The Osage News is reporting that the AG has filed suit against four former members of the Pawhuska Indian Village Five-Man Board over the $806,000 that could not be accounted for properly. No word on whether the AG is still going to pursue the ethics charges against former Chief John D. Red Eagle.
Wonder what took so long, this is a good day...It couldn't be because the Chief got in the way? Glad the Statute of limitations didn't run out....Can't wait to see the paper bet Joe Don was the mastermind..This is the beginning to cleaning house and no longer the diligence not swept under the carpet...time to subpoena the Bank Accounts...and folks this is the amount we know long has this been going on?
Arrest warrants were issued for Joe Don Mashunkashey, Kenneth (KC) Bills, Theodore Brunt and Frank Redcorn. They are due in Tribal court on Feb. 13, 2014. Details are listed at
To review all of the Removal Trial comments on the Osage Blog see: To watch and listen to the VIDEO of the Trial see: To listen to the AUDIO of the Trial see: We wish to extend our thanks to the IT Department and everyone who has worked so hard to make these audio and video recordings available online to the members of the Osage Nation.
For those who cannot attend, we will be watching the Candidate Debate as it is broadcast live via the internet TONIGHT at 5:00 p.m. CST, and at the computer for your reactions and comments here at the Osage Blog.
See notice: Primary Election Debate-Hominy Co-op Building at The Osage News is reporting that a preliminary check indicates that the roads and highways are clear if you are planning to attend the event.
The Northern California Osage Meeting is on March 15, 2014. See The United Osages of Southern California Meeting is on Saturday May 24, 2014. Contact William Myers (760) 500-2266 or e-mail for more information.
The three candidates for Principal Chief are up at the podiums. Tom Boone is to the left, Margo Gray is in the center and Geoffrey Standing Bear is on the right. Margo is starting off with her opening statement.
What about those us who aren't young or old? How are you going to empower the rest of us, Margo? Geoffrey: Responsible as Chief for the workings of the Osage Nation as an organization not as the "Chief."
In my opinion did it not seem with some of the Candidates their answers seemed watered couldn't get a notion to one way or the other and that's disturbing.because when you speak you have to willing to describe in short how you plan to implement that goal talk is cheap and you have to be able to substantiate and legitimize to the people. ...I only saw one Candidate that had the most qualified experience...neither of them our of any choice I would choose but one did stand out Just my opinion
Starting with the A.P Chief Candidates: Amanda Proctor, Raymond Red Corn, James Dailey, Terry Mason Moore and Randolf Crawford. Opening statements are beginning now
Question on reinstating employee job skills testing in order to go to work for the Osage Nation. It used to be that way and a lot of what is going on today was not going on then.
Oh Raymond...Why don't we just ask you? If that took place you would argue with us about what we need and then tell us why we don't need it. Who do you think you're kidding?
Change in two to three years Raymond? You are one of the ones who have built this government from day one from the ground up. If it has problems and needs change you are one of the original architects who have built what we have today. If you could have done better why didn't you do it then?
Impassioned speech from Mr. Dailey. And a per-cap too. A hospital and housing and OUR money to go TO THE PEOPLE NOT CONSULTANTS, ATTORNEYS, CONFERENCES AND ON AND ON AND ON... Yes Amanda! I agree.
We were unable to come so we tried to watch and listen via the computer. I have a very good computer and speakers BUT it looked like the moderators and the candidates were using the same wireless mike and in that hall there was so much echo you couldn't understand a darn thing. It's a shame that who ever was in charge of setting this up, obviously doesn't know a darn thing about broadcasting.. Another typical Osage snafu ! This did a disservice to those that could not attend both here in Oklahoma and everywhere else that would liked to have heard the debate. It was also a disservice to the candidates that wanted to get their message out. I am not an IT specialist but possibly next time they might want to use fixed microphones at each station. Maybe that would cut out all the echo?
Dailey is experienced and his speech left me feeling he means what he say's....He will get the J O B done is aware of the injustice to the three camps and not blind to the Social issues that exist for the ALL that means every Osage matters and no Osage left behind..Get the truth get out there so we know where we stand so cohesive as a Tribe the Osage Tribe and the division that divides...It's time we believe. that's what I got from him as the big bird in the sky will shine upon our Osage Tribe for the people of the people and by the people the Eagle Soars, ok in so many words his passion could be felt...he more than Qualifies....
Terry Mason Moore to Mechanical and rehearsed..and to self centered...Amanda...bless her soul....she's up there....Raymond is a carreer politician and I felt is self centered....There's more than just education...equal developement would have been a good answer...As we build our Osage Campus Plan in tandum shall we build our communities in Toe...I did not here that clearly from him...Randolf goofy lookin dude but what the heck he sounded sincere but it wasn't enough culture in his wind....tie goes to the winner it would be Dailey.
I just got the feeling that some of them are sneaky. If the money isn't going to us we have the right to know where it's going and how much of it is being spent. Those in government or employed by it now are a big part of the reason why we don't know. This is important to consider.
If G. Standing Bear finds these issues so compelling and important, why hasn't he put them out there to the Osage people? In an e-mail, a newsletter or even the Osage News in an editorial? What makes him think that we will believe that he will communicate with us about what needs to be done any better than he has in the last three and a half years? That dog won't hunt. It sounds like millions will be going to pay for more attorneys fees and court costs and co-mingling of the OME. A vote of no confidence from me.
On balance, I thought it was a good debate. I thought the questions were thoughtful, timely and in some instances, pithy. The candidates handled themselves well and it helped give me a feel for those who are running for Chief and AP Chief. I enjoyed it and thank the Osage News for sponsoring it. Well done. Next time however, they really do need a better sound system.
I agree, and out of this super bowl eve, in a Osage country town , where the Hominy Indians once took on the the New York Giants,Uncle played on that team.It wasn't exactly a debate nor was it a love inn. The Osage Tribe could and will come out a winner, by being represent with any number of combination. of these candidates Good to hear some questions from around the World, locations telling more then names, but all needed to be ask and answer.
My bet for Super Bowl 21-17 Bronco's. That's my spread. and happy eats....any predictions who's going to be Chief and AP? Boone and Dailey....? Accountability and Transperency and to bring cohesiveness the doors must be open for communication and a lot where concerned was the Osage LLC and my bet the Board Members are reacting just a day late and a dollar short....what were they thinking allowing 11 million dollars gone slip through their fingers and need to be held accountable and all fired excuses..The doors closed and open a New door under a different name and new board members with an Oversite Committee...No one must know eachother on the second committee...And I agree with Poster at 12:02 AM...we will come out a winner and once again lets get fairness and balance back to OUR TRIBE THE OSAGE TRIBE LONG LIVE THE 1906 ACT...
This was the same board with the just now "transitioned" CEO Carol Leese along with the "Harvard" LLC Board member Jonathan Taylor who tried to end run a yearly cash infusion of $3-5 MILLION or a one time payment of $21-22 MILLION for the Osage, LLC. I watched this meeting on the internet the day it took place and I still can't believe my eyes. If you paid attention to what Geoffrey said during the debate last night, I believe he made the statement that the Osage, LLC has been handing out unsecured loans. Who knows what that amounts to in terms of future losses: "We give you the money and you give us a high percentage rate of return yearly with very high risk involved then you lose the money or use it up and don't pay it back to us but it was high risk and we were warned that the investment could be lost going in..." Is this what's been going on here because this is what it looks like. The truth of the matter is we don't know what these boards and commissions are even doing for the most part that we pay through the nose for TO OUR OWN PERSONAL DETRIMENT and I'm certain that we don't know the half of what is really going on but all this had better come to light and soon because we have a right to know especially in some cases where we have warned these elected officials well in advance of the losses and they have gone ahead ignoring our warnings at the proven peril of fiscal well being the Osage Nation. Accountability to the Osage people is the new Watch Cry and they had better get up to speed on this and come clean now rather than later. As for the Broncos and John Elway, I don't know. Where matters in heaven and on earth are concerned, they may still have yet to account for Tebow...
Absoulutely...The Nation does need to come clean why and why would you in an economy that truly is in a war between ressession and depression even risk going into the buisnesss of unsecured loans....that's insane...ah lets see duh....maybe Congress was lied to...need to follow the paper trail ....Congress the Constituency wants visual insight to what risky investements and not just components but with real aspects into the financail stability of the Osage LLC.....We want to know no less the truth of the matter today and not tommorrow..with a real comprehensive report laying a spread of what went where to who and when and so forth....We want the reports on the Airport, and Park and what ever else there is that we do not know about.....For every dollar spent on the Osage Campus a dollar matched for the 3 districts...Now this is negotiating...Get that Per-Cap out as to be tied...lets get this year on the right foot....
Yeah. What was he saying about fraud in our last audit? What's that about? When are we going to get some answers in real time from these elected types? Why is the Osage News not reporting on this kind of hard news that they have to dig for? Why do we have to hear about this in a debate?
Osages first....not Lawyers or Consultants...we negotiate what we want....we are Sovereign..This is the Peoples Money and you Congress works for the Constituency stop the Waste or Face the enevitable a Osage Constitutional Convention....We do not have a open spiget of money to everyone else but to the Osages....get rid of the Bottom Feeders...the bleed, the Cancer...Our Past is who we are less should we forget, not Osages sticking it to the Osage Brother and Sisters...Get that Per-Cap out there...if there was anyone I saw last night who wants to right the wrong is Dailey...He wants and we all should want what is right and to right the wrong....He recognizes the truth if you would only open your eyes....Our future is now. today is now Biggest of all we want clarity and accoutbility with transperency in all areas and aspects of this NATION his dedication as Amanda Proctor is there, how anyone who just lost their Mother and still have the fortitude comes from an inner belief and you gotta love Amanda how many cases has the Nation won none..she's one up on that we have this much money to lose yet we can't get a Clinic going for the Osage? What is going on? Yet we can waste 11 million and untold amounts depending on the Contract with the Osage LLC...we could be out more than we know yet we waste the Money but can't get a Per -Cap to their own People who they work for ah don't turn an eye this has a bell of truth ringing loud and clearly....We want the truth and everyone talks but we know B/S walks now lets see who's going to March for the Osage...that passion I only got from 2 people...when you campaign you lose people's attention if you talk to much about your self or if you just throw a crumb and not show how to in short will you achieve this goal...We heard about communication lets see how this works...this is the tie that binds...
The thing is with Amanda, you can tell that she's a Harvard grad. She wants no set skills testing for anyone who works for the Nation. HR has to be able to determine if the Osages who have preference have any skills or ability to do the job they are being hired to do. If they can't read or write or do anything productive in an office environment then they are being paid to do nothing because they can't accomplish the job they are hired to do. At the point we are now, there is no way to determine if they even have the skills to absorb on-the-job training. In short, these Osages don't have to prove that they are worthy of the money they are being paid and they certainly don't even have to earn it if they can't do the job. Perfect case in point is Macy Mashunkeshey and I know for a fact that she's not the only one who has no clue what she's doing or even supposed to be doing as an employee of the Osage Nation. The question is, with our money, why don't these Osages have to earn it where our elected officials are concerned when 85-90% of the members of the Osage Nation do? Secondly, if Standing Bear wants someone to sue, have him go after the Harvard $32 BILLION Endowment Fund for the $11.5 + MILLION losses that the Osage, LLC has sustained under the guidance of Harvard grad, research fellow and Osage, LLC Board member Jonathan Taylor. And have him fire Taylor too while he's at it. From this experience with the Osage Nation, the Harvard Project (School of Government not Business) has about as much business giving out advice to Tribes as Bernie Madoff!
Here ya go. Proof positive they cook up these government departments and divisions to keep the money away from us. Who are the ones who've sponsored bills to grow this government when we don't even have the work force capable of doing the jobs they create? And four or five deep where management people are piled on top of management people with directors over directors and just one pile of them is costing us $200 to $300 thousand in salaries alone and no benefits? These Osage officials are busted and caught red handed with the smoking gun. Where's the removal trial for them? Huh?
The Seahawks came in like the wrath of God that's for darn sure. Sad Tebow has to be in Super Bowl commercials and not out on the field. I think he might could have rescued a few whipped puppies in that game yesterday.
Yes they did and the Bronco's need to change their colors to blank and a blitz in a blink of an eye,,,, I couldn't watch after half time...wasn't a game...looked like manning was throwing his ball away...he doesn't ever throw is ball the way he did in the Superbowl.
These Gov. Depts.....Management, and do they no what time management is? They need to decompartmenatalize each Dept...and desks...Management needs training as well and if need be take up some of the work load as well....cross training and etc....for some employees and give those with a bigger work load a full days work and let go those who they do not need...simple..this will in turn create..efficientcies. save the ON money..ah there is a way to tell if you are calling your customers back in a timely manner..all calls can be monitored..with a better phone system as well...they will be able to tell if you goofing off with the Numbers that are called. It looks to be to many Chiefs and not enough indians as well time to make some cuts as well with can see the imcompetentcy all over the place....It's great you have a whistle blower box...and it is time to recognize merit base wages based on merit...the raises at this point given the area you live in is in line with the area no more raises for a while at least until 2016..before any bonuses go out should be based on a lot of the economy is doing in your area not world are the casino's doing this year and performance of course and etc....And not everyone should receive one just because get rewarded for job performance people and it should be in the employee packet you can not picket for that Bonus...what a shame this has it the right way and do not go above your management...makes management look like they are not doing there job...once a month have employee recognition day...give that person a 50 dollar voucher...get turkeys on the holiday to the employees and etc...and for that matter to everyone in the Nation....The money's there....we know and you know it...time to include all Osages..this is just the beginning...
Yes. It truly was like watching the Denver Pee Wees against the Seattle Seahawks. And they don't even get to go to Disney Land. Boo hoo!
Hello, my name is Tom Boone Jr. and I am announcing my candidacy for Principal Chief of the Osage Nation. I am from the Grayhorse District. Girard (John) Blackbird, the last full blood, male original allottee from Fairfax named me. Archie Mason roached me.
On my father's side, my great-grandfather was Joe Daniels. My grandmother was Cynthia Daniels Boone. My dad, Tom Boone Sr., is on the Grayhorse Committee. On my mother's side, my great grandmother was Rosa Strikeaxe. My grandmother was Naomi Myers. My mother, Cynthia Boone, is serving her second term on the Osage Minerals Council. I am married to Jessica. We have a daughter, Rachel.
I was elected to the Pawhuska School Board for a five year term. I'm a fourth generation member of the First Baptist Church in Pawhuska. I have served on the Osage Head Start Parent Committee.
For eight years, I've been involved with Youth Works, a Christian group that helps the elderly with home improvement projects in Pawhuska during the summer. I'm a firm supporter of the 1906 Act and I will not support redistributing of the headright shares of the minerals estate, nor do I intend to compact the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). I believe the Osage Minerals Council can take care of the minerals estate for the headright owners.
Caring for the elders and our children will be my primary focus, whether that is trying to provide a better quality of life for our elders or continuing to educate our youth past high school so they can enter the workforce prepared and with the confidence they need to be successful.
If elected chief, I will have an open door policy and be transparent in all of my actions. I am also for accountability and communication. I will personally return all my telephone calls. I will be there for you because you were there for me.
I respectfully request your vote on March 10. My name is Tom Boone Jr. and I'm number 1 on the ballot. Thank you.
What do you suppose Standing Bear meant during the debates when he said that the BIA was "fading away"? How can he possibly think that he can "control" the forces that are coming together from the State of Oklahoma against us legally on water rights and the Federal government continuing to run the Mineral Estate? This is going to require the cooperation, protection, and intervention of the U.S. Legislature not the courts.
The question is, who in the Federal government has the fiduciary obligation to the Osages per the Cherokee Deed to the Osages of 1883 and the 1906 Act as amended? Do the courts of the U.S. have the responsibility to uphold this fiduciary obligation and what are the penalties if they don't do so? Surely this must involve Judicial misconduct on some level if they don't.
I see another law siut if the Federal fails again to uphold the treaty of 1883 and the 1906 Act as amended. But what about Osage County? The Nation lost the Reservation Case..and the State recognizes the M/E does it not? Is the true Reservation? Huge quorum here. And Really the State needs to be reminded we were here first before the State became a State and heres another question, and what about OK vs.EPA say's the same thing " A State has regulatory jurisdiction within it's geographic boundries except where a tribe has a Reservation or has demonstrated it's jurisdiction." The State has regulatory over Non-Reservation...but we have demonstrated through our generosity in the shares of taxes in Revenue and yet we have demonstrated that Treaty Exists and are bound by and by and have demonstrated that within our confinements what we consider within the Reservation. Is this not standing? Trying to logical here...and then we already share enough revenue from the Casino's and M/E what more do they want..This State is not poor by any way shape or form.....and you can make more money lobbying than dealing with the headaches of Gov... Tom Coburn will sit on the sidelines and join the peanut gallery or arm chair quarterback...he is sick is what I believe and needs all his fight what he has Cancer...
Just by pass the State Courts and take it to the Federal Courts..We have a Treaty and the 1906 Act...This needs to hashed out one way or the other....We have rights...
There will always be a ex this or that to deal with, but the dealer may be the one to watch. So, it probably comes down to a Chief who's a thirty year some lawyer plus eight years in tribal gov,or a developer entrepreneur non-profit type, or a small businessman, local education board member. Truthfully I'd pick the Lawyer in the coming state of affairs of the Osage Nation. What six years of experiments hasn't done, sure need that pay as you go philosophy to return to the tribe by law with a lawyer at the keel, add that old warrior as assistant, job done. Get you down here on the MC, next...
The U.S. Congress has what is known as Plenary Power over the Indian Tribes in the United States. It means total power or control over the relationship between the two and no other branch of government has this designation or stipulation. It takes the power away from the State government at every level where this Doctrine applies. We just had a Chief removed for abrogation of power and what the State of Oklahoma appears to me to be doing is much the same thing with attempting to take on rights over the Osages that it does not have and never has had from day one. The Federal Courts do not have this kind of power over the Tribes either so the best and most correct avenue is to work with the U.S. Congress to bring forth legislation to further define and protect our rights. The Federal Courts are not our friends and the State Courts are not the place to establish these rights because we are governed by the plenary relationship with the U.S. Congress. Getting into court at the Federal level is insuring that we will lose everything. You run to the one who has the ultimate power to protect you and by law the Federal Government, and in particular the U.S. Congress, has a fiduciary relationship that must be upheld and maintained and this has been so IN WRITING since the deed for our reservation was signed in 1883.
Great Post true...Our Sovereign Right is at threat...The State of OK would lose in this Case and it would be better for them to Negotiate...Straight to Congress it is....
I read the latest "Notes to the Nation" by Kugee and thought about how he said our new Chief wants to improve things and work with Congress. Yet he has nominated some one by most accounts advised Jim Gray and for sure advised JRE to spend thousands of dollars on his defense when he had already admitted to, at least one charge. If this is the kind of person that cares nothing about spending the people's money and will advising Scott Big Horse this tells me much about our new Chief. I will be terribly upset if Congress confirms her appointment and will remember names of those that vote to confirm her when they come up for election!
As I heard it he was a do nothing AP Chief....he would be better to just sit idle..till his day is over....but he could still surprise us and by the looks of things the ball is rolling...just not fast enough...we have to tackle the Osage LLC head on...and would be better advised by a committee of no relation to formulate what the next step would be to take and we all know it's a thorough investigation to a deep audit of the finances...and taking this office to a different level for the Arrival of the New Chief and all in order...better off staying away from those who ill advised the a conflict of interest to the Nation as a whole...
I heard that after all that go round with the former Chief on the issue of nepotism, Chief SB has put Eddy Red Eagle back on the ONES Board! Where real change, jawboning activities and lip service are concerned, don't hold your breath. DISGUSTING!
They just can't keep from recycling those who have been on the dole one after another. Then they go on and on about the elders and the children but never enough for the rest of us. They have enough members on that Board anyway. Eddy will just try and get that roper friend of JRE in there when nobody wants him. We have to do something about this and soon. I get tired hearing their excuses. Don't you? Pay attention to who in Congress votes to confirm Eddy in the Regular Session coming up at the end of March. This will be who not to vote for in the upcoming election.
We will be watching and's unfortunate but JRE ruined the Red Eagle Name sorry they all come from the same seed...and this is just the domino effect...cannot be helped...
The poster at 11:46 today referred to our new chief as "SB' Judging by his early decisions and appointments,.maybe we ought to start referring to him as Chief "BS" The "good ole boy" and "buddy" system never seems to quit ! I's DISGUSTING!!
When the hell are you people on the hill going stop spending money on yourselves and your own personality defects and start spending the money on us, the average Osage man and woman on the street? Start working on a few positive character attributes. One of them is generosity. The kind that won't somehow benefit you or someone you know or are related to. If you were spending all the money on us like you should have been all along instead of on yourselves and your family members and cronies, you wouldn't have had to kick out our last Chief. Think of how much money would have been saved and how many Osages would today be benefitting and rightly so from the Osage Nation government. THINK ABOUT THAT FOR AT LEAST 60 SECONDS if you can manage to muster the self-discipline.
#1 I will not vote for a career tribal politician. For those seeking a office shouldn't be for personal gain but rather improvement for the whole tribe. (a) Negate all political handouts to flunkies and con artists. (b) Restrain Raiding of the Tribal purse, raiding should have been left on the plains of Kansas. (c) Divert money towards improvements for our seniors, children and making all safer and housing more up to date.
Every single one of these members of Congress were warned about watching the bottom line cost on the expansion of the Casinos before they ever came out of the ground. Back then the figure was $25 million. Since then it's gone to $50 million. Now we're hearing about cost overruns for $30 million more? See and start reading The TRUTH RE: The REAL Cost to build the Casinos 02 May 2013 and More ON Casino Project Information RE: Osage Nation web sites 02 May 2013. Apparently Kugee was the only one who has been on top of this situation. Unfortunately, it's too late.
Where is this money coming from? It is time to stop the raiding and the slim shady yes development in areas of Districts have been slow if not at all and get that Per-Cap out and start downsizing the Dept's and get rid of the long over due....Tired of the B.S and if I ever heard one lame excuses...after another...they them our Gov..Our Chief needs to heed the word of the Constituency we want answers I cannot believe Congress would not look at the budget and just allocate appropriations without verifying is villafileing.
iPad Ray has up his new web site. It's He goes on an on about what he hasn't done for himself but I'm not interested in reading about that. What I'm interested in is what he hasn't done for me and believe me, that's plenty. In fact, in his years of "service" it's a whole helluva lot of nothing.
Where I wanted representation, I got an argument. Where I wanted universal spending fairly for all Osages, I got Osage County centric spending. Where I wanted health care insurance, I got a raft of paperwork to fill out for a card with only $500 a year when tribal funds spending has been between a quarter to half a billion dollars in the last 7 1/2 years. When I wanted leadership to do what is right as mandated by the Constitution for all Osages no matter where they reside, I got an end run to purchase iPads that most in the Congress never wanted and don't use today. When I wanted transparency, oversight and accountability from him as a member of the Osage Congress, I got public statements about them not being written in the Constitution. He might show up for work but he doesn't serve me therefore, he doesn't work for me and never has since the day he was elected to office. Where I wanted my interests served just like everybody else back home, I got betrayal. He isn't St. Raymond and no amount of wishing, hoping and praying will ever turn that around. He has not earned my vote and on the basis of how poorly served I have been as a participating member and constituent of the Osage Nation, he doesn't doesn't deserve to be Assistant Principal Chief. It's too late to ask me what I want from him now. On the basis of his past professional behavior, if you can call it that, I know I won't get it.
The Chief was paid to be a leader. Raymond was paid to be a representative of the Osage people; all of the people. I don't think he ever got that the whole time he was in office. When I wanted representation, I got an excuse that when everything he wanted to spend money on had been covered, if there was anything left over, we would get it. None of these officials deserve to be elected to any office because of their prejudice and discrimination towards the vast and overwhelming majority of Osages under the umbrella of the Constitution. It's now time for accountability and Raymond must be held accountable for how he has spent our money. So must the rest for their incessant excuses and the way they have misused, misspent and outright lost our money with that loser Osage LLC.
Take a good look at the comment titled Today's Congressional Session posted by Can't we apply a little common sense? 13 Sep 2010 and start reading, located at
Thank you Poster feb 5th at 10:32 and Poster at 12:03 pm.. took the words out of my thoughts..don't need to say it now..We know the discrimination of the majority and we are fit to be tied...Ipad ray will not be asst principal chief...nah good candidate Dailey...he said it so many words and would have preferred him to be Chief...but maybe in 4 yrs....yes I wouldn't be proud of the Osage LLC and the Board Members need to go as well...this is about fiscal responsiblity...something that Vince Logan touched on and said financial litereacy is needed in Indian Country...We've had these Casino's since what 1984 if I have it correctly it was Sands Springs right? Since 1984 and we are now in 2014 folks it's time for that PER-CAP and should have been negotiated before we became a Gov....
Every single one of these members of Congress were warned about watching the bottom line cost on the expansion of the Casinos before they ever came out of the ground. Back then the figure was $25 million. Since then it's gone to $50 million. Now we're hearing about cost overruns for $30 million more? See and start reading The TRUTH RE: The REAL Cost to build the Casinos 02 May 2013 and More ON Casino Project Information RE: Osage Nation web sites 02 May 2013. Apparently Kugee was the only one who has been on top of this situation. Unfortunately, it's too late.
Plus for having given raises and bonuses for four years to one quarter of the workforce at the Osage Nation who have been falsifying their time sheets and probably still are to this day. You can't answer the phone if you're not there to answer it. They should be required to send a fax with the signature of every single employee in that office to the Chief's office ever hour on the hour that they are there from the time they arrive to the time they leave every single work day.
Vince Logan and financial literacy? HA! That man used to work for Merrill Lynch which had a virtual factory that created those real estate financial derivatives and hung that paper all over the planet so that when the market for these securities collapsed in 2008, it nearly toppled every economy in the entire world! You can't be serious, are you? Then these stooges over at the Osage Nation took the money we had in reserve away from Merrill Lynch --GOOD-- and gave it to Native American Fund Advisors LLC. (?) Read more about this: We have heard nothing since. I wonder if we even have any money in reserve now the way they have been spending it in the last two years.
You're under the impression that they know how to work a fax? We know at least one of them knows how to watch movies and eat pizza while lying on the floor in the office. That's a given because they have testimony on this but nothing on sending faxes that I know of. Don't assume anything.
From: Kugee Date: 15 Sep 2010 Time: 22:58:44 -0400 Remote Name: Comments: "When we get the Casino income secure, I will renew the effort to get a per capita payment plan approved. Most of the resistance to the plan came from the Gray administration and his supporters. No one has ever come up with a more equitable plan."
The casino income has been secure since it was placed in trust three or four years ago. You're the legislator, YOU are supposed to come up with an equitable plan.
"...I know the employees are underpaid and some of them don't do the work they are supposed to but most try to help our people. A per capita payments is a great way for people who have left the tribal area to see some money from our being a tribe. I am sure that will only happen once the immediate needs are taken care of, which include education, child care, health care, basic nutrition needs, veternan retraining, language program and the other normal requests to address these many needs. We are a small group of people, under 20,000 in population. I hope we can have a per capita payment fron our gaming money because that means we have got a good handle on the basic support matters of our people. I place the health and education of our youth first, then the needs of our elders. Our language and culture programs are in this top need area."
And we're at the bottom of the heap. The employees have been overpaid since the Gray Admin. before you were elected to the Osage Congress. NO vote for you as Chief Mr. Standing Bear.
At the bottom of the heap without a turkey in my pot or anyone elses....most of those youths and elders don't have the majority number of votes. We do though and we've been snubbed for long enough.
I won't be voting for Tom Boone t his campaign is to focused in only one area...very single minded..and we want someone who is universal and sees the needs of a Great Picture...The Greater needs not just in social issues but the needs of all short.
I get that as well..this is why I said Dailey stuck out there the most...he resonates exactly the way I feel...passionate about his dedication to listen to his constituency and he hears them loud and clearly....and recognizes the needs local and a far...numbers do not lie and this is just the tip of the Iceberg the waste is going on with the Gov. with Boards that we clearly don't need overpaid employees and possibly. Just so many efficiency and poor time management with staff so under trained and so forth...and as I've said earlier if not where has all the Revenue gone since the first casino opened up? Where did that money go to? Talk about financial literacy...and that's where the loop hole lies....and a poorly written Constitution....then you look at the Osage LLC can't make these things up.....the Crony Capitalism...has seen it's last day...The Nepotism....Really? And this is the people in Gov. doing this to all of us....and getting paid...and now by all means we have a AP Chief who advised the last two former Chiefs couldn't be more of a conflict of interest in the face of the Constituency...that's just insane..we need answers and equity and equality for fairness to All Osages...
Wow, what a reminder of our history's past and thankful for what I have it was hard times for our ancestors and what they endured...for us....when you understand your cultural background you really become grounded...with peace of mind. Thank you for your post.
Maybe we can learn from the Old English -- No lawyers to spend money on TU Law School and Suits that only profit lawyers. Too nuch education and no common sense.
===>>Say no to (Standingbear) and (Moore) !!!!!!!
Paraphrase from Shakespeare's play Henry The Sixth, Part 2 Act 4, scene 2, 71–78
All: God save your Osage Nation
Chief: I thank you, good people—there shall be no money; all shall eat and drink on our shared income, and I will apparel them all in one cloth, that they may agree like brothers, and support me their servant;
Chief's aid: The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.
In Marx's Ethnological Notebooks, he advances the theory that Native American societies are to be admired and the Iroquois in particular. He was exceeding taken with these cultures including their communal organization and ceremonial behavior. This research was seminal in his formation of Communism and its ideals. The same was true of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin who incorporated into the U.S. Constitution the democratic principals of government inherent in the Iroquois societal structure and Confederacy.
Bench warrant under advisement for principal chief candidate A 2013 summary judgment of nearly $59,000 could give Margo Gray problems before Election Day, Well this is no surprise a wanted be that can't be!!!
Ok just read the News this is not who I want to have in Office and representing the Tribe we just got rid of the Malfeasance in the Office and this isn't just a Dui and you made a mistake. Everyone knows when you dissolve your Company you liquidate your assets and pay your bill...This has not happened...and everyone uses the excuse I didn't get the Notice...You are part Owner and share in the responsibility...To the Election Board remove Margo's Name and open up the election process for other Candidates to run for this Position..
Buddy Gray's kid. The acorn does not fall far from the tree. She screws up her business affairs, has no money to pay and walks on the debt? Then she wants to come in to undoubtedly screw up the Nation's business affairs worse than they are already? As if that's even possible but with the Grays back in office there'd be no holds barred on the basis of what we saw with Jim. Then she wants us to play nice? It's obvious that she actually thinks she can take us all for fools. You put yourself forward to be elected Chief, then you must deal with the scrutiny that comes along with it. Here again that blasted Osage Congress leaves us with this Primary and a lineup of such few legitimate candidates for Chief while trying to tilt the playing field in the favor of elected officials already in office who cooked up this provision in the election legislation. It's just shocking. It's the members of the 2nd and 3rd Osage Congress who voted for this change in our election law. Blast on them for this manipulation of our election process!!!!!!!!!! May you live in infamy forever for what you've done to us and the Osage Nation.
Just ran those court dates through the system and a marriage license isn't a criminal offense. I really don't think we should be getting out the pitchforks for not wearing a seat belt and speeding. Come on guys. There's enough there not to have to resort to this.
You'd think the AG would look at everything he could find especially when in May of 2013, the judge issued a summary judgment on Horizon, the company Margo Gray owns. He should have found this information and sent it over to the Election Board for their review. I think this guy is so lazy it's not even funny.
osageblogger, perhaps you only looked at page 2 of the court dates, page 1 has three more: Osage CS-1999-00157 05/14/1999 GRAY, MARGARET (MARGO)Defendant FIRST NATIONAL BANK PAWHUSKA vs. GRAY, MARGARET (MARGO) PROMISSORY NOTE Osage SC-2000-00276 08/31/2000 GRAY, MARGARET (MARGO)Defendant 1ST FINANCE vs. GRAY, MARGARET (MARGO) MONEY JUDGMENT
OK. I stand corrected. Thank you for clarifying this matter. You're right. It is important because it goes to the candidate's ability to handle their personal financial affairs.
And just so much more I feel by neglecting to come forward is an indirect omission of the truth which is just a our faces and we weren't born from a turnip tree golly if the sun don't shine on the Executive comes the Osage Constitutional Convention....The Election Board has some answers to answer to...and maybe we need a New Election Board and review the processes of this Office by a independent study group...this is sick..we need to right the wrong and maybe we just need to swipe this slate clean and create a new Order for the system is broke and falling apart in front of our very eyes Why? Is this part of a bigger picture...Boone's weak, Margo and her hypocracy....leaves Standingbear....
Standingerbear wanted to give. $500,000 to his college and even though he admitted there was an employee problem he sponsored the bill to give them their raises. A vote getter?
Twelve wagon loads of ____ trees leaving from Ponca City to the Osage ranch of John Palmer and A.W. Comstock. time 1907 Under the Gallery of pictures
Louie Gray posted this on Facebook today: " Is the Osage Nation News really a newspaper? I submit it isn't even close. And they operate with an agenda meant to protect their chosen role of determining who isn't in leadership and who is chief." Remember the first election of the Constitutional Government when he got caught sending out the Nasty Note trashing everyone who wasn't a Gray? That's his idea of a real newspaper.
The oath was administered at 11:00 A.M. by Chief Trial Court Judge Marvin Stepson in the Supreme Court room at the Judicial Branch Building. In attendance were numerous family and friends.
Terry Mason Moore AP Chief of the Osage Nation while being a supreme court justice of the Pawnee Nation is =>unconstitutional!!! She should not be on the ballot either. <<< We seem to ignore all laws.>>>
I too was ready to go on the warpath. Bottom line, the ON Constitution specifies for Chief: "Section VII - Executive, Section 4. Disqualifications: The Principal Chief shall not hold any other office or position of profit under the Osage Nation nor hold any office, be it elected or appointed, under any other tribal government or state, county or federal government." Under "Section 6. Office of Assistant Principal Chief: There shall be an Assistant Principal Chief, whose Osage title shall be “Ki-he-kah O-wah-ta”, who shall have the same qualifications as the Principal Chief and serve for the same term and in the same manner." This last statement is specific to the "qualifications" but no "disqualifications" are specifically listed for the AP Chief in the Constitution. As a result, I think TMM is in the clear. For ethical reasons and to conform with the spirit of the law as written in the ON Constitution, I do think she should step down from her position as a Pawnee Nation Supreme Court Justice if the ON Congress confirms her as AP Chief. This is only a temporary appointment until the election and if she is isn't elected this could be problematic for her career ambitions and future income. It would be nice to see someone come into office who actually acts in the spirit of self-sacrifice and not perhaps for personal aggrandizement and financial gain. I have the same feeling about Geoffrey Standing Bear who did hold the office of AG for the Pawnee Nation but as to his status on this basis today, I'm not sure if he is any longer employed in this capacity. To be fair, highly skilled, trained and educated people are needed in Indian County and there are not enough to go around thus you see the same people working for different Tribal Nations.
It may not be in the Pawnee Constitution but lets read the Contract..I would find it hard to believe that a Office of such callibur you would not swear to uphold their Constituion of the State for the People, of the People, by the People..How do you hold the ATTORNEY GENERAL accountable? This is a Office of the if ands about it...In the real world Mayors are required The Secratary of State and the Attorney's General Office takes an Oath...Their is a path for sure here how these ATTORNEY'S are getting away by looking at the LOOP holes in the system.
The AG should let the court rule on these two cases. Standingbear and Moore have obvious conflict of interest issues. They should be removed from eligiibility to serve the Osages and Pawnees at the same time. Jones and these lawyers are cut from the same cloth and belong to a club we can't really feel are looking out for the members of either tribe.
Another situation involving potential conflict of interest are these accusations against Minerals Council member Sonny Abbott pulling another Team Osage where Geoffrey Standing Bear is concerned by paying for dinners and meet and greets that have been going on for the last few weeks. It is rumored that Abbott has had a function at his home to introduce StandingBeer to the heads of all of the prominent Osage families in order to get him elected to office. Plus, there's this BBQ dinner coming up this weekend that is being hosted by and presumably paid for by Abbott to introduce Geoffrey to the general Osage public. Abbott's an elected official who's in office today. He's not Geoffrey's father or mother, sister or brother. Is he trying to buy votes for Geoffrey by having these events? As a Mineral Council member, is it appropriate for Abbott to be having these functions for only one candidate or at all for another elected official? Is it ethical? Should Geoffrey even be participating in these events hosted, sponsored and paid for by another elected official of the Osage Nation? Look what happened the last time Team Osage put in a Chief. Disaster!!!!
Hahaha! What is this B.S. about PROMINENT HEADS OF FAMILIES?! OH COME ON NOW---get back to the REAL WORLD!!! 2014-good ole broke back Osage county Indians, all local yocals! the days of prominent families have been long gone for many, many years! And yes it is wrong for someone to accept 25thou for "CAMPAIGN" purposes!!! And sure as hell don't need Abbott to feed me a meal for a bribed vote AND If he was so positive of his boy "standingbear" being chief, why try & showoff with all this presenting GSB to the Osage, all know who he is already..DISASTER! All that's happening now up there over this election is BIgger than that CARMA---WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND!!! THOUGHT WHAT YOU DID TO CHIEF RED EAGLE WAS GREAT, LOOK AT ALL OF YOU NOW YOU CAN'T EVEN GET OFF THE GROUND, EXPLOITING YOURSELVES TO ALL OSAGES AND HOW YOU HAVE RIDICULED EVERY OSAGE NOT JUST THOSE INVOLVED! AND THERE ARE PROMINENT HEADS OF OSAGE FAMILIES---HAHAHA HAHA. NOTHING BUT A BIG JOKE ON ALL YOU INVOLVED!!!!!!!!!!! YOU BETTER STOP & think what's ahead!???????
You sound like a very confused person. Trying to blame everyone else for the bad things John Red Eagle did. John brought everything on himself. If you want to blame the voters, you have over half of them to criticize. You probably need to get another hobby.
Article X - Code of Ethics; Section 2. Compliance with Law and Regulations: In the performance of their duties, all officials and employees of the Osage Nation shall comply with all laws and regulations of the Osage Nation not in conflict with this Constitution.
Section 3. The Conduct of Tribal Officials and Employees: All tribal officials and employees of the Osage Nation shall avoid even the appearance of impropriety in the performance of their duties. Officials and employees shall refrain from abusive conduct, personal charges, or verbal affronts upon the character, motives, or intents of other officials or Osage citizens. Tribal officials and employees shall not hinder or obstruct the proper administration of the Osage Nation government in the administration of their duties.
Section 4. Conflicts of Interest: In order to assure independence and impartiality, tribal officials and employees are prohibited from using public positions to influence or otherwise effect government decisions for personal gain. Tribal officials and employees shall fully and in a timely manner disclose any conflicts, real or apparent, that might be seen to influence their judgment in the performance of their duties. Tribal officials and employees shall abstain from participation in deliberations or decision-making where any conflicts are deemed to exist.
Section 5. Gifts and Public Favor: Tribal officials and employees shall not accept any special advantage of services or opportunities for personal gain, by virtue of public office, that is not available to the Osage People. Tribal officials and employees shall not accept any gift, favor, or promise of future benefit for themselves or their relatives in exchange for preferential treatment.
I'd for sure say that Geoff is accepting special advantage of political services from Sonny to his campaign for personal gain to be Chief. I don't think either of these two ought to be doing what they are doing. As a member of the M/C, is Sonny trying to buy future political favors of Geoff if he becomes the Chief in the next election? Does Sonny think that he will be able to control Geoff if he's elected to be Chief if Sonny loses his bid for reelection to the M/C if he decides to run? I think a complaint ought to be filed with the AG's office to investigate what's going on here with these two. I mean we just got through throwing the Chief out and now they turn right around and pull crap like this? Damn.
Think about your own twisted logic. What you are saying is that no one should be able to make a political contribution and no candidate should be able to accept it.
Again, "Section 5. Gifts and Public Favor: Tribal officials and employees shall not accept any special advantage of services or opportunities for personal gain, by virtue of public office, that is not available to the Osage People. Tribal officials and employees shall not accept any gift, favor, or promise of future benefit for themselves or their relatives in exchange for preferential treatment." Sonny isn't making a political contribution to Geoffrey's campaign. He is providing a political service by hosting these events for Geoffrey and paying for them. What is the value of such services? Does Geoffrey have to disclose to the Election Board the dollar value of these services on the part of one elected official to another? Clearly from the questions posed in the above poster's comment the appearance of impropriety exists and I'm going to have to agree.
If someone not elected to office or someone who doesn't work for the Osage Nation were hosting these events then that would be another matter. They would have no mandate to conform to the ON Constitution and Geoffrey might only to have disclose the estimated value of these events to the Election Board. The problem is that Sonny Abbott is also an elected official of the Osage Nation. Is it appropriate for him to be hosting and paying for these events? Is it appropriate for Geoffrey to accept them under the circumstances. Is this a way for Geoffrey to circumvent the reporting laws on campaign contributions? It just opens up a can of worms that both men, I should think, would want to avoid especially in view of what has just happened with our previous Chief. We're not going back to business as usual.
Twisted logic again. Geoffrey or any other candidate is required to report the value of any event like this as a campaign contribution. This does not matter if the sponsor is an elected official or not.
I look at it this way. Sonny is an Osage citizen and he has the inherent right to support who ever he wants. It just happens that he sits on the MC. I don't see this as a conflict of interest no more than anyone else supporting the candidate that they think is best for the job. I agree with the poster on Feb 7...8:06 PM
So a mineral council member with plenty of money in his pocket, Sonny, has no power or influence over shareholders to sway the vote in any way shape or form? Who is being twisted and untruthful here? You boys want to make out like the rest of us don't have ethics and can't admit the truth, go ahead but there are people who live here who do know right from wrong and do know when others are taking unfair advantage of their position as an elected member of council and congress. You folks have tunnel vision and that's all there is to that. This is wrong and if it starts out this wrong this soon, there'll be no telling how bad it will get as time goes by. This is a flag and I'm not fool enough to ignore it. Just because it's not on the law books doesn't make it the right thing to do. It's cronyism between two elected members of the government right out in the open. People don't do this very often because they're smart enough to know that somebody always calls it what it is and calls them out on it. Abbott is no kingmaker and the last election is proof of it. I want to know about that secret meeting over at Abbott's house with Crum, Yates and others with Rod Hartness that he testified to about that dozer deal that fell through. Why isn't the congressman looking into that instead of indulging himself in the largess of someone with a bad reputation locally for trying to buy and control people. Abbott's money doesn't come for free. What is he buying and what is the candidate for Chief selling?
You are really making no sense whatsoever. First you imply that Abbott has unfair influence and then you say you have proof that he is no kingmaker. Why don't you just blame the voters for the way John turned out and pretend he wasn't involved. And then you want to know about a secret meeting at Abbott's, just ask him there's nothing secret about it.
To someone with a complete lack of sense, I suppose that would be true. It's because he has such influence that he can sway others to vote for who he wants elected to office. In the last election he threw his heft behind John Red Eagle under the umbrella of Team Osage. How did that work out for him and the rest of us too? You are so out to lunch! Have you ever heard of the Osage Nation Open Meeting's Law? You should have. You probably voted for the legislation. I believe that law applies to the Minerals Council too.
Again you are criticizing over half of the voters and blaming them for the way John failed his responsibilities and not holding John accountable. Also the open meeting law does not apply to private meetings unless there is a quorum present.
What makes you think that there wasn't a quorum present until the matter is investigated? You can't seem wrap your mind around the fact that we are talking about what happened by way of the influence by Sonny Abbott on the voters prior to entering the voting booth in 2010. Just like many if not most Osages I know who can never own whatever bad influence they may have on others, here you go with the leap frog right over Sonny and on to blame the voters who made the very large mistake of being influenced by him. Tim Tallchief would be solidly in place by now looking forward to another successful run for Chief if it hadn't been for the influence peddling of Sonny Abbott and the Team Osage he put together back then. Blame the voters and let him off the hook if you will but he had influence then and will continue to have influence now with the kind of money he throws around and it's not to be respected especially now that he is an elected official of the Mineral Council.
You are one sad individual. I don't blame Sonny and I don't blame the voters. You don't seem to be able to accept that John is responsible for John's behavior. That is your problem.
We're not there yet. I'm trying to reason with you intelligently about the influence of Sonny and his money. What HE is responsible for doing with his money. This is over your head. Some can understand a line of reasoning step by step and some can't. There is no further point in continuing this exchange.
Belong whatever that is in control of a candidate, you can find a independent political action committee, whose objective is to get a candidate or a cause elected, passed, defeated or one of many stalling tactics. Some recognized under the name swiftboating, or whatever it takes, within ethical guidelines if there is any..
One member of Congress posted to another web site that there was an audit finding of fraud in one of the federal programs run by Osage Nation. Which program and what acts were fraudulent?
Joe Don swindled $134,195.84 dollars from the Osage...ah like I said how long has this been going on ? And who else has embezzeled from the Osages and all this under the Unbrella of the ONG...Really . And is this the only amount that we know about...? Knew the amount could have been higher..send him to the dungeon with 30 yrs tucked away not to be thought of shame is upon his family and now we know the Former Chief tried to cover this up....
How are there not in this day monthly audits going on with these this day and age...this is poor financial keeping if I ever saw...can't believe it all because everyone knows everyone mentality and does not think this can go on in front of their faces..Unbelievable.
Joe Don told the treasurer of the 5 Man Board that he was keeping the records but the only record there was were the checks he wrote. I'm not even sure that he wrote those checks down in a check register of any kind. That's why the Feds wouldn't go there because they didn't have enough records to justify and prove that this embezzlement had ever taken place. What does that tell you?
I just can't believe the incompetence and it's as if there is no firewall...The ONG has lost un-told millions with the this guy Carol leese and now the truth of the matter is this is what we know about today with the five man Board...this behavior just didn't grow over nite...get that Per-Cap out and stamp out the criminals and boards who insist that everything will be alright after the recession and the econmy improves we are in for a heavy down slide with the economy and we don't need the B.S. anymore pissed off Osage..
How is that all other accounts had to have two or three signers on the account and there was only one signer on this account? The Checks had to get cashed and or deposited and the money had to go somewhere eh? Where were the checks and balances?
The Osage News is reporting that the AG has filed suit against four former members of the Pawhuska Indian Village Five-Man Board over the $806,000 that could not be accounted for properly. No word on whether the AG is still going to pursue the ethics charges against former Chief John D. Red Eagle.
ReplyDeleteWonder what took so long, this is a good day...It couldn't be because the Chief got in the way? Glad the Statute of limitations didn't run out....Can't wait to see the paper bet Joe Don was the mastermind..This is the beginning to cleaning house and no longer the diligence not swept under the carpet...time to subpoena the Bank Accounts...and folks this is the amount we know long has this been going on?
DeleteArrest warrants were issued for Joe Don Mashunkashey, Kenneth (KC) Bills, Theodore Brunt and Frank Redcorn. They are due in Tribal court on Feb. 13, 2014. Details are listed at
DeleteWow it's about time....
DeleteFinally!!!! I thought they were gonna let these guys skate. I coulda used some of that 806K.
DeleteTo review all of the Removal Trial comments on the Osage Blog see:
To watch and listen to the VIDEO of the Trial see:
To listen to the AUDIO of the Trial see:
We wish to extend our thanks to the IT Department and everyone who has worked so hard to make these audio and video recordings available online to the members of the Osage Nation.
For those who cannot attend, we will be watching the Candidate Debate as it is broadcast live via the internet TONIGHT at 5:00 p.m. CST, and at the computer for your reactions and comments here at the Osage Blog.
ReplyDeleteThe link to watch live on the internet is located at
DeleteThank your for the reminder...
DeleteSee notice: Primary Election Debate-Hominy Co-op Building at The Osage News is reporting that a preliminary check indicates that the roads and highways are clear if you are planning to attend the event.
DeleteBookmark this web page for future Osage News debate events:
DeleteThe Hominy Candidate debate will be held from 5-8 p.m. CST tonight per a recent Osage News Facebook notification at
DeleteNew article>>
ReplyDeleteThe Northern California Osage Meeting is on March 15, 2014. See
ReplyDeleteThe United Osages of Southern California Meeting is on Saturday May 24, 2014. Contact William Myers (760) 500-2266 or e-mail for more information.
The Candidate Debate is on live!
ReplyDeleteThe three candidates for Principal Chief are up at the podiums. Tom Boone is to the left, Margo Gray is in the center and Geoffrey Standing Bear is on the right. Margo is starting off with her opening statement.
DeleteTom is giving his statement but the camera is on Geoffrey Standing Bear and you can't hear a thing!
DeleteGeoffrey Standing Bear is giving his opening statement. Sharing about business and government matters of importance.
DeleteHe wants to fight State control of water rights as it pertains to the Mineral Estate.
DeleteOsage, LLC losses and in favor of a forensic audit to Geoffrey. Yes and create a Superboard?
DeleteMargo: ...know when to stop the bleeding of the losses and put in the right people and good leadership. Backing away from a forensic audit?
DeleteTom: Key people in place to invest in businesses on the ground like gas stations that have proven models that are successful and so forth.
DeleteClean up revelations about falsifying time sheets and not showing up for work? People working without being qualified or having necessary job skills.
DeleteTom: Training of the employees. Geoffrey: Strengthen HR. Margo: Improve employee morale.
DeleteBackground and experience for the job?
DeleteTom wants to do what's right by EVERYONE. Not for one family or for himself or just his family.
DeleteWhat about those us who aren't young or old? How are you going to empower the rest of us, Margo? Geoffrey: Responsible as Chief for the workings of the Osage Nation as an organization not as the "Chief."
DeleteWhat about a Per-Cap
DeleteWeak replies by Margo.
DeleteMineral estate questions.
DeleteGeoffrey: We are under siege and attack by the State of OK.
DeleteBe good to all get that Per-Cap out to everyone.
DeleteOk can pound sand and the feds will step in believe you and me....
Delete...and building a consensus. The government needs to be fixed including the Constitution that should serve us not US serve it.
DeleteDebate for the Candidates for Principal Chief has concluded. They are taking a 10 minute break.
DeleteIn my opinion did it not seem with some of the Candidates their answers seemed watered couldn't get a notion to one way or the other and that's disturbing.because when you speak you have to willing to describe in short how you plan to implement that goal talk is cheap and you have to be able to substantiate and legitimize to the people. ...I only saw one Candidate that had the most qualified experience...neither of them our of any choice I would choose but one did stand out Just my opinion
DeleteStarting with the A.P Chief Candidates: Amanda Proctor, Raymond Red Corn, James Dailey, Terry Mason Moore and Randolf Crawford. Opening statements are beginning now
DeleteThe $500.00 card don't get it when you get cancer! How right you are Mr. Dailey.
DeleteQuestion on reinstating employee job skills testing in order to go to work for the Osage Nation. It used to be that way and a lot of what is going on today was not going on then.
DeleteGo Amanda....sorry to hear about your Mother...RIP....
DeleteOh so far Mr.Dailey is right up there to.
DeleteAmanda has lost her mother today. We extend our deepest sympathy and greatly admire Amanda for coming to the Debate today.
DeletePlease speak into the microphone Candidates, so we can hear you. Thank you!
DeleteQuestion about the Osage people having a forum for communicating with the Osage government.
DeleteOh Raymond...Why don't we just ask you? If that took place you would argue with us about what we need and then tell us why we don't need it. Who do you think you're kidding?
DeleteYes. Mr. Crawford we do need to be inspired to become involved and participate in our government.
DeleteGeneral Council with the Osage members so that we have a voice and the government serves us. Yes, Mr. Dailey! I agree.
DeleteQuestion on experience in government.
DeleteQuestion on the vision of the future.
DeleteChange in two to three years Raymond? You are one of the ones who have built this government from day one from the ground up. If it has problems and needs change you are one of the original architects who have built what we have today. If you could have done better why didn't you do it then?
DeleteDailely has my Vote.
DeleteOpps Dailey
DeleteImpassioned speech from Mr. Dailey. And a per-cap too. A hospital and housing and OUR money to go TO THE PEOPLE NOT CONSULTANTS, ATTORNEYS, CONFERENCES AND ON AND ON AND ON... Yes Amanda! I agree.
DeleteWe were unable to come so we tried to watch and listen via the computer. I have a very good computer and speakers BUT it looked like the moderators and the candidates were using the same wireless mike and in that hall there was so much echo you couldn't understand a darn thing. It's a shame that who ever was in charge of setting this up, obviously doesn't know a darn thing about broadcasting.. Another typical Osage snafu ! This did a disservice to those that could not attend both here in Oklahoma and everywhere else that would liked to have heard the debate. It was also a disservice to the candidates that wanted to get their message out. I am not an IT specialist but possibly next time they might want to use fixed microphones at each station. Maybe that would cut out all the echo?
DeleteHaven't hardly heard a word that Terry Mason Moore has said the whole debate.
DeleteTake the losses of the LLC and we might as well have given it to the people? Is that so bad that we should be deserving? We're living things too......
DeleteThe Debates have concluded. It was very interesting and informative.
DeleteOverall reactions to what was said and by whom today?
DeleteDailey is experienced and his speech left me feeling he means what he say's....He will get the J O B done is aware of the injustice to the three camps and not blind to the Social issues that exist for the ALL that means every Osage matters and no Osage left behind..Get the truth get out there so we know where we stand so cohesive as a Tribe the Osage Tribe and the division that divides...It's time we believe. that's what I got from him as the big bird in the sky will shine upon our Osage Tribe for the people of the people and by the people the Eagle Soars, ok in so many words his passion could be felt...he more than Qualifies....
DeleteTerry Mason Moore to Mechanical and rehearsed..and to self centered...Amanda...bless her soul....she's up there....Raymond is a carreer politician and I felt is self centered....There's more than just education...equal developement would have been a good answer...As we build our Osage Campus Plan in tandum shall we build our communities in Toe...I did not here that clearly from him...Randolf goofy lookin dude but what the heck he sounded sincere but it wasn't enough culture in his wind....tie goes to the winner it would be Dailey.
DeleteAnybody else taking a gander?
DeleteI just got the feeling that some of them are sneaky. If the money isn't going to us we have the right to know where it's going and how much of it is being spent. Those in government or employed by it now are a big part of the reason why we don't know. This is important to consider.
DeleteIf G. Standing Bear finds these issues so compelling and important, why hasn't he put them out there to the Osage people? In an e-mail, a newsletter or even the Osage News in an editorial? What makes him think that we will believe that he will communicate with us about what needs to be done any better than he has in the last three and a half years? That dog won't hunt. It sounds like millions will be going to pay for more attorneys fees and court costs and co-mingling of the OME. A vote of no confidence from me.
DeleteOn balance, I thought it was a good debate. I thought the questions were thoughtful, timely and in some instances, pithy. The candidates handled themselves well and it helped give me a feel for those who are running for Chief and AP Chief. I enjoyed it and thank the Osage News for sponsoring it. Well done. Next time however, they really do need a better sound system.
DeleteI agree, and out of this super bowl eve, in a Osage country town , where the Hominy Indians once took on the the New York Giants,Uncle played on that team.It wasn't exactly a debate nor was it a love inn. The Osage Tribe could and will come out a winner, by being represent with any number of combination. of these candidates Good to hear some questions from around the World, locations telling more then names, but all needed to be ask and answer.
DeleteMy bet for Super Bowl 21-17 Bronco's. That's my spread. and happy eats....any predictions who's going to be Chief and AP? Boone and Dailey....? Accountability and Transperency and to bring cohesiveness the doors must be open for communication and a lot where concerned was the Osage LLC and my bet the Board Members are reacting just a day late and a dollar short....what were they thinking allowing 11 million dollars gone slip through their fingers and need to be held accountable and all fired excuses..The doors closed and open a New door under a different name and new board members with an Oversite Committee...No one must know eachother on the second committee...And I agree with Poster at 12:02 AM...we will come out a winner and once again lets get fairness and balance back to OUR TRIBE THE OSAGE TRIBE LONG LIVE THE 1906 ACT...
DeleteThis was the same board with the just now "transitioned" CEO Carol Leese along with the "Harvard" LLC Board member Jonathan Taylor who tried to end run a yearly cash infusion of $3-5 MILLION or a one time payment of $21-22 MILLION for the Osage, LLC. I watched this meeting on the internet the day it took place and I still can't believe my eyes. If you paid attention to what Geoffrey said during the debate last night, I believe he made the statement that the Osage, LLC has been handing out unsecured loans. Who knows what that amounts to in terms of future losses: "We give you the money and you give us a high percentage rate of return yearly with very high risk involved then you lose the money or use it up and don't pay it back to us but it was high risk and we were warned that the investment could be lost going in..." Is this what's been going on here because this is what it looks like. The truth of the matter is we don't know what these boards and commissions are even doing for the most part that we pay through the nose for TO OUR OWN PERSONAL DETRIMENT and I'm certain that we don't know the half of what is really going on but all this had better come to light and soon because we have a right to know especially in some cases where we have warned these elected officials well in advance of the losses and they have gone ahead ignoring our warnings at the proven peril of fiscal well being the Osage Nation. Accountability to the Osage people is the new Watch Cry and they had better get up to speed on this and come clean now rather than later. As for the Broncos and John Elway, I don't know. Where matters in heaven and on earth are concerned, they may still have yet to account for Tebow...
DeleteAbsoulutely...The Nation does need to come clean why and why would you in an economy that truly is in a war between ressession and depression even risk going into the buisnesss of unsecured loans....that's insane...ah lets see duh....maybe Congress was lied to...need to follow the paper trail ....Congress the Constituency wants visual insight to what risky investements and not just components but with real aspects into the financail stability of the Osage LLC.....We want to know no less the truth of the matter today and not tommorrow..with a real comprehensive report laying a spread of what went where to who and when and so forth....We want the reports on the Airport, and Park and what ever else there is that we do not know about.....For every dollar spent on the Osage Campus a dollar matched for the 3 districts...Now this is negotiating...Get that Per-Cap out as to be tied...lets get this year on the right foot....
DeleteYeah. What was he saying about fraud in our last audit? What's that about? When are we going to get some answers in real time from these elected types? Why is the Osage News not reporting on this kind of hard news that they have to dig for? Why do we have to hear about this in a debate?
DeleteWe're not the Stock Market.
DeleteWe're not Santa Claus either.
DeleteOsages first....not Lawyers or Consultants...we negotiate what we want....we are Sovereign..This is the Peoples Money and you Congress works for the Constituency stop the Waste or Face the enevitable a Osage Constitutional Convention....We do not have a open spiget of money to everyone else but to the Osages....get rid of the Bottom Feeders...the bleed, the Cancer...Our Past is who we are less should we forget, not Osages sticking it to the Osage Brother and Sisters...Get that Per-Cap out there...if there was anyone I saw last night who wants to right the wrong is Dailey...He wants and we all should want what is right and to right the wrong....He recognizes the truth if you would only open your eyes....Our future is now. today is now Biggest of all we want clarity and accoutbility with transperency in all areas and aspects of this NATION his dedication as Amanda Proctor is there, how anyone who just lost their Mother and still have the fortitude comes from an inner belief and you gotta love Amanda how many cases has the Nation won none..she's one up on that we have this much money to lose yet we can't get a Clinic going for the Osage? What is going on? Yet we can waste 11 million and untold amounts depending on the Contract with the Osage LLC...we could be out more than we know yet we waste the Money but can't get a Per -Cap to their own People who they work for ah don't turn an eye this has a bell of truth ringing loud and clearly....We want the truth and everyone talks but we know B/S walks now lets see who's going to March for the Osage...that passion I only got from 2 people...when you campaign you lose people's attention if you talk to much about your self or if you just throw a crumb and not show how to in short will you achieve this goal...We heard about communication lets see how this works...this is the tie that binds...
DeleteThe thing is with Amanda, you can tell that she's a Harvard grad. She wants no set skills testing for anyone who works for the Nation. HR has to be able to determine if the Osages who have preference have any skills or ability to do the job they are being hired to do. If they can't read or write or do anything productive in an office environment then they are being paid to do nothing because they can't accomplish the job they are hired to do. At the point we are now, there is no way to determine if they even have the skills to absorb on-the-job training. In short, these Osages don't have to prove that they are worthy of the money they are being paid and they certainly don't even have to earn it if they can't do the job. Perfect case in point is Macy Mashunkeshey and I know for a fact that she's not the only one who has no clue what she's doing or even supposed to be doing as an employee of the Osage Nation. The question is, with our money, why don't these Osages have to earn it where our elected officials are concerned when 85-90% of the members of the Osage Nation do? Secondly, if Standing Bear wants someone to sue, have him go after the Harvard $32 BILLION Endowment Fund for the $11.5 + MILLION losses that the Osage, LLC has sustained under the guidance of Harvard grad, research fellow and Osage, LLC Board member Jonathan Taylor. And have him fire Taylor too while he's at it. From this experience with the Osage Nation, the Harvard Project (School of Government not Business) has about as much business giving out advice to Tribes as Bernie Madoff!
DeleteHere ya go. Proof positive they cook up these government departments and divisions to keep the money away from us. Who are the ones who've sponsored bills to grow this government when we don't even have the work force capable of doing the jobs they create? And four or five deep where management people are piled on top of management people with directors over directors and just one pile of them is costing us $200 to $300 thousand in salaries alone and no benefits? These Osage officials are busted and caught red handed with the smoking gun. Where's the removal trial for them? Huh?
DeleteScary, isn't it?
Delete"God has been so good to me." Russell Wilson as he held the Lombardi Trophy after winning the Super Bowl.
DeleteThe Seahawks came in like the wrath of God that's for darn sure. Sad Tebow has to be in Super Bowl commercials and not out on the field. I think he might could have rescued a few whipped puppies in that game yesterday.
DeleteYes they did and the Bronco's need to change their colors to blank and a blitz in a blink of an eye,,,, I couldn't watch after half time...wasn't a game...looked like manning was throwing his ball away...he doesn't ever throw is ball the way he did in the Superbowl.
DeleteThese Gov. Depts.....Management, and do they no what time management is? They need to decompartmenatalize each Dept...and desks...Management needs training as well and if need be take up some of the work load as well....cross training and etc....for some employees and give those with a bigger work load a full days work and let go those who they do not need...simple..this will in turn create..efficientcies. save the ON money..ah there is a way to tell if you are calling your customers back in a timely manner..all calls can be monitored..with a better phone system as well...they will be able to tell if you goofing off with the Numbers that are called. It looks to be to many Chiefs and not enough indians as well time to make some cuts as well with can see the imcompetentcy all over the place....It's great you have a whistle blower box...and it is time to recognize merit base wages based on merit...the raises at this point given the area you live in is in line with the area no more raises for a while at least until 2016..before any bonuses go out should be based on a lot of the economy is doing in your area not world are the casino's doing this year and performance of course and etc....And not everyone should receive one just because get rewarded for job performance people and it should be in the employee packet you can not picket for that Bonus...what a shame this has it the right way and do not go above your management...makes management look like they are not doing there job...once a month have employee recognition day...give that person a 50 dollar voucher...get turkeys on the holiday to the employees and etc...and for that matter to everyone in the Nation....The money's there....we know and you know it...time to include all Osages..this is just the beginning...
DeleteYes. It truly was like watching the Denver Pee Wees against the Seattle Seahawks. And they don't even get to go to Disney Land. Boo hoo!
DeleteHello, my name is Tom Boone Jr. and I am announcing my candidacy for Principal Chief of the Osage Nation.
ReplyDeleteI am from the Grayhorse District. Girard (John) Blackbird, the last full blood, male original allottee from Fairfax named me. Archie Mason roached me.
On my father's side, my great-grandfather was Joe Daniels. My grandmother was Cynthia Daniels Boone. My dad, Tom Boone Sr., is on the Grayhorse Committee. On my mother's side, my great grandmother was Rosa Strikeaxe. My grandmother was Naomi Myers. My mother, Cynthia Boone, is serving her second term on the Osage Minerals Council. I am married to Jessica. We have a daughter, Rachel.
I was elected to the Pawhuska School Board for a five year term. I'm a fourth generation member of the First Baptist Church in Pawhuska. I have served on the Osage Head Start Parent Committee.
For eight years, I've been involved with Youth Works, a Christian group that helps the elderly with home improvement projects in Pawhuska during the summer. I'm a firm supporter of the 1906 Act and I will not support redistributing of the headright shares of the minerals estate, nor do I intend to compact the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). I believe the Osage Minerals Council can take care of the minerals estate for the headright owners.
Caring for the elders and our children will be my primary focus, whether that is trying to provide a better quality of life for our elders or continuing to educate our youth past high school so they can enter the workforce prepared and with the confidence they need to be successful.
If elected chief, I will have an open door policy and be transparent in all of my actions. I am also for accountability and communication. I will personally return all my telephone calls. I will be there for you because you were there for me.
I respectfully request your vote on March 10. My name is Tom Boone Jr. and I'm number 1 on the ballot. Thank you.
Good for you -- Hope you beat the lawyer and sister.
DeleteWhat do you suppose Standing Bear meant during the debates when he said that the BIA was "fading away"? How can he possibly think that he can "control" the forces that are coming together from the State of Oklahoma against us legally on water rights and the Federal government continuing to run the Mineral Estate? This is going to require the cooperation, protection, and intervention of the U.S. Legislature not the courts.
ReplyDeleteThe question is, who in the Federal government has the fiduciary obligation to the Osages per the Cherokee Deed to the Osages of 1883 and the 1906 Act as amended? Do the courts of the U.S. have the responsibility to uphold this fiduciary obligation and what are the penalties if they don't do so? Surely this must involve Judicial misconduct on some level if they don't.
DeleteWe have to see what camp the future exsenator lobbies.
DeleteWhat do mean by that? Are you suggesting that Coburn is going to become a lobbyist after he leaves government? I thought he was battling cancer.
DeleteBelieve 11:22 am on the right trail , sorry about the cancer.
DeleteI see another law siut if the Federal fails again to uphold the treaty of 1883 and the 1906 Act as amended. But what about Osage County? The Nation lost the Reservation Case..and the State recognizes the M/E does it not? Is the true Reservation? Huge quorum here. And Really the State needs to be reminded we were here first before the State became a State and heres another question, and what about OK vs.EPA say's the same thing " A State has regulatory jurisdiction within it's geographic boundries except where a tribe has a Reservation or has demonstrated it's jurisdiction." The State has regulatory over Non-Reservation...but we have demonstrated through our generosity in the shares of taxes in Revenue and yet we have demonstrated that Treaty Exists and are bound by and by and have demonstrated that within our confinements what we consider within the Reservation. Is this not standing? Trying to logical here...and then we already share enough revenue from the Casino's and M/E what more do they want..This State is not poor by any way shape or form.....and you can make more money lobbying than dealing with the headaches of Gov... Tom Coburn will sit on the sidelines and join the peanut gallery or arm chair quarterback...he is sick is what I believe and needs all his fight what he has Cancer...
DeleteJust by pass the State Courts and take it to the Federal Courts..We have a Treaty and the 1906 Act...This needs to hashed out one way or the other....We have rights...
DeleteThere will always be a ex this or that to deal with, but the dealer may be the one to watch. So, it probably comes down to a Chief who's a thirty year some lawyer plus eight years in tribal gov,or a developer entrepreneur non-profit type, or a small businessman, local education board member. Truthfully I'd pick the Lawyer in the coming state of affairs of the Osage Nation. What six years of experiments hasn't done, sure need that pay as you go philosophy to return to the tribe by law with a lawyer at the keel, add that old warrior as assistant, job done. Get you down here on the MC, next...
DeleteThe U.S. Congress has what is known as Plenary Power over the Indian Tribes in the United States. It means total power or control over the relationship between the two and no other branch of government has this designation or stipulation. It takes the power away from the State government at every level where this Doctrine applies. We just had a Chief removed for abrogation of power and what the State of Oklahoma appears to me to be doing is much the same thing with attempting to take on rights over the Osages that it does not have and never has had from day one. The Federal Courts do not have this kind of power over the Tribes either so the best and most correct avenue is to work with the U.S. Congress to bring forth legislation to further define and protect our rights. The Federal Courts are not our friends and the State Courts are not the place to establish these rights because we are governed by the plenary relationship with the U.S. Congress. Getting into court at the Federal level is insuring that we will lose everything. You run to the one who has the ultimate power to protect you and by law the Federal Government, and in particular the U.S. Congress, has a fiduciary relationship that must be upheld and maintained and this has been so IN WRITING since the deed for our reservation was signed in 1883.
DeleteGreat Post true...Our Sovereign Right is at threat...The State of OK would lose in this Case and it would be better for them to Negotiate...Straight to Congress it is....
DeleteThank you, but not that great. The term should have been arrogation of power not abrogation. Sorry.
DeleteI udnerstood....but still I am in agreement....
DeleteI read the latest "Notes to the Nation" by Kugee and thought about how he said our new Chief wants to improve things and work with Congress. Yet he has nominated some one by most accounts advised Jim Gray and for sure advised JRE to spend thousands of dollars on his defense when he had already admitted to, at least one charge. If this is the kind of person that cares nothing about spending the people's money and will advising Scott Big Horse this tells me much about our new Chief. I will be terribly upset if Congress confirms her appointment and will remember names of those that vote to confirm her when they come up for election!
ReplyDeleteI agree...remember he won't be Chief for long....and all eye's are watching....
DeleteAs I heard it he was a do nothing AP Chief....he would be better to just sit idle..till his day is over....but he could still surprise us and by the looks of things the ball is rolling...just not fast enough...we have to tackle the Osage LLC head on...and would be better advised by a committee of no relation to formulate what the next step would be to take and we all know it's a thorough investigation to a deep audit of the finances...and taking this office to a different level for the Arrival of the New Chief and all in order...better off staying away from those who ill advised the a conflict of interest to the Nation as a whole...
DeleteI heard that after all that go round with the former Chief on the issue of nepotism, Chief SB has put Eddy Red Eagle back on the ONES Board! Where real change, jawboning activities and lip service are concerned, don't hold your breath. DISGUSTING!
DeleteThey just can't keep from recycling those who have been on the dole one after another. Then they go on and on about the elders and the children but never enough for the rest of us. They have enough members on that Board anyway. Eddy will just try and get that roper friend of JRE in there when nobody wants him. We have to do something about this and soon. I get tired hearing their excuses. Don't you? Pay attention to who in Congress votes to confirm Eddy in the Regular Session coming up at the end of March. This will be who not to vote for in the upcoming election.
DeleteWe will be watching and's unfortunate but JRE ruined the Red Eagle Name sorry they all come from the same seed...and this is just the domino effect...cannot be helped...
DeleteThe poster at 11:46 today referred to our new chief as "SB' Judging by his early decisions and appointments,.maybe we ought to start referring to him as Chief "BS" The "good ole boy" and "buddy" system never seems to quit ! I's DISGUSTING!!
DeleteThere you go!
DeleteReactions to the Super Board in Kugee's latest "Notes"?
DeleteWhere is the notes to the Nation from kugee?
DeleteWhen the hell are you people on the hill going stop spending money on yourselves and your own personality defects and start spending the money on us, the average Osage man and woman on the street? Start working on a few positive character attributes. One of them is generosity. The kind that won't somehow benefit you or someone you know or are related to. If you were spending all the money on us like you should have been all along instead of on yourselves and your family members and cronies, you wouldn't have had to kick out our last Chief. Think of how much money would have been saved and how many Osages would today be benefitting and rightly so from the Osage Nation government. THINK ABOUT THAT FOR AT LEAST 60 SECONDS if you can manage to muster the self-discipline.
DeleteYou will need to send Congressman Supernaw an e-mail to be included on his mailing list at
Delete#1 I will not vote for a career tribal politician. For those seeking a office shouldn't be for personal gain but rather improvement for the whole tribe.
Delete(a) Negate all political handouts to flunkies and con artists.
(b) Restrain Raiding of the Tribal purse, raiding should have been left on the plains of Kansas.
(c) Divert money towards improvements for our seniors, children and making all safer and housing more up to date.
Every single one of these members of Congress were warned about watching the bottom line cost on the expansion of the Casinos before they ever came out of the ground. Back then the figure was $25 million. Since then it's gone to $50 million. Now we're hearing about cost overruns for $30 million more? See and start reading The TRUTH RE: The REAL Cost to build the Casinos 02 May 2013 and More ON Casino Project Information RE: Osage Nation web sites 02 May 2013. Apparently Kugee was the only one who has been on top of this situation. Unfortunately, it's too late.
DeleteWhere is this money coming from? It is time to stop the raiding and the slim shady yes development in areas of Districts have been slow if not at all and get that Per-Cap out and start downsizing the Dept's and get rid of the long over due....Tired of the B.S and if I ever heard one lame excuses...after another...they them our Gov..Our Chief needs to heed the word of the Constituency we want answers I cannot believe Congress would not look at the budget and just allocate appropriations without verifying is villafileing.
DeleteIf you missed the Candidate Debates they are now uploaded online for on demand watching at
ReplyDeleteInteresting and updated content at
DeleteiPad Ray has up his new web site. It's He goes on an on about what he hasn't done for himself but I'm not interested in reading about that. What I'm interested in is what he hasn't done for me and believe me, that's plenty. In fact, in his years of "service" it's a whole helluva lot of nothing.
ReplyDeleteWhere I wanted representation, I got an argument. Where I wanted universal spending fairly for all Osages, I got Osage County centric spending. Where I wanted health care insurance, I got a raft of paperwork to fill out for a card with only $500 a year when tribal funds spending has been between a quarter to half a billion dollars in the last 7 1/2 years. When I wanted leadership to do what is right as mandated by the Constitution for all Osages no matter where they reside, I got an end run to purchase iPads that most in the Congress never wanted and don't use today. When I wanted transparency, oversight and accountability from him as a member of the Osage Congress, I got public statements about them not being written in the Constitution. He might show up for work but he doesn't serve me therefore, he doesn't work for me and never has since the day he was elected to office. Where I wanted my interests served just like everybody else back home, I got betrayal. He isn't St. Raymond and no amount of wishing, hoping and praying will ever turn that around. He has not earned my vote and on the basis of how poorly served I have been as a participating member and constituent of the Osage Nation, he doesn't doesn't deserve to be Assistant Principal Chief. It's too late to ask me what I want from him now. On the basis of his past professional behavior, if you can call it that, I know I won't get it.
DeleteThe Chief was paid to be a leader. Raymond was paid to be a representative of the Osage people; all of the people. I don't think he ever got that the whole time he was in office. When I wanted representation, I got an excuse that when everything he wanted to spend money on had been covered, if there was anything left over, we would get it. None of these officials deserve to be elected to any office because of their prejudice and discrimination towards the vast and overwhelming majority of Osages under the umbrella of the Constitution. It's now time for accountability and Raymond must be held accountable for how he has spent our money. So must the rest for their incessant excuses and the way they have misused, misspent and outright lost our money with that loser Osage LLC.
DeleteTake a good look at the comment titled Today's Congressional Session posted by Can't we apply a little common sense? 13 Sep 2010 and start reading, located at
DeleteThank you Poster feb 5th at 10:32 and Poster at 12:03 pm.. took the words out of my thoughts..don't need to say it now..We know the discrimination of the majority and we are fit to be tied...Ipad ray will not be asst principal chief...nah good candidate Dailey...he said it so many words and would have preferred him to be Chief...but maybe in 4 yrs....yes I wouldn't be proud of the Osage LLC and the Board Members need to go as well...this is about fiscal responsiblity...something that Vince Logan touched on and said financial litereacy is needed in Indian Country...We've had these Casino's since what 1984 if I have it correctly it was Sands Springs right? Since 1984 and we are now in 2014 folks it's time for that PER-CAP and should have been negotiated before we became a Gov....
DeleteEvery single one of these members of Congress were warned about watching the bottom line cost on the expansion of the Casinos before they ever came out of the ground. Back then the figure was $25 million. Since then it's gone to $50 million. Now we're hearing about cost overruns for $30 million more? See and start reading The TRUTH RE: The REAL Cost to build the Casinos 02 May 2013 and More ON Casino Project Information RE: Osage Nation web sites 02 May 2013. Apparently Kugee was the only one who has been on top of this situation. Unfortunately, it's too late.
DeletePlus for having given raises and bonuses for four years to one quarter of the workforce at the Osage Nation who have been falsifying their time sheets and probably still are to this day. You can't answer the phone if you're not there to answer it. They should be required to send a fax with the signature of every single employee in that office to the Chief's office ever hour on the hour that they are there from the time they arrive to the time they leave every single work day.
DeleteVince Logan and financial literacy? HA! That man used to work for Merrill Lynch which had a virtual factory that created those real estate financial derivatives and hung that paper all over the planet so that when the market for these securities collapsed in 2008, it nearly toppled every economy in the entire world! You can't be serious, are you? Then these stooges over at the Osage Nation took the money we had in reserve away from Merrill Lynch --GOOD-- and gave it to Native American Fund Advisors LLC. (?) Read more about this:
We have heard nothing since. I wonder if we even have any money in reserve now the way they have been spending it in the last two years.
You're under the impression that they know how to work a fax? We know at least one of them knows how to watch movies and eat pizza while lying on the floor in the office. That's a given because they have testimony on this but nothing on sending faxes that I know of. Don't assume anything.
Deletekugees always to late to save the day. sun has set by the time he gets around to it.
DeleteIn case you missed it:
DeleteFrom: Kugee
Date: 15 Sep 2010
Time: 22:58:44 -0400
Remote Name:
"When we get the Casino income secure, I will renew the effort to get a per capita payment plan approved. Most of the resistance to the plan came from the Gray administration and his supporters. No one has ever come up with a more equitable plan."
The casino income has been secure since it was placed in trust three or four years ago. You're the legislator, YOU are supposed to come up with an equitable plan.
Raymond isn't the only one with the excuses:
From: G. StandingBear
Date: 14 Sep 2010
Time: 15:54:09 -0400
Remote Name:
"...I know the employees are underpaid and some of them don't do the work they are supposed to but most try to help our people. A per capita payments is a great way for people who have left the tribal area to see some money from our being a tribe. I am sure that will only happen once the immediate needs are taken care of, which include education, child care, health care, basic nutrition needs, veternan retraining, language program and the other normal requests to address these many needs. We are a small group of people, under 20,000 in population. I hope we can have a per capita payment fron our gaming money because that means we have got a good handle on the basic support matters of our people. I place the health and education of our youth first, then the needs of our elders. Our language and culture programs are in this top need area."
And we're at the bottom of the heap. The employees have been overpaid since the Gray Admin. before you were elected to the Osage Congress. NO vote for you as Chief Mr. Standing Bear.
At the bottom of the heap without a turkey in my pot or anyone elses....most of those youths and elders don't have the majority number of votes. We do though and we've been snubbed for long enough.
DeleteSearch osage chief
ReplyDeletein the results you should see click to go to that web site
Home - A WebsiteBuilder Website for Osage Chief
Deletethis should be a direct link to the website
I won't be voting for Tom Boone t his campaign is to focused in only one area...very single minded..and we want someone who is universal and sees the needs of a Great Picture...The Greater needs not just in social issues but the needs of all short.
DeleteWell you won't get that from employee big spender Standing Bear or Margo Gray either. They are home townies all the way to the bank.
DeleteI get that as well..this is why I said Dailey stuck out there the most...he resonates exactly the way I feel...passionate about his dedication to listen to his constituency and he hears them loud and clearly....and recognizes the needs local and a far...numbers do not lie and this is just the tip of the Iceberg the waste is going on with the Gov. with Boards that we clearly don't need overpaid employees and possibly. Just so many efficiency and poor time management with staff so under trained and so forth...and as I've said earlier if not where has all the Revenue gone since the first casino opened up? Where did that money go to? Talk about financial literacy...and that's where the loop hole lies....and a poorly written Constitution....then you look at the Osage LLC can't make these things up.....the Crony Capitalism...has seen it's last day...The Nepotism....Really? And this is the people in Gov. doing this to all of us....and getting paid...and now by all means we have a AP Chief who advised the last two former Chiefs couldn't be more of a conflict of interest in the face of the Constituency...that's just insane..we need answers and equity and equality for fairness to All Osages...
DeleteDailey isn't running for Chief.
DeleteMeant that he would make a great Chief. I know he's running for AP.
ReplyDeleteWow, what a reminder of our history's past and thankful for what I have it was hard times for our ancestors and what they endured...for us....when you understand your cultural background you really become grounded...with peace of mind. Thank you for your post.
DeleteMaybe we can learn from the Old English -- No lawyers to spend money on TU Law School and Suits that only
ReplyDeleteprofit lawyers. Too nuch education and no common sense.
===>>Say no to (Standingbear) and (Moore) !!!!!!!
Paraphrase from Shakespeare's play
Henry The Sixth, Part 2 Act 4, scene 2, 71–78
God save your Osage Nation
I thank you, good people—there shall be no money; all shall eat
and drink on our shared income, and I will apparel them all in one cloth,
that they may agree like brothers, and support me their servant;
Chief's aid:
The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.
Yes, that I mean to do.
That Shakespeare was one super smart Dude.
DeleteOr Communist, comrade
DeleteOr Indian. Communal living has always been the Indian way long before Marx or Lenin were ever even thought of.
DeleteIn Marx's Ethnological Notebooks, he advances the theory that Native American societies are to be admired and the Iroquois in particular. He was exceeding taken with these cultures including their communal organization and ceremonial behavior. This research was seminal in his formation of Communism and its ideals. The same was true of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin who incorporated into the U.S. Constitution the democratic principals of government inherent in the Iroquois societal structure and Confederacy.
DeleteBench warrant under advisement for principal chief candidate
ReplyDeleteA 2013 summary judgment of nearly $59,000 could give Margo Gray problems before Election Day, Well this is no surprise a wanted be that can't be!!!
Can you please explain in detail, What was the summary judgment...for $59,000 dollars?
DeleteRead osagenews. today
DeleteSee the Article at
DeleteOk just read the News this is not who I want to have in Office and representing the Tribe we just got rid of the Malfeasance in the Office and this isn't just a Dui and you made a mistake. Everyone knows when you dissolve your Company you liquidate your assets and pay your bill...This has not happened...and everyone uses the excuse I didn't get the Notice...You are part Owner and share in the responsibility...To the Election Board remove Margo's Name and open up the election process for other Candidates to run for this Position..
DeleteMargaret Mildred has had more civil court dates:
DeleteThis is accountability at it's best " Denial"!!!!!!!
DeleteBuddy Gray's kid. The acorn does not fall far from the tree. She screws up her business affairs, has no money to pay and walks on the debt? Then she wants to come in to undoubtedly screw up the Nation's business affairs worse than they are already? As if that's even possible but with the Grays back in office there'd be no holds barred on the basis of what we saw with Jim. Then she wants us to play nice? It's obvious that she actually thinks she can take us all for fools. You put yourself forward to be elected Chief, then you must deal with the scrutiny that comes along with it. Here again that blasted Osage Congress leaves us with this Primary and a lineup of such few legitimate candidates for Chief while trying to tilt the playing field in the favor of elected officials already in office who cooked up this provision in the election legislation. It's just shocking. It's the members of the 2nd and 3rd Osage Congress who voted for this change in our election law. Blast on them for this manipulation of our election process!!!!!!!!!! May you live in infamy forever for what you've done to us and the Osage Nation.
DeleteJust ran those court dates through the system and a marriage license isn't a criminal offense. I really don't think we should be getting out the pitchforks for not wearing a seat belt and speeding. Come on guys. There's enough there not to have to resort to this.
DeleteYou'd think the AG would look at everything he could find especially when in May of 2013, the judge issued a summary judgment on Horizon, the company Margo Gray owns. He should have found this information and sent it over to the Election Board for their review. I think this guy is so lazy it's not even funny.
Deleteosageblogger, perhaps you only looked at page 2 of the court dates, page 1 has three more: Osage CS-1999-00157 05/14/1999 GRAY, MARGARET (MARGO)Defendant FIRST NATIONAL BANK PAWHUSKA vs. GRAY, MARGARET (MARGO) PROMISSORY NOTE
DeleteOsage SC-2000-00276 08/31/2000 GRAY, MARGARET (MARGO)Defendant 1ST FINANCE vs. GRAY, MARGARET (MARGO) MONEY JUDGMENT
OK. I stand corrected. Thank you for clarifying this matter. You're right. It is important because it goes to the candidate's ability to handle their personal financial affairs.
DeleteAnd just so much more I feel by neglecting to come forward is an indirect omission of the truth which is just a our faces and we weren't born from a turnip tree golly if the sun don't shine on the Executive comes the Osage Constitutional Convention....The Election Board has some answers to answer to...and maybe we need a New Election Board and review the processes of this Office by a independent study group...this is sick..we need to right the wrong and maybe we just need to swipe this slate clean and create a new Order for the system is broke and falling apart in front of our very eyes Why? Is this part of a bigger picture...Boone's weak, Margo and her hypocracy....leaves Standingbear....
DeleteWhere can I get one of those turnip[ trees?
DeleteGood question.
DeleteStandingerbear wanted to give. $500,000 to his college and even though he admitted there was an employee problem he sponsored the bill to give them their raises. A vote getter?
DeleteLOL I heard they had some turnip wagons up on the hill.
DeleteTwelve wagon loads of ____ trees leaving from Ponca City to the Osage ranch of John Palmer and A.W. Comstock. time 1907 Under the Gallery of pictures
Deleteor at
DeleteA vote buyer is more like it.
DeleteLouie Gray posted this on Facebook today: " Is the Osage Nation News really a newspaper? I submit it isn't even close. And they operate with an agenda meant to protect their chosen role of determining who isn't in leadership and who is chief." Remember the first election of the Constitutional Government when he got caught sending out the Nasty Note trashing everyone who wasn't a Gray? That's his idea of a real newspaper.
ReplyDeleteThe oath was administered at 11:00 A.M. by Chief Trial Court Judge Marvin Stepson in the Supreme Court room at the Judicial Branch Building. In attendance were numerous family and friends.
ReplyDeleteTerry Mason Moore AP Chief of the Osage Nation while being a supreme court justice of the Pawnee Nation is =>unconstitutional!!!
She should not be on the ballot either. <<< We seem to ignore all laws.>>>
I too was ready to go on the warpath. Bottom line, the ON Constitution specifies for Chief: "Section VII - Executive, Section 4. Disqualifications: The Principal Chief shall not hold any other office or position of profit under the Osage Nation nor hold any office, be it elected or appointed, under any other tribal government or state, county or federal government." Under "Section 6. Office of Assistant Principal Chief: There shall be an Assistant Principal Chief, whose Osage title shall be “Ki-he-kah O-wah-ta”, who shall have the same qualifications as the Principal Chief and serve for the same term and in the same manner." This last statement is specific to the "qualifications" but no "disqualifications" are specifically listed for the AP Chief in the Constitution. As a result, I think TMM is in the clear. For ethical reasons and to conform with the spirit of the law as written in the ON Constitution, I do think she should step down from her position as a Pawnee Nation Supreme Court Justice if the ON Congress confirms her as AP Chief. This is only a temporary appointment until the election and if she is isn't elected this could be problematic for her career ambitions and future income. It would be nice to see someone come into office who actually acts in the spirit of self-sacrifice and not perhaps for personal aggrandizement and financial gain. I have the same feeling about Geoffrey Standing Bear who did hold the office of AG for the Pawnee Nation but as to his status on this basis today, I'm not sure if he is any longer employed in this capacity. To be fair, highly skilled, trained and educated people are needed in Indian County and there are not enough to go around thus you see the same people working for different Tribal Nations.
