Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Archive #49: Osage Shareholder Matters--September-November 2018

This thread is now closed. Go to: http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2018/11/osage-shareholder-matters-november-2018.html


  1. To review recent comments on the Shareholder web page on the Osage Blog see http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2018/07/osage-shareholder-matters-july-2018.html

  2. This should be of interest to the Shareholders:
    ONCA 18-46, An Act to provide an appropriation to the Minerals Council of hte Osage Nation for fiscal year 2019 in the amount of two hundred fifty two thousand sixty six dollars ($252,066); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Whitehorn)
    See this Bill at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/legislation

    1. Don't misunderstand, I am happy that the MC is getting the 252K. They desperately need this to refurbish the MC chambers and offices. But what is Congress's intent for giving the MC this money? Is it earmarked for use somewhere we may not be aware of?

    2. You can pretty guarantee there are strings attached to the 252K.
      The ONG does nothing altruistic - especially for the shareholders.
      The real question is how bad are the shareholders going to be blackmailed.
      Since the days of Gray the ONG has been the enemy of the shareholders...and it still is to this day.

    3. You guys are something else there is no intent. The M.C is entitled without any attachments !!! What’s it going to take to understand this folks. Do you want to come out of our pockets? Seriously.

    4. Keep the fear mongering going for whatever purpose it serves the writers agenda.
      Lol you guys back in the day when we had the old site up OSA said some lunatic things in the past.
      We are entitled the MC has finally realized this. The Nation would not be standing if it wasn’t for The M.E.
      Now we can take this a step further if you why it is exactly that. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist, just no one dared to in the past well that we know of. Then you’ve got people on the other side sorta speak who are shareholders as well earning a check there, here, everywhere andd then some right. Don’t cut your nose to spite your face. I also know a lot more as individuals shareholders what we are entitled too as well.
      I am the one who said before they went to the Nation in the first place and said we are entitled, but no all of you said there would be strings attached. Didn’t happen. I wasn’t wrong either.
      Stop the fear mongering and start posting and backing up your conversations with fact.

    5. It is in the interest of the estate we continue to progress because it’s all of our future just as much as the Casinos. Think about it.

    6. LOL!!

      The ONG bureaucrats sure are triggered today!
      C'mon people, it's well known the original intent of the new government was to take over the ME and it's revenu.
      Remember, Pipestem argued in federal court the the HPP award go to the Osage government - not the shareholders.
      Nothing has changed. The ONG is salivating over the ME.
      Those $120,000 salaries just aren't enough for you guys on the hill.

      "Fear mongering" is a word used by those who fear the truth.

    7. When the Chief went to the new MC meeting, he said there was money for the MC in the Nation's budget, so most likely the 252K is derived from this budget, let's hope there's more down the road in 2019.

      Instead of paying rent to the Nation, how much would it cost to just buy a whole house there?

    8. What I don't understand is what this money is even for and why they are giving it to the MC is a puzzle to me. Perhaps there are those who don't know it but the Nation charges the MC to rent space in the facility and this has been going on for quite some time. They have established that they are landlords and should be taking care of the restoration and office design and updating of the property especially since the Congress has left for other digs downtown. This is weird all the way around.

    9. "Pipestem argued in federal court the the HPP award go to the Osage government - not the shareholders." The Gods truth as so written.

    10. Who said the Nation would not try. Don’t put words into my mouth thank you. All I said was, we are entitled to the revenue. Thank you.

    11. Rent in some areas depending for a three bedroom I’ve seen $300 a mo. So, then you look at the Goverment bloat.

    12. Right Government wants control of everything so they can destroy everything they touch. But that did not happen with the HPP because the Judge saw right through him.

    13. Yes it is strange the set up because here we pay rent but technically there is no advantage economically, because the money is coming back to us. The IRS would frown on this. If this is happening on the Nation side that means there is no money being made and once again the money from the Casinos per the requirement as stipulated, the money is only to be used to advance us economically.

    14. ""Fear mongering" is a word used by those who fear the truth." The God's truth again.

    15. Fear mongering is a old tactic people use to absolutely to try and subvert the truth. Because the change would not meet their agenda. To easy to see. Especially in current events in today’s society.

    16. How much is the rent? Do we, the shareholders, pay the rent monthly or quarterly? On the newsletter we used to get I don't ever remember the rent being on the expense info? Maybe it was under 'miscellaneous?'

      If we knew the amount, we could do the MATH, and see how much the Nation is receiving royalty revenue on a yearly basis? We're being charged rent for our previous home, an existence we've lost forever. If we don't pay rent, can the Nation evict us? Now I'm really wondering what the meaning "ME is an entity within the Nation" really implies?

      The shareholders will be better off if we just buy our own office building. If your children are 10 now, when they're 20, the rent will probably be doubled because of inflation.

      Yes, Sept. 5th at 7:14 P.M., this is a strange set up. Is the 252K our rent 'REBATE?'

    17. Glad you asked that question because the discussion today in the Congressional Appropriatons Committee meeting was a barn burner and very productive for the Osage people to listen to. In it, this remark was made by Ms. Revard who said, "First year that Minerals (Osage Minerals Council) has asked for money from the Nation"? Really? Who specifically asked for this money I'd like to know.

    18. Listen in to this very productive meeting at http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/ap-9618-part-2/

    19. The rent is covered under the Million dollar draw down? But that’s not the point. More over we are entitled to the resources from the Nation.
      Does it matter who asked? But why did we have to ask is the question?

    20. Native naivete. has the minerals council ever not been corrupt? All we got with the new government was a shift at the hog trough.
      The idiocy of arguing over pennies while millions are being siphoned off. Just start demanding some accountability, as in actual accounting of money. What was spent, for what, versus what it cost.
      Stop being idiots. Please.

    21. So far this 3rd MC has been active since their first meeting. Shareholders are now encouraged to speak their mind openly in the MC meetings. I can see some accountability coming forthwith from the MC, but I feel the Congress is starting off on the wrong foot.

      The new committee the Osageblogger has created is such an outstanding "first step." The Chief wanted to be elected cause he had more plans, so already its just a matter of time before he starts writing those blank checks. Watch out Chief and Congress, your're actions in concerning the welfare of all Osages is being observed!

    22. They have been observed for some time. You didn’t elect Tina now she’s taking a different approach.
      Watch out is a understatement to say the least.

    23. Well. Not sure what to write here. My approach is to effect on the internet through the new "Committee" what I had every intention of accomplishing had I been elected. Basically six of one and half a dozen of another. Too much is wrong and someone finally has to blow the lid off of it and let the Osage people decide. I'm still holding a lot back and will continue to do so as long as I get results that are in the best interests of the Osage people. Again, the Osage Nation membership first and the government second. I mean business because I won't stand to see this government fail the majority of the membership for one more second.

    24. That’s what I am talking about. You said, I said the problem is in our legislation to allow for this uncontrolled spending , is way out of hand.

  3. The Agenda for the MC meeting TOMORROW!

    1. All the MC Committees that are being created that meet have to notice their Meetings and Agendas beforehand to the public per Osage Nation law. Are they doing this?

    2. Discussing the death certificates for found American Burying Beetle that have met their demise.

    3. Minutes are available at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/minerals-council/meeting-information

    4. Woah! What is this all about? Former Chief Tillman has asked for audits and can see in the office them but must sign a statement of non-disclosure because there is proprietary information in them.

    5. Tina say what?
      We had to do the same thing when the ABB moved off our property by filing a suit as well.
      So the suit being filed do we know anymore about it other than a filing?

    6. Woah, can see in office? Audits of what?

    7. They can word out the proprietary info. and get out the information.

    8. Listen on demand:

      Part 1: http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/2018-0907_4omc_pt1/
      Part 2: http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/osage-nation-on-mixlr-78/

    9. 15 to 17 only for the lease sale.

    10. Lawsuit being filed against the ABB and letter to be sent by the Attorney on this.

    11. Conflict of interest involves names that are proprietary in the audits, I guess.

    12. Plus to that might affect the ability of the MC to negotiate future deals or disclose proprietary personal or private information from individuals or other companies.

    13. Meeting is still live at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/multimedia/live-media

  4. More air pollution takes place in California year after year from the wildfires and no way to stop them. Oil and gas is what's happening now and for the foreseeable future. Look around you an try to find one item in your home that somehow doesn't involve oil products. See http://www.invw.org/2018/09/05/idle-oil-gas-wells-threaten-indian-tribes-while-energy-companies-and-regulators-do-little/

  5. More on Councilman Revard:

    1. Sell or get off the M C. It’s one way or the other. We said they were a conflict of interest. To allow them in the first place where is the ethics committee?

    2. Again, this is another baised truncation on the part of the Osage News of the actual facts of the final opinion and how they apply to Councilman Revard.

  6. Where we all benefit with the upcoming generation getting an excellent education with Osage Nation funds:

  7. Important information on the Nation's appropriations to the Minerals Council --->>>

    ONCA 18-46, An Act to provide an appropriation to the Minerals Council of hte Osage Nation for fiscal year 2019 in the amount of two hundred forty thousand forty one dollars ($240,041); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Whitehorn)

    ONCA 18-56, An Act to provide an appropriation to the Minerals Council of the Osage Nation in the amount of one hundred seventy six thousand six hundred fifty dollars ($176,650); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Walker)

    Read these bills over at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/legislation

    1. ONCA 18-56 is a grant from the division of Mineral and Energy Development. ONCA 18-46 is a Tribal funding bill that does not seem to be associated with the Budget for the $1 million drawdown.

    2. ONCA 18-46, An Act to provide an appropriation to the Minerals Council of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2019 in the amount of two hundred forty thousand forty one dollars ($240,041); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Whitehorn) is for things like space cost, indirect cost and recording equipment and the like. It's charged to them by the Nation and then reimbursed back in this bill.

  8. I just heard from a member of the Osage Nation Congress that the Chief of Staff, Jason Zaun, in the Chief's office wants all scholarships made available to only those who live in Osage County and that the bill for the fund should be trimmed accordingly. Can you confirm that this is the truth, Eli Potts or Shannon L. Edwards? Please advise. Thank you in advance. See Jason Zaun at https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-zaun-85865762

    1. Jason Zaun earns well and above $120,000 salary at the Nation courtesy of the casinos.
      The casino revenue is supposed to be used for ALL Osages - not just for huge salaries for those who determine their own benifits.
      The Zauns and Revards make very, very good money from casino revenue.
      They are a part of the Nepotism issue. Jason Zaun wants to restrict funds for everyone else while enriching his relatives first.
      Jason Zaun and the book burning accountants in Pawhuska need to learn that the casino revenue isn't their play money.
      The greed of the families who run the Osage government is truly appalling...not surprised, but still appalling.

    2. Note that this situation is fluid at this point and I'm leaving my comment in place until a further clarification can take place on the matter. Consider it a small shot across the bow if it there is a foundation for this situation.

    3. The Revards why do they make money from our Casinos and what does the Zaun make so much money, and what does he do?
      Congfess needs to close the gap on the nepotism and cronyism or they become complicit and we need to cut the earne revenue down to size based on cost of living in your community not Big Washington bucks.

    4. The Chief hired his own staff members and he has to pay them large salaries to put up with him. Don't know this Zaun guy but honestly who gives a flip what he thinks? Congress develops the legislation, and they are not stupid enough to fund only scholarships for in county students. Everyone grab your medical marijuana and calm down.

    5. Jason Zaun used to work for the Congress as the Congressional Budget Analyst. Chief cherry-picked him when he first became Chief and Eli Potts was hired to replace him. Today a new budget analyst for the Congress came on board. Her name is Meagan Sneed.

    6. Well why do we have a budget analyst?
      When all we have to do is run monthly reports that will speak to how are money is working for us or not?
      And what the heck, medium range for this jack of all trades Job is $75,000 a year to begin with and that’s with carts but in this field you don’t need one. He is well above the paid grade. Can him or reduce the pay. Especially in the area you live in with the medium income isn’t above $ 30,000.

    7. A chief of staff is nothing but a Administrative Asst. Lol...who is this guy. This decision is way above the pay grade and way out of line.
      He can only make suggestions at the behest of the Chief. Talk about abuse of power.

    8. This is my synopsis of the Health Committee review of the Health Care Plan Bill discussion with the Chief and Jason Zaun:
      Moving on to ONCA 18-41, the Health Benefit Plan Fund. Need to find a co-sponsor to review it. C. Lemon asks, "Does it have to be that much?" Yes, it certainly does because it benefits Osages no matter where they live! Chief is speaking about program growth. Jason Zaun speaking now to review the budget. Running the numbers for the various programs under this budget. For the Card and for the Seniors. Fourth year since it was implemented. $616,000 came back to the plan and didn't roll over this year. Who cares what age they are? Are you wanting to reduce funds for that age group, C. Goodfox? Roll over is important for having funding available for big ticket health items like dental and eye wear. Yes this fund will continue to grow to service all of the registered members of the Osage Nation. And yes you can afford it and if you get cheap with all the funding thrown around with the mind bending spending that we see here in Osage County, it's stunning that you would have the temerity to ask. Chief is looking at savings in this area? Chief, check your Office of the Chiefs Budget. Reduce it by half and then come back to the table with these remarks. Discuss this... FOR ALL OF US not just Seniors and Children. C. Goodfox is examining this option! "The Osage people first and the Osage Nation government second." This is for the Osage people and you have no right to tough benefits for us until you reduce your government spending by an equal amount. I am SHOCKED that you would even look here to make cuts with the wild spending that goes on in these mindbogglingly bloated government budgets. Get into all your IDC funding that probably shouldn't even be there and cut back there. Millions unspent falling yearly into the Retained Revenue Fund after the first of the year! First year that the increase has gone back into the fund for $616,000 that didn't roll over and now they are complaining that it needs to be reduced which accounts for the increase in the bill? 8,000 Osages who haven't enrolled and the Chief is using a scare tactic on adding these numbers to justify that they can't afford it. Says he has projections. I'd like him to publish those trend line projections. This sounds like a manipulation to me to justify spending the money in Osage County. Growth of the nation to the growth of the fund? Growth has slowed down at 21,500 members (higher number than has been disclosed before). Now talking about the Scholarship fund and this is tied together and has a relationship? Really? Postponed to the call of the Chair. Meeting is adjourned. Hear this discussion take place at


    9. Everyone has projections Chief. The Health benefit fund need to stay. Our people first.
      I know as pointed out where the cost overruns exist. It starts with down sizing your inflated executive dept...does anyone see a trend here or is it just me?
      When we get a Chief it’s a runaway dept he runs...Chief I can do a a cost analysis very easily and tell you how and what and where what needs to happen it’s all at a touch of a computer with programs that do the thinking for you. Just data entry is all involved. Anyone can tell you where the highest expenses are, it’s in Health care....you guys opened this can of worms. Everyone knows health care is a big factor in revenue.....and will absorb the most cash...did anyone think before they dotted the line, cross their tees and dot their i’s. My bet is no, everything is a after thought right!!! I have never seen such BS and lies to support such a corrupt Government.
      Open your eyes Chief...cut back all your overpaid high flying paid employees to the size of your coast of living in your area, do the work yourself and stop passing the buck on to all your friends and family etc....the problem we know where the waste is coming from and it all points back to you Chief...not funny.

  9. 4th Osage Minerals Council Meeting Information and Agenda at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/4th-osage-minerals-council-meeting-information-1

    1. Superintendent has just finished her report.

    2. Can Susan Forman speak up. Discussing Fish and Wildlife and having a meeting. Moving what they want to do here through our Tribal authority whatever that is. BIA, OST some other division is not included in the BIA organization! YEAH! Letter came though as to this fact to the Osage Agency and they are discussing it and the fact that it came last week! Asking for a copy of the letter to be sent to the MC!

    3. Cherokee are referred to in Fish and Wildlife discussion. See https://www.cherokeefishandwildlife.com/

    4. See general information on the DOI reorganization at https://www.bia.gov/as-ia/raca/doi-reorganization

    5. Went on break and are back now. Dusty is speaking to the MC now. Guy has had a lease for the reservoir and had the lease since 1943. Expires in 2018.

    6. Listen to Part 1 of the meeting on demand at http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/2018-0919_4omc_pt1/

    7. Dusty says they are shutting it down but still have 8 months left to pay for until the lease period terminates? Can't HEAR! Trying to not pay until next July? Shutting down the oil storage unit. Chair Harlan is absent so she is not there today for a legal view of the situation. No reason given. Project your voices please.

    8. Lot of background noise. Talee is asking the Superintenant for her opinion and asking for a recommendation as to how this lease and facility will close out. Will prorate? Total of 10 wells to close out and Paul Revard is asking if another gas company could take it over or try and sell it rather than shut it down? Too low an oil production on the wells they have there to be cost effective to keep in business.

    9. Suggestion is to pay for the time, plug the wells and move on. Don't want to pay for the remaining months? MC members are clearly upset by this as well they should be.

    10. All of this arm waving is great but misses the mark. The BIA has irreparably damaged the Mineral Estate and used the Donelson lawsuit as an excuse to clamp down further on regulations. We ought to sue the BIA for condemnation of our Mineral Estate. Large oil reserves don't mean much if the regulatory environment prevents the exploitation of the resource.

    11. Asking for a zero dollar close out. Not good. Just want a free out of the contract? Should pay for the time the lease isn't available at the very least. Will only be fine with the November deadline and no further extension without additional payment for the 8 month requested extension. Talee is angry and is practically asking the person to leave.

    12. Moving on with the agenda for Budget C395. Discussing it and the line items in it and approval by vote and it passes. S-510 Budget has been allocated on line items. Vote again and it's approved. Approval of digitization grant budget and orphan wells. Discussing line items here a new vehicle needed. Budget needs to be approved to draw down on it. Discussing vehicle possibilities. Approved by vote. Motion to go into Executive Session for 5 minutes.

    13. September 19, 2018 at 11:08 AM -- Brilliant comment and I'm in your camp! Sue sue sue!

    14. Lease sale information: https://s3.amazonaws.com/osagenation-nsn.gov/files/departments/Minerals/2018-0914_OMC_Lease-Sale-No-23-Bulletin.pdf

    15. Back online after Executive Session. No public comment and motion to adjourn. Meeting is adjourned.

    16. Listen to Part 2 at http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/2018-0919_4omc_pt2/

    17. It is long over due we sue what the heck is going here? Why haven’t we moved in that direction already why does it take so long to do what is right and what is so evident about what is going since the HPP the Donelson. Are was just a excuse to put a stranglehold on the M.E we know it and you know it. We pointed this years ago. We were to be operating under the old CFR’s and that did not happen to damage our M.E and as far as I am concerned the Donaldson’s are persona non grata.
      I know for sure that tall are out of Headright money again. We lost our pet on the highest posted price again because shortly after the settlement the price per barrel was near if I remember 80 dollars a barrel and we missed the mark because of the Donelson case.
      We had opted some years later no confidence with the super and look at where we are it does not take a rocket scientist what to do to get the ball rolling. I like if you recalll Cynthia saying we won three cases thus far to the detriment of millions lost but the investment is lost to the M.E.
      We need a investigation as to what is going on I don’t know about you but this is hurting our front end everytime we end up in court and it can take years to what end? Nothing is accomplished in the mean time. Being in Court does not build our reputation in as much it hurts everyone involved. Problem is, we need to take control with in our own right. We can react to any given situation as opposed to playing the waiting game which we all know that does not work. You know what needs to happen is the complete opposite because doing the same thing over and over again is a waste of time and redundant. Any suggestions?

    18. The Osage Agency Superintendent discloses that the BIA and the OST are not included in the DOI reorganization in Part 1, at 1 hour and 10 minutes into the recording.

    19. I am glad the BIA has been removed from the prior reorganization list. But I do not agree with passing the responsibilities around with several government agencies. How long have we been under the BIA? 1860? Our lives are at stake here, how much on-the-job time will be lost getting these agencies up-to-par with each changeover. Even the BIA has not done their job or followed their own regulations.

      I read how other tribes do not agree with the reorganization also, but I don't read about any other tribes explaining how they'd like it to be organized. This last consultation was a chance to really reorganize the way we and other tribes thinks it should be. Was this another lost opportunity?

    20. Great! The MC might get a vehicle through the "transfer" program, if there's one available.

    21. Regarding the close out. They signed a contract two years ago to close out this Nov. I'm still trying to figure out if they was being "gutsy," or are they not business wise?

      The superintendent said if they go pass Nov., they would have to pay rent for the gas storage. Meaning "no free ride." Glad she was there.

      Glad there's finally a "Petroleum Engineer" hired now in the BIA. The MC seems to approve of him.

      Advertising the Lease sale. That seems to me is a pretty big priority to accomplish the purpose of having a lease sale. Looks like the MC is working toward more exposure. I'm on agreement, let's go beyond the "Tulsa" newspaper. It was mentioned the MC used to send out notices to local producers and it was suggested they start again.

    22. The latest OMC meeting disclosed 2 drilling rigs and 6 workovers for August. Sad. In August, 2014 there were over 30 wells drilled. The Mineral Estate is dying a slow death by a thousand cuts. The BIA has poisoned the well and has no intent in cleaning it up.

    23. Responding to 3:32 am...
      It is because not one shoe fits in Indian Country. Because our Trust and Treaties do not resemble each one or the others.
      This is why I.C is broken..
      The legislation that we have now for I.C is all over the place and overlapping creating more of a bureaucracy.
      Fix broken first, then we can move on.
      Once this is realized we all move on...

    24. What happened now you want advertising?
      This should have happened years ago, the interest and intent was to only source out to locals, to keep the monopolies going on...
      That to happened besides all the the BS we got from the BIA and it’s politics that has come to hurt the M.E.

    25. "...not one shoe fits in Indian Country." I agree, that's the way it is. It's enthusing to see Chiefs and tribal members meeting each other when D.C. has open meetings with them.

      It actually excites me that the MC is going to meet (when?) 3 tribes to see how they run their oil and gas resources.

      It's rejoicing when any tribe wins a legal obstacle. The Cherokee Nation filed a suit for gov. mismanagement at a late time after all other tribes had already won their lawsuit. I'm hoping this lawsuit can be settled during this two year remainder of the Trump administration, not because I'm Osage and Cherokee, but because with each lawsuit won, the Gov. is put on a "notice" that we will speak up and follow through with action.

    26. Hopefully the Three Affiliated Tribes have cleaned up their act in running their oil and gas. I'm not sure Osages need any help in learning corruption, theft, and no ethics. Murder for hire?



  10. ATTENTION: The fiber cable feeding downtown Pawhuska has been damaged by the construction activities for the Osage Veterans War Memorial. All services are down for Gaming Commission, Osage News and Election Office. The Nation is working with a contractor to get the repairs started as soon as possible.

    The Osage News will resume normal business hours Sept. 20. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

  11. Just awful

    1. I cannot imagine waiting 30 yrs...we can always appeal to the President.
      Unless we update the law. But how are in the Tribe?

    2. How many Indians are in their Tribe?

  12. Do you want the LLCs (Tallgrass/Osage, LLC) to remain alive and to continue in business? See poll question and vote at:


  13. I don't know about this...


    Trusting the Tribes could lead to a lot of shenanigans where an individual's Degree of Indian blood is concerned.

  14. OF SPECIAL NOTE: ONCA 18-41, An Act to authorize and appropriate ten million dollars ($10,000,000) to the Health Benefit Plan Fund from fiscal year 2019 tribal revenue; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Edwards), was reduced by $250,000 to $9,750,000 in the Health and Social Services Committee today. This reduction, approved by the Chief, took place despite $616,000 being returned back this year to the Healthcare Plan fund.

    1. What’s up? Why the reduction then?

    2. GSB needs more money for his pet projects.


    3. As of yesterday, with a stroke of the Chief's pen, we now have Tallgrass as a subsidiary under the umbrella of the parent company, Osage LLC. -- brought to you initially by the Harvard Project by way of Lance Morgan with Raymond Redcorn and of late by Congresswoman Maria Whitehorn -- which is now back on top, alive and well and in place despite the fact that the Osage people wanted it to end as a failed business entity more than three years ago. So, the moral of the story is, the "Alien" is now once again firmly entrenched on our Ship of State to continue to suck up more and more appropriations of the Osage people's money. Meanwhile -- (with an approximate) $27,000,000 later either spent or lost -- back at the "Ranch" sitting there with $1.1 million dollars of the Osage people's money still in the bank, the Ranch Board is asking for a current appropriation of an additional $1.1 million! Sorry Osage people, the Osage Nation Congress today, with five exceptions, voted to take the appropriation for your Heathcare plan needs down $250,000 which includes Medicare Medigap and Part "D" Prescriptions for over 700 Osage Seniors. Oh yes, the moral... don't ever vote for a three part democratic form of government that is supposed to serve the people that can't be handled or managed in a proper way and equitable manner by the elected officials of it. I am forced to conclude; the predominate number of elected officials have only one question in mind, "Where's the beef?"

    4. Omg...this needs to end.

    5. It is apparent that the new members of Congress do not understand that Tallgrass Economic Development LLC was created in order to try to protect the assets of Osage LLC due to the prior bad acts. The concept of TED was formed during a dinner where GSB and members of the OLLC board had "too much wine" (to quote Jim Parris in his address to the Commerce Committee in his capacity as Chairman of OLLC).

      It made little sense to create TED and then transfer assets from OLLC, as TED would be viewed as an "alter ego" of OLLC and this would have provided no legal protections to begin with. The people running and continuing to fund these businesses have absolutely no clue as to how to run a business. They claim to be making a "profit" without accounting for all costs, all the while suffering losses of millions and they continue to throw good money after bad.

    6. We understand the logistics...and by all means this is no accident what has been created in bad faith..
      As I have said we are now entering the twilight zone..the question is why are we so pleased to throw money after money?
      Because they are corrupt?

    7. That's the back story. The front story is that Kugee took the fall for it even though he had nothing to do with its inception all along. He was foolish enough to carry the ball which was a large mistake as it turned out. Now we have people in there who haven't studied their rules of order and have to be lead like children through the Congressional Parliamentary procedure like small children. Except for Eli who knows what's what.

    8. This Baker Tilley is supposed to have done a forensic audit on Osage, LLC. We paid for it. Why can't we see it?

    9. Right I want to see the audit posted as well...it’s our baby let’s see the results...So Kugee needs to realize the gigs up we got your number...

    10. Kugee isn't responsible. The Chief and the Board are the ones that cooked up the Tallgrass scheme. Kugee only agreed to front the bill like Maria Whitehorn is trying to do today to resurrect the Osage, LLC and put it back up on its feet. It's just horrible and scandalous that they would even think of continuing to float and fund that loser. She'll pay the price come the next election with every dollar they throw away on the Osage, LLC today and and in the future. I can't believe she would be this foolish after all this time and all the money spent or lost. The only thing I am left to believe is that money is moving around after it has been appropriated and going where it shouldn't be going. Nothing in the law is stopping this from happening that's any different from what it's been in the past and no future cap is in place and established for these LLCs to know they can't come back and ask for any more money. It's an outrage. The elected officials have used and are still using the Osage people's money like it was a personal bank and making the worst investments possible. I'm hearing a whole lot of grumbling against the Chief now and how dishonest he is if he goes forward with the Osage LLC from what he promised in campaign season. The people are done with this stupidity and would rather make money by leaving it in savings than losing it outright or have it go for salaries and overhead to people who couldn't make it fly if their lives depended on it; past, present and future.

    11. It’s called bait and switch..more like a injunction needs to be filed..but more than anything the lesson learned not what to do from Carol Leese as a example, where is the $ 20,000,000 go no invoice, no one held accountable to the loss why? Because they all have INSURANCE in this case this would not protect them so why haven’t they been held accountable, We have cut people for way less then this..just to many gaps...so now you know what I have been saying for a while now..if there is capital where is it going if there are more then one fund which there is...it’s not just the few its all of them..just look at the optic we shut this down the idea not to because these entities will expose the truth loss..

    12. What a difference an election makes


    13. The article you've cited was based on the position of the prior Congress. Since the election the new members have heard from the Osage LLC and Tallgrass Economic Development LLC boards (the same people) and are buying into the rosy picture of the future being painted.

      Just as in the past there are yet more promises of profits in the near future. The results will be exactly the same as in the past -- ever more losses.

      The management of these companies (the board members, for there is no one else in management) do not understand government contracting. They also do not understand cost accounting. There was a reason why multiple sets of books were maintained, but the current board members didn't bother to ask anyone. What is that reason? The Osage Nation CFO demanded reports in a certain format, and that format was based on the cash basis. Government cost accounting requires that books of account be kept on the accrual basis. Some of the accountants employed by Osage LLC in the past understood the requirements for cost accounting to withstand a Defense Contracts Audit Agency (DCAA) review and kept the books accordingly. However, the personnel who understood this were let go and the accounting function was outsourced to Sharon Bertram of Compass Consulting, a good friend of Dave Stewart (Sharon worked for Dave with the Cherokee business until they were let go).

      Cronyism does not make for good business management.

  15. Lease sale results? Any word on how it went today?

    1. Pitiful. Around $40,000 total.

    2. Omg...Whose fault? The BIA-DOI..CFR’S, no advertising? No trust in the BIA,?
      M.C please explain?

    3. The Bureau has killed the oil and gas business in OC. Pure and simple. Plain fact.

    4. The BIA is no longer mailing lease sale bulletins. Only internet and bulletin board postings. No wonder the sale results are so bad. The BIA is going out of its way to ensure that Osage County fades away.

    5. Omg and this is why we need to be pro-active and start voicing the concerns we have about the BIA as much as zig want to put all the blame on them? There is culpability here because there is so much more as a council can do such as I have said take the necsteps to further our growth..this is no way to run a M.E you know and I know it!!!
      So how about this because we have M.C members and virtually they are a board pay them 75 busks a meeting call it a day until we see real work ethics..excuses not to is like everyone has run..where is the justice?
      Another day and another dollar short..like I said we will always be in the court of opinion if we dodo something, where is this going? In the above post I laid it out?
      I have asked Forman, what was to the disadvantage in the contracts that does not favor better results for the ME and were the contracts by the BIA approved in bad faith because these contracts were approved knowing that the resources were favorable towards the contractors and not to the headright owners, we deserve answers period. Because going back to court does everything contrary to the growth of the M.E. We should still be growing all the while in the courts. It’s like we can’t walk and chew gum st the same time..

    6. Lots of type O’s how that happened not a clue..

    7. Just a thought open for suggestion. I read the “The average income of a Tulsa resident is $27,313 a year. The US average is $28,555 a year. - The Median household income of a Tulsa resident is $41,957 a year.”
      Are our Minerals Council members being paid at least this amount? If so, should they be allowed to have 2 jobs or should they devote 100% of their effort to their jobs we are paying them for? If the ‘Lease Results’ yields $ 40,000 how about paying a commission incentive say 10% of the lease sales over a predetermined amount say sale of $ 100,000. I would rather pay 10% of $100,000 or $ 400,000 than zero of $ 40,000. Salary plus commission for a ‘Full Time’ job AND results. Any thoughts…

    8. Now I have been saying for quite some time now what the medium range for income in their area and that the economy gets a F and everyone is getting week paid in fact over paid with salaries in the $ in the $100,000 a year with Perdiem’s and health and 401ks in excess of what of what they make of $ 64,000 a year..
      Average rent for. Three bedroom house is $300 and that was driving buy a posted sign this summer..
      I have said this isn’t Washington, this is OK.
      And we don’t know exactly how much a M.C member is making in it’s total, but I said pay them $75 dollars and that’s it a meeting..well that’s what they earned a few years back..but as a M.C and how did the last sales go..what is it they exactly do? Because performance is not on the list of priorities and the only reason we are seeing a difference in our Headright checks is because the PPB is high right now, but we have no development and we can’t even have guaranteed Leese sales anymore because of the BIA?

    9. Susan, can you please let us know what happened at the lease sale? Thank you!.

    10. AnonymousSeptember 28, 2018 at 8:24 AM said
      “The BIA is no longer mailing lease sale bulletins.” Why are we relying on the BIA to mail out lease bulletins? Couldn’t our MC mail out bulletins, call prospective producers, take good prospects out to lunch? Kinda due some lobbying for the Headright Holders. I’ll bet a basic bulletin in today’s market will end up in a producers mailbox and is regarded just above ‘ Junk Mail’. We can’t choose our BIA members but we elected our MC hopefully to be dynamic, think outside of the box, not rely on someone else to do the work. Next meeting I hope it is addressed ‘What can WE do’? Not complaining about what the BIA doesn’t do…

    11. Well said..this is what I am talking about..accountability and transparency where it concerns the ME it’s not what someone else could do it’s what you do..we need to stay out of the Courts because it helps nobody but cause delays and that exactly what is happening waiting for a Hail Mary it’s not going to happen if you don’t put in the effort and yes we should cut the MC pay dramatically....
      Evidence by the Donelson case and albeit the regs, there is so much on the face of this we can be doing and lobbying on behalf the M.E is long over due...performance is so lacking..

    12. Maybe we need to face reality. How many companies are looking for leases that may provide 3 barrels of oil a day? Even with a bump in prices that is not very much considering the expense of drilling or maintaining well. Just saying.

    13. Ref. Oct. 1, 7:23 a.m.

      At the lease sale, producers were given information on each tract for lease like how much oil was previously drilled, a history. It was sad how the producers just skipped so many tracts. Were they the only tracts for lease? The mineral estate covers the county. Dec. is the next lease sale, will any producers ever take a chance on unexplored tracts. I didn't hear any "new" tracts offered for lease?

      The MC says in the lawsuit about the wind farms that they blocked our ME for future drilling, when will there be future drilling on these areas, ever?

      The auctioneer, Crum, told the producers we were mainly concerned in getting oil, not too interested in the price of the leases (average $4,700 in meeting) cause it doesn't amount to much for the shareholders. From the way the meeting went, I don't think the producers would lease some of those tracts if the MC let them have it for free.

    14. Is there a somewhat reliable estimate on the oil below ground? I thought I read a few years ago that there were estimated 1.5 billion barrels. Maybe I am wrong ?? If not has technology improved enough to retrieve it? Can we partner with a reliable producer...

  16. The members of the Minerals Council are apparently bound up in this agreement without their involvement, their written approval or their signatures:

    "ONCA 18-29, A Resolution to authorize and approve execution of a “Proprietary Information Agreement” with Honeywell International Inc.; and to authorize a limited waiver of sovereign immunity from suit and a consent to jurisdiction." (Stabler)

    If a lease is given on the Bluestem and the people running this lease start getting sick as a result what will be happening with this Honeywell contract, will the Bureau become liable since they are the administrator of the Trust associated with the mineral rights oil and gas leasing? Surely if they have any potential for liability, they should have to sign off on this agreement as well which I should think they would never do.

    1. The ranch is not in restricted or trust status. The Nation owns it in free simple title. The BIA would have no authority over any surface leases on the ranch. Since the ranch has so many environmental problems its doubtful it would ever be put in trust during my lifetime or my kids lifetime either.

    2. They still administrate the Trust and that involves the mineral rights. Anything that goes on with the surface that could materially have an effect on the health or safety of the oil and gas lessees would come under the auspices of the BIA and require their approval. Any land taken off the grid in the Bluestem involving the mineral rights would require a lease and payment for it.

    3. Any oil and gas lease in Osage County requires the Superintendent to sign off on it.

    4. The BIA hasn't been responsible for health and safety of anybody associated with oil and gas in Osage County for 100 years. The old Burbank field ruined the ground water around that area, and old salt spills have ruined countless acres of land. Why does it matter now?

  17. Just read the Newspaper article on the lease sale and how sad it was...Osage news.com
    But what I did not here was from the Chair as to why they thought our circumstances would be different given we have done poorly for quite some time, because the last two events were so sub-par as well..and especially when there were carry overs..here is a thought why not have lease sales every day and advertise?
    It is time we hold the BIA accountable.

    1. http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2018/10/01/osage-minerals-council-lease-sale-underwhelms/

  18. RED ALERT! Assistant Chief Red Corn -- will be at attending the Osage Impact Meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, October 2, 2018 at 6 PM – 8 PM CDT at the Hominy Village Chapel -- to inform the group about Skyway 36. Skyway 36 is somehow related to the Honeywell Contract and ONCA 18-29, A Resolution to authorize and approve execution of a “Proprietary Information Agreement” with Honeywell International Inc.; and to authorize a limited waiver of sovereign immunity from suit and a consent to jurisdiction. (Stabler) This Honeywell "PIA" agreement stops everyone from speaking about it who works for the Osage Nation government. I've never seen or heard of a gag order lockdown like this in my life associated with a Native American Tribal Community. If you can attend this meeting, I would suggest that you do so.

    1. They will go live once they start at https://www.facebook.com/groups/161628244548422/

    2. If Maria Whitehorn wouldn't vote for this resolution and Eli Potts abstained, that's good enough for me to put forward the immediate need and to call for an Open Congressional Hearing just like we had with that EPA Bill during the Gray administration.

    3. The Minerals Estate doesn't end with the borders of the Bluestem Ranch. If they are placing leases out the there with product whereby oil and gas men drilling oil wells could be exposed to, that brings in the Bureau to make a determination because they still administrate the Minerals Estate Trust and sign off on those leases and that makes them liable if these oil and gas men are harmed in any way by what Honeywell is doing out there. I'm beginning to wonder why this Ranch was really purchased in the first place.

    4. Well look at the losses of $70,0000 a month to run..then the remedial work is going to cost what $45,000,000..$ 75,000,000 to purchase..
      We need to see the deal on this one too..because there are so many red flags..

    5. There is a third video that is very informative with plans that make sense and have an impressive amount of potential. Well worth taking the time to look at and listen to. I don't really see why much of what was said couldn't have been disclosed in the Congressional Committee meetings instead of shrouded in secrecy.

    6. You may have to be a member of Osage Impact to see the videos at https://www.facebook.com/groups/161628244548422/videos/

  19. https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/4th-osage-minerals-council-meeting-information-2

  20. Still working on the remediation of the mold on the beams? I thought they already took care of this.

  21. Delaying the second meeting this month to November 2, 2018 for business reasons so that they can meet with the Fredricks law firm earlier on in the week.

  22. Never a dull moment in the Osage. Comments from Councilman Waller needs a further clarification. It has something to do with the Enel case. Chairman Harlan cut off Councilman Waller as they are trying to replace her as Chairman by a vote of the members of Council! Susan Forman is asking for a Special Meeting to put the vote for a new the Chairman on an Agenda. WOAH! So we have a bit of an attempt at a coup d'etat to replace the Chairman in the Chamber today? Interesting. Hmmm...

  23. Discussed hiring a CEO with a salary of $119,000 a year? Give me a break! Here we go...

  24. Listen to Part 1 on demand at http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/2018-1005_4omc_pt1/

  25. Listen to Part 2 on demand at http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/osage-nation-on-mixlr-82/

  26. Harlan had her "cheerleader" Margo Gray standing with her against the rest of the members of the Minerals Council on this move. Did it seem that way to anyone else? I knew damn well she would be Osage Nation all the way and Harlan too. BOO!

  27. Right...who voted for Margo Gray is like sending in and asking for cancer...

  28. Attended a Fish and Wildlife meeting? Why is this ABB issue even on the Table? If the Bureau hadn't opened the door here because it was a closed door for years. Discussing credits to use the 1,000 acre Ranch owed by the Shareholders in Kansas and the Nation's problem on the Bluestem Ranch with the ABB. If the MC owns the Kansas ranch then we should charge the Nation for such usage because they charge the MC space cost use for the facility they are now occupying. What's good for the goose... Now what is Mr. Conrad in on MC matters with the Osage, LLC? I guess they're letting the floodgates open for anyone and everyone? Now the AG's Office is involved. Lease problem with the Kansas Ranch? Plan to work off of on this to Mr. Bergman to begin work on with the AG and David Conrad? Inviting Ms. Polk of the Fish and Wildlife to come to a MC meeting. Received a letter from the Superintendant from the Solicitor about the quarry and are trying to get the interest owing of $46,150.

  29. Until further clarification, the Members of the MC are wanting to replace Harlan as Chair of the Enel Committee.

  30. Yeah! Way too high handed you ask me. Louder than God? On her way out I hope and send her overbearing bottom to stay in the corner till we can vote her out in the next election.

  31. Harlan is out..but I am more interested about the above post! Can you go into more detail..

  32. She made that statement aloud in a MC Meeting a while back. Shocked everybody and you could hear a gasp in the chamber. She's fighting with other members of the Council and one member who was on before said he wouldn't mind if the old members of Council were back because this is far worse. I hear charges are being filed from various parties and quarters, one of them is rumored to be banned by the BIA and it's running riot from what's being reported. Swearing at one another after meetings and the like. If this keeps up it will likely lead to forced resignations and get even more ugly. One attendee in the meeting yesterday said, "...it was like cutting the air with a KNIFE!" Oh for the days of the Cynthia/Stephanie wars.

  33. I heard Susan and Margo are running over to the Chief's office all the time now. Can anyone confirm that this is true? Harlan and Margo yes, this makes sense, but Susan? I guess whoever it is, does the Chief's have his people in there to influence what's going on with the MC?

  34. If the Chairman is having unprofessional relationships and contact with the members of the MC, then it would save a lot of time and frustrations if she would just "resign." Every member voted for the special meeting MC Forman requested, and "without hesitation."

    The Chairman did not ask for a vote to further discuss the comment on the break down of communication by having fragments of committees, nor did she respond to the suggestion that producers be on the agenda prior to the MC's own agenda so they wouldn't have to sit through our budget reports and the MC's personal businesses. Since it wasn't on the agenda, the MC should have been given the vote to put it on the next meeting's agenda to "further discuss." But they (MC) were not given the opportunity to interact or participate in such a vote.

    1. If she's this much of a problem this early on then she needs to go as Chairman and maybe more. I concur.

    2. Oh for the days of the more civilized catfights.
      Harlan resigns as OMC chair following conflict with fellow councilwoman

    3. There is a new Agenda listed on the MC web site at https://s3.amazonaws.com/osagenation-nsn.gov/files/departments/Minerals/2018-1012_4OMC_Agenda.pdf
      I guess they will be selecting a new Chairperson at that time.

    4. Listen to the meeting today at http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/2018-1012_4omc_p51/

  35. Also trying to change attorneys from Fredericks who has won the case to some other firm which is just plain stupid. Harlan backs this move from what I understand and the last thing you need in front of the Supreme Court of the U.S. is an attorney firm that's new to take over and shouldn't be running the show. If this is a move on the part of the Osage Nation to influence the deliberations of the Minerals Council, I want a name to file a complaint with Whisteblower and get it before the AG on an ethics charge. Every time the Nation has been in charge of a lawsuit they lose. When the MC hires a law firm and goes to Court, they eventually win. Stay the course I say and demote anyone who doesn't understand that.

  36. FYI: "A Motion..."to Suspend the rules and modify the Agenda."

  37. Northern California Meeting:

  38. MC Meeting has been rescheduled for tomorrow. See the Agenda at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/4th-osage-minerals-council-meeting-0

  39. Osage Shareholders Meeting will be held on Sunday, Nov. 18th, 1:00 P.M. at the Skiatook Osage Casino.

  40. United Osages of Southern California Meeting:

  41. Minerals Council cuts back on committees, plans Oil & Gas Summit. See http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2018/10/26/minerals-council-cutting-back-committees-and-planning-oil-gas-summit/

  42. Wonderful! Osage Nation Christmas Ornament are ballet slippers for 2019! See https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews/photos/a.153834188010750/2023361134391370/?type=3&theater&ifg=1

  43. SEX WEEK at Harvard? This is totally legitimate! I don't know what they are doing at Harvard these days by publishing this information in an e-mail from the Harvard Crimson:

    "Sexual Fetishes from A-Z

    Another event put on for Sex Week, come learn about sexual fetishes from expert Dr. Jill McDevitt in Emerson 101. This presentation should help to facilitate conversation and exploration of your own and others’ sexual fetishes."


    Should these young people be exposed to this kind of thing while they are attending Harvard? I thought they were going there to learn about academic subjects. Is a "sex week" appropriate? Are sexual fetishes now considered an academic subject at Harvard?

  44. Payroll according to the information posted by Congresswoman Shannon Edwards is $90,000 A DAY! See https://www.facebook.com/groups/2061358334178007/

    We don't know how many employees this covers but we think it's for the Osage Nation government employees at 530 plus or minus.

    Multiply that figure by 52 weeks.

    Of that number of weeks, paid time off for the employees in one form or another now adds up to to a possible maximum of 10 1/2 weeks off or 2 1/2 months off in total. This includes 2 1/2 additional Holidays with paid time off for them and they aren't even in Osage Nation law! This is just because the Chief sent out an Executive Memorandum on the 30th of this month to all these employees.

    So 20% of the time, the employees have the possibility to be off work and get paid salary and benefits! In addition, of the real total of projected revenue without the Chief tapping the gaming operation for more money into the millions, and without the permanent fund and the rest of what's in the kitchen sink, that number is roughly $42-45 million a year all in. The total for the yearly payroll is in the neighborhood of $23,500,000 or now roughly 50-55% of the entire projected revenue figure on a yearly basis. Did you ever think that the money paid out to roughly 530 people for the new Osage Nation government would ever amount to this? In other words, the great majority of the wealth generated by the Osage Nation government is now in the hands of so very few at 530 employees plus or minus?

    We are on a need to know basis with this government because of the amounts they are spending on salaries, yearly increases, bonuses (merit is guaranteed by law) and benefits that increase on a yearly basis by $350,000 to $450,000 plus. See https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/legislation and review ONCA 17-105, An Act to authorize and appropriate three hundred forty four thousand nine hundred nine dollars ($344,909) for the merit payments in accordance with the Workforce Pay for Performance Act; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Whitehorn) and ONCA 16-116, An Act to appropriate four hundred twenty eight thousand four hundred eight dollars ($428,408) for the payment of performance recognition bonuses based on merit; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Edwards) Without having to go into permanent debt at some point soon, how many of these can we continue to afford especially since they have HR reviews every couple of years that ups the base pay scale of the salaries across the board if Tribal funding is being used to pay those salaries?

    This says nothing about the pay increases they get for having acquired higher education. It maxes out at $15,000 a year for those with Doctorates. When they began with this one several years back, I knew they were throwing money at one another as much and as fast as they can get away with on a yearly basis.

    1. Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians announces largest per capita payment.
      Article on Indianz.com
      If they can do it so can we!
      It’s time. With all this giveaway going on by our Chief I think we can get a Per-Capita payment to our fellow members at least to the 2229 Headright owners who have been harmed by this Government.

    2. https://www.indianz.com/IndianGaming/2018/11/02/eastern-band-of-cherokee-indians-announc.asp

    3. Eastern Band of Cherokee have 16,000 members and only two operating (2) Casinos. The per capita payment is $7,007 in total for this year.

    4. By way of comparison, we have 21,100-21,200 members and seven (7) operating Casinos. See https://www.osagecasino.com/gaming/

    5. Is the $90,000 per day, per work day or each calendar day? Your math suggests work day, does that reconcile with appropriations? Can we even know? Either way it's ridiculous.

      The amount of "paid leave" is beyond infuriating. It begs the question, if employees are absent so much are that many employees needed. As a business owner I know the answer.


    6. As far as I know it's daily payroll outgoing. Multiply the figure by 5 days and then by 52 weeks a year.

      10 weeks off maximum available in the law plus the additional 2 1/2 days Holiday awarded to the employees at the end of last month by the Chief.

  45. Today's MC Meeting: https://www.facebook.com/4OsageMineralsCouncil/photos/a.350370155716434/350370162383100/?type=3&theater

    1. Listen to Part 1 on demand at http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/2018-1102_4omc_pt1/

    2. Listen to Part 2 at: http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/osage-nation-on-mixlr-84/

  46. Osage Shareholders Association Quarterly Meeting will be held on Sunday, Nov. 18th, 1:00 PM at the Skiatook Osage Casino.

  47. The Minerals Council Election was challenged by Candidates, Linda Heskett and Cynthia Boone. The Complaint filed in Federal Court is shown at https://www.facebook.com/groups/2061358334178007/

  48. For those who have used the Pawnee Health Care Clinic in the past there has been an important change. See http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2018/11/05/on-purchased-referred-care-takes-place-of-pawnee-health-benefit-package/

    1. ***This is going to make a difference for those who have used the Pawnee Clinic in the past. You will have to call to find out what all of the changes are before you need hospitalization and make those changes if you haven't already. This is especially important for referrals from the Clinic. Call (918) 287-9300.

  49. This is of incredible significance. The Shakopee Mdewakanton of Minnesota, "Better yet, for those who live and work on the reservation, that payment is free from state income taxes." We go to Court to stop the State of Oklahoma from taxing revenue on our Reservation and the Federal Court Judge takes our reservation away from us completely! How does this happen?
    See https://www.curbed.com/2013/1/29/10279530/the-casinorich-whales-of-minnesotas-shakopee-tribe

    1. See also https://newsok.com/article/3484297/osage-nation-says-its-appealing-to-supreme-court

  50. Regarding the health care benefits and per capita. As it is now, the Chief has control of member's spending. If it were called a per capita, members could utilize their benefit by purchasing the many small needs that tallie up daily. Take one family's cost of living for a year, say with at least two children, total up milk, bread, meat, toothpaste, diapers. Today's pride and integrity cannot be compared into today's world of humanity as it was in real tribal days.

    With the current amount of employees, the casino revenues accrued from here on out is destined to cover the cost of payrolls and ever increasing bonuses. My background is clerical in Federal government and in three branches of the military. I have never heard of automatic bonuses based on the time of service. Reviews are done to receive bonuses. Reviews are done to receive an "award" bonuses, which are rare and few, they are a one time payment and calls for a lot of government paperwork and a supervisor's referral and approval.

    I don't understand about taxing a per capita. Who taxes us? The Tribe or the state government, would there be Federal taxes also besides the State of OK? I thought it was "our" (tribe's) money anyway???

  51. Bonuses are a total "freebe," a total "giveaway," not anywhere near what is called a pay increase or cost of living increase.

    1. Our Tribal member benefits should be increasing by this amount not employee bonuses. $375,000--$450,000 each year? That's as sure an evidence of government corruption as anyone needs to prove it.

    2. Might as well give the Chief carte blache. when it comes to giving our money but if you recall that was the intent in the first place..

    3. We haven't even mentioned the cost of the loans and interest for all of the properties that have been built or purchased in the last twelve years all over the County that have cost millions upon millions of dollars that benefit only those who live and work in the Osage. A number of these purchases have been without the knowledge or approval of the Osage Nation Congress including the Bank building downtown and the purchase of that particular property in Skiatook. I'm not certain that we even have the deed for that property yet in the name of the Osage Nation and to my knowledge, it's never even been recorded in Osage County and may still be sitting in the safe of the lawyer who had to do with the sale. There is also a hefty price tag for property maintenance and upkeep that is ongoing once real property has been purchased. This also cuts into the amount available for the entire Osage Nation membership to have direct services and benefits which falls under the administration of the government that grows with every acquisition to encroach upon the amount available for the Osage people no matter where they live. Not much of this is published openly and happens behind the scenes which is all part of the burgeoning bureaucratic cost of running our government. There is only so much to go around and from what I have been able to gather in the last year, we have already reached that threshold if the Osage people are having their benefits cut so that money can be spent elsewhere.

      The last Treasurer sent out a notification letter last Spring that we were substantially more that a million dollars short in the Treasury for all that was coming in due and payable. Because the need is great and firmly established, those who run our government must submit an operating plan coming from the Treasurer outlining spending to the Osage people on a yearly basis and stick to it with the Chief's signature on the bottom line as well as the Treasurers. If the money isn't available for additional items within that time period then it isn't spent until the next fiscal year unless it qualifies as a emergency. This will avoid the moving of money around among Executive Branch departmental budgets and between actual Departments in the helter-skelter manner that has been reported to be going on in recent years in a “robbing Peter to pay Paul” type of government money management situation, turning the Executive Branch yearly funding appropriated by the Congress into a kind of all-purpose slush fund. This is all behind the scenes government operations management but the true purpose of this gaming money according to Federal law is to benefit the people not build a real estate empire that does not generate income which costs more to maintain on a yearly basis that than we can ever hope to afford. We recently lost a Treasurer due to the shifting of money around and spent in the Executive Branch that wasn't properly reported to the Congress in a timely manner and the members did the right thing not to reconfirm him to appointed office because of it. Clearly we need tighter controls over what is going on with spending or we are headed for major financial trouble in the not too distant future if we haven’t arrived there already. Maintenance and upkeep costs for real estate property purchases has to be figured into the decision beforehand not after the acquisition has been made.

    4. It seems no basic math calculations were utilized or considered in purchasing. In the common household, if you're existing on a budget, you make a plan so that all bills will be paid and there will be a ending balance. Most people will try to get their debt down before going on another spending spree. The Nation has so many monthly bills to pay, so many other problems that needs financially fixing, yet, we can count on the Chief to continue purchasing on the unnecessary, and on the nonessential, like building a new Pawhuska.

      The Chief wanted so much to be reelected cause he said he had so much more to do. We can only wait and see what these things are and how they will affect the members and the Nation either positive or negatively?

      The direction of the Nation's future financial woes depends mostly on the Congress following through on their oath. A previous Chief caused his own demise, this Chief may do so too? Time will tell.

    5. And the demise of the financial well being of the Osage Nation government right along with it.

    6. Webster's dictionary definition: "Fiasco" - to fail. A complete failure, esp., an ambitious project that ends as a ridiculous failure.

      Demise and fiasco, we've already seen a little of both since the new government.

    7. Math calculations how about just doing a simple EIS. (Economic Impact Statement) This would allow Congress to come to a decision how this would impact the Nation and the Constituency.
      And you are right the buck stops with Congress.
      There should be no negativity when it comes to spending our resources period. Excuses are like everyone has one and it’s beginning to stink, get my point?
      The Chief got re-elected because there was no real choice. He got re-elected because his base is the Nation and if he continues to thow money at them what do you think is going to happen..? Then you have low voter turn out with no one really knowing how to vote because of the lack of communication and no accountability. With that how do expect the status quo to change.
      We have a lot on our hands and so much information in the palms of our hands and that’s called knowledge.
      I am one step away because that magic wand in my hand will change with a hammer on the desk if we can’t get what we asking of our Government to do is stop with the abuse of our resources. Because you are accountable to the people the Osage who voted for you and the oath you swore by and by our Constitution. Not perfect by anyway shape or form. Close the gaps and fortify it and make it where it supports the people and not big Government.
      If other Tribes can do so much more for their constituency so can we..Get that Per-Cap out or I will come riding in on just that alone will will make me Chief..I will come riding in saying we can do better and not just talk the talk I will follow through. I will reach out to everyone if need be near and far and tell them the truth. I will call you out Chief and what have you done to improve our economy if you should run again. You will lose because I care for the Greater Osage for all of us not just the few. Isn’t that why we became a Government of which we were already a Government according to the 1906 act as amended,we were..Yeswe can do better it’s up to you for now..after all isn’t that what you said inaugural speech?
      I couldn’t run this last election had a son who was gravely ill on his death bed and a brother on his death bed at the same time..But think the lord they pulled through...Family is my priority and you are my family and it pangs me to see how corrupt we have become.
      Changes need to come and again we can do better.

  52. $4,685.00 per Full Headright as of December 2018...

    1. See https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/minerals-council

  53. Minerals Council Meeting Agenda:

  54. This thread is now closed. Go to: http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2018/11/osage-shareholder-matters-november-2018.html
