My comments are coming from C. Boone's above bulletin and the joint meeting: first of all, there's no use to make any final decision on anything until we see what's going to happen with the new administration (Trump). All rich selectees so far (billionaires), business people who know how to get around things to get their way and have their backup and lawyers. Rick Perry is connected to Energy Partners, Pruitt involved in current lawsuits (involving Indian law and the oil industry). Trump, Perry and others are all for the XL pipeline and windturbines expanding. Are they going to be fair with the Indians or automatically go for the big business side of issues?
I haven't kept up with the ONES on the website, just been reading this blog about them, but if they really have lost millions as reported here, then why would we turn over our "life source" to them after they blundered so much Nation revenue. With their combined oil industry experience and business expertise, they, as a "group," failed (big time, that's not chump money).
This joint meeting was a "discussion" to "discuss," so let there be periodic meetings to discuss possibilities and how to go about it like pipelines/infrastructure (an incentive for producers), and being business people their input on the startup of the new digital system would be deem beneficial.
But it's way too early to start talking about new payrolls, new boards, new job titles (especially coming out of the ME money). Back to the Trump administration, (1) how will these new electees react to our request that the BIA's action since 2014 be reversed, (2) will the OSA sue the BIA? So much food on our plate to digest.
For the Boone's Bulletin Text-- RE:
...why would we turn over our "life source" to them...
Someone's gotta pay for their new cars, nice houses, and exotic vacations. Might as well be the Minerals Estate. Never mind the Headright owners and the 1906 Act. Forget those that depend on those checks to pay their electric bill. Gotta grow the government at all cost to employ more relatives of those with the proper names.
If I heard this correctly, ONES has been around for 4 years. Let me write that again, FOUR years. What have they done in that time in the oil and gas industry? If Miss Spurrier Bright really wants to be of any real value to her fellow shareholders, she should be FOIAing the records of ONES for all spending including the balance sheet for every single one of the last four years since ONES was funded with $3,000,000! YES?
I think the funding was much less but don't you worry, this goal is part of the ONES Mission Statement: "To utilize our Nation's strength to fully exploit revenue opportunities." It don't get truer or funnier than this.
No it isn't funny and the last people we should have skulking around the Mineral Estate and the Trust is the Osage Nation in general and both the Executive Branch and and ONES in particular. It will help the shareholders. What shareholders? Those who work for the Osage Nation now? Who live in Osage County? Who are on the board for ONES? Who will work for the Osage Nation if any of the above can get their claws into the Osage Mineral Estate and bust the current Federal OME Trust under the 1906 Allotment Act?
Until the members of the Osage Mineral Council gets a look at the books for the last four years of ONES and can ascertain what they have spent their money on exactly and when month by month since the very beginning, starting from the first day they have been funded as well as all of the Agendas for the meetings up-to-date along with the meeting minutes or transcription, they shouldn't even allow a single lease, never mind a blanket one. Didn't Chief Tillman do something just like this blanket lease back in the late 1980's or early 1990's? I wonder how much income we lost on that deal.
Money was given to ONES for one purpose but instead they bought a building that they leased to (surprise) the Osage Nation to grow lettuce. So far the nation has not defaulted on the rent so they have this little bit of income. Not enough to pay their expenses of course. Still they have upheld the Osage tradition of having never run a profitable business except gaming so we should be proud of them. If we give them more money they can increase their losses to the point that they can rank up there with the old Osage LLC. It will take the cooperation of the Chief and Congress. Teamwork! That's what it takes.
Geoffrey Standing Bear is for giving Osage Nation Treasury money to benefit the Shareholders which may or may not increase headright payments. Two things. One, this is the Osage People's money not Standing Bear's. Benefits to all of us come first before this very privileged class of Osages gets even more money from the Osage government including, two, the dead on smoking gun open verbal conflict of interest in stating that he wants to use government funds to raise his headright checks since he is an admitted headright owner along with his wife among other headright owners. Bullseye violation of Article X, Section 3 and Section 4 of the Osage Nation Constitution. Benefits for us all in a per-capital payment or a Christmas Bonus or whatever else you can think of first Chief and then you and your shareholders in the OME can look at what's left, if anything at all, the way you spend money. Hear it for yourself right here --
"Orders" from the Supreme Court, Chief or a clarification about responsibility? Where does the Executive Branch have a hand in on this? Osage Nation Congress, yes. The Independent Minerals Agency and Minerals Council, yes. The Supreme Court of the Osage Nation had better have a bottom-of-the-page reference on this opinion.
Talk about twisting this SCOTON opinion to his own purposes! The Supreme Court doesn't issue orders. They issue opinions. This has to do with responsibility and I beg to argue with the Lord High SC Justices. I don't see a single word about the Osage Nation in any Act or Clarification of the 1906 Allotment Act as amended nor do I see anything other than the obligation to ensure the preservation and any further obligations of the Osage Nation in reference to the Osage Mineral Estate to be directly handled by the Constitutionally created Minerals Agency of the Osage Nation. I see nothing whatsoever about the Executive Branch in there anywhere else in the Constitutional text in reference to the Osage Mineral Estate or any part of the Executive Branch. In essence, more hot air from the Chief? Been a lot of that lately from what I've been hearing and reading on Facebook.
Has anyone actually seen the written order? Like who signed it, date of the order, from what/where authority came from?
The MC are elected officials by the shareholders, cost a lot of money to send out absentee ballots, set up the election and a payroll for those working the election and a payroll for the day of election and days afterward for putting away ballots, Osage News cost for electors campaigning/advertising and most likely a lot of misc. costs (a big process). Would it be that easy to rip the rug out from under us?
The professional relationship between the Chief and the MC is "unprofessional." But this "in the cahoots" with the Nation's Supreme Court is not the answer or solution.
The Chief signs off things from Congress for the MC/ME. He goes to DC in our behalf. Need an open relationship between this Chief and the next one, and the next one. Our experience with the Chiefs in the last 10 years shows a new Chief does not mean things will be improved. Shareholders will have to continue to watch our government on all levels.
I could not agree more there for, Voting for our Next Chief and our elected officials better vetting of questions should occur during the campaign process and there of. But what reall needs to happen is we need to make better laws that will benefit the Osage and not so much for big Government. But its not the people who create the division, Government does. We need to close these gaps. Get the special interest, cronyism out.
I doubt there can be enough questions or good enough vetting for anyone running for Chief. The problems we're facing are starting to look very much institutional. For more than ten years now we've had run away government growth, run away compensation for the bureaucrat class, Chief's who can't keep from injecting themselves into the M.E., and congress not allowed to ask basic questions about budgets, and worst of a all a supreme court that INVENTS Osage history to justify it's opinions. As we all know, it goes on and on and on ad infinitum.
I am becoming more and more of the opinion that the hurried governing document Jim Gray had cobbled together, to benefit his then office, may be the problem. Maybe it's time to start thinking about fixing, or rewriting, the constitution ...I don't know.
How can we move forward if not look to the past. For the same reasons the Government was formulated in the first. In other words it is hard to accept a de facto Government exacerbated by division. Essentially we have two governments one cannot exist without the other. It is not hard to undo. By a one page rewrite of our Constitution and turn it back over to the 8 man council per the 1906 Act. This is the quandary we find ourselves in. Anybody says differently challenge me, I dare you. At this point it is not enough our council is no where in this oil industry and the truth of the reality we have sticky hsnds in the nNation like glue on greed. Isn't that what everyone else was saying the very same thing about the council before we became a de fscto Government. Thats it in s nut shell. This is where we are at. Sticky hands and couch potatoes or arm chair coaching. We got Ones why and how much are they earning for absolutely doing nothing in 3 years. That is as bad as the Osage Llc. Congress wake up. You were fully warned about Carol Lease. Not sure how his name is spelled but who cares right. We also know not everyone who was and is a descended of a alotee got a vote or say so to become a Government. And this is the first step to finding out from 5000 shareholder's if they got a vote. This is the first step to sending mailers out to ask these very questions and then some.
This ten year government experiment is a failure, with everybody in it getting rich and we can't get a dime from these people for the majority of the membership. A failure. We don't need 100 separate departments, divisions, boards, commissions, study groups, offices, task forces and everything else all in. People outside of this government are fed up, angry and want an alternative government that is much smaller than 20-30 elected or appointed officials much smaller in size with programs that benefit the majority of the membership.
This ten year government experiment is a failure???Dang it all!!! As a want-a be Osage Mountain Warrior,this Osage Government is a safer experiment than the one I would have forced a pond the Osage,many decades ago.Very thankful this did not happen and know that my great-great grandmother is pleased of the wisdom,which I have acquired since her passing.Not good to fight other Osage as we have seen over these pass decades. Opportunities for endless Osage future is at hand and one way or another we will see this,this year.65% of 5000 is 3250,3250 Osage,one person vote,as these newer government demands,is a voting block,unified as one voice,one direction,for good or bad has not been implemented,too busy fighting among themselves.So is this the year of the Osage,everything I know and have experienced says it is but should it be one way or another is thought.
I called that out a while back how the ten year plan was a farce. Bigger Government is never the answer nor is the liberal hands that feed the Government either. This has gone to far. Did our Government think that all smart Osages would let this feeding frenzy with the Osages money be happy? We have only maybe 2000 or less living in Osage county. This is why it is a Joke. Common sense has gone out the door and all in the name of greed. Right, fighting but not really if you look at the big picture. Just to keep the status quo for the sake of it for appearances. I do see some Congress members trying. The question is what is better for yhe whole compared to those few who think are entitled? It would not be so bad if there wasn't corrupt individuals but there are. The Harvard way needs to end because it us not working period. We need to stsnd on our own. Get rid of the waste. Government are bottom feeders to justify a means to their ends right into their pockets. This is our Government in a nut shell. Salary, 401k, per diems, probably do not use Obammy care, but private csre, headright owners. It all adds up for them right and once again how does the benefit the Government? All they do is appropriate without prejudice. The diligence is done all right as long as it feeds them in their pockets and so frivolously. No diligence. Because the cronyism is do thick you can cut it with a knife. I can't say we voted for this because my vote didn't count why? Lol. Someone overlooked in 2006 this Headright owner. Truth. It wouldn't be so bad if we had not lost 20,000,000. Dollars. 20,000,000. Of the Osages money could have gone out the Constituents and could of helped those who need relief. Now we have another board One's playing house. It's Osages sticking it to the Osage. It wouldn't be so bad if the Osage would have gotten out a Turkey voucher during the Holidays as a reminder that we care. What is the messsge here? Less Government is always more. Yep, We need a Chief for the people. After Jim Gray..this Government of lies needs a one page rewrite of the Constitution and I am ready to hand it back to the Council with only one body to Govern.
Less is more. Yep. You got it. Hand it back to the Council and let them get this mess in hand. Too many flip-floppers on the Council now and those members of the OMC refuse to see the train wreck up happening with all of the Shareholders on board up ahead if StandingBear gets his way. Next time we need to vote for Council members who will protect us from the incompetence and greed of the Osage Nation government. NO ONES. When are these government people going to realize that they have to prove themselves first before anything gets handed to them on a silver platter? This decision with ONES involves real people with real income and real people will get hurt and badly if the Osage Nation gets a crack a running this Mineral Estate.
ONES has had four (4) long years to prove itself with suggestions from many Osages as to what business ideas and ventures to pursue and nothing NOTHING has ever come of it period. Letting them in to run the OME in any capacity is wrong. Bad wrong. WRONG!
BTW, Where was the head of ONES when this meeting took place? Another government commitment of some sort? Jill Jones should have been there and cancelled all other commitments and that right there is proof that going with the ONES is wrong. You want the business, you show up. Bad news is bad news and there is no glossing this over.
I see your point and knew I would get a reaction to my comment. Thank you for your opinion. Then if this is the case we need to go before Congress and rewrite our Constitution. Either way it will be a vold day on H-ll before the One' take over our couch potatoes of a M.C. Tired of that word Mr.Waller. you should be and yhe all of you. Get off your duffs and start eorking on building our empire. Stop protecting your agenda or Ideology for the Interest of the M.E. Stop waiting for a night and shiny knight to come save the day. Or. The Shareholders will have no recourse but to head to Congress for authority to recall each and everyone of you. I'll keep Erwin and Boone. Why Boone isn't right all the time but I can't help but like her. Stubborn for a reason, most Osage women are. Yes we have a traitor from with in not so much flipping or flopping its more like a fish out of water. Lol. Same difference. A cancer.
One's LLC was not trying to take over the OME they offered their expertise freely. Where did anyone get such a stupid idea like that trying to takeover? OMG!!! Why make more of this offer than it is? Unless OMC has a lot to cover up and does not want to accept help as usual, that is why we are in the shape we are in, in the first place. It is plain as the writing on your face the OMC have failed the OME in so many ways and still disgusting the way they are working among them selves, the BIA, etc. The Lawsuits OMC won was not by the OMC it was the attorneys and the producers who won those lawsuits. As for the EIS if it was not for Talee insisting what triggered an EIS that would be going forward to. Keeping Erwin or Boone is not viable they are not professionals in the Oil and Gas Industry, keeping them is like saying your willing to keep the same ole same ole who are killing the OME. Having no Chief is a mistake with no real O&G professionals running this multi billion business for Osage shareholders. BIA has smothered, mismanaged and devalued the OME in so many ways we cannot trust them anymore in anyway what so ever. Attorneys cannot keep on managing or running the OME either properly. OMC has to rely on Attorneys for everything which proves they are incapable managing the OMC. Compacting different functions of the BIA, hiring O&G Professionals and getting a marketing plan in place is feasible. The Chief can help get the compacting/self governing in place and ONE's LLC can help with hiring O&G Professionals much more so than the people on the OMC presently. OMC not accepting this help offered just shows how foolish they really are and willing to hurt the OME Shareholders even more for their own pride. It is over OMC Councilman and woman your behavior and unqualified experience has proven to be quite detrimental to the OME. Save a little self respect and accept professional help to have a OMC of O&G Professionals and 2 O&G Professionals hired in the office with a good marketer and computer data of the OME within the OME office. All this should have been done in the first place, shameful this has not taken place by now!!!! Good Gosh!!! Get Real!!! This should take place ASAP. Nick picking this paragraph is a waste of more time what should be done!!! More good ole boys and gals running for the OMC should be unacceptable from now on!!!! We need O&G Osage Professionals to run for the OMC from now on.
WOW! There is more disinformation in this one paragraph than I have ever seen in my life. I've got to hand it to you. You really know how to spin a yarn but if you think I'm stupid enough to let the Osage Nation run the Mineral Estate, you really are as self-deluded as you appear. This new government has failed with one business venture after another because they spend money that one way or another, always circles back into the pockets of one or another of the Osages on the government payroll. With my quarterly payment? Are you out of your ever lovin' mind?!? Telling whoppers about the Minerals Council won't get you anywhere with this Osage shareholder. I've been on this situation since well before day one and the Osage Nation is a mess of unqualified proportion nor do I want a bunch of oil and gas men on the payroll for way big bucks who can't do any better than the Mineral Council, or the BIA either for that matter, at the end of the day. Little Jack Frost...get lost!
That is not was said at all for the ON or Ones LLC run the OME. What was said was to accept some professional help when offered. Besides the OMC has to have the Chief's help to compact different functions of the BIA. You are the ones who live in a dream world of delusions. Yes we need a OMC run the OME but we also need O&G Professionals on the OMC not glorified secretaries, some who worked in the field on rigs, or read little about Oil and Gas Industry but never worked for a petroleum company, etc. get my point!!!! We need Professional O&G Osages who knows how o run the OME like it is-A Multi Billion Dollar Business than a Good boys Club...You just want a chance for easy money for your self or for a relative. How in the world can you be so cold and ignorant? How can YOU read or hear the opposite of what is written or said!!!!! Talk about self-delusional!!!!! Not worth anyone's breath for sure!!!! Yuck!!!!
Your definition of professional is a whole lot more fast and loose than mine. None of the people on the ONES Board are oil and gas professionals in my estimation. You won't ever win this argument with me so you may as well move on. Osage Nation Constitution says the Minerals Council must come from a pool of fellow Osage headright owners. These are the people who stepped up to run and they won the election. If you have a problem with that, do what you think is necessary to change the Constitution on this requirement. Good luck with that.
Again you are so wrong reading the words, I did not define exactly the Ones LLC people are the exact type of BUSINESS Professionals Of O&G but a great start of what you have right now. Plus they are Osages willing to help freely. Wow! As for the pool of Osages we have had on the OMC we would not be sinking like we are now!!! They could not even file all the resolutions or even write them properly or turn them in to the BIA. Or ask the BIA questions early on when they were willing to talk and work things out. BIA knew they could bully their way through with the ERA's, EIS's, EA's and the new strangling CFR's for the producers. Finally the producers are happy to leave the Osage County for good. BIA ruining the reputation of OME for other producers wanting to drill and cannot get the permits out in a reasonable time frame. Producers would have to bribe the BIA to get their permits out even before 2014 disaster!! Yep lets keep the good boys and gals running the OME to the ground. Instead of hiring professionals who know what to do and do not need an attorney for every step they make. Yep that's exactly what the Osages need to keep doing the same and never growing or improving. Just talk talk but do not know how to get things implemented because it is over their heads. Shameful to hire some professionals who know how to implement progress. Yep, if those good ole boys and gals knew how to implement progress they would have done it by now. Shucks! MC had Rita enter all the wrong plot data for years off the wrong information provided to her for 2 years. So now we have no plot data on the computer we can track all the wells ourselves. What a waste of money and time there! Joe Huilett? was never replaced just the good boys and gals tried to take over by having a new secretary write all contracts and pricing of the oil and gas leases. LOL! A joke again! Still doing the same with the contracts and prices. LOL!!! Look at the spending records 2/3 of their 3 million was spent on attorneys the last 3 MC's. Yep! that's the way to keep going staying on the insane merry go round and then expecting different results. Times have changed if you have not noticed, the rules have changed and much harder world to maintain in the O&G Business. If you do not get the best you will get the worst!!! Oh please keep not marketing the O&G of the OME because there will not be nothing to market soon and BIA will for sure will finish running OME into the ground. OR just believe things will turn around in the same old ways barely getting along with no new real progress because the price of Oil will go up. Keeping the OMC as it is and has been. Everything will be just fine then. Yep!
The ONES are not the people we want "helping" the OMC. The ONES are supposed to be making money for the Nation, they need to go do that. THAT'S they're job. Go do it. If they can't then they need to be replaced.
First of all the ONES as a business enterprise are a joke. Their only action as a business group speaks volumes to their business acumen. They bought a building. Let's repeat that, they bought a building. Anybody who has ever started a business know that the last thing you do. They've had money to invest in the energy sector in anyway they wish. They could have invested in public companies, started a well service firm, started a well data firm, or curried investment for drilling. The list goes on and on. Instead they bough a building, which they now have to pay upkeep and insurance on. Of course they lease it out. But the lease it to the Nation, so the Nation is subsidizing them yet again. If you want to be a business you have to produce something, analytics, hard goods, a commodity, something of value. In four years they've done nothing. There's no brain trust there.
The ONES want a million acre lease. I've set right there in open meetings twice when Mr. Shannon has suggested it. It's on audio recording on youtube in a couple different places for anyone to review.
This shareholder is all for the OMC having an attorney "for every step they make." These are complex dealings and complex fights. I'm curious do you engage in contracts without legal council. Do you do your taxes without a CPA. When the government is screwing you over and you have to go to court do you represent yourself. These are adversarial relationships, M.E. - producer, M.E. - BIA, and yes even M.E. - Nation. The OMC better have all the "i's" dotted and "t's" crossed or anyone of these entities is going to take advantage of that legal misstep. Beyond the common sense argument just made for using attorneys, they need keen legal minds to analyze with strategic intent to better our position and make sure ground work is laid for any future legal action that is or may be required. Good feeling and good intentions are for the church. This is business and like any business, specifically one as complex as our, need legal council to review and advice. THAT'S WHY CORPORATIONS HAVE ENTIRE LEGAL DEPARTMENTS FILLING MULTIPLE FLOOR IN GREAT BIG BUILDINGS.
One last thing, the "new strangling CFR's" were nearly enacted as a result of the previous OMC Crum, Yates and Sonny Boy engaging the BIA/DOI/DOJ without legal council. What got those "strangling CFR's" lifted was the current OMC along with the producers engaging legal council going to court and having them lifted. Yep!!!
Yes legal council is needed but not so much if real O&G Business Proffessionals were working for them and noticed they were being charged million of monies fighting windmills they did not know about-Don Quiote. LOL! Til this last year. Being charged since the 1st new MC. Yes, attorney like Fredericks is needed but not to write a letter but maybe look over a letter needed written about the lawsuits. And not called for every little thing. That would have saved monies too. As for the Strangling CFR's I agree with you on that but took a long time to figure it out...The whole jest of what I am saying for all Osages it is time to change to O&G Osage Business Professionals to sit on the OMC to keep up with all this new modern technologies and regulations. But you do not agree I get it.
Where are you going to get such professionals? With the emphasis on Osage preference, who, Mark Simms and Tim Tallchief? Hahahahaha. Toadies for the Chief? That's the word on these two. Read over and over again the comment by the poster on January 19, 2017 at 10:42 AM and let it sink in. This is real not fake news and a it's truly a proper intellectual and business analysis of the situation on the ground.
Does anyone else find it concerning or even suspicious that the Chief would put so much of his weight behind the ONES? I mean look at this board. It is patently obvious that at least three-quarters of them have no mind for business. They've done nothing in three-four years. listening to their little talks was like listening to some poorly thought-out middle school presentation on how to start a company. It's obvious that these people are not the movers and shakers of industry, even in the most elementary sense. Did the Chief not meet with them, does he not care, or did he intentionally want hucksters and ne'er do wells overseeing the mineral estate so he could do what he wants with leases, much like what he's trying to do with the ranch. The latter is the only one that make sense, to me.
Not really. Wasn't he the member of Congress back in 2012 who sponsored the bill, ONCR 12-26, that created the ONES? I think so. This is his baby and it's been put on its feet to take over the OME business for the Osage Nation to manage it on their own ASPOT. I guess he thinks that this is finally the time. We've got to have some kind of oil and gas LLC or entity that has done more than spend money and deposit rents.
ONCR 12-26 An Act to adopt the Articles of Operation for the limited liability company, Osage Nation Energy Services, LLC, to be formed under the Osage Nation Limited Liability Companies Act. (Standing Bear)
Bottom line: Get an e-mail off to the members of the Minerals Council that says that you don't want ONES getting a blanket lease or doing anything else that involves their day to day business. Let them establish themselves as other than a bunch of pikers waiting for a big paycheck at the end of the day coming from Shareholder's money.
In the joint meeting the Chief brought up about the progress of the Ute tribe, and that is "business people." The ONES seems to be his only choice of "business people" at this time. If you put on a piece of paper the ONES side by side with Ute tribe and put the pros and cons of success between them, the results prove themselves.
Most families choose their doctors, dentist, banks and other services who they determine will serve their family's in their best interest. In the Dec. 7th gas/oil summit on internet, it was quoted that regarding the ME/MC and ONES, that ONES is a "Risk."
Do you lnow how many Llc's and or non-profit organizations the ute have? You know corrupt business is going on there. Not an example I would follow. Maybe look to the Chickasaw Nation is a better example.
I'm not one bit impressed with the Southern Utes. 450 some odd businesses all under one umbrella and the ruling Council there has no idea what is happening where? They talk a good game but their numbers are unverified to the public or to their membership or even to those in high office in government. We have enough of that nonsense with the Osage Nation government with the 100 separate departments, divisions, boards, commissions, study groups, offices, task forces and everything else all in. We can't even get the Congress, in the last opening day of the Fall regular session, to agree on one number for the projected income and every year they say they run out of time to finally find out what the true number is and they have to get on with it to keep the government running and then the vote on budget bills blind. This is so corrupt that not even hell would have it and then they say we'll get it right the next time? This government needs to be fit to size for the garbage can. I'm done hearing excuses and the buffalo fights we have between branches while they fake fights with one another and use the Osage Nation legal system to manipulate the spending in their favor in the Osage against the very people who give them their jobs. Now we have the Judicial Branch in on the manipulation and when it gets that bad, I'm done. The Supreme Court even threw out any legal precedent from any other court. If you did a thing like this elsewhere, you would be SCOURGED in the press and in court of public opinion right across the board. We were promised a government based on the Constitutional government of the USA so that there WOULD BE PRECEDENT that we could rely on and "Equal Justice Under The Law." Not some crazy out there masquerade of a government that this one has become with the highest court making wild unfounded illegal statements in Osage Nation Supreme Court opinions! This is not equal and it's not just and it's not even legal to make such a statement in a court opinion and that's not just our Tribe, it's any other Tribe too.
I definitely see the parallels between the U.S constitution and ours. Pass a budget before we know whats on it sound familiar "pig Pelosi". Yes we have a Government of corruption going on. Our Congress needs a wake up call and this is ot if I ever saw who was being hoodwinked. Well I am winking back.
We don't need a pack of retirees running our Minerals Estate who admit that they said that they don't really want to work full time to a former Chief, or former gravy trainers who left government office to get a huge paycheck from the Osage, LLC only to have the door slammed shut in their face, or guys who say they've worked for oil companies but never really give you hard information on what they did, as in a job description, while they were there and how senior their position was during their employment OR Board Chairs who don't show up for one of the most, if not the most, important vetting meetings in the history of the Osage Nation and on and on and on... Long and the short of it... it's a no go on ONES. I don't want these ONES Board people even advising the Minerals Council on anything.
"Drent interjected asking if Gill wanted the court to impose outside value systems and other jurisdictions onto the court’s business." “We would much rather examine how we operated as a Nation back in the day without a federal government telling us how to run our businesses …"
"The court then references a case from the Hopi Tribe in Arizona…In the case Village of Mishongnovi v. Humeyestewa, the case found that a trial court had inappropriately applied foreign law without analyzing that law to determine whether it is consistent with Hopi custom and tradition, the ONSC opinion said citing research." This isn't about culture or tradition unless the ONSC is referring to past uncontrolled profligate spending. This is about money being spent in budgets and the only historical record of spending we have is, in part, the reason the old 1881 Osage Constitution was dissolved as a result of the outlandish abuses taking place as recorded by the Commissioner at the time:
"1) Acrimonious disputes between the two factions over elections. 2) Entire absence of harmony between Osage Tribal Officers and the Indian Agent in administration of Tribal affairs. 3) The Selection of ignorant men as officeholders. 4) The profligate use of moneys received... (from revenue sources coming into the Tribal government.)"
Custom it said not culture. Our custom has always been to act like the "Big Osage" and throw money at everyone we can to impress them as much as possible. We have always had to have the best at the highest price possible. Osages in the oil boom where said to run brand new cars out of oil and burn up the engines then abandon them by the side of the road and get back into town and buy a new one. We were acting like nouveau riche long before that phrase even existed in the New World. Why do you think there is such a phrase coined about us known as "The Osage Price" as opposed to the price everyone else pays in the real world?
Oil and Gas Summit 2016 Video In particular:
The OSA is fraternal organization created a few decades ago to protect the Osage Mineral Estate for the Headright owners. It has nothing to do with the Bureau of Indian Affairs Osage Agency. What do you mean?
QUARTERLY REPORT - DECEMBER, 2016 Data for this report is provided from and compiled by Jim D. Swan, the Minerals Council Auditor. He is responsible for ensuring our accounts are maintained in strict accordance with Federal law. Jim is also responsible for preparing Monthly Oil and Gas Production Reports. Most importantly he calculates the Quarterly Payment. This is accomplished by auditing data provided from Office of the Special Trustee in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Payment for the fourth quarter (December 2016) is $3,335.00 per headright. Computation: Total Revenue $7,435,870.69 for the third quarter production and collections. ($7,435,870.69 divided by 2,228.97393 headrights equals $3,335.00 rounded back to the nearest $5.00.) Major Details of the $7,435,870.69 Oil and Tank Bottoms Production: 1,037,923 gross barrels or 160,015 royalty barrels Oil Revenue: $6,992,665.56 Average price per barrel of oil: $43.70 Gas Production: 1,492,740 gross Mcf or 261,416 royalty Mcf and 2,974,817 gallons Gas Revenue: $638,605.63 Revenue for Mcf: $436,507.68 Sand and Gravel Royalty: $103,422.07 Revenue for gallons (liquids): $202,097.95 Oil and Gas Rental Collected: $39,945.68 Oil and Gas Bonuses Collected: $64,000.00 Water Use Royalty: $54,121.00 Interest Earned: $5,975.23 Sale of Maps A/C 7397: $152,653.96 Miscellaneous Revenue: $16,045.12 Misc. Disbursements: $250,000.00 Gross Production Tax Paid to the State of Oklahoma: $381,563.56
There has been an Osage Agency a lot longer than the BIA,for that matter a lot longer than the state of Okla.One could spend 100,000's of $$$ doing studies and spend a year doing it.Back in the day,the Osage would within just days in Council over come Osage problems and would move towards them with overwhelming force and unity.
Chief said Jill Jones, ONES Board Chair, was on business in Washington D.C. What business Chief, with whom and with what government department or bureau? And what does it have to do with the ONES Board? You pull the rug out from under our duly elected Minerals Council and there will be hell to pay. This isn't play money like you people in the Osage Nation government act like with your Treasury revenue. The Osage Mineral Trust income is real money paid out to real people in the real world WHO REALLY NEED IT! You go messing around with it and destroy that source of income for those of us who know how to value and respect money, you will live to rue the day in the ballot box and beyond.
John, the Osage Agency is the Bureau of Indian Affairs office for the Osage Tribe. It's a BIA field office. Please do your homework and research before you go making incorrect statements.
Suggested e-mail text to the Osage Mineral Council before the Council meeting tomorrow:
Dear Members of the Osage Minerals Council:
Please do not vote for giving a blanket lease to the ONES, LLC or turn over any authority, duties or responsibilities to them that are within the purview of the Osage Nation Minerals Agency and Minerals Council under the Osage Nation Constitution. I am not convinced that the ONES, LLC has proven themselves business worthy of handling the responsibility for the Osage Mineral Estate in any capacity in the last four years of their existence. It would be irresponsible in view of how little they have accomplished in the oil and gas business since this LLC was approved by resolution of the Osage Nation Congress in 2012.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this request.
Ones LLC did not ask for a blanket lease, George Shannon did a retired Osage with very little experience in the O&G Industry hoping for a big Petroleum Co. to invest in his idea to drill for Oil. All Ones LLC offered was their help of experienced professionals in the O&G Industry. Clean the Wax out of your EARS!!!! The Ones LLC has had very little money to operate on to even invest in anything. They are a group of Osage retirees willing to help in anyway they can. And stupid skeptics makes them look like evil criminals offering their help to take over the OMC. OMG!!!!! People like you and others is why the Osage cannot succeed in anything but Casinos sorta!!!!!
Then why are we hearing blanket lease from one source after another? Fiction? No wax in my ears. The Doc just cleaned them out a week ago and no kidding about that either. HA!
They bought a building with $350,000 that they were funded with initially. They're not named Osage Nation Real Estate Services, LLC., now are they? This amount was plenty to get a lease and start drilling in the Osage successfully before the dawn of Robin Phillips. No deal there. No deal here. Sorry but no dice.
The problem is and always will be since the Government was formulated in 2006 it has occurred to me their are to many Chiefs and not enough Indians which creates the appearance of impropriety. Non of you at One's are welcomed because of just the mete fact that we have two divisions going on here with little respect of those two divisions because the 20 year plan has gone to pot and the M.C is not listening to the needs of the Headright owners and pretty much blames the M.C as well for yhe over all division as well, since the 2006 take over. In s nut shell now the Chief is looking to the Ute, are you kidding? There is no cohesion and no consensus. Over all the Osage got sold a bill of goods. No lie there. We all want another Chief who will be for thier people as opposed to lining their pockets. So many promises left unfulfilled. And this is just the tipping stone. So I say to the Poster above @ 5:12 pm. Don't go OMG for the most part you needxa reality check. This Shannon guy should have never been allowed to speak without being vetted first so he didn't sound like a moron for pete sake. Not that he did not have great interest or intentions. We all know competitive business needs to occur. All the while we need the competitive aspect to grow. And we all know where the problem lies with the BIA and M.C. Its in the contracting. And the fact we desperately need a petroleum office to handle the compliance issues. We need to dig our hooves into the ground as opposed to having a part time council eating from a silver spoon.
Definitely the trust factor has been eroded. Time to look at their net assets to see if we can gain what was lost to those affected by the regs of 2014 while our council has done nothing to recoup them.
Shannon is related to the Chief and probably attends those secret planning and strategy meetings that are held over at SA's house with at least one member of ONES, LLC and two members of the Minerals Council. Team Osage cropping up its ugly head again -- how did those last CFRs work for you?
To poster 10:29, it is funny we are saying the same thing on so many facts. LOL Whats the beef! to turn my words around earlier. Would not hurt to hear the men out on the Ones LLC or even give them a chance. We agree about Shannon. Differently agree the problem lies within the MC and BIA inexperience and non-professionalism plus the SILVER SPOON eating among all of ON and MC.
Lol. But not. Thanks for your reply. Need to wait this out till further ado. Yep, the cronyism is abundant and so are the lies most unfortunate. Stay tuned. My antennas are up, as always.
Sorry, you misread me. I support the Minerals Council. I am very unhappy with how the Bureau seems to put its agenda and itself as an institution above its fiduciary obligation to the Osage Headright owners as managers and administrators of the Trust. Not good.
Can't really here the MC meeting all that well with all the paper rustling, coughing, and whispering by the person(s) nearest the microphone. Incredibly annoying, but easy to fix this issue. You'd think a multi-million dollar decision-making entity should be able to figure this out to eliminate the distractions.
I did hear one serious "paper attack" during the meeting.
Does anyone else wonder why they don't go to executive meeting prior to the public part of the meeting, or maybe the website person can put a loud buzzer to go off when they come back?
Loving this!!! Go President Trump. “We must take advantage of the estimated $50 trillion in untapped shale, oil, and natural gas reserves, especially those on federal lands that the American people own,” the freshly updated site now states. “We will use the revenues from energy production to rebuild our roads, schools, bridges and public infrastructure.”
This is happening at the Bakken where are we in this industry? With oil prices on the mend, and an incoming president who is no enemy to drilling, energy companies in the U.S. are hiring again.
$50 trillion is a lot of bucks and the Osage should manage a very small part of that good old apple pie. But we should be allowed to manage our own communal property and resources,which best suits our own future.And at the same time build and maintain a better Osage Agency which can and should to be able tap into that $50 trillion in a way which is accepted in both of our worlds. Our elected Osage officials seems at the moment got the plan and right now it seems to be a waiting game.This is a lot better than what is been going on within the Osage. I believe we should find and maintain the capital which is needed to build and maintain a better and greater Osage Agency.
Personally John, thanks for the reply..there is alot we can be doing wiyhout waiting on the BIA. My point. Waiting os all that they do with the excuse, we are endated or overwhelmed. That does not sound lije a agency working yo benefit the Osage.
Oh... You're all so smart and your plan is so tidy. John, are the powers that be sending you in to end run the final solution? Golly, that must make you feel important. Well, perhaps you should consider what will happen when the buffalo gets inside the tent. Under the Osage Nation Constitution, if the Osage Nation mismanages the Mineral Estate under a compact and you as a headright owner are not happy with what they are doing with the income from the mineral rights from the Osage Mineral Estate that formerly went into the Federal Trust Account, you will have to sue, not in Federal Court, not in State Court, but in Tribal Court. That's right. The Court of the Judicial Branch of the Osage Nation and guess what you have coming to you as so stated in the Osage Nation Constitution:
ARTICLE IV - DECLARATION OF RIGHTS Section 4. Remedies: No person shall be entitled to an award of monetary (money or cash) damages, as a form of relief, in the Osage Trial Court for any violation of these rights; unless the Osage Nation Congress may by law provide for monetary damages as a form of relief for such violations, when relief would best serve the interests of the Osage Nation or that of justice.
What this means that what you have coming to you is ZERO, NADA, NOTHING, ZIP! Hahahahahahahahahaha!
So you hire the attorney and pay for the privilege to go to Tribal Court, YOU WIN but you get no return of the loss of income due to the mismanagement of the mineral estate on the part of the Osage Nation, no attorneys fees, no damages, no pain and suffering, NOTHING. Just the satisfaction of knowing that you won in Tribal Court and a tab to pick up of whatever it's cost you to go to court and win. Don't think of going to the Osage Nation Congress for relief or remedies because you won the case and justice has been served. You have no recourse in the Osage Nation Tribal Court to re-coop your losses including court costs and attorney's fees and the Osage Nation and its division (whatever that might be at the time) that is now managing the mineral estate compact is off the hook and scot-free according to the provisions of the Osage Nation Constitution which is the highest law of the land where the Osage Nation is concerned. Don't be stupid, John. They are working you and you are letting them. Only a fool would agree to a compact with their real estate, health care and their mineral estate headright income. They already have the real estate compact and the health care compact in place and from what I am reading, it’s already beginning to be a big ‘ole Osage mess for both. By the way, do you live in Osage County? One of the ring leaders of this Mineral Estate compact plan thinks that any Osage who doesn't live in Osage County has no any right to anything from the Osage Nation if they don't live in Osage County and he is working to set things up to make sure things go his way. He has others under his influence along with many, many others who feel the same way. Some are in Congress, some are members of the Minerals Council and a great number of them work for the Osage Nation government. A good many others feel the same way who live there. Beware John. Team Osage. Don't even think about allowing yourself to become their Court Jester.
Oh, and if you do try and take your case to State Court, remember that the Osage Nation is a sovereign Nation. As a result, you will soon find out that you don't have standing in State Court to even bring a lawsuit. Now isn't that both smart and tidy? They're not stupid, John. Believe what you read in the Constitution and calculate your odds from there. Until this section of the Osage Nation Constitution is changed by a vote of the Osage Constituents in an election of the Osage Nation, especially where your headright income is concerned, DON'T GO THERE.
So I guess what you're saying is that if I have restricted land and they mismanage my lease income or if I am hurt or physically harmed by the malpractice of a Doctor or someone else working at the Wah-Zha-Zhi Health Center, I can only bring a lawsuit in Osage Nation Court?
New Department is called Osage Nation Real Estate Services.
GPT X 4 =1526254.24 per year. Thats a lot for funding grant money. And in no way diminishes head right revenue towards the shareholders. funding not to bring new jobs but rather re start lost jobs.Osage opportunities are massive
Right. From self-interested Federal government negligence to Osage Nation preschool-yard level incompetence? Out of the frying pan into the blazing inferno? No No NO! Not with my income. You want to throw your money into the street, go ahead but not mine. You are making a big mistake and once that mistake is made you have one year to turn it back and who the hell knows what a process like that will take in time and money. NO! ON NO!
If there is no Osage Unity,then we will continue fighting among ourselves as we have done for decades and others will continue to do the sneak around and take Osage possessions.
John beginning to think you do not understand what has been said time after time.There is no unity whe you have a de facto Goverment. Look that up on googland come back here when you understand. You will not have unity because the trust has been taken advantage.
Don't need googland to make a response to this reply and to the few above.My personal experience with Osage affairs over the past few decades is many and my actions have never harmed the 1906 Act,or any of the shareholders which it represents as a class. Hopefully,there are no Osage elected officials who believe de facto Government theory or belief as a statement of fact. The current Osage constitutional authority co-exist with the 1906 Act because of its membership laws.We the Osage are in need of a new Osage Agency.Just need to find and maintain funding for it.
John... There are many if not all Osage officials who know the Osage Nation is a take over government to end the old Tribal Council system of government. Are you for real? Certainly the Osage headright owners know it who had full Tribal membership rights before the Constitutional government was voted in, including some votes by non-Tribal members. Osages with an Osage Tribe membership were thrown out of membership with all its rights and privileges when the new government came into being. I'm talking about whoever owned the headright alive in 2006 before it was passed down to you.
Whoever is feeding you this nonsense, John, is making you look like an idiot. You are acting against your own best interest when you write this clearly uninformed stuff, to be as polite as possible.
And now you know why we are in the mess that we are in it is because the Osage was sold a bill of goods by this existing De facto Goverment. John will never see the end game because he believes in what he believes in no matter how clear the facts present themselves or if the truth hit him smack in the face he still does not want to admit that change is long needed and over due. You probably could change a color and he would still call it red. The era to pull the wool over our eyes what ever it may is gone. The liberal spending and bleed is over. Especially those getting paid in Congress 169.00 an hour to.
December 21, 2016 recording of the MC meeting is finally up for on demand listening.
Trump about a half hour ago, gave the "go ahead" for pipelines.
I heard it on the car radio. He also in the wording of what he said actually gave his approval to the oil companies kicking the Indians (Dakota access) of their work area even by "force." Now it's being covered on CNN about him signing the executive order.
I'm not sure, I think he's also saying to speed up the EIS to get the pipelines speeded up?? Also, wants pipelines built in the U.S.
Clinton news network fake news as always. What he said is we are going to find a better process that will benefit the American people through this passage of the executive orders. To eliminate any imcomberance to American prosperity. Delivering what he promised.
on my computer, home page is EPA has been put on a media blackout maybe till end of this week. There's a freeze on them issuing new contracts or grants. A media blackout on "Interior departments." There are no EPA appointees confirmed yet to make key decisions.
I recently seen a documentary on Trumps career, and he had previously envisioned be President at a younger age, so when he won he already knew what changes he would work toward. Things are poppen at a fast pace.
"American Indian reservations are federally owned lands held “in trust” for tribes. The “vast untapped domestic energy reserves” referred to in Saglutupiaġataq’s energy plan are largely within American Indian reservations. These lands would need to be sold or leased to private sector corporations by the federal government in order for development to proceed. But first, tribal jurisdiction over those lands would need to be terminated by Congress and vested in states."
If you don't think this is important, you must not be an Osage. If you are, you have been taken in and are deluded by the Trump agenda.
I don't believe we are going to have to wait too long to actually find out what we're going to be facing in Indian Country, especially ones with oil and gas.
Just about any Indian history books refer to those years of "termination" of tribes from the BIA. Since the 40's the Interior, BIA want out of the Indian business.
Trump has stated he will be offering better negotiations than has been. Who knows, maybe we'll benefit when it comes to Osage County. We'll just have to see which tribe is negotiated with first, if they're treated right or if this is going to turn out to be an illegal rich land grab??
This is a new era of oil and gas drilling. It's not just a native Indian issue, other country's are waiting and watching Trump's every word and move in the energy scene.
below two paragraphs from article:
"...We must take advantage of the estimated $50 trillion in untapped shale, oil, and natural gas reserves, especially those of federal lands that the AMERICAN PEOPLE OWN..."
american people own -- [this phrase can be interpreted in different terms, good and bad for those connected to lands in trust]
"...These lands would need to be sold or leased to private sector corporations by the federal government in order for development to proceed. But first, tribal jurisdiction over those lands would need to be terminated by Congress and vested in states..."
below paragraphs from a library book about The Inuit, Alaska
"...Between 1954 and 1962 Congress passed specific laws authorizing the termination of more than 100 tribal groups..." "...Even as termination was being discussed in Congress, 133 separate bills were introduced to permit the transfer of trust land ownership from Indians to non-Indians..."
"...In 1983 President Reagan, in a policy statement on Indian affairs, restated the unique 'government is government' relationship of the U.S. with the Indians. However, federal programs since then have moved toward transferring Indian affairs to individual states, which have long desired to gain control of Indian land and resources..."
Ellections have consequences evidence by all the actions thus far by our new President. Trump’s revolutionary act is a breeze of freedom on a sea of regulation. It recognizes something modern governments never admit -- that they can be and have been wrong. It is exactly as Trump promised. Recognizing our Constitutional rights and enforcement of said laws is a win win.
Transferring our assets over from the Federal government to the State of Oklahoma to manage and run is not a win-win. What you need to keep in mind is the State of Oklahoma has a rule against the perpetuities clause in its Constitution. Now what do you think the implications of that are if we should come under the State umbrella for future governence?
How would the ME have been affected if the Oklahoma Corporate Commission had control rather than the EPA? Most likely, all wells in Osage County would have been affected, leading to the March payment being a few dollars. During the earthquake time, it was stated in an article that the EPA was not acknowledged in the oil business and was taking the OCC advice in the matter of stopping or slowing drilling in the Osage County.
The EPA does not have the knowledge and experience to make such big, important decisions over the ME. Trump may change that?? Let's hope it's not any authority given to the state of OK.
One of the new positions being advertised at the Nation is for a Minerals Coordinator. Looks like Chief Drinks A Lot is going to take the mineral estate without the consent of the Minerals Council. He took the realty from the BIA without consent of the Osage Congress. He does lots of things without the consent of Congress. Like buying that building in Skiatook. Haven't heard of this? Congress has filed suit against our Dictator, and you haven't heard about it because his chunky lap dog, Shannon Shaw (Editor of the Osage News) WILL NOT PUBLISH any article that may be perceived as negative toward said dictator. Shannon I'm really ashamed of how you have blatantly tried to cover up for this Chief by not publishing articles that could cast a bad light on Geoff. I realize he is your relative, but geez. Do your job. All you folks in California, when you have your next meeting, ask GSB about using salaries for purchase of a building in Skiatook. And why the deed isn't filed at the courthouse?
Because it's been configured as a five year lease purchase agreement. The complaint is known as Nowlin/Hilton and was filed by the Congress in Osage Nation Tribal Court against the Nowlins and their attorney Brad Hilton. It looks like the Chief tried to slide this one under the radar and got caught.
In old tradition, the Chief is the one the tribe looked to for the right solutions, the right answers. The Chief met with the Elders in council for the betterment of the tribe as a "whole." Without old traditions of trust and respect, the Constitution is where we have to turn to now (the "law") and it's our leader who we have to put under surveillance (lawbreaker of his own people).
What is the root of this, money? Picture a person in room full of millions of dollars and it's yours to figure out how to spend without anything coming out of your pocket?
OIL and GAS I'm so anxious to find out Trump's ideas and plans he will most likely jumpstart as soon as Interior appointees are confirmed in regard to oil and gas resources on trust land. I'm expecting a "historical change" in the ME as it's runned now (good or bad for Osages?).
He talks of the good of the people, not the good of Indians. He wants the EIS time rules changed (shortened) in order to get things rolling sooner. He has talked about infrastructure--pipelines. Recently a new pipeline near Cushing completed--report saying it will draw new oil companies to drill in the area. The big question is "will the headright owners still share in the prosperity?"
Just hope it's not a "land buyout" or moving the Nation somewhere else again (get us out of the way, history still running its course)?
To poster 9:14 am. Well said. I revisit the bygone era of the way things used to be, our History and the taste of distrust runs deep in our path to success. Greed is at the top of the list for sure and it does not help how this all got started under the quise there of to allow more membership to be eligible for federal funding. The answers are truly in front of us just need the elders that are left to realize mistakes have occurred at the cost to the Osage. Something wrong with that picture. So I look at our travels in our History and we can rewrite a New Constitution and or hit restart. I see how convoluted and out of control is in spending and a feeding frenzy is going on like piranhas with no site in end. Very Liberal with the Osage money with no accountability, to over reach in authority. We have become a mini me to the U.S. what our elders did not want to happen. See the forest for the trees. And the torch has been carried on since 2006 and really has been going on for some time before. We need a Chief for the People not bottom feeders who want to skim from tne top in the name of Sovereignty.
There is notand never be a land buyout that will never occur. President Trump in Indian country has not been well received perhaps because of his past dealings with Indian country concerning the Casino's and he probably thinks most of us are liberal Democrat., lol snowflakes. But thats not the case. A lot of Indians are afraid of reprisal in fear that there own Tribe will shunned from their tribe. That era is soon to be gone. So you speak of Trump not realizing we exist there's a lot of blame to go around for that happening. If you don't take a seat at the table how do you acknowledge one and the other right? It is our faliure for not being heard. We must move beyond the past to move forward. Some of us wasn't born off the back of turnip truck. We must move with forward thinking and put foot to mouth and be pro-ative.
Commerce Committee Meeting is live now Talking about a Motion for a Public Meeting for a Hearing on the Bluestem Ranch situation in Greyhorse. GREAT IDEA!
FYI - Jan. 27 - "Tribes could benefit from methane captured in fracking, but industry opposes rules update" - ...petroleum industry...hope to block the rules with a Wyoming U.S. District Court on Feb. 21...
(full story on Native Sun News, it describes all the updated rules by the BLM)
WTH?!? How will something like this effect our oil and gas leases? Leaked Memo Silences Department of Interior How insane is this? Will the Superintendent even be able to attend the MC Meetings without the approval of Trump people at the very top and I mean the Chief of Staff? Isn't that currently Reince Priebus? What about any other Osage Nation business with the U.S. Congress that involves Tribal matters that would normally go through the Bureau? Drawdowns for the Minerals Council? You think the U.S. government was slow before, just imagine how long it will take for all this correspondence to be answered at the highest level. Hitler would do something like this and I'm really not kidding:
Does this action, in the main, seek to separate the Tribal Nations from the U.S. Congress, the Branch of government that holds the Plenary Power as far as they are concerned or is it to simply stop the overweening regulatory processes now in place or in the future from going forward that may be damaging to the business community at this point in time. I can see the EPA but it makes me very uncomfortable that the DOI is on lockdown because you have a Trust relationship with the Tribal Nations that could be seriously harmed if it isn't unfettered in terms of open communication between the Bureau, the U.S. Congress and the Tribal Nations. Nothing should ever stand in the way of open communication between the BIA on behalf of the Tribes and the U.S. Congress. I don't believe that this silencing of our Trustee, the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, and the BIA should be happening for this reason alone.
Trump was actually referred to as Hitler about his presidential speech on various TV talk shows, referring his speech also as "dark." I also thought of Hitler while he was screaming and swinging his arms.
Chairman Waller went and got Robins at the agency recently cause she didn't show up at a meeting, that won't work next time, she might as well show up with duct tape on her mouth. Everything outside your front door is in "limbo" for now. The Interior might as well give their employers administrative leave, whatever their doing Trump is probably going to change it. Even judges over our cases in local district courts cannot communicate with other fed agency. As for now, these silenced agency do not even exist.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Agency takes no calls, just a recording? They can't make any decisions so producers are on "hold" again.
Look at the news (protests) today on his border order, see any human feelings there? So worried now about the March payment, will it be late?
He cannot separate the Federal government Branches from the Domestic Dependent Nations for which it is responsible under a fiduciary obligation. This is well beyond the pale and the Indian Committees of the U.S. Congress need to be notified with an active request to run to Federal Court to get an injunction against such an order by the President. Ryan Zinke has been tapped but not yet confirmed.
North Dakota Introduces Resolution to give State’s Rights over Reservations:
(Jan 30 - 12:58 am) Indians totally bypassed and straight to Congress. Is history repeating itself, or, is it just continuing on course where it paused awhile?
Not unusual for the Tribes to be bypassed. This amounts to money and truly what doesn’t? Federal funding to engage with Tribes to become better self sufficient hmmmm. Who is speaking out on this matter for or against? I believe the door is always open with any Tribe when it comes to help. But I have always said it is up to the people to determine if what is not working within their backyard would be the ones to build a better place, if so desired. But if the reservation is in deplorable condition I would think any help from any where would be welcomed. Someone needs to take a stand on this issue to better define how this process would work without violating said treaties. It is hard to get over what colonization has been done to us but just maybe this is a helping hand. Trust is so hard with any institution. If this happens I would welcome the chance to better the M.E or at least sit at the table and engage with the State how and who will benefit and what is the real motivation behind the States actions.
To poster Jan 29th @ 5:44 pm. This is our President whether you like him or not he won the election fair and square according to our Constitution and won by the rules. Please do not refer him as Hitler insults everyones right to pick and choose their leader. Nobody wanted corrupted Hillary and her lies and horrible platform always putting Trump down all the while running on the back of Obamas failed policies which has cost this nation dearly. You didn't see the right wingers when Obama was elected out there stomping the ground because he didn't do anything but put the hammer on regs in order to perpetrate his green agenda. True that. All based on lies by the Chinese. Al Gore went with it and this how we ended up with windfarms that are subsidized by the American people on top of that paying for in two ways. You being billed for it to if you live in the area. Its about the benjamins and always have been. Obama was a lie from the beginning had great potential but nobody read the dam thing. Even one of the creators said its a Ponzi Scheme and all the while laughing to the bank. Except those on the bottom of the totem pole would benefit and those at the top would suffer the increase in premiums and get subpar service. And all President Trump is doing is applying the rules that exists already on the books. You cannot tax the people without there consent and what Obama did thur his executive orders was create a hell of a mess. So lets give Trump time to what is needed and should have been done eight years ago and give hope and change a chance here that Obama failed so miserably he is going down as the worst President and it is a shame because I think he is a nice man outside of his Presidency. This is why the Democrats lost so badly because they didn't listen. I for one feel better that Trump is putting us first in every aspect and defending our Nation and that he is communicating with the American people thru means such as tweeting and so forth something we do not have with our own Tribe or M.C. long over due wouldn't you say people. If I run for M.C or for that matter Chief watch out. Because I will be returning the Control back to the people and not big Government with greed in their eyes and bring Jobs to our Communities and cut out the special interest who is bullying us to pay them so we can have Gaming. They no who they are...I might even give back the Government to the M.C. and get a Per-Cap out to our people as well. Unravel the dirt and clean house with either Stephanie Erwin or Boone by my side. She always tells it like is though sometimes she is wrong but still like her. There is someone watching and Iam Osage and come from a great family as well. I here the stories how everone knows everyone and that the Cronyism is thick. But my bet is the Osage would like to come first what do you think? Smaller Government is always better. If our dept are costing the Osage as opposed to be doing than we will eliminate unnecessary spending. Oh and Congress you will be held accountable as well for making such bad decisions after the next. Long over due you earn the money you are making. If any decision is made it better benefit when it comes to dollars and cents it better benefit the Osage. Not some pet project.
Agree with Stephanie and Cynthia. Don't think it will help our producers to have to wait on line for the Presidential Chief of Staff to have to sign off on our leases behind a billion other pieces of paper from the EPA and the DOI. We're not looking at gridlock, we're looking at deadlock with the OME at stake and our quarterly checks perhaps now a year off before someone at the senior executive level in Trump's retinue signs off on issuing them to each and every person with an IIM account and those without. Bringing the Federal government to a halt just because Trump wants to play "Presidental Apprentice" while in the White House doesn't work for me.
This is just for the DOI alone. Keep in mind, we don't know what all this entails other than that any and all correspondence must be cleared to go to the U.S. Congress and any State Governor by Reince Pribus, the Chief of Staff for the President or a Senior White House Advisor. Bureaus under the DOI: Offices under the DOI:
Shannon Edwards is the lead member evaluator of Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch:
What's going on with the Osage News online? The photos up there are six months or more old. A new article hasn't been put up since the end of Jan. other than the obits, which I assume, have been submitted by the families. Are they asleep at the Computer? Lot of stuff going on right now that needs to be reported on. A hearing by the Congress on the Bluestem Ranch and reports of the Chief and the MC Chairman going to Washington, D.C. that not all of the MC members knew about...
I turned on the TV on CNN about half hour ago and Trump was signing something (order? bill?) to decrease a rule to the oil and gas companies. He said now jobs can start? He said this was the "first" of many yet to come.
Most likely it will be on the internet soon explaining it in detail. I'm behind in the news guess the Dept. of Energy appointee is in now?
Just heard from a Producer who stated that the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) is in Osage County and bothering producers with rules that were squashed by Frizzell in 2015. This is outrageous that they are ignoring a Federal judge and enforcing rules that are not part of the CFR's. Does the OMC know about this?
It seems the OMC would be the first people to contact since current lawsuits with the Osage and the lawsuits with the producers involving the CFRs are one of the big downfalls of both, and also Judge Frizzell would have the last say in this. The producers have a "head" person in the producers association, he, mostly likely would be contacting the MC or the Federal judge?
In the Joint Meeting, GSB suggested to Waller that they go to D.C. when the new administration is in. about getting the CFRs reversed. In the Feb. 10th MC meeting, S. Erwin said GSB is in D.C. and asked why wasn't one of the MC councilmen with him? Waller said nothing?
I didn't hear this morning's meeting in case there was an update to these comments?
BLM has no right here and we know it. The Administration is working on a solution where these rogue agencies are concerned they will not be able to create more burdensome laws without going through Congress first not just that any new regulations they will have to remove two that was already created. I hope the M.C.sends a letter to each and every producer is this is the case and operate according to the old EIS. Which gives them no power whats so ever.
Your golden MC members Yates and Crumb, and of course, former MC member Sonny Abbott wanted to add BLM rules to the new CFRs probably to make it easier for the BIA to manage the OME as opposed to what is in the best interest of the Osage Headright owners under its fiduciary obligation. Remember this come election time. Has Yates chosen between his job with the Nation or being a member of the MC? I heard it was either the Osage AG or the Tribal Court said that to work for both is a conflict of interest.
I called the BLM Office to ask if they were doing work in Osage County. The man I spoke to said it could have been the Wild Horse BLM people. He told me oil and gas activity has to be fenced so the wild horses don't get killed?! There is no reason for their PET to be in the county.
Good. This case had no merit and frivolous and as long as we exist and as long as the M.E will grow so will these suits will always happen because you get mindless people like this who have nothing else better to do is fight as opposed to calling the M.C and work for better solutions to the landowners concern is the Democratic way. And not just this, he does not understand the standard or policies or for that matter the politics that surrounds our M.E. We will always have to stay vigilant and be diligent. But then it is our fault we do not have that rapport with the landowners as well.
Just Great! So the BIA has turned us upside down, backwards and sideways to keep from being sued when it's all come to nothing anyway? What a rip-off of the Shareholder's income over a perceived wrong that not even the Federal Court can support. If you headright owners don't prepare to sue the BIA for loss of income due to the knee jerk reaction of the Bureau over these lawsuits put forward in court by Gentner Drummond, there is something wrong with you. Where is the sainted Cora Jean when we need her?
When a home, land, farm is purchased in Osage County, don't they know about our surface minerals and our rights to it. Maybe an added "clause" in their deed which they have to initial would save us from these long-drawn out, repetitive lawsuits. Isn't this about the same as the Donelson case?
Where the problem is, this person inherited this trust but the mere fact that he would say the EPA was not followed, how would they know in the first, one way or another. We have no choice to be compliant,second there was a stay on the new regs, so, its not as if we do not have a set of rules on top of that, regs according to the CFR's. And let me repeat this, if the landowners know the protocol if there is a problem call,the Agency but I cannot help that we should do kore to assist and make sure the BIA is doing all mm it can be, and to the above poster the Shareholder's are under attack by Drummond and it is because he is not getting his way, so he will spend a 100,000 to spite his nose to only lose in Court once again. And his actions are looking to be on the border of harassment. And your absolutely right the Shareholder's have been Harmed, Speaker Waller of the M.C what is being done about this, because it's not just the producers are harmed here?
MC Meeting yesterday had the Chief making some wild and crazy remarks: Don't get together with that guy or you and nearly every single shareholder will live to regret it. My guess is that he wants to take over the OME and turn it into an ONO enterprise for sure. He keeps saying that he too is a shareholder but that's just his smokescreen. I'm laying bets on as soon as he takes over it will be every man for himself in Osage County and nothing left for anyone else outside of the Osage. His share will be a lot bigger if the pot is divided among only those who live in OC.
The Osage headright owners are the sole constituents of the Minerals Council. The Osage Constitution took the Chief away and the Asst. Chief too where all matters of the Mineral Estate are concerned. It's the Congress and the Minerals Council and the Executive Branch and the Chiefs have no place in the mix even to the signing of leases if the Minerals Council so choose. This is so because of the wisdom of the framers of the governing document, we are beginning to find out. Lets get this straight once and for all. You're out Chief. Stay out of minerals business and keep it that way. You have a mandate by the highest law of the land to do exactly that and you swore to uphold the Osage Nation Constitution so get after it. You represent the Osage Nation members as a whole in every other respect except where the Osage Mineral Estate is concerned. The Mineral Council handles that. If MC members started meddling in gaming or came for money out of the taxation income, you would squeal like a stuck pig and you know it and so do we. Keep to your side of the legal fence and stay there dammit! Tell your buddies at Conventions and those you speak with at the Federal government to read the Osage Nation Constitution by which you are bound to uphold and leave it at that. There is a separation for a reason and if you steamroll over that reason it will be just an added reason to begin proceedings to put you out of office as soon as humanly possible. Our enemies indeed. You're the only enemy I see because you won't play by the rules. You don't like them then get after changing the Osage Constitution. If you can't make that work, then step away, stand down and stop drawing that huge salary you get every month.
He's a constituent represented by the MC and I sure as hell wish he'd act like one. Guy can really throw his weight around, can't he? Scare tactics right and left. Lawyer crap is what that is.
Get him before a preliminary hearing of the Osage Congress on a Constitutional ethics violation for interfering with that Bluestem Enterprise Business Board. Do it now and quit circling this issue and carping about it! He'll see the light once his job is at risk. Imagine what he will do with the Osage Mineral Estate if he gets a crack at it. Let the very idea of that thought dawn on the mind.
Fox News, just now: Rep. Zinke is "confirmed" for Dept. of Interior - [it was remarked about him that he will carry out his responsibilities to Indian tribes] - I think they said he won't be sworn in till next Weds.?
I look for Trump to dump responsibilities for tribes. And get his congress to pass it. We cost too much. He intends to cut all he can. He has to find money to build the Wall.
My comments are coming from C. Boone's above bulletin and the joint meeting: first of all, there's no use to make any final decision on anything until we see what's going to happen with the new administration (Trump). All rich selectees so far (billionaires), business people who know how to get around things to get their way and have their backup and lawyers. Rick Perry is connected to Energy Partners, Pruitt involved in current lawsuits (involving Indian law and the oil industry). Trump, Perry and others are all for the XL pipeline and windturbines expanding. Are they going to be fair with the Indians or automatically go for the big business side of issues?
ReplyDeleteI haven't kept up with the ONES on the website, just been reading this blog about them, but if they really have lost millions as reported here, then why would we turn over our "life source" to them after they blundered so much Nation revenue. With their combined oil industry experience and business expertise, they, as a "group," failed (big time, that's not chump money).
This joint meeting was a "discussion" to "discuss," so let there be periodic meetings to discuss possibilities and how to go about it like pipelines/infrastructure (an incentive for producers), and being business people their input on the startup of the new digital system would be deem beneficial.
But it's way too early to start talking about new payrolls, new boards, new job titles (especially coming out of the ME money). Back to the Trump administration, (1) how will these new electees react to our request that the BIA's action since 2014 be reversed, (2) will the OSA sue the BIA? So much food on our plate to digest.
For the Boone's Bulletin Text--
...why would we turn over our "life source" to them...
DeleteSomeone's gotta pay for their new cars, nice houses, and exotic vacations. Might as well be the Minerals Estate.
Never mind the Headright owners and the 1906 Act. Forget those that depend on those checks to pay their electric bill.
Gotta grow the government at all cost to employ more relatives of those with the proper names.
If I heard this correctly, ONES has been around for 4 years. Let me write that again, FOUR years. What have they done in that time in the oil and gas industry? If Miss Spurrier Bright really wants to be of any real value to her fellow shareholders, she should be FOIAing the records of ONES for all spending including the balance sheet for every single one of the last four years since ONES was funded with $3,000,000! YES?
DeleteI think the funding was much less but don't you worry, this goal is part of the ONES Mission Statement:
Delete"To utilize our Nation's strength to fully exploit revenue opportunities."
It don't get truer or funnier than this.
Not funny on the least. One's stay away from the M.E.
DeleteNo it isn't funny and the last people we should have skulking around the Mineral Estate and the Trust is the Osage Nation in general and both the Executive Branch and and ONES in particular. It will help the shareholders. What shareholders? Those who work for the Osage Nation now? Who live in Osage County? Who are on the board for ONES? Who will work for the Osage Nation if any of the above can get their claws into the Osage Mineral Estate and bust the current Federal OME Trust under the 1906 Allotment Act?
Until the members of the Osage Mineral Council gets a look at the books for the last four years of ONES and can ascertain what they have spent their money on exactly and when month by month since the very beginning, starting from the first day they have been funded as well as all of the Agendas for the meetings up-to-date along with the meeting minutes or transcription, they shouldn't even allow a single lease, never mind a blanket one. Didn't Chief Tillman do something just like this blanket lease back in the late 1980's or early 1990's? I wonder how much income we lost on that deal.
DeleteMoney was given to ONES for one purpose but instead they bought a building that they leased to (surprise) the Osage Nation to grow lettuce. So far the nation has not defaulted on the rent so they have this little bit of income. Not enough to pay their expenses of course. Still they have upheld the Osage tradition of having never run a profitable business except gaming so we should be proud of them. If we give them more money they can increase their losses to the point that they can rank up there with the old Osage LLC. It will take the cooperation of the Chief and Congress. Teamwork! That's what it takes.
DeleteGrow lettuce? Do I have that right?
DeleteGeoffrey Standing Bear is for giving Osage Nation Treasury money to benefit the Shareholders which may or may not increase headright payments.
DeleteTwo things. One, this is the Osage People's money not Standing Bear's. Benefits to all of us come first before this very privileged class of Osages gets even more money from the Osage government including, two, the dead on smoking gun open verbal conflict of interest in stating that he wants to use government funds to raise his headright checks since he is an admitted headright owner along with his wife among other headright owners. Bullseye violation of Article X, Section 3 and Section 4 of the Osage Nation Constitution.
Benefits for us all in a per-capital payment or a Christmas Bonus or whatever else you can think of first Chief and then you and your shareholders in the OME can look at what's left, if anything at all, the way you spend money.
Hear it for yourself right here --
Yesterday's Meeting:
Past comments on this topic are available to read at
Delete"Orders" from the Supreme Court, Chief or a clarification about responsibility? Where does the Executive Branch have a hand in on this? Osage Nation Congress, yes. The Independent Minerals Agency and Minerals Council, yes. The Supreme Court of the Osage Nation had better have a bottom-of-the-page reference on this opinion.
DeleteTalk about twisting this SCOTON opinion to his own purposes! The Supreme Court doesn't issue orders. They issue opinions. This has to do with responsibility and I beg to argue with the Lord High SC Justices. I don't see a single word about the Osage Nation in any Act or Clarification of the 1906 Allotment Act as amended nor do I see anything other than the obligation to ensure the preservation and any further obligations of the Osage Nation in reference to the Osage Mineral Estate to be directly handled by the Constitutionally created Minerals Agency of the Osage Nation. I see nothing whatsoever about the Executive Branch in there anywhere else in the Constitutional text in reference to the Osage Mineral Estate or any part of the Executive Branch. In essence, more hot air from the Chief? Been a lot of that lately from what I've been hearing and reading on Facebook.
DeleteHas anyone actually seen the written order? Like who signed it, date of the order, from what/where authority came from?
DeleteThe MC are elected officials by the shareholders, cost a lot of money to send out absentee ballots, set up the election and a payroll for those working the election and a payroll for the day of election and days afterward for putting away ballots, Osage News cost for electors campaigning/advertising and most likely a lot of misc. costs (a big process). Would it be that easy to rip the rug out from under us?
The professional relationship between the Chief and the MC is "unprofessional." But this "in the cahoots" with the Nation's Supreme Court is not the answer or solution.
The Chief signs off things from Congress for the MC/ME. He goes to DC in our behalf. Need an open relationship between this Chief and the next one, and the next one. Our experience with the Chiefs in the last 10 years shows a new Chief does not mean things will be improved. Shareholders will have to continue to watch our government on all levels.
I could not agree more there for, Voting for our Next Chief and our elected officials better vetting of questions should occur during the campaign process and there of. But what reall needs to happen is we need to make better laws that will benefit the Osage and not so much for big Government. But its not the people who create the division, Government does. We need to close these gaps. Get the special interest, cronyism out.
DeleteI doubt there can be enough questions or good enough vetting for anyone running for Chief. The problems we're facing are starting to look very much institutional. For more than ten years now we've had run away government growth, run away compensation for the bureaucrat class, Chief's who can't keep from injecting themselves into the M.E., and congress not allowed to ask basic questions about budgets, and worst of a all a supreme court that INVENTS Osage history to justify it's opinions. As we all know, it goes on and on and on ad infinitum.
DeleteI am becoming more and more of the opinion that the hurried governing document Jim Gray had cobbled together, to benefit his then office, may be the problem. Maybe it's time to start thinking about fixing, or rewriting, the constitution ...I don't know.
How can we move forward if not look to the past. For the same reasons the Government was formulated in the first. In other words it is hard to accept a de facto Government exacerbated by division. Essentially we have two governments one cannot exist without the other. It is not hard to undo. By a one page rewrite of our Constitution and turn it back over to the 8 man council per the 1906 Act. This is the quandary we find ourselves in. Anybody says differently challenge me, I dare you. At this point it is not enough our council is no where in this oil industry and the truth of the reality we have sticky hsnds in the nNation like glue on greed. Isn't that what everyone else was saying the very same thing about the council before we became a de fscto Government. Thats it in s nut shell. This is where we are at. Sticky hands and couch potatoes or arm chair coaching. We got Ones why and how much are they earning for absolutely doing nothing in 3 years. That is as bad as the Osage Llc. Congress wake up. You were fully warned about Carol Lease. Not sure how his name is spelled but who cares right. We also know not everyone who was and is a descended of a alotee got a vote or say so to become a Government. And this is the first step to finding out from 5000 shareholder's if they got a vote. This is the first step to sending mailers out to ask these very questions and then some.
DeleteThis ten year government experiment is a failure, with everybody in it getting rich and we can't get a dime from these people for the majority of the membership. A failure. We don't need 100 separate departments, divisions, boards, commissions, study groups, offices, task forces and everything else all in. People outside of this government are fed up, angry and want an alternative government that is much smaller than 20-30 elected or appointed officials much smaller in size with programs that benefit the majority of the membership.
DeleteThis ten year government experiment is a failure???Dang it all!!! As a want-a be Osage Mountain Warrior,this Osage Government is a safer experiment than the one I would have forced a pond the Osage,many decades ago.Very thankful this did not happen and know that my great-great grandmother is pleased of the wisdom,which I have acquired since her passing.Not good to fight other Osage as we have seen over these pass decades. Opportunities for endless Osage future is at hand and one way or another we will see this,this year.65% of 5000 is 3250,3250 Osage,one person vote,as these newer government demands,is a voting block,unified as one voice,one direction,for good or bad has not been implemented,too busy fighting among themselves.So is this the year of the Osage,everything I know and have experienced says it is but should it be one way or another is thought.
DeleteI called that out a while back how the ten year plan was a farce. Bigger Government is never the answer nor is the liberal hands that feed the Government either. This has gone to far. Did our Government think that all smart Osages would let this feeding frenzy with the Osages money be happy? We have only maybe 2000 or less living in Osage county. This is why it is a Joke. Common sense has gone out the door and all in the name of greed. Right, fighting but not really if you look at the big picture. Just to keep the status quo for the sake of it for appearances. I do see some Congress members trying. The question is what is better for yhe whole compared to those few who think are entitled? It would not be so bad if there wasn't corrupt individuals but there are. The Harvard way needs to end because it us not working period. We need to stsnd on our own. Get rid of the waste. Government are bottom feeders to justify a means to their ends right into their pockets. This is our Government in a nut shell. Salary, 401k, per diems, probably do not use Obammy care, but private csre, headright owners. It all adds up for them right and once again how does the benefit the Government? All they do is appropriate without prejudice. The diligence is done all right as long as it feeds them in their pockets and so frivolously. No diligence. Because the cronyism is do thick you can cut it with a knife. I can't say we voted for this because my vote didn't count why? Lol. Someone overlooked in 2006 this Headright owner. Truth. It wouldn't be so bad if we had not lost 20,000,000. Dollars. 20,000,000. Of the Osages money could have gone out the Constituents and could of helped those who need relief. Now we have another board One's playing house. It's Osages sticking it to the Osage. It wouldn't be so bad if the Osage would have gotten out a Turkey voucher during the Holidays as a reminder that we care. What is the messsge here? Less Government is always more. Yep, We need a Chief for the people. After Jim Gray..this Government of lies needs a one page rewrite of the Constitution and I am ready to hand it back to the Council with only one body to Govern.
DeleteLess is more. Yep. You got it. Hand it back to the Council and let them get this mess in hand. Too many flip-floppers on the Council now and those members of the OMC refuse to see the train wreck up happening with all of the Shareholders on board up ahead if StandingBear gets his way. Next time we need to vote for Council members who will protect us from the incompetence and greed of the Osage Nation government. NO ONES. When are these government people going to realize that they have to prove themselves first before anything gets handed to them on a silver platter? This decision with ONES involves real people with real income and real people will get hurt and badly if the Osage Nation gets a crack a running this Mineral Estate.
DeleteONES has had four (4) long years to prove itself with suggestions from many Osages as to what business ideas and ventures to pursue and nothing NOTHING has ever come of it period. Letting them in to run the OME in any capacity is wrong. Bad wrong. WRONG!
BTW, Where was the head of ONES when this meeting took place? Another government commitment of some sort? Jill Jones should have been there and cancelled all other commitments and that right there is proof that going with the ONES is wrong. You want the business, you show up. Bad news is bad news and there is no glossing this over.
Too many flip-floppers on the Council now and those members of the OMC refuse to see the train wreck up ahead happening...
DeleteI see your point and knew I would get a reaction to my comment. Thank you for your opinion. Then if this is the case we need to go before Congress and rewrite our Constitution. Either way it will be a vold day on H-ll before the One' take over our couch potatoes of a M.C. Tired of that word Mr.Waller. you should be and yhe all of you. Get off your duffs and start eorking on building our empire. Stop protecting your agenda or Ideology for the Interest of the M.E. Stop waiting for a night and shiny knight to come save the day. Or. The Shareholders will have no recourse but to head to Congress for authority to recall each and everyone of you. I'll keep Erwin and Boone. Why Boone isn't right all the time but I can't help but like her. Stubborn for a reason, most Osage women are. Yes we have a traitor from with in not so much flipping or flopping its more like a fish out of water. Lol. Same difference. A cancer.
DeleteIt doesn't say we have to go to Congress to do so. Just have to get enough signatures.
DeleteOne's LLC was not trying to take over the OME they offered their expertise
Deletefreely. Where did anyone get such a stupid idea like that trying to takeover? OMG!!! Why make more of this offer than it is? Unless OMC has a lot to cover up and does not want to accept help as usual, that is why we are in the shape we are in, in the first place. It is plain as the writing on your face the OMC have failed the OME in so many ways and still disgusting the way they are working among them selves, the BIA, etc. The Lawsuits OMC won was not by the OMC it was the attorneys and the producers who won those lawsuits. As for the EIS if it was not for Talee insisting what triggered an EIS that would be going forward to. Keeping Erwin or Boone is not viable they are not professionals in the Oil and Gas Industry, keeping them is like saying your willing to keep the same ole same ole who are killing the OME. Having no Chief is a mistake with no real O&G professionals running this multi billion business for Osage shareholders. BIA has smothered, mismanaged and devalued the OME in so many ways we cannot trust them anymore in anyway what so ever. Attorneys cannot keep on managing or running the OME either properly. OMC has to rely on Attorneys for everything which proves they are incapable managing the OMC. Compacting different functions of the BIA, hiring O&G Professionals and getting a marketing plan in place is feasible. The Chief can help get the compacting/self governing in place and ONE's LLC can help with hiring O&G Professionals much more so than the people on the OMC presently. OMC not accepting this help offered just shows how foolish they really are and willing to hurt the OME Shareholders even more for their own pride. It is over OMC Councilman and woman your behavior and unqualified experience has proven to be quite detrimental to the OME. Save a little self respect and accept professional help to have a OMC of O&G Professionals and 2 O&G Professionals hired in the office with a good marketer and computer data of the OME within the OME office. All this should have been done in the first place, shameful this has not taken place by now!!!! Good Gosh!!! Get Real!!! This should take place ASAP. Nick picking this paragraph is a waste of more time what should be done!!! More good ole boys and gals running for the OMC should be unacceptable from now on!!!! We need O&G Osage Professionals to run for the OMC from now on.
WOW! There is more disinformation in this one paragraph than I have ever seen in my life. I've got to hand it to you. You really know how to spin a yarn but if you think I'm stupid enough to let the Osage Nation run the Mineral Estate, you really are as self-deluded as you appear. This new government has failed with one business venture after another because they spend money that one way or another, always circles back into the pockets of one or another of the Osages on the government payroll. With my quarterly payment? Are you out of your ever lovin' mind?!? Telling whoppers about the Minerals Council won't get you anywhere with this Osage shareholder. I've been on this situation since well before day one and the Osage Nation is a mess of unqualified proportion nor do I want a bunch of oil and gas men on the payroll for way big bucks who can't do any better than the Mineral Council, or the BIA either for that matter, at the end of the day. Little Jack Frost...get lost!
DeleteCut right to the chase and good for you! No on ONES, LLC or the ON government running the OME. NOT!
DeleteThat is not was said at all for the ON or Ones LLC run the OME. What was said was to accept some professional help when offered. Besides the OMC has to have the Chief's help to compact different functions of the BIA. You are the ones who live in a dream world of delusions. Yes we need a OMC run the OME but we also need O&G Professionals on the OMC not glorified secretaries, some who worked in the field on rigs, or read little about Oil and Gas Industry but never worked for a petroleum company, etc. get my point!!!! We need Professional O&G Osages who knows how o run the OME like it is-A Multi Billion Dollar Business than a Good boys Club...You just want a chance for easy money for your self or for a relative. How in the world can you be so cold and ignorant? How can YOU read or hear the opposite of what is written or said!!!!! Talk about self-delusional!!!!! Not worth anyone's breath for sure!!!! Yuck!!!!
DeleteYour definition of professional is a whole lot more fast and loose than mine. None of the people on the ONES Board are oil and gas professionals in my estimation. You won't ever win this argument with me so you may as well move on. Osage Nation Constitution says the Minerals Council must come from a pool of fellow Osage headright owners. These are the people who stepped up to run and they won the election. If you have a problem with that, do what you think is necessary to change the Constitution on this requirement. Good luck with that.
DeleteAgain you are so wrong reading the words, I did not define exactly the Ones LLC people are the exact type of BUSINESS Professionals Of O&G but a great start of what you have right now. Plus they are Osages willing to help freely. Wow! As for the pool of Osages we have had on the OMC we would not be sinking like we are now!!! They could not even file all the resolutions or even write them properly or turn them in to the BIA. Or ask the BIA questions early on when they were willing to talk and work things out. BIA knew they could bully their way through with the ERA's, EIS's, EA's and the new strangling CFR's for the producers. Finally the producers are happy to leave the Osage County for good. BIA ruining the reputation of OME for other producers wanting to drill and cannot get the permits out in a reasonable time frame. Producers would have to bribe the BIA to get their permits out even before 2014 disaster!! Yep lets keep the good boys and gals running the OME to the ground. Instead of hiring professionals who know what to do and do not need an attorney for every step they make. Yep that's exactly what the Osages need to keep doing the same and never growing or improving. Just talk talk but do not know how to get things implemented because it is over their heads. Shameful to hire some professionals who know how to implement progress. Yep, if those good ole boys and gals knew how to implement progress they would have done it by now. Shucks! MC had Rita enter all the wrong plot data for years off the wrong information provided to her for 2 years. So now we have no plot data on the computer we can track all the wells ourselves. What a waste of money and time there! Joe Huilett? was never replaced just the good boys and gals tried to take over by having a new secretary write all contracts and pricing of the oil and gas leases. LOL! A joke again! Still doing the same with the contracts and prices. LOL!!! Look at the spending records 2/3 of their 3 million was spent on attorneys the last 3 MC's. Yep! that's the way to keep going staying on the insane merry go round and then expecting different results. Times have changed if you have not noticed, the rules have changed and much harder world to maintain in the O&G Business. If you do not get the best you will get the worst!!! Oh please keep not marketing the O&G of the OME because there will not be nothing to market soon and BIA will for sure will finish running OME into the ground. OR just believe things will turn around in the same old ways barely getting along with no new real progress because the price of Oil will go up. Keeping the OMC as it is and has been. Everything will be just fine then. Yep!
DeleteThe ONES are not the people we want "helping" the OMC. The ONES are supposed to be making money for the Nation, they need to go do that. THAT'S they're job. Go do it. If they can't then they need to be replaced.
DeleteFirst of all the ONES as a business enterprise are a joke. Their only action as a business group speaks volumes to their business acumen. They bought a building. Let's repeat that, they bought a building. Anybody who has ever started a business know that the last thing you do. They've had money to invest in the energy sector in anyway they wish. They could have invested in public companies, started a well service firm, started a well data firm, or curried investment for drilling. The list goes on and on. Instead they bough a building, which they now have to pay upkeep and insurance on. Of course they lease it out. But the lease it to the Nation, so the Nation is subsidizing them yet again. If you want to be a business you have to produce something, analytics, hard goods, a commodity, something of value. In four years they've done nothing. There's no brain trust there.
The ONES want a million acre lease. I've set right there in open meetings twice when Mr. Shannon has suggested it. It's on audio recording on youtube in a couple different places for anyone to review.
This shareholder is all for the OMC having an attorney "for every step they make." These are complex dealings and complex fights. I'm curious do you engage in contracts without legal council. Do you do your taxes without a CPA. When the government is screwing you over and you have to go to court do you represent yourself. These are adversarial relationships, M.E. - producer, M.E. - BIA, and yes even M.E. - Nation. The OMC better have all the "i's" dotted and "t's" crossed or anyone of these entities is going to take advantage of that legal misstep. Beyond the common sense argument just made for using attorneys, they need keen legal minds to analyze with strategic intent to better our position and make sure ground work is laid for any future legal action that is or may be required. Good feeling and good intentions are for the church. This is business and like any business, specifically one as complex as our, need legal council to review and advice. THAT'S WHY CORPORATIONS HAVE ENTIRE LEGAL DEPARTMENTS FILLING MULTIPLE FLOOR IN GREAT BIG BUILDINGS.
One last thing, the "new strangling CFR's" were nearly enacted as a result of the previous OMC Crum, Yates and Sonny Boy engaging the BIA/DOI/DOJ without legal council. What got those "strangling CFR's" lifted was the current OMC along with the producers engaging legal council going to court and having them lifted. Yep!!!
Yes legal council is needed but not so much if real O&G Business Proffessionals were working for them and noticed they were being charged million of monies fighting windmills they did not know about-Don Quiote. LOL! Til this last year. Being charged since the 1st new MC. Yes, attorney like Fredericks is needed but not to write a letter but maybe look over a letter needed written about the lawsuits. And not called for every little thing. That would have saved monies too. As for the Strangling CFR's I agree with you on that but took a long time to figure it out...The whole jest of what I am saying for all Osages it is time to change to O&G Osage Business Professionals to sit on the OMC to keep up with all this new modern technologies and regulations. But you do not agree I get it.
DeleteWhere are you going to get such professionals? With the emphasis on Osage preference, who, Mark Simms and Tim Tallchief? Hahahahaha. Toadies for the Chief? That's the word on these two. Read over and over again the comment by the poster on January 19, 2017 at 10:42 AM and let it sink in. This is real not fake news and a it's truly a proper intellectual and business analysis of the situation on the ground.
DeleteOMC MEETING RESCHEDULED: The Osage Minerals Council meeting scheduled Friday Jan. 13 is postponed until Wednesday Jan. 18 at 10 a.m.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone else find it concerning or even suspicious that the Chief would put so much of his weight behind the ONES? I mean look at this board. It is patently obvious that at least three-quarters of them have no mind for business. They've done nothing in three-four years. listening to their little talks was like listening to some poorly thought-out middle school presentation on how to start a company. It's obvious that these people are not the movers and shakers of industry, even in the most elementary sense. Did the Chief not meet with them, does he not care, or did he intentionally want hucksters and ne'er do wells overseeing the mineral estate so he could do what he wants with leases, much like what he's trying to do with the ranch. The latter is the only one that make sense, to me.
ReplyDeleteNot really. Wasn't he the member of Congress back in 2012 who sponsored the bill, ONCR 12-26, that created the ONES? I think so. This is his baby and it's been put on its feet to take over the OME business for the Osage Nation to manage it on their own ASPOT. I guess he thinks that this is finally the time. We've got to have some kind of oil and gas LLC or entity that has done more than spend money and deposit rents.
DeleteONCR 12-26 An Act to adopt the Articles of Operation for the limited liability company, Osage Nation Energy Services, LLC, to be formed under the Osage Nation Limited Liability Companies Act. (Standing Bear)
The latter is the only one that makes sense to me too.
Bottom line:
DeleteGet an e-mail off to the members of the Minerals Council that says that you don't want ONES getting a blanket lease or doing anything else that involves their day to day business. Let them establish themselves as other than a bunch of pikers waiting for a big paycheck at the end of the day coming from Shareholder's money.
Do this right now so they have your e-mail by the time the meeting rolls around on Wednesday.
Cynthia Boone (918) 698-3314 * (918) 287-2920
Joseph Cheshewalla (918) 440-4909
Galen Crum (918) 504-3275
Stephanie Erwin (918) 287-8008
Kathryn Red Corn (918) 604-1870
Talee Redcorn (918) 441-7059
Everett Waller (918) 277-9730
Andrew Yates (918) 504-1240
Executive Administrative Assistants
Lacee Reynolds (918) 287-5447
Lou Brock (918) 287-5346
FYI to those who don't understand a lot of e-mail?? A short-cut is to send e-mail to one councilmember and "copy" to the rest of the council members.
DeleteThank you. Excellent suggestion.
DeleteIn the joint meeting the Chief brought up about the progress of the Ute tribe, and that is "business people." The ONES seems to be his only choice of "business people" at this time. If you put on a piece of paper the ONES side by side with Ute tribe and put the pros and cons of success between them, the results prove themselves.
DeleteMost families choose their doctors, dentist, banks and other services who they determine will serve their family's in their best interest. In the Dec. 7th gas/oil summit on internet, it was quoted that regarding the ME/MC and ONES, that ONES is a "Risk."
Do you lnow how many Llc's and or non-profit organizations the ute have? You know corrupt business is going on there. Not an example I would follow. Maybe look to the Chickasaw Nation is a better example.
DeleteI'm not one bit impressed with the Southern Utes. 450 some odd businesses all under one umbrella and the ruling Council there has no idea what is happening where? They talk a good game but their numbers are unverified to the public or to their membership or even to those in high office in government. We have enough of that nonsense with the Osage Nation government with the 100 separate departments, divisions, boards, commissions, study groups, offices, task forces and everything else all in. We can't even get the Congress, in the last opening day of the Fall regular session, to agree on one number for the projected income and every year they say they run out of time to finally find out what the true number is and they have to get on with it to keep the government running and then the vote on budget bills blind. This is so corrupt that not even hell would have it and then they say we'll get it right the next time? This government needs to be fit to size for the garbage can. I'm done hearing excuses and the buffalo fights we have between branches while they fake fights with one another and use the Osage Nation legal system to manipulate the spending in their favor in the Osage against the very people who give them their jobs. Now we have the Judicial Branch in on the manipulation and when it gets that bad, I'm done. The Supreme Court even threw out any legal precedent from any other court. If you did a thing like this elsewhere, you would be SCOURGED in the press and in court of public opinion right across the board. We were promised a government based on the Constitutional government of the USA so that there WOULD BE PRECEDENT that we could rely on and "Equal Justice Under The Law." Not some crazy out there masquerade of a government that this one has become with the highest court making wild unfounded illegal statements in Osage Nation Supreme Court opinions! This is not equal and it's not just and it's not even legal to make such a statement in a court opinion and that's not just our Tribe, it's any other Tribe too.
DeleteYes and that risk is unacceptable.
DeleteI definitely see the parallels between the U.S constitution and ours. Pass a budget before we know whats on it sound familiar "pig Pelosi". Yes we have a Government of corruption going on. Our Congress needs a wake up call and this is ot if I ever saw who was being hoodwinked. Well I am winking back.
DeleteWe don't need a pack of retirees running our Minerals Estate who admit that they said that they don't really want to work full time to a former Chief, or former gravy trainers who left government office to get a huge paycheck from the Osage, LLC only to have the door slammed shut in their face, or guys who say they've worked for oil companies but never really give you hard information on what they did, as in a job description, while they were there and how senior their position was during their employment OR Board Chairs who don't show up for one of the most, if not the most, important vetting meetings in the history of the Osage Nation and on and on and on... Long and the short of it... it's a no go on ONES. I don't want these ONES Board people even advising the Minerals Council on anything.
Delete"Drent interjected asking if Gill wanted the court to impose outside value systems and other jurisdictions onto the court’s business."
Delete“We would much rather examine how we operated as a Nation back in the day without a federal government telling us how to run our businesses …"
"The court then references a case from the Hopi Tribe in Arizona…In the case Village of Mishongnovi v. Humeyestewa, the case found that a trial court had inappropriately applied foreign law without analyzing that law to determine whether it is consistent with Hopi custom and tradition, the ONSC opinion said citing research."
This isn't about culture or tradition unless the ONSC is referring to past uncontrolled profligate spending. This is about money being spent in budgets and the only historical record of spending we have is, in part, the reason the old 1881 Osage Constitution was dissolved as a result of the outlandish abuses taking place as recorded by the Commissioner at the time:
"1) Acrimonious disputes between the two factions over elections.
2) Entire absence of harmony between Osage Tribal Officers and the Indian Agent in administration of Tribal affairs.
3) The Selection of ignorant men as officeholders.
4) The profligate use of moneys received... (from revenue sources coming into the Tribal government.)"
Custom it said not culture. Our custom has always been to act like the "Big Osage" and throw money at everyone we can to impress them as much as possible. We have always had to have the best at the highest price possible. Osages in the oil boom where said to run brand new cars out of oil and burn up the engines then abandon them by the side of the road and get back into town and buy a new one. We were acting like nouveau riche long before that phrase even existed in the New World. Why do you think there is such a phrase coined about us known as "The Osage Price" as opposed to the price everyone else pays in the real world?
DeleteOil and Gas Summit 2016 Video
In particular:
That's real right, Mr. Shannon. All the deer are looking up now.
DeleteDoes the OSA have what it takes to build a better Osage Agency?
DeleteDang Sorry about.
DeleteThe OSA is fraternal organization created a few decades ago to protect the Osage Mineral Estate for the Headright owners. It has nothing to do with the Bureau of Indian Affairs Osage Agency. What do you mean?
DeleteData for this report is provided from and compiled by Jim D. Swan, the Minerals Council Auditor. He is
responsible for ensuring our accounts are maintained in strict accordance with Federal law. Jim is also
responsible for preparing Monthly Oil and Gas Production Reports. Most importantly he calculates the
Quarterly Payment.
This is accomplished by auditing data provided from Office of the Special Trustee in Albuquerque, New
Payment for the fourth quarter (December 2016) is $3,335.00 per headright.
Computation: Total Revenue $7,435,870.69 for the third quarter production and
collections. ($7,435,870.69 divided by 2,228.97393 headrights equals $3,335.00
rounded back to the nearest $5.00.)
Major Details of the $7,435,870.69
Oil and Tank Bottoms Production: 1,037,923 gross barrels or 160,015 royalty barrels
Oil Revenue: $6,992,665.56 Average price per barrel of oil: $43.70
Gas Production: 1,492,740 gross Mcf or 261,416 royalty Mcf and 2,974,817 gallons
Gas Revenue: $638,605.63 Revenue for Mcf: $436,507.68
Sand and Gravel Royalty: $103,422.07 Revenue for gallons (liquids): $202,097.95
Oil and Gas Rental Collected: $39,945.68 Oil and Gas Bonuses Collected: $64,000.00
Water Use Royalty: $54,121.00 Interest Earned: $5,975.23
Sale of Maps A/C 7397: $152,653.96 Miscellaneous Revenue: $16,045.12
Misc. Disbursements: $250,000.00
Gross Production Tax Paid to the State of Oklahoma: $381,563.56
Slip Opinion of the the SCOTON StandingBear v. Whitehorn
Thank you, John. Good to know.
DeleteThere has been an Osage Agency a lot longer than the BIA,for that matter a lot longer than the state of Okla.One could spend 100,000's of $$$ doing studies and spend a year doing it.Back in the day,the Osage would within just days in Council over come Osage problems and would move towards them with overwhelming force and unity.
DeleteChief said Jill Jones, ONES Board Chair, was on business in Washington D.C. What business Chief, with whom and with what government department or bureau? And what does it have to do with the ONES Board? You pull the rug out from under our duly elected Minerals Council and there will be hell to pay. This isn't play money like you people in the Osage Nation government act like with your Treasury revenue. The Osage Mineral Trust income is real money paid out to real people in the real world WHO REALLY NEED IT! You go messing around with it and destroy that source of income for those of us who know how to value and respect money, you will live to rue the day in the ballot box and beyond.
DeleteJohn, the Osage Agency is the Bureau of Indian Affairs office for the Osage Tribe. It's a BIA field office. Please do your homework and research before you go making incorrect statements.
DeleteDoes not the Osage Nation use the Osage Agency as much as the Osage Tribe does,just maybe a lot less?
DeleteMeeting Agenda:
Suggested e-mail text to the Osage Mineral Council before the Council meeting tomorrow:
Dear Members of the Osage Minerals Council:
Please do not vote for giving a blanket lease to the ONES, LLC or turn over any authority, duties or responsibilities to them that are within the purview of the Osage Nation Minerals Agency and Minerals Council under the Osage Nation Constitution. I am not convinced that the ONES, LLC has proven themselves business worthy of handling the responsibility for the Osage Mineral Estate in any capacity in the last four years of their existence. It would be irresponsible in view of how little they have accomplished in the oil and gas business since this LLC was approved by resolution of the Osage Nation Congress in 2012.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this request.
Re: Suggested E-mail Sample to OMC
DeleteOnes LLC did not ask for a blanket lease, George Shannon did a retired Osage with very little experience in the O&G Industry hoping for a big Petroleum Co. to invest in his idea to drill for Oil. All Ones LLC offered was their help of experienced professionals in the O&G Industry. Clean the Wax out of your EARS!!!! The Ones LLC has had very little money to operate on to even invest in anything. They are a group of Osage retirees willing to help in anyway they can. And stupid skeptics makes them look like evil criminals offering their help to take over the OMC. OMG!!!!! People like you and others is why the Osage cannot succeed in anything but Casinos sorta!!!!!
Then why are we hearing blanket lease from one source after another? Fiction? No wax in my ears. The Doc just cleaned them out a week ago and no kidding about that either. HA!
DeleteThey bought a building with $350,000 that they were funded with initially. They're not named Osage Nation Real Estate Services, LLC., now are they? This amount was plenty to get a lease and start drilling in the Osage successfully before the dawn of Robin Phillips. No deal there. No deal here. Sorry but no dice.
DeleteThe problem is and always will be since the Government was formulated in 2006 it has occurred to me their are to many Chiefs and not enough Indians which creates the appearance of impropriety. Non of you at One's are welcomed because of just the mete fact that we have two divisions going on here with little respect of those two divisions because the 20 year plan has gone to pot and the M.C is not listening to the needs of the Headright owners and pretty much blames the M.C as well for yhe over all division as well, since the 2006 take over. In s nut shell now the Chief is looking to the Ute, are you kidding? There is no cohesion and no consensus. Over all the Osage got sold a bill of goods. No lie there. We all want another Chief who will be for thier people as opposed to lining their pockets. So many promises left unfulfilled. And this is just the tipping stone. So I say to the Poster above @ 5:12 pm. Don't go OMG for the most part you needxa reality check. This Shannon guy should have never been allowed to speak without being vetted first so he didn't sound like a moron for pete sake. Not that he did not have great interest or intentions. We all know competitive business needs to occur. All the while we need the competitive aspect to grow. And we all know where the problem lies with the BIA and M.C. Its in the contracting. And the fact we desperately need a petroleum office to handle the compliance issues. We need to dig our hooves into the ground as opposed to having a part time council eating from a silver spoon.
DeleteType o 10 year plan but we should be planning that far ahead.
DeleteDefinitely the trust factor has been eroded. Time to look at their net assets to see if we can gain what was lost to those affected by the regs of 2014 while our council has done nothing to recoup them.
DeleteShannon is related to the Chief and probably attends those secret planning and strategy meetings that are held over at SA's house with at least one member of ONES, LLC and two members of the Minerals Council. Team Osage cropping up its ugly head again -- how did those last CFRs work for you?
DeleteTo poster 10:29, it is funny we are saying the same thing on so many facts. LOL Whats the beef! to turn my words around earlier. Would not hurt to hear the men out on the Ones LLC or even give them a chance. We agree about Shannon. Differently agree the problem lies within the MC and BIA inexperience and non-professionalism plus the SILVER SPOON eating among all of ON and MC.
DeleteLol. But not. Thanks for your reply. Need to wait this out till further ado. Yep, the cronyism is abundant and so are the lies most unfortunate. Stay tuned. My antennas are up, as always.
DeleteSorry, you misread me. I support the Minerals Council. I am very unhappy with how the Bureau seems to put its agenda and itself as an institution above its fiduciary obligation to the Osage Headright owners as managers and administrators of the Trust. Not good.
DeleteThanks I did.
DeleteDeer look up to see if there is danger. Shannon and his plans for the OME is danger in superlatives.
DeleteHas anyone seen Chairman Waller on HBO?? Anyone know how or where to watch it?? I don't have HBO. I will ask the MC later, not today, meeting day.
ReplyDeleteMC Meeting audio today is located at
ReplyDeleteBefore the One's become a reality dept. There should be a sunset clause.
ReplyDeleteCan't really here the MC meeting all that well with all the paper rustling, coughing, and whispering by the person(s) nearest the microphone. Incredibly annoying, but easy to fix this issue. You'd think a multi-million dollar decision-making entity should be able to figure this out to eliminate the distractions.
ReplyDeleteI did hear one serious "paper attack" during the meeting.
DeleteDoes anyone else wonder why they don't go to executive meeting prior to the public part of the meeting, or maybe the website person can put a loud buzzer to go off when they come back?
Loving this!!! Go President Trump. “We must take advantage of the estimated $50 trillion in untapped shale, oil, and natural gas reserves, especially those on federal lands that the American people own,” the freshly updated site now states. “We will use the revenues from energy production to rebuild our roads, schools, bridges and public infrastructure.”
ReplyDeleteThis is happening at the Bakken where are we in this industry? With oil prices on the mend, and an incoming president who is no enemy to drilling, energy companies in the U.S. are hiring again.
Delete$50 trillion is a lot of bucks and the Osage should manage a very small part of that good old apple pie. But we should be allowed to manage our own communal property and resources,which best suits our own future.And at the same time build and maintain a better Osage Agency which can and should to be able tap into that $50 trillion in a way which is accepted in both of our worlds. Our elected Osage officials seems at the moment got the plan and right now it seems to be a waiting game.This is a lot better than what is been going on within the Osage. I believe we should find and maintain the capital which is needed to build and maintain a better and greater Osage Agency.
DeleteGross Production Tax Paid to the State of Oklahoma: $381,563.56,would be good starting place.
DeletePersonally John, thanks for the reply..there is alot we can be doing wiyhout waiting on the BIA. My point. Waiting os all that they do with the excuse, we are endated or overwhelmed. That does not sound lije a agency working yo benefit the Osage.
DeleteOh... You're all so smart and your plan is so tidy. John, are the powers that be sending you in to end run the final solution? Golly, that must make you feel important. Well, perhaps you should consider what will happen when the buffalo gets inside the tent. Under the Osage Nation Constitution, if the Osage Nation mismanages the Mineral Estate under a compact and you as a headright owner are not happy with what they are doing with the income from the mineral rights from the Osage Mineral Estate that formerly went into the Federal Trust Account, you will have to sue, not in Federal Court, not in State Court, but in Tribal Court. That's right. The Court of the Judicial Branch of the Osage Nation and guess what you have coming to you as so stated in the Osage Nation Constitution:
Section 4. Remedies: No person shall be entitled to an award of monetary (money or cash) damages, as a form of relief, in the Osage Trial Court for any violation of these rights; unless the Osage Nation Congress may by law provide for monetary damages as a form of relief for such violations, when relief would best serve the interests of the Osage Nation or that of justice.
What this means that what you have coming to you is ZERO, NADA, NOTHING, ZIP! Hahahahahahahahahaha!
So you hire the attorney and pay for the privilege to go to Tribal Court, YOU WIN but you get no return of the loss of income due to the mismanagement of the mineral estate on the part of the Osage Nation, no attorneys fees, no damages, no pain and suffering, NOTHING. Just the satisfaction of knowing that you won in Tribal Court and a tab to pick up of whatever it's cost you to go to court and win. Don't think of going to the Osage Nation Congress for relief or remedies because you won the case and justice has been served.
You have no recourse in the Osage Nation Tribal Court to re-coop your losses including court costs and attorney's fees and the Osage Nation and its division (whatever that might be at the time) that is now managing the mineral estate compact is off the hook and scot-free according to the provisions of the Osage Nation Constitution which is the highest law of the land where the Osage Nation is concerned.
Don't be stupid, John. They are working you and you are letting them. Only a fool would agree to a compact with their real estate, health care and their mineral estate headright income. They already have the real estate compact and the health care compact in place and from what I am reading, it’s already beginning to be a big ‘ole Osage mess for both. By the way, do you live in Osage County? One of the ring leaders of this Mineral Estate compact plan thinks that any Osage who doesn't live in Osage County has no any right to anything from the Osage Nation if they don't live in Osage County and he is working to set things up to make sure things go his way. He has others under his influence along with many, many others who feel the same way. Some are in Congress, some are members of the Minerals Council and a great number of them work for the Osage Nation government. A good many others feel the same way who live there. Beware John. Team Osage. Don't even think about allowing yourself to become their Court Jester.
Oh, and if you do try and take your case to State Court, remember that the Osage Nation is a sovereign Nation. As a result, you will soon find out that you don't have standing in State Court to even bring a lawsuit. Now isn't that both smart and tidy? They're not stupid, John. Believe what you read in the Constitution and calculate your odds from there. Until this section of the Osage Nation Constitution is changed by a vote of the Osage Constituents in an election of the Osage Nation, especially where your headright income is concerned, DON'T GO THERE.
DeleteNot Team Osage. Think Team Ticks. Attached to and all over the Osage Mineral Estate income. Totally infested with them and sucking it dry.
DeleteSo I guess what you're saying is that if I have restricted land and they mismanage my lease income or if I am hurt or physically harmed by the malpractice of a Doctor or someone else working at the Wah-Zha-Zhi Health Center, I can only bring a lawsuit in Osage Nation Court?
DeleteNew Department is called Osage Nation Real Estate Services.
January 21, 2017 at 10:04 AM, That's what it looks like to me.
DeleteCannot wait to see Trump get rid of the regs and subsidizing for Wind energy. Love our New President.
DeleteGPT X 4 =1526254.24 per year. Thats a lot for funding grant money. And in no way diminishes head right revenue towards the shareholders. funding not to bring new jobs but rather re start lost jobs.Osage opportunities are massive
ReplyDeleteWe need both John. Lost and new Jobs period. We need consistency. The end game is we cannot operate in a by gone era anylonger and we must grow.
DeleteRight. From self-interested Federal government negligence to Osage Nation preschool-yard level incompetence? Out of the frying pan into the blazing inferno? No No NO! Not with my income. You want to throw your money into the street, go ahead but not mine. You are making a big mistake and once that mistake is made you have one year to turn it back and who the hell knows what a process like that will take in time and money. NO! ON NO!
DeleteIm not sure what you are talking about poster 5:41pm.
DeleteCompacting the Mineral Estate.
DeleteIf there is no Osage Unity,then we will continue fighting among ourselves as we have done for decades and others will continue to do the sneak around and take Osage possessions.
ReplyDeleteJohn beginning to think you do not understand what has been said time after time.There is no unity whe you have a de facto Goverment. Look that up on googland come back here when you understand. You will not have unity because the trust has been taken advantage.
DeleteDon't need googland to make a response to this reply and to the few above.My personal experience with Osage affairs over the past few decades is many and my actions have never harmed the 1906 Act,or any of the shareholders which it represents as a class. Hopefully,there are no Osage elected officials who believe de facto Government theory or belief as a statement of fact. The current Osage constitutional authority co-exist with the 1906 Act because of its membership laws.We the Osage are in need of a new Osage Agency.Just need to find and maintain funding for it.
DeleteJohn... There are many if not all Osage officials who know the Osage Nation is a take over government to end the old Tribal Council system of government. Are you for real? Certainly the Osage headright owners know it who had full Tribal membership rights before the Constitutional government was voted in, including some votes by non-Tribal members. Osages with an Osage Tribe membership were thrown out of membership with all its rights and privileges when the new government came into being. I'm talking about whoever owned the headright alive in 2006 before it was passed down to you.
DeleteWhoever is feeding you this nonsense, John, is making you look like an idiot. You are acting against your own best interest when you write this clearly uninformed stuff, to be as polite as possible.
DeleteGood. Let John run it out. It makes for a good opportunity for clarification for those as in the dark as he is.
DeleteAnd now you know why we are in the mess that we are in it is because the Osage was sold a bill of goods by this existing De facto Goverment. John will never see the end game because he believes in what he believes in no matter how clear the facts present themselves or if the truth hit him smack in the face he still does not want to admit that change is long needed and over due. You probably could change a color and he would still call it red. The era to pull the wool over our eyes what ever it may is gone. The liberal spending and bleed is over. Especially those getting paid in Congress 169.00 an hour to.
DeleteDecember 21, 2016 recording of the MC meeting is finally up for on demand listening.
With as many scams being run in Indian County and the Osage, LLC in particular this is also of interest:
Trump about a half hour ago, gave the "go ahead" for pipelines.
ReplyDeleteI heard it on the car radio. He also in the wording of what he said actually gave his approval to the oil companies kicking the Indians (Dakota access) of their work area even by "force." Now it's being covered on CNN about him signing the executive order.
I'm not sure, I think he's also saying to speed up the EIS to get the pipelines speeded up?? Also, wants pipelines built in the U.S.
Clinton news network fake news as always. What he said is we are going to find a better process that will benefit the American people through this passage of the executive orders. To eliminate any imcomberance to American prosperity. Delivering what he promised.
Deleteon my computer, home page is EPA has been put on a media blackout maybe till end of this week. There's a freeze on them issuing new contracts or grants. A media blackout on "Interior departments." There are no EPA appointees confirmed yet to make key decisions.
DeleteI recently seen a documentary on Trumps career, and he had previously envisioned be President at a younger age, so when he won he already knew what changes he would work toward. Things are poppen at a fast pace.
What a compassion he shows. Great documentary. Getting things done something we can't seem to do.
DeleteRead the following, then talk to me about "compassion."
The above is an important article. Read it.
DeleteLol, a lie.
Delete"American Indian reservations are federally owned lands held “in trust” for tribes. The “vast untapped domestic energy reserves” referred to in Saglutupiaġataq’s energy plan are largely within American Indian reservations. These lands would need to be sold or leased to private sector corporations by the federal government in order for development to proceed. But first, tribal jurisdiction over those lands would need to be terminated by Congress and vested in states."
DeleteIf you don't think this is important, you must not be an Osage. If you are, you have been taken in and are deluded by the Trump agenda.
I don't believe we are going to have to wait too long to actually find out what we're going to be facing in Indian Country, especially ones with oil and gas.
DeleteJust about any Indian history books refer to those years of "termination" of tribes from the BIA. Since the 40's the Interior, BIA want out of the Indian business.
Trump has stated he will be offering better negotiations than has been. Who knows, maybe we'll benefit when it comes to Osage County. We'll just have to see which tribe is negotiated with first, if they're treated right or if this is going to turn out to be an illegal rich land grab??
This is a new era of oil and gas drilling. It's not just a native Indian issue, other country's are waiting and watching Trump's every word and move in the energy scene.
Deletebelow two paragraphs from article:
"...We must take advantage of the estimated $50 trillion in untapped shale, oil, and natural gas reserves, especially those of federal lands that the AMERICAN PEOPLE OWN..."
american people own -- [this phrase can be interpreted in different terms, good and bad for those connected to lands in trust]
"...These lands would need to be sold or leased to private sector corporations by the federal government in order for development to proceed. But first, tribal jurisdiction over those lands would need to be terminated by Congress and vested in states..."
to Jan 25 at 12:12 pm -- sorry, your reply wasn't up when I started my comment (article repeat)
DeleteLooking forward to the end of burdensome regulations Goooo President Trump bring jobs something our Administration should be doing right?
Deletebelow paragraphs from a library book about The Inuit, Alaska
ReplyDelete"...Between 1954 and 1962 Congress passed specific laws authorizing the termination of more than 100 tribal groups..." "...Even as termination was being discussed in Congress, 133 separate bills were introduced to permit the transfer of trust land ownership from Indians to non-Indians..."
"...In 1983 President Reagan, in a policy statement on Indian affairs, restated the unique 'government is government' relationship of the U.S. with the Indians. However, federal programs since then have moved toward transferring Indian affairs to individual states, which have long desired to gain control of Indian land and resources..."
It's not going to happen lol, stop the fear mongering we have enough problem with our own state of affairs with our dictator in Chief.
DeleteHow do you know that it isn't going to happen? You got a crystal ball in your living room or something?
DeleteEllections have consequences evidence by all the actions thus far by our new President. Trump’s revolutionary act is a breeze of freedom on a sea of regulation. It recognizes something modern governments never admit -- that they can be and have been wrong. It is exactly as Trump promised. Recognizing our Constitutional rights and enforcement of said laws is a win win.
DeleteTransferring our assets over from the Federal government to the State of Oklahoma to manage and run is not a win-win. What you need to keep in mind is the State of Oklahoma has a rule against the perpetuities clause in its Constitution. Now what do you think the implications of that are if we should come under the State umbrella for future governence?
DeleteDid not say that you said it.
DeleteHow would the ME have been affected if the Oklahoma Corporate Commission had control rather than the EPA? Most likely, all wells in Osage County would have been affected, leading to the March payment being a few dollars. During the earthquake time, it was stated in an article that the EPA was not acknowledged in the oil business and was taking the OCC advice in the matter of stopping or slowing drilling in the Osage County.
DeleteThe EPA does not have the knowledge and experience to make such big, important decisions over the ME. Trump may change that?? Let's hope it's not any authority given to the state of OK.
An Absolute Treasure Trove:
Thank you.
DeleteOne of the new positions being advertised at the Nation is for a Minerals Coordinator. Looks like Chief Drinks A Lot is going to take the mineral estate without the consent of the Minerals Council. He took the realty from the BIA without consent of the Osage Congress. He does lots of things without the consent of Congress. Like buying that building in Skiatook. Haven't heard of this? Congress has filed suit against our Dictator, and you haven't heard about it because his chunky lap dog, Shannon Shaw (Editor of the Osage News) WILL NOT PUBLISH any article that may be perceived as negative toward said dictator. Shannon I'm really ashamed of how you have blatantly tried to cover up for this Chief by not publishing articles that could cast a bad light on Geoff. I realize he is your relative, but geez. Do your job.
ReplyDeleteAll you folks in California, when you have your next meeting, ask GSB about using salaries for purchase of a building in Skiatook. And why the deed isn't filed at the courthouse?
Because it's been configured as a five year lease purchase agreement. The complaint is known as Nowlin/Hilton and was filed by the Congress in Osage Nation Tribal Court against the Nowlins and their attorney Brad Hilton. It looks like the Chief tried to slide this one under the radar and got caught.
DeleteIn old tradition, the Chief is the one the tribe looked to for the right solutions, the right answers. The Chief met with the Elders in council for the betterment of the tribe as a "whole." Without old traditions of trust and respect, the Constitution is where we have to turn to now (the "law") and it's our leader who we have to put under surveillance (lawbreaker of his own people).
DeleteWhat is the root of this, money? Picture a person in room full of millions of dollars and it's yours to figure out how to spend without anything coming out of your pocket?
I'm so anxious to find out Trump's ideas and plans he will most likely jumpstart as soon as Interior appointees are confirmed in regard to oil and gas resources on trust land. I'm expecting a "historical change" in the ME as it's runned now (good or bad for Osages?).
He talks of the good of the people, not the good of Indians. He wants the EIS time rules changed (shortened) in order to get things rolling sooner. He has talked about infrastructure--pipelines. Recently a new pipeline near Cushing completed--report saying it will draw new oil companies to drill in the area. The big question is "will the headright owners still share in the prosperity?"
Just hope it's not a "land buyout" or moving the Nation somewhere else again (get us out of the way, history still running its course)?
To poster 9:14 am. Well said. I revisit the bygone era of the way things used to be, our History and the taste of distrust runs deep in our path to success. Greed is at the top of the list for sure and it does not help how this all got started under the quise there of to allow more membership to be eligible for federal funding. The answers are truly in front of us just need the elders that are left to realize mistakes have occurred at the cost to the Osage. Something wrong with that picture. So I look at our travels in our History and we can rewrite a New Constitution and or hit restart. I see how convoluted and out of control is in spending and a feeding frenzy is going on like piranhas with no site in end. Very Liberal with the Osage money with no accountability, to over reach in authority. We have become a mini me to the U.S. what our elders did not want to happen. See the forest for the trees. And the torch has been carried on since 2006 and really has been going on for some time before. We need a Chief for the People not bottom feeders who want to skim from tne top in the name of Sovereignty.
DeleteThere is notand never be a land buyout that will never occur. President Trump in Indian country has not been well received perhaps because of his past dealings with Indian country concerning the Casino's and he probably thinks most of us are liberal Democrat., lol snowflakes. But thats not the case. A lot of Indians are afraid of reprisal in fear that there own Tribe will shunned from their tribe. That era is soon to be gone. So you speak of Trump not realizing we exist there's a lot of blame to go around for that happening. If you don't take a seat at the table how do you acknowledge one and the other right? It is our faliure for not being heard. We must move beyond the past to move forward. Some of us wasn't born off the back of turnip truck. We must move with forward thinking and put foot to mouth and be pro-ative.
Delete5th Special Session of Congress today:
Recessed to the call of the Chair. Committee meetings soon to begin.
DeleteCommerce Committee Meeting is live now
DeleteTalking about a Motion for a Public Meeting for a Hearing on the Bluestem Ranch situation in Greyhorse. GREAT IDEA!
DeleteWill soon have 800 cattle on the BR with the ON brand? Did I hear this correctly?
DeleteGOOD! We are moving ahead with the Bluestem Ranch economic development aspect of this purchase at a massive cost.
DeleteMark the date: Hearing on February 12, 2017 in Grayhorse. Location TBD.
DeleteFYI - Jan. 27 - "Tribes could benefit from methane captured in fracking, but industry opposes rules update" - ...petroleum industry...hope to block the rules with a Wyoming U.S. District Court on Feb. 21...
ReplyDelete(full story on Native Sun News, it describes all the updated rules by the BLM)
WTH?!? How will something like this effect our oil and gas leases?
ReplyDeleteLeaked Memo Silences Department of Interior
How insane is this? Will the Superintendent even be able to attend the MC Meetings without the approval of Trump people at the very top and I mean the Chief of Staff? Isn't that currently Reince Priebus? What about any other Osage Nation business with the U.S. Congress that involves Tribal matters that would normally go through the Bureau? Drawdowns for the Minerals Council? You think the U.S. government was slow before, just imagine how long it will take for all this correspondence to be answered at the highest level.
Hitler would do something like this and I'm really not kidding:
Does this action, in the main, seek to separate the Tribal Nations from the U.S. Congress, the Branch of government that holds the Plenary Power as far as they are concerned or is it to simply stop the overweening regulatory processes now in place or in the future from going forward that may be damaging to the business community at this point in time. I can see the EPA but it makes me very uncomfortable that the DOI is on lockdown because you have a Trust relationship with the Tribal Nations that could be seriously harmed if it isn't unfettered in terms of open communication between the Bureau, the U.S. Congress and the Tribal Nations. Nothing should ever stand in the way of open communication between the BIA on behalf of the Tribes and the U.S. Congress. I don't believe that this silencing of our Trustee, the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, and the BIA should be happening for this reason alone.
DeleteTrump was actually referred to as Hitler about his presidential speech on various TV talk shows, referring his speech also as "dark." I also thought of Hitler while he was screaming and swinging his arms.
DeleteChairman Waller went and got Robins at the agency recently cause she didn't show up at a meeting, that won't work next time, she might as well show up with duct tape on her mouth. Everything outside your front door is in "limbo" for now. The Interior might as well give their employers administrative leave, whatever their doing Trump is probably going to change it. Even judges over our cases in local district courts cannot communicate with other fed agency. As for now, these silenced agency do not even exist.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Agency takes no calls, just a recording? They can't make any decisions so producers are on "hold" again.
Look at the news (protests) today on his border order, see any human feelings there? So worried now about the March payment, will it be late?
He cannot separate the Federal government Branches from the Domestic Dependent Nations for which it is responsible under a fiduciary obligation. This is well beyond the pale and the Indian Committees of the U.S. Congress need to be notified with an active request to run to Federal Court to get an injunction against such an order by the President. Ryan Zinke has been tapped but not yet confirmed.
DeleteNorth Dakota Introduces Resolution to give State’s Rights over Reservations:
(Jan 30 - 12:58 am) Indians totally bypassed and straight to Congress. Is history repeating itself, or, is it just continuing on course where it paused awhile?
DeleteNot unusual for the Tribes to be bypassed. This amounts to money and truly what doesn’t? Federal funding to engage with Tribes to become better self sufficient hmmmm. Who is speaking out on this matter for or against? I believe the door is always open with any Tribe when it comes to help. But I have always said it is up to the people to determine if what is not working within their backyard would be the ones to build a better place, if so desired. But if the reservation is in deplorable condition I would think any help from any where would be welcomed. Someone needs to take a stand on this issue to better define how this process would work without violating said treaties. It is hard to get over what colonization has been done to us but just maybe this is a helping hand. Trust is so hard with any institution. If this happens I would welcome the chance to better the M.E or at least sit at the table and engage with the State how and who will benefit and what is the real motivation behind the States actions.
DeleteTo poster Jan 29th @ 5:44 pm. This is our President whether you like him or not he won the election fair and square according to our Constitution and won by the rules. Please do not refer him as Hitler insults everyones right to pick and choose their leader. Nobody wanted corrupted Hillary and her lies and horrible platform always putting Trump down all the while running on the back of Obamas failed policies which has cost this nation dearly. You didn't see the right wingers when Obama was elected out there stomping the ground because he didn't do anything but put the hammer on regs in order to perpetrate his green agenda. True that. All based on lies by the Chinese. Al Gore went with it and this how we ended up with windfarms that are subsidized by the American people on top of that paying for in two ways. You being billed for it to if you live in the area. Its about the benjamins and always have been. Obama was a lie from the beginning had great potential but nobody read the dam thing. Even one of the creators said its a Ponzi Scheme and all the while laughing to the bank. Except those on the bottom of the totem pole would benefit and those at the top would suffer the increase in premiums and get subpar service. And all President Trump is doing is applying the rules that exists already on the books. You cannot tax the people without there consent and what Obama did thur his executive orders was create a hell of a mess. So lets give Trump time to what is needed and should have been done eight years ago and give hope and change a chance here that Obama failed so miserably he is going down as the worst President and it is a shame because I think he is a nice man outside of his Presidency. This is why the Democrats lost so badly because they didn't listen. I for one feel better that Trump is putting us first in every aspect and defending our Nation and that he is communicating with the American people thru means such as tweeting and so forth something we do not have with our own Tribe or M.C. long over due wouldn't you say people. If I run for M.C or for that matter Chief watch out. Because I will be returning the Control back to the people and not big Government with greed in their eyes and bring Jobs to our Communities and cut out the special interest who is bullying us to pay them so we can have Gaming. They no who they are...I might even give back the Government to the M.C. and get a Per-Cap out to our people as well. Unravel the dirt and clean house with either Stephanie Erwin or Boone by my side. She always tells it like is though sometimes she is wrong but still like her. There is someone watching and Iam Osage and come from a great family as well. I here the stories how everone knows everyone and that the Cronyism is thick. But my bet is the Osage would like to come first what do you think? Smaller Government is always better. If our dept are costing the Osage as opposed to be doing than we will eliminate unnecessary spending. Oh and Congress you will be held accountable as well for making such bad decisions after the next. Long over due you earn the money you are making. If any decision is made it better benefit when it comes to dollars and cents it better benefit the Osage. Not some pet project.
DeleteAgree with Stephanie and Cynthia. Don't think it will help our producers to have to wait on line for the Presidential Chief of Staff to have to sign off on our leases behind a billion other pieces of paper from the EPA and the DOI. We're not looking at gridlock, we're looking at deadlock with the OME at stake and our quarterly checks perhaps now a year off before someone at the senior executive level in Trump's retinue signs off on issuing them to each and every person with an IIM account and those without. Bringing the Federal government to a halt just because Trump wants to play "Presidental Apprentice" while in the White House doesn't work for me.
DeleteWait and see.
DeleteThis is just for the DOI alone.
DeleteKeep in mind, we don't know what all this entails other than that any and all correspondence must be cleared to go to the U.S. Congress and any State Governor by Reince Pribus, the Chief of Staff for the President or a Senior White House Advisor.
Bureaus under the DOI:
Offices under the DOI:
The OST that handles the headright quarterly income is on the list, second to the last at
Delete(Jan 30 at 12:07 am) - short video and article about meeting now on website
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump's Supreme Court nominee well versed in Indian law:
Shannon Edwards is the lead member evaluator of Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch:
DeleteLooking forward to the day President Trump removes a slew of regs that has hurt the M.E
ReplyDeleteAbout time ! H.
ReplyDeleteHEADS UP!
NEW! Deadlines set for Cobell Settlement:
Congress to Hold Public Hearing:
DeleteOsage Nation Special Election Information and Timeline:
DeleteWhat's going on with the Osage News online? The photos up there are six months or more old. A new article hasn't been put up since the end of Jan. other than the obits, which I assume, have been submitted by the families. Are they asleep at the Computer? Lot of stuff going on right now that needs to be reported on. A hearing by the Congress on the Bluestem Ranch and reports of the Chief and the MC Chairman going to Washington, D.C. that not all of the MC members knew about...
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't heard the Osage News is biased. Keeps them from reporting any real news outside the our Culture of course.
DeleteTexas Osages of Houston Meeting Feb. 12.
I see March payment is $3675 listed on MC page.
ReplyDeleteThe Chairman announced the payment would be on Feb. 24th. (announced at end of meeting after adjourned)
DeleteOsage Nation Commerce Committee Hearing Video:
ReplyDeletePart 1:
Part 2:
DeleteI turned on the TV on CNN about half hour ago and Trump was signing something (order? bill?) to decrease a rule to the oil and gas companies. He said now jobs can start? He said this was the "first" of many yet to come.
ReplyDeleteMost likely it will be on the internet soon explaining it in detail. I'm behind in the news guess the Dept. of Energy appointee is in now?
Just heard from a Producer who stated that the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) is in Osage County and bothering producers with rules that were squashed by Frizzell in 2015. This is outrageous that they are ignoring a Federal judge and enforcing rules that are not part of the CFR's. Does the OMC know about this?
ReplyDeleteIt seems the OMC would be the first people to contact since current lawsuits with the Osage and the lawsuits with the producers involving the CFRs are one of the big downfalls of both, and also Judge Frizzell would have the last say in this. The producers have a "head" person in the producers association, he, mostly likely would be contacting the MC or the Federal judge?
DeleteIn the Joint Meeting, GSB suggested to Waller that they go to D.C. when the new administration is in. about getting the CFRs reversed. In the Feb. 10th MC meeting, S. Erwin said GSB is in D.C. and asked why wasn't one of the MC councilmen with him? Waller said nothing?
I didn't hear this morning's meeting in case there was an update to these comments?
DeleteListen at
DeleteBLM has no right here and we know it. The Administration is working on a solution where these rogue agencies are concerned they will not be able to create more burdensome laws without going through Congress first not just that any new regulations they will have to remove two that was already created. I hope the M.C.sends a letter to each and every producer is this is the case and operate according to the old EIS. Which gives them no power whats so ever.
DeleteWhy wasn't a M.C with GSB in Washington and why did not Waller respond?
DeleteYour golden MC members Yates and Crumb, and of course, former MC member Sonny Abbott wanted to add BLM rules to the new CFRs probably to make it easier for the BIA to manage the OME as opposed to what is in the best interest of the Osage Headright owners under its fiduciary obligation. Remember this come election time. Has Yates chosen between his job with the Nation or being a member of the MC? I heard it was either the Osage AG or the Tribal Court said that to work for both is a conflict of interest.
DeleteI called the BLM Office to ask if they were doing work in Osage County. The man I spoke to said it could have been the Wild Horse BLM people. He told me oil and gas activity has to be fenced so the wild horses don't get killed?!
DeleteThere is no reason for their PET to be in the county.
oh, no. Even horses getting more use out of Osage land than Osages, what's next?
DeleteFYI - - Feb. 13 - "Tulsa Federal Judge Rules Against Landowner in Fight with BIA in Osage County."
DeleteGood. This case had no merit and frivolous and as long as we exist and as long as the M.E will grow so will these suits will always happen because you get mindless people like this who have nothing else better to do is fight as opposed to calling the M.C and work for better solutions to the landowners concern is the Democratic way. And not just this, he does not understand the standard or policies or for that matter the politics that surrounds our M.E. We will always have to stay vigilant and be diligent. But then it is our fault we do not have that rapport with the landowners as well.
DeleteJust Great! So the BIA has turned us upside down, backwards and sideways to keep from being sued when it's all come to nothing anyway? What a rip-off of the Shareholder's income over a perceived wrong that not even the Federal Court can support. If you headright owners don't prepare to sue the BIA for loss of income due to the knee jerk reaction of the Bureau over these lawsuits put forward in court by Gentner Drummond, there is something wrong with you. Where is the sainted Cora Jean when we need her?
DeleteWhen a home, land, farm is purchased in Osage County, don't they know about our surface minerals and our rights to it. Maybe an added "clause" in their deed which they have to initial would save us from these long-drawn out, repetitive lawsuits. Isn't this about the same as the Donelson case?
DeleteWhere the problem is, this person inherited this trust but the mere fact that he would say the EPA was not followed, how would they know in the first, one way or another. We have no choice to be compliant,second there was a stay on the new regs, so, its not as if we do not have a set of rules on top of that, regs according to the CFR's. And let me repeat this, if the landowners know the protocol if there is a problem call,the Agency but I cannot help that we should do kore to assist and make sure the BIA is doing all mm it can be, and to the above poster the Shareholder's are under attack by Drummond and it is because he is not getting his way, so he will spend a 100,000 to spite his nose to only lose in Court once again. And his actions are looking to be on the border of harassment. And your absolutely right the Shareholder's have been Harmed, Speaker Waller of the M.C what is being done about this, because it's not just the producers are harmed here?
DeleteIf I have it correctly, all deeds to the property in Osage County state on the face of them that the minerals rights are reserved to the Osage Tribe.
DeleteMC Meeting yesterday had the Chief making some wild and crazy remarks:
Don't get together with that guy or you and nearly every single shareholder will live to regret it. My guess is that he wants to take over the OME and turn it into an ONO enterprise for sure. He keeps saying that he too is a shareholder but that's just his smokescreen. I'm laying bets on as soon as he takes over it will be every man for himself in Osage County and nothing left for anyone else outside of the Osage. His share will be a lot bigger if the pot is divided among only those who live in OC.
The Osage headright owners are the sole constituents of the Minerals Council. The Osage Constitution took the Chief away and the Asst. Chief too where all matters of the Mineral Estate are concerned. It's the Congress and the Minerals Council and the Executive Branch and the Chiefs have no place in the mix even to the signing of leases if the Minerals Council so choose. This is so because of the wisdom of the framers of the governing document, we are beginning to find out. Lets get this straight once and for all. You're out Chief. Stay out of minerals business and keep it that way. You have a mandate by the highest law of the land to do exactly that and you swore to uphold the Osage Nation Constitution so get after it. You represent the Osage Nation members as a whole in every other respect except where the Osage Mineral Estate is concerned. The Mineral Council handles that. If MC members started meddling in gaming or came for money out of the taxation income, you would squeal like a stuck pig and you know it and so do we. Keep to your side of the legal fence and stay there dammit! Tell your buddies at Conventions and those you speak with at the Federal government to read the Osage Nation Constitution by which you are bound to uphold and leave it at that. There is a separation for a reason and if you steamroll over that reason it will be just an added reason to begin proceedings to put you out of office as soon as humanly possible. Our enemies indeed. You're the only enemy I see because you won't play by the rules. You don't like them then get after changing the Osage Constitution. If you can't make that work, then step away, stand down and stop drawing that huge salary you get every month.
DeleteHe's a constituent represented by the MC and I sure as hell wish he'd act like one. Guy can really throw his weight around, can't he? Scare tactics right and left. Lawyer crap is what that is.
DeleteGet him before a preliminary hearing of the Osage Congress on a Constitutional ethics violation for interfering with that Bluestem Enterprise Business Board. Do it now and quit circling this issue and carping about it! He'll see the light once his job is at risk. Imagine what he will do with the Osage Mineral Estate if he gets a crack at it. Let the very idea of that thought dawn on the mind.
DeleteFox News, just now: Rep. Zinke is "confirmed" for Dept. of Interior -
ReplyDelete[it was remarked about him that he will carry out his responsibilities to Indian tribes] - I think they said he won't be sworn in till next Weds.?
I heard the same from fox, Great news!
DeleteI look for Trump to dump responsibilities for tribes. And get his congress to pass it. We cost too much. He intends to cut all he can. He has to find money to build the Wall.
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