High praise for the Chief and Executive Branch for getting what was needed for the Congress to do their job in this Session by Congresswoman Buffalohead when they came back into session. Thanks to the members of Congress who voted to get us the money to keep our member benefits funded to the end of this calendar year.
To be stored at the Annette Gore Library when complete. See http://osagenews.org/en/article/2015/04/15/wah-zha-zhi-cultural-center-begins-work-endangered-song-project/
It is a waste of time to consider Gay issues, let the states handle this issue if we go there then we open doors to Roe vs Wade and really this is a individual decision. And the U.S constitution will take care of this issue..A State Issue..If we ponder this issue then we will insist a Congress as to Mirroring the U.S Congress then so be it we will have a Congress divided by Parties....independence Democrats Republicans and Tea Party lips what about the party for the Indians. Next thing immigration and so forth. What about our Culture?
Oh but then Shannon Edwards won't be able to position herself at the center of things and get all the attention with this bill she's sponsoring on the gay thing. She's the most self-serving person. She always has to push into everything the other members of Congress are doing. I can't figure out whether she thinks she's the only smart one she knows or if she thinks everyone else she works with is just plain stupid. Probably both but one way or the other she has no humility where her colleagues and their work product is concerned whatsoever. As for the gay thing, I'm sick of this issue and the way we always have to be clobbered with it. The other section have been campaigning for their rights for nearly fifty years and if they haven't won the war yet, maybe it's time they learn that the better part of valor is discretion. What a person's sexual preference is is their business and none of mine and I just don't want to know. I'm not suggesting they should go back in the closet, just stay in the house and keep quiet about it. It's like it totally defines everything about them and there's nothing else there of any real substance or interest that they want you to discover about them. Just saying......
It's to controversial and that's my point...really what people do on there own time its there life and should be respected...you can always love in the moment but OR love the one your with but don't push the view and make it Political....I don't take my choice heterosexual and push my views and make polices that really just boils down to personal choice...we want comprehensive fiscal responsibility...this is just nonsense.
Well thank God somebody's got the guts to agree with me. Thank you!!!!!!!! I've put this view out there before and from the way some people act, you'd think I had spit on the Cross.
This is more than a political issue, it has the potential to be explosive. The only man I have ever seen who has been able to criticize the gay community is a guy named Larry Kramer who is gay and a playwright on Broadway in NYC. Despite his fame, he is still the subject of controversy in a very big way among his own. His play, "The Normal Heart" was made into a film last year by HBO and it was a huge shocker and not for tender eyes, by any means. I've heard it said more than once that the foundation of the AIDS virus was solidly laid down by the gay community because they refused to give up their "rights." See the film and you'll understand what I mean. Taking and accepting responsibility for what happened within the gay community and as a result, what happened in the outside world is something that Kramer addressed in the film with brutal exactitude but I'm not sure that it has happened yet. Another great film on this subject is "The Band Played On." More disease clinical than Kramer's work, you can clearly see the progress of the disease among gay men within the community who were crying out for help and demanding it from the government while at the same time continuing to exercise their rights and refusing to give them up until it was too late and the disease began to spread out into the general population.
White guys win again>>>>>" We soaked 'em for another half a million bucks!!!"" Hahahahahahaha.............. https://www.facebook.com/osagenation/photos/pb.706989499311362.-2207520000.1429393641./976369945706648/?type=3&theater
What I want to know is how much money above what was appropriated last Fall has the Osage Congress appropriated in this Session. They have a duty to disclose this dollar amount to the Osage Nation Membership.
Good Shannon Edwards. Stop paying $18,000 a year to Board members who sit on boards that do not make money. Yes. Yes. Yes. Get rid of those boards or pay them $250.00 a year per board member and revisit that gaming commission that is cost out of control.
Here's another example how they shaft us out of our per-cap. Walker put forward a bill to reduce tthe Government Operations Budget by almost half a million dollars because they are eliminating the Division Leaders in the management structure of the bureauracy. At first I was thinking that he was talking about the Division Directors. How many layers of management are there in this crazy government? Look at the gross amount of salary and benefits for just this level and there are probably 5 layers deep of management without the Division Directors. How much out of indirect services in these budgets could be eliminated to get us a per-cap when no one knows who these people are, how many positions there actually are with over 200 of the employees stealing time from the Osage Nation and therefore from the Osage people that are so unnecessary that it is grossly negligent to even have them in the employ of the Osage Nation to begin with. As if we need half a million for the Chief to hand out more patronage jobs while the majority of the Osage members for whom this government was represented and created to serve wind up going without? To add insult to injury, the majority voted not to reduce the budget by the half million leaving Congressman Walker twisting in the wind. This is insane and there is no sound reasoning for why this reduction didn't occur. Good for Congressman Walker for trying to do the right thing despite the other members who stopped him from doing so on the floor of the Congress today. Last I heard, management layers above the employee actually doing the work is five and possibly six. We have the right to have a published list on the Osage Nation web site of all of the employees, what they do and how much they are paid in salary and benefits to do what they do.
https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/sites/default/files/event-brochures/Revised%20Agenda%20Commerce%20Mtg%204-21-15.pdf More board members for two that don't make or earn a cent. If these three are appointed to the Boards of the Osage, LLC and the Osage Nation Energy Services, LLC that will be another $18,000 a year x 3!!!!!!!!!!!! When will this negligent funding come to an end? Pay them $250.00 a year like the Osage Nation Foundation Board receive until they prove themselves and start making money for the Osage Nation.
The Commerce Committee is strung out over government restructuring and budgets with huge amounts duplicated in old budgets and not corrected before they arrive to be reviewed by the committee members. Oh dear...
Does anybody else get the impression that the Osage Congress is manic to conclude this session by the 27th without a 10 day extension? HaHaHaHa! What a bunch of you know whats. So afraid of dedicated hard work you can almost feel their pain and consternation coming right through the internet. The Osage ancestors used to be able to run 15-25 miles a day and these guys have the audacity to call themselves real Osages? Wait till they applaud themselves on the last day of the session for working 29 days straight with weekends off like it just about killed them to have to do it.
Lol...does anyone know what a 90 hr week work load is, and really when all they have to do is yea or nay....like they do the Diligence. We know and change is coming...
ON Congress in debate on reorganization of the Executive Branch and spending associated with it. It appears that the Executive is trying to reduce spending in the budgets and Edwards and Buffalohead oppose it. If spending increases are always tolerated by these two, why can't decreases be tolerated and supported too? https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/multimedia/live-media https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/sites/default/files/event-brochures/DAY22A_4-24-15_HKS.pdf
On a break to see if the bill sponsor, Walker, has spent too much time talking on the floor according to the Congressional Rules. What was the timekeeper doing in the first place? It's hard and irritating to have to reload the live media page over and over again for mistakes and oversights, members of Congress. Get it together!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you hear that one member of Congress, Buffalohead, I think it was, saying about how it's up to the Executive to make these changes to their branch of government. WELL they DID. They send over these bills for spending reductions and you try and suggest that they need to be doing it when they already have and you're looking at those bills and voting on them now. YOU SIX COWARDS ARE AFRAID OF REDUCING THIS SPENDING YOURSELVES SO YOU WON''T LOSE VOTES IN THE ELECTION CYCLE YOU'RE COMING UP FOR NEXT. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE KIDDING??? YOU ARE SO WEAK AND WORTHLESS, IT'S UTTERLY LOATHSOME AND APPAULING.
You Congress and you're filthy manipulations of both the employees of the Exec. Brnch and the Osage people. You Legislators have been claiming for years that if a spending reduction bill came over from the Executive Brand that you would vote for it in a second and what did we just see? Six of you went right back on your statements and so help me God for such phony transparent weak leadership and lack of personal backbone, honesty and integrity as well as legislative manipulation of everyone in sight, so help me God, I'm going to make certain that you do lose votes in the next election where you come up for a vote of the Osage people, by publishing right here on this blog every single one of your names who voted against these spending reduction bills. You have my word on this, and MY WORD is GOOD.
Here we come that Osage Constitutional Convention yippee Kai yay. Was waiting for the colors to shine and they have. Turn Coats...trader to your own kind the Osage Constituency. Spend spend to spin the web they sow..
The nice thing about when we became a Gov. It was for the people not special interest or LL'c where you can hide dollars Like Hillary and her E-mails. Lol..thus our Gov.was for the People and voted by the People, not but we will play this game..8 yrs no PER-CAP for our people 12 million lost....12 million reasons to right sode this Gov. with a new Balanced Congress...with a new vote for a dem side a reub side and independent side and a tea party side and to unionize the Shareholder's already work in progress weather you like it or not no one is working for the Shareholder's as purported by the new regs...then we can have more chaos, is that what we need to do to right side this de facto government? Instead it would be easier to work with that Per-Cap? Your choice people.
They cant wait to spend money they dont even have yet but a reductionin tribal funds NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
ONCA 15-35, An Act to authorize an appropriation in the amount of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($ 250,000) to Tribal Development and Land Acquisition for project costs to study, design and build the Hominy Wellness Center with the appropriation by additional legislation contingent upon receipt of an Indian Community Development Block Grant; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Supernaw)
How many times you gotta tell them lazy soandsos ? Drive 15 min to Fairfax to the threemilliondollar facility theyre building there for a wellnot exam. WHEWWWWW
Get rid of all this crapola government that provides little benefits and get us a per-cap out right now.. Do you feel sorry for me Shannon Edwerds? Putting up with all yous and your selfish spending you should
Mr. Change the Constitution with a Constitutional Convention now sits on the Throne in case you haven't noticed and I haven't heard peep from him about it since he was elected Chief. Have you? Nor did he put such forward for four years when he was a member of Congress. Where is it Chief? You're ballgame now, put up and sort this mess out. Even Miss I used to get upset when people used to criticize the new government is now beginning to see the light at the end of this spendingspree-freeforall-in-OsageCounty tunnel vision we're in and can't seem to get out of because of the selfish Osages running things at the Osage Nation.
The least he could do is put it to a vote: Based on what you've seen happen since the new government took over and what you were lead to believe, would you vote for a Constitutional/Representational form of government if you had it to do over?
As promised, voting no on the spending reduction bills coming from the Executive Branch were William "Kugee" Supernaw, Alice Buffalohead, Shannon Edwards, John Jech, Angela Pratt and Speaker Maria Whitehorn. When the Executive tried to reorganize the Cultural divisions in that particular bill however, which was an unpopular move on the part of the Executive, the Congress sure acted quickly enough to stop them from doing that by voting it down. Think of how many votes in the next two Congressional elections they saved there. Pandering phonies the lot of them. 2.
the percaps are not a good idea, you can't have education and health benefits and percaps at the same time. Its pretty cruel to get people's hope's up on this as well. The NIGC would have to approve a per cap and they have not done so in a while because services to people have to come first, and this would cripple a lot of programs. The nation doesn't exist to just to become a private ATM machine for people. That is not the function of government.
who says? Most of the money spent on services are spent on 20% of the membership and within Osage County. That means 80% of the membership that aren't being educated or get that crappy $500 a year health card thing when $62-$72 million per year is spent on those who live in Osage County. You're out of your tree if you think the NIGC would think that's fair.
Oh but Pawhuska has MOORRREE than Hominy and Grayhorse and Fairfax and Barnsdall and Skiatook and on and on and on and on and on............. Whine-whine whine Moan-moan-moan While 80% go completely without?
Bunch a horse crap I say it cant be done yes it can when most of the funding is coming from the Federal Gov...ah,yes we can. And we will have that Per-Cap way over due you ,see the first excuse was if I recall was when the Gov gets situated and I can quote that from Jim Gray and that was laughable. There's always going tobe an excuse not to do the right thing, right? One percenter?
$42 million a year is spent in Tribal gaming funds and other income resources. $20 million comes from Federal funding a year that is spent in Osage County alone based on total membership, not the 20% of members who live in Osage County. $10 million of the $42 million is spent on direct services and the rest is spent on at home Osages in wages, salary, benefits, land and building expenses, now farming and raising fish hydroponically, and whatever whatnots and wherefores that they can think of including over budgeting $5 million a year to keep it away from you in a per cap which eventually is put in the so-called permanent fund that they use as collateral to get loans with to build the campus plan and things of that nature. It's a scam and Bad Buffalohead is now wanting a head count on membership probably because it's taking away money they want to spend on themselves like wellness centers at $250,000 plus or minus and a Senior/Childcare Center for $3 million plus the buildings in the campus plan that will cost a third to double the price in cost overruns just like everything else they try to build because they can be taken advantage of because no one ever wants to take a serious look at what's really going on. That permanent fund is really where they dump out of the Treasury unspent budget money and hide that money for our per cap they should be sending out to everyone. I'll bet they're still getting a Christmas Bonus hidden in all those budgets somewhere that we no longer get to see line items on anymore. $300-$500 x 530 employees = $265,000. Now that's doable for many employees whose main set skill is picking up a paycheck, from what Kelly Corbin of the OFPR suggested when he stated that many admitted that they need help in keeping track of the budget money they spend. I admire the employees who came forward and asked for help. It's a start and I hope they get the help and the training they need going forward. Now that is money well spent.
Sorry. I forgot the funding for the palace of a price grocery store they just reopened. What is it again? The third time we've had to spend money to reopen it in the last 10-20 years?
The Osage people should have a running total on that grocery store of what has been spent on it since the new government took over. We have a right to know and they have an ethical and moral duty to disclose.
That's for when I'm dead and gone. What's your point? We should be grateful that the Osage Nation is willing to do more for us financially when we're dead than when we're alive? That they think more of us when we're dead than alive? What? I'm not fooled by this ugly confidence game one bit. They're trying to make it look like they're providing benefits for us with a high dollar payout when they know damn good and well that they likely won't be having much money come out of the Treasury to fund the program on a yearly basis anyway and can go on spending the rest of the pot left on themselves. How gruesome and vile they are to stoop to this level is what we should be thinking and I do and so should you.
Why dont we just get this all out on the table in the news hows this for reporting" Osage Constituency going to the U.S Gov.for their PER-CAP Osage Nation snubbing their nose to spite their face Gov.could shut down?"This could look bad for the Nation. We need to have this dialogue, long over due.
Of course, the Osage News could do a real 60 Minutes style report on all the wasted and lost money that has gone by the boards since the Osage Nation took over. Now that's a series of articles I'd like to read.
Just finished with the Appropriations Committee meeting and the last day of the Session is due to begin in a few minutes. It's important that we listen to what they are voting on with these bills coming up today.
The Congressional Calendar path has the wrong agenda put up on the web site for today's agenda. You will have to go to https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/content_link/r7P6jDFtSOq8Ec0pLVKpIcx4dL5xyTXgMSlhHuGa3a36lCo7N3Hsg1x2l0mHqIeT?dl=1 to find the correct one.
Why do the Congress always talk about getting our finances in order when it involves spending on the Membership? This has come up on the veto override for the funding of the Osage Card.
And of course, the veto override fails!!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As usual Osage Members, where spending is concerned, you're dead LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kugee said he heard from the Treasurer that there wouldn't be as much carryover as she thought leaving possibly the plan fund to not be able to be fully financed. Then he turns right around and votes against the veto override! Besides getting more irascible with everyone by the day, is he fully funded upstairs?
$20,000 a year for business board members? Non-business boards, $10,000 per board meeting? $7,000 a year for one other category of board revenue. Then the totals are for the categories are $5 million, then $1 million and one other for another $1 million. What in the hell are we paying these boards and commissions when they do little or anything but spend money and never make any for the Osage people. Here's your benefits money and you per cap right here being frittered away on some if not most of these boards that meet no more than a few times a year, if I understand this correctly. This is where the political payoffs are located people and some of these board members that have been put on have been responsible for losing $19 million dollars that could have actually gone to fulfill some of the promises that were made to all of us about the benefits that would come to us if we voted for a Constitutional form of government. This is totally out of line and where they divvy up the treasury money among themselves like its a pirate chest. It's one of the biggest scandals of this government and still in this session they have approved more board members to rake it in. Is this fair to fund this unnecessary amount and not override the veto on the Osage Card plan fund? I say NO. Remember this at election time.
Should read: $20,000 a year for business board members? Non-business boards, $10,000 per board member? $7,000 a year for one other category of board member? Sorry.
Yes, Congresswoman Buffalohead, the smoke shops do work hard for the money... Do the Board and Commission members for us to pay them so handsomely and spend the money on direct services to the members you are Constitutionally obligated to represent? Hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorney's fees for this legislation and loans? And we are giving away this revenue when we don't even have the money for member benefits?
Do we really have to pay $65,000 a year to Jeff Jones when he is no longer the current AG? This is just such a waste and another $50-60,000 to get a legal opinion about the water situation to the Federal government? Did I hear this and the number correctly?
So, what does this mean for Tallgrass and the LLC? Will there be another set of board members for Tallgrass or will the LLC board be on both? How can they justify paying $20,000 each for another board to do the same thing? And how much is Tallgrass getting in funding? We all know it takes money to make money and where's the business plan?
I will put a vote for that Per-Cap , what do you say...I will lobby Congress . I will get the vote from our Constituency. Playing a game of Russian Roulette by hiring as opposed to doing the complete opposite, with our Money and not putting a Vote to the Constituency, when you say it is good for the Community by hiding under the Nation is so Hypocritical. The Osage People come first, there communities come first, where is the fight for what is right and so long over due we the Constituency want a Gov. for the People. Simple.
The Hun-Kah Session audio and video is now up for on demand viewing and listening at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/sessions
Does it seem like the members of Congress are deep down hesitant to fund programs that benefit all Osages? It sure seems that way to me. I'd like to examine this issue in more depth because when the subject of program spending for all Osage Nation members is brought up, it's like the elephant in the room. Some members of Congress talk about this one or that one showing up after the new government came in but were nowhere in sight beforehand. This is absurd because many had no cause to show up because the old government prohibited it. Horribly unfair then yes, but now it seems that there are radical new prejudices against the members coming to the fore by the very members who have been elected to represent every single one of us under the governing document as members of the new Osage Nation government. Funny enough, I was around to vote in one of the National Council government elections and many of these same members of Congress were either children or nowhere in sight themselves. We need to get to the bottom of this situation before any more divvying of the income of the Osage Nation takes place and is spent. It's mind boggling that they keep talking about financial planning being absent from what they are doing either on the Executive side or the Congressional side. They can't keep throwing the budgets at the wall like this and make them stick. They need to accept responsibility, do their jobs in this respect and stop resenting us for demanding that they do so. The Charter School idea is a perfect example of what we are talking about. We need to start thinking realistically. If this is a concept going forward we need to go in with other Tribal communities to develop it together and not alone. When are these elected members going to sit down and start planning what we can afford and prioritize what is important going forward. It's so shocking to hear members of Congress like Angela Pratt address the Congressional body by saying that each and every member of the Osage Congress would not budget personal finances this way, so the question of ultimate importance is, why are they doing it this very irresponsibly way with our government?
The Larger Member Base are watching what is transparently heavy handed, in the wrong direction...if Congress continues to tip the scale so much that we have to prioritize a Constitutional Convention to rewrite the Construction to include the greater Majority of those who voted for this Government which is failing on a Grand Scale to recognize the fact as you point out...This will happen....I am a voce to be reckoned with And A TallChief.
13 months and a day till the next Osage Nation Congressional election. We need to begin to gathering information on who to vote out in June of 2016 and why.
Big bucks here and no per cap in sight>>>>>>> ON Congress confirms 13 for board and commission posts http://osagenews.org/en/article/2015/04/29/congress-confirms-13-board-and-commission-posts/
How much does this joker get in salary? Secretary of the Nation? Give us a break>>>>>>>> Greg E. Carpenter was sworn in by Assistant Judge of Trial Court Lisa B. Otipoby Herbert as the Secretary of the Nation https://www.flickr.com/photos/osagenews/sets/72157651949045820/#
Another Shannon Edwards creation ONCA 11-54. Back in 2011 the Osage Congress gave the Office of the Secretary of the Osage Nation $10,000 to get it started. I wonder how much it gets today.
https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews There is information about Native American Charter Schools that is on the Chief's agenda. Will white children be able to attend as well? Some of the Indian schools in operation today are boarding schools as the prevailing theory is that the child has to be removed from any negative influences in the home in order to succeed in life. How does is this any different than the Haskell Indian School theory of the same or similay idealogy?
Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! For the Elders: http://osagenews.org/en/article/2015/04/29/osage-elders-receive-supplemental-medicare-coverage-nation/
If you're over 65 and a member of the Osage Nation, call to register. It takes about 15 minutes over the phone. Thank you, Chief StandingBear, Assistant Chief Redcorn and each and every member of the Osage Nation Congress. This is marvelous and I am so grateful to you for providing this additional financial help to me every month. Bless you!
Good question. I think the Second Speaker is the one you need to contact but who that is as of the Spring Session Committee vote for who is on what committee, I don't know.
New 2015 Committee List: https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews/photos/a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153/897849713609190/?type=1&theater Maria Whitehorn is the Speaker and Otto Hamilton is the Second Speaker so he's the one you need to contact for web site problems: Second Speaker Otto Hamilton ohamilton@osagecongress-nsn.gov Office: 918.287.5211
Ok , we need a update on all these matters, Fletcher Case, Donnelson Case, Five Man Board Case , for stealing, Banishment, Wind Farm Cases. Meth is a addiction as alcohol is the worst drug...just because it is legal does not mean you should..if it was easily made which it is not..takes time and money of which they will beg..Meth alot of addicts support their habit by manufacturing. ..selling. Your not going to get rid of it...we have people indirectly stealing from the Osage Yet we wont help those who have an addiction..Man this is just backwards.
http://osagenews.org/en/article/2015/05/04/congress-passes-five-year-banishment-bill-targeting-convicted-drug-dealers/ I say if they wanted to be among their families they shouldn't have polluted their family and community with drugs. Kick 'em out and let 'em know that this behavior won't be tolerated any longer. The Nation has been too weak and cushy on this in the past and they need to start acting like a real government and send these people on their way. Boo hoo. I don't feel one bit sorry for them. Get straight and stay that way or suffer the consequences. Drug and alcohol tests for all the elected officials once a month too. Ha Ha Ha get 'em all and get rid of them.
Just how effective is banishment going to be? These offenders can't step foot on about 2,000 acres in Osage County. So? The rest of the county is still open to them.
See New health benefit services for Osage elders at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/new-health-benefit-services-osage-elders APPLICATION DEADLINE is May 23, 2015! Call: 1-877-722-6973 for more information.
Ok, everyone get a load of this, where was the arm, the board of directors? Take a look at why any money was appropriated without a running balance sheet? Where was the diligence from everyone involved? From the top? who brought this slim shady to the forefront? Carol Leese and why was he allowed to stay with the OLlc for so long?
Ok so this money that has disappeared was used as a slush fund. 1000000.million unacounted for counted for and what a conflict of interest being part owner of the company it went to, where was the Board of directors in all of this...it is one thing to go after the Charlie..ultimately the responsibility falls back on the Board period...they are to be aware of all designates and policies..there is no excuse for this type of money to go unwarranted. Now what I am saying does not go without...to much to go into but we get the principal right?
GOOD for YOU Shannon Shaw Duty or whoever wrote the article. Now that's investigative reporting. If these government people and those on the Boards and Commissions have to face scrutiny, things will begin to turn around. I know for sure that Carol Leese came under the microscope at the time he was hired because I personally called two male members of the Osage Congress and informed them of material on the internet that I had found about this character and his previous relationship to The Potawatomi Business Development Corporation (PBDC) at http://www.potawatomibdc.com/ I asked them to do their due diligence and call the principals at the PBDC to find out what happened there and why Leese left their employment. Tribes can't be sued so this was no excuse and therefore no barrier to making a phone call or sending out an e-mail to find out more about how Leese had structured the PBDC. Two Harvard guys were also involved over the years including Lance Morgan who was initially on the Board at PBDC who left at roughly the same time that Leese did and another one named Jonathan Taylor who writes for The Harvard Project at http://hpaied.org/publications-and-research Note his name under the title Honoring Nations on this web page. In addition, note Wilson Pipestem's name under the Spotlight as a new member of the Honoring Nations Board of Governors. Harvard was involved with the new Osage Constitution and all over our new government like white on rice from the outset. Taylor was on the Osage, LLC Board and when asked why he wanted to be on the OLLC Board, he said verbatim, "I want to give back to Harvard." The Osage Congress, during the confirmation hearing never asked him for a clarification as to what he meant nor did they ask him to enlarge upon the topic. Look where we are with this today! The followup on the warnings given about Leese, Morgan and Taylor went, I believe, largely ignored. One of the members of Congress voted to give them the first capital infusion and he is still a member of the Osage Nation Congress and the other is a former member and when I shared this information about Leese at the time he was hired, he said verbatim, "We have to give him a chance!" He now sits as a member of the Osage Nation Energy Services, LLC Board. I the effort to be heard on this issue, I posted information on Rauk Friend's Blog that was active at the time and also on Kent Ratcliff's OSA Blog so that these guys could be investigated. It was Raymond Redcorn and Anthony Shakelford who claimed responsibility for bringing the whole concept of the Osage, LLC to fruition as members of the Commerce and Economic Committee of the Osage Nation Congress and it was reported to me that the governing documents were based on the Ho-Chunk, Inc. governing documents and that we paid a princely sum for working with Lance Morgan to get this abomination set up. Ultimately, it's the Osage Congress who were responsible for confirming the Osage, LLC Board, for approving the Osage, LLC governing documents and appropriating the capital infusions and land transfers to the tune of nearly $20,000,000. They were warned and should be held just as responsible as Leese for what they have done over the years to initially provide and continue to provide over the years, the working capital for the Osage, LLC to survive which has lead to $19 MILLION DOLLARS of the Osage people's money lost to this ridiculous folly. Don't let them off the hook or pass the buck. Every single one of them who are responsible by their votes should be investigated right along with Leese for gross mismanagement of the Osage Nation treasury funds and real property that has been given to the Osage LLC and whoever is left in the Congress who has voted for any amount to be given should either resign or be shown the door! These are our representatives, they control the purse strings and they bear the largest responsibility of all.
Right. Nothing could have happened if the Congress had done their due diligence and just said NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ray Redcorn is on the hook too so show him the door right along with the rest of them. They're in this up to their necks just like Leese. Tell it like it is Osageblogger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Legislation identifying those who voted to give money, land or other support to the OLLC:
ONCR 14-06 Enacted FY14 A Resolution to express confidence in the ability of the Osage LLC Board to restructure and build our non-gaming business interest. ONCR 10-33 ENACTED FY10 A resolution to authorize the formation of Osage, LLC as a limited liability company organized under the law of the Osage Nation and wholly owned by the Osage Nation; and to make this authorization re... ONCR 09-03 ENACTED FY09 A resolution to consent to the transfer and conveyance of certain real property and business assets to Osage, LLC, a limited liability company wholly owned by the Osage Nation (Red Corn) ONCR 08-10 ENACTED FY08 A Resolution to adopt the articles of organization for the limited liability company, Osage LLC, to be formed under the Osage Nation Limited Liability Companies Act (Shackleford) ONCR 08-09 ENACTED FY08 A Resolution to adopt the articles of operation for the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, to be formed under the Osage Nation Limited Liabillity Companies Act (Shackleford) ONCA 12-112 ENACTED FY12 An Act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, as a capital contribution; and to provide an alternate effective date. (Edwards) ONCA 11-63 ENACTED FY11 An Act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, as a capital contribution, for purchase of real property and investment in "The American" statue project; and ONCA 11-63 Enacted FY11 An Act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, as a capital contribution, for purchase of real property and investment in "The American" statue project; and ONCA 11-61 ENACTED FY11 An Act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, as a capital contribution; and to provide an alternate effective date. (Red Eagle) ONCA 11-61 Enacted FY11 An Act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, as a capital contribution; and to provide an alternate effective date. ONCA 09-77 ENACTED FY09 An act to provide to the limited liability company, Osage LLC, for a capital contribution. (Red Corn) ONCA 09-35 ENACTED FY09 An act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, as a capital contribution (Atterberry) ONCA 08-30 ENACTED FY08 An Act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, for an initial capital contribution; to declare an emergency; and establish an effective date (Red Corn)
Find these irresponsible spending bills and more: http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/legislation-search
Oh and one more thing. I was online listening to a presentation of the Osage, LLC Board when Jonathan Taylor, after all that had been lost up until that time, had the ghastly audacity to ask the members of the Osage Nation Congress in attendence for TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS as a further and future capital contribution/infusion beyond the $19,000,000 in cash and land that they had already been given by the Osage Nation. This was truly a jaw dropping moment and one that I will never forget. All the while they were glowering over at the only member of Congress who stood at that time for holding them accountable for past losses, Kugee Supernaw. Imagine the further consequences if the Osage, LLC Board had been able to talk the Osage Congress into giving them that huge block of money. Redcorn, Shackelford and Red Eagle all worked it out through legislation associated with the governing documents so that the Osage Nation as the Member could only be hands-off and could only review the OLLC plan of operation voting it either up or down yearly; another Harvard Project concept that if the Tribes got involved, the businesses would fail so they have to be totally hands-off including, if I understand it correctly, any ability to get direct and straight answers as to the goings on of how Tribal money contributed is spent or, God forbid be able to swoop in and take a look at the books to scrutinize the balance sheets other than what is put out there directly by the Osage, LLC. I kept on and on about the need for trust with independent Tribal verification but that advice went unheeded as well. If a group of people know for sure that they don't have to come under scrutiny by order of the governing documents of a business entity, it makes the conditions ripe for bad fiscal things to happen and indeed, in this case, it certainly appears that it made conditions rife for exactly that!
Osageblogger and I verified the information. And just wow still reading you comment...not just that Osageblogger is a common person do the diligence what are these boards up to...
So I just read the facts as presented and once again I to remember and this was so predicted and you are absolutely right our Congress and Appropriation Commitee to the Board are all complicit to uphold not just the fudiciary responsibility and to the oath they took...get Harvard out now..anddnow is the time to remember and now we can see Raymond Redcorn for who he is and Justice for the Osage People who bought into GOVERNMENT for the People and this is only 20000000. We know about...Right Congess was warned alright..nasty thing called due diligence and why we read before we authorize just because this person said so really? So, what did anyone of them who advocated this Carol Leese is accountable. The Board can be held liable they supervised his manangment not knowing what they were doing all along bamboozled. And this will not fly in a Court of Law...there was damage and injury...Sad this is what our Nation of lies, founded on lies from the very thing we are disgusted with , bad Government. This is no accident and can be undone by the very People who put you where you are at....it can be done.
The operating agreement of the LLC should be read carefully ONCR 08-09 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/c3jyq5w7bzk946v/AAAalihBQmJjLv9o_SnkDLgWa/ONCR08-09_Enacted.pdf?dl=0. It looks like Tallgrass is using the same one. What controls were placed in it weren't followed. The manager is defined at line 109 as the Enterprise Board which was required in the paragraph at line 280 to act as a group with majority vote required to take action. The paragraph beginning at line 379 makes it clear that no single person can obligate the company and that it requires a majority vote of the Enterprise Board to do so. This restriction would apply to the delegation of authority to officers as listed beginning at line 430. Leese may be the scapegoat, but it is the Enterprise Board members who should be held accountable. I don't know whether they didn't bother to read the operating agreement or didn't understand it, but as judges often say ignorance is no excuse.
Thats exactly right, thank you, yes everything you have said I verified...before hand. Thank you for the Reference..still a conflict of interest to use our money if it wasn't the designate and Leese knew this..this isn't his first Rodeo to come into Indian Country and use us like a wet blanket but if we are for the taking shame on us right...not. Unacceptable. This is a problem for the Administration. And appropriate action is demanded.
I'm not surprised that Amanda wasn't able to get "existing personnel" to give "unfettered access" to needed documents. They are also in it up to their necks and don't want to get caught. Who wants to bet they do like Hillary Clinton and erase the server?
I agree that the OLLC Board is fully responsible but it was the Osage Congress who put in that legislation so that they had no way to get in and take a look at what was happening and could only approve the PoO yearly. I didn't take long, as I remember, for the OLLC Board to start protecting the OLLC from any interference and the ON Congress, at that point, should have held a Special Session to roll back that legislation that prohibited independant verification for the Osage Nation at will and certainly at the point when losses began to be reported and then left to pile up. Passive investments or loaning money were not what the OLLC was missioned and tasked with in the first place. The OLLC was supposed to be created to diversify our business interests to either buy or start up businesses in the local area that would put Osages to work. When the Congress found out that Leese and the OLLC Board were structuring the OLLC in a similar way to the PBDC, they should have gone in right then and there and put a stop to it and at the very least, stopped giving the OLLC money or any other sort of support. The OLLC Board members should have been asked or at least pressured to resign after the very first disclosure of losses and subseqently, they should have been replaced by the Chief in office at the time. Don't let the Congress pass the buck. They had years of losses reported before they took any action against Leese and the members of that OLLC Board. Millions lost that we could have put to much better use by the way.
And while they are plowing through all this money showering it on themselves today in salaries and benefits, how much government money will be available when this adorable young man comes of age and will need it? https://www.flickr.com/photos/osagenews/16806818644/in/set-72157652069552908
Hooray! Filed today by the Osage Nation vs. Osage LLC. It's way overdue. http://static.osagenews.org.s3.amazonaws.com/cms_page_media/43/ON_vs_NewMarketGroup.pdf
The OLLC is not registered as either a foreign or domestic entity of the State of Oklahoma. The entity is not now and has never been in "good standing" with the Secretary of State of Oklahoma, which is a requirement to bring an action before the court. There is a separate legal entity with the name Osage, LLC which was organized as a domestic Limited Liability Company of Oklahoma in 2014.
Even a really poor attorney should be able to get the case thrown out based on venue, and this certainly won't be Schricte's first rodeo. Do a little research and you'll find a number of cases alleging fraud and other bad acts by Schricte. He's shrewd and certainly doesn't use incompetent attorneys.
Claim #2 is false. OLLC has been pressured on multiple occasions to return to lands under control of the Osage Nation but has never complied. The principal office is located at 4500 S. 129th East Ave, Tulsa, OK 74134, land under the jurisdiction of the State of Oklahoma. OLLC has occupied another address in Tulsa prior to relocated to its current headquarters location, and has not occupied the official address listed in the Articles of Organization for most of its existence.
Claim #18 is false. While Leese and Petre held the titles customarily given officers of a commercial business organized as a Limited Liability Company, the "manager" of OLLC was the Enterprise Board. Pursuant to restrictions in the Operating Agreement, Leese and Petre lacked the powers customary to the offices indicated by their respective job titles.
Claim #21 makes an assertion related to the memorandum which is false on its face. It is clearly evident the memorandum included as Exhibit A was generated as an e-mail and pasted onto OLLC letterhead by a person as yet undetermined.
As it is the Managers of a Limited Liability Company which have the power to commit the company and owe the fiduciary duties of care and loyalty to the company, the Enterprise Board members serving during the term(s) during which the investments were made should also be named as defendants.
Kim Noble should also be named in the complaint, as the communication in Exhibit B gives the appearance that she is more involved in the management and decision making process than is Petre. Noble was also responsible for managing corporate records and has had ample time and access to destroy documents which could implicate her involvement, a point which will certainly be raised by Leese and Petre in their defense. Her role in the management of OLLC also raises questions as to why she continues in a management position with OLLC and/or its subsidiaries.
The filing of the lawsuit is a start, but it looks like the case wasn't ready to move forward.
Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee Webinar “Update on Latest ACA Implementation Issues and Your Questions Answered” Thursday, May 14, 2015 - 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST Register at https://cc.readytalk.com/cc/s/registrations/new?cid=k8ycyqtrsis7
Watch out Osages!!! Standing Brar has been talking about the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 for many years!!! http://www.indianz.com/News/2015/017430.asp
Yes I am aware and under the same act we can devide half the tribe if not more can gather and build their own tribe like lets get back the Name Osage Tribe.
Good for Chief StandingBear and Congresswoman Shannon Edwards! New Medicare health benefit services for Osage elders video presentation at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5IHW6uXC1o
Osage youth crowned 2015-2016 Denver March Princess. See http://osagenews.org/en/article/2015/05/15/osage-youth-crowned-2015-2016-denver-march-princess/
You know, I thought "petty" was the editor's favorite word when she can't be big enough to apologize for her mistakes and correct them. My favorite word, formed in the framework of a question, where she is concerned, is, "Maturity???"
Is the Nation still with Merrill Lynch? http://blog.sfgate.com/pender/2015/05/21/schwab-first-wellstrade-last-in-self-directed-investor-survey/?cmpid=nl_biztek
So, what's up with the Osage LLC website? Earlier it had fallen back to the cPanel and now it just returns a 404. Also, the records at the System for Award Management (https://www.sam.gov) now indicate that Kim Noble is the Interim General Manager for Osage Innovative Solutions in addition to being the General Manager for Osage Pinnacle Design Group. Did something happen to Berbon?
I hope everyone is surviving the rough weather and are safe. They say on the news this rain is ending the southern plains drought..now thats a lot if rain...be safe..
The Chief just signed the Land by Back Program. Who are the 4 percenters? What strategic Plan are you talking about? I guess more importantly why would any Osage give up their property of rich grass lands, So the Nation can prosper? This is income for our Children's Children..My opinion it does not bring equitable compensation for the Constituency. We have Casino's no per-cap. Ask your People Chief, if they want to do an exchange..a Per-Cap for your land...This buy out is what it boils down to when you devide your Interest with others is pennies on the dollar..and if there is such a large division why so little as 4% is going to the Osage from the Cobell Land Buy Back Program..? What is fair and equitable?
In-Lon-Schka at Grayhorse: https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/events/lon-schka-grayhorse In-Lon-Schka at Hominy: https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/events/lon-schka-hominy In-Lon-Sckha at Pawhuska: https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/events/lon-sckha-pawhuska
Wow! I didn't know this program even existed for Osage Nation Members: See Osage Nation | HUD 184 Osage Nation Members at http://homeloanfornativeamericans.com/osage-nation-hud-184-osage-members/
Interesting: Bid to finish Indian museum shifts to Oklahoma City: With governor’s signature, the plan to finish the American Indian Cultural Center and Museum is now up to Oklahoma City http://newsok.com/article/5423179?utm_source=NewsOK.com
http://osagenews.org/en/article/2015/06/03/osage-nation-files-suit-against-former-osage-llc-management-and-consultants/ Wow, and how was this Nation formed? With one phone call? Who is Yancy Red Corn? There was no way the Board would know of any wrong doing? Maybe not on the Face of the Contract..but the Osage Llc was warned of this Character Carol Leese and better due diligence should have been better scrutinized starting with the Appropriation Commitee. Many times..These people are working the Nation empire of Indian Nations lokking for the Next Vulnerable Tribe..or hand out...this is something the Federal Gov. Should look into right away..this is only money we know about? Still alpng way to go to find the rest of the money...so now you know why the Osage is having a hard time with the Osage believing that this wont happen again and are hesitant to form a New Llc...meaning Ones and their intention with the M.E
The Osage Nation passed resolutions to organize Tallgrass Economic Development LLC, a replacement for Osage LLC, and to adopt an operating agreement. The Tallgrass operating agreement appears to be the same as that used for Osage LLC. During the Commerce and Economic Development Committee sessions questions were raised about who would be on the board of Tallgrass (i.e., would it be the same board as OLLC's?) and a concern expressed as to the legality (or prudence) of having the same members on multiple boards.
Other questions should have also been asked and answered before authorizing Tallgrass. If members sit on the boards of both companies will they draw double pay? If the OLLC's operating agreement had inadequate controls, how can a better outcome be expected for Tallgrass? If the controls were adequate, then what lead to the OLLC failure? If the board failed to abide by the operating agreement, then why haven't the board members been held accountable? How will be board of Tallgrass be monitored and held accountable in order to prevent it ending up like OLLC?
Also, I wonder why it took so long for Osage News to publish this article. Notice of this action was first posted in this forum on May 22, 2015 at 11:24 PM and there is a response immediately below it dated May 23, 2015 at 9:21 PM. The responder raises a good question when asking why the board members aren't named in the suit.
More cronyism and there of protection from with in? The Board was aware and this was made public for years...they cannot dispute this? They had the fudiciary responsibility to the Osage Constituency. You simply do not go on the word of someone else's opinion blindly. Its to simple to do the diligence. Come on people even their Web sites are sub par and scetchy. When hiring CEO ,CFO and so forth not only do you cross reference, you call all there References and so forth..Who were the Board Members and I want thhm off any other Board..Chieaf it is the right thing to Do!
Great comments on this thread. Ditto. When are we going to hear the outcome of the 5 Man Board and Joe Don Mashunkashey making off with $806,000? It points to the government Osages not wanting to convict Osages who pull votes in future elections, doesn't it? Osage Nation Judges have to be reeleted too, don't they?
URL string to the pdf won't work. Try http://osagenews.org/en/download-pdf-copy/ Scroll down and click on the text, Osage Nation vs New Market Group (9.0 MB) at the bottom of the list.
Don't even think about telling me that the Board member Jonathan Taylor didn't know about this situation because he and Leese worked hand in glove on pretty much everything. Get the Board too because they knew or should have known. http://osagenews.org/en/article/2015/06/03/osage-nation-files-suit-against-former-osage-llc-management-and-consultants/ http://osagenews.org/en/article/2015/05/07/legal-action-requested-against-former-osage-llc-management/ http://static.osagenews.org.s3.amazonaws.com/cms_page_media/43/ON_vs_NewMarketGroup.pdf
More about the wealth of Harvard --->>> http://www.marketwatch.com/story/harvard-is-richer-than-some-countries-why-give-it-400-million-2015-06-04?siteid=nwhpm
He sure explored deal flow and it went right into his pocket when he got to running the LLC. Hahaha!!!!!! http://www.indiangaming.com/istore/Dec08_Ritchiepdf.pdf
Not a laughable matter...how ever this is the world of Hedge Management. .the loop holes are here in Indian Country..the IRS will catch up.Round tripping and so forth. Corruption is with in our Tribe..yep!
EMERGENCY ALERT: An exceedingly important discussion is going on at http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2015/05/osage-shareholder-matters-may-2015.html with regard to the oil and gas producers and the new roll out of the CFRs in Osage County on July 10, 2015.
Very interesting information: http://www.indian.senate.gov/news/press-release/senators-barrasso-and-mccain-highlight-troubling-findings-gao-report-indian
I was extremely pleased to receive the notice and enrollment packet in the mail concerning the "Osage Over 65 Medigap Coverage" that the Nation is going to provide their seniors. From all I can gather it is a VERY good plan and "Thank You' No matter how good the plan is I have a concern about signing up and loosing the secondary coverage I have through my retired husbands plan. If I sign up with the Osage plan and my husband dies and funds are no longer available for the tribe to continue the Medigap coverage, I can't change course and get back on the plan I was on. Just wondering where the money is coming from to fund the Osage Medigap Plan and is it going to be permanent or something we could see go by the way side several years from now? Decisions, decisions.....
Exactly. Now more than ever with the Mineral Estate imploding as a result of the new CFRs, and what effect that will have on disposable income in Osage County for discretionary spending at our Casinos where the revenue will be coming from for funding of this program for the Seniors next year beginning in September 2015 and starting in October of 2015 for FY 2016, I think you are wise to consider your options very carefully.
With so many people referring to articles ( see this and see that ) and such and posting the web address to see the article....WHY can't we simply click on the mentioned site and bring it up? This is done all over the web why not here?
I know. I wish it could be so too but this blog venue only allows for live links in the header section at the top of the page and having to go back up and then try to find the correct URL link would be even worse. I copy and past the URL links into my browser, hit the enter button on my keyboard and it works just fine.
The Firefox browser allows you to highlight the URL, then right-click to open a menu and choose to open the page in a new tab or window. It's easier and faster.
These Tribes are are flat lining at the slot machines. It's olny a matter of time. http://www.indianz.com/IndianGaming/2015/06/16/connecticut-tribes-report-flat.asp.
The two tribes are going out on a long limb for the new casino project. It is contingent on Connecticut state law being amended to permit casino gaming, won't be governed under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, and revenues will be subject to federal, state and local taxes. The Pequot are $2B in debt and Foxwoods was never really profitable. The Mohegan Tribe isn't doing well with its casino either, and joined with them to seek a federal bailout over casino losses. Even if the stars align and they are permitted to open a casino, what group of fools will loan them the money? The Pequot have admitted that its debt is worth only 5 cents on the dollar, and the only thing keeping investors in is tribal sovereignty prevents normal bankruptcy proceedings and forfeiture of assets.
As of the 30th of June, the Pequot have to come up with something or they become insolvent and the whole thing blows up in everyone's face. Serves these idiots right who loaned them the money and kept extending them a line of credit with larger and larger amounts.
The Osage Blog is now TWO YEARS old today, June 18th, 2015! A BIG THANKS to all of you who are making the Osage Blog an active communication tool for Osages all over the world.
High praise for the Chief and Executive Branch for getting what was needed for the Congress to do their job in this Session by Congresswoman Buffalohead when they came back into session. Thanks to the members of Congress who voted to get us the money to keep our member benefits funded to the end of this calendar year.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Chief and to the Blogger who brought this vital information to the Shareholder's attention. And for getting that voice out!
DeleteTo be stored at the Annette Gore Library when complete. See http://osagenews.org/en/article/2015/04/15/wah-zha-zhi-cultural-center-begins-work-endangered-song-project/
ReplyDeleteAnother of our favorite subjects
It is a waste of time to consider Gay issues, let the states handle this issue if we go there then we open doors to Roe vs Wade and really this is a individual decision. And the U.S constitution will take care of this issue..A State Issue..If we ponder this issue then we will insist a Congress as to Mirroring the U.S Congress then so be it we will have a Congress divided by Parties....independence Democrats Republicans and Tea Party lips what about the party for the Indians. Next thing immigration and so forth. What about our Culture?
ReplyDeleteOh but then Shannon Edwards won't be able to position herself at the center of things and get all the attention with this bill she's sponsoring on the gay thing. She's the most self-serving person. She always has to push into everything the other members of Congress are doing. I can't figure out whether she thinks she's the only smart one she knows or if she thinks everyone else she works with is just plain stupid. Probably both but one way or the other she has no humility where her colleagues and their work product is concerned whatsoever. As for the gay thing, I'm sick of this issue and the way we always have to be clobbered with it. The other section have been campaigning for their rights for nearly fifty years and if they haven't won the war yet, maybe it's time they learn that the better part of valor is discretion. What a person's sexual preference is is their business and none of mine and I just don't want to know. I'm not suggesting they should go back in the closet, just stay in the house and keep quiet about it. It's like it totally defines everything about them and there's nothing else there of any real substance or interest that they want you to discover about them. Just saying......
DeleteIt's to controversial and that's my point...really what people do on there own time its there life and should be respected...you can always love in the moment but OR love the one your with but don't push the view and make it Political....I don't take my choice heterosexual and push my views and make polices that really just boils down to personal choice...we want comprehensive fiscal responsibility...this is just nonsense.
DeleteWell thank God somebody's got the guts to agree with me. Thank you!!!!!!!! I've put this view out there before and from the way some people act, you'd think I had spit on the Cross.
DeleteCan't the Osagge CCongress sayy its none off theirr business and movve on ?
DeleteThis is more than a political issue, it has the potential to be explosive. The only man I have ever seen who has been able to criticize the gay community is a guy named Larry Kramer who is gay and a playwright on Broadway in NYC. Despite his fame, he is still the subject of controversy in a very big way among his own. His play, "The Normal Heart" was made into a film last year by HBO and it was a huge shocker and not for tender eyes, by any means. I've heard it said more than once that the foundation of the AIDS virus was solidly laid down by the gay community because they refused to give up their "rights." See the film and you'll understand what I mean. Taking and accepting responsibility for what happened within the gay community and as a result, what happened in the outside world is something that Kramer addressed in the film with brutal exactitude but I'm not sure that it has happened yet. Another great film on this subject is "The Band Played On." More disease clinical than Kramer's work, you can clearly see the progress of the disease among gay men within the community who were crying out for help and demanding it from the government while at the same time continuing to exercise their rights and refusing to give them up until it was too late and the disease began to spread out into the general population.
DeleteLet's move on, please. Thank you.
DeleteWhite guys win again>>>>>" We soaked 'em for another half a million bucks!!!"" Hahahahahahaha..............
Ok went there what are you talking about? Which photo?
DeleteThe one where everybody is laughing especially the two white guys in the photo.
DeleteWhat I want to know is how much money above what was appropriated last Fall has the Osage Congress appropriated in this Session. They have a duty to disclose this dollar amount to the Osage Nation Membership.
ReplyDelete$4 million bill passed today ~
DeleteGood Shannon Edwards. Stop paying $18,000 a year to Board members who sit on boards that do not make money. Yes. Yes. Yes. Get rid of those boards or pay them $250.00 a year per board member and revisit that gaming commission that is cost out of control.
ReplyDeleteWhy does the Chief want to have direct control of the Osage Nation Membership Office?
ReplyDeleteOsage Congress spending today ~
Here's another example how they shaft us out of our per-cap. Walker put forward a bill to reduce tthe Government Operations Budget by almost half a million dollars because they are eliminating the Division Leaders in the management structure of the bureauracy. At first I was thinking that he was talking about the Division Directors. How many layers of management are there in this crazy government? Look at the gross amount of salary and benefits for just this level and there are probably 5 layers deep of management without the Division Directors. How much out of indirect services in these budgets could be eliminated to get us a per-cap when no one knows who these people are, how many positions there actually are with over 200 of the employees stealing time from the Osage Nation and therefore from the Osage people that are so unnecessary that it is grossly negligent to even have them in the employ of the Osage Nation to begin with. As if we need half a million for the Chief to hand out more patronage jobs while the majority of the Osage members for whom this government was represented and created to serve wind up going without? To add insult to injury, the majority voted not to reduce the budget by the half million leaving Congressman Walker twisting in the wind. This is insane and there is no sound reasoning for why this reduction didn't occur. Good for Congressman Walker for trying to do the right thing despite the other members who stopped him from doing so on the floor of the Congress today. Last I heard, management layers above the employee actually doing the work is five and possibly six. We have the right to have a published list on the Osage Nation web site of all of the employees, what they do and how much they are paid in salary and benefits to do what they do.
Delete...5 layers deep of management without the Division Leaders. Sorry, it gets confusing.
DeleteI get what you are saying....long ovef due Chief..get that Per-Cap out...
ReplyDeleteMore board members for two that don't make or earn a cent. If these three are appointed to the Boards of the Osage, LLC and the Osage Nation Energy Services, LLC that will be another $18,000 a year x 3!!!!!!!!!!!! When will this negligent funding come to an end? Pay them $250.00 a year like the Osage Nation Foundation Board receive until they prove themselves and start making money for the Osage Nation.
Something is amiss. And we may need to recall our Chief if he does not reign in these positions persona non grata...
DeleteThe Commerce Committee is strung out over government restructuring and budgets with huge amounts duplicated in old budgets and not corrected before they arrive to be reviewed by the committee members. Oh dear...
DeleteDoes anybody else get the impression that the Osage Congress is manic to conclude this session by the 27th without a 10 day extension? HaHaHaHa! What a bunch of you know whats. So afraid of dedicated hard work you can almost feel their pain and consternation coming right through the internet. The Osage ancestors used to be able to run 15-25 miles a day and these guys have the audacity to call themselves real Osages? Wait till they applaud themselves on the last day of the session for working 29 days straight with weekends off like it just about killed them to have to do it.
DeleteLol...does anyone know what a 90 hr week work load is, and really when all they have to do is yea or nay....like they do the Diligence. We know and change is coming...
DeleteBig Gov=less Accountability. ..Get that Per-Cap out.
DeleteON Congress in debate on reorganization of the Executive Branch and spending associated with it. It appears that the Executive is trying to reduce spending in the budgets and Edwards and Buffalohead oppose it. If spending increases are always tolerated by these two, why can't decreases be tolerated and supported too?
On a break to see if the bill sponsor, Walker, has spent too much time talking on the floor according to the Congressional Rules. What was the timekeeper doing in the first place? It's hard and irritating to have to reload the live media page over and over again for mistakes and oversights, members of Congress. Get it together!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteBack on ONCA 15-36 and 15-37.
DeleteAdjourned until Monday morning at 10 a.m., CSDT.
DeleteDid you hear that one member of Congress, Buffalohead, I think it was, saying about how it's up to the Executive to make these changes to their branch of government. WELL they DID. They send over these bills for spending reductions and you try and suggest that they need to be doing it when they already have and you're looking at those bills and voting on them now. YOU SIX COWARDS ARE AFRAID OF REDUCING THIS SPENDING YOURSELVES SO YOU WON''T LOSE VOTES IN THE ELECTION CYCLE YOU'RE COMING UP FOR NEXT. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE KIDDING??? YOU ARE SO WEAK AND WORTHLESS, IT'S UTTERLY LOATHSOME AND APPAULING.
DeleteYou Congress and you're filthy manipulations of both the employees of the Exec. Brnch and the Osage people. You Legislators have been claiming for years that if a spending reduction bill came over from the Executive Brand that you would vote for it in a second and what did we just see? Six of you went right back on your statements and so help me God for such phony transparent weak leadership and lack of personal backbone, honesty and integrity as well as legislative manipulation of everyone in sight, so help me God, I'm going to make certain that you do lose votes in the next election where you come up for a vote of the Osage people, by publishing right here on this blog every single one of your names who voted against these spending reduction bills. You have my word on this, and MY WORD is GOOD.
DeleteHere we come that Osage Constitutional Convention yippee Kai yay. Was waiting for the colors to shine and they have. Turn Coats...trader to your own kind the Osage Constituency. Spend spend to spin the web they sow..
DeleteThe nice thing about when we became a Gov. It was for the people not special interest or LL'c where you can hide dollars Like Hillary and her E-mails. Lol..thus our Gov.was for the People and voted by the People, not but we will play this game..8 yrs no PER-CAP for our people 12 million lost....12 million reasons to right sode this Gov. with a new Balanced Congress...with a new vote for a dem side a reub side and independent side and a tea party side and to unionize the Shareholder's already work in progress weather you like it or not no one is working for the Shareholder's as purported by the new regs...then we can have more chaos, is that what we need to do to right side this de facto government? Instead it would be easier to work with that Per-Cap? Your choice people.
DeleteThey cant wait to spend money they dont even have yet but a reductionin tribal funds NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteONCA 15-35, An Act to authorize an appropriation in the amount of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($ 250,000) to Tribal Development and Land Acquisition for project costs to study, design and build the Hominy Wellness Center with the appropriation by additional legislation contingent upon receipt of an Indian Community Development Block Grant; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Supernaw)
Where's the audio and video for April 23rd and 24th, 2015?
How many times you gotta tell them lazy soandsos ? Drive 15 min to Fairfax to the threemilliondollar facility theyre building there for a wellnot exam. WHEWWWWW
DeleteGet rid of all this crapola government that provides little benefits and get us a per-cap out right now.. Do you feel sorry for me Shannon Edwerds? Putting up with all yous and your selfish spending you should
DeleteYes WHEWWWW It stinks to end off the universe Buhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh on you stupid Congress
DeleteLost NINETEEN MILLION DOLLARS. You're way behind.
Deleteand they just put on a new CEO for that Osage, LLC !!! !!! !!!
DeleteMore H.S.
Mr. Change the Constitution with a Constitutional Convention now sits on the Throne in case you haven't noticed and I haven't heard peep from him about it since he was elected Chief. Have you? Nor did he put such forward for four years when he was a member of Congress. Where is it Chief? You're ballgame now, put up and sort this mess out. Even Miss I used to get upset when people used to criticize the new government is now beginning to see the light at the end of this spendingspree-freeforall-in-OsageCounty tunnel vision we're in and can't seem to get out of because of the selfish Osages running things at the Osage Nation.
DeleteThe least he could do is put it to a vote:
DeleteBased on what you've seen happen since the new government took over and what you were lead to believe, would you vote for a Constitutional/Representational form of government if you had it to do over?
1 for yes.
Delete2 for no.
Go for it... let 'em hear you loud and clear.
DeleteAs promised, voting no on the spending reduction bills coming from the Executive Branch were William "Kugee" Supernaw, Alice Buffalohead, Shannon Edwards, John Jech, Angela Pratt and Speaker Maria Whitehorn. When the Executive tried to reorganize the Cultural divisions in that particular bill however, which was an unpopular move on the part of the Executive, the Congress sure acted quickly enough to stop them from doing that by voting it down. Think of how many votes in the next two Congressional elections they saved there. Pandering phonies the lot of them.
Deletethe percaps are not a good idea, you can't have education and health benefits and percaps at the same time. Its pretty cruel to get people's hope's up on this as well. The NIGC would have to approve a per cap and they have not done so in a while because services to people have to come first, and this would cripple a lot of programs. The nation doesn't exist to just to become a private ATM machine for people. That is not the function of government.
ReplyDeletewho says? Most of the money spent on services are spent on 20% of the membership and within Osage County. That means 80% of the membership that aren't being educated or get that crappy $500 a year health card thing when $62-$72 million per year is spent on those who live in Osage County. You're out of your tree if you think the NIGC would think that's fair.
Deletewhat we need is a wall of villains and the face of every member of congress and the chief and iPad Ray should be up there too 3' x 3' each
DeleteMore H.S.
Oh but Pawhuska has MOORRREE than Hominy and Grayhorse and Fairfax and Barnsdall and Skiatook and on and on and on and on and on.............
DeleteWhine-whine whine
While 80% go completely without?
Bunch a horse crap I say it cant be done yes it can when most of the funding is coming from the Federal Gov...ah,yes we can. And we will have that Per-Cap way over due you ,see the first excuse was if I recall was when the Gov gets situated and I can quote that from Jim Gray and that was laughable. There's always going tobe an excuse not to do the right thing, right? One percenter?
Delete$42 million a year is spent in Tribal gaming funds and other income resources. $20 million comes from Federal funding a year that is spent in Osage County alone based on total membership, not the 20% of members who live in Osage County. $10 million of the $42 million is spent on direct services and the rest is spent on at home Osages in wages, salary, benefits, land and building expenses, now farming and raising fish hydroponically, and whatever whatnots and wherefores that they can think of including over budgeting $5 million a year to keep it away from you in a per cap which eventually is put in the so-called permanent fund that they use as collateral to get loans with to build the campus plan and things of that nature. It's a scam and Bad Buffalohead is now wanting a head count on membership probably because it's taking away money they want to spend on themselves like wellness centers at $250,000 plus or minus and a Senior/Childcare Center for $3 million plus the buildings in the campus plan that will cost a third to double the price in cost overruns just like everything else they try to build because they can be taken advantage of because no one ever wants to take a serious look at what's really going on. That permanent fund is really where they dump out of the Treasury unspent budget money and hide that money for our per cap they should be sending out to everyone. I'll bet they're still getting a Christmas Bonus hidden in all those budgets somewhere that we no longer get to see line items on anymore. $300-$500 x 530 employees = $265,000. Now that's doable for many employees whose main set skill is picking up a paycheck, from what Kelly Corbin of the OFPR suggested when he stated that many admitted that they need help in keeping track of the budget money they spend. I admire the employees who came forward and asked for help. It's a start and I hope they get the help and the training they need going forward. Now that is money well spent.
