Thursday, November 19, 2015

Conversation--November-December 2015-January 2016

Osage Blog Conversation continues at


  1. The Com & Econ Committee is meeting at this time and is in Executive Session.
    Partial Agenda at for today's meeting includes:

    Executive Session – Annual Plan of Operation and Discussion with financial advisors regarding expansion plans
    Update on Competitive Bidding changes
    Amendments to Gaming Act

    1. Ok, WTF. Mark SImms how in the heck diid he qualify to be on the Board? Chief you need to explain this. This happened on your watch..We need A thorough investigation on MANHATTAN BUILDERS TODAY? Cut backs are in order..stop the proliferation and corruption. This is the Osages Money Mr. Simms. But somehow he knows this. Today is not the day to be smiling M.r Simms..I knew he would be trouble. This is where your PER-CAP IS GOING. Chief you have lost How much money on your WATCH? TIME TO RECALL OUR CHIEF FOR NOT HOLDING THE OATH OF OFFICE HE WAS SWORN TO. To protect the Osage. He has the fiduciary responsibility, not just that, accountability and transparent he is not..

    2. Earlier comments posted under this same thread are located at

    3. When they are back from Executive Session, listen live at or on demand when finally posted at
      Part I of this Committee meeting is now posted for on demand listening.

    4. Funny how certain members of the Osage Congress see fit to charge the Minerals Council for the use of the facilities but have a problem with charging the gaming operation rent to use those Osage Nation facilities isn't it?

    5. Tku Osage blogger for posting my post with the wtf. My patience has waned with this administration.

    6. The Hypocrisy is threw the roof.

    7. I can understand your frustration but from now on, please refrain from such acronyms.

    8. The second half of the meeting is now posted for on demand listening.

    9. Yes. We don't want the gaming end to be able to get a loan from a bank without the knowlege and approval of the Osage Nation Congress, Mr. Simms!

  2. I am ashamed of our Chief..ultimately this spending of our revenue is out of control. Worse than JRE. He's lost accountability and transparent what needs to happem..I am asking for his resignation...He is nothing but a politician. He is someone that I do not recognize as a Chief that is representative of the Osage and his lack of concern for fiscal responsibility is disconcerting His failed policies or to be exact lack of enforcement of them, leads me to believe he has not done the diligence as his constituents. This is by no means pocket change that has gone missing one way or another vise/versa..Time for a recall..people are thinking it and its no longer a rumor..People are asking why is so hard we have so many Casino's yet our districts look like we live in some kind of culture shock still..? The Osages are now saying they want what belongs to them their Per-Cap? And rrghtly so.

  3. Sovereign is authorized and given by the will of the Osage People and can be taken away as easily as it is given. The people are the Sovereign not the Nation.. the wheel of our Culture should prevail and always the Osage people take precedent..

    1. That's exactly what the Osage Constitution says in a nutshell. It would be nice if those who represent us as a constituency and as a Tribal people would pay attention and more importantly pay deference to it when they go about their day to day running of the Osage Nation. They pray for guidance but rarely ever seem to follow even the basics of wise spending and good government. They are the epitome of fecklessness because they raise objections to a particular spending issue as bad and then turn right around and vote for it. They seems to think it's OK to pay lip service to what they think we want and then go right ahead and do what they want. In fact, it leaves me thinking that in the main, they are so often schitzophrenically conflicted and disconnected from what they say as opposed to what they do that they shouldn't even be working as members of the Congress and should find other work.

  4. Is "roaching" a Christmas Tree a culturally appropriate thing to do?

  5. Part 1. New topic and not so new..where has all the money gone in gamimg? Since the inception in the 1980's ? We didn't have a Government to blame where all this money went? Not hard to really figure where a lot of it payinng off Loans but think about how did they get the loans in the first place? Kepp that in mind if you would please..40 million is alot for our Casinos to be making..right? Why is it ok for our GOVERNMENT the Osage Nation eating up the profits? Is that ok with you? It does not bode well with me...and this is just for the year of 2014..then you look at all the money that is being wasted by our Government officials, including the 200,000 dollar makeover of the Chiefs office? I put a quetion mark there because you know rumors, but some how every issue that has been exposed for what it is turns out to be the truth right? So I say as a Nation of people we come together and force our Government the Osage Nation to realize this is not there money. In 2006 we had all but 20 programs and in this time and age where we need fiscal responsibility and reasonable sound solutions to this problem of over glut in our Nation...this all rings a sound of truth. Right?

    1. Part 2. I broke this up in rwo parts so it is easier to read...., $50,200,00.00 that we know about is gone. By, by..with no end of recouping the loss with fines up to a 1000 dollar no removal from the Tribe Reservation and no accountability or concern for the Constitution and the lack of transparency is no accident. The Board of the Osage LLC got a hand spanking more or less. A get out of jail card by the Chief...oh yes I am fit to be tide..the Economy is failing and as I have predicted inflation is here. Palin and simple..Time for our Government to make some decisions on our operations. .that being said , my point is..this will continue. And this Government belongs to the Osage People..not the other away around...long overdue is your Per-cap. 20% is not much by far comparison to other The Cherokee Nation and all the 39 tribes in Oklahoma has contributed to the State of Oklahoma in the billions..long over due I say..I will be fighting for your right..we need a Lawyer who will go over the Roll of the Nation to verify they are Osage..and the procees will not take but a month or two zt thr most..Still interested? This is 400 a month according to who is enrolled of course. Minors will get theirs when they are of age...400 a month is better than nothing and with the prices of groceries and the wonderful car deals out there you could get a car that is a green car sorta speak. In other words its a nice car payment..we can cap at what ever the casino's make more or less it will go up and down based on that margin.

    2. Part 3..I think it is befitting. Especially when once again another Thanksgiving is almost over and you the Nation all they think is Roaching a tree is going to benefit the Osage Constituents. .So sacreligious. And no Turkey vouchers. So I say for the New Year we all make this a reality and get on the band waggon...lets hold our Government accountable for every dime they lose. Until we get that PER-CAP on our books. I caanot make this a reality with out you help and I will be going public on every media site I know until this day becomes a reality for my people the Osage who I love and respect out of and more than our Culture. We need to get back to ground 1.

    3. According to one member of Congress, they have about $25,000 left of the money that they have appropriated so far...until the Spring Session in 2016 when millions more will materialize from out of thin air.
      The Winnebago give out a "Stimulus Payment" and more information about that is over here --->>>
      The Eastern Cherokee give a per cap too --->>>

    4. Yes they do and I am for it as well.

    5. LOL! I told everyone back in 2007-2012 all this was going to happen. The Osage Nation government is going to fail. In the meantime the political class of the Osages are going to spend and steal as much as they can. If you are employed by the Osage Nation government or the Osage casinos your days are numbered. Good riddance fools. This government is a fraud from the beginning and will die a painful death.

    6. You were not the "only" one who predicted the future of our Tribe..and I do not find it funny in any way. Once the colonization of the tribes were assimilated is when our lives changed forever and now its Osages sticking it to their people forcing apon them that what they are doing is exactly what is right for the Osage People to the tune of millions lost..almost $100 millon since 2006..and thats what we know about of course. .the only way to right the wrong is to bring this form of Government to an end..I do agree with that our Tribe is rife with fraud..all in the Name of, Sovereignty, is not going to work anymore.

  6. Way back in the day when men and women dressed appropriately to come to work, watched their weight, didn't wear sandals, t-shirts and jeans. In other words, they looked respectable and deserving of our respect. I love this one and the lesson it has to teach in the modern day --->>>

    1. Love the Pic! And double thumbs up.

    2. For those holiday scarves...

  7. Thanksgiving is right around the Corner and we truly must not forget those near and dear and look up into the sky tonite and lets unite to say thank you and remember those long gone but not forget, though its been hard on many and truly sorry the Nation could not get that turkey voucher to each and every one of you. I prey that my plea for each and every one of you, does not fall on death ears..I pery for you..and our future. And our future is for us to see.. I lost a brother and sister in the last year they will be with me and on my thoughts, all in the midst of this another Osage was born..I am thankful now a first time Grandparent, our first Greatgrandchild..Our futures is bright and I will continue to believe in Hope..Take care , Have a wonderful Thanksgiving from my family here to my family there my sister, brother Osages. Thank you Osageblogger for all your hard work to making this site a reality for all of us.

    1. Thank you! When I read heartfelt comments like yours, it truly makes it worth the effort. You reflect my sentiments exactly. What I try to keep in mind is that, in the main, we're still in the game and one of the things I try to remember about life is that the best it gets is when the struggle is challenging enough and equal to our abilities to keep up with it. When there is a balance, the struggle pulls out our true strength, plumbs our depth of courage and becomes heroic. (Things have been far too heroic around here if you were to ask me! LOL!) Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and yours!

  8. I sure didn't know about this pill. Do you?

    1. Maybe it is because abstinence is best and having one partner is best, but hey I heard the 60's was happening. If this is saving lives from the spread why is it not so advertised?

  9. Stress?

  10. 1. LEARN TO PRIORITIZE. Yeah, The MC needs to prioritize whom they serve. Their allegiance is supposed to be to the Shareholders instead of allowing Kathryn Red Corn,
    Galen Crum, and Andrew Yates to hand over the ME to the Osage government on a silver platter.

    2. INSIST ON A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP. Riiight. Many Shareholders and producers are losing sleep thanks to the MC’s incompetence, the Osage government’s larceny, and the Feds’ totalitarian agenda.

    3. EAT A BALANCED DIET. Tell that to the Osage government with all their pork projects and their obsession to take over the ME and control all things Osage.

    4. LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS. Actually, no. I expect people to follow the laws that are designed to run a government. I do not expect for laws to change simply to enrich to political class.

    5. RAISE YOUR IMMUNITY. Awareness and action is the best defense to tyranny.

  11. Good for Congress. It is long over due the reigns of Executive be brought in alignment by requiring the Excutive to not go over budget. Chief we want fiscal responsibility. 30 millon in cost overruns on the buildout by Manhatten Builders should be investigated of the casinos ,is pure fraud. Post those invoices publicly and I can tell you where your mistake was Sir! I dare you. I'm in Contruction with emphasis in are responsible for this and you should be Fired! Far worse than JRE ever was..Raymond Redcorn I want to know how any of this is good for the Osage People..Get that Per-Cap what will benefit the Osage constituency. Stop the proliferation of our revenue.

    1. In case you didn't notice, the Chief is taking the Congress to court, not the other way around. This use or misuse of the Osage Nation Court system is only a further indication and proof of how totally out of control this new government has become since it roiled out of control from the day Jim Gray took office back in 2006.

    2. Thank you..I understood clearly it was the other way around. What I meant is Congress is trying make our Chief reliable. And this is out of control.

    3. Not a big fan of Standingbear but the casino overruns didn't happen on his watch. That all happened before he was Chief. He has at least given lip service to doing something about it.

  12. I am two mins from where this terrible act of terrorism occurred. I am in shock...the Neighborhood this took place in, I lived 20 years ago before I bought this home I now live in. Redlands is only two mins away from where this terrorist act occurred. .I do not want to leave my house..I am locked stocked and fully barreled right now..these active shooters went out in a blaze of glory..they wanted to be as it is Terrorism. .our borders are not safe..I ask the Nation to be on alert..they will hide in front of us..any suspicious behavior don't hesitate to call the Authorities. .Gun control policies will not work when they the Terrorists, have long barreled assault rifles. The black market will always exist. .be safe..we have to have our backs covered. Reality is , not all the state agencies in the world can protect you.

  13. Where is the legislation associated with Resolution 16-05 to amend the Osage Nation Membership Act for the upcoming Osage Congressional Session #9 on December 9, 2015? The resolution is located at

    1. When the amended legislative proclamation with all 12 items has finally been uploaded to the Nation's web site, you can see it at

    2. Looks like Edwards is at it again with the Membership Bill amendments on ONCA 16-16:
      What the hell does this mean?
      "Authorize the Osage Nation Courts to hear appeals from enrollment denial and cases for removal from the rolls in cases of irregular enrollment or fraud."
      Is this going to go back a hundred years and try to deny those who had proved up and were put on the 1906 Act final roll by a Federal Court process all that time ago because this section of this bill is in violation of the Osage Constitution prohibition against any Osage Nation law that would attempt to supersede or interfere with Federal law and the rulings of Federal Courts.

    3. Enrollment has never been addressed by Federal law or any ruling of the Federal Courts, but only by regulations and procedures of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The BIA enrollments included many people who had 1/32 or less Native American blood, yet they've been treated as Native Americans under the law ever since. Some early enrollees were upgraded from 1/32 to full blood in order to give the local BIA office a bigger population to manage and to justify its existence.

    4. Here we go and the Chief apparently wants to call the shots on Osage Nation membership provisions slipping through a side door with this membership policy and procedures manual thing. What the hell is going on here? DNA testing and who knows what all is next. I told all of you this guy was a non-starter and as usual, you know best and now look who's getting hurt. Chief was even in Congress and still hasn't read the Constitution or so it seems. First and second sentence of Section 4 Article 3 gives regulatory power to the Osage Nation Congress to control and govern membership in black and white.

  14. With this as the leadership example, it's no wonder the government Osages try to get away with anything they can on spending.

  15. NORAD is soon to begin tracking Santa when he departs from the North Pole.

    1. Will NORAD also track the millions requested by the Tallgrass board? That funding decision is slated for next week.

    2. That is too funny. I wish...

    3. It will probably be enough of our money to cover a single small priced Christmas present for every child in Osage County...

    4. Literally don't you mean and for a much larger Christmas present too at about $450 for each and every person under 18 years of age living in Osage County if the Osage Nation gives Tallcrass $5 million or more. Check it out if you think I'm over the top.

    5. Lets get Norad to track how Tallgrass utilizes the Revenue?

    6. TallCrass? You got that right.

  16. Ok same sex marriage law coming to Osage...ah Oklahoma allows it isn't that enough seems redundant to have this on our books..? To each his own but is this apart of our culture? How much more do we need to assimilate to the white mans ways?

    1. Yes same sex partnership is a part of our culture. If I remember correctly, Tixier referenced it his journal of the Osages in the early 1800s. I think homosexual partnerships where also reference in either The Osage, Ethnohistorical Study or The Imperial Osages. I don't remember but somewhere the ceremony for this partnership is discussed, but not in great detail. La Flesche references it as well when doing his work. I believe the English translation to refer to homosexual people is "closer than brothers (or sisters)". I don't remember the actual Osage word. So beyond acceptance, inclusion and normalcy of homosexual relationships have an apparent long standing tradition. Beyond that, anecdotally, we have always seemed more accepting in this regard then the surrounding community.

    2. I said, "I believe the English translation to refer to homosexual people is 'closer than brothers (or sisters)'." What I meant to say was "I believe the English translation to refer to homosexual RELATIONSHIPS is 'closer than brothers (or sisters)'."

      Beyond that, according to grandma their were some "men who where that way" (her words) but "it didn't matter, especially to the old people." She was referring to the teens and twenties.

    3. Interesting reading and comments --->>>

  17. DOCTOR hunter has the money to pay for that damn mound herself in salary and benefits. it was used as a smoke signal mound across the mississippi river from cahokia and eventually became a refuse mound. there's a reason she's been fired twice. she's like a dog with bone when it come to trying to move and shake in St. Louis. When will the egomania with these Osages ever end? We're sick of having to pay for it and for major bucks.

      Don't you hate it when the Osage News puts up an acronym without the proper introductory reference to what it means first followed by the acronym in parenthesis? So sloppy.
      Did that doofy editor get her raise because she sat in a committee meeting and saw that others were asking for one? Certainly more deserved if this is height of her editorial attainment.

  18. Did I hear this right that that whiney lawyer who finally got put on hire with the Nation to handle the OLLC disaster has a sister from Kansas who is now on the dole too? How sickening is that? Is the lawyer charging sensibly and reasonably for her services or are her charges through the roof too?

    1. I read the same thing that some of Amanda Proctors relation is now employed by the Nation. If I remember correctly, and I may not, the cost of Shield Law services (Ms Proctors firm) to investigate the LLCs were estimated to be in the neighborhood of $600,000.00.

    2. omg! Please tell me this isn't really true. No wonder she's head to foot in beaded outfits that look more like they come straight out of Paramount Pictures Costume Department.

    3. Awww cut the crap! Moan-moan-moan all the time with you people. That little gal waited nearly ten years to get on the Osage Nation teat. Now she's pulling on it hard to make up for lost time and charges and why not? She's as good as any of the rest of them don't ya know?

    4. Right. For a return of what? $75,000 if that? Only the Osage Nation would hire someone like that. But then again, back home, aren't they all like that, including you? See nothing wrong with it at all, do you?

    5. Beyond filing so the statute of limitation didn't run out does anyone know of anything substantive that her investigation has produced? Is anything happening? We're not only talking about her fee but millions upon million that disappeared. This issue has seemed to run its course with no finality in its outcome. At least none that I've heard about.

      I have heard (don't know the validity of it) the FEDs offered to prosecute this "theft" but the current StandingBear administration waived them off saying they would do it in-house. Well, still waiting...

    6. Of course, they waived them off! Hah! The whole lot of them--the OLLC Board appointed when the money was being appropriated-the vast majority of all of the members of the Osage Congress-and the first two Osage Chiefs--should all be in jail on a charge of gross fiscal malfeasance for this atrocious loss of public funds in violation of the NIG Act in relation to what gaming funds are supposed to be spent for and who those funds are to be spent on --> the Osage People.

    7. So repeating the same mistake with Tallgrass, which is basically the identical kind and type of business entity as the Osage, LLC by another name, should subject every single member of the sitting Congress who vote for the funding and the Chief if he approves the appropriation to charges for gross fiscal negligence for repeating the same questionable appropriation activities should losses of the initial contribution result going forward? Yes?

    8. The swearing in proceedings for incoming Gaming Enterprise Board members Susan Proctor Kneeland and Mark Revard on Dec. 11 in Pawhuska at the tribal courthouse.
      WTH does the sister of Amanda Proctor know about Indian gaming to be appointed to this Board? Does anyone know?

  19. New Congressional Special Session begins on the 9th of December. See more information at

    1. Read the book -- Perfect. It cuts the explanation down to size of what really happened with those credit default swaps and the definition of the actual and synthetic mortgage derivatives in a brilliant way -- by the guy that wrote "Moneyball" and I CAN'T WAIT for this one to hit film theaters:
      Where greed inevitably and ALWAYS leads...

      The Big Short in limited release this Friday

    2. So, tell me the difference between stupidity and illegal? Didn't we just buy a very old "Bank" building? Is the Nation going to defraud the Osage People by going into the Banking Business? When you work closely in the Industry it was not hard to see what was happening before the Housing Crisis hit..I say this because as always the automobile industry and oil market are a direct reflection of how the infrastructure is affected by the Interst rates..and the asset to debt ratio may be more regulated in the Banking Industry, does not mean that the creative financing and thats putting it nicely,is not still happening. This idustry has always had the curb for actually betting against itself..curb and gutter go well with eachother don't you think..This should be a educational film..Would like the Banking Industry or for that matter Janet Yellen response and try to justify the truth with more lies..from this Movie? I will be watching this movie for sure. Thank you Osageblogger.

  20. Time to check out the competition from out Kaw brothers and sisters!

    1. our Kaw brothers and sisters. Sorry about that.

  21. Part of what our $10 million for the Osage Language Department is buying for the Osage People. Don't overlook it. Start online classes anywhere in the United States and the world TODAY!

  22. So now we have members in OUR tribe, the Osage Tribe falsely enrolled for years? And whose fault is this?Doesn't anyone do the diligence on the hill..? The only person who seems to be on the ball is Amanda Proctor and everyone else is looking incompetent. However lets keep the power of authority in the hands of our Congress...Seeing a patern with the Executive. Not good period. This is what happens when legislation is introduced does not mean the diligence should take precedent, in all matters of legislation. Corruption does not escape it always reveals itself, just at what cost? Are any of the non-Indian Osage members have headrights? Of course this all pending.

  23. 4TH OSAGE NATION CONGRESS 9TH SPECIAL SESSION DECEMBER 9, 2015 10:00 A.M. Due to start the live stream momentarily.

    1. On live now with video

    2. Interesting meeting today and important funding and legislative issues with the Villages that need to be sorted out. According to comments from Congressman Supernaw, the membership issues have to do with recent membership fraud in the last administration. Chief's comments are of particular note today.mYou can watch again today at the above URL listed.

    3. Tulsa casino structure is becoming old and dilapidated? Wasn't it just opened in 2005? Wait just a minute.

    4. It does not matter if these illegal memberships happened in the prior Administration. How many more do we not know about..since 1906 who were illegally put on the Roll? And there after? And as I have said before where is all the money going to? Not beautifying the upkeep of the communities is a understatement. I can tell you where it went, fruad. The Osage llc..ah a air park, a park, A pagoda looking structure of huge ugliness, 30 million in cost overruns, and we got a casino that is dilapidated? A million dollar arbor..and we have communities that look like, well culture shock comes to mind..something is very wrong with our Government's priorities wouldn't you say?

    5. $180 million less than the plan originally submitted for the new Tulsa casino? So that mean the cost for the new facility will be $270 million roughly? NOT!!! You don't use or indenture gaming funds or use as collateral money in the permanent fund that should not be escrowed and should be spent for the betterment of ALL of the Osage Nation FIRST. We can't compete with either the Creeks or the Cherokee or the massive overhead and hard cost for their operations that will reduce their gross profits, nor should we? This nonsense about "compete or die" is not only silly and foolish, it had no foundation in logic or reason where our bottom line is concerned and the loss of total net income such an expansion will cost in the long run. The word is that both the Skiatook and Ponca casinos are not performing according to the revenue projections that were put forward to sell us those expansions. I've heard from a very legitimate source that the Tulsa expansion is five years too late and will only be a total boondoggle if these plans continue forward.

    6. For the Chief to say such a thing about that Tulsa casino being delapidated is an absurdity itself. When is he going to stop with these lawyerly manipulations and start behaving in a conservative, well ordered and prudently considered manner as befits the Chief executive of our Tribal Nation? These fantastic tales he tells may work with some of the more naive Osages who live back home but they are riduculous to those of us with even a modicum of common sense and life experience. The casinos in Sand Springs and Tulsa were advertised ten years ago as being built to last for the next fifty to a hundred years. Go Fish Chief with your silly childish games that you play. If the Gaming Board is telling you this silly stuff and you aren't sophisticated to know when you are being had then that tells us a whole hell of a lot about you. Please don't insult our intelligence on top of everything else.

    7. Again, Kugee clarified that the membership problem has nothing to do with those legally listed on the 1906 Allottment Roll.

    8. Yeah, but the Chief is connected --->>>

    9. Regarding leaks in the roof at the Tulsa casino, maintenance people have said that the leaks are primarily where a breeze way was improperly connected after the building was built and other additions were made. This was never divulged by casino management at any time, they have indicated instead that the structure is about to collapse. Who can you believe? And its true the building is only 10 years old.

    10. So we should replace a ten year old structure with a $270 million dollar loan indenturing us for who knows how long and reducing the gross income by whatever it costs for the interest, additional salaries and overhead while the Nation has all of the income transferred to the Osage Nation Treasury and who knows if the money will be spent on other things or to run the casinos properly and all for a roof leak and some additional engineering support for a breezeway to get from one area of the casino or another? Fix the roof leak and repair the breezeway structure and move on. Using such a pitiful excuse and thinking we will fall for it means either they are idiots or they think we are too stupid to be believed. When is this Osage government ever going to get on the right side of smart?

    11. Great post..9:48am it's a fact that the casinos are taken a dive with the economy in the area being so thin.

    12. I agree too. They are always on the right side of stupid and we have had enough. This means the membership always loses to the $$$ losses these government people including the Boards the Nation puts in place. You have got to hear the remarks of Trey Gill who is the Congressional attorney when he spoke to the Commerce and Economic committee meeting today about the unintended consequences of all the money being transferred from the gaming operation to the Osage Nation Treasury. It's insane what these people are doing and the Chief is on board with this idea to transfer all income to the Osage Nation and this kind of interference with gaming enterprise is so unconstitutional, it isn't even to be believed. Trey Gill is at least on the right side of smart but whether they listen to him or not remains to be seen.

    13. Sorry. It's on demand when it's posted at and you really must listen to these committee meetings today and yesterday too.

  24. This idea must have come from some Osage government official --->>>

  25. Good information:

    1. Hmmm...

  26. 5 Man Board update:

    1. Update:

  27. UPDATE from the Osage News: The Osage Nation Congressional Committee on Governmental Operations will reconvene today at 5 p.m. to consider bill ONCA 16-16 which is the proposed legislation to amend the Osage Nation membership law.

    1. On live with Shannon giving a legal explanation of her membership legislation.

    2. Stephanie Irwin from the Mineral Council is expressing her questions and concerns.

  28. Day 2 of the 4TH OSAGE NATION CONGRESS 9TH SPECIAL SESSION DECEMBER 9, 2015 10:00 A.M. is due to start the live stream momentarily.

    1. Day of amendments to appropriation bills and it looks like they are reducing amounts in budgets in a number of bills sponsored by Shannon Edwards. There was some discussion about fitting their schedule around the Minerals Council Meeting tomorrow. Committee meetings are well worth listening to this special session and Shaw has a committee meeting that he wants scheduled today I think to go over the employee retirement plan that may have to do with the Medicare Plan F that has been offered to the Osage Seniors. Again, committee meetings will be well worth listening to live or on demand.

    2. Agenda is located at

    3. Trying to get a number of bills engrossed to place on third reading. Reecessed until 4:00 p.m.

    4. Listen on demand at

    5. The final segment of the day's Special Session is now available on video at

  29. Government Ops is live now. Both membership bills are up for review and the Hazard Mitigation resolution is being discussed now. Agenda is located at

    1. Recessed to the call of the Chair, R.J. Walker.

    2. Finished the meeting and it will be uploaded to listen to later on today.

    3. WTH is Shannon Edwards asking Asst. Chief Redcorn if the amendments to the bill she is proposing in this committee are OK with the Executive Branch? This is supposed to be a closed process without undue or overweaning influence on the Legislation or the Legislative process including the committee meetings once the bill has been introduced to Congress in Session. Where two or more are gathered, it's a conspiracy. It sure looks to me like Edwards as a member of Congress is conspiring with Redcorn, the Assistant Principal Chief of the Executive Branch to actively influence legislation openly in a Congressional Committee in violation of the Separation of Powers mandate and provision of the Osage Constitution. If the Chiefs don't like what they see after the vetting process in Congressional Committee and after the bill is passed by the Congress then the Principal Chief can veto it.

    4. No second half of this meeting is listed on the showreel web site. Where is the rest of it?

  30. When is the Com Econ meeting going to start?

    1. The agenda at the bottom of the page at

    2. Good comments from Trey Gill. MUST LISTEN later at


    4. Noah! No way these people even know what they're doing. They are so confused now they shouldn't move forward until they have these issues clarified.

    5. Not Noah. WOAH! is what I really meant.

    6. The bank or any other, does not need to interfere with the legislation and in any control of what our legislative branch does. Raymond RedCorn if you don't stop interfering with the internal workings of what this Congress does and continue to make your stupid suggestions, I am going to file an ethics charge on you to keep your mouth shut! We run this deal Raymond not the bank and you are in violation of the NIG Act by even suggesting the bank be allowed to influence our government processes from a management point of view. Whatever these terms and conditions are, the will be in violation of the NIG Act if they participate in such a scheme. The Controller of the Currency should be alerted to this situation ASAP. Seven years of being indentured to a bank that has internally influenced our laws and government processes? Tell this bank to walk away and we need move on. Bank will give us and additional $5 million a year? Did I hear correctly and understand what Kugee said?

    7. Gaming Commission person has said the gaming reform act has passages in conflict with one another and they need the complete operative text to review. Hahahahahaha! Why does this not surprise me? Amendments have not been repealed? WHAT?

    8. Motion to table this Legislation of Kugee Supernaw. GOOD!

    9. 4C_Commerce_12-10-15_pt.2? What the hell happened to Part 1?

    10. I will file an ethic charge against you Raymond Redcorn..also.

  31. Appropriations Committee is now live.

    1. Agenda?

    2. Two bills and two separate sets of numbers are INDEED confusing and an "other" for tribal operations? What is going on with this fiscal tracking in the Congress and the role of the Executive Branch budgeting with regard to such entries that confuse everyone including the constituents. Keep it simple people so we can understand what is going on here. Listen to Edwards remarks on the projected revenue report and the fact that it doesn't even give an actual projected revenue figure to the Congress to use in the budgetary process.

    3. What the hell IS the projected revenue figure? Tribal operations other figure ($) 3.388,787) they don't want to tell anyone? Who is "they?" WHAT IS THE BIG "U" and why is the Speaker accusing Edwards of accusing her of trying to hide? WHAT is this all about NOW?

    4. Getting a template together to comply with and satisfy the law? Aren't we complying with the law?

    5. $43,775,000? Isn't that the figure? Is this the Projected Revenue? Talking with Mr. Potts.

    6. So they are reporting out an annual revenue projection report that is not accurate as to the projected revenue for the amount of Tribal revenue in appropriation bills A B C D for fiscal year 2016? WHAT?

    7. This meeting is now available on demand at

    8. 35% is the revenue share of all income to the Cherokee Nation, not 100% like it is with the Osage Nation.

    9. Correction B C and D bills. No A on this situation. Forgot to mention $618,000 is going to be taken out of Tribal and put into the "other" section or column that apparently isn't being accurately reported on the projected revenue report.
      Whew! Does this stink to high heaven or what?

  32. Special Session is now live at

    1. You can pull down the Agenda for today at

    2. Did anyone listen to the Commerce and Economic Development Committee Meeting yesterday, on the 14th?

  33. Special Session Day 6 is live after a recess. Working on legislation to amend the gaming act that was sent back to committee. A bill on the villages and constitutional issues is being discussed and are back in recess to the call of the chair for engrossment.

    1. Part 1 and 2 are available for on demand listening at
      The Agenda for today is not reflective of all of the legislation that they are working on today. See
      They can suspend the Congressional rules to amend the agenda on the floor by a vote of the Legislative body. This happens frequently and is a normative action of the Osage Congress.

    2. 5 Man Board for Grayhorse is appointed by the Chief according to this Village Constitution? The other two have 5 Man Boards voted on by the members of the Villages. Listen and learn...
      Why is the Osage Congress interfering with the Constitutions of the Villages? If they need to be updated, why isn't this being left to the officials of the Villages themselves?

    3. Good point. Should be left to the community.

    4. Edwards is earning her pay today in wanting the Congress to know how much the gaming people are getting in bonuses and she wants to put it into the law. She is right. We do want to know where the People's money is going and that includes what folks are being paid in bonuses at the casinos. Good on Edwards.

    5. Fawning sycophant! Hahahahahaha!
      Good one, Kugee!!!!!!!

    6. WTH ??????
      Congressional Membership Committee as a Select Committee being created for Osage Nation Membership? What's this supposed to be all about?

    7. Bonuses should be reported to the Constituency. After its our money right? Then where is our Per-Cap znd turkey voucher for the holiday to the constituency?

    8. Good questions. I'd like some answers on this newly created Select Committee too.

    9. Ham voucher, dummy, for employees only!!!!! Government for the government first and foremost. Don't you know that yet?

    10. Probably to counter or a riposte to the Chief having the final say in the membership policies and procedures that state that the Chief has the final say if a member's Osageness is in question and they get thrown out of being a member of the Osage Nation and they go through the whole process and the throwing out is upheld and the last resort to get back in is the Chief's decision. The Osage courts should have the final word on this, not the Chief.

    11. Just guess who came up with this one in the policies and procedures manual as the consultant.

    12. Jim Gray's current wife? Hahahahaha !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    13. What I want to know is how much the Chief had to do with it before it was included in the Membership Office Policies and Procedures Manual. I thought it was strange that Libby Grey was hired for this task when she had no real P&P experience. Apparently she can be influenced by the Chief with a personal service contract of how much was that? $65,000? Ho! Ho! Ho! Here comes Santa Clause. (Pun intended.)

      Hahahahaha !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    14. Ok, ham, I give up. Can the Osage Nation give up a Ham to all Osages?

    15. NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    16. Adjourned until Friday at 8:30 a.m.

  34. Comm/Econ meeting on now and the discussion is interesting at

    1. Owner's rep? Who is the owner's rep? Reed Wood? Handles change orders on the new Tulsa casino? Too damn many of those with the new casinos in Ponca and Skiatook. Added up to an extra 30 million bucks and the Congress knew nothing about it until after the fact. How do you spend that much money under the noses of these guys and they find out after the fact? That's a question that has never been answered to my satisfaction, I'll tell you that right now.

    2. That's the game they always play to hide what they really want done and how much the actual cost will be, all in. Play dumb and then look like they're raising a big stink after the fact so they get reelected. A devious lot, the entire bunch of them. Twenty million lost here thirty million in cost overruns there and who knows where the money actually goes and to benefit whom.

    3. Maybe that Osage Constitutional convention might just have to happen.

    4. Change orders of the amount experienced with Ski and Ponka should have been rebid. What happened was illegal but these were approved by the Gaming Board. The AG knows about this but the board in place then is gone as well as the upper management. The new board and management appeaqrs to be going down the same path. Little general Simms is refusing to give Congress legal information. Same act, different players.

    5. Don't like Mark Simms.

    6. What's to like?

    7. You don't like "the Bug Man" who has been on the Nation's payroll since he lost his seat in Congress?

  35. MORE ridiculous spending --->>> Breaking ground for an Osage Eco Park. WTH is that?
    Osage Nation Communities of Excellence? In what? Spending. Hahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Osage folks, we NEED TO GET RID OF THESE PEOPLE IN CONGRESS!!!!! Their mind set is not for us. Let's start with new, more sensible ideas in our congress. Yes I know some are our relatives, but something here HAS to change. I have a relative up their too, and have nothing personal against him, but he really isn't doing any good.

    2. Yep mine to are in this muddled mess. And I am not liking what I am seeing. I to feel the same way..this ix not the Government we hoped for is it..? A park will cost and brings no revenue a boondoggle.

    3. If this statement doesn't enrage you, nothing the Osage Nation does ever will --->>>

      "She said one example included a redo of a job description that changed its market analysis to include a $90,000 salary swing and could pay an individual anywhere from $110,000 to $200,000 a year in salary."

      How dare these government people pay themselves salaries like this for a Tribal Community with only 21,000 members? Who do they think they are? Rocket scientists? This is so grotesque it should be reported as a complaint directly to the NIGC for further evaluation and review. This is not how our money is supposed to be being spent.

    4. What is the warrior in the statue leaving behind that the woman is bending over to scoop up? Chief is so being had on this one. It goes up and it will be a travesty. Women's rights groups will be on this in a flash.

    5. I could not agree with you more on the subject..

  36. Good information:

    Press Release
    FDIC Consumer Newsletter Features Shopping Tips for Loans and Credit Cards
    Other Topics Include Banking Strategies for Small Businesses
    December 17, 2015 Media Contact:
    Jay Rosenstein
    Many people searching for a new loan or credit card may not be in the best position to get the right product for their needs and at the lowest possible cost. The latest FDIC Consumer News features tips on how to be better informed and better prepared before applying for credit while avoiding costly mistakes. The Fall 2015 edition also features simple banking strategies for small business, owners plus answers to questions from consumers about deposit insurance. Here is an overview of what is in this issue.

    How to Get Your Best Deal on a Loan or Credit Card? Plan Ahead: Many people think that getting approved for credit or receiving an attractive interest rate is like a game of chance. But the reality is that taking certain steps before submitting an application can help consumers qualify for the best possible terms. Reviewing credit reports for errors, making sure bills are paid on time, and researching lending products are a few of the simple strategies in the newsletter.

    Beware of Thieves Who Target Loan and Credit Card Shoppers: FDIC Consumer News is warning individuals in the market for new credit to watch out for con artists, especially when dealing with promotions on the Internet or over the phone. The newsletter presents common warning signs of fraudulent offers, including demands for upfront fees (which also may be illegal, depending on the circumstances) or requests for personal information that can be used to commit identity theft.

    More to Know About the New Disclosures for Mortgage Loans: Applicants for residential mortgage loans will see a new look in the disclosures because of a rule issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that took effect October 3, 2015. FDIC Consumer News offers an overview of the two new forms — a "Loan Estimate" explaining the costs and terms of the proposed loan in one form instead of the two previously required, and a "Closing Disclosure" summarizing the key terms of the final loan contract in one document in place of two.

    "Add-ons" Sold With Credit — Do Your Research Before You Buy: Lenders who approve consumers for a loan or credit card often cross-sell related products or services, such as credit monitoring or identity theft protection. While add-on products may benefit some consumers, there may be significant costs or limitations. Also, there have been cases of consumers being billed incorrectly or not provided what was promised. The newsletter suggests things to know or do before committing to an add-on product.

    1. Continued:
      Banking Tips for Small Businesses — A Checklist for Entrepreneurs: The newsletter offers a collection of simple strategies to help business owners get the most from their banking relationships and avoid frauds or scams. Examples include: Consider local resources available through the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). Connect with small business specialists at banks who can help identify useful financial services and may be able to offer helpful referrals. And, shop around for debit and credit card processing services because the costs vary. Small business owners and employees also can benefit from an FDIC/SBA financial education curriculum that has been updated and expanded.

      More Answers to Consumer Questions About Deposit Insurance: FDIC staff answer more than 70,000 questions each year from depositors and bankers who ask about the deposit insurance rules to ensure that accounts are correctly structured and that money is fully insured. The latest issue provides answers to questions regarding banking online and purchasing FDIC-insured certificates of deposits (CDs) from brokers or brokerage firms instead of directly from banks.

      The goal of FDIC Consumer News is to deliver timely, reliable and innovative tips and information about financial matters, free of charge. The Fall 2015 edition can be read or printed at Check back there for coming versions of this issue for e-readers and portable audio (MP3) players. To find current and past issues, visit, or request paper copies by contacting the FDIC's Public Information Center in writing at 3501 North Fairfax Drive, Room E-1002, Arlington, VA 22226, by e-mailing, or toll-free at 1-877-275-3342.To receive an e-mail about each new issue of the quarterly FDIC Consumer News with links to stories, go to

      The FDIC encourages financial institutions, government agencies, consumer organizations, educators, the media, and anyone else to help make the tips and information in FDIC Consumer News widely available. The publication may be reprinted in whole or in part without permission. Please credit FDIC Consumer News. Organizations also may link to or mention the FDIC Web site.

      # # #

      Congress created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in 1933 to restore public confidence in the nation's banking system. The FDIC insures deposits at the nation's banks and savings associations, 6,270 as of September 30, 2015. It promotes the safety and soundness of these institutions by identifying, monitoring and addressing risks to which they are exposed. The FDIC receives no federal tax dollars — insured financial institutions fund its operations.

      FDIC press releases and other information are available on the Internet at, by subscription electronically (go to and may also be obtained through the FDIC's Public Information Center (877-275-3342 or 703-562-2200). PR-99-2015

  37. Quote of the Day:
    Jim Gray: "I love questions like this, it is so tempting to just own our Osageness, and just accept that our perfection isn't a flaw, it's what makes us the envy of the entire planet. But so is our humility."

    1. This arrogant thus and such really takes the cake. His fall from grace hasn't taught him a single thing.

    2. It's this very deeply held attitude among certain Osages that gets us in so much trouble with one another, other Tribes and the outside world. This needs to be examined and looked at carefully. I'm glad Chief Gray was so forthright in his comments to bring it out in the open.

  38. From my point of view, you can't have enough Christmas music.
    Playlists from the White House are located at

  39. Pay attention!

  40. Travel Safety Tips:

  41. Was just looking for recent developments for Tallgrass and found an article about a response by the current board to the issues under investigation. While the board claims no problems exist under its tenure and blame everything on the old management, they have been awarded contracts from the government based on false claims about the relationship of Pinnacle Design Group and Osage Pinnacle Design Group. They can't blame management who are long gone for recent acts. Well, not truthfully anyway.

    1. I thought some of those same people were on the OLLC Board at the time some of that stuff was taking place. Tallchief for one... Yes or no?

  42. A historical preservation revolving fund? What communities will benefit and isn't this really about taxation? What are th restrictions and impact study was there one done?

    1. Probably by Dr. Andrea Hunter who heads that Department.

  43. 10th Special Session of the ON Congress information and Proclamation is located at


  44. Only and ever an Assistant Director and Jim Gray? BTW, JIM, it's "comic relief."
    This will be interesting... If the Nation drops so much as a dime on this one we should riot in the streets.

    1. This is comic relief in a nutshell. Is this a joke? Do they give AD's big money like this to make a film in Hollywood or is this going to be an independent film with no chance of ever recovering the money in a return on investment? When are these Osages today ever going to get over what happened a hundred years ago, stop using the past for their own gain and desist in playing the manipulative sympathy card, because they are so corrupt with money in this generation, for which they have no right to even ask for or think about? Jim Gray most of all, since he's the one who got the new government corruption ball rolling out of control since the day he first took office as the first Chief of this tragedy otherwise known as the Osage Nation. WTH does he know about drama other than to create it in one roiling scandal after another? BUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Do we even need to know anything about this in the Osage News? Is it important for us to know about Jim Gray's next debacle in the making?

  45. You owe it to yourself to listen to the Comm Econ session from 1/5/16 and 1/8/16. They are looking at forming the overall management board (aka. super board) and using Tallgrass as the top-tier company. It sounds like the same model OLLC was using with its subsidiaries. Didn't work then and no real reforms have been made. The only ones who'll make money on this deal are the board and the attorneys. Sounds like another money pit by bad management.

    Kugee wants this board put in place before the next elections. Why the rush?

    1. Kugee is notorious for panning everything he has no hand in controlling. He accuses everyone of arrogant thinking in that just because they're there as an elected official that things will run smoothly. He will be the worst offender if he thinks that an already failed model will work because a super board is created and put on with the same old people that the Chief thinks he can control requiring astute decision making capability they have no background or experience to make. They will only be taken advantage of just like the rest of the other Osage Nation boards and again we will be promised competence where there is none to be found among the usual suspects they always cycle and recycle around and around. It's a scam and I'm sad to actually see Kugee running it this time. He should know by now that this is an inferior idea and that it will cost him the next election if he moves forward with it. He's got stupid, I guess, and needs to get back to his store and forget about it. This board will make him as bad and as idiot an actor as the rest have been and hopefully the NIGC is keeping an eye wide open on any further losses from this Harvard business concept which is a dog that won't hunt because it looks more like a pyramid scheme and an illegal structure to engage in a slight of hand to get around the requirements of these government contracts that have to be in place or the law will continue to be broken. Osages elected in the Osage Nation government act like they don't know it quite yet but they are untouchables and need to stop throwing our money around the way they do making fools of all of us.

    2. Global initiative, my you know what! Take care of your own with our money besides those who get a paycheck from the Osage Nation and stop trying to act like you're bigger than life. You're not and it's crazy to continue to think you are.

    3. Is their any way to request that the NIGC take the assets of the Osage Nation into some kind of protective receivership until this mess they continue to make over and over gets straightened out?

    4. Here's a good example:

      Roughly, $15.5 million with $7.5 million in salary and benefits. Even if the money is Federal, do we need this much money going to employees for this new health compact? THIS IS ALMOST HALF OF ALL THE MONEY ALLOCATED AND APPROPRIATED FOR THE PROGRAM! This just can't be right and we have no way to check these numbers without jumping through hoops to get whatever fiscal money manipulation figure they claim is real. Last I heard they have a grand total of about $24.000 left to appropriate for the entire FY 2016 and yet the proclamation agenda calls for more spending:
      Example: Creating a Historic Preservation revolving fund.
      With what funding and where will IT come from? Thin air?

    5. For all of the posturing about the special advantage of 8a businesses it is a bluff. These businesses have no never performed their own contracts. They don't even have anyone with the skills or experience to run construction or technology contracts. The only thing the Tallgrass board knows how to run is a con game. They cheat the Osage and they cheat the federal government. At some point they'll get caught, but I'm betting the Osage will be the ones to suffer.

    6. The OLLC/Tallgrass board tells one story and the contract award info of the government tells a different one.

      "Backlog of $6 million dollars plus an $11 million contract awarded but still getting finalized" as of 9/18/15 session to Comm Econ. Expecting backlog of $17 million in 4th qtr. Has a POCA for total of $19 million and has about $12 million of that left.

      The board never tells the committee that a POCA is a multiple award contract to several companies. You have to compete each opportunity and may never win anything. The board never says how much in contract awards have been made to Osage companies.

      The board is also hiding the transfer of OLLC subsidiaries to Tallgrass from the Small Business Administration. Don't want the SBA to know until after everything is done but they know they're required to get permission. Putting off the transfer until mentor protégé agreement with Arrowhead is approved.

      "You're better off if you're not going to put any money in to take the money today and say 'See you later.' I'm sorry but that's just the business..."

      I found that you can see direct government awards for the Osage companies at:

      Osage Pinnacle Design Group

      Osage Innovative Solutions

  46. If you are responding to a comment, click on the reply button. If you don't, your comment will be gone. For the sake of the readers here, pay attention to what you're doing, please.

  47. So typical. Wanting stupendous raises and bonuses but can't wait to put the next day off -- two and a half months from now -- in the paper:

    Good Friday March 25 - Observed Holiday

  48. Heard we're trying to buy Ted Turner's ranch, over 40,000 acres. That will cost millions of pretty pennies.

    1. With what? Our good looks? Hahahahahah!

  49. Always interesting --->>>

  50. Cut the BIA out and you cut out Trust land protections. This is advertised as freedom for the Villages but what it really is is Osage Nation control and no more independence for the Villages with the BIA guarantying it. Ordinances and laws mean nothing to the Osage Nation government. For the most part they blow right through them at will because they have few if any penalties written in for doing so. Has the BIA agreed to this in writing or is the Chief pulling another end run around the CFRs that are currently in place and in effect today?

    1. How can we be a Government if we're not a reservation? Not even a State.

    2. You ask a valid question. The ON claims the entire county as a reservation, but the only thing left as reserved is the ME and that's held in trust by the BIA for the shareholders.

  51. You gotta love it!

  52. Osage Blog Conversation continues at
