Monday, August 10, 2015

Archive #25: Osage Shareholder Matters--August 2015


  1. The Osage Mineral Council and the Osage Producers Association have won the legal action for an injunction against the BIA's new Code of Federal Regulations going forward. The Judge ruled in their favor this afternoon and approved the injunction against the BIA. More details to follow. Congratulations to all of you who have helped and worked to make this a reality to save Osage County from financial ruin going forward, the small to mid-sized producers from going out of business in Osage County and the income for the Osage Headright Shareholders. We all have much to celebrate today!!!

    1. This is great news!!! Does anyone know what we got by winning this case???? Will drilling permits be required to issued now?

    2. This is just insane we have to be in the Courts once again to tell the BIA this is how the truth always prevails. Thank you also goes to Judge Fizzell and Mr.Revard, the OPA.

    3. Ditto, kudos to all involved. Job well done!

    4. We got those new CFRs stopped from becoming effective in Osage County as a result of the injunctions issued by Judge Frizzell in Federal Court in Tulsa today.

    5. The Osage News is reporting that the entities will go to trial next year. Judge Frizzell set a deadline for the plaintiff's brief filing for Feb. 16, 2016.

    6. OMG! TRIUMPH!!!

    7. Judge ruled federal government failed to provide a factual basis for .its determination that new regulations would not adversely impact small businesses and over stepped its authority in how much royalties should be paid by leaseholders. Paul Revard was a witness and MC hired economist. This will probably be in Tulsa World in morning.

  2. The next hearing is scheduled for January 15, 2016. All looks favorable for the Osage Mineral Council and producers. Now we need to attack the Environmental Impact studies and American Burrowing Beetle issues. One down two to go.

    1. Thumbs way up on that and sooner rather than later.

  3. One of the bigger developments that came out of yesterday's court action. The Osage Minerals Council has standing to take action on behalf of the headright holders (apparently the Chief and the Nation were the only ones doubting this). The Osage Tribal Council, now the Osage Mineral Council, has "inherent" sovereign rights affirmed and reaffirmed in the 1906, 1929, and 1950 acts. Very proud and appreciative of our Osage Minerals Council today, except for Crumb and Yates, of course.

    1. Awesome! That's how it was supposed to be from the very beginning in 2006 of this National government and it's been acknowledged in a Federal Court now. What comes next is a call for the resignation of Galen Crum and Andrew Yates. Yates has been double dipping for many years and has always tried to run with the agenda of the Osage Nation over that of the vested interest of the headright owners. This is a major conflict of interest and has been from the day he was first elected and wouldn't give up his job with the Osage Nation. Galen has been the point man on the new CFRs from the very beginning that also are against the best interest of the headright owners and the oil and gas producers who make the income that comes into our the quarterly checks. The cost has been too high all around for them to remain on the Minerals Council and they should also be asked to make personal restitution to the shareholders for the mess they have made of the oil fields in Osage County since this new CFRs were first published for comment. People have to pay for their mistakes and this is a huge one that has been disastrous for all of us shareholders. The very least these two can do is resign and make restitution personally for what they have been responsible for doing. I think Sonny Abbott should also have to make personal restitution as well because he has had a lot of influence on this disaster associated with the new CFRs that have unfolded while he was a former member of the Minerals Council.

    2. If the TW can get a story out in a timely manner and professional manner, why can the Osage News?

    3. Where do I sign to rid Crum, Yates, and Abbott from office? These men are not Osages – they’re treacherous dogs just like the creators of this new government and those who support the ONG’s desire to control everything within Osage…...County.

    4. As apparent in yesterday's hearing, the biggest stumbling block moving forward is going to be the government's contention that the CFRs are simply what Galen, Andrew and Sonny wanted. All I can say is thank God the OMC as a body voted not to accept the draft CFRs that the Galen Gang got talked into. I pray that's going to be enough. As for the Nation's representatives on the OMC, Galen and Andrew, these traitors to the shareholders need to be shown the door, maybe even a cell door. That's going to take some packed rooms and loud voices though.

    5. Show up to congratulate your Minerals Council on their big win in Federal Court to successfully get an injunction to stop the new CFRs!

    6. What I want to know is when is the Chief, the Assistant Chief and every single member of the Osage Congress, the AG and the Osage Nation Judicial Branch going to publish individual formal statements of congratulations to the members of the 3rd Minerals Council for winning their injunction case in Federal Court yesterday? They deserve at least this show of support and should have the character and the public sense of fair play to man and woman up to congratulate the only part of the Osage Nation government who had the guts and the substance to stand up against this injustice and do what was necessary to right this wrong in Federal Court.

    7. I would expect the Osage Nation, the Chief, the Osage News, and the Facebook crowd will only mention this in passing then roundly ignore it hoping everyone will forget about it so they can eventually get back to their same old party line.

      For God sake, the Chief and the paper have parades, balloons, cakes and pies, ...oh and can't forget the obligatory photo opp, every time an Osage ties his shoe by himself. You would think the Nation would have something congratulatory or at least positive to say but they and their paper are reacting like the losing party in a presidential election. Rather telling isn't it?

    8. Oh you bet. Very telling and those still squealing like little piggys all the way home on those fb pages are really hilarious because they just can't stand to be wrong and wouldn't be big enough to admit it even if they had to to save their lives and the life of the OME. I'm really getting a big kick out of all this and I don't mind saying so. I'm particularly happy about how Judge Frizzell put it to Sonny Abbott and all the Abbottettes on the BIA's overreach with the attempt to end run that NYMEX futures index pricing. SORRY SONNY, YOU AND YOURS WHO'S BEEN BOUGHT AND PAID FOR IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER LOSE BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!

    9. Hey, Ray McClain. How about taking off the drivel that Crum has put on your blog. This presentation is erroneous, out of date and now hugely irrelevant.

    10. In my opinion Boone, Erwin, and Cheshewalla have steadfastly supported the shareholders. And since becoming Chairman Waller has done the same. T. Redcorn has as well but occasionally lets the Facebook crowd get to him. K Redcorn has supported our interest thus far. It was Crum and Yates that put us in harms way with these CFRs. Boone along with others apposed them and warned against them since day one. She was proven right. Any OMC member that represents the and fights for the shareholder has my support. Any OMC member that wants to represent the interests of the Nation such as Crum and Yates are the one that need to shown the door.

    11. Let me repeat that statement you made:

    12. Since day one Boone complained she was not on the if I remember it right, the lack of communication with the Shareholder's is telling..and we knew the division existed before you guys new it, the M.C there is even a biiger division today, this has been going on going back since time started with the M.C, come on who are you fooling. Only yourself. Anybody who has had there elder speak to them would know better..100 yrs later its like the HATFIELDS AND MCCOYS or the HAMENS AND CLEMENS. And this going in our History Books , as a people we can do better. The Shareholder's are 5000 strong we are the Greater Majority and we must insist change. We should be twenty years down the road building a better future for the future of the M.E instead we are just kisking the bucket around. Long overdue do we isist the M.C have bylaws but term limits and must report all gifts. Not the blanket they receive or ham. We need a Mission with a criteria, a standard to formulate a better asset. Nah someone does not want the status quo to change..? What a better future but we are not there so each one of younask yourselves how did we get here? Another thing Yates needs to decide who he works for, the Nation or the M.C. he can't be double dipping..huge conflict of interest.

    13. After the last several years I pray and thank God every day for the mineral council we have now except for them two sell outs Galen and Andrew. This bunch has stood up and fought for us and I won't forget it.

    14. I agree with you about Yates. As to how we got where we are, we got here by a Nation dead set on wanting to take over the Mineral Estate and a BIA more than happy to let them do it. We got here by previous OMC members representing the Nation's interests rather than the shareholders, at least that's how I see it. From my prospective we should be focusing on dealing with the threats at hand (CFRs, a hostile Nation, and a BIA intent on not upholding it's responsibilities) then if we think it's still of issue deal with blankets and hams. As long as the OMC is fighting for and representing the shareholders, which I think 6 of the 8 are, they have my support. I will withdraw it and fight them with every once of energy I have should they abandon that fight or representation of me. Blame should be placed on those that got us here, yes, but I do not think it's fair to call to account people who weren't in office when these problems started. I don't believe anything is to gained in throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


    16. As to who's up next after Crum and Yates resign, the next two highest vote getters in the last Minerals Council election were Linda Heskett and "R.E." Yarbrough. Let's see the Osage Nation try and get past those two... Hee hee!

  4. Does anyone now the amount per share for the September checks

    1. It will appear on this web page when it's officially announced at

    2. I have heard it should be near the same as the June payment. Currently the first phase of the CO2 flood of the north Burbank field is making up for the loss of production across the rest of the Mineral Estate. The boost in this field is only temporary and whether phases 2 through 5 of the CO2 flood ever commence will be questionable at best at least until such time as economics justify it. I have heard several times that the owner of this lease would like to sale it if only he could find a buyer.

  5. This was a great win for the OMC and the Osage Producers Association, every producer and Shareholder. The truth be told though this Mineral Council was dragged kicking and screaming to fight the new CFRs. Had it not been for the Osage Producers Association and my brother the outcome would not have been a win. The Judge rules on 3 key items that were in the OPA complaints. That's what I witnessed yesterday in court. Regardless it's a good thing for everyone involved. I second Crum and Yates need to step down. The Chairman needs to take action ASAP.

    1. The first action needs to be a recall vote of all MC Members.

    2. Thank you! Amen long over due with the excuses.

    3. No just the ones that continually compromise our position and our future, Crum and Yates, the rest have my full support.

    4. Furst call is recall the speaker Mr.Waller. .Mr.Revard I would say also Robin Phillips needs to go as well.

    5. The majority or the OMC (with the exception of Crum and Yates) along with the OPA just went along way to pull our proverbial fat out of the fire and strengthened the position of the Mineral Estate in the process. This crying fowl now rings of sore losers who have had their position rejected in court and are only left with the retort to "throw them all out."

    6. To stop the bleed of mistrust of which you can only surmise who is telling tbe truth a cancer exist with in the council.When that haopens a board is usually replaced. Most unfortunately the actions of some has a Domino effect .I have ran successfully multi million dollar businesses by all means we need to be vigilant and pro-active. As a Shareholder we can no longer except armchair coaching. We need a full operating office. End of story. Mr Revard is right and so am I. I for one would love to shake his hand. Had he not taken the time to post here we would have not been comprised. A lot needs to happen from so many standpoints. Mean while does not mean we can not move forward and another day business.

    7. It's a given that Robin Phillips needs to go. She not only has ZERO oil industry knowledge but damn sure is not looking out after the Mineral Estate or the Shareholders. Her priority is to DC only.

    8. Thank you Mr.Revard. I am appalled and seriously embarrassed by the incompetence that exist. Sir we will make sure we open a line of communications once we get an engineering office up and running with people who are skilled in every sspect of this business. It is because of you ,Osageblogger, lol my F bombs well to say the least I was mad sorry. I have endlessly reserched and went beyond and just can't wrap my head and close my eyes to this. We need a legal dept and skilled people on Public Relations staffed full time..

    9. I believe the one reason the MC had to come late to the courtroom was for two reasons:
      1) They have a seriously divided Council.
      2) They didn't want to head back into court at the Federal level. The idea the first time was that the problems were supposed to be fixed, not add so many more that it will kill half or more of the oil and gas business in Osage County. I think, and this is just my personal speculation, the thing that brought most of them over the line was the fact that they are denuded of past decision making and negotiation power in the new CFRs without having to agreed to such changes in the final draft that was sent off to Washington D.C.

    10. "I believe the one reason the MC had to come late to the courtroom was for two reasons:"

      Let me add one more reason. All the OMC could do until the CFRs were posted in the Federal Register was object to them by means of vote. Which they did on more than one occasion. The law does not allow anyone to sue before then. You can't sue until you are harmed, in any court in the land. Once the CFRs were posted the OMC took action the same time as the OPA, filing on the same day if memory serves, and objected in court to the CFRs. If it seems late it's because of the BIA's truncated 35 day implementation schedule and because the rules and law prohibit them from doing anything until the CFRs were posted.

    11. To poster, 2:58 pm.
      I agree with what you are saying. This could have been prevented had we had a loss and found or prevention dept.This is truly a travesty. We the Shareholder's are put in a position to be pro-active. We should not be on any counts be where we are at..I find it credulous that before the final draft was sent that it didn't have the final approval of the five members before it was sent to Washington. Who approved it the CHIEF? The diligence was not done by the Federal Government, The BIA, or The M.C. These are the facts and the truth. In the Corporate world you would be soooooooo fired. As I have said the M.C has more power than you know and the NATION cannot touch it. Ever.

    12. Who had the approval was Crum, Yates, and Abbott as private individuals not as OMC members. Once it became apparent that they OMC as a body did not support the rules taking shape the OMC as a governmental body was not included in the process. Legally, to my understanding, the OMC was given no input into the rule making process. The negotiated rule making process instead relied on the input of Osage citizens who happened to be three guys mentioned with two, not allowed input, non-voting alternates. It certainly has the appearance of being rigged from the outset.

    13. Thats why I said conspiracy. Which even created a bigger division from with-in and out. This stank from the beginning. What needs to happen change needs to come in a big way as we look to the future..Don't you find it hypocritical of the federal government to give autonomy to the Mineral Council yet they can't negotiate in the rule making process go figure? Not to hear from the producers prospect and lastly, where was the impact analysis? This is a potentially a 4 billion dollar estate and this is where we ar at? You got to be kidding. Fire the M.C.

    14. poster 5:29 What kool aide have you been drinking? That post doesnt make sense. Why in God's good name would you fire the people fighting to fix the screw ups of other folks. That's just silly talk.

    15. "Don't you find it hypocritical of the federal government to give autonomy to the Mineral Council yet they can't negotiate in the rule making process go figure?" ~ 5:29

      I'm not sure what you are saying. Sovereignty exists inherently and by statute in the OMC as described by Judge Frizzell. The DOI ignored that and violated federal law in the final version of the CFRs. The federal court told the DOI they can't do that. These are two separate branches of government. How does that make this OMC (OMC 3) responsible for this mess? Even OMC 2 was not allowed at the table. Only Crum, Yates, and Abbott were, even at that they were there as individuals not OMC members. If you wish to allocate blame wouldn't it lay with those three? Why would you hold the current OMC, outside of Crum and Yates, responsible?

    16. We will see come election what shareholders think 7:52PM You got some strange ideas bud...

    17. Sorry I didn't mean 7:52PM, but above. These three plus Catherine's ideas with the chief are out.

    18. Not sure I would agree that these are my "ideas" as they were a part of the filing, the Judges findings in the hearing to move the case forward, and are the best of my recollection.

      I am always open to correction and new ideas, what is that you have a problem with? Where am I in error?

    19. Sorry your correction wasn't posted before I replied. Thanks

    20. Yea, some of these posters I don't think are shareholders or blind as hell. If that judge seen the wrong and harm to stop it, someone's at error. As crazy as Cynthia gets, she's on our side fighting. I don't like paying money to a MC member causing this Trust harm I tell you that!!!!

    21. I do believe most who post here are Shareholder's with just a different perspective with experience more then all of you have on your pinky. You cannot vote for more of the same or else the circumstances will not change. End result look at the fine line at where we are at now?. Change will come. No choice and it will be put to Vote. The insanity of doing the same thing over and over again is exactly whst is happening. Back to Court Why? We will always have obstacles does not mean it isn't another day in paradise..we should be working for that future.. Not one of you can up with the arguement that change needs to happen or orchestrate one good Idea as how we move forward from this point. You are to worried about what the other thinks as opposed to the opposite should be happening. Good intentions or not, does not change the facts the status quo cannot continue. Not any one of you has ever ran a multi million dollar corporation. And is evident you cannot get away from he said she said mentality. It takes a multi faceted person who is skilled to see beyond your infantile way of thinking. No insult there, its meant to express your young thinking minds are not driven the way a Corporate is ran. This is A billion dollar business and the prices of oil will rebound and we are no where in that future. Had we done the diligence as a team effort we could go beyond to infinity. Noting in life is an accident and life is 10%, 90% is what you the Math. How are your Checks. How are they working for you? Is this division what you want with our M.C? The evidence speaks for itself. And as I have said numbers do not lie.

    22. WOW. This is one of the best post I have read on this blog and 100% correct. There is No reason any Shareholder should be allowed to serve on the MC if they do not have real world experience in the oil and gas industry. It's the blind leading the blind. Had this been a requirement prior the BS with the BIA would not have happened.
      The MC should be structured like our Marginal Well Commission was. Everyone MUST come from the industry and there should be a Advisory Board of volunteers from the industry to call upon for their individual expertise. And the do NOT have to be Osage.
      They also can not double dip and work for the Nation at the same time. Get professional people this is old school and sinking the Mineral Estate.
      I read every quarter, does anyone know how much the checks will be this quarter instead they should be asking has production increased, how many NEW operators entered the Osage this quarter, can we reinvest in the Estate. But no, it's how much is the check and we hate the Nation. So much paranoia. Get over it.

    23. And did the Nation in any way, other than certain members of the MC, support you in this legal action as a shareholder or oil and gas producer either from the Osage Congress side or the Executive side? With them what you were doing in court was at least from the Executive side "a mystery." You behave like there's no reason to be paranoid. There is every reason and if you don't know that, it makes me wonder about you. The only requirements to run for office are in the Osage Constitution and the MC election law. You don't have that many in the pool who live in Osage County to run for elected office and you have to be a member of the Osage Nation to run as well. No one here has a young mind. We have educated minds and we actually take the time to educate ourselves by reading and following the Constitution and the additional laws that the Osage Nation Congress and the MC put in place which you apparently do not. Anyone running from the outside Osage County has a hell of a time of it because they are so soundly trashed before the day of the election with comments like they won't be able to attend the meetings and other such nonsense. It's a wonder Galen Crum ever got elected because he's from Kansas. Some will use that as a reason in the upcoming election not to elect anyone from outside the county. Your pool is small and even if they are in the oil and gas business, most don't want to go there as a result of the politics involved.

    24. If you think I'm wrong, the Nation now has both the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch breathing down their throats when these elected and appointed officials have not been elected or appointed by the Osage Headright owners:
      "“…The Ethics Act authorizes a body not elected by the Osage Minerals Council to remove a member of the Osage Minerals Council. The Osage headright owners are therefore deprived of their right to choose who represents them.”"
      This isn't paranoia, it's a fact.

    25. Who ME? I'm so there for you...
      This guy is SFOC --->>>

    26. To August 12, 8:53 AM

      We all have our own perspective and experience, granted. However, as a someone who owns and runs a profitable company I have never found the "liberal arts" approach of running it to be of benefit. High-minded Ideology and derivations of "states of being" do nothing to deal with the daily reality on the ground and the balance in the accounts. I realize those may be boring pragmatic concerns but whether putting bread on the table or a boat on Grand Lake those everyday realities are what make you and break you. So, while I will always entertain the notions and ideas of the folks cloistered in their “Harvard Project” type ivory towers my decisions are going to be informed by realities of my daily life experience. Not the other way around and contrary to your statement what anybody else thinks about that is of no consequence to me.

      Change is happening. We have seen it the last election when the post euphoric celebration of nationhood gave way to the practical concerns of continuation and running of the Mineral Estate. It is my opinion the composition of the OMC has changed drastically and to the betterment of the Mineral Estate. The preponderance of the current OMC has steadfastly worked for the shareholder and his asset. Where as the former OMCs (who got us where we are now) seemed to have greater concern for the interests of the Nation and thereby the BIA who wishes nothing more than to be rid of their responsibility in and to the Osage. That is change and I believe change for the better.

      We keep going back to court not because we do the same thing over and over again but because the federal government keeps doing the same thing over and over again. They owe a trust responsibility to us that they (the BIA) simply does not want to address. That responsibility is not an option that the BIA and DOI is free to accept or decline. So when they do the same thing over and over again we have to call them on the carpet and through law force them to follow-through with their obligations to us. We have to keep this as a standard practice until such time they get tired of writing checks and the lesson gets learned. Even bureaucrats have monetary expenditure they have to account for and once again reality rather than ideology or animosity begins to dictate action.

      [See Continued]

    27. [Continued, to August 12, 8:53 AM]

      Today must be secured before the consideration of the future can be acted upon. The apt analogy may be that the man who is starving to death today can’t be bothered to worry about where his meal next year will come from. To an arguable degree that is where we find our Mineral Estate today. It is under threat from CFRs written to benefit the BIA and, I believe, the Nation. A threat so great production in any meaningful fashion could cease. It is under threat from a BIA seeking to shake off its fiduciary and managerial obligations. It is under threat, I believe, from a Nation of ideologist (in my opinion roundly unsuccessful ideologist) bent on its take over. Responsibility dictates that those threats be dealt with today to secure the future of the Mineral Estate. It is only after security is reached that the promulgation of ideas for development can legitimately find voice. It can not be forgotten that a lot of what got us here was the, “put the cart before the horse” mentality we have seen from the Nation and its executives and its representatives, on the OMC or otherwise. Idealized forward movement means nothing if we’ve abandon, regulated out of existence, or handed away the assets we whish to take into the future.

      This may be counter to the feel good expression currently so popular with at least the Facebook portion of our people but I am a proponent of divided councils, with the obvious caveat that they all represent the shareholders and not an outside party (which I believe Crum and Yates clearly do work for an outside party). Divergent ideas and positions with people willing to fight for there beliefs often does and should end in some level of reasonable compromise and deliver a product with the most input that is beneficial to most (here even I am drifting into ideal). However the case, I do not want “a multi-faceted person who is skilled seeing beyond [my] infantile way of thinking.” Sorry, and it’s just my opinion, but that’s kooky talk. Beyond that, in the corporate context of the post it’s stated, it isn’t even true. The best corporate officers drive their colleagues to produce their best, not to impose their will on a shackled subordinate.

      In reading between the lines, which may be wrong, your post seems to be suggesting an idealized version of a Nation take over having authority and management of our assets. To that I say, no. While you may think my view infantile, I see the entire paradigm just the opposite. The infantile mind it the one the idealizes the world in spite of reality. The mature mind through hard experience has learned reality and hedges his bets. Speaking for this Osage and his family, I’m not about to bet my headright or our Mineral Estate on trending popular idealized expressions of ivory tower projects.

    28. Even more on the unreliability of facebook --->>>

    29. At 11:34 am I am highly skilled. My trade is bringing cohesion to an otherwise defunct Management. In no way would I be suggesting anything else other than this train wreck we are on will surely happen again. Its not what someone else can do for us its what we can do for ourselves. This was so predictable and avoidable. I train good Managers and at this point from what I can see and read from afar, they the M.C is in no way shape or good form to manage this Estate. They know it and by the preponderance of evidence speaks volumes. Rife with corruption, cronyism to name a few which leads us to where we are at. Without balance or structure, not even a standard of commitment to not even having a criteria. In my skill it does not take lawsuits to orchestrate what needs to happen, so long overdue. What I want and expect and what I see is no where representative of what needs to happen for tbe Shareholder's. Lets get to the nitty gritty of this and crack that egg shell together. I own oil elswhere and in no way the team who is working for my asset is involved in the politics. And my quarterly is explained. No hidden agenda no in house fighting..a working body for the betterment of the outcome. The way I see it the M.C needs to be put in the the Board if you may...Get an engineering office open who will be better equipped to head spear the daily activities. Get rid of the conflict of interest. Its to simple. I have made people money and big money just by working with the upper echelon to work those kinks all falls back to the can continue to blame the FEDERAL Government but it does not bode well if we are not pro active. Change will come and a heavy price will be paid its just a matter of time , time we don't have. I have witnessed in my life and been apart of some gret success stories And this for sure is not the way to go..if we do not change the negatives the cancer will stay and we will be no better than yesterday, as in History...All these lawsuits will be in vain and our ancestors will be rollong in their grave if not already...for one I would like to walk in a office with each one of our M.C pictures on the wall what would that say? That the Shareholder's are no longer in fear that our M.C is doing the job. We need a greeter someone there to answer the phone and say " Thank you for calling the Osage Mineral Council office where may I direct your call...we don't even have that. You can never get back that first impression and the impression we are leaving is a foul taste to say...oe speak of...This is customer service. We don't have that even for the Shareholder's. You have M.C members with cell phones and all over the place at another Job...this is a multi billion dollar business and shoul be treated as such...not just when there is a problem in little China..

    30. Wow! Somebody likes to yap, yap, and more yap. Why would I trust someone that likes to hear their self talk and pat their self on the back.. There would have been better way if you really wanted to help

    31. Good God. Let me get this straight we shouldn't have gone to court about the cfrs and even though the entire m.e. is under attack we should be hiring greeters. That's crazy.

    32. 1:37, I agree with you that the OMC should have on staff and answerable to them alone an oil and gas attorney, an auditor and an engineer and the required staff. Before that can happen there are certain matter-of-fact obstacles to address and overcome. While the attorney may be on an as need basis the auditor and engineer probably need to be full time, I leave that to those more familiar with the requirements than I. Those are all high paying professional positions that aren't going to be easy to fill in Osage Co. Funds will have to be secured to pay them, again not easy but I think it's something we need to do.

      Now, what does any of this matter if our focus today isn't on securing the Mineral Estate from CFRs, land barons, BLM, or the Nation and BIA? We can have a beautiful, efficient, world class management staff but what does it matter if we are farmed out to some other absurd entity to manage? Like I said, "cart before the horse."

    33. Thank You poster at 8:12 a.m. I would believe that we would need to restructure the mineral council pay in order to do this and get back to $75 a meeting and pay some real people who are skilled in this position. It can be done so it may be costly but in the long run it'll pay off. Sometimes in order to make money you need to spend money and in this case this is our future and we have no choice. We must be vigilant and proactive and stay on top of this and not let it go to the wayside.

  6. How long do any of you think Robin Phillips will last at the Osage Agency?

    1. Not long. There was no reason to hold back any of the permits regardless of a pendung case. She should be fired. She is persona non grata at thix poibt. She has coaused because of her inappropriate behavior irreparable harm. We had vendors with i b t ed nt to drill but because of the he politics will not come. The BIA must be on the side of the M.E snd M.C no matter what. Frizzell said the new rules also removed the statutory authority from the Minerals Council, waived the OMC’s authority to waive late charges, encroached on sovereignty, and imposed regulatory requirements that would increase royalty payments. The escalating costs would make producers shut down and reduce millions to Osage shareholders and would have a detrimental economic impact on Osage County. Do you think the BIA did the DILIGENCE! Is this what the BIA'S INTENT TO QUASH THE PRODUCERS! Come on Galen, Yates, Ray Ray. Answer to this. I can tell you numbers do not lie nor should you. Admit you were wrong you will get more respect.

    2. Robins not qualified to handle this Trust for one thing, beside the trouble she knows she's causing. Who hired her in the first place? Had to be a hater of the Osage. Why in God's name did Galen go along with those regulations? There's something fishy about all this. We need some of these members thrown out.

  7. Pee-YOU on EPA. And these are the guys that are indirectly responsible for killing our mineral estate permits by the BIA? Get rid of the EPA!
    President of Navajo Nation upset with EPA's response to spill

    1. When the EPA poisons the environment they shrug it off like it's no big deal. Let someone else do 1/10th the damage and their position is the world will come to an end. There was criminal negligence and some of them should go to jail.

  8. Native News Online, unlike Osage News, actually took the time to record and print the Chairman's reaction to the ruling Monday. I think Osage News perceived bias against the OMC and the shareholders is starting to go beyond a matter of personal opinion and venture into the realm of the obvious.

    1. Our Newspaper is Biasd, the Osage News.

    2. Just read the Article, well written. Chairman Waller good to here from you. Yrea we know the Osage news is afraid they will lose all their awards if they do any investigative reporting or support from this Nation.


    4. So badly written. The tulsa world.

    5. Real good article Mr. Waller, Well written.

  9. Oil prices are predicted to go up to 65 to 75 dollars a barrel the margin for production will be 50 dollars. We might see a 100 dollars a barrel but it will be only for a couple of days. Still hope the markets rebound. Thought I would post some good news.

    1. Thank you. Hope this happens, or very little Christmas at our house come Dec. paymt. Obama isn't helping the market nor interest rates. But we may have a shut-down over the bugs.

    2. The only thing causing and sustaining this shut down is the price of oil and the Donelson lawsuit. If oil was $70, everything else would be chump change.
      Oil is down another $1.11 so far today, which will put our HPP at about $38.50 or less. 12.25PM, I hate to say you are wrong but YOU ARE WRONG or maybe just an idiot.

    3. You're so wrong about oil prices. The futures market is telling us that the price will be in the 40's through this year and only into the low 50's at the end of next year. I don't know your source of information but I think today's Wall Street Journal is a bit more accurate.

    4. Who is your commodities advisor, Robin Phillips? All indications at this point, to remain low through the end of the year.

    5. No one said immediately. Hold your breath wait and see..don't get your thoughts all tied up in a wad.

  10. If Obama would FIGHT ISIS and disabled the refineries in Iraq not only would their income just come from being thefts and murders but oil prices would rebound due to less oil on the market by about 4 million barrels a day.

    1. Now thats a thought. By the looks of it ,they are looking to increase production next year. Looking forward to a better relationships with our Producer's long over due the Shareholder's know who's working for them their success is our success Thank you Mr.Revard.

  11. Perhaps we should export some American Burrowing Beetle bugs to the middle east. That'll stop 'em.

    1. By gum, start gathering them up, SEND TO...AND RUSH !!!!!

    2. Is there a court date for this. Isn't this against our producers?

    3. Always wanted to train a Jack Russell to to sniff out blister beetles in alfalfa hay, upon retirement, could set up, to check the incoming loads at the race tracks, possible picking up a little changes. Did state this on a Dewey Topix Blog, and later on What Happenin' in the E.C. Mullendore III Bartlesville Topix Forum starting in 2008.
      Can you see it now? The Shareholders could maybe sponsors "Black Dog "* American Burrowing Beetle,dogs. Positive PR, could even sell advertisement on the collars, water bowls , feedpan ect. Black Dog being a famous Osage Chief.
      I've in my younger years have trained termite sniffing dogs, and was in some national trade magazines. H


    1. Love to watch the eagles on the Arkansas river. But the tornado this year west of Sand Springs killed some of the little one and also the eggs in the nest. For days the mother eagles called up and down the river looking for their babies and nest. I hope they will be back to nest next year.

    2. Eagles are so majestic when watched in the wild. The Eagles will come back to nest.

  13. MC Meeting is live at

    1. MC Meeting Agenda for today is located at

    2. Sign a lop lease with a rule against perpetuities? DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT APPROVING THIS LEASE.

    3. What the hell is this all abour?

    4. No oil and gas resolutions including a rule against the perpetuities.

    5. Is this attorney named Kane? No oil and gas leases with language approved by MC resolution that include ANY rule against the perpetuities whatsoever. I don't care who it is or that this guy will lose his window of opportunity to have this top lease. Show this guy the door RIGHT NOW!

    6. If the current underlying lease is terminated by the Donalson lawsuit then it's terminated and the BIA can follow up and terminate the lease from their end as well if need be. There is no reason for the MC to officially authorize in writing any lease wth language that includes a rule against the perrpetuities. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT DOING THIS NOW OR EVER.

    7. Still in Executive Session?

    8. Please explain in detail what this is pertaining to?

    9. Did I hear something about Alan (?) Woodcock saying language like this in an oil and gas lease is OK? WTH?

    10. Yes. It's still in Executive Session.

    11. I wish I could explain in detail but it went by so fast I will need to do followup on this situation.

    12. Sounds like a sneaky pete lawyer trying to get a leg up on having the MC approve a lease by a FORMAL RESOLUTION with language in it that will include a rule against the perpetuities. This is stricly prohibited by an Act of the U.S. Congress in the 1906 Alottment Act as amended and if the BIA or any area of it including the legal solicitors office is agreeing to this as was suggested by the speaker during the MC meeting, they should know this and know better than to recommend doing this if that's what's going on. Either take that language out of the top lease or show this guy off the propery and the lawyer he rode in on!!!!!!!!!

    13. They have scheduled this vote on this resolution for next Wednesday's meeting if I heard it correctly.

    14. My next question is who owns the land associated with this top lease?

    15. MC Council Agenda used to include the names of those Osages who have passed and now they only read them out loud. We should have that list monthly and why have they stopped publishing this information if they are going to read it out loud?

    16. Any language in a lease or other real estate conveyence of any kind that involves in any way or includes a rule against the perpetuities no matter what, will be a supervening illegality and invalid on its face as a result of the Federal law, the 1906 Allotment Act as amended. Yes? I want any attorney investigated and his licence reviewed by the State of Oklahoma who would even suggest such a thing.

    17. What is this? Open season on the Osages? What is going on here? Leases are to be given final approved by the BIA. To heck with any formal resolutions from the MInerals Council on special approval of some kind for this particular top lease. Keep on the regular path and don't veer off. I don't care what all else is involved. If the BIA approves these leases or gives final approval then let it go the way it always goes and not to include some special out of the way language that could pull us into an Oklahoma jurisdiction and an Oklahoma Court on the ownership of the mineral rights.

    18. Audio is already up and available to listen to today's meeting online on demand at
      Kudos to the MC staff for getting the work done on this right away.

    19. So then the Nation will step in and call our M.C incompetent to run the M.E according to the 1906 Act as amended. Calling a spade a spade. How is this resolution for the benefit of the M.E?

    20. Pay attention. The MC hasn't voted on this resolution yet and the Osage Nation has nothing to do with it.

    21. Two resolutions based on old English common law as to the rule against perpetuties? Acceptable to attorneys Tim Dowd and Alan Woodcock? Letter as opposed to the Resolution is a good idea not a formal resolution by the MC Council. This is a MUST LISTEN TO HEAR THIS LAWYER KANE GUY SPIN THIS IDEA... Hahahahahahahaha! Reject this idea out of hand and do not go forward. "I don't care if they do it In England or not." Go get 'em Chairman Waller. Hahahahahaha!

    22. Go with the Bandolier letter idea. We need no further legal complications on this OME.

    23. Is this the same Kane family that the wind farm sits on? Big landowners in Osage County? Oh boy. There is a Judge in OC named Kane too right? Get this in writing from Tim Dowd and Alan Woodcock and then forget about it in perpetuity. Hahahahahahaha!

    24. "...from my heart." Right pal. We need non-"Performance" on these two leases. WTH is right.

    25. Doof can't drill new wells anyway, right because of the BIA not approving permits anyway so take your $8 million and your English common law and hit the road JACK.

    26. Give the guy a letter that if the leases are terminated by any and all lawsuits currently in the courts, that the Mineral Council will reissue the leases in the name of the Company doing business as Perrformance or whatever the name is on the two leases. Put NOTHING IN WRITING about perpetuity or the perpetuities now or ever. A formal resolution by the MC mights cloud the whole issue if not the title to the land associated with those two leases. DON'T DO THIS MC. I don't care what attorney says it's OK. MEMBERS OF THE MINERALS COUNCIL, DO NOT VOTE FOR ANY SUCH RESOLUTION OR RESOLUTIONS NOW OR EVER.

    27. I agree with poster 1:34 pm.

  14. On Shane Matson, Bandolier Energy, LLC and Petro River Oil Corp.

  15. On Performance Petroleum Co located in Barnsdall, OK. Not much information here for wanting to take over the leases for Chapparal and under the name of another company with a top lease. On the face of it, this looks like some sort of corporate shell game. However, to his credit, the President of the this company writes a damn fine letter that Federal Court Judge Frizzell mirrored in many ways last Monday:

    1. Why haven't the Shareholder's made aware of this letter back in 2013? Galen, Yates? Mineral Council members? Giving so much authority to a defunct office THE BIA. Who wrote the final copy of CFR's and approved said CFR's without doing an economic inpact study? Why haven't regardless what the BIA is doing, regardless there is a law suit pending has permits gone out and most importantly why did the BIA stop issueing permits at the highest yield when the price of oil was 100 dollars per barrel? This lo ettervus so forth coming makes everyone look incompetent not just that, did our M.C do the DILIGENCE.? Everything is always after the fact. The damage is done. We need to build better effective efficiencies and better partnerships...

    2. Mr. Diligence, if you will look at the top of the this page, you will see a live link at Click on it and you will see a page full of information and under the heading "PUBLIC COMMENTS" you will find this letter from J. Scott DuCharme (Performance Operating), to Mr. Streater. It has been located there for approximately two years.

      There was a lawsuit filed by Donalson/Friend that has been used as the purported cause of the BIA not approving permits but this need not have happened until the lawsuit has finally reached an outcome in Federal Court sometime, if not years in the future.

    3. I wasn't aware of this letter either. Only the few keep this to their selves. I don't live in Osage county. Info is hard to get if you live somewhere else. Thanks for this web site.

  16. Osage Shareholders Association Meeting tomorrow, August 16, 2015, at the Dave Landrum Community Center in Pawhuska at 1:00 pm.

  17. $4,805.00 per Full Headright as of September 1, 2015.

    1. Thank you. This is even a little more than June.

    2. Thanks Osageblogger.


    To Congressional Public Blast List Recipients,

    We will be utilizing the new Osage Nation website to make meeting notices available to interested parties regarding Congressional meetings. The website has some great features. One of the features we have implemented is a Legislative calendar that will include all notices of meetings with the agendas attached. You will be able to go to the Legislative calendar and click on any meeting with the most current agenda attached.

    We post all meeting notices to the Committee page and session agendas to the Session page of the Legislative Branch. These pages are listed to the left on the Legislative page. Click on the Committee Information page and it will open up with the committees listed to the left; click on the committee you would like to see; it will open up the page with the meetings listed in chronological order and scroll down to the most recent meeting notice. Click on the meeting listed and the notice/agenda will pull up.

    To access session information, click on the Session Information page to the left and the most recent session information is listed out for you to access. The agenda, tracker and previous day’s journal are listed. If the text appears in blue, there is an attachment; click on it and the document will pull up. If it is in black, nothing is attached.

    I have attached the link to the Legislative calendar below for ease of access. It is listed to the left on the Legislative page as well. Find the notice of the meeting that you would like to see, click on it and the notice/agenda will pull up.

    We will discontinue sending meeting notices by email. If you have any problems, please let me know at the numbers or email listed below.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Congressional Office at (918) 287-5543 or my office directly at (918) 287-5689.

    Barbara Rice
    Clerk of the Congress

    1. Thank you, Mrs, Rice nice to see you post here thank you.

    2. Mrs. Rice didn't post it. It was from an e-mail message she just recently sent out to her blast list. She has always been so spot on, I, for one, hate to lose the privilege of having her send out this information on a regular basis like clockwork.

  19. Has anybody heard anything about the Land Buy Back program from the Cobell suit? And who decides how the money is allocated? Is there going to be an oversite committee?

    1. These are great questions and I believe the Nation is handling this situation. I would call your favorite member of Congress to find out what they know and who to contact directly for more information. See

  20. 3rd Osage Minerals Council Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, August 19, 2015, is located at

    Pay particular attention to item 8-C. Performance- Lease where these two "top leases" will be discussed as to the provision that they want to include involving "the rule against perpetuities" whether it vests immediately or not, and the mineral rights held by the Osage Nation in perpetuity by an Act of the U.S. Congress in direct controversion of both Federal Law and The Osage Nation Constitution, Article IV - Declaration of Rights, Section 5, Rights of Shareholders.

    1. Another item of possible interest on this MC agenda is 8/E. Joe Cheshewalla/Windfarms. I wonder what is up with this. Does anyone know anything about it?

  21. With things as bad as they are already, we don't need more costly regulations coming into Osage County from the BIA, the BLM, the EPA or any other Federal government agency to force even more of the small independent oil and gas producers out of business!

    Independent oil producers finding it difficult to be profitable with low barrel prices

    1. Wow I believe I spoke with a M.C member and was told the Producers can make a profit at 40 dollars a barrel...Maybe if they store it till the prices go back up before they sell it of course. Which leads me to believe our Council Members our not aware what shape the M.E is in?

    2. They need to be recalled. They are clueless! No profit at these low prices and regulations forcing the producers out of the county. They are fleeing the county as we sit and do nothing to help.

      The last leases sold in September are subject to the Decision Record attached by the Superintendent which makes the leases non-drillable. The OMC needs to file another law suit to remove the Decision Record from the leases they sold to the producers. Why haven't they objected to the BIA interference in this regard. The BIA actually altered the leases let by the OMC to the producers without the two parties' knowledge or consent. Where is the OMC's objection to this contractual interference?

    3. Greetings! This is Paul Revard posting. I am the owner of Revard Oil and Gas Properties, Inc. who purchased a lease at the September, 2014 lease sale. The lease I bid on and paid for was altered by the Superintendent by means of the aforementioned Decision Record.

      Due to the alteration of my lease, I am unable and unwilling to pursue development of the lease and I have requested that the BIA refund my lease bonus payment. The BIA has refused to refund the monies.

      Revard Oil and Gas Properties, Inc. appealed the Decision Record twice and the OMC has not bothered to do so at all. My appeals have been denied. I have purchased a dead horse, so to speak.

      Chaparral acquired 18 leases at the same lease sale and they did not care enough to file an appeal to the BIA for their leases; in-fact, they offered their lease to Revard Oil and Gas at cost and indicated they were done with Osage County.

      This is what’s going on. When I addressed the OMC about this issue at a previous OMC meeting, I was well received and encouraged that the OMC will work with me on an extension of my lease, if needed. For this I am very grateful.

      I think that the OMC should file another law suit against the BIA for altering the oil and gas lease they sold to Revard Oil and Gas Properties, Inc. and others at the September lease sale. How can the OMC ever conduct another lease sale not knowing what the BIA will attach to the new leases as additional terms and conditions? Who would purchase a lease not knowing how the leases will be altered prior to BIA approval?

      This is insane!

      I think that the OMC should file another lawsuit in this regard. Otherwise, how can the OMC conduct another lease sale in good faith?

    4. Since you ask, we are hearing that just today a new case has been filed by the OPA, Case Number 15-CV-469-GKF-FHM in Judge Frizzell's Court. It's a Petition for Review of Agency Action Under the Administrative Procedures Act. As soon as we can obtain more information on this legal action, we will let you know.

    5. Also, the Feds are reported to be going ahead with an injunction against Mustang Run but we have no independent confirmation on this or on the reported letter of proposal of Joe Cheshewalla to the Minerals Council, the Chief and the AP Chief that has been written about by Chris White on the Facebook site located at
      I suggest that everyone who can get to the MC Meeting at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning plan to attend or listen live via the internet to see what unfolds.

    6. Paul Revard here again to state that it's not enough for us to just complain about the situation. We need to contact our OMC who represent us to insist that they pursue ever means possible to stop this obstruction by the BIA. We should not depend on the producers, such as myself, to carry the ball for all the Shareholders.

      Please send emails and/or letters to our OMC encouraging them to take whatever actions they can legally in an effort to put these matters to rest and to get back to developing our ME. I think the court is in our favor and now is the time to keep the pressure on. The OMC will need the Shareholders approval and support in this regard so please let them know you want them to be aggressive in this regard and authorize them to continue in the legal pursuit of justice, It may mean authorizing additional legal funds but, if so, it will be to the Shareholders' benefit and possibly the survival of the ME.

    7. As evidence the BIA would have to have compelling reason as to why the Negotiations should go forward. Per the APA, and as I understand it the BIA did not do the due DILIGENCE AS required set forth by the APA act. By the harm the BIA and DOI has caused THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WILL BY GOLLY PAY FOR ETERNITY.

    8. Just read in the Tulsa World web paper about the producers new law suit to BIA. which met to shut drilling down in the Osage. I don't like lawsuits, but this is so in our face, MC must do something.

    9. The EPA joins in with a new tactic on the war on fossil fuels. There is a new mandate to reduce methane emissions 40% of the 2012 baseline by 2025. It includes other changes in energy policy being driven by "climate change" evangelists.

    10. Dear Mr.Revard

      A business is only as good as the the Clients, no business gets far after losing the clients it has. The key to success is building relationships that go beyond the first well drilled. Our success is built around your success. The BIA cannot foster this type of relationship in as much our Mineral Council can and apparently has not. I find it most unfortunate the lack of communication. You can never over communicate. This is a huge failure in any business. The lack of communication with the Shareholder's is unfathomable. My philosophy its never to late to start today what we put off doing so long ago. Our Clients are smater than you think and they know when they are being conned. One white lie can really damage a reputable relationship. Integrity is so elemental in cultivating better relationships. In other words, your word is your the end, and trust is key. We have a great division going on truly I have seen this before and the proccess for this is eliminate the Cancer..Had the Shareholder's been comprised of our situation we could have orchestrated or demonstrated a better outcome from our Council. Our sitution so predictable. He said she said has gotten us no where. My hope is to bring back the clarity and integrity by building and fostering better relationships to getting rid of the redundancies and to build apon better efficiencies and cohesion for better relationships with our Producers and Shareholder's. So long over due. 38 yrs with a Business partner I never met who went to bat for the Shareholder's is so appreciated. I hope you will not have to leave. If you should, I hope I can bring you back to a well retrofitted M.C not an endless round table with a Engineering Office you can visit. This is the prescription, a tall order that is long over due. Thank you once again for all that you have done. There are no accidents in life and we the Shareholder's will be the force that drives to strive foe a better future for our M.E Thank you for sharing the real circumstances our M.C tried to hide from the Shareholder's.

    11. New lawsuit document by the Producers against the BIA

    12. The 2nd lawsuit by the OPA is to compel the BIA to issue permits without the EA nonsense that the Superintendent created by her July, 2014 letter. The BIA is talking like everything is back to normal but they are only issuing 5% of the permits they have on file. This lawsuit is to compel the Superintendent to do her job for Osage County, not cater to the whims of Washington D.C.!

    13. Right I read in the Tulsa world there are over 400 permits waiting to be approved. Fire ROBIN PHILLIPS. 4 billion reasons to. The EA the BIA took apon themselves should have not delayed any of the PERMITTING PROCESS. Not just that, sue the BIA for 4 billion not 380 million. The irreparable harm has been done. With other producers who are backing out of the intent, the unintended consequences of one persons action has cuased great harm. Irreparable harm.

  22. MC Meeting is now live at

    1. Agenda for today:

    2. Jeannine Hale, Deputy Superintendent of the Osage Agency is taking questions.

    3. Jeannine skirting issue about not consulting with OMC prior to BIA changing policy which is, of course, expected.

    4. Again on the non-Osage headright owners and says he's confused? I thought he was a lawyer and knows about the passing of personal property in wills and trusts. Did he forget when he became Chief?


    6. Wall might be because of numerous Tribal lawsuits being lost by BIA.

    7. Hitting the Mineral's Council up for money when the Nation doesn't even fund the OME operation and they get a drawdown direct from the U.S. Treasury for the drawdown by Federal law? So he comes in there to insult all of us and hard-ball the MC for money? Hit the road Chief and don't come back to insult our elected MC official and all of us shareholders. Some of us know how this arrangement works and we are separate. You know that and still you come in to this meeting to insult everyone in sight in the meeting. Go back to your temp office while your office is being redecorated for how much of the Osage people's money?

    8. YES! YES! YES! Talee. We need complete restructure and re org of Pawhuska BIA! Insert O & G professionals! Probably need to restructure the OMC as well!

    9. Who, what contributes to the Nation from the DRAWDOWN? When all of you are posting is a puzzle to put together. Please be clear on what you are talking about. Makes no sense.

    10. Vaness Ray Hodge is clueless when it comes to managing the ME. So is Mike Black. they also don't give a damn. Seen them in action. They are bureaucrats in the extreme. Inside their boxes with regulations that don't improve anything. Got to go higher!

    11. A day late and dollar short, ah you thunk this would have happened after the HPP lawsuit or even before the restructuring of the M.C TO THE PAWHUSKA agency Really. Yes long over due the Leadership be replaced as well. The lack of communication you can slice it dice it and taste it. To late M.C

    12. Co-mingling of funds is not allowed by our Constitution am I correct? Tell the Nation if they need money go dig a hole..better yet down size your depts.

    13. And what did the Chief contribute to these successful lawsuits or the Osage Nation? NOTHING? Yes. NOTHING. WTH and who the hell does he think he is coming to this meeting to hardball our elected MC officials. GET GONE BACK TO YOUR TEMP OFFICE WHILE YOUR OFFICE IS BEING REDECORATED COSTING THE OSAGE PEOPLE HOW MUCH OF OUR MONEY AND DON'T EVER COME BACK AGAIN WITH THIS PUKE ACTING LIKE A JERK!!!!!!!!!!! WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    14. Asking Hodge and Black here is worse than pointless. What the h*ll does he think he's doing. These people don't need another soap box to fail at explaining why their way is the right way. In all their time in the Osage they've done nothing but produce chaos.

    15. If you have to ask that question about the drawdown and how the the Minerals Agency receives its million dollar drawdown from the Federal government by law, you couldn't be a shareholder.

    16. Chaos and negligently lose or have millions upon millions stolen from them. Total incompetents and we had to hit them hard just to get them to criminally investigate what went on with the Osage, LLC and that Carol Leese shiester they had in there running things for years and years. $19-20 million of our money lost. Show this preaching jerk the door and don't let him in again to insult everyone in sight. AWFUL. I'VE NEVER SEEN OR HEARD ANYONE LIKE HIM OTHER THAN THAT OTHER JERK JIM GRAY WHO LOST US OUR RESERVATION PROTECTION AND FEDERAL RESERVATION RECOGNITION. LECTURING ALL OF US AND THE MC MEMBERS LIKE THAT? HORRIBLE!

    17. On a short break and will return to the meeting soon.

    18. "Thank you, sir, for coming and speaking." Thank the Chief for what? Insulting us all? What a sham speech that was folks. When they have all the gambling money and Federal grant money to squander and he is wanting money from us shareholders at a time like this when payment is down so low? Hitting all of us up for money when we're down? I can't think of anything bad enough to call this guy.

    19. Really politically stupid for a start.

    20. Back online and once again talking about the rule against perpetuities and Performance wanting these top leases. FORGET IT PAL. TAKE YOUR MONEY ELSEWHERE. IT'S IN CONFLICT WITH FEDERAL LAW AND NO CAN DO NO MATTER WHAT. You're oh so sly but so am I...

    21. No question is ignorant only the answer and that is applied to poster @ 10:35 am comment. Not only that the question was not answered correctly. As I read the question it says what part of the DRAWDOWN goes to the Nations Depts. Not the Mineral Agency or who distribute es it. This was an accounting question. What millons are going to the Nations Depts.? We are separate agency and if it is true where are our millions in revenue from the Casinos? After all the M.E was used as collateral to build the Nation off the backs of the Shareholder's. Tit for tat I suppose. What is equitable? The Shareholder's must know this to be truth. Hodge and Black might as well take the 5th. Their credibility is out the door..along with Gina McCarthy and Salley Jewel. Everyone in the industry can see the intent and Game these two are playing..BTW, the Bureau can try to expound why these Regulations are tantamount, the compelling evidence suggest otherwise making the Agency and the M.C look incompetent and the Agency has done a good job of that by themselves. But incompetence does not get the JOB done. Skilled people do. Not behind a desk or Podium of lies..visual is a well. Not in a sell phone or social networking. Walk the talk..Take Hodge and Black to a Producers home or Business where it flourished with 200 employees now down to 20. Take them to there homes that are being foreclosed on. Walk the talk, show and tell. Seeing is believing. Take a Live feed of someone's plight like a shareholder who lives off this money what rheir life has been reduced to. Now this is Action.

    22. Don't you dare vote for this resolution, MC. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!! Other companies right behind them wanting to do the same thing? I'll just bet they are pal. You can hit the road too right along with the Chief. NO! NO! NO!

    23. Go with the usual lease process and give them a 2 year effective date like always. That takes care of the "perpetuities." Don't go off road period. If Donalson or any other lawsuit prevails give them a letter to reissue the leases. No special process or anything other than what is normally done. This is a rat trap ready to snap shut if you vote for this resolution. DON'T DO IT NOW OR EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    24. Safety net for who? Not us pal. Hit the road...

    25. The Chief must think we are incredibly stupid is exactly right, how embarrassing. He is so persona non grata. Did anyone tell him to go to H. R and tell him to reduce everyones pay at the Nation? So why would he think it would be ok at a time like this to ask? What an Idiot.

    26. Hit the road with this resolution. Its not do able.

    27. Who crafted this resolution?

    28. Crum again to approve these resolutions as presented. Why am I not surprised? You jerk Galen. Resign before you topple the whole Osage Mineral Estate all by yourself.

    29. These idiots voted for these resolutions. GET RID OF ALL OF THEM WHO VOTED YES WITHOUT THE OPINION OF WOODCOCK IN WRITING. SO STUPID STUPID STUPID. This is the beginning of the end right here and now even when Jeannine Hale waffled back and forth? Even without the word perpetuities, the language is structured to mean the same thing. Seven leases for 160 acres each and all of them with a potential for a cloud on the title OF THE MINERAL RIGHTS for each parcel against the 1906 Allotment Act as amended? How stupid can they get? Whoever is behind this is jumping up and down and the money that was paid for this debacle to the attorneys that structured it was well worth it against these stupid fools. Get them out of office now before any more damage is done. OUTRAGEOUS. You elected officials are there to protect our interest not give it away one parcel at a time. YOU DOLTS. HOW COULD YOU WHEN YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED AND DIDN'T EVEN CONSULT WITH YOUR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE YOU VOTED ON THESE RESOLUTIONS AND LEASES AND THESE CHANGES YOU HAVE NEVER EVEN SEEN BEFORE TODAY? HOW STUPID CAN YOU GET?

    30. Well gosh, they took the advice of the attorney that structured these changes. Wasn't that good enough?

    31. Was there a no vote?

    32. Right, which brings to point who was the sitting Attorney for the. Ouncil at the time of the negotiations of the rule making?

    33. More of the same thing isn't going to benefit the M.E this is why we must replace the M.C. A.S.A.P and fire our Attorney and hire a Independent lawyer who is structured and skilled in fighting for the M.E who has won many cases regarding the APA. It is evident at tnis point we structure not with resolutions. More harm can happen than good...What I am not hearing is why this is necessary or how it will benefit the M.E.


    35. I say rescind this vote immediately until further ON MC and BIA Solicitor's Office attorney review IN WRITING. RIGHT NOW BEFORE THE MEETING COMES TO AN END.

    36. These people do not represent my interest in the mineral estate as they are supposed to do when they vote for resolutions like this with questionable legal language and then take the advice of the attorney who put it together instead of their own lawyer first. Is this insane or what?

    37. Not really. It's just more stupidity coming from the Osage Nation government. Same old Same old.

    38. Ah I see said the blind man, Cynthia Boone you have my interest, please explain the way you were told by the Lawyer? Share your opinion please.

    39. Cheshawalla segment is going on now. We don't need to profit from these wind farms and get in bed with them. WTH has happened to this Minerals Council today? No negotiating with the wind farm company PERIOD. Get rid of this blight upon our land don't make deals with those who are responsible for it.

    40. To August 19, 2015 at 11:46 AM. NO! There was a yes vote on these resolutions and that's what has everybody so upset.


    42. I thought Erwin and Boone were smart enough not to do a dumb thing like this. Down the drain with that theory.

    43. I suspect 11:46 wanted to know if there was any Council member that voted NO.

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