DeleteSorry. I forgot the funding for the palace of a price grocery store they just reopened. What is it again? The third time we've had to spend money to reopen it in the last 10-20 years?
DeleteThe Osage people should have a running total on that grocery store of what has been spent on it since the new government took over. We have a right to know and they have an ethical and moral duty to disclose.
DeleteYeah but don't you get $10,000 in burial benefits per Osage member that you're conveniently forgetting about?
DeleteThat's for when I'm dead and gone. What's your point? We should be grateful that the Osage Nation is willing to do more for us financially when we're dead than when we're alive? That they think more of us when we're dead than alive? What? I'm not fooled by this ugly confidence game one bit. They're trying to make it look like they're providing benefits for us with a high dollar payout when they know damn good and well that they likely won't be having much money come out of the Treasury to fund the program on a yearly basis anyway and can go on spending the rest of the pot left on themselves. How gruesome and vile they are to stoop to this level is what we should be thinking and I do and so should you.
DeleteThe Osage News should do a story on the Palace and how much money has been lost since it first opened who knows how long ago.
DeleteWhy dont we just get this all out on the table in the news hows this for reporting" Osage Constituency going to the U.S Gov.for their PER-CAP Osage Nation snubbing their nose to spite their face Gov.could shut down?"This could look bad for the Nation. We need to have this dialogue, long over due.
DeleteOf course, the Osage News could do a real 60 Minutes style report on all the wasted and lost money that has gone by the boards since the Osage Nation took over. Now that's a series of articles I'd like to read.
DeleteJust finished with the Appropriations Committee meeting and the last day of the Session is due to begin in a few minutes. It's important that we listen to what they are voting on with these bills coming up today.
DeleteIt's 10:15 a.m. and the meeting should be going by now! I'm hearing nothing. Anyone else having this problem?
DeleteThe Congressional Calendar path has the wrong agenda put up on the web site for today's agenda. You will have to go to
Deletehttps://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/content_link/r7P6jDFtSOq8Ec0pLVKpIcx4dL5xyTXgMSlhHuGa3a36lCo7N3Hsg1x2l0mHqIeT?dl=1 to find the correct one.
A bit late getting started today. Hold your horses...........
DeleteOnline now.
DeleteWhy do the Congress always talk about getting our finances in order when it involves spending on the Membership? This has come up on the veto override for the funding of the Osage Card.
DeleteAnd of course, the veto override fails!!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteAs usual Osage Members, where spending is concerned, you're dead LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kugee said he heard from the Treasurer that there wouldn't be as much carryover as she thought leaving possibly the plan fund to not be able to be fully financed. Then he turns right around and votes against the veto override! Besides getting more irascible with everyone by the day, is he fully funded upstairs?
DeleteGood one. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Delete$20,000 a year for business board members? Non-business boards, $10,000 per board meeting? $7,000 a year for one other category of board revenue. Then the totals are for the categories are $5 million, then $1 million and one other for another $1 million. What in the hell are we paying these boards and commissions when they do little or anything but spend money and never make any for the Osage people. Here's your benefits money and you per cap right here being frittered away on some if not most of these boards that meet no more than a few times a year, if I understand this correctly. This is where the political payoffs are located people and some of these board members that have been put on have been responsible for losing $19 million dollars that could have actually gone to fulfill some of the promises that were made to all of us about the benefits that would come to us if we voted for a Constitutional form of government. This is totally out of line and where they divvy up the treasury money among themselves like its a pirate chest. It's one of the biggest scandals of this government and still in this session they have approved more board members to rake it in. Is this fair to fund this unnecessary amount and not override the veto on the Osage Card plan fund? I say NO. Remember this at election time.
DeleteShould read: $20,000 a year for business board members? Non-business boards, $10,000 per board member? $7,000 a year for one other category of board member? Sorry.
DeleteYes, Congresswoman Buffalohead, the smoke shops do work hard for the money... Do the Board and Commission members for us to pay them so handsomely and spend the money on direct services to the members you are Constitutionally obligated to represent? Hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorney's fees for this legislation and loans? And we are giving away this revenue when we don't even have the money for member benefits?
Delete...instead of spending the money on direct services to the Osage Nation members... Excuse me.
DeleteDo we really have to pay $65,000 a year to Jeff Jones when he is no longer the current AG? This is just such a waste and another $50-60,000 to get a legal opinion about the water situation to the Federal government? Did I hear this and the number correctly?
DeleteSo, what does this mean for Tallgrass and the LLC? Will there be another set of board members for Tallgrass or will the LLC board be on both? How can they justify paying $20,000 each for another board to do the same thing? And how much is Tallgrass getting in funding? We all know it takes money to make money and where's the business plan?
DeleteOut to the call of the Chair. Committee members will chosen for this year when they return.
DeleteThey have no financial plan whatsoever on both the Executive side or the Congressional. That's what makes this spending so irresponsible!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteI will put a vote for that Per-Cap , what do you say...I will lobby Congress . I will get the vote from our Constituency. Playing a game of Russian Roulette by hiring as opposed to doing the complete opposite, with our Money and not putting a Vote to the Constituency, when you say it is good for the Community by hiding under the Nation is so Hypocritical. The Osage People come first, there communities come first, where is the fight for what is right and so long over due we the Constituency want a Gov. for the People. Simple.
DeleteThe Hun-Kah Session audio and video is now up for on demand viewing and listening at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/sessions
DeleteDoes it seem like the members of Congress are deep down hesitant to fund programs that benefit all Osages? It sure seems that way to me. I'd like to examine this issue in more depth because when the subject of program spending for all Osage Nation members is brought up, it's like the elephant in the room. Some members of Congress talk about this one or that one showing up after the new government came in but were nowhere in sight beforehand. This is absurd because many had no cause to show up because the old government prohibited it. Horribly unfair then yes, but now it seems that there are radical new prejudices against the members coming to the fore by the very members who have been elected to represent every single one of us under the governing document as members of the new Osage Nation government. Funny enough, I was around to vote in one of the National Council government elections and many of these same members of Congress were either children or nowhere in sight themselves. We need to get to the bottom of this situation before any more divvying of the income of the Osage Nation takes place and is spent. It's mind boggling that they keep talking about financial planning being absent from what they are doing either on the Executive side or the Congressional side. They can't keep throwing the budgets at the wall like this and make them stick. They need to accept responsibility, do their jobs in this respect and stop resenting us for demanding that they do so. The Charter School idea is a perfect example of what we are talking about. We need to start thinking realistically. If this is a concept going forward we need to go in with other Tribal communities to develop it together and not alone. When are these elected members going to sit down and start planning what we can afford and prioritize what is important going forward. It's so shocking to hear members of Congress like Angela Pratt address the Congressional body by saying that each and every member of the Osage Congress would not budget personal finances this way, so the question of ultimate importance is, why are they doing it this very irresponsibly way with our government?
DeleteThe Larger Member Base are watching what is transparently heavy handed, in the wrong direction...if Congress continues to tip the scale so much that we have to prioritize a Constitutional Convention to rewrite the Construction to include the greater Majority of those who voted for this Government which is failing on a Grand Scale to recognize the fact as you point out...This will happen....I am a voce to be reckoned with And A TallChief.
Delete13 months and a day till the next Osage Nation Congressional election. We need to begin to gathering information on who to vote out in June of 2016 and why.
DeleteRight I could not agree more.
DeleteBig bucks here and no per cap in sight>>>>>>>
DeleteON Congress confirms 13 for board and commission posts
How much does this joker get in salary? Secretary of the Nation? Give us a break>>>>>>>>
DeleteGreg E. Carpenter was sworn in by Assistant Judge of Trial Court Lisa B. Otipoby Herbert as the Secretary of the Nation
Another Shannon Edwards creation ONCA 11-54. Back in 2011 the Osage Congress gave the Office of the Secretary of the Osage Nation $10,000 to get it started. I wonder how much it gets today.
DeleteTell 'em what you think>>>>>>
ReplyDeleteThere is information about Native American Charter Schools that is on the Chief's agenda. Will white children be able to attend as well? Some of the Indian schools in operation today are boarding schools as the prevailing theory is that the child has to be removed from any negative influences in the home in order to succeed in life. How does is this any different than the Haskell Indian School theory of the same or similay idealogy?
Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! For the Elders:
If you're over 65 and a member of the Osage Nation, call to register. It takes about 15 minutes over the phone. Thank you, Chief StandingBear, Assistant Chief Redcorn and each and every member of the Osage Nation Congress. This is marvelous and I am so grateful to you for providing this additional financial help to me every month. Bless you!
DeleteLetters sent to MC from BIA. Ray McClain posted copies on his web site
ReplyDeleteWhy are you not co posting on the shareholders site?
DeleteGood question. Go here:
cant google that address. nothing comes up. how do you get to there from here?
DeleteDon't google it silly. Copy and paste the URL into your browser and hit the enter button. Sheesh!
DeleteWhy have all the commerce committee files since March 2014 been deleted? The files for the other committees seem to still be there.
ReplyDeleteGood question. I think the Second Speaker is the one you need to contact but who that is as of the Spring Session Committee vote for who is on what committee, I don't know.
DeleteNew 2015 Committee List: https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews/photos/a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153/897849713609190/?type=1&theater
DeleteMaria Whitehorn is the Speaker and Otto Hamilton is the Second Speaker so he's the one you need to contact for web site problems:
Second Speaker Otto Hamilton
Office: 918.287.5211
Ok , we need a update on all these matters, Fletcher Case, Donnelson Case, Five Man Board Case , for stealing, Banishment, Wind Farm Cases. Meth is a addiction as alcohol is the worst drug...just because it is legal does not mean you should..if it was easily made which it is not..takes time and money of which they will beg..Meth alot of addicts support their habit by manufacturing. ..selling. Your not going to get rid of it...we have people indirectly stealing from the Osage Yet we wont help those who have an addiction..Man this is just backwards.
DeleteI say if they wanted to be among their families they shouldn't have polluted their family and community with drugs. Kick 'em out and let 'em know that this behavior won't be tolerated any longer. The Nation has been too weak and cushy on this in the past and they need to start acting like a real government and send these people on their way. Boo hoo. I don't feel one bit sorry for them. Get straight and stay that way or suffer the consequences. Drug and alcohol tests for all the elected officials once a month too. Ha Ha Ha get 'em all and get rid of them.
Just how effective is banishment going to be? These offenders can't step foot on about 2,000 acres in Osage County. So? The rest of the county is still open to them.
DeleteHey. Its consequences and its a start.
DeleteSee New health benefit services for Osage elders at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/new-health-benefit-services-osage-elders APPLICATION DEADLINE is May 23, 2015!
ReplyDeleteCall: 1-877-722-6973 for more information.
ReplyDeleteOk, everyone get a load of this, where was the arm, the board of directors? Take a look at why any money was appropriated without a running balance sheet? Where was the diligence from everyone involved? From the top? who brought this slim shady to the forefront? Carol Leese and why was he allowed to stay with the OLlc for so long?
Ok so this money that has disappeared was used as a slush fund. 1000000.million unacounted for counted for and what a conflict of interest being part owner of the company it went to, where was the Board of directors in all of this...it is one thing to go after the Charlie..ultimately the responsibility falls back on the Board period...they are to be aware of all designates and policies..there is no excuse for this type of money to go unwarranted. Now what I am saying does not go without...to much to go into but we get the principal right?
DeleteGOOD for YOU Shannon Shaw Duty or whoever wrote the article. Now that's investigative reporting. If these government people and those on the Boards and Commissions have to face scrutiny, things will begin to turn around. I know for sure that Carol Leese came under the microscope at the time he was hired because I personally called two male members of the Osage Congress and informed them of material on the internet that I had found about this character and his previous relationship to The Potawatomi Business Development Corporation (PBDC) at http://www.potawatomibdc.com/ I asked them to do their due diligence and call the principals at the PBDC to find out what happened there and why Leese left their employment. Tribes can't be sued so this was no excuse and therefore no barrier to making a phone call or sending out an e-mail to find out more about how Leese had structured the PBDC. Two Harvard guys were also involved over the years including Lance Morgan who was initially on the Board at PBDC who left at roughly the same time that Leese did and another one named Jonathan Taylor who writes for The Harvard Project at http://hpaied.org/publications-and-research Note his name under the title Honoring Nations on this web page. In addition, note Wilson Pipestem's name under the Spotlight as a new member of the Honoring Nations Board of Governors. Harvard was involved with the new Osage Constitution and all over our new government like white on rice from the outset. Taylor was on the Osage, LLC Board and when asked why he wanted to be on the OLLC Board, he said verbatim, "I want to give back to Harvard." The Osage Congress, during the confirmation hearing never asked him for a clarification as to what he meant nor did they ask him to enlarge upon the topic. Look where we are with this today! The followup on the warnings given about Leese, Morgan and Taylor went, I believe, largely ignored. One of the members of Congress voted to give them the first capital infusion and he is still a member of the Osage Nation Congress and the other is a former member and when I shared this information about Leese at the time he was hired, he said verbatim, "We have to give him a chance!" He now sits as a member of the Osage Nation Energy Services, LLC Board. I the effort to be heard on this issue, I posted information on Rauk Friend's Blog that was active at the time and also on Kent Ratcliff's OSA Blog so that these guys could be investigated. It was Raymond Redcorn and Anthony Shakelford who claimed responsibility for bringing the whole concept of the Osage, LLC to fruition as members of the Commerce and Economic Committee of the Osage Nation Congress and it was reported to me that the governing documents were based on the Ho-Chunk, Inc. governing documents and that we paid a princely sum for working with Lance Morgan to get this abomination set up. Ultimately, it's the Osage Congress who were responsible for confirming the Osage, LLC Board, for approving the Osage, LLC governing documents and appropriating the capital infusions and land transfers to the tune of nearly $20,000,000. They were warned and should be held just as responsible as Leese for what they have done over the years to initially provide and continue to provide over the years, the working capital for the Osage, LLC to survive which has lead to $19 MILLION DOLLARS of the Osage people's money lost to this ridiculous folly. Don't let them off the hook or pass the buck. Every single one of them who are responsible by their votes should be investigated right along with Leese for gross mismanagement of the Osage Nation treasury funds and real property that has been given to the Osage LLC and whoever is left in the Congress who has voted for any amount to be given should either resign or be shown the door! These are our representatives, they control the purse strings and they bear the largest responsibility of all.
DeleteRight. Nothing could have happened if the Congress had done their due diligence and just said NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteRay Redcorn is on the hook too so show him the door right along with the rest of them. They're in this up to their necks just like Leese. Tell it like it is Osageblogger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Legislation identifying those who voted to give money, land or other support to the OLLC:
DeleteONCR 14-06 Enacted FY14 A Resolution to express confidence in the ability of the Osage LLC Board to restructure and build our non-gaming business interest.
ONCR 10-33 ENACTED FY10 A resolution to authorize the formation of Osage, LLC as a limited liability company organized under the law of the Osage Nation and wholly owned by the Osage Nation; and to make this authorization re...
ONCR 09-03 ENACTED FY09 A resolution to consent to the transfer and conveyance of certain real property and business assets to Osage, LLC, a limited liability company wholly owned by the Osage Nation (Red Corn)
ONCR 08-10 ENACTED FY08 A Resolution to adopt the articles of organization for the limited liability company, Osage LLC, to be formed under the Osage Nation Limited Liability Companies Act (Shackleford)
ONCR 08-09 ENACTED FY08 A Resolution to adopt the articles of operation for the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, to be formed under the Osage Nation Limited Liabillity Companies Act (Shackleford)
ONCA 12-112 ENACTED FY12 An Act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, as a capital contribution; and to provide an alternate effective date. (Edwards)
ONCA 11-63 ENACTED FY11 An Act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, as a capital contribution, for purchase of real property and investment in "The American" statue project; and
ONCA 11-63 Enacted FY11 An Act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, as a capital contribution, for purchase of real property and investment in "The American" statue project; and
ONCA 11-61 ENACTED FY11 An Act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, as a capital contribution; and to provide an alternate effective date. (Red Eagle)
ONCA 11-61 Enacted FY11 An Act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, as a capital contribution; and to provide an alternate effective date.
ONCA 09-77 ENACTED FY09 An act to provide to the limited liability company, Osage LLC, for a capital contribution. (Red Corn)
ONCA 09-35 ENACTED FY09 An act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, as a capital contribution (Atterberry)
ONCA 08-30 ENACTED FY08 An Act to provide an appropriation to the limited liability company, Osage, LLC, for an initial capital contribution; to declare an emergency; and establish an effective date (Red Corn)
Find these irresponsible spending bills and more: http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/legislation-search
Oh and one more thing. I was online listening to a presentation of the Osage, LLC Board when Jonathan Taylor, after all that had been lost up until that time, had the ghastly audacity to ask the members of the Osage Nation Congress in attendence for TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS as a further and future capital contribution/infusion beyond the $19,000,000 in cash and land that they had already been given by the Osage Nation. This was truly a jaw dropping moment and one that I will never forget. All the while they were glowering over at the only member of Congress who stood at that time for holding them accountable for past losses, Kugee Supernaw. Imagine the further consequences if the Osage, LLC Board had been able to talk the Osage Congress into giving them that huge block of money. Redcorn, Shackelford and Red Eagle all worked it out through legislation associated with the governing documents so that the Osage Nation as the Member could only be hands-off and could only review the OLLC plan of operation voting it either up or down yearly; another Harvard Project concept that if the Tribes got involved, the businesses would fail so they have to be totally hands-off including, if I understand it correctly, any ability to get direct and straight answers as to the goings on of how Tribal money contributed is spent or, God forbid be able to swoop in and take a look at the books to scrutinize the balance sheets other than what is put out there directly by the Osage, LLC. I kept on and on about the need for trust with independent Tribal verification but that advice went unheeded as well. If a group of people know for sure that they don't have to come under scrutiny by order of the governing documents of a business entity, it makes the conditions ripe for bad fiscal things to happen and indeed, in this case, it certainly appears that it made conditions rife for exactly that!
Delete"...for gross misappropriation of the Osage Nation treasury funds and real property..."
DeleteOsageblogger and I verified the information. And just wow still reading you comment...not just that Osageblogger is a common person do the diligence what are these boards up to...
Deletewow is right again and go osageblogger make em pay for their sins of omission.
DeleteSo I just read the facts as presented and once again I to remember and this was so predicted and you are absolutely right our Congress and Appropriation Commitee to the Board are all complicit to uphold not just the fudiciary responsibility and to the oath they took...get Harvard out now..anddnow is the time to remember and now we can see Raymond Redcorn for who he is and Justice for the Osage People who bought into GOVERNMENT for the People and this is only 20000000. We know about...Right Congess was warned alright..nasty thing called due diligence and why we read before we authorize just because this person said so really? So, what did anyone of them who advocated this Carol Leese is accountable. The Board can be held liable they supervised his manangment not knowing what they were doing all along bamboozled. And this will not fly in a Court of Law...there was damage and injury...Sad this is what our Nation of lies, founded on lies from the very thing we are disgusted with , bad Government. This is no accident and can be undone by the very People who put you where you are at....it can be done.
DeleteGiven light I beleive it would behoove Redcorn to step down....This in no way shape or form is funny...
DeleteThe operating agreement of the LLC should be read carefully ONCR 08-09 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/c3jyq5w7bzk946v/AAAalihBQmJjLv9o_SnkDLgWa/ONCR08-09_Enacted.pdf?dl=0. It looks like Tallgrass is using the same one. What controls were placed in it weren't followed. The manager is defined at line 109 as the Enterprise Board which was required in the paragraph at line 280 to act as a group with majority vote required to take action. The paragraph beginning at line 379 makes it clear that no single person can obligate the company and that it requires a majority vote of the Enterprise Board to do so. This restriction would apply to the delegation of authority to officers as listed beginning at line 430. Leese may be the scapegoat, but it is the Enterprise Board members who should be held accountable. I don't know whether they didn't bother to read the operating agreement or didn't understand it, but as judges often say ignorance is no excuse.
DeleteThats exactly right, thank you, yes everything you have said I verified...before hand. Thank you for the Reference..still a conflict of interest to use our money if it wasn't the designate and Leese knew this..this isn't his first Rodeo to come into Indian Country and use us like a wet blanket but if we are for the taking shame on us right...not. Unacceptable. This is a problem for the Administration. And appropriate action is demanded.
DeleteI'm not surprised that Amanda wasn't able to get "existing personnel" to give "unfettered access" to needed documents. They are also in it up to their necks and don't want to get caught. Who wants to bet they do like Hillary Clinton and erase the server?
DeleteI agree that the OLLC Board is fully responsible but it was the Osage Congress who put in that legislation so that they had no way to get in and take a look at what was happening and could only approve the PoO yearly. I didn't take long, as I remember, for the OLLC Board to start protecting the OLLC from any interference and the ON Congress, at that point, should have held a Special Session to roll back that legislation that prohibited independant verification for the Osage Nation at will and certainly at the point when losses began to be reported and then left to pile up. Passive investments or loaning money were not what the OLLC was missioned and tasked with in the first place. The OLLC was supposed to be created to diversify our business interests to either buy or start up businesses in the local area that would put Osages to work. When the Congress found out that Leese and the OLLC Board were structuring the OLLC in a similar way to the PBDC, they should have gone in right then and there and put a stop to it and at the very least, stopped giving the OLLC money or any other sort of support. The OLLC Board members should have been asked or at least pressured to resign after the very first disclosure of losses and subseqently, they should have been replaced by the Chief in office at the time. Don't let the Congress pass the buck. They had years of losses reported before they took any action against Leese and the members of that OLLC Board. Millions lost that we could have put to much better use by the way.
DeleteSo all we really did was give them a chance to lose $19,000,000?
DeleteOn balance, after all is said and done, it appears that way, yes.
DeleteAnd while they are plowing through all this money showering it on themselves today in salaries and benefits, how much government money will be available when this adorable young man comes of age and will need it? https://www.flickr.com/photos/osagenews/16806818644/in/set-72157652069552908
DeleteHooray! Filed today by the Osage Nation vs. Osage LLC. It's way overdue.
First observations on the lawsuit.
DeleteThe OLLC is not registered as either a foreign or domestic entity of the State of Oklahoma. The entity is not now and has never been in "good standing" with the Secretary of State of Oklahoma, which is a requirement to bring an action before the court. There is a separate legal entity with the name Osage, LLC which was organized as a domestic Limited Liability Company of Oklahoma in 2014.
Even a really poor attorney should be able to get the case thrown out based on venue, and this certainly won't be Schricte's first rodeo. Do a little research and you'll find a number of cases alleging fraud and other bad acts by Schricte. He's shrewd and certainly doesn't use incompetent attorneys.
Claim #2 is false. OLLC has been pressured on multiple occasions to return to lands under control of the Osage Nation but has never complied. The principal office is located at 4500 S. 129th East Ave, Tulsa, OK 74134, land under the jurisdiction of the State of Oklahoma. OLLC has occupied another address in Tulsa prior to relocated to its current headquarters location, and has not occupied the official address listed in the Articles of Organization for most of its existence.
Claim #18 is false. While Leese and Petre held the titles customarily given officers of a commercial business organized as a Limited Liability Company, the "manager" of OLLC was the Enterprise Board. Pursuant to restrictions in the Operating Agreement, Leese and Petre lacked the powers customary to the offices indicated by their respective job titles.
Claim #21 makes an assertion related to the memorandum which is false on its face. It is clearly evident the memorandum included as Exhibit A was generated as an e-mail and pasted onto OLLC letterhead by a person as yet undetermined.
As it is the Managers of a Limited Liability Company which have the power to commit the company and owe the fiduciary duties of care and loyalty to the company, the Enterprise Board members serving during the term(s) during which the investments were made should also be named as defendants.
Kim Noble should also be named in the complaint, as the communication in Exhibit B gives the appearance that she is more involved in the management and decision making process than is Petre. Noble was also responsible for managing corporate records and has had ample time and access to destroy documents which could implicate her involvement, a point which will certainly be raised by Leese and Petre in their defense. Her role in the management of OLLC also raises questions as to why she continues in a management position with OLLC and/or its subsidiaries.
The filing of the lawsuit is a start, but it looks like the case wasn't ready to move forward.
Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee Webinar
ReplyDelete“Update on Latest ACA Implementation Issues and Your Questions Answered”
Thursday, May 14, 2015 - 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST
Register at https://cc.readytalk.com/cc/s/registrations/new?cid=k8ycyqtrsis7
Watch out Osages!!! Standing Brar has been talking about the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 for many years!!!
Yes I am aware and under the same act we can devide half the tribe if not more can gather and build their own tribe like lets get back the Name Osage Tribe.
DeleteGood for Chief StandingBear and Congresswoman Shannon Edwards! New Medicare health benefit services for Osage elders video presentation at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5IHW6uXC1o
ReplyDeleteOsage youth crowned 2015-2016 Denver March Princess. See http://osagenews.org/en/article/2015/05/15/osage-youth-crowned-2015-2016-denver-march-princess/
ReplyDeleteDance Camp http://osagenews.org/en/article/2015/05/15/osage-nation-foundation-dance-camp-june-29-july10/
ReplyDeleteOsage Centurion Marguerite Dennison? Come on guys. Do the spell check please. http://osagenews.org/en/
ReplyDeleteA spell checker cannot remediate matters of diction. We both know the word should be centenarian.
DeletePetty you are.
DeleteYou know, I thought "petty" was the editor's favorite word when she can't be big enough to apologize for her mistakes and correct them. My favorite word, formed in the framework of a question, where she is concerned, is, "Maturity???"
DeleteIs the Nation still with Merrill Lynch?
Hmmmm... Interesting
So, what's up with the Osage LLC website? Earlier it had fallen back to the cPanel and now it just returns a 404. Also, the records at the System for Award Management (https://www.sam.gov) now indicate that Kim Noble is the Interim General Manager for Osage Innovative Solutions in addition to being the General Manager for Osage Pinnacle Design Group. Did something happen to Berbon?
ReplyDeleteThese are excellent questions...
DeleteGet together and talk about it:
Good advice:
I hope everyone is surviving the rough weather and are safe. They say on the news this rain is ending the southern plains drought..now thats a lot if rain...be safe..
ReplyDeleteThe Chief just signed the Land by Back Program. Who are the 4 percenters? What strategic Plan are you talking about? I guess more importantly why would any Osage give up their property of rich grass lands, So the Nation can prosper? This is income for our Children's Children..My opinion it does not bring equitable compensation for the Constituency. We have Casino's no per-cap. Ask your People Chief, if they want to do an exchange..a Per-Cap for your land...This buy out is what it boils down to when you devide your Interest with others is pennies on the dollar..and if there is such a large division why so little as 4% is going to the Osage from the Cobell Land Buy Back Program..? What is fair and equitable?
DeleteLearn something --->>>
In-Lon-Schka at Grayhorse:
In-Lon-Schka at Hominy:
In-Lon-Sckha at Pawhuska:
DeleteTonight! HURRY! Don't miss it Roots & Boots -- FREE Concert in Hominy--->>>
Wow! I didn't know this program even existed for Osage Nation Members:
ReplyDeleteSee Osage Nation | HUD 184 Osage Nation Members at http://homeloanfornativeamericans.com/osage-nation-hud-184-osage-members/
Does anyone know anything about this program or have you worked with it and gotten a property loan of any kind?
DeletePlanning to. I knew about this program for a couple of years.
ReplyDeleteBid to finish Indian museum shifts to Oklahoma City: With governor’s signature, the plan to finish the American Indian Cultural Center and Museum is now up to Oklahoma City
http://osagenews.org/en/article/2015/06/03/osage-nation-files-suit-against-former-osage-llc-management-and-consultants/ Wow, and how was this Nation formed? With one phone call? Who is Yancy Red Corn? There was no way the Board would know of any wrong doing? Maybe not on the Face of the Contract..but the Osage Llc was warned of this Character Carol Leese and better due diligence should have been better scrutinized starting with the Appropriation Commitee. Many times..These people are working the Nation empire of Indian Nations lokking for the Next Vulnerable Tribe..or hand out...this is something the Federal Gov. Should look into right away..this is only money we know about? Still alpng way to go to find the rest of the money...so now you know why the Osage is having a hard time with the Osage believing that this wont happen again and are hesitant to form a New Llc...meaning Ones and their intention with the M.E
ReplyDeletestatic.osagenews.org.s3.amazonaws.com/.../ON_vs_NewMarketGroup.pdf. Cronyism alive and well in the Osage.
DeleteThe Osage Nation passed resolutions to organize Tallgrass Economic Development LLC, a replacement for Osage LLC, and to adopt an operating agreement. The Tallgrass operating agreement appears to be the same as that used for Osage LLC. During the Commerce and Economic Development Committee sessions questions were raised about who would be on the board of Tallgrass (i.e., would it be the same board as OLLC's?) and a concern expressed as to the legality (or prudence) of having the same members on multiple boards.
DeleteOther questions should have also been asked and answered before authorizing Tallgrass. If members sit on the boards of both companies will they draw double pay? If the OLLC's operating agreement had inadequate controls, how can a better outcome be expected for Tallgrass? If the controls were adequate, then what lead to the OLLC failure? If the board failed to abide by the operating agreement, then why haven't the board members been held accountable? How will be board of Tallgrass be monitored and held accountable in order to prevent it ending up like OLLC?
Also, I wonder why it took so long for Osage News to publish this article. Notice of this action was first posted in this forum on May 22, 2015 at 11:24 PM and there is a response immediately below it dated May 23, 2015 at 9:21 PM. The responder raises a good question when asking why the board members aren't named in the suit.
More cronyism and there of protection from with in? The Board was aware and this was made public for years...they cannot dispute this? They had the fudiciary responsibility to the Osage Constituency. You simply do not go on the word of someone else's opinion blindly. Its to simple to do the diligence. Come on people even their Web sites are sub par and scetchy. When hiring CEO ,CFO and so forth not only do you cross reference, you call all there References and so forth..Who were the Board Members and I want thhm off any other Board..Chieaf it is the right thing to Do!
DeleteI couldn't agree more after reading the PDF file posted on the Net..the Court filing.Redcorn and Brown appear to be the beginning of a crime spree.
DeleteGreat comments on this thread. Ditto. When are we going to hear the outcome of the 5 Man Board and Joe Don Mashunkashey making off with $806,000? It points to the government Osages not wanting to convict Osages who pull votes in future elections, doesn't it? Osage Nation Judges have to be reeleted too, don't they?
DeleteURL string to the pdf won't work. Try http://osagenews.org/en/download-pdf-copy/ Scroll down and click on the text, Osage Nation vs New Market Group (9.0 MB) at the bottom of the list.
DeleteDon't even think about telling me that the Board member Jonathan Taylor didn't know about this situation because he and Leese worked hand in glove on pretty much everything. Get the Board too because they knew or should have known.
A Board of Directors banquet of food for thought; http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CPRT-107SPRT80393/html/CPRT-107SPRT80393.htm
DeleteGrayhorse dances information
More about the wealth of Harvard --->>>
Not that they need it..
DeleteTrue. Wonder how much of the lost $19 mil wound up in the Harvard Endowment Fund as a result of that Jonathan Taylor on the Osage LLC Board?
DeleteHe sure explored deal flow and it went right into his pocket when he got to running the LLC. Hahaha!!!!!!
Not a laughable matter...how ever this is the world of Hedge Management. .the loop holes are here in Indian Country..the IRS will catch up.Round tripping and so forth. Corruption is with in our Tribe..yep!
DeleteWas looking for OLLC annual report to commerce. Audio file for meeting of 4/13 not posted. Why?
DeleteCongratulations to American Pharoah!!! The first horse to win the Triple Crown in 37 years!!! Outstanding!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSign up for Surveys
EMERGENCY ALERT: An exceedingly important discussion is going on at http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2015/05/osage-shareholder-matters-may-2015.html with regard to the oil and gas producers and the new roll out of the CFRs in Osage County on July 10, 2015.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting information:
Sure is...here comes more fees..all in the name of Compliance.
DeleteI was extremely pleased to receive the notice and enrollment packet in the mail concerning the "Osage Over 65 Medigap Coverage" that the Nation is going to provide their seniors. From all I can gather it is a VERY good plan and "Thank You' No matter how good the plan is I have a concern about signing up and loosing the secondary coverage I have through my retired husbands plan. If I sign up with the Osage plan and my husband dies and funds are no longer available for the tribe to continue the Medigap coverage, I can't change course and get back on the plan I was on. Just wondering where the money is coming from to fund the Osage Medigap Plan and is it going to be permanent or something we could see go by the way side several years from now? Decisions, decisions.....
ReplyDeleteExactly. Now more than ever with the Mineral Estate imploding as a result of the new CFRs, and what effect that will have on disposable income in Osage County for discretionary spending at our Casinos where the revenue will be coming from for funding of this program for the Seniors next year beginning in September 2015 and starting in October of 2015 for FY 2016, I think you are wise to consider your options very carefully.
DeleteSee http://osagenews.org/en/article/2015/06/09/congress-sets-fy-2016-projected-revenue-mark-437-million/
DeleteHoppin' hot on ME issues over here --->>>
With so many people referring to articles ( see this and see that ) and such and posting the web address to see the article....WHY can't we simply click on the mentioned site and bring it up? This is done all over the web why not here?
ReplyDeleteI know. I wish it could be so too but this blog venue only allows for live links in the header section at the top of the page and having to go back up and then try to find the correct URL link would be even worse. I copy and past the URL links into my browser, hit the enter button on my keyboard and it works just fine.
DeleteThe Firefox browser allows you to highlight the URL, then right-click to open a menu and choose to open the page in a new tab or window. It's easier and faster.
DeleteGood tip. Thank you!
DeleteThese Tribes are are flat lining at the slot machines. It's olny a matter of time. http://www.indianz.com/IndianGaming/2015/06/16/connecticut-tribes-report-flat.asp.
ReplyDeleteThe two tribes are going out on a long limb for the new casino project. It is contingent on Connecticut state law being amended to permit casino gaming, won't be governed under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, and revenues will be subject to federal, state and local taxes. The Pequot are $2B in debt and Foxwoods was never really profitable. The Mohegan Tribe isn't doing well with its casino either, and joined with them to seek a federal bailout over casino losses. Even if the stars align and they are permitted to open a casino, what group of fools will loan them the money? The Pequot have admitted that its debt is worth only 5 cents on the dollar, and the only thing keeping investors in is tribal sovereignty prevents normal bankruptcy proceedings and forfeiture of assets.
ReplyDeleteAs of the 30th of June, the Pequot have to come up with something or they become insolvent and the whole thing blows up in everyone's face. Serves these idiots right who loaned them the money and kept extending them a line of credit with larger and larger amounts.
DeleteThe Osage Blog is now TWO YEARS old today, June 18th, 2015! A BIG THANKS to all of you who are making the Osage Blog an active communication tool for Osages all over the world.
ReplyDeleteNews of the next lawsuit filed against the Osage, LLC at http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2015/06/19/second-osage-llc-related-lawsuit-horizon/
ReplyDeleteOsage Blog Conversation continues at http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2015/06/conversation-june-2015.html