Will it ever stop!!!! On March 19th, Morgan Currey with the Attorney General Office was in a private meeting with the Director of the Tax Commission regarding our laws and the renewal of the compact with the state. The former principal chief came into the meeting and proceeded to reprimand Ms. Currey for testifying in the removal hearing. Driving her to tears, he then sat down in the room and stayed until the meeting was over!! Employees who do the "right thing" should be subjected to this type of treatment while working for the Osage Nation! OF COURSE IT WAS ALL COINCIDENTAL THAT HE CAME IN WHILE SHE WAS THERE!!!! Would a true a true "Man of God" do such a thing or is it HYPOCRISCY?
I have always said he was hypocrite. And very bitter he can't see his lies and if I were him I wouldn't show my face. He shamed himself. In front of his peers and still is. Shame on you former Chief. Stamped forever on his forehead well you get it.
Sounds like the Tax Commission Director set up Curry and the former chief is blaming her for what he did. Curry needs to file a grievance now. The director of the tax commission needs to be careful. She is really pushing it. There is no statue of limitations on some criminal charges in the Osage Nation.
GOOD NEWS! A new Farmer's Market at https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews/photos/a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153/669686766425487/?type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf For up to the minute reports from the Osage News, see https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews
Reminder: The filing period for Congress is March 15, 2014 through March 31, 2014. See the FAQ at http://www.osagetribe.com/electionboard/info_sub_page.aspx?subpage_id=2
More FOS from the Osage Congress... they raised the minimum wage to $11.50 and said that this was competitive for the area. It's another lie. The biggest Indian employer in Oklahoma is the Cherokee and they've just raised their minimum wage to $9.50!!!!!!!! Minimum wage is the State of Oklahoma is $7.50. >>>>>>>>> http://www.cherokee.org/News/Video/tabid/1577/tid/227/Default.aspx That's $530,000 higher a year for the Osage Nation government employees than the Cherokee!!!!! Get rid of these big spenders in the Congress in June and go with those who won't throw money around like it's a Pirate Treasure to be divvied up among themselves that they have no respect for whatsoever.
Some employees that make the $11.50 per hour still qualify for food stamps and WIC and free lunches because they fit the income guidelines. So don't fool yourself or others into thinking some $11.50 per hour Osage Nation employee is living high on the hog. In fact the livable wage is the only way some Osages are ever going to get a piece of the "treasure" as you call it and that is through hard work. The employees that have a headright or a portion of a headright are the ones who feel entitled to not HAVE to work at their jobs and feel it is their right tohave a job and not work. I have heard it time and time again. "The boss can't do nothing to me, I am Osage". At the same time Osages without that comfort pad of a headright or a portion of a headright work very hard and put in a full days work. There are many "sonny boys" and "princesses" on the hill and those are the ones everyone hears about and not the ones who will come in on a weekend when there is a emergency or stay late to help someone.
Excellent ripost! These "entitled" Osages should be identified and cut out of the herd. There is no room for an attitude like that in Osage government. The switch to the new form of government was supposed to take that part of the old system out and destroy it. The Merit System is another part of the Osage government that isn't yet working properly. Just because you're Osage doesn't mean you can pull rank. All the same, I'm not letting the Osage Congress off the hook. They have misrepresented to the Osage people over and over again about what the average pay scale is in the area accepting these dishonest in-house studies and letting it go at that. The truth is that minimum wage in Okla. is $7.25 and the largest Indian employer in the State is now paying $9,50. The Cherokee value money. That's why they've grown and prospered. The Osages elected in government always seem to have a profoundly immature and cavalier attitude about money and have thrown it around as long as it benefits the special class that they have created of Osage members who work for the government. This is just as bad, if not worse, as having a government revolve entirely around the headright owners because it is a Constitutional form of government that is supposed to treat every single member fairly and equitably. The excuse is always that they don't have enough money to go around but I challenge such underhanded misrepresentations when they have thrown millions at that LLC even when they have known that it's a loser and should have gotten rid of it years and millions of dollars ago. Add that campus plan that will not ever pay as an investment of the people's money. ALL of the Osage People FIRST and not just those who are old and young. Those in between are living Osages too and they deserve respect and representation for their needs and wants with legislative appropriations as well.
I-Pad Ray ( Raymond Red Corn ) is one of the biggest spenders on the hill and one of the biggest supporters of throwing money at the LLC. I would suspect that he also supported the minimum wage increase. I don't begrudge our employees a raise but would want it based on facts and not lies about what the minimum wage is in the area. Remember this when you vote.
I suspect that he has supported all those boards and commissions including the latest one for this Farmer's Market. They need that board or any more of them like they need a hole in the head. This is just another way to slyly justify keeping the money out of your hands with a per-cap, allowing them to distribute the loot among themselves. Those boards and commissions eat up between TEN and FIFTEEN MILLION DOLLARS YEARLY. The only ones they really need are the gaming board and the Osage, LLC Board and those two are utterly worthless. The were supposed to protect the interest of the Osage Nation and the money of the Osage people but what they do is fully represent the interests of the business entity instead. In fact, there is information out there that they are using the veil of proprietary information to try and hide the money they do spend from the Congress and the Osage people and further, have tried to intimidate the members of Congress, who are our oversight against corruption into keeping quiet about the level of the depth of corruption going on today. Raymond is the first one to tip board people off against his fellow members of Congress who are seeking to act on their duty of oversight resulting in diminishment and destruction of the power and prestige of HIS OWN BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT! It's just now coming out that the gaming board has approved an unauthorized additional $30 million DOLLARS above the $50 million that the Osage Congress authorized when they told us it was only going to cost $25 million in total. Ask Raymond about that and he will probably lie to you or claim he knows nothing about it. Between the Boards and Commissions and this gaming construction debacle, that's FORTY-FIVE MILLION DOLLARS out of your pocket or $4,000-$4,500 for every member of the Osage Nation in the last year alone. Get rid of these people before they spend us into the ground. Now they have given approval to line up loans for the Campus Plan and that thing is advertised to be green but what they don't tell us is that the green is an add-on. It's how they try and fool us with initial numbers for the cost of the entire project that they know are false from the minute they put it out there. The Casinos ran us 60% over budget from the original $25 million that they said it would cost. Imagine if Part I of the Campus Plan runs that much over advertised budget. Before all phases of it are complete and we have no idea how many there will be, it could actually cost TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS BEFORE THE FINAL INVOICE COMES IN FOR PAYMENT. We will be buried in a mountain of debt for years and years and believe me, the people in this Congress leave every indication that they don't care about the future. Paying out money and taking out loans to further their ridiculous and pitifully unfounded ego trips is all they seem to care about at the expense of every single Osage member. Remember, Raymond voted to fund that lawsuit that took out our reservation status. It's time for him to pay for what he's done and keep in mind, he want's to stay the course of the disastrous path this new government has been on that he has in large part helped to create and set in motion from the very beginning.
Good post. The job of these government officials isn't to be prideful. It's to make us proud by what they do for all of the Osage people and how they do it.
Here we go with the spending again when all of the funding has already been appropriated in September of last year for FY2014:
Consideration of ONCA 13-26, An Act to provide an appropriation in the amount of one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) to Home Health to establish hospice services; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Buffalohead)
Consideration of ONCA 13-68, An Act to appropriate the sum of seventy thousand dollars ($70,000) to the Home Health Board for emergency cash flow; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Standing Bear)
Oh. These too:
TOXIC!!! TOXIC!!! TOXIC!!! Consideration of ONCA 12-68, An Act to establish law governing the management, permitting, and use of water within the Osage Nation; to provide penalties for violation of the Act; to establish the Office of the Osage Nation Water Engineer; to provide a process for hearings and appeals; and to provide a limited waiver of sovereign immunity. (Standing Bear) WTF? A taste of the future where this guy, if he's elected Chief will bring heaven and earth down upon us coming straight from the State of Oklahoma? Who does he think he is? Jim Gray? This will be as bad or worse than that EPA legislation Gray tried to slip through that tore up everybody in Osage County. TOXIC!!! TOXIC!!! TOXIC!!!
Consideration of ONCA 13-97, an Act to require all correspondence from the U.S. Department of the Interior and its Bureau of Indian affairs to be copied to the Osage Nation Congress; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Standing Bear) Getting into mineral business again?
Consideration of ONCA 13-17, An Act to provide an appropriation in the amount of forty thousand dollars ($40,000) to the Hominy Fitness Center for the purpose of moving its location; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Supernaw) Who needs this much money to move?
Consideration of ONCA 13-79, An act to provide an appropriation to the Tribal Development and Land Acquisition Department for the architectural design, planning and construction of a new wellness facility in Hominy; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Maker) WTF? They spend money to move and then build a new facility to move to again?
Private School and Charter School Discussion. For whom?
You could get sick enough to puke over all they spend on government sprawl, the old and the young with little if anything for anyone in between who isn't getting a paycheck from the almighty Osage Nation. We're living things too but they way they spend money you would never know it.
They have a new bill, ONCA 14-23, to give $125K for the Attorney General’s office for water rights work. If the minerals estate is going to suffer diminishment for what happens with this water issue just like they did with the tax reservation lawsuit that robbed us of our Federal Reservation status, this matter should come under the umbrella of the Minerals Council to oversee and manage not the crazed idiots of the Osage Nation.
WTF? Consideration of ONCR 14-06, A Resolution to express the support of the Osage Nation for its business entity, Osage, LLC, and to express confidence in the ability of the Osage, LLC Board to restructure and build our non-gaming business interests. (Maria Whitehorn). This HS ENTITY has lost more money of what that stupid Congress has given to them than they still have on the books!!!!!!! You are way out of line Maria. I thought you had some smarts. That impression ends right now.
Consideration of ONCA 14-10, An Act to provide an appropriation in the amount of three million three hundred two thousand five hundred dollars to the Properties Department for project costs to build the Osage Fairfax Child Care and Senior Center; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Standing Bear) Obviously Standing Bear is trying to buy votes with this one. This is insane. It's always OC children, seniors and employees with this selfish SOB.
Consideration of ONCA 14-25, An Act amend ONCA 13-90 to provide an appropriation modification to the Division of Child, Family and Senior Community Services; to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Division of Health and Wellness in the amount of two hundred seventy thousand three hundred fifty eight dollars ($270,358); to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Division of Land, Commerce and Public Safety in the amount of one hundred six thousand two hundred eighty seven dollars ($106,287); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Red Corn) Consideration of ONCA 14-12, An Act to provide an appropriation in the amount of seventy five thousand dollars ($75,000) for a grant donation to the City of Hominy for water treatment equipment and installation; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Maker) Throw OUR money around boys. Don't think we aren't paying attention.
Consideration of ONCA 14-33, An Act to authorize and appropriate ninety five thousand dollars ($95,000) to the Capital Asset and Improvement Fund for site restoration on the railroad right-of-way in Pawhuska; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Walker) Consideration of ONCA 14-34, An Act to authorize and appropriate eighteen thousand dollars ($18,000) to the Capital Asset and Improvement Fund for mural completion, preservation, and relocation on the Osage Campus; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Walker)
How the hell many government entities of the Osage Nation are around there buying land? Consideration of ONCA 13-100, An Act to authorize and appropriate seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000) to the Osage Nation Executive Branch and the Osage Nation Foundation for purchase of specific real property; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Edwards)
Here's another one -- ONCR 13-25, A Resolution to adopt Articles of Operation for the limited liability company, Osage Land Enterprise, LLC, to be formed under the Osage Nation Limited Liability Companies Act. (Edwards)
Sneak Sneak Sneak ONCA 14-25, An Act amend ONCA 13-90 to provide an appropriation modification to the Division of Child, Family and Senior Community Services; to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Division of Health and Wellness in the amount of two hundred seventy thousand three hundred fifty eight dollars ($270,358); to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Division of Land, Commerce and Public Safety in the amount of one hundred six thousand two hundred eighty seven dollars ($106,287); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Red Corn)
Response to April 4, 2014 at 3:22 PM. Hasn't anybody e v e r heard of Central Purchasing? With a damn fool system like this, at some point soon, different Osage Nation departments will start bidding against one another to purchase parcels of land. How crazy is that?
The FY 2015 projected revenue in tribal funding is $44,069,384. All to spend on themselves and this figure does not include any Federal funding whatsoever ($15 million). In 2006 they spend $15 million in tribal funding. In eight short years they have added another $29 million. How much of this money do you see or are you benefitted by on a yearly basis?
What does this new Energy Services LLC need a building for? ONCA 13-100, An Act to authorize and appropriate seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000) to the Osage Nation Executive Branch and the Osage Nation Energy Services, LLC for purchase of specific real property; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Edwards) When is this full of herself little creep ever going to start spending money on us Osage members who really need the money?
ONCA 14-16, An Act to provide an appropriation in the amount of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) to the Tribal Development and Land Acquisition Department for architectural design and preparation costs of the proposed Pawhuska Indian Village Dance Arbor; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Standing Bear) - This appropriation of 1/5 of a million dollars is for the plan and the design only. The whole thing built and finished shouldn't have to cost much more than that. What's this I'm hearing about another of Raymond Red Corn's kids moving to town to front this thing while making how much on the dole? This is out of control. Vote for Amanda Proctor to straighten up our house with a clean sweep out the door of all these blasted Red Corns collecting big bucks from the Osage Nation everywhere you turn.
"Despite allocation requests for the Hun-Kah session exceeding the amount of available funds by more than $2 million, the Osage Nation Congress approved multiple appropriations bills during the session’s second week." Guys, we have to get rid of these A-holes who consistently spend more that we have and take in. The Constitution prohibits this spending and still they do it in violation of what they are supposed to be doing to protect our money. See more at: http://barnsdalltimes.com/http:/barnsdalltimes.com/osage-county/osage-congress-earmarks-almost-300k-that-will-improve-railroad-right-of-way-village
And once again the winner is Edwards by 21 lengths.......... http://osagenation.co/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Third-Congress-Session-Absences-FY-2012-2014b.pdf
Bless his heart. JRE still wants to be someone of importance and doesn't know how, now that he has been removed. He had his chance and blew it ! Now that he no longer holds a position with the Nation he should not have been even allowed in the meeting. His trial comments, actions and now this just shows just how arrogant and clueless he is. Unbelievable ! I have for the most part always thought he was a nice guy but actions like this sure tarnish the picture.
ATTENTION:ATTENTION:ATTENTION:ATTENTION:ATTENTION It is time for political action in regards to ONCA 14-11 and ONCA 14-15. The passage of ONCA 14-11 will effectively bring down the “Wall Of Secrecy” that has been protecting the Osage LLC by amending the Open Records Act, making it possible for anyone who is interested in the truth to obtain records that are not proprietary, or personnel matters. ONCA 14-15 will require that 100% of the net revenue of the casinos to be remitted to the Osage Nation Treasury. Below is a message that I have sent to all Congress members and an email list with their addresses. Please feel free to copy this and send it as you wish, or create your own message. There is a file attached with complete contact info. It is time to bring truth and justice to our Nation. We must all stand up now and let our voices be heard in order to bring positive change and end business as usual. Please take a few minutes to tell Congress how you feel!
Dear Congress member, I am writing you today to respectfully request that you vote yes on ONCA 14-11 and ONCA 14-15. These bills will be a huge step forward for transparency and a sound fiscal policy for the Osage people. Please vote yes for these measures. Thank You, Jim Ryan Osage
Congress Email List dboone@osagecongress-nsn.gov, jfree@osagecongress-nsn.gov, rredcorn@osagecongress-nsn.gov, abuffalohead@osagecongress-nsn.gov, sedwards@osagecongress-nsn.gov, jjech@osagecongress-nsn.gov, amason@osagecongress-nsn.gov, jmaker@osagecongress-nsn.gov, gstandingbear@osagecongress-nsn.gov, Supernaws@sbcglobal.net, rwalker@osagecongress-nsn.gov, mwhitehorn@osagecongress-nsn.gov,
Raymond Red Corn, Speaker Speaker p: 918-287-5620 cell 918-287-7400 John Free, 2nd Speaker 2nd Speaker p: 918-287-5211 cell: 918-639-6115 Daniel Boone, Member Congressman p: 918-287-5691; cell 98-698-6489 Alice Buffalohead, Member Congresswoman p: 918-287-5541 cell: 918-688-7068 Shannon Edwards, Member Congresswoman p: 918-287-5627 cell: 405-850-6377 John Jech, Member Congressman p: 918-287-5542; other 918-287-1494 John Maker, Member Congressman p: 918-287-5690 cell: 918-740-5484 Archie Mason, Member Congressman p: 918-287-5622 cell: 918-810-4291 Geoffrey Standing Bear, Member Congressman p: 918-287-5210 cell: 918-728-1824 William "Kugee" Supernaw, Member Congressman p: 918-287-5687 cell: 918-724-1002 R. J. Walker, Member Congressman p: 918-287-5628 cell: 918-605-1921 Maria Whitehorn, Member Congresswoman p: 918-287-5207 cell: 918-760-0806
Agreed. "net revenue of the casinos to be remitted to the Osage Nation Treasury." We don't need to be "remitting" every dime of net income we make to the Osage Nation to run through like s**t through a goose. Ryan, where the Osage government is concerned, get an original thought of your own for once in your life. Don't we have enough cookie cutter spenders on the hill without you joining in? Standing Bear is trying to increase his legal arsenal with the added money from gaming to get into court with the water thing which will undermine and destroy what mineral estate protection we have left. It was his great-grandfather Chief Fred Lookout along with Chief Bigheart who went to Washington to secure those mineral rights in reserve for the Osage people. Right about now, I'll bet he's starting to spin.
Jim, all the information that will really tell you anything about the Osage, LLC has already been classified as records that are proprietary or personnel matters. Are you for real? That's the inept way they set the thing up in the LLC governing documents by the first ON Congress to follow the Harvard Project path of preventing tribal governments from ever being able to interfere in the business of Tribal businesses even to the point of preventing and circumventing directly, any transparency or accountability. Many of us who have been sitting on the sidelines have been crying foul on this Osage Nation entity FROM THE VERY FIRST DAY IT CAME INTO BEING. It will never work because it has been set up to diversify our businesses interests in a way that will never bring jobs to the Osage people because it's so complicated that Osages can't run it themselves and it will always be a bunch of non-Osages getting shamefully huge salaries, benefits and perks at the expense of the Osage people. We need a brand new business diversification entity that will open businesses and create jobs that will put Osages to work. That's the only diversification that makes sense which will benefit our Tribal community in the long run. The ones who what to keep the LLC alive have only been crying foul so they can get their people in there to have a level of control that they haven't been able to establish in the past. Don't be manipulated by these guys in government. It's all about the money from start to finish.
From the Harvard Crimson: "Tuition Will Increase by 3.9 Percent, Largest Percentage Increase in Seven Years--The $2,200 hike, which represents a 3.9 percent increase, brings the total cost of tuition, room, board, and other fees to $58,607 for the 2014-2015 school year."
60K x 4 = 240K for a BA or BS? Kids saddled with a quarter of a million bucks from the time they leave Harvard if they've had to borrow money to pay for it? How raw is that? It's BS to me. Send this a** on the mountain toffee-nosed school way down.
All I see there is the lost language of the Osage. It has been lately made up by supposedly native speakers. A large waste of money by the Osage Nation. The motive is the (requirement for recognition as a tribe) by the U. S. government. A much better use of the Nation's money would be to educate the people to better fit into the world..Maybe mandarin Chinese or Russian.
It isn't lost. It's thriving. Where have you been? If you don't know this then the Osage Nation Language Department hasn't done enough to get the word out there that classes are available in various locations, in the schools and with a bit of urging, the ON Congress will fund online courses for all Osages across the country. This will be a lot better than building another cultural center when we already have one established. See http://osagenews.org/article/oklahoma-standards-native-american-language-instructors-changed
THRIVING??? Has there ever been a test of the children who attended these classes in the public schools of Osage County to determine the retention of the information? Has the language department ever been audited for success of the adult classes. People who can't succeed in the real world don't need to be distracted with useless languages. If it is not learned at home it is not really a native language. Ask any Mexican American where he learned Spanish. Are speak from 1st hand knowledge or just winging it?
Did you read the article? Do you know about the program and how many it reaches? See the outreach it has and the awards they've won. See http://www.osagetribe.com/language/news_story.aspx?news_id=3122 and http://www.osagetribe.com/language/news_story.aspx?news_id=2354
Yes, I know about the program and the money spent on it. The news stories referenced are just feel good stories that give the unknowing a justification for this, how about the trip to Colorado each summer how many does that serve? "Ignorant and inflammatory" ????? the Osage people who believe their language is making a comeback and serving the people. The new Osage Nation website has a buffalo on its main page but the word tseh doesn't use the orthography from the old language pages. Compare http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/ and http://www.osagetribe.com/language/info_sub_page.aspx?subpage_id=14
Clearly you have a bone to pick and that's your business. I respect your opinion, but on this topic we will have to agree to disagree. I am exceedingly proud of Mogri Lookout and his efforts over the past decade to bring back the use of the Osage language. I find nothing wrong with this whatsoever. If it were left up to me, we would already have funding and a program up and running for online classes offered and available to every Osage no matter where they live. Other Tribal communities are also involved in language preservation. See http://www.osagenews.org/article/nonprofit-formed-help-funding-native-american-language-programs
From the Osage News Facebook page, a notification reads, "The Filing deadline for Osage Minerals Council candidates is 5 p.m., April 7. So, apparently this deadline has been extended out from the 31st of March.
The deadline to file to run for Osage Nation Congress is today, March 31, 2014 at 4:30 P.M.:
FROM THE OSAGE NATION ELECTION OFFICE REGARDING THE CONGRESSIONAL RACE: If you are wishing to file for candidacy please remember to bring the following with you:
1. Cashier's Check/Money Order made out to Osage Nation Election Office. Filing Fees are $300 for Congress. No personal checks or cash will be accepted.
2. Osage Nation Membership Card.
3. Driver's License
4. Proof of a separate bank account in the name of the candidate or the candidate's campaign.
To request filing forms please e-mail electionoffice@osagetribe.org or call 918-287-5286.
The list of General Election Candidates for 2014: 1. Alice Buffalohead 2. Dr. Ron Shaw 3. Otto Hamilton 4. Michael Kidder 5. Tony Whitehorn 6. Clair Wood 7. Doug Cowan 8. Homer Troy Big Eagle 9. Daniel Boone 10. Angela Marie Pratt 11. William “Kugee” Supernaw 12. James "Jim" Norris 13. Beverly Brownfield 14. Teresa Bates Rutherford 15. W. Jacque Jones 16. Justin Mays 17. John Starr Bighorse 18. Richard Luttrell 19. John Free 20. Joe Conner 21. Cecelia Tallchief
See the list as of yesterday, 3-31-14 at http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/what-we-do/elections/filing-for-candidacy and click on the text, 2014 General Election Filed Candidates.
I read the list of people running for Congress. Some I know and some I will have to become acquainted with as far as where they stand on various issues. However it is puzzling to me, why Daniel Boone wants to run, other than the money, as well as why anyone would want him as their congressman. It was reported, that this year he asked to not be on any congressional committees. One can only wonder why but one thought was he didn't have the time to devote because of his lawn mowing business. I want someone that will represent me, be a voice on committees, when needed and someone I can count on to be there and not just when their lawn mowing job doesn't interfere. As far as I am concerned he ain't it !f what we hear is correct he ducked out on the job this time around and why would we think we can count on him the next term ?
They have a new law with penalties if members of Congress don't participate on Committees. What kind of people are these who have to enact laws to make sure that the members of their Tribal Congress show up for a part-time job?
The 2014 Hun-Kah Session of the Osage Nation Congress has begun today. For information about this session see: http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/sessions http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/committee-information http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/legislation http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch
I find it very disturbing and cause for concern, that we have two congressmen that hope to be Chief and Asst Chief and right before elections there is an approbation bill on the table to be considered in the 2014 Hun-Kah session of congress for , of all things $250,000 for the office of the Chiefs! How convenient. This ranks right up there with the consideration of $200,000 to design a new Pawhuska arbor. What happened to the $800,000 the Pawhuska board stole? And isn't the arbor sitting on Pawhuska village property with money coming in from the Pawhuska casino? Isn't that their responsibility? I could say "I don't get it!" but I think, I really do...it's election time. There was a comment made by Raymond Red Corn on his recent update that we have 6 or so milion of obligated money in the treasury. So rather than put it back for a rainy day....lt's spend it! Oh..then there is a bill being put forth for a day care and center if Fairfax.
Well...it's iPad Ray. What do you expect? He's always behaved like money in the Osage Treasury is filthy and has to be gotten rid of as soon as possible. You know, the way people who have always been poor often behave when they come into big money because they're totally ignorant of how to manage it. He's not coming up with ideas to spend it on you and me who make up 85% of the membership now is he? You're always SOL where he's concerned and always will be. If he gets Ass. Chief we can only hope that Standing Bear sends him on a permanently revolving road trip for the next four years.
Everybody thinks the LLC was a bad deal for the Osage people -- What do you think the ROI is for the land in Osage county they have bought??? Most that no one else wanted.
Return On Investment. Most land in Osage County has limited potential. So what is the point of buying a bunch of land you can not develop into revenue production.
The last report given by the land aquisition department was about 5% ROI, better than any return we are getting on any of our bank deposits. Also you might consider that the money on deposit loses purchasing power due to inflation and the land values are increasing. Where are you getting the information that the land is unproductive? Are you listening to the Drummons?
Does this include the land with the railroad tracks on it? If so, who but you would ever buy it? Are you planning to open an Osage "meatpie" trolley ("meatpie" now patented to the Osage Nation)?
5% ROI? What are the taxes and how is is the property zoned? These factors govern rate of return on investment yearly as well as how marketable the property is once you purchase it and don't tell me that the property is appreciating 5% a year because it's just not true. To find the actual value or lack of value in owning the property, you have to deduct the hard cost of owning it including the taxes, maintenance and what the land can be used for once it's purchased. Thinking you can sell this idea on the basis of presenting half the story is insulting.
The ROi is the net return after property taxes and maintenance. No one is telling you that the property is appreciating 5% a year. Where did you get that? The fact is that it is appreciating in value while money on deposit is depreciating in purchasing power
The truth about the ROI is a little more complex and flexible than that and can be manipulated to suit the users purposes. It is expressed as an equation; ROI = The gain from the investment minus the cost of the investment equals (a number) and that figure is then divided by the cost of the investment (to derive the ratio or percent). What kind of income is the property expected to generate on the basis of what it is currently generating prior to the purchase? What is the zoning and what is it used for currently or expected to be used for by the Osage Nation? Do you really expect us to trust what the land acquisition department reports? The merit system department (HR) reports that the Osage Nation is paying what is standard in the area at $11.75 an hour when the Cherokee Tribe, the largest Native American employer in OK, is paying $9.50 an hour and the State of Oklahoma is paying $7.35 an hour. You can't have an ROI without showing an income gain on the property. Property appreciation won't cut it as a factor because it's market speculative and unrealized until you turn around and sell the property to a ready, willing and able buyer.
ROI on real estate investment properties is referred to as the Capitalization Rate. Review at http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/is-that-residential-real-estate-investment-property-worth-it.html
So to say the least the five man board is about to see what banishment means? Ah is this law a joke? And or a thousand dollar fine? And if this goes to trial what will come out? We need legislation brought to the table to preserve the asset from corruption of this sort from happening again. And my opinion this has happened before 2005. Monkey see monkey do, just got caught with your hand in the cookie jar.
In the real world of which these entitled men lived by, saw the loophole In the legislation, clearly took advantage. The law of whicn needs more legislation behind it. It just might be they may skate. This tells me that this sort of entitlement has gone on for some time. A year in jail does not qauntify. That's like a slap on the wrist. The judge should make them hold a special announcement and very public appology to their peers, band them, make them pay restitution and be prohibited to work for any company that has anything to do with the Nation period. With probation on top. Who designed this flawed law, dumb and dummer.
Hats off to you Alice. This is one of the BEST bills EVER introduced in the Osage Nation Congress: ONCA 14-32, An Act to require members of Congress to make attending regular and special sessions a priority over other employment; to place civil penalty on violation; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Buffalohead) GOOD FOR YOU!
FINALLY-- PENALTIES IN THE LAW! Hats off to you too Congressman Supernaw for introducing ONCA 14-30, An Act to establish penalties for violation of the Office of Fiscal and Performance Review law; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Supernaw). It's about time that we have a Tribal government governed by laws with penalties and not by custom. The latter would be OK if the ON government personnel and elected officials would operate on the honor system but we have come to learn a whole lot about the absence of that, now haven't we?
Berry vs. Gray. Who's the liar? http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2014/02/28/tribal-leader-says-he-witnessed-aggressive-outbursts-keith-harper-others-affirm-support Our very own a** kissn election loser back to writing articles for Indian newspapers and lying with every word he writes? http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2014/02/27/old-wounds-still-plague-keith-harpers-appointment-shouldnt
THIS is funny in a tragicomic way: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1408959639369337&set=a.1387739274824707.1073741827.100007659434619&type=1&theater
The Texas Osage Association Dallas/Fort Worth meeting will be held at 3:00 P.M. on Saturday April12, 2014. The meeting location will be the Mellow Mushroom restaurant, 3455 Blue Bonnet Circle, Fort Worth Texas 76109. It is located in the Blue Bonnet Circle historic district, very close to TCU. We hope that all the Osage in the DFW Metroplex area can attend. All candidates running for Osage office and all Osage are invited to share their platforms and ideas. Special thanks to Shan Whitehorn who was instrumental in finding the location and setting the date and time. We are still looking for anyone who will step up in the Houston area to set a meeting there. More at https://www.facebook.com/groups/234024393278360/?ref=br_rs
To who ever is in charge of this forum, I would like to make a suggestion to change the program you are using to enable it to highlight any web sites that are referenced in peoples post so that we can simply click on them and go directly to them. This shouldn't be difficult because it's done in just about all forums that I visit. It would make it much easier to follow things that posters reference for information. Thanks
No can do except at the top of the page where the links are live above the text that tells you how many comments are on it. I copy and paste the links into my browser and it works just fine. This Blog is a Google product that does not allow for live links except at the very top of the page.
WOW! Who has paid Individual Donations of $22,780 to Geoffrey Standing Bear's Campaign so far? Take a good look -- http://osagenews.org/article/candidates-fined-missing-deadline-second-round-campaign-reports
He's not interested in your vote. He's probably getting money from the ones who want him to capture the income being generated by the Mineral Trust. Think about it. He was Assistant Chief during the National Council days in the 1990's. Ray Theis and Eddy Red Eagle tried to mount a challenge to have the minerals taken over by the Nat. Coun. When that happened, Tillman, who was Chief at the time, had had enough and took the Osage National Council to court and won because it took an Act of Congress to make changes to the structure of the Osage Tribal government at that time. It was some law professor at Tulsa University who came up with the idea of the National Council in the first place and just guess who went to TU? This same professor came to a session of the Osage Congress one day and Standing Bear was behaving like he was in an audience with the Pope. I wouldn't have been surprised if he had knelt down and kissed the man's ring. With the dots on this page, how do you think they connect? Remember, it is Standing Bear who wants to give TU half a million bucks of your money that you need on a day to day basis -- http://www.osagetribe.com/congress/uploads/Legislation/Bills/2012/12-86/ONCA12-86.ORIGINAL.pdf
Dear Anonymous, you spread inaccuracies. Neither Professor Rice or Professor Echohawk were employed by the University of Tulsa during the time period you refer to which was the mid-1990's. They had absolutely nothing to do with the Osage Nation government. The National Council was created by vote of Osages. I was Assistant Chief of the Osage Tribal Council, not the later National Council. Both Charles Tillman and I were named defendants in the Fletcher lawsuit of that time.
Geoffrey, your post has no more citation than the other guy, some lawyer you are. As Assistant Chief to Tillman were you not just a figurehead? What executive acts did you do in that roll? Did you go to TU law school? Did you introduce a bill in the Osage Nation Congress to donate Osage Peoples' money to that law school? How much and why? What Fletcher case are you referring to?
The one that successfully took out the Osage National Council government back in the '90's. That's a slight of hand Mr. StandingBear. Rice was reported to be responsible for cooking up the premise that the Osages could form a new National Council government despite the 1906 Act. This is when it got thrown in the waste basket>>>>>>> http://openjurist.org/116/f3d/1315/fletcher-v-united-states-e
WTH!!!!!------- Committee Study of Osage, LLC Nomination · Joseph Paranteau · Tim Tallchief · Patsy Stuke Now they need to spend money to study that damn fool Osage LLC? I thought Tallchief walked off and quit when he didn't like what was happening with the other Health Board they didn't need any more than they need to fund this stupidity. Does it ever end with these idiots? Get rid of these people in the ballot box in June!!!!!! They're sick and twisted and they shouldn't ever have access to the Osage people's money.
Interesting ad on page 15 of April Osage News. Explains the process for the building of Ponca City and Skiatook casinos. Looks pretty straight forward to me. I find it strange Geoffrey StandingBear sponsored current session bill ONCA 14-15 which would require 100% net revenues to be sent to Osage Nation. It appears StandingBear voted to allow the casinos to retain excess of $40 million for years 2012-2017 to build casinos! His bill says annual plans of the casinos are too broad and vague. Did StandingBear attend any of the Gaming Enterprise Board scheduled meetings where the construction of the casinos was discussed? Did StandingBear not understand what he was voting for in 2012? Of course not, as we have heard so many times, he's an attorney!
I agree! I've heard some members of Congress have said they were surprised by the construction costs of the casinos. They need to answer these questions too prior to the elections. Let's hear from Congress!!
I agree and they act like they don't know. That arbor they built recently started out at $200K and was finally announced to cost $600K. Then the truth sneaks out that it really cost ONE MILLION AND A HALF DOLLARS of the Osage peoples money. That's a lot of money in people's pockets where it probably shouldn't be. You don't see them having any hearings on that one do you? You won't see the CEO of gaming, Neil Cornelius, before any Special Committee Congressional hearing to explain the $30 million dollars that they were over budget on the building of the Casinos either.
You need to read the Osage News article ~ there wasn't an overrun, Congress approved the funds! The question is whether Congress understood what they were doing!!!!!
Actually, they didn't know or there are a few of them who are claiming not to have known but only found out about the Board approving cost overruns of $30 million that the Congress knew nothing about until after the fact. If all this is true, it should come before a special committee of the Congress for a hearing so that the facts can be determined and any wrongdoing can be exposed. These Board members don't have a blank check and the Congress must find out what has been going on. The Osage people demand that this get sorted out right now and not after the election.
Time to fire the board members. No excuses. We want no excuses period from Congress either. We want details. Who was to authorize the Cost Overruns without consulting Congress? Time for a Federal Investigation. From the the top down. From the project mananager, superintendent, to over seeing said Contracts and finally, this is Osage Money demand your per-cap. This reflects the incompetence in all of you on the hill. If Standing bear would like to weigh on the matter now would be the time? What was the initial project forecast and the standard, the variances that allowed this bloat of B.S.
This occurred under the authority of Congress, including Standing Bear and ipad Ray. People wanting informed leadership shouldn't vote for either of them!
StandingBear and RedCorn have been shouting overruns. There weren't overruns, StandingBear and RedCorn and the rest of Congress gave the casino Board the authority to retain annual income above $40 million and build casinos with it! Stop believing their overrun BS and look at their voting record! Be informed!
You all are worried about cost over runs and want Congress to investigate. HA ! They can't even find out where the $800,000 dollars went that the Pawhuska board went by, by with and get it back. Congress is to busy voting themselves a raise and getting re-elected. Diring the upcoming debates we will hear a lot about transparency and accountability and as usual, nothing changes.
See ON Election Board approves ballot for June 2 general election at http://osagenews.org/article/election-board-approves-ballot-june-2-general-election
From the Osage News: The Petition against the planned Wind Farms in Osage County is now available at the Osage Minerals Council offices for signatures. The OMC respectfully asks that all Osages and Osage County residents who oppose the proposed wind farm sign the petition. For more information call the OMC offices at (918) 287-5433.
I agree and why can't someone post an online petition for us to sign. Look, all of us don't live in Pawhuska or for that matter Oklahoma. I would sign the petition in a heartbeat but can't go to Pawhuska to do it ! Here again, typical Osage lack of thinking and planning.
What's all this about first online Osage language class? Why hasn't it been advertised to the general Osage public? What a lousy new Tribal web site we have that nothing can be found on it unless you run a find for specific information.
HURRY! Questions for the Candidates at the Debate: You do not have to be a shareholder to send a question but the questions do have to pertain to the Osage Mineral Estate and the Osage Minerals Council. All questions ( one question per entry) are due by Friday, April 25, noon. Please send all questions to osagenews@osagenation-nsn.gov or call (918) 287-5668.
How convenient !! You talk about feathering your own nest ! There is a bill currently before congress, written by Shannon Edwards to raise the salary's and benefits for the Chief, Asst Chief, Speaker of the House, 2nd Speaker, all of Congress and Judges. Want to guess if it will pass or not ? How would you like to have a job where you can vote for your own raise and why isn't this being brought before the people ? Lets sit back and see wqho votes for this one. My guess will be, everyone. Is there no end to this stuff ?
Putrid as maggots on a festering carcass. If the stink fits, wear it. A raise for Edwards? She owes US money for all the days she has skipped on her obligation over the years as a representative of the people.
Judicial Branch>>>>>>> Salary PLUS $500 per day to show up for Oral arguments? $700 per day to show up in court and for Judges meetings? $500 for official attendance and ceremonial attendance? Talk about being $500-700 a day to death. What the hell is this? ONCA 14-39, An Act to set the annual salary and expense allowance for the Principal Chief, Assistant Principal Chief, Presiding Officers and Members of Congress, and Justices and Judges of the Osage Nation; to establish an alternate effective date. (Edwards) - See more at: http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/legislation
Sorry, but it appears that Edwards is trying to lower the base Congressional salary from $56,000 plus $9,000 for expenses ($65K total) to $53,000 plus $3000 for expenses ($56K total) plus an unspecified amount for fringe benefits.
There's going to be a new 13th Congressional Special Session and the Proclamation includes ONCA 14-39, An Act to set the annual salary and expense allowance for the Justices and Judges of the Osage Nation; to establish an alternate effective date. I guess Edwards wasn't successful in reducing the salaries and expenses for her fellow members of Congress. Over her dead body I'll bet. Funny!
TONIGHT! Osage Minerals Council Candidate Debate. See http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/events/osage-minerals-council-candidate-debate#zoom=9&lat=36.4257&lon=-96.66046&layers=T0B00
How on earth could they possibly be THIS STUPID? From the Osage News Facebook page---> This afternoon, the Third Osage Nation Congress members voted unanimously to support a resolution (ONCR 14-06 sponsored by Congresswoman Maria Whitehorn) that expresses "confidence in the abilities of the Osage LLC board to restructure and build our non-gaming business interests of the Osage Nation."
One word, insane. Why support a board that failed, lost revenues in the million? STUPID. MARIA WHITEHORN, care to justify this move with your constituency?
Yes, I will explain why I put forth the resolution that was affirmed by 12 members of Congress.
There has been a complete board turn over in the past 17 months, starting September 2012, Jim Parris and Dave Stewart where confirmed to the board, and on Friday Tim Tallchief was confirmed by Congress. These new board members have stepped up knowing the challenge they face and are serving in these board positions offering their business, administrative, and accounting expertise to make a difference and to effect change in our company's performance.
Osage LLC has had only one CEO since its inception and as of March 31, 2014 he is no longer with the company, but the Osage Nation is still here, we still own this company, and it does have assets. The people involved in poor business decisions of the past are no longer with Osage LLC. There is a complete turnover in management.
The current board members Stewart, Parris and Tallchief are searching for new talent to fill the top management position of our company. This person will be responsible for restructuring, creating profitability, and regaining the confidence of the Nation's governing bodies and public. Although extremely unpopular, the board has been peeling back the layers, so we the governing body and you the Osage public have an accurate reporting of what assets remain of Osage LLC. Even though Stewart and Parris were not involved in the business decisions which were the cause of the losses, they have diligently performed their board duties by revealing an accurate valuation of the company's assets and have shouldered the criticism.
It is necessary for the Osage Nation to diversify its revenue stream. Gaming has been phenomenal, but it would be unwise to remain solely dependent on a single stream of revenue. From my vantage point-- complete turnover in management, the drive to restructure the assets we hold, and an expression of confidence in the people tasked with the heavy lifting to move this company forward is the best option.
As Chair of the Commerce and Economic Development committee I interface with the LLC board. They asked the committee for two things: first to confirm new board members, and second to publicly express a word of confidence in their efforts to move the LLC forward. I have done both and will face the criticism. I have great hope for a turn around. It will be difficult and the board realizes at this point, capital is not an option.
A word in closing, I have never voted "yes" for any appropriation of Osage dollars to the LLC. The last capital appropriation of 2.6 million Congress approved, was amended by me so the 1.5 million requested for 8(A) bonding purposes included in the total request remain in the treasury of the Osage Nation until bonding is required (it is still there) and then voted "no" for the appropriation.
Thank you for nothing. Maria, do you and the rest of the Osage Congress take all of us for idiots? Do you actually believe that you can refute the loss of ELEVEN MILLION DOLLARS OF THE OSAGE PEOPLES MONEY BY THE OSAGE, LLC., IN SEVEN SHORT PARAGRAPHS? If so, then you entirely underestimate your constituents. GET RID OF THIS TAWDRY LOSER or one by one, we will get rid of you for not acting on your Constitutional mandate to REPRESENT THE WILL OF THE OSAGE PEOPLE. Let me repeat this so it is perfectly clear, terminate the Osage, LLC and do it as soon as possible. Act on Geoffrey StandingBear's old legislation to get rid of it. Then, start over with a new entity that actually has the chance of successfully diversifying our business interests with accountability and transparency to BOTH the Osage Nation government and the Osage people. MY ___! What in the world does it take to get through to you intractable people who are elected to "serve" as opposed to "rule" in the Osage Congress?
I agree we need to split the Osage llc. Opps meant to say thanks foe posting here. My hope Mr. Tall Chief will make a informed decision to do as such. Like I said we need an oversite commitee to look at the assets, move the toxic waste. This is done all the time. Why is this not happening? What is there to hide, you either have bad and or sound investments, list them? Maria, I get the support factor, but moral majority suggests you do more, one either can the Osage LLC WHICHEVER, we would like to know why you are such a taunch support of a catastrophic loss of 11 millon dollars? And why do you wish to continue to allow another formation of another board to do the same all over again. Maria, with all respect you are talking with someone who has a heavy back ground in Business Management and Acounting background and numbers speak in volumes. Do you not know when to say No more waste at the expense to the Constituency?
Do I have this right? Kugee < whine central on the Osage, LLC. for the last four years - voted to continue with this damn thing? This just can't be true. Has he gone belly up or what? I'm hearing rumors about him not being quite right anymore. If he voted to support that crazy Osage, LLC then this confirms it. Whatever the reason, his bad for sure.
Woah! Things have whipped up into a hurricane today on the Shareholder side of this Blog at http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2014/03/osage-shareholder-matters-march-2014.html Geoffrey StandingBear you have a lot to answer for and to explain to the Shareholders over there........
I told those Dip S**ts not to get involved with building cash draining hotels on the Ponca City and Skiatook properties five years ago when they were so rabid to compete with the Cherokee. Now look at this on the Osage Nation Congress Congressional Affairs Committee Meeting Agenda on May 6, 2014: 7. Finley and Cook Appropriation for a Study for Return on Investment for Ponca and Skiatook and Amended Engagement Letter.
PUBLIC NOTICE FROM THE OSAGE NEWS--ATTENTION: The Osage News needs questions for its 2014 General Election candidate debate for the congressional candidates. We will only accept one question per entry. Please include your first and last name and your city and state. All questions are due by Friday, May 2, by 4:30 p.m. Please send all questions to osagenews@osagenation-nsn.gov or call us at (918) 287-5668.
The Osage News staff has drawn the order for the debate schedule for the general election candidates who will debate May 3-4 at the Wah-Zha-Zhi Cultural Center. See https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews
Geoffrey Standing Bear, account for yourself and give us an explanation of what is going on here!!!!!! GO TO http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2014/04/osage-shareholder-matters-april-2014.html
Available on demand: Video - Osage News Sponsored Minerals Council Candidate Debat - See more at: http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/video-osage-news-sponsored-minerals-council-candidate-debate
Jim Gray is hosting a shindig called the Osage Candidates Forum on Tuesday, May 20at 6:00pm - 9:00pm in CDT at the Skiatook Osage Casino. More information is available at https://www.facebook.com/events/251888561662578/?ref=3&ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular
I sure as heck don't. She's got money problems. If she gets elected and put out of office, that will leave iPad Ray or Amanda Proctor as Chief of the Osages. Holy HOOT! Just imagine what that will be like.
Is that really such a bad idea? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1452062351696535&set=a.1432688360300601.1073741827.100006783515116&type=1&theater
If you can, attend the Osage County Commissioners meeting on Monday morning at 10:00 a.m. Will someone take the leadership initiative to call the Osage Agency and ask the Superintendent to attend it too? Thank you.
When is Mineral Council Election Board Supervisor, Faren Revard going to get off her duff and put out a certified or official list of Minerals Council Candidates? http://www.osagenews.org/article/candidates-file-third-osage-minerals-council
Is this the complete list? William St. John, Galen Crum, Cheryl Potts, Kathryn Redcorn, Curtis Bear, Everett Waller, Linda Heskett, Myron Red Eagle, Melvin Core, R.E. Yarbrough, Joe Cheshewalla, Talee Redcorn, Ray McClain, Kenneth B. Bighorse, Andrew Yates, Cynthia Boone, Stephanie Erwin.
"How to" measure guide for men's custom made shirts. See the Tutorial at http://www.woodiesclo.com/how-to-guide-1/ You never know when you might need this to buy one.
The May 3, Debate is available at Video - Osage News Sponsored Principal Chief and Assistant Principal Chief Candidate Debates. See http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/video-osage-news-sponsored-principal-chief-and-assistant-principal-chief-candidate
When are they going to list again who works for the Osage Nation government like they did before on the old web site? http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/departments As you can plainly see, there isn't a name in sight.
Osage Nation notification: The County Commissioners have affirmed the Board of Adjustment's authority to hear debate and vote on the wind projects. This Thursday's Board of Adjustment meeting at 6pm is going to be pivotal. It is open to the public, so please plan to join us!
Wichita Falls, Tx is at this time recycling waste water, their two supply lakes are nearly dry. Does use of fossel fuel and global warming have any contribution. They also claim oil well fracking is draining the water sources. When will the Osage County towns be in this condition? Windfams convert wind to electrical energy without the harmful emission coal and oil. Are the Osage People going to be part of the solution or part of the problem? We will all suffer when there is no more water..
Fantastic News! The Wind farm permit for the new Trade wind Energy project gets sent down and denied by the Board of Adjustment. See http://barnsdalltimes.com/http:/barnsdalltimes.com/news/tradewind-denied-permit-for-wind-farm-on-osage-prairie
Chiefs and Congressional Candidate Debates are now up for on demand watching on the internet too at http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/update1-video-osage-news-sponsored-principal-chief-assistant-principal-chief-and
Amanda Proctor Meet and Greet tonight in Bartlesville at 7:00 p.m. at TK's Steak House, 3121 SE Frank Phillips Blvd., ---> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=316925741792337&set=a.300363663448545.1073741829.300063760145202&type=1&theater
So. Standing Bear is now partnered with Amanda and not Raymond. That means she comes under his cloud on that Fed. Chartered Corp. to end the ME Trust? Woah! This is one wild election!
Revard Reunion and Candidate Rally! See http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/events/revard-reunionrally#zoom=9&lat=36.4257&lon=-96.66046&layers=T0B00
Chief BigHorse vetoes banishment bill targeting drug dealers? What's the back story on this? http://osagenews.org/article/chief-bighorse-vetoes-banishment-bill-targeting-drug-dealers
Amid Opposition, Extension School Club of Harvard Will Hold Satanic Black Mass Demonstration at http://www.thecrimson.com/article/2014/5/11/black-mass-extension-school/ Apparently, it's been cancelled but how did this thing ever gain any ground to begin with?
Who besides those in the employ of the Osage Nation government doesn't? Excerpt from an e-mail outlining the cash appropriations and asset transfers to the Osage LLC: "Below are the Capital Infusions bills to the Osage LLC. The property transfers are also below; I do not believe that any of them were put in legislation. ONCA 08-30 $1,000,000 15 Oct 08 ONCA 09-35 $3,000,000 17 Apr 09 ONCA 09-77 $7,500,000 14 Apr 10 ONCA 11-61 $5,000,000 20 Apr 11 ONCA 12-112 $2,600,000* 06 Dec 12 *$1,500,000 set aside to use as collateral for the purpose of Bonding and is maintained in the Osage Nation Treasury until Bonding is required. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Real Estate Property $388,794* January 2009 Osage Data $99,162** June 2009 Osage Gift Shop $210,999** June 2009 Palace of the Osage $785,596** October 2009 Tulsa Airpark $5,332,446** June 2009 * Value as recorded from the Osage Nation Properties Department Expenditures ** Value as recorded by Osage LLC (2009 Annual Report, dtd 7 Apr 10)" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The losses all in, are in the neighborhood of SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLARS of the Osage people's money; a reported $800.00 per every single man, woman and child who are members of the Osage Nation. Are you really fool enough to believe that Tim TallChief and a few new Board members of the Osage LLC are going to turn this thing around? It flatlined the minute they started it up because it's business documents are a near clone of Lance Morgan's Harvard Project concept of a business diversity vehicle that has done anything but, in the hands of the Osage Nation. Carol Leese brought the nails for the coffin and drove them in better than anyone else ever could have done. Do the right thing and bury it before it eats through more of the Osage people's money. Do we have to make a formal request in writing for a hearing of the U.S. Congress so that those in the National Indian Gaming Commission and the Osage Nation Congress with the Chief of the Osage Nation will have to account for themselves and why they have continued to feed or allow to be fed this Osage, LLC with gaming funds that are supposed to specifically benefit the members of the Osage Nation?
Will it ever stop!!!! On March 19th, Morgan Currey with the Attorney General Office was in a private meeting with the Director of the Tax Commission regarding our laws and the renewal of the compact with the state. The former principal chief came into the meeting and proceeded to reprimand Ms. Currey for testifying in the removal hearing. Driving her to tears, he then sat down in the room and stayed until the meeting was over!! Employees who do the "right thing" should be subjected to this type of treatment while working for the Osage Nation! OF COURSE IT WAS ALL COINCIDENTAL THAT HE CAME IN WHILE SHE WAS THERE!!!! Would a true a true "Man of God" do such a thing or is it HYPOCRISCY?
ReplyDeleteI have always said he was hypocrite. And very bitter he can't see his lies and if I were him I wouldn't show my face. He shamed himself. In front of his peers and still is. Shame on you former Chief. Stamped forever on his forehead well you get it.
DeleteSounds like the Tax Commission Director set up Curry and the former chief is blaming her for what he did. Curry needs to file a grievance now. The director of the tax commission needs to be careful. She is really pushing it. There is no statue of limitations on some criminal charges in the Osage Nation.
DeleteGOOD NEWS! A new Farmer's Market at https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews/photos/a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153/669686766425487/?type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf
ReplyDeleteFor up to the minute reports from the Osage News, see https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews
Reminder: The filing period for Congress is March 15, 2014 through March 31, 2014. See the FAQ at http://www.osagetribe.com/electionboard/info_sub_page.aspx?subpage_id=2
ReplyDeleteMore FOS from the Osage Congress... they raised the minimum wage to $11.50 and said that this was competitive for the area. It's another lie. The biggest Indian employer in Oklahoma is the Cherokee and they've just raised their minimum wage to $9.50!!!!!!!! Minimum wage is the State of Oklahoma is $7.50. >>>>>>>>> http://www.cherokee.org/News/Video/tabid/1577/tid/227/Default.aspx That's $530,000 higher a year for the Osage Nation government employees than the Cherokee!!!!! Get rid of these big spenders in the Congress in June and go with those who won't throw money around like it's a Pirate Treasure to be divvied up among themselves that they have no respect for whatsoever.
ReplyDeleteSome employees that make the $11.50 per hour still qualify for food stamps and WIC and free lunches because they fit the income guidelines. So don't fool yourself or others into thinking some $11.50 per hour Osage Nation employee is living high on the hog. In fact the livable wage is the only way some Osages are ever going to get a piece of the "treasure" as you call it and that is through hard work. The employees that have a headright or a portion of a headright are the ones who feel entitled to not HAVE to work at their jobs and feel it is their right tohave a job and not work. I have heard it time and time again. "The boss can't do nothing to me, I am Osage". At the same time Osages without that comfort pad of a headright or a portion of a headright work very hard and put in a full days work. There are many "sonny boys" and "princesses" on the hill and those are the ones everyone hears about and not the ones who will come in on a weekend when there is a emergency or stay late to help someone.
DeleteExcellent ripost! These "entitled" Osages should be identified and cut out of the herd. There is no room for an attitude like that in Osage government. The switch to the new form of government was supposed to take that part of the old system out and destroy it. The Merit System is another part of the Osage government that isn't yet working properly. Just because you're Osage doesn't mean you can pull rank. All the same, I'm not letting the Osage Congress off the hook. They have misrepresented to the Osage people over and over again about what the average pay scale is in the area accepting these dishonest in-house studies and letting it go at that. The truth is that minimum wage in Okla. is $7.25 and the largest Indian employer in the State is now paying $9,50. The Cherokee value money. That's why they've grown and prospered. The Osages elected in government always seem to have a profoundly immature and cavalier attitude about money and have thrown it around as long as it benefits the special class that they have created of Osage members who work for the government. This is just as bad, if not worse, as having a government revolve entirely around the headright owners because it is a Constitutional form of government that is supposed to treat every single member fairly and equitably. The excuse is always that they don't have enough money to go around but I challenge such underhanded misrepresentations when they have thrown millions at that LLC even when they have known that it's a loser and should have gotten rid of it years and millions of dollars ago. Add that campus plan that will not ever pay as an investment of the people's money. ALL of the Osage People FIRST and not just those who are old and young. Those in between are living Osages too and they deserve respect and representation for their needs and wants with legislative appropriations as well.
DeleteI-Pad Ray ( Raymond Red Corn ) is one of the biggest spenders on the hill and one of the biggest supporters of throwing money at the LLC. I would suspect that he also supported the minimum wage increase. I don't begrudge our employees a raise but would want it based on facts and not lies about what the minimum wage is in the area. Remember this when you vote.
DeleteI suspect that he has supported all those boards and commissions including the latest one for this Farmer's Market. They need that board or any more of them like they need a hole in the head. This is just another way to slyly justify keeping the money out of your hands with a per-cap, allowing them to distribute the loot among themselves. Those boards and commissions eat up between TEN and FIFTEEN MILLION DOLLARS YEARLY. The only ones they really need are the gaming board and the Osage, LLC Board and those two are utterly worthless. The were supposed to protect the interest of the Osage Nation and the money of the Osage people but what they do is fully represent the interests of the business entity instead. In fact, there is information out there that they are using the veil of proprietary information to try and hide the money they do spend from the Congress and the Osage people and further, have tried to intimidate the members of Congress, who are our oversight against corruption into keeping quiet about the level of the depth of corruption going on today. Raymond is the first one to tip board people off against his fellow members of Congress who are seeking to act on their duty of oversight resulting in diminishment and destruction of the power and prestige of HIS OWN BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT! It's just now coming out that the gaming board has approved an unauthorized additional $30 million DOLLARS above the $50 million that the Osage Congress authorized when they told us it was only going to cost $25 million in total. Ask Raymond about that and he will probably lie to you or claim he knows nothing about it. Between the Boards and Commissions and this gaming construction debacle, that's FORTY-FIVE MILLION DOLLARS out of your pocket or $4,000-$4,500 for every member of the Osage Nation in the last year alone. Get rid of these people before they spend us into the ground. Now they have given approval to line up loans for the Campus Plan and that thing is advertised to be green but what they don't tell us is that the green is an add-on. It's how they try and fool us with initial numbers for the cost of the entire project that they know are false from the minute they put it out there. The Casinos ran us 60% over budget from the original $25 million that they said it would cost. Imagine if Part I of the Campus Plan runs that much over advertised budget. Before all phases of it are complete and we have no idea how many there will be, it could actually cost TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS BEFORE THE FINAL INVOICE COMES IN FOR PAYMENT. We will be buried in a mountain of debt for years and years and believe me, the people in this Congress leave every indication that they don't care about the future. Paying out money and taking out loans to further their ridiculous and pitifully unfounded ego trips is all they seem to care about at the expense of every single Osage member. Remember, Raymond voted to fund that lawsuit that took out our reservation status. It's time for him to pay for what he's done and keep in mind, he want's to stay the course of the disastrous path this new government has been on that he has in large part helped to create and set in motion from the very beginning.
DeleteGood post. The job of these government officials isn't to be prideful. It's to make us proud by what they do for all of the Osage people and how they do it.
DeleteHere we go with the spending again when all of the funding has already been appropriated in September of last year for FY2014:
ReplyDeleteConsideration of ONCA 13-26, An Act to provide an appropriation in the amount of one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) to Home Health to establish hospice services; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Buffalohead)
Consideration of ONCA 13-68, An Act to appropriate the sum of seventy thousand dollars ($70,000) to the Home Health Board for emergency cash flow; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Standing Bear)
Oh. These too:
TOXIC!!! TOXIC!!! TOXIC!!! Consideration of ONCA 12-68, An Act to establish law governing the management, permitting, and use of water within the Osage Nation; to provide penalties for violation of the Act; to establish the Office of the Osage Nation Water Engineer; to provide a process for hearings and appeals; and to provide a limited waiver of sovereign immunity. (Standing Bear) WTF? A taste of the future where this guy, if he's elected Chief will bring heaven and earth down upon us coming straight from the State of Oklahoma? Who does he think he is? Jim Gray? This will be as bad or worse than that EPA legislation Gray tried to slip through that tore up everybody in Osage County. TOXIC!!! TOXIC!!! TOXIC!!!
Consideration of ONCA 13-97, an Act to require all correspondence from the U.S. Department of the Interior and its Bureau of Indian affairs to be copied to the Osage Nation Congress; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Standing Bear) Getting into mineral business again?
Consideration of ONCA 13-17, An Act to provide an appropriation in the amount of forty thousand dollars ($40,000) to the Hominy Fitness Center for the purpose of moving its location; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Supernaw) Who needs this much money to move?
Consideration of ONCA 13-79, An act to provide an appropriation to the Tribal Development and Land Acquisition Department for the architectural design, planning and construction of a new wellness facility in Hominy; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Maker) WTF? They spend money to move and then build a new facility to move to again?
Private School and Charter School Discussion. For whom?
You could get sick enough to puke over all they spend on government sprawl, the old and the young with little if anything for anyone in between who isn't getting a paycheck from the almighty Osage Nation. We're living things too but they way they spend money you would never know it.
DeleteReview the list of FY2014 spending bills at http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/legislation
DeleteThey have a new bill, ONCA 14-23, to give $125K for the Attorney General’s office for water rights work. If the minerals estate is going to suffer diminishment for what happens with this water issue just like they did with the tax reservation lawsuit that robbed us of our Federal Reservation status, this matter should come under the umbrella of the Minerals Council to oversee and manage not the crazed idiots of the Osage Nation.
DeleteWTF? Consideration of ONCR 14-06, A Resolution to express the support of the Osage Nation for its business entity, Osage, LLC, and to express confidence in the ability of the Osage, LLC Board to restructure and build our non-gaming business interests. (Maria Whitehorn). This HS ENTITY has lost more money of what that stupid Congress has given to them than they still have on the books!!!!!!! You are way out of line Maria. I thought you had some smarts. That impression ends right now.
DeleteConsideration of ONCA 14-10, An Act to provide an appropriation in the amount of three million three hundred two thousand five hundred dollars to the Properties Department for project costs to build the Osage Fairfax Child Care and Senior Center; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Standing Bear) Obviously Standing Bear is trying to buy votes with this one. This is insane. It's always OC children, seniors and employees with this selfish SOB.
DeleteConsideration of ONCA 14-25, An Act amend ONCA 13-90 to provide an appropriation modification to the Division of Child, Family and Senior Community Services; to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Division of Health and Wellness in the amount of two hundred seventy thousand three hundred fifty eight dollars ($270,358); to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Division of Land, Commerce and Public Safety in the amount of one hundred six thousand two hundred eighty seven dollars ($106,287); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Red Corn)
DeleteConsideration of ONCA 14-12, An Act to provide an appropriation in the amount of seventy five thousand dollars ($75,000) for a grant donation to the City of Hominy for water treatment equipment and installation; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Maker)
Throw OUR money around boys. Don't think we aren't paying attention.
Consideration of ONCA 14-33, An Act to authorize and appropriate ninety five thousand dollars ($95,000) to the Capital Asset and Improvement Fund for site restoration on the railroad right-of-way in Pawhuska; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Walker)
DeleteConsideration of ONCA 14-34, An Act to authorize and appropriate eighteen thousand dollars ($18,000) to the Capital Asset and Improvement Fund for mural completion, preservation, and relocation on the Osage Campus; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Walker)
How the hell many government entities of the Osage Nation are around there buying land? Consideration of ONCA 13-100, An Act to authorize and appropriate seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000) to the Osage Nation Executive Branch and the Osage Nation Foundation for purchase of specific real property; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Edwards)
DeleteHere's another one -- ONCR 13-25, A Resolution to adopt Articles of Operation for the limited liability company, Osage Land Enterprise, LLC, to be formed under the Osage Nation Limited Liability Companies Act. (Edwards)
DeleteSneak Sneak Sneak ONCA 14-25, An Act amend ONCA 13-90 to provide an appropriation modification to the Division of Child, Family and Senior Community Services; to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Division of Health and Wellness in the amount of two hundred seventy thousand three hundred fifty eight dollars ($270,358); to provide a supplemental appropriation to the Division of Land, Commerce and Public Safety in the amount of one hundred six thousand two hundred eighty seven dollars ($106,287); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Red Corn)
DeleteResponse to April 4, 2014 at 3:22 PM. Hasn't anybody e v e r heard of Central Purchasing? With a damn fool system like this, at some point soon, different Osage Nation departments will start bidding against one another to purchase parcels of land. How crazy is that?
DeleteThe FY 2015 projected revenue in tribal funding is $44,069,384. All to spend on themselves and this figure does not include any Federal funding whatsoever ($15 million). In 2006 they spend $15 million in tribal funding. In eight short years they have added another $29 million. How much of this money do you see or are you benefitted by on a yearly basis?
DeleteWhat does this new Energy Services LLC need a building for? ONCA 13-100, An Act to authorize and appropriate seven hundred fifty
Deletethousand dollars ($750,000) to the Osage Nation Executive Branch and the Osage Nation Energy Services, LLC for purchase of specific real property; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Edwards) When is this full of herself little creep ever going to start spending money on us Osage members who really need the money?
She's full of more than that!
DeleteONCA 14-16, An Act to provide an appropriation in the amount of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) to the Tribal Development and Land Acquisition Department for architectural design and preparation costs of the proposed Pawhuska Indian Village Dance Arbor; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Standing Bear) - This appropriation of 1/5 of a million dollars is for the plan and the design only. The whole thing built and finished shouldn't have to cost much more than that. What's this I'm hearing about another of Raymond Red Corn's kids moving to town to front this thing while making how much on the dole? This is out of control. Vote for Amanda Proctor to straighten up our house with a clean sweep out the door of all these blasted Red Corns collecting big bucks from the Osage Nation everywhere you turn.
Delete"Despite allocation requests for the Hun-Kah session exceeding the amount of available funds by more than $2 million, the Osage Nation Congress approved multiple appropriations bills during the session’s second week." Guys, we have to get rid of these A-holes who consistently spend more that we have and take in. The Constitution prohibits this spending and still they do it in violation of what they are supposed to be doing to protect our money. See more at: http://barnsdalltimes.com/http:/barnsdalltimes.com/osage-county/osage-congress-earmarks-almost-300k-that-will-improve-railroad-right-of-way-village
DeleteAnd once again the winner is Edwards by 21 lengths.......... http://osagenation.co/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Third-Congress-Session-Absences-FY-2012-2014b.pdf
ReplyDeleteMore candidates have filed. See https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews
ReplyDeleteThe Osage News has candidate information at http://osagenews.org/articles/Candidates
DeleteBless his heart. JRE still wants to be someone of importance and doesn't know how, now that he has been removed. He had his chance and blew it !
ReplyDeleteNow that he no longer holds a position with the Nation he should not have been even allowed in the meeting. His trial comments, actions and now this just shows just how arrogant and clueless he is. Unbelievable ! I have for the most part always thought he was a nice guy but actions like this sure tarnish the picture.
ReplyDeleteIt is time for political action in regards to ONCA 14-11 and ONCA 14-15. The passage of ONCA 14-11 will effectively bring down the “Wall Of Secrecy” that has been protecting the Osage LLC by amending the Open Records Act, making it possible for anyone who is interested in the truth to obtain records that are not proprietary, or personnel matters. ONCA 14-15 will require that 100% of the net revenue of the casinos to be remitted to the Osage Nation Treasury. Below is a message that I have sent to all Congress members and an email list with their addresses. Please feel free to copy this and send it as you wish, or create your own message. There is a file attached with complete contact info. It is time to bring truth and justice to our Nation. We must all stand up now and let our voices be heard in order to bring positive change and end business as usual. Please take a few minutes to tell Congress how you feel!
Dear Congress member,
I am writing you today to respectfully request that you vote yes on ONCA 14-11 and ONCA 14-15. These bills will be a huge step forward for transparency and a sound fiscal policy for the Osage people. Please vote yes for these measures.
Thank You,
Jim Ryan Osage
Congress Email List
dboone@osagecongress-nsn.gov, jfree@osagecongress-nsn.gov, rredcorn@osagecongress-nsn.gov, abuffalohead@osagecongress-nsn.gov, sedwards@osagecongress-nsn.gov, jjech@osagecongress-nsn.gov, amason@osagecongress-nsn.gov, jmaker@osagecongress-nsn.gov, gstandingbear@osagecongress-nsn.gov, Supernaws@sbcglobal.net, rwalker@osagecongress-nsn.gov, mwhitehorn@osagecongress-nsn.gov,
Raymond Red Corn, Speaker Speaker
p: 918-287-5620 cell 918-287-7400
John Free, 2nd Speaker 2nd Speaker
p: 918-287-5211 cell: 918-639-6115
Daniel Boone, Member Congressman
p: 918-287-5691; cell 98-698-6489
Alice Buffalohead, Member Congresswoman
p: 918-287-5541 cell: 918-688-7068
Shannon Edwards, Member Congresswoman
p: 918-287-5627 cell: 405-850-6377
John Jech, Member Congressman
p: 918-287-5542; other 918-287-1494
John Maker, Member Congressman
p: 918-287-5690 cell: 918-740-5484
Archie Mason, Member Congressman
p: 918-287-5622 cell: 918-810-4291
Geoffrey Standing Bear, Member Congressman
p: 918-287-5210 cell: 918-728-1824
William "Kugee" Supernaw, Member Congressman
p: 918-287-5687 cell: 918-724-1002
R. J. Walker, Member Congressman
p: 918-287-5628 cell: 918-605-1921
Maria Whitehorn, Member Congresswoman
p: 918-287-5207 cell: 918-760-0806
Boy, someone had a little Standing Bear campaign Kool-Aid for breakfast this morning!
DeleteAgreed. "net revenue of the casinos to be remitted to the Osage Nation Treasury." We don't need to be "remitting" every dime of net income we make to the Osage Nation to run through like s**t through a goose. Ryan, where the Osage government is concerned, get an original thought of your own for once in your life. Don't we have enough cookie cutter spenders on the hill without you joining in? Standing Bear is trying to increase his legal arsenal with the added money from gaming to get into court with the water thing which will undermine and destroy what mineral estate protection we have left. It was his great-grandfather Chief Fred Lookout along with Chief Bigheart who went to Washington to secure those mineral rights in reserve for the Osage people. Right about now, I'll bet he's starting to spin.
DeleteJim, all the information that will really tell you anything about the Osage, LLC has already been classified as records that are proprietary or personnel matters. Are you for real? That's the inept way they set the thing up in the LLC governing documents by the first ON Congress to follow the Harvard Project path of preventing tribal governments from ever being able to interfere in the business of Tribal businesses even to the point of preventing and circumventing directly, any transparency or accountability. Many of us who have been sitting on the sidelines have been crying foul on this Osage Nation entity FROM THE VERY FIRST DAY IT CAME INTO BEING. It will never work because it has been set up to diversify our businesses interests in a way that will never bring jobs to the Osage people because it's so complicated that Osages can't run it themselves and it will always be a bunch of non-Osages getting shamefully huge salaries, benefits and perks at the expense of the Osage people. We need a brand new business diversification entity that will open businesses and create jobs that will put Osages to work. That's the only diversification that makes sense which will benefit our Tribal community in the long run. The ones who what to keep the LLC alive have only been crying foul so they can get their people in there to have a level of control that they haven't been able to establish in the past. Don't be manipulated by these guys in government. It's all about the money from start to finish.
DeleteFrom the Harvard Crimson: "Tuition Will Increase by 3.9 Percent, Largest Percentage Increase in Seven Years--The $2,200 hike, which represents a 3.9 percent increase, brings the total cost of tuition, room, board, and other fees to $58,607 for the 2014-2015 school year."
Delete60K x 4 = 240K for a BA or BS? Kids saddled with a quarter of a million bucks from the time they leave Harvard if they've had to borrow money to pay for it? How raw is that? It's BS to me. Send this a** on the mountain toffee-nosed school way down.
DeleteBefore it disappears, learn something important... See http://www.osagetribe.com/language/info_sub_page.aspx?subpage_id=14
ReplyDeleteAll I see there is the lost language of the Osage. It has been lately made up by supposedly native speakers. A large waste of money by the Osage Nation. The motive is the (requirement for recognition as a tribe) by the U. S. government. A much better use of the Nation's money would be to educate the people to better fit into the world..Maybe mandarin Chinese or Russian.
DeleteIt isn't lost. It's thriving. Where have you been? If you don't know this then the Osage Nation Language Department hasn't done enough to get the word out there that classes are available in various locations, in the schools and with a bit of urging, the ON Congress will fund online courses for all Osages across the country. This will be a lot better than building another cultural center when we already have one established. See http://osagenews.org/article/oklahoma-standards-native-american-language-instructors-changed
DeleteTHRIVING??? Has there ever been a test of the children who attended these classes in the public schools of Osage County to determine the retention of the information? Has the language department ever been audited for success of the adult classes. People who can't succeed in the real world don't need to be distracted with useless languages. If it is not learned at home it is not really a native language. Ask any Mexican American where he learned Spanish. Are speak from 1st hand knowledge or just winging it?
DeleteSuch remarks couldn't be more ignorant and inflammatory to every Osage alive today.
DeleteDid you read the article? Do you know about the program and how many it reaches? See the outreach it has and the awards they've won. See http://www.osagetribe.com/language/news_story.aspx?news_id=3122 and http://www.osagetribe.com/language/news_story.aspx?news_id=2354
DeleteYes, I know about the program and the money spent on it. The news stories referenced are just feel good stories that give the unknowing a justification for this, how about the trip to Colorado each summer how many does that serve? "Ignorant and inflammatory" ????? the Osage people who believe their language is making a comeback and serving the people. The new Osage Nation website has a buffalo on its main page but the word tseh doesn't use the orthography from the old language pages. Compare http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/ and http://www.osagetribe.com/language/info_sub_page.aspx?subpage_id=14
DeleteClearly you have a bone to pick and that's your business. I respect your opinion, but on this topic we will have to agree to disagree. I am exceedingly proud of Mogri Lookout and his efforts over the past decade to bring back the use of the Osage language. I find nothing wrong with this whatsoever. If it were left up to me, we would already have funding and a program up and running for online classes offered and available to every Osage no matter where they live. Other Tribal communities are also involved in language preservation. See http://www.osagenews.org/article/nonprofit-formed-help-funding-native-american-language-programs
DeleteI am proud of our language and it should be taught on line as well. With homework. End.
DeleteAgreed. With homework.
DeleteFrom the Osage News Facebook page, a notification reads, "The Filing deadline for Osage Minerals Council candidates is 5 p.m., April 7. So, apparently this deadline has been extended out from the 31st of March.
ReplyDeleteThe deadline to file to run for Osage Nation Congress is today, March 31, 2014 at 4:30 P.M.:
FROM THE OSAGE NATION ELECTION OFFICE REGARDING THE CONGRESSIONAL RACE: If you are wishing to file for candidacy please remember to bring the following with you:
1. Cashier's Check/Money Order made out to Osage Nation Election Office. Filing Fees are $300 for Congress. No personal checks or cash will be accepted.
2. Osage Nation Membership Card.
3. Driver's License
4. Proof of a separate bank account in the name of the candidate or the candidate's campaign.
To request filing forms please e-mail electionoffice@osagetribe.org or call 918-287-5286.
See http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/what-we-do/elections/minerals-election
DeleteThe list of General Election Candidates for 2014:
Delete1. Alice Buffalohead
2. Dr. Ron Shaw
3. Otto Hamilton
4. Michael Kidder
5. Tony Whitehorn
6. Clair Wood
7. Doug Cowan
8. Homer Troy Big Eagle
9. Daniel Boone
10. Angela Marie Pratt
11. William “Kugee” Supernaw
12. James "Jim" Norris
13. Beverly Brownfield
14. Teresa Bates Rutherford
15. W. Jacque Jones
16. Justin Mays
17. John Starr Bighorse
18. Richard Luttrell
19. John Free
20. Joe Conner
21. Cecelia Tallchief
See the list as of yesterday, 3-31-14 at http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/what-we-do/elections/filing-for-candidacy and click on the text, 2014 General Election Filed Candidates.
DeleteI read the list of people running for Congress. Some I know and some I will have to become acquainted with as far as where they stand on various issues. However it is puzzling to me, why Daniel Boone wants to run, other than the money, as well as why anyone would want him as their congressman. It was reported, that this year he asked to not be on any congressional committees. One can only wonder why but one thought was he didn't have the time to devote because of his lawn mowing business. I want someone that will represent me, be a voice on committees, when needed and someone I can count on to be there and not just when their lawn mowing job doesn't interfere. As far as I am concerned he ain't it !f what we hear is correct he ducked out on the job this time around and why would we think we can count on him the next term ?
DeleteThey have a new law with penalties if members of Congress don't participate on Committees. What kind of people are these who have to enact laws to make sure that the members of their Tribal Congress show up for a part-time job?
DeleteI'll bet the farm that Daniel did not vote for this one, if he was even there.
DeleteThe 2014 Hun-Kah Session of the Osage Nation Congress has begun today. For information about this session see:
I find it very disturbing and cause for concern, that we have two congressmen that hope to be Chief and Asst Chief and right before elections there is an approbation bill on the table to be considered in the 2014 Hun-Kah session of congress for , of all things $250,000 for the office of the Chiefs! How convenient. This ranks right up there with the consideration of $200,000 to design a new Pawhuska arbor. What happened to the $800,000 the Pawhuska board stole? And isn't the arbor sitting on Pawhuska village property with money coming in from the Pawhuska casino? Isn't that their responsibility? I could say "I don't get it!" but I think, I really do...it's election time. There was a comment made by Raymond Red Corn on his recent update that we have 6 or so milion of obligated money in the treasury. So rather than put it back for a rainy day....lt's spend it! Oh..then there is a bill being put forth for a day care and center if Fairfax.
DeleteCorrection...That would be 6 or so of "UN-obligated money in the treasury"
DeleteWell...it's iPad Ray. What do you expect? He's always behaved like money in the Osage Treasury is filthy and has to be gotten rid of as soon as possible. You know, the way people who have always been poor often behave when they come into big money because they're totally ignorant of how to manage it. He's not coming up with ideas to spend it on you and me who make up 85% of the membership now is he? You're always SOL where he's concerned and always will be. If he gets Ass. Chief we can only hope that Standing Bear sends him on a permanently revolving road trip for the next four years.
DeleteEverybody thinks the LLC was a bad deal for the Osage people -- What do you think the ROI is for the land in Osage county they have bought???
ReplyDeleteMost that no one else wanted.
For those who don't know what the ROI is, please expand on the topic.
DeleteReturn On Investment. Most land in Osage County has limited potential. So what is the point of buying a bunch of land you can not develop into revenue production.
DeleteThe last report given by the land aquisition department was about 5% ROI, better than any return we are getting on any of our bank deposits. Also you might consider that the money on deposit loses purchasing power due to inflation and the land values are increasing. Where are you getting the information that the land is unproductive? Are you listening to the Drummons?
DeleteDoes this include the land with the railroad tracks on it? If so, who but you would ever buy it? Are you planning to open an Osage "meatpie" trolley ("meatpie" now patented to the Osage Nation)?
Delete5% ROI? What are the taxes and how is is the property zoned? These factors govern rate of return on investment yearly as well as how marketable the property is once you purchase it and don't tell me that the property is appreciating 5% a year because it's just not true. To find the actual value or lack of value in owning the property, you have to deduct the hard cost of owning it including the taxes, maintenance and what the land can be used for once it's purchased. Thinking you can sell this idea on the basis of presenting half the story is insulting.
DeleteThe ROi is the net return after property taxes and maintenance. No one is telling you that the property is appreciating 5% a year. Where did you get that? The fact is that it is appreciating in value while money on deposit is depreciating in purchasing power
DeleteThe truth about the ROI is a little more complex and flexible than that and can be manipulated to suit the users purposes. It is expressed as an equation; ROI = The gain from the investment minus the cost of the investment equals (a number) and that figure is then divided by the cost of the investment (to derive the ratio or percent). What kind of income is the property expected to generate on the basis of what it is currently generating prior to the purchase? What is the zoning and what is it used for currently or expected to be used for by the Osage Nation? Do you really expect us to trust what the land acquisition department reports? The merit system department (HR) reports that the Osage Nation is paying what is standard in the area at $11.75 an hour when the Cherokee Tribe, the largest Native American employer in OK, is paying $9.50 an hour and the State of Oklahoma is paying $7.35 an hour. You can't have an ROI without showing an income gain on the property. Property appreciation won't cut it as a factor because it's market speculative and unrealized until you turn around and sell the property to a ready, willing and able buyer.
DeleteROI on real estate investment properties is referred to as the Capitalization Rate. Review at http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/is-that-residential-real-estate-investment-property-worth-it.html
DeleteSo to say the least the five man board is about to see what banishment means? Ah is this law a joke? And or a thousand dollar fine? And if this goes to trial what will come out? We need legislation brought to the table to preserve the asset from corruption of this sort from happening again. And my opinion this has happened before 2005. Monkey see monkey do, just got caught with your hand in the cookie jar.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to a year in jail? Did that penalty cleverly sneak away in the dead of night?
DeleteIn the real world of which these entitled men lived by, saw the loophole In the legislation, clearly took advantage. The law of whicn needs more legislation behind it. It just might be they may skate. This tells me that this sort of entitlement has gone on for some time. A year in jail does not qauntify. That's like a slap on the wrist. The judge should make them hold a special announcement and very public appology to their peers, band them, make them pay restitution and be prohibited to work for any company that has anything to do with the Nation period. With probation on top. Who designed this flawed law, dumb and dummer.
DeleteI believe that there are limits to penalties that Tribal governments can independently impose.
DeleteNew article>> http://osagenews.org/article/former-pawhuska-village-five-man-board-members-plead-not-guilty
DeleteHats off to you Alice. This is one of the BEST bills EVER introduced in the Osage Nation Congress:
ReplyDeleteONCA 14-32, An Act to require members of Congress to make attending regular and special sessions a priority over other employment; to place civil penalty on violation; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Buffalohead)
FINALLY-- PENALTIES IN THE LAW! Hats off to you too Congressman Supernaw for introducing ONCA 14-30, An Act to establish penalties for violation of the Office of Fiscal and Performance Review law; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Supernaw). It's about time that we have a Tribal government governed by laws with penalties and not by custom. The latter would be OK if the ON government personnel and elected officials would operate on the honor system but we have come to learn a whole lot about the absence of that, now haven't we?
DeleteI'll bet Daniel Boone won't like this one!
DeleteShannon Edwards and Geoffrey Standing Bear as well.
DeleteBerry vs. Gray. Who's the liar? http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2014/02/28/tribal-leader-says-he-witnessed-aggressive-outbursts-keith-harper-others-affirm-support Our very own a** kissn election loser back to writing articles for Indian newspapers and lying with every word he writes? http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2014/02/27/old-wounds-still-plague-keith-harpers-appointment-shouldnt
ReplyDeleteTHIS is funny in a tragicomic way: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1408959639369337&set=a.1387739274824707.1073741827.100007659434619&type=1&theater
ReplyDeleteThe Texas Osage Association Dallas/Fort Worth meeting will be held at 3:00 P.M. on Saturday April12, 2014. The meeting location will be the Mellow Mushroom restaurant, 3455 Blue Bonnet Circle, Fort Worth Texas 76109. It is located in the Blue Bonnet Circle historic district, very close to TCU. We hope that all the Osage in the DFW Metroplex area can attend. All candidates running for Osage office and all Osage are invited to share their platforms and ideas. Special thanks to Shan Whitehorn who was instrumental in finding the location and setting the date and time. We are still looking for anyone who will step up in the Houston area to set a meeting there. More at https://www.facebook.com/groups/234024393278360/?ref=br_rs
ReplyDeleteTo who ever is in charge of this forum, I would like to make a suggestion to change the program you are using to enable it to highlight any web sites that are referenced in peoples post so that we can simply click on them and go directly to them. This shouldn't be difficult because it's done in just about all forums that I visit. It would make it much easier to follow things that posters reference for information. Thanks
ReplyDeleteNo can do except at the top of the page where the links are live above the text that tells you how many comments are on it. I copy and paste the links into my browser and it works just fine. This Blog is a Google product that does not allow for live links except at the very top of the page.
DeleteWOW! Who has paid Individual Donations of $22,780 to Geoffrey Standing Bear's Campaign so far? Take a good look -- http://osagenews.org/article/candidates-fined-missing-deadline-second-round-campaign-reports
ReplyDeleteTotal $36,519 for 1080 votes, that is $33.81 per vote. .Mr. StandingBear, I'll vote for you if you give me $33.50 as I walk into the voting poll..
DeleteHe's not interested in your vote. He's probably getting money from the ones who want him to capture the income being generated by the Mineral Trust. Think about it. He was Assistant Chief during the National Council days in the 1990's. Ray Theis and Eddy Red Eagle tried to mount a challenge to have the minerals taken over by the Nat. Coun. When that happened, Tillman, who was Chief at the time, had had enough and took the Osage National Council to court and won because it took an Act of Congress to make changes to the structure of the Osage Tribal government at that time. It was some law professor at Tulsa University who came up with the idea of the National Council in the first place and just guess who went to TU? This same professor came to a session of the Osage Congress one day and Standing Bear was behaving like he was in an audience with the Pope. I wouldn't have been surprised if he had knelt down and kissed the man's ring. With the dots on this page, how do you think they connect? Remember, it is Standing Bear who wants to give TU half a million bucks of your money that you need on a day to day basis -- http://www.osagetribe.com/congress/uploads/Legislation/Bills/2012/12-86/ONCA12-86.ORIGINAL.pdf
DeleteDear Anonymous, you spread inaccuracies. Neither Professor Rice or Professor Echohawk were employed by the University of Tulsa during the time period you refer to which was the mid-1990's. They had absolutely nothing to do with the Osage Nation government. The National Council was created by vote of Osages. I was Assistant Chief of the Osage Tribal Council, not the later National Council. Both Charles Tillman and I were named defendants in the Fletcher lawsuit of that time.
DeleteI am a novice blogger so I made double posts which were deleted. This is Geoffrey StandingBear and I set up the account as ndnlawyer username.
DeleteWelcome Geoffrey and thank you for this clarification.
DeleteI'll second that.
DeleteGeoffrey, your post has no more citation than the other guy, some lawyer you are. As Assistant Chief to Tillman were you not just a figurehead? What executive acts did you do in that roll? Did you go to TU law school? Did you introduce a bill in the Osage Nation Congress to donate Osage Peoples' money to that law school? How much and why? What Fletcher case are you referring to?
DeleteThe one that successfully took out the Osage National Council government back in the '90's. That's a slight of hand Mr. StandingBear. Rice was reported to be responsible for cooking up the premise that the Osages could form a new National Council government despite the 1906 Act. This is when it got thrown in the waste basket>>>>>>> http://openjurist.org/116/f3d/1315/fletcher-v-united-states-e
DeleteWhat a read, and if this doesnt open your eyes.
DeleteSo why does it say Edward Red Eagle, Sr., as Assistant Principal Chief of the Osage Tribe?
DeleteFor up to the minute reports from the Osage News about Candidate activities, see https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews
ReplyDeleteWTH!!!!!------- Committee Study of Osage, LLC Nomination
ReplyDelete· Joseph Paranteau
· Tim Tallchief
· Patsy Stuke
Now they need to spend money to study that damn fool Osage LLC? I thought Tallchief walked off and quit when he didn't like what was happening with the other Health Board they didn't need any more than they need to fund this stupidity. Does it ever end with these idiots? Get rid of these people in the ballot box in June!!!!!! They're sick and twisted and they shouldn't ever have access to the Osage people's money.
ReplyDeleteInteresting ad on page 15 of April Osage News. Explains the process for the building of Ponca City and Skiatook casinos. Looks pretty straight forward to me. I find it strange Geoffrey StandingBear sponsored current session bill ONCA 14-15 which would require 100% net revenues to be sent to Osage Nation. It appears StandingBear voted to allow the casinos to retain excess of $40 million for years 2012-2017 to build casinos! His bill says annual plans of the casinos are too broad and vague. Did StandingBear attend any of the Gaming Enterprise Board scheduled meetings where the construction of the casinos was discussed? Did StandingBear not understand what he was voting for in 2012? Of course not, as we have heard so many times, he's an attorney!
ReplyDeleteDoesn't look to me that Standing Bear has a leg to stand on! Perhaps it was Stumbling Bear in Congess!
DeleteWhy limit the questions to StandingBear? I want to hear from all members of Congress that voted 11-0! Same questions to you Congress!
ReplyDeleteMaybe Congress should put their iPads down and get to some meetings!!
DeleteI agree! I've heard some members of Congress have said they were surprised by the construction costs of the casinos. They need to answer these questions too prior to the elections. Let's hear from Congress!!
DeleteI agree and they act like they don't know. That arbor they built recently started out at $200K and was finally announced to cost $600K. Then the truth sneaks out that it really cost ONE MILLION AND A HALF DOLLARS of the Osage peoples money. That's a lot of money in people's pockets where it probably shouldn't be. You don't see them having any hearings on that one do you? You won't see the CEO of gaming, Neil Cornelius, before any Special Committee Congressional hearing to explain the $30 million dollars that they were over budget on the building of the Casinos either.
DeleteYou need to read the Osage News article ~ there wasn't an overrun, Congress approved the funds! The question is whether Congress understood what they were doing!!!!!
DeleteThe URL to the Osage News article you are referring to please?
DeleteCan't provide URL as only in April hard copy paper.
DeleteActually, they didn't know or there are a few of them who are claiming not to have known but only found out about the Board approving cost overruns of $30 million that the Congress knew nothing about until after the fact. If all this is true, it should come before a special committee of the Congress for a hearing so that the facts can be determined and any wrongdoing can be exposed. These Board members don't have a blank check and the Congress must find out what has been going on. The Osage people demand that this get sorted out right now and not after the election.
DeleteTime to fire the board members. No excuses. We want no excuses period from Congress either. We want details. Who was to authorize the Cost Overruns without consulting Congress? Time for a Federal Investigation. From the the top down. From the project mananager, superintendent, to over seeing said Contracts and finally, this is Osage Money demand your per-cap. This reflects the incompetence in all of you on the hill. If Standing bear would like to weigh on the matter now would be the time? What was the initial project forecast and the standard, the variances that allowed this bloat of B.S.
DeleteThis occurred under the authority of and approval by our ex-Chief Red Eagle?
DeleteThis occurred under the authority of Congress, including Standing Bear and ipad Ray. People wanting informed leadership shouldn't vote for either of them!
DeleteStandingBear and RedCorn have been shouting overruns. There weren't overruns, StandingBear and RedCorn and the rest of Congress gave the casino Board the authority to retain annual income above $40 million and build casinos with it! Stop believing their overrun BS and look at their voting record! Be informed!
DeleteStanding Bear, why haven't you responded?????
DeleteYou all are worried about cost over runs and want Congress to investigate. HA ! They can't even find out where the $800,000 dollars went that the Pawhuska board went by, by with and get it back. Congress is to busy voting themselves a raise and getting re-elected. Diring the upcoming debates we will hear a lot about transparency and accountability and as usual, nothing changes.
DeleteThe General Election Sample Ballot is available at http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/sites/default/files/library/2014GeneralElectionSampleBallot.pdf
ReplyDeleteSee ON Election Board approves ballot for June 2 general election at http://osagenews.org/article/election-board-approves-ballot-june-2-general-election
DeleteCobell Settlement: Land Buy-Back Program information at http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/what-we-do/tribal-development-land-acquisition-department
ReplyDeleteFrom the Osage News: The Petition against the planned Wind Farms in Osage County is now available at the Osage Minerals Council offices for signatures. The OMC respectfully asks that all Osages and Osage County residents who oppose the proposed wind farm sign the petition. For more information call the OMC offices at (918) 287-5433.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice if the MC would send out mailers for signatures as well or put out there a fax number.
DeleteI agree and why can't someone post an online petition for us to sign. Look, all of us don't live in Pawhuska or for that matter Oklahoma. I would sign the petition in a heartbeat but can't go to Pawhuska to do it ! Here again, typical Osage lack of thinking and planning.
DeleteWhat's all this about first online Osage language class? Why hasn't it been advertised to the general Osage public? What a lousy new Tribal web site we have that nothing can be found on it unless you run a find for specific information.
ReplyDeleteFYI- for the fashion conscious- How to tie a scarf -- http://www.landsend.com/tieascarf/index.html?cm_re=Bnr-wms-scarves-20140321
ReplyDeleteHURRY! Questions for the Candidates at the Debate: You do not have to be a shareholder to send a question but the questions do have to pertain to the Osage Mineral Estate and the Osage Minerals Council. All questions ( one question per entry) are due by Friday, April 25, noon. Please send all questions to osagenews@osagenation-nsn.gov or call (918) 287-5668.
ReplyDeleteHow convenient !! You talk about feathering your own nest ! There is a bill currently before congress, written by Shannon Edwards to raise the salary's and benefits for the Chief, Asst Chief, Speaker of the House, 2nd Speaker, all of Congress and Judges. Want to guess if it will pass or not ? How would you like to have a job where you can vote for your own raise and why isn't this being brought before the people ? Lets sit back and see wqho votes for this one. My guess will be, everyone. Is there no end to this stuff ?
ReplyDeleteThis has to go before the constituency and a vote by the tax payers. OR WE TAKE IT TO THE COURT.
DeleteEdwards doesn't get a raise until she shows up!
DeletePutrid as maggots on a festering carcass. If the stink fits, wear it. A raise for Edwards? She owes US money for all the days she has skipped on her obligation over the years as a representative of the people.
DeleteJudicial Branch>>>>>>> Salary PLUS $500 per day to show up for Oral arguments? $700 per day to show up in court and for Judges meetings? $500 for official attendance and ceremonial attendance? Talk about being $500-700 a day to death. What the hell is this? ONCA 14-39, An Act to set the annual salary and expense allowance for the Principal Chief, Assistant Principal Chief, Presiding Officers and Members of Congress, and Justices and Judges of the Osage Nation; to establish an alternate effective date. (Edwards) - See more at: http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/who-we-are/congress-legislative-branch/legislation
DeleteSorry, but it appears that Edwards is trying to lower the base Congressional salary from $56,000 plus $9,000 for expenses ($65K total) to $53,000 plus $3000 for expenses ($56K total) plus an unspecified amount for fringe benefits.
DeleteAnother bell caif. Time to petition.
DeleteThere's going to be a new 13th Congressional Special Session and the Proclamation includes ONCA 14-39, An Act to set the annual salary and expense allowance for the Justices and Judges of the Osage Nation; to establish an alternate effective date. I guess Edwards wasn't successful in reducing the salaries and expenses for her fellow members of Congress. Over her dead body I'll bet. Funny!
DeleteTONIGHT! Osage Minerals Council Candidate Debate. See http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/events/osage-minerals-council-candidate-debate#zoom=9&lat=36.4257&lon=-96.66046&layers=T0B00
ReplyDeleteSee live on the internet at http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/multimedia/live-feed-information
DeleteApparently, a typo has been made. It's Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 5:00 p.m.
DeleteSee Events Calendar at http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/events
ReplyDeleteHow on earth could they possibly be THIS STUPID? From the Osage News Facebook page---> This afternoon, the Third Osage Nation Congress members voted unanimously to support a resolution (ONCR 14-06 sponsored by Congresswoman Maria Whitehorn) that expresses "confidence in the abilities of the Osage LLC board to restructure and build our non-gaming business interests of the Osage Nation."
ReplyDeleteOne word, insane. Why support a board that failed, lost revenues in the million? STUPID. MARIA WHITEHORN, care to justify this move with your constituency?
DeleteYes, I will explain why I put forth the resolution that was affirmed by 12 members of Congress.
DeleteThere has been a complete board turn over in the past 17 months, starting September 2012, Jim Parris and Dave Stewart where confirmed to the board, and on Friday Tim Tallchief was confirmed by Congress. These new board members have stepped up knowing the challenge they face and are serving in these board positions offering their business, administrative, and accounting expertise to make a difference and to effect change in our company's performance.
Osage LLC has had only one CEO since its inception and as of March 31, 2014 he is no longer with the company, but the Osage Nation is still here, we still own this company, and it does have assets. The people involved in poor business decisions of the past are no longer with Osage LLC. There is a complete turnover in management.
The current board members Stewart, Parris and Tallchief are searching for new talent to fill the top management position of our company. This person will be responsible for restructuring, creating profitability, and regaining the confidence of the Nation's governing bodies and public. Although extremely unpopular, the board has been peeling back the layers, so we the governing body and you the Osage public have an accurate reporting of what assets remain of Osage LLC. Even though Stewart and Parris were not involved in the business decisions which were the cause of the losses, they have diligently performed their board duties by revealing an accurate valuation of the company's assets and have shouldered the criticism.
It is necessary for the Osage Nation to diversify its revenue stream. Gaming has been phenomenal, but it would be unwise to remain solely dependent on a single stream of revenue. From my vantage point-- complete turnover in management, the drive to restructure the assets we hold, and an expression of confidence in the people tasked with the heavy lifting to move this company forward is the best option.
As Chair of the Commerce and Economic Development committee I interface with the LLC board. They asked the committee for two things: first to confirm new board members, and second to publicly express a word of confidence in their efforts to move the LLC forward. I have done both and will face the criticism. I have great hope for a turn around. It will be difficult and the board realizes at this point, capital is not an option.
A word in closing, I have never voted "yes" for any appropriation of Osage dollars to the LLC. The last capital appropriation of 2.6 million Congress approved, was amended by me so the 1.5 million requested for 8(A) bonding purposes included in the total request remain in the treasury of the Osage Nation until bonding is required (it is still there) and then voted "no" for the appropriation.
Thank you Maria.
DeleteThank you for nothing. Maria, do you and the rest of the Osage Congress take all of us for idiots? Do you actually believe that you can refute the loss of ELEVEN MILLION DOLLARS OF THE OSAGE PEOPLES MONEY BY THE OSAGE, LLC., IN SEVEN SHORT PARAGRAPHS? If so, then you entirely underestimate your constituents. GET RID OF THIS TAWDRY LOSER or one by one, we will get rid of you for not acting on your Constitutional mandate to REPRESENT THE WILL OF THE OSAGE PEOPLE. Let me repeat this so it is perfectly clear, terminate the Osage, LLC and do it as soon as possible. Act on Geoffrey StandingBear's old legislation to get rid of it. Then, start over with a new entity that actually has the chance of successfully diversifying our business interests with accountability and transparency to BOTH the Osage Nation government and the Osage people. MY ___! What in the world does it take to get through to you intractable people who are elected to "serve" as opposed to "rule" in the Osage Congress?
DeleteI agree we need to split the Osage llc. Opps meant to say thanks foe posting here. My hope Mr. Tall Chief will make a informed decision to do as such. Like I said we need an oversite commitee to look at the assets, move the toxic waste. This is done all the time. Why is this not happening? What is there to hide, you either have bad and or sound investments, list them? Maria, I get the support factor, but moral majority suggests you do more, one either can the Osage LLC WHICHEVER, we would like to know why you are such a taunch support of a catastrophic loss of 11 millon dollars? And why do you wish to continue to allow another formation of another board to do the same all over again. Maria, with all respect you are talking with someone who has a heavy back ground in Business Management and Acounting background and numbers speak in volumes. Do you not know when to say No more waste at the expense to the Constituency?
DeleteDo I have this right? Kugee < whine central on the Osage, LLC. for the last four years - voted to continue with this damn thing? This just can't be true. Has he gone belly up or what? I'm hearing rumors about him not being quite right anymore. If he voted to support that crazy Osage, LLC then this confirms it. Whatever the reason, his bad for sure.
DeleteI submit that Kugee's worst day is better than most of the rest of us.
DeleteThen why is he supporting OME Trust-Buster StandingBeer? I hear Alice Buffalohead is supporting him too right along with iPad Ray Red Corn.
DeleteWoah! Things have whipped up into a hurricane today on the Shareholder side of this Blog at http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2014/03/osage-shareholder-matters-march-2014.html Geoffrey StandingBear you have a lot to answer for and to explain to the Shareholders over there........
ReplyDeleteIt continues>>>>>>>>> http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2014/04/osage-shareholder-matters-april-2014.html
DeleteI told those Dip S**ts not to get involved with building cash draining hotels on the Ponca City and Skiatook properties five years ago when they were so rabid to compete with the Cherokee. Now look at this on the Osage Nation Congress Congressional Affairs Committee Meeting Agenda on May 6, 2014:
ReplyDelete7. Finley and Cook Appropriation for a Study for Return on Investment for Ponca and Skiatook and Amended Engagement Letter.
Now that you mention it, whatever happened to the Bartlesville casino? Did the Osage Nation get taken on the renegotiation of that lease?
DeletePUBLIC NOTICE FROM THE OSAGE NEWS--ATTENTION: The Osage News needs questions for its 2014 General Election candidate debate for the congressional candidates. We will only accept one question per entry. Please include your first and last name and your city and state. All questions are due by Friday, May 2, by 4:30 p.m. Please send all questions to osagenews@osagenation-nsn.gov or call us at (918) 287-5668.
ReplyDeleteThe Osage News staff has drawn the order for the debate schedule for the general election candidates who will debate May 3-4 at the Wah-Zha-Zhi Cultural Center. See https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews
DeleteSee also http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/events/osage-news-congressional-candidate-debate#zoom=9&lat=36.4257&lon=-96.66046&layers=T0B00
DeleteGeoffrey Standing Bear, account for yourself and give us an explanation of what is going on here!!!!!! GO TO http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2014/04/osage-shareholder-matters-april-2014.html
ReplyDeleteThis is so great. Listen to how this S*****L responds when his girlfriend lays out a logical and sound argument against racial discrimination:
ReplyDelete"Isn't it wrong? Wasn't it wrong then? With the Holocaust And you're Jewish, you understand discrimination."
"You're a mental case, you're really a mental case. The Holocaust, we're comparing with--"
"Racism! Discrimination!"
Hear it all here http://deadspin.com/exclusive-the-extended-donald-sterling-tape-1568291249
Available on demand: Video - Osage News Sponsored Minerals Council Candidate Debat - See more at: http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/video-osage-news-sponsored-minerals-council-candidate-debate
ReplyDeleteJim Gray is hosting a shindig called the Osage Candidates Forum on Tuesday, May 20at 6:00pm - 9:00pm in CDT at the Skiatook Osage Casino. More information is available at https://www.facebook.com/events/251888561662578/?ref=3&ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular
ReplyDeleteHe is trying to get more exposier for Margo, hoping she gets elected so he can be appointed to a job.
DeleteI hope she get elected also; but doubt that Jim is job hunting
DeleteI sure as heck don't. She's got money problems. If she gets elected and put out of office, that will leave iPad Ray or Amanda Proctor as Chief of the Osages. Holy HOOT! Just imagine what that will be like.
DeleteIs that really such a bad idea? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1452062351696535&set=a.1432688360300601.1073741827.100006783515116&type=1&theater
DeleteOsage News Debates Flyer. See https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews/photos/a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153/686517191409111/?type=1&theater
ReplyDeleteColorado fund to administer (Cobell) Indian scholarships. See http://www.reznetnews.org/article/colorado-fund-administer-indian-scholarships
ReplyDeleteIf you can, attend the Osage County Commissioners meeting on Monday morning at 10:00 a.m. Will someone take the leadership initiative to call the Osage Agency and ask the Superintendent to attend it too? Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThis too http://barnsdalltimes.com/http:/barnsdalltimes.com/news/county-clarifies-wind-rules
DeleteGet behind this:
When is Mineral Council Election Board Supervisor, Faren Revard going to get off her duff and put out a certified or official list of Minerals Council Candidates? http://www.osagenews.org/article/candidates-file-third-osage-minerals-council
ReplyDeleteIs this the complete list? William St. John, Galen Crum, Cheryl Potts, Kathryn Redcorn, Curtis Bear, Everett Waller, Linda Heskett, Myron Red Eagle, Melvin Core, R.E. Yarbrough, Joe Cheshewalla, Talee Redcorn, Ray McClain, Kenneth B. Bighorse, Andrew Yates, Cynthia Boone, Stephanie Erwin.
DeleteVote for=> William St. John, Cheryl Potts, Curtis Bear, Everett Waller, Linda Heskett, R.E. Yarbrough, Cynthia Boone, Stephanie Erwin.
"How to" measure guide for men's custom made shirts. See the Tutorial at http://www.woodiesclo.com/how-to-guide-1/ You never know when you might need this to buy one.
ReplyDeleteThe Debates are now taking place. The second group of Congressional Candidates is up at the podium. The first group did well.
ReplyDeleteOsage News Debates for Congressional Candidates:
DeleteFirst group:
1. Ron Shaw
2. Tony Whitehorn
3. John Star Bighorse
4. William "Kugee" Supernaw
5. Doug Cowan
6. John Free
7. Clair Wood
Second group:
1. Beverly Brownfield
2. Homer Troy Big Eagle
3. Justin Mays
4. Teresa Rutherford
5. Joe Conner
6. Michael Kidder
7. Otto Hamilton
Third group:
1. Daniel Boone
2. Jacque Jones
3. James Norris
4. Angela M. Pratt
5. Alice Buffalohead
6. Cecelia Tallchief
7. Rick Luttrell
The May 3, Debate is available at Video - Osage News Sponsored Principal Chief and Assistant Principal Chief Candidate Debates. See http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/video-osage-news-sponsored-principal-chief-and-assistant-principal-chief-candidate
DeleteWhen are they going to list again who works for the Osage Nation government like they did before on the old web site? http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/departments As you can plainly see, there isn't a name in sight.
ReplyDeleteOsage Nation notification: The County Commissioners have affirmed the Board of Adjustment's authority to hear debate and vote on the wind projects. This Thursday's Board of Adjustment meeting at 6pm is going to be pivotal. It is open to the public, so please plan to join us!
ReplyDeleteWichita Falls, Tx is at this time recycling waste water, their two supply lakes are nearly dry. Does use of fossel fuel and global warming have any contribution. They also claim oil well fracking is draining the water sources. When will the Osage County towns be in this condition? Windfams convert wind to electrical energy without the harmful emission coal and oil. Are the Osage People going to be part of the solution or part of the problem? We will all suffer when there is no more water..
DeleteFantastic News! The Wind farm permit for the new Trade wind Energy project gets sent down and denied by the Board of Adjustment. See http://barnsdalltimes.com/http:/barnsdalltimes.com/news/tradewind-denied-permit-for-wind-farm-on-osage-prairie
DeleteGood read I thought. http://www.forbes.com/sites/peterjreilly/2014/05/06/irs-cannot-levy-tribal-payments/
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting this information. Don't forget that American Indian Day is May 12, 2014.
DeleteWill do★
DeleteChiefs and Congressional Candidate Debates are now up for on demand watching on the internet too at http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/news/update1-video-osage-news-sponsored-principal-chief-assistant-principal-chief-and
ReplyDeleteAmanda Proctor Meet and Greet tonight in Bartlesville at 7:00 p.m. at TK's Steak House, 3121 SE Frank Phillips Blvd., ---> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=316925741792337&set=a.300363663448545.1073741829.300063760145202&type=1&theater
ReplyDeleteHeard it went well and was well attended.
DeleteSo. Standing Bear is now partnered with Amanda and not Raymond. That means she comes under his cloud on that Fed. Chartered Corp. to end the ME Trust? Woah! This is one wild election!
DeleteElection events are listed at http://osagenews.org/events
ReplyDeleteRevard Reunion and Candidate Rally! See http://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/news-events/events/revard-reunionrally#zoom=9&lat=36.4257&lon=-96.66046&layers=T0B00
DeleteHow did Margo's Bake off go on Friday evening?
ReplyDeleteIt's tonight. We don't know yet: FRIDAY, MAY 9TH | 4:30 PM | WAH ZHA ZHI CULTURAL CENTER
DeleteMineral Council best!!! Cheryl Potts, Curtis Bear, Linda Heskett, Joe Cheshewalla, Talee Redcorn, Cynthia Boone, Stephanie Erwin, Myron Red Eagle..
ReplyDeleteNot Cheryl, not Joe, maybe Talee and definitely not another vacillating Red Eagle!
DeleteChief BigHorse vetoes banishment bill targeting drug dealers? What's the back story on this? http://osagenews.org/article/chief-bighorse-vetoes-banishment-bill-targeting-drug-dealers
ReplyDeleteAmid Opposition, Extension School Club of Harvard Will Hold Satanic Black Mass Demonstration at http://www.thecrimson.com/article/2014/5/11/black-mass-extension-school/ Apparently, it's been cancelled but how did this thing ever gain any ground to begin with?
ReplyDeleteCobell recent information:
OH God.. http://osagenews.org/article/tim-tall-chief-joins-osage-llc-board-entity-focuses-restructuring
ReplyDeleteAnd? Why do you feel this way?
DeleteWho besides those in the employ of the Osage Nation government doesn't?
DeleteExcerpt from an e-mail outlining the cash appropriations and asset transfers to the Osage LLC:
"Below are the Capital Infusions bills to the Osage LLC. The property transfers are also below; I do not believe that any of them were put in legislation.
ONCA 08-30 $1,000,000 15 Oct 08
ONCA 09-35 $3,000,000 17 Apr 09
ONCA 09-77 $7,500,000 14 Apr 10
ONCA 11-61 $5,000,000 20 Apr 11
ONCA 12-112 $2,600,000* 06 Dec 12
*$1,500,000 set aside to use as collateral for the purpose of Bonding and is maintained in the Osage Nation Treasury until Bonding is required.
Real Estate Property $388,794* January 2009
Osage Data $99,162** June 2009
Osage Gift Shop $210,999** June 2009
Palace of the Osage $785,596** October 2009
Tulsa Airpark $5,332,446** June 2009
* Value as recorded from the Osage Nation Properties Department Expenditures
** Value as recorded by Osage LLC (2009 Annual Report, dtd 7 Apr 10)"
The losses all in, are in the neighborhood of SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLARS of the Osage people's money; a reported $800.00 per every single man, woman and child who are members of the Osage Nation. Are you really fool enough to believe that Tim TallChief and a few new Board members of the Osage LLC are going to turn this thing around? It flatlined the minute they started it up because it's business documents are a near clone of Lance Morgan's Harvard Project concept of a business diversity vehicle that has done anything but, in the hands of the Osage Nation. Carol Leese brought the nails for the coffin and drove them in better than anyone else ever could have done. Do the right thing and bury it before it eats through more of the Osage people's money. Do we have to make a formal request in writing for a hearing of the U.S. Congress so that those in the National Indian Gaming Commission and the Osage Nation Congress with the Chief of the Osage Nation will have to account for themselves and why they have continued to feed or allow to be fed this Osage, LLC with gaming funds that are supposed to specifically benefit the members of the Osage Nation?
Farmer's Market this weekend >> enjoy >> https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews/photos/a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153/696506870410143/?type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf
ReplyDeleteNew article>> http://osagenews.org/article/individuals-and-businesses-donate-osage-chief-candidates
ReplyDeleteOsage Nation Foundation Ranch>> https://www.facebook.com/OsageNews
DeleteWhat are these folks getting from Standing Bear that they've given so much to his campaign?
DeleteOsage Blog Conversation continues at http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2014/05/conversation-may-2014.html