Thursday, February 22, 2018

Archive #46: Osage Shareholder Matters--February-May 2018

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  1. Osage oil and photographs of the Terror:

  2. A dear friend of mine and my Mother's has passed away. Diane Simpkins left us last night. She loved the Osages and everything about them. Ever ready to talk Osage politics, she was open and generous, patient and as grand a woman as I have ever known. When something would come up of importance in the Osage, Mother would instruct me, "Call Diane!" She as much as anyone has helped me through the death of my beloved Mother with undying patience and kindly advice. She had one of the finest gifts a human being can have; she was one of the best listeners I have ever known with a wonderful hearty laugh that I have so enjoyed over the years. When my Mother was honored in September of last year, she gave me the earrings I wore so proudly to the reception at the Wah-Zha-Zhi Cultural Center. See and I mourn her loss and her presence here on earth. I will miss her strength, her council and her steady guiding hand. Fare well my dear friend...forever into the loving arms of God. You have taught me the meaning of friendship over the years and I so appreciate it. I will miss you greatly.

    1. See

  3. There are three branches of the OSA. Is it possible, are there any rules against the new MC candidates who have a time limit to be in the election, to get their signed petitions via fax from each OSA.

    It would only be to allow them in the election, then they can be heard, and then we vote. This MC election may end up with only the current MC, an "either" - "or" election like the Chief and Asst. Chief.

    1. Three branches of the Osage Shareholder's Association (OSA)? What are you talking about?

    2. Pawhuska, Texas, CA

    3. I'm only aware of one and that's in Pawhuska. Will you please share contact information for the other two?

    4. I've always thought the other two was OSA, because that's where meetings have been mentioned and the Chief, and prior candidates going out there to speak (CA)?

    5. There is only one Osage Shareholder Association, a non-profit organization incorporated in 1994. According to their FB page "The Texas Osage Association is formed to allow Texas Osage to discuss tribal matters and celebrate Osage culture and language. Our goal will be to hold meetings twice a year in three areas; Houston, Dallas/ Ft. Worth and San Antonio/Austin." The purpose of the Osage Shareholders Association "is to inform and educate the Osage Tribal Members who own shares in the Osage Minerals Trust. To promote honest and efficient administration of our Osage Minerals Trust. To promote the streamlining of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and other federal laws and regulations pertaining to our Minerals Trust. and To promote strict enforcement of laws against oil and gas theft, inaccurate reporting of mineral production and purchases, and conflicts of interest." Please consider joining the OSA. We are starting to Live Broadcast our meetings with two way communication so no matter where you are on the globe you can tune in and participate. We had participants tune in from Oregon, Italy, Colorado and Houston last Sunday. Message me on Susan Forman on FB and I will be glad to send you a membership application. Good things are happening. OMC Candidate Forum this coming Saturday 2 PM to 4 PM.

    6. Thank you, Susan. This information is much appreciated for all the Shareholders.

  4. Candidate filing period for Osage Minerals Council begins March 1 and ends March 29

  5. I listened to the meeting yesterday and toward the end (last audio) MC and Waller talked much about how we need to let the WH (Zinke in particular) know about what's happened to the ME caused and ruled by the BIA here. Now I really feel in the dark about not having a clue on what has been going on in those hpp meetings with the MC. If it's been two years, what in the world has been discussed? The meeting gives me the idea that absolutely nothing has developed toward a solution with stepping up the issuing of permit timing.

    The BIA, our Trustee, is our enemy, and they take orders from the Dept. of the Interior (Zinke). Where has the information been carried "to" at the WH after meeting with the MC? What has been the subject in these meetings? Whatever the "subject" it's been on deaf ears or its been the wrong "subject." I hope all these years they (MC) has not wasted it on trying to get the Tribe prior to 2006 back?

    Waller mentioned other tribes having the same problems we have experienced in the ME and tribes possibly working together on solutions? I hope so, looks like the Osage ME is going no where--fast.

    Why are we concerned about 2020, we are in pretty bad shape NOW!

    1. Once the Osage Nation government controls the ME revenue, the shareholders will never see a dime. The government will direct the money into their own pockets. The BIA is better than the ONG because no one can take the Nation to court for a redress of grievance.
      The casinos make hundreds of millions dollars and only the very small group of people in Pawhuska reap the benefits. The per cap lie is a perfect example of how the Osage people are treated. The BIA is not perfect but I will never trust the ONG.

    2. " one can take the Nation to court for a redress of grievance." Yes they can but they cannot seek monetary damages. Article IV, Declaration of Rights, Section 4. Remedies: "No person shall be entitled to an award of monetary damages, as a form of relief, in the Osage Trial Court for any violation of these rights;..."
      I read that language in the Constitution and I knew right then and there that the whole thing was cooked up to take down the Headright owners. Talk about a non-rights Declaration of Rights! Where money is concerned, were dead in the water if the Nation gets its hands on that royalty income.

    3. "...I will never trust the ONG." You don't know the half of it. Everything we have is at risk if they are found out.

    4. You've got to go over here and look at some of the documents that Susan Forman has put up for the Osage Shareholders Association membership in the last two days. You may not be able to pull them down without becoming a member but it's worth the 25 bucks just to see how bad it really is in reality. The one titled "Osage_Leasing_Drilling_Flow_Chart_2-21-18.pdf" will really show you how awful this is and there seems to be no way to move the Bureau off of high-center. I have never in my life seen a situation where a group of people are so square in the middle between the devil and deep blue sea as with this one.


    6. The Bureau is meeting with the landowners in some capacity and we have no idea what's going on with that either. Could be innocent or it could be just the opposite.

    7. Its been longer than two years since the HPP settlement. Form what I understand the capacity of which this office has been working under should have been working under the old CFR'S.
      Now we know this much under the rule of Obama and co-horts the green energy minded people conspired to end drilling and delayed our own permitting process.
      This should have never happened in the first place but it did.
      Could we have done something more to fix this, yes.
      Oh,lets not forget "OPEC" as well. Played a role as well.
      At the administrative level you also add incompetence.
      And just recently again a vote of no confidence.
      At the HPP is when our permitting process took a nose dive and it started actually going down hill before that. This was back in 2008 I believe.
      This does not happen in the private sector.
      The flow charts will show you how down stream we are to obvious in our checks as well.
      Like I said two years ago or there of we need to keep a eye on our development because here we are again after the HPP settlement and its worse because now where is the drillers, obviously not here right? You could predict this and yet here we are again having this conversation over and over again, the meaning of insanity is exactly that.
      This is our land and our reservation and we are a Nation.
      we are Sovereign and this should not be happening I cannot tell you how much money is lost and lost in our local communities, lost investments by everyone involved. I know I am out of 100,000's of dollars.
      The Government has hurt the Osage again.
      Where and when is this going to end, what reputation do we have and how bad is it, it's bad.

    8. How do we join the group OSA

    9. If you live in the Osage, you can attend the Osage Shareholders Association upcoming meeting and speak with Susan Foreman or Julie Malone.

      Saturday, March 3 at 2 PM CST
      Osage Casino – in Skiatook

      If you are on Facebook and you have "friended" Julie Malone, she will send you the Application form.

    10. See the Facebook page for the OSA at

    11. Feb 24, 2018 at 8:44 AM, Message Susan Forman on Facebook and I will send you one. OSA address is POB 418 Pawhuska, OK 74056. It would take a while but if you send your email address to this address we can email you a membership application or via snail mail. We have become a much stronger voice and are already making big strides to get results. The more members, the more they listen.

  6. Northern California Osage Meeting information:

  7. United Osages of Southern California Gathering information:

    1. See the correction to the meeting date and time shown below:

      United Osages of Southern California
      2018 Spring Gathering
      SATURDAY, April 21, 2018
      799 PINE AVE.
      10:00AM - 5:00PM
      UOSC E-mail -
      UOSC Phone # 760-802-7591- Greg Clavier
      For lodging information, please visit
      Event Details to Follow, March 2018


  8. Absentee Ballot mailing for Chief and AP Chief begins today!

  9. Once again, thank God for PBS!

  10. Two upcoming meetings of the Texas Osages:

    Texas Osage Association-Houston is hosting Osage Candidates on March 10

    North Texas Osage Spring Meeting on April 7

  11. "The judge's recommendation reads that PSO "failed to prove that this project meets an economic need sufficient for preapproval of this project," and the PSO's economic analysis used "unreasonable data and utilized a flawed planning process.""

    Wind Catcher dealt blow after judge's recommendation

  12. Sounds about right, the Judge understand how flawed their flow charts were, better yet understands accounting and or understands how our climate works. Or both. You cannot predict climate change if we could we would be better protected.
    Not just that they wanted to pass the buck onto the customers, in other words, get the tax credit and subsidize their cost at the expense of the customer.
    So how is the customer to benefit?
    Besides the obvious these wind turbines create allergies, kill birds, devaluation of your property.
    Mostly the offend my intelligence.
    Why, study the earth then you begin to realize the lie.
    I also liked how the wind company said they will wait and see what the commissioners opinion is, like they can overrule a Judges opinion.

  13. Candidates to file for Minerals Council:
    1) Paul Revard
    2) Joe Cheshewalla
    3) Cynthia Boone
    4) Kathryn Redcorn
    5) Margo Gray
    6) Stephanie Erwin

    1. Concerned ShareholderMarch 5, 2018 at 11:41 AM

      After the OSA meeting this last weekend and the Chief's question to Paul Revard if he would accept funding from the Nation and Paul wanted to know what strings would be attached if the MC did, not looking like he’s not liking the idea of accepting the money if it means the Nation would be taking over and running the show, I'd say he might be OK. When just about the same thing was asked of Andrew Yates later on, he said pretty much that he wouldn't have a problem with taking funding from the Nation, so I’d say he’s off the list along with Gray. Yates hasn't filed yet but we now know who can be bought and who can't. So what now? Are we back to the beginning like when Jim Gray tried to offer his million buck gift to the MC when he was first elected? Galen Crum got up there and said that his last four years were unproductive and that his first four were not. I guess, the first four were while he was cooking up those disastrous new CFRs so Sonny Abbott could get his way on getting the Nymex futures rate among a ton of other things which brought the Osage oil and gas producers to an all hell fury that took the whole issue right into Federal Court which at least killed that part of the regulatory death spiral that opened the door for the Bureau to ramrod though that Environmental Impact Statement, I guess, to satisfy Drummond, his clients and the EPA.

      If anyone who has been watching this thing has one or two takeaways it's that Abbott has, more than anyone along with his side kicks Yates and Crumb, been the prime mover for letting the BIA violate its fiduciary obligation to all the headright owners as beneficiaries of the OME Trust again by putting in and causing a regulatory environment that has just about killed the oil and gas business in Osage County. Not the thing a Trustee with a fiduciary obligation ought to be doing especially after the American people have had to pay billions in the Cobell lawsuit and millions more to the Osage shareholders for violating their fiduciary obligaiton, only to turn around and do a thousand times worse than they ever have before.

      The second takeaway is that the Chief looks like he’s itching to take over the Minerals Estate and wants to use Tribal funding to do it. This Osage blog made that accusation at the time he ran for Chief the first time and got it right then. Now I guess he thinks he’s for sure going to be elected again and it’s safe for him to ask questions like Jim Gray did in his first administration and we know where that got Gray after four years of running the table on everyone in sight. How has Standing Bear behaved in the last four years? I’ve heard he’s made Jim Gray look like a saint. Maria Whitehorn is the one to vote for because she will do what’s necessary to bring the fiscal situation back in line and probably won’t overrun the OME and the headright owners either, not if we have anything to say about it. If someone with a little respectful trepidation about moving the Osage Nation forward is needed, she’s the one who must have our vote. By the way, the dinner the Chief is having in mid-March is being paid for by none other than Sonny Abbott and his wife, Ann. The more things change the more they stay the same until we change them and get this radical Chief out of office who can’t stop spending our money and meddling in our Business Enterprises. For the shareholders, June can’t be soon enough.

    2. Remember, Raymond Redcorn wants to tax the minerals estate.

    3. #7 Marsha Harlan
      #8 Susan Foreman.

    4. Don't for a second think I'll ever forget about Raymond Redcorn.

  14. A new name for ONES, LLC:

    1. With special remarks by the Chief of no trust.

    2. Funny -- but true

  15. Hun-Kah Session begins on March 26, 2018. See

  16. Stephen Manydeeds, Div. Chief of Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development, Chief Standing Bear and David Conrad , President of Osage Nation Energy Services.
    This is on Facebook, Office of the Chief. WTH? Where was the Minerals Council reps? This Chief and David Conrad don't represent the Shareholders. Go and read the response on why Chiefie was there. He's full of s#@$.

    1. Yes. I see your point...

      Osage Nation Congress support is not needed when all the Osage non-Shareholders all over the country have to go without. Osage Nation Tribal funds should be spent on the Osage people who need it, not some business venture for those who receive a quarterly payment. Can't buy into this one, Chief.

    2. I hear what you are saying but do not attack those who get a quarterly check because you do not. There are reasons why this happened.
      The Nation is not a revolving credit card so when you talk of funds to all Osages even those who get a quarterly, tell the Nation how they should be helping those Osages 80% of those who do not live on the rez by giving examples?
      For instance I say a per-cap will be nice in our future? Which should have happened a long time ago, right Chief!!!
      Or how about that 500 dollar benefit health card given directly to you in a chech as opposed to the Government telling you how to spend that money that is yours? I don't need it but the cash would be nice.
      Its one thing to spout out of your mouth, but back it up.
      We have had our ups and downs shen it comes to spending on failed business adventures for sure all the while for those failed business failures no accountability. So who we elect will make a difference.
      We need people for the people and not big Government, where real diligence is needed. Right Chief quit the over spending.
      Your suggestions please.

    3. I do get a quarterly check and thought that the new government would take care of those who don't with the teeming revenue coming in from gaming which had started about a year or more from the time the new government did in 2006. Some people, predominately those who work for the government have received lots and lots and lots of that money, including Federal funding coming largely from all of us throughout the USA which equal 83% of the total number of all Osage Nation members. Unbalanced and unfair gaming revenue spending and distribution has been the order of the day from the get-go. The rest of your comment I totally agree with.

    4. Federal funding is determined by the size of the Tribal community. Our numbers in total provide the Osage Nation with $26,000,000 of Federal funding that can only be spent in Osage County and not spread among all of us through the USA.

    5. Living in Osage county isn't too bad, if you don't mind the lead in the water and the weekly meth lab house burning down or blowing up.
      If you don't want to work you can get commodities. If you get sick you can get an appointment to be seen in 3 to six months. If your brave you can get a job with the tribe, and learn firsthand how a banana republic works. Or you can get one of the lucrative casino jobs, where being anything but Osage is a fast track for promotion.
      If any of that sounds appealing there is definitely a place for you there.

  17. Mineral Council Election information is available at

  18. Why were six (6) of the sitting Minerals Council, plus the election supervisor, not in attendance at the Osage Shareholders Association's candidate forum last Saturday??? This shows us who gives a s%*@.
    I especially wanted to ask Billie Ponca (election supervisor) why she was hauling around a ballot box CONTAINING MARKED BALLOTS from a previous election in the trunk of her car. Who gave her the ballot box. Where had it been stored? Where is the ballot box and the contents now? Were the outer envelopes with the names on them also in the box? How many ballots were there? Were these ballots even counted at the previous election? I'm sure the answers will prompt even more questions. I'm also sure that all questions on this issue will draw a host of "I don't know" answers.
    There needs to be a huge shakeup in our Minerals Council in June.
    We voters are the only one who can do it!!

    1. They know a Turkey Shoot when they see one? Interesting about the ballot box though. Thanks for sharing.

  19. I love this!

  20. Current candidates running for Congressional office are located at

    To this list, add Scott BigHorse and Kugee Supernaw.

  21. They just keep coming! I can't believe it!

  22. Here we go! Another missive from Rosemary Wood:

    She's betting on the Osages but she didn't say whether it was to come in first place or last. If we compact, we still have to use the CFRs because there has to be a regulatory environment of some kind. Which ones? The new ones or the old ones? The kicker here is that the BIA will still have to sign off on any leases we try and streamline according to her "dream" scenario. If the Superintendent can't sign off on them now, what makes the woman think she'll sign off on them then? Just an extra step with a further delay and who knows what will happen out there in the field if we are running the show. How many of those non-Osage oil and gas producers are going to want to work for us when Gentner Drummond puts out the call --again -- to all the land owners in the Osage to lock up their gates? Hmmmm? With the BIA in place, they don't "get cute." If we're in place, who the hell knows what will happen.

    1. Oh this'll be great! If the Bureau won't defend us on the wind farm front, you can bet they won't be there for us when the gates are locked up. When will these elected officials get a clue that it's better to leave well enough alone?

    2. Compacting relieves the Feds of the bulk of their responsibility. We must hold their feet to the fire and demand the services we were promised in 1906. NO COMPACTING!

    3. Its ok, no worries, the BIA and DOI have our backs yeah right. Omg, why? Is this any real surprise or is omg a euphemism? Sarcasm? Like this is the first time you are hearing this, we have been saying for quite some time we have a problem at the administrative level at the BIA, where I do not think they (BIA) even know where to go from here and this does not make sense because if we were are operating under the old CFR'S we would not be in this situation? Well, if you look over time, bad policies (where was the diligence, economic impact statement)? OPEC did play a real number there for a while on everyone in the oil indistry, the green energy movement, and it did not help having at the helm at the DOI Sally Jewell who was pro Green Energy.
      Bottom line how is the reputation of the M.E going to be restored? And yes there is fault at the very hands that say they are tied, the M.C and its the truth.
      You cannot have blinders on and pretend you can operate from a couch. Watching the M.E fall.
      What the hell, some truths are needed not that the above post is wrong can someone step up to the plate on the MC and speak to this, greatly appreciate.
      Then this speaks volumes in a lot of ways if we actually have no control then in name only as written we're paying a MC how much to exist only in name? Or in black or white.
      The truth of the matter then its like anything else the Osage does is entirely for themselves in name only.
      We are so much better than this.
      Do we storm the WH because I am feeling extremely cumbersome by some really bad policies, discriminated aginst by the BIA (Federal Government). Worse by our own M.C because they think they are politicians and their not just figure heads and should be consulting as well with the shareholder's (Headright Owners). In truth the BIA should be doing the same. This is our trust not owned by the Nation.
      Not that this would move barrels on the ground but itt a start in the right direction. The lack of communication astounds.
      I get with no real leadership has been appointed but one way another how are we operating? We are not and thats the truth.
      And I am beginning to think we need some real investigation to happen.
      Where is our voice, with our lawyers? The M.C?
      Just because there are regs to follow and we always had them under the old CFR's and to be truthful for once in your lives tell the truth.
      We have some serious issues no doubt the biggest which has come to bite us in the arse is the lack of communication not so much as in the know and what I mean by that, the bells are sounding way before we get this point yet no one does anything about it when the door starts knocking, but we don't open it.
      We by any means are not defenseless. There are no accidents and when you armchair coach this is where we are at.
      I am beginning to feel a no vote in confidence against our M.C.

    4. Meant to add does anybody understand what compacting means? It only binds you to do what is promised but we can't even get the government to do what it has promised and we have a compact called the 1906 Act, will compacting change policies or laws or even affect us adversely, no because doing the same thing over and over again is the meaning of insanity. Think about it.
      My real quetion, what kind of compacting are we talking about? Interstate? I think we should open doors not close them just the details in other words the fine print is missing. How would compacting hurt?
      The oil industry has it's booms and bust. Prob)em was the mom and pops could not survive and did not help the politics that surrounds the estate as well coupled with some very bad regs.

    5. The 1906 Act is not a compact. It's a Federal law. Try and exercise a bit of intellectual discipline. Read what you post here first and ask yourself if it makes sense, then push the publish button. You're all over the place.

    6. Lol duh, it was meant to be sarcastic but does not chabge the fact compacting is binding as too and so is the 1906 Act.

  23. Has anyone received their absentee ballotgs yet??? Maybe someone didn't feed the pony express ponies.

  24. Paul S. Revard, Candidate for Minerals Council

  25. The "Final Tally" of those running for Osage Nation Elected Office not including the Candidates for Minerals Council:

    1. All Candidate contact information is located at

  26. Michael Kidder announces his candidacy for Osage Nation Congress

    Alice Goodfox announces her candidacy for re-election to the Osage Nation Congress

    Amanda Proctor announces her candidacy for Osage Nation Congress

  27. On March 6, I commented here about a ballot box containing ballots from a previous election being hauled around in the back of Billie Ponca's car. I see on the MC Agenda--- Director Bill Lynn has been assigned the honor of explaining this. Why doesn't Billie Ponca explain it? ----------Also, it would be nice if we had a up to date list of candidates filing for MC seats. It might encourage more people to file.

    1. Thanks for the Heads Up!
      MC Meeting Agenda:

      Myron Red Eagle is the 9th to file for a seat on the Minerals Council.

    2. Minerals Council Candidates who have entered the race so far are as follows:

      1) Paul Revard
      2) Joe Cheshewalla
      3) Cynthia Boone
      4) Kathryn Redcorn
      5) Margo Gray
      6) Stephanie Erwin.
      7.) Marsha Harlan
      8.) Susan Forman.
      9) Myron Red Eagle

      The filing period for the Minerals Council Election ends March 29, 2018.

      Election Board information is located here:

    3. 10) Andrew Yates
      11) Linda Heskett

  28. The Osage Nation government offices will be closed Friday March 16 to observe Osage Nation Sovereignty Day.

  29. Figuratively speaking, this may be manna from heaven! Discussed today in the Minerals Council meeting was an item listed as Categorical exclusion. This has to do with rolling back the NEPA requirements if I understood it correctly and there is a comment period involved. See Please let the Minerals Council members know that you want them to be involved in this comment period and doing away with the NEPA requirements in Osage County that have done so much harm to our Mineral Estate:
    (918) 287-5346

  30. Wind companies appeal to U.S. Supreme Court after 10th Circuit rules in favor of the Osage

  31. New flyer from the Osage News on the Debates coming up in April:

  32. Mary Jo Pratt announces her candidacy for Osage Nation Congress

  33. MC Meeting Agenda. It says Friday but the date is for tomorrow. See

  34. Mc Meeting is live at

    1. Listen to today's meeting on demand at

  35. Thomas Trumbly announces his candidacy for Osage Nation Congress

  36. See the mention of ONCA 18-04 (sponsored by Congresswoman Shannon Edwards): A bill to provide a $134,750 appropriation to the Osage Minerals Council, which will go toward 2018 fiscal year office space occupancy and indirect costs. If passed, the funding would come from the Nation’s general fund in the Treasury at

    1. So......
      What's the catch?
      What strings are attached?
      Who's getting their palms greased with bribes?
      How bad are the shareholders going to get screwed?
      Osage government types never make a move unless they get something in return.

    2. In the first place the Nation would not exist without the M.C.
      Thats the truth, yes we are entitled to funding ftom the Nation they know and so do we

    3. The MC has been reduced to a mere department.
      The long game if for the Osage government is to fully control the minerals revenue and distribute it among the government types and their families as they see fit.
      The rest of us will never see a dime.

    4. I want tribute paid to the shareholders for not being able to place O & G leases on the land under those casinos. $80 million a year at 15% is $12 million a year. That's a helluva lot more than any $134,750. And I want tribute back paid for every year those Casinos have been on that land in trust. That's a tidy $170,000,000 so far. Indirect costs my a**

    5. To the point you are right 12:06 am. Supposedly we are near our 25 year strategic goal, what a farce of grandiosity.
      When I spoke to Gray about per-caps he said, once everything in Government has settled we would talk then, yeah right. How much has our Government wasted since 2006?

    6. Millions and millions and millions and millions....

    7. Shannon wants your vote in June. That is the "catch."

    8. Shannon isn't running for office this year. She's in the next election cycle in 2020.

    9. Just in case you think these politicians are getting too out of hand these days, here's the link to the new Facebook page of the Whistleblower Hotline:

  37. From the Election Office:
    Election Office: Nearly 900 Osage voters need to update addresses

  38. The following Candidates have filed to run for Minerals Council in the upcoming election:

    1) Paul Revard
    2) Joe Cheshewalla
    3) Cynthia Boone
    4) Kathryn Redcorn
    5) Margo Gray
    6) Stephanie Erwin
    7.) Marsha Harlan
    8.) Susan Forman
    9) Myron Red Eagle
    10) Andrew Yates
    11) Linda Heskett
    12) Robert E. Yarbrough
    13) Talee Redcorn
    14) Everett Waller

    Brandy Lemon announces her candidacy for Osage Nation Congress

    1. MC Candidate Final:

  39. Here we are at ground zero why?
    Does thos jot bother you? Anadarko Petroleum Co., Chesapeake Energy Corp., Devon Energy, EOG Resources, and SM Energy propose to develop approximately 5,000 oil fracking wells on 1,500 new pads in the Wyoming portion of unceded 1851 Ft. Laramie Treaty territory. Well it shoukd because we have great territory to offer ask yourselves what happened ask hour MC members what happened. Ask your MC members is the federal government going yo be the atm for the rest of our lives or are we going to start managing. Elest the same people get the same results.

    1. I know what happened and live it every day as an Osage producer and Osage Shareholder. The BIA has shut down the development of our Mineral Estate and the producers cannot get acceptable permits to work on their wells and drill new wells. The producers and other interested entities do not have access to the well records and this is intentional obstruction from the US Federal Government. This has been going on since 2014. The OMC needs to fight back against the BIA again. The current OMC is spineless. Time for a change. Be sure to vote June 4th!

    2. Well, they tried to get a MC Resolution to sue the Bureau for breach of fiduciary -- yet again -- and everyone at the Nation began to foam at the mouth. In view of the tenterhooks in which they exist with regard to the very important provision as to the Federal Trust relationship in the 1978 Act to amend the 1938 Act that amended the 1906 Allotment Act, what exactly do you want them to do? At the meeting of the Texas Osage Association, Chairman Waller had a few choice remarks to say about the truth of the reality of the Southern Utes in Utah. It's worth your time to contact him about it to hear what he has to say. If they are the model in which we are trying mold ourselves, with BLM rules in the background and permit delays as a result, I don't think we want to go there either. Chairman Everett Waller can be reached at
      (918) 287-5346

      Paul Revard also had some important remarks at the Texas Osage Associaton meeting last Saturday about how the Bureau keeps changing the rules wanting one thing after another even after the new "requirements" have been satisfied and how significant and deleterious these new FOYA requirements are to new business and to potential new oil and gas producers. Clearly the BIA is trying to run us into the ground so that they can say that there is nothing there of value to continue forward as Trustee of the Trust. Of particular note was the fact that the BIA Solicitor's Office was mentioned. I don't know how you want the MC to proceed with this situation unfolding on the ground as perilous as it is right now. And all this because of the Bureau's knee jerk reaction to the Donalson lawsuit that has again failed at the level of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals on April 5, 2018. See the link in the comment posted below. The deck is stacked against us people and it's going to take someone with a lot of finesse to move through these times without completely losing the full faith and backing of the Federal government so that we don't fall into the hands of the State of Oklahoma that is already prepping to take over, it appears, from that environmental legislation that is moving through the OK legislature as I write. How do we go from headright payments of $10,000 each and a wonderfully healthy, lively mineral estate with bids at record prices down to where we are today? 10-15 permits for new drilling approved in a year's time when we used to have 200 a year or more? The price of oil cannot account for all of it. Yes. We took the money -- in an election that was structured by the Bureau and took place BEFORE the final settlement agreement was hammered out which should have taken place after all of the terms and conditions of the HPP settlement were known and explained to all of the Osage Headright owners as beneficiaries who were then and are now owed a fiduciary duty and obligation by the Federal government and in particular by the Bureau -- but that doesn't give the DOI/BIA leave to take measures to destroy us. This relationship with the Bureau is dysfunctional at best and we need an intervention in this arena. Who do we go to to seek protection from the very one who is supposed to be protecting us? An ugly business at best!


    3. Chairman Waller also mentioned that the venue for breach of fiduciary lawsuits is the Court of Federal Claims so take it from there. He seemed adamant about this and from his manner in making this statement, it was not up for argument. I have to agree. If we can win once in the Court of Federal Claims, we can win twice. I'm sure the Court would like to review the report card of the Bureau since the American people paid out a third of a billion dollars over the last rectification handed down in that court. I'm still waiting on Shannon Edwards to get back with me on whether the Justices have any kind of Judicial Prerogative to review how the losing party (the Bureau) has improved since the last round they lost in this Court and whether, in a case like this of doing much worse, can the Judge reinstate the old case and review the need for additional punitive damages at a much higher dollar value since the Bureau didn't seem to get it the first time around?

    4. Absolutely a disgrace.

    5. What we need here are elected officials who understand the thicket, are astute enough to see the forest for the trees, understand what is at stake and take action to maneuver us through all these areas of difficulty and crises so that our Osage Mineral Estate has a chance to survive and thrive into the future.

    6. Right, I see the writing on the wall. The last five years have been no doubt a trying time for all who is involved and the Donelson case should have not had a impact on any decision on how the BIA should have been functioning one way or the other. Until the court of opinion was given.
      That being said, even I said we would be consistent and true to the tune of millions again, we will be in the courts again!
      We need to get into the federal court today with no delay and point out the facts of the case is the dynamics have changed for the worse, since the HPP case. Too the detriment of untold damage.
      Time to directly get into contact with Zinke as well.

    7. Tenth Circuit dismisses Donelson case due to insufficient standing

  40. we go.
    The Osage News Editorial Board met with the AG today, April 4 at 1:30 p.m., in a Special Meeting (public meeting) to discuss the matter (that the Osage News may have to cancel the remaining Osage News Candidate Debates for the Congressional candidates and the Minerals Council candidates) in executive session. We should know something about this meeting and what was decided soon, so stay tuned...

    1. Here's the final word from Shannon Shaw Duty:


      The Osage News Editorial Board has canceled the Congressional and Minerals Council candidate debates on April 14 and April 28. However, I have been in touch with a new local grassroots political organization called Osage Impact, organized by Celena White and Jennifer Tiger. Hopefully, they will be able to provide debates for candidates in the near future.

      To read the Osage News story about the cancellation, click on this link:

  41., April 5 - "Oil drops after U.S. President Trump threatens new China trade tariffs", April 5 - "EPA sued by 14 states over delay in methane emission standards"

  42. Donelson Opinion:

    Maybe MC should sue Donelson for moneys wasted...

    1. HOT Deeaaoomm!

      "We conclude that the named plaintiffs lack standing to pursue most of their claims, and that they failed to identify any specific final agency action as to claims for which they might possess standing. Accordingly we affirm the district court’s dismissal for lack of jurisdiction."

      How right you are!!!

    2. Lack of jurisdiction was the only outcome.
      My thoughts,this was and is about stalling the growth of the Burbank area.
      What else is this guy going to come up with in the future to sue us about next?
      I hope we turn around and sue them.

  43. Friend and Donelson were just pawns in Gentner Drummond's vendetta against the Osage Tribe. Gentner is the real villain here and should be held accountable for the harm to the Mineral Estate. First item of business is to do no business with Blue Sky Bank. Second item of business is to drop your US Cellular account if you have one because Gentner owns the franchise.

    1. Absolutely. Hit him as he hit us. Drummond is border line harassing the Osage.

  44. Gentner Drummond just announced that he is running for Oklahoma Attorney General as a Republican. I would vote for Daffy Duck before I would vote for that sleazy attorney. He has done as much or more than the BIA in diminishing the activity level for oil and gas in Osage County.

    1. Cold day in hell before I vote for that POS.

  45. Many thanks to Robin Phillips and Eddie Streeter for backing us on this. I hope the voters remember this stupidity when the county commissioners come up for reelection.

  46. Minerals Council Meeting Agenda for today is located at

    On live now at

    1. 5 leases approved. 23 leases terminated. 76 non-compliance letters? Per the Superintendent's Report to the Osage Minerals Council during the meeting today. Listen on demand: Part 1-- Part 2 --…/showreel/osage-nation-on-mixlr-61/ Part 3 --…/showreel/osage-nation-on-mixlr-62/ Part 4 --…/showreel/osage-nation-on-mixlr-64/

  47. This is so crazy. How is it exactly that the Superintendant of the Osage Agency, Robin Phillips, knows nothing about the Silver Spoke Wind Farm getting a conditional use permit from Osage County Board of Adjustment? See Osage County board OKs permit for wind farm near Kansas border; Osage Nation opposition remains as Silver Spoke Wind Farm plan moves forward at


  48. Campsite Results:

  49. If you are a member of the Northern California Osages, The Minerals Council Candidates are now live at

    1. Just learned today that Gentner Drummond owns the local Abstract Company in Oklahoma.

  50. During the April 18th OMC meeting, the gentleman from the DEMD, the engineering consulting arm of the Department of Interior, stated that the decline curve for production in Osage County is nearly 25%/year. By the year 2024, the County will cease to be economic. The only remedy is to drill wells. But with the BIA making any action so difficult, this is next to impossible. Hard to believe that the sun will be setting on our County but that's the reality.

    1. Don’t worry our ATM meaning the Federal Goverment will have to pick up the tab once again.
      We should not be in this position but we are. I am hoping with new leadership come June we will have better knowledge as to how we are going to be able to rectify this and if we have to hire lawyers to start another settlement until the Federal Government can get there act together and allow us to run the M.E.
      Because if we don’t we will forever in the court of opinion ,us on the winning side. But and I say But because this does not help with the problem at hand.
      Politics played a nasty roll and reared it’s colors alright to the detriment and reputation to those all involved.
      In conjunction there was not diversity and or not enough.
      So, here we are and oil prices on the verge of cresting at the tip of the wave and where are we at and how many permits have been approved thus far this year? We are looking at missed opportunities and that’s the bottom line.

    2. I'm investigating Qui Tam actions in Federal court for a class action on the part of the individual Headright owners to bring legal action on behalf of the Osage Nation and the Minerals Estate. The Bureau can't run us into the ground with unnecessary and overweening regulations of one kind or another with a full-on fiduciary obligation and duty of loyalty owed to us as beneficiaries and not have to account for themselves and then pay the price.

    3. Thank you. We find ourselves on this endless round table. A nightmare that just keeps on getting worse by the minute.
      I feel we have been stonewalled by the very same people who are sworn to up hold their fiduciary obligations.
      It’s as if the left does not know what the right hand is doing.
      Voting no confidence is just a bandaid.
      Not hearing from the very people the M.C who are your advocates on any matter at this point is disconcerting to say the least.
      Hello red alert.
      Where is the action other than fighting the wind farms , is there any multi tasking going on?
      This is beyond incompetence,more like sabotaging.

    4. Why is our M.C not filing on our behalf?

    5. They tried by resolution and the Osage Nation swarmed!

  51. Oklahoma State Legilslature -- House votes to pull wind energy tax incentive
    Rewritten SB 888 eliminates refundability of tax credits for wind energy generation

  52. The last two councils of the ME seemed to have followed each other foot steps, same old, same old. This current council has started the ME into the digital age and progress is moving right along without much aid from the BIA. When all the information is in the computer the MC will be able to assist new producers in their search for producible drilling leases.

    That's a good start in changing the organization of the MC. This council has lacked communication with the shareholders, lack of newsletters, and the Chairman has been so rude to other councilman in his term, and the MC having secret meetings with WH, I feel that was totally disrespecting the shareholder in a total disregard sense. I'm so anxious for this election to be over and see who will return and who won't. Hope they get along and work compatible with each other. I'd like to see each council person to be experience in the oil industry and go out in the oil drilling areas/leases and do reports such as what the BIA seems not to have time to do and come back and have roundtable meetings and compare and discuss their notes, etc. Not to show up twice a month and not know what is going on with other council persons and what's been approved without their knowledge, etc. The secretary I think is very professional, she was needed long ago. I will vote for T. Redcorn even though the discussion of conflict of interest, I haven't heard of any problems in that sense. He always has input and that's why I want him back. I'm sure he's the one who brought back some information about setting up oil industry filing, that shows devotion to the advancement of the MC and ME.

    The new council or repeat council, will still have a battle ahead of them with the BIA. The BIA will still have lack of funds due to budget cuts which causes delay in paperwork due to shortage of personnel and no near future resolve.

    1. I am very optimistic VOTING in at least 5 new Osages with experience in O&G, marketing, producing, Indian Law and research/consulting, marketing etc. each being professionals in their own rights in their careers. As for electing again Negative two or four incumbents with no real experience in the O&G field who seems to be issuing a death warrant in 2020 for shareholders and the OME. These people have no clue of the destruction they have caused and extreme delays of progress in so many ways for the OME they are instead are delusional they have protected the OME from a complete take overs from the ON. The BIA has blatantly called them inhibitors and just appease OMC while they do minimal jobs to say they are living up to their fiduciary jobs with the Osage. Instead again the OMC do not know how to speak to the BIA professionally enough to get issues on a progressive road. For instance: 1) Four years ago a solution was introduced but not taken 2) 8 years ago BIA introduce more regulations and new CFR's on Indian Lands 3) 12 years ago an Oil & Gas engineer was not replaced to negotiate and checking the pricing. (Many more issues happened and did not happen within those years too) Result today OME will reach it's limit in 2020 of recovering from a complete shut down. 4) OMC has an Addiction/ Dependency upon an Attorneys to make all decisions for the OME. etc. I do not know about you I am voting for the New Innovative Optimistic OMC candidates with real true Experience that we need right today: Marsha Harlan, Atty - Indian Law/Judge, Paul Revard - 41 yrs as a Producer, Susan Forman - 34 yrs as a Natural Gas Marketer etc., Talee Redcorn-O&G Research/Consultant and Margo Gray for Marketing our sweet Oil and Gas/Knowledge of other tribes success. All shareholders need to seriously look if they want to be fear mongered anymore of ON taking over or ELECT some real serious Osages who are not after ego, power or money but want to see OME brought back to life for you and your families.

    2. I remain skeptical. "Result today OME will reach it's limit in 2020 of recovering from a complete shut down." Four years ago business was booming and our headright checks were at $10,000 a quarter. Now and since the HPP lawsuit settlement was distributed, the Bureau has let in the door a ton of unnecessary and illegal regulations in view of the Trust relationship and fiduciary obligation including the duty of loyalty to our Tribe and the Trust beneficiaries who collect headright checks. Another agency of the Department of the Interior has put out a study to further this fiction that the OME will end in 2020 with a viable oil and gas Estate in the Osage. It looks like to me that the DOI is running us into the ground in order to make it appear as if there is no longer a legitimate reason to continue with the trust obligation to the Osages such as it is today. I'm not buying it. Many believe that this is pay back and retribution for having won the HPP settlement and my belief that this is the truth is growing larger by the day.

      I was in the Osage recently in a shop and the non-Indian woman who was behind the counter and I began talking about happenings with the Osages and this woman came right out and made the emphatic statement that the Mineral Estate would end in 2020 as if it were in the Gospel! All this emanated from the study referred to in the Bigheart Times, that has since been sold to the Pawhuska Daily Journal, so, I take it, that the editor can pursue her own political ambitions. I believe that to put out a headline in the article I am referring to, has done the OME and the Headright owners untold damage on the basis of one study by the Department of the Interior that can be seen to be in the self-interest of both the DOI and the BIA. It was reckless and irresponsible of Louise Redcorn, as editor-in-Chief, to allow Lenzy ?-Burton to title the article, “2020: the end of Osage Oil?” about that study with such a shocking headline, that, from what I can tell, has spread all over the County as the truth and done untold damage to the reputation of the Osage Mineral Estate going forward especially when people all over the County and beyond now believe that the words written in this headline are a fact. What oil and gas company, in State or out, would take the risk of coming to Osage County to drill now?

    3. The Minerals Council on behalf of the Osage Mineral Estate and the Osage headright owners should sue Louise Redcorn and freelance reporter Lenzy Krehbiel-Burton for damages in a lawsuit for defamation of character. What were the numbers in the most recent lease sale by the way? None or next to none?

    4. "What oil and gas company, in State or out, would take the risk of coming to Osage County to drill now"

      The ME's main problem still is the amount of time and expense it's taking for a new lease to get to the point it can start drilling. When a new lease is announced in the MC doesn't that mean that it will be a year before they actually start drilling.

      We are at the mercy of the EPA. Isn't Pruitt of the EPA about to go out the front door? If he does, then EPA rulings would probably get frozen until someone else takes his place?

      Does anyone know how long producers who get a lease around lower Oklahoma City has to wait before they can start drillings?

      By 2020 the oil may not be depleted, but headright owners may be getting half payment of what they get now or my biggest fear is not getting a quarterly payment. What kind of incentives could we offer producers to drill in the county? What if we stop the bonus payment? Anything to get some movement on the land. A low quarterly payment is better than no payment.

      The Chief mentioned he wanted to help the MC/ME--he knows it needs a petroleum engineer, he's known it ever since it was first brought up, so why be concerned now? trying to get votes I figure.

    5. You probably figure right.

    6. I hear panick, anyone from the M.E want to come to the rescue and put some rest to the misnomers, rumors, etc...
      Maybe fear mongering going on just a little, will answer to this?
      Y’all want to be re- elected but you just cannot get the job done and announce somewhere what is being done.

  53. Native Tribes Could Lose Federal Recognition of Tribal Sovereignty Under Trump. See

    1. And here we are with a large portion of $175,000,000 in debt. We lose Federal Recognition, we lose Trust status. If we lose Trust status we lose our lands in trust including the oil and gas income trust for the headright beneficiaries per the 1906 Allotment Act. And then what? We better hope and pray that the U.S. Congressional Osage Allotment Act of 1906 and all its amendments hold because it will be the only thing that saves us and our Mineral Estate Trust status. So all of you "Nation" folks who want to dump the 1906 Allotment Act as amended may want to rethink your position in the matter because it may be the only thing that stands in the breach and keeps us up on the map and financially viable as a Tribe, as a Native American Indian people and as headright beneficiaries.

    2. Lest we forget...a special thank you to Cynthia Boone, Paul Revard as an oil and gas producer, and all the others on the Minerals Council at the time who sent the proposed CFRs packing because it was believed that they would weaken the Trust relationship between the Osages and the Federal government.

    3. Trump goes from one 'extreme' to another 'extreme' topic or issue. He still doesn't have a complete administration and the GOP already getting ready for midterm elections.

      Until Congress is taking any action to Trump's whims, I'm not concerned.

    4. President Trump goes from one extreme to another really?
      Tell me how?
      Would you if you were attacked constantly and really he’s doing a great job thus far.
      His accomplishments go far and that’s a fact.
      Why are his nominees taking so long because the senate will not get off their duffs and confirm them called stonewalling sound familiar because we get that from the Nation as well.

  54. Federal Register Watch:
    Bookmark this page for reports on what the U.S. Government is up to as it concerns the Tribes:

  55. Bureau of Indian Affairs nominee finally lands confirmation hearing
    "The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs has scheduled a May 9 confirmation hearing for Sweeney"

  56. Supreme Court turns away utility company in closely-watched sovereignty case
    "...means a utility company won't be able to condemn allotments on the Navajo Nation without the tribe's consent."
    This may come in handy some day.

  57. Breaking news is happening on the CATEX issue that may greatly enhance the possibility for the improvement of drilling in Osage County: "The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is proposing to amend its categorical exclusions (CATEXs) under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) for certain BIA actions and is seeking comment. The BIA is requesting comment on whether to revise or delete any current CATEXs or add any new CATEXs." See the information coming out at:

  58. See the FY2018 Tribal Revenue Appropriated Document shown below that was originally and responsibly posted by Congresswoman Shannon Edwards earlier on today. Her further remarks are as follows:

    "We are in debt! Some necessary, some optional. The known trade off when the Nation borrowed up to $175m was required belt tightening for a number of years, which I don't see happening. Projected tribal revenue for FY19 is currently about $6m less than FY18. The next Congress is going to have a real fiscal challenge."


    1. Total Tribal spending for the government is $38,825,000. This figure does not include $25,969,000 in non-Tribal revenue that benefits those who live in Osage County. Direct assistance to each and every Osage Nation member is coming in at $17,850,000. By and large, spending for Osage County is plus or minus $64,794,000. As an Osage Nation member, does something in these numbers look unfair or upside down?

    2. What spending should go? That spent directly on the Osage people or on the Osage Nation government? You know my answer. The Osage people FIRST. The Osage government second.

    3. They've had a field day with our money and enough is, by God, enough. The numbers don't lie. Start sending that money where it's needed and won't be wasted. Give it to the Osage people who it belongs to in the first place.

    4. Point of fact: Congresswoman Edwards has tried over the years to reduce the salaries of the 12 members of the Osage Nation Congress. Initially, compensation was set at $56,000 plus a benefit Credit (Additional wages) of $9,000 to equal $65,000. At one point she tried to put through legislation that would have reduced salaries to $53,000 plus a $3,000 benefit credit which went nowhere. Now the rank and file member of the ON Congress makes $65,000 plus $8,400 in a benefit credit or cash equivalent plus additional $2,100 for travel to equal $75,500 a year per member. This comes to a whopping $906,000 just for the members of Congress alone.

    5. In addition, the Speaker and 2nd Speaker get an additional $3,000 expense allowance.

    6. Tina if you don’t mind me calling you by your first name.
      For the area they live and the few that they are.
      Are you aware of the living cost back home?
      How many days they get paid for?
      $ 6250.00 a month. There of.
      This is highway robbery.
      Is this posted anywhere?

  59. With regard to the new Candidate Forum scheduled for tomorrow:


    The additional information states that The Osage News will also live stream the event.

    There are a number of concerns that I have with this event. According to the Osage News article, "...the way the law is currently written, it prohibits the Editorial Board and Editor from participating in any political campaign or “political activity,” such as a debate." See Taping this event on a live stream basis by the Osage News may well violate that prohibition since the editor may have to approve of such activities in order for them to take place as the person in management with authority at the Osage News. In addition, the Campaign Election Code of the Osage Nation prohibits any candidate from the use of Osage Nation resources for campaign purposes. A strict reading of the law may include participating in a debate or forum that is using Osage Nation cameras, video taping equipment and internet capability that are resources of the Osage Nation that may become a violation of the law which may place the candidates who participate in this event in a position to have their campaign/s invalidated by the Election Board. I really think that the Attorney General of the Osage Nation needs to take a closer look at both the Free Press Act and the Osage Nation Election Code including the Rules and Regulations of the Osage Nation Election Board before any such events are scheduled in the future.


  60. One thing about Tina Allen. She's been there as one of the most interested and involved members of the Osage Nation there is and she has been so over the last 12 years. She's not a come-lately like some would suggest but has been around from before this government was even formed. She keeps up with everything of an important political nature involving the Mineral Estate going on and more and reports it here to this Osage Blog that she has created in service to the Osage people. She probably knows almost as much about the legislative side of the Osage Nation and their activities as any incumbent candidate running for Congressional office today. She cares, she's there for all of us on a daily basis and she can prove it. Remember that when you fill out your absentee ballot or vote in Pawhuska in June.

    1. My new campaign video is up and online at

    2. Correction to the Campaign Video: the Bluestem Ranch cost $74,000,000 not $176,000,000. This was a mistake. I do apologize, I misspoke.

  61. Not to miss! See

  62. fyi - quarterly payment as of March 2018 announced on Nation's website.

  63. What's June payment?

    1. It will be reported here:

  64. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE -- DUE TODAY: This is my letter to Dr. B J Howerton, MBA on the "CATEX" situation:

    Dr. B J Howerton, MBA

    I am an Osage Mineral Estate Headright Owner writing to express my support to amend its categorical exclusions (CATEXs) under the National Environmental Policy Act where the Osage Mineral Estate is concerned.

    Four years ago our Osage Mineral Estate was booming with oil and gas income higher than it has ever been in history and wells were being approved in the hundreds by the Osage Agency Superintendent. The estate was as healthy and prosperous. Soon the Bureau began a plan to layer one series of regulations on the Osage Mineral Estate after another. Not long after, litigation ensued and environmental rules and regulations were adopted that I still don’t quite understand if they are valid or invalid. The result has been devastating. Leases are being approved at 5 or less a month. Many of our oil and gas producers have not left but have fled the Osage as a result of the business environment being so unstable and we are in a downward spiral in a manner that is totally unacceptable on the part of the Department of the Interior and Bureau of Indian Affairs that has a legal Trust obligation, responsibility and duty of loyalty putting us first above all that is owed to the Osage Nation, the Osage Mineral Estate, and in particular to the Headright owners who are the beneficiaries of the Osage Mineral Estate Trust. This obligation includes the support and development of the Osage Mineral Estate not its decimation and destruction.

    I am but one person who is asking for your consideration in this matter. Like many, I am of retirement age and depend on the income that I receive from the quarterly Headright payment checks. Many others with families will also be affected as well. We are the ones on the ground who are losing this battle with the layers upon layers of unnecessary and overweening regulations that are killing our Mineral Estate and therefore our source of financial support.

    Please include the Agency’s responsibilities as set out in 25 CFR 226 as a Categorical Exclusion as per the proposal made by the Osage Nation Minerals Council.

    Thank you,

    Tina R. Allen, Osage Headright Shareholder

    (Sent via e-mail to and MUST BE RECEIVED TODAY, MAY 7, 2018!)

    1. You still have time to send by letter and have it be postmarked today!

      Dr. B J Howerton, MBA
Branch Chief -- Environmental and Cultural Resource Management
      C/O Department of the Interior

      12220 Sunrise Valley Drive

      Reston, VA 20192

  65. Apparently, from the e-mail correspondence I have been receiving of late, there has been a change on the ground as to how many Osage Nation members are included in the application of Federal Grants that we have received. At this point in time, it's being disclosed that "all the current grants are based on the Indian populations within the areas served by the grant program." There apparently has been a change from the time when the entire population of the Osage Tribe/Nation used to be put forward on grant applications to the Federal government.

    1. This is big news for me. I believe you, but is there a website (gov. ?) we can read it? Do you know if this is part of the Trump administration change?

    2. I have been tapped on the shoulder, so to say, by a member of Congress who insists that this is the truth though I have been told over the years as if it's gospel, from equally credible sources, that all members of the Osage Nation have been included for grants and Federal funding. I am working on getting information about a number of the grants and will research this when I come back into Pawhuska in June. Surely the grant for the Language App would have included all of us as a total population but until I see the applications for all of the grants and other Federal funding we have in place, I am taking the prudent path of noting that this new information has come in to me and until I have it in writing, I will leave it as so noted. It has nothing to do with the Trump administration, it's applications to obtain Federal grants and funding submitted by the Osage Nation government. I believe in trust with verification so I want to leave it this way and move forward until I have more hard information and the paperwork sitting in front of me.

  66. This is wonderful!

  67. The Osage Nation is hiring! See

  68. Oops...
    Cousin says AG candidate (GENTNER DRUMMOND) advised her to lie in Oklahoma divorce case

  69. I don't know if this is good or bad. I tend to wish that the Supreme Court refused to hear the case and that would have been the end of it. See

    1. On the Wind Farm Case at the U.S. Supreme Court: "By placement of the turbine foundation and other materials, defendants trespassed on the Osage mineral estate, in violation of law and, in doing so, caused damage to the estate," government attorneys alleged in an amended complaint for damages. "The insertion and placement of materials or structures in the mineral estate is a continuing trespass and diminishes the estate or diminishes the use and enjoyment of the mineral estate." See

    2. More comments on the U.S. Congressional take on the Trust relationship:

    3. FYI: Native American Caucus- US House Of Representatives, 115th Congress (2017-2018)

    4. We do know one thing for sure the wind farm has hurt the Estate there is no denying the truth represented by the facts.
      For the SCOTUS to rule differently would set the Precedent in Indian Country that all our land is for the take.
      Cynthia Boone has done a Great job representing the M.E.
      It is my opinion the SCOTUS will not hear the case.

    5. Someone explain to me why the Minerals Council turned down over $400 million dollars for the big electric line to come through the southern part of Osage county? Payment is down so low, and you turn down that kind of money to the mineral estate? I'm not voting for any of the current members. Idiots.

    6. I have to agree. But their hands are so bound by the actions or behest of the BIA.
      But as I have said before there is so Minch we can be doing ourselves without being regulated.
      Set up office.
      Full time M.C. members.
      We need to trend and as it is lol I do not know if the mapping of the estate is done or not.
      There is just no communication what so ever to the Headright owners. Which I find peculiar.
      How do we dispute what we do not know or give feedback one way or the other.
      Good rhetoric bad rhetoric all the same our views we just do not have a voice.
      How do you think we became a Government or Nation. I am pretty sure even if we did put our input, this catastrophe would have never taken place.
      We are in this together and I would prefer that a few would stay with us such as Boone and I know she would come out as a career politician but I have heard her for many years. I used to cal Mrs. Kravitz and I understand why she is the way she is.
      Not only her Stephanie Erwin. In my opinion of course.
      Change needs to come in the worse way for our M.E. we must grow or we die.
      We should have been operating and advertising and building our reputation after what the BIA has done to the M.E.
      We are the drivers what is on paper is on paper we need feet on the ground making sure the BIA is up to speed otherwise we will be in the court of opinion for the rest of the life of the Estate.
      Customer service is so invaluable and we should have been under damage control but how can we if we do not even know what we are doing other than having yearly expose .
      Don’t forget we had other elements that affected our estate but all the same we live in the 21st century and we are still doing the same thing over and over again.
      My forte is customer service with emphasis in Buisness management and there are only certain conclusions I can come to why we are where we are at.
      Our incompetence.

    7. I meant just incompetence plays a huge role.

    8. "Change needs to come in the worse way for our ME we must grow or we die."

      and "...there is so much we can be doing ourselves without being regulated."

      The ME is a gas and oil "business," and once was the "richest" in the U.S. I agree, there has been many circumstances attributing to the downfall of the ME. The MC office procedure/setup has not worked, having 8 MC members has not worked, the BIA (our Trustee) has practically buried the ME (we cannot depend on the BIA to devote their duties on our behalf, the BIA's first concern is to cover themselves in the previous lawsuit and any future chance of a lawsuit, and the BIA follows orders directly from the Dept. of the Interior), the EPA regulations has strangled us and we are still choking, the WH has cut budgets and so has every state and it affects Indian Country (it's going to be a struggle for years to come to solve problems such as orphan wells, etc.), there's been no talk or action of advancing the ME (such as the electric line, working with energy companies, don't have our own pipe lines, refineries, transportation/railway, etc., we are an independent entity and we can venture into other businesses if it enhances the ME), producers have left Osage County to go to lower OK City where there's less EPA and permit restrictions most likely to never return (it's all about making money, something the MC overlooks), the Oklahoma Corporate Commission would jump at the chance to get control/regulate the ME, the headright owners have had to worry about others (the Chief and the MC) taking any action without our voice and vote (such as talks of "compacting" and that would be "illegal" on their behalf), we all know about lack of communication to the shareholders (i.e. the WH meetings going on for over a year), the dropping of the MC newsletter (and starting up again near the new election), I don't understand the free for all attorney fees from the ME account? (is the ME account being accounted for?), and earthquakes creating shutdowns and limited drilling of barrels per day (people, we can't control the weather and mother earth, so hope you have put emergency funds in your budget), individual lawsuits against us delaying progress (loss of revenue, loss of precious time and the appeals to add to the dilemma), there was that one important meeting (?) that no one attended and S. Erwin stated "they don't listen to us anyway."--we cannot afford that way of thinking.). All these negative remembrances are not "water under the bridge," don't forget them, we cannot afford to repeat them, then there was the "ethics" problems (may the new MC members learn from the MC's mistakes).

      Of course it's not all on the MC, but I don't see any betterment if we end up with the same MC after the election.

      Why have a Chairman and a Director? We definitely need a MC member who has the patience to listen to each MC who wants to speak, and not get aggravated at what they are saying or suggesting and cut them short of finishing. I listen to the meetings and I want to hear what each one has to say!

    9. Granted, at times, the Chairman can be a thumping bore but I like him all the same. He speaks in a convoluted way but I think he knows the inning and the score. I do wish he's let the others speak though. We are in agreement there.

      Secondly, there are very important reasons why the Mineral Estate MUST be protected from the outright ownership and management of the Osage Nation government. They do not manage business affairs in an appropriate manner on so many levels and it's apparently gone from bad to worse if what's being reported in social media is correct and it's very unwise to ignore it. This has gone from a feasible idea to out-of-the-question in four short weeks and we have no business getting tied up with them and ANY of their assets. They are going to have to go a long way to prove that they can manage the Mineral Estate after this recent blow up of the LLC's again. Sorry to disappoint everyone because I know that this is such a desired arrangement but this is a very bad idea, period, right now and in the foreseeable future.

    10. I surely agree with you and I have been pointing this out for some time. Much appreciate your reply.
      Right the meaning of insanity is, doing the same thing over again with the same outcome every time.
      We are in the court of opinion every time.
      This has to stop!
      Listen I have multi-million dollar businesses with many hands to support besides myself.
      We had a team that worked well. That knew how to get the “ JOB” done!
      Worst case scenario, had we taken the helm from the BIA what? Fine? Walk the paper work to the BIA for a stamp of approval? Is it that hard to process , I don’t think so.
      We need a working body, set up shop. Simple. Get on with the task of building, it doesn’t do it by itself.
      The Nation was built on a lie. And anything they do goes into their pockets and they smile and they we tried. It’s a joke.
      They are regulating the money to death.
      The resources are there and it’s located at the Nation and anyone who wants to dispute this go ahead and try. I have more smarts on my little pinky than you will ever know. It’s ours.

    11. Now this is exactly what I'm talking about

      Now just imagine if the OME assets were tied up in this developing mess? The Osage Nation isn't ready to run any business, never mind the Osage Mineral Estate. Please say you get this because if you don't you're just being stubborn or obtuse or both.

    12. I do. And guess what we hust might bribg back our true Government for the People the Osage Mineral council. This TALLCHIEF might just petition on this. I sm pissed, my rights have been abrogated as yours have to, lied to.

    13. Sorry big fingers on little keyboard.

    14. There is a Special Session to sort out this LLC business out on June 5, 2018, the day after the Election. See 12th Special Session information at

      I hope then that they have the good sense to begin to set up an oversight hearing too.

    15. No problem. ;) May 19, 2018 at 10:38 AM


  70. This, coupled with the move of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem in Israel, indicates it's well worth watching seriously:

  71. Excellent Osage Shareholder's Meeting today with the Candidates. I couldn't hear particularly well at times but it was very good in the main.

  72. Question: Set aside for a second that the the head of an organization is having her organization host a debate (if you can call it that), for an office that she is seeking, which is suspect in and of itself.

    It has been reported that before the OSA Mineral's Debate is posted or more generically "shared" it is going to be edited by the OSA. As Susan "Revard" Foreman is Chairman of the OSA, the OSA hosted the meeting, and she's running for Minerals, wouldn't any editing by the OSA potentially be a conflict? If any editing favors or disfavors one candidate over the other would the whole thing have to be reported by a candidate or candidates as a political contribution?

    Why in the hell would any organization even consider going down this road? ...Oh wait, nevermind. Forgot where I was for a second.

    1. It is so a conflict of interest in itself.

    2. To 12:44 PM----WOW! Talk about sour grapes. It's obvious that you weren't even at the candidate forum that you are so roundly criticizing. How Sad! I don't recall the OSA ever sponsoring a candidate forum that was even publicized, much less recorded, filmed or video taped.

      Nine candidates attended and all were given an equal opportunity to speak to the issues presented. All were given the opportunity to introduce themselves, and at the closing, all were given the opportunity to address any issue they chose. All nine availed themselves of this opportunity. FIVE DID NOT!

      I understand that Myron Red Eagle was physically sick. The other 4, all members of the current MC, just couldn't find the time to come tell us why they deserve this $36,000 per year part time job that we shareholders have given them. Part of that $36,000 comes out of my royalty check and believe me, I WILL NOT VOTE FOR THEM! They are crouched back in their little corner of the world, whining that someone is taking unfair advantage of them by putting on this candidate forum. B. S.

      The thing that is "unfair', is how little respect these 4 clowns show for the shareholders. We have a lawyer, an oil & gas accounting specialist, an engineer, an Osage county oil and gas producer, an environmental specialist, and several others well versed in the problems facing MC4, all offering their time and expertise. Let's take full advantage of the services offered by these professionals.
      We must get rid of the clowns. We don't need this continuing circus. According to MC rules, a 4 to 4 vote is a "no" vote. Many times in the last 4 years, real progress has been blocked by these 4 individuals, and many more good ideas have not been presented, because it was known that these 4 would not support them. THEY'VE GOT TO GO!

      Let's elect a new Minerals Council with the ability to put us on top again.

    3. A grape is a grape sour or not. The fact remains that the chair of an organization has been at monthly meetings instructing members of said organization that all sitting councilmen get an "F" and then had the same organization, she heads, host an event for the office she is seeking.

      In the real world, regardless of forum or rules of debate, that would be damn close to a PAC working for a candidate and would be a violation of election law. I'm sure the OSA has nothing to worry about in the Osage. It is the Osage after all.

      Vote for who you like. I'm just pointing out another case of, at best, bad judgement, getting glossed over in the Osage. Which is kinda how we got where we are.

      A grape is grape I don't care what taste it leave in anybodies mouth.

    4. Not to mention that members of that organization pay dues that provide the space, the podium and now events for her to speak on. Sounds awfully close to an in-kind contribution.

    5. To be fair, I just heard word that the storm this weekend caused damage to the property of Cynthia Boone which has affected her livestock and needed to be taken care of on Sunday. This may also be true of another MC candidate as well. See

    6. I'm not giving those 5 a pass for not being there. They all should have been there. In the same vain Foreman shouldn't get a pass for an in-kind contribution.

    7. LIVESTOCK??---She had one horse--years ago--and it died.

    8. She has goats and other livestock. Let's not get weird.

    9. Susan is a joke. She wants full control and wants to censor SH.

  73. This thread is now closed. Go to:
