Sunday, February 14, 2016

Archive #33: Osage Shareholder Matters--February-April 2016

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  1. When the official amount of payment is disclosed, it will appear in the column on the far right under QUARTERLY ANNUITY PAYMENT at

    1. I was told it was announced at Friday's MC Meeting? Is this not correct?

    2. Yes, $3500 per HR. for March payment. MC confirmed it.

    3. The next one will be even smaller. This trend will continue till the Shareholders are forced to Compact.

    4. Or forced into a Tera Agreement.

    5. What is wrong with a Tera Agreement? My understanding under a Tera we still keep the trust intact.

    6. Nope. We're on our own and just imagine what will ensue then.

    7. Not one Tribe has signed up for a Tera agreement because we are Sovereign and we have binding treaties. In the private sector no one would be asking you to sign a agreement to operate and or open up a business right? This is our Trust held by the U.S in perpetual.

    8. The minerals trust is not held in perpetuity.
      The mineral rights are reserved to the Osage Tribe/Nation in perpetuity.
      The beneficiary or headright owners trust is separate and apart from the reservation of the mineral rights.
      The legal arrangement for both was initially created and further set in motion by the 1906 Allotment Act as amended.
      The beneficiary trust is held as are all the cards by the U.S. Congress. When it decides to move on as a governing body, it will and it can do so unilaterally per the 1906 Act as amended in 1978.
      The Osage Nation had better play nice with the assigned agency to administer and manage the beneficiary trust, the Bureau, or it'll be out in the cold with nothing but the mineral rights and no way to bring the oil and gas out of the ground because every land owner in Osage County will want to negotiate for a percentage of the take on a separate and individual basis or lock their gates to whatever oil and gas producer has been fool enough to get involved in a lease agreement that is so unstable.
      If the beneficiary trust is terminated by the U.S. Congress, the oil and gas royalty payments will be paid directly to the Osage Nation Treasury because the Osage Nation is the owner of the income prior to its being transferred to the U.S. Treasury Trust Account on behalf of today's mineral trust beneficiaries. This income ownership before being transferred to the trust account is clarified directly in the 1906 Act as amended in 1938.
      Just saying.

    9. And you're "just saying" is only right in part. The transformation of identity of the Osage Tribe into the Osage Nation has not been carried out by act of Congress, but by a rulemaking process of the president's administration. The Osage Tribe as defined by law consists solely of those who hold headrights in the Minerals Estate. Until Congress acts to change the law, the Osage Tribe is not synonymous with the Osage Nation.

    10. Where have you been? PL. 108-431 is an Act of Congress at the Federal level that fully enabled the formation of the OGRC to legally change the form of government by the Osage people.

    11. The “Osage people” in PL-108 is referring to the Osage Tribe as in Osage headright owners who are original allotees and their descendents who have a headright.


      The authors of the new Osage constitution ignored the PL-108 wording, ignored the congressional ruling, ignored federal law, and went on a public campaign that every Osage has the right to vote in all Osage matters – including matters of the minerals estate.

      The vote to change governments by all Osages was illegal.

      You are playing the same semantic games as did others on the old shareholder blog by confusing words and twisting the law.

      The Osage Nation government is a de facto government because people voted it in who did not have the right to make the change.

      The new government is all about controlling the casino revenue, highjacking the HPP case, taking over the M.E. estate and its revenue, and owning all capital enterprises. Several people who promoted the new government became very wealthy at the expense of everyone else. Some government people today are getting rich from the new government as well.

      A new political class has taken over the “Osage system” of law. They alone want to control all things Osage and all the money. There will never be a per cap and the government will continue to grow until it collapses under its own weight.

    12. Just amazed how soon people forget who are the rightful owners of the Reservation, the Mineral Estate held in trust by the U.S and what this document says and what it doesn't say as well. And who has the right to reverse this De Facto Government. The true membership, the Headright Owners.

    13. Good. This pretty much represents the two points of view on the establishment of the Osage constitutional government. The entire crux of the matter is whether or not all Osages had the legal standing where PL. 108-431 is involved to vote in the election on the Osage Constitution.

    14. Sorry your post was not posted before I posted my post...I've been quoting it for a long time. And each time I get no argument about what this Document says..and I being a Headright owner didn't get my vote for this De facto Gov..I suspect by no accident. And another question it is the responsibility, the fiscal responsibility of the role the M.C has in all of this? And how are rights have been abrogated and where was the M.C to protect and the Federal Government Agency the BIA?

    15. To poster at February 18, 2016 at 11:06 AM

      You completely missed the point. PL-108 is perfectly clear in its wording.

      Only Osage shareholders had the right to vote to change governments. PL-108 was intended to allow a vote ONLY if the shareholders wanted to change governments. Non-shareholder were not supposed to be allowed to vote.

      PL-108 is a REAFFIRMATION of the 1906 Act to confirm the rights of the legal members Osage Tribe a.k.a the Osage Shareholders to determine their government status.

      The 1906 Act and PL-108 refers to the Osage shareholdders – not all Osages in general.

      The 1906 Act and PL-108 was intended to protect the Osage shareholders from the very act that has happened to us this very day, The new government was an illegal hostile takeover by the authors and proponents of the new government.

    16. Yes, but this language is programmatically problematic:
      "(1) MEMBERSHIP.—Congress hereby clarifies that the term ‘‘legal membership’’ in section 1 of the Act entitled, ‘‘An Act For the division of lands and funds of the Osage Indians in Oklahoma Territory, and for other purposes’’, approved June 28, 1906 (34 Stat. 539), means the persons eligible for allotments of Osage Reservation lands and a pro rata share of the Osage mineral estate as provided in that Act, not membership in the Osage Tribe for all purposes."

      "...not membership in the Osage Tribe for all purposes." So what does that mean? That any other membership is "illegal membership"? A very poorly written Act of the U.S. Congress if you ask me.

    17. To 11:47, I don't think it was voted on legally, as only HR owners should have voted as the 1906 Act states. This mess is from Grays bunch and the chief is picking it up from there.

    18. The intent of which clearly states how the distribution of royalties is to be disbursed not for membership in the Osage Tribe for all purposes other than a pro rata share to the Headright owners.

    19. Agreed. The worst thing that ever happened to the Osages was the narrrow by a hair election of Jim Gray. If he were a commercial wrecking ball he could not possibly have done more damage than he has done to us in his last four years in office as the Chief under the Constitution and in his first four years as Chief of the 31st Council when he put in that dunce Hepsi Barnett as the coordinator of the OGRC and all those ONOs who sat on and packed that disastrous committee. Monstrous and we live with the destruction day in and day out. He should have been banned from all Tribal properties the day he lost the Irby case.

    20. The intent is far from clear to me.

    21. Woah, Are you saying Non-Headright Owners voted for this Government? If this is true then this is truly a De Facto Government. And needs to come to a halt A.S.A.P. It was thought the Headright Owners voted for this Gov and Membership for all Osages came after? Then the big dispute came when all members were able to vote on shareholder's matters when clearly the ONC says we are a separate entity?

    22. I still can't believe that after ten years come March, this travesty of a government will be ten years old and people out there with headrights still don't know that both shareholders and non-shareholders voted to put in or reject the Osage Nation Constitution. Did you know that there was a Referendum Election that was held late on in 2005 that included non-shareholders too where a number of questions were voted on and then ignored completely when the Constitution in final form arrived in everyones mailbox in January of 2006 before the election on the Constitution ever took place?

    23. To poster 18, 2016 at 1:18 PM

      …..”when the Constitution in final form arrived in everyones mailbox in January of 2006…..

      The Osage constitution was not mailed to everyone’s mailbox. Many shareholders were never even notified of any changes at all – especially Osages shareholders who lived outside of Osage County and Oklahoma. In fact, the final draft of the constitution was not revealed until the last moment. In addition, rumors were spread about that if the last full-blood shareholder dies, then the Osages would no longer be recognized by the federal government.

      The proponents of the new government spread lies to the shareholders and kept them in the dark. They lied to the non-shareholders that they would get a per-cap from the casinos and share in the wealth of the minerals estate.

      Since there are more non-shareholders than shareholders, the proponents of the new government needed the non-shareholders to out-vote the shareholders to change governments.

      Yes, some shareholders voted for the change. However, who were these voters? Obviously some were the ambitious ones who now run the government and others were duped into believing that the change was needed or die out in the eyes of the federal government.

      Shareholders were vilified and were accused of being paranoid and greedy with their rightful ownership of their headrights. It's a classic case of class warfare instituted by certain people to pit the non-shareholders against the shareholders. The political class played everyone for a bunch of fools and they are very proud of that fact.

      Sadly, due to the incompetence and shortsightedness of the people in charge of the Osage government, not only is the M.E. in jeopardy but the future of the Osage Nation as well. We are in the crosshairs of the state of Oklahoma, the Feds, and Wall Street. But all that really matters is that certain people became wealthy and have political ties and ambitions with Washington D.C.

      It’s all about money and power and nothing to do with the Osage people and our culture.

    24. Does this shock you? A lot of Headright owners were not comprised and omitted from the Vote..I have been in my home for over 20 years been a member since 76, and a TallChief did not get my vote or even was made aware..some of us worked for a living and two jobs and raised healthy families. All this information was attacked to the Newspaper at the time and no I did not subscribed to the Newspaper because I didn't know we even had one...My point is this was not a accident by all means..the voter turn out was what 1 percent of the Majority? Yes the vote was illegal.

    25. Thank you poster 1:57 pm..well said..opps attached.

    26. This would include the one who is on the committee to judge who should be nominated to the Supreme Court, as if this person has the capability to discern such matters so over her head it's laughable.

    27. Well said 1:57PM, I agree also.

    28. Section (a)(5)(1) of PL 108-431 makes it quite clear that only those persons holding headright interest in the Minerals Estate are entitled to a share of the revenue. It reads as follows:

      "MEMBERSHIP.—Congress hereby clarifies that the term ‘‘legal membership’’ in section 1 of the Act entitled, ‘‘An Act For the division of lands and funds of the Osage Indians in Oklahoma Territory, and for other purposes’’, approved June 28, 1906 (34 Stat. 539), means the persons eligible for allotments of Osage Reservation lands and a pro rata share of the Osage mineral estate as provided in that Act, not membership in the Osage Tribe for all purposes. Congress hereby reaffirms the inherent sovereign right of the Osage Tribe to determine its own membership, provided that the rights of any person to Osage mineral estate shares are not diminished thereby."

      The phrase "not membership in the Osage Tribe for all purposes" permits the new government to add members to its rolls. This results in a situation where the Osage Tribe as defined in the 1906 Act is not the same as the total membership of the Osage Nation. The ownership of the rights to the Minerals Estate is further qualified by the phrase "provided that the rights of any person to Osage mineral estate shares are not diminished thereby."

    29. The BIA should have step in and stopped this.

    30. Yeah but then how do you explain the Osage Nation government KICKING OUT every single solitary member who had legal membership under the 1906 Allottment Act as amended when Shannon Edwards cooked up that bill in the first Fall session after the takeover in 2006? Those bstrds literally did this by referring to a MC resolution, instead of adding the actual language to the bill, that said only those who had current (at that time) Jim Gray signed membership cards issued in the name of the Osage Nation could vote in the first election of officers for the Osage Nation. These sneaking no counts stole the entire membership from every single legal member under the Osage Tribe. The intent of the U.S Congress was to add members to the then current roster, not throw every single member out on their rear ends which they did without shame or conscience. This was the first evidence that this whole cooked up scam was a hostile take over. The tragedy is that there are STILL members of the Osage Tribe who don't even know they have no longer any Tribal Osage membership at all! I recently was listening to a committee meeting on changes to the membershiip bill where one of the election office people stated that this is a fact. Now you tell me how right this situation is and I'll tell you that you are as sneaking a bstrd as they are and still there are people who cooked up this GRAND THEFT who are getting a paycheck from the Osage Nation government as elected officials.

    31. I think you could tell us more, 11:07, what you say is very scary. Most shareholders aren't aware or notice these things. I know Gray was an evil man.

    32. To Poster at February 19, 2016 at 7:59 AM

      You said….”The phrase "not membership in the Osage Tribe for all purposes" permits the ……new government……. to add members to its rolls.”

      Since only the Osage shareholders were allowed to change government if they wanted to, then why were non-shareholders allowed to vote in a new government?

      Because the “Osage Nation government” did not exist before 2006, it could not simply add members to allow a general vote to change governments. Do you get it yet? How can a government that does not exist determine membership let alone allow people to vote to change governments?

      In order to have a new government, a present government must be de-established.
      The only way to allow this to happen is for the legal voters to make the change. If a person does not have the legal authority to vote then they have no right to change governments. Only the Osage shareholders had a right to change governments.

      You mention that the …new government…. can add members to its rolls. The problem is that this new government is a de facto government. 2006 was a political coup to overthrow the 1906 Act Osage Tribe and form a constitutional government by allowing people who did not have the legal authority to vote.

      The reason why the Osage Nation wants the authority to add members (and to disband members) is simply for voting power to out-vote the actual legal voters – especially when it comes to mineral matters.

      The people running the Osage Nation need to keep reinforcing the idea that the 1906 laws have changed. But the 1906 Act has not changed and is still in effect and PL 108 is simply reaffirmed the rights of the “Osage Tribe” ….not the “Osage Nation” (as a government.

      Unfortunately for all Osages, the people who run the Osage government have separated themselves from “We the people.” The new political class believes they rule all things Osage and are determined to enrich themselves politically and monetarily. They ignore the Osage people, ignore federal law, and create laws that mostly benefit the government itself.

    33. I posted at 7:59 AM and will clarify by saying that non-shareholders should NOT have been permitted to vote in the initial election. Given that ONLY shareholders made up the Osage Tribe at that point, it required a majority of them to vote to form a new government and permit addition of members to the rolls.

      I fully agree with your assessment. PL 108-431 did not authorize any group other than the Osage Tribe as it then existed to change its form of government.

      The original members could have opted to create a new government with a two-tiered system of laws - one set for those who own headrights and another for those who do not. This practice is not common today, but was widely practice in Europe centuries ago.

      PL 108-431 does not materially change the 1906 Act but is little more than an acknowledgment that people have the right of self governance. It just affirms the same right all sovereign people in the U.S. have when they organize cities and towns under state laws.

    34. It required a majority of them to vote, and? That did not happen.

      Read Section 3-303 and the Tribal Council Resolution No. 31-1533.
      This is the one that says you have to have a Jim Gray signed membership card in order to be able to vote in the first election of officers and only those who had one then became actual members of the Osage Nation at that time and it has continued forward to today.
      Shannon Edwards voted this bill into being.
      Archie Mason voted this bill into being.
      Raymond Red Corn voted this bill into being.
      Jim Gray signed it into law on September 28, 2006.
      This document threw every single LEGAL MEMBER of the Osage Tribe with a membership out on their rear ends and right into non-existence as an Osage who had a right to membership prior to this THEFT of tribal membership and identity as an Osage.

    36. That was a total farce as far as I am concerned. And Edwards is going to help decide who is going to be sitting on The Supreme Court? What a Joke.

    37. Too right you are! Another thing that still gripes the living hell out of me was that referendum election back in late 2005 that not only let non-shareholders vote, it also asked quite a few very leading questions directing choices associated with only a constitutional form of government. The one question that didn't appear on that ballot was the one that should have asked if the voters wanted to change the form of government from a resolution type of government keeping the one we had or switch to a constitutional form of government. This one let in all of the Osages the OGRC could find whether or not they had a headright. Here, because the BIA was supposed to protect the beneficiaries of the Trust, the Bureau should have sent out separate notifications to each and every Osage headright owner informing them of the OGRC and the work it was involved in to make this change to a new form of government. This NEVER happened and they dropped the ball where their fiduciary obligation to the keep them informed of any material change that might financially have an effect on their interest in the Osage Mineral Estate and the income generated by it. In addition, the absentee ballots for the constitutional election had envelopes that were transparent so that the vote, yes or no, was visable right through the envelope before the ballot was even opened! I heard some years later after this vote had taken place from one member of the OGRC who was most certainly in a position to know that Hepsi Barnett was walking around with box full of balllots that were never counted in that election! This whole process was a railroading that stank worse than a portable crapper that needs emptying. Trust these crooks who cooked up this outrage to get us in trouble right and left and what have we seen happen in the last decade since these money grubbing creeps have come into government power? It's loathsome to the nth degree make no mistake about it!

    38. It's way more than a joke. This so called person orchestrated with legislation along with the other co-conspirators in that fraudulent Osage Nation Congress and that dastard Chief Jim Gray, the worst theft of Tribal membership from an entire group of tribal members with legal standing in U.S. history and this is the one they select to decide qualifications for justices at the Federal level including the Supreme Court of the United States of America. WOW! Other than what she did to the legal members of the Osage Tribe in 2006, I really can't think of anything worse. Insanity propagated to the ends of the entire country up and down, side to side and everywhere in between.

    39. and the Bureau, at the time, just sat back and watched.

    40. I guess they must have had other people on that committee in the past to have justices at the Federal level chosen as bad as the one who judged that our reservation had been taken away from us with the 1906 Allotment Act. I direct your attention to the title of the Act itself:
      ‘‘An Act For the division of lands and funds of the Osage Indians in Oklahoma Territory, and for other purposes’’, approved June 28, 1906 (34 Stat. 539).
      What it says is OKLAHOMA TERRITORY not an Act for the purposes of dividing lands and funds for the formation of the State of Oklahoma! This title has never been changed, amended or otherwise abrogated and it sets the legal status of this Act in stone from the minute it was signed into law by the President of the United States. So, we not only have Edwards who has legislatively orchestrated the grand theft of Osage tribal membership from the legal members, we also have a Federal Judge in Tulsa, and other Judges at the Appeals Court for the 10th Circuit in Denver who also by affirming the lower court decision who have orchestrated the grand theft of our Federal reservation status as well. It's no wonder Edwards was chosen to sit on this committee. She certainly has the legislative credentials for it.

    41. Why didn't the MC sue to protect us?

    42. HA! The 31st Tribal Mineral Council was the one that put the Osage Government Reform Commission otherwise known as the OGRC on its feet and set this all in motion back in early 2005 shortly after P.L. 108-431 was signed by President George "W" Bush. Jim Gray was the last Tribal Council Chief 2002-2006 and the first Osage Nation Chief 2006-2010. He oversaw the whole process of transition between governments including the disastrous Irby lawsuit that lost us the reservation status in Federal Court in Tulsa.

    43. They rushed the new government constitutional process through like crap through a goose in about a year's time from the day the OGRC was installed as a committee in early 2005 to the vote on the Constitution in March of 2006. According to informed sources, this process should have taken two or more years and should have included a Constitutional Convention with members chosen by a vote at the local level in each community representing Osages from all over the USA. None of that happened either.

    44. 10th Circuit Opinion

    45. We can go over this again and the reminder of where we are at and how when and where and the loopholes that was used to get here and etc...the list can go you want our old form of Gov back? And it can happen as easily as it happened in the first..after all this is our money so we decide..the people are Sovereign not the decide and we will push the bottons.

    46. My, you are misinformed. That Osage Constitution has us locked down with no way out and little if any wiggle room. What do you propose and how do you propose to do it?

    47. Am I misinformed dont think so. It is you that is worried and should I just love whistle blowers and you guys have one in the Nation.

  2. Nona or Susan, if you know in any detail, what is going on in the Burbank?

  3. Agenda for the MC meeting on the 17th is located at

    1. I heard the MC talking about a new web page to be starting soon at the end of the meeting. Something like each council person would have their own page and comments. Golly that would be an improvement!!!! I hope I heard right...

    2. I expect to see lots of blank pages on the new Web page until just before election. Ask all the questions you want, there will be very few responses. LOL

  4. Another suit against the BIA that's paying off for the Osages and other Tribal communities;

    1. So the Osages don't even get one million dollars out of this settlement it appears. Does the funds got the Shareholders or Nation? IF its the Shareholders it isn't even $500 per heard right.

    2. I wrote about this yesterday, and got deleted. Just like you have, and this morn it was gone. If you want to save what's on here, better get it copied!

    3. Probably the Nation.

    4. To Feb. 20 at 4:02 p.m.--Thank you for the info, what a surprise, been going on 25 years, went on the Osage websites and seen nothing about it, I seen on the Cherokee website back in Sept. 2015, there was an article of potentially getting it (at least it was acknowledged), I didn't see it mentioned anywhere in Osage info sources?? That tribal list is long, long, long, I'm happy for all the tribes receiving. Most likely going to the "Nation," not individual. Like Cobell we were "class action," individual plaintiffs, not "class members" (Osage Nation)--noted on the list.

    5. To Feb 20 at 4:02 pm -- thank you for the info, was surprised. 25 years in legal. I looked on both Osage websites couldn't find any mention of it. I looked on the Cherokee website and they mentioned it back in Sept. 2015. I am happy for all tribes on list. Most likely going to Osage Nation (class member) mentioned on list, unlike in the Cobell settlement, it was individual class action plaintiffs.

      FYI to those like me that didn't know about it, or remember it, I got background on it at in archieves dated Sept. 17, 2015 -- "...Announce $940 million Landmark Settlement..."

    6. my reply for 11:06 came up with my 11:22 retype above. 25 years ago we was Osage Tribe, so much legal jargon, but it was a shareholder's tribe then, maybe we are entitled to an itty bit, huh?

  5. What this rumor about the BIA Supernatant destroying more of the Osage Shareholders Maps and Records without the knowledge of the Mineral Council or Nation? Is this ever going to end? Will the OMC and ON ever grow some balls and fight back? Come on people your future is being destroyed and shredded just like our records!!

    1. Where did you get this information?

    2. Who owns the well records held at the BIA? Why is this not controlled by the OMC or Nation? Why do we as a people turn our destiny and children future over to these white eyes from Washington? Have we leaned nothing?

    3. This person has knowledge and this is the second time this has been reported.If records are being destroyed illegally and for what reason? I have a common sense about this and there is only one reason that I can think of, but I'll reserve my comment till proven the Poster who reported this. Names and dates and keep them for future a safe keeping place. I said we have whistle blowers and the closer we get to the truth of this matter should be reported to DOI, SOI and to the Judge in the Fletcher case as well...if this is true I would not go to Mike black or to Janine Hale. Is this a rumor and the start of a lie thats hard to tell. Don't you think the MC if we had a functioning MC for the last decade we would not have to worry about something like this from happening? Replace them all come this can be done.

    4. Sounds like more disinformation to bash and trash the sitting MC. It will take more than your false reports and innuendo to shake my faith. You want a fat paycheck, go look for a job in the real world.

    5. I am hearing that the destruction of documents at the BIA is true and is being actively investigated by the AG of the Osage Nation.

  6. Oklahoma, city lead nation in foreclosure growth as being reported in the Journal Record.

  7. Word out on the street as of today; a meeting has taken place with the BIA, the Chief, members of the MC and others. The upshot is that the BIA is going to pull back the new Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) GREAT NEWS! More to follow as soon at it becomes available.

    1. This is fantastic! Thank God reason has finally begun to prevail!

    2. I wonder which MC members. What brought this about out of the blue? Sounds good.

    3. Still the Shareholder's, the producer's are out thousands, and what about the workover permits and the back log? And will the lost funds be recovered because of the BIA'S Actions..and or is it because of the Injunction that is enforcing the BIA to be compliant? This is good news if it is true and I happen to think it the poster above who brought the good news I say thank you...

    4. Never happy are you? This will save your bacon and still you complain. It's good news so try and be happy about it. Sheesh!

    5. Why its no sweat off your back should we be compensated and your not out over 100,000 because of the shenanigans of the BIA. MC sympathizer..

    6. When the BIA or our wonderful OMC send out a Official public statement announcing this action and how it will improve things such as the permitting lead times etc whats to get excited about? Rumors? If we had a Council that conducted themselves in a professional manner there would be a Press Release and it would be posted on their Website. I realize that is a Earth shattering idea but I am sure one of the 8 members could write one paragraph to earn their big $$$$$

    7. Now that was nicely said..poster 11:16. Thank you..this coversation has been documented so many would think they would grow a clue as to how the Shareholder's really are not naive or incoherent as to the shortcomings of the MC. Election is coming and so looking forward.

    8. MC sympathizer? This is a construct of the Osage Nation Constitution. Has nothing to do with me. I'm happy with this good news. If you've lost then I'm not happy about that either. Some of us have been in sympathy with the producers all along but you, in particular, still want to paint us with the same mud brown paint on the brush you use for the BIA. Not fair to us to take all these broad swipes at everyone in sight.

  8. Osage Shareholder Association meeting will be this Sunday, Feb. 28, 2016 at the Dave Landrum Community Center, Pawhuska, OK, at 1:00 p.m., CST.

    1. Report from Gene Dennison:
      "The Chief was present as well as two Congress officials and three MC members. It was wonderful to see these elected officials start to work things out. If this continues we might get some our problems behind us. It is clear that there is a lot to be done, but no one left mad and the doors are opening."

    2. What was so wonderful about it, so they all went to the Sunday lunch. Was Galen there?

    3. A concensus is happening? Still no conversation with the shareholder's.

    4. I don't let snakes into my house and think they're going to be friendly. Just because they smile and bring a cake.


    More lay offs!!

  10. zzzzzzzz Just like the Osage oil patch, not a sound of work being done. Nice More layoff's announced on Ok Energy Today.

    1. Right, suppliers/retail industry are not going to escape the effects of low oil prices..the domino effect. But did you read about Chesapeake and Encana? Under investigation by the feds?

    2. Be spesific and source your comment please.

    3. Go to ok Energy let your fingers do the walking as I did lazy.

    4. Source your remarks for the benefit of the shareholders here or take it elsewhere!

    5. Chaparral decides not to make $16.5M interest payment

      Read more:


    7. Don't be so darn harsh. March 2, 2016 at 11:31 AM don't even know how to highlight then copy and paste a url string to put up on here.

    8. OMG!

    9. Just read that how surreal...coincidence?


  11. Wondering what is going on with the Fletcher case? By the end of this month will be three months since the Judge ordered an accounting and the Federal Government has all the info they need from GCG services in the Cobell case..and not just that we get our quarterly statements as well, so what is the issue here?

  12. The industry is facing $9.8 billion in interest payments through the end of this year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

    SandRidge, which drew down its full $500 million credit line on Jan. 22 and hired legal and financial advisers, has another payment of about $28 million due March 15, the data show. Chaparral Energy Inc., which likewise tapped its entire credit line and hired advisers this month, owes $17 million next month. A representative for Chaparral did not return a phone call and e-mail seeking comment.

    SandRidge “has sufficient liquidity to make these interest payments, but has elected to use the 30-day grace period in connection with its ongoing discussions with stakeholders,” the company said in a statement released Wednesday.

    “If you can’t make it through the year at current strip prices, then why pay the coupon?” said Subash Chandra, a managing director with Guggenheim Securities in New York. “If you can’t make it out of this year, and asset sales aren’t going anywhere and no one wants your equity, then there just aren’t that many avenues to fix the problem.”

    This from

    1. From a recent article on Bloomberg, it's looking more negative for the oil industry. Obama may being signing executive orders from now till his last day in office over Congress in the name of "climate change."

      Bloomberg, March 7, "Brokers and Big Oil Fight Obama Rush to Make Rules by May Cutoff."
      Quotes: "...making oil companies plug methane leaks at wells and..." "...the proposed offshore drilling rule could mean billion in forfeited investment by...Anadarko Petroleum Corp. and other..." "...the administration is bombarding our economy with duplicating, job-crushing new regulations." "...rush rules can wreak havoc on the economy."

      Last night on the democratic debate a question about the gas flares/leakage--Clinton said she would stop the drilling until it could be resolved. This could be a new nightmare: how long would a well be down, how many, like the EA situation, one rule could affect all wells (EPA ?)

      Earthquakes. OK Energy Today--February archive: "The Oklahoma Corporate Commission moved earlier in February to have operators in a 5,200 square area mile of northwestern Oklahoma to reduce injection volumes by more than 500,000 barrels a day."

      SandRidge Energy's -- "four wells will be used as monitoring wells by the Oklahoma Geological Survey research project."

    2. Oklahoma Corporate Commission, Feb. 16, 2016 "Media Advisory - Regional Earthquake Response Plan for Western Oklahoma" "...while the plan is a response to the continued seismicity in the area, the action will also include areas that are NOT YET experiencing major earthquakes." " get out ahead of it and hopefully prevent New areas from being involved."

      "Researchers largely agree that wastewater injection into Arbuckle formation poses the largest potential risk for earthquakes in OK. Most of the wastewater comes not from hydraulic fracturing operations, but rather from producing wells. The water exists in the producing formation and comes up with the oil and natural gas."

    3. Can't wait for the establishment to get out of office and don't let the door hit you on their arse or let it? Yes hillbilly will continue this charade of redistribution all in the name of junk science, a proven fact..Bernie not feeling the burn...either. Raising Taxes is the Answer? Not! Though Trump can be a Trump I'm feeling his house of cards..though I did not like how he threatened Indian Gaming at one time..still on the fence on that one..not much choice..still I am for JOB growth and he can do it..and he will build the energy sector again..

  13. Scuttlebut today is the news that an Osage constitutional convention is in the wind. This has been posted on a Facebook site by Shannon Edwards and she wrote that Speaker Whitehorn is working on it. This is important because we need to know who will be the appointees to the Constitutional Convention as delegates and we need to make sure that these delegates are chosen from all over the United States, not just from Osage County like they were the last time. Keep your ears to the ground and your eyes open on this from now on. Edwards is being criticized for suppressing the attendance records of the Congress to keep them from the Osage people. You know she will because she's up for election in June. She has and always has had the worst attendance record in the history of the Osage Nation Congress. Been in there way too long and needs to move on and make room for those with respect for the Osage people and the work she has been elected to be there in person to do. She's paid well enough and we should remember that even if she can't seem to when it comes time to show up to do our business in the Osage Congress.

    1. Maybe this will be the year that enough voters wake up and send her packing.

    2. That's the quote of the day for damn certain.

    3. What is the reason for the Osage Constitutional Convention? I'm a huge advocate.

    4. Really busy this month for the price to us of $5,416 a month each not including benefits. Now multiply this dollar figure times twelve for all of them every month that we pay to have them conduct our business:

      Check the URL above each month to find out how not busy they are and what it's costing us. This is where it really becomes criminal for them to take the money from the Osage people when they do so little work for our money that they are always so ungenerous to us with and most especially when Shannon Edwards is absent so often when they do work. It's so bad it's hard to believe that we put up with it. Think about this when you vote and consider your choice for the incumbents who choose to run for office this June.

    5. If you think I'm TFOS, click the back arrow button on the calendar and count how many days they've worked in January and February of 2016. This is such a classic rip off, I don't know what is even close to compare it to.

    6. Suspicious Osage ShareholderMarch 10, 2016 at 4:19 PM

      Really? Whitehorn words hand in hand with the Chief. You may want to reconsider your advocacy since he wants total master control of the Osage Mineral Estate and the only thing stopping him, amazingly enough, is Article XV of the current Osage Nation Constitution. The framers wanted it that way to stop any over ambitious Chief. GSB is all about a work around and if that won't work then he'll throw the whole thing out to get rid of an unfriendly and uncooperative mineral council with a few dedicated elected members who won't let him take power who also protect the agency created by the current governing document. Be careful of what you think is good where these elected officials are concerned. They are always working an angle and it's not in your favor as a shareholder and never has been since the day they tricked us with all their empty promises and came into power.

    7. Whitehorn works hand in hand.

    8. Jim Gray reported this in a comment about an Osage Constitutional Convention on a Facebook site today:
      "I saw some chatter last night about bringing up blood quantum again, cultural and language requirements etc..."
      Beware of this developing situation and what Whitehorn and Standing Bear whip up together. If they threw all the headright owners out of Tribal membership with the 2006 Osage Constitution and they did, they can throw out all of the Osages living outside of Osage County with a new one. Watch out. I'm warning you and don't ignore it. If the U.S. Congress changes the 1906 Act to permit the Osage Nation to run the Mineral Estate, the Nation will be in a position to defeat the protections of the current Osage Constitution and open the door to running the majority of us off which will rob us of our membership in the Osage Nation too. Pay heed...

  14. Minerals Council Meeting Friday, March 11 Agenda is located at

    1. Second Minerals Meeting in March will be on the 23rd. A trip to Washington D.C. with Tom Fredericks, the MC attorney, for testimony and financial request to increase the amount of money they have to work with. "Why is the Federal Government Treating Indian Lands as Public Lands?", is a position paper prepared by Fredericks as a White Paper analysis that they want to introduce in Washington.

    2. Talee mentioned this paper, authored by current Attorney for OMC, Tom Fredericks. It is brilliant, meticulously researched and well worth reading:

    3. Why do they need more money to spend? Oil has crashed and here they are trying to open a oil and gas production office? Is that what they are doing now? This is going to eat right into the income reserves in the Trust account and take money out of the pockets of the shareholders who are already suffering the from the devastating loss of income as it is already. Oil may never come back in this region and here they'll be with a fully staffed oil and gas production office with nothing going and nothing to do but place a burden on what income is coming in for the shareholders. Trust the elected Osages to come up with a senseless plan like this one. Crazy stupid and now they plan to become a hindrance to the future income of the headright owners going forward? Grrrrrrr..............

    4. First the Shareholder's have a right to know why the request for more money? They have a million dollar draw down..what is the money requested for and how much? We need to stremline the daily duties of the BIA. Every office you record monthly reports so that you can streamline..we need to cut the inefficiencies and redundancies and there's a lot we can do ourselves to eliminate cost. Not just that we have to lead in management this our baby we own the Mineral rights not the U.S or the BIA..we are in the 21st century and the M.C has done a pretty banged up job at managing. I know I have management experience in a lot of areas and I have never seen anything like this before..and are out of over 100,000 because of the poor decisions made by the BIA because they would not follow the Mandates set forth by Congress..has come to hurt the reputation of the Osage...Tom Frederick's is exactly right about his assessment in regards to the BLM and their overreach on Federal Indian Land and the BIA..In all of his writing I have always said we are sovereign, we own the Mineral rights,this is Federal land not public and what happened? What happened ruling in favor of the American Indian? Especially we have the right to run our business as we see fit..simple in text that I write, but you should read what the OMC Lawyer has written of which we knew and how is the BLM not being contested on this matter and as a Osage Shareholder I would like our Lawyer to contest the BLM.

    5. In the meeting, the Chairman tells why they're asking for money, he even used the term "short" like short in money. The council seems like in the near future won't have money to pay their bills/expensives. There's no mention of a supplement payment to shareholders who are also in dire need to survive because of what's come about. A producer who was asking for a new lease said there's a "time" hindering problem now because it's "beetle" season coming up. What does this little "beetle" do that it can stop drilling?? A little "fish" of some sort in California stopped food production because it was more precious than food producting. One of the Presidential candidates wanted to get rid of the BIA? who?? Maybe it was Ted Cruz? I'm sure any Tribe's hope for a better future is only going to be through "legal process." I'd like to see all Tribes "unite," have yearly meetings together. Some Tribes do well, others struggle more. We learn by mistakes, minutes of meetings past in a previous MC are now just getting a final review by some councilmen who wasn't even in attendance. I always participate in voting, but it seems futile to go through all the profiles/education in oil or experience, when it seems always the locals/neighbors/pals get voted in. Even now, Obama nominated someone who is a cousin of someone in the administration. I read the T. Frederick's writing, and I really respect his knowledge and experience in Indian history and law. I hope he can continue into the next MC. It looks to me that his writing is to contest the BLM. I'm excited, this "writing" and the MC trip to Washington to me is just as important as the Fletcher case is. By the way, in the meeting the Chairman also said this meeting to DC is also to give the government a chance to do right in lieu of a possible class lawsuit. I prefer a class lawsuit, the paperwork gets shuffled sooner than getting put in a "we'll get to it later" pile.

    6. God knows we have grounds for a lawsuit or should by now but to keep on spending money like this to get a reaction from a government division and bureau that has no intention of altering their behavior to protect our mineral estate asset no matter how many times they are sued, I just don't know how efficacious that's going to be. Even the Trust relationship where the fundamental duties and the loyalty owed to the beneficiaries has been redefined by the Secretary of the Interior to be something else from what it is in the outside world. Unless, in this lawsuit, you get a clarification from the Court in writing that clearly and unequivocally defines what is due and owed to the Osages along with other NA communities with assets held in trust by the DOI/BIA where the duties and loyalty of that trust relationship is, I think you'll be spinning your wheels and if we have to step out of the Federal court arena into OK State Court to get the landowners to cooperate with the oil and gas producers who have leases, from my point of view, you'll only be encouraging the Feds and the BIA to step out of the picture altogether and leave us in the fray and eventually the lurch all alone to defend our ME interests in State court. This can't be beneficial in the overall and I don't know that inflaming the situation with yet another lawsuit the really MC cannot afford is the solution. In addition, the court has opened the way for the shareholders to sue for the damage done as the Osage Nation does not have the right to waive our rights as beneficiaries away and sweep them off the table. This is one good for sure that has come of the Pratt/Fletcher case where we are to receive an accounting from the HPP lawsuit that was won and settled a few years back. If you're still around Galen or Ray McClain, will you please weigh in on this question?

    7. A class Action is still on tgd burner..and something else as well.

  15. The race for ON Congressional Office is on as of yesterday. To keep up with the roster of those filing to run, see
    If you are running for office see

  16. Maybe time to bring a few updates with dollars signs $5 million ,near them. You may remember me blogging about David Grann,New Yorker writer, author of the "Lost land of "Z". It appears that he has completed the new book on the Osages, a true story that is set in the 1920 title "Killer of the Flower Moon: An American Crime and the Birth of the FBI. Yahoo or Google David Grann for future updates. H. has been following this and has supplied some material for the project, yours truly; H

  17. Read the billboard. Nuff said --->>>


  18. Let all of us know if your name shows up on the list and you receive one of the 60 notices to individuals scheduled for Osage Nation membership removal:


    2. Lol, I would think it would be embarrassing to the individual who had received one of these notices to notify us who they are. After all they know they were enrolled fraudulently.

  19. MC Meeting Notice is located at

  20. Lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place,wrong. Lecturer/meteorologist of my grad grandson's geologist workshop
    , it's been found and proofed that it's consistence
    in finding oil,gas and other minerals. I was out hunting one Sunday morning , ya, shouldof been in Church, but a little squirrel or cotton tail would sure taste good for dinner ,Mom always liked that gamey taste. Up in the hills on Ol'Uncle Nat,s farm,once Uncle Nat had it up for sale as a possible uranium find ,that went nowhere.So, there I was armed with my trusted single shot 4:10, ready for the bear or the Mountain lions who Uncle Nat said roamed those hills. Well it started lightning,not wanting to be a 4:10 lightning rod I dropped to prone position, when the fetal,
    some praying about not hunting on Sunday, maybe until afternoon .Well, the Lightning did striked quite a few times that morning, after it stopped I notice was in a cow patty field, so oil or gas under, gas above. Think I'll search out some Wild Onions down on Bird Creek, that and eggs sounds good. H

  21. Gasoline higher on talks some oil companies getting together to set crude prices, to stable jobs and exploration. This is on Tulsa Fox channel news.

  22. Election debate information is located at

  23. FROM THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES; this ruling may well be of major significance where the Osage Reservation and its loss is concerned:
    "(a) Only Congress may diminish the boundaries of an Indian reser- vation, and its intent to do so must be clear."
    See also "We recently stated in Mattz v. Arnett, 412 U. S. 481, 412 U. S. 504 n. 22 (1973), that Congress uses "clear language of express termination" to disestablish and diminish a reservation and restore it to the public domain "when that result is desired."

    1. Wonderful
      So Awesome

    2. See also

  24. Cobell Scholarship information is located at

  25. OMC Meeting is live. The Agenda is located at

    1. New BIA petroleum engineer named Gus Kun from Africa was introduced by the Osage Superintendent. She listed a number of permits that have been approved and other approvals including violations and fines that have been assessed by the Osage BIA Agency.

    2. Listen live at

    3. Where on this Agenda is the MC report on what they did while they were in Washington D.C. last week?

    4. PE is right out of school and will be sent to Lakewood, CO for additional interface and training. Superintendent is excited!

    5. Discussion about the additional money for the MC and where it's to come from. Discussion about phone polls and no discussion about issues in the MC meetings. Galen seems to be largely unhappy about this and wants a change on the way things are happening with the phone polls. Talee discussing what is really happening with Lankford's office? He wouldn't visit Inhofe's office because he is not pro-Indian. Some comment about moving the BIA and the Osage Agency to Denver? Cynthia discussing a letter about sending money to Colorado. Telephone poll for Centenarians and Cynthia standing up for sending flowers to Annette Gore on her 100th Birthday tomorrow. Galen voted no because he had no information on who Mrs. Gore is and no one could answer his questions. Cynthia said if a shareholder turns 100 years old no matter who they are, where they live and what family they come from, they deserve a floral bouquet from the Minerals Council. Now in Executive Session.

      Well, the cat's out of the bag. I was going to post a Happy Birthday notice for Mrs. Gore who is the co-founder of the Osage Blog tomorrow but it's out now. Thank you, once again, Cynthia for standing up for the Shareholders and for putting forward the phone poll for Mrs. Gore. Thank you Galen for acknowledging that Mrs. Gore has done a lot for the Osage Tribe as it's turned out.

      Happy Birthday to Annette Gore who will turn 100 years old tomorrow, March 24, 2016!!! An amazing milestone and proud of her I am for all she is and has been as concerned member of the Osage Tribal community, as a wonderful Mother without parallel in my opinion as her daughter and because she is a remarkable human being and a lovely person as well.

    6. OME Meeting Part 1 and Part 2 on demand:

  26. Supreme Court ruling emboldens tribes in another boundary case. Good news! This from

  27. Spring Regular HunKah Session of the Osage Nation Congress begins on Monday. See

    1. Will there be any money left in the Treasury of the Osage Nation as a result of all this hideous spending when this "Snuggle Bunny" grows up?

    2. Due to start shortly at

    3. Agenda is located at

    4. The Constitution is indeed in play. The ON Congress (Speaker Whitehorn) is calling for a Constitutional Convention in this Session. We must pay attention now as the Chief directed one of his remarks toward the fact that only 3,600 (roughly) live within the boundary of Osage County. I have no idea how this will have an effect on the Osage Mineral Estate and the Headright owner's future interest in it as it concerns that Constitution as written today but this is a matter that will be well worth watching in the future.

    5. The first Session day has ended. Committee meetings for today are posted on the calendar at

    6. Take a really good look at ONCR 16-14 at

      In the document it calls for electors under the new section titled "Amendment by Convention" and it's these electors, not the Osage people, who will ratify any new Constitution. Watch out! This implies the creation of an electoral college of some kind that will be created by this new passage in this amendment to change the current Osage Nation Constitution by Convention.

    7. So what this looks like is another hand full of agenda driven Osages like the OGRC who will participate in a Constitutional Convention, redraw the governing document along the lines they want it drawn along and then vote themselves to ratify it by 65%? This would be like the OGRC members being able to frame the current Osage Constitution and then vote it in all by themselves by a 65% vote in favor of it. "Any amendments, alterations, revisions or a new Constitution, proposed by such convention, shall be submitted to the eligible voters of the Osage Nation at a general or special election and must be approved by 65% of the electors to become effective." As there is no definition of what the term "electors" is supposed to mean in the Congressional Resolution, are we to assume that it means the same as it does in other passages in the Constitution that is in effect today? Maybe this is harmless and maybe it isn't but we should start paying attention to every single word in any Congressional resolution to change the Constitution as written. The Osage Nation government is now the entity with the real power no matter how they may choose to flatter us with words about the power being in the hands of the Osage people. It's not the Osage people and their rights and privileges that are being preserved as an institution, it's the Osage Nation government that is being put forward as important and as that which must survive into the future. Whatever it creates and preserves and defines as authentically Osage is what will prevail into the future not what the Osage people want or think or hope will happen.

  28. Candidates filed as of today are located at

    1. More information is located at

  29. To vote by absentee ballot, you must have your written request arrive at the Osage Nation Election Office on or before May 2, 2016. The Absentee Ballot Request Form is located at

  30. In the election running:

  31. Just read that the Donnelson lawsuit has been dismissed!!

    1. osages you need to know

    2. PURE JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Yay!!!!! So whats next? Sue the Drummonds and Donnelsons who are persona non grata for the frivolous suit?

    4. Sounds like a yummy idea to me... a class action on behalf of all the headright owners who have lost so much as a result of this lawsuit but mainly "knee-jerk reaction" go-to girl Robin Phillips, Superintendent of the BIA Osage Agency. Yumm...

    5. Robin in the Federal Court of Claims. The rest in Federal Court in Tulsa. Paid and suffering guys; pain and suffering for we have endured both many times over.

    6. United States Court of Federal Claims I mean.

    7. Yes the BIA and its failure due to incompetence at the administration level is thru the roof..failure to support in favor of the Osage till due notice otherwise, abuse of power or better lack of, no accident.I believe a inquiry needs to happen as to why the failure to speed up the permitting process? Especially when oil was at its highest peak in 2014. No harm no foul.right.Not just this but our Name The Osage, our cultural was at threat and used like a wet sponze and brought nothing but harm to our Sovereignty. Who we are as a yes a class action suit probably will happen. Our reputation and not just financially has harmed... The long term effects..? In this industry, believe me when I say everyone knows each other..Can you feel how the producers feel who were named in this frivolous law I feel the BIA was hostile towards the producers and the Osage you bet..Mike Black, Janine Hale and the upper echelon...Sovereignty when applied and used at the proper venue is very powerful.

    8. Document is on There's talk about BIA's leasing permits and drilling program back to 1979, on page 9 of 13 pages. Some of this I don't get. Maybe Ray will explain, or somebody. Hope it's all over!!!!

    9. You have to have a action that supports the cause of which the Plaintiff's could not justify real harm, now that being said..the Plaintiff's wanted to go back as far as the year of 1979 and null and void all leases and because they could not prove the action going back to 1979, there was no harm. Essentially they could not prove their case. The regulations, NEPA, was in place. If they could prove all the leases were in violation, but they could not prove that..and the task itself would take years if can be all. So you have to have proof of burden of which the plaintiff's could no prove that no action was involved. Nor did they provide the action that supports their cause..and how they were harmed..either way. Just a lot of fancy who is on the hook for the cost of this frivolous suit? Was it pro bono? Thats the way I see it..

    10. Inother words the facts was not present to support the cause and action...

    11. BUT the plantiffs have 30 days to appeal. Not over til it's over.

    12. Why would they want to do that when the Judge has made such a good clear case for dismissal? Pride of place legally can get expensive for those on the wrong side bro. Good money after bad kind of thing.

    13. It is true they can appeal, on what facts? Of which they could not offer in the first trial and the council for the Plaintiffs did not provide how the plaintiffs were harmed going all the way back to 1979 EIS. Another thing, Sovereignty played a important role here as well..They the Donelsons and the Drummonds lost big got to know when to hold them, know when to when to fold them and know when to walk away..this case was a gamble in the first and by the naked eye to stall development of our Estate, which it did slow the permitting process down...non the less this should have not happened.

    14. I might elaborate on the Sovereignty, the U.S did not waive their Sovereignty, they have to agree to to the suit,they did not..2nd Subject matter jurisprudence ,A judgment from a court that did not have subject-matter jurisdiction is forever a nullity. Nullity is void or of no importance..if you read how the Lujan case I believe that is used as an example and played a roll in this decision makes a lot of sense not that very hard to understand. What a good read.

    15. The reasons not to appeal are clear. However, Gentner Drummond hates the BIA, hates the producers (unless they are a client), and hates the Osage Nation. So an appeal is not out of the question, unless Ted turner is truly behind this suit. Because Turner is leaving the County, maybe the interest in litigation is leaving as well.

    16. Whom else could they appeal to? Not the U.S. The U.S claimed Sovereignty. Amd this is a big industry to attack in the first..for Drummond not to point out the facts how harm has come or how future harm will come..and as the Judge pointed out there are solutions in place if the Producer did not meet the industry standard the 1979 EIS and or NEPA of which the final agency has the last word on this matter, the BIA. This is a done case..shame on the Donelsons. Can you imagine all the leases going back to 1979 voided,now that would have been for the taking all right..and the many law suits driven from the taking. Minerals are considered property of which the surface owner has no right to and they did build their ranches knowing this..and agreeing to this. We're not going anywhere..

    17. You appeal to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver. Does not mean they would even hear it. But one can appeal and Drummmond, for all of the previous bloggers reasons, hates Osage County so much he may do it out of spite. Rationality or practicality may have nothing to do with his decision.

    18. Where does the venom come from towards Osage Co? Is it because our Government has chosen to not make him rich? I can see why, his arrogance speaks volumes and so does the case he just lost.

    19. Hates to lose and hates to not get his way. Arrogance of a fighter pilot, I guess.

    20. I understand the rich History between his ancestors and our ancestors but lets not forget where we came from..the dynamics and rich history runs deep and our paths have crossed. His actions speaks louder than words forever etched in our minds such betrayal if there ever was a unspoken loyalty in the first. We will persevere as always as history says, we always have. Today not so different than yesterday. We will fight for Justice, We are Osage.

    21. A win would have thrown the entire county into pandemonium. The Judge was smart enough to understand that and not go there. Justice at the legal level is still a product that has to be weighed and the consequences have to be assessed in order for it to exist. That's often why what is fair and what is right is not always the same in the legal arena once an opinion has been handed down and even then, judges in one court can see a different legal reality at the appellate level once it gets there. Justice in the legal application is a very fluid thing and that's why it's so dangerous and expensive to go there. It's one lesson the Osages never seem to learn and as a result, millions upon millions of dollars have been thrown at lawyers and courts since they've had the money to get into court and sue. In many instances, it's been good. In others not at all. In a few, the results have been devastating as with the Irby case.

    22. On the last page in the 'Conclusion' the last words are "Denied as Moot," I had to look up the word "moot," there were a couple of definitions but seems this was the best definition for this situation (Webster): "Not worthy of consideration or discussion because it has been resolved or no longer needs to be resolved." (this alone would seem to go against an appeal ?????)

  32. News on Chaparral:

    1. Thank you..thought I read somewhere that in the past that they had the capital in assets to reorganize without having to file bankruptcy, to now, this alternative might be the only resolution. Still all the same, wish them best of luck..When the seven year itch is up as the proverbial saying goes, what goes down will go back up..just another year to go after the elections change will come sooner than later..hope they can survive the wait!

  33. More food for thought Mr. Gentner Drummond...

    1. The article was well written. I like how he referenced we can regulate the industry without federal agency involvement and contruct your own plans to meet industry standard such as capturing methane for sale as opposed to letting it vent. And I have always said we need to catch up to innovative technology to extract oil at a lower cost to the Producer..the Donelson case seemed it was all about the taking didn't it? Oil isn't going anywhere and is here to stay for a very very long time..almost every product is a by product of true..

  34. 10 years of the worst woe imaginable for the Osage people --->>>


    2. Go to, and click on government, scroll down to April 5th article. Still pattin their selves on the back, but election time coming up. But I still don't see all these millions gone from the tribe and no one Osage got a dime. When you're well-off and rich, you can't see the little people out here having such a rough time. Many a HR owner are really struggling. My cuz said her family won't be going to the dances this year. Just can't pay for it!

    3. Pitiful. But know those Turner buffalo will be doing just fine on that land that should never have been purchased. Osage people first, Osage Nation second. That's the proper order of things but it's been upside down from the beginning.

  35. How bad is June's payment going to be?

    1. Its not even may yet and your asking already? Whats the point its going to be the same, give or take a few dollars. We did have a couple of spikes in the curve but not enough to substantiate.

    2. Wow. Someone was just asking a question. I don't think there is any need for anyone to be hostile. We all know that the environment has been bad. I think this poster was just trying to get a feel if anyone knew how bad the months of January, February, and March were. We are all in this together there is no reason to be hateful to a blogger.

    3. You read to much into the answer. Lol. Nothing rude.

    4. Perception is reality.....

  36. Where is the accounting by the federal government in the fletcher case? It has been 3 months since the Judge has ruled on this matter? It's not the Cobell case..after all GCG did all the accounting for the federal government. So what is the delay or is this a stall, or is it they, the Federal Government will come back and say we just don't have all the records? Now thats bothersome, if this happens how where they able to reconcile Cobell..just a other words it shouldn't take this long for an accounting.

    1. Why don't you ask Amanda Proctor?


    1. This Administration continues to prioritize its extreme agenda over the interests of the well-being of Americans. Over 280,000 have lost their jobs in the oil and coal industry all based on a inconvenient lie by Al Gore. His Political influence was a Gateway. He predicted in 2007 the ice in the North Pole would disappear and in the 1070's, they predicted a ice age. Whether cycles and we know this to be true. Sad but where are the jobs? Amazing is unemployment is at 60% and 40% of labor is doing it. And then you do the macroeconomics of which we look like we are headed for a depression if we don't get ahead of the EPA and start creating caveats. In my opinion these special interest groups are going to have to come up with some proof here in their methodology or we just have to get better at it..and living on unemployment does not pay the bills with the cost of inflation will create a stagflation and we spiral into a depression if we are not in one already.The Courts need to see that good policies could be reached in all areas that could support and foster good growth as opposed to over-regulating is by far, the way it looks right now is a abuse of power. Just my opinion.

    2. Oops meant to say that in 2007 Al Gore predicted by 2013 the ice would be gone in the North pole and in the 1970's, it wqs predicted the ice age was coming.

  38. This thread is now closed. Go to:
