Friday, September 11, 2015

Archive #28: Osage Shareholder Matters--September-October-November 2015

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  1. The Minerals Council meeting is now live at

    1. The Agenda is located at

    2. Glad that the Osage Agency Superintendent is in attendance at today's meeting. Progress is being made in the right direction.

    3. D. Resolution regarding Inhofe and Lankford – Cynthia Boone, is now being discussed and read by Cynthia.

    4. Resolution will be voted on in the next MC Meeting next Wednesday. On it's face, it sounded good. Could we have a copy of the resolution before the final vote?

    5. Indirect cost to the Shareholders of $80,000!!!!????!!!!! WTH? Did I hear that right? Because the Chief is a shareholder admitttedly, it was a direct conflict of interest under the Osage Constitution for him to get up in the August 2015 meeting and speak on this issue. What do they think they do for two days a month that the Osage Nation is in the position to look like they are extorting this exorbitant of money from the Mineral Council? Chief? This is totally despicable.

    6. Poster 10:13 what is the indirect cost to the Shareholder's and shouldn't they be working under the Drawdown?

    7. There was some exchange with Galen Crum right before the end of the meeting about giving an award to those oil men who give the most to the Minerals Council? That's a little self-serving and cynical isn't it Galen? Listen on demand now by going here

    8. No Galen. No award. Not at this time or ever. Not in the best Interest. Had the M.C did the diligence in the first place we would not have been in the Middle of a crisis . You take the profit from the Shareholders. Besides any money spent going forward the Shareholder's should be comprised. We are not just any shareholder. We together own the Estate not just the Council..this is why we have more leverage. This Resolution the Senators are suggesting needs to go to the Vote of the Shareholder's. In no small part by the M.C if it was not for the Producers the Shareholder's would have been kept in the Dark of our situations, no thanks to the M.C. Let me tell you, by the time this is over with we are going to be well into over 100 million dollars in Damages..this just tans my hide oops it already is..another 16.00 out of a shareholder's check that they do not have...I almost had to go into Bankruptcy because the burocracy at the Administrative level is still corrupt. What the producers expect from our M.C get your act together...Get organized. Vest in the M.E you do 4his by building your infrastructure, that foundation of trust. Galen is that what you are doing is tryi g to buy the trust of the Producers sure looks that way.

    9. As to the resolution, here are reprinted comments from the Conversation side of the Osage Blog:

      Here's the roster for 19,000 Osage Nation members not including the 3 Branches, the Boards an Commissions or the Study groups --->>>
      41 of them and I'm not even certain that this is all of them like IT that does perform well for the membership and is of great benefit. How many of them actually provide services to the great majority of Osages and are even really needed?

      Reworked the numbers on this and it comes out to 54 total departments, divisions, offices, boards, commissions and this list does not include the Office of the Chiefs, the Osage Congress and the OFPR or the Judicial Branch. It does not include study groups who produce no studies that I am aware have ever been publicly published to the membership or any of the Casinos and those business organizations that may be unaccounted for in this roster.

      Here is but one budget example of one division and those INDIVIDUAL CATEGORIES for funding involving Land, Commerce and Public Safety:
      These Osage Nation government people are spending money like this for budget after budget after budget:
      If you think this won't happen if they get their hands on minerals, you better think again. This new Osage government isn't even 10 years old and look what has happened here. They need to prove to us that they provide benefits for the majority of the Osage Nation members and they can't even hope to make that case.

      End of comments ###

      This does not include Task Forces of the Osage Nation either. So, in short, we don't need to go there under any circumstances.

    10. Land, Commerce and Public Safety budget has 16 items under it and even when there is a grant, these Osage Nation employees come begging for monies identified as "Tribal Match" which means they want casino revenue to add to the grant amount up to total of the whole grant amount itself!

    11. This budget includes beetle research (ABB?) and according to the Commerce Committee of the Osage Congress, it's the smoothest budget they've had so far! Imagine what will happen to our quarterly payment checks when they are subjected to spending like this on an industrial scale...
      Soon we will be hearing from the Chief or his representatives, "YOU PEOPLE have to pick up the costs for this budget and that budget and this research and that study group plus this task force and on and on and on and on...
      "It's ONLY FAIR to the elders and the little children."

    12. I presume that when there is a grant mentioned, it's a Federal grant of funding. Yes?

    13. Chief's a big Guilt Tripper. Watch out for it and be prepared. Wanting to protect your headright income, the mineral estate and the trust that generates it, from the Osage Nation and its Category 5 hurricane swirl of continuous spending isn't wrong. It's the most prudent and intelligent thing you could ever do for yourself and those for whom your money is spent on today and in the future. Where your headright payments are involved, you have nothing to feel guilty about and never will.

    14. Yes. Federal funding.


    1. Now this ought to be interesting.

    2. I am totally surprised that the OMC decided to spend the money to hold the Summit this year. Who would attend? Why would any operator attend when you can't drill in the Osage or even work on your current production? There is no way to get any operators to invest in the Osage with all the legal issues and permitting nightmare. Best of luck to you all but I think you will be lucky to break-even this year on the Summit.

    3. Mr.Revard given the circumstances I am afraid you are right. I thought it you said it.

  3. The indirect costs is not from shareholder money. It is from the $1 million set aside for support to the Osage Minerals Council. The Osage Nation can continue services such as payroll, IT, HR but it has to be paid for. If the OMC does not want those services from Osage Nation then get them somewhere else.

    1. So how many times more than these items actually cost in the real world are you going to be charging the Minerals Council for them as well? Look at this Congressional budget, ,without so much as the benefit of a breakdown of what actual entities, divisions, commissions, committees, boards, task forces, study groups, departments, offices, services, agencies, programs etc., come under it and are being funded in this overall budget, never mind the line item breakdowns the Osage people used to have access to until your budgeting people and those before you in JRE's administration began with this kind of inadequate budgetary abbreviation that looks a lot like you are trying to hide what you are doing with all this money being appropriated and spent that should be fully and openly disclosed to the Osage people to whom you are accountable. For all we know, some of the same departments, offices, etc., might be receiving the same or additional funding in another one of your other opaque 2015 budgets and with the arcane way you now have it structured and deficiently disclosed to the Osage people on paper, we would never know the difference or ever hope to know. The funding budgets for the Executive Branch are prepared by and come directly out of your office.

      The money that has not been spent out of the drawdown is returned to the headright owners at the end of year so IT IS our money left in the drawdown if it remains unspent.

    2. It's our money from the Start. All the Drawdown means is the Account Holders and that would be the Shareholder's gives permission to transfer money from one account to another. The same goes for the Money that our Gov takes it is for the constituency to decide Chief. Big Gov. is out.

    3. Not! This money is reserved by an Act of the U.S. Congress for the business use of the Minerals Council up to $1 million which comes out of the Federal Trust account just like the gross production taxes and quarterly payments do. If there is an unused portion of the balance, it's paid out to the headright owners at the end of the fy.

    4. Drawdown is a transfer of funds. Though set up by an act of Congress does not mean those funds do not come from the Estate. It is the Estate's money. And we the Shareholder's have the right to know how ,when and why it is used for.

  4. This is exactly what I'm on about. I am printing the comments from this blog on the conversation side about comments made during the Session meeting today:

    osageblogger September 14, 2015 at 9:55 AM
    And the high cost of the health care self insured cost to the Nation. Committee of the whole open discussion on partial self-insured costs.

    osageblogger September 14, 2015 at 9:57 AM
    On claims to increase employees who pay $20.00 and $680.00 a month is paid by the Nation per employee?

    osageblogger September 14, 2015 at 10:05 AM
    Change being reviewed as to using the Affordable Care Act for the employees. SO NOW YOU'RE CATCHING ON? With a savings of a MILLION DOLLARS on health cost savings for the Executive Branch if they had been doing it this way this year? Comment on million savings this year from AP Chief.

    Anonymous September 14, 2015 at 10:28 AM
    Is this crazy or what? For TWO solid years these Osage Nation government goofs have been paying for insurance for the employees when they could have gotten their tax credit, high quality insurance, paid only a small premium above the amount of the individual tax credit, no deductible and no further out of pocket cost whatsoever which is subsidized by the Federal government under Native American plans. Keep in mind that these less than pro-active decision makers who should have looked into the benefits of the Affordable HC Act at the very beginning of 2013 want to run our minerals. Enough said.

    Anonymous September 14, 2015 at 10:42 AM
    According to the audit, $3,889,000 was paid by the Nation in health care costs in 2014 for the self-insured health insurance. In view of the option for self insurance under the AHCA, this cost could have been maybe $20.00 per employee if the Nation picked up that premium amount for say 550 employees that would have amounted to $11,000.

    Anonymous September 14, 2015 at 10:47 AM
    That would be a yearly total of $132,000.

    Anonymous September 14, 2015 at 11:01 AM
    I heard that in the first year of the Act, one Osage paid a grand total of $1.49 per month and that was it period. Nothing else was paid or required throughout the year and it included no cost for medications either. The plan offered and chosen was far better than the one being paid for at $330.00 a month and included a mental health care provision which the previous plan did not.

    1. In response to the post at 9:17 AM: The "clean opinion on Osage, LLC" could not have been issued if the auditors had a working knowledge of the Small Business Act. Osage, LLC and its subsidiaries are in violation of multiple clauses at 15 USC 645 and violation of the implementing regulations for the 8(a) Business Development program at 13 CFR 124. The violations stem from misrepresenting subcontractors to OPDG and OIS as these entities, claiming both the past experience of the subcontractors and the employees as their own. All contracts awarded with a small business preference, including 8(a) set-aside and sole source contracts, require the contractor company to perform at least 50% of the effort with its own employees. The proposals submitted to the government falsely identify the subcontractors' employees as those of the OLLC subsidiaries. The OLLC subsidiaries have absolutely no capabilities to perform architect/engineer/construct (AEC) contracts without Pinnacle Design Group (a company located in Norman, OK) or a similarly qualified company, and would never receive an award without committing fraud against the U.S. government. A review of the submitted proposals, the contract and subcontracts, and records of employee labor can easily be conducted to verify the facts. These contracts were executed under the current board, which is the manager of OLLC per the operating agreement, and the OLLC board was appointed to the Tallgrass, LLC board. Ethics? Let the facts speak for the record.

    2. How is it possible that they haven't looked into this option from the Congress side if the Executive wasn't on the ball? I see this as money lost to the Nation of approximately $6,700,000 up to and including September of this year! This amount would have paid nearly the whole amount of direct cost to the Nation of the health programs including the Osage health card and the participation in Medicare Plan F for all of the Seniors for fy 2016.

  5. Wind farm opposition meeting on September 23, 2015 --->>>

  6. MC Meeting Agenda tomorrow is located at
    NOTE that the meeting will be held at 1:00 p.m.


    2. Thank you sooo much for the info.

  7. If you want to see how crazy spending will get by government Osages on Osages who live in Osage County take a good look at the comments on spending here:
    Now they want to spend $44,000 per child for 30 children and charge each one of them $150.00 a month on top of that! U.S. Congress and Senate if you are looking at this Blog DO NOT let the Osages manage the Mineral Estate in any way shape or form. BIA all the way. It's the ONLY OPTION available that isn't totally inane, insane and out of the question.

  8. Replies
    1. Amended Agenda is located at

    2. Another $300,000 to $400,000 to Akin Gump? Fired them a month or so ago. I guess so. Are they overbilling? I thought the wind farm suit was lost in court quite a while ago. $600.00 an hour for Akin Gump? and Tim Dowd is paid $250.00 an hour and has overbilled and is sending a corrected statement. Owe a lot of money to Fredricks at $300 an hour and a grand total of $550,000 in legal fees with $150,000 of that to Fredricks. $91,000 in travel budget?

    3. From todays OMC meeting report: Production averaged 12,646 BOPD in Aug '15. July was 13,089 BOPD. 3.5% drop in production in one month.

    4. Swan Report...
      BIA Report by Robin Phillips. Charles Hurlburt has retired in August. Janine has gone to EPA? Not clear on her statement. Using the extra million dollars for field operations and another petroleum engineer. Field operators are compliance and enforcement in orientation? PEA and EA discussion on perrmitting and what is required. Dr. Hunter of the Osage Nation Historial Preservation office has no Osage statutory authority to do what she's doing. Meeting is now off air.

    5. The BIA is coming after the Osage producers with a vengeance. More field inspectors hired to hunt down the producers and to fine them. More reason for the producers to leave and move to more friendly areas outside of Osage.

    6. Meeting is now live again. BIA on termination and review to Devon on two producing leases and payment not being made but it's now paid.
      ONES, LLC. and $10,000 grant and a delegate of some kind? Hydroponics failed because they didn't put in a back up system. $250,000 given to them by the Nation as I recall appropriated by the Congress and it's already failed?
      Shareholder speaking and wants no interaction with Mr. Standing Bear or the Nation. Talee wants to talk with the Nation and move forward with communication.
      Oil and Gas Summit report for Talee to make a presentation and Chairman Waller was also mentioned as being the one to make a presentation.
      Galen on producer of the year. Reading a resolution creating an award for the PotY to be given away at the Summit.

    7. Resolution passes.

    8. Dumb idea. Help the producers instead of passing out rewards.

    9. Report from Open Tundra. Appears to be a tracking reporting system in real time. If things are not adding up can be investigated?

    10. This technology is not practical for the Osage stripper well application. Too expensive for the producers to implement. The Shareholders would not want to spend the tens of millions of dollars to purchase and implement this technology county-wide; although, it would be nice to have.

    11. Cynthia's resolution on Inhofe and Lankford from last Friday with additional language and vote on it today. Motion passes unanimously. Kathryn Redcorn is absent today so no vote from her.

    12. Short break to research other previous resolutions.

    13. Back online. On one of the resolutions that has the Gross Production Taxes to the State on the line and want to rescind it? Unclear here.
      Resolution 3-44 that was voted for by the Minerals Council. Where can we find this resolution?

    14. Rescinded the OMC resolution 3-44 and will send a copy to the two Senator's offices.

    15. Update to today's ME Production report!
      A proper report from BIA should be:
      July 2014: 13,508 BOPD, CO2 Recovery portion is 1200 BOPD
      Aug 2015: 12,646 BOPD, CO2 Recovery portion 2600 BOPD
      Non-CO2 production drop = 2,262 BOPD year over year or 18.37% drop.
      Proper question to Robin Phillips. Explain this drop in production and what you are doing to reverse it. Give us your time-frame to bring production back to its peak levels.

  9. Please keep your comments in line with the current thread.

  10. Another reason to avoid regs from the BLM!

    1. link will work hopefully. Now Sally Jewel and Obama want to add a fee to supplement hiring 60 field technicians. All the meanwhile because the delay at the Bureau is costing everyone and this is after three years of the HPP.

  11. More on the Mike Black Meeting:

  12. Attention Headright Owners! Let your number be counted on "RESTART ENERGY PERMITS IN THE OSAGE" fb. a petition to replace Superintendent and Environmental Specialist. We really need to completely clean house but it start at the top.

  13. When the Feds and if they do raise the interest rate..Getting loans will be that more difficult for an Industry in our Area the Oil Business already plagued by inefficiencies and redundancies no thanks to the BIA. How is that permitting processing going, still over 400 to go?

    1. They're working on it dontcha know

  14. As it relates to us running our own Minerals Estate:
    To listen in to the meeting see
    The Agenda is located at

    1. They are going to try to end run the same scam again under the name of Tallgrass (TED LLC). Comments on this are over here
      This presentation was a disaster from the outset.

  15. What it may be like to go it alone.
    Hundreds of royalties lawsuits against Chesapeake combined

    1. on this subject..Federal Judge made a ruling in favor of the Royalty beneficiaries. Post production costs cannot be used..

  16. My thoughts and prayers goes out to the family and friends of Mr. Charles Hurlburt who past away last night. We appreciate his years of service to the BIA and the Osage Producers.

  17. This Tribal Council Resolution #1385 was discussed in the GovOps Congressional Committee today. What's this all about? Said something about compacting the BIA on Natural Resources with a clean audit for three years.

    1. GSB has said several times that the realty, probate, and env/Nat resources were going to be compacted and run by the Nation. Hope it goes better than the clinic compacting.
      If you're a landowner you better get the restriction removed before the ON takes over.

    2. As to GSB, I heard only realty not probate or minerals.

  18. Only surface programs are in our compact request. I have specifically and consistently refused the BIA option of probate and Minerals

  19. We are renewing our request for police, social services, and other social programs under self-governance compact. Those appear on schedule. The surface request is new and BIA and Osage are looking at later this year on that.

    1. Wouldn't the prudent course of action be to see if the Nation is capable of handling IHS before they compact anything else? What is the rush in compacting as much as possible as fast as possible?

      Personally, I don't want the Nation in my realty matters. It's such a sad statement that I trust the US government before I would trust our own Osage government.

    2. Right when this happens we will be looking at taking a course of action the Nation will not to take our land out of restriction and deal directly with the lessor and or? I do not trust the Nation period..Where's that turkey voucher Chief for the Holiday's Chief that the Executive Office finds they can double their salary yet 9 years later you can't even do the most humble thing to send out a Turkey Voucher? Sterwardship of humility Chief...unbelievable.

    3. To the poster at 12:14 PM. It is sad when anyone can trust the U.S. government more. A recent poll shows that 49% of people believe the U.S. government is an immediate threat.

    4. Chief Faith has a language what side are you on the side of your people or your pockets? The demographics are changing Chief a much younger crowd is coming to the message and it's not the Harvard way Chief...Yes we are Graduating and no we are not coming back to a world of no economics in our economy. We are learning politics should not replace value or shoud went to school because you believed in something we are you and me..what side are you on..I can tell you what side I am on it is Osage..not tall buildings, it's all about building community. Washington is your lie. So the lie in our eys is no deception as you can no longer see. No trust in your eye.

    5. I guess you didn't listen to the new healthcare compact funding in committee when not even the Asst. Chief had any idea of how they had put the numbers together with confusion all around. Some thought there was a reduction, others an increase. 23% higher employee costs across the board and a big question about $800,000 in there somewhere. If you pro-compact types want not to fail going in, I suggest the math skills improve by leaps and bounds.

    6. Plus, I'd like you to clarify your role in promoting this CASA donation in an alleged unethical manner and provide a clarification about why there is so much confusion surrounding the transfer of assets to Tallgrass E.D., LLC from Osage, LLC that you have appeared to support until you issued a veto message on the Resolution discussed in Session yesterday. You appear to me to be all over the place working all ends against the middle with the result that no one knows where you stand on anything but making both the Congress look bad and the Mineral Council and leading your naive facebook groupies to think negatively about both. This education academy debacle with $45,000 per student for 45 students and $300,000 for the building in Pawhuska with numbers from 400 to 500 children in the after school program dropping to 30 in Pawhuska with an unproven curriculum and charging these families $5.00 a day per child with every family involved in the Boys and Girls Club turned upside down? What are you doing? And don't even bother to mention that task force that was reported in committee to have never gone out in the field to conduct an impact study with those former members of staff and the parents of these children whose lives you have turned upside down. You better start getting it together because you are being seen to be off the wall from the standpoint of not know what you are doing. I'd also like to know where you have the nerve to submit budgets that have been converted into legislation that are on one page only and all in line item lump sums without programs, offices, departments and so on and so forth broken down on paper that each have separate budgets that are not being disclosed to the members of the Osage Nation looking like some sort of opaque veil to hide where the money, our money, is being spent on what, how much and where which is our right to know as members of the Osage Nation! This is the most deceitful and egregious stunt the Executive Branch has pulled yet in cahoots with the Legislative Branch of the Osage Nation. I will cry out and rail against this last injustice against the interest of the Osage Nation members when election time comes around for you, Raymond Red Corn and every single member of the Osage Nation Congress who have gone along with it and that includes every single one of you in office today. Who do you crazy people think you are and what right do you have to hide your spending activities from us in order to get away with this kind of spending? Three separate budgets undisclosed to the Osage people involving funding for the Office of the Principal Chiefs? You people are out of your minds if you think we are going to put up with this latest insult to our intelligence and to our right to government accountability from our elected officials. I will rail against your reelection and all of the rest of you and this you can count on when your time is up.


    8. Initially these budgets started out with a page for every single area that was separate and received money from the Osage Nation. Then they began to shorten each one of these onto several different pages all in columns but at least you knew what each and every area was getting and how much money per year. An example is ONCA 11-87:
      Next they started shortening the budgets with numbers for divisions only but at least you got a list of what areas were in each division. An example is ONCA 13-90:
      If these don't come up right, run them in the Legislation Search at
      Now you get one page of spending numbers for the whole Executive Branch Governmental Operations Departmental enchilada and no detail from the legislation or funding numbers from the Congressional Committees except the few who list the title of the areas they are going to discuss that particular day but no budget totals for each area listed:
      ONCA 15-84, An Act to provide an appropriation to the Government Operations Division of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2016 in the amount of nineteen million eight hundred ninety thousand four hundred twenty two dollars ($19,890,422); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Jech/Hamilton).
      This budget does not have incuded the Office of the Principal Chiefs and God knows what all else under the Executive Branch isn't included as well.
      We have a right to know as much as we used to know when this new form of democratic government began to operate. You are dumping on us from as great a height as you can and we should and will make you pay the just price for having done so when your turn to be reelected comes around.

  20. On September 22 the Treasurer issued a report that the budget I submitted to the Congress was balanced and there was a surplus. I have trimmed waste and increased funding in education and health. The net employee numbers are down from last year. Those are actual facts. Too many of the posters here spout off false statements. Among the untruths is that I have said I would compact the Minerals a Department of BIA. I never said that and instead, I watch our Minerals Council talk about the problems with BIA but there is no alternative presented. They look like BIA servants to me.

    1. What budget? Are you calling the legislation document submitted for government operations a budget? It's nothing but a summary of line item totals for what probably now involves more than sixty to seventy different budgets for many unneeded and artificially created offices, departments, divisions, works, and what have you. The Treasurer was called out verbally in at least one committee meeting by the members of Congress for dividing up salaries in possibly an inappropriate manner using indirect costs involving the same employees in more than one budget and she admitted on tape that there may have been some irregularities in the preparation of these opaque budgets. Give us the opinion of an independent accountant as to spending and the bottom line which, for the Osage Congress, is projected income by law. Some were under the impression that because you and Raymond Red Corn were in Congress that this crazy spending would pull back and not be allowed to continue. Net has nothing to do with it. It's the gross number of employees on the payroll and all others who pull a paycheck from the Osage Nation for whatever reason they do, be it full time, part time, personal service contract, stipend, reimbursement, etc., for whatever the reason a check is cut from the Osage Nation with a name on it of a person who is being paid by the Osage Nation government for services rendered.

    2. Two days later Chief and no answer. I am of the same mind Chief the poster above is right...we want to see the line Items Chief...before the net Chief...I am accountant Chief and we do want to see the gross before the net... its one thing Chief to post on this site but younalso should reply as well...called communication Chief.

    3. "I watch our Minerals Council talk about the problems with BIA but there is no alternative presented. They look like BIA servants to me."

      As a shareholder, I see just the opposite. The BIA wants to rid themselves of their obligations to the shareholders and you and the Nation appear to be the ones more than happy to help them to achieve that end. Enough with the blowing smoke, Mr Standingbear you're going to give us all colon cancer.

    4. Well Chief thats like calling the kettle black...You wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the 1906 Act....My bet there are eight council members pointing back at you. Remember the 1906 Act requires 8 mineral council members and a Chief and A P Chief...and you are acting worse than A BIA failed to represent. Funny you cannot see the forest for the trees..where is your have the podium to inspire yet you criticize without wisdom so random without forethought. I find that peculiar. My thought was you all are in the same boat. Man, this is not what we expected from you Chief, I think you can do better...

    5. Oh, and explain how you and that Asst. Chief of yours have let raises outside of the auspices of HR, take place in these budgets of the Executive Branch when you know or should know that it is unlawful for this to be taking place.

    6. Maybe thr AG is advising the Executive on this matter of raises? I do not know for sure..Has anyone contacted the AG on this matter of the increased salaries in the Executive Dept? This is an abuse of power by far...this cannot set the future precedent for the Administration which will proceed them. The salaries should be in alignment with the medium income in your area. Just because someone has a degree does not mean we should have to pay for their degree. That was their choice. Right Chief? A budget proposal Chief should read in detail outlined explained the importance it is for each agency and or dept. The Executive Dept responsibilities are to uphold the law.

    7. You make a valid point about equitable pay. The Federal government has gone down this path of setting pay based on education when the job skills required in the position don't require a degree. An example is an office with the National Institute of Health that had almost 200 clerical workers at GS-5 to GS-7 levels. NIH implemented a computer system to eliminate the complexity of those jobs, but they now require degreed workers and the pay scale is GS-9 to GS-11. Governments get sideways on spending on their employees, and the Chief needs to reel in this bad practice now.

    8. I like your thought poster @10:29pm. This could work but bring down just a bit the scales to the area based on what kind of economy is in the area..when you create a environment that is condusive you get more respect...Chief we are not the U.S Government. We are a sovereign people with real issues...Get real GSB.

    9. During one of the committee meetings, correct me if I'm wrong, Shannon Edwards spoke about having done research on government salaries in Tulsa and OKC. She said O Nation were more than double for employees with the same job description. At some point, Asst. Chief spoke up and said they had to make their salaries attractive to get qualified people to work for the Osage Nation. Now this is in direct conflict with everything I've ever heard because you can't get work unless you know someone or are related to someone who is connected at the very highest level in the O Nation government. These canned statements and phrases come out of their mouths to justify this raid on the gaming income in the Treasury going on day in and day out.

    10. Exactly, there is no work available and if or yiu are not related you do not have a chance in the world. All excuses like you know everyone has one. Call the them exactly what we must do. They are all so overpaid. Playing house with our money...

    11. Playing big government with our money.

    12. Raymond Redcorn, you are so full of it..we had to make the jobs lucrative for our friends and family is more like it...the inner circle is making the merry,oops, money-go-round, opps I did it again, around. Who are you fooling sir, not this Osage Indian..theres always someone out there in my experience who 9 times out of 10 especially in this economy that is flat lining would take a job at any cost to prove other wise and bring a check home...Sir, I beg to differ with you..I have hired and cross trained many loyal employees in my time. It's not the ones with the degree that works the hardest and makes us who we are, it's the people who work for us, they have something to prove...they work the hardest. N8w I'm not saying my entry level position is not daunting with hard work, but I know where the respect lies. Not in big GOVERNMENT.

  21. Not good --->>>



    3. Woah..this is not good..Supreme Court here we come? Unbelievable. .The Nation lost the Reservation case now this. Ah, beginning to lose respect for our Nation...Time to rethink about what is going on in our Government and its priorities from the M.C to the Nation..

    4. An appeal is unwarranted and would be a frivolous waste of time and resources. The United States, acting through the DOI/BIA, would need to be party to the appeal and given the ruling is consistent with the clear and simple language of the applicable regulations (which ONLY govern mining for commercial purposes) there is no other interpretation that an appellate court could reach. The outcome was 100% predictable.

    5. I disagree. This kind of broad reading by the court will open up the surface land up to any form or kind of commercial endeavor that the land owner chooses to negotiate a lease for in the future where digging up the land is concerned. This must be taken to the 10th Circuit with a fresh pair of eyes at the Federal Court level. This has implications that might set a precedent where the retention and ownership of mineral rights are concerned all across the USA.

    6. The decision isn't a broad reading, but a very narrow reading of regulations designed to govern mining (which is inclusive of drilling and exploration). When the regulations are read, the meaning and intent is clear. It is the United States and other parties which tried to broaden the scope far beyond the intent of Congress. If the court had found for the plaintiffs, then the surface rights would have been extinguished entirely and that is clearly not the intent of the governing laws and regulations. This decision in no way affects the mineral rights. It is entirely consistent with the regulations on mining and is fair and just to both parties. The plaintiffs still have control over mining within the legal meaning of the term and the land owners still have control over the surface. With careful reading of the decision you will note that an appeal could jeopardize what little sovereignty remains to the Osage Nation.

    7. Any time you include the digging out of a foundation for a home, that's not only a broad reading it's ridiculously broad. It's reaching in a way that is an embarrassment to the Federal Court. Mineral rights have to have stronger protection than this or why would any land owner reserve them? This appears to me to be prejudicial against the Osage Nation and yet again another fiduciary misstep of another Branch of the Federal government.

    8. The decision states clearly that the land owner has the right to dig a foundation for a building, erect buildings, roads, plow fields and other normal uses of his property. The attempted overreach was by the DOI/BIA/ON to claim that such uses required a permit to lease minerals. The applicable regulations for leasing of minerals only applies to MINING, and not all purposes whatsoever. I suggest you read the decision in detail, as it is absolutely consistent with the regulations and intent of Congress. The court didn't even try to see through the fiction of the case to its ultimate goal, which is preventing the erection and operation of wind farms.

    9. The intent of the U.S. Congress? Who are you kidding? The Federal Courts have been so bad about ignoring Congressional intent, making it up as they go along, there is now a groundswell to get these Justices before Congress to answer for thier rulings in a Congressional hearing! This is a real estate matter and has Federal implications for those who retain mineral rights on NA land including the State governments.

    10. Digging out a foundation for a home is a far cry from digging up minerals for commercial use for huge foundations for hundreds of these damn wind machines. To speculate broadly that it could come to include needing a mining permit to dig a foundation for a home is a frivolous and absurd interpretation of where it could lead as put forward by Judge Payne and that kind of reaching is a gross misuse of the power of the bench and needs to be corrected by the 10th Circuit Court in Denver.

    11. Judge Payne considered the backfill for foundations on the same basis as construction of roads and large buildings. There was no history of leases being entered into for prior projects of similar scale. His decision is consistent with historical use and the regulations. While it isn't the desired outcome, it was predictable since excavation and backfill doesn't meet the legal definition of mining.

    12. How can you be so misinformed? The State of Oklahoma has had such a lease in place to dig up the land for roads and has paid the Shareholders under that lease in the past. If the State of Oklahoma is on the line, how is it exactly that the Italian company gets a pass by the court? Is this Judge looking for bigger things to happen for him in the green energy Obama administration in the future or is this a local land owning Kane/Drummond situation? What this Judge decided makes no sense and the State excavation lease needs to be referred to and put forward to the Court by the DOI/BIA when they take this to the 10th Circuit and the lower court Judge finally gets his gown turned right side out again. Surely the MC can put forward an amicus curiae in the appeal putting forward evidence of the road excavation lease with the State of Oklahoma when the time comes. I believe that there is one judge already in Oklahoma who is being indicted by a grand jury over a drug court situation that's playing out as we write.

    13. The published decision reveals that the plaintiffs failed to produce a signed lease. If there was additional evidence to present, then the Osage Nation and BIA should have been prepared to submit it. An appeal cannot introduce new evidence, but only argue technical faults with the ruling. The 10th Circuit left the Osage without a reservation in the case of Osage Nation v. Irby et al.

    14. More on this --->>>

    15. Pray that neither Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders gets elected. They both have big plans for increasing green energy subsidies and hate coal and oil.

  22. The EPA lack authority to regulate fracking. No statue to do so. A federal judge just issued a injunction against the BLM.

  23. BTW, where is the Osage News report on the windfarm situation and the Payne decision? Indian tacos contest? Where's this story?

  24. Here's where that per cap is going --->>> 300 hundred budgets? What is the Osage Nation doing funding THREE HUNDRED BUDGETS WITH OUR MONEY?

    1. I'd say it's more like why they're coming after the mineral estate. That's the only State of Emergency going on right now. 15-20 departmental budgets in 2006 and less than ten years later that figure has risen to 300? This has got to be where they are squirreling away our money to keep it away from 80% of us and then they spend $21-$25 million on projects for those who live in the Hominy-Fairfax area for 200-300 Osages of 20,000 in total as one example among too too many others. I hope the Feds are reading this blog because gaming revenue is supposed to be benefitting the Osage people not the Osage government and the employees who run it.

  25. Are the land owners protected if ENEL Green refuses to pay its tax bills when due?

  26. Still caught up in the Cobell case as an heir with a trust involved?

  27. Does anyone know anything about the BIA Superintendent declaring as private property all drilling and plugging reports so that no future research can be done on a particular lease?

    1. It is my understanding that ALL Lease information including Permits, Completion Reports, Logs, etc. have now been declared CONFIDENTIAL. If you are not the Working Interest or Overriding Royalty Owner in the Lease you are FORBIDDEN from looking into the files. The phrase was used "Snooping in your business..." This is undoubtedly the most ignorant, totally anti-business, asinine, anti-drilling, anti-developing, anti-investment, totally and completely a revelation of the complete ignorance of the Operations for Oil and Gas Production dictate that has ever been presented by any Supt. in the History of the BIA! This should serve to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the complete and total inadequacy of even the barest knowledge of the Industry that I have ever experienced in over 40 years of doing business in the Osage with the BIA. Does no one in the Osage BIA realize some basic facts of business namely 1) The first place an investor or a landman searches are the above named records when looking for a Prospect? 2) Once a thorough and complete search of those records have been done on the possible lease in question you look at the Offsets of the other Leases around the Lease of Interest. You are looking for trends, other wells in the same formations, etc. 3) Who is going to Nominate a Lease for the Sale if they are forbidden from looking at the records? 4) For that matter, who is going to want to BUY a Lease from another Lessee if they are forbidden from seeing the PROVABLE Reports submitted for the past 3 - 5 years? Bankers even want to know that data before they will loan any money on the purchase! 5) This is PUBLIC INFORMATION everywhere but the Osage, guess where I will spend my drilling and exploration dollars in the Future?

    2. Well said 5:40 PM. The Super has been nailing the ME coffin shut for 13 months or more. This new policy is the final nail! Hope the OMC acts quickly!

    3. I just thank heaven there are such brilliant people who post to this here blog like 5:40 PM. Thank you for doing so to point out and clear things up when there is a need for a clarification like this new deal with the Superintendent.

    4. It is readily apparent that the BIA Osage is once again only trying to CYOA and NOT accomplishing the MANDATED REQUIREMENT to MARKET the Osage Minerals Estate. How can you properly MARKET an Asset if you refuse access to the documentation required for any interested party to purchase Leases in the Osage? An interested Producer is now refused the ability to even research a Lease that is an Orphan Lease with NO LESSEE to seek permission from to review? (That's right, you are REQUIRED to get the current Lessee's PERMISSION to look in the files AND if there is NO LESSEE you still can't look in the files!) How can any Producer Nominate a Lease to the Lease Sale if they are again refused the ability for due diligence? No one is going to buy a Pig in a Poke with no prior knowledge of the wells that were drilled, depths, completion results and logs. Does she not realize that a Landman makes their living from mining all the data available on Leases and then is able to provide that information to Prospects? All of this information is available on the Internet through the OCC for every other County in OK and yet the Golden Vault of the BIA OSAGE (containing the ONLY RECORDS available in some instances) where all this data that is worth MILLIONS of DOLLARS to the OME has been firmly sealed and slammed SHUT barring anyone from utilizing it. The Supt. who has been given TOTAL AUTHORITY to oversee and make the rules has once again stacked the deck against the Osage Shareholders and it has been OVER TWO WEEKS since this has been mandated by the Solicitor's who were at the Osage Agency because of the "pending lawsuits". NO NOTICE to the Producer's, and there is no written Policy on how to handle this, no forms to request a FOIA, or even guidance as to what needs to be in a letter requesting access by the Lessee. Is it not bad enough that the distributions have been cut by more than half, that there were NO DRILLING PERMITS issued for almost nine months, NO WORKOVERS allowed either, BUG Studies are over for the year until May with no relief in sight and Director Black refusing to meet with the Fish and Wildlife to resolve it, the NEW CFR fiasco that finished shutting down what was left that NOW she can shut down anyone being able to buy or sell leases, too? Even if there was anyone remotely interested in investing money in the Osage, NO BANK or INVESTOR would loan a dime here without proper due diligence and research. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE BIA, you have finally gotten out of the Indian Business in the Osage, pack it up and go back to your Crystal Palace in DC because you have successfully gotten retribution over that Settlement that YOUR Solicitor said was the reason behind all of this!

    5. This looks like political maneuvering to manipulate the shareholders into demanding the ME be compacted. The BIA becomes such and obstruction there isn't an option. If that's the only fix the shareholders should take direct control through a council they appoint and control.


    7. The headright owners have no rights to Osage mineral estate income without the current and identical Federal beneficiaries trust still in place today that was created by the terms and provisions of the original 1906 Allottment Act.

  28. As to the Osages running us the Mineral Estate, this man was put forward when the idea of compacting was being trotted around the block years ago in the 31st Tribal Council by Jim Gray. I don't know if he's still around or not but he might be able to put the Osage Nation in touch with a real and viable choice for CEO and CFO.

  29. Sounds like there may be some good news out there for the mineral estate: rumor has it that the federal government has decided not to defend the new CFRs in the OPA case. If this is correct, the new CFRs would effectively be null and void. Anyone else know anything about this?

    1. We can't talk about it, right?

    2. Nothing formal or official has been put forward by the BIA or the Osage Nation as of yet on this nor from the OPA. Paul Revard, if you know anything, is this just rumor or is there any substance to it?

    3. I didn't hear anything about it being top secret, just a rumor I heard from another shareholder.

    4. James Revard, have you heard anything?

    5. I called up an Osage producer, and he confirmed it. He did not know details yet, but said a notice had been sent out to OPA members.

    6. Interesting. The injunction was the joint effort of OPA AND OMC. We should ask OMC.

    7. Well, this is good news indeed!

    8. Does anyone have a copy of the notice sent out to the OPA members or can they publish the text of it here?

    9. Osageblogger can you tell us anything about this notice sent to the producers or how to find out what's going on with the BIA? There's no phone numbers for MC.

    10. Sorry I wish I could. Sometimes things are posted to the Facebook Osage related sites on the internet. You might check there.

  30. How well is our Trustee with a fiduciary obligation put in place directly by the U.S. Congress doing for us?
    BIA Oil and Gas Lease Sale brings in $50 million (for the Cheyenne and the Arapahoe)

    1. When was that sale? Oil must have been a lot higher than now.

    2. Check the article, the sale happened Oct 6.

    3. Mineral leases around Geary and Calumet have the potential to produce 600 barrels of oil plus a couple million mcf of gas PER DAY. Those leases sell themselves. Yes it costs much more to frack hem but over time they make money. The companies buying those leases are major players. The cost of a permit is $9500, plus BLM regulations and reporting to ONNR. It's a shame those companies won't come to Osage County but there isn't much incentive because the Wells just don't produce much.

    4. I on the contrary beg to differ. With the latest ingenuity in science the technology is there to locate and produce. Their are extenuating circumstances. We most certainly are under developed by all appearance. There is vast potential. We at this point because of the delays by the BIA has not just affected our tribe but other tribes as well. We alone are out by all accounts 100 million thus far. We will be an exporting country and we must act today and look into a approach that will define our future. We can not expect the BIA to do what we need to do today. We need to start exercising better judgement.

    5. Alas, better judgement requires oil & gas expertise.

    6. And your are exactly right, this is why I want our dollar working for us not someone else. I want to see how our 1 million drawdown is working for us. The Shareholder's require and expect this will happen soon? Ah, technology is wonderful how is it working for our Tribe? Is that million drawdown any of the going towards applied science in the new era of technology? As, I have said..the best outcome for our M.C is to take a seat and let the professionals do the job, not the BIA. Wouldn't that qualify for a TERRA.

    7. Yes it would qualify but...
      If you are a headright owner:
      You will lose any fiduciary trust protection for the Osage Mineral Estate.
      The producers may not be able to enter the land to produce the oil and gas without a legal action in State Court.
      Soon you may have within 3 years or so, 50 to 100 budgets for bureaucratic divisions costing 5-10 times what they should cost;
      People on the payroll being paid twice to three times what they should be paid with no guarantee that they know what they are doing, are even qualified to do the job they have been hired to do or even have any past work experience..
      No protection from the State of Oklahoma without State court intervention.
      An Osage Court system that allows for lawsuits to be brought in court by the oil and gas producers but no monetary damages allowed under the Osage Constitution.
      If you are a headright owner and think any of this is good, then you are a fool, an opportunist or a complete idiot.

    8. Should have pointed out that there are more than one solution than a Terra my bad. And should have also said we can take the lead, why is it Policy out side the Osage shaping who we are? It is revelent to all aspects all the way to the election we should know how are money Is being utilized. Then the law suit, the HPP becomes irrelevant to our success if the very laws are not followed from the time this case was settled. Politics is crushing us from without to within. And accountability and transparency is long over due from the BIA to The M.C

  31. Among other things, is this Act of the U.S. Congress supposed to encourage the Native American Tribes to engage in a process of deforestation? I'm not sure I understand what is going on with this legislation:
    Nona if you know, can you weigh in on the pros and cons, please? We need your astute opinion on this question and the implications for the Osage Mineral Estate. Thank you.

    1. This is more burocracy than anything eles and does not address the issue of self Independence. How this will futher the action by the BIA to execute this policy. As it is the BIA is understaffed.

    2. What is this? Is the current administration and members of the U.S. Congress turning this into Brazil in order to further their green objectives? Once the forests are gone, they are gone and trees are the lungs of the planet. They use and process CO2 and emit oxygen. This looks like another bad plan up ahead.

    3. More on this --->>>

    4. This bill, HR 538, The Indian Energy Bill, will be a game changer!!! I went to read rep. Don Young's page, and at the bottom click on more information, will explain it more. I wonder if this is why the BIA chose not to fight the producers. I had no idea how many tribes were getting this run around in permits. I wish our MC would send some letters to Washington on our troubles. Mary Lee was great in the Mr. Blacks meeting about Phillips. She told it like it is.......

    5. Osage shareholders have lost millions, and no telling what the producers have lost.

    6. Hundreds of Millions from lost opportunity to drill, maintain production and loss of market value

    7. Thats what I said in another post..we are out a 100 million thus far if not the report from the GAO in June what it said about the BIA. This si jo joke. The Green Energy has been knocking on our door for quite some time to futher a inconvenient lie as admitted by known scientists. Qnd now Senator's are taking note because the Federal Government is losing fist over dollars in suits against the BIA. They cannot create policies without a statute. The Geopolitics do not rule or should take precedent, they cannot discriminate against the First opinion from a perspective that I am witnessing before my eyes and are not alone in Indian Country as I suspected because we are not the only one who has Minerals...or who do not want Wind Farms on our Land. Had we been an exporter in 1975..we would be in a different place, in a much better place. This is about land grab but worse it other countries coming in and the BIA should have the best interest of any Indian Tribe. This is of the ways our interst was not protected ,for us was a huge threat the CFR'S...

  32. Friday MC Meeting Agenda is located at:

    1. Listen to the meeting today at

    2. Producers being fined $500 a day by the Superintendent Robin Phillips and she is not in the meeting today. Does anyone know anything about this?

    3. Please explain? The Agency if so is using a Policy thats not a statute set forth by The U.S Congress and is doing the complete opposite of how we should be developing and if so the ramifications is beyond if this is so? The Damage? On another note we went to the supreme court of the state of Ok against the Wind Farm.

    4. Wouldn't the injunction prevent her from issuing fines? And since the U.S Congress should have our Interest how was a wind farm allowed to be built in the first place? I smell a land grab.

  33. Question of the day: Will Superintendent Phillips attend the Osage Mineral Council meeting tomorrow as promised and will she supply answers as to why the DOI/BIA has after over 100 years determined that the Osage county well records are confidential now. Will the OMC stand up to her and demand that the records be available to the public or not

  34. First I would like answered how the wind farms were able to come into Osage County and why the BIA allowed for this to happen? Second now that the injunction has put a hold on the CFR's are the fines being levied? And what is so secret that the well records are closed and confidential. Is this federal law? And these questions need to be answered because you work for us the BIA not the other way around. And no we don't have to compact and we don't have to come to a Terra. Thats why we have the 1906 Act and Congress made it perpetual. Bottom line this information is a matter of open record. As a Shareholder I expect nothing more than exceptional performances and are you really looking out for the interest of the M.E? This reflects in the next election how can it not?

    1. I can't answer all of your questions, but in the recent MC session Robin Philips said the new procedures are to comply with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). You can still get the records by making a FOIA request, but certain information will be blacked out as required by law. Apparently the BIA has been violating federal law by providing full access to the lease agreements.


  36. MC Meeting is live at

    1. Discussion on Warrior lease and the top lease implications. Council wants the Solicitor legal opinion on this situation and the assignment of wanting an additional surety on top of everything else outside the normative process.

    2. Motion to accept lease without the final solicitor's opinion? This is crazy. It passed!

    3. Correction:
      Jones and Buck were on the agenda for the motion that passed. Warrior is up now.

  37. The Mineral Council Meeting was a disaster today. I am embarrassed for all but two of our representatives. The rest don't have a clue.

    1. Could please expound what it was so embarrassing?

  38. Of interest --->>>“-gao-report-‘indian-energy-development-poor-management-bia-has-hindered

    1. Been watching the encroachment for a the BIA for a while and how being Sovereign has no meaning..not just that the Policies of which they at times are making up as they go is really all about something eles...but non the less this is no accident the redundancies anyd deficiencies that exist with the Bureau of Indian Affairs.What it is we have a bunch of bureacratics behind closed doors. The trust was never meant to take another meaning without Congress Authority..we are the only Tribe that has this stipulation.. intrepidation in the worst way.

    2. Not only is the BIA causing delays with our Tribe but the Utes are out of Millions, we are out thus far over a 100 million that was not included in that report...the permitting process had almost came to a complete halt last year when Oil was at its highest peak.

  39. Has anyone read the Osage News regarding the Royalties in the Fletcher case?


    2. Took a little trip over to Hot Springs, Arkansas, a combination of viewing the autumn leaves and my better half birthday. Well the drought there like here in Texas had delayed the leaves. Nature has its own time to take place, and the color of a leaf or the Indian blood that flow thru theses old limbs matters to some but not to me. What little I ever received as a shareholder, I used to helped two Grandsons whose dad died early with cancer.. Also sent Cora Jean Jech $200 in that lawsuit, sorry cannot remember the suits title, but it did have something to do with the Protecting the Osage, Back to the Hot Springs trip we stayed at a Bed and Breakfast, Lookout Inn , believe and I'm sure we had a Chief of the Osage by that name.Uncle Bernard and Aunt Daisy Ware Beach would drive them , The Lookouts from the Indian Camp at their wishes. Looking forward to next , looking for a Old Phillip 66 Coffee mug with Chief BaconRind's picture on it .H or Homer

    3. Sounds like a nice trip H.

    4. It was, and Thank you for the of the things I read while researching , was that even warring tribes would have a truce,for the time being while partaking healing waters of the under ground Hot Springs.

      I think this is a good example of a take-on of a State agency, on You Tube Bravo Fincannon's Channel 2015 Texas Dept of Ag Fee Increases for Structural Pest, this is one of my son's. H

  40. The New Osage Reign of Terror!

    1. I think your remark is a little over the top. The Reign of Terror involved Osages being killed for non-Osages to get their headrights. It's bad enough without being an alarmist. Just saying. It's your call but we want people here to take you seriously as you deserve to be in view of the current circumstances all the producers find themselves in throughout Osage County.

    2. @9:21, I in no way mean to demean the history of the Osage murders however the Feds are killing off the Osage Mineral Estate and as a result the Osage Headright owners and Osage Oil & Gas Operators. So I believe the title fits.

    3. James Revard, no insult by this Osage it was obvious what you meant...and I could not agree more with you.

    4. Like I said, it's your call.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Its the tag line I am using when E mailing the National Media trying to get some type of media attention on this abuse of the BIA. The OMC and Headright owners my not wish to admit it but the DOI/BIA are killing Osages. Its just a slow death is all.

  41. With the open threat of war from China and Russia running subs up and down the East Coast in international waters and Russian ships over communications cables with Europe in the Atlantic, we had better get our eyes off our cell phones and stop texting with our "friends" on Facebook and start looking in the right direction out front and up ahead. This is more than sabre-rattling when China comes out officially and says that war with the USA is an option they will consider and put on the table. Both the Russians and the Chinese are deadly serious people with a grit and verve that hasn't been seen in this country in 50 or more years. Let's hope a Republican takes the White House in the next election because we are going to need every drop of oil we can get onshore and we better hope it doesn't go nuclear in the long term. Even a member of the U.S. Congress wants to declare war right now! I saw an excellent film last night on Netflix about a Polish defector to the USA during the time of the Russian influence over Poland before Solidarity was successful in freeing the country from the Communist chokehold it had in place. This is what we are dealing with and no mistake about it. I spoke with a man last week from Detroit who was wondering if the Military Draft will be reinstated in the near future. If real men in this country have really come to this, we will be a pushover and they will mop us up in nothing flat. They won't even need a weapon to do it.

    1. The name of the film is "Jack Strong."

    2. No. I'm not thinking Trump. To me at least, he's somewhere between a circus barker and a Ringmaster who always forgets his top hat.

    3. The spider was tiny, easily squished, and wouldn't be a real problem even if it were to bite. The man is a complete coward, but sadly is a reflection of the majority in America today. They've grown up without having any serious injuries, known no true hardship, never been in a serious fight, nor even performed a real hard day's work. You're right, America is doomed.

  42. The Osage Gas Summit is right around the corner..does anyone know how many Gas and Oil producers have signed up for this event? Given the fact the BIA is or isn't processing permits in a timely matter and considering the legal matters at hand, I am still holding out for a better outcome.



  43. Does anyone know we hen the Judge in the fletcher case will make his ruling?

  44. I guess nothing good came out of the oil and gas summit or they'd be talking about it. I had a little hope thou.

  45. Yes there is a article in the Osage News...waiting to see what other local news outlets have to say..that being said..first and foremost there is no link to the salt water wells by removing brine that scientifically links to Earthquakes. Thie Melbourne College of Earth and Energy was established when we became a Government, all based on another inconvenient lie..insufficient evidence, based on one peer study...I would like to know if the M.C was aware the Nation was involved with the BIA in the drafting process of the E.A? Conflict? Hello...and I would like to from other Producers how they felt about the summit as well..?

    1. As a Shareholder I have been one of the biggest proponents for having a full on petroleum office with the required expertise long over due to facilitate better growth unlike we have seen for quite some time...right now I see a grave thinks to the how many Producers attended the Osage Oil and Gas Summit?

  46. I just read December payment will be 4360 a headright. Can anyone confirm?

    1. When it shows up in the right hand column, you'll know for certain:

    2. What would we do without you.

  47. This thread is now closed. Go to:
