Monday, August 29, 2016

Archive #36: Osage Shareholder Matters--August-October 2016

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  1. And he founded the OSA Discussions Blog where Osages first had a place to express their opinions and to speak truth to power in the establishment of the new Osage government. We owe you big Kent and I thank you for forging the path.

    1. Rip If it wasn't for his site I would have never known. Thank you Mr. Radcliff

  2. Boone's Bulletin 8-7-16
    Part I

    Negotiated Rule Making: The old regulations prevail. A notice was posted in the Federal Register on 6-17-16. However, at our bi-annual meeting with the BIA, we were informed that the BIA is working on new regulations.
    Declaratory Judgment/Ethics lawsuit was heard at the Osage Nation (ON) Supreme Court level on 6-7-16. Five of the eight Osage Minerals Council (OMC) members are waiting on the court's decision. I don't expect a ruling in favor of the OMC.
    I was humbled and honored to testify before the U.S. Congressional Appropriations Committee in March at Washington D.C. Four members of the OMC went, Joe Cheshewalla, Stephanie Erwin, Talee Redcorn and me. We asked for additional operating funds to digitize minerals records and for funds to plug oil wells. Our request has been approved by the House of Representatives and is now before the Senate for approval.
    Hopefully, we will be voting to send a letter to the BIA about shareholder assets this month. We are asking for an inventory. When we received the initial information from our attorney, marked confidential and attorney-client privileged, a member of the OMC gave it to the executive branch. The initial information was changed at the request of the OMC. Whoever gave this initial information to the executive branch does not want to work with the OMC. Where do they stand? It looks like it's with the ON, not with the headright owners. I don't believe the ON needs to be our business. I believe the OMC can handle it. This is not the first time our business has been given to the executive branch.
    The OMC voted to do away with telephone polls on 3-23-16. Resolution 3-122 failed by a vote of 3 "yes", 5 "no." The three who voted yes were Andrew Yates, Galen Crum and Talee Redcorn. We voted again on this subject on 5-18-16. Resolution 3-137 passed this time with a vote of 5 "yes", 3 "no." Those who voted yes were Andrew Yates, Galen Crum, Talee Redcorn, Kathryn RedCorn and Everett Waller. We had established policies regarding how our telephone polls would be conducted. We had a legal opinion that said we could conduct telephone polls. We had done them for years.

    1. Boone's Bulletin 8-7-16
      Part II

      The OMC applied for two grants. One was for developing infrastructure for business. I became aware late on a Monday morning that training was being held in Tulsa the next day on "infrastructure needed to advance energy development." In the past a telephone polls could have been conducted to approve travel for the OMC the next day. But we all missed an opportunity to attend training that would correlate with one of the grants.
      We hired a new employee, Kathryn RedCorn's past employee of 10 years, Lou Brock. I voted "no" on this new hire because we didn't follow our established policies on hiring. Favoritism is shown to him by Kathryn. She invites him to lunch, she picked him up to go to an out of town funeral and he went to court on the ethics lawsuit. He is still on probation. I can only imagine how this makes our other employee, who has worked for us over a year, feel. This action by Kathryn could be perceived as creating a hostile environment. Our other employee has also been asked to perform duties outside her position description to help him.
      It appears that some members of this OMC have no regard to our established rules or confidential information.
      We voted to rescind Resolution #2-250. This was the resolution to ban me from the office. I couldn't be banned from the office. I'm an elected official. Galen Crum said this was embarrassing then and embarrassing now. I think he's embarrassed because his bullying tactics didn't work. Both he and Andrew Yates were the only two that didn't want this resolution rescinded.
      In the last few meetings, Galen Crum called himself dense, a coward and blurted out that a man in the audience threatened him. No one else at that meeting heard that. Maybe he ought to be banned from speaking at our meetings.
      One of my constituents asked if I could report on how much money from the Gross Production Tax goes to schools. I was not able to get that report.
      My next newsletter will be about the legislation ON Congressman R.J. Walker presented that allows the ON to compact part/s of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Pawhuska, OK.
      Any opinions herein are mine and not that of the OMC.

      Cynthia Boone
      Osage Minerals Council

    2. I didn't know C. Boone had a newsletter, please tell me where it is located on the web, thanks.

      Will someone also let me know where Supernaw's "to the Nation," is at on web also.

    3. Could someone please tell us how to get on C. Boone's newsletter distribution?
      Thank you.

    4. Tighten up the spaces on the e-mail addresses:

      Boone's Bulletin:
      tom @ cowboy . net

      Notes to the Nation
      supernaw @ flash . net

    5. comments on bulletins Part 1/2 = What does "CONFIDENTIAL AND ATTORNEY--CLIENT PRIVILEGED" mean? Just exactly what is written. If you're not inclined to the enclosed info, then it's illegal to open it and review the contents, goes for both the giver and receiver. But did the giver represent "self" to be a representative of said enclosures (representative of OMC)?

      Thanks to C. Boone for her testimony in Washington, D.C.

      I think it was a missed opportunity no one was able to attend the training: "infrastructure needed to advance energy development." Just those few words seems what this blog is speaking about the OMC becoming a business with up-to-date technology. Looks like the OMC may have money for the beginning of digital ME records.

      "established policies on hiring" are written to be followed, BUT, what is "politically correct" if there's a vote and it's passed by the majority to hire???

    6. Who among the council members could not afford to drive to Tulsa to attend a meeting without approval for travel expense? This is a pretty lame excuse. If they are looking for content for the next quarterly news letter (which we haven't seen in about 2 years) might be the entire set of policy and procedures that they operate by (if that is not a secret, too.)

    7. Tulsa is only 50 miles give or take a couple from Pawhuska, that being said how is it that not one member of the MC was not able to attend the training? You guys get paid enough to travel on your own. This is a bunch of hogwash if I ever heard. This just screams stupid is what stupid does. Some of us wasn't born on the back of a turnip truck you know. Especially when oil prices are still really low you still want that per diem is that what I am hearing? You may be operating when it comes to meeting's according to the Roberts rules. We still want to know what each of you are all making? We have a right according to the open records law of the US? So if the Courts decide all five were in violation of not disclosing there gifts received, though it is only a ham and blanket received it is the Principal behind why it is so important to disclose all gifts to not create any and all conflicts of interest in the future, common sense simple. And the Judge will give a word of warning and I am sure he will order the five to disclose their gifts or have a small fine in the future. There is no reason a case like this should take 6 months or longer to resolve. Unreal. How is hiring another employee going to create a hostle work environment? I fail to see. Mrs. Boone I like you but don't over step your boundaries as you have in the past. I realize this is your opinion. I am glad that we are not hearing complaints about you anymore. Because you are a voice for the shareholders and much appreciated you posting on this site. Equally important to respond as well if you are going to post here. There are questions that need to be answered. For instnace how is it a violation to give Client Attorney information to the Chief? After all the MC according to the 1906 Act also consists of A Chief and AP Chief? It does not matter if the Chief knows or not about the happens on the MC time and I say this because the Chief cannot be a obstacle or he is a conflict of interest to the Shareholder's and we can vote for a new Chief. Simple the MC has all the power and let anyone prove other wise. I'll bet a $100,000. As I have said the Nation cannot exist with out the 1906 Act. Nor can we operate without a Chief or AP Chief unless we elect our own to eliminate all conflicts of interest and no one says we can't as long as we stay away from the Nations Business. Not a bad Idea right? Anybody want to chime in. Maybe a CEO would not be bad. A Chief executive officer. I don't like it when questions such as how much of the Gross production taxes are going to the schools and OK are not answered shows incompetence and shows that we really need to get a grip on our ME sorta speak of course. These are simple answers. 16 years into the year of 2000 and we have not digitalised our ME, why? Funding obviously would have been there or approved? We need a functional Petroleum office not a belly itcher or arm chair coaching.

    8. As usual with you Osages, it's always a tearing rush. Give the MC and Chairman Waller together with their lawyer some time to figure this thing out. Sheesh!!!

  3. Thank you to Aug. 30 at 12:02 p.m. (for info)

  4. TziZho Session Starts September 6th --->>>

    Legislative Calendar --->>>

    1. We're here in sd. sprs. area and felt the earthquake this morning. Really woke everyone up. The low mouning sound was quite scary. I thought it wasn't going to stop moving the bed. Hope this isn't from any Osage oil wells and they shut them down.

    2. NewsOk I read said corporate commission in Okla. are shutting disposal wells down 500 miles around Pawnee quake site. Just issued.

    3. "...the total area of interest encompassed 37 wells within 725 square miles, of which 211 miles is in Osage County."
      “The Oklahoma Corporation Commission is in touch with the EPA regarding Osage County. EPA is reviewing its area in Osage County,” Falling wrote.

    4. See

    5. Osageblogger, who will the EPA deal with, the council, the chief, or the producers?

    6. This was a Earth Quake. Injection wells do not create this type of seismic activity. Hope everyone was ok. Can be scary.

    7. If I could of thought of the worst scenario for anything else to hinder oil production, I would of 'Never' thought, not even close, to a massive earthquake. I seen on the internet it was felt as far as Arizona. All the surrounding states will have their input with the EPA and it won't be positive.

      June, July and August will be the December quarterly payment. Now is the time to make a plan for future financial shortage for March (Sept., Oct., Nov.).

    8. Also scary, is that the earthquake/tremors reached MO and Arkansas where there is a fault as tremendous as the Andreas fault in California.

    9. As I understand it, these injection wells are for water waste disposal and that's why there are so few of them. The waste water will have to be carried farther away now but it isn't the end of the world.

    10. Historical note: One of the reasons the Osages didn't build large permanent structures other than lodges that could be dismantled and set up in different locations is because of their knowledge of earthquakes in the four state region. They are reported to have survived a number of severe earthquakes including the New Madrid fault quake of December 16, 1811 at 7.5-7.9 on the Richter scale.

    11. I don't know who the EPA will work with.

    12. There's a fault and we know about it. As to who the EPA will work with is it should be with all the Agencies.

    13. The says EPA telling producers to shut down, no talks or deals. I think it takes water and pressure to push the oil out of the ground, then they have to dispose of all that bad water back into the ground is where the trouble is. But producers have been doing that forever. It looks like what they're saying that the oil drilling in OK is crushed now, maybe for years. Hope we had some input from our paid council. My God, as if things aren't bad enough in the Osage!

    14. Proof in the pudding the EPA needs to stay out of our way, this incident will not be used as a crutch to further their green energy agenda. And our council needs to stay vigilant on this matter. Studies have been done in the prior years as to the Earthquakes have been happening for centuries in that area long befroe drilling and or fracking. The science is there to prove there is a fault.

    15. Mother natures stamp and you can't change that or put a number on it as science likes to manipulate for their cause. Or for that matter the EPA. There is a balance of truth in what I say.

    16. The way I see it the EPA does not have direct authority and would take a act of Congress to shut this down. Federal Indian law prevails for not against would be a dirct conflist to do so without due process. And we know what that will involve. We are sovereign and even the EPA has to recognize this.

    17. It seems like the producers are under the laws not the landowners and mineral owners. We need an attorney to check this. Come on MC and do your job.

    18. "The order lasts 30 days, and additional counties could be added, according to the release."

    19. Thank you for sharing this article. Interesting that most like Gov.Fallen who with much respect and the OCC would rush to have these wells shut down when in fact these wells do not have the ability to creat seismic activity above a magnitude of 3. Earthquakes if you study are few in between in your area once upon a time, only occurred decades apart if I have it correctly and History will show also in the same area. Now Oklahoma has become second place, taking California's place and Californian's may feel bigger earthquakes it's not going to slide into the Ocean, the complete opposite is happening, California is moving towards Alaska and Alaska is 1st place in Earthquakes. Oh, that ocean front property that is melting away on the California coastline is caused by man kind and maybe a little of mother nature dipping or as I like to say taking back her Earth, most of it is caused by dummies who build the houses to close to the cliff, water so many years and see what happens the law of physics comes into play. All that watering above has to go out somewhere.

    20. In other words Earthquakes do not discriminate meaning they can happen anywhere.

  5. Was our Annuity this month a disaster?

    1. It was higher than the last time.

  6. FYI, OKenergytoday Sept. 5 -- "Chaparral Wants More Time In Meeting Chapter 11 Requirements" (how does this earthquake affect this request??)

    FYI, Okenergytoday, Sept. 5 -- "Injection Well Shutdown Might Not Be Last Action Taken by OCC Following Pawnee Earthquake"

    1. All we have to say is the MC should be prepared for a fight if thats the case and not play this game of wait and see what the "Producers" are going to do and get in this fight for the rights of the ME and especially the Shareholder's enough is enough already with the games that are or imagined do not. It's time to lawyer up.

    2. All shut down and three earthquakes in OK yesterday? Perhaps the culprit lies elsewhere.

  7. Chief's Opening Legislative message is located at

    1. See also

    2. And

    3. Video of Session Opening is now available here -->>>

  8. Is the MC holding a special meeting in regards to the EPA??

    1. Channel 9 tv, in Okla. City is reporting input from Waller and Boone's comments on the shutting down of wells. Waller said he's waiting on more info and wants to work something out. Boone said how hard it's going to be on everybody and for the producers to get rid of the disposal water now. You can find the report by google 'channel 9 Oklahoma city tv', and click on news. I didn't find it on any of Tulsa channels.


    3. While laying in a eight floor hospital bed. waiting for what comes next after a couple mild but attention getting heart, trembles). Then " H "and the southwest Dallas Hospital took another shock, as if it was a beckon from where I was born " Pawhuska'. The bed shook, door open and closed by itself , briefly I pictured my passed brothers riding on war painted horses, must had been the medicine,but the morning sun broke through the southern clouds to proof that it's not "The End"for you or I.proofing that it not "The End"."H".

    4. "Waiting" what a way to be proactive, Mr Chairman. Let's wait until they shut down the wells to have any sort of plan. I think we could find teenagers more competent than our current MC leadership. It's mind blowing the incompetency.

    5. I think it's a sure bet we've lost these real deep wells. Someone said they heard some of them were damaged from the earthquakes anyway. Waller needs to know what angle to go after this commission.

    6. Stuff and nonsense! The MC did not make this call. The EPA did (and I'm not certain they have the top jurisdiction in Osage County). The last word on everything is the BIA even down to final approval of the leases. For the most part, the MC is there for window dressing and not much more by law and that's your precious 1906 Allotment Act as amended. If you want to run down the MC for something, go after what they've done wrong, not for something they have no control over. Why do you insist on putting out this rubbish online? Waller can't stop this thing from happening so give it a rest. It's over his head and all of the rest of the Osages in government for that matter.

      Cynthia is still out there every day making calls, slugging it out to try and help keep the oil business alive in Osage County and the producers producing for the shareholders. She's the best vote you've ever cast and you don't seem to have the good sense to know it.

      Get well Homer J. Good to know you're still looking in on us and the crazy things that continue to go on in the Osage.

    7. It's called being proactive. I will post whatever I feel like posting! Waller is the who said "waiting" not me. Where is a scheduled meeting with the BIA? Do we have attorney's involved. The Shareholder's deserve to know what Is happening!!!!

    8. Waller should be i contact with the Chief along with OCC and with Fallen and the EPA and you are right the EPA does not have JURISDICTION on INDIAN LAND and there is a lot Waller and our Attorney can be doing by filing a injunction. We need to find out how long we are shut down, basically the logistics. Thank you for your commitment Cynthia Boone best wishes H.

    9. Chairman Waller does not post to this Blog. The author of the post that you keep referring to is a man named Homer who is a non-Osage shareholder who follows the Blog with some regularity. He lives in Texas and has nothing to do with the MC or its workings or its staff or Council members. I would be very surprised if Chairman Waller even knows where this blog is on the internet.

    10. As usual with you Osages, it's always a tearing rush. Give the MC and Chairman Waller together with their lawyer some time to figure this thing out. Sheesh!!!

    11. Time lol. Been waiting to hear from him "waller our Chairman" since he became Chairman on the MC. if he can't stand the heat for that matter get out. At this point he is feckless by the optics. Nah, I am sure he knows about this site. He knows he would be bombarded with questions and really he needs to take his oats. You do not ignore your brother and sister Osages, shareholders to boot. Where is the oversite there is none so it is up to us shareholder's to figure things out not good.

    12. in reference to post Sept. 8 at 6:12 a.m.

      News9, Sept 7, 2016 -- "Hundreds Listen As Scientists Discuss Possible Causes of OK Quakes"

      "...the OCC has used emergency power to temporary shut down 54 wells near the quake's epicenter - concerned wells could have been damaged and that aftershocks could cause more problems for those wells."

    13. Is the OCC getting this information from the EPA?

    14. There's an article in the Osage News that says a lot. One producer has ask to turn his 5 wells back on.


  9. Does anyone have a contact number for Cynthia???

    1. Or:
      minerals @ osagenation - nsn . gov
      ATTENTION: Cynthia Boone

      (Close up the spaces in the e-mail address above)

    2. Or 918-287-2920

    (article and a real good informative video--and a statement "good tradeoff to earthquakes")

    "...recent Texas A&M research project ..."was to use locally produced oil and gas water to irrigate crops"

    [one of the research supporters was "Anadarko Petroleum"]

    1. Interesting, still the same injection wells can create only seismic activity of no greater than 3. And it si still safer to inject and cheaper.

    2. Also interesting are the online discussions between Jim Gray and Nona Roach on this issue.

    3. Shutdown and USGS is claiming 2 OK earthquakes yesterday.

    4. 10:38 AM, yes, I think it's not all just the wells causing quakes. I've heard if they hire a dowser that they'd figure it out. But science don't believe in them. Shell oil took one in a plane in the nineteen hundreds over the gulf water and found oil thru all that water and they've been drilling ever since. If it works, great! Well science don't believe in prayer or spirit either.

    5. I happen to agree with Jim Gray and Nona Roach on this matter. The MC is just waiting to see what happens really? Sheesh as someone else said, really? However the incompetent BIA is a known fact this is why we need to open this door and do what we can do for ourselves and not out off what we can accomplish ourselves. And the OST is to give the responsibility of our IIM accounts,where are all the geologists that were to be hired after the HPP case? This is pure Horse Crap. So when I say we need to take the horses by the reigns our MC sits with blinders on. Where is the representation, transparency and most of when are you going to hold yourselves accountable? On another note, Maria Whitehorn we want a smaller Government another LLC is just an excjse not to fix the problem but will exasperate the situation. In my opinion. We have a board we have a working body, lets generate in legislation the authority to the Board not the Chief.

    6. I'll never agree to what Gray said. It has a double meaning. A man not to trust!

    7. Thats up to you, he actually made sense. You can agree to agree or agree to disagree. I do not like him but I will not let that affect common sense. I know when I see a spade once a spade always a spade. He was reckless with our tribe and proven politician.

    8. Yes, I read this article. But it's still under research right now. Let's hope they hurry it up.

  11. You people so butthurt about earthquakes. We live with them. Whining on about a 5.7 when it's a yearly event or higher here . If you don't like the shaking for whatever reason - slip the blame, strap down the hot water heater and live with it or bail.

    1. That's stupid thinking......sober up 2:30 AM!!!!

    2. Then the whole of the residents of California think stupid. Don't be a moron. Live with it or move away. You've got choices.

    3. Hey, I used to live there in Santa Monica for many years, and went to high school. Not once did a 5.7 quake hit around L.A. Only a few times the ground vibrated and was over in 3 sec. My cousin born out there don't remember it being this bad as here. The Osages lived with these quakes for hundreds of years back here. Osage People are concerned about their oil money from the wells being shut down. Your an odd Osage if you are one. You sound more like a white. Nor would you be saying for your tribe to move away.

    4. You Southland people think the whole of California is you. 1994 Northridge. 6.7. You can't live with the fear you move. Lots do and not much more to it than that. People move away not the whole tribe. How did you get that from what was in there?

      California, 5.0 or above

    5. Thats exactly right. Someone has done their Homework. Earthquakes are not unknown in OK and surrounding area. Though they are not frequent and happen decades apart at times but still the same it is not caused by injection wells. Injection wells have been known to cause no nigher than a 3 on the Richter scale. You'll be lucky if you feel it. Earthquakes do happen and they do not discriminate.

  12. Read Osage News on Earthquake.

  13. FYI -- Sept. 9 -- "Obama Steps In With Major Action Halting Dakota Access Pipeline"

    possible big law changes and reform, Obama meeting with Indians to discuss possibilities

  14. Sorry,but you can look at this several ways, exceptionally if your a shareholder in Osage county Ok.1. Transporting our product oil , gas or waste water belong our borders and to other destinies.
    While your at the check out the many articles about the Pawnee EAQ , also Thank's! for your best wishes,"H".

  15. Since the OMC lost their ethics lawsuit, this shareholder does not want them to pay their lawyer out of my money. They were Not members at the time of election so the OMC is not responsible for their personal debt to lawyer.

    1. Amen! Very good idea.

    2. David McCullough our MC Attorney said the case should have been dismissed by the Trial Court. He said the ethics act does not apply to the minerals council because they are not a governing body as defined by the ethics act. He said the ethics act violates the 1906 Osage Allotment Act and when the ethics act is asserted against the minerals council it also violates the Osage Constitution.lo to say the MC is not a governing body is a complete lie. How else would they be recognized by the BIA,DOI,The Federal Government etc...our Lawyer is incompetent. Simple can him now. They make decisions everyday for 5000 shareholders and should be held to a higher standard. I realize this is over a balnket and ham,so simple to comply then open another door for litigation which it did. Needless money spent on the shareholders dime once again. I happen to agree with the above statement the five council memebers should reimburse the Shareholders money to avoid another court battle. It was a conflict of interest in the first place to represent the five MC memebers. That being said, before we shareholder's go to court to expose how much each individual on the MC is making per year. I suggest we get that out as well. We ne3d to know now our money is working for us,or not. No more hiding MC. How are we Shareholder's are to hold you to a standard and I believe we don't have one do we? The status quo is no longer the new standard of the day. Stop twisting and using the 1906 Act for allowing bad behavior to exist.


    4. SCOTON final Opinion:

    5. I think the Justices are not taking into consideration the passage in the Osage Constitution that the Minerals Council under the color of the Osage Nation Minerals Agency have the right to promulgate their own rules and regulations as long as they don't conflict with those of the Osage Nation or Federal law. This is in the Constitution Article XV, Section 4, Paragraph 3. This gives or should give the MC the autonomy and the independence they have or should have under the Osage Nation Constitution. Did the MC lawyer point this out to the Court or not? I agree that the Osage Minerals Agency is under the Osage Nation because it is an Osage Nation Constitutional construct. However, I think this situation requires a little more legal sophistication and finesse to see that the framers of the Osage Nation Constitution where trying to keep the Osage Nation from pounding down on the MC and the Minerals Agency with their laws, rules and regulations every time they feel like it. In view of this paragraph in Article XV, should the Justices not have given the MC more leeway in the matter of this kind of reporting and deferred to the MC's own rules and regulations? Why are we not to take offense as Shareholders when our elected officials get taken to the legal woodshed but when the Osage Nation's Villages, mentioned in Article XIV are concerned, Joe Don Mashunkashey gets a slap on the hand and restitution of $50,000 when $806,000 has gone missing from the Pawhuska Village coffers. Do the MC members and Minerals Agency have to hold to a different standard where a blanket and a ham are concerned or are we really looking at Osage Nation Judicial and Executive Branch overweening pressure for some other political reason as yet unknown? The Chief has pretty much openly been debating the side that has been taken by the Court for sometime on Facebook. How much influence has he had with the Court on the outcome of this situation and should he be questioned as to how much legal input or influence he has had with the SCOTUS on this opinion.

    6. BTW, on page 31 of the Slip Opinion, the stated intent of the U.S. Congress was to unify the Osage Tribe under one system of government not this come lately "Osage Nation" that has no legal legitimacy in Federal law or in fact;
      P.L. 108-431 direct quote:
      "Congress hereby reaffirms the inherent sovereign right of the Osage Tribe to determine its own form of government."

      The Osage Nation is a legal runaway that came from those responsible for it which include Jim Gray as Chief of the 31st Tribal Council, the members of the 31st Tribal Council and the Osage Government Reform Commission led by Hepsi Barnett with The Harvard Project in there too. Nothing about this government is legitimate to me and never will be unless the U.S. Congress puts out an Act of the U.S. Congress signed by the President to say it is legitimate.

    7. Here here, we have a de facto government! Great post 2:39 PM


      Never seen such hogwash revisionist history in my life! The SCOTON is apparently unaware that it was Osage Indian James Bigheart and Mr. Palmer the lawyer who wrote the 1906 Allotment Act itself and nothing by way of a form of government was "forced" on the Osages. It wasn't created to divide the Nation(?) What Nation? It was a Tribe then and it still is today. It didn't weaken the government and it certainly didn't lead the Osage Tribe toward a path of termination. Without the 1906 Allotment Act, the Osages wouldn't have anything today and it would have all gone by the boards long long long ago. The Osage Nation government keeps recycling these outright falsehoods. At the level of the Osage Nation Supreme Court it couldn't be more shocking. The U.S. Congress clarified that the inherent sovereign rights belong to the Osage Tribe, not some cooked up new reorganization fiction of a government that is out in outer space somewhere. The Osage Tribal Council had the sovereign right to form a new government for the Osage Tribe and determine it's membership beyond those who already were members in the first place. It had no right to create a whole new entity that has no basis in law, fact or any reality that I know of today or yesterday. This is the typical ONO Osage in a tearing rush to do what they want, when they want, no matter what and to hell with the rest. They have no mandate and no right to place everything owned by the Osage Tribe at risk of abandonment if they don't get themselves on the legally right side of things and get on with acting on behalf of the only real legal entity that does exist under the U.S. Congress with the Plenary Power and that entity is the Osage Tribe. We need a new Constitution for the Osage Tribe not this Nation cock-up rubbish they cooked up in that government reform committee put forward by the 31st Tribal Council.

    9. Here's one for you...Five MC members voted yes for the Shareholders to furnish the MC lawyer to defend these 5 council members. The other 3 either voted no, abstained, or were absent. Coincidently, the 5 who voted yes were the same 5 who were charged. That in its self is a blatant act of bad ethics, or no ethics at all. Shameful. Not only did they lose their case, which is now remanded back to the trial court, this appeal to the Osage Supreme Court has resulted in giving the Supreme Court a platform from which to voice their opinion on many other aspects of legal nature, which has answered many frequently posed questions, like Who Owns the Mineral Estate. Have a good day, Cynthia.

    10. The Osage Tribe owns the Osage Mineral Rights and the income and bonuses generated from it. The 1906 Allotment Act created the beneficiary trust where all the minerals income and bonuses are to be transferred and placed into the Federal Trust account for distribution to the beneficiaries quarterly. These beneficiaries are otherwise known as headright owners. No Osage Nation in there anywhere and the Osage people shouldn't be mislead about how much leeway is to be had here. Without a U.S. Congressional mandate in an Act of Congress signed by the U.S. President, no Osage has the right to create an entity separate and apart from the Osage Tribe. If a faction of the government of the United States of America decided to change to a new form of government, lead by an upstart errant group of residents who up and decided that they would create and form a new government and more than that, a new legal entity separate and apart from the USA, under the name of The United States of Columbus or The United States of Eriksson, how far do you think that would fly? Basically these renegades have led us down an identical path and it's just as wrong and just as legally insufficient and preposterous.

    11. Wow Great posts going on here and I could not agree more. Where is the input from our MC to this absurdity?

    12. Probably consulting with their lawyer as we read this.

    13. Read,, and click 'most recent' for Doc. Supreme Court of the Osage Nation, 32 pages long.

    14. I did, A slip opinion can be changed. That being said how will our MC respond? I have said our MC is a Governing body for a while. I believe they need to be held to a higher standard, and be held accountable to five thousand shareholder's. This is not the Nations fight this is our fight we vote them in we can vote them out simple...By all optics the Nation cannot direct the Health of the MC and its well being, the ME owners, the Headright owners the true Sovereign Tribe the Osage Tribe will be taking this opinion far. Mineral Council wake up you are in the 21st Century! Stop acting like Hillary Clinton and get a statement out to your Shareholder's! Is this how we became a de facto Government because there was no communication in 2006 to the 5000 Shareholder's?

    15. This damn thing is over a requirement in the Osage Nation Election Law. Hells Bells! The MC has the right to promulgate and run their own election with their own damn rules and they have had a separate election for members of Council since the beginning of this Constitutional government. Explain to me now, why they have to respond to crossover rules and regulations from the general election. Is this for real or what?

    16. Time for a new Osage Constitutional Convention, given by the Shareholder's.

    17. A victory for the Headright Owners according to Chief Stumbling Bear? How does he take us for? He brought the ethics charge in the first place against the duly elected members of the Mineral Council that the Headright owners put in office in the last election. This is a thinly veiled attempt to get rid of the MC in the next two years, take over the running of the OME and cost a fortune in the meantime.

    18. MC needs their eyes washed out before they become a has been.

    19. What does that mean?

    20. To 1:49 p.m. ("Time for a new Osage Constitutional Convention, given by the Shareholder's"). If we did that, we would be recognizing that this new government is actually legal which it isn't. If the shareholders were to hold a constitutional convention, it would certainly seal their fate and not for the better! The only legal Osage government was developed with the 1906 act: only members of the Osage Tribe (Shareholders) make up the Osage government. Going out and identifying this Osage Nation Government as legitimate is NOT what the Shareholders need to do. Think about it.

    21. You just keep chasing ghosts. It gives the lawyers something to do.

    22. Talee keeps on about the proper legal transfer of trust property from the Osage Tribe to the Osage Nation. He's not a stupid man! He does this for a reason because a proper transfer has not taken place because the Osage Nation is some legal fiction that was cooked up by Hepsi Barnett, the OGRC and the Harvard Project. Legal slight of hand is just that, no more and no less.

  16. Osage Minerals Council web site:

  17. FYI Sept. 12th "Two Earthquakes Rattle Northwest Oklahoma" Sept. 12th "Oklahoma, federal regulators amend disposal well action in area around Pawnee quake"

    1. Discovering new faults? lol. Like I said you guys have faults. And Earthquakes are not new. Has nothing to do with injection wells. Told you.

    2. An article in 'Osage Tribe Reviewing EPA Well Shut Down' Sept. 13, 2016. Only 5 wells down right now. I'd like to know their output and what our lost is. No word on the wells that may be damaged.....

    3. Another earthquake today.

  18. HEADS UP! Today at 3:30 p.m., CDST. in the Commerce and Economic Development Meeting will be discussing a bill introduced by C. Whitehorn about some area that has been neglected in the Constitution for 10 years. Should be interesting. This was verbally noticed by Congressman Supernaw in the session today.

    1. This is a bill to create an Osage Nation National Resources Utilization Commission.
      Under Section 8, B., it states: "Negotiate damages and negotiate funds which result from minerals production."
      What the hell is this now? Minerals is off limits on both Tribal and non-Tribal lands. Another gross encroachment despite Section 10 that states "No Infringement on Minerals Council." Any funds from minerals production and any damages as a result of minerals production is an infringement straight up and a huge red flag on the play. Is the Bureau aware of this new attempted encroachment and infringement of their duties under the Osage Mineral Estate Trust?

    2. Thats what I said hands off Maria Whitehorn.

    3. online now

    4. iPad Ray is now in the arena and he is pulling out all the stops to stop this one. Hahahahahaha! Good luck Maria...

    5. Why does he always have to threaten everyone when he doesn't get his way or make everyone see his point of view at the point of the threat of a law suit? I find this unethical.

    6. When he threatens the members of Congress as our representatives, he threatens the Osage people.

    7. Maybe Raymond, the Executive Branch took over more than they had the right to take in the beginning and the Congress is now asserting and exerting its proper authority and taking back what it has a Constitutional right to have. There is no split. The authority in this area belongs to the Congress not the Executive Branch per the Osage Nation Constitution. It's in writing. Read it and try for once to understand plain english.

    8. Where are your heros Galen and Andrew when the administration and management of the minerals estate comes under challenge by the Legislative Branch? Once again, who is standing up for the rights of the shareholders? Right. Cynthia Boone is front and center in the meeting today as she has been yesterday and will be tomorrow.

    9. And the development of the Minerals Estate lest anyone forget. Cynthia Boone is there and no one else. As usual.

    10. Probably hiding under a rock

  19. NOTICE: Technical difficulties on the Osage Nation Committee meetings, the Session Agenda and the video audio for today's broadcasts.

    The work around:
    The video for today's session is on YouTube at
    When the audio and video are up, you will be able to access them direct from the Nation's web site at
    As for today's Congressional Committee meetings, you will need to refer to today's date on the Congressional Calendar at This will give you the scheduled meetings for today but they are subject to change on a daily basis. Click on the colored listings for each committee meeting agenda. As for the audio, you will have to click on each Committee listing on the left hand menu at
    Click on the text and it will take you to Once you are there, scroll down near the bottom of the page and click on the text:
    Appropriations Committee Meeting 9-14-16 Revised
    You will have to do this for every Congressional Committee:
    Commerce and Economic Development
    Congressional Affairs
    Governmental Operations
    Health and Social Services
    Membership Committee
    Rules and Ethics

    1. You really should watch today's session, September 14, 2016, because the Attorney General gave a review direct to the members of the Osage Nation Congress of all of the forms available for complaint that her office can process for investigation.

    2. Note: Only one of the forms discussed is up online and available for download at the web site of the Attorney General at

    3. One of the three forms discussed by the Attorney, General Holly Wells, has to do with the Osage Nation Whistleblower Hotline that is located at the web site of the Office of Fiscal & Performance Review. The Hotline information online is located at

    4. The second form discussed is the Notice of Violation of Osage Law and it is governed by the Ethics Law.

    5. Youtube is picking up the streamed committee meetings for today:
      Live now is the Rules and Ethics Committee

    6. Did you get during session today that they want more money from Congress for that stupid Bluestem Ranch Board to pay to bid on the Bluestem Ranch lease because the Chief is reported to want it that way and they are supposed to be left alone to conduct business and he is interfering all over the place in ethical violation of Article X, Section 8 of the Osage Nation Constitution? When are you people back in the Osage who are witness to this board interference going to get the guts to file an ethics complaint on the Chief?

    7. What the hell happened to the $2 MILLION they were given this year already IN APRIL OF THIS YEAR? Are they eating this money? How have they ripped through this amount in less than FIVE MONTHS while doing nothing because the Chief won't let them do anything?
      This is Kugee again! ONCA 16-69 (Supernaw) is a $2 million appropriation to the Bluestem Ranch LLC Board for its operations. The bill passed on April 21 with a 10-2 vote with “no” votes from Congress members Shannon Edwards and Ron Shaw.

    8. Congress what is going on?

  20. YouTube is picking up the streamed Session for today:
    Live now is the Rules and Ethics Committee

    1. Another MILLION DOLLARS for that Ranch Board when we have children all over the country that could use this money. That's $135.00 per year for every single Osage child member of the Osage Nation. We are spending $40,000 to $45,000 on this special language immersion Osage Academy school for each of the Osage children in the program which is about 34 to 40 students in total. Meanwhile, parochial schools are running $500.00 a month for grade school school tuition plus additional school fees and $10,000 a year tuition plus school fees for parochial high school outside of the Osage. Prep schools cost a good deal more than that. This is grotesquely unfair to every single underage student who does not reside in Osage County. $15 to $20 MILLION is given to the Osage Nation from the Federal government based on the total current membership numbers of approximately 21,600 members of which 35% are underage with 80-85% living outside of Osage County who cannot use this funding unless they live in Osage County. An equal amount of Tribal dollars coming from gaming must go to benefit all of those who live outside the County to fairly and equitably balance the benefits out among all Osage members or only the number who live in county should be counted and used for the purposes of determining and receiving Federal funding. IOW, 2,500 - 3,000 members living in Osage County minus 19,000 - 18,600 of the 21,600 Osage Nation members currently registered. To educate our children and take care of our Elders is indeed and absolutely a profound moral imperative. Thank you Congressman Tillman for awarding those two visitors, one of whom so eloquently reminded you and the rest of the Congress of this duty and responsibility mandated by the Osage Nation Constitution.

    2. Don't know if you noticed but yesterday the Clerk of the Court looked like she was wearing a nightgown or a slip. Today Kugee shows up in jeans, a farmer work shirt and suspenders. Respect for the Osage people is in order here. We expect the highest standards of dress while doing the business of the Osage people and this is 101. Congress is making enough money to dress well and appear appropriately dressed while in Session and in Congressional Committee meetings.

    3. Clerk of the Congress, not the Court. Sorry.

  21. I guess budget justifications written or verbal are not being forthcoming and Congressional subpoenas have been issued to various people in the Executive Branch.

  22. Today's MC meeting Part I is located at
    Part III is located at
    Agenda is located at

  23. Replies
    1. I've been watching the earthquakes on, a weather web site that has many features. Type in your location any where, then zoom out to get all of US, and click on the black box to the upper right, layers, to get earthquakes, even wild fires. Storm tracker shows severe and tornado happening. I showed this site to my granddaughter, she's learning the states on it, and loves to see if it's raining at my house that I showed here. You can zoom in to see your house. Lots of quakes from day to day. Most away from Osage county. Right now the after shocks are getting smaller at Pawnee. Just thought I'd share this, most of you aren't interested, but It does show where the quakes are and if you click on the site it tells the mag of quake. I keep track of some around the Osage and the bigger ones. This site can zoom out to the whole globe of earthquakes. From what Waller said in the meeting, they are waiting on data yet to see how serious this last big quake will effect our production and checks.

    2. earthquake at 11:16 PM.

    3. I think California had 561 earthquakes in the last month. We have an active fault here in OK.

  24. Thanks for the website for earthquakes.

    Was so glad the EPA spoke at the minerals meeting. They said they are going to put up a website for updates of their findings (data/research). That Osage County producers were drilling at 75 percent volume, better than being totally shutdown like those in the OK Corporate Commission jurisdiction.

  25., posted Sept. 17 "USGS: More Than A Dozen Small Earthquakes in Oklahoma , 1 in Kansas since Friday Night"

  26. FYI - posted Sept. 16, 2016 - "Osage Nation gears up for talks on new Class III gaming compact"

  27. Here we go again. In order to keep Standingbear's Executive Branch budget including the Office of the Principal Chiefs at the highest inflated price possible despite the debt load and all other expenses above and beyond that will have to be incurred as a result of what has been purchased by this debt, "Comes now" four of those who the Osage Congress apparently subpoenaed to get answers as to why these budgets are so high since the Executive apparently didn't provide any kind of budgetary justifications with the documentation as has been seen in the past:
    The most important question a people can ever ask of the government it has in place and of the people how are hired to run it is this:
    What good is a government to the people it supposedly is created to serve that cannot be controlled, that is without checks and balances which legally uses the very concept of checks and balances in a Constitution to justify and get away with reckless, undisciplined, uncontrolled and therefore unprincipled spending?

    1. This is war Osage people. If the entire executive branch thinks that they can send over budgets without figures justified for whatever the reason so that we the people have no clue even in Committee what these budgets are paying for and for how many employees, grow a pair congress and send every single one of them back to the executive branch that are not justified either on paper or in person by an executive branch representative, on behalf of the rightful interest of the Osage people.
      Good discussion on this ongoing problem in the Session's Committee of the Whole today:
      No legitimate government gets away with submitting one budget for a whole division with one number, bottom line and does not have to justify it on a line item basis to the legislative branch that appropriates the funding unless you roll back the clock to the time of the government of Adolph Hitler and even he was able to balance the budget of Germany once he came to power!
      Clearly from the remarks (again) of Maria Whitehorn, they don't know where they are and have no idea what is even going on from a budgetary standpoint as a result of a lack of cooperation from the executive branch. Next time she keeps saying. We have heard that phrase from the members of the Congress since this Osage Nation government began with one pull back on full disclosure to the Osage Congress on the part of the Executive Branch after another on what they are spending, who they are spending it on and why. Then the executive runs to Osage court and it backs them up denuding the power of the Osage People's branch of government down to nothing just like Hitler did after Reichstag, the seat of the German Parliament, burned down and it was dissolved bringing Hitler to complete power. This is abhorrent and detestable and we won't stand for this inferior running of the Osage government ant longer. Send the budgets back until there is a justifyable reason to spend money on them Congress and don't continue to play this power game with the executive any more. You have a choice and I don't care how many fat cat candy and soda swollen asses show up in jeans and t-shirts with signs to protest just because you insist on good and sound government for the Osage people. Don't fall prey to undemocratic Nazi like political maneuvers on the part of those who run the executive branch. They will be out in the next election and half of you will go out right with them if you keep putting up with this heinous budgeting behavior on the part of the executive branch.

    2. Education Committee meeting report: The female voice on the recording stated that because of ongoing litigation, they don't have to answer the question that was being asked. Thank you Chief, thank you iPad Ray, thank you all those who sued the Congress and the Osage People yesterday including Samuel Alexander, Scott Johnson, Casey Johnson and Mary Wildcat. iPads for children less than 5 years old for the 35 Osage Early Learning Academy? There is another possibility here Congress that I suggest you employ now and in the near future and you in particular Congressman Ron Shaw; withdraw sponsorship of this bill and the bill itself and don't any other member of the Congress responsor it. Nobody has a gun to your head and if you feel they do, you have every right to walk away to protect your yourself and your preserve your reputation and your sworn responsibility to uphold the Osage Nation Constitution.

    3. Casey Johnson up and leaves this Committee Meeting? Who are these people that they think they can walk out before the Congress has had the proper time to ask their questions and receive a proper answer. Walk away from the Committee Meeting? Be smart and don't submit to this insulting behavior toward the Osage people and their duly elected representatives. Withdraw sponsorship and withdraw the bills and don't sponsor again them until the Executive Branch shows the proper respect for your work and and what is necessary to accomplish it on behalf of the Osage people. Hacks put up with this sort of disrespect. Those who have respect for themselves don't and more than that, those who have respect for the power and prestige of the branch of government for which you work don't either. It's really that simple.

    4. If the NIGC decides to take a look at these Osage Nation budgets and what they are being spent on, will the Executive Branch sue them? I think not. Will the NIGC take the Osage Nation Congress to task for not properly vetting these budgets on a line item basis to make certain that they are within the lawful spending parameters of the Federal Indian Gaming Regulatory Act before they appropriate it for fiscal year funding? We tread on very dangerous ground here with what the Executive Branch is constantly trying to do and if I were the NIGC, I would go after the Osage Nation Congress because, despite all the Executive Branch legal shenanigans inter-govenment to the contrary, the power of the purse and therefore, the responsibility, fully lies with the duly elected members of the Legislature of any Tribal Community within the reach of the NIGA.

    5. HA! Kugee to the rescue...
      Chief has been sending out his yarn and spinning it like his life depended on it on Facebook as to why employee salaries should be private and not disclosed even to the members of the Osage Congress. Big tip Chief: This is our money and we have a right to know. You aren't running a private or a public company where such information is hidden. This is a government of the Osage people and we have a right to know who is raiding the Osage Nation Treasury and for exactly how much.
      Kugee posted this link and he's right and you're wrong and the corruption of hiding money and where it's going has to end. You are a public servant for God's sake. Get yourself on the right side of this issue and start running an honest transparent government. You want to pay people who work for this government a king's ransom to the detriment of those Osage members who this government is supposed to serve, have the guts to stand up and take the heat! And what's all this about you dumping on all of the Seniors who had the Osage "Plan F" Medicare Supplemental for free and now you want them to pay $200.00 a month for it just so you can have that damned ranch that everyone will come to rue one day like tomorrow morning? You gaping no count four-flushing churl! May the Osage version of karma catch up to you and more than soon and your stupid justifications on why the salaries of your family members won't be openly disclosed to the Osage people along with the overinflated salaries of everyone else you and those like you who continue to permit the eating of this government's revenue alive like deranged cannibals.

      Oklahoma State Employee Database ---

    6. At
      To Paul Bemore who wrote, "All these other jurisdictions that disclose salaries do so as a matter of law. The ON has no such law requiring disclosure or not." OK Paul then let's get a law on the books that requires just that. Do I hear a Congressional sponsor of such a bill championing the Osage People's right to know? Kugee? Shannon? Alice?

    7. To Jim Gray: You ask, "How many tribes our size make all of their employee salaries public?" To that I ask, As a result of a lack of full disclosure and transparency, how many tribes our size are rife with fiscal corruption and nepotism? It's precisely why a tribe our size so small should have to report to the public on how many employees we have and how much they are individually paid. When you crossed the Osage people in a manner much like this, funny how your salary went to nothing overnight isn't it? Standing Bear should take heed, pay close attention and learn an important lesson from what happened to you.

    8. So $4,320,000 for the "Plan F" for the Seniors if all 1,800 of them are registered which they are not. How much money is being funded to those Boards, Commissions, Study Groups, and other instrumentalities of the Osage Nation that meet once a month and for the most part do nothing? Throwing our Seniors from the Osage Nation gravy train is very suspicious. Before the election the Plan F option is developed by Standing Bear and Shannon Edwards and funded by the Congress and now that both are elected and in place for a few more years, they throw the 65 plus Seniors now and those upcoming under the bus? This is truly horrendous.

    9. We should find out if this is true first.

    10. Chief its our money right and when you are in public office you have the onus to provide this information and you should not be afraid of reprisal, if you have nothing to hide which I believe you do sir.

    11. Here it shows "Plan F" as paid for by the Osage Nation for Osages over 65 who have Medicare Part A and B:

    12. I'm afraid that I am now very concerned that this ranch purchase is going to further the ends of the government funding the government's interest and not those of the members that it's been created for and supposed to serve. For many years now, the open question, even among the elected officials is what do you do as a member do to justify the Osage Nation government doing anything for you at all! In other words, if you don't live in Osage County and or work for the Osage Nation government and aren't actively involved in the culture, what right do you have to think that the Osage Nation government should be doing anything for you at all? This is foundational with some of those Osages who live in the Osage and this feeling is growing. This is not what this government was supposed to be and it's not what it should be today. Congressman Ron Shaw campaigned on structuring a vote of the Osage Nation members on big ticket items like the ranch with information put out there as to what the ramifications are for going forward as opposed to not making such a purchase. This, of course, has gone by the wayside as I know of a number of such financial commitments that have been made since he was elected to serve. If the only thing this government does is fund Osages who live at home who cry that there is no money because of fiscally unaffordable purchases be it the ranch, building projects, unjustifiable government bureaucratic growth and the like, then those who run it are obligated to cut back the size of the government and the number of those employed accordingly so they can afford the benefits especially to the elderly, the young and those seeking higher education. If this stops happening and there are no benefits for those who don't live in Osage County or don't work for the Osage Nation government, then they need to stop using the total numbers of all of us around the United States to get Federal money based on those numbers and then they must reduce the numbers down to those Osages who live in Osage County alone.

    13. Disgusted Osage SeniorSeptember 24, 2016 at 1:29 PM

      Analyzing a pull back from those who are registered in the "Plan F" program, if they now have to pay the nearly $200 per month instead of the Osage Nation paying for it, then they will literally be receiving nothing at all; if they quit that program to get the $1,000 card for Seniors a year then they will lose the "Plan F" benefit and will have to try and find it elsewhere at $300 to $400 per month if they can even qualify at all for the program. If they stay and pay the $200 a month for "Plan F" then the Osage Nation will walk away absolutely scott free and will have trapped those who are currently enrolled in the program with no way for them to obtain to get even the $1,000 Osage card option because they are locked out. This is highly questionable governmental policy from an ethical standpoint and will cause a lot of harm to the seniors enrolled now and to those who choose to become enrolled when they qualify for Medicare. The Osage Nation Constitution secures the mandate and obligation to the Osage people who are young and who are old. The Osage Nation government under the Constitution has no mandate whatsoever to continue to throw 3% merit bonuses at Osage Nation employees who never answer the phone or who behave like it is a big imposition to even have to do anything for you. There is also no Constitutional obligation to hire 500 to 600 Osage Nation employees who have little background, education, and experience for a job they have no idea how to do and have no intention of learning how to do either. From what I understand, this is rampant in addition to layers of management personnel who, at the top have no idea what is supposed to be being done on the job at the ground level yet are paid $65,000 plus not including benefits simply because they have a Master’s Degree or a Doctorate. This government under the 31st and final Tribal Council had about 325 employees and not a whole lot more is being done for the entirely of the Osage people who are neither young or old despite new divisions, departments, offices, LLCs, study groups, boards, commissions, authorities and so on that number at last report, 100 + of them that exist today which is where the real money taken in by gaming revenue is actually being spent. This is not what this new government was meant to be and it's not what should exist today.

    14. This article clarifies that the "Plan F" option has been funded by the Osage Nation Congress for the upcoming year and the benefit is free to Osage Seniors over 65 years old. See

  28. MC Meeting Agenda for tomorrow:
    I don't know whether it will be broadcast or not due to the notice of technical difficulties on the Osage Nation's Live Media web page at:

    1. Meeting is live now at

    2. Part I is located at

    3. Is the 2nd part recorded somewhere?

    4. Part II is now uploaded to

    5. BIA group out of Denver to speak to the MC about IHS Compacting. State of OK Secretary of Energy Webinar next week for the MC on earthquake information.

    6. Thank you Osageblogger.

  29. Clearing the air from "H'.

  30. The Osage Minerals Council has posted a very well done fall 2016 news letter. Find it on the Minerals Council’s web page or go to:
    Good job Mr. Brock!

    1. Right you are indeed! Thanks Ray for posting this information.

    2. Thank you Ray McClain.

      If the MC is adopting the Roberts rule of thumb, how has the MC been operating? Non the less long over-due the Standard has been set and we have been asking quite some time that you MC get organized.

      I motion the MC to disclose thier salary, why, we should not underestimates its importance. Logistics is paramount to the success of the ME. In other words money is a driver and we the Shareholder's are in the driver seat so we must take care to be sure the MC is working for the same success and be sure the road we are on is the right path in the best interest of the Estate. After all you are elected officials. A pay system might be in order. We cannot have a renegade entity.

      Why are we getting rid of the PL account "profit and loss account?" These records provide information about a company's ability or lack there of? How are the Shareholder's to stay informed?

      ARE not all of you The MC, comprised of our trust relationship with the Federal Government and how it works?

      Motion 3-144 To establish beneficiary and assets of estate? Audit? And isn't this motion redundant? Or do you really not know what is going on?

      Motion 3-146 to establish and maintain well logs and geo-physical data and production for the OME. This really makes me wonder what all of our MC have been up to since 2006. Makes me feel we have incompetent MC members. Why don't you just say we are opening a office period.

      Motion 3-147 OMC owned up-stream Entity? What? I have issue though recognized by our Constitution we are a separate entity, that being said we pay you to run and operate and you are elected. You don't own, the MC is owned by the Estate and I see the wording needs to be changed. Redundant you have always have had the access to federal funding to manage, produce oil & gas resources. I see this as a conflict of interestto the shareholder.

    3. So, If I read this newsletter correctly, the MC is going to be setting up an office to handle the day to day management and administration that would normally be taken over by the BIA. I take it that the $4 million yearly( ?) is coming direct from the BIA or is this added drawdown from the mineral estate income that the shareholders will be deprived of on a quarterly basis? If the BIA isn't there and in place for management and administration then I see one big thing wrong with this idea. It will open the MC up to the same intimidation and manipulation as has been seen by the Osage Nation Chiefs now and in the past. It will become just one more business, authority or commission board that the Chief will go after with his "mandate" by the Constitution as the "Supreme Executive Power." Before this step was taken, the Osage Shareholders should have had a vote to approve this transition. Duplicating free services that come from the BIA means that we will probably have to bear the financial burden. There is still much to be desired where the personnel dynamics of the MC office is concerned as well and they continue to hire Osages and others who are not up to the job and don't know how to handle themselves personally or professionally in an office setting. Remember, our personal estate Trusts are being set up there and who knows how that will go if the Osages know no other outside influence to get it right the first time and keep it that way and processed in a timely and professional "real world" manner.

    4. You betha Poster 12:34 pm. We the shareholder's have a problem with this and are already wanting to give salary increase. No and no on all of this or see us in court. After two years of no communication with in and from our own establishment, the elite. Optics.

    5. If the Chief sticks to this then the MC may have a fighting chance. If not, it will be a war zone from beginning to end.

  31. Session today is now live at

    1. Committee Meetings today are located at

  32. Good Session discussion today:
    Don't know how many employees there are and salaries as a result of these budgets? You jerks at the Executive need to realize that when you try and hide where the money is spent and on who and for how much from the representatives in Congress, you hide the money from the Osage people. You have no business being hostile to this Osage Nation Congress when they request financial information from anyone under your command Chief and those you are in command of in your Branch of government. This is your total responsibility since you are the Supreme head of the Executive Branch. Worst session Edwards has ever been in !?! Because she hasn't the information she has had for the previous 9 years? Just don't appropriate the money until you get the information. Have the guts to act with the power you have at your disposal that you are mandated to use. Send the budgets back to the Executive Branch and get on with doing it. You are in violation of your due diligence if you don't. There it is in writing and you need to penalize them to the fullest extent of the law if they don't provide you with justifications you need to do a proper job of appropriations.

    1. I'm for a full Judicial review at the Oklahoma Supreme Court of the rulings of the Justices of the Osage Nation Judicial Branch called for by the members of the Osage Nation Congress which have made the job of the representatives of the Osage People, in all practicality, impossible to accomplish in a professional manner that includes transparency, full disclosure, accountability and the ability to refer to the legal precedent of other Courts be they Tribal, Federal or the State of Oklahoma. The question here is, should these people who have been appointed as Osage Nation Justices even have a law degree? The Supreme Court is in a position of responsibility for the lower Tribal Court per the Osage Nation Constitution, "...develop, maintain and administrate the Tribal Justice System." How is it the members of the Minerals Council should be taken to task for a blanket and a ham when the Osage Nation Court has let Joe Don Mashunkashey walk away with no jail time (not even for a year) and $50,000 in restitution when he effectively make off with $806,000 of Pawhuska Village Funds. Every attorney with a law degree in the State of Oklahoma is subject to the review of the Oklahoma Supreme Court for conduct unbecoming. It's high time for the Osage Nation Congress to seek redress for such preposterous Osage Nation Judicial legal positions, interpretations and punitive actions in its past. Have the professional behavior of the Chief placed under review as well since he appears to be involved in these Osage Tribal Court opinions right up to his eyeballs. Suspend the approval of these Osage Nation budget bills that are in question until the Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled on the professional behavior of these attorneys. This is so out of control now, I can't even believe that these shenanigans are going on. We expect this process to get better not deteriorate into a ghastly situation like this.

    2. There is a difference between an attorney who is licensed to practice law and a lawyer who has a law degree who is learned in the law but not licensed. Often the term lawyer is used for both. The Oklahoma Bar Association handles complaints against lawyers and attorneys.

    3. Thank you for this additional information. When the Osage Nation Supreme Court makes statements that suggest that we don't have to observe legal precedent established in other courts, we need to step in to encourage the Osage Nation Congress to seek a review of this legal opinion with the governing body that has jurisdiction over the law licenses of these same Osage Supreme Court Justices. I also believe that the Osage Nation Congress has every right to know on behalf of the Osage people exactly how much is being spent on salaries and benefits and how many hires are being paid by these appropriations in every branch of the Osage Nation government. Only an idiot would not believe that where money in budgets are concerned, the Congress has the right to make changes to these budgets OR there would not be a LINE ITEM VETO available to the Chief in the Osage Nation Constitution. There is and it's printed as big as life in ARTICLE VI, Section 13, Paragraph 2. I am sick of the legal manipulations and machinations that have taken place on the part of both the Executive and the Judicial Branches on these budget bills since this new government came into being and I want something done about it as soon as possible. If the Congress has no right to know then we as the Osage people have no right to know and we by God do and I won't stand for anyone elected or appointed telling me that it's as to the otherwise! Read the Preamble of the Osage Nation Constitution:
      This damned "Heart of Darkness" scenario that these people have been running out on all of us for the last ten years must come to an end and that means NOW!!!!!
      Let the OK Bar get after them because they need to behave in a way from a legal standpoint that is within certain standards or they lose their licenses to practice law in the State. They lose their licenses and they are out as Justices of the Osage Nation because they can no longer qualify to remain in their appointed positions. Some of this stuff they are doing is way out there and we need to see to it that it comes under review one way or another.

    4. Furthermore, the Congress has the right to make changes to budgets in order to satisfy the requirement mandated by the Osage Nation Constitution in ARTICLE VI, Section 23. "The annual budget shall not exceed projected revenues." The Chief can veto any change in a line item and the Osage Nation Congress can override that veto. This is how it works or should work and that's where we need to be and not some legal fiction created by the apparent collusion of the legal minds in the Executive and Legislative Branches. This is straightforward and not some Shakespearean fiscal convolution by those who continue to try their best to audition for the parts of Iago, Tamara and that Scottish fellow with the bloodthirsty ambitious wife. This is the very life of our government which is at stake. In the Osage, what has been going on for years is pure melodrama and not very good at that. Our passion for a proper running of this government rises above drama; it is real and nobody is acting!

    5. a budget line item...

  33. Session will begin today at 5:00 p.m. The Agenda is located at

    1. New Speaker of the Congress is Angela Pratt and the Session will begin tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. CSDT.

  34. The border on the right side of the YouTube page has the various recordings for the session days until it is posted to the Osage Nation Congressional web page for Session information at
    The Agenda for today is located at the above URL.
    GovOps is live now at

    1. 5,000 Osages with Alzheimers? That must be the problem.
      All funding for worthy causes should be handled within the system. It's the professional thing for a government to do and if you have a Foundation for this purpose, you should use it.

    2. "11 watching now" is listed at the YouTube web site for those listening to this GovOps meeting. Good and important work is being done in these Congressional Committee meetings and I encourage you to follow along if you can.

    3. Meeting adjourned. Keep reloading the YouTube web page and it will list those Osage Nation meetings that are live.

    4. ComEcon meeting is now live. See for the ComEcon meeting Agenda.

    5. This is the revised Agenda

    6. ComEcon meeting live at

    7. What the hell? Leases have already been given out to hunt and fish BEFORE the Osage Nation has even taken possession of the Bluestem Ranch on November 1, 2016? I DO WANT TO KNOW WHO HAS LEASED THE BLUESTEM RANCH PRIOR TO EVEN HAVING POSSESSION OF THE RANCH. Who the hell is responsible for this? If 20,190 of us own this land, I am one of them who wants this question answered. No legal lease can be awarded by the Osage Nation until it owns and takes possession of the land on November 1, 2016.

    8. And now the Bluestem Ranch purchase is subject to previous leases awarded by the Turner team? So this land has been purchased without being free and clear of any leases? Why don't you people just quit who are responsible for making real estate deals like this. Hand in your resignations and walk away. We would all be better off if you did. So how do we find out about all these leases that encumber the land for the Bluestem Ranch?

    9. Appropriations is meeting now live. Agenda is located here:
      Talking about making the business boards chair pay structure the same as other members and not $3,000 more. Good idea! Thank you Congresswoman Buffalohead. These boards members should be paid no more that $3,000 each anyway when their salaries rival that of the 30th Osage Nation Tribal Council members 12 or so years ago.

  35. The thing that is most important to keep in mind is that the Projected Revenue figure began on September 6, 2016 at $47,330,000 if we are to rely on the word of Speaker Mason. Some minutes later, the Appropriations Committee Chair, Congressman Ron Shaw stood up and amended the figure to $51,356,000. Now, as of September 23, "...the Fifth Osage Nation Congress voted unanimously to approve a revised projected revenue level in the amount of $111.5 million for the Nation’s government." (!!!!!!!)
    How does this gotta-be-crooked government come up with an additional $64,170,000 in 17 days?

    1. $64,170,000! Will the Osage Nation members be receiving benefits with this money or will it again pay for some townie or non-Osage to be put on the payroll or for programs that never help or benefit any of the members who don't live in Osage County? 20,190 members x 80% equals $0.00. Only the Osage Nation could figure out a benefit scheme like this one... More money should mean more benefits for us that directly benefit us, not more government spending for the government itself. Half a million bucks for new employees and merit pay bonuses set aside in two separate bills? What could they possibly merit for a job they don't ever appear to do because they don't answer the phone or return phone calls when you leave a message? One Osage I know stopped by one of the Osage government offices and they were all watching a soap on TV and could barely break away to take the time to help or be of service.

    2. $30.8 million in the Nation’s permanent fund is included in the total figure but I'm stumped as to how. Whatever revenue it may generate yearly can be seen as revenue for the purpose of inclusion into the projected revenue figure but not the principal. Government created Permanent Funds often pay dividends to citizens...
      "This projected revenue figure also includes restricted items including: $30.8 million in the Nation's permanent fund (restricted to spending on direct services for Osages and has not been touched since inception); $2.9 million in unobligated funds from FY 2015; and $1.9 million in unappropriated funds from FY 2016." --->>>
      How do they find this money in unobligated and unappropriated funds when less than a year ago, they only had $24,000 of Projected Revenue left? This looks like a shell game with our money if not hide and seek from all of us who don't work for the Osage Nation.
      New services for the OC Osages include those listed on this flyer --->>>
      Looking to hire tutors for students and the flyer for that is here --->>> Average rate is $12.25 an hour not $25 to $35.
      This comment was posted on the Nation's Facebook page: "I called and left a message asking about hours of tutoring, awaiting a call back."
      A lot of this stuff could go out online and IT could be tasked with doing it for the Osage Nation members.

  36. The open comments of the members of the Osage Nation Congress with regard to the behavior of the Chief verbally and/or in writing to Congresswoman Whitehorn, Congressman Supernaw and Congresswoman Edwards call for an investigation by the Osage Nation Attorney General about the circumstances surrounding and associated with the Health Authority Board nomination of Lesa Shaw, the wife of Congressman Ron Shaw. Motion to appoint Mrs. Shaw to the board failed by a vote of the Congress just as it should have.

  37. Anybody heard about the BIA restarting the CFR's? I heard that they are having meetings at the end of this month but can't confirm this fact.

    1. Interesting. Would like to see the new revised regulations posted for comment and curious if any of our producers or lawyer can confirm?

      The implementation of the revised regulations 25 CFR 226 has been postponed until further notice."

  38. This thread is now closed. Go to:
