Very interesting information being disclosed. Worth listening to on demand if you can't catch it now.
Congressman Supernaw has put out a new "Notes to the Nation" with in depth information about the purchase of the Bluestem Ranch. If you wish to receive a copy of this newsletter and others in future, contact Kugee at and he will place you on his e-mail list.
Most informative meeting in a long time, was glad to hear them discuss the beginning process possibilities of new digital technology (whenever the money shows up).
Heard part of the afternoon MC meeting. Toward the end, it was discussed the possibility of two of them stepping down next month (Waller and Talee). Talee says he would like to see a representative from Fairfax step in his place. He also mentioned maybe Joe Cheshewalla follow in the Chairman's place. It was mentioned that this subject of Waller stepping down was briefly discussed in one of their executive meetings. Next Weds. meeting it will be discussed in further detail like voting on it or dismissing it. FOR NOW,IT'S JUST A "DISCUSSION" TO DISCUSS.
Is was just a few minutes ago I read on Osage News (Dec. 14) about a shareholder suing the MC for "not" replying to a request to review MC financial records and the problem with transparency. Thank you Ms. Bright for your courage and taking this bold step.
Interesting about the law suit. As a matter of fact, the drawdown is MC government money set aside by the actual terms and conditions of the 1906 Allottment Act as amended for the specific use of the administration of the Osage Mineral Estate on the part of the Mineral Council. This is Federal law and the drawdown comes specifically from the Federal Trust Account that is handed out by the Bureau to run the Minerals Council office and pay for the salaries and other costs and expenses as outlined by the yearly budget submitted to the BIA for approval. I don't think Federal law under the 1906 Act has any requirement to disclose what is in the yearly budget associated with the million dollar drawdown nor is there any requirement as to transparency. This is where is gets sticky once again with the new government layer come into play after the money has been disbursed to the Osage Nation. If the Minerals Council under the Osage Constitution has to disclose its budget to the public and the Osage Congress then so does the Chief where his Office of the Chiefs budget and any other opaque budget in the Executive Branch is concerned. Very interesting indeed.
BTW, it looks like the are really going to go after those injection wells in the Arbuckle formation including ours. Bad news just keeps getting worse on a daily basis. Working with the Tribes to do what? Shut down the oil and gas business as a result of the fracking and waste water injection wells?
The only lawsuit I'm interested in hearing about is the Headright owners filing against the BIA that took full advantage of the lawsuit with Martha Donalson, represented by attorney Drummond, to ramrod through all those EPA regs with a new EIS and those new CFRs that have run off all new business in the Osage and have held up approvals for leases that have been disastrously detrimental to Shareholder income in the two years prior to the lawsuit being dismissed and thrown out of Federal Court. None of it had to happen until the lawsuit was resolved and tremendous harm has been done to the income and new business being generated as a result. Headright owners do have a right to sue for loss of income as a result of the ruination of the business environment by a Federal Trustee who is supposed to be operating at the highest level of trust and in the best interest of the shareholders as a result of the fiduciary duty and obligation owed to all Headright owners, as the Trust beneficiaries, by the BIA and the Secretary of the Interior.
We have many rights, really no judge would rule differently as for the records are concern if the federal government has to account so does the BIA and M.C. and here here to Waller leaving non tonsoon. We need a leader and Irwin comes to mind. Like I said, it is imperative we know how our dra down is used and spent...per-diams and hotel stays when the M.C could drive home, gas, etc...I wouldn't be surprised to see thus taken advantage of...
The mineral estate has a long and significant production history and with the development of the database the OMC will be able to use existing production data to predict future production and ultimate recovery for any well or field proposed in Osage County, according to the grant. “This would generate an immediate benefit to the OMC and the Headright owners by creating an advantage in negotiating lease terms, including bonuses and royalty rates,” I think this is wonderful that we are finally moving in the right direction but how has the BIA been operating thus far and I will ask again,why has the BIA since trying to rectify the CFR'S and I say quasi,in the 21st century not digitize our records? And how many nay sayers were afraid to go in this direction and was furious at the thought of? Come on the only way to go is up. One step of many steps we have to take to get to the point where we can actually function as a real Petroleum office of compliance. When you are in the know the future is the skys limit.
With your headright income mind you if the Nation gets a head of steam on a fully staffed petroleum office. You don't seem to get it that the MC is part of the Osage Constitutional government and they are fully resentful of all those who get big salaries, big benefits and big perks since all that was taken away when the new government hit the floor running. The same mindset will prevail and develop. Osage Nation Treasurer said that there are more than 100 departments, offices, and so on that are being floated by Tribal gaming funds. You let any more of these people in that tent, the money will either have to come from the Nation where they will be in a position to call the shots or the drawdown will have to be increased to meet with the cost and expense of having it which will mean money direct out of your pockets into theirs. Either way, the status quo is the only way our dropping checks will stay as high as possible in the future. The wise man looks to the past to inform the future. Think this through. Feelings first mean logic, sense and reason come dead last. Not a good thing in this case.
I am for self determination and the status quo is why we are currently where we are at, is no different than yesterday. There is a lot we can do for ourselves administratively and be subsidized. Is change only good when it fits your agenda?
It's not my agenda I'm afraid of. It's yours. Are you one of these greedy Osage government officials, one, who want to swarm and overwhelm what little we have left in our headright checks to use for your own base purposes and two, again, you didn't really think it through did you? How long do you think you will be subsidized by the Republican President otherwise known as Donald Trump? Unless there is a cabal among the members of the Electoral College today, Trump will be in as the President and your cushy little situation in the Osage with the $25-$26 million in Federal funding will come under harsh review and the big question that will asked will be, "Why are we subsidizing these Tribal people in America when they have gaming facilities that are raking in millions of dollars, day in and day out, on a monthly and yearly basis? This is the worst example of "Corporate Welfare" we have on the Federal books ATPIT with Sovereign Nations no less, who are supposed to be taking care of their own, planning in a financially appropriate way and making their own way in the world." Think. Think... Think! It's the best thing since sliced bread!!!
Now that you've thought about it, again, where will the money be coming from? The Osage Nation or the MC drawdown? Either way, it does not bode well for your personal income from the OME Trust. Perhaps the Federal subsidy you are referring to will last for a year or two, but I wouldn't count on it after that.
Ah the slice of bread how I want to share that slice of bread. Greed has nothing to do with why we should do for ourselves what we shoukd have done years ago. Are you one of the council members that want to keep the status quo because you are afraid to do something that should have been done years ago. Yes years ago. Nothing stays the same ever..and should we grow I am for it. Now the time to get on that band wagon this isn't about you this affects us all. Had I been on the council we would not be where we are at, besides OPEC nor would those Shareholder's who are living on a prayer this Holiday be in the position thy are in...all these harsh regs are going bye bye...oil prices at an all tme high again. There is to many pros to move forward evn if its by our boot straps. We nned to ensure a viale future and this new technology is just one foot in front of the other but we need to take leaps...and you want to talk about transparency and accountability, long over due. Naw I am in the Hospitality service Industry and have ran many a business and an Accountant, deadly combo because I know when the wool is being pulled over my talent and not ashamed in the least. Just know better and I have answers and solutions.
This lawsuit is being filed in this Osage legal system because it involves an Osage Indian seeking an "answer." Someone has stepped up to the plate. I hope the end result will be worth her time and effort, and aggrevation. To get the "truth, and nothing but the truth," to "end" the mistrust or doubt of an action, or "non-action" in this case. We elected the MC officials, at least a "reply" was warranted to someone who may have put you in your job? Been a lot of disrespect to each other in the meetings, don't pass that attitude on to the shareholders, they're why there is a MC.
The past is prologue... We may have a tidy little war on our hands between Russia and Turkey as of the assassination of the Russian Ambassador earlier on today. The U.S. won't stand by and let Turkey stand alone. Trump is also being reported to be going to be widening the gulf with the Saudis when he becomes President. Oil is hardly at an all-time high. $52.12 is a far cry from $145.29. Are you delusional or just dishonest with us, or worse, with yourself? Any changes involving money being spent should be taken a hard look at especially since we will only be duplicating services already supplied by the BIA at the Osage Agency that comes to the Headright owners for free. Anything they can do, the government Osages will do worse and ten years of history with only failure to show for it should be informing anyone's analysis of the situation on whether or not to spend the money to have a fully equipped petroleum office in the Osage Nation government whcih will immediately be captured by the Executive Branch per the Osage Nation Constitution, Article VII, Section 5, Composition: The executive branch shall consist of the elected offices of Principal Chief and Assistant Principal Chief, and all other administrative offices, departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Osage Nation including, but not limited to, public trusts, boards, village committees, authorities, and commissions. How do you feel about having the Chief coming in to make the same kind of personal decisions with a petroleum office like he's been making with the Bluestem Ranch?
It's official. Trump is in... Look to your own interests or suffer the consequences of not keeping an eye on the ball fiscally and spending much much much less accordingly.
First it is at a all time high and I should have said since. And will only go higher, depending Opec abides by the new agreements and cutting back on regs to spur growth. Crafting is what I do and develop, do you not think the reason to would reduce any efficiencies and redundancies. And like I said and you just prove what i am saying. Your a obstructionist if it does not suit you, you come up with another excuse not to. You are like a cancer and in the Hospitality Buisness you are considered someone who was not a player or even trys to be if it doesn't fit your agenda keeping the status qou. So you were considered insubordinate. The will of the Osage is strong and long over due we expect results from the very people who are working for us? We require long over due results,accountability transparency. This is the culture we seek i our representatives. Which comes to point, the M.C monthly should post how are money is working for us and no shame in that..why does it take a lawsuit to get the information should be there already. Is there something to hide?
Actually, the Next Chief comes in I hpoe and expect be will treat the M.C with much due respect and not work indirectly contrary to the M.C's agenda and in fact restore the Government back to the OSAGE TRIBE. But but but that can happen and so you should never say never.
This is a democratic government, not some paltry off-the-highway motel where narrow minded executive types engage in inferior thinking where touting the corporate line is concerned; even if the bridge is out, there is no money for expansion and borrowing would place the entire organization at risk. Smart means you can figure out what's up ahead and plan for it with some degree of being able to come out ahead and not behind, not someone at the helm who turns around and yells, "Gung ho!" while headed right for the precipice with your head turned in the wrong direction. People like you, with the same mindset and mentality, are exactly why the 2008 financial crisis took place when the Wall Street banks fell on their own hubris and nearly took everyone else in the world down with them. The Osage Nation will be ready for a Petroleum Office when hell freezes over and this is a fact based on past performance. Maybe you need to brush up on your Osage Nation history. Get back to me with one positive thing they have done to expand their business base away from and outside of gaming which only a complete idiot could fail at.
Osage News, Dec. 19th. great, detailed info: "Minerals Council awarded grant to digitize mineral and production records."
This is Osage history in the making. I believe it was the shareholders who helped this come about by openingly expressing their ideas by various news media, including this blog. Trump is for the oil among other energies such as the windfarms. Producers are still investing big money for a chance to find oil. Pipelines being put all over the U.S. Some illegally, and force of eminent domain, but it shows oil is booming and there's struggles to be ahead of the came between countries, and there's wars over it. We are sovereign, we are competent (most of us), let's compete with the big guys, black gold is in our back yard and it's wanted.
I don't know what "standard dollar" means but I heard mentioned recently on the radio that it may be an obstacle to oil in the near future?
QUOTE FROM OSAGE NEWS ARTICLE: "The BIA's lease and well records for the mineral estate are not digitized and there is no up-to-date central leasing record."
"Many producers have expressed their willingness to provide the OMC with information to aid in the digitization project."
FYI to the MC, seen on website (conference notice) - "Mid-Continent Digital Oilfield Conference," Jan. 25-26, 2017. most likely be snowing around that time, but I seen the word "digital" and just had to mention it.
There is nothing wrong with moving forward and digitizing should have been done moons ago, no doubt. And this is exciting to see how this is carried thru and thru...Gives us the heads up sort of speak, ahead of time so we can grow with knowledge and this is just one foot in that direction and I say kudos. Opening doors to a new frontier, our frontier. We need to be the leaders of a Billion dollar Estate and opportunity is here with more jobs on the frontier. Black gold is here and we know where it lies and now is the time to start tapping. What we can do for ourselves at little of or no cost is available. This is a business not just a royalty and the future is ours to see from this day forward the future is here and now. Lets protect that interest and move forward. Long live the Osage Tribe and the 1906 act as amended.
Let's hope that in the end, it doesn't cost 10 times as much like it usually does!
A really interesting "read." Started out scary, but ended with hope with this new administration. Was so surprised the Osages and the Chief was a large part of the article. Thanks for submitting it.
I happen to agree. Mullin said, He doesn’t want to privatize Indian land, he says. He just wants to make it easier for tribes to do business without the approval of the federal government — to “cut through the red tape of bureaucracy.”Right we have to contend with the BIA, BLM,EPA,SOI,DOI. And I happen to agree with our Chief Standing Bear. Slows th progress of development and aprroval, when in fact we can do a lot for ourselves..we shouldn't be treated as if we are their step child and we need to take away the parental control that is absolutely restricting thr growth of our infrastructure.
To understand why there is so much red tape with federal agencies and "tribal" lands, you must first understand the true ownership of the land. When tribe purchase land they initially own it, but the title to the land is subsequently transferred to the federal government under a land into trust arrangement. This results in the federal government actually owning the land, and the tribe having only a beneficial interest in the proceeds of the land.
The tribe can only enforce laws on land held in trust due to cross-deputization agreements, as they have no inherent sovereign rights over non-reservation lands. Likewise, tribes cannot directly lease land owned by the federal government even though they are the trust beneficiaries.
Basically, tribes cannot save their cake and eat it too. If they want direct control, then any dealings related to the land remain under the jurisdiction of the state where the land exists.
Was there a meeting yesterday morning (the 21st)? I seen on the MC agenda in the Executive section S. Erwin was going to discuss the Chief's request for the public meeting? I'll have anxiety till I find out what she said on "lawsuits about the earthquakes?" I wish the public meeting would be on tape, sure would like to hear the Chief talk of the Southern Ute's success in oil organization. While they was climbing the mountain, we was sliding down hill (and the Chickasaw were climbing too).
Yes. but neither the Agenda or the audio have been posted to the Nation's web site:
"I couldn't access the live audio the day of the MC meeting on the 21st. This audio is still not available. Is something nefarious going on?"
In my opinion, yes. Apparently the audio was never turned on. The OMC was having elections for chairman and vice-chair. In addition, there was limited discussion with regard to giving the Osage Nation a million acre "blanket lease," for lack of better term, (the ONES, George Shannon, proposal). It has the appearance to me someone in authority didn't want the debate on a new chairman and the ONES proposal heard.
Waller was re-elected, with the votes from himself, Yates and Grum. I don't know who else voted for him. Joe Cheshewalla was defeated, with votes from Boone and Erwin. Cheshewalla abstained for voting for himself. Tahlee Redcorn nominated Cheshewalla I would assume he voted for him. - Welcome to more of the same.
The meeting with the Chief and the ONES, in my opinion, to hand over our minerals management to the Nation will take place on the 12th of January before the next mineral council meeting. The ONES and the Chief did not want the meeting on the 12th open to the public. That has been changed and it is now open to the public. Per the Chief's correspondence the only people allowed to vote at the meeting on the 12th is the Chief, Speaker Pratt, Chairman Waller and George Shannon.
How the vote on the 12th is legal, binding or what exactly it's objective is I have not been able to find out from anyone with any degree of certainty.
The only thing I have been able to learn is what I could hear in George Shannon's (of the ONES) presentation at the Oil Summit. It is posted on YouTube but even with audio all the way up I could only catch about every third word. From what little I could make out, it seems that the ONES along with the Nation are proposing a million acre blanket lease be given to the ONES, which they would then sub-lease (not sure if that's legal or not). The Osage Nation would/could then take over all regulation of the mineral estate.
If I heard correctly they (ONES/Chief) also want to install production quotas, like OPEC countries.
This is being sold as a way for producers to get around NEPA, FOIA, other regulations and BIA stonewalling. If passed as presented the ONES/Nation would have near total control of our mineral estate.
December 8, 2016 Mr. Geoffrey Standing Bear Principal Chief of the Osage Nation 627 Grandview Pawhuska, OK 74056
Re: Establishing a Commission made up of members of the Osage Nation interested in improving conditions in Osage County related to management of the Osage Minerals Estate. Dear Chief Standing Bear:
The Osage Oil and Gas Summit held yesterday at the Skiatook Osage Casino was well attended and generally offered a glimmer of hope that the "business climate" for the oil and gas business in the Osage could be improved.
From the standpoint of continuing this slight bit of momentum, I respectfully request that your office invite the Chairman of the Minerals Council, the Speaker of the Osage Nation Congress and the Chairman of the Osage Nation Energy Services LLC to a meeting to discuss the probity of establishing a Commission (temporary or with a proposed life span) to map out a direction (or directions) the Osage Nation should take to improve the stagnate drilling and well workover activity in the Osage.
With that single objective in mind, I suggest that you chair the meeting and recommend that any actionable steps toward establishing the Commission will require a vote of only the individuals mentioned above. I also suggest that observers be invited to listen and offer pertinent comment when recognized by you as Chairman. And, I believe it would be appropriate to invite as observers this writer, Eddie Red Eagle, Talee Redcorn and Alice Buffalohead.
I hope you can get back to me on this today or tomorrow. By the way, I will be in Pawhuska tomorrow attending the Traditional Cultural Affairs Committee meeting from 10:00 A. till approximately noon. ~~ George A. Shannon
Osage Nation Office of the Principal Chief December 12, 2016
Osage Minerals Council Osage Nation Energy Services LLC Angela Pratt, Speaker for the Osage Congress
Re: Joint Meeting on Increasing Production Dear Council Members, Board Members and Speaker:
Osage elder George Shannon recently gave a presentation at the Oil & Gas Summit. He also sent me the attached letter which I ask you all read carefully. Mr. Shannon, Speaker Pratt, Chairman Waller and I all believe there is an immediate opportunity for the Osage Nation to work together to enhance profitable oil and gas production and Osage headright income. Most of you likely agree. Therefore, I am requesting a group meeting of all of us. My suggested date is January 12, 2017 at the Pawhuska Business Development Center. I am suggesting the time to be from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and lunch will be provided.
Please let me know if this date and time works for you.
Sincerely yours, ~~ Geoffrey M. Standing Bear GMS/sld
This guy stood up in one of the past MC meetings and sounded more like a shyster snake oil salesman than anyone I have ever heard. I suggest we keep a continent away from this one and anything he has to suggest. The BIA is in control of the leasing for the Mineral Estate and until they give it up there will be no blanket lease anywhere in the Osage. Secondly, that isn't going to make the regulations go away, it will only increase them, probably from the State of Oklahoma, especially if the OME is no longer a Federal controlled entity. These stupid thieves and slight-of-handers don't even probably know what they're getting themselves into overall. It doesn't keep them from coming at the ME over and over again, does it?
So GSB wants to run the mineral estate? Just remember this is the same dolt that promised his ranch board a lease for them to operate it. When they didn't buy those stupid bison he took over running the ranch. Same scenario. The ONES committee may not have a backbone like the ranch board. Jill Jones is chair of the ONES, plus she works for the Osage LLC full time now. See where this is headed? First you can't sublease restricted properties. Plus you can't get out of environmental compliance. It is so hypocritical the Nation has spent thousands of dollars fighting wind turbines because they are bad for the environment, yet it's alright for the oil and gas producers to run salt water all over the county. Didn't GSB campaign that he would leave the Osage Agency alone, plus the Minerals council? The Minerals Council approves the leases with Agency concurrence. Why is this even happening? Chief Drinks A Lot wants control of the mineral estate. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
So what really happened in 2006 with the ME, for sure, shareholders were separated from a tribe that was disassembled and given a new name (Nation) and had to apply for membership to the Nation, but evidently the ME stayed in membership with the Nation. So now it looks like since we are a separate entity (shareholders) from the ME, we not only cannot vote on issues that is our inheritance, it's evident "IT'S NONE OF OUR BUSINESS."
The council members were voted by "election" by the shareholders, if they are going to be dismantled and reorganized, it's only legal that it's voted on by the shareholders, not a Chief who is overreaching his authority, and himself, in lawsuits with our Government in his Chief's capacity.
The ME is not "of the people by the people of the Nation," it's "for the people, by the people of the inherited headright "owners."
It's duly noted the MC has not been handled by professional business people. How many shareholders are there, if the MC did on purpose not record the meeting on the 21at, then they are also working against us. How many were waiting for the meeting to start, stayed by the computer, changed their morning routine to hear the meeting? THIS IS SO FAR OUT-OF-CONTROL! How many people have to repeatedly go back to the computer making sure you can catch them coming back from their Executive meetings. COULD IT REALLY BE POSSIBLE THE MC ACTUALLY TOLD EACH OTHER "LET'S NOT TURN THE RECORDER ON, IT'S NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS--WE ARE IN CONTROL?????
IT'S TIME TO ADD AN ADDENDUM(s) to the constitution regarding the rules, ethics and regulations that involve the ME.
The ONES scheme is similar to city governments that build parking lots and garages only to turn around and lease them to private companies because "the cost to operate the lots would exceed the revenue". This leaves the middle man to get rich while the people finance a private venture. The only thing that will save the ME from being robbed blind is federal laws and regulations. ONES simply cannot do what they want because the BIA is bound to do what is in the best interests of the headright owners.
As someone eluded to above, this nation has proven itself a liar. The promise transparency and turn off audio broadcasting when things get heated, the rail against nepotism and create positions to employee their family, they buy a ranch with public promise of an Osage venture, and hand out grazing land with "gentleman's agreements", they promised a democracy and have delivered an oligarchy.
They have proven themselves liars.
For more than ten years we've heard how, "nothing can happen to the mineral estate," "they can't take over anything it's illegal," "we have nothing to worry about," "no Osage would ever harm the mineral estate." Well, here we are. Standingbear on one side of us and Waller on the other and they're marching us up the hill. Now though the cliff they intend to throw us over is in full view. There is no denying it now.
Sure they're going to tell us, "everything's gonna be alright," "they're only doing this to boost production," or that their only end is some sanctimonious argument of convenience about "self determination." But they've shown themselves to be liars. They are not to be believed.
Come January 12th we're at the edge of the cliff. I hope you are ready to act.
Congressman walks out of Commerce meeting over management of Bluestem Ranch, Congressman Tillman walked out of the meeting rightly so. Management and what that means, interlocking functions of creating corporate policy and organizing, planning,controling,and directing an organization's resources in order to achieve the objective of which the commerce committee has to right to be holding this meeting without the Board members. This was a defacto meeting. If I was the board I would get a injunction against the commerce committee. The board of directors defines the policy. This includes the grounds as well. Www.
Congressman Tillman left the meeting because he thought that it was about management of the Bluestem Ranch. The agenda was director reports on Fee-to Trust updates, environmental issues, Wildland Fire Department Expansion, etc. Not management of the ranch. These departments would be working on the ranch no matter how it is managed. Congressman Tillman was, is, and understandably should be,frustrated over the constant flip flopping of the Chief on the Bluestem Board's role in managing the Bluestem Ranch. He and, I think, all the Commerce Committee members strongly support the board. Tillman made a forceful statement, that I support, to that effect. You should listen to it. Kugee Supernaw
I am ready to act, believe it. I am so done with these incompetents having anything to do with the Mineral Estate. Look at the Bluestem and this is just whipping up. Imagine what the Nation will do with these sub leases. It will be mass derangement at every turn of the screw and I mean that literally. The problem is the BIA and Robin Phillips. Get them in line and things will begin to improve. Osages can't make any difference there at all.
OMG! Do you mean to tell me that there is one member of Congress besides Kugee who will stand up for honesty, integrity and ethics in the Osage Nation government from our elected officials? GO TO Congressman Tillman! Get rid of those feral hogs on the Bluestem and observe the highest law of the land; the Osage Nation Constitution: And I quote:
ARTICLE X - CODE OF ETHICS Section 8. Independence of Boards and Commissions: Tribal officials and employees shall refrain from using tribal positions to improperly influence the deliberations, administrations, or decisions of established board or commission proceedings.
The whole presentation in this Committee meeting was illegal in the first place under the Constitution of the Osage Nation. As far as I'm concerned, Congressman Tillman had no other alternative but to walk out of that meeting so he would not be participating in an unethical proceeding taking place in an official Osage Congressional meeting.
Poor you, Mr. Johnson. Man up or quit your job and get out of town! Good. You need to be beat up if you are engaging in illegal acts if you are in any way operational out from under the Bluestem Ranch Board.
Going back to the letter above, what you need to remember the M.C. consists of eight council members who in my opinion needs a performance review badly and thats a understatement of course. And a Chief and AP Chief. There is always room for improvement especially when we are dealing with a multi billion estate. Oil prices are moving up and so should we. I have been saying for some time now the Title is only held and we are the Governors of our Estate if the M.C. does not see the forest for the trees the Nation can step in as Independent developers. In my opinion this will allow them to work around the regs but at this point that wall of regs is comming down once Gina McCarthy and crew are gone and Donald Trump takes Office. This was bound to happen because the M.C. performance has been anemic. This is why I have been talking lately how we must grow in the direction to where we are performing to the standard before we got hit with these regs. If they wont do it someone else will. We are the Osage Tribe and we need performance and these oil and gas summits are only apart of the equation. the United States “holds title” to those lands, it does not explain the basis for the United States claiming “title” to the lands of Native nations.
They are considering giving a blanket lease over the entire Osage Mineral Estate to Osage Nation Energy Services {ONES} Board whose members have been in business for a number of years, were given so much of a capital contribution where they turned right around and bought a building instead of getting themselves established in the oil business in some capacity -- any capacity -- and have not made a single dime in the oil and gas business ever. Minerals Council is out of their minds to even consider handing the entire mineral estate leasing over to a bunch of schmucks like the ONES Board. If the MC members do this, they will be, each and every one, marked men and women in the next election as no-vote getters.
The above poster said, "If the MC members do this [give the ONES/Chief any authority], they will be, each and every one, marked men and women in the next election as no-vote getters."
This is what you're up against, if they give away authority, it will be to late. The next M.C. election won't matter. We have to fight this on the front end. It's already gone at the point of the nexxt election. The Chief will have another board he can meddle in and change and loan out favors to friends, just like with the ranch.
Think about it, any MC member supporting this probably doesn't have to worry about re-election anyway. I would bet they'll get comfy jobs with the ONES. After all you know somebody is going to say they're experienced or something. Pay attention to which MC members are for this.
If the headright owners voted for each MC, just how much authority or power went with it, is it written anywhere? They are elected officials, how can they "give" or "turnover" the ME, it's not "theirs."
That's along time between now and the 12th (meeting), no telling what's going to come about before then. The meeting is where a lot of questions will be answered and more understood.
Families cannot take another hard hit, we are going "down" from the doings of our own People. What ever happened about the Feds coming down to help in discussions with the MC on establishing a new petroleum office.
We need rules and regs (some directions to be guided by) in the MC, just like the Federal government and the "military," some order has to be established or things will go awry.
TO THE CHIEF: Chief GSB, I cannot attend the meeting (no money, broke car, no gas money or travel expense, live out of OK), I am really interested in hearing about your visit and ideas about the Ute Tribe and their oil business progress. Anyway you can make the meeting "Live," or recorded for those who cannot attend??
December 29, 2016 at 11:50 AM -- I think you've nailed it. What the members of the MC don't know or fully realize is that the powers that be fully intend to -- C R U S H -- the Minerals Council and in exactly these words. They give up their base of fire and power, that's it, straight up for both the Minerals Council and the Headright owners income in their quarterly checks. This is real and it's the truth and it's absolute. I know that certain members want the big salaries and perks that the other elected officials have but they are being conned and this is treachery of the worst kind from within and without. Selling the shareholders out for a big paycheck monthly is the worst betrayal of all and such greed in the Minerals Council members is as wretched a character scenario as it gets.
Personally,I do agree with both your statements. But we can complain and add to the rhetoric etc..lets define strategy to the benefit of the M.E. With sound solutions. I believe all council members read this site and they do understand that it is just a few who are watching and now it time that all shareholders demand transparency. So this is how we do it. We create a non-profit and we organize a coalition. For one purpose. United Osage Shareholder's. It's time we reach and have a conversation and llt our M.C. know we have a say in the operation of our M.E. to futher promote the well being of our M.E.
MESS -- MESS -- MESS. All over AGAIN at almost four times the cost of the Osage, LLC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"He (StandingBear) said there can be no leases or encumbrances on the land made during the fee-to-trust process. Once the land is put into trust, all leases and encumbrances will be governed by federal law and Osage law." Then what are they doing handing out verbal leases to one or the other as is being reported? It could take years and years and years before this land gets taken into trust. Hang HEARTH! The terms and provisions of the Osage Constitution prevail here not some come lately statute. The Constitution specifically prohibits interference with business boards:
Section 8. Independence of Boards and Commissions: Tribal officials and employees shall refrain from using tribal positions to improperly influence the deliberations, administrations, or decisions of established board or commission proceedings. StandingBear is in strict violation of this section right up to his eyeballs.
"He (StandingBear) said there can be no leases or encumbrances on the land made during the fee-to-trust process."
When Raymond RedCorn made that statement during the September budgeting session even the Chief's most ardent supporter RJ Walker had to say, "that isn't exactly true. We just have to fill out another piece of paper."
And here's the thing. Even if what the Chief claimed was true, why not give the board the same deal he's giving Mark Freeman and whoever else he's letting run livestock and hunt out there.
Let the board run the ranch. That's what we were all told when it was purchased with our money.
"They are considering giving a blanket lease over the entire Osage Mineral Estate to Osage Nation Energy Services {ONES} Board whose members have been in business for a number of years, were given so much of a capital contribution where they turned right around and bought a building instead of getting themselves established in the oil business in some capacity -- any capacity -- and have not made a single dime in the oil and gas business ever."
The above is an important point that shouldn't be glossed over, it bares repeating. The only thing the ONES have done is bought a building, which they lease to the Osage Nation. Yes, they lease it to the Nation. That's their operation. They've done nothing with oil other than attend seminars. The ONES are a JOKE!
The ONES have been funded for years now. If their intellect is keen when it comes to the oil business why haven't they done anything. They could have bought a lease and brought it to production at any time. Hell it doesn't even have to be in Osage country, it may even be wiser to diversify anyway. They've been funded what's the problem.
- Why haven't they drilled a well? - Probably because it's inordinately expensive and requires specialized knowledge and they don't even know what question to ask. That would be my guess. - Okay so why haven't they formed a well service company, or pipeline/transport company? - Not glamorous enough. Not familiar enough will the industry to even know that's an option.
Ya know, most people start on the periphery of any industry, they learn it from the edges and as they grow and enjoy success they make investments in the higher risk/reward segments of whatever industry they're in. What the ONES are doing is short sighted and stupid and they wouldn't be doing it if the Osage people weren't paying for it.
The ONES made their choice, they invested in building and lease it to the Nation. Let them sink or swim on the wisdom of that decision. Beyond that they should no longer be funded on the backs of the Osage people.
The long and short of it is, these hucksters and flimflam men shouldn't be telling us anything about our mineral estate much less be given any authority to develop plans or, god forbid, given a million acres blanket lease. They are truly ignorant about the oil business. I assume that's why they invested in real estate.
I am politely asking everyone who comes here to re-read the two previous comments under this post three times, that is 3 times, right above mine, and to let every word of it sink in. ONES is a disaster and will become a catastrophe if they are given a blanket lease over the entire Osage Mineral Estate. This is not a projection. It's the truth. The bridge is out up ahead on this plan or any like it now or any time in the near future.
Now, re-read this comment ten times, that is 10 times to let the depth and breadth of such a chasmic mistake sink in. We will never recover from such a destructive transfer of lease management. It's wrong for the Osage Tribe and it's dead wrong for the current headright owners who receive a quarterly check from the Osage Mineral Estate Trust income.
The Minerals Council was asked to sponsor this meeting on Jan. 12 and they refused. The Congress should keep hands off too. Look what has happened with the ranch. With this example why would anyone be foolish enough to believe anything the Chief would say about the minerals estate?
Good download --->>> Winter, 2016 Minerals Newsletter. Pull it down from this location then scroll down the page to find the text that is a link to the download:
4th Special Session of the Osage Congress today: For today, Agenda, Tracker, audio and video:
ONCA 17-16, An Act to appropriate the sum of ninety thousand dollars ($90,000) to the Language and Cultural Resources Division to conserve and copy the "Osage Mission Collection" at the Jesuit Archives in St. Louis, Missouri; and to establish an altenate effective date. (Hamilton) $90,000? Why don't you ever start out with $1,000 or $2,000? Out of the fund that was just created? That fund was created with funds that were over budgeted and captured by the Osage Congress to keep it from going to the Osage people to fund benefits for Osages all over the country who really need it.
How President Obama Has Protected Our Sacred Land for Future Generations
In short, yes. At least it sure looks that way to any reasonable person.
What the hell is the Chief thinking leasing the land to the board for millions anyway? Does he not get the money to lease it has to come from the Osage Nation coffers and once the Nation receives the payment it goes back into the Osage Nation coffers. It's that kind of logic, lack of business sense, that has plagued all the Osage LLC ventures.
The "Free" in 1:46's post probably references Mark J. Freeman IV. It has been reported in open session that he is currently running around 500+ head on the ranch or that he has possibly sub-let his portion of our ranch to someone who is running 500+ head. Whatever is being done on the ranch is being done with what is being called by Raymond RedCorn a "gentleman's agreement." At least that's what Mr. Redcorn called it in open session of congress last fall.
FYI. -- "Challenge to Oklahoma's American Indian Arts and Crafts Sales Act" (posted on Nov. 29, 2016) -- Atty. General Scott Pruitt is the "defendant" in a lawsuit regarding a recent change in OK law. "Plaintiff's" complaint accessible above article (22 pages).
Also, regarding Atty. Gen. Pruitt: -- posted Dec. 21, 2016 "Donald Trump's Environmental Nominee Takes Credit for Tribal Water Deal"
Keep a close eye on the progress of this one -- Osage membership removal case going to trial
Funny how it's OK to vote for same sex marriage that the members of Congress don't want to lose their jobs over in the ballot box but they wouldn't allow four other Resolutions to be added to the ballot making it far easier for the Osage Nation members to petition to make changes to their government with new amendments to the Constitution proposed by Alice Buffalohead:
There is a resolution on the ballot that is of great importance. It has to do with budgeting by law. The budget process is what is causing so much trouble in the government at this time. It was thought that too many constitutional changes in the same election might cause all to fail.The resolutions declined have been turned down by the voters before. They will most likely be added to another elecion in the future
Doesn't matter what you do. These government people are so smarmy and unscrupulous they will figure out a way to get around it and move on to shoveling the money into their pockets as fast as they can. Until you get Osages who have ethics, integrity and honesty in government, this cycle will continue until the whole thing is an eaten out shell. You may think that such Osages don't live here in the Osage. It is hard to argue the point in view of what we've seen in the past. We all knew if these people got to the helm it would go like this. Knowing them as we do, it couldn't have gone any other way.
Osage people need to watch closely what is being done at the ranch. The Chief formed a professional board to run the ranch with no political interference. Then he tried to interfere and the board showed they were independent as they should be and didn't bow down. He has done enough to have removal charges filed if the Congress has the guts to do it again. People should think about what has happened with ranch before they even think about supporting anything to do he wants to do with the oil business. Payment is bad enough already.
I keep on saying the same thing get rid of this Chief before he spends all the money and we become a welfare state. This guy is solely out for himself using the Nation to know end in site. The willof the people are strong and he is not listening.
The ranch situation is a "shame" and a "sham" to the Nation. Not even paid for. Is money for the ranch coming from one casino or others too? You don't have to attend a small business administration course to know that when you "invest" you're looking for future revenue or return.
Not only keep an eye on this ranch endeavor, also watch what he purchases next, this may be only a drop in the bucket for now. There's been millions received to the Nation lately sitting in an account.
And how is the Bluestem Ranch going to help with this process? If we take on buffalo, the word out there is that fencing is $25,000 a mile. Can use regular fencing for other kinds of livestock. Nobody ever thought about this purchase and what it would cost after the purchase was made. It was just an in-the-moment emotional decision because few in our Tribal community at the highest level know how to think first and feel last. Big buyers remorse coming down the road from me. We probably could have bought 170,000 acres of land in Osage County or more for what we paid Turner for 43,000. This deal is starting to stink to heaven high. Ugly the implications cropping up like red flags on the play everywhere you turn.
He's not even in the WH and you are assuming the worse. IHS is a POS you know it and I know it. It sinas corrupt as the VA and ACA od which is medicaid on steroids. What needs to happen is the treaties that were promised to the AI is at best anemic and is causing more harm than good. Time to revamp IHS to the core.
Dont kid your self I pointed out there would be cost overuns associated with this purchase with which was not addressed when this Ranch was purchased. Called hidden costs. Everything this Congress is associated with appropriating funds has not done the diligence and by the looks of this GOVERNMENT neds to step back from this pet project and take a hard look of how this is all being played out. Everything Government in the name of Sovereignty is a lie..The people the Osage are Sovereign not our Government. And in Public opinion, time tio listen to the Greater need that exists, do we want a Government for the Government or for the People? Where was that turkey voucher to all Osage during the Holiday? Where is that per-cap that was promised many moons ago in order to receive we had to form a Government. Lies.
That ranch was never purchased to make a profit. The best we could ever have hoped for was to make it pay for itself which it won't. NIGA says gaming funds can be used for economic development. What kind of economic development is it when there is never going to be a return on investment? Now they are trying to shitf the focus to educational. How many times can you take the anointed "$45,000" a year Osage language academy "kids" out to the Bluestem in a year to make it qualify as educational? One member of Congress called these special class of Osage children and their language skills as toddlers or thereabouts as, "stinking cute." It stinks no heaven high. How are your Osage children doing without a dime of the Osage peoples money being spent on their education, year in and year out?
There you go, "can be used for economic growth", Make the Nation pay back the funds of this purchase if it is not going to make economic or capital. This is the OSAGES MONEY NOT THE GOVERNMENTS ITS ALL OF THOSE WHO ARE DIRECT descendants of the 1906 act. 5000 strong, compared to the few who live and work around the Nation, then there is no reason to offer a Per-Cap to each descendant because after all it would further their economic growth right. It is time the Osage, we Osage have a voice to this very cause, end the Government bloat amd to focus on programs that we know that will work and know that the OSAGE will benefit.
Wrong. The casino revenue belongs to the "Osage Nation." The Osage Nation is the government. We, the Osage people, are merely members or rather "citizens" enrolled by virtue of a Principal Chief's signature. That little white card with the Chief's name on it is your only connection to the Osage government.
We may be Osage by birth but the Osage Nation is a bureaucracy to control all capital ventures and to enrich those who control the purse strings. If you are related to the right people and have a particular last name, then the world is your oyster with salaries and benefits exceeding four times the national private sector. It's not what you know, it's who your related to that matters.
But alas, the casinos will some day slow down coupled with the corruption of certain people and the Osage government will collapse. For those that receive nothing from the Osage government will lose nothing. Those that live off the fat of the government will lose everything. in the meantime it's a free-for-all to see who can get the highest salaries, the best benefits, and who can steal the most money.
I really believe the open membership in 2006 was to get more money from the Feds, and they have. That extra incoming revenue looks like it went to a new Metropolis (a new Pawhuska), but I'm glad to see there helping some local communities recently. Has anyone received a "turkey voucher" or a "coupon" in the last 10 years?
The Cherokees have a big hospital in Tahlequah and continuing to expand it. We struck oil from the land we bought from them, WE ARE SO RICH (I mean the Nation, not individually), and so far "behind" other tribes. Where are the business people in the Nation? We seem to be only doing good in titles (i.e. ONES, and other LLCs). I agree let's close them and start over.
If the casinos collapse, as someone has mentioned before, we mostly would lose the ranch. If there's any future economic catastrophe for the Nation, I think there would have to be a big "legal" fight from shareholders to keep the Nation from dipping into the ME.
I never did understand the Chief talking about the ranch being used for education? So the investment in that term is taking children out there as a school trip to see the bison? But now there's the rumor of a cow herd, so now the trip includes the bison and "cows." What's in the other 40,000 acres? Is there a "gentleman's agreement" in the ON Constitution?
The Osage headright owner will never see a per cap payment in any form or fashion. We are now twice removed from the Tribe, the first time was the allotment disbursement, and 2nd, the 2006 new government (who'd believe what was coming!) I voted for a wonderful new beginning, prosperity, good fortune and opportunity to run a "mega" tribe.
But there's been corruption, thief, a Chief voted out, our votes competing against the new members, rumors of election fraud (2006, rumors that voting ballots were thrown in trash), lawsuits against our Chiefs, lawsuits by our Chiefs, lawsuits by our Congress (yeah, we're following the U.S. government ways), unorganization in our beginning MC meetings (unfinished minutes of meetings, etc.), so much money lost in investments (per cap money).
Such an unprofessional protocol with the current MC -- favoritism-ethics lawsuit, verbal disrespect (outburst, accusations--and probably producers sitting in the room?), and to add to it, the current situation/mystery about this last missing meeting, and a recent lawsuit against the MC for information (which I look up to her for making a stand). Ya know, it's just OVERWHELMING! at times.
Never say ever and I to am on the fence about the proceeds from the Casino's every where written and is heard it is the Osages money. But well written ^to the above posts, especially the second post a brief history of our time line. The premise and formation of this Government be it de facto will never have the respect of their people, traditions will cont4kn the name of all the while smiling we have your money and nothing you can do, somehow when ever the word is spoken about a per-cap it either falls on death ears or its taboo to talk about, or we have to wait until the Government is in order, from Chief Jim Grays mouth, I hear excuses not to and that tells me a different story. Everything control by our Government all in the name of Sovereignty right? Just calls for the right Chief to be in office. Look at Donald Trump and look at was he has done thus far and he isn't even in office yet. We want foer our people to be united not devided. As it has been for quite some time and there is a reason why it is so..wake up we are in the 21st century and all eyes are saying the same thing,we became a Government in the hope and promises thru gaming a per-cap would be implemented and for more membership of Osages to qualify for federal funding.
Finally some good news to share about fiscal responsibility in the Osage Nation government. The Pope is a Jesuit. Let him find funds in the sumptuously rich Vatican to pay for these Archives in ST. LOUIS, Missouri! Osage Congress votes down appropriation for preservation of Jesuit archives of Osage Mission Collection --->>> High fives to Supernaw, Tillman, Buffalohead and Pratt who voted against spending $90,000 of the Osage people's money on this inappropriate appropriation.
Word on the street is that a Texas based company is moving cattle onto the Bluestem Ranch. Chief has reneged on every promise he made to the Osage people regarding the ranch. These people will reap the benefits of operating on our ranch at the expense of the Osage people. The hoax of asking for bids was, yeah you guessed it, a hoax. The deal was cut before bids were received.
Remove the Chief and its time we think about our Congress and hold them equally accountable and along with the committee as well. Seeing a huge Conflicts of Interest. Many ethic violations and much corruption. Someone is paying to play. You don't have to look to far to see who is being played and the consequence is surmounted at the expense of the Osage Peoples money. Said company does not realize there are Osages that cannot believe before thier very eyes who is being played. And who was the congressman who walked out of the meeting without the borad of directors of the Bluestem Ranch? So transparent yet our Congress lives in fear of the Chief is so obvious the agenda feels like lets just do as we please and forget whomis watching and all of you are complict or just don't want tosee you've been hoodwinked, sold a bill 8f goods meaning not to the advantage and thats you and me. Seeing the precedent being set for future Chiefs and we need to nip this one where it counts is a understatement. Just a opinion.
Important conversation going on about this issue at Be sure to read Congresswoman Whitehorn's comment and those that follow.
As always the Chief is trying to imply that other people might be responsible for any problems and throws his staff under the bus. Some leader, huh? Then he makes his usual threats, using the Attorney General as if she is his personal hired gunslinger. People and the Chief should remember that the AG represents us all.
Kugee called the Chief out" "...the Osage News printed the whoppers you said in the last issue of the News. Shall I elaborate?" WOAH! this conversation on Facebook is getting really interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I understand that it may take up to a year or longer to put the ranch in Trust. So is the Chief trying to bring money in from the Ranch instead of it being idle for a long, long period of time, then why doesn't he just announce his plan. What is the "Osage" plan? We are paying maintenance costs. Until this sibling fight is over, we have a burden that's costing us instead of an asset. What can we do legally with the land until it's in Trust? What's encumberance?
As mentioned before on the blog, it was an "emotional purchase" (ranch). Not even paid for, a gamble of the Nation's income, big future revenue from casinos already claimed for the ranch. Why would anyone buy something for a high price with someone else's money (members) when you could get it for free (bison)? Is it true that land was/or is available in Osage County that we could of obtained for more acres at a lesser price?
He's been involved with the legal court in the Osage prior to this and looks likely he will be again soon, and "why not," that's why we have it, we (voters) helped set up this government system, let's use it when its needed. More money down the drain (lawyer), how much more money are "we" going to pay for lawyers for incompetent actions of the one who is controlling our lives and our checkbook?
If the Chief feels he has to sneak in the night to get things done how he wants to do it before the dawn comes and the people wake up -- then there's a real disassociation with his people.
If he really gave the board and committees full run of the Ranch and went back on his word, or made an illegal transaction, then the "cows" are trespassing. He could avoid accusations and distrust from "us" by just being "open" to discussion.
See Osage blog - CONVERSATION JANUARY 2017: December 29, 2016 at 10:30 A.M. "Article X - Code of Ethics, Section 8. - Independence of Boards and Commissions.
Thats what I am talking about,a public dialog should happen with the Osage. Osage isn't everything Government and I sure as heck want our, sorry for saying this but you guys on the "Hill" are proving to be incompetent with the Osage peoples money so evident and it is looking more and more everyday as I am hearing from a lot of your Depts from with in this Government are failing the Osage on small and huge scales..Talk about you guys not answering your phones or returning calls is a understatement. What is going on? Who is watching who? Is the real question. And accountability is out the door! It is time to stand tall the little Osage and Big Osage, understand that there are some of us who still believe in who we are as a people and united is long over due. You will always have a devide because the Osage Government thinks it is entitled but it is the people who are Sovereign and who are entitled to make the drastic overhaul that is needed. Smaller Government, returning the Goverment to the Council? Anything Government touches has been proven to take and take and that is it, yes Pawhuska may be getinng the long infrastructure changes it needed long ago, but still it isn't enough..Time for someone to step in the shit sorta speak and get rid of the stink if doing a Constitutional Convention of a one page rewrite and I thing Alice Buffalohead has it right when she wanted to add those four ammendments to the ballot and she got stonewalled. Kugge is steppin up though not enough he is making movement. Look at hte cards that are dealt and the hand we are playing is leading us no where but spend spend spend with more and more boards etc... We need to protect the interest the greater need of the Osage..bigger Government is never the answer. I cansay this because we are all part of this. My family is no better than your family we are Indians of one Tribe and to be honest its those who think they are above are sticking it to our future Generations and personally I would rather not let that happen because the future is here today!!! And now we are getting a better perspective of the intent of the Nation is to control all that is Osage..since 2006 what is the capital on any venture made and where is that capital going? Right into someones pockets and by the looks of yours and my Chief has boldly lied to the Osage all in the name of. Its your money and we don't care how it is used and abused and all of you are complicit. I sure as heck woukd not want to be in that cookie jar. Think about it, listen to Jim Ryan on facebook. The facts speak for themselves. Chief after Chief abusing their authority and their power and we let it continue because why. Take a look at our laws is a start? Hold yourselves accountable or else I personally will be fikin suits in the Federal Court.
Good comments above and these are real concerns and they are mine too. What I was able to walk away with from the Facebook sites of both Yancy Red Corn and Jim Ryan is that the realty or real estate compacting piece of the picture is also out of control where running things ourselves is concerned. This is very clear from the Quirt Haney comments back and forth with Melissa Currey who apparently is in control of the management of the realty compact. When she was BIA Osage Agency Superintendent, the same criticism was leveled at her over not returning phone calls and getting business handled in a timely and professional manner. I had to call a member of the Minerals Council to call her just to get my business handled or my questions answered. Not good because it appears that we have those already in a compacting situation that are overwhelmed and don't work hard enough or quickly enough to clear the decks and get caught up. This will be the same situation with Minerals if the Osage Nation is allowed to come anywhere near it. There are also big problems fulminating with the compact for healthcare that is being put out there in the public arena too. The Osage Nation is nowhere near able, in any capacity, to take care of the Minerals Estate at this point in time or anywhere in the near future on the basis of how they handle what they already have on their plate today. More problems in the field from Osage Nation run offices trying to handle OME business that only offer excuses day in and day out is the last thing we need, our producers still left in the field need, and our income level in our quarterly checks when none of the processes of running the minerals estate are being handled properly at an operational level, on a professional level and in a timely manner. This idea won't fly and I don't care how many strings are still being pulled with StandingBear's patron, Sonny Abbott. NO! NO! NO!
As another example; there is a back and forth going on at Yancy's Facebook site, Osage Community for Responsible Citizenry, between Paula Stabler and Congresswoman Edwards who apparently found out about the Wah Zha Zhe Clinic providing Medicare Part D coverage for elders. Come to find out that it was a cherry picked pilot program for only a chosen few, 47 Medicare patients in total, who actually received or are receiving this drug prescription benefit. With 595 elders enrolled in the Medicare Supplement optional benefit (Plan F) supplemental coverage, this is a program that will be very valuable to our Elders in the near future. Apparently from the exchange, this is yet another program that will benefit only Osages who come into the Clinic in Pawhuska for prescriptions. Stay tuned on will become very important in the future but likely not offered to everyone due to the cost of the Bluestem Ranch purchase.
"What's encumberance?" Leases for rentals on the property for set period of time handed out prior to the change of ownership. Loans on the property. Stuff like that.
The Chief has placed a story in the Tulsa World today that is a completely self aggrandizing article about the ranch that appears to hold himself up as if the ranch is solely his baby. This is a window into his problem with the Bluestem Board. They know what they are doing and don't need his direction. This may be crux of all the problems. He can't be a dictator when a board is competent and functioning as it should with no need for day to day direction, especially from someone who doesn't know anything about ranching. With this ongoing example, we have a clue as to why he might be pushing a crew of lightweights to head up a tribal owned oil company, something that he doesn't know anything about either. As little as he knows, it is more than they do. Oh, what a tangled web we weave.
Any thoughts or opinions herein are mine and not that of the entire Osage Minerals Council (OMC). The Ethics lawsuit was decided. The OMC is to follow the rules of the Osage Nation (ON). We should have appealed this to the federal court. We appealed the Wind Farm Lawsuit to the 10th circuit in Denver. It was heard on November 16. We are waiting on a response. We changed the status of our temporary emergency hire executive assistant to a full time permanent employee. Our rules say to advertise vacant positions. The ON rules say the same. If we are to follow the ON rules, according to the ethics ruling, why didn't we? Our new hire performs non-related OMC tasks for Councilwoman Redcorn on our dime. Our bi-annual meeting with the BIA was held December 6. This is adhering to the Highest Posted Priced lawsuit. Our oil and gas summit was held December 7 at the Skiatook Casino. One of the controversial speakers was George Shannon. His presenta- tion was to form a Limited Liability Company (LLC) composed of people educated in the oil and gas industry. We would have investors. He wants the executive, congress and OMC to work together. We should take money from the ON to invest and do away with the BIA. The next day Mr. Shannon wrote a letter to the chief changing the LLC to a commission. The chief wanted the OMC to host a meeting between these 3 branches to further discuss this project. George Shannon is the chief's uncle. The OMC already heard Mr. Shannon's project and we weren't interested. Councilmen Andrew Yates and Talee Redcorn got the speakers for the summit. I believe Councilmen Yates, Redcorn, Galen Crum and Everett Waller would want the 3 branches to work together. One oil man responded by saying the problem with producing in Osage County was not with the OMC, it's with the BIA superintendent. I am not willing to risk the headright income or their assets on this project. If we do away with the BIA, I would hate to think the ON would decide what our payment check would be. We had an Osage LLC that lost between 19 and 20 million dollars. I feel like Mr. Shannon's project is to create some level of authority over the OMC. Is this another way to diminish the OMC authority? Any meeting to listen to Mr. Shannon's project ought to be public.
We were awarded one of the grants we applied for. The money is to be used to digitize our oil records and make it easier for oil men to research the data for production in Osage County. We learned recently that the grant money will need to go through the ON grants management office. It is my understanding that they can take some of the money for administering the grant. The OMC is not in control of our money. There have been 2 complaints filed at the ON Attorney General's office. One is regarding a conflict of interest against Councilman Andrew Yates. Through his job with the ON, he can shut down an oil well but then vote on that oil man's business when brought to the OMC for approval. Basically, the ON rules say you can't have a job with the ON and be an elected official. Will Councilman Andrew Yates have to choose to give up one position or the other like other officials have had to do? Is this unconstitutional? It will be interesting to see the decision on this since the ON Attorney General, who ruled there was a conflict of interest, is the father of Andrew Yates's supervisor. Did you know that Chairman Everett Waller is Andrew Yates' brother-in-law? The other complaint was filed by Patricia Spurrier Bright. She wants all our financial records. She is interested in our attorney fees. The highest contracted attorney the OMC has charges $300 an hour. The Washington D.C. attorney we had in the past charged $600 an hour. I believe Ms. Bright attended meetings during that time. I don't know why, she wants to question our expenditures now. At our meeting, 12-16-16, Councilman Galen Crum called me a liar. Chairman Everett Waller allowed this verbal abuse and made no attempt to stop Galen when I asked him to. We were discussing changing chairmanship when I stated that the only person who would not step down as an OMC chairman was Galen Crum. I read from documentation from the 6-20-12 OMC meeting where he stated he wanted to continue the chair because he had some unfinished business he wanted to finish and he enjoyed being on the Negotiated Rule Making Committee. He became offended and stated that he wanted to correct my selective memory that he refused to go down. "That is an absolute and total lie." (Further review of that meeting tape identifies Councilman Crum saying, "I'm not resigning.")When Councilman Crum finished, he said, "let's get out of here." Chairman Waller accommodated him and adjourned the meeting without finishing the agenda. At this meeting Councilman Talee Redcorn recommended Councilman Joe Cheshewalla for chairman. You should have seen the fire in Andrew Yates' eyes when Talee recommended me as 2nd chair, adding that I had been on the OMC 3 times. We all know the Boys Club is never going to put me as the chairman or 2nd chair and on 12-21-16 they didn't. Our chairman remains to be Everett Waller. On October 19, we made a resolution to move money from Citizens Bank in Pawhuska to a Bartlesville Bank. Chairman Everett Waller has made no arrangements to uphold the OMC vote and move the money even though he's been asked several times to do so. Citizens Bank is owned by Gentner Drummond, the attorney who filed the Donelson lawsuit against oil companies producing in Osage County. In closing I want to wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR. Cynthia Boone, Osage Minerals Council
Happy New Year Mrs.Boone I like your latest news letter. Much appreciated. We have to disagree today and this is what is on the mind of this Headright owner. We do have a right to know if our money is working for us in the interest of. That means your salary. It is your fiduciary responsibility to protect the interest of the Headright owners interest. In the name of the M.E. We elected you and this is to ensure no corruption from with in. So we do have a right to an accounting of our Estate. Remeber that our Estate. And it has become less transparent with no potential in the future for much growth. Next year is here and I fully warned sometime back this is not where we want to be. "Stagnant". If our Council members wish to work in the opposite of each other it is because there is a cancer and it must be weeded out. We cannot grow in this type of environment that is not conducive for progress. All of uour are officers sworn and to an oath and it is up to the public interest to be sure at all costs the M.E. will benefit no matter the difference. Nor should you hand the M.E. to ONE'S. It is bad enough that we became a Government for the Government handed over to them on a silver platter in 2006. We know and understand why this has happened. Lets not kid ourselves their not doing any better than the council was doing when the Government was in their hands. Just spending way out of control. So I beg to differ. We are not just Shareholder's we are equally partners some just have more headrights than others. And culturally we are connected. Thirdly, we all have in common is the M.E, all this is binding. I know you did not mean to insult our intelligence some of us have ran big companies and know what it takes to run a buisness. And it is our buisness to stay in the know. What we do know is we have less transparency and this is telling, that we are not functioning at 100%, evidence by our royalty checks. In other words you work for us we set the standard evidence its been lacking for some time. Anything, Government touches it sours because it is self serving. I like you always said I did. Your one fault is even when you take a licken you get right back up,but you dont know how to hold yourself accountable, if you did uou would get so much more. But still I like to listen to you because there is truth in your vision. And if people could just reach there inner vision than maybe ,just maybe you could see the forest for the trees. Move the accounts now from the bank of person non grata the Drummond. Now!!!! What a conflict of interest, if we don't I am very suspect and it all comes to that the interst of the Headright owners is not being looked after. And the chance of impropriety exists. And we don't need to go down that road. Change the chairmanship. Since Waller has stepped in we have deteriorated. We have a multi million dollar Estate, You the Mineral Council need to put the metal to the pedal or action will take place like the plague hit Sicily in 1347. We should not be in a crisis nor should we be at ends with eachother. Rid the Cancer.
there are 9 predictions all ending in low oil prices. Below is a quote from article regarding if Trump approves the XL pipeline from Canada:
-- "Effectively, the pipeline will flood the U.S. market with cheap Canadian crude oil, to the delight of U.S. refiners and dismay of U.S. producers who will see the price of WTI oil, and their profits come down."
sharing a reading from two different articles and dates from (2016 and 2009)
-- Nov. 30 2016 (from same article as above 'TRUMP') "...the XL pipeline will replace crude oil transportation by train--an expensive, inefficient and accident-prone operation."
-- Nov. 12, 2009 "DID BUFFETT BUY RAILWAYS BECAUSE OF PEAK OIL?" it tells of Warren Buffett acquiring the BNSF freight railway company (2009) by comparing the difference in cost of semi-trucks and diesel gas operating cost in the future for oil transportation with that of the railway. At the end of the article in small print it states "whoever owns the railroads will control energy..."
(THERE'S NO MENTION OF 'PIPELINE' IN THE ARTICLE.) Sometimes he's on the stock market channel, CNBC, wish I could hear him make a comment on 'then' and 'now' predicament.
they are "...spending six figures on an online and TV ad campaign against him."
"The ad focuses on Pruitt's taking of contributions from the oil and gas industry and his public questioning "whether mercury poses public health hazards."
See also the Meeting Agenda at
There has been some discussion about this meeting including a proposal for the Osage Nation Energy Services, LLC (ONES) Board to have a blanket lease over all of Osage County given to them by a vote of Osage Minerals Council. There is some question as to what this will do to the power structure of the Shareholder elected Minerals Council to continue running the Osage Mineral Estate in terms of the current ability to consider and approve leasing to the oil and gas producers as well as to continue with the administration, development, and management of the Osage Mineral Estate. There is a second concern that this will perhaps place the ONES Board above the Osage Nation Minerals Agency from a government controlling standpoint in conflict with the specified provisions of Article XV of the Osage Nation Constitution. It has been suggested as a cautionary measure that very serious questions need to be asked of the Chief and the presenters and be fully answered at this meeting before any such arrangement is made or provided for by the Minerals Council going forward. "The meeting will be a public meeting and is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on January 12, 2017 at the Pawhuska Business Development Center.” Address: 1225 Virginia Short St, Pawhuska, OK 74056 Phone: (918) 287-3357
To contact the Members of the Minerals Council directly about this meeting, see the most current Osage Minerals Council Newsletter at
If you have a Headright share or portion of one, it is highly recommended that you plan to attend this meeting to find out what is being planned for the future by the Chief’s Office. Please share this e-mail with all of your Osage friends and relatives on your e-mail list.
If this ONES Board is so active and such a viable entity, why haven't they met and had a meeting since July of 2016?
On the Facebook blog the chief is trying to bully Osage women from Hominy. He will rue the day he started this. "Rue comes from the Old English word hreowan, meaning "to make sorry," and rue can still sum up a lot of sorrow in one small syllable. Rue is a modern verb that often looks back on the past. Shakespeare made famous the phrase "rue the day," meaning you bitterly regret a moment."
Good to know. Thank you. However, you should cite the Facebook web site you are referring to in your comment. There are a number of them around that address Osage issues. As a courtesy to those who read this Blog, of course.
Maria Whitehorn Chief, I'm glad you did not choose a non-Osage company to establish a herd on our land. There have been many non-Osage applications received from your proposals project. I respectfully request Bluestem Ranch LLC be given the opportunity to fulfill their initial function for the Osage Nation, which is to grow our own Osage herds, manage our grassland and natural resources. Unlike · Reply · 4 · January 7 at 10:15am · Edited
Geoffrey StandingBear I expect you to have at least tried to find out the facts. But, what do you make of the Chair of the Osage News disregarding the search for the truth? This discredits the Osage News Editorial Board and the Osage News which operates beneath them. As soon as I receive a report a copy will be sent to the Speaker of the Osage Congress. Like · Reply · January 7 at 10:44am
Kugee Supernaw Sharing the post as Jerri did is just disseminating a point of view that may help to determine if the majority of Osages share that view. You can’t have things both ways on fact checking everything said, after all, the Osage News printed the whoppers you said in the last issue of the News. Shall I elaborate? Like · Reply · 1 · January 7 at 11:00am
Wilson Pipestem Bullying Osage women from Hominy is never a good idea. But it's become a unfortunate pattern here. Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
What do we make of this? Standing Bear reveals possible gaming sites in Missouri to gaming enterprise board I think it's an interesting idea. I love this area of the country. I would also like to see Arkansas casino opportunities explored around Berryville and Eureka Springs. Big bucks to be made if there is little or no competition. I say take it seriously and plan accordingly.
Question: If the USA were to turn back the assets of the Osage Tribe currently held in trust including ending the beneficiary Osage Mineral Estate Trust from which, the Headright owners receive their quarterly checks, does the or should the Federal government compensate the Headright owners for the loss of future income as a result of such a termination?
Wrong. Mineral rights are in perpetuity only. The beneficiary income trust was created by the 1906 Allotment Act. These are two different legal actions separate and apart from one another.
It has been in the past if I have it correct that a termination by the Government not in favor of the M.E. should be compensated the Headright Owners. We used to get paid for any fines that was levied againt the producer.
Mineral rights have nothing to do with the beneficiary income trust. They have been taken into perpetuity for the benefit of the Osage Tribe. The income generated from the mineral rights is what has been taken into the (income) trust and placed into the Federal Trust account for the benefit of the Headright owners and is disbursed quarterly. According to one of the amendments of the 1978 Act that amends the 1938 Act that amends the 1906 Allotment Act.
From the Act of June 24, 1938 (52 Stat. 1034, 1035): "The lands, moneys, and other properties now or hereafter held in trust or under the supervision of the United States for the Osage Tribe of Indians, the members thereof, or their heirs and assigns, shall continue subject to such trusts and supervision until January 1, 1984, unless otherwise provided by Act of Congress."
This provision has been further amended by the Act of Oct. 21, 1978, Public Law 95-496 which reads:
(b) The second paragraph of section 3 of the Act of June 24, 1938 (52 Stat. 1034, 1035), as amended, is amended by striking the phrase "unless otherwise provided by Act of Congress" and inserting, in lieu thereof, the phrase "and thereafter until otherwise provided by Congress".
The final amended passage now reads:
"The lands, moneys, and other properties now or hereafter held in trust or under the supervision of the United States for the Osage Tribe of Indians, the members thereof, or their heirs and assigns, shall continue subject to such trusts and supervision until January 1, 1984, unless otherwise provided by Congress."
As you can see, it is unilateral and fully at the option of the USA to make changes without an Act of Congress required.
If the trust relationship ends where the income trust for the benefit of the Headright owners and it is terminated, the question is, do the Headright beneficiaries have the right to be financially compensated for the loss of future income from the proceeds of any future Osage mineral rights income or from the Federal government for terminating the Osage Mineral Estate income trust, or both?
Sorry. The amended passage reads exactly: "The lands, moneys, and other properties now or hereafter held in trust or under the supervision of the United States for the Osage Tribe of Indians, the members thereof, or their heirs and assigns, shall continue subject to such trusts and supervision until January 1, 1984, and thereafter until otherwise provided by Congress".
What I'd like to know is, how could they do this without a vote of the Shareholders to terminate the trust from where we get our quarterly income checks? I thought we Osage headright owners have a right to vote on this issue.
I'd like to know what is the meaning of the phrase "...otherwise provided by Congress." If it doesn't require an Act of Congress anymore, what does it require and what would that entail?
For the last time Chief, we know they, meaning anybody, can't take our headrights away but they can take away the Federally managed Osage Mineral Estate Trust and the income deposited into the Trust account. If we have a headright or portion of one and if the Trust account is closed by the Feds and no more mineral rights income is taken into trust and deposited into the Trust account because it has been closed and terminated, there will be no quarterly income payment check because there is a zero balance in an account that has been closed. You can have Osage headrights all day long but if there's no money there any longer to be paid out, you will not get a quarterly payment.
To the poster at January 9, 2017 at 3:19 PM, the trust is not limited to only the income but includes, by reference to "other properties", the entire Minerals Estate and any lands or other properties held in trust by the United States federal government.
Before any agency of the federal government can dissolve the trust relationship, an act of Congress must have enabled the DOI/BIA to do so. The Osage Nation cannot act alone to lease any property held in trust by the federal government; only the federal agency can enter into leases or dispose of property owned by the Osage Tribe (which is a subset of the Osage Nation membership), and then only when acting in the trust beneficiaries best interests.
Of course, abiding by the law means nothing to greedy people who serve their own interests.
I love this level of disinformation. Whether you know it or not, we Osages live and die by the 1906 Allotment Act as amended no matter what the Osage Nation government has to tell you or how officiously they spin it.
It does not require an Act of Congress to make changes to the Trust relationship on the part of the United States government. It is exactly as written in my post above, "until otherwise provided by Congress." There has been no further amendment by the U.S. Congress in regard to this passage in later amendments or clarifications to the 1906 Act. Your statement is completely and utterly false from a legal standpoint and where the Osage Mineral Estate Trust is concerned, the final amendment in 1978 prevails as the active and viable statutory Federal law of the land where the Osages are concerned.
Second, this isn't a math problem. The Osage Tribe is not a subset of anything. When the Osage Nation came into being, it walked away from the Osage Tribe entirely when it created a brand new entity known as the Osage Nation and no member of the Osage Tribe was included in that membership. All Osage Tribe members had to file for a new membership from the Osage Nation with an issued membership card with the signature of the Osage Nation Principal Chief at that time and it continues that way today. This happened when the newly elected Osage Nation Congress passed the initial membership bill in the Fall of 2006, in effect, tossing out every single member of the Osage Tribe who had an actual official membership with all of the benefits and rights. The U.S. Congress who has the Plenary Power where the government to government relationship is concerned has never formally in writing or otherwise, authorized the Osage Nation government. To my knowledge, they have not even so much as acknowledged the Osage Nation government. The 2004 Reaffirmation Act of the U.S. Congress, P.L. 108-431, clarified that the Osage Tribe and the Osage Tribe alone could form a new government and add membership. The OGRC under the direction of Hepsi Barnett and with the collusion of the Harvard people at The Harvard Project, all went way out of control and developed an entirely different legal entity separate and apart from the Osage Tribe. I submit that they simply walked away from the Osage Tribe and abandoned it and every single asset in Trust that the Osage Tribe had then and has today. No formal legal action has ever been taken to transfer those Trust assets to the Osage Nation in a quiet title action and furthermore, where the trust property is concerned, you won't find the name of the Osage Nation on any chain of title anywhere in the State of Oklahoma or at the Federal level. Saying a thing is so doesn't make it so until a legal transfer of title takes place in Federal Court. Ask Talee Redcorn. He's been asking for an accounting of and a transfer of trust property since he was elected way back in 2006. The Osage Nation is nothing but a pack of thieving squatters to a whole lot of people back in 2006 and that is still true today.
"Before any agency of the federal government can dissolve the trust relationship, an act of Congress must have enabled the DOI/BIA to do so." The Act of Congress you are referring to that can dissolve the trust relationship unilaterally on the part of the U.S. Congress has already been passed. It's known as the Act of Oct. 21, 1978, Public Law 95-496. The terms and provisions of this Act to amend the 1938 Act which amended the 1906 Allotment Act are in full effect and force today. Try and keep up!
Perhaps you need to take a refresher course in basic English, as there is nothing explicitly stated within PL 95-496 to allow the trust relationship to be dissolved. In fact, Sec. 2(a) extends the reservation of the ME to the Osage Tribe in perpetuity.
As to the difference between "by Act of Congress" and "otherwise provided by Congress" the intent is by unconstitutional delegation of authority by Congress to federal agencies via regulations. The DOI/BIA must still relinquish trust responsibilities voluntarily; there is nothing the Osage Nation government can lawfully do to steal the ME from the headright owners.
To the poster at January 10, 2017 at 10:17 AM: As you have clearly stated, the Osage Nation is not a superset of the Osage Tribe but an unlawful replacement. PL 108-431 neither extinguished nor diminished the rights of the Osage Tribe, but the effect of the Osage Nation has been to accomplish one or the other depending on a person's point of view.
January 10, 2017 at 12:21 PM. You can't make this up as you go along. Public Law 95-496 amended the Trust relationship with the United States Congress (just under God where Tribal governments are concerned relative to ANY OTHER PART of the Federal Government). Let me put it to you in plain English: Prior to PL 95-496 it took an Act of Congress to make a change to this passage: "The lands, moneys, and other properties now or hereafter held in trust or under the supervision of the United States for the Osage Tribe of Indians, the members thereof, or their heirs and assigns, shall continue subject to such trusts and supervision until January 1, 1984, unless otherwise provided by ACT of CONGRESS."
After the passage of PL 95-496 on the day it was signed into law it no longer takes an Act of Congress to make a change to the Trust Relationship because it reads and is the LAW in current full force and effect TODAY: ""The lands, moneys, and other properties now or hereafter held in trust or under the supervision of the United States for the Osage Tribe of Indians, the members thereof, or their heirs and assigns, shall continue subject to such trusts and supervision until January 1, 1984, and thereafter until otherwise provided by Congress"." Get up to speed.
The reservation and ownership of the Mineral Rights has been taken into perpetuity not the Trust relationship with the Federal government. The mineral rights to the Osage Tribal Reservation exist with or without a trust, Federal or otherwise. Get your facts straight or read all of the Acts to amend the 1906 Allotment Act and apply the changes into law accordingly.
You're conveniently overlooking the phrase "and thereafter until otherwise provided by Congress". Had the trusts been disestablished this phrase would not have been included, as it would have been irrelevant.
Unless there is another law passed by Congress which delegates its authority to the DOI/BIA, then the trusts continue on in perpetuity until such time as Congress provides a mechanism for the trusts to be disestablished.
Recent major legal actions brought before a federal court by the Osage Nation have resulted in the wrong-headed view of the law being set straight. A case in point is Osage Nation v. Constance Irby et al, in which a decision was handed down that the Osage Reservation had not simply been diminished but had been disestablished by Act of Congress.
Even the cases related to Osage LLC brought before the Osage County court aren't going very well. Had the parties raised the fact, in a timely manner, that Osage LLC was never registered as a foreign or domestic entity of the State of Oklahoma then the cases would have been dismissed for lack of standing. Given that the Osage Nation lacks its own law related to securities fraud and has jurisdictional problems over non-Indians, it's a miracle that the defendants were not more proactive in hiring competent counsel and having the cases thrown out.
If I were a gambling man then I'd bet against the Osage Nation's interpretation of law every single time, and I'd win often enough to die a very wealthy man.
No one said that the OME Trust has been disestablished. It hasn't at this point in time but should the U.S. Congress provide in future for such a situation, I believe the question was and still is, does the U.S. Congress have to pay or compensate the headright owners for a future loss of income as a result of such a trust termination? The Trust does not continue on in perpetuity. This statement is flatly false. There is no perpetuity associated with the Trust relationship with the U.S. Congress or the DOI/BIA. Perpetuity means forever without a possibility of an end or termination at any point in time into the future.
Based on the history of treaties between nations - and especially with Indian tribes - you should know full well that "in perpetuity" in law only means that an act will continue until it is set aside by another act. There has never been, nor will there ever be, any act of man that is not subject to being terminated at some point in the future.
When Congress established a fixed date and then qualified it with the ambiguous phrase "and thereafter until otherwise provided by Congress", it had the same legal effect as using the words "in perpetuity". It established that the "lands, moneys, and other properties now or hereafter held in trust ... shall continue subject to such trusts" until Congress provides for the trust relationship to be terminated. This includes not only the beneficial interest in the trust, but also the real property of the Minerals Estate.
As to whether the United States will be obligated to compensate the headright owners for loss of future income, that is purely up to the Congress to decide. Given that the original intent of Congress was only to preserve the rights in the subsurface minerals for 25 years while the Osage (as with all Indians) were given time to adapt to the white man's civilization, it is highly unlikely that additional compensation will be granted. It should be looked upon as a windfall that the arrangement has continued on so long as they have.
In any case, it isn't the United States the headright owners should fear but the Osage Nation. Once the ON wrests away control of the ME the income will decline dramatically. Where will the money go? It will go to corrupt tribal leaders and their cronies.
January 11, 2017 at 7:43 AM, Paragraphs one and two of your comment are completely false. They could not be more incorrect from a legal standpoint. You should speak with an attorney who understands the difference of the legal phrases in law; "in perpetuity" and "...and thereafter until otherwise provided by Congress". Until you do, refer to "...and thereafter until otherwise provided by Congress" suggests a termination date at some point in the future, "in perpetuity" does not. Trying to win an argument by disseminating false information only makes you look false and your argument worthless. Paragraphs three and four of your comment, I agree with completely.
I am fully aware of the definition of "in perpetuity" according to Black's Law Dictionary. I am also well versed in the actual meaning of the phrase when it comes to acts by governments, and it means exactly what I've set forth.
When it comes to "in perpetuity" and a government being bound it means only so long as government takes no contradictory act. The origins of the practice date back to Germanic tribal law, from which English common law evolved. Chieftains, kings, and other leaders have been negotiating treaties of "perpetual friendship" or land grants "in perpetuity" for centuries - and then nullifying their word before the ink was even dry.
For Congress to use the phrase "and thereafter until otherwise provided by Congress" has the same legal effect as stating "in perpetuity" as far as it binds a government or the beneficiaries should expect. The latter phrase gives people more hope that government will not act to rescind the grant, but there is no material difference.
That said, if such language appears in an agreement between private parties then government will enforce it through the power of the courts and the force of a gun.
"When it comes to "in perpetuity" and a government being bound it means only so long as government takes no contradictory act."
"For Congress to use the phrase "and thereafter until otherwise provided by Congress" has the same legal effect as stating "in perpetuity" as far as it binds a government or the beneficiaries should expect. The latter phrase gives people more hope that government will not act to rescind the grant, but there is no material difference."
Both of these statements are a bald faced lies in reference to the 1906 Allotment Act as amended and I am making a formal request to the moderator that your false posts to disseminate untruthful information be deleted at the earliest possible moment in time. The absolute last thing we need is willful disinformation published here.
More on the Meeting on the 12th: HERE it IS --->>> "Standing Bear said the meeting is not how elected and appointed leaders of the Osage could personally benefit from an increase in production with a higher payment check, but rather “how all Osages may benefit from our combined efforts to increase production and Osage headright payments.” What the hell does that mean? The only Osages who are to benefit from the OME Trust are the true beneficiaries of that Trust and the mineral rights income generated by them belong to the HEADRIGHT OWNERS. Any middle man nonsense to start skimming off the top with some blanket top lease or anything like it to go into the coffers of the Osage Nation Treasury is MONEY OUT OF OUR POCKETS IN TERMS OF OUR HEADRIGHT CHECKS. Someone needs to "Check" this Chief and put him on notice that anything that he cooks up with the Snake Oil Salesman designate otherwise known as George Shannon is dead on arrival. Start running the Osage Nation properly Chief and GET OUT AND STAY OUT OF MINERALS BUSINESS ONCE AND FOR ALL! And take your mouth piece, George Shannon, away with you.
Isn't gaming income enough for this guy? WTH? We need to throw this guy right out of office in 2018, just like Jim Gray back in 2010. What a misery he makes of this new government for everybody. I so totally agree -- "Start running the Osage Nation properly Chief and GET OUT AND STAY OUT OF MINERALS BUSINESS ONCE AND FOR ALL! And take your mouth piece, George Shannon, away with you."
The Osage News has billed this meeting on Jan. 12 as a joint meeting of Congress, the Executive Branch and the Minerals Council. This is misleading. This is all the Chief's show. The Minerals Council was asked to sponsor the meeting and they refused. The Congress was never asked, but they would never sponsor it when the MC had refused. There probably will be members of the MC and Congress there to listen as a courtesy, but that does not mean that they endorse or support the proposals at this time.
My thoughts why si Congress involved? Why is the Chief summoned everyone to come together. It would be different had he said I am inviting all and everyone to join in what could be history in the makes..yrea right we've see about enough of this stuffed suit. Hard to believe in him. People talk about rumors funny how they pan out to be true until the public gets wind then the tune changes. We are not blind to the facts that are on our table and I am willing to listen to his opinion. Becuase I had quite some time back a "consensus" needs to happen. Face it our M.C. has done a banged up job. And we know it is in the contracting. Do we need another middle man no, but in order to make money you need to spend money, advertising and such..a means to justify the end.
Thank you,7:21 AM, for your input of understanding what's going on here with everybody. I reject this chief not only as a shareholder, but as a Osage person. He's a dictator. Wants to take over every thing, including our lives.
So dang funny! Guess she didn't learn the 10th Commandment. From the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church: You shall not covet . . . anything that is your neighbor's. . . . You shall not desire your neighbor's house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his ass, or anything that is your neighbor's. (Most especially not the headrights that belong to the Roman Catholic Church!) 317 In brief: 2552 The tenth commandment forbids avarice arising from a passion for riches and their attendant power. Miss Rosemary must have been missing or asleep the day they taught that commandment in Sunday School:
I just love how legally unsophisticated some Osages in the Osage can be about the headrights of their ancestors whom they claim to respect. The oil and gas income was placed initially in a Federal trust fund to be paid out as personal property to all of the original allottees under the 1906 Allotment Act. At the end of 25 years, this trust was to terminate and the mineral rights were to be repatriated to the land and returned to each an every original allottee, their heir/s or assign/s with an allotment of Osage County land. The Osage Tribal officials went to the U.S. Congress to get an extension of the trust for the income from the mineral rights for quarterly payments to make certain that they would continue for those who had headrights or a portion of one. There have been several extensions since that time and the final one in 1978 has extended the mineral rights reserved to the Osage Tribe in perpetuity which means that they can never be repatriated to the land under any circumstances whether there is a Federal income trust for the headright owners beneficiaries or not because the Osage Tribe owns them forever as per the 1906 Allotment Act as amended. Wood states, "It is further my understanding that the only way these rights were lost from the Tribe was through the Federal Government’s failure to fulfill their trust responsibilities.*" The only headrights that were "lost" were either sold or willed or given after death through a trust to a particular person or party by the headright owner themselves who had every right under the sun to give their personal property to whom they wished until the Federal government changed the law and the headright or a portion can now pass only to another of Osage blood.
Good luck with that burial at Immaculate Conception, Rosemary. The Church is particularly good at "deep-sixing" a person who steps outside the fold long before they have need of a coffin.
At the Chief's meeting today about the mineral estate, don't get suckered in by any of his rhetoric.
I've heard he has met enough resistance that he is changing his tone somewhat and is going to play down the million acre lease and try to sell this as just an "advisory board" to the OMC. He's going to claim the ONES to be experts with special knowledge who can increase oil production. Real politician speak.
Remember, the ONES have done nothing with the start-up capital provided to them other than buy a building that they lease to the Nation. Any business person will tell you that is the last thing you invest in.
The ONES have not even attempted to bring a well to production, have not transported a barrel of oil, have not serviced a well or even invested anywhere in the vast periphery oil related industries. They bought a building that they lease to the Nation, that's it.
The Osage Producers Association was not formally invited to the meeting. No one asked for their input. One wonders what the real motives are behind this "meeting."
I too find it interesting that The Osage Producers Association was not invited who have leases in Osage County already. I am sick to the death of Sonny Abbott and his cronies including at least two and probably three members of the Minerals Council trying to undermine the only single group of business people we have out in the field actually pulling oil and gas out of the ground. We saw that jack**s at work when the last Mike Black meeting took place and it was ugly to be as polite as possible.
Been awhile since visited this site and for a very long time (10 years) I was a dedicated viewer and poster on the OSA. After watching part 1 and 2 I can humbly say I have never seen such a thing among the Osage.
Just finished watching Part 2 of the meeting (haven't seen Part 1 yet). About the last 20 minutes was like an emotional roller coaster. Two Osage Producer Association people got up and talked, one named Shane (he talked first), the other Nona Roach (she starts talking about one minute and 40 minutes in 1:42), of the OPA, both very informative, and "up setting" to hear the current facts about her dealings with the Superintendent of BIA (she said we are "hogged tied," put in the closet left to die.
Then, the Chief tells Chairman Waller that he suggest when the new Assistant Secretary to Indian Affairs is in office that he (Chief) and Waller go to DC to meet with the new Assistant or the Secretary of Indian Affairs and request the BIA's actions since 2014 be REVERSED.
It looks like there's going to be more sessions, but no decisions until after Trump administration is in.
MINERAL COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to the weather tomorrow, the MC meeting is cancelled and will meet next Weds. this announcement was just before the closing prayer.
Our hands are not hog tied mm ore like a dearh grip, but does not mean more cannot be done in the mean while. This hole dam thing smels to me. And you know lets not forget we should be knocking on that door of the SOI right now. If by if we are working under the old regulations and the excuse I keep on hearing is this agency is backlogged hurting the M.E. Lets end this confusion. There I s none. The Federal Government holds only a piece of paper, just the Title. We can prove the damage but thats later. No time like the present to be pro-active in this matter al the while we can do what the Government can do for us and start developing our M.E. aggressively. Open office with compliance and all. End of story. Its ours to see thrur. And as I have said, the future is today!!!!!
If I heard this correctly, ONES has been around for 4 years. Let me write that again, FOUR years. What have they done in that time in the oil and gas industry? If Miss Spurrier Bright really wants to be of any real value to her fellow shareholders, she should be FOIAing the records of ONES for all spending including the balance sheet for every single one of the last four years since ONES was funded with $3,000,000! YES?
Out going Head of the EPA agency Gina MCcarthy was asked by Federal Judge Bailey to give a impact analysis of the Job loss on said regs. She said there has not been one done since 1977, and would take two years to comply. Judge Bailey said unacceptable, he wants it by July of 2017. How hard is it to come up with a model whwn all you have to account is for 9 plants and how many employees were employed and you know the regs that called for their closure does she really think we are stupid. Not. Further said by the Judge EPA does not get to decide whether compliance with (the law) is good policy, or would lead to too many difficulties for the agency," Bailey wrote. "It is time for the EPA to recognize that Congress makes the law, and EPA must not only enforce the law, it must obey it." See any correlation relating to the losees on our estate in peak period of 2014? And who makes the laws Congress not the BIA,The EPA or the Nation when it comes to the Mineral Estate. The impact on our estate has had its reverse effects all around to our Producers to the Royalties. Alnoe in 2014, out 100,000 and I know there our other Headright owners out possibly more..Just afraid to say so and what is being done about that? Has our M.C done a financial impact on the Mineral Estate? My bet not. If nothing is being done about this where is the interest of the Headright Owners?
Yes. Ramrodding this EIS and PEA has done untold harm when the outcome of the lawsuit of Martha Donalson should have been concluded before Miss-Miss ever got a head of steam over at the Osage Agency. Two things I believe, the headright owners income has been diminished by the attempt to conform to BLM rules for the convenience and conformity of the BIA itself on a self-interested basis and, in addition, the BIA has also diminished the Headright owners income relative to those bogus CFRs that got turned back. The Headright owners are in a position to claim, once again, that they have been harmed and badly by the OME Trustee during the time before the Donalson lawsuit was dismissed and thrown out of court. For once in the Federal government's life, can they appoint an overall surveillance conservator or guardian over the BIA to watch what they do and make sure that what they do comes to no harm of any kind to the headright trust beneficiaries?
Good presentation by the Oklahoma Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Environment as well.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting information being disclosed. Worth listening to on demand if you can't catch it now.
Congressman Supernaw has put out a new "Notes to the Nation" with in depth information about the purchase of the Bluestem Ranch. If you wish to receive a copy of this newsletter and others in future, contact Kugee at and he will place you on his e-mail list.
ReplyDeleteMost informative meeting in a long time, was glad to hear them discuss the beginning process possibilities of new digital technology (whenever the money shows up).
ReplyDeleteHeard part of the afternoon MC meeting. Toward the end, it was discussed the possibility of two of them stepping down next month (Waller and Talee). Talee says he would like to see a representative from Fairfax step in his place. He also mentioned maybe Joe Cheshewalla follow in the Chairman's place. It was mentioned that this subject of Waller stepping down was briefly discussed in one of their executive meetings. Next Weds. meeting it will be discussed in further detail like voting on it or dismissing it. FOR NOW,IT'S JUST A "DISCUSSION" TO DISCUSS.
Is was just a few minutes ago I read on Osage News (Dec. 14) about a shareholder suing the MC for "not" replying to a request to review MC financial records and the problem with transparency.
Thank you Ms. Bright for your courage and taking this bold step.
Interesting about the law suit. As a matter of fact, the drawdown is MC government money set aside by the actual terms and conditions of the 1906 Allottment Act as amended for the specific use of the administration of the Osage Mineral Estate on the part of the Mineral Council. This is Federal law and the drawdown comes specifically from the Federal Trust Account that is handed out by the Bureau to run the Minerals Council office and pay for the salaries and other costs and expenses as outlined by the yearly budget submitted to the BIA for approval. I don't think Federal law under the 1906 Act has any requirement to disclose what is in the yearly budget associated with the million dollar drawdown nor is there any requirement as to transparency. This is where is gets sticky once again with the new government layer come into play after the money has been disbursed to the Osage Nation. If the Minerals Council under the Osage Constitution has to disclose its budget to the public and the Osage Congress then so does the Chief where his Office of the Chiefs budget and any other opaque budget in the Executive Branch is concerned. Very interesting indeed. outlined in the yearly budget...
ReplyDeleteBTW, it looks like the are really going to go after those injection wells in the Arbuckle formation including ours. Bad news just keeps getting worse on a daily basis. Working with the Tribes to do what? Shut down the oil and gas business as a result of the fracking and waste water injection wells?
ReplyDeleteThe only lawsuit I'm interested in hearing about is the Headright owners filing against the BIA that took full advantage of the lawsuit with Martha Donalson, represented by attorney Drummond, to ramrod through all those EPA regs with a new EIS and those new CFRs that have run off all new business in the Osage and have held up approvals for leases that have been disastrously detrimental to Shareholder income in the two years prior to the lawsuit being dismissed and thrown out of Federal Court. None of it had to happen until the lawsuit was resolved and tremendous harm has been done to the income and new business being generated as a result. Headright owners do have a right to sue for loss of income as a result of the ruination of the business environment by a Federal Trustee who is supposed to be operating at the highest level of trust and in the best interest of the shareholders as a result of the fiduciary duty and obligation owed to all Headright owners, as the Trust beneficiaries, by the BIA and the Secretary of the Interior.
ReplyDeleteWe have many rights, really no judge would rule differently as for the records are concern if the federal government has to account so does the BIA and M.C. and here here to Waller leaving non tonsoon. We need a leader and Irwin comes to mind. Like I said, it is imperative we know how our dra down is used and spent...per-diams and hotel stays when the M.C could drive home, gas, etc...I wouldn't be surprised to see thus taken advantage of...
ReplyDeletePSB lawsuit info --
ReplyDeleteThe mineral estate has a long and significant production history and with the development of the database the OMC will be able to use existing production data to predict future production and ultimate recovery for any well or field proposed in Osage County, according to the grant. “This would generate an immediate benefit to the OMC and the Headright owners by creating an advantage in negotiating lease terms, including bonuses and royalty rates,” I think this is wonderful that we are finally moving in the right direction but how has the BIA been operating thus far and I will ask again,why has the BIA since trying to rectify the CFR'S and I say quasi,in the 21st century not digitize our records? And how many nay sayers were afraid to go in this direction and was furious at the thought of? Come on the only way to go is up. One step of many steps we have to take to get to the point where we can actually function as a real Petroleum office of compliance. When you are in the know the future is the skys limit.
ReplyDeleteWith your headright income mind you if the Nation gets a head of steam on a fully staffed petroleum office. You don't seem to get it that the MC is part of the Osage Constitutional government and they are fully resentful of all those who get big salaries, big benefits and big perks since all that was taken away when the new government hit the floor running. The same mindset will prevail and develop. Osage Nation Treasurer said that there are more than 100 departments, offices, and so on that are being floated by Tribal gaming funds. You let any more of these people in that tent, the money will either have to come from the Nation where they will be in a position to call the shots or the drawdown will have to be increased to meet with the cost and expense of having it which will mean money direct out of your pockets into theirs. Either way, the status quo is the only way our dropping checks will stay as high as possible in the future. The wise man looks to the past to inform the future. Think this through. Feelings first mean logic, sense and reason come dead last. Not a good thing in this case.
ReplyDeleteI am for self determination and the status quo is why we are currently where we are at, is no different than yesterday. There is a lot we can do for ourselves administratively and be subsidized. Is change only good when it fits your agenda?
ReplyDeleteIt's not my agenda I'm afraid of. It's yours. Are you one of these greedy Osage government officials, one, who want to swarm and overwhelm what little we have left in our headright checks to use for your own base purposes and two, again, you didn't really think it through did you? How long do you think you will be subsidized by the Republican President otherwise known as Donald Trump? Unless there is a cabal among the members of the Electoral College today, Trump will be in as the President and your cushy little situation in the Osage with the $25-$26 million in Federal funding will come under harsh review and the big question that will asked will be, "Why are we subsidizing these Tribal people in America when they have gaming facilities that are raking in millions of dollars, day in and day out, on a monthly and yearly basis? This is the worst example of "Corporate Welfare" we have on the Federal books ATPIT with Sovereign Nations no less, who are supposed to be taking care of their own, planning in a financially appropriate way and making their own way in the world."
Think! It's the best thing since sliced bread!!!
Now that you've thought about it, again, where will the money be coming from? The Osage Nation or the MC drawdown? Either way, it does not bode well for your personal income from the OME Trust. Perhaps the Federal subsidy you are referring to will last for a year or two, but I wouldn't count on it after that.
ReplyDeleteAh the slice of bread how I want to share that slice of bread. Greed has nothing to do with why we should do for ourselves what we shoukd have done years ago. Are you one of the council members that want to keep the status quo because you are afraid to do something that should have been done years ago. Yes years ago. Nothing stays the same ever..and should we grow I am for it. Now the time to get on that band wagon this isn't about you this affects us all. Had I been on the council we would not be where we are at, besides OPEC nor would those Shareholder's who are living on a prayer this Holiday be in the position thy are in...all these harsh regs are going bye bye...oil prices at an all tme high again. There is to many pros to move forward evn if its by our boot straps. We nned to ensure a viale future and this new technology is just one foot in front of the other but we need to take leaps...and you want to talk about transparency and accountability, long over due. Naw I am in the Hospitality service Industry and have ran many a business and an Accountant, deadly combo because I know when the wool is being pulled over my talent and not ashamed in the least. Just know better and I have answers and solutions.
ReplyDeleteThis lawsuit is being filed in this Osage legal system because it involves an Osage Indian seeking an "answer." Someone has stepped up to the plate. I hope the end result will be worth her time and effort, and aggrevation. To get the "truth, and nothing but the truth," to "end" the mistrust or doubt of an action, or "non-action" in this case. We elected the MC officials, at least a "reply" was warranted to someone who may have put you in your job? Been a lot of disrespect to each other in the meetings, don't pass that attitude on to the shareholders, they're why there is a MC.
ReplyDeleteThe past is prologue...
ReplyDeleteWe may have a tidy little war on our hands between Russia and Turkey as of the assassination of the Russian Ambassador earlier on today. The U.S. won't stand by and let Turkey stand alone. Trump is also being reported to be going to be widening the gulf with the Saudis when he becomes President. Oil is hardly at an all-time high. $52.12 is a far cry from $145.29. Are you delusional or just dishonest with us, or worse, with yourself? Any changes involving money being spent should be taken a hard look at especially since we will only be duplicating services already supplied by the BIA at the Osage Agency that comes to the Headright owners for free. Anything they can do, the government Osages will do worse and ten years of history with only failure to show for it should be informing anyone's analysis of the situation on whether or not to spend the money to have a fully equipped petroleum office in the Osage Nation government whcih will immediately be captured by the Executive Branch per the Osage Nation Constitution, Article VII, Section 5, Composition: The executive branch shall consist of the elected offices of Principal Chief and Assistant Principal Chief, and all other administrative offices, departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Osage Nation including, but not limited to, public trusts, boards, village committees, authorities, and commissions.
How do you feel about having the Chief coming in to make the same kind of personal decisions with a petroleum office like he's been making with the Bluestem Ranch?
It's official. Trump is in... Look to your own interests or suffer the consequences of not keeping an eye on the ball fiscally and spending much much much less accordingly.
ReplyDeleteFirst it is at a all time high and I should have said since. And will only go higher, depending Opec abides by the new agreements and cutting back on regs to spur growth. Crafting is what I do and develop, do you not think the reason to would reduce any efficiencies and redundancies. And like I said and you just prove what i am saying. Your a obstructionist if it does not suit you, you come up with another excuse not to. You are like a cancer and in the Hospitality Buisness you are considered someone who was not a player or even trys to be if it doesn't fit your agenda keeping the status qou. So you were considered insubordinate. The will of the Osage is strong and long over due we expect results from the very people who are working for us? We require long over due results,accountability transparency. This is the culture we seek i our representatives. Which comes to point, the M.C monthly should post how are money is working for us and no shame in that..why does it take a lawsuit to get the information should be there already. Is there something to hide?
ReplyDeleteActually, the Next Chief comes in I hpoe and expect be will treat the M.C with much due respect and not work indirectly contrary to the M.C's agenda and in fact restore the Government back to the OSAGE TRIBE. But but but that can happen and so you should never say never.
ReplyDeleteThis is a democratic government, not some paltry off-the-highway motel where narrow minded executive types engage in inferior thinking where touting the corporate line is concerned; even if the bridge is out, there is no money for expansion and borrowing would place the entire organization at risk. Smart means you can figure out what's up ahead and plan for it with some degree of being able to come out ahead and not behind, not someone at the helm who turns around and yells, "Gung ho!" while headed right for the precipice with your head turned in the wrong direction. People like you, with the same mindset and mentality, are exactly why the 2008 financial crisis took place when the Wall Street banks fell on their own hubris and nearly took everyone else in the world down with them. The Osage Nation will be ready for a Petroleum Office when hell freezes over and this is a fact based on past performance. Maybe you need to brush up on your Osage Nation history. Get back to me with one positive thing they have done to expand their business base away from and outside of gaming which only a complete idiot could fail at.
ReplyDeleteOsage News, Dec. 19th. great, detailed info: "Minerals Council awarded grant to digitize mineral and production records."
ReplyDeleteThis is Osage history in the making. I believe it was the shareholders who helped this come about by openingly expressing their ideas by various news media, including this blog. Trump is for the oil among other energies such as the windfarms. Producers are still investing big money for a chance to find oil. Pipelines being put all over the U.S. Some illegally, and force of eminent domain, but it shows oil is booming and there's struggles to be ahead of the came between countries, and there's wars over it. We are sovereign, we are competent (most of us), let's compete with the big guys, black gold is in our back yard and it's wanted.
I don't know what "standard dollar" means but I heard mentioned recently on the radio that it may be an obstacle to oil in the near future?
"The BIA's lease and well records for the mineral estate are not digitized and there is no up-to-date central leasing record."
"Many producers have expressed their willingness to provide the OMC with information to aid in the digitization project."
FYI article only, not Osage related but interesting.
ReplyDeleteOklahoma Energy Today, Dec. 19. "Glass Mountain Pipeline Extension from STACK to Cushing in the Works"
FYI to the MC, seen on website (conference notice) - "Mid-Continent Digital Oilfield Conference," Jan. 25-26, 2017. most likely be snowing around that time, but I seen the word "digital" and just had to mention it.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing wrong with moving forward and digitizing should have been done moons ago, no doubt. And this is exciting to see how this is carried thru and thru...Gives us the heads up sort of speak, ahead of time so we can grow with knowledge and this is just one foot in that direction and I say kudos. Opening doors to a new frontier, our frontier. We need to be the leaders of a Billion dollar Estate and opportunity is here with more jobs on the frontier. Black gold is here and we know where it lies and now is the time to start tapping. What we can do for ourselves at little of or no cost is available. This is a business not just a royalty and the future is ours to see from this day forward the future is here and now. Lets protect that interest and move forward. Long live the Osage Tribe and the 1906 act as amended.
ReplyDeleteDo you by chance live in Colorado? I'm gettin' a whiff of it through the speakers of my computer. Woah!
ReplyDeleteLet's hope that in the end, it doesn't cost 10 times as much like it usually does!
Privatizing article --->>>
A really interesting "read." Started out scary, but ended with hope with this new administration. Was so surprised the Osages and the Chief was a large part of the article. Thanks for submitting it.
DeleteI happen to agree. Mullin said, He doesn’t want to privatize Indian land, he says. He just wants to make it easier for tribes to do business without the approval of the federal government — to “cut through the red tape of bureaucracy.”Right we have to contend with the BIA, BLM,EPA,SOI,DOI. And I happen to agree with our Chief Standing Bear. Slows th progress of development and aprroval, when in fact we can do a lot for ourselves..we shouldn't be treated as if we are their step child and we need to take away the parental control that is absolutely restricting thr growth of our infrastructure.
DeleteTo understand why there is so much red tape with federal agencies and "tribal" lands, you must first understand the true ownership of the land. When tribe purchase land they initially own it, but the title to the land is subsequently transferred to the federal government under a land into trust arrangement. This results in the federal government actually owning the land, and the tribe having only a beneficial interest in the proceeds of the land.
DeleteThe tribe can only enforce laws on land held in trust due to cross-deputization agreements, as they have no inherent sovereign rights over non-reservation lands. Likewise, tribes cannot directly lease land owned by the federal government even though they are the trust beneficiaries.
Basically, tribes cannot save their cake and eat it too. If they want direct control, then any dealings related to the land remain under the jurisdiction of the state where the land exists.
Important Meeting:
Was there a meeting yesterday morning (the 21st)? I seen on the MC agenda in the Executive section S. Erwin was going to discuss the Chief's request for the public meeting? I'll have anxiety till I find out what she said on "lawsuits about the earthquakes?" I wish the public meeting would be on tape, sure would like to hear the Chief talk of the Southern Ute's success in oil organization. While they was climbing the mountain, we was sliding down hill (and the Chickasaw were climbing too).
ReplyDeleteYes. but neither the Agenda or the audio have been posted to the Nation's web site:
Special Election information is located at
ReplyDeleteAbsentee Ballot request forms are being sent out with the hard copy of the Osage News.
DeleteMerry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteThank you...Happy New year!
DeleteI couldn't access the live audio the day of the MC meeting on the 21st. This audio is still not available. Is something nefarious going on?
DeleteNot sure. Probably the holidays and they will get to it after the first of the year.
Delete"I couldn't access the live audio the day of the MC meeting on the 21st. This audio is still not available. Is something nefarious going on?"
DeleteIn my opinion, yes. Apparently the audio was never turned on. The OMC was having elections for chairman and vice-chair. In addition, there was limited discussion with regard to giving the Osage Nation a million acre "blanket lease," for lack of better term, (the ONES, George Shannon, proposal). It has the appearance to me someone in authority didn't want the debate on a new chairman and the ONES proposal heard.
Waller was re-elected, with the votes from himself, Yates and Grum. I don't know who else voted for him. Joe Cheshewalla was defeated, with votes from Boone and Erwin. Cheshewalla abstained for voting for himself. Tahlee Redcorn nominated Cheshewalla I would assume he voted for him. - Welcome to more of the same.
The meeting with the Chief and the ONES, in my opinion, to hand over our minerals management to the Nation will take place on the 12th of January before the next mineral council meeting. The ONES and the Chief did not want the meeting on the 12th open to the public. That has been changed and it is now open to the public. Per the Chief's correspondence the only people allowed to vote at the meeting on the 12th is the Chief, Speaker Pratt, Chairman Waller and George Shannon.
How the vote on the 12th is legal, binding or what exactly it's objective is I have not been able to find out from anyone with any degree of certainty.
We shall be looking into this, it is by no way legal. More of the same and please share in detail.
DeleteThe only thing I have been able to learn is what I could hear in George Shannon's (of the ONES) presentation at the Oil Summit. It is posted on YouTube but even with audio all the way up I could only catch about every third word. From what little I could make out, it seems that the ONES along with the Nation are proposing a million acre blanket lease be given to the ONES, which they would then sub-lease (not sure if that's legal or not). The Osage Nation would/could then take over all regulation of the mineral estate.
DeleteIf I heard correctly they (ONES/Chief) also want to install production quotas, like OPEC countries.
This is being sold as a way for producers to get around NEPA, FOIA, other regulations and BIA stonewalling. If passed as presented the ONES/Nation would have near total control of our mineral estate.
Letter from George Shannon to the Chief:
DeleteDecember 8, 2016
Mr. Geoffrey Standing Bear
Principal Chief of the Osage Nation
627 Grandview
Pawhuska, OK 74056
Re: Establishing a Commission made up of members of the Osage Nation interested in improving
conditions in Osage County related to management of the Osage Minerals Estate.
Dear Chief Standing Bear:
The Osage Oil and Gas Summit held yesterday at the Skiatook Osage Casino was well attended and
generally offered a glimmer of hope that the "business climate" for the oil and gas business in the Osage could be improved.
From the standpoint of continuing this slight bit of momentum, I respectfully request that your office invite the Chairman of the Minerals Council, the Speaker of the Osage Nation Congress and the Chairman of the Osage Nation Energy Services LLC to a meeting to discuss the probity of establishing a Commission (temporary or with a proposed life span) to map out a direction (or directions) the Osage Nation should take to improve the stagnate drilling and well workover activity in the Osage.
With that single objective in mind, I suggest that you chair the meeting and recommend that any
actionable steps toward establishing the Commission will require a vote of only the individuals
mentioned above. I also suggest that observers be invited to listen and offer pertinent comment when recognized by you as Chairman. And, I believe it would be appropriate to invite as observers this writer, Eddie Red Eagle, Talee Redcorn and Alice Buffalohead.
I hope you can get back to me on this today or tomorrow. By the way, I will be in Pawhuska tomorrow attending the Traditional Cultural Affairs Committee meeting from 10:00 A. till approximately noon.
George A. Shannon
Letter from Chief to Council and Board Members:
DeleteOsage Nation
Office of the Principal Chief
December 12, 2016
Osage Minerals Council
Osage Nation Energy Services LLC
Angela Pratt, Speaker for the Osage Congress
Re: Joint Meeting on Increasing Production
Dear Council Members, Board Members and Speaker:
Osage elder George Shannon recently gave a presentation at the Oil & Gas
Summit. He also sent me the attached letter which I ask you all read carefully.
Mr. Shannon, Speaker Pratt, Chairman Waller and I all believe there is an
immediate opportunity for the Osage Nation to work together to enhance
profitable oil and gas production and Osage headright income. Most of you likely
agree. Therefore, I am requesting a group meeting of all of us. My suggested date
is January 12, 2017 at the Pawhuska Business Development Center. I am
suggesting the time to be from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and lunch will be provided.
Please let me know if this date and time works for you.
Sincerely yours,
Geoffrey M. Standing Bear
This guy stood up in one of the past MC meetings and sounded more like a shyster snake oil salesman than anyone I have ever heard. I suggest we keep a continent away from this one and anything he has to suggest. The BIA is in control of the leasing for the Mineral Estate and until they give it up there will be no blanket lease anywhere in the Osage. Secondly, that isn't going to make the regulations go away, it will only increase them, probably from the State of Oklahoma, especially if the OME is no longer a Federal controlled entity. These stupid thieves and slight-of-handers don't even probably know what they're getting themselves into overall. It doesn't keep them from coming at the ME over and over again, does it?
DeleteOsage Nation = Dolt-o-rama
DeleteSo GSB wants to run the mineral estate? Just remember this is the same dolt that promised his ranch board a lease for them to operate it. When they didn't buy those stupid bison he took over running the ranch. Same scenario. The ONES committee may not have a backbone like the ranch board. Jill Jones is chair of the ONES, plus she works for the Osage LLC full time now. See where this is headed?
DeleteFirst you can't sublease restricted properties. Plus you can't get out of environmental compliance. It is so hypocritical the Nation has spent thousands of dollars fighting wind turbines because they are bad for the environment, yet it's alright for the oil and gas producers to run salt water all over the county.
Didn't GSB campaign that he would leave the Osage Agency alone, plus the Minerals council? The Minerals Council approves the leases with Agency concurrence. Why is this even happening? Chief Drinks A Lot wants control of the mineral estate. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Good! Tell it like it is cause folks gotta know that GSB is no good and has no idea what he's doing managing the Osage Nation on anything.
DeleteSo what really happened in 2006 with the ME, for sure, shareholders were separated from a tribe that was disassembled and given a new name (Nation) and had to apply for membership to the Nation, but evidently the ME stayed in membership with the Nation. So now it looks like since we are a separate entity (shareholders) from the ME, we not only cannot vote on issues that is our inheritance, it's evident "IT'S NONE OF OUR BUSINESS."
DeleteThe council members were voted by "election" by the shareholders, if they are going to be dismantled and reorganized, it's only legal that it's voted on by the shareholders, not a Chief who is overreaching his authority, and himself, in lawsuits with our Government in his Chief's capacity.
The ME is not "of the people by the people of the Nation," it's "for the people, by the people of the inherited headright "owners."
It's duly noted the MC has not been handled by professional business people. How many shareholders are there, if the MC did on purpose not record the meeting on the 21at, then they are also working against us. How many were waiting for the meeting to start, stayed by the computer, changed their morning routine to hear the meeting? THIS IS SO FAR OUT-OF-CONTROL! How many people have to repeatedly go back to the computer making sure you can catch them coming back from their Executive meetings. COULD IT REALLY BE POSSIBLE THE MC ACTUALLY TOLD EACH OTHER "LET'S NOT TURN THE RECORDER ON, IT'S NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS--WE ARE IN CONTROL?????
IT'S TIME TO ADD AN ADDENDUM(s) to the constitution regarding the rules, ethics and regulations that involve the ME.
The ONES scheme is similar to city governments that build parking lots and garages only to turn around and lease them to private companies because "the cost to operate the lots would exceed the revenue". This leaves the middle man to get rich while the people finance a private venture. The only thing that will save the ME from being robbed blind is federal laws and regulations. ONES simply cannot do what they want because the BIA is bound to do what is in the best interests of the headright owners.
DeleteAs someone eluded to above, this nation has proven itself a liar. The promise transparency and turn off audio broadcasting when things get heated, the rail against nepotism and create positions to employee their family, they buy a ranch with public promise of an Osage venture, and hand out grazing land with "gentleman's agreements", they promised a democracy and have delivered an oligarchy.
DeleteThey have proven themselves liars.
For more than ten years we've heard how, "nothing can happen to the mineral estate," "they can't take over anything it's illegal," "we have nothing to worry about," "no Osage would ever harm the mineral estate." Well, here we are. Standingbear on one side of us and Waller on the other and they're marching us up the hill. Now though the cliff they intend to throw us over is in full view. There is no denying it now.
Sure they're going to tell us, "everything's gonna be alright," "they're only doing this to boost production," or that their only end is some sanctimonious argument of convenience about "self determination." But they've shown themselves to be liars. They are not to be believed.
Come January 12th we're at the edge of the cliff. I hope you are ready to act.
Congressman walks out of Commerce meeting over management of Bluestem Ranch, Congressman Tillman walked out of the meeting rightly so. Management and what that means, interlocking functions of creating corporate policy and organizing, planning,controling,and directing an organization's resources in order to achieve the objective of which the commerce committee has to right to be holding this meeting without the Board members. This was a defacto meeting. If I was the board I would get a injunction against the commerce committee. The board of directors defines the policy. This includes the grounds as well. Www.
DeleteChange that to, to a no.
DeleteCongressman Tillman left the meeting because he thought that it was about management of the Bluestem Ranch. The agenda was director reports on Fee-to Trust updates, environmental issues, Wildland Fire Department Expansion, etc. Not management of the ranch. These departments would be working on the ranch no matter how it is managed. Congressman Tillman was, is, and understandably should be,frustrated over the constant flip flopping of the Chief on the Bluestem Board's role in managing the Bluestem Ranch. He and, I think, all the Commerce Committee members strongly support the board. Tillman made a forceful statement, that I support, to that effect. You should listen to it. Kugee Supernaw
DeleteI am ready to act, believe it. I am so done with these incompetents having anything to do with the Mineral Estate. Look at the Bluestem and this is just whipping up. Imagine what the Nation will do with these sub leases. It will be mass derangement at every turn of the screw and I mean that literally. The problem is the BIA and Robin Phillips. Get them in line and things will begin to improve. Osages can't make any difference there at all.
DeleteThank you Kugee Supernaw.
DeleteLink to listen and the date, Kugee?
OMG! Do you mean to tell me that there is one member of Congress besides Kugee who will stand up for honesty, integrity and ethics in the Osage Nation government from our elected officials? GO TO Congressman Tillman! Get rid of those feral hogs on the Bluestem and observe the highest law of the land; the Osage Nation Constitution:
DeleteAnd I quote:
Section 8. Independence of Boards and Commissions: Tribal officials and employees shall refrain from using tribal positions to improperly influence the deliberations, administrations, or decisions of established board or commission proceedings.
The whole presentation in this Committee meeting was illegal in the first place under the Constitution of the Osage Nation. As far as I'm concerned, Congressman Tillman had no other alternative but to walk out of that meeting so he would not be participating in an unethical proceeding taking place in an official Osage Congressional meeting.
Poor you, Mr. Johnson. Man up or quit your job and get out of town! Good. You need to be beat up if you are engaging in illegal acts if you are in any way operational out from under the Bluestem Ranch Board.
Thank you..defacto meeting.
DeleteGoing back to the letter above, what you need to remember the M.C. consists of eight council members who in my opinion needs a performance review badly and thats a understatement of course. And a Chief and AP Chief. There is always room for improvement especially when we are dealing with a multi billion estate. Oil prices are moving up and so should we. I have been saying for some time now the Title is only held and we are the Governors of our Estate if the M.C. does not see the forest for the trees the Nation can step in as Independent developers. In my opinion this will allow them to work around the regs but at this point that wall of regs is comming down once Gina McCarthy and crew are gone and Donald Trump takes Office. This was bound to happen because the M.C. performance has been anemic. This is why I have been talking lately how we must grow in the direction to where we are performing to the standard before we got hit with these regs. If they wont do it someone else will. We are the Osage Tribe and we need performance and these oil and gas summits are only apart of the equation. the United States “holds title” to those lands, it does not explain the basis for the United States claiming “title” to the lands of Native nations.
DeleteThey are considering giving a blanket lease over the entire Osage Mineral Estate to Osage Nation Energy Services {ONES} Board whose members have been in business for a number of years, were given so much of a capital contribution where they turned right around and bought a building instead of getting themselves established in the oil business in some capacity -- any capacity -- and have not made a single dime in the oil and gas business ever. Minerals Council is out of their minds to even consider handing the entire mineral estate leasing over to a bunch of schmucks like the ONES Board. If the MC members do this, they will be, each and every one, marked men and women in the next election as no-vote getters.
DeleteThe above poster said, "If the MC members do this [give the ONES/Chief any authority], they will be, each and every one, marked men and women in the next election as no-vote getters."
DeleteThis is what you're up against, if they give away authority, it will be to late. The next M.C. election won't matter. We have to fight this on the front end. It's already gone at the point of the nexxt election. The Chief will have another board he can meddle in and change and loan out favors to friends, just like with the ranch.
Think about it, any MC member supporting this probably doesn't have to worry about re-election anyway. I would bet they'll get comfy jobs with the ONES. After all you know somebody is going to say they're experienced or something. Pay attention to which MC members are for this.
If the headright owners voted for each MC, just how much authority or power went with it, is it written anywhere? They are elected officials, how can they "give" or "turnover" the ME, it's not "theirs."
DeleteThat's along time between now and the 12th (meeting), no telling what's going to come about before then. The meeting is where a lot of questions will be answered and more understood.
Families cannot take another hard hit, we are going "down" from the doings of our own People. What ever happened about the Feds coming down to help in discussions with the MC on establishing a new petroleum office.
We need rules and regs (some directions to be guided by) in the MC, just like the Federal government and the "military," some order has to be established or things will go awry.
TO THE CHIEF: Chief GSB, I cannot attend the meeting (no money, broke car, no gas money or travel expense, live out of OK), I am really interested in hearing about your visit and ideas about the Ute Tribe and their oil business progress. Anyway you can make the meeting "Live," or recorded for those who cannot attend??
December 29, 2016 at 11:50 AM -- I think you've nailed it. What the members of the MC don't know or fully realize is that the powers that be fully intend to -- C R U S H -- the Minerals Council and in exactly these words. They give up their base of fire and power, that's it, straight up for both the Minerals Council and the Headright owners income in their quarterly checks. This is real and it's the truth and it's absolute. I know that certain members want the big salaries and perks that the other elected officials have but they are being conned and this is treachery of the worst kind from within and without. Selling the shareholders out for a big paycheck monthly is the worst betrayal of all and such greed in the Minerals Council members is as wretched a character scenario as it gets.
DeletePersonally,I do agree with both your statements. But we can complain and add to the rhetoric etc..lets define strategy to the benefit of the M.E. With sound solutions. I believe all council members read this site and they do understand that it is just a few who are watching and now it time that all shareholders demand transparency. So this is how we do it. We create a non-profit and we organize a coalition. For one purpose. United Osage Shareholder's. It's time we reach and have a conversation and llt our M.C. know we have a say in the operation of our M.E. to futher promote the well being of our M.E.
DeleteWalkout in detail:
MESS -- MESS -- MESS. All over AGAIN at almost four times the cost of the Osage, LLC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Delete"He (StandingBear) said there can be no leases or encumbrances on the land made during the fee-to-trust process. Once the land is put into trust, all leases and encumbrances will be governed by federal law and Osage law."
Then what are they doing handing out verbal leases to one or the other as is being reported? It could take years and years and years before this land gets taken into trust.
Hang HEARTH! The terms and provisions of the Osage Constitution prevail here not some come lately statute. The Constitution specifically prohibits interference with business boards:
Section 8. Independence of Boards and Commissions: Tribal officials and employees shall refrain from using tribal positions to improperly influence the deliberations, administrations, or decisions of established board or commission proceedings.
StandingBear is in strict violation of this section right up to his eyeballs.
Time to impeach and have him removed.
Delete"He (StandingBear) said there can be no leases or encumbrances on the land made during the fee-to-trust process."
DeleteWhen Raymond RedCorn made that statement during the September budgeting session even the Chief's most ardent supporter RJ Walker had to say, "that isn't exactly true. We just have to fill out another piece of paper."
And here's the thing. Even if what the Chief claimed was true, why not give the board the same deal he's giving Mark Freeman and whoever else he's letting run livestock and hunt out there.
Let the board run the ranch. That's what we were all told when it was purchased with our money.
"They are considering giving a blanket lease over the entire Osage Mineral Estate to Osage Nation Energy Services {ONES} Board whose members have been in business for a number of years, were given so much of a capital contribution where they turned right around and bought a building instead of getting themselves established in the oil business in some capacity -- any capacity -- and have not made a single dime in the oil and gas business ever."
DeleteThe above is an important point that shouldn't be glossed over, it bares repeating. The only thing the ONES have done is bought a building, which they lease to the Osage Nation. Yes, they lease it to the Nation. That's their operation. They've done nothing with oil other than attend seminars. The ONES are a JOKE!
The ONES have been funded for years now. If their intellect is keen when it comes to the oil business why haven't they done anything. They could have bought a lease and brought it to production at any time. Hell it doesn't even have to be in Osage country, it may even be wiser to diversify anyway. They've been funded what's the problem.
- Why haven't they drilled a well? - Probably because it's inordinately expensive and requires specialized knowledge and they don't even know what question to ask. That would be my guess.
- Okay so why haven't they formed a well service company, or pipeline/transport company? - Not glamorous enough. Not familiar enough will the industry to even know that's an option.
Ya know, most people start on the periphery of any industry, they learn it from the edges and as they grow and enjoy success they make investments in the higher risk/reward segments of whatever industry they're in. What the ONES are doing is short sighted and stupid and they wouldn't be doing it if the Osage people weren't paying for it.
The ONES made their choice, they invested in building and lease it to the Nation. Let them sink or swim on the wisdom of that decision. Beyond that they should no longer be funded on the backs of the Osage people.
The long and short of it is, these hucksters and flimflam men shouldn't be telling us anything about our mineral estate much less be given any authority to develop plans or, god forbid, given a million acres blanket lease. They are truly ignorant about the oil business. I assume that's why they invested in real estate.
I am politely asking everyone who comes here to re-read the two previous comments under this post three times, that is 3 times, right above mine, and to let every word of it sink in. ONES is a disaster and will become a catastrophe if they are given a blanket lease over the entire Osage Mineral Estate. This is not a projection. It's the truth. The bridge is out up ahead on this plan or any like it now or any time in the near future.
DeleteNow, re-read this comment ten times, that is 10 times to let the depth and breadth of such a chasmic mistake sink in. We will never recover from such a destructive transfer of lease management. It's wrong for the Osage Tribe and it's dead wrong for the current headright owners who receive a quarterly check from the Osage Mineral Estate Trust income.
The Minerals Council was asked to sponsor this meeting on Jan. 12 and they refused. The Congress should keep hands off too. Look what has happened with the ranch. With this example why would anyone be foolish enough to believe anything the Chief would say about the minerals estate?
DeleteWe don't.
DeleteI'll second that!
DeleteWe're talking Eddy Red Eagle at the helm of ONES.
DeleteGet out of town!
Good download --->>>
ReplyDeleteWinter, 2016 Minerals Newsletter. Pull it down from this location then scroll down the page to find the text that is a link to the download:
4th Special Session of the Osage Congress today:
ReplyDeleteFor today, Agenda, Tracker, audio and video:
ONCA 17-16, An Act to appropriate the sum of ninety thousand dollars ($90,000) to the Language and Cultural Resources Division to conserve and copy the "Osage Mission Collection" at the Jesuit Archives in St. Louis, Missouri; and to establish an altenate effective date. (Hamilton)
Delete$90,000? Why don't you ever start out with $1,000 or $2,000?
Out of the fund that was just created? That fund was created with funds that were over budgeted and captured by the Osage Congress to keep it from going to the Osage people to fund benefits for Osages all over the country who really need it.
How President Obama Has Protected Our Sacred Land for Future Generations
Is all this juggling around on the ranch just to end up getting a hidden lease for the unholy trilogy operating as the Freetallbear LLC?
ReplyDeleteIn short, yes. At least it sure looks that way to any reasonable person.
DeleteWhat the hell is the Chief thinking leasing the land to the board for millions anyway? Does he not get the money to lease it has to come from the Osage Nation coffers and once the Nation receives the payment it goes back into the Osage Nation coffers. It's that kind of logic, lack of business sense, that has plagued all the Osage LLC ventures.
John Free? Tim Tallchief? And Geoffrey StandingBear? More information please on Freetallbear LLC.
DeleteThe "Free" in 1:46's post probably references Mark J. Freeman IV. It has been reported in open session that he is currently running around 500+ head on the ranch or that he has possibly sub-let his portion of our ranch to someone who is running 500+ head. Whatever is being done on the ranch is being done with what is being called by Raymond RedCorn a "gentleman's agreement." At least that's what Mr. Redcorn called it in open session of congress last fall.
DeleteThank you for this clarification.
DeleteWe're talking Eddy Red Eagle at the helm of ONES.
DeleteGet out of town!
FYI. -- "Challenge to Oklahoma's American Indian Arts and Crafts Sales Act" (posted on Nov. 29, 2016) -- Atty. General Scott Pruitt is the "defendant" in a lawsuit regarding a recent change in OK law. "Plaintiff's" complaint accessible above article (22 pages).
ReplyDeleteAlso, regarding Atty. Gen. Pruitt: -- posted Dec. 21, 2016
"Donald Trump's Environmental Nominee Takes Credit for Tribal Water Deal"
Good website. Thanks!
Keep a close eye on the progress of this one --
ReplyDeleteOsage membership removal case going to trial
Funny how it's OK to vote for same sex marriage that the members of Congress don't want to lose their jobs over in the ballot box but they wouldn't allow four other Resolutions to be added to the ballot making it far easier for the Osage Nation members to petition to make changes to their government with new amendments to the Constitution proposed by Alice Buffalohead:
Why don't they want our participation I wonder? Because we would throw the entire lot of them with few exceptions right out of office?
There is a resolution on the ballot that is of great importance. It has to do with budgeting by law. The budget process is what is causing so much trouble in the government at this time. It was thought that too many constitutional changes in the same election might cause all to fail.The resolutions declined have been turned down by the voters before. They will most likely be added to another elecion in the future
ReplyDeleteDoesn't matter what you do. These government people are so smarmy and unscrupulous they will figure out a way to get around it and move on to shoveling the money into their pockets as fast as they can. Until you get Osages who have ethics, integrity and honesty in government, this cycle will continue until the whole thing is an eaten out shell. You may think that such Osages don't live here in the Osage. It is hard to argue the point in view of what we've seen in the past. We all knew if these people got to the helm it would go like this. Knowing them as we do, it couldn't have gone any other way.
Delete..."Until you get Osages who have ethics, integrity and honesty in government..." HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!
DeleteUnderstood. Completely.
DeleteOsage people need to watch closely what is being done at the ranch. The Chief formed a professional board to run the ranch with no political interference. Then he tried to interfere and the board showed they were independent as they should be and didn't bow down. He has done enough to have removal charges filed if the Congress has the guts to do it again. People should think about what has happened with ranch before they even think about supporting anything to do he wants to do with the oil business. Payment is bad enough already.
ReplyDeleteI keep on saying the same thing get rid of this Chief before he spends all the money and we become a welfare state. This guy is solely out for himself using the Nation to know end in site. The willof the people are strong and he is not listening.
DeleteThe ranch situation is a "shame" and a "sham" to the Nation. Not even paid for. Is money for the ranch coming from one casino or others too? You don't have to attend a small business administration course to know that when you "invest" you're looking for future revenue or return.
DeleteNot only keep an eye on this ranch endeavor, also watch what he purchases next, this may be only a drop in the bucket for now. There's been millions received to the Nation lately sitting in an account.
It looks like the Indian Health Service is right on top of Trump's s**t list. Thanks a lot, Donald.
And how is the Bluestem Ranch going to help with this process? If we take on buffalo, the word out there is that fencing is $25,000 a mile. Can use regular fencing for other kinds of livestock. Nobody ever thought about this purchase and what it would cost after the purchase was made. It was just an in-the-moment emotional decision because few in our Tribal community at the highest level know how to think first and feel last. Big buyers remorse coming down the road from me. We probably could have bought 170,000 acres of land in Osage County or more for what we paid Turner for 43,000. This deal is starting to stink to heaven high. Ugly the implications cropping up like red flags on the play everywhere you turn.
DeleteHe's not even in the WH and you are assuming the worse. IHS is a POS you know it and I know it. It sinas corrupt as the VA and ACA od which is medicaid on steroids. What needs to happen is the treaties that were promised to the AI is at best anemic and is causing more harm than good. Time to revamp IHS to the core.
DeleteDont kid your self I pointed out there would be cost overuns associated with this purchase with which was not addressed when this Ranch was purchased. Called hidden costs. Everything this Congress is associated with appropriating funds has not done the diligence and by the looks of this GOVERNMENT neds to step back from this pet project and take a hard look of how this is all being played out. Everything Government in the name of Sovereignty is a lie..The people the Osage are Sovereign not our Government. And in Public opinion, time tio listen to the Greater need that exists, do we want a Government for the Government or for the People? Where was that turkey voucher to all Osage during the Holiday? Where is that per-cap that was promised many moons ago in order to receive we had to form a Government. Lies.
DeleteCan't use regular fencing. Mis-typed that word.
DeleteThat ranch was never purchased to make a profit. The best we could ever have hoped for was to make it pay for itself which it won't. NIGA says gaming funds can be used for economic development. What kind of economic development is it when there is never going to be a return on investment? Now they are trying to shitf the focus to educational. How many times can you take the anointed "$45,000" a year Osage language academy "kids" out to the Bluestem in a year to make it qualify as educational? One member of Congress called these special class of Osage children and their language skills as toddlers or thereabouts as, "stinking cute." It stinks no heaven high. How are your Osage children doing without a dime of the Osage peoples money being spent on their education, year in and year out?
DeleteThere you go, "can be used for economic growth", Make the Nation pay back the funds of this purchase if it is not going to make economic or capital. This is the OSAGES MONEY NOT THE GOVERNMENTS ITS ALL OF THOSE WHO ARE DIRECT descendants of the 1906 act. 5000 strong, compared to the few who live and work around the Nation, then there is no reason to offer a Per-Cap to each descendant because after all it would further their economic growth right. It is time the Osage, we Osage have a voice to this very cause, end the Government bloat amd to focus on programs that we know that will work and know that the OSAGE will benefit.
DeleteWrong. The casino revenue belongs to the "Osage Nation." The Osage Nation is the government. We, the Osage people, are merely members or rather "citizens" enrolled by virtue of a Principal Chief's signature. That little white card with the Chief's name on it is your only connection to the Osage government.
We may be Osage by birth but the Osage Nation is a bureaucracy to control all capital ventures and to enrich those who control the purse strings. If you are related to the right people and have a particular last name, then the world is your oyster with salaries and benefits exceeding four times the national private sector. It's not what you know, it's who your related to that matters.
But alas, the casinos will some day slow down coupled with the corruption of certain people and the Osage government will collapse.
For those that receive nothing from the Osage government will lose nothing. Those that live off the fat of the government will lose everything. in the meantime it's a free-for-all to see who can get the highest salaries, the best benefits, and who can steal the most money.
I really believe the open membership in 2006 was to get more money from the Feds, and they have. That extra incoming revenue looks like it went to a new Metropolis (a new Pawhuska), but I'm glad to see there helping some local communities recently. Has anyone received a "turkey voucher" or a "coupon" in the last 10 years?
DeleteThe Cherokees have a big hospital in Tahlequah and continuing to expand it. We struck oil from the land we bought from them, WE ARE SO RICH (I mean the Nation, not individually), and so far "behind" other tribes. Where are the business people in the Nation? We seem to be only doing good in titles (i.e. ONES, and other LLCs). I agree let's close them and start over.
If the casinos collapse, as someone has mentioned before, we mostly would lose the ranch. If there's any future economic catastrophe for the Nation, I think there would have to be a big "legal" fight from shareholders to keep the Nation from dipping into the ME.
I never did understand the Chief talking about the ranch being used for education? So the investment in that term is taking children out there as a school trip to see the bison? But now there's the rumor of a cow herd, so now the trip includes the bison and "cows." What's in the other 40,000 acres? Is there a "gentleman's agreement" in the ON Constitution?
The Osage headright owner will never see a per cap payment in any form or fashion. We are now twice removed from the Tribe, the first time was the allotment disbursement, and 2nd, the 2006 new government (who'd believe what was coming!) I voted for a wonderful new beginning, prosperity, good fortune and opportunity to run a "mega" tribe.
But there's been corruption, thief, a Chief voted out, our votes competing against the new members, rumors of election fraud (2006, rumors that voting ballots were thrown in trash), lawsuits against our Chiefs, lawsuits by our Chiefs, lawsuits by our Congress (yeah, we're following the U.S. government ways), unorganization in our beginning MC meetings (unfinished minutes of meetings, etc.), so much money lost in investments (per cap money).
Such an unprofessional protocol with the current MC -- favoritism-ethics lawsuit, verbal disrespect (outburst, accusations--and probably producers sitting in the room?), and to add to it, the current situation/mystery about this last missing meeting, and a recent lawsuit against the MC for information (which I look up to her for making a stand). Ya know, it's just OVERWHELMING! at times.
Never say ever and I to am on the fence about the proceeds from the Casino's every where written and is heard it is the Osages money. But well written ^to the above posts, especially the second post a brief history of our time line. The premise and formation of this Government be it de facto will never have the respect of their people, traditions will cont4kn the name of all the while smiling we have your money and nothing you can do, somehow when ever the word is spoken about a per-cap it either falls on death ears or its taboo to talk about, or we have to wait until the Government is in order, from Chief Jim Grays mouth, I hear excuses not to and that tells me a different story. Everything control by our Government all in the name of Sovereignty right? Just calls for the right Chief to be in office. Look at Donald Trump and look at was he has done thus far and he isn't even in office yet. We want foer our people to be united not devided. As it has been for quite some time and there is a reason why it is so..wake up we are in the 21st century and all eyes are saying the same thing,we became a Government in the hope and promises thru gaming a per-cap would be implemented and for more membership of Osages to qualify for federal funding.
DeleteFinally some good news to share about fiscal responsibility in the Osage Nation government. The Pope is a Jesuit. Let him find funds in the sumptuously rich Vatican to pay for these Archives in ST. LOUIS, Missouri!
ReplyDeleteOsage Congress votes down appropriation for preservation of Jesuit archives of Osage Mission Collection --->>>
High fives to Supernaw, Tillman, Buffalohead and Pratt who voted against spending $90,000 of the Osage people's money on this inappropriate appropriation.
Word on the street is that a Texas based company is moving cattle onto the Bluestem Ranch. Chief has reneged on every promise he made to the Osage people regarding the ranch. These people will reap the benefits of operating on our ranch at the expense of the Osage people. The hoax of asking for bids was, yeah you guessed it, a hoax. The deal was cut before bids were received.
ReplyDeleteRemove the Chief and its time we think about our Congress and hold them equally accountable and along with the committee as well. Seeing a huge Conflicts of Interest. Many ethic violations and much corruption. Someone is paying to play. You don't have to look to far to see who is being played and the consequence is surmounted at the expense of the Osage Peoples money. Said company does not realize there are Osages that cannot believe before thier very eyes who is being played. And who was the congressman who walked out of the meeting without the borad of directors of the Bluestem Ranch? So transparent yet our Congress lives in fear of the Chief is so obvious the agenda feels like lets just do as we please and forget whomis watching and all of you are complict or just don't want tosee you've been hoodwinked, sold a bill 8f goods meaning not to the advantage and thats you and me. Seeing the precedent being set for future Chiefs and we need to nip this one where it counts is a understatement. Just a opinion.
DeleteSorry for the type o's..just in a hurry. Friday night and a good movie is on.
DeleteImportant conversation going on about this issue at
DeleteBe sure to read Congresswoman Whitehorn's comment and those that follow.
As always the Chief is trying to imply that other people might be responsible for any problems and throws his staff under the bus. Some leader, huh? Then he makes his usual threats, using the Attorney General as if she is his personal hired gunslinger. People and the Chief should remember that the AG represents us all.
DeleteKugee called the Chief out" "...the Osage News printed the whoppers you said in the last issue of the News. Shall I elaborate?"
DeleteWOAH! this conversation on Facebook is getting really interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I understand that it may take up to a year or longer to put the ranch in Trust. So is the Chief trying to bring money in from the Ranch instead of it being idle for a long, long period of time, then why doesn't he just announce his plan. What is the "Osage" plan? We are paying maintenance costs. Until this sibling fight is over, we have a burden that's costing us instead of an asset. What can we do legally with the land until it's in Trust? What's encumberance?
DeleteAs mentioned before on the blog, it was an "emotional purchase" (ranch). Not even paid for, a gamble of the Nation's income, big future revenue from casinos already claimed for the ranch. Why would anyone buy something for a high price with someone else's money (members) when you could get it for free (bison)? Is it true that land was/or is available in Osage County that we could of obtained for more acres at a lesser price?
He's been involved with the legal court in the Osage prior to this and looks likely he will be again soon, and "why not," that's why we have it, we (voters) helped set up this government system, let's use it when its needed. More money down the drain (lawyer), how much more money are "we" going to pay for lawyers for incompetent actions of the one who is controlling our lives and our checkbook?
If the Chief feels he has to sneak in the night to get things done how he wants to do it before the dawn comes and the people wake up -- then there's a real disassociation with his people.
If he really gave the board and committees full run of the Ranch and went back on his word, or made an illegal transaction, then the "cows" are trespassing. He could avoid accusations and distrust from "us" by just being "open" to discussion.
See Osage blog - CONVERSATION JANUARY 2017:
December 29, 2016 at 10:30 A.M. "Article X - Code of Ethics, Section 8. - Independence of Boards and Commissions.
Thats what I am talking about,a public dialog should happen with the Osage. Osage isn't everything Government and I sure as heck want our, sorry for saying this but you guys on the "Hill" are proving to be incompetent with the Osage peoples money so evident and it is looking more and more everyday as I am hearing from a lot of your Depts from with in this Government are failing the Osage on small and huge scales..Talk about you guys not answering your phones or returning calls is a understatement. What is going on? Who is watching who? Is the real question. And accountability is out the door! It is time to stand tall the little Osage and Big Osage, understand that there are some of us who still believe in who we are as a people and united is long over due. You will always have a devide because the Osage Government thinks it is entitled but it is the people who are Sovereign and who are entitled to make the drastic overhaul that is needed. Smaller Government, returning the Goverment to the Council? Anything Government touches has been proven to take and take and that is it, yes Pawhuska may be getinng the long infrastructure changes it needed long ago, but still it isn't enough..Time for someone to step in the shit sorta speak and get rid of the stink if doing a Constitutional Convention of a one page rewrite and I thing Alice Buffalohead has it right when she wanted to add those four ammendments to the ballot and she got stonewalled. Kugge is steppin up though not enough he is making movement. Look at hte cards that are dealt and the hand we are playing is leading us no where but spend spend spend with more and more boards etc... We need to protect the interest the greater need of the Osage..bigger Government is never the answer. I cansay this because we are all part of this. My family is no better than your family we are Indians of one Tribe and to be honest its those who think they are above are sticking it to our future Generations and personally I would rather not let that happen because the future is here today!!! And now we are getting a better perspective of the intent of the Nation is to control all that is Osage..since 2006 what is the capital on any venture made and where is that capital going? Right into someones pockets and by the looks of yours and my Chief has boldly lied to the Osage all in the name of. Its your money and we don't care how it is used and abused and all of you are complicit. I sure as heck woukd not want to be in that cookie jar. Think about it, listen to Jim Ryan on facebook. The facts speak for themselves. Chief after Chief abusing their authority and their power and we let it continue because why. Take a look at our laws is a start? Hold yourselves accountable or else I personally will be fikin suits in the Federal Court.
DeleteGood comments above and these are real concerns and they are mine too. What I was able to walk away with from the Facebook sites of both Yancy Red Corn and Jim Ryan is that the realty or real estate compacting piece of the picture is also out of control where running things ourselves is concerned. This is very clear from the Quirt Haney comments back and forth with Melissa Currey who apparently is in control of the management of the realty compact. When she was BIA Osage Agency Superintendent, the same criticism was leveled at her over not returning phone calls and getting business handled in a timely and professional manner. I had to call a member of the Minerals Council to call her just to get my business handled or my questions answered. Not good because it appears that we have those already in a compacting situation that are overwhelmed and don't work hard enough or quickly enough to clear the decks and get caught up. This will be the same situation with Minerals if the Osage Nation is allowed to come anywhere near it. There are also big problems fulminating with the compact for healthcare that is being put out there in the public arena too. The Osage Nation is nowhere near able, in any capacity, to take care of the Minerals Estate at this point in time or anywhere in the near future on the basis of how they handle what they already have on their plate today. More problems in the field from Osage Nation run offices trying to handle OME business that only offer excuses day in and day out is the last thing we need, our producers still left in the field need, and our income level in our quarterly checks when none of the processes of running the minerals estate are being handled properly at an operational level, on a professional level and in a timely manner. This idea won't fly and I don't care how many strings are still being pulled with StandingBear's patron, Sonny Abbott. NO! NO! NO!
DeleteAs another example; there is a back and forth going on at Yancy's Facebook site, Osage Community for Responsible Citizenry, between Paula Stabler and Congresswoman Edwards who apparently found out about the Wah Zha Zhe Clinic providing Medicare Part D coverage for elders. Come to find out that it was a cherry picked pilot program for only a chosen few, 47 Medicare patients in total, who actually received or are receiving this drug prescription benefit. With 595 elders enrolled in the Medicare Supplement optional benefit (Plan F) supplemental coverage, this is a program that will be very valuable to our Elders in the near future. Apparently from the exchange, this is yet another program that will benefit only Osages who come into the Clinic in Pawhuska for prescriptions. Stay tuned on will become very important in the future but likely not offered to everyone due to the cost of the Bluestem Ranch purchase.
Delete"What's encumberance?" Leases for rentals on the property for set period of time handed out prior to the change of ownership. Loans on the property. Stuff like that.
DeleteThe Chief has placed a story in the Tulsa World today that is a completely self aggrandizing article about the ranch that appears to hold himself up as if the ranch is solely his baby. This is a window into his problem with the Bluestem Board. They know what they are doing and don't need his direction. This may be crux of all the problems. He can't be a dictator when a board is competent and functioning as it should with no need for day to day direction, especially from someone who doesn't know anything about ranching. With this ongoing example, we have a clue as to why he might be pushing a crew of lightweights to head up a tribal owned oil company, something that he doesn't know anything about either. As little as he knows, it is more than they do. Oh, what a tangled web we weave.
DeleteMore on the realty situation
Boone Bulletin 12-23-16
DeletePart 1
Any thoughts or opinions herein are mine and not that of the entire Osage Minerals Council (OMC).
The Ethics lawsuit was decided. The OMC is to follow the rules of the Osage Nation (ON). We should have appealed this to the federal court.
We appealed the Wind Farm Lawsuit to the 10th circuit in Denver. It was heard on November 16. We are waiting on a response.
We changed the status of our temporary emergency hire executive assistant to a full time permanent employee. Our rules say to advertise vacant positions. The ON rules say the same. If we are to follow the ON rules, according to the ethics ruling, why didn't we? Our new hire performs non-related OMC tasks for Councilwoman Redcorn on our dime.
Our bi-annual meeting with the BIA was held December 6. This is adhering to the Highest Posted Priced lawsuit.
Our oil and gas summit was held December 7 at the Skiatook Casino. One of the controversial speakers was George Shannon. His presenta- tion was to form a Limited Liability Company (LLC) composed of people educated in the oil and gas industry. We would have investors. He wants the executive, congress and OMC to work together. We should take money from the ON to invest and do away with the BIA. The next day Mr. Shannon wrote a letter to the chief changing the LLC to a commission. The chief wanted the OMC to host a meeting between these 3 branches to further discuss this project. George Shannon is the chief's uncle. The OMC already heard Mr. Shannon's project and we weren't interested. Councilmen Andrew Yates and Talee Redcorn got the speakers for the summit. I believe Councilmen Yates, Redcorn, Galen Crum and Everett Waller would want the 3 branches to work together. One oil man responded by saying the problem with producing in Osage County was not with the OMC, it's with the BIA superintendent. I am not willing to risk the headright income or their assets on this project. If we do away with the BIA, I would hate to think the ON would decide what our payment check would be. We had an Osage LLC that lost between 19 and 20 million dollars. I feel like Mr. Shannon's
project is to create some level of authority over the OMC. Is this another way to diminish the OMC authority? Any meeting to listen to Mr. Shannon's project ought to be public.
Boone Bulletin 12-23-16
DeletePart 2
We were awarded one of the grants we applied for. The money is to be used to digitize our oil records and make it easier for oil men to research the data for production in Osage County. We learned recently that the grant money will need to go through the ON grants
management office. It is my understanding that they can take some of the money for administering the grant. The OMC is not in control of our money.
There have been 2 complaints filed at the ON Attorney General's office. One is regarding a conflict of interest against Councilman Andrew Yates. Through his job with the ON, he can shut down an oil well but then vote on that oil man's business when brought to the OMC for approval. Basically, the ON rules say you can't have a job with the ON and be an elected official. Will Councilman Andrew Yates have to choose to give up one position or the other like other officials have had to do? Is this unconstitutional? It will be interesting to see the decision on this since the ON Attorney General, who ruled there was a conflict of interest, is the father of Andrew Yates's supervisor. Did you know that Chairman Everett Waller is Andrew Yates' brother-in-law?
The other complaint was filed by Patricia Spurrier Bright. She wants all our financial records. She is interested in our attorney fees. The highest contracted attorney the OMC has charges $300 an hour. The Washington D.C. attorney we had in the past charged $600 an hour. I believe Ms. Bright attended meetings during that time. I don't know why, she wants to question our expenditures now.
At our meeting, 12-16-16, Councilman Galen Crum called me a liar. Chairman Everett Waller allowed this verbal abuse and made no attempt to stop Galen when I asked him to. We were discussing changing chairmanship when I stated that the only person who would not step down as an OMC chairman was Galen Crum. I read from documentation from the 6-20-12 OMC meeting where he stated he wanted to continue the chair because he had some unfinished business he wanted to finish and he enjoyed being on the Negotiated Rule Making Committee. He became offended and stated that he wanted to correct my selective memory that he refused to go down. "That is an absolute and total lie." (Further review of that meeting tape identifies Councilman Crum saying, "I'm not resigning.")When Councilman Crum finished, he said, "let's get out of here." Chairman Waller accommodated him and adjourned the meeting without finishing the agenda. At this meeting Councilman Talee Redcorn recommended Councilman Joe Cheshewalla for chairman. You should have seen the fire in Andrew Yates' eyes when Talee recommended me as 2nd chair, adding that I had been on the OMC 3 times. We all know the Boys Club is never going to put me as the chairman or 2nd chair and on 12-21-16 they didn't. Our chairman remains to be Everett Waller.
On October 19, we made a resolution to move money from Citizens Bank in Pawhuska to a Bartlesville Bank. Chairman Everett Waller has made no arrangements to uphold the OMC vote and move the money even though he's been asked several times to do so. Citizens Bank is owned by Gentner Drummond, the attorney who filed the Donelson lawsuit against oil companies producing in Osage County.
In closing I want to wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Cynthia Boone, Osage Minerals Council
Happy New Year Mrs.Boone I like your latest news letter. Much appreciated. We have to disagree today and this is what is on the mind of this Headright owner. We do have a right to know if our money is working for us in the interest of. That means your salary. It is your fiduciary responsibility to protect the interest of the Headright owners interest. In the name of the M.E. We elected you and this is to ensure no corruption from with in. So we do have a right to an accounting of our Estate. Remeber that our Estate. And it has become less transparent with no potential in the future for much growth. Next year is here and I fully warned sometime back this is not where we want to be. "Stagnant". If our Council members wish to work in the opposite of each other it is because there is a cancer and it must be weeded out. We cannot grow in this type of environment that is not conducive for progress. All of uour are officers sworn and to an oath and it is up to the public interest to be sure at all costs the M.E. will benefit no matter the difference. Nor should you hand the M.E. to ONE'S. It is bad enough that we became a Government for the Government handed over to them on a silver platter in 2006. We know and understand why this has happened. Lets not kid ourselves their not doing any better than the council was doing when the Government was in their hands. Just spending way out of control. So I beg to differ. We are not just Shareholder's we are equally partners some just have more headrights than others. And culturally we are connected. Thirdly, we all have in common is the M.E, all this is binding. I know you did not mean to insult our intelligence some of us have ran big companies and know what it takes to run a buisness. And it is our buisness to stay in the know. What we do know is we have less transparency and this is telling, that we are not functioning at 100%, evidence by our royalty checks. In other words you work for us we set the standard evidence its been lacking for some time. Anything, Government touches it sours because it is self serving. I like you always said I did. Your one fault is even when you take a licken you get right back up,but you dont know how to hold yourself accountable, if you did uou would get so much more. But still I like to listen to you because there is truth in your vision. And if people could just reach there inner vision than maybe ,just maybe you could see the forest for the trees. Move the accounts now from the bank of person non grata the Drummond. Now!!!! What a conflict of interest, if we don't I am very suspect and it all comes to that the interst of the Headright owners is not being looked after. And the chance of impropriety exists. And we don't need to go down that road. Change the chairmanship. Since Waller has stepped in we have deteriorated. We have a multi million dollar Estate, You the Mineral Council need to put the metal to the pedal or action will take place like the plague hit Sicily in 1347. We should not be in a crisis nor should we be at ends with eachother. Rid the Cancer.
DeleteThis was not posted by Cynthia Boone. It's posteed by a shareholder who gets her e-mail bulletin.
DeleteAll the same. They all come to this site, The M.C. but thank you.
DeleteThis is to Jan. 8, 2017 at 1:16 p.m. -- THANK YOU so much for defining "encumberance." (from the one who asked).
ReplyDeletethere are 9 predictions all ending in low oil prices. Below is a quote from article regarding if Trump approves the XL pipeline from Canada:
-- "Effectively, the pipeline will flood the U.S. market with cheap Canadian crude oil, to the delight of U.S. refiners and dismay of U.S. producers who will see the price of WTI oil, and their profits come down."
sharing a reading from two different articles and dates from (2016 and 2009)
ReplyDelete-- Nov. 30 2016 (from same article as above 'TRUMP')
"...the XL pipeline will replace crude oil transportation by train--an expensive, inefficient and accident-prone operation."
it tells of Warren Buffett acquiring the BNSF freight railway company (2009) by comparing the difference in cost of semi-trucks and diesel gas operating cost in the future for oil transportation with that of the railway. At the end of the article in small print it states "whoever owns the railroads will control energy..."
(THERE'S NO MENTION OF 'PIPELINE' IN THE ARTICLE.) Sometimes he's on the stock market channel, CNBC, wish I could hear him make a comment on 'then' and 'now' predicament.
ReplyDeletethey are "...spending six figures on an online and TV ad campaign against him."
"The ad focuses on Pruitt's taking of contributions from the oil and gas industry and his public questioning "whether mercury poses public health hazards."
Hawaii's senator also campaigning against him.
From OPEN--E-Mail Blast Message:
See also the Meeting Agenda at
There has been some discussion about this meeting including a proposal for the Osage Nation Energy Services, LLC (ONES) Board to have a blanket lease over all of Osage County given to them by a vote of Osage Minerals Council. There is some question as to what this will do to the power structure of the Shareholder elected Minerals Council to continue running the Osage Mineral Estate in terms of the current ability to consider and approve leasing to the oil and gas producers as well as to continue with the administration, development, and management of the Osage Mineral Estate. There is a second concern that this will perhaps place the ONES Board above the Osage Nation Minerals Agency from a government controlling standpoint in conflict with the specified provisions of Article XV of the Osage Nation Constitution. It has been suggested as a cautionary measure that very serious questions need to be asked of the Chief and the presenters and be fully answered at this meeting before any such arrangement is made or provided for by the Minerals Council going forward.
"The meeting will be a public meeting and is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on January 12, 2017 at the Pawhuska Business Development Center.”
Address: 1225 Virginia Short St, Pawhuska, OK 74056
Phone: (918) 287-3357
To contact the Members of the Minerals Council directly about this meeting, see the most current Osage Minerals Council Newsletter at
If you have a Headright share or portion of one, it is highly recommended that you plan to attend this meeting to find out what is being planned for the future by the Chief’s Office. Please share this e-mail with all of your Osage friends and relatives on your e-mail list.
Osage Pre-Election News
Be sure to visit the Osage Blog at and add your comments today!
If this ONES Board is so active and such a viable entity, why haven't they met and had a meeting since July of 2016?
On the Facebook blog the chief is trying to bully Osage women from Hominy. He will rue the day he started this. "Rue comes from the Old English word hreowan, meaning "to make sorry," and rue can still sum up a lot of sorrow in one small syllable. Rue is a modern verb that often looks back on the past. Shakespeare made famous the phrase "rue the day," meaning you bitterly regret a moment."
ReplyDeleteGood to know. Thank you. However, you should cite the Facebook web site you are referring to in your comment. There are a number of them around that address Osage issues. As a courtesy to those who read this Blog, of course.
DeleteMaria Whitehorn Chief, I'm glad you did not choose a non-Osage company to establish a herd on our land. There have been many non-Osage applications received from your proposals project. I respectfully request Bluestem Ranch LLC be given the opportunity to fulfill their initial function for the Osage Nation, which is to grow our own Osage herds, manage our grassland and natural resources.
Unlike · Reply · 4 · January 7 at 10:15am · Edited
Geoffrey StandingBear I expect you to have at least tried to find out the facts. But, what do you make of the Chair of the Osage News disregarding the search for the truth? This discredits the Osage News Editorial Board and the Osage News which operates beneath them. As soon as I receive a report a copy will be sent to the Speaker of the Osage Congress.
Like · Reply · January 7 at 10:44am
Kugee Supernaw Sharing the post as Jerri did is just disseminating a point of view that may help to determine if the majority of Osages share that view. You can’t have things both ways on fact checking everything said, after all, the Osage News printed the whoppers you said in the last issue of the News. Shall I elaborate?
Like · Reply · 1 · January 7 at 11:00am
Wilson Pipestem Bullying Osage women from Hominy is never a good idea. But it's become a unfortunate pattern here.
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
What do we make of this?
ReplyDeleteStanding Bear reveals possible gaming sites in Missouri to gaming enterprise board
I think it's an interesting idea. I love this area of the country. I would also like to see Arkansas casino opportunities explored around Berryville and Eureka Springs. Big bucks to be made if there is little or no competition. I say take it seriously and plan accordingly.
I say full steam ahead!
ReplyDeleteIf the USA were to turn back the assets of the Osage Tribe currently held in trust including ending the beneficiary Osage Mineral Estate Trust from which, the Headright owners receive their quarterly checks, does the or should the Federal government compensate the Headright owners for the loss of future income as a result of such a termination?
Its in perpetuity, it cannot be reversed.
DeleteWrong. Mineral rights are in perpetuity only. The beneficiary income trust was created by the 1906 Allotment Act. These are two different legal actions separate and apart from one another.
DeleteNo I am not wrong. I am talking about the Mineral Rights.
DeleteIt has been in the past if I have it correct that a termination by the Government not in favor of the M.E. should be compensated the Headright Owners. We used to get paid for any fines that was levied againt the producer.
DeleteMineral rights have nothing to do with the beneficiary income trust. They have been taken into perpetuity for the benefit of the Osage Tribe. The income generated from the mineral rights is what has been taken into the (income) trust and placed into the Federal Trust account for the benefit of the Headright owners and is disbursed quarterly. According to one of the amendments of the 1978 Act that amends the 1938 Act that amends the 1906 Allotment Act.
DeleteFrom the Act of June 24, 1938 (52 Stat. 1034, 1035):
"The lands, moneys, and other properties now or hereafter held in trust or under the supervision of the United States for the Osage Tribe of Indians, the members thereof, or their heirs and assigns, shall continue subject to such trusts and supervision until January 1, 1984, unless otherwise provided by Act of Congress."
This provision has been further amended by the Act of Oct. 21, 1978, Public Law 95-496 which reads:
(b) The second paragraph of section 3 of the Act of June 24, 1938 (52 Stat. 1034, 1035), as amended, is amended by striking the phrase "unless otherwise provided by Act of Congress" and inserting, in lieu thereof, the phrase "and thereafter until otherwise provided by Congress".
The final amended passage now reads:
"The lands, moneys, and other properties now or hereafter held in trust or under the supervision of the United States for the Osage Tribe of Indians, the members thereof, or their heirs and assigns, shall continue subject to such trusts and supervision until January 1, 1984, unless otherwise provided by Congress."
As you can see, it is unilateral and fully at the option of the USA to make changes without an Act of Congress required.
If the trust relationship ends where the income trust for the benefit of the Headright owners and it is terminated, the question is, do the Headright beneficiaries have the right to be financially compensated for the loss of future income from the proceeds of any future Osage mineral rights income or from the Federal government for terminating the Osage Mineral Estate income trust, or both?
Sorry. The amended passage reads exactly:
Delete"The lands, moneys, and other properties now or hereafter held in trust or under the supervision of the United States for the Osage Tribe of Indians, the members thereof, or their heirs and assigns, shall continue subject to such trusts and supervision until January 1, 1984, and thereafter until otherwise provided by Congress".
What I'd like to know is, how could they do this without a vote of the Shareholders to terminate the trust from where we get our quarterly income checks? I thought we Osage headright owners have a right to vote on this issue.
DeleteI'd like to know what is the meaning of the phrase "...otherwise provided by Congress." If it doesn't require an Act of Congress anymore, what does it require and what would that entail?
DeleteFor the last time Chief, we know they, meaning anybody, can't take our headrights away but they can take away the Federally managed Osage Mineral Estate Trust and the income deposited into the Trust account. If we have a headright or portion of one and if the Trust account is closed by the Feds and no more mineral rights income is taken into trust and deposited into the Trust account because it has been closed and terminated, there will be no quarterly income payment check because there is a zero balance in an account that has been closed. You can have Osage headrights all day long but if there's no money there any longer to be paid out, you will not get a quarterly payment.
DeleteTo the poster at January 9, 2017 at 3:19 PM, the trust is not limited to only the income but includes, by reference to "other properties", the entire Minerals Estate and any lands or other properties held in trust by the United States federal government.
DeleteBefore any agency of the federal government can dissolve the trust relationship, an act of Congress must have enabled the DOI/BIA to do so. The Osage Nation cannot act alone to lease any property held in trust by the federal government; only the federal agency can enter into leases or dispose of property owned by the Osage Tribe (which is a subset of the Osage Nation membership), and then only when acting in the trust beneficiaries best interests.
Of course, abiding by the law means nothing to greedy people who serve their own interests.
I love this level of disinformation. Whether you know it or not, we Osages live and die by the 1906 Allotment Act as amended no matter what the Osage Nation government has to tell you or how officiously they spin it.
DeleteIt does not require an Act of Congress to make changes to the Trust relationship on the part of the United States government. It is exactly as written in my post above, "until otherwise provided by Congress." There has been no further amendment by the U.S. Congress in regard to this passage in later amendments or clarifications to the 1906 Act. Your statement is completely and utterly false from a legal standpoint and where the Osage Mineral Estate Trust is concerned, the final amendment in 1978 prevails as the active and viable statutory Federal law of the land where the Osages are concerned.
Second, this isn't a math problem. The Osage Tribe is not a subset of anything. When the Osage Nation came into being, it walked away from the Osage Tribe entirely when it created a brand new entity known as the Osage Nation and no member of the Osage Tribe was included in that membership. All Osage Tribe members had to file for a new membership from the Osage Nation with an issued membership card with the signature of the Osage Nation Principal Chief at that time and it continues that way today. This happened when the newly elected Osage Nation Congress passed the initial membership bill in the Fall of 2006, in effect, tossing out every single member of the Osage Tribe who had an actual official membership with all of the benefits and rights. The U.S. Congress who has the Plenary Power where the government to government relationship is concerned has never formally in writing or otherwise, authorized the Osage Nation government. To my knowledge, they have not even so much as acknowledged the Osage Nation government. The 2004 Reaffirmation Act of the U.S. Congress, P.L. 108-431, clarified that the Osage Tribe and the Osage Tribe alone could form a new government and add membership. The OGRC under the direction of Hepsi Barnett and with the collusion of the Harvard people at The Harvard Project, all went way out of control and developed an entirely different legal entity separate and apart from the Osage Tribe. I submit that they simply walked away from the Osage Tribe and abandoned it and every single asset in Trust that the Osage Tribe had then and has today. No formal legal action has ever been taken to transfer those Trust assets to the Osage Nation in a quiet title action and furthermore, where the trust property is concerned, you won't find the name of the Osage Nation on any chain of title anywhere in the State of Oklahoma or at the Federal level. Saying a thing is so doesn't make it so until a legal transfer of title takes place in Federal Court. Ask Talee Redcorn. He's been asking for an accounting of and a transfer of trust property since he was elected way back in 2006. The Osage Nation is nothing but a pack of thieving squatters to a whole lot of people back in 2006 and that is still true today.
"Before any agency of the federal government can dissolve the trust relationship, an act of Congress must have enabled the DOI/BIA to do so." The Act of Congress you are referring to that can dissolve the trust relationship unilaterally on the part of the U.S. Congress has already been passed. It's known as the Act of Oct. 21, 1978, Public Law 95-496. The terms and provisions of this Act to amend the 1938 Act which amended the 1906 Allotment Act are in full effect and force today. Try and keep up!
DeletePerhaps you need to take a refresher course in basic English, as there is nothing explicitly stated within PL 95-496 to allow the trust relationship to be dissolved. In fact, Sec. 2(a) extends the reservation of the ME to the Osage Tribe in perpetuity.
DeleteAs to the difference between "by Act of Congress" and "otherwise provided by Congress" the intent is by unconstitutional delegation of authority by Congress to federal agencies via regulations. The DOI/BIA must still relinquish trust responsibilities voluntarily; there is nothing the Osage Nation government can lawfully do to steal the ME from the headright owners.
To the poster at January 10, 2017 at 10:17 AM: As you have clearly stated, the Osage Nation is not a superset of the Osage Tribe but an unlawful replacement. PL 108-431 neither extinguished nor diminished the rights of the Osage Tribe, but the effect of the Osage Nation has been to accomplish one or the other depending on a person's point of view.
DeleteJanuary 10, 2017 at 12:21 PM. You can't make this up as you go along. Public Law 95-496 amended the Trust relationship with the United States Congress (just under God where Tribal governments are concerned relative to ANY OTHER PART of the Federal Government).
DeleteLet me put it to you in plain English:
Prior to PL 95-496 it took an Act of Congress to make a change to this passage:
"The lands, moneys, and other properties now or hereafter held in trust or under the supervision of the United States for the Osage Tribe of Indians, the members thereof, or their heirs and assigns, shall continue subject to such trusts and supervision until January 1, 1984, unless otherwise provided by ACT of CONGRESS."
After the passage of PL 95-496 on the day it was signed into law it no longer takes an Act of Congress to make a change to the Trust Relationship because it reads and is the LAW in current full force and effect TODAY:
""The lands, moneys, and other properties now or hereafter held in trust or under the supervision of the United States for the Osage Tribe of Indians, the members thereof, or their heirs and assigns, shall continue subject to such trusts and supervision until January 1, 1984, and thereafter until otherwise provided by Congress"."
Get up to speed.
The reservation and ownership of the Mineral Rights has been taken into perpetuity not the Trust relationship with the Federal government. The mineral rights to the Osage Tribal Reservation exist with or without a trust, Federal or otherwise. Get your facts straight or read all of the Acts to amend the 1906 Allotment Act and apply the changes into law accordingly.
You're conveniently overlooking the phrase "and thereafter until otherwise provided by Congress".
DeleteHad the trusts been disestablished this phrase would not have been included, as it would have been irrelevant.
Unless there is another law passed by Congress which delegates its authority to the DOI/BIA, then the trusts continue on in perpetuity until such time as Congress provides a mechanism for the trusts to be disestablished.
Recent major legal actions brought before a federal court by the Osage Nation have resulted in the wrong-headed view of the law being set straight. A case in point is Osage Nation v. Constance Irby et al, in which a decision was handed down that the Osage Reservation had not simply been diminished but had been disestablished by Act of Congress.
Even the cases related to Osage LLC brought before the Osage County court aren't going very well. Had the parties raised the fact, in a timely manner, that Osage LLC was never registered as a foreign or domestic entity of the State of Oklahoma then the cases would have been dismissed for lack of standing. Given that the Osage Nation lacks its own law related to securities fraud and has jurisdictional problems over non-Indians, it's a miracle that the defendants were not more proactive in hiring competent counsel and having the cases thrown out.
If I were a gambling man then I'd bet against the Osage Nation's interpretation of law every single time, and I'd win often enough to die a very wealthy man.
No one said that the OME Trust has been disestablished. It hasn't at this point in time but should the U.S. Congress provide in future for such a situation, I believe the question was and still is, does the U.S. Congress have to pay or compensate the headright owners for a future loss of income as a result of such a trust termination? The Trust does not continue on in perpetuity. This statement is flatly false. There is no perpetuity associated with the Trust relationship with the U.S. Congress or the DOI/BIA. Perpetuity means forever without a possibility of an end or termination at any point in time into the future.
DeleteBased on the history of treaties between nations - and especially with Indian tribes - you should know full well that "in perpetuity" in law only means that an act will continue until it is set aside by another act. There has never been, nor will there ever be, any act of man that is not subject to being terminated at some point in the future.
DeleteWhen Congress established a fixed date and then qualified it with the ambiguous phrase "and thereafter until otherwise provided by Congress", it had the same legal effect as using the words "in perpetuity". It established that the "lands, moneys, and other properties now or hereafter held in trust ... shall continue subject to such trusts" until Congress provides for the trust relationship to be terminated. This includes not only the beneficial interest in the trust, but also the real property of the Minerals Estate.
As to whether the United States will be obligated to compensate the headright owners for loss of future income, that is purely up to the Congress to decide. Given that the original intent of Congress was only to preserve the rights in the subsurface minerals for 25 years while the Osage (as with all Indians) were given time to adapt to the white man's civilization, it is highly unlikely that additional compensation will be granted. It should be looked upon as a windfall that the arrangement has continued on so long as they have.
In any case, it isn't the United States the headright owners should fear but the Osage Nation. Once the ON wrests away control of the ME the income will decline dramatically. Where will the money go? It will go to corrupt tribal leaders and their cronies.
I happen to agree anything Government touches everything goes sour.
DeleteJanuary 11, 2017 at 7:43 AM, Paragraphs one and two of your comment are completely false. They could not be more incorrect from a legal standpoint. You should speak with an attorney who understands the difference of the legal phrases in law; "in perpetuity" and "...and thereafter until otherwise provided by Congress". Until you do, refer to
"...and thereafter until otherwise provided by Congress" suggests a termination date at some point in the future, "in perpetuity" does not.
Trying to win an argument by disseminating false information only makes you look false and your argument worthless.
Paragraphs three and four of your comment, I agree with completely.
I am fully aware of the definition of "in perpetuity" according to Black's Law Dictionary. I am also well versed in the actual meaning of the phrase when it comes to acts by governments, and it means exactly what I've set forth.
DeleteWhen it comes to "in perpetuity" and a government being bound it means only so long as government takes no contradictory act. The origins of the practice date back to Germanic tribal law, from which English common law evolved. Chieftains, kings, and other leaders have been negotiating treaties of "perpetual friendship" or land grants "in perpetuity" for centuries - and then nullifying their word before the ink was even dry.
For Congress to use the phrase "and thereafter until otherwise provided by Congress" has the same legal effect as stating "in perpetuity" as far as it binds a government or the beneficiaries should expect. The latter phrase gives people more hope that government will not act to rescind the grant, but there is no material difference.
That said, if such language appears in an agreement between private parties then government will enforce it through the power of the courts and the force of a gun.
"When it comes to "in perpetuity" and a government being bound it means only so long as government takes no contradictory act."
Delete"For Congress to use the phrase "and thereafter until otherwise provided by Congress" has the same legal effect as stating "in perpetuity" as far as it binds a government or the beneficiaries should expect. The latter phrase gives people more hope that government will not act to rescind the grant, but there is no material difference."
Both of these statements are a bald faced lies in reference to the 1906 Allotment Act as amended and I am making a formal request to the moderator that your false posts to disseminate untruthful information be deleted at the earliest possible moment in time. The absolute last thing we need is willful disinformation published here.
Thank you poster 4:32 pm. There will be liberals that can't help them selves. Lol
DeleteI'm not getting an answer at the OST office. Not Friday or today. Anyone have any suggestions? I'm calling 888-678-6836.
ReplyDeleteI have the same number.
More on the Meeting on the 12th:
ReplyDeleteHERE it IS --->>>
"Standing Bear said the meeting is not how elected and appointed leaders of the Osage could personally benefit from an increase in production with a higher payment check, but rather “how all Osages may benefit from our combined efforts to increase production and Osage headright payments.”
What the hell does that mean? The only Osages who are to benefit from the OME Trust are the true beneficiaries of that Trust and the mineral rights income generated by them belong to the HEADRIGHT OWNERS. Any middle man nonsense to start skimming off the top with some blanket top lease or anything like it to go into the coffers of the Osage Nation Treasury is MONEY OUT OF OUR POCKETS IN TERMS OF OUR HEADRIGHT CHECKS. Someone needs to "Check" this Chief and put him on notice that anything that he cooks up with the Snake Oil Salesman designate otherwise known as George Shannon is dead on arrival. Start running the Osage Nation properly Chief and GET OUT AND STAY OUT OF MINERALS BUSINESS ONCE AND FOR ALL! And take your mouth piece, George Shannon, away with you.
Isn't gaming income enough for this guy? WTH? We need to throw this guy right out of office in 2018, just like Jim Gray back in 2010. What a misery he makes of this new government for everybody. I so totally agree --
Delete"Start running the Osage Nation properly Chief and GET OUT AND STAY OUT OF MINERALS BUSINESS ONCE AND FOR ALL! And take your mouth piece, George Shannon, away with you."
The Osage News has billed this meeting on Jan. 12 as a joint meeting of Congress, the Executive Branch and the Minerals Council. This is misleading. This is all the Chief's show. The Minerals Council was asked to sponsor the meeting and they refused. The Congress was never asked, but they would never sponsor it when the MC had refused. There probably will be members of the MC and Congress there to listen as a courtesy, but that does not mean that they endorse or support the proposals at this time.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts why si Congress involved? Why is the Chief summoned everyone to come together. It would be different had he said I am inviting all and everyone to join in what could be history in the makes..yrea right we've see about enough of this stuffed suit. Hard to believe in him. People talk about rumors funny how they pan out to be true until the public gets wind then the tune changes. We are not blind to the facts that are on our table and I am willing to listen to his opinion. Becuase I had quite some time back a "consensus" needs to happen. Face it our M.C. has done a banged up job. And we know it is in the contracting. Do we need another middle man no, but in order to make money you need to spend money, advertising and such..a means to justify the end.
DeleteThank you,7:21 AM, for your input of understanding what's going on here with everybody. I reject this chief not only as a shareholder, but as a Osage person. He's a dictator. Wants to take over every thing, including our lives.
DeleteSo dang funny! Guess she didn't learn the 10th Commandment.
ReplyDeleteFrom the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church:
You shall not covet . . . anything that is your neighbor's. . . . You shall not desire your neighbor's house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his ass, or anything that is your neighbor's. (Most especially not the headrights that belong to the Roman Catholic Church!) 317
In brief:
2552 The tenth commandment forbids avarice arising from a passion for riches and their attendant power.
Miss Rosemary must have been missing or asleep the day they taught that commandment in Sunday School:
I just love how legally unsophisticated some Osages in the Osage can be about the headrights of their ancestors whom they claim to respect. The oil and gas income was placed initially in a Federal trust fund to be paid out as personal property to all of the original allottees under the 1906 Allotment Act. At the end of 25 years, this trust was to terminate and the mineral rights were to be repatriated to the land and returned to each an every original allottee, their heir/s or assign/s with an allotment of Osage County land. The Osage Tribal officials went to the U.S. Congress to get an extension of the trust for the income from the mineral rights for quarterly payments to make certain that they would continue for those who had headrights or a portion of one. There have been several extensions since that time and the final one in 1978 has extended the mineral rights reserved to the Osage Tribe in perpetuity which means that they can never be repatriated to the land under any circumstances whether there is a Federal income trust for the headright owners beneficiaries or not because the Osage Tribe owns them forever as per the 1906 Allotment Act as amended.
DeleteWood states, "It is further my understanding that the only way these rights were lost from the Tribe was through the Federal Government’s failure to fulfill their trust responsibilities.*" The only headrights that were "lost" were either sold or willed or given after death through a trust to a particular person or party by the headright owner themselves who had every right under the sun to give their personal property to whom they wished until the Federal government changed the law and the headright or a portion can now pass only to another of Osage blood.
Good luck with that burial at Immaculate Conception, Rosemary. The Church is particularly good at "deep-sixing" a person who steps outside the fold long before they have need of a coffin.
DeleteAbsentee Ballot Request form:
At the Chief's meeting today about the mineral estate, don't get suckered in by any of his rhetoric.
ReplyDeleteI've heard he has met enough resistance that he is changing his tone somewhat and is going to play down the million acre lease and try to sell this as just an "advisory board" to the OMC. He's going to claim the ONES to be experts with special knowledge who can increase oil production. Real politician speak.
Remember, the ONES have done nothing with the start-up capital provided to them other than buy a building that they lease to the Nation. Any business person will tell you that is the last thing you invest in.
The ONES have not even attempted to bring a well to production, have not transported a barrel of oil, have not serviced a well or even invested anywhere in the vast periphery oil related industries. They bought a building that they lease to the Nation, that's it.
The Osage Producers Association was not formally invited to the meeting. No one asked for their input. One wonders what the real motives are behind this "meeting."
DeleteSee the meeting on demand at
DeleteYes. Treat them like any other lessee at auction. Where's the MONEY ONES.........?
DeleteI too find it interesting that The Osage Producers Association was not invited who have leases in Osage County already. I am sick to the death of Sonny Abbott and his cronies including at least two and probably three members of the Minerals Council trying to undermine the only single group of business people we have out in the field actually pulling oil and gas out of the ground. We saw that jack**s at work when the last Mike Black meeting took place and it was ugly to be as polite as possible.
DeletePart 2 of the meeting is now on demand at
DeleteBeen awhile since visited this site and for a very long time (10 years) I was a dedicated viewer and poster on the OSA. After watching part 1 and 2 I can humbly say I have never seen such a thing among the Osage.
DeleteJust finished watching Part 2 of the meeting (haven't seen Part 1 yet). About the last 20 minutes was like an emotional roller coaster. Two Osage Producer Association people got up and talked, one named Shane (he talked first), the other Nona Roach (she starts talking about one minute and 40 minutes in 1:42), of the OPA, both very informative, and "up setting" to hear the current facts about her dealings with the Superintendent of BIA (she said we are "hogged tied," put in the closet left to die.
DeleteThen, the Chief tells Chairman Waller that he suggest when the new Assistant Secretary to Indian Affairs is in office that he (Chief) and Waller go to DC to meet with the new Assistant or the Secretary of Indian Affairs and request the BIA's actions since 2014 be REVERSED.
It looks like there's going to be more sessions, but no decisions until after Trump administration is in.
MINERAL COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to the weather tomorrow, the MC meeting is cancelled and will meet next Weds. this announcement was just before the closing prayer.
Our hands are not hog tied mm ore like a dearh grip, but does not mean more cannot be done in the mean while. This hole dam thing smels to me. And you know lets not forget we should be knocking on that door of the SOI right now. If by if we are working under the old regulations and the excuse I keep on hearing is this agency is backlogged hurting the M.E. Lets end this confusion. There I s none. The Federal Government holds only a piece of paper, just the Title. We can prove the damage but thats later. No time like the present to be pro-active in this matter al the while we can do what the Government can do for us and start developing our M.E. aggressively. Open office with compliance and all. End of story. Its ours to see thrur. And as I have said, the future is today!!!!!
DeleteOops. Nona Roach starts talking at one hour and 42 minutes in 1:42
DeleteIf we don't do it someone else will..look at One's, the least of all people, not the Nation.
DeleteIf I heard this correctly, ONES has been around for 4 years. Let me write that again, FOUR years. What have they done in that time in the oil and gas industry? If Miss Spurrier Bright really wants to be of any real value to her fellow shareholders, she should be FOIAing the records of ONES for all spending including the balance sheet for every single one of the last four years since ONES was funded with $3,000,000! YES?
DeleteOh yeah. She won't though because she's suspected of taking orders from SA and the rag-tag remnants of Team Osage.
DeleteOut going Head of the EPA agency Gina MCcarthy was asked by Federal Judge Bailey to give a impact analysis of the Job loss on said regs. She said there has not been one done since 1977, and would take two years to comply. Judge Bailey said unacceptable, he wants it by July of 2017. How hard is it to come up with a model whwn all you have to account is for 9 plants and how many employees were employed and you know the regs that called for their closure does she really think we are stupid. Not. Further said by the Judge EPA does not get to decide whether compliance with (the law) is good policy, or would lead to too many difficulties for the agency," Bailey wrote. "It is time for the EPA to recognize that Congress makes the law, and EPA must not only enforce the law, it must obey it." See any correlation relating to the losees on our estate in peak period of 2014? And who makes the laws Congress not the BIA,The EPA or the Nation when it comes to the Mineral Estate. The impact on our estate has had its reverse effects all around to our Producers to the Royalties. Alnoe in 2014, out 100,000 and I know there our other Headright owners out possibly more..Just afraid to say so and what is being done about that? Has our M.C done a financial impact on the Mineral Estate? My bet not. If nothing is being done about this where is the interest of the Headright Owners?
ReplyDeleteSaid regs in the Coal Industry. Oops
DeleteYes. Ramrodding this EIS and PEA has done untold harm when the outcome of the lawsuit of Martha Donalson should have been concluded before Miss-Miss ever got a head of steam over at the Osage Agency. Two things I believe, the headright owners income has been diminished by the attempt to conform to BLM rules for the convenience and conformity of the BIA itself on a self-interested basis and, in addition, the BIA has also diminished the Headright owners income relative to those bogus CFRs that got turned back. The Headright owners are in a position to claim, once again, that they have been harmed and badly by the OME Trustee during the time before the Donalson lawsuit was dismissed and thrown out of court. For once in the Federal government's life, can they appoint an overall surveillance conservator or guardian over the BIA to watch what they do and make sure that what they do comes to no harm of any kind to the headright trust beneficiaries?
DeleteThank you I second that.
DeleteSO DO I!
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