He always seems to get other attorneys in on what he does as a CYA maneuver. Who knows how this will come out. Jim Gray did this at least one time that I recall and the Congress back then did nothing. I'm glad to see that the Congress is now stepping up to establish their authority here because the Osage people need to know what the Chief is doing at all times with our money and not spending it without the knowledge of and behind the back of our elected representatives.
More to the point, perhaps a case could be made that the AG and the Assistant AG didn't want to have anything to do with weighing in on this one. They couldn't both have been out of pocket at the time this lease purchase matter was discussed, could they?
Obama would wait till Congress was out of town then pass his bills or orders. The Chief had plenty of time to go through the right procedure (Congress). In case Congress did not approve this lease he went to his personal-chosen lawyer to help him bypass them. There was time to do a building and other inspections, so he had time to go to Congress, it's not like he had to drive to Oklahoma City.
AG Wells stated "...the Chief has been fully cooperative and transparent on all aspects of this transaction..." He could of been that way with Congress also. It was this phrase he was looking for (a future plea) before he would go ahead and do the lease himself. It was a premeditated action.
If the Judge finds the Chief to be "in excess of his authority," would mean the Nowlins were mislead by the Chief. Then the Chief may be facing another lawsuit by them. If the Chief is found in wrongdoing, then the lease most likely would be canceled anyway.
Native Indians depend on the U.S. Congress to do right by them. It's no different with the Osage Nation Congress, we expect them to do right by us also.
The Osage Nation Congressional Hearing on the Bluestem Ranch due to start in a few minutes: Live at Later at
Here is where it gets very sticky for me and I have to take issue with the representation of the ON Congress about having done their due diligence. If this noxious weed Sericea lespedeza is widespread throughout the Bluestem Ranch, what was their responsibility to have disclosure about this by the Ted Turner team? What was the responsibility that a full disclosure in writing as to material defects associated with the land was given to the Osage Nation by Ted Turner before the bid was even put forward by the Nation? Sericea lespedeza is exactly as Kugee stated, a very expensive problem as is represented by the web page at the Missouri Department of Conservation: What other defects does the land have with regard to other issues? Land in other states is usually never sold, "As is." Nothing about this head long emotional land purchase as acknowledged by Speaker Pratt makes any sense especially if we find that the Osage people are left holding the bag because the Osage Nation never really did engage in even a rudimentary proper "due diligence" process where the purchase of real estate in Oklahoma is concerned. Who were State licensed real estate Brokers who were consulted by the Chief and the members of the Osage Nation Congress who are expected to find out this kind of information as to costly defects and liabilities before the sale of the property rather than afterward?
Now we get the rest of the story from Congressmen Tillman with his "exhaustive list" that will cost TWO MILLION + BUCKS TO HAVE THE PROPERTY UP TO SPEED FOR 5% OF THE PROPERTY AS TO NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENT CONDITIONS AND ANOTHER FORTY ONE MILLION DOLLARS + TO CURE THESE PROBLEMS IN ORDER TO GET THE ENTIRE PROPERTY IN TRUST WITH THE BIA?!!!!!!!!? THIS PROPERTY WON'T QUALIFY FOR LAND INTO TRUST WITH THE BIA UNTIL THESE MATERIAL DEFECTS HAVE BEEN CURED AND ARE NO LONGER A FACTOR OR A PROBLEM. WTFH? Where's that money going to come from? Negative Environmental Conditions is a material defect that should have been disclosed by the Ted Turner team to the Osage Nation and if they wanted and expected this land to be placed in trust from the very beginning, they should have had someone out there on that land to find this HUGE AND COSTLY defect!!!!!!! I say sue Ted Turner for not having properly disclosed in writing both the noxious weed and the negative environmental conditions associated with clean up of oil wells, spills and pipelines from this DOI report on placing the land into trust.
And now, Mr. Neff is left twisting in the wind on his lease because the Chief never informed or disclosed to him that he will have to have the Osage Congress approve his lease when the Chief told him that he had the authority to make this lease? "I'm sure we haven't heard the last of Mr. Neff!!!!!" I'm sure too!!!! Again we see the horrid Micky Mouse business behavior of the Osage Nation and its elected officials. What the hell? Imagine what will happen if the Osage Nation gets its mitts on the Osage Mineral Estate!!!!!!!!
You know, in some states like California, if you don't properly disclose material defects in writing to the buyer before the sale of property, you can go back into court and get your money back from the seller and keep the land as well. Perhaps someone in the Osage Nation government who handles property matters ought to look into the Oklahoma State law on a matter of non-disclosure where the purchase of real estate property is involved.
The Chief is a lawyer. Why didn't he see to this full disclosure of material defects, as to the state of the property from Ted Turner's representatives, himself? Good comments from Susan Forman as to this very issue and the BIA who should have been out there looking into this and cleaning up this environmental situation long before anyone even considered purchasing the land?
I disagree. We need a lease payment each month from the Ranch Board so that we get some kind of return on the investment. The way you want it structured, Maria Whitehorn, is the same way that the Osage, LLC was structured in the end without a single dividend payment to the member, the Osage Nation, in five or more years of its existence. These business ventures are expected to pay back to the Osage Nation and the Osage people, not take, take, and take ad infinitum!!!!!!!!!!
Impeachment starts now !!! And then I want someone a special prosecutor to come in here and investigate all aspects this structure of a Government we have going on here youball are seriously looking extremely complicit, I see fingers starting to point, not an excuse.
Assuming the Bluestem Ranch Board is to make a lease payment, where is the money going to come from? They don't have a business plan that will ever operate the ranch at a profit. Do you expect the Osage Nation to continually appropriate money for operation of the ranch to pay the lease?
As to "successful" operation of TED LLC, its business model is to use the 8(a) status to get work for other businesses that actually perform the work. If they don't perform the required minimums with their own employees - at least 15% for construction and at least 50% for services - then it is just a matter of time until they get caught for violating federal law.
The economic development efforts by the ON make the business dealings in the old Three Stooges comedies look like prosperous endeavors.
I cannot believe how they consistently get themselves in trouble like this when they insist on emoting their way through these business decisions instead of thinking their way through them and they do this all the time. It always leads to trouble and in their case, the worst kind of trouble. Financial trouble. There is no excuse for this horrible mistake this far along in the establishment of the Osage Nation government. How much are the yearly property taxes going to be on this Bluestem Ranch land since it can't be placed in trust without another $41 million spent to take care of the environmental problems? This is insane!
Chief is a lawyer and has no valid excuse or reason not to have consulted with real estate professionals like realtors and had the like in on this land bid. Where too was the appraisal of the land from our end, arranged for by our Real Estate Broker representing the interests of the Osage Nation as the buyer (?) and I agree, impeachment proceedings as soon as that lazy Osage Congress can get it done. You know, you could just die of shame and embarrassment the idiocy they exhibit on a monthly if not a daily basis.
AnonymousMarch 13, 2017 at 8:27 AM "Assuming the Bluestem Ranch Board is to make a lease payment, where is the money going to come from?" Listen to the second half of the meeting where that Board member talks about how you are asset rich at first and then as time goes on, you begin to equalize and start to make money as a yearly profit. Then he began to talk about all of the costs that are usual in a ranching operation that don't apply where the Osage Nation as a Tribal entity is concerned. The money will be there eventually if they do it right. That's what's in question. If they can do it right to get the operation on its feet and become successful by running it as a business venture and not like a Tribal program.
This investment decision is starting to look like tea time on Teletubbies. AHAAAAARRRAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How awful. How could they get us into something like this? Again? The Osage Nation made the final decision and it bears the full responsibility and must answer for it to the Osage Nation membership. The whole damn team at the top, both Executive and Congressional should hand in their resignations this afternoon.
Lets just put it this way, look at our laws that protect this type of behavior. We need to change the way we address and legislate. To many and often times we buy emotionally without the diligence and going on blind faith that all disclosures have been presented all going on blind face value. Now our Congress should not be allowing for this tyoe of free wiloy spending in the executive and just because its under a cap of 10% for the lease of the day care center opens ups doors to fruad and corruption I'll give you this,you give me back so much money. Not that I am saying this happened but how do you know it didn't now that opens the door for conflict of interest of the executive dept. The mere presence of impropriety exists. Ethics come into question as well. It's not as if I did not understand the cost overruns of a ranch or anything like that or for the most it's not like I didn't list a few of the cost overruns when the talks were in the initial beginning process of purchasing something of this magnitude. So lets start pointing the fingers at Congress. The appropriation comes from them so Congress this is why Government needs to stay away from business because we will always be on the losing end. Why do you think we have a gaming board? And now we need a Bluestem Ranch Board and we need to leave it to them to right the wrong. Forty one million is nothing compared to the 20,0000 osages who deserve a per-cap from our gaming facilities and we will get there if you all can waste money like this and not do the required diligence the you all our incompetent all the way up to the Chief but my guess the Chief is laughing at you and is ahving the last laugh. This Osage is pissed and so should you.
Forty one million? And how much have we lost thus far with the Osage llc lawsuit? The five man board? Ah, John Red Eagle and the IT guy? Did we ever recoup the loss there? How much money of the osage is going to lawyers because non of you can think further than you can spit? How much money are we making off the air park? The state park we purchased? Compounded by not following the bidding process? What the heck is going on here? Who is feeding who this baloney of a Government we have? Is this what Hespi Barnett hoped for? Weather intended or not, all the same,in the end did the means justify the outcome? Worse, the consequence of the effects will not be on the Nation but the people will have lost what they can't get back because in the end Trust Matters !!!!! And numbers do not lie but people do, all in the name of greed and when it sounds to good doesn't the hair stand up in the back of your neck and doesn't the instinct to search deeper ever come to mind? Seek, search and either represent or destroy for the truth and oath that binds all of you to be competent in the name of the Osage not the Osage Nation. You all represent us and we all are in this together whether we like it or not but what I am saying is accountability is looking pretty bad on the face of it. Next step is to hit reverse? Because I here people knocking but nobody is listening? Maybe a one page rewrite of the Osage Constitution and have us a good ole fashion Constitutional Covention where the people will be able to sur there Government and be compensated for the loss of revenue through bad buisness deals and hold those accountable at the board level and fire them as well. Just because the Government pays your salary doesn't mean you are protected by the Government, big difference there. To be Sovereign is to be able to be self sufficient, I don't see anything in that wording that says take advantage? By the way how is our fruit and vegetable stand doing? The Hydroponics? How much has that made the Osage Nation? So, last resort we get a Chief who will clean the swamp and give us real numbers that we can work with, stay within the budget parameters, a Chief you can Trust. Someone who will clean the Swamp and bring Jobs with them. I have forty million reasons why we should elect someone with that ability. Someone who is not friends with everything or one.
Oldest sales trick in the book. Create urgency. "You snoose, you lose." The elected members of the Executive and the Legislative Branches of the Osage Nation fell for that one like the proverbial ton of bricks.
At the 8:27 am poster. The ranch board had a business plan. The Chief told them that if it had been a good one it would have only been 2 pages long, then slung it down the table at them. He disagreed with their plan because it emphasized finances/profitability too much! Yeah, we wouldn't want that. You can find their plan on the Osage Nation website under the legislative stuff. You don't have to agree with everything they had in the plan, but I've never seen the Nation put together a plan that made sense with short term and long term goals.
A Business Plan put it on the table for all to see or post it in the Osage News. Get outside help and who better than to ask the Osage, after allmit is their money. The constituents money. There are a lot of business savy people to know what to do with something of this nature. One Chief who cares if you do not like the Idea how this Ranch is going to be ran let the Board see fit to do the Job or task at hand. Second lets not get to many hands in the cookie Jar. In other words, better to group the cows, bison, together not separately, to costly..decide how or methods to what they are going to eat. We all know fencing is coming form the Nation. And can be done at a very low cost. One person will oversee the Ranch. I am sure the Board is looking at every posible avenue to start generating a profit, but this is what I want to talk about where would the profit or capital when this happens go to? Back to the Osage Constituency? And how will we benefit? Lets make our money work for us not the Government?
Seems like a total lot of flip-flopping is going on with the Chief. At first, the ranch wasn't supposed to make money and now it has to make money and the ranch board was going to run it and now only so many acres and now half of the acreage and on and on. What is the story today and since when does the Chief get to engage in abusive behavior ("The Chief told them that if it had been a good one it would have only been 2 pages long, then slung it down the table at them") toward anyone who receives a paycheck from the Osage Nation? His behavior is getting more strange by the day according to reports coming in from various sources.
Transparency is to the Political advantage and maybe the Chief has something to hide because something is coming down the pike from what resources I have to..said this in a earlier post that all you do is have to take a step back and this entire deal predicates on a promise and a handshake that will never see the day of light. And he is goi g to have mud on his face at the expense of the Osage people. And for 10mlong years we have seen the taking and thats it pretty much. And hear the words of the Osage smaller Government means roll back the spending in the Executive and execute some laws here that will prottect the interest of the Osage or if this Government fails we all do and maybe it shoukd after all it was built on lies because its become something we did not want to happen and the facts speak for themselves loud and clearly.
It matters what you say and it matters what we see those two mechanisms work hand in hand and what we have here is, by no accident, a failure to communicate that alone creates a conflict of interest and worse sets the precedent for this to happen again and again unless we hold those responsible which is about everybody with the exception to Shannon Edwards. And to be honest this kind of incompetence is unfathomable. A special prosecutor is needed to investigate and it would behoove the Chief to step down and The AP Chief as well.
No Osage should have to pay a lawyer to find out what we are privey to--we are privey to transparency.
When George Bush, Jr. gave us our sovereignty I think he expected a different outcome than what we have become. We're not flourishing as members, but we sure have impressed the public and tourist.
How long is the salaries of employees guaranteed, they're not Federal workers. Did the Chief really take some Casino employees paycheck to cover his expense/spending?
The Chief keeps going to the ATM.
Is the statue an asset? What money is it going to draw in? How long will it take to get the $50,000 back from profits?
People like mini-golf, they play it as a family, with their kids. Hmmmm, I think I'll mention this to the Osage LLC.
I got a clarification yesterday on two things. It was the Executive Branch that brought in the idea to purchase the Bluestem Ranch. I am going ahead to presume that it was also the Executive that put pressure on the Congress to move quickly to secure and win the bid. It's also the responsibility of the BIA to handle the clean up and that $41 million has to come from them, not the Osages. The problem is that they don't have the money to make such a clean up happen and probably won't for many years to come if ever. This all went way too fast and the only one who rejected the pressure was Shannon Edwards on the Congress side. Still, the prime movers were the Chief and the Asst. Chief on this purchase and they bear the largest responsibility for it.
Big mistake, Chief. Big mistake. Less do nothing employees and more universal membership benefits paid for with Tribal funds. Next election is coming up sooner than you think...
To the poster from March 13, 2017 at 8:50 AM: While the board claims that typical costs will not be present because the ranch is Osage Nation land, that simply cannot be taken at face value.
The land is an asset. It's value must be recovered in the form of equitable lease payments. Making a profit without recovering the value of the land over 40 years is nothing short of insane.
Beyond the possible option of not paying fair market value for use of the land, what other costs will not be incurred? I certainly cannot think of any.
As a matter of fact, the Osage Nation land will incur greater costs than privately owned land due to the remediation necessary before the BIA will consider a land into trust application.
Haven't the Osage suffered enough from claims made by charlatans and confidence men which later turn out to have been false from day one?
So, I'm reading through the business plan presented by the Bluestem Ranch board and note that the entire premise on making a "profit" is reliant upon not paying fair market value for the land lease. To quote from page 5:
"The Board was under the impression that a long term lease for a nominal rental value would be approved by the Nation."
The most optimistic revenue projections leave the "net income" falling $2,069,460 per year short of what the land would need to generate to recover the cost of investment over 40 years, and that cost recovery assumes no further investment is necessary by the Osage Nation over the course of the next 4 decades.
Anyone can make a "profit" on a business if someone gives them a multi-million dollar asset to work with that doesn't have to be paid for. However, that's a really bad business model for the investor.
All said and done, the Bluestem Ranch makes the Osage LLC fiasco look like the model of success.
There you have it... That's why some of us weren't caught up in the rush to buy land without a proper amount of time to think it through and to do the work necessary to see if the investment was even a good idea in the first place.
Thank you poster @ 4:37, did our Congress do the mathematics on this proposal? Think not. Where was the diligence by our Governing committee our Congress? We the people, the Osage people want answers especially from our Chief on this matter with respect to earning a fair value return on our market purchase of the Bluestem Ranch, and I would like to bring into this mix the appropriation committee as well. 115000000 million dollars does make the Osage llc look like apples compared to oraanges. We have a right to our investment for a return because it is the law, not 10 years down the road and 40 years down the road is not good enough. By our laws our money through gaming is to be equivalent to when used to be used economically to the advantage Osage and by the looks of this cash cow you are all liable you know and so do we, like we were born off a turnip truck yesterday. You are not going to be liberal with our money and find excuse after excuse that this was done without merit. It will not work. We all warned about this purchase and it fell on death ears. Open up a investigation or I will call the FBI and let them know something hanky panky is going on here all the way to the judicial. Our gaming money is to be used for profit to the Osage economically and this was just one big fail that I hope that the Board can get this off the roof but by the looks of it, its not going to happen. Our money gaming money was spent on a pipe dream by our Chief. And he broke the law.
Wonderfully funny! You have such a way with words. I'd like the Board to be able to get this off the ground before they fall off the roof under the leadership of the Chief, you ask me. In short, it's a worst case boondoggle that needs to come to the attention of the Secretary of the Interior who can handle supervision because with this last horrible fiscal decision of the purchase of the Bluestem Ranch, I really don't know how much more we are expected to take. Clearly, those who run this Osage Nation government are simply not capable of running it properly from a fiscal standpoint and to the satisfaction of anyone who has a lick of common sense. I say enough is enough and the Osage Nation government officials really need to be subject to a guardian like supervision and review for any major spending outlay of the Osage people's money beyond, let's say $10,000. The first paragraph of the 1978 Act to amend the 1906 Allotment Act calls out a process for such a procedure to take place to relieve the currently elected members of the Osage government for "good cause" and gross fiscal incompetence in the budgeting, debt acquisition, and spending of the gaming and other funds of the Osage Nation government surely qualifies as one of them. I quote from this U.S. Congressional Act:
"The Secretary (of the Interior) is hereby authorized to remove from the council any member or members for good cause, to be by him determined, after the party involved has had due notice and opportunity to appear and defend himself."
Without a doubt now, we need an intervention in place on an immediate basis with someone in a position to guide and advise in any matter where the Osage people's money is being spent.
THWI! I've had enough too. Just bring this dumm a**ed so called Osage government down an start over. HELP! HELP! HELP! SOS! SOS! SOS! Take the whole damn thing into Federal Receivership !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clean the swamp and all of you have mud on your face. I can be colorful with my words but worse I can be very blunt still Shaking my head and wondering if I should buy a page in the Osage News and making this issue a reality that must not be swept under the covers. Look this is our money and I fully believe we have a Government is working in the red and its looking like a front to absolutely spend and pocket. Because I am not seeing real representation but what I do see is hook line and sink is our failure to do nothing. 10 years and what has the Osage Nation done but squander whats not there's to do. You look at the ivestments thus far Air Park we leases back to ourselves wheres the capital? We have a State Park wheres the capital going if any? The Nation,who gave them authority to abuse a law the clearly defines how it is used? When using the Casino money it must be economically to the advantage of the Osage. Worse you cannot hold them responsible unless we go above them to the U.S Congress and of course the SOI.
All Osages this is by far worse then John Red Eagle I forgive him he was just to dumb to know. Jim Gray and losing our Reservation Status is by far worse but so is this fiasco of a buy with the Bluestem Ranch and This is the fault of our Chief GSB.
Plus a $450,000 Tribal matching grant for broadband internet access in BOWRING ?!!!? For 522 people, nearly all of whom are not Osages:
That's roughly 85 Osages who live in the Bowring area. Taken together with the grant and the matching Tribal funds of $900,000, that's $10,588 per person !!!!!!! Bowring is darned near to the Kansas State line South of Hula Lake.
Oh and the Chief taking money out of the Gaming Commission Budget without their knowledge! Of all the Boards and Commissions, this one is of utmost regulatory importance and this budget should be sacrosanct period.
Unreal now that the Gaming Board announced its short fall and this to was under GSB'S watch. Get him out!!! Once again are we operating in the RED? Now a hiring freeze and the per-diams or entitlements are off the table, wheres the little girl who was crying about the merit system? Everbody should be afraid our GOVERNMENT is and might collapse under this administration and I suggest as I have been saying less is more. Time for a special prosecutor to come in and look at our books. Here we go. If you can figure out what is what and how much money this Osage Nation government has, I've got to hand it to you. I can't make heads or tail of any of it with numbers flying around from one Branch of the government to the other. Second of all, I want that gaming commission to be handling the oversight of the security not the Osage Nation because they don't even have oversight over their money where the projected income is concerned: "“One of the problems is that the accounting for the shortfall has changed almost every other day during the past two weeks. At first, it was reported to be $445,000. At the next meeting, there was a change to approximately $300,000. Then, at a meeting with several Congress members present, it changed again to $760,000. Then, at the Gaming Commission meeting, it was $308,000." All I can conclude is that this is a shell game with Osage Nation projected revenue being reported from various sources. This has all got to end and someone in this incompetent government has to find out what the true numbers are and spend accordingly. This is what comes of the flippant way that the Executive deals with the Legislative Branch. It all began when budgets with line items began to disappear and only total numbers for each department, office, etc. began to be reported in round numbers. If the Osage Nation government can't provide oversight, then the Osage people should have the right to have a look at what is being spent and where. Then the Congress didn't want to come in for one Special Session after another to make line item adjustments in budgets (might have to work too much and too hard) so the freedom to move money around from one line item in a particular budget to another became the active practice. Now, from what I am able to understand, money is being moved from budgets placed all together in one Executive Branch Division. In short, money from one budget is robbed to give more money to another budget under the same Division, in this case, The Executive Administration division: "This division budget also contains separate budgets for the Nation’s Tax Commission, Election Office, Emergency Management Office, Archives, Communications, Information Technologies, Accounting, Human Resources and a separate HR budget for employee hams distributed during the holiday season." When you start doing this kind of robbing Peter to Pay Paul kind of accounting you are bound to get in trouble and shutting down Casino because you don't have the necessary people on the Gaming Commission to effect a proper regulatory oversight, this is trouble.
Outstanding reporting by Benny Pollaca of the Osage News on this developing situation. If you do stupid things with money, you pay the price. The Congress must have hard figures on exactly what is being spent and where for every single Department, Office, etc, and the Executive Branch MUST adhere to those fiscal choices made by them and put on down on paper on a daily, monthly and yearly basis or get back to the Congress to make those changes to those budgets by use of the appropriation process. Anything else will lead to the horrific consequences we find ourselves facing now. The very idea of of sending nearly empty boxes over from the Executive Branch to the Osage Nation Congress to thumb their noses at the representatives of the Osage people was worthy of severe discipline and this is what it leads to... I sincerely hope that the Chiefs have stepped in it big time and that finally they receive the discipline and the consequences that they so richly deserve. GSB and RRC, go ahead and run to the Osage Nation Supreme Court with that and see how far you get when the National Indian Gaming Commission swoops down and The government's gonna jump all over your head, GSB, and go "cock-a-doodledoo!" I say receivership and get this eleven year mess that has been made by people who have no respect for the way that things are properly done with money sorted out and put right once and for all. We want to see line item by line item what you are spending including salaries and employment positions as well as all other budgetary items and we want you to stick to them day in and day out or resign from office and go elsewhere where you can't any longer do fiscal harm to the Osage Nation government.
According to the article, and since GSB issued an executive memo stating there will be a hiring freeze on new ON government employees, how is the problem to be resolved if they can't hire a replacement for the Accounting Controller who resigned on Jan. 8, 2017?
I have to agree it's robing peter to pay paul is exactly what is going on here with the line items game seen it to many times, and frankly I have had enough and you betcha it started with the moving of line items. I'm an accountant, jack of many trades and have managed large accounts. It isn't hard to accoubt to simple. Unless that difference is found and in real numbers you can't print money out of the sky. So the only conclusion is someone has been dipping in the sauce hoping the projected revenue would go in the right direction and gues what no matter how you look at it you would have to doubled that amount to come out even. Someone has been playing a juggling game and that woukd be the Executive and now we have to find that revenue in real numbers. Understanding forecasting in a business is so elemental not always 100% and in our case understanding the economy is also elemental, especially the business we are in. Our economy went south because a lot of work has left do the outcome of the Oil Industry it will come back, but we better have marketing that will support the changes we must make during these times. I have also experience in understanding the Proxies in our and surrounding area and knowing what they are generated revenue will also help kepp the balance in our future projections. And this is why I said are we operating a Government in the RED! And what Capital are we bringing in to support our Government other than the Casinos because I will say this again, the Casino money by law is to be used for the economical advantage of the Osage and if we are losing money from the front end and the back end is supporting this and we are not seeing the capital, we need to rewrite our Constitution A.S.A.P Remove the CHIEF AND AP CHIEF. Freeze everything till we get a independent audit not with round numbers but real numbers and hold those responsible, that includes Congress!!!
Before this all can be fixed, or covered up by more lies and if we cannot get a true answer form our leaders enough is enough. I just called the Gaming Commission. Someone has cahonies.
Don't forget; the Osage Nation (Executive Branch) has a good relationship with its current accountant. I'm beginning to wonder what that means and it may be an answer as to why the Congressional Commerce Committee had the Treasurer from the Cherokee Tribe over to talk about their Accounting Firm and their accounting practices and process.
This is well worth the price of admission: Commerce, Gaming and Land Meeting 3-7-17--Click under the arrow below the text Osage Nation: 5C_CE 2017-3-7 pt 1 Agenda: The only "deep dive" we have at the Osage Nation is for as much cash as can be gotten a hold of as possible. "Discussion with Lacey Horn, Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation about Audit Procedures" has got to be a huge threat to our Executive Branch. Sorry APC Raymond; if we really had things running fiscally correctly and appropriately, ASP it will be the dog wagging the tail not the other way around. Imagine a "deep dive" in accounting and finding that one ON department is providing funds to an entirely different ON department or office than the original one. Talk about flexible budgets with money shuffling around from one to another. Ours are potentially bleeding from every line item on every budget in the entire Executive Branch!
And this is why i had a hard time following the steps of the UTE, do you know how many LLC's they have. Indian Country taken advantage from their own is not unheard of and we have mud on our face but not for long!!!
Once again, THEY'VE got to have it all with OUR money and straight to hell with the rest of us...
The Chief and Assistant Chief are throwing good people under the bus with the latest article in the Osage News about the Gaming Commission shortfall. The News prints everything the Chief says without checking anything. The article makes it look like the Gaming Commission is at fault. Of course, that's what the Chief wants it to look, but it's just not true. The shortfall is caused by the Chief overstating the expected income on purpose. (To make the needed tribal monies appear less.) Then he raids their budget without telling them he has taken some of their appropriated money. Now the chickens have come home to roost. Starting May 1 the Commission will have to lay off 5 people a week unless the Chief comes clean and restores their money. Innocent people will lose their jobs for his pie in the sky shenanigans.
Thank you. This clarification is sorely needed just now with all the intended disinformation coming out of the Chief's office. I can't believe this guy is engaging in tactics like this. Wasn't he there in the room during the Hearing to throw out Chief Red Eagle? When are these people going to start behaving like they've been paying attention to the Legislative process and the laws that have come out of it?
Do the cattle in the photo look like they are starving? Their coats look bad and they sure don't look healthy to me with ribs and pelvis bones showing. I sure hope this improves in the Spring and Summer.
ALERT! See Congresswoman Edwards testify at the Neil Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary on March 23 at 9 a.m.
The Osage Nation has a hiring freeze, there will never be a per-cap, and the government is running out of revenue. Programs are being cut but government employees still get $1,000 bonuses and exorbitant salaries. The Osage people benefit very little from the government. Hell, even a giraffe fares better than most Osages.
$1000,000 statue. Whose pride and ego is congress trying to stroke? Got to do everything they can to spend money or else the Osage people might expect this government to work for them instead of fattening their own bank accounts. Standingbear taking food off the table of casino employees to feed his pet projects. The Nation is robbing Peter to pay Paul. Their shenanigans are catching up with them. The government is beginning to crack.
100,000. By far is way to much money to be spending on something that is not going to make us money and we have a hiring freeze going on, really. And not just that to make a statue all you have to do is create a 3-D mold pour and torch the pieces together and our artist isn't even well known either. Stop the pet projects now!!!!
Congress passes resolutions for Grayhorse Community Building and statue of Chief Claremore. Alice Buffalohead is right once again she is proving to be fiscally smart with our money and is listening and is living up to her oath. 100,000 is no chump change and this bloated Government needs to come to a halt immediately! Have any of you on the committee look into how cheep it is to make these Statues and stupid is what stupid does.smh in disbelief.
Osage Nation couldn't run a grocery store for a profit in a town where it was the only grocery store. A statue is undoubtedly the safest financial venture the tribe could involve itself in. "Lets celebrate our past since we've pretty much trashed all hope for our future."
"Lets celebrate our past since we've pretty much trashed all hope for our future." Best words I've seen strung together with quotation marks and a period that I've seen yet!
FYI - March 20th - "Southern Ute Tribe pressured to share more of $126M settlement"
Some members put their story about how their government is being runned (undemocratically) in a long article in The Durango Herald, dated March 18th, the article follows the above article. Here's some quotes.
"...I want to be able to know what's going on in the tribe. I want to know how much money we have. I want to know how much is being spent and for what. I think there's a lot of misuse, and when you don't let people know, then you become suspicious."
"If they ask the people what they want, and they get responses from the people, than they should honor that. Those are the people that put them in office."
"...say their tribal government operates in secrecy, ignores the will of its people and subverts its own constitution."
Replace "Southern Ute Tribe" with "Osage Nation" except that the Osage Nation is salivating over stealing the M.E. and the M.E. from the Shareholders. Pathetic. This is the same outcry from the S. Ute membership that has been going on for many years and GSB wants to pattern our business interests after them with no accountability and no transparency to anyone including probably even themselves. We have half that number of people hired in the Osage Nation government and who knows how many on the payroll of the Osage Casinos that we know nothing about. Percentage wise, we hire many more people at the Osage Nation than that ultra-selfish self-centered S. Ute government has ever even thought about. Who knows what is really going on when the curtain is finally drawn back on that wonderful Indian Wizard of S. Uz in S. Uz land. As long as we have a Chief who is more interested in his personal accomplishments and accolades than he is in all of us, we are going to continue to have problems and big ones. He seems to be way too easily influenced by power and the overall political pecking order that goes on in the outside world whether it’s actually legitimate or not. He needs not to indulge that weakness, put on blinders, and focus on correcting the money mistakes of the past rather than continue to make them in the present. He needs to lose this pie in the sky vision he has that will only lead to him being remembered as the Chief that brought the Osage Tribe to its knees and final destruction. Enough Geoffrey! Snap to and get real with the actual programs that we can afford. Including you, none of us are Peter the Great. Come down from "Planet Ambition" and start running things in a proper manner. Osage Nation employees getting paychecks from two or three different divisions of the Osage Nation government? Are you off your nut or what?
An utterly priceless clap reaction from Kugee Supernaw at the end of the Chief's remarks. Hilarious is an understatement. Beautiful outfit worn by the Speaker today and a very nice tribute from her to Congresswoman Edwards on her service in vetting Judge Gorsuch.
Gaming Board is now issuing a newsletter to promote and provide transparency to the Osage membership. "Osages wishing to receive an email copy of the gaming board’s newsletter, or to provide comments and suggestions, contact the gaming board’s office at (918) 287-5558 or email Gaming Board Executive Assistant Mariellen “Mo” Fisher at
Yes! The Osage people are interested in a transcript of the Executive and Legislative Messages for each and every Session that takes place of the Osage Congress. Congresswoman Edwards is perfectly correct about that too.
Like a copy of the statement of the Chief about the $1.4 million from the Tax Commission that has apparently materialized out of thin air as referenced by Congresswoman Whitehorn's statement during the Opening Day of the Regular Session yesterday.
Like I said, If there is capital where is it coming from and where is it going and I to would like to see the statements as well. Whitehorn is right too.
Congressional Session Day 3 is located at Important Note: The Bluestem Ranch Lease for the BR Board will be discussed in the Congressional Commerce Committee Meeting today between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. at The Agenda is located at
No to making the Hollidays a permanent fixture into our laws when they are already set Federally which trumps. You guys aleady take extra days in addition to, so lets be a little clear here I would agree if dates were available. No to Edwards. Alice Goodfox does it again wants those to be held accountable,in short, those who do not obey once they are told to stay off our Properties at the Casino's wants to impose fines if they keep coming back, makes so much sense. Pay for our services to escort them off the property again. John Maker has it right impose term limits yes!!! Get some houng blood in there is long over due!!!! This should be interesting and intense discussion about the Bluestem Ranch. Good luck Board members may you get what you deserve and want, just make it work and be clear and concise with deliberate intent supported by great confidence. Save us some money and please do the diligence with the Osage in mind. Thank you.
Regarding holidays as a permanent fixture. We are not Federal. Picture this, it's a holiday, all the offices are empty, one person is going around and laying dollar bills (in 20's) on each desk to cover their pay for that day they're not there. This is the Nation's money laying on these empty desks, not the Federal government money. Even the Casino revenue is derived for the benefit as a whole, the Nation.
Action Taken -- I was glad the Cherokee accountant came over and explained in simple terms the different levels of auditors and auditing procedures. Real informative.
Is it really necessary to have a Chief? It's just now working out for us. For one term, let's let the Congress run the Nation for a trial run? Multi-millions of dollars at one person's disposal? Monopoly -- exclusive possession or control of something.
A part of the problem is how not engaged some of the members of the Congress are reported to be from various credible sources at this time and how easily they are lead by the Chief when he is not even in that Branch of the Osage Nation government. If they can't do the work to fully flesh out what the Legislative Branch of government is supposed to be where watching the bottom line and guarding what is in the Osage Nation Treasury like they are supposed to be doing, then they need to find another part time job and get out of running the government. Now I'm hearing that they are going to have a "study" comparing what is being spent in expenditures and what they actually have to spend (probably in order to get rid of some of the spending that involves those who live outside of Osage County). This is a thinly veiled maneuver; I see right through it and so should you. Anyone in that Congress who votes to reduce benefits to the membership instead of downsizing the Osage Nation government that is neither needed or of value to the whole of the Osage Nation membership will go on a list that will be reported here relentlessly until the next election cycle in 2018. This is not a threat. It's a promise and many of these Boards and Commissions and Study Groups and Task Forces and on and on had better be the first to go if they are non-essential to the full and total membership especially since they eat up millions upon millions of Tribal funds on a yearly basis. We don't even need as many appointees as they have in many cases just like we don't need 12 members of the Osage Nation Congress if they aren't willing to uphold the mission, goals and even the very purpose of the Legislative Branch:
They are nothing but sluice gates for Osage County spending with no advance planning and huge numbers thrown around that they buy into year after year without even a proper fiscal analysis in advance. They like it this way so they have less responsibility to accept when things turn down and they always do turn down because that's what happens without proper planning in advance. All they seem to be interested in is throwing the money up in the air and letting everyone in Osage County get under the free fall to grab every dime they possibly can. It's putrid and they are destroying any chance of long term governmental success for future generations of Osages.
If only 10% of the registered voters are voting, we need to put together a membership voter turnout drive and get an independent verification of all absentee ballots returned to the Osage Election office from the constituents at the next election and every subsequent election. The U.S. Post Office is where these ballots are being sent and the Postal Inspection Service should be able to verify the total number of absentee ballots sent to this particular P.O. Box, then the election results will verify the number of absentee ballots that were actually counted and how many were not.
To March 30, 2017 at 10:34 AM--This is all part of the lateral violence that goes on with Osages who live within and without Osage County. The responsibility lies with us in choosing to be jealous and to justify destroying the social position of those who have what we don't. We have a choice and we are responsible for that choice. This same lateral violence is what motivates too many who are elected and appointed officials in the Osage Nation government, those employed by it and those Osages who live in Osage County and Oklahoma.
…” All they seem to be interested in is throwing the money up in the air and letting everyone in Osage County get under the free fall to grab every dime they possibly can…”
The Osage government is dutifully ensuring that the money is spent on themselves. Osage Indian employee salaries ranging from $50,000 to well over $100,000 with little or no formal education or actual corporate history is the norm.
Depending on their last name and to whom they are related receive much higher salaries, much higher bonuses, and more frequent raises. Programs are reduced or cut out entirely. Education and financial assistance is being reduced for people going to school, unless of course you are related to the right people then the rules are bent in their favor.
Now there is a hiring freeze…unless you know the right people (wink, wink). The nepotism and favoritism is ridiculous. Yes, the government post jobs online but applying for a job with the Nation is a waste of time because they already have a person picked out for the job. The online application is merely a formality to appease the rules.
Jim Gray took $1,000,000 from the Shareholder account to bribe the congress members and then partied in France. He blew a quarter million dollars on half a mound of dirt and other various waste of money. He ruined the reservation status and tried his very best, along with Pipestem, to steal the HHP money from the Shareholders.
To this day, the Osage government believes it owns the ME and is eternally diligent to rob the Shareholders of their estate.
Redeagle made damn sure his relative got high paying jobs at the Casinos and he bumbled his way to being kicked out of office.
Now we have Standingbear whose only intention is to enrich himself and his business cronies, to create a hostile relationship with the MC, and to continue the effort to steal the ME from the Shareholders.
And don’t forget, Raymond Redcorn wants to tax the ME.
When does it end? When the Osage government finally goes broke, of course!
From the Osage Congress Mission Statement: " appropriate monies that support necessary government services." Half or more of what they appropriate today isn't for necessary government services. It's just the opposite.
There is a form for constituents cmplaints and this is just the beginning I suggest all of who posts here to make them known, realizing this is just a formality start leaving a paper trail. Yes there is huge nepotism going on and that is a conflict of interest no doubt. Let them know our Government how disatisfied we are of them. Mostly stop the spending and down size our Government oer we will take back our Money our Government. Its pretty simple in nature. Our Government works for us not the other way around. In a society that is already over burdened by taxation it is not either proper to tax Raymond Redcorn. I know some of you that post here are whistle blowers but we all must stand united for all the right reasons.
5th Day of Session: Delay at first before the sound is turned on but when Speaker Pratt hits the gavel you will hear as well as see.
Really glad to see that Camille Pangburn has been honored by the Osage Nation government for her 7 consecutive terms in the Osage Tribal government. Don't really know the others so anyone else can speak for Jodie Revard and Rosemary Wood.
Osage Commerce Committee has approved a lease offered by the Bluestem Board for all of the Bluestem Ranch. This will be submitted to the full Congress for approval Monday morning. If approved, it will be sent to the Chief for his signature. The lease offers more than the Chief originally requested so there is no legitimate reason that he won't sign it. This may finally be settled and the board can go on with their efforts to make the ranch a productive and profitable entity for the Osage people.
The business plan for the Bluestem Ranch falls millions of dollars a year short of making a profit. The plan or anything similar to it will never make enough raw revenue to recover the cost of investing in the land, much less make an actual profit. The planned "profit" only exists due to the land being leased to the board for far less than fair market value - something that could never happen if the BIA held it in trust.
This subject by far will be a thorn for a very long time. Oust the Chief our gaming law is for one purpose not to be used like yesterdays underwear. This stinks to heaven come and our Congress is responsible. Did Congress see the Contracts, did they even do the math and read the fine print? Some serious incompetency is going on or they just didn't read it kinda like what Pelosi said you have to read it before you know whats in it right, not funny in the least. The Bluestem Board needs to be transparent and let the constituents know exactly where we stand.
I don't think anyone thought the ranch could pay for itself, as far as making the loan payments. The gaming money is making the payment on it whether we like it or not. I looked at that plan, I believe any profit made was to go back in improvements of the ranch, like keeping the fences up. Their "profit" wasn't based on getting the ranch for free. Looks to me it was based on running some wild BLM horses until there was money to pay for everything else. This ranch wasn't bought to make huge sums of money, it's all about bragging rights.
More like a dog and pony show. All the same there is profit if it is done right. And that capital is the Osages and yes by law this money has to come back for economic purposes to be realized. Or there will be consequences sure of that.
Bragging rights? What the hell do you mean? There is no room for that kind of egomanical fatuousness here. An investment that could run the Osage Nation into the ground and take much of the government employment and constituent benefits away? This damn ranch was supposed to be purchased under the terms and conditions of the NIGA and that means economic development not economic extirpation.
A profit in 5 years? Doubtful. The raw cost of the land plus necessary remediation is $115,000,000. Amortize that over 40 years (without accounting for any interest on a loan or the opportunity cost of money invested) and the minimum monthly lease payment for the Bluestem Ranch should be $239,583.
Given that over the useful life of a producing cow (5.7 years) the typical gross revenue is $5,203 and expenses are $2,623, the net profit is $2,580 - or roughly $453 per year. That includes seasonal pasture costs of $216 per year, and the cost of land on the Bluestem Ranch is far higher.
The ranch would have to be running nearly 6,400 producing cows on land costing far less than the Bluestem Ranch and selling off bred heifers at a high rate to have any hope of showing a profit.
If they wanted to get into a small ranching operation (which could have been profitable) they should have purchased a small parcel of land and then leased other people's property on a seasonal basis as needed.
You can read the business plan submitted by the Bluestem Ranch Board and see that it plainly states that any "profit" is based on leasing the land at a "nominal" amount and not fair market value. Any claim of a "profit" in the plan is a work of pure fiction.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The Bluestem Ranch deal makes the Osage LLC fiasco look like the very model of a successful business investment.
As for your last sentence, you'll get no argument from me. Now these egoists elected to government will feel the heat of the tight squeeze when it's time to pay the piper and that day is at hand. You lose benefits, they lose their jobs. Remember that come election time and don't think those who are too young to have foresight should be elected to office. There have been too many lawyers all over this thing since day one for this job to be anything other than ungodly complicated. If it weren't, GSB wouldn't be all over the place trying to get a handle on it. We warned these people in government but they thought they wouldn't get into trouble with money so quickly. Another example of the shortsightedness of electing people who are amateurs at best.
his is a long URL but well worth the time taken to look at it. Read the section of the chapter below and compare it with the before and follow it up with the after and what has actually taken place since the Osage Nation government took over. These OSA members at the time were right to be afraid of what these ONOs would do if they ever got their "dream" on its feet and it's been substantially worse than anyone could ever possibly have imagined. Begin on page 108 and start reading under the heading "Debating Change" What is of utmost importance here is that lack of acceptance of the responsibility for the failures that have taken place in the last ten years by the Osage Nation. Not one apology or even an admission to the Osage people that the ones in power have failed in even their modest charge to take proper care of the money in the Osage Nation Treasury and most especially, no apology for the loss of the Osage Reservation when it was unnecessary for that to have happened at all. Where and why we need to take a stand is for the same reason that took place in Iran when the Revolution happened and Chevron along with other oil companies were tossed out on their ear. Within a few years the oil and gas facilities were reported to be standing and rotting in the desert. Why? Because, the Iranians had no idea of how to run the oil and gas business established by outsiders in their country. This is a cautionary tale for the Osage people and the headright annuitants. The Osage Nation has a bad business track record and needs to be allowed to come nowhere near the running of the Osage Mineral Estate.
Wow! Smart ladies whose fears have been well founded because what they feared most back then has come into being. "...some (in the OSA) feared that the United States government would use this change (new government) to terminate the Mineral Estate..." Killing it off one new regulation at a time.
OSA = Osage Shareholders Association. Not much to look at as of yet but here it is anyway:
ref. March 30th at 2:18 p.m. "ethnic charges." On the video meeting of the Congress commerce mtg., Congressman Tillman says he submitted ethnic charges against the Chief 10 days prior to the meeting. I believe it was about the Chief interfering with the Board by running the BS Ranch after he gave authority to the Board to do.
HA! ethnic too probably but there's nothing in Osage law about that yet, even though there is a whole lot of bigotry going on against one Osage or another for one reason after another.
WOW! Huzzah! Not an easy thing to do and not an easy person to recreate from a historical standpoint. Congratulations!
Great discussion today in Congressional Session on non-binding resolutions as to waivers of Sovereignty and the fact that they do not really have the full force and effect of the law (Osage law). Time to grow up and abdicate away from the perennial twilight of adolescence that the Osages cling to, even at the level of the Osage Nation. BTW, this piece of legislation failed by a very high vote even after Congresswoman Edwards made a great case for its passage:
No Congressional Session today because of the Minerals Council meeting but the Committee meetings will take place and will be broadcast at
Session was supposed to be broadcast today but is unavailable as of yet. The Semiannual Report from Education Department / WELA / Headstart will be given to the Education Committee during the meeting that is coming up here shortly at Agenda for today (4-13-17) is located at
Session Day today is located at Agenda for April 17, 2017 / Day 18 is located at
A good bill worthy of our support is ONCA 17-48 which is the salary sunshine law making certain that the Congress and the Osage people via the Osage News will have access to a report and information on employee salaries. Congressman Supernaw is the sponsor of this bill and it is sorely needed.
1.1 million dollars for a War Memorial Fund? $100K should be sufficient at this time until the actual plan and cost is determined. Tying up money like this is taking it away from the Osage people in benefits Speaker Pratt. If you guys want to float your pet projects after the needs and wants of all of the Osage people have been taken care of, then gargantuan amounts being held up in the Treasury can be seen to. We are strapped now due to all of the irresponsible commitments that have been taken on by the Osage Nation and only direct services to the Osage people are now appropriate and justified.
History tells us that the $1.1 million for the War Memorial Fund will fall far short of the actual costs. This is just a starting point, just like the scam of Osage LLC which continues under the name of Tallgrass Economic Development. It's sad that some of the Osage will steal from the others worse than any white man ever did.
I'm getting damn sick of John Free getting a million bucks a year or more from the Osage people or whoever it is that keeps charging us a fortune for statues that would cost far less if another artist or sculptor or whatever were involved. The worst thing we did was kick that guy out of congress only to see him go on to become a millionaire many times over at the behest of the majority of the Osage people who go entirely without on a daily basis. that last one Free did looks like a cousin of Will Rodgers in leaner times make no mistake about it. He ain't free that's for sure. Do it at cost or for free you so-and-so. You've made enough money out of the pocket book of the Osage people. I'm thinking we should call for a U.S. Congressional hearing to get Shannon Edwards back to testify before the Congress and all the rest of these big spenders who are running through our gaming money that does not go to direct services for us and us alone and not just those in OC and Pawhuska. Let Chief Stumbling Bear and the rest of them in that Congress explain themselves and their negligent spending habits at that table to the United States Congress. This crap has been going on for 20-30 years or more all over the country with other Tribal Communities. I think the Osages should be the first test case in a monetary ethics hearing before the House to account for the way they spend our money on one unnecessary and imprudent thing right after another.
My pet peeve is how much they spend each year on lawyers, legal services and fees. That's into the millions too, I'd be willing to bet. I'd like to be able to see the Osage Nation Treasury checkbook/s bank statements monthly and see who gets paid for what and how much including the salaries and employee benefits plus expenses of any kind. They made that information available during the ouster trial of Chief Red Eagle on that cowboy who was getting paid for services of some kind the Osages didn't like. If they can do that then, they can do it now.
I'm hearing now that they (the ONDA) won't even process a claim on whistleblower unless an attorney files it. What does that tell you and in more than one way?
(ONDA) Osage Nation District Attorney. So who do we see about ethics complaints against them for not running these complaints down? If the complaints are so numerous, why aren't they doing something to clean up this mess if it's that bad? They have no right to ignore those complaints because each one of them should be telling them something about what is wrong with the Osage Nation government. That right there should be investigated. What's left ignored can't be fixed in a timely manner. Isn't that conduct unbecoming on the part of the two lawyers who are in the top two offices at the AG's office?
My pet heave (as in hurl - gag-gag) is the Boards and Commissions, Study Groups, Task Forces and all that putrid lot. Get all those people off the dole and get benefits going back to us in direct services.
The attorney general evidently has a drug problem. She doesn't come to work, and the ethics charges filed against the Chief are thrown at the bottom of the pile. You won't hear anything about it from the Osage News.
Lets talk money. Follow the money. I am talking about the statue. It should have cost well under 500,000. The artist who did a statue of Tupoc cost 500,000. So talk about we the Osage are being taken advantage is a understatement. Stop the insanity now with our money on these stupid pet peojects. From a Tall Chief that warned all you.
ONCA 17-48 Passes! The Osage Employee Salary Sunshine bill has passed and goes on to the Chief for his signature. I suspect that he's the reason why this law has come about so it will be interesting and on him if it isn't signed into law. Remember the "60 Empty Box Drubbing Incident" where he so grossly insulted the members of the Osage Congress as representatives of the Osage people and as a result, the Osage people. If you remember nothing else come the election in June of 2018, remember this incident and vote accordingly against this Chief and his lack of transparency on these salaries in the Office of the Chiefs and others in the Executive Branch budgets. There is a deep well of anger on the part of the members of the Osage Nation on this issue and he must answer for it in the ballot box.
ONCA 17-50 is another good one to promote transparency and accountability in the budgeting process with the goal of uniformity. It passed with all members of the Congress voting for the bill.
ONCR 17-20 has a long explanation from Congressman Shaw about how the Executive Branch is moving money around that is very revealing. What I want as a member of the Osage Nation with regard to the budgeting process is for those budgets to be locked down yearly and tightly budgeted with no more than a 1% overage per year if that, and for these Executive Branch divisions, departments, offices and so forth under the umbrella of the Executive Branch to live with and spend accordingly within the amount budgeted per year and not spend any more than what they are allocated and what has been originally appropriated in the Fall Regular Session of the ON Congress. All this movement of money between budgets under the umbrella of one particular Division or another and now even between Divisions (!) is not within the best practices of budgeting and accounting for governments including Tribal, State and at the Federal level. This is wholly substandard and that window needs to be closed up and nailed down now and from now on. We need to have a government where ON Treasury money is not moved around in this inappropriate manner. This opens up an opportunity for financial crimes to take place and that right there is simply unacceptable. This Resolution has passed the Congress today and it's nice but again it's non-binding and has no force of, or action of Osage Nation law associated with it.
17-64 Money found? Where is this budgeting process so rank and inadequate that they can FIND money in very large amounts every time they meet? I do not buy this for one minute.
I told you I wasn't kidding when it comes to how our Government was being ran, and that I would be using my energy to right so much that is wrong with what is happening with how our money is being used or visa versa the Osage, we the Osage are being used. Spoke with a Lawyer as I said I would in 2006, but out of respect, I gave this, our Government a fighting chance and look at where we are at. The Lawyer I spoke with clearly understands the dilemma not just with our tribe but Indian country as a whole and the shell game that is being played. I hold the card the one card that can bring this Government to a halt. Bring it back to the council if so desired by our constituency. I will not do this unless I am not alone in our perseverance for accountability and transparency. Listen I was talking to the Lawyer, what tans my hide, oops its already tan now bruised, is the wasteful spending that has plagued our Tribe, such as, the Statue for example, he was not surprised. We touched so much on many topics. The end result and as I have suspected we have a shell game going on, more than likely than not. He is also a accountant as i myself. My question to you all, do we hit reset or do we hope for a better Chief come next year and hope we get a Chief for the people or are we going to get more of the smae. It should have not cost a million for a statue, maybe $ 250,000 and thats a big if. We had a very long conversation and about the M.E. as well. And be very afraid because they can be removed. Not that I would like to see this happen we need a working M.C. Basically the Lawyer said from the Justice Dept. down because the cronyism and nepotism is so deep that its to the point because there is no accountability and transparency because everyone know everyone it's no surprise. I said don't get me wrong there are a few good people form with in, but thats it. Folks this is just the beginning, out side of a rewrite of our Constitution. I am a third generation Osage and I cannot see our Tribe going in the direction of corruption that apparently has been on our door step for some time and it was here before Carol Leese.
Understood and agreed. Well before Carol Leese. Now there's a big stink because the money is for the veterans monument. This is a sore spot since the VW. If the Nation voted for gaming funds to be fairly distributed instead of tying up almost all of it with one benefit after another for only those members who live in OC, it would be a lot different. People first. Pet projects after the people have been taken care of...I mean all the Osage people.
Thank you. We have to do exactly what was said those goals are not met by statues that clearly are pet projects. I'll go a little deeper in our conversation with the lawyer and I talked extensively about the 25 year strategic planning and the glorified wording in it. Foolishly put togther with no real ideal how we were going to achieve these goals. A farce. It is hard to believe in either the Nation and those who really are trying to make it better for our people are being stonewalled to some degree. There sare some to name a few who live by the oath they have taken and we must encourage our Government we can do better. We also talked about ideas that could benefit the Osage just besides a health card. Which I would have rathered and who cares about the tax but to let the people decide what they want to do with that money. If it is not used in that year where is that money sitting at? In the bank well lets put the choice in the peoples hand the Osage.. Heres another Idea for every pet project match the dollar for the Osage, distribute it be in a form of a Per-cap and so forth to our people quarterly Our economy in your area gets a D+. So how is that beneficial to our economy, it's not. I do have realistic ideas that can bring revenue to our neighbor hoods, districts, now this is what is supposed to happening and is not.I would like to see the guy who keeps on asking for these pet projects explain how our gaming money is making us money with these pet projects and end the fraud behind this sham. A per-cap in some shape or form can be handed out quarterly this will set parameters for better commitments upon our Government not to forget the true intent of our Casino's the mere fact this intent as intended pointed out to me has not occurred is because of the entitlements as all Governments feel they are only entitled to. We can litigate this if I should so desire to do so and our people will win in the end, it better to come to a concesus and the courts are hollering to me, it is the season for our Osage people, so shall we rally for what is right. I am this close to opening up a non-profit in the name of the Osage for transparency and accountability. And any whistle blower will be taken seriously.
Congress is approving and budgeting these millions of dollars each year. How can it legally be done to put a whole on their decisions unless it is vital or necessary instead of approving it just because so much money is coming in. New projects are not going to stop with this Chief or any thereafter.
With the health card there's a list of what you can purchase and what you can't. Make a list for the Chief. I have a whole lotta money in my account, but I can't even get a tube of toothpaste. What's good for the gander is good for the goose. Each year's budget, make a list of can and can't first, then budget.
The list of "cans" are benefits to the entirety of the Osage Nation members FIRST all the time. Everything else comes AFTER those direct services (benefits) to the Osage people are budgeted for every year. This should be how it's handled. Not some new membership program introduced with fanfare by some elected official right before an election when they are coming up for reelection or are running for another elected office.
Supernaw's bill ONCA 17-48 passed in the congress. This would make the employee's salaries public in the Osage News. He said the Osage people have a right to know how their money is being spent. The people agree but the government doesn't. It will be vetoed by the Chief and the Congress won't have the guts to override the veto. So much for transparency and accountability.
We will publish the names of everyone who does not vote to override the Chief's veto. Then we will ask that this web page be printed for everyone to keep in their election file when those who vote against transparency and accountability come up for reelection. We have a right to know who gets paid for what and for how much and we have had since the very beginning until the public outcry became so loud that they decided to hide the outrageously high salaries and number of positions in budgets with only round numbers. They ought to be tossed out on their ears with few exceptions, let me tell you.
It's our money and they are working for us and we do have a right to know how our money is working or not working for us. It would be different if we did not own that money but we do so we do have a right to know. Dare anyone to say differently and yes if this gets vetoed then we should take the Nation to Court.
When Federal jobs are advertised on the website, the title of the job is shown, and usually a brief description of the duties are described. It also lists the level pay grade of the job and to what level you can advance to, after you reach the highest level you are usually eligible to apply for the next higher jobs advertised (meaning you have reached the training and experience to advance).
In the newspaper employment ads, some private companies just say "Salary dependent on experience." As a private company that's their right. BUT, the members of the Nation is the "company." There would be no company without the members.
Are some employees getting a whole lot more than someone else doing the same job? Are unqualified friends and relatives getting positions rather than those who are more qualified but are not in the local "social group?" Or, maybe, some salaries are way overpaid for the experience required?
So why not "transparency." Is that too much to ask? If so, why? Let's not ever forget about the $20 million lost because the elected voted toward "wrong" instead of "right." Can it happen again, without "transparency," SURE IT CAN.
I think the new Sky Lodge community is a great achievement and I am happy for all those families who got a key. A dime is a dime, put money where it's needed.
ONCA 17-48, the bill making employee's salaries public, was vetoed and the Congress could not override the veto due to a few of the members of Congress who are still confused as to who they work for. Some obviously think their master is the Chief, they don't realize their first duty is to the people of the Osage Nation. That's who is paying their salary. Red Corn who was writing the veto because the Chief was gone, used as a reason, that we couldn't tell the Osage Newspaper that they had to publish the salaries like the newspaper would resist publishing the news. The employees are public employees paid by public money. Why would anyone want to hide the salaries. Maybe because some of the salaries are completely out of line.
They have been hiding these salaries for a number of years that are definitely out of line and the people need to know. Trust the Chief to be gone over something important like this and as for that smarmy AP Chief Red Corn. I saw nothing in that legislative bill that said that the Osage News had a gun to their head to publish this information or any other for that matter. Where that s**mbag comes up with half of the HS he comes up with as a side step is beyond me. He's a piece of work if there ever was one and the mound of contempt I have for this no-count continues to mount relentlessly. Chief has lost my vote on this issue whether he was there or not. I'm so done with him and glad of it.
Funny... Congresswoman Edwards is making a change to the Congressional rules for 24 hour written notice if a member of Congress can't attend either a Session day or a Congressional Committee Meeting or off with your head!
Penalty? What's the real penalty if they don't comply? Again, here we go with no consequences for non-performance as a member of elected office and yet the election bill is top to bottom with penalties for violations that cost plenty or can actively stop you from running for elected office like it's a department of the Nazi SS or worse! This is the usual pablum that they rule themselves by once they get in yet they build violation and related penalty bomas after bomas around the process for becoming elected to office. Way not right.
With so many involved in this project, I wonder how well this will go especially if Tallgrass, the Osage Nation Utility Authority, Osage Innovative Solutions and Osage Nation Information Technologies as well. I can see this running to tumult and leading to pandemonium.
A director when we have a chief who is already sitting on the council I find it redundant and this is why he is chief it is his duty as pledged under oath the he is representative of the M.E and where will this money be coming from? The 1906 ACT as ameneded says what it says set by our forefathers not to be interpreted any other way. If change is to come I would like to vote on that change thank you kindly.
How does a mature dying mineral estate support a whole new Osage Nation bureaucracy? Answer: it doesn't without the Shareholders losing income or the Osage Nation swooping in with money and control. Don't be fooled. Directors direct things and the last thing we shareholders need is the stupid incompetent Nation dictating, directing, telling or anything else, our Minerals Council to do a single damn thing.
I can already smell the sweat of those with their hands out for a big job and a fat paycheck with the Osage Nation to control the OME when no one and I mean no one will take any direction from them in the oil and gas business. They'll be lucky to collect a royalty dime from the producers and have no way to enforce payment or verify what is owed to them. Don't go there, I mean to tell you...
FYI: According to a recent Facebook post by the Chief about the Osage Healthcard: "Healthsmart is being replaced...It will take a few months for the changeover."
ReplyDeleteThe new Osage Blog Shareholder web page is located at
Is the AG in rehab or what? Might explain strange statements in recent Osage News article about Skiatook building purchase by chief.
DeleteHe always seems to get other attorneys in on what he does as a CYA maneuver. Who knows how this will come out. Jim Gray did this at least one time that I recall and the Congress back then did nothing. I'm glad to see that the Congress is now stepping up to establish their authority here because the Osage people need to know what the Chief is doing at all times with our money and not spending it without the knowledge of and behind the back of our elected representatives.
More to the point, perhaps a case could be made that the AG and the Assistant AG didn't want to have anything to do with weighing in on this one. They couldn't both have been out of pocket at the time this lease purchase matter was discussed, could they?
DeleteObama would wait till Congress was out of town then pass his bills or orders. The Chief had plenty of time to go through the right procedure (Congress). In case Congress did not approve this lease he went to his personal-chosen lawyer to help him bypass them. There was time to do a building and other inspections, so he had time to go to Congress, it's not like he had to drive to Oklahoma City.
DeleteAG Wells stated "...the Chief has been fully cooperative and transparent on all aspects of this transaction..." He could of been that way with Congress also. It was this phrase he was looking for (a future plea) before he would go ahead and do the lease himself. It was a premeditated action.
If the Judge finds the Chief to be "in excess of his authority," would mean the Nowlins were mislead by the Chief. Then the Chief may be facing another lawsuit by them. If the Chief is found in wrongdoing, then the lease most likely would be canceled anyway.
Native Indians depend on the U.S. Congress to do right by them. It's no different with the Osage Nation Congress, we expect them to do right by us also.
The Osage Nation Congressional Hearing on the Bluestem Ranch due to start in a few minutes:
Live at
Later at
Here is where it gets very sticky for me and I have to take issue with the representation of the ON Congress about having done their due diligence. If this noxious weed Sericea lespedeza is widespread throughout the Bluestem Ranch, what was their responsibility to have disclosure about this by the Ted Turner team? What was the responsibility that a full disclosure in writing as to material defects associated with the land was given to the Osage Nation by Ted Turner before the bid was even put forward by the Nation?
DeleteSericea lespedeza is exactly as Kugee stated, a very expensive problem as is represented by the web page at the Missouri Department of Conservation:
What other defects does the land have with regard to other issues? Land in other states is usually never sold, "As is." Nothing about this head long emotional land purchase as acknowledged by Speaker Pratt makes any sense especially if we find that the Osage people are left holding the bag because the Osage Nation never really did engage in even a rudimentary proper "due diligence" process where the purchase of real estate in Oklahoma is concerned. Who were State licensed real estate Brokers who were consulted by the Chief and the members of the Osage Nation Congress who are expected to find out this kind of information as to costly defects and liabilities before the sale of the property rather than afterward?
DeleteNegative Environmental Conditions is a material defect that should have been disclosed by the Ted Turner team to the Osage Nation and if they wanted and expected this land to be placed in trust from the very beginning, they should have had someone out there on that land to find this HUGE AND COSTLY defect!!!!!!! I say sue Ted Turner for not having properly disclosed in writing both the noxious weed and the negative environmental conditions associated with clean up of oil wells, spills and pipelines from this DOI report on placing the land into trust.
And now, Mr. Neff is left twisting in the wind on his lease because the Chief never informed or disclosed to him that he will have to have the Osage Congress approve his lease when the Chief told him that he had the authority to make this lease? "I'm sure we haven't heard the last of Mr. Neff!!!!!" I'm sure too!!!! Again we see the horrid Micky Mouse business behavior of the Osage Nation and its elected officials. What the hell? Imagine what will happen if the Osage Nation gets its mitts on the Osage Mineral Estate!!!!!!!!
DeleteYou know, in some states like California, if you don't properly disclose material defects in writing to the buyer before the sale of property, you can go back into court and get your money back from the seller and keep the land as well. Perhaps someone in the Osage Nation government who handles property matters ought to look into the Oklahoma State law on a matter of non-disclosure where the purchase of real estate property is involved.
DeleteSounds like a good opportunity to me.
DeleteHow do we get a copy of the DOI Report that makes this $41 million assessment?
DeleteThe Chief is a lawyer. Why didn't he see to this full disclosure of material defects, as to the state of the property from Ted Turner's representatives, himself? Good comments from Susan Forman as to this very issue and the BIA who should have been out there looking into this and cleaning up this environmental situation long before anyone even considered purchasing the land?
DeleteSounds like the BIA should have tapped the Osage Nation on the shoulder at the time of the arrangement and prior to the bid to purchase the property.
DeleteReally good meeting and a lot of important issues have come out in this Hearing. Well worth a listen.
DeleteIn recess and will return with the Bluestem Ranch Board to speak during the second half of today's meeting.
DeleteThey're back.
DeleteI disagree. We need a lease payment each month from the Ranch Board so that we get some kind of return on the investment. The way you want it structured, Maria Whitehorn, is the same way that the Osage, LLC was structured in the end without a single dividend payment to the member, the Osage Nation, in five or more years of its existence. These business ventures are expected to pay back to the Osage Nation and the Osage people, not take, take, and take ad infinitum!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteImpeachment starts now !!! And then I want someone a special prosecutor to come in here and investigate all aspects this structure of a Government we have going on here youball are seriously looking extremely complicit, I see fingers starting to point, not an excuse.
DeleteAssuming the Bluestem Ranch Board is to make a lease payment, where is the money going to come from? They don't have a business plan that will ever operate the ranch at a profit. Do you expect the Osage Nation to continually appropriate money for operation of the ranch to pay the lease?
DeleteAs to "successful" operation of TED LLC, its business model is to use the 8(a) status to get work for other businesses that actually perform the work. If they don't perform the required minimums with their own employees - at least 15% for construction and at least 50% for services - then it is just a matter of time until they get caught for violating federal law.
The economic development efforts by the ON make the business dealings in the old Three Stooges comedies look like prosperous endeavors.
I cannot believe how they consistently get themselves in trouble like this when they insist on emoting their way through these business decisions instead of thinking their way through them and they do this all the time. It always leads to trouble and in their case, the worst kind of trouble. Financial trouble. There is no excuse for this horrible mistake this far along in the establishment of the Osage Nation government. How much are the yearly property taxes going to be on this Bluestem Ranch land since it can't be placed in trust without another $41 million spent to take care of the environmental problems? This is insane!
DeleteChief is a lawyer and has no valid excuse or reason not to have consulted with real estate professionals like realtors and had the like in on this land bid. Where too was the appraisal of the land from our end, arranged for by our Real Estate Broker representing the interests of the Osage Nation as the buyer (?) and I agree, impeachment proceedings as soon as that lazy Osage Congress can get it done. You know, you could just die of shame and embarrassment the idiocy they exhibit on a monthly if not a daily basis.
DeleteAnonymousMarch 13, 2017 at 8:27 AM
Delete"Assuming the Bluestem Ranch Board is to make a lease payment, where is the money going to come from?"
Listen to the second half of the meeting where that Board member talks about how you are asset rich at first and then as time goes on, you begin to equalize and start to make money as a yearly profit. Then he began to talk about all of the costs that are usual in a ranching operation that don't apply where the Osage Nation as a Tribal entity is concerned. The money will be there eventually if they do it right. That's what's in question. If they can do it right to get the operation on its feet and become successful by running it as a business venture and not like a Tribal program.
This investment decision is starting to look like tea time on Teletubbies. AHAAAAARRRAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How awful. How could they get us into something like this? Again? The Osage Nation made the final decision and it bears the full responsibility and must answer for it to the Osage Nation membership. The whole damn team at the top, both Executive and Congressional should hand in their resignations this afternoon.
DeleteLets just put it this way, look at our laws that protect this type of behavior. We need to change the way we address and legislate. To many and often times we buy emotionally without the diligence and going on blind faith that all disclosures have been presented all going on blind face value. Now our Congress should not be allowing for this tyoe of free wiloy spending in the executive and just because its under a cap of 10% for the lease of the day care center opens ups doors to fruad and corruption I'll give you this,you give me back so much money. Not that I am saying this happened but how do you know it didn't now that opens the door for conflict of interest of the executive dept. The mere presence of impropriety exists. Ethics come into question as well. It's not as if I did not understand the cost overruns of a ranch or anything like that or for the most it's not like I didn't list a few of the cost overruns when the talks were in the initial beginning process of purchasing something of this magnitude. So lets start pointing the fingers at Congress. The appropriation comes from them so Congress this is why Government needs to stay away from business because we will always be on the losing end. Why do you think we have a gaming board? And now we need a Bluestem Ranch Board and we need to leave it to them to right the wrong. Forty one million is nothing compared to the 20,0000 osages who deserve a per-cap from our gaming facilities and we will get there if you all can waste money like this and not do the required diligence the you all our incompetent all the way up to the Chief but my guess the Chief is laughing at you and is ahving the last laugh. This Osage is pissed and so should you.
DeleteForty one million? And how much have we lost thus far with the Osage llc lawsuit? The five man board? Ah, John Red Eagle and the IT guy? Did we ever recoup the loss there? How much money of the osage is going to lawyers because non of you can think further than you can spit? How much money are we making off the air park? The state park we purchased? Compounded by not following the bidding process? What the heck is going on here? Who is feeding who this baloney of a Government we have? Is this what Hespi Barnett hoped for? Weather intended or not, all the same,in the end did the means justify the outcome? Worse, the consequence of the effects will not be on the Nation but the people will have lost what they can't get back because in the end Trust Matters !!!!! And numbers do not lie but people do, all in the name of greed and when it sounds to good doesn't the hair stand up in the back of your neck and doesn't the instinct to search deeper ever come to mind? Seek, search and either represent or destroy for the truth and oath that binds all of you to be competent in the name of the Osage not the Osage Nation. You all represent us and we all are in this together whether we like it or not but what I am saying is accountability is looking pretty bad on the face of it. Next step is to hit reverse? Because I here people knocking but nobody is listening? Maybe a one page rewrite of the Osage Constitution and have us a good ole fashion Constitutional Covention where the people will be able to sur there Government and be compensated for the loss of revenue through bad buisness deals and hold those accountable at the board level and fire them as well. Just because the Government pays your salary doesn't mean you are protected by the Government, big difference there. To be Sovereign is to be able to be self sufficient, I don't see anything in that wording that says take advantage? By the way how is our fruit and vegetable stand doing? The Hydroponics? How much has that made the Osage Nation? So, last resort we get a Chief who will clean the swamp and give us real numbers that we can work with, stay within the budget parameters, a Chief you can Trust. Someone who will clean the Swamp and bring Jobs with them. I have forty million reasons why we should elect someone with that ability. Someone who is not friends with everything or one.
Delete$20 million right about now on the Osage, LLC and some of these crooks are going to land in jail, God willing.
DeleteOldest sales trick in the book. Create urgency. "You snoose, you lose." The elected members of the Executive and the Legislative Branches of the Osage Nation fell for that one like the proverbial ton of bricks.
DeleteAt the 8:27 am poster. The ranch board had a business plan. The Chief told them that if it had been a good one it would have only been 2 pages long, then slung it down the table at them. He disagreed with their plan because it emphasized finances/profitability too much! Yeah, we wouldn't want that. You can find their plan on the Osage Nation website under the legislative stuff. You don't have to agree with everything they had in the plan, but I've never seen the Nation put together a plan that made sense with short term and long term goals.
DeleteA Business Plan put it on the table for all to see or post it in the Osage News. Get outside help and who better than to ask the Osage, after allmit is their money. The constituents money. There are a lot of business savy people to know what to do with something of this nature. One Chief who cares if you do not like the Idea how this Ranch is going to be ran let the Board see fit to do the Job or task at hand. Second lets not get to many hands in the cookie Jar. In other words, better to group the cows, bison, together not separately, to costly..decide how or methods to what they are going to eat. We all know fencing is coming form the Nation. And can be done at a very low cost. One person will oversee the Ranch. I am sure the Board is looking at every posible avenue to start generating a profit, but this is what I want to talk about where would the profit or capital when this happens go to? Back to the Osage Constituency? And how will we benefit? Lets make our money work for us not the Government?
DeleteSeems like a total lot of flip-flopping is going on with the Chief. At first, the ranch wasn't supposed to make money and now it has to make money and the ranch board was going to run it and now only so many acres and now half of the acreage and on and on. What is the story today and since when does the Chief get to engage in abusive behavior ("The Chief told them that if it had been a good one it would have only been 2 pages long, then slung it down the table at them") toward anyone who receives a paycheck from the Osage Nation? His behavior is getting more strange by the day according to reports coming in from various sources.
DeleteTransparency is to the Political advantage and maybe the Chief has something to hide because something is coming down the pike from what resources I have to..said this in a earlier post that all you do is have to take a step back and this entire deal predicates on a promise and a handshake that will never see the day of light. And he is goi g to have mud on his face at the expense of the Osage people. And for 10mlong years we have seen the taking and thats it pretty much. And hear the words of the Osage smaller Government means roll back the spending in the Executive and execute some laws here that will prottect the interest of the Osage or if this Government fails we all do and maybe it shoukd after all it was built on lies because its become something we did not want to happen and the facts speak for themselves loud and clearly.
DeleteIt matters what you say and it matters what we see those two mechanisms work hand in hand and what we have here is, by no accident, a failure to communicate that alone creates a conflict of interest and worse sets the precedent for this to happen again and again unless we hold those responsible which is about everybody with the exception to Shannon Edwards. And to be honest this kind of incompetence is unfathomable. A special prosecutor is needed to investigate and it would behoove the Chief to step down and The AP Chief as well.
DeleteThis is what I amsaying they are taking money from the Casino and it's law we have to benefit from it so it is not a asset.
Deletereference March 13 at 10:43 am -- "...Constitutional Convention..."
DeleteLET'S START! There's the California Osage Shareholder's Association, the Texas OSA, and Pawhuska OSA, and the Osage Blogs.
No Osage should have to pay a lawyer to find out what we are privey to--we are privey to transparency.
DeleteWhen George Bush, Jr. gave us our sovereignty I think he expected a different outcome than what we have become. We're not flourishing as members, but we sure have impressed the public and tourist.
How long is the salaries of employees guaranteed, they're not Federal workers. Did the Chief really take some Casino employees paycheck to cover his expense/spending?
The Chief keeps going to the ATM.
Is the statue an asset? What money is it going to draw in? How long will it take to get the $50,000 back from profits?
People like mini-golf, they play it as a family, with their kids. Hmmmm, I think I'll mention this to the Osage LLC.
I got a clarification yesterday on two things. It was the Executive Branch that brought in the idea to purchase the Bluestem Ranch. I am going ahead to presume that it was also the Executive that put pressure on the Congress to move quickly to secure and win the bid. It's also the responsibility of the BIA to handle the clean up and that $41 million has to come from them, not the Osages. The problem is that they don't have the money to make such a clean up happen and probably won't for many years to come if ever. This all went way too fast and the only one who rejected the pressure was Shannon Edwards on the Congress side. Still, the prime movers were the Chief and the Asst. Chief on this purchase and they bear the largest responsibility for it.
DeleteBig mistake, Chief. Big mistake.
DeleteLess do nothing employees and more universal membership benefits paid for with Tribal funds.
Next election is coming up sooner than you think...
Elected officials need to become familiar with the phrase, "All things considered."
DeleteTo the poster from March 13, 2017 at 8:50 AM: While the board claims that typical costs will not be present because the ranch is Osage Nation land, that simply cannot be taken at face value.
DeleteThe land is an asset. It's value must be recovered in the form of equitable lease payments. Making a profit without recovering the value of the land over 40 years is nothing short of insane.
Beyond the possible option of not paying fair market value for use of the land, what other costs will not be incurred? I certainly cannot think of any.
As a matter of fact, the Osage Nation land will incur greater costs than privately owned land due to the remediation necessary before the BIA will consider a land into trust application.
Haven't the Osage suffered enough from claims made by charlatans and confidence men which later turn out to have been false from day one?
So, I'm reading through the business plan presented by the Bluestem Ranch board and note that the entire premise on making a "profit" is reliant upon not paying fair market value for the land lease. To quote from page 5:
Delete"The Board was under the impression that a long term lease for a nominal rental value would be approved by the Nation."
The most optimistic revenue projections leave the "net income" falling $2,069,460 per year short of what the land would need to generate to recover the cost of investment over 40 years, and that cost recovery assumes no further investment is necessary by the Osage Nation over the course of the next 4 decades.
Anyone can make a "profit" on a business if someone gives them a multi-million dollar asset to work with that doesn't have to be paid for. However, that's a really bad business model for the investor.
All said and done, the Bluestem Ranch makes the Osage LLC fiasco look like the model of success.
There you have it...
DeleteThat's why some of us weren't caught up in the rush to buy land without a proper amount of time to think it through and to do the work necessary to see if the investment was even a good idea in the first place.
Thank you poster @ 4:37, did our Congress do the mathematics on this proposal? Think not. Where was the diligence by our Governing committee our Congress? We the people, the Osage people want answers especially from our Chief on this matter with respect to earning a fair value return on our market purchase of the Bluestem Ranch, and I would like to bring into this mix the appropriation committee as well. 115000000 million dollars does make the Osage llc look like apples compared to oraanges. We have a right to our investment for a return because it is the law, not 10 years down the road and 40 years down the road is not good enough. By our laws our money through gaming is to be equivalent to when used to be used economically to the advantage Osage and by the looks of this cash cow you are all liable you know and so do we, like we were born off a turnip truck yesterday. You are not going to be liberal with our money and find excuse after excuse that this was done without merit. It will not work. We all warned about this purchase and it fell on death ears. Open up a investigation or I will call the FBI and let them know something hanky panky is going on here all the way to the judicial. Our gaming money is to be used for profit to the Osage economically and this was just one big fail that I hope that the Board can get this off the roof but by the looks of it, its not going to happen. Our money gaming money was spent on a pipe dream by our Chief. And he broke the law.
DeleteWonderfully funny! You have such a way with words. I'd like the Board to be able to get this off the ground before they fall off the roof under the leadership of the Chief, you ask me. In short, it's a worst case boondoggle that needs to come to the attention of the Secretary of the Interior who can handle supervision because with this last horrible fiscal decision of the purchase of the Bluestem Ranch, I really don't know how much more we are expected to take. Clearly, those who run this Osage Nation government are simply not capable of running it properly from a fiscal standpoint and to the satisfaction of anyone who has a lick of common sense. I say enough is enough and the Osage Nation government officials really need to be subject to a guardian like supervision and review for any major spending outlay of the Osage people's money beyond, let's say $10,000. The first paragraph of the 1978 Act to amend the 1906 Allotment Act calls out a process for such a procedure to take place to relieve the currently elected members of the Osage government for "good cause" and gross fiscal incompetence in the budgeting, debt acquisition, and spending of the gaming and other funds of the Osage Nation government surely qualifies as one of them. I quote from this U.S. Congressional Act:
Delete"The Secretary (of the Interior) is hereby authorized to remove from the council any member or members for good cause, to be by him determined, after the party involved has had due notice and opportunity to appear and defend himself."
Without a doubt now, we need an intervention in place on an immediate basis with someone in a position to guide and advise in any matter where the Osage people's money is being spent.
THWI! I've had enough too. Just bring this dumm a**ed so called Osage government down an start over.
Take the whole damn thing into Federal Receivership !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[The Big Lebowski]
Clean the swamp and all of you have mud on your face. I can be colorful with my words but worse I can be very blunt still Shaking my head and wondering if I should buy a page in the Osage News and making this issue a reality that must not be swept under the covers. Look this is our money and I fully believe we have a Government is working in the red and its looking like a front to absolutely spend and pocket. Because I am not seeing real representation but what I do see is hook line and sink is our failure to do nothing. 10 years and what has the Osage Nation done but squander whats not there's to do. You look at the ivestments thus far Air Park we leases back to ourselves wheres the capital? We have a State Park wheres the capital going if any? The Nation,who gave them authority to abuse a law the clearly defines how it is used? When using the Casino money it must be economically to the advantage of the Osage. Worse you cannot hold them responsible unless we go above them to the U.S Congress and of course the SOI.
DeleteAll Osages this is by far worse then John Red Eagle I forgive him he was just to dumb to know. Jim Gray and losing our Reservation Status is by far worse but so is this fiasco of a buy with the Bluestem Ranch and This is the fault of our Chief GSB.
DeletePlus a $450,000 Tribal matching grant for broadband internet access in BOWRING ?!!!? For 522 people, nearly all of whom are not Osages:
That's roughly 85 Osages who live in the Bowring area. Taken together with the grant and the matching Tribal funds of $900,000, that's $10,588 per person !!!!!!! Bowring is darned near to the Kansas State line South of Hula Lake.
DeleteOh and the Chief taking money out of the Gaming Commission Budget without their knowledge! Of all the Boards and Commissions, this one is of utmost regulatory importance and this budget should be sacrosanct period.
DeleteUnreal now that the Gaming Board announced its short fall and this to was under GSB'S watch. Get him out!!! Once again are we operating in the RED? Now a hiring freeze and the per-diams or entitlements are off the table, wheres the little girl who was crying about the merit system? Everbody should be afraid our GOVERNMENT is and might collapse under this administration and I suggest as I have been saying less is more. Time for a special prosecutor to come in and look at our books.
DeleteHere we go. If you can figure out what is what and how much money this Osage Nation government has, I've got to hand it to you. I can't make heads or tail of any of it with numbers flying around from one Branch of the government to the other. Second of all, I want that gaming commission to be handling the oversight of the security not the Osage Nation because they don't even have oversight over their money where the projected income is concerned:
"“One of the problems is that the accounting for the shortfall has changed almost every other day during the past two weeks. At first, it was reported to be $445,000. At the next meeting, there was a change to approximately $300,000. Then, at a meeting with several Congress members present, it changed again to $760,000. Then, at the Gaming Commission meeting, it was $308,000."
All I can conclude is that this is a shell game with Osage Nation projected revenue being reported from various sources. This has all got to end and someone in this incompetent government has to find out what the true numbers are and spend accordingly. This is what comes of the flippant way that the Executive deals with the Legislative Branch. It all began when budgets with line items began to disappear and only total numbers for each department, office, etc. began to be reported in round numbers. If the Osage Nation government can't provide oversight, then the Osage people should have the right to have a look at what is being spent and where. Then the Congress didn't want to come in for one Special Session after another to make line item adjustments in budgets (might have to work too much and too hard) so the freedom to move money around from one line item in a particular budget to another became the active practice. Now, from what I am able to understand, money is being moved from budgets placed all together in one Executive Branch Division. In short, money from one budget is robbed to give more money to another budget under the same Division, in this case, The Executive Administration division:
"This division budget also contains separate budgets for the Nation’s Tax Commission, Election Office, Emergency Management Office, Archives, Communications, Information Technologies, Accounting, Human Resources and a separate HR budget for employee hams distributed during the holiday season."
When you start doing this kind of robbing Peter to Pay Paul kind of accounting you are bound to get in trouble and shutting down Casino because you don't have the necessary people on the Gaming Commission to effect a proper regulatory oversight, this is trouble.
Outstanding reporting by Benny Pollaca of the Osage News on this developing situation.
DeleteIf you do stupid things with money, you pay the price. The Congress must have hard figures on exactly what is being spent and where for every single Department, Office, etc, and the Executive Branch MUST adhere to those fiscal choices made by them and put on down on paper on a daily, monthly and yearly basis or get back to the Congress to make those changes to those budgets by use of the appropriation process. Anything else will lead to the horrific consequences we find ourselves facing now. The very idea of of sending nearly empty boxes over from the Executive Branch to the Osage Nation Congress to thumb their noses at the representatives of the Osage people was worthy of severe discipline and this is what it leads to... I sincerely hope that the Chiefs have stepped in it big time and that finally they receive the discipline and the consequences that they so richly deserve. GSB and RRC, go ahead and run to the Osage Nation Supreme Court with that and see how far you get when the National Indian Gaming Commission swoops down and The government's gonna jump all over your head, GSB, and go "cock-a-doodledoo!" I say receivership and get this eleven year mess that has been made by people who have no respect for the way that things are properly done with money sorted out and put right once and for all. We want to see line item by line item what you are spending including salaries and employment positions as well as all other budgetary items and we want you to stick to them day in and day out or resign from office and go elsewhere where you can't any longer do fiscal harm to the Osage Nation government.
According to the article, and since GSB issued an executive memo stating there will be a hiring freeze on new ON government employees, how is the problem to be resolved if they can't hire a replacement for the Accounting Controller who resigned on Jan. 8, 2017?
I have to agree it's robing peter to pay paul is exactly what is going on here with the line items game seen it to many times, and frankly I have had enough and you betcha it started with the moving of line items. I'm an accountant, jack of many trades and have managed large accounts. It isn't hard to accoubt to simple. Unless that difference is found and in real numbers you can't print money out of the sky. So the only conclusion is someone has been dipping in the sauce hoping the projected revenue would go in the right direction and gues what no matter how you look at it you would have to doubled that amount to come out even. Someone has been playing a juggling game and that woukd be the Executive and now we have to find that revenue in real numbers. Understanding forecasting in a business is so elemental not always 100% and in our case understanding the economy is also elemental, especially the business we are in. Our economy went south because a lot of work has left do the outcome of the Oil Industry it will come back, but we better have marketing that will support the changes we must make during these times. I have also experience in understanding the Proxies in our and surrounding area and knowing what they are generated revenue will also help kepp the balance in our future projections. And this is why I said are we operating a Government in the RED! And what Capital are we bringing in to support our Government other than the Casinos because I will say this again, the Casino money by law is to be used for the economical advantage of the Osage and if we are losing money from the front end and the back end is supporting this and we are not seeing the capital, we need to rewrite our Constitution A.S.A.P Remove the CHIEF AND AP CHIEF. Freeze everything till we get a independent audit not with round numbers but real numbers and hold those responsible, that includes Congress!!!
DeleteLol, good point maybe it's because the Chief needs to sell his home in time to put that money back before we get a new CFO.
DeleteBefore this all can be fixed, or covered up by more lies and if we cannot get a true answer form our leaders enough is enough. I just called the Gaming Commission. Someone has cahonies.
DeleteForensic audit in particular with no delay.
DeleteDon't forget; the Osage Nation (Executive Branch) has a good relationship with its current accountant. I'm beginning to wonder what that means and it may be an answer as to why the Congressional Commerce Committee had the Treasurer from the Cherokee Tribe over to talk about their Accounting Firm and their accounting practices and process.
DeleteThis is well worth the price of admission:
Commerce, Gaming and Land Meeting 3-7-17--Click under the arrow below the text Osage Nation: 5C_CE 2017-3-7 pt 1
The only "deep dive" we have at the Osage Nation is for as much cash as can be gotten a hold of as possible.
"Discussion with Lacey Horn, Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation about Audit Procedures" has got to be a huge threat to our Executive Branch. Sorry APC Raymond; if we really had things running fiscally correctly and appropriately, ASP it will be the dog wagging the tail not the other way around. Imagine a "deep dive" in accounting and finding that one ON department is providing funds to an entirely different ON department or office than the original one. Talk about flexible budgets with money shuffling around from one to another. Ours are potentially bleeding from every line item on every budget in the entire Executive Branch!
And this is why i had a hard time following the steps of the UTE, do you know how many LLC's they have. Indian Country taken advantage from their own is not unheard of and we have mud on our face but not for long!!!
DeleteOnce again, THEY'VE got to have it all with OUR money and straight to hell with the rest of us...
Election update:
Spring Hun-Kah Congressional Session coming up:
Keep learning:
The Chief and Assistant Chief are throwing good people under the bus with the latest article in the Osage News about the Gaming Commission shortfall. The News prints everything the Chief says without checking anything. The article makes it look like the Gaming Commission is at fault. Of course, that's what the Chief wants it to look, but it's just not true. The shortfall is caused by the Chief overstating the expected income on purpose. (To make the needed tribal monies appear less.) Then he raids their budget without telling them he has taken some of their appropriated money. Now the chickens have come home to roost. Starting May 1 the Commission will have to lay off 5 people a week unless the Chief comes clean and restores their money. Innocent people will lose their jobs for his pie in the sky shenanigans.
ReplyDeleteThank you. This clarification is sorely needed just now with all the intended disinformation coming out of the Chief's office. I can't believe this guy is engaging in tactics like this. Wasn't he there in the room during the Hearing to throw out Chief Red Eagle? When are these people going to start behaving like they've been paying attention to the Legislative process and the laws that have come out of it?
DeleteGSB is an attorney so why would any sneaky and underhanded thing he does surprise you?
DeleteOK. I just hoped that he was made of finer stuff. Stupid, I grant you. My mistake. Sorry.
DeleteUOSC Meeting information:
More Election Information:
Election Day TODAY!
Do the cattle in the photo look like they are starving? Their coats look bad and they sure don't look healthy to me with ribs and pelvis bones showing. I sure hope this improves in the Spring and Summer.
ALERT! See Congresswoman Edwards testify at the Neil Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary on March 23 at 9 a.m.
Cut to the chase:
NOTICE: Osage Landowner Event!
Political baby kissin' and the Tinker AFB Air Show:
The Osage Nation has a hiring freeze, there will never be a per-cap, and the government is running out of revenue.
ReplyDeletePrograms are being cut but government employees still get $1,000 bonuses and exorbitant salaries.
The Osage people benefit very little from the government. Hell, even a giraffe fares better than most Osages.
To our Osage Government cut out the prt progects!!!!
DeleteWhat are prt projects?
Delete$1000,000 statue. Whose pride and ego is congress trying to stroke?
DeleteGot to do everything they can to spend money or else the Osage people might expect this government to work for them instead of fattening their own bank accounts. Standingbear taking food off the table of casino employees to feed his pet projects. The Nation is robbing Peter to pay Paul. Their shenanigans are catching up with them. The government is beginning to crack.
Delete100,000. By far is way to much money to be spending on something that is not going to make us money and we have a hiring freeze going on, really. And not just that to make a statue all you have to do is create a 3-D mold pour and torch the pieces together and our artist isn't even well known either. Stop the pet projects now!!!!
DeleteCongress passes resolutions for Grayhorse Community Building and statue of Chief Claremore.
Alice Buffalohead is right once again she is proving to be fiscally smart with our money and is listening and is living up to her oath. 100,000 is no chump change and this bloated Government needs to come to a halt immediately! Have any of you on the committee look into how cheep it is to make these Statues and stupid is what stupid does.smh in disbelief.
Osage Nation couldn't run a grocery store for a profit in a town where it was the only grocery store. A statue is undoubtedly the safest financial venture the tribe could involve itself in.
Delete"Lets celebrate our past since we've pretty much trashed all hope for our future."
"Lets celebrate our past since we've pretty much trashed all hope for our future."
DeleteBest words I've seen strung together with quotation marks and a period that I've seen yet!
FYI - March 20th - "Southern Ute Tribe pressured to share more of $126M settlement"
ReplyDeleteSome members put their story about how their government is being runned (undemocratically) in a long article in The Durango Herald, dated March 18th, the article follows the above article. Here's some quotes.
"...I want to be able to know what's going on in the tribe. I want to know how much money we have. I want to know how much is being spent and for what. I think there's a lot of misuse, and when you don't let people know, then you become suspicious."
"If they ask the people what they want, and they get responses from the people, than they should honor that. Those are the people that put them in office."
"...say their tribal government operates in secrecy, ignores the will of its people and subverts its own constitution."
Replace "Southern Ute Tribe" with "Osage Nation" except that the Osage Nation is salivating over stealing the M.E. and the M.E. from the Shareholders. Pathetic.
This is the same outcry from the S. Ute membership that has been going on for many years and GSB wants to pattern our business interests after them with no accountability and no transparency to anyone including probably even themselves. We have half that number of people hired in the Osage Nation government and who knows how many on the payroll of the Osage Casinos that we know nothing about. Percentage wise, we hire many more people at the Osage Nation than that ultra-selfish self-centered S. Ute government has ever even thought about. Who knows what is really going on when the curtain is finally drawn back on that wonderful Indian Wizard of S. Uz in S. Uz land. As long as we have a Chief who is more interested in his personal accomplishments and accolades than he is in all of us, we are going to continue to have problems and big ones. He seems to be way too easily influenced by power and the overall political pecking order that goes on in the outside world whether it’s actually legitimate or not. He needs not to indulge that weakness, put on blinders, and focus on correcting the money mistakes of the past rather than continue to make them in the present. He needs to lose this pie in the sky vision he has that will only lead to him being remembered as the Chief that brought the Osage Tribe to its knees and final destruction. Enough Geoffrey! Snap to and get real with the actual programs that we can afford. Including you, none of us are Peter the Great. Come down from "Planet Ambition" and start running things in a proper manner. Osage Nation employees getting paychecks from two or three different divisions of the Osage Nation government? Are you off your nut or what?
Opening day of the Spring Hun-Kah Congressional Session is tomorrow!
DeleteVideo is available for opening day at
DeleteAn utterly priceless clap reaction from Kugee Supernaw at the end of the Chief's remarks. Hilarious is an understatement. Beautiful outfit worn by the Speaker today and a very nice tribute from her to Congresswoman Edwards on her service in vetting Judge Gorsuch.
DeleteNice orange outfits worn today too. Nice to see them all looking so nice and professional for Regular Session. A Congress to be proud of.
DeleteGaming Board is now issuing a newsletter to promote and provide transparency to the Osage membership.
ReplyDelete"Osages wishing to receive an email copy of the gaming board’s newsletter, or to provide comments and suggestions, contact the gaming board’s office at (918) 287-5558 or email Gaming Board Executive Assistant Mariellen “Mo” Fisher at
Congressional Session Day 2:
Yes! The Osage people are interested in a transcript of the Executive and Legislative Messages for each and every Session that takes place of the Osage Congress. Congresswoman Edwards is perfectly correct about that too.
DeleteLike a copy of the statement of the Chief about the $1.4 million from the Tax Commission that has apparently materialized out of thin air as referenced by Congresswoman Whitehorn's statement during the Opening Day of the Regular Session yesterday.
DeleteLike I said, If there is capital where is it coming from and where is it going and I to would like to see the statements as well. Whitehorn is right too.
DeleteAgreed. She is exactly right too.
DeleteCongressional Session Day 3 is located at
ReplyDeleteImportant Note: The Bluestem Ranch Lease for the BR Board will be discussed in the Congressional Commerce Committee Meeting today between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. at
The Agenda is located at
No to making the Hollidays a permanent fixture into our laws when they are already set Federally which trumps. You guys aleady take extra days in addition to, so lets be a little clear here I would agree if dates were available. No to Edwards. Alice Goodfox does it again wants those to be held accountable,in short, those who do not obey once they are told to stay off our Properties at the Casino's wants to impose fines if they keep coming back, makes so much sense. Pay for our services to escort them off the property again. John Maker has it right impose term limits yes!!! Get some houng blood in there is long over due!!!!
DeleteThis should be interesting and intense discussion about the Bluestem Ranch. Good luck Board members may you get what you deserve and want, just make it work and be clear and concise with deliberate intent supported by great confidence. Save us some money and please do the diligence with the Osage in mind. Thank you.
Listen to the Commerce Committee Meeting held today at
DeleteRegarding holidays as a permanent fixture. We are not Federal. Picture this, it's a holiday, all the offices are empty, one person is going around and laying dollar bills (in 20's) on each desk to cover their pay for that day they're not there. This is the Nation's money laying on these empty desks, not the Federal government money. Even the Casino revenue is derived for the benefit as a whole, the Nation.
DeleteAction Taken -- I was glad the Cherokee accountant came over and explained in simple terms the different levels of auditors and auditing procedures. Real informative.
Is it really necessary to have a Chief? It's just now working out for us. For one term, let's let the Congress run the Nation for a trial run? Multi-millions of dollars at one person's disposal? Monopoly -- exclusive possession or control of something.
A part of the problem is how not engaged some of the members of the Congress are reported to be from various credible sources at this time and how easily they are lead by the Chief when he is not even in that Branch of the Osage Nation government. If they can't do the work to fully flesh out what the Legislative Branch of government is supposed to be where watching the bottom line and guarding what is in the Osage Nation Treasury like they are supposed to be doing, then they need to find another part time job and get out of running the government. Now I'm hearing that they are going to have a "study" comparing what is being spent in expenditures and what they actually have to spend (probably in order to get rid of some of the spending that involves those who live outside of Osage County). This is a thinly veiled maneuver; I see right through it and so should you. Anyone in that Congress who votes to reduce benefits to the membership instead of downsizing the Osage Nation government that is neither needed or of value to the whole of the Osage Nation membership will go on a list that will be reported here relentlessly until the next election cycle in 2018. This is not a threat. It's a promise and many of these Boards and Commissions and Study Groups and Task Forces and on and on had better be the first to go if they are non-essential to the full and total membership especially since they eat up millions upon millions of Tribal funds on a yearly basis. We don't even need as many appointees as they have in many cases just like we don't need 12 members of the Osage Nation Congress if they aren't willing to uphold the mission, goals and even the very purpose of the Legislative Branch:
They are nothing but sluice gates for Osage County spending with no advance planning and huge numbers thrown around that they buy into year after year without even a proper fiscal analysis in advance. They like it this way so they have less responsibility to accept when things turn down and they always do turn down because that's what happens without proper planning in advance. All they seem to be interested in is throwing the money up in the air and letting everyone in Osage County get under the free fall to grab every dime they possibly can. It's putrid and they are destroying any chance of long term governmental success for future generations of Osages.
DeleteIf only 10% of the registered voters are voting, we need to put together a membership voter turnout drive and get an independent verification of all absentee ballots returned to the Osage Election office from the constituents at the next election and every subsequent election. The U.S. Post Office is where these ballots are being sent and the Postal Inspection Service should be able to verify the total number of absentee ballots sent to this particular P.O. Box, then the election results will verify the number of absentee ballots that were actually counted and how many were not.
DeleteTo March 30, 2017 at 10:34 AM--This is all part of the lateral violence that goes on with Osages who live within and without Osage County. The responsibility lies with us in choosing to be jealous and to justify destroying the social position of those who have what we don't. We have a choice and we are responsible for that choice. This same lateral violence is what motivates too many who are elected and appointed officials in the Osage Nation government, those employed by it and those Osages who live in Osage County and Oklahoma.
To poster at March 30, 2017 at 10:50 AM
Delete…” All they seem to be interested in is throwing the money up in the air and letting everyone in Osage County get under the free fall to grab every dime they possibly can…”
The Osage government is dutifully ensuring that the money is spent on themselves.
Osage Indian employee salaries ranging from $50,000 to well over $100,000 with little or no formal education or actual corporate history is the norm.
Depending on their last name and to whom they are related receive much higher salaries, much higher bonuses, and more frequent raises.
Programs are reduced or cut out entirely. Education and financial assistance is being reduced for people going to school, unless of course you are related to the right people then the rules are bent in their favor.
Now there is a hiring freeze…unless you know the right people (wink, wink).
The nepotism and favoritism is ridiculous. Yes, the government post jobs online but applying for a job with the Nation is a waste of time because they already have a person picked out for the job. The online application is merely a formality to appease the rules.
Jim Gray took $1,000,000 from the Shareholder account to bribe the congress members and then partied in France. He blew a quarter million dollars on half a mound of dirt and other various waste of money. He ruined the reservation status and tried his very best, along with Pipestem, to steal the HHP money from the Shareholders.
To this day, the Osage government believes it owns the ME and is eternally diligent to rob the Shareholders of their estate.
Redeagle made damn sure his relative got high paying jobs at the Casinos and he bumbled his way to being kicked out of office.
Now we have Standingbear whose only intention is to enrich himself and his business cronies, to create a hostile relationship with the MC, and to continue the effort to steal the ME from the Shareholders.
And don’t forget, Raymond Redcorn wants to tax the ME.
When does it end? When the Osage government finally goes broke, of course!
From the Osage Congress Mission Statement: " appropriate monies that support necessary government services." Half or more of what they appropriate today isn't for necessary government services. It's just the opposite.
There is a form for constituents cmplaints and this is just the beginning I suggest all of who posts here to make them known, realizing this is just a formality start leaving a paper trail. Yes there is huge nepotism going on and that is a conflict of interest no doubt. Let them know our Government how disatisfied we are of them. Mostly stop the spending and down size our Government oer we will take back our Money our Government. Its pretty simple in nature. Our Government works for us not the other way around. In a society that is already over burdened by taxation it is not either proper to tax Raymond Redcorn. I know some of you that post here are whistle blowers but we all must stand united for all the right reasons.
DeleteR. Redcorn wanting to tax the ME?? That's an admission that they would if they could (Chief and R.R.). Sounds like desperation for funds.
DeleteSupposedly they found revenue to help with the budget shortfall from the tax dept? Something smells to kingdom come here or is my imagination?
DeleteNope. You got that right.
Delete5th Day of Session:
Delay at first before the sound is turned on but when Speaker Pratt hits the gavel you will hear as well as see.
Really glad to see that Camille Pangburn has been honored by the Osage Nation government for her 7 consecutive terms in the Osage Tribal government. Don't really know the others so anyone else can speak for Jodie Revard and Rosemary Wood.
DeleteOsage Commerce Committee has approved a lease offered by the Bluestem Board for all of the Bluestem Ranch. This will be submitted to the full Congress for approval Monday morning. If approved, it will be sent to the Chief for his signature. The lease offers more than the Chief originally requested so there is no legitimate reason that he won't sign it. This may finally be settled and the board can go on with their efforts to make the ranch a productive and profitable entity for the Osage people.
ReplyDeleteWant to see the logistics basically the bottom line. It has been said not in a hundred years will we see a profit if not longer?
DeleteWell, thank heaven! I hope that so and so has finally seen the light and begins conforming his behavior to what is written in the law.
DeleteThe business plan for the Bluestem Ranch falls millions of dollars a year short of making a profit. The plan or anything similar to it will never make enough raw revenue to recover the cost of investing in the land, much less make an actual profit. The planned "profit" only exists due to the land being leased to the board for far less than fair market value - something that could never happen if the BIA held it in trust.
DeleteThis subject by far will be a thorn for a very long time. Oust the Chief our gaming law is for one purpose not to be used like yesterdays underwear. This stinks to heaven come and our Congress is responsible. Did Congress see the Contracts, did they even do the math and read the fine print? Some serious incompetency is going on or they just didn't read it kinda like what Pelosi said you have to read it before you know whats in it right, not funny in the least. The Bluestem Board needs to be transparent and let the constituents know exactly where we stand.
DeleteI don't think anyone thought the ranch could pay for itself, as far as making the loan payments. The gaming money is making the payment on it whether we like it or not. I looked at that plan, I believe any profit made was to go back in improvements of the ranch, like keeping the fences up. Their "profit" wasn't based on getting the ranch for free. Looks to me it was based on running some wild BLM horses until there was money to pay for everything else. This ranch wasn't bought to make huge sums of money, it's all about bragging rights.
DeleteMore like a dog and pony show. All the same there is profit if it is done right. And that capital is the Osages and yes by law this money has to come back for economic purposes to be realized. Or there will be consequences sure of that.
DeleteBragging rights? What the hell do you mean? There is no room for that kind of egomanical fatuousness here. An investment that could run the Osage Nation into the ground and take much of the government employment and constituent benefits away? This damn ranch was supposed to be purchased under the terms and conditions of the NIGA and that means economic development not economic extirpation.
DeleteA profit in 5 years? Doubtful. The raw cost of the land plus necessary remediation is $115,000,000. Amortize that over 40 years (without accounting for any interest on a loan or the opportunity cost of money invested) and the minimum monthly lease payment for the Bluestem Ranch should be $239,583.
DeleteGiven that over the useful life of a producing cow (5.7 years) the typical gross revenue is $5,203 and expenses are $2,623, the net profit is $2,580 - or roughly $453 per year. That includes seasonal pasture costs of $216 per year, and the cost of land on the Bluestem Ranch is far higher.
The ranch would have to be running nearly 6,400 producing cows on land costing far less than the Bluestem Ranch and selling off bred heifers at a high rate to have any hope of showing a profit.
If they wanted to get into a small ranching operation (which could have been profitable) they should have purchased a small parcel of land and then leased other people's property on a seasonal basis as needed.
You can read the business plan submitted by the Bluestem Ranch Board and see that it plainly states that any "profit" is based on leasing the land at a "nominal" amount and not fair market value. Any claim of a "profit" in the plan is a work of pure fiction.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The Bluestem Ranch deal makes the Osage LLC fiasco look like the very model of a successful business investment.
As for your last sentence, you'll get no argument from me. Now these egoists elected to government will feel the heat of the tight squeeze when it's time to pay the piper and that day is at hand. You lose benefits, they lose their jobs. Remember that come election time and don't think those who are too young to have foresight should be elected to office. There have been too many lawyers all over this thing since day one for this job to be anything other than ungodly complicated. If it weren't, GSB wouldn't be all over the place trying to get a handle on it. We warned these people in government but they thought they wouldn't get into trouble with money so quickly. Another example of the shortsightedness of electing people who are amateurs at best.
Deletehis is a long URL but well worth the time taken to look at it. Read the section of the chapter below and compare it with the before and follow it up with the after and what has actually taken place since the Osage Nation government took over. These OSA members at the time were right to be afraid of what these ONOs would do if they ever got their "dream" on its feet and it's been substantially worse than anyone could ever possibly have imagined. Begin on page 108 and start reading under the heading "Debating Change"
What is of utmost importance here is that lack of acceptance of the responsibility for the failures that have taken place in the last ten years by the Osage Nation. Not one apology or even an admission to the Osage people that the ones in power have failed in even their modest charge to take proper care of the money in the Osage Nation Treasury and most especially, no apology for the loss of the Osage Reservation when it was unnecessary for that to have happened at all. Where and why we need to take a stand is for the same reason that took place in Iran when the Revolution happened and Chevron along with other oil companies were tossed out on their ear. Within a few years the oil and gas facilities were reported to be standing and rotting in the desert. Why? Because, the Iranians had no idea of how to run the oil and gas business established by outsiders in their country. This is a cautionary tale for the Osage people and the headright annuitants. The Osage Nation has a bad business track record and needs to be allowed to come nowhere near the running of the Osage Mineral Estate.
DeleteWow! Smart ladies whose fears have been well founded because what they feared most back then has come into being. "...some (in the OSA) feared that the United States government would use this change (new government) to terminate the Mineral Estate..." Killing it off one new regulation at a time.
DeleteOSA = Osage Shareholders Association.
DeleteNot much to look at as of yet but here it is anyway:
ref. March 30th at 2:18 p.m. "ethnic charges." On the video meeting of the Congress commerce mtg., Congressman Tillman says he submitted ethnic charges against the Chief 10 days prior to the meeting. I believe it was about the Chief interfering with the Board by running the BS Ranch after he gave authority to the Board to do.
ReplyDeleteYou must mean ethics charges.
ReplyDeleteoops. yes, ethics
DeleteHA! ethnic too probably but there's nothing in Osage law about that yet, even though there is a whole lot of bigotry going on against one Osage or another for one reason after another.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the Osage Nation website is down for the present.
WOW! Huzzah! Not an easy thing to do and not an easy person to recreate from a historical standpoint. Congratulations!
If you're in Chicago:
Great discussion today in Congressional Session on non-binding resolutions as to waivers of Sovereignty and the fact that they do not really have the full force and effect of the law (Osage law). Time to grow up and abdicate away from the perennial twilight of adolescence that the Osages cling to, even at the level of the Osage Nation. BTW, this piece of legislation failed by a very high vote even after Congresswoman Edwards made a great case for its passage:
No Congressional Session today because of the Minerals Council meeting but the Committee meetings will take place and will be broadcast at
ReplyDeleteSession was supposed to be broadcast today but is unavailable as of yet. The Semiannual Report from Education Department / WELA / Headstart will be given to the Education Committee during the meeting that is coming up here shortly at
ReplyDeleteAgenda for today (4-13-17) is located at
Educational Aid information from the Osage Nation:
Session Day today is located at
ReplyDeleteAgenda for April 17, 2017 / Day 18 is located at
A good bill worthy of our support is ONCA 17-48 which is the salary sunshine law making certain that the Congress and the Osage people via the Osage News will have access to a report and information on employee salaries. Congressman Supernaw is the sponsor of this bill and it is sorely needed.
Delete1.1 million dollars for a War Memorial Fund? $100K should be sufficient at this time until the actual plan and cost is determined. Tying up money like this is taking it away from the Osage people in benefits Speaker Pratt. If you guys want to float your pet projects after the needs and wants of all of the Osage people have been taken care of, then gargantuan amounts being held up in the Treasury can be seen to. We are strapped now due to all of the irresponsible commitments that have been taken on by the Osage Nation and only direct services to the Osage people are now appropriate and justified.
DeleteHistory tells us that the $1.1 million for the War Memorial Fund will fall far short of the actual costs. This is just a starting point, just like the scam of Osage LLC which continues under the name of Tallgrass Economic Development. It's sad that some of the Osage will steal from the others worse than any white man ever did.
DeleteI'm getting damn sick of John Free getting a million bucks a year or more from the Osage people or whoever it is that keeps charging us a fortune for statues that would cost far less if another artist or sculptor or whatever were involved. The worst thing we did was kick that guy out of congress only to see him go on to become a millionaire many times over at the behest of the majority of the Osage people who go entirely without on a daily basis. that last one Free did looks like a cousin of Will Rodgers in leaner times make no mistake about it. He ain't free that's for sure. Do it at cost or for free you so-and-so. You've made enough money out of the pocket book of the Osage people. I'm thinking we should call for a U.S. Congressional hearing to get Shannon Edwards back to testify before the Congress and all the rest of these big spenders who are running through our gaming money that does not go to direct services for us and us alone and not just those in OC and Pawhuska. Let Chief Stumbling Bear and the rest of them in that Congress explain themselves and their negligent spending habits at that table to the United States Congress. This crap has been going on for 20-30 years or more all over the country with other Tribal Communities. I think the Osages should be the first test case in a monetary ethics hearing before the House to account for the way they spend our money on one unnecessary and imprudent thing right after another.
Ha-ha-ha! Well, they know how to find the place now. Why not? Make them account to the USA what they won't to the Osage people.
DeleteCompare Bigheart statue to the one of Will Rogers --
DeleteMy pet peeve is how much they spend each year on lawyers, legal services and fees. That's into the millions too, I'd be willing to bet. I'd like to be able to see the Osage Nation Treasury checkbook/s bank statements monthly and see who gets paid for what and how much including the salaries and employee benefits plus expenses of any kind. They made that information available during the ouster trial of Chief Red Eagle on that cowboy who was getting paid for services of some kind the Osages didn't like. If they can do that then, they can do it now.
DeleteI'm hearing now that they (the ONDA) won't even process a claim on whistleblower unless an attorney files it. What does that tell you and in more than one way?
Delete(ONDA) Osage Nation District Attorney. So who do we see about ethics complaints against them for not running these complaints down? If the complaints are so numerous, why aren't they doing something to clean up this mess if it's that bad? They have no right to ignore those complaints because each one of them should be telling them something about what is wrong with the Osage Nation government. That right there should be investigated. What's left ignored can't be fixed in a timely manner. Isn't that conduct unbecoming on the part of the two lawyers who are in the top two offices at the AG's office?
DeleteMy pet heave (as in hurl - gag-gag) is the Boards and Commissions, Study Groups, Task Forces and all that putrid lot. Get all those people off the dole and get benefits going back to us in direct services.
DeleteThe attorney general evidently has a drug problem. She doesn't come to work, and the ethics charges filed against the Chief are thrown at the bottom of the pile. You won't hear anything about it from the Osage News.
DeleteAt poster 12:07. What direct services are OC Osages receiving? I live in OC and get the health card and that's it.
DeleteLets talk money. Follow the money. I am talking about the statue. It should have cost well under 500,000. The artist who did a statue of Tupoc cost 500,000. So talk about we the Osage are being taken advantage is a understatement. Stop the insanity now with our money on these stupid pet peojects. From a Tall Chief that warned all you.
DeletePrice gouging and nobody even questions the loss of benefits to the living because if you don't live in OC, they don't care.
DeleteThe Osage Nation web site is down for some reason as verified by
ReplyDeleteSession day is live and audio is available at
DeleteNo Agenda or Tracking Documents will be available until the Osage Nation website is back up and online.
DeleteAlso live video on YouTube at
DeleteONCA 17-48 Passes! The Osage Employee Salary Sunshine bill has passed and goes on to the Chief for his signature. I suspect that he's the reason why this law has come about so it will be interesting and on him if it isn't signed into law. Remember the "60 Empty Box Drubbing Incident" where he so grossly insulted the members of the Osage Congress as representatives of the Osage people and as a result, the Osage people. If you remember nothing else come the election in June of 2018, remember this incident and vote accordingly against this Chief and his lack of transparency on these salaries in the Office of the Chiefs and others in the Executive Branch budgets. There is a deep well of anger on the part of the members of the Osage Nation on this issue and he must answer for it in the ballot box.
ONCA 17-50 is another good one to promote transparency and accountability in the budgeting process with the goal of uniformity. It passed with all members of the Congress voting for the bill.
DeleteONCR 17-20 has a long explanation from Congressman Shaw about how the Executive Branch is moving money around that is very revealing. What I want as a member of the Osage Nation with regard to the budgeting process is for those budgets to be locked down yearly and tightly budgeted with no more than a 1% overage per year if that, and for these Executive Branch divisions, departments, offices and so forth under the umbrella of the Executive Branch to live with and spend accordingly within the amount budgeted per year and not spend any more than what they are allocated and what has been originally appropriated in the Fall Regular Session of the ON Congress. All this movement of money between budgets under the umbrella of one particular Division or another and now even between Divisions (!) is not within the best practices of budgeting and accounting for governments including Tribal, State and at the Federal level. This is wholly substandard and that window needs to be closed up and nailed down now and from now on. We need to have a government where ON Treasury money is not moved around in this inappropriate manner. This opens up an opportunity for financial crimes to take place and that right there is simply unacceptable. This Resolution has passed the Congress today and it's nice but again it's non-binding and has no force of, or action of Osage Nation law associated with it.
Delete17-64 Money found? Where is this budgeting process so rank and inadequate that they can FIND money in very large amounts every time they meet? I do not buy this for one minute.
DeleteNow you are listening. They are pulling it from a general fund
DeleteWhich general fund?
DeleteI told you I wasn't kidding when it comes to how our Government was being ran, and that I would be using my energy to right so much that is wrong with what is happening with how our money is being used or visa versa the Osage, we the Osage are being used. Spoke with a Lawyer as I said I would in 2006, but out of respect, I gave this, our Government a fighting chance and look at where we are at. The Lawyer I spoke with clearly understands the dilemma not just with our tribe but Indian country as a whole and the shell game that is being played. I hold the card the one card that can bring this Government to a halt. Bring it back to the council if so desired by our constituency. I will not do this unless I am not alone in our perseverance for accountability and transparency. Listen I was talking to the Lawyer, what tans my hide, oops its already tan now bruised, is the wasteful spending that has plagued our Tribe, such as, the Statue for example, he was not surprised. We touched so much on many topics. The end result and as I have suspected we have a shell game going on, more than likely than not. He is also a accountant as i myself. My question to you all, do we hit reset or do we hope for a better Chief come next year and hope we get a Chief for the people or are we going to get more of the smae. It should have not cost a million for a statue, maybe $ 250,000 and thats a big if. We had a very long conversation and about the M.E. as well. And be very afraid because they can be removed. Not that I would like to see this happen we need a working M.C. Basically the Lawyer said from the Justice Dept. down because the cronyism and nepotism is so deep that its to the point because there is no accountability and transparency because everyone know everyone it's no surprise. I said don't get me wrong there are a few good people form with in, but thats it. Folks this is just the beginning, out side of a rewrite of our Constitution. I am a third generation Osage and I cannot see our Tribe going in the direction of corruption that apparently has been on our door step for some time and it was here before Carol Leese.
DeleteUnderstood and agreed. Well before Carol Leese. Now there's a big stink because the money is for the veterans monument. This is a sore spot since the VW. If the Nation voted for gaming funds to be fairly distributed instead of tying up almost all of it with one benefit after another for only those members who live in OC, it would be a lot different. People first. Pet projects after the people have been taken care of...I mean all the Osage people.
DeleteThank you. We have to do exactly what was said those goals are not met by statues that clearly are pet projects. I'll go a little deeper in our conversation with the lawyer and I talked extensively about the 25 year strategic planning and the glorified wording in it. Foolishly put togther with no real ideal how we were going to achieve these goals. A farce. It is hard to believe in either the Nation and those who really are trying to make it better for our people are being stonewalled to some degree. There sare some to name a few who live by the oath they have taken and we must encourage our Government we can do better. We also talked about ideas that could benefit the Osage just besides a health card. Which I would have rathered and who cares about the tax but to let the people decide what they want to do with that money. If it is not used in that year where is that money sitting at? In the bank well lets put the choice in the peoples hand the Osage.. Heres another Idea for every pet project match the dollar for the Osage, distribute it be in a form of a Per-cap and so forth to our people quarterly Our economy in your area gets a D+. So how is that beneficial to our economy, it's not. I do have realistic ideas that can bring revenue to our neighbor hoods, districts, now this is what is supposed to happening and is not.I would like to see the guy who keeps on asking for these pet projects explain how our gaming money is making us money with these pet projects and end the fraud behind this sham. A per-cap in some shape or form can be handed out quarterly this will set parameters for better commitments upon our Government not to forget the true intent of our Casino's the mere fact this intent as intended pointed out to me has not occurred is because of the entitlements as all Governments feel they are only entitled to. We can litigate this if I should so desire to do so and our people will win in the end, it better to come to a concesus and the courts are hollering to me, it is the season for our Osage people, so shall we rally for what is right. I am this close to opening up a non-profit in the name of the Osage for transparency and accountability. And any whistle blower will be taken seriously.
DeleteCongress is approving and budgeting these millions of dollars each year. How can it legally be done to put a whole on their decisions unless it is vital or necessary instead of approving it just because so much money is coming in. New projects are not going to stop with this Chief or any thereafter.
DeleteWith the health card there's a list of what you can purchase and what you can't. Make a list for the Chief. I have a whole lotta money in my account, but I can't even get a tube of toothpaste. What's good for the gander is good for the goose. Each year's budget, make a list of can and can't first, then budget.
The list of "cans" are benefits to the entirety of the Osage Nation members FIRST all the time. Everything else comes AFTER those direct services (benefits) to the Osage people are budgeted for every year. This should be how it's handled. Not some new membership program introduced with fanfare by some elected official right before an election when they are coming up for reelection or are running for another elected office.
DeleteLets hold our Government of feel good measures how we really feel at the next So Calif meeting.
DeleteSupernaw's bill ONCA 17-48 passed in the congress. This would make the employee's salaries public in the Osage News. He said the Osage people have a right to know how their money is being spent. The people agree but the government doesn't. It will be vetoed by the Chief and the Congress won't have the guts to override the veto. So much for transparency and accountability.
ReplyDeleteWe will publish the names of everyone who does not vote to override the Chief's veto. Then we will ask that this web page be printed for everyone to keep in their election file when those who vote against transparency and accountability come up for reelection. We have a right to know who gets paid for what and for how much and we have had since the very beginning until the public outcry became so loud that they decided to hide the outrageously high salaries and number of positions in budgets with only round numbers. They ought to be tossed out on their ears with few exceptions, let me tell you.
DeleteIt's our money and they are working for us and we do have a right to know how our money is working or not working for us. It would be different if we did not own that money but we do so we do have a right to know. Dare anyone to say differently and yes if this gets vetoed then we should take the Nation to Court.
DeleteWhen Federal jobs are advertised on the website, the title of the job is shown, and usually a brief description of the duties are described. It also lists the level pay grade of the job and to what level you can advance to, after you reach the highest level you are usually eligible to apply for the next higher jobs advertised (meaning you have reached the training and experience to advance).
DeleteIn the newspaper employment ads, some private companies just say "Salary dependent on experience." As a private company that's their right. BUT, the members of the Nation is the "company." There would be no company without the members.
Are some employees getting a whole lot more than someone else doing the same job? Are unqualified friends and relatives getting positions rather than those who are more qualified but are not in the local "social group?" Or, maybe, some salaries are way overpaid for the experience required?
So why not "transparency." Is that too much to ask? If so, why? Let's not ever forget about the $20 million lost because the elected voted toward "wrong" instead of "right." Can it happen again, without "transparency," SURE IT CAN.
I think the new Sky Lodge community is a great achievement and I am happy for all those families who got a key. A dime is a dime, put money where it's needed.
ONCA 17-48, the bill making employee's salaries public, was vetoed and the Congress could not override the veto due to a few of the members of Congress who are still confused as to who they work for. Some obviously think their master is the Chief, they don't realize their first duty is to the people of the Osage Nation. That's who is paying their salary. Red Corn who was writing the veto because the Chief was gone, used as a reason, that we couldn't tell the Osage Newspaper that they had to publish the salaries like the newspaper would resist publishing the news. The employees are public employees paid by public money. Why would anyone want to hide the salaries. Maybe because some of the salaries are completely out of line.
DeleteThey have been hiding these salaries for a number of years that are definitely out of line and the people need to know. Trust the Chief to be gone over something important like this and as for that smarmy AP Chief Red Corn. I saw nothing in that legislative bill that said that the Osage News had a gun to their head to publish this information or any other for that matter. Where that s**mbag comes up with half of the HS he comes up with as a side step is beyond me. He's a piece of work if there ever was one and the mound of contempt I have for this no-count continues to mount relentlessly. Chief has lost my vote on this issue whether he was there or not. I'm so done with him and glad of it.
DeleteSession is available today for Part 1 at
ReplyDeleteFunny... Congresswoman Edwards is making a change to the Congressional rules for 24 hour written notice if a member of Congress can't attend either a Session day or a Congressional Committee Meeting or off with your head!
DeletePenalty? What's the real penalty if they don't comply? Again, here we go with no consequences for non-performance as a member of elected office and yet the election bill is top to bottom with penalties for violations that cost plenty or can actively stop you from running for elected office like it's a department of the Nazi SS or worse! This is the usual pablum that they rule themselves by once they get in yet they build violation and related penalty bomas after bomas around the process for becoming elected to office. Way not right.
ReplyDeleteWith so many involved in this project, I wonder how well this will go especially if Tallgrass, the Osage Nation Utility Authority, Osage Innovative Solutions and Osage Nation Information Technologies as well. I can see this running to tumult and leading to pandemonium.
Worthy of our consideration:
For more information, phone or e-mail your Minerals Council Representatives:
DeleteMain Office e-mail address:
Cynthia Boone
(918) 698-3314 * (918) 287-2920 or
Joseph Cheshewalla (918) 440-4909
Galen Crum (918) 504-3275
Stephanie Erwin (918) 287-8008
Kathryn Red Corn (918) 604-1870
Talee Redcorn (918) 441-7059
Everett Waller (918) 277-9730
Andrew Yates (918) 504-1240
A director when we have a chief who is already sitting on the council I find it redundant and this is why he is chief it is his duty as pledged under oath the he is representative of the M.E and where will this money be coming from? The 1906 ACT as ameneded says what it says set by our forefathers not to be interpreted any other way. If change is to come I would like to vote on that change thank you kindly.
DeleteHow does a mature dying mineral estate support a whole new Osage Nation bureaucracy? Answer: it doesn't without the Shareholders losing income or the Osage Nation swooping in with money and control. Don't be fooled. Directors direct things and the last thing we shareholders need is the stupid incompetent Nation dictating, directing, telling or anything else, our Minerals Council to do a single damn thing.
DeleteI can already smell the sweat of those with their hands out for a big job and a fat paycheck with the Osage Nation to control the OME when no one and I mean no one will take any direction from them in the oil and gas business. They'll be lucky to collect a royalty dime from the producers and have no way to enforce payment or verify what is owed to them. Don't go there, I mean to tell you...
New Trump website:
FYI: According to a recent Facebook post by the Chief about the Osage Healthcard:
ReplyDelete"Healthsmart is being replaced...It will take a few months for the changeover."
New Gaming Board Newsletter is being made available to the public at
ReplyDeleteOsage Blog Conversation continues at