Sunday, December 1, 2013

Conversation--December 2013-January 2014

Osage Blog Conversation continues at


  1. Does Osage history ever get more wildly revisionist than this? Osage Taliban? Who the hell does this jerk think she is going around the country spinning a yarn and a fairy tale like this one? Talk about making it up as she goes along!!!!

    1. Kelly Bray saw her for what she was a long way off before she was ever hired by and along with Jim Gray, created this cesspool that our new government has become >>>> I suppose she considers Kelly a member of the Osage Taliban along with all of the other Osage Shareholders. The second Chief elected of this so called Osage Nation government and he's soon to be thrown out of office or everyone who doesn't toss him surely will be in June of 2014. Lionizing herself and the OGRC with these lies as if it's really the history of the Osages is beyond shameful.

    2. If Jim Gray is so widely unpopular umongst the Osage does anyone express this to his Face before him in public? And with such say the least...maybe his inexperience led us to this but no excuses of course but we need to stop the blame and take responsibility and change this Govt for the PEOPLE and go forward and we can.....There's a lot that can be done and should be done. If this Govt does not switch to the other side of the right side then it will be up to the people the Osage People to want the Constitution re- written and have that Osage CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION....the History as in today will be written how can and did the Osage Gov. screw the rest of their People....

    3. OMG Hespi along with your co-horts and I am sorry your story is so flawed. Really a Nation Wide Survey I call B.S. show me where it hit my front door Hespi? And I am a headright owner with a lot to lose so you tell me where my vote went or why it did not get to my door Hespi? We know the truth of lies you spill to try to cover up your flawed decisions of no Accident with intentions of doing exactly what has happened.... with Revenue increasing for the take witch motivated in the worst form of Corruption and I know what the true intentions of which was not of this Gov. but a Govt that could be trusted for the people and the politics of lies with the People to choose and my bet if I sent out a survey that reached to all 140000 Osages the truth will be exposed. What happened was a take over bottom line so you could play house....we were fine before this Gov. came in and we can take it down in a heart beat.....The two most hated people on Earth Wilson Pipstem and Jim Gray....and you are grouped in that pile of BS....

    4. And to this day calls are still going unanswered.....Kelly Bray was not the Only one whos rights have been abrogated and back in the day saw the day of light and tried to warn as well....Thank you Kelly Bray for your effort back in 2006 if I had known I would have bringing that call to the Shareholders to the Table but as I said before this was not by all means an accident and the GOV of B.S. you can slice it, dice it, shread it but it still comes up smelling of B.S.....Yes why not tell names in your asertation of the Osage Legacy Hespi..who sat on the commisioners table and developed the very flawed Constitutiopm where were the Entilted Osage Shareholders and the help of the BIA? That did not happen did it Hespi? We had every right to be at the table Hespi....Unbeleivable.

    5. So the only taliban is Hespi right and along with her co-horts. Cannot beleive she would even use that word.

    6. Can't believe it either. Taliban? Really rank! Endless with that one and her machinations. Too bad she still has an audience and is in a position to tell this terribly flawed side of the story.

    7. Alright lets talk about some truths lets open these can of worms lets talk about where all the money was being funnelled before we became a GOV? Lets talk about thruths... we know it and alot of ot it was being funnelled throuth the ///////////// I know....

    8. Well I don't. What the hell is the //////////////////// ?

    9. Just a sigh more or less...

  2. Shout out to the NoCal Osages: Northern California Osage Spring Election Meeting...Political panel and more. Save the date: Saturday, March 15th, location TBA soon. Please consider running for office and join The Osage Surge to get this new Constitutional government back on the track it should have been from the beginning.

    1. RED ALERT--IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT--TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE: In view of the plethora of inexplicable choices that the elected officials of the Osage Nation have made during their tenure for the last seven years, the most recent of which was reported by Congressman Raymond Redcorn in his Update #170: "For employees, the full $1.4 ($1.5) million salary adjustment increase also made the cut, along with the full 3% Merit funding attached to salaries.", the Osage Blog is announcing its NEW Election Initiative that we are calling the Osage Surge for Candidates to come forward from outside of Osage County and the State of Oklahoma to run in the upcoming Osage Nation elections; "The Osage Surge" for short. We need boots on the ground, Osage members, to turn around the policies and spending practices of the Osage Nation government to one that is sensible and reasonable that includes ALL Osages no matter were they reside which was promised to us if we were to support a new Osage Constitutional government. We need to reestablish a proper balance from the top down and the bottom up! Please join this initiative and if you can, run for office in the upcoming Osage Nation elections in 2014. Since they won't, each one of us need to stand up and take responsibility and BE RESPONSIBLE for what our new government does in the future. Now IS the time for all good Osages to come to the aid of their new Constitutional government.

  3. See flyer for Christmas Celebration at

    1. FYI: Joe Don Brave. His family goes way back. One of them, Bib Brave was slated to be a movie star in the 1920s but got cold feet and took off. He was a handsome man married at first to an Opera singer named Lushanya. My Mother knew them both. Congressman Standing Bear's wife is related to the family, I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong.


  5. Dear Fellow Shareholders,
    I know it is almost time for the elections, so we need to start thinking of who we want to run for the Mineral Council.  Ever since I read that the estimated value of our mineral estate is around 4 billion dollars, I have been worried about some of the people currently serving on the Mineral Council, and their ability.  This is the big time and not the minor leagues.  We need people on the Mineral Council who will get us the best payment, while looking forward to the future development of the mineral estate. I don’t think we can continue to vote by family connections or based solely on a popularity contest. 
    We need to let people know we want a professional Council and we are not going to put up with personal character assassinations, which interferes with doing business, any more. We need educated people who have worked in the fields of either geology, geophysics, communications, banking, business, environmental protection, commodity marketing or accounting.  Along with a general knowledge of the History of the Oil business in the Osage.  The education does not need to be strictly formal.  Work experience is much more of an asset to the Council.
    We need people that are willing to work together and willing to learn.  They must be honest, intelligent and willing to listen and learn about all of the various issues the Council must deal with.
    There are qualified Osages out there, we just need to find them and persuade them to run for the Mineral Council.

    1. I agree with your post, in particular your points concerning...educated people..ones that will work together....and ones that will listen. I might add to the list... honesty ( not going to DC to support the producers) and family names shouldn't count for anything. These requirements should eliminate several on the current MC should they run.

  6. Request for Proposal: Election System>>

  7. I like how this guy coined Wind Farms a Metal Forest.

  8. Thought this was interesting. How easily money can be funnelled or more like swindled as well or where corruption lies as well.

    1. Like when I planted an Heirloom garden last summer for about $10.00 and they had a bill in Congress for a "hydroponic" garden for the price of $350,000. Just guess how much of that money will be funneled off when they get around to reintroducing the same bill and passing it. ONG = Corruption central you ask me.

  9. Question? Along side the highway, 80's or early 90's,while passing through the Burbank Oil Water Flooding Field , on the way from Pawhuska to Ponca City, I noticed a large sign saying, Georgia Tech University property. Can anyone expand on that, was that a Ted Turner foothold?

  10. This is interesting.

  11. Since when did we ever have Code Talkers? In the clandestine service? (OSS--now the CIA)? See

  12. ON Congress attorney responds to the Chief's Supreme Court lawsuit against the SCOI, Alice Buffalohead and Raymond Redcorn; see the Respondent Brief in Support of Answer at and the precedent for Implied Powers of Investigation of the U.S. Senate, "The authority of Congress to investigate is an implied constitutional power." at

    1. Anyone had time to read this and comment?

    2. I tried to would not come up on my computer. I'll try on my android....if you could explain in your words much appeciate your interpretation thank you....

  13. USDA Food Safety Tips for Areas Affected by Severe Storms>>

  14. JFL: Cousin Ray also seemed to miss another crash and that will be when fewer than 5% of the premiums for healthcare insurance will be paid as of the first of the year. Where do you get bridge loans for operating costs, overhead, salaries and what have yous for a healthcare insurance industry that supports 1/6 of the entire U.S. economy including medicare and medicaid? Do the members of the U.S. Congress see this black hole coming right at them beginning next month? Does Mr. President, Obama? Any emergency legislative roll backs for the unaffordable healthcare act on the immediate horizon or are they planning to suck us all down the drain with them?

    1. Everyone is in the same boat you are in and pretty much wants an impeachment...well, at least we see the nut in the shell sort of

    2. Sorry, but in this boat, I've lost my sense of humor.

    3. High-fives to Hmmm... at least someone saw it coming. FoxNews is now reporting, "The Obama administration announces it will potentially allow hundreds of thousands of people to sign up for "catastrophic" coverage plans, a move the insurance industry claims will cause "tremendous instability.""

  15. A new feature this year for the Osage Health Card is online initial enrollment and reenrollment for 2014 and it's a snap! Good for the Osage Nation in finally making this option available.

  16. See photo of the grand opening of the Skiatook casino and hotel>>

    1. Too

  17. The Election Board meeting is listed for December 18, 2013 at 1 p.m. Be sure to call and confirm this date and time at the Osage Nation Election Office at (918) 287-5286 or (877) 560-5286.

    1. REMEMBER the Osage Surge and consider sending them an e-mail shown below too:

      E-mail sent to the Election Board today to and Shannon Locket at :

      Subject: Out of Town Candidate Registrations
      Dear Osage Nation Election Board:

      In order to promote a more universally fair and equitable election environment for all registered Osage members, please consider, at your next regular meeting in December of 2013, an approval process for those who live away from Pawhuska to register to become candidates in the upcoming election.

      Thank you,

      Osage Member and Constituent

    2. What d you mean? Can' outoftowners run for office?

    3. Yes, but you have to file to run for office IN Pawhuska at the ON Election Office and no other area of the country is acceptable. This is not only unfair, it's discriminatory to the majority of the members who would like to run for office who live outside of Osage County and the State of Oklahoma.

    4. I guess I'll be flying in.....

    5. Would like to add thank you Osageblogger for all the help.....

    6. You're more than welcome. For more information see I encourage everyone who wants to run for office to call Election Supervisor, Alexis Rencountre, with your questions and requests for information at (918) 287-5289. She is interested in what you have to say, engaging, intelligent and very professional. Other ON Election Office contact information is located at

    7. E-mail sent today to the Osage Nation Election Board:

      Subject: Please Revisit the Out of Town Candidate Registrations

      Dear Osage Nation Election Board:

      For future reference, please revisit the out of town Candidate registrations so that those of us who live elsewhere can participate in the election process as Candidates in future elections without having to come into Pawhuska to register.
      Please consider these reasons:

      1) The current policy is discriminatory to the majority of Osage Nation Members who live outside of Pawhuska and Osage County.

      2) The current policy is a hold over from the Osage Tribal government and should be updated appropriately to reflect a Constitutional democracy. Election policies that are clearly seen to be costly, inconvenient and therefore prohibitive for the majority of members to become candidates should be changed to reflect a democratic government that promotes participation and inclusion.

      3) The majority of the members should be represented by those who live outside of Pawhuska and Osage County and know the concerns of those among whom they live around in their local community. This promotes interest and active participation in the Osage Nation government. If they didn't want those of us who live away included, why did they go to the trouble and expense to obtain our thoughts and opinions during the strategic planning meetings that were held all over the U.S.?

      4) In view of the roiling scandals that have plagued the new government in the last seven years, we need to introduce new ideas and the people who will represent them in government processes and day to day workings. An outside and more worldly view is clearly needed to promote a healthy new Osage government and help free it from the corruption it is plagued by currently. A fresh pair of eyes is never harmful when things are continuing to go this wrong.

      Please consider an emergency meeting to discuss changes to the current policy if at all possible.

      Thank you for your immediate attention to this important matter.


      Tina R. Allen
      Osage Member and Constituent

    8. See

  18. 60 million to up grade Casino's.

  19. I just read in the Osage News......What was the purpose of the Chief renewing Paul Allen's contract? Only to terminate it ten days after the Osage News requested the copy of the Contract? Knowing fully that Paul Allen can't account for all the Monies or Account for all the work he did say he did for the Chief with no proof period. You know what's a bunch of crock why has the Chief not been put on Administrative leave till his day in Court..... that's a bunch of crock....What a conflict of Interest, not only that, We absolutely need to look at all Contracts and Account for all Monies Appropriated to the the last 6 yrs. A forensic audit is needed by a reputable company outside the Osage.....Let the truth be known. And in addition to the request by The Osage News is the Chief still going to hand over said terminated Contract? It does not matter whether that the contract is terminated right? I still want to know what was in the Contract.

    1. See

  20. Good advice from the ONPD>>

  21. Just read the Osage News. The Chief was found with prejudice which indicates misconduct....relating to the Rod Hartness Contract and the request under the Open Records the Osage News...where is the 4000.00 coming from to pay for the Osage News Attorney's fees ? Out of the Chiefs Pocket? In addition why not post on the Web a question to vote on "Should the Chief Resign?" Yes end of story and lets start a new Chapter of Corruption...Lets hope not. Get that forensic audit Congress.....

    1. See Don't you mean, "...let's start a new Chapter WITHOUT Corruption..."? Also, "In the formal legal world a court case that is dismissed with prejudice means that it is dismissed permanently." See for an explanation of the term. It has nothing to do with misconduct.

    2. Meant it in away of sarcasism..and yes lets start with a clean all means...:) Then why is this issue going to be re-visited during his removal trial?

    3. This court suit with the Osage News has nothing to do with either the SCOI report, the removal trial or the AG's ethics trial against the Chief.

  22. Apparently from the discussion at the MC meeting today, they will be reconstructing the Congressional Chamber starting on Jan. 9, 2014 to add a witness box, a tribunal court environment and so on and so forth for the trial proceedings. What is the cost on this when it could be moved over to the ON Court that is more suited to such an environment especially since the ON Constitution requires a Court Judge be appointed to head these removal proceedings? It would be seemly to reconsider this Congressional decision in the event that the Chief resigns prior to or during the trial and the money is wasted. All it would take is a request for cooperation from the Judicial Branch and I can't imagine that they would refuse such a request unless their court calendar is that full in the month of January.

    1. A witness box? Isn't it just a stand? What is the purpose in mind?

    2. Yes. It's a witness stand but they have podiums like this already that can be used. Why would you reconstruct the place for a 13 day trial?

    3. ah now I see your point...why fix what is not broken and I agree.

    4. Why don't they have the trial in the Osage Nation court house? I guess as usual Congress likes to spend unnecessary money!

    5. The court room is too small. Nice, but too small.

    6. The ideal situation would be for the Chief to just resign unless his relative on Supreme Court can get the trial stopped. You have to think that if he is egotisical enough to get himself in this situation, he is self-absorbed enough to cause the nation further annoyance.

    7. Are you expecting hordes of people to attend the trial? The Congressional Chamber is a relatively small area too. Plus, I'm hearing a rumor that people who gave testimony to the members of the SCOI might attempt to recant during the trial. What ON laws are on the books for perjury? You may need to push through new perjury legislation with the maximum penalty allowable to stop any backsliders.

    8. They can't recant it's all documented anyway, they would be grilled in and out of the courtroom and shunned..and unfortunately this had to be done.. you would think Congress would create new legislation and avoid going through the trial process and just say pack your bags and don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out. given all the evidence stacked against him.. The Chief just needs to resign...ah if the The relative were to get the Chief off of the charges or get the trial dropped it would have been done a while back and in addition I don't think this relative would want to throw their carreer away for a hypocrite and liar, to obvious and isn't it enough that the Chief abused his position by the Color of Authority?. What does this relative do for the Supreme Court? Isn't that a hoot having a relative on the Supreme Court....embarrassing if I don't see a pattern with this Guy....

    9. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this Judge you're talking about initially came in for an appointment under the Jim Gray administration. Associate Justice Logan was elevated to the Supreme Court after Charles H. Lohah, former Chief Justice, passed away in 2012. "According to the Osage Constitution the Principal Chief appoints the Supreme Court Chief Justice and associate justices and those appointees are subject to Congressional confirmation for a four-year term." See They might go ahead, in order to avoid a conflict of interest, and reappoint Drew Pierce (Osage) as a temporary Supreme Court associate judge. If they do, he may be the best candidate to sit and head the removal trial. He is my cousin as is his sister Julie White, stemming from Grandpa and Grandma Baylis. See also

    10. Can the members of the Congress push for Drew Pierce to be appointed by Supreme Court Justice Meredith Drent?

    11. Osageblogger I agree with your post on 1:45. Sounds about right...just reading the latest from the Osage News. Unbelievable. So the Chief rather clear his good name and should not fear the Justice System after all, if he's not guilty why try to find a loophole in the system? ah excuse me hasn't he used all his loopholes vouchers while he was in OFFICE? The Check Register. Ah writing checks to a person who cannot vouch for the work he did or come up with any evidence to justify getting paid for what work he did do which basically boils down to a figment of his imagination.....and can only account for just a few where did the rest of the money go Chief, to support the Five man Board who have yet to face charges for the missing 100,000. give or take? Your credibility is over and cannot be trusted period end of story....and this reflect on the entire Gov...what are you guys doing?

  23. Looks like the AG is finally going to get rolling on his ethics allegations against the Chief. See Everyone is still waiting on the Supreme Court to rule on the Declaratory lawsuit the Chief brought against two members of the SCOI.

    1. No declaratory judgment opinion from the ON Supreme Court. See

  24. The race is on>> Raymond Red Corn has filed for AP Chief today.

    1. Today the Osage Election season officially opens. Candidates for Chief and AP Chief have until Jan. 6, 2014 to file to run for office.

    2. See Photo Op at

    3. His baby and just exactly what we all need.

    4. Ah like we didn't see Raymond runnig at the bit for AP.....ok when is StandingBear going to run and put his name in for Chief we are all answer this do you want more of the same thing going on in the Nation with the wasteful spending? Electing career officers that just don't see fit to give but grow their campus plan and couldn't even suggest a turkey voucher to all osages yet they get their merit raise right? Wow just look at Congress of the U.S. what they have done to the U.S.

    5. iPad Ray. That ought to be strange. If he does win though he'll finally be in the right branch of government because he, along with Edwards, have done everything possible over the years to lessen the power and prestige of the Legislative Branch of government they swore to uphold as an institution in the Constitution to and for the benefit of the Executive Branch. We wouldn't be having the troubles we're having now if the Executive officers had felt from the very beginning that the Legislative Branch had enough of a balance of power among the elected members of the Congress to keep them in line and put them in their place if they started doing whatever they wanted to do or felt like doing. I imagine if Raymond Red Corn gets into office he will do whatever he can to strengthen the Executive to the detriment of the Legislative and spending will be more insane than it's ever been before.

    6. I agree smh...get the Carrer Politicians out....

  25. Don't forget Ponca City Casino opens to members on the 22nd of December>>

    1. Open for business>>

  26. My sentiments EXACTLY from the man with the smokin' hot saxophone Koz he's the best in the business:

    1. No kidding...thanks. :)

    2. Just wonderful! See Can we do these in Osage?

  27. There are people who may become candidates in the upcoming election that I am sure, for one reason or another, we all would trash but this isn't the mission or goal of the Osage Blog. If you have an issue that's one thing. A laundry list leading to an out and out dissertation is another. Please be advised of this in future when you post.

  28. Annual Community Christmas Party being held at the Wah Zha Zhi Cultural Center on December 23, 2014. See

  29. Geoffrey Standing Bear and Margo Gray have filed to run for Principal Chief.


    2. See also

    3. Chief Red Eagle for reelection Photo Op at

    4. New article>>

    5. To the poster on Dec 18....if you are not for Margo or Standing Bear, so far that leaves you with one candidate, who does maintenance work on the hill. Hardly a qualification for Chief ?

  30. You still have time to purchase tickets for the Cedar Chest Raffle drawing on December 20th for the Language Department. See

  31. Good information. Karen Burleson has posted an eligible Osage Voter chart on a State by State basis at

  32. This is a hoot! See

  33. I understand that Red Eagle has filed to run for Principal Chief. My question is, if the up coming trial results in him being removed from office will he still be allowed to run for Chief or any other elected Osage office?

  34. What is of real concern right now is how the Congress and the sponsors and voters for the Osage Nation Election law have set themselves up to have only a few run for Chief and Assistant Chief with this skunk Primary Election they have cooked up to control the playing field for those who live back home. If no one else runs for Asst. Chief, Raymond Red Corn will get in by default and the time to file run for both positions will be over by January 6, 2014. So far, the three running for Chief are Margo Gray, Chief Red Eagle and Geoffrey Standing Bear. We need more choices than just these four. You can smell this one all over the U.S. Dating back the last two years or so, the gift tag on it is from Raymond Red Corn and recently in 2013 from Kuggee.

    1. Schizophrenic Congressional Representation?December 28, 2013 at 2:00 PM

      Here's a thought for you. I recently asked a member of the Congress about changing the ability to file for office in the election law from just the limited venue of Pawhuska for the upcoming elections to where they live anywhere in the U.S. The answer formed as an excuse was, "No one else has contacted me about making a change like this." Here I was, on the phone seeking representation from my representative in Congress and he didn't get the fact that I was the one WHO WAS seeking representation. Never mind any other constituent who wasn't. If every constituent who contacts their ON Congressional representative gets this kind of response, what is the point of even having a congress under this form of government? In an earlier conversation, this same member of congress disclosed that he had been contacted by another member whose kid hadn't received his scholarship money for college. He openly admitted that he hopped on this constituent request getting right to work to find out what happened. Now let's look at this situation. Did he tell that member that he hadn't been contacted by anyone else with regard to this matter essentially refusing such a request? NO. He did not. Therefore, why are my legitimate requests for representation any less viable and important than ANY OTHER constituent who calls him for representation no matter what the matter might be or his willingness to represent my interests even though he doesn't personally want to see such a change made for the benefit of the full membership? Are any of you getting this kind of response from your elected Congressional officials?

    2. Is this a form of a Decentralized Gov...under the awe auspicious imagined, democracy for all? And, then are you willing to go to Court and fight this not just for you but for our childrens future? Worse form of Discrimination?

    3. Yes it is discrimination against 80-90% of the members of the Osage Nation who live outside of Pawhuska and couldn't be worse because not only have they skewed the election for Chief and Assistant Chief in their favor, most people don't yet realize what's happened and will only see two names in each category in June in the ballot box and wonder where the rest of the candidates are to vote for in this category. Some already view this as throwing the election where the Executive Branch elected officials are concerned in a duplicitous and dishonorable manner. The ON election office hasn't done an advance mail out to all of the registered members of the Osage Nation who are qualified to vote calling attention to the change in dates to file for election for Chief and Assistant Chief or about the new Executive Branch Primary itself. This was discussed along with a number of other issues at the Election Board Hearing they had earlier in the year but many don't even realize that it took place either. The least they could do is allow the membership to file for candidacy in the local area in which they live for everyone who chooses to do so who lives outside of Pawhuska, OK..

    4. See Margo Gray article at

    5. The initial election code bill calling for this new Executive Branch Primary for Chief and Assistant Chief was ushered in during September of 2011 by current members of Congress; Daniel Boone, John Free, Alice (Goodfix) Buffalohead, Archie Mason, Raymond Red Corn, Geoffrey Standing Bear and Kugee Supernaw. The bill, ONCA 11-40 was signed by Chief John Red Eagle.

  35. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from us at the Osage Blog! Thank you again for making this an active communication tool on the internet for Osages all around the country.

  36. This from Indian Country.

  37. Comments? See

    1. Weird. The Chief seems not to realize that we have a government that was reformed, in part, to do away with exactly what he's yauping on an on about, which is patterned after the American form of government representing American values and the sentiments of its Constitutional democracy for all including the rule of LAW. Why would a guy run for office when he doesn't even seem to get or have a basic understanding of the form of government he's been elected to lead? All these years employed by this government as an elected official and the guy is too lazy to do his homework to find out and come to a basic understanding what kind of government under which he's been elected to serve? Besides that, it wasn't humility that got the Chief in so much trouble. It was his arrogance, wasn't it? So much for traditional Osage values all the way around. If this article isn't the biggest political gaffe in the history of the Osage Tribe, I don't know what is! Who wrote this piece for JRE? Jim Gray?

    2. Don't forget the rights and privileges afforded to the Osage people by the Constitution from whom the power comes. The Chief has abused his power that comes to him only by the Constitution and statutory laws. He keeps wanting to make a power grab from the past as well as the present setting aside the Osage Nation government rule of law at will. None of this stuff is up for discussion. It's on the law books and he was there as either Assistant Chief or Principal Chief for every single bit of it. No excuses. He's all over the place and needs to go quietly if he has any humility at all.

    3. BAH to More ON Humbug!!!!!December 27, 2013 at 10:01 AM

      Half a million Dollars for this malfeasance in office that he has openly admitted to in testimony to the SCOI????? Yes indeed. He should go quietly and quickly by resigning immediately. You are right. He has no excuse whatsoever. Unless they have all gamed this thing and the ON Supreme Court is going to let him off by saying that the matter falls within the purview of statutory law somehow and they can't make the call on whether or not the SCOI is a legitimate body to aid the Congress in voting for the trial. At which point they will spin it into a lie that the SCOI was turned down by the Supreme Court like they did the last one on nepotism when Shannon Edwards who put forward the motion to seek a declaratory judgment of the Supreme Court, when they both, Speaker Raymond Red Corn and Edwards wrote that law that says only Constitutional non-statutory laws can come up for a ruling in the Declaratory Judgment Act by the Supreme Court that has jurisdiction. Anything statutory has to come to them on appeal from the lower court. They knew or should have known that the definition of nepotism in the second degree is defined in the Ethics law that is a statutory law. It had to have been the expected outcome. It could have had no other determination because this is how the Declaratory Judgment law is written. Why weren't the members of Congress brought up on ethics charges themselves for having put forward a totally bogus and costly action in court? How much money was wasted by those two on that lawsuit that was completely unnecessary in cost and uncalled for by them and every other member of the Congress who voted for the motion? I even had a truly dishonest member of the Congress try and tell me that the Supreme Court ruled in the Declaratory judgment on nepotism that the law was unconstitutional and another manipulative member of Congress also made intimations that this was was the case when all the Supreme Court did was rule that they had no jurisdiction to rule on the matter. This is just one of many ploys they have in their little bag of tricks to get out of being responsible for anything that goes on or holding anyone accountable for anything they do while in the employ of the Osage Nation. Or worse, they already have it planned out who will break rank when it comes time to vote to throw the bum out of office after the trial proceedings have concluded. How many times have we seen that particular manipulative voting maneuver on the part of the Congress with just for show 'put up job' legislation on amendments to the Constitution or when voting against much needed percap legislation for the members of the Nation???? The excuse will likely be to save the members of the Nation the shame of having such a black mark on reputation of the brand new government and what good will it do anyone anyway. Do you actually believe that they will be able to move through an entire trial for removal of the Chief in a Special Session that at best will last only 10 days? The Chief's attorney will probably put forward a motion on the first day to have the trial delayed for six months in order to prepare properly because they are in such 'uncharted legal waters'.

    4. John talks about traditional ways, but he obviously is confused not only with modern government, but the old traditional government as well. He has bought into the Hollywood fiction of an omnipotent Indian Chief who could send hundreds of people to their deaths simply by the wave of his hand. Traditionally, the Chiefs of the two great divisions had limited authority and that was just what was given to them by the No-ho-zhinga. Lesser chiefs had even more limited authority. No Osage chief could ever write his own rules that allowed him to abuse his own people.

    5. Great points here Anon. No-ho-zhinga, otherwise known as the Society of the Little Old Men, were the real rulers of the Osage Tribe and the power they assigned was divided between two Grand Division Osage Chiefs; The Hunka (earth) and Tzi-zho (sky) Chiefs. It was to help break up the power block of the No-ho-zhinga that the Federal government, along with James Bigheart - one of the Osage non-hereditary Chiefs, moved the Osages toward a Constitutional government back in the 1880's. As a result, the 1881 Constitution came about with James Bigheart voted in as Chief that is attributed him. Agent (Laban) Miles, "I believe the move a good one, and think they should be encouraged, as it will gradually destroy the old chieftanship and Indian forms of government." Unfortunately, the Osage government under the 1881 Constitution became so corrupt that the Federal government via the BIA brought it to an end for the following reasons: Acrimonious disputes over elections--absence of harmony between the BIA Agent and Osage Tribal Officers in the administration of tribal affairs--the selection of ignorant men as officeholders--profligate use of money. Does any of this sound familiar today?

    6. Abuse of the Osage people is so right. Abuse of our faith and belief in an honest government that will give us a fair shake not special interests, cronies and family members. Abuse of the Osage people by distribution of government funds for doing nothing that he is publicly liable for that belong to us. Humility? BAH is right. He was consulted time and time again about his relationship with that cow roper. It's all a tissue of lies and misrepresentations that he fabricates in that article that he has the nerve to try and make us believe is the truth.

    7. See some real world consequences for similar abuses in the State of Oklahoma at then click on the text | OK |

    8. All pricipals that was needs to be brought back to the forefront restored the faith should we less forget....and Bah I agree with you and Osagsblogger and very good smh I so short to the point...very well said...

    9. Let this not be a dog and pony show....and like I said in an earlier post....Congress needs to get this does not matter whether the Chief was qualified in the first....or etc.....what matters is our money best applied...We would not be in this predicament if the diligence was done in the first. And you blame Congress is where it starts...and it does not matter if their is a blemish better to correct the wrong and hold your head up and move forward...status right now in the Osage as I viewed from a distance the Chief cutting the Red Tape at the Ponca city Casino and how embarrassing it is to see him not removed from office till this trial is over....of course paid.

    10. Nothing in the law calls for this but that isn't to say that they can't make this correction by way of legislation. Being deprived of funding for lawsuits that he should pay for himself due to his own alleged illegal actions and by the way, Raymond Red Corn tried unsuccessfully just recently to end run legislation for a ton of money to give to the Chief for these legal removal process court costs, attorneys fees and expenses, again, being deprived funding for lawsuits, salary, benefits, and put on administrative leave, transferring all power and privileges to the Assistant Principal Chief, pending the outcome of a removal process and proceedings is an important and necessary idea that will stand as a deterrent for any Chief or AP Chief of the Osage Nation if they attempt to engage in illegal behavior in the future. This government is way too cushy as it is already and we should expect to have a law system with penalties in place that we can respect and those working for our government respect as well. If you take a look at the new election law, you will see that it is chock full of penalties for the members of the Osage Nation who become candidates that are probably more stringent and oppressive that way than anything we currently have in the entire Osage Code of Law that governs the behavior of those elected, appointed or hired to work for the new government. Why should the removal of a Chief or other elected official be far less intimidating from the aspect of penalties than running for office as a candidate?

    11. If you collect a paycheck from the Osage Nation, you should expect to have laws with stiff penalties concerning unprofessional or illegal acts that govern your behavior while on the job from the top to the bottom. That's all there is to it.

    12. Thank you. Well said.

    13. Until you understand the mentality back here you won't understand anything. We have to deal with enough consequences in the outside world as it is. We are not going to up make a government of our own with the same set of consequences. This is about a distribution of wealth from the government coffers to us who live and work back here. That's all. If you think we are going to change things you better get a clue. More than half of the elected officials are afraid of us who really participate in the Culture and they will pander after us and what we want. You don't matter in the least if you arent one of us. Youre just wasting your time if you think you can change things here

    14. Obvious infantile reverse psychology.

    15. See what I mean?

    16. Well, well, well. I'm glad someone has the guts to tell the unvarnished truth. Good for you!

    17. Does this include Raymind Kugrr and Geff?

    18. DAQ. As long as the money stays in the local area in wallets stuffed with cash on folks who walk through the door of their places of business, whadda you think? DUH.

  38. Best search term yet for the Osage Blog: "where the hell is my cobell check!!!"

  39. Good. the bloodsucking lawyer goes down and takes it on the chin.

    1. Wow great news. Get the blood sucking Lawyers out of the Administration....

  40. New! Association of Osages in Arizona (AOA) at

  41. Vince Logan nominated>>

  42. Personally I don't want to hear a sugar coated dialog from a canidate who is running for Chief...since 2006 this has been the trend and a pattern of arrogance in the Executive, is alive and well. We want real dialogue for the Constuency on facts on real issues and how you plan to implement. Not false promises. We have some real issues that are a live and well documented...we do not want more of the same thing...big question is how do you plan to save the Nation Money? Not invest...what we need is accountability with huge oversite by the Boards before legislation is passed or considered and stop the prefferential....the Cronyism...and so forth....we want a GOV. for the people not a GOV. FOR THE GOV....we deserve better and we have higher expectations....My has our Tribe assimulated to exactly what they aspire is and remember you are either apart of the problem or the solution. We can read between the lines it is better to be yourself not the color coated view.....just my opinion of course.

    1. And a great opinion it is indeed...."GOV. FOR THE GOV." I LOVE this and it couldn't be a more succinctly truthful and apt moniker for the Osage Nation government. WOW. Thank you!

  43. Happy New Year! Have a good one. Thought for the year: "It costs so little to teach a child to love, and so much to teach him to hate." Father Flanagan, founder of the Boys Town.

  44. RED ALERT: After today there are only THREE more business days left for filing for Chief and Assistant Chief. If you are wishing to file for candidacy please remember to bring the following with you:

    1. Cashier's Check/Money Order made out to Osage Nation Election Office. Filing Fees are $500 for Chief and $400 for Assistant Chief. No personal checks or cash will be accepted.

    2. Osage Nation Membership Card

    3. Government Issued Photo ID. Example: Driver's License or Passport

    4. Proof of a separate bank account in the name of the candidate or the candidate's campaign.


    1. Come on people, file to run for office if you can. THE NEXT FOUR YEARS ARE CRITICAL! If the ON can get their business act together enough in the next three years to file to start compacting the ME, the people they have running for Chief and AP Chief right now will do it in a heartbeat. As it stands currently, the Chief can compact on his own without anyone to stop him once the U.S. Congress/BIA agrees to allow compacting or worse, forming a new Trust with a whole new set of ON hand picked Osage Shareholders, not Headright owners, by way of a Federally Chartered Corporation under the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act. If this is where you want this thing to go with ON Oil and Gas Departments, Offices, Boards, Commissions and God knows what all else to eat alive what you receive in income in your checks in the future then do nothing. Do some forward thinking here people. You are potentially facing an all out personal financial emergency in the not too distant future. ACT TODAY to protect your own financial interest and that of your children to prevent this from happening by running for Chief or AP Chief if you possibly can.

  45. Happy New Year! Attention West Coast Osages and all candidates... Make sure to mark Saturday March 15th on those new 2014 calendars for the Northern California Osage meeting at the Executive Suites & Bayside Hotel in Oakland. Agenda: Osage Nation candidate & Minerals Council candidate panels and an Osage Nation Foundation presentation. More details to follow soon.
    ~The Northern California Osage Steering Committee~

    1. Thank you for posting this notification.

    2. For those attending the Northern California Osage March 15th meeting... Northern California Osage Meeting hotel accommodations. Anyone making reservations for a basic room at the Executive Suites or Bayside Inn Hotel in Oakland has access to our NCO group rate; to get the reduced rate, room reservations must be made before Feb. 24th. ((Note: You must CALL and make your reservations and state you want the Northern California Osage group rate; online reservations will not work... Also, any questions please email

  46. Here's a thought with such a small faction of Osages being represented in the local area why is there 12 Congressman? Now that we are seeing less representation I suspect that there will be more Associations popping up....the realization that special interest is the real representaion as opposed to the opposite that should be happening right? We want to bring balance and right now we are not there....not even close....spending out of control with policies to support this type of behavior...This will in turn....cut the costs way down....with real representation...and my bet if we get enough signatures to get this on a ballot can happen......Nothing is changeing the same people filing for Chief and etc....we can't have more of the same thing a " broken record". We do not need career Politicians...As one Poster in one of his or hers blogs called for representation by a Congressman and fell on deaf ears dead in the water...I to had called a Congressman and I won't name names fell on deaf ears as well....This should not be happening Period! Lost in translation don't think so and by all means not an accident...I hardly think 5000 Osages live in the local area and not accordingly by the U.S consensus shows only a small faction of Osages live in the surrounding local Area. Who's right? Now given that most Osages live's time they get a's time we get this Gov. in shape and we do this by sponcering our Cause...right the injustice. If the Gov. will not issue out something so small with great meaning such as something so little such as turkey vouchers to all the Osages during the holidays or not even get out a PER-CAP....then change must come from the Outside...and can be done....we district and we district by way of where our family other words if your family is from Pawhuska then this is the district we would be from....Plausable yes and would put every Osage on the Map....Not by state because we know TEXAS, CALIF, and OK...are the largest numbers of Osages from those area's and we know not every Osage moved to the Reservation. Another issue is the Health Benefit card....Why not like most if your status has not changed why must you renew your card? The Policy needs to change....most insurances issue renewal cards automatically..this is redundant...not that I use one from the Nation just getting a lot of complaints....form other Osages....going into 8yrs of this and we are fit to be tied...

    1. Yeesssss!!!!! If you go there you usually get some bad a** comment about they dont want us telling them how to live. The thing of it is that its our gov't too and we dont want them telling us how to live when they act like total screw ups practically dumping cash down the toilet left and right and dont act like they care or have any remorse or even any responsibility for the decisions theyve made. Most important they ignore that they have to answer to us for what theyve done. One dip s*** in there has the nerve to argue with you about what you want done every time you try to get in contact. One way or the other, this one will be gone from the Congress in June so that's good. By way of the membership this one never understood what he was supposed to be doing in there from the day he was elected. Nasty case of the smartest person in the room syndrome all over the place and all over everybody. Totally ugly. Humility my a**!!!! I get sick of hearing how bad it is back there. I want to hear how sorry they are and what they are going to do to correct their dumb a**ed mistakes.

    2. Well. Tell us how you really feel.

  47. Remember the uproar when Osage Casino's chose not to sponsor Chance Rencountre? All the negative commentary from Pawhuska? Go to and enter Chance Rencountre. More reasons not to sponsor someone just because they are Osage!!!!

    1. Thought he was arrested on a drug charge. Is this to sponsor to bail him out? Yeah right.

    2. Where was he arrested and who was he with at the time?

  48. The Supreme Court has today denied the Chief's attempt to stop the trial. He has now lost 100% of his lawyer's motions to delay or derail the process. Trial is slated for January 13. He should resign and not cause the nation any more grief.

    1. Thankyou. I agree. He should resign now.

    2. See the Slip Opinion of the ON Supreme Court at

    3. Restoring My Faith in the Future of all Osages...January 2, 2014 at 9:43 PM

      Now THIS is gorgeous prose:

      "Given the gravity of the matter before us, we must consider our path forward and the precedent we have set. We acknowledge the influence of past historical and cultural Osage governments throughout our long history, and we acknowledge how we have continuously reshaped, restructured and reinvented ourselves as a Nation. Our ancestors were 'logical, rational and pragmatic people struggling to understand and survive in a world of infinite complexity.' As we consider the complexity of the issues that arise before us, we use the lens of a dynamic people who adapted and endured and in doing so we strive to carry their legacy forward with meaning and purpose."

      The Supreme Court of the Osage Nation

      Meredith D. Drent
      Chief Justice

      Jeannine Logan
      Associate Justice

      Drew Pierce
      Associate Judge, Sitting by Designation

    4. The Chief in recent public statements has acknowleged that he has already spent over a $100,000 of the people's money on attorneys. A trial will raise the expenditures even more. If he loses at this trial all these funds should be repaid by the Chief with his own funds. The tone of the slip opinion indicates that the attitude of the court is that he would lose again if he tried to resist this repayment, thereby causing himself even further expense. Many people have suggested that the Congress would have a duty to pursue recovery of the people's money.

    5. The Congress does have a duty right now to pursue repayment for the 100K and whatever else is spent on court costs and attorney's fees. How the hell has he spent this much already? Do the elected officials in this government ever spend the public funds of the Osage people in a responsible, reasonable and prudent manner?

    6. See also

    7. New article>>’s-challenge-removal-process

    8. The Chief Responds to Judicial Opinion at

    9. Read the article find it interesting that he said this decision is left best left with the POLLING...and all this was a investigative procedure into the alleged actions by the Chief and he does not have to answer but to the Court, what does he not understand,,,now laid before him he can now prepare to lie even more so....and a jury of his peers will be the poll that decides his fate...his arrogance will be his down fall...Stupid is just that...

    10. "The Supreme Court set the burden of proof at “Clear & Convincing” which is a high standard. That standard is closer to the criminal burden, rather than the general civil standard of “more likely than not.” This requires that Congress have strong evidence to prove their allegations, which we believe they do not have. The impeachment of a Principal Chief should require a high standard of proof." If you admit of your own free will that you have broken the law while testifying on not one, but two separate counts that have been brought against you; that's beyond a shadow of a doubt, it's absolute and an incontrovertible admission of guilt. That's a far higher standard than is mentioned in the Chief's response to the Judicial Opinion. If the Chief can't or doesn't perceive this fact as the most important reality associated with the situation he finds himself in then he needs to go of his own volition or be made to go because he writes as if he's delusional and we don't need the highest elected official of the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation to be exhibiting this sort of cognitive behavior while in office. This just gets worse and worse.

    11. Right this makes a lot of sense just can't see how he is in so denial. Its not a pretty site in the least for the Osage Tribe. Thank you for your post.

  49. FILE...FILE...FILE! See Do I have to come out of the heart of Colorado to do this for you and the rest of the membership? Come on guys! "Let your love for one another be intense. Be hospitable to one another without complaining. As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace." The first letter of St. Peter, Chapter 4, verses 7 through 10. Just do it. MAKE IT HAPPEN!

    1. Tom Boone files to run for Chief. See

    2. Ahh So that's why that gal went after Cynthia with such a vengence. She must want one of the other candidates to get elected Chief. These people who live in OC never come at anything in honest straight forward manner. Do they? Always with the sidewind.

  50. Questions to the candidates will be asked from the public this year at the Osage News Candidate Debates. To submit your question, see

    1. See

  51. Campus Master Plan groundbreaking ceremony will be held on January 9, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. at 329 Campus Road. A reception to follow at the Osage Museum.

  52. In the past years we have seen our Gov. filled with more deception, conflict of interest issues, being kept in the dark to what is going on, crony capitalism, runaway develelopement, and request for information being refused or stonewalled....From Chiefs with no substance displaying arrogance along with greed and hyprocracy....We want a Chief for the People and now we have ground breaking strategic Campus plan sure to cost above what is announced sure to go into cost over-runs and we will see won't we. How is it that a Chief with allegations hanging over his head able to put his name on the ballot again? Some what is he going to campaign on, more lies...his credibility is way long gone and how can he not see this still living in a fantasy obviously....Reality is here today and this is where we are at....Mr. Boone what can you do to bring back our good Name with respect to the Constiuency....? What is your core campaign? Will you compact our M/E away so more hands can get their hands in the cookie Jar...not that this will happen. Still will take a act of Congress to relinquish the Fed. Gov. duties and if this due process is overlooked then we have no alternative to file another suit...and how do you plan on bringing fairness and balance? and will you be offering a Per-Cap to the Osages....and how do you plan if at all to reel in the spending when it comes to the OSAGE LLC...the Constiuency wants a huge audit in all areas especially a forensic one....with a outside agency please......

  53. Determining whether Facebook or whatever is the most popular social media source is a minor issue. If we may offer a suggestion for a new Osage News poll it's this: Do you think the Chief should resign?

    1. That's exactly what needs to be said. Thanks

    2. Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!January 8, 2014 at 2:10 PM

      "Do you think Chief Red Eagle has been treated fairly throughout the removal proceedings, instigated by the congress?" What the hell kind of W I M P - A * * poll question is that, you phonies over there at the Osage News? You people just persecuted the Chief and his good friend Rod Hartness yourselves when you sued him to get that employment contract. "Instigated by the Congress?" One of the allegations was to uphold and take your side against the Chief. Are you people skitzo or so puerile that you can't help it. This is a serious job you have over there for serious times. What are you playing politics now to get someone you are professionally allied with elected to office? Try and develop some substance and depth with mature questions in the polls you cook up for Osages to answer.

  54. FYI: The Osage Nation Election Office has just sent out a post card with all of the important dates for the Primary Election and the General Election. Look for it to arrive in your snail mailboxes and stick it to your refrigerator or home message board for future reference.


  56. Just read an candidacy announcement in the Osage News by one of the people running for principal Chief. This was exactly what we have talking about. This was 5 or 6 paragraphs of dribble that did not address a SINGLE issue and what they plan on doing to correct some of the problems we now face. We deserve more than generalities from candidates rather than "I believe this and I believe that"

  57. Osage Nation Chief and Assistant Chief candidate application deadline is now extended to Jan. 7, 2014. GO FOR IT! See

    1. Don't let the sitting members of the Osage Congress throw the election in their favor in June with that crooked election law that they just slipped past us last year.


      Chief and Assistant Chief: December 16, 2013 - January 6, 2014
      Congress: March 15, 2014 - March 31, 2014
      Applications will be accepted during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

      NOTE: The Osage Nation Minerals Council has not yet reported their filing periods for candidacy.


    3. Make a run for the Oklahoma borderline...January 6, 2014 at 2:23 PM

      COME ON GUYS -- "If we roll all night she'll be comin' into sight...

    4. Due to the weather the filing period for Chief and AP Chief has been extended through January 8, 2014.

    5. How dare you members of Congress leave us with such a poor field of choices for Chief and A, Chief and you of all people Kugee. You better fix this now or none of you will be elected or reelected. shame on you Kugee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6. I can only run for one position this year and I expect that to be Congress.

  58. No end to what the Chief won't do to get out of removal process>> Oklahoma Delegation of Congressmen write letter concerning Minerals Estate --

    1. Did Wilson Pipestem, Osage Washington attorney and lobbyist, really say that? He must really be corrupt if he would attempt to step in the way of a wholly legitimate and necessary removal proceeding. Why are we doing business with a guy like that?

    2. No one needs John Red Eagle in Washington on the Negotiated Rule Making issue. He has no influence there so the next Chief could carry on just as well as he could. Also John does not mention that he tried to cut the professional fees of Congress by half and reduce the professional fees of the OFPR to $ 2,000 for the year 2014, an amount that had already been billed. Now he complains about the costs that he has brought on himself. What a rube!

    3. I think we are forgetting one important fact and that is that the Congress isn't the only one going after him. If the AG would ever get off his highly paid duff and move ahead with his legal action in the ON Courts, the Chief has 16 Ethics allegations facing him from that end too. I suppose that this will cost another 1/2 a million dollars as well. Anyone with even a faint hint of a conscience would resign immediately.

    This posting on the tribal website is one of Chief's most blatant misuse of tribal assets in his desperate attempts to save himself from himself. If you check with members of the minerals council you will find that John Red Eagle has never attended any of the many meetings that have been held on negotiated rule making. He has been absent during the whole process, now he pretends to be essential to the process.

    1. He appears to be behaving like a drowning man flailing around trying to get hold of anyone or anything he can to keep from going down. It's becoming pathetic. He should consider his more rational options and step away by resigning. Overall, his continuing like this can't be good for the Osage people or the government either. Someone he respects needs to sit down with him to try and get him see that he needs to be reasonable and do the right thing.

    2. Right, where is his family. This is not like it is idle gossip and case proven on any one of these allegations is not dead in the water either....ah Mr. Chief so everybodies wrong but not you and your attitude is costing the O.N....and now they are taking away your play money and you don't like it....well we don't like the fact that you abused your authority and should have used much discrestion but no greed that came with success was his downfall and we all know that to be true....and now he's looking at the M/E for an excuse all the while probably looking to use another excuse of an excuese. If he does not make Chief the M/E will be not under my feet will that happen...The Shareholders in the first will vote on this matter and if we don't get that vote I personally will take it all the way to Congress. I've got friends in places that would love to take this challenge....all I have to do is sign the dotted line..Unbelievable... folks....watching and waiting....

  60. Chief to the ON Court to delay the Removal Trial see
    Court's Response to deny the delay see

    1. TW Articles>> |

    2. Chief's trial to begin on Monday, January 13, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. in the Congressional Chambers. See

  61. UPDATE: Jimmy "Osage" Dailey, Terry Mason Moore and Amanda S. Proctor have filed to run for Assistant Chief as well. GOOD! Keep filing. You have until 4:30 p.m. TODAY to file to run for elected office for Chief and A.P. Chief. The Osage people need you to serve in their best interests not that of the Osage Nation government. See AND AND

    1. See Candidate bank accounts available at the Citzen's Bank in Pawhuska in 30-45 minutes from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. or by appointment. Call Aubree (918) 287-4111.

    2. Randolph A. Crawford has filed for Assistant Chief! See

    3. Filing period for ON Chief and ON A.P. Chief has ended. The 2014 Primary Filed Candidates roster is available at

    4. Congrats to all who have stepped forward to run for office. May the best wo/man win!

    5. Im glad ole iPad Ray will have some competition in his run for Vice Chief.

    6. Let the best man or women take our Tribe to a new and different level of respect in this Office...bring closure and bring light to really what has transpired in the last 8 yrs...We Osage deserve better...and hopfully they will not pander to politics but pander for the The Constituency near and far....let our voices be heard loud and clear....get rid of Gov. waste....and spending....lets hope for a leader and not a bottom feeder....A person with a real conscious of what needs to be done...without blinders...hear the call of the Osage and do what is right as opposed the opposite...we do not want a big Gov....that panders to it's own needs as opposed to the needs of the Constiuency. Good luck....we do not need Carreer Politicians like in Washington.....doing the same thing over is redundant and insane...we all know how that is working isn't...
