Glad to hear you're on the mend, hope to hear more from you. When does the court start? Do we have anyone representing the shareholders? Not one word from the MC on what they're doing, if anything! This thing could get ugly. I too hope it's thrown out, going to hurt a lot of people.
I had a short visit on the phone, today, with Ray and as he tells it everything went better than expected and he sounded great! Glad to see you back posting. :)
Wow..called stealing and caught red handed. My question why was the letter sent by the Chief and not from our speaker Mr. Waller? And now that this has been recorded, what is being done?
This is probably surface owners rights to move rock arround on the surface. Only if they sell it could the Mineral Estate have any claim, then it is questionable if they have any right to rocks.
Each and every deed to the property from the 1906 Allotment Act forward has the statement that the Mineral Rights are reserved to the Osage Tribe. No one who can read could ever come to that conclusion unless they are delusional. Every extension has had the legislative approval of the U.S. Congress by amendments to the original 1906 Act which was signed by none other than Teddy Roosevelt. The U.S. Congress has the plenary power to make such legislation that has the force of law at the Federal level. This ploy was already tried in the 1920's and 1930's in court and the Feds told the property owners that they can make any arrangement with the Osage Tribe that they see fit and to HIT THE ROAD and HIKE OUT!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!! These people are so busted!!!!!!!!! This is great!!!!!!!!
Did you read Nona Easter Roach's comment on Dr. Joe Conner's photo page? She has a good question too. Did they get their EPA required environmental assessment before they started earth moving that limestone? Plus shouldn't an EA be required for the land under every single foundation pad they build for each wind turbine they put up?
Let's see, at $10,000-$15,000 a pop for an EA for the land under each one of 100 wind turbine foundation pads, I believe that's a minimum of a cool million added cost to the project overall.
Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Remember Jim Gray claimed Osage County was still a reservation, the supreme court overturned that ruling. The Supreme Court could over turn all the rulings of the congress up to today if it is found someone's rights are trampled on.
What, are you Tinkerbell; wave a wand and what you think is all of a sudden true? The Supreme Court never heard Jim Gray's tax case because it never went there. Native American Indian rights of Sovereign Indian Nation Dependents of the Federal government DO NOT APPLY to the 5th Amendment associated with non-Indian rights no matter what Teddy Turner thinks. Totally different body of law. Every owner was apprised of the reservation of mineral rights to the Osage Tribe when they came in to purchase the land. They knew or should have known at the time of purchase. A covetous avarice won't bring them any closer to what they have wanted since the first parcel of land was purchased from the first original allottee right through to today. To quote Osageblogger: "There never has been a deed of conveyance issued by the Feds where the mineral rights are concerned so they are still tied to the original Cherokee Trustees Deed for the purchase of the Osage Reservation. That's why this Trustee's Deed has protected the Federal Reservation status in Osage County because it's still tied to that deed that created the Reservation status to begin with that the Federal Courts seem to be so shamefully ignorant of today. The land was separated from the deed in the 1906 Allotment Act. The mineral rights never have been separated from the deed since 1883." This is a basic tenant of real estate law and I doubt the United States Supreme Court would turn such an ownership law associated with the trustees deed to the reservation property purchased by the Osages from the Cherokee Nation right on its ear just to satisfy the non-Osage land owners in Osage County even if one of them is Ted (By God) Turner!!!
The original Cherokee Trustees Deed for the purchase of the Osage Reservation is just historical BS. It doesn't have any legal place in mineral rights status of the land in Osage County Oklahoma.
Somehow what i just posted went to space, however, poster@4:43 pm it will take an act of Congress to say differntly to say we are not a Reservation.Your intellect is familar. And as you have said on many occasions as of recent, I concur. It is equally, which I appreciate how you explain in terms so those who come to this site can understand.
Historical BS? That's a staggeringly mindless remark. Have you ever heard of a thing called the chain of title to a real estate property to prove ownership?
Enquiring minds would like to know since when does the Budget commitee for the MC start making policy? And everyone should read at OSAGES -YOU- I have only been preaching for over 5 years we need to grow and catch up to the 21st century get a full running office with state of th art computers and build for success and now we are left with what? The 3rd MC can be voted and replaced by the SHAREHOLDER'S IF THE MC does not act today. This firing the receptionist and trust clerks how is this going resolve the incompetence at the MC. Level? How is this going to shore up the redundancies and inefficiencies? I beg to differ with Ray Ray in that you get the right MANAGEMENT WHO ARE TEAM PLAYERS we can turn the M.E right side up in a short time. I can get it done in 6 weeks and I already have someone lined up to help us get to where we need to be. I do however agree geting a P.E (patrolium engineer) will be costly but soooooo long over due. It is time to put the match stick to the MC.
Not the CHIEF JOHN M. The level of inconsistencies and incompetence and inefficiencies tilts back to the MC. WE ARE A SEPERATE AGENCY AND THE CHIEF IS THE TIE BREAKER. We have been saying for some time now we need a full operating M.E office who can follow up on the BIA. This is on their watch and excuses for the lack of accountability will be had. We can vote each and everyone of the MC and OSA board members to be replaced with competent people who will work to get the J.O.B DONE. IT'S TIME SHAREHOLDER'S.
IMO...the Pawhuska OSA in the current make up, the board members and chairman have done nothing except alienate congress members that used to come to the meetings and has become nothing more than a place to socialize and eat chicken. It is currently run at the wishes of several members and one MC member. As far as employing competent people for the MC office, those decisions should not be left to the MC members. We have seen those that tried to do a good job fired and a couple of people hired in the past that were not worth their wages but were hired because they were friends of a MC person. To the poster on Oct. 1 at 10:16, the office needs to be run by a skilled office manager that comes through the HR department and is not beholding to anyone on the MC.
Thank you for your response, we have huge problems and I would like to thank who posted this alarming, compiled of information formated in truth and something of reality that our MC is not being forthright with the Shareholder's is extremely disconcerting on so many levels. Of course, with drilling there are going to be problems but not to this level of incompetence. Yes the BIA is derelict and because why? But not just finding the answers, we have the answers but nothing is getting done. The solutions are simple yet we can't get that match lite to do what is necessary to get what is so long over due since the settlement, get a P.E get us up and working office. So I say we hold our MC members accountable. We come in and look at each councils position and find out at what level of capacity their title is and what is that tney do and tbe same with the OSA. We are losing fist over dollars and we should be in a much bettet spot than we are. And we're just not where we should be at. I understand office politics all to well and have all kinds of experience. Some of this stuff is petty and with a good running office will eliminate this type of behavior as long as everyone is on the same page if not we weed them out simple. We have a larger problem its our MC.
So in short weddings are over took a small vacation, now the renovation on my home and now i will be calling the election office for those addresses to the Shareholders.
Thanks Ray, it is obvious to you, to I what should have been done over eight yeats ago Ray...what happen to the charts that were posted monthly on the ME site, the yearly flow charts so the Shareholder's can trend? THE SIMPLICITY of posting a graph even. You stated what our first and second MC labored for the shareholders but that does not qauntify the incompetence. Does not equal to what they should be doing in addition to. Surely the time you quoted for their labor did not take 365 days or years justify why we are here in the position we are in and yes I do see another ia in the near future. A cultural change is going to have to happen if we are going to have to pull ourselves from our boot straps and thats putting it nicely.
Oh Ray. Did you catch a nasty case of Ebola like Osage Nation-itis? Stop trying to stick it to Cynthia will you? History will bear out that $650,000 used to be returned to the Shareholders prior to 2005. The rest was used for the outrage-eous HPP lawyers. The BIA has held up the disbursement of the drawdown in the past if the BIA hasn't approved the budget submitted. That looks like approval is required to me. We need a Director of What??? Operations? The whole thing is at a standstill or so you write. Has that changed since you last wrote your most two recent "IMO's? No polititian wants to talk about it because there's nothing to talk about. Penny pinching? Really? When previous councils prior to Jim Gray's election when everyone got involved with greed mania actually did ten times the amount of work running the whole Osage Tribal government for no more than an all time maximum salary of $17,000 a year. You need elected officials to serve the Shareholders, not termites to eat up the entire income of the Mineral Estate with more do nothing unneeded Osage Nation multi-level management bureaucrats. Keep blowing that hot air but you need to use a bit of mouth wash as it smells to high heaven when the wind blows this way. We need to pull ourselves away from this boot strap for sure. Where is this 2015 budget for the Mineral Council and how can it be found for analysis?
Thank God the MC staff are no longer handling the trusts for the Shareholders. If this is what I understood from your report, this is the best news I've heard in a long while. Back in 2002 when the BIA was still in control of things, you could get it done in an hour in the MC office. It would go direct to to the Solicitor's Office and you'd get approval back in about a month. Once the new government got hold of things, it all went haywire and out of control. I heard the new government ran the Solicitor's office out of Pawhuska and now it's located in Tulsa. Clerks in the office trying to sell their own inheritance agenda to the Shareholders, sixty trusts behind, wrong trust paperwork sent out on purpose, finally 60 of them found stuffed in a drawer and God knows what all else. Never saw anything so totally rank in my life. This is the future if the Nation gets a toe hold on Mineral Estate operations. When you have people who have no idea how to run things running them, this is doomed to failure. Wait and see what happens to Osage health care under a compact.
One serious conversation you need to have with yourselves, shareholders, is that the new government elected officials along with the BIA have fouled up the Minerals business in OC to the point where it may never recover. Don't think that throwing any more money at it until we know where we are for sure is a good idea because it may take years before we do. Tell these inept elected officials and their mouthpieces to shut up and keep a low profile with their noses to the grindstone from now on. Think about it. How could they possibly know what they are doing and have it come down to what it's become in the last six months or so? No one will take the blame for this mess either. They are even inept about admitting fault and accepting responsibility for what they've done or haven't done that they should have been doing. The U.S, Congress needs to take a serious look with an official Congressional investigation into all this apparent DOI mismanagement of Indian business affairs and especially in OC. Then they need to do something to correct these problems and not just let the matter drop after a few heads have rolled. When it gets to the point where there's nowhere to turn and no one who is willing or able to do a good and reliable job, we're really in trouble and I think that's where it's at right now. They call us Doomsayers when we try to warn them but they refuse to listen and as a result, they end up just like we told them they would if they didn't stop what they were doing and pay attention to what was looming up ahead in the distance. They run on emotion and live in the moment believing that if they throw enough money at it, the problem will eventually go away and that's the sum total of it. Worst of all, they are now in control of our Minerals Estate.
I'm one to think differently and beg to differ to poster at 12:47 am. Just not with everything you said. Fisrt and foremost I do agtee with what you are saying about our "ELECTED OFFICIALS", sad but true...with the world economies, the energy, sector, housing, the automobile industry, and I knew the housing bubble was coming to a point in proportions so systemic and the profound effect it would play and more or less the domino effect an how the impact to our economy two years before the economy took the nose dive. So cyclatory.I look at what we have and we can do so much better.We need a very skilled AGENCY and this is why we need to organize because who is going to this, it is so clear that you can Know alot about something yet really know nothing.A cloak of lies by no less not holding themselves accountable the "MC", and that shows intent to deceive by not being transparent to the SHAREHOLDER'S in tne first. The Shareholder's need to be made aware of the circumstance we are in and we need to be the driver to protect. Though in so many ways unfortunately the 3rd M.C inherited what is so transparent the incompetence so, I do understand what lies ahead and what must need to done, is to organzie and get organized. And what I'M seeing over all a combination of things that are happening and we the Shareholder's are the key to the truth. We must demand and expect no less from our M.C and of ourselves. Just keeping this real. No more excuses from the BIA to the producers not taking charge over two years ago with the changes to the CFR'S and most importantly no more excuses from our M.C. we wanr action not distraction..
Tarnation! It's gettin to the point where the only bonus were going to get paid is what's left of the yearly drawdown if they don't come up with a way to spend it all. Why isnt the budget printed in the MC newsletter they send out? It should be if it isnt already. Hold your horses there fella. If the BIA cant even pull it out to enforce EPA rules, they will be hornswaggled by those adopted BLM regs that the BLM is having such a hell of time enforcing in Indian Country. All this for Nymex rate isnt worth it for all the trouble its caused and still will for the oil producers who are really the ones that put that money in your quarterly check.
To the Oct, 5 post at 7 PM....Give us all a break and stop with the FALSE accusations! I have read Ray McClain's last post concerning the draw down, several times and contrary to your claim NO WHERE does he in any way remotely refer to or mention Cynthia's name. When you make such false accusations that brings into question the validity of the rest of your post. After reading your wild accusation at the first of your post I just skipped over the rest and went on to read more reasonable creditable post.You may have some good points buried in your post but I am not inclined to sift through the B.S and differentiate between fact and fiction.
I agree with poster @ 5:32 pm. We are so past Cynthia a long time ago...stay tuned folks save your settlement. The feds are sure to raise the interest rate. The near future to help combat inflation but with a fluttering economy, might just have a complete opposite effect, and cause stagflation.which by the look of prices lately we are there. And could be for the long haul. Unless the Central Bank increases the monetary policy to try to reduce inflation and this could slow down the GDP...which by the look of the GDP, has happened. Well I would like to paint a better picture we can do everything to get our future going in the right direction by taking a very painful step in the right direction, take the raines sorta speak and get the ball and chain out to get what should have been done years ago and get a full functioning M.E office.
This is wonderful, Osages!!! Get on board with this, please. Free Online Osage Language classes now offered
So, today's price of crude oil is around 88 bucks a barrel, some Bank's had forecast that back before the elections, that there would be a 13 dollar drop in price. Believe I even ask a question about this to Dr. Conner's at the Fort Worth candidates forum. Fours keep appearing in most bad predictions. H
EVERYONE SHOULD READ THE ABOVE ARTICLE. As I predicted in a report on 2014-08-24, Our Dec. 2014 HR pymt won't be too bad, but I am very concerned about March and June of next year, and beyond. Dramatically falling oil prices, coupled with our own slowly dwindling daily production rate, plus the hobbles placed upon our Producers by the Donelson law suit, make for a very gloomy outlook for the Osage Mineral Estate Shareholders in the coming year. Spend it wisely!
This is politics at it's best. Unfortunately America's oil industry especially where concerned, the Natural Gas industry should sky year. This happened in the 70's when Russia's economy crashed..the sanctions are set in stone. History repeats . Poitics. Poli for many and tics for blood suckers. Haven't read the article but I will.
Ok just read part of the article the first two paragraphs to know where this was leading. The Suadis can care less what is happening with our oil industry because they themselves have plenty of green meaning money, and lots of oil to ride this storm of Politics. RUSSIAN economy is the 6th world economy on the verge of a collaspe. This is the reason for the invasion into UKRAINE. Russia wants the Shale. Not only, they are second to the U.S to export military arms. With sanctions, someone was going to be affected by these Sanctions. Politics meaning, poli for many and tics for blood suckers. So are you getting the picture yet and how profound this is, then you look at what is happening on the home front coupled with the DONELSON case and hopefully the Feds will throw out the case. And then you have the changes to the CFR'S and couldn't happen sooner...we cannot afford flaring anylonger or ignore the incompetence. And it is so obvious a culture change may need to happen. Bottom line, we have to portect and preserve the M.E. Long over due the M.C should have organized a full running M.E office. Time for accountability and transparency.
I think Ray is trying to point us in the right direction on what needs to be done to protect and preserve the M.E Additionally I don't see anyone on the MC that is qualified to set up a well run office let alone hire competent people. All we have seen is friends being hired that couldn't do the job, no over site and qualified people run off because they didn't get along with certain MC members. We MIGHT have a couple of MC members that could hire someone to set up a well equipped office with qualified people but if the past is any indicator...we're in trouble! Look at some of the people that are on the MC and ask yourself what qualifications do they have to set up an office as it should be,with the proper equipment and hire qualified employees? This isn't the fault of only the MC3 but goes back to the other MC 1 and 2. And yet we continue to elect MC members that are family friends, have a large Osage name and other than two or three aren't qualified to do anything but sit in a chair! For the most part if these people were sitting on a board of a billion dollar business, they would have been run off. Now at the suggestion of a museum director and support from her friends we have fired the staff with no plans or consideration in the budget of what is going to happen next!! All those out there that think Ray McClain is blowing hot air, better look again at the mess we are in and how it could get worse unless we make some drastic changes and start running the M.E. like a modern day business.
This is exactly what I am talking about. Setting up office is only a piece of the puzzle. Right, I have said in many of my post how the incompetence has transcended, and the meaning of insanity is doing the same thing over again....looking at the big picture has escaped non the less it is now up to the Shareholders in the first will have to create a culture change. The path we are on predicates and flucuates with the world economies. Just tired of the misconceptions about what is really happening here but not to detract from reality because reality is here sooner than predicted. But with strong and like minds such as Ray and a few of us and I'm sure we haven't tapped into others but will. The word , the truth needs to be shared with all give or take 4500 Shareholder's. I like how the OSA chooses to not share the dilemma and the over all drawdowns and how it is spent. I want to see a accounting.
You are not going to see any sharing of drawdown information or accounting where the OSA is concerned. WHY ? because the Pawhuska OSA is run and controlled by a small group of people centered around two MC members and one of their husband as chairman. To bring all this MC office debacle to the forefront will expose the incompetence of the MC to be able to set up, run and hire qualified people. This couldn't have been more clear when a few MC members sided together and voted to fire the entire office staff without any consideration as far as future budget and staffing. In all fairness, we have some level headed MC members that voiced their concerns but were out voted. This was carried out more like a vendetta than addressing the problem and trying to correct it. we have no office staff, outdated office equipment and procedures and nothing in the budget to address the deficiencies, no provisions for an office manager,no accountability where the budget is spent and worse yet no one in the office to help with shareholder concerns. THANKS A LOT !! Ray seems to be the one voice of reason and a plan to put us on the right track. As much as I like several of the MC members I am perplexed in that no one is putting forth a plan to the shareholders on what is being done to address the problems. Why is that? Of course the entire MC would have to be like minded and I don't see that happening unless some heat is put on them to get things right!
Right, I get the gist and the bigger picture always shows its colors when there is a crisis. Right, I'm one to agree witn you that there are just a few M.C members I do appreciate. If we come together on these issues and put a plan together the Shareholder's in the first we can be effective. Monday I will be calling the Election Office for a copy of the Shareholder's mailing addresses. We need Shareholder imput.and then we will take it from there. I will be posting my thoughts for those of you who are directly and indirectly and consequently the bad choice or the lack of initiative and complacency that has transpired born from incompetency. The biggest problems are with the concessions we know this to be true and is evident this is why we are where we are at...biggest problrm the atmosphere needs to change big time to the 21 ST CENTURY. I have the equipment that is needed to address our problems and fired up to get us on the path. I will be getting in contact with A M.C member to discuss this relm of long over due situation and gets us on the right path.
In conclusion, the OSA will be handled appropriately. Changes will come. There is no reason once we set up office to set up a dept that can handle Advertising and over see the Convetions and lease sales and handle the Quarterly Memos and possibly handle Legal. We can consolidate to save the Shareholder's money. Yes this day will happen and sooner than later.
SUPER GOOD NEWS! The Francesco Venturini Letter has been sent out from BIA Superintendant Robin Phillips to demand that ENEL Green of N. America stop continuing to excavate and steal our limestone minerals to place around those wind turbine foundations. YES! Now we're getting somewhere. They should have to have an Environmental Assessment for the ground under each and every pad foundation they put a wind turbine up on as well. The Empire (Osage Nation) Strikes Back!!!
"Meanwhile, Chaparral Energy cleaned house at the summit’s lease sale, as the Oklahoma City-based company won 16 leases at the minimum $4,700 bid, plus a 17th lease for $5,500 on the only auction item to generate more than one bid among the roughly 120 attendees. Most if not all of the leases were ones Chaparral formerly had at higher rates; the company let them go and repurchased them at a lower price." Boo Hoo Sonny Boy and all the trouble you and your thrown around money has stirred up for all of us Shareholders since you, Yates and Crum got going hell bent for leather on that Nymex price in the CFRs. It's only diminished the leverage and position we Shareholders used to have before the three of you were elected to office. Now you've got the dragon by the tail and it'll eat us all alive if something isn't done to stop this downward trend. Someone ought to write a book titled, "How Chief Jim Grey, the Osage Nation Congress and the Three Mineral Stooges Destroyed the Osage Mineral Estate in Less than Eight Years Flat."
Go Yates, Sonny Boy and my favorite Crum....most of us who understands economics 101 realize whats going on with the M.E. Just bad timing with the WORLD MARKETS. It is time for forward thinking. Ah like yesterday. Though I will say this, Transperency is really expected and especially during the low peaks. Change does not come easy and sometimes at a price. But such a small price to pay to preserve our M.E. No longer will we be behind the curve and should we expect anything less? Still want to see an accounting, after all this is our money not the BIA or the dictate other wise and a daily jobs report.
So this wasn't a conspiracy between the Osage Nation government/MC and the BIA to put together a settlement agreement that included a very opaque provision for a rules committee of some kind that was voted on by the shareholders before the full terms of the settlement had been finalized? A rules committee provision of some sort which was really a committee to change massive portions of the business regulations in the CFRs that was as much to mask these upcoming changes from both the shareholders and the oil producers doing business in Osage County to be put in after the shareholders had "blind" voted on this provision without really knowing what it was without full and open disclosure before the settlement was in its final form? I say yes both questions and call out the BIA for yet another full scale massive breach of its fiduciary obligations to the Headright owners who derive trust income as beneficiaries from the Federally held Minerals Estate Trust! This breach has been as deleterious to the future income of the Headright owners as any other event taking place right now where it concerns the future income in the quarterly checks causing the very first and most important instability in the Osage oil patch because it involves the oil producers who bring the oil and gas out of the ground. How well did that Oil Summit go? It was going downhill before it took place this last September; and LONG BEFORE the BIA began to enforce the EPA Environmental Assessment, the Donalson law suit and current market conditions had anything to do with it and the reason is these new CFRs. The oil producers are at once and at the same time the INCOME PRODUCERS for the Minerals Trust and nobody in Osage power, be it the BIA or the Osage Nation, around Pawhuska seems to want to get that all important fact of life in Osage County. How is this lack of full disclosure to the Headright beneficiaries in the premature HPP settlement vote structured by the BIA becoming any less deleterious to the future income of the Headright owners as the sneaking put up job of Bernie Madoff's investment scheme?
As a famous WWll General once said when facing bad odds---NUTS!--- We had 3 MC members, the Chief, and the speaker of Congress on that negotiating team. How come none of them noticed all this BS you are raving about? The producers don't like paying a fair price for the oil and they don't like accountability. That's what the new CFR's will bring. We all need to be focusing on this Donelson law suit. That's what has us shut down. Wake up!
That's my question exactly! We had 3 greedy MC members, a Chief who has since been thrown out of office, and a speaker of Congress who is said to have never given a decent report on the subject to the ON Congress all on that negotiating team. How come none of them noticed when five of the remaining members of the Minerals Council did? I knew if I even tried to hold anyone accountable there would be nothing but excuses after excuses. Grow up! Someone is responsible for the point of beginning here and apparently you are too much of a child yourself to even assign that responsibility and the blame where it belongs. You keep getting poorer and poorer by the minute as long as you let these people get away with what they have done to the Mineral Estate. Don't expect the grown ups here to go along with you on this one.
How ever you put a spin in this is not going to change the facts as they are. The Donelson case will not hold up production, right now the Energy sector is upside down. More then likely this will be thrown out of the FEDERAL Courts...the EPA inspection required by the BIA already existed in the Contracts per the CFR'S before recent enforcement by the BIA. Then coupled with the markets and supply and how many spins does it take to get to the center lol.
Everyone was griping, but plans were advancing---until Donelson, that is. THAT stopped everything, and everything will remain stopped until it is resolved. Investors who were ready to commence drilling, are now seriously considering taking their investment capital elsewhere, where they can put it to work. Smart business people aren't waiting or depending on what's "more then likely."
A smart business minded person can take one look and look at the enemy from within and build out. There's nothing that can't be accomplished when you have the right mind set. Just need forward thinking. I've taken on the task of making multi million dollar business to FIVE STAR in weeks. Same concepts applied standard never fails. Like I said it's not the Donelson case. I call it like I see it. And call B.S. The dynamics and demographics need tweeking sorta speak. Their is always somthing opposing will arise but this is just business and another day. Soooo, no reason the EARTH needs to stand still. Lets build our AGENCY. Long live the 1906 act.
Build our Agency to do what exactly? We won't even need one by the time this is over and then you'll all be complaining about how the oil producers have left us in the lurch and who knows what all else. Stop planning to spend money you don't even have for a business that looks very much like it will take many years to repair and restore if the oil producers will even chance or bother coming back in to work in Osage County. The BIA wanted these new CFRs to make their situation better and those MC members who conspired with them to get that Nymex rate helped opened the first fissure.
Man such doom sayers its not a plan, its gojng to happen. Whether you like it or are one and we are man and in. Numbers we will unite. Long live the 1906 act. And the Osage Tribe...get your head out of your dairy aire long over due will we be soon getcuaght up with the 21st stop trying to divert attention to a long but over due inefficiencies that exist. The M.C must structure if not we will as SHAREHOLDER'S in the first will call for a cultural change. As a Shareholder I want to see a performance report, this is so crucial to running any business. ...nah, we want a working M.C....anybody can see whats not working and what isn't.
It sounds like they are trying to mount a coup to take over the Mineral Estate from the BIA. As bad as the BIA is, imagine how much worse that would be. This Osage government is completely out of control and the Feds need to swoop down and shut the doors on it to get things sorted out before things get any worse. They can't just start setting up and doing business independently with Osage Nation money like they are or have been authorized to compact the Mineral Estate. Unlawful plans and unruly acts on the part of the Minerals Council to operate outside the scope of their actual authority under 1906 Allotment Act and the Mineral Estate Trust and/or diminish the rights of the current Headright owners according to P.L. 108–431 should enable the BIA to invoke the 1978 Amendment Act provision in Paragraph 1, "In the event of a common disaster and a quorum of five of the Osage Tribal Council does not survive, the Secretary (of the Interior) shall appoint a principal chief and/or the number of councilmen necessary to complete a total of eight, to serve until the next quadrennial election. The Secretary (of the Interior) is hereby authorized to remove from the council any member or members for good cause, to be by him/her determined, after the party involved has had due notice and opportunity to appear and defend himself." The last sentence of this provision should apply in particular. Be assured, it has never been set aside by the U.S. Congress. Granted, that BIA Superintendent ought to be there for every Minerals Council meeting with answers and should get those EPA regulations figured out so the oil producers can comply and go back to drilling again. I mean, 24 total days where MC meetings are held out of 365 should require mandatory attendance for the Superintendent of the Osage Agency. It's not too much to ask or expect.
Ha, ha. This is Hilarious. Let me tell what will happen the Federal Government will come in here so fast and yank all Federal Grants so fast it would send the Nation into the Black.....if not deeper. ...but anyway, thereare many of us who would do the diligence to be sure this does not happen. And in Our Constitution says we are a seperate Agency. And the eyes are watching THE M.C. anything of such nature would be construed as hostile by the SHAREHOLDER'S. And the steps to do so would take an ACT of the U.N States Congress. And a vote must go to the SHAREHOLDER'S. They do not want to upset the APPLE CART.
Look dodo bird, it's the MC members who had this new hire prep the presentation she gave to the MC during the MC meeting last Friday. Listen to the presentation online at the link shown two comments up from mine. They seem to be on board with Forman wih money coming from the Osage Nation direct. We dont want to go down that road for sure. They've lost the Reservation status with the Federal Courts already and the gaming is now top level managment absent with only this Bighorse guy in there as newly appointed CEO as of yesterday. They are probably pulling another Will Kimble again and we know how that experience light homeboy worked out as Treasurer of the Osage Nation. Keep the Nation completely out of mineral affairs if the MC knows what's good for it. I can understand wanting a well run professional office and field operation but that's up to the BIA under the Trust business operations to provide, not the Mineral Council or the Osage Nation.
If you don't think things are in a mess and out of control at the MC...get this! It is coming out that Kathrny wants Lou Brock to run the MC office and Cynthia wants , of all people, Melissa Currey. You can bet Kathryn had her candidate in mind when she spearheaded firing the office staff AND it comes as no surprise that Cynthia wants Melissa. She supported Melissa even when she was fired form the BIA because it was in such a mess and now Cynthia thinks Melissa would be a good office manager? FAT CHANCE. Thankfully as far as we know these didn't fly but you can see what leadership we have in the MC. Also heard that Stephanie and Cynthia are camping out in the office every day with full access to ALL our records! Remember what she did with the records from the storage building? Since they fired to staff, the office should be locked and not accessible to anyone until we get an office manager that will be accountable to the shareholders.They might be MC members BUT that doesn't give them unsupervised to MY RECORDS!!! Who knows what they are doing and WHY isn't anyone putting a stop to this insanity?
Melissa Currey Lol, sorry even if she wasn't apart of the administrative problem at the BIA? And that's a big question, and though she may have insight, she is apart of the collateral damage. Stemming from the HPP settlement. Would be viewed as a huge conflict of interest. The cancer can be removed by the Shareholder's by vote...they should keep that in mind all eyes are wide open..and watching with not much patience.
Yes, but she's out of a job and needs to get on the Osage dole right away! What's wrong with you? No Osage who can drive to Osage County left behind! It's Chief GSB's new rule! Never mind that her lack of oversight and lack of implementation of those EPA Environmental Assesments has shut down future drilling and oil production coming from it perhaps for many years in the future. The Osage Nation Treasury still has $75,000 - $95,000 still available to hire her to run that Minerals Council Office. She knows a lot of stuff, don't you know????????
Really this is just square cakes compared to what is on our very full plate...right? And we have ATOMNOMY, where we have say and it matters...remember we are unique. Long live the 1906 ACT and the OSAGE TRIBE.
No Osage left behind who lives or can drive to Osage County you mean. Never mind left behind, all other Osages are left out period. Wonder what this Chief is going to do when he finds out most of them really don't want to work for the paycheck they get. Most of them probably don't even know how to put in a full days work. Macy Mashunkashey may have been an extreme case but many have about the same attitude about work as she did. It's good Stephanie and Cynthia have been in the MC office to do some real work in there every day. The stuff they are uncovering that's been left undone is unreal.
Give me a break. Don't hire Curry or Brock either one. What a collection of zeros these people are Is Brock going to get paid at the Museum and the Mineral Council Office double-dipping like Kathryn Redcorn is doing? Why won't she give up her salary on MC like Sonny Abbott did for the good of the Shareholders? I think that other Red Corn on Council is doing the same thing too. He's the big oil engineer, why didn't he catch that EPA EA ruling when he was on the first Osage Nation Minerals Council? His thumb was in his ear just like the lawyer's was that was on then too.
Minerals Meeting today is postpond to Friday the 17th for the trip to Colorado to attend the Conference of the Southern Utes. See You can listen to the Wednesday meeting held on October 10, 2014 from the above link.
That's a Classic!!!!!!! Are the going there to teach the Utes how to screw things up royally as a government or to act as a worse case example for everyone in attendance? How funny is that?
This just rported today in foxnews....Most oil-market participants remain primarily focused on, will OPEC cut production or wait it out until prices drop to a level where non-OPEC producers cut production?" said Dominick Chirichella, analyst at the Energy Management Institute, in a note. "The overwhelming market view is oil-demand growth will continue to be lackluster for the next year or so." and so the demand will be for Natural Gas as the Markets shifr in the Energy Sector. My prediction. This is a huge factor in how the world markets not NYMEX the domino effect it has played on our M.E. and of course this is just another day and probably another dollar lost at all the flaring that is going on....the ENERGY SECTOR is so cyclatory. Now if we get a President who is for big ENERGY. ..we will sure to grow.
This coment was recently posted by Chief GRE and it's a good one with an excellent question at the end: Geoffrey StandingBear: On Tuesday I called and talked to BIA Superintendent Phillips and said reports were coming in about the taking of Osage minerals continuing at the site. She stated her letter was sent Friday and because of the Monday federal holiday the letter may not have reached its destination. I encouraged her to communicate with them by other methods and to send someone with authority in person to the site. This all brings up a subject which has always been taboo at the Osage, which is direct Osage government action without the BIA. Will the Osage Minerals Council initiate an action should BIA not enforce protection of Osage rights? What should be the role of the Chief and Osage Congress if BIA does not act effectively?" Reactions?
Yes. I have one. The Nation should wait until the threatened BIA Solicitor's options in the letter have run their course. We have enough irons in the fire right now and don't need to mix it up with the wind farm company or the land owner. We're in enough hot water as it is county wide with the landowners and that drummond lawyer. The problem is we've been too aggressive since the Osage constitution went in. Self-determination with sovereignty doesn't mean self-destruction as a result. Tread lightly until we have no other option out front of us.
New report from Ray on falling oil prices at I just love his cautionary phrase: "Just take a deep seat in your saddle and hang on tight." Sounds like excellent advice to me.
Oblique, but sure to slide in the other direction, depending on Opec of course. But to dwell on the positive,.... everything cyles as to history repeats. And this situation is no different than any other time and what can we do to inspire and this comes from great leadership. Where is it? Speaker of the M.C Mr. Waller? Transperency and Accountability remember the oath you took sir.I am thankful for Ray McClains site. He is man with structure defined by his character and it astounding the he did not get elected to the M.C. So keeping the facts to themselves concerning the Donelson case under wraps does not sit well with the SHAREHOLDER'S in the first Mr. Waller. You were elected to do a job not to give the appearance of impropriety and can be contrary to the position you hold. Why do we need to pay you when others are doing the J.O.B for you and that goes to all of you, with the exception. It has been purported in many news outlets, the excavation of our Minerals, lime stone non the less, the Wind Farm, Enel if I Have it correct caught with there hand in the cookie jar with out a sands permit. This lawlessness is the kind of stuff that just shouldn't happen if we would of had a full blown Mineral Office. If the cats away the mouse will play. We should have a Field Super out there inspecting protocols, A P.E. and so forth...what we can do for ourselves is so paramount. I just can't see stupid. We need more and expect more and there is no reason or excuses as to why we are at where we are at outside the obvious. So this is why the future is so important because an upset just might need to happen.
NOTE! The 4th Osage Nation Congressional Special Session - November 3, 2014 10:00 a.m. See Wind farm litigation and legislation is on the agenda.
You're welcome. A lot of items on this agenda especially where amendments to spending bills or new spending are concerned. I thought they had spent everything they have coming in as revenue already. Any spending above that is illegal with new penalties in the law for violations. I guess we're going to need to have the AG's information at the ready for the filing of complaints against the Chief and the members of the Osage Nation Congress after this one is over.
Lets see about this, what I see is revenue just exchanging hands. Redistribution, all to obvious to give an appearance of fiscal responsibility. I hope your right.
Not only isn't Supervisor Phillips attending one monthly MC meeting, she said she couldn't stay for all of the Friday meeting. Can someone explain to me how that is professional standard and practice in regard to the behavior of the duly authorized BIA representative to the Osage Nation who is the head of the Osage Agency?
This is getting so out of control, maybe EVERY SHAREHOLDER SHOULD BE LIGHTING UP THE LINES AT THE BIA as well as the M.C? I hope this isn't true. Hands down some explanation is over due or that Q AND A will be arriving at your door and not by your trusted council?
FYI: Ted Turner is selling off his private island in South Carolina: See This property is also affiliated with The Nature Conservancy. The Tall Grass Prairie Preserve is owned and managed by it. Interesting connection.
The fines are for violation of Federal regulations, thus the penalty is paid to the U.S. Treasury. The MC is wasting good money by exploring the matter of tribal sovereignty. Listen to the MC meeting at:
My thought as well, just thought of the very same thing last night as I was responding to Osageblogger around 12 something am. It seems when all else fells Sovereignty is here to save the day, not so much, as we the Shareholder's are asking where is the Governing from the M.C? Because, Sovereignty gives us the right to govern our State affairs...problem is the M.C for Years mind you have been going to Conventions and Seminars and so forth and knowledge is the intent, where is the applied knolledge? The point is, making dollar sense and making that dollar work for you. Trust is elemental and right now I'm not feeling it. Simply put to say the least.
I disagree. It might be worth a turn around the block or two to delve into issues of Tribal Sovereignty. We declared war on Germany during WWII didn't we? See my comment below.
The President of the U.S. should get the Oklahoma National Guard in there to reopen up these properties to the oil producers and to stop this wind farm company from digging up our minerals. IMO this is gross prejudicial behavior against the wholly legitimate business interests of a Federally Recognized Indian Tribe located on U.S. soil on the part of this Italian government owned company ENEL. They have no right to disregard the laws of the United States of America or any Agency of it! We just won a lawsuit to establish with the U.S. government that they need to fully and completely observe their fiduciary obligation to the Osage Nation and its shareholder members, end of story. CALL THE GUARD Mr. President and get these ENEL people back in line or risk complaints to the FBI for not observing your lawful fiduciary obligation to the Osages and for allowing prejudicial behavior to prevail against the business interests of the Osage Nation and the Osage Headright owners.
Since when does a foreign national government doing business in the U.S. have diplomatic immunity where the violation of the ownership rights and theft associated with those rights are concerned that belong to another foreign (dependent) Native American Indian Tribe or Nation?
If what you suggest is actually fact based and legally viable, this could build into an international incident of some note. Declare war on Italy? Can the Osage Nation really do that?
Montauban is our Sister City in France. Maybe they will stand in solidarity with us and declare war on Italy too. My, my, we're really getting somewhere.
I don't know. Let's see what President Obama has to say about ENEL stealing our minerals when the Chief shares what's going on with him: WASHINGTON, DC – On Wednesday, December 3, President Obama will host the 2014 White House Tribal Nations Conference at the Capital Hilton in Washington, DC.
GSB should print and take this photo with him when he speaks with the President --->>> Click on the photo to enlarge it: This is absolutely awful. If the Italian government had a company that came into one of the U.S. Parks/ Publicly owned land and did a thing like this, the U.S. Military would be called in to clear them off the land so fast it would make their head spin. The U.S. has a fiduciary obligation to the the Osages and what that means is that they have a higher standard of loyalty and care than it does to itself or any of its citizens! Osages first and then the U.S. Government second. Are we seeing this legally required standard of care being employed and administered by all three branches of the U.S. Government toward the Osages? I say no and furthermore, that every single branch is in violation to one degree or another.
Give 'em HELL Chief StandingBear! This letter just makes me so happy! We need to put our foot down and stand firm on this issue. That's right, if ENEL were doing a thing like this in on public land it would be curtains for them soon after the first shovel full was dug out of the ground.
New wind turbine health issue --->>>
Wind hearing tomorrow: "...hearing on Oct. 23 in Osage County District Court. The Nation has called a community meeting later the same 6 p.m. at the Constantine Theater in Pawhuska." Read more about this at
Totally G R O S S! click on the photo to enlarge it: How in hell do these Italian bstrds have the right to tear up the land in Osage County like this?
Just read the latest in the Barnsdal Times. Great read by the way. This piece of the article I would like to post from the Newspaper that I found credible and unbelievable that this happens all the time and why you can predict this outcome of this Donelson Case.“The nation is both necessary and indispensable under federal law, but its sovereign immunity makes joinder impossible,” Mary Quinn Cooper wrote on behalf of Devon, based in Oklahoma City. “Equity and good conscience dictate this action should not proceed among the existing parties.” Rule 19. Look it up.
This is where you need to go just posted at 12:09 pm for the RULE 19. MAKING SOVEREIGNS INDISPENSABLE: PIMENTEL AND THE EVOLUTION OF RULE 19 by Katherine Florey.
This from Fox News, With OPEC trying to bury US producers it will be dependent on the strength of the stock market for oil to overcome the overwhelmingly fundamentals.
Some of us shareholders are mad as hell about business as usual and we are not going to take anymore.
We found systemic flaws at the Osage Agency, a unit of BIA, that have created an ineffective program for managing the Osage Nation’s mineral estate (oil, gas, and other reservation sub-surface minerals). Further, we found that the Osage Nation Minerals Council exerts significant influence over the Agency, which inhibits the Agency’s ability to manage the tribe’s oil and gas program.
Overall, we found the program fundamentally flawed. More specifically, the Agency does not have or has vague policies and procedures for managing the Osage Nation’s mineral estate, does not comply with environmental law, does not have sufficient planning and mineral resource management, and does not have effective data management.
Separate legislation specifically excludes the Osage Nation from other Indian oil and gas regulations. As a result, the Council has resisted assistance from the Bureau of Land Management, BIA, and the Office of Natural Resources Revenue. Council actions, however, go beyond what it considers its unique status. This effectively avoids more oversight and merely maintains the status quo.
We previously provided BIA with three Notices of Potential Findings and Recommendations. The BIA Director agreed with most of our recommendations. He anticipated that newly proposed regulations would address many of our recommendations.
In response to our draft report, BIA concurred with all 33 of our recommendations, citing the actions it would take or has already taken, target dates for completion, and personnel responsible for implementing the recommendations.
Implementing the recommendations will assist BIA’s Osage Agency to manage the Osage Nation’s mineral resources more effectively.
Sorry couldn't post and was unable to leave a comment, BTW, this is why it is so paramount to trend and have a full Petroleum Office with a legal and damage control dept. And this can be a entry level dept. The person that will be going to court will be the office manager or there of...we would not be here in this position if we didn't have an arm chair I've said all along the ineffectiveness and inefficiencies exist and it's not just at a administrative's how these concessions are created to help the producer not the M.E. The trust level is zreo and the M.C is not our hero. You hide but the truth is in the writing now coupled with the economy and the flaring that is going on and natural gas next year will be taking off. Who is watching the MARKETS and trending? THIS IS A MULTI BILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS and this is serious. No accountability and no transperency, why is there a OSA? And what do all of you do at the round table and where is the break down in accounting so we as Shareholder's in the first should be comprised. No more lies.
So as I read the full report, is it time the FBI come in here and start looking at bank accounts? This is just grotesque mismanagement. So, now you can get a better picture in translation. The HPP case was grotesquely understated. Whats worse , I'm sic to my stomach. I get the picture less is more but in this case the M.C not only bit off more than they can chew by as much as no action, inaction, to cutting their nose to spite their face. Nah, this is to much to suggest that this was going swept under the carpet this little secrect of underpayment going on here. So the Osages are still getting royalties paid, but the bottom end of the barrel while producers our selling our oil for a much highr price is called switch and bate technique, and losing 26% of royalty payments and I say the potential This does not include the flaring of natural gas of which two company's one is holding 50,000, which needs to be paid and yet another company is avoiding compliance....? Where is the enforcement? I will reiterate, in past and in my opinion, and others as my self, have been saying where the inefficiencies exist. Not hard to's what you do about it, inaction is just hostile and thats a huge conflict of interest for the SHAREHOLDER'S and mind you your Council Members are Shareholder's to. Everyone must read to believe. My eyes have been wide open for some time. Incompetence doe not describe tbe corruption from with in.
Tks alot for you're information,I even read the full story an it's make me think M.C.was aware of this all along!! But keep it to them self's now I'm mad too.pockets must have been linded.for years' ...
Does anyone remember MC2's 5 to 3 vote last year to approve a resolution supporting a "former superintendent". Figure out who the three no votes were, and you will have found the good guys. All 8 knew what was going on. Only 3 stepped up to the plate.
When you have MC members trying to lobby for reduced concession payments, as has happened in the past....makes you wonder who's pocket is being lined and who they are working for,the shareholders, the producer or themselves? As a previous poster stated " The trust level is Zero" Certainly not all of them but some and a few alined with them.
I posted that comment the zero, though a lot of times a lot goes without saying and as the fact speaks for themselves numbers do not lie and numbers is what the M.C wil have by petition to the Shareholders simple. Right we have been saying for sometime, when you have lobbying the realization of corruption exists...I am very clear who the team players are the deduction was made with several calls to a paticular M.C member and his views were sound.
I remember the vote and as surmounting evidence that supports not tto hire the former superintendent, would be a huge conflict of interest. You can put the blame squarely where it counts poor management, but truly, the buck stops with the M.C and DOI. It would be different if the former superintendent had quit because of the inequities but that did not happen. It is time and long over due the Nepotism, the hiring a friend, to do the work the M.C should be doing themselves. I think we just might need to start an oversite commitee or board to oversee the M.C.
Who ever came up with the bright idea of "proving you are not a robot" by typing what ever you read in the box...please make the print, what ever it is bright enough so it can be read with out a magnifying glass...REALLY!
The Forman report along with the DOI Report are now posted to Ray's web site at What's interesting is that they seem to be in direct conflict with one another as the DOI report wants the Minerals Council out of the management end and to stop exerting the influence it has over the Minerals Estate. Forman seems to want to establish an entire Osage Nation bureaucracy to duplicate what the BIA is ramping up to do under the new CFRs that is criticized for allowing the Osage Tribal government to do what it's been doing in the past. Going ahead independently and building casinos without BIA or NIGC approval is one thing but to push in on the duties and responsibilities attached to the Federal Mineral Estate Beneficiaries Trust is quite another. It looks like the Feds want the Osage Nation government to take a hike, not get into a tug of war with the BIA that wants the Osage Mineral Council out with only a minimum participation.
There was a thread above on this issue. My take on the issue is a little bit different than yours. In the end, the buck starts and stops with the BIA and the DOI simply put, they hold the TRUST. It's kinda like the pot calling the kettle black. How can the M.C make adequate decisions based on informed data? Poor management. Less federal Government is ideal but that is not going to happen. We should be way ahead of the's an example what could be going on, mind you this is hyperthetical but not unheard of, during low peaks,some producers will stop pumping oil when oil drops in prices which, in some ways is price fixing and hurts the SHAREHOLDER'S. Ah , my point is, we wouldn't be addressing these issues had we had a full Petroleum Office. Accountability and transparency is the new status quo. If our M.C WILL DO A BETTER JOB, botom line...the insanity of this is the redundancies, doing the same thing over and over again is not helpng with the development of the M.E, we have arrm chair council. You can know a lot about something and really know nothing if there is not set standard or policy to support the changing regulations. The most important policy of all is you and me and other Shareholder's. Trying to be fair here, but there has been four good years here, and now it's time to right side the bottom of the barrel here, in more than one aspect. As the report coined the M.C of over stepping their boundries by having no policies by just maintaining status quo is inaction and is derelict.
Heres what it says and I would like to know as well......Energy company, landowner dispute spills into court By: D. Ray Tuttle The Journal Record October 29, 2014 0
An Osage County landowner complained to a Tulsa energy company about alleged surface damages, then rejected a settlement offer. Following the rejection, the company filed a lawsuit in federal court against the U.S. Department of Interior and the landowner.
4th Special Session of the ON Congress begins in about a half an hour. Should be broadcast live at that time. See Wind legislation is on the agenda for this one.
A ton of litigation issues discussed during the Chief's opening message, some of it specific to Mineral Council wind farm litigation that he says has failed in State and Federal Court. One group back east went Federal in court with civil rights issues of some sort and won to stop Nestle from sucking up and taking voluminous amounts of ground water by a business contract for a lease that had been negotiated that this local citizen formed water protection group thought was ugly and grossly unfair. Be sure to listen to the opening day of the Session when it's posted to the archive section:
Speaker Whitehorn issued a special invitation to all Osage Nation constituents to call their members of the ON Congress to discuss the issues on the Agenda in this Special Session. Good idea:
"BLM sells mineral materials under the authority of the Materials Act of 1947, as amended. These materials consist of common types of sand and gravel, stone, pumice, or other materials used primarily in construction and landscaping, and are mainly sold using competitive or noncompetitive contracts. In fiscal year 2011, sales were valued at approximately $17 million; we visited eight field offices in four States whose fiscal year 2011 sales totaled more than $14 million. We found little assurance that BLM obtained market value for mineral sales, recovered the processing cost for mineral contracts, verified sales production, or resolved issues of unauthorized mineral use." See
Wow, the deficiencies astound me. The insufficient database is quite bothersome. So much room for corruption. And you know this systemic and problematic for any Shareholder. And you wonder why we don't have a working Patrolium office independently trending as a Agency should be doing?
Why would we choose to use BLM offshore rules in the new CFRs when the BLM ITSELF CAN'T MANAGE TO GET IT RIGHT? To try and get the BIA to enforce foreign-non-Agency rules from another Federal Bureau just because it's what the Feds want is insane to my way of thinking.
I would be surprised to see any "OFFSHORE" rules in the new CFRs. BIA is working hard to straighten things up. It can't be done in a day. Give them a chance. When you see them drop the ball on a specific issue, then call them on it. Otherwise, give them time to get it done. Right now, they have 4 or 5 hundred permit applications to wade through. Why don't you ask what you can do to help.
The new CFRs call for the wholesale adoption by the BIA and the ON MC RegNeg Rules Committee of whole sections of current BLM offshore rules. This is a fact. Where have you been?
Regulation orders coming directly from the BLM web site: 1) and 2) YOU ARE CORRECT--These are onshore not offshore regulations. Thank you for catching my error.
REPRINT from Osage Blog: Anonymous November 9, 2013 at 8:58 PM Someone had better be concerned about the BLM coming into the Osage. All we heard at the NEG REG was the fact that the BIA can't do the proper accounting without the BLM taking it over because BIA can't afford to even buy the software updates or the computers to operate the program. Why do you think that there were so many BLM employees on the Government Caucus? Wasn't Darrel the only BIA guy? What does that tell you? DOES anyone on here, Crum included even know what a NTL is or what it means? It is a BLM baseball bat to whack operators any time that they feel like doing it. Osageblogger certainly quoted it all correctly, read the REGS and tell me that BLM is not going to be the puppet master of the whole show? Google all the Indian Lands up north that the BLM is controlling and let me know how long it takes to get a drilling permit, (over 365 days, that is a YEAR), not to mention all that you have to do BEFORE you can even GET A PERMIT, how many rigs are drilling there and how happy those royalty holders are with the BLM. Go look at Fort Berthold that is currently suing the BIA for more of their mismanagement: Are you seeing a common thread here? BIA MISMANAGED the OSAGE Mineral Estate, the producers are not the bad guys, READ the Settlement Agreement! Also INQUIRE of our Minerals Council as to why the COURT MANDATED Bi-Annual Meetings to correct the OPERATIONAL issues of the BIA are not being held and NOT being reported upon every February either! How can you correct a problem, a huge one given the $380 Million Settlement when you don't even have the mandatory meetings to discuss what is wrong with the system? Where is the February 2011 Written Meeting Notes, and the 2012, and what about the 2013? How many meetings have been held THIS YEAR for the 2014 Report? I can tell you, NONE! It is all well and good to blame the big bad oil companies for not paying correctly (which is untrue) but when did the true villain in the play get to skate on THEIR HUGE ROLE in this Settlement? Did you see where the Court ever said that it was the Operators fault? If you read it you saw where it was the mismanagement of the BIA, under qualified, understaffed, and what has changed? Other than the revolving door of the Supt. office, with the 3rd one in place THIS YEAR, and the 3rd Deputy Supt. too, what NEW staff is there? Charity who came over from the Minerals Council is the only NEW staff that comes to mind. Ben Daniels is on loan until the first of the year and then he goes back to Muskogee. They lost their IT expert, and cartographer Pete Fish retired so there have been NO UPDATES to the PLAT BOOKS which is the Bible of the Oil and Gas business since about June... I believe that there are SIX gaugers when there were 9 that are gauging about 15 TANKS per month to judge if the 2,500 Tank Batteries in the Osage are being properly measured! That was NOT 15 each, that was total, POINT 6% PER MONTH. Now the BIA is getting an extra Million to fix some of these problems but given how long it takes to even hire a new employee that is not going to happen very fast either. Do you still believe that the BLM is not going to have anything to do with the Osage? TWO ORDERS and NTL carte blanche with only having to "consult" with the OMC to implement them. This doesn't bother each and every one of you? It doesn't bother you that the BIA could not enforce the 35 half page booklet of the past but can do such a swell job with 56 EXTRA PAGES of BLM REGS on top of the new ones too in the CFR and then add the NTL that gives them the authority to implement anything the Supt. (whoever that finally ends up being) decides that they want to shove down the operators throats but also the OMC who don't get a Veto Power?
Wasn't one of the oil producers recently fined a quarter of a million dollars or more that went right into the pocket of the US Treasury? How long do you think the oil producers are going to put up with that?
You are welcome. The new CFRs are adopting TWO onshore orders. One requires the use of ONRR to handle the accounting of the royalty income. The other regulates how H2S sour gas is handled. Both are very good regs and the old CFRs did not address either matter adequately. In fact H2S is not mentioned at all in the old CFRs. ONRR has adjusted a version of their system to accommodate how things are done in the Osage, and the BIA is preparing to implement the system. This is part of the hiring and training they have been doing.
REPRINT from Osage Blog: osageblogger November 10, 2013 at 1:17 PM Again, as to the other BLM Orders beyond 5 & 6 see
Edwards said she wanted the bottom line on projected revenue so they wouldn't violate the law and get fined or penalized for spending above the number. Now isn't that something? Without penalties in the law in the past the ON Congress would have breezed by that number without even thinking twice about it. Where do we get that number and why isn't the ON Congress publishing that number for the Constituents to refer to?
AHA! In the Committee of the Whole on the floor of Congress came the verbal admission that they have already over-appropriated above the amount of projected revenue. Another comment was about going into the permanent fund to get the money. WHEN are these people going to live by the laws they have passed and WHEN are they going to clean up this sloppy unlawful legislative behavior? You have the CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE not to overspend, not the Executive Branch MR. WALKER. When are you going to stop passing the buck and take a look at the Osage Constitution and read the provisions in the section on the Legislative Branch? Get the AG involved and he'll get the picture real quick, I'll bet!
OVERSPENDING ALERT! What do they need another million dollars plus for land properties etc.? plus taking on that dead use property on the railroad tracks that we don't need and will cost a fortune over time in the future. Owning land is good if it can be put to a highest and best use of some sort.
Dead use railroad land that will eat them alive with maintenance but no per-cap? Here's where the money is going non-Shareholders making the shareholders pay out for those who don't get a check when the Osage Nation promised they would be taken care of with gaming revenue. Well guess what folks? Not so and who do we see about that? The AG?
Maybe it is time to inform the Chief, the Appropriation Commitee and Congress, that a seperate commitee is being formed for the Constituency by the CONSTITUENCY to advocate fiscal responsibility, to adhere by the very laws before them and to make sure a petition is circulated to all OSAGES near and far and get that per-cap on the ballot for the people by people of the people, the OSAGE. YES FOR 1.
Yes this can be done. Take a percentage from Gaming, such as a flat rate from the net like 20%. This can be done with a simple vote by the constituency without hurting or having a long term effect with Gov. Operations. It well be very needed a committee for fiscal responsibility for the Constituency by the CONSTITUENCY a advocacy for the people the Osage is needed. This is going to happen. This goes for all Osages.
On spending, this has to be seen to be believed:,AAAC1fL-t4k~,J1A-YDgiJT7z5oOtvyHTr8EWwClKBtlk&bctid=3878083429001 Did I hear these members of Congress give every reason under the sun to vote no on the $300,000 appropriation for that damn grocery store and then vote yes to give it the money? Listen to Supernaw and see if what he said makes any sense at all relative to the way he voted. This is plumb crazy to me.
Of PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE: If you receive a tax credit for your health insurance in Colorado as a Native American, YOU MUST GO BACK TO THE CONNECT FOR COLORADO EXCHANGE TO PURCHASE INSURANCE FOR THE UPCOMING YEAR. You cannot rollover your current healthcare insurance with your current healthcare insurance provider. If you do, you will lose your tax credit. This may also be true with the Federal Exchange if you live in another State than Colorado if you have no State Healthcare Exchange in your area:
From an e-mail sent to me by Kaiser Permanente:
Understanding federal financial assistance
The health care reform law makes federal financial assistance available to people to help pay for care and coverage, such as monthly premiums and out-of-pocket expenses (deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance). This assistance is only available if you renew coverage through Connect for Health Colorado. Last year, you may not have signed up for federal financial assistance. And even if you did, Connect for Health Colorado may not have all the information they need to automatically renew your coverage. Check with Connect for Health Colorado before open enrollment begins on November 15, 2014, to update your income information. xxxxxx
In Colorado, for more information call: 1-855-752-6747. If you have a State sponsored Healthcare Exchange in your location, it would be an excellent idea to call them for more information about this matter in your local area.
The Connect for Colorado web site is open for next years enrollment on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014. Question: If the Osage Nation ownes the mineral rights according to the 1906 Allottment Act and the titular head of the Osage Nation is Chief StandingBear on a government to government basis on behalf of the Osage Nation, he must be the one to respond to the wind farm challenges independenly in order to secure those rights or any encroachment of them. Yes? If the mineral rights aren't secured by the Osage Nation, neither is the income nor would be the minerals income transferred to the Federal ME Trust to be distributed in quarterly payments to the headright owners. Yes?
The Osage Nation does not own the M.E. the M.E is owned by many shareholders passed on to them by their ancestors, The Osage Tribe protected by the 1906 act as amended held in trust by the Federal Government. The 1906 requires 8 council members, a Chief, the Chief being the tie breaker, this ia a seperate agency from the Osage Nation Gov. The power is in the hands of the M.C.....and is now requesting the U.S CONGRESS to step in. This is just going to land in the Federal Courts again for failure to recognize Our Sovereignty for failure to act in a timly matter and failure to protect the M.E and SHAREHOLDER'S. In essence the TRUST. It's hard not to see it anyother way.
To 9/10/14 at 7:51 PM.....The 1906 act has been amended 5 or 6 times by the US Congress. The latest amended version is the one we must use, and one of those amendments allows Osages to choose their form of government. The original 1906 act is no longer operative as written. The original was rewritten to include the amendments by US Congress. In 2006 we chose the current form of government. The new constitution stipulates that a mineral council be elected by only the shareholders. The Chief is no longer allowed to vote as a tie breaker in the mineral council as per the mineral council policy and procedures, but in emergency situations, the Chief can still step in. So far, all 4 Chiefs have never interfered with council operations, except when Jim Gray tried to deny the council permission to travel to Washington for a meeting with the BIA.....Where is the council "now requesting the US CONGRESS to step in." On what issue?..... Are you suggesting that the MC withdraw from the wind farm issue? I hope not. This would set a precedent that would encourage construction of more wind farms. Want a wind mill in your yard. Call that Enel outfit. They will be happy to talk to you.
I beleive they are asking for the U.S to intervene on behalf of the M.E. on the wind farm issue. Yes, the 1906 act as noted by you and I has been amended but the principal of which the 1906 act is in full force. And in 2006 my only conclusion as how we became a De Facto Gov, is "Transperency is a political advantage". Long live the 1906 Act and bring hope and strength with integrity to our Tribe the Osage.
Chesapeake Energy Corp. and Devon Energy Corp. reported positive earnings for the third quarter. Both Oklahoma City drillers improved field operations, which helped lower costs and raise production. Chesapeake's quarterly revenue rose by 17 percent. Devon reported $552 million in adjusted earnings for the third quarter, a 4-percent increase from the same quarter the previous year.
We re-organized the Osage Minerals Council office this fiscal year, which began 10-1. We did not fund the office staff positions. We haven't had meeting minutes since May. What were all 3 of our staff doing all day that none of them could do the minutes? Since October 1, Councilwoman Erwin and I have been taking of the office functions. None of the other council members have volunteered to relieve us.
We've had a situation with the Oklahoma Dept. of Transportation constructing new Highway 60 east from Pawhuska to Bartlesville. They have been mining the rock without having a permit. We are taking action to make sure our headright owners get their fair share of the mining.
There is another situation with the Wind Industry on the west side of the county and the oil and gas industry They are also mining rock without a permit. We held a special meeting on October 29. We passed Resolution #3-25 unanimously identifying this as an emergency situation and asked for immediate legal action by the U.S. to protect the Minerals Trust. You may have read that tribal congress did not pass an act regarding the wind farm. They did unanimously pass resolution ONCR 15-02 that include Osage Nation participation in matters relating to wind farms in the Osage Nation, Osage Co, OK....
We had asked the BIA superintendent to attend our meeting but she had a meeting that morning with Chief StandingBear to discuss compacting the BIA. The departments discussed to be compacted were Realty, Probate and parts of the Environmental departments.
There have been several concerns from the oil producers that have kept them from investing in Osage County. 1. The Executive directive issued by the BIA superintendent. The oil producers will have to bear the burden of paying for an environmental assessment at a rate of $5,000-$10,000. Many small producers won't be able to afford this. 2. The Donelson lawsuit- an Osage headright owner/land owner claims that every drilling permit in Osage County since 1979 is invalid. She listed a large number of oil producers in the suit. 3. The Negotiated Rule Making- These proposed changes to the current regulations regarding oil and gas have not been finalized yet.
Part of the settlement agreement in the Highest Posted Price lawsuit gave the Osage Minerals Council the ability to liquidate some accounts managed by the Office of Special Trustee. We did. This will help increase the amount on our payment checks in December. The amount of payment will be announced at our meeting this Friday, November 14.
Will we receive a payment check in March? Yes. Will it be $9,000 a share? I don't think so. Will it be as low as $1,000 a share. I don't think so. But no new drilling in Osage County will have an effect on our share in March. How much will it affect our payment in March is anyone's guess.
Due to attorney/client privilege I can not tell you what our strategy is in regard to the issues mentioned above. We are working on them.
Councilwoman Boone
Any opinions herein are mine only and not that of the full Osage Minerals Council.
Take a moment to remember our veterans this Veteran's Day.
A short response regarding ‘Boone’s Bulletin’ dated 11/11/2014…. (1.) You haven’t reorganized anything yet. You simply fired all the employees effective 10/1/2014 with no plan at all to replace them. Now you are whining because no one volunteered to relieve you. You got exactly what you have wanted for over a year. Stop whining and answer the phone. Someone may need some work done on their trust. Oh, I forgot. You can’t do that, can you?....... (2.) There have been no minutes since May because the council probably hasn’t approved any minutes since May. Who was the office manager responsible for overseeing this issue? Was none of the council aware that no minutes were being done? Since May??? How many minutes did YOU get done while you were “taking care of the office functions?” What functions DID you take care of for 7 weeks?….. (3) The ODOT issue has been resolved for at least 2 months. The agreement was signed and royalties are being paid! What actions are you still taking?...... Thank you for getting the other subjects in your report basically correct.
Well, I'll give her a D for transperency but, you nailed it with your comment. This would have been better announced by The speaker no less and again she is over stepping her boundries. And this is not new information. A day late and a dollar short.
Speaking of the Speaker, I presume you mean Chairman Waller, why haven't we seen any new newsletters by mail or e-mail of late on his watch? Has he dropped the ball on getting out this important communication with the headright owners? Sorry BUT I'm glad they got fired. too weird in that office with them in there by 10 if you ask me. Kathryn runs a tight ship and she cleaned house. Don't see you bashing and trashing her here. Why not? Still got your teeth sharpened for Cynthia and Stephanie? LMAO
Thank you members of the Minerals Council for liquidating those accounts so that we will have a higher payment for Christmas. I'm grateful for all your efforts to look out for our best interests as Shareholders.
Oh, and thank you for the Boone's Bulletin, Cynthia. You're the only one who is enterprising enough to keep the Shareholders independently informed unlike the others who are too lazy to get off their duffs and communicate with their Osage Headright owner constituents.
Which accounts are being lquidated the Hula Lake account that should have been paid out years ago? Lets say folks about 25 years ago?Was this account in a high interest yielding account? Wheres the accounting on this account? We have a right to know as public information especially to the Shareholder's. And whats up firing the staff before you hire new staff?
See a new post on Mineral Estate activities at
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear you're on the mend, hope to hear more from you. When does the court start? Do we have anyone representing the shareholders? Not one word from the MC on what they're doing, if anything! This thing could get ugly. I too hope it's thrown out, going to hurt a lot of people.
DeleteI had a short visit on the phone, today, with Ray and as he tells it everything went better than expected and he sounded great! Glad to see you back posting. :)
DeleteWow..called stealing and caught red handed. My question why was the letter sent by the Chief and not from our speaker Mr. Waller? And now that this has been recorded, what is being done?
ReplyDeleteThis is probably surface owners rights to move rock arround on the surface. Only if they sell it could the Mineral Estate have any claim, then it is questionable if they have any right to rocks.
ReplyDeleteThe shareholders are qoing to keep messing with this kind of issue until the surface owners sue that the extention of the mineral rights was illegal.
ReplyDeletewhen the surface was purchased the buyer had the expectation of future ownership of the mineral rights and was never compensated for that property.
ReplyDeleteEach and every deed to the property from the 1906 Allotment Act forward has the statement that the Mineral Rights are reserved to the Osage Tribe. No one who can read could ever come to that conclusion unless they are delusional. Every extension has had the legislative approval of the U.S. Congress by amendments to the original 1906 Act which was signed by none other than Teddy Roosevelt. The U.S. Congress has the plenary power to make such legislation that has the force of law at the Federal level. This ploy was already tried in the 1920's and 1930's in court and the Feds told the property owners that they can make any arrangement with the Osage Tribe that they see fit and to HIT THE ROAD and HIKE OUT!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!! These people are so busted!!!!!!!!! This is great!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSo, there you have it poster at 2:06 pm clarified it. Note, with the Osage Tribe. They are busted.
ReplyDeleteDid you read Nona Easter Roach's comment on Dr. Joe Conner's photo page? She has a good question too. Did they get their EPA required environmental assessment before they started earth moving that limestone? Plus shouldn't an EA be required for the land under every single foundation pad they build for each wind turbine they put up?
ReplyDeleteThat damn dumb drummond. He going to have those EAs up everones you know what before this is over.
ReplyDeleteLet's see, at $10,000-$15,000 a pop for an EA for the land under each one of 100 wind turbine foundation pads, I believe that's a minimum of a cool million added cost to the project overall.
ReplyDeleteFifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Remember Jim Gray claimed Osage County was still a reservation, the supreme court overturned that ruling. The Supreme Court could over turn all the rulings of the congress up to today if it is found someone's rights are trampled on.
ReplyDeleteWhat, are you Tinkerbell; wave a wand and what you think is all of a sudden true? The Supreme Court never heard Jim Gray's tax case because it never went there. Native American Indian rights of Sovereign Indian Nation Dependents of the Federal government DO NOT APPLY to the 5th Amendment associated with non-Indian rights no matter what Teddy Turner thinks. Totally different body of law. Every owner was apprised of the reservation of mineral rights to the Osage Tribe when they came in to purchase the land. They knew or should have known at the time of purchase. A covetous avarice won't bring them any closer to what they have wanted since the first parcel of land was purchased from the first original allottee right through to today. To quote Osageblogger:
ReplyDelete"There never has been a deed of conveyance issued by the Feds where the mineral rights are concerned so they are still tied to the original Cherokee Trustees Deed for the purchase of the Osage Reservation. That's why this Trustee's Deed has protected the Federal Reservation status in Osage County because it's still tied to that deed that created the Reservation status to begin with that the Federal Courts seem to be so shamefully ignorant of today. The land was separated from the deed in the 1906 Allotment Act. The mineral rights never have been separated from the deed since 1883." This is a basic tenant of real estate law and I doubt the United States Supreme Court would turn such an ownership law associated with the trustees deed to the reservation property purchased by the Osages from the Cherokee Nation right on its ear just to satisfy the non-Osage land owners in Osage County even if one of them is Ted (By God) Turner!!!
The original Cherokee Trustees Deed for the purchase of the Osage Reservation is just historical BS. It doesn't have any legal place in mineral rights status of the land in Osage County Oklahoma.
ReplyDeleteSomehow what i just posted went to space, however, poster@4:43 pm it will take an act of Congress to say differntly to say we are not a Reservation.Your intellect is familar. And as you have said on many occasions as of recent, I concur. It is equally, which I appreciate how you explain in terms so those who come to this site can understand.
ReplyDeleteTo poster at 5:29 pm back up your facts.
ReplyDeleteHistorical BS? That's a staggeringly mindless remark. Have you ever heard of a thing called the chain of title to a real estate property to prove ownership?
ReplyDeleteHigh fives to you, Joe Conner! Now that's keeping your eyeballs peeled and your thinking cap on. It's no wonder there is a Dr. in front of your name.
ReplyDeleteCould it be so transparent?
ReplyDeleteThe art of language how intriguing.
ReplyDeleteEnquiring minds would like to know since when does the Budget commitee for the MC start making policy? And everyone should read at OSAGES -YOU- I have only been preaching for over 5 years we need to grow and catch up to the 21st century get a full running office with state of th art computers and build for success and now we are left with what? The 3rd MC can be voted and replaced by the SHAREHOLDER'S IF THE MC does not act today. This firing the receptionist and trust clerks how is this going resolve the incompetence at the MC. Level? How is this going to shore up the redundancies and inefficiencies? I beg to differ with Ray Ray in that you get the right MANAGEMENT WHO ARE TEAM PLAYERS we can turn the M.E right side up in a short time. I can get it done in 6 weeks and I already have someone lined up to help us get to where we need to be. I do however agree geting a P.E (patrolium engineer) will be costly but soooooo long over due. It is time to put the match stick to the MC.
ReplyDeleteMaybe, just maybe, A cultural change will need to take place with the MC?
DeleteKnown incompetents and redundancies need to go and I'm tired reading about some of these people in the OCSO Booking Reports.
DeleteNot the CHIEF JOHN M. The level of inconsistencies and incompetence and inefficiencies tilts back to the MC. WE ARE A SEPERATE AGENCY AND THE CHIEF IS THE TIE BREAKER. We have been saying for some time now we need a full operating M.E office who can follow up on the BIA. This is on their watch and excuses for the lack of accountability will be had. We can vote each and everyone of the MC and OSA board members to be replaced with competent people who will work to get the J.O.B DONE. IT'S TIME SHAREHOLDER'S.
ReplyDeleteIMO...the Pawhuska OSA in the current make up, the board members and chairman have done nothing except alienate congress members that used to come to the meetings and has become nothing more than a place to socialize and eat chicken. It is currently run at the wishes of several members and one MC member. As far as employing competent people for the MC office, those decisions should not be left to the MC members. We have seen those that tried to do a good job fired and a couple of people hired in the past that were not worth their wages but were hired because they were friends of a MC person. To the poster on Oct. 1 at 10:16, the office needs to be run by a skilled office manager that comes through the HR department and is not beholding to anyone on the MC.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your response, we have huge problems and I would like to thank who posted this alarming, compiled of information formated in truth and something of reality that our MC is not being forthright with the Shareholder's is extremely disconcerting on so many levels. Of course, with drilling there are going to be problems but not to this level of incompetence. Yes the BIA is derelict and because why? But not just finding the answers, we have the answers but nothing is getting done. The solutions are simple yet we can't get that match lite to do what is necessary to get what is so long over due since the settlement, get a P.E get us up and working office. So I say we hold our MC members accountable. We come in and look at each councils position and find out at what level of capacity their title is and what is that tney do and tbe same with the OSA. We are losing fist over dollars and we should be in a much bettet spot than we are. And we're just not where we should be at. I understand office politics all to well and have all kinds of experience. Some of this stuff is petty and with a good running office will eliminate this type of behavior as long as everyone is on the same page if not we weed them out simple. We have a larger problem its our MC.
ReplyDeleteSo in short weddings are over took a small vacation, now the renovation on my home and now i will be calling the election office for those addresses to the Shareholders.
ReplyDeleteCheck out a new post on
ReplyDeleteThanks Ray, it is obvious to you, to I what should have been done over eight yeats ago Ray...what happen to the charts that were posted monthly on the ME site, the yearly flow charts so the Shareholder's can trend? THE SIMPLICITY of posting a graph even. You stated what our first and second MC labored for the shareholders but that does not qauntify the incompetence. Does not equal to what they should be doing in addition to. Surely the time you quoted for their labor did not take 365 days or years justify why we are here in the position we are in and yes I do see another ia in the near future. A cultural change is going to have to happen if we are going to have to pull ourselves from our boot straps and thats putting it nicely.
DeleteOops snother suit.
DeleteOh Ray. Did you catch a nasty case of Ebola like Osage Nation-itis? Stop trying to stick it to Cynthia will you? History will bear out that $650,000 used to be returned to the Shareholders prior to 2005. The rest was used for the outrage-eous HPP lawyers. The BIA has held up the disbursement of the drawdown in the past if the BIA hasn't approved the budget submitted. That looks like approval is required to me. We need a Director of What??? Operations? The whole thing is at a standstill or so you write. Has that changed since you last wrote your most two recent "IMO's? No polititian wants to talk about it because there's nothing to talk about. Penny pinching? Really? When previous councils prior to Jim Gray's election when everyone got involved with greed mania actually did ten times the amount of work running the whole Osage Tribal government for no more than an all time maximum salary of $17,000 a year. You need elected officials to serve the Shareholders, not termites to eat up the entire income of the Mineral Estate with more do nothing unneeded Osage Nation multi-level management bureaucrats. Keep blowing that hot air but you need to use a bit of mouth wash as it smells to high heaven when the wind blows this way. We need to pull ourselves away from this boot strap for sure. Where is this 2015 budget for the Mineral Council and how can it be found for analysis?
Delete"There will be a few screaming the loudest who will refuse to even consider this as a reality." ------See what I mean?
DeleteThank God the MC staff are no longer handling the trusts for the Shareholders. If this is what I understood from your report, this is the best news I've heard in a long while. Back in 2002 when the BIA was still in control of things, you could get it done in an hour in the MC office. It would go direct to to the Solicitor's Office and you'd get approval back in about a month. Once the new government got hold of things, it all went haywire and out of control. I heard the new government ran the Solicitor's office out of Pawhuska and now it's located in Tulsa. Clerks in the office trying to sell their own inheritance agenda to the Shareholders, sixty trusts behind, wrong trust paperwork sent out on purpose, finally 60 of them found stuffed in a drawer and God knows what all else. Never saw anything so totally rank in my life. This is the future if the Nation gets a toe hold on Mineral Estate operations. When you have people who have no idea how to run things running them, this is doomed to failure. Wait and see what happens to Osage health care under a compact.
DeleteOne serious conversation you need to have with yourselves, shareholders, is that the new government elected officials along with the BIA have fouled up the Minerals business in OC to the point where it may never recover. Don't think that throwing any more money at it until we know where we are for sure is a good idea because it may take years before we do. Tell these inept elected officials and their mouthpieces to shut up and keep a low profile with their noses to the grindstone from now on. Think about it. How could they possibly know what they are doing and have it come down to what it's become in the last six months or so? No one will take the blame for this mess either. They are even inept about admitting fault and accepting responsibility for what they've done or haven't done that they should have been doing. The U.S, Congress needs to take a serious look with an official Congressional investigation into all this apparent DOI mismanagement of Indian business affairs and especially in OC. Then they need to do something to correct these problems and not just let the matter drop after a few heads have rolled. When it gets to the point where there's nowhere to turn and no one who is willing or able to do a good and reliable job, we're really in trouble and I think that's where it's at right now. They call us Doomsayers when we try to warn them but they refuse to listen and as a result, they end up just like we told them they would if they didn't stop what they were doing and pay attention to what was looming up ahead in the distance. They run on emotion and live in the moment believing that if they throw enough money at it, the problem will eventually go away and that's the sum total of it. Worst of all, they are now in control of our Minerals Estate.
DeleteI'm one to think differently and beg to differ to poster at 12:47 am. Just not with everything you said. Fisrt and foremost I do agtee with what you are saying about our "ELECTED OFFICIALS", sad but true...with the world economies, the energy, sector, housing, the automobile industry, and I knew the housing bubble was coming to a point in proportions so systemic and the profound effect it would play and more or less the domino effect an how the impact to our economy two years before the economy took the nose dive. So cyclatory.I look at what we have and we can do so much better.We need a very skilled AGENCY and this is why we need to organize because who is going to this, it is so clear that you can Know alot about something yet really know nothing.A cloak of lies by no less not holding themselves accountable the "MC", and that shows intent to deceive by not being transparent to the SHAREHOLDER'S in tne first. The Shareholder's need to be made aware of the circumstance we are in and we need to be the driver to protect. Though in so many ways unfortunately the 3rd M.C inherited what is so transparent the incompetence so, I do understand what lies ahead and what must need to done, is to organzie and get organized. And what I'M seeing over all a combination of things that are happening and we the Shareholder's are the key to the truth. We must demand and expect no less from our M.C and of ourselves. Just keeping this real. No more excuses from the BIA to the producers not taking charge over two years ago with the changes to the CFR'S and most importantly no more excuses from our M.C. we wanr action not distraction..
DeleteTarnation! It's gettin to the point where the only bonus were going to get paid is what's left of the yearly drawdown if they don't come up with a way to spend it all. Why isnt the budget printed in the MC newsletter they send out? It should be if it isnt already. Hold your horses there fella. If the BIA cant even pull it out to enforce EPA rules, they will be hornswaggled by those adopted BLM regs that the BLM is having such a hell of time enforcing in Indian Country. All this for Nymex rate isnt worth it for all the trouble its caused and still will for the oil producers who are really the ones that put that money in your quarterly check.
DeleteTo the Oct, 5 post at 7 PM....Give us all a break and stop with the FALSE accusations! I have read Ray McClain's last post concerning the draw down, several times and contrary to your claim NO WHERE does he in any way remotely refer to or mention Cynthia's name. When you make such false accusations that brings into question the validity of the rest of your post. After reading your wild accusation at the first of your post I just skipped over the rest and went on to read more reasonable creditable post.You may have some good points buried in your post but I am not inclined to sift through the B.S and differentiate between fact and fiction.
DeleteThere is more than one PDF on his web site. This one has to do with the Special Meeting of the Minerals Council and the budget modification.
DeleteI agree with poster @ 5:32 pm. We are so past Cynthia a long time ago...stay tuned folks save your settlement. The feds are sure to raise the interest rate. The near future to help combat inflation but with a fluttering economy, might just have a complete opposite effect, and cause stagflation.which by the look of prices lately we are there. And could be for the long haul. Unless the Central Bank increases the monetary policy to try to reduce inflation and this could slow down the GDP...which by the look of the GDP, has happened. Well I would like to paint a better picture we can do everything to get our future going in the right direction by taking a very painful step in the right direction, take the raines sorta speak and get the ball and chain out to get what should have been done years ago and get a full functioning M.E office.
DeleteThis is wonderful, Osages!!! Get on board with this, please. Free Online Osage Language classes now offered
ReplyDeleteSee Oil and Gas Summit reflects drilling activity at
ReplyDeleteSo, today's price of crude oil is around 88 bucks a barrel, some Bank's had forecast that back before the elections, that there would be a 13 dollar drop in price. Believe I even ask a question about this to Dr. Conner's at the Fort Worth candidates forum. Fours keep appearing in most bad predictions. H
ReplyDeleteDon't subscribe can you expound please.
ReplyDeletePrice war? Interesting article --->>>
ReplyDeleteEVERYONE SHOULD READ THE ABOVE ARTICLE. As I predicted in a report on 2014-08-24, Our Dec. 2014 HR pymt won't be too bad, but I am very concerned about March and June of next year, and beyond. Dramatically falling oil prices, coupled with our own slowly dwindling daily production rate, plus the hobbles placed upon our Producers by the Donelson law suit, make for a very gloomy outlook for the Osage Mineral Estate Shareholders in the coming year. Spend it wisely!
DeleteThat's what I'm thinking too, Ray. Thanks for your response.
DeleteThis is politics at it's best. Unfortunately America's oil industry especially where concerned, the Natural Gas industry should sky year. This happened in the 70's when Russia's economy crashed..the sanctions are set in stone. History repeats . Poitics. Poli for many and tics for blood suckers. Haven't read the article but I will.
DeleteOk just read part of the article the first two paragraphs to know where this was leading. The Suadis can care less what is happening with our oil industry because they themselves have plenty of green meaning money, and lots of oil to ride this storm of Politics. RUSSIAN economy is the 6th world economy on the verge of a collaspe. This is the reason for the invasion into UKRAINE. Russia wants the Shale. Not only, they are second to the U.S to export military arms. With sanctions, someone was going to be affected by these Sanctions. Politics meaning, poli for many and tics for blood suckers. So are you getting the picture yet and how profound this is, then you look at what is happening on the home front coupled with the DONELSON case and hopefully the Feds will throw out the case. And then you have the changes to the CFR'S and couldn't happen sooner...we cannot afford flaring anylonger or ignore the incompetence. And it is so obvious a culture change may need to happen. Bottom line, we have to portect and preserve the M.E. Long over due the M.C should have organized a full running M.E office. Time for accountability and transparency.
DeleteIn addition, I do agree with Ray McClain. And thank you anonymous poster at 11:38 PM for posting this article.
DeleteEquate supply and demand as well.
DeleteI think Ray is trying to point us in the right direction on what needs to be done to protect and preserve the M.E Additionally I don't see anyone on the MC that is qualified to set up a well run office let alone hire competent people. All we have seen is friends being hired that couldn't do the job, no over site and qualified people run off because they didn't get along with certain MC members. We MIGHT have a couple of MC members that could hire someone to set up a well equipped office with qualified people but if the past is any indicator...we're in trouble! Look at some of the people that are on the MC and ask yourself what qualifications do they have to set up an office as it should be,with the proper equipment and hire qualified employees? This isn't the fault of only the MC3 but goes back to the other MC 1 and 2. And yet we continue to elect MC members that are family friends, have a large Osage name and other than two or three aren't qualified to do anything but sit in a chair! For the most part if these people were sitting on a board of a billion dollar business, they would have been run off. Now at the suggestion of a museum director and support from her friends we have fired the staff with no plans or consideration in the budget of what is going to happen next!! All those out there that think Ray McClain is blowing hot air, better look again at the mess we are in and how it could get worse unless we make some drastic changes and start running the M.E. like a modern day business.
DeleteThis is exactly what I am talking about. Setting up office is only a piece of the puzzle. Right, I have said in many of my post how the incompetence has transcended, and the meaning of insanity is doing the same thing over again....looking at the big picture has escaped non the less it is now up to the Shareholders in the first will have to create a culture change. The path we are on predicates and flucuates with the world economies. Just tired of the misconceptions about what is really happening here but not to detract from reality because reality is here sooner than predicted. But with strong and like minds such as Ray and a few of us and I'm sure we haven't tapped into others but will. The word , the truth needs to be shared with all give or take 4500 Shareholder's. I like how the OSA chooses to not share the dilemma and the over all drawdowns and how it is spent. I want to see a accounting.
DeleteYou are not going to see any sharing of drawdown information or accounting where the OSA is concerned. WHY ? because the Pawhuska OSA is run and controlled by a small group of people centered around two MC members and one of their husband as chairman. To bring all this MC office debacle to the forefront will expose the incompetence of the MC to be able to set up, run and hire qualified people. This couldn't have been more clear when a few MC members sided together and voted to fire the entire office staff without any consideration as far as future budget and staffing. In all fairness, we have some level headed MC members that voiced their concerns but were out voted. This was carried out more like a vendetta than addressing the problem and trying to correct it. we have no office staff, outdated office equipment and procedures and nothing in the budget to address the deficiencies, no provisions for an office manager,no accountability where the budget is spent and worse yet no one in the office to help with shareholder concerns. THANKS A LOT !! Ray seems to be the one voice of reason and a plan to put us on the right track. As much as I like several of the MC members I am perplexed in that no one is putting forth a plan to the shareholders on what is being done to address the problems. Why is that? Of course the entire MC would have to be like minded and I don't see that happening unless some heat is put on them to get things right!
DeleteRight, I get the gist and the bigger picture always shows its colors when there is a crisis. Right, I'm one to agree witn you that there are just a few M.C members I do appreciate. If we come together on these issues and put a plan together the Shareholder's in the first we can be effective. Monday I will be calling the Election Office for a copy of the Shareholder's mailing addresses. We need Shareholder imput.and then we will take it from there. I will be posting my thoughts for those of you who are directly and indirectly and consequently the bad choice or the lack of initiative and complacency that has transpired born from incompetency. The biggest problems are with the concessions we know this to be true and is evident this is why we are where we are at...biggest problrm the atmosphere needs to change big time to the 21 ST CENTURY. I have the equipment that is needed to address our problems and fired up to get us on the path. I will be getting in contact with A M.C member to discuss this relm of long over due situation and gets us on the right path.
DeleteIn conclusion, the OSA will be handled appropriately. Changes will come. There is no reason once we set up office to set up a dept that can handle Advertising and over see the Convetions and lease sales and handle the Quarterly Memos and possibly handle Legal. We can consolidate to save the Shareholder's money. Yes this day will happen and sooner than later.
DeleteSUPER GOOD NEWS! The Francesco Venturini Letter has been sent out from BIA Superintendant Robin Phillips to demand that ENEL Green of N. America stop continuing to excavate and steal our limestone minerals to place around those wind turbine foundations. YES! Now we're getting somewhere. They should have to have an Environmental Assessment for the ground under each and every pad foundation they put a wind turbine up on as well. The Empire (Osage Nation) Strikes Back!!!
ReplyDeleteO News article --->>>
DeletePropbably surface rights to move rock arround. .
DeleteNot exactly. You can't dig, crush and move limestone to use for any business purpose without a permit.
DeleteMore on this --->>>
DeleteThe Market is continuing to be unstable. See
DeleteOh how delightful!!!!!
ReplyDelete"Meanwhile, Chaparral Energy cleaned house at the summit’s lease sale, as the Oklahoma City-based company won 16 leases at the minimum $4,700 bid, plus a 17th lease for $5,500 on the only auction item to generate more than one bid among the roughly 120 attendees. Most if not all of the leases were ones Chaparral formerly had at higher rates; the company let them go and repurchased them at a lower price." Boo Hoo Sonny Boy and all the trouble you and your thrown around money has stirred up for all of us Shareholders since you, Yates and Crum got going hell bent for leather on that Nymex price in the CFRs. It's only diminished the leverage and position we Shareholders used to have before the three of you were elected to office. Now you've got the dragon by the tail and it'll eat us all alive if something isn't done to stop this downward trend. Someone ought to write a book titled, "How Chief Jim Grey, the Osage Nation Congress and the Three Mineral Stooges Destroyed the Osage Mineral Estate in Less than Eight Years Flat."
DeleteThat is the most ridicules statement I've ever read.
DeleteGo Yates, Sonny Boy and my favorite Crum....most of us who understands economics 101 realize whats going on with the M.E. Just bad timing with the WORLD MARKETS. It is time for forward thinking. Ah like yesterday. Though I will say this, Transperency is really expected and especially during the low peaks. Change does not come easy and sometimes at a price. But such a small price to pay to preserve our M.E. No longer will we be behind the curve and should we expect anything less? Still want to see an accounting, after all this is our money not the BIA or the dictate other wise and a daily jobs report.
DeleteSo this wasn't a conspiracy between the Osage Nation government/MC and the BIA to put together a settlement agreement that included a very opaque provision for a rules committee of some kind that was voted on by the shareholders before the full terms of the settlement had been finalized? A rules committee provision of some sort which was really a committee to change massive portions of the business regulations in the CFRs that was as much to mask these upcoming changes from both the shareholders and the oil producers doing business in Osage County to be put in after the shareholders had "blind" voted on this provision without really knowing what it was without full and open disclosure before the settlement was in its final form? I say yes both questions and call out the BIA for yet another full scale massive breach of its fiduciary obligations to the Headright owners who derive trust income as beneficiaries from the Federally held Minerals Estate Trust! This breach has been as deleterious to the future income of the Headright owners as any other event taking place right now where it concerns the future income in the quarterly checks causing the very first and most important instability in the Osage oil patch because it involves the oil producers who bring the oil and gas out of the ground. How well did that Oil Summit go? It was going downhill before it took place this last September; and LONG BEFORE the BIA began to enforce the EPA Environmental Assessment, the Donalson law suit and current market conditions had anything to do with it and the reason is these new CFRs. The oil producers are at once and at the same time the INCOME PRODUCERS for the Minerals Trust and nobody in Osage power, be it the BIA or the Osage Nation, around Pawhuska seems to want to get that all important fact of life in Osage County. How is this lack of full disclosure to the Headright beneficiaries in the premature HPP settlement vote structured by the BIA becoming any less deleterious to the future income of the Headright owners as the sneaking put up job of Bernie Madoff's investment scheme?
DeleteAs a famous WWll General once said when facing bad odds---NUTS!--- We had 3 MC members, the Chief, and the speaker of Congress on that negotiating team. How come none of them noticed all this BS you are raving about? The producers don't like paying a fair price for the oil and they don't like accountability. That's what the new CFR's will bring. We all need to be focusing on this Donelson law suit. That's what has us shut down. Wake up!
DeleteThat's my question exactly! We had 3 greedy MC members, a Chief who has since been thrown out of office, and a speaker of Congress who is said to have never given a decent report on the subject to the ON Congress all on that negotiating team. How come none of them noticed when five of the remaining members of the Minerals Council did? I knew if I even tried to hold anyone accountable there would be nothing but excuses after excuses. Grow up! Someone is responsible for the point of beginning here and apparently you are too much of a child yourself to even assign that responsibility and the blame where it belongs. You keep getting poorer and poorer by the minute as long as you let these people get away with what they have done to the Mineral Estate. Don't expect the grown ups here to go along with you on this one.
DeleteHow ever you put a spin in this is not going to change the facts as they are. The Donelson case will not hold up production, right now the Energy sector is upside down. More then likely this will be thrown out of the FEDERAL Courts...the EPA inspection required by the BIA already existed in the Contracts per the CFR'S before recent enforcement by the BIA. Then coupled with the markets and supply and how many spins does it take to get to the center lol.
DeleteEveryone was griping, but plans were advancing---until Donelson, that is. THAT stopped everything, and everything will remain stopped until it is resolved. Investors who were ready to commence drilling, are now seriously considering taking their investment capital elsewhere, where they can put it to work. Smart business people aren't waiting or depending on what's "more then likely."
DeleteA smart business minded person can take one look and look at the enemy from within and build out. There's nothing that can't be accomplished when you have the right mind set. Just need forward thinking. I've taken on the task of making multi million dollar business to FIVE STAR in weeks. Same concepts applied standard never fails. Like I said it's not the Donelson case. I call it like I see it. And call B.S. The dynamics and demographics need tweeking sorta speak. Their is always somthing opposing will arise but this is just business and another day. Soooo, no reason the EARTH needs to stand still. Lets build our AGENCY. Long live the 1906 act.
DeleteBuild our Agency to do what exactly? We won't even need one by the time this is over and then you'll all be complaining about how the oil producers have left us in the lurch and who knows what all else. Stop planning to spend money you don't even have for a business that looks very much like it will take many years to repair and restore if the oil producers will even chance or bother coming back in to work in Osage County. The BIA wanted these new CFRs to make their situation better and those MC members who conspired with them to get that Nymex rate helped opened the first fissure.
DeleteMan such doom sayers its not a plan, its gojng to happen. Whether you like it or are one and we are man and in. Numbers we will unite. Long live the 1906 act. And the Osage Tribe...get your head out of your dairy aire long over due will we be soon getcuaght up with the 21st stop trying to divert attention to a long but over due inefficiencies that exist. The M.C must structure if not we will as SHAREHOLDER'S in the first will call for a cultural change. As a Shareholder I want to see a performance report, this is so crucial to running any business. ...nah, we want a working M.C....anybody can see whats not working and what isn't.
DeleteIt sounds like they are trying to mount a coup to take over the Mineral Estate from the BIA. As bad as the BIA is, imagine how much worse that would be. This Osage government is completely out of control and the Feds need to swoop down and shut the doors on it to get things sorted out before things get any worse. They can't just start setting up and doing business independently with Osage Nation money like they are or have been authorized to compact the Mineral Estate. Unlawful plans and unruly acts on the part of the Minerals Council to operate outside the scope of their actual authority under 1906 Allotment Act and the Mineral Estate Trust and/or diminish the rights of the current Headright owners according to P.L. 108–431 should enable the BIA to invoke the 1978 Amendment Act provision in Paragraph 1, "In the event of a common disaster and a quorum of five of the Osage Tribal Council does not survive, the Secretary (of the Interior) shall appoint a principal chief and/or the number of councilmen necessary to complete a total of eight, to serve until the next quadrennial election. The Secretary (of the Interior) is hereby authorized to remove from the council any member or members for good cause, to be by him/her determined, after the party involved has had due notice and opportunity to appear and defend himself." The last sentence of this provision should apply in particular. Be assured, it has never been set aside by the U.S. Congress. Granted, that BIA Superintendent ought to be there for every Minerals Council meeting with answers and should get those EPA regulations figured out so the oil producers can comply and go back to drilling again. I mean, 24 total days where MC meetings are held out of 365 should require mandatory attendance for the Superintendent of the Osage Agency. It's not too much to ask or expect.
DeleteHa, ha. This is Hilarious. Let me tell what will happen the Federal Government will come in here so fast and yank all Federal Grants so fast it would send the Nation into the Black.....if not deeper. ...but anyway, thereare many of us who would do the diligence to be sure this does not happen. And in Our Constitution says we are a seperate Agency. And the eyes are watching THE M.C. anything of such nature would be construed as hostile by the SHAREHOLDER'S. And the steps to do so would take an ACT of the U.N States Congress. And a vote must go to the SHAREHOLDER'S. They do not want to upset the APPLE CART.
DeleteLook dodo bird, it's the MC members who had this new hire prep the presentation she gave to the MC during the MC meeting last Friday. Listen to the presentation online at the link shown two comments up from mine. They seem to be on board with Forman wih money coming from the Osage Nation direct. We dont want to go down that road for sure. They've lost the Reservation status with the Federal Courts already and the gaming is now top level managment absent with only this Bighorse guy in there as newly appointed CEO as of yesterday. They are probably pulling another Will Kimble again and we know how that experience light homeboy worked out as Treasurer of the Osage Nation. Keep the Nation completely out of mineral affairs if the MC knows what's good for it. I can understand wanting a well run professional office and field operation but that's up to the BIA under the Trust business operations to provide, not the Mineral Council or the Osage Nation.
DeleteDo you think the Osage News will do a story on Bighorse so we can get some information about his background and credentials in the gaming industry?
DeleteMaybe in the Bigheart Times. Our Newspaper is Biasd.
DeleteIf you don't think things are in a mess and out of control at the MC...get this! It is coming out that Kathrny wants Lou Brock to run the MC office and Cynthia wants , of all people, Melissa Currey. You can bet Kathryn had her candidate in mind when she spearheaded firing the office staff AND it comes as no surprise that Cynthia wants Melissa. She supported Melissa even when she was fired form the BIA because it was in such a mess and now Cynthia thinks Melissa would be a good office manager? FAT CHANCE. Thankfully as far as we know these didn't fly but you can see what leadership we have in the MC. Also heard that Stephanie and Cynthia are camping out in the office every day with full access to ALL our records! Remember what she did with the records from the storage building? Since they fired to staff, the office should be locked and not accessible to anyone until we get an office manager that will be accountable to the shareholders.They might be MC members BUT that doesn't give them unsupervised to MY RECORDS!!! Who knows what they are doing and WHY isn't anyone putting a stop to this insanity?
ReplyDeleteMelissa Currey Lol, sorry even if she wasn't apart of the administrative problem at the BIA? And that's a big question, and though she may have insight, she is apart of the collateral damage. Stemming from the HPP settlement. Would be viewed as a huge conflict of interest. The cancer can be removed by the Shareholder's by vote...they should keep that in mind all eyes are wide open..and watching with not much patience.
DeleteYes, but she's out of a job and needs to get on the Osage dole right away! What's wrong with you? No Osage who can drive to Osage County left behind! It's Chief GSB's new rule! Never mind that her lack of oversight and lack of implementation of those EPA Environmental Assesments has shut down future drilling and oil production coming from it perhaps for many years in the future. The Osage Nation Treasury still has $75,000 - $95,000 still available to hire her to run that Minerals Council Office. She knows a lot of stuff, don't you know????????
DeleteYES...but When she was being drummed out of the superintendent office Cyhitha supported her and she still does!
DeleteReally this is just square cakes compared to what is on our very full plate...right? And we have ATOMNOMY, where we have say and it matters...remember we are unique. Long live the 1906 ACT and the OSAGE TRIBE.
DeleteNo Osage left behind who lives or can drive to Osage County you mean. Never mind left behind, all other Osages are left out period. Wonder what this Chief is going to do when he finds out most of them really don't want to work for the paycheck they get. Most of them probably don't even know how to put in a full days work. Macy Mashunkashey may have been an extreme case but many have about the same attitude about work as she did. It's good Stephanie and Cynthia have been in the MC office to do some real work in there every day. The stuff they are uncovering that's been left undone is unreal.
DeleteGive me a break. Don't hire Curry or Brock either one. What a collection of zeros these people are Is Brock going to get paid at the Museum and the Mineral Council Office double-dipping like Kathryn Redcorn is doing? Why won't she give up her salary on MC like Sonny Abbott did for the good of the Shareholders? I think that other Red Corn on Council is doing the same thing too. He's the big oil engineer, why didn't he catch that EPA EA ruling when he was on the first Osage Nation Minerals Council? His thumb was in his ear just like the lawyer's was that was on then too.
DeleteAnd this is why we need a full running M.E office period.
DeleteWe sure do need a full running MC office...BUT...not run by or people hired by the MC.
DeleteThank sentiments as well.
DeleteMinerals Meeting today is postpond to Friday the 17th for the trip to Colorado to attend the Conference of the Southern Utes. See You can listen to the Wednesday meeting held on October 10, 2014 from the above link.
ReplyDeleteThat's a Classic!!!!!!! Are the going there to teach the Utes how to screw things up royally as a government or to act as a worse case example for everyone in attendance? How funny is that?
DeleteThis just rported today in foxnews....Most oil-market participants remain primarily focused on, will OPEC cut production or wait it out until prices drop to a level where non-OPEC producers cut production?" said Dominick Chirichella, analyst at the Energy Management Institute, in a note. "The overwhelming market view is oil-demand growth will continue to be lackluster for the next year or so." and so the demand will be for Natural Gas as the Markets shifr in the Energy Sector. My prediction. This is a huge factor in how the world markets not NYMEX the domino effect it has played on our M.E. and of course this is just another day and probably another dollar lost at all the flaring that is going on....the ENERGY SECTOR is so cyclatory. Now if we get a President who is for big ENERGY. ..we will sure to grow.
ReplyDeleteThis coment was recently posted by Chief GRE and it's a good one with an excellent question at the end:
ReplyDeleteGeoffrey StandingBear:
On Tuesday I called and talked to BIA Superintendent Phillips and said reports were coming in about the taking of Osage minerals continuing at the site. She stated her letter was sent Friday and because of the Monday federal holiday the letter may not have reached its destination. I encouraged her to communicate with them by other methods and to send someone with authority in person to the site. This all brings up a subject which has always been taboo at the Osage, which is direct Osage government action without the BIA. Will the Osage Minerals Council initiate an action should BIA not enforce protection of Osage rights? What should be the role of the Chief and Osage Congress if BIA does not act effectively?"
Yes. I have one. The Nation should wait until the threatened BIA Solicitor's options in the letter have run their course. We have enough irons in the fire right now and don't need to mix it up with the wind farm company or the land owner. We're in enough hot water as it is county wide with the landowners and that drummond lawyer. The problem is we've been too aggressive since the Osage constitution went in. Self-determination with sovereignty doesn't mean self-destruction as a result. Tread lightly until we have no other option out front of us.
ReplyDeleteNew report from Ray on falling oil prices at I just love his cautionary phrase: "Just take a deep seat in your saddle and hang on tight." Sounds like excellent advice to me.
ReplyDeleteOblique, but sure to slide in the other direction, depending on Opec of course. But to dwell on the positive,.... everything cyles as to history repeats. And this situation is no different than any other time and what can we do to inspire and this comes from great leadership. Where is it? Speaker of the M.C Mr. Waller? Transperency and Accountability remember the oath you took sir.I am thankful for Ray McClains site. He is man with structure defined by his character and it astounding the he did not get elected to the M.C. So keeping the facts to themselves concerning the Donelson case under wraps does not sit well with the SHAREHOLDER'S in the first Mr. Waller. You were elected to do a job not to give the appearance of impropriety and can be contrary to the position you hold. Why do we need to pay you when others are doing the J.O.B for you and that goes to all of you, with the exception. It has been purported in many news outlets, the excavation of our Minerals, lime stone non the less, the Wind Farm, Enel if I Have it correct caught with there hand in the cookie jar with out a sands permit. This lawlessness is the kind of stuff that just shouldn't happen if we would of had a full blown Mineral Office. If the cats away the mouse will play. We should have a Field Super out there inspecting protocols, A P.E. and so forth...what we can do for ourselves is so paramount. I just can't see stupid. We need more and expect more and there is no reason or excuses as to why we are at where we are at outside the obvious. So this is why the future is so important because an upset just might need to happen.
DeleteNOTE! The 4th Osage Nation Congressional Special Session - November 3, 2014 10:00 a.m. See Wind farm litigation and legislation is on the agenda.
ReplyDeleteThank you Osageblogger.
DeleteYou're welcome. A lot of items on this agenda especially where amendments to spending bills or new spending are concerned. I thought they had spent everything they have coming in as revenue already. Any spending above that is illegal with new penalties in the law for violations. I guess we're going to need to have the AG's information at the ready for the filing of complaints against the Chief and the members of the Osage Nation Congress after this one is over.
DeleteLets see about this, what I see is revenue just exchanging hands. Redistribution, all to obvious to give an appearance of fiscal responsibility. I hope your right.
Not only isn't Supervisor Phillips attending one monthly MC meeting, she said she couldn't stay for all of the Friday meeting. Can someone explain to me how that is professional standard and practice in regard to the behavior of the duly authorized BIA representative to the Osage Nation who is the head of the Osage Agency?
DeleteWhat happened to the Q&A from the individual shareholders? Have they done away with that now too?
DeleteThis is getting so out of control, maybe EVERY SHAREHOLDER SHOULD BE LIGHTING UP THE LINES AT THE BIA as well as the M.C? I hope this isn't true. Hands down some explanation is over due or that Q AND A will be arriving at your door and not by your trusted council?
DeleteFYI: Ted Turner is selling off his private island in South Carolina: See This property is also affiliated with The Nature Conservancy. The Tall Grass Prairie Preserve is owned and managed by it. Interesting connection.
DeleteJuzt posted on the forum.
DeleteThe fines are for violation of Federal regulations, thus the penalty is paid to the U.S. Treasury. The MC is wasting good money by exploring the matter of tribal sovereignty. Listen to the MC meeting at:
My thought as well, just thought of the very same thing last night as I was responding to Osageblogger around 12 something am. It seems when all else fells Sovereignty is here to save the day, not so much, as we the Shareholder's are asking where is the Governing from the M.C? Because, Sovereignty gives us the right to govern our State affairs...problem is the M.C for Years mind you have been going to Conventions and Seminars and so forth and knowledge is the intent, where is the applied knolledge? The point is, making dollar sense and making that dollar work for you. Trust is elemental and right now I'm not feeling it. Simply put to say the least.
DeleteI disagree. It might be worth a turn around the block or two to delve into issues of Tribal Sovereignty. We declared war on Germany during WWII didn't we? See my comment below.
DeleteHow bad is our December payment gonna be?? :(
ReplyDeleteDec. Is going to be fine, it's March and June of next year is the worry, you just won't see an increase.
DeleteThe President of the U.S. should get the Oklahoma National Guard in there to reopen up these properties to the oil producers and to stop this wind farm company from digging up our minerals. IMO this is gross prejudicial behavior against the wholly legitimate business interests of a Federally Recognized Indian Tribe located on U.S. soil on the part of this Italian government owned company ENEL. They have no right to disregard the laws of the United States of America or any Agency of it! We just won a lawsuit to establish with the U.S. government that they need to fully and completely observe their fiduciary obligation to the Osage Nation and its shareholder members, end of story. CALL THE GUARD Mr. President and get these ENEL people back in line or risk complaints to the FBI for not observing your lawful fiduciary obligation to the Osages and for allowing prejudicial behavior to prevail against the business interests of the Osage Nation and the Osage Headright owners.
ReplyDeleteSince when does a foreign national government doing business in the U.S. have diplomatic immunity where the violation of the ownership rights and theft associated with those rights are concerned that belong to another foreign (dependent) Native American Indian Tribe or Nation?
DeleteIf what you suggest is actually fact based and legally viable, this could build into an international incident of some note. Declare war on Italy? Can the Osage Nation really do that?
DeleteMontauban is our Sister City in France. Maybe they will stand in solidarity with us and declare war on Italy too. My, my, we're really getting somewhere.
DeleteAre we perhaps having a little too much fun today?
DeleteI don't know. Let's see what President Obama has to say about ENEL stealing our minerals when the Chief shares what's going on with him:
DeleteWASHINGTON, DC – On Wednesday, December 3, President Obama will host the 2014 White House Tribal Nations Conference at the Capital Hilton in Washington, DC.
GSB should print and take this photo with him when he speaks with the President --->>> Click on the photo to enlarge it: This is absolutely awful. If the Italian government had a company that came into one of the U.S. Parks/ Publicly owned land and did a thing like this, the U.S. Military would be called in to clear them off the land so fast it would make their head spin. The U.S. has a fiduciary obligation to the the Osages and what that means is that they have a higher standard of loyalty and care than it does to itself or any of its citizens! Osages first and then the U.S. Government second. Are we seeing this legally required standard of care being employed and administered by all three branches of the U.S. Government toward the Osages? I say no and furthermore, that every single branch is in violation to one degree or another.
DeleteGive 'em HELL Chief StandingBear!
This letter just makes me so happy! We need to put our foot down and stand firm on this issue. That's right, if ENEL were doing a thing like this in on public land it would be curtains for them soon after the first shovel full was dug out of the ground.
New wind turbine health issue --->>>
ReplyDeleteWind hearing tomorrow: "...hearing on Oct. 23 in Osage County District Court. The Nation has called a community meeting later the same 6 p.m. at the Constantine Theater in Pawhuska." Read more about this at
DeleteBIA has filed a Motion to Dismiss the Donalson lawsuit:
DeleteTotally G R O S S! click on the photo to enlarge it: How in hell do these Italian bstrds have the right to tear up the land in Osage County like this?
DeleteJust read the latest in the Barnsdal Times. Great read by the way. This piece of the article I would like to post from the Newspaper that I found credible and unbelievable that this happens all the time and why you can predict this outcome of this Donelson Case.“The nation is both necessary and indispensable under federal law, but its sovereign immunity makes joinder impossible,” Mary Quinn Cooper wrote on behalf of Devon, based in Oklahoma City. “Equity and good conscience dictate this action should not proceed among the existing parties.” Rule 19. Look it up.
DeleteThis is where you need to go just posted at 12:09 pm for the RULE 19. MAKING SOVEREIGNS INDISPENSABLE: PIMENTEL AND THE EVOLUTION OF RULE 19 by Katherine Florey.
DeleteThis from Fox News, With OPEC trying to bury US producers it will be dependent on the strength of the stock market for oil to overcome the overwhelmingly fundamentals.
ReplyDeleteSome of us shareholders are mad as hell about business as usual and we are not going to take anymore.
ReplyDeletePretty amazing.
DeleteWe found systemic flaws at the Osage Agency, a unit of BIA, that have created an ineffective program for managing the Osage Nation’s mineral estate (oil, gas, and other reservation sub-surface minerals). Further, we found that the Osage Nation Minerals Council exerts significant influence over the Agency, which inhibits the Agency’s ability to manage the tribe’s oil and gas program.
Overall, we found the program fundamentally flawed. More specifically, the Agency does not have or has vague policies and procedures for managing the Osage Nation’s mineral estate, does not comply with environmental law, does not have sufficient planning and mineral resource management, and does not have effective data management.
Separate legislation specifically excludes the Osage Nation from other Indian oil and gas regulations. As a result, the Council has resisted assistance from the Bureau of Land Management, BIA, and the Office of Natural Resources Revenue. Council actions, however, go beyond what it considers its unique status. This effectively avoids more oversight and merely maintains the status quo.
We previously provided BIA with three Notices of Potential Findings and Recommendations. The BIA Director agreed with most of our recommendations. He anticipated that newly proposed regulations would address many of our recommendations.
In response to our draft report, BIA concurred with all 33 of our recommendations, citing the actions it would take or has already taken, target dates for completion, and personnel responsible for implementing the recommendations.
Implementing the recommendations will assist BIA’s Osage Agency to manage the Osage Nation’s mineral resources more effectively.
Sorry couldn't post and was unable to leave a comment, BTW, this is why it is so paramount to trend and have a full Petroleum Office with a legal and damage control dept. And this can be a entry level dept. The person that will be going to court will be the office manager or there of...we would not be here in this position if we didn't have an arm chair I've said all along the ineffectiveness and inefficiencies exist and it's not just at a administrative's how these concessions are created to help the producer not the M.E. The trust level is zreo and the M.C is not our hero. You hide but the truth is in the writing now coupled with the economy and the flaring that is going on and natural gas next year will be taking off. Who is watching the MARKETS and trending? THIS IS A MULTI BILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS and this is serious. No accountability and no transperency, why is there a OSA? And what do all of you do at the round table and where is the break down in accounting so we as Shareholder's in the first should be comprised. No more lies.
DeleteP.S what is our Lawyer getting paid for?
DeleteThe more I think about it this is going out to all the Shareholder's.
DeleteSo as I read the full report, is it time the FBI come in here and start looking at bank accounts? This is just grotesque mismanagement. So, now you can get a better picture in translation. The HPP case was grotesquely understated. Whats worse , I'm sic to my stomach. I get the picture less is more but in this case the M.C not only bit off more than they can chew by as much as no action, inaction, to cutting their nose to spite their face. Nah, this is to much to suggest that this was going swept under the carpet this little secrect of underpayment going on here. So the Osages are still getting royalties paid, but the bottom end of the barrel while producers our selling our oil for a much highr price is called switch and bate technique, and losing 26% of royalty payments and I say the potential This does not include the flaring of natural gas of which two company's one is holding 50,000, which needs to be paid and yet another company is avoiding compliance....? Where is the enforcement? I will reiterate, in past and in my opinion, and others as my self, have been saying where the inefficiencies exist. Not hard to's what you do about it, inaction is just hostile and thats a huge conflict of interest for the SHAREHOLDER'S and mind you your Council Members are Shareholder's to. Everyone must read to believe. My eyes have been wide open for some time. Incompetence doe not describe tbe corruption from with in.
DeleteTks alot for you're information,I even read the full story an it's make me think M.C.was aware of this all along!! But keep it to them self's now I'm mad too.pockets must have been linded.for years' ...
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone remember MC2's 5 to 3 vote last year to approve a resolution supporting a "former superintendent". Figure out who the three no votes were, and you will have found the good guys. All 8 knew what was going on. Only 3 stepped up to the plate.
DeleteWhen you have MC members trying to lobby for reduced concession payments, as has happened in the past....makes you wonder who's pocket is being lined and who they are working for,the shareholders, the producer or themselves? As a previous poster stated " The trust level is Zero" Certainly not all of them but some and a few alined with them.
DeleteI posted that comment the zero, though a lot of times a lot goes without saying and as the fact speaks for themselves numbers do not lie and numbers is what the M.C wil have by petition to the Shareholders simple. Right we have been saying for sometime, when you have lobbying the realization of corruption exists...I am very clear who the team players are the deduction was made with several calls to a paticular M.C member and his views were sound.
DeleteI remember the vote and as surmounting evidence that supports not tto hire the former superintendent, would be a huge conflict of interest. You can put the blame squarely where it counts poor management, but truly, the buck stops with the M.C and DOI. It would be different if the former superintendent had quit because of the inequities but that did not happen. It is time and long over due the Nepotism, the hiring a friend, to do the work the M.C should be doing themselves. I think we just might need to start an oversite commitee or board to oversee the M.C.
DeleteAnd .. Which one of our MC members wanted to hire, said ex-superintendent to run the MC office? You draw your own conclusions!
DeleteWho ever came up with the bright idea of "proving you are not a robot" by typing what ever you read in the box...please make the print, what ever it is bright enough so it can be read with out a magnifying glass...REALLY!
ReplyDeleteThe American burying beetle? What's going on with this issue?
ReplyDeleteThe Forman report along with the DOI Report are now posted to Ray's web site at
ReplyDeleteWhat's interesting is that they seem to be in direct conflict with one another as the DOI report wants the Minerals Council out of the management end and to stop exerting the influence it has over the Minerals Estate. Forman seems to want to establish an entire Osage Nation bureaucracy to duplicate what the BIA is ramping up to do under the new CFRs that is criticized for allowing the Osage Tribal government to do what it's been doing in the past. Going ahead independently and building casinos without BIA or NIGC approval is one thing but to push in on the duties and responsibilities attached to the Federal Mineral Estate Beneficiaries Trust is quite another. It looks like the Feds want the Osage Nation government to take a hike, not get into a tug of war with the BIA that wants the Osage Mineral Council out with only a minimum participation.
There was a thread above on this issue. My take on the issue is a little bit different than yours. In the end, the buck starts and stops with the BIA and the DOI simply put, they hold the TRUST. It's kinda like the pot calling the kettle black. How can the M.C make adequate decisions based on informed data? Poor management. Less federal Government is ideal but that is not going to happen. We should be way ahead of the's an example what could be going on, mind you this is hyperthetical but not unheard of, during low peaks,some producers will stop pumping oil when oil drops in prices which, in some ways is price fixing and hurts the SHAREHOLDER'S. Ah , my point is, we wouldn't be addressing these issues had we had a full Petroleum Office. Accountability and transparency is the new status quo. If our M.C WILL DO A BETTER JOB, botom line...the insanity of this is the redundancies, doing the same thing over and over again is not helpng with the development of the M.E, we have arrm chair council. You can know a lot about something and really know nothing if there is not set standard or policy to support the changing regulations. The most important policy of all is you and me and other Shareholder's. Trying to be fair here, but there has been four good years here, and now it's time to right side the bottom of the barrel here, in more than one aspect. As the report coined the M.C of over stepping their boundries by having no policies by just maintaining status quo is inaction and is derelict.
DeleteDoes anybody know what's going on here?
Heres what it says and I would like to know as well......Energy company, landowner dispute spills into court
DeleteBy: D. Ray Tuttle The Journal Record October 29, 2014 0
An Osage County landowner complained to a Tulsa energy company about alleged surface damages, then rejected a settlement offer. Following the rejection, the company filed a lawsuit in federal court against the U.S. Department of Interior and the landowner.
Read more:
The worm turns.
ReplyDelete4th Special Session of the ON Congress begins in about a half an hour. Should be broadcast live at that time. See Wind legislation is on the agenda for this one.
ReplyDeleteA ton of litigation issues discussed during the Chief's opening message, some of it specific to Mineral Council wind farm litigation that he says has failed in State and Federal Court. One group back east went Federal in court with civil rights issues of some sort and won to stop Nestle from sucking up and taking voluminous amounts of ground water by a business contract for a lease that had been negotiated that this local citizen formed water protection group thought was ugly and grossly unfair. Be sure to listen to the opening day of the Session when it's posted to the archive section:
Actually I think it was U.S. Constitutional issues of some sort that the group won on in Federal Court.
DeleteSpeaker Whitehorn issued a special invitation to all Osage Nation constituents to call their members of the ON Congress to discuss the issues on the Agenda in this Special Session.
DeleteGood idea:
What U.S. Constitutional protection does the Osage Tribe have under the auspices of the Federal Government?
Delete"BLM sells mineral materials under the authority of the Materials Act of 1947, as amended. These materials consist of common types of sand and gravel, stone, pumice, or other materials used primarily in construction and landscaping, and are mainly sold using competitive or noncompetitive contracts. In fiscal year 2011, sales were valued at approximately $17 million; we visited eight field offices in four States whose fiscal year 2011 sales totaled more than $14 million. We found little assurance that BLM obtained market value for mineral sales, recovered the processing cost for mineral contracts, verified sales production, or resolved issues of unauthorized mineral use." See
ReplyDeleteWow, the deficiencies astound me. The insufficient database is quite bothersome. So much room for corruption. And you know this systemic and problematic for any Shareholder. And you wonder why we don't have a working Patrolium office independently trending as a Agency should be doing?
DeleteWhy would we choose to use BLM offshore rules in the new CFRs when the BLM ITSELF CAN'T MANAGE TO GET IT RIGHT? To try and get the BIA to enforce foreign-non-Agency rules from another Federal Bureau just because it's what the Feds want is insane to my way of thinking.
DeleteI would be surprised to see any "OFFSHORE" rules in the new CFRs. BIA is working hard to straighten things up. It can't be done in a day. Give them a chance. When you see them drop the ball on a specific issue, then call them on it. Otherwise, give them time to get it done. Right now, they have 4 or 5 hundred permit applications to wade through. Why don't you ask what you can do to help.
DeleteThe new CFRs call for the wholesale adoption by the BIA and the ON MC RegNeg Rules Committee of whole sections of current BLM offshore rules. This is a fact. Where have you been?
DeleteRegulation orders coming directly from the BLM web site: 1) and 2)
DeleteYOU ARE CORRECT--These are onshore not offshore regulations. Thank you for catching my error.
REPRINT from Osage Blog:
November 9, 2013 at 8:58 PM
Someone had better be concerned about the BLM coming into the Osage. All we heard at the NEG REG was the fact that the BIA can't do the proper accounting without the BLM taking it over because BIA can't afford to even buy the software updates or the computers to operate the program. Why do you think that there were so many BLM employees on the Government Caucus? Wasn't Darrel the only BIA guy? What does that tell you? DOES anyone on here, Crum included even know what a NTL is or what it means? It is a BLM baseball bat to whack operators any time that they feel like doing it. Osageblogger certainly quoted it all correctly, read the REGS and tell me that BLM is not going to be the puppet master of the whole show? Google all the Indian Lands up north that the BLM is controlling and let me know how long it takes to get a drilling permit, (over 365 days, that is a YEAR), not to mention all that you have to do BEFORE you can even GET A PERMIT, how many rigs are drilling there and how happy those royalty holders are with the BLM. Go look at Fort Berthold that is currently suing the BIA for more of their mismanagement:
Are you seeing a common thread here? BIA MISMANAGED the OSAGE Mineral Estate, the producers are not the bad guys, READ the Settlement Agreement! Also INQUIRE of our Minerals Council as to why the COURT MANDATED Bi-Annual Meetings to correct the OPERATIONAL issues of the BIA are not being held and NOT being reported upon every February either! How can you correct a problem, a huge one given the $380 Million Settlement when you don't even have the mandatory meetings to discuss what is wrong with the system? Where is the February 2011 Written Meeting Notes, and the 2012, and what about the 2013? How many meetings have been held THIS YEAR for the 2014 Report? I can tell you, NONE! It is all well and good to blame the big bad oil companies for not paying correctly (which is untrue) but when did the true villain in the play get to skate on THEIR HUGE ROLE in this Settlement? Did you see where the Court ever said that it was the Operators fault? If you read it you saw where it was the mismanagement of the BIA, under qualified, understaffed, and what has changed? Other than the revolving door of the Supt. office, with the 3rd one in place THIS YEAR, and the 3rd Deputy Supt. too, what NEW staff is there? Charity who came over from the Minerals Council is the only NEW staff that comes to mind. Ben Daniels is on loan until the first of the year and then he goes back to Muskogee. They lost their IT expert, and cartographer Pete Fish retired so there have been NO UPDATES to the PLAT BOOKS which is the Bible of the Oil and Gas business since about June... I believe that there are SIX gaugers when there were 9 that are gauging about 15 TANKS per month to judge if the 2,500 Tank Batteries in the Osage are being properly measured! That was NOT 15 each, that was total, POINT 6% PER MONTH. Now the BIA is getting an extra Million to fix some of these problems but given how long it takes to even hire a new employee that is not going to happen very fast either.
Do you still believe that the BLM is not going to have anything to do with the Osage? TWO ORDERS and NTL carte blanche with only having to "consult" with the OMC to implement them. This doesn't bother each and every one of you? It doesn't bother you that the BIA could not enforce the 35 half page booklet of the past but can do such a swell job with 56 EXTRA PAGES of BLM REGS on top of the new ones too in the CFR and then add the NTL that gives them the authority to implement anything the Supt. (whoever that finally ends up being) decides that they want to shove down the operators throats but also the OMC who don't get a Veto Power?
Wasn't one of the oil producers recently fined a quarter of a million dollars or more that went right into the pocket of the US Treasury? How long do you think the oil producers are going to put up with that?
DeleteYou are welcome. The new CFRs are adopting TWO onshore orders. One requires the use of ONRR to handle the accounting of the royalty income. The other regulates how H2S sour gas is handled. Both are very good regs and the old CFRs did not address either matter adequately. In fact H2S is not mentioned at all in the old CFRs. ONRR has adjusted a version of their system to accommodate how things are done in the Osage, and the BIA is preparing to implement the system. This is part of the hiring and training they have been doing.
DeleteREPRINT from Osage Blog:
November 10, 2013 at 1:17 PM
Again, as to the other BLM Orders beyond 5 & 6 see
Edwards said she wanted the bottom line on projected revenue so they wouldn't violate the law and get fined or penalized for spending above the number. Now isn't that something? Without penalties in the law in the past the ON Congress would have breezed by that number without even thinking twice about it. Where do we get that number and why isn't the ON Congress publishing that number for the Constituents to refer to?
ReplyDeleteAHA! In the Committee of the Whole on the floor of Congress came the verbal admission that they have already over-appropriated above the amount of projected revenue. Another comment was about going into the permanent fund to get the money. WHEN are these people going to live by the laws they have passed and WHEN are they going to clean up this sloppy unlawful legislative behavior? You have the CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE not to overspend, not the Executive Branch MR. WALKER. When are you going to stop passing the buck and take a look at the Osage Constitution and read the provisions in the section on the Legislative Branch? Get the AG involved and he'll get the picture real quick, I'll bet!
DeleteOVERSPENDING ALERT! What do they need another million dollars plus for land properties etc.?
Deleteplus taking on that dead use property on the railroad tracks that we don't need and will cost a fortune over time in the future. Owning land is good if it can be put to a highest and best use of some sort.
Tallgrass Prairie Chicken LLC bills are going to be withdrawn by Sponsor Supernaw. Yea! No new spending for this cash cow.
DeleteDead use railroad land that will eat them alive with maintenance but no per-cap? Here's where the money is going non-Shareholders making the shareholders pay out for those who don't get a check when the Osage Nation promised they would be taken care of with gaming revenue. Well guess what folks? Not so and who do we see about that? The AG?
DeleteMaybe it is time to inform the Chief, the Appropriation Commitee and Congress, that a seperate commitee is being formed for the Constituency by the CONSTITUENCY to advocate fiscal responsibility, to adhere by the very laws before them and to make sure a petition is circulated to all OSAGES near and far and get that per-cap on the ballot for the people by people of the people, the OSAGE. YES FOR 1.
DeleteYes this can be done. Take a percentage from Gaming, such as a flat rate from the net like 20%. This can be done with a simple vote by the constituency without hurting or having a long term effect with Gov. Operations. It well be very needed a committee for fiscal responsibility for the Constituency by the CONSTITUENCY a advocacy for the people the Osage is needed. This is going to happen. This goes for all Osages.
DeleteOn spending, this has to be seen to be believed:
Did I hear these members of Congress give every reason under the sun to vote no on the $300,000 appropriation for that damn grocery store and then vote yes to give it the money? Listen to Supernaw and see if what he said makes any sense at all relative to the way he voted. This is plumb crazy to me.
Criminal fiscal malfeasence plain and simple.
DeleteOf PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE: If you receive a tax credit for your health insurance in Colorado as a Native American, YOU MUST GO BACK TO THE CONNECT FOR COLORADO EXCHANGE TO PURCHASE INSURANCE FOR THE UPCOMING YEAR. You cannot rollover your current healthcare insurance with your current healthcare insurance provider. If you do, you will lose your tax credit. This may also be true with the Federal Exchange if you live in another State than Colorado if you have no State Healthcare Exchange in your area:
ReplyDeleteFrom an e-mail sent to me by Kaiser Permanente:
Understanding federal financial assistance
The health care reform law makes federal financial assistance available to people to help pay for care and coverage, such as monthly premiums and out-of-pocket expenses (deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance).
This assistance is only available if you renew coverage through Connect for Health Colorado.
Last year, you may not have signed up for federal financial assistance. And even if you did, Connect for Health Colorado may not have all the information they need to automatically renew your coverage.
Check with Connect for Health Colorado before open enrollment begins on November 15, 2014, to update your income information.
In Colorado, for more information call: 1-855-752-6747. If you have a State sponsored Healthcare Exchange in your location, it would be an excellent idea to call them for more information about this matter in your local area.
The Connect for Colorado web site is open for next years enrollment on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014.
Correction: Connect for Health Colorado.
ReplyDeleteQuestion: If the Osage Nation ownes the mineral rights according to the 1906 Allottment Act and the titular head of the Osage Nation is Chief StandingBear on a government to government basis on behalf of the Osage Nation, he must be the one to respond to the wind farm challenges independenly in order to secure those rights or any encroachment of them. Yes? If the mineral rights aren't secured by the Osage Nation, neither is the income nor would be the minerals income transferred to the Federal ME Trust to be distributed in quarterly payments to the headright owners. Yes?
The Osage Nation does not own the M.E. the M.E is owned by many shareholders passed on to them by their ancestors, The Osage Tribe protected by the 1906 act as amended held in trust by the Federal Government. The 1906 requires 8 council members, a Chief, the Chief being the tie breaker, this ia a seperate agency from the Osage Nation Gov. The power is in the hands of the M.C.....and is now requesting the U.S CONGRESS to step in. This is just going to land in the Federal Courts again for failure to recognize Our Sovereignty for failure to act in a timly matter and failure to protect the M.E and SHAREHOLDER'S. In essence the TRUST. It's hard not to see it anyother way.
DeleteDon't let any legal ownership issues according to the 1906 Act get in your way.
DeleteTo 9/10/14 at 7:51 PM.....The 1906 act has been amended 5 or 6 times by the US Congress. The latest amended version is the one we must use, and one of those amendments allows Osages to choose their form of government. The original 1906 act is no longer operative as written. The original was rewritten to include the amendments by US Congress. In 2006 we chose the current form of government. The new constitution stipulates that a mineral council be elected by only the shareholders. The Chief is no longer allowed to vote as a tie breaker in the mineral council as per the mineral council policy and procedures, but in emergency situations, the Chief can still step in. So far, all 4 Chiefs have never interfered with council operations, except when Jim Gray tried to deny the council permission to travel to Washington for a meeting with the BIA.....Where is the council "now requesting the US CONGRESS to step in." On what issue?..... Are you suggesting that the MC withdraw from the wind farm issue? I hope not. This would set a precedent that would encourage construction of more wind farms. Want a wind mill in your yard. Call that Enel outfit. They will be happy to talk to you.
DeleteI beleive they are asking for the U.S to intervene on behalf of the M.E. on the wind farm issue. Yes, the 1906 act as noted by you and I has been amended but the principal of which the 1906 act is in full force. And in 2006 my only conclusion as how we became a De Facto Gov, is "Transperency is a political advantage". Long live the 1906 Act and bring hope and strength with integrity to our Tribe the Osage.
DeleteEarnings up at Chesapeake, Devon
ReplyDeleteChesapeake Energy Corp. and Devon Energy Corp. reported positive earnings for the third quarter. Both Oklahoma City drillers improved field operations, which helped lower costs and raise production. Chesapeake's quarterly revenue rose by 17 percent. Devon reported $552 million in adjusted earnings for the third quarter, a 4-percent increase from the same quarter the previous year.
FW: Boone's Bulletin 11-11-14
ReplyDeleteWe re-organized the Osage Minerals Council office this fiscal year, which began 10-1. We did not fund the office staff positions. We
haven't had meeting minutes since May. What were all 3 of our staff doing all day that none of them could do the minutes? Since October 1,
Councilwoman Erwin and I have been taking of the office functions. None of the other council members have volunteered to relieve us.
We've had a situation with the Oklahoma Dept. of Transportation constructing new Highway 60 east from Pawhuska to Bartlesville. They have
been mining the rock without having a permit. We are taking action to make sure our headright owners get their fair share of the mining.
There is another situation with the Wind Industry on the west side of the county and the oil and gas industry They are also mining rock
without a permit. We held a special meeting on October 29. We passed Resolution #3-25 unanimously identifying this as an emergency
situation and asked for immediate legal action by the U.S. to protect the Minerals Trust. You may have read that tribal congress did not
pass an act regarding the wind farm. They did unanimously pass resolution ONCR 15-02 that include Osage Nation participation in
matters relating to wind farms in the Osage Nation, Osage Co, OK....
We had asked the BIA superintendent to attend our meeting but she had a meeting that morning with Chief StandingBear to discuss compacting
the BIA. The departments discussed to be compacted were Realty, Probate and parts of the Environmental departments.
There have been several concerns from the oil producers that have kept them from investing in Osage County. 1. The Executive directive
issued by the BIA superintendent. The oil producers will have to bear the burden of paying for an environmental assessment at a rate of
$5,000-$10,000. Many small producers won't be able to afford this. 2. The Donelson lawsuit- an Osage headright owner/land owner claims that
every drilling permit in Osage County since 1979 is invalid. She listed a large number of oil producers in the suit. 3. The Negotiated
Rule Making- These proposed changes to the current regulations regarding oil and gas have not been finalized yet.
Part of the settlement agreement in the Highest Posted Price lawsuit gave the Osage Minerals Council the ability to liquidate some accounts
managed by the Office of Special Trustee. We did. This will help increase the amount on our payment checks in December. The amount of
payment will be announced at our meeting this Friday, November 14.
Will we receive a payment check in March? Yes. Will it be $9,000 a share? I don't think so. Will it be as low as $1,000 a share. I
don't think so. But no new drilling in Osage County will have an effect on our share in March. How much will it affect our payment in
March is anyone's guess.
Due to attorney/client privilege I can not tell you what our strategy is in regard to the issues mentioned above. We are working on them.
Councilwoman Boone
Any opinions herein are mine only and not that of the full Osage Minerals Council.
Take a moment to remember our veterans this Veteran's Day.
A short response regarding ‘Boone’s Bulletin’ dated 11/11/2014….
Delete(1.) You haven’t reorganized anything yet. You simply fired all the employees effective 10/1/2014 with no plan at all to replace them. Now you are whining because no one volunteered to relieve you. You got exactly what you have wanted for over a year. Stop whining and answer the phone. Someone may need some work done on their trust. Oh, I forgot. You can’t do that, can you?.......
(2.) There have been no minutes since May because the council probably hasn’t approved any minutes since May. Who was the office manager responsible for overseeing this issue? Was none of the council aware that no minutes were being done? Since May??? How many minutes did YOU get done while you were “taking care of the office functions?” What functions DID you take care of for 7 weeks?…..
(3) The ODOT issue has been resolved for at least 2 months. The agreement was signed and royalties are being paid! What actions are you still taking?......
Thank you for getting the other subjects in your report basically correct.
Well, I'll give her a D for transperency but, you nailed it with your comment. This would have been better announced by The speaker no less and again she is over stepping her boundries. And this is not new information. A day late and a dollar short.
DeleteSpeaking of the Speaker, I presume you mean Chairman Waller, why haven't we seen any new newsletters by mail or e-mail of late on his watch? Has he dropped the ball on getting out this important communication with the headright owners? Sorry BUT I'm glad they got fired. too weird in that office with them in there by 10 if you ask me. Kathryn runs a tight ship and she cleaned house. Don't see you bashing and trashing her here. Why not? Still got your teeth sharpened for Cynthia and Stephanie? LMAO
DeleteThank you members of the Minerals Council for liquidating those accounts so that we will have a higher payment for Christmas. I'm grateful for all your efforts to look out for our best interests as Shareholders.
DeleteOh, and thank you for the Boone's Bulletin, Cynthia. You're the only one who is enterprising enough to keep the Shareholders independently informed unlike the others who are too lazy to get off their duffs and communicate with their Osage Headright owner constituents.
DeleteWhich accounts are being lquidated the Hula Lake account that should have been paid out years ago? Lets say folks about 25 years ago?Was this account in a high interest yielding account? Wheres the accounting on this account? We have a right to know as public information especially to the Shareholder's. And whats up firing the staff before you hire new staff?
DeleteThis thread is now closed. Go to: