Ray McClain just posted from his site Osages-you-need-to-com ..It seems like all the news we get anymore is more bad news. I’m afraid this report will not be much different. The Highest Posted Price for royalty oil in the Osage was all the way down to $34.75 on August 25, 2015. That’s the lowest it had been since sometime in 2004. These low prices and falling production rates due to the lack of drilling activity, has taken our payment for a full headright down to $4,360 for December, 2015. It would have been even worse if one of our better Producers had not discovered an error in reporting gas royalties that had been made. The error amounted to nearly $900,000, and this correction, plus some penalties, was added back to the December, 2015 payment. We certainly appreciate this Producer’s diligent efforts to identify the error and promptly make things right. It gave us about $400 more for each headright. Thank you Ray... How is we are still having accounting errors? And Congrats to Chaparral for being producer of the year. There is more to read from his site..
Yes we know this Article exists, what I am asking is from a industry perspective from individual operator's and individual shareholders..and what was the turnout?
From a producer's standpoint, I thought the presentations were informative; however, I didn't understand why the Mineral Council spent the funds to have the summit this year since the operators are not allowed to work on their wells or drill new wells. The promotion of potential opportunities within the Mineral Estate is a good thing but it fell on deaf ears as the only entities that might consider coming to Osage County for exploration would be an entity with very deep pockets that can wait years before they are able to explore and develop their properties; small independent companies cannot make such a long-term investment.
If the NEPA EIS is not shot-down, there will never be new wells drilled and the exiting wells will require abandonment since the producers will no longer be able to meet the EIS requirements which are much worse than the new proposed CFR's. In this event, the Mineral Estate will be destroyed for decades, if not for ever. The producers can only do so much. The OMC needs to hire legal counsel to initiate legal action to block the Federal government from shutting down all activity. They better do it soon; the producers can't do this alone and the producers do not have near the influence as does the OMC and the Osage Tribe of Indian as a whole. I would like the Headright Owners to read the 322 page EIS to become familiar with what the Federal government is doing to the producers and to the Mineral Estate. It should make you ill.
Here it is... The Draft OSAGE OIL & GAS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT with the information about the process to begin: http://www.bia.gov/WhoWeAre/RegionalOffices/EasternOklahoma/WeAre/Osage/OSAGEOilGasEIS/index.htm
I suggest you read Fred Storer's much shorter paper presented at the Summit before delving into the 322 page ill-advised EIS. He makes some very good arguments against the EIS. It is called: A CALL TO ACTION: YOU HAVE A POWERFUL STORY! http://hydrationengineering.com/osage-agreement.pdf
If any Shareholder is going to attend the Shareholders meeting Sunday in Pawhuska would you please ask the Osage Mineral Council how many permits for new drilling and well workover's are waiting to be approved. How many are being processed per day etc. Most importantly ask why is it that the Mineral Council members are not PARKED everyday at the BIA office demanding to see the procedure and progress of the permits? Robin Phillips has been reporting the same number of pending permits for several months now. They are not being foresight with information about the permits. Why has the Osage Mineral Council not sued that DOI/BIA over the lack of permitting? What do they plan to do about this? Osage operator can deal with the low oil prices but if they are not allowed to work on their wells the Osage production will continue to decrease and the Shareholders check will continue to decline as well. We have heard that several Osage operators are working on their wells without permits just to keep their production going because waiting over a year for a permit is totally unacceptable. Action is needed NOW!
I think that's a great idea. Thank you, James. A silent protest of showing up in the BIA Agency office every day until these permits are released seems like a start. I was wondering when the Producers in the field were going to take the initiative and it's interesting that finally they are going ahead to work on the wells.
Has anyone considered counter suing Martha Donalson and Gentner Drummond for the lawsuit that has been so financially ruinous to the oil and gas producers in Osage County especially when there was a EIS that was valid for Osage County? You now have proof of severe economic harm done over the last year or more since the Donalson lawsuit was filed. Have you spoken with your attorney about this idea? If this woman sees clearly in black and white on paper that she will lose her shirt and the land she lives on, she might well decide to drop the Federal lawsuit and everyone can get back to work. Surely by now she must be being treated like an anathema by everyone she encounters. A counter suit might finally snap her out of it and make her see the light. I heard that GD is also feeling the heat and has made some silly excuse that the lawsuit at the time it was filed has helped rather than hindered the situation since oil has dropped in price. The BIA seems to want to cover their own bases to the detriment of the Osages despite the trust fiduciary obligation they owe to the Osage Nation and the Mineral Estate.
James---Please don't make me repost under the correct thread. This is the last time I'm going to do this for you.
@10:19 The OMC doesn't seem to consider this issue a problem. They have not filed a lawsuit or joined the Osage Producers Association in their 2nd lawsuit pertaining to the permit process.
@10:39 The Producers are speaking with their lawyers about a counter suit and filing one against the Osage Mineral Council as Lessor. The OMC has leased/sold leases to the producers and they are unable to enjoy and develop their leases resulting in ecological hardships. I personally and all for suing the Mineral Council for their lack of regency and concern over this these issues.
Another question is why has it taken Judge Kaine over 11 months to rule?
Post at November 10, 2015 at 11:24 AM is from James Revard. If you are responding to a post, click on the reply button and enter your comment into that text window that will come up for you.
Replying to poster 10:39 am...My Bet the BIA will come back and say pursuant the draft of the ill advised EIS was already in the stages there of before the Donelson...case. However the circumstance dictatess otherwise..Politics has no business being on our Land..The M.E This Agency is and has created a Monster to the demise of thd Estate, so evident. And yes every effort should be to sue Martha Donalson and for their role as well the Drummonds. The real problem does not stop with the new EIS have you looked at the peer groups as well as the Nation helpded draft the PEA..What is the Mineral Council doing to protect the interest or for that the United States as well, what are they doing to protect the interest of the OSAGE? Fixing the CFR's is only a minute to a real problem that lies at the administrative level. Had the BIA did there job by hiring skilled technical help for a Billion dollar estate we would not be having this converstion...now thats the truth staring us right in the face...I blame also the M.C and prior M.C as well for not being diligent and turning a blind eye to the realities and I have my opinion reserved. Nothing is a accident how we are where we are at..
MC Agenda for meeting on Friday --->>> https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/minerals-council-meeting-0 Will they speak to the potential OPA lawsuit being considered against them during the meeting I wonder.
Most likely they are clueless to this potential risk as they have been with everything else concerning the Mineral Estate. The Shareholders need to realize that if the OMC gets sued the money comes out of their checks to defend the MC. Might be time to HIRE professionals to manage the Mineral Estate instead of Osages the win elections based on their popularity and family name. Just saying.
Better than the $38,000 the Mineral Council members are paid and they only attend 2 meetings a month. That's the whole problem. We have part time MC employees overseeing a Billion dollar estate and some have other jobs including working for the Nation. Don't you think a business as big as the Mineral Estate deserves a full time employee?
Why has it taken so long as I have said the M.C is making to much money arm chair coaches at best..they are making $1500.00 a meeting..and what kind of health benefits and 401k's do we not know about? As I have said before this group of People are way out of their scope in earnings. ..they are attending two meetings a Month for $3166.00 way above the poverty level especially in their area where they live at, to find the Shareholder's in a pickle because of the lack of expertise..I'm no dummy here...then they have a part time Job? And draw a royalty. ..make your living not on the backs of the Osage Shareholder...75 bucks an hour is in alignment given the Shape of the M.E should we vote on this matter I say yes...and should we go forward with future votes to the Osage Shareholder on this matter . I have only been asking for some time what the M.C makes per meeting..you average that a year..thats $380,000...dollars for 10 members..remember the 1906 act requires a Chief and AP Chief who are absent most M.C meetings. As I have said who set the Monetary Policy and voted on it? Nah as I have said accountability is now being asked by this Shareholder and what about the per diems that we do not know about,,Gas cards? Hotel stays for events in the Area and you could be staying home? Nah given the fact that all of you failed on a grand scale to protect our prairie from the Wind Farms from coming in and developing those hidious turbines and dont think it will not change the eco system for one bit in that area orfor that matter stir polutiion around in your face or think that it doesn't use fossil fuel and creates more of a in balance does good for the Community or habitat. .not to mention this is Federal protected land..not public land for the taking..Green Energy has no right..to push its politics period...nah accountability and what is so transparent we need a new mineral Council.
It's time we get to the meat and bone here...it is obvious to the Shareholder's what is and will work and the under performance of said M.C is so sub par...time for their cake and ice cream to end...in the end the U.S owns the trust and has the final say..So why is the M.C taking home 38,000 dollars a year each and why is the Chief and A.P Chief getting paid if they are not allowed to attend the Meetings? I and every Shareholder wants a JOB DESCRIPTION OF EACH AND EVERYONE OF THE M.C and if you do not like 75 an hour that was the going price to bad.to sad..
We got what we elected. The sad truth is we have eight individually elected councilpersons with equal authority who don't get along with one another and don't try. They all have separate agenda's that in many cases does not address our most critical problems. To my knowledge zero of eight have commercial, financial, accounting, marketing, technical or field experience in Oil & Gas. Working for the BIA doesn't count. They don't either. Maybe one or two have colleges degrees. I am not completely sure about that but my guess is the majority don't. They are not familiar with how to plan strategically and most likely would not have a clue that it might be necessary. Their lack of transparency and any regular meaningful communication with their constituents only indicates to me that they are hiding their inability to act. In July 2014 they were informed about the infamous July 14 letter radically changing the way business would be conducted in the Osage. Did they have the capacity to understand what this would do? I don't believe they did. They ignored it even when Producer after Producer explained how devastating the changes would be. By September 2014 they learned at the Summit that drilling had dropped to Zero. In less than 3 months time. Did they take action then? Fast forward 15 months: We have lost several large producers i.e. they are trying to sell their concessions and leased because they cannot conduct anywork. Trouble is, no one is buying. NON CO2 Tertiary recovery (Chaparral Burbank) production has dropped more than 3,000 bbls per day! The new EIS will be the last nail in the coffin because it requires expenditures to wellsites that cost so much the small amount of production that comes from the majority of the wells will not cover the new costs. OMC2 ceded control of the ME to the BIA & the BLM with the new CFRs ignoring all warnings by the very people that generate the ME revenue. OMC3 is not competent to hand this crisis. They don't read any of the crucial documents and if they are working with professional to get us out of this mess it is not apparent by what they do or say. In fact not a one of them has given an intelligent report of the situation or demonstrated that they have command of the situation. We need RADICAL change. A constitutional amendment to restructure the OMC is required. It must be well thought out. The number of Council persons needs to be reduced and full time oil & gas professionals need to be hired to actually manage and administer the ME. The BIA responsibilities need to be reduced to signing off on the work that our hired professionals conduct. Incentives need to be put in place for the professionals to increase production and revenue. Shareholders UNITE!
Your word have not fallen on death ears and thank you for the short reminder of what has transpired in the last two years and I to have been chronicling these events and have been saying for quite some time. I recognize the impact of such poor performance. In today's world the private sector ah they would be removed A.S.A.P. Screams incompetence and by means no accident that a cancer exist from with in...when this happen you weed out the culprit or problem and go forward. And truly this is achieved very easily...and as I said get the politics out get the professionals with the state of the art technical skills to do the work they the M.C cannot do...I am a huge advocate. Takes a different kind of talent of which is lacking, accountability and transperency. .move the council to the rear o rget off your duff because a new kid is coming to town. We have to have innovative thinking and it is not happening. It's time the North the south and the west come together and decide what future we have? We should be a couple of decades ahead of ourselves and we are not there..sad. Changing the CFR'S isn't going to fix broken...looking at the perspective and value that has been so over looked. This is a business not a merry go round attitude ,the endless round table needs to stop spinning. Plain and simple. Mature thinking needs to prevail..I say Shareholder's alike we must unite for a better outcome in a lot of areas...one being getting under control how much they are being paid..to relatively they do nothing other than bicker..so we have a milliin dollar draw down I want to know it is being utilized for transperency and accountability sake..
@7:10, DITTO!!! So well spoken and totally correct. Thank you for seeing the reality. I am concerned and afraid that its to little to late. If the new EIS goes into affect there will not be one Osage operators that can comply with these rules and make a profit at their business. What the Fed's fail to realize or care about is that the Osage Mineral Estate is a mature oilfield with mostly marginal well productions so the cost of implementing the new EIS would force the producers to operate at a lose. This is so sad because after a 100+ year tradition of the Osages and Independent oilmen is about to end. Killed off by the Feds. As I say #tolittletolate.
The Chief and Assistant Chief have no more place attending Minerals (in their official capacity) than the Governor of the state of Oklahoma. Just like the Governor they represent a different constituency. We are all Osage but the Chief represents an interest that may not and does not reflect the shareholders interest. The fact that we are not allowed to have a Chief or Assistant Chief for the minerals is in violation of federal law.
11:36 AM. I am a Shareholder and don't agree with you one bit. The Chief is a shareholder. Not sure about the Asst Chief but my guess he is too. You are dead wrong about their "place" when it comes to minerals. My hope is that that they will work with Congress to provide money for the Nation to diversify gambling monies into other revenue generating businesses. Having the Nation get into the the Oil & Gas Production business is a no-brainer in my opinion. They and Congress should all attend the annual Summit to learn everything they can about what the great opportunities that still exist in the Osage. They all should consult with professionals to create a strategic plan to get into this business. With the right people and capital and once the EIS and CFR hurdles are dealt with, the Nation could generate millions in incremental revenue and create high paying jobs for Osages and internships for our students. One of the presenters at the Summit, Kristine Peterson, a geologist, advised that our ME has produced 931,000,000 barrels of oil and 241 billion cubic feet of gas. Most likely 60% of that number is still left in the ground. If the Nation could produce just 5% of that number it would be 46 million barrels and 12 BCF of gas. In her words "A worthy target". We learned that there are 121 sections still undrilled in Osage Co. and 77,440 untested acres. The thing I don't understand is why in the world haven't we accomplished a production program? The Shareholders still get their Royalty checks regardless who does the work. I would love for the Chief or his liaison to come to the minerals meetings. Why not? I repeat, he is a shareholder and has just as much vested interested as you do.
The Nation? When they tie their shoes, they tie them together. Who do you think you're kidding? Go look for a high paying income from some other Tribe. It's not going to happen in Pawhuska. BIA Super is issuing lease terminations, not workers and permits. This is a full court press to shut down the Mineral Estate on the part of the U.S. government and the CFR issue is not even close to be resolved and now they swing in in the last few days with the new Environmental Impact Statement that is already being objected to right from the get-go. Dream on fella. It ain't happening and won't be for years into the future.
Oh boy...though you are entitled to your opinion poster @ 5:59 pm..this I will say regardless who does the work as long as it is not the defacto gov the ON then we are fine to devlope and in our prime to move forward with a production program...ONE's can develope else where and do as it pleases. Everything Government touches goes to waste..and would not create a healthy environment for the Shareholder's and woukd be a direct conflict of interest...purely for one simple reason...it's the Authority which is the 1906 act as amended we are bound by...and by our Constitution. .the fact that we have huge acres that have not been developed is so telling of what our future can be. We need surely professionals with the latest innovative technology behind them the M.C and they do not have that capacity as recognized by the state of affairs we find ourselves in...not for long I say...it's not so hard to see what has transpired in the 100 years of our M.E. If you dig deep enough you'll begin to see the mud.
I couldn't care less whether he's a shareholder or not. He is elected by non-shareholders. The Chief needs to stubble off and go blow a few million more dollars on another building somewhere.
Reading this thread and I am sickened to think how disfunctional my mineral council is and how totally uneducated I am and wish I wasn't. This is what I'll be leaving to my children and I'm only 42 but I don't see any positive change in or future. I'd love to be more than just a shareholder that receives a check every quarter but I'm clueless as to the details. But I also can see they the lines and know we are in sad shape with the current MC for our future. Greed is a deadly seed sewn into this legacy. Breaks my heart.
More on corporate welfare and two "pioneer" phonies who benefit from it ~~~ http://rtfitchauthor.com/2015/01/30/"multi-millionaire-cowpoke-ladd-drummond-whose-little-missus-is-ree-drummond-the-pioneer-woman-rakes-in-taxpayer-dollars/
Why is APAC offering property for sale to the Minerals Council? The OMC manages the OME not real estate acquisitions. They want an extension on their current lease. Does this include the three properties they are offering for sale? Why would the Mineral Council or the Osage Nation for that matter, ever agree to buy property encumbered by an oil and gas lease from a company that is selling it because they want out and have no intention of developing the lease for the purpose of oil and gas production? Some of this stuff dealt with in these MC meetings brought up by these producers defies logic at times. Does this lease extension in any way involve language that includes a rule against perpetuities too?
YOU HAVE GOT TO LISTEN TO THIS OMC MEETING SEGMENT RECORDED EARLIER TODAY! --->>> Click on this text: Osage Nation: 3omc11_13_15pt2 at http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/?page=1 No lease approvals but plenty of lease terminations for the oil and gas producers being issued by the Superintendent of the Osage Agency, Robin Phillips? The removal of the members of the Minerals Council is NOT in the CFRs Chairman Waller. It's in the Osage Nation Constitution that you have apparently never even bothered to read. Another thing, if Galen Crum can't find the Osage Nation web site and click on the link to the Minerals Council from there, he needs to find another job. His remark was so totally unbelievable I can't believe I really heard him say it. Who gets the most stupid comment award for today's meeting is up for a vote. Is it Chairman Waller or Galen Crum?
Regarding today's Mineral Council meeting, a Shareholder asked the Chairman what is the procedure to remove a Council Member from office. The Chairman replied with a quick response stating only "the CFR's". What does that mean? What does the Code of Federal Regulations have to do with the Osage Mineral Council which is an agency of the Osage Nation? Surely, he is mistaken. This also concerns me that the Chairman doesn't even know Mineral Council procedures. Do any of you know the correct answer to this Shareholder's question?
Galen Crum has nothing to do with it. We're trying to get you to post comments under the proper thread. If you can't manage to do that then you have a choice to either move on or go post to Facebook and other web sites that will let you do whatever you want to do without respect for the time of the moderator of this blog. Get on board James or get gone. It's really your choice to play ball or walk away from the ball game here. We live by the rules. Who died and made you Princess Grace Kelly that you don't have to do like the rest of us do????????????????
Is this not a Shareholders Matter? Where would you like me to Post? I was starting a new thread to discuss todays Mineral Council meeting. Its not like any of the Shareholders post or read this Blog anyway its just a good place for me to vent hold damn dumb the MC is. I will be happy to walk on and leave you to the mess you all created by electing fools to run the Mineral Estate. PEACE OUT!
James, maybe you need to review a few of the rules of Online Community Comment Etiquette:
STAY ON TOPIC. Ignore trolls. To avoid redundancy, READ PREVIOUS COMMENTS BEFORE POSTING YOUR OWN. You’re a guest, so keep this in mind when commenting.
Internet troll --->>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll DUH James? You're not a rebellious teenager so why insist on behaving like one? There is a whole lot more freedom to vent here than at those other namby-pamby sites around that offer Osages a place to have their say. We want you to post here because you actually have a bead on the light of day when most of them couldn't see the light if it was shining square in their eyes. We need you here because you aren't afraid to call it like you see it and that's a good thing for all the shareholders. Get it together so we can follow what's being said and do it for our sake if for no other reason.
It does not take the CFR's to remove a council member. The vote would be put to the Shareholder's. The M.C does not have or know what a standard is or how to deciminate what is in the best interest of the Shareholders et or the M.E..a criteria let alone create a criteria or have by-laws. They are separate from the Nation and we must insert the will of what the Shareholder's expect,,,,James not every shareholder in comprised of how dire the M.C is in or what has led this M.E into the ground.. with not so much as wink. Does any Council member wish to argue the truth you will lose..Little does anyone know why the Nation exists it is because of us..the Shareholders...all that land that is in trust in Osage County is the reservation...they would not exist without the M.E..I know the truth..and I have been work I ng diligently where my rights are concerned or should I say for all of us...no longer will we be kept in the dark..and we will take the lead if need be..and I suspect we are close...I have been saying for a while a problem exist and it exists in the concessions and the contracts..I believe Robyn Philips is in a rock and a hard place...Non of you meaning the Council understand what it is to come to a concensus for a grater outcome..It is hard to fathon...I suspect as when Judge Fizzle rules for the Accounting of the Estate we will be replacing the M.C all together. This is not to hard to predict..the closer we get tot he truth on these very important issues the closer to thay reality i. The future will be here soon enough..we want success and it is not happening for the economy other wise in Osage County...the lack of support is telling by Waller is telling...
We can't wait for Judge Frizzel to issue a ruling. The OMC needs to take immediate action to fight the recent NEPA EIS. Councilman Crum and Councilman Yates are the Shareholders' adversaries and need to be removed from the Mineral Council ASAP.
As a shareholder I will say this, I'm glad the chief was NOT invited to the MC! I don't see invite a thief to the table. All shareholders need to see the put-on show of Mr. Blacks meeting and the people making ass of their selves. Know one in my family trust the chief. The MC is not doing enough for us and I think we need educated engineer that knows how to run the estate and fight the BIA. Even educated as the chief is, look at the mess!!!
Yeah right. Remove all impediments to the Nation getting control of the OME and let the ON try and run it. The producers won't stand for the Nation flushing the toilet less running the OME but they'll schmooze them for all their worth anyway until the Nation finally does have control and the producers and land owners take it all away. In this thing, you don't know who your friends are but the one thing that's true in all of this is that the Nation is a disaster area with the way they spend money and run their businesses and fail right and left. This is the livelihood of the oil and gas producers and they will do anything to see to it that they don't lose everything they've got on a silly arrogant bunch that insist on running things when they have no idea what they are even doing. It's do or die now and someone should be filing a complaint with the FBI to open and begin to run an investigation on the activities and choices of the Secretary of the Interior of the DOI and the involved employees of the BIA for destroying the oil and gas generated income of OME and financially wrecking Osage County in the now alleged criminal violation of the fiduciary Trust relationship and responsibilities to the Osage Nation and the beneficiaries; the headlight owners.
You said and working on it...poster 3:01..I believe someone said to me a while back just give it sometime these things have a way of working themselves out. I smell huge corruption. Working with multiple agencies.
As an Osage County producer, I take offense to the comment suggesting that we are schmoozing the Chief. We are scratching and clawing to stay alive and have no relationship with the Chief of the Osage Tribe. Our enemies are the BIA and the Obama administration and two Osage Mineral Council members. We're in the line of fire between the Obama administration and the Osage Headright owners for prevailing in the $380,000,000 settlement. The Osage Mineral Council is absolutely no help and the council members are not experienced enough to understand our plight. I suggest the Shareholders remove and replace the Osage Mineral Council with a board of directors retired from major oil companies to put qualified management in place to develop and preserve the Mineral Estate. If it doesn't happen soon, the lack of action will be devastating to the ME. It may never recover once abandoned.
Many of us shareholders are on the producers side. Wish to God we had the power to help and help ourselves.. I've got relatives with 2 to 3 H.R.s that are too comfortable to worry what's going on. I have been told there is 4 Osages with 6 & 7 H.R.s each. That's a lot of votes tied up to one person each. That's about 22 votes for 4 people. Those people are not hurtin like the rest of us. We have to get organized to get better people than what the MC folks are.
This is not so insane to what needs to happen. I have read the CFR's..And the PEA and Fred Storer well documented assessment of these New E.A's and the conflict of interest in order to scate the responsibilities to the Trust but affects everyone involved..it's so much more all the while creating as I said a mountain of litigations..I am out of breath to say the least as mind just reels..why and why has the M.C not answer to this to the Shareholder's this is as much their faux pas. Silence is not golden...Why don't we hire Fred Storer as our Attorney, he's done 3/4's of the JOB...As if I recall Mike Black said the alternative would be probably to use the 1979 E.A in the meeting..Did Inhear correctly? And this is important on so many levels and I had asked the same question, what was wron with the 1979 E.A? Why is the BIA pushing the compliance onto the Producer when the Action Agent is required..The BIA..it behooves the the Shareholder to read because knowledge is power...Who in the heck instructed the Superintendent to write the July 2015 letter? After 35 years? Mike Black, Jeanne Hale, EPA, Osage Nation...in the end in all of this bottom line, the BIA is responsible for crippling the M.E. And this by all means is no accident when you look at the source. .What can we do for ourselves and I look at how the Wind Farms got away from us by no action taken on the part of the Nation...equally we are all involved weather there is a M.C or not, and then you take a look at the Fletcher Case and oh now everyone's eyes are wide open, where was the support? We have a Chief, and 8 council members who right now from this Osage Indian and Shareholder am ashamed of the blatant incompetence. In the Private sector you all would be replaced. Including the BIA.
Who said anything about schmoozing the Chief? It's ONES LLC you've been working through and they contact the Chief. He has to have some level of plausible deniability doesn't he? He's already in enough hot water with everyone in the Osage for openly trying to take over the Mineral Estate from the Minerals Council when he knows the Osage Constitution prohibits it in Article XV. That article in the Osage News was evidence enough if his Facebook posts didn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.
Disconcerting to say the least, but not surprising considering the circumstances. Most unfortunate. .but who's to say that this has not been going on with our estate? It is alarmingly easy...for the take..and the black market..worst knowing that what I suspected before I read the article, is most of this is inside...and that really doesn't surprise me at all. Is there a way you can protect the asset? Blending oil seems to be an issue.
This should be interesting. ..this is telling hiring someone to do the compliance spread sheet? Really says a lot about all of your experience and a statistician? Not hard yo figure where the problem lies...and what needs to be done..
7 approved drilling permits and 11 worker permits approved for the month of October. Some exchange about information sent to Colorado? Not sure about what this all means.
Inventory in Colorado and Councilwoman Erwin wants that information separate over and above information in other reports. Talk about penalty letters but no fines have been issued by the BIA.
Everything that requires a Petroleum Engineer is now being sent to Colorado where they have some sort of a division there to review the business documents sent to them?
Three or four employees working 100% of their time on permit approvals for the month of October. Seven drilling permits and eleven workover permits approved total 18. With there being 22 work days in October and 18 total permits approved that is less than one permit per work day with four employees working on them. This is not acceptable.
The BIA has already hired a petroleum engineer but the Superintendent admitted she doesn't know when his or her start date is. This too is unacceptable.
Coming off of the 10% we should get by the CFRs? Wait a minute. It is what is it is and if we go forward, we should see this regulation be observed for the Shareholders.
Talking about the resolution on Galen Crum going renegade from the MC and working on the EIS out from under the MC resolutions not to participate in the process.
And yes, when you undermine the power and prestige of your own Agency as a duly elected member by going out from under it or around it, this is highly unethical and he should be released from service as a member of the Minerals Council or do the right thing and resign.
The Osages had no in whatsoever with the new CFRs, why would the BIA listen to the Osages or any rep of the Osages with the EIS? Stupid insane people make the same mistake over and over again, Galen. What does that say about you?
Crum should be removed for going behind the council. His defense of the EIS is to reminiscent of this unyielding support of the Neg Regs. His condescending attitude toward the shareholders and the minerals council is unacceptable. He needs to go.
Really sharp to place the first part of the MC meeting up online line already. Kudos to MC staff and IT for getting this done so soon. Hear it now on demand via the internet at http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/?page=1
Yates wants to bring Sonny Abbott back to clean up the mess the 2nd council made of the records. Speaking for this shareholders Abbott shouldn't be anywhere near the Mineral Estate.
Abbott is just old sorry.. we need and want people with forward thinking..this guy is a loose cannon nor is he a team player and thats not someone who I want representing the M.E...His time has eneded..wasn't he the guy when Mike Black and his posse was here and he got up to argue a point with a Producer on the exact figures and was in denial about the CFR's or something like that. If so his lack of knowledge and incompetence was revealing. .if this is any indication and reflects who is sitting on the Council and wants him back say goodbye..we will replace you as well...
Yes, it was Mr. Abbott, when a producer said the CFRs would drive him out of business, told him to go open a restaurant. We don't need people like him or his cohorts Yates are Crum.
Thank you...I could not agree more. Still waiting on the economic impact on the New CFR's. Was there a response in todays meeting about the injunction filed against the BIA? Why is taking so long to approve the Contracts and who can we complain to..obviously we can't call the M.C..because had tbey had the contracts in front of them and would approve them and send them for approval would eliminate some of the inefficiencies caused by the delay of Agency. And say we get some of the federal administration fees covered..we have eight council men and women who could process for approval...This is way better way than what the Chiefs suggested.
This comment is how ill informed your current Chief actually is about the events of the day:
"Geoffrey StandingBear wrote on the Facebook page "Osage Community for Responsible Citizenry" over at https://www.facebook.com/groups/yanman/
"The only solution is to have the Secretary of Interior remove BIA from Osage. Our money is with the Office of Special Trustee (OST). To make BIA go away and keep the federal trust intact requires a federal compact with the Minerals Council and Osage Nation. With the present group that does not look like it will happen. So, BIA lovers do not have to worry. We better work with BIA if the Mineral Council insists to leave them in control."
"My agenda on the Osage Mineral Estate is very simple. Keep the federal trust in place, get the BIA out of here, leverage the headright shareholders power to control the Osage Mineral Estate to own our own production and distribution. Have the Osage gaming place money to the MC for leverage power, and control the water use forever along with ownership."
What he apparently doesn't realize is the fact that the U.S. Congress is trying to get rid of the Office of the Special Trustee and repatriate it back into the normal functions of the BIA. How can he be so uninformed about such matters when they so strongly affect the Osage Mineral Estate?
"Some tribes and lawmakers want to eliminate the Office of the Special Trustee and transfer its duties back to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Washburn didn't think that was a good idea." http://www.indianz.com/News/2015/018130.asp
Is this guy who is the head of the Osage Nation, as usual, working an angle to manipulate the Osage public or is he actually for real?
He is for real and he is trying to manipulate the Osage public.
Stand back and look at how the Nation has conducted itself since it's inception, they work in their own idealized dream world and try to manipulate the public into going along with them. The dream world mentality stated above is no different then Geoffrey buying the old Hernandez restaurant building (that by all accounts needs to be torn down) and telling everyone it's a strategic investment. ...Same Koolaid just minerals flavored this time.
If I heard the Superintendent correctly, 51 out of 51 surface owner matters were resolved in October being 100% of cases. In contrast 11 out of 400 permits were approved during the same time period being 2.75% of submitted applications. Apparently the Superintendent's priorities are surface owner issues.
Why is it that the OMC asks the Superintendent or her assistant Superintendent at every meeting the question "how many permits are pending" and she never has an answer? She always says that she will find out and report back later which never occurs. Why doesn't the OMC demand that she excuse herself from the meeting to go get the answer and then report back to the meeting to provide the answer. If she doesn't know the answer, why doesn't she? This is a significant issue; why doesn't the OMC demand an answer to this question.
Well, this is the treatment you receive when you are being dealt with like a recalcitrant child. Never mind that such behavior is entirely inappropriate where the fiduciary obligation is concerned. This attitude is wrong and counterproductive where a business relationship is concerned and the BIA really needs sensitivity training where low level bigotry is involved. You won't see this kind of thing in board meetings toward a business board coming from functionaries who owe a fiduciary obligation to that board and the shareholders. It's entirely inappropriate for the BIA to have such an underlying attitude toward the Osages. The old British carryover from the Colonialist Raj era of Ma-Bap (“We are your mother and father”) is long over and the BIA needs to get up to speed whether they find it to be distasteful or not. On this issue, the elephant is all the way in the room and the BIA needs an awareness and sensitivity intervention as soon as humanly possible.
So true, Robyn Philips is incompetent. Knowing what questions ahead of time will be asked does she not take notes? As so evident, no accident she does not have the information, is unprecedented. The Game she is playing, her actions are coming from the upper echelon no doubt..The BIA's Loyalty is eschewed. In the Private Sector she would be removed immediately and I call her a traitorous to the ME. Simple, time for her to to be replaced.A.S.A.P
Funny how certain members of the Osage Congress see fit to charge the Minerals Council for the use of the facilities but has a problem with charging the gaming operation rent to use those Osage Nation facilities isn't it?
BIA's Draft Environmental Impact Statement – Preparing for the Public Meeting The EIS will become the basis for the BIA's management of oil and gas activities in Osage County. The BIA must accept public comments on this document. A public meeting will be held on November 30 (starting at 3pm at the Wah Zha Zhi Cultural Center, Pawhuska) and written comments will be accepted until close of business on December 24. The document is 322 pages long, read it if you have time. We have these suggestions regarding the public meeting: Plan on the meeting extending past the 6 pm announced end time Make a statement - insist on being heard Tell your story, how have you been harmed by the BIA's action or lack of action? State your opinion on proposed "Resource Conservation Measures" Resource Conservation Measure (RCM) is a new term replacing "Best Management Practice". The following RCMs may be applied to any permits issued by the BIA. These are a basket of conditions the BIA will select from and impose as they see fit. We have presented the RCMs in the order they appear in the Draft EIS. Operators should plan to comment on the RCMs you find the most relevant to your operations. Obtain authorization to cross a stream with a flowline or road Install culverts at stream crossings Hire an expert to sample nearby water wells Avoid altering run-off path from new construction Used closed loop mud management when drilling near streams Use Ditch Witch® type drilling to install flowlines under streams Agree with surface owners on the visual impact or your facilities Design equipment to blend in to the natural environment Remediate all brine scaring Measure noise and reduce noise by installing barriers and mufflers Replace pump jacks with submersibles if three phase power is available If within 1⁄4 of a residence work only Monday-Friday 7 to 7 Place warning signs around power lines, road intersections, etc. Remove any unused equipment Line and gravel tank batteries Stockpile topsoil for future use Return disturbed areas to original contour Consult with the BIA on potential seismicity impacts Stay on existing roads Maintain roads as required by the BIA and surface owners Bury power lines Locate structures at edge of open prairie Do not place pump jacks, tank batteries, and power lines on ridge lines or hilltops Do not go within 1⁄4 mile of breeding Greater Prairie Chickens (Greater Prairie Chickens are not endangered) Obtain US FWS authorization for American Burying Beetle Avoid the rattlesnake-master plant in an attempt to save the rattlesnake-master borer moth In addition to the RCMs the BIA proposes: To prohibit oil and gas activities within 200 feet of any occasional stream or place that holds water after a rain. The resulting reduction in the mineral estate has not been determined. Restrain oil and gas development on 325,000 acres (northwest Osage county) to encourage breeding of the Greater Prairie Chicken If you are employed by the oil and gas business, are an Osage headright owner, or have been harmed by the BIA's policies you should appear at the November 30 meeting and tell your story.
As an Osage Headright Owner myself and as an Osage County Producer, please be aware that this website is very biased and that the administrator removes postings that do not suit him or her. I am aware of six postings during Wednesday’s OMC meeting that were immediately deleted. You are not getting all of the facts and opinions from individuals attempting to post their thoughts and knowledge regarding the Mineral Council Members and matters before them.
In regard to the proposed EIS, I suggest we first comment by stating that there is no need of a new EIS as the 1979 EA is still in effect and satisfactory. The New EIS is intended to destroy the Osage Mineral Estate. If the proposed new CFR’s were to kill all activity by a thousand cuts, then consider this EIS as a dagger in the heart or a slit throat for the producers. A few of the items mentioned in the 322 page death sentence are acceptable; however, 90% of this crap is not achievable by the producers. This is obviously another attempt by the Obama administration to punish the Osage Tribe of Indians.
If you are concerned about any future oil and gas activity in Osage County, I suggest that you demand that the OMC file legal action to block this hateful action and yes, you may need to help them with legal fees. I wouldn’t bother writing comments before the Obama deadline of December 24, 2015; your comments will be ignored as they were for Crum’s new CFR’s.
The only hope is another legal injunction to be sought by the OMC and possible by the Osage Nation joining the OMC. We are under attack again. This time it will be fatal if not blocked by an injunction.
Wrong. If you really knew the actual bias of those who run this thing you would be very surprised indeed. You are being deleted because you are not replying to the topic comment. We have issued enough warnings and now we are taking action to stop those from posting here who simply refuse to follow one or two very simple rules.
To the interested parties reading this blog, the administrator is again scolding those who reply to your comments. How do you feel about this interference? Do you wish to receive replies to your comments?
The Shareholders Association is seeking new members and plans to develop a secure website to address our common concerns. Please contact them to join for only $25 and lets get serious about our plight. Bitching on this biased website blog does little good. Please consider joining the Shareholders Association, we will be having new aggressive management that will be a serious venue.
The above stated list of new requirements for the producers are not achievable. Please contact our Osage Mineral Council Members and ask what they plan to do to stop this aggression. Don't bother to contact Councilman Yates or Councilman Crum as they are drunk on Obama's coolaide.
Isn't it the lesser not the greater prairie chickens that are endangered? Why not the horned toads, the tarantulas and the scorpions? Give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So stupid as to be beyond belief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Osageblogger in this guys defense you have had to remove my comments in the past to the right statement...and to be honest sometimes our comment for what ever reason every once in while post to thre wrong reply..it never happened till I went to the tablet and stared using it and I notice especially when you are making corrections to the site as we post this happens...or that when there is a flood of people posting at the same time..I am as confused how this happens at times...personally I think we need to slow down when posting from these tablets...going back to the lap top..Intel..
I lost interest in the OSA, when they invited the chief. I guess they just don't know any better. Tells how little they know. This is where Galen started from....... Gee, hope I'm in the right place on here, God forbid. Yes I too have been deleted on here, just forgot to hit reply..
I think an explanation of how this Blog works from the standpoint of functionality may be in order. If comment is posted as a topic for review, any comments in reply to it are deleted automatically if the original comment is deleted. If you continue the same topic as a lead comment instead of a reply to that topic, when it is deleted, all comments in reply underneath will go with it.
I HAVE BEEN CALLED AND ASKED TO EMPHASIZE THIS MEETING DATE AND TIME INFORMATION AND I THINK IT'S A GOOD IDEA TO DO SO: A public meeting will be held on November 30 (starting at 3pm at the Wah Zha Zhi Cultural Center, Pawhuska) and written comments will be accepted until close of business on December 24.
Review the document, Application of the National Environmental Policy Act to the Osage Mineral Estate by Fred Storer at http://www.osages-you-need-to-know.com
You are miss informed, I have questioned her authority and expressed that she has crossed boundaries and have called her out, as Galen, the Chief. There is such thing as having decorum and being tactful. .
She is being criticized because she want's to stay under the protection of the BIA when the full bloods, the producers and the landowners want the Osages to run the OME and that will mean they will run it right into the ground just like every other business venture they have going. They are now reported to be funneling all the money gaming makes right into the coffers of the Osage Nation Treasury and what they are using as operating capital is anyone's guess. They operate on one principal alone and that is greed coupled with bone laziness and that's a bad mix. Cynthia knows these people like the back of her hand and won't tolerate them and their BS for an instant. She stands in the breach against the ignorance, naiveté and stupidity of nearly everyone who runs this Osage Nation government. You have a quarterly check coming in today in part, because of her and the few who share her point of view and willingness to stand in the breach to keep the trust and the OME viable as a source of income for the Osage headlight owners.
It will come to an end..no worries mate..I understand the dynamics..the end game is when we start funneling the Gaming revenue into our own bank...you know thw one that was just purchased? You know somehow Cynthia has grown on me..Though I have not agreed with unorthodox ways sometimes..She is in our court..taken awhile to get there..this is why I stressed if she is listening girl you got going on keep punching..I am with you..still wanting that petroleum office and I will push this till the end of time. And I want her in the legal dept who will be responsible for compliance issues..thats the Goal...
I gotta say, if this blog has accomplished nothing else, it keeps the scoreboard tidy and in order. When the villainous prey on those who stand up against them and begin to get away with it, evil prevails. Hitler was a huge lesson for the last century on this, for us today and what we must always guard against in the future.
Why won't Cynthia answer as to what documents she obtained when she purchased the contents of the storage shed? What sensitive documents is she holding on to??? Unethical absolutely! She has exhausted her time on the MC and needs replaced with the rest of them. Please tell me what type of Oil and Gas experience she has to be sitting on a board that oversees a billion dollar estate?
I have read over the months on this blog how incompetent or at a minmium questioning the ability of each Mineral Council member and the BIA Superintendent in doing their jobs. I just read about the Fourteenth Annual Oil & Gas Summit and noticed that most speakers had credentials ( ie. PhD, BA, Masters degrees) after their names with a list of their qualifications. I also noted that Jessica (Moore) Harjo, the artist had quite a list of Honors and Awards including a Bachelors of Landscape Architecture degree and she is working on her Masters degree. When reading OUR Osage Summit Steering Committee Members,I noticed the none of our members listed their educational credentials (ie. PhD, BA, Masters degrees) after their name nor experence in the fields needed to sucessfully run a multi-billion dollar company. I also remember at the meeting with Mike Black, he was asked to cite Robin Philips education and qualifications twice from the audenice. Neither Mike Black or Robin seemed to want to answer these questions. I can't find anywhere on the BIA Osage Agency website her education and qualifications. Also can someone direct me to where the list of our Mineral Council members education and qualifications are posted? If this is a multi billion dollar enterprise, I feel we the Shareholders are entitled to know how qualified our Mineral Council members and BIA Osage Agency Superintendent are. If one is applying for employment at Walmart as an Trainee Hourly position the first two questions address education and past work experience. If one is applying for employment at 7-eleven, the application states " This process will take approximately 15 minutes. Please have your work history, education, and reference information available." This is for a entry level position. McDonalds hiring questions are a little more intense for a counter position. How is it, being responsible for multi-billion dollars of Shareholders money, we are unable to have that information at hand? If our Mineral Estate goes 'Down the Tubes' I for one would like to know we had the best representation available. I feel not only the BIA but the Mineral Council have a fiduciary obligation to be well educated and possess the expertise needed for their position. To make it easy and to the point, do not list who is related to who or who was the Football Star or Head Cheerleader at Pawhuska High School. Please limit it to EDUCATION AND RELATED MINERAL BUSINESS EXPERIENCE. Posting this on the Nation's website under Osage Minerals Council ' WHO WE ARE' would be appropriate OR maybe someone can ask each member and MS. Phillips at the next meeting. Like Ray McClain says "You-Need-To-Know". Thank You.
All of the credentials were given to you at the time of the last election when the campaign literature was sent out. There is an election process where all candidates have to be nominated with by and with a verifiable list of names of other headright owners in order to even throw their hat in the ring. This keeps the election of candidates pretty close to home whether they are qualified or not. This nomination process tracks back to the old government and may even be called out in the election section of the old CFRs. The new government election process for the Minerals Estate gives the Minerals Council the ability to establish their own election rules and regulations. They have retained this nomination process with the names required from the old government election process. This will have to be changed and done away with if you really want qualified individuals to be able to run for elected office as a member of the Minerals Council.
You will still have to be an Osage and a headright owner in order to be able to run for Minerals Council and that will not change because it's in the Osage Nation Constitution. That means that you have a very small pool to choose from to begin with. Not all Osages have a work history or educational background in the oil and gas business. The theory is that these headright owners have a vested interest in the Osage Mineral Estate and will do whatever it takes to protect it. I would a whole lot rather have someone on that Council that won't let the Chief take over the Mineral Estate and turn it to a mining project for those who want a big paycheck from the income generated from the Mineral Estate rather than have someone "qualified" who is there for the purposes of getting paid a lot of money at the expense of the Shareholders with little result other than an income reduction from the pile on, exactly like we've seen from the rollout of the Osage Nation government.
You can have any kind of degree, book smart is one thing and not all things..just because you have a PHD does not make you a great leader for example of course..
You are correct. A PhD after one's name is one thing, being 'Book Smart' is another thing AND may not help us the Shareholders. But we should demand a person in place that has education and qualifications to represent us at the Osage Agency AND on our council. Do we still not know what education and qualifications Ms. Phillip's does possess that make her qualified to be BIA Osage Agency Superintendent ? AND if you do know please post it here. We have wasted over a year just on the " BIA wants the Donelson and Friend’s lawsuit being tossed " ! See; http://barnsdalltimes.com/http:/barnsdalltimes.com/news/bia-wants-lawsuit-tossed . I haven't even heard that subject being addressed by our council at meetings anymore. The clock for a trial doesn't start until the motion is ruled upon by the current Magistrate. Come on, this article states " In pleadings submitted Monday and Tuesday, attorneys for more than a DOZEN oil and gas entities, including Osage Energy Resources; Devon Energy, Clear Mountain Production; Kaiser-Francis Anadarko; Chaparral Energy, and Marco Oil Company, all requested that a class-action lawsuit spearheaded by Martha Donelson and John Friend be tossed." It dosen't take a PhD to realize someone is dropping the ball and we the Shareholders are feeling the effects. Best answer I could find was on how long a Federal Dismissal Motion should take is " You are a member of a very large club. I've got one I've been waiting on for seven months. Before he was elevated to the Supreme Court, Clarence Thomas once took nine months to render a decision." We the Shareholders are still waiting for over a year ! The poster AnonymousNovember 19, 2015 at 8:10 AM saying "Why is it that the OMC asks the Superintendent or her assistant Superintendent at every meeting the question "how many permits are pending" and she never has an answer?" Can a Mineral Council meeting be held on location? Say the BIA Osage Agency Office where the answers are and should make it easy for Ms. Phillips to answer? After all, doesn't she work for us the Osages, Shareholders and US Taxpayers? And to the poster Momof3killerkidsNovember 23, 2015 at 11:50 AM I feel your pain. I think there are some OMC members and at the Osage Agency that should have the designation of BS after their names...
If you become subject to the Oklahoma Corporations Commission in Osage County, even more regs will follow: Strong quakes lead to closing, changes at several disposal wells Read more: http://journalrecord.com/2015/11/19/strong-quakes-lead-to-closing-changes-at-several-disposal-wells-energy/#ixzz3s3pNOOlN
What should the BIA do? 1) Read the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and the Council on Environmental Quality’s regulations, 40 CFR § 1500 - 1508 NEPA does not authorize an agency to create regulations 40 CFR § 1500.2(a) requires agency’s to “interpret and administer the policies, regulations, and public laws of the United States” it does not provide for the creation of regulations Rules and regulations may be “prescribed by the Secretary of Interior” (1906 Act) Such “prescriptions” are now subject to NEPA review, economic analysis, and other federal requirements 2) Reinstate the operating procedures and policies that existed prior to July 10, 2014 The 1979 Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact remain valid There was/is no environmental justification for disrupting oil and gas activities Leave the pre July 10, 2014 policies in place while addressing NEPA options Stop the destruction of enterprises established under contract with the Minerals Estate which feed families and pay taxes 3) Seek third party and Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) evaluation of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and public comments 4) Revisit the Draft EIS Incorporate third party and CEQ reviews Assure participation of all stake holders Provide a clear statement of the environmental quality of Osage County Describe past and forecast future environmental changes resulting from oil and gas operations State alternative environmental goals and cost/benefit of achieving each goal Define changes in laws and regulations necessary to enable alternatives Issue the revised Draft EIS for public comment 5) Begin anew the rule making process that is currently stayed by Federal Court Propose any changes in regulations consistent with the alternatives identified in the EIS 6) Establish an efficient, transparent, and effective operating process consistent with existing laws and regulations
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Try to find some thanks even as bad as things are for some of us. Pray that ISIS don't get into the US. Really looks like World War on us now.
You to buddy, I prey to..be very concerned...I am lock stocked and barrel, and I have the latest equipment for communications. And have rations and a desitination...but non the less.I would worry about the Cival unrest and I will not be a sitting duck..Crime is at a all time high..this is what happens when the society is over taxed..and thats the truth..if you ever played Stratego..that was my first glimpse of what Politics was all about as a kid. Blew my mind away. Did I win, you bet. You have to be ahead of the game. Ah the M.E where is the future Mr. Waller? Please enlightened us? Are you ahead of the Game?
E-mail sent out to the oil and gas producers from Shane Matson:
This is an important email. Please forward on to those that would benefit from this information.
There is a VERY IMPORTANT meeting in Pawhuska Monday November 30th from 3 to 6 p.m.
As you are hopefully aware the CFR's were remanded back to D.C. last week. We won. (!!!)
The fight continues and the Draft EIS published in the Federal Register two weeks ago is yet another attack on the Osage Mineral Estate and those that invest in the succsessful exploitation of its reserves.
The 322 page Draft EIS proposes three alternatives but do not for a second be fooled. None of the alternatives are acceptable. The only acceptable alternative would be a no action and utilize the 1979 County Wide EA for which a Finding of No Significant Impact was issued. In 1979 the county produced 50,000 bopd and 800 wells per year were drilled. Today 10 wells have been drilled in 2015 and daily produciton is 12,000 bopd. The environmental damaged lands are less than predicted in 1979. The USGS did an extensive analysis on the Ava Vamoose aquifer and showed no evidence of any degredation of water quality assoicated with oil and gas production. In fact, if there is any degredation of the enviroment it is associated with animal agriculture and contamination of the the waterways of Osage County.
The Osage Producers Association retained Hydration Engineering out of Bartlesville to assess and critique the Draft EIS. Attached here are their summary positions on the nature, process and ridiculous ideas put into print. It is an outrage to think the federal organization whose sole mission is to market the mineral estate of the Osage for the benefit of its beneficiaries. Shame on those that contemplated no pump jacks on hilltops. Or batteries. Or taking 300,000 acres completely off the table for exploration and development.
I ask each of you to prepare a statement for the meeting Monday November 30th, 3-6 p.m. at the Wah Zah Zhi Cultural Center. This will be the only time we are able to make oral statements. All written statements are to be submitted by 12-24-15.
Please do not hesitate in reaching out to me or any of the OPA board of directors (cc'd here).
The damage done to all of us has been huge. Please support the OPA in our fight to preserve our investments and re-establish the future viability of a vibrant oil and gas business in Osage County for generations to come.
Shane Matson President Osage Producers Association
How the BIA will use the Environmental Impact Statement to diminish the Osage Mineral Estate -- Part 1
The Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Osage Oil and Gas Leasing contains provisions that will make major portions of existing leases unavailable for oil and gas operations and make unleased oil and gas surface unattractive for oil and gas development. The extent of the reduction in the Osage mineral estate has been estimated only for the proposal to protect the Greater Prairie Chicken, 325,300 acres. The BIA has not provided estimates for the reduction resulting from other proposals presented in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Proposals which will diminish the mineral estate: Protection of the Greater Prairie Chicken Protection of Sprague's Pipit and Whooping Crane Expanding the definition of "watering place" Limiting the placement of oil and gas facilities on hills and ridges Protection of the Rattlesnake-master Borer Moth Measures that add costs without environmental benefits other than surface owner preferences Greater Prairie Chicken The Greater Prairie Chicken is not an endangered species, it is not protected by the Endangered Species Act. It should not be confused with the Lesser Prairie Chicken which, although listed as threatened, is living happily in northwest Oklahoma. The BIA's proposal is entirely based on a map produced by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife in 2010 which attempted to show where development could have negative effects on the Greater Prairie Chicken. The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife and the US Fish and Wildlife Service do not have the authority to prevent development to protect the Greater Prairie Chicken. If they did there would be no wind farms in Osage County. The area where the BIA proposes to protect the Greater Prairie Chicken from Oil and Gas development comprises 325,300 acres in northwest Osage County. The BIA also proposes to limit oil and gas vehicle traffic to no nearer than 1⁄4 mile of breeding greater prairie chickens and other prairie-nesting birds. However, this would only apply to oil and gas vehicles. "Roads that may be impacted by the booming grounds restriction are US Highway 60 and State Highways 11 and 18 in northwest Osage County. Public access would not be affected, but oil and gas-related vehicle operators would need to avoid these and other roads if they are shown to be within 1,640 feet of a booming ground." (Draft EIS Paragraph 4.15.5, page 4-87) Yes, you read that correctly. Oil and gas vehicles would detour on US 60 while all other vehicles would continue to use the highway.
Part II Sprague's Pipit and the Whooping Crane Sprague's Pipit is a bird listed as threatened by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. The Fish and Wildlife Service describes its breeding range as portions of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Canada. The BIA says the Sprague's Pipit "has bred as far south as Osage County". Sprague's Pipit to Greater Chicken, "What happens in Osage County stays in Osage County". The BIA is using the Sprague's Pipit to reinforce its Greater Prairie Chicken argument. The Whooping Crane has a flyway that is 460 miles wide and it may well pass over Osage County. It is known to take rest breaks at the Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge (65 miles west of Osage County) on its north-south migrations. The Whooping Crane held in reverence approaching that of the Bald Eagle is used by the BIA to support its Greater Prairie Chicken proposal. Watering Place The Osage oil and gas leasing rules have long had a provision that drilling should not take place within 200 feet of a "watering place". A watering place has always been understood to be a place provided for cows to drink. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement would "clarify" the definition of a watering place to include "lakes, streams (perennial and intermittent), pools created by ephemeral or intermittent streams and drainage ways, wetlands, marshes, sloughs, springs, man-made ponds, natural ponds, and tributaries to any of these surface waters." The BIA could consider any puddle where a cow could, on occasion (intermittent and ephemeral), find water deep enough to drink to be a watering place. Synonyms for ephemeral are transitory, transient, fleeting, passing, short-lived, momentary, brief, and short. Synonyms for intermittent are sporadic, irregular, fitful, spasmodic, broken, fragmentary, discontinuous, isolated, random, and patchy. Can we depend on the BIA to make reasonable use of this definition? The BIA does not have an estimate for the area this limit could exclude from the Osage mineral estate.
Part III Hills and Ridges The BIA proposes to "Avoid siting tall structures, such as power lines, tank batteries, and pump jacks, on prairie ridges and hilltops". The BIA sees two advantages to this proposal: "Reduce or eliminate habitat fragmentation from man-made features (e.g., power lines, pipelines, roads, tank batteries, and pumpjacks) in important grassland prairie habitat for migratory and nonmigratory birds." "Reduce impacts of oil and gas activities on visual resources" The practice in the Osage is to drill the well where we think we will find oil then place the pumpjack. Powerlines usually take a direct route to the pumpjack. Tank batteries are located to facilitate loading of crude haulers. Although horizontal wells have been drilled in the Osage they are extremely expensive and are not suitable for most prospects. For the foreseeable future it will be necessary to drill vertical wells directly over the geological target, hill, ridge, or valley, and hope for the best. Powerlines and tank batteries will follow depending on success. The wells that would never be drilled under this proposal has not been estimated by the BIA. Rattlesnake-master Borer Moth U.S. Fish and Wildlife on the Rattlesnake-master Borer Moth: "The rattlesnake-master borer moth occurs in 16 populations in five states, including Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, North Carolina and Oklahoma. The moth is named for its reliance on the rattlesnake-master, a prairie plant which is its only food source. Adult borer moths lay their eggs in the vicinity of the plant in the fall where the eggs overwinter in the prairie duff. In the spring, larvae emerge from the eggs and feed on leaves of the rattlesnake-master until they are ready to burrow into the root of the plant. The moth stays in the burrow until late summer when it pupates and adults emerge again in mid-September. Rattlesnake-master borer moths depend on undisturbed prairie that contains their food source, and loss of prairie habitat to other land uses is likely causing populations to decline." The Rattlesnake-master borer moth was among 475 species petitioned for protection by a conservation organization in 2007. Fish and Wildlife is inclined to list it but is taking its time, as they should, the American Burying Beetle is an example of listing a species with inadequate knowledge of its whereabouts. We don't know if the Rattlesnake-master borer month is in Osage County, we do know that the Rattlesnake-master plant is native to tall grass prairies and has long been known to the Osage as a repellant and cure (Laurence M. Klauber, Rattlesnakes: Their Habits, Life Histories and Influence, 1956). The BIA wants to protect the plant in anticipation that the Rattlesnake-master borer month will be listed as endangered. The magnitude of disturbance to the plant by oil and gas activity has not been estimated by the BIA nor has the amount of the Osage mineral estate that would be compromised in efforts to protect the plant should the moth happen along.
Part IV Other extra cost requirements to accommodate surface owner preferences The Draft EIS contains other requirements described as "Resource Conservation Measures" (RCM) which would become permit conditions for well workover and drilling permits. For example: "Use submersible pumping units for all production wells, where three-phase electricity is available and where such units are cost effective." This and other RCMs display a complete lack of understanding of the Osage oil and gas business. The typical Osage well produces less than one barrel per day of oil and ten barrels of produced water for a total of 11 barrels of liquids per day. The lower range of submersible pump capacities is 150 barrels per day (PetroWiki, Society of Petroleum Engineers). The combined effect of this and other RCMs is to discourage maintenance and drilling investment and make new lease sales less attractive, diminishing the Osage mineral estate. Our horseback estimate is 25 to 40 percent of the surface all of which may contain oil and gas will be removed or significantly compromised. A public meeting will be held on November 30 (starting at 3pm at the Wah Zha Zhi Cultural Center, Pawhuska) and written comments will be accepted until close of business on December 24. The document is 322 pages long, find it on the BIA's webpage and read it if you have time. Fred Storer, P.E. Hydration Engineering, PLLC HE-DEIS-#4
BIA's Proposal to expand "Watering Places" shrinks the Osage Mineral Estate -- Part I The existing federal regulations covering leasing of the Osage Mineral Estate contain a provision that limits drilling near a "watering place". "23 CFR §226.33 Line drilling. Lessee shall not drill within 300 feet of boundary line of leased lands, nor locate any well or tank within 200 feet of any public highway, any established watering place, or any building used as a dwelling, granary, or barn, except with the written permission of the Superintendent. Failure to obtain advance written permission from the Superintendent shall subject lessee to cancellation of his/her lease and/or plugging of the well." Although "watering place" is not a defined term it had been accepted that a watering place was a place provided for cows to drink. On occasion a well has need to be drilled within the 200 feet limit and, if the Superintendent agreed, written permission was provided. The BIA proposes to make "watering" place a defined term. A watering place is defined in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement as: "lakes, streams (perennial and intermittent), pools created by ephemeral or intermittent streams and drainage ways, wetlands, marshes, sloughs, springs, man-made ponds, natural ponds, and tributaries to any of these surface waters." The BIA could consider any puddle where a cow could, on occasion (intermittent and ephemeral), find water deep enough to drink to be a watering place. Synonyms for ephemeral are transitory, transient, fleeting, passing, short-lived, momentary, brief, and short. Synonyms for intermittent are sporadic, irregular, fitful, spasmodic, broken, fragmentary, discontinuous, isolated, random, and patchy.
Part II The reduction in the Mineral Estate which would be available for oil and gas production has not been estimated and could change as the BIA decides which ephemeral puddles to include. Our horseback estimate is at least 25% of the surface of Osage County (existing and future leases) would be removed by the limitations proposed by the BIA in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. The BIA should be required to provide estimates corresponding to each new proposed measure. A public meeting will be held on November 30 (starting at 3pm at the Wah Zha Zhi Cultural Center, Pawhuska) and written comments will be accepted until close of business on December 24. Draft EIS (322 pages, use CTRL+F to find specific words) http://www.bia.gov/cs/groups/xregeasternok/documents/text/idc1-032081.pdf Travis Keener, P.E. Hydration Engineering, PLLC HE-DEIS-#3
Mr. Shane Matson, not every Shareholder is comprised of our predicament concerning the state of affairs we find ourselves in concerning the DRAFT EIS..and how dire shape the M.E is in..the time that you have taken to post on this site is much appreciated. I hold the M.C responsible for not communicating to the Shareholders and as I suspect a handful of shareholder's will be at this meeting on the 30th of Nov no surprise there..We need to go public with this not just in the local News outlets and we need all eyes on this matter..we are and have been under threat..and we are not the only Tribe in this predicament...The diligence will not fall on death ears. We need to go National. Where is the advocacy, such as NARF. We need everyone on board..how can a Sovereign Nation..a Statehood be taken over by Federal over reach? Unbelievable.
The Federal Government will lose and will pay...However, so should the M.C. Time to replace the M.C members after everything said and done and maybe before.
I was there as a Shareholder and producer and had the mic for awhile. I asked the BIA several questions that they could not answer, as usual. These government employees are clueless. The Obama administration has an agenda and as one speaker suggested these new regulations are the result of the $380,000.00 settlement and pressure from the surface owners.
If the Osage Shareholders do not get involved soon, they should expect their Headright checks to be reduced less than half of what they are now. They should insist that the Mineral Council initiate litigation to fight this aggression. Where is the outrage? Soon, there will only be a few large companies like Chaparral left.
Why weren't any Shareholders in attendance last night for such an important matter? No one seems to give a care. Oh well, good bye mineral estate!
Out of thousand of Shareholders, only one showed up and spoke last night. That was Susan Forman, a descendent of Franklin N. Revard. She blistered the BIA and received applause from all of the producers. Where the hell were the other thousands of Shareholders? We just roll over and take it. We do not support the producers who are our business partners. The Shareholders ignored the numerous pleas for financial assistance from the producers to legally fight Obama's attack.
We're getting ready to experience the consequences of our lack of support and lack of action.
Our Mineral Council Chairman was present last night but was silent. He should have dominated the meeting but instead, no one knew he was even present. Why did he bother to attend?
Where are our Shareholders from Texas, California, Oregon, Missouri, etc.?
Do any Osages give a damn about our plight? Obviously not!
Sorry, I would have been there to represent California had I had enough notice...there are 5000 shareholder's and only 1 would show up and my bet was right...I said in a earlier post, watch how many shareholder's will show up? There is no communication. Those meetings in Northern Calif..need to get on the band wagon...culture is fine and dandy but does not pay the bills..I am going to go out on a limb here as to why the BIA could not answer your questions. They already stuck their foot into mouth. Did the Chief show up? And waller is fecless..had I been speaker I would have been the first person to speak in regards to and then I would explain the next steps we are taking, probably not at length as to putting all my cards on the table. ButcI would explain theses steps are necessary a mm d so forth. Silence Mr. Waller is not golden..and your behavior is counter productive..THIS IS NOT WHERE WE SHOULD BE AT, BUT WE ARE..OUR FEDERAL LAND IS NOT FOR THE TAKEN BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Now we are talking on a subject that I really wanted to avoid about the agenda by the Obama Administration. Once I realized the WIND FARMS came into the picture, did I do the diligence. and did I get the big picture wasn't hard to see that what a boondoggle. There is evidence the eco system changes as the turbines spin stirs up allergens and so forth..besides taxing the residents your energy bill will go up double When does that end, never. If you have a pace maker. Not good news..property value drops. Robbing peter to pay paul..so paul doesn't like it and does not want to share, instead working for the benefit of the customer might I say the benefit is higher utility bills. Killing Eagles or for that matter is not good either...s on a scale of 1 to 10..10 being the highest our priority is to notify each and every shareholder. And as I have said before the failure is the BIA and arm chair coaching is passe`. The ME is in deep need of professionals on the ground front snd center 7/24. We should be 25 years ahead and we are not...this is no coincidence as to no communication with the headright owneres .My family is out a 100,000..no thanks to the BIA. So yes I am upset, but now we need to water the M.E sorta speak. We cannot let the past get in the way of enovative thinking..We need fresh faces on the M.C...should I say more..so evident is the inefficiencies at the Administrative level..and we must clean those cob webs.
I, too have been talking to my relatives to get involved. Most of them want the MC to handle it. We see how that is playing out. Where are these shareholders that have 5, 6, and 7 H.R. tied up? I heard A. Mason has 7 H.R.s. Where the heck is he? If they don't care for their selves they need to care for the rest of us. Please everybody talk to these people and take them to the MC meetings if nothing else. I think the MC needs to hire some pro help!!! I don't know if we can find the right people we need in the MC here in Osage county to even vote for.
Of course they want the MC to handle it but when you call them, they want you to turn around and send a letter or put your request in writing and send it to them. They are supposed to be doing the work and are paid to do it, right? I think they learned this dodge and dribble from the Agency Superintendent. They certainly don't seem to want to do the work themselves. I don't want to be too harsh here and maybe they don't understand the questions being asked and want a clarification in writing but it seems like I get this from certain ones of them every time I call. I'm too busy to do the work for them and I'm not being paid to do it either. They could at least write the questions down when you call them up. I don't know. Seems strange to me.
Someone with that type of Caliber such as A.M who has that many head rights should be in the fight for the life for the M.E is absolutely correct..silence on this matter is not golden..We are under attack. Mr. Mason I do not care that you have so many H.R that is your Business. We live in the 21st century. We need every shareholder to comment on the DEIS. Not every shareholder is comprised..where are the letters at by the BIA and by the M.C on this issue..where is the process? Where is the diligence? Where is the diligence by the DOI? We need oi shed light on this matter...this is why the poor attendance at the meeting in Pawhuska on this matter..we need to stay Vigilant and press apon that Even Mike Black said there was not a problem using the 1979 EIS. Overreach by over regulating when the real problem and cover up is how inefficient the BIA is at the Administration level still at square 1 but in a worse predicament before the law suit of the 380,000,000.00 was settled..Not just that..so much more look at the wind farms how they can kill bald eagles a part so much of our culture..yet we have Prarie chickens not a endangered species, the ABB is not in threat or a endangered species. They are located everywhere..we have not polluted our lakes or streams..proven fact, that the waters have high content of animal feces. This screams on all levels of gross incompetence. .no we do not have to wait to file a suit until the final decision by the BIA posts their decision on the final rule of the DEIS. What a enept agency..Mike Black needs to rethink this out...we will sue and we will win in the billions I can assure you this? Maybe this is why the Huge Headright owners know this and will let the BIA hang themselves again..There are real people lives affected by poor decisions without considering the impact..look at what is happening around the Country..Indian Country , we are not alone in this fight..we need to reach out.
I also failed to say what about the future of the M.E and our Producer's? We may win big but we must ensure the future of the M.E. We do this by being proactive. We need forward thinking with creative ingenuity to sustain a better future for the M.E.
A report in the Tulsa World and ch 8 web. Don't look good for us. Didn't the Osage buy this land, and the oil rights. It doesn't belong to Texas or Oklahoma, nor BIA. I'm ready to fight this.
Thank you for the post..this did not look good from the get go...yes we are in a fight..and we cannot let the ball drop..I suspect that by feb.of next year we will be in litigation or there of..Mike Black did say the alternative would be the 1979 EIS. Janine Hale had said all they were doing is trying to come to a consensus. Not at expense of the M.E..
Jeanine Hale is only following orders from Mike Black coming from the Obama administration. Their goal is to punish the Osages for the $380,000,000.00 settlement by shutting down all oil and gas operations on the Mineral Estate.
The Mineral Council has already said that they can't file a lawsuit until the EIS is in effect which I don't think is accurate. The damage is already being experienced with just the treat of this action. The Osage producers are loosing their funding for their exploration and development projects with just the treat of this Draft EIS. Who in their right mind would invest in a well governed by these insane conditions? No one I know. I would be sued for fraud if I raised funds to drill a well in Osage County that could not be produced pursuant to these restrictions. You can't obtain a drilling permit anyway. If the Osage Mineral Council doesn't take immediate action, I think the ME is doomed, to be certain.
A few thousand Osage Shareholders should show up at Chairman Waller's office and demand action. The Osage producers are dropping like flies. They are loosing their investors and their banks are breathing down their necks. This is very real and very serious.
To 6:05 The OMC is correct. No one can file a suit against the EIS until it is put into effect. Suit cannot be filed against a proposed rule. It is the CFR thing all over again. Remember the OPA and OMC both filed suit the same day the DOI/BIA made the CFRs effective. The reason they did that is because neither could do it before then.
Of course none of this means we shouldn't be fighting tooth and nail now against the EIS. The more negative comments about the EIS the better. Everyone should be writing and objecting to it.
Oh. One thing I heard recently, form letters that basically say the same thing are tossed out by the BIA so each objection in writing will have to be an original. This is the link for the correct Comment Card you will have to use to raise objections and time is running out:
Ray has finally created a letter that I agree with. Previous attempts to justify the now defunct CFR's were misguided and having Galen Crum try to justify his positions on those proposed regs was laughable. But this draft EIS is no joke and Ray has explained the pertinent points very well. Thank you Ray for doing this. People better wake up because the BIA , defeated in front of Frizzell, is now coming in the back door via the EIS. This EIS will kill the Mineral Estate or what's left of it.
I concur..I suspect a 100 years and so does the BIA..on that note.On another note in regards to the DEIS there will be another suit..until the Administration eliminates the inefficiencies we will be on this by having no dialogue with the Shareholder's is under sailing the real threat that is going on..Is our M.C that fecless?
Any Shareholders been informed by their elected Mineral Council Members as to what action they are taking to block the new EIS? I hear nothing but cricket, cricket, cricket out of them. Why do the Shareholders pay these people if they are not affective?
I think there is a lot behind the scenes that we don't know. The Chief and everyone else including you bash the MC every chance you all get. When they joined the lawsuit against the BIA and those insane CFRs, all we heard for weeks was the only reason the injunction was granted was because the producers carried the day and the MC contribution was worthless. What do you expect? You want to run them down to get a big job with a fat paycheck if the Shareholders are ever fool enough to let the Nation take over, at least be honest about your underlying intentions because we can see right through your real agenda. One member of Congress is already hawking the sale of shareholder land to the Nation because the headright checks are so low. This is such a despicably vulturine Osage government for reasons too many to mention here and you and yours want to crawl in bed with them? Checks have been much lower than this in the past and have only been really high for a relatively short number of years when you take the last hundred or so into consideration. No one ran to sell their land then. Why should they now just because that Cobell settlement accommodates the need of the Federal government to off load an Indian asset control and accounting program they set up long ago that has come back to bite them in recent years?
I don't know what you are smoking in your peace pipe but you are greatly mistaken about me. I am not looking for a job with the Nation or OMC so keep smoking my friend. I just want to be able to work on our wells and see the people of Osage county get back to work.
You are correct that the OMC joining the Producers case helped but its a fact they would not have won the day without the Producers lawyer's because the OMC lawyers sucked. Just telling it like it is. Sure they are talking behind the scenes with their lawyer Tom Fredericks who's telling them nothing can be done until such time that the EIS are approved by the Feds which is true to a point. We were able to file on the CFRs prior to them going into effect.
But hey if you are pleased with your elected officials be sure to vote for them again because I promise you they are not ready to stop sucking on the Osage Shareholders tits.
Mr. Revard (you) the OPA filed suit, as did the OMC, once the CFRs were finalized. You and the OMC filed suit within hours of each other on July 1. The new CFRs were set to take effect July 10.
First to get it out of the way, given the courts issued opinion, I do disagree with you about the capabilities of the OMC's legal team. While your (OPA) legal team should be praised for it's simple statement of fact and ability in foment the court room, the courts opinion did rely heavily on the arguments put forth by the OMC legal team.
That aside, when the discussion at hand is why isn't the OMC filing something now (during the comment phase of EIS) your assertion that you filed suit before the CFRs went into effect is mere semantics and gives you the appearance of having an axe to grind rather than working to achieve the defeat of the EIS.
Your posts have taken the tone of "an agenda" against the OMC, because of personal animosities, or they haven't donated money to your organization, or haven't thanked you enough, or haven't brought you into their legal confidence (which would be entirely improper). I don't know of which, or all, or what, but that is the way it sounds and that does nothing to move people to needed action.
Rather than chastising the OMC or Osages as a whole a better course of action for your OPA would be to set out talking points so that Osages can write informed comments regarding the EIS. I do chastise the OMC for not having done this but it is something you can do, and it is something that will help. Save the politics for the next election. We have enough with the Nation trying to overrun us at every turn.
I look forward to your OPA talking points so that we may make informed comment regarding the EIS.
The MC as a body has been set up by the 1906 Act and affirmed as an agency by the Osage Nation Constitution. You have a problem with that, you'll have to start there. Just telling it like it is; you and those like you raised unholy hell until the MC joined you in the lawsuit against the BIA and the new CFRs. When they did, you couldn't be pleased then either. Maybe you can't be pleased or satisfied and maybe we should just consider the source and move on. You've made your point ad naseum. Beating up on the MC isn't getting you where you want to go so the conclusion is, simply put, bashing them is not helpful. I'm not saying that you're comments aren't valuable because they are and I for one appreciate the fact that you post here. You're smart, and as the Japanese say, "Don't fix the blame, fix the problem." What are your suggestions to improve communication with the MC that will be helpful?
Lordy really @11:17? I have served on elementary school boards that communicate with their constituencies better than this MC. Have you every heard of a quarterly news letter or what how about a website that is up dated with important informations for the Shareholders. Hell you can't even get ALL of the MC members to attend an important meeting like we had a week go and to expect them to speak publicly on any given issues is a pipe dream. So yes I have distain for the majority of this MC because they have sat back for 2 years now and allowed not only the BIA to run over them but also their own members to stab them in the back. Real professional group of Council members we have. There is that helpful? Truth hurts I realize. PS: There is more that one Revard posting on her and I believe you have gotten some of the post confused but we are of like mind anyway.
I support what Mr. Revard. I have been asking the same questions and yet to no avail. What is one to assume, that we have a feckless M.C. and soory to be so blunt if I will, Mr. Waller you are looking incompetent sir..The Shareholder's should be kept in the loop sorta speak. This is telling and could not be so ever clear the on the intent of the M.C to look as if there is a hidden agenda..reckless and clueless and feckless with gross incompetence is happening here and ultimately the Shareholder's will have the word long live the 1906 act.
Mr. Revard, as has been stated before the OMC has voted on numerous occasions not to accept the CFRs they filed successful suit against them and have taken the same course of action on the EIS. While I agree some greater communication would be welcomed. Keep in mind the DOI/BIA is roundly ignoring any input or objection the OMC has offered anyway.
Mr. Revard do you realize you are doing the exact same thing as what you are accusing the OMC of? You are slinging mud and calling names but haven't articulated any points to be proactive. You're in the industry give us some information. Complaining isn't getting us anywhere, rather its making me at least question your (OPA) motives.
What objection points does the OPA think are viable to raise? Slamming the OMC is not offering any guidance to those wishing to comment and object to the EIS.
From what I can discern some points of objection are; 1. In no legal forum has the current '79 EIS been deemed invalid or out of date. 1A. If the '79 EIS is not been ruled out of date there should be no impetus for a new EIS. 2. The land owners complaint relates to new technologies ie, fracking and horizontal drilling. 2A. The '15 EIS goes far beyond review of those complaints and reviews all aspects of exploration that should already be reviewed in the '79 EIS. 2B. Fracking has been done in the Osage for many years now (according to what I've heard) prior to the '79 EIS and should therefor have no need for review.
Comment, let us know. Are these valid points? You all are the oil and gas people, inform us.
Nice of you to think that. I do have a job and a life beyond this blog. If you would like to provide me with your e mail I will be happy to send you all the proposed rules that will do great harm to the Osage Shareholders and Producers along with the reaponse to each. There is way to many to copy and paste here.
I don't need the chief to grip about the MC. There is 2 or three that think the ruling on the producers are ok, then there's person that wants to invite the chief and everything in the world will be okay, then there's those that are like knots on a log that do and say nothing. They need guidance for God sake!!!! Other tribes have same trouble with their energy with the BIA. Congress passed bill HR538 and sent it to Senate Indian Affairs Committee that will come up in Feb. 2016, bill S.209. Let's get involved....a lot happen here that we aren't paying attention to....
Really? So how is S.209 going to help the Shareholders?
"Allows leases and business agreements that pool, unitize, or communitize a tribe's energy resources with other energy resources." (NOT!)
"Requires that any advance payments, bid deposits, or other earnest money received by Interior, subject to a certain restriction, in connection with the review and approval of a sale, lease, permit, or any other conveyance of any interest in any trust or restricted land of any Indian tribe or individual Indian, upon request by the tribe or individual Indian, to be held in the trust fund system, upon receipt and before contract or instrument approval, for the benefit of the Indian tribe and individual Indian from whose land the funds were generated." (ABSOLUTELY NOT!)
Read this synopsis and more provisions of this bill:
You are correct. This is not for leases in Osage County. Other restricted/trust Indian owned minerals are typically checker boarded with fee, state, or federal minerals. The Indian minerals are in danger of being drained. Regulations require the operator who has off lease Wells that are draining, to acquire a communitization agreement (pooling agreement) and pay the Indian mineral owners in proportion to the mineral acreage they own. OST and ONNR oversee the payment, and then distribute the proceeds to the mineral owners. Since all of minerals in Osage County are restricted these type of agreements aren't used. That doesn't mean the agency doesn't need a geologist or someone well versed in contract law. Honestly the mineral estate operates without a geologist?
I POSTED THIS ONCE BEFORE. Sadly your MC Isnt posting their comments or proposed action yet you attact me becuase I havent responded to your liking?
What should the BIA do? 1) Read the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and the Council on Environmental Quality’s regulations, 40 CFR § 1500 - 1508 NEPA does not authorize an agency to create regulations 40 CFR § 1500.2(a) requires agency’s to “interpret and administer the policies, regulations, and public laws of the United States” it does not provide for the creation of regulations Rules and regulations may be “prescribed by the Secretary of Interior” (1906 Act) Such “prescriptions” are now subject to NEPA review, economic analysis, and other federal requirements 2) Reinstate the operating procedures and policies that existed prior to July 10, 2014 The 1979 Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact remain valid There was/is no environmental justification for disrupting oil and gas activities Leave the pre July 10, 2014 policies in place while addressing NEPA options Stop the destruction of enterprises established under contract with the Minerals Estate which feed families and pay taxes 3) Seek third party and Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) evaluation of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and public comments 4) Revisit the Draft EIS Incorporate third party and CEQ reviews Assure participation of all stake holders Provide a clear statement of the environmental quality of Osage County Describe past and forecast future environmental changes resulting from oil and gas operations State alternative environmental goals and cost/benefit of achieving each goal Define changes in laws and regulations necessary to enable alternatives Issue the revised Draft EIS for public comment 5) Begin anew the rule making process that is currently stayed by Federal Court Propose any changes in regulations consistent with the alternatives identified in the EIS 6) Establish an efficient, transparent, and effective operating process consistent with existing laws and regulations
How the BIA will use the Environmental Impact Statement to diminish the Osage Mineral Estate The Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Osage Oil and Gas Leasing contains provisions that will make major portions of existing leases unavailable for oil and gas operations and make unleased oil and gas surface unattractive for oil and gas development. The extent of the reduction in the Osage mineral estate has been estimated only for the proposal to protect the Greater Prairie Chicken, 325,300 acres. The BIA has not provided estimates for the reduction resulting from other proposals presented in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Proposals which will diminish the mineral estate: Protection of the Greater Prairie Chicken Protection of Sprague's Pipit and Whooping Crane Expanding the definition of "watering place" Limiting the placement of oil and gas facilities on hills and ridges Protection of the Rattlesnake-master Borer Moth Measures that add costs without environmental benefits other than surface owner preferences
Thank you Mr. Revard. In an effort to weed this down to something most people could and would feel comfortable commenting about, would you contend the most salient points are that; 1.) The '79 EIS is valid, finding no significant impact and should therefor be reinstated. 2.) NEPA does not authorize an agency to create regulation. 3.) Regulations created do not consider economic impact. & 4.) The Osage mineral estate is owned by the Osage and only held in trust and administered by an agency of the federal government, and therefor should not be subject to the heightened requirements federal lands require.
People can't and want comment on that they don't feel they have comfortable grasp. The need is for simple refined points that can be easily drafted and conveyed. While the problems with EIS are numerous, it is my opinion, more people will comment if the most rudimentary points are emphasized.
So, you want to be a oilman person ? Not just a investor or a Wall Street stock type, but a oldtimer . Go back in time to the Uncle Sam Oil Company , they had 500,000 acres of Osage Land under lease, and millions of investors through out the Country. Who broke them up, Big Oil and paid off politicians. I vision more then the limited 2248 Shareholders, but on the production side 100,000 of investor shareholders. A magnificent hotel and casino where the old Duncan Hotel was before burning down. A Giant Steak House to equal that Pawnee one where that old Manhattan Restaurant once thrive. How, do you pay for all of this? Well, the 2248 Shareholders have their Pie sliced up in pieces, no more left on that 1906 ruling. So, it will have to come on the production side. You now the more people involved the more Washington will pay attention, otherwise they count noses{voters}.. I've see it all, from salt water getting into my family friends spring water well, here on the Ponca City entrance road. Expand, I can't go back when grandpa had a deal, for a million acres on the West Slope of Aspen, Co.to buy outright for a million dollars and you had the bucks but that didn't happen. That land worth 100,000 a acre today. You have a Billion dollars worth of oi and gas down there , so this was my proposal, for due consideration. H
H, it's 2229 and things weren't so quiet 100 years ago either. Is it History or Histrionics? The Osage Tribal government versus the oil producers has a long history and there have been attempts to circumvent the BIA before with the help of none other than the Uncle Sam Oil Company. Like my wise mother has often said, "If it weren't for the BIA holding the reigns with the mineral estate in Federal Trust, those Osages wouldn't have had two dimes to rub together after the Great Depression."
E-x-c-u-s-e me!! A moment is to short of time, 8:34 jumped ahead, I didn't refresh the post, my dog ate my first draft, , I may like to get one of ya'll rules booklet on how to get on or off this @$%OO..
Ray McClain just posted from his site Osages-you-need-to-com ..It seems like all the news we get anymore is more bad news. I’m afraid this report
ReplyDeletewill not be much different. The Highest Posted Price for royalty oil in the Osage was all
the way down to $34.75 on August 25, 2015. That’s the lowest it had been since
sometime in 2004. These low prices and falling production rates due to the lack of
drilling activity, has taken our payment for a full headright down to $4,360 for December,
2015. It would have been even worse if one of our better Producers had not discovered
an error in reporting gas royalties that had been made. The error amounted to nearly
$900,000, and this correction, plus some penalties, was added back to the December,
2015 payment. We certainly appreciate this Producer’s diligent efforts to identify the
error and promptly make things right. It gave us about $400 more for each headright. Thank you Ray...
How is we are still having accounting errors? And Congrats to Chaparral for being producer of the year. There is more to read from his site..
Thank you, Ray! It's always great to get your reports and point of view.
DeleteThen Click on "2015-11-06 An Osage Pymt that will Live in Infamy.pdf (PDF — 169 KB)"
Any updates on the Oil and Gas Summit? By any Shareholder who attended and or Producers opinion?
DeleteYes we know this Article exists, what I am asking is from a industry perspective from individual operator's and individual shareholders..and what was the turnout?
DeleteYes, as shareholders, we would like to know about the summit. The draft is 322 pages long, my back can't sit here that long to read it !
DeleteFrom a producer's standpoint, I thought the presentations were informative; however, I didn't understand why the Mineral Council spent the funds to have the summit this year since the operators are not allowed to work on their wells or drill new wells. The promotion of potential opportunities within the Mineral Estate is a good thing but it fell on deaf ears as the only entities that might consider coming to Osage County for exploration would be an entity with very deep pockets that can wait years before they are able to explore and develop their properties; small independent companies cannot make such a long-term investment.
DeleteIf the NEPA EIS is not shot-down, there will never be new wells drilled and the exiting wells will require abandonment since the producers will no longer be able to meet the EIS requirements which are much worse than the new proposed CFR's. In this event, the Mineral Estate will be destroyed for decades, if not for ever. The producers can only do so much. The OMC needs to hire legal counsel to initiate legal action to block the Federal government from shutting down all activity. They better do it soon; the producers can't do this alone and the producers do not have near the influence as does the OMC and the Osage Tribe of Indian as a whole. I would like the Headright Owners to read the 322 page EIS to become familiar with what the Federal government is doing to the producers and to the Mineral Estate. It should make you ill.
Here it is...
ReplyDeleteThe Draft OSAGE OIL & GAS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT with the information about the process to begin:
I suggest you read Fred Storer's much shorter paper presented at the Summit before delving into the 322 page ill-advised EIS. He makes some very good arguments against the EIS. It is called: A CALL TO ACTION: YOU HAVE A POWERFUL STORY!
Thank You!
DeleteIf any Shareholder is going to attend the Shareholders meeting Sunday in Pawhuska would you please ask the Osage Mineral Council how many permits for new drilling and well workover's are waiting to be approved. How many are being processed per day etc. Most importantly ask why is it that the Mineral Council members are not PARKED everyday at the BIA office demanding to see the procedure and progress of the permits? Robin Phillips has been reporting the same number of pending permits for several months now. They are not being foresight with information about the permits. Why has the Osage Mineral Council not sued that DOI/BIA over the lack of permitting? What do they plan to do about this? Osage operator can deal with the low oil prices but if they are not allowed to work on their wells the Osage production will continue to decrease and the Shareholders check will continue to decline as well. We have heard that several Osage operators are working on their wells without permits just to keep their production going because waiting over a year for a permit is totally unacceptable. Action is needed NOW!
ReplyDeleteI think that's a great idea. Thank you, James. A silent protest of showing up in the BIA Agency office every day until these permits are released seems like a start. I was wondering when the Producers in the field were going to take the initiative and it's interesting that finally they are going ahead to work on the wells.
DeleteHas anyone considered counter suing Martha Donalson and Gentner Drummond for the lawsuit that has been so financially ruinous to the oil and gas producers in Osage County especially when there was a EIS that was valid for Osage County? You now have proof of severe economic harm done over the last year or more since the Donalson lawsuit was filed. Have you spoken with your attorney about this idea? If this woman sees clearly in black and white on paper that she will lose her shirt and the land she lives on, she might well decide to drop the Federal lawsuit and everyone can get back to work. Surely by now she must be being treated like an anathema by everyone she encounters. A counter suit might finally snap her out of it and make her see the light. I heard that GD is also feeling the heat and has made some silly excuse that the lawsuit at the time it was filed has helped rather than hindered the situation since oil has dropped in price. The BIA seems to want to cover their own bases to the detriment of the Osages despite the trust fiduciary obligation they owe to the Osage Nation and the Mineral Estate.
DeleteJames---Please don't make me repost under the correct thread. This is the last time I'm going to do this for you.
Delete@10:19 The OMC doesn't seem to consider this issue a problem. They have not filed a lawsuit or joined the Osage Producers Association in their 2nd lawsuit pertaining to the permit process.
@10:39 The Producers are speaking with their lawyers about a counter suit and filing one against the Osage Mineral Council as Lessor. The OMC has leased/sold leases to the producers and they are unable to enjoy and develop their leases resulting in ecological hardships. I personally and all for suing the Mineral Council for their lack of regency and concern over this these issues.
Another question is why has it taken Judge Kaine over 11 months to rule?
*I personally am for suing!!
DeleteDamn auto correct. **Urgency and concern.
DeletePost at November 10, 2015 at 11:24 AM is from James Revard. If you are responding to a post, click on the reply button and enter your comment into that text window that will come up for you.
DeleteReplying to poster 10:39 am...My Bet the BIA will come back and say pursuant the draft of the ill advised EIS was already in the stages there of before the Donelson...case. However the circumstance dictatess otherwise..Politics has no business being on our Land..The M.E This Agency is and has created a Monster to the demise of thd Estate, so evident. And yes every effort should be to sue Martha Donalson and for their role as well the Drummonds. The real problem does not stop with the new EIS have you looked at the peer groups as well as the Nation helpded draft the PEA..What is the Mineral Council doing to protect the interest or for that the United States as well, what are they doing to protect the interest of the OSAGE? Fixing the CFR's is only a minute to a real problem that lies at the administrative level. Had the BIA did there job by hiring skilled technical help for a Billion dollar estate we would not be having this converstion...now thats the truth staring us right in the face...I blame also the M.C and prior M.C as well for not being diligent and turning a blind eye to the realities and I have my opinion reserved. Nothing is a accident how we are where we are at..
DeleteMike Black said as much publicly about the draft EIS when he was here in Pawhuska a short while back.
DeleteMC Agenda for meeting on Friday --->>>
Will they speak to the potential OPA lawsuit being considered against them during the meeting I wonder.
Most likely they are clueless to this potential risk as they have been with everything else concerning the Mineral Estate. The Shareholders need to realize that if the OMC gets sued the money comes out of their checks to defend the MC. Might be time to HIRE professionals to manage the Mineral Estate instead of Osages the win elections based on their popularity and family name. Just saying.
DeleteEnd run for the cronyism and nepotism. .
DeleteThese board members of the ONES, LLC are paid $11,000 a year each or more and these are all the meetings they have attended since July of 2014?
DeleteBetter than the $38,000 the Mineral Council members are paid and they only attend 2 meetings a month. That's the whole problem. We have part time MC employees overseeing a Billion dollar estate and some have other jobs including working for the Nation. Don't you think a business as big as the Mineral Estate deserves a full time employee?
DeleteWhy has it taken so long as I have said the M.C is making to much money arm chair coaches at best..they are making $1500.00 a meeting..and what kind of health benefits and 401k's do we not know about? As I have said before this group of People are way out of their scope in earnings. ..they are attending two meetings a Month for $3166.00 way above the poverty level especially in their area where they live at, to find the Shareholder's in a pickle because of the lack of expertise..I'm no dummy here...then they have a part time Job? And draw a royalty. ..make your living not on the backs of the Osage Shareholder...75 bucks an hour is in alignment given the Shape of the M.E should we vote on this matter I say yes...and should we go forward with future votes to the Osage Shareholder on this matter . I have only been asking for some time what the M.C makes per meeting..you average that a year..thats $380,000...dollars for 10 members..remember the 1906 act requires a Chief and AP Chief who are absent most M.C meetings. As I have said who set the Monetary Policy and voted on it? Nah as I have said accountability is now being asked by this Shareholder and what about the per diems that we do not know about,,Gas cards? Hotel stays for events in the Area and you could be staying home? Nah given the fact that all of you failed on a grand scale to protect our prairie from the Wind Farms from coming in and developing those hidious turbines and dont think it will not change the eco system for one bit in that area orfor that matter stir polutiion around in your face or think that it doesn't use fossil fuel and creates more of a in balance does good for the Community or habitat. .not to mention this is Federal protected land..not public land for the taking..Green Energy has no right..to push its politics period...nah accountability and what is so transparent we need a new mineral Council.
DeleteFYI, This Mineral Council would not ALLOW the Chief to attend their meetings. Child games.
DeleteThank you Mr.Revard..time to end the childish games...
DeleteIt's time we get to the meat and bone here...it is obvious to the Shareholder's what is and will work and the under performance of said M.C is so sub par...time for their cake and ice cream to end...in the end the U.S owns the trust and has the final say..So why is the M.C taking home 38,000 dollars a year each and why is the Chief and A.P Chief getting paid if they are not allowed to attend the Meetings? I and every Shareholder wants a JOB DESCRIPTION OF EACH AND EVERYONE OF THE M.C and if you do not like 75 an hour that was the going price to bad.to sad..
DeleteWe got what we elected. The sad truth is we have eight individually elected councilpersons with equal authority who don't get along with one another and don't try. They all have separate agenda's that in many cases does not address our most critical problems. To my knowledge zero of eight have commercial, financial, accounting, marketing, technical or field experience in Oil & Gas. Working for the BIA doesn't count. They don't either. Maybe one or two have colleges degrees. I am not completely sure about that but my guess is the majority don't. They are not familiar with how to plan strategically and most likely would not have a clue that it might be necessary. Their lack of transparency and any regular meaningful communication with their constituents only indicates to me that they are hiding their inability to act. In July 2014 they were informed about the infamous July 14 letter radically changing the way business would be conducted in the Osage. Did they have the capacity to understand what this would do? I don't believe they did. They ignored it even when Producer after Producer explained how devastating the changes would be. By September 2014 they learned at the Summit that drilling had dropped to Zero. In less than 3 months time. Did they take action then? Fast forward 15 months: We have lost several large producers i.e. they are trying to sell their concessions and leased because they cannot conduct anywork. Trouble is, no one is buying. NON CO2 Tertiary recovery (Chaparral Burbank) production has dropped more than 3,000 bbls per day! The new EIS will be the last nail in the coffin because it requires expenditures to wellsites that cost so much the small amount of production that comes from the majority of the wells will not cover the new costs. OMC2 ceded control of the ME to the BIA & the BLM with the new CFRs ignoring all warnings by the very people that generate the ME revenue. OMC3 is not competent to hand this crisis. They don't read any of the crucial documents and if they are working with professional to get us out of this mess it is not apparent by what they do or say. In fact not a one of them has given an intelligent report of the situation or demonstrated that they have command of the situation. We need RADICAL change. A constitutional amendment to restructure the OMC is required. It must be well thought out. The number of Council persons needs to be reduced and full time oil & gas professionals need to be hired to actually manage and administer the ME. The BIA responsibilities need to be reduced to signing off on the work that our hired professionals conduct. Incentives need to be put in place for the professionals to increase production and revenue. Shareholders UNITE!
DeleteYour word have not fallen on death ears and thank you for the short reminder of what has transpired in the last two years and I to have been chronicling these events and have been saying for quite some time. I recognize the impact of such poor performance. In today's world the private sector ah they would be removed A.S.A.P. Screams incompetence and by means no accident that a cancer exist from with in...when this happen you weed out the culprit or problem and go forward. And truly this is achieved very easily...and as I said get the politics out get the professionals with the state of the art technical skills to do the work they the M.C cannot do...I am a huge advocate. Takes a different kind of talent of which is lacking, accountability and transperency. .move the council to the rear o rget off your duff because a new kid is coming to town. We have to have innovative thinking and it is not happening. It's time the North the south and the west come together and decide what future we have? We should be a couple of decades ahead of ourselves and we are not there..sad. Changing the CFR'S isn't going to fix broken...looking at the perspective and value that has been so over looked. This is a business not a merry go round attitude ,the endless round table needs to stop spinning. Plain and simple. Mature thinking needs to prevail..I say Shareholder's alike we must unite for a better outcome in a lot of areas...one being getting under control how much they are being paid..to relatively they do nothing other than bicker..so we have a milliin dollar draw down I want to know it is being utilized for transperency and accountability sake..
Delete@7:10, DITTO!!! So well spoken and totally correct. Thank you for seeing the reality. I am concerned and afraid that its to little to late. If the new EIS goes into affect there will not be one Osage operators that can comply with these rules and make a profit at their business. What the Fed's fail to realize or care about is that the Osage Mineral Estate is a mature oilfield with mostly marginal well productions so the cost of implementing the new EIS would force the producers to operate at a lose. This is so sad because after a 100+ year tradition of the Osages and Independent oilmen is about to end. Killed off by the Feds. As I say #tolittletolate.
DeleteThe Chief and Assistant Chief have no more place attending Minerals (in their official capacity) than the Governor of the state of Oklahoma. Just like the Governor they represent a different constituency. We are all Osage but the Chief represents an interest that may not and does not reflect the shareholders interest. The fact that we are not allowed to have a Chief or Assistant Chief for the minerals is in violation of federal law.
Delete11:36 AM. I am a Shareholder and don't agree with you one bit. The Chief is a shareholder. Not sure about the Asst Chief but my guess he is too. You are dead wrong about their "place" when it comes to minerals. My hope is that that they will work with Congress to provide money for the Nation to diversify gambling monies into other revenue generating businesses. Having the Nation get into the the Oil & Gas Production business is a no-brainer in my opinion. They and Congress should all attend the annual Summit to learn everything they can about what the great opportunities that still exist in the Osage. They all should consult with professionals to create a strategic plan to get into this business. With the right people and capital and once the EIS and CFR hurdles are dealt with, the Nation could generate millions in incremental revenue and create high paying jobs for Osages and internships for our students. One of the presenters at the Summit, Kristine Peterson, a geologist, advised that our ME has produced 931,000,000 barrels of oil and 241 billion cubic feet of gas. Most likely 60% of that number is still left in the ground. If the Nation could produce just 5% of that number it would be 46 million barrels and 12 BCF of gas. In her words "A worthy target". We learned that there are 121 sections still undrilled in Osage Co. and 77,440 untested acres. The thing I don't understand is why in the world haven't we accomplished a production program? The Shareholders still get their Royalty checks regardless who does the work. I would love for the Chief or his liaison to come to the minerals meetings. Why not? I repeat, he is a shareholder and has just as much vested interested as you do.
DeleteThe Nation? When they tie their shoes, they tie them together. Who do you think you're kidding? Go look for a high paying income from some other Tribe. It's not going to happen in Pawhuska. BIA Super is issuing lease terminations, not workers and permits. This is a full court press to shut down the Mineral Estate on the part of the U.S. government and the CFR issue is not even close to be resolved and now they swing in in the last few days with the new Environmental Impact Statement that is already being objected to right from the get-go. Dream on fella. It ain't happening and won't be for years into the future.
Delete...workovers not workers. Auto correct is out of control.
DeleteOh boy...though you are entitled to your opinion poster @ 5:59 pm..this I will say regardless who does the work as long as it is not the defacto gov the ON then we are fine to devlope and in our prime to move forward with a production program...ONE's can develope else where and do as it pleases. Everything Government touches goes to waste..and would not create a healthy environment for the Shareholder's and woukd be a direct conflict of interest...purely for one simple reason...it's the Authority which is the 1906 act as amended we are bound by...and by our Constitution. .the fact that we have huge acres that have not been developed is so telling of what our future can be. We need surely professionals with the latest innovative technology behind them the M.C and they do not have that capacity as recognized by the state of affairs we find ourselves in...not for long I say...it's not so hard to see what has transpired in the 100 years of our M.E. If you dig deep enough you'll begin to see the mud.
DeleteI couldn't care less whether he's a shareholder or not. He is elected by non-shareholders. The Chief needs to stubble off and go blow a few million more dollars on another building somewhere.
DeleteFeel the same way....
DeleteReading this thread and I am sickened to think how disfunctional my mineral council is and how totally uneducated I am and wish I wasn't. This is what I'll be leaving to my children and I'm only 42 but I don't see any positive change in or future. I'd love to be more than just a shareholder that receives a check every quarter but I'm clueless as to the details. But I also can see they the lines and know we are in sad shape with the current MC for our future. Greed is a deadly seed sewn into this legacy. Breaks my heart.
DeleteMore on corporate welfare and two "pioneer" phonies who benefit from it ~~~
DeleteAnother celebrity who has a Facebook page:
Him too:
MC meeting confirmed payment is $4,360 for December. Listen on demand at http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/?page=1
ReplyDeleteWhy is APAC offering property for sale to the Minerals Council? The OMC manages the OME not real estate acquisitions. They want an extension on their current lease. Does this include the three properties they are offering for sale? Why would the Mineral Council or the Osage Nation for that matter, ever agree to buy property encumbered by an oil and gas lease from a company that is selling it because they want out and have no intention of developing the lease for the purpose of oil and gas production? Some of this stuff dealt with in these MC meetings brought up by these producers defies logic at times. Does this lease extension in any way involve language that includes a rule against perpetuities too?
DeleteClick on this text: Osage Nation: 3omc11_13_15pt2 at http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/?page=1
No lease approvals but plenty of lease terminations for the oil and gas producers being issued by the Superintendent of the Osage Agency, Robin Phillips?
The removal of the members of the Minerals Council is NOT in the CFRs Chairman Waller. It's in the Osage Nation Constitution that you have apparently never even bothered to read.
Another thing, if Galen Crum can't find the Osage Nation web site and click on the link to the Minerals Council from there, he needs to find another job. His remark was so totally unbelievable I can't believe I really heard him say it.
Who gets the most stupid comment award for today's meeting is up for a vote. Is it Chairman Waller or Galen Crum?
Regarding today's Mineral Council meeting, a Shareholder asked the Chairman what is the procedure to remove a Council Member from office. The Chairman replied with a quick response stating only "the CFR's". What does that mean? What does the Code of Federal Regulations have to do with the Osage Mineral Council which is an agency of the Osage Nation? Surely, he is mistaken. This also concerns me that the Chairman doesn't even know Mineral Council procedures. Do any of you know the correct answer to this Shareholder's question?
DeleteGalen Crum has nothing to do with it. We're trying to get you to post comments under the proper thread. If you can't manage to do that then you have a choice to either move on or go post to Facebook and other web sites that will let you do whatever you want to do without respect for the time of the moderator of this blog. Get on board James or get gone. It's really your choice to play ball or walk away from the ball game here. We live by the rules. Who died and made you Princess Grace Kelly that you don't have to do like the rest of us do????????????????
DeleteON Constitution, Article XI- Citizen Initiative, Referendum and Recall
DeleteArticle XII- Removal.
Is this not a Shareholders Matter? Where would you like me to Post? I was starting a new thread to discuss todays Mineral Council meeting. Its not like any of the Shareholders post or read this Blog anyway its just a good place for me to vent hold damn dumb the MC is. I will be happy to walk on and leave you to the mess you all created by electing fools to run the Mineral Estate. PEACE OUT!
DeleteIt's a tie, you ask me.
DeleteJames, maybe you need to review a few of the rules of Online Community Comment Etiquette:
Ignore trolls.
You’re a guest, so keep this in mind when commenting.
Internet troll --->>>
DUH James? You're not a rebellious teenager so why insist on behaving like one? There is a whole lot more freedom to vent here than at those other namby-pamby sites around that offer Osages a place to have their say. We want you to post here because you actually have a bead on the light of day when most of them couldn't see the light if it was shining square in their eyes. We need you here because you aren't afraid to call it like you see it and that's a good thing for all the shareholders. Get it together so we can follow what's being said and do it for our sake if for no other reason.
It does not take the CFR's to remove a council member. The vote would be put to the Shareholder's. The M.C does not have or know what a standard is or how to deciminate what is in the best interest of the Shareholders et or the M.E..a criteria let alone create a criteria or have by-laws. They are separate from the Nation and we must insert the will of what the Shareholder's expect,,,,James not every shareholder in comprised of how dire the M.C is in or what has led this M.E into the ground.. with not so much as wink. Does any Council member wish to argue the truth you will lose..Little does anyone know why the Nation exists it is because of us..the Shareholders...all that land that is in trust in Osage County is the reservation...they would not exist without the M.E..I know the truth..and I have been work I ng diligently where my rights are concerned or should I say for all of us...no longer will we be kept in the dark..and we will take the lead if need be..and I suspect we are close...I have been saying for a while a problem exist and it exists in the concessions and the contracts..I believe Robyn Philips is in a rock and a hard place...Non of you meaning the Council understand what it is to come to a concensus for a grater outcome..It is hard to fathon...I suspect as when Judge Fizzle rules for the Accounting of the Estate we will be replacing the M.C all together. This is not to hard to predict..the closer we get tot he truth on these very important issues the closer to thay reality i. The future will be here soon enough..we want success and it is not happening for the economy other wise in Osage County...the lack of support is telling by Waller is telling...
DeleteWe can't wait for Judge Frizzel to issue a ruling. The OMC needs to take immediate action to fight the recent NEPA EIS. Councilman Crum and Councilman Yates are the Shareholders' adversaries and need to be removed from the Mineral Council ASAP.
DeleteAs a shareholder I will say this, I'm glad the chief was NOT invited to the MC! I don't see invite a thief to the table. All shareholders need to see the put-on show of Mr. Blacks meeting and the people making ass of their selves. Know one in my family trust the chief. The MC is not doing enough for us and I think we need educated engineer that knows how to run the estate and fight the BIA. Even educated as the chief is, look at the mess!!!
DeleteYeah right. Remove all impediments to the Nation getting control of the OME and let the ON try and run it. The producers won't stand for the Nation flushing the toilet less running the OME but they'll schmooze them for all their worth anyway until the Nation finally does have control and the producers and land owners take it all away. In this thing, you don't know who your friends are but the one thing that's true in all of this is that the Nation is a disaster area with the way they spend money and run their businesses and fail right and left. This is the livelihood of the oil and gas producers and they will do anything to see to it that they don't lose everything they've got on a silly arrogant bunch that insist on running things when they have no idea what they are even doing. It's do or die now and someone should be filing a complaint with the FBI to open and begin to run an investigation on the activities and choices of the Secretary of the Interior of the DOI and the involved employees of the BIA for destroying the oil and gas generated income of OME and financially wrecking Osage County in the now alleged criminal violation of the fiduciary Trust relationship and responsibilities to the Osage Nation and the beneficiaries; the headlight owners.
DeleteYou said and working on it...poster 3:01..I believe someone said to me a while back just give it sometime these things have a way of working themselves out. I smell huge corruption. Working with multiple agencies.
DeleteAs an Osage County producer, I take offense to the comment suggesting that we are schmoozing the Chief. We are scratching and clawing to stay alive and have no relationship with the Chief of the Osage Tribe. Our enemies are the BIA and the Obama administration and two Osage Mineral Council members. We're in the line of fire between the Obama administration and the Osage Headright owners for prevailing in the $380,000,000 settlement. The Osage Mineral Council is absolutely no help and the council members are not experienced enough to understand our plight. I suggest the Shareholders remove and replace the Osage Mineral Council with a board of directors retired from major oil companies to put qualified management in place to develop and preserve the Mineral Estate. If it doesn't happen soon, the lack of action will be devastating to the ME. It may never recover once abandoned.
DeleteMany of us shareholders are on the producers side. Wish to God we had the power to help and help ourselves.. I've got relatives with 2 to 3 H.R.s that are too comfortable to worry what's going on. I have been told there is 4 Osages with 6 & 7 H.R.s each. That's a lot of votes tied up to one person each. That's about 22 votes for 4 people. Those people are not hurtin like the rest of us. We have to get organized to get better people than what the MC folks are.
DeleteThis is not so insane to what needs to happen. I have read the CFR's..And the PEA and Fred Storer well documented assessment of these New E.A's and the conflict of interest in order to scate the responsibilities to the Trust but affects everyone involved..it's so much more all the while creating as I said a mountain of litigations..I am out of breath to say the least as mind just reels..why and why has the M.C not answer to this to the Shareholder's this is as much their faux pas. Silence is not golden...Why don't we hire Fred Storer as our Attorney, he's done 3/4's of the JOB...As if I recall Mike Black said the alternative would be probably to use the 1979 E.A in the meeting..Did Inhear correctly? And this is important on so many levels and I had asked the same question, what was wron with the 1979 E.A? Why is the BIA pushing the compliance onto the Producer when the Action Agent is required..The BIA..it behooves the the Shareholder to read because knowledge is power...Who in the heck instructed the Superintendent to write the July 2015 letter? After 35 years? Mike Black, Jeanne Hale, EPA, Osage Nation...in the end in all of this bottom line, the BIA is responsible for crippling the M.E. And this by all means is no accident when you look at the source. .What can we do for ourselves and I look at how the Wind Farms got away from us by no action taken on the part of the Nation...equally we are all involved weather there is a M.C or not, and then you take a look at the Fletcher Case and oh now everyone's eyes are wide open, where was the support? We have a Chief, and 8 council members who right now from this Osage Indian and Shareholder am ashamed of the blatant incompetence. In the Private sector you all would be replaced. Including the BIA.
DeleteWho said anything about schmoozing the Chief? It's ONES LLC you've been working through and they contact the Chief. He has to have some level of plausible deniability doesn't he? He's already in enough hot water with everyone in the Osage for openly trying to take over the Mineral Estate from the Minerals Council when he knows the Osage Constitution prohibits it in Article XV. That article in the Osage News was evidence enough if his Facebook posts didn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.
DeleteFrance we are with you,,,This is their 911..God be with them
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Thank you for posting this comment.
DeleteYes we all need to pray for the French people! God bless them and support them in their time of trouble.
Disconcerting to say the least, but not surprising considering the circumstances. Most unfortunate. .but who's to say that this has not been going on with our estate? It is alarmingly easy...for the take..and the black market..worst knowing that what I suspected before I read the article, is most of this is inside...and that really doesn't surprise me at all. Is there a way you can protect the asset? Blending oil seems to be an issue.
DeleteMinerals Council Meeting Agenda for tomorrow's meeting:
This should be interesting. ..this is telling hiring someone to do the compliance spread sheet? Really says a lot about all of your experience and a statistician? Not hard yo figure where the problem lies...and what needs to be done..
DeleteMC Meeting is live online at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/multimedia/live-media
DeleteRobin Phillips is now giving her report.
Delete7 approved drilling permits and 11 worker permits approved for the month of October. Some exchange about information sent to Colorado? Not sure about what this all means.
DeleteBacklog being worked on at the Osage Agency.
Delete...workover permits... Sorry.
DeleteI understood there were about 400 permits of one kind or another in the backlog. Can anyone confirm this number?
DeleteInventory in Colorado and Councilwoman Erwin wants that information separate over and above information in other reports. Talk about penalty letters but no fines have been issued by the BIA.
DeleteEverything that requires a Petroleum Engineer is now being sent to Colorado where they have some sort of a division there to review the business documents sent to them?
DeleteBIA is now looking to hire a local Petroleum Engineer.
Delete18,000 producing wells. No gas meter calibration inspections for any of those?
DeleteThree or four employees working 100% of their time on permit approvals for the month of October. Seven drilling permits and eleven workover permits approved total 18. With there being 22 work days in October and 18 total permits approved that is less than one permit per work day with four employees working on them. This is not acceptable.
DeleteThe BIA has already hired a petroleum engineer but the Superintendent admitted she doesn't know when his or her start date is. This too is unacceptable.
Delete6,000 cubic feet of natural gas and we don't have this monitoring under control with meters in place?
DeleteComing off of the 10% we should get by the CFRs? Wait a minute. It is what is it is and if we go forward, we should see this regulation be observed for the Shareholders.
DeleteTalking about the resolution on Galen Crum going renegade from the MC and working on the EIS out from under the MC resolutions not to participate in the process.
DeleteAnd yes, when you undermine the power and prestige of your own Agency as a duly elected member by going out from under it or around it, this is highly unethical and he should be released from service as a member of the Minerals Council or do the right thing and resign.
DeleteThe Osages had no in whatsoever with the new CFRs, why would the BIA listen to the Osages or any rep of the Osages with the EIS? Stupid insane people make the same mistake over and over again, Galen. What does that say about you?
DeleteCrum should be removed for going behind the council. His defense of the EIS is to reminiscent of this unyielding support of the Neg Regs. His condescending attitude toward the shareholders and the minerals council is unacceptable. He needs to go.
DeleteDiscussed injunction against new rules and then getting information on oil and gas producer fines from the BIA. Now in Executive Session.
DeleteReally sharp to place the first part of the MC meeting up online line already. Kudos to MC staff and IT for getting this done so soon. Hear it now on demand via the internet at http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/?page=1
DeleteWhen the second half of the meeting is finally posted, you can listen to it on http://mixlr.com/osage-nation/showreel/?page=1
DeleteYates wants to bring Sonny Abbott back to clean up the mess the 2nd council made of the records. Speaking for this shareholders Abbott shouldn't be anywhere near the Mineral Estate.
DeleteMeeting has just adjourned.
DeleteTotally agree on Abbott. Worst thing that ever happened to the OME, you ask me. Team Osage. What a nightmare.
DeleteAbbott is just old sorry.. we need and want people with forward thinking..this guy is a loose cannon nor is he a team player and thats not someone who I want representing the M.E...His time has eneded..wasn't he the guy when Mike Black and his posse was here and he got up to argue a point with a Producer on the exact figures and was in denial about the CFR's or something like that. If so his lack of knowledge and incompetence was revealing. .if this is any indication and reflects who is sitting on the Council and wants him back say goodbye..we will replace you as well...
DeleteThe meaning of insanity is doing the same thing over again and again with no different outcome still the same is just redundant.
DeleteYes, it was Mr. Abbott, when a producer said the CFRs would drive him out of business, told him to go open a restaurant. We don't need people like him or his cohorts Yates are Crum.
DeleteThank you...I could not agree more. Still waiting on the economic impact on the New CFR's. Was there a response in todays meeting about the injunction filed against the BIA? Why is taking so long to approve the Contracts and who can we complain to..obviously we can't call the M.C..because had tbey had the contracts in front of them and would approve them and send them for approval would eliminate some of the inefficiencies caused by the delay of Agency. And say we get some of the federal administration fees covered..we have eight council men and women who could process for approval...This is way better way than what the Chiefs suggested.
DeleteNot having a petroleum engineer is costing the OSAGES.
DeleteThis comment is how ill informed your current Chief actually is about the events of the day:
ReplyDelete"Geoffrey StandingBear wrote on the Facebook page "Osage Community for Responsible Citizenry" over at https://www.facebook.com/groups/yanman/
"The only solution is to have the Secretary of Interior remove BIA from Osage. Our money is with the Office of Special Trustee (OST). To make BIA go away and keep the federal trust intact requires a federal compact with the Minerals Council and Osage Nation. With the present group that does not look like it will happen. So, BIA lovers do not have to worry. We better work with BIA if the Mineral Council insists to leave them in control."
"My agenda on the Osage Mineral Estate is very simple. Keep the federal trust in place, get the BIA out of here, leverage the headright shareholders power to control the Osage Mineral Estate to own our own production and distribution. Have the Osage gaming place money to the MC for leverage power, and control the water use forever along with ownership."
What he apparently doesn't realize is the fact that the U.S. Congress is trying to get rid of the Office of the Special Trustee and repatriate it back into the normal functions of the BIA. How can he be so uninformed about such matters when they so strongly affect the Osage Mineral Estate?
"Some tribes and lawmakers want to eliminate the Office of the Special Trustee and transfer its duties back to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Washburn didn't think that was a good idea."
Is this guy who is the head of the Osage Nation, as usual, working an angle to manipulate the Osage public or is he actually for real?
He is for real and he is trying to manipulate the Osage public.
DeleteStand back and look at how the Nation has conducted itself since it's inception, they work in their own idealized dream world and try to manipulate the public into going along with them. The dream world mentality stated above is no different then Geoffrey buying the old Hernandez restaurant building (that by all accounts needs to be torn down) and telling everyone it's a strategic investment. ...Same Koolaid just minerals flavored this time.
If I heard the Superintendent correctly, 51 out of 51 surface owner matters were resolved in October being 100% of cases. In contrast 11 out of 400 permits were approved during the same time period being 2.75% of submitted applications. Apparently the Superintendent's priorities are surface owner issues.
DeleteWhy is it that the OMC asks the Superintendent or her assistant Superintendent at every meeting the question "how many permits are pending" and she never has an answer? She always says that she will find out and report back later which never occurs. Why doesn't the OMC demand that she excuse herself from the meeting to go get the answer and then report back to the meeting to provide the answer. If she doesn't know the answer, why doesn't she? This is a significant issue; why doesn't the OMC demand an answer to this question.
Well, this is the treatment you receive when you are being dealt with like a recalcitrant child. Never mind that such behavior is entirely inappropriate where the fiduciary obligation is concerned. This attitude is wrong and counterproductive where a business relationship is concerned and the BIA really needs sensitivity training where low level bigotry is involved. You won't see this kind of thing in board meetings toward a business board coming from functionaries who owe a fiduciary obligation to that board and the shareholders. It's entirely inappropriate for the BIA to have such an underlying attitude toward the Osages. The old British carryover from the Colonialist Raj era of Ma-Bap (“We are your mother and father”) is long over and the BIA needs to get up to speed whether they find it to be distasteful or not. On this issue, the elephant is all the way in the room and the BIA needs an awareness and sensitivity intervention as soon as humanly possible.
Delete"You won't ever see this kind of thing in non-Native American board meetings..."
DeleteSo true, Robyn Philips is incompetent. Knowing what questions ahead of time will be asked does she not take notes? As so evident, no accident she does not have the information, is unprecedented. The Game she is playing, her actions are coming from the upper echelon no doubt..The BIA's Loyalty is eschewed. In the Private Sector she would be removed immediately and I call her a traitorous to the ME. Simple, time for her to to be replaced.A.S.A.P
DeleteFunny how certain members of the Osage Congress see fit to charge the Minerals Council for the use of the facilities but has a problem with charging the gaming operation rent to use those Osage Nation facilities isn't it?
ReplyDeleteBIA's Draft Environmental Impact Statement – Preparing for the Public Meeting
ReplyDeleteThe EIS will become the basis for the BIA's management of oil and gas activities in Osage County. The BIA must accept public comments on this document. A public meeting will be held on November 30 (starting at 3pm at the Wah Zha Zhi Cultural Center, Pawhuska) and written comments will be accepted until close of business on December 24. The document is 322 pages long, read it if you have time.
We have these suggestions regarding the public meeting:
Plan on the meeting extending past the 6 pm announced end time
Make a statement - insist on being heard
Tell your story, how have you been harmed by the BIA's action or lack of action?
State your opinion on proposed "Resource Conservation Measures"
Resource Conservation Measure (RCM) is a new term replacing "Best Management Practice".
The following RCMs may be applied to any permits issued by the BIA. These are a basket of conditions the BIA will select from and impose as they see fit. We have presented the RCMs in the order they appear in the Draft EIS. Operators should plan to comment on the RCMs you find the most relevant to your operations.
Obtain authorization to cross a stream with a flowline or road
Install culverts at stream crossings
Hire an expert to sample nearby water wells
Avoid altering run-off path from new construction
Used closed loop mud management when drilling near streams
Use Ditch Witch® type drilling to install flowlines under streams
Agree with surface owners on the visual impact or your facilities
Design equipment to blend in to the natural environment
Remediate all brine scaring
Measure noise and reduce noise by installing barriers and mufflers
Replace pump jacks with submersibles if three phase power is available
If within 1⁄4 of a residence work only Monday-Friday 7 to 7
Place warning signs around power lines, road intersections, etc.
Remove any unused equipment
Line and gravel tank batteries
Stockpile topsoil for future use
Return disturbed areas to original contour
Consult with the BIA on potential seismicity impacts
Stay on existing roads
Maintain roads as required by the BIA and surface owners
Bury power lines
Locate structures at edge of open prairie
Do not place pump jacks, tank batteries, and power lines on ridge lines or hilltops
Do not go within 1⁄4 mile of breeding Greater Prairie Chickens (Greater Prairie Chickens
are not endangered)
Obtain US FWS authorization for American Burying Beetle
Avoid the rattlesnake-master plant in an attempt to save the rattlesnake-master borer
In addition to the RCMs the BIA proposes:
To prohibit oil and gas activities within 200 feet of any occasional stream or place that holds water after a rain. The resulting reduction in the mineral estate has not been determined.
Restrain oil and gas development on 325,000 acres (northwest Osage county) to encourage breeding of the Greater Prairie Chicken
If you are employed by the oil and gas business, are an Osage headright owner, or have been harmed by the BIA's policies you should appear at the November 30 meeting and tell your story.
Attention Osage Headright Owners!
DeleteAs an Osage Headright Owner myself and as an Osage County Producer, please be aware that this website is very biased and that the administrator removes postings that do not suit him or her. I am aware of six postings during Wednesday’s OMC meeting that were immediately deleted. You are not getting all of the facts and opinions from individuals attempting to post their thoughts and knowledge regarding the Mineral Council Members and matters before them.
In regard to the proposed EIS, I suggest we first comment by stating that there is no need of a new EIS as the 1979 EA is still in effect and satisfactory. The New EIS is intended to destroy the Osage Mineral Estate. If the proposed new CFR’s were to kill all activity by a thousand cuts, then consider this EIS as a dagger in the heart or a slit throat for the producers. A few of the items mentioned in the 322 page death sentence are acceptable; however, 90% of this crap is not achievable by the producers. This is obviously another attempt by the Obama administration to punish the Osage Tribe of Indians.
If you are concerned about any future oil and gas activity in Osage County, I suggest that you demand that the OMC file legal action to block this hateful action and yes, you may need to help them with legal fees. I wouldn’t bother writing comments before the Obama deadline of December 24, 2015; your comments will be ignored as they were for Crum’s new CFR’s.
The only hope is another legal injunction to be sought by the OMC and possible by the Osage Nation joining the OMC.
We are under attack again. This time it will be fatal if not blocked by an injunction.
Wrong. If you really knew the actual bias of those who run this thing you would be very surprised indeed. You are being deleted because you are not replying to the topic comment. We have issued enough warnings and now we are taking action to stop those from posting here who simply refuse to follow one or two very simple rules.
DeleteDraft EIS is located at the above URL.
I simply replied to a comment by another poster by selecting reply. What is the procedure to reply to a poster if not by selecting reply?
DeleteTo the interested parties reading this blog, the administrator is again scolding those who reply to your comments. How do you feel about this interference? Do you wish to receive replies to your comments?
DeleteThe Shareholders Association is seeking new members and plans to develop a secure website to address our common concerns. Please contact them to join for only $25 and lets get serious about our plight. Bitching on this biased website blog does little good. Please consider joining the Shareholders Association, we will be having new aggressive management that will be a serious venue.
DeleteThe above stated list of new requirements for the producers are not achievable. Please contact our Osage Mineral Council Members and ask what they plan to do to stop this aggression. Don't bother to contact Councilman Yates or Councilman Crum as they are drunk on Obama's coolaide.
DeleteIsn't it the lesser not the greater prairie chickens that are endangered? Why not the horned toads, the tarantulas and the scorpions? Give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteSo stupid as to be beyond belief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Osageblogger in this guys defense you have had to remove my comments in the past to the right statement...and to be honest sometimes our comment for what ever reason every once in while post to thre wrong reply..it never happened till I went to the tablet and stared using it and I notice especially when you are making corrections to the site as we post this happens...or that when there is a flood of people posting at the same time..I am as confused how this happens at times...personally I think we need to slow down when posting from these tablets...going back to the lap top..Intel..
DeleteI lost interest in the OSA, when they invited the chief. I guess they just don't know any better. Tells how little they know. This is where Galen started from....... Gee, hope I'm in the right place on here, God forbid. Yes I too have been deleted on here, just forgot to hit reply..
DeleteI think an explanation of how this Blog works from the standpoint of functionality may be in order. If comment is posted as a topic for review, any comments in reply to it are deleted automatically if the original comment is deleted. If you continue the same topic as a lead comment instead of a reply to that topic, when it is deleted, all comments in reply underneath will go with it.
DeleteA public meeting will be held on November 30 (starting at 3pm at the Wah Zha Zhi Cultural Center, Pawhuska) and written comments will be accepted until close of business on December 24.
Review the document, Application of the National Environmental Policy Act to the Osage Mineral Estate by Fred Storer at http://www.osages-you-need-to-know.com
DeleteYou are not allowed to challenge Cynthia Boone on here for sure....
DeleteYou are miss informed, I have questioned her authority and expressed that she has crossed boundaries and have called her out, as Galen, the Chief. There is such thing as having decorum and being tactful. .
DeleteShe is being criticized because she want's to stay under the protection of the BIA when the full bloods, the producers and the landowners want the Osages to run the OME and that will mean they will run it right into the ground just like every other business venture they have going. They are now reported to be funneling all the money gaming makes right into the coffers of the Osage Nation Treasury and what they are using as operating capital is anyone's guess. They operate on one principal alone and that is greed coupled with bone laziness and that's a bad mix. Cynthia knows these people like the back of her hand and won't tolerate them and their BS for an instant. She stands in the breach against the ignorance, naiveté and stupidity of nearly everyone who runs this Osage Nation government. You have a quarterly check coming in today in part, because of her and the few who share her point of view and willingness to stand in the breach to keep the trust and the OME viable as a source of income for the Osage headlight owners.
DeleteIt will come to an end..no worries mate..I understand the dynamics..the end game is when we start funneling the Gaming revenue into our own bank...you know thw one that was just purchased? You know somehow Cynthia has grown on me..Though I have not agreed with unorthodox ways sometimes..She is in our court..taken awhile to get there..this is why I stressed if she is listening girl you got going on keep punching..I am with you..still wanting that petroleum office and I will push this till the end of time. And I want her in the legal dept who will be responsible for compliance issues..thats the Goal...
DeleteI gotta say, if this blog has accomplished nothing else, it keeps the scoreboard tidy and in order. When the villainous prey on those who stand up against them and begin to get away with it, evil prevails. Hitler was a huge lesson for the last century on this, for us today and what we must always guard against in the future.
DeleteWhy won't Cynthia answer as to what documents she obtained when she purchased the contents of the storage shed? What sensitive documents is she holding on to??? Unethical absolutely! She has exhausted her time on the MC and needs replaced with the rest of them. Please tell me what type of Oil and Gas experience she has to be sitting on a board that oversees a billion dollar estate?
DeleteI have read over the months on this blog how incompetent or at a minmium questioning the ability of each Mineral Council member and the BIA Superintendent in doing their jobs. I just read about the Fourteenth Annual Oil & Gas Summit and noticed that most speakers had credentials ( ie. PhD, BA, Masters degrees) after their names with a list of their qualifications. I also noted that Jessica (Moore) Harjo, the artist had quite a list of Honors and Awards including a Bachelors of Landscape Architecture degree and she is working on her Masters degree. When reading OUR Osage Summit Steering Committee Members,I noticed the none of our members listed their educational credentials (ie. PhD, BA, Masters degrees) after their name nor experence in the fields needed to sucessfully run a multi-billion dollar company. I also remember at the meeting with Mike Black, he was asked to cite Robin Philips education and qualifications twice from the audenice. Neither Mike Black or Robin seemed to want to answer these questions. I can't find anywhere on the BIA Osage Agency website her education and qualifications. Also can someone direct me to where the list of our Mineral Council members education and qualifications are posted? If this is a multi billion dollar enterprise, I feel we the Shareholders are entitled to know how qualified our Mineral Council members and BIA Osage Agency Superintendent are. If one is applying for employment at Walmart as an Trainee Hourly position the first two questions address education and past work experience. If one is applying for employment at 7-eleven, the application states " This process will take approximately 15 minutes. Please have your work history, education, and reference information available." This is for a entry level position. McDonalds hiring questions are a little more intense for a counter position. How is it, being responsible for multi-billion dollars of Shareholders money, we are unable to have that information at hand? If our Mineral Estate goes 'Down the Tubes' I for one would like to know we had the best representation available. I feel not only the BIA but the Mineral Council have a fiduciary obligation to be well educated and possess the expertise needed for their position. To make it easy and to the point, do not list who is related to who or who was the Football Star or Head Cheerleader at Pawhuska High School. Please limit it to EDUCATION AND RELATED MINERAL BUSINESS EXPERIENCE. Posting this on the Nation's website under Osage Minerals Council ' WHO WE ARE' would be appropriate OR maybe someone can ask each member and MS. Phillips at the next meeting. Like Ray McClain says "You-Need-To-Know". Thank You.
ReplyDeleteAll of the credentials were given to you at the time of the last election when the campaign literature was sent out. There is an election process where all candidates have to be nominated with by and with a verifiable list of names of other headright owners in order to even throw their hat in the ring. This keeps the election of candidates pretty close to home whether they are qualified or not. This nomination process tracks back to the old government and may even be called out in the election section of the old CFRs. The new government election process for the Minerals Estate gives the Minerals Council the ability to establish their own election rules and regulations. They have retained this nomination process with the names required from the old government election process. This will have to be changed and done away with if you really want qualified individuals to be able to run for elected office as a member of the Minerals Council.
DeleteYou will still have to be an Osage and a headright owner in order to be able to run for Minerals Council and that will not change because it's in the Osage Nation Constitution. That means that you have a very small pool to choose from to begin with. Not all Osages have a work history or educational background in the oil and gas business. The theory is that these headright owners have a vested interest in the Osage Mineral Estate and will do whatever it takes to protect it. I would a whole lot rather have someone on that Council that won't let the Chief take over the Mineral Estate and turn it to a mining project for those who want a big paycheck from the income generated from the Mineral Estate rather than have someone "qualified" who is there for the purposes of getting paid a lot of money at the expense of the Shareholders with little result other than an income reduction from the pile on, exactly like we've seen from the rollout of the Osage Nation government.
DeleteYou can have any kind of degree, book smart is one thing and not all things..just because you have a PHD does not make you a great leader for example of course..
DeleteYou are correct. A PhD after one's name is one thing, being 'Book Smart' is another thing AND may not help us the Shareholders. But we should demand a person in place that has education and qualifications to represent us at the Osage Agency AND on our council. Do we still not know what education and qualifications Ms. Phillip's does possess that make her qualified to be BIA Osage Agency Superintendent ? AND if you do know please post it here. We have wasted over a year just on the " BIA wants the Donelson and Friend’s lawsuit being tossed " ! See; http://barnsdalltimes.com/http:/barnsdalltimes.com/news/bia-wants-lawsuit-tossed . I haven't even heard that subject being addressed by our council at meetings anymore. The clock for a trial doesn't start until the motion is ruled upon by the current Magistrate. Come on, this article states " In pleadings submitted Monday and Tuesday, attorneys for more than a DOZEN oil and gas entities, including Osage Energy Resources; Devon Energy, Clear Mountain Production; Kaiser-Francis Anadarko; Chaparral Energy, and Marco Oil Company, all requested that a class-action lawsuit spearheaded by Martha Donelson and John Friend be tossed." It dosen't take a PhD to realize someone is dropping the ball and we the Shareholders are feeling the effects. Best answer I could find was on how long a Federal Dismissal Motion should take is " You are a member of a very large club. I've got one I've been waiting on for seven months. Before he was elevated to the Supreme Court, Clarence Thomas once took nine months to render a decision." We the Shareholders are still waiting for over a year ! The poster AnonymousNovember 19, 2015 at 8:10 AM saying "Why is it that the OMC asks the Superintendent or her assistant Superintendent at every meeting the question "how many permits are pending" and she never has an answer?" Can a Mineral Council meeting be held on location? Say the BIA Osage Agency Office where the answers are and should make it easy for Ms. Phillips to answer? After all, doesn't she work for us the Osages, Shareholders and US Taxpayers?
DeleteAnd to the poster Momof3killerkidsNovember 23, 2015 at 11:50 AM I feel your pain. I think there are some OMC members and at the Osage Agency that should have the designation of BS after their names...
If you become subject to the Oklahoma Corporations Commission in Osage County, even more regs will follow:
ReplyDeleteStrong quakes lead to closing, changes at several disposal wells
Read more: http://journalrecord.com/2015/11/19/strong-quakes-lead-to-closing-changes-at-several-disposal-wells-energy/#ixzz3s3pNOOlN
What should the BIA do?
ReplyDelete1) Read the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and the Council on Environmental Quality’s regulations, 40 CFR § 1500 - 1508
NEPA does not authorize an agency to create regulations
40 CFR § 1500.2(a) requires agency’s to “interpret and administer the policies,
regulations, and public laws of the United States” it does not provide for the
creation of regulations
Rules and regulations may be “prescribed by the Secretary of Interior” (1906 Act)
Such “prescriptions” are now subject to NEPA review, economic analysis, and other
federal requirements
2) Reinstate the operating procedures and policies that existed prior to July 10, 2014
The 1979 Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact remain
There was/is no environmental justification for disrupting oil and gas activities
Leave the pre July 10, 2014 policies in place while addressing NEPA options
Stop the destruction of enterprises established under contract with the Minerals
Estate which feed families and pay taxes
3) Seek third party and Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) evaluation of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and public comments
4) Revisit the Draft EIS
Incorporate third party and CEQ reviews
Assure participation of all stake holders
Provide a clear statement of the environmental quality of Osage County
Describe past and forecast future environmental changes resulting from oil and
gas operations
State alternative environmental goals and cost/benefit of achieving each goal
Define changes in laws and regulations necessary to enable alternatives
Issue the revised Draft EIS for public comment
5) Begin anew the rule making process that is currently stayed by Federal Court
Propose any changes in regulations consistent with the alternatives identified in
the EIS
6) Establish an efficient, transparent, and effective operating process consistent with existing laws and regulations
What should the Osage Headright Owners and Osage Mineral Council Do?
DeleteFile another lawsuit ASAP to block this hateful aggression by the Obama administration and seek damages.
A lawsuit will need to be filled. However, no one can file a lawsuit until the EIS is enacted. Suit can't be brought against a proposed rule.
DeleteHappy Thanksgiving everyone. Try to find some thanks even as bad as things are for some of us. Pray that ISIS don't get into the US. Really looks like World War on us now.
ReplyDeleteYou to buddy, I prey to..be very concerned...I am lock stocked and barrel, and I have the latest equipment for communications. And have rations and a desitination...but non the less.I would worry about the Cival unrest and I will not be a sitting duck..Crime is at a all time high..this is what happens when the society is over taxed..and thats the truth..if you ever played Stratego..that was my first glimpse of what Politics was all about as a kid. Blew my mind away. Did I win, you bet. You have to be ahead of the game. Ah the M.E where is the future Mr. Waller? Please enlightened us? Are you ahead of the Game?
DeleteE-mail sent out to the oil and gas producers from Shane Matson:
This is an important email. Please forward on to those that would benefit from this information.
There is a VERY IMPORTANT meeting in Pawhuska Monday November 30th from 3 to 6 p.m.
As you are hopefully aware the CFR's were remanded back to D.C. last week. We won. (!!!)
The fight continues and the Draft EIS published in the Federal Register two weeks ago is yet another attack on the Osage Mineral Estate and those that invest in the succsessful exploitation of its reserves.
The 322 page Draft EIS proposes three alternatives but do not for a second be fooled. None of the alternatives are acceptable. The only acceptable alternative would be a no action and utilize the 1979 County Wide EA for which a Finding of No Significant Impact was issued. In 1979 the county produced 50,000 bopd and 800 wells per year were drilled. Today 10 wells have been drilled in 2015 and daily produciton is 12,000 bopd. The environmental damaged lands are less than predicted in 1979. The USGS did an extensive analysis on the Ava Vamoose aquifer and showed no evidence of any degredation of water quality assoicated with oil and gas production. In fact, if there is any degredation of the enviroment it is associated with animal agriculture and contamination of the the waterways of Osage County.
The Osage Producers Association retained Hydration Engineering out of Bartlesville to assess and critique the Draft EIS. Attached here are their summary positions on the nature, process and ridiculous ideas put into print. It is an outrage to think the federal organization whose sole mission is to market the mineral estate of the Osage for the benefit of its beneficiaries. Shame on those that contemplated no pump jacks on hilltops. Or batteries. Or taking 300,000 acres completely off the table for exploration and development.
I ask each of you to prepare a statement for the meeting Monday November 30th, 3-6 p.m. at the Wah Zah Zhi Cultural Center. This will be the only time we are able to make oral statements. All written statements are to be submitted by 12-24-15.
Please do not hesitate in reaching out to me or any of the OPA board of directors (cc'd here).
The damage done to all of us has been huge. Please support the OPA in our fight to preserve our investments and re-establish the future viability of a vibrant oil and gas business in Osage County for generations to come.
Shane Matson
Osage Producers Association
How the BIA will use the Environmental Impact Statement to diminish the Osage Mineral Estate -- Part 1
DeleteThe Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Osage Oil and Gas Leasing contains provisions that will make major portions of existing leases unavailable for oil and gas operations and make unleased oil and gas surface unattractive for oil and gas development.
The extent of the reduction in the Osage mineral estate has been estimated only for the proposal to protect the Greater Prairie Chicken, 325,300 acres.
The BIA has not provided estimates for the reduction resulting from other proposals presented in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
Proposals which will diminish the mineral estate:
Protection of the Greater Prairie Chicken
Protection of Sprague's Pipit and Whooping Crane
Expanding the definition of "watering place"
Limiting the placement of oil and gas facilities on hills and ridges
Protection of the Rattlesnake-master Borer Moth
Measures that add costs without environmental benefits other than surface owner preferences
Greater Prairie Chicken The Greater Prairie Chicken is not an endangered species, it is not protected by the Endangered Species Act. It should not be confused with the Lesser Prairie Chicken which, although listed as threatened, is living happily in northwest Oklahoma. The BIA's proposal is entirely based on a map produced by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife in 2010 which attempted to show where development could have negative effects on the Greater Prairie Chicken. The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife and the US Fish and Wildlife Service do not have the authority to prevent development to protect the Greater Prairie Chicken. If they did there would be no wind farms in Osage County. The area where the BIA proposes to protect the Greater Prairie Chicken from Oil and Gas development comprises 325,300 acres in northwest Osage County. The BIA also proposes to limit oil and gas vehicle traffic to no nearer than 1⁄4 mile of breeding greater prairie chickens and other prairie-nesting birds. However, this would only apply to oil and gas vehicles. "Roads that may be impacted by the booming grounds restriction are US Highway 60 and State Highways 11 and 18 in northwest Osage County. Public access would not be affected, but oil and gas-related vehicle operators would need to avoid these and other roads if they are shown to be within 1,640 feet of a booming ground." (Draft EIS Paragraph
4.15.5, page 4-87) Yes, you read that correctly. Oil and gas vehicles would detour on US 60 while all other vehicles would continue to use the highway.
Part II
DeleteSprague's Pipit and the Whooping Crane
Sprague's Pipit is a bird listed as threatened by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. The Fish and Wildlife Service describes its breeding range as portions of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Canada. The BIA says the Sprague's Pipit "has bred as far south as Osage County". Sprague's Pipit to Greater Chicken, "What happens in Osage County stays in Osage County". The BIA is using the Sprague's Pipit to reinforce its Greater Prairie Chicken argument.
The Whooping Crane has a flyway that is 460 miles wide and it may well pass over Osage County. It is known to take rest breaks at the Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge (65 miles west of Osage County) on its north-south migrations. The Whooping Crane held in reverence approaching that of the Bald Eagle is used by the BIA to support its Greater Prairie Chicken proposal.
Watering Place
The Osage oil and gas leasing rules have long had a provision that drilling should not take place within 200 feet of a "watering place". A watering place has always been understood to be a place provided for cows to drink. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement would "clarify" the definition of a watering place to include "lakes, streams (perennial and intermittent), pools created by ephemeral or intermittent streams and drainage ways, wetlands, marshes, sloughs, springs, man-made ponds, natural ponds, and tributaries to any of these surface waters."
The BIA could consider any puddle where a cow could, on occasion (intermittent and ephemeral), find water deep enough to drink to be a watering place. Synonyms for ephemeral are transitory, transient, fleeting, passing, short-lived, momentary, brief, and short. Synonyms for intermittent are sporadic, irregular, fitful, spasmodic, broken, fragmentary, discontinuous, isolated, random, and patchy.
Can we depend on the BIA to make reasonable use of this definition? The BIA does not have an estimate for the area this limit could exclude from the Osage mineral estate.
Part III
DeleteHills and Ridges
The BIA proposes to "Avoid siting tall structures, such as power lines, tank batteries, and pump jacks, on prairie ridges and hilltops". The BIA sees two advantages to this proposal:
"Reduce or eliminate habitat fragmentation from man-made features (e.g., power lines, pipelines, roads, tank batteries, and pumpjacks) in important grassland prairie habitat for migratory and nonmigratory birds."
"Reduce impacts of oil and gas activities on visual resources"
The practice in the Osage is to drill the well where we think we will find oil then place the pumpjack. Powerlines usually take a direct route to the pumpjack. Tank batteries are located to facilitate loading of crude haulers. Although horizontal wells have been drilled in the Osage they are extremely expensive and are not suitable for most prospects. For the foreseeable future it will be necessary to drill vertical wells directly over the geological target, hill, ridge, or valley, and hope for the best. Powerlines and tank batteries will follow depending on success.
The wells that would never be drilled under this proposal has not been estimated by the BIA.
Rattlesnake-master Borer Moth
U.S. Fish and Wildlife on the Rattlesnake-master Borer Moth: "The rattlesnake-master borer moth occurs in 16 populations in five states, including Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, North Carolina and Oklahoma. The moth is named for its reliance on the rattlesnake-master, a prairie plant which is its only food source. Adult borer moths lay their eggs in the vicinity of the plant in the fall where the eggs overwinter in the prairie duff. In the spring, larvae emerge from the eggs and feed on leaves of the rattlesnake-master until they are ready to burrow into the root of the plant. The moth stays in the burrow until late summer when it pupates and adults emerge again in mid-September. Rattlesnake-master borer moths depend on undisturbed prairie that contains their food source, and loss of prairie habitat to other land uses is likely causing populations to decline."
The Rattlesnake-master borer moth was among 475 species petitioned for protection by a conservation organization in 2007. Fish and Wildlife is inclined to list it but is taking its time, as they should, the American Burying Beetle is an example of listing a species with inadequate knowledge of its whereabouts.
We don't know if the Rattlesnake-master borer month is in Osage County, we do know that the Rattlesnake-master plant is native to tall grass prairies and has long been known to the Osage as a repellant and cure (Laurence M. Klauber, Rattlesnakes: Their Habits, Life Histories and Influence, 1956). The BIA wants to protect the plant in anticipation that the Rattlesnake-master borer month will be listed as endangered.
The magnitude of disturbance to the plant by oil and gas activity has not been estimated by the BIA nor has the amount of the Osage mineral estate that would be compromised in efforts to protect the plant should the moth happen along.
Part IV
DeleteOther extra cost requirements to accommodate surface owner preferences
The Draft EIS contains other requirements described as "Resource Conservation Measures" (RCM) which would become permit conditions for well workover and drilling permits. For example: "Use submersible pumping units for all production wells, where three-phase electricity is available and where such units are cost effective." This and other RCMs display a complete lack of understanding of the Osage oil and gas business. The typical Osage well
produces less than one barrel per day of oil and ten barrels of produced water for a total of 11 barrels of liquids per day. The lower range of submersible pump capacities is 150 barrels per day (PetroWiki, Society of Petroleum Engineers).
The combined effect of this and other RCMs is to discourage maintenance and drilling investment and make new lease sales less attractive, diminishing the Osage mineral estate. Our horseback estimate is 25 to 40 percent of the surface all of which may contain oil and gas will be removed or significantly compromised.
A public meeting will be held on November 30 (starting at 3pm at the Wah Zha Zhi Cultural Center, Pawhuska) and written comments will be accepted until close of business on December 24. The document is 322 pages long, find it on the BIA's webpage and read it if you have time.
Fred Storer, P.E. Hydration Engineering, PLLC HE-DEIS-#4
BIA's Proposal to expand "Watering Places" shrinks the Osage Mineral Estate -- Part I
DeleteThe existing federal regulations covering leasing of the Osage Mineral Estate contain a provision that limits drilling near a "watering place".
"23 CFR §226.33 Line drilling.
Lessee shall not drill within 300 feet of boundary line of leased lands, nor locate any well or tank within 200 feet of any public highway, any established watering place, or any building used as a dwelling, granary,
or barn, except with the written permission of the Superintendent. Failure to obtain advance written permission from the Superintendent shall subject lessee to cancellation of his/her lease and/or plugging of the well."
Although "watering place" is not a defined term it had been accepted that a watering place was a place provided for cows to drink. On occasion a well has need to be drilled within the 200 feet limit and, if the Superintendent agreed, written permission was provided.
The BIA proposes to make "watering" place a defined term. A watering place is defined in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement as:
"lakes, streams (perennial and intermittent), pools created by ephemeral or intermittent streams and drainage ways, wetlands, marshes, sloughs, springs, man-made ponds, natural ponds, and tributaries to any of these surface waters."
The BIA could consider any puddle where a cow could, on occasion (intermittent and ephemeral), find water deep enough to drink to be a watering place. Synonyms for ephemeral are transitory, transient, fleeting, passing, short-lived, momentary, brief, and short. Synonyms for intermittent are sporadic, irregular, fitful, spasmodic, broken, fragmentary, discontinuous, isolated, random, and patchy.
Part II
DeleteThe reduction in the Mineral Estate which would be available for oil and gas production has not been estimated and could change as the BIA decides which ephemeral puddles to include.
Our horseback estimate is at least 25% of the surface of Osage County (existing and future leases) would be removed by the limitations proposed by the BIA in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. The BIA should be required to provide estimates corresponding to each new proposed measure.
A public meeting will be held on November 30 (starting at 3pm at the Wah Zha Zhi Cultural Center, Pawhuska) and written comments will be accepted until close of business on December 24.
Draft EIS (322 pages, use CTRL+F to find specific words) http://www.bia.gov/cs/groups/xregeasternok/documents/text/idc1-032081.pdf
Travis Keener, P.E.
Hydration Engineering, PLLC HE-DEIS-#3
The EIS is worse than the CFRs! It truly will shut down hundreds of thousands of acres for drilling but that is just the tip of the iceberg looming!
DeleteMr. Shane Matson, not every Shareholder is comprised of our predicament concerning the state of affairs we find ourselves in concerning the DRAFT EIS..and how dire shape the M.E is in..the time that you have taken to post on this site is much appreciated. I hold the M.C responsible for not communicating to the Shareholders and as I suspect a handful of shareholder's will be at this meeting on the 30th of Nov no surprise there..We need to go public with this not just in the local News outlets and we need all eyes on this matter..we are and have been under threat..and we are not the only Tribe in this predicament...The diligence will not fall on death ears. We need to go National. Where is the advocacy, such as NARF. We need everyone on board..how can a Sovereign Nation..a Statehood be taken over by Federal over reach? Unbelievable.
DeleteThe Federal Government will lose and will pay...However, so should the M.C. Time to replace the M.C members after everything said and done and maybe before.
DeleteHow did the meeting go on Monday? A update please if you could.
DeleteI heard it was bad with the producers telling the BIA this new set of regs will be the very last nail in the coffin of the OME.
DeleteI was there as a Shareholder and producer and had the mic for awhile. I asked the BIA several questions that they could not answer, as usual. These government employees are clueless. The Obama administration has an agenda and as one speaker suggested these new regulations are the result of the $380,000.00 settlement and pressure from the surface owners.
DeleteIf the Osage Shareholders do not get involved soon, they should expect their Headright checks to be reduced less than half of what they are now. They should insist that the Mineral Council initiate litigation to fight this aggression. Where is the outrage? Soon, there will only be a few large companies like Chaparral left.
Why weren't any Shareholders in attendance last night for such an important matter? No one seems to give a care. Oh well, good bye mineral estate!
I erroneously mentioned $380,000.00 settlement but meant to state $380,000,000.00 settlement
DeleteOut of thousand of Shareholders, only one showed up and spoke last night. That was Susan Forman, a descendent of Franklin N. Revard. She blistered the BIA and received applause from all of the producers. Where the hell were the other thousands of Shareholders? We just roll over and take it. We do not support the producers who are our business partners. The Shareholders ignored the numerous pleas for financial assistance from the producers to legally fight Obama's attack.
DeleteWe're getting ready to experience the consequences of our lack of support and lack of action.
Our Mineral Council Chairman was present last night but was silent. He should have dominated the meeting but instead, no one knew he was even present. Why did he bother to attend?
Where are our Shareholders from Texas, California, Oregon, Missouri, etc.?
Do any Osages give a damn about our plight? Obviously not!
Good bye mineral estate!
Bill Lynn spoke last night also a Osage Shareholder and Producer and did a great job.
DeleteSorry, I would have been there to represent California had I had enough notice...there are 5000 shareholder's and only 1 would show up and my bet was right...I said in a earlier post, watch how many shareholder's will show up? There is no communication. Those meetings in Northern Calif..need to get on the band wagon...culture is fine and dandy but does not pay the bills..I am going to go out on a limb here as to why the BIA could not answer your questions. They already stuck their foot into mouth. Did the Chief show up? And waller is fecless..had I been speaker I would have been the first person to speak in regards to and then I would explain the next steps we are taking, probably not at length as to putting all my cards on the table. ButcI would explain theses steps are necessary a mm d so forth. Silence Mr. Waller is not golden..and your behavior is counter productive..THIS IS NOT WHERE WE SHOULD BE AT, BUT WE ARE..OUR FEDERAL LAND IS NOT FOR THE TAKEN BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Now we are talking on a subject that I really wanted to avoid about the agenda by the Obama Administration. Once I realized the WIND FARMS came into the picture, did I do the diligence. and did I get the big picture wasn't hard to see that what a boondoggle. There is evidence the eco system changes as the turbines spin stirs up allergens and so forth..besides taxing the residents your energy bill will go up double When does that end, never. If you have a pace maker. Not good news..property value drops. Robbing peter to pay paul..so paul doesn't like it and does not want to share, instead working for the benefit of the customer might I say the benefit is higher utility bills. Killing Eagles or for that matter is not good either...s on a scale of 1 to 10..10 being the highest our priority is to notify each and every shareholder. And as I have said before the failure is the BIA and arm chair coaching is passe`. The ME is in deep need of professionals on the ground front snd center 7/24. We should be 25 years ahead and we are not...this is no coincidence as to no communication with the headright owneres .My family is out a 100,000..no thanks to the BIA. So yes I am upset, but now we need to water the M.E sorta speak. We cannot let the past get in the way of enovative thinking..We need fresh faces on the M.C...should I say more..so evident is the inefficiencies at the Administrative level..and we must clean those cob webs.
DeleteI, too have been talking to my relatives to get involved. Most of them want the MC to handle it. We see how that is playing out. Where are these shareholders that have 5, 6, and 7 H.R. tied up? I heard A. Mason has 7 H.R.s. Where the heck is he? If they don't care for their selves they need to care for the rest of us. Please everybody talk to these people and take them to the MC meetings if nothing else. I think the MC needs to hire some pro help!!! I don't know if we can find the right people we need in the MC here in Osage county to even vote for.
DeleteI am thinking about relocating for a couple years..build on some property that I have and running for M.C...75 hr will be fine by me..right M.C..
DeleteOf course they want the MC to handle it but when you call them, they want you to turn around and send a letter or put your request in writing and send it to them. They are supposed to be doing the work and are paid to do it, right? I think they learned this dodge and dribble from the Agency Superintendent. They certainly don't seem to want to do the work themselves. I don't want to be too harsh here and maybe they don't understand the questions being asked and want a clarification in writing but it seems like I get this from certain ones of them every time I call. I'm too busy to do the work for them and I'm not being paid to do it either. They could at least write the questions down when you call them up. I don't know. Seems strange to me.
DeleteSomeone with that type of Caliber such as A.M who has that many head rights should be in the fight for the life for the M.E is absolutely correct..silence on this matter is not golden..We are under attack. Mr. Mason I do not care that you have so many H.R that is your Business. We live in the 21st century. We need every shareholder to comment on the DEIS. Not every shareholder is comprised..where are the letters at by the BIA and by the M.C on this issue..where is the process? Where is the diligence? Where is the diligence by the DOI? We need oi shed light on this matter...this is why the poor attendance at the meeting in Pawhuska on this matter..we need to stay Vigilant and press apon that Even Mike Black said there was not a problem using the 1979 EIS. Overreach by over regulating when the real problem and cover up is how inefficient the BIA is at the Administration level still at square 1 but in a worse predicament before the law suit of the 380,000,000.00 was settled..Not just that..so much more look at the wind farms how they can kill bald eagles a part so much of our culture..yet we have Prarie chickens not a endangered species, the ABB is not in threat or a endangered species. They are located everywhere..we have not polluted our lakes or streams..proven fact, that the waters have high content of animal feces. This screams on all levels of gross incompetence. .no we do not have to wait to file a suit until the final decision by the BIA posts their decision on the final rule of the DEIS. What a enept agency..Mike Black needs to rethink this out...we will sue and we will win in the billions I can assure you this? Maybe this is why the Huge Headright owners know this and will let the BIA hang themselves again..There are real people lives affected by poor decisions without considering the impact..look at what is happening around the Country..Indian Country , we are not alone in this fight..we need to reach out.
DeleteI also failed to say what about the future of the M.E and our Producer's? We may win big but we must ensure the future of the M.E. We do this by being proactive. We need forward thinking with creative ingenuity to sustain a better future for the M.E.
DeleteA report in the Tulsa World and ch 8 web. Don't look good for us. Didn't the Osage buy this land, and the oil rights. It doesn't belong to Texas or Oklahoma, nor BIA. I'm ready to fight this.
ReplyDeleteSorry if this is in the wrong place. I'm 70 and have a time typing
DeleteThank you for the post..this did not look good from the get go...yes we are in a fight..and we cannot let the ball drop..I suspect that by feb.of next year we will be in litigation or there of..Mike Black did say the alternative would be the 1979 EIS. Janine Hale had said all they were doing is trying to come to a consensus. Not at expense of the M.E..
DeleteJeanine Hale is only following orders from Mike Black coming from the Obama administration. Their goal is to punish the Osages for the $380,000,000.00 settlement by shutting down all oil and gas operations on the Mineral Estate.
DeleteThe Mineral Council has already said that they can't file a lawsuit until the EIS is in effect which I don't think is accurate. The damage is already being experienced with just the treat of this action. The Osage producers are loosing their funding for their exploration and development projects with just the treat of this Draft EIS. Who in their right mind would invest in a well governed by these insane conditions? No one I know. I would be sued for fraud if I raised funds to drill a well in Osage County that could not be produced pursuant to these restrictions. You can't obtain a drilling permit anyway. If the Osage Mineral Council doesn't take immediate action, I think the ME is doomed, to be certain.
A few thousand Osage Shareholders should show up at Chairman Waller's office and demand action. The Osage producers are dropping like flies. They are loosing their investors and their banks are breathing down their necks. This is very real and very serious.
Threat not treat, sorry
DeleteTo 6:05 The OMC is correct. No one can file a suit against the EIS until it is put into effect. Suit cannot be filed against a proposed rule. It is the CFR thing all over again. Remember the OPA and OMC both filed suit the same day the DOI/BIA made the CFRs effective. The reason they did that is because neither could do it before then.
DeleteOf course none of this means we shouldn't be fighting tooth and nail now against the EIS. The more negative comments about the EIS the better. Everyone should be writing and objecting to it.
Oh. One thing I heard recently, form letters that basically say the same thing are tossed out by the BIA so each objection in writing will have to be an original.
DeleteThis is the link for the correct Comment Card you will have to use to raise objections and time is running out:
Your comments should be snail mailed by December 12, 2015 because December 24, 2015 is the deadline!
Ray McClain has a letter on his web site, osages-need-to-know.com.
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting us know.
DeleteRay has finally created a letter that I agree with. Previous attempts to justify the now defunct CFR's were misguided and having Galen Crum try to justify his positions on those proposed regs was laughable. But this draft EIS is no joke and Ray has explained the pertinent points very well. Thank you Ray for doing this. People better wake up because the BIA , defeated in front of Frizzell, is now coming in the back door via the EIS. This EIS will kill the Mineral Estate or what's left of it.
DeleteI concur..I suspect a 100 years and so does the BIA..on that note.On another note in regards to the DEIS there will be another suit..until the Administration eliminates the inefficiencies we will be on this by having no dialogue with the Shareholder's is under sailing the real threat that is going on..Is our M.C that fecless?
DeleteAny Shareholders been informed by their elected Mineral Council Members as to what action they are taking to block the new EIS? I hear nothing but cricket, cricket, cricket out of them. Why do the Shareholders pay these people if they are not affective?
ReplyDeleteI think there is a lot behind the scenes that we don't know. The Chief and everyone else including you bash the MC every chance you all get. When they joined the lawsuit against the BIA and those insane CFRs, all we heard for weeks was the only reason the injunction was granted was because the producers carried the day and the MC contribution was worthless. What do you expect? You want to run them down to get a big job with a fat paycheck if the Shareholders are ever fool enough to let the Nation take over, at least be honest about your underlying intentions because we can see right through your real agenda. One member of Congress is already hawking the sale of shareholder land to the Nation because the headright checks are so low. This is such a despicably vulturine Osage government for reasons too many to mention here and you and yours want to crawl in bed with them? Checks have been much lower than this in the past and have only been really high for a relatively short number of years when you take the last hundred or so into consideration. No one ran to sell their land then. Why should they now just because that Cobell settlement accommodates the need of the Federal government to off load an Indian asset control and accounting program they set up long ago that has come back to bite them in recent years?
DeleteI don't know what you are smoking in your peace pipe but you are greatly mistaken about me. I am not looking for a job with the Nation or OMC so keep smoking my friend. I just want to be able to work on our wells and see the people of Osage county get back to work.
DeleteYou are correct that the OMC joining the Producers case helped but its a fact they would not have won the day without the Producers lawyer's because the OMC lawyers sucked. Just telling it like it is. Sure they are talking behind the scenes with their lawyer Tom Fredericks who's telling them nothing can be done until such time that the EIS are approved by the Feds which is true to a point. We were able to file on the CFRs prior to them going into effect.
But hey if you are pleased with your elected officials be sure to vote for them again because I promise you they are not ready to stop sucking on the Osage Shareholders tits.
Mr. Revard (you) the OPA filed suit, as did the OMC, once the CFRs were finalized. You and the OMC filed suit within hours of each other on July 1. The new CFRs were set to take effect July 10.
DeleteFirst to get it out of the way, given the courts issued opinion, I do disagree with you about the capabilities of the OMC's legal team. While your (OPA) legal team should be praised for it's simple statement of fact and ability in foment the court room, the courts opinion did rely heavily on the arguments put forth by the OMC legal team.
That aside, when the discussion at hand is why isn't the OMC filing something now (during the comment phase of EIS) your assertion that you filed suit before the CFRs went into effect is mere semantics and gives you the appearance of having an axe to grind rather than working to achieve the defeat of the EIS.
Your posts have taken the tone of "an agenda" against the OMC, because of personal animosities, or they haven't donated money to your organization, or haven't thanked you enough, or haven't brought you into their legal confidence (which would be entirely improper). I don't know of which, or all, or what, but that is the way it sounds and that does nothing to move people to needed action.
Rather than chastising the OMC or Osages as a whole a better course of action for your OPA would be to set out talking points so that Osages can write informed comments regarding the EIS. I do chastise the OMC for not having done this but it is something you can do, and it is something that will help. Save the politics for the next election. We have enough with the Nation trying to overrun us at every turn.
I look forward to your OPA talking points so that we may make informed comment regarding the EIS.
The MC as a body has been set up by the 1906 Act and affirmed as an agency by the Osage Nation Constitution. You have a problem with that, you'll have to start there. Just telling it like it is; you and those like you raised unholy hell until the MC joined you in the lawsuit against the BIA and the new CFRs. When they did, you couldn't be pleased then either. Maybe you can't be pleased or satisfied and maybe we should just consider the source and move on. You've made your point ad naseum. Beating up on the MC isn't getting you where you want to go so the conclusion is, simply put, bashing them is not helpful. I'm not saying that you're comments aren't valuable because they are and I for one appreciate the fact that you post here. You're smart, and as the Japanese say, "Don't fix the blame, fix the problem." What are your suggestions to improve communication with the MC that will be helpful?
DeleteLordy really @11:17? I have served on elementary school boards that communicate with their constituencies better than this MC. Have you every heard of a quarterly news letter or what how about a website that is up dated with important informations for the Shareholders. Hell you can't even get ALL of the MC members to attend an important meeting like we had a week go and to expect them to speak publicly on any given issues is a pipe dream. So yes I have distain for the majority of this MC because they have sat back for 2 years now and allowed not only the BIA to run over them but also their own members to stab them in the back. Real professional group of Council members we have. There is that helpful? Truth hurts I realize. PS: There is more that one Revard posting on her and I believe you have gotten some of the post confused but we are of like mind anyway.
DeleteI support what Mr. Revard. I have been asking the same questions and yet to no avail. What is one to assume, that we have a feckless M.C. and soory to be so blunt if I will, Mr. Waller you are looking incompetent sir..The Shareholder's should be kept in the loop sorta speak. This is telling and could not be so ever clear the on the intent of the M.C to look as if there is a hidden agenda..reckless and clueless and feckless with gross incompetence is happening here and ultimately the Shareholder's will have the word long live the 1906 act.
DeleteBefore you shoot off your silly whatsit again about the web site, go here and then bookmark it to favorites:
James, in your opinion, what are the three most damaging provisions in the draft EIS to the oil and gas producers and why?
DeleteMr. Revard, as has been stated before the OMC has voted on numerous occasions not to accept the CFRs they filed successful suit against them and have taken the same course of action on the EIS. While I agree some greater communication would be welcomed. Keep in mind the DOI/BIA is roundly ignoring any input or objection the OMC has offered anyway.
DeleteMr. Revard do you realize you are doing the exact same thing as what you are accusing the OMC of? You are slinging mud and calling names but haven't articulated any points to be proactive. You're in the industry give us some information. Complaining isn't getting us anywhere, rather its making me at least question your (OPA) motives.
What objection points does the OPA think are viable to raise? Slamming the OMC is not offering any guidance to those wishing to comment and object to the EIS.
From what I can discern some points of objection are;
1. In no legal forum has the current '79 EIS been deemed invalid or out of date.
1A. If the '79 EIS is not been ruled out of date there should be no impetus for a new EIS.
2. The land owners complaint relates to new technologies ie, fracking and horizontal drilling.
2A. The '15 EIS goes far beyond review of those complaints and reviews all aspects of exploration that should already be reviewed in the '79 EIS.
2B. Fracking has been done in the Osage for many years now (according to what I've heard) prior to the '79 EIS and should therefor have no need for review.
Comment, let us know. Are these valid points? You all are the oil and gas people, inform us.
Great comment. Now we're getting somewhere!
DeleteNo reply from James yet? That figures. He probably hasn't even read the draft. Complain complain but nothing of substance.
DeleteNice of you to think that. I do have a job and a life beyond this blog. If you would like to provide me with your e mail I will be happy to send you all the proposed rules that will do great harm to the Osage Shareholders and Producers along with the reaponse to each. There is way to many to copy and paste here.
Deleteand your e-mail address is?
DeleteI don't need the chief to grip about the MC. There is 2 or three that think the ruling on the producers are ok, then there's person that wants to invite the chief and everything in the world will be okay, then there's those that are like knots on a log that do and say nothing. They need guidance for God sake!!!! Other tribes have same trouble with their energy with the BIA. Congress passed bill HR538 and sent it to Senate Indian Affairs Committee that will come up in Feb. 2016, bill S.209. Let's get involved....a lot happen here that we aren't paying attention to....
ReplyDeleteSorry it came up in the wrong place. I had to rewrite it and forgot to hit reply for above comment. Please I beg forgiveness. :D
DeleteReally? So how is S.209 going to help the Shareholders?
Delete"Allows leases and business agreements that pool, unitize, or communitize a tribe's energy resources with other energy resources." (NOT!)
"Requires that any advance payments, bid deposits, or other earnest money received by Interior, subject to a certain restriction, in connection with the review and approval of a sale, lease, permit, or any other conveyance of any interest in any trust or restricted land of any Indian tribe or individual Indian, upon request by the tribe or individual Indian, to be held in the trust fund system, upon receipt and before contract or instrument approval, for the benefit of the Indian tribe and individual Indian from whose land the funds were generated." (ABSOLUTELY NOT!)
Read this synopsis and more provisions of this bill:
You are correct. This is not for leases in Osage County. Other restricted/trust Indian owned minerals are typically checker boarded with fee, state, or federal minerals. The Indian minerals are in danger of being drained. Regulations require the operator who has off lease Wells that are draining, to acquire a communitization agreement (pooling agreement) and pay the Indian mineral owners in proportion to the mineral acreage they own. OST and ONNR oversee the payment, and then distribute the proceeds to the mineral owners. Since all of minerals in Osage County are restricted these type of agreements aren't used. That doesn't mean the agency doesn't need a geologist or someone well versed in contract law. Honestly the mineral estate operates without a geologist?
DeleteI POSTED THIS ONCE BEFORE. Sadly your MC Isnt posting their comments or proposed action yet you attact me becuase I havent responded to your liking?
ReplyDeleteWhat should the BIA do?
1) Read the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and the Council on
Environmental Quality’s regulations, 40 CFR § 1500 - 1508
NEPA does not authorize an agency to create regulations
40 CFR § 1500.2(a) requires agency’s to “interpret and administer the policies,
regulations, and public laws of the United States” it does not provide for the
creation of regulations
Rules and regulations may be “prescribed by the Secretary of Interior” (1906 Act)
Such “prescriptions” are now subject to NEPA review, economic analysis, and other
federal requirements
2) Reinstate the operating procedures and policies that existed prior to July 10, 2014
The 1979 Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact remain
There was/is no environmental justification for disrupting oil and gas activities
Leave the pre July 10, 2014 policies in place while addressing NEPA options
Stop the destruction of enterprises established under contract with the Minerals
Estate which feed families and pay taxes
3) Seek third party and Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) evaluation of the Draft
Environmental Impact Statement and public comments
4) Revisit the Draft EIS
Incorporate third party and CEQ reviews
Assure participation of all stake holders
Provide a clear statement of the environmental quality of Osage County
Describe past and forecast future environmental changes resulting from oil and
gas operations
State alternative environmental goals and cost/benefit of achieving each goal
Define changes in laws and regulations necessary to enable alternatives
Issue the revised Draft EIS for public comment
5) Begin anew the rule making process that is currently stayed by Federal Court
Propose any changes in regulations consistent with the alternatives identified in
the EIS
6) Establish an efficient, transparent, and effective operating process consistent with
existing laws and regulations
How the BIA will use the Environmental Impact Statement to diminish
Deletethe Osage Mineral Estate
The Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Osage Oil and Gas Leasing contains provisions
that will make major portions of existing leases unavailable for oil and gas operations and make
unleased oil and gas surface unattractive for oil and gas development.
The extent of the reduction in the Osage mineral estate has been estimated only for the
proposal to protect the Greater Prairie Chicken, 325,300 acres.
The BIA has not provided estimates for the reduction resulting from other proposals presented
in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
Proposals which will diminish the mineral estate:
Protection of the Greater Prairie Chicken
Protection of Sprague's Pipit and Whooping Crane
Expanding the definition of "watering place"
Limiting the placement of oil and gas facilities on hills and ridges
Protection of the Rattlesnake-master Borer Moth
Measures that add costs without environmental benefits other than surface owner
Thank you Mr. Revard. In an effort to weed this down to something most people could and would feel comfortable commenting about, would you contend the most salient points are that; 1.) The '79 EIS is valid, finding no significant impact and should therefor be reinstated. 2.) NEPA does not authorize an agency to create regulation. 3.) Regulations created do not consider economic impact. & 4.) The Osage mineral estate is owned by the Osage and only held in trust and administered by an agency of the federal government, and therefor should not be subject to the heightened requirements federal lands require.
DeletePeople can't and want comment on that they don't feel they have comfortable grasp. The need is for simple refined points that can be easily drafted and conveyed. While the problems with EIS are numerous, it is my opinion, more people will comment if the most rudimentary points are emphasized.
So, you want to be a oilman person ? Not just a investor or a Wall Street stock type, but a oldtimer . Go back in time to the Uncle Sam Oil Company , they had 500,000 acres of Osage Land under lease, and millions of investors through out the Country. Who broke them up, Big Oil and paid off politicians.
DeleteI vision more then the limited 2248 Shareholders, but on the production side 100,000 of investor shareholders. A magnificent hotel and casino where the old Duncan Hotel was before burning down. A Giant Steak House to equal that Pawnee one where that old Manhattan Restaurant once thrive.
How, do you pay for all of this? Well, the 2248 Shareholders have their Pie sliced up in pieces, no more left on that 1906 ruling. So, it will have to come on the production side. You now the more people involved the more Washington will pay attention, otherwise they count noses{voters}..
I've see it all, from salt water getting into my family friends spring water well, here on the
Ponca City entrance road.
Expand, I can't go back when grandpa had a deal, for a million acres on the West Slope of Aspen, Co.to buy outright for a million dollars and you had the bucks but that didn't happen. That land worth 100,000 a acre today. You have a Billion dollars worth of oi and gas down there , so this was my proposal, for due consideration. H
H, it's 2229 and things weren't so quiet 100 years ago either. Is it History or Histrionics? The Osage Tribal government versus the oil producers has a long history and there have been attempts to circumvent the BIA before with the help of none other than the Uncle Sam Oil Company. Like my wise mother has often said, "If it weren't for the BIA holding the reigns with the mineral estate in Federal Trust, those Osages wouldn't have had two dimes to rub together after the Great Depression."
James has the floor on comments to the BIA just at the moment. By now you should know what is appropriate to do.
DeleteE-x-c-u-s-e me!! A moment is to short of time, 8:34 jumped ahead, I didn't refresh the post, my dog ate my first draft, , I may like to get one of ya'll rules booklet on how to get on or off this @$%OO..
DeleteThis thread is now closed. Go to: http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2015/12/osage-shareholder-matters-december-2015.html