WoW. With this Chief, when your out, you're out overnight. Not that it's a bad thing but whatever happened to the professional courtesy of two weeks notice?
Maybe because Jones ruled in the favor of the MC on not having to send over oil leases to the Chief for his approval as per the Osage Nation Constitution?
Right I understand the M.E will not be used as a wet blanket to proliferate ones afenda, and if so all profits would come back to The M.E?that being said under the Federal Regulations and the 1906 act as ameneded how would this hurt the M.E if the Chief were to verify the Contracts as aTeam together. There is no problem in that is there? Doesn't the 1906 act say 8 council Members and a Chief? So upholding the Law of the Constitution is paramount.
In retro, I recall something I said back a while ago, and that was, are we to become a lawyer Nation or Nation, A people, the Osage. I see 2 Roads, its called fair and balance...and I weigh the pendulum deeply. The division clearly runs deep...easily can the spicket be closed, so says I, one Shareholder and the Original Tribe, the Osage as written, the Reservation, The M.E and recognized, the 1906 act as amended, any decision in regards to the M.E so should the True Owners of the Estate be notified otherwise, The Shareholder's, this has not been conveyed so shall I say one Shareholder, not by the M.C in advance or by the BIA In a timely matter. So one deducts, there's more than meets the eye. Is it time to drop the Anchor. So on merit, I see someone going the step further and as a Shareholder I personally would like to see how the State of Oklahoma is interference or other wise. To easy is my Tribe predictable and I'm not a law student its called Experience. Just sayin and keepin it real.
To 10:38 am I think "agast" was the word. They are scared to death that the new AG will convince the court that the MC is subject to the laws of the 2006 Osage Constitution. Which it shouldn't be too hard to do. The 1906 Act and it's amendments clearly allows this! Some people just have to learn the hard way.
And they did learn the hard way. On March 23, 2015 the IBIA ruled against the Jech case on every issue raised. Mrs. Jech has passed away but this was the last chance for Tillman and Whitehorn, and the other plaintiffs. The 2006 Constitution is alive and well.
So what? The BIA went right along with the creation of the Osage National government back in the 1990's even giving them money to get it started if Im not mistaken. The appellate Court threw that failed attempt right out on its keester.
It is important to remember the March 26 post on the January - March 2015 blog (now closed): Archive #16 PLEASE join REPO: Restart Permitting in the Osage Face Book and weigh in your voice directly to Sally Jewel, Secretary of the Interior, to waive the current new EA for all Oil & Gas activity in the Osage until proper protocol and reasonable transition processes can be instigated. It makes no sense to just drop a nonproductive, not very well thought out set of burdensome and expensive regulations on our Producers with no transition period. Jim Ryan will send all posts to Sally Jewel every Monday by snail mail and email. All you have to do is post on It is an open FB. All can join! See you there!
The Osage Congressional Session Tracker for legislation introduced so far is located at
Will someone please post the Facebook address for our Minerals Council. I can find a lot of Osage pages but I am having a hard time finding theirs... Thank You
To the poster @ April 4, 2015 at 10:47 AM , It seems every group ( Osage Nation, No. Ca. Osage, Osage temporary waivers etc.) have Facebook pages. A lot of individual Osages have Facebook pages. I just thought in the intrest of letting the Shareholders know what each member is doing and as a Council what they have accomplished recently it would be posted so we know what we ( the Shareholders) are paying for. There is a lot going on that isn't listed in the Osage Minerals Council Quarterly from June 2014. I got the Osage Nation page & Chief StandingBear's page, I just thought in the interest of transparency the Mineral Council would want to have one.
There have been multiple ways the M.C could have kept the SHAREHOLDER'S comprised but have not for apparent reasons other than to keep secret their responsibilities to the Shareholder's persona non grata sort of speak...and I am one Shareholder thats fit to be tide especially with our M.C and their transperency and obligations to the Shareholder's by the BIA as well..who are our Council Members and what do they do exactly on our dime inquiries must be fulfilled. But its just not with them the Osage Nation as well and if they pass what Jim Ryan is quoted saying then I'll be the first one to get the petition going on that Per-Cap...cuts start at home with special interest is concerned and the business of building should come to a in every business does...and I will get a petition going for a New Constitution rewrite to close this Gov. Down if they can't get this Health care situation handled and it can be done..put the Constituency first it has been 8 years...and all we see is spending...
You are right when it come to the Majority no Lawyer or Lawyers can step in if the Majority says other wise...Our we a People for Our People you must ask yourselves...This was not to happen. My eyes can't close at night.
GOOD POST from Jim Ryan at his Facebook page: --->>> On April 17, 2014, Chief BigHorse signed ONCA 13-21 into law. This bill allowed the health balances to carry over for three years. “ Osage Nation member benefits under this act shall carry over from calendar year to calendar year up to a maximum amount equal to three years of benefits at the benefit rate for that recipient. “ The intent of this bill is clearly for the health benefit to roll over for three years. The proposed Health Benefit Act amendment bill ONCA 15-28 states; “ Osage Nation member benefits under this act shall carry over from calendar year to calendar year up to a maximum amount equal to two years of benefits at the benefit rate for that recipient. “ The intent of this bill is clearly to limit the carry over to two years. This will be hard on families and individuals, who may have been planning a major medical expense like; braces for their children, purchasing prosthesis, or an elective surgery based on the three year carry over in ONCA 13-21. This bill would be the first cut in benefits to the Osage people since our new government was established. It appears that Congress will use 5 million dollars of the extra 6 million given to our Nation by gaming this year for construction expenses while attempting to cut the health benefit to the Osage people. This is unconscionable and we need to speak out against it. Below is a short simple letter that I have written to Congress members opposing this cut in health benefits. Feel free to copy it and send it to them, or write your own message opposing this cut in benefits. Dear Congress Member, I am respectfully asking you to oppose ONCA 15-28, An act to amend the benefit act to change the carry over balance to two years and vote against it in committee, or session. This bill will hurt the Osage people and should not be made law. Yours Truly, Jim Ryan Osage Congressional email list,,,,,,,,,,,
Get the Word out to all Osages ASAP, Osages sticken it to the Osage is what it balances to, naw cut the Cost Associated with the Investment with the New LLC ,ah, stop the Construction as does everyone else does in the Business World, on ffolks we see enough of this in the outside world how the Govt is sticking it to the Middle Class,some of us was not born off the Turnip truck. This is no laughing matter...Stop the Spending and get your head out of where the sun don't shine..sorry for the Candid remark...Do we need to balance our house with a Democrat /Republican, with Tea party and Independents because we can have this so there is fair and Balance, remember the Higher Court says under the Umbrella of the 1906 act as ameneded because we are a Govt. Be a good steward and drive in the Direction for the People as opposed to special Interst Congress...Is that so hard to understand. This is just rediculous..I call For a Osage Constitutional Convention if they pass this resolution...Whats going on at the Osage Govt. Should be the Narrative.
The U.S. attorney's lawsuit against the wind industry for mining rock without a permit is still ongoing. the Osage Minerals Council was instrumental in getting this lawsuit file. We were able to come to an agreement with the Okla. Dept. of Transportation's contractor to pay the headright owners for the rock they were using to reconstruct highway 60 in Osage County. The declaratory judgment that was filed by the Osage Nation Attorney General against only 6 of the 8 members of the Osage Minerals Council (OMC) is still ongoing. This is to decide if the OMC has to abide by the Osage Nation rules. I still believe the constitution made us independent and we can promulgate our own rules. Once a decision has been made in tribal court, it can be appealed. The 3rd OMC passed a resolution to place a moratorium on the proposed negotiated rules, also known as Neg. Reg. The vote was 6 yes, 1 no and 1 absent. The "no" vote was Galen Crum. Absent was Andrew Yates. We also passed a resolution to solicit Okla. Sen. Jim Inhofe to sponsor legislation to provide us with some relief regarding the economic situation involving new drilling permits that began with actions from the BIA. There was some discussion made in regard to why we would invite him into our business. The 1906 Act was a U.S. Congressional Act. Our new constitution was a U.S. Congressional Act. The vote was 6 yes and 2 no. The two no votes were Galen Crum and Talee Redcorn. We were asked to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the BIA for the purpose of preparing an environmental impact statement. By signing as a cooperating agency, we could have a representative and alternate representative. The BIA said they would work with us whether they received the signed document or not. The bottom line is that in the end, the BIA will have the final say. This process mirrored the negotiated rule process. That's why I voted "no". Others who voted no were Councilmen Joe Cheshewalla, and Talee Redcorn, and Councilwomen Erwin and RedCorn. Councilman Crum was so adamant about having a seat at the table to represent the producers, he said if we didn't vote to sign the MOU, he would go to the nation and get appointed to the committee.(3-13-15 OMC mtg.) I was elected by headright owners, not the nation. My loyalty is to my constituents, not the nation. I also uphold the integrity of our vote.
Part II: The executive branch has taken a new interest in the OMC. (1) They gave us instructions on when to submit our agenda and meeting minutes to them. (2) The Osage Nation auditors questioned our attorney about what kind of services he was performing for us.(3) The chief asked the Attorney General for a legal opinion on whether a lease or other development document approved and executed by the OMC is valid if it was never sent to the chief and if the existence of this language places a duty on the OMC to transmit a lease to the chief to trigger the 5 day rule. The AG's answer is that the constitution states that the lease or other development document shall be deemed approved unless the chief objects within 5 working days and the existence of this language alone does not place a duty on the OMC to present a lease to the chief. (Article 15, Section 4) Recently there was a decision made by the Interior Board of Indian Appeals (IBIA) on the Jech lawsuit. As I understand it, this board is part of a process for matters that effect the Secretary of Interior. I did not expect a favorable decision in that lawsuit for that reason. This is a private lawsuit. Like any other decision, it can be appealed. I am happy to report that we are probably within 30 days of ten new drilling permits being issued. Once this company receives these 10, they plan to submit another 10. Finally, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Any opinions above are mine and not representative of the entire Osage Minerals Council.
I can be reached by telephone at home (918) 287-2920 or by cell (918) 698-3314. My home e-mail address is: or at the office:
I have read Mr. McClains site, and what has transcended or the lack of, as well, for quite some time...and the over all performance of The M.C as to I am dumbfounded at the incompetence. I have spoken to Mr.Crum and I do understand the dynamics the Shareholder's are up against with to my dismay the Huge conflict of interest still before us, yesterday no different than today, just a different time, yesterday stuck are we are , our past haunts us to this day. Unbelievable, time to unravel the umbilical chord. The Jech Case, in my opinion should have been made a Class Action lawsuit and the platform or criteria should have been different and the approach was all wrong and in my opinion still has merit..then the anwer will come..just an opinion of course...IBIA ruled wrongly but how were they to rule differently if the points did not add up...the tug-a-war needs to end as much as we would want the suits to end but only if there is transparency will this happen...The Shareholder's must be represented.
Whoever said "good for Galen" is totally misinformed about the potential train wreck that will be caused by the pending NEG REGS. Of course Galen would vote "no" because of his huge pride of authorship in the monstrosity of the NEGREGS. These regulations, through the ONRR program (Office of Natural Resource Revenue) will guarantee that most producers will not have the time or computer ability to comply with the onerous reporting requirements. The resultant fines levied by the Superintendent will cause many operators to just walk away. The production is already down over 2000/barrels per day, not because of lower oil prices, but because of current and pending BIA actions. Galen Crum, along with Andrew Yates and Sonny Abbott, have performed a lobotomy on the County. The Mineral Estate is slowly dying away and those three think they deserve a pat on the back.
The menagerie we find ourselves in. Yes all of us in the same calamity. Does not mean this is where we should be does not matter, the CFR'S were going to be updated regardless of the HPP. It matters that we have stewardship, good leaders and transparency. This is required and expected and we would not be where we are the Blame goes to the 30th Council not to Crum, Yates, Abbott And this is the answer, had they informed every Shareholder before we became a Gov..This did not happen I am that person holding the key to the Jech Suit. I have pondered with great respect this would be great for our People and now I see what My Grandmother was preaching back in the 70's about...she said with wisdom and strength in her, do not sale your land or give it away for nothing, do not forsake the M.E. There will come a day and that day is today. So when I think about what my elder said I listened. There seems to be a lot less of tthat happenning. Still the Producers should have had a seat to shed light from a different perspective, but here we are and it is as if the Producers did understand the Regulations were going to change Three Years ago...fair warning...everyone has an excuse but where's the excuse to do something about it? We ourselves can only improve upon improvement but how can you if there is no standard until then anybook or Regs can't do that or tell you how...Whwn you have a standard you can improve upon, accountability and transperency takes effect...drawing a picture, and no where worse our M.C is not equipped. The M.E is not dying...stop the fear mongering not nessasary. Certain is one thing we Shareholder's have a lot on our Plate and I for one Support Abbott, Crum, and Yates...Time to think outsde the nutshell..I do believe we are a seperate Agency and I do believe the Chief has a seat at the Council and should attend all meetings and then some. Would eliminate any redundancies that could arrive otherwise. The 1906 act requires that...and so should the Shareholder's. It's good to criticize but it is also good to find a solution.
Outside the nutshell, indeed! The ballgame is about to be callled here and you don't seem to be able to wrap your mind around it. If there is nobody to work at the stadium, it won't be open. As a result, the ball players won't be able to take the field and there will be no one in attendance at the game for tickets to be sold and money to exchange hands for the organization itself to be paid. The three stooges of the REGNEG Committee are in collaboration with the Federal government and what it wants to have happen in the Osage oil patch. The Feds have got to know that the new CFRs this will kill off business in Osage County and you seem to be going right along with them. What? Are you so dazzled and greed driven by the Nymex price that you can't think straight either?
Thank you Ray Ray at His response to Poster at 12:45 pm should be read by all. Very well informed. He basically has laid out in black and white the true numbers (give or take) what is happening in Oil Country...This from a Corporate level the many pink slips that are going out (layoffs). Anybody and everybody knows what that means...had the Luxary of talking with someone in the Industry...folks it's bad...People are leaving their home States going to Calif. Northern rather than working their real jobs on the oil rig are now drilling holes for water, since early last year, many of these hard working people out of jobs who have Ranches and children to feed..So when I here the Propaganda that a few are holding up the development of the M.E and are using them as an escape goat surly has it wrong...I am for progress and at least we have drilling going on and permits being issued...not much but its a start. And dually noted on his part and my part we know how the leases were negotiated in the past without forethought or Regulation and this is why we are losing money hands over fists....numbers are telling and show the we in Shareholder's must ensure the M.E is governed in the most proper way...This is a multi billion Estate the future is for us to see...and is here today and are we ever so armed with Information and no longer can we close our eyes to the truth of the Matter. My eyes are wide open...
At the risk of being redundant, Again, the Kayaker's Plan for our energy future She can't read the damning report on the activities of the BIA out in the Osage county oilfield but she can plan for public lands when she, as the Trustee of the ME Trust, has a fiduciary obligation to the Osages, not to the U.S. or its public lands. Low carbon future is her agenda people and that does not include the oil business, now does it?
Thank you Ray? Ray conveniently ignores that the drop-off in activity in Osage County happened BEFORE the drop in oil prices. I wonder why? Could it be the BIA? Naw, that's too easy.
The previous blogger is right. The drilling activity, I believe, showed about 2 dozen wells drilled in 2014. All of those wells were drilled in the first half of the year, before the drop in oil prices. The previous year had around 200 wells drilled and the year before that, around 300 wells. Clearly, the BIA's regulations or threats of new regulations are at fault. To say otherwise is to ignore reality.
To poster at 8:53 am, guess I've been playing the ballgame for awhile....ah own more wells outside of Osage County says so, k-no. The Federal Regulations will be no different than anywhere else...bottom line stop with the fear mongering these changes were in the makes way before the Hpp.suit. where there is will there is a way...still the same there are huge issues. What actually happened was the Drummned Case ? And the Shareholder's how are they going to be compensated? For the stopping of the Permitting at the time when the price of oil was at its highest 100 dollars a barrel?
To SMH, whoa!! This is a slap in the face if I ever heard. Ah, Everyone should tap into this one on YouTube.... and tell us what you think...TKU SMH I thought you posted this before but was unable to link..this time it worked...supports all along what has been going on...
Thanks for taking the time to watch and listen. I suspected that she was an environment first-er since she came from REI and I was right on the money. Good outdoor gear store BTW.
What a walking conflict of interest, thats ok, because what come may for the Osage Shareholder's and the ties that bind could another suit come into play, you betcha!
Jewell is against carbon based energy - which will hit the petroleum industry hard - and is for long-term "renewable" energy tax credits. Land management is about a balanced approach. These "climate change" extremists like her are social and economic terrorists.
We the Shareholders have been asked in the past few weeks to write,email & call people in power to consider our best interest(s). Is there anyware I can read or hear one just one Minerals Council member saying/posting "Relax we have everything under control" ? Please post the address. I mean what the heck were they elected for?
What is this bill all about? Is the Nation taking over control of the Villages? ONCA 15-33: at
Certainly what it looks like. Did they read what the Feds have to say?
Something is sooooooooooo amiss. Tell me these regs are outdated and not current? One has to ask alot of questions but my mind is reveling but not so merry..
Your no body to tell someone not to believe everything you read...oh by the way Poster at 7:39 am, my post below posted for you. And everything I have posted on this site and I can't speak for Ray Rays site but he has been pretty spot on..nothing but the truth and really if you have any questions call Galen he always picks up the phone.
No worries hang in there the next two years we need forethought and be prepared, the tides are going to turn and fast, witnessed already. Your check in june will be about the same unless they, The BIA is instrumental in getting that Gravel Revenue from the State of Ok on the work they did on I60 accounted for and distributed will be a little more on the check...not much but every bit counts...and we should by then have a few more completions as well with drilling...The unknowns in this industry was well predicted before we got to this point...yet this is the boat we are on and it's not going to be sink or swim..we will be doing laps, .stay positive...I'm not on the Council but I've been in the Automobile industry for quite sometime..The first who are going to feel the impact of the economy and a pretty good meter or barometer indicating where we are headed for...not only that I'm an accountant as well...I did not graduate from college I worked the hard way and climbed the Latter...very proud. And speaking of which we should be thankful for what we have...and will be...our future is up to the Shareholder's and we must foster the Idea that innovative thinking needs to come into play just is sound advice...
I'm not an accountant, but I don't have to be an accountant to see that the price of oil averaged about $20 lower in Jan, Feb, and Mar. That tells me that the June check will be significantly lower. That gravel revenue probably won't amount to but $5 on our check. You are likely correct when you say the tide is turning. It sure looks that way, but it will be a slow process. Don't expect quick results. You are also correct in that we need some innovative thinkers up on that hill. We have sat back and watched things happening for 100 years, and done very little to change anything. Time is up! If we don't start doing some things for ourselves, we're on a course to spend another 100 years setting ourselves up for the same results.
To Ray McClain, I do appreciate your healthy post for thought. Your perspective and knowledge well documented and it shows...alot of forethought. Your experience does not go unnoticed. experience in CSI and skill set can turn this around...and I am trying to make it back home and speak with all due respect to my family and elders...before I share a plan with the Council all with the mind set we must act today! It is evident who is there own worse enemy and stop the cancer, sorta speak...really boils down to getting a standard and it goes like a bullet train...everything just falls into place from there, but what is better for the Shareholder's. Basically what is the Vision? And to build a consensus, long over due...I have been fortunate to have the experiences in life and I guess hard work pays and it starts at home...When you look at the totality of our plight not so hard to rebound though I will say I could never imagine, ah lets just put it this way, nothing is a coincidence and we are in control of our's been my experience that once you set the criteria everything works out and then the kinks will reveal. .Communication with the Shareholder's is so long over due....I tried two years ago to get back home, but like you experienced, a set back with my health and weddings and projects that I had got behind in and now I'm ready...I look forward...
Why the reconsideration? I get Waller needs to go A.S.A.P The recommendations are as wriiten and suggested many times on this site and others as well. Yes we need Transperency as Shareholder's and the rightful Aires of the M.E should require nothing but exceptionalism and no less....and we need term limits as well some have been on the M.C way to long...need to retire...plain and so simple..we want a functional Petroleum Office, with a broad message that transcends. We need leaders not bottom feeders. Doers not naysayers. People that know how to get the J.O.B done....we need to bring integrity to the meaning of hope and prosperity and the M.C is falling flat. I vote for Crum if he is willing and wanting to step up. Change couldn't come at a better time..we need to act today, tomorrow is today and with the Market sure to rebound after its 7 yr menopause will turn in the next 3 paramount this be recognized. we need strong organizational skilled people not the geriatric scene...sorry your wisdom is appreciated but we are on this roller coaster to no where at this point, lawyer city, such negativety...So maybe we just need new talent all together and choose outside the box.
You are asking for suggestions. From watching the video of the State of the Nation Address given by Chief Standing Bear, I heard 85% of the Osages, live outside the original Osage Reservation Boundaries. Over 45% of the Osage people live outside the State of Oklahoma. For the Osage Shareholders that live too far away to attend the MC meetings, we do not have the ability to observe out Council in action. I have tried to listen to the audio of the meetings, it is similar to Roosevelt's Fireside Chat except this is 2015. The quality is poor & it is hard to know who is making comments. If you try it for 3 hours you will know what I mean. My suggestion is; our Mineral Estate has been valued between 4-6 Billion dollars. Can a Multi Billion Dollar enterprise fund recording their meetings ? Could we find the funds to produce a VIDEO like the Osage Nation Congress. Could the Mineral Council share the meeting room with The Nation to record these video? Could we offer a internship to the Film and Media Studies at The University of Oklahoma ( ) ? I don't know how many Osage Shareholder's reside outside of Pawhuska but it could make any suggestions about our council better if we could see them and hear who is talking. The Nation even has a YouTube page the Mineral Council could ask to use... ( ) . Please bring this up at the next Council Meeting if you think it is worthy. This may be 'Outside the Box' or even county.
6:40 PM, you have put forth some very good ideas. I was a little too young to appreciate Roosevelt's Fire Side Chat, however I do agree that audio only is a poor way to communicate. So much is lost from not being able to see the body language and watch their eyes. And even the audio itself is many times inaudible because no one is tending to the sound system and the individual mics are sometimes pushed back or covered with papers. All it would take would be a little money. The same room is used, the same sound system is used, and it could easily be video streamed live. They just need to hire the IT Dept. to do it. I think that's what Congress does. Talee Redcorn is Chairman of the communications committee. He could quickly make this happen if Chairman Waller approves and the expenditure is voted on and approved by the Council. Send them an Email and maybe we can get this done. Thank you very much for the suggestions.
Ray, on your posts of the ' Operations Report For Week Ending March 27, 2015 ' & ' Operations Report For Week Ending March 13, 2015 ' they are both signed by ' Acting Superintendent ' . Has Robin Phillips resigned or was she promoted ? Is she too busy to review & sign these reports ? Does she manage other tribes other than the Osages ? I've read she missed &/or left meetings early. Do you think she is overwhelmed having to work with multiple tribes ? Her picture is still on their website. Especially at this time , I would hope we would have full attention from the DOI Indian Affairs ' Osage Agency ' . Thank You in advance for your hard work & helping us Shareholders learn a little more about what is going on at the Osage Nation Campus.
Oh no, Robin Phillips is still here. She may have been out of town or in a meeting, and someone may have been temporarily the "acting." Many times, Jeanine Hale, the Deputy Supt. will sign them. Robin is alive and well and 'yes', I'm sure she is very busy. I don't think she is dealing with any tribe other than the Osages. I'm also sure that we have her full attention. And thanks, I'm glad I can help.
Ray, again thank you for your point of view. Being out of state, most of the information I get is from reading. The reason I asked about Ms. Phillps was I found the two articles I read very troubling. They don't make it sound like we have her 'Full Attention'. I wished you were well & on our Mineral Council... “Folks said you take this estate, this oil, this trust, you make it better than it was, and pass it on". ( Charles Pratt ) AND Any word in the " Multiple motions to dismiss " ? It has been about a half of a year and haven't read a thing. With " attorneys for more than a dozen oil and gas entities " , "the Bureau of Indian Affairs and its umbrella Cabinet department, the Department of the Interior" and "representatives for the U.S. Attorneys’ office in Tulsa " I would have thought something would have been announced, that is alot of 'Fire Power' . ( october 21st 2014 ) Any information from any readers, please post it.Thank You.
Ray, thank you for your efforts in maintaining your blog. Great resource. However, I would point your attention to the two bloggers on April 9th at 11:17AM and 12 Noon. They are both right in their assertion that the BIA is responsible for the drop off in activity, not lower oil prices. Please include such information in your next blog to provide a balanced point of view.
The real question is why permits were not issued at the time oil was at it's highest 100 dollars a barrel? Second the Donalson or CFR'S would not change the companies long term drilling permits, thirdly if you have been following the Markets you would understand how the Producer's are experiencing a deflationary environment, of which I warned all of you back 6 or 7 months ago give or take.Thanks to Opec...flooding the Market...Texas housing boom sure to hit a recession and Baken not in the best shape either...
Also I might add Oil Companies selling their capital ,all takes it's toll, the New Norm will settle at maybe give or take a dollar will be at 70 dollars a barrel.
Oil is being used like wet rag, as to a Global Political Weapon..The Saudi's and USA targeting Iran and Russia. Opec flooding the Market afraid of our Shale and how we became a major exporter in the Market back in the latter part of the 90' do you understand we need much more than a Council to run this multi-billion dollar Estate. This so much bigger than our does this affect our bottom net yes..not much you can do..except we keep going and ride this out...that 70 dollar a barrel was a prediction...This is why we need a Full on Petroleum office..if we did have one already in place we still would not been able to stop the Global Crisis from affecting the ME, but we could have planned better for our future had the circumstance been different.
A good read on the ban on exporting crude oil produced in the United States. Not exactly a ' Free Market '. Signed into law by Dick ' I am not a crook ' Nixon.
Yes a good out in 2017....if Opec keeps up this flooding the Market we may not have an alternative but to rid the Law of Exporting. Something has to give its either for the short term or long term, the spicket needs to open.
Well folks, we are always looking for a excuse to journey back to those Osage Hills , Tall Grass Prairies, and I do believe I have found one. The Osage County Historical Society is putting on a Dinner and get-together at the Pawhuska Fairgrounds May 2, 2015 , honoring the past 68 rescriptors of the Ormond Beach Award, which is given to a single outstanding Pawhuska High School athletic. Amongst these were names like Bob Roberts, Stabler, Labadie, Paul Orr , just a few that I can remember. Ormond Beach was referred as the Indian football player from Pawhuska . Where he made All Conference in footwall and track, late went to Kansas University at Lawence, Kansas was picked by Nesmith as a outstanding physical specimen, which his fellow athletes wouldn't let him forget. Ormond graduated from K U with a degree in Petroleum Engineering, and four very successful years playing both defense and offense on the K U Jayhawk teams, receiving a runner up All America for Fullback while at KU. Times were like they are now, so no positions were available for that degree , so he found a position with Olympic Oil in Sierria Ontario, Canada. This major oil company also owned a Canada Football (rugby) team, which Ormond played for when the season was on . This team won five gray bowls, which could be compared to the Super Bowls. The practice field was right along side of the huge tank farm that was one of Ormond off football season assignments he had his football uniform on when one of the workers yella down Orm (Ormond) there is something wrong with this tank, Ormond rushed over and up on the troubled tank, yelling out for everyone to get down and away from the tank. Ormond Beach with his beloved football uniform on, maybe not a Cowboy like the Canadians like to call him, maybe not a Indian like the Kansas and lower 48 called him, but a All American in spirit lost as that tank blew up, gone at the age of 27. Sure, honors were bestow, first into the Canadian Hall of Fame, a gold watch at Kansas U.but probably the most and closest to all is the Ormond Beach Award given each year at the Pawhuska High School, so that just a little bit of what I know about my Uncle Ormond (Orm) (Dilly) Beach. PS The four only surviving nephews and a niece use a good amount of a Sharesholders check for new lettering at Pawhuska Ormond Beach Stadium. Homer Fincannon
One thing that I'm sure not to miss is a morning cup of coffee and a look at your blog, follow that up with a glance at Twitter David Grann site to check on the Osage and FBI story status,then take the old arm wrap blood counter,up or down, after three quarters of a century would like my feet to grown so the shoe box could hold more pills and another. As long as I can stay away from politics,keep my hands, fingers and thoughts in the great Mother Earth and what she can produce may make 90, hope too. You all keep up the pressure, good work and blog for you do have some loyal readers.Back to my hiatus,H.
Homer, I can't get my mother to get on the computer and learn about the world of technology but she is just old fashioned. I tried to stay away from FB, TWITTER, social media sites, but your right. Sometimes you just need to take a peak...not just that, I have a huge family and helps staying in in some ways I have come out of hiatus to...still believe in a good talk on the phone. Good hearing from you...stay healthy in mind body and something you have is a soul...
You're welcome. I'm here with my morning coffee and the meeting is soon to begin. You can follow it online at
Really fascinating presentations from speakers invited to the MC meeting. Hope the BIA is listening but I'd be willing to lay a bet that they aren't...
Tried to listen but there is Music also stream lining with the Audio, out put is weak...need to get rid of Aodbe Flash so archaic just an Opinion...most use updated devices and this is one I would not download period...
Yrea, Adobe is plagued with many security issues...once I downloaded the App.on to my computer then I had problems with unwanted spam and viruses...then it didn't matter what kind of firewall of protection you had..I don't have that problem now that I don't use Adobe.
Is it too much to ask on a day when the Mineral Council is meeting to post on the site broadcasting messages; 1. In Executive Session. 2. Out To Lunch 3. Done for the day 4. Website Down 5. 12:20 CSDT nothing worth streaming ??? 6. Went to get a pizza be back on at 1:00 CSDT Instead of 'Off-Air ' OR ' Currently Not Streaming" We out here in Audio land can't see anything. If you want more than " tracking 26 online listeners " then get the quality up & why does it have to be live ? Can we call in ? Record the darn meeting to be played back later. Just my feedback, a voting Osage Shareholder.
Well, actually they do record it for on demand listening later on at I like the privilege of listening live at the time the meeting is held but when I can't avail myself of the privilege I have to just keep reloading the live web page at to come back in to listen. I know it's a bit of a hassle but I don't mind. I think we're really lucky to have all the media options with the Osage Nation we have and I, for one am really grateful. Other Tribal communities don't have the government availability online that we have and in this respect the IT money spent is a real boon to the Osage Nation membership at home and all over the world. Superlatively outstanding IMO.
Osageblogger, it may be taken for a complaint but I for one can always wish that things could be done better. I try to listen to become a better Informed Shareholder. I think it does our Mineral Estate justice the more we are informed. The meeting that was just ended, I had a very hard time hearing parts of the meeting but almost blew out my speakers on the laughing. It seemed like flu season with all the coughs. Respectfully, I don't think it is fair to compare our Mineral Estate meetings with Other Tribal communities unless they are an estimated 4-6 Billion dollar entity as our Estate has been estimated. For all the Shareholders living out of the area, better Audio w/Video would be worth the investment as much or more to me than a statue. I will be thankful for what we have but there seems to always be room for improvement . Thank you for the blog and for others opinions...
Video would be wonderful. I certainly agree there and it would be nice if they would act on your suggestions. They're out there now so let's hope they adopt some of them.
All three sections of today's MC meeting is now available for on demand listening at Good work Minerals Council and staff. Thank you!
Thats what I said we need to be better equipped I could hear nothing but music first then an echo of a voice...During the Chiefs Trial was better. And I do have quite a sound system in addition to what my computer speakers as such some of us are computer savy. Come on folks we are in the 21st century get a system installed that is current and compatible.
Our IT dept is a disgrace! The problems listed have gone on for years and nothing gets any better. It's not like they haven't been made aware of the problems for years. Point in fact...during the debates in the last election, you could not hear what most of the candidates were saying nor could you hear what questions the moderators were asking. We might need to invest in better equipment as well as hire people that know what they are doing!
I'm just concerned about the Nation's web site and being able to hear and sometimes see our elected representatives in action. I like what they're doing just fine. It's the Osage News that handles those debates and they have the responsibility to make sure the candidates and the moderators are heard and seen.
For a letter in response to the blog post by an anonymous poster on this blog found at: AnonymousApril 14, 2015 at 7:58 AM please go to
Ray the letter was spot on...forward thinking needs to go from here.....the Graph Is a huge of many Osages who appreciate your effort...hope all is well with your health..
You're always welcome here, Ray. The Osage Blog will continue to be healthy as long as there is counterpoint in the exchange of ideas and communication among the Shareholders. We have a lot of "counterpoint" in points of view here and this is very good.
You are still so wrong Ray in your analysis. The activity stopped BEFORE the drop in oil prices. 100% the fault of the BIA. If you don't believe me, analyze the intents and permits. Reread previous blogger comments. 24 wells drilled in the County in 2014 BEFORE the drop in oil prices, compared to over 200 in 2013. I know you've talked to some of the producers to hear their comments. Please listen.
None from the Osage Tribal Councils 30/31. They didn't have any to contribute. They found a company that would build them and get them up and running for a huge stake in the proceeds after they opened. The Tribe managed to get them away from that outfit because according to the NIGC under the IGRA, we have to manage them ourselves and the way it was initially set up, the outfit that built them was running and managing the casinos as well and that was illegal. It went into arbitration and we had to come to the table with about a million dollars. If anyone remembers this more accurately, correct me if I'm wrong. It's my personal belief that all that hoo-hah about the Osage Tribe coming to an end when the last original allottee died which was a scare tactic to get the U.S. Congress to allow us to form a new government so that the Osage Nation could be formed and then retain the gambling money for itself and not hand over the gaming proceeds to the shareholders. No matter how you choose look at it, we Headright annuitants got shafted.
The company which funded and operated the first casino is still involved in the operations, though not in apparent control. Either directly or through subsidiaries, it is involved in the activities of most tribal gaming. The NIGC alleged ties by the company to organized crime. The parent company (which is never named in NIGC documents) is Multimedia Games Holding Company, Inc. Perhaps the NIGC didn't do enough research to find the connection with MegaBingo, Inc. (often named, and sometimes referred to as MBI) and other subsidiaries.
Following is what appears in its disclosure to shareholders on 2/8/2008 about the involvement with Osage Nation gaming:
Development Agreements. In 2004, the Company received a letter from the Acting General Counsel of the NIGC, dated November 30, 2004, advising the Company that its agreements with a certain customer may evidence a proprietary interest by it in a tribe’s gaming activities, in violation of IGRA and the tribe’s gaming ordinances. The NIGC invited the Company and the tribe to submit any explanation or information that would establish that the agreements’ terms do not violate the requirement that tribes maintain sole proprietary interest in their own gaming operations.
In a letter dated November 8, 2007, the Acting General Counsel of the NIGC reiterated the statements made in her November 30, 2004 letter, that the NIGC did not then conclude that the agreements with the tribe that it reviewed constituted management agreements, but that the NIGC was concerned that, taken together, the agreements demonstrated a proprietary interest, by the Company, in the tribe’s gaming activity that may be contrary to law. Although the Company believes that it responded to the NIGC in 2004, explaining why the agreements did not violate the sole proprietary interest prohibition of IGRA and did not constitute a management agreement, the November 8, 2007 letter indicated that the NIGC did not receive the written explanation or further information and is now requesting an explanation. On December 17, 2007, the Company responded in writing to the NIGC, correcting the misstatements contained in the NIGC’s 2004 letter.
If certain of the Company’s development agreements are finally determined to be management contracts or to create a “proprietary” interest of the Company in tribal gaming operations, there could be material adverse consequences to the Company. In that event, the Company may be required, among other things, to modify the terms of such agreements. Such modifications may adversely affect the terms on which the Company conducts business, and have a significant impact on the Company’s financial condition and results of operations from such agreements and from other development agreements that may be similarly interpreted by the NIGC.
The Company’s development agreements could be subject to further review at any time. Any further review of our development agreements by the NIGC, or alternative interpretations of applicable laws and regulations could require substantial modifications to the agreements, or result in their designation as “management contracts,” which could materially and adversely affect the terms on which the Company conducts business.
Other Litigation. In addition to the threat of litigation relating to the Class II or Class III status of the Company’s games and equipment, the Company is the subject of various pending and threatened claims arising out of the ordinary course of business. The Company believes that any liability resulting from these various other claims will not have a material adverse effect on its results of operations or financial condition.
Other. Existing federal and state regulations may also impose civil and criminal sanctions for various activities prohibited in connection with gaming operations, including false statements on applications, and failure or refusal to obtain necessary licenses described in the regulations.
It isn't like Ken Mimmack and Dave Wirshing, the K & D of K & D Gaming, didn't know the structure of the agreement was in violation of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act from the start. The had decades of experience in the gaming industry, had helped tribes gain federal recognition and organize gaming operations complete with financing, and Ken had served in casino management for the Ojibwe. They even went to the trouble of forming K & D Gaming in Nevada in 2002 instead of running it through Ingenus Management & Consulting which was started in 2000.
If the NIGC didn't treat Indian casinos with kid gloves this would have been turned over to the FBI for investigation and prosecution under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. The tribe and/or businesses involved would have been faced with forfeiture of the casinos and all revenues generated during those years. Lucky for the tribe the matter was dropped, in part because of "the NIGC's limited resources".
This is dowright hilarious: "The name Ingenus comes from the Latin word for trust and integrity. We operate our company based on a motto from Lou Holtz: ‘Do things right. Do the right thing. And always tell the truth.’ We guard our integrity as if our business depends on it. Because it does.” What gaming business people can actually be trusted? Name one. I mean really!
What they're up to today >>>>>>>>>>>
Following the thread of Metabingo, Inc.>>>>>>>>>> and a Mountain Range of Debt owed at Foxwoods. Let this be a warning to the Osage Casinos management team in the future >>>>>>>>>>> ...Akin, Gump again? Oh You Betcha!
Following the thread of Multimedia Games Holding Company, Inc >>>>>>>>>>>>> And the Bankers OWN THE WHOLE WORLD ???? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course, this is all just a diversion to hide the slight of hand going on to undermine the Minerals Council and the Osage Headright owners by the Nation in cahoots with the BIA in Washington D.C.
That was not the intent. I'd wager the original documents supporting the loan guarantee pledged assets of the mineral estate, much in the way it was presented to the city council in Peoria, AZ for the project pursued by Osage West, LLC. There seems to be either a grave misunderstanding of or a complete disregard for exactly who owns rights in the minerals estate.
Thamk you blogger at 7:29 am. Right would like to see the documents as well after all this is our M.E the Shareholder's and if we were used, we want to be compensated..GET THAT PER-CAP OUT. And to think this all started with one phone call rright Mr. Redcorn?
I hate to throw a cog in the works here but the Nation does have an ownership interest in the mineral estate because the mineral rights are reserved to it plus the income generated from it before it is captured by the Feds and is transferred to the Trust for the beneficiaries who are the current headright owners. This is right in the 1906 Act as amended. Perhaps the Osage, LLC played a little fast and loose with the ownership interest of the Nation but whoever made that representation, he was not entirely wrong.
If the Shareholder's Mineral Estate was used as Collateral, then I would think there is a record of this action being brought up for a vote before the Mineral Council. If the Shareholder's Mineral Estate was used without a vote then our Council could be deemed ' Asleep at the Switch '. If the Shareholder's Mineral Estate was used by the Nation without prior approval than 1.) Someone should be reprimand 2.) A law should be passed to guard against this 3) Shareholder's should in deed be compensated for 'Co-Signing' for a purchase.
Right, now your listening...It takes one phone call and one person to bring this to fruition and the question is "Did the 30th and 31st Council notify all Shareholder's? The Answer is No! This, tantamount. Did the Council have the right to make that choice without the Shareholder's consent, no...I then want to know who was compensated for allowing this consent?
It was the responsibility of the OGRC to get the word out but they couldn't get current Osage headright owner information from the BIA or so it was represented at the time. They used the newspaper that the Nation sent out to the Shareholders they knew about and then went ahead to publish a list of Shareholders on a mailing list of all Osages on the Tribal web site at the time that they had names for that they got from the Tribal Membership CDIB Office. This was the story that was circulating at the time and I can't be certain of the truth of any of it. It all happened so fast once the momentum started, I heard that about 30% to 40% of the Osage Shareholders never even knew what was going on. The first election that took place in the Fall of 2005 you had to register to even get a ballot. Also, that election had questions on it that concerned a Constitutional form of government and never asked the voters if they wanted to keep the Tribal Council or make a change to a different form of government. The whole process was skewed in favor of a constitutional form of government.
In a matter of this importance to the Osage Headright owners was the BIA, If they didn't provide a proper and current list to the OGRC at the time of the first and only Referendum election, were they negligent and therefore in collusion with the OGRC that harmed the Osage Headright owners who didn't get a ballot and was it wrong not to send ballots to every single one of the Headright owners who had a material and membership interest in a change of government?
And no excuse will satisfy or justify such incompetence the due diligence or should I say lack of give any MERIT. And this keeps on getting more interesting. As I have said the Jech Case went in a direction That much preferred gone in an entirely different would have faired better..How is at the time the Newspapers were being mailed, how is it the BIA was sure that everyone was receiving a Newspaper? Second how is everyone knew there was even a Website for the Gov? How many people "Osages " knew they had to sign up for a Membership Card? Failure to respresent is a HUGE Mistake and by all means, no Coincidence!
Membership card sign-up came later after the later vote on whether or not to have the constitution. The membership card was required to vote for the officials elected under the Constitutional government.
It was not legal for the M.C to be the Voting Proxy for the Shareholder's because in itself wolud be a Conflict of Interest to the Shareholder's because the Council would have to rule for the Majority in favor and this did not happen? Had the Communication been designed properly.
Have no idea what you meant there buddy. There was no proxy and only about 1800 people, both headright owners and those without a share or partial share, were included in the Referendum Election prior to the vote on the constitution. This was when there were only about 3000 official members of the Osage Tribe at the time in 2005 when only Headright owners were members. Half or more of those who voted were not Headright owners so what does that tell you?
Robin Phillips suggested looking at the Performance EA on the BIA web site. It is located at:
Galen, if you adopt the same regulations, rules and penalties of another Federal Agency or Bureau, you will have to abide by those adopted rules, regulations and exact those penalties. It makes little difference if it's the BIA or any other Federal governing body that is overseeing those rules, regulation and issuing penalty fees. To suggest that the BLM won't be managing and administrating makes no difference whatsoever. One of these days, I hope you will be able to wrap your mind around this fact and stop insulting our intelligence every chance you get with this issue. It leaves us with the impression that you are either challenged intellectually or intellectually dishonest. Either way, it's not good.
He is afflicted by pride of ownership bias because he was key in the adoption of the BLM onshore rules into the new CFRs that the BIA wants in place. Never mind that it will kill 50% to 60% of the business with the small producers. He and Abbott and Yates want this put through no matter what. That's why we call them the three stooges of the Osage. He's got that lawyer niece who we keep hoping will talk some sense into him now that she's due to come in for a share as a Headright owner but so far, it hasn't happened yet
We shall see says the Blind Man....amazing read we got here...not so different ,because most of the I find this report somewhat redundant. Just an opinion...most importantly will the BIA be equipped to handle the Administrative portion...where most of the Problem lies?
Thank you Galen for all that you have done...Yates and Abbott Thank you to...much appreciate your sevices...stay strong in your convictions for the Shareholder's.
If I've got this right; There are 481 pages in the Final Environemental Assessment ( ). There are 288 pages in the New Testament inthe Bible ( ). What I didn't see mentioned is the Final Impact Assessment ( FIA ) on The Shareholders, Osage workers, local economy or the county. If the FIA puts 'Real People' in a world of hurt, will any Government offical feel the impact? 481 pages, really? I didn't read the effects if water, roads and electricity has to be haulted to drilling sites AND Martha Donelson's property (Good for the Goose...). 481 pages, really! The lawyers will have a field day with this one. I guess the ' Devil ' is in the details with both documents! Might as well go to the last pages or as they may become to be known as ' The Book of Revelations '... In the words of Batman " Holy XXXX Robin "
Right I was looking for those numbers and why are they not there? Where ie the FIA ON THE SHAREHOLDER'S? OSAGE WORKERS? LOCAL ECONOMY and COUNTY...after all this is the M.E in trust for the Shareholder's by the Federal Government.
MC, BIA, DOI, EA, ONCA, EIS, MOU, OMC, IBIA, CFR'S, OGRC, CDIB, BLM, S.O.I, NEPA, FONSI, EPA, E.I.E.I.O. If Jed Clampett had to deal with all these acronyms in his oil business, he would have spent the whole day behind the wood shed with a bottle of Granny Clampett's Rheumatiz medicine! 'Woo Doggies!' So, how many bureaucrats does it take to help produce a barrel of oil? Have a Great Weekend, next week will be a new bundle of fun...
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! You forgot the PEA but with the list you have already, it's a wonder the oil producers can find their way out of such a thicket not to mention having to hopscotch among wind turbines. Yates, Abbott, Waller and Crum are mindless Federal government dupes. It's no wonder they can't see the forest for the landmines.
Old Martha Donalson had a farm. E-ven got her friend Mr. Friend to go in with her I-n filing a lawsuit E-ven though it's hurt everyone she knows I-t isn't important enough to her to care because she's a BIG O-sage and that's all that matters or ever will.
PLEASE don't make fun of the BIA's , DOI's, BLM's, EPA's, documents. For those of us that are too young to remember, at the turn of the century ( 1900 ) the Sears Catolog was considered a useful tool for wiping ones Bottom. Order the EA on line to save money because your checks will be hitting the $h__er in September.
Right has nothing to do with compliance and regulationn. stop the fear mongering. Oil prices are climbing and will continue. .the slow down and the facts of the matter Opec and supply and demand...
US oil and gas drilling moving to private land. " When Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks, he replied, or at least is said to have replied: “Because that’s where the money is.”. And most studies show that "“Any increase in production of natural gas or oil on federal lands is likely to be easily outpaced by increases on non-federal lands, particularly because shale plays are primarily situated on nonfederal lands and is where most of the growth in production is projected to occur.” If you can read, it is in Black and White AND no secret "It isn’t just getting the lease that is the challenge but the bureaucratic struggle to get approvals and permits, industry representatives say." Sound familiar? Does Robin or Chairman Waller have a Masters degree OR twentyfive years experience in the industry? They are representing Shareholders , young, old and disable. You can only fake it so long. What are the qualifications of our Mineral Council & BIA Osage Agency, come on speak up. Being from Pawhuska or being related to Chief Bluebells does not count...
Talee Redcorn has a high level education in oil and gas engineering. Masters even possibly a Doctorate I'm not sure and he wants nothing to do with these regulations flying up down back and forth and upside down. He's smart enough to know that running off the oil producers with rules and regulations is counterproductive to oil and gas income and that's the name of the game for the Osage Headright owners. Only the three stooges and their megaphone, Chairman Waller seem to want to hang in there despite what they are being told over and over again by those who bring the oil out of the ground.
So we have one accounted for. It is not just education, but experience that also counts. Ray McClain seems to have the experience. What needs to happen is when push comes to shove, the Shareholders should have a well stacked group that can represent our interests. Enough intellectual fire power to STOP presenters in their tracts & ask the tough questions " What do you mean, you will have to get back to us, you are supposed to be a professional either give us an answer or send someone who can answer us to our next meeting"! Too late to ' Table ' an issue, it cost the Shareholders income. Another words UNEXCEPTABLE . Now as far as Ms Philips, is it education OR a wealth of experience? Where I come from a AA degree & 3 years experience, flips burgers. Where does she stack up? 4-6 Billion, think about it, are we represented properly? Poop or get off the pot...
One big quality for a member of the Mineral Council is the ability to listen carefully to what they are being told, absorb it and learn from it. If the oil producers need one thing or another, help them facilitate the process. They are the ones making the money in our checks, not the BIA or the DOI, the EPA or the BLM.
You cant get Galen & company, to believe that. They have proven that idea is not smart. They wont take up for our producers. I think just being alert & going to all meetings is important.
One big quality is to listen and learn, are you kidding...the issues are much bigger than can't listen without having the tools and ground work...set to work with, and it's called Policy. ..30 yrs we the Shareholder's have been listening and the result is Zero and the M.C is no Government can create, its the people and in this instance it is the Shareholder's. ..It's the M.E that comes first and we must foster Growth and this has not happened...Regulations will not stagnate growth especially in this industry, where there is oil they will come...what are meeting's if we are not to use applied knowledge....the issue at the BIA and the Administrative duties and so forth are huge issues, where is the final assessment report on the economic end for the Shareholder's and in Osage County. Galen and Co. LOL, phone call away...are you afraid to hear the truth...and they we tell the Federal Gov, on the private land issue and permitting goes thats up to us to structure and change the policy for permitting in a timely matter that would benefit the producer as well the M.E..these are the issues that our M.C and the relationship with the BIA, should be working on and really should have done years ago...Just boggles the mind that for all appearances they the M.C thought that the M.E willjust take care of itself...what we need is to move forward. ..this kind of stuff is everyday regs on or off shore...being compliant is not that hard to do..all in a days work..I know being in the Asphalt Industry and Automobile Industry you can't make this who's fooling who..not me...I know about great Stewardship workked with some of the Greatest and most successful because they believed in me as much as appreciate and have applied myself and learned from those strengths and structure. Like I said we need to get rid of the cancer of excuses not to do what is right, is to easy as opposed to looking like you are doing something is so disingenuous..This all starts with looking in and build upon what we do know, for example has the USGS studied or given as much attention to the M.E and when was it last done...? This is just the tip of a Full Petroleum Office could tell you on the fly if you were to call and ask..but then again we don't have a Petroleum office...with a legal dept and marketing so paramount. ..nah we have a lot of problems and it starts with a New M.C and time for the lifers to leave and the naysayers to leave. I know about team work...out in the field all it takes is one person to screw things up especially working around huge equipment. .so it pays to have policies that work...
Keep our gas and oil flowing in Osage County. We're one of the big 5.
Thank you 2:04 am. Some just do not understand what they say..I can be a insomnia act on occasion. Sometimes you just can't turn the head off, and if you like me, early to bed early to the wise as I see it..and life is a wonder why sleep it away...hatd work builds character. Just wondering where The Journal is getting their numbers? In one way the Producers have Contracts and obligations to the lessor and that would be you and I am I right? So if the Producers are cutting back how does this benefit the Contract or contracts simply all together the Concessions negotiated? Is there not a criteria to meet those obligations as set forth? No matter the circumstance?
No. Just couldn't sleep on a Friday night. Was in the process of cleaning out the e-mail spam when the CNN and Fox alerts came in. A higher intensity on this one of nearly a full point above the Haiti quake. This is going to be a very bad one in an area that has little chance of handling it. We're going to have to get out our checkbooks and credit cards on this one without a doubt. "...never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."
If they ever stop fracking and waste water injection in Osage County, it will certainly awaken the Shareholders. Control it, regulate it, but never let the State or anyone else stop it. That would be the beginning of the end for the Osage Mineral Estate!
In Lou Burn's book (a classic) on the history of the Osages, he has a section about the seismic activity in the area and that this is why portable lodges were built rather than more permanent structures. It makes sense. He described earthquake activity that sounded like it was really destructive and that the Osages had taken up the lesson and adjusted their behavior accordingly.
To 10:40 AM---We can regulate where the injection wells are located and how many are needed, particularly considering the natural faults in the formations. Once properly located, we can then regulate the rate of injection and the pressure. This is something that the MC's "Director" would be monitoring, except our "MC" doesn't have a "Director." If they ever do hire one, I hope Osage Blogger will call his attention to Lou Burn's book.
When I was very small around Fairfax, there was a quake that made moms cups fall off the selves and the sofa move from the wall that I was on. Some may remember this in early 1950s. This was long before fracking.
The 1952 earthquake by far was a large Earthquake If I read it right it was 5.5...and then the one in the 1872or around that time I beleive was a large Quake as is believed that Oklahoma has tremors quite often not felt and that most of the quakes seem to be located mostly near Oklahoma City...just google Earthquakes in Oklahoma...
Why are some M.C members shocked at the new pick for the position of A.G office?
ReplyDeleteWoW. With this Chief, when your out, you're out overnight. Not that it's a bad thing but whatever happened to the professional courtesy of two weeks notice?
DeleteMaybe because Jones ruled in the favor of the MC on not having to send over oil leases to the Chief for his approval as per the Osage Nation Constitution?
DeleteRight I understand the M.E will not be used as a wet blanket to proliferate ones afenda, and if so all profits would come back to The M.E?that being said under the Federal Regulations and the 1906 act as ameneded how would this hurt the M.E if the Chief were to verify the Contracts as aTeam together. There is no problem in that is there? Doesn't the 1906 act say 8 council Members and a Chief? So upholding the Law of the Constitution is paramount.
DeleteIn retro, I recall something I said back a while ago, and that was, are we to become a lawyer Nation or Nation, A people, the Osage. I see 2 Roads, its called fair and balance...and I weigh the pendulum deeply. The division clearly runs deep...easily can the spicket be closed, so says I, one Shareholder and the Original Tribe, the Osage as written, the Reservation, The M.E and recognized, the 1906 act as amended, any decision in regards to the M.E so should the True Owners of the Estate be notified otherwise, The Shareholder's, this has not been conveyed so shall I say one Shareholder, not by the M.C in advance or by the BIA In a timely matter. So one deducts, there's more than meets the eye. Is it time to drop the Anchor. So on merit, I see someone going the step further and as a Shareholder I personally would like to see how the State of Oklahoma is interference or other wise. To easy is my Tribe predictable and I'm not a law student its called Experience. Just sayin and keepin it real.
DeleteTo 10:38 am I think "agast" was the word. They are scared to death that the new AG will convince the court that the MC is subject to the laws of the 2006 Osage Constitution. Which it shouldn't be too hard to do. The 1906 Act and it's amendments clearly allows this! Some people just have to learn the hard way.
DeleteAnd they did learn the hard way. On March 23, 2015 the IBIA ruled against the Jech case on every issue raised. Mrs. Jech has passed away but this was the last chance for Tillman and Whitehorn, and the other plaintiffs. The 2006 Constitution is alive and well.
DeleteI read the final decision. ..A long fought worries...there's always a Constitutional Covention.
DeleteSo what? The BIA went right along with the creation of the Osage National government back in the 1990's even giving them money to get it started if Im not mistaken. The appellate Court threw that failed attempt right out on its keester.
DeleteBTW this is a BIA analysis, not a Judicial Branch court decision.
DeleteIt is important to remember the March 26 post on the January - March 2015 blog (now closed): Archive #16 PLEASE join REPO: Restart Permitting in the Osage Face Book and weigh in your voice directly to Sally Jewel, Secretary of the Interior, to waive the current new EA for all Oil & Gas activity in the Osage until proper protocol and reasonable transition processes can be instigated. It makes no sense to just drop a nonproductive, not very well thought out set of burdensome and expensive regulations on our Producers with no transition period. Jim Ryan will send all posts to Sally Jewel every Monday by snail mail and email. All you have to do is post on It is an open FB. All can join! See you there!
ReplyDeleteNew Regular Congreessional Session Calendar informtion is located at
ReplyDeleteSee also
DeleteThe Osage Congressional Session Tracker for legislation introduced so far is located at
DeleteLive as it happens
DeleteDoes anyone know if IIM Accounts are exempt from IRS taxes due? For example, if you have a Treasury Offset?
ReplyDeleteThe Courts cannot touch your IIM account..
DeleteWill someone please post the Facebook address for our Minerals Council. I can find a lot of Osage pages but I am having a hard time finding theirs... Thank You
ReplyDeleteWhat makes you think the Mineral Council has a Facebook page? The Osage Nation does but I am unaware of any other.
DeleteTo the poster @ April 4, 2015 at 10:47 AM , It seems every group ( Osage Nation, No. Ca. Osage, Osage temporary waivers etc.) have Facebook pages. A lot of individual Osages have Facebook pages. I just thought in the intrest of letting the Shareholders know what each member is doing and as a Council what they have accomplished recently it would be posted so we know what we ( the Shareholders) are paying for. There is a lot going on that isn't listed in the Osage Minerals Council Quarterly from June 2014. I got the Osage Nation page & Chief StandingBear's page, I just thought in the interest of transparency the Mineral Council would want to have one.
DeleteThere have been multiple ways the M.C could have kept the SHAREHOLDER'S comprised but have not for apparent reasons other than to keep secret their responsibilities to the Shareholder's persona non grata sort of speak...and I am one Shareholder thats fit to be tide especially with our M.C and their transperency and obligations to the Shareholder's by the BIA as well..who are our Council Members and what do they do exactly on our dime inquiries must be fulfilled. But its just not with them the Osage Nation as well and if they pass what Jim Ryan is quoted saying then I'll be the first one to get the petition going on that Per-Cap...cuts start at home with special interest is concerned and the business of building should come to a in every business does...and I will get a petition going for a New Constitution rewrite to close this Gov. Down if they can't get this Health care situation handled and it can be done..put the Constituency first it has been 8 years...and all we see is spending...
DeleteYou are right when it come to the Majority no Lawyer or Lawyers can step in if the Majority says other wise...Our we a People for Our People you must ask yourselves...This was not to happen. My eyes can't close at night.
DeleteGOOD POST from Jim Ryan at his Facebook page: --->>>
ReplyDeleteOn April 17, 2014, Chief BigHorse signed ONCA 13-21 into law. This bill allowed the health balances to carry over for three years.
“ Osage Nation member benefits under this act shall carry over from calendar year to calendar year up to a maximum amount equal to three years of benefits at the benefit rate for that recipient. “
The intent of this bill is clearly for the health benefit to roll over for three years.
The proposed Health Benefit Act amendment bill ONCA 15-28 states;
“ Osage Nation member benefits under this act shall carry over from calendar year to calendar year up to a maximum amount equal to two years of benefits at the benefit rate for that recipient. “
The intent of this bill is clearly to limit the carry over to two years. This will be hard on families and individuals, who may have been planning a major medical expense like; braces for their children, purchasing prosthesis, or an elective surgery based on the three year carry over in ONCA 13-21. This bill would be the first cut in benefits to the Osage people since our new government was established. It appears that Congress will use 5 million dollars of the extra 6 million given to our Nation by gaming this year for construction expenses while attempting to cut the health benefit to the Osage people. This is unconscionable and we need to speak out against it. Below is a short simple letter that I have written to Congress members opposing this cut in health benefits. Feel free to copy it and send it to them, or write your own message opposing this cut in benefits.
Dear Congress Member,
I am respectfully asking you to oppose ONCA 15-28, An act to amend the benefit act to change the carry over balance to two years and vote against it in committee, or session. This bill will hurt the Osage people and should not be made law.
Yours Truly,
Jim Ryan Osage
Congressional email list,,,,,,,,,,,
You need to add the Chief so he won't sign this bill if it passes:
DeleteRE: ONCA 15-28
Get the Word out to all Osages ASAP, Osages sticken it to the Osage is what it balances to, naw cut the Cost Associated with the Investment with the New LLC ,ah, stop the Construction as does everyone else does in the Business World, on ffolks we see enough of this in the outside world how the Govt is sticking it to the Middle Class,some of us was not born off the Turnip truck. This is no laughing matter...Stop the Spending and get your head out of where the sun don't shine..sorry for the Candid remark...Do we need to balance our house with a Democrat /Republican, with Tea party and Independents because we can have this so there is fair and Balance, remember the Higher Court says under the Umbrella of the 1906 act as ameneded because we are a Govt. Be a good steward and drive in the Direction for the People as opposed to special Interst Congress...Is that so hard to understand. This is just rediculous..I call For a Osage Constitutional Convention if they pass this resolution...Whats going on at the Osage Govt. Should be the Narrative.
DeleteFacebook web page for the United Osages of Southern California:
Don't forget --->>>
Important inforrmation:
WOW!!!!!!!! More earthquakes than California
Boone's Bulletin 4-4-15
ReplyDeleteThe U.S. attorney's lawsuit against the wind industry for mining rock without a permit is still ongoing. the Osage Minerals Council was
instrumental in getting this lawsuit file.
We were able to come to an agreement with the Okla. Dept. of Transportation's contractor to pay the headright owners for the rock they were
using to reconstruct highway 60 in Osage County.
The declaratory judgment that was filed by the Osage Nation Attorney General against only 6 of the 8 members of the Osage Minerals Council
(OMC) is still ongoing. This is to decide if the OMC has to abide by the Osage Nation rules. I still believe the constitution made us
independent and we can promulgate our own rules. Once a decision has been made in tribal court, it can be appealed.
The 3rd OMC passed a resolution to place a moratorium on the proposed negotiated rules, also known as Neg. Reg. The vote was 6 yes, 1 no and
1 absent. The "no" vote was Galen Crum. Absent was Andrew Yates.
We also passed a resolution to solicit Okla. Sen. Jim Inhofe to sponsor legislation to provide us with some relief regarding the economic
situation involving new drilling permits that began with actions from the BIA. There was some discussion made in regard to why we would
invite him into our business. The 1906 Act was a U.S. Congressional Act. Our new constitution was a U.S. Congressional Act. The vote was
6 yes and 2 no. The two no votes were Galen Crum and Talee Redcorn.
We were asked to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the BIA for the purpose of preparing an environmental impact statement. By
signing as a cooperating agency, we could have a representative and alternate representative. The BIA said they would work with us whether
they received the signed document or not. The bottom line is that in the end, the BIA will have the final say. This process mirrored the
negotiated rule process. That's why I voted "no". Others who voted no were Councilmen Joe Cheshewalla, and Talee Redcorn, and Councilwomen
Erwin and RedCorn. Councilman Crum was so adamant about having a seat at the table to represent the producers, he said if we didn't vote to
sign the MOU, he would go to the nation and get appointed to the committee.(3-13-15 OMC mtg.) I was elected by headright owners, not the
nation. My loyalty is to my constituents, not the nation. I also uphold the integrity of our vote.
Part II:
DeleteThe executive branch has taken a new interest in the OMC. (1) They gave us instructions on when to submit our agenda and meeting minutes to
them. (2) The Osage Nation auditors questioned our attorney about what kind of services he was performing for us.(3) The chief asked the
Attorney General for a legal opinion on whether a lease or other development document approved and executed by the OMC is valid if it was
never sent to the chief and if the existence of this language places a duty on the OMC to transmit a lease to the chief to trigger the 5 day
rule. The AG's answer is that the constitution states that the lease or other development document shall be deemed approved unless the
chief objects within 5 working days and the existence of this language alone does not place a duty on the OMC to present a lease to the
chief. (Article 15, Section 4)
Recently there was a decision made by the Interior Board of Indian Appeals (IBIA) on the Jech lawsuit. As I understand it, this board is
part of a process for matters that effect the Secretary of Interior. I did not expect a favorable decision in that lawsuit for that reason.
This is a private lawsuit. Like any other decision, it can be appealed.
I am happy to report that we are probably within 30 days of ten new drilling permits being issued. Once this company receives these 10,
they plan to submit another 10. Finally, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Any opinions above are mine and not representative of the entire Osage Minerals Council.
I can be reached by telephone at home (918) 287-2920 or by cell (918) 698-3314. My home e-mail address is: or at the office:
Cynthia Boone, Osage Minerals Council
Good for Galen. At least we shareholders will be represented.
DeleteTo Cynthia Boone...Thank you for sharing on this blog site..much appreciated your time and effort.
DeleteThank you Cynthia for the up date.
DeleteKeep on working for us, Cynthia. You're doing a fantastic job.
Deleteread new post on Ray McClain's Osages-You-Need-To-Know. Great read.
DeleteNext time, please:
DeleteI have read Mr. McClains site, and what has transcended or the lack of, as well, for quite some time...and the over all performance of The M.C as to I am dumbfounded at the incompetence. I have spoken to Mr.Crum and I do understand the dynamics the Shareholder's are up against with to my dismay the Huge conflict of interest still before us, yesterday no different than today, just a different time, yesterday stuck are we are , our past haunts us to this day. Unbelievable, time to unravel the umbilical chord. The Jech Case, in my opinion should have been made a Class Action lawsuit and the platform or criteria should have been different and the approach was all wrong and in my opinion still has merit..then the anwer will come..just an opinion of course...IBIA ruled wrongly but how were they to rule differently if the points did not add up...the tug-a-war needs to end as much as we would want the suits to end but only if there is transparency will this happen...The Shareholder's must be represented.
DeleteWhoever said "good for Galen" is totally misinformed about the potential train wreck that will be caused by the pending NEG REGS. Of course Galen would vote "no" because of his huge pride of authorship in the monstrosity of the NEGREGS. These regulations, through the ONRR program (Office of Natural Resource Revenue) will guarantee that most producers will not have the time or computer ability to comply with the onerous reporting requirements. The resultant fines levied by the Superintendent will cause many operators to just walk away. The production is already down over 2000/barrels per day, not because of lower oil prices, but because of current and pending BIA actions. Galen Crum, along with Andrew Yates and Sonny Abbott, have performed a lobotomy on the County. The Mineral Estate is slowly dying away and those three think they deserve a pat on the back.
DeleteTo: Poster April 8th 12:45 pm.
DeleteThe menagerie we find ourselves in. Yes all of us in the same calamity. Does not mean this is where we should be does not matter, the CFR'S were going to be updated regardless of the HPP. It matters that we have stewardship, good leaders and transparency. This is required and expected and we would not be where we are the Blame goes to the 30th Council not to Crum, Yates, Abbott And this is the answer, had they informed every Shareholder before we became a Gov..This did not happen I am that person holding the key to the Jech Suit. I have pondered with great respect this would be great for our People and now I see what My Grandmother was preaching back in the 70's about...she said with wisdom and strength in her, do not sale your land or give it away for nothing, do not forsake the M.E. There will come a day and that day is today. So when I think about what my elder said I listened. There seems to be a lot less of tthat happenning. Still the Producers should have had a seat to shed light from a different perspective, but here we are and it is as if the Producers did understand the Regulations were going to change Three Years ago...fair warning...everyone has an excuse but where's the excuse to do something about it? We ourselves can only improve upon improvement but how can you if there is no standard until then anybook or Regs can't do that or tell you how...Whwn you have a standard you can improve upon, accountability and transperency takes effect...drawing a picture, and no where worse our M.C is not equipped. The M.E is not dying...stop the fear mongering not nessasary. Certain is one thing we Shareholder's have a lot on our Plate and I for one Support Abbott, Crum, and Yates...Time to think outsde the nutshell..I do believe we are a seperate Agency and I do believe the Chief has a seat at the Council and should attend all meetings and then some. Would eliminate any redundancies that could arrive otherwise. The 1906 act requires that...and so should the Shareholder's. It's good to criticize but it is also good to find a solution.
In addition, the longer we wait to take action the higher the cost will be to adapt...
DeleteOutside the nutshell, indeed! The ballgame is about to be callled here and you don't seem to be able to wrap your mind around it. If there is nobody to work at the stadium, it won't be open. As a result, the ball players won't be able to take the field and there will be no one in attendance at the game for tickets to be sold and money to exchange hands for the organization itself to be paid. The three stooges of the REGNEG Committee are in collaboration with the Federal government and what it wants to have happen in the Osage oil patch. The Feds have got to know that the new CFRs this will kill off business in Osage County and you seem to be going right along with them. What? Are you so dazzled and greed driven by the Nymex price that you can't think straight either?
DeleteThank you Ray Ray at His response to Poster at 12:45 pm should be read by all. Very well informed. He basically has laid out in black and white the true numbers (give or take) what is happening in Oil Country...This from a Corporate level the many pink slips that are going out (layoffs). Anybody and everybody knows what that means...had the Luxary of talking with someone in the Industry...folks it's bad...People are leaving their home States going to Calif. Northern rather than working their real jobs on the oil rig are now drilling holes for water, since early last year, many of these hard working people out of jobs who have Ranches and children to feed..So when I here the Propaganda that a few are holding up the development of the M.E and are using them as an escape goat surly has it wrong...I am for progress and at least we have drilling going on and permits being issued...not much but its a start. And dually noted on his part and my part we know how the leases were negotiated in the past without forethought or Regulation and this is why we are losing money hands over fists....numbers are telling and show the we in Shareholder's must ensure the M.E is governed in the most proper way...This is a multi billion Estate the future is for us to see...and is here today and are we ever so armed with Information and no longer can we close our eyes to the truth of the Matter. My eyes are wide open...
DeleteAt the risk of being redundant, Again, the Kayaker's Plan for our energy future
She can't read the damning report on the activities of the BIA out in the Osage county oilfield but she can plan for public lands when she, as the Trustee of the ME Trust, has a fiduciary obligation to the Osages, not to the U.S. or its public lands.
Low carbon future is her agenda people and that does not include the oil business, now does it?
Thank you Ray? Ray conveniently ignores that the drop-off in activity in Osage County happened BEFORE the drop in oil prices. I wonder why? Could it be the BIA? Naw, that's too easy.
DeleteThe previous blogger is right. The drilling activity, I believe, showed about 2 dozen wells drilled in 2014. All of those wells were drilled in the first half of the year, before the drop in oil prices. The previous year had around 200 wells drilled and the year before that, around 300 wells. Clearly, the BIA's regulations or threats of new regulations are at fault. To say otherwise is to ignore reality.
DeleteTo poster at 8:53 am, guess I've been playing the ballgame for awhile....ah own more wells outside of Osage County says so, k-no. The Federal Regulations will be no different than anywhere else...bottom line stop with the fear mongering these changes were in the makes way before the Hpp.suit. where there is will there is a way...still the same there are huge issues. What actually happened was the Drummned Case ? And the Shareholder's how are they going to be compensated? For the stopping of the Permitting at the time when the price of oil was at its highest 100 dollars a barrel?
DeleteTo SMH, whoa!! This is a slap in the face if I ever heard. Ah, Everyone should tap into this one on YouTube.... and tell us what you think...TKU SMH I thought you posted this before but was unable to link..this time it worked...supports all along what has been going on...
DeleteThanks for taking the time to watch and listen. I suspected that she was an environment first-er since she came from REI and I was right on the money. Good outdoor gear store BTW.
DeleteWhat a walking conflict of interest, thats ok, because what come may for the Osage Shareholder's and the ties that bind could another suit come into play, you betcha!
DeleteJewell is against carbon based energy - which will hit the petroleum industry hard - and is for long-term "renewable" energy tax credits. Land management is about a balanced approach. These "climate change" extremists like her are social and economic terrorists.
DeleteWe the Shareholders have been asked in the past few weeks to write,email & call people in power to consider our best interest(s). Is there anyware I can read or hear one just one Minerals Council member saying/posting "Relax we have everything under control" ? Please post the address. I mean what the heck were they elected for?
ReplyDeleteBR 549
DeleteWhat is this bill all about? Is the Nation taking over control of the Villages? ONCA 15-33:
Certainly what it looks like. Did they read what the Feds have to say?
Something is sooooooooooo amiss. Tell me these regs are outdated and not current? One has to ask alot of questions but my mind is reveling but not so merry..
DeleteAnonymousApril 7, 2015 at 9:15 AM
ReplyDeleteread new post on Ray McClain's Osages-You-Need-To-Know. Great read.
Just read it. Wondering if there will be a June check. Or any checks for that matter. Things don't look good.
Don't believe everything you read.
DeleteYour no body to tell someone not to believe everything you read...oh by the way Poster at 7:39 am, my post below posted for you. And everything I have posted on this site and I can't speak for Ray Rays site but he has been pretty spot on..nothing but the truth and really if you have any questions call Galen he always picks up the phone.
DeleteNo worries hang in there the next two years we need forethought and be prepared, the tides are going to turn and fast, witnessed already. Your check in june will be about the same unless they, The BIA is instrumental in getting that Gravel Revenue from the State of Ok on the work they did on I60 accounted for and distributed will be a little more on the check...not much but every bit counts...and we should by then have a few more completions as well with drilling...The unknowns in this industry was well predicted before we got to this point...yet this is the boat we are on and it's not going to be sink or swim..we will be doing laps, .stay positive...I'm not on the Council but I've been in the Automobile industry for quite sometime..The first who are going to feel the impact of the economy and a pretty good meter or barometer indicating where we are headed for...not only that I'm an accountant as well...I did not graduate from college I worked the hard way and climbed the Latter...very proud. And speaking of which we should be thankful for what we have...and will be...our future is up to the Shareholder's and we must foster the Idea that innovative thinking needs to come into play just is sound advice...
DeleteI'm not an accountant, but I don't have to be an accountant to see that the price of oil averaged about $20 lower in Jan, Feb, and Mar. That tells me that the June check will be significantly lower. That gravel revenue probably won't amount to but $5 on our check.
DeleteYou are likely correct when you say the tide is turning. It sure looks that way, but it will be a slow process. Don't expect quick results.
You are also correct in that we need some innovative thinkers up on that hill. We have sat back and watched things happening for 100 years, and done very little to change anything. Time is up! If we don't start doing some things for ourselves, we're on a course to spend another 100 years setting ourselves up for the same results.
To Ray McClain, I do appreciate your healthy post for thought. Your perspective and knowledge well documented and it shows...alot of forethought. Your experience does not go unnoticed. experience in CSI and skill set can turn this around...and I am trying to make it back home and speak with all due respect to my family and elders...before I share a plan with the Council all with the mind set we must act today! It is evident who is there own worse enemy and stop the cancer, sorta speak...really boils down to getting a standard and it goes like a bullet train...everything just falls into place from there, but what is better for the Shareholder's. Basically what is the Vision? And to build a consensus, long over due...I have been fortunate to have the experiences in life and I guess hard work pays and it starts at home...When you look at the totality of our plight not so hard to rebound though I will say I could never imagine, ah lets just put it this way, nothing is a coincidence and we are in control of our's been my experience that once you set the criteria everything works out and then the kinks will reveal. .Communication with the Shareholder's is so long over due....I tried two years ago to get back home, but like you experienced, a set back with my health and weddings and projects that I had got behind in and now I'm ready...I look forward...
DeleteRay, the report on thee BIA suggests much less involvement on the part of the MC/Osage Nation, not more.
DeleteYou think?
DeleteI do.
DeleteReconsideration of the position of Osage Mineral Council Chairman is supposed to happen this spring. Anybody have any suggestions?
ReplyDeleteWhy the reconsideration? I get Waller needs to go A.S.A.P The recommendations are as wriiten and suggested many times on this site and others as well. Yes we need Transperency as Shareholder's and the rightful Aires of the M.E should require nothing but exceptionalism and no less....and we need term limits as well some have been on the M.C way to long...need to retire...plain and so simple..we want a functional Petroleum Office, with a broad message that transcends. We need leaders not bottom feeders. Doers not naysayers. People that know how to get the J.O.B done....we need to bring integrity to the meaning of hope and prosperity and the M.C is falling flat. I vote for Crum if he is willing and wanting to step up. Change couldn't come at a better time..we need to act today, tomorrow is today and with the Market sure to rebound after its 7 yr menopause will turn in the next 3 paramount this be recognized. we need strong organizational skilled people not the geriatric scene...sorry your wisdom is appreciated but we are on this roller coaster to no where at this point, lawyer city, such negativety...So maybe we just need new talent all together and choose outside the box.
DeleteYou are asking for suggestions. From watching the video of the State of the Nation Address given by Chief Standing Bear, I heard 85% of the Osages, live outside the original Osage Reservation Boundaries. Over 45% of the Osage people live outside the State of Oklahoma. For the Osage Shareholders that live too far away to attend the MC meetings, we do not have the ability to observe out Council in action. I have tried to listen to the audio of the meetings, it is similar to Roosevelt's Fireside Chat except this is 2015. The quality is poor & it is hard to know who is making comments. If you try it for 3 hours you will know what I mean. My suggestion is; our Mineral Estate has been valued between 4-6 Billion dollars. Can a Multi Billion Dollar enterprise fund recording their meetings ? Could we find the funds to produce a VIDEO like the Osage Nation Congress. Could the Mineral Council share the meeting room with The Nation to record these video? Could we offer a internship to the Film and Media Studies at The University of Oklahoma ( ) ? I don't know how many Osage Shareholder's reside outside of Pawhuska but it could make any suggestions about our council better if we could see them and hear who is talking. The Nation even has a YouTube page the Mineral Council could ask to use... ( ) . Please bring this up at the next Council Meeting if you think it is worthy. This may be 'Outside the Box' or even county.
Delete6:40 PM, you have put forth some very good ideas. I was a little too young to appreciate Roosevelt's Fire Side Chat, however I do agree that audio only is a poor way to communicate. So much is lost from not being able to see the body language and watch their eyes. And even the audio itself is many times inaudible because no one is tending to the sound system and the individual mics are sometimes pushed back or covered with papers.
DeleteAll it would take would be a little money. The same room is used, the same sound system is used, and it could easily be video streamed live. They just need to hire the IT Dept. to do it. I think that's what Congress does.
Talee Redcorn is Chairman of the communications committee. He could quickly make this happen if Chairman Waller approves and the expenditure is voted on and approved by the Council. Send them an Email and maybe we can get this done. Thank you very much for the suggestions.
Ray, on your posts of the ' Operations Report For Week Ending March 27, 2015 ' & ' Operations Report For Week Ending March 13, 2015 ' they are both signed by ' Acting Superintendent ' . Has Robin Phillips resigned or was she promoted ? Is she too busy to review & sign these reports ? Does she manage other tribes other than the Osages ? I've read she missed &/or left meetings early. Do you think she is overwhelmed having to work with multiple tribes ? Her picture is still on their website. Especially at this time , I would hope we would have full attention from the DOI Indian Affairs ' Osage Agency ' . Thank You in advance for your hard work & helping us Shareholders learn a little more about what is going on at the Osage Nation Campus.
DeleteOh no, Robin Phillips is still here. She may have been out of town or in a meeting, and someone may have been temporarily the "acting." Many times, Jeanine Hale, the Deputy Supt. will sign them. Robin is alive and well and 'yes', I'm sure she is very busy. I don't think she is dealing with any tribe other than the Osages. I'm also sure that we have her full attention. And thanks, I'm glad I can help.
DeleteRay, again thank you for your point of view. Being out of state, most of the information I get is from reading. The reason I asked about Ms. Phillps was I found the two articles I read very troubling. They don't make it sound like we have her 'Full Attention'. I wished you were well & on our Mineral Council...
Delete“Folks said you take this estate, this oil, this trust, you make it better than it was, and pass it on". ( Charles Pratt )
Any word in the " Multiple motions to dismiss " ? It has been about a half of a year and haven't read a thing. With " attorneys for more than a dozen oil and gas entities " , "the Bureau of Indian Affairs and its umbrella Cabinet department, the Department of the Interior" and "representatives for the U.S. Attorneys’ office in Tulsa " I would have thought something would have been announced, that is alot of 'Fire Power' . ( october 21st 2014 )
Any information from any readers, please post it.Thank You.
Ray, thank you for your efforts in maintaining your blog. Great resource. However, I would point your attention to the two bloggers on April 9th at 11:17AM and 12 Noon. They are both right in their assertion that the BIA is responsible for the drop off in activity, not lower oil prices. Please include such information in your next blog to provide a balanced point of view.
DeleteThe real question is why permits were not issued at the time oil was at it's highest 100 dollars a barrel? Second the Donalson or CFR'S would not change the companies long term drilling permits, thirdly if you have been following the Markets you would understand how the Producer's are experiencing a deflationary environment, of which I warned all of you back 6 or 7 months ago give or take.Thanks to Opec...flooding the Market...Texas housing boom sure to hit a recession and Baken not in the best shape either...
DeleteAlso I might add Oil Companies selling their capital ,all takes it's toll, the New Norm will settle at maybe give or take a dollar will be at 70 dollars a barrel.
DeleteOil is being used like wet rag, as to a Global Political Weapon..The Saudi's and USA targeting Iran and Russia. Opec flooding the Market afraid of our Shale and how we became a major exporter in the Market back in the latter part of the 90' do you understand we need much more than a Council to run this multi-billion dollar Estate. This so much bigger than our does this affect our bottom net yes..not much you can do..except we keep going and ride this out...that 70 dollar a barrel was a prediction...This is why we need a Full on Petroleum office..if we did have one already in place we still would not been able to stop the Global Crisis from affecting the ME, but we could have planned better for our future had the circumstance been different.
DeleteA good read on the ban on exporting crude oil produced in the United States. Not exactly a ' Free Market '. Signed into law by Dick ' I am not a crook ' Nixon.
Yes a good out in 2017....if Opec keeps up this flooding the Market we may not have an alternative but to rid the Law of Exporting. Something has to give its either for the short term or long term, the spicket needs to open.
DeleteWell folks, we are always looking for a excuse to journey back to those Osage Hills , Tall Grass Prairies, and I do believe I have found one. The Osage County Historical Society is putting on a Dinner and get-together at the Pawhuska Fairgrounds May 2, 2015 , honoring the past 68 rescriptors of the Ormond Beach Award, which is given to a single outstanding Pawhuska High School athletic. Amongst these were names like Bob Roberts, Stabler, Labadie, Paul Orr , just a few that I can remember. Ormond Beach was referred as the Indian football player from Pawhuska . Where he made All Conference in footwall and track, late went to Kansas University at Lawence, Kansas was picked by Nesmith as a outstanding physical specimen, which his fellow athletes wouldn't let him forget. Ormond graduated from K U with a degree in Petroleum Engineering, and four very successful years playing both defense and offense on the K U Jayhawk teams, receiving a runner up All America for Fullback while at KU. Times were like they are now, so no positions were available for that degree , so he found a position with Olympic Oil in Sierria Ontario, Canada. This major oil company also owned a Canada Football (rugby) team, which Ormond played for when the season was on . This team won five gray bowls, which could be compared to the Super Bowls. The practice field was right along side of the huge tank farm that was one of Ormond off football season assignments he had his football uniform on when one of the workers yella down Orm (Ormond) there is something wrong with this tank, Ormond rushed over and up on the troubled tank, yelling out for everyone to get down and away from the tank. Ormond Beach with his beloved football uniform on, maybe not a Cowboy like the Canadians like to call him, maybe not a Indian like the Kansas and lower 48 called him, but a All American in spirit lost as that tank blew up, gone at the age of 27. Sure, honors were bestow, first into the Canadian Hall of Fame, a gold watch at Kansas U.but probably the most and closest to all is the Ormond Beach Award given each year at the Pawhuska High School, so that just a little bit of what I know about my Uncle Ormond (Orm) (Dilly) Beach. PS The four only surviving nephews and a niece use a good amount of a Sharesholders check for new lettering at Pawhuska Ormond Beach Stadium. Homer Fincannon
ReplyDeleteAlways good to hear from you H. Great insite thank you for your so ever for your posts.
DeleteHomer! How have you been? Glad to see that you're still looking in on us here at the Osage Blog.
DeleteBeautiful story, by the way, Homer.
DeleteOne thing that I'm sure not to miss is a morning cup of coffee and a look at your blog, follow that up with a glance at Twitter David Grann site to check on the Osage and FBI story status,then take the old arm wrap blood counter,up or down, after three quarters of a century would like my feet to grown so the shoe box could hold more pills and another. As long as I can stay away from politics,keep my hands, fingers and thoughts in the great Mother Earth and what she can produce may make 90, hope too. You all keep up the pressure, good work and blog for you do have some loyal readers.Back to my hiatus,H.
DeleteHomer, I can't get my mother to get on the computer and learn about the world of technology but she is just old fashioned. I tried to stay away from FB, TWITTER, social media sites, but your right. Sometimes you just need to take a peak...not just that, I have a huge family and helps staying in in some ways I have come out of hiatus to...still believe in a good talk on the phone. Good hearing from you...stay healthy in mind body and something you have is a soul...
DeleteNext Minerals Meeting: Friday, April 17, 2015 - 10:00am to 2:00pm CSDT.
ReplyDeleteThank you
DeleteYou're welcome. I'm here with my morning coffee and the meeting is soon to begin. You can follow it online at
DeleteThe agenda is available too at
DeleteReally fascinating presentations from speakers invited to the MC meeting. Hope the BIA is listening but I'd be willing to lay a bet that they aren't...
DeleteThe Osage Nation live media web page is tracking 26 online listeners. This is good but could be better.
DeleteOn a short break.
DeleteTried to listen but there is Music also stream lining with the Audio, out put is weak...need to get rid of Aodbe Flash so archaic just an Opinion...most use updated devices and this is one I would not download period...
DeleteBy the way thanks for tbe updates Osageblogger.
DeleteYrea, Adobe is plagued with many security issues...once I downloaded the App.on to my computer then I had problems with unwanted spam and viruses...then it didn't matter what kind of firewall of protection you had..I don't have that problem now that I don't use Adobe.
DeleteThe music came from video presentations that the presenters were playing. Two more left after the break.
DeleteThe meeting is back up online for listening.
DeleteIn Executive Session.
DeleteIs it too much to ask on a day when the Mineral Council is meeting to post on the site broadcasting messages;
Delete1. In Executive Session.
2. Out To Lunch
3. Done for the day
4. Website Down
5. 12:20 CSDT nothing worth streaming ???
6. Went to get a pizza be back on at 1:00 CSDT
Instead of 'Off-Air ' OR ' Currently Not Streaming"
We out here in Audio land can't see anything. If you want more than " tracking 26 online listeners " then get the quality up & why does it have to be live ? Can we call in ? Record the darn meeting to be played back later. Just my feedback, a voting Osage Shareholder.
Well, actually they do record it for on demand listening later on at
DeleteI like the privilege of listening live at the time the meeting is held but when I can't avail myself of the privilege I have to just keep reloading the live web page at to come back in to listen. I know it's a bit of a hassle but I don't mind. I think we're really lucky to have all the media options with the Osage Nation we have and I, for one am really grateful. Other Tribal communities don't have the government availability online that we have and in this respect the IT money spent is a real boon to the Osage Nation membership at home and all over the world. Superlatively outstanding IMO.
Osageblogger, it may be taken for a complaint but I for one can always wish that things could be done better. I try to listen to become a better Informed Shareholder. I think it does our Mineral Estate justice the more we are informed. The meeting that was just ended, I had a very hard time hearing parts of the meeting but almost blew out my speakers on the laughing. It seemed like flu season with all the coughs. Respectfully, I don't think it is fair to compare our Mineral Estate meetings with Other Tribal communities unless they are an estimated 4-6 Billion dollar entity as our Estate has been estimated. For all the Shareholders living out of the area, better Audio w/Video would be worth the investment as much or more to me than a statue. I will be thankful for what we have but there seems to always be room for improvement . Thank you for the blog and for others opinions...
DeleteVideo would be wonderful. I certainly agree there and it would be nice if they would act on your suggestions. They're out there now so let's hope they adopt some of them.
DeleteAll three sections of today's MC meeting is now available for on demand listening at Good work Minerals Council and staff. Thank you!
DeleteThats what I said we need to be better equipped I could hear nothing but music first then an echo of a voice...During the Chiefs Trial was better. And I do have quite a sound system in addition to what my computer speakers as such some of us are computer savy. Come on folks we are in the 21st century get a system installed that is current and compatible.
DeleteOur IT dept is a disgrace! The problems listed have gone on for years and nothing gets any better. It's not like they haven't been made aware of the problems for years. Point in fact...during the debates in the last election, you could not hear what most of the candidates were saying nor could you hear what questions the moderators were asking. We might need to invest in better equipment as well as hire people that know what they are doing!
DeleteI'm just concerned about the Nation's web site and being able to hear and sometimes see our elected representatives in action. I like what they're doing just fine. It's the Osage News that handles those debates and they have the responsibility to make sure the candidates and the moderators are heard and seen.
DeleteFor a letter in response to the blog post by an anonymous poster on this blog found at: AnonymousApril 14, 2015 at 7:58 AM please go to
ReplyDeleteThank you, Ray.
DeleteRay the letter was spot on...forward thinking needs to go from here.....the Graph Is a huge of many Osages who appreciate your effort...hope all is well with your health..
DeleteThanks for worrying, but much to the dismay of a few, I'm doing just fine.
DeleteRay thank you for responding keep positve we need's to progress...Cheers
DeleteYou're always welcome here, Ray. The Osage Blog will continue to be healthy as long as there is counterpoint in the exchange of ideas and communication among the Shareholders. We have a lot of "counterpoint" in points of view here and this is very good.
DeleteAmen Osageblogger.
DeleteYou are still so wrong Ray in your analysis. The activity stopped BEFORE the drop in oil prices. 100% the fault of the BIA. If you don't believe me, analyze the intents and permits. Reread previous blogger comments. 24 wells drilled in the County in 2014 BEFORE the drop in oil prices, compared to over 200 in 2013. I know you've talked to some of the producers to hear their comments. Please listen.
DeleteHe's another Osage who can't accept responsibility for his actions in promoting those new CFRs that have wreaked havoc among the oil producers.
DeleteU.S Crude is up for 2015 settled at $56.00 and some change...but this is a move in the right direction.
ReplyDeleteWhat Assets were used to build our first Casino?
ReplyDeleteNone from the Osage Tribal Councils 30/31. They didn't have any to contribute. They found a company that would build them and get them up and running for a huge stake in the proceeds after they opened. The Tribe managed to get them away from that outfit because according to the NIGC under the IGRA, we have to manage them ourselves and the way it was initially set up, the outfit that built them was running and managing the casinos as well and that was illegal. It went into arbitration and we had to come to the table with about a million dollars. If anyone remembers this more accurately, correct me if I'm wrong. It's my personal belief that all that hoo-hah about the Osage Tribe coming to an end when the last original allottee died which was a scare tactic to get the U.S. Congress to allow us to form a new government so that the Osage Nation could be formed and then retain the gambling money for itself and not hand over the gaming proceeds to the shareholders. No matter how you choose look at it, we Headright annuitants got shafted.
DeleteThank the Shareholder's will have their day...
DeleteThey've had their day and that day is long past by nearly ten years ago. It is as it is today and just as it will be tomorrow.
DeleteThe company which funded and operated the first casino is still involved in the operations, though not in apparent control. Either directly or through subsidiaries, it is involved in the activities of most tribal gaming. The NIGC alleged ties by the company to organized crime. The parent company (which is never named in NIGC documents) is Multimedia Games Holding Company, Inc. Perhaps the NIGC didn't do enough research to find the connection with MegaBingo, Inc. (often named, and sometimes referred to as MBI) and other subsidiaries.
DeleteFollowing is what appears in its disclosure to shareholders on 2/8/2008 about the involvement with Osage Nation gaming:
Development Agreements. In 2004, the Company received a letter from the Acting General Counsel of the NIGC, dated November 30, 2004, advising the Company that its agreements with a certain customer may evidence a proprietary interest by it in a tribe’s gaming activities, in violation of IGRA and the tribe’s gaming ordinances. The NIGC invited the Company and the tribe to submit any explanation or information that would establish that the agreements’ terms do not violate the requirement that tribes maintain sole proprietary interest in their own gaming operations.
In a letter dated November 8, 2007, the Acting General Counsel of the NIGC reiterated the statements made in her November 30, 2004 letter, that the NIGC did not then conclude that the agreements with the tribe that it reviewed constituted management agreements, but that the NIGC was concerned that, taken together, the agreements demonstrated a proprietary interest, by the Company, in the tribe’s gaming activity that may be contrary to law. Although the Company believes that it responded to the NIGC in 2004, explaining why the agreements did not violate the sole proprietary interest prohibition of IGRA and did not constitute a management agreement, the November 8, 2007 letter indicated that the NIGC did not receive the written explanation or further information and is now requesting an explanation. On December 17, 2007, the Company responded in writing to the NIGC, correcting the misstatements contained in the NIGC’s 2004 letter.
If certain of the Company’s development agreements are finally determined to be management contracts or to create a “proprietary” interest of the Company in tribal gaming operations, there could be material adverse consequences to the Company. In that event, the Company may be required, among other things, to modify the terms of such agreements. Such modifications may adversely affect the terms on which the Company conducts business, and have a significant impact on the Company’s financial condition and results of operations from such agreements and from other development agreements that may be similarly interpreted by the NIGC.
The Company’s development agreements could be subject to further review at any time. Any further review of our development agreements by the NIGC, or alternative interpretations of applicable laws and regulations could require substantial modifications to the agreements, or result in their designation as “management contracts,” which could materially and adversely affect the terms on which the Company conducts business.
Other Litigation. In addition to the threat of litigation relating to the Class II or Class III status of the Company’s games and equipment, the Company is the subject of various pending and threatened claims arising out of the ordinary course of business. The Company believes that any liability resulting from these various other claims will not have a material adverse effect on its results of operations or financial condition.
Other. Existing federal and state regulations may also impose civil and criminal sanctions for various activities prohibited in connection with gaming operations, including false statements on applications, and failure or refusal to obtain necessary licenses described in the regulations.
It isn't like Ken Mimmack and Dave Wirshing, the K & D of K & D Gaming, didn't know the structure of the agreement was in violation of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act from the start. The had decades of experience in the gaming industry, had helped tribes gain federal recognition and organize gaming operations complete with financing, and Ken had served in casino management for the Ojibwe. They even went to the trouble of forming K & D Gaming in Nevada in 2002 instead of running it through Ingenus Management & Consulting which was started in 2000.
DeleteIf the NIGC didn't treat Indian casinos with kid gloves this would have been turned over to the FBI for investigation and prosecution under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. The tribe and/or businesses involved would have been faced with forfeiture of the casinos and all revenues generated during those years. Lucky for the tribe the matter was dropped, in part because of "the NIGC's limited resources".,%20Inc._11-2-04.pdf,LLC_8-29-07.pdf
This is dowright hilarious:
Delete"The name Ingenus comes from the Latin word for trust and integrity. We operate our company based on a motto from Lou Holtz: ‘Do things right. Do the right thing. And always tell the truth.’ We guard our integrity as if our business depends on it. Because it does.”
What gaming business people can actually be trusted? Name one. I mean really!
What they're up to today >>>>>>>>>>>
Following the thread of Metabingo, Inc.>>>>>>>>>>
and a Mountain Range of Debt owed at Foxwoods. Let this be a warning to the Osage Casinos management team in the future >>>>>>>>>>> ...Akin, Gump again? Oh You Betcha!
Following the thread of Multimedia Games Holding Company, Inc >>>>>>>>>>>>>
And the Bankers OWN THE WHOLE WORLD ???? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok this is a wealth of information and quite interesting to say the Least so says I
DeleteOf course, this is all just a diversion to hide the slight of hand going on to undermine the Minerals Council and the Osage Headright owners by the Nation in cahoots with the BIA in Washington D.C.
DeleteThat was not the intent. I'd wager the original documents supporting the loan guarantee pledged assets of the mineral estate, much in the way it was presented to the city council in Peoria, AZ for the project pursued by Osage West, LLC. There seems to be either a grave misunderstanding of or a complete disregard for exactly who owns rights in the minerals estate.
DeleteThamk you blogger at 7:29 am. Right would like to see the documents as well after all this is our M.E the Shareholder's and if we were used, we want to be compensated..GET THAT PER-CAP OUT. And to think this all started with one phone call rright Mr. Redcorn?
DeleteYou just don't get a loan without the Collateral and the M.E was used.
DeleteI hate to throw a cog in the works here but the Nation does have an ownership interest in the mineral estate because the mineral rights are reserved to it plus the income generated from it before it is captured by the Feds and is transferred to the Trust for the beneficiaries who are the current headright owners. This is right in the 1906 Act as amended. Perhaps the Osage, LLC played a little fast and loose with the ownership interest of the Nation but whoever made that representation, he was not entirely wrong.
DeleteNever mind all that, what is going on behind the backs of the Minerals Council in Washington, D.C.?
DeleteYeah. Does anybody know what is going on in Washington? Whatever it is, it wouldn't be happening if the Chief weren't in it up over his eagle feather.
DeleteIf the Shareholder's Mineral Estate was used as Collateral, then I would think there is a record of this action being brought up for a vote before the Mineral Council. If the Shareholder's Mineral Estate was used without a vote then our Council could be deemed ' Asleep at the Switch '. If the Shareholder's Mineral Estate was used by the Nation without prior approval than 1.) Someone should be reprimand 2.) A law should be passed to guard against this 3) Shareholder's should in deed be compensated for 'Co-Signing' for a purchase.
ReplyDeleteRight, now your listening...It takes one phone call and one person to bring this to fruition and the question is "Did the 30th and 31st Council notify all Shareholder's? The Answer is No! This, tantamount. Did the Council have the right to make that choice without the Shareholder's consent, no...I then want to know who was compensated for allowing this consent?
DeleteBig cover-up...better to get the Per-Cap out then for this to come out....The Shareholder's will Win....
DeleteIt was the responsibility of the OGRC to get the word out but they couldn't get current Osage headright owner information from the BIA or so it was represented at the time. They used the newspaper that the Nation sent out to the Shareholders they knew about and then went ahead to publish a list of Shareholders on a mailing list of all Osages on the Tribal web site at the time that they had names for that they got from the Tribal Membership CDIB Office. This was the story that was circulating at the time and I can't be certain of the truth of any of it. It all happened so fast once the momentum started, I heard that about 30% to 40% of the Osage Shareholders never even knew what was going on. The first election that took place in the Fall of 2005 you had to register to even get a ballot. Also, that election had questions on it that concerned a Constitutional form of government and never asked the voters if they wanted to keep the Tribal Council or make a change to a different form of government. The whole process was skewed in favor of a constitutional form of government.
DeleteIn a matter of this importance to the Osage Headright owners was the BIA, If they didn't provide a proper and current list to the OGRC at the time of the first and only Referendum election, were they negligent and therefore in collusion with the OGRC that harmed the Osage Headright owners who didn't get a ballot and was it wrong not to send ballots to every single one of the Headright owners who had a material and membership interest in a change of government? a change to a different form of government? Sorry.
DeleteAnd no excuse will satisfy or justify such incompetence the due diligence or should I say lack of give any MERIT. And this keeps on getting more interesting. As I have said the Jech Case went in a direction That much preferred gone in an entirely different would have faired better..How is at the time the Newspapers were being mailed, how is it the BIA was sure that everyone was receiving a Newspaper? Second how is everyone knew there was even a Website for the Gov? How many people "Osages " knew they had to sign up for a Membership Card? Failure to respresent is a HUGE Mistake and by all means, no Coincidence!
DeleteYes, it was horribly wrong.
DeleteMembership card sign-up came later after the later vote on whether or not to have the constitution. The membership card was required to vote for the officials elected under the Constitutional government.
DeleteIt was not legal for the M.C to be the Voting Proxy for the Shareholder's because in itself wolud be a Conflict of Interest to the Shareholder's because the Council would have to rule for the Majority in favor and this did not happen? Had the Communication been designed properly.
DeleteHave no idea what you meant there buddy. There was no proxy and only about 1800 people, both headright owners and those without a share or partial share, were included in the Referendum Election prior to the vote on the constitution. This was when there were only about 3000 official members of the Osage Tribe at the time in 2005 when only Headright owners were members. Half or more of those who voted were not Headright owners so what does that tell you?
DeleteWhat is going on behind the backs of the Minerals Council in Washington, D.C.?
DeleteAnd your point, is this revelent to the question? I agree with the so.
DeleteMinerals Meeting today.
Listen live now:
Listen later:
Robin Phillips suggested looking at the Performance EA on the BIA web site. It is located at:
Get a lode of this:
Galen, if you adopt the same regulations, rules and penalties of another Federal Agency or Bureau, you will have to abide by those adopted rules, regulations and exact those penalties. It makes little difference if it's the BIA or any other Federal governing body that is overseeing those rules, regulation and issuing penalty fees. To suggest that the BLM won't be managing and administrating makes no difference whatsoever. One of these days, I hope you will be able to wrap your mind around this fact and stop insulting our intelligence every chance you get with this issue. It leaves us with the impression that you are either challenged intellectually or intellectually dishonest. Either way, it's not good.
DeleteHe is afflicted by pride of ownership bias because he was key in the adoption of the BLM onshore rules into the new CFRs that the BIA wants in place. Never mind that it will kill 50% to 60% of the business with the small producers. He and Abbott and Yates want this put through no matter what. That's why we call them the three stooges of the Osage. He's got that lawyer niece who we keep hoping will talk some sense into him now that she's due to come in for a share as a Headright owner but so far, it hasn't happened yet
DeleteWe shall see says the Blind Man....amazing read we got here...not so different ,because most of the I find this report somewhat redundant. Just an opinion...most importantly will the BIA be equipped to handle the Administrative portion...where most of the Problem lies?
DeleteSorry, most of the policies are currently being fulfilled in advance, so...lost apart of my sentence.
DeleteThank you Galen for all that you have done...Yates and Abbott Thank you to...much appreciate your sevices...stay strong in your convictions for the Shareholder's.
DeleteOOOH YEEEAAHHH! Are you for real?
DeleteIf I've got this right; There are 481 pages in the Final Environemental Assessment ( ). There are 288 pages in the New Testament inthe Bible ( ). What I didn't see mentioned is the Final Impact Assessment ( FIA ) on The Shareholders, Osage workers, local economy or the county. If the FIA puts 'Real People' in a world of hurt, will any Government offical feel the impact? 481 pages, really? I didn't read the effects if water, roads and electricity has to be haulted to drilling sites AND Martha Donelson's property (Good for the Goose...). 481 pages, really! The lawyers will have a field day with this one. I guess the ' Devil ' is in the details with both documents! Might as well go to the last pages or as they may become to be known as ' The Book of Revelations '... In the words of Batman " Holy XXXX Robin "
ReplyDeleteRight I was looking for those numbers and why are they not there? Where ie the FIA ON THE SHAREHOLDER'S? OSAGE WORKERS? LOCAL ECONOMY and COUNTY...after all this is the M.E in trust for the Shareholder's by the Federal Government.
ReplyDeleteMC, BIA, DOI, EA, ONCA, EIS, MOU, OMC, IBIA, CFR'S, OGRC, CDIB, BLM, S.O.I, NEPA, FONSI, EPA, E.I.E.I.O. If Jed Clampett had to deal with all these acronyms in his oil business, he would have spent the whole day behind the wood shed with a bottle of Granny Clampett's Rheumatiz medicine! 'Woo Doggies!' So, how many bureaucrats does it take to help produce a barrel of oil? Have a Great Weekend, next week will be a new bundle of fun...
ReplyDeleteThank you!!!!!!!!!!! You forgot the PEA but with the list you have already, it's a wonder the oil producers can find their way out of such a thicket not to mention having to hopscotch among wind turbines. Yates, Abbott, Waller and Crum are mindless Federal government dupes. It's no wonder they can't see the forest for the landmines.
Delete...and the little piggy ran all the way home. (Just like the oil producers are going to do even more than they have already)
DeleteAnd these little Oil Producers went, "Wee, wee, wee all the way home."
DeleteAnd these little Osage Headright owners had none.
Old Martha Donalson had a farm.
DeleteE-ven got her friend Mr. Friend to go in with her
I-n filing a lawsuit
E-ven though it's hurt everyone she knows
I-t isn't important enough to her to care because she's a BIG
O-sage and that's all that matters or ever will.
See. The guy was right that wrote, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.
DeletePLEASE don't make fun of the BIA's , DOI's, BLM's, EPA's, documents. For those of us that are too young to remember, at the turn of the century ( 1900 ) the Sears Catolog was considered a useful tool for wiping ones Bottom. Order the EA on line to save money because your checks will be hitting the $h__er in September.
DeleteRight has nothing to do with compliance and regulationn. stop the fear mongering. Oil prices are climbing and will continue. .the slow down and the facts of the matter Opec and supply and demand...
DeleteUS oil and gas drilling moving to private land. " When Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks, he replied, or at least is said to have replied: “Because that’s where the money is.”. And most studies show that "“Any increase in production of natural gas or oil on federal lands is likely to be easily outpaced by increases on non-federal lands, particularly because shale plays are primarily situated on nonfederal lands and is where most of the growth in production is projected to occur.” If you can read, it is in Black and White AND no secret "It isn’t just getting the lease that is the challenge but the bureaucratic struggle to get approvals and permits, industry representatives say."
Sound familiar? Does Robin or Chairman Waller have a Masters degree OR twentyfive years experience in the industry? They are representing Shareholders , young, old and disable. You can only fake it so long. What are the qualifications of our Mineral Council & BIA Osage Agency, come on speak up. Being from Pawhuska or being related to Chief Bluebells does not count...
Talee Redcorn has a high level education in oil and gas engineering. Masters even possibly a Doctorate I'm not sure and he wants nothing to do with these regulations flying up down back and forth and upside down. He's smart enough to know that running off the oil producers with rules and regulations is counterproductive to oil and gas income and that's the name of the game for the Osage Headright owners. Only the three stooges and their megaphone, Chairman Waller seem to want to hang in there despite what they are being told over and over again by those who bring the oil out of the ground.
DeleteSo we have one accounted for. It is not just education, but experience that also counts. Ray McClain seems to have the experience. What needs to happen is when push comes to shove, the Shareholders should have a well stacked group that can represent our interests. Enough intellectual fire power to STOP presenters in their tracts & ask the tough questions " What do you mean, you will have to get back to us, you are supposed to be a professional either give us an answer or send someone who can answer us to our next meeting"! Too late to ' Table ' an issue, it cost the Shareholders income. Another words UNEXCEPTABLE . Now as far as Ms Philips, is it education OR a wealth of experience? Where I come from a AA degree & 3 years experience, flips burgers. Where does she stack up? 4-6 Billion, think about it, are we represented properly? Poop or get off the pot...
DeleteOne big quality for a member of the Mineral Council is the ability to listen carefully to what they are being told, absorb it and learn from it. If the oil producers need one thing or another, help them facilitate the process. They are the ones making the money in our checks, not the BIA or the DOI, the EPA or the BLM.
DeleteYou cant get Galen & company, to believe that. They have proven that idea is not smart. They wont take up for our producers. I think just being alert & going to all meetings is important.
DeleteOne big quality is to listen and learn, are you kidding...the issues are much bigger than can't listen without having the tools and ground work...set to work with, and it's called Policy. ..30 yrs we the Shareholder's have been listening and the result is Zero and the M.C is no Government can create, its the people and in this instance it is the Shareholder's. ..It's the M.E that comes first and we must foster Growth and this has not happened...Regulations will not stagnate growth especially in this industry, where there is oil they will come...what are meeting's if we are not to use applied knowledge....the issue at the BIA and the Administrative duties and so forth are huge issues, where is the final assessment report on the economic end for the Shareholder's and in Osage County. Galen and Co. LOL, phone call away...are you afraid to hear the truth...and they we tell the Federal Gov, on the private land issue and permitting goes thats up to us to structure and change the policy for permitting in a timely matter that would benefit the producer as well the M.E..these are the issues that our M.C and the relationship with the BIA, should be working on and really should have done years ago...Just boggles the mind that for all appearances they the M.C thought that the M.E willjust take care of itself...what we need is to move forward. ..this kind of stuff is everyday regs on or off shore...being compliant is not that hard to do..all in a days work..I know being in the Asphalt Industry and Automobile Industry you can't make this who's fooling who..not me...I know about great Stewardship workked with some of the Greatest and most successful because they believed in me as much as appreciate and have applied myself and learned from those strengths and structure. Like I said we need to get rid of the cancer of excuses not to do what is right, is to easy as opposed to looking like you are doing something is so disingenuous..This all starts with looking in and build upon what we do know, for example has the USGS studied or given as much attention to the M.E and when was it last done...? This is just the tip of a Full Petroleum Office could tell you on the fly if you were to call and ask..but then again we don't have a Petroleum office...with a legal dept and marketing so paramount. ..nah we have a lot of problems and it starts with a New M.C and time for the lifers to leave and the naysayers to leave. I know about team work...out in the field all it takes is one person to screw things up especially working around huge equipment. .so it pays to have policies that work...
DeleteWhy would you want to duplicate a fully set up petroleum office that the government won't listen to or work with? Do you know something we don't?
DeleteI do.
DeleteWell? Dont leave us hanging. Fess up.
DeleteKeep our gas and oil flowing in Osage County. We're one of the big 5.
Thank you 2:04 am. Some just do not understand what they say..I can be a insomnia act on occasion. Sometimes you just can't turn the head off, and if you like me, early to bed early to the wise as I see it..and life is a wonder why sleep it away...hatd work builds character. Just wondering where The Journal is getting their numbers? In one way the Producers have Contracts and obligations to the lessor and that would be you and I am I right? So if the Producers are cutting back how does this benefit the Contract or contracts simply all together the Concessions negotiated? Is there not a criteria to meet those obligations as set forth? No matter the circumstance?
DeleteWork hard..this tablet something else...
DeleteFrom CNN: 7.9 magnitude earthquake rattles Nepal 50 miles from capital, Kathmandu.
ReplyDeleteR U still drunk, 2;50AM?
DeleteNo. Just couldn't sleep on a Friday night. Was in the process of cleaning out the e-mail spam when the CNN and Fox alerts came in. A higher intensity on this one of nearly a full point above the Haiti quake. This is going to be a very bad one in an area that has little chance of handling it. We're going to have to get out our checkbooks and credit cards on this one without a doubt. "...never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."
DeleteI think its bad in that area for quakes, but why get on this shareholders web site? Ive heard fracking has awaken ancient faults here in okla.
DeleteIf they ever stop fracking and waste water injection in Osage County, it will certainly awaken the Shareholders. Control it, regulate it, but never let the State or anyone else stop it. That would be the beginning of the end for the Osage Mineral Estate!
DeleteAgreed. But how do you plan to regulate waste water injection? It is what it is, isn't it?
DeleteIn Lou Burn's book (a classic) on the history of the Osages, he has a section about the seismic activity in the area and that this is why portable lodges were built rather than more permanent structures. It makes sense. He described earthquake activity that sounded like it was really destructive and that the Osages had taken up the lesson and adjusted their behavior accordingly.
DeleteTo 10:40 AM---We can regulate where the injection wells are located and how many are needed, particularly considering the natural faults in the formations. Once properly located, we can then regulate the rate of injection and the pressure. This is something that the MC's "Director" would be monitoring, except our "MC" doesn't have a "Director." If they ever do hire one, I hope Osage Blogger will call his attention to Lou Burn's book.
DeleteWhen I was very small around Fairfax, there was a quake that made moms cups fall off the selves and the sofa move from the wall that I was on. Some may remember this in early 1950s. This was long before fracking.
DeleteThe 1952 earthquake by far was a large Earthquake If I read it right it was 5.5...and then the one in the 1872or around that time I beleive was a large Quake as is believed that Oklahoma has tremors quite often not felt and that most of the quakes seem to be located mostly near Oklahoma City...just google Earthquakes in Oklahoma...
DeleteAgency: DOE's green energy loans won't make a profit, this just i. From Fox News.
ReplyDeletethis is about a land grab and about a scam to tax the American people basically a Ponzi scam a get rich fast scheme based on junk science.
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