Thursday, December 31, 2015

Archive #31: Osage Shareholder Matters--January 2016

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  1. Replies
    1. Happy New Year Osageblogger.

    2. Thank you! And the same to you...
      Pentatonix is this year's item but for my money, you can't beat Pink Martini:

  2. Osageblogger, please provide an email address that we can send articles or documents to for you to create links to.

    1. Does anyone here know how to send the Osageblogger an email to forward a file?

    2. Yes. Send to osage _ election _ news@comcast . net
      Be sure to close up the spaces in the e-mail address.

  3. What is this bill S209 that was passed in Washington for the many tribes having same trouble as the Osages? Why have not our lawyer looked into this? Is there something in it we could use? It's worth looking into. You can't get the MC to look at anything to help us. So sad. There's other states with Indian mineral estates that the senators are working to help them. This bill went thru Dec.11th. I'm sure there's good and bad in all bills. Boy, do we need some help shareholders. I have been reading under environmental and energy and learned a lot what other tribes are going thru and doing about it. LOOKS LIKE WE ALL ARE GOING TO HAVE TO HELP OURSELVES NOW!!!!!!!!!

  4. About the Hayes court situation:

  5. Shareholders to receive an accounting from 2002:

  6. AnonymousDecember 31, 2015 at 10:40 AM
    Does anyone know where we can find the 2000 final rule on gas and oil regulations?


    AnonymousDecember 31, 2015 at 11:39 AM
    Why don't you ask one of our Mineral Council Members? I'm sure they will be able to provide a copy with an overview summary and their interpretation of same. Not!

    I am an Osage County producer and have never heard of a 2000 final rule. We operate pursuant to the CFR Title 25, Part 226 and under the 1979 EA which is still in effect and has not expired. As an Osage County operator, I have never been advised of this final rule.

    I'm confident that Chaparral will prevail in an appeal of Judge Frizzell's order. Judge Frizzell even made reference to frac'g being experimental. I couldn't believe he wrote that in his opinion. The oil companies have been sand frac'g since 1951 and before that the producers would frac with nitro glycerin very successfully since around 1918. Experimental, really? How many decades of use before something is no longer experimental?

  7. The Fletcher case is moving forward Yes! This will be telling. Who shuld be getting what ,is long long over due.

    1. Your financial personal property business put right out in the street for everyone to see. YEA? Are you all right or do you need to have your head examined? What happened to personal privacy?

  8. See the document from Fred Storer on Osage Draft EIS Comments 12-31-2015.pdf at:
    Thank you Susan Forman for this link to this important document.

    1. This report is compelling. And where is the M.C at on this matter? Still no statement..I believe Stephanie Erwin in her opinion in Jan of 20015 said it was in the best interest we don't let the cat out of the hat just it already is how, is this for transparency from our M.C?

    2. Moan Moan Moan.
      Well, all you MC bashers, the MC fired in to file a Motion to Dismiss on the Hayes judgment of Judge Frizzell. HA! Take that!

    3. What is there to dismiss? The Judge made his ruling and Court Order and I don't think you can dismiss a case after it has been ruled on. Did you possibly mean filed an "appeal"?

      We are not MC bashers; we just want the MC to do their jobs.

      No one posting to this site has come forward yet with the name of the consultant they supposedly hired to work on comments to fight the DEIS. I doubt very seriously that they ever hired a consultant. How would we know? The MC doesn't communicate at all with the Shareholders. They should be advising the Shareholders to submit their comments before January 15, 2016 and should also provide a little assistance. Where is the MC's comments to the DEIS? Pitiful!

    4. To the poster at 1:31: Where did you learn of the MC's legal action you refer to regarding the Hayes judgment? Please share the source with us.

    5. I told you I thought we had an anonymous council member posting here. Now I'm sure of it. At least they are smart enough to know that they know nothing so they keep their mouth shut. It's called hoof IN mouth disease. They've got it bad.

    6. I believe back in the beginning of 2015 didn't the Council say they hired soomeones services out of Washington if I am correct which instructed the Council and by Stepanie Erwins own opinion to keep the subject matter discreet as to not give away the M.C Actions. This does not bode well we all know what is going to happen after this compelling report by MR. Storer. And the Shareholder response will be to this Action will also be telling how this will reflect the decision because not every shareholder is comprised therenof said circumstance. We have a million dollar draw down and the M.C cannot type a letter to the Shareholder's but MR. Storer can get it I ut there I n the net? really?

    7. Mr. Storer did an outstanding job representing all of us. It's too bad and so sad the MC is so incompetent. What a disgrace they are. They apparently are relying on their partners (the producers) to carry the ball on every play. The MC won't even ask the Shareholders to participate by submitting their comments. What kind of leadership is this? We have no Mineral Council. They are not qualified to manage a multi-billion dollar oil and gas mineral estate. This is evident; they are clueless and not familiar with the subject matter. They are also too arrogant to hire consultants to assist them. What do they actually do? Pick on the gravel folks and arrange for flowers for the centennial birthdays.

    8. Don't you ever get tired of telling lies about the Minerals Council just to serve your own foolish interests?

    9. The 6:10 poster, I agree with you. I have some heavy concerns...I am looking at a big Picture here and not what just lies in front of us right now,from past to present and how we became a Government. This all ties into since the BIA was to look out for the interest of the Headright owners? The Judge is recognizes that we have a Constitution and that the Nation has no authority to when it comes to an accounting for the Headright owners...looks to be the "Fletcher" case will be right up there with the Cobell case? This is about how and when and where are Royalties are being used? Ah let the GCG services handle our accounting? Since supposedly they already did during the Cobell case the Federal Government should already have these numbers? After all there are 611 Osages who are not accounted for are the same names on the same list of the list on the Fletcher case? And if you go on the Indiantrust to where abouts unknown, all the names have a name of familiarity, just a different first name or spelling or name is spelled alittle differently. Just saying. Ah, we have a Government and I always said where was the pro rata share to the Headright owners from the Casino's. The M.E was used like a wet sponge to support such a deed. Did you not know this as a Headright owner that a share was to come back to the Headright owner after all it was our money to decide, not the 10% of Osages to make the decision for 5000 thousand who receive a interest in the M.E. Bottom line where was the representation by the BIA in all affairs, since they claim so much they hold the title and say they have our backs really...? Where was the BIA to support the Headrights interest when it came to voting interest of the M.E? These lawsuits are building to a much bigger one...?

    10. At the Mike Black meeting in Pawhuska he said he was working on changing the EA or EIS or whatever it is and updating it before the Donalson lawsuit was even filed by that Drummond lawyer. I'm guessing the changes were going to go forward after the BIA got hit with the settlement in the HPP case in the Court of Federal Claims. I have no reason to doubt Black's word in this matter so that gave him plenty of additional time on the EIS to do a proper economic impact and viability study on that basis for it. The idea that the BIA can kill off the economy of an entire county in one of the States in the USA is so outrageous to me, I still can't believe he thought he could get away with it and no one would even notice. The fact that the Federal Court is now involved in moving the ball forward in such a destructive manner as well, someone should find out who we go to in order to investigate any possible link there is at the Federal level as to collusion and conspiracy on the part of two branches of the Federal government. Osages don't work in the oilfield in the county as the majority work force. To kill out our oil and gas business with a regulatory environment in the County when the impact is so severe and so many of the parties have a vested interest like the Drummonds, like the Kanes and whatever legal connections they may have at the Federal level should be looked at very closely. I should think that Genter Drummond should be rushing to recuse himself from these two lawsuits instead of leading the charge. The same is true of that Kane attorney on those top leases with that language that was included on the rule against the perpetuities.

  9. CNN/ reports Saudi Arabia and Iran at odds and fighting. Saudis executed dozens od Iranians, and Iran set fire to the Embassy, then S.A. cuts all ties with Iran and sends all out. Now Obama's nuclear deal with Iran comes into play, all sactions on Iran's exports are lifted, and Iran is increasing oil output 1 million barrels, which has got Saudi Arabia fighting mad because of the glut anyway that the Saudis are helping to create also. What a mess. This may effect our checks if things get worse. Stay tuned.....

    1. This is whats going to happen now that we are in the exporting business oil prices will drop further because there is such a glut created by OPEC. But will allow countries or buyers to puchase their oil at a much better price here in the U.S. we will and if not already a major contender. Our well count should be up by now and our industry has taken a toll, a regulatory toll and we should be up 700 or 800 new rigs by now..but we are not..blame the BIA.

    2. My first response is do not rely on CNN for your daily news!

      There is definitely a glut of oil supply that affects the price but this will eventually subside and the price of crude will no doubt increase again. You should be most concerned about what our federal government is doing to the Osage people; they are hell-bent on crippling us and doing a damn effective job so far. It is the BIA that will eliminate our headright checks. Its going to get much worse if we do not act. Our MC and Chief are asleep at the wheel.

    3. Fear mongering a little.

    4. Nonsense. The BIA controls the situation because they control the Trust. Stop blaming the new government for this regulatory mess other than Galen and Andrew on the MC. The old government couldn't do any more than what the new government is doing now. The entire ME trust is totally controlled by the Feds, and the Osages, old government or new, are window dressing at best. You know this to be true if you have any knowledge of your OME headright asset, if you have one or a part of one, and if you don't, shame on you for being so ignorant when you could have been doing your homework to find out how this particular Federal Indian trust system works and why. You look so stupid when you carry on like this about the MC and the Chief. Is that how you want to appear? Because you're doing a damn fine job of it.

    5. The difference in you and is of opinion of slight..and where there is a will there will be a consensus one way or the other we will prevail no matter how bleak out situation is..As I have said, we will not fall united we stand tall, this is or call. The Shareholder's call for Fiscal Responsibility. Truly, I see the dynanmics and am well aware of what is at play here..your a good read. Continue to post.


  11. Has the Oklahoma commission have authority considering it is difficult to prove?

    1. When has proof been needed before a government steals control?

  12. Another independent Osage operator had to lay off over 50% of their workforce this week. Thank you Mr. Drummond and the BIA. Job well done.

    1. Cut this guy off at the knees and start a serious investigation into personal and familial conflicts of interest and get this nut case to recuse himself from both cases in Federal Court; Donalson and Hughes. I've had enough of this guy already!!!

    2. If that is case, the case be known would be a conflict of Interest and if harm is found, gives call to action for cause. Motive?

  13. See Latest Earthquake Information next to the article:

    1. I believe a comment was already made on this subject. By science alone is hard to prove otherwise..Earthquakes can occur anywhere at any given time just some faults are more active and then there are those faults that wakens up..consider the source.

  14. We felt this was a very good order and we plan to ask the judge to broaden the scope of the accounting,” Aamodt said. Why would Judge Frizzell think it would be out of the question to get an accounting from the Federal Government dating back to 100 years? My point, when this case the "Fletcher" case was filed the intent was to get an account to the prior years right? Why start at 2002? I do not think going back another 25 years should be to cumbersome? Or does it matter? Once we know where the funds have gone to will the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT be liable for the prior years?

  15. Is this what the BIA and M.C need a transparency coordinator and regulated time lines for processing for permits and so forth?

    1. The Mineral Council is doing absolutely nothing regarding the so-called approved permits. They have been made aware of the BIA's obstruction and they remain silent. They have not joined in the producer's lawsuit and have not initiated their own to fight this devastating aggression by the BIA. Apparently from visiting this blog, I have come to the conclusion that you viewers and few posters don't give a care. Too bad and so sad!

    2. The MC is intervening in both the Hayes and Donelson suits. Because the MC signs off on all leases, a lawsuit that does not include the MC as an affected party should be dismissed.

  16. MC Meeting dates:

    1. Where can we find the agenda for the meetings? Why does their calendar for 2016 show nothing for the entire year?

    2. The MC's last news letter is dated June, 2014. One and one-half years ago. The great communicators! Where are they and what, if anything, are they doing to perform their mission which is stated on their website as having the "powers to administer and develop the Osage Mineral Estate"? What are they doing to develop the Mineral Estate? Does anyone know?

    3. @6:11 AM, The answer to your question is.......... NOTHING! Bahahahaha

    4. To the poster who often replies that we are MC bashers and fear mongers, please inform us of what the Mineral Council Members are working on. I learned by rumor that they appeared in the Hayes vs Chaparral case. That's good, but sad that they have not shared this action with the Shareholders. It is not right that we have to learn these developments from non-Osage strangers like I did.

      I would like to know if the MC plans to join the Osage Producers in the permit case. It would be nice if they would let us Shareholders know the pros and cons of doing so. As a Shareholder, I demand transparency from the MC. Where are they? What are they doing?

    5. What I would like to know why the BIA is discriminating against the Osage. For all appearance.From the Mouth of Fort Berthold Agency , Strengths: We have developed staff expertise in Oil and Gas related activities. Challenges: We are now into the drilling phase of the Bakken Play and expect approximately 1000 wells to be drilled over the next 10 years. The environmental effects on the reservation will be substantial. The Agency staff when at full strength is 25 FTEs. This is counting 6 new positions added because of the mineral activity. This is a shame our Agency has not devoted or developed a plan of attack for the future state of affairs concerning our M.E or for that matter our M.C..A few years back The Drummonds literally knocked on my front door to buy my land of course I said hail to the no! And of recent Donelson tried to lease some grazing property from me..of course I didn't even give it an eye. Like I said we are where we are at there is no reason to move forward because there is an injunction right? And exactly what is our M.C doing? It looks like they are taking plays from a used handbook.

    6. I would like to know JUST HOW the BIA is discriminating against the Osages. They are doing exactly what is necessary by federal law and the EPA. And, they are doing EXACTLY what everyone who signed that 2011 settlement agreed to do. As I recall, Cynthia Boone, Dudley Whitehorn, Galen Crum, the Chief, and the speaker of the Congress all negotiated and signed that agreement. It was a good deal at the time, and it is a good deal now. Those Council members were certainly aware of the Hayes lawsuit when they signed the agreement. Then along comes the Donelson suit, which is a grown up version of the Hayes case (with the same lawyer), and now we have oil below $30.00. Now tell me again just how this is the fault of the BIA? The only problem I see is that they move too slowly, as does any federal agency. So what's new about that?

    7. Slow as molasses is more like it BIA sympathizer at a cost to the M.E with over stepping the legislative Authority. Fours years and where are we at still at square the private sector they would be all fired. This not how the M.E should be operating, this is Multi Billion dollar estate. And just read the M.C statement posted on the M.C and I don't see a consensus happening. Oh you talk about how the few were involved in the negotiating rule process, ftom w his at I understand, mind you, it was said by a very good source what they signed and ehat was actually printed was not what was negotiated. And actually, this also involves the Producers as well...and 5000 and then sum Shareholders. Not all Shareholder's were comprised or represented because obviously there are great issues and this is why the Judge issued a Injunction... yeah we know you're not out $100,000 but I am. And I have legitimate cause. Not only that I know the true intent because even in my fathers Grave who sat on the Council during when good ole boy George was Chief "RIP" detailed what the intent was when we started development with the first bet I armed with Knowledge and Accounting will support all that I have been saying..The intent was that Per-Cap was to go out..long kive the Osage Tribe and the 1906 Act as amended my eyes are wide open should the Shareholders not fall but rise to the call, Osage Shareholders for fiscal responsibility, accountability and long over due transparency.

    8. Where do we find this "M.C statement posted on the M.C"?

    9. The BIA is hell-bent on destroying our Mineral Estate and they are succeeding. The MC has no authority and our Tribe is being penalized by the HHP lawsuit. What don't you understand about that? You must be drunk on the cool aid again.

    10. I think the poster at 6:05 PM is right. If he or she is wrong, show us in black and white. Your continual bitching and moaning about the bia has no foundation. You have turned me completely off with your accusations with no proof to back you up. I am convinced that Hayes, Donelson, and the price of oil is the problem here.

    11. Well gee pal, where do you think these new regulations that are so harmful to our producers are coming from that are the subject of and involve the substance of these lawsuits? The State of Hawaii?

    12. The MC meeting Agenda will be formed closer to the meeting date on the 15th of January, not a week or two earlier than that.

  17. If you are responding to a comment, click on the reply button. If you don't, your comment will be gone. For the sake of the readers here, pay attention to what you're doing, please.


    1. What the hell are you doing Chairman Waller? Where are you? Why do you not communicate with us? Are you working behind the scenes and have a grand plan to fight this aggression? Please advise!

    So, it's not just the producers and certain Osages who are working with Langford to end the BIA managed OME Trust with the same group of Headright owners. New trust means a new group of shareholders. Think about that when you vote in 2016. Find out what candidates running for Osage Congress will go along with what the Chief wants or who will stand up to preserve the Trust and your current place as a headright owner who now receives a quarterly payment from the OME Federal Trust account.

    1. Highest Alert:
      "Sen. Lankford agrees with the Chief’s position and said, “Look at the most successful tribes and what they all have in common, they are the ones who have separated from the BIA.”"
      Do not be mislead by any further rhetoric associated with this situation. It's in writing and don't believe a word any Osage tells you that the Chief doesn't want to end the OME Trust run by the Trust. He's a trust buster and if you value your check, you better get him out of office as he comes up for election.
      Galen is such a dupe, he walked right into this with his eyes wide open and here we are facing the results of his foolishness and stupidity.
      If you don't live in Osage County, you'll be out and you read it here and right now. Act to stop him or he will stop you from ever receiving another dime from the OME income as soon has he possibly can. Don't believe a word this crooked manipulator has to say from now on. This is an Osage Nation published article and it's coming direct from an official source on the Nation's web site.

    2. Sorry. Should have read "...OME Trust run by the BIA." There are even Osages on the MC who would rather leave the oil in the ground than continue to work with the Bureau of Indian Affairs. As bad as they are, the Osages will eat your income alive within a year of taking over. Don't let them do this to you.

    3. This is a hard cold fact. Without the BIA in play in the current official capacity and with a legal obligation to protect the OME, they will not step in legally to do a thing. When that happens and we don't own the land on which the mineral rights belong, every landowner will lock their gates and the MC will have to get into court, one by one by one to reopen them. Gentner Drummond has already put out a call to every single landowner do just that a year or more ago and if the BIA is out and the Feds aren't at the forefront of the line to protect the OME, Dummond won't be the only one calling for a lockout. How many separate and distinct landowers are there in Osage County? Thousands? Think about the cost, the enormity and the complexity of that alone.

    4. "Before leaving, Lankford expressed his deep appreciation for the opportunity to sit down and visit with the Chief and his staff. He said he is always thankful for time spent visiting in person and promised to stay in communication with the Chief on all matters pertaining to Osage people."
      I'll just bet he will. The OMC is supposed to be controlling body of the Osage Nation government where OME, Trust matters and communicating about the OME in an official capacity are all involed. If the Chief is undermining them in any way, he should be taken to task under the provisions of Article XV of the Osage Nation Constitution and for trying to undermine the provisions of the 1906 Allotment Act, including the 2004 Reaffirmation Act of the U.S. Congress, P.L. PUBLIC LAW 108–431—DEC. 3, 2004, to the detriment of the current Osage Headright owners and their rights as guaranteed under this Act as Osage shareholders.
      "...provided that the rights of any person to Osage mineral estate shares are not diminished thereby."

    5. Is the right to OME income without the Osage Nation eating it all up bureaucratically in there somewhere?

    6. Feds are trying to unload us and the chief is fool enough to be helping out.
      Fed money for programs and grants will go with it too when we are stand alone i'll bet.

    7. Technical assistance won't include legal assistance

    8. The Osage Nation officials won't even listen to the advice of an Osage study group or take any other advice or technical assistance they have had or been given in the past. Why would they do a thing the BIA wants them to do or advises them to do in the future? The only reason they do now is because they have to by law. Hahahahahahaha!
      This looks like the last and final phase of the hostile takeover on the part of the constitutional Osage government. I told you so.............................

    9. That guy shows as a Federal Legislator in a legislative capacity to meet with the Chief and doesn't even bother to wear a suit. Just like Mike Black. That ought to tell you something.

    10. Is this all the Chief and Senator talked about? What about the Bureau of Indian Affairs aggression towards the Osage producers that affect the Shareholders by lack of production? Did they discuss the Superintendent's July, 2014 letter, the denying access to well records, the 322 page DEIS and the pending lawsuits? What did the Senator say about trying to help us fight back against this aggressive hateful federal government?

    11. I will wait and see. We know the dynamics here..The Chief cannot speak on behalf of the Headright owners..We are separate from the Nation recognized by our own Constitution and we are the true Sovereign Reservation. Let this be Known and I tip toe when I say this there is a reason why this is happening we will get that accounting and when we do? Lets put it this way it will be telling and what happens afterword remains to be seen. The closer to reality the more fear mongering happens..we know this and we have seen it all before. I appreciate Senator Lankford for his effort. Our trust is with the U.S in perpetuity. It was designed this way for a reason and I suspect for this very reason now, to protect. This would not fly in the face of the Headright owners..Sorry charlie I know our rights.

    12. There you go again indicating this reality is just fear mongering. The Osage Nation is the Lessor of the oil and gas leases and is responsible to the producers to assure that the producers, as Lessees, get to enjoy their rights to develop the leases the Osage Nation granted to them. If the OMC is not going to fulfill their obligations and duties and stand up for the Lessees and ultimately the Shareholders, then the Chief should act in their absence. The Osage Nation is liable for the producer's inability to develop their leases. The producers will be filing lawsuits against the Osage Nation at some point. It will be ugly and will cost the Osage Nation millions of dollars.

    13. Does anyone know if Chairman Waller met with Senator Lankford while he was in town? Was the Chairman invited to the meeting between the Chief and the Senator? If not, why not?

    14. I would like to know if the Senator met with the Superintendent while he was in town to scold her for what she is doing to the Shareholders and producers.

    15. Hahahahaha! Wait and see what? A zero balance in the Trust account and you on the phone trying to find out where your payment check is? The Chief has an article published on the Osage Nation web site telling you that he and Langford want the BIA gone from running the Trust and you can't read? Or unable to believe your eyes? This is the truth and still you won't believe it or you are one of them that want it and you are throwing sand in the faces of the shareholders to distract them? This is it, shareholders and if you don't want the Nation running the Trust and you don't want to lose your income, you better step up now and start working with those in the Minerals Council who will work to stop this from happening. The Osage Nation is a bunch of incompetent derelict money spenders and they have the income from the mineral estate in sight and are working diligently to get their hands on it. What are you doing diligently to stop it? Anything? The producers are working diligently to get the mineral rights out of the hands of the Osages so they won't have to be subject to Osage Nation rule. The BIA is the only institution which stands in the way of both if they would behave and go back to managing business if they even can after the most recent Frizzle ruling. This is a mess and the Osages stand to lose everything including those who are working with Langford. Some of them really don't care and the rest will be trampled over in the crush to stabilize business in Osage County. Thank Sonny Abbott, Galen Crum and Andrew Yates for it and those members of the Minerals Council who keep asking who the hell so and so is that they should even consider their thinking, never mind their advice.

    16. This is what Katherine Redcorn wanted with the chief!!!!

    17. Really? Why isn't this a surprise?

    18. "...the Chief should act in their absence." The Chief can't act in their absence because the whole thing is sewn up under the terms and conditions and provisions of the 1906 Allotment Act as amended that is upheld in the pertinent sections of the Osage Nation Constitution. Anyone in elected office in the Osage Nation who acts against Federal law or undermines it is illegal under the Osage Nation Constitution and Chief GS is doing exactly that by working with Langford to undermine the 1906 Act and its amendments. Charges should be filed against him because the BIA runs the OME Trust from which the Headright owner are the beneficiaries. The lawyers and the landowners are causing these problems to take place with these legal challenges in order to undermine the position of the BIA and Langford is working with the Chief to break open the Trust administration and management to give the ME income generating ability to the Osage Nation under a TERA which will place the Feds in a secondary position and the Nation will have to defend its rights on every front if the Federal Court and Frizzell doesn't tear the whole thing down to nothing by invalidating those leases together with the dummies on the MC who voted for that language in those top leases adding a rule against perpetuities when those producers and their lawyers both know that the 1906 Act as amended has taken the mineral rights into perpetuity for the Osage Tribe, now known as the Osage Nation, since the pertinent provision of 1978 Act of the U.S. Congress was enacted into law which amended the 1938 Act that amended the original 1906 Allotment Act.

    19. There is a lot of blame to spread around but it's now down to survival. Where does the Shareholder's revenue come from? Its from royalties generated by the development of the Osage Mineral Estate. Who develops the Osage Mineral Estate? It's the Osage producers of course.

      If we Shareholders, represented by the OMC, do not act responsibly fulfilling our obligations as Lessors to the Lessees, we will be exposed to legal ramifications at sometime in the near future.

      We sold the producers a dead horse so to speak. We sold them a lease they cannot develop? We should refund their lease bonus payments and also the tens of thousands of dollars they spent on each well they worked on if it is deemed they cannot produce their wells and further develop their leases. This would be the just and right thing to do. We Osages are proud people and want to do the right thing. So we should prepare ourselves to reimburse the producers hundreds of millions of dollars soon to compensate them for our negligence. Right? I think so. It is only fair and the right thing to do. We need to start setting aside funds for this purpose. We want to do what we think is right and just. We owe the producers millions of dollars for our negligence and failure to perform pursuant to the oil and gas leases we sold to the Lessees.

      The Chief needs to get involved ASAP to address the legal battles that the Osage Nation will be faced with soon. The part-time OMC is not familiar enough with the issues to act and they are pretty much clueless about oil and gas matters and the rights of oil and gas Lessees. They are getting ready to get flooded with lawsuits from their Lessees. The OMC may have forgot that they executed oil and gas leases for the Osage Nation, as Lessors. These are legal binding contracts. The Osage Nation is holding the bag for these leases and is exposed to multi-millions of dollars damages.

    20. Hepsi. You dope. I as much as told you this would happen if the Osage Nation took over when it had no idea what it was doing.

    21. The Shareholders had no role in this thing whatsoever and never have had a say about it from the very beginning as far back as the 1906 Allotment Act. You can't sue the Osage Nation as a Sovereign in Federal Court because it's just that, a Sovereign Nation, separate and apart from the Federal government. Nor can you sue any Osage Mineral Estate Trust Beneficiary. You will have to sue the Osage Nation in Osage Nation Court for damages and the Osage Nation Constitution strictly prohibits monetary damages awarded by any Osage Nation Court from the entry level on up under Article IV, Section 4. Good luck with that! You're really good at making this stuff up as you go along but you continue to prove yourself to be totally uninformed of the facts. The Osage Nation Constitution has been out there for about 10 years now to the day but it's obvious you have never bothered to once pick it up and read it. If you had, you would know that there has never been a partial or full waiver of Sovereignty in the language of any of these lease contracts and you're out in the cold as a result. You've had plenty of time to take the time to be informed about the decisions you've taken and how wide open you've left yourselves legally. New regs are always happening in every business at the local municipal level, the State level and the Federal level. The NEPA is your problem now and the BIA. The BIA can be sued in Federal Court for what has taken place after the final EIS is published. Leave the Shareholders out of it because none of this was ever up to them and they never have had nor do they have any decision making ability or liability as a result under the OME Trust. The Trustee is the one, first and last and everywhere in between. That's why trusts are created to provide protection for the beneficiaries where trust assets are concerned. Go pound sand on this one you've cooked up out of thin air.

    22. Totally unable to believe their eyes when it's in black and white it sure looks like.

      Funny story told by Vincent Bugliosi, who wrote Helter Skelter, at a book signing in California back in the early 1990's:

      Guy is caught with another woman in flagrant delicto by his wife in the bedroom. He says to his wife, "It's not what it looks like! Now, are you going to believe me or are you going to believe your lying eyes?"

    23. Why hasn't the Osage Nation, as Lessor, filed suit against the BIA for the damage the BIA has done with regard to the oil and gas leases (contracts) and damage to the Mineral Estate?

    24. With what? They are ramping up to spend more money in the next Osage Nation Congressional Special Session with a reported $24,000 left in the Treasury until September of 2016. If they spend a cent more than this, a number of Osages are thinking about filing charges with the AG against the members of Congress for spending over the projected revenue figure for fiscal year 2016 which is prohibited by the Constitution. They have clawed back about $250,000 in the last Special Session but I'm not sure that that money is really available. They move the number around at will and fight with each other about hiding money. I don't think they know what they have and to further isolate the BIA and other U.S. government entities may not be the prudent thing to do just now. There is a lot of noise out there and the decibels are rising by the day. Cooler heads need to prevail or the whole OME might collapse in on itself and be shut down until it's all sorted out and that may take years into the future. This latest Frizzell ruling and its implications need to be fully understood from a legal standpoint and that takes time too. Knee jerk reactions is what got us into this shape and it's time to start applying the brakes or the BIA might just take actions that can only be harmful to everyone in Osage County.

    25. More about this --->>>

    26. Scope is indeed the question facing the OME in this case and that's what has everyone holding their breath:

      "...But he (Standing Bear) was surprised to see that Frizzell not only said the permitting was void, but the leases were void too. He said he called two of his attorney friends who represent small oil producers and they were waiting for Frizzell to provide scope on his ruling. One scenario is that every lease since 1979 is void."

    27. If the leases are deemed void, the producers will not have the right to produce their wells. Who then, will be able to produce them? Who will plug them? If the producers loose their wells, they will probably junk the wellbores before leaving. I would if I were them. I bet the surface owners won't be very happy with abandoned wells leaking oil and saltwater all over their land.

    28. In the event that all oil and gas leases granted since 1979 are voided by a future court order, the BIA should be obligated to return the lease bonus money collected from the sale of the leases. Since these funds have already been distributed to the headright owners, could they be required to refund that portion of their distributions that consist of the lease bonus payment or possibly be withheld from future quarterly payments until the Lessees have been reimbursed with interest?

      I think that the BIA would also be liable to refund the Lessees'capital expenditures related the wells that they will have to abandon. This could get real ugly. During the past 37 years following the 1979 effective date, many of the Lessees have died and the BIA will be dealing with the estates of the decedents and also with owners of companies that have since been dissolved. I also expect that the surface owners will chime in with claims of trespassing and damages that will surely be incurred once the existing wells are trashed and abandoned. The oil companies will probably strip their leases of salvageable equipment and leave the junk for the surface owners.

      Judge Frizzell opened up a can of worms! Drummond is probably doing a happy dance. You all know how modest he is, right? He still brags about the amount of money he made from the Osage Nation involving the Tulsa Casino land. I've heard it with my own ears during two encounters. Jerk! It was sickening to listen to him as he took credit for screwing the Osage Nation.

    29. In situations such as is remedied. Then what ever agreements that were made between the land owner will have to be paid back if that is the case?

    30. Paid back by whom? The producers will be long gone. Many are deceased and numerous oil and gas entities are dissolved. Who will the surface owners hold accountable? I suspect they will look to the OMC to settle their claims, as Lessors of the oil and gas leases. If I were a surface owner with abandoned wells spewing fluids on my property and very dangerous shut-in gas pressures, I would be seeking compensation from the Lessor, who is the Osage Tribe of Indians in most cases and also the Osage Nation during recent years.

      The Headright owners are going to be exposed to litigation for another generation or two. It's going to get ugly and very expensive.

      To the Mineral Council Member or MC sympathizer who always posts to this blog referring to fear mongering, what have you to say about the Shareholders' exposure should Judge Frizzell's order carry forward and affect the oil and gas leases granted since 1979? What do you advise we do to prepare for this delima? If Judge Frizzell's order is retroactive to leases granted since 1979, we are so screwed; we will be, and should be, liable for multi-millions of dollars of damages to the Lessees. After all, we accepted their lease bonus monies, we encouraged them to spend their funds to develop the mineral estate and with the pretense that they have a good and valid lease and right to do so. The Osage Nation, f/k/a the Osage Tribe of Indians, are and should be held accountable, as Lessors. We're going to do the right thing and reimburse them for our negligence, aren't we?

    31. In regard to the comment posted at 5:42 PM, about the land owner being "paid back", I would like to inform you that the producers typically use less than an acre of their land to drill and complete a new well and then after the well is placed on production the surface is restored and the actual land usage is the size of a typical living room or less. The surface owners have recently been receiving a fee between $6,500.00 to $10,000.00 for damages to use this land for this brief period of time. This amount far exceeds the actual value that the land can be purchased for. The surface owners have been taking advantage of our oil and gas Lessees for years knowing that they can get away with it. The Osage County District judges are all Osage County surface owners and our producers have the cards stacked against them as usual.

      I want to point out that we Shareholders and Osage County surface owners have not been friendly to the producers who are actually our partners in business.

      We now are in survival mode and expect the producers to carry all the weight in our battles with the BIA. We need to look within and do what is right. Let's join with the producers and fight this federal aggression together and do our share of the lifting.

      Our Mineral Estate is at risk and we need to fight the Obama administration and should be appreciative of all the contributions our partners (the producers) are making. They shared their 56 page response to the DEIS with us and we have not received any advise from our MC in this regard. It has been posted that the MC hired a consultant for this purpose but I have not seen any reference on this blog as to who they hired, what their qualifications are and what their recommendations are as to how they think we Shareholders should reply. Do any of you know who this individual is and whether or not a report has been produced to advise us? If I am not mistaken, the deadline for our comments is January 15, 2016.

      Where is the recommendation?

    32. To Poster at 7:26 pm...its to bad the BIA did not hold up their end of the Trust and we will be in Litigation for years to come over something that could have been handled accordingly. You just can't make this up..I see all sides and then sum and have been researching for the possibilities of which Judge Frizzel will determine the outcome..I believe this has happened somewhere else where a lease became null and voided and the Judge in that case new what this could spell and came to a conclusion and I can't quite rememberbut is was easily resolved.. where is damage control? This is why I fall back to gross mismanagement by both parties..end the scope it will be the Federal Government that will be held accountable. Had we had a better repor thru and thru with the Producers and the surface owners and trended side by side with the latest technology and hired engineers we could have spearheaded some of this. Its called building a reputation. Something a miss for just doesn't take 4 years to orchestrate a viable office..the BIA. We should be decades ahead and we are not. Our M.C will seriously need to be addressed and soon..

    33. To poster 9:01pm, I concur. Thank you for your post. Good read. We need to be front and center and vigilant.

    34. Only four days left to comment on the DEIS. Where is the Mineral Council's recommendation for the Shareholders?

    35. I will follow suit where is the support from our M.C!

    36. The silence is deafening, isn't it?

      No communication between the MC and Shareholders. Don't they know who they represent?

      Their website states that the next Mineral Council Meeting is to be held on January 15th and January 20th, 2016. There is no mention of the agenda and the first meeting is just days away.

      The MC's last news letter is dated June, 2014. The link on their website is to the Oklahoma State Impact interview with Chairman Waller and it is dated July 24, 2014. Nothing at all for 2015. Their event calendar for the entire year of 2016 is blank with no activities. Not surprising.

      This is unacceptable. Where is our representation?

    37. I am interested to know how many of my fellow Shareholders (5,000 or so) submitted comments to fight the DEIS. I did. Did any of you? please post that you did, if you did.

      We have no representation. This is unbelievable! We have absolutely no representation. Where the hell is our Mineral Council? They should all resign for their negligence. They should perform their duties or be replaced with someone who will perform the duties that they were elected to do.

      Does anyone else viewing this blog feel they way I do. I pray that you do and we need some type of forum to address this negligence. Any suggestions? Please; we have to do something to save our ass!

    38. What the hell are you doing Chairman Waller? Where are you? Why do you not communicate with us? Are you working behind the scenes and have a grand plan to fight this aggression? Please advise!

    39. Fellow Shareholders, please post whether or not you submitted your comments to the BIA in opposition to the DEIS. Also, please advise of your source of information you used for your comments.

    40. I submitted comments which I extracted and reworded from the Osage Producers' 56 page masterpiece prepared by Fred Storer. No thanks or help from our MC. We no longer have a functioning MC. Very sad.

    41. To poster,6:47pm you wont see many..not sure how many are minors, and then there has been no communication with the Shareholder's from the BIA or the M.C . So I suspect as in the voting process to becoming a Government was pure corruption. If I didn't know we had a Newspaper and at the time thats how our ballots were being mailed with the Newspaper, so, that says it all.

    42. To poster 7:29 am..I think is sad that all this time we had a arm chair coaching from our M.C. FECKLESS IS A UNDERSTATEMENT. WE NEED A NEW COUNCIl.

    43. bash, Bash BASH the MC!
      You empty people bore me to sobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      We can see right though you and still you harass these people on the MC to either get a job with the Nation or get their job come the next election cycle.

    44. Funny you don't care. M.C sympathizer.

    45. This bash, bash poster is either a council member or relative of one. Clueless about our plight!

    46. People get off on making comments like this just to get a rise. There is nothing wrong with wanting to remove the Council members for failure to represent grotesquely.

  20. So, maybe the MC could cough up $2.00 each forfour a Power Ball Lotto ticket worth One and a half Billion dollars,5000X$2.00 =10,000 dollars.
    Ok, are u with me so far?
    I don't know do they sell lotto tickets thru our Osage Casino's? If so, lets keep in house. For the seller get a cut.
    Call on the Great Spirit that led us to this land,to help save it one more time. Six winning numbers is what we ask four.
    Top on my list of things to do,if I Win,get a top notch Native American Lawyer from a A-List of Best Lawyers.H

    1. Hey Homer! Funny enough, the man you'll be looking for is currently the Chief of the Osage Nation.

    2. That may not be able to be done without first obtaining a PBPA ( Powerball Purchase Asscessment ) or a ESWIR (Effect on Shareholders Winning Impact Report). If you win, please pay to have the American burying beetle moved to Drummond's Ranch and send Robin Philips back to school to finish her education. Good Luck!

    3. Hahahaha! Good one! Osages are so damn funny...

  21. The price of oil is predicted to continue to decline, with the bottom ranging from $10 to $16 per barrel. BP is going to lay-off 4,000 workers, and Dutch Shell is cutting 6,500. Bad times ahead.

    1. I just heard on the news this morning that at least 30% of US oil and gas companies are expected to file for bankruptcy in the near future due to the extremely low oil prices. Something our administration could to prevent this demise is to place a tariff on imported OPEC oil; however, Obama would not consider this as he despises fossil fuel energy and wants this industry to fail. It's going to get real ugly and soon. One of our Osage operators who has been most active in the county has recently laid-off 50% of their employees.

    2. Coal industry is affected as well...over 150,000 have lost their income in the Oil Industry
      due to the poor policies by this Administration and it is no surprise that he is A green monkey much less accountable. Sound familiar?

    3. Since the Osage Tribe, I mean the Osage Nation, has a call on all the crude oil sold in Osage County, why don't we exercise our "call" and hold the oil until the price recovers? Why give it away for a price less than the cost of bottled water which is free and falls from the sky? Let's stockpile the oil and when the price is reasonable, then sell it to the highest market. Let's build storage facilities which will put our community to work and sell the oil when it is more profitable. We should apply for a US Federal grant to pay for the endeavor. Screw Obama and his disdain for our Tribe and the oil and gas industry at large.

    4. What a good Idea..

    5. Where would we hold 2 to 4 million barrels of oil for free with no security that no one would steel it? To leave it in the ground would be up to the leases and producers.

    6. The Lessees are not allowed to leave the oil in the ground. If they don't produce their wells, the almighty BIA will terminate their leases after a brief period of time of not producing. Our producers are screwed every which way. Damned if they and do damned if they don't.

    7. Where would we store the oil, you ask? I suggest the Osage Nation take ownership of the Drummond ranches by the condemnation, then construct tank farms on the property.

    8. The low oil prices are a direct result of Obama's policies. He coordinated with OPEC to drive prices lower to harm U.S. producers, help Democrats with the environmentalists, and to harm the Russian economy in retaliation for its support of Ukraine. Obama and OPEC won't change the pricing strategy until U.S. producers are hit hard and most stop producing. OPEC will then gouge us to make up for lost revenue.

    9. Did you see his State of the Union Address and how the cameras panned to Gina McCarthy about his green State of denial. I totally agree with you poster @ 9:13 am.

    10. Good idea poster 7:58 Am. And while we are at it build a refinery as well..I see no problem.Easy solution we keep the wells pumping and store the Black Gold, get people back to work all the mean while we restore our M.C and build a petroleum office. Do what we haven't done and should have, run our M.E. I prefer Osage Tribe after all we are the true reservation the M.E. Not the Nation..they lost the Reservation case..Long live the 1906 Act as amended and the Osage Tribe,

    11. In 1917 the Osage tried to give the US government, 5,120 acres of land, therefour called the Naval Reserve Oilfield. Oklahoma Ghost Towns YouTube, believe the Government gave it back. H

    12. @9:41 AM Our father tried to get the Osage Tribe of Indians to purchase a refinery years ago and they turned a death ear to him. Here we are years later with the same issue, where will the money come from? The Shareholders will not give up a dime to grow, develop or promote the Mineral Estate. So who is going to pay for this great idea? The Nation that the Shareholders hate? LOL There is no funding at all for the ME. The funding has to come from the Nation and that just creates more conflict between the two parties. So looks like the Shareholders are at the mercy of the BIA and free market.

    13. Mr. Revard, it seems we are in a paradox..ever so more now that we have another thorn in our side non the less if we Unite as a concerted effort we can build a refinery ..the State of Ok is losing their gross production revenue and can benefit as well... as sure as we are seeing the ill effects of the Administration has caused. I am an accountant when numbers talk and when they do,nothing can't be done. We borrow from our resources. Everyone has a resource. And I know we can tap it and I know where it will come from. Not giving away my cookies yet..We have a lot growing to do..and we can do it, as a matter of fact I have another plan for bringing revenue to the M.E, ok another as well. Building my models as we speak..Some of the Goals can be met with in less than three years and all viable and will tap into the in progress..ah, the Nation is a hole of deep seeded untruths and is looking like to me to be functioning by those untruths..a de facto government. This is a small community that has made some huge mistakes and are in a "state of denial". Lol but not. The facts speak for time goes you know the saying, as time goes knowledge grows,less we make the same mistake over again..Time to end the insanity. Time to start building a foundation of truth and lets not for get who we are, we are the little and big Osage are we not? And remember in numbers we are sovereign and we must walk that walk and stand tall, lets rise and not fall, our call,Osage Shareholders for fiscal responsibility.

    14. Obama's comments about the success of the green energy programs are REALLY BIG LIES. Billions of tax dollars wasted on investments in failed companies. Even the "successful" programs would be failures without massive government subsidies.

      Coal and oil drive America's cheap energy. As these sources are being replaced our energy prices are going through the roof. People will end up freezing to death or dying from heat strokes because they can't afford to heat or cool their homes. Obama and his green energy goons will be to blame.

    15. @12:13PM I wish you well with that effort. I have discussed with three Chiefs now the concept of an Osage owned and operated oil company but it is always the same thing. The split between the Nation and the Shareholders. Fighting with each other, distrust of each other and greed runs ramped in the Osage Nation.
      No action will be taken until the Nation is forced to take action or maybe it will finally be the Shareholders waking up when the checks get to zero and wonder when did all the oil partners go. Maybe the Shareholders will agree to work with the Nation and build something like a oil company. I find it appalling that after 115 years the Osage's still have not produced their own oil. Yes Yes I know they had one failed attempt at operating a well. That speaks volumes.

    16. You gotta love it!

    17. James Revard, you do not seem to understand. There will never be a working relationship between the Shareholders and the ONG. The purpose of this new government is to control the casino revenue and to eventually take over the ME and distribute the royalties as the ONG sees fit. The royalties would never reach the Shareholders but rather be funneled in to programs or more likely the political class and their families. We already got a taste of the ONG’s intentions when they tried to hijack the HPP case and steal the monetary award from the Shareholders.

    18. YES! January 13, 2016 at 4:55 PM. That's the God's truth !!!!!!!!!!! and if any Osage who has a headright does not believe that this is true, you are fooling yourself entirely. That money will come into the Osage Nation Treasury and it will be distributed to every Osage associated with the political class who live and work in Osage County. Anyone else will be out and that's that! Look how much the casino money benefits the Osage members who are not of the political class and who do not live and work in Osage County. $500 for a health card program per year and so much money when you die. Other than the Osage students, those who are not young or old see little if anything toward their financial benefit.

    19. We Shareholders are not represented by anyone. The MC are too ignorant to know what is going on. They are clueless about oil and gas operations and about the industry in general. We elected a bunch of dumb asses and we are now paying the price. We have known this every since they took office. They have not learned a thing about the industry during their term.

      We need to be more concerned about qualifications if we ever have another election. Our Mineral Estate may be a thing of the past if changes aren't made soon.

      To the idiot with the conspiracy theory and attacking James Revard, what a dumb ass you are. Get a life why don't you. You are an MC sympathizer who knows nothing about what you post. Find another blog to harass why don't you. Dumb shit!


  23. Mineral Council Meeting scheduled for January 15, 2016: According to our sorry Osage Nation website, there is a Mineral Council Meeting schedule for Friday, January 15, 2016. I hope our part-time Mineral Council Members will be present.

    I searched the Osage Nation website for the agenda and only found the agenda for the Mineral Council Meeting that was held on December 16, 2015.

    I reviewed the "event calendar" for the Osage Mineral Council and it is blank for the entire year of 2016.

    Wow! Really?

    We have a Mineral Council meeting to take place in 38 hours and we have no clue as to the agenda. What if some of our Texas, Washington, Oregon or California Shareholders might want to attend, wouldn't it be nice to know the agenda?

    This is unacceptable! We have no Mineral Council representation.

    We need to initiate the removal of these part-time yahoos and replace them with full-time professionals.

    Really? This is just insane!


    2. The MC agenda for Jan 15 is posted on the nation's website at

      It has been posted there for each meeting for some time now, but, for some reason, never on the OMC web page. I suspect that the chief has insisted on having the agenda 48 hours prior to any meeting.

    3. Don't you think the Mineral Council agenda should be posted on the Minerals Council web page? Who's running this insane asylum? Sheesh, is right! It's no wonder we're in so much trouble.

    4. Why isn't the Draft EIS matter on the agenda? What could be more important? If implemented, the DEIS would destroy the Mineral Estate over-night. As usual, the MC is depending on the producers to save the ME from this disaster. So sad.

    5. Now, 26 hours before the Mineral Council Meeting, someone thought it would be a great idea to shut-down the web site for maintenance. If you want to view the agenda like I do, too bad.

    6. Posting the agenda on the Nations website has nothing to do with the Chief. It is required that the agenda for any government meeting be posted for the public 48 hers prior. With that said it really doesn't matter they never put much information on the agenda.

    7. You miss the point. Why is the agenda not posted on the mc page? It wasn't even posted on the nation's page for several months before that little dust-up between the chief and Waller. This seems to be just another example of the mc treating the shareholders like mushrooms. I don't like it!

    8. Oh believe me I understand and agree. This MC has totally failed the Shareholders and their Partners the Osage oil & gas operators. With predictions of 1/3 of the oil companies going bankrupted Nation wide due to low oil prices, I hate to see whats going to happen in the Osage when we are fighting the oil prices and the US government. Bad times a coming.

    9. Couldn't agree more with you Mr. Revard.

    10. The casinos are not immune to economic uncertainty either. People play games for fun but when money is tight they will seek cheaper entertainment or stay home. The Osage government depends on casino revenue for its operations. When the casinos suffer so does the government. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Osage government bewails the need to completely take over the ME and its revenue in order to prop up the government when the casino revenue plummets. Naturally, the Shareholders will be accused of being selfish and greedy for not giving up our estate to keep the government functioning. However, with the current state of affairs there may be no money for anyone whether it’s the ME or the casinos. At least the Osage politicians who became millionaires profiting from this new government are going to ride this economic downturn in comfort – and that’s what really matters.

    11. The Nation controls that web site and you know it and it you don't you do now. It seems to me if the MC doesn't do what the Nation wants, they get punished for it. You blame the MC for everything. You are so evil with your machinations and I can see right through it. You won't get a job with the Nation unless the Chief has already promised you one if you can get rid of the standouts he wan't out of office and believe this is exactly whats going on. You guys who snipe and snark here meet in secret and have meetings with one another to plan your strategy. Part of it is to trash out the MC so that the Shareholders are confused about what the truth is. Stop using this venue or those of us who know you and know what you're up to are going to demand that your comments be frozen out. You're getting as bad as that Patricia Not-so-Bright with Cynthia Boone. You are really trying to get rid of the MC as an institution but that will take an amendment to the Osage Constitution. That's the real goal here and don't think we don't know it and that you're laying down the groundwork on this message board now. You're wasting your time and ours because we're on to you and what you really want. I'm not a member of the Council and I don't work for the Osage Nation government. The more control the Osage Nation government has, the more widespread the disaster they have made will become. You should know that by now and if you don't you aren't paying attention. A Tribal government that loses the reservation status of a Tribal Nation is not only stupid, it's dangerous to the future of all of the members now and for generations in the future. The political class of the Osage Nation is corrupt now it's beyond belief and you are playing right into their hands because that's where you are right now and it doesn't take a degree in political science to see your hidden motives and underhanded dealings on this blog. You want those mineral rights out of the control of the MC, the Osage Nation and probably into yours and the other landowners and cattlemen who have been planning this, in some instances, for decades. You don't fool me one bit and if those who read what you write are fooled, I aim to correct that perception right here and now.

    12. Here you go with an example of what I'm talking about:

      What the hell does Amanda Proctor's sister know about gaming to be sworn in on the Gaming Board? That gal Amanda whined her way into a job with the Nation and it took less than what? -- six months for her family to start piling on. This gaming board position is nearly an $18,000 a year with benefits, for a part time job where these people meet once a month. Standing Bear hired Amanda Proctor to handle the Osage LLC and Carol Leese situation. Do you hear or read anything about that despite a reported amount going out for her fees being billed to the Osage Nation that is shocking and outrageous even to certain members of the Osage Nation government who are in a position to know what they are talking about? Attorneys like this were supposed to be replaced by the office of the Attorney General who was to handle such investigations and prosecutions. What the hell happened to that concept with probably hundreds of thousands of dollars since the first AG took office? Why don't we get transparency on these costs and the billing receipts to the Nation for all the attorneys who are still independently hired by the Osage Nation government apart from the Minerals Agency which is a separate and independent entity from the Osage Nation with protections under the Osage Nation Constitution. BUH to all of them who are getting rich on our money that is not going to benefit us. May they all choke on it and sooner rather than later.

    13. Paranoia strikes deep. Thats one hell of a conspiracy theory you have running there. Stop drinking the fire water.

    14. Give us a break, Jim. Your sneaky little activities are being reported all over the county and beyond. btw, how did that little meeting with Lankford's people go? If you weren't there yourself you know who was and I hear you're in constant communication with them on a daily basis.

    15. I'm going to jump into the fray here and report that these meetings are to be noticed by order of the Open Meetings law and because they are to be placed in the most conspicuous place available, that means that the opening web page or splash page of the Osage Nation is the most appropriate place for these notification to be posted for public review. The MC web site is an interior web page on the Osage Nation's web site and as such, is not the correct or appropriate location according to Osage Nation law. They are doing the right thing but those who don't know this, appear to think otherwise. Also, I am removing the remark about Amanda Proctor's dance regalia. This comment is not appropriate here as a Shareholder matter.

    16. @11:45AM Sorry but I do not fit your conspiracy theory at all. I have not attended any such meeting and have not heard how that meeting went with those that did attend. Believe it or not I am not interested in politics and I damn sure don't want to deal with Oklahoma politicians. If you ask me the ALL have failed the Osage people and all the citizens of Osage county by standing by and allowing the US government to kill the oil industry in Osage county. SO you just keep on hating. Paranoia strikes deep, into your life it will creep.
      @ osageblogger, I agree the attacks on a persons should stop. Attack her policies and such but not her looks for Christ sake. What the hells wrong with these people full of hate.???
      Peace out.

    17. That's confirmation, Jim. Thank you for that. Name names if you please. We need to know who the secret meeters really are who would have us pitched out and away from our mineral rights and our headright income from them.

    18. @1:23PM More conspiracies> It is my understanding that the Osage Producers Association meet with a Oklahoma Representative to discuss the problems with the BIA not approving permits and trying to in force the new EIS on the producers. They did not and would not discuss the idea of the Nation taking over the ME or anything pertaining to the ME. Get over it. The ME is not going anywhere. Lord maybe you need a different hobby.

    19. I like Amanda and shame on you for making a bad comment about her.And I'm with James, can't stand the Politics but we are knee deep in it. I can say BECAUSE we are I have learned alot. And I appreciate Mr.Revard for his posting. I'll be in Texas for a few might take a ride and visit you all.

    20. Lankford is working with Geoff and the Nation to take over the Mineral Estate from the BIA and you're telling me this isn't important and that they don't talk about it as a solution to the CFR and EIS situation? Do you think we all fell off of a turnip truck?

    21. What I also want to know is when this Federal Judge Frizzell is going to come forward with the explanation of the scope of those void leases and what it will mean for Osage County. When do we get to hear some hard information about that?

    22. Mineral Council meeting has started.

    23. Already in executive session. I feel like a mushroom.

    24. No transparency!

    25. Thank you for the address so we can listen when we get home after the meetings. Really!!!

    26. You -- You -- You -- You -- YOU! There are more shareholders in the world than just those like YOU who attend the meetings. Some of us actually have to work during the day and we don't appreciate YOU running us down...thank you very much!

    27. REALLY JIM? So you weren't present and know nothing about Nona Roach's secret meeting with Lankford and you know nothing about the clandestine strategy meetings going on with former member of Council Sonny Abbott, Councilmen Galen, Andrew, Everett including the Chief and AC Ray-Ray Redcorn?

    28. I'd like to know the answer to these questions myself. The clock is ticking James. Tick tock...

    29. Go here and read ALL of pages 329 and 330 where the final removal from Kansas is recorded by Lou Burns especially the paragraph beginning, "We will not dwell on these wrongs." The last sentence is chilling because it is so prevalent among the infestant Osage Political Class of government Osages.

    30. Jim...we're still waiting...

    31. ......
      Where's Jimbo?

  24. Question why do we pay a gross production tax? I thought because we have a trust would protect us from a tax period?

    1. The Nation pays taxes on oil and gas production just like it does on its casino profits. We do live in the USA after all.

    Here is the best reason why the Osage Nation in any capacity whatsoever has NO BUSINESS running the Mineral Estate. Remember the land into trust applications that were supposed to be handled years ago?
    On the call for the Special Session of the Osage Congress on January 20th, it says this on the agenda:

    7. Approval of fee-to-trust applications on Skiatook, Airpark Tulsa, back 75 (Tulsa), Bartlesville and Pawhuska parcels.

    These parcels of land were supposed to be placed in trust years and years ago! If these applications aren't accepted by the BIA, the door closes on three of our casinos, one of which has been improved with a hotel. Don't you think that such expansion would have been prudent to have taken place WELL AFTER Skiatook had been placed in Trust by the BIA? I heard years ago that they had someone that they had paid a small fortune to to get these parcels into Trust and the applications were SUBAR and sent back to the Osage Nation to start over. This depth of incompetence is the rule and not the exception. Shareholders, don't you let the Osage Nation government come within a county mile of our minerals estate business! No wonder they are trashing out the Minerals Council and the BIA every chance they get. They could lose three of the casinos they now have in operation today. How could these people be so incredibly stupid? They have no guarantee whatsoever that these casinos will even be accepted for Trust status at this point in time. If the BIA refuses to accept these casinos into trust, they will be lost as a stream of revenue for the Osage Nation government. And the Chief does everything he can to alienate the Bureau every single day and that says nothing for what the rest of them are doing too. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Wow. Dont have time to comment. Will ASAP. Wow.

    2. Speaking of the casinos, I googled the Osage casinos. I was reading the Google reviews and they are not pretty.
      Apparently, customer service is not a priority. This is bad considering that gaming is an industry that heavily relies on customer service. Other complaints are that the machines are too tight, the equipment does not work, and the heavy smell of smoke is disgusting. Does the Osage Nation realize there are competitors in the gaming industry? Since gaming is the bread and butter of the ONG, they should take measures to ensure that they provide the best experience possible for the customer.

      But alas, none of that matters because the people who run this government are short sighted and care only about the immediate pay out and their personal pocket books. This is what happens when a bureaucracy runs a business. The casinos are going to face serious economic challenges and the Osage government is not equipped to meet those challenges. If the ONG takes over the ME, then the ME will also be ruined since no one in this government cares about the estate itself but rather only about the revenue. Tough times are ahead and the ONG thinks the ME will save the government but it won't - nothing will save the ONG from there own demise.

    3. I heard just today the Nation is for sure trying to buy the Ted Turner properties holdings in the Osage. The price tag on this is somewhere in the neighborhood of $40 to $50 million dollars. With what collateral? Where are they going to get a bank to loan them that kind of money at terms that are even close to favorable? Crazy as bed bugs these Osages in the political class.

      BTW, it was Kugee who was the ball runner and carried it over the goal line on Skiatook from start to finish. Kugee needs to be back benched in the coming election to his shop for his participation in improving that casino with a hotel if the truth is that the Skiatook Osage Casino property isn't yet held in trust by the BIA.

    4. On one of the Facebook pages out there, Shannon Edwards has just put this up in the last hour -- in part -- about a property purchase on the Congressional Special Session Agenda and I think this is confirmation:
      "It lists discussion and possible action on property purchase. At a public meeting in Hominy he identified his purchase priority as 43,000 acres offered by sealed bid auction." She wants us to let her know if we think the Nation should get a loan to buy this property. I heard recently that the price tag is $56 MILLION not $50.
      My answer to her question is NO!
      Contact her at sedwards @
      Remember to close up the spaces in the above e-mail address.
      Hell, contact them all at
      NO! HELL NO!

    5. Land is going for a much higher price per acre than this so I'd say the cost number is being underreported. It's probably closer to $86 million to $90 million. Where are we going to get jack like that from the bank and the money to pay the debt service with $24K left in the Osage Nation Treasury? Not feasible to carry this much debt but the "emotionalists" with the overall maturity of a gnat without the intellectual self-discipline to think it through will say we need to buy our reservation back at any price. The land is reported to be somewhere between Hominy and Grayhorse. I can see them all queuing up with emotional temperatures already flaring above 103 degrees before they know anything about it or what such an acquisition will even cost us to have to try and fund.
      Example: Bourbon "K." Hamilton wrote this remark:
      "I will not vote for any congress members who do not support this purchase."
      No wonder he was the one chosen to play the part of the Cigar Store Indian for the Osage, LLC.

    6. it's Berbon "R." you gnatwit

    7. More telling is the comment of Wilson Pipestem:
      "Absolutely support the reacquisition of surface lands located within the boundaries of the Osage Reservation!"
      Isn't he supposed to be smart enough to ask questions first and then make comments? Big Washington D.C. Indian Lobbyist my foot! Even Jim Gray, of all people, has his reservations about going forward.

    8. Congressman Kugee Supernaw added this comment in a post to the Conversation side of the Osage Blog to clear up a few misconceptions about the lands to be placed it trust:

      "FYI The casinos located at Tulsa, Skiatook and Ponca City are in trust status. The land being proposed to be placed in trust is not now being used for gaming. And for the record I never supported hotels and c-stores at Skiatook and Ponca City. I thought they would be poor investments and, in my opinion, they have been. Kugee"

      Thank you, Congressman, for setting the record strait on Skiatook and Ponca City and for clarifying the trust status of the three casinos.

    9. I second that. Thank you

    10. To the poster at January 18, 2016 at 9:13 AM. While the casinos located in Tulsa, Skiatook and Ponca City are on trust lands, the operation of these facilities is in violation of the gaming compact with Oklahoma. The agreement requires approval of the governor when a casino is put into operation after land is taken into trust.

      Oklahoma could use this violation of the agreement as leverage in negotiating the new tobacco compact, or it could aggressively pursue other remedies. However, the state government is just as likely to be unaware of the violation of the agreement as the ON Gaming Enterprise Board and its attorneys seem to be.

      The ON is lucky the state RICO Act doesn't provide for sharing of fines by private individuals like federal law does or someone might have pushed this through to share in the millions of "ill gotten gains" and the value of the confiscated property. The state could still prosecute the violation and potentially take 100% of the revenue generated at these three sites plus the land, facilities, and other assets.

  26. Between Sallie Jewel and Gina McCarthy any coincidence whats happening on our M.E where politics is concerned has no place on our M.E...n a conference call on Friday, Department of the Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said that the recent decision “is not a pause on coal production” but rather a means for the government to have more time to study the benefits of coal and its impact on the environment. Jewell also said that the pause on new leases should not affect the country’s ability to meet production goals.

    1. What has changed? These studies have been done time after time..the only difference is its a different date and time. I call hog wash..

  27. To: OSAGE NATION CONGRESS-----Buying a buffalo ranch would be nice---if we had the money. Turner bought that ranch for a tax write-off. We don’t need a tax write-off. If we have money to invest, buy some oil leases while it’s still a buyer’s market. It would be tough for a year or so but oil will go back up sooner or later, and then we would make much more money for the Nation selling oil and gas. Buffalo are neat to look at, but they are not to make money with. More money could be made pasturing wild horses, but nothing assures us we could even get any horses. We should have been producing our own oil from the beginning. RIGHT NOW is the best opportunity we may ever have to get in the business. Please don’t put us in debt for something that will never have a decent ROI.

    1. What do you mean if we hsd the money? It's all paid for by the tax payers. Subsidize by the Government. Might as call it welfare. Buy some oil leases in what State not the M.E I don't want the Nation near our Estate who are you kidding. You should do your homework. Haven't you learned yet all Government is good for is waste and spending not there money...

    2. Right now is the WORST time to get into the business of producing oil. It costs more to drill and operate the wells than you can make off the oil. And to get it out of the ground and store it until the price goes back up would cost a large fortune. You've still got to lay out for the expenses even if you're not making any revenue when storing it for the future.

    3. These people are so rabid to get control of the Osage Mineral Estate and the MC they would write or say anything to make that happen. In some ways, if oil and gas were booming, they would be a lot more aggressive about making a takeover happen. The fact that it's economically unfeasible to get into the oil and gas business is the only plus out of all these negatives happening right now; a sliver of a silver lining so to speak.

  28. Another good reason why we don't want Oklahoma State involvement in Osage County:
    Marginal wells could lose tax exemption

    1. Tax revenues dry up and governments start looking for pennies.

    2. They look for more ways to tax when the revenue dries up.

  29. Minerals Council Meeting Agenda Wednesday, January 20th in Council Chambers:

    1. What is an Access Permit?

    2. Stephanie Erwin is listed on the agenda under the category subject as "Access Permit". What is this? I've drilled wells in Osage County for decades and have never heard of this term. Does this have something to do with gravel or centennial birthdays?

    3. Maybe an "Access Permit" is a special permit to access the attention of the OMC. If so, it's obvious that none have been issued to-date. At least the Chief communicates with the Osage people.

      When was the last time Chairman Waller shared anything with the Shareholders? The answer is found on the Mineral Council's web page and it is dated June, 2014 (News Letter). Unacceptable, in my opinion.

  30. Letter to the BIA regarding the Draft Environmental Impact Statement from the Chief:

    1. I take issue with the Chief's reference to the OMC's insight, experience and expertise comment. Our OMC is clueless about oil and gas issues. They are not qualified to even be a pumper on an oil and gas well nor do they know what duties a pumper performs. They probably do not know the difference between a gate valve, ball valve or back pressure valve.

      The Chief obviously went overboard on the OMC's authority in this regard as to not appearing to interfere. I'm glad the OMC did not participate in this aggressive attack by the Obama administration and still feel like we need to escort all BIA employees off our property. They are our number one enemy and we need to treat them as such.

      The Chief's letter was well written and cordial but failed to point out the devastation the Draft EIS will have on our Tribe. Typical politician. Dance a little side-step (Paint your Wagon)

    2. IMO, you're dead wrong about the MC and I'm glad for once to get a clarification from the Chief about what his role, the Executive Branch's role and the MC role and what he really thinks it is.

    3. The Chief is playing you like a fiddle; can't you see that? He knows how to word his comments mostly for your consumption. Our OMC is so out of their league to deal with the present issues its scary. You must be related to Crum or Yates.

      The OMC knows nothing about the management of a multi-billion dollar oil and gas asset. They should bring in high-dollar experienced consultants to help them with their lack of expertise. They didn't even bother to assist us Shareholders in preparing our comments for the Draft EIS. Where were they? They obviously do not know enough about the issue to take action. I'm not the least bit surprised as they are in over their heads. Clueless, to be sure.

    4. We must be dealing with the M.C sympathizer. I could not agree more with your statement poster @ 6:34 pm.

    5. OH? Then why did the Chief jump over hoops to participate and have a seat at the table by end-running Galen in there despite more than one resolution from the MC and then after he sees that this became the truth with this new EIS DESPITE HIS PARTIPICATION in the formulation of these new regulations, he turns tail, praises the MC that he has been bashing right and left all summer and fall of last year on facebook and then RUNS! Who is playing who here pal? He was told by the MC that his entry into the process wouldn't make a lick of difference and that these new regs wouldn't be workable or improve much of anything but still, he tried to play all ends against the middle just like he always does and it collapsed in on him as usual. You're clearly one of his followers and he has left you standing with egg all over your foolish face; caught square in the middle and you deserve it big time for being so naive.

  31. MC meeting is back live with the Superintendent's report.

  32. This thread is now closed. Go to:
