Interesting article and read to the end about proposed trust legislation. -->> Special Trustee Vince Logan a no-show at Senate panel's hearing
The Senate Indian Affairs Committee heard testimony on trust modernization on Wednesday in an attempt to address a key issue in Indian Country. You can listen to the hearing on demand at
I wonder what he means by this?
It is my belief when you make open ended statements as such, more than likely the Lawmaker does not know what he is talking about..One it is not so simple and complicated. Two, it can no longer be business the old way..A organized business is a productive business. Outside of our Osage Culture, we don't have a mission to set up the right criteria to open a full on petroleum engineering office. We need to support a life long professional development. Development of the infrastructure to boldly go and foster proudly working with the community, sustainability. So I ask why are we not there yet? We need skilled, educated people that will understand how to apply techniques that understands the impact, in a global economy, environmental is a huge one for me, had we had a rank and file sorta speak, a system in place, as some say not a arm chair league, had we been in the know...and this ia where we are where and you do understand, most of you do how Opec, to the CFR's, to the ethic violations, and we all know how the pendulum will swing in the Osage Supreme Court will decide on this matter..BTW There is so much compelling arguement to demonstrate good will and faith in this direction..So I say lets move in the Direction for a better future ,a future that needs to happen now..We have a short window, because 2017 is right around the Corner..Keystone will get the Green light..we got a team in the mindset of Politics..lets move them aside..There is no reason we cannot be operational. So I ask where is the Leadership? So identical to what everyone is saying about the U.S. So how I see we have elected officials who are asking like true politicians. Politicians are essentially passive reactive players. They only respond to problems when they can't criticize but they do not step up and take accountability or respond to proactive plans..except a few. And it is so evident, staring and smelling should be so compelling to do what is right. This is no accident where we are at, the status quo cannot be the same any longer, should we grow.
You can find all of Bridenstine's sponsored and cosponsored legislation at the URLs below. Also, I've included the only bill relevant to the article above; it is H.R. 1487 - American Energy Renaissance Act of 2015. Given that it's tied to the Keystone Pipeline and other things opposed by the Obama Administration it's dead even before debate.
We the Osage have the tools to do just about anything,buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut Osage Politics is the killer.No matter how well a group builds a corporation,everything can and does change with every Osage election.No safe planing or a set stable direction.Investors need to know that their investment,their future profits,are safe from election to the next and it does not matter if its Osage or US politics.Can it be done,why yes it can,its what I've always worked on, a few hours away from the Osage.
Osageblogger, can you provide the website link to view the filings of the two lawsuits against the DOI & BIA? I believe they have until today to file their response to our lawsuits.
Yes. Here you go: The links are from this article at the Tulsa World: Chief had better hustle...
I'm reprinting my comment as a reminder >>>>>>>> I guess I'm on both sides of this question and my concerns are Osage Constitution related. Article XV, Section 2, outside of the management, administration and development of the minerals estate in Section 4, specifically has the minerals rights reserved to the Osage Nation. The income belongs to the Osage Nation before it's transferred to the OME Trust account by the Feds for quarterly disbursement to the headright owners and other purposes per the U.S. Congress 1938 Act to Amend the 1906 Allotment Act. As far as I can see the Osage Nation Constitution has created TWO parties in interest in the whole of Article XV because the titular head of the Osage Nation on a government to government relationship basis with regard to its owned and reserved assets is the Chief of the Osage Nation. He has the absolute right to act alone to protect those assets and fooling around with the Minerals Council trying to get legal permissions and MOUs and other such legal nonsense while leaving the assets he's fully and completely responsible for under the Osage Constitution and the 1906 Allotment Act as amended, leaving them wide open and without protection is unconscionable in my opinion. From my point of view, he doesn't need permission, an invitation or any other reason to act alone to protect these assets and he must do so severally or risk harm to them or perhaps the loss of them. Before you have income, you have to have the mineral rights protected and secured. Before you have income generated from the mineral rights to transfer to the OME trust account, you have to have the income protected as well. This is on the Chief and no one else. The Minerals Council has their own bailiwick and the Chief has his. The MC has stepped up and now it's the Chief's turn at bat and he had better take it now or risk losing the income against the new CFRs that will kill off at least 60% of the business in Osage County.
“That is a question for the Osage Supreme Court,” he said. “It is not a question for the federal court in Tulsa. I do not want a federal court weighing in on it.” This Chief!?! It's already been weighed in on at the Federal Court of Claims in the HPP lawsuit. YES? Does he not remember this or what? Is he side winding again or what? Or is he half-truth telling here or what? WHAT? Jurisdiction is written in the FEDERAL REGISTER. Get up to speed, Chief before you bring the whole (Osage) house down upon all of us.
Once again action speak loader than words. The fact that the Chief would rather TRY and torpedo the the OMC's case coupled with the fact that he has done nothing to fight the CFRs and the fact that Galen "CFR" Crumb is his buddy should demonstrate to everyone that he is in favor of these new CFRs and the death of the Mineral Estate as we know it. Put aside any personal feelings you may have for the man and look at the evidence. Regardless of his political posturing (the OCC scare that was nothing but a red haring), his actions or lack thereof, who he associates with, and remarks like this show what his true intentions are. And, let us not forget that the Nation (and I'm sure ultimately the ONEs) was to be the beneficiary of lease equipment confiscated by the superintendent. All this says to me is that the Nation is quietly in agreement with the new CFRs and the neutered OMC rendered thereby.
I contend the Chief can't do anything without invitation from the OMC in the form or a resolution or MOU. Poster 1:19 says the Chief already has the authority and NEEDS TO ACT. If I'm right the OMC goes to federal court (whether the Chief likes it or not), If 1:19 is right and the Chief already has the authority and isn't acting than it's time for Osages to start asking the uncomfortable question, why? If the Chief is free to protect the M.E. then why isn't he doing it? He seems to have no intention of doing it. He isn't addressing it. All he's doing is threatening to file against the OMC for acting. LET ME REPEAT THAT, HE IS DOING NOTHING TO PRESERVE THE MINERAL ESTATE YET HE IS THREATENING TO FILE BRIEFS AGAINST THE OMC TO STOP THEM FROM ACTING TO SAVE THE MINERAL ESTATE.
CFR Round One: OMC: Votes multiple times to reject the CFRs. Go to Washington to protest the CFRs in person. Chief/Nation/Facebook Osages: The OMC members shouldn't go to Washington unless they went as a unanimous group or included the Chief.
Minerals Meeting Attendance: OMC: Nation officials cannot sit in on executive sessions. (Keep in mind the Nation's desire to be a producer now. Beyond that he is free to attend meetings and request to speak or be present to respond to questions. Speaker Whitehorn is always there and they haven't ignored her or banished her and even ask her questions.) Chief/ Nation/ Facebook Osages: Chief refuses to attend any meetings insinuating, the OMC has banished him.
Wind Turbines: OMC: Along with BIA has DOJ file suit against ENEL. (The suit is still in court.) Chief/ Nation: Pass an illegal law that they are going to go and arrest and prosecute non-Osages on non-Osage and land because they claim the OMC is "doing nothing." (Notice law officers were never sent out there because the law Mr. Standingbear, legal expert he's regarded as, triumphed clashed with every state, federal and court ruling on the books.)
CFRs Round Two: OMC: Files suit against DOI enjoined with the OPA to stop the disastrous CFRs. Chief: Threatens to file briefs to remove the OMC from saving us from the CFRs.
The score for the Shareholders is zero if the Chief doesn't do what he's supposed to do and but quick. I warned all of you that electing this guy would get us into even more trouble than we were in already before he was elected. The coup d'état continuation of the OME with that slick Primary Election to get him on the throne with "sticky fingers" waiting in the wings should have been everyones first clue and I objected to that too. Shareholders had better be ready to do something by August 4th or we better hope and pray that OPA lawsuit comes through to save the day or we will be facing ruin as sure as I am again warning you right here and now.
“That essentially would destroy the trust responsibility over our mineral estate,” Standing Bear said. “It’s stuff like this that keeps me up at night.” No Trust responsibility, NO casinos... Galen, you lead us down this path with those new CFRs that are at issue with everyone but you and four or five of your buddies. Your little powerpoint presentation isn't going to save the day if that lawsuit fails in any event. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF NOW?
You have got to read Jim Gray's comment on this facebook page under the Pearson comment -- It's really got to be seen to be believed!!!!! Every Chief we've had including this one has tried to get his hands on the ME and this one has been on top of it to crush the MC if that's what it takes no matter what it takes. I suspect he's hired a new female AG to do it even though he can't fire the other one because he has some Federal Court standing and cases there or something. The Nation is paying $65,000 x 2 for both of them at the same time and won't reduce the first ones pay for whatever the reason. Jones came out with a Constitutional ruling that the MC didn't have to send over leases to the Chief and when that happened I knew his days were numbered. You want unity Chief, stop legally picking on the MC over a blanket and a ham and show them some respect. I want numbers on how much this is costing the Osage people. Oh and Jim Gray, you were most aggressive Chief we've ever had to fight against transparency and accoutability in your so called O-nopoly administration. It's one of the main reasons you got so completely trashed in the election when you were defeated by Red Eagle. I mean really, who do you two Chiefs think you're kidding? Are you trying to perfect the art of the Hitler Big Lie? The bigger the lie you tell the easier it is to sell? Give us a break. Get back to doing your own work to clean up the Executive Branch and stop panting after the Mineral Estate. STAY OUT OF MINERALS BUSINESS AND MIND AFTER YOUR OWN WHERE YOU HAVE A MESS TO DEAL WITH EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK!!!!!!!
It's a shame to think of the potential these osages have squandered lusting after the damn mineral estate. Good God think what we could have been. And not a damn one of these indians gets upset about it. Hell maybe they don't understand unkessg grey tells them what to think.
How many times a day have I thought how great it could have been for all of us if those townie Osages and Harvard Project theories hadn't been running us into the ground every day from the beginnng. A total screw up from top to bottom.
And the People will prevail in the end they always do. The arguement will be with the people, and we can't be having this discussion over and over centuries. The Nation forgets where they come from and who is the real threat. The whistle blowers will sting..they will sting from bottom to top. The Osage People from top to bottom big and small will stand tall we will not fall.
He trying to crush more than the Mineral Council, I think he's trying to crush the entire Mineral Estate or more to the point remake it in a way that benefits the Nation the expense of the shareholders.
"The bill encourages tribes to enter into cooperative agreements with and local governments regarding." Regarding land-into-trust or does it have to do with more than that? --->>>
Notification: The Minerals Council Newsletter was sent out today by e-mail and should arrive by regular mail as well. If you are not receiving a copy and are a shareholder, call Lacee Reynolds at 918-287-5346 and she will add you to the list. The Newsletter is filled with official information from the MC about the lawsuit against the implementation of the new CFRs.
This way overdue news letter is filled with BS! Obviously, both articles were written before July 10, probably a month before. This is not NEWS. It is BAD HISTORY.
I say it's GOOD HISTORY and includes more than just your centric point of view. It's for July, it was issued in July and it's there for all to read who have been whining and complaining about the MC not communicating with the headright owners. You seem to never be satisfied. If they communicate with you and it doesn't reflect the Chief's point of view you trash it out. We're on to you whether you know it or not. A play was made by your team that included an outrageous end run to take totally unfair advantage using the new CFRs and it has been stopped dead in its tracks. No amount of throwing a fit about not getting away with it is going to make any difference. Your play would have killed the oil production in Osage County. If you thought ONES was going to sweep in and resume operations after all the equipment was nationalized by the Osage Nation with the backing of the BIA in the new CFRs, you better think again. This is still the United States of America. Where do you think you are? Venezuela? Do you think that our Chief is Hugo Chavez II? Get your silly a** back to the chalk board, pick up the eraser and wipe it clean. What were you thinking? Or were you even thinking at all? Stop FEELING and learn to think logically first before you pick up the chalk next time around.
Our "silly' Chief is back to commenting on facebook instead of communicating to the Osage Shareholders in an official capacity. Why aren't you jumping all over him for that? He's posted here before and this is a direct web page specifically set up for communication with the Osage headright shareholders. Is he afraid that we're on to him about needing to take the necessary measures to protect the Mineral Estate and ultimately, the OME Trust, in his own right as Chief of the Osage Nation with an ownership interest directly per and mandated by the Osage Nation Constitution that he has SWORN to UPHOLD in Article XV, Section 2, that needs legal protection first and foremost before any of the oil and gas income is even transferred to the OME Federal trust account? Let him make the case here too instead of seeking the protection of those he knows who will KHRA on facebook when we are about getting down to the unvarnished truth and protecting the shareholder's interest here and not necessarity interested in having to be well liked. I am throwing down the gauntlet right here and now. Well, Chief, what do you have to say?
What you keep failing to mention is Article XV, Section 1. I read in there that the Osage Legislature or Congress in the General Authority. When are they going to start being authoritative in this situation? Are they up to speed here? Have any of them even read this passage in the Osage Constitution? What is their role and responsibility to protect the Mineral Rights and the Mineral Estate for the Headright trust beneficiaries? When are they going to put forward an emergency resolution and vote on it in emergency session to compel the Chief to act on his responsibilities under the Constitution if he fails to do it by the first of the week? What is the Federal Court to think with these two clown branches of the Osage Nation "play doh" government acting the way they are with all this at stake and so much to lose if they don't come forward to act and do what they're supposed to do on an immediate basis? This is my income and I by God want it protected and something done about it before it's too late. August 10th is looming and I am puke-all tired of these ridiculous government Osages jockying for position when the whole of the Osage Mineral Estate hangs in the balance. Grow a brain you government people and do what you need to do RIGHT NOW to get yourselves and this legal situation back in hand.
The Chief knows if he posts here he will be a crisp..from the five men board to the OLLC, and so forth..We will come on strong, strong as Trump. He knows he can hide on facebook ,a social media site where you won't say anything that is pertinent to our reality..and or he has failed greatly to represent the Greater Interests of the M.E..I want him removed as Chief..
The Chief is always welcome to come and post here along with any of his supporters. I want to clarify that we want a dialog and this is just the venue for it.
It's a very well written response. The judge's decision will most likely recognize that the plaintiffs in the cases did not file in a timely manner, as the CFRs were under development for more than two years without the matters at hand being raised. Also, the 1906 Act does not direct the trustee to maximize profit from the Minerals Estate. The BIA is most likely going to prevail.
As an Osage Shareholder and also as an Osage County producer, I was never informed of any of the meetings concerning the new CFR's. The BIA and the OMC did not notify me as a Shareholder or producer that such meetings were taking place. I recently learned that notices were published on some federal website, but I do not trust our federal government enough to visit their websites. We were given notice five weeks prior to the July 10th implementation date. This is unacceptable. The trustee should not be allowed to put regulations in place that force producers out of business and discourages exploration and development.
The argument was how could the M.C go forward with a suit till the CFR's were promulgated? You would have thought the BIA would have given the M.C time to debate on the final rule before this action was to take effect?
Yes. Agreed. The Council needed to see the final rule that was noticed to go into effect on July 10, 2015 before they could assess how badly they will be harmed among other things. Talee Redcorn posted on one of the facebooks sites that the new CFRs exposed the fact they, when going into effect, will so emasculate the Minerals Council of power to do much of anything that it's totally unacceptable. This was not what was agreed to when the final draft of the new CFRs were sent to Washington D.C. and what was in that draft copy composed in the RegNeg committee. All these negative reports about the incompetence of the BIA came out and one of them blamed the MC so the BIA legal went back to work on the final rule and added new text that has denunded the MC of any power to do much of anything. This reverses the trend of sovereignty and the concept of self-governance. Not to mention the fact that I want my vote as a shareholder to count and to mean something and not wind up with a figurehead MC who can only throw up their hands and say they can't do a thing as a result of the new CFRs!!! IF THIS IS THE CASE AND I CANNOT ANY LONGER HAVE REPRESENTATION FROM THE COUNCIL, THEN I HAVE BEEN HARMED AS A HEADRIGHT MINERALS ESTATE ANNUITANT AND SHAREHOLDER. THE 2004 REAFFIRMATION ACT OF THE U.S. CONGRESS PROHIBITS THAT THE RIGHTS OF ANY PERSON TO OSAGE MINERAL ESTATE SHARES ARE NOT TO BE DIMINISHED. TAKING AWAY MY REPRESENTATION AND PUTTING IN A COUNCIL THAT CANNOT REPRESENT ME IS A DIMINISHMENT OF MY RIGHTS; THE RIGHT TO REPRESENTATION, PLAIN AND SIMPLE!
Now another lawyer DIRECTLY TIED TO THE HARVARD PROJECT is making claims that a federal administrative court decided against the Jech case without clarifying that this court has nothing whatsoever to do with the Federal Judicial Branch of the United States Government. It's a BIA court associated with the BIA Solicitor's office that provided a clarification that the BIA recognizes the new Osage Constitutional government. The Jech case did not go into Federal court after this determination probably because Cora Jean passed away before the ruling was issued. The path was to get a legal determination from the BIA to exhaust all remedies at that level before the Jech case could be filed in Federal Court in Tulsa. This is a guy that has a headright but chooses to be a member of a tribe other than the Osage. Who does this guy really care about? See the section marked Spotlight:
Should that matter that "Cora Jean" passed? And wasn't there another plantiff representing? The issue needs to be determined either way.And why was the Federal Administrative Court deciding, when it is not apart of the Federal Judicial branch? And can the Jech Case move forward in the right branch?
It's my understanding the Jech case is still alive, there are still several litigants in the case. The ruling against the case came from the IBIA (BIA's court that natives are required to go through first). No one, not even the plaintiffs expected the BIA's court would rule against the BIA. The goal was always to get to the federal court. It is my hope and as far as I know the plaintiffs in the Jech case still plan to move forward to federal court.
Good. Just like the last National government -- the Osage National Council -- someone needs to do away with this crazy 2006 Osage government before it does away with all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exactly what I would expect from someone affiliated with Harvard. You know that Osage, LLC Board member Jonathan Taylor that writes white papers and the like for the Harvard Project was hand-in-glove with Carol Leese. Hopefully, it will come out in the trial if they can ever find Leese. In the meantime more on another major Harvard screwup --->>>
Bravo! Smackdown Harvard. Isn't that the Larry Summers when those twins tried to see him when he was the head of Harvard and acted like they had no right to have an audience with "just under God" at Harvard? This exchange was featured in that film that was so interesting about the founders of facebook, "Social Network." I hear a number of older Osage men who haven't attended college or university have changed their minds about higher education since they saw those scenes in the film about that final club, the Phoenix. Hahahahahahaha....................
Do we see the same pattern emerging with Jonathan Taylor and Carol Leese as the corrupting influences on the Osage LLC Board and in upper level management as illustrated in the article?
Some of you get the Bigheart News paper, but some don't. I got mine Saturaday. A lot about the Osage problems and the MC. I thought Catherine was on our side, but guess not. Why invite a thief to your house? Some of these MC members are scaring me, and they will not get my vote again!!!
Because no economic impact study was conducted, a Federal Judge in Wyoming granted a temporary injunction on issues related to fracking on Federal lands. No economic impact study was done for Osage County because the BIA deemed such a study was unnecessary. I think this will be the single reason why the Judge WILL grant the injunction. The lack of drilling permits, workover permits and changing environmental rules have had a huge impact on the County. The new CFR's are a large part of this reality. 300 wells were drilled in 2012 and only 24 in 2014, most before the drop in oil prices. No economic impact? The BIA is totally invested in its agenda to pay back the Nation for the $380M judgement.
First and foremost, the interest lies with the Shareholder's and the M.E The status quo cannot be the same and unfortunately if the wheels keep on spinning in the direction that they are going we will bring this whole Nation down with an Osage Constitutional Convention its that simple or the whistleblower will be singing loudly , and everyone who is involved should be afraid. This M.E was here first and so was our Ancestors and we are the Tribe. OSAGE TRIBE , the M.C is the reason why they, the Nation exists. They used the M.E to further their agenda. By the auspicious term " to allow membership" and it is my belief from what my elder tought me, watch out for the Government of our own people. This was not to be. Once that door was open now that can worms has been opened, opened the door for corruption. We cannot let this Government devide our people as to mirroring the U.S Government. The M.C has to be careful because we voted them in, right..they cannot make up there own rules as they go along, doing so..without putting them in front of the Shareholder's would be a huge conflict of interest to the greater majority. If these M.C members do not see the forest for the trees then they are a threat to the majority and M.E they cannot act alone, this could be construed as to the M.C looking out for their own benefit without consequence. It is long over due having by-laws but more needs to happen and at this point the damage is done by both sides of the matter. The Chief is now a conflict of interest. And as I pointed out the excuses will start and the one I pointed out was ignorance and ignorance is not the exceptional, or pays the Bills! Especially after seeing the painful eye like the Last Chief. R.E. Not in the 21st Century should this be happening and in no way is a accident, whats worse is the M.C members are Shareholder's as well which is already a Conflict of Interst. All eyes are watching the pendulum swing. The History of our Tribe the Conflict has existed from known time as explained by my different really, but now the truth has revealed what it means to be a Corporate Snake.This is why I said get the Politics out put people who are versed, trained in Petroleum Engineering. We need an office and we need to move the council away from business and let them Arm Chair coach and report to the Federal Government. We need technical expertise thats the truth of the crux. We need to run this as a multi billion dollar business that it is and can be.. no time to delay the future is here and another boom on the horizon. Did any of you bet in the Industry the prices would go lower as I had predicted? We need Engineering that is well versed and experienced. There are so many facets to this industry. But who am I just another shareholder who's a little wise.
Right I do agree the econmic impact analysis was not done and will be the only reason why the injuction will happen, and right now no one is going to drill period if it is not profitable. Because of the impact Opec is having on the producers..I believe if you look up the impact ocross the U.S it is down by 60% drilling. Not just on the Osage M.E.
Listen doof. OPEC has nothing to do with the stack of workovers and new drilling perrmits that are over at the BIA Osage Agency that are collecting dust as we write on this blog. Stop trotting that boring argument out every chance you get. Nobody is fooled over here. Maybe this will work elsewhere but not here. OPEC doesn't account for everything going on in Osage County.
To the one who writes in convoluted circles that make no sense at all; read the old constitution before you ask for a constitutional convention. The MC has the right to promulgate its own rules and regulations apart from the Osage Nation government.
Absolutely true. Osage County use to be the refuge for operators when price drops made drilling elsewhere uneconomic. Not now. The BIA has assured a toxic environment for the operators big and small. OPEC? Irrelevant to Osage County. Want proof? Back in 1986, when OPEC drove the price down to $10/barrel, rigs had a waiting list of customers.
I think the ON Congress should call a Special Session immediately to prep a resolution to approve the MC action in court against the BIA and if the Chief vetoes it, they overrride the veto. That way they will go over his head, bypass his legal shenanigans to bash and trash the MC and get the approval the MC may need downstream for the lawsuit to be approved by the Osage Nation government.
Back to the DOI/BIA Response to the lawsuits; keep in mind that the Osage producers are our partners in the development of the ME, I would like to know what my fellow Shareholders think about Eddie Streater's Affidavit wherein he is allocating $111,231 for the EPA and $358,737 for vehicles to be used by field inspectors all of which is to enforce the new CFR's against the producers and at the demise of the Shareholders. It is very clear that the Federal Government is lining-up its artillery like Putin did on the Ukrainian border, in an effort intimidate our producers and in preparation for the attack to begin on August 11, 2015. The producers will be slaughtered like the women and children of the Cheyenne Tribe by Custer near the Washita River. We need to be pro-active knowing that this attack is getting ready to commence. We need to stand up to the Federal Government and defend our ME.
You bet buddy. This is going to get as serious as a heart attack. I don't know where it will lead but we need to support our lifeblood producers who provide the income in our headright checks.
At $50 to $500 a day in fines, it will be a melee that will kill the producer's profit and all Galen "CFR" Crumb can do is pass around his misleading powerpoint display by e-mail to be published and lauded by the dudes and candies who have been hornswaggled. Does anyone ask over on these other venues if the producers will even be able stay afloat with all that is going on? They seem to be too interested in sucking up to the Chief to even bother to look at how bad this could get. Imagine a thousand or more abandoned wells with the pressure building up to 1,000 and someone opening up a valve and being killed. What about the fires that might happen? All you get is what will make the Chief happy in his quest to destroy the mineral council. Is the Chief thinking about the consequences for the producers and for the land owners? I've not hear one word of support from him since this whole thing started. Now that's pathetic!
There are a lot of people who don't want to admit to it but the actions the Chief has taken, and is threatening to take, provide ample evidence he is in support of the disastrous CFRs. It's my opinion the only reason anyone would support them is to finally convey the Mineral Estate to the Nation.
We must stand up and be counted. Posting on here and Facebook is not enough (tend to get deleted if you're to pro-Mineral Estate on Facebook, my experience anyway). We have to take a few minutes to email or call to voice our support for our OMC. Our elected officials rely to much on Facebook for interaction with their constituents and Facebook is heavily moderated and represents only small portion of the Osage. Facebook is killing us just as much as the Harvard project.
Send a message to the OMC, to Congress, leave a message just let it be known you support the OMC. Let people like Talee and Cathrine know you don't like them venturing into the Chief's camp. You don't have to get in debate with them. Say your piece and remind them who they need to be working for. You can be polite but let them know you don't won't to hear about Geoff or his constitution. They have to be reminded of who they work for and to quit relying on Facebook to gauge the will of the shareholders.
Call Congress and let them know that the Nation needs to back off. Be polite but get a little angry. Remind them that there are a lot more Osages out here than the 10 or 12 that incessantly post on Facebook. Let them know how pissed you are and that maybe they should think about reining in the Chief to what degree they can.
We have to do it. We can't wait for someone else to communicate for us. The longevity and very life of our Mineral Estate depends on it. If all they here from are Facebook Osages you can be assured that's all they're going to listen to. We have to get vocal. Call them, email them, talk to them on the street because the Facebook crowed sure is. And the Facebook crowd is going to be our end.
Hell yes, I will. In fact, your comment is so well written, I recommend sending it direct to all of them mentioned. We're getting nothing from the Chief but bashing the MC on facebook. This is insane. Is this the proper way for a Chief to run the business side of the Mineral Estate prior to taking it over with a COMPACT and away from the BIA? All you followers who think by being nice to him that he won't roll right over you just like the rest of us with this compact deal he's got people in training for in Washington D.C., you better put on your thinking caps and head back to the drawing board. He needs to be sharing what events will be taking place prior in order for a thing like this to happen. We need a number of questions answered before he moves forward like these: What happens to the individual headright shares on an accounting basis if the Nation takes over? Whose bank account will the revenue from oil and gas go into? Will it be the Osage Nation Treasury? Will a new trust account be opened if this is true? Will the shareholders be given a full and accurate accounting monthly from the Osage Nation Treasurer? What will happen to the current oil and gas contracts? Will this push the reset button and will all of those current contracts handled by the BIA be null and void? Who will be preparing new contracts and who will handle the bidding in order to get the new leasing handled for the Osage Nation if the BIA is no longer involved in this process? Who will be the new shareholders under this compact as the Headrights are associated with Federal government legal status with or without IIM accounts set up and managed by the BIA and the OST? Whose rules and regulations will be observed by the oil and gas producers out in the field and if the new leases don't go to the current lease holders, what happens then? Will the Osage Congress have to approve such a compact? They have done so with the Indian Health Service compact that is in the process of being implemented. They need to know that this is not what you want the Chief to do. The best option I can see before this upheaval takes place is to continue to work with the old CFRs until a new set can be drawn up with a place at the table for the oil and gas producers that makes business feasible for them who are working with primarily stripper wells out in the field. This is a mature mineral estate and the regulations should reflect that out in the field as to what is feasible and what is not from a regulatory standpoint.
To me compaction of the Mineral's functions come down to one question, when the Nation's management screws up and costs us money (such as the BIA has done) in who's court will Osage Shareholders bring suit? If it's the Osage Nation Court, we can kiss it goodbye. Even on the off-hand chance we won they sure couldn't cut a $380,000,000.00 dollar check.
Besides with the LLCs, cost overruns, and bad investments they've proven they do not have the business acumen to manage this multi-billion dollar estate. While bringing up the past is often not a good practice I think it's germane in this instance. This Osage Nation that whats to take over our Mineral Estate is the same Osage Nation that told Hard Rock they would pass when Hard Rock wanted to open a casino with us. So, Hard Rock went to the Cherokees and we missed out on that cash cow and the rest is history.
Government gloat, bloat ,rife with cronyism ,can't be stopped until the money drops.what are you to be if you can't see when that last barrel has gone to sea. Who but you are only to blame because the game is over.the game is over we will not bend over, not for you Chief not for you Chief this ain't over.
To 12:43 p.m. The shareholders would bring suit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and not under the court system of the Osage Nation. Management of the Minerals Estate is governed by federal laws and regulations, thus it becomes a matter for the federal court system.
That said, entities of the Osage Nation have rightly had their suits moved into courts of the State of Oklahoma on certain matters, and judgments entered into against them. They have simply refused to pay.
However, a judgment against an agency of the Osage Nation could render its government unlawful under Public Law 108-431. You'd have a stronger position for negotiating payment to the shareholders, though as noted above the assets simply aren't there to cover losses of any significant size.
Not if the BIA is compacted by the Osage Nation. You can't expect to sue the Federal government if the Osage Nation is the one managing the Minerals Estate and fouls everything up. It's all under their umbrella and Tribes cannot be sued due to their sovereignty.
What Shareholder's out there are ready to demand that we implement term limits for The OMC? It's time for Boone to retire, she among others have caused enough damage. The most respectful thing for her to do if she truely cares about the future of the ME is to resign and let the Shareholder's find an adequate replacement.
Do not put the blame entirely on her, thank you..(Boone) I did not like her in the beginning, she has a good heart..and good intent..though I will say I do agree with you that all members be replaced. This Started with the 30th and 31st M.C's. Yes they were hood winked into thinking that Sovereign was to create burocracy of government bloat and the way I see it as so many do, unfortunately the consequences of someone elses bad behavior has its consequences and it with great discern , but we must use discretion because not everyone is guilty. But because no one can be trusted at this point( domino effect) it is time to replace all councilmen and women. Waller especially. Holding his head high in the face of the Shareholders is the face of hypocrisy.(Osage News photo) In the face of adversity a leader does not have the option to stay quiet in great matters of concern. We need to Organize and it starts at home..mailers and so forth.
Not me. She has my full support. She has steadfastly stood up for the Shareholders and the preservation of the Mineral Estate. I continue to support and will encourage any member of the OMC that is an advocate for the Shareholder, of which she is one.
It is not and should not be the organizational mentality of the OMC to do the bidding of the Chief, the Nation or the BIA. Their function is to represent and stalwartly protect, defend and preserve the Mineral Estate for the benefit of the SHAREHOLDERS not the Nation. The Nation can and has fought for what it wants. We don't need any OMC member's rolling over to give them everything they want. Not only is that bad for the M.E. and the shareholders, that's just bad government.
So, quite the contrary I believe if anyone is to "banned" it should be those that capitulate and roll over every time the Nation and the Chief come and start sniffing around. The job of the OMC is to represent and fight for the Shareholders not help the Nation achieve it's nefarious ends.
She has my full support too as do every single one of the Minerals Council who agree with her position. She and the other five have stood fiercely between us and the folly of what the Osage Nation has plans to do. You won't benefit for long if the Nation runs the minerals. The Feds may not be there to go out in the field and support your interest where the landowners are concerned. With every possible gate locked to the Osage Nation running the minerals estate with a compact and collecting the revenue and unable to carry out a proper regulatory environment in a professional manner, how long do you think the money will flow and how much will it cost in litigation and legal fees to get those gates reopened which the Nation will likely have to participate in right along with the Feds if they agree to come in shoulder to shoulder. Now the Feds protect us alone because of the fiduciary obligation. If we compact, we will MORE THAN LIKELY have to be in there too or all alone and THIS TIME DON'T DISREGARD THIS WARNING. How many land owners are there in Osage County? Think about the level of difficulty and the complexity that will be involved here. Look at what has happened with just one lawyer calling for all the landowners to lock their gates? What will happen if all of them do so with hundreds of lawyers all over Osage County. You can have the ownership of the mineral rights all day every day, but can we afford to bring the oil and gas left in the ground out of the ground under such circumstances and if so for how long? I give it a year at the outside. It's one thing to have the mineral rights and quite another to get the oil and gas out of the ground if you are not the surface land owner.
The problem is you. Change is hard to accept. She has been there through the good bad and ugly. Your experience in the real world shows. It will and can not be cronyism any longer. No job is safe. And on a grand scale unfortunately there will be those who will have to pay the price of someone else's actions. Happens all the time. She exudes many qualities that I myself see in her..she has talent and those energies need to be used but in the right venue sorta speak. We nerd to right the wrong. At this juncture everyone is exactly doing what I said would happen. We want a working body for the Shareholders, representation. Our MC is tainted. And no one can be trusted because of tbe pointing of the finger..sorry. My opinion stands. Your not looking at the bigger scope of our reality. No longer can we have a renegade M.C.
Cynthia Boone has represented my headright interest as her constituent in a more exemplary manner than any of the others. She stands for what I stand for and has worked tirelessly and stood against anything that will diminish my headright interest. I want here right where she is, thank you very much and I disagree with you entirely. You're not the only shareholder and in three elections she has been one of the top vote getters despite any and all campaigns to try to destroy her reputation in order to see her defeated in the elections. I am one of those in the silent majority and I want her right where she is, doing exactly what she's doing to protect my interest against the Osage Nation, the BIA and all comers who engage in such unprofessional and nonsensical behavior and such foolish pipe dreams that they come up with that are well outside the perimeter of good sense and reality.
The Federal government (BIA) does not assist the producers in gaining access to their oil and gas leases. It is my experience that they support the surface owner's position more than the producer. When the producer requests assistance from the BIA to gain access to the property, the BIA always say they cannot help and that it is a civil matter to be settled in the District Court. The BIA is your worst enemy. I do not want to see the Osage Nation manage the OME but the BIA needs to be held accountable. They should be sued again for their negligence and for their irresponsible implementation of the new CFR's. The damage is already being realized. The Osage Shareholders should file a class action lawsuit against them ASAP.
Once the Donalson and Friend lawsuit has been resolved, I think the BIA will become more amenable toward making sure those gates stay open and that's another thing that should be added to the new CFRs with substantial fines for those landowners who take the money per well and then refuse to open their gates afterward. The BIA is suing in Federal Court right now on the minerals taking by the wind farm firm aren't they?
On compacting the OME by the Osage Nation, Under the Osage Nation Constitution, Article IV, Section 4. Remedies: No person shall be entitled to an award of monetary damages, as a form of relief, in the Osage Nation Trial Court for ANY VIOLATION OF THESE RIGHTS; unless the Osage Nation Congress may by law provide for monetary damages as a form of relief for such violations, when relief would best serve the interest of THE OSAGE NATION (the entity not an Osage member or Osage shareholder) or that of justice (for whom? Justice for the Osage Nation as an entity or a member of the Osage Nation or an Osage shareholder?) See also Article IV, Section 3. Inalienable Rights of Osage Citizens, E. and H. THIS IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU UNDERSTAND FULLY AND COMPLETELY that if the Osage Nation fouls up your minerals income due from them in any way whatsoever with a multitude of ways for things to be mishandled and for a multitude of reasons, YOU WILL HAVE NO RECOURSE IN THE OSAGE NATION TRIAL COURT TO MONETARY DAMAGES AT ALL FOR YOUR LOSS OR LOSSES. Think about this carefully. No matter how bad it gets, you can sue but can expect NO monetary compensation in the Osage Nation Courts to restore your loss of income no matter what the Osage Nation does or how badly this compact is mismanaged for whatever the reason. THIS IS IN THE OSAGE NATION CONSTITUTION AND IT IS THE HIGHEST LAW OF THE LAND that cannot be changed without a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT APPROVED by a vote of the Osage membership. Without recourse of any kind like this in the court system, would you want to have any entity managing the OME if such were the case including the Osage Nation? If you do, then you are either ignorant or in need of guardianship yourself. This is as crazy as it gets and don't ever be foolish enough to let them talk you into going there.
Osage Nation Constitution--->>> Click on text "Osage Nation Constitution"
SAVE THIS DATE: We need everyone who can to attend: Judge Frizzell's chambers, Courtroom #1, Federal Court House, 333 West 4th Street, Tulsa, OK ORDER The hearing set for August 10, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. shall address (1) plaintiff Osage Minerals Council’s Motion for Temporary Restraining Order [Dkt. #14 as filed in Case No. 15-CV-371-GKF-PJC]; (2) the Osage Minerals Council’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction [Dkt. #8 as filed in Case No. 15-CV-371-GKF-PJC]; and (3) plaintiff Osage Producers’ Association’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction [Dkt. #3 as filed in Case No. 15-CV-367-GKF-PJC]. IT IS SO ORDERED this 8th day of July, 2015. Case 4:15-cv-00367-GKF-PJC Document 13 Filed in USDC ND/OK
Please come early! 45 min to one hour. You will have to go through Security and the courtroom only holds about 100 people. I expect to hear the detailed arguments that should do a much better job of explaining the flaws in the whole negotiated rulemaking and how the new CFRs will harm not improve our multi-billion dollar estate instead of the cherry picking explanations we have been getting.
Listen up again, doof. This isn't drama and it isn't a movie. This is real and lots of lives could be seriously harmed financially and otherwise if the Nation starts running things out in the field when they don't know what they're doing.
Just looked at Ray McClain's new post. Thanks Ray. Glad to see you back. One question I have is where are the 'Operation Reports'? We can explain to each other bla bla bla but the way I see it as a Shareholder our income relies on 'Price of Oil' times Production (Period). Not what Galen Curm said, the BIA regulated, the Chief thinks. Pure and simple (Price of Oil x Production = our check) period, end of story, nada. Where are the Production reports that were posted? Haven't seen one in July & the recent other months suck! Everyone on this blog, can say this & that but when 'Push comes to shove' volume times price equals our check. Not the office manager, not the CFR's , declairing gifts, not lawsuits. What comes out of ther ground times 'PRICE OF OIL'. Any experts speak up but don't bullpoop us! Please don't waste our time with opinions, "Just the facts, ma'am".
I'm a headright beneficiary and I want to vote on whether or not the Nation compacts the Mineral Estate. I want that vote from an independent voting concern that is not related to either the BIA or the Osage Nation and I want that to happen before the Federal government turns the running of the MIneral Estate day to day over to the Osage Nation. If the Federally managed trust is going to end in its current form, I have the right to vote on it and whether or not I want it to continue or be run by the Osage Nation. I want this vote to involve only those with headright share and I want LEGAL full disclosure ahead of time as to what will be different if the Nation starts running things. I have a right to vote on this change and I want it to happen before the Nation allocates a thin dime toward running things. No real legal liability and no monetary damages and this is written into the Osage Nation Constitution? I DEMAND TO HAVE A VOTE ON WHETHER OR NOT THE OSAGE NATION TAKES OVER AND RUNS THIS MINERAL ESTATE.
May oil production (June reporting) was 12790 barrels per day. This is about 3.5% less than May of 2014. The average HPP price was $57.23 as opposed to $100.28 for May of 2014. Oil production for the first few months of 2015 was slightly higher than the corresponding months of 2014 and April and May slightly lower. So 2015 production so far has essentially stayed flat when compared to the 2014 levels when oil prices were over $100 per barrel and there were no new EA concerns.
Just wait until the Burbank flush production steeply falls. No new wells being drilled, no maintenance on existing wells, no re-completions, operators abandoning existing wells, it's getting ready to be very ugly in a few more quarters.
Now there you go again with more of your spook tactics. Chaparral expects North Burbank production to be between 10K & 15K bbl p/day and stay there for 25 years or longer. That's why they have already spent about $10 million, and are spending more every day to get the South Burbank unit ready. Give it up. This crap ain't working.
Was just thinking about how flat our check will be the next quarter and the current update on the Burbank is much appreciated poster 9:40 am. But with that in mind why are we not advertising the Burbank Field? And why just Chaparral the only producer that is investing and not other producers? Could you explain? Thank you.
Why do you quote the numbers for just ONE producer and then tell the other poster to give it up? What about the other 500-600 oil and gas producers? Provide the numbers for all the others and what their production is or is this the only big producer left in Osage County?
Chaparral has vested 250 million dollars in the Burbank Area. And thats a big Thank you from this Osage..but still the same I would like to know the anwers to the above posts as well.
With no support for the small independent operators, the Shareholders are going to be left with only a few large independents like Chaparral who seldom pursue new exploration. Wait and see. I am one of many who are preparing to exit the county. Many more will be following.
The blogger @ 9:40AM is clueless (maybe it's Galen). Without the flush production from the Burbank, the production would not be flat. Rather the production would be 1500 BPD less than today. The average royalty rate, as mentioned in the last OMC meeting, is receding which means more production is coming from the old legacy fields and less from newer fields with a higher royalty. This does not bode well for the Nation and means more and more dependence on the Burbank to make up the shortfall.
Please don't post repetitive URLs. The URL has already been posted in a comment on this page. Please refer to it and reply in the appropiate thread line. Thank you.
So the producers want the OCC to take over the Trust really? Oh hell no! The Federal Government is not going to hand over the Trust lol. This Trust is designed to protect the interest of the asset. The BIA is flawed and so flawed at an administrative level with no real experience in engineering, planning, to no end. The Federal Government and the BIA has not fufilled there obligations since the HPP case what makes it no different if the Producers can't come into compliance ? Its like the pot caliing the kettle black right? BTW. After 3 yrs the BIA has had every opportunity to staff its office but has not and to add to injury to the wound has saddled this off office with more redundancies as to the complete opposite to the objectives. What I want to know how our Osage BIA has improved their conditions to meet the objective of the HPP case? The Office of Inhoff nneds to understand from a real perspective and not just from the Chiefs perspective here. There are some real issues of mistrust which needs to be looked at seriously to the Staff of our Council members...Epic fail.
The producers have no intention of seeking the OCC to take control of the OME. The Osage Producers Association President, Shane Matson, appeared before the OMC and stated such. Not all Osage County producers are members of the Osage Producers Association but the ones who are not members that I have spoken with do not support the OCC to take control. So enough about that nonsense.
I am an Osage Shareholder and also an Osage County producer who is being forced out of the county due to these new regulations that are impossible for me to comply with. If implemented, I will be filing for bankruptcy. My 35 wells will become unwanted ornaments on the surface owners' property and the liability of same will become the BIA's. I hope they keep the kids away from the abandoned wells as they may be dangerous. The kids might play with the valves or climb on the tank batteries which are very flammable. I assume the BIA has all this figured in their implementation of the CFR's. Guards at every lease right? The wells will not be able to be re-entered upon my abandonment.
I am just one of several hundred small operators of thousands of wells that are facing this demise. When the producers asked for financial contributions for litigation from the Shareholders after numerous pleas, they received a $500 contribution from one Shareholder and $100 divided by four other Shareholders. Wow! Really! We have five generous Shareholders among us for whom I am appreciative of and thank them very much for their contribution.
This is very serious and to the "know it all" posting about the Burbank field, I think he should give us a projected schedule of how high our royalty checks will be during the next couple of quarters due to this amazing success. When will we start to see this major increase in revenue. Damn it, I think I'll go to the next boat show and buy a cruiser.
Does the OMC and BIA have a compact with Chaparral? The only operator that will be left in the county? How can they work on their wells when no one else can? CO2 injection is considered formation treatment which we operators are no longer allowed to do. Why can they? May be a conspiracy!
If we Shareholders don't fight the Feds now we will surely loose our ME. Support the producers and attend the upcoming hearing. Bring bows and arrows!
The Osage oil and gas producers are the Shareholders' partners, in this situation. We need to support them now! Fill the courtroom and hallways on August 10th to support them and our own interests, as Shareholders.
They have some of the strongest balance sheet E&P space..though the rig count is down because of falling prices they will weather the storm. Restructuring where technology is concerned where cutbacks could be made, made a big difference. Thus is the type of experience from a CEO Me.Hagar had taken on since AUG.1st. Congrats Mr. Hagar.
The drilling rig count is down in Osage County mostly due to our Federal government and less so by the price of oil. I have several wells I would commence immediately, if allowed to. The BIA has me shut down. I know the price of oil will eventually rebound and I am willing to drill new wells now but cannot due to the EA and beetle bug. I thought all of the thousands of horses would have stomped the beetle bugs into extinction by now, if there ever were any such bugs in the first place. If the bug is so important, why hasn't the Feds published poster with photographs and warnings of beetle bug crossings?
I peed on a bug in the oil field last week; I hope it wasn't an American Burrowing Beetle. The horses would be disappointed they missed one.
More on the burying beetle:
Legislator wants state to get into oil and gas hedging Read more: Sounds like another reason we don't want Oklahoma State control of the Mineral Estate.
Anyone remember Mohammed Saeed al-Saffah? You know; Baghdad Bob during our 2003 invasion of Iraq? Galen Crum reminds me of Baghdad Bob. All hell is breaking loose around him and he keeps insisting that all is well. Right? At least Andrew Yates only makes a fool of himself when he votes and then keeps silent. Not Galen; he entertains us with his nice cut and paste presentation that fails to include any of the underlying issues; the between the lines and behind the scenes very important details. The cut and paste appeared accurate though. If, he thinks nothing has changed in the new CFR's, why then, have new CFR's?
Galen seems to be a very nice individual and I have nothing personal against him, but why on God's great green earth did the Shareholders elect him to manage a multi-billion dollar mineral estate? We voted for him and now we have to live with his votes and biased publications! It kind of reminds me of the Tulsa World Editorials (or comic page)
Just read Galen's powerpoint presentation on Ray McClain's website. Galen will continue to defend his vote on the new CFR's until he dies. He conveniently forgets to mention that the "old " bonding requirement was for $5000/quarter section, regardless of well count. The new requirement is $5000/well and capped at 25 wells. In order to get $125,000 in bonding, one has to pledge that much in assets or get a line of credit that shows you have the financial statement to qualify. A lot of the smaller operators don't have that kind of money lying around, especially at these prices. Moreover, Galen goes on to defend the NYMEX prices which does not have any deductions for transportation. That's on the producer now whereas, before, these charges were deducted before the royalty was calculated. Maybe true that some producers got NYMEX at one time but not now. Not even Chaparral. So the producer is taking it in the shorts again but Galen can strut around with his chest puffed out acting like he is savior of the County. Even the BIA in Denver, working on behalf of the Arapahoes, Utes and Shoshones determined that NYMEX was not a workable model. But Galen and the boys had drunk their Kool-Aid and refused to waiver.
Most Osages I know will never admit to being wrong no matter what. I think they see it as a personal humiliation. It's always hard to admit and therefore, I see it a strength.
What is bothering me is I'm paying Galen out of my HR for this attitude. If he can't see the wrong then step down .A lot of men that were wrong were nice fellas.
It's not because these guys are dumb that they continue to support the CFRs. It's because they are representing the interest of the Nation (rather than the shareholders) and they are acting to facilitate the conveyance of authority away from the OMC. Make no mistake their support for the CFRs is purposeful.
Just as the Chief constantly harasses the OMC while they are fighting for the preservation of the Mineral Estate. Even going as far as threatening to file against the OMC in the very court where they are fighting to keep our Mineral Estate. All the while claiming he already has authority to fight on behalf of the Mineral Estate, yet doing nothing in actuality to that end. It's all done for a reason. Don't let the subterfuge and talking heads on Facebook suck you in. Watch their action and question their motives and reality begins to reveal itself.
I had always heard that fb is a proverbial cotton for the mind. I wouldn't believe it until perfectly intelligent Osages with headright shares are being hornswoggled over on these sites by new government side Osages when they start their spin and boy do they submit without question or challenge. Even when it was pointed out that the Osage Nation has $0 legal liability under the Judicial system if the Nation takes over, they are still taken in as if they have no more respect for what they receive quarterly in their headright checks than if it were nothing to them at all. Usually you have to put a gun to someone's head to steal a part of their livelihood. Pensioners who are losing their pensions are taking to the streets and rioting at the thought of the loss of the income they have coming in Greece. Osages with a headright share are taking to fb and are fooled by the reassuring statements and other such mollycoddle being made by new government side Osages, believing such nonsense without question. Some are even being so obviously patronizing that it's humiliating for them, especially when they will likely suffer as much of a loss as the rest of us no matter what they do if the Trust is done away with and a compact is put in place with who knows what money and where it will come from other than from oil and gas royalty income.
I'm pleased to see that Ihofe and Lankford are only considering the 20,567 "substantive" comments and discounting the template reply that adds no value to the rulemaking process. Someone has to reel in the Federal overreach before a raindrop landing on a leaf is considered a wetland.
Federal overreach is playing way too fast and loose everywhere you look. I'm glad too that these Senators are keeping their eye on the ball. On one fb page a former chief is going on about the OGRC and how the headrights can't be taken away. He conveniently forgets about how Hepsi Barnett was going around in the information sessions talking about a "public trust" as an idea under the new Constitutional government. Funny how those very words turned up in the Osage Nation Constitution, isn't it? If the oil and gas income is held in a new Osage Nation oil and gas public trust and is no longer deposited in the Federal Trust account, how much money will be disbursed from the account if it's got no money for disbursement in it? You can have headrights all day long that cannot be taken away but if there is no money in the account from which headright income is disbursed, how much money will be in your quarterly headright check? ZERO.
In no small part, why we do what we do here at the Osage Blog: "This most extreme case study emphasizes why the issue of propaganda matters and challenges citizens to actively question, analyze, and seek the truth."
My fellow Shareholders are apparently very selfish and considered as blanket-assed Indians who just wait and expect the feds to take care of them. I am so embarrassed to be viewed in this light. Let's get off our blankets and do something for ourselves. It's now or never.
Yes, yes, yes, we shareholders we are greedy, we are lazy, and we are uncaring. We are uncooperative ogres holding back the potential of the Nation. We are blanket-asses stuck in a backwards time. We are responsible for dividing this tribe. We have ruined the great name of the Osage. Money get's stolen from the casinos, shareholders fault. LLCs lose millions, it's because the shareholders have divided our Nation. Pawhuska roaches a dancer with a buzzard feather, it's because a shareholder wouldn't give him an eagle feather. It's all the shareholders fault. In short we are the ruin of this great Osage Nation. ...If only the shareholders would give away their assets to the greater good. If only shareholders were out of the way of this Nation. If only there was a way of getting rid of the blight of these shareholders, think of the greatness this mighty Osage Nation could achieve. If only there a way to remove the shareholders from the hard working, god fearing citizens of the Osage Nation... if only there was a... final solution...
Tell ya what 6:15, you just be embarrassed because I'm staying in my village. I'm going to fight for whats mine. And I'm going to keep my blanket on my ass.
Such a disgusting and insulting post and unfortunately a widely held belief in the Nation. But I'm thankful you posted it. Everyone should see the unwashed sentiment the shareholders are facing.
Give 'em hell, 8:43 p.m., If $300,000-$350,000 of gaming and other income in the last 9 years hasn't made happy and satisfied all these government and non-shareholder Osages, our headright income won't help them get there either. I've seen greed unleashed and unbridled unlike anything I've ever witnessed in my life and it would have been far worse if it weren't for web sites like this one. Not my money. I have too much respect for it to see it thrown away so stupidly and without any accountabiity.
So true Poster 10:43 pm..what does lazyness mean when they say this and they whoever need to expound? This statement derives only from ignoranus. Had they had owned a asset as such they would be in the same boat as we find ourselves in.
As a Shareholder and an Osage county producer, I have pleaded to my fellow Shareholders to support the Osage County Producers. My pleas have fallen on deaf ears.
I am once again pleading that the Osage Shareholders attend the hearing to take place on Monday, August 10, 2015. Please attend to show your support to stop the implementation of the devastating implementation of these new CFR's.
If you fail to attend or don't send a representative of your Osage family, you will have no one else to blame but yourself for the outcome.
We are under attack and we need to act now.
Get off your ass and do something to fight for your rights; or, do nothing and watch your headright diminish to nothing.
If you care about your headright you should be in attendance Monday.
I will be attending and so will several other members of my family. It is very import to have a large attendance to emphasize the seriousness of this matter. It would be a good thing to have standing room only in the courtroom and overflowing into the hallway. In the meantime, say some prayers for a favorable outcome.
More on the mess that Osage County has become --->>>
Mark your calendars: The Osage Shareholders Association Meeting is Sunday, August 16, 2015 at 1:00 P.M., at the Dave Landrum Community Center in Pawhuska, OK.
Yes. You can always become a member. I am sure the oil and gas producers they will be happy to have at the meeting to share what is happening with the lawsuit and out in the field.
Excuse me, but are all Non-Osage Shareholders invited also? What ? 1700 more or less, still a strong force in a very indirect way. If you are a Osage or a Non-Osage Shareholder and one of the 1700 attends the OSA meeting or the hearing at the court in Tulsa , send a Selfie of you there to and I will send you a free white or black T-Shirt ,while supply last. These are new top line leftover from a Blues Brothers tribute.fifty M, L, XL, XXl one per person only, H
It is being reported but not fully yet confirmed that that Chief is going to review his schedule for the MC meeting on Wednesday, August 19, 2015 whatever that means. This is no commitment from the Chief whatsoever and yet everyone thinks they have a coming together of the MC and the Chief? Keep singing Kumbaya scamp and all your followers. What ACTION has the Chief taken to stop this ugly situation from going forward if tomorrow's court action fails to stop those dreaded new CFRs? You keep singing and when the MC meeting takes place, ask this Chief why he left the MC out there twisting in the wind. If the MC gets that injunction, the Chief will have no right to claim victory whatsoever and the MC will have left him in the dust. Too little too late. Who cares what "Jamaica Geoff" has to say at the MC meeting on the 19th? It was what he had to DO before tomorrow the 10th that matters and he did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. If anyone knows different, correct me if I'm wrong.
He has done nothing, other threaten to file against the OMC for fighting these CFRs. In my opinion it is that way for two reasons. One, the federal government only recognizes the OMC in matters of minerals, much to the Nation's distaste. And two, because the Chief supports the new CFRs and the transfer of rule away from the OMC they put in place.
Why wouldn't the Nation support the new CFRs? The new CFRs take away any decision making authority from the OMC and vest it in the agency. The Nation hopes to compact the agency, so were that to happen, ultimately that authority would rest with the Nation. Not to mention the Nation would be the beneficiary of confiscated lease equipment.
It's time for these Osage to wake up and read the handwriting on the wall.
Save the Kumbaya chorus for a broadband enabled, Facebook coordinated, immersion sing-along, broadcast from the middle of Naval Reserve.
Its all subterfuge. The 1906 act requires a Chief and AP Chief, the Chief being the tie breaker...and I will say this again the Nation forgets why they exist at all if it wasn't for the M.E and the people who voted for a Government.
With 2,229 headrights, each family should send a representative to tomorrow's hearing. That would be a minimum of 2229 individuals in the courtroom and hallway. If you don't send a member from your headright family, shame on you and you just might get your ass handed to you. The producers will be exiting Osage County and for good reason. Say bye bye! It was good while it lasted (100+ years). The Superintendent will take good care of your Mineral Estate from here on out; right. Good luck with that. You did not send any financial support to the producers after numerous pleas for assistance. As a Shareholder, I'm so embarrassed for that. Five Shareholders sent $600 between them. One sent $500 and four others sent a total of $100. Really? With 2,229 headrights, only $100 contribution towards the producer's defense. So sad!
Really pathetic! OMG, I guess we'll see if there are 2,000+ attending tomorrow. If not, we only have ourselves to blame should these disastrous CFR's are allowed o be implemented. Why do we not hear a word from out OMC? No encouragement, no leadership, nothing! Why is that? They are silent on all this devastation. They should be recalled from their positions.
The truth be known I do not think that the majority knows what is going on. Or to be more precise, The majority of the Shareholders feel the Nation will look out for their Interest..Instead we have Indians Playing with a house of cards and we know how that will end. Fortunately I do have family that will be attending the Court date and my hope is you all will represent all for one and one for all.
TOMORROW MORNING: We need everyone who can to attend: Judge Frizzell's chambers, Courtroom #1, Federal Court House, 333 West 4th Street, Tulsa, OK ORDER The hearing set for August 10, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. shall address (1) plaintiff Osage Minerals Council’s Motion for Temporary Restraining Order [Dkt. #14 as filed in Case No. 15-CV-371-GKF-PJC]; (2) the Osage Minerals Council’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction [Dkt. #8 as filed in Case No. 15-CV-371-GKF-PJC]; and (3) plaintiff Osage Producers’ Association’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction [Dkt. #3 as filed in Case No. 15-CV-367-GKF-PJC]. IT IS SO ORDERED this 8th day of July, 2015. Case 4:15-cv-00367-GKF-PJC Document 13 Filed in USDC ND/OK
This unconfirmed report has turned up as a comment on the Osage News Facebook page. Chief has just commented there that he is in a compacting negotiation with the BIA OTHER THAN the Minerals Department and Probate. This meeting has been scheduled in advance of today's court hearing.
Congratulations to the Osage Producers Association, the Osage Mineral Council and my brother Paul Revard for winning their court case today. The Judge ruled in their favor and approved the injunction against the BIA. Had it not been for the OPA and my brother fighting for ALL the operators and Shareholders I do not believe the case would have been won just on the OMC arguments. Proud to be an Osage today but prouder to be a Revard today. Great job big brother.
FANTASTIC! You are all to be commended for standing up against this regulatory oppression and nightmare created by the BIA. I am so happy and elated for all of us! Thank Lord, our God! All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine! I am delighted. Outstanding work Osage Minerals Council and the Osage Producers Association for saving all of us and Osage County from an impoverishment that may never have been fully recovered from going forward. This is a great and wonderful day in the Osage and you have done yourselves proud! Thank you for all of us all over the country and at home. Well done !!! !!! !!!
Great job Paul, our father George E. Revard would be very proud as well. Funny how the 3 Osage Mineral Council members that were not present in court today are the same 3 that assisted the BIA to implement the new CFR'S. In the words of Trump : Your fired!
Interesting article and read to the end about proposed trust legislation. -->>
ReplyDeleteSpecial Trustee Vince Logan a no-show at Senate panel's hearing
DeleteThe Senate Indian Affairs Committee heard testimony on trust modernization on Wednesday in an attempt to address a key issue in Indian Country. You can listen to the hearing on demand at
DeleteI wonder what he means by this?
It means he is a cosponsor of legislation that won't move forward, and even if it did would be vetoed by Obama. It's a moot point.
DeleteLegislation number, if you please.
DeleteIt is my belief when you make open ended statements as such, more than likely the Lawmaker does not know what he is talking about..One it is not so simple and complicated. Two, it can no longer be business the old way..A organized business is a productive business. Outside of our Osage Culture, we don't have a mission to set up the right criteria to open a full on petroleum engineering office. We need to support a life long professional development. Development of the infrastructure to boldly go and foster proudly working with the community, sustainability. So I ask why are we not there yet? We need skilled, educated people that will understand how to apply techniques that understands the impact, in a global economy, environmental is a huge one for me, had we had a rank and file sorta speak, a system in place, as some say not a arm chair league, had we been in the know...and this ia where we are where and you do understand, most of you do how Opec, to the CFR's, to the ethic violations, and we all know how the pendulum will swing in the Osage Supreme Court will decide on this matter..BTW There is so much compelling arguement to demonstrate good will and faith in this direction..So I say lets move in the Direction for a better future ,a future that needs to happen now..We have a short window, because 2017 is right around the Corner..Keystone will get the Green light..we got a team in the mindset of Politics..lets move them aside..There is no reason we cannot be operational. So I ask where is the Leadership? So identical to what everyone is saying about the U.S. So how I see we have elected officials who are asking like true politicians. Politicians are essentially passive reactive players. They only respond to problems when they can't criticize but they do not step up and take accountability or respond to proactive plans..except a few. And it is so evident, staring and smelling should be so compelling to do what is right. This is no accident where we are at, the status quo cannot be the same any longer, should we grow.
DeleteThk you Osageblooger for correcting my error. This Tablet mooves fast and so do I.
DeleteYou can find all of Bridenstine's sponsored and cosponsored legislation at the URLs below. Also, I've included the only bill relevant to the article above; it is H.R. 1487 - American Energy Renaissance Act of 2015. Given that it's tied to the Keystone Pipeline and other things opposed by the Obama Administration it's dead even before debate.
DeleteWe the Osage have the tools to do just about anything,buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut Osage Politics is the killer.No matter how well a group builds a corporation,everything can and does change with every Osage election.No safe planing or a set stable direction.Investors need to know that their investment,their future profits,are safe from election to the next and it does not matter if its Osage or US politics.Can it be done,why yes it can,its what I've always worked on, a few hours away from the Osage.
DeleteOsageblogger, can you provide the website link to view the filings of the two lawsuits against the DOI & BIA? I believe they have until today to file their response to our lawsuits.
ReplyDeleteYes. Here you go:
The links are from this article at the Tulsa World:
Chief had better hustle...
I'm reprinting my comment as a reminder >>>>>>>>
DeleteI guess I'm on both sides of this question and my concerns are Osage Constitution related. Article XV, Section 2, outside of the management, administration and development of the minerals estate in Section 4, specifically has the minerals rights reserved to the Osage Nation. The income belongs to the Osage Nation before it's transferred to the OME Trust account by the Feds for quarterly disbursement to the headright owners and other purposes per the U.S. Congress 1938 Act to Amend the 1906 Allotment Act. As far as I can see the Osage Nation Constitution has created TWO parties in interest in the whole of Article XV because the titular head of the Osage Nation on a government to government relationship basis with regard to its owned and reserved assets is the Chief of the Osage Nation. He has the absolute right to act alone to protect those assets and fooling around with the Minerals Council trying to get legal permissions and MOUs and other such legal nonsense while leaving the assets he's fully and completely responsible for under the Osage Constitution and the 1906 Allotment Act as amended, leaving them wide open and without protection is unconscionable in my opinion. From my point of view, he doesn't need permission, an invitation or any other reason to act alone to protect these assets and he must do so severally or risk harm to them or perhaps the loss of them. Before you have income, you have to have the mineral rights protected and secured. Before you have income generated from the mineral rights to transfer to the OME trust account, you have to have the income protected as well. This is on the Chief and no one else. The Minerals Council has their own bailiwick and the Chief has his. The MC has stepped up and now it's the Chief's turn at bat and he had better take it now or risk losing the income against the new CFRs that will kill off at least 60% of the business in Osage County.
“That is a question for the Osage Supreme Court,” he said. “It is not a question for the federal court in Tulsa. I do not want a federal court weighing in on it.” This Chief!?! It's already been weighed in on at the Federal Court of Claims in the HPP lawsuit. YES? Does he not remember this or what? Is he side winding again or what? Or is he half-truth telling here or what? WHAT? Jurisdiction is written in the FEDERAL REGISTER. Get up to speed, Chief before you bring the whole (Osage) house down upon all of us.
What an An Inconvenient Truth.
DeleteOnce again action speak loader than words. The fact that the Chief would rather TRY and torpedo the the OMC's case coupled with the fact that he has done nothing to fight the CFRs and the fact that Galen "CFR" Crumb is his buddy should demonstrate to everyone that he is in favor of these new CFRs and the death of the Mineral Estate as we know it. Put aside any personal feelings you may have for the man and look at the evidence. Regardless of his political posturing (the OCC scare that was nothing but a red haring), his actions or lack thereof, who he associates with, and remarks like this show what his true intentions are. And, let us not forget that the Nation (and I'm sure ultimately the ONEs) was to be the beneficiary of lease equipment confiscated by the superintendent. All this says to me is that the Nation is quietly in agreement with the new CFRs and the neutered OMC rendered thereby.
DeleteI contend the Chief can't do anything without invitation from the OMC in the form or a resolution or MOU. Poster 1:19 says the Chief already has the authority and NEEDS TO ACT. If I'm right the OMC goes to federal court (whether the Chief likes it or not), If 1:19 is right and the Chief already has the authority and isn't acting than it's time for Osages to start asking the uncomfortable question, why? If the Chief is free to protect the M.E. then why isn't he doing it? He seems to have no intention of doing it. He isn't addressing it. All he's doing is threatening to file against the OMC for acting. LET ME REPEAT THAT, HE IS DOING NOTHING TO PRESERVE THE MINERAL ESTATE YET HE IS THREATENING TO FILE BRIEFS AGAINST THE OMC TO STOP THEM FROM ACTING TO SAVE THE MINERAL ESTATE.
A little score card;
DeleteCFR Round One:
OMC: Votes multiple times to reject the CFRs. Go to Washington to protest the CFRs in person.
Chief/Nation/Facebook Osages: The OMC members shouldn't go to Washington unless they went as a unanimous group or included the Chief.
Minerals Meeting Attendance:
OMC: Nation officials cannot sit in on executive sessions. (Keep in mind the Nation's desire to be a producer now. Beyond that he is free to attend meetings and request to speak or be present to respond to questions. Speaker Whitehorn is always there and they haven't ignored her or banished her and even ask her questions.)
Chief/ Nation/ Facebook Osages: Chief refuses to attend any meetings insinuating, the OMC has banished him.
Wind Turbines:
OMC: Along with BIA has DOJ file suit against ENEL. (The suit is still in court.)
Chief/ Nation: Pass an illegal law that they are going to go and arrest and prosecute non-Osages on non-Osage and land because they claim the OMC is "doing nothing." (Notice law officers were never sent out there because the law Mr. Standingbear, legal expert he's regarded as, triumphed clashed with every state, federal and court ruling on the books.)
CFRs Round Two:
OMC: Files suit against DOI enjoined with the OPA to stop the disastrous CFRs.
Chief: Threatens to file briefs to remove the OMC from saving us from the CFRs.
The score for the Shareholders is zero if the Chief doesn't do what he's supposed to do and but quick. I warned all of you that electing this guy would get us into even more trouble than we were in already before he was elected. The coup d'état continuation of the OME with that slick Primary Election to get him on the throne with "sticky fingers" waiting in the wings should have been everyones first clue and I objected to that too. Shareholders had better be ready to do something by August 4th or we better hope and pray that OPA lawsuit comes through to save the day or we will be facing ruin as sure as I am again warning you right here and now.
Delete“That essentially would destroy the trust responsibility over our mineral estate,” Standing Bear said. “It’s stuff like this that keeps me up at night.”
DeleteNo Trust responsibility, NO casinos...
Galen, you lead us down this path with those new CFRs that are at issue with everyone but you and four or five of your buddies. Your little powerpoint presentation isn't going to save the day if that lawsuit fails in any event. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF NOW?
You have got to read Jim Gray's comment on this facebook page under the Pearson comment -- It's really got to be seen to be believed!!!!! Every Chief we've had including this one has tried to get his hands on the ME and this one has been on top of it to crush the MC if that's what it takes no matter what it takes. I suspect he's hired a new female AG to do it even though he can't fire the other one because he has some Federal Court standing and cases there or something. The Nation is paying $65,000 x 2 for both of them at the same time and won't reduce the first ones pay for whatever the reason. Jones came out with a Constitutional ruling that the MC didn't have to send over leases to the Chief and when that happened I knew his days were numbered. You want unity Chief, stop legally picking on the MC over a blanket and a ham and show them some respect. I want numbers on how much this is costing the Osage people. Oh and Jim Gray, you were most aggressive Chief we've ever had to fight against transparency and accoutability in your so called O-nopoly administration. It's one of the main reasons you got so completely trashed in the election when you were defeated by Red Eagle. I mean really, who do you two Chiefs think you're kidding? Are you trying to perfect the art of the Hitler Big Lie? The bigger the lie you tell the easier it is to sell? Give us a break. Get back to doing your own work to clean up the Executive Branch and stop panting after the Mineral Estate. STAY OUT OF MINERALS BUSINESS AND MIND AFTER YOUR OWN WHERE YOU HAVE A MESS TO DEAL WITH EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame to think of the potential these osages have squandered lusting after the damn mineral estate. Good God think what we could have been. And not a damn one of these indians gets upset about it. Hell maybe they don't understand unkessg grey tells them what to think.
DeleteHow many times a day have I thought how great it could have been for all of us if those townie Osages and Harvard Project theories hadn't been running us into the ground every day from the beginnng. A total screw up from top to bottom.
DeleteWhich Chief are you going on about? JG orr GS?
DeleteMe three...totally agree...ditto.
DeleteAnd the People will prevail in the end they always do. The arguement will be with the people, and we can't be having this discussion over and over centuries. The Nation forgets where they come from and who is the real threat. The whistle blowers will sting..they will sting from bottom to top. The Osage People from top to bottom big and small will stand tall we will not fall.
DeleteChief Standing Bear trying to crush the MC with law suits, having to pay for everything and such like that.
DeleteHe trying to crush more than the Mineral Council, I think he's trying to crush the entire Mineral Estate or more to the point remake it in a way that benefits the Nation the expense of the shareholders.
DeleteGood comment and I totally agree.
Deletepee-yew #2 --->>>
Oilmen: Feds are killing us
"The bill encourages tribes to enter into cooperative agreements with and local governments regarding." Regarding land-into-trust or does it have to do with more than that? --->>>
Notification: The Minerals Council Newsletter was sent out today by e-mail and should arrive by regular mail as well. If you are not receiving a copy and are a shareholder, call Lacee Reynolds at 918-287-5346 and she will add you to the list. The Newsletter is filled with official information from the MC about the lawsuit against the implementation of the new CFRs.
ReplyDeleteThis way overdue news letter is filled with BS! Obviously, both articles were written before July 10, probably a month before. This is not NEWS. It is BAD HISTORY.
DeleteI say it's GOOD HISTORY and includes more than just your centric point of view. It's for July, it was issued in July and it's there for all to read who have been whining and complaining about the MC not communicating with the headright owners. You seem to never be satisfied. If they communicate with you and it doesn't reflect the Chief's point of view you trash it out. We're on to you whether you know it or not. A play was made by your team that included an outrageous end run to take totally unfair advantage using the new CFRs and it has been stopped dead in its tracks. No amount of throwing a fit about not getting away with it is going to make any difference. Your play would have killed the oil production in Osage County. If you thought ONES was going to sweep in and resume operations after all the equipment was nationalized by the Osage Nation with the backing of the BIA in the new CFRs, you better think again. This is still the United States of America. Where do you think you are? Venezuela? Do you think that our Chief is Hugo Chavez II? Get your silly a** back to the chalk board, pick up the eraser and wipe it clean. What were you thinking? Or were you even thinking at all? Stop FEELING and learn to think logically first before you pick up the chalk next time around.
DeleteGlad to get it anyway, better than not, right?
DeleteRIGHT you are!
DeleteOur "silly' Chief is back to commenting on facebook instead of communicating to the Osage Shareholders in an official capacity. Why aren't you jumping all over him for that? He's posted here before and this is a direct web page specifically set up for communication with the Osage headright shareholders. Is he afraid that we're on to him about needing to take the necessary measures to protect the Mineral Estate and ultimately, the OME Trust, in his own right as Chief of the Osage Nation with an ownership interest directly per and mandated by the Osage Nation Constitution that he has SWORN to UPHOLD in Article XV, Section 2, that needs legal protection first and foremost before any of the oil and gas income is even transferred to the OME Federal trust account? Let him make the case here too instead of seeking the protection of those he knows who will KHRA on facebook when we are about getting down to the unvarnished truth and protecting the shareholder's interest here and not necessarity interested in having to be well liked. I am throwing down the gauntlet right here and now. Well, Chief, what do you have to say?
DeleteWhat you keep failing to mention is Article XV, Section 1. I read in there that the Osage Legislature or Congress in the General Authority. When are they going to start being authoritative in this situation? Are they up to speed here? Have any of them even read this passage in the Osage Constitution? What is their role and responsibility to protect the Mineral Rights and the Mineral Estate for the Headright trust beneficiaries? When are they going to put forward an emergency resolution and vote on it in emergency session to compel the Chief to act on his responsibilities under the Constitution if he fails to do it by the first of the week? What is the Federal Court to think with these two clown branches of the Osage Nation "play doh" government acting the way they are with all this at stake and so much to lose if they don't come forward to act and do what they're supposed to do on an immediate basis? This is my income and I by God want it protected and something done about it before it's too late. August 10th is looming and I am puke-all tired of these ridiculous government Osages jockying for position when the whole of the Osage Mineral Estate hangs in the balance. Grow a brain you government people and do what you need to do RIGHT NOW to get yourselves and this legal situation back in hand.
DeleteCongress IS the General Authority.
DeleteHow sad it is.....
DeleteThe Chief knows if he posts here he will be a crisp..from the five men board to the OLLC, and so forth..We will come on strong, strong as Trump. He knows he can hide on facebook ,a social media site where you won't say anything that is pertinent to our reality..and or he has failed greatly to represent the Greater Interests of the M.E..I want him removed as Chief..
DeleteThe Chief is always welcome to come and post here along with any of his supporters. I want to clarify that we want a dialog and this is just the venue for it.
DeleteTo review the DOI Response to the Federal Lawsuit Filed by the Minerals Council see
It's a very well written response. The judge's decision will most likely recognize that the plaintiffs in the cases did not file in a timely manner, as the CFRs were under development for more than two years without the matters at hand being raised. Also, the 1906 Act does not direct the trustee to maximize profit from the Minerals Estate. The BIA is most likely going to prevail.
DeleteAs an Osage Shareholder and also as an Osage County producer, I was never informed of any of the meetings concerning the new CFR's. The BIA and the OMC did not notify me as a Shareholder or producer that such meetings were taking place. I recently learned that notices were published on some federal website, but I do not trust our federal government enough to visit their websites. We were given notice five weeks prior to the July 10th implementation date. This is unacceptable. The trustee should not be allowed to put regulations in place that force producers out of business and discourages exploration and development.
DeleteThe argument was how could the M.C go forward with a suit till the CFR's were promulgated? You would have thought the BIA would have given the M.C time to debate on the final rule before this action was to take effect?
DeleteYes. Agreed. The Council needed to see the final rule that was noticed to go into effect on July 10, 2015 before they could assess how badly they will be harmed among other things. Talee Redcorn posted on one of the facebooks sites that the new CFRs exposed the fact they, when going into effect, will so emasculate the Minerals Council of power to do much of anything that it's totally unacceptable. This was not what was agreed to when the final draft of the new CFRs were sent to Washington D.C. and what was in that draft copy composed in the RegNeg committee. All these negative reports about the incompetence of the BIA came out and one of them blamed the MC so the BIA legal went back to work on the final rule and added new text that has denunded the MC of any power to do much of anything. This reverses the trend of sovereignty and the concept of self-governance. Not to mention the fact that I want my vote as a shareholder to count and to mean something and not wind up with a figurehead MC who can only throw up their hands and say they can't do a thing as a result of the new CFRs!!! IF THIS IS THE CASE AND I CANNOT ANY LONGER HAVE REPRESENTATION FROM THE COUNCIL, THEN I HAVE BEEN HARMED AS A HEADRIGHT MINERALS ESTATE ANNUITANT AND SHAREHOLDER. THE 2004 REAFFIRMATION ACT OF THE U.S. CONGRESS PROHIBITS THAT THE RIGHTS OF ANY PERSON TO OSAGE MINERAL ESTATE SHARES ARE NOT TO BE DIMINISHED. TAKING AWAY MY REPRESENTATION AND PUTTING IN A COUNCIL THAT CANNOT REPRESENT ME IS A DIMINISHMENT OF MY RIGHTS; THE RIGHT TO REPRESENTATION, PLAIN AND SIMPLE!
DeleteNow another lawyer DIRECTLY TIED TO THE HARVARD PROJECT is making claims that a federal administrative court decided against the Jech case without clarifying that this court has nothing whatsoever to do with the Federal Judicial Branch of the United States Government. It's a BIA court associated with the BIA Solicitor's office that provided a clarification that the BIA recognizes the new Osage Constitutional government. The Jech case did not go into Federal court after this determination probably because Cora Jean passed away before the ruling was issued. The path was to get a legal determination from the BIA to exhaust all remedies at that level before the Jech case could be filed in Federal Court in Tulsa. This is a guy that has a headright but chooses to be a member of a tribe other than the Osage. Who does this guy really care about?
See the section marked Spotlight:
Should that matter that "Cora Jean" passed? And wasn't there another plantiff representing? The issue needs to be determined either way.And why was the Federal Administrative Court deciding, when it is not apart of the Federal Judicial branch? And can the Jech Case move forward in the right branch?
DeleteThe Harvard project says when the Government is Sovereign is when they have the M.E? Meaning the Oasge Nation? Its almost like buying into an occult?
DeleteIt's my understanding the Jech case is still alive, there are still several litigants in the case. The ruling against the case came from the IBIA (BIA's court that natives are required to go through first). No one, not even the plaintiffs expected the BIA's court would rule against the BIA. The goal was always to get to the federal court. It is my hope and as far as I know the plaintiffs in the Jech case still plan to move forward to federal court.
DeleteGood. Just like the last National government -- the Osage National Council -- someone needs to do away with this crazy 2006 Osage government before it does away with all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteExactly what I would expect from someone affiliated with Harvard. You know that Osage, LLC Board member Jonathan Taylor that writes white papers and the like for the Harvard Project was hand-in-glove with Carol Leese. Hopefully, it will come out in the trial if they can ever find Leese. In the meantime more on another major Harvard screwup --->>>
Bravo! Smackdown Harvard. Isn't that the Larry Summers when those twins tried to see him when he was the head of Harvard and acted like they had no right to have an audience with "just under God" at Harvard? This exchange was featured in that film that was so interesting about the founders of facebook, "Social Network." I hear a number of older Osage men who haven't attended college or university have changed their minds about higher education since they saw those scenes in the film about that final club, the Phoenix. Hahahahahahaha....................
DeleteDo we see the same pattern emerging with Jonathan Taylor and Carol Leese as the corrupting influences on the Osage LLC Board and in upper level management as illustrated in the article?
DeleteMy opinion the injunction will happen. As usual they are full of themselves.
ReplyDeleteSome of you get the Bigheart News paper, but some don't. I got mine Saturaday. A lot about the Osage problems and the MC. I thought Catherine was on our side, but guess not. Why invite a thief to your house? Some of these MC members are scaring me, and they will not get my vote again!!!
DeleteBecause no economic impact study was conducted, a Federal Judge in Wyoming granted a temporary injunction on issues related to fracking on Federal lands. No economic impact study was done for Osage County because the BIA deemed such a study was unnecessary. I think this will be the single reason why the Judge WILL grant the injunction. The lack of drilling permits, workover permits and changing environmental rules have had a huge impact on the County. The new CFR's are a large part of this reality. 300 wells were drilled in 2012 and only 24 in 2014, most before the drop in oil prices. No economic impact? The BIA is totally invested in its agenda to pay back the Nation for the $380M judgement.
DeleteFirst and foremost, the interest lies with the Shareholder's and the M.E The status quo cannot be the same and unfortunately if the wheels keep on spinning in the direction that they are going we will bring this whole Nation down with an Osage Constitutional Convention its that simple or the whistleblower will be singing loudly , and everyone who is involved should be afraid. This M.E was here first and so was our Ancestors and we are the Tribe. OSAGE TRIBE , the M.C is the reason why they, the Nation exists. They used the M.E to further their agenda. By the auspicious term " to allow membership" and it is my belief from what my elder tought me, watch out for the Government of our own people. This was not to be. Once that door was open now that can worms has been opened, opened the door for corruption. We cannot let this Government devide our people as to mirroring the U.S Government. The M.C has to be careful because we voted them in, right..they cannot make up there own rules as they go along, doing so..without putting them in front of the Shareholder's would be a huge conflict of interest to the greater majority. If these M.C members do not see the forest for the trees then they are a threat to the majority and M.E they cannot act alone, this could be construed as to the M.C looking out for their own benefit without consequence. It is long over due having by-laws but more needs to happen and at this point the damage is done by both sides of the matter. The Chief is now a conflict of interest. And as I pointed out the excuses will start and the one I pointed out was ignorance and ignorance is not the exceptional, or pays the Bills! Especially after seeing the painful eye like the Last Chief. R.E. Not in the 21st Century should this be happening and in no way is a accident, whats worse is the M.C members are Shareholder's as well which is already a Conflict of Interst. All eyes are watching the pendulum swing. The History of our Tribe the Conflict has existed from known time as explained by my different really, but now the truth has revealed what it means to be a Corporate Snake.This is why I said get the Politics out put people who are versed, trained in Petroleum Engineering. We need an office and we need to move the council away from business and let them Arm Chair coach and report to the Federal Government. We need technical expertise thats the truth of the crux. We need to run this as a multi billion dollar business that it is and can be.. no time to delay the future is here and another boom on the horizon. Did any of you bet in the Industry the prices would go lower as I had predicted? We need Engineering that is well versed and experienced. There are so many facets to this industry. But who am I just another shareholder who's a little wise.
DeleteRight I do agree the econmic impact analysis was not done and will be the only reason why the injuction will happen, and right now no one is going to drill period if it is not profitable. Because of the impact Opec is having on the producers..I believe if you look up the impact ocross the U.S it is down by 60% drilling. Not just on the Osage M.E.
DeleteListen doof. OPEC has nothing to do with the stack of workovers and new drilling perrmits that are over at the BIA Osage Agency that are collecting dust as we write on this blog. Stop trotting that boring argument out every chance you get. Nobody is fooled over here. Maybe this will work elsewhere but not here. OPEC doesn't account for everything going on in Osage County.
DeleteTo the one who writes in convoluted circles that make no sense at all; read the old constitution before you ask for a constitutional convention. The MC has the right to promulgate its own rules and regulations apart from the Osage Nation government.
DeleteIf those two can try and ban Boone in the days of the 2nd MC, why can the new MC vote by resolution to ban Yates and Crumb?
DeleteLeaker, leaker, we're the seeker! Leaker seeker. Get it? Hahahahahaha...............
DeleteAbsolutely true. Osage County use to be the refuge for operators when price drops made drilling elsewhere uneconomic. Not now. The BIA has assured a toxic environment for the operators big and small. OPEC? Irrelevant to Osage County. Want proof? Back in 1986, when OPEC drove the price down to $10/barrel, rigs had a waiting list of customers.
DeleteWaller's OK. He's for the shareholders. It's rough to keep peace and fairness with this bunch.
DeleteThank you 12:29PM. Hit it right on the head. We know where the trouble lies.
DeleteI think the ON Congress should call a Special Session immediately to prep a resolution to approve the MC action in court against the BIA and if the Chief vetoes it, they overrride the veto. That way they will go over his head, bypass his legal shenanigans to bash and trash the MC and get the approval the MC may need downstream for the lawsuit to be approved by the Osage Nation government.
DeleteProblem why? Is she standing in the way of your big plans to compact the OME?
DeleteWhat is this guy? A legislator or a president? One day, maybe he'll make up his mind.
Back to the DOI/BIA Response to the lawsuits; keep in mind that the Osage producers are our partners in the development of the ME, I would like to know what my fellow Shareholders think about Eddie Streater's Affidavit wherein he is allocating $111,231 for the EPA and $358,737 for vehicles to be used by field inspectors all of which is to enforce the new CFR's against the producers and at the demise of the Shareholders. It is very clear that the Federal Government is lining-up its artillery like Putin did on the Ukrainian border, in an effort intimidate our producers and in preparation for the attack to begin on August 11, 2015. The producers will be slaughtered like the women and children of the Cheyenne Tribe by Custer near the Washita River. We need to be pro-active knowing that this attack is getting ready to commence. We need to stand up to the Federal Government and defend our ME.
ReplyDeleteYou bet buddy. This is going to get as serious as a heart attack. I don't know where it will lead but we need to support our lifeblood producers who provide the income in our headright checks.
DeleteAt $50 to $500 a day in fines, it will be a melee that will kill the producer's profit and all Galen "CFR" Crumb can do is pass around his misleading powerpoint display by e-mail to be published and lauded by the dudes and candies who have been hornswaggled. Does anyone ask over on these other venues if the producers will even be able stay afloat with all that is going on? They seem to be too interested in sucking up to the Chief to even bother to look at how bad this could get. Imagine a thousand or more abandoned wells with the pressure building up to 1,000 and someone opening up a valve and being killed. What about the fires that might happen? All you get is what will make the Chief happy in his quest to destroy the mineral council. Is the Chief thinking about the consequences for the producers and for the land owners? I've not hear one word of support from him since this whole thing started. Now that's pathetic!
DeleteThere are a lot of people who don't want to admit to it but the actions the Chief has taken, and is threatening to take, provide ample evidence he is in support of the disastrous CFRs. It's my opinion the only reason anyone would support them is to finally convey the Mineral Estate to the Nation.
ReplyDeleteWe must stand up and be counted. Posting on here and Facebook is not enough (tend to get deleted if you're to pro-Mineral Estate on Facebook, my experience anyway). We have to take a few minutes to email or call to voice our support for our OMC. Our elected officials rely to much on Facebook for interaction with their constituents and Facebook is heavily moderated and represents only small portion of the Osage. Facebook is killing us just as much as the Harvard project.
Send a message to the OMC, to Congress, leave a message just let it be known you support the OMC. Let people like Talee and Cathrine know you don't like them venturing into the Chief's camp. You don't have to get in debate with them. Say your piece and remind them who they need to be working for. You can be polite but let them know you don't won't to hear about Geoff or his constitution. They have to be reminded of who they work for and to quit relying on Facebook to gauge the will of the shareholders.
Call Congress and let them know that the Nation needs to back off. Be polite but get a little angry. Remind them that there are a lot more Osages out here than the 10 or 12 that incessantly post on Facebook. Let them know how pissed you are and that maybe they should think about reining in the Chief to what degree they can.
We have to do it. We can't wait for someone else to communicate for us. The longevity and very life of our Mineral Estate depends on it. If all they here from are Facebook Osages you can be assured that's all they're going to listen to. We have to get vocal. Call them, email them, talk to them on the street because the Facebook crowed sure is. And the Facebook crowd is going to be our end.
Will you do it?
Hell yes, I will. In fact, your comment is so well written, I recommend sending it direct to all of them mentioned. We're getting nothing from the Chief but bashing the MC on facebook. This is insane. Is this the proper way for a Chief to run the business side of the Mineral Estate prior to taking it over with a COMPACT and away from the BIA? All you followers who think by being nice to him that he won't roll right over you just like the rest of us with this compact deal he's got people in training for in Washington D.C., you better put on your thinking caps and head back to the drawing board. He needs to be sharing what events will be taking place prior in order for a thing like this to happen. We need a number of questions answered before he moves forward like these:
DeleteWhat happens to the individual headright shares on an accounting basis if the Nation takes over?
Whose bank account will the revenue from oil and gas go into?
Will it be the Osage Nation Treasury?
Will a new trust account be opened if this is true?
Will the shareholders be given a full and accurate accounting monthly from the Osage Nation Treasurer?
What will happen to the current oil and gas contracts?
Will this push the reset button and will all of those current contracts handled by the BIA be null and void?
Who will be preparing new contracts and who will handle the bidding in order to get the new leasing handled for the Osage Nation if the BIA is no longer involved in this process?
Who will be the new shareholders under this compact as the Headrights are associated with Federal government legal status with or without IIM accounts set up and managed by the BIA and the OST?
Whose rules and regulations will be observed by the oil and gas producers out in the field and if the new leases don't go to the current lease holders, what happens then?
Will the Osage Congress have to approve such a compact? They have done so with the Indian Health Service compact that is in the process of being implemented.
They need to know that this is not what you want the Chief to do. The best option I can see before this upheaval takes place is to continue to work with the old CFRs until a new set can be drawn up with a place at the table for the oil and gas producers that makes business feasible for them who are working with primarily stripper wells out in the field. This is a mature mineral estate and the regulations should reflect that out in the field as to what is feasible and what is not from a regulatory standpoint.
To me compaction of the Mineral's functions come down to one question, when the Nation's management screws up and costs us money (such as the BIA has done) in who's court will Osage Shareholders bring suit? If it's the Osage Nation Court, we can kiss it goodbye. Even on the off-hand chance we won they sure couldn't cut a $380,000,000.00 dollar check.
DeleteBesides with the LLCs, cost overruns, and bad investments they've proven they do not have the business acumen to manage this multi-billion dollar estate. While bringing up the past is often not a good practice I think it's germane in this instance. This Osage Nation that whats to take over our Mineral Estate is the same Osage Nation that told Hard Rock they would pass when Hard Rock wanted to open a casino with us. So, Hard Rock went to the Cherokees and we missed out on that cash cow and the rest is history.
Government gloat, bloat ,rife with cronyism ,can't be stopped until the money drops.what are you to be if you can't see when that last barrel has gone to sea. Who but you are only to blame because the game is over.the game is over we will not bend over, not for you Chief not for you Chief this ain't over.
DeleteTo 12:43 p.m., see comment from Anonymous August 4, 2015 at 2:11 PM below.
DeleteTo 12:43 p.m. The shareholders would bring suit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma and not under the court system of the Osage Nation. Management of the Minerals Estate is governed by federal laws and regulations, thus it becomes a matter for the federal court system.
DeleteThat said, entities of the Osage Nation have rightly had their suits moved into courts of the State of Oklahoma on certain matters, and judgments entered into against them. They have simply refused to pay.
However, a judgment against an agency of the Osage Nation could render its government unlawful under Public Law 108-431. You'd have a stronger position for negotiating payment to the shareholders, though as noted above the assets simply aren't there to cover losses of any significant size.
Not if the BIA is compacted by the Osage Nation. You can't expect to sue the Federal government if the Osage Nation is the one managing the Minerals Estate and fouls everything up. It's all under their umbrella and Tribes cannot be sued due to their sovereignty.
DeleteSovereign is for the people, they have a right to protect, not the Government of lies fraud and corruption if thats what you mean?
DeleteWhat Shareholder's out there are ready to demand that we implement term limits for The OMC? It's time for Boone to retire, she among others have caused enough damage. The most respectful thing for her to do if she truely cares about the future of the ME is to resign and let the Shareholder's find an adequate replacement.
ReplyDeleteDo not put the blame entirely on her, thank you..(Boone) I did not like her in the beginning, she has a good heart..and good intent..though I will say I do agree with you that all members be replaced. This Started with the 30th and 31st M.C's. Yes they were hood winked into thinking that Sovereign was to create burocracy of government bloat and the way I see it as so many do, unfortunately the consequences of someone elses bad behavior has its consequences and it with great discern , but we must use discretion because not everyone is guilty. But because no one can be trusted at this point( domino effect) it is time to replace all councilmen and women. Waller especially. Holding his head high in the face of the Shareholders is the face of hypocrisy.(Osage News photo) In the face of adversity a leader does not have the option to stay quiet in great matters of concern. We need to Organize and it starts at home..mailers and so forth.
DeleteNot me. She has my full support. She has steadfastly stood up for the Shareholders and the preservation of the Mineral Estate. I continue to support and will encourage any member of the OMC that is an advocate for the Shareholder, of which she is one.
DeleteIt is not and should not be the organizational mentality of the OMC to do the bidding of the Chief, the Nation or the BIA. Their function is to represent and stalwartly protect, defend and preserve the Mineral Estate for the benefit of the SHAREHOLDERS not the Nation. The Nation can and has fought for what it wants. We don't need any OMC member's rolling over to give them everything they want. Not only is that bad for the M.E. and the shareholders, that's just bad government.
So, quite the contrary I believe if anyone is to "banned" it should be those that capitulate and roll over every time the Nation and the Chief come and start sniffing around. The job of the OMC is to represent and fight for the Shareholders not help the Nation achieve it's nefarious ends.
She has my full support too as do every single one of the Minerals Council who agree with her position. She and the other five have stood fiercely between us and the folly of what the Osage Nation has plans to do. You won't benefit for long if the Nation runs the minerals. The Feds may not be there to go out in the field and support your interest where the landowners are concerned. With every possible gate locked to the Osage Nation running the minerals estate with a compact and collecting the revenue and unable to carry out a proper regulatory environment in a professional manner, how long do you think the money will flow and how much will it cost in litigation and legal fees to get those gates reopened which the Nation will likely have to participate in right along with the Feds if they agree to come in shoulder to shoulder. Now the Feds protect us alone because of the fiduciary obligation. If we compact, we will MORE THAN LIKELY have to be in there too or all alone and THIS TIME DON'T DISREGARD THIS WARNING. How many land owners are there in Osage County? Think about the level of difficulty and the complexity that will be involved here. Look at what has happened with just one lawyer calling for all the landowners to lock their gates? What will happen if all of them do so with hundreds of lawyers all over Osage County. You can have the ownership of the mineral rights all day every day, but can we afford to bring the oil and gas left in the ground out of the ground under such circumstances and if so for how long? I give it a year at the outside. It's one thing to have the mineral rights and quite another to get the oil and gas out of the ground if you are not the surface land owner.
DeleteThe problem is you. Change is hard to accept. She has been there through the good bad and ugly. Your experience in the real world shows. It will and can not be cronyism any longer. No job is safe. And on a grand scale unfortunately there will be those who will have to pay the price of someone else's actions. Happens all the time. She exudes many qualities that I myself see in her..she has talent and those energies need to be used but in the right venue sorta speak. We nerd to right the wrong. At this juncture everyone is exactly doing what I said would happen. We want a working body for the Shareholders, representation. Our MC is tainted. And no one can be trusted because of tbe pointing of the finger..sorry. My opinion stands. Your not looking at the bigger scope of our reality. No longer can we have a renegade M.C.
DeleteCynthia Boone has represented my headright interest as her constituent in a more exemplary manner than any of the others. She stands for what I stand for and has worked tirelessly and stood against anything that will diminish my headright interest. I want here right where she is, thank you very much and I disagree with you entirely. You're not the only shareholder and in three elections she has been one of the top vote getters despite any and all campaigns to try to destroy her reputation in order to see her defeated in the elections. I am one of those in the silent majority and I want her right where she is, doing exactly what she's doing to protect my interest against the Osage Nation, the BIA and all comers who engage in such unprofessional and nonsensical behavior and such foolish pipe dreams that they come up with that are well outside the perimeter of good sense and reality.
DeleteThe Federal government (BIA) does not assist the producers in gaining access to their oil and gas leases. It is my experience that they support the surface owner's position more than the producer. When the producer requests assistance from the BIA to gain access to the property, the BIA always say they cannot help and that it is a civil matter to be settled in the District Court. The BIA is your worst enemy. I do not want to see the Osage Nation manage the OME but the BIA needs to be held accountable. They should be sued again for their negligence and for their irresponsible implementation of the new CFR's. The damage is already being realized. The Osage Shareholders should file a class action lawsuit against them ASAP.
DeleteBy and by this was predicted would hsppen. This just smells.
DeleteOnce the Donalson and Friend lawsuit has been resolved, I think the BIA will become more amenable toward making sure those gates stay open and that's another thing that should be added to the new CFRs with substantial fines for those landowners who take the money per well and then refuse to open their gates afterward. The BIA is suing in Federal Court right now on the minerals taking by the wind farm firm aren't they?
DeleteGood point poster 12:51pm.
DeleteOn compacting the OME by the Osage Nation, Under the Osage Nation Constitution, Article IV, Section 4. Remedies: No person shall be entitled to an award of monetary damages, as a form of relief, in the Osage Nation Trial Court for ANY VIOLATION OF THESE RIGHTS; unless the Osage Nation Congress may by law provide for monetary damages as a form of relief for such violations, when relief would best serve the interest of THE OSAGE NATION (the entity not an Osage member or Osage shareholder) or that of justice (for whom? Justice for the Osage Nation as an entity or a member of the Osage Nation or an Osage shareholder?) See also Article IV, Section 3. Inalienable Rights of Osage Citizens, E. and H. THIS IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU UNDERSTAND FULLY AND COMPLETELY that if the Osage Nation fouls up your minerals income due from them in any way whatsoever with a multitude of ways for things to be mishandled and for a multitude of reasons, YOU WILL HAVE NO RECOURSE IN THE OSAGE NATION TRIAL COURT TO MONETARY DAMAGES AT ALL FOR YOUR LOSS OR LOSSES. Think about this carefully. No matter how bad it gets, you can sue but can expect NO monetary compensation in the Osage Nation Courts to restore your loss of income no matter what the Osage Nation does or how badly this compact is mismanaged for whatever the reason. THIS IS IN THE OSAGE NATION CONSTITUTION AND IT IS THE HIGHEST LAW OF THE LAND that cannot be changed without a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT APPROVED by a vote of the Osage membership. Without recourse of any kind like this in the court system, would you want to have any entity managing the OME if such were the case including the Osage Nation? If you do, then you are either ignorant or in need of guardianship yourself. This is as crazy as it gets and don't ever be foolish enough to let them talk you into going there.
ReplyDeleteOr a Constitutional Convention by the Shareholder's scary thought huh Chief. Keep on playing with fire sometimes you get burned. By your own greed.
DeleteOsage Nation Constitution--->>>
Click on text "Osage Nation Constitution"
ReplyDeleteWe need everyone who can to attend:
Judge Frizzell's chambers, Courtroom #1, Federal Court House, 333 West 4th Street, Tulsa, OK
The hearing set for August 10, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. shall address (1) plaintiff Osage Minerals Council’s Motion for Temporary Restraining Order [Dkt. #14 as filed in Case No. 15-CV-371-GKF-PJC]; (2) the Osage Minerals Council’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction [Dkt. #8 as filed in Case No. 15-CV-371-GKF-PJC]; and (3) plaintiff Osage Producers’ Association’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction [Dkt. #3 as filed in Case No. 15-CV-367-GKF-PJC].
IT IS SO ORDERED this 8th day of July, 2015.
Case 4:15-cv-00367-GKF-PJC Document 13 Filed in USDC ND/OK
Please come early! 45 min to one hour. You will have to go through Security and the courtroom only holds about 100 people. I expect to hear the detailed arguments that should do a much better job of explaining the flaws in the whole negotiated rulemaking and how the new CFRs will harm not improve our multi-billion dollar estate instead of the cherry picking explanations we have been getting.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely, but just to put a food for thought, what if someone was engineering a conspiracy? This has all the right stuff for a movie?
DeleteBecause ultimately we know how the Osage voting process is diluted.
DeleteListen up again, doof. This isn't drama and it isn't a movie. This is real and lots of lives could be seriously harmed financially and otherwise if the Nation starts running things out in the field when they don't know what they're doing.
DeleteJust looked at Ray McClain's new post. Thanks Ray. Glad to see you back. One question I have is where are the 'Operation Reports'? We can explain to each other bla bla bla but the way I see it as a Shareholder our income relies on 'Price of Oil' times Production (Period). Not what Galen Curm said, the BIA regulated, the Chief thinks. Pure and simple (Price of Oil x Production = our check) period, end of story, nada. Where are the Production reports that were posted? Haven't seen one in July & the recent other months suck! Everyone on this blog, can say this & that but when 'Push comes to shove' volume times price equals our check. Not the office manager, not the CFR's , declairing gifts, not lawsuits. What comes out of ther ground times 'PRICE OF OIL'. Any experts speak up but don't bullpoop us! Please don't waste our time with opinions, "Just the facts, ma'am".
DeleteI'm a headright beneficiary and I want to vote on whether or not the Nation compacts the Mineral Estate. I want that vote from an independent voting concern that is not related to either the BIA or the Osage Nation and I want that to happen before the Federal government turns the running of the MIneral Estate day to day over to the Osage Nation. If the Federally managed trust is going to end in its current form, I have the right to vote on it and whether or not I want it to continue or be run by the Osage Nation. I want this vote to involve only those with headright share and I want LEGAL full disclosure ahead of time as to what will be different if the Nation starts running things. I have a right to vote on this change and I want it to happen before the Nation allocates a thin dime toward running things. No real legal liability and no monetary damages and this is written into the Osage Nation Constitution? I DEMAND TO HAVE A VOTE ON WHETHER OR NOT THE OSAGE NATION TAKES OVER AND RUNS THIS MINERAL ESTATE.
DeleteI'M WITH YA, 10:35am.
DeleteMe three buddy watching and waiting to vote.
DeleteMay oil production (June reporting) was 12790 barrels per day. This is about 3.5% less than May of 2014. The average HPP price was $57.23 as opposed to $100.28 for May of 2014. Oil production for the first few months of 2015 was slightly higher than the corresponding months of 2014 and April and May slightly lower. So 2015 production so far has essentially stayed flat when compared to the 2014 levels when oil prices were over $100 per barrel and there were no new EA concerns.
ReplyDeleteJust wait until the Burbank flush production steeply falls. No new wells being drilled, no maintenance on existing wells, no re-completions, operators abandoning existing wells, it's getting ready to be very ugly in a few more quarters.
DeleteNow there you go again with more of your spook tactics. Chaparral expects North Burbank production to be between 10K & 15K bbl p/day and stay there for 25 years or longer. That's why they have already spent about $10 million, and are spending more every day to get the South Burbank unit ready.
DeleteGive it up. This crap ain't working.
Was just thinking about how flat our check will be the next quarter and the current update on the Burbank is much appreciated poster 9:40 am. But with that in mind why are we not advertising the Burbank Field? And why just Chaparral the only producer that is investing and not other producers? Could you explain? Thank you.
DeleteWhy do you quote the numbers for just ONE producer and then tell the other poster to give it up? What about the other 500-600 oil and gas producers? Provide the numbers for all the others and what their production is or is this the only big producer left in Osage County?
DeleteChaparral has vested 250 million dollars in the Burbank Area. And thats a big Thank you from this Osage..but still the same I would like to know the anwers to the above posts as well.
DeleteWith no support for the small independent operators, the Shareholders are going to be left with only a few large independents like Chaparral who seldom pursue new exploration. Wait and see. I am one of many who are preparing to exit the county. Many more will be following.
DeleteThe blogger @ 9:40AM is clueless (maybe it's Galen). Without the flush production from the Burbank, the production would not be flat. Rather the production would be 1500 BPD less than today. The average royalty rate, as mentioned in the last OMC meeting, is receding which means more production is coming from the old legacy fields and less from newer fields with a higher royalty. This does not bode well for the Nation and means more and more dependence on the Burbank to make up the shortfall.
DeleteBode well for the Nation? The Shareholders don't you mean?
DeletePlease don't post repetitive URLs. The URL has already been posted in a comment on this page. Please refer to it and reply in the appropiate thread line. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteSo the producers want the OCC to take over the Trust really? Oh hell no! The Federal Government is not going to hand over the Trust lol. This Trust is designed to protect the interest of the asset. The BIA is flawed and so flawed at an administrative level with no real experience in engineering, planning, to no end. The Federal Government and the BIA has not fufilled there obligations since the HPP case what makes it no different if the Producers can't come into compliance ? Its like the pot caliing the kettle black right? BTW. After 3 yrs the BIA has had every opportunity to staff its office but has not and to add to injury to the wound has saddled this off office with more redundancies as to the complete opposite to the objectives. What I want to know how our Osage BIA has improved their conditions to meet the objective of the HPP case? The Office of Inhoff nneds to understand from a real perspective and not just from the Chiefs perspective here. There are some real issues of mistrust which needs to be looked at seriously to the Staff of our Council members...Epic fail.
ReplyDeleteThe producers have no intention of seeking the OCC to take control of the OME. The Osage Producers Association President, Shane Matson, appeared before the OMC and stated such. Not all Osage County producers are members of the Osage Producers Association but the ones who are not members that I have spoken with do not support the OCC to take control. So enough about that nonsense.
DeleteI am an Osage Shareholder and also an Osage County producer who is being forced out of the county due to these new regulations that are impossible for me to comply with. If implemented, I will be filing for bankruptcy. My 35 wells will become unwanted ornaments on the surface owners' property and the liability of same will become the BIA's. I hope they keep the kids away from the abandoned wells as they may be dangerous. The kids might play with the valves or climb on the tank batteries which are very flammable. I assume the BIA has all this figured in their implementation of the CFR's. Guards at every lease right? The wells will not be able to be re-entered upon my abandonment.
I am just one of several hundred small operators of thousands of wells that are facing this demise. When the producers asked for financial contributions for litigation from the Shareholders after numerous pleas, they received a $500 contribution from one Shareholder and $100 divided by four other Shareholders. Wow! Really! We have five generous Shareholders among us for whom I am appreciative of and thank them very much for their contribution.
This is very serious and to the "know it all" posting about the Burbank field, I think he should give us a projected schedule of how high our royalty checks will be during the next couple of quarters due to this amazing success. When will we start to see this major increase in revenue. Damn it, I think I'll go to the next boat show and buy a cruiser.
Does the OMC and BIA have a compact with Chaparral? The only operator that will be left in the county? How can they work on their wells when no one else can? CO2 injection is considered formation treatment which we operators are no longer allowed to do. Why can they? May be a conspiracy!
If we Shareholders don't fight the Feds now we will surely loose our ME. Support the producers and attend the upcoming hearing. Bring bows and arrows!
The Osage oil and gas producers are the Shareholders' partners, in this situation. We need to support them now! Fill the courtroom and hallways on August 10th to support them and our own interests, as Shareholders.
DeleteThank you both so much.
DeleteDevon reports $2.8 billion loss
They have some of the strongest balance sheet E&P space..though the rig count is down because of falling prices they will weather the storm. Restructuring where technology is concerned where cutbacks could be made, made a big difference. Thus is the type of experience from a CEO Me.Hagar had taken on since AUG.1st. Congrats Mr. Hagar.
DeleteThe drilling rig count is down in Osage County mostly due to our Federal government and less so by the price of oil. I have several wells I would commence immediately, if allowed to. The BIA has me shut down. I know the price of oil will eventually rebound and I am willing to drill new wells now but cannot due to the EA and beetle bug. I thought all of the thousands of horses would have stomped the beetle bugs into extinction by now, if there ever were any such bugs in the first place. If the bug is so important, why hasn't the Feds published poster with photographs and warnings of beetle bug crossings?
DeleteI peed on a bug in the oil field last week; I hope it wasn't an American Burrowing Beetle. The horses would be disappointed they missed one.
Lol, though this is not in the least funny. Get your point.
DeleteMore on the burying beetle:
Legislator wants state to get into oil and gas hedging
ReplyDeleteRead more:
Sounds like another reason we don't want Oklahoma State control of the Mineral Estate.
No one is suggesting Oklahoma State control; certainly not the Osage County producers.
DeleteAnyone remember Mohammed Saeed al-Saffah? You know; Baghdad Bob during our 2003 invasion of Iraq? Galen Crum reminds me of Baghdad Bob. All hell is breaking loose around him and he keeps insisting that all is well. Right? At least Andrew Yates only makes a fool of himself when he votes and then keeps silent. Not Galen; he entertains us with his nice cut and paste presentation that fails to include any of the underlying issues; the between the lines and behind the scenes very important details. The cut and paste appeared accurate though. If, he thinks nothing has changed in the new CFR's, why then, have new CFR's?
ReplyDeleteGalen seems to be a very nice individual and I have nothing personal against him, but why on God's great green earth did the Shareholders elect him to manage a multi-billion dollar mineral estate? We voted for him and now we have to live with his votes and biased publications! It kind of reminds me of the Tulsa World Editorials (or comic page)
He is a nice man and so is Ray McClain and I expect that Andrew Yates is as well. That's what makes this all the more tragic.
DeleteJust read Galen's powerpoint presentation on Ray McClain's website. Galen will continue to defend his vote on the new CFR's until he dies. He conveniently forgets to mention that the "old " bonding requirement was for $5000/quarter section, regardless of well count. The new requirement is $5000/well and capped at 25 wells. In order to get $125,000 in bonding, one has to pledge that much in assets or get a line of credit that shows you have the financial statement to qualify. A lot of the smaller operators don't have that kind of money lying around, especially at these prices. Moreover, Galen goes on to defend the NYMEX prices which does not have any deductions for transportation. That's on the producer now whereas, before, these charges were deducted before the royalty was calculated. Maybe true that some producers got NYMEX at one time but not now. Not even Chaparral. So the producer is taking it in the shorts again but Galen can strut around with his chest puffed out acting like he is savior of the County. Even the BIA in Denver, working on behalf of the Arapahoes, Utes and Shoshones determined that NYMEX was not a workable model. But Galen and the boys had drunk their Kool-Aid and refused to waiver.
DeleteMost Osages I know will never admit to being wrong no matter what. I think they see it as a personal humiliation. It's always hard to admit and therefore, I see it a strength.
DeleteWhat is bothering me is I'm paying Galen out of my HR for this attitude. If he can't see the wrong then step down .A lot of men that were wrong were nice fellas.
DeleteIt's not because these guys are dumb that they continue to support the CFRs. It's because they are representing the interest of the Nation (rather than the shareholders) and they are acting to facilitate the conveyance of authority away from the OMC. Make no mistake their support for the CFRs is purposeful.
DeleteJust as the Chief constantly harasses the OMC while they are fighting for the preservation of the Mineral Estate. Even going as far as threatening to file against the OMC in the very court where they are fighting to keep our Mineral Estate. All the while claiming he already has authority to fight on behalf of the Mineral Estate, yet doing nothing in actuality to that end. It's all done for a reason. Don't let the subterfuge and talking heads on Facebook suck you in. Watch their action and question their motives and reality begins to reveal itself.
Brilliant post!
DeleteI had always heard that fb is a proverbial cotton for the mind. I wouldn't believe it until perfectly intelligent Osages with headright shares are being hornswoggled over on these sites by new government side Osages when they start their spin and boy do they submit without question or challenge. Even when it was pointed out that the Osage Nation has $0 legal liability under the Judicial system if the Nation takes over, they are still taken in as if they have no more respect for what they receive quarterly in their headright checks than if it were nothing to them at all. Usually you have to put a gun to someone's head to steal a part of their livelihood. Pensioners who are losing their pensions are taking to the streets and rioting at the thought of the loss of the income they have coming in Greece. Osages with a headright share are taking to fb and are fooled by the reassuring statements and other such mollycoddle being made by new government side Osages, believing such nonsense without question. Some are even being so obviously patronizing that it's humiliating for them, especially when they will likely suffer as much of a loss as the rest of us no matter what they do if the Trust is done away with and a compact is put in place with who knows what money and where it will come from other than from oil and gas royalty income.
DeleteMore on the unreliability of facebook:
I'm pleased to see that Ihofe and Lankford are only considering the 20,567 "substantive" comments and discounting the template reply that adds no value to the rulemaking process. Someone has to reel in the Federal overreach before a raindrop landing on a leaf is considered a wetland.
DeleteFederal overreach is playing way too fast and loose everywhere you look. I'm glad too that these Senators are keeping their eye on the ball. On one fb page a former chief is going on about the OGRC and how the headrights can't be taken away. He conveniently forgets about how Hepsi Barnett was going around in the information sessions talking about a "public trust" as an idea under the new Constitutional government. Funny how those very words turned up in the Osage Nation Constitution, isn't it? If the oil and gas income is held in a new Osage Nation oil and gas public trust and is no longer deposited in the Federal Trust account, how much money will be disbursed from the account if it's got no money for disbursement in it? You can have headrights all day long that cannot be taken away but if there is no money in the account from which headright income is disbursed, how much money will be in your quarterly headright check? ZERO.
DeleteIn no small part, why we do what we do here at the Osage Blog:
ReplyDelete"This most extreme case study emphasizes why the issue of propaganda matters and challenges citizens to actively question, analyze, and seek the truth."
And it is appreciated.
DeleteThank you.
DeleteMy fellow Shareholders are apparently very selfish and considered as blanket-assed Indians who just wait and expect the feds to take care of them. I am so embarrassed to be viewed in this light. Let's get off our blankets and do something for ourselves. It's now or never.
ReplyDeleteSpeak for yourself!
DeleteYes, yes, yes, we shareholders we are greedy, we are lazy, and we are uncaring. We are uncooperative ogres holding back the potential of the Nation. We are blanket-asses stuck in a backwards time. We are responsible for dividing this tribe. We have ruined the great name of the Osage. Money get's stolen from the casinos, shareholders fault. LLCs lose millions, it's because the shareholders have divided our Nation. Pawhuska roaches a dancer with a buzzard feather, it's because a shareholder wouldn't give him an eagle feather. It's all the shareholders fault. In short we are the ruin of this great Osage Nation. ...If only the shareholders would give away their assets to the greater good. If only shareholders were out of the way of this Nation. If only there was a way of getting rid of the blight of these shareholders, think of the greatness this mighty Osage Nation could achieve. If only there a way to remove the shareholders from the hard working, god fearing citizens of the Osage Nation... if only there was a... final solution...
DeleteTell ya what 6:15, you just be embarrassed because I'm staying in my village. I'm going to fight for whats mine. And I'm going to keep my blanket on my ass.
Such a disgusting and insulting post and unfortunately a widely held belief in the Nation. But I'm thankful you posted it. Everyone should see the unwashed sentiment the shareholders are facing.
Give 'em hell, 8:43 p.m., If $300,000-$350,000 of gaming and other income in the last 9 years hasn't made happy and satisfied all these government and non-shareholder Osages, our headright income won't help them get there either. I've seen greed unleashed and unbridled unlike anything I've ever witnessed in my life and it would have been far worse if it weren't for web sites like this one. Not my money. I have too much respect for it to see it thrown away so stupidly and without any accountabiity.
DeleteIt's always the shareholders that get accused of being greedy, selfish and lazy yet it's the Nation wanting authority over the shareholders assets.
DeleteThat's the perfect truth.
DeleteSo true Poster 10:43 pm..what does lazyness mean when they say this and they whoever need to expound? This statement derives only from ignoranus. Had they had owned a asset as such they would be in the same boat as we find ourselves in.
DeleteAs a Shareholder and an Osage county producer, I have pleaded to my fellow Shareholders to support the Osage County Producers. My pleas have fallen on deaf ears.
ReplyDeleteI am once again pleading that the Osage Shareholders attend the hearing to take place on Monday, August 10, 2015. Please attend to show your support to stop the implementation of the devastating implementation of these new CFR's.
If you fail to attend or don't send a representative of your Osage family, you will have no one else to blame but yourself for the outcome.
We are under attack and we need to act now.
Get off your ass and do something to fight for your rights; or, do nothing and watch your headright diminish to nothing.
If you care about your headright you should be in attendance Monday.
Wake up and save your own ass!
I will be attending and so will several other members of my family. It is very import to have a large attendance to emphasize the seriousness of this matter. It would be a good thing to have standing room only in the courtroom and overflowing into the hallway. In the meantime, say some prayers for a favorable outcome.
DeleteMore on the mess that Osage County has become --->>>
Mark your calendars:
ReplyDeleteThe Osage Shareholders Association Meeting is Sunday, August 16, 2015 at 1:00 P.M., at the Dave Landrum Community Center in Pawhuska, OK.
Are all Osage Shareholders invited? Even if they are not members of the organization?
DeleteYes. You can always become a member. I am sure the oil and gas producers they will be happy to have at the meeting to share what is happening with the lawsuit and out in the field.
DeleteExcuse me, but are all Non-Osage Shareholders invited also? What ? 1700 more or less, still a strong force in a very indirect way. If you are a Osage or a Non-Osage Shareholder and one of the 1700 attends the OSA meeting or the hearing at the court in Tulsa , send a Selfie of you there to and I will send you a free white or black T-Shirt ,while supply last. These are new top line leftover from a Blues Brothers tribute.fifty M, L, XL, XXl one per person only, H
DeleteONES, LLC., to meet later on today:
It is being reported but not fully yet confirmed that that Chief is going to review his schedule for the MC meeting on Wednesday, August 19, 2015 whatever that means. This is no commitment from the Chief whatsoever and yet everyone thinks they have a coming together of the MC and the Chief? Keep singing Kumbaya scamp and all your followers. What ACTION has the Chief taken to stop this ugly situation from going forward if tomorrow's court action fails to stop those dreaded new CFRs? You keep singing and when the MC meeting takes place, ask this Chief why he left the MC out there twisting in the wind. If the MC gets that injunction, the Chief will have no right to claim victory whatsoever and the MC will have left him in the dust. Too little too late. Who cares what "Jamaica Geoff" has to say at the MC meeting on the 19th? It was what he had to DO before tomorrow the 10th that matters and he did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. If anyone knows different, correct me if I'm wrong.
ReplyDeleteHe has done nothing, other threaten to file against the OMC for fighting these CFRs. In my opinion it is that way for two reasons. One, the federal government only recognizes the OMC in matters of minerals, much to the Nation's distaste. And two, because the Chief supports the new CFRs and the transfer of rule away from the OMC they put in place.
DeleteWhy wouldn't the Nation support the new CFRs? The new CFRs take away any decision making authority from the OMC and vest it in the agency. The Nation hopes to compact the agency, so were that to happen, ultimately that authority would rest with the Nation. Not to mention the Nation would be the beneficiary of confiscated lease equipment.
It's time for these Osage to wake up and read the handwriting on the wall.
Save the Kumbaya chorus for a broadband enabled, Facebook coordinated, immersion sing-along, broadcast from the middle of Naval Reserve.
Its all subterfuge. The 1906 act requires a Chief and AP Chief, the Chief being the tie breaker...and I will say this again the Nation forgets why they exist at all if it wasn't for the M.E and the people who voted for a Government.
ReplyDeleteWith 2,229 headrights, each family should send a representative to tomorrow's hearing. That would be a minimum of 2229 individuals in the courtroom and hallway. If you don't send a member from your headright family, shame on you and you just might get your ass handed to you. The producers will be exiting Osage County and for good reason. Say bye bye! It was good while it lasted (100+ years). The Superintendent will take good care of your Mineral Estate from here on out; right. Good luck with that. You did not send any financial support to the producers after numerous pleas for assistance. As a Shareholder, I'm so embarrassed for that. Five Shareholders sent $600 between them. One sent $500 and four others sent a total of $100. Really? With 2,229 headrights, only $100 contribution towards the producer's defense. So sad!
DeleteReally pathetic! OMG, I guess we'll see if there are 2,000+ attending tomorrow. If not, we only have ourselves to blame should these disastrous CFR's are allowed o be implemented. Why do we not hear a word from out OMC? No encouragement, no leadership, nothing! Why is that? They are silent on all this devastation. They should be recalled from their positions.
DeleteThe truth be known I do not think that the majority knows what is going on. Or to be more precise, The majority of the Shareholders feel the Nation will look out for their Interest..Instead we have Indians Playing with a house of cards and we know how that will end. Fortunately I do have family that will be attending the Court date and my hope is you all will represent all for one and one for all.
ReplyDeleteWe need everyone who can to attend:
Judge Frizzell's chambers, Courtroom #1, Federal Court House, 333 West 4th Street, Tulsa, OK
The hearing set for August 10, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. shall address (1) plaintiff Osage Minerals Council’s Motion for Temporary Restraining Order [Dkt. #14 as filed in Case No. 15-CV-371-GKF-PJC]; (2) the Osage Minerals Council’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction [Dkt. #8 as filed in Case No. 15-CV-371-GKF-PJC]; and (3) plaintiff Osage Producers’ Association’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction [Dkt. #3 as filed in Case No. 15-CV-367-GKF-PJC].
IT IS SO ORDERED this 8th day of July, 2015.
Case 4:15-cv-00367-GKF-PJC Document 13 Filed in USDC ND/OK
DeleteAny word yet?
DeleteNo news is good news?
DeleteOsage News is reporting that the Judge is taking a 10 minute recess. Standing room only in the Courtroom.
DeleteThank you
DeleteChief and any reps from his office are a no show. Mystifying!
DeleteShould be back in court by now and hearing the decision on the injunction.
DeleteThe Chief why would he show up? At this point hes a traitor to his own people and would be skewered.
DeleteJudge has recessed until 3:00 p.m CSDT. Osage News is reporting that the Judge will make his decision today.
DeleteFrom facebook, judge heard testimony from 2 witnesses and arguments from plaintiffs and defendants counsel is all. Back in court at 3pm for decision.
DeleteUp to the minute reports are available today at
DeleteDecision at 3PM.
DeleteWho were the witnesses and did they make their case?
DeleteHot Damn.! judge ruled for injunction!
DeleteRight on!
DeleteDid Judge Fizzle thought I n the matter why he ruled for the injunction?
DeleteDon't know details yet. Sure someone will fill us in since so many were there. But sure no thanks to the chief for this.
DeleteWhat's this about chief and Washington official meeting today. Is this true? Is it about producers drilling?
ReplyDeleteThis unconfirmed report has turned up as a comment on the Osage News Facebook page. Chief has just commented there that he is in a compacting negotiation with the BIA OTHER THAN the Minerals Department and Probate. This meeting has been scheduled in advance of today's court hearing.
DeleteChief said that he, "will follow the lead of the Osage Minerals Council on that issue." WTH is that supposed to mean?
DeleteF-Bombs in any format including abbreviations are VERBOTEN! Keep that in mind in the future.
DeleteWho used an "F Bomb", I see "WTH" (that is not an F Bomb).....
DeleteCongratulations to the Osage Producers Association, the Osage Mineral Council and my brother Paul Revard for winning their court case today. The Judge ruled in their favor and approved the injunction against the BIA. Had it not been for the OPA and my brother fighting for ALL the operators and Shareholders I do not believe the case would have been won just on the OMC arguments.
ReplyDeleteProud to be an Osage today but prouder to be a Revard today. Great job big brother.
What exactly did we win today with the ruling?
DeleteFANTASTIC! You are all to be commended for standing up against this regulatory oppression and nightmare created by the BIA. I am so happy and elated for all of us! Thank Lord, our God! All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine! I am delighted. Outstanding work Osage Minerals Council and the Osage Producers Association for saving all of us and Osage County from an impoverishment that may never have been fully recovered from going forward. This is a great and wonderful day in the Osage and you have done yourselves proud! Thank you for all of us all over the country and at home. Well done !!! !!! !!!
DeleteGreat job Paul, our father George E. Revard would be very proud as well.
ReplyDeleteFunny how the 3 Osage Mineral Council members that were not present in court today are the same 3 that assisted the BIA to implement the new CFR'S.
In the words of Trump : Your fired!
Is the Mineral Council going to make a Statement in regaeds to Judge Fizzells decision and will the permitting process begin immediately?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Boone will take all the credit.....
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