October 2013 comments continue here as we have run out of room for all of the comments to post on one page at Conversation August-September-October 2013.
Thanks Osageblogger...posted yesterday and we ran out of room. Topic , The Osage News has another Article, is the Merit System working, You have to ask the Dept. Head in this case the Chief.....What is the criteria? The Incentive? Is the employee file really being looked at? and why the Increase in funding is needed by the Chief. What his pet project cost overruns were not accounted for? Then Lets get a look at the receipts and expenditures which are and should be posted monthly as to the constituency can see and protest how our money is being spent? This should be posted by the Chiefs Office......So we have a financial analyst and a financial officer and a Appropriation Committee and a Congress. Yet we still don't have a HOUSE OR SENATE TO represent the Osages one way or the other, we have on Committee and a Congress and Congress has the right to say no. Employees do no have a right to picket or organize a petition of this sort period when is comes to bonuses and wage increase. It is a insult to those who do the work that is required by dead lines and mandates and etc....This is not a right and what's to stop this from happening in the future? And this could do further harm to Morale. How fare is this? This care free attitude that lets just pass the buck is not working anylonger Appropration Committee. To me you are not doing the diligence required by and by the Constiuents. Your looking at just one side of this by just lookimg at market value and giving money away as opposed to begin with, hireing an employee at the market value and let it be based on other factors as well that meet certain critteria for a higer wage. I see this as a Christmas Gift from the Nation not as a bonus becuase true bonuses are their to create incentive or at least in the real world... we wouldn't have this problem in the first. bonus and or salary is negotiable in the employment pack right. . Is management getting a bonus as well? Is Congress and Your selves getting a Bonus as well? What I'm saying this was a problem and it needs to be made to stop. Who's working for who? Just another take on a matter that should have never happened in the first. When is rotation on the Appropriation Committee? and or are their time limits for this Committee as well?
Wouldn't it be nice if the Nation could send out fifty dollars to everyone before turkey day and say the turkey is on us this year. Happy Holidays....Wow what a positive response you would get from your Consituents who voted you in the Position you are in. Would be a first in 7 yrs for this to happen, I mean we can upgrade the Casinos and if the Chief can ask so why not give back to the other Hub the Constituents of the Osage Nation. Your MEMBERS. Just a thought in passing.
BRILLIANT SUGGESTION! Why aren't you running for office in the next election? And a Christmas Bonus too is a good suggestion from the first poster! To get it done, run for office and further the mission of The Osage Surge.
Your sense of humor is funny but remember I am hopfully elected to The M/C but who's to say I can't do both? After all isn't there more than one position filled by the same people? or family memebers as well? My the croynism and the nepotism is not far from where the apple drops. Time for corruption to leave out the door and don't let get you were it counts not let slam hard where it counts. Go Osage Surge for the Osage People.
How much of the total budget for 2014 goes to salaries, bonuses, benefits and travel expenses for the employees of the Osage Nation (the total dollar figure for every single person collecting a paycheck from the Osage Nation under the merit system. the office of the Chiefs, any Board or Commission member, the Congress and its employees, the Judicial Branch, the Osage LLC if that applies or any other business interest we may have that collects a paycheck from the ON Treasury) and how many of them are there in total who work for the Osage Nation Government as government employees? Does the ON Congress appropriate funding for the Casino employees or is it just the employees of the Osage Nation? See ON merit-based employee system questioned during Tzi-Zho Session at http://osagenews.org/article/merit-based-employee-system-questioned-during-tzi-zho-session
You got to be kidding the Chief is running for what and what lol. With all kinds of ethic charges against him they won't elect him. I can't believe he is running for Vise-President of the NCAI. After his own Tribe is seeking removal. Is this telling or what?
Congress of American Indians at http://www.tulsaworld.com/homepage1/congress-of-american-indians-opens-in-tulsa/article_724a12aa-34ea-11e3-8717-001a4bcf6878.html
An MOU with The Nature Conservancy at the NCAI convention, Oct. 15? What's that all about? What sort of understanding? >> http://instagram.com/p/ff-2ZxL-wx/
Cultural Activities: See http://osagenation.co/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Annette-Gore-Library-Newsletter-October.pdf and Archives for the Annette Gore Library Newsletter at http://osagenation.co/annette-gore-newsletter-oct-13/
Election day today for the Pawhuska Indian Village Five-Woman Board. See http://osagenews.org/article/pawhuska-indian-village-five-woman-board-hold-elections-oct-15
Congressional Select Committee of Inquiry Meeting Osage Nation Congress Chambers October 21, 2013 2:00 p.m. Agenda
1. Call to Order 2. Prayer 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes 5. Executive Session – Personnel and Legal Advice 6. Consideration and Possible Approval of Final Report 7. Motions and Notices 8. Adjournment
Congressional Select Committee of Inquiry Meeting Osage Nation Congress Chambers October 22, 2013 9:00 a.m. Agenda
1. Call to Order 2. Prayer 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes 5. Executive Session – Personnel and Legal Advice 6. Consideration and Possible Approval of Final Report 7. Motions and Notices 8. Adjournment
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Congressional Office at (918) 287-5543 or my office directly at (918) 287-5689.
Barbara Rice, Committee Clerk of the Osage Nation Congress
RED ALERT--VOTER INFORMATION--To help you cast your vote in the upcoming elections, take a look at the Legislation Vote Records for the members of the Osage Nation Congress: http://www.osagetribe.com/congress/info_sub_page.aspx?subpage_id=183 and the Congressional Attendance Records: http://www.osagetribe.com/congress/info_sub_page.aspx?subpage_id=184 that have NOT been updated for the Third Osage Nation Congress. Someone has clearly dropped the ball on NOT getting out the Third Congress Session Attendance records. When will this information become available to the voters Speaker Raymond Red Corn? The Committee attendance reports are located at: http://www.osagetribe.com/congress/info_sub_page.aspx?subpage_id=225
Who is chiefly responsible in the ON Congress for the Osage, LLC., and the loss of the people's money reported to be between $11-$12 MILLION?. This is a 65%-70% loss of the funds invested -- a total of $17.5 MILLION -- including the money paid for the Tulsa Airpark ($4.9 MILLION). In an e-mail sent to Congressman Raymond Redcorn on May 27, 2009, a constituent wrote, "As you know, the times are so bad from an economic standpoint that I too have questioned whether the timing is right to launch a full scale business development effort via the Osage LLC....I also have some questions as to the new CEO (Carol Leese) and his last employment with the PBDC. See http://www.potawatomibdc.com/images/upload/PBDC_2007AnnualReport-000.pdf He and Lance Morgan were not there for long as is represented at http://www.potawatomibdc.com/our_people.php What I would like to know is why the Harvard business model that was seeded there did not take root." DID Redcorn ever dig deep and get any answers for the constituent who wrote to him? Did he ever research this information and the lead that was provided to him that could have stopped this thing because those were questions that should have been asked by those directly responsible to the members of the Osage Nation and as a result, because they went unanswered, they proved to be a precursor of such massive losses for the Osage Nation. Now, if you take a look at all of the Legislation associated with the Osage, LLC that has been passed into law, you will find the answer to my first question: ONCA 09-35, ONCA 08-30, ONCA 09-77, ONCA 11-61, ONCA 11-63, ONCA 12-29, ONCA 12-112, ONCR 08-09, ONCR 08-10, ONCR 09-03, ONCR 10-33. Do your own homework at http://www.osagetribe.com/congress/info_sub_page.aspx?subpage_id=189 The results are very interesting...
Fire Carol Leese and fire the Board as well and get rid of the Corrupt LLC. Any investment for a park and a air park are a waste of time and proven to be money Pits and I had expressed this at the time of the Puchases but I'm sure the diligence was not done either......12 million is no chump change and is something to worry about.....Cut the Losses and we said this back a couple of years ago and last year.....I to requested that how our money is being spent we have the right to know who we are vesting with and should be public, in the OSAGE News....exactly who and what...and if there is profit ever made where does is it applied and who's manning the boat sort of speak and this falls back on the Executive? Who's allowing for these poor decisions? You guys on the Hill don't have a clue and just keep on playing house. Time for the Osage Constitutional Convention. Forget the elections hit zero for the hero' s not, Congress is just as much at fault for funding these dead end projects as well. You guys are a mess.....
Totally agree. Fire Leese. He should never have been hired. On main street, you get fired for losing money in business and hes been paid between $200-300K a year, with his benefits and bonuses and what ever all else, to lose $12 million? Get rid of him, that inane Osage LLC and the Board too. This has been Raymond Redcorns baby all along so he has to go right along with them at the next election. Shannon Edwards has voted for every bit of the money appropriated too so shes next to go when the time comes for her reelection bid in 2016.
What do you expect from iPad Ray? Not many of them use that thing on the floor of the Congress that he made such a stink about them having to have them to do their work on, now do they? I think he should talk to Eddy and find out how his $100K+ job with gaming or the Osage LLC is going for him. Did it pay Eddy to be an enabler of the loss of all that money down the coffers of the Osage, LLC? Did it get him a big job and a fat salary with gaming? Ten to one it won't benefit iPad Ray one bit either if he loses his bid for reelection.
Have the Osage LLC report and post the Financials of the Corporation. And have it Audited before if and when Leese is fired. Looking at the Financials back in 2007 he gets the big F. He didn't do anything for the Company but just basically earned a Check....OMG and lost money...The overall performance looks to be the bottom end was carrying this company from years prior and the overall performance was way below standard if any at all. Numbers do not lie....Remember, when you do business it is important to look at the objective and overall performance. And this Guy is taking the Osages for a rollercoaster ride.....We need to get the Board of Directors to get on the same mind set and get a Audit by the same Company who Audited the Potawatomi Business and not a day late. Untold Millions Squandered. Remember before you do Business do the Diligence. Remember who you are jumping into bed with. There are genuine CEO's but the good ones are usually at their Job Years....Corruption or Incompetence? I say both..Remember not to listen to the excuses but to look at this from a point of Business and let the Numbers reflect in the decision that should have been made a long time ago.......
2013 Red Ribbon Kick Off Kids Carnival! See https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=592874527440045&set=a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf
FYI: I checked with the Administrator of the Osage Health Card and she wrote that the forms are not yet available for 2014. Her advice was to keep checking back with Constituent Services of the Osage Nation.
What does this mean? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=678132685545307&set=a.622836021074974.1073741825.205965762762004&type=1&ref=nf Why would they need to publish a flyer to the Osages like this unless it was necessary because of such behavior taking place? How was Belize? --> https://www.facebook.com/pages/Osage-Nation-WIC/205965762762004
It looks like theres been a problem with Osages doing these things and worse is what it means to me. Why hasn't this come out yet? What else don't we know about?
Fraud is deep with in and out the system.....This is not really new to the ears...This tells me that they do no have enough disposable income....It does not always need to be for drugs of which or alcohol, perscriptions. Though these play significant factors in the these people lives. This issue is a big problem because we as tax payers pay into this program and the cycle just keeps going on.....This could be handled in a much more professional manner and fruad could be almost eleminated if you were to open up a comonsary and give these needy people in need with a ID with there picture on the benefit card a long with state or tribal Id or in conjunction with the appropriate ID with a picture on it from a credit source such as the DMV.....Yes this can work...Where there is a will there's a way...I volunteer at the food bank and people will drive to meet the needs for their family or have them taken to the food bank. Next make the laws stiffer. You sell your card or give it away for what ever price you will go to jail with the willful intent to cuase harm and neglect for the safty of your Child or Children in conjunction you might just forfeit the right to keep your children.....Just an Idea...
Reminder: ON Congress 8th Special Session begins this coming Monday. The SCOI is also back in action at 2:00 p.m., on the same day. See the SCOI schedule in an earlier comment on this page.
What's all this about the report not being made public? Also if any witnesses do object, their names and job positions or any other identity information could be blacked out? Is this a for real investigative deal or just more amateurish play pretend government nonsense and irresponsibility on the part of the Osage Nation Congress?
Amended Proclamation for the 8th Special Session: http://app6.websitetonight.com/projects/1/2/1/5/1215402/uploads/SpecialSessionProclamation10.10.13.pdf and Allegations against the Chief: http://app6.websitetonight.com/projects/1/2/1/5/1215402/uploads/Motion_for_Select_Committee_of_Inquiry.pdf
RED ALERT--IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: In view of the plethora of inexplicable choices that the elected officials of the Osage Nation have made during their tenure for the last seven years, the most recent of which was reported by Congressman Raymond Redcorn in his Update #170: "For employees, the full $1.4 ($1.5) million salary adjustment increase also made the cut, along with the full 3% Merit funding attached to salaries.", the Osage Blog is announcing its NEW Election Initiative that we are calling the Osage Surge for Candidates to come forward from outside of Osage County and the State of Oklahoma to run in the upcoming Osage Nation elections; "The Osage Surge" for short. We need boots on the ground, Osage members, to turn around the policies and spending practices of the Osage Nation government to one that is sensible and reasonable that includes ALL Osages no matter were they reside which was promised to us if we were to support a new Osage Constitutional government. We need to reestablish a proper balance from the top down and the bottom up! Please join this initiative and if you can, run for office in the upcoming Osage Nation elections in 2014. Since they won't, each one of us need to stand up and take responsibility and BE RESPONSIBLE for what our new government does in the future. Now IS the time for all good Osages to come to the aid of their new Constitutional government.
I love this quote from Sheryl S. Gann, "This election year, I would love to see (at least 15) qualified candidates come from outside Oklahoma! Its time for an outside perspective and new blood, sitting around that table! Isn't that one of the reasons why the people chose this new government; to unite us all as one?"
lol there was no intention to unite as one. You can't have that when you formulate a Gov. it becomes a free for all.....and this is exactly what is going on Playing house, anybody can see this...This house is clueless because everyone knows everyone and everyone is afraid to do what is right......for the OSAGE....It's hard to see our Gov. as a Gov. because from the Executive down you can see the cascade of hypocrasy and lies.....from the Osage LLC with Carol Leese going through our dollars like it was yesterday and so forth....so this is why it is hard to take a Gov. for the Osage and really it's Gov. for themselves....seriously...
NOTE: SCOI Meeting for the 22nd has been cancelled.
Congressional Select Committee of Inquiry Meeting Osage Nation Congress Chambers October 24, 2013 IFS or 10:00 a.m. Agenda
1. Call to Order 2. Prayer 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes 5. Executive Session – Personnel and Legal Advice 6. Consideration and Possible Approval of Final Report 7. Motions and Notices 8. Adjournment
Congressional Select Committee of Inquiry Meeting Osage Nation Congress Chambers October 25, 2013 IFS or 10:00 a.m. Agenda
1. Call to Order 2. Prayer 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes 5. Executive Session – Personnel and Legal Advice 6. Consideration and Possible Approval of Final Report 7. Motions and Notices 8. Adjournment
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Congressional Office at (918) 287-5543 or my office directly at (918) 287-5689. THANK YOU!
Barbara Rice Clerk of the Congress 918-287-5689 (work) 918-845-1162 brice@osagecongress-nsn.gov
Thanks just read the article...so much not said.....what happened to good investigative reporting and actually going out there to get the real information from those who have or felt that violations of abuse of power were broken. Here you have only one side the Chiefs side is that any way shape or form good reporting......but once again I find this interesting because it's looking like our Congress is going to let the Constiuency down......
If they do, that will give a HUGE green light to get rid of every single one of them come election time in 2014 from the Congress to the Chief who may be running for whatever elected office at the time. I can't wait to get rid of these manipulative "operators" and spendthrifts anyway. 1,000 pages of laws and nearly single every one of them worthless!!!!!!!!!! It's about time that we get people in there who have respect for us and our money.
It's a call for a Constitutional Convention that will get them to thinking and it can and for all intense purposes before this Gov. gets way out of hand.....
NOTE: SCOI Meeting for the 25th has been cancelled.
Congressional Select Committee of Inquiry Notice Osage Nation Congress Chambers October 28, 2013 IFS or 10:00 a.m. Agenda
1. Call to Order 2. Prayer 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes 5. Executive Session – Personnel and Legal Advice 6. Consideration and Possible Approval of Final Report 7. Motions and Notices 8. Adjournment
Congressional Select Committee of Inquiry Notice Osage Nation Congress Chambers October 29, 2013 IFS or 10:00 a.m. Agenda
1. Call to Order 2. Prayer 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes 5. Executive Session – Personnel and Legal Advice 6. Consideration and Possible Approval of Final Report 7. Motions and Notices 8. Adjournment
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Congressional Office at (918) 287-5543 or my office directly at (918) 287-5689.
Barbara Rice Clerk of the Congress 918-287-5689 (work) 918-845-1162 brice@osagecongress-nsn.gov
Osage Book Club Halloween Meeting. See https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=595258313868333&set=a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf
Great post I've felt this way since Obama Care rolled out.......15% seems a little low though. And so we punish 85% of the popultion who worked hard for what they have earned.....and as he pointed out Canadians are coming across the border for health care we know this to be true....4.2 billion in child tax going to illegal immagrants.....so illegal yet the IRS still doles out......
Not getting enough money spent on YOU, Mrs. Duty? Osage News poll about getting a new web site? Uggggggg....... When are your going to start asking poll questions that indicate that you actually have maturity and depth and actually grasp the important issues going on with Osages that are of concern to them?
We all have been saying the same thing as put up questions of real value as to how the constituency feels about their over bloated budget and so forth....
How did this come out? Did the Osage Nation bid on this land? http://www.tulsaworld.com/business/auction-set-for-acres-northwest-of-downtown/article_1332f72e-0804-51ff-9611-e904fe708fc0.html
The Osage News is now reporting on their Facebook page within the last five minutes: BREAKING: The report from the Select Committee of Inquiry is ready for release. The report will be made available online this evening, time unknown... See https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews
These documents shown below are also downloadable at http://osagenation.co/government/congress/ Select Committee of Inquiry Report Part 1.10-28-13 Select Committee of Inquiry Report Part 2.10-28-13 Statement of the Select Committee of Inquiry 10-28-13
How come dadgum Archie Mason always seems to be absent when important votes of the Congress come around? Does he have a yellow steak down the middle of his back or what?
I just read the one with 58 pages and this committee has the Chief dead to rights admitting on the record that he broke the Open Records Law. Nobody is happy about this but the Chief really needs to resign right away and they need to replace Louis Gray asap. I mean an employee of Louis's that he was responsible for hiring on her merits - not her qualifications - who was lying on the floor of the Counseling Center lobby next to her dog while watching a movie and eating pizza during business hours? What merits would those be? I mean come on. You got to read this eye popping stuff to believe it. Oh and Kugee why would you even think about delaying the motion to go to trial for removal when you have the Chief admitting before the Committee that he broke the law on that particular allegation? What more do you need? A stun gun to get the members of the Congress to do their job without delay? I don't think anyone will want to rush this part of the process? Are you and your colleagues part of the problem or part of the solution to it? If this government has been tolerating these things for seven years a huge example needs to be made and it needs to be cleaned up right now not at your leisure or at your pleasure. Is this what has come as a result of voting for a Constitution? What a crushing demoralizing blow. This is how our money is being spent folks. These are the facts and these documents are the indictment. Keep in mind that Alice Buffalohead who chaired this committee has been rumored to have told people that particular members of Congress were out to get the Chief and that it was all their doing as if it was wrong to bring all this to light. Oh everybody does it and this goes on all the time? Mark her in memory for the upcoming ballot so that her career dissipation light begins to start flashing today.
We meed a bigger voting turnout. This Gov. was formed by lies and we are seeing it all over the place. This Gov. was for the taking and now the Osage Surge will come wait and see....and as I said get your picket signs ready.......We want a leader not a bottom feeder who is living on our dime and not living to the expectations of His Constiuency or the Oath....This Congress and AG better get it right or somethings up and of which we have yet to see.....And this is why we might want to hit re-start and kick everyone out of office and we can do that by having a good ole fashoned Constitutional Convention and re-write what was ill written in the first.....and by all means no accident.....This is our Gov and we expect it to run and behave accordingly....Alice is a huge problem because she can't keep her personal feelings from getting in the way, where logic should be and what is right for the People the Osage, and this is why this is a huge factor in how this Gov. has played out...Everyone knows everyone and that is a problem in itself over and over again.....Where is the Moral compass in this matter coupled with the ethics of all of this? This becomes redundant and really sets the Precedent in the future for more imcompetency. Ignorance is not an excuse for just bad bad bad behavior...If this is not resolved in a manner of removal then I will be calling all Osages for possibly the removal of those who voted for inaction on failure to live by the Oath that they took and don't think it cannot happen and or lets have a rewrite of the Constitution and get out the complicity that has taken over Our Gov.....The Stall on this matter is ridiculous and is telling.....as I said before no one really is happy about this matter period and if the Chief did not do what he did he wouldn't be where he is at in the first....This is politcal and should be handled appropriately. This was a huge reflection on Abuse of Power by the Chief.....Playing stupid does not set well....Doesn't he preach consequence of ones actions and shouldn't he live and walk the talk or is this just another fake lie he lives....
Great work SCOI a day late and another dollar spent but the damage of what has yet to reveal the truth of the matter and what we don't know yet will be revealed and maybe we can get down to the heart of our Finances and stop the waste and get someone in office who understand fiscal responcibility and management experience in finances and lets get a look at the OSAGE LLC.....and look at the portforlio in the last few years and get an accurate accounting and so forth and take the numbers from the top and not from the bottom to make a realization that is not there in the first and also get a looke at the passive/aggressive investments...The economy is going to tank and we don't want to sink with the ship sorta speak and get the finance records to the M/C so the M/E can become vital once again....Bottom line the Chief needs to resign...in a big way and try to save some face and not take this to another level and just admit he did wrong period....This is what happens when you are coached by a side arm and not follow through on the due diligence......
Absolutely stupendous work from the SCOI. Beyond a doubt this goes much deeper than one member of Congress being out to get the Chief. Reactions and impressions? In view of the report and the documentation, should the Chief resign and not put us through a formal trial since he has openly admitted during his testimony to having broken the law?
The kicker of the whole report is the Diedre Bigheart reason for the letting go of Director and true professional Norman Merriman who was in process of attempting to discipline Macy-whatever her last name is this week-for her movie watching habits while at work, "...she (Norma) was terminated for having poor judgment and not being a good fit." WTH? Right behind the Chief should go Diedre Bigheart out the door into Hepsi Barnett oblivion.
Osage2 little does she know it but what ever becomes of the Executive Office in the mean time the AP will step in and assume this legacy of embarrassment but the first to go would be co-hort Diedre Bigheart.....and she does need to go...and really we wouldn't be where we are at if their had been accountability and this is no lie....
It'll be a cold day in hell before anyone of us gets a dime from these disgusting selfish self centered corrupt people. Don't hold your breath. Despite the meetings that took place around the country when the new government came in which was supposed to include every one of us, the whole thing has deteriorated into a morass of bottom feeders on the Osage People' money. Read the report.
Just got done. What else do we not know about? And that's what I said we want a leader not a bottom feeder of Hypocracy....and he walks and talks as if this is all Political you just can't make this stuff up.....and he say's he walks the talk of the Lord....what a lie....
"Congress announced its ninth special session will be held Thursday Nov. 14 to consider a motion on whether a removal trial should be held for Chief Red Eagle." See http://osagenews.org/article/scoi-recommends-removal-trial-chief-red-eagle
This is a fine pickle we are in! The Chief needs to be removed but then the assistant chief ( Do nothing, no show Scott) takes over as chief. I hope congress keeps a tight rein on him. This is a good lesson to keep in mind come election time. Not only do we need to be careful on who we pick as chief BUT also who we pick as Assistant chief. It may not seem to important at the time but look at the situation we now might be in!
New article>> http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/osage-nation-panel-recommends-removal-trial-for-chief-john-red/article_d9b24a2c-3976-5545-b5d0-bb2570901351.html
Reading through and noting that Louis Gray neglected to tell the Election Board about a felony conviction that was found out during the vetting process when he ran for office, does anyone believe that he lied to the Committee when he gave testimony about the Chief influencing his decision to hire Macy?
If the charges do not show then he is not obligated to say...and really did this action affect who he is and what he does? Lets not forget about compassion. And like I said the Chief lost credibility with his constituents when he started to place his family members and giving them preferential treatment and the Nepotism and the Cronyism is any wonder why this person got elected in the first. And this is the Same thing we do not want in the EXECUTIVE....Incompetence...He tried and is fried in the Memories of the Osage going down in History as the bottom feeder of Hypocrisy....and really is Sad that the Chief believes in his own lies....This is Political....it became Political when you started to abuse your Power Chief....And I like how all the surrounding News outlets are sugar coating this a little...when this is serious not to hand over a 4 billion dollar estate accounting to the M/C who is charged by the 1906 act to GOVERN AND THAT THIS IS A SEPARATE AGENCY....Supported by the Major Stakeholders. So this is telling I say....Macy wow. Still shaking my head on that one if I were her I would be walking with my head between my legs...walking the line of shame....this says a lot about her character and how entitled she felt. And this is all a domino effect the role Chief played in all of this....Still Sad....but out with the Old and in with the New......
To ndntoo, just the answers that he gave were ingnorant, and I knew this was the game he was going to play..ah I wont do it again, it's like he thinks he's going to get a slap on the wrist....it's like he did not take his postiton seriously because he thought he was entitled and thought he didn't need to answer to anyone els but to himself, tells me what a selfish man of sorts...The future is here today and what a difference we can make.......
New articles>> http://nativetimes.com/index.php/news/tribal/9211-osage-chief-responds-to-special-inquiry and http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/state/osage-chief-panel-s-action-an-overreach-of-power/article_bc9553c6-4230-11e3-92e7-001a4bcf6878.html
The Chief has been quoted as saying, "Such a trial would make them a court, so they want to be the legislative branch, the executive branch and the judicial branch." Is there a level chance that he has never even read the Osage Nation Constitution that he as sworn to uphold or any of the legislation that has been signed into law? Remember that he has been there for all of this legislation because he was sitting in the Congressional Chambers for every Session and Special Session for the first four years of the new government and has been in a position to sign off on the rest of it since he became the Chief. The path of this removal process is written in the Constitution. It also provides for the Congress to create other processes like the SCOI within the perimeter of the whole to expand upon the idea of providing a fair and impartial system of removal if and when the time should ever come to set it in motion. It seems to me that the more complicated the whole thing becomes when most of the elected officials are not from the legal community, the easier it becomes for justice to fail. This works in a Chief's favor if he doesn't testify and admit to having broken the very law he is accused of having broken. In view of his inexplicable statement made to the press, this whole situation just gets more and more bizarre every day.
nah he didn't get the memo because he wanted to wait till he was gone from office to read it. LOL...When a lie becomes a truth then you know you have problems....Inexperience in Management will cause this type of Behavior.....Especially when he thought he could pull the wool over our eyes. Amazing. A full or Partial removal is a thought. But remember once you betray the trust of your constituency is exactly what he did...you can't get that back...Typical of arm chair coaching and he can only blame himself....Though he needs to resign....save some face. And do it for the Osage People....Bizzarre behavior is a understatement...I like how he keeps telling everyone it's Political...Nothing Political when I made my choice as Chief and it wasn't for you sir...and now you know why....
Does anyone know anything about the Osage Health Card and when we can file for next year? Did I hear right that the Osage Congress wouldn't pass the bill to let us up for it one time and then the money would be there each year?
The reenrollment forms are now in for 2014! Rachel Peery in the Constituent Services Office is very pleasant and professional over the phone and she will send one to your address if you call her at 918-287-5662.
Was this on their dime or ours? See Three Indians in the City. Osages Joe Tillman, Debra Atterberry and Paula Mashunkashey visit Montauban, France at https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews?ref=stream&hc_location=stream
"Yes, kid, I'm afraid it is," Jackson replied. The boys opened a path for the ball player and stood in silence until he passed out of sight. "Well, I'd never have thought it," sighed the lad. (THIS GAME IS FIXED!!!!!)
Looks to be sure we will have a fight on our hands...http://www.tulsaworld.com/business/state-agencies-claim-regulatory-jurisdiction-in-osage-county/article_7c7d5803-f620-5514-b857-78f654e6ab75.html
So they come to the table with new rules after Revard has been confirmed? How convenient. http://osagenews.org/article/congress-approves-rule-changes-board-and-commission-confirmations
Time is of the essence: if you have the ability to contact those in your area who participated in the Strategic Plan events just after the new government was formed, please contact them and tell them about The Osage Surge to have those outside of the Osage run for office in the upcoming election. Remember, the filing period to run for Chief and Assistant Chief is December 16, 2013 to January 6, 2014 and for the Osage Nation Congress the filing period is March 15, 2014 to March 31, 2014. Applications will be accepted during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Osage News reported this on April 2, 2013 and seven months have passed without a new website. What is going on??? "Mark Kirk, director of the Osage Nation Information Technology Department. The current website was built in 2005, making it eight years old. Kirk said revamping the website has been one of his pet projects since he became ONIT director last year. “The website itself is fairly antiquated and is a little behind in time, technology wise,” Kirk said. “It was obvious to me that it was something we needed to fix.” Paul Tutty, Osage Nation web engineer, will be designing the website which will take roughly three to four months to complete.
We need to get in on this>> Talking Tribal Dictionary and language lessons http://www.nativetimes.com/index.php/culture/9220-montana-governor-announces-tribal-language-preservation-efforts
WOAH! BREAKING OSAGE NEWS: Osage Nation Principal Chief John Red Eagle has filed suit in the ON Supreme Court against ON Congressional Speaker Raymond Red Corn and Congresswoman Alice Buffalohead... See https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews
Unbelievable, I guess all the legislation he sat through passing in Congress fell on death ears becuase he clearly did not get the memo...was the lights turned on? What technicality can he find to escape? Other than the facts speak clearly for themselves? What a waste of Osage Money hasn't he wasted enough of our funds...
The Chief has filed a restraining order against the upcoming 9th Special Congressional Session that starts tomorrow, the 14th, that the Osage Nation Supreme Court has not yet ruled on along with the Summons filed by the Chief against Raymond Red Corn and Alice Buffalohead less than a week ago. See more about this: "UPDATE: As of 4:30 p.m...." at https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews
The 9th Special Session begins at 10:00 A.M., tomorrow, November 14, 2013 in the Osage Nation Congressional Chambers. The only item on the Agenda is "Consideration of a Motion for Removal of Principal Chief Red Eagle." Don't miss this historic day of deliberations of the Osage Nation Congress. This meeting should be streamed live via the internet as well.
You're welcome. The ON Supreme Court dismisses the restraining order. See http://osagenews.org/article/supreme-court-dismisses-chief-red-eagle’s-request-restraining-order
I read the document and as far as I know, there is no requirement in the Constitution that the Chief has to be adjudicated guilty in the Osage Nation Court on any of the allegations prior to a trial for removal in the Congress. Where the SCOI is concerned, the Constitution says, "The Osage Nation Congress may prescribe additional rules and procedures that are necessary to implement the provisions of this Article." This opens the door for the SCOI to be declared a legitimate process by the Supreme Court in this recent Summons that the Chief has filed with the Court. There is also the question of whether the SCOI does violate the section of the Constitution as to separation of powers. We will find out soon, hopefully, what the Court thinks about the SCOI and its legal legitimacy.
Right Osageblogger. That issue on seperation of powers is not a little issue and raised my eyebrows from the beginning the SCOI was formed....But our Constitution is a conflict in itself....as I had coined once upon a time the English Language is open for interpretation to different meanings for one word...and maybe this technicallity will stand? Exploitation of the Constituion can go both ways if we are going to fight fire with fire....but the question still, there the true intent of the true meaning should be meant exactly that...if all else fails...I hope Congress did not screw this up...or was this done in Vain?
"The Osage Nation Supreme Court announced it will issue a declaratory judgment ruling before Dec. 31 in the lawsuit Principal Chief John Red Eagle filed against the ON Congress..." See https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews?ref=stream&hc_location=stream
What I'd like to know is why the Osage AG is MIA on his ethics lawsuit with the Chief. Hasn't he dragged his feet on his end of things long enough? What does he do with his time to justify such a large salary? Does he even show up at the office every day? I don't even think he was there at his desk when that investigator in his office took that phone call from the Chief that lead to all hell braking loose was he
Don't forget the Veteran's Day Celebration. See flyer at https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=595170260543805&set=a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153&type=1&theater
Boone's Bulletin 11/8/13 From the desk of Congressman Boone:
My legislation for aquaponics was pocket vetoed by the chief. This means no fresh fruit or vegetables for Hominy or Fairfax.
The 9th Special Session for Congress is to begin on November 14.
The 10th Special Session for Congress is to begin on November 15.
The Select Committee of Inquiry is public now.
Our study of water in Osage County continues. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is drilling monitoring wells near our local creeks to monitor subsurface water movement which includes fresh water as well as salt water and surface movement of the creek water.
Any opinions made herein are our own and not that of the total Minerals Council or Congress.
Remember our veterans on Veterans Day and have a Happy Thanksgiving.
In response to Boone's Bulletin or rather more of a question. What exactly is "Aquaponics"? AND How does the Chief's veto deprive Hominy and Fairfax of fresh fruit or vegetables? Obviously I don't understand any of this but am asking if we are now in the business of providing fresh fruit and vegetables to the two communities mentioned? Good grief! Go to the grocery store like everyone else! Secondly...is this another project of Ms Boone that has nothing to do with MC business?
Too weird. We don't even have Osage code talkers. Why is Maker attending this event when he can't even make it in to do the work of Congress hes paid to do? https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews?ref=stream&hc_location=stream Is this nonsense on our dime again?
"The soundness of the Osage Nation will rest on good laws, backed by a government that demonstrates a willingness to enforce them." Kugee Supernaw has a new "Notes to the Nation" out as of tonight about the 9th Special Session that starts tomorrow morning at 10:00 A.M. If you are not on his e-mailing list contact him at supernaw@flash.net and he will include you. See also the comment posted earlier on today.
04/23/14 General Election Absentee Ballot Mailing Begins 05/05/14 General Election Absentee Ballot Request Deadline 06/02/14 General Election Day
If you have any questions or need further assistance please feel free to contact the Osage Nation Election Office toll free at (877) 560-5286 or (918) 287-5286, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 to 4:30 p.m. CDST.
If you are voting by absentee ballot, have you sent in your Absentee Ballot Request Form yet? Remember to mark the box to become a permanent absentee ballot voter where you will automatically receive an Absentee Ballot for every election if you want to set it up this way.
The Osage News had a chart showing the population of Osages in the different parts of the country. I cannot find that issue. Does anyone know the current population and voter numbers in each state?
Would like to know as well......try searching the net? Wow, not there. From what I know or understand that 1600 Absentee Ballots were sent out I believe in the last congressional elections and 600 were not counted......if I have it right....telling if you ask me because if we have a voting eligible base of what 14,000 Osages where is their Vote? Call the ON ELECTON OFFICE maybe they can fax you the numbers....curious why you ask now?
Someone on FB is blaming the poor candidate selections on the absentee voters that she assumes know very little about the people that they select. She suggested dividing into districts such as Pawhuska, Hominy, Greyhorse, & out-of-state candidates, three elected from each. I want to know how many eligible voters there are in each of these regions and if that would be equal. Hope I explained this clearly???
Got it, remember did anyone know President Obama....wouldn't pay much attention to this type of rhetoric. It's bad enough in the real world of politics has become a free for all with no accoutability laced with fraud all over the place and you got to wonder these lifers in Congress what did they do while sitting on their duffs? And obviously we do not want the same for our ONG to follow the same foot steps....So when we say we know someone you really don't know them entirely...but what we can do is make sure our independent vote matters and make sure that these people do not do make these seats and or positions the only and last seat they will sit on. We know what we want and we know actions speaks louder than words....LOL she does not know how I think or who I am to assert that type of judgement./// Lack of maturity will reflect in her vote I suspect....and really why argue with someone who is not fully armed with a full deck.
To Anonymous November 14, 2013 at 10:13 AM. There is a voter registry of all Osage voters who have not opted to be taken off of the list. It is obtainable through the Election Office. The Voter Registry Request Form is available at http://www.osagetribe.com/electionboard/uploads/Forms/05DVoterRegistryRequest.pdf
Talk about poor candidate selection. An Amanda Proctor is posting on FB asking how much money has been spent on legal fees in connection with the removal proceedings and investigation like shes ticked off that shes one attorney along with her kids who arent getting any benefit from any of the loot. Like theyre spending money for no good reason at all and never mind what the Chief has done to deserve it. Isn't this the little gal who ran for vice Chief and another one of those who went to Harvard? What kind of example is from an attorney and and a grad from Harvard U?
Because she's an attorney, she's an officer of the Court. I'm pretty sure she's on the list for the Osage Nation Court system as well so that would make her an officer of the Osage Nation Court and the presumption is, if this is the case, then she's supposed to uphold Osage law and be for, not against, any process that would do so. In this situation, what kind of example is she setting by criticizing the cost it takes to uphold the law of the Osage Nation? How is she being successful here? I don't understand what you mean.
Sorry been busy to reply all the replys but, she's an officer of the Court not the Osage Nation big difference and you must realize she is a member as well....Everything has not worked accordingly to the Constitution and what is law in a lot of area's, if the law in context was written with principal in mind we would not be where we are at today...The law is there to protect the Interest of the Osage and I believe this is exactly what she is doing. Contrary. She's done a lot of good by keeping the Osages of what they should be doing...
Osage News 48 minutes ago. ON Congressman Archie Mason made motion for removal of Chief Red Eagle. Congressman John Maker seconded. Congress will vote @ 9 am tomorrow.
Well that's just about it then. Thank you for letting us know. We'll see what happens tomorrow. They need 8 votes of the twelve members to say yes to the motion to remove the Chief then it moves forward to trial. If they can't get that number of affirmative votes, it dies right there on the floor of the ON Congress.
Thank you...wow now and now here we are about to start a removal process...does this mean that any order coming out of the Executive office will come to a halt? And Spending as well? and will the Chief step aside and do what is right for the Constiuentcy and the O.N? Would be a huge conflict of interest to allow the Chief to run business as usural and still perform his duties especially that he has allegations of Abuse of his position against him?
The removal trial process won't begin until the ON Congress votes affirmatively with 8 or more voting yes tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. There is no requirement that the Chief step down from his duties while the trial takes place, that he be temporarily be removed from office or placed on unpaid leave until the conclusion and results of it. Why this is so is because the Congress has not brought forth legislation to require it to date. Perhaps after this process concludes, someone in Congress will introduce a bill on this matter so that it will become the law.
Yes that would be good because this will eleviate the conflict of interest...DISGUSTED OSAGE, I'm with you on this matter..if this is true now all eyes up to now our focus has not lost on her....either....We Osages are seeing a pattern in her behavior...as well. I'ts funny in so many ways because now we are seeing a pattern with our Gov. as well. And I don't mean funny ha ha either.
Today's 9th Special Session audio is available on demand for listening online at http://on-web1.osagetribe.org/media/congress/audio/FY2014/2013-1114_3Con_9SS-Day1-pt1.mp3
Orbi-Osage read the article knowing full well that these charges against the Chief tried to delay if not stop the Due Process of Congress by getting a restraining order is just a game to strategize his acceptence into the UNIOKT as Vice Chair...does his arrogance have no end...and now I've got to ask and question UNIOKT standards..ethical...how can you elect someone who has abused his Authority. This is serious and now he meets with the Administration....just pointing out some facts hear....another question regarding his personal IT director. Didn't the IT director out of the sum 70,000 could only account for so much of the money he earned. Like around 6 to 8 thousand dollars and not the entire rest? If this is so, where did the rest of the funds disappear to? Did anyone read the investigation?
On the IT guy, the money went into his bank account at least that's how it read to me. I believe I heard that the Chief has recently renewed the guy's contract!!!! How's that for arrogance?
To ndntoo___Paul Allen could only account for 6000.00 or somewhere between 8000.00 if I remember reading the investigative reports from the SCOI....am I wrong? Then where did the rest go...as he recalls he did no work for the Chief that he can prove or seletive memory loss....and should be ordered to pay back that money that does not belong to him by his own admission.
BREAKING NEWS--9th Special Session update: the Third ON Congress has just voted on the motion to go to trial to remove Principal Chief Red Eagle and the vote was unanimous to do so. All twelve members voted yes. There were no amendments to this motion put forward by any member of the ON Congress.
Of course, iPad Ray put forward a bill to slip the Chief $250,000 plus for his legal costs and fees. If you were Chief, wouldn't you love to have a guy like this on Congress to sponsor legislation to give you whatever you need for your legal troubles? The corker on this one is that Edwards, Mason and Free on the Rules and Ethics Committee voted to give it a do pass without amendments or without a recommendation. What sort of ethics was that? Honor among thieves? Look at the line item in this bill for Professional Fees where legal expenses are listed: http://osagenation.co/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/ONCA14-07.ENGROSSED.pdf Compare the same line item in this bill that passed last month: http://osagenation.co/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/ONCA-14-01.ENACTED.pdf It's important to understand that this trash would never see the light of day or the floor of the Congress if a Congressional member didn't make a choice to sponsor it. Raymond Red Corn made that choice on ONCA14-07 and it's important to realize that he didn't have to choose to do it.
This is for Orbi-Osage, The Chief has self envy and must think he is above the law.....The reality is so hard for him to accept even his own peers recognize what is necessary and right so they must all be wrong, right? Come on Chief just resign...and call it another day and let the Osage move past this....MAN shaking my head with disbelief. Does no man hath pride any more? Why risk being found guilty when guilt is already there? Witnessed by 40 individuals, they all must be liars one in particular who is not a indian of this Osage Nation the investigator would not make these allegations against the Chief, he has nothing to gain...Save the Osage Tribe some money.
The Removal Trial of the Chief is scheduled for January 13, 2014 according to the Legislative Proclamation for the 11th Special Session of the Third Osage Nation Congress.
Get a gander at this spending and the number of offices and departments that have been added in seven short years; http://osagenews.org/article/employees-receive-merit-market-survey-increases
Stop bug Gov, we want a GOV of the people for the people and by the people. and seeing these numbers is telling...based on Market Value. By who's authority? This is just ridiculous....most of these depts are they not getting grants from the Federal Gov. as well?
The money is flowing like a raging river in the Osage Nation! This market survey is in-house and has nothing to do with the real world in the local area where the minimum wage is $7.25 as opposed to $11.50 an hour for ON employees. For the last seven years there have been 3% yearly pay rises, or bonuses after the Merit system came in. There have been two market surveys so far that have also increased salaries across the board and an education (Bachelor's-Master's-Doctorate) pay bump from 5%-20% of the total salary as well. Guesstimating, I would say that the salary rises are between 21% to 45% higher than what they were in May of 2006. I would believe it if someone told me that $20 million of Tribal funds are spent on government salaries alone, not including benefits that are additional. The Chief is responsible for the Executive Branch budget and the Congress is responsible for appropriating the money for it. It wouldn't be happening if those elected to office refused to go along with this kind of spending but they don't and they are the ones who are the most publicly liable for it to the Osage People.
The girl in the SCOI report who was eating pizza while lying on the floor with her dog watching a movie in the lobby of the Counseling Center was reported to be making making $30,000 a year. I wonder how much the employees are making who are lined up against the back wall in the photo at https://twitter.com/OsageNews/status/376030678799761408/photo/1/large?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=fb&utm_campaign=OsageNews&utm_content=376030678799761408
30.000 dollars and got paid for eating pizza and play with her dog would have been fired on the spot what is going on....? Is she still working for the Nation, was she one of the picketers? These jobs need to be better vetted and timed and scutinized. everyones desk needs a good look at to define specifics where this does not happen again./// No the position and the value for the Company would be in the best interest to the Constiuency. Stop the spending and waste before the State comes in.
Rewarding bad behavior with a Merit Raise how does this happen. right? This is the worst form of corruption of a system that is severly flawed. What standard is the Precedent? What is the policy regarding picketing against the Nation for a Merit Raise? Where's the enforcement that would make this practice illegal? This should be based on performance if these ladies or men have to much time on their hands there's something wrong....
I emailed The Election Board a question about voter numbers in the different states. I quickly received a reply saying the question was referred to another person that would get back to me in a timely fashion. That was 6 days ago.
The Nation is being watched and we know the voting numbers are not going to reflect and by all means this is telling, Yes I CALLED THE OSAGE LANGUAGE DEPT EARLIER THIS YEAR STILL WAITING FOR THE PHONE CALL, this is a huge problem because now you're seeing that the Moral Majority was left out of the process from the Get go when this Gov. was formed and as I suspect to be true that was no accident...you see there's a clause all moneys to be credited to the Osage Shareholders in the 1906 Act and when the development of the Casino's is what got the ball rollin in the Other Direction, giving a vote meant exactly that to the Osages...but our rights have been hijacked and in my instance abrogated. And I suspect voter fraud on a much higher level has happened...and no accident...The BIA's reflection bears fruit on this matter to allow the Corruption. I can see why the State wants to come in here if it's not a cry for the Fed. Gov. to open their eyes and get in here and do the diligence that is required to protect the interest the Osage Shareholder as by the 1906 Act dictates.....The five man board and the Investigation to the Osage LLC....to how we ended up in the position the Gov. has put us in.. To the M/C bearing responsibility NOT REPRESENTING THE STAKEHOLDERS IN THE FIRST and thats that...This is all out there and nothing has really changed except the money is being spent as soon as they the ON get their hands on it evident in so many instances and no enforcement with a principal to support of any kind of standard. And this all started with one phone call by Charles Redcorns own words where was that phone call to the Stakeholders in the first the HEADRIGHT OWNERS...? Where was my vote I didn't get a ballot and I've been at said address 20 yrs? And the Gov. never missed a check but the Osage can somehow not get a ballot to a major STAKEHOLDER? So your phone call don't let the election board give you the run around those numbers should be available upon the request....it s also telling you can't get an answer as to the question was the M/E used as collateral to develope the Casino's? And if it was someones in truouble...
After my second request for the voter information, I received a reply saying that no chart or list exists but it is a good idea and they would be working on one in the next couple of weeks. I will be searching my Osage Newspapers for the chart that was in a previous issue.
The reason that girl was getting $30,000 per year is that she was an Osage multi-tasker. Lets see you eat pizza, play with a dog and keep time to punk rock with any degree of coordination, all while laying on the the floor.
Reminder: the filing period to run for Chief and Assistant Chief is 24 days away on December 16, 2013 and goes to January 6, 2014. Remember the Osage Surge!
Missuseing funds ah lets see can be construed as embezzlement and if the Judge decides we can remove the Chief, will charges be filed and if so that's 70.000 missused funds and by all accounts not accounted for even by the words of Paul Allen...the IT GUY all but 6000.00 right? Is the Chief going to spend time behind Bars? And how is it that this is different then the five man board in Pawhuska and why is this case any different yet we can move forward quickly to remove the Chief....? And where is the investigation into the 5 man Board this is ridiculous/
The Congress can only remove him. This could be prosecuted by the Feds. They declined to prosecute in the 5 man board case because of the way the village constitution was written. The Osage AG could still file charges.
The Chief has an odd way of looking at things. He is arguing that "it would be impossible" for him to interfere with the AG's investigation because the Osage Nation has a law against that. So, just do like the Chief does. If you get stopped by the Highway Patrol for speeding, you just say-- "It's impossible for me to be speeding, because the state has a law against it." Good luck with that excuse, my friend.
Can you imagine what would have happened if the Osage AG Jeff Jones had been elected to the office of AG of Osage County? Charges filed for one single trial in two or three years of employment? WoW!!!!!! Now that's impressive........
Why is Mr. Carnett resigning from the Gaming board and why is there a potetial for a Conflict? And why cannot the constituency know about this and the Headright Owners as well, something stinks to high kingdom come.
Read this article at http://osagenews.org/article/gaming-enterprise-board-loses-two-members and refer to the allegations brought the ON Congress against the Chief and by the SCOI investigation.
Thanks Osageblogger...posted yesterday and we ran out of room. Topic , The Osage News has another Article, is the Merit System working, You have to ask the Dept. Head in this case the Chief.....What is the criteria? The Incentive? Is the employee file really being looked at? and why the Increase in funding is needed by the Chief. What his pet project cost overruns were not accounted for? Then Lets get a look at the receipts and expenditures which are and should be posted monthly as to the constituency can see and protest how our money is being spent? This should be posted by the Chiefs Office......So we have a financial analyst and a financial officer and a Appropriation Committee and a Congress. Yet we still don't have a HOUSE OR SENATE TO represent the Osages one way or the other, we have on Committee and a Congress and Congress has the right to say no. Employees do no have a right to picket or organize a petition of this sort period when is comes to bonuses and wage increase. It is a insult to those who do the work that is required by dead lines and mandates and etc....This is not a right and what's to stop this from happening in the future? And this could do further harm to Morale. How fare is this? This care free attitude that lets just pass the buck is not working anylonger Appropration Committee. To me you are not doing the diligence required by and by the Constiuents. Your looking at just one side of this by just lookimg at market value and giving money away as opposed to begin with, hireing an employee at the market value and let it be based on other factors as well that meet certain critteria for a higer wage. I see this as a Christmas Gift from the Nation not as a bonus becuase true bonuses are their to create incentive or at least in the real world... we wouldn't have this problem in the first. bonus and or salary is negotiable in the employment pack right. . Is management getting a bonus as well? Is Congress and Your selves getting a Bonus as well? What I'm saying this was a problem and it needs to be made to stop. Who's working for who? Just another take on a matter that should have never happened in the first. When is rotation on the Appropriation Committee? and or are their time limits for this Committee as well?
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be nice if the Nation could send out fifty dollars to everyone before turkey day and say the turkey is on us this year. Happy Holidays....Wow what a positive response you would get from your Consituents who voted you in the Position you are in. Would be a first in 7 yrs for this to happen, I mean we can upgrade the Casinos and if the Chief can ask so why not give back to the other Hub the Constituents of the Osage Nation. Your MEMBERS. Just a thought in passing.
DeleteBRILLIANT SUGGESTION! Why aren't you running for office in the next election? And a Christmas Bonus too is a good suggestion from the first poster! To get it done, run for office and further the mission of The Osage Surge.
DeleteYour sense of humor is funny but remember I am hopfully elected to The M/C but who's to say I can't do both? After all isn't there more than one position filled by the same people? or family memebers as well? My the croynism and the nepotism is not far from where the apple drops. Time for corruption to leave out the door and don't let get you were it counts not let slam hard where it counts. Go Osage Surge for the Osage People.
DeleteHow much of the total budget for 2014 goes to salaries, bonuses, benefits and travel expenses for the employees of the Osage Nation (the total dollar figure for every single person collecting a paycheck from the Osage Nation under the merit system. the office of the Chiefs, any Board or Commission member, the Congress and its employees, the Judicial Branch, the Osage LLC if that applies or any other business interest we may have that collects a paycheck from the ON Treasury) and how many of them are there in total who work for the Osage Nation Government as government employees? Does the ON Congress appropriate funding for the Casino employees or is it just the employees of the Osage Nation? See ON merit-based employee system questioned during Tzi-Zho Session at http://osagenews.org/article/merit-based-employee-system-questioned-during-tzi-zho-session
ReplyDeleteYou got to be kidding the Chief is running for what and what lol. With all kinds of ethic charges against him they won't elect him. I can't believe he is running for Vise-President of the NCAI. After his own Tribe is seeking removal. Is this telling or what?
ReplyDeleteYou're right. That is a hoot. http://osagenews.org/article/70th-annual-ncai-convention-opens-today-tulsa
DeleteCongress of American Indians at http://www.tulsaworld.com/homepage1/congress-of-american-indians-opens-in-tulsa/article_724a12aa-34ea-11e3-8717-001a4bcf6878.html
DeleteAn MOU with The Nature Conservancy at the NCAI convention, Oct. 15? What's that all about? What sort of understanding? >> http://instagram.com/p/ff-2ZxL-wx/
DeleteIt appears that it's an agreement between the ON and TNC to fight the wind farm/s.
DeleteCultural Activities: See http://osagenation.co/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Annette-Gore-Library-Newsletter-October.pdf and Archives for the Annette Gore Library Newsletter at http://osagenation.co/annette-gore-newsletter-oct-13/
ReplyDeleteElection day today for the Pawhuska Indian Village Five-Woman Board. See http://osagenews.org/article/pawhuska-indian-village-five-woman-board-hold-elections-oct-15
ReplyDeletePostponed until next Tuesday Oct. 22 at 7 p.m.
DeleteCongressional Select Committee of Inquiry Meeting
ReplyDeleteOsage Nation Congress Chambers
October 21, 2013
2:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Prayer
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Executive Session – Personnel and Legal Advice
6. Consideration and Possible Approval of Final Report
7. Motions and Notices
8. Adjournment
Congressional Select Committee of Inquiry Meeting
Osage Nation Congress Chambers
October 22, 2013
9:00 a.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Prayer
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Executive Session – Personnel and Legal Advice
6. Consideration and Possible Approval of Final Report
7. Motions and Notices
8. Adjournment
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Congressional Office at (918) 287-5543 or my office directly at (918) 287-5689.
Barbara Rice, Committee Clerk of the Osage Nation Congress
RED ALERT--VOTER INFORMATION--To help you cast your vote in the upcoming elections, take a look at the Legislation Vote Records for the members of the Osage Nation Congress: http://www.osagetribe.com/congress/info_sub_page.aspx?subpage_id=183 and the Congressional Attendance Records: http://www.osagetribe.com/congress/info_sub_page.aspx?subpage_id=184 that have NOT been updated for the Third Osage Nation Congress. Someone has clearly dropped the ball on NOT getting out the Third Congress Session Attendance records. When will this information become available to the voters Speaker Raymond Red Corn? The Committee attendance reports are located at: http://www.osagetribe.com/congress/info_sub_page.aspx?subpage_id=225
ReplyDeleteWho is chiefly responsible in the ON Congress for the Osage, LLC., and the loss of the people's money reported to be between $11-$12 MILLION?. This is a 65%-70% loss of the funds invested -- a total of $17.5 MILLION -- including the money paid for the Tulsa Airpark ($4.9 MILLION). In an e-mail sent to Congressman Raymond Redcorn on May 27, 2009, a constituent wrote, "As you know, the times are so bad from an economic standpoint that I too have questioned whether the timing is right to launch a full scale business development effort via the Osage LLC....I also have some questions as to the new CEO (Carol Leese) and his last employment with the PBDC. See http://www.potawatomibdc.com/images/upload/PBDC_2007AnnualReport-000.pdf He and Lance Morgan were not there for long as is represented at http://www.potawatomibdc.com/our_people.php What I would like to know is why the Harvard business model that was seeded there did not take root." DID Redcorn ever dig deep and get any answers for the constituent who wrote to him? Did he ever research this information and the lead that was provided to him that could have stopped this thing because those were questions that should have been asked by those directly responsible to the members of the Osage Nation and as a result, because they went unanswered, they proved to be a precursor of such massive losses for the Osage Nation. Now, if you take a look at all of the Legislation associated with the Osage, LLC that has been passed into law, you will find the answer to my first question: ONCA 09-35, ONCA 08-30, ONCA 09-77, ONCA 11-61, ONCA 11-63, ONCA 12-29, ONCA 12-112, ONCR 08-09, ONCR 08-10, ONCR 09-03, ONCR 10-33. Do your own homework at http://www.osagetribe.com/congress/info_sub_page.aspx?subpage_id=189 The results are very interesting...
ReplyDeleteFire Carol Leese and fire the Board as well and get rid of the Corrupt LLC. Any investment for a park and a air park are a waste of time and proven to be money Pits and I had expressed this at the time of the Puchases but I'm sure the diligence was not done either......12 million is no chump change and is something to worry about.....Cut the Losses and we said this back a couple of years ago and last year.....I to requested that how our money is being spent we have the right to know who we are vesting with and should be public, in the OSAGE News....exactly who and what...and if there is profit ever made where does is it applied and who's manning the boat sort of speak and this falls back on the Executive? Who's allowing for these poor decisions? You guys on the Hill don't have a clue and just keep on playing house. Time for the Osage Constitutional Convention. Forget the elections hit zero for the hero' s not, Congress is just as much at fault for funding these dead end projects as well. You guys are a mess.....
DeleteTotally agree. Fire Leese. He should never have been hired. On main street, you get fired for losing money in business and hes been paid between $200-300K a year, with his benefits and bonuses and what ever all else, to lose $12 million? Get rid of him, that inane Osage LLC and the Board too. This has been Raymond Redcorns baby all along so he has to go right along with them at the next election. Shannon Edwards has voted for every bit of the money appropriated too so shes next to go when the time comes for her reelection bid in 2016.
DeleteWhat do you expect from iPad Ray? Not many of them use that thing on the floor of the Congress that he made such a stink about them having to have them to do their work on, now do they? I think he should talk to Eddy and find out how his $100K+ job with gaming or the Osage LLC is going for him. Did it pay Eddy to be an enabler of the loss of all that money down the coffers of the Osage, LLC? Did it get him a big job and a fat salary with gaming? Ten to one it won't benefit iPad Ray one bit either if he loses his bid for reelection.
DeleteHave the Osage LLC report and post the Financials of the Corporation. And have it Audited before if and when Leese is fired. Looking at the Financials back in 2007 he gets the big F. He didn't do anything for the Company but just basically earned a Check....OMG and lost money...The overall performance looks to be the bottom end was carrying this company from years prior and the overall performance was way below standard if any at all. Numbers do not lie....Remember, when you do business it is important to look at the objective and overall performance. And this Guy is taking the Osages for a rollercoaster ride.....We need to get the Board of Directors to get on the same mind set and get a Audit by the same Company who Audited the Potawatomi Business and not a day late. Untold Millions Squandered. Remember before you do Business do the Diligence. Remember who you are jumping into bed with. There are genuine CEO's but the good ones are usually at their Job Years....Corruption or Incompetence? I say both..Remember not to listen to the excuses but to look at this from a point of Business and let the Numbers reflect in the decision that should have been made a long time ago.......
Delete2013 Red Ribbon Kick Off Kids Carnival! See https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=592874527440045&set=a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf
ReplyDeleteFYI: I checked with the Administrator of the Osage Health Card and she wrote that the forms are not yet available for 2014. Her advice was to keep checking back with Constituent Services of the Osage Nation.
ReplyDeleteWhat does this mean? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=678132685545307&set=a.622836021074974.1073741825.205965762762004&type=1&ref=nf Why would they need to publish a flyer to the Osages like this unless it was necessary because of such behavior taking place? How was Belize? --> https://www.facebook.com/pages/Osage-Nation-WIC/205965762762004
ReplyDeleteIt looks like theres been a problem with Osages doing these things and worse is what it means to me. Why hasn't this come out yet? What else don't we know about?
DeleteFraud is deep with in and out the system.....This is not really new to the ears...This tells me that they do no have enough disposable income....It does not always need to be for drugs of which or alcohol, perscriptions. Though these play significant factors in the these people lives. This issue is a big problem because we as tax payers pay into this program and the cycle just keeps going on.....This could be handled in a much more professional manner and fruad could be almost eleminated if you were to open up a comonsary and give these needy people in need with a ID with there picture on the benefit card a long with state or tribal Id or in conjunction with the appropriate ID with a picture on it from a credit source such as the DMV.....Yes this can work...Where there is a will there's a way...I volunteer at the food bank and people will drive to meet the needs for their family or have them taken to the food bank. Next make the laws stiffer. You sell your card or give it away for what ever price you will go to jail with the willful intent to cuase harm and neglect for the safty of your Child or Children in conjunction you might just forfeit the right to keep your children.....Just an Idea...
DeleteReminder: ON Congress 8th Special Session begins this coming Monday. The SCOI is also back in action at 2:00 p.m., on the same day. See the SCOI schedule in an earlier comment on this page.
ReplyDeleteWhat's all this about the report not being made public? Also if any witnesses do object, their names and job positions or any other identity information could be blacked out? Is this a for real investigative deal or just more amateurish play pretend government nonsense and irresponsibility on the part of the Osage Nation Congress?
DeleteAmended Proclamation for the 8th Special Session: http://app6.websitetonight.com/projects/1/2/1/5/1215402/uploads/SpecialSessionProclamation10.10.13.pdf and Allegations against the Chief: http://app6.websitetonight.com/projects/1/2/1/5/1215402/uploads/Motion_for_Select_Committee_of_Inquiry.pdf
DeleteKeep up with the Congress at http://osagenation.co/government/congress/
DeleteAn interesting thought>> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=562461253820830&set=a.469365049797118.1073741830.469320989801524&type=1&theater
ReplyDeleteRED ALERT--IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: In view of the plethora of inexplicable choices that the elected officials of the Osage Nation have made during their tenure for the last seven years, the most recent of which was reported by Congressman Raymond Redcorn in his Update #170: "For employees, the full $1.4 ($1.5) million salary adjustment increase also made the cut, along with the full 3% Merit funding attached to salaries.", the Osage Blog is announcing its NEW Election Initiative that we are calling the Osage Surge for Candidates to come forward from outside of Osage County and the State of Oklahoma to run in the upcoming Osage Nation elections; "The Osage Surge" for short. We need boots on the ground, Osage members, to turn around the policies and spending practices of the Osage Nation government to one that is sensible and reasonable that includes ALL Osages no matter were they reside which was promised to us if we were to support a new Osage Constitutional government. We need to reestablish a proper balance from the top down and the bottom up! Please join this initiative and if you can, run for office in the upcoming Osage Nation elections in 2014. Since they won't, each one of us need to stand up and take responsibility and BE RESPONSIBLE for what our new government does in the future. Now IS the time for all good Osages to come to the aid of their new Constitutional government.
ReplyDeleteI love this quote from Sheryl S. Gann, "This election year, I would love to see (at least 15) qualified candidates come from outside Oklahoma! Its time for an outside perspective and new blood, sitting around that table! Isn't that one of the reasons why the people chose this new government; to unite us all as one?"
Deletelol there was no intention to unite as one. You can't have that when you formulate a Gov. it becomes a free for all.....and this is exactly what is going on Playing house, anybody can see this...This house is clueless because everyone knows everyone and everyone is afraid to do what is right......for the OSAGE....It's hard to see our Gov. as a Gov. because from the Executive down you can see the cascade of hypocrasy and lies.....from the Osage LLC with Carol Leese going through our dollars like it was yesterday and so forth....so this is why it is hard to take a Gov. for the Osage and really it's Gov. for themselves....seriously...
DeleteGreat post. You get no argument here.
DeleteNOTE: SCOI Meeting for the 22nd has been cancelled.
ReplyDeleteCongressional Select Committee of Inquiry Meeting
Osage Nation Congress Chambers
October 24, 2013
IFS or 10:00 a.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Prayer
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Executive Session – Personnel and Legal Advice
6. Consideration and Possible Approval of Final Report
7. Motions and Notices
8. Adjournment
Congressional Select Committee of Inquiry Meeting
Osage Nation Congress Chambers
October 25, 2013
IFS or 10:00 a.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Prayer
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Executive Session – Personnel and Legal Advice
6. Consideration and Possible Approval of Final Report
7. Motions and Notices
8. Adjournment
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Congressional Office at (918) 287-5543 or my office directly at (918) 287-5689.
Barbara Rice
Clerk of the Congress
918-287-5689 (work)
Do we know the cause for delay?
DeleteNot yet.
DeleteNothing yet>> http://osagenews.org/article/no-report-yet-congressional-investigation-continues-chief-red-eagle
DeleteOops>> http://www.newson6.com/story/23749478/osage-nation-congress-investigating-principal-chief
DeleteThanks just read the article...so much not said.....what happened to good investigative reporting and actually going out there to get the real information from those who have or felt that violations of abuse of power were broken. Here you have only one side the Chiefs side is that any way shape or form good reporting......but once again I find this interesting because it's looking like our Congress is going to let the Constiuency down......
DeleteIf they do, that will give a HUGE green light to get rid of every single one of them come election time in 2014 from the Congress to the Chief who may be running for whatever elected office at the time. I can't wait to get rid of these manipulative "operators" and spendthrifts anyway. 1,000 pages of laws and nearly single every one of them worthless!!!!!!!!!! It's about time that we get people in there who have respect for us and our money.
DeleteIt's a call for a Constitutional Convention that will get them to thinking and it can and for all intense purposes before this Gov. gets way out of hand.....
DeleteNOTE: SCOI Meeting for the 25th has been cancelled.
DeleteCongressional Select Committee of Inquiry Notice
Osage Nation Congress Chambers
October 28, 2013
IFS or 10:00 a.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Prayer
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Executive Session – Personnel and Legal Advice
6. Consideration and Possible Approval of Final Report
7. Motions and Notices
8. Adjournment
Congressional Select Committee of Inquiry Notice
Osage Nation Congress Chambers
October 29, 2013
IFS or 10:00 a.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Prayer
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Executive Session – Personnel and Legal Advice
6. Consideration and Possible Approval of Final Report
7. Motions and Notices
8. Adjournment
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Congressional Office at (918) 287-5543 or my office directly at (918) 287-5689.
Barbara Rice
Clerk of the Congress
918-287-5689 (work)
The O News is reporting on their Facebook page that there will be some sort of an update to the SCOI report during the meeting on the 28th of October.
DeleteThank you....
DeleteOsage Book Club Halloween Meeting. See https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=595258313868333&set=a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf
ReplyDeleteHalloween Handgame>> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=596719613722203&set=a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf
DeleteI unequivocally agree: http://safeshare.tv/w/zwhKdMtFHf
ReplyDeleteGreat post I've felt this way since Obama Care rolled out.......15% seems a little low though. And so we punish 85% of the popultion who worked hard for what they have earned.....and as he pointed out Canadians are coming across the border for health care we know this to be true....4.2 billion in child tax going to illegal immagrants.....so illegal yet the IRS still doles out......
DeleteThe Affordable Care Act and the Indian Health Service>> http://www.ihs.gov/ACA/
DeleteHope everyone sees this post Orbi-Osage thank you.
DeleteNot getting enough money spent on YOU, Mrs. Duty? Osage News poll about getting a new web site? Uggggggg....... When are your going to start asking poll questions that indicate that you actually have maturity and depth and actually grasp the important issues going on with Osages that are of concern to them?
ReplyDeleteWe all have been saying the same thing as put up questions of real value as to how the constituency feels about their over bloated budget and so forth....
DeleteHow did this come out? Did the Osage Nation bid on this land? http://www.tulsaworld.com/business/auction-set-for-acres-northwest-of-downtown/article_1332f72e-0804-51ff-9611-e904fe708fc0.html
ReplyDeleteOsage Nation Workforce Development program>> http://osagenews.org/article/osage-nation-workforce-development-program-taking-applications
ReplyDeleteOsage Nation Members: Casino Reopening Invitations for Skiatook and Ponca City. See https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews?ref=stream&hc_location=stream
ReplyDeleteWhere is the news on the update regarding the investigation report against the Chief. Today is the 28th weren't we supposed to hear an update?
ReplyDeleteThe Osage News is now reporting on their Facebook page within the last five minutes: BREAKING: The report from the Select Committee of Inquiry is ready for release. The report will be made available online this evening, time unknown... See https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews
ReplyDeleteOPEN will send you copies of these documents if you send an e-mail requesting them to osage_election_news@comcast.net
DeleteThese documents shown below are also downloadable at http://osagenation.co/government/congress/
DeleteSelect Committee of Inquiry Report Part 1.10-28-13
Select Committee of Inquiry Report Part 2.10-28-13
Statement of the Select Committee of Inquiry 10-28-13
How come dadgum Archie Mason always seems to be absent when important votes of the Congress come around? Does he have a yellow steak down the middle of his back or what?
DeleteI just read the one with 58 pages and this committee has the Chief dead to rights admitting on the record that he broke the Open Records Law. Nobody is happy about this but the Chief really needs to resign right away and they need to replace Louis Gray asap. I mean an employee of Louis's that he was responsible for hiring on her merits - not her qualifications - who was lying on the floor of the Counseling Center lobby next to her dog while watching a movie and eating pizza during business hours? What merits would those be? I mean come on. You got to read this eye popping stuff to believe it. Oh and Kugee why would you even think about delaying the motion to go to trial for removal when you have the Chief admitting before the Committee that he broke the law on that particular allegation? What more do you need? A stun gun to get the members of the Congress to do their job without delay? I don't think anyone will want to rush this part of the process? Are you and your colleagues part of the problem or part of the solution to it? If this government has been tolerating these things for seven years a huge example needs to be made and it needs to be cleaned up right now not at your leisure or at your pleasure. Is this what has come as a result of voting for a Constitution? What a crushing demoralizing blow. This is how our money is being spent folks. These are the facts and these documents are the indictment. Keep in mind that Alice Buffalohead who chaired this committee has been rumored to have told people that particular members of Congress were out to get the Chief and that it was all their doing as if it was wrong to bring all this to light. Oh everybody does it and this goes on all the time? Mark her in memory for the upcoming ballot so that her career dissipation light begins to start flashing today.
DeleteWe meed a bigger voting turnout. This Gov. was formed by lies and we are seeing it all over the place. This Gov. was for the taking and now the Osage Surge will come wait and see....and as I said get your picket signs ready.......We want a leader not a bottom feeder who is living on our dime and not living to the expectations of His Constiuency or the Oath....This Congress and AG better get it right or somethings up and of which we have yet to see.....And this is why we might want to hit re-start and kick everyone out of office and we can do that by having a good ole fashoned Constitutional Convention and re-write what was ill written in the first.....and by all means no accident.....This is our Gov and we expect it to run and behave accordingly....Alice is a huge problem because she can't keep her personal feelings from getting in the way, where logic should be and what is right for the People the Osage, and this is why this is a huge factor in how this Gov. has played out...Everyone knows everyone and that is a problem in itself over and over again.....Where is the Moral compass in this matter coupled with the ethics of all of this? This becomes redundant and really sets the Precedent in the future for more imcompetency. Ignorance is not an excuse for just bad bad bad behavior...If this is not resolved in a manner of removal then I will be calling all Osages for possibly the removal of those who voted for inaction on failure to live by the Oath that they took and don't think it cannot happen and or lets have a rewrite of the Constitution and get out the complicity that has taken over Our Gov.....The Stall on this matter is ridiculous and is telling.....as I said before no one really is happy about this matter period and if the Chief did not do what he did he wouldn't be where he is at in the first....This is politcal and should be handled appropriately. This was a huge reflection on Abuse of Power by the Chief.....Playing stupid does not set well....Doesn't he preach consequence of ones actions and shouldn't he live and walk the talk or is this just another fake lie he lives....
DeleteGreat work SCOI a day late and another dollar spent but the damage of what has yet to reveal the truth of the matter and what we don't know yet will be revealed and maybe we can get down to the heart of our Finances and stop the waste and get someone in office who understand fiscal responcibility and management experience in finances and lets get a look at the OSAGE LLC.....and look at the portforlio in the last few years and get an accurate accounting and so forth and take the numbers from the top and not from the bottom to make a realization that is not there in the first and also get a looke at the passive/aggressive investments...The economy is going to tank and we don't want to sink with the ship sorta speak and get the finance records to the M/C so the M/E can become vital once again....Bottom line the Chief needs to resign...in a big way and try to save some face and not take this to another level and just admit he did wrong period....This is what happens when you are coached by a side arm and not follow through on the due diligence......
DeleteNow how about that 50 dollar gift cert. for the Holidays and get it out to all the Osages....before Thanksgiving. Next a Per Cap....
DeleteAbsolutely stupendous work from the SCOI. Beyond a doubt this goes much deeper than one member of Congress being out to get the Chief. Reactions and impressions? In view of the report and the documentation, should the Chief resign and not put us through a formal trial since he has openly admitted during his testimony to having broken the law?
DeleteExactly....he has broken the law and the law won in my Court of Opinion.
DeleteThe kicker of the whole report is the Diedre Bigheart reason for the letting go of Director and true professional Norman Merriman who was in process of attempting to discipline Macy-whatever her last name is this week-for her movie watching habits while at work, "...she (Norma) was terminated for having poor judgment and not being a good fit." WTH? Right behind the Chief should go Diedre Bigheart out the door into Hepsi Barnett oblivion.
DeleteOsage2 little does she know it but what ever becomes of the Executive Office in the mean time the AP will step in and assume this legacy of embarrassment but the first to go would be co-hort Diedre Bigheart.....and she does need to go...and really we wouldn't be where we are at if their had been accountability and this is no lie....
DeleteIt'll be a cold day in hell before anyone of us gets a dime from these disgusting selfish self centered corrupt people. Don't hold your breath. Despite the meetings that took place around the country when the new government came in which was supposed to include every one of us, the whole thing has deteriorated into a morass of bottom feeders on the Osage People' money. Read the report.
DeleteJust got done. What else do we not know about? And that's what I said we want a leader not a bottom feeder of Hypocracy....and he walks and talks as if this is all Political you just can't make this stuff up.....and he say's he walks the talk of the Lord....what a lie....
Delete"Congress announced its ninth special session will be held Thursday Nov. 14 to consider a motion on whether a removal trial should be held for Chief Red Eagle." See http://osagenews.org/article/scoi-recommends-removal-trial-chief-red-eagle
DeleteThis is a fine pickle we are in! The Chief needs to be removed but then the assistant chief ( Do nothing, no show Scott) takes over as chief. I hope congress keeps a tight rein on him. This is a good lesson to keep in mind come election time. Not only do we need to be careful on who we pick as chief BUT also who we pick as Assistant chief. It may not seem to important at the time but look at the situation we now might be in!
DeleteNew article>> http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/osage-nation-panel-recommends-removal-trial-for-chief-john-red/article_d9b24a2c-3976-5545-b5d0-bb2570901351.html
DeleteReading through and noting that Louis Gray neglected to tell the Election Board about a felony conviction that was found out during the vetting process when he ran for office, does anyone believe that he lied to the Committee when he gave testimony about the Chief influencing his decision to hire Macy?
DeleteMore articles>> http://indianz.com/News/2013/011601.asp
DeleteIf the charges do not show then he is not obligated to say...and really did this action affect who he is and what he does? Lets not forget about compassion. And like I said the Chief lost credibility with his constituents when he started to place his family members and giving them preferential treatment and the Nepotism and the Cronyism is any wonder why this person got elected in the first. And this is the Same thing we do not want in the EXECUTIVE....Incompetence...He tried and is fried in the Memories of the Osage going down in History as the bottom feeder of Hypocrisy....and really is Sad that the Chief believes in his own lies....This is Political....it became Political when you started to abuse your Power Chief....And I like how all the surrounding News outlets are sugar coating this a little...when this is serious not to hand over a 4 billion dollar estate accounting to the M/C who is charged by the 1906 act to GOVERN AND THAT THIS IS A SEPARATE AGENCY....Supported by the Major Stakeholders. So this is telling I say....Macy wow. Still shaking my head on that one if I were her I would be walking with my head between my legs...walking the line of shame....this says a lot about her character and how entitled she felt. And this is all a domino effect the role Chief played in all of this....Still Sad....but out with the Old and in with the New......
DeleteYes and as cool a liar under pressure as they come. Sick that these ones have had so much influence on the time and tide of the Osage Tribe.
DeleteTo ndntoo, just the answers that he gave were ingnorant, and I knew this was the game he was going to play..ah I wont do it again, it's like he thinks he's going to get a slap on the wrist....it's like he did not take his postiton seriously because he thought he was entitled and thought he didn't need to answer to anyone els but to himself, tells me what a selfish man of sorts...The future is here today and what a difference we can make.......
DeleteThe tide change when Chief Jim Gray took office and if we lose the water rights watch out Osage Nation.....
DeleteNew articles>> http://nativetimes.com/index.php/news/tribal/9211-osage-chief-responds-to-special-inquiry and http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/state/osage-chief-panel-s-action-an-overreach-of-power/article_bc9553c6-4230-11e3-92e7-001a4bcf6878.html
DeleteAnother new article>> http://www.therepublic.com/view/story/32ed542b64974a0d8fa508ea061ddc04/OK--Osage-Chief-Allegations
DeleteOne more>> http://barnsdalltimes.com/http:/barnsdalltimes.com/news/chiefs-own-words-harmed-him
DeleteOn balance, nothing else could give more credibility to the need for The Osage Surge.
DeleteThe Chief has been quoted as saying, "Such a trial would make them a court, so they want to be the legislative branch, the executive branch and the judicial branch." Is there a level chance that he has never even read the Osage Nation Constitution that he as sworn to uphold or any of the legislation that has been signed into law? Remember that he has been there for all of this legislation because he was sitting in the Congressional Chambers for every Session and Special Session for the first four years of the new government and has been in a position to sign off on the rest of it since he became the Chief. The path of this removal process is written in the Constitution. It also provides for the Congress to create other processes like the SCOI within the perimeter of the whole to expand upon the idea of providing a fair and impartial system of removal if and when the time should ever come to set it in motion. It seems to me that the more complicated the whole thing becomes when most of the elected officials are not from the legal community, the easier it becomes for justice to fail. This works in a Chief's favor if he doesn't testify and admit to having broken the very law he is accused of having broken. In view of his inexplicable statement made to the press, this whole situation just gets more and more bizarre every day.
Deletenah he didn't get the memo because he wanted to wait till he was gone from office to read it. LOL...When a lie becomes a truth then you know you have problems....Inexperience in Management will cause this type of Behavior.....Especially when he thought he could pull the wool over our eyes. Amazing. A full or Partial removal is a thought. But remember once you betray the trust of your constituency is exactly what he did...you can't get that back...Typical of arm chair coaching and he can only blame himself....Though he needs to resign....save some face. And do it for the Osage People....Bizzarre behavior is a understatement...I like how he keeps telling everyone it's Political...Nothing Political when I made my choice as Chief and it wasn't for you sir...and now you know why....
Deleteoops meant my choice for Chief.
DeleteDoes anyone know anything about the Osage Health Card and when we can file for next year? Did I hear right that the Osage Congress wouldn't pass the bill to let us up for it one time and then the money would be there each year?
ReplyDeleteThe reenrollment forms are now in for 2014! Rachel Peery in the Constituent Services Office is very pleasant and professional over the phone and she will send one to your address if you call her at 918-287-5662.
DeleteTerrific program. Grateful to the Osage Nation. Give her a call.
DeleteWas this on their dime or ours? See Three Indians in the City. Osages Joe Tillman, Debra Atterberry and Paula Mashunkashey visit Montauban, France at https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews?ref=stream&hc_location=stream
ReplyDeleteReally who paid for the trip people?
DeleteSay it ain't so, Joe. Say it's ain't so.
Delete"Yes, kid, I'm afraid it is," Jackson replied. The boys opened a path for the ball player and stood in silence until he passed out of sight.
Delete"Well, I'd never have thought it," sighed the lad. (THIS GAME IS FIXED!!!!!)
The fix gave them enough to go to France and buy wine and cheese. History repeats itself.
DeleteLooks to be sure we will have a fight on our hands...http://www.tulsaworld.com/business/state-agencies-claim-regulatory-jurisdiction-in-osage-county/article_7c7d5803-f620-5514-b857-78f654e6ab75.html
ReplyDeleteTrying to be a man is a waste of a woman. Just a thought. A good thought.
ReplyDeleteSo they come to the table with new rules after Revard has been confirmed? How convenient. http://osagenews.org/article/congress-approves-rule-changes-board-and-commission-confirmations
DeleteInteresting comments here>> http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2013/06/new-topic-osage-culture-and-other.html
ReplyDeleteTime is of the essence: if you have the ability to contact those in your area who participated in the Strategic Plan events just after the new government was formed, please contact them and tell them about The Osage Surge to have those outside of the Osage run for office in the upcoming election. Remember, the filing period to run for Chief and Assistant Chief is December 16, 2013 to January 6, 2014 and for the Osage Nation Congress the filing period is March 15, 2014 to March 31, 2014.
ReplyDeleteApplications will be accepted during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Osage News reported this on April 2, 2013 and seven months have passed without a new website. What is going on???
ReplyDelete"Mark Kirk, director of the Osage Nation Information Technology Department.
The current website was built in 2005, making it eight years old.
Kirk said revamping the website has been one of his pet projects since he became ONIT director last year.
“The website itself is fairly antiquated and is a little behind in time, technology wise,” Kirk said. “It was obvious to me that it was something we needed to fix.”
Paul Tutty, Osage Nation web engineer, will be designing the website which will take roughly three to four months to complete.
We need to get in on this>> Talking Tribal Dictionary and language lessons http://www.nativetimes.com/index.php/culture/9220-montana-governor-announces-tribal-language-preservation-efforts
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful things for a father to say about his daughter. See http://osagenews.org/article/osage-wins-morgan-horse-grand-nationals-okc
ReplyDeleteWOAH! BREAKING OSAGE NEWS: Osage Nation Principal Chief John Red Eagle has filed suit in the ON Supreme Court against ON Congressional Speaker Raymond Red Corn and Congresswoman Alice Buffalohead... See https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews
ReplyDeleteUnbelievable, I guess all the legislation he sat through passing in Congress fell on death ears becuase he clearly did not get the memo...was the lights turned on? What technicality can he find to escape? Other than the facts speak clearly for themselves? What a waste of Osage Money hasn't he wasted enough of our funds...
DeleteTo review the Supreme Court Summons against Red Corn and Buffalohead, go to http://edigital.iserver.net/osages/SCS.pdf
DeleteThanks for the Post Osagebloger and do you see any validity to his response? Had to laugh at some it.....
DeleteBusy day. Haven't finished yet. I will get back with you.
DeleteThe Chief has filed a restraining order against the upcoming 9th Special Congressional Session that starts tomorrow, the 14th, that the Osage Nation Supreme Court has not yet ruled on along with the Summons filed by the Chief against Raymond Red Corn and Alice Buffalohead less than a week ago. See more about this: "UPDATE: As of 4:30 p.m...." at https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews
DeleteThe 9th Special Session begins at 10:00 A.M., tomorrow, November 14, 2013 in the Osage Nation Congressional Chambers. The only item on the Agenda is "Consideration of a Motion for Removal of Principal Chief Red Eagle." Don't miss this historic day of deliberations of the Osage Nation Congress. This meeting should be streamed live via the internet as well.
DeleteThank you Osageblogger....
DeleteYou're welcome. The ON Supreme Court dismisses the restraining order. See http://osagenews.org/article/supreme-court-dismisses-chief-red-eagle’s-request-restraining-order
DeleteI read the document and as far as I know, there is no requirement in the Constitution that the Chief has to be adjudicated guilty in the Osage Nation Court on any of the allegations prior to a trial for removal in the Congress. Where the SCOI is concerned, the Constitution says, "The Osage Nation Congress may prescribe additional rules and procedures that are necessary to implement the provisions of this Article." This opens the door for the SCOI to be declared a legitimate process by the Supreme Court in this recent Summons that the Chief has filed with the Court. There is also the question of whether the SCOI does violate the section of the Constitution as to separation of powers. We will find out soon, hopefully, what the Court thinks about the SCOI and its legal legitimacy.
DeleteRight Osageblogger. That issue on seperation of powers is not a little issue and raised my eyebrows from the beginning the SCOI was formed....But our Constitution is a conflict in itself....as I had coined once upon a time the English Language is open for interpretation to different meanings for one word...and maybe this technicallity will stand? Exploitation of the Constituion can go both ways if we are going to fight fire with fire....but the question still, there the true intent of the true meaning should be meant exactly that...if all else fails...I hope Congress did not screw this up...or was this done in Vain?
Delete"The Osage Nation Supreme Court announced it will issue a declaratory judgment ruling before Dec. 31 in the lawsuit Principal Chief John Red Eagle filed against the ON Congress..." See https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews?ref=stream&hc_location=stream
DeleteSo what does that mean? The whole SCOI thing is out on it's ear?
DeleteMaybe. The Supreme Court will have to decide if the tribunal created in the Congressional Rules is legit according to the Constitution.
DeleteWhat I'd like to know is why the Osage AG is MIA on his ethics lawsuit with the Chief. Hasn't he dragged his feet on his end of things long enough? What does he do with his time to justify such a large salary? Does he even show up at the office every day? I don't even think he was there at his desk when that investigator in his office took that phone call from the Chief that lead to all hell braking loose was he
DeleteComments on the "Response" document posted for download?
DeleteDon't forget the Veteran's Day Celebration. See flyer at https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=595170260543805&set=a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153&type=1&theater
ReplyDeleteBoone's Bulletin 11/8/13
ReplyDeleteFrom the desk of Congressman Boone:
My legislation for aquaponics was pocket vetoed by the chief. This means no fresh fruit or vegetables for Hominy or Fairfax.
The 9th Special Session for Congress is to begin on November 14.
The 10th Special Session for Congress is to begin on November 15.
The Select Committee of Inquiry is public now.
Our study of water in Osage County continues. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is drilling monitoring wells near our local creeks to monitor subsurface water movement which includes fresh water as well as salt water and surface movement of the creek water.
Any opinions made herein are our own and not that of the total Minerals Council or Congress.
Remember our veterans on Veterans Day and have a Happy Thanksgiving.
In response to Boone's Bulletin or rather more of a question. What exactly is "Aquaponics"? AND How does the Chief's veto deprive Hominy and Fairfax of fresh fruit or vegetables? Obviously I don't understand any of this but am asking if we are now in the business of providing fresh fruit and vegetables to the two communities mentioned? Good grief! Go to the grocery store like everyone else! Secondly...is this another project of Ms Boone that has nothing to do with MC business?
DeleteThis is his baby not hers.
DeleteToo weird. We don't even have Osage code talkers. Why is Maker attending this event when he can't even make it in to do the work of Congress hes paid to do? https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews?ref=stream&hc_location=stream Is this nonsense on our dime again?
ReplyDeleteProbably suggested by the Chief in hopes that he can lobby him for a vote against removal if he can get him alone.
DeleteMakes sense.
DeleteDidn't work.
Delete"The soundness of the Osage Nation will rest on good laws, backed by a government that demonstrates a willingness to enforce them." Kugee Supernaw has a new "Notes to the Nation" out as of tonight about the 9th Special Session that starts tomorrow morning at 10:00 A.M. If you are not on his e-mailing list contact him at supernaw@flash.net and he will include you. See also the comment posted earlier on today.
ReplyDeleteThe next Osage Nation Election Board meeting will be November 20, 2013 at 1 p.m. Call ahead to confirm at the number shown below.
01/29/14 Primary Election Absentee Ballot Mailing Begins
02/10/14 Primary Election Absentee Ballot Request Deadline
03/10/14 Primary Election Day
04/23/14 General Election Absentee Ballot Mailing Begins
05/05/14 General Election Absentee Ballot Request Deadline
06/02/14 General Election Day
If you have any questions or need further assistance please feel free to contact the Osage Nation Election Office toll free at (877) 560-5286 or (918) 287-5286, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 to 4:30 p.m. CDST.
Osage Nation Election Office
If you are voting by absentee ballot, have you sent in your Absentee Ballot Request Form yet? Remember to mark the box to become a permanent absentee ballot voter where you will automatically receive an Absentee Ballot for every election if you want to set it up this way.
DeleteThe Osage News had a chart showing the population of Osages in the different parts of the country. I cannot find that issue. Does anyone know the current population and voter numbers in each state?
DeleteWould like to know as well......try searching the net? Wow, not there. From what I know or understand that 1600 Absentee Ballots were sent out I believe in the last congressional elections and 600 were not counted......if I have it right....telling if you ask me because if we have a voting eligible base of what 14,000 Osages where is their Vote? Call the ON ELECTON OFFICE maybe they can fax you the numbers....curious why you ask now?
DeleteSomeone on FB is blaming the poor candidate selections on the absentee voters that she assumes know very little about the people that they select. She suggested dividing into districts such as Pawhuska, Hominy, Greyhorse, & out-of-state candidates, three elected from each. I want to know how many eligible voters there are in each of these regions and if that would be equal. Hope I explained this clearly???
DeleteGot it, remember did anyone know President Obama....wouldn't pay much attention to this type of rhetoric. It's bad enough in the real world of politics has become a free for all with no accoutability laced with fraud all over the place and you got to wonder these lifers in Congress what did they do while sitting on their duffs? And obviously we do not want the same for our ONG to follow the same foot steps....So when we say we know someone you really don't know them entirely...but what we can do is make sure our independent vote matters and make sure that these people do not do make these seats and or positions the only and last seat they will sit on. We know what we want and we know actions speaks louder than words....LOL she does not know how I think or who I am to assert that type of judgement./// Lack of maturity will reflect in her vote I suspect....and really why argue with someone who is not fully armed with a full deck.
DeleteTo Anonymous November 14, 2013 at 10:13 AM. There is a voter registry of all Osage voters who have not opted to be taken off of the list. It is obtainable through the Election Office. The Voter Registry Request Form is available at http://www.osagetribe.com/electionboard/uploads/Forms/05DVoterRegistryRequest.pdf
DeleteTalk about poor candidate selection. An Amanda Proctor is posting on FB asking how much money has been spent on legal fees in connection with the removal proceedings and investigation like shes ticked off that shes one attorney along with her kids who arent getting any benefit from any of the loot. Like theyre spending money for no good reason at all and never mind what the Chief has done to deserve it. Isn't this the little gal who ran for vice Chief and another one of those who went to Harvard? What kind of example is from an attorney and and a grad from Harvard U?
DeleteAnd does success scare you? She's a good Osage...I want to know as well.
DeleteBecause she's an attorney, she's an officer of the Court. I'm pretty sure she's on the list for the Osage Nation Court system as well so that would make her an officer of the Osage Nation Court and the presumption is, if this is the case, then she's supposed to uphold Osage law and be for, not against, any process that would do so. In this situation, what kind of example is she setting by criticizing the cost it takes to uphold the law of the Osage Nation? How is she being successful here? I don't understand what you mean.
DeleteSorry been busy to reply all the replys but, she's an officer of the Court not the Osage Nation big difference and you must realize she is a member as well....Everything has not worked accordingly to the Constitution and what is law in a lot of area's, if the law in context was written with principal in mind we would not be where we are at today...The law is there to protect the Interest of the Osage and I believe this is exactly what she is doing. Contrary. She's done a lot of good by keeping the Osages of what they should be doing...
DeleteOsage News
ReplyDelete48 minutes ago.
ON Congressman Archie Mason made motion for removal of Chief Red Eagle. Congressman John Maker seconded. Congress will vote @ 9 am tomorrow.
Well that's just about it then. Thank you for letting us know. We'll see what happens tomorrow. They need 8 votes of the twelve members to say yes to the motion to remove the Chief then it moves forward to trial. If they can't get that number of affirmative votes, it dies right there on the floor of the ON Congress.
DeleteThank you...wow now and now here we are about to start a removal process...does this mean that any order coming out of the Executive office will come to a halt? And Spending as well? and will the Chief step aside and do what is right for the Constiuentcy and the O.N? Would be a huge conflict of interest to allow the Chief to run business as usural and still perform his duties especially that he has allegations of Abuse of his position against him?
DeleteThe removal trial process won't begin until the ON Congress votes affirmatively with 8 or more voting yes tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. There is no requirement that the Chief step down from his duties while the trial takes place, that he be temporarily be removed from office or placed on unpaid leave until the conclusion and results of it. Why this is so is because the Congress has not brought forth legislation to require it to date. Perhaps after this process concludes, someone in Congress will introduce a bill on this matter so that it will become the law.
DeleteYes that would be good because this will eleviate the conflict of interest...DISGUSTED OSAGE, I'm with you on this matter..if this is true now all eyes up to now our focus has not lost on her....either....We Osages are seeing a pattern in her behavior...as well. I'ts funny in so many ways because now we are seeing a pattern with our Gov. as well. And I don't mean funny ha ha either.
DeleteNew Article on motion for a removal trial>> http://osagenews.org/article/congressman-mason-issues-motion-removal-trial-chief-red-eagle-0
DeleteToday's 9th Special Session audio is available on demand for listening online at http://on-web1.osagetribe.org/media/congress/audio/FY2014/2013-1114_3Con_9SS-Day1-pt1.mp3
DeleteOrbi-Osage read the article knowing full well that these charges against the Chief tried to delay if not stop the Due Process of Congress by getting a restraining order is just a game to strategize his acceptence into the UNIOKT as Vice Chair...does his arrogance have no end...and now I've got to ask and question UNIOKT standards..ethical...how can you elect someone who has abused his Authority. This is serious and now he meets with the Administration....just pointing out some facts hear....another question regarding his personal IT director. Didn't the IT director out of the sum 70,000 could only account for so much of the money he earned. Like around 6 to 8 thousand dollars and not the entire rest? If this is so, where did the rest of the funds disappear to? Did anyone read the investigation?
DeleteOn the IT guy, the money went into his bank account at least that's how it read to me. I believe I heard that the Chief has recently renewed the guy's contract!!!! How's that for arrogance?
DeleteTo ndntoo___Paul Allen could only account for 6000.00 or somewhere between 8000.00 if I remember reading the investigative reports from the SCOI....am I wrong? Then where did the rest go...as he recalls he did no work for the Chief that he can prove or seletive memory loss....and should be ordered to pay back that money that does not belong to him by his own admission.
DeleteI think he should have to pay it back too but I'm just a constituent and well do we know what the new government people think about that.
DeleteOsageblogger help did my post go to cyber space. Can't post on Osage Shareholder matters...need to open another thread I believe.
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting me know. It's done. Go to http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2013/11/osage-shareholder-matters-november-2013.html
Deleteyour welcome
DeleteBREAKING NEWS--9th Special Session update: the Third ON Congress has just voted on the motion to go to trial to remove Principal Chief Red Eagle and the vote was unanimous to do so. All twelve members voted yes. There were no amendments to this motion put forward by any member of the ON Congress.
ReplyDeleteHear the vote on the Motion to go to Removal Trial at http://on-web1.osagetribe.org/media/congress/audio/FY2014/2013-1115_3Con_9SS-Day2-pt1.mp3
DeleteVote unanimous>> http://osagenews.org/article/osage-congress-unanimous-vote-removal-trial-chief-red-eagle
DeleteOf course, iPad Ray put forward a bill to slip the Chief $250,000 plus for his legal costs and fees. If you were Chief, wouldn't you love to have a guy like this on Congress to sponsor legislation to give you whatever you need for your legal troubles? The corker on this one is that Edwards, Mason and Free on the Rules and Ethics Committee voted to give it a do pass without amendments or without a recommendation. What sort of ethics was that? Honor among thieves? Look at the line item in this bill for Professional Fees where legal expenses are listed: http://osagenation.co/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/ONCA14-07.ENGROSSED.pdf Compare the same line item in this bill that passed last month: http://osagenation.co/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/ONCA-14-01.ENACTED.pdf It's important to understand that this trash would never see the light of day or the floor of the Congress if a Congressional member didn't make a choice to sponsor it. Raymond Red Corn made that choice on ONCA14-07 and it's important to realize that he didn't have to choose to do it.
DeleteMortified...what? Seriously oh if this is not a conflict of interest dog and pony show or not really....................Please say it's not so....
DeleteNew article>> http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/local/osage-chief-john-red-eagle-to-face-removal-trial/article_c4e862fe-23fd-58f0-9fad-3ffc6ec1e7bc.html
DeleteWhat more can I say? This is the kind of crazy stuff they do with our money.
DeleteThis is for Orbi-Osage, The Chief has self envy and must think he is above the law.....The reality is so hard for him to accept even his own peers recognize what is necessary and right so they must all be wrong, right? Come on Chief just resign...and call it another day and let the Osage move past this....MAN shaking my head with disbelief. Does no man hath pride any more? Why risk being found guilty when guilt is already there? Witnessed by 40 individuals, they all must be liars one in particular who is not a indian of this Osage Nation the investigator would not make these allegations against the Chief, he has nothing to gain...Save the Osage Tribe some money.
DeleteThe next step will be decided in Congressional Committee Meeting on the 20th.
DeleteON Congressional Revised Rules are available at http://osagenation.co/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/10-16-13RevisedRules1.pdf
DeleteAny update on what happened in Committee today?
DeleteThe Removal Trial of the Chief is scheduled for January 13, 2014 according to the Legislative Proclamation for the 11th Special Session of the Third Osage Nation Congress.
DeleteSpecial session for Chief’s removal trial>> http://osagenews.org/article/congress-announces-special-session-chief’s-removal-trial
DeleteNew article>> http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/local/osage-chief-s-removal-trial-set-for-jan/article_886be077-163e-56a5-84e4-7c453c709071.html
DeleteGet a gander at this spending and the number of offices and departments that have been added in seven short years; http://osagenews.org/article/employees-receive-merit-market-survey-increases
ReplyDeleteStop bug Gov, we want a GOV of the people for the people and by the people. and seeing these numbers is telling...based on Market Value. By who's authority? This is just ridiculous....most of these depts are they not getting grants from the Federal Gov. as well?
DeleteThe money is flowing like a raging river in the Osage Nation! This market survey is in-house and has nothing to do with the real world in the local area where the minimum wage is $7.25 as opposed to $11.50 an hour for ON employees. For the last seven years there have been 3% yearly pay rises, or bonuses after the Merit system came in. There have been two market surveys so far that have also increased salaries across the board and an education (Bachelor's-Master's-Doctorate) pay bump from 5%-20% of the total salary as well. Guesstimating, I would say that the salary rises are between 21% to 45% higher than what they were in May of 2006. I would believe it if someone told me that $20 million of Tribal funds are spent on government salaries alone, not including benefits that are additional. The Chief is responsible for the Executive Branch budget and the Congress is responsible for appropriating the money for it. It wouldn't be happening if those elected to office refused to go along with this kind of spending but they don't and they are the ones who are the most publicly liable for it to the Osage People.
DeleteThe girl in the SCOI report who was eating pizza while lying on the floor with her dog watching a movie in the lobby of the Counseling Center was reported to be making making $30,000 a year. I wonder how much the employees are making who are lined up against the back wall in the photo at https://twitter.com/OsageNews/status/376030678799761408/photo/1/large?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=fb&utm_campaign=OsageNews&utm_content=376030678799761408
Delete30.000 dollars and got paid for eating pizza and play with her dog would have been fired on the spot what is going on....? Is she still working for the Nation, was she one of the picketers? These jobs need to be better vetted and timed and scutinized. everyones desk needs a good look at to define specifics where this does not happen again./// No the position and the value for the Company would be in the best interest to the Constiuency. Stop the spending and waste before the State comes in.
DeleteRewarding bad behavior with a Merit Raise how does this happen. right? This is the worst form of corruption of a system that is severly flawed. What standard is the Precedent? What is the policy regarding picketing against the Nation for a Merit Raise? Where's the enforcement that would make this practice illegal? This should be based on performance if these ladies or men have to much time on their hands there's something wrong....
DeleteI emailed The Election Board a question about voter numbers in the different states. I quickly received a reply saying the question was referred to another person that would get back to me in a timely fashion. That was 6 days ago.
DeleteThe Nation is being watched and we know the voting numbers are not going to reflect and by all means this is telling, Yes I CALLED THE OSAGE LANGUAGE DEPT EARLIER THIS YEAR STILL WAITING FOR THE PHONE CALL, this is a huge problem because now you're seeing that the Moral Majority was left out of the process from the Get go when this Gov. was formed and as I suspect to be true that was no accident...you see there's a clause all moneys to be credited to the Osage Shareholders in the 1906 Act and when the development of the Casino's is what got the ball rollin in the Other Direction, giving a vote meant exactly that to the Osages...but our rights have been hijacked and in my instance abrogated. And I suspect voter fraud on a much higher level has happened...and no accident...The BIA's reflection bears fruit on this matter to allow the Corruption. I can see why the State wants to come in here if it's not a cry for the Fed. Gov. to open their eyes and get in here and do the diligence that is required to protect the interest the Osage Shareholder as by the 1906 Act dictates.....The five man board and the Investigation to the Osage LLC....to how we ended up in the position the Gov. has put us in.. To the M/C bearing responsibility NOT REPRESENTING THE STAKEHOLDERS IN THE FIRST and thats that...This is all out there and nothing has really changed except the money is being spent as soon as they the ON get their hands on it evident in so many instances and no enforcement with a principal to support of any kind of standard. And this all started with one phone call by Charles Redcorns own words where was that phone call to the Stakeholders in the first the HEADRIGHT OWNERS...? Where was my vote I didn't get a ballot and I've been at said address 20 yrs? And the Gov. never missed a check but the Osage can somehow not get a ballot to a major STAKEHOLDER? So your phone call don't let the election board give you the run around those numbers should be available upon the request....it s also telling you can't get an answer as to the question was the M/E used as collateral to develope the Casino's? And if it was someones in truouble...
DeleteAfter my second request for the voter information, I received a reply saying that no chart or list exists but it is a good idea and they would be working on one in the next couple of weeks. I will be searching my Osage Newspapers for the chart that was in a previous issue.
DeleteWhat is it that you are trying to figure out if I may ask politely?
DeleteThe reason that girl was getting $30,000 per year is that she was an Osage multi-tasker. Lets see you eat pizza, play with a dog and keep time to punk rock with any degree of coordination, all while laying on the the floor.
Deleteand watch a movie too............I rest my case.
DeleteI would like to know where eligible voters live and the total numbers for each location.
DeleteNot funny. I wouldn't think of cheating my employer out the money I'm being paid by pulling a stunt like that.
DeleteJob Fair Flyer>> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=610644362329728&set=a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf
ReplyDeleteReminder: the filing period to run for Chief and Assistant Chief is 24 days away on December 16, 2013 and goes to January 6, 2014. Remember the Osage Surge!
ReplyDeleteMissuseing funds ah lets see can be construed as embezzlement and if the Judge decides we can remove the Chief, will charges be filed and if so that's 70.000 missused funds and by all accounts not accounted for even by the words of Paul Allen...the IT GUY all but 6000.00 right? Is the Chief going to spend time behind Bars? And how is it that this is different then the five man board in Pawhuska and why is this case any different yet we can move forward quickly to remove the Chief....? And where is the investigation into the 5 man Board this is ridiculous/
ReplyDeleteThe Congress can only remove him. This could be prosecuted by the Feds. They declined to prosecute in the 5 man board case because of the way the village constitution was written. The Osage AG could still file charges.
DeleteSo.....it is still stealing when you did not give authorization to use the funds////
DeleteThe Chief has an odd way of looking at things. He is arguing that "it would be impossible" for him to interfere with the AG's investigation because the Osage Nation has a law against that. So, just do like the Chief does. If you get stopped by the Highway Patrol for speeding, you just say-- "It's impossible for me to be speeding, because the state has a law against it." Good luck with that excuse, my friend.
DeleteGood point. I'd like to see what would happen if you tried that one with a Peace Officer out on the open road.
DeleteCan you imagine what would have happened if the Osage AG Jeff Jones had been elected to the office of AG of Osage County? Charges filed for one single trial in two or three years of employment? WoW!!!!!! Now that's impressive........
DeleteOsage Member Day>> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=611719642222200&set=a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf
ReplyDeleteOsage Job Fair at http://osagenation.co/event/osage-job-fair/
ReplyDeleteOf interest. See http://www.ibillionaire.me/ibillionaireindex/
ReplyDeleteSee also http://www.bankrate.com/financing/wealth/invest-like-a-billionaire/?ec_id=cmct_02_comm_PF_mainlink
DeleteWhy is Mr. Carnett resigning from the Gaming board and why is there a potetial for a Conflict? And why cannot the constituency know about this and the Headright Owners as well, something stinks to high kingdom come.
ReplyDeleteRead this article at http://osagenews.org/article/gaming-enterprise-board-loses-two-members and refer to the allegations brought the ON Congress against the Chief and by the SCOI investigation.