What the hell does Amanda Proctor's sister know about gaming to be sworn in on the Gaming Board? That gal Amanda whined her way into a job with the Nation and it took less than what? -- six months for her family to start piling on? This gaming board position is nearly an $18,000 a year with benefits, for a part time job where these people meet once a month. Standing Bear hired Amanda Proctor to handle the Osage LLC and Carol Leese situation. Do you hear or read anything about that despite a reported amount going out for her fees being billed to the Osage Nation that is shocking and outrageous even to certain members of the Osage Nation government who are in a position to know what they are talking about? Attorneys like this were supposed to be replaced by the office of the Attorney General who was to handle such investigations and prosecutions. What the hell happened to that concept with probably hundreds of thousands of dollars going out for these independent attorneys since the first AG took office? Why don't we get transparency on these costs and the billing receipts to the Nation for all the attorneys who are still independently hired by the Osage Nation government? BUH to all of them who are getting rich on our money that is not going to benefit us. May they all choke on it and sooner rather than later.
The board is in no trouble. They've deflected all of the problems onto Leese and others, even for on-going fraud against the feds and the ON by the board. No board members have been named in any lawsuit but the boards are the actual manager of OLLC, Tallgrass and the other companies.
Key words in this phrase are "the boards are the actual manager of OLLC." The Chief has no place and no business attempting to micromanage this situation away from the Osages on that Board who were and are still responsible with that Procter gal he has on the payroll for big bucks. Where is the AG and why hasn't she begun an independent investigation of her own? Chief knows the AG is supposed to be handling the legal end of things for the Osage Nation, not outside independent attorneys that can be controlled. Chief is way out of bounds on this big time. Get those Osages responsible for this $19 million buck loss and hold their feet to the fire as soon as humanly possible. Where are the depositions and where is this case that is being so long and drawn out like the 5 Man Board case still years in the Osage Court? Why are we even paying these Justices? The length of these court processes is worse than the State and Federal Courts who have thousands and thousands of cases year in and year out. WHERE are we on these two cases and WHEN are the Osage people going to see Justice at work in the Osage Judicial Branch? At least the Osage Congress can move forward with justice and did so where Chief Red Eagle was concerned in a timely manner. Why are these Justices sitting on their hands and when are they going to do what they are being paid to do and way more than they should be? This whole new Osage democracy form of government is such a scandalous demoralizing scam. We should all file charges against the licenses of all of the them in the Supreme Court of the State of Oklahoma and have their licenses for this play house of Justice in the Osage Nation.
WTH does meat packing solutions have to do with gaming? When are they going to put qualified people on these boards and not relatives of those the Chief thinks is pretty? SOOOOOOOOO CRAZY............................
And smile and smile all the way to the bank while she's doing it. A sweet $17-18K for one meeting a month plus travel expenses. Nice work if you can get it. How many Osage children all over the land will have to do without because she is getting paid so much from the Osage Nation for so little work involved?
"Standing Bear said he would like “... the present structure is becoming old and dilapidated, nevertheless, Tulsa casino provides nearly 45 percent of our gaming revenue.” Liar liar pants on fire. You total s***b**! That building is only 11 years old. You are as big a manipulator as Jim Gray, if not worse. Get out of town! http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2016/01/14/no-vote-tulsa-casino-project-during-december-special-session/
Does this make any sense at all to you? "ON Treasurer Callie Catcher signed an affidavit on Dec. 22, stating, “Regarding the original FY2016 tribally funded budget submissions by the Executive Branch, the total of the original submissions was $40,351,808 which includes the Scholarships, Health Benefit and Burial Assistance budgets submitted by Executive Branch. The FY16 tribal revenue projection, approved by the Appropriations Committee, was $43,775,000; therefore, the Executive branch tribally funded budget requests did not exceed revenue projections.”"
So it looks like the Executive Branch gets $40.3 + million and the rest of the government gets $3.5 + or - million? How much of the Executive Branch budget goes to bloated salaries for grossly overpaid employees who never answer the phone or return a phone call? When is the Chief going to get this mess in hand before he pays anyone another dime above what they're getting right now?
Here is the best reason why the Osage Nation in any capacity whatsoever has NO BUSINESS running the Mineral Estate. Remember the land into trust applications that were supposed to be handled years ago? On the call for the Special Session of the Osage Congress on January 20th, it says this on the agenda:
7. Approval of fee-to-trust applications on Skiatook, Airpark Tulsa, back 75 (Tulsa), Bartlesville and Pawhuska parcels.
These parcels of land were supposed to be placed in trust years and years ago! If these applications aren't accepted by the BIA, the door closes on three of our casinos, one of which has been improved with a hotel. Don't you think that such expansion would have been prudent to have taken place WELL AFTER Skiatook had been placed in Trust by the BIA? I heard years ago that they had someone that they had paid a small fortune to to get these parcels into Trust and the applications were SUBAR and sent back to the Osage Nation to start over. This depth of incompetence is the rule and not the exception. Shareholders, don't you let the Osage Nation government come within a county mile of our minerals estate business! No wonder they are trashing out the Minerals Council and the BIA every chance they get. They could lose three of the casinos they now have in operation today. How could these people be so incredibly stupid? They have no guarantee whatsoever that these casinos will even be accepted for Trust status at this point in time. If the BIA refuses to accept these casinos into trust, they will be lost as a stream of revenue for the Osage Nation government. And the Chief does everything he can to alienate the Bureau every single day and that says nothing for what the rest of them are doing too. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A MESS THIS OSAGE NATION GOVERNMENT TURNS OUT TO BE AND CHURNS OUT DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY.
I heard just today the Nation is for sure trying to buy the Ted Turner properties holdings in the Osage. The price tag on this is somewhere in the neighborhood of $40 to $50 million dollars. With what collateral? Where are they going to get a bank to loan them that kind of money at terms that are even close to favorable? Crazy as bed bugs these Osages in the political class.
BTW, it was Kugee who was the ball runner and carried it over the goal line on Skiatook from start to finish. Kugee needs to be back benched in the coming election to his shop for his participation in improving that casino with a hotel if the truth is that the Skiatook Osage Casino property isn't yet held in trust by the BIA.
On one of the Facebook pages out there, Shannon Edwards has just put this up in the last hour -- in part -- about a property purchase on the Congressional Special Session Agenda and I think this is confirmation: "It lists discussion and possible action on property purchase. At a public meeting in Hominy he identified his purchase priority as 43,000 acres offered by sealed bid auction." She wants us to let her know if we think the Nation should get a loan to buy this property. I heard recently that the price tag is $56 MILLION not $50. My answer to her question is NO! Contact her at sedwards @ osagenation-nsn.gov Remember to close up the spaces in the above e-mail address. Hell, contact them all at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/contact NO! HELL NO!
Land is going for a much higher price per acre than this so I'd say the cost number is being underreported. It's probably closer to $86 million to $90 million. Where are we going to get jack like that from the bank and the money to pay the debt service with $24K left in the Osage Nation Treasury? Not feasible to carry this much debt but the "emotionalists" with the overall maturity of a gnat without the intellectual self-discipline to think it through will say we need to buy our reservation back at any price. The land is reported to be somewhere between Hominy and Grayhorse. I can see them all queuing up with emotional temperatures already flaring above 103 degrees before they know anything about it or what such an acquisition will even cost us to have to try and fund. Example: Bourbon "K." Hamilton wrote this remark: "I will not vote for any congress members who do not support this purchase." No wonder he was the one chosen to play the part of the Cigar Store Indian for the Osage, LLC. Hahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More telling is the comment of Wilson Pipestem: "Absolutely support the reacquisition of surface lands located within the boundaries of the Osage Reservation!" Isn't he supposed to be smart enough to ask questions first and then make comments? Big Washington D.C. Indian Lobbyist my foot! Even Jim Gray, of all people, has his reservations about going forward.
FYI The casinos located at Tulsa, Skiatook and Ponca City are in trust status. The land being proposed to be placed in trust is not now being used for gaming. And for the record I never supported hotels and c-stores at Skiatook and Ponca City. I thought they would be poor investments and, in my opinion, they have been. Kugee
The "Non-Political" Osages are having another day in the sun:
The Northern California Osage Spring Election and Wedding Project Osage Gathering 2016 will be held Saturday May 14th, 9:30am-6pm in Petaluma, California.
The fourth whereas clause beginning at line 31 is a false statement. OLLC does not currently have a board of directors. All five men shown on the company website were appointed to the Tallgrass board months ago leaving OLLC without a board. ON law does not permit a person to serve on two boards at the same time, so there is a board over a company without assets and no board for the original company.
Why don't the high priced attorneys they keep hiring catch these things?
By Executive Proclamation, Congress will convene the 10th Special Session on Wednesday, January 20th, at 2 P.M. See https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/congress-convene-10th-special-session-amended-agenda
This meeting is in the afternoon to accommodate the MC meeting in the morning at 10 a.m. in the same location. See http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2015/12/osage-shareholder-matters-january-2016.html
Meeting is in Executive Committee Meeting of the whole. They should be back to conclude following the discussion: https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/multimedia/live-media
Services to the Osage people will be impacted if the land purchase goes forward. Read under CAnn Norris's post listing a comment in detail by Shannon Edwards on the Facebook page over here --->>>
These as*es go forward without a proper and professional appraisal of this property, I am going to turn the Osage Nation in to the NIGC with a complaint that our money should not be used for stupid real estate purchases when our scholarship program and healthcare programs, especially for the elderly will be harmed by going ahead with such a foolish idea. Ted Turner land can go to someone else if we all have to suffer while all those employees are using up $15 million to $20 million of our money in salary and benefits a year with bonuses and raises and who knows what all else. This money is supposed to be used on us and for us as the members of the Osage Nation, not some buffalo ranch or farm or whatever they plan to call it. This is wrong and they know it and we know it. Walk away and get down to taking care of the Osage people who have little enough after you eat up everything else in sight. Shameful even to consider such a stupid plan.
What we should be asking is how is this purchase with our money going to make promote economic growth? The vitality of this purchase? In other words how will the people benefit? We know one thing Government likes tok to spend what they don't have and waste is abundant. What if any Policies will be affected in the long run by this purchase? We have cut back on other viable programs which in my opinion, tells me that we don't have the collateral to do so..we are possibly heading for bad times and the revenue will be affected and banks will not be lending and if they do at what percentage the interest..? A Buffalo Ranch so the Government can get subsidies from another Government is called welfare..and if you do the research there's no money made on this pet project..if that is the case.Study the impact of western cattle grazing.
Day 2 of the SS --->>> WTH is Kugee up to with sponsoring a bill to appropriate a sum of money that is stated in a sealed document? This bill is ONCA 16-24. Since when does the Osage Nation Congress appropriate money with amounts that are hidden from the Osage people? This is total crap!!! We don't even have any idea what this appropriation is for, how much it is and who will benefit from it. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/content_link/kOCN7JRc2dhDOsB7ESs5tpKHIeeheAvhWQJ19W62nic8ihWtze9NOXscFDzJS13g/file?dl=1 This is a first, people and we need to get to the botttom of this one before that Congress starts using sealed documents to hide money they are spending from us that we wouldn't approve of and more important, from the NIGC and the NIGA that regulates how our money is to be spent. I cannot emphasize how bad a precedent this is for the future fiscal health of the Osage Nation government. You unseal this document Kugee or don't even think of appropriating a dime! Is this for your baby Tallgrass or is it for that crazy idea of trying to purchase that land that has come up for bid. We Have The Right To Know What You Are Spending Our Money On Every Time You Make An Appropriation And For HOW MUCH. While we're at it, why was Shannon Edwards making the claim in Session yesterday that that the Congress was going into Executive Session and would be talking about non-propietary matters? This is illegal as hell and they all voted for it with the exception of Edwards who was there and Buffalohead and Shaw who were not. Buffalohead's chair is empty again today. What are we paying these people for who can't even bother to show up to conduct our business?
If you are going to go to the trouble to reply to a post, let me make this crystal clear: Click on the reply link below the last comment in that thread or your comment will be deleted! Just do it!
This sealed document "A" may have to do with the loan amount and financing for the Tulsa casino expansion plan. I'm not sure but that would be my guess.
Back in session and are on appropriating an additional $20 MILLION for that damn land purchase. Edwards got up and involked the stratgeic plan with it in hand. Said she couldn't vote for it because it will harm benefits to the people for 7 to 10 years into the future. What for? An emotional purchase is right. This needs to be a business decision not an emotional one. You do this without even the benefit of a professional appraisal and I will hound you till election day should you choose to run for office again and that includes you Maria Whitehorn. You too Kugee and all the rest of you who voted for ONCA 16-24 today. All but Buffalohead and Edwards voted to buy this land to the harm of the benefits of the Osage people and Buffalohead only because she wasn't there. Stupid stupid stupid all over again because they listen to those who run on emotions and never ever think things through because they don't know how. Atrocious!!!!!!!!!!
Dumber than cat dirt... Heavy lifting, my foot! Kugee, this time, you've got as stupid as it gets. What makes you numb nut idiots think this sale is even legitimate? For all you know, this sale could be structured to see if you will take the bait and in the doing, throw the benefits to the membership under the bus as proof of your childishness in being comptetently able to manage the affairs of the Osage Nation, especially where it involves the operation and running of the Osage Mineral Estate. So devoid of being able to reason things through properly from a business standpoint. Kugee, you've got no excuse whatsoever. May this decision you've made today live infamy and destroy your chances of ever being reelected again! You should be able to see the video of this insane vote to purchase this land until tomorrow morning when it will be replaced with the new video for the session day meeting tomorrow at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/multimedia/live-media
Yes! I agree. Even if land can be purchased for economic development as part of what is acceptable to the NIGC, where is the business plan that should be available in advance for such a purchase with figures on the expected return on investment and how it will balance out the debt service so that we don't have even more losses as a result of the continued abominable business decisions of the elected officials of this Osage Nation governmment? Edwards said she had no information on the finanacing of this land purchase whatsoever and no appraisal on the land! They just keep repeating their stupid cycle of irresponsible behavior over and over again!
Dumber than cat dirt... That seems to be a step up from your previous comment that the Congress collectively doesn't have the brains of a gnat. Please be advised that all the above comments are from one lonely individual who is posting and answering her self. Actually, there is overwhelming support here for increasing our land base. Kugee
Really? That "lonely" individual got a phone call from me within 2 minutes of the vote, Kugee, and I'm right here in the Osage and I am just as horrified and disgusted about this land bid when you damn well know that we don't have the money to pay for this purchase especially when Shannon Edwards made the representation RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU that the benefits to all of the Osage members will be diminished as a result for many years to come. You used to be for the people or so you've always said. I'm not so sure these days with the spending you are advocating for lately. Who on this planet has the time to be lonely while keeping tabs on you crazy maggots and bed bugs in the Osage Nation government preying on every dime of the Osage people's money? You are so off the mark and so deluded by you own sense of grandeur that it isn't even funny. How dare you suggest that there is overwhelming support when not one of those people know enough to ask for a business plan where this purchase by the Osage Nation is concerned. A plan that would provide the members of the Congress with information about whether or not it's wise to make this purchase and what its return on investment is anticipated to be. What about the information Edwards provided about the spending priorities in the Strategic Plan? You and the other members of the Congress are in place to make sure this is a wise investment and proper use of the Osage people's money and not another venture that will fail, with the only return we can ever hope to realize is 43,000 acres filled with buffalo pies dotting the landscape! Retire why don't you and move aside for others who can be effective in protecting our money from a continual series of emotional impulse purchases and voracious spending on the part of the elected officials of the Osage Nation government, you included. I take large issue with you running down someone who is more selfless and self-sacrificing than you could ever EVER hope to be, you hopeless Jacka**!
I have no problem with someone who is rude and controlling and would I be the first to shut him dowm in a heartbeat I am one tough cookie let him try. Quick with wit..and you fight fire with fire. No one deserves to be treated as such and should be treated equally. This attitude comes from entitlement, respect is earned not a given..and to pretend you know everything when in fact the house of cards will come crashing because once again the diligence was not done? You have him to thank personally right..I see the hand at play..and playing with our money is not a game..Kugee lets get on the Ballot a Per-Cap out to the Osage..its comin whether you lije it or not.
To poster 10:12 am the truth hurts. You get over it..It is good to hear that political correctness does not apply when it comes to a few who disagree and says the truth..the ellections are right around the corner right..time to end the career spending. And put the interest of the constituents first.
The truth is that this guy you like so much is now fronting two business ventures by sponsoring legislation with no possible hope of success. It takes my breath away that he would be doing this when he knows that the head of that Tallgrass board wants between 5 and 10 million dollars and from what was said in session yesterday, another 20 million bucks is to be transferred to the Osage Nation Treasury direct from gaming. If all this money is coming from gaming within the next month or so, it could imperil our entire gaming operation. The man running things these days as CEO isn't Bill Leonhart or CFO Richard Lobdell who have years and years of outside gaming experience. The CEO in place now is the Chief's son-in-law. If either Leonhart or Lobdell were in place today, they would never authorize the transfer of this much cash from the gaming operation and if pressed, they would likely file a cease and desist, injunction or interference lawsuit of some kind in Osage Nation Trial Court. There is no way this kind of transfer of cash assets from gaming to the Osage Nation Treasury should be taking place and you can't tell me this won't be taking a chance that it will imperil the entire gaming operation plus the huge loan that it will take to buy that land on top of that. The man in the Osage Nation Congress who is fronting both of these operations is Kugee Supernaw. If someone else was doing this, it would surprise me if he wouldn't be putting out an emergency communication to all Osages to try and stop a transfer like this from ever taking place. I don't know what's going on here but I've got a gut feeling that this is seriously wrong on many levels and for many good reasons.
Ego trip? No. Egomania. Yes. If all the Drummonds and the Kanes were to up and sell their lands would the Osage political class be running after that too to empty all of the cash for operating expenses and advertising costs and what all else until there was no money left? You Betcha! These people taking these decisions are proving themselves to be just as bad or seriously worse than the ones who voted to fund the lawsuit that lost us the reservation. Even Jim Gray has expressed concern about this land purchase and those in office now are supposed to be far better than in his day. All these OC Osages want this purchase to take place but remember, these are the same people who approved of and were behind that tax commission lawsuit too. They want something on an emotional basis and they can't move beyond the feeling to think things through enough to make a good decision. When this kind of thing happens, the elected officials of the Osage Nation are supposed to be there to keep the government viable financially and free from making bad emotional business decisions. They're there to protect the Nation from those who can't think things through properly and they are not there to be influenced by emotional Osage constituents to get or keep a vote in the next election.
Throw the name Neil Cornelius into the mix as CEO too. He would never have let transfers like this take place especially after the amount for government funding had been agreed upon and sent over to the Osage Treasury. We think we want Osages to run things until situations like this arise and then it becomes clear that it's never a good idea. You trash out Harvard and their idea about complete distancing from the influence of the Tribal government and then they are proven to be right every time. Tribal people are too socially influenced by one another's opinions to be able to make sound business decisions and when they prevail, their business structures are threatened and eventually destroyed. The trick is getting honest and ethical outside people to run these business operations with the strength to enforce their autonomy as a business entity. There is a shortage of people like this in Indian Country and it's a huge problem. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Just bad all arround period. Cronyism at it's best will have a price what goes around the merry go round will come at the expense of the constituency until and only until there eyes are wide open to the shenanigans of loopholes..it is a conflict of interest to hire a family member and putting them i a position of such regard..
I heard the money is coming from the permanent fund. This money in this fund is supposed to pay for direct services only for the members not land or other real estate purchases. Does anyone know if this is true?
Ted Turner pays $15 million in 2001 and we pay $75 million fifteen years later, at least $10.5 million more than we should pay? I don't think so. Once again, and again and again, the egocentric Osage County Osages who think nothing of the children and elders who will go without so the "Big Osages" can satisfy their embarrassing ego and throw the rest of us under the bus to be the biggest landowner in Osage County.
Since the membership has to suffer with a loss of benefits for the next 7 years, not that those Osages who work in that stupid Osage Nation government will lose their merit pay raises and bonuses, mind you, Ted Turner should be ashamed to even think of accepting a bid from us in the first place. So rank and raunchy it smells to high heaven.
No surprise that Raymond Redcorn is behind this acquisition. He and Anthony Shakelford were behind the Osage, LLC despite the outcry from the membership who had done their homework and tried to present it to members of the Osage Congress at the time to no avail.
Especially because they will pay the "Osage Price." So foolish to throw our money around like this. If we had a real estate agent who could make these deals for us in a blind transaction like the Disney Corporation when they buy land.
Kugee is sharing about the cost for the casinos land into trust applications that are currently in trust and that debacle which cost us about $400,000!
It looks like they are wanting a whopping $406K for the new land into trust applications? What could possibly cost this much money? 40% of the total budget to run the entire Osage government prior to the Osage Nation take over less than ten years ago?
Back live and exempting the $406,000 money from being counted in the overall total of some kind. The projected revenue total perhaps? Exempt money for this, found more money for that. Why not? Who cares who is adding up the figures, they'll just change them every chance they get. Game over. Meeting over.
FYI The debacle was not on the lands now in trust, it was on the so far failed attempt to place some other lands in trust. This has been placed in the hands of a new team and we are hoping that they will be successful. There apparently is very little of the money previously spent that can be salvaged. Kugee
The meaning of insanity is doing the same thing over again does not bode well for the Constituency. Could of, would have, should excuse is what will not be accepted as the precedent Kugee..
THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR INTERIOR DESIGN FOR THE SUPERINTENDENT'S HOUSE? What the right living hell is this appropriation about in the Appropriation Committee? How the Nation could benefit? How you people who live in Pawhuska will benefit, don't you mean? https://www.dropbox.com/s/5qqnml1uq3n44hs/AP_1-21-16_NoticeRevised2.pdf?dl=0 Bank 4th floor renovation remodel? Is livable so why are we throwing money at it? TEMPLATE? MY FOOT! Sickening this outlandish spending every time they get together. Some idea of the cost for the other floors? Congress's input on the purchase of the bank building was NONE? and now they want $37,400 for professional fees only to renovate one floor and get the money from the Osage Congress therefore from the Osage people who had no representative voice in the purchase of the bank building? GO GET YOUR MONEY FROM THE FOUNDATION OR RAISE THE MONEY YOURSELF RAYMOND REDCORN. GO FISH WITH YOUR NATIONAL REGISTRATION OF HISTORIC PLACES AND ALL RENOVATION DONE WITHOUT REFERENCE TO THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OF THE INTERIOR OF THE BUILDING ITSELF WITH NO GUIDELINES AND RAYMOND REDCORN WON'T TELL EDWARDS WHAT THOSE GUIDELINES ARE YET CLAIMS TO BE AN EXPERT. WHAT'S NEW? You crazy little bed bug ray-ray, GTHO and hit the road with your insane spending. GO TEMPLATE YOURSELF RAYMOND!
...professional fees alone to renovate... Ray-ray needs a "template" for more spending on other floors? Hahahahahaha! We need a template on how to keep him from being re-elected to Osage Nation office ever again. That's what's really needed in the here and now!
You're right!!!!! You gotta listen to this one. It's up online now. Ray-ray is right there to end-run every impulse spending purchase they have for review by the committee.
You owe it to yourself to listen to the Comm Econ discussion on ONCR 16-09 to transfer assets of OLLC to TED. Kugee criticizes the lease as being too expensive, long term and in the wrong place, but it is to be transferred to TED. There is also discussion of breaking the lease. Why transfer it if there is intent to break the lease and damage the name of TED?
Kugee also states for the record that if the ON doesn't put money in then they will sit down there and run out of money. It doesn't matter if the name is OLLC or TED, that problem remains.
One of the stated reasons for moving the good assets out of OLLC is anticipated lawsuits. These assets won't be protected if such action is taken, and any assets of TED can be attached as part of a judgment.
It is also claimed that "Osage LLC is no longer in operation" and the TED board is "serving both capacities" (TED and OLLC) but "not being paid twice".
This session also makes clear that the OLLC board has made no formal motion to transfer the assets and that it is at the direction of the Chief. There is a potential for additional costs to be incurred after legislation is passed in March.
Kugee states he is uncertain about giving more money to this LLC, but a cash infusion will be necessary to keep it going. The TED board stated last September that if the ON isn't willing to invest millions then the best thing to do would be to shut it down.
The resolution has been moved forward with a "do pass" recommendation when there are questions remaining that only the board can answer.
Get rid of this Harvard pyramid scheme business model and start spending money to open businesses in Osage County to put Osages to work. Just imagine if $19,000,000 had been spent in the county to open businesses in the local area how much better things would be now. This global initiative idea is crap. It was crap then and it's crap now and it always will be.
Upon return, they voted for the legislation for the ill advised PBA contract for processing healthcare billing into being for a year. The AG, Holly Wells, raised a number of large issues with this company's contract with the Nation, especially about the limited waiver of sovereignty.
So I guess if things don't go well and they never do, we'll be in Court in Jackson County, Missouri as a result of this PBA contact. We are now losing $70K a month since last October because we have no way to process billing. Wasn't this thought out before Congressman Ron Shaw ran this damn health compact thing through before it was even near ready. Before you open the doors, you had better be sure you can bill the insurance companies. I don't know of too many who operate on a cash basis. So Shaw, you're responsible for the loss of over a quarter of a million dollars along with the other members of Congress who voted through the legislation and that includes you too Chief for not making sure all the pieces of this new health care system where in place and ready to go before you opened for business. DUH! "What are we going to do about getting our money from Medicare and the insurance companies with a system in place for billing them? Upstart health program is right. Here's part of your per cap lost and gone with the wind, as usual. If we added up all the money this new government is responsible for losing since 2006, the total amount would be dumbfounding.
Good post the truth be known Chief get that per-cap on the Ballot and get a Chief that will support such a good deed,end the waist in our Government. Our Government will never be to big to fail as it has failed the Constituents in so many ways so shall we the Constituents will have there way.
AG has a problem with hiring and allowing another company --PBA-- to act with a power of attorney for the Nation. She has a laundry list of objections and issues associated with going forward with a contract with terms and conditions that are so unfavorable to the Osage Nation. What is this now? I don't care who works with the Creeks or any other Tribal government. These issues are substantial and should be considered seriously before we get into another mess.
Urgency urgency urgency. When does the Osage Nation ever plan appropriately out front so they are not always rushed into these long term costly decisions with contracts?
No proper competitive bidding on this contract and end up losing $75,000 a month as a result? PBA won't budge on waiver of sovereignty? Did the Creeks ever work with Chief Standing Bear before he was elected? Again, people, you need to listen to this one too.
PDA company to contract for us possibly 50 or more times with separate contracts and waive sovereign immunity in every instance. Wait just a minute here...
Good for the AG in trying to protect our interests from the standpoint of sovereignty! Thank God we have at least one on the payroll at the Osage Nation who is on the ball however, Terry Mason Moore will be looking at the contracts for health going forward. A yes person for the Chief who now says the AG department is overstretched? Hahahahaha. Sounds like Holly Wells is standing in the way of what the Chief wants so he takes this responsibility away from the AG and gives it to Terry Mason Moore who is known to be a team player no matter what.
According to the Facebook page of the Osage News, the Osage Nation won the bid to buy the land from Ted Turner. There goes the neighborhood or what little was available in benefits to the membership. Some say those benefits are overfunded and there may be some truth to that for 2016. As for 2017, that remains to be seen. Ted should be astute enough to know that we don't have enough money to buy the property without doing the Osage people harm due to the loss of benefits for the elders, the young and those who are seeking higher education at the college and university level. It's a trade off and one he should be socially responsible enough to see is the wrong one for the Osage Indians this government is supposed to protect and further economically from the standpoint of upward mobility. I guess the only jobs available will be to muck out the fields when the bison pass by. Just in case you didn't know, all those of you who are a party to this transaction, we're living things too, you sh**h**ds!
WTH? "There are steps remaining in the process, and rumors will circulate. We will share official information with the Osage people and the general public as our agreement with Mr. Turner's organization permits," Red Corn said. SINCE WHEN DOES A PRIVATE AGREEMENT EXIST WITH A GOVERNMENT TO BUY LAND WHERE THE PURCHASE PRICE IS HIDDEN FROM THE MEMBERSHIP? THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS AND AN OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So we win the Highest bid for Turners property, time to go to court to have the purchasing 8bid exposed..this isn't the Government's money, its our money..who are the Osages excited from Calif, to Texas..that are ecited over this purcahse? Time ti go to Court! We deserve a Government who promises transparency and this big secret does not hode well with this Osage who are you kidding Osage News?
Yeah, but will they still be cheering when the elders, the young ones and the college and university students lose their funding as a result of a real debt commitment with the "big boys" that we can hardly hope to manage with our tawdry and incompetent track record in business. Things won't change because the government players won't change and the only thing they are capable of is failure as has been so painfully evident in the past. Looking to see a lot more than buffalo pies in the future. With the first hard winter, it will be buffalo carcasses littering the landscape and no "entitled' Osage government employee who will even lift a finger to shift them. Ghastly in the extreme!
Yep. that's what I heard too. About $9.5 million higher than the next highest bid. Money we could have used to fund a lot of benefits for the Nation's membership.
Get real. If they hadn't wasted the extra $9.5 million on buying Turner's land then they'd have given it to TED LLC or done something else just as foolish.
No, that's not true. They would have had the money earmarked for the people's benefits but now they won't have it available come 2017 and 2018 unless they rob from the Casinos or get into the permanent fund that is supposed to be spent only on direct services to the Osage people. It changes every time you ask a different person in government or who used to be in government. Last I heard, the money is supposed to be parked and used as collateral for the growing number of loans the Nation has so far. It's a purchase we can't afford and come election time for next Chief, it will be a train wreck by then that hopefully will remove Standing Bear from office for overextending us in this way. Popular isn't prudent if we can't afford it and that's what's the Osage Nation Congress is supposed to be there for to make the hard decisions to keep us out of financial trouble. These officials are as weak as a reed in the wind if it's something they want to do especially if it involves the ego. They are considered to be the biggest fools and fatheads inside and outside Osage County but still they keep making these stupid impulse buying decisions on that basis alone. Taxes on the land they hold now will be through the ceiling and as usual they know nothing about much of anything and certainly not a thing about what it takes to ranch buffalo. Soon and they will probably wind up losing the herd. If Turner has a lick of sense and really cares anything about those animals, he should't let the Osages come within a 1000 miles of them. Remember that hydroponics aquaponics pilot program where they dropped 90K? The word was on the street that the fish all died in fairly short order and the whole thing was a failure within a few months.
Another ploy to get the money out of the people's hands and into the hands of those who work for the Osage Nation government. Theft Central -- of our money -- if you want my name for it.
Yep and this is why we must vote we get our share of the royalties in a form of a Per-cap from the Casino's and we must be vigilant in our choice of Chief. Get the cronyism out.
Now this is fiscal responsibility: Before voting “no”, Edwards said: “At a different price and under different circumstances, I could support an offer to purchase this land, however I cannot vote to spend the people’s funds in the amount authorized today for this land without an appraisal, which I asked for but did not receive, or other evidence of financial planning and documentation.” How does that nitwit Congress approve bid purchases like this without the necessary information to make a responsible decision. Edwards did the right thing here people no matter how unpopular her vote may have been. http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2016/01/22/congress-passes-updated-gaming-plan-and-bill-regarding-potential-land-purchase/
Osage News reports on Jan. 29th: "This afternoon the Osage Nation Supreme Court convened at the tribal courthouse in Pawhuska to hear oral arguments in the declaratory judgement case Standing Bear v. Whitehorn, which is the lawsuit that was filed against the Fourth ON Congress by the Principal Chief for alleged Constitutional violations."
So we have to waive sovereign immunity to get a loan to purchase the ranch? Does anyone know if all of the loans the Nation has acquired, have immunity waived on them too??
The Government is not sovereign thats why, the Osage people are sovereign. Not just that would you loan someone who hides behind sovereignty for protection from prosecution if you reneg on a loan? No.
The Osage Nation doesn't need sovereignty for protection. It has a solid reputation for not honoring judgments against it even when found to be in the wrong by a court having jurisdiction in the matter. Only a fool would enter into a contract with the ON or one of its businesses.
Another Special Session called by the Chief for more spending and additional manipulation of the Election Regulations and Code? https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews/photos/a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153/1045343922193101/?type=3&theater What's so urgent that it can't be taken up in the regular session taken up in March?
Those fancy published directory books that went out recently gives you the basic overview of the bureaucracy of the Osage Nation that costs us $15 million to $20 million a year in salaries and benefits. Go through each page and ask yourselves if the program you're looking at on the page will in any way benefit you as a member of the Osage Nation. They could have sent this out with a coil binding like the Osage Nation Constitution but I'm certain that would never have satisfied the overinflated egos of the elected political class of the Osage Nation. They are crashing and burning with nothing up ahead of them but but scorched but does the out of control spending continue? Are they even paying attention to the numbers? Do they even really care about the future of the Osage people or of the Osage Nation government as indicated by the way they throw money around despite all efforts to caution them to stop what they are doing or demand that they do where spending and manipulation of the real money amounts they actually have to work with? Print this comment out and read it right before you enter the election booth or fill out your absentee ballot and refer to it for those who are in office now who want to be reelected this June.
The new directory makes no mention of the boards and commissions with only gaming mentioned, I believe. Millions of our dollars are spent here and on study groups and other Tribally funded outflows that we know nothing about. We don't get to see line items in bills for each program, division and so on or budget justifications or really anything to support the spending they make all the time. The only crack you'll get at finding out what is being spent is in the committee meetings when the spending items are discussed. Raymond is there oftening threatening the Committee members with lawsuits if they make any changes despite the Constitutional mandate keep the bottom line at projected income. This number floats up and down and we really need to coalesce and get the AG to seriously look at spending and the legality of it or the illegality of it. They are now getting into the gaming funds that are for operations and that should not be allowed under any circumstances. Above the $42-43 million that was the agreed upon figure from gaming for fiscal year 2016, Shannon Edwards stated in the session with the vote on the bid for the Turner ranch land that an additional $20 million was coming over from gaming and I think we have the right to know what this money was going to do for the gaming enterprise if it hadn't been sent over. Some are saying it's coming out of the permanent fund but that's a slight of hand if you listen to what Edwards said and she said the $20 million was coming over from gaming.
Gaming is locked down, separate and apart from the Tribal government in the governing business documents. As a member of the Osage Nation, you couldn't get those records even if you had to have them for some really important reason.
For those with an interest, prayers are being asked for this historic meeting between the Churches of the East and the West. See http://insidethevatican.com/news/newsflash/letter-11-2016-todays-meeting
For those with an interest in the film, "Bridge on the River Kwai", this is another story of that war saga and one of the best films I have ever seen, "The Railway Man." It's featured on Netflix online and though it's a difficult film to watch, it's theme of redemption and forgiveness is absolutely remarkable.
The new Exec. Branch building makeover is kind of a strange discordant derivative take on 10 Downing Street --->>> http://www.osagenews.org/en/article/2016/02/12/osage-designer-revamps-osage-nation-executive-branch-building/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/osagenews/sets/72157664541779526 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3BWPBrPNces
Here's where the recent Supreme Court vacancy gets really scary --->>>
STANDING COMMITTEE ON THE FEDERAL JUDICIARY 2015-2016 "The Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary (FJC) of the American Bar Association evaluates the professional qualifications of all nominees to the Supreme Court of the United States, circuit courts of appeals, district courts (including territorial district courts) and the Court of International Trade."
"The Committee's peer-review process is structured to achieve impartial evaluations of the integrity, professional competence and judicial temperament of nominees for the federal judiciary." http://www.americanbar.org/groups/committees/federal_judiciary/about_us.html
Then take a look at the appointee for the 10th Circuit --->>> http://www.americanbar.org/groups/committees/federal_judiciary/about_us/members.html
It'll never happen in my lifetime. Maybe yours but right now, we should be concerned whether or not Edwards actually has the depth and level of discernment necessary in order to make such recommendations to kiddy court never mind to the Supreme Court of the United States about the necessary qualifications of a Justice at this level.
Why is that attorney Amanda Proctor running around the country going to dance competitions all the time instead of working on the Carol Leese case to bring justice for the Osage people? We deserve to know what's going on with the loss of $19 million dollars of the people's money and not hold off, month after month after month, with getting accountability like we are seeing with the horrid and corrupt length of time it's taken to bring Joe Don Mashunkeshey to public justice for making off with $806,000 of Pawhuska Village funds. How much is she being paid with the Osage people's money that she is so flush that she can travel all over the U.S. to dance instead of work on this case?
Running out the statute of limitations only gives us the opportunity to have the licenses of every one of those Osage Judges reviewed by the Supreme Court of Oklahoma and bring charges against them for having let it happen. They think they can get away with anything at every level, no matter what or where.
Statutes of limitations generally start to "run" on the date that crimes are committed. If the applicable time limit expires before criminal proceedings begin, charges should not be filed (it's up to the defendant, however, to raise the problem).
We don't want the Osages to have to answer for the consequences of their actions. I daresay no Congress member would be willing to have criminal charges brought against an officially responsible Osage or even file a civil suit against them.
To the poster at 12:24 PM. In matters of fraud, Oklahoma statutes start the clock when the fraud first becomes known or should have been known by the discovery of facts giving evidence of it.
State of OK doesn't matter here. The U.S. government laws are made a part of the Constitution. We are sovereign as far as the State of OK is concerned and their laws don't apply as far as I know. Correct me if I have this wrong.
The cases were filed in a court with jurisdiction under the laws of the State of Oklahoma. Given that the transactions at issue were conducted with non-Indians and not on reservation land, then only state law can govern.
Regarding sovereignty, the Osage Tribe is a subordinate sovereign of the United States - as is the State of Oklahoma. However, the State of Oklahoma has greater standing than do tribes (even if the tribe has a reservation, which the Osage does not). The 1906 Act dissolved the reservation in preparation for Oklahoma's statehood, and all of the land within the boundaries of the territory were then made subject to the laws of Oklahoma. Law enforcement by tribal police within "Indian Country" in Oklahoma is subject to a cross-deputization program which grants authority by Oklahoma's Attorney General to the officers.
The laws of the State of Oklahoma do apply in other circumstances as well, else there would be no need for the state to approve certain types of gaming at tribal casinos via gaming compacts. Even the federal laws do not trump state laws except for those powers specifically ceded to the federal government in the Constitution of the United States.
The 12th Special Congressional Session will be starting Tuesday Feb. 23, 2016 --->>> http://osagenews.org/en/article/2016/02/12/osage-congress-meet-12th-special-session/
Interesting disclosures in the Comm Econ session today.
First, Kugee informed the other members that people who did not work for OLLC had been attending executive sessions where proprietary matters were discussed. It helps to know who actually works for these companies and who are consultants or contractors who OLLC claims as "employees".
Second, Osage Innovative Solutions (called Services in the meeting) was transferred to Tallgrass. The committee doesn't even know who the management of OIS - which there are none. Berbon Hamilton was the only employee of OIS and they let him go some time back. Kim Noble is listed as the General Manager, but she really works for OLLC (or perhaps now TED LLC). OIS is what is known as a shell company - it exists on paper but has no employees or ability to perform work on its own. OPDG is similar, with all of its contracts being performed by Pinnacle Design Group over in Norman.
Third, the ON has purchased Turner's ranch without first having a business plan to operate it, or barring a business plan even a set purpose for its use. The Assistant Chief wants TED LLC to run the ranch, and I can't help but laugh when I think of the disaster that would be. No matter what they choose to do, a sizable appropriation of working capital will need to be contributed. A company called Osage Land LLC has been organized, but as yet has no operating agreement, business plan, or ability to operate. They want people to work for free to develop a plan for a business to put the land to use, which is ass backwards from the way you run a business. It's no wonder the businesses fail.
The most rational comments are those critical of the TED LLC board for not having anything on their resumes to indicate they could run a ranch of such a land mass, and that the LLC has produced nothing as it stands right now with what their expertise is so it wouldn't be a good idea to give them control.
God, I love this Blog! It's amazing what turns up on here. Thank you for your post and continued vigilence in reporting on these Katznjammer Kids who run this so called government! The discussion on the Shareholder side is hoppin hot this week too;
Hahahahahaha! The buffalo will be dead soon enough and another casino will be built as close to the main road as they can put one. Meanwhile back at the ranch, Teddie gets paid 15 times what he paid for the land back in 2001 and we paid at least nine and a half million more than what it's worth. Good work, Ted. On the backs of Osages who really need this money now more than ever, you win big again!
Osage Nation Resource Directory right at your fingertips: https://www.facebook.com/osagenation/photos/a.755309157812729.1073741828.706989499311362/1154495134560794/?type=3&theater
How much of all this in this puffed up e-book benefits you? Not much unless you live in county. Millions going out for 2,400 members out of 20,000. Miserable!
12th Special Congressional Session tomorrow morning at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/congress-called-12th-special-session See also https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/sessions
Short and sweet today with the opener. Some questions as to why the ON Congress is being asked to ratify certain acts that have already been signed into law to secure the Turner land purchase. Very curious and worth following... Election Board also wants dates changed for the upcoming election in June of 2016 so this will be worth watching too. GovOps Committee will take up these issues right after today's session.
Change to recount votes of every candidate instead of just the votes of the candidate who brings the action for a recount. DUH! So crooked the way they have it set up now and complaining that it took a day to count one candidate's votes. Get off your dead A**ES and get to work for once in your worthless lives. $500 bucks for this recount so get busy and quit complaining stop making excuses. One candidate may benefit more than the other? Are you for real? Give us a break! All recounts should be a full blown recount. So lazy these people in the election office it's not even to be believed! More weak minded excuses on this issue than I have ever heard on any issue in my life. Go back and listen to yourselves when this tape is posted. If you aren't ashamed of yourselves and embarrased to death, there is something seriously wrong with you!
Why would a candidate in the Congressional race expect a recount in the races for Chief and Assistant Chief? So seriously deceiptful and flawed thinking it's really amazing.
Nobody expects another race to be recounted but the one they are running for in the election. Listen to the comments of Pratt and her add to the stupidity that a candidate isn't even an Osage. Hahahahahahahaha! And she got elected to office? There should have been a recount when she was elected. Oh poor election workers that they have to do a hand count for $500.00. Fire all these people and get people in there who aren't afraid of work and working hard. Such an outrage you have got to hear this one when it's on demand. Sickening how they make execuses because they have to do a solid day's work or more. Pathetic and pitiful! Their only deal? Then get to work and shut it or quit, get out and go home and watch soap operas till you starve to death. Grotesque in the outer extreme!!!!!!!!!!
No posting yet on the on demand of this CM segment after lunch where this all plays out. Up to their old tricks again, trying to hide their stupidity from the rest of us so we can't hear them in action. BUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's up now so you can hear it for yourself. Any legitimate election recount should include all of the votes of every single candidate in a particular category. It's called an honest and above board election recount. Apparently this is something these people in the election office have never even heard of in their lives... You have to hear it to believe it!
Shannon Edwards is absent two days in a row. Where is she and why don't we get the excuse on the floor of Congress from the Speaker? The Osage people are owed this much at least. It's not fair that these people get paid so much of our money and then they are notoriously absent all the time.
Rules and Ethic is due to meet now. Agenda is located at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/sites/default/files/event-brochures/Rules%20and%20Ethics%20Committee%20Meeting%20Notice%202-24-16.pdf
The only Rules and Ethics change I want to see is a $150.00 fine for each absence of a member of the Osage Congress unless they dying or dead and that goes for each and every Congressional committee meeting that a particular member of Congress is assigned as a member of that Committtee. I am so done with having to tolerate these absences at the expense of the Osage people and the work these members of the Osage Congress are being paid to do. Who will be strong enough and ethical enough to make such a change and I also want the Speaker to be fined $500.00 if a fine isn't levied and if the Speaker is lax about making sure those fines are exacted and paid in full in 30 calendar days to a special fund set up for exactly this reason in the Osage Nation Treasury. This will put a stop to these absences, you can bet your life on it if these changes are made on behalf of the Osage people.
Phrase of the day: "You are smarter than a box of cat litter." I heard you call out my name Congressman. You said it about the whole Congress having the brain of a gnat. I didn't. You ought to be in a position to know. We are listening, make no mistake, and hanging on your every word...
Important Legislation to be vetted today: GovOps Committee is up next and the Agenda is located at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/sites/default/files/event-brochures/GO-2-24-2016_NoticeRevised2.pdf
Congress reopened --->>>
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell does Amanda Proctor's sister know about gaming to be sworn in on the Gaming Board? That gal Amanda whined her way into a job with the Nation and it took less than what? -- six months for her family to start piling on? This gaming board position is nearly an $18,000 a year with benefits, for a part time job where these people meet once a month. Standing Bear hired Amanda Proctor to handle the Osage LLC and Carol Leese situation. Do you hear or read anything about that despite a reported amount going out for her fees being billed to the Osage Nation that is shocking and outrageous even to certain members of the Osage Nation government who are in a position to know what they are talking about? Attorneys like this were supposed to be replaced by the office of the Attorney General who was to handle such investigations and prosecutions. What the hell happened to that concept with probably hundreds of thousands of dollars going out for these independent attorneys since the first AG took office? Why don't we get transparency on these costs and the billing receipts to the Nation for all the attorneys who are still independently hired by the Osage Nation government? BUH to all of them who are getting rich on our money that is not going to benefit us. May they all choke on it and sooner rather than later.
Shes there for a reason. Good for her. Amanda thank you for all that you have done.
DeleteWhat reason?
DeleteNo matter what it costs us?
DeleteThere is always a reason...I can't say..the board is in trouble with her on it..do you get my drift..I see whats going on..
DeleteThe board is in no trouble. They've deflected all of the problems onto Leese and others, even for on-going fraud against the feds and the ON by the board. No board members have been named in any lawsuit but the boards are the actual manager of OLLC, Tallgrass and the other companies.
DeleteKey words in this phrase are "the boards are the actual manager of OLLC." The Chief has no place and no business attempting to micromanage this situation away from the Osages on that Board who were and are still responsible with that Procter gal he has on the payroll for big bucks. Where is the AG and why hasn't she begun an independent investigation of her own? Chief knows the AG is supposed to be handling the legal end of things for the Osage Nation, not outside independent attorneys that can be controlled. Chief is way out of bounds on this big time. Get those Osages responsible for this $19 million buck loss and hold their feet to the fire as soon as humanly possible. Where are the depositions and where is this case that is being so long and drawn out like the 5 Man Board case still years in the Osage Court? Why are we even paying these Justices? The length of these court processes is worse than the State and Federal Courts who have thousands and thousands of cases year in and year out. WHERE are we on these two cases and WHEN are the Osage people going to see Justice at work in the Osage Judicial Branch? At least the Osage Congress can move forward with justice and did so where Chief Red Eagle was concerned in a timely manner. Why are these Justices sitting on their hands and when are they going to do what they are being paid to do and way more than they should be? This whole new Osage democracy form of government is such a scandalous demoralizing scam. We should all file charges against the licenses of all of the them in the Supreme Court of the State of Oklahoma and have their licenses for this play house of Justice in the Osage Nation.
DeleteWTH does meat packing solutions have to do with gaming? When are they going to put qualified people on these boards and not relatives of those the Chief thinks is pretty? SOOOOOOOOO CRAZY............................
Yes but she'll do like she's told.
DeleteAnd smile and smile all the way to the bank while she's doing it. A sweet $17-18K for one meeting a month plus travel expenses. Nice work if you can get it. How many Osage children all over the land will have to do without because she is getting paid so much from the Osage Nation for so little work involved?
Delete"Standing Bear said he would like “... the present structure is becoming old and dilapidated, nevertheless, Tulsa casino provides nearly 45 percent of our gaming revenue.”
ReplyDeleteLiar liar pants on fire. You total s***b**! That building is only 11 years old. You are as big a manipulator as Jim Gray, if not worse. Get out of town!
Lol, sorry but the truth is Standing Bear we cant wait to get you out.
DeleteI so way agree. The jerk.
Does this make any sense at all to you?
ReplyDelete"ON Treasurer Callie Catcher signed an affidavit on Dec. 22, stating, “Regarding the original FY2016 tribally funded budget submissions by the Executive Branch, the total of the original submissions was $40,351,808 which includes the Scholarships, Health Benefit and Burial Assistance budgets submitted by Executive Branch. The FY16 tribal revenue projection, approved by the Appropriations Committee, was $43,775,000; therefore, the Executive branch tribally funded budget requests did not exceed revenue projections.”"
So it looks like the Executive Branch gets $40.3 + million and the rest of the government gets $3.5 + or - million? How much of the Executive Branch budget goes to bloated salaries for grossly overpaid employees who never answer the phone or return a phone call? When is the Chief going to get this mess in hand before he pays anyone another dime above what they're getting right now?
Good post. I agree.
ReplyDeleteHere is the best reason why the Osage Nation in any capacity whatsoever has NO BUSINESS running the Mineral Estate. Remember the land into trust applications that were supposed to be handled years ago?
On the call for the Special Session of the Osage Congress on January 20th, it says this on the agenda:
7. Approval of fee-to-trust applications on Skiatook, Airpark Tulsa, back 75 (Tulsa), Bartlesville and Pawhuska parcels.
These parcels of land were supposed to be placed in trust years and years ago! If these applications aren't accepted by the BIA, the door closes on three of our casinos, one of which has been improved with a hotel. Don't you think that such expansion would have been prudent to have taken place WELL AFTER Skiatook had been placed in Trust by the BIA? I heard years ago that they had someone that they had paid a small fortune to to get these parcels into Trust and the applications were SUBAR and sent back to the Osage Nation to start over. This depth of incompetence is the rule and not the exception. Shareholders, don't you let the Osage Nation government come within a county mile of our minerals estate business! No wonder they are trashing out the Minerals Council and the BIA every chance they get. They could lose three of the casinos they now have in operation today. How could these people be so incredibly stupid? They have no guarantee whatsoever that these casinos will even be accepted for Trust status at this point in time. If the BIA refuses to accept these casinos into trust, they will be lost as a stream of revenue for the Osage Nation government. And the Chief does everything he can to alienate the Bureau every single day and that says nothing for what the rest of them are doing too. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!
I heard just today the Nation is for sure trying to buy the Ted Turner properties holdings in the Osage. The price tag on this is somewhere in the neighborhood of $40 to $50 million dollars. With what collateral? Where are they going to get a bank to loan them that kind of money at terms that are even close to favorable? Crazy as bed bugs these Osages in the political class.
DeleteBTW, it was Kugee who was the ball runner and carried it over the goal line on Skiatook from start to finish. Kugee needs to be back benched in the coming election to his shop for his participation in improving that casino with a hotel if the truth is that the Skiatook Osage Casino property isn't yet held in trust by the BIA.
On one of the Facebook pages out there, Shannon Edwards has just put this up in the last hour -- in part -- about a property purchase on the Congressional Special Session Agenda and I think this is confirmation:
Delete"It lists discussion and possible action on property purchase. At a public meeting in Hominy he identified his purchase priority as 43,000 acres offered by sealed bid auction." She wants us to let her know if we think the Nation should get a loan to buy this property. I heard recently that the price tag is $56 MILLION not $50.
My answer to her question is NO!
Contact her at sedwards @ osagenation-nsn.gov
Remember to close up the spaces in the above e-mail address.
Hell, contact them all at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/contact
Land is going for a much higher price per acre than this so I'd say the cost number is being underreported. It's probably closer to $86 million to $90 million. Where are we going to get jack like that from the bank and the money to pay the debt service with $24K left in the Osage Nation Treasury? Not feasible to carry this much debt but the "emotionalists" with the overall maturity of a gnat without the intellectual self-discipline to think it through will say we need to buy our reservation back at any price. The land is reported to be somewhere between Hominy and Grayhorse. I can see them all queuing up with emotional temperatures already flaring above 103 degrees before they know anything about it or what such an acquisition will even cost us to have to try and fund.
DeleteExample: Bourbon "K." Hamilton wrote this remark:
"I will not vote for any congress members who do not support this purchase."
No wonder he was the one chosen to play the part of the Cigar Store Indian for the Osage, LLC.
it's Berbon "R." you gnatwit
DeleteMore telling is the comment of Wilson Pipestem:
Delete"Absolutely support the reacquisition of surface lands located within the boundaries of the Osage Reservation!"
Isn't he supposed to be smart enough to ask questions first and then make comments? Big Washington D.C. Indian Lobbyist my foot! Even Jim Gray, of all people, has his reservations about going forward.
FYI The casinos located at Tulsa, Skiatook and Ponca City are in trust status. The land being proposed to be placed in trust is not now being used for gaming. And for the record I never supported hotels and c-stores at Skiatook and Ponca City. I thought they would be poor investments and, in my opinion, they have been. Kugee
DeleteThank you for setting the record straight on Skiatook and Ponca City and for clarifying the trust status of the three casinos.
DeleteThank you kugee.
DeleteThe "Non-Political" Osages are having another day in the sun:
ReplyDeleteThe Northern California Osage Spring Election and Wedding Project Osage Gathering 2016 will be held Saturday May 14th, 9:30am-6pm in Petaluma, California.
Why don't we make this meeting about our Reality today facing the Shareholders. Lets get real here..
DeleteThere's a new resolution to transfer assets from OLLC to Tallgrass.
ReplyDeleteONCR 16-09 https://www.dropbox.com/s/zg1vkq6cmsjg5vh/ONCR%2016-09%20ORIGINAL.pdf?dl=0
The fourth whereas clause beginning at line 31 is a false statement. OLLC does not currently have a board of directors. All five men shown on the company website were appointed to the Tallgrass board months ago leaving OLLC without a board. ON law does not permit a person to serve on two boards at the same time, so there is a board over a company without assets and no board for the original company.
Why don't the high priced attorneys they keep hiring catch these things?
By Executive Proclamation, Congress will convene the 10th Special Session on Wednesday, January 20th, at 2 P.M.
ReplyDeleteSee https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/congress-convene-10th-special-session-amended-agenda
This meeting is in the afternoon to accommodate the MC meeting in the morning at 10 a.m. in the same location. See http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2015/12/osage-shareholder-matters-january-2016.html
DeleteMeeting is in Executive Committee Meeting of the whole. They should be back to conclude following the discussion:
Services to the Osage people will be impacted if the land purchase goes forward. Read under CAnn Norris's post listing a comment in detail by Shannon Edwards on the Facebook page over here --->>>
These as*es go forward without a proper and professional appraisal of this property, I am going to turn the Osage Nation in to the NIGC with a complaint that our money should not be used for stupid real estate purchases when our scholarship program and healthcare programs, especially for the elderly will be harmed by going ahead with such a foolish idea. Ted Turner land can go to someone else if we all have to suffer while all those employees are using up $15 million to $20 million of our money in salary and benefits a year with bonuses and raises and who knows what all else. This money is supposed to be used on us and for us as the members of the Osage Nation, not some buffalo ranch or farm or whatever they plan to call it. This is wrong and they know it and we know it. Walk away and get down to taking care of the Osage people who have little enough after you eat up everything else in sight. Shameful even to consider such a stupid plan.
What we should be asking is how is this purchase with our money going to make promote economic growth? The vitality of this purchase? In other words how will the people benefit? We know one thing Government likes tok to spend what they don't have and waste is abundant. What if any Policies will be affected in the long run by this purchase? We have cut back on other viable programs which in my opinion, tells me that we don't have the collateral to do so..we are possibly heading for bad times and the revenue will be affected and banks will not be lending and if they do at what percentage the interest..? A Buffalo Ranch so the Government can get subsidies from another Government is called welfare..and if you do the research there's no money made on this pet project..if that is the case.Study the impact of western cattle grazing.
DeleteDay 2 of the SS --->>>
ReplyDeleteWTH is Kugee up to with sponsoring a bill to appropriate a sum of money that is stated in a sealed document? This bill is ONCA 16-24. Since when does the Osage Nation Congress appropriate money with amounts that are hidden from the Osage people? This is total crap!!! We don't even have any idea what this appropriation is for, how much it is and who will benefit from it.
This is a first, people and we need to get to the botttom of this one before that Congress starts using sealed documents to hide money they are spending from us that we wouldn't approve of and more important, from the NIGC and the NIGA that regulates how our money is to be spent. I cannot emphasize how bad a precedent this is for the future fiscal health of the Osage Nation government. You unseal this document Kugee or don't even think of appropriating a dime! Is this for your baby Tallgrass or is it for that crazy idea of trying to purchase that land that has come up for bid. We Have The Right To Know What You Are Spending Our Money On Every Time You Make An Appropriation And For HOW MUCH. While we're at it, why was Shannon Edwards making the claim in Session yesterday that that the Congress was going into Executive Session and would be talking about non-propietary matters? This is illegal as hell and they all voted for it with the exception of Edwards who was there and Buffalohead and Shaw who were not. Buffalohead's chair is empty again today. What are we paying these people for who can't even bother to show up to conduct our business?
If you are going to go to the trouble to reply to a post, let me make this crystal clear: Click on the reply link below the last comment in that thread or your comment will be deleted! Just do it!
DeleteThis sealed document "A" may have to do with the loan amount and financing for the Tulsa casino expansion plan. I'm not sure but that would be my guess.
DeleteOK! Sorry. I will pay attention next time.
DeleteBack in session and are on appropriating an additional $20 MILLION for that damn land purchase. Edwards got up and involked the stratgeic plan with it in hand. Said she couldn't vote for it because it will harm benefits to the people for 7 to 10 years into the future. What for? An emotional purchase is right. This needs to be a business decision not an emotional one. You do this without even the benefit of a professional appraisal and I will hound you till election day should you choose to run for office again and that includes you Maria Whitehorn. You too Kugee and all the rest of you who voted for ONCA 16-24 today. All but Buffalohead and Edwards voted to buy this land to the harm of the benefits of the Osage people and Buffalohead only because she wasn't there. Stupid stupid stupid all over again because they listen to those who run on emotions and never ever think things through because they don't know how. Atrocious!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteDumber than cat dirt... Heavy lifting, my foot! Kugee, this time, you've got as stupid as it gets. What makes you numb nut idiots think this sale is even legitimate? For all you know, this sale could be structured to see if you will take the bait and in the doing, throw the benefits to the membership under the bus as proof of your childishness in being comptetently able to manage the affairs of the Osage Nation, especially where it involves the operation and running of the Osage Mineral Estate. So devoid of being able to reason things through properly from a business standpoint. Kugee, you've got no excuse whatsoever. May this decision you've made today live infamy and destroy your chances of ever being reelected again!
DeleteYou should be able to see the video of this insane vote to purchase this land until tomorrow morning when it will be replaced with the new video for the session day meeting tomorrow at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/multimedia/live-media
Vote them all out including the Chief
DeleteYes! I agree. Even if land can be purchased for economic development as part of what is acceptable to the NIGC, where is the business plan that should be available in advance for such a purchase with figures on the expected return on investment and how it will balance out the debt service so that we don't have even more losses as a result of the continued abominable business decisions of the elected officials of this Osage Nation governmment? Edwards said she had no information on the finanacing of this land purchase whatsoever and no appraisal on the land! They just keep repeating their stupid cycle of irresponsible behavior over and over again!
DeleteDumber than cat dirt... That seems to be a step up from your previous comment that the Congress collectively doesn't have the brains of a gnat. Please be advised that all the above comments are from one lonely individual who is posting and answering her self. Actually, there is overwhelming support here for increasing our land base. Kugee
DeleteReally? That "lonely" individual got a phone call from me within 2 minutes of the vote, Kugee, and I'm right here in the Osage and I am just as horrified and disgusted about this land bid when you damn well know that we don't have the money to pay for this purchase especially when Shannon Edwards made the representation RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU that the benefits to all of the Osage members will be diminished as a result for many years to come. You used to be for the people or so you've always said. I'm not so sure these days with the spending you are advocating for lately. Who on this planet has the time to be lonely while keeping tabs on you crazy maggots and bed bugs in the Osage Nation government preying on every dime of the Osage people's money? You are so off the mark and so deluded by you own sense of grandeur that it isn't even funny. How dare you suggest that there is overwhelming support when not one of those people know enough to ask for a business plan where this purchase by the Osage Nation is concerned. A plan that would provide the members of the Congress with information about whether or not it's wise to make this purchase and what its return on investment is anticipated to be. What about the information Edwards provided about the spending priorities in the Strategic Plan? You and the other members of the Congress are in place to make sure this is a wise investment and proper use of the Osage people's money and not another venture that will fail, with the only return we can ever hope to realize is 43,000 acres filled with buffalo pies dotting the landscape! Retire why don't you and move aside for others who can be effective in protecting our money from a continual series of emotional impulse purchases and voracious spending on the part of the elected officials of the Osage Nation government, you included. I take large issue with you running down someone who is more selfless and self-sacrificing than you could ever EVER hope to be, you hopeless Jacka**!
DeleteI think we need to lower the temperature a bit...
DeleteWhen has this ever not applied to the Osage Nation government?
Add this too:
What is this? Bash and trash Kugee week? Get over it!
DeleteI have no problem with someone who is rude and controlling and would I be the first to shut him dowm in a heartbeat I am one tough cookie let him try. Quick with wit..and you fight fire with fire. No one deserves to be treated as such and should be treated equally. This attitude comes from entitlement, respect is earned not a given..and to pretend you know everything when in fact the house of cards will come crashing because once again the diligence was not done? You have him to thank personally right..I see the hand at play..and playing with our money is not a game..Kugee lets get on the Ballot a Per-Cap out to the Osage..its comin whether you lije it or not.
DeleteTo poster 10:12 am the truth hurts. You get over it..It is good to hear that political correctness does not apply when it comes to a few who disagree and says the truth..the ellections are right around the corner right..time to end the career spending. And put the interest of the constituents first.
DeleteThe truth is that this guy you like so much is now fronting two business ventures by sponsoring legislation with no possible hope of success. It takes my breath away that he would be doing this when he knows that the head of that Tallgrass board wants between 5 and 10 million dollars and from what was said in session yesterday, another 20 million bucks is to be transferred to the Osage Nation Treasury direct from gaming. If all this money is coming from gaming within the next month or so, it could imperil our entire gaming operation. The man running things these days as CEO isn't Bill Leonhart or CFO Richard Lobdell who have years and years of outside gaming experience. The CEO in place now is the Chief's son-in-law. If either Leonhart or Lobdell were in place today, they would never authorize the transfer of this much cash from the gaming operation and if pressed, they would likely file a cease and desist, injunction or interference lawsuit of some kind in Osage Nation Trial Court. There is no way this kind of transfer of cash assets from gaming to the Osage Nation Treasury should be taking place and you can't tell me this won't be taking a chance that it will imperil the entire gaming operation plus the huge loan that it will take to buy that land on top of that. The man in the Osage Nation Congress who is fronting both of these operations is Kugee Supernaw. If someone else was doing this, it would surprise me if he wouldn't be putting out an emergency communication to all Osages to try and stop a transfer like this from ever taking place. I don't know what's going on here but I've got a gut feeling that this is seriously wrong on many levels and for many good reasons.
DeleteBuying this land seems to me to be an Osage oriented ego trip more than anything else. Always a bad motivation for taking of any business decision.
DeleteAlways a bad motivation for the taking of any business decision. Sorry.
DeleteEgo trip? No. Egomania. Yes.
DeleteIf all the Drummonds and the Kanes were to up and sell their lands would the Osage political class be running after that too to empty all of the cash for operating expenses and advertising costs and what all else until there was no money left? You Betcha!
These people taking these decisions are proving themselves to be just as bad or seriously worse than the ones who voted to fund the lawsuit that lost us the reservation. Even Jim Gray has expressed concern about this land purchase and those in office now are supposed to be far better than in his day. All these OC Osages want this purchase to take place but remember, these are the same people who approved of and were behind that tax commission lawsuit too. They want something on an emotional basis and they can't move beyond the feeling to think things through enough to make a good decision. When this kind of thing happens, the elected officials of the Osage Nation are supposed to be there to keep the government viable financially and free from making bad emotional business decisions. They're there to protect the Nation from those who can't think things through properly and they are not there to be influenced by emotional Osage constituents to get or keep a vote in the next election.
Throw the name Neil Cornelius into the mix as CEO too. He would never have let transfers like this take place especially after the amount for government funding had been agreed upon and sent over to the Osage Treasury. We think we want Osages to run things until situations like this arise and then it becomes clear that it's never a good idea. You trash out Harvard and their idea about complete distancing from the influence of the Tribal government and then they are proven to be right every time. Tribal people are too socially influenced by one another's opinions to be able to make sound business decisions and when they prevail, their business structures are threatened and eventually destroyed. The trick is getting honest and ethical outside people to run these business operations with the strength to enforce their autonomy as a business entity. There is a shortage of people like this in Indian Country and it's a huge problem. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
DeleteJust bad all arround period. Cronyism at it's best will have a price what goes around the merry go round will come at the expense of the constituency until and only until there eyes are wide open to the shenanigans of loopholes..it is a conflict of interest to hire a family member and putting them i a position of such regard..
DeleteI heard the money is coming from the permanent fund. This money in this fund is supposed to pay for direct services only for the members not land or other real estate purchases. Does anyone know if this is true?
DeleteTed Turner pays $15 million in 2001 and we pay $75 million fifteen years later, at least $10.5 million more than we should pay? I don't think so. Once again, and again and again, the egocentric Osage County Osages who think nothing of the children and elders who will go without so the "Big Osages" can satisfy their embarrassing ego and throw the rest of us under the bus to be the biggest landowner in Osage County.
Since the membership has to suffer with a loss of benefits for the next 7 years, not that those Osages who work in that stupid Osage Nation government will lose their merit pay raises and bonuses, mind you, Ted Turner should be ashamed to even think of accepting a bid from us in the first place. So rank and raunchy it smells to high heaven.
DeleteNo surprise that Raymond Redcorn is behind this acquisition. He and Anthony Shakelford were behind the Osage, LLC despite the outcry from the membership who had done their homework and tried to present it to members of the Osage Congress at the time to no avail.
DeleteWe should be protesting in front of the Government offices.
DeleteEspecially because they will pay the "Osage Price." So foolish to throw our money around like this. If we had a real estate agent who could make these deals for us in a blind transaction like the Disney Corporation when they buy land.
DeleteWith a last reported $24,000 in the Treasury and I'm going to take this for Bible information, here we go again with the spending --->>>
Wheres the 20000000 coming from?
DeleteGov Ops is meeting now at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/multimedia/live-media
ReplyDeleteTalking about the land into trust applications.
Kugee is sharing about the cost for the casinos land into trust applications that are currently in trust and that debacle which cost us about $400,000!
DeleteIt looks like they are wanting a whopping $406K for the new land into trust applications? What could possibly cost this much money? 40% of the total budget to run the entire Osage government prior to the Osage Nation take over less than ten years ago?
DeleteIn recess.
DeleteBack live and exempting the $406,000 money from being counted in the overall total of some kind. The projected revenue total perhaps? Exempt money for this, found more money for that. Why not? Who cares who is adding up the figures, they'll just change them every chance they get. Game over. Meeting over.
DeleteFYI The debacle was not on the lands now in trust, it was on the so far failed attempt to place some other lands in trust. This has been placed in the hands of a new team and we are hoping that they will be successful. There apparently is very little of the money previously spent that can be salvaged. Kugee
DeleteWho couldn't have guessed the money previously spent was wasted? The ON has a long history of hiring incompetent attorneys and repeating mistakes.
DeleteThe meaning of insanity is doing the same thing over again does not bode well for the Constituency. Could of, would have, should excuse is what will not be accepted as the precedent Kugee..
DeleteTHIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR INTERIOR DESIGN FOR THE SUPERINTENDENT'S HOUSE? What the right living hell is this appropriation about in the Appropriation Committee? How the Nation could benefit? How you people who live in Pawhuska will benefit, don't you mean?
Bank 4th floor renovation remodel? Is livable so why are we throwing money at it? TEMPLATE? MY FOOT! Sickening this outlandish spending every time they get together. Some idea of the cost for the other floors? Congress's input on the purchase of the bank building was NONE? and now they want $37,400 for professional fees only to renovate one floor and get the money from the Osage Congress therefore from the Osage people who had no representative voice in the purchase of the bank building? GO GET YOUR MONEY FROM THE FOUNDATION OR RAISE THE MONEY YOURSELF RAYMOND REDCORN. GO FISH WITH YOUR NATIONAL REGISTRATION OF HISTORIC PLACES AND ALL RENOVATION DONE WITHOUT REFERENCE TO THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OF THE INTERIOR OF THE BUILDING ITSELF WITH NO GUIDELINES AND RAYMOND REDCORN WON'T TELL EDWARDS WHAT THOSE GUIDELINES ARE YET CLAIMS TO BE AN EXPERT. WHAT'S NEW? You crazy little bed bug ray-ray, GTHO and hit the road with your insane spending. GO TEMPLATE YOURSELF RAYMOND!
If and when posted, listen in again:
...professional fees alone to renovate...
DeleteRay-ray needs a "template" for more spending on other floors? Hahahahahaha! We need a template on how to keep him from being re-elected to Osage Nation office ever again. That's what's really needed in the here and now!
I'll second that.
DeleteYou're right!!!!! You gotta listen to this one. It's up online now. Ray-ray is right there to end-run every impulse spending purchase they have for review by the committee.
DeleteYou owe it to yourself to listen to the Comm Econ discussion on ONCR 16-09 to transfer assets of OLLC to TED. Kugee criticizes the lease as being too expensive, long term and in the wrong place, but it is to be transferred to TED. There is also discussion of breaking the lease. Why transfer it if there is intent to break the lease and damage the name of TED?
ReplyDeleteKugee also states for the record that if the ON doesn't put money in then they will sit down there and run out of money. It doesn't matter if the name is OLLC or TED, that problem remains.
One of the stated reasons for moving the good assets out of OLLC is anticipated lawsuits. These assets won't be protected if such action is taken, and any assets of TED can be attached as part of a judgment.
It is also claimed that "Osage LLC is no longer in operation" and the TED board is "serving both capacities" (TED and OLLC) but "not being paid twice".
This session also makes clear that the OLLC board has made no formal motion to transfer the assets and that it is at the direction of the Chief. There is a potential for additional costs to be incurred after legislation is passed in March.
Kugee states he is uncertain about giving more money to this LLC, but a cash infusion will be necessary to keep it going. The TED board stated last September that if the ON isn't willing to invest millions then the best thing to do would be to shut it down.
The resolution has been moved forward with a "do pass" recommendation when there are questions remaining that only the board can answer.
Good. Thank you. I'm so glad that someone is paying close attention. Kugee looks to be on the wrong side of everything these days doesn't he?
DeleteGet rid of this Harvard pyramid scheme business model and start spending money to open businesses in Osage County to put Osages to work. Just imagine if $19,000,000 had been spent in the county to open businesses in the local area how much better things would be now. This global initiative idea is crap. It was crap then and it's crap now and it always will be.
DeleteI agree with your statement..
DeleteNo bills on today's agenda but plenty being discussed in Special Session at https://www.dropbox.com/s/vz3wuowcy0khjl2/DAY3A_1-22-16_10SS.pdf?dl=0
ReplyDeletePart I is up online and ready to go --->>>
Congressional Committee of the whole on keeping the session open till Wednesday of next week. Agreement and they are adjourned until Wednesday next.
DeleteSpecial Session is live now.
ReplyDeleteShannon Edward's chair is empty and so is Ron Shaw's. Recess to the call of the Speaker for a Heath and SS Committee Meeting.
DeleteCongress should be back in session at 1:00 p.m.
DeleteUpon return, they voted for the legislation for the ill advised PBA contract for processing healthcare billing into being for a year. The AG, Holly Wells, raised a number of large issues with this company's contract with the Nation, especially about the limited waiver of sovereignty.
So I guess if things don't go well and they never do, we'll be in Court in Jackson County, Missouri as a result of this PBA contact. We are now losing $70K a month since last October because we have no way to process billing. Wasn't this thought out before Congressman Ron Shaw ran this damn health compact thing through before it was even near ready. Before you open the doors, you had better be sure you can bill the insurance companies. I don't know of too many who operate on a cash basis. So Shaw, you're responsible for the loss of over a quarter of a million dollars along with the other members of Congress who voted through the legislation and that includes you too Chief for not making sure all the pieces of this new health care system where in place and ready to go before you opened for business. DUH! "What are we going to do about getting our money from Medicare and the insurance companies with a system in place for billing them? Upstart health program is right. Here's part of your per cap lost and gone with the wind, as usual. If we added up all the money this new government is responsible for losing since 2006, the total amount would be dumbfounding.
DeleteGood post the truth be known Chief get that per-cap on the Ballot and get a Chief that will support such a good deed,end the waist in our Government. Our Government will never be to big to fail as it has failed the Constituents in so many ways so shall we the Constituents will have there way.
DeleteElection Debate Information:
Health and SS Committee Meeting is live.
ReplyDeleteAG has a problem with hiring and allowing another company --PBA-- to act with a power of attorney for the Nation. She has a laundry list of objections and issues associated with going forward with a contract with terms and conditions that are so unfavorable to the Osage Nation. What is this now? I don't care who works with the Creeks or any other Tribal government. These issues are substantial and should be considered seriously before we get into another mess.
DeleteUrgency urgency urgency. When does the Osage Nation ever plan appropriately out front so they are not always rushed into these long term costly decisions with contracts?
DeleteNo proper competitive bidding on this contract and end up losing $75,000 a month as a result? PBA won't budge on waiver of sovereignty? Did the Creeks ever work with Chief Standing Bear before he was elected? Again, people, you need to listen to this one too.
DeleteThis sounds bogus as hell as usual and the AG says she doesn't want a bad precedent set.
DeletePDA company to contract for us possibly 50 or more times with separate contracts and waive sovereign immunity in every instance. Wait just a minute here...
DeletePBA not PDA. 100 Health contracts involved?
DeletePBA will authorize those contracts with a power of attorney and the Osage Nation decision making is totally out of the loop? No way!
DeleteHere goes our health care program... Just like I knew it would.
DeleteGood for the AG in trying to protect our interests from the standpoint of sovereignty! Thank God we have at least one on the payroll at the Osage Nation who is on the ball however, Terry Mason Moore will be looking at the contracts for health going forward. A yes person for the Chief who now says the AG department is overstretched? Hahahahaha. Sounds like Holly Wells is standing in the way of what the Chief wants so he takes this responsibility away from the AG and gives it to Terry Mason Moore who is known to be a team player no matter what.
DeletePBA won't agree to amend the contract as to sovereign immunity. AG says such a waiver in this case is a bad idea.
DeleteCommittee meeting has concluded.
DeleteAccording to the Facebook page of the Osage News, the Osage Nation won the bid to buy the land from Ted Turner. There goes the neighborhood or what little was available in benefits to the membership. Some say those benefits are overfunded and there may be some truth to that for 2016. As for 2017, that remains to be seen. Ted should be astute enough to know that we don't have enough money to buy the property without doing the Osage people harm due to the loss of benefits for the elders, the young and those who are seeking higher education at the college and university level. It's a trade off and one he should be socially responsible enough to see is the wrong one for the Osage Indians this government is supposed to protect and further economically from the standpoint of upward mobility. I guess the only jobs available will be to muck out the fields when the bison pass by. Just in case you didn't know, all those of you who are a party to this transaction, we're living things too, you sh**h**ds!
ReplyDeleteWhat a farce. Get Standing Bear ouf of his chair now!
DeleteRaymond Redcorn is the point man on this deal so you might consider both of them come the 2018 election cycle.
Delete"There are steps remaining in the process, and rumors will circulate. We will share official information with the Osage people and the general public as our agreement with Mr. Turner's organization permits," Red Corn said.
DeleteMore self-service from this self-serving sham of an Osage government?
DeleteSo we win the Highest bid for Turners property, time to go to court to have the purchasing 8bid exposed..this isn't the Government's money, its our money..who are the Osages excited from Calif, to Texas..that are ecited over this purcahse? Time ti go to Court! We deserve a Government who promises transparency and this big secret does not hode well with this Osage who are you kidding Osage News?
DeleteYeah, but will they still be cheering when the elders, the young ones and the college and university students lose their funding as a result of a real debt commitment with the "big boys" that we can hardly hope to manage with our tawdry and incompetent track record in business. Things won't change because the government players won't change and the only thing they are capable of is failure as has been so painfully evident in the past. Looking to see a lot more than buffalo pies in the future. With the first hard winter, it will be buffalo carcasses littering the landscape and no "entitled' Osage government employee who will even lift a finger to shift them. Ghastly in the extreme!
Heard the bid was $74 million. That doesn't include the bison. In negotiations to purchase them.
DeleteYep. that's what I heard too. About $9.5 million higher than the next highest bid. Money we could have used to fund a lot of benefits for the Nation's membership.
DeleteGet real. If they hadn't wasted the extra $9.5 million on buying Turner's land then they'd have given it to TED LLC or done something else just as foolish.
DeleteNo, that's not true. They would have had the money earmarked for the people's benefits but now they won't have it available come 2017 and 2018 unless they rob from the Casinos or get into the permanent fund that is supposed to be spent only on direct services to the Osage people. It changes every time you ask a different person in government or who used to be in government. Last I heard, the money is supposed to be parked and used as collateral for the growing number of loans the Nation has so far. It's a purchase we can't afford and come election time for next Chief, it will be a train wreck by then that hopefully will remove Standing Bear from office for overextending us in this way. Popular isn't prudent if we can't afford it and that's what's the Osage Nation Congress is supposed to be there for to make the hard decisions to keep us out of financial trouble. These officials are as weak as a reed in the wind if it's something they want to do especially if it involves the ego. They are considered to be the biggest fools and fatheads inside and outside Osage County but still they keep making these stupid impulse buying decisions on that basis alone. Taxes on the land they hold now will be through the ceiling and as usual they know nothing about much of anything and certainly not a thing about what it takes to ranch buffalo. Soon and they will probably wind up losing the herd. If Turner has a lick of sense and really cares anything about those animals, he should't let the Osages come within a 1000 miles of them. Remember that hydroponics aquaponics pilot program where they dropped 90K? The word was on the street that the fish all died in fairly short order and the whole thing was a failure within a few months.
Another ploy to get the money out of the people's hands and into the hands of those who work for the Osage Nation government. Theft Central -- of our money -- if you want my name for it.
DeleteYep and this is why we must vote we get our share of the royalties in a form of a Per-cap from the Casino's and we must be vigilant in our choice of Chief. Get the cronyism out.
DeleteNow this is fiscal responsibility:
DeleteBefore voting “no”, Edwards said: “At a different price and under different circumstances, I could support an offer to purchase this land, however I cannot vote to spend the people’s funds in the amount authorized today for this land without an appraisal, which I asked for but did not receive, or other evidence of financial planning and documentation.”
How does that nitwit Congress approve bid purchases like this without the necessary information to make a responsible decision. Edwards did the right thing here people no matter how unpopular her vote may have been.
I brought that up to..you have to read it before you know whats in it! Blind faith with our money.
DeleteNo. Blind idiocy and the membership will ultimately suffer due to the loss of benefits.
DeleteVisions of Jim Gray --->>>
Osage News reports on Jan. 29th:
Delete"This afternoon the Osage Nation Supreme Court convened at the tribal courthouse in Pawhuska to hear oral arguments in the declaratory judgement case Standing Bear v. Whitehorn, which is the lawsuit that was filed against the Fourth ON Congress by the Principal Chief for alleged Constitutional violations."
Didn't they already spend about $400K on these same land into trust applications already and now they want $406K more?
Election Information -->>>
So we have to waive sovereign immunity to get a loan to purchase the ranch? Does anyone know if all of the loans the Nation has acquired, have immunity waived on them too??
ReplyDeleteThe Government is not sovereign thats why, the Osage people are sovereign. Not just that would you loan someone who hides behind sovereignty for protection from prosecution if you reneg on a loan? No.
DeleteThe Osage Nation doesn't need sovereignty for protection. It has a solid reputation for not honoring judgments against it even when found to be in the wrong by a court having jurisdiction in the matter. Only a fool would enter into a contract with the ON or one of its businesses.
DeleteAnother Special Session called by the Chief for more spending and additional manipulation of the Election Regulations and Code?
What's so urgent that it can't be taken up in the regular session taken up in March?
Those fancy published directory books that went out recently gives you the basic overview of the bureaucracy of the Osage Nation that costs us $15 million to $20 million a year in salaries and benefits. Go through each page and ask yourselves if the program you're looking at on the page will in any way benefit you as a member of the Osage Nation. They could have sent this out with a coil binding like the Osage Nation Constitution but I'm certain that would never have satisfied the overinflated egos of the elected political class of the Osage Nation. They are crashing and burning with nothing up ahead of them but but scorched but does the out of control spending continue? Are they even paying attention to the numbers? Do they even really care about the future of the Osage people or of the Osage Nation government as indicated by the way they throw money around despite all efforts to caution them to stop what they are doing or demand that they do where spending and manipulation of the real money amounts they actually have to work with? Print this comment out and read it right before you enter the election booth or fill out your absentee ballot and refer to it for those who are in office now who want to be reelected this June.
DeleteThe new directory makes no mention of the boards and commissions with only gaming mentioned, I believe. Millions of our dollars are spent here and on study groups and other Tribally funded outflows that we know nothing about. We don't get to see line items in bills for each program, division and so on or budget justifications or really anything to support the spending they make all the time. The only crack you'll get at finding out what is being spent is in the committee meetings when the spending items are discussed. Raymond is there oftening threatening the Committee members with lawsuits if they make any changes despite the Constitutional mandate keep the bottom line at projected income. This number floats up and down and we really need to coalesce and get the AG to seriously look at spending and the legality of it or the illegality of it. They are now getting into the gaming funds that are for operations and that should not be allowed under any circumstances. Above the $42-43 million that was the agreed upon figure from gaming for fiscal year 2016, Shannon Edwards stated in the session with the vote on the bid for the Turner ranch land that an additional $20 million was coming over from gaming and I think we have the right to know what this money was going to do for the gaming enterprise if it hadn't been sent over. Some are saying it's coming out of the permanent fund but that's a slight of hand if you listen to what Edwards said and she said the $20 million was coming over from gaming.
DeleteRequest them under the open records act.
DeleteGaming is locked down, separate and apart from the Tribal government in the governing business documents. As a member of the Osage Nation, you couldn't get those records even if you had to have them for some really important reason.
DeleteThen we take it to a federal court.
DeleteNope. It's a Tribal matter and will have to be heard in the Osage Nation Court. Good luck with that.
DeleteFundraiser for the Ballet:
Thank you. I felt the same way and shared it.
DeleteLaughable! Will they be so smug when they finally figure out they can't pay for it?
For those with an interest, prayers are being asked for this historic meeting between the Churches of the East and the West.
ReplyDeleteSee http://insidethevatican.com/news/newsflash/letter-11-2016-todays-meeting
For those with an interest in the film, "Bridge on the River Kwai", this is another story of that war saga and one of the best films I have ever seen, "The Railway Man." It's featured on Netflix online and though it's a difficult film to watch, it's theme of redemption and forgiveness is absolutely remarkable.
ReplyDeleteThe new Exec. Branch building makeover is kind of a strange discordant derivative take on 10 Downing Street --->>>
At least they're consistent, the whole of the Osage Nation is kind of a strange discordant derivative take on a Tribal government in general.
DeleteHere's where the recent Supreme Court vacancy gets really scary --->>>
"The Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary (FJC) of the American Bar Association evaluates the professional qualifications of all nominees to the Supreme Court of the United States, circuit courts of appeals, district courts (including territorial district courts) and the Court of International Trade."
"The Committee's peer-review process is structured to achieve impartial evaluations of the integrity, professional competence and judicial temperament of nominees for the federal judiciary."
Then take a look at the appointee for the 10th Circuit --->>>
Yep saw that..this could be good...because we want someone who is knowledgeable in Indain Law and why not get Indian Judge to sit on the SCOTUS.
DeleteIt'll never happen in my lifetime. Maybe yours but right now, we should be concerned whether or not Edwards actually has the depth and level of discernment necessary in order to make such recommendations to kiddy court never mind to the Supreme Court of the United States about the necessary qualifications of a Justice at this level.
DeleteWhy is that attorney Amanda Proctor running around the country going to dance competitions all the time instead of working on the Carol Leese case to bring justice for the Osage people? We deserve to know what's going on with the loss of $19 million dollars of the people's money and not hold off, month after month after month, with getting accountability like we are seeing with the horrid and corrupt length of time it's taken to bring Joe Don Mashunkeshey to public justice for making off with $806,000 of Pawhuska Village funds. How much is she being paid with the Osage people's money that she is so flush that she can travel all over the U.S. to dance instead of work on this case?
ReplyDeleteGreat question.
DeleteJoe don should have been banned for what he did shame on him! And what is taking JUSTICE SERVED ON A PLATTER so long?
DeleteRunning out the statute of limitations only gives us the opportunity to have the licenses of every one of those Osage Judges reviewed by the Supreme Court of Oklahoma and bring charges against them for having let it happen. They think they can get away with anything at every level, no matter what or where.
DeleteStatutes of limitations generally start to "run" on the date that crimes are committed. If the applicable time limit expires before criminal proceedings begin, charges should not be filed (it's up to the defendant, however, to raise the problem).
DeleteWe don't want the Osages to have to answer for the consequences of their actions. I daresay no Congress member would be willing to have criminal charges brought against an officially responsible Osage or even file a civil suit against them.
DeleteTo the poster at 12:24 PM. In matters of fraud, Oklahoma statutes start the clock when the fraud first becomes known or should have been known by the discovery of facts giving evidence of it.
Delete5 yrs after discovery on fraud in the State of Oklahoma.
DeleteState of OK doesn't matter here. The U.S. government laws are made a part of the Constitution. We are sovereign as far as the State of OK is concerned and their laws don't apply as far as I know. Correct me if I have this wrong.
DeleteThe cases were filed in a court with jurisdiction under the laws of the State of Oklahoma. Given that the transactions at issue were conducted with non-Indians and not on reservation land, then only state law can govern.
DeleteRegarding sovereignty, the Osage Tribe is a subordinate sovereign of the United States - as is the State of Oklahoma. However, the State of Oklahoma has greater standing than do tribes (even if the tribe has a reservation, which the Osage does not). The 1906 Act dissolved the reservation in preparation for Oklahoma's statehood, and all of the land within the boundaries of the territory were then made subject to the laws of Oklahoma. Law enforcement by tribal police within "Indian Country" in Oklahoma is subject to a cross-deputization program which grants authority by Oklahoma's Attorney General to the officers.
The laws of the State of Oklahoma do apply in other circumstances as well, else there would be no need for the state to approve certain types of gaming at tribal casinos via gaming compacts. Even the federal laws do not trump state laws except for those powers specifically ceded to the federal government in the Constitution of the United States.
Tk u
DeleteThe 12th Special Congressional Session will be starting Tuesday Feb. 23, 2016 --->>>
Just in case this is of any interest --->>>
Interesting disclosures in the Comm Econ session today.
ReplyDeleteFirst, Kugee informed the other members that people who did not work for OLLC had been attending executive sessions where proprietary matters were discussed. It helps to know who actually works for these companies and who are consultants or contractors who OLLC claims as "employees".
Second, Osage Innovative Solutions (called Services in the meeting) was transferred to Tallgrass. The committee doesn't even know who the management of OIS - which there are none. Berbon Hamilton was the only employee of OIS and they let him go some time back. Kim Noble is listed as the General Manager, but she really works for OLLC (or perhaps now TED LLC). OIS is what is known as a shell company - it exists on paper but has no employees or ability to perform work on its own. OPDG is similar, with all of its contracts being performed by Pinnacle Design Group over in Norman.
Third, the ON has purchased Turner's ranch without first having a business plan to operate it, or barring a business plan even a set purpose for its use. The Assistant Chief wants TED LLC to run the ranch, and I can't help but laugh when I think of the disaster that would be. No matter what they choose to do, a sizable appropriation of working capital will need to be contributed. A company called Osage Land LLC has been organized, but as yet has no operating agreement, business plan, or ability to operate. They want people to work for free to develop a plan for a business to put the land to use, which is ass backwards from the way you run a business. It's no wonder the businesses fail.
The most rational comments are those critical of the TED LLC board for not having anything on their resumes to indicate they could run a ranch of such a land mass, and that the LLC has produced nothing as it stands right now with what their expertise is so it wouldn't be a good idea to give them control.
God, I love this Blog! It's amazing what turns up on here. Thank you for your post and continued vigilence in reporting on these Katznjammer Kids who run this so called government! The discussion on the Shareholder side is hoppin hot this week too;
Do I sense a bit of doubt on the part of Ted Turner in this letter to the Chief >>>>>>>>>>>
Hahahahahaha! The buffalo will be dead soon enough and another casino will be built as close to the main road as they can put one. Meanwhile back at the ranch, Teddie gets paid 15 times what he paid for the land back in 2001 and we paid at least nine and a half million more than what it's worth. Good work, Ted. On the backs of Osages who really need this money now more than ever, you win big again!
DeleteMore here too
Buy it two weeks ago and it's on fire already. A fire sale? Hahahahahahaha!
Delete"Bobby Tallchief and his crew of firefighters responded to a 1,500-acre wild land fire on the Bluestem Ranch on Monday."
Seeing is believing! Four Osage children and thousands upon thousands of dollars later to the detriment of all Osage children around the country...
Look at all the fingers in the pie listed at the bottom of this sign!
Osage Nation Resource Directory right at your fingertips: https://www.facebook.com/osagenation/photos/a.755309157812729.1073741828.706989499311362/1154495134560794/?type=3&theater
ReplyDeleteHow much of all this in this puffed up e-book benefits you? Not much unless you live in county. Millions going out for 2,400 members out of 20,000. Miserable!
Delete12th Special Congressional Session tomorrow morning at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/congress-called-12th-special-session
ReplyDeleteSee also https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/sessions
Executive Proclamation is also located at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/sessions
DeleteShort and sweet today with the opener. Some questions as to why the ON Congress is being asked to ratify certain acts that have already been signed into law to secure the Turner land purchase. Very curious and worth following...
DeleteElection Board also wants dates changed for the upcoming election in June of 2016 so this will be worth watching too.
GovOps Committee will take up these issues right after today's session.
GovOps Committee Agenda for today:
Working on the Election bill.
DeleteChange to recount votes of every candidate instead of just the votes of the candidate who brings the action for a recount. DUH! So crooked the way they have it set up now and complaining that it took a day to count one candidate's votes. Get off your dead A**ES and get to work for once in your worthless lives. $500 bucks for this recount so get busy and quit complaining stop making excuses. One candidate may benefit more than the other? Are you for real? Give us a break! All recounts should be a full blown recount. So lazy these people in the election office it's not even to be believed! More weak minded excuses on this issue than I have ever heard on any issue in my life. Go back and listen to yourselves when this tape is posted. If you aren't ashamed of yourselves and embarrased to death, there is something seriously wrong with you!
DeleteWas that Shannon Pease Locket speaking in the CM? Woah!
DeleteWhy would a candidate in the Congressional race expect a recount in the races for Chief and Assistant Chief? So seriously deceiptful and flawed thinking it's really amazing.
DeleteNobody expects another race to be recounted but the one they are running for in the election. Listen to the comments of Pratt and her add to the stupidity that a candidate isn't even an Osage. Hahahahahahahaha! And she got elected to office? There should have been a recount when she was elected. Oh poor election workers that they have to do a hand count for $500.00. Fire all these people and get people in there who aren't afraid of work and working hard. Such an outrage you have got to hear this one when it's on demand. Sickening how they make execuses because they have to do a solid day's work or more. Pathetic and pitiful! Their only deal? Then get to work and shut it or quit, get out and go home and watch soap operas till you starve to death. Grotesque in the outer extreme!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteAnd they wonder why we have so much richly deserved contempt for them.
DeleteNo posting yet on the on demand of this CM segment after lunch where this all plays out. Up to their old tricks again, trying to hide their stupidity from the rest of us so we can't hear them in action. BUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's up now so you can hear it for yourself. Any legitimate election recount should include all of the votes of every single candidate in a particular category. It's called an honest and above board election recount. Apparently this is something these people in the election office have never even heard of in their lives... You have to hear it to believe it!
DeleteSession Day 2 is live now.
ReplyDeleteShannon Edwards is absent two days in a row. Where is she and why don't we get the excuse on the floor of Congress from the Speaker? The Osage people are owed this much at least. It's not fair that these people get paid so much of our money and then they are notoriously absent all the time.
DeleteIn recess and will reconvene at the call of the Speaker.
DeleteRules and Ethic is due to meet now. Agenda is located at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/sites/default/files/event-brochures/Rules%20and%20Ethics%20Committee%20Meeting%20Notice%202-24-16.pdf
ReplyDeleteThe only Rules and Ethics change I want to see is a $150.00 fine for each absence of a member of the Osage Congress unless they dying or dead and that goes for each and every Congressional committee meeting that a particular member of Congress is assigned as a member of that Committtee. I am so done with having to tolerate these absences at the expense of the Osage people and the work these members of the Osage Congress are being paid to do. Who will be strong enough and ethical enough to make such a change and I also want the Speaker to be fined $500.00 if a fine isn't levied and if the Speaker is lax about making sure those fines are exacted and paid in full in 30 calendar days to a special fund set up for exactly this reason in the Osage Nation Treasury. This will put a stop to these absences, you can bet your life on it if these changes are made on behalf of the Osage people.
DeleteIn executive session.
DeletePhrase of the day:
Delete"You are smarter than a box of cat litter."
I heard you call out my name Congressman. You said it about the whole Congress having the brain of a gnat. I didn't. You ought to be in a position to know. We are listening, make no mistake, and hanging on your every word...
OTC suggestion: 5 to 10 mg of Melatonin as a sleep aid works wonders to help you fall and stay asleep at night.
DeleteEngrossing legislation at this time.
DeleteMeeting is adjourned.
DeleteImportant Legislation to be vetted today: GovOps Committee is up next and the Agenda is located at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/sites/default/files/event-brochures/GO-2-24-2016_NoticeRevised2.pdf
ReplyDeleteCM is being broadcast live now at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/multimedia/live-media
DeleteOsage Blog Conversation continues at http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2016/02/conversation-february-2016.html