Saturday, October 7, 2017

Archive #44: Osage Shareholder Matters--October 2017-January 2018

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  1. “Thus, the court has essentially given the BIA and OMC a veto power, one it certainly would have exercised here, over certain – maybe even all – surface construction (including all likely commercial construction in any event) on any land as to which the Osage Nation owns the underlying minerals..."
    Of course the BIA and the OMC have that power now, have had it in the past and ENEL should have been smart enough to hire an attorney who would have told them that before they ever considered building those wind machines in Osage County. Stupid...stupid...stupid!
    Hopefully the 10th Circuit will be smart enough not to grant a rehearing to uphold that crooked decision in laid out in the summary judgment from the Northern District Court of Oklahoma in 2015. With this reversal, we should be able to file against the license to practice law of that Judge too. Not mining? Give us a break!

    1. Right it was s illegal take from the beginning.

    2. Oh Yiss!
      Play it smart. The Osage Nation is and has always been the bought and paid for boundaries of Osage County.
      Since its title land and therefore not under Dawes Act jurisdiction it never became part of the illegal entity otherwise known as The State of Oklahoma.
      While restricted land has been sold under guise that it would be leaving Osage Nation jurisdiction, this was purely a front/scam.
      The Osage Nation remains an Independent Nation from the United States.
      Repeat, Oh Yiss!
      Good luck, and hopefully someone with some eggs will finally step up and stop all the Osage Boudinots from selling the Nation out completely.

  2. Here's the article for Mother's Congressional Citation and Genealogical Library rededication at

  3. In reference to the MC lawsuit, I am reprinting this comment to clarify that Cynthia Boone has also been requesting a trust asset clarification since she was first elected to the MC in 2006 along with Talee and Katherine:

    "Keep your sox on! Talee and Katherine before him have been trying to get a trust asset accounting, as to what belongs to Minerals in the Trust and what belongs to the rest of the Osage Nation, from the Nation from day one since the time the Osage Nation government took over and arbitrarily appropriated all Osage Nation assets in trust or otherwise. What's sad is that they have to finally sue the Bureau to get this determination. Try and keep up with what has happened in the past that has lead us to where we are today. Call Katherine and Talee if you don't believe me."

    1. Before they bust the trust and give the revenue back to the Osage Nation to run, manage and distribute under a compact in about a five year period with who knows who as beneficiaries, the U.S. Congress and the Solicitor's Office at the BIA together with the Secretary of the Interior who is the official Trustee of today's government OM trust, had better take a very long look the consistent business failures the Osage Nation has racked up working with individuals who have diversified gaming revenue with ridiculous investment concepts like "the global initiative" and then have run through $19 million of Osage Nation revenue handed to them by the elected officials of the Osage Nation resulting in a total loss of all that funding. Track record is important and in order to protect the current headright beneficiaries per the fiduciary obligation owed to the headright owners today by the Trustee of the Trust and the BIA as administrator of the government trust, a professional company or administrator must be found to manage any new trust created on behalf of the Osage headright owners. The Osage Nation does not manage and administrate the Osage Health Benefit Card right? They know they are out of their depth and if they can't manage a simple business operation at this level, they have no business being put in charge to run and manage the operation of the entire mineral estate.

    2. The ON would have been better served to take the more than $20 million invested in its failed business ventures to Las Vegas and wagered it all at the craps table - and my father told me to never shoot craps. Even so the odds are far better for a return than giving the money into the hands of people who so obviously do not have any experience with the types of businesses they are trying to run.

    3. Lol you are absolutely right, about craps, Though my father taught me the game he very well at the table. Just like Kenny Rogers said know when to hold them, no when to fold them.
      And this is why I want to know what our debt to equity ratio. If Congress knows we are operating in a deficit and if this is true then we need to shut this Government down because our money was not to be used and abused and are not living to the oath they have taken. Take away the casino money what other capital is there?

    4. In other words the casino money you might as well look at as a revolving credit card with no cap.

    5. $90 million in total had just been appropriated by the Osage Nation Congress for fiscal year 2018 including Federal programs. That's a lot of jack and not much of it in total going to 80% of the membership. If you want to fix it, run for office and make changes when you are elected to office. Windows of opportunity are opening up in December to run for Chief and Assistant Chief. To run for Congress and Minerals Council, March of next year is the time to throw your hat in the ring. Many of these people don't often listen when elected so we have no other alternative but to elect new officials who will. Alice Buffalohead and Kugee listen, Shannon Edwards does too in the Osage Nation Congress and so does Cynthia Boone and Stephanie Erwin on the Minerals Council. We need and I am emphasizing the word "need", elected officials who will listen to what we want them to do and then do it. If they hear from only a few of us then they should do what the ones they hear from want them to do. A constitutional democracy is a government of constituent participation and if only a few care to get involved then they should set the agenda which shouldn't be ignored or suppressed by their elected representatives.

    6. So they openly admit that Talee, to help his aunt and then pretend he wasn't involved deliberately skipped the vote?
      So now we know that 2 members of the same family are working a political agenda that has no regard to running headright checks into the ground, so long as they get their goal accomplished.
      Noted for next election.


    Don't know if you know it or not but our very own Osage Casino Hotels in Ponca City and Skiatook are real gems. I'm fairly traveled and as boutique hotels, I'd put them up against any I've seen anywhere in the world and I believe I'd win. They are beautiful in design and layout. Very functional with great flow and remarkably artistic in appearance. Wonderful ambiance all around. I stayed at a motel in Missouri and once my business was finished there, I came back to the Skiatook property with a HUGE sigh of relief. Get there and stay there for a night or a weekend. The food is delicious, the gaming parlors have lots of gaming machines to choose from and the hotel rooms are simply wonderful. I left the last morning and another couple staying in one of the rooms on my floor were as full of praise for their stay there as my own. I'm really proud of these two gaming and hotel facilities and I hope you will be too. Great for a getaway or a week of R&R. Or just for fun, what the heck! I loved it and I know you will too. Can't wait for the new hotel to open at the Osage Casino in the Tulsa location. I'd suggest booking your reservation for the Grand Opening today at 1-877 246-8777. Support our gaming operations now and in the future. When we support them, we all benefit.

  5. Back to our Missouri Homeland:

  6. Rehearing requested after 10th Circuit Court rules in favor of Osage Nation,
    This statement is interesting, "In the companies’ appeal, attorney Ryan Ray questioned the definition of mining proffered by the three-judge panel, noting that it basically gives the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Osage Minerals Council carte blanche to control any and all construction efforts within Osage County."
    Their Attorney's need to understand one thing and one thing only, read our Constitution because as it stands now we are apart of the Nation and the Judges have it right when it comes to the our rights and the 1906 act as amended.
    It's a nice try, but it will be thrown out. Osage first especially in IC and our land.
    You see the Nation would not exist if it were not for the M.E nor can the Nation exist without the 1906 Act.
    Creates huge conglicts of interest not really because you fall back to that very valid binding 1906 Act.
    What gives them carte blanche to build without our imput? Because the wealth would have had to been shared and not just that we would have denied the permit.
    It was a illegal take. Infringement on our rights as a People.
    And whats to stop them from doing more damage had the judges not rule in our favor right?
    And in the end, the M.C has the last word.
    As I siad this is bigger than you and me this sets the precedent in IC to negotiations with the tribes across America and not just that the other foors that will open up.
    The way I see this we own those ugly, property devaluation, killing machines ( bald eagles),subsidized by the tax payers. You can read about this in the Osage News.

    1. This raises more questions than answers, It is my belief the Nation owns nothing it is the Osage Constituents that own the Government not the other way around because after all we pay them they work for us and sworn by the oath they took. If this lawyer wants to go there this will even open more doors or more questions to those assets belong to, other wise it would be breaking a few laws and thus far my predictions have not been to far off. Had the Nation lived up yo its promises I don't think we would be having this conversation,but we are, and everything always comes back to full circle, now that you can see this division so much more clearly But here we are, no matter how you slice it , dice it, or chop chop it's all the same, still leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, how corrupt are you willing to go before we wake up to smell the flowers.

    2. Living in ignorance isn't going to strengthen our position in a court of law. Read the 1906 Allottment Act and every single one of its amendments. It's all in there. The Osage Tribe owns everything. The mineral rights are reserved to the Osage Tribe in perpetuity and the income from the mineral rights before it is are transferred and taken into trust by the Bureau belongs to the Osage Tribe. It's in writing in Acts of the U.S. Congress signed by the President. You need to understand this and then work toward protecting your mineral estate income interest when the transfer of property takes place out of trust and is returned to the owner of record. That owner of record according to the Osage Allotment Act as amended is the Osage Tribe. Get up to speed and stop spinning your wheels over a reality that you believe in but that simply does not exist in the real world or in a court of law.

    3. Ok you win sweetie. All the same no spin. The Osage Tribe is exactly that as I have called it ever since the illegal take. The Osage Tribe consists of 8 council members and Chief and Ap Chief who were and still is our Governing body according the 1906 Act as amended we agree. And into perpetuity with 2229, headright owners as they are. We are the Reservation and I have no reservations about that.
      And will not fall out of trust lol. My mineral estate rights was abrogated day one when we became a Government what are you talking about. In the end we are the Osage Tribe 2229,00 annuitants. We, our family purchased the land. The Nation never baught from us but they used us and surly they will pay.
      Think not just read the actions we are taking by Fredericks Peebles & Morgan LLP.
      Whereas: It is in the best interest of the Headright owners for the Osage MC to challenge any and all actions taken by either the BIA or the Osage Nation, which violate the rights of the Osage Tribe of Oklahoma as established under the act of june 28th,1906,34 Stat, 539, as amended.
      So, there it is in a nut shell.

    4. Ah let me add, I am a annuitant dod not get a vote on this Government, no accident there. Where was the BIA to protect the interest of, not there. They failed to represent period.

    5. The Osage Nation (government) is not a shareholder with an annuity.
      The shareholder rights to the ME and its revenue shall not be infringed.

    6. Thank you for adding that. But the ME was used monetarily, we were used as collateral and that is a big no no. Our estate was used.

    7. When it came to building those ugly ugly lies on our land the wind turbines, our rights come first clearly pointed out that we our sovereign it would be like going over in a sovereign country their country and hey I'll takd this land and build my pot farm on your land znd you cznnot do anything about it and that is as gross as it gets, so who in the Nation got paid under the tzble? Fess up its going to come out.

    8. Nonsense. Unless you can show me the paperwork that the Osage Mineral estate was used as collateral to get a loan (?) and for what it was used to obtain or buy, your statement is simply a wild accusation based on rumor. What particular transaction/s are you writing about?

    9. "The Osage Nation (government) is not a shareholder with an annuity." That's correct but that annuity comes out of a particular trust bank account in the name of the Osage Tribe set up long ago in the Federal Treasury as per the terms and conditions of the 1906 Allotment Act that created it. For many years the U.S. Congress couldn't walk away from their trust obligation to the Osages with regard to this mineral income trust unless an Act of the U.S. Congress was enacted and signed by the President. As of 1978 however, an Act to amend the 1938 Act to amend the 1906 Allotment Act was enacted that changed this provision from an Act of the U.S. Congress required, to " otherwise provided by (the U.S.) Congress." Again, we don't really know what that means, how it will take form and what may be required by this changed term and condition. What we do know is the the U.S. Congress can make a provision to walk away from any and all trust responsibilities and trust obligations to the Osage Tribe and the Osage Mineral Estate Trust annuitants unilaterally and without an Act of Congress required to do it. With this in mind, because we are vulnerable to the whim of the U.S. Congress in the matter, it stands to reason that if they walk away and terminate their trust responsibilities, ending the Mineral Estate income beneficiary (headright owners) trust, the account in the name of the Osage Tribe at the U.S. Treasury will be closed. We can have headrights all day long but if there is no money in an account that has been closed, how much do you think we will be receiving on a quarterly payment basis? This is why we need to begin demanding full and open disclosure with complete transparency from the Chief Standing Bear and Mineral Council Chairman Everett Waller to include any other elected official of the Osage Nation government each and every time they go Washington, D.C. with regard to their dealings and business meetings as it concerns the Osage Mineral Estate with the BIA and the U.S. Congress (particular individuals they have met with) with meeting minutes reported to the Osage Headright owners as to what was on the agenda of each and every meeting, with whom they met and what exactly what was discussed, proposed, resolved, and decided, again, in each and every meeting that has taken place in the past as it concerns the future of the Osage Mineral Estate and any such meetings that take place in the future…on pain of losing their jobs in the ballot box at the next election in June of 2018.

    10. If we let these elected officials across the board sneak up on us, it's our fault as much as theirs if we don't get busy and demand an accounting from them in writing and no "Executive Meeting or Session" should be allowed to prevail. Our future income is at stake here and we are on a need to know basis and we need to know and be kept in the loop on everything happening that may or will effect the Osage Mineral Estate and our annuitant and trust beneficiary status.

    11. I think that's probably part of and perhaps the real or maybe the most important reason why the MC is suing the Nation and the BIA over a transfer of the OME to the full management of the Osage Nation government to run under a compact of some kind. Why all of a sudden, when all these problems have known for years would the MC sue pretty much out of the blue like this? Apparently there's a lot we don't know and should know as trust beneficiaries and it's the obligation of the Feds to keep the headright owners informed in a timely manner of what they are anticipating doing with the OME per the fiduciary Trust obligations they now have to us. If they don't, we, as headright owners, should be in a position to sue them for full disclosure and breach of trust obligation to us as trust beneficiaries if they don't keep this in the "sunshine" on what is happening and future plans as to the OME oil and gas royalty and bonus revenue trust. The Federal Court in Tulsa basically stated in one opinion that we each of us as headright owners have rights that can't be set aside or waived by any party be that of the Osage Nation or the Federal government, if I understood it correctly. That hooey they keep blowing with big smoke about the MC not being able to sue the Nation is nonsense too because the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch have sued one another since about day one of the Osage Constitutional government takeover. The Minerals Agency has legal rights too and as the Osage Minerals Council are principals first and foremost of the OME and the protectors of it, they can get into court just like the rest of the other branches and departments of the Osage Nation government. Too many lies and obfuscations going on around here by certain persons with law degrees who are manipulating the legal truth to benefit their own agenda and point of view. Not good and not right!

    12. 2013 lets remember we were all upset with the mismanagement and look af today, ta da.
      Next year its time we replacd a few members on the council and they know who they are. This dong and dznce the Headright owners are fit tbe tide with the serious lack of judgement, performance and we are going yo have znother lease sale? I do not see anyone coming? Not with the politics. Until we get Ryan Zinke attention that we were expolited and our rights have been abrogated by the very agency who is here to protect our Sovereignty, this isong and dance is playing over and over and it does not take 5 years to do a EIS and why when we are running under the old CFR'rs. Yet their is no growth and shen we fo experience a growth everything after the fact goes to pot. We need a working office period. We need to be in the know to spear head any and all thag might come our way. And this Drummond guy is in my opinion harassing and infringing on our rights.

    13. The reality of this situation is very simple. The land that is the Osage was bought and paid for from the Cherokees.
      It wasn't Reservation land. That was in Kansas and was overrun by settlers (see 'Little House on the Prarie').
      The Dawes Act was an act to specifically break up the Indian Nations in order for the railroads to run through Indian Territories without having to deal with individual Nations. While it was at the time considered "Constitutional" that definition would likely fail miserably today. Just like trying to justify ones ownership over ones slaves would equally fail today.
      What always kills this sort of thing is the very thing that got it all started. Betrayal. If you don't know who Elias Boudinot is and why you need to despise him, then you need to learn.

    14. For clarification:
      His father was murdered/killed for treason against the Cherokees. He was literary the instrument that ended the Indian Nations. He coined the phrase "Death Bell of the Nations.

    15. Thought I'd read that right originally. Its "Death Knell of the Nations". Sadly he died of dysentery after being a lobbyist for the railroads.

  7. Where can I read the 1906 Allotment Act and amendments?

    1. E-mail Ill send you a copy in AM if you would like.

    2. Thank you, I appreciate your reply, but I'd rather not post my e-mail address openly to the public, and the below information is what I was hoping someone would post, again, thanks.

  8. To poster on October 11, 2017 at 5:31 PM

    Where can I read the 1906 Allotment Act and amendments?


    Sec. 4 Trust fund.

    It should be noted that the Term Osage Tribe refers to a band people and that the mineral rights are for the people (allottees) that is the Osage Tribe. The Osage Nation of 2006 is a government entity of which it holds no right to the management to the minerals estate or and the revenue. The minerals estate and any revenue is reserved for individual Osage shareholders with a headright. The Osage Nation government owns no headrights nor is it a shareholder in any role.

    The Osage Nation government has no right to obtain a headright, collect minerals revenue, or manage the minerals estate in any manner whatsoever. The concept of compacting the minerals estate for the Osage Nation government to manage goes against the 1906 Allotment Act.

    It must be noted the Congressional Public Law 108–431 is REAFFIRMATION OF CERTAIN RIGHTS OF THE OSAGE TRIBE. The Osage Tribe as per the 1906 Act and Public Law 108–431 states that Osage Indians who have a headright share in the mineral estate are members of the Osage Tribe.


    Adult Osage Indians without a headright interest cannot vote in Osage government elections and are not eligible to seek elective office in the Osage Tribe AS A MATTER OF FEDERAL LAW

    Therefore, since only legal members of the Osage Tribe (shareholders) can vote in government elections, then allowing non-shareholder to vote to change and create a new government is a violation of the 1906 Act and the REAFIRMATION OF THE 1906 Act as outlined in Public Law 108–431.

    The Osage Nation government enacted in 2006 was voted in by a majority of non-shareholders who had no right to even determine if a new government should even exist in the first place. In fact, not even one non-shareholder was supposed to be allowed to vote to create a new government. The new Osage Nation government is by definition a de facto government.
    The wording of “Tribe” and “Nation” have been used interchangeably throughout the last century and is commonly understood to mean the Osage people as defined in the 1906 Allotment act and today in Public Law 108–431.

    The creators and proponents of the 2006 Osage Nation government are simply playing word games with the terms “Osage Tribe” and “Osage Nation.” It is their argument that since “Nation” is used in preference over “Tribe”, then the new government definition supersedes any textual reference that refer to “Tribe” and therefore claims the right to own in minerals estate and thus manage the estate and its revenue as a government. However, this too is in violation of the 1906 Act and the REAFIRMATION OF THE 1906 Act as outlined in Public Law 108–431.

    The enacting of any new government and potential management of the minerals estate is in fact a federal matter as per 1906 Act and the REAFIRMATION OF THE 1906 Act as outlined in Public Law 108–431 and the minerals council and Osage shareholders have full legal right to bring any attempt to take over the management of the minerals estate to federal court.

    1. Thank you for the info, I count so much on this BLOG SITE!

  9. Well, you almost got there. The U.S. Congressional Reaffirmation Act of 2004, P.L. 108-431, states the Osage Tribe has the right to choose and form a government and choose its membership. There was never a mention of this Osage Nation creation that is a product of the Osage Constitution. The U.S. Congress didn't authorize a name change or a new government entity be formed under such a name when it clarified what could be done at the time. Hepsi and Harvard and her little band of renegades on the OGRC went totally out of control and drove headlong right off the reservation with the government concept they cooked up in 2005-2006 that we have to live with today. The in-place de facto government of today should ask for for a name change from the U.S. Congress and then ask forgiveness from all the headright owners, who are the true and only legal members of the Osage Tribe today, for stealing away the choice to change to a new form of government and whether or not they wanted to let in new members, a choice that the U.S. Congress gave them, and them alone, in the the 2004 Reaffirmation Act.

    1. Funny how we always knew this to be true about Hepsi and Harvard. I want to share this acknowledgement by our Chief, and this is why I say continuously the Nation uses us yo stand on there two left feet,According to Standing Bear, the Osage believe the U.S. Congress protected the Osage mineral estate by federal law in 1906 so, the Nation is built on our ME to which we never agreed to. Makes this Government a de facto Government, thats right. We own them and everything in Trust all jnder the guise of Sovereignty. Or just plain greed.
      So tell me differently its in writing.
      The true intent behind what we have was to build our districts, our infrastructure and get the per-cap to our people. I know.

    2. The solicitors at the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington, D.C., should have picked up on this one from day one and put a stop to it immediately instead of going headlong with Hepsi and Harvard and the OGRC. They made the same mistake when they supported the Osage National Council Government in the 1990's that Chief Tillman sued over in Federal Court and got it tossed right in the rubbish bin for millions of points and dollars for the headright owners until the constitutional coup took place in 2006. That's why the Bureau should be sued for leapfrogging over the proper legal steps that should have taken place where the official members of the Osage Tribe and only those members should have voted for a new form of government and to open or keep the membership closed to non-headright owners. The Reaffirmation Act, P.L. 108-431, specifically states that those Osages with headrights at the time in 2004 were members of the Osage Tribe so that's an issue that had already been addressed by this clarification Act of the U.S. Congress. All that fear mongering being disbursed that the Osage Tribe would end with death of the last original Osage allottee was nothing but falsification to manipulate and out-maneuver the Osage headright owners and non-allotted Osages put out by the "Agitprop" elements associated with the OGRC and the propaganda it was disseminating at the time in 2005-2006.

    3. The U.S. Congress is the Plenary Power and they appear to have the authority and the right to authorize name changes for recognized Tribal Communities within the borders of the USA. This can happen by an Act of Congress. The Federal Register lists the Osage Tribe as "The Osage Nation (previously listed as the Osage Tribe)" This does not indicate a formal legal name change has actually taken place to me. Does it to you?

    4. Why the Osage Nation? Well...that's a long story. In recent history, the Osage Nation Organization (ONO) formed in the 1960's had to do with opening membership up to Osages who didn't have a headright who had been disenfranchised by not receiving one or part of one from an exchange, a purchase, a friend or a family member and who had lost all rights and privileges as Osage Tribal members as a result. Good in theory, it also wanted to introduce blood quantum as a means of determining membership in the Osage Nation. Many of the members of the OGRC were rumored to be ONOs and therefore the influence of these Osages may have played a large part in the choice of the name. I have heard speculation that the creators of the new government (OGRC) formed by the clarification in the Reaffirmation Act of 2004, wanted to distance the new Osage Nation as a legal entity from the Osage Tribe for reasons of making a new start with a new form of government and membership without reference or regard to the headrights. Some wanted two separate entities; the Osage Tribe with the headright trust quarterly payment system created by the 1906 Allotment Act still intact and referred to in the Osage Nation Constitution in Article XV and the Osage Nation as an entity that would take over everything else but that which was associated with the Osage Minerals Estate. My guess is they wanted to draw a line under the Osage Tribe and its resolution form of government and begin afresh with the Osage Nation Constitutional form of government going forward perhaps to try and head off legal squabbles if had they kept the same name.

    5. What I mean by legal squabbles over what was owned by the Osage Tribe is basically this:

      Headright owners owning all income on trust land managed by all Federal government trusts both land and minerals income including gaming income with only the income coming from license plates, taxes and businesses generated from non-Federal trust related income going to the rest of the Osage Constitutional government instead of the other way around. In other words, the come lately with less actual assets than the older established governmental part of the Osage Tribe created by the 1906 Allottment Act.

    6. Exactly poster 12:50 pm.
      Now people ard beginning to see the inequities and are finding out this is their right to all that is under the 1906 Act. Its better said it was a sub group of greedy people who wanted to take control under those provisions to allow those who were disenfranchised a vote and to entitlements but that was illegal to do so under the 1906 act but that was the excuse to form this de facto government. There is no record to speak of posted to even how to identify how our vote should go next year to identify how much we have lost to this bloated Government since 2006, where is the never ending spending cap in our Government, there is none and we need to throw it out period, to throw out this Government restore it to the rightful owners, but it was about control of the revenue of which how much is lost at this point, we cannot compare.
      Had I know this was happening I would have stopped this from happening in the court of law and would have had our Constitution looked at by a Lawyer, the 1906 Act as ammended.
      It was about taking over the Control.
      The 31st MC bottom line sold us out, sorta speak, in other words they could use the excuse we didn't know, well I call B.S on a lot shit hear.
      One we called out thru the old OSA site back in 2006 and I as a headright owner called back in 2006 to constituent services and said how did this happen, I was told what, you did not get a vote? The absentee ballot was sent to you in the newspaper and still is today really?
      I said oh we have a newspaper?
      I hung up and at first I said woah good for us, but then it dawned on me woah wait a minute wasn't the BIA supposed to protect my interest and make sure I got the ballot? Shouldn't have I been notified and thats when I started to look for blog sites on this matter and thats when I found the OSA site.
      You just cannot make this stuff up. If this happened to me it happened to others. No accident, So by the 1906 Act by my account this is a de facto government they cannot exist without us and they have used us in the worse and they still do by saying the 1906 Act exists and by the acknowledgement says we are the rightful aires to all that exist in and out of the Reservation. If you think I am kidding I am not.

  10. "It should be noted that the Term Osage Tribe refers to a band people and that the mineral rights are for the people (allottees) that is the Osage Tribe." This statement is grossly incorrect. Though it existed before as the name of a group of specific Indians, this name, "Osage Tribe" was also used to create a legal entity by the 1906 Allottment Act. The mineral rights are reserved to the Osage Tribe as a legal entity. This happened because the Act itself reserved the mineral rights to the Osage Tribe for a period of 25 years to then be repatriated to the land when it was transferred in fee simple ownership to each and every original Osage allottee of which there were 2229. This didn't happen at the end of the 25 year term specified in the original Act. At the end of the 25 year period, the land was transferred in fee simple to the original allottees but an extension of the reservation of the mineral rights to the Osage Tribe as a legal entity was arranged with the U.S. Congress to extend beyond that initial 25 year period. If the mineral rights belonged to the individual original Osage allottees, they would have passed with the land to whomever the original Osage allottee sold it to, willed it to, gave it to, or transferred it to by way of a personal estate trust or other such conveyance. The mineral rights have also been extended in perpetuity to the Osage Tribe as a legal entity by an Act of the U.S. Congress that amended this provision in the original 1906 Allotment Act.

    The 1906 Allotment Act created a special trust for the income generated coming from the reserved mineral rights. This trust took the income and placed it in a special account in the United States Treasury for the purpose of quarterly distribution to the individual original Osage Allottees otherwise known as the beneficiaries of this special Osage mineral rights income trust that was Federally created by and as so specified per the terms and conditions of the 1906 Allotment Act. Now here's where it gets sticky. The individual headright owners of today have rights to that trust income as beneficiaries of this particular trust and this trust only. If this trust is terminated or busted, the right to income from the mineral rights will no longer exist for the headright owners of today. The trust under which distribution takes place is specific and particular to the minerals income trust created by the 1906 Allotment Act. The headrights won't go away but there won’t be any income coming from the Federal income trust if it has been terminated because the specific Federal mineral rights income trust no longer exists, therefore, there can be no distribution from it and if this specific trust no longer exists then there are no longer any trust beneficiaries associated with it. That's why we need to keep this particular trust alive and well because the Federal government is not going to allow any other party including the Osages to take over the running and management of the current Federal Osage mineral rights income beneficiary trust created on a one time basis by the 1906 Allotment Act for the original Osage allottees, their heirs and assigns. The legal liability would be too great from the very outset especially if the Osage Nation were to run it.

  11. I think they should sue the Bureau for all that EPA EIS updating on the basis of those two Drummond lawsuits that failed in Federal Court. The BIA up and killed a wholly viable and healthy mineral estate in Osage County when they did what they did and destroyed the headright owner's quarterly income which is still in a downward spiral today. Does anybody know how many of the Mom and Pops bringing out oil on stripper wells that they put out of business in the Osage by that knee jerk reaction to those failed lawsuits?

  12. Dang seems to me We of the Osage are moving towards conditions of legal civil war.

  13. We are not going to know what assets, etc. the ME consist of until we seek "legal" answers. Our past lawsuits have been kicked out and been appeals after appeals and years and years gone by. But we only won lawsuits where we did not give up.

    1. Thats some support we kniw where we stznd because ghe evidence speaks in volumes. There's just to much of it in our face.
      It tkaes one person and it takes a majority and we are the majority problem is that majority probably didn't get a vote, but worse is being lied to and the way this money was to be used laws have been broken. There is no cherry picking when it comes to the 1906 Act. It means what it means and there was a reason our four fathers created this document. Because all you have to open your eyes.
      We have a house of cards that has been gambling since 2006 with our funds uses tge M.E when it gets in a pickle all the while giving us the finger. Pretty bad picture right.
      I say we give back the Osage dynasty back to the MC. Or get that per-cap out to the Osages. It would of been simple to have gotten out that turkey voucher. Maybe another 10 years would have gone by before anybody would have noticed their rights have been abrogated.

    2. The Osage Nation is going to be mum on this because they are the ones who came in and took over everything all at once despite what was good from a legal standpoint for the very shareholders the BIA was supposed to be protecting. As an example, if the income on trust land including the gaming proceeds also became part of what the Osage Headright owners should have had apportioned to them, the BIA fell down flat in letting this new three branch form government take over and dole out the money to whatever suited their whim instead of the BIA taking it into trust and placing it in the Federal Trust account for disbursement to the headright owners on a quarterly basis. There was no Osage Nation of record prior to the illegal vote on the Referendum in 2005 and on the Constitution in 2006 with every Osage the OGRC could find on the planet. The members of the Osage Tribe of record where those and those only who had a headright. The Osage Nation didn't even exist until the illegal vote on the Constitution and there is one thing in all this that is certain. The BIA knew it. The BIA also knew that the 31st Council with Jim Gray at the mast was keeping that gaming money away from the Osage Headright owners during those final years of the Osage Tribal Council government and that was something they also knew. Should the Nation have made payment to the Headright owners for land they are using for the Osage Casinos that can be drilled on for oil and gas to be distributed to the Headright owners too? They sure charge the Minerals Council plenty of money to use the facilities up on the Campus including money in their yearly budget for indirect costs and who knows what all else. If Enel has to pay rent for mining and the loss of income from the land under those wind machine pads, then so should the Osage Nation as well. As only one example, the Government Operations Budget for 2016 has listed on the Direct Cost line item a whopping, $557,910! This is 8.5% of that entire budget amount. If this number is consistent, this money, if it is being paid out of the Minerals Council Budget should be coming back to the headright owners every year. The new Executive Branch Budget which at first glance seems to be all inclusive for this year, has at least one budget with an Indirect Cost line item of 11.7% of the total budget for that particular Section in the budget, ONCA 19-99. Why should we be subject to the budget padding that goes on by the Executive Branch each and every year in order to keep the money away from the Osage people who really need it and should be receiving it? $90 plus million including Federal program money appropriated this fiscal year? Go here and scroll down the page to find the budget I'm talking about. One thing I'm very happy about it that they have put all these Executive Branch budgets in one document instead of several different ones which makes things a lot easier for the people to determine how much is being spent and where, in the total line items on each page. The Osage Nation Congress has done a good thing here and they are to be commended for it. Too many Executive Branch piecemeal budgets flying around everywhere before and now it's streamlined again so this is great for the people.

    3. Should have said, " much is being spent and where, in the line item totals on each page."

    4. Thank you poster,11:09 AM. Well said.

  14. Well, 11 years since the 2006 election, I wish I'd made a copy of the ballot questions cause I'd like to know which question, and how it was "worded," that changed our existence from history and our ancestors? and could be the legal source we base a lawsuit.

    I know I did not "purposely" vote myself and my family out of the Osage Tribe. Like a library card I had to "RE-NEW" my membership. Are there any previous Osage Tribe members who "did not" re-new? It was a "cultural shock" and still is.

    I did not know of Hepsi and Harvard, except her relationship to the Chief (Gray). My memory thinks she was the one who said she was going to throw away all ballots that came in priority mail. That sent chills through me cause I was late in mailing and I remember wondering if it got there in time, so I'll never know if my vote was counted and that will always haunt me. How could an "individual" have such power to make such an individual decision to do such a "henous" act, to stomp over the Tribe's right out of "spite."

    That alone would legally affect the legality of the election if it could be proven if votes were "intentionally" thrown in the trash.

    Here is a phrase I am borrowing from an article: it was a "breach of the culture and norm."

    1. I know of one former member of the Osage Congress who told me that she saw Hepsi walking around with a box full of ballots during election day for the Osage Constitution. A box full! How many could that be? I was left with impression that the ballots in the boxes were ones for whatever the reason were not counted. In addition, they also had absentee ballot envelopes for the ballots that were transparent in this election if I remember it correctly. You could see how you voted in the election! There was an outcry over that part of the voting situation alone. That Hepsi was really something and not in a good way.

    2. Illegal take period. End of story. Hepsi was wrong wrong wrong. She knew what she was doing but ghe BIA to this day should have had our interest in the first place. And now I am going to bring another suit. I did not get my vote period and I have been a member since the seventies and at the same address for twenty two years. What happened? Can anyone tell me how this happened other than constituent services said what, it came in thd Newspaper? Hello this was a vote and all legsal ballots should hsve bern mailed hello separately and not everyone subscribed to the dam fake biased newspaper.

  15. fyi - - Sept. 22, 2017 - "Groups Sue Feds Over Burying Beetle in Oklahoma" - (Osage Producers Association)

    "...for violation of the Endangered Species Act and failing to render a timely 12-month finding on an August 2015 petition filed with the agency."

    1. Wonder why they didn't sue until now, we had to sue the EPA to get our property back so we could sale it 6 years later. The bug had moved on. Lost some value on the property because getting the EPAs responce to no avail until we sued, only then did they release the property. These critters live for 12 months and both male and female take care of the parenting. They are not just local to OK either they exist all over the place. In my opinion they can be taken off the endangered species list and why it hasn't been done as of yet who knows.

  16. Worth watching:

  17. Good information:
    Bringing home to Native young people the message of handling their finances from an early age.
    See Empowerment $aga at

  18. 10th Circuit Court declines to rehear Wind Farm case, good news!!! Take that.
    Now that this sets precedent for the future of our ME but for Indian Country as well.
    So 8,000 acres was illegally taken by Enel N. America and Enel Kansas. Smh.
    Enel is huge. Just google.
    Remember the propaganda about putting people back to work to create Wind Energy, because of technology they are going to use drones to inspect the turbines.
    I have 287,000,000 reasons why we should go beyond that amount (what it cost to build these turbines) and ask for more in damages. They had no right. Article in the Osage News.

    1. Lets not forget the BIA is extremely culpable for our loss in land and revenue, illegal bird taking of our cultural bird, the Bald Eagle. Enel was in constant contact with the BIA during the building phase of this Project and who are the three families who will be compensated for royalties for years to come?
      More like the ME will be the recipients of the royalties to come. That or take them down.

    2. Property tax breaks for five years, contributions to the Osage County Community Foundation and Contributions to the Pawhuska schools? All fron Enel Wind to build thi ugly eye sore that depreciates the land they are on, proven fact I might say. Sounds like a pay to play scheme here. Not funny.

    3. Take that, once more!
      Fantastic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. With all this rhetoric happening on our ME and if we are operating under the old CFR's where is our oil boom? With oil prices soaring almost to 51.50 a barrel Headrightowners are wondering after 30 years whats going on? Where are the wildcatters? What is happening to our shale exploring and so forth?

    5. I'm not sure $51.50 for a barrel of oil will bring any operators to Osage County to drill. The County is mostly secondary recovery, and the wells are lucky to produce one barrel a day. I respect our Mineral Council but they say what they need to keep getting re elected. I'd rather hear the truth. No new drilling due to low prices, low producing wells, uncertain regulations, etc. Just tell me the truth, I won't think anything bad about you. You would think this county is the next Bakken. Yes there is still oil here, but how much will it cost someone to bring it to the surface, and how much water is coming with it? The produced water has to be separated from the oil and then pumped back down into the earth. If more water comes up than oil, what profit is in that? Please 7:28 AM don't hold your breath.

    6. The boom happened in the 1920s.

    7. We still can have a boom, why because right now its happening elsewhere except here. Yep no lies. Yes we can and I dont want to hear it cannot be done. It can stop protecting special interest. I am running for council. Got news a new player is coming to town. To all you nay sayers we need doers and I will bring life back to our ME with a few strategies. We need hope and we accountability and transparency. Sorry but our MC is not delivering or successful. What has been going on is the court of opinion well what about the in between? They may be who they are but so we are the same all Headright owners. Creating my website this week.

    8. Will you have a name, or are you running as "Mr. or Ms. Anonymous"?

    9. Still building my site when done you will be able to see.

  19. To poster on October 20, 2017 at 7:28 AM

    Thanks to Obama and his EPA assault on Osage county oil, we are reeling from his agenda to destroy natural resources. It may take awhile for oil producers to gain confidence to open operations again.
    I know people want to blame the MC for low prices but the real dilemma is the chief wants to stick his big red nose into MC affairs to control their decision making process. In addition, there are people on the MC who collude with the chief to disrupt the MC's agenda. The MC needs to put their foot down once and for and let them do their job without unauthorized wackos trying to run the ME on their own terms.

    1. Thank you. Now that's a fair and truthful assessment of the situation.

    2. We truly understand the politics that has plagued our ME, been going on for decades between the haces and have nots, but I also blame the MC as well. We would not be clearly having this conversation had we been better propped sorta speak of course, but we are. We can be doing so much more. Though we are in the courts of opinion there is no reason why we get ourselves knee deep into these battles when we have to confront them on a daily basis and build our reputation which in this industry it is not a secret what has happened in the last decade the regs and Drummond. Had we had a functional office staffed with the trained professionals in their field we would be in a much better place to circumvent alot of the rhetoric that is here. Mapping the Estate should one and done and in reality the BIA should have done this years ago. Remember we are the stewards of this ship and its sunk. If we were functional and operational we wouldn't be having lease sales because wecwould be functioning at 100% but wd are not there. My expertise is growing a company's base. And this is a multi billion dollar estate and there is no excuse for the lack of behavior here. Don't make up excuses when you do nothing is accomplished. In the endit does not take decades to assert our rights once and for all. Nithing is fair at this point.

    3. Blame Blame Blame. Half the MC trying to do you out of the money that comes in your check. The other half is trying to stop them. Whose side are you on? Don't be foolish. Think carefully before you respond. Where do you live, by the way?

    4. It does not matter where I live but my district is Grayhorse. And no is not in my vocabulary didn't your mama teach you that when you were little?
      Listen I am highly trained and skilled in customer service , hospitality business and trained in accounting.
      If anyone reads anyone well I can spot you a mile away. So smile change needs to come in the worse way. You know it and so do I stop the lying about the revenue missing out of your check its not much compared to the big rainbow that pot at the end of the rainbow that seems to be so elusive one has to think hmmm what can be going on.
      Don't deflect because then you become a obstructionist and it is not enough our Headright owners want answers and progress and accountability. Not just that a working body towards those aspirations.
      I have made businesses five star. So please I do think we need qualified people who know how to do this and I happen to believe, do you? Because there is always room for improvement and our Headright owners have a right to fiscal responsibility.

    5. I don't think its PC to ask where do you live, by the way and then you say be very careful, what does that mean? You come across as racist. We are all from the same cloth. Osage and Headright owners.
      And for sure through our election we hope to see new faces. Can we get some work on our ME.

  20. To poster on October 22, 2017 at 5:31 PM

    I'm on the 1906 Act's side.
    I'm for the MC working for the shareholder's best interest.
    I'm for the MC having a backbone to do their job.
    I'm for the Nation government to quit claiming that it owns the ME.
    I'm for certain MC members who side with the chief's interference to be voted out of office.
    I'm for the MC to gain the trust of the shareholders that voted them into the council.
    I'm for getting Raymond Redcorn and his desire to tax the ME as far away as possible from MC affairs.
    I'm for the MC representing themselves in Washington instead of the chief trying to "convince" the feds the he has full authority over the MC and ME.

    Need I say more?

    1. Hot s**t! Good for you

    2. Lol. Lets hope we get some dynamic people that can make all the above work and then some. We see that there are others that are afraid of progress and that tells me some are very afraid of losing their positions this election because, I cannot wrap my head around as to why there are those afraid of progress? That just might have the ability to speak to the problems that exists and is for progress.
      That just might know something about something and would like to see their Headright checks move in the upward direction. We need to protect the small interest but where is the bigger interest?
      Though you say backbones are needed no kidding but got to give it Erwin for her back bone but we also need to weed out the ones who do not have a spine in them.
      I happen to think that many Headrightowners I as myself have lost a lot of faith in our MC.
      I happen to believe the Headright owners when it comes to spending our revenue we should be comprised of the means, how our bread and butter is being used, how it is spent on what when and where more importantly for how long and how much. Does the means justify the end result that is being sought?
      If there is any ambiguity which there is we need to open the doors to accountability which will only open doors.
      In addition taxation on the ME? Raymond Redcorn you cannot seriously be thinking taxing your own revenue it cannot happen for more than one reason and or is this a rumor? Though I do question the gross production tax? Because we are the Reservation the ME and we are Sovereign so how does one sovereign state tax another state that is sovereign? How does that work to our benefit ?

    3. Once they set up this big office with Nation appropriated funds, who will they be beholden to? If they set it up without Nation funds, where will the money be coming from? Your quarterly check?

    4. Anybody who understands economics 101 understands that in order to make money you have to sometimes spend, but I am in accounting as well so alot things can happen when one looks at the books which we need to know where we can cut back, to getting Government help from the Nation, yes we are entitled, as well as the Federal Government, but we need thinkers and doers. There's always swamp right? I have a few strategies but it takes innovative thinking and I have the tools. I get why everyone is in a uproar over what is happening on the ME, I predicted a long while back that the future is today and where are we in yhe Courts, well we got work to be done on the ground and for all intense purposes its no wonder Headright owners ar= fit yo be tied with their Headright checks. Mine and my family are out at least well over 100,000 dollars because of these stpid regs the EPA tried to push on us. So I have more than a reason to say we neec to get our act together. This is no accident by any means. Our checks have seen better days and we will see better days but we will need to climb that ladder.
      Information is so key and it benefits everone when you have a say so in this manner. Everyone must remember this, there are 5000 give or take shareholders 5.00 out of our checks is 25,000. My point is, spending 20.00 to make 100,000 is that pot at the end of the rainbow. In other words that pot needs to grow and the elections are right around the corner. In yhe end communication is so elemental.

    5. These people can only lose money from the track record they have so firmly established it wouldn't surprise me to find out that it's already been sent over to the engravers to be put in stone. Where have you been? Just about the only business you can't fail at is Casino gambling. If they want to throw more money toward another business failure on the Osage Nation side that's one thing. If it's Shareholder money, that's quite another. Prove to me that they can succeed at just two businesses not related to gaming that are operating at a respectable profit, then and only then will I consider your proposal. With no more lies with only money coming in reported as profit without subtracting expenses, losses, salaries, benefits, overhead and what have you, either, thank you very much.

    6. I understand exactly what you are saying there is no if ands or buts about it. But success is also not a figment of our imagination either. But like I said once again my interest is your interest and we are in this together this isn't about me in as much we need to restore our ME and their is strategy here. I cannot put the horse before the cart right or give details on that strategy before I know what I am truly looking at. But what we do know is the status quo cannot stay the same and strategizing is so very important but if everyone is not on the same page how can this happen and it hasn't happened.
      I know what I am talking about the end goal and its a easy process and concept. You would want me on your team not just that I am a staunch supporter of the 1906 Act and what I believe is Erwin is in the right direction and she needs all the support.
      Then we have our Newspaper the Osage News doesn't realky touch the politics in nature and we need to expand communication to the Headright Owners. Non of this hard to achieve.

    7. Here is a example we are Sovereign right and this land is Indian Land and we are considered the disadvantage if this is so why do we pay to play, because the gross production tax is a imposed tax. Somhow do we benefit form paying this Tax? Especially with wind farms coming in and condemning our lands? There is room for negotiations there and this is just one way we can get this mnoey back and thats one of many ideas that we can come to better terms. Paying Oklahoma, what do they do that contributes to our end? Think about it and you know I am right.

  21. Burial Assistance Fund:
    Don't plan on collecting any of it if you've bought a policy before you die.
    In addition, be prepared for mean spirited "at home" Osages to drub and verbally abuse you if you are the bereaved and try and collect it because If you do, you may hear selfish insensitive remarks like, "There are Osages who don't even have the money to afford a funeral!"
    If you are lucky enough to actually get a reimbursement for funeral expenses already paid out by the deceased, don't plan on trying to donate any of it back to the Osage Nation either or you may hear remarks like, "I thought this donation was coming from the family and now I find out that it's really coming from the Osage burial fund!"
    They can't even let the Osage people have this money in death, let me repeat that, -- in death -- without selfishly raising a stink about it, meanwhile, they are swimming in our money on a daily basis with salaries at the Executive level from $60,000-$500,000 a year, not including benefits!
    They just can't stand to see us have a dime without raising unholy hell about it, can they?
    Who's for running for office on The No More Selfish Osage Nation Elected Officials Ticket?

    1. Let me posit this scenario; the article says that $450,000 has been appropriated for the Burial Assistance fund. What I'm hearing up on the Hill is that there is a big flap brewing about how the Chief is moving money around in any given budget and even between one budget and another that falls under the umbrella of the Executive Branch! Depending on how many Osages die in a given year and how many actually qualify for the death benefit, -- I would like to know who precisely can qualify under these circumstances -- this realistically reduces the amount actually spent out of the Burial Fund appropriation down to what, $0? Back to the scenario, if the employee Merit Bonus bill that just passed is in the neighborhood of $345,000 and there are also employee salary increases on top of that as well, on a yearly basis that range from 1% - 3%, might this Burial Fund bill be a sweet way for the Chief to pad the budget for a burial assistance benefit for "all" Osages that is rarely, if ever paid out, and have this money available as a kind of reserve fund for moving money around if he needs it to pay the employees or for other purposes that we never find out about? The question is, how many of these Executive Branch budgets that supposedly are for Osage Nation membership are being padded like this that the Chief can use for whatever and whenever he wants to with the apparent full support of and backed up by the opinions of the Osage Nation Supreme Court? Also, don’t plan on getting this Osage Nation Membership Death Benefit if you have an Osage Revocable Trust for your headright that includes language which states that funeral expenses have to be paid out of the Trust assets. This is a new provision in recent years that was not included in earlier trusts prepared by the Osage Nation Minerals Office staff.

      I still want to know how much each and every Osage Nation employee is being paid that must be available to us by election time. This is a government, not a private corporation and we, the Osage people have every right to know this information or elect a new Chief and Assistant Chief as well as new members of Congress and Justices of the Judicial Branch who will see to it that we have this information available to us at the end of every session that involves a budget if there is an employee salary which is a part of it. I heard that the Chief's immediate and extended family are bringing down salaries in the neighborhood, plus or minus, of a grand total of million bucks a year! I'm not sure if this includes benefits too. Not even Jim Gray had that much audacity when he was in office. Right? Just saying.

    2. Cannot wait to end this Government ends and is restored it back to the M.C.
      Talk about the Hypocrisy here, nepotism and cronyism.
      The 31st council had not right to throw the Headright owners under the bus and yes they did supercede their authority. Where was my vote?
      For the most part where was the diligence by the BIA?
      Everytime I see, hear something like this abuse of power happening its like as long as everyone is getting a check a blind eye is turned sorry for the comparison here but look at what is happening with the U.S. Government. Think about it Congress members their has to be acompromise here. How our money is used is to be used to create money. The people are Sovereign not the Nation. And there lies the answer yes they can be sued and the real Sovereignty exists in the 1906 Act. The ME is the real reservation.

    3. Her plight is right lets support her Stephanie Erwin and call her tonite and tell her, we support her.
      The Osage Nation does not own the M.E.
      We the Headright owners do it was not bought and paid for the Nation the truth is we own them.
      Prove that we don't.
      Who gave them the right to borrow a loan against our M.E to build their Nation?
      And remember these Osages who are supposedly working for us right after all they keep telling us its our money show us the money honey I say by a Per-Cap to those who truly own you.
      This was the agenda but their was a few who did not want to see this happen so this is why this Nation was constructed needless to say it is de facto government. Because we had a Government from the beginning, may have not been perfect but look at it now, no fiscal responsibility.

    4. The new phrase of late is, "No such thing as a penniless Osage in Osage County." Not right that they get $15-$20 million of Federal funding on the basis of our total numbers USA wide and then quibble about the piddly benefits we get with big funding coming in around time for the election. They are either going to offer a death benefit to all Osages across the board with no restrictions or start using their numbers in Osage County which is 2,500 and not 21,000 plus or minus America wide. Denying us the burial benefit with a ton of restrictions, even after our death, is so low and contemptible it qualifies as a horrendous crime that cries out to heaven. This is going too far and we must seek retribution for this in the ballot box come June!

  22. fyi - - Oct. 24, 2017 - "Osage Nation clears another hurdle in long-running fight with wind farm in Oklahoma"

    "Osage Wind asked for a stay because they are preparing to take the dispute to the U.S. Supreme Court."

    "...petition for writ of certiorari..." "It would be due January 18, 2018..."

    {There is really something wrong with the mentality of this company, the don't seem to grasp the significance that not only did they overbound the Osage Nation's rights (and we're talking legal rights} but that they "twice" went over the BIA's head, first by not getting the right paperwork and approval and then just totally ignored the BIA's order to stop, it's even reported that they hasten up to get the work done after they were told to stop. If they have a good lawyer, the lawyer will tell them to not go through with it. More time lost before we can get down to our "cost and loss."}

    1. If they have a good lawyer any lawyer would not tell them the truth just because of the Benjamins that is involved with this case.
      Yes if they do decide to take it to the U.S.S.C. can delay damages but in doing so it would just be better to concede for one reason, if there is not a remedy only the dollars signs will climb. It took 285,000,000.00 to build them I would say the illegal take will be even higher.

    2. Keep your hat on. It's BAU. The Supreme Court probably won't hear the case anyway and if they do, they will likely support the 10th Circuit's decision in the matter.

  23. Oil and Gas Summit 2017:
    This lease sale ought to be interesting.

    1. Why should it be interesting?
      I will say this it will be interesting how the over all performance is handled.
      I hope that we have big riders that come in the wild catters, but I don't tnink so.
      Do not mean to disappoint, but when the reputation is not taken to umpteenth, in other words in business reputation, consistency, speaks volumes. It is a very hard thing to overcome if you lost it in this industry.

  24. ref. Oct. 26 at 4:55 pm - "Who gave them the right to borrow a loan against our ME to build their Nation?

    We were dissembled as a Tribe by our own electees, to make claim to our tepee we had to apply for citizenship to the new Nation assembled. Totally dropped from the Tribe. We have many questions about the relationship between the Nation and the ME/MC and what's ours and what they think is theirs. I think 11 years has been too long to get the answers, please, let's push forward and get the answers in legal written form.

    When an Osage citizen goes one on one legally against the Osage gov. they are on their own with their lawyer.

    But when a council person from the MC (Erwin) takes any legal action for the benefit of headright owners, then she is representing all of us and the Court recognizes that. In a court of law, she will give her name and title and who she is representing. This is "recorded"--this is a "legal" statement. We are all involved with actions taken by the MC. There are actions and statements most likely between the MC and the Osage Shareholders Assos. that has encourage her to move forward, we have shown on this blog how we are for going forward with legal intention to get some answers that will allow the ME to move forward and prosper. If you don't take a step, you're going no where.

    I think a couple of councilmen don't want to rock the boat because their term is coming to an end. The job of a council person is getting rougher as we are beginning to pursue our rights in the courts.

    1. What loan? The Mineral Estate was never put up as a loan guarantee to my knowledge because it's illegal to do so in the first place. Federal Trust assets of the Osage Tribe cannot be used as a pledge or guarantee for anything. If you're thinking of the Casinos in Sand Springs and Tulsa, this was a business arrangement that happened on pure speculation and the non-Osage parties involved received a major chunk of the take once the doors opened. The NIGA was brought into play and the NIGC ruled that the management team running things at these two Casinos weren't Osage and changes had to be made to comply with the law. It became a big flap but the Osages managed to rid themselves of the original investor/managers despite the agreement made to build and operate those Casinos. This left a lot of people surrounding this deal unhappy with what took place including a few Osages involved in the structuring of the deal but there it is. If anyone can shed more light on what went down back then, start typing and let us know.

    2. As for the Osage Tribe, this is a real bone of contention with me. The Osage Nation just walked away from it without so much as a by-your-leave. They have never filed for a name change with the Federal government or applied for new recognized Tribal Nation status with the Federal government. With major assets still held in the name of the Osage Tribe in the 1906 Allotment Act as amended and and no Act of the U.S. Congress that in any way mentions the Osage Nation, only the Osage Tribe including P.L. 108-431, and no quiet title action in a Federal Court to transfer those assets from the Osage Tribe to the Osage Nation, I really don't know what will happen if the assets held in trust ever come back out of trust and are returned to the Osage Tribe as the owner of record. Can't get anyone at the Osage Nation to talk sensibly about this very real problem and that's part of what they're there for and by that I mean, they are supposed to protect the assets of the Osage Tribal community and that's even written in the Osage Nation Constitution.

    3. And by Federal Court I mean a U.S. Judicial Branch Court, not that of the U.S. Executive Branch like the U.S. Department of Interior, the Interior Board of Appeals which is only a DOI Court and not the final word as is the case in a Federal Judicial Branch Court.

      And now it gets really sticky because the Osage Nation now has this ability:

      On July 17, 2017, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) approved the Osage Nation (Nation) leasing regulations under the Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Homeownership Act of 2012 (HEARTH Act). With this approval, the Nation is authorized to enter into business site leases without further BIA approval.

      This notice also says that it must be consistent with 25 CFR part 162 which says:
      This part does not apply to Mineral leases, prospecting permits, or mineral development agreements covered by 25 CFR parts 211, 212, 213, 225, 226, 227.


      So don't let anyone at the Osage Nation tell you this new leasing ability includes oil and gas leases because it's just not the truth.

      Leases with a Tribal Nation that does not even have a formal legal foundation in a Federal Judicial Court as to what name is legal, what assets are owned by what legal entity between the two and what entity is the actual legal, legal entity? Only with the Osages would this ever possibly be the case. I rest my case.

    4. Thank you, Thank you.
      Well said this is why I said the M.E. owns all of the above then some they (Nation) exist only in name but the M.E. is the Reservation and all that is put into Trust is ours and not the Nation. And for those of you think differently you would be cutting your nose to spite your face they operate because they (Nation) could not if it wasn't for the ME.
      It is more than a bone of contention and all you have to do is yet yourfingers do the walking and there are going to be a few Osages in trouble including the BIA who sat and did nothing to the tune of millions lost in revenue and it is still happening.
      I don't think the Constitution has been codified which if it is not anything that has come down from our courts is reversible.
      As salacious this may sound the 31st council sold us out by all accounts. All in the name of sovereignty but it was about the Benjamins and greed. It is more than a bone of contention because the true Government is the MC and the true people at that time was the Headright ownwers and that is not a lie. We (Headright Owners) were not informed, just by example of what is going on at the Nation today is one reason we would have said no. Thats a fact.
      Yes, they did get a loan.
      (I think there are a few councilmen who do not want to rock the boat because there vote is up)
      Lol, listen some of them are just there to show boat and if we don't get action the status qoa will not change. And this is why we must vote them out. Especially those loyal to the Chief. But even now they no their time is not long. Lets not make up those excuses as to why some do not want to rock the vote. The dynamics here is everone knows everyone and the seed is deep to protect those interst because the web that binds is coming unraveled.

    5. The Mineral Estate (mineral rights and generated income) is owned by the Osage Tribe by legislative decree of the 1906 Allotment Act and its Amendments all signed into law by the President of the United States. Read the Act and all of its amendments. It's down in black and white. What's wrong with you people not being able to face the legal truth of the actual reality in which you live? There are two Federal trusts in effect at this time. One for the land and one for the income generated by oil and gas production. The only thing the individual headright owners own is the personal property right to income distributed quarterly that has been generated from the oil and gas that has been taken into trust for the benefit of the named beneficiaries as created by the 1906 Allotment Act as amended and those beneficiaries are the ones who own headrights or portions of headrights be they Osage or not. Get it now?

  25. To poster Oct 29,2017 at 1:12: I agree with you all the way. I think the Feds ruled on this before. ME IS SPENDING MY HEADRIGHT ON ATTORNEYS FOOLISHLY. Be so happy to vote them out of office.

    1. There are four or five members of OMC3 who voted for this stupidity. As I read it, we won, and then won on an appeal filed by Osage Wind. I just don't understand why, when we won twice on the issue, OMC3 just keeps stirring the stink bucket and spending more money. Am I reading it wrong?

      What REALLY disturbs me is that if we leave them in there long enough, they will stir enough that the US Congress will get enough of it, and break up our trust. It COULD happen.

    2. It's the Chief and his sidekick Waller that you have to worry about on that score, not the majority of the members of the MC.

    3. It says a stay was granted for the opposition by the 10th Circuit and we want that stay to go away so that we can get back into court and get what is owed to us from ENEL. They are proceeding in the right direction on this legal matter. What's the problem?

    4. Yes,they are moving into the right direction. Though we have many issues that exists in the interior as well the exterior, ah we do have problems.

  26. Rejoice! The long awaited app is now ready for download:

  27. Chief Geoffrey Standing Bear speaks at the 16th Annual Osage Oil & Gas Summit

    1. How was the summit? Anyone go?

    2. If on has not listen to last years summit,you should.When we can listen to this listen to this years summit and compare the two,I believe a better mind set on the ME can be an eye opening view of the current conditions of Osage concerns.A lot of info is shared on just last years summit.

  28. Big upset in OPEC, Saudi firing princes doing corruption in their energy income, which is causing the price of crude to come up now. This story I read on CNBC Energy page and heard it on Fox News this morn, if anyone cares to check it out. Wish we could do something about Robin in the BIA!!!

    1. I predicted this would happen last year but its a year later, and where sare we in development? DOA.
      Ask not just the BIA ask your reps the eight council members who are all up this election.
      Yep thats right, with the eeception of Erwin, I hope she is re-elected, the lifers need to go sorry but this dance has to come to a end and we need fresh thinkers that can diversify. Marketing Marketing is so important 24/7. Silence is never golden only leads to suspect long over due transparency and a accountability. Long live the 1906 Act. The Osage Tribe.

    2. Me too, been keeping up with it. I heard on radio that Venezuela may have to default on its debt if this continues, which will also contribute to higher oil prices.

    3. Well we will see in march the returns of course, but it isn't going go be much if we are not developing. Thats a problem. We need more than just the mom and pops.

  29. Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians
    Beneficiary Bulletin - November 8, 2017
    Cobell Deadline
    Dear IIM Accountholders and Trust Beneficiaries:

    Did you know that time is running out to file your Cobell claim and receive a settlement payment? The deadline to file a claim is November 27, 2017. You may be able to file a claim if you had an Individual Indian Money (IIM) Account or if you owned land held in trust by the U.S. Government.

    Please contact Garden City Group, the organization handling the settlement payments, to file your claim: 1-800-961-6109.

    To search the OST Whereabouts Unknown database, please visit:

    Thank you!

    U.S. Department of the Interior
    Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians

    1. see

    2. Search Tool for finding Osages who may have a right to Cobell settlement money:

  30. WOW!
    Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI the #1 Book of the Year

  31. To watch and listen to 2017 summit: google youtube and type in On the right is many films of the summit and the speakers. I'll be looking at this tonite after music awards. Want to hear Robin's bs.

  32. 25 Year Strategic Plan Snapshot--Since 2006

  33. It's here! 2017 Osage Ornament:

  34. Upcoming Elections Information and FILING FOR CANDIDACY:

  35. I like this idea. I can see that it has benefits.

  36. Called OST for Dec. payment amount, they said they'll know after the 15th, to call back Friday or next Monday. Their number is 918-287-5791 if you want to make a note to keep.

  37. $3,735 for December payment, up $185 from September, per Minerals Council website.

  38. Note: anyone planning to listen to the meeting Wednesday, check with the MC first, last meeting they mentioned it would be Thursday instead?

  39. Geoffrey Standing Bear announces candidacy for re-election as Principal Chief

    1. I'm just hoping there is going to be several qualified candidates for Chief.

      "...and our other funds to purchase additional lands." [oh, boy, not atta boy]

      "We have funding and business organizations that could benefit the OMC and ..." [another oh, boy, not atta boy]

      Nov. 14th, R. Red Corn also announces his bid for re-election.

    2. Lol, they will not get re-elected.
      Smh. They live in a fantasy don't they?

  40. Of interest:

  41. Raymond Redcorn is running too:

  42. What's up:

  43. Heads Up! Be sure to read your copy of the Osage Minerals Council Newsletter, Fall 2017, in particular, the summary of Chairman Everett Waller's trip to Washington, D.C.
    "Their goals are to...send Agency funds directly to Tribes." This sentence has to do with the restructuring of the DOI and the DOE (Department of Energy) with regard to the future development of Indian energy and economic development. I'm not sure what agency he's talking about here. Does this have to do with Bureau (BIA) funding, OST funding (as part of the DOI) for the Osage Mineral Estate Trust from the minerals income for the headright owners quarterly payment or what?

  44. So the Mineral Council voted to recind the law suit against the "Nation". What happened? And mostly why?
    At this point, would like to here from Boone and Erwins opinion as to why this suit was dropped?
    You can read it and weep because it only quotes from the Constitution and no opinion.

    1. The Nov. 16th meeting explains a lot. Boone and Erwin did not vote to rescind the resolution. There never was a law suit, this was a resolution to get a determination from the attorney (to see our chances of a successful lawsuit to the Federal and The Nation).

      Yates had asked for an update because he had heard noting about its status. He said in Sept., $14,000 was spent, he did not know amt. for Oct., and prior to the Sept. 20th resolution, $3,200 was spent and still no determination. Erwin responded to him that she was not able to get the info the attorney was asking for because not being able to get in the MC office or files. Boone said what a waste of money in rescinding because now that they have access to the office (2 days prior to the Nov. 16 mtg.), the info should be given to the attorney.

      Audio 2, the MC was discussing changing the rules of the MC election. A lady constituent spoke and told the MC that she did not agree with half of them, and she didn't like these changes they were discussing. She said the "1906" is to vote for 8 people for every 4 years, and "it's still on the books." She told the MC to "leave us alone" (shareholders) and said Congress has nothing to do with her cause the ME would go on without it, and to "leave Congress alone too." She was telling them to read the "1906" and quit trying to change things.

      Audio 3, much discussion about the MC having to pay attorney fees for other constituents questions because the MC does not give input (Erwin said), the cost being paid from "drawndown money" (IIM accounts). Was mentioned a $7,000 beetle bug research to see if it was a problem to us (they don't know who, no name on the bill?). It was said tens of thousands of dollars being spent on cost not voted on by the MC through resolutions. Was discussed to inform attorney he would not be paid for services unless it was through a resolution from the MC (but no resolution to do this?).

      It was mentioned that paying atty. fees without voting a resolution was a "fraud" and "malfeasance" to the shareholders.

      Was discussed about giving the Director more responsibility in decision matters.

      Maybe the lady constituent comments and whatever was discussed in the Executive meeting influenced the others?

    2. Again, gross ignorance prevailing here. The Minerals Council was and is formed as an Osage Nation Agency created right in the Osage Nation Constitution! When are you going to take the time to pick that thing up and read it? Hepsi and her merry band on the OGRC cooked this agency entity up back in 2006 to handle minerals business. The old Tribal Council no longer exists as so constituted under the 1906 Allotment Act because of the U.S. Congressional Reaffirmation Act of 2004, P.L 108-436. Read that too BTW.

      The Minerals Council budget has a line item for legal matters and getting in to access those funds does not necessarily require them to vote on every single bill for payment that comes in from an attorney. When are you going to get up to speed on how things work under the Osage Nation Constitution?

      The Minerals Council also have every right to sue the Osage Nation to establish their turf because precedent under the Osage Nation was set by Jim Gray suing the Osage Nation Congress in a turf war between two branches of the Osage Nation government and from that time, law suits have flown back and forth every since. If the Minerals Council sues the Nation to get a trust accounting of what trust assets belongs to them under the Osage Nation Constitution when payment was never made to them for what was taken including even the very Chambers over which they presided then that's just fine with me. Chief does not want this kind of determinative legal activity going on because then he knows he has to make a proper accounting of what was appropriated from the Minerals Council without so much as a by-your-leave when the Constitutional government swept in and took over. They don't want any grey areas where those Casinos on trust land are concerned and where the possibility for ongoing lease payments for land taken without compensation and without the possibility of any oil and gas leases associated with the land on which those Casinos are built and that's the very least of it just for starters.

    3. Give the Director more authority to do what and over what?

  45. What's going on at Tallgrass Economic Development? 2 CEO's gone in 2 months. 3 board members quit right before a board meeting. Newest board member takes financial control of the company. Same board member begins hiring friends and associates at $100K+ per year salaries. Hard working current employees subjected to hostile attacks by the board and "new" staff. When are we going to start running our businesses like a business and not a retirement fund for thieves!


      Which one of these people are you talking about hiring friends and associates? Parris? Bills? or Stuke?

    2. Good to know. Thanks. Is this the same Bills who went to the FBI?

  46. Seriously?

    1. What kind of work product in the last four years has this member of Congress been responsible for? Is he an empty suit taking up a chair like I've been hearing for years? Has the Chief dumped Red Corn and formed an alliance with Otto going forward? Is this because Otto will play ball with the Chief and do what he wants him to do or are there darker matters that have surfaced where Raymond Red Corn is concerned?

  47. fyi - an informative website - ""

  48. Good read. Article, DOI report outlines burdens to U.S. Energy development
    President Trump is bringing back the Roalty Policy committee. They will be revising and repealing Obama-era job killing regulations—in a effort to better the streamlining process of the permits.
    The committee will work to coordinate and streamline the energy permitting policies of the Bureau of Land Management, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the National Park Service, the Bureau of Reclamation and other federal agencies under DOI.
    The President wants t be clear that this was one of his priorities on his agenda in his campaign and is going to honor that commitment.
    Mean while, we know the Energy Sector was harmed hugely by these job killing regs set forth by the Obama administration. That being said, and there is no doubt we are still experiencing the effects of these regs are we going to be compensated for the Governments error in Judgment as admitted by the Administration?
    In my opinion tnis is good news for the enrgy sector but the article is remiss that is does not detail how they will achieve this goal but I do like Mr. Zinke and another thing, President Trumpnis keeping his promise to be more transparent and to be held accountable is the moral obligation he plans to keep.
    Can we get a little of that to. This is good news and yet all we report is fell good stories and pat ourselves on the back.
    I hope this process will happen very soon, lord knows we can use all the help we can get.

    1. The pure blood dripping's time we started using our own energy resources albeit pollution to follow here rather than use our youth in the military to secure our business interests overseas to the detriment of life and limb of these precious young men and women.

  49. Anyone have any update information about the Osage Producers Association suing back in Sept.?

  50. Catch up on MC meetings with Agendas and audio recordings at

  51. The option:

    1. No thank you. She's part if thre problem and will continue the swamp yhat so badly needs to be drained.

    2. I agree to that 7:47PM.

  52. The District Court granted the U.S. government an extension of time to conduct the accounting. It is due to the plaintiffs in September.
    What is going on with the Mathew Fletcher vs. United States?

    1. Haven't seen any info about Fletcher vs. U.S.? I wonder if Amanda Proctor will run for Asst. Chief. Wouldn't she have to withdraw from the Fletcher case if she does? Need some more candidates to run? M. Whitehorn wants to buy more land?

  53. That damn Chief fighting to get in the door again! When is this guy going to get it and butt out?

    Osage Minerals Council meets with BIA and DOI officials in closed consultation meeting

    1. When is this boob going to get up to speed that Federal law and that means Federal court rulings trump Tribal law and that means the Osage Nation Constitutional government. We have two court judgements that say in writing that the Minerals Council are the point people on all matters that involve the Minerals Estate. Chief is sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong and making trouble for everybody. Those Justices on the Osage Nation Supreme Court know this about at least one of those Federal Court rulings in the Court of Federal Claims or should know it and still they persist in trying to bring the Minerals Council to heel when it's they who must be brought to heel and kicked out at the next election right along with the Chief and the Asst. Chief as well. Enough is enough Shareholders! Make your vote count in June with all this renegade nonsense the Chief comes up with when he of all people should know that what he's doing isn't legally correct or right.

    2. Federal law Trumps Chief so go smoke a big fat one and chill.
      Stay away form our cookie jar. I can just see them frothing at the mouth.
      Albeit the circumstances the Osage Government is a hostile environment and recognized by many a de facto government, the Headright owners should expect a update in regards to how this HPP settlement has not improved our circumstances and what is going to be done about it? The BIA has not acted on our behalf since the HPP settlement?

    3. The Osage Nation Chief is not a annuitant nor a representative. I suggest Chief you need to find a balance we woukd not cry if you resigned.

    4. "...Standing Bear said the MC is not the ON..." -- that's right, our government was dismantled and the members existence as a Tribe ended.

      "...the MC has entered into an agreement with the BIA that excludes the Chief and the Congress."
      -- the Chief sending his representatives is the same as an illegal intrusion, probably why he did not mention the meeting to Congress. He tried to pull a fast one.

      "...Waller said he had a letter from the OMC's attorney stating the OMC could have a closed meeting with the BIA." -- so no ON rules or regulations broken, and the MC already had an agreement with the BIA.

      So many attorneys there.

    5. Thank you 3:25AM, this chief has got to go.

    6. Our Capital has to go,really who do they think they are. Lmao.
      And yes they are not the reservation the ME is and intact. Long live the 1906 act. I feel like every action that is being taken care of is being watched by the Nation our fe facto Government. Its about time our MC stand up to the Nation.

    7. When did the BIA start to work with the MC and not the Nations interests?
      Chief jas pie on his face.

    8. The Chief did not know of the meeting nor the Congress. I feel like this was "THE" meeting we've been hoping for--the meeting of "please, hear us." Too many attorneys there for a routine visit? Time will tell.

  54. It's not too late to arrive for Christmas:

    Not too late to book a Christmas or New Year's Getaway:

  55. Big news! Congressman Ron Shaw has resigned to become the Chief Executive Officer/Chief Medical Officer for the Wa-zha-Zhi Clinic, Primary Residential Treatment Center and the Treatment Alternative to Street Crime program (TASC). So much for loyalty to the people who elected him. I wonder how much in salary that's going to cost us.

    1. I also got word that a letter is flying around that was sent to the Osage Nation Congress that Assistant Chief Redcorn was given the opportunity to resign from the Board of Directors of the Osage County Museum in order to avoid further action after it was learned that he was stealing items from the museum and selling them. What kind of a person would do a thing like that? Can that sucker flat when you see his name on the ballot come next June.

  56. More trouble in OC:

    1. Use plasma gasification to dispose of waste water:
      Its essentially a plasma cutting torch that you can buy at Harbor Freight for about $700 usd (cheaper with coupons) and a pottery kiln.
      You can set it up for disposing of waste water, charging the producers a nominal fee. Then, assuming you can get past the disloyalty phase of "if its Osage we have to train wreck it!"/Fairfax grocery disease, you can use it as a complete waste disposal site.
      You can charge dump trucks to get rid of their waste at it.
      And it can produce enough of its own energy to be self sustaining and even generate a profit. So long as your ready to replace kiln bricks.
      The only downside is that it would benefit the tribe, which goes against "The Supreme Osage Solemn Vow Of Disloyalty Towards Anyone Less Than 1/2 Osage Quantum". And going against the TSOSVODTALT1/2OQ is strictly forbidden.
      Good luck.

    2. If it were me and I were "not Osage" or "any other tribe" (which automatically would give me PhD status within the Osage Tribe were I not Osage), I'd set up distillation pots to distill the pure water from the waste product first, ideally using either solar or waste gas for this. The producers could likely do this on their own, assuming proper Tribal regulation and monitoring.

    3. No article on the mess Chaparell caused with their CO2 experiment around Burbank? Old wells blew out and salt water and oil was flung for miles. Some properties were ruined so bad that Chaparell found it cheaper to buy them out rather than try to fix their mess. And they were the best operator in the County? We're screwed as shareholders.



    6. Who currently on the Minerals Council was in favor of this Burbank CO2 Project? Galen Crum? Who else?

  57. What's up with this new Special Session of Congress on January 17, 2018 and this ISDA Master Agreement? Agreement about what?

  58. Things are beginning to heat up politically on the Conversation page of the Osage Blog --->>>


    1. See also

  60. More facebook pages for future reference are located at

  61. Final--Osage Chief/ AP Chief Candidates:

  62. This isn't just a good film, it's an important film especially for those who are greed driven.

  63. Minerals Meeting on Friday and the Agenda is here --->>>
    Questions are starting to form over the clean up of the oil and gas areas throughout Osage County and why the Osage Energy Services LLC is trying to get involved with more funding in a bill from Congress when they have done nothing by way of energy services that anyone knows of since they were created as an Osage Nation entity some five plus years ago. What they know about it who knows and no one can tell you what they know about anything on oil spill remediation, clean up and restoration as far as I know either. Looks like just more more money into the pockets of the "Golden 17%" who reside in the Osage at the behest money of the Osage people orchestrated by the members of the Osage Congress and the Chief who support this ideocratic (as in the word idiot) idea where a huge mess will be made by ONES out in the field that will then require us to pick up the tab instead of the BIA. Shouldn't the Minerals Council by rights, as an official minerals matter, be coordinating this effort with the BIA anyway?

    I'm also hearing that the elected member of Congress who took a hike for a much fatter paycheck from the Nation as in $200,000 to $300,000 to run the healthcare compact as Chief Executive Officer/Chief Medical Officer is now firmly at the helm. He better have negotiated a golden parachute or all the money up front because the back story is that certain people didn't want him running for Chief and got him out of the running in the upcoming election to further their own political gain with our money at stake and when the heat is on about the astronomical amount he's being paid, those certain people will drop him and fire him for some cause or another before the election in June. IOW, Osage politics as usual. Would you want to take your cause to Osage Court with the way the Osage Nation Constitution is written per Article IV, Section 4?

    Smooth operators as always elected in the Osage Nation government and we have no guarantee that this former member of Congress has any government management skills in place other than running a small health care service for one other Indian Tribe in the past or whether or not that was under a compact status no one knows either at this point. I'm hearing that more than half of the Native Americans who are serviced by our healthcare facilities are from another Tribe anyway and why we have to pay for a healthcare service and new buildings for members of a Tribe far richer and vastly larger than ours, I have no idea.

    1. BTW, in the new session starting tomorrow, an ISDA Master Agreement is being put together with a waiver of Sovereignty and approval. WTH? Are we getting into banking involving derivatives now? Come on! Wasn't it derivatives that nearly brought down the US economy and subsequently nearly that of the entire world? Who is doing the thinking on this fiscal insanity? Can't wait to see who the sponsor/s is/are of this legislation in the Osage Congress and if the Chief signs it. Starts tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.... and click on text as written -->>> 11th Special Session Proclamation

    2. Congress now meets on Main Street in that Bank building the Osage Nation bought with plenty of our money now going to refurbish it to meet their needs at least until another building can be built specifically for them up on the Hill at some future point. Who will be broadcasting tomorrow between the Osage Minerals Council and the Osage Congres that is also meeting at about the same time, no one knows. Have to see what comes up tomorrow at
      The Congressional Affairs Committee met today and the first part of the meeting is available to listen to at Click on the text 2018-0110_5Con_ConAffairs-Pt1

      Hopefully the next part of the meeting will be up soon.

      The revised agenda for this meeting is here --->>>
      Congresswoman Shannon Edwards is phoning this meeting in today. So, when it comes to other members of the Osage Congress phoning it in from other parts of the country outside of Osage County shouldn't become an issue in the future.
      Is it true that the Legislative Council for legal matters is making $125,000 a year for what constitutes, again, another scandalously high paying part time job with the Nation?

    3. Congress is not doing anything with the reports coming from OFPR when they get them? WTH is this all about now? Why are we even paying for the OFPR if the reports they generate are being ignored by the Members of the Osage Nation Congress? I'm really tapping my foot now to get a "Notes from the Nation" from Kugee Supernaw on this extremely important matter and a plethora of other issues as well. Who is this person being questioned from the OFPR who is so evasive and says she doesn't have the information at hand when being asked for it?

    4. The real question is why are we paying the Congress when they ignore reports from the Osage Fiscal and Performance Review (OFPR) which is a critically important arm of the Osage Congress? Now they are creating a new Congressional subcommittee to change OFPR law and policies and procedures? We fought in the Osage Nation courts to get the OFPR up and running as a tool for the Osage Congress at great cost to the Osage people. I don't believe what I'm hearing here... and more than one member of the Osage Naiton Congress agrees with this assessment!

    5. Pay a licensing fee to a company to post our legislation online with cable content? WTH is this about too? Need a waiver to post and publish our own legislation with this company and a direct cost quote involved? I thought we were paying for our own online network and able to get our legislation online for free with our own in-house internet network. Why are we making duplicate payments for one thing after another with this out of control
      $26,000 to Code Publishing Company for a licensing each year with a number of different fees involved in the total nickeling-and-dimeing us to death because they own the publishing rights? Is this all-in? How did this situation happen?

    6. Pay Com and the majority of the Congress doesn't even use it even though we are paying for it? Smart Goals? Would that include reading and doing something about the reports coming from the OFPR? I'd sure like to see that document... It surprises me we even have such a thing. Good idea at last...
      What is the Osage Academy and how much are we paying for that?

    7. Part 2 is up now and they are voting on a resolution on this Smart Goal program whatever that is. Good get the Congress involved so they can begin to set goal and check them off one at a time when completed. Wow! Shouldn't this have been happening way back in 2006? My lands! What will we learn about next that the elected officials of the Osage Nation aren't doing that they should have been doing all along?

    8. Set goals I meant to say and meaning more than just one.

    9. I think it is time for our congressional body to get real and start speaking as a true delegate and explain what is exactly what is going on here. I brought up earlier to what are we doing going to derivatives with our money?

    10. OK here's the deal. ONCA 17-112, An Act to authorize and appropriate three hundred forty six thousand five hundred dollars ($346,500) to Osage Nation Energy Services, LLC; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Otto Hamilton) was passed and signed into law by the Chief on October 4, 2017. Edwards and Whitehorn voted no and Tillman, Mason and Norris were absent. All the rest voted yes!
      WTH do they need more money now for and what have they blown through this much money on since early October of last year?

    11. BTW, it's my understanding that Kugee has been seriously concerned for a long period of time about the inaction and inactivity of Congress on more than just OFPR Reports that involve fiscal matters reported to the members of the Osage Nation Congress. I also understand that he's far from being the only one who's been concerned about the lack of engagement of some of the more lazy and feckless do nothing members of our Congress. Let me remind you that the pay check and benefits exceed $65,000 a year for each and every one of the 12 of them. Are we getting our money's worth?

    12. Hardly. When Otto loses his bid for Vice Chief we'll be rid of one of them there and other than just medical matters, now that Ronnie has left too for better traces on the path to great wealth courtesy of the Osage people, that will be another one gone. Losing Whitehorn will make a difference as she is fairly engaged so we should push for her election as Chief. I'm hearing for sure that a compact with the Osage Nation on the development of the Mineral Estate is going through at some point in the next 5 years so bye-bye trust and money coming into the Federal Trust account? It's likely. How much will a headright owner receive in a quarterly payment if the trust account is empty and has 0 dollars in it? Won't that blow Sonny Abbott's mind when he no longer gets any money in his quarterly checks from the Osage mineral rights? Worth the price of admission for that particualr moment in time, let me tell you!

    13. Chief, on pain of losing in the next election, how much have you agreed to pay former member of the Osage Nation Congress, Ron Shaw to run our health care? All-in and tell the truth now... Is this a personal service contract or some other kind of employment agreement? And don't even think of telling us that we don't have the right to know because we damn well do.

    14. As for our money's worth, two Congressional meetings in November. Four meetings in December and two for January not including the Special Session scheduled for tomorrow.
      Check it out at and click on the back arrow to review the activity of your representatives in the Osage Nation Congress in the past months.

    15. As for our money's worth, two Congressional meetings in November. Four meetings in December and two for January not including the Special Session scheduled for tomorrow.
      Check it out at and click on the back arrow to review the activity of your representatives in the Osage Nation Congress in the past months.

    16. How much is the running total of the loans we have on the books now and have to pay back?

    17. 91 days with only 8 days of partial work and one day of a Special Session that may close out tomorrow before 5:00 P.M.? So each one of them get roughly $5,400 a month and for three months so called work, that's $16,250 for 8 part day's work and one day that make take 8 full hours? How sweet is that?

    18. First National Bank Building, 100 W Main, Pawhuska, OK.

    19. Kugee should be concerned as are a lot of us. At least he and a few others in Congress still have their eye on the ball. I'm glad to know he's still keeping watch on things going on up there.

    20. The idea is that ONES was funded to do other things than what their new agenda suggests they will be doing with the money. It's always a shell game with these people in the Executive Branch and now I guess that includes the Business Enterprise Boards of which ONES is one of them, no pun intended. I don't want those people within an inch of running a clean up operation on the oil spills out in the field. I heard there is a company that has been doing this sort of work effectively and they have been around for years. As it is now, ONES will likely subcontract someone with a lowball offer and make or take a fee to do so and then come back to Congress time and time again because the work costs more that was originally advertised with no guarantee that the job will even be handled properly or done well. Eddy Red Eagle is involved with ONES so you know what that means and where it will end up on the money high side of things. Get the Minerals Council to handle this as it's their responsibility anyway because it's a legitimate minerals matter.

    21. Here's a list of them in Oklahoma --->>>

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