Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Archive #47: Osage Shareholder Matters--May-July 2018

This thread is now closed. Go to: http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2018/07/osage-shareholder-matters-july-2018.html


  1. Can someone please share with me why there is a gross production tax?

  2. Now on Nation's website $4,200 per full headright June quarterly payment.

  3. Just got the fliers from the Revards in regards to them running for council.
    We definitely need experience but how does your experience differ from our existing and prior M.C’s and how do you plan on moving the M.E into a profitable estate considering the restraints the BIA has on the estate?

    1. This is Susan Revard Forman speaking. I rarely come to this page so will not see all questions posted. Another person advised me of this question. Paul Revard is the "only" Candidate who has actually put capital together for drilling prospects, drilled wells for 41 years and managed production among many other aspects of the Industry. He likes to say his experience encompasses from the "prospect to the pipeline". His knowledge will be crucial when the BIA finally presents the new CFRs for comment & approval. Susan Revard Forman brings professional skills, experience and knowledge that the Mineral Estate has NEVER had which are technical, analytical and management expertise in Natural Gas Marketing, Transportation and Processing. Susan Revard Forman knows the Natural Gas Value Chain "From the wellhead to the burnertip!" and knows where to find the losses and correct them. BIA hurdles are our greatest challenge right now but Paul and I both have the skills to work with decision makers to lay out the problems and suggest multiple solutions. This is a public site so I will not expose our plans. That would give our adversaries a hand up but if you would like more information and you are an Osage Headright Shareholder please email or call me at the contact info you were given in fliers and I will be glad to answer your questions!

    2. Welcome and and I'm happy to have you, Susan! Thank you for coming to the Osage Blog to share your thoughts and answer constituent questions.

    3. Gosh, Thank you again Osageblogger for this site once again.
      Had I not had Six family members come under serious health issues, I too would be running for council.
      With all do respect, it is not only time we realize our mistakes and learn from them and put foot action to the ground.
      I can surmise what is going to happen and what needs to happen so long ago, should have happened already.
      Thank you so much Susan Foreman for addressing my concern as you well know a lot of us have no faith in the existing M.C.
      Communication is so elemental to our success from with in and out and with respect to marketing as well.
      Transparency is over due. How can we help if we don’t know what we don’t know right?
      My experience in the many fields I have accomplished tells me that you care, coupled with experience, long over due and needed soooo, desperately.
      Time to rid the politics that have plagued our M.E and get to business building the reputation we once had.
      Time to rid the cancer. And we all know what that means. From head to toe. Clean house with the exception of who I think will be viable and consistent is Erwin and Boone. My hope is that the both of you are nominated.
      Thank you Mrs. Forman for your response and thanks to the person who led you to this site.
      Imagine that we have communication with ou

    4. Soon to be elected officials. Keep it going.

    5. Wilson Pipestem is banging on about the HPP price and I guess, wanting that futures index, the Nymex rate put in like was sent down in the proposed CFRs. Sonny Abbot took the lead on this. Is he influence peddling again using Wilson to lobby headright owners on the Osage Facebook sites to start knocking back candidates that Sonny, the Chief, Andrew Yates and Galen Crum don't like and don't want elected to the MC?

      Because he's attorney, does Wilson have to make full disclosure if asked if he's lobbying and being paid to do it by anyone at all or does he see some benefit in being highly visible and getting something started now to get business from the Osage Nation in the future? Remember, he came out and admitted that he's not a member of the Osage Nation and he can't even vote for the Nation's elected officials. He can only vote his shares in the MC upcoming election.

    6. More than anything else, the fight over that Nymex price is going to destroy oil and gas production in the Osage.

    7. The NYMEX price is a easier way to calculate the method than it is to do the other way, HPP.
      There is less room for error.
      I would rather be taking a additional 10% there of in my checks as opposed to the other way around.
      The HPP case we could have been paid way more than what we had received from the the suit.
      The only reason to keep the status quo, personally I cannot think of a reason not to grow.
      Thus far our growth has pretty much stalled and this needs to change to bring interest back to the Estate. And if we need to hire geologists to come on here and map our estate with days not years yes I said it, let’s not milk the cow sorta speak.
      Off topic,
      I am for the Revards joining the team, and it can be construed a conflict of interest having to members of the same family on one team.
      For more than one reason, I am leaving this door open if change needs to come sooner.
      I like change because you cannot grow and it needs to come in the worse way.
      Second I had a question, when there was a tie with the Mineral Council why is the Chief not the tie Breaker?

    8. Really? So which contract are we working with on any given day? 1-2-3 or 4? Isn't this a futures price and isn't it to sell an asset, such as a commodity at a predetermined future date and price? For any given day, how far in the future is the sell date?


    9. To poster on May 25, 2018 at 8:02 AM

      Wilson Pipestem argued heavily in federal court that the HPP award go to the Osage Nation instead of the Osage shareholders.

      He was playing word games with the federal judge that the term "Osage Nation" replaced "Osage Tribe" as per the 1906 Act.

      These two terms have been used interchangeably for decades.

      The 1906 Act is still the law and PL 108-431 is only a REAFFIRMATION OF CERTAIN RIGHTS OF THE OSAGE
      TRIBE to govern themselves.


      Pipestem, Gray, et al wants you to believe that the new Osage government supersedes and does away with the 1906 Act.

      THIS IS A LIE.

      This government was created to terminate the shareholder's rights the the minerals estate, control the casino revenue for the benefit of the Nation officers and employees (family members only), and invest in capital enterprises....for the benefit of certain Osages.

      Don't forget, Raymond Redcorn wants to tax the minerals estate.



    10. Thank you. And thanks for reminding us of his intent again less should we forget.

    11. Ha ha ha Raymond can take a Hike and. That’s putting it nicely to say the least.
      Next get rid of the gross production tax.
      That’s so illegal. It’s like we are paying to play.

    12. In fact if we go there again we will shut this Government yes The Nation we will shut it down and we can return it to the M.C which I am for.

    13. In case you're interested, what's all this about declaring a "State of Emergency" and then robbing the college fund to get the money to save the LLCs? We have a permanent fund for direct services to the Osage people. If you take from the education fund then you replace the money out of the permanent fund. You make these mistakes you pay for them, don't make us pay for them because you won't do what's necessary to mind after our invested money in a legitimate business manner. IOW,...DON'T GO THERE!

    14. Please, tell us about the 1906 act. About how it made the Osage Nation from being one of the richest nations in the planet to one of the poorest.
      Tell us how it benefited a couple of made up families while dumping on the nation as a whole.

  4. See Campaign Videos recorded in locations outside of Osage County at


    (Be sure to click on the photo of the video and it will begin to play.)

  5. Anyone head when June disbursement is coming?

    1. At the earliest at the end of the month if you have an IIM account. Checks go out some time after the 1st of June or you can have direct deposit right into your bank account. Call the OST.



  6. WARNING -- IF YOU ARE GOING TO THE ELECTION AND STAY OUTSIDE, BE SURE TO WEAR BUG SPRAY! My mother got bit by a tick while sitting outside waiting for the election results in 2002. We came back home to Colorado and within a few days she was horribly ill. The tick was infected with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and she nearly died. She was in the hospital for 13 days and it took all summer for her to recover. Read this article about a related Rickettsial disease: https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/25/health/tick-disease-prevention-tips/index.html
    See also http://www.news9.com/story/29774284/oklahoma-victim-of-rocky-mountain-spotted-fever-is-warning-others

  7. Dear Tribal Leader Letter as in a "Dear John"? See https://www.indianz.com/News/2018/05/23/trump-administration-finally-informs-tri.asp

    1. Just as the swindlers who rammed the new osage government down our throats and left every osage in demise so to will the feds reorganize the DOI to eventually cut all ties to the "sovereign" nations tribes.

      Yep, the axe is gonna fall and only the osage people will suffer while the political and government employed fat cats in pawhuska will simply give themselves more raises and bonuses.

    2. "...and left every osage in demise..." -- in one of the Chiefs candidate talks(video) he mentioned that there were some (Osages) who "did not" join the Nation (2006). One day you're a proud Osage tribal member and the next thing you know is the tribe has ceased to exist. So does that make them not part of a recognizable tribe?

    3. On the 7 minute recording of Zinke speaking, he said he personally believed that the "subsurface" is BLM, and that the BIA is a people department.

      He said NEPA and Permitting would be unified in the same region. The BIA is not incorporated in this reorganization as of yet (and if they are, they will have their turn for authority for two years on the rotation), but that the Nations can decide on it.

      The two year rotation of authority of the regions seems futile: "...Tribes could be faced with having to educate a new regional director every two years."

      "The Eastern Oklahoma Region would be dissolved and those Tribes would be included in a Region that includes all of Oklahoma, Eastern New Mexico and Texas."

      Oklahoma's consultation is scheduled for August.

    4. Less is not more especially in our case.

    5. Will this mean a dissolution of the Osage Agency? If that's so, woah!

  8. Are we not a Sovereign Nation? Read this, http://osagenews.org/en/article/2018/05/31/seven-oklahoma-tribes-push-back-fcc-order/
    I just got back from the grocery store talking about the very same thing about the 5G towers and the harm it can cause. Do the research and google it. This is some scary stuff and the irony and it all started by my conversation and I was joking but I was complaining about our weather and then I said to the cashier while I was in line I’m tired then everyone around me said the same thing hmm , then I joked it must be the 5G towers and everyone said they just read up on them and it’s some scary stuff. This is by far then what harm can come from the Wind Farms.

    1. Sorry this is by far worse harm compared to the Wind Farms.

  9. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/06/01/us-becoming-more-energy-independent-on-path-to-being-biggest-oil-producer-in-world.html

    We are path to being the largest producer in the World and where are we on this map?

  10. Congratulations to everyone who won in the Minerals Council election! See https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews/

    1. Not Margo Gray. Really.

    2. She rode in on the coattails of Catherine Pearson's relentless Powerhouse team advertising campaign. Margo was hired by Nation to do some construction related job and her work was so bad it had to be redone. The cost was through the roof by the time it was finally over with and proved that she is totally FOC. The Osages are so easily swayed despite the facts in front of them and how quickly they forget the past or just ignore it. When they finally go down for the count, they will have it coming big time.

    3. Sad day when it happens. But we shall see what the future holds not sure when the going down is going to happen ,but the failure will be there’s and ours to bear.

    4. worse is that Redeagel that got put in again. he'll do anything the Chief and his brother tell him to do with the minerals. some people are so dumb

  11. Marsha Harlan is NOT the kind of person who will be for all Osage Shareholders. When she was a judge in Pawhuska I witnessed her bullying and underhanded ways first hand. It was gross and she gets her sisters involved as well. She is conniving and will stab you in the back when it serves her or her sisters purpose. So if you are an Osage you need to make sure you watch your back when dealing with Marsha Harlan. Marsha Harlan revels in other Osages misery and is in the business of ruining lives and laughing about it. She takes joy in bringing down our fellow Osages. And cannot stand it when other Osage Women do well. Stop voting for this terrible person. You are hurting our tribe!!

  12. 258 total votes and so grateful to each and every one of you who voted for me in the Osage Nation election! Thank you with everything I am. This election was a surprise in a number of respects and we must now be more vigilant than ever because major changes are up ahead that may not be in the best interest of the majority of the Osage Nation members and also the headright owners. Keep posting your comments right here on the Osage Blog at https://osageblog.blogspot.com as the evolution of our new government continues forward.

    1. I voted for you. No one that I voted for in the Nation election was elected. Does anyone find that peculiar? Standingbear must have taken plays from the Team Osage playbook. I guess this time Kugee didn’t want to play. It amazes me that the people re-elected Standingbear but apparently there are more who think and act like him than I thought. Naivety on my part, I continue to think the best of people rather than the opposite. ----------There were only two that I voted for in Minerals that were elected and that was the two Revards’. Hopefully they can hold their own and bring some common sense to the table. Good luck to them. That in itself will be a high bar to tackle.------------ Saddest thing is that the Federal Government will assume that because Standingbear was reelected, the whole of the Osage people apparently respect him. (Naivety on their part). ------- My respect goes to Maria Whitethorn for her strong character and determination. Admirable qualities needed for the job. --------So. I say thanks to Tina, Maria, Cynthia, Stephanie, Joe, R.E., and others for continued concern for the interest of the Osage people.

    2. Great. No accountability, well we Osage are going to put a fire stick under them, I knew Standingbear was going to win,
      Though it would have been nice had Whitehorn won.
      How in the heck can anyone trust him I do not know. Except they want to keep the status quo.
      Now we have a Gray back in office hmmm.

    3. Thank you so much for your vote. I'm dismayed to a large degree about a number of those who won and lost their respective elections. Chief is sure to completely control the Congress and the Osage people have lost the day for certain now. How he could betray us the way he has is unthinkable. He will continue to run the table and who knows what it will look like in four more years. Dreadful and horrific.

    4. I see the writing on the Wall. Thanks for the go at it, Tina. My bet you do everything in your life accordingly, with true morals and ethics.

    5. You're so very welcome. It was an adventure! I do my very best despite what ugly and untruthful things may be said about me! ; )

  13. Thank you Cynthia and Stephanie. You provided voices of reason to offset Galen's constant orations about the benefits of more stringent CFR's.

    1. The Feds will have carte blanche with the new team Osage in the drivers seat now. The new CFRs will wipe us out as if that isn't the case already.


  15. Jim Perrier, I met a couple of ladies who are award winning Stock Contractors for rodeos. Any chance of an Osage rodeo on the Bluestem Ranch?

    1. I believe a few years ago the Osage Casino sponsored an all Indian rodeo at Skiatook. They only did it once. What I'm trying to say it is hard to make money putting on a rodeo. The branch might sponsor a pasturevroping or something but doubt it brings in buckets of money. Most folks aren't interested in attending a rodeo anymore. The Ponca City rodeo has very poor attendance. The gate charge is $12 to $15 to get in and most aren't willing to pay that. The rodeo committee has to charge that much just to help cover expenses.

    2. OK. Well that's too bad. I thought it sounded like a good idea.

    3. Wait til we come out with a finger print access to your accounts and able to pay for everything that way, less worry about hacking into your account.

  16. Talk at Grayhorse. Now that the Chief controls Congress he can do whatever he wants with the ranch. Look for leases going to his buddies. Forget legitimate competitive bids.

    1. Weca. Re-call him

    2. Bet a certain Freeman is thrilled with that news.

    3. They want to keep hold of that money and will vote in anyone who says they will protect them and what they're being paid. One constituent I spoke with recently said that they needed information and the person answering the phone didn't have it. Apparently there is no one trained to handled business during business hours in the event that the only person there with the necessary information is out of the office. I'm hearing $90,000 for the salary for this person who should be there or should train another employee to provide departmental information to the public.

  17. The Minerals Council election results are being challenged in Federal Court. See:


    What happens next is being determined at this time. An internal Osage Minerals election challenge is one thing but a challenge in Federal Court is quite another.

    1. Thing is with Cynthia, while she was there the Nation sued and they lost. When the MC sued they won. Plus she went off to testify in Washington a couple of years ago and got the MC $3,00,000,00. I don't care if she's Queen A**ed B**ch of the Year, she gets results and I like those results. A whole hell of a lot.

    2. $3,000,000. The Nation spends money. Under Cynthia, they have money coming in and not going out. I like that a whole hell of a lot too.

    3. Well our rights were violated when the citizens were able to vote in the Mineral Council election when we first became a Government right?
      What changed as a matter of fact I am going to sue the Federal Government as well
      And Cynthia is right.

    4. See http://osagenews.org/en/article/2018/06/12/osage-minerals-council-election-results-being-questioned/

  18. See https://www.facebook.com/groups/247282649053762/permalink/447378585710833/

  19. This could be very important to us where treaties are concerned. See the article and the bottom of the page that references the Muscogee (Creek) Nation: Treaty tribes score unusual victory in closely-watched Supreme Court case at https://www.indianz.com/News/2018/06/11/treaty-tribes-score-unusual-victory-in-c.asp

    In summary, "The Osage Reservation was established by the Cherokee treaty of July 19, 1866 (xIv, 804); by order of Secretary of the Interior, Mar. 27, 1871; by an act of June 5, 1872 (xvII, 228); and by a deed from the Cherokee, dated June 14, 1883 (Indian Deeds, vi, 482)[1]." See https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Osage_Indian_Reservation_(Oklahoma)

    The 1906 Osage Allotment Act reserved the mineral rights but it didn't transfer them away from the original legal instrument, the Cherokee deed of sale to the property held in trust by the government of United States of America in 1883. This document (Deed) does not discriminate between branches of the Federal government. What is written on the deed assigns the Trust obligation to ALL of the branches of the United States government including the Legislative, the Executive and most importantly, the Judicial. See https://www.facebook.com/preservingourculture/photos/a.10150344628154399.366556.260704184398/10156049106784399/?type=3&theater

    1. I can barely read it.

    2. This may establish grounds for the reestablishment of our reservation status in Federal Court.

    3. Right. Thank you was just researching this and I came down to the same conclusion but The Federal Government already recognizes and through out the History in so many books says we are as well to support this. Now my question is how did we lose the status in the first place? And how did this go undiscovered or disclosed? Who knew this and didn’t.
      This is why we needed you in Congress. You just do not quit for the Osage People, this in Osage got it wrong!!!
      Why so low voting in the Osage if we have 15 thousand Osage’s? Hope Cynthia Boone finds out what she is looking for.

    4. "Why so low voting in the Osage if we have 15 thousand Osage’s? "
      Because most people understand that the tribe is corrupt beyond redemption. Now it's just fighting to steal what pennies are left before the oil runs dry or getting a spot at the hog trough in the new gov for some of that casino cash.

    5. I'm reprinting my comment from the Conversation Page of the Osage Blog in February:

      QUESTIONS FOR THE MEMBERS OF THE OSAGE NATION: Spending is important to me as a Congressional candidate and so is fairness. Let's mix it up a little...

      Do we really need to have attorneys being paid $125,000 a year plus benefits for a part time job?

      Do we need to have full disclosure from the Osage Nation as to how many attorneys are actually being paid by the Osage Nation with a total compensation figure, if not a per attorney amount disclosed per year to the Osage people in the pertinent budgets?

      Should the Osage people have the salaries and bonuses detailed, line item by line item, in each budget of the entire Executive Branch including the budget for the Office of the Chiefs, the Judicial Branch and the Legislative Branch like they used to be before the elected and appointed officials of the Osage Nation became afraid of the reaction of the Osage people if they knew?

      Do we need to be paying an additional $15,000 a year for those with Doctorate Degrees? $10,000 for Master's Degrees?

      Do we really need to be paying salary increases and bonuses at $350,000 a year to those who work directly for the Osage Nation government?

      Do we need to have a Human Resources review of the pay scale of those salaries every few years using indexes that involve Federal government workers in areas with salary levels more in line with those who work in Washington D.C., New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles?

      Do those who work for the Osage Nation government who benefit from these salary increases and bonuses yearly who serve the Osage people actually satisfy the constituents with the professionalism that they should for the amount paid and level of compensation that they receive?

      Should we be hearing from the elected officials that there isn't the money to make additional benefits available to the membership because of the current level of spending when to the average member who really studies the situation closely, it looks like they are throwing money at one another if they work directly for the Osage Nation?

      Choices have to be made. Does the government serve us as the Osage people or does it serve itself to our loss and our detriment? If it serves only itself and those who work for it, then the whole concept of this government has been turned upside down. These choices have been made in the past by our elected officials and we all knew that one of these days, it was going to have to hit the fan. You can't keep adding a hard cost from $350,000 a year plus and not have it eventually begin to harm the membership for whom this government was meant to serve. Now we've reached the tipping point and it has to stop. I speak with those from other Tribal communities who have compensation for their government employees at a much more reasonable pay scale and they are shocked to find out what is going on with us. Starting out with ANYONE being paid by the Osage Nation government $125,000 for a part time job! These people in government are taking shameful advantage of the situation and it's about time that someone finally has the guts to call their bluff. This is wrong; we know it and they know it.

    6. I could not agree more. And this is why you should have been elected.
      So the people are going to have to petition for change.
      We have our work ahead of our selves.
      Do you still have a copy of the voter list?
      We can start with our intent there to notify exactly what is going on at the upper echelon of our Government.

  20. The Minerals Council meeting is scheduled for tomorrow morning though the Nation's website hasn't posted it or the Agenda. There is information out there that the Minerals Council Election Supervisor, Billie Ponca, may be appearing at the meeting to give a report. Stay tuned.

  21. Mineral Council is being streamed live on video now at https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews/videos/1828544063873079/?notif_id=1529075189781388&notif_t=live_video_explicit

    1. Agenda is located at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/minerals-council-meeting-information-11

    2. I am going to have to take large issue with the Election Report of the MC Election Supervisor being heard in Executive Session! If our election has been mishandled in any way, we have the right to know about it in an open an transparent manner. What the hell is this>

    3. The upshot of yesterdays Minerals Meeting is that both the Election Supervisor and the BIA Superintendent were questioned in Executive Session. I have no idea why this would be necessary. We do too much of these behind closed doors information sharing sessions and I'd like both the Minerals Council and the Osage Nation government to begin a reform process to reevaluate and redetermine what is legitimate information necessary to be kept from the public and what is not.

    4. The report from the MC election supervisor will be released to the public at the meeting on Wednesday of the coming week.

  22. I have a question that some of you candidates may no better than me. As I remember, with regard to any recount on the Nation's and Mineral's elections, isn't the recount only by computer? There is no hand recount available to compare the actual paper ballot to what the computer says?

    1. Sorry Know not no...

    2. I don't know how they do it with the Minerals Election. It's separate from the General Election and I'm not certain how the two recount processes differ.

  23. Worth a look...

  24. OK. How does this happen? Isn't she supposed to wait until these challenges are fully resolved?

    1. So much for our after election break from Osage political activities. We have to watch these people like a damn hawk! As a Shareholder, I want to know that this was a clean and fair election without two different Councils' legitimacy questioned. Here we go with another divisive move on the part of the Osage Nation officials (Minerals Council appointed Election Supervisor) that will tear the Minerals Agency apart because no on will know if the election was really handled properly until the Federal challenge is heard and determined in court.

    2. For a further clarification, and not to stir the pot, I like Billie Ponca who I have known for years. She was among the friendliest faces that I saw at the election and I am devastated that things have turned out this way and I don't mind saying so. To have even the possibility of two Councils vying for legitimacy after an election that involves irregularities which has the possibility of tearing the Tribe apart as has been seen with other Tribal communities in the past, especially coming off of the LLCs blowing up in our faces yet again, is just about more than I can take. Emotions aside however, reason has to prevail here and we have to move through the process now that the election has been called into question. It's the only way that we won't fall into the gaping hole of two seated councils each with a questionable legitimacy. There are also people who I voted for who I want to go to work right away to establish the election campaign goals that they have put forward to the public so there's that as well but I don't want a MC election disaster to take place either. If we must have another election that doesn't involve a violation of provisions of the CFRs then so be it. The alternative is unthinkable.

    3. Neither Billie Ponca, nor the BIA, did anything wrong on election day. What we are seeing is 4 sore losers running up and down the halls screaming 'foul', with sour grapes dripping off their chins. You would think that after 12 years, they would have had a set of election rules that worked. But no--they had more important things to do. Now their legacy has bit them in the butt. Too bad.
      As for 2 sitting MC's, that's preposterous. The newly elected Council will take over July 2, and things will start happening that should have been happening for years.
      You 4 losers just sit back and watch their dust. Save your money, and try again in 4 years. Suing the BIA in federal court over this election is just a good example of the stupidity we shareholders have suffered for the last 4 years. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb! I'm just glad they are not doing it with shareholder money.

    4. Lol keep on telling yourself there’s going to be a dust up in July, just isn’t going to happen.
      We have been told so long that the M.C hands are tied because of the existing politics with the BIA. Voting no confidence what does that do, does that fire the superintendent right away? Does it pick up the slack for no confidence or the incompetence at the BIA?
      Absolutely not.
      So if you are the expert on this matter please tell me what the new candidates are going to do any differently?
      Because we should have voted no confidence in the M.C capabilities as well.

  25. MC Meeting Agenda for tomorrow's Meeting and Billie Ponca, the Election Supervisor, is on the it (f) for the election. I am hoping she will give the Election Report to the public. See https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/minerals-council-meeting-information-12

    1. Was the meeting not broadcast? I don't see where it's been posted either. What happened?

    2. See http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/2018-0620_3omc_pt1/

  26. My predictions about the OMC for the next four years. What are yours?

    1. The current legal council that has won cases against ENEL will be fired and replaced with Pipestem or the equivalent.

    2. If the case against ENEL prevails the Nation will take a cut of any settlement for some legalistic good-hearted ephemeral reason.

    3. TERA will be passed by the Nation and implemented in the belief that they will be the EPA in Osage County.

    4. ONES, or something like, it will be reformed and partner with some oil company with generousness lease concessions granted.

    5. The minerals function of the BIA will be compacted and the Nation will take over it's functions.

    6. The OMC will grant lease(s) to "ONES" business partner(s) at greatly reduced royalty rates with ONES (Nation) pocketing the difference.

    7. One man one vote will pass the OMC for our elections, and/or the OMC will become an appointed office under the Executive Branch of the Nation. (Ya know 'cause we want this run as a business but not that pesky voting your interest part.)

    8. Upon retirement, or "whatever", from the OMC several council members will be installed as directors for ONES, or as TERA regulators, at cushy Nation salaries and benefits.

    In sum, the Nation becomes a business partner with the producer and some sort of regulator EPA (TERA) type agency over it's partner. Then the OMC can get that partner leases at reduced royalty rates and make the Nation money via it's partnership and as regulator (with the ability to pick winners and losers). The Nation gets a little windfall of cash and shareholders, well hell, their greedy and don't matter anyway, right?

    Here's to hoping I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.

    1. To put a finer point on it, production goes up and your check goes down or doesn't grow relative to production anyway.

    2. Will not happen. For more than one reason. The resources are not theirs alone to make that decision alone. The impact would affect the resources greatly. Unless the resources to support such a move is derived from the Casinos of which the M.C is entitled to those resources. That’s not a lie. Tell me it isn’t and I will have you in the Federal courts so fast your head will be spinning. Not kidding.
      I already have one foot in the door, how our M.E it isn’t.

    3. And another thing I’ll be watching Grays moves as well. She should have never made it on the council.

    4. These are things that have been discussed by the Chief, ONES, and some on the OMC for more than the last four years. The above or some close variation of it is what they have been talking about. As recently as last December some of the OMC-Elect were publicly floating these ideas. They pulled back as the election got closer but this stuff comes from "them" all of "them."

      As for Federal Court, I'm all for it, but who is going to pay for it. I contributed to Jech/Tillman/Whitehorn/Tucker/Hall (whatever it was called) until it hurt, only to see it get to the 10th Circuit, then dropped at the last minute.(My belief it was dropped at Waller's direction, nothing to support it, just my feeling.) The biggest problem with court is, it's expensive and slow and by the time you get anywhere meaningful (even if you have money pouring in at the outset) the general public has lost interest by the time you get somewhere meaningful.

      Again, I'm all for going to Federal Court but the legalistic of paying for it have to be well thought out on the front end.

    5. Here's another reason I think the above is the likely scenario of events. The Nation has, at last report, a $7,000,000 short fall come October. They have to look somewhere to make up that money. They have an employee class to support. For the last several years they've been spending interest on deposits, that's gone. They've been cashing CDs, that's gone. All their revenue generating business have failed. So that shortfall is going to extend out into the future. It doesn't sound like a "one fiscal year problem".

      The only rock left to look under for money is Minerals.

    6. How right you are. I'm hearing rumors of the Chief sending a letter to the Congress wanting another $5 mill from gaming to bail him out again this year like last year for this budgeting cycle come September. The letter includes a laundry list that has all member based programs or benefits listed but not one mention of the money needed to support the 3%+3% raises and merit bonuses the employee class receives each year when we have employees stealing time, too many management class employed when unneeded in the first place and salaries upward of $45K - $90K a year. You can also include all the Tribal funding budgetary costs for divisions and departments, boards and commissions, study groups and task forces still on the books that only cost us money and never generate a dime. I hear that the LLCs have operating costs all in of anywhere from $50,000 to $70,000 a month! With not a single solitary operational business on the ground that generates a profit other than gaming, this inditement is scathing with $21 mill gone for whatever excuse they can give you. Chief is reported to think that he is now in full control of the Congress and he may be right. We'll have to see after the new Congress is seated. When Julie Malone was in her vetting process as a member of the Gaming Board, she mentioned that last year's $5 mill to bail out GSB was the cause of two areas of the new Tulsa Casino hotel not being finished. The casinos are income producing and we should never ever be taking away from a money making venture to give to what really amounts to government bureaucratic growth and development in budgets that never really send a dollar of direct services to the overall majority of the Osage Nation membership.

    7. I am a accountant and come Monday I will be filing with our State Ok a FOIA a request for our financial records from the right Dept.
      So there will be no delays with fees waived.
      It is so paramount to know what our Government is doing, how it is doing to gives us a informed balance as to how our vote matters.
      Because basically, you elected for more of the same and we cannot except this abuse of power with no accountability or transparency as to.
      Fiscal responsibility is so long over due.
      Once I can see the problem then I can pen it.
      We can surmise and my bet the corruption is knee deep.
      Final question I will bring this Government to its knees and turn this back to the M.C. or would you want a re-do of our Constitution.
      I will be calling and requesting additional information who our members are for their addresses to notify them of my intent.
      My intent is to shake up and shape up our Government and or shut it down.
      This was not the Government that was promised all built on lies had good intentions but to the tune of millions of our dollars over regulated and hurting the Osage. The writing is on the wall for all of us to see but no one wants to step up or come out and say we are out of control. If we can get a admission at least that’s a step in the right direction. But until then, we need to take back our Government for the people not the few.

    8. However you look at the predictions one thing is for how we got here in the first place had the Congress who we pay did their J.O.B. and protect our assets by the oath they sworn to do we would not be here where we are at.
      The answer is in creating legislation that would define what the executive can and cannot do would bring the fiscal resources back on the table of a Congress. If we cannot come to some consensus and compromise because virtually we have the same Chief that is going to continue to do what he does he has no shame in spending and reeling it in. And doing anything or looking at what they are doing. Because they do not care, if that is the case ,then we have no choice to hold them accountable.
      Remember it’s we the Osage who are Sovereign and everything we have is Sovereign because it is ours and we must protect the resources.

  27. http://osagenews.org/en/article/2018/06/22/non-shareholders-should-not-have-say-when-it-pertains-osage-mineral-estate/
    Read this.
    Twenty-five years ago, when I was pushing for membership and voting rights for all tribal members, I did not think it would result in non-shareholders gaining a say in the Osage mineral estate. That, however, is exactly what has happened.
    The point here is that as long as the Osage Nation continues to live under the 2006 Constitution, non-shareholders will have a tribal-constitutional right to vote on matters of the mineral estate, vis a vis constitutional amendments. Tribal members who disagree with this can (1) amend the 2006 Constitution using the 1994 Constitution. (ARTICLE II: PROTECTION OF THE MINERAL ESTATE) as a model, or (2) bring a court challenge to the 2006 Constitution for being in conflict with the Osage Allotment Act of 1906.
    It is like I had said, this is proof that our rights have been abrogated, and this justbtans my hide.
    This in no way shape or form is funny in the least.
    The irony in this article is , because some of us is paying attention and also understand that real harm by allowing non shareholders vote in matters of the M.E has been illegal. There is no excuse and it was no accident. Yes you would like us to remedy this situation but not before we go to a court.
    You get this fixed right away!!! We should not be the ones to fix this matter.
    We will see you in Federal Court on behalf of the shareholders you bet!!!

    1. Reading what I had just read you got to be kidding all after the fact. This was raised then it 2006 and why is it now being brought up? Lost rights is exactly what has happened and what a shame.Damage has been done already. Anybody want to speak to this?

    2. I plan to get a copy of the 1994 Constitution and compare it with the 2006 Constitution. Wonder how many Osages have done that already?

      The article mentions the notion of decreasing the amt. of council members. I am satisfied with the outcome of the MC election except the business lady and a judge. Do they have any oil and gas industry experience or knowledge, I hope they prove my pre-judgment of them "wrong." Why pay someone $40,000 a year to turn around and vote to hire a real professional for a higher salary than they get? Why not put professional hires in their slot? I am anxious for the new MC to get down to business.

    3. I have the copies and guess what it is in violation of the shareholders rights in the first place. That was a given.
      No one person who has nothing to do with the M.E has absolutely no say or power to do so. Rights were abrogated in the worse way.

  28. Doing individual EA's on each lease/permit is redundant. Seems the county-wide EA was working for the ME until the Donelson case. It can happen again, we need a legal loop hole to not allow one lawsuit to control and destroy so many lives (27 producers and their employees, and every headright owner).

    Osage News - April 24, 2018 - "Tenth Circuit dismisses Donelson case due to insufficient standing"

    "...BIA flouted the NEPA..." "Instead, the BIA's Osage Agency relied on a county-wide environmental assessment conducted in 1979."

    1. We should have been operating under the old CFR”s before during and after the Donelson case, but I suspect the BIA our super whonwe voted no confidence did the complete opposite under the assumption this court was going to rule differently.
      But clearly once again we suffer the consequences because of so many failures at this agency to be able to carry the responsibility is evident they are failing the M.E once again or I should say still feeling the affects from the Donelson case.
      What is being done to recuperate those loses, are we in court again filing and petitioning the federal courts for those loses because of?

    2. So how are the Osages going to be any better? They ignore their own body of laws, Osage Nation Code, at will and only choose to observe it when it works to their advantage. Keep in mind, when it suits the Chief and the others who come up with provisions by Executive Order or rules and regulations that have the force of law but aren't even included in the Osage Nation Code which aren't even the law. How well do you think this will work out in the field when some kind of regulatory environment is required? Imagine the chaos that will take place then.

    3. By all appearances, what laws , you mean the ones that support the few and make up as they go along and not understand the consequences of their actions because the diligence was not done in the first place , no accident, then we are back at square one, how redundant, still does not change the facts one way or another.
      You cannot hit the head on the nail unless the facts are addressed in the first place or by action in a court, which it’s going to happen because of the lack of action.

  29. Gentner Drummond defeated! See http://www.tulsaworld.com/

    1. Unfortunately not defeated! Hunter only got 44% thus there is a run-off in August between Hunter and Drummond. Every resident in Osage County needs to get out and vote Drummond back into his rat-hole.

    2. Thank you for this correction.

    3. See http://www.tulsaworld.com/photovideo/slideshows/plenty-of-runoff-races-will-keep-tulsa-area-state-candidates/collection_ac9bb8d4-7a2a-11e8-be9d-3f2634fa326b.html#8

  30. Osage County voting numbers:

  31. MC Special Meeting on July 2. See Agenda at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/minerals-council-meeting-information-13

    1. Strategy planning really? What is that. Really?
      What’s happening in Washington that we shareholders should know and put a imput into the matters? If needed?

    2. Be there Monday and you'll find out at the same time all of the rest of us find out. Meanwhile, let's at least give MC4 a chance.

    3. Sorry my chance card has ran out. That’s what they have been saying since 2006. Fact!!!

    4. Then I'm afraid you have a very lonely 4 years ahead of you.

    5. LOL! Who could possibly have the luxury of loneliness when the Osages are around and up to their usual?

    6. ref. June 28th at 1:18 p.m. - It just boggles my mind the MC is purposely holding back information to the headright owners about the meetings with the WH (twice a year?). Someone gave the order it was going to be hush hush meetings. Who? Waller? Must be something big cause all the council members followed suit. Only thing I can imagine why, is maybe if the Chief found out he might file a law suit, like when he sent his lawyer to the last WH meeting with the MC?

      Since it's a new council, the members should be able to vote for the next chairman?

    7. Oops, I seen the agenda (will be voting for chairman).

    8. Last time I checked, a healthy bit of skepticism is what helps change and progress, if you do not question how do you affect change.

  32. Laws on oil and gas coming from Margo Gray? The MC isn't responsible for laws. It's the Osage Nation Congress who make the laws. What's this all about?
    See MC meeting at https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews/videos/1853785428015609/

    1. Link would not open for some reason page down do not know, but I am curious what was said by Margo Gray, are we talking about finally holding those accountable to a higher standard?

    2. No. She said laws. Not sure what she means and the Chief spoke on money coming from the Nation side. Again, it's the people first and the government second. There are many out there who could benefit from the Nation that don't that don't have headright income. The Nation needs to start directing that money to the non-headright owing members who need it.

    3. Right there are alternatives to taking care of those who are non-members in the form of a per-cap. The health benefit card turn that into a Visa. And I say this will work because in the end it is the people that decide how to effect that change.
      Everyone has some form of health benefits that covers those extended benefits. And this is why I say this isn’t much but it’s a beginning and most would appreciate the services from the Nation.
      The Nation needs to step in with the resources to protect and preserve the M.E. however fit. We know this to be true the Nation would not be where it is at if it was not for the M.E.
      And ai will bring this up why do we have such a low voter turnout? Numbers are so elementary in all our lives in numbers we can effect that change however the people see fit. The Nation is not Sovereign but it is the Osage people who are Sovereign.

    4. The only thing the Nation needs to do is adopt a completely militant attitude towards all other nations.
      Secure the borders, take control of all resources, and declare that the Osage Nation is now and has always been a sovereign nation before God on this planet.
      Then remove all the politicians, and hold a paper ballot for election of three representatives of each district along with an assistant chief and primary chief.
      The Osage is sovereign because of the U.S. constitution, but the crooks have been running the show for so long people have forgotten that they are actually an independent nation.
      You can get your health care done cheaper and better by outsourcing it to India, and save all that money your feeding to the U.S. bureaucracy. But you don't because "muh treaty".
      Take a lesson from WalMart, don't waste time with pretense, go with the bargain.

    5. How many millions did we piss away from Gray/Redcorn Etc. pretending to not understand basic lemonade stand finance?
      13, 14 million?
      Thrown away like it was yesterday's newspaper. A grocery store in a town with no grocery store, couldn't turn a profit. A gift shop, turning a negative return and no one batting an eye, because "nod, wink" that's just the cost of doing business.

    6. Pretty much your all idiots getting what you deserve.
      Someone needs to pull the pin on the idiocy and take being a sovereign nation seriously, otherwise you really deserve to not be a sovereign nation at all, and just fade away into the vacuum of obscurity. And receive your Elias Boudinot complimentary participation trophy.

    7. That is no way in any shape or form right that you call Osage’s idiots and you get what you deserve, shame on you. Any type of this rhetoric is not acceptable in my book. And when you start out a conversation like this it falls on death ears and does not solve a very complex issue.
      And no this is not what we deserve the ramifications and sacrifice the Osage’s have made to support this failing Governments ability to do what is right all in the name of Sovereignty is a farce we get that, so you tell us what we should do if you are such a experts that you can say like you have this all seeing magic globe like one shoe fits all well that’s not the case really.
      Some of know what to do but some of us also know that it will not go without the support of and how do you know something is not being done about something, if I might say, lol.
      Some of us wasn’t born off a turn up truck if you know what I mean. But geez all the support would be nice.

    8. Unity in numbers is the answer, the Nation was a hope and a prayer, a beacon of light but went from hero to zero in no time.we used to make money but now they pretend all the while the lie is in our face has become our reality what are we to do.

  33. per Fox tv news: "Scott Pruitt" has resigned

    1. Good! Now I guess we will give Gentner his turn. (I hope not.)

  34. I also thought it was a very good meeting. Many things talked about, much enthusiasm. I'm looking forward to listening to the next meeting.

  35. I am really glad the new Chairman has made it an agenda item to hear out the shareholders attending the meetings, at the end of each meeting. I agree with the lady shareholder who referred to a "slush fund," regarding, for one, the scholarship fund for those studying the oil industry. I am for it, but I agree with her that we, the headright owners, should have a voice in the ME accounts. Did the students have to sign a contract with the MC to work for the Osages after graduation? What if after graduation they are offered triple the pay than Osage pay? The scholarship fund furnished by the Nation does not require graduates to return to Pawhuska.

    That same shareholder lady speaking at end of meeting suggested creating an account for the lawsuit monies since there are no inheritors in case assets and properties, etc. are returned. I'm sure she means the Fletcher lawsuit? Even so, they'll be so many appeals and legal struggles, I won't see that day come, and I'm young. Monies, return of assets, I'm mainly so curious on what the "government" actions will be. If this turns out positive, won't there be other tribes following suit?

    They (MC) really have a lot going on in the next few weeks, like the WH annual meeting (and it was suggested that there be more meetings than twice annually because it was not written that way, that we need to keep them--WH--focused on us), and the consultation meeting in August, working on the budget, creating their committees.

  36. Galen is back! https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews/photos/a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153/1859114004149418/?type=3&theater

  37. Don't forget:

  38. This Friday's MC Meeting Agenda: https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/minerals-council-meeting-information-14

    1. Agenda:

      4. New Business
      a. Scout Energy – New lease – Andrew Swann
      b. Ag Reserve Inc. – Lease – Mike Biddick
      c. Marlin Oil Company – negotiation of leases – Bruce Martin
      d. GSA Vehicle – Purchase of –William Lynn
      e. Strategy Session Dates – Marsha Harlan
      f. Discussion of bond procedure that producers pay – Susan Forman
      g. Superintendent monthly report – Susan Forman
      h. Remodel of OMC – Chad Renfro
      i. Use of gas powered vehicles by BIA – Myron Red Eagle
      j. Letter of Support for ONES – Margo Gray
      k. Proposed Bylaws – Marsha Harlan
      l. Proposed rules – Marsha Harlan
      5. EXECUTIVE to discuss confidential and/or proprietary matters
      a. Attorney contracts
      b. 638 Contracting
      c. Discussion of meeting on Enel Case
      d. Restructuring of OMC
      e. Headrights returned to nation
      f. Auditor
      g. Budgeting

      Agenda Item 4.-a. Remodel?

      Bringing in an interior designer, really? Come on.

      Agenda Item 5.-d. Restructuring of the OMC.

      In Executive Session none the less. RESTRUCTURING better give some pause to the shareholders. And by what logic would this need to be done in executive session? Restructuring doesn't deal with personnel or salaries, it doesn't deal with proprietary business plans, and it doesn't involve ongoing litigation. How is this permissible?

      The only people effected by restructuring are the shareholders. I see no reason for this to be executive.

    2. This meeting will be broadcast live at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/multimedia/live-media

    3. Anonymous July 12, 2018 at 8:31 AM -- YES! I would also like to know why this is in Executive Session. As I recall, a number of these people campaigned on opening up the MC activities to transparency and full disclosure to the Shareholders. What's going on?

    4. Of course Margo Gray supports the ONES group. So does the Chief. He expects Congress to give them $1,000,000.00 this upcoming session. I certainly did not vote for Margo because she is too close the Chief. Better keep an eye on her. She probably thinks the ONES group or some of her other relatives could run the Mineral Estate.

    5. Why would the Chief want to give ONES, LLC any more money until they bring their overhead down by 90%? A comment was made by a member of Congress that even the Chief was shocked when he found out that ONES, LLC current outgoing salaries and overhead is higher than the Osage, LLC ever was even in its heyday. The Osage people are watching this situation closely and if the new Congress dares to start throwing money away on this LLC, there will be hell to pay.

      Remember, ONES, LLC, is a baby of the Chief's that he put in place when he was still in Congress back in 2012 as the Sponsor of ONCR 12-26 and ONCR 12-20. They've gone through, plus or minus, $2 million so far and I was aghast to find out that their salaries and overhead per month exceed that of the Osage, LLC in its heyday. This so called "business entity" has been around since 2012 and hasn't started a single business on the ground in all these years nor has it invested in one! Now they (Eddy Red Eagle is the Chair) want another $1.1 million. This funding will probably only cover the monthly overhead with nothing left in a year to even start up a business. IMHO, this is just another "slush fund" so called "business diversification" organization to sluice big bucks into Osage back pockets and pocketbooks. They've changed the name but the game is still the same. This one is on the same path as the Osage, LLC and will go the same way as soon as the Osage people get wind of what's really going on...

    6. I don't think any of us need be psychic to figure out why "restructuring" is in executive session. It's rather obvious, I think. The shareholders aren't supposed to know about the change to their representation (OMC) until it's to late. They don't want us to have time to react to it. This is what these people talked about last December when they were running. They and the Chief want to reduce the number of people serving on the OMC to three or five and make those appointed positions, not elected positions. Think about it, what else is there to restructure? The OMC is a pretty simple straight forward council. Restructuring something that simple means earth shattering change for the shareholders. They aren't so stupid to think that can be done in the open.

    7. As for ONES, that's no mystery either. Think about it. A "letter of support" is worthless and meaningless on it's face. So why bother. I'll tell you why, because then ONES can go partner with some oil company who wants to produce in the Osage.

      I can hear it now, "so what's the harm in that?"

      Look at the big picture. ONES brings nothing to the table with any partnership, not personnel, not capital, not knowledge, and not experience. The only thing they will have for any potential partnership is that letter along with the implication that comes with it. That is, that ONES future partner will get "favored" status when dealing with the OMC or whatever administrative body replaces the OMC.

      That will not only drive out competition it more than likely will mean reduced royalty to the shareholders.

      Who cares how many more millions the Osage Nation pisses away on another LLC, we should be used to that by now. The Nation is here to effectively take control of Minerals and administrate it in any way that produces profit for ONES and whoever gets a job with them.

      That letter is utterly meaningless and has no value beyond what I just laid out. To think otherwise is wilful oblivion.

    8. When I first heard about ONES, I was in complete "awe," and I still am. The ONES being in the same Nation as the ME seems like a "conflict of interest?" The Chief was at the MC's first meeting and said he would not interfere with the MC, but willing to do what he can to help the ME. The Chief owes "clarity" to the headright owners as to what type of businesses the ONES is striving to obtain in partnership and how will it affect the ME? The first sign of the ONES crossing over the line of the ME, it'll be time to remind the Dept. of the Interior to step up to the plate.

      Instead of waiting until the Nation crosses over the ME line, the Superintendent could send the Chief a letter requesting the "intentions of the ONES" -- I wonder if she even knows of its existence?

      It's also his duty and responsibility as Chief (transparency) to inform the members of the Nation the reasons he continues to allow such huge losses and failures to "continue for such long periods of time" and cost to the Nation's members?" The members are the losers, the Chief continues to get a paycheck and not lose a cent of his personal monies" with his ill-fated decisions. I don't think the Better Business Administration if they seen the Chief's portfolio would call it a "success." Send the Chief to the BBA, maybe they can explain about businesses are striving toward "money coming in/making revenue."

    9. Let them try I warned you all about Margos intent. Now look at where we are at. Stupid is what stupid does and all of you are complicit because you voted her in. What did you think would happen? Think about it, who lost the reservation case? Ta da. You voted for the same thing to happen again.

    10. "Who cares how many more millions the Osage Nation pisses away on another LLC, we should be used to that by now." I care and have cared since the new government went from $1 million to $15 million overnight in 2006. Get used to bad behavior and take it for granted, you deserve what happens to you as a result of it.
      “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

    11. Margo is everywhere volunteering to run everything. When she starts getting controlling and nasty, they have only themselves to blame. Too lazy to be of service by the rest of them? Already? I'd like to know who's in the office every day and for how long. Don't like Cynthia and Stephanie who put the balance of their time on the line, let's see if you like this any better.

    12. Margo is trying to make herself effectual and indispensable.
      And known. Thats what wannabe politicians do.

    13. ONES lol is a joke.

  39. Today's MC meeting. I give up waiting for the council to return from the executive mtg. and lunch. Near the end of the first session there was a very negative conversation between councilman Redcorn and the Chairman. Someone had told the Chairman about Redcorn's concerns he was going to bring up about her as Chairman and she said she had prepared to "deal" with him -- she became "unglued" (verbally). I wouldn't be surprised if there's another vote for Chairman??

    1. Just 12 days ago, Talee Redcorn voted FOR Marsha Harlan to be the Chairperson. Now he tries to tell her just how little she has to do as Chair. AMAZING! Talee Redcorn has served 2 full terms on the MC, and he still has no clue as to what needs to be done nor how to do it. He spent the last 4 years telling us shareholders how he wants to get the headright payments up, but has not done 1 single thing to achieve that. We all want the payments to go up, Talee.
      MC4 has a ton of things to do, and they have hit the ground running. I am told that there was no policy and procedures document available to them on July 2. They had disappeared. It will take months to develop a comprehensive set of policy and procedures and get them approved.
      When congress left the building, they took every stick of furniture from the chambers room and from the office space they had vacated. MC4 was left with 8 empty rooms. It will take months and many thousands of dollars to get things up to some semblance of order. Guess who pays!!!
      Talee, sit down and shut up. Stay out of the way. When they get your desk ready, they will call you. Stop assigning job descriptions for everyone else and try to find something useful to do. You seem to know what it is we all want, but you have no clue where to start.

    2. Why is Talee just finding out about how bonds on our leases work? He's been involved since 2006. What has he been doing since that time? Hear it again at

    3. Top three listings


    4. Duh, there are no policies lol thats what we have beenn saying that we have arm chair coaching going on. Now the MC wants to make changes, ah how are the changes going to make revenue other than in their pockets, you watch, wait and see. We need experienced people not people that want to play house.

    5. If the MC needs a quick set of Policy and Procedure documents why don't they do what Osage LLC did and use the ones stolen from the Cherokee Nation?

      Sharon Bertram of Compass Consulting was paid to develop these documents, but instead of writing them from scratch she and/or her employees took the Cherokee Nation's documents and slapped them into Osage LLC branded templates and changed the business names.

    6. Why do you think that's any worse than the Nation paying Lance Morgan of Ho-Chunk, --- Ho-Dear! --- $60,000 to do the same thing with his governing documents when this money devouring beast was first formed as our first LLC?

    7. Lol copy and paste.

  40. I hope there is another vote!!!!!!

  41. What's all this I'm hearing about the Nation's Congress charging the Minerals Council $10,000 to be included in the Inaugural Ceremony last weekend? Part of that amount was $500 for a friggin' cake? Who the hell pays that kind of money for a cake? Does the Chief think he got married to the MC over the weekend? The rest of the money was for blankets-$1,500 and and the inaugural ceremony itself-$8,000... for what? To sit in a row on chairs? Wait just a damn minute here. And what about iPad Ray trying to stick it to the MC by trying to float the idea of the Nation taking over paying the checks for the Minerals Council? This was reported to be a Red Corn to Redcorn exchange since Talee carried the water over to the MC on this raw deal. Even if they were dense enough to say yes and agree to have the Nation meddle in their financial affairs, you know it won't be long before the Chief starts moving money around like he does with the Executive Branch and start holding the Minerals Agency hostage like what happened before when part of the MC money was transferred to another bank right under the noses of the MC by the Nation and the MC found out about it after the fact. Also, Wendy Ponca never filed that MC Election challenge in Federal Court when she openly violated provisions of the CFRs that she was supposed to conform to according to the MC election rules and regs. This was what she was supposed to do and she never did it. Executive Sessions with MC reorganization and now this? What's the Chief doing? Hitting them high and cutting them off at the knees before they even know what's happening?

    1. What we paid through the nose for


    2. I hope you are wrong.

    3. Where did the money go if the Casino is ours? This is no a work function? Do we have anyone that is a investigative reporter on the Osage news that could follow through on this question ? Where we can get a fair and balanced answer and not just a feel good story pat on the back or a obituary article?
      And in reality think about the resources,if this occasion cost $ 8,000 the money would come back to us, yeah right !
      Talk about broken trust with our Government and this falls back on the Chief.

    4. What you don't realize is that the whole soirée-affair actually cost in the neighborhood of $30,000 and that doesn't include the MC's contribution. Maybe more. I don't know. Would have been much more fun, visually interesting and to the point if they'd stood up and started throwing handfuls of $100 bills at one another like a food fight or maybe even throwing sacks of money around the room like a pillow fight.

    5. Lol. Though this is not a funny subject to say the least. I would like to see a itemized list how this money was spent.
      It’s time we follow the money trail.

    6. Thank you. We need to do exactly that.

  42. Better check out the agenda for the upcoming Minerals Council Meeting on the ON website. Investigate 638 Contracting in Executive Session? Hhhmmm. Looks like trouble.

    1. I see it too. You're right.

    2. Ok , so are we going to renegotiate the vontracts or audt the ME?

  43. Burying beetle is in the $700 million Defense Bill? Can the Director, Mr. Lynn, enlarge upon the topic?

  44. WOW! See osageminerals.org Very interesting information on our wells and leases.

  45. $40,000 for the new MC website? Did I hear this correctly?

  46. This must be the "Osage Price". And website administration at $500.00 a month? REALLY? From a $60,000 grant with the Osage Nation Self Governance and Procurement offices. We do need a budget and we need to see that budget to see the hard cost with an itemized list on this one too.

  47. For a custom site will cost anywhere between $ 2000. to 10,000.
    It’s not hard to do or you can DIY platform like WordPress for much less.
    What is going on here?

  48. Going to purchase more property after the entire "on Campus" Council building has been surrendered to them by the Congress? Need a "yard" as well?

  49. 1 lease approved and 31 leases terminated? This is from the Superintendent's report. Seems like we're going in the wrong direction. When do we get to see the official paperwork on this Superintendent's report? If it's e-mailed to the MC, we should be able to see it on a monthly basis as well. What was all that about Paul Revard not remembering that he voted on the Oil and Gas Summit during the first MC meeting of the new sitting council

  50. Question to the Superintendent on the horrific delay in getting leases approved even after they've already been approved? What was that all about? No report on the audit or the oil and gas report this month?

  51. They never publish a notice about a lease sale? From the Superintendent's remarks. What? I thought the BIA was supposed to publicize these notices. Maybe they need a better sound system.

  52. Last lease sale was $42,000? Now they want to discuss the new lease form to be in Executive Session? Why?

  53. Lower the bonuses? Wait just a minute... Here we go...

  54. Wasn't that Paul Revard who suggested lowering the bonuses at the lease sale? I believe it was.

  55. This segment of the meeting is well worth listening to again. See http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/2018-0719_4omc_regmtg/

  56. Back online after a five minute break.

  57. So they are going to talk about the Oil and Gas Summit in Executive Session and that would include lowering the bonuses?

  58. Legislative actions request in Executive Session? Oh boy!

  59. Executive Session on whether or not Paul Revard can vote on leases and has to recuse himself as an active oil and gas producer in the Osage? Give me a break! So what do have here now? 7 members or Council who can vote on leases and one who can't? WTH? Can Stephanie or Cynthia phone it in? Hahahahahaha!

  60. A lot of "Bluesky" thinking going on here today... We sure have plenty of land on campus. Why not think out of the box? It's the latest thing...

  61. ONES Letter: ONES, LLC hasn't done a thing and now they want to get into NEPA environmental services for the oil and gas producers? Will they have to have a seminar from the BIA and the EPA before they even know what they're doing? Hahahahahaha! Woe betide the producer who hooks up with them. Only going into planning and assessment? But not actually getting into the remediation? Wait a minute -- Bent over now LOL and rolling on the ground -- What? Are they going to try to soak our oil and gas producers now? Osage Nation having services for the OME? —>>>From the superintendents remarks. She couldn't know what she's about if she's touting ONES. LLC. Webinars on math and engineering now Mr. Conrad to get up to speed? That ought to go really well. Hahahahahaha! Don't you dare go within a country mile of these silly people or it will likely cost us millions and the work will have to be done over. It will likely go just like our government contracts with the Osage, LLC/Tallgrass. Don't you dare foul the OME nest like the other LLCs have in the past. You are an Agency and your fiduciary relationship is on the line here and this will qualify, if you fail to protect our shareholder's interest, for a citizen's Recall under the Osage Constitution. Don't you even think about getting us involved with these people. If they haven't started a business since 2012, we don't need to be working with them until they have successful proven contracts with outside businesses for a period of at least five years and outstanding recommendations from those business beforehand.

  62. ByLaws: What I'm concerned about is whether the Osage Nation Code violates any provision of Article XV of the Osage Nation Constitution, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!

  63. Now we're in Executive Session. How long are these meetings going to take with this new Council? All frigging day?

  64. They're back! Will need to speak to the Nation on Investigation of 638 Contracting. Can't divulge the meeting with the Attorney. Attorney client privilege. Lease sale date for September 26? Paul Revard doesn't seem to realize that they talked about the leases in Executive Session. Is he OK?

  65. Lease contract will be on the next agenda.

  66. This thread is now closed. Go to: http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2018/07/osage-shareholder-matters-july-2018.html
