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If this doesn't tell the Osages that it's time to go back into Court, I don't know what will.
ReplyDeleteSee on the eclipse this afternoon at
ReplyDeleteVery interesting...
This too
Just fanning the flames
Something up with this?
Israeli's deals with China? With friends like these and we are going to the mat for them?
DeleteHere it is! Right in our faces!
ReplyDeleteClick on the Text: Chairman's testimony at the Tribal consultation on TERA at
As it stands as written, with a TERA/TERO the Osage Nation will have to pick up the tab for any minerals office management and administration (commingling the business affairs of the Minerals Estate and the Osage Nation): "The 2018 TERA amendments include a provision for funding a tribe’s activities in carrying out an approved TERA. This provision requires the Secretary to make available to a TERA tribe any amounts of money that the Department would otherwise expend, but now does not have to expend, because the tribe is carrying out a TERA. In short, if the tribe performs a function or activity under a TERA that the Secretary once performed, the amount the Department saves because the Tribe is performing the function are to be made available to the Tribe."
More spending costing more millions for this TERA/TERO and we simply don't have the money!
ReplyDeleteThis is the most important film I have ever seen in my entire life. It's about secrets and lies in what eventually becomes a totalitarian system of government as a result. Get it and watch it as soon as you possibly can. This isn't a request. It's an instruction.
You'll understand why I'm taking this approach once you see it.
DeleteBOO! HISS! Since only those who live back home will know another such Candidate well enough to run on a "ticket", this rules out anyone running for Chief and AP Chief if they don't live pretty much around Osage County! AWFUL idea and non-inclusive for all Osage Nation members to run for these offices no matter where they live!
This is Raymond's idea. He's got lots of bad ideas.
ReplyDeleteRemember, Raymond Redcorn wanted to tax the mineral's estate.
DeleteHe also believes that the Osage Nation government owns the mineral estate.
Oh, and he likes to "collect" Osage art.
Town Hall Agenda:
ReplyDelete❗❗❗ I think that it's of extreme importance that we, the Osage Nation membership, understand in no uncertain terms that those who represent us want to see us and hear from us as to what we want them to do or they will do what they want to do. If you value what you have coming in from the Osage Minerals Estate as headright income, I'd put in an appearance in Pawhuska or attend the broadcast live via the internet and weigh in with how you wish to be represented in the TERA/TEDO matter or the members of the Osage Nation Congress, including Congressman Eli Potts, will have no other alternative than to presume that you don't care what they do with regard to this important matter and whatever other matters are discussed at this Town Hall Event. You will have no rights to complain after the fact if you don't exert your rights before final decisions are made by the elected officials of the Osage Nation government. This is what I'm hearing, not only from the members of the Osage Nation Congress but from members of the Osage Minerals Council as well. Pay attention and take heed to this warning!
DeleteWhat the DOI/BIA don't know about what will remain of the Trust relationship under a TERA/TEDO and they don't know much.
It never ends with more and more and more building in Osage County no matter how it threatens the fiscal health of the Osage Nation government!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure the BANK will be interested in how this will affect the debt to income ratio associated with our massive loan currently being carried by the gaming operation:
Chief's talk at Osage Impact Meeting
NATO agreement sounds good.
Cutting back the budget for between 10% to 40% but he only addresses cutbacks for OSAGE NATION MEMBER BENEFITS (Higher Education, Death Benefit, and Health Care) but not to cut back on spending on the Osage Nation government! Is this going to be cutbacks across the board for all Osage Nation spending because he does NOT address this in his remarks? This is bloody awful THE OSAGE PEOPLE FIRST THE OSAGE GOVERNMENT SECOND! Chief should be cutting government spending FIRST, NOT OSAGE NATION BENEFITS FIRST!
DeleteIt's not the Osage government that provides the source of benefits for all Osages, it is gaming revenue. Without gaming there would be no benefits. Any Direct Assistance all Osage Nation members can receive now is distributed for under $2m in administrative costs. No need to cut benefits. Just quit perpetuating the model one of our elder statesman dismissed ten years ago- calling the Nation's government an employment agency that provides a little service.
(561) 235-7863 is a Medicare Scam:
Hi this is Becky your patient advocate working closely with Medicare currently Medicare is offering precautionary genetic cancer screening nationwide and has recommended that anyone over the age of 50 be tested these tests help to detect early signs of cancer and are covered by your insurance if you do not act soon and Medicare may label you as an eligible for coverage please press one to speak to a testing specialist or press one to be placed on our do not call list.
Today in the Congressional Appropriations Committee Meeting it was disclosed by Holli Wells, the ON Attorney General that the Osage LLC. case is getting money from the lawsuit with one of the Defendants that had some money! YES! JUSTICE FINALLY! Listen on demand at Listen on demand at
ReplyDelete❗️❗️❗️Today, in the Congressional Health Committee they are talking about ending the rollover of our Health Card benefit and have funding necessary at $12 million now and even more for all of 2020 so that we don't run out of funding before the end of next year. This figure was cut to $8 million, down 4 MILLION DOLLARS from what was represented is currently needed now and this doesn't include what will be needed for all of 2020! Voting for this cut were Congresspersons Angela Pratt, Archie Mason, Brandy Lemon, Joseph Dee Tillman and Paula Stabler ❗️❗️❗️ Listen to this discussion at ❗️❗️❗️
ReplyDeleteHow is that a cut? If you don't spend your 500 or 1,000 dollars in a year, it shouldn't rollover. If you are saving for two years worth of benefits to spend in one year, then you are gaming the system. I would think admin to audit each card and then rollover money is a nightmare and and costly. We're lucky to get anything.
ReplyDeleteYou're not gaming the system if it's allowable by Osage Nation law which it is and has been to date. As was stated, this was vetted in Committee and discussed as a possible end of the rollover to the fully legal benefit that is rolled over for three years. Try and keep up.
DeleteWe have a right to member benefits and not have them cut because the Nation has spent itself silly in just about every way possible.
DeleteWorth watching closely and orienting spending behavior accordingly! See
ReplyDeleteThe China riots in Hong Kong are still not resolved by any means! See
Remember that the largest holder of U.S. Treasury Bills is China followed by Japan. If the Red Chinese government becomes fiscally unstable and those T-Bills aren't rolled over, well, you can imagine the rest of the story. Think 2008 without the recovery that took place.
DeleteFor the new sign up and registration for the Osage Nation Health Card, see
ReplyDeleteOnce it's allowed to take hold, it becomes more and more difficult to eradicate. We need to see this as an object lesson for our own government.
The Future Shareholders meeting tomorrow (Sun., 10-13-19), 12:00 PM, will be meeting in Skiatook's Casino's "Breakfast Nook". It is past the check-in, to the left. This will give us privacy and plenty of space for seating. OSA is providing this. HOPE TO SEE YOU☺️ THERE!!
ReplyDeleteThis is important! The balance of power in the region just flew right out the window... See
DeleteListen at
DeleteApparently the OST has changed the software as an update and it sounds like they are moving our IIM account money to this system. As a Shareholder, I was not noticed by the OST of this change that I am aware of. So, if you are having problems with your IIM account and funding of your account to the new system, CONTACT JANELLE PERRY AT (918) 287-5791. This is supposed to be for some kind of online banking? WHY ARE WE HEARING ABOUT THIS AT A MC MEETING FIRST AND NOT FROM THE OFFICE OF THE SPECIAL TRUSTEE'S OFFICE (OST)⁉️⁉️⁉️ Where are our accounts being managed? In Albuquerque or Pawhuska❓❓❓
ReplyDeleteThe very last thing we need to do is give the Osage, LLC ownership of these towers: "Osage LLC will own the broadband towers and will lease the land from the nation." See
They still don't even have an audit completed after God only knows how long and the Nation is going to hand over ownership of these broadband (Cell) towers to the Osage, LLC⁉️⁉️⁉️ I'm telling you, this thing is like an alien on our ship of state that we simply can't get rid of because of all the money funneling that goes on and right into pockets! Have they hired a CEO like the last article in the Osage News suggested they were going to do and at what salary? This is insane and it still it goes on and on! Before the ownership of these very important assets can take place, the Osage Nation Congress needs to put it in writing in legislation passed by the members and then signed by the Chief. WHERE IS THIS LEGISLATION OR HAS THE CHIEF JUST RUN AMOK WITH ASSIGNING OWNERSHIP OF OSAGE NATION PROPERTIES LIKE HE PERSONALLY OWNS THEM HIMSELF?
DeleteIs this whole government completely and TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL?
Delete14 people control these decisions and they are the elected officials. These 14 are the 12 members of the Osage Nation Congress and the Chief. Due to his constant involvement above that of any other AP Chief in the history of the Osage Nation government, he is included as well and 8 of them come up for election in 2020; 6 members of Congress, the Chief and the AP Chief. Remember this when you fill out your ballot or vote in person in the next Osage Nation election in 2020.
DeleteOsage LLC still around? They haven't posted an annual report on the Osage Nation Boards website since 2018.
DeleteTake a look at this photograph of the person who is the Director of the Cultural Center. A skid row bum would show up to this appointment with such high level professional people, dressed more appropriately. There are 100 others in the Tribe at least who know as much if not more that this one does. This is on you Chief and reflects your depth and breadth of a professionalism in total absentia.
To take a professional business meeting dressed and looking like it’s laundry day on her worst day off? What an embarrassment for all Osages. WOW!
DeleteThis points up an even larger issue that becomes a burden on the healthcare system itself when people eat their way right into diabetes because they are so morbidly obese. This is the proverbial elephant in the the living room. Are they converting their addictive behavior away from alcohol and into an eating addiction? If paying each and every person, if it were all averaged out for 480 employees who work for the Osage Nation, a median total of $60,000 in salary, wages and benefits yearly when the average income per person in Pawhuska is $18,000, it's no wonder they are so morbidly obese. Look at photographs of the employees and practically every single one of them are morbidly obese and this includes those in their teens. When the new Osage Nation got started they said to all of us that the wouldn't be going with a per-cap because it would lead to additive behavior and acting out as a result. Now they are paying twice as much in salary, wages and benefits to the Osage Nation political class and its workers than what the Osage Nation members have spent on our benefits AND they are trying to put together legislation now that the Nation can't spend more than 55% of yearly projected income on the government itself! That number should be 25% at an entire maximum and 75% should be spent on the Osage Nation members.
DeleteThen see
New scam involving Apple and the "Cloud". See
ReplyDeleteOf Course... The Governor is holding the line...
Why isn't the December payment posted yet?
ReplyDeleteNo one knows anything. Trust call center has no information and the Minerals Office has nothing.
DeleteIs anyone at the MC going to do their job and explain why the December payment is not on the MC web page or is everything a secret now?
ReplyDeleteAnd still nothing posted...
ReplyDeleteWill be missing my sidekick and Brother William Pawnee Billy Howell, who passed away after a terrible one vehicle crash into a concrete wall in Tulsa Ok. He died Nov.24, 2019. Service was the Moores 51st Funeral Home. Bill and I were the only living Great Grandsons of A. W. Comstock and contributors to the best selling book "Killers of the Fkower Moon and the start of the FBI. The Osage Murders which Bill and I had recorder in 2010 on BlogTalk Radio Homer-F Osage Past.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about your brother, Homer.
DeleteOMC Meeting Agenda:
Lots going on and being reported on at
ReplyDeleteThe Osage people vs the richest employees in Indian Country in the Osage Nation election and of course, the employees won.
ReplyDeleteThis is my cousin, Suzanne Walsh's story about living with skin cancer. See
ReplyDeleteHere's the Juice -->> On Wednesday, May 19, (2021) the Osage Nation received...65% = $108,375,827.59. And yet we have to wait for 60 days from May 27, 2021, then a Special Session of the ON Congress (10 days to schedule it in advance after the 60 DAYS for the bill, ONCA 21-49, for the recapture of Federal ARPA funds for ON Congressional appropriation to become law and up to 10 DAYS when it begins for the Chief to sign the legislation into law) another 30 DAYS for the application process to take place to even receive a check and BEFORE ALL THAT HAPPENS; for the Chief, his lawyer advisory team and his Task Force to dig into all that Federal funding and divvy it up with what's left of the pickings to trickle down to us while we, the Osage Nation membership no matter where we reside, are stricken and suffering for a year in the past, now and well into the future... NOW ADD THE NUMBER OF DAYS UP BEFORE WE CAN EVEN HOPE TO RECEIVE ANY ASSISTANCE FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THAT DULY APPROPRIATED THESE FEDERAL FUNDS FOR US: "(to) Support IMMEDIATE economic stabilization for households and businesses": 60+10+10+30=110. Now divide 110 by 31 days and that number equals 3.5 MONTHS before we can even hope to receive our FEDERALLY APPROPRIATED AND MANDATED "IMMEDIATE" SHARE of this ARPA Federal funding in early to mid-September of 2021⁉‼⁉ Is this what the word "IMMEDIATE" means to you? See
ReplyDeleteThere are 4 main FEDERAL ARPA objectives (goals) here and if they translate into percentages which they should with any caring, moral, fair and ethical Tribal government, 25% of this funding should be coming to us on an immediate basis starting right now, not 3.5 months from now‼‼‼
DeleteTreasury is launching this much-needed relief to:
Support urgent COVID-19 response efforts to continue to decrease spread of the virus and bring the pandemic under control
Replace lost revenue for eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to strengthen support for vital public services and help retain jobs
❗❗❗Support immediate economic stabilization for households and businesses❗❗❗
Address systemic public health and economic challenges that have contributed to the inequal impact of the pandemic"
DeleteSee Comments with regard to this legislation at
ReplyDeleteSee also
DeleteFacebook is down today so this is the alternative for communication until the site is restored.
ReplyDeleteThe argument for Osage Nation Congressional regional districting is strong. If we are going to own land outside of Osage County, then we need representation on a State by State basis in order to be able to properly interact with individual State Delegations to Washington D.C. from a legal standpoint as a Sovereign Native American Nation.
The Cherokee Nation has a Secretary of State who interacts with their membership where they reside on a State by State basis. See "The Cherokee Nation has more than 300,000 tribal members, making it the largest of the 567 federally recognized tribes in the United States." "...with 3,400 employees presently." See
In comparison to the Cherokee Nation, the Osage Nation government has double the amount of employees (roughly 500) on the basis of the total population of members at 23,000 with 60 to 90 or more new hires on the way depending on who you're talking to...
To my knowledge, the only one of these lawyers who is actually licensed to practice in the State of Oklahoma is Judge Oldfield:
One of these people has been there since the Gray administration and others for two terms which is more than enough time to become a licensed lawyer in the State of Oklahoma in all three cases. At the very least, this should be a requirement to sit on the Supreme Court of the Osage Nation.
ReplyDeleteSponsor of the legislation to take away the health benefits rollover: Paula Stabler.
Voting yes:
Scott BigHorse
Alice Goodfox
Billy Keene
Brandy Lemon
Angela Pratt
Jody Revard
Pam Shaw
Paula Stabler.
No finding in the legislation as to why this was needed in the Pandemic with $100m plus coming from the Feds to assist the Osage people. Standingbear SIGNED the bill.
ReplyDeleteJoe Tillman for Principal Chief of the Osage Nation! See
ReplyDeleteTo prove the point and how well Joe Tillman did in this election, in 2014 there were 2267 votes cast for Chief of the Osage Nation and GSB received 963 more votes than his opponent. In 2018, 2403 Osages voted for Chief of the Osage Nation and GSB received 915 more votes than his opponent in that election.
DeleteIn this election in 2022, of 2,464 votes cast for Chief, GSB received a mere 86 more votes than Joe Tillman indicating a massive erosion and loss of support among the Osage Nation membership across the board and among those who likely voted for him in the last two previous elections.
ReplyDeleteI am Tina Allen and I am running for a seat in the Osage Nation Congress in 2024. It's time for me to get involved and do what I can to serve the interests of ALL of the Osage Nation members no matter where we live throughout the country, to do what I can to restore the power and prestige of the Legislative Branch as the representative body of the Osage people with the ultimate control over how our money is spent on behalf of and on what is really needed for all the people who have an Osage Nation membership. We have to stop non-essential spending for the sake of current and future generations. Some decisions about what new projects we take on have to be left up to future generations who do have the right to have more choices than just to pay for the crushing debt arranged by the elected officials in the first eighteen years since the Osage Nation government took over in 2006 from the last Osage Tribal Council.
ReplyDeleteIf elected to the ON Congress, I fully intend to protect the Osage Minerals Estate (OME) under the ON Constitution as the "General Authority" and to uphold the provisions of the 1906 Allotment Act as amended not only because it is Federal law; it is also upheld in the Osage Nation governing Constitutional document in more than one place. As a Headright owner as well, I believe that those who are OME Shareholders will be more likely to protect the OME Trust for the Headright Beneficiaries than perhaps those who are NOT an OME Shareholder. I will NEVER FORGET that first and foremost, this is a FEDERAL OME Trust with FEDERAL Headright Trust Beneficiaries.
Tina Allen for Osage Nation Congress
See Tina Allen Campaign Statement 2024 at