Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Conversation--Part 2--February-March 2014

Osage Blog Conversation continues at


  1. Ipad Raymond said on Facebook yesterday that the losses on LLC were "awful." He didn't say that he voted for all of them for years.

    1. Standingbear wanted to shut them down back in 2012 and I beleive the losses were at that he knew about was 4. million give or the business world it would have been more effeicient to move the loses and close this one down, but no one wanted to listen and this is happens because everyone believes in each other to the point it dertriment..why? Get rid of it and the Board..end..

    2. iPad Ray and Shackleford were the ones who brought in that Harvard guy Lance Morgan with Ho-Chunk, Inc, upon which the Osage, LLC was modeled in the first place. Inasmuch as anything else he is responsible for, it's his baby all the way. His website says -- By now you have noticed that this announcement isn’t about the promise of new benefits and services. This as much as anything else says he's a government for the government advocate. Benefits to all Osage members is a fundamental. He doesn't get that and never has. Still doesn't for that matter and never will. Time for Ray to move on. He won't do what we need him to do.

    3. Right. I had my reservations about lance Morgan from the beginning.

    4. The year after Ipad Ray voted against shutting down the LLC they lost 5.8 million dollars. $16,000 a day for 365 days. The books showed it was coming. Money that could of helped a lot of Osages. Who did it help?

    5. Stop the Gov. waste....unbelievable.

    6. It sure as, you know what, didn't help me one bit. But then, who the, you know what, am I to iPad Ray? Nothing. I don't even exist because I don't live in Osage County where $15 million of Federal funding is already spent on 5-10% of the Osages who live and work there but that doesn't count where Tribal spending is concerned. This new government and it's spending priorities flunk in every way that it's possible. Campus Plan Phase I, my eye! A new building for the cultural and language department when outreach is what is needed and should be funded including online instruction for everyone who lives in the U.S. What happened to the Cultural Center? They have buildings to use but nothing they have already is ever good enough for them. They have the same mindset as Hitler who's public works with money, gold, assets, and art appropriated or stolen or both from the German people out in the provinces and every other country he could get his hands on to build government buildings and that planned whole city cultural and art center, the Führermuseum in Linz, Austria. What has to happen to turn these priorities around is to make sure that they are not elected to office ever, ever, ever again.

    7. End the spending scourge! Begin The Osage Surge by running for office as a member of the Osage Nation Congress. Care enough to make a difference and do something about these unfair spending practices. See The filing period for Congress is March 15, 2014 through March 31, 2014. See the FAQ at

    8. After looking into the Wells Fargo Bank advice put forward by Kugee Supernaw here on the Osage Blog, a bank account with them is NOT available for campaign purposes in Colorado, unless you file business paperwork with the Colorado Secretary of State. This is also true with Bank of the West in Colorado as well. If you are from Colorado and planning to run for office in the ON Congressional election and you don't want to go to all that bother and expense, there are three banks that will accept out of state customers in Oklahoma where you can open a bank account for campaign purposes as per the requirements of the Osage Nation Election Rules:
      Citizens Bank at Speak with Aubree.
      The First National Bank in Pawhuska at
      Security National Bank at Speak with Sherry.
      You will have to come into the Election Office in Pawhuska to file to run for Congress: The filing period is March 15, 2014 - March 31, 2014. See FAQ at

  2. If the amount of $800,000.00 is unaccountable by the Pawhuska Indian Camp Board, please explain how that large amount (almost 1M) is in the Indian Camp fund? Is it just for the upkeep of Indian Camp? What is the annual amount of dollars put into the account? If it is just for upkeep of the village, what are the expenditure line items. And who oversees this money? Just the Board? If so, this is not good. There must be changes made and made now. Is the Executive Office over the account or is it the Congress?

    I want to thank of the people making comments, it's the most information I've had on our Osage Nation.

    1. The Villages are on trust property held in reserve. So it's kind of a grey area. The Congress does make appropriations to the Villages but they have their own governing charter, I believe. The deal is because the Pawhuska Casino is on Pawhuska Village land, they get a percentage of the gaming income. How much I don't know but it was this money that was embezzled if I have the facts correct.


    3. Share the wealth and get that Per-Cap to everyone....

    4. John had the best friends money can buy,
      “We see all your good qualities and we don’t lie,”
      We’re your only true friends, friends ‘til we die,
      What? You can’t give us any more money? Bye!

    5. Funny but we don't get any money. You who work for the gooