Saturday, February 23, 2019

Archive #51: Osage Shareholder Matters--February 2019-June 2021


  1. To review the recent comments on the previously active Osage Blog Shareholder Matters web page see

  2. Revised Agenda for MC Meeting today: Revised Agenda with meeting time at 11:00 a.m., today:

    1. February 21, 2019 at 11:37 AM--All good questions that I'm sure were addressed in Executive Session even though the money from the Minerals Estate Trust comes to the Headright Owners who are the Beneficiaries and who are the very last ones these days to receive full disclosure from either the Osage Nation government (the Chief) or the members of the Minerals Council who seem to act more like representatives of the Osage Nation than they do of the Shareholders who elected them. The mineral rights income from royalties and bonuses, other than the funding from the drawdown, does not benefit the Osage Nation or any office, department, agency or instrumentality of it. It benefits the Headright Owners whose real financial interest, of supreme importance, is the first to be protected, not the last.

    2. The MC and the Chief have signed two documents on behalf of the BIA under the self-governanace contract? Getting ready to do a third document that will have the consensus of the members of the Minerals Council? I'd like to see a copy of these documents and as Shareholders with Trust Headright income directly on the line, we have a right to review this paperwork in advance of any firm and or final agreement and weigh in on where this is all taking us especially with the wretchedly failing/ed business track record of the Osage Nation associated with the business diversification plan/s away from gaming set in motion in 2008 with the LLCs.

    3. I’ll be waiting with a stroke of a pen and file against such motion if the Headrights owners do not get a vote on this matter and I delay it for we better get a look at what is going on.

    4. As far as the Osage Nation Congress trying to put together a law that will equal or exceed NEPA in only 10 months time; in the last three months of December, January, and February, they (12 in number) have had no Special Sessions and only 8 Committee meetings (official meetings of the ON Congress) out of a possible number of business working days to equal 64 in total. So, good luck with that. The MInerals Council (8 in number) have met 6 times for official business meetings in that same time period and they are paid a salary of one half the amount or less. See Just saying...

  3. ❗⚠️ Shareholder ALERT ⚠️❗

    The Minerals Council will be holding a meeting this coming Friday, March 1. Agenda will follow as soon as it’s available.

  4. Cobell Scholarships! See

  5. Questions for the Minerals Council meeting on Friday with regard to the TERA:

    1. It's important to know that someone from the OST was there at the last OMC meeting and I wonder what's going on. I'm still concerned about this "residual fund" and how it will come to bear on what is taken and transferred to the OME Trust account or isn't. I can't get any questions answered about this aspect of the TERA and as this may well directly come to bear on the income of the Osage Shareholders, we are on a need to know basis and we need to know! Is this "residual fund" a fund to be set up by the Nation and held in the ON Treasury or a fund held by the Federal government somehow?

    2. Among other things like the new CFRs being rammed into place before December 18, 2019, the OFFICE of INDIAN ENERGY POLICY and PROGRAMS which is a U.S. Department of Energy division is another potential problem because the DOE has never put a foot in the Osage and who knows what other regulations and regulatory problems will come with it. What will they be doing exactly and how will they oversee the TERA and how we qualify to receive the money to run our Minerals Office operations? See

    3. Perhaps David Conrad can supply some clarification and answers here and how ONES, LLC is expected to interplay? See

    4. Is it possible to see the signed copies of the agreements with the BIA that were mentioned in the meeting as to self-governance and the third one that hasn't been signed as of yet? As any agreement/s may come to bear on the income of the beneficiaries of the current Osage Mineral Estate Trust and how it's administered by the BIA and the OST, there should be full and open disclosure on any future plans that may come to bear with regard to this aspect of the changes that TERA will bring on board.

    5. What is meant by the five year window to go back to the way it is now "with negotiation." I don't like playing around with quicksand...

    6. I still can't get a clarification on this section of the TERA law: (1)In general
      Except as provided in paragraph (2) and AT THE REQUEST OF THE INDIAN TRIBE (???) or individual Indian, any advance payments, bid deposits, or other earnest money received by the Secretary in connection with the review and Secretarial approval under any other Federal law (including regulations) of a sale, lease, permit, or any other conveyance of any interest in any trust or restricted land of any Indian tribe or individual Indian shall, upon receipt and prior to Secretarial approval of the contract or conveyance instrument, be held in the trust fund system for the benefit of the Indian tribe and individual Indian from whose land the funds were generated." SEE What is this section supposed to mean?

    7. Does the above section of the brand new Federal TERA law, in effect since December 18, 2018, “Bust the Osage Minerals Beneficiary (Headright Owners) Trust,” that is being looked into as a serious future option by the Osage Nation and the Minerals Council with the Osage Nation taking direct receipt of the income (royalties and bonuses) generated from the Osage Mineral Rights unless the Osage Nation government specifies otherwise? This will be a significant change from the way it’s handled now with all of the revenue going directly for deposit and into the Federal Trust account which is managed by the Office of the Special Trustee (OST).

    8. Why isn't the BIA as the administrator and most importantly, the Secretary of the Interior as the Trustee of our Minerals Estate, trusting or handing off to the Osage Nation government via the MC, the responsibility of explaining the legalities to the actual Trust beneficiaries (the Headright Owners themselves) what changes are being proposed in the TERA and what may be happening in the future? Why isn't there direct communication especially since self governance agreements have been signed that so clearly will come to bear where the income of the beneficiaries of the OME Trust are concerned? It's not like they haven't communicated directly with the Osage Headright owners in the past. Why aren't they doing it now, acting on their fiduciary duty and obligation to the beneficiaries at this most important juncture when such sweeping changes are already occurring? I should include the Office of the Special Trustee (OST) in this too since they are also involved with our Trust funds distributed to the Headright Owners.

    9. For those who question my right to ask questions about the TERA: It's a brand new law (December 18, 2018) untested in the Courts and untried and no Tribal Nation has gone in that direction to date. That's why questions are being asked IN ADVANCE and the Shareholders have a right to answers to these questions before the Nation goes in this direction. This is a Trust with the head of the DOI as our Trustee and we deserve answers and full disclosure prior to getting involved because of the fiduciary obligation owed to us as beneficiaries. I know that certain people in the Osage Nation government have preferred to operate in the dark in the past without pesky constituents and Osage Headright owners asking too many questions. Those days are over and we have every right to ask these questions, to speculate on what may happen in the future and to expect that these questions will be answered in a professional and logical manner by the elected officials of the Osage Nation and the Trustee and administrators of the Osage Minerals Estate Trust from which we derive headright income. If agreements have already been signed between the Osage Nation and BIA, we should have been informed in advance, not after the fact!

    10. I think it's important for everyone to understand that there is a question that has been unanswered since before the vote to ratify the Osage Nation Constitution and it is this: What fiduciary obligation do the members of the Osage Minerals Council have to the Headright owners if they are elected members of the Osage Nation Minerals Agency. As agents, it's my understanding and correct me if I'm wrong, that their legal fiduciary obligation is to the Agency itself and the Agency is an Osage Nation government entity. In view of this legal reality, what fiduciary duties and obligations, if any, are owed to the Osage Headright owners by the members of the Osage Nation Minerals Council? If the BIA and the Secretary of the DOI, know that this Agency relationship exists where it involves the Headright beneficiaries of the Osage Mineral Estate Trust, why are they letting the Osage Nation handle the information sharing instead of handling it themselves? If you don't think that elections exist of officers who don't necessarily represent the people's interests over the State/Government, think Russia and Putin.

    11. New notification:*F

    12. Other concerns are how the liability for oil and gas damages to Osage County property past and present are concerned. One member of Congress was at one point in time very concerned about stepping away from the protection of the Federal Trust in place today because of the potential liability in so doing. The Bureau may say that it has no liability for what harm has been done in the past but I'm not certain that it has been definitely established as the truth. Will we have to assume the liability for damages to the land that has taken place in the past if the BIA steps away from it's primary position to a secondary one? Will the land owners come forward in Court demanding that we restore the damage done to the land in the past as soon as we take things over? It's a given that we will be assuming the responsibility for damage to the land going forward into the future because the Federal government won't accept the liability or the responsibility for what we are doing while we are in business for ourselves as a Tribal Nation. How does this diminish the Trust responsibility going forward? This points up the need for liability insurance and who will give us a policy on the basis of the damage done to the land in the past and insurers do look at the past in terms of policy placement. I should think that under the current circumstances, any liability policy would be totally prohibitive in cost. Will the TERA require us to have such liability insurance?

    13. "Tribes, or a consortium of tribes, can contract or compact to assume a portion of the administration of Individual Indian Money (IIM) financial trust services through an agreement negotiated with OST." If such a contract or compact takes place, will the Nation be paying the same rate of interest to the Headright owners in their IIM Accounts that they are being paid today under the financial management and administration of the OST? The current interest rate is 2.96% nearly 3% per annum compounded daily. Or will the headright owners lose this privilege altogether if the Nation takes over?

    14. Tina R. Allen As for an Osage Nation duplication of the NEPA legislation at the same level or higher, from a realistic standpoint on the ground, how will the Osage Congress deal with having to put penalties in the law including fines in some instances in the thousands of dollars and other punitive measures if the law is broken? The Osage Nation Code is notorious for the absence of such penalties in the law. Who will be handling enforcement and without the Bureau there to impose and collect fines against the oil and gas producers, who will enforce compliance with the requirements of the law or will it all be swept under the rug like it's often reported to be today. If this starts happening and can be proven that compliance with the law isn't taking place out in the field and there's no enforcement happening, according to what was said in the last MC meeting, we could lose funding for the new Minerals Office. This makes working for us on a full time basis a very high risk venture. The Nation can't take over this function because it's already taxed financially as it is now. As an example, it's my understanding that the Osages are the only gaming tribe that rarely if ever turns in violations associated with our gaming operation to the Feds. It makes no sense that we have that much cleaner an operation than all the other Indian Casinos so why is this underreporting taking place? If we do this same thing with the oil and gas TERA contract, could we lose the whole oil and gas operation? Who's to say that the Bureau will come back in under any circumstances especially if it's due to lack of Osage Nation compliance, enforcement and incompetence in implementing a TERA after they dismantle what they have up and running today? These are serious and important questions that need to be asked and answered TODAY, not after we become involved and move forward with the TERA.

    15. Looks like the big grift is finally on. Surprised it took them this long.

    16. Another important issue is the environment. We can't afford a massive environmental clean up in Osage County once we step into the primary position and take over the management and administration of the Osage Minerals Estate. The State Court may well be papered with lawsuits on this issue alone whether or not they are frivolous if the even are. Where will the Nation/OMC get the money to defend these suits before they are dismissed? Once the Osage Nation steps into place as the principal owner of the mineral rights and the BIA is no longer there to defend its legal position as the manager and administrator of the Osage Minerals Estate, all bets are off...

    17. What FIRM legal protection will the current and future Headright owners have, provided in writing and guaranteed by the Secretary of the Interior, the Office of the Special Trustee, the Osage Nation and the Osage Nation Minerals Agency/Office that they will continue to receive the income generated from the Osage Tribe/Nation reserved minerals rights throughout Osage County be it bonuses or royalties as per the share/s or fractions of share/s that they currently own today no matter where they live in the world placed in a Federal Trust account exactly as it is now under the Federal Osage Mineral Estate Trust with only the amount of the legal drawdown taken from the Trust account for the operation of the Osage Nation Mineral Council and what is owed to the State of Oklahoma under the extension of the minerals rights agreement for the gross production taxes? This becomes especially important when the Osage Nation Constitution contains this very loosely written provision:

      "ARTICLE IV - DECLARATION OF RIGHTS - Section 4. Remedies: No person shall be entitled to an award of monetary damages, as a form of relief, in the Osage Trial Court for any violation of these rights; unless the Osage Nation Congress may by law provide for monetary damages as a form of relief for such violations, when relief would best serve the interests of the Osage Nation or that of justice."

    18. How will this income be treated once its under the new system and what creditor protection will we have if the Nation takes receipt of any or all of the income? What kind of creditor protection will the Nation have if the Osage Minerals Council fails to administrate and manage the Osage Minerals Estate under a TERA and are sued as a result?

    19. What will the tax implications be for the Headright owners? Will Big Eagle prevail or will the Headright income be taxed as normal income by the U.S. government and the State of Oklahoma? See

    20. For the protection of the current and future Osage Headright owners, there should be a bond purchased by the Osage Nation in the millions to act as a guarantee in the event of the failure of the Osage Nation/Osage Minerals Council/Agency/Osage Nation Minerals Office or entity similarly created and designated, to secure our current and future financial interest in the mineral rights income and failure to distribute it to the current and future Osage Headright owners.

    21. MC Meeting Agenda is located at

    22. Should the Nation begin writing checks to the Shareholders, will the Osage Nation expect to tax this income?

  6. Northern California Osage Spring Meeting:
    Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 9:30 AM PDT
    Nelson's Grove
    15285 County Road 99E, Woodland, California 95695
    For more information email

    1. See

  7. OMC March regular meeting: WED, MAR 20 AT 10 AM CDT Agenda to be posted at a later time.

  8. WTH? No wonder our headright checks are down... Why are they being cut from the Bureau of the Fiscal Service in Pennsylvania instead of the Office of the Special Trustee in Albuquerque? What's going on here? As beneficiaries of the Trust we have the right to some answers from the BIA and the OST who both owe us a legal fiduciary obligation in the management and administration of the Osage Mineral Estate Trust.

    1. To my knowledge, the Bureau of the Fiscal Service has nothing whatsoever to do with the Department of the Interior and the Secretary of the Interior who is the Trustee of the Trust. This is important to know why this is happening...

    2. The BFS has nothing to do with the OST either, which is umbrellaed under the DOI.

    3. Might this have anything to do with why payment is so low this quarter. Just asking...

    4. Might this have anything to do with why payment is so low this quarter? Just asking...

    5. Answer: Now the checks come from the US Treasury rather than the OST. Apparently nothing to be concerned about.

  9. YES!

  10. MC MEETING ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 2019 - 10:00AM. See the Agenda at

    1. Listen to Part 1 on demand at:

    2. Listen to Part 2 on demand at

    3. Listen to Part 3 on demand at:

  11. Suggested communication by text, e-mail or snail mail:

    Dear Member of the Minerals Council:


    Listen to the Audio of Opening Session of the ON Congress at

    In particular to the introduction of ONCA 19-08 and 19-20 where the term “Agency” is mentioned and the speech of Holly Wells, AG, on the City of Enid and the water rights negotiation.

    Question: Is the Minerals Council being included in these legal meetings and negotiations if it has to do with water rights and in particular water for the production of oil and gas? Please advise.

    Thank you,

    Headright Owner

  12. Congressman Bighorse asked as to whether the term "Agency" in the Osage Nation Congressional bill, ONCA 18-57, captures the Minerals Agency and Minerals Council. The answer is yes if they budget and appropriate money to the Minerals Agency and they have done this in the past...

    Listen to the Osage Nation Appropriations Committee Meeting while in session today and see if you think that they are even close to being up to providing legislation that will replace NEPA at a level that is equal to or better.

    If that doesn’t convince you, then listen to the Government Operations Committee Meeting today

    The Agendas and Commentary for these two ON Congressional meetings are available at


    ❗⚠️ Heads Up ⚠️❗
    Commerce, Gaming and Land Committee Meeting
    Osage Nation Capitol Building
    100 W. Main, Pawhuska
    April 1, 2019
    2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
    Partial Agenda for this Congressional Meeting:

    7. Consideration of ONCA 19-08, An Act to amend the Competitive Bidding Act at 15 ONC § 2-403 (A) by amending the definition of governmental AGENCY; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Tillman)
    8. Consideration of ONCA 19-20, An Act to amend the Competitive Bidding Act at 15 ONC § 2-403 (A) by amending the definition of governmental AGENCY; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Pratt)

  14. With regard to being so deemed and becoming "ethnic" under the current Presidential administraton, this is something we want to keep a good eye on...

  15. REVEALED TODAY ON 4/1/19, in the Appropriations Committee: Invested in 2015 in an investment vehicle of $141,000 but it now has zero value because the shares are worthless !!! 👎👎👎 WHERE IS THE CONGRESSIONAL HEARING ON WHAT NOW AMOUNTS TO $241,000 in financial institution fees and bad investments SO FAR...

    Commentary is located at

  16. 🌟🌟🌟Attention Minerals Council:

    The Attorneys for the water rights litigation will be in the Commerce, Gaming and Land Committee Meeting on April 8, 2019 from 2:30 to 4:30 P.M., at the Osage Nation Capitol Building, 100 W. Main, Pawhuska, OK.

  17. The Minerals Council meeting for Friday, April 5th has been cancelled.

  18. Support our “Osage Veterans Memorial”


  19. The next Minerals Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 17th.

  20. The next OSA Quarterly meeting will be on Sunday, May 19th, 1:00 PM at Osage Skiatook Casino.

  21. A new group for Coloradans is forming at:

  22. If this doesn't tell the Osages that it's time to go back into Court, I don't know what will.


  23. Will the third name change turn the trick? LMAO!

    1. No, but the Enterprise Board (being the real Managers of these LLCs) have dragged the Osage name through the mud. Given the poor financial condition of Osage LLC and its subsidiaries it should not have come as a surprise to the management that the bank would not work with them to restructure debt.

      Creating several new companies with Summit in the name won't solve their underlying problems. It may convince a few uninformed customers and suppliers to do business with them initially, but long term they are doomed to failure. For any business to survive it must have revenue greater than expenses.

  24. Northern California Osage's Meeting:

  25. 🌟🌟🌟
    And the one Congressional motion that should have passed which didn't:

    "The Osage Nation Congress condemns racist thoughts, speech and behavior. As elected members of a Branch of Osage government, we are all aware of how racism negatively impacts its victims. The Legislative Branch includes Native Americans and non-Native staff and it is against all Branch policies and is unethical for any person associated with the Legislative Branch to express himself or herself in any manner that has even the appearance of racism. Congress has a duty and an obligation to address implicit and explicit racial bias and hostility in the workplace. As such, the Osage Nation Congress requests the Human Resources Director to present a plan to the Congress on how to counter such issues, including but not limited to, mandatory training, adoption of additional policies, removal of offenders from leadership positions, censure or any other appropriate action. Congress apologizes to those who have been victims of racist behavior, have seen such racist behavior exhibited and vows to ensure it ceases immediately!"

    Voting Yes:
    Shannon L. Edwards
    Eli Potts
    Maria Whitehorn
    New Speaker, Joseph Dee Tillman

    Voting No:
    Angela Pratt
    Archie Mason
    Scott BigHorse
    Alice Goodfox
    Brandy Lemon
    Paula Stabler
    RJ Walker

    Absent due to illness:
    John Maker

    1. Begin listening to the discussion at 1 hour and 54 minutes:

    2. They couldn't wait to put gay rights on the map but government protection from racist thoughts, speech and behavior? Hell NO! We need to get rid of these people who pay lip service to the Constitution but don't understand a single word in it about what it's supposed to mean for the Osage people.

    3. See

    4. We're not the only ones. See

    5. "Native community demands removals after Chief Executive Officer and Clinic Director of the Urban Inter-Tribal Center in Dallas made racial slurs against the community it serves" This is supposed to be what happens when racial slurs or institutional bias takes place...

  26. Yeah, lets do something about the nepotism. Just sayin'

  27. ❗❗❗With regard to spending where big capital expenditures and loans for them are involved, does everyone including the Chief understand how serious this is when the Bank shows up to a meeting to remind the Nation of the terms and conditions of the loan agreement that has been signed? Including the consequences of failure? I cannot tell you how blown away I am and others are as well that this has taken place in the Commerce, Gaming and Land Committee Meeting on April 22, 2019. The whistle has been blown loud and clear and those who are making these decisions had better well start paying attention and curtailing any future plans if it involves taking on any loans or any additional major debt obligations until that monster loan with the Bank of Oklahoma is paid off❗❗❗

    1. In terms of economic impact and the Nation coming forward with income for the OME, "He will be negotiating a new Class III gaming compact -- the current agreements start to expire on January 1, 2020." No plans should be firmly made until AFTER the new Gaming Compact is signed!

    2. The representatives of the bank likely showed up to remind the Nation about the terms and conditions after the management of Osage LLC attempted to renegotiate its obligations. For any business to be successful the revenue must be greater than expenses, and taking out a loan to delay the inevitable usually results in prosecution for fraud.

      When I listened to Kay Bills' proposal last year for getting a loan it screamed bank fraud. If Osage LLC goes into default and the bank becomes aware of the minutes of the meeting then the plan will implicate everyone present in conspiracy. Given that some of these people are attorneys you'd think they would understand the common criminal laws such as fraud.

    3. Anonymous April 30, 2019 at 8:25 AM When approximately did this meeting take place when the loan proposal was put forward?

    4. Now we're finding out that certain members of the Congress -- if any -- ever saw the Contract for this loan where the Bluestem Ranch was purchased and the money had for the build-out at the Tulsa Casino. In particular, they didn't know that the collateral for the loan is the revenue generated at the Casinos which is our life blood! This one has Chief Goof Ball's name written all over it and this should be the subject of a Congressional Hearing along with a number of other massive money amounts spent or lost that shouldn't have taken place involving the Permanent Fund and one other investment of $141,000 that dropped to $0 because the shares are worthless.

  28. UOSC Meeting. See

  29. OMC Meeting Agenda for tomorrow:

    FRIDAY MAY 3, 2019 10:00 A.M.

    Call to order – Welcome by Chairman Waller
    Opening prayer
    Roll call
    Superintendents report

    New Business
    ⚠️ Rosemary Wood
    LM Global Drilling- Lester Matthews
    Warren American new lease proposal
    Wachtman new lease proposal
    PSO line rebuild project
    ⚠️ Resolution for Osage Exploration, Acquisition & Negotiation
    ⚠️ TEDC Grant- Susan Forman & Paul Revard
    Budget modification
    Scheduling meeting before bi annual consultation

    EXECUTIVE to discuss confidential and/or proprietary matters

    Old Business
    Energy Net
    Whizbang waterflood- Roy Fletcher
    1.2 acre waiver discussion on consultant
    ⚠️ Osage Casino- waive 214 lease
    USFWS meeting
    Consultation agenda

    Meeting Minutes

    1. The audio of this meeting will be broadcast live on FRIDAY MAY 3, 2019, at 10:00 A.M. See

    2. Rosemary Wood is giving her presentation. Proposed amendments to the ON Constitution. Julie Malone, Cheryl Potts, Cecelia Tallchief and Katherine Redcorn are there as part of the presentation. Julie Malone is making the presentation. Group is called Annuitants Seeking Change. Want to change wording to the Constitution by amendment. Discussing the non-annuitants being able to vote and they have no legal standing to do so as to the OME Trust.
      Article II, amendment change adding the 1906 Act as amended. Jurisdiction -- Powers shall "not" extend to the Osage Mineral Estate Trust according to the 1906 Allotment Act as amended. Adding a section 3, protection of OME Trust, adding according to the 1906 Allotment Act as amended. Prohibits the collection of taxes as to Trust assets. Will write own rules... any adverse impact will be notified by the Secretary of the Interior. Added paragraph on matters of the OME Trust to receive income so long as they are protected by law.
      Article XV, Legislature shall be elected according to the 1906 Allotment Act as amended. Adding trust throughout. Trust administered by the 1906 Allotment Act as amended. Osage minerals royalties holders are not changed to the Minerals Council (?) Mineral estate reserved to Osage Annuitants. Survivorship to the MC from the old MC to the Minerals. Entitled to the minerals income change. Very complicated!
      I will need the language (text) on this at some point in the future with all kinds of protections for the Minerals Estate Annuitants. WOW! Will be presenting all these changes on May 19, at the Skiatook Casino at the Osage Shareholders Association meeting. Want to clarify but still want a separation. Congressman Scott Bighorse is in the Group. YES!

    3. C. Marsha Harlan weighing in as an attorney and there are some conflicts but don't want the group to be creating an internal conflict with the Osage Nation. She is wanting a determination as to whether this is a clarification or a substantive change to the Constitution? Won't be in favor of a change? I guess she doesn't realize that the Constitution can be changed for any reason at any time. Perhaps some of these elected officials need to choose and declare in writing whose interests they really represent; the Osage Nation or the annuitants who elected them as their representatives under the OME Trust as the beneficiaries created by the 1906 Allotment Act as amended. She is recommending an attorney but don't look at her? Why not? Isn't she bringing all her skills forward to assist and represent the shareholders? That's certainly what she represented that she would be doing when she ran for election!!! Does the word "service" mean anything to her? Or is it only what she is paid to do? IMO, more and more, she appears to just be taking up space on the Council.
      Major problem with the "Minerals Agency" and its duty of loyalty and fiduciary obligation to the Osage Nation government itself. What happens if and when the Federal government takes a walk on a unilateral basis? This seems like it's trying to protect the rights of the current roster of Osage Headright owners as OME annuitants. At this point, until I get a better look at the text, it looks like this is a brilliant idea for correction and amendments needed to the Constitution to protect the Osage Headright Owners but I'm not sure it will work without some alterations in the language.
      Chair Waller says it needs to be put forward to get along. Setting boundaries is a good idea. C. Redcorn is talking about the Amendment by petition and he wants to chew on it for a while? Wait a minute... The Osage people have every right to make any changes they want to the Constitution at any time by Congressional representation or by Petition of the Osage people, if the ON government would ever shift themselves to get this avenue set up in the ON Election Office by the ON Election Board for the benefit of the ON members.

    4. Designating a "Panel" to be the intermediaries? Harlan wants herself, C. Gray and C. Redcorn to be on it? Of course! NOT! It will go nowhere if they do this.
      C. Redcorn wants to hear what Congress has to say? They will know when the legislation is prepared and is introduced and placed in Congressional Committee. Do these members of the Minerals Council not know how the Legislative Branch of the Osage Nation government works after all this time (2006)? Government wants to work together... with boundaries will be very good. There CAN be a Special Election right away (remember the gay rights marriage Special Election) and this does not need to wait until 2020! Are the Annuitant’s rights not equally important as those of gay couples who wish to marry? Discussing the Strategic Plan and how it is involved.... Hmmm. C. Forman wants the panel to report to the full Council. Wilson Pipestem wants to be an advisor on/to the Panel? At what price? OH COME ON!... this is falling apart at the seams from the outset. Perhaps the members of the MC need to choose; do they represent the interests of the Osage Nation or the interests of the Shareholders who elected them?
      Ms. Potts is speaking and wants comments with phone numbers with what they are concerned with. Good idea! In agreement with the spirit but legal stuff that needs to be fixed is what the group is asking for and don't want to be spinning wheels with what Congress has to say. Knows it needs to be cleaned up legally. C. Redcorn now discussing the creation of an LLC to make more money for the Osage annuitants? WAIT JUST A MINUTE HERE... ANOTHER LLC TO FINANCIALLY SOAK THE OSAGE MINERAL ESTATE INCOME? NEVER! EVER!

      Back and moving on with the Agenda and working through the new lease proposals. Don't need to be dropping the royalty rate at this point for any reason !!!
      Moving on to PSO line rebuild project. Transmission line rebuild and need input from the OMC. Going over the details. Motion to approve passes.
      Moving on with C. Gray speaking on hiring a CEO when they get a grant? Getting everything ready and will need to speak with the Superintendent? Wanting to move money/s under a budget modification. Discussion on using money from the CEO line item and using it to pay other bills? Have never voted to create a CEO in the first place ??? For no rhyme or reason they approved this line item shift by motion. In Executive Session.

    6. Back and discussing a meeting being held at the Tulsa Casino. Also wanting a meeting before the meeting that is a Special Meeting. On the 13th, 14th or the 15th? Why do they always have to have a workgroup or special group Marsha Harlan? We don't need any more special unnoticed meetings that are not broadcast to the Osage Shareholders! Enough of these "workgroups" or "panels" or whatever you want to call it! This is not what should be happening under the Open Meetings law of the Osage Nation government. Don't continue with this "group think" ideology. These Council members are there and elected to speak up and all of them should do so. There are only 8 and you all can huddle together at the same time and stop all this fragmentation. Plan together not in little groups where only those in the group know what is happening and the rest of the MC have no idea what is even going on! You're an attorney and you should know Osage Nation law backward and forward. If the Congress has a subcommittee appointed, it is noticed and broadcast. Keep doing this to the Trust beneficiaries and there will be complaints put forward to the AG's Office with your name on it!
      Moving on to tabling Energy Net to the next meeting.


    7. Moving on to Whizbang waterflood- Roy Fletcher speaking with needing a resolution. Discussing the resolution that was not passed. Now wanting to reduce royalties right and left! C. Redcorn? NO! Yes, it does look desperate to keep lowering the lease amount and royalties. STOP doing this! Waterflood production is expensive and so want to reduce 3/16% for 3 years. C. Forman wanting to reduce the rate because of the competition in the area? When all the others are paying 20%? Why do this when the leases aren't even being approved by the Bureau? Now reducing all of their leases in royalty rate to 1/8%? Now the guy is throwing in every lease Whizbang has? Did I hear this correctly? WAIT A MINUTE HERE! MOTION PASSES? This is not what you members of Council are supposed to be doing on behalf of the Shareholders!
      Moving on to Osage Casino-waive 214 lease Tulsa location when it was stated that it's not even needed now? MOTION PASSES? Moving on to Consultation agenda and meeting will happen on Monday.
      Meeting is adjourned.

    8. Of large concern is how these numbers are put forward on what is happening with leases outside of Osage County but those who are voting for these Resolutions to lower the Royalty Rate, don't ask to see the paperwork nor has any research been done by the Council itself to check the competition in any independent manner! This is sloppy and unprofessional of those who are voting to lower these rates when others are paying 20%. This will only encourage those out in the field to come in and plead for a reduction as well! Very poor leadership and judgement on the part of the Minerals Council not to table such resolutions for Royalty reductions until further research can be done in a serious and professional way.

  31. Boone's Bulletin -- Part 1

    How about that payment check! I remember hearing Margo Gray, on the campaign, trail say she was going to raise our payment check. Looks like a broken campaign promise. If our payment check raises in June, it won't be because of anything 1 Osage Minerals Council (OMC) member does. I also understood Susan Forman to say she was going to recover lost gas revenue. Instead, in March all 8 of the 4th OMC voted to hire a gas measurement engineer, whose duties will be providing over- sight of the gas revenue.

    I became aware at the final 3rd OMC meeting that the 4th OMC would be changing the way things were operated in the past. Chairman Waller stated that we could share in the money the Osage Nation(ON) was fighting for. The previous 3 OMC's never asked the ON for an appropriation of funds.

    When the 4th OMC had their inauguration, they paid $7,000 to join the executive branch and ON Congress inauguration at the Ponca City Casino. The past 3 OMC's acted independently and had their inaugurations in the council chambers, not with the ON.

    The ON newspaper had an article where Susan Forman and Marsha Harlan were entertaining the way shareholders voted by changing to one man, one vote. The ON constitution was developed for all other purposes, one man, one vote.

    The 4th OMC had a strategic planning meeting at the Skiatook Casino, an executive branch issue. Each council member was allowed to invite 1 shareholder to be their guest. The rest of us shareholders were left out.

    Margo Gray attended the National Congress of the American Indian (NCAI). None of the previous OMC's ever attended because they didn't cover Osage Tribal issues. Any oil or gas presenters would begin with the words that this affects all tribes except the Osage. I wonder if she still has her professional services contract with the ON.

    When Myron Redeagle was on the OMC before, he stated he worked 5 years. He's 67. He's on record as being in favor of the windmills stating "there can be a cooperative effort" and "as a member of the minerals council, I feel that it will be a good thing". He is on the 4th OMC. The 3rd OMC fought hard against the windmill project in court and won their case. Their win was based on the 1906 Act, not the constitution. We took our duties to protect your assets seriously.

    1. Boone's Bulletin -- Part 2

      We were notified in the recent OMC newsletter that the ON Attorney General (AG) filed an ethics complaint on a member of the OMC due to some altercation between Marsha Harlan and Susan Forman. Sounds to me that the worse that could happen would be a fine. I attended court on 5-1 regarding this issue. Susan Forman was a no show. Judge Lee Stout announced that Susan Forman's attorney resolved this matter by a settlement agreement with the AG's office. In a statement on 2-28-19, Forman made a statement to the ON news denying the allegations stating that the they "are patently false and without merit." However, with the action her attorney took, it looks like she is the guilty party. Marsha Harlan took issue with this settlement saying, how could an agreement have been reached without talking to her, the victim. The AG's office had not filed the agreement by court time. This raised questions about the duties of the AG's office.

      The OMC newsletter also informed us that everyone has been working to protect the Osage Minerals Estate. Why then did all 8 members of the OMC pass Resolution #4-135 asking the Chief and Congress to enact procedural and legislative measures to ensure the protected status of all restricted property within the ON boundaries. If restricted property is a trust responsibility, why doesn't the OMC Policy Committee prepare a policy that supports the trust? Members of that committee are Marsha Harlan, Susan Forman and Margo Gray. Is their personal fight keeping them from taking care of our business? This action by the 4th OMC gives the appearance that restricted property is under the authority of the Osage Nation.

      In closing, it appears that the 4th OMC believes their governing document is the constitution, not the 1906 act. Have they not read the constitution that tells them they are independent? Have they not read the 1906 Act?

      These are some of my opinions.

      Cynthia Boone

    2. Got to disagree with you on Susan. This Harlan person is off the wall.

  32. Well, it looks like "Boone is Back." Out of eleven paragraphs, not one encouraging word nor is there even one positive statement in her May 2, 2019 Boone's Bulletin.

    Yeah, Boone is Back alright---and headed NO WHERE.

    1. Apparently you don't get check and are totally in the dark as to what is going on behind the scenes.

  33. Worth the time to listen to:

  34. Full Headright Payment for June 2019 = $4,700.00

  35. Is the OMC going to be commenting during the specified period on the downlisting of the ABB? "The Service is requesting comments or information from the public, other concerned governmental agencies, the scientific community, industry, or any other interested parties concerning the proposed downlisting and 4(d) rule. Comments must be received within 60 days, on or before July 2, 2019." See

  36. Looking at the Federally Endangered, Threatened, Proposed and Candidate Species list in Oklahoma
    I noticed that the American burying beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) is the ONLY insect
    on the list. However, under Birds listed as ‘Federally Endangered, Threatened, Proposed and Candidate Species in Oklahoma’ there are 10 Species. I am wondering the answer our Minerals Council received when they surely questioned the U.S. Department of the Interior Osage Agency Superintendent how is it with 10 birds on the Federally Endangered, Threatened, Proposed and Candidate Species in Oklahoma list flying around in the air companies from other states and countries come to Our Sovereign Nation and are allowed to litter the landscape with blade killing Windmills? The Shareholders are being penalized for 1 type of insect that is proposed to being a ‘down listed specie ‘. Also, do all the buried transition lines have any effect on insects? Is it the ‘Old Rule‘ “If it Blows it is OK but if it is pumped just say no “?

    1. Having been in the insect eradication and or control business since 1963 , 56 years remembering most of the Doctors or Professors critique on ground beetles . It comes to mind a question I asked a Texas A. M. Entomology Professor the late Dr. Phil Hammam . Why! are so many Ground Beetles being attracted to the parking lots, new car business and other areas of the Cities. Answen: The Lights, a certain type light can attract from 60 miles away.Ground Beetles, any questions I can relay to my Purdue Graduate Entomologist David W. Fincaanon , who runs our Family Pest Contrl business in Dallas, Texas. Putting lights around our Reservation , plus some old cow hides may solve this problem.

    2. Thought! I'd title this beetle search and maybe rescue research, "Homer's Golden Beetle Odyssey". More later.H.


    1. TOUGH Choices; Have Trump’s Daddy ‘Bail‘the United States out. OR a White House ‘Yard Sale ‘. OR Hunt for the ‘Fiscally Conservative ‘crickets in congress that are currently on the ‘Endangered Spices ‘list. OR The President (King) of Debt can have a ghostwriter write the ‘Fart of the Deal’ and sell it against our debt. The good news, in late September the winter golf rates will kick in, so taxpayers will get a little break. Our best hope is to place a 25% tariff on BS in Washington D.C. I guess that is why September is the beginning of FALL… There is a new meaning in D. C. to the term ‘HAPPY MOTHERS DAY ‘…

    2. Obama built a 22 trillion debt did you cry then. Go find a cry room. Or I hot a tissue.

  38. MC Meeting Agenda:

    1. Listen to Part 1 on demand at:

    2. Latest Superintendent report stated that there were NO new drilling permits. Osage County is dying on the vine. The BIA is seeing to that!

    3. Is the Osage Nation complicit somewhere in the big middle of all this?

  39. Yep theres enough blame to go around right. from the Chief to the MC.

  40. See

  41. MC Meeting Agenda is located at

    WEDNESDAY JUNE 19th, 2019, 10:00 A.M.

    POSTED: June 17, 2019 WHERE: ON Website/OMC Window BY: Amy Bledsoe
    1. Call to order – Welcome by Chairman Waller
    2. Opening prayer and Reading of Deceased Osages
    3. Roll call
    4. Accountant Report
    5. Superintendent Report
    6. New Business
    a. Orphan Well update- Talee Redcorn
    7. EXECUTIVE to discuss confidential and/or proprietary matters
    a. ABB Comment period
    8. Old Business
    a. Vehicle – Talee Redcorn
    9. Meeting Minutes
    10. Adjournment

    1. On live at Funding has been received for the $3 million and is in the Osage Nation Treasury.
      Superintendent's report is being given by Robin Phillips. 190 (new) drilling permits pending for 2018? It's six months into 2019! Report on one lessee who has deducted 40% before they calculated the Royalty payment !?! Wait just a minute here!!! All of the oil and gas lessees should be checked to find out what kind of "deductions" are being taken by all these lessees going back as far as possible. Isn't it the responsibility of the Trustee of the Trust and the BIA to make sure that non-allowable deductions are checked and investigated when the royalties are paid out? Deductions taken are not allowable according to CFRs and all past royalties are being checked for payment. 60 more (new) drilling permits pending? Now have an EPA specialist to make further review. Doing DNAs (?) Back to 30 days for permit to be approved? Since when? Office of Natural Resources? 4500 lessee reports are being processed a month. Can't afford to run these people off and are waiting for the new regulations to be rolled out? What regulations? CFRs? When is the MC going to be forthcoming about what is going on between the Osage Agency and the Superintendent and the Osage Mineral Council that the Headright owners know nothing about. After the fact? We need some sunshine on what is going on here. Inspections as to ABB beetles will be made and the lessees need to maintain their oil and gas well sites. Surface owners need to be worked with before the oil and gas lease is even approved and they must work together? What happens if the surface owner won't cooperate until the oil and gas lease is approved and becomes a legal lease agreement? How exactly does the proposed lessee have any right to do anything with the land of a fee simple landowner prior to and before the legal terms and conditions of the lease have been approved by the BIA and even apply? What the hell is going on here? How insane is this? If this isn't an impossibly burdensome and utterly preposterous regulation imposed by the BIA, I don't know what is! WOW❗❗❗A number of these leases have fallen through or timed out in the loop of the approval process. What happens to the landowner's property after it's been "maintained" by a lessee with a new oil and gas lease that is never given final approval and therefore, hasn't gone through?
      Hostile producers on the Nation's land? Really? What does that mean?
      Report being given and discussing problems with plugging of the wells on a case by case basis. Why is Chair Waller stopping the conversation on the steps prior to the approval process? In Executive Session. This is a very important meeting and I recommend you listen to it on demand when it becomes available.

    2. Listen to Part 1 on demand at

    3. Listen to Part 2 on demand at

    4. Motion by Councilwoman Margo Gray to send an immediate invitation to meet with the Osage Nation Congress on the TERA document on Friday July 12, at 10 a.m. in the Minerals Council Chambers? Motion passes with all members of the MC present! THIS IS A MUST LISTEN SEGMENT FOR ALL HEADRIGHT OWNERS THAT ONLY LASTS FOR 9.5 MINUTES!

      This section shall apply to any advance payment, bid deposit, or other earnest money received by the Secretary in connection with the review and Secretarial approval under any other Federal law (including regulations) of a sale, lease, permit, or any other conveyance of any interest in any trust or restricted land of any Indian tribe or individual Indian on or after the date of enactment of this Act.
      (1)In general
      Except as provided in paragraph (2) and AT THE REQUEST OF THE INDIAN TRIBE (???) or individual Indian, any advance payments, bid deposits, or other earnest money received by the Secretary in connection with the review and Secretarial approval under any other Federal law (including regulations) of a sale, lease, permit, or any other conveyance of any interest in any trust or restricted land of any Indian tribe or individual Indian shall, upon receipt and prior to Secretarial approval of the contract or conveyance instrument, be held in the trust fund system for the benefit of the Indian tribe and individual Indian from whose land the funds were generated." SEE

    6. There is a Trust obligation of the Federal government on Casino land-into-trust which has nothing to do with the Osage Mineral Estate Trust. Of course the Federal Trust obligation will still exist!!!

    7. The TERA language above includes all Tribes and all Federal legislation and this includes the 1906 Allotment Act and any of its amendments. It clearly appears that they will be swept right off the table if these terms and conditions apply should we walk through that door and it close behind the 19 elected officials of the Osage Nation government who are making this TERA decision without putting it direct to the Headright Trust beneficiaries in a duly authorized Osage Nation Shareholder vote in the ballot box BEFORE THEY GO FORWARD WITH THE ADOPTION OF SUCH A POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS SITUATION ASSOCIATED WITH OUR PERSONAL PROPERTY RIGHTS TO THE INCOME AS HEADRIGHT OWNERS!

    8. We have rights as the recipients of the Headright income. The Osage Nation government has no right to diminish our rights in the Federal Income Osage Mineral Estate Trust and this is by Federal 118 STAT. 2609 Public Law 108–431: "Congress hereby reaffirms the inherent sovereign right of the Osage Tribe to determine its own membership, provided that the RIGHTS of any person to Osage mineral estate shares are not diminished thereby." YOU 19 elected officials know this or should know it. I don't hear any of these 19 elected officials asking us what we want or don't want. DO YOU?

    9. At least with the Federal government, they provide a listening period for the public before any legislation or rules and regulation changes go forward. Why are we only given from July 11 to respond before the meeting with the Osage Nation Congress on July 12? Why also, when all others work on July 5 are we not having a Minerals Council meeting on the first Friday of the month? This all looks like a classic end-run on the part of the Minerals Council elected officials to push through this TERA plan and legislation associated with it without a proper advance legal notification and information sharing with a chance to respond by the Osage Trust beneficiaries (the Headright owners) as to what is being proposed and put this forward to the only people who really matter here since we are the ones who actually receive the minerals estate income and have a legal right to it under Federal law.

  43. See

  44. "At some point during a confidence game, all but the most credulous individuals realize that they are being duped, and stop playing. For the Court, that point has been reached."


    We must join together to sue the Bureau again! And this time make sure we keep their feet to the fire by a settlement that includes the term "without prejudice". The Nation has no business running our mineral estate because of what we have seen of their LLC/s business dealings in the past right up to today. To turn the estate over to the Nation to run will be a breach of trust obligation in and of itself on the part of the Secretary of the Interior and the BIA. Surely the Solicitors office in Tulsa or in Washington D.C. for certain, must know that the Minerals Council members as part of the Minerals Agency of the Osage Nation have a legal relationship and fiduciary obligation to the Osage Nation government, not the Headright Owners of a Federal Trust totally separate, removed and apart from the Osage Nation government itself. As Shareholders, we have no representation at the Osage Nation level and can expect nothing from them if the Bureau is no longer managing the Osage Minerals Estate Trust. It's time to get real and start to assess the situation with a bit of good old fashioned self-protection in mind.

    1. We have more pressing problems in the immediate future:

    2. FYI:

      As of the last Osage Minerals Council (OMC) meeting, it was announced that there would be no Meeting scheduled in the first week of July 2019. In addition, there will be an announcement by the OMC about the plans for adopting the new Federal Indian Tribal Energy and Self-Determination Act (TERA) legislation to the Osage Headright owners on July 11, 2019, immediately followed on by a meeting with the Osage Nation Congress on the very next day, July 12, 2019, without a comment period or time for the Shareholders to react to whatever information about the plans that the Osage Minerals Council has, together with the Chief and his attorneys. This is a stunning development and should be given careful consideration by the elected officials of the Osage Nation government especially as it concerns a proper communication, information sharing and opportunity for the Headright owners to react, give feedback, ask questions and make individual choices, especially in view of the disastrous business (LLCs) track record (other than the gaming operation) the Osage Nation has established since it became the government of the Osage people in 2006. This is especially so, since it involves the income of the only people who really matter here since the Headright owners (actual beneficiaries of the Federally mandated Osage Minerals Estate Trust) are the ones who actually receive the minerals estate income and have a legal right to it under Federal law (the 1906 Allotment Act as amended). Any alteration by any other Act (legislation) of the U.S. Congress that may or will significantly alter or sweep away any or all of the terms, conditions and provisions of the 1906 Allotment Act as amended and its protections for those who receive Osage Headright income today and tomorrow, should not be agreed to in writing by any elected official of the Osage Nation government without the express written permission of the individual Headright owners (Trust Beneficiaries) themselves and only after an Osage Shareholder election or structured vote with published and legitimately verifiable results by the BIA following an official explanatory notification from the Office of the Special Trustee, the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Secretary of the Interior as the official Trustee of the Osage Mineral Estate Trust, to inform the Trust beneficiaries (Headright owners) of the potential consequences of the changes, what they will mean legally and how things will differ in the future should the TERA be adopted by the elected officials of the Osage Nation government including the Chief, the Assistant Principal Chief if applicable, the members of the Osage Nation Congress and the members of the Osage Minerals Council. (For those Headright owners who participated at the time, did you ever receive a notification from the BIA as to the verified voting results of the election associated with the Highest Posted Price lawsuit settlement?)

    3. RE: TERA Legislation language:

      (d) Applicability
      This section shall apply to any advance payment, bid deposit, or other earnest money received by the Secretary in connection with the review and Secretarial approval under any other Federal law (including regulations) of a sale, lease, permit, or any other conveyance of any interest in any trust or restricted land of any Indian tribe or individual Indian on or after the date of enactment of this Act.

      (1) In general
      Except as provided in paragraph (2) and AT THE REQUEST OF THE INDIAN TRIBE (???) or individual Indian, any advance payments, bid deposits, or other earnest money received by the Secretary in connection with the review and Secretarial approval under any other Federal law (including regulations) of a sale, lease, permit, or any other conveyance of any interest in any trust or restricted land of any Indian tribe or individual Indian shall, upon receipt and prior to Secretarial approval of the contract or conveyance instrument, be held in the trust fund system for the benefit of the Indian tribe and individual Indian from whose land the funds were generated." SEE

      As it stands today under the terms and provisions of the 1906 Allotment Act as amended, the Osage mineral rights income (royalties and bonuses) is collected, placed directly in the Federal Trust account and distributed quarterly to the Osage Headright owners as the beneficiaries of the Osage Minerals Estate Trust. At this point in time, there is no possibility for the Osage Nation government to make a request to the Secretary of the Interior that this minerals income be placed in the Federal Trust account or held in the Federal Trust system!

      I have looked for the original of this TERA Act in 2005 and the text of it. It’s clear that it’s part of the Public Law No: 109-58, the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Title V of this law is known as the Indian Tribal Energy and Self Determination Act (TERA). See the first attachment to this e-mail.

      Note that the TERA Act that was passed in 2018 and sent to the President for signature is a law that amends the original TERA Act. See the attachment shown below.

      Again, in view of the proven poor to grim track record of the business enterprises of the Osage Nation (LLCs) with regard to business diversification away from gaming, is the Osage Nation and the Osage Minerals Council really ready to take this step forward with so much risk to so many? Many Shareholder lives will be affected due to a loss of personal property income if the Osage Nation Minerals Council and the Osage Nation government fails in the attempt to successfully implement a TERA. These lives and this income belonging to the Osage Headright owners matters!

      Please forward this e-mail to everyone on your Osage e-mail list TODAY!

  45. Osage Minerals Council Meeting information: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 at 10 AM – 3:30 PM CDT



    If you have a Headright, PLAN TO ATTEND THIS MEETING!

    1. Please share this information with every Headright owner you know!

    2. See

    3. If you have questions or concerns, contact the members of the OSAGE MINERALS COUNCIL (918) 287-5346.

      Talee Redcorn (918) 441-7059
      Everett Waller, Chairman (918) 277-9730
      Andrew Yates (918) 504-1240
      Susan Forman (918) 812-6401
      Paul Revard (918) 688-1173
      Marsha Harlan (918) 853-8772
      Margo Gray (918) 381-2759
      Myron Red Eagle (918) 287-5346
      Executive Administrative Assistant Lacee Reynolds (918) 287-5447.

  46. Here it is! Right in our faces!

    Click on the Text: Chairman's testimony at the Tribal consultation on TERA at

    What this implies to me is that the Osage Nation wants to capture the income coming from the mineral rights that is now, by Federal law, Headright income distributed quarterly: "Unlike other tribes, federal law limits the budget the Minerals Council can draw down from the Osage tribal trust account for minerals matters to $1 million annually. Other tribes that own both the minerals and THE PROCEEDS (MINERALS ESTATE INCOME taken into the Osage Minerals Estate Trust account by Federal law as so stipulated in the 1906 Allotment Act as amended) can reinvest the proceeds back into minerals management. The Department needs to adopt an expansive rule on federal dollars the Osages can access." What I believe that he is suggesting here by way of the example of other Tribal Nations is that he wants access to all of the minerals generated income to use to run the Osage Minerals estate and what's left of the money, he wants to reinvest in the Osage Minerals Estate itself. If I have this right, he is wanting changes to be made to the Federal TERA legislation to completely cut out the Trust interest of the current Headright owners. If this won't "bust the Trust" I don't know what will!

    1. These comments of Chairman Waller are official recommendations to make changes to the TERA legislation that the Osage Nation and Minerals Council want made under a "funding formula" as it concerns Suggested Changes to the TERA Proposed Rule!

    2. More money for the Shareholder's indeed! It appears to me that Chairman Waller is a man after George C. Parker's heart. IOW, "I have a bridge to sell you."

  47. With all the stuff going on with the Minerals Estate to report on and what we get is an article on a new masthead? Could the ones running this thing be more vacuous? It's like a syzygy of vapidity everywhere you turn.

  48. See

  49. The won't go forward with it until they have the roll from the Federal government? WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO ASK US WHAT WE AS HEADRIGHT OWNERS WANT? When they are required to in Federal Court?

  50. The MC promised us a report on the Tribal Information meeting of the BIA on July 11th "soon". What does soon mean to these elected officials? It's 19 days later since this meeting took place at the Hard Rock Casino in Catoosa and "soon" has passed a long time ago. Perhaps they will deign to "speak to the matter" on August 2, 2019, this upcoming Friday. Otherwise all we have to date are the questionable comments and recommendations to the TERA/TEDO Rule of Chairman Waller. See and click on the text, "Chairman's testimony at the Tribal consultation on TERA".

  51. JMO but it looks like the whole TERA process would have to be revamped to suit the Osage Mineral Estate. Notice the Tribal lands. Never once is fee lands over Indian/Tribal minerals or allotted lands over Indian/Tribal minerals. Looks to me that the TERA thing is for reservation lands, not anything in Oklahoma. Who knows if the government is willing to change the entire premise of a TERA just for Osage County Oklahoma. From reading about it, the intent is to help reservation lands, where they have Tribal lands. The land in the OC is so checker boarded a TERA isn't going to help anything. If the Minerals Council wants to run the mineral estate then contract or compact it out. Oh that's right some of them ran on the promise they wouldn't do that. This TERA nonsense is a round about way to do compacting, without saying it was compacting. Nothing will help until the price of oil gets higher!
    Also Ms. Blogger I've read some of your other comments. First the Osage Agency has no people in place to look for theft. Remember the meeting where additional royalties were due? The Office of Natural Resources Revenue found that kind of cheating. The Osage is the ONLY Tribe in the entire US that does not have the production accountability and auditing services provided by ONRR. And honestly I believe because the operators have kept them out because they want to continue to cheat us, plus certain Minerals Council members (past and present) have been so dishonest, they have helped keep ONNR from looking at the books/receipts. You know what could have helped, something new in the CFR. I understood the producers raising hell not wanting anymore regulations, but the Osage people that didn't want any new regulations to keep people from stealing is appalling.

    1. The CFR sit. was more involved than just that one point. I recently read a report that there and have been for years, fines in place with the Bureau that they can impose if someone is caught cheating. The books are kept by the Bureau and the OST. They are the managers and administrators of the mineral estate not the Minerals Council. Records are now locked up by the BIA and FOYA requests have to be made because of this situation:


      Notice to Lessees - 2019 Civil Penalty Adjustment
      Notice of Penalty Increase - 2019 Federal Register


      Click here for the Department of Interior's FOIA Handbook

    2. A quote from someone who has actually worked with these reports out in the field:

      "It will take about 10 times longer to do these ONRR reports. I KNOW that because I have done them for Indian Leases outside of the Osage for years. You are not allowed to get on the system before 7 AM or after 7 PM and NO Holidays or weekends which is when all of the Producers do their paperwork. It is a BLM requirement NOT a BIA one so yet another encroachment into the Minerals Estate. The BIA has a system to manage the wells and reports but chose not to use it."

  52. Does anybody but me wonder why it takes so long to get a copy of the minutes on the website for the last MC meeting? Pretty irresponsible in my opinion. Much prefer to read the minutes than listen to the long-winded speeches.

    1. Yeah. But the proof is in the pudding. A lot of important information is let out the gate if you're listening in. Good point though and you get no argument from me on this complaint.

    2. Still no minutes for the last two meetings. The inmates are running the asylum.

    3. Since Cynthia and Stephanie has left, it's much worse than it ever was.

  53. PROOF of their slow permitting and a lot more proof is out there to what BIA has caused OME Holocaust. Open your eyes to this and see the Reality of BIA's progress of approving permits:

    June 19. 2019

    238 permits pending

    5 drilling permits approved

    10 approved workovers

    33 approved plugging permits

    190 permits pending

    15 pluggings wittnessed

    May 15, 2019

    205 permits pending (60 new permits of this)

    4 leases approved

    7 lease pending

    19 lease terminations

    4 approved plugging permits

    38 non-compliance letters

    3 non production letters

    4 final notice letters

    140 landowner and lessee meetings

    OK do you see something is wrong with these permit approvals of the OME? Few more months we will be doomed. No more just talk ...we need actions...of approving these permits of the OME!! OMC what are you going to do? Wait until we have no checks. This is not taking care of the shareholders as we elected you to do. Talee calls this a plane crash I call it an OME Holocaust. Get this in the MEDIA is our only hope! Channel 2, 6,or 8-National News how bad the BIA is not living up to their agreements.

    1. The Oil and Gas Industry in the Osage is not dying fast enough for the BIA. Every time they put a new restriction on production they are driving a new needle into the body but yet they don't die so they find another scalpel to twist off into us. The Supt. reports every month at least 25 Terminations to the OMC of leases. You can't continue to Terminate 300 Leases per year and drill less than 10 wells per year and have production that has to be way below 10,000 bbls per day without having a significant impact on the payments. Add to that you can't get Workover Permits any faster than Permits to Drill, Assignments taking 9 months to be approved and even the Mom and Pops can't hang on.

  54. This is the most important film I have ever seen in my entire life. It's about secrets and lies in what eventually becomes a totalitarian system of government as a result. Get it and watch it as soon as you possibly can. This isn't a request. It's an instruction.

    1. You'll understand why I'm taking this approach once you see it.

  55. BOO! HISS! Since only those who live back home will know another such Candidate well enough to run on a "ticket", this rules out anyone running for Chief and AP Chief if they don't live pretty much around Osage County! AWFUL idea and non-inclusive for all Osage Nation members to run for these offices no matter where they live!

  56. Posted by Lou Phillips:

    Good morning, my friends, REMINDER, to attend OSA's meeting, August 18th, 1:00 PM, TULSA Osage Casino, Dogwood room. TERA is the big issue, will have handouts on this, speakers that will be very informative. It is imperative for all headright owners be there, In OSA's By-Laws it states "The purpose of the Association is to inform and educate the Osage Tribal Members who hold shares in the Mineral Estate of the Osage Nation". OSA needs a LARGE membership to help monitor the Mineral Council. It also states "to promote the continuing federal trust status of our Mineral Estate". I can talk about this until I am blue in the face, (idom of speech). BUT, friends, the time is now to gather large membership and get ACTIVE and INVOLVED ....NOW!, The Board is meeting Saturday, we will work to have an organized, professional meeting with a good Agenda. Looking forward to seeing you all there. Please come to learn and hear mineral estate matters,...and to see old friends, and meet new friends.

    1. Would love to join, but Susan Foreman was denying memberships to anyone who did not support her MC run.

    2. Susan isn't in power any longer and much has been done to increase information sharing at this time when it's of extreme importance that those with a headright come to a clear understanding what is going on inside the Minerals Council and the Osage Nation government. Changes are being anticipated that are not necessarily in the best interest of the OME Trust or the annuitants who are the beneficiaries of the Trust.

  57. September 2019 Shareholder Headright Payment
    $3,770.00 per Full Headright

    1. GHASTLY! SUE THE DOI--THE SOI--AND THE BIA RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  59. Town Hall Agenda:

    1. ❗❗❗ I think that it's of extreme importance that we, the Osage Nation membership, understand in no uncertain terms that those who represent us want to see us and hear from us as to what we want them to do or they will do what they want to do. If you value what you have coming in from the Osage Minerals Estate as headright income, I'd put in an appearance in Pawhuska or attend the broadcast live via the internet and weigh in with how you wish to be represented in the TERA/TEDO matter or the members of the Osage Nation Congress, including Congressman Eli Potts, will have no other alternative than to presume that you don't care what they do with regard to this important matter and whatever other matters are discussed at this Town Hall Event. You will have no rights to complain after the fact if you don't exert your rights before final decisions are made by the elected officials of the Osage Nation government. This is what I'm hearing, not only from the members of the Osage Nation Congress but from members of the Osage Minerals Council as well. Pay attention and take heed to this warning!

    2. What the DOI/BIA don't know about what will remain of the Trust relationship under a TERA/TEDO and they don't know much.

    3. I live out of state and not able to attend. However, " I'd put in an appearance in Pawhuska or attend the broadcast live via the internet and weigh in with how you wish to be represented ". Is there a live web link and will we be able to voice our opinion and ask questions through the link ? Thanks for the info...

    4. Not yet but I will be talking with Congressmen Eli to get a report later on today. You can reach him directly at the number listed at

  60. It never ends with more and more and more building in Osage County no matter how it threatens the fiscal health of the Osage Nation government!
    I'm sure the BANK will be interested in how this will affect the debt to income ratio associated with our massive loan currently being carried by the gaming operation:

  61. Chief's talk at Osage Impact Meeting

    NATO agreement sounds good.

    1. Cutting back the budget for between 10% to 40% but he only addresses cutbacks for OSAGE NATION MEMBER BENEFITS (Higher Education, Death Benefit, and Health Care) but not to cut back on spending on the Osage Nation government! Is this going to be cutbacks across the board for all Osage Nation spending because he does NOT address this in his remarks? This is bloody awful THE OSAGE PEOPLE FIRST THE OSAGE GOVERNMENT SECOND! Chief should be cutting government spending FIRST, NOT OSAGE NATION BENEFITS FIRST!

    2. It's not the Osage government that provides the source of benefits for all Osages, it is gaming revenue. Without gaming there would be no benefits. Any Direct Assistance all Osage Nation members can receive now is distributed for under $2m in administrative costs. No need to cut benefits. Just quit perpetuating the model one of our elder statesman dismissed ten years ago- calling the Nation's government an employment agency that provides a little service.

  62. FYI:


    (561) 235-7863 is a Medicare Scam:

    Hi this is Becky your patient advocate working closely with Medicare currently Medicare is offering precautionary genetic cancer screening nationwide and has recommended that anyone over the age of 50 be tested these tests help to detect early signs of cancer and are covered by your insurance if you do not act soon and Medicare may label you as an eligible for coverage please press one to speak to a testing specialist or press one to be placed on our do not call list.


  63. Has anyone heard when headright payment is hitting our iim accounts?

  64. WELL, WELL, WELL... Finally!!! See:

    1. GOOD FOR YOU whoever you are that have the guts to stand up for the Headright owners and set right what has taken place on the part of the DOI/BIA since the HPP lawsuit settled in the Court of Federal Claims! WOW!

  65. Today in the Congressional Appropriations Committee Meeting it was disclosed by Holli Wells, the ON Attorney General that the Osage LLC. case is getting money from the lawsuit with one of the Defendants that had some money! YES! JUSTICE FINALLY! Listen on demand at Listen on demand at

  66. ❗️❗️❗️Today, in the Congressional Health Committee they are talking about ending the rollover of our Health Card benefit and have funding necessary at $12 million now and even more for all of 2020 so that we don't run out of funding before the end of next year. This figure was cut to $8 million, down 4 MILLION DOLLARS from what was represented is currently needed now and this doesn't include what will be needed for all of 2020! Voting for this cut were Congresspersons Angela Pratt, Archie Mason, Brandy Lemon, Joseph Dee Tillman and Paula Stabler ❗️❗️❗️ Listen to this discussion at ❗️❗️❗️

  67. ❗⚠️ HEADS UP ⚠️❗
    WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 18th, 2019, 10:00 A.M.


    1. Call to order – Welcome by Chairman Waller
    2. Opening prayer
    3. Roll call
    4. Superintendent Report
    5. New Business
    a. Biannual Consultation
    b. Budget Modification – Margo Gray
    c. NCAI travel – Margo Gray
    d. Warrior Exploration & Production – New lease – Robert Knappe
    e. Producer of the Year – Everett Waller
    f. Travel US Fish & Wildlife public hearing– Margo Gray
    g. Timeline for newsletter and strategic plan – Margo Gray
    h. New hire – Everett Waller
    6. EXECUTIVE to discuss confidential and/or proprietary matters
    a. Discussion of permitting attempts, ABB Surveys – Robert Knappe
    b. Update from attorney
    c. Orphan Wells – Paul Revard
    7. Old Business
    a. A/V equipment change order – Margo Gray
    8. Meeting Minutes
    9. Adjournment

    1. Listen on demand at

  68. Special MC Meeting on September 30, 2019! See

    1. Discussion of ONCR 19-23, the amendments to the Constitution from the group Annuitants Seeking Change.

  69. Why is there no volume on the broadcast of the Minerals meeting with the Shareholders for Change? It's being broadcast but nothing can be heard.

    1. The sound came on after the meeting started about 20 minutes into the recording. I got in late and the sound came on when Stephanie Erwin was speaking. It went on from there. MC Committee or MC Task Force (?) is supposed to meet on October 15, 2019 at 1:30 P.M.

    2. See

      Sound does not begin until 39 minutes and 30 seconds into the tape. Apparently whoever was taping the meeting didn't realize that the sound was off.

  70. For the new sign up and registration for the Osage Nation Health Card, see


    Once it's allowed to take hold, it becomes more and more difficult to eradicate. We need to see this as an object lesson for our own government.

  72. The Future Shareholders meeting tomorrow (Sun., 10-13-19), 12:00 PM, will be meeting in Skiatook's Casino's "Breakfast Nook". It is past the check-in, to the left. This will give us privacy and plenty of space for seating. OSA is providing this. HOPE TO SEE YOU☺️ THERE!!

  73. This is important! The balance of power in the region just flew right out the window... See

    1. See

    2. Listen at

  74. Apparently the OST has changed the software as an update and it sounds like they are moving our IIM account money to this system. As a Shareholder, I was not noticed by the OST of this change that I am aware of. So, if you are having problems with your IIM account and funding of your account to the new system, CONTACT JANELLE PERRY AT (918) 287-5791. This is supposed to be for some kind of online banking? WHY ARE WE HEARING ABOUT THIS AT A MC MEETING FIRST AND NOT FROM THE OFFICE OF THE SPECIAL TRUSTEE'S OFFICE (OST)⁉️⁉️⁉️ Where are our accounts being managed? In Albuquerque or Pawhuska❓❓❓

  75. Of Course... The Governor is holding the line...

  76. See

  77. November 18, 2019

    Osage Minerals Council

    Update from the OMC concerning the quarterly payment distribution amount

    1. Why does the Osage mineral council page say "amount to be determined" for Dec 2019 quarterly pymt??

    2. See

  78. "5. EXECUTIVE to discuss confidential and/or proprietary matters
    a. 25 CFR 90 – Chief Standing Bear." WHY ARE THESE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS BEING DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION? The Headright owners have a right to know anything that comes to bear on their Trust income from the OME and any CFRs that are expected to impact oil and gas production. This Minerals Council is getting to be far worse than the last one in keeping information hidden from the Shareholders though many, if not most, promised that if elected that this wouldn't be the case...

  79. See

  80. Lots going on and being reported on at

  81. MC Meeting Part 3:

  82. See

  83. The Osage people vs the richest employees in Indian Country in the Osage Nation election and of course, the employees won.


  85. Here's the Juice -->> On Wednesday, May 19, (2021) the Osage Nation received...65% = $108,375,827.59. And yet we have to wait for 60 days from May 27, 2021, then a Special Session of the ON Congress (10 days to schedule it in advance after the 60 DAYS for the bill, ONCA 21-49, for the recapture of Federal ARPA funds for ON Congressional appropriation to become law and up to 10 DAYS when it begins for the Chief to sign the legislation into law) another 30 DAYS for the application process to take place to even receive a check and BEFORE ALL THAT HAPPENS; for the Chief, his lawyer advisory team and his Task Force to dig into all that Federal funding and divvy it up with what's left of the pickings to trickle down to us while we, the Osage Nation membership no matter where we reside, are stricken and suffering for a year in the past, now and well into the future... NOW ADD THE NUMBER OF DAYS UP BEFORE WE CAN EVEN HOPE TO RECEIVE ANY ASSISTANCE FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THAT DULY APPROPRIATED THESE FEDERAL FUNDS FOR US: "(to) Support IMMEDIATE economic stabilization for households and businesses": 60+10+10+30=110. Now divide 110 by 31 days and that number equals 3.5 MONTHS before we can even hope to receive our FEDERALLY APPROPRIATED AND MANDATED "IMMEDIATE" SHARE of this ARPA Federal funding in early to mid-September of 2021⁉‼⁉ Is this what the word "IMMEDIATE" means to you? See

    There are 4 main FEDERAL ARPA objectives (goals) here and if they translate into percentages which they should with any caring, moral, fair and ethical Tribal government, 25% of this funding should be coming to us on an immediate basis starting right now, not 3.5 months from now‼‼‼

      Treasury is launching this much-needed relief to:

      Support urgent COVID-19 response efforts to continue to decrease spread of the virus and bring the pandemic under control

      Replace lost revenue for eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to strengthen support for vital public services and help retain jobs

      ❗❗❗Support immediate economic stabilization for households and businesses❗❗❗

      Address systemic public health and economic challenges that have contributed to the inequal impact of the pandemic"

    2. See

  86. This thread is now closed. Go to:
