Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Conversation--September-October 2016

Osage Blog Conversation continues at https://osageblog.blogspot.com/2016/10/conversation-october-2016.html


  1. TziZho Session Starts September 6th --->>>


    Legislative Calendar --->>>

    Chief's Opening Legislative message is located at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/chief-standing-bears-opening-statement-2016-tzi-zho-session

    And https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/calendar

    1. Video of Session Opening is now available here -->>>

    2. So the LLC boards need to make money now? A ranch board was put together and they were going to try to make money, but Chief says we didn't buy the ranch to make money. The $74 million spent on that ranch is a complete waste of money. GSB, you need to double up on the meds or cut them in half. You flop around more than a fish on a creek bank.

    3. I'm not making excuses for him but he sure doesn't look good or sound rational lately. Today in his address to Congress he said that the LLC hadn't returned any money to the nation and he was going to demand that all LLC gave a return on the investment. If they are losing money how could they provide a legitimate return on the investment? Legislation or Executive demands can't produce profits. Only good management will do that.

    4. We better make money on the Ranch Chief this is our money not to be spent on a pet project every time you feel like it.

    5. The Chief has sent out a request for bids in whole or in part for the 43,000 acres to lease the ranch. There is a selection process that is weighted to favor people like the Drummons and gives the bidder the option to tell the Osage Nation how they will use the property. The panel who will select the winning bidder is made up of the Chief and his staff. What is wrong with this picture?

    6. What the hell happened to that damn board they made such a big deal about that they had to have? Are they paying them $17,000-$21,000 a year per board member each too? Get the Chief on an ethics charge for business board interference while he's still on his feet and not flat on his keester in some fountain somewhere while on business for the Osage Nation.

    7. Not to mention we gave the Board two million for start up costs. The Chief is going rouge and Congress needs to get a injunction. Reality is a matter of perception and this stinks and reeks of a conflict in interst to the constituents. Maria whitehorn wants to send to legislation for a new LLC to operate the ranch and we do not need another LLC to eat our funds only to see in the end the Osage were scammed again with no diligence or accountability or transparency and then in the end,no justice, a slap on the hand or if this one bellys up they will open up another LLC. A endless roundtable it needs to stop today! Smaller Government not bigger Government. Make our Congress work for us tell our Chief he is stepping over his authority and send him the message.

    8. Maria's bill is not an LLC, but is is an attempt to stop the Chief's erratic behavior regarding the ranch. An informed public and their involvement may be the only thing that can bring him into line. His high handed bullying tactics are causing even the best of people to rise up in indignation.

    9. The best of people are those who've had the Chief's number since he ran for Congress. We warned you but you're too smart to take the warning. Oh well...

    10. He's making statements on Facebook now that will come back to prove he's not to be trusted. Is he trying to lease tribal property to someone who has mortgaged the same cattle at two banks? Locals know.

    11. Listening to the first session day, it looks like we have two numbers again for projected income. One coming from Speaker Mason and a second coming from Congressman Shaw. Here we go again. The Chief also said there was approximately 4.5 to 5 million bucks that wasn't spent or wasn't appropriated. How crazy is that when at one time the Osage Congress was making the representation that there was only $24,000 left to appropriate for FY2016 at or near the end of 2015. This sure looks like a money game much like a shell game. Money, money where's the money? Today in the Session and Committee of the Whole, a disclosure was made by Congresswoman Edwards that the budgets and program justification or paperwork to justify the budget numbers was due by July 15, 2016 and still isn't there yet! C. Pratt said that they are back to the (Executive) talking to them or not talking to them and now they aren't talking to them? What the hell kind of Mickey Mouse is this? The Treasury hasn't cooperated? WTH? Director of Operations not there. The Comptroller there sometimes. The Division Leaders or Directors not there? What is this stupidity now and nothing done on these first priority budgets by the Congress for the first week because they can't move forward without without the information they need to work with and pass out these particular budgets from the various committees? Have to work with 2016 budget justification. Held hostage by the Executive Branch? How ethical is that? Having to subpoena the Treasurer to get him to cooperate? If the Executive thinks they can submit budgets without any budget justifications they are crazy as bed bugs. The Osage people demand that the Executive Branch work with the people's legitimate Constitutional representatives or expect ethics complaints from the Chief on down. Speaker Mason having to be reduced to the point that he has to read the Osage Constitution, Article VII, Section 13, "...and provide an accurate of such Tribal funds." ? ? ? These detestable infant games have to stop now that we are in so way over our heads due to this ranch and all the debt they've taken on in the last year!!!!!!

    12. Watch Committee of the Whole meeting at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/multimedia/live-media

    13. More video of Session at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/sessions

    14. Grants for water from Wynona and Hula water district? Water Resources Board from OKC calls us for help? Wait a second. The WRB should go to the OK State Congress for money, not us. What is this? There is no Congressman Jech now. He is John Jech, FORMER Osage Nation Congressman. The people have spoken from the ballot box on this... Why is he calling the ONC for money for anyway?

    15. I would like to know the same thing why is the WRB calling us for help? Wow , what a day in first session really. Is this a dog and pony show ? This is not what we expect from a ethically ran Government right. The left does not know from the right.

    16. Yes. The second best people are rising up with indignation. You were all behind him when you thought he would play the game your way, but like most people who get into power and can't handle it, this is the tawdry usual result. You've been fooled so many times, only a dolt would fall for a guy like the Chief. He has a law degree and that makes him even more difficult to deal with should the tide should turn against you. The same group of men to choose from, the same result. You know the drill or should know by now.

  2. Osage Book Club Meeting:


  3. FYI--Indianz.com Sept 9 -- "Obama Steps in with Major Action Halting Dakota Access Pipeline"

  4. Ah has anybody looked at what Legislation Bills filed for 2016 Tzi-Zho session? I say no to all of them until we get a reason as to why? Onca 16-79 seems personal. Onca 16-80 there are many programs by the Federal Government that can educate in this area or field. I know I attended them and got my CNA thru them I say no. Onca 16-81,82,and 83 A big no. Until she can clarify with no doubt that this would not be in conflict with thw ME or MC decisions in regard to the ME I say no for the time being. Onca 16-97 what? Sounds like gibberish. Because this does not define and is generl in nature please expound? No. I have a huge problem with Onca 10-101. We are not the U.S Government where each session we need to continue to fund an all ready inclusive budget to operate from. We have a problem when this behavior becomes the norm. And last but least 16-103 what a pet project this turned out to be right. Samller Government people.

  5. HEADS UP! Today at 3:30 p.m., CDST. in the Commerce and Economic Development Meeting will be discussing a bill introduced by C. Whitehorn about some area that has been neglected in the Constitution for 10 years. Should be interesting. This was verbally noticed by Congressman Supernaw in the session today.

    1. This is a bill to create an Osage Nation National Resources Utilization Commission.
      Under Section 8, B., it states: "Negotiate damages and negotiate funds which result from minerals production."
      What the hell is this now? Minerals is off limits on both Tribal and non-Tribal lands. Another gross encroachment despite Section 10 that states "No Infringement on Minerals Council." Any funds from minerals production and any damages as a result of minerals production is an infringement straight up and a huge red flag on the play. Is the Bureau aware of this new attempted encroachment and infringement of their duties under the Osage Mineral Estate Trust?

    2. online now

    3. iPad Ray is now in the arena and he is pulling out all the stops to stop this one. Hahahahahaha! Good luck Maria...

    4. Why does he always have to threaten everyone when he doesn't get his way or make everyone see his point of view at the point of the threat of a law suit? I find this unethical.

    5. When he threatens the members of Congress as our representatives, he threatens the Osage people.

    6. Maybe Raymond, the Executive Branch took over more than they had the right to take in the beginning and the Congress is now asserting and exerting its proper authority and taking back what it has a Constitutional right to have. There is no split. The authority in this area belongs to the Congress not the Executive Branch per the Osage Nation Constitution. It's in writing. Read it and try for once to understand plain english.

  6. NOTICE: Technical difficulties on the Osage Nation Committee meetings, the Session Agenda and the video audio for today's broadcasts.

    The work around:
    The video for today's session is on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WHL2pxrjss
    When the audio and video are up, you will be able to access them direct from the Nation's web site at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/sessions
    As for today's Congressional Committee meetings, you will need to refer to today's date on the Congressional Calendar at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/calendar This will give you the scheduled meetings for today but they are subject to change on a daily basis. Click on the colored listings for each committee meeting agenda. As for the audio, you will have to click on each Committee listing on the left hand menu at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congressional-legislative-branch/committee-information
    Click on the text and it will take you to https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congressional-legislative-branch/committee-information/appropriations Once you are there, scroll down near the bottom of the page and click on the text:
    Appropriations Committee Meeting 9-14-16 Revised
    You will have to do this for every Congressional Committee:
    Commerce and Economic Development
    Congressional Affairs
    Governmental Operations
    Health and Social Services
    Membership Committee
    Rules and Ethics

    1. You really should watch today's session, September 14, 2016, because the Attorney General gave a review direct to the members of the Osage Nation Congress of all of the forms available for complaint that her office can process for investigation.

    2. Note: Only one of the forms discussed is up online and available for download at the web site of the Attorney General at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/what-we-do/attorney-general/downloads

    3. One of the three forms discussed by the Attorney, General Holly Wells, has to do with the Osage Nation Whistleblower Hotline that is located at the web site of the Office of Fiscal & Performance Review. The Hotline information online is located at http://www.myeccho.org/osage

    4. The second form discussed is the Notice of Violation of Osage Law and it is governed by the Ethics Law.

    5. Thank You osageblogger, for all this!

    6. You're welcome:

      Youtube is picking up the streamed committee meetings for today:
      Live now is the Rules and Ethics Committee

  7. Consideration of ONCA 16-105, An Act to authorize and appropriate one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to the Capital Asset and Improvement Fund for design and sculpture of Chief Claremore; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Maker)
    Another 1/10th of a million bucks to John Free for another statue? This is getting to be a cottage industry for this former member of the Osage Congress. Why not Chief Pawhuska? Why not Kugee Supernaw? Hell, how about Chief Stumbling Bear in the Las Vegas Fountain?

    1. Oh hell no whos getting the kick back?

    2. Why isn't this being bid out like every other damn thing at the Osage Nation? Oh and did you get during session today that they want more money from Congress for that stupid Bluestem Ranch Board to pay to bid on the Bluestem Ranch lease because the Chief is reported to want it that way and they are supposed to be left alone to conduct business and he is interfering all over the place in ethical violation of Article X, Section 8 of the Osage Nation Constitution. When are you people back in the Osage who are witness to this board interference going to get the guts to file an ethics complaint on the Chief?

    3. What the hell happened to the $2 MILLION they were given this year already IN APRIL OF THIS YEAR? Are they eating this money? How have they ripped through this amount in less than FIVE MONTHS while doing nothing because the Chief won't let them do anything?
      This is Kugee again! ONCA 16-69 (Supernaw) is a $2 million appropriation to the Bluestem Ranch LLC Board for its operations. The bill passed on April 21 with a 10-2 vote with “no” votes from Congress members Shannon Edwards and Ron Shaw.


    4. The Bluestem Board has banked the $ 2,000,000 for the purpose of buying livestock if they ever get a lease on the ranch. Expenses have been minimal except for attorney fees and other start up costs. The Chief has taken the hunting fees and somehow seen that his buddies got the hunting rights with a permit or something. If the money had gone to the Bluestem Board as had been planned, they would be showing a profit already. You should ask around and find out what is going on. You won't like it.

    5. Chief Stumbling Bear in the Las Vegas fountain! I love it! What's the rest of that story?

    6. Tipsy does it every time.

  8. Before this gets anymore political and it stinks, get Congress to re-examine, The Concept,plan and funding. The Board needs to go to the Courts to override the Chief. The Chief is playing with a house of cards and all of you are his pawns.

  9. YouTube is picking up the streamed Session for today:
    Live now is the Rules and Ethics Committee

    1. Another MILLION DOLLARS for that Ranch Board when we have children all over the country that could use this money. That's $135.00 per year for every single Osage child member of the Osage Nation. We are spending $40,000 to $45,000 on this special language immersion Osage Academy school for each of the Osage children in the program which is about 34 to 40 students in total. Meanwhile, parochial schools are running $500.00 a month for grade school school tuition plus additional school fees and $10,000 a year tuition plus school fees for parochial high school outside of the Osage. Prep schools cost a good deal more than that. This is grotesquely unfair to every single underage student who does not reside in Osage County. $15 to $20 MILLION is given to the Osage Nation from the Federal government based on the total current membership numbers of approximately 21,600 members of which 35% are underage with 80-85% living outside of Osage County who cannot use this funding unless they live in Osage County. An equal amount of Tribal dollars coming from gaming must go to benefit all of those who live outside the County to fairly and equitably balance the benefits out among all Osage members or only the number who live in county should be counted and used for the purposes of determining and receiving Federal funding. IOW, 2,500 - 3,000 members living in Osage County minus 19,000 - 18,600 of the 21,600 Osage Nation members currently registered. To educate our children and take care of our Elders is indeed and absolutely a profound moral imperative. Thank you Congressman Tillman for awarding those two visitors, one of whom so eloquently reminded you and the rest of the Congress of this duty and responsibility mandated by the Osage Nation Constitution.

    2. Don't know if you noticed but yesterday the Clerk of the Court looked like she was wearing a nightgown or a slip. Today Kugee shows up in jeans, a farmer work shirt and suspenders. Respect for the Osage people is in order here. We expect the highest standards of dress while doing the business of the Osage people and this is 101. Congress is making enough money to dress well and appear appropriately dressed while in Session and in Congressional Committee meetings.

    3. Clerk of the Congress. Sorry.

    4. So sorry you don't like suspenders. I wear them every day to hold up my trousers. If I didn't wear them, you might have something legitimate to grip about. Anyway, thanks for the plug.

    5. I think you meant gripe not grip and I'll let it go at that.
      Such as yourself has shown up to work in Congress looking fairly dapper, as I recall. Maybe it was a bad day.

    6. Kugee your fine no worries. Thanks for posting here. Least of our worries what you are wearing.

    7. Nice red shirt, black pants and matching suspenders! A man among men. A caballero among caballeros! Way to go Kugee and the Secretary of the Congress is also looking very sharp in her multi-colored shift. Now that's MY Osage Nation Congress. Thank you.

    8. Admire. Thumbs way UP!

  10. I guess budget justifications written or verbal are not being forthcoming and Congressional subpoenas have been issued to various people in the Executive Branch.


    1. Is someone pulling a Hillary? This wasted money and time becomes redundant. And verifies within the infrastructure their is a discord and by optics the Executive is stonewalling Congess or stalling which ever and is never ok. This is not what the Osages expected by this Government or expects from our Cbief which has not been truthful, nor has he been transparent and has broken the ethics rule,hunting favors come to mind. This behavior is not conducive to his position and is a conflict of interest in its self. And should not set the tone for other Chiefs in the future. And the more I look at the purchase of the Bluestem ranch, looking more like the decision was partisan. And has the Chief overstepped which needs to be examined futher the latest, the Osage Nations supreme court decisions slip opinion? Did our Chief over step his authority and abuse his position in conflict of interest to the Shareholder's interest and the 1906 Act as amended? So by optics is he a Chief we can trust?

    2. Think Chief GSB doesn't want everyone to see how his secretary, who also wears pajamas to work, makes more money than him and the Assistant Chief. She make over six figures, as do the rest of his staff. Of course if I had to deal with a manic depressive all day long, I'd need big bucks too. Saying our Chief is not truthful is an understatement. My family will never vote for him again.

    3. I'm surprised you did in the first place. There was enough out there about him long before the Congressional election. Like Obama, he has strived to fulfill his campaign promises despite bad timing and what we can never hope to afford.

    4. Okay, you say the Chief is a manic depressive, yeah, you can’t believe anything he might say, maybe he doesn’t want to tell the Osage people how he spends their money, so what if he pays his buddies more than he should, to you I say, picky, picky, picky.

  11. Day 12 Session at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZyypXIZ-_0
    Agenda is at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/sessions
    Committee meetings for today, September 19, 2016 are listed at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/calendar

    1. WTH Norris! Are you are putting out a bill to pay Osage women to get pregnant by giving them $1,000 per pregnancy? Have you lost your ever lovin' mind on a spot basis? Or is it balance of mind disturbed? Why don't you crazy nut heads come up with plans to save money and not cook up ways to spend it.

    2. ONCA 16-118 !!!!!!!!!!!
      This isn't China !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Copu-legis-lation! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
      How do they prove it? Every woman will be running down the drug store for a pregnancy test and having their pregnant friends pee on it. Do they get to keep the money if they miscarry or abort the baby? We are going to have a field day with this one Norris.

    4. Osage Congressman James Norris. The man with a plan.

    5. Couples get pregnant together so do the men get a single large too or not?

    6. Really are we turning back the cock here just a bit, hell no to this idea! Lets encourage, when historically teen pregnancies are at its lowest. How about a 1000 dollar one time Per-Cap to all Osage. Like thats going to happen with this Chief. Smaller Government not entitlements.

    7. Lol clock, sorry.

    8. Osage Copu-legis-lator James Norris.
      Snort...-...HAHAHAHA!!!!...-...Snigger...-... Cackle
      I'm hysterical LOL rolling on the floor with laughter

    9. What do you mean lowest? Oklahoma is the 49th highest State in the entire Union for teen pregnancies! Just wait till the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy gets their hands on Osage Copu-legis-lator James Norris.


      HAHAHAHAHAHA! Is this another courtesy bill sponsorship on the part of a member of Congress for the Chief? It wouldn't surprise me.
      ha Ha HA HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    10. Stupid on stupid. Just when you think they can't get more stupid here they come with something even more stupid. Only in the Osage.

  12. What's all this about the Nation taking over the surveillance and security for the Casinos? Woah Isn't that like the fox in the hen house? Ill advised at best. A professional security company as a third party needs to be in there. Remember what happened last time? Gov ops committee reported on this.

    1. Why is the blue stem renting the ranch we the Osage people are going to pay them. It will take a little while for the tribe to see any money because of the stuff they will have to get to run the ranch. If the osage people that doesn't know a lot about ranching it takes a little bit to get up and going. But if the people want to know there are a few cowboys around that would like to visit with u about it. As for me I think the board they have chosen is a goos one. The Osage tribe would see a return. And it would all be in black and white not hidden.

    2. This thread is about the Casino security not the ranch. Reply in line or people will think you are trying to change the subject to avoid continuing on with the discussion about the Nation running their own security and surveillance. Nice try but no dice.

  13. Reading some recent ONCA bills- what occurs to us is the amount of funds in the budget requests that are dedicated to an "other" uses line item. When we used to see that in government budgets for projects, we always knew that is where the budget was being inflated.

    What are the "other" expenses[?] that in some cases appear to be the only use for the intended appropriation. They should never be the highest dollar amount for a defined "project" or intent, otherwise, the intent is to spend money on "other" things...

    1. Red flags is what I see. Congress this is one area the price can be inflated.

    2. Here we go again. In order to keep Standingbear's Executive Branch budget including the Office of the Principal Chiefs at the highest inflated price possible despite the debt load and all other expenses above and beyond that will have to be incurred as a result of what has been purchased by this debt, "Comes now" four of those who the Osage Congress apparently subpoenaed to get answers as to why these budgets are so high since the Executive apparently didn't provide any kind of budgetary justifications with the documentation as has been seen in the past:
      The most important question a people can ever ask of the government it has in place and of the people how are hired to run it is this:
      What good is a government to the people it supposedly is created to serve that cannot be controlled, that is without checks and balances which legally uses the very concept of checks and balances in a Constitution to justify and get away with reckless, undisciplined, uncontrolled and therefore unprincipled spending?

    3. This is so telling,of what the People The "Osage" are up against. We need to bring their wall of entitlement to a stop. This is why we have check and balances is a understatement and I would be fileing ethical charges against the Executive. By all optics the dilemma we find ourselves is not self inflicted it is inflicted by our Government, the very same people, who say this is your money but spend it like it was yesterdays money. Tkme for a new Chief that is for the people and not his cronies. Or yes men as I say it. From what I understand whistle blowers are lining up and are going to expose the mo ey laundering that has been going on from what i understand there has been a lot of shuffling going on. This could be rumor of course.

    4. This is war Osage people. If the entire executive branch thinks that they can send over budgets without figures justified for whatever the reason so that we the people have no clue even in Committee what these budgets are paying for and for how many employees, grow a pair congress and send every single one of them back to the executive branch that are not justified either on paper or in person by an executive branch representative, on behalf of the rightful interest of the Osage people.
      Good discussion on this ongoing problem in the Session's Committee of the Whole today:
      No legitimate government gets away with submitting one budget for a whole division with one number, bottom line and does not have to justify it on a line item basis to the legislative branch that appropriates the funding unless you roll back the clock to the time of the government of Adolph Hitler and even he was able to balance the budget of Germany once he came to power!
      Clearly from the remarks (again) of Maria Whitehorn, they don't know where they are and have no idea what is even going on from a budgetary standpoint as a result of a lack of cooperation from the executive branch. Next time she keeps saying. We have heard that phrase from the members of the Congress since this Osage Nation government began with one pull back on full disclosure to the Osage Congress on the part of the Executive Branch after another on what they are spending, who they are spending it on and why. Then the executive runs to Osage court and it backs them up denuding the power of the Osage People's branch of government down to nothing just like Hitler did after Reichstag, the seat of the German Parliament, burned down and it was dissolved bringing Hitler to complete power. This is abhorrent and detestable and we won't stand for this inferior running of the Osage government ant longer. Send the budgets back until there is a justifyable reason to spend money on them Congress and don't continue to play this power game with the executive any more. You have a choice and I don't care how many fat cat candy and soda swollen asses show up in jeans and t-shirts with signs to protest just because you insist on good and sound government for the Osage people. Don't fall prey to undemocratic Nazi like political maneuvers on the part of those who run the executive branch. They will be out in the next election and half of you will go out right with them if you keep putting up with this heinous budgeting behavior on the part of the executive branch.

    5. HA! Kugee to the rescue...
      Chief has been sending out his yarn and spinning it like his life depended on it on Facebook as to why employee salaries should be private and not disclosed even to the members of the Osage Congress. Big tip Chief: This is our money and we have a right to know. You aren't running a private or a public company where such information is hidden. This is a government of the Osage people and we have a right to know who is raiding the Osage Nation Treasury and for exactly how much.
      Kugee posted this link and he's right and you're wrong and the corruption of hiding money and where it's going has to end. You are a public servant for God's sake. Get yourself on the right side of this issue and start running an honest transparent government. You want to pay people who work for this government a king's ransom to the detriment of those Osage members who this government is supposed to serve, have the guts to stand up and take the heat! And what's all this about you dumping on all of the Seniors who had the Osage "Plan F" Medicare Supplemental for free and now you want them to pay $200.00 a month for it just so you can have that damned ranch that everyone will come to rue one day like tomorrow morning? You gaping no count four-flushing churl! May the Osage version of karma catch up to you and more than soon and your stupid justifications on why the salaries of your family members won't be openly disclosed to the Osage people along with the overinflated salaries of everyone else you and those like you who continue to permit the eating of this government's revenue alive like deranged cannibals.

      Oklahoma State Employee Database --- http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/databases/state-employee-salary-database/html_4ee56804-17a2-11e5-a811-b37e96e081ac.html

    6. At https://www.facebook.com/groups/yanman/
      To Paul Bemore who wrote, "All these other jurisdictions that disclose salaries do so as a matter of law. The ON has no such law requiring disclosure or not." OK Paul then let's get a law on the books that requires just that. Do I hear a Congressional sponsor of such a bill championing the Osage People's right to know? Kugee? Shannon? Alice?

    7. To Jim Gray: You ask, "How many tribes our size make all of their employee salaries public?" To that I ask, As a result of a lack of full disclosure and transparency, how many tribes our size are rife with fiscal corruption and nepotism? It's precisely why a tribe our size so small should have to report to the public on how many employees we have and how much they are individually paid. When you crossed the Osage people in a manner much like this, funny how your salary went to nothing overnight isn't it? Standing Bear should take heed, pay close attention and learn an important lesson from what happened to you.

    8. So $4,320,000 for the "Plan F" for the Seniors if all 1,800 of them are registered which they are not. How much money is being funded to those Boards, Commissions, Study Groups, and other instrumentalities of the Osage Nation that meet once a month and for the most part do nothing? Throwing our Seniors from the Osage Nation gravy train is very suspicious. Before the election the Plan F option is developed by Standing Bear and Shannon Edwards and funded by the Congress and now that both are elected and in place for a few more years, they throw the 65 plus Seniors now and those upcoming under the bus? This is truly horrendous.

    9. First of all, don't you need to find out if it's true that the Nation is pulling the plug on the heretofore free Plan F for the Seniors?

    10. Disclose the Sallaries Chief and end the devide or we The Osage will impeach you for stonewalling your own people. Not today Chief. Not in this day and age where everyone and hning is scrutinized especially Government. jnless you have something to hide!

    11. Okay, you say the Chief is a manic depressive, maybe you can’t believe anything he might say, maybe he doesn’t want to tell the Osage people how he spends their money, so what if he pays his buddies more than he should, to you I say, picky, picky, picky.

    12. Here it shows "Plan F" as paid for by the Osage Nation for Osages over 65 who have Medicare Part A and B:

    13. Thank you Osageblogger

    14. I'm afraid that I am now very concerned that this ranch purchase is going to further the ends of the government funding the government's interest and not those of the members that it's been created for and supposed to serve. For many years now, the open question, even among the elected officials is what do you do as a member do to justify the Osage Nation government doing anything for you at all! In other words, if you don't live in Osage County and or work for the Osage Nation government and aren't actively involved in the culture, what right do you have to think that the Osage Nation government should be doing anything for you at all? This is foundational with some of those Osages who live in the Osage and this feeling is growing. This is not what this government was supposed to be and it's not what it should be today. Congressman Ron Shaw campaigned on structuring a vote of the Osage Nation members on big ticket items like the ranch with information put out there as to what the ramifications are for going forward as opposed to not making such a purchase. This, of course, has gone by the wayside as I know of a number of such financial commitments that have been made since he was elected to serve. If the only thing this government does is fund Osages who live at home who cry that there is no money because of fiscally unaffordable purchases be it the ranch, building projects, unjustifiable government bureaucratic growth and the like, then those who run it are obligated to cut back the size of the government and the number of those employed accordingly so they can afford the benefits especially to the elderly, the young and those seeking higher education. If this stops happening and there are no benefits for those who don't live in Osage County or don't work for the Osage Nation government, then they need to stop using the total numbers of all of us around the United States to get Federal money based on those numbers and then they must reduce the numbers down to those Osages who live in Osage County alone.

    15. Disgusted Senior OsageSeptember 24, 2016 at 11:25 AM

      Analyzing a pull back from those who are registered in the "Plan F" program, if they now have to pay the nearly $200 per month instead of the Osage Nation paying for it, then they will literally be receiving nothing at all; if they quit that program to get the $1,000 card for Seniors a year then they will lose the "Plan F" benefit and will have to try and find it elsewhere at $300 to $400 per month if they can even qualify at all for the program. If they stay and pay the $200 a month for "Plan F" then the Osage Nation will walk away absolutely scott free and will have trapped those who are currently enrolled in the program with no way for them to obtain to get even the $1,000 Osage card option because they are locked out. This is highly questionable governmental policy from an ethical standpoint and will cause a lot of harm to the seniors enrolled now and to those who choose to become enrolled when they qualify for Medicare. The Osage Nation Constitution secures the mandate and obligation to the Osage people who are young and who are old. The Osage Nation government under the Constitution has no mandate whatsoever to continue to throw 3% merit bonuses at Osage Nation employees who never answer the phone or who behave like it is a big imposition to even have to do anything for you. There is also no Constitutional obligation to hire 500 to 600 Osage Nation employees who have little background, education, and experience for a job they have no idea how to do and have no intention of learning how to do either. From what I understand, this is rampant in addition to layers of management personnel who, at the top have no idea what is supposed to be being done on the job at the ground level yet are paid $65,000 plus not including benefits simply because they have a Master’s Degree or a Doctorate. This government under the 31st and final Tribal Council had about 325 employees and not a whole lot more is being done for the entirely of the Osage people who are neither young or old despite new divisions, departments, offices, LLCs, study groups, boards, commissions, authorities and so on that number at last report, 100 + of them that exist today which is where the real money taken in by gaming revenue is actually being spent. This is not what this new government was meant to be and it's not what should exist today.

    16. Great post to you both above. We have been asking for a smaller Government for a while. And your absolutely the Executive has gone to far with the Osage money. Furthering ones agenda as opposed to greater need that exists today for the Osage is centered and pointing fingers at Congress for allowing for this type of bureau to exist. And the Constitution which is extremely flawed allows for this behavior and any lawyer would use it to manipulate and it looks like we need to do a one page rewrite of the Osage Constitution and throw this guy out of office. Our Chief in the face of this is snubbing the Osages in the wake of whats happening on the hill and economy we have a rignt to know who what where and how that branch is operating all the way down to the salaries. Funny how the Nation is there for you when you get old, but I get the huge disappointment. And it was the sole purpose and design and intention from the very beginning to build such a bureaucracy. Time to roll back the pabes and hit re-start.

    17. This article clarifies that the "Plan F" option has been funded by the Osage Nation Congress for the upcoming year and the benefit is free to Osage Seniors over 65 years old. See http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2016/09/27/congress-approves-56m-health-benefit-plan-fy-2017/

    18. Plan F Flyer is located at:

  14. Education Committee meeting report: The female voice on the recording stated that because of ongoing litigation, they don't have to answer the question that was being asked. Thank you Chief, thank you iPad Ray, thank you all those who sued the Congress and the Osage People yesterday including Samuel Alexander, Scott Johnson, Casey Johnson and Mary Wildcat. iPads for children less than 5 years old for the 35 Osage Early Learning Academy? There is another possibility here Congress that I suggest you employ now and in the near future and you in particular Congressman Ron Shaw; withdraw sponsorship of this bill and the bill itself and don't any other member of the Congress responsor it. Nobody has a gun to your head and if you feel they do, you have every right to walk away to protect your yourself and your preserve your reputation and your sworn responsibility to uphold the Osage Nation Constitution.

    1. Casey Johnson up and leaves this Committee Meeting? Who are these people that they think they can walk out before the Congress has had the proper time to ask their questions and receive a proper answer. Walk away from the Committee Meeting? Be smart and don't submit to this insulting behavior toward the Osage people and their duly elected representatives. Withdraw sponsorship and withdraw the bills and don't sponsor again them until the Executive Branch shows the proper respect for your work and and what is necessary to accomplish it on behalf of the Osage people. Hacks put up with this sort of disrespect. Those who have respect for themselves don't and more than that, those who have respect for the power and prestige of the branch of government for which you work don't either. It's really that simple.

    2. If the NIGC decides to take a look at these Osage Nation budgets and what they are being spent on, will the Executive Branch sue them? I think not. Will the NIGC take the Osage Nation Congress to task for not properly vetting these budgets on a line item basis to make certain that they are within the lawful spending parameters of the Federal Indian Gaming Regulatory Act before they appropriate it for fiscal year funding? We tread on very dangerous ground here with what the Executive Branch is constantly trying to do and if I were the NIGC, I would go after the Osage Nation Congress because, despite all the Executive Branch legal shenanigans inter-govenment to the contrary, the power of the purse and therefore, the responsibility, fully lies with the duly elected members of the Legislature of any Tribal Community within the reach of the NIGA.

    3. Great point to all of the above. I think we need a independent audit from a reputable company that has no affiliation whats so ever with our Osage Tribe. The Executive overreaching is a understatement. Congress grow a pair.

    4. Forensic audit is more like it.

  15. Bluestem Ranch- Hunting revenue. Deer and turkey season are about to start and does anyone know what will happen there this year? I hope someone is planning. This 43,000 acres of Osage land could be divided into several game management units for deer and turkey management and hunting in particular; access could be sold to authorize hunting in these specific units, and thousands of dollars over costs could be generated each year. If bison are out there, they could be sold for harvest as well. Elk could be reintroduced and offered too. Isn't there at least 1 ranch home out there that could be used as the base (as in a hunting lodge) for a money making opportunity? While there is some cost to administer hunt programs and guide/guest services, the amount hunters are willing to pay all over OK and other states indicate this is easily viable, but needs someone who knows what they are doing. There are companies that would do it for a price-- that is to have the chance to lease Bluestem Ranch for exclusive hunting access.

    1. Well. It sure sounds like it has potential but what will be the downside with other Native Tribes who may look down on such commercialism where shooting the sacred buffalo for sport is involved?

    2. At least a few other tribes manage and offer hunting on their reservations; they harvest all kinds of wildlife including buffalo which is not harvested for sport, but for its food value- bison meat is leaner and more expensive than beef and rapidly growing industry (see Ted Turner).

    3. more:


  16. Still and all the most perfect white man in America... worth watching and enjoying.

  17. Big changes are in the wind. If you are a headright owner, see http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2016/08/osage-shareholder-matters-august-2016.html

  18. Session today is now live at https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0KhFOqcoXQg

    1. Committee Meetings today are located at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/calendar

    2. The Clerk of the Congress is wearing a beautiful sweater set today. Would really like to know where she got it.

  19. JFF:
    From the wealthiest University in the world, I bring you excerpts from today's Flyby Blog; part of the Axis Powers that brought us the Osage Nation Government:

    "In The Atmosphere:
    Today’s weather is slightly warmer than yesterday, with highs in 60s. It’s a comfortable temperature for a cute fall outfit, and although there’s a small chance of rain, the forecast predicts a mostly sunny day with a few afternoon clouds.

    Chicken Vindaloo
    Pork Sausage Sub
    Lemon Basil Pasta

    Salmon with Green Curry
    Sweet Potato Souffle
    Kale with Carmelized Onions"

    No fry bread, Indian Tacos or grape dumplings there. No indeed! Since Harvard's Charter calls for the education of Indian youth, clearly they need to liaise on a culinary basis with none other than our very own homegirl, The Pioneer Woman:
    Never mind the damned p-sets...

  20. Good Session discussion today:
    Don't know how many employees there are and salaries as a result of these budgets? You jerks at the Executive need to realize that when you try and hide where the money is spent and on who and for how much from the representatives in Congress, you hide the money from the Osage people. You have no business being hostile to this Osage Nation Congress when they request financial information from anyone under your command Chief and those you are in command of in your Branch of government. This is your total responsibility since you are the Supreme head of the Executive Branch. Worst session Edwards has ever been in !?! Because she hasn't the information she has had for the previous 9 years? Just don't appropriate the money until you get the information. Have the guts to act with the power you have at your disposal that you are mandated to use. Send the budgets back to the Executive Branch and get on with doing it. You are in violation of your due diligence if you don't. There it is in writing and you need to penalize them to the fullest extent of the law if they don't provide you with justifications you need to do a proper job of appropriations.

    1. Funny how we are adking the US Government to do the same see the parallels? Time to change the status quo. Out with our Chief.

    2. I'm for a full Judicial review at the Oklahoma Supreme Court of the rulings of the Justices of the Osage Nation Judicial Branch called for by the members of the Osage Nation Congress which have made the job of the representatives of the Osage People, in all practicality, impossible to accomplish in a professional manner that includes transparency, full disclosure, accountability and the ability to refer to the legal precedent of other Courts be they Tribal, Federal or the State of Oklahoma. The question here is, should these people who have been appointed as Osage Nation Justices even have a law degree? The Supreme Court is in a position of responsibility for the lower Tribal Court per the Osage Nation Constitution, "...develop, maintain and administrate the Tribal Justice System." How is it the members of the Minerals Council should be taken to task for a blanket and a ham when the Osage Nation Court has let Joe Don Mashunkashey walk away with no jail time (not even for a year) and $50,000 in restitution when he effectively make off with $806,000 of Pawhuska Village Funds. Every attorney with a law degree in the State of Oklahoma is subject to the review of the Oklahoma Supreme Court for conduct unbecoming. It's high time for the Osage Nation Congress to seek redress for such preposterous Osage Nation Judicial legal positions, interpretations and punitive actions in its past. Have the professional behavior of the Chief placed under review as well since he appears to be involved in these Osage Tribal Court opinions right up to his eyeballs. Suspend the approval of these Osage Nation budget bills that are in question until the Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled on the professional behavior of these attorneys. This is so out of control now, I can't even believe that these shenanigans are going on. We expect this process to get better not deteriorate into a ghastly situation like this.

    3. Thank you Osageblogger. Well said.

    4. On behalf of the people the Congress came down pretty hard on the Chief. Both because of his lack of cooperation on the budgets and his out and out lying to the people on the Bluestem Ranch and his despicable treatment of the board. He has brought this on himself.

    5. What does the Chief gain by lying to his own people? what does he have to hide? Does he think he owns the Bluestem Ranch? With all due respect, respect your people Chief and stop this endless round table your Hillary colors are showing.

    6. There is a difference between an attorney who is licensed to practice law and a lawyer who has a law degree who is learned in the law but not licensed. Often the term lawyer is used for both. The Oklahoma Bar Association handles complaints against lawyers and attorneys.
      See http://www.okbar.org/public/Complaint.aspx

    7. I suggest everone get on board and state your cause to the bar, Osageblogger is right you must go to this site www.okbar.org/public/Complaint.aspx here are some examples from this site why people complain. Examples of complaints the Office of the General Counsel has the authority to investigate are:
      a lawyer holding money on your behalf will not return the money or provide you with a written accounting of how it was spent
      a lawyer consistently does not respond to questions about your case, inform you about court dates, or appear in court
      a lawyer does not tell the truth or asks you or another person to lie as part of the case
      a lawyer fails to follow through with what was promised or does not perform the action in a timely

    8. Thank you for this additional information. When the Osage Nation Supreme Court makes statements that suggest that we don't have to observe legal precedent established in other courts, we need to step in to encourage the Osage Nation Congress to seek a review of this legal opinion with the governing body that has jurisdiction over the law licenses of these same Osage Supreme Court Justices. I also believe that the Osage Nation Congress has every right to know on behalf of the Osage people exactly how much is being spent on salaries and benefits and how many hires are being paid by these appropriations in every branch of the Osage Nation government. Only an idiot would not believe that where money in budgets are concerned, the Congress has the right to make changes to these budgets OR there would not be a LINE ITEM VETO available to the Chief in the Osage Nation Constitution. There is and it's printed as big as life in ARTICLE VI, Section 13, Paragraph 2. I am sick of the legal manipulations and machinations that have taken place on the part of both the Executive and the Judicial Branches on these budget bills since this new government came into being and I want something done about it as soon as possible. If the Congress has no right to know then we as the Osage people have no right to know and we by God do and I won't stand for anyone elected or appointed telling me that it's as to the otherwise! Read the Preamble of the Osage Nation Constitution:
      This damned "Heart of Darkness" scenario that these people have been running out on all of us for the last ten years must come to an end and that means NOW!!!!!
      Let the OK Bar get after them because they need to behave in a way from a legal standpoint that is within certain standards or they lose their licenses to practice law in the State. They lose their licenses and they are out as Justices of the Osage Nation because they can no longer qualify to remain in their appointed positions. Some of this stuff they are doing is way out there and we need to see to it that it comes under review one way or another.

    9. Furthermore, the Congress has the right to make changes to budgets in order to satisfy the requirement mandated by the Osage Nation Constitution in ARTICLE VI, Section 23. "The annual budget shall not exceed projected revenues." The Chief can veto any change in a line item and the Osage Nation Congress can override that veto. This is how it works or should work and that's where we need to be and not some legal fiction created by the apparent collusion of the legal minds in the Executive and Legislative Branches. This is straightforward and not some Shakespearean fiscal convolution by those who continue to try their best to audition for the parts of Iago, Tamara and that Scottish fellow with the bloodthirsty ambitious wife. This is the very life of our government which is at stake. In the Osage, what has been going on for years is pure melodrama and not very good at that. Our passion for a proper running of this government rises above drama; it is real and nobody is acting!

    10. ...in a budget line item...

    11. http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2016/04/04/case-closed-plea-deals-reached-missing-pawhuska-village-money-cases/ Judge Stout slapped a $100.00 jail deferment fee per charge. Big Deal! Why didn't the Osage Nation Supreme Court Justices haul him right into a full fledged Judicial management legal review for such a pitiful sentence. What are we coming to? Murder a man or woman in Osage County and you can get off? Steal damn near a million bucks and the Tribal Court will charge a punitive pittance in a no jail time plea bargain arranged for by the Osage Nation Attorney General? Crime pays in Osage County. Great reputation we're getting here folks.

  21. Something old is new...
    Netflix is featuring a silent film from the 1920's called "The Daughter of Dawn" about life among the Kiowa and the Comanche with an all- Native American cast that features combat, hunting and tribal dance.

  22. Debate Schedule:

  23. An organization our young people should know about if they don't already:

  24. Session will begin today at 5:00 p.m. The Agenda is located at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/sessions

    1. Speaker Mason has stepped down and they are waiting until all members of the Osage Nation Congress can be there to vote for a new Speaker.

    2. New Speaker of the Congress is Angela Pratt and the Session will begin tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. CSDT.

  25. To hear the debate on the Bluestem Ranch here is the link. Starts about 1:30. Good listening! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oN0W-0d9fDo&feature=youtu.be

    1. Thank you. The border on the right side of the YouTube page has the various recordings for the session days until it is posted to the Osage Nation Congressional web page for Session information at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/sessions
      The Agenda for today is located at the above URL.
      The meeting you are referencing is the Commerce and Economic Development Committee Meeting slot that was to be held between 3:00 & 5:00 P.M. This meeting has been cancelled per revised notice at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congressional-legislative-branch/committee-information/commerce-economic-development
      GovOps is live now at https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=57e66446-0000-22e9-b0b6-94eb2c112028&feature=iv&src_vid=M7ipScI-jhc&v=NzX0Z8Roouw

    2. Correction: I misread your post. What you are referencing is the 5th Osage Nation Congress Day 19 Part 5 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oN0W-0d9fDo&feature=youtu.be
      Thank you for posting this link because this is an important discussion.

    3. 5,000 Osages with Alzheimers? That must be the problem.
      All funding for worthy causes should be handled within the system. It's the professional thing for a government to do and if you have a Foundation for this purpose, you should use it.

    4. "11 watching now" is listed at the YouTube web site for those listening to this GovOps meeting. Good and important work is being done in these Congressional Committee meetings and I encourage you to follow along if you can.

    5. Meeting adjourned. Keep reloading the YouTube web page and it will list those Osage Nation meetings that are live.

    6. ComEcon meeting is now live. Correction again, it's the Health and Social Services Committee meeting that has been cancelled. See https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/content_link/wCFtpa7v5VfbvGjqAUHSdfSdlXtTcEdWF9JIYXDigvNYxkoDqSb9IZWbhR90oYXb/file?dl=1 For the ComEcon meeting Agenda.

    7. This is the revised Agenda:

    8. ComEcon meeting live at https://m.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=57e666db-0000-2451-a75f-94eb2c08d4d4&feature=iv&src_vid=f0UV1Eh9Ol4&v=E7JFCGL-ylI

    9. What the hell? Leases have already been given out to hunt and fish BEFORE the Osage Nation has even taken possession of the Bluestem Ranch on November 1, 2016? I DO WANT TO KNOW WHO HAS LEASED THE BLUESTEM RANCH PRIOR TO EVEN HAVING POSSESSION OF THE RANCH. Who the hell is responsible for this? If 20,190 of us own this land, I am one of them who wants this question answered. No legal lease can be awarded by the Osage Nation until it owns and takes possession of the land on November 1, 2016.

    10. And now the Bluestem Ranch purchase is subject to previous leases awarded by the Turner team? So this land has been purchased without being free and clear of any leases? Why don't you people just quit who are responsible for making real estate deals like this. Hand in your resignations and walk away. We would all be better off if you did. So how do we find out about all these leases that encumber the land for the Bluestem Ranch?

    11. Since the Chief is knee deep lets ask him. Ask him the severity four million dollar question what is it you do know about the Ranch that we don't As I said there is more than what meets the eye and the Chief is in the center the storm. It was apparent after listening to Congress in regards to the Bluestem Ranch and tell me I am wrong, most felt on some level they were misled to believe this was going to be beneficial for the Nation and our constituency but in these legislations and I second Shannon Edwards opinion that we need to include why we made these decisions to document the intended purpose is fine but to also include the impact of said legislation. I felt that some of the Congress members intent or not have this attitude well, its ours now, almost complacent about the Ranch. I will reserve further comment till another date, I am not qjite sure we know everything about this purchase and Osage needs to know were we lied to by our Chief. If so...Good Job to you all.

    12. Good idea. Let's have the Chief account for himself if he's in fact knee deep!!!!!!!

    13. The Bluestem Ranch was not just land but an operating business. Not only should a title search have been performed but the books of the business should have been thoroughly reviewed. Land is worth very little when it comes encumbered with existing restrictions on use. This investment makes the failed investments of Osage LLC look like good business deals.

    14. Please tell us this isn't so! Everything these government Osages touch just crumbles to the ground in ashes.

    15. The Chief is "leasing" the hunting out. He is taking proposals to lease the grazing. He runs the ranch. And no one gets a written lease, only a verbal agreement from the Chief. Who can believe anything GSB says?
      Look at the Osage constitution. It reserves the right of hunting and fishing to Osage members. What happened to that?

    16. Will you get this guy before the AG or are we going to have to do it?

  26. Appropriations is meeting now live. Agenda is located here:
    Talking about making the business boards chair pay structure the same as other members and not $3,000 more. Good idea! Thank you Congresswoman Buffalohead. These boards members should be paid no more that $3,000 each anyway when their salaries rival that of the 30th Osage Nation Tribal Council members 12 or so years ago.

  27. The thing that is most important to keep in mind is that the Projected Revenue figure began on September 6, 2016 at $47,330,000 if we are to rely on the word of Speaker Mason. Some minutes later, the Appropriations Committee Chair, Congressman Ron Shaw stood up and amended the figure to $51,356,000. Now, as of September 23, "...the Fifth Osage Nation Congress voted unanimously to approve a revised projected revenue level in the amount of $111.5 million for the Nation’s government." (!!!!!!!)
    How does this gotta-be-crooked government come up with an additional $64,170,000 in 17 days?

    1. I have been saying smaller Government for quite some time. Out of hand.

    2. $64,170,000! Will the Osage Nation members be receiving benefits with this money or will it again pay for some townie or non-Osage to be put on the payroll or for programs that never help or benefit any of the members who don't live in Osage County? 20,190 members x 80% equals $0.00. Only the Osage Nation could figure out a benefit scheme like this one... More money should mean more benefits for us that directly benefit us, not more government spending for the government itself. Half a million bucks for new employees and merit pay bonuses set aside in two separate bills? What could they possibly merit for a job they don't ever appear to do because they don't answer the phone or return phone calls when you leave a message? One Osage I know stopped by one of the Osage government offices and they were all watching a soap on TV and could barely break away to take the time to help or be of service.

    3. $30.8 million in the Nation’s permanent fund is included in the total figure but I'm stumped as to how. Whatever revenue it may generate yearly can be seen as revenue for the purpose of inclusion into the projected revenue figure but not the principal. Government created Permanent Funds often pay dividends to citizens...
      "This projected revenue figure also includes restricted items including: $30.8 million in the Nation's permanent fund (restricted to spending on direct services for Osages and has not been touched since inception); $2.9 million in unobligated funds from FY 2015; and $1.9 million in unappropriated funds from FY 2016." --->>> https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews/
      How do they find this money in unobligated and unappropriated funds when less than a year ago, they only had $24,000 of Projected Revenue left? This looks like a shell game with our money if not hide and seek from all of us who don't work for the Osage Nation.
      New services for the OC Osages include those listed on this flyer --->>>
      Looking to hire tutors for students and the flyer for that is here --->>>
      https://www.facebook.com/osagenation/photos/a.755309157812729.1073741828.706989499311362/1312452178765088/?type=3&theater Average rate is $12.25 an hour not $25 to $35.
      This comment was posted on the Nation's Facebook page: "I called and left a message asking about hours of tutoring, awaiting a call back."
      A lot of this stuff could go out online and IT could be tasked with doing it for the Osage Nation members.

  28. The open comments of the members of the Osage Nation Congress with regard to the behavior of the Chief verbally and/or in writing to Congresswoman Whitehorn, Congressman Supernaw and Congresswoman Edwards call for an investigation by the Osage Nation Attorney General about the circumstances surrounding and associated with the Health Authority Board nomination of Lesa Shaw, the wife of Congressman Ron Shaw. Motion to appoint Mrs. Shaw to the board failed by a vote of the Congress just as it should have.


  29. The Session is up on YouTube for on demand listening but there is no Agenda published for today. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBa8obQQi2o

  30. Interesting:

  31. Why isn't Jim Ryan timely on his FB site about the Chief hiding the salaries from either the Osage people or the NIGC or both? I'm hearing rumors of $100,000 plus and benefits on top of that for those who work for the Chief not disclosed on the Office of the Chiefs budget to the Congress. Even the Judicial Branch came forward and gave support documentation to the Congress to justify the costs and the salaries. Chief is using the Supreme Court decision to hide what these people are being paid and we have a right to know. Jim is always up to speed on his site and he has a big Osage outreach. Yancy Red Corn is up to date with his FB site and Jeff Irons is leading the charge other than that nitwit who doesn't seem to know that this is a government in service to and for the Osage people and is calling the Congress and the Osage people's right to know petty about what these salaries are in these budgets. Nice try but NOT! We have needed to keep a eye on these people who work for this government since they put it into effect and began treating the money in the Osage Nation's Treasury like it's a Pirate's treasure chest. Chief, you don't like that we don't like what you are paying these people who rarely if ever are there to answer the phone or return a phone call or are rude to you when they do, stop paying them so much money. Can't wait to throw you right out on your hind end come the next election. What a stunning disappointment you have turned out to be overall.

    1. Time to think about our future and its not in the salaries thats for sure, disclose Chief and remember you can be held accountable for knowingly misleading Congress but your constitutes the people who voted for you. I didn't but I still was proud not so much as my predictions and everyone else predicted who said watch out for this one. And, they were right. Your area where you live part time I am sure of that, the medium salary in your area is 30,000 for a medium household and thats living high on a hog. Including benefits not including per diams and so forth Chief and all but 2000 Osages if that l I ve in the area. Time for smaller Government. Let me ask this do you all have private insurance or is your Health care subsidised by Obama care? Health care is a big cost besides now the Bluestem Ranch. We the people did mot get a choice in this matter and felt it was a rush deal. Open a investigation to this purchase. The people have the right to know period. Lastly there is jothing pettty about Government when you preach its our money then we have a right to know Mr.Irons.

    2. I suppose the moral high ground went to the way side on this one. The Chief took an oath for the people not bigger Government.

    3. Comment reprinted from http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2016/10/osage-shareholder-matters-october-2016.html
      "If you thought the Executive Branch and the Chief has been acting weird lately. Here is another reason to continue with that opinion. They Executive Branch just delivered 23 boxes of documents to the Congress due to the recent subpoena. These are letter size file boxes and it took 4 men to carry them in to the Congressional office. Can you picture this? I imagine videos of the delivery were being taken..............Here's the weird part: Each box contained no more that 5 or 6 letter size papers and some of those were copies of the subpoena. This will be just some of the Standing Bear legacy."

    4. That has to be the most insulting action against a Legislative Branch that I have heard of in quite some time. Clearly we must have legislation similar to 2 U.S.C.A. § 192, enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1938, that defines Contempt of Congress and places penalties under the law for violating it. See https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/contempt_of_congress

  32. Why is the Osage News getting $180,000 plus $80,000 in benefits and payroll taxes? How many employees do they have? Three? Four? Look up ONCA 16-87. One or two articles a week doesn't justify numbers like this!


  33. Amazon is putting a windfarm in Scurry county Texas to make money and help with the "Global Warming" problem. The Bluestem Ranch would be a great place for Amazon to expand this effort. Amazon CEO is one of the richest persons in the U.S.- wouldn't be a bad place for the Osage's to get some return on the Ranch and still let useless Buffalo roam.

    1. These are the richest billionaires of the country that are kicking in to the Clinton Foundation, to the Clinton campaign, to build windmills and solar panels because it requires a subsidy. That means you and I are paying for these deals that enriched the establishment if you understand what that means. Look at Enel and who are they. Not on my dime, no thank you. Why do you think we subsidize them because on their own they would not exist. Tjough I am renewable energy but not at the expense of our Bald Eagles and not just that no one wants to be around the noise or eye sore and it deprecateds property value. This was all told by a few scientists who manipulated the figures to support the agenda.

    2. Sorry their agenda, they tout jobs but in that, their are no jobs to be had but a handful. Stay off our property.

    3. Double that plus not paying for our minerals when they use them commercially for those wind mill pads and the fact that the oil and gas lessees can't work in those areas where the wind farms exist. Bad news all around for everybody Osage.

    4. This all stank from the get go. Follow the money trail and I am doing that right now. I think we can negotiate a new gross production tax in our favor for alowwing this to occur. The OCC was and in my opinion acted without authority, we our a sovereign nation. So how does this happen? Just read above.

    5. To read the text of the Act in 1940, (54 Statute 168) that amended the 1906 Allotment Act, with regard to the Gross Production Taxes see http://legisworks.org/congress/76/pubres-65.pdf
      This was a legal agreement with the U.S. Congress in order to get the mineral rights extended and this extension existed before the final extension into perpetuity in 1978. If any member of the Minerals Council wants to break this agreement and press the reset button on termination of the mineral rights reservation to the Osage Tribe as of the date of the extension negotiated and agreed to prior to the one in 1940, it will break the chain as of that date and the mineral rights will then revert back to the heirs and assigns of the Original Allottees because there was never a deed issued to the Original Allottees to repatriate those mineral rights back to the land they are tied to. All of those new quit claim deeds (or whatever type of legal conveyance) to the original allottees and their heirs will likely involve another probate situation (2229 of them) -- and -- three separate quiet title actions in court per each original allottee for each of the three parcels that each one of them were allotted (6687 of these) throughout the entirety of Osage County, the likes of which has never probably been seen in the history of the entire world. When the dust settles, there will be a number of very rich lawyers in and around Osage County.

    6. Regarding the Bluestem Ranch having income, could there be a possibility there's oil on the land and if a producer would like to explore there, for now, looks like a closed deal, not a possibility to request a permit. I like buffalo and they should be protected for future generations, but it's like I can't use my backyard to build cause the cat plays there. There could of already been buffalo purchased and put where all those windmills are now.

    7. "Of course, ranching isn’t for everyone. “Even the best ranches don’t make that much,” he adds. “It can be a lousy business.”"

      Trust the Chief to pay five times what the land is actually worth on an impulse buy combined with an emotional motivation of you snooze you lose to "get our reservation back." At what cost overall today and into the future?

  34. I say cut to the chase and vote for President Pence; the only real Presidential statured individual on any ticket.

  35. global warming is real
    1--the Osage Bluestem Ranch won't produce enough oil to help with Tribal income.
    2--Eagles don't go though there to find a lake, which is where they live near.
    3--Can the tribe afford to lose money on this property every year for how long? I would check if The Osage Allotee
    rights have passed to following owners.
    4--Check income to property owner of windfarm.

    1. Amazon is putting a windfarm in Scurry county Texas to make money and help with the "Global Warming" problem. The Bluestem Ranch would be a great place for Amazon to expand this effort. Amazon CEO is one of the richest persons in the U.S.

  36. This is the latest in the Osage News. "Longtime domestic violence coordinator claims wrongful termination". I usually would not take face value but to venture and say a long time employee does not over nite become insubordinate. My bet, this employee was harassed and it takes many shapes and forms. First verbal then takes on sometimes bullying, however Mr. Tilam should have taken the eyewitnesses account into consideration and that will be the downfall of his decision and a bad one. And cost the Nation. Been there and won. No this,she will win. She has all her eggs lined up, my bet. I to was in the exact same position and had witnesses to the harassment that took over a period of six months, it got so bad they were hoping I would quit all the while I was dating and writing down thier deceptive acts. My peers under me could not believe this was happening to one of the nicest person they ever met. Yep. All you could do is walk away and smile and not respond to the rhetoric that was being created unnecessarily. However, I came away a better person from this and so can you Ms.Clark. you would be better off settling.

    1. Just to add our Identity is linked to our integrity when that is threatened we want to protect it naturally. I didn't say above that it was a new management team that came in because the owners sold out. And of course there going to get rid of the old management, not always but in this case why would you get rid of what made this company what it was. Why do you think it sold? But it was what it was and you felt helpless needless to say, because you could not speak to this because their was no one to trust because the intent was perpetrated by all new management.

  37. Again we hear that the Congress cares about us and yet it was far more than just the Office of the Chiefs budget that was not justified, disclosed or supported with documentation to the Congress this go round. When you submit numbers on a budget and you start moving it around indiscriminately, AFTER APPROVAL OF THAT BUDGET AND THE APPROPRIATION HAS BEEN MADE, you are committing a crime known as fiscal misappropriation. Not letting our elected representatives know where the money is supposed to be going doesn't change that fact. The Judicial Branch has come out with an opinion in writing that the Executive is taking to mean that no justification to the Osage Congress is now even necessary and that they can move money around any way they like. In ever other community where there is a government with a budget associated with it, such a set of circumstances is known as a budgetary catastrophe. All the lawyers associated with this disastrous situation must be investigated and diciplined by the Oklahoma Supreme Court and the Oklahoma Bar and that includes the Chief, the lawyers he has on staff who are advising him and the two female justices of the Osage Nation Supreme Court. The Osage Congress has passed out these budgets without a proper due diligence as representatives of the Osage people with the exception of Congreswoman Shannon Edwards. If you care about this Osage government, you must take action. You must get in touch with the Osage Attorney General to make your demands known that this kind of fiscal misappropriation, non-disclosure and lack of due diligence on the part of the Chiefs and the guilty members of the Osage Congress is unacceptable. We know what is part and parcel of good governance and what is not and we must take action to stop this situation right in its tracks. We are not reinventing the wheel here. We are not so set apart that we can tolerate a system of corruption and misappropriation to take place as an institutional precedent. If the AG refuses to act, then she too must be added to the list for investigation, review and dicipline at the Oklahoma State level. In any case, this has gone too far and no elected official engaging in this situation be they the Chief, the members of the Osage Nation Congress or the two Justices of the Osage Nation Supreme Court should ever be reelected by the members of the Osage Nation. AND I MEAN EVER AGAIN!

    1. "Edwards said her “no” votes are due to the budget requests submitted by the Principal Chief’s office without support documentation to support those requests and newer updated budgets submitted in early September as well."

    2. This is so unbelievable that you won't be able to wrap your mind around it! Take a look at these numbers that the Chief is complaining about not getting enough money this go round. 10 years ago the previous Osage tribal government was run on a drawdown of ONE MILLION BUCKS ALL IN!
      Keep in mind that these numbers are for the Executive Branch alone and do not include that for the Legislative and Executive Branches that are into the hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars too.
      Note the amounts that are requested by the Executive Branch and add up the totals for the salaries and wages and then add the employee benefits.
      Just over $28 million for the programs in the divisions where half or more of the totals listed are for office and administration costs not money that goes out to directly benefit you and your families.
      Then you look at the totals of $31,500,000 for the employees (530 at last count) in salaries, wages and benefits who rarely answer the phone, return a phone call or when you finally do get them on the phone, are rude or behave as if they're too busy to talk to you. Now, in your opinion, do these people deserve, as those who are there to serve the Osage people who rarely if ever do, a merit performance total bonus of $405,051? Meanwhile we go without and they are still shoveling by the truckload now mind you, dollar bills at one another to the detriment of all of us who are Osage Nation members who are not young, not old and who are not going to college or university. Can you even begin to try to come to understand how the Chief could even have the shockingly entitled attitude to think that in his supreme dueness that he has the right to an additional $1,813,963 in total? People, we have an absolute duty to get rid of the like of such as Geoffrey StandingBear and Raymond Redcorn come in 2018. This must come to a stop and we are going to have to come up with a written pledge that we must have signed by all of those who we elect to stop this hideous and heinous greed within our government. Just because they have the money doesn't mean they have to give it one another who work for the Osage Nation.

    3. GSB needs the extra funds to run the Bluestem Ranch. He won't let the Board (that he recommended to run the thing) manage it, so he is managing it. Turns out you need money to run a ranch. GSB IS trying to hide salaries in his budget. His buddy John Hurd makes a weekly appearance to the Chief's office, probably asking for a job. This non-Indian was very instrumental in shutting down oil and gas drilling in Osage County. Part of his duties when working for Ted Turner were to fight the oil and gas producers. There is documented emails from the Osage County Cattleman's Association. Does anyone think this guy should be paid by Osage Nation funds, and probably at a $100,000 salary? That ranch board won't ever manage the ranch, but I'll give it to them, they were smart enough not to hire John Hurd.

    4. This was not to be an open ended situation with a cash drain and perhaps pressure put on the GSB to go forward with the Ted Turner plan for the land until the Osages take possession of the land in November. We need to cut this ranch loose if it's going to be double or quadruple the financial drain on the fiscal resources of the Osage Nation gaming proceeds as was the Osage, LLC. These gaming funds are not to be used for an ecomomic development that never pays off and never ever produces an economic profit for the Osage people. Paying for a bison ranch to educate our children about buffalo at a cost of $76,000,000 won't cut it either. Paying $45,000 per child at that new Osage Academy is enough of an outrage as it is already and I don't think these out of line exorbitant costs can stand up to qualifying as improving the betterment of all the lives of Osages economically to the exclusion of everyone else who isn't enrolled in it and there is nothing "stinking cute" about it!

    5. http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2016/10/14/congressional-speaker-pratt-delivers-report-tzi-zho-session/

    6. I call for impeachment of GSB aad we get rid of BLUESTEM unless we can come up with a solution. GSB has something to hide lets look deeper into the his E-MAILS and bank accounts. Hiring Hurdnis nonway acceptable. Next we get a independent audit group to come in and take a look see. Oh and our CFO nneds to go.

  38. Coulda said no like RJ or yes like some of the others in the Osage Nation Congress and that would have been the end of it but now here we go with another unneeded and unnecessary expense:

    Osage voters to decide definition of marriage in Special Election
    "Walker said he was not in favor of passing what he believes is his responsibility as a Congressman.
    “I don’t recall, as a citizen of the United States, ever voting for something like this. It’s determined by the legislators, the elected officials, and the court systems. It would be very interesting, and it would get a lot of attention, but I think it would be a bad precedent to set to send something like this that I believe to be our responsibility, to the people,” he said."
    Osage Congress CYA is written all over this special referendum election.

    If something like this can be put to a vote of the Osage people, so too could the purchase of that Damn Ranch at a price tag of $61 million above what Ted Turner paid for it in 2001. No way on earth that land could be worth five times more than it was in 2001. We could have bought a whole lot more land with $61,000,000. Now everyone knows us to be fools and the price tag on land we're interested in buying in future will probably quintuple !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Get out your checkbook Chief. You wanted it at this price and got it, now you pay for it.
    TV mogul Ted Turner buys buffalo ranch in Osage County

    1. Booyah, you got that right, Chief persona non grata, get out the pen cut the Osage a Check for your pet project. Yeah, I saw that piece of legislation and could not believe what a bad precedent. We can co exist with out this piece of legislation.

  39. Tallgrass is being run by Jill Jones as the general manager? Isn't she the wife of former AG Jeff Jones who the Chief GSB tried to replace but he had some sort of Federal prosecution designation and had to be demoted rather than be let go from the employ of the Osage Nation altogether? Now were paying for an AG in addition to an Assistant AG if I'm right. Plus Jill's collecting a salary from the ONES Board she still sits on as well. JUST GREAT!


    Free us from GSB! Free us from GSB! Free us from GSB!

    1. When you pay these non-Osages at the helm, CEO, CFO and COO, an exorbitant salary and benefits and then close up the options, by an Act of the Osage Congress, for the Osage Nation as the member to get in there and take a look at what is going on with the day to day, according to the Harvard Project model that is a school of government entity not one of economics, this is what you have to deal with. Trust with verification is apparently a part of the game plan they know nothing about and wish to know nothing about either.

      BHT has a story on the Osage Nation filing for a $1 million default judgment against three companies that were once part of the Osage LLC., in the October 13th 2016 issue.

      The only thing the Osage Nation knows how to do is get itself in trouble legally, lose assets like the reservation and exorbitant amounts of money. With this running track record that continues on a daily basis, if the BIA approves a compact to run the minerals estate by the Osage Nation, it will be tantamount to gross dereliction of duty under the fiduciary obligation it has to the headright owner beneficiaries of the OME Trust.

    2. The Osage Nation can't apply to compact the Minerals Estate. They are a renegade organization that Hepsi and the OGRC created out of thin air. The 2004 Reaffirmation Act of the U.S. Congress clarified that a new government can be formed and additional membership chosen for THE OSAGE TRIBE. PUBLIC LAW 108–431—DEC. 3, 2004 118 STAT. 2609 didn't even authorize so much as a name change. The Osage Nation owns nothing associated with the Osage MIneral Estate, the mineral rights and I believe not one single property in trust or anything built on it. The OSAGE TRIBE owns it legally and certainly the BIA has to know that this is the legal truth of the matter.

  40. I read that the Osages got $960,000 of a settlement that was put into a general account. Many tribes got money. wasn't aware of this coming. But our congress will thro it away on anything but the people. It's on Osage Nation-News and Events, under latest news. Wonder if the tribal amounts was based on how many in tribe.

    1. If it's in the Osage News, source the URL as a courtesy to the readers here. Please, copy and paste it and then hit the "Publish" button along with any comment you may have about it. I think this is my third request on this.

    2. https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/immediate-release-osage-receive-960k-portion-ramah-v-jewell-settlement

    3. OH MY, SO HUSH HUSH. THE SILENCE IS SCARY. Yeah, all you can talk about is an URL! Many folks don't want to type all that. Hell it's easier just to go to the ON web site. Never satisfied....

    4. Osageblogger , the article is on the Osage Nation web site not the Osage News web site. This is an old lawsuite approved and signed last year by Obama, just now being paid to many, many tribes out of $940 million total settlement. Cherokees got over $8 million. All this money is here in Okla. What are all these tribes going to do with all this money?

    5. If you post here, you will be courteous to the readers and to those who post comments on the articles referred to in the comments. Our Blog, our rules. You are welcome to create your own and have everyone do the homework you should do for them. Selfishness reigns supreme it seems in the Osage but that will not be the case here.

  41. Here we go again with the lawyers making the money that should be going to the membership in benefits:
    "In the Sept. 19 complaint, Standing Bear asked the court to quash or modify the Sept. 8 and Sept. 9 subpoenas citing undue burden to provide the information and also argues the subpoenas require testimony, but those subpoenas did not state a subject of testimony." This RAB and his sidekick iPad Ray has had since May or June to compile these budget numbers. People are being paid salaries out of two to three different budgets and the whole thing is totally out of control. They have clearly lost complete control of the whole process in the Executive Branch and should be brought before a hearing of the Osage Nation Congress to account for what has been going on. The Osage Congress has tools to use if they were only smart enough to figure that out. Meanwhile GSB keeps slapping them with lawsuit after lawsuit so the Osage people don't know what he's up to with these budgets and can't find out. This guy is proving to be a sensational creep hands down and without question.
    Free us from GSB! Free us from GSB! Free us from GSB! Free us from GSB!

    1. More on Osage lawyers and how crazy it can get:
      Feds Say Osage Lawyers May Merit Zilch After 14-Year Case
      "...the government questioned whether the attorneys could be reimbursed for anything at all because they worked for a contingency fee, their clients didn’t “incur” any costs and they didn’t win any damages."
      "They requested $628,003...$44,360...$1,163,302..."

      Amanda Proctor of Shield Law Group PLC is the lawyer to trying get money back from Carol Leese of the Osage LLC isn't she? Where are we on that, I wonder or is she still chasing down Tribal Powpows across the country?

      The roster so far this year for William S. Fletcher et al. v. U.S. et al., case number 4:02-cv-00427, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma.:

    2. This is how foundationally immature and childishly spiteful the Chief is...
      This guy is not only a creep, he's an embarrassment. I would die of shame before I would pull a crap stunt like this one. Get him before a Congressional Committee for Contempt of Congress and make him account for himself like the last Chief had to do.

    3. They can't agree to disagree with one another or from one branch to another. This government does not work and it's a failure. After 10 long horrible years enduring the crap that goes on with this Osage Nation, does this come close to what was expected from the Strategic Plan? Never! At some point an assessment needs to be made and we need to flush this government down the toilet where it belongs. How many undervotes were there in the last election? 1422! If this isn't a vote of no confidence I don't know what is. When are they going to grow up and stop being so institutionally sociopathically selfish between and among themselves with our money and do the right thing to make this government work properly for us and not for them and their self interest? What's the big deal about accounting to the Congress and the Osage people for where the money is going, for what, to whom and for how much in these Executive Branch budgets? Who died and made GSB Bobby Jindal or Barack Obama?
      From the Harvard Business School and not the fiscally stupid and inept Harvard School of Government:
      How did one of the School of Government, Harvard Project, white paper writers do for us while he sat on the Board of the Osage, LLC?

    4. To October 20, 2016 at 11:46 PM:
      But then they would have to go back to work for another Special Session and how horrible that would be, wouldn't it?

    5. "...documents not delivered contained confidential information." Government salaries are not confidential information. The Osage people have a right to know who is being paid and how much.
      Osage Nation Constitution:
      "This Constitution, created by Osage People, hereby grants to every Osage citizen a vote that is equal to all others and forms a government that is accountable to the citizens of the Osage Nation."

    6. BHT has an article on the budgets at http://barnsdalltimes.com

  42. Osage Supreme Court rules that Minerals Council must follow ethics laws
    But in the Sept. 29, 2016, there is an article, "Accused Killer Walks" where Osage Tribal Court Judge Marvin Stepson grants a dismissal to Thomas Mongrain Eaves because he didn't get a speedy trial. How long has the court case been for the MC?
    This Osage Nation government is such a disgrace. When Stepson comes up for election, you know exactly what to do.

    1. Thomas Eaves to appear in ON Trial Court on second-degree homicide charge
      This man, who has been convicted for killing his own father and for victim tampering is charged by the Osage Trial Court in mid-April 2016 and then freed by Judge Stepson on Sept. 22, 2016? This isn't a speedy trial? Yet, those who embezzled $806,000 were in the legal loop for years YEARS and the case wasn't thrown out in that case. What in hell is going on with the Judicial Branch of the Osage Nation?

  43. Osage Blog Conversation continues at https://osageblog.blogspot.com/2016/10/conversation-october-2016.html