DeleteSee the article, ON Attorney General Jeff Jones issues first opinion at
DeleteIt may not be in the Pawnee Constitution but lets read the Contract..I would find it hard to believe that a Office of such callibur you would not swear to uphold their Constituion of the State for the People, of the People, by the People..How do you hold the ATTORNEY GENERAL accountable? This is a Office of the if ands about it...In the real world Mayors are required The Secratary of State and the Attorney's General Office takes an Oath...Their is a path for sure here how these ATTORNEY'S are getting away by looking at the LOOP holes in the system.
DeleteThere's always been a lot of loops and a lot of holes in this setup.
DeleteThe AG should let the court rule on these two cases. Standingbear and Moore have obvious conflict of interest issues. They should be removed from eligiibility to serve the Osages and Pawnees at the same time. Jones and these lawyers are cut from the same cloth and belong to a club we can't really feel are looking out for the members of either tribe.
ReplyDeleteAnother situation involving potential conflict of interest are these accusations against Minerals Council member Sonny Abbott pulling another Team Osage where Geoffrey Standing Bear is concerned by paying for dinners and meet and greets that have been going on for the last few weeks. It is rumored that Abbott has had a function at his home to introduce StandingBeer to the heads of all of the prominent Osage families in order to get him elected to office. Plus, there's this BBQ dinner coming up this weekend that is being hosted by and presumably paid for by Abbott to introduce Geoffrey to the general Osage public. Abbott's an elected official who's in office today. He's not Geoffrey's father or mother, sister or brother. Is he trying to buy votes for Geoffrey by having these events? As a Mineral Council member, is it appropriate for Abbott to be having these functions for only one candidate or at all for another elected official? Is it ethical? Should Geoffrey even be participating in these events hosted, sponsored and paid for by another elected official of the Osage Nation? Look what happened the last time Team Osage put in a Chief. Disaster!!!!
DeleteHahaha! What is this B.S. about PROMINENT HEADS OF FAMILIES?! OH COME ON NOW---get back to the REAL WORLD!!! 2014-good ole broke back Osage county Indians, all local yocals! the days of prominent families have been long gone for many, many years! And yes it is wrong for someone to accept 25thou for "CAMPAIGN" purposes!!! And sure as hell don't need Abbott to feed me a meal for a bribed vote AND If he was so positive of his boy "standingbear" being chief, why try & showoff with all this presenting GSB to the Osage, all know who he is already..DISASTER! All that's happening now up there over this election is BIgger than that CARMA---WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND!!! THOUGHT WHAT YOU DID TO CHIEF RED EAGLE WAS GREAT, LOOK AT ALL OF YOU NOW YOU CAN'T EVEN GET OFF THE GROUND, EXPLOITING YOURSELVES TO ALL OSAGES AND HOW YOU HAVE RIDICULED EVERY OSAGE NOT JUST THOSE INVOLVED! AND THERE ARE PROMINENT HEADS OF OSAGE FAMILIES---HAHAHA HAHA. NOTHING BUT A BIG JOKE ON ALL YOU INVOLVED!!!!!!!!!!! YOU BETTER STOP & think what's ahead!???????
DeleteYou sound like a very confused person. Trying to blame everyone else for the bad things John Red Eagle did. John brought everything on himself. If you want to blame the voters, you have over half of them to criticize. You probably need to get another hobby.
DeleteArticle X - Code of Ethics;
DeleteSection 2. Compliance with Law and Regulations: In the performance of their duties, all officials and employees of the Osage Nation shall comply with all laws and regulations of the Osage Nation not in conflict with this Constitution.
Section 3. The Conduct of Tribal Officials and Employees: All tribal officials and employees of the Osage Nation shall avoid even the appearance of impropriety in the performance of their duties. Officials and employees shall refrain from abusive conduct, personal charges, or verbal affronts upon the character, motives, or intents of other officials or Osage citizens. Tribal officials and employees shall not hinder or obstruct the proper administration of the Osage Nation government in the administration of their duties.
Section 4. Conflicts of Interest: In order to assure independence and impartiality, tribal officials and employees are prohibited from using public positions to influence or otherwise effect government decisions for personal gain. Tribal officials and employees shall fully and in a timely manner disclose any conflicts, real or apparent, that might be seen to influence their judgment in the performance of their duties. Tribal officials and employees shall abstain from participation in deliberations or decision-making where any conflicts are deemed to exist.
Section 5. Gifts and Public Favor: Tribal officials and employees shall not accept any special advantage of services or opportunities for personal gain, by virtue of public office, that is not available to the Osage People. Tribal officials and employees shall not accept any gift, favor, or promise of future benefit for themselves or their relatives in exchange for preferential treatment.
I'd for sure say that Geoff is accepting special advantage of political services from Sonny to his campaign for personal gain to be Chief. I don't think either of these two ought to be doing what they are doing. As a member of the M/C, is Sonny trying to buy future political favors of Geoff if he becomes the Chief in the next election? Does Sonny think that he will be able to control Geoff if he's elected to be Chief if Sonny loses his bid for reelection to the M/C if he decides to run? I think a complaint ought to be filed with the AG's office to investigate what's going on here with these two. I mean we just got through throwing the Chief out and now they turn right around and pull crap like this? Damn.
DeleteThink about your own twisted logic. What you are saying is that no one should be able to make a political contribution and no candidate should be able to accept it.
DeleteAgain, "Section 5. Gifts and Public Favor: Tribal officials and employees shall not accept any special advantage of services or opportunities for personal gain, by virtue of public office, that is not available to the Osage People. Tribal officials and employees shall not accept any gift, favor, or promise of future benefit for themselves or their relatives in exchange for preferential treatment." Sonny isn't making a political contribution to Geoffrey's campaign. He is providing a political service by hosting these events for Geoffrey and paying for them. What is the value of such services? Does Geoffrey have to disclose to the Election Board the dollar value of these services on the part of one elected official to another? Clearly from the questions posed in the above poster's comment the appearance of impropriety exists and I'm going to have to agree.
DeleteIf someone not elected to office or someone who doesn't work for the Osage Nation were hosting these events then that would be another matter. They would have no mandate to conform to the ON Constitution and Geoffrey might only to have disclose the estimated value of these events to the Election Board. The problem is that Sonny Abbott is also an elected official of the Osage Nation. Is it appropriate for him to be hosting and paying for these events? Is it appropriate for Geoffrey to accept them under the circumstances. Is this a way for Geoffrey to circumvent the reporting laws on campaign contributions? It just opens up a can of worms that both men, I should think, would want to avoid especially in view of what has just happened with our previous Chief. We're not going back to business as usual.
DeleteTwisted logic again. Geoffrey or any other candidate is required to report the value of any event like this as a campaign contribution. This does not matter if the sponsor is an elected official or not.
DeleteI look at it this way. Sonny is an Osage citizen and he has the inherent right to support who ever he wants. It just happens that he sits on the MC. I don't see this as a conflict of interest no more than anyone else supporting the candidate that they think is best for the job. I agree with the poster on Feb 7...8:06 PM
DeleteSo a mineral council member with plenty of money in his pocket, Sonny, has no power or influence over shareholders to sway the vote in any way shape or form? Who is being twisted and untruthful here? You boys want to make out like the rest of us don't have ethics and can't admit the truth, go ahead but there are people who live here who do know right from wrong and do know when others are taking unfair advantage of their position as an elected member of council and congress. You folks have tunnel vision and that's all there is to that. This is wrong and if it starts out this wrong this soon, there'll be no telling how bad it will get as time goes by. This is a flag and I'm not fool enough to ignore it. Just because it's not on the law books doesn't make it the right thing to do. It's cronyism between two elected members of the government right out in the open. People don't do this very often because they're smart enough to know that somebody always calls it what it is and calls them out on it. Abbott is no kingmaker and the last election is proof of it. I want to know about that secret meeting over at Abbott's house with Crum, Yates and others with Rod Hartness that he testified to about that dozer deal that fell through. Why isn't the congressman looking into that instead of indulging himself in the largess of someone with a bad reputation locally for trying to buy and control people. Abbott's money doesn't come for free. What is he buying and what is the candidate for Chief selling?
DeleteYou are really making no sense whatsoever. First you imply that Abbott has unfair influence and then you say you have proof that he is no kingmaker. Why don't you just blame the voters for the way John turned out and pretend he wasn't involved. And then you want to know about a secret meeting at Abbott's, just ask him there's nothing secret about it.
DeleteTo someone with a complete lack of sense, I suppose that would be true. It's because he has such influence that he can sway others to vote for who he wants elected to office. In the last election he threw his heft behind John Red Eagle under the umbrella of Team Osage. How did that work out for him and the rest of us too? You are so out to lunch! Have you ever heard of the Osage Nation Open Meeting's Law? You should have. You probably voted for the legislation. I believe that law applies to the Minerals Council too.
DeleteAgain you are criticizing over half of the voters and blaming them for the way John failed his responsibilities and not holding John accountable. Also the open meeting law does not apply to private meetings unless there is a quorum present.
DeleteWhat makes you think that there wasn't a quorum present until the matter is investigated? You can't seem wrap your mind around the fact that we are talking about what happened by way of the influence by Sonny Abbott on the voters prior to entering the voting booth in 2010. Just like many if not most Osages I know who can never own whatever bad influence they may have on others, here you go with the leap frog right over Sonny and on to blame the voters who made the very large mistake of being influenced by him. Tim Tallchief would be solidly in place by now looking forward to another successful run for Chief if it hadn't been for the influence peddling of Sonny Abbott and the Team Osage he put together back then. Blame the voters and let him off the hook if you will but he had influence then and will continue to have influence now with the kind of money he throws around and it's not to be respected especially now that he is an elected official of the Mineral Council.
DeleteYou are one sad individual. I don't blame Sonny and I don't blame the voters. You don't seem to be able to accept that John is responsible for John's behavior. That is your problem.
DeleteWe're not there yet. I'm trying to reason with you intelligently about the influence of Sonny and his money. What HE is responsible for doing with his money. This is over your head. Some can understand a line of reasoning step by step and some can't. There is no further point in continuing this exchange.
DeleteBelong whatever that is in control of a candidate, you can find a independent political action committee, whose objective is to get a candidate or a cause elected, passed, defeated or one of many stalling tactics. Some recognized under the name swiftboating, or whatever it takes, within ethical guidelines if there is any..
DeleteNew article>> Bye Bye’s-resignation-effective-march-31
ReplyDeleteGood ridence long over due now a new board.
DeleteA million plus dollars light in salary and benefits for this joker to lose 12 million of our bucks. Good riddance is right.
DeleteComments of TDTKB are relocated to
ReplyDeletePipeline workers, if you need employment, call Louise Cheshewalla at 918-287-5303.
ReplyDeleteOne member of Congress posted to another web site that there was an audit finding of fraud in one of the federal programs run by Osage Nation. Which program and what acts were fraudulent?
ReplyDeleteIf this is true can you post that web site Please. This is nothing to keep underwraps..
DeleteJoe Don swindled $134,195.84 dollars from the Osage...ah like I said how long has this been going on ? And who else has embezzeled from the Osages and all this under the Unbrella of the ONG...Really . And is this the only amount that we know about...? Knew the amount could have been higher..send him to the dungeon with 30 yrs tucked away not to be thought of shame is upon his family and now we know the Former Chief tried to cover this up....
ReplyDeleteBanishment is the least we can do. Absolutely they must go to jail....and start looking at what assets they have as well....need strong laws ONG....
DeleteHow are there not in this day monthly audits going on with these this day and age...this is poor financial keeping if I ever saw...can't believe it all because everyone knows everyone mentality and does not think this can go on in front of their faces..Unbelievable.
DeleteJoe Don told the treasurer of the 5 Man Board that he was keeping the records but the only record there was were the checks he wrote. I'm not even sure that he wrote those checks down in a check register of any kind. That's why the Feds wouldn't go there because they didn't have enough records to justify and prove that this embezzlement had ever taken place. What does that tell you?
DeleteI just can't believe the incompetence and it's as if there is no firewall...The ONG has lost un-told millions with the this guy Carol leese and now the truth of the matter is this is what we know about today with the five man Board...this behavior just didn't grow over nite...get that Per-Cap out and stamp out the criminals and boards who insist that everything will be alright after the recession and the econmy improves we are in for a heavy down slide with the economy and we don't need the B.S. anymore pissed off Osage..
DeleteHow is that all other accounts had to have two or three signers on the account and there was only one signer on this account? The Checks had to get cashed and or deposited and the money had to go somewhere eh? Where were the checks and balances?
DeleteI thought two signers too but I think Joe Don told the board treasurer to pretty much stand down, that he was on top of it.
DeleteHe sure was...
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