Another former member of the Osage Congress, John Free, gets a whopping $90,000 for sculpting the Bigheart statue!!! To put this in perspective, Mike Flanagan, a famous and renown sculptor collected by the late John Wayne, former Vice President Dan Quayle, Shuttle Commander Joe Engle, Vice President Dick Cheney, Buck Taylor and Lynn Anderson is asking $90,000 for this life size bronze bison sculpture titled Thunder in the Plains:
Why should we have to pay this much for a statue that is a quarter the work and looks like a turn of the 20th Century down on his luck traveling carny? It never ends with these people and how they throw handful after handful after handful of our money at one another.
$90,000? Is that all? I’m surprised it isn’t more . Why are you surprised about the ONG giving money away to one of their own? The political class is going to ensure they take care of themselves either by enormous paychecks, business deals, cronyism, or just plain theft.
The rest of the Osages who are not related to anyone in political office or don’t have political connections are at the cold hearted mercy of Osage bureaucracy. And usually those who need help are turned away for one reason or another.
The Osage Nation is not a government for the people and by the people. It’s a system to control the purse strings of the casinos and spread the wealth among the people in charge of the system.
I like to know as well and the accounting policy amendments as well? Chief can you expound so the constituency can be clued in? Much appreciate it if you woukd please either on Facebook or here. It is imperative that as a people we should be informed. Transparency builds trust. By the way way to go language dept. Accolades.
Nothing concrete to explain this item on the Agenda: "A Bureau of Indian Affairs self-governance compact"
This is what you will get if Hillary Clinton gets elected a carbon tax = taxing the air we breath. Used to be a joke, not anymore. All in the name of climate change and seek a freeze on hydraulic fracking. Fracking has been around for 65 years. The fears all based on speculation at the most. And you can bet that $15 dollar min wage increase will be eaten by inflation. Starbucks coffee forget about it. What comes around goes around.
Sometimes I feel we are forgotten in our race to succeed the Politics the fails the M.E hugely and what is being done about it and those who perpetrate it and do nothing and the hypocrisy. Coming into shortly will be 2017 right and how is our M.E working for us the Osage? The Mineral owners would like to know? Anyway just thought I would wake up the sound of silence, is not welcoming to say the least. The latest form on Fracking.
Well...ear to the ground...we are hearing that something -- H U G E -- is going to happen at the Minerals Meeting tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then the following Wednesday. Agenda:
I'll just bet it has something to do with this Resolution: ONCR 16-34, A Resolution To approve and authorize the execution of a self-governance Compact between the Osage Nation and the United States of America through the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs for the delivery of programs, services, functions and activities. (RJ Walker and Ron Shaw) Funny how the "Self-governance Compact" itself isn't included with the copy of the actual Resolution. It's the last ONCR legislation listed for 2016:
It appears that there is something terribly significant about the MC attorney's opinion identified as the 177 Opinion on the Agenda. They want to keep the discussion about this issue in Executive Session for the time being. Hear the first part of the meeting today at
All right. Let's presume that the Nation is making a run on the Osage Mineral Estate to run it with a compact. There are a couple of things wrong with this idea and let me enumerate:
The 2004 Reaffirmation Act of the U.S. Congress gave the Osages the right to form a new government and establish membership. It did not give the Osage Nation the right to extinguish the Osage Tribe or the ownership rights of the Osage Tribe under the 1906 Allotment Act as amended including the mineral rights reserved to the Osage Tribe under this Act. There are only two ways, IMO, that the Osage Nation can secure those rights and all of us going ahead to assume that the rights have automatically been transferred to the current government of the Osage Nation as the legal and lone survivor of the Osage Tribe simply because a new government has been formed is not the stuff of genuine or sufficient legal substance. Either the U.S. Congress must make that extinguishment of the Osage Tribe as a legal entity and transfer all rights owned by it to the Osage Nation in an official Act of Congress as the plenary power or the Osage Nation must go into a U.S. court of competent jurisdiction to seek a legal extinguishment of the Osage Tribe as the official legal entity under the 1906 Allotment Act as amended to actually become the official legal entity. In addition, once the extinguishment action in court is successful, the Osage Nation will have to bring a quiet title action in a U.S. Court to make absolutely certain that the reserved mineral rights are legally secure and fully owned by the Osage Nation as the surviving legal entity. Remember that this is still a Mineral Estate and estate law and particularly real estate law should be involved legally. I submit that until either one or the other has taken place, the Osage Tribe as a legal entity is alive and well today just as it has been for the last 110 years. We have the Osage Nation Tribal Council designated in the HPP lawsuit by the U.S. Court of Federal Claims as the legal Osage government officials authorized to act in an official capacity on behalf of the Osage Tribal Mineral Estate and to handle all business matters for it so that is fully secure legally at this time. The Osage Nation has its legal work cut out for it and a whole lot ahead of it still before they can prematurely attempt to make a successful run on the Osage Mineral Estate. The hallmark of the Osage Nation government and the officials who run it is the constant hell bent for leather headlong hurling ahead of its behavior and actions without thought or pause to consider what it's doing and whether or not what it’s doing or wants to do is even legal. This has to stop and now would be an excellent time for that to take place.
Even though the BIA court has determined that the Osage Nation is acknowledged as the official government entity with the capacity to act on behalf of the Osage Tribe, it is important to keep in mind this is an internal court in a bureau of the Executive Branch of the U.S. government and it does not call the legal shots where Tribal governments are concerned. The only two branches of government which can and do are the U.S. Congress and the Judicial Branch of the Federal government.
I fully concur with your assessment which is purely facts stated in black and white. The 1906 Act. And the power of truth lies in that very Document. Not so many understand I would suspect or just realize the very reality that faces the Osage Shareholders are confronted with on so many fronts. And the lack of response to your assessment tells me two things one most don't understand and are just not knowledgeable or even realize the reality, no accident there. Lack of transparency or just no communication, second silence is not golden by our M.C i.e board. I understand. Hear me roar. I am waiting to pounce and have lawyers who will work pro-bono if such a risk comes to the Shareholder's. They want to play Politics I am ready. In short, where we are at from a perspective is no accident. I get what the 1906 act means. The Nation can not exist with out the Osage Tribe. And the true Reservation and the Nation and how they exist with one phone call right Mr. Redcorn. This Osage Indian will blow the whistle. End the end a consensus needs to come who knows a Constitutional Convention in the makes or a coup could be in our future.
I'm not certain that a judgment in a court of competent jurisdiction would be sufficient. The laws are made by the U.S. Congress and because they have the Plenary Power over the Tribes in the U.S., I think only the U.S. Congress can make such a transfer of the ownership of the reserved mineral rights from the Osage Tribe to the Osage Nation government. The framers of the Osage Nation Constitution must have been aware of this fact or they would not have referred to the 1906 Allotment Act as amended in Section 2 and Section 4 of Article XV. Clearly they were aware that Federal law trumps Tribal law of any kind including the terms, conditions and provisions of all Tribal constitutions in the USA.
I happen to agree with you on this matter and you are right had this POS legs gone thru they would have had a huge fight on this matter. What is more telling is how RJ Walker is so miss informed or that it is something else? The 1906 Act is meant no less and no more and is accurate down to detail and protected. Though if one trys hard on the face of the document if no one is watching can take on a new face, new meaning and not necessarily changing the wording or the Federal Government losing control, can quietly take on a new role if we are not watching out for our interest. Had I known we were becoming a Government of self Interest as I watch the New Boards form or why not just call it what it is, A quiet takeover of the Nation by these folks who are asserting themselves without a proper vote. Is ethically wrong and morally wrong on so many levels. I want to know are you all Democrat's? We just might need to rewrite Histroy and hit restart. What do we have stupid written on our forehead?
I think the MC needs to grow a pair and stop relying on the BIA to make the choices for the Shareholder's or relying on the MC attorney for common sense decisions. What I find redundant is going over the same minutes over again. S-10 to not knowing about accounts and especially what is mind boggling why has not the M.C making sure our accounts or leases are updated to the standard today? Ah gravel and sand ring a bell. To ensure the shareholders are getting top dollar for thier money and that is not happening according to Mrs. Foreman,and I believe she brought this up when? And no action to date to make sure the BIA is charging the 10%, according to Jeanne Hale she was to check on this matter and rectify? It was really hard to hear with all the paper shuffling to speakers not speaking loud enough. Last word, MC you are charged with the duty to protect the interest of the shareholder's.
On the old OSA site,on 14 of feb. 2007 MC Galen Crum wrote Constitution,fix it or junk it? About 10 years later nothing has changed,except that this Consistution continues to exsist and maintains an sense of place amoung many of the Osage. I've seen a few Osage Constitutions over these many past years,even wrote one myself. But anyhoot,we are in need of a convention,everything could be done online.You get 3000 Osage Shareholder,who have membership of the Nation,who collectively vote as one can make things better.Anything drafted,voted on to pass,could be sent to our Principle Chief for his appoval and stamped for our Osage Congress to appove and sign or sent to the Osage at large to vote yes or no.Simple,cost low, and at speeds of enactment which could become a role modal for many generations.
more commissioners. Are they on the dole too or do they work for free? Where is this money going to come from Chief? Does the word bankruptcy mean anything to you and Ray-Ray at all? When are you going to learn to say no to spending that isn't critical right at this time?
Congressional Committee Members have been chosen. Best to keep an eye on the new Congressional Membership Committee:
God Bless and Rest you Kent Radcliff! You set the standard for keeping watch on the new Osage government with your OSA Discussions Blog. You will be greatly missed by all of us:
This says it all. My question finally answered. If it was not for the M E the Nation would not exist or our Casino's and defined by our own constitution we are a separate entity and the Osage Tribe...defined over and over again by the 1906 Act. The tribe’s foundation is not just the 1906 Act, it’s the treaties with the Great and Little Osage with the United States. If you say that the Osage government is nothing more than a creation of the federal government, then we don’t have any independent sovereignty, that means we wouldn’t have gaming,” Standing Bear said. And that is right Chief we know where the real power is and go ahead and challenge that sir. My money says other wise. And that gaming money that is being spent frivolously on more boards and more boards when the economy is in such poor shape and if you want to get to the paticulars we can go deeper sir. You and the Nation can be re-written for the History Books. We shouldn't be having this conversation but we are, keep your hands off the M.E coming from this Tall Chief. Where is that per-cap Chief that was promised to the Osage Tribe? The people not to a de facto government. Oh how is Bluestem Ranch growing our economy?
Pawhuska Village maintained the framework for our casinos not the ME for the longest time the village owned in title the mineral rights which are underneath the land which its Citizens live.
More like Pawhuska Village may have governed at one time the ME but all rights reserved to the Tribe the Osage Tribe, aka, Headright owners. Thats the big great elephant in the room and is the undisputed truth be it known.
How many descendants of the Great and Little Osage were alive during the creating the 1906 Act and were purged from the Osage roll because they did not live in the Osage under the !881 Constitution.Under the current Osage Law and Federal law they are forbidden to be granted Osage Citizenship or Osage Membership.
Throwing money away over and over again to hire lawyers to tell them who owns the ME is bad for the Shareholders. The '177' issue they wouldn't tell us about was a resolution to hire more lawyers to file a suit against the Nation and the BIA, which if successful, would put the MC in full control of EVERYTHING, including the casinos and now, I suppose the health clinic, too. Any MC3 council member who would vote to do this would be guilty of TREASON. Deep down, all but one of them knows this, and so they 'chickened out.' They even refused to tell the Shareholders what they were considering. I guess we can't shoot them or hang them, but we can kick them out of office, and the sooner the better, before they break us.
I sure as hell wish they would hike off and take the whole thing with 'em. Maybe these guys wouldn't spend the money the way that Osage Nation does day after day and they are fixing to spend a whole hell of a lot more than last year starting next month around the 6th of September.
Just knew they couldn't sell it and admit they'd paid close to a quarter of a million bucks for a smoke signal mound.
Just like The BR... it was sold as a burial mound and turned into garbage like the BR was sold to provide an economic diversification from gaming that will soon turn into a money vortex right into the ground of the People's money. Again. So stupid over and over again. Relentless and always predictable. That's the people who run the Osage Nation government at the top.
Absolutely right. And this is why we may need to throw out this current Spend thrift Chief and his cronies. Have us a Osage Constitutional Convention. BR will be a money pit and from what I understand from a few it will need more money than predicted just to run the Ranch. Hows
Not only do we pay 5 times more than we should have, Teddie has undesirable bison collected at the ranch that are no good for breeding yet that BSTRD wants $800,000 for this herd? Hahahahahahah and that idiot chief of ours makes a gentleman's agreement with "Desirable Ted" to keep the land for a worthless herd of bison with no money to pay to ranch the Bluestem Ranch. So stupid as a matter of course and the once again the Osage Congress said they've been lied to? Get the agreement upfront in writing with the Chief before you ever appropriate a dime again. Can you read these instructions or do you need to go back to kindergarten? I don't believe for a second that Supernaw and Buffalohead knew nothing about the actual intended purpose for this land all along. Bad enough as it is and then more slight of hand on this deal? Why aren't these seriously crooked people in prison?
Take a look at the yearlings listing on the last page for March 21, 2015 Missouri Bison Association Show and Sale - MO Group. Seems like $800,000 for a herd size of 440 that can't be bred is way too much if the average price for breedable bison is, on average, about $1,700.00. Faren Anderson wants to start with 50 good bison and go from there. Seems reasonable to me.
See the Bison Auction Sales Results at
Where is Ray McClain? He hasn't reported in since sometime in June. Are you doing OK Ray? We need your voice and UTD info about what's going on behind the scenes and for sure you'll know if anyone will. Way too quiet out there and we need to know.
Redistrict the courts in Osage County with Pawnee County?
The end of the Office of the Special Trustee? "...the transition of certain functions of the Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians (OST) to other entities within Interior"
Oh My---The MC has blown it again. Looks like they have lost their ethics case. See Osage News!!! I'm wondering just how much of the shareholder's money they used to pay the MC lawyer to defend their stupidity??? Talk about ethics, there's another charge for Jones to apply to possibly a long list of other stupidity, all done at our expense.
Not looking' good for Cynthia Boone, Chairman Everett Waller, Kathryn Red Corn, Joseph Cheshewalla and Stephanie Erwin especially when the members, including the Chief of the Osage Nation Supreme Court, make prejudicial statements about those on trial right out in the open referring to the MC members as being wined and dined and that openly talking about taking bribes and what have you during oral arguments! Didn't hear the word "alleged" in either case being quoted in the article.
Seems like this is inappropriate behavior for both SCOTON justices involved and perhaps unethical as well according to the very same Osage Nation Constitution "Article X, - Code of Ethics! Section 3. "Officials...shall refrain from...personal charges...verbal affronts upon the motives or intents of other officials or Osage Citizens."
This seems like very sloppy jurisprudence to me. Drent and Homer should recuse themselves from contributing to an opinion of the Osage Nation Supreme Court from an ethical standpoint in view of the remarks they made casting aspersions on every single member of the Minerals Council named in this action!
You can hear the oral argument online -
Talk about the very opposite of avoiding even the appearance of impropriety and on the part of two of the members of the highest court in the Osage Nation government! What happened to the Osage Nation Constitutional provision stating in Article X, Section 4 that the MC may promulgate its own rules and regulations as an independent agency? I mean, come on here people. At the Federal level, you can't tell me that the Central Intelligence Agency is not exempt from certain provisions of the Freedom of Information Act and I'm sure their code of ethics as field agents is also exempt from certain laws, ethics or otherwise, in the United States. How ethical according to the laws of the United States is taking out foreign governments and legitimately elected officials as was Mosaddegh in Iran and Allende in Chile in coup d'états that toppled both democratic governments?
To start with, Section 3 is a good example. Cynthia Boone has demonstrated more abusive behavior, levied more personal charges, and spit out more verbal affronts against many, many employees, causing most of them to quit their jobs in despair, than any Osage Nation official in recent history. Section 3 also says: “Tribal officials and employees shall not hinder or obstruct the proper administration of the Osage Nation government in the administration of their duties.” This whole thing is over these 5 council members refusing to disclose income, which would include campaign contributions and gifts. The other 3 provided the information in a timely manner. Then we have Section 6: “Tribal officials and employees shall refrain from the use of tribal resources when not acting in an official capacity.” The ethics charge was not filed against the mineral council, it was filed against the five named individuals. Yet we see the mineral council lawyer representing them. That lawyer is paid by the shareholders through the million dollar per year drawdown, which comes out of shareholder money. The request will include all sources of income and gifts for each person named during the political campaign to win the office they hold. The mineral council received NO contributions or gifts. This is a personal problem, not a mineral council problem. Four of them were not even council members during the period in question, so how could it be a mineral council problem? Then we have Section 9: Political Subdivisions: “The Osage Nation Code of Ethics shall be applicable to all political subdivisions of the Osage Nation, including members of the boards, commissions and other bodies.” If there ever was a political subdivision, it would be the mineral council.
Stick to the point, please. This is about the professional behavior of the two female Justices who sit on the Osage Nation Supreme Court. The two Justice's appeared in the article to verbally paint every single one of the defendants with the same prejudicial brush casting aspersions on the reputations of all of them when certain members of the Mineral Council who are defendants had nothing to do with the charges made against them. This, in and of itself, is unethical behavior IMO. The way the article quotations from the two Justices read, you have no idea who was being wined and dined or who was taking bribes and what have you. This leaves the public and in particular, the members of the Osage Nation to conclude that it happened with all of the defendants across the board.
Then we have Section 9: Political Subdivisions: “The Osage Nation Code of Ethics shall be applicable to all political subdivisions of the Osage Nation, including members of the boards, commissions and other bodies.” If there ever was a political subdivision, it would be the mineral council. That would be true of the MC but they are a separate entity not of the Osage Nation and facts supported by our Constitution, its the complete opposite, the Osage Nation spun off the MC and on the face of this is the political subdivision and we all know why that happened. The MC should be replaced with non-Shareholder's but thats not going to happen so lets move them to the Back ground, get real board members that will be transparent and can be held accountable. This will alleviate all improprieties, reduce their pay. COME ON THEY ARE SHAREHOLDERS talk about double dipping off of the Shareholder's and some have jobs outside of the MC. Because I do believe nothing is an accident and what is worse you don't hear what the board is thinking or disputing the facts, if I was being attacked and I know those allegations are not true I would be speaking out the loudest. We have to ask ourselves why are we where we are at,bad advice from our lawyer? To me the way I see it someone has something to hide and it will come out and my hope though as pointed out so blatantly the corrupted will be exposed.wait the pointing of fingers will happen. We do have whistle blowers inside and out of the Nation. The dots will be connected it always does. Yes the biggest offender is Cynthis Boone during next election this should be made known.
The Minerals Agency and its Council does not fall within the definition or purview of a political group. It's an agency created by the Osage Nation Constitution for the specific purpose of the management, administration and development of the mineral estate in Article XV, Section 4.
Lazy, disrespectful, unruly, recalcitrant employees need to be disciplined by the members of the council who we elect to have a tight ship and a well run office. These people handle your estate trusts remember. Having them backlogged six months or more is not in the interest of the individual shareholders.
They file for and campaign for these 8 MC seats. How could it be any more political??? As for the MC being "a separate entity not of the Osage Nation", this is NOT TRUE. ALL communication with the Federal Government is directed to the Osage Nation Mineral Council. There is only one group of Osages recognized by the Feds and that is the Osage Nation. As for replacing the MC with non-Shareholders, I for one, don't want some disinterested party looking after my financial interests. What we have now is better than that. It's not that these people are trying to do something wrong or harmful to the ME, they just don't know how to do anything right, and the toxic personalities don't help anything. And WE just keep electing these types. It's our own fault. We have people on that council who don't know a casing shoe from a tennis shoe, and they know nothing about running a business of any kind. WE are the ones who must do better.
All of the officials are elected in the Congress and the Chief and Assistant Chief. That doesn't mean it's political other than at election time. This whole passage in the constitution is misleading. I don't find the members of the Boards and Commissions other than the Election Board of a truly political nature. The framers really threw us a curve ball on this section.
According to the Article in the Osage News "ON Supreme Courts oral arguements in the ethics act against the Osage Minerals case"Representing the Osage Nation was Assistant Attorney General Jeff Jones. And this is what he said.
“I think the crux of the matter is defining independent agency. The Osage Minerals Council is recognized by the Osage Nation government as an independent agency, that’s the two words I’ve been struggling with ever since I’ve been here. Following that is ‘within the Osage Nation.’ So whatever it is, it’s still within the Osage Nation,” Jones said. “Which tells me it has to follow Osage Nation law, and that law is passed by Congress.”
He said he wasn’t saying the Congress was over the minerals council but that’s where it starts because they are responsible for all laws governing natural resources according to the Constitution.
What is there to understand. Clearly we are a Independent Agency. Let me see Independent what does that mean or agency for that We must have stupid on our foreheads. 1.) Independent: The ability to act alone 2.) Agency: the ability to act for another. The Osage Constitution does not say it is a agency with inthe Nation. Did you short circut sir? Brain fart? The Nation exists because we the Osage people allow to exist the constituency the real Sovereign lies with the people not the ON Government.
There is no two parties, the 1906 Act is here to protect the interest of the Shareholder's. A chief a AP Chief and 8 council memebers live by this and there would be no question right. Man the Nation is something else trying again to wrangle control. Watching closely. I hope the ON Supreme Court gets this right. Not to spead fear but we are headed for another recession and my thoughts really a depression if we are not already in one. Makes sense with all the spending that is going on by this Government that they would try and go after the MC. Though I am a proponent for ethics to be followed by the MC in the interest of the Shareholder. They do need to get there act together.
I don't think the Osage Constitution is legal in the first place. Who knows what the Gov. really looks at, it's so screwed up. And I sure don't trust this attorney chief anymore.
I am with you about the Chief and this de facto government. The premise was to allow more membership not a Government fot the Government or to create one when we had one the MC and as I have said there is nothing anybody can do if the Osages decide to rewrite History and hit restart again. It can happen and might just need to happen.
AnonymousAugust 3, 2016 at 1:11 PM Where is Ray McClain? He hasn't reported in since sometime in June. Are you doing OK Ray? We need your voice and UTD info about what's going on behind the scenes and for sure you'll know if anyone will. Way too quiet out there and we need to know.
Reply Replies
AnonymousAugust 3, 2016 at 1:16 PM This is new: Will New Government Application Plan Solve Permit Issues in Osage County? More like 75% of permits have been delayed since 2015, my question is where are the suits brought on by the MC to fix what we already know to be true. We have lost real revenue here! Not just because of OPEC. Indian Country takes seriously how and what we do to keep our land prestine. What is our MC doing to justify the loss?
My eyes are wide open is the MC eyes wide open? Cynthia Boone keep us informed. I know you have been outspoken at times when at the most inappropriate times, this time speak for Waller and all of us.
Go Cynthia! Keep the Osage Mineral Estate for the Headright owners and not the Osage Nation and its grubby hands to pay for that ranch it can't afford with our payment money.
I congratulate the Osage Shareholders Assoc. for speaking at the OMC meeting today demanding transparency. Then Waller had the nerve to fast-read the content of a proposed resolution. Some transparency! I'm surprised he did that much tho.
Thank you Osage Shareholder's Association for your support we need it now more than ever a voice for the Shareholder's. Like yesterday. Because Waller is the worst representative I have ever seen.
Hear it online here -- August 12, 2016 Click on the link for Audio 1 and Audio 2:
Now the OSA is doing the dirty work for the Chief? If the MC feels they need to keep what they are doing under wraps, it's because they are trying to keep it from the unfriendlies in the Osage Nation government who are trying to destroy the minerals council on trumped up charges, take over and poof goes the headright money in the government trust account because it winds up in the Osage Nation Treasury once they get the U.S. Congress to go along and they are working on that right now. Headrights all day long every day and twice on Sunday but you'll only get a payment check quarterly if the money is deposited direct in the now existant Federal Trust account for distribution by the Office of the Special Trustee to the headright owners. If the Osage Nation starts taking the royalty and bonus income deposits direct, it will be sayonara to any income from the Osage Mineral Estate for the current headright owners.
They can't take your headright away but that says nothing about the federal trust account being terminated and different arrangements being made with the Osage Nation with regard to the disposition of the royalty and bonus income. I'd be willing to bet that those who control the current Osage Nation administration don't even consider you an Osage no matter how much blood quantum you have if you don't live in Osage County. Consider this yet another warning coming someone who has spoken with one of the top higher ups who actually thinks Osage people who live out of the County and out of State will move home to keep getting a payment check. This is real and it's the truth. Don't disregard it if you value your personal property coming from the OME.
I, too, thought it was disturbing how councilman Waller read the resolution in haste. Total disregard and disrespect for those who was listening live, doubt if I can understand on the recording later either? Did even the council get it all? Kind of like Nancy Pelosi said about the Obamacare being voted on "You have to pass it in order to read it." To top it off, the OSA representative was there to note some concerns--'double' disconcern.
In the case against the oil and gas producers by Judge Frizzell referring it to the BIA Court, how does this work? A BIA case in the CFR Court must accept the case as the defendant? "Cases involving Indian and/or non-Indian or non-tribal member are also permitted by consent of the defendant to the personal jurisdiction of the court." Why would Frizzell send the case there when it appears that the case may not even be heard by that court and it's at that court's discretion? Is Frizzell ignorant of this fact? Seems like no real justice to me.
One of the magistrates in this BIA court ran one of our elections some time back --->>>
What do you mean does this have anything to do with the Osage Tribe? If you mean ME I do not have a list of Oil companies who drill for us. There used to be one available. You fould always call a council member and ask..
Under federal law the Osage Tribe consists of those who hold headrights to the ME, and the Osage Nation consists of the Osage Tribe plus others it chooses to recognize as members. The law which permitted the Osage Nation to be formed states "but not for all purposes"; the ON did not replace the Osage Tribe as defined in the 1906 Act.
Let me be clear and concise; again and again and again, the 2004 Reaffirmation Act known as P.L. 108-431 is an act to clarify the Osage situation under the law as so written and signed by the President. It is NOT an act to amend the 1906 Allotment Act. Nowhere in this act do you find the words "Amend or amendment." All other Acts of the U.S. Congress state in the title of each and every other Act associated with and pertaining to the 1906 Act that they are Acts to amend the 1906 Act as written.
If I understood this correctly, some kind of archeological survey is needed that the BIA needs on the new land purchased for the Bluestem Ranch. If there are charges associated with this survey, is the Osage Nation going to pay for it or is this coming out of the MC drawdown? This was disclosed in the BIA Superintendent's report.
A letter to the Osage Nation as to trust assets to be sent to the BIA as to who owns the trust assets since the formation and ratification of the Osage Constitution.
You really need to listen to Galen spin the role and status of the Headright owners and what that means to him. The Osage Headrights as part and parcel of receiving income from the Osage Tribal OME included membership in the Osage Tribe. Now here it gets very sticky because if the Osage Tribal members have become members of the Osage Nation, why did Osage Nation government Congresswoman Shannon Edwards put together a membership bill in the Fall of 2006 that effectively kicked out every single Osage headright owner and made them submit for membership to the Osage Nation? These are two different legal entities and the Osage Nation government hit the floor running establishing this fact from the time of very first Regular Session of the Osage Nation Congress when that bogus membership law was passed which disenfranchised every single Osage Headright owner that was signed into Osage Nation law by Chief Jim Gray. All of these Osage Headright owners had, as a one of those rights, the right to membership in the Osage Tribe which they lost when the Osage Nation swept in and behaved like the Osage Tribe was no longer in legal existence without the approval of the only entity that can make that determination and that entity is the U.S. Congress that has the Plenary Power over all domestic Tribes in the USA.
HA! The Osage Nation has never had a legal conveyance of trust property whatsoever when the new government came in! Produce this document as a part of the legal chain of title IN WRITING. This is so false I can't believe there is a shareholder in existence who is so ignorant and misinformed as this woman who made this remark suggesting that it is so when it just simply isn't and couldn't be further from the truth.
Good for you Ms. Heskett! Tell em' exactly like it is! Diminishment of rights AS PROTECTED BY AND UNDER P.L. 108-431 by the Osage Nation RIGHT AND LEFT, UP AND DOWN!
"...provided that the RIGHTS of any person to Osage mineral estate shares are not diminished thereby."
Meeting adjourned. Wow! Yes! Bring it to a head and let's get a proper legal clarification with an abstract of title in the State of Oklahoma in writing showing the Osage Nation as the true owner of the trust assets of the Osage Tribe. The Osage Nation government only has the power to manage the government for the Osage Tribe and the Constitutionally mandated body to run the Osage Mineral Estate is the Minerals Agency with the Minerals Council as the legally appointed representatives under it. End of story.
Is Galen working against the Shareholder's and if so for what reason would he have in a heart beat to gain? Or has he already been paid and bought? Is he the fix? The 1906 Act is protected as amended. It would take an act of Congress to change the title. We are 5000 strong Shareholder's lets pander to them for once and see how they feel about our overreacching Osage Nation? Lets do some polling, anyone with me on this? Seriously, lets ask them how they feel about the BIA, or about our Chief and how he is supposed to be supporting the MC and ME? Ah lets ask how they feel about Waller? Lets see who the real Tribe,The Osage Tribe feels about the permitting issues and the stagnant ME? Day late a dollar short was not in the books.
Councilwoman Erwin stated she found an unknown to her, existing account. Now a new asset can be added to the portfolio of the ME. May her continued endeavors result in positive results. Kudos to her.
[Papers (documents) get old and brittle beyond being readable, get water damaged, get lost/buried in boxes in warehouses never to be seen again (especially after computers came about), then there's natural disasters like tornatos. I hope all can be found/discovered at this crucial time in the ME future. If the BIA has a up-to-date, complete existing list of ME assets, then to me, looks like this account Erwin found would be on that list??]
Thank you councilwomen Erwin. And to the anonymous poster for the information It is hard to comprehend that all of sudden there is another account and it just shows up out of the blue. Now as I have said we are getting closer to reconciling our accounts in the fletcher case and I had indicated the truth will come out what when and where with our accounts, the logistics. We will know how are money is being utilized something the Shareholder's should be comprised of since after all it is all of ours to see and does not belong to the BIA or the Federal Government or MC. It is ours to manage and make informative decisions when it comes to how our ME and how it is being managed. So my point, nothing is a accident. And do we know if this account has been accessed? Kind of hard to think someone hasn't had their hand in the Cookie Jar right? How is it the BIA are not aware of this account and more importantly how does our Council not know about this account? Accounts don't do a disappearing act. In this day and age of technology flow with me here, if we had a full petroleum office with the state of the art IT we could be chronicling and logging our history and more than likely this account would have come to fruition sooner.
All these written manipulations of the facts of the case in order to make the case that we should be running our own minerals show. Utter disaster. It would be like handing the conductors seat in a train over to a two year old. Out of the question!!!!!!! Do you get how badly they are doing with the gaming proceeds and how fast they are self destructing? Shareholders will always put the OME money to better use to improve the lives of those who receive the money who can really use it.
Yes we should have more hands on the control button. No one is saying we should run the ME ourselves and to be honest with you there are people who can do a better job. Anyone who understands Business and Economics 101 can run a Mineral Estate. Looking to the future and where we are at and the vision I seek,yes we can do better. A consensus needs to happen with the Shareholder's and it will happen. Administrative duties need to be handed to the MC to relieve the already inundated BIA. We can process and we deliver and out perform. Not an opinion any longer it needs to happen. Self Goverance is keeping the eye on the pie in the sky. What can we do for ourselves will not be put off a day or month or years for that matter. What happened to all the the engineers to be hired for a more efficient ME promised by the settlement of the HPP? This a multi million dollar Estate and it is by far not running like one. We need to grow and not arm chair coach.
9:06AM well said. Most qualified people don't live in the Osage to be elected. Every election it's the same people running that can't get the job done. Why not hire someone outside, to come in and advise? What is so dang hard about that?? What this BIA has done to stop the producers is just crazy. There's no one to help us either. Clinton won't and Trump is not our savior and is a bully to get what HE wants. Indians don't count in his would. We need a smart fighter. The chief isn't on the HR owners side. He has some stupid ideas. Somebody find someone to protect this mineral estate. We are getting run over like a train going thru the Osage..
Wishing and hoping and praying and scheming won't work. If we aren't qualified and this is important; don't want to work a 9 to 5 job or longer, there is no point in going in this direction. According to the last Chief, 200 of roughly 500 Osage Nation employees are stealing time. This means that they are showing up for work when they feel like it and the only time you can count on them to show up is to collect a paycheck. Once again, all you out of towners who don't know what the situation is like on the ground, stop advocating for a disastrous situation that can only harm you financially when the checks drop because there is no one there who is willing to get the job done. Stop listening to the Chief and his foolish retinue including those in the Congress who may complain but will go along with whatever he wants to do and those he has on that stupid Osage Nation Energy Services Board. They know how to pump gas and talk a big game but you need people out in the field to help you. The only way is with the legal power of the Feds to back you in federal court when the land owners shut their gates and the producers won't pay up. The Chief will likely tell you that under a new compact we will be OK but who will we be compacting with? The State of Oklahoma? Who will control it? The Oklahoma Corporations Commission? Who? That will mean we will have to head into State Court and if you think the Feds will back us up legally at that level you are insane. We will be all along and every land owner who wants those right back or a percentage share of the take will be hiring negotiators to go to the Osage Nation to get a piece of the action. The mineral estate will be eaten alive and to stay alive, the Osage Nation will walk away because they don't have the money to sustain such a legal onlsaught. I haven't even gotten into what it will take legally for the producers to have to pay up if they don't and won't so it will all collapse in on itself within two years is my prediction and that will be the end of it. Don't buy this utter and complete nonsense about other Tribes who hire outsiders to set up one shell company or corporation after another until it's nothing but a huge pyramid scheme with nothing but false figures on the books and creative bookkeeping right and left until hell itself won't have it. Try and think your way through this thing and don't buy any of it if you value what you receive in your quarterly payment check. BIA might be bad, even very bad, but the Osage Nation running things is not a viable situation from any standpoint. On the ground, in the legal arena, from a regulations standpoint; up or down, it's just not doable as long as all we have back home are predatory individuals who are Osage or otherwise who are looking for pot of gold at your expense. Learn from the Osage LLC/Carol Leese example. We don't want to make the same mistake with the Osage Mineral Estate and this will be far worse that you've ever thought possible. Osage County Osages don't have the right to your personal income and no matter how they angle and scheme to make you go along, they want your money in their back pockets because they think you have no right to have it and this is foundational with them and has been for every single day of the last 110 years.
We will be all alone and every land owner who wants those mineral rights back or a percentage share of the take will be hiring negotiators to go to the Osage Nation to get a piece of the action.
It won't happen. Fear mongering does not bode well here. Some of these outsiders are willing to do what it takes and that is no lie and our MC needs to wake up to the call and step up or ship out. At a level of understanding what is involved politically in and out and the scope of the dynamics its a piece of cake. You can't run a business without a model, you can't run a business without having a criteria, You can't have run a business without having a standard and you need people on the ground. I can fasion not only design a infrastructure that can and should work. What you don't understand is we can stand alone ,provide the necessary services and submit for approval. The BIA is burdened. I don't blame the girls I blame a antiquated system not to mention the overreaching regs. Here we are no punt intended and here me out. At some levels we are at ground zero still paying cowboys and Indians right. I know our history that so much rich history that needs to be integrated into the 20th century. Yes there will be collateral damage only for a short while but we must preserve what is ours to see thru to the future. Together. It would be a good call to change the Chairman. Its unsettling the MC does not see what needs to be done. Telling like I see it is long over due.
Wow. Unreal. Has this account been accessed in 20 years? kind of hard to believe that the Bia was unaware of this account or the mineral council for that matter. Incompetence screams on everyone's behalf. On behalf of the Fletcher case this just proves incompetence on the BIA's ability to get a true accounting for the shareholder's. Has someone had there hand in the cookie jar in the past? This can get nefarious but what do expect when the silence from the Council is deafening.
Erwin has asked Robins for a listing of ME assets/trust. We'll all know if that 'found' account was known by the BIA -- if it's not, then we may have more important documents laying around. Looking forward to the MC meeting where Robins gives Erwin a copy. Is she going to find a document with such a listing? Was/is this listing in the computer? Did she Not find a listing?
For each request the council ask of the BIA, like the 'asset listing,' it's most likely it has never came to mind to anyone there (BIA). If anything questionable is not brought up or requested, then that's one "change" that won't happen.
I'm wondering if Cynthia Boone will again use the MC's lawyer to defend against this latest ethics charge against her for abusing her power as a MC member for personal gain? See Osage news article today.
Just read it...what gives people the right of power of attorney when the next of kin is the biological son of this family? What gives the right of his property to be taken as if it was entitled there to do so? So now I am informed that if I want a real appraisal not to go to the Osage agency and I have my property taken off of restriction so I can enlist a realtor in the future. Thank you Mr.Man for bringing this to our attention. It's not the first time she (Boone) step into someone else's business. Everyone knows this office is out of control, reality dept is incompetent still waiting on a check for one of my leases that I had to remind them on.
Sounds like he didn't have much caring for his folks in the first place. And now he wants to bad mouth others? The story shouldn't been in the news at all. This is a personal matter among relatives. sick...Stop the hate. So you don't like Cynthia, and start throwing stones. Gees....
If the shoe was on the other foot you would be seeing red as well. There are huge problems how these leases and how they are handled and thats the truth and the crux of the story did that go over your heads? Not mine.
I thought this was about taking land out of restriction. Where did the leases come into it? What I want to know, if we're airing out our dirty laundry, why do we have so much editorial bias at the Osage News? Here we are with them shouting it out from the rooftops about the various members of the MC and their one blanket, a ham, and a real estate e-mail inquiry, meanwhile, why wasn't the roof being blown right off by the Osage News over that Joe Don Mashunkeshey getting his hands slapped after making off with $806,000 of Pawhuska Village money? Why aren't CHALENE TOEHAY-TARTSAH and TARA MADDEN taking pictures of one of the most important men in the Osage Nation government when he got so drunk that he fell into a fountain in Las Vegas while there representing the Osage Nation? Or another Osage elected official who was so drunk that he couldn't even walk and had to be carried to his hotel room on another Conference occasion? Why so sugar coated Osage News and biased against those who are much less guilty and culpable who apparently don't pander after those of you who work there and your visibly wide open slanted editorial agenda? Where is your moral and ethical indignation over events far more substantially unacceptable than than what you put in the paper?
Oh boy. We've always known the Osage News has been bias. Getting drunk is so unethical. Its one thing to take a vacation its another when this happens. Just morally wrong. Who is sponsoring these trips?
Show us photographs of the most expensive hotel rooms and dinners and wines and cocktails at these conferences all around the country that are attended by our Osage Nation elected officials at the expense of the Osage people. I expect that the inauguration of the new President of the United States will be a big party blowout for the officials of the Osage Nation come next January. Find out how much that costs the Osage people and put the all-in price tag on that in the Osage News, why don't you?
This is why we have a hard time with our Government. They can not be trusted. This attitude of entitlement is going to come to an end very soon. 800,000 is nothing to sneeze about. Screams corruption all the to Washington wouldn't you say? May be we shoukd pander to Congress the unethical behavior our Osage Nation supports. Cover up by no admission is a lie to the very people that support you, the Constituency, sound familiar lol "Hillary Clinton".
Just goes who should be thrown out of office and removed on charges of public intoxication while in their capacities as Osage Nation elected officials under Article XII - Removal, Section 1. ...habitual abuse of alcohol or drugs.... ?
The economy is at a Stall and they still want to party like it was yesterday on our dime. Time to cut the Entitled off and if they want to attend said events let them do it on their dime unless if benefits the Constituency.
Not hard news but Birthday Dances? Nice but where is the editorial substance for the Osage people?
I'm sure that the Osage News would have reported on the above happenings if someone would have had balls enough to file a complaint. The AG prosecuted the 5 man board after the FBI declined to act. We just don't have enough teeth in our laws. As it happens, Mr. Murg had the balls, and the News reported. Good Job Shannon Shaw Duty!!
This was a new low for even the regular poor reporting we've come to expect from the Osage News. This belongs in therapists office or family court. It doesn't warrant being in the paper, much less the longest article the Osage News has ever written. The Osage News is anything but news and is yet another black hole we continue to pour money down so people can do the bare minimum to get a nice check and a comfy living.
Being a member of the Nation, I am for getting supplemental monetary help and assistance from the government for the good of the Nation and it's members. But I'm relieved Congress has the compact on hold until the wording about the ME is worded to show it is the same entity as it was before the 2006 government changeover. Even though the 1906 Treaty is still in effect, let's not take any chances or assumptions on what we are told. Let's get it in writing legally, so there's no doubts or questions.
In writing from the U.S. Congress (and signed by the President) that has the Plenary Power over all Tribes in the United States to make such a "clarification" beginning with the words, as in, "Congress hereby clarifies..." as is found in Public Law 108–431. Such an attempt at a clarification from any quarter of the BIA, Department of the Interior or the Executive Branch of the United States government will not be the final word on the matter. Only the U.S. Congress has this power. LET ME CLARIFY ONCE AGAIN: When the U.S. Congress put forward this bill to both the House of Representatives and the Senate this is what the Congressional Report from the House of Representatives stated verbatim: "CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY STATEMENT Article I, section 8 of the Constitution of the United States grants Congress the authority to enact this bill." "PREEMPTION OF STATE, LOCAL OR TRIBAL LAW This bill is not intended to preempt any State, local or tribal law. CHANGES IN EXISTING LAW If enacted, this bill would make no changes in existing law." Read it here in its entirety:
The Congressional Report to the U.S. Senate says verbatim: "CHANGES IN EXISTING LAW In compliance with subsection 12 of rule XXVI of the Standing Rules of the Senate, the Committee finds that the enactment of H.R. 2912 will not effect any changes in existing law." Read it here in its entirety:
THE LAW that is being referenced in both documents is the 1906 Allotment Act as amended. I don't know how it could be more clear as to the intent and the will of both Houses of the United States Congress with reference to the passing of Public Law 108–431 that was signed into law by President Bush in 2004. I don't care who blows smoke at you in the Osage Nation -- as to what Osage Tribal Sovereignty means and what we as a Tribe can do under the Osage Constitution to change, preempt or redefine Federal Law as so enacted -- they are either wrong or they are lying to you or both. Until the U.S. Congress amends, changes, reclarifies, redefines, reinterprets, preempts or otherwise, the Osage Tribe, under the 1906 Osage Allotment Act as amended, it is alive and well under the unchanged law of the land that is today and has been for 110 years, AGAIN: the 1906 Allotment Act as Amended. There is no wiggle room for the Osage Nation to change things and if they tell you that they can change things or that things have been changed they are DEAD WRONG. That's all folks and THAT'S IT! END OF STORY!
Until the U. S. Congress comes forth with a further amendment, change, clarification, redefinition, reinterpretation, preemption or otherwise, no "Compact" of the Osage Nation with any other governmental body should include anything that will in any way impact the Osage Mineral Estate. To do so will only complicate and compound the legal mess that we are currently in today. The BIA does not have the Plenary Power to make such determinative calls and running to them is nothing but a waste of time. Go to the source who actually has the Plenary Power or don't go there at all!
In fact, I don't even believe that Public Law 108–431 authorized or has ever even permitted a legal change of name from the Osage Tribe to the Osage Nation or a formation of a new and separate legal entity now known as the Osage Nation. SO THERE! These new government Osages are renegade from day one and why the BIA continues to support this nonsense is beyond me entirely. Public Law 108–431 authorized a determination of membership in the Osage Tribe and a new government for it. Nothing more and nothing less: SO THERE AGAIN!
So then it's unethical of any elected government official or appointee of the Osage Nation government to suggest that the prevailing legal situation under the 1906 Allotment Act as amended is as to the otherwise?
So then we need a U.S. Congressional Hearing that will haul former Chief Jim Gray, the members of the 31st Osage Tribal Council, the BIA, the Secretary of the Interior, all of the members of the Osage Government Reform Commission including Hepsi Barnett and the one member of the Osage Nation Congress who put forth the bill as the sponsor that more than any other, created an unauthorized and illegal separation of the then and still legitimate members of the Osage Tribe into an illegitimate membership of the unauthorized and illegal entity identified as the Osage Nation; ONCA 06-05, now known as the Osage Nation Membership Bill of 2006, and all members of the First Osage Nation Congress who voted to enact it into law? I give you 1st Osage Nation Congresswoman Shannon Edwards:
So it looks like the only remnant of the new Osage Nation government which can lay claim to any kind of legal legitimacy at all are the now members of the Osage Minerals Council? Well that's a turnaround isn't it? Would that make OMC Chairman Wallet the legitimate Chief?
So that would mean that we get our reservation back since any legal actions brought by the Osage Nation as an illegal and unauthorized Osage governmental entity will be null and void? How sweet is that? Waller not Wallet. Sorry.
I thought the Congress has the right to clarify, not the Federal Court as to our reservation status. I also thought that the Federal Court is supposed to rule and give opinions not clarify on the basis of a white man's interpretation of history without the benefit of a proper judicial review of the ownership rights under real estate law where the reservation of mineral rights are concerned.
Thank you poster @ 11:31AM for posting PL 108-431 HR2912. I was planning to do the same thing. I have been saying for awhile we can turn this all around should we decide to do so.
I would say, waller would not be Chief. We would have to elect a new Chief and AP Chief. We still need 8 council memebers. I would venture to say we have De Facto Government on our hands.
My thoughts on this is the shareholders had it so locked down with those getting payment on the outside, the Osages who live in County, would do anything to get that money out of the hands of those who think they don't deserve it. This is the second rabid run at it that they have made. The first time, upon the advice of a law professor at TU, it led to the National Council which died a legal death as soon as Chief Tillman had enough of the attempts to take over the Mineral Estate led at that a time by Eddy Red Eagle and Raymond Theis. The NC got knocked on its ear and out the door with the rest of the dust when Browning Pipestem represented the Tribal Council and won at the appellate level in Federal Court. That pushed the reset button at a cost of at lease a million bucks. Next, they went to the U.S. Congress to get an Act which was supposed to clarify that the Osage Tribe could add membership and change forms of government but nowhere in the text of the Act do you see any authorization to form a new legal Tribal entity apart and separate from the Osage Tribe. So here we go again. This time around they took the advice of an attorney who said they could do what they've done but the U.S. Congress has to give them official approval in an Act of Congress to legally legitimatize what has taken place. The BIA is no help here because they helped form the last illegal government known as the National Council and have also approved the new Osage Nation government just like they did the last one. How that Solicitor's office for the BIA continues to have attorneys who get paid is a mystery to me because you would think that they would have been hyper-conscious of making another serious legal mistake again, but there you are and here we are again today.
The Osage Shareholder Association Quarterly Meeting will be held on Sunday, August 21, at the Dave Landrum Center, at 1:00 PM. Y'all come! Talee and Eddy Streater from the BIA will be there. Streater will probably talk about the new effort to put in a new set CFRs. Don't these BIA people ever learn?
The are already working with members of the U.S. Congress as to taking over their own business interests including the various programs like healthcare, housing and the like.
I don't know what (or maybe I don't remember) what the 2006 membership bill said (how it was worded)? But thinking back at that time--if you decided not to submit a new membership to the Nation, you would be up the creek with no paddle: you wouldn't be able to vote, if you lived near the health clinic--you wouldn't be eligible for health care, energy assistance, not eligible for anything as when you was a member of a previously existing tribe?
We was like 'the man without a country,' we was "Indian without a tribe." Maybe get some type of ID from the BIA, saying you're an entity of an entity of the Osage Nation? Maybe give the ME a broader name like "Osage Tribal Intities ME." Time flies by, what in the world are we going to be looking back at in coming years, what became of all this? Saying we could'da we should'da?
There's no doubt the 1906 Treaty being current or your IIM account would already be in the Nation's quarterly expenditure summary under 'revenue.'
treaty? It's the 1906 Allotment Act that we're talking about here. The US government converted to Acts of Congress by the time of the 1906 Act. Keep it straight please. Otherwise you will be confusing everybody
If you have a brain in your head, read Congressman Supernaw's latest Notes to the Nation. If you think the Osages running the Minerals Estate will be any less contentious and irreconcilable as the mess the Bluestem Ranch purchase is getting to be even before it gets off of the ground, think hard again. To receive this issue and future issues, send an e-mail to and he will include you on his e-blast list.
I just can not see The People of the Osage allowing Another Osage Constitution to be destroyed by Osage Shareholders again.Nor do I see a Federal Court allowing it or rule as they have in passed court rulings.
Most unfortunate John Moncravie. Big Government comes with big "Corruption" all in our name the Osage, all the while smiling sayng its your money. Get the picture? Not just that not everybody got a vote for this De Facto Government. A lie was told all in the name of Big Government. Where is the Per-Cap that was promised? We had a established Government eight council members a Chief and AP Chief. The facts do not lie. Government does.
The shareholders didn't destroy the last (National Council) government and they won't destroy this one. The "Osage Nation" advocates, the ONOs (Osage Nation Organization), have been around for a long long time from a historical standpoint. What happened is that those who are not shareholders moved to try and get inclusion into the Osage Tribe. The first time around they pulled an end-run without an official act of the U.S. Congress on the say so of a law professor at Tulsa University. The ran with it, the BIA let them do it and when they tried to take over the Minerals Estate in a similar way to what we are seeing happen right now, Chief Tillman blew the whistle and went to Federal Court to get things straightened out. He was successful at the Federal Appellate level and the whole thing blew up in the faces of the ONOs. Once they had, by a very narrow margin mind you, elected Jim Gray, he set about getting the Act of Congress they needed to proceed to once again push forward with an agenda that was against the government controlling interest of the Headright owners as members and shareholders. First, they had a Reformation Election that included non-members of the Osage Tribe who did not have headrights without a question on the ballot that asked if the voters wanted to keep the same government or change to a constitutional form of government and then they had an election for the new Osage Constitution that also included non-members. When the election for officers took place after the Constitution had been voted in mainly by non-members, they required all Osages including shareholders to have an Osage Nation membership card signed by Jim Gray which took away the Osage Tribal membership right in the new government away from the headright owners in direct conflict with the mandate in the U.S. Congressional Act of 2004 that stated that the rights of shareholders were not to be diminished. One of those rights is the right to vote for the elected officials including the Chief and Assistant Principal Chief. They then formed the new government with a new name (The Osage Nation) and created a new legal entity for it which was never ever authorized by the U.S. Congress in the 2004 Reaffirmation Act, known as PL 108-431. The only thing they were authorized and given the right to do by law was, by US Congressional Act, was to open membership to non-shareholders and change governments if the then members of the Osage Tribe chose to do so. The ONOs once again leap frogged over legal steps that should have been observed and the BIA should have seen to it as a fiduciary that they observed the path of those steps to protect the headright owners from any and all diminishment of their rights under the 1906 Act as amended. You are a headright owner now and you should not be making statements or declarations against your own interest. If the Osage Nation is successful in taking over and running the Osage Mineral Estate, if the income from the Minerals is deposited in the Osage Nation treasury instead of the Osage Trust account with the Federal government managed by the OST ( Office of the Special Trustee), who knows what will happen to your quarterly payment or what Osage Nation government costs and fees will come to start eating the income alive. These new government people have steamrolled over everything else in the effort to control the Osage Mineral Estate from Osage County, what makes you think they will start playing fair now? The have gone to exceedingly elaborate and costly ways of trying to make this happen. The OME is the goal. It has been the goal with these people for the last 60 years. You live outside Osage County so you take it from there.
So what if divided my part of my families head-right into units,1 million units per full head-right,35,000 units,and give each decedent one unit,so that all of the Osage become Osage head-right owners,would that solve the distrust and non-unity which faces us now.Or would it create a new detrimental wave of Osage politics?
To this very day I continue my grant-grandmothers wishes concerning the Osage Head-right owners right to receive their per-cap royalty checks under the 1906 Act.
Goodness Mr. Moncravie can we make this anymore clear. First and foremost this was left to the Shareholder's , the Shareholder's are heirs and you cannot go into what was willed and left to you and Federally protected into perpetual, never ending or changing. How would you like me to invite my family to your home, your realatives and take what they just wanted? Not going to happen is it? It is up to the Shareholder's if change is going to go about. So for optics, this looks really bad because of the big elephant in the room of " conflict of interest" and we need to throw that key away. Remember it took one phone call to create this bloated bureaucracy we can make another to do the opposite. Now that Unit you speak of was to be in the form of a per-cap to all Osage where is it Mr.Moncravie? It went to the BLUE STEM RANCH that's where it went to and now is a money pit? Here's a list, Air Park, Recreational Park..The Osage LLC? All because everyone is getting a pass on charges and this is on our Chief by the way and ON Congress for not doing the diligence. And they all play the same dumb blond act, ah, we were duped.if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then its probably to good to be true. This is not the Government that was envisioned, and this fight for the ME from what I understand has been longer than 50 or 60 years you can link this going back to the early 1900's if I have it correctly. At least thats the story my Grandmother gave me. RIP. Probably truning in her grave as we speak. She warned me and you can't argue that. Great post of our time line poster @ 9:52AM
I've been a dedicated poster on the OSA site going on 10 years now. I've read it all,a lot I've tried to understand.Each one of us have been a non-head-right owner.
John, notwithstanding the U.S. Executive Branch Obama letter, you need to determine who the aggressor has been in all of this and what they want to control and more to the point, what they want to take away and from whom. They have inveigled, wheedled, cajoled and outright lied to get what they wanted and that was to kill off the Osage Tribe created by the 1906 Allotment Act authored by Chief Bigheart and Attorney Palmer. This has guaranteed the trust income interest of the original allottees and all subsequent headright owners for 110 years. In the absence of the 1906 Osage Allotment Act as amended and the headright beneficiary Trust created by it, you will have no income coming from the Osage mineral rights at all. Think about that when you start thinking of letting this legally unformed illegitimate thing no better than a club full of self-important incompetent men and woman play acting like they can run a government and a business interest as difficult and complicated to run as the Osage Mineral Estate. Everything they touch from the standpoint of control is and has been a colossal mess. They have left a trail of destruction in their wake that at the most foundationally important is the loss of the Osage Reservation and its legal protections for the Mineral Estate. The Osage Nation should have been crushed right then and there and that would have gone a long way toward damage control but sadly, it never happened. Don't buy into their line, John. It's not in your financial best interest and to trust them in any way at all where the Mineral Estate is concerned is a very foolish mistake. I am reprinting a comment from another thread on this Blog for you and any of those who may think the Osage Nation and its Chief have the best interests of the shareholders like you at heart:
"Anonymous August 26, 2016 at 1:34 PM If you are a shareholder you should be very frightened of the Chief. There is absolutely NOTHING he will not do to get his way, and running that mineral estate is something he wants. He called the gaming board into executive session when no one would second a motion to make his son-in-law the CEO of the casinos. You could hear him yelling at that board, and when the board came out of exec Byron Bighorse was unanimously made the CEO. Chief talked the Benefits Coordinator in HR into taking a pay cut, for the good of the Tribe and placed this individual in another job. Chief then put his wife in the Benefits position, and paid her more than the other person had made. This ranch is going to crash and burn, but I'll give it to the ranch board, they wouldn't buy those overpriced bison, when that is what the Chief told them to do. Of course, he won't let them manage the ranch but that is what happens when you don't do what the dictator says."
Bring down what government? A government claiming to represent the Osages without a legally Federally acknowledged Tribe to represent? The Osage Nation IS a government without a Tribal entity to represent. As usual, with these sneaking underhanded ONOs, it's SUBAR all over again just like it was with the National Council back in the 1990s. The U.S. Congress is the one who makes and breaks these legalities and transfers of title to Osage Tribal property in trust and I don't see the name Osage Nation anywhere in any of the documents that are a part of the 1906 Allotment Act as amended. Do you?
I guess "Desirable Ted" didn't attend. The usual excuse of ill health. Probably could't face the Osages he took for 5 times the price higher than he bought it for in 2000. Either that or maybe he couldn't have held back his guffaws. More smoke blown on this one than has been seen in many a year and BTW, how much did the tent with the chandeliers cost the Osage people? --
The event was budgeted for $35,000 of your money. Reports are that Ted had agreed to a small function, but when it got to be a big pat yourself on the back for the Chief he backed out. Maybe it was his back he wanted patted.
Undoubtedly his back, not the Chief's. Sickening all the way around. SUBAR exhaustion continues with this legally unformed illegitimate thing they call the Osage Nation.
A good program from the Nation that should be allowed to continue:
A tribe’s legislative body is usually called a tribal council, a village council, or a tribal business committee. It is comprised of tribal members who are elected by eligible tribal voters. In some tribes, the council is comprised of all eligible adult tribal members. Although some tribes require a referendum by their members to enact laws, a tribal council generally acts as any other legislative body in creating laws, authorizing expenditures, appropriating funds, and conducting oversight of activities carried out by the chief executive and tribal government employees. An elected tribal council and chief executive, recognized as such by the Secretary of the Interior, have authority to speak and act for the tribe as a whole, and to represent it in negotiations with federal, state, and local governments. So why do we have a Government within a Government? When the true Contempory Government still exists because it has to or the 1906 Act is null and void and we know that is not going to happen. What a hog wash.
The only thing that doesn't really exist is this fiction created and spun by the Osage Nation about the 1906 Allotment Act as amended not being in full force and effect today. They keep pushing and pulling and telling their grand stories about the prevailing legality under which they exist but it doesn't make it real from a legal standpoint or any other from that matter. Nonsense is still nonsense and if the 1906 Act as amended didn't matter and Federal law didn't matter, why is it referenced in the Osage Nation Constitution over and over again? Telling stories about what is true and real won't make them true or real. That's why having a blog like this is good because it susses out what is real and what exists and what isn't and what doesn't.
The biggest story they ever told is that the Osage Tribe would die and go out of existence if the Osage Constitution didn't get voted in. Then they turned right around and have tried to establish a new government entity that attempts to do exactly that; kill off the legitimate and legal Osage Tribe and try to substitute the illegitimate and illegal Osage Nation!!! Show me in writing where the U.S. Congress ever permitted such to take place. Fortunately there are some Osages who know when the wool is being pulled over their eyes and can recognize a swindle when they see it. If you think the Osage Nation is the same Tribal entity, if you are an Osage headright owner at the next election in 2018 and you haven't joined and become a member of the Osage Nation, good luck trying to vote for a Chief or Assistant Chief. You will be flatly refused and turned away and if you think there aren't Osage shareholders in that position, listen online to the comments the Osage Nation Election Board while in Congressional Committee meeting sometime about headright owners out there who still don't know that they no longer have the right to vote for a Chief and Assistant Chief. They confirm it and I heard it as recently as six months ago.
With $40-$45 million in Tribal funds and $15 million in Federal funding, not one cent of this money is being spent on a single member of the Osage Tribe with a headright who has not become a member of this new legal entity known as the Osage Nation. Now tell me honestly, do you think this is what the U.S. Congress envisioned when they put together the 2004 Reaffirmation Act? I don't think so.
According to the Bigheart Times, Gentner Drummond has filed two new lawsuits on NEPA issues against two producers. In spite of Judge Payne dismissing his Donelson case, which is on appeal, he is still trying to pit the Drummonds against the Osages again. Disgusting.
Maybe we should hire the editor of the Bigheart Times to run our minerals business. At least we would know from an official standpoint who was trying to bust the mineral estate and it's producers. This is what's disgusting.
Congressional Inauguration. See
ReplyDeleteAnother former member of the Osage Congress, John Free, gets a whopping $90,000 for sculpting the Bigheart statue!!! To put this in perspective, Mike Flanagan, a famous and renown sculptor collected by the late John Wayne, former Vice President Dan Quayle, Shuttle Commander Joe Engle, Vice President Dick Cheney, Buck Taylor and Lynn Anderson is asking $90,000 for this life size bronze bison sculpture titled Thunder in the Plains:
Why should we have to pay this much for a statue that is a quarter the work and looks like a turn of the 20th Century down on his luck traveling carny? It never ends with these people and how they throw handful after handful after handful of our money at one another.
$90,000? Is that all? I’m surprised it isn’t more .
DeleteWhy are you surprised about the ONG giving money away to one of their own?
The political class is going to ensure they take care of themselves either by enormous paychecks, business deals, cronyism, or just plain theft.
The rest of the Osages who are not related to anyone in political office or don’t have political connections are at the cold hearted mercy of Osage bureaucracy. And usually those who need help are turned away for one reason or another.
The Osage Nation is not a government for the people and by the people. It’s a system to control the purse strings of the casinos and spread the wealth among the people in charge of the system.
Get that Per-Cap out Chief.
DeleteLearn something important:
DeleteCongressional Inauguration is located at
ReplyDeleteSpecial Session called by the Chief
BIA Self Governance Pact? What is this?
DeleteI like to know as well and the accounting policy amendments as well? Chief can you expound so the constituency can be clued in? Much appreciate it if you woukd please either on Facebook or here. It is imperative that as a people we should be informed. Transparency builds trust. By the way way to go language dept. Accolades.
DeleteNothing concrete to explain this item on the Agenda:
Delete"A Bureau of Indian Affairs self-governance compact"
This is what you will get if Hillary Clinton gets elected a carbon tax = taxing the air we breath. Used to be a joke, not anymore. All in the name of climate change and seek a freeze on hydraulic fracking. Fracking has been around for 65 years. The fears all based on speculation at the most. And you can bet that $15 dollar min wage increase will be eaten by inflation. Starbucks coffee forget about it. What comes around goes around.
ReplyDeleteGOOD IDEA!
Sometimes I feel we are forgotten in our race to succeed the Politics the fails the M.E hugely and what is being done about it and those who perpetrate it and do nothing and the hypocrisy. Coming into shortly will be 2017 right and how is our M.E working for us the Osage? The Mineral owners would like to know? Anyway just thought I would wake up the sound of silence, is not welcoming to say the least. The latest form on Fracking.
ReplyDeleteWell...ear to the ground...we are hearing that something -- H U G E -- is going to happen at the Minerals Meeting tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then the following Wednesday.
Businesses need a EIN. Could it be we are opening a full on Osage Petroleum office and taking charge of our ME?
DeleteI'll just bet it has something to do with this Resolution:
DeleteONCR 16-34, A Resolution To approve and authorize the execution of a self-governance Compact between the Osage Nation and the United States of America through the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs for the delivery of programs, services, functions and activities. (RJ Walker and Ron Shaw)
Funny how the "Self-governance Compact" itself isn't included with the copy of the actual Resolution.
It's the last ONCR legislation listed for 2016:
It appears that there is something terribly significant about the MC attorney's opinion identified as the 177 Opinion on the Agenda. They want to keep the discussion about this issue in Executive Session for the time being. Hear the first part of the meeting today at
DeleteAll right. Let's presume that the Nation is making a run on the Osage Mineral Estate to run it with a compact. There are a couple of things wrong with this idea and let me enumerate:
DeleteThe 2004 Reaffirmation Act of the U.S. Congress gave the Osages the right to form a new government and establish membership. It did not give the Osage Nation the right to extinguish the Osage Tribe or the ownership rights of the Osage Tribe under the 1906 Allotment Act as amended including the mineral rights reserved to the Osage Tribe under this Act. There are only two ways, IMO, that the Osage Nation can secure those rights and all of us going ahead to assume that the rights have automatically been transferred to the current government of the Osage Nation as the legal and lone survivor of the Osage Tribe simply because a new government has been formed is not the stuff of genuine or sufficient legal substance. Either the U.S. Congress must make that extinguishment of the Osage Tribe as a legal entity and transfer all rights owned by it to the Osage Nation in an official Act of Congress as the plenary power or the Osage Nation must go into a U.S. court of competent jurisdiction to seek a legal extinguishment of the Osage Tribe as the official legal entity under the 1906 Allotment Act as amended to actually become the official legal entity. In addition, once the extinguishment action in court is successful, the Osage Nation will have to bring a quiet title action in a U.S. Court to make absolutely certain that the reserved mineral rights are legally secure and fully owned by the Osage Nation as the surviving legal entity. Remember that this is still a Mineral Estate and estate law and particularly real estate law should be involved legally. I submit that until either one or the other has taken place, the Osage Tribe as a legal entity is alive and well today just as it has been for the last 110 years. We have the Osage Nation Tribal Council designated in the HPP lawsuit by the U.S. Court of Federal Claims as the legal Osage government officials authorized to act in an official capacity on behalf of the Osage Tribal Mineral Estate and to handle all business matters for it so that is fully secure legally at this time. The Osage Nation has its legal work cut out for it and a whole lot ahead of it still before they can prematurely attempt to make a successful run on the Osage Mineral Estate. The hallmark of the Osage Nation government and the officials who run it is the constant hell bent for leather headlong hurling ahead of its behavior and actions without thought or pause to consider what it's doing and whether or not what it’s doing or wants to do is even legal. This has to stop and now would be an excellent time for that to take place.
Even though the BIA court has determined that the Osage Nation is acknowledged as the official government entity with the capacity to act on behalf of the Osage Tribe, it is important to keep in mind this is an internal court in a bureau of the Executive Branch of the U.S. government and it does not call the legal shots where Tribal governments are concerned. The only two branches of government which can and do are the U.S. Congress and the Judicial Branch of the Federal government.
I fully concur with your assessment which is purely facts stated in black and white. The 1906 Act. And the power of truth lies in that very Document. Not so many understand I would suspect or just realize the very reality that faces the Osage Shareholders are confronted with on so many fronts. And the lack of response to your assessment tells me two things one most don't understand and are just not knowledgeable or even realize the reality, no accident there. Lack of transparency or just no communication, second silence is not golden by our M.C i.e board. I understand. Hear me roar. I am waiting to pounce and have lawyers who will work pro-bono if such a risk comes to the Shareholder's. They want to play Politics I am ready. In short, where we are at from a perspective is no accident. I get what the 1906 act means. The Nation can not exist with out the Osage Tribe. And the true Reservation and the Nation and how they exist with one phone call right Mr. Redcorn. This Osage Indian will blow the whistle. End the end a consensus needs to come who knows a Constitutional Convention in the makes or a coup could be in our future.
DeleteAgreed. The silence is deafening.
DeleteThe Resolution ONCR 16-34 was tersely withdrawn by the sponsor, R.J. Walker, in the Special Session this week!
I'm not certain that a judgment in a court of competent jurisdiction would be sufficient. The laws are made by the U.S. Congress and because they have the Plenary Power over the Tribes in the U.S., I think only the U.S. Congress can make such a transfer of the ownership of the reserved mineral rights from the Osage Tribe to the Osage Nation government. The framers of the Osage Nation Constitution must have been aware of this fact or they would not have referred to the 1906 Allotment Act as amended in Section 2 and Section 4 of Article XV. Clearly they were aware that Federal law trumps Tribal law of any kind including the terms, conditions and provisions of all Tribal constitutions in the USA.
DeleteI happen to agree with you on this matter and you are right had this POS legs gone thru they would have had a huge fight on this matter. What is more telling is how RJ Walker is so miss informed or that it is something else? The 1906 Act is meant no less and no more and is accurate down to detail and protected. Though if one trys hard on the face of the document if no one is watching can take on a new face, new meaning and not necessarily changing the wording or the Federal Government losing control, can quietly take on a new role if we are not watching out for our interest. Had I known we were becoming a Government of self Interest as I watch the New Boards form or why not just call it what it is, A quiet takeover of the Nation by these folks who are asserting themselves without a proper vote. Is ethically wrong and morally wrong on so many levels. I want to know are you all Democrat's? We just might need to rewrite Histroy and hit restart. What do we have stupid written on our forehead?
DeleteMC Meeting Agenda for today:
DeleteThe first half of the meeting is now up and available for on demand listening online at
OMC meeting was a huge waste of time.
DeleteI think the MC needs to grow a pair and stop relying on the BIA to make the choices for the Shareholder's or relying on the MC attorney for common sense decisions. What I find redundant is going over the same minutes over again. S-10 to not knowing about accounts and especially what is mind boggling why has not the M.C making sure our accounts or leases are updated to the standard today? Ah gravel and sand ring a bell. To ensure the shareholders are getting top dollar for thier money and that is not happening according to Mrs. Foreman,and I believe she brought this up when? And no action to date to make sure the BIA is charging the 10%, according to Jeanne Hale she was to check on this matter and rectify? It was really hard to hear with all the paper shuffling to speakers not speaking loud enough. Last word, MC you are charged with the duty to protect the interest of the shareholder's.
DeleteOsage Shareholder Constitutional Convention? Emeregency MOU to maintain this Convention?
ReplyDeleteOn the old OSA site,on 14 of feb. 2007 MC Galen Crum wrote Constitution,fix it or junk it? About 10 years later nothing has changed,except that this Consistution continues to exsist and maintains an sense of place amoung many of the Osage. I've seen a few Osage Constitutions over these many past years,even wrote one myself. But anyhoot,we are in need of a convention,everything could be done online.You get 3000 Osage Shareholder,who have membership of the Nation,who collectively vote as one can make things better.Anything drafted,voted on to pass,could be sent to our Principle Chief for his appoval and stamped for our Osage Congress to appove and sign or sent to the Osage at large to vote yes or no.Simple,cost low, and at speeds of enactment which could become a role modal for many generations.
Deletemore commissioners. Are they on the dole too or do they work for free? Where is this money going to come from Chief? Does the word bankruptcy mean anything to you and Ray-Ray at all? When are you going to learn to say no to spending that isn't critical right at this time?
Congressional Committee Members have been chosen. Best to keep an eye on the new Congressional Membership Committee:
DeleteGod Bless and Rest you Kent Radcliff! You set the standard for keeping watch on the new Osage government with your OSA Discussions Blog. You will be greatly missed by all of us:
This says it all. My question finally answered. If it was not for the M E the Nation would not exist or our Casino's and defined by our own constitution we are a separate entity and the Osage Tribe...defined over and over again by the 1906 Act. The tribe’s foundation is not just the 1906 Act, it’s the treaties with the Great and Little Osage with the United States. If you say that the Osage government is nothing more than a creation of the federal government, then we don’t have any independent sovereignty, that means we wouldn’t have gaming,” Standing Bear said. And that is right Chief we know where the real power is and go ahead and challenge that sir. My money says other wise. And that gaming money that is being spent frivolously on more boards and more boards when the economy is in such poor shape and if you want to get to the paticulars we can go deeper sir. You and the Nation can be re-written for the History Books. We shouldn't be having this conversation but we are, keep your hands off the M.E coming from this Tall Chief. Where is that per-cap Chief that was promised to the Osage Tribe? The people not to a de facto government. Oh how is Bluestem Ranch growing our economy?
ReplyDeletePawhuska Village maintained the framework for our casinos not the ME for the longest time the village owned in title the mineral rights which are underneath the land which its Citizens live.
DeleteThe BR impracticality? Right into the ground my man. Right into the ground.
DeleteI would surmise the Pawhuska Village thought they were the owners of the M E but the headright owners are the owners.
DeleteMore like Pawhuska Village may have governed at one time the ME but all rights reserved to the Tribe the Osage Tribe, aka, Headright owners. Thats the big great elephant in the room and is the undisputed truth be it known.
DeleteHow many descendants of the Great and Little Osage were alive during the creating the 1906 Act and were purged from the Osage roll because they did not live in the Osage under the !881 Constitution.Under the current Osage Law and Federal law they are forbidden to be granted Osage Citizenship or Osage Membership.
DeleteThrowing money away over and over again to hire lawyers to tell them who owns the ME is bad for the Shareholders. The '177' issue they wouldn't tell us about was a resolution to hire more lawyers to file a suit against the Nation and the BIA, which if successful, would put the MC in full control of EVERYTHING, including the casinos and now, I suppose the health clinic, too. Any MC3 council member who would vote to do this would be guilty of TREASON. Deep down, all but one of them knows this, and so they 'chickened out.' They even refused to tell the Shareholders what they were considering. I guess we can't shoot them or hang them, but we can kick them out of office, and the sooner the better, before they break us.
DeleteI sure as hell wish they would hike off and take the whole thing with 'em. Maybe these guys wouldn't spend the money the way that Osage Nation does day after day and they are fixing to spend a whole hell of a lot more than last year starting next month around the 6th of September.
DeleteSugarloaf half a mound again...
Just knew they couldn't sell it and admit they'd paid close to a quarter of a million bucks for a smoke signal mound.
Just like The BR... it was sold as a burial mound and turned into garbage like the BR was sold to provide an economic diversification from gaming that will soon turn into a money vortex right into the ground of the People's money. Again. So stupid over and over again. Relentless and always predictable. That's the people who run the Osage Nation government at the top.
Absolutely right. And this is why we may need to throw out this current Spend thrift Chief and his cronies. Have us a Osage Constitutional Convention. BR will be a money pit and from what I understand from a few it will need more money than predicted just to run the Ranch. Hows
DeleteNot only do we pay 5 times more than we should have, Teddie has undesirable bison collected at the ranch that are no good for breeding yet that BSTRD wants $800,000 for this herd? Hahahahahahah and that idiot chief of ours makes a gentleman's agreement with "Desirable Ted" to keep the land for a worthless herd of bison with no money to pay to ranch the Bluestem Ranch. So stupid as a matter of course and the once again the Osage Congress said they've been lied to? Get the agreement upfront in writing with the Chief before you ever appropriate a dime again. Can you read these instructions or do you need to go back to kindergarten? I don't believe for a second that Supernaw and Buffalohead knew nothing about the actual intended purpose for this land all along. Bad enough as it is and then more slight of hand on this deal? Why aren't these seriously crooked people in prison?
DeleteTake a look at the yearlings listing on the last page for March 21, 2015 Missouri Bison Association Show and Sale - MO Group. Seems like $800,000 for a herd size of 440 that can't be bred is way too much if the average price for breedable bison is, on average, about $1,700.00. Faren Anderson wants to start with 50 good bison and go from there. Seems reasonable to me.
DeleteSee the Bison Auction Sales Results at
DeleteWhere is Ray McClain? He hasn't reported in since sometime in June. Are you doing OK Ray? We need your voice and UTD info about what's going on behind the scenes and for sure you'll know if anyone will. Way too quiet out there and we need to know.
ReplyDeleteThis is new:
DeleteWill New Government Application Plan Solve Permit Issues in Osage County?
Redistrict the courts in Osage County with Pawnee County?
The end of the Office of the Special Trustee?
ReplyDelete"...the transition of certain functions of the Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians (OST) to other entities within Interior"
Oh My---The MC has blown it again. Looks like they have lost their ethics case. See Osage News!!! I'm wondering just how much of the shareholder's money they used to pay the MC lawyer to defend their stupidity??? Talk about ethics, there's another charge for Jones to apply to possibly a long list of other stupidity, all done at our expense.
ReplyDeleteSee my comment below.
DeleteNot looking' good for Cynthia Boone, Chairman Everett Waller, Kathryn Red Corn, Joseph Cheshewalla and Stephanie Erwin especially when the members, including the Chief of the Osage Nation Supreme Court, make prejudicial statements about those on trial right out in the open referring to the MC members as being wined and dined and that openly talking about taking bribes and what have you during oral arguments! Didn't hear the word "alleged" in either case being quoted in the article.
Seems like this is inappropriate behavior for both SCOTON justices involved and perhaps unethical as well according to the very same Osage Nation Constitution "Article X, - Code of Ethics!
Section 3. "Officials...shall refrain from...personal charges...verbal affronts upon the motives or intents of other officials or Osage Citizens."
This seems like very sloppy jurisprudence to me. Drent and Homer should recuse themselves from contributing to an opinion of the Osage Nation Supreme Court from an ethical standpoint in view of the remarks they made casting aspersions on every single member of the Minerals Council named in this action!
You can hear the oral argument online -
Talk about the very opposite of avoiding even the appearance of impropriety and on the part of two of the members of the highest court in the Osage Nation government!
What happened to the Osage Nation Constitutional provision stating in Article X, Section 4 that the MC may promulgate its own rules and regulations as an independent agency? I mean, come on here people. At the Federal level, you can't tell me that the Central Intelligence Agency is not exempt from certain provisions of the Freedom of Information Act and I'm sure their code of ethics as field agents is also exempt from certain laws, ethics or otherwise, in the United States. How ethical according to the laws of the United States is taking out foreign governments and legitimately elected officials as was Mosaddegh in Iran and Allende in Chile in coup d'états that toppled both democratic governments?
To start with, Section 3 is a good example. Cynthia Boone has demonstrated more abusive behavior, levied more personal charges, and spit out more verbal affronts against many, many employees, causing most of them to quit their jobs in despair, than any Osage Nation official in recent history.
DeleteSection 3 also says: “Tribal officials and employees shall not hinder or obstruct the proper administration of the Osage Nation government in the administration of their duties.” This whole thing is over these 5 council members refusing to disclose income, which would include campaign contributions and gifts. The other 3 provided the information in a timely manner.
Then we have Section 6: “Tribal officials and employees shall refrain from the use of tribal resources when not acting in an official capacity.” The ethics charge was not filed against the mineral council, it was filed against the five named individuals. Yet we see the mineral council lawyer representing them. That lawyer is paid by the shareholders through the million dollar per year drawdown, which comes out of shareholder money. The request will include all sources of income and gifts for each person named during the political campaign to win the office they hold. The mineral council received NO contributions or gifts. This is a personal problem, not a mineral council problem. Four of them were not even council members during the period in question, so how could it be a mineral council problem?
Then we have Section 9: Political Subdivisions: “The Osage Nation Code of Ethics shall be applicable to all political subdivisions of the Osage Nation, including members of the boards, commissions and other bodies.” If there ever was a political subdivision, it would be the mineral council.
Stick to the point, please. This is about the professional behavior of the two female Justices who sit on the Osage Nation Supreme Court. The two Justice's appeared in the article to verbally paint every single one of the defendants with the same prejudicial brush casting aspersions on the reputations of all of them when certain members of the Mineral Council who are defendants had nothing to do with the charges made against them. This, in and of itself, is unethical behavior IMO. The way the article quotations from the two Justices read, you have no idea who was being wined and dined or who was taking bribes and what have you. This leaves the public and in particular, the members of the Osage Nation to conclude that it happened with all of the defendants across the board.
DeleteThen we have Section 9: Political Subdivisions: “The Osage Nation Code of Ethics shall be applicable to all political subdivisions of the Osage Nation, including members of the boards, commissions and other bodies.” If there ever was a political subdivision, it would be the mineral council. That would be true of the MC but they are a separate entity not of the Osage Nation and facts supported by our Constitution, its the complete opposite, the Osage Nation spun off the MC and on the face of this is the political subdivision and we all know why that happened. The MC should be replaced with non-Shareholder's but thats not going to happen so lets move them to the Back ground, get real board members that will be transparent and can be held accountable. This will alleviate all improprieties, reduce their pay. COME ON THEY ARE SHAREHOLDERS talk about double dipping off of the Shareholder's and some have jobs outside of the MC. Because I do believe nothing is an accident and what is worse you don't hear what the board is thinking or disputing the facts, if I was being attacked and I know those allegations are not true I would be speaking out the loudest. We have to ask ourselves why are we where we are at,bad advice from our lawyer? To me the way I see it someone has something to hide and it will come out and my hope though as pointed out so blatantly the corrupted will be exposed.wait the pointing of fingers will happen. We do have whistle blowers inside and out of the Nation. The dots will be connected it always does. Yes the biggest offender is Cynthis Boone during next election this should be made known.
DeleteThe Minerals Agency and its Council does not fall within the definition or purview of a political group. It's an agency created by the Osage Nation Constitution for the specific purpose of the management, administration and development of the mineral estate in Article XV, Section 4.
DeleteLazy, disrespectful, unruly, recalcitrant employees need to be disciplined by the members of the council who we elect to have a tight ship and a well run office. These people handle your estate trusts remember. Having them backlogged six months or more is not in the interest of the individual shareholders.
DeleteThey file for and campaign for these 8 MC seats. How could it be any more political???
DeleteAs for the MC being "a separate entity not of the Osage Nation", this is NOT TRUE. ALL communication with the Federal Government is directed to the Osage Nation Mineral Council. There is only one group of Osages recognized by the Feds and that is the Osage Nation. As for replacing the MC with non-Shareholders, I for one, don't want some disinterested party looking after my financial interests. What we have now is better than that. It's not that these people are trying to do something wrong or harmful to the ME, they just don't know how to do anything right, and the toxic personalities don't help anything. And WE just keep electing these types. It's our own fault. We have people on that council who don't know a casing shoe from a tennis shoe, and they know nothing about running a business of any kind. WE are the ones who must do better.
It is the responsibility of the Council chairperson to assign work and discipline employees when necessary. No one can work for 8 bosses at once.
DeleteAll of the officials are elected in the Congress and the Chief and Assistant Chief. That doesn't mean it's political other than at election time. This whole passage in the constitution is misleading. I don't find the members of the Boards and Commissions other than the Election Board of a truly political nature. The framers really threw us a curve ball on this section.
DeletePlease, August 6, 2016 at 9:45 AM, repost your comments under the thread you are responding to or they will be deleted.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the Article in the Osage News "ON Supreme Courts oral arguements in the ethics act against the Osage Minerals case"Representing the Osage Nation was Assistant Attorney General Jeff Jones. And this is what he said.
ReplyDelete“I think the crux of the matter is defining independent agency. The Osage Minerals Council is recognized by the Osage Nation government as an independent agency, that’s the two words I’ve been struggling with ever since I’ve been here. Following that is ‘within the Osage Nation.’ So whatever it is, it’s still within the Osage Nation,” Jones said. “Which tells me it has to follow Osage Nation law, and that law is passed by Congress.”
He said he wasn’t saying the Congress was over the minerals council but that’s where it starts because they are responsible for all laws governing natural resources according to the Constitution.
What is there to understand. Clearly we are a Independent Agency. Let me see Independent what does that mean or agency for that We must have stupid on our foreheads. 1.) Independent: The ability to act alone 2.) Agency: the ability to act for another. The Osage Constitution does not say it is a agency with inthe Nation. Did you short circut sir? Brain fart? The Nation exists because we the Osage people allow to exist the constituency the real Sovereign lies with the people not the ON Government.
There is no two parties, the 1906 Act is here to protect the interest of the Shareholder's. A chief a AP Chief and 8 council memebers live by this and there would be no question right. Man the Nation is something else trying again to wrangle control. Watching closely. I hope the ON Supreme Court gets this right. Not to spead fear but we are headed for another recession and my thoughts really a depression if we are not already in one. Makes sense with all the spending that is going on by this Government that they would try and go after the MC. Though I am a proponent for ethics to be followed by the MC in the interest of the Shareholder. They do need to get there act together.
DeleteI don't think the Osage Constitution is legal in the first place. Who knows what the Gov. really looks at, it's so screwed up. And I sure don't trust this attorney chief anymore.
DeleteI am with you about the Chief and this de facto government. The premise was to allow more membership not a Government fot the Government or to create one when we had one the MC and as I have said there is nothing anybody can do if the Osages decide to rewrite History and hit restart again. It can happen and might just need to happen.
DeleteAnonymousAugust 3, 2016 at 1:11 PM
ReplyDeleteWhere is Ray McClain? He hasn't reported in since sometime in June. Are you doing OK Ray? We need your voice and UTD info about what's going on behind the scenes and for sure you'll know if anyone will. Way too quiet out there and we need to know.
AnonymousAugust 3, 2016 at 1:16 PM
This is new:
Will New Government Application Plan Solve Permit Issues in Osage County?
More like 75% of permits have been delayed since 2015, my question is where are the suits brought on by the MC to fix what we already know to be true. We have lost real revenue here! Not just because of OPEC. Indian Country takes seriously how and what we do to keep our land prestine. What is our MC doing to justify the loss?
It's a secret I think from us shareholders.
DeleteWhat's Sept. payment? Hope there will be something!
ReplyDeletePut off for the time being but keep your eyes wide open!
My eyes are wide open is the MC eyes wide open? Cynthia Boone keep us informed. I know you have been outspoken at times when at the most inappropriate times, this time speak for Waller and all of us.
DeleteGo Cynthia! Keep the Osage Mineral Estate for the Headright owners and not the Osage Nation and its grubby hands to pay for that ranch it can't afford with our payment money.
DeleteWhy is the fletcher case taking so long? We are nearly 9 months since the Judge had asked for or all the accounting from the Mineral State.
ReplyDeleteOops estate
Deletemaybe the headright payout for this quarter is $3230.00 per full right
ReplyDeleteThat's what's posted on the MC web page John. Thanks.
DeleteI congratulate the Osage Shareholders Assoc. for speaking at the OMC meeting today demanding transparency. Then Waller had the nerve to fast-read the content of a proposed resolution. Some transparency! I'm surprised he did that much tho.
ReplyDeleteThank you Osage Shareholder's Association for your support we need it now more than ever a voice for the Shareholder's. Like yesterday. Because Waller is the worst representative I have ever seen.
DeleteHear it online here -- August 12, 2016 Click on the link for Audio 1 and Audio 2:
Now the OSA is doing the dirty work for the Chief? If the MC feels they need to keep what they are doing under wraps, it's because they are trying to keep it from the unfriendlies in the Osage Nation government who are trying to destroy the minerals council on trumped up charges, take over and poof goes the headright money in the government trust account because it winds up in the Osage Nation Treasury once they get the U.S. Congress to go along and they are working on that right now. Headrights all day long every day and twice on Sunday but you'll only get a payment check quarterly if the money is deposited direct in the now existant Federal Trust account for distribution by the Office of the Special Trustee to the headright owners. If the Osage Nation starts taking the royalty and bonus income deposits direct, it will be sayonara to any income from the Osage Mineral Estate for the current headright owners.
DeleteThey can't take your headright away but that says nothing about the federal trust account being terminated and different arrangements being made with the Osage Nation with regard to the disposition of the royalty and bonus income. I'd be willing to bet that those who control the current Osage Nation administration don't even consider you an Osage no matter how much blood quantum you have if you don't live in Osage County. Consider this yet another warning coming someone who has spoken with one of the top higher ups who actually thinks Osage people who live out of the County and out of State will move home to keep getting a payment check. This is real and it's the truth. Don't disregard it if you value your personal property coming from the OME.
DeleteI, too, thought it was disturbing how councilman Waller read the resolution in haste. Total disregard and disrespect for those who was listening live, doubt if I can understand on the recording later either? Did even the council get it all? Kind of like Nancy Pelosi said about the Obamacare being voted on "You have to pass it in order to read it." To top it off, the OSA representative was there to note some concerns--'double' disconcern.
DeleteIn the case against the oil and gas producers by Judge Frizzell referring it to the BIA Court, how does this work? A BIA case in the CFR Court must accept the case as the defendant?
ReplyDelete"Cases involving Indian and/or non-Indian or non-tribal member are also permitted by consent of the defendant to the personal jurisdiction of the court."
Why would Frizzell send the case there when it appears that the case may not even be heard by that court and it's at that court's discretion? Is Frizzell ignorant of this fact? Seems like no real justice to me.
DeleteOne of the magistrates in this BIA court ran one of our elections some time back --->>>
August 17th, OKenergytoday. "PETRO RIVER ACCELERATES OSAGE COUNTY DRILLING" Does this have anything to do with Osage tribe?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean does this have anything to do with the Osage Tribe? If you mean ME I do not have a list of Oil companies who drill for us. There used to be one available. You fould always call a council member and ask..
DeleteUnder federal law the Osage Tribe consists of those who hold headrights to the ME, and the Osage Nation consists of the Osage Tribe plus others it chooses to recognize as members. The law which permitted the Osage Nation to be formed states "but not for all purposes"; the ON did not replace the Osage Tribe as defined in the 1906 Act.
DeleteLet me be clear and concise; again and again and again, the 2004 Reaffirmation Act known as P.L. 108-431 is an act to clarify the Osage situation under the law as so written and signed by the President. It is NOT an act to amend the 1906 Allotment Act. Nowhere in this act do you find the words "Amend or amendment." All other Acts of the U.S. Congress state in the title of each and every other Act associated with and pertaining to the 1906 Act that they are Acts to amend the 1906 Act as written.
to Aug 17 8:39 a.m. thank you for the reply, and yes, that's what I meant, I will e-mail a council member today. Thank you.
DeletePlease let us know what you find out. Thank you.
DeleteOMC meeting information and agenda for today:
If I understood this correctly, some kind of archeological survey is needed that the BIA needs on the new land purchased for the Bluestem Ranch. If there are charges associated with this survey, is the Osage Nation going to pay for it or is this coming out of the MC drawdown? This was disclosed in the BIA Superintendent's report.
DeleteIn Executive Session.
DeleteAmshore letter is being discussed pertaining to another wind farm.
DeleteA letter to the Osage Nation as to trust assets to be sent to the BIA as to who owns the trust assets since the formation and ratification of the Osage Constitution.
DeleteYou really need to listen to Galen spin the role and status of the Headright owners and what that means to him. The Osage Headrights as part and parcel of receiving income from the Osage Tribal OME included membership in the Osage Tribe. Now here it gets very sticky because if the Osage Tribal members have become members of the Osage Nation, why did Osage Nation government Congresswoman Shannon Edwards put together a membership bill in the Fall of 2006 that effectively kicked out every single Osage headright owner and made them submit for membership to the Osage Nation? These are two different legal entities and the Osage Nation government hit the floor running establishing this fact from the time of very first Regular Session of the Osage Nation Congress when that bogus membership law was passed which disenfranchised every single Osage Headright owner that was signed into Osage Nation law by Chief Jim Gray. All of these Osage Headright owners had, as a one of those rights, the right to membership in the Osage Tribe which they lost when the Osage Nation swept in and behaved like the Osage Tribe was no longer in legal existence without the approval of the only entity that can make that determination and that entity is the U.S. Congress that has the Plenary Power over all domestic Tribes in the USA.
DeleteHA! The Osage Nation has never had a legal conveyance of trust property whatsoever when the new government came in! Produce this document as a part of the legal chain of title IN WRITING. This is so false I can't believe there is a shareholder in existence who is so ignorant and misinformed as this woman who made this remark suggesting that it is so when it just simply isn't and couldn't be further from the truth.
DeleteGood for you Ms. Heskett! Tell em' exactly like it is! Diminishment of rights AS PROTECTED BY AND UNDER P.L. 108-431 by the Osage Nation RIGHT AND LEFT, UP AND DOWN!
Delete"...provided that the RIGHTS of any person to Osage mineral estate shares are not diminished thereby."
DeleteTell them Heskett! That Galen don't know what the HR owners could loose. He just can't get on the same page. Thank God for Boone watching his moves.
DeleteMeeting adjourned. Wow! Yes! Bring it to a head and let's get a proper legal clarification with an abstract of title in the State of Oklahoma in writing showing the Osage Nation as the true owner of the trust assets of the Osage Tribe. The Osage Nation government only has the power to manage the government for the Osage Tribe and the Constitutionally mandated body to run the Osage Mineral Estate is the Minerals Agency with the Minerals Council as the legally appointed representatives under it. End of story.
DeleteBoone and Stephanie Erwin too. Keep up the good fight and don't let the bstrds get you down.
DeleteHear it now, Part I and Part II at
Click on the top two arrows.
Thanks to all who voted Yes on this resolution and thanks to all those that spoke in favor of it.
DeleteIs Galen working against the Shareholder's and if so for what reason would he have in a heart beat to gain? Or has he already been paid and bought? Is he the fix? The 1906 Act is protected as amended. It would take an act of Congress to change the title. We are 5000 strong Shareholder's lets pander to them for once and see how they feel about our overreacching Osage Nation? Lets do some polling, anyone with me on this? Seriously, lets ask them how they feel about the BIA, or about our Chief and how he is supposed to be supporting the MC and ME? Ah lets ask how they feel about Waller? Lets see who the real Tribe,The Osage Tribe feels about the permitting issues and the stagnant ME? Day late a dollar short was not in the books.
DeleteCouncilwoman Erwin stated she found an unknown to her, existing account. Now a new asset can be added to the portfolio of the ME. May her continued endeavors result in positive results. Kudos to her.
ReplyDelete[Papers (documents) get old and brittle beyond being readable, get water damaged, get lost/buried in boxes in warehouses never to be seen again (especially after computers came about), then there's natural disasters like tornatos. I hope all can be found/discovered at this crucial time in the ME future. If the BIA has a up-to-date, complete existing list of ME assets, then to me, looks like this account Erwin found would be on that list??]
Thank you councilwomen Erwin. And to the anonymous poster for the information It is hard to comprehend that all of sudden there is another account and it just shows up out of the blue. Now as I have said we are getting closer to reconciling our accounts in the fletcher case and I had indicated the truth will come out what when and where with our accounts, the logistics. We will know how are money is being utilized something the Shareholder's should be comprised of since after all it is all of ours to see and does not belong to the BIA or the Federal Government or MC. It is ours to manage and make informative decisions when it comes to how our ME and how it is being managed. So my point, nothing is a accident. And do we know if this account has been accessed? Kind of hard to think someone hasn't had their hand in the Cookie Jar right? How is it the BIA are not aware of this account and more importantly how does our Council not know about this account? Accounts don't do a disappearing act. In this day and age of technology flow with me here, if we had a full petroleum office with the state of the art IT we could be chronicling and logging our history and more than likely this account would have come to fruition sooner.
DeleteAll these written manipulations of the facts of the case in order to make the case that we should be running our own minerals show. Utter disaster. It would be like handing the conductors seat in a train over to a two year old. Out of the question!!!!!!! Do you get how badly they are doing with the gaming proceeds and how fast they are self destructing? Shareholders will always put the OME money to better use to improve the lives of those who receive the money who can really use it.
DeleteYes we should have more hands on the control button. No one is saying we should run the ME ourselves and to be honest with you there are people who can do a better job. Anyone who understands Business and Economics 101 can run a Mineral Estate. Looking to the future and where we are at and the vision I seek,yes we can do better. A consensus needs to happen with the Shareholder's and it will happen. Administrative duties need to be handed to the MC to relieve the already inundated BIA. We can process and we deliver and out perform. Not an opinion any longer it needs to happen. Self Goverance is keeping the eye on the pie in the sky. What can we do for ourselves will not be put off a day or month or years for that matter. What happened to all the the engineers to be hired for a more efficient ME promised by the settlement of the HPP? This a multi million dollar Estate and it is by far not running like one. We need to grow and not arm chair coach.
Delete9:06AM well said. Most qualified people don't live in the Osage to be elected. Every election it's the same people running that can't get the job done. Why not hire someone outside, to come in and advise? What is so dang hard about that?? What this BIA has done to stop the producers is just crazy. There's no one to help us either. Clinton won't and Trump is not our savior and is a bully to get what HE wants. Indians don't count in his would. We need a smart fighter. The chief isn't on the HR owners side. He has some stupid ideas. Somebody find someone to protect this mineral estate. We are getting run over like a train going thru the Osage..
DeleteWishing and hoping and praying and scheming won't work. If we aren't qualified and this is important; don't want to work a 9 to 5 job or longer, there is no point in going in this direction. According to the last Chief, 200 of roughly 500 Osage Nation employees are stealing time. This means that they are showing up for work when they feel like it and the only time you can count on them to show up is to collect a paycheck. Once again, all you out of towners who don't know what the situation is like on the ground, stop advocating for a disastrous situation that can only harm you financially when the checks drop because there is no one there who is willing to get the job done. Stop listening to the Chief and his foolish retinue including those in the Congress who may complain but will go along with whatever he wants to do and those he has on that stupid Osage Nation Energy Services Board. They know how to pump gas and talk a big game but you need people out in the field to help you. The only way is with the legal power of the Feds to back you in federal court when the land owners shut their gates and the producers won't pay up. The Chief will likely tell you that under a new compact we will be OK but who will we be compacting with? The State of Oklahoma? Who will control it? The Oklahoma Corporations Commission? Who? That will mean we will have to head into State Court and if you think the Feds will back us up legally at that level you are insane. We will be all along and every land owner who wants those right back or a percentage share of the take will be hiring negotiators to go to the Osage Nation to get a piece of the action. The mineral estate will be eaten alive and to stay alive, the Osage Nation will walk away because they don't have the money to sustain such a legal onlsaught. I haven't even gotten into what it will take legally for the producers to have to pay up if they don't and won't so it will all collapse in on itself within two years is my prediction and that will be the end of it. Don't buy this utter and complete nonsense about other Tribes who hire outsiders to set up one shell company or corporation after another until it's nothing but a huge pyramid scheme with nothing but false figures on the books and creative bookkeeping right and left until hell itself won't have it. Try and think your way through this thing and don't buy any of it if you value what you receive in your quarterly payment check. BIA might be bad, even very bad, but the Osage Nation running things is not a viable situation from any standpoint. On the ground, in the legal arena, from a regulations standpoint; up or down, it's just not doable as long as all we have back home are predatory individuals who are Osage or otherwise who are looking for pot of gold at your expense. Learn from the Osage LLC/Carol Leese example. We don't want to make the same mistake with the Osage Mineral Estate and this will be far worse that you've ever thought possible. Osage County Osages don't have the right to your personal income and no matter how they angle and scheme to make you go along, they want your money in their back pockets because they think you have no right to have it and this is foundational with them and has been for every single day of the last 110 years.
DeleteWe will be all alone and every land owner who wants those mineral rights back or a percentage share of the take will be hiring negotiators to go to the Osage Nation to get a piece of the action.
DeleteIt won't happen. Fear mongering does not bode well here. Some of these outsiders are willing to do what it takes and that is no lie and our MC needs to wake up to the call and step up or ship out. At a level of understanding what is involved politically in and out and the scope of the dynamics its a piece of cake. You can't run a business without a model, you can't run a business without having a criteria, You can't have run a business without having a standard and you need people on the ground. I can fasion not only design a infrastructure that can and should work. What you don't understand is we can stand alone ,provide the necessary services and submit for approval. The BIA is burdened. I don't blame the girls I blame a antiquated system not to mention the overreaching regs. Here we are no punt intended and here me out. At some levels we are at ground zero still paying cowboys and Indians right. I know our history that so much rich history that needs to be integrated into the 20th century. Yes there will be collateral damage only for a short while but we must preserve what is ours to see thru to the future. Together. It would be a good call to change the Chairman. Its unsettling the MC does not see what needs to be done. Telling like I see it is long over due.
DeleteWe need to start net workkng.
DeleteWow. Unreal. Has this account been accessed in 20 years? kind of hard to believe that the Bia was unaware of this account or the mineral council for that matter. Incompetence screams on everyone's behalf. On behalf of the Fletcher case this just proves incompetence on the BIA's ability to get a true accounting for the shareholder's. Has someone had there hand in the cookie jar in the past? This can get nefarious but what do expect when the silence from the Council is deafening.
ReplyDeleteErwin has asked Robins for a listing of ME assets/trust. We'll all know if that 'found' account was known by the BIA -- if it's not, then we may have more important documents laying around. Looking forward to the MC meeting where Robins gives Erwin a copy. Is she going to find a document with such a listing? Was/is this listing in the computer? Did she Not find a listing?
DeleteFor each request the council ask of the BIA, like the 'asset listing,' it's most likely it has never came to mind to anyone there (BIA). If anything questionable is not brought up or requested, then that's one "change" that won't happen.
I'm wondering if Cynthia Boone will again use the MC's lawyer to defend against this latest ethics charge against her for abusing her power as a MC member for personal gain? See Osage news article today.
ReplyDeleteJust read it...what gives people the right of power of attorney when the next of kin is the biological son of this family? What gives the right of his property to be taken as if it was entitled there to do so? So now I am informed that if I want a real appraisal not to go to the Osage agency and I have my property taken off of restriction so I can enlist a realtor in the future. Thank you Mr.Man for bringing this to our attention. It's not the first time she (Boone) step into someone else's business. Everyone knows this office is out of control, reality dept is incompetent still waiting on a check for one of my leases that I had to remind them on.
DeleteDamn story is so convoluted I don't know how anyone can take that guy Murg seriously. He's after everybody it reads like and nobody makes him happy.
DeleteSounds like he didn't have much caring for his folks in the first place. And now he wants to bad mouth others? The story shouldn't been in the news at all. This is a personal matter among relatives. sick...Stop the hate. So you don't like Cynthia, and start throwing stones. Gees....
DeleteIf the shoe was on the other foot you would be seeing red as well. There are huge problems how these leases and how they are handled and thats the truth and the crux of the story did that go over your heads? Not mine.
DeleteI thought this was about taking land out of restriction. Where did the leases come into it? What I want to know, if we're airing out our dirty laundry, why do we have so much editorial bias at the Osage News? Here we are with them shouting it out from the rooftops about the various members of the MC and their one blanket, a ham, and a real estate e-mail inquiry, meanwhile, why wasn't the roof being blown right off by the Osage News over that Joe Don Mashunkeshey getting his hands slapped after making off with $806,000 of Pawhuska Village money? Why aren't CHALENE TOEHAY-TARTSAH and TARA MADDEN taking pictures of one of the most important men in the Osage Nation government when he got so drunk that he fell into a fountain in Las Vegas while there representing the Osage Nation? Or another Osage elected official who was so drunk that he couldn't even walk and had to be carried to his hotel room on another Conference occasion? Why so sugar coated Osage News and biased against those who are much less guilty and culpable who apparently don't pander after those of you who work there and your visibly wide open slanted editorial agenda? Where is your moral and ethical indignation over events far more substantially unacceptable than than what you put in the paper?
DeleteOh boy. We've always known the Osage News has been bias. Getting drunk is so unethical. Its one thing to take a vacation its another when this happens. Just morally wrong. Who is sponsoring these trips?
DeleteShow us photographs of the most expensive hotel rooms and dinners and wines and cocktails at these conferences all around the country that are attended by our Osage Nation elected officials at the expense of the Osage people. I expect that the inauguration of the new President of the United States will be a big party blowout for the officials of the Osage Nation come next January. Find out how much that costs the Osage people and put the all-in price tag on that in the Osage News, why don't you?
DeleteThis is why we have a hard time with our Government. They can not be trusted. This attitude of entitlement is going to come to an end very soon. 800,000 is nothing to sneeze about. Screams corruption all the to Washington wouldn't you say? May be we shoukd pander to Congress the unethical behavior our Osage Nation supports. Cover up by no admission is a lie to the very people that support you, the Constituency, sound familiar lol "Hillary Clinton".
DeleteJust goes who should be thrown out of office and removed on charges of public intoxication while in their capacities as Osage Nation elected officials under Article XII - Removal, Section 1. ...habitual abuse of alcohol or drugs.... ?
DeleteJust guess!
DeleteThe economy is at a Stall and they still want to party like it was yesterday on our dime. Time to cut the Entitled off and if they want to attend said events let them do it on their dime unless if benefits the Constituency.
DeleteThe Chief
DeleteNot hard news but Birthday Dances?
Nice but where is the editorial substance for the Osage people?
I'm sure that the Osage News would have reported on the above happenings if someone would have had balls enough to file a complaint. The AG prosecuted the 5 man board after the FBI declined to act. We just don't have enough teeth in our laws.
DeleteAs it happens, Mr. Murg had the balls, and the News reported.
Good Job Shannon Shaw Duty!!
Don't need a complaint to take a photograph.
DeleteJohn Maker
DeleteThis was a new low for even the regular poor reporting we've come to expect from the Osage News. This belongs in therapists office or family court. It doesn't warrant being in the paper, much less the longest article the Osage News has ever written. The Osage News is anything but news and is yet another black hole we continue to pour money down so people can do the bare minimum to get a nice check and a comfy living.
DeleteI can see your side yet sll the same ot is time someone has tbe nerv2to bring this issue to the fore front. What is going on with Realty
DeleteSoory big fingers
DeleteWhich Casino? The Mirage? Boy howdy! What a disgrace to the Osage people. Get whoever it is put away in rehab today.
Deletedid we Osage people pay for this?
Being a member of the Nation, I am for getting supplemental monetary help and assistance from the government for the good of the Nation and it's members. But I'm relieved Congress has the compact on hold until the wording about the ME is worded to show it is the same entity as it was before the 2006 government changeover. Even though the 1906 Treaty is still in effect, let's not take any chances or assumptions on what we are told. Let's get it in writing legally, so there's no doubts or questions.
ReplyDeleteIn writing from the U.S. Congress (and signed by the President) that has the Plenary Power over all Tribes in the United States to make such a "clarification" beginning with the words, as in, "Congress hereby clarifies..." as is found in
DeletePublic Law 108–431.
Such an attempt at a clarification from any quarter of the BIA, Department of the Interior or the Executive Branch of the United States government will not be the final word on the matter. Only the U.S. Congress has this power.
When the U.S. Congress put forward this bill to both the House of Representatives and the Senate this is what the Congressional Report from the House of Representatives stated verbatim:
Article I, section 8 of the Constitution of the United States grants Congress the authority to enact this bill."
This bill is not intended to preempt any State, local or tribal law.
If enacted, this bill would make no changes in existing law."
Read it here in its entirety:
The Congressional Report to the U.S. Senate says verbatim:
In compliance with subsection 12 of rule XXVI of the Standing Rules of the Senate, the Committee finds that the enactment of H.R. 2912 will not effect any changes in existing law."
Read it here in its entirety:
THE LAW that is being referenced in both documents is the 1906 Allotment Act as amended. I don't know how it could be more clear as to the intent and the will of both Houses of the United States Congress with reference to the passing of Public Law 108–431 that was signed into law by President Bush in 2004.
I don't care who blows smoke at you in the Osage Nation -- as to what Osage Tribal Sovereignty means and what we as a Tribe can do under the Osage Constitution to change, preempt or redefine Federal Law as so enacted -- they are either wrong or they are lying to you or both.
Until the U.S. Congress amends, changes, reclarifies, redefines, reinterprets, preempts or otherwise, the Osage Tribe, under the 1906 Osage Allotment Act as amended, it is alive and well under the unchanged law of the land that is today and has been for 110 years, AGAIN: the 1906 Allotment Act as Amended. There is no wiggle room for the Osage Nation to change things and if they tell you that they can change things or that things have been changed they are DEAD WRONG. That's all folks and THAT'S IT!
Until the U. S. Congress comes forth with a further amendment, change, clarification, redefinition, reinterpretation, preemption or otherwise, no "Compact" of the Osage Nation with any other governmental body should include anything that will in any way impact the Osage Mineral Estate. To do so will only complicate and compound the legal mess that we are currently in today. The BIA does not have the Plenary Power to make such determinative calls and running to them is nothing but a waste of time. Go to the source who actually has the Plenary Power or don't go there at all!
DeleteIn fact, I don't even believe that Public Law 108–431 authorized or has ever even permitted a legal change of name from the Osage Tribe to the Osage Nation or a formation of a new and separate legal entity now known as the Osage Nation. SO THERE! These new government Osages are renegade from day one and why the BIA continues to support this nonsense is beyond me entirely. Public Law 108–431 authorized a determination of membership in the Osage Tribe and a new government for it. Nothing more and nothing less:
So then it's unethical of any elected government official or appointee of the Osage Nation government to suggest that the prevailing legal situation under the 1906 Allotment Act as amended is as to the otherwise?
DeleteIn a word; YES!
DeleteSo then we need a U.S. Congressional Hearing that will haul former Chief Jim Gray, the members of the 31st Osage Tribal Council, the BIA, the Secretary of the Interior, all of the members of the Osage Government Reform Commission including Hepsi Barnett and the one member of the Osage Nation Congress who put forth the bill as the sponsor that more than any other, created an unauthorized and illegal separation of the then and still legitimate members of the Osage Tribe into an illegitimate membership of the unauthorized and illegal entity identified as the Osage Nation; ONCA 06-05, now known as the Osage Nation Membership Bill of 2006, and all members of the First Osage Nation Congress who voted to enact it into law? I give you 1st Osage Nation Congresswoman Shannon Edwards:
So it looks like the only remnant of the new Osage Nation government which can lay claim to any kind of legal legitimacy at all are the now members of the Osage Minerals Council? Well that's a turnaround isn't it? Would that make OMC Chairman Wallet the legitimate Chief?
DeleteSo that would mean that we get our reservation back since any legal actions brought by the Osage Nation as an illegal and unauthorized Osage governmental entity will be null and void? How sweet is that? Waller not Wallet. Sorry.
DeleteI thought the Congress has the right to clarify, not the Federal Court as to our reservation status. I also thought that the Federal Court is supposed to rule and give opinions not clarify on the basis of a white man's interpretation of history without the benefit of a proper judicial review of the ownership rights under real estate law where the reservation of mineral rights are concerned.
DeleteThank you poster @ 11:31AM for posting PL 108-431 HR2912. I was planning to do the same thing. I have been saying for awhile we can turn this all around should we decide to do so.
DeleteI would say, waller would not be Chief. We would have to elect a new Chief and AP Chief. We still need 8 council memebers. I would venture to say we have De Facto Government on our hands.
DeleteYa think?
DeleteMy thoughts on this is the shareholders had it so locked down with those getting payment on the outside, the Osages who live in County, would do anything to get that money out of the hands of those who think they don't deserve it. This is the second rabid run at it that they have made. The first time, upon the advice of a law professor at TU, it led to the National Council which died a legal death as soon as Chief Tillman had enough of the attempts to take over the Mineral Estate led at that a time by Eddy Red Eagle and Raymond Theis. The NC got knocked on its ear and out the door with the rest of the dust when Browning Pipestem represented the Tribal Council and won at the appellate level in Federal Court. That pushed the reset button at a cost of at lease a million bucks. Next, they went to the U.S. Congress to get an Act which was supposed to clarify that the Osage Tribe could add membership and change forms of government but nowhere in the text of the Act do you see any authorization to form a new legal Tribal entity apart and separate from the Osage Tribe. So here we go again. This time around they took the advice of an attorney who said they could do what they've done but the U.S. Congress has to give them official approval in an Act of Congress to legally legitimatize what has taken place. The BIA is no help here because they helped form the last illegal government known as the National Council and have also approved the new Osage Nation government just like they did the last one. How that Solicitor's office for the BIA continues to have attorneys who get paid is a mystery to me because you would think that they would have been hyper-conscious of making another serious legal mistake again, but there you are and here we are again today.
Deleteof those who they think don't deserve it
ReplyDeleteThe Osage Shareholder Association Quarterly Meeting will be held on Sunday, August 21, at the Dave Landrum Center, at 1:00 PM. Y'all come! Talee and Eddy Streater from the BIA will be there. Streater will probably talk about the new effort to put in a new set CFRs. Don't these BIA people ever learn?
Tell them they are reaching for pie in the sky to put this before the U.S. Congress. The BIA is overreaching its Authority.
DeleteThe are already working with members of the U.S. Congress as to taking over their own business interests including the various programs like healthcare, housing and the like.
DeleteI don't know what (or maybe I don't remember) what the 2006 membership bill said (how it was worded)? But thinking back at that time--if you decided not to submit a new membership to the Nation, you would be up the creek with no paddle: you wouldn't be able to vote, if you lived near the health clinic--you wouldn't be eligible for health care, energy assistance, not eligible for anything as when you was a member of a previously existing tribe?
DeleteWe was like 'the man without a country,' we was "Indian without a tribe." Maybe get some type of ID from the BIA, saying you're an entity of an entity of the Osage Nation? Maybe give the ME a broader name like "Osage Tribal Intities ME." Time flies by, what in the world are we going to be looking back at in coming years, what became of all this? Saying we could'da we should'da?
There's no doubt the 1906 Treaty being current or your IIM account would already be in the Nation's quarterly expenditure summary under 'revenue.'
treaty? It's the 1906 Allotment Act that we're talking about here. The US government converted to Acts of Congress by the time of the 1906 Act. Keep it straight please. Otherwise you will be confusing everybody
DeleteAnyone care to report on this meeting? One comment on Facebook says the IIM accounts will be left alone. What's that all about?
DeleteWhat are you talking about 12:32 PM?
Delete12:32pm where on Facebook?
DeleteIf you have a brain in your head, read Congressman Supernaw's latest Notes to the Nation. If you think the Osages running the Minerals Estate will be any less contentious and irreconcilable as the mess the Bluestem Ranch purchase is getting to be even before it gets off of the ground, think hard again. To receive this issue and future issues, send an e-mail to and he will include you on his e-blast list.
ReplyDeleteMoney pit you were warned. Time to look into this deeper. How about a investigation?
DeleteI just can not see The People of the Osage allowing Another Osage Constitution to be destroyed by Osage Shareholders again.Nor do I see a Federal Court allowing it or rule as they have in passed court rulings.
ReplyDeleteMost unfortunate John Moncravie. Big Government comes with big "Corruption" all in our name the Osage, all the while smiling sayng its your money. Get the picture? Not just that not everybody got a vote for this De Facto Government. A lie was told all in the name of Big Government. Where is the Per-Cap that was promised? We had a established Government eight council members a Chief and AP Chief. The facts do not lie. Government does.
DeleteThe shareholders didn't destroy the last (National Council) government and they won't destroy this one. The "Osage Nation" advocates, the ONOs (Osage Nation Organization), have been around for a long long time from a historical standpoint. What happened is that those who are not shareholders moved to try and get inclusion into the Osage Tribe. The first time around they pulled an end-run without an official act of the U.S. Congress on the say so of a law professor at Tulsa University. The ran with it, the BIA let them do it and when they tried to take over the Minerals Estate in a similar way to what we are seeing happen right now, Chief Tillman blew the whistle and went to Federal Court to get things straightened out. He was successful at the Federal Appellate level and the whole thing blew up in the faces of the ONOs. Once they had, by a very narrow margin mind you, elected Jim Gray, he set about getting the Act of Congress they needed to proceed to once again push forward with an agenda that was against the government controlling interest of the Headright owners as members and shareholders. First, they had a Reformation Election that included non-members of the Osage Tribe who did not have headrights without a question on the ballot that asked if the voters wanted to keep the same government or change to a constitutional form of government and then they had an election for the new Osage Constitution that also included non-members. When the election for officers took place after the Constitution had been voted in mainly by non-members, they required all Osages including shareholders to have an Osage Nation membership card signed by Jim Gray which took away the Osage Tribal membership right in the new government away from the headright owners in direct conflict with the mandate in the U.S. Congressional Act of 2004 that stated that the rights of shareholders were not to be diminished. One of those rights is the right to vote for the elected officials including the Chief and Assistant Principal Chief. They then formed the new government with a new name (The Osage Nation) and created a new legal entity for it which was never ever authorized by the U.S. Congress in the 2004 Reaffirmation Act, known as PL 108-431. The only thing they were authorized and given the right to do by law was, by US Congressional Act, was to open membership to non-shareholders and change governments if the then members of the Osage Tribe chose to do so. The ONOs once again leap frogged over legal steps that should have been observed and the BIA should have seen to it as a fiduciary that they observed the path of those steps to protect the headright owners from any and all diminishment of their rights under the 1906 Act as amended. You are a headright owner now and you should not be making statements or declarations against your own interest. If the Osage Nation is successful in taking over and running the Osage Mineral Estate, if the income from the Minerals is deposited in the Osage Nation treasury instead of the Osage Trust account with the Federal government managed by the OST ( Office of the Special Trustee), who knows what will happen to your quarterly payment or what Osage Nation government costs and fees will come to start eating the income alive. These new government people have steamrolled over everything else in the effort to control the Osage Mineral Estate from Osage County, what makes you think they will start playing fair now? The have gone to exceedingly elaborate and costly ways of trying to make this happen. The OME is the goal. It has been the goal with these people for the last 60 years. You live outside Osage County so you take it from there.
DeleteSo what if divided my part of my families head-right into units,1 million units per full head-right,35,000 units,and give each decedent one unit,so that all of the Osage become Osage head-right owners,would that solve the distrust and non-unity which faces us now.Or would it create a new detrimental wave of Osage politics?
DeleteTo this very day I continue my grant-grandmothers wishes concerning the Osage Head-right owners right to receive their per-cap royalty checks under the 1906 Act.
DeleteGoodness Mr. Moncravie can we make this anymore clear. First and foremost this was left to the Shareholder's , the Shareholder's are heirs and you cannot go into what was willed and left to you and Federally protected into perpetual, never ending or changing. How would you like me to invite my family to your home, your realatives and take what they just wanted? Not going to happen is it? It is up to the Shareholder's if change is going to go about. So for optics, this looks really bad because of the big elephant in the room of " conflict of interest" and we need to throw that key away. Remember it took one phone call to create this bloated bureaucracy we can make another to do the opposite. Now that Unit you speak of was to be in the form of a per-cap to all Osage where is it Mr.Moncravie? It went to the BLUE STEM RANCH that's where it went to and now is a money pit? Here's a list, Air Park, Recreational Park..The Osage LLC? All because everyone is getting a pass on charges and this is on our Chief by the way and ON Congress for not doing the diligence. And they all play the same dumb blond act, ah, we were duped.if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then its probably to good to be true. This is not the Government that was envisioned, and this fight for the ME from what I understand has been longer than 50 or 60 years you can link this going back to the early 1900's if I have it correctly. At least thats the story my Grandmother gave me. RIP. Probably truning in her grave as we speak. She warned me and you can't argue that. Great post of our time line poster @ 9:52AM
DeleteIts a annuity not a per-cap. Per-caps you have to pay a tax.
DeleteThat unit of per-cap was to be from the gaming Mr.Moncravie. Left it out of said subject on the post above @ 11:26AM.
DeleteI've been a dedicated poster on the OSA site going on 10 years now. I've read it all,a lot I've tried to understand.Each one of us have been a non-head-right owner.
DeleteJohn, notwithstanding the U.S. Executive Branch Obama letter, you need to determine who the aggressor has been in all of this and what they want to control and more to the point, what they want to take away and from whom. They have inveigled, wheedled, cajoled and outright lied to get what they wanted and that was to kill off the Osage Tribe created by the 1906 Allotment Act authored by Chief Bigheart and Attorney Palmer. This has guaranteed the trust income interest of the original allottees and all subsequent headright owners for 110 years. In the absence of the 1906 Osage Allotment Act as amended and the headright beneficiary Trust created by it, you will have no income coming from the Osage mineral rights at all. Think about that when you start thinking of letting this legally unformed illegitimate thing no better than a club full of self-important incompetent men and woman play acting like they can run a government and a business interest as difficult and complicated to run as the Osage Mineral Estate. Everything they touch from the standpoint of control is and has been a colossal mess. They have left a trail of destruction in their wake that at the most foundationally important is the loss of the Osage Reservation and its legal protections for the Mineral Estate. The Osage Nation should have been crushed right then and there and that would have gone a long way toward damage control but sadly, it never happened. Don't buy into their line, John. It's not in your financial best interest and to trust them in any way at all where the Mineral Estate is concerned is a very foolish mistake. I am reprinting a comment from another thread on this Blog for you and any of those who may think the Osage Nation and its Chief have the best interests of the shareholders like you at heart:
Delete"Anonymous August 26, 2016 at 1:34 PM
If you are a shareholder you should be very frightened of the Chief. There is absolutely NOTHING he will not do to get his way, and running that mineral estate is something he wants. He called the gaming board into executive session when no one would second a motion to make his son-in-law the CEO of the casinos. You could hear him yelling at that board, and when the board came out of exec Byron Bighorse was unanimously made the CEO. Chief talked the Benefits Coordinator in HR into taking a pay cut, for the good of the Tribe and placed this individual in another job. Chief then put his wife in the Benefits position, and paid her more than the other person had made.
This ranch is going to crash and burn, but I'll give it to the ranch board, they wouldn't buy those overpriced bison, when that is what the Chief told them to do. Of course, he won't let them manage the ranch but that is what happens when you don't do what the dictator says."
Bring down what government? A government claiming to represent the Osages without a legally Federally acknowledged Tribe to represent? The Osage Nation IS a government without a Tribal entity to represent. As usual, with these sneaking underhanded ONOs, it's SUBAR all over again just like it was with the National Council back in the 1990s. The U.S. Congress is the one who makes and breaks these legalities and transfers of title to Osage Tribal property in trust and I don't see the name Osage Nation anywhere in any of the documents that are a part of the 1906 Allotment Act as amended. Do you?
DeleteE-mail your RSVP right away!
DeleteI guess "Desirable Ted" didn't attend. The usual excuse of ill health. Probably could't face the Osages he took for 5 times the price higher than he bought it for in 2000. Either that or maybe he couldn't have held back his guffaws.
DeleteMore smoke blown on this one than has been seen in many a year and BTW, how much did the tent with the chandeliers cost the Osage people? --
The event was budgeted for $35,000 of your money. Reports are that Ted had agreed to a small function, but when it got to be a big pat yourself on the back for the Chief he backed out. Maybe it was his back he wanted patted.
Delete$35,000.... Unbelievable but not shocked. To think how better use that money could have been spent.
DeleteUndoubtedly his back, not the Chief's. Sickening all the way around. SUBAR exhaustion continues with this legally unformed illegitimate thing they call the Osage Nation.
DeleteA good program from the Nation that should be allowed to continue:
A tribe’s legislative body is usually called a tribal council, a village council, or a tribal business committee. It is comprised of tribal members who are elected by eligible tribal voters. In some tribes, the council is comprised of all eligible adult tribal members. Although some tribes require a referendum by their members to enact laws, a tribal council generally acts as any other legislative body in creating laws, authorizing expenditures, appropriating funds, and conducting oversight of activities carried out by the chief executive and tribal government employees. An elected tribal council and chief executive, recognized as such by the Secretary of the Interior, have authority to speak and act for the tribe as a whole, and to represent it in negotiations with federal, state, and local governments. So why do we have a Government within a Government? When the true Contempory Government still exists because it has to or the 1906 Act is null and void and we know that is not going to happen. What a hog wash.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing that doesn't really exist is this fiction created and spun by the Osage Nation about the 1906 Allotment Act as amended not being in full force and effect today. They keep pushing and pulling and telling their grand stories about the prevailing legality under which they exist but it doesn't make it real from a legal standpoint or any other from that matter. Nonsense is still nonsense and if the 1906 Act as amended didn't matter and Federal law didn't matter, why is it referenced in the Osage Nation Constitution over and over again? Telling stories about what is true and real won't make them true or real. That's why having a blog like this is good because it susses out what is real and what exists and what isn't and what doesn't.
DeleteThe biggest story they ever told is that the Osage Tribe would die and go out of existence if the Osage Constitution didn't get voted in. Then they turned right around and have tried to establish a new government entity that attempts to do exactly that; kill off the legitimate and legal Osage Tribe and try to substitute the illegitimate and illegal Osage Nation!!! Show me in writing where the U.S. Congress ever permitted such to take place. Fortunately there are some Osages who know when the wool is being pulled over their eyes and can recognize a swindle when they see it. If you think the Osage Nation is the same Tribal entity, if you are an Osage headright owner at the next election in 2018 and you haven't joined and become a member of the Osage Nation, good luck trying to vote for a Chief or Assistant Chief. You will be flatly refused and turned away and if you think there aren't Osage shareholders in that position, listen online to the comments the Osage Nation Election Board while in Congressional Committee meeting sometime about headright owners out there who still don't know that they no longer have the right to vote for a Chief and Assistant Chief. They confirm it and I heard it as recently as six months ago.
DeleteWith $40-$45 million in Tribal funds and $15 million in Federal funding, not one cent of this money is being spent on a single member of the Osage Tribe with a headright who has not become a member of this new legal entity known as the Osage Nation. Now tell me honestly, do you think this is what the U.S. Congress envisioned when they put together the 2004 Reaffirmation Act? I don't think so.
DeleteWith $40-$45 million in Tribal funds and $15 million in Federal funding yearly
DeleteAccording to the Bigheart Times, Gentner Drummond has filed two new lawsuits on NEPA issues against two producers. In spite of Judge Payne dismissing his Donelson case, which is on appeal, he is still trying to pit the Drummonds against the Osages again. Disgusting.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we should hire the editor of the Bigheart Times to run our minerals business. At least we would know from an official standpoint who was trying to bust the mineral estate and it's producers. This is what's disgusting.
DeleteReport him to the Bar. If he hasn't already been reported.
DeleteGo for it!
DeleteAnyone's September Payment posted yet??
ReplyDeleteOn this web page further up. $3,230 per Full Headright as of September 1, 2016.
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