    (1) For any 8(a) contract, including those between mentors and protégés authorized by § 124.520, the joint venture must perform the applicable percentage of work required by § 124.510. For an unpopulated joint venture or a joint venture populated only with one or more administrative personnel, the 8(a) partner(s) to the joint venture must perform at least 40% of the work performed by the joint venture. The work performed by 8(a) partners to a joint venture must be more than administrative or ministerial functions so that they gain substantive experience. For a joint venture populated with individuals intended to perform contracts awarded to the joint venture, each 8(a) Participant to the joint venture must demonstrate what it will gain from performance of the contract and how such performance will assist in its business development.

    1. Tell them anything. Go ahead and do anything. No control or discipline. No forethought or planning. Throw it at the wall and see if it sticks. Throw it into the fan and see what happens. No consequences anywhere at any time for anyone and the Feds let them get away with it. Children with severe disabilities are capable of a higher success rate with more honesty and harmony than this bunch who run the Osage Nation government who put up with this stuff from these boards.

      Commerce and Economic Dev. Meeting 8-24-16 Revised
      1 of 3
      2 of 3
      3 of 3:

    2. If the criteria is not being met as set forth by the regulations how is it the Tallgrass LLc able to perform without following the terms of the Agreement by SBD and get away with it? Does the Board not understand what has to be followed?

    3. Tallgrass is able to get away with non-compliance because the SBA has entered into Memorandums of Understanding with other federal agencies, thus the SBA is not directly involved with either the contract award or its oversight. The agencies use the 8(a) SDB program as a means to avoid the burden of adhering to procurement policies, regulations and laws. If asked, the SBA will even admit that they are aware that government agencies turn a blind eye to violations when the contracting officers are made aware. Why? Because they just want the job completed.

      If you're really interested in getting a better understanding of how 8(a) companies get away with violating the law, then you can research it at The database of articles, laws, regulations, court cases, etc. is fully searchable.

    4. Wow, a monopoly which is against the regulations. You would think the FBI has been notified or the US Attorney is watching because today is not going to be like another yesterday where rules can be manipulated and get away with it. Thank you for the web site.

  70. Another incorrect statement by the Tallgrass board near the 22 minute mark. It is claimed that the mentor-protégé agreement will last 7 years, but no such agreement can survive the graduation of the 8(a) from the BD program. For Osage Pinnacle Design Group, also referred to as Tallgrass Construction, the date the 8(a) status ends is 01/31/2022.

  71. Very interesting about the Osage Nation/K State Masters program partnership at

  72. Standing Rock --->>>

    1. Support Rally --->>>


  73. TziZho Session Starts September 6th --->>>


    2. Legislative Calendar --->>>

    3. Chief's Opening Legislative message is located at

    4. See also

  74. Osage Blog Conversation continues at
