We need a law to determine what is worthy of being in Executive Session and what is not. A lot of what is in ES is just hidden information from all of the rest of us and I'm crying foul on this issue for sure.
Anyone else not gotten their June check? Mine has always hit my bank (Direct Deposit for about 20 years with Chase) on the 1st - spoke to the call center - they said was disbursed on the 1st - could take until the 8th to show up. Thought Direct Deposit was quicker - it is with my pension and SS. Just doesn't seem right to me...
258 total votes and so grateful to each and every one of you who voted for me in the Osage Nation election! Thank you with everything I am. This election was a surprise in a number of respects and we must now be more vigilant than ever because major changes are up ahead that may not be in the best interest of the majority of the Osage Nation members and also the headright owners. Keep posting right here on the Osage Blog at https://osageblog.blogspot.com as the evolution of our new government continues forward...
(not JP) - That's a great idea. It will bring jobs to the local community. There's not much family gathering entertainment in this new era. All family's do not have backyards, they need an outlet. Hot dogs, cotton candy, music (like a carnival atmosphere), picnic tables, maybe some children's swings, an area for equipment for children to play on (like a little park), and maybe in time an area to park their RVs. Add a household flea market on rodeo days.
Met a bull riding contestant in the restaurant at the Osage Casino in Ponca by the name of Ty Clearwater. He sounded interested if we could get an annual rodeo put together. We have all that land and must find ways to pay for it.
The Osage people have paid a pretty penny for that ranch and we must have a buy in much better than what they have now plus we need to make money on the thing one way or another because it has to pay for itself especially since we now have a fairly bad salt water spill on that land. I warned the government not to buy this property and now that it won't likely be put in trust with the Federal government, who knows what the actual cost is going to be the way they manipulate the numbers. I'm for the hemp and medical cannabis option in a compact as soon as it's approved in the election in Oklahoma at the end of this month. We already have a "growing" operation going with Bird Creek Farms, we can expand it by using the ranch. See http://osagenews.org/en/article/2017/08/25/bird-creek-farms-host-free-harvest-day-tribal-members-and-employees-aug-26/ and for those who say it won't grow, I suggest you read this article: https://newsok.com/article/2275548/state-attacking-osage-countys-wild-marijuana
My serious concern is all these kids attached at the ear to these little plastic boxes they call smart phones. Privacy my eye! These kids are growing up while living their lives vicariously and not in actuality. This is a travesty because interpersonal interaction is imperative in the healthy social and psychological development of these young people as they grow up to adulthood. Get something built out there that these kids can get involved with that is interesting, fun, and what they can learn from and get it off the ground today. We need to start establishing no cell phone zones and encourage our young to communicate with one another one-on-one and in group settings and I mean the sooner the better.
I happen to agree we can grow medical cannabis . Now as far as technology and children it is corrupting our children no doubt it should be regulus the individual parents and they wshould be warned. I just read a article which I find mind boggling that a I university condones pubescent children and Much younger that they should be able to watch porn. That teaching that it is ok to touch each other is ok and you should not be ashamed that it happens in young children, Insaid OMG! I said notify the police it’s up to the parent to teach and this is not ok it’s called grooming children, how I understood it to be. But any way children shouldn’t need a cell phone until they drive and maybe not even then, limit computer time and television, spend time with them. We as parents can educate our children and it’s not up to someone else how to do so.
Now we're talking: https://www.politicususa.com/2015/08/23/u-s-governments-department-health-finally-admits-marijuana-kills-cancer.html THINK MEDICAL MARIJUANA.
Just sent a article over yo the Osage News hope it gets printed and posted My son msking schools safer.http://www.vvdailypress.com/news/20180608/scot-offers-extra-layer-of-protection-at-hesperia-school Hes the one on the right. Hope you like the article.
What's all this about declaring a "State of Emergency" and then robbing the college fund to get the money to save the LLCs? We have a permanent fund for direct services to the Osage people. If you take from the education fund then you replace the money out of the permanent fund. You make these mistakes you pay for them, don't make us pay for them because you won't do what's necessary to mind after our invested money in a legitimate business manner. IOW,...DON'T GO THERE!
What is the point of trying to save the LLCs now when the government is in the process of cancelling contracts and both Osage Pinnacle Design Group LLC and Osage Innovative Solutions LLC will be kicked out of the 8(a) BD program?
If the members of the Commerce and Economic Development Committee do not understand that this will impact the ability of the Osage Nation to get future businesses into the 8(a) BD program then they have been listening to people who have been giving them bad advice.
While the Oklahoma office of the Small Business Administration ignores many things in order to permit Native American businesses to be in the 8(a) Business Development program when they should not be, there is only so much wrong they can ignore before pulling the plug.
What I don't understand is why you don't see that we're not ready to enter such a program because we have no idea what we are doing. For your information, they went into one office and tore it apart when it wasn't even included in the contract! It had nothing to do with what we were even doing there. We need people who have gone to trade schools and graduated, have management experience running successful small businesses of a like kind and don't get up top and spend up all the money -- millions-- on salaries, benefits, overhead, property acquisition and seminars before they even begin to decide on what business they might like to get involved with. Even Kay Bills admitted that the company that was supposed to handle construction of one or more of these contacts didn't even own a hammer! We are done being fleeced by these LLCs. It's time to cut bait and if a price has to be paid and a penalty has to be exacted as punishment then so be it. This is what happens in the business world where the grown ups play and I really hate to put it this way but there you are. Living in the land of no consequences doesn't mean that it extends outward to those who operate in the real world. TWENTY ONE MILLION DOLLARS IS ENOUGH FOR ONE TRIBAL GOVERNMENT TO LOSE OR SPEND ON OPERATING COSTS ALL IN AND NOT PRODUCE A SINGLE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS OPERATION ON THE GROUND. What about this part don't you get?
Osage Nation Elected Officials are certified. See http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2018/06/13/osage-nation-election-board-certifies-general-election-results/
This could be very important to us where treaties are concerned. See the article and the bottom of the page that references the Muscogee (Creek) Nation: Treaty tribes score unusual victory in closely-watched Supreme Court case at https://www.indianz.com/News/2018/06/11/treaty-tribes-score-unusual-victory-in-c.asp
In summary, "The Osage Reservation was established by the Cherokee treaty of July 19, 1866 (xIv, 804); by order of Secretary of the Interior, Mar. 27, 1871; by an act of June 5, 1872 (xvII, 228); and by a deed from the Cherokee, dated June 14, 1883 (Indian Deeds, vi, 482)[1]." See https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Osage_Indian_Reservation_(Oklahoma)
The 1906 Osage Allotment Act reserved the mineral rights but it didn't transfer them away from the original legal instrument, the Cherokee deed of sale to the property held in trust by the government of United States of America in 1883. This document (Deed) does not discriminate between branches of the Federal government. What is written on the deed assigns the Trust obligation to ALL of the branches of the United States government including the Legislative, the Executive and most importantly, the Judicial. See https://www.facebook.com/preservingourculture/photos/a.10150344628154399.366556.260704184398/10156049106784399/?type=3&theater
We've bought the Tulsa Raceway and for those who like car racing, two new events have been posted to the facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pg/TulsaRacewayPark/events/?recently_added_ids=412913962508294%2C158275541473203&ref=notif
Chairman Waller's daughter, Hope Matin Waller, is in trouble again. Wasn't she prosecuted and subsequently let go for stealing from the Tax Commission? I think the ON AG was involved in the investigation. It's open season on the Tax Commission I think. Another one embezzled around $30K from the TC and that one didn't even have to make restitution and didn't have to pay the money back.
Osage County Sheriff's Office Booking Report has Hope listed for arrest for a DUI.
Ah I scream and call foul. Got to be kidding me how do we know this to be true on the embezzlement? Get the feds in here now. It is time we have accountability if this is true?
I think you're missing the point of the Osage "NATION." It's function is, and always has been, to serve a few anointed families. It was never to serve the Osage people at large. The Nation promotes these families, it benefits these families, and it protects these families. The rest of us are just here so the Nation can put a larger population number on some grant application, that's it. That's always been it. That's the way it is in many, many tribes.
As for Waller, how is this a surprise? Didn't you all wonder why he ran as strong "06er" four years ago then suddenly flipped a little more than half way through his term to being the Nation's best friend? Or where you just not paying attention? When political people change its always for some kind of reason and that reason is seldom logic or good judgement.
As for the FEDs forget it. We're sovereign now and we (or more accurately these anointed families) decide what sinks and what floats. The FEDs see it as just one indian screwing another indian. They don't care and they don't have to waste their time on it.
From 2000 to 2006 Jim Gray and that bunch were running around saying "we need to be like other tribes", well, we are now. How do you like it? Ain't sovereignty fun?
I do not take lightly what appears to be going on, but I do make suggestions from time to time to no avail not even a answer from one Osage. We have elections right why are we not reaching the 15 thousand Osage’s to vote, until then we will have more of a equal chance to change the status quo, right? Not just that, then petition for change and get signatures, but is the work to hard for you? Do you think we need a re-write of our Constitution? What is it you would like to see happen? After all it’s our money all we have to do is petition for the Per-Cap it has to pass with the majority of signatures? They would tell you other wise a lie. I know it isn’t a Lie when I say I can take this Gov. down in a heart beat and think not those in our Govt. I am family and I know what is going on Iam one of those names though I do not eat for the pie of deception, there’s enough going around to share. So tell me which is you want, I want success through truth, you can’t have that when this nation of lies was built on stilts. This foundation is weak to say the least. Suggestions are open for comments on what the constituency should do about our Nations Government and it’s overspending habits. Yes we want fiscal responsibility and in the end we are not achieving that goal. We can complain but what about common sense solutions, you heard mine, turn this back to the council this Government. And or have a constitutional convention, throw everyone out if they are opposed and hit restart.
I would say before any legitimate meaningful reform could possibly be achieved you would have to change the conduct of elections. The idea that there is no observable physical count of votes, in my view, delegitimatizes the process. A computer count is fine but it has to be backed up with, at least, the threat of physical count that can verify the results. We don't have that.
What we have is, "the computer said these are the results" -> "contest the results" -> *press magic button on computer* "the computer still says those are the results" -> *destroy the ballots*
That gives me zero confidence in anything we could try to change. Remember TrueBallot is a business and the business of business is to deliver the results that those responsible for hiring them want. And it's always easy for a third party to hire them on the back end to pay for those result. Not saying that's happened. Just that the possibility exists and with possibility result can always be questioned or at best create a lack of confidence in any outcome.
I thought we were running our own general election and not hiring an outside third party company like TrueBallot any more. Is that no longer true or was it ever true?
Any illegal act involving the Nation needs investigation to the fullest intent and if proven guilty, then prosecution is prudent. Don't see why the Osage News did not pick it up?
The Osage Nation has always been a sovereign nation. It's why you get to have the most state of the art health care in the United States, second only to the VA, because a sovereign nation traded a butt ton of land to another sovereign nation, in exchange for some acreage in Kansas (that was promptly overrun by squatters).
Thank you for your response but before any action can occur and here me out we just cannot go on he said she said sorta speak, now I will surmise, if this is the case and I suspect there is truth in your words, then we do in deed have a DeFacto Government right? Because of the voting process right? Then this may explain why I had never gotten my vote in 2006 right because the ballots came in the Newspaper right and if you did not subscribe you did not get one right? There are no accidents and accountability is long over due right? So you did not answer my question what is it we can do and orchestrate a meaningful message to our Nation they can do better and what it is they can do? You still have not given examples for e.g. The health care fund, directly fund yearly that money to the constituents, why, let them decide where that interest is best utilized. Next, every dollar that is spent, match it for the rest of the Osage, it can be done, Where is that interest going in the bank on all those who do not use the health care fund? It needs to come back to us. If any Capital is being made on any of these pet projects where is the capital going? It should be coming back to us? Federal courts would say so, you can use Sovereignty all you want but it is the people who are sovereign,not the Nation. These are examples of what can be done. What are yours?
What I'd like to know is if the Osage News mailing list is going out to all of the ON members over 18 years old on the current Osage Nation membership roll or just those on the registered voter list if as many as that. I would also like the Congress, that now has it's own Membership Committee and receives an update on current membership information on a regular basis, to sponsor legislation authorizing them to send out a mailing with a questionnaire to every single registered member over the age of 18 to find out if they receive a copy of the Osage News and if they have received information on how to register to vote. I would like this mailing to include information on how to register to vote.
I hear lots of complaints about how few come in to vote every election but my question is how many who are registered Osage Nation members actually have had or do receive information prior to each election on how to become registered to vote, especially if they don't receive a hard copy of the Osage News on a monthly basis or election information sent out from the Election Board to all of the Osage Nation membership on pre-election basis. Does the Election Board for the General Election even have an accurate up-to-date membership list to work with?
Exactly ! I was missed and it was no mistake. I have been at my address for 23 years. And I am a Tall Chief. You tell me how that happened in 2006? Mrs. Allen we need to take this further no doubt.
It was at least twice I received the Osage News before the election that they sent the request for absentee ballot form inside the newspaper and each time I went to the post office and pulled it out of the post office box, the absentee ballot form once fell to the floor and the other time it was just hanging half way out and I caught it. I liked it better when the newspaper came in an envelope. Was that too costly?
For all you Stargazers out there: It’s June 27, and Saturn is at opposition tonight! The planet rises at sunset and will be visible until sunrise. It’s the best time to observe this beautiful planet!
Sorry. Apparently there will be a runoff between Drummond and Mike Hunter. See http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/elections/mike-hunter-gentner-drummond-head-for-runoff-in-attorney-general/article_cbc38270-c91c-512a-8323-1c828c98afe7.html
Medical Marijuana Initiative wins in the great State of Oklahoma! See https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/6/26/17506548/oklahoma-medical-marijuana-legalization-question-788
What's the story? Are they only going to have a conference call and not come into Pawhuska for the meeting? How much do we pay these board people $17-18 grand a year?
Tallgrass meets an hour later at 11:00 a.m. by conference call. See Agenda at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/events/tallgrass-economic-development-llc-board-meeting-10
Does anybody know what the problem is with Tallgrass? Is it due to underbidding of the Contract and are their performance issues related and who was in control of quality?
It’s not hard to know what’s going on when you print out the spread sheet and look at the totality where the problem lies and $ 150,000. is way to much to pay when it can cost you a dime to print and look and go , ok here lies the problem we are throwing money after money for something that is underperforming. Alice Goodfox is right. Shannon Edwards a Redcorn are wrong. Sometimes you just cannot fix broken because it was a broken deal in the first place. Had the diligence been the right way we would not be here and throwing our Casino money around like it’s losse change , where it’s suppose to be making money and we are on the losing side of the coin is not a laughable matter in no way shape or form and I am serious. I don’t know what’s going on the hill. And it’s like I said the monies are being abused and that’s not ok.
The root cause of the problem is that the Osage / Tallgrass had no past performance of their own and had no personnel with the experience to perform the contracts they were bidding. They relied on other firms to bid and perform the contracts, but while this model was successful for the subcontractors it still did not turn a profit. Why not? Because the management of Osage / Tallgrass has never understood cost accounting. They fail to properly burden the contracts in order to cover their costs, or even to control costs by not hiring management staff they cannot afford.
Well run companies start with one manager who can write proposals, develop the cost for contract performance, manage the contract performance, keep the books of account, produce management reports, and all other tasks necessary to manage the business. This manager must also understand how to perform the work on the contracts he is bidding, else he will underbid and win contracts that lose money or overbid and lose the work.
The Osage / Tallgrass companies hired the wrong mix of management early on and have continued to make one hiring mistake after another. There appears to be no change in the ability of the Enterprise Board to recruit competent personnel, but then what qualified person would even consider working for one of these disasters? If you're hired by them, you will inevitably end up unemployed because these businesses are losing money and have little if any hope of turning things around.
During the last management presentation to the Commerce Committee a plan to commit bank fraud was presented. The Enterprise Board wants to get a loan from a bank against receivables on contracts that are losing money. The bank requires Osage / Tallgrass to have more cash on hand, so they have proposed the tribe loan them money which they will pay back out of the loan from the bank.
The question was asked as to who would loan them money on contracts that were not making a profit. Kay Bills responded "I don't understand banking" to sidestep the matter of fraud.
No bank ever loans money against contract receivables when the contracts are losing money.
It's just a matter of time until the Osage / Tallgrass fiasco collapses. The best course of action is to shut the companies down and stop the losses.
So, let me see what model did they use when bidding on these contracts? The I don’t know what I am doing model? How much does cronyism pla here? They could not have bid on these contract had they did a cost benefit analysis we would not be having this Conversation, but we are. What is the meaning of insanity is doing the same thing over again and here we are again. And to suggest bank fraud? It’s already fraud against the Osage People in the first place this money has to be accounted for one way or another, it’s like robbing peter to pay Paul and this is not going to fly, and our Newspaper needs to stop being selective in its wording to the Osage People what is going on here. We deserve to know the truth. Stop acting like fake news. This is no laughing matter.
How can you be a defender of these policies and you have to start with th3 executive because the buck stops with the Chief. Think about it. Where is the obligatory position, the responsibility to the constitution we have? To the Osage? Our house is broken plain and simple worse corrupt.
This thing (LLCs) is into us for millions and millions that we could have used on an individual basis. If the Osage Nation due to incompetence needs to see the consequences of their incompetence then that's the way the real world works. There are consequences for failure and it's time this new government and its silly officials grew up. It's unbelievable that the Osage people have put up with this situation as long as they have. Kill it and start over with something that has a chance of actually working.
Kill and start over almost begs to ask can we do this all over again, meaning insanity. You give these Osages another chance to do the same thing. Wiping the slate all over again. If you look at what has happened and happening now, currently, in its totality, this is why the Government was formed when we had a functioning Government the M.C. and the same Osage’s were complaining about the very same thing that is happening now about the M.C go figure.
I didn't suggest that they make the same mistakes. I indicated to start over with a plan that can succeed. Where is the troubleshooting review and report from the Office of Fiscal Performance and Review on the mistakes made over the years with these LLCs and what not to do the next time. We pay the OFPR a lot of money each year and yet the Osage people never get a report on what they do and what they accomplish on a yearly basis.
The Office of Fiscal Responsibility does not audit or review the financials of the LLCs. Each board is responsible for hiring an audit. Not that it would matter. When the Tribal fiscal group has shown thieving (money or Tribally owned assets) nothing was done about. Going back to the Jim Gray days some employees have submitted false mileage reports, bought Walmart items returned for cash, outright stole from the Tax Commission. It goes on and on. The findings were swept under the rug. Whoever the Chief was at the time didn't want relatives fired. It will never stop Tina.
Then, if the legislature is responsible for the duties and responsibilities of the OFPR then they can put in legislation that gives additional powers to the OFPR to go in if necessary to the point of a deep dive to look at what's going on with our business enterprises. We can't legislate a hands off business policy in LLC governing documents that becomes rife with embezzlement and corruption without being able to go in and correct the problem. Anyone who says we can't is then setting up the entire Osage Nation as a criminal organization that is systemically engaging in illegal RICO activities. Gaming is still under Federal law (NIGA) and if they suspect that gaming proceeds are being used for criminal activities then they can go in and put a stop to it. We must have a regulatory environment in place to put a stop to such activities in-house before it gets to that point and anyone who says that it's not possible is simply blowing more smoke. It can be done and clearly it needs to be done. This was one of my missions had I been elected in June. Someone has to stand up in the Osage Nation Congress and provide leadership in this direction. We will see what transpires after the 14th of this month with new legislation in the upcoming Fall regular Congressional session in September.
My whole theory, if you can call it that, from the beginning of the new government has been, "Trust with verification." No one elected has really seemed to understand this concept as not only valid but critical to the health and well being of both the government itself and its business enterprises.
Poster 9:46 am July. There is a standard the OFPR follows if there is a break down of that standard example, • Preparation of a budget plan (including anticipated revenues and expenditures) • Processing and Approving Financial Transactions • Financial Review • Internal Controls and Management Responsibilities Just a few to list. However, this is no laughing matter considering the laws that bind the Nation to the adherence to the NIGA under the Federal law. How much money in total has this Nation squandered since 2006? Where is the tegulatory control that would be the Chief who is over all seer. This falls back on him! who is the one who should be following through with each Dept. not on a monthly basis, well if all was doing their diligence it would a,different story, but when things are left on there own chaos develops, kinda like when the cat is away the mouse will play, then you add the mix of cronyism, you get sour grapes.
Understanding what has happened here considering the contracts were underbided. And the performance of the contracts probably can be met at a lose to the Osage. Just to save the small business license. Does that make you happy knowing fron the Chief all the way to the boards, from Congress, to the OFPR, to Gaming not verifying that these Contracts will do what they say. Everyone in the Osage Government hands are not clean. Yes! Think about it. Shut this Government down.
What we have here is a failure to communicate. What we have here is no accident. Millions lost all on a whim and just think how much money could have gone to help the Osage.
We've had our people travel all over the country to set up businesses that haven't made us a dime. Perhaps this tour in Colorado might be of some educational interest. https://303magazine.com/calendar/#!/126915-the-complete-cannabis-tour-seed-and-smith
So why are we hearing about this purchase after the election of the bank was fraudulently purchased by the Chief with informing Congress and the people and now we are throwing money for reclamation purposes in the name of $400,000. Are you serious? Nah I call foul remove the Chief this is by far worse if not as bad as what our last Chief did. Remove our Chief.
Good! http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2018/07/09/osage-language-immersion-school-begin-private-school-accreditation-process/ I wonder what happens to students who come through when the Immersion School is not accredited. Will the current students have to repeat grades when they finally enter the public school system?
Back in 1974 I was attending a junior college in Florida and met a student that just came from California, he had a lot of credits from a private college and he was shocked to find out he could not transfer any of those credits. Back then, I didn't know that either, it was a wake-up call for me too. And what happens if a private school closes or shuts down permanently?
The Executive Office doesn't think that far ahead as far as accreditation. Right now the school has NO accreditation. Those kids are not getting a Holland Hall (or any other private school) education for the $27,000 per student that is spent. It is all window dressing to say we have an immersion school.
Once accredited, the school could test out previous students to be awarded credits for what they already learned. The Tribe/Nation should establish its own accreditation authority, mirroring the established accreditation systems already in place. Same as issuing passports. Declaring the State of Oklahoma to be an illegal entity since no Indian Nation authorized the Dawes Act.
See latest on Native American research: https://newsmaven.io/indiancountrytoday/news/groundbreaking-research-shows-depth-of-discrimination-against-indians-vWelyrXVEEuwGxyugxHupw/
Chicago could soon test universal basic income program. This could be a great idea. We could do the same each month for the Osage. Not saying a $1000 a month but $500 a month would be great.
Special Session on Congressional Committee Assignments: See https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/sessions for the Agenda and watch the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=151&v=jit9DQpioTY
What I'm concerned about is whether the Osage Nation Code violates any provision of Article XV of the Osage Nation Constitution, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!
Yet another Osage Nation missed opportunity for a nice accommodation in the heart of Pawhuska. (Room rates for two guests range from $109.99 to $259.99 on non-event nights.) See the Frontier Hotel Pawhuska at https://www.facebook.com/frontierhotelpawhuska/
Can anyone clarify if R.J. Walker has a job out of state and if so, how is that going to work if he's the Speaker? If so, SS Tillman will be getting a workout.
The word is that he'll do whatever the Chief says and not truly represent the Osage people. Everyone I'm talking with is saying the deck is stacked in the favor of the Chief and the Executive Branch which is supported by the Judicial. This is so not looking good.
Commerce, Gaming and Land Committee Meeting COMMERCE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
Tuesday, July 24, 2018 - 10:00am to 12:30pm Commerce, Gaming and Land Committee Meeting Osage Nation Capitol Building 100 W. Main, Pawhuska July 24, 2018 10:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. Agenda
Call to Order Roll Call Prayer Approval of Minutes Overview of the Osage Nation Enterprises Executive Session – 1) Baker Tilly Update, 2) Review of Enterprise Financials Discussion of Salt Water Spill on Bluestem Ranch Review Restricted Property Repurchase Report Adjournment
If the Congress gives that money pit of an LLC, ONES, so much as a dime they should all be recalled including that crazy Board. Eddy and the others will see to it that the money goes to pay out current salaries and other overhead obligations before there's any money left over to start any businesses and don't fund anything that purports to go into any EPA matters in place of the Bureau. That NEPA EIS and individual EA's have all but destroyed the OME as it stands today. Put ONES in there in any capacity, there will be hell to pay. When do we have to stop putting up with the daily mess that Osage Nation creates just to put money into the greedy incompetent pockets of certain Osages who are in favor with the Chief?
Click on "2015-04-30 NEPA, EA's and EIS's Explained.pdf (PDF — 445 KB)"
The BIA had no call to change the game with the OME other than what appears to be to run it into the ground in punishment for winning the HPP lawsuit. Sure wish there was an organization that investigated systemic racial bigotry within certain Bureaus and Agencies of the Federal Government.
I wonder if the plan is to share techniques for wasting money and failing to produce results. Oh, wait. That can't be the agenda. They have so much experience in those areas the summit would take a month of Sundays.
ONES, LLC is going after an "8a" certification? So does this mean they have to have to acquire this certification before they can begin work on the work they are "pursuing" by bidding on, including, by the way, NEPA work for the Osage Nation? What this really means is they have nothing going because they don't have the certification they need to get this work in the first place. Why even consider giving them money until the certification they need comes through? Would that be too smart for anyone else to figure out especially at the Osage Nation elected official level?
ONES, LLC is asking for $400,000 to $500,000? Employees now under contract have been given 30 day notice to do what? Nothing? Boy, these people have got one a hell of a nerve.
The 8(a) Business Development program certification is supposed to be reserved to companies that already have a track record of successfully doing business. The reason is there must be a demonstration of the ability for success.
Tribal companies can be granted a waiver if the tribe will act as a guarantor against performance. Given the history of the other LLCs owned by the Osage Nation, even a letter of commitment to support ONES may not be sufficient.
The 8(a) BD program is only a benefit when pursuing 8(a) set-aside contracts. It will not help at all with selling NEPA work to private companies.
I loved to hear the comments of Mr. Perrier, in particular: "We'd like to see the Tribe make money." AHHH! How long have I and others waited for someone to make that statement, mean it and actually know how to do it! You, sir, get to wear the laurel wreath for the rest of the year!
Anonymous July 25, 2018 at 4:00 PM. Thank you. It's too bad someone hasn't made this clarification to Mr. Conrad who is the acting CEO of ONES, LLC. He had a government job with the Nation under Jim Gray before his big salary with ONES, didn't he? You can't ever say that the Osage Nation doesn't know how to recycle, especially those who talk a good game whether they know what they're doing or not.
Why is it that that Eddy who gets $22,250 a year, all in, including reimbursements for meals and travel, appointed as Chairman of ONES, LLC., shows up in what looks like an old shirt and jeans to a business Summit of the LLCs when he is the one running it from what it looks like on the video tape? Why is it that some of the officials of the Osage Nation have so little respect for the office they hold? If these people want to be taken seriously as professional business people asking for huge sums of money, then they had damn well better clean up their act. With this example to the entire membership, it's easy to see why these people only know how to spend money and not make any for the Osage Nation.
The situation at ONES, LLC is a repeat of the debacle at Osage, LLC. It already has a higher overhead than the Osage, LLc every had and has absolutely no income. Hand them a million dollars today and it would be gone in less than a year. The same pattern of appointing people who are not businessmen and expecting them to know how to run a business and then acting disappointed when they fail. Each new congress seems to think that the same circumstances with produce a different result simply because of their presence. They are smart enough to not put their own money in such a scheme but think nothing of putting the peoples money at risk.
Couldn't have said it better myself except I thought they were getting rents from the building they purchased instead of going into business way back in 2012/2013. Such a good way to spend the first appropriation! NOT! If they sincerely want money, they need first to account to the Osage people for a real estate purchase that was never even authorized by the Osage Congress.
The situation at ONES, LLC is a repeat of the debacle at Osage, LLC. It already has a higher overhead than the Osage, LLc every had and has absolutely no income. Hand them a million dollars today and it would be gone in less than a year. The same pattern of appointing people who are not businessmen and expecting them to know how to run a business and then acting disappointed when they fail. Each new congress seems to think that the same circumstances with produce a different result simply because of their presence. They are smart enough to not put their own money in such a scheme but think nothing of putting the peoples money at risk.
Appropriation Meeting -- Treasury emergency associated with the LLCs. An emergency has been declared by the Treasurer over the LLCS where money can be obtained for Baker Tilley, the agent that is supposed to tell us what to do to close out these LLCs. The funding bill for B and T failed Congress so this is option #2, I gurss. Those services will be costing $125,000. For an opinion I guess to advise us on the proper bankruptcy procedure or process? I'm not sure we need to do this because the bankruptcy is happening anyway. This all sounds so slip-shod and out of control. Orderly financial processes should be something that we should demand at the very least. Where are we on this situation and when is it going to stop costing us money in huge chunks at a time.
Item on the Agenda as to the Nowlin case. http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2017/03/10/congress-files-lawsuit-over-building-leased-skiatook-wela/ Don't know where this is and the Congress is trying to dismiss the case? If it was and is clear that there was something wrong that happened then something should be done about it on the part of the Osage Nation. It's called accountability. The original lease-purchase deed document needs to be in the hands of the Osage Nation as the owner not in the hands of the seller's attorney. I mean get it together people.
Tens of thousands of dollars off? Not hundreds. Budget Analyst? Eli Potts was the BA. Is he still working in that capacity? No can do. Needs to quit and we need to find another BA. If he continues to be paid as the BA, he will be in direct conflict with the Constitution under "Article VI, Section 5. Disqualifications: No member of the Osage Nation Congress shall hold any other tribal office or position of profit under the Osage Nation during the term for which the member is elected or appointed." Clear violation from the moment he was inaugurated as a member of the Osage Congress.
What is your heck doing here, what assets are we going to sell to clear the debt of the llc’s. Was there any guarantees? Fees taxes and fines involved? Now get this it only cost $ 50.00 to file a petition with the state of Oklahoma to unwind the Llc’s. Their is a format you follow. I will post some;
Under Oklahoma’s LLC Act, key winding up tasks include: prosecuting and defending suits settling and closing the business of the LLC disposing of and transferring LLC property discharging the LLC’s liabilities; and distributing any remaining assets to LLC members. This could be done by the Chief to fill this out will not be hard to desolve. What does our Chief do anyway. This should not be costing us $ 150,000. dollars or there of.
To listen on demand to yesterday's Congressional Affairs Committee and the Appropriations Committee see http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/ Top four listings.
Just FYI - The LLCs were organized under the laws of the Osage Nation and not under Oklahoma's laws. In fact, they have been operating illegally under Oklahoma's jurisdiction since their creation. Why? Because they failed to register as foreign entities as required by Oklahoma statute.
Also, the Osage Nation signed a letter of commitment with the U.S. Small Business Administration for each of the companies in the 8(a) Business Development and HUBZone programs. As these companies are subsidiaries of Osage LLC, when it winds up affairs the tribe will be on the hook for settling the costs of on-going contracts (which will likely exceed the contract value in most cases).
The total cost to wind up affairs will be substantial. I wouldn't be surprised if it is north of $1,000,000.
And you know it does not cost $ 7,000 a month in Tulsa lol shoot. I can rent a three bedroom for $300 a month. Wow. Btw Yes, that what I was concerned about was their a note to make good and there was. This is just bad all around and this falls under the Chiefs watch, can him now! Do any of you besides Tina understand that we are no matter what on the hook, no matter what. Ha# anyone noticed the State of OK of this matter it’s hard to say they didn’t know or the IRS. Something is so wrong with this picture.
The W9 forms filed with the IRS claim the LLCs are part of the Tribal Government (contrary to what their Operating Agreements state) and not taxable businesses, even though the IRS website clearly indicates the Osage Nation businesses are taxable entities. Of course, when these businesses have operated at a loss since being formed it's a moot point.
The State of Oklahoma is not aware these businesses even exist or are operating in Oklahoma. Likewise, Osage Innovative Solutions (doing business as Tallgrass Technology Services) is not registered as a foreign entity in Missouri.
What the living hell is this? Posted by the Director of the Cultural Center at 3 in the morning. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10214516561261130&set=gm.216946305683282&type=3&theater&ifg=1
“We’re looking for a ($400,000 to $500,000) appropriation that at least gets us through September and then we hope to continue to work with everybody on another appropriation strategy, enough to get our proposal development team up and going after the proposals." In other words, they need this much money just to make it to October? So this ginormous chunk of money is going to be paid out with no hope of any return on the investment of the Osage people's money. What do we have to do to get rid of these people and failing business entities that are bleeding us dry month after month? Call the FBI in to investigate the continued use of gaming funds controlled by Federal law, NIGA, repeatedly paid to front failed economic ventures that only those with criminal intent would keep afloat for this length of time involving tens of millions of dollars? At what point does this cross the line between all out stupidity and criminal use of gaming funds? We the people need a clarification here and now. Every single man, woman and child who is member of the Osage Nation has lost approximately $1,000 a person and to some of us that's two years of funding for the Osage Health Card and one year of Health Card funding for Seniors.
Exactly what I am saying call the FBI is just one step to take we need to investigate the board members as to why they keep handing fist over fists of money to no end. This is redundant and not the use of our money under our laws should never be wasted like this and I want the Chief to be forced out of his position this falls on his watch period. He allowed for this behavior, then Congress needs to in force our laws and go after those who lied to them and us as well. We need to hook line and sink them all. I would not be surprised if the FBI hasn’t been notified already. If we do not set the record straight and those accountable for these I’ll fated contracts and it’s all over again for example Carol lease and what ever happened to him and a conviction? I am equally fed up but there were notes attached to said contract that no matter what we still have cover these contracts. What is worse once again we were saying for the last two years get rid of these LLCS. To me it looks to be one giant scam perpetrated by our own people.
Worse is there is no update on this matter to quell the Osage and put to rest what the plan is, worse is we have a right to know time to get a hold of the DOI as well. This is not working period with no cap or deficits and this why this is happening. The money there let’s take advantage for the few and not listen to what the majority already knows. Right in front of our faces. I like how Standing bear says we can do better , this is what you can do eat my chonies you hack!
The only way that ONES, LLC will ever prevail is if they get rid of Eddy Red Eagle who is fully responsible for all this crazy unacceptable spending on a monthly basis including hiring a CEO with a six figure salary with by God nothing going and nothing doing but running up salaries and overhead for absolutely no decent reason on earth. We are calling for his ouster Chief. You get rid of this money hog and every single one of the Board members who have followed his lead or we'll ask for a vote of no confidence in you as Chief on the floor of the our Representatives in the Osage Nation Congress in the upcoming regular session. Put in someone who is engaged and who knows what the hell is going on around there who has respect for a buck and can come up with a workable plan or shut this one down too. Get rid of that Conrad guy or downsize his salary and benefits by 90% or he leaves by the end of the week! When are you people going to behave like you have respect for our money and that begins with you Chief. Your continued foolishness with our money is a disgrace. Put in Board members who know what to do and how to do it or shut this LLC down too. It's damn well time to crack the whip and get things moving in the right direction. Eddy is the problem and so are you. This is down to the reputation of your entire administration and it's time you stop mollycoddling those who you have put in place on these Boards who have created this continued disaster we have to face day in and day out. We want a different ONES, LLC Board who can actually know how to pay attention to the bottom line and have respect for it and our money. They are out there even though they didn't vote for you because the rumor was and is still going around that if you were reelected that you, Chief, will be wholly and fully responsible for forcing the Nation into a position of bankruptcy with all your spending in the future if you were elected to a second term. That's why Maria was able to get as many votes as she actually did simply because of the fear factor for the future of the Osage Nation as a government entity. The rest of the votes were rumored to go you because others were afraid that the spending spree and money party would be called to a halt for those and their families who work for the Nation. Bringing us down simply because you refuse to stop spending money to get votes has really lead to some serious consequences over the years and we have had enough of your nonsense and political maneuvering just to stay in office. You said four years ago that you knew best. Well the results keep coming in and it’s all bad news. Clearly you don’t know what you’re about any better than the rest of them. Your Legacy? Not really too successful by way of making money on more than just gaming now is it? And I’m not talking about breaking even either. We still have a disgustingly huge loan to pay and who knows where that money will come from either. $350,000 guaranteed for salary increases and bonuses for the Nation’s employees per year! Detestable! Get a clue for once in your miserable life and that includes you too Assistant Principal Chief Red Corn. You are both fully responsible for this disgusting bottom line where no one provides anything but excuses and passes the buck on being responsible for anything to do with the loss of the Osage People’s Money.
There is no future plan for ONES, LLC., other than pie in the sky -- maybees one day and hopefully these things will come true -- kind of total crap! If the Chief thinks he's going to compact the Mineral Estate and hand it over to this one he's gone clean out of his ever lovin' mind. I'll be the first one to call the Inspector General's office over at the DOI before I will let such a gravely irresponsible thing happen to the poor shareholders and I never thought I'd write a thing like this about the Shareholders in my life! The Minerals Estate is entirely at risk with Eddy Red Eagle at the helm of ONES, LLC. Get him out of there now and put in an emergency interim Board as soon as possible Chief. I agree with the comment of Anonymous July 31, 2018 at 1:35 PM. What are you thinking handing off the OME to a team like this?
Keep in mind that ONES, LLC needs $400,000 to $500,000 just to stay posh and I mean posh until September. When are these Board members going to get a clue that this is a government not some sort of Royal organization and begin spending the Osage people's money they've been given by tailoring their outgoing expenditures, salaries and overhead accordingly? Ypu're right. Get rid of Eddy. He's probably the biggest spender of the Nation's funds in Osage history. He was heard all over the Osage telling people that he couldn't wait to give Osage, LLC more money when he was in Congress every time a capital contribution came up on the floor of Congress. It's damn time this one paid personally for all of his terrible mistakes, threats and misdeeds.
Chief, when are you going to get Eddy out of there? He's certainly proved his incapability to be on this Board unless it's really you running the show using him as the tip of the spear. He needs to go and you should know that by now. If he would permit this much money being spent on a monthly basis, even higher than the monthly outlay of the Osage, LLC in its heyday, while a member and Chair of this managing Board which is his official status, you need to make a change and right away. He's done enough damage to the fiscal landscape of the Osage Nation government since this whole concept of the LLCs came into being. This is a matter of both ethics and prudent spending especially since you have nothing of a real business nature on the ground since 2012 to justify such reckless spending.
This information is wrong because there has been an update and an increase for Business Boards with ONCR 15-21 that Standing Bear signed on October 7, 2015. The current stipend for the Chairman is $21,000, $16,800 for additional Board members and the travel reimbursement is $10,000 per each board member across the board.
Couldn't have said it better myself except I thought they were getting rents from the building they purchased instead of going into business way back in 2012/2013. Such a good way to spend the first appropriation! NOT! If they sincerely want money, they need first to account to the Osage people for a real estate purchase that was never even authorized by the Osage Congress.
Let’s get into the hemp business and sell CBD’s. It’s a product that works for so many who need healing benefits and has healing benefits. This can make money. And it’s easy. Listen the reason I am promoting this is because I am witness to the benefits of this product. The other night I burnt my finger cooking, normally I can take the heat but this time it was a different story running my hand under cold water, then ai got a bag of ice, omg! The blister disappeared and so did the pain with the use of the CBD cream, unbelievable right! So yesterday I had this pimple, well it was itchy and coming to a head , Weil I got this idea, put on the itch, guess what it not only stopped the itch the bump is completely gone. Unreal. So my husband has diabetes right, he’s been saturating his body for two years, his diabetes is so controlled , he does exercise as I do to, which along with cinnamon, he takes so much more like antioxidants amino‘s and so forth , so making a difference. So, he has a friend at work his wife is going through chemo. Breath cancer, sad but guess what my husband recommended taking CBD’s to her husband, she got on the telephone with her and explained this is a product that works like a anti inflammatory but so much healthier for you. No side effect. She is now back to her normal self and cannot praise my husband enough and now is giving it to her father who has cognitive problems , not sure if it’s Alzheimer’s but something like that. It is even known to reduce weight as well. So, we are Sovereign, and we can do this. And we can make a tons of money. I am willing to start this program and new venture. Now is the market in our favor that will sure to make money kid you not. Let’s do it. I’ve already looked into the state laws. This is a natural healing product.
Sovereignty doesn't mean much when there is no reservation. The only surface land the Osage Nation has is either held in trust by the federal government, thus subject to federal law, or is under the jurisdiction of the State of Oklahoma.
If the Osage Nation, its members, or its businesses were to grow marijuana on Osage Nation land then all those involved would be guilty of a felony under either State or federal law.
Sovereignty means everything. And to our favor we are not a reservation, though IMO, the courts erred . Btw. I just got back from researching in OKC and found out we can produce and grow Hemp and Hemp is not Marijuana though they are of the same plant cannabis . Yes we can make money the market is right and now is the time. This stuff is not a miracle but does many functions. Big pharma didn’t want you to know about this.
Hemp is used to make ropes, and can be used to make fibers for textiles but it is not desired for this purpose. It has almost no medicinal value (having only 4% of the CBD and, by law, can have no more than 0.3% THC) and will not produce the beneficial side effects of cannabis sativa.
Many people are misled into believing they are growing "hemp" when the plant is actually the variety with mood altering properties.
As to the sovereignty matter, a sovereign without territory of its own has no ability to enforce its laws. The Osage Nation only has law enforcement authority due to a compact with the State of Oklahoma and the federal government.
All sovereignty within the United States derives from the people. Should you try to exert your personal sovereignty, as those in the Sovereign Citizens Movement do, then you find yourself to be an enemy of the federal and State governments. While the federal government has never been granted sovereignty by the States nor been recognized as a sovereign in its own right by any foreign power, it has the power of the gun and a demonstrated history of being willing to use that force against those who choose to exercise their rights. The States, on the other hand, have been recognized as sovereign nations in their own right by foreign powers. The Indian Nations have only been recognized as subordinate sovereigns by the States in the collective, with the sovereignty subject to being swept away with the stroke of a pen -- an act that was intended to have been complete by June 1959.
As I stated in my campaign. I am for the growth, marketing and sales of both hemp and medical marijuana. Now that Oklahoma has passed the measure to legalize, we need to hop on this and but quick. Gaming was illegal before the Tribes went into the casino business and the same is true of H & MM. We need to get to Washington to begin the process of getting into the business. We have the land and the money generated will enable us to open facilities on the Ranch. I thought it was a disaster that we couldn't place the Bluestem into Trust. It seems that as fee simple owners, we may have more options this way with economic benefit available. Don't let other Tribal communities beat us to the punch because you know or should know that they will. In this we have to get ahead of the power curve and stay there.
Now we'll probably have to pay for this too so somebody better come up with a viable plan to take care of it. I predict more lawsuits that will have to be paid for as well.
This whole article is such hogwash because the Congress knew about the saltwater spill which was discussed with the members of Congress way back prior to April 13 before the Minerals Council meeting on that day and in fact, I was the one who asked what was going to be done about the spill on the part of the Minerals Council during their meeting. Surprisingly, they had heard nothing about it all from either the Executive Branch or the Congress. When the Congress was meeting in Committee later on in the day to discuss the Osage LLC/Tallgrass situation, Galen Crum from the MC was there wanting to know more about the spill. I wish the Osage News could get their facts straight with reference to the timeline associated with this salt water spill on Bluestem land.
Sometime ago before Trump trumped the idea of Havana, Cuba, I suggested Cuba to Eddy Red Eagle and he must have gotten confused because the Chief went to Cuba, Missouri instead. No surprise there. ; )
I'm going to try to keep up with these tribes taking a giant leap with investing casinos in other countries even though it will take a couple of years to get the paper work and legalities in order. Of so many political problems going on currently with China, it's a "real gamble." China has big earthquakes and Japan near by with that downed nuclear plant that is still be reported as highly dangerous. I hear on talk radio that the nuclear trash floats to Hawaii and then on to us.
Like the artist's drawing, I would travel several states over if there was a casino here in the U.S. that would really have futuristic "wow" design.
In documentaries I've seen about Havana, Cuba, the citizens there have limited freedom and limited income, and tourist get there by air and sea. So would profits be depended solely on these tourists? There's no show of profit after a casino is built until after the cost of building it has been made up like any start up business and you know that cost is humongous.
It's a moot point since Trump has been elected and it will likely be a long time before such a possibility exists in Cuba. We would now be more likely to open casinos nearer to home in Missouri.
I suspect their is a market elsewhere and I say this because I wrote about what happens when the tribes Casino market dries up just because of over saturation, in other words the market becomes flooded. It will happen sooner than one thinks and this is why in our industry and obviously the waste that continues to happen with the casino money, ther3 is a Market in Hemp and we can grow Hemp. It has its healing abilities. Truth. Missouri would be a great location.
Missouri and growers/marketers of hemp too for that matter. I agree wholeheartedly. I would so love to see the Osages back in the Ozarks once again! Chief is an attorney and should be able to put both business opportunities on their feet.
Does anyone know if R.J. Walker has a job out of state 9 to 5? I hate to keep asking the same question but this isn't right for him to be the Speaker if he's employed in another state. He probably shouldn't even be in Congress if this is true.
Yes he works out of state and he usually will not even answer congressional email when he is out of state. The new members of Congress obviously don't know this because they voted for him. Even worse, he will be merely a toady for the chief as he has been for every other chief. True representatives for the people are in the minority in this congress.
I'm hearing one of the newly elected has every intention of representing the Grayhorse district because, "That's how it works." I guess this one, who is reported to have quite a smart mouth, is already at it and I guess it's to hell with all of the rest of us who live elsewhere. Apparently the anticipated "Bitch Fest" in the Osage Congress has already begun.
And now they're in Congress? As if we don't have enough trouble with representation from these elected officials as it is! We need to have a Congressional whistleblower hotline for the Constituents to call so that when you can't get these people to call you back or do what you want them to do by way of representation, they go up on the board and it's clearly out in the open and published who is serving the people and who could care less about us and what we think and want from them. Still haven't heard word one from Eli Potts on setting up online Constituent Townhall meetings once a month. These guys in the Osage Congress are raking it in -- all in -- with travel expenses and so on at about $78,000 a year. If they don't bother with us in the least, why should we even be paying them to gate keep when they don't even really do that?
I'm watching CNBC (stock market channel), and they announced "Coors will be marketing 'beverage marijuana' in Canada in 2019. That's all I know, maybe later more information will be on the internet like will it be 'medical' or will anyone be able to buy it for a 'buzz' - ha.
It will be sold as a beverage and you will have to be 21 yrs of age. But really think about why they are doing it. Because it’s all psychological. Think about it, because sales are down in this industry. The difference is a lot, between the two. People who use on a regular basis have no real interest to mix the two and if they do the consumption is way down on alcohol.
Not when you mix alcohol with it, and that’s my opinion. You are getting it’s purest form when it’s at its natural state and one compliments the other and balances each other. Where you do not do to much of one or the other. Fact. So it benefits yes would be your saving your liver and less alcohol everyone wins. Fact. That why this industry is vesting in this business because sales are dropping. Everything has its benefits in moderation of course. It’s like anything else you just have to be responsible. Now if you want to know more just let your fingers do the typing on Hemp. That’s a good story. Read up on CBD’S too.
Thanks for the Heads Up, Amanda: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2224712881098141&set=a.1432957286940375.1073741828.100006783515116&type=3&theater&ifg=1
You can lead a horse to drink water but you can’t make him drink. I like how realative this article is and I have been saying the Osage has been kept in the dark for so long as to the goings on sorta speak with our Government , our Nation and the importance of transparency and it requires informed citizens as to being apart of the the process to the health of the People but as well as to the health of our Nation. We do not have that and I say, no accident there, because no one wants you to know have much money has been wasted thus far. But it’s another thing to hide the truth because it is intentional. So true.this has to change along with our constitution that protects those behind our Government doors.
Well! I'm happy to report that Town and Country Mag's Fall Shopping Guide is showing lots and lots of fringe on purses, coats and jackets. Crossbody bags feature C&W style guitar straps and saddle blanket bags are in "Big Time" featuring natural leather straps (time to head back to Supernaw"s Oklahoma Indian Supply Store). West is Best (as usual) ...
Tribal spending alone is now set at an all out whopping $51,877,068.00!!! See ONCR 18-18, A Resolution to approve a new fiscal year 2019 Annual Revenue Projection fo the Osage Nation with updated revenues. (Whitehorn) 1. ORIGINAL https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/legislation
We need a law to determine what is worthy of being in Executive Session and what is not. A lot of what is in ES is just hidden information from all of the rest of us and I'm crying foul on this issue for sure.
ReplyDeleteYou think, No surprise there.
DeleteAnd we all should be crying foul. (Sic)
I cannot agree more. It’s our money.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the campaign contribution to the Chief from the Drummond law firm for $500 in 2014? Did the Osage News leave it out?
See https://www.facebook.com/groups/247282649053762/permalink/447378585710833/
DeleteAnyone else not gotten their June check? Mine has always hit my bank (Direct Deposit for about 20 years with Chase) on the 1st - spoke to the call center - they said was disbursed on the 1st - could take until the 8th to show up. Thought Direct Deposit was quicker - it is with my pension and SS. Just doesn't seem right to me...
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to everyone who won in the general election! See https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews/.
ReplyDelete258 total votes and so grateful to each and every one of you who voted for me in the Osage Nation election! Thank you with everything I am. This election was a surprise in a number of respects and we must now be more vigilant than ever because major changes are up ahead that may not be in the best interest of the majority of the Osage Nation members and also the headright owners. Keep posting right here on the Osage Blog at https://osageblog.blogspot.com as the evolution of our new government continues forward...
ReplyDeleteJim Perrier, I met a couple of ladies who are award winning Stock Contractors for rodeos. Any chance of an Osage rodeo on the Bluestem Ranch?
ReplyDelete(not JP) - That's a great idea. It will bring jobs to the local community. There's not much family gathering entertainment in this new era. All family's do not have backyards, they need an outlet. Hot dogs, cotton candy, music (like a carnival atmosphere), picnic tables, maybe some children's swings, an area for equipment for children to play on (like a little park), and maybe in time an area to park their RVs. Add a household flea market on rodeo days.
DeleteFantastic! Sounds great. Let's do it.
DeleteMet a bull riding contestant in the restaurant at the Osage Casino in Ponca by the name of Ty Clearwater. He sounded interested if we could get an annual rodeo put together. We have all that land and must find ways to pay for it.
DeleteThe Osage people have paid a pretty penny for that ranch and we must have a buy in much better than what they have now plus we need to make money on the thing one way or another because it has to pay for itself especially since we now have a fairly bad salt water spill on that land. I warned the government not to buy this property and now that it won't likely be put in trust with the Federal government, who knows what the actual cost is going to be the way they manipulate the numbers. I'm for the hemp and medical cannabis option in a compact as soon as it's approved in the election in Oklahoma at the end of this month. We already have a "growing" operation going with Bird Creek Farms, we can expand it by using the ranch. See http://osagenews.org/en/article/2017/08/25/bird-creek-farms-host-free-harvest-day-tribal-members-and-employees-aug-26/ and for those who say it won't grow, I suggest you read this article: https://newsok.com/article/2275548/state-attacking-osage-countys-wild-marijuana
DeleteMy serious concern is all these kids attached at the ear to these little plastic boxes they call smart phones. Privacy my eye! These kids are growing up while living their lives vicariously and not in actuality. This is a travesty because interpersonal interaction is imperative in the healthy social and psychological development of these young people as they grow up to adulthood. Get something built out there that these kids can get involved with that is interesting, fun, and what they can learn from and get it off the ground today. We need to start establishing no cell phone zones and encourage our young to communicate with one another one-on-one and in group settings and I mean the sooner the better.
DeleteI happen to agree we can grow medical cannabis .
DeleteNow as far as technology and children it is corrupting our children no doubt it should be regulus the individual parents and they wshould be warned.
I just read a article which I find mind boggling that a I university condones pubescent children and Much younger that they should be able to watch porn.
That teaching that it is ok to touch each other is ok and you should not be ashamed that it happens in young children, Insaid OMG!
I said notify the police it’s up to the parent to teach and this is not ok it’s called grooming children, how I understood it to be.
But any way children shouldn’t need a cell phone until they drive and maybe not even then, limit computer time and television, spend time with them. We as parents can educate our children and it’s not up to someone else how to do so.
DeleteNow we're talking:
DeleteDoes anybody know a local builder who would build my home to my design who is Osage.
ReplyDeleteJust sent a article over yo the Osage News hope it gets printed and posted
ReplyDeleteMy son msking schools safer.http://www.vvdailypress.com/news/20180608/scot-offers-extra-layer-of-protection-at-hesperia-school
Hes the one on the right.
Hope you like the article.
Why in the world wouldn't we like it?
DeleteWhat's all this about declaring a "State of Emergency" and then robbing the college fund to get the money to save the LLCs? We have a permanent fund for direct services to the Osage people. If you take from the education fund then you replace the money out of the permanent fund. You make these mistakes you pay for them, don't make us pay for them because you won't do what's necessary to mind after our invested money in a legitimate business manner. IOW,...DON'T GO THERE!
ReplyDeleteWhat is the point of trying to save the LLCs now when the government is in the process of cancelling contracts and both Osage Pinnacle Design Group LLC and Osage Innovative Solutions LLC will be kicked out of the 8(a) BD program?
DeleteIf the members of the Commerce and Economic Development Committee do not understand that this will impact the ability of the Osage Nation to get future businesses into the 8(a) BD program then they have been listening to people who have been giving them bad advice.
While the Oklahoma office of the Small Business Administration ignores many things in order to permit Native American businesses to be in the 8(a) Business Development program when they should not be, there is only so much wrong they can ignore before pulling the plug.
What I don't understand is why you don't see that we're not ready to enter such a program because we have no idea what we are doing. For your information, they went into one office and tore it apart when it wasn't even included in the contract! It had nothing to do with what we were even doing there. We need people who have gone to trade schools and graduated, have management experience running successful small businesses of a like kind and don't get up top and spend up all the money -- millions-- on salaries, benefits, overhead, property acquisition and seminars before they even begin to decide on what business they might like to get involved with. Even Kay Bills admitted that the company that was supposed to handle construction of one or more of these contacts didn't even own a hammer! We are done being fleeced by these LLCs. It's time to cut bait and if a price has to be paid and a penalty has to be exacted as punishment then so be it. This is what happens in the business world where the grown ups play and I really hate to put it this way but there you are. Living in the land of no consequences doesn't mean that it extends outward to those who operate in the real world. TWENTY ONE MILLION DOLLARS IS ENOUGH FOR ONE TRIBAL GOVERNMENT TO LOSE OR SPEND ON OPERATING COSTS ALL IN AND NOT PRODUCE A SINGLE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS OPERATION ON THE GROUND. What about this part don't you get?
DeleteOmg...is it time we hit restart get it?
DeleteHeads up! See https://www.facebook.com/osagecasinos/photos/a.139883372769578.31152.124881454269770/1705965332828033/?type=3&theater&ifg=1
ReplyDeleteOsage Nation Elected Officials are certified. See http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2018/06/13/osage-nation-election-board-certifies-general-election-results/
ReplyDeleteTIME IS OF THE ESSENCE AND NOW IS THE TIME! -- https://tr.scholarshipamerica.org/osage
ReplyDeleteThis could be very important to us where treaties are concerned. See the article and the bottom of the page that references the Muscogee (Creek) Nation: Treaty tribes score unusual victory in closely-watched Supreme Court case at https://www.indianz.com/News/2018/06/11/treaty-tribes-score-unusual-victory-in-c.asp
ReplyDeleteIn summary, "The Osage Reservation was established by the Cherokee treaty of July 19, 1866 (xIv, 804); by order of Secretary of the Interior, Mar. 27, 1871; by an act of June 5, 1872 (xvII, 228); and by a deed from the Cherokee, dated June 14, 1883 (Indian Deeds, vi, 482)[1]." See https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Osage_Indian_Reservation_(Oklahoma)
The 1906 Osage Allotment Act reserved the mineral rights but it didn't transfer them away from the original legal instrument, the Cherokee deed of sale to the property held in trust by the government of United States of America in 1883. This document (Deed) does not discriminate between branches of the Federal government. What is written on the deed assigns the Trust obligation to ALL of the branches of the United States government including the Legislative, the Executive and most importantly, the Judicial. See https://www.facebook.com/preservingourculture/photos/a.10150344628154399.366556.260704184398/10156049106784399/?type=3&theater
We've bought the Tulsa Raceway and for those who like car racing, two new events have been posted to the facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pg/TulsaRacewayPark/events/?recently_added_ids=412913962508294%2C158275541473203&ref=notif
ReplyDeleteChairman Waller's daughter, Hope Matin Waller, is in trouble again. Wasn't she prosecuted and subsequently let go for stealing from the Tax Commission? I think the ON AG was involved in the investigation. It's open season on the Tax Commission I think. Another one embezzled around $30K from the TC and that one didn't even have to make restitution and didn't have to pay the money back.
ReplyDeleteOsage County Sheriff's Office Booking Report has Hope listed for arrest for a DUI.
Ah I scream and call foul. Got to be kidding me how do we know this to be true on the embezzlement?
DeleteGet the feds in here now. It is time we have accountability if this is true?
I think you're missing the point of the Osage "NATION." It's function is, and always has been, to serve a few anointed families. It was never to serve the Osage people at large. The Nation promotes these families, it benefits these families, and it protects these families. The rest of us are just here so the Nation can put a larger population number on some grant application, that's it. That's always been it. That's the way it is in many, many tribes.
DeleteAs for Waller, how is this a surprise? Didn't you all wonder why he ran as strong "06er" four years ago then suddenly flipped a little more than half way through his term to being the Nation's best friend? Or where you just not paying attention? When political people change its always for some kind of reason and that reason is seldom logic or good judgement.
As for the FEDs forget it. We're sovereign now and we (or more accurately these anointed families) decide what sinks and what floats. The FEDs see it as just one indian screwing another indian. They don't care and they don't have to waste their time on it.
From 2000 to 2006 Jim Gray and that bunch were running around saying "we need to be like other tribes", well, we are now. How do you like it? Ain't sovereignty fun?
I do not take lightly what appears to be going on, but I do make suggestions from time to time to no avail not even a answer from one Osage. We have elections right why are we not reaching the 15 thousand Osage’s to vote, until then we will have more of a equal chance to change the status quo, right?
DeleteNot just that, then petition for change and get signatures, but is the work to hard for you?
Do you think we need a re-write of our Constitution? What is it you would like to see happen? After all it’s our money all we have to do is petition for the Per-Cap it has to pass with the majority of signatures? They would tell you other wise a lie.
I know it isn’t a Lie when I say I can take this Gov. down in a heart beat and think not those in our Govt. I am family and I know what is going on Iam one of those names though I do not eat for the pie of deception, there’s enough going around to share. So tell me which is you want, I want success through truth, you can’t have that when this nation of lies was built on stilts. This foundation is weak to say the least. Suggestions are open for comments on what the constituency should do about our Nations Government and it’s overspending habits. Yes we want fiscal responsibility and in the end we are not achieving that goal. We can complain but what about common sense solutions, you heard mine, turn this back to the council this Government. And or have a constitutional convention, throw everyone out if they are opposed and hit restart.
I would say before any legitimate meaningful reform could possibly be achieved you would have to change the conduct of elections. The idea that there is no observable physical count of votes, in my view, delegitimatizes the process. A computer count is fine but it has to be backed up with, at least, the threat of physical count that can verify the results. We don't have that.
DeleteWhat we have is, "the computer said these are the results" -> "contest the results" -> *press magic button on computer* "the computer still says those are the results" -> *destroy the ballots*
That gives me zero confidence in anything we could try to change. Remember TrueBallot is a business and the business of business is to deliver the results that those responsible for hiring them want. And it's always easy for a third party to hire them on the back end to pay for those result. Not saying that's happened. Just that the possibility exists and with possibility result can always be questioned or at best create a lack of confidence in any outcome.
I thought we were running our own general election and not hiring an outside third party company like TrueBallot any more. Is that no longer true or was it ever true?
DeleteTrueballot is associated with the Minerals Council Election. Is it also associated with the General Election?
DeleteAny illegal act involving the Nation needs investigation to the fullest intent and if proven guilty, then prosecution is prudent. Don't see why the Osage News did not pick it up?
DeleteThe Osage Nation has always been a sovereign nation. It's why you get to have the most state of the art health care in the United States, second only to the VA, because a sovereign nation traded a butt ton of land to another sovereign nation, in exchange for some acreage in Kansas (that was promptly overrun by squatters).
Deleteoh Boy.
DeleteFrom AnonymousJune 20, 2018 at 9:26 AM
ReplyDelete"We have elections right why are we not reaching the 15 thousand Osage’s to vote..."
The elections are rigged. No matter how many people vote, the elections are rigged.
The Nation is nothing more than a honey pot for the select few to plunder.
The red man is no different than the white man.
Thank you for your response but before any action can occur and here me out we just cannot go on he said she said sorta speak, now I will surmise, if this is the case and I suspect there is truth in your words, then we do in deed have a DeFacto Government right?
DeleteBecause of the voting process right?
Then this may explain why I had never gotten my vote in 2006 right because the ballots came in the Newspaper right and if you did not subscribe you did not get one right?
There are no accidents and accountability is long over due right?
So you did not answer my question what is it we can do and orchestrate a meaningful message to our Nation they can do better and what it is they can do?
You still have not given examples for e.g. The health care fund, directly fund yearly that money to the constituents, why, let them decide where that interest is best utilized.
Next, every dollar that is spent, match it for the rest of the Osage, it can be done,
Where is that interest going in the bank on all those who do not use the health care fund? It needs to come back to us.
If any Capital is being made on any of these pet projects where is the capital going? It should be coming back to us?
Federal courts would say so, you can use Sovereignty all you want but it is the people who are sovereign,not the Nation.
These are examples of what can be done.
What are yours?
DeleteWhat I'd like to know is if the Osage News mailing list is going out to all of the ON members over 18 years old on the current Osage Nation membership roll or just those on the registered voter list if as many as that. I would also like the Congress, that now has it's own Membership Committee and receives an update on current membership information on a regular basis, to sponsor legislation authorizing them to send out a mailing with a questionnaire to every single registered member over the age of 18 to find out if they receive a copy of the Osage News and if they have received information on how to register to vote. I would like this mailing to include information on how to register to vote.
I hear lots of complaints about how few come in to vote every election but my question is how many who are registered Osage Nation members actually have had or do receive information prior to each election on how to become registered to vote, especially if they don't receive a hard copy of the Osage News on a monthly basis or election information sent out from the Election Board to all of the Osage Nation membership on pre-election basis. Does the Election Board for the General Election even have an accurate up-to-date membership list to work with?
DeleteExactly ! I was missed and it was no mistake. I have been at my address for 23 years. And I am a Tall Chief. You tell me how that happened in 2006?
DeleteMrs. Allen we need to take this further no doubt.
Should have added, yes my rights were abrogated no doubt.
DeleteIt was at least twice I received the Osage News before the election that they sent the request for absentee ballot form inside the newspaper and each time I went to the post office and pulled it out of the post office box, the absentee ballot form once fell to the floor and the other time it was just hanging half way out and I caught it. I liked it better when the newspaper came in an envelope. Was that too costly?
DeleteThe ballots should have never been mailed like that anyway. It’s not that we do not have the money to do it the right way in the first place .
DeleteMark the date!
And don't forget:
For all you Stargazers out there: It’s June 27, and Saturn is at opposition tonight!
ReplyDeleteThe planet rises at sunset and will be visible until sunrise. It’s the best time to observe this beautiful planet!
Gentner Drummond defeated! See http://www.tulsaworld.com/
ReplyDeleteSorry. Apparently there will be a runoff between Drummond and Mike Hunter. See http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/elections/mike-hunter-gentner-drummond-head-for-runoff-in-attorney-general/article_cbc38270-c91c-512a-8323-1c828c98afe7.html
DeleteMedical Marijuana Initiative wins in the great State of Oklahoma! See https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/6/26/17506548/oklahoma-medical-marijuana-legalization-question-788
ReplyDeleteOsage County voting numbers:
Osage, LLC Board Meeting, TOMORROW! Thursday, June 28, 2018 - 10:00 a.m.
ReplyDeleteAgenda: https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/events/osage-llc-board-meeting-14
What's the story? Are they only going to have a conference call and not come into Pawhuska for the meeting? How much do we pay these board people $17-18 grand a year?
DeleteTallgrass meets an hour later at 11:00 a.m. by conference call. See Agenda at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/events/tallgrass-economic-development-llc-board-meeting-10
DeleteDoes anybody know what the problem is with Tallgrass?
DeleteIs it due to underbidding of the Contract and are their performance issues related and who was in control of quality?
It’s not hard to know what’s going on when you print out the spread sheet and look at the totality where the problem lies and $ 150,000.
Deleteis way to much to pay when it can cost you a dime to print and look and go , ok here lies the problem we are throwing money after money for something that is underperforming.
Alice Goodfox is right. Shannon Edwards a Redcorn are wrong.
Sometimes you just cannot fix broken because it was a broken deal in the first place.
Had the diligence been the right way we would not be here and throwing our Casino money around like it’s losse change , where it’s suppose to be making money and we are on the losing side of the coin is not a laughable matter in no way shape or form and I am serious.
I don’t know what’s going on the hill. And it’s like I said the monies are being abused and that’s not ok.
The root cause of the problem is that the Osage / Tallgrass had no past performance of their own and had no personnel with the experience to perform the contracts they were bidding. They relied on other firms to bid and perform the contracts, but while this model was successful for the subcontractors it still did not turn a profit. Why not? Because the management of Osage / Tallgrass has never understood cost accounting. They fail to properly burden the contracts in order to cover their costs, or even to control costs by not hiring management staff they cannot afford.
DeleteWell run companies start with one manager who can write proposals, develop the cost for contract performance, manage the contract performance, keep the books of account, produce management reports, and all other tasks necessary to manage the business. This manager must also understand how to perform the work on the contracts he is bidding, else he will underbid and win contracts that lose money or overbid and lose the work.
The Osage / Tallgrass companies hired the wrong mix of management early on and have continued to make one hiring mistake after another. There appears to be no change in the ability of the Enterprise Board to recruit competent personnel, but then what qualified person would even consider working for one of these disasters? If you're hired by them, you will inevitably end up unemployed because these businesses are losing money and have little if any hope of turning things around.
During the last management presentation to the Commerce Committee a plan to commit bank fraud was presented. The Enterprise Board wants to get a loan from a bank against receivables on contracts that are losing money. The bank requires Osage / Tallgrass to have more cash on hand, so they have proposed the tribe loan them money which they will pay back out of the loan from the bank.
The question was asked as to who would loan them money on contracts that were not making a profit. Kay Bills responded "I don't understand banking" to sidestep the matter of fraud.
No bank ever loans money against contract receivables when the contracts are losing money.
It's just a matter of time until the Osage / Tallgrass fiasco collapses. The best course of action is to shut the companies down and stop the losses.
So, let me see what model did they use when bidding on these contracts? The I don’t know what I am doing model? How much does cronyism pla here?
DeleteThey could not have bid on these contract had they did a cost benefit analysis we would not be having this Conversation, but we are.
What is the meaning of insanity is doing the same thing over again and here we are again.
And to suggest bank fraud? It’s already fraud against the Osage People in the first place this money has to be accounted for one way or another, it’s like robbing peter to pay Paul and this is not going to fly, and our Newspaper needs to stop being selective in its wording to the Osage People what is going on here. We deserve to know the truth. Stop acting like fake news. This is no laughing matter.
How can you be a defender of these policies and you have to start with th3 executive because the buck stops with the Chief.
DeleteThink about it. Where is the obligatory position, the responsibility to the constitution we have? To the Osage?
Our house is broken plain and simple worse corrupt.
This thing (LLCs) is into us for millions and millions that we could have used on an individual basis. If the Osage Nation due to incompetence needs to see the consequences of their incompetence then that's the way the real world works. There are consequences for failure and it's time this new government and its silly officials grew up. It's unbelievable that the Osage people have put up with this situation as long as they have. Kill it and start over with something that has a chance of actually working.
DeleteKill and start over almost begs to ask can we do this all over again, meaning insanity. You give these Osages another chance to do the same thing. Wiping the slate all over again. If you look at what has happened and happening now, currently, in its totality, this is why the Government was formed when we had a functioning Government the M.C. and the same Osage’s were complaining about the very same thing that is happening now about the M.C go figure.
DeleteI didn't suggest that they make the same mistakes. I indicated to start over with a plan that can succeed. Where is the troubleshooting review and report from the Office of Fiscal Performance and Review on the mistakes made over the years with these LLCs and what not to do the next time. We pay the OFPR a lot of money each year and yet the Osage people never get a report on what they do and what they accomplish on a yearly basis.
DeleteRight. I agree.
DeleteWe should not have to ask, or file a FOIA either to know how well they are performing.
DeleteBut it’s more it’s accountability no doubt.
The Office of Fiscal Responsibility does not audit or review the financials of the LLCs. Each board is responsible for hiring an audit. Not that it would matter. When the Tribal fiscal group has shown thieving (money or Tribally owned assets) nothing was done about. Going back to the Jim Gray days some employees have submitted false mileage reports, bought Walmart items returned for cash, outright stole from the Tax Commission. It goes on and on. The findings were swept under the rug. Whoever the Chief was at the time didn't want relatives fired. It will never stop Tina.
DeleteThen, if the legislature is responsible for the duties and responsibilities of the OFPR then they can put in legislation that gives additional powers to the OFPR to go in if necessary to the point of a deep dive to look at what's going on with our business enterprises. We can't legislate a hands off business policy in LLC governing documents that becomes rife with embezzlement and corruption without being able to go in and correct the problem. Anyone who says we can't is then setting up the entire Osage Nation as a criminal organization that is systemically engaging in illegal RICO activities. Gaming is still under Federal law (NIGA) and if they suspect that gaming proceeds are being used for criminal activities then they can go in and put a stop to it. We must have a regulatory environment in place to put a stop to such activities in-house before it gets to that point and anyone who says that it's not possible is simply blowing more smoke. It can be done and clearly it needs to be done. This was one of my missions had I been elected in June. Someone has to stand up in the Osage Nation Congress and provide leadership in this direction. We will see what transpires after the 14th of this month with new legislation in the upcoming Fall regular Congressional session in September.
My whole theory, if you can call it that, from the beginning of the new government has been, "Trust with verification." No one elected has really seemed to understand this concept as not only valid but critical to the health and well being of both the government itself and its business enterprises.
Delete"No one elected has really seemed to understand this concept..." -- that's the whole problem.
Deleteref. July 11th at 9:46 a.m., "Each board is responsible for hiring an audit." -- Who is the Board for the LLC?
DeletePoster 9:46 am July.
DeleteThere is a standard the OFPR follows if there is a break down of that standard example,
• Preparation of a budget plan (including anticipated revenues and expenditures)
• Processing and Approving Financial Transactions
• Financial Review
• Internal Controls and Management Responsibilities
Just a few to list.
However, this is no laughing matter considering the laws that bind the Nation to the adherence to the NIGA under the Federal law.
How much money in total has this Nation squandered since 2006?
Where is the tegulatory control that would be the Chief who is over all seer. This falls back on him! who is the one who should be following through with each Dept. not on a monthly basis, well if all was doing their diligence it would a,different story, but when things are left on there own chaos develops, kinda like when the cat is away the mouse will play, then you add the mix of cronyism, you get sour grapes.
Understanding what has happened here considering the contracts were underbided. And the performance of the contracts probably can be met at a lose to the Osage. Just to save the small business license. Does that make you happy knowing fron the Chief all the way to the boards, from Congress, to the OFPR, to Gaming not verifying that these Contracts will do what they say. Everyone in the Osage Government hands are not clean. Yes! Think about it. Shut this Government down.
DeleteWhat we have here is a failure to communicate. What we have here is no accident. Millions lost all on a whim and just think how much money could have gone to help the Osage.
DeleteWe've had our people travel all over the country to set up businesses that haven't made us a dime. Perhaps this tour in Colorado might be of some educational interest.
So why are we hearing about this purchase after the election of the bank was fraudulently purchased by the Chief with informing Congress and the people and now we are throwing money for reclamation purposes in the name of $400,000.
ReplyDeleteAre you serious? Nah I call foul remove the Chief this is by far worse if not as bad as what our last Chief did.
Remove our Chief.
Someone is finally getting the message:
Galen is back! https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews/photos/a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153/1859114004149418/?type=3&theater
ReplyDeleteHonestly I don't remember, wasn't he a fireman prior to minerals? What experience does he have running a ranch as for profit business venture?
DeleteDon't forget:
Good! http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2018/07/09/osage-language-immersion-school-begin-private-school-accreditation-process/
ReplyDeleteI wonder what happens to students who come through when the Immersion School is not accredited. Will the current students have to repeat grades when they finally enter the public school system?
Back in 1974 I was attending a junior college in Florida and met a student that just came from California, he had a lot of credits from a private college and he was shocked to find out he could not transfer any of those credits. Back then, I didn't know that either, it was a wake-up call for me too. And what happens if a private school closes or shuts down permanently?
DeleteThe Executive Office doesn't think that far ahead as far as accreditation. Right now the school has NO accreditation. Those kids are not getting a Holland Hall (or any other private school) education for the $27,000 per student that is spent. It is all window dressing to say we have an immersion school.
DeleteOnce accredited, the school could test out previous students to be awarded credits for what they already learned.
DeleteThe Tribe/Nation should establish its own accreditation authority, mirroring the established accreditation systems already in place.
Same as issuing passports.
Declaring the State of Oklahoma to be an illegal entity since no Indian Nation authorized the Dawes Act.
See latest on Native American research: https://newsmaven.io/indiancountrytoday/news/groundbreaking-research-shows-depth-of-discrimination-against-indians-vWelyrXVEEuwGxyugxHupw/
ReplyDeleteSee also https://nativenewsonline.net/currents/even-increase-american-indian-business-challenges-remain/
DeleteMore to celebrate!
Chicago could soon test universal basic income program.
ReplyDeleteThis could be a great idea. We could do the same each month for the Osage.
Not saying a $1000 a month but $500 a month would be great.
Special Session on Congressional Committee Assignments: See https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/sessions for the Agenda and watch the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=151&v=jit9DQpioTY
ReplyDeleteIs old Scott awake or asleep? opening frame
What I'm concerned about is whether the Osage Nation Code violates any provision of Article XV of the Osage Nation Constitution, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!
ReplyDeleteStory what are you talking about? what is violated?
DeleteYet another Osage Nation missed opportunity for a nice accommodation in the heart of Pawhuska. (Room rates for two guests range from $109.99 to $259.99 on non-event nights.) See the Frontier Hotel Pawhuska at https://www.facebook.com/frontierhotelpawhuska/
ReplyDeleteWho's on what:
New Speakers elected: https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews/photos/a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153/1872579562802862/?type=3&theater
DeleteCan anyone clarify if R.J. Walker has a job out of state and if so, how is that going to work if he's the Speaker? If so, SS Tillman will be getting a workout.
DeleteThe word is that he'll do whatever the Chief says and not truly represent the Osage people. Everyone I'm talking with is saying the deck is stacked in the favor of the Chief and the Executive Branch which is supported by the Judicial. This is so not looking good.
DeleteCommerce, Gaming and Land Committee Meeting
Tuesday, July 24, 2018 - 10:00am to 12:30pm
Commerce, Gaming and Land Committee Meeting
Osage Nation Capitol Building
100 W. Main, Pawhuska
July 24, 2018
10:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes
Overview of the Osage Nation Enterprises
Executive Session – 1) Baker Tilly Update, 2) Review of Enterprise Financials
Discussion of Salt Water Spill on Bluestem Ranch
Review Restricted Property Repurchase Report
Audio segments of today's Committee Meeting:
If the Congress gives that money pit of an LLC, ONES, so much as a dime they should all be recalled including that crazy Board. Eddy and the others will see to it that the money goes to pay out current salaries and other overhead obligations before there's any money left over to start any businesses and don't fund anything that purports to go into any EPA matters in place of the Bureau. That NEPA EIS and individual EA's have all but destroyed the OME as it stands today. Put ONES in there in any capacity, there will be hell to pay. When do we have to stop putting up with the daily mess that Osage Nation creates just to put money into the greedy incompetent pockets of certain Osages who are in favor with the Chief?
DeleteClick on "2015-04-30 NEPA, EA's and EIS's Explained.pdf (PDF — 445 KB)"
The BIA had no call to change the game with the OME other than what appears to be to run it into the ground in punishment for winning the HPP lawsuit. Sure wish there was an organization that investigated systemic racial bigotry within certain Bureaus and Agencies of the Federal Government.
I wonder if the plan is to share techniques for wasting money and failing to produce results. Oh, wait. That can't be the agenda. They have so much experience in those areas the summit would take a month of Sundays.
ReplyDeleteLol I agree. Let’s see how this turns out.
ReplyDeleteOsage Nation Audited Financial Statements --
Meeting has been broadcast at https://www.facebook.com/jacque.jones.58/videos/1964854100201353/
ReplyDeleteONES, LLC is going after an "8a" certification? So does this mean they have to have to acquire this certification before they can begin work on the work they are "pursuing" by bidding on, including, by the way, NEPA work for the Osage Nation? What this really means is they have nothing going because they don't have the certification they need to get this work in the first place. Why even consider giving them money until the certification they need comes through? Would that be too smart for anyone else to figure out especially at the Osage Nation elected official level?
ReplyDeleteONES, LLC is asking for $400,000 to $500,000? Employees now under contract have been given 30 day notice to do what? Nothing? Boy, these people have got one a hell of a nerve.
ReplyDeleteDon't you mean --continue to do what? Nothing? That would be more like it. I get it. These Osage Nation government types are hopeless.
ReplyDeleteThe 8(a) Business Development program certification is supposed to be reserved to companies that already have a track record of successfully doing business. The reason is there must be a demonstration of the ability for success.
ReplyDeleteTribal companies can be granted a waiver if the tribe will act as a guarantor against performance. Given the history of the other LLCs owned by the Osage Nation, even a letter of commitment to support ONES may not be sufficient.
The 8(a) BD program is only a benefit when pursuing 8(a) set-aside contracts. It will not help at all with selling NEPA work to private companies.
I loved to hear the comments of Mr. Perrier, in particular: "We'd like to see the Tribe make money." AHHH! How long have I and others waited for someone to make that statement, mean it and actually know how to do it! You, sir, get to wear the laurel wreath for the rest of the year!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous July 25, 2018 at 4:00 PM. Thank you. It's too bad someone hasn't made this clarification to Mr. Conrad who is the acting CEO of ONES, LLC. He had a government job with the Nation under Jim Gray before his big salary with ONES, didn't he? You can't ever say that the Osage Nation doesn't know how to recycle, especially those who talk a good game whether they know what they're doing or not.
ReplyDeleteSee the Lucy Creek Fence Bid at the Bluestem Ranch at http://www.tallgrass-osage.com/bluestem-ranch-3/
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that that Eddy who gets $22,250 a year, all in, including reimbursements for meals and travel, appointed as Chairman of ONES, LLC., shows up in what looks like an old shirt and jeans to a business Summit of the LLCs when he is the one running it from what it looks like on the video tape? Why is it that some of the officials of the Osage Nation have so little respect for the office they hold? If these people want to be taken seriously as professional business people asking for huge sums of money, then they had damn well better clean up their act. With this example to the entire membership, it's easy to see why these people only know how to spend money and not make any for the Osage Nation.
ReplyDeleteLike I said it’s easy to spend not your money or in this case the entitlements needs to stop and they need to pay their way end of story.
ReplyDeleteThe situation at ONES, LLC is a repeat of the debacle at Osage, LLC. It already has a higher overhead than the Osage, LLc every had and has absolutely no income. Hand them a million dollars today and it would be gone in less than a year. The same pattern of appointing people who are not businessmen and expecting them to know how to run a business and then acting disappointed when they fail. Each new congress seems to think that the same circumstances with produce a different result simply because of their presence. They are smart enough to not put their own money in such a scheme but think nothing of putting the peoples money at risk.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't have said it better myself except I thought they were getting rents from the building they purchased instead of going into business way back in 2012/2013. Such a good way to spend the first appropriation! NOT! If they sincerely want money, they need first to account to the Osage people for a real estate purchase that was never even authorized by the Osage Congress.
DeleteYes, they are getting rent on the building. Guess who's paying the rent. The Osage nation rents it for their money losing aquaphonics plaything.
DeleteDuh! On second thought, double duh!
DeleteThe situation at ONES, LLC is a repeat of the debacle at Osage, LLC. It already has a higher overhead than the Osage, LLc every had and has absolutely no income. Hand them a million dollars today and it would be gone in less than a year. The same pattern of appointing people who are not businessmen and expecting them to know how to run a business and then acting disappointed when they fail. Each new congress seems to think that the same circumstances with produce a different result simply because of their presence. They are smart enough to not put their own money in such a scheme but think nothing of putting the peoples money at risk.
ReplyDeleteAppropriation Meeting -- Treasury emergency associated with the LLCs. An emergency has been declared by the Treasurer over the LLCS where money can be obtained for Baker Tilley, the agent that is supposed to tell us what to do to close out these LLCs. The funding bill for B and T failed Congress so this is option #2, I gurss. Those services will be costing $125,000. For an opinion I guess to advise us on the proper bankruptcy procedure or process? I'm not sure we need to do this because the bankruptcy is happening anyway. This all sounds so slip-shod and out of control. Orderly financial processes should be something that we should demand at the very least. Where are we on this situation and when is it going to stop costing us money in huge chunks at a time.
DeleteHaving to go without lunch? Anyone in the Osage Nation ever heard of a working lunch? Hahahahahahaha!
DeleteItem on the Agenda as to the Nowlin case.
Don't know where this is and the Congress is trying to dismiss the case? If it was and is clear that there was something wrong that happened then something should be done about it on the part of the Osage Nation. It's called accountability. The original lease-purchase deed document needs to be in the hands of the Osage Nation as the owner not in the hands of the seller's attorney. I mean get it together people.
Was the Nowlin situation another Chief behind the scenes and got caught?
DeleteTens of thousands of dollars off? Not hundreds. Budget Analyst? Eli Potts was the BA. Is he still working in that capacity? No can do. Needs to quit and we need to find another BA. If he continues to be paid as the BA, he will be in direct conflict with the Constitution under "Article VI, Section 5. Disqualifications: No member of the Osage Nation Congress shall hold any other tribal office or position of profit under the Osage Nation during the term for which the member is elected or appointed." Clear violation from the moment he was inaugurated as a member of the Osage Congress.
DeleteWhat is your heck doing here, what assets are we going to sell to clear the debt of the llc’s.
DeleteWas there any guarantees?
Fees taxes and fines involved?
Now get this it only cost $ 50.00 to file a petition with the state of Oklahoma to unwind the Llc’s. Their is a format you follow.
I will post some;
Under Oklahoma’s LLC Act, key winding up tasks include:
prosecuting and defending suits
settling and closing the business of the LLC
disposing of and transferring LLC property
discharging the LLC’s liabilities; and
distributing any remaining assets to LLC members.
This could be done by the Chief to fill this out will not be hard to desolve.
What does our Chief do anyway.
This should not be costing us $ 150,000. dollars or there of.
To listen on demand to yesterday's Congressional Affairs Committee and the Appropriations Committee see http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/ Top four listings.
DeleteJust FYI - The LLCs were organized under the laws of the Osage Nation and not under Oklahoma's laws. In fact, they have been operating illegally under Oklahoma's jurisdiction since their creation. Why? Because they failed to register as foreign entities as required by Oklahoma statute.
DeleteAlso, the Osage Nation signed a letter of commitment with the U.S. Small Business Administration for each of the companies in the 8(a) Business Development and HUBZone programs. As these companies are subsidiaries of Osage LLC, when it winds up affairs the tribe will be on the hook for settling the costs of on-going contracts (which will likely exceed the contract value in most cases).
The total cost to wind up affairs will be substantial. I wouldn't be surprised if it is north of $1,000,000.
My understanding is the Pawnee Tribe took the contracts. But they still have bills, like that $7000 per month office they have in Tulsa.
DeleteAnd you know it does not cost $ 7,000 a month in Tulsa lol shoot. I can rent a three bedroom for $300 a month. Wow.
DeleteBtw Yes, that what I was concerned about was their a note to make good and there was. This is just bad all around and this falls under the Chiefs watch, can him now! Do any of you besides Tina understand that we are no matter what on the hook, no matter what. Ha# anyone noticed the State of OK of this matter it’s hard to say they didn’t know or the IRS. Something is so wrong with this picture.
The W9 forms filed with the IRS claim the LLCs are part of the Tribal Government (contrary to what their Operating Agreements state) and not taxable businesses, even though the IRS website clearly indicates the Osage Nation businesses are taxable entities. Of course, when these businesses have operated at a loss since being formed it's a moot point.
DeleteThe State of Oklahoma is not aware these businesses even exist or are operating in Oklahoma. Likewise, Osage Innovative Solutions (doing business as Tallgrass Technology Services) is not registered as a foreign entity in Missouri.
What the living hell is this? Posted by the Director of the Cultural Center at 3 in the morning. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10214516561261130&set=gm.216946305683282&type=3&theater&ifg=1
“We’re looking for a ($400,000 to $500,000) appropriation that at least gets us through September and then we hope to continue to work with everybody on another appropriation strategy, enough to get our proposal development team up and going after the proposals." In other words, they need this much money just to make it to October? So this ginormous chunk of money is going to be paid out with no hope of any return on the investment of the Osage people's money. What do we have to do to get rid of these people and failing business entities that are bleeding us dry month after month? Call the FBI in to investigate the continued use of gaming funds controlled by Federal law, NIGA, repeatedly paid to front failed economic ventures that only those with criminal intent would keep afloat for this length of time involving tens of millions of dollars? At what point does this cross the line between all out stupidity and criminal use of gaming funds? We the people need a clarification here and now. Every single man, woman and child who is member of the Osage Nation has lost approximately $1,000 a person and to some of us that's two years of funding for the Osage Health Card and one year of Health Card funding for Seniors.
DeleteExactly what I am saying call the FBI is just one step to take we need to investigate the board members as to why they keep handing fist over fists of money to no end. This is redundant and not the use of our money under our laws should never be wasted like this and I want the Chief to be forced out of his position this falls on his watch period. He allowed for this behavior, then Congress needs to in force our laws and go after those who lied to them and us as well. We need to hook line and sink them all. I would not be surprised if the FBI hasn’t been notified already. If we do not set the record straight and those accountable for these I’ll fated contracts and it’s all over again for example Carol lease and what ever happened to him and a conviction? I am equally fed up but there were notes attached to said contract that no matter what we still have cover these contracts. What is worse once again we were saying for the last two years get rid of these LLCS.
DeleteTo me it looks to be one giant scam perpetrated by our own people.
Worse is there is no update on this matter to quell the Osage and put to rest what the plan is, worse is we have a right to know time to get a hold of the DOI as well. This is not working period with no cap or deficits and this why this is happening. The money there let’s take advantage for the few and not listen to what the majority already knows. Right in front of our faces. I like how Standing bear says we can do better , this is what you can do eat my chonies you hack!
DeleteThe only way that ONES, LLC will ever prevail is if they get rid of Eddy Red Eagle who is fully responsible for all this crazy unacceptable spending on a monthly basis including hiring a CEO with a six figure salary with by God nothing going and nothing doing but running up salaries and overhead for absolutely no decent reason on earth. We are calling for his ouster Chief. You get rid of this money hog and every single one of the Board members who have followed his lead or we'll ask for a vote of no confidence in you as Chief on the floor of the our Representatives in the Osage Nation Congress in the upcoming regular session. Put in someone who is engaged and who knows what the hell is going on around there who has respect for a buck and can come up with a workable plan or shut this one down too. Get rid of that Conrad guy or downsize his salary and benefits by 90% or he leaves by the end of the week! When are you people going to behave like you have respect for our money and that begins with you Chief. Your continued foolishness with our money is a disgrace. Put in Board members who know what to do and how to do it or shut this LLC down too. It's damn well time to crack the whip and get things moving in the right direction. Eddy is the problem and so are you. This is down to the reputation of your entire administration and it's time you stop mollycoddling those who you have put in place on these Boards who have created this continued disaster we have to face day in and day out. We want a different ONES, LLC Board who can actually know how to pay attention to the bottom line and have respect for it and our money. They are out there even though they didn't vote for you because the rumor was and is still going around that if you were reelected that you, Chief, will be wholly and fully responsible for forcing the Nation into a position of bankruptcy with all your spending in the future if you were elected to a second term. That's why Maria was able to get as many votes as she actually did simply because of the fear factor for the future of the Osage Nation as a government entity. The rest of the votes were rumored to go you because others were afraid that the spending spree and money party would be called to a halt for those and their families who work for the Nation. Bringing us down simply because you refuse to stop spending money to get votes has really lead to some serious consequences over the years and we have had enough of your nonsense and political maneuvering just to stay in office. You said four years ago that you knew best. Well the results keep coming in and it’s all bad news. Clearly you don’t know what you’re about any better than the rest of them. Your Legacy? Not really too successful by way of making money on more than just gaming now is it? And I’m not talking about breaking even either. We still have a disgustingly huge loan to pay and who knows where that money will come from either. $350,000 guaranteed for salary increases and bonuses for the Nation’s employees per year! Detestable! Get a clue for once in your miserable life and that includes you too Assistant Principal Chief Red Corn. You are both fully responsible for this disgusting bottom line where no one provides anything but excuses and passes the buck on being responsible for anything to do with the loss of the Osage People’s Money.
DeleteThere is no future plan for ONES, LLC., other than pie in the sky -- maybees one day and hopefully these things will come true -- kind of total crap! If the Chief thinks he's going to compact the Mineral Estate and hand it over to this one he's gone clean out of his ever lovin' mind. I'll be the first one to call the Inspector General's office over at the DOI before I will let such a gravely irresponsible thing happen to the poor shareholders and I never thought I'd write a thing like this about the Shareholders in my life! The Minerals Estate is entirely at risk with Eddy Red Eagle at the helm of ONES, LLC. Get him out of there now and put in an emergency interim Board as soon as possible Chief. I agree with the comment of Anonymous July 31, 2018 at 1:35 PM. What are you thinking handing off the OME to a team like this?
DeleteKeep in mind that ONES, LLC needs $400,000 to $500,000 just to stay posh and I mean posh until September. When are these Board members going to get a clue that this is a government not some sort of Royal organization and begin spending the Osage people's money they've been given by tailoring their outgoing expenditures, salaries and overhead accordingly? Ypu're right. Get rid of Eddy. He's probably the biggest spender of the Nation's funds in Osage history. He was heard all over the Osage telling people that he couldn't wait to give Osage, LLC more money when he was in Congress every time a capital contribution came up on the floor of Congress. It's damn time this one paid personally for all of his terrible mistakes, threats and misdeeds.
DeleteChief, when are you going to get Eddy out of there? He's certainly proved his incapability to be on this Board unless it's really you running the show using him as the tip of the spear. He needs to go and you should know that by now. If he would permit this much money being spent on a monthly basis, even higher than the monthly outlay of the Osage, LLC in its heyday, while a member and Chair of this managing Board which is his official status, you need to make a change and right away. He's done enough damage to the fiscal landscape of the Osage Nation government since this whole concept of the LLCs came into being. This is a matter of both ethics and prudent spending especially since you have nothing of a real business nature on the ground since 2012 to justify such reckless spending.
DeleteThis information is wrong because there has been an update and an increase for Business Boards with ONCR 15-21 that Standing Bear signed on October 7, 2015. The current stipend for the Chairman is $21,000, $16,800 for additional Board members and the travel reimbursement is $10,000 per each board member across the board.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't have said it better myself except I thought they were getting rents from the building they purchased instead of going into business way back in 2012/2013. Such a good way to spend the first appropriation! NOT! If they sincerely want money, they need first to account to the Osage people for a real estate purchase that was never even authorized by the Osage Congress.
ReplyDeleteAccountability starts with the Chief that’s why I keep on saying, Red Eagle was removed for far much less that we know of. Remove our current Chief.
ReplyDeleteLet’s get into the hemp business and sell CBD’s. It’s a product that works for so many who need healing benefits and has healing benefits.
ReplyDeleteThis can make money. And it’s easy.
Listen the reason I am promoting this is because I am witness to the benefits of this product.
The other night I burnt my finger cooking, normally I can take the heat but this time it was a different story running my hand under cold water, then ai got a bag of ice, omg! The blister disappeared and so did the pain with the use of the CBD cream, unbelievable right!
So yesterday I had this pimple, well it was itchy and coming to a head , Weil I got this idea, put on the itch, guess what it not only stopped the itch the bump is completely gone. Unreal.
So my husband has diabetes right, he’s been saturating his body for two years, his diabetes is so controlled , he does exercise as I do to, which along with cinnamon, he takes so much more like antioxidants amino‘s and so forth , so making a difference. So,
he has a friend at work his wife is going through chemo. Breath cancer, sad but guess what my husband recommended taking CBD’s to her husband, she got on the telephone with her and explained this is a product that works like a anti inflammatory but so much healthier for you. No side effect.
She is now back to her normal self and cannot praise my husband enough and now is giving it to her father who has cognitive problems , not sure if it’s Alzheimer’s but something like that. It is even known to reduce weight as well.
So, we are Sovereign, and we can do this. And we can make a tons of money. I am willing to start this program and new venture.
Now is the market in our favor that will sure to make money kid you not. Let’s do it. I’ve already looked into the state laws.
This is a natural healing product.
Sovereignty doesn't mean much when there is no reservation. The only surface land the Osage Nation has is either held in trust by the federal government, thus subject to federal law, or is under the jurisdiction of the State of Oklahoma.
DeleteIf the Osage Nation, its members, or its businesses were to grow marijuana on Osage Nation land then all those involved would be guilty of a felony under either State or federal law.
Sovereignty means everything.
DeleteAnd to our favor we are not a reservation, though IMO, the courts erred . Btw.
I just got back from researching in OKC and found out we can produce and grow Hemp and Hemp is not Marijuana though they are of the same plant cannabis . Yes we can make money the market is right and now is the time. This stuff is not a miracle but does many functions.
Big pharma didn’t want you to know about this.
Hemp is used to make ropes, and can be used to make fibers for textiles but it is not desired for this purpose. It has almost no medicinal value (having only 4% of the CBD and, by law, can have no more than 0.3% THC) and will not produce the beneficial side effects of cannabis sativa.
DeleteMany people are misled into believing they are growing "hemp" when the plant is actually the variety with mood altering properties.
As to the sovereignty matter, a sovereign without territory of its own has no ability to enforce its laws. The Osage Nation only has law enforcement authority due to a compact with the State of Oklahoma and the federal government.
All sovereignty within the United States derives from the people. Should you try to exert your personal sovereignty, as those in the Sovereign Citizens Movement do, then you find yourself to be an enemy of the federal and State governments. While the federal government has never been granted sovereignty by the States nor been recognized as a sovereign in its own right by any foreign power, it has the power of the gun and a demonstrated history of being willing to use that force against those who choose to exercise their rights. The States, on the other hand, have been recognized as sovereign nations in their own right by foreign powers. The Indian Nations have only been recognized as subordinate sovereigns by the States in the collective, with the sovereignty subject to being swept away with the stroke of a pen -- an act that was intended to have been complete by June 1959.
As I stated in my campaign. I am for the growth, marketing and sales of both hemp and medical marijuana. Now that Oklahoma has passed the measure to legalize, we need to hop on this and but quick. Gaming was illegal before the Tribes went into the casino business and the same is true of H & MM. We need to get to Washington to begin the process of getting into the business. We have the land and the money generated will enable us to open facilities on the Ranch. I thought it was a disaster that we couldn't place the Bluestem into Trust. It seems that as fee simple owners, we may have more options this way with economic benefit available. Don't let other Tribal communities beat us to the punch because you know or should know that they will. In this we have to get ahead of the power curve and stay there.
DeleteNow we'll probably have to pay for this too so somebody better come up with a viable plan to take care of it. I predict more lawsuits that will have to be paid for as well.
This whole article is such hogwash because the Congress knew about the saltwater spill which was discussed with the members of Congress way back prior to April 13 before the Minerals Council meeting on that day and in fact, I was the one who asked what was going to be done about the spill on the part of the Minerals Council during their meeting. Surprisingly, they had heard nothing about it all from either the Executive Branch or the Congress. When the Congress was meeting in Committee later on in the day to discuss the Osage LLC/Tallgrass situation, Galen Crum from the MC was there wanting to know more about the spill. I wish the Osage News could get their facts straight with reference to the timeline associated with this salt water spill on Bluestem land.
DeletePot perspective: Colorado official says Oklahoma law enforcement shouldn’t wait to train for medical marijuana
See also http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2018/08/01/food-sovereignty-discussed-native-youth-food-and-agriculture-summit/
DeletePublic Service Notification:
Reminder: Honoring the Osage Full Bloods:
fyi - Indianz.com - July 18th - "Mohegan Tribe ain't afraid to pursue a casino in Japan)
ReplyDelete(and in South Korea) - (The Mashantucke Pequot Tribal Nation also expressed interested in Japan)
CHECK out the artist's drawing in article.
I saw that. Wow. And what are we doing to further our growth.
DeleteSometime ago before Trump trumped the idea of Havana, Cuba, I suggested Cuba to Eddy Red Eagle and he must have gotten confused because the Chief went to Cuba, Missouri instead. No surprise there. ; )
DeleteI'm going to try to keep up with these tribes taking a giant leap with investing casinos in other countries even though it will take a couple of years to get the paper work and legalities in order. Of so many political problems going on currently with China, it's a "real gamble." China has big earthquakes and Japan near by with that downed nuclear plant that is still be reported as highly dangerous. I hear on talk radio that the nuclear trash floats to Hawaii and then on to us.
DeleteLike the artist's drawing, I would travel several states over if there was a casino here in the U.S. that would really have futuristic "wow" design.
In documentaries I've seen about Havana, Cuba, the citizens there have limited freedom and limited income, and tourist get there by air and sea. So would profits be depended solely on these tourists? There's no show of profit after a casino is built until after the cost of building it has been made up like any start up business and you know that cost is humongous.
It's a moot point since Trump has been elected and it will likely be a long time before such a possibility exists in Cuba. We would now be more likely to open casinos nearer to home in Missouri.
DeleteI suspect their is a market elsewhere and I say this because I wrote about what happens when the tribes Casino market dries up just because of over saturation, in other words the market becomes flooded. It will happen sooner than one thinks and this is why in our industry and obviously the waste that continues to happen with the casino money, ther3 is a Market in Hemp and we can grow Hemp. It has its healing abilities. Truth. Missouri would be a great location.
DeleteMissouri and growers/marketers of hemp too for that matter. I agree wholeheartedly. I would so love to see the Osages back in the Ozarks once again! Chief is an attorney and should be able to put both business opportunities on their feet.
DeleteSee also http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2018/08/01/food-sovereignty-discussed-native-youth-food-and-agriculture-summit/
DeleteDoes anyone know if R.J. Walker has a job out of state 9 to 5? I hate to keep asking the same question but this isn't right for him to be the Speaker if he's employed in another state. He probably shouldn't even be in Congress if this is true.
ReplyDeleteYes he works out of state and he usually will not even answer congressional email when he is out of state. The new members of Congress obviously don't know this because they voted for him. Even worse, he will be merely a toady for the chief as he has been for every other chief. True representatives for the people are in the minority in this congress.
ReplyDeleteAs I suspected. Ugly! So ugly for the Osage people.
DeleteI'm hearing one of the newly elected has every intention of representing the Grayhorse district because, "That's how it works." I guess this one, who is reported to have quite a smart mouth, is already at it and I guess it's to hell with all of the rest of us who live elsewhere. Apparently the anticipated "Bitch Fest" in the Osage Congress has already begun.
DeleteHave you not met her mother?!! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Delete7 argumentative women and 5 disengaged men and you expect progess? No way, Jose! You should be expecting a repeat of the LLC disasters.
DeleteEmployees at the clinic campaigned vigorously for the two new female congresswoman. We wanted them out of IHS. Thanks fools.
DeleteAt Anonymous 8:58 am. A huge LOL!I'm sure there were no tears shed as the Toxic Twins left the building.
DeleteToxic Twins! LOL
DeleteAnd now they're in Congress? As if we don't have enough trouble with representation from these elected officials as it is! We need to have a Congressional whistleblower hotline for the Constituents to call so that when you can't get these people to call you back or do what you want them to do by way of representation, they go up on the board and it's clearly out in the open and published who is serving the people and who could care less about us and what we think and want from them. Still haven't heard word one from Eli Potts on setting up online Constituent Townhall meetings once a month. These guys in the Osage Congress are raking it in -- all in -- with travel expenses and so on at about $78,000 a year. If they don't bother with us in the least, why should we even be paying them to gate keep when they don't even really do that?
DeleteYeppers Seinfeld’s it before my eyes just unreal to think Osage’s sticking it to Osage’s.
DeleteLol sticking it. iPad likes to change my wording all to often.
DeleteBehind the backs of those who live away, the OC Osages have always been sticking it to Osages.
DeleteThat includes Osages who live in Oklahoma but not in OC.
DeleteI'm watching CNBC (stock market channel), and they announced "Coors will be marketing 'beverage marijuana' in Canada in 2019. That's all I know, maybe later more information will be on the internet like will it be 'medical' or will anyone be able to buy it for a 'buzz' - ha.
ReplyDeleteIt will be sold as a beverage and you will have to be 21 yrs of age. But really think about why they are doing it. Because it’s all psychological. Think about it, because sales are down in this industry. The difference is a lot, between the two. People who use on a regular basis have no real interest to mix the two and if they do the consumption is way down on alcohol.
DeleteBut let me add not a good combination.
DeleteWould this possibly have a medical application? If it does, we should look into it.
DeleteNot when you mix alcohol with it, and that’s my opinion. You are getting it’s purest form when it’s at its natural state and one compliments the other and balances each other. Where you do not do to much of one or the other. Fact.
DeleteSo it benefits yes would be your saving your liver and less alcohol everyone wins. Fact. That why this industry is vesting in this business because sales are dropping. Everything has its benefits in moderation of course. It’s like anything else you just have to be responsible.
Now if you want to know more just let your fingers do the typing on Hemp. That’s a good story. Read up on CBD’S too.
Powwow Guide:
Thanks for the Heads Up, Amanda:
A cautionary tale about what happens when lawmakers hide information from the public.
You can lead a horse to drink water but you can’t make him drink.
DeleteI like how realative this article is and I have been saying the Osage has been kept in the dark for so long as to the goings on sorta speak with our Government , our Nation and the importance of transparency and it requires informed citizens as to being apart of the the process to the health of the People but as well as to the health of our Nation. We do not have that and I say, no accident there, because no one wants you to know have much money has been wasted thus far. But it’s another thing to hide the truth because it is intentional. So true.this has to change along with our constitution that protects those behind our Government doors.
Well! I'm happy to report that Town and Country Mag's Fall Shopping Guide is showing lots and lots of fringe on purses, coats and jackets. Crossbody bags feature C&W style guitar straps and saddle blanket bags are in "Big Time" featuring natural leather straps (time to head back to Supernaw"s Oklahoma Indian Supply Store). West is Best (as usual) ...
ReplyDeleteFree Movie Night! See https://www.facebook.com/events/652859711714000/
ReplyDeleteUpcoming Important Board Meetings~~~
Learn something!
Committee Meetings for the rest of the month at located at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/calendar
ReplyDeleteIf you can't listen live, listen later at http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/
Second Special Session is coming up at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/sessions
Legislation for this Session is available for review at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/legislation
Tribal spending alone is now set at an all out whopping $51,877,068.00!!! See ONCR 18-18, A Resolution to approve a new fiscal year 2019 Annual Revenue Projection fo the Osage Nation with updated revenues. (Whitehorn)
This is because why? The LLC’s? This is ridiculous.
DeleteNow we're talking! Highest praise for ONES, LLC putting out a video of this month's meeting:
ReplyDeletePart 1 at
Part 2 at https://www.facebook.com/jacque.jones.58/videos/1996840383669391/UzpfSTEwNzI5NzgzOTM4NzMyMzoxODEwNDIyNjI1NzQxNDk0/
"This Navaho code is TERRIFIC!"
ReplyDeleteToday is Navaho Code Talker's Day. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFLu73qKA8k&feature=youtu.be
Osage Blog Conversation continues at http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2018/08/conversation-august-2018.html