Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Conversation--September-October-November 2015

Osage Blog Conversation continues at http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2015/11/conversation-november-2015.html


  1. Session is live and a big day today for the Osage Congress. Agenda is located at https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/content_link/d4YqWzFPF86LL9BWKcBLqRwoKB3DkZ5aG3yv6o8wni8RBsuz3bAyGFN4DxA0ASNJ?dl=1
    On short break for the Speaker to organize the bills for today's Session.

    1. Handled General Order amendments for Day 2 for bills that were not on the Agenda. Back off-line to distribute amendments for General Order Day 3.

    2. $400,000 added in an amendment for Hydrology on a bill/s owed on a Hydrology Budget? Didn't know we even had such a thing and now we owe $400,000?

    3. ONCA 15-82; all amendments passed and they have a salary freeze in this bill. More details later.

    4. Health Division leader salary to be placed on 15-83 passes. Salary freeze amendment as amended passes.

    5. ONCA 15-85 same language in this salary freeze amendment and amendment to the amendment. Both pass.

    6. ONCA 15-86 reducing this budget and the amendment passes. Salary freeze in this bill too. Amendment passes.

    7. ONCA 15-87 amendment needs council Trey Gill to weigh in. Amendments pass on salary freezes.

    8. ONCA 15-94 creates a new Health Authority Board. Amendment to amendment fails due to lack of a second. Amendment about authority boards that have nothing to do with one another. Utility Authority Board mentioned and Edwards does not know where the gaming board is located? Discussion on this change to the bill and amendment fails.

    9. More amendments to this bill.

    10. When they return they will still be on amendments to bills on General Order day three. Part of the reason they have added language for salary freezes to these bills has to do with the projected revenue issue and not going over $43,775,000 this year. Last year the PR was $50,460,544 and 158(?) employees got raises. This year 50 employees have raises according to the bills for fy 2016. Edwards does not think we should be giving out raises when the PR is down for 2016 $7 million. Good point plus some of those raises have been given out from under the HR dept. that by law is the only entity that can raise salaries for the employees.

    11. Back online with ONCA 15-97 amendments. Path of the process of the drug and alcohol testing with additional protocols in the proposed amendment. Impact financially is being discussed. 300 specimens per year sent to the lab. All specimens will be sent out to an accredited laboratory and the chain of collection is preserved. Amendment passes and involves Osage Nation employees only not gaming employees.

    12. ONCA 15-106 is put on the agenda today? Recess to call of the Chair for the purpose of engrossment. Both scheduled committee meetings on the agenda for today may be cancelled. CommEcon is cancelled for sure from 3-5:00 p.m. and RJ Walker is considering cancelling GovOps but for the Election Board coming in to make a presentation. We will have to stand by and check in periodically throughout the rest of the day. Funding budget bills are up for today so this will be important to follow and remember for any subseqent sessions for funding appropriations. Also Edwards said they might or may already be appropriating funds over the PR limit in the Constitution.

    13. Good on the drug and alcohol testing being handled off campus with an independent laboratory. No more selling clean urine to the employees will be allowed as has happened in the past as rumored, I take it. Good!!!!!!! What are the penalties under Osage law if an employee's D & A test comes back dirty to the HR department?

    14. http://osagenews.org/en/article/2015/09/30/congress-passes-fy-2016-governmental-budgets/

  2. So beautiful and heart rendering!
    The Wah Zha Zhe Ballet performed the opening "Prayer" scene at The Festival of Families on Logan Square in Philadelphia on September 26.
    See the video segment located at https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews

  3. GovOps is meeting now and is live. Election Board issues. Talking about an amendment to change the Constitution. Notify the AG about the Election Board Supervisor amendment to explain the Constitutional amendments to the voters for such amendments on the ballot. Agenda is located at https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/content_link/bAutxm7zjTTrKvqDNhsDjfde9Yu5xLelyjg4yL11txL60CayXhJt1DeYSw7z91lM?dl=1

    1. On ONCA 15-76. Shaw wanting to put forward his amendments. Banishment issues.

    2. Can't participate in anything by statutory law but Constitution may conflict with this but do have some exclusions like using the Health Clinic.

    3. How is this possible that when a recount is paid for, the only one's votes that are counted are that of the Candidate bringing the recount? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS BOGUS CRAP ALL ABOUT? They don't count any other candidates votes in a recount if the candidate who brings the recounts votes are verified as accurate. The recount should be for all of the candidates. WHAT KIND OF HS IS GOING ON HERE???????????? THIS IS FRAUD, FRAUD, FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. WOW! I don't believe I just read this. What? This is clear cut election fraud if the Candidate is paying hundreds of dollars and the only votes that are counted are the votes for one bringing the recount? Wait just a minute. Then I heard Lockett (?) giving some flimsy excuse about complications if they don't do it this way. No way can this be going on but they are admitting to this fraud right out in the open. Get rid of this Election Board participating in election recount fraud like this! Does these government people even know how to run this government on the the up and up in an honest and forth right manner?

    5. How many hundreds of dollars does it cost a candidate to bring a recount?

    6. As far as I know in a good faith election, a guy files for a recount to find out if the winner's votes are accurate, not his own. What kind of twisted logic is having the Election Board and the Supervisor count just your votes and if accurate, they go no further in the recount process? Man this latest reveals they are so crooked up there on that hill, hell wouldn't have it.

    7. Hear it for yourself:

    8. They came right out with it like this was an acceptable practice for them to be involved in. It just makes your head spin the way they behave and seem to have no idea that what they are doing is even wrong or in any way inappropriate. This is the wrong form of government for people like this to be running it. We must ban together to have an independent professional election company come in and run these elections because without legitimate access to a fair and honest election recount, there is no recourse available to find out if the election process and the election itself is rigged and therefore fraudulent. This is way bad news. About as bad as it gets anywhere in the world.

    9. Do the recount properly by counting all vote for comparison. How unbelievable. Yep lets do a Constitutional Convention. With the Executive way out of control building bigger burocracy. Time to end the lie.

  4. The Osage Congress finished up late today in session and passed all operating funds bills for the three branches. They will be sent over to the Chief. No recording of the audio of this evening session is available at this time.

  5. As for that untenable funding of $50,000 per child for that afterschool Academy idea that the Chief has been trying to ramrod through with that Deb Adderbury who is the Director and the tip of the spear, the Osage Congress just isn't buying one bit of it. Standing Bear said. “What kind of planning is that?” Really good financial planning it sounds like to me --->>>

    1. This program will fail because of the lack of marketing. Pure and simple..when there are gaps in a program such as this tells what exactly needs to happen. You need to reach out to your local communities and explain why this is important equally some might be offended that we would be teaching a culture not familiar to those who are non-osage. The criteria is wonderful and the standard looks attainable. This program could actually be a stand alone program. In other words look into your local communities to donate. Churches, Hospitals, Dept of Commerse. Local businesses, local agencies, and local state offices. The economy is sinking but all the help from the local communities would help advert some of these costs for low income earners in an area that is financially-suppressed economy. You could even apply for your own Grant. This program can work, but how can it without Marketing..There should be a daily permanent advertising in the Osage News. This is how you ask you local news outlets to contribute and doante a space..get in the view of the People not the rearview. No Child without.

    2. It was dead in the water the minute they demanded $5.00 a day for each child to attend. That's what makes this government so incredibly dangerous to the future of the Osage people. They have no one in their ranks who is even capable of taking the pulse, speculating on the pulse accurately, or even listening to anyone who recommends that they listen to someone who knows what the pulse actually is. They live in a delusional little world all their own and spend our money on these inane absurd pipe dreams they put forward and railroad through. This is a kind of stupidity known as tunnel vision and it has lost them our reservation, millions upon millions of our money and more that's hidden that we will probably never know or come to find out. It's really their way or the highway and a more societally irresponsible attitude is hard to find. In the real world it happens every day but in government with public funds entrusted, it's totally out of the question.

    3. Yes you are right..,they should have looked at the economic impact. 50 dollars a week in the real world where do you find a program that cheap? Based in the real world on your income scale..or where do you find a sitter for a dollar an hour? I was making that back in the 70's a dollar to three dollars an hr. In the real world you would be paying a 1000 a month...but non the less. If you are the low income earner the bread winner of all but a 1000 a month thats 20% of their income and that is a lot. This program should be cut down to size until the base builds back up. One adult per 6 children. There are some wonderful ideas such as maybe a parent can volunteer once a month...I do agree throwing money around has to stop Chief.

    4. Not for $50,000 per Osage child when there are so many others who need this money who live outside of Osage County. This is crazy and anyone putting it forward as a good idea is just as crazy. Priorities are embarassingly out of whack on this scheme.



    5. For TEN (10) Osage students of Headstart age and FORTY-SIX (46) Osage seniors above the age of 65 at a price tag to the Osage people of $3 million dolllars:

    6. And STILL they keep coming...

  6. Session is live but recessed temporarily. The Congress has been working on amendments to the bills on today's Agenda located at https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/content_link/XtIPPHBkcdsbLK4INICQ0BeBAwdkofPtzxmsRuiWSoqKOba0BsTEIBq8Jhcd4CWz?dl=1

    1. Back online and video is available today.

    2. Discussion on donation for the Osage Princess Sorority and the Marine Corps.

    3. Amendment for a $5,000 donation to the Princess Sorority passed as shifting spending around but not new spending. The Congress has adjourned until 3:00 p.m. tomorrow afternoon.

    4. To watch previous videos of the Osage Nation Congress, run these keywords in your search engine 4th Osage Nation Congress youtube

    5. What concerns me is the resolution of Shaw that increases the new compensation of the Health Authority Board from $10,800 to $13,800. This new board hasn't even gotten off the ground yet and he's increasing the amount by $3,000! This is for a board that meets once a month. The mean salary outside the Osage Pirate Treasury is entry level $18,000 to $24,000 a year for the area. We have no published figures on how many of these board and commission members there are receiving these stipends from the Osage Nation. Here's where your per cap is going in part and they are paying thousands into millions for these political patronage, cronies and go to guys of the Chief: ONCR 15-21.

  7. Cultural committee met to deal with two new spending bills for two Community Centers in Hominy and Grayhorse.

  8. GovOps committee is live and the agenda is located at https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/content_link/LTALHJjdHs3fEo2wIOlv8O13ay5lkfIkKwkbl8KEfAdGvaezQGRkFru2J1Rlns0j?dl=1

    1. Here we go with the Executive trying to conrol everything in sight. Raymond Red Corn, Asst. Chief, sits there in every committee meeting and squeals like a stuck pig if any legislation or change in it that he does not want in place or approve of is being discussed. The place of the Legislative Branch is to make the laws and it is the job of the Executive Branch is to carry out and execute those laws. The members of Congress are constantly being pushed and pulled in committee by Raymond and he interferes incessantly with the proper proceedings of the legislative process/es of the Congress and runs constant interference whenever these committees meet, in flagrant violation of the separation of powers in the Osage Constitution. When are the members of Congress going to come up with something to bar or ban him from doing what he is doing in outright violation of the highest law of the land? He sits on these committees like a hen on an egg, oppressively riding herd at every turn. He is an ex officio member and should keep quiet until he is asked for his opinion just like when he is sitting in session. Is there anything he does that isn't galling to everyone in and out of sight?

  9. Health Center Opening:

  10. Session is live and the Agenda is located at https://www.dropbox.com/s/ah0lxzkuua90fra/DAY21A_10-01-15_TZS.pdf?dl=0
    Video is available today at http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/multimedia/live-media

  11. This is really funny if it weren't so pathetic of the Chief to pull a political stunt like this when he didn't get another round of raises in fy 2016 that would have put the Osage Nation Congress over the projected revenue limit that they have from the Osage Constitutional mandate:
    State of Emergency? Because certain overpaid employees didn't get a raise on top of the merit bonus? I warned you against electing this guy and what looks like to me is nothing but the behavior and acting out of a nasty mean spirited spoiled child and a really weird and harmful one at that. This is a perfect example of poor stewartship of the viability and well being of the Osage governmental organization itself being subject to how much the government Osages can get their hands on in this Treasury grab that takes place each and every year. My guess is he didn't get his mind boggling $50,000 per child academy funding and this is his way of trying to punish the Osage Congress for not going along with this foolishness. The Chief has openly made statements about the children being the focus of his adminstration but if he keeps this up, he will do seriously real harm to all of the Osage children in this particular generation.

    1. Here's where our per cap is going --->>> 300 hundred budgets? What is the Osage Nation doing funding THREE HUNDRED BUDGETS WITH OUR MONEY?

    2. Lol really...A state of emergency what does and who does he think he is. You got to be kidding. Now thats a blatant abuse of powers. The people have spoken..no more raises. This is not to be a career. Remember that Chief...

    3. Time to down size this Government or risk losing this Government and giving it back to your people..Chief acting like a president what kind of B.S is this

    4. On Monday's Agenda: ONCA 15-104, An Act to amend 15 ONC § 1A-101 to add definitions to promote uniform use, meaning and application to be used in all appropriation legislation, support documentation, budgeting and spending; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Edwards)
      What's this one supposed to be? Greed control? Hahahahahahaha!

    5. Greed control? Well they need it. $25 million for them to run the Osage government and $15 million on direct services to us? Now that's upside down. BTW what happened to that $400,000,000 loan to expand that Tulsa casino including that rumored bond deal they were trying to get past the Osage Congress with an approval on Appendix B or whatever it was? Does anyone know?

    6. Whether they know it or not and now they will now, these government employed are turning themselves into Osage Fuerdai in the court of public opinion and are held in just as much contempt for their greed by the members of the Osage Nation.

    7. Update from Osage News says only 140 of the 300 total budgets involve direct benefits to the Osage people. WTH are the other 160 of them for? I'd really like to know the answer to this question. 160 budgets to run the Osage Nation government? That's a load if I ever heard of it.

    8. I would like to see which services that are directly beneficial for the Osage People and how many of these programs are serving directly how many Osages, and I would like to see what budgets are supporting the waste our Government is spending for how many Osages who live in the area?

    9. So would I. Here's a chunk of it for over a million bucks that is 20 times in price tag what it should be in reality anywhere else in the world.

      ONCA 15-88, An Act to provide an appropriation to the Boards, Commissions, Authorities and Utilities of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2016 in the amount of one million one hundred forty two thousand six hundred fourteen dollars ($1,142,614); to consent to spending of an Independent Agency; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Jech)

      In one other bill, that Dr. Shaw put forward a price on what the new Health Board was to be paid and then turned around and raised the figure, giving this board a raise because the other boards had gotten raises. Is that irresponsible or what? Taking large advantage of the situation if you ask me.

  12. Where is the Osage News on the windfarm situation and the Payne decision? Indian tacos contest? Where's this story?

  13. Session is live. A number of vetoes on legislation have been issued by the Chief but are not listed on today's Agenda at https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/content_link/7caaoWzwreVXSuHaThf0CIrzyaM7krSXAa029mrVp2O74C3maOgLPDBhxaVNIBGz?dl=1

    1. Discussion relative to this fictional state of emergency declared by the Chief with respect to the Legislative Branch and the employee manual, sections of which were suspended by the Chief. Motion on disregarding this declaration passed.

    2. Adjourned until tomorrow morning. When posted, hear it again on demand at http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/?page=1
      ComEcon Committee will be meeting today at 1:00 p.m., CDT. The gaming board will be presenting its Plan of Operation forr 2016 that will be well worth the time to listen in on.

    3. Chief is getting really nasty with text messages...

    4. High fives to the Congress for not getting involved with the Chief's poor attempt at high drama with this silly state of emergency. Here's a guy who really knows how to forget everything he ever learned as a former sitting member of the Osage Nation Congress. Congress has suspended salary increases to 2015 but the Chief seems to forget the fact that 2015 fy projected revenue was about $7 million higher than it is for this year fy 2016. What that really means is that even to hold these budgets to last year's numbers they are all still over projected revenue for this year by that same $7 million figure and both the Congress and the Executive Branch are in violation of the Constitutional provision prohibiting going over the projected revenue figure until all budgets are brought down below that $7 million benchmark figure to a total budgetary figure all in of $43,777,000.

    5. No listening to the ComEcon Committee meeting because it's in Executive Session as to the Gaming Board's Plan of Operation.

    6. Osage News should ask for copies of the emails the Chief sent to ladies in the Congress because they didn't agree with his antics. I think you will agree he needs to make a public apology.

    7. Publish the text messages here so we can see what a worse jerk than Jim Gray this Chief is turning out to be. This is a clear attempt to bully the women in violation of certain provisions in the Osage Constitution where the separation of powers and Branch independence is involved. Bad boys in this office have been punished before and they can be punished by the Congress again.

    8. More reasons not to pay these goverrnment people such high salaries --->>>

    9. Osage News reported:
      "Regarding the appointed staff raises that were ultimately stricken, Jason Zaun, Executive Branch Chief of Staff, said the proposed raises were 4.35 percent to 7 percent."
      Why should we pay these people raises like this when 80% of the Osage Nation members don't get raises like this yearly anywhere else in the US in government jobs or the private sector. These aren't the Executives elected to office. Are there kickbacks going on with salaries and increases this high? Where are the numbers for hires who have come in out of town and from Tulsa put forward as one of the justifications for this continuing salary related run on the Osage Nation Treasury that these people put together in budgets every year at this time.

    10. The City of Aurora, CO proposed budget for 2016 states this:
      The “Compensation Increase” scenario contains:
      A salary increase of 2.25 percent for all employees in 2016."
      Of course, this is based on revenue taken in by the city of Aurora to justify such an increase for the employees. I fail to understand what justifies a percentage increase of double and quadruple for the Osage Nation staffers.

    11. I spoke directly with one of the members of the Osage Nation Congress who said fairly point blank that the City of Aurora is not a sovereign Nation and the subtext of the remark was that what other governments do is entirely non-applicable. I take large issue with such a remark. If salary increases are based on 2.25% for government employees who do the work for and who service an area that encompasses 350,000 people, there is no justification for salaries to increase 4.35% to 7% when the total membership base is 20,000 and where 86% of which do not really see services from such employees working for this particular "sovereign nation." In Osage County there are probably 2,800 members living there in total. Should such employees be entitled to a 4.35% to 7% salary increase to service such a small number of people or is this logic way too falsely elevated, high-handed and prejudicial to the rest of the membership of this "Sovereign Nation" who do not live in Osage County, are not offered services by such employees and therefore are not receiving such services from these employees who do not do any any work for them whatsoever at any time? Humility appears to be a real problem with some of these government officials and the absurdly unjustifiable attitude they have sometimes where representation of the whole body of the membership of the Osage Nation is concerned that is their mandate under the Osage Nation Constitution. The only way to attack it is to meet it head on and call it out for what it is as soon as you encounter it. These members of the Osage Nation Congress are paid far too well not to see the inequities in representation that they themselves participate in on a daily basis. I say if they are only going to take the part of those who live in the Osage, then let their salaries be decreased by 86% to reflect the group they truly work for and make things happen for with the spending legislation they pass as the proof of who they really do work for day in and day out and actually represent.

    12. Thank you Osageblogger...thats what I have been saying all along..what the heck are these guys thinking of? When profits decreases from the Casinos do they roll back their Salary? And the greater base I am sure are not aware of the taking I suspect..this is a problem. I would say gross corrupt miss-management. Yes...

    13. You're welcome. Recently I had a problem with my computer and couldn't open the download dropdown menu from Dropbox to download and print a particular form offered on the Congresses' web site. I asked a member of the ON Congress to send it to me direct via PDF so that I could print it out and this was the verbatim response via email:
      "Click on the link and then click open. It works for me if it doesn't work for you, I can't help that. Just print it off if you have to and say you need access to electronic copies to all the budgets."
      My question to such a callous flippant response is this: how do you print a document you can't download in the first place? It makes no sense and makes me wonder whether this member of the ON Nation Congress needs to think about not seeking reelection and perhaps concentrating on looking into focussing on another job altogether. Is anyone else receiving responses of this type and kind from any of the representatives of the Osage people in Congress?

  14. The TED, LLC otw known as Tallgrass board want five to ten millions of our money for the global initiative HS that won't put Osages to work in Osage County. When is this crap spending of our money going to be put to a stop.

    1. The article says TED LLC is a "new" business, but it is just OLLC rebranded. Same people. Same assets. Same business model. Same old problems plus some new ones. OLLC had problems hiring a CEO (not "people") because of a perceived "lack of commitment" by the Osage Nation (i.e., the discussions about shutting it down) and not just the reported losses. The "new" company still has no business plan and no goals to hire people to perform contracts with its own staff. You can't build an effective business when you're model is to subcontract 100% of the work that you bring in - unless you're a one man shop and just trying to support yourself. I don't see that anything has changed and that includes the hand out demanding more money or the business should close. A lot of people have built very large businesses with a lot less than a million plus in the bank.

    2. From your keyboard to the Osage Nation Congress. They give that bogus crap-out a dime of our money and I won't vote for a single idiot who does and publish it right here as soon as I know so others won't vote for them either.

    3. More trouble with the Osage, LLC and that new debacle in the making TED, LLC.
      Who the heck is Holder? Sloppy of the Osage News not to identify this person quoted, by the full name.

    4. They should have included his full name of James "Jim" Holder. As stated in the article below, Holder is working on a part-time basis as the CEO of OLLC. He is a founding partner of Waypoint Private Capital, Inc., a rather shady company which represents itself to be doing business in Chicago, Madison, Tulsa and NW Arkansas. The company is really just four men who can't remain in compliance with the laws of the states they do business in. The company HQ is in Chicago and they've failed to maintain its registrations. The Illinois Secretary of State website shows the company status as "NOT IN GOOD STANDING". The company has never been registered to do business in Oklahoma, Wisconsin, or Arkansas. If the Enterprise Board wanted a man with a history of slipshod efforts then it looks like they found another scapegoat.


    5. Just heard the session from 9/25. Chief has a attorney letter saying OPDG vilated the SBA business act. What sort of people are in charge of the company?

    6. So the new board for tallgrass is the old board for the ollc, right? So what are they doing hiring a guy like this for ollc and will this Holder guy also be the CEO of tallgrass? I'm so fed up with these marginals, the crooks and the nefarious characters they find to run our business ventures.

    7. Now that the Chief vetoed the bill to transfer assets there is a board being paid to run a company with no assets and no board appointed to run the old one. I guess the Tallgrass board can just run OLLC, but shouldn't they be reappointed or something?

    8. They can't serve on two boards at once. FUBAR as usual.

    9. The statements before the ONC indicated the board members would only be paid for Tallgrass but would still be controlling OLLC. That doesn't seem like the right way to do things.

  15. Session is live and the audio went out while they were discussing motions and suspension of the Congressional Rules to move legislation forward. Agenda is located at https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/content_link/AKxUOBL7APIwEWN65482kwGYv0e5EJsew2c5hJmRUWxcos1mt4rok59cu8VbIu0K?dl=1

    1. Off air for some reason after the recording went out suddenly.

    2. In recess to get a copy of an amendment.

    3. Recessed to the call of the Chair for engrossment.

    4. Back from engrossment and confirmed Larraine Wilcox to be on the Gaming Commission Board then recessed to the Call of the Chair at approximately 7:00 p.m. CDT.

    5. Why have the Congress put on a BIA employee on the gaming commission board? I thought we had a gaming commission and a gaming board what is this gaming commission board?

    6. Congressman Supernaw went to the trouble to call by phone to let us know that the session will resume this evening at 7:00 p.m. and to post this information to the Osage Blog for all who are following today. A special thanks to Congressman Supernaw for taking the time out of his very busy schedule to keep all of us informed about this evening's resumption of today's Congressional session.

    7. On live now. Reading veto message.

    8. Went to the trouble to call? Wasn't that nice of him?! And by the way, Ms Wilcox is retired from the BIA, anonymous poster @ 3:15.

    9. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe almost if not all vetoes of the Chief of the pertinent legislation were overridden by the Congress this evening and a nice summation was given by Speaker Whitehorn before they voted to adjourn this Tzi-Zho Session of Congress. We are still going to need more information in writing about the bottom line relative to Tribal funding as it concerns the maximum allowable projected revenue figure by law as these budget summary figures in the legislation don't add up at all but that will have to be for another day.

  16. Congressional Affairs committee is in Executive Session.

  17. Take the Osage Nation Museum Survey:


    1. Oh no! We shareholders better give up our headrights to the ONG to keep things going. We don’t want to be selfish an and greedy with our minerals estate do we? I wonder if Standingbear and Redcorn will go on a campaign like Jim Gray did and fault the shareholders for not caring about the Osage children and the elders. Oh well, at least Congressman John Maker and friends will get to vacation in France to pay tribute to his alcoholic fore father. I wonder if he’s going to pull a million dollars out of the S-10 accounts like Jim Gray did when he left for France. Er, wait… Gray didn’t take that money to France…he gave each congress member a couple hundred thousand dollars each to keep their mouths shut about his shenanigans. Tsk, tsk…maybe that why certain people in the Osage government are so accommodating with the government’s wishes. Blackmail is one hell of a drug, eh? The political class certainly loves to live large. GO TEAM OSAGE!

    2. This is an abuse of authority by duress is exactly right..who does the Chief think he is George Washington or Abraham Lincoln? Is he a President or a Chief of a Indian Tribe looking out for the greater interest of the constituents? I suggest that we propose legislation to define what justifies this type of action..and put limitations. Not that his actons by Proclamation will be met with open arms by our Congress. I find this action self serving and not for the greater need of the Nation or its people the Osage and is not a threat or national emergency where the Nation is under fire or threat. In 2006 we had no more than 20 budgets or there of..Chief I would have greater respect but you continue to be in defiance of what your constituents are asking of you..You are the threat in my eyes..my eyes are wide open to your continued shenanigans. Chief long over due your constituents deserve better...A PER-CAP and where is a Turkey Voucher to all Constituents? Not just for the Few Osages who live in and around Osage County..the 1500 Osages. We come first Chief. Or we will Vote for that Constitutional Convention and get that Per-Cap.

    3. Hopefully the Congressional reps will just not show up to the November session. If there is no quorum then the executive staff can talk amongst themselves. The way Congress has been treated especially the ladies who were threatened, I wouldn't hold it against any of them for just staying home. So disappointed in this Chief.

    4. Well, they did show up and spent an additional $160K. Out of thin air it comes, don't cha know?

  19. ON Congressional Speaker's report --->>>

  20. Wouldn't a prudent manager make sure $1.3 million in money for a new program was approved prior to hiring the staff for that new program? It's irresponsible to hire new staff prior to the new fiscal year and hoping the money will get approved by the Congress, to pay for the staff. Then have the audacity to blame the ones holding the purse strings and say they are to blame for a shift in employees. It's a dream come true, an Indian clinic being staffed by elementary education majors. Go Team Osage!

    1. Kind of putting the horse before the cart. Not only this there are others ways to guarantee this program can work on its own..I do not see this happening. There is volunteering, going to your local state offices and churches and hospitals for example that you can rely on for Donations and in lieu of the donation..we will advertise a week in our Newspaper.with Grants and all thru the STATE and Federal government. If the Nation would get control of the finance then the benefit of the tax goes to the Nation. But 40,000 dollars for one child is exorbitant. And now we have 300 budgets for who the 1500 Osages who live in the surrounding area? Not living with in the boundaries of fiscal responsibility by their cost of living for their area is out of Control.

  21. Shareholder comments are welcome at http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2015/09/osage-shareholder-matters-september-ii.html

    1. This web page is for comments on topics related to the Osage Nation but not associated directly with Shareholder matters. There are web pages specifically created for Shareholder matters and the current one is located at the above URL. Please use this page for your comments on that topic. Thank you.

  22. I stumbled on the domain for TED LLC. It is tallgrass-osage.com and is for now just parked at GoDaddy.

  23. So, went to a Indian Health Clinic this all in a month..lets learn not what to do..first my son was given a wrong vacination at this facility, then I had a appointment with patient services only to arrive and the person called out and I was not notified..then I went to pick up my meds at 1:30 out to lunch till 2:30 pm . And I was driving by because I never got a call back if my order was accepted because I needed a Doctors authorization for my heart meds now I am without. Last month they almost put me into the hospital, I went in for something else and my blood pressure was out the roof...so you tell me how IHS is working for you. One mad Osage. Thanks San Manuel.

    1. At the pharmacy they should have someone staffed at all times..they are a vital link to someones health. Unreal.

  24. OMG!!!!!!! Now we find out why she doesn't show up for work. Who better to advise the White House on professional qualifications for members of the Supreme Court of the United States where integrity, professional competence and judicial temperament go. WOW!!!!!!!! This appointment really frightens me for the future integrity of the Courts of the USA. --->>>

    1. woah how deranged is that? Is everybody Obama has around him as an advisor incompetent, inappropriate or both?

    2. This choice isn't incompetent or inappropriate. It's out and out defective.

    3. Derelict as in duty to put in people on that committee who are the exact opposite by way of leadership by example. Where was Shannon Edwards today in Special Session? Her chair sure looked empty to me.

  25. Fourth Osage Nation Congress 8th SPECIAL SESSION
    Begins tomorrow morning.

    1. It looks like they are trying to end run half the amount for these new academies through the Congress this special session with ONCA 16-03. Nearly half a million bucks on this for 45 children total is still insane when Osage children all over the country need this money for their children. $10 million for the language department should be more than enough and this figure came directy out of the mouth of Mogri Lookout when he got his award back in the last regular session of Congress.

    2. All I have to say is no way jose...Congress got it right last time...no funding for these programs that are set to be boondoggles...do the diligence ote the same..

  26. More nonsense with statues --- >>>
    Gaming funds are not supposed to be spent to glorify our image in Missouri, Oklahoma or anywhere else in the world. This money is supposed to benefit the Osage people in direct services to us and should be spent in exactly this way. When does the Osage Nation government become in violation of the Federal National Indian Gaming Act with the funding support of nonsense like this? Where does he think this is? Argentina? Chile? Uruguay?

    1. Did he say he would support this financially? What I read there was 75,0000 needed and would be by donors?

    2. Just as long as no Osage Nation entity gives it money. BTW, what's the burdened down bent over female doing? Picking up something left behind that's dropped on the ground? Not very flattering to Osage women, you ask me.

    3. No it is not flattering. Understanding it was a difficult time it would be political correct if the Osage women would be pulling the wheel barrel with the indian child or elder in the back of it and or carrying their goods that depict the story of which they talk about. Traded goods and so forth...

    4. On demand for session listening today is located at http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/?page=1
      Two committee meetings are available too.
      Gaming numbers are not credible that were put out there today. 18% increase? Not likely. It sounds like they are taking away the operations budget for the enterprise and sending it over to the Osage Congress to spend as wildly as ever. This will kill the gaming operation if this keeps up. This is not good by any standard. We knew this was next and sure enough, here it is.

    5. Standing Bear was decrying the spending of $80K on a conference room remodel when the rumors are that $200,000 is being spent to remodel his own office and now our funds bought that bank were spent. Now they say they have to remodel it too. Give us a break. None of this stupid spending is going toward direct services to the Osage people like it should be according to Federal law. Anywhich way but loose and then loose on an industrial scale after that with these government Osages. I can't wait till they march them all off to jail.

    6. The final bill may be as high as $400.00. Two questions: Who is running Congress? (The Chief or Congress) Who running the Nation?
      The people or George Kaiser?

    7. http://www.indianz.com/IndianGaming/2015/11/04/eastern-cherokees-see-gaming-p.asp

      Chief where is our Per-Cap...Decorating your office for 200,000 dollars...and where is a turkey voucher for your constituents. .if the Cherokee can give a Per-Capita so can we.

    8. When is the Nation ever going to buy property that they don't have to sink thousands upon thousands into after the purchase has been made?

    9. Thought you would enjoy what can be producted, http://www.youtube.com/BravoFincannon
      this Texas Dept of Ag Fee Increase trigger this action. H

    10. Do these people seem like they are totally confused about how much money they have to spend?

    11. What are they going to do when the casino revenue dries up? Th American economy is in bad shape and sooner or later people won't be spending their money on gaming entertainment anymore. Will the Osage government confiscate the ME revenue to prop up the government? The Feds are trying to destroy the oil business in Osage County so what revenue will the Osage government seek then? Perhaps the Osage government should start taxing the Osage people…er…I mean Osage citizens.

  27. Chief where is our Per-Cap...Decorating your office for 200,000 dollars...and where is a turkey voucher for your constituents. .if the Cherokee can give a Per-Capita so can we???

    Maybe a per cap for the elderly would be a good benefit for the elders. Better than a Medicare Supplement where the federal government is the beneficiary..

    1. Here! Here! 160 budgets that are not providing direct services to the Osage people that should be and are probably illegal because all but about a million of Tribal funds are non-gaming related and the spending is controlled by the NIGC and supposed to be spent on the individual members of the Osage Nation. Now we are getting this openly admitted manipulation of the money in the budgets with this new category called non-Tribal funds that are not Federal funds that keeps growing in size every time they spend money in session that is as suspicious as it can be. Plus, the unfair and unconscionable disproportionate spending by the members of the Osage Nation Congress on the Osage County Osages that is just as crazy too. That damn grocery store again, a senior and childcare center for 150 Osages if that in Fairfax, OK and now $10,500 per year per child on this academy idea so these few exceedingly privileged Osage children can have access to learning the Osage language when $10 MILLION has been spent on this category already... this is wrong and as wrong as it gets to deprive 20,000 of us members for the sake of the selfish Osages who live and work in Osage County.

    2. $3 million for that Senior/Childcare Center in Fairfax with an original budget that included another $300,000 or so that they couldn't do without and not a penny less UNTIL that damn grocery store idea came back like a zombie that all of a sudden could be funded with the $300K that came out of the center appropriation! Who knows how much more money is going to fund that grocery in 2016 that we are hearing nothing about unless we're listening to all of the Congressional committee meetings when the details of this one page Government Ops budget and others like it are being discussed. A drive through dairy with eggs and bread would have been more reasonable than $300K and the way the government Osages are making such fools of themselves in public with those who aren't Osages laughing at them behind their backs as how stupid they are with money and the way they spend it. They think that throwing money around buys them respect. The only thing it buys them from non-Osages in the county and Osages outside the county is contempt. I wish they knew what people really think about them. If they did, they would tailor their spending accordingly and all Osages would benefit as was the promise that was made in choosing and having this new government for all Osages.

    3. How much more contempt can the Osages have against the executive? Alot Chief...this was not what the Government the Osage and surrounding communities hoped for...we want the real numbers Chief...400,000...dollars is not to much to ask much to send a turkey voucher to everyone Chief or are you going to be a scrooge?

    4. I guess the Osage Government forgets how and why how they became who they are today...Takers who feel entitled and who sre taking advantage of the very constituents who voted them in...and not to give back especially with all the money they are using for or their benefit is just bad behavior. .get a Turkey voucher out yo your people Chief..so small..yet thoughful...is that so hard to do?

    5. If the Nation's employees get hams for Christmas, we should get a Turkey Voucher.
      If the Nation's employees get hams for Christmas, we should get a Turkey Voucher.
      If the Nation's employees get hams for Christmas, we should get a Turkey Voucher.

    6. Why are we being left out of the giving process? Really they get a ham on our dime yet we can't get a turkey voucher to our constituents? Not fair Chief...Happy Holidays from the Osage Government from our house to yours..another year goes by since the inception of this Government and the Constituents are forgot again...sic

      Osage to begin Broadband Feasibility Study
      We need this like a hole in the head! They just have to have it all when they can't even make profitable the business ventures they have right now and the only ones who lose are the members of the Osage Nation because they don't care one way or the other about us or the money they spend and never take any responsibility for the losses that inevitably occur. I hear that hydroponic fish farm thing they threw $94K at a year ago has failed already!

    8. Under performance in economic growth does not surprise...Government will eat up money every chance it gets..we need to find out why, snd how this money was spent and get a investigative committee to research why the fish farm failed. Money filtering may be happening in more than one way...just saying. Not to that it has happened ...Very speculative on anything this Government approves and so should the Constituents should be advised on...everything green is as corrupt as it gets...all based on scientific facts..

    9. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/at9bxn68hcahy1q/AACS9Zqjq2bAxXz3R-tl4xfla?dl=0

    10. https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/legislation-search/onca-14-92-enacted

    11. Who is paying for this?

    12. https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/nation-upgrades-early-learning-skiatook

    13. Keep pushing DLA... You only harm the Chief with your grandiose ideas.

    14. https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/events/osage-county-broadband-feasibility-study-forum
      Last night. Anything come out of this besides more egregious spending?

    15. Right, the Osage Government is not to be selective as to how our money is being used for only the 1% of Osages who live in Osage County...And this is why our Government will fail...and fall..losing and throwing money around has been the Criteria since this Government came into existence. .not funny. Get that per-cap out to the Osages, all Osages.

    16. Not only does it not surprise me that the ONUB will be taking on this tax that will be charged to you who live in Osage County for Broad Band, the Osage Nation has the gull to announce the huge Profits that will come from this..Ok Time for a Per-Cap with the Profits.

    17. http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2015/11/13/congress-approves-five-legislative-items-november-special-session/
      Paul of the ONUA should be less and not more and that includes God knows how much to pay for this already a done deal feasibility study
      The only feasibility study we are interested in is one that agrees to offer a per cap to every Osage Nation member by the end of the year and stop all this spending in absolute violation of the terms and provisions of the National Indian Gaming Act.

  28. Handy information:

  29. A good thing too...

  30. Osage Nation Foundation Christmas Ornaments are now available for purchase online at

    1. In short supply:

  31. Finally!!!!!!!
    ON Supreme Court denies two appeals Pawhuska village money cases
    Maybe these four will eventually see justice done yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. The cases against Theodore Brunt, Kenneth "KC" Bills, Joe Don Mashunkashey and Frank Redcorn will proceed. The judge set a Dec. 2 court date...

    2. What a 1000 dollar fine constitutes as restitution? Remove them from the rolls will be a better solution. And why has it taken so long after it was a known fact the group stole from the cookie jar to prosecute?

    3. They don't want to prosecute Osages for wrong doing and will have to be dragged kicking and screaming to have to do so.

    4. There is a near $20 million loss from the OLLC that the managing board members are responsible for but they don't want to drag the Osages on that board into court or that Harvard guy who was on the board working hand in hand with that Carol Leese into a legal action either. That will eventually lead to that stupid Congress having to lose their jobs for fiscal appropriation negligence too. They like that $65k a year salary for a part time job and don't want to have to go without it any time soon. Claw-back ought to be in order with every one of them on that Congress past and present but you'll never see that happen either.

  32. What is the status of OLLC and TED LLC? A board was appointed for TED LLC but ONCR 15-23 was vetoed so the assets weren't transferred. There was no board appointed for OLLC. Who is running what? What is the plan for these companies? Is there a plan at all? In the last session of commerce the board wanted millions more to buy another company. Seems like a big waste without good direction.

    1. You're guess is as good as mine. Last I heard online the guy talking down to every Osage within earshot wanted a $5 million to $10 million capital contribution to put TED on it's feet. Where and when have we heard this before? He said something along the lines of go big or go home. This Harvard diversification for business has never left or even gotten out of the barn so I say kill it before it robs the Osage Nation members of more benefits that we should have had from the $20 million or so lost to this pitiful idea so far. No substantial change but the Osages who control it and that dog won't hunt for them either. Kuggee said more money will be freed up in December. He advocates for giving this failed business concept a dime, we need to vote him and every other member of Congress out of office when their time for reelection comes around. They've got a hell of a lot of nerve to try and float this loser business scam again. Global initiative my a**!

    2. How many franchises of one kind or another with proven successful track records could $20 million have bought by the Osage Nation and been putting Osages to work throughout Osage County?

    3. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/164820

    4. Good points made on franchises. Would put people to work locally. Instead up to 90% of the profits are going to a non-tribal company they've been getting contracts for per the Osage News article. I guess 90% of nothing is still nothing unless they are using some fancy accounting tricks. Someone is making money or they wouldn't want to continue. Follow the money.

    5. Value is a matter od perception and should be looked at before any franchise receives any fusion of any sizable monetary appropriation. All fees and costs to royalty and profit should be posted for review before any capital is vested. A standard formula for calculating a reasonable distribution of business proceeds is one-third of the average pre-tax profit margin (before any franchisor fees or costs or any franchisee compensation) goes to the company and two-thirds to the franchisee. If, for example, the net margin is 21 percent, then the total of all royalty and other fees should be no more than about 7 percent. This formula may or may not seem fair to you, but you will find that many of the most successful franchise opportunities seem to stay very close to this formula.

      You should never enter into a franchise agreement if you don't feel the fees and costs you're required to pay the franchise company are fair and reasonable. Rather than focusing specifically on what is going to the franchise company, though, make sure your focus is on what is coming to you, and then you'll know if you're paying the "right price." So, Tim Tall Chief...what was lacking in the old LLC is the lack of transparency and accountability. The last board for the Osage LLC was feckless and so obviously incompetent. And not held accountable. ..so what makes you think we want to see the very same thing happen again, meaning of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again? Legislation must be introduced to protect the interest of the infusion of capital of any size..hold those accountable will ensure the diligence will be done...

    6. This article was linked to from the Facebook page of Osage News http://osagenews.org/en/article/2015/11/09/tall-grass-economic-development-llc-issues-statement-llc-investigation/ Really? The recent contracts were awarded after Leese was long gone. The current management is responsible but they won't accept the blame.

    7. I happen to agree with you poster @ 10:36 am..everything business involved must be scrutinized. Creative financing is what got the Osage LLC in trouble...Government has never been to create jobs in as much the Government creates a mechanism to make it appear that is their goal...the private sector does this...also a must watch project is the Bank that was purchased. ..and future projects..

    8. The legislation was passed to hold the directors responsible when OLLC was authorized. The directors failed in their duties and then put the blame on others. Same business model for TED LLC. The article raises a question. What subsidiaries does TED LLC have since the OLLC assets weren't transferred? Did they start new ones? If they did then where'd the money come from? Are they using OLLC funds without permission? Same bad apples, same bad outcomes.

    9. These are questions that should be answered right away...Tim Tall Chief, Chief...Congress?

  33. Oh boy...
    In house elections?

    1. Where are the up to date meeting minutes to reflect what these election people have been up to since August of this year?


    2. Handling their own elections and the only recourse in a crooked election is a recount that counts only the votes of the one paying for the recount? This is looking very bad for the future of the Osage Nation and the Osage people. I believe that such a recount election policy is unethical and the issue should be brought before AG Holli Wells.

  34. Ripe for the taking?

    1. Wow, why wasn't this in the Osage News?

  35. Same is true for the Health Authority Board who are paid only slightly less. Nothing about their activities in three months? --->>>
    Click on text:

  36. Seasoned Firewood:

    No way this will cost half of the original figure of $400 million. This is the usual shell game they play with the Osage people by reducing the figure by half and then undoubtedly they will be adding back the other half for cost overruns just like they did at the Ponca and Skiatook casino hotel add ons and renovations.


    2. Two Congressional Committees will be meeting on the 19th in the morning on this madness with the Gaming Board listed on the Agenda for Commerce and Econ.

    3. We need to sue the Company who over charged, but not just that...who authorized the Cost Overruns? And who Authorized the Necessary funding? It came from the Executive? And yes we need a investigation on this matter. The FBI needs to be called.

    4. The company that overcharged is Osage Manhattan Builders, LLC. It was 55% owned by OLLC. Don't look for the board members who were in control to be sued anytime soon.

    5. What a money wash...I want to see the invoices...I am a accountant and in the construction buisness...would Congress like someone who is knowledgeable in this area to critique the payables...what is really important is to see who signed off on them..I want a investigation Chief if jot I will open one up...Anybody can...what are the Osag e doing back home? Arm Chair coaching? Congress?

    6. Disgusted Osage MemberNovember 17, 2015 at 12:07 PM

      This is ridiculous! So those cost overruns were approved by the OLLC Board and another $30 to $55 MILLION was run though that damn thing using Manhattan Builders? So, in addition to the $20 MILLION lost by the OLLC, there is another $30 to $55 MILLION for a grand total of a possible $75 MILLION IN TOTAL? And now they want $10 MILLION more for that slight of hand they're calling TED LLC. You couldn't be more right. That's a total of $3,750 for each and every Osage Nation member lost to the stupidity of every new government official or board member that had or is having anything to do with it. The FBI should be looking into the gross violations of the provisions of the National Indian Gaming Act. This money is to benefit lawfully the Osage people not some bogus rank company scam set up Carol Leese to run money though right and left. There has to be a way to find out where roughly 12% of all the money made by these Osage Casinos has gone since they opened.

    7. I am pissed to be tied...this is a lot of money being swept away and I call a halt on all funding of the executive till we get answers 100 million almost and this is only what we know about all under the current Chiefs watch and we fired for less....this cannot continue equally responsible is Congress ding ding ding?


  38. Is it in keeping from a traditional POV to "Roach" a Christmas Tree?

    1. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's an abomination and a sacrilege to "Roach" a Christmas Tree!!!!!!!!!!! What are these people doing making a mockery of this cultural tradition? This disgrace should be put before the Council of Elders right away to stop this from ever happening again. Shannon Edwards don't know her elbow from her toenail on the immensity of this disgrace and scandal but there is no excuse at all for Vann Bighorse.

    2. I just saw this..omg so b sacrilegious.

  39. Obama is thinking the Indian Nations will take the Syrian refugees. They have enough money from the Casinos.

  40. Funny --->>>

  41. Early election information and the first candidate to announce is Myron Red Eagle. See http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2015/11/18/myron-f-red-eagle-announces-his-candidacy-osage-nation-congress/

    1. Lol no surprise there, the bennies are great I heard. No I eill not be voting him for Congress.

  42. Where are the trukey vouchers for your constituents Chief?..http://www.indianz.com/News/2015/019604.asp

  43. The Com & Econ Committee is supposed to be meeting at this time but is not live as of yet at
    Partial Agenda at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/calendar for today's meeting includes:

    Discussion of Annual Plan of Operation – Gaming Enterprise Board
    Executive Session – Annual Plan of Operation and Discussion with financial advisors regarding expansion plans
    Update on Competitive Bidding changes
    Amendments to Gaming Act

    1. On live now at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/multimedia/live-media

    2. HEADS UP!
      This is an IMPORTANT review of the gaming operations before the ON Congress for the upcoming year and well worth listening to today.

    3. Conversation is concerning the way the Board changes the plan of operation to shift money around away from what is set down in writing in the Annual Plan.

    4. You have got to listen to these excuses from the head of the Board, Mark Simms. This guy has a bug killing business and not a background in gaming that should be in place to even be on this board in the first place. Were all in this together is no reason Mr. Simms, to run through THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS IN COST OVERRUNS AND APPROVE THOSE OVERRUNS WITHOUT THE APPROVAL AND APPROPRIATION OF THE OSAGE CONGRESS WHEN THE PONCA AND SKIATOOK CASINOS WERE BUILT! ARE YOU PLUMB RIGHT OUT OF YOUR EVER LIVING MIND? This is the kind of tepid response you get when you have unqualified members of this gaming board.

    5. You keep to the terms and conditions of this gaming annual plan and stop continuing to run amok with spending. If you have to make FINANCIAL MONEY changes, you come to the representatives of the Osage people for approval and an appropriation. WE DEMAND THAT YOU DO SO. If they have to come back into session to do it then they are COMPENSATED WELL ENOUGH to come back in and do the WORK THEY ARE SO RICHLY PAID TO DO. GIVE US A BREAK. $30 million is just the tip of the iceberg if the truth of it were known publicly.

    6. If the minerals council has to pay rent to the Osage Nation to use the facilities and they do, then so too does the gaming operation in a lease. What's fair is fair. They are a third party entity according to the Osage Constitution that is independent of the Osage Nation so they pay as such just like the Minerals Council and Shareholders have to do.

    7. See what happens when unintended consequences take place from the rampant greed by the Osage Nation government Osages?

    8. In accordance with the 1906 Act, the property (Agency property) belongs to the Shareholders and has always belonged to the Shareholders because the Shareholders are the ONLY true members of the Osage Tribe. In the event that the property is sold (including the villages) a proportionate share of the proceeds are to be paid to each member of the Tribe (Shareholders). So why is it that the illegal Osage Nation Government is assuming ownership and control of Shareholder property and why are the supposed elected members of the Minerals Council allowing this to take place? BECAUSE WE HAVE WITNESSED AND EXPERIENCED A HOSTILE TAKEOVER OF THE OSAGE TRIBE.

  44. Osage Blog Conversation continues at http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2015/11/conversation-november-2015.html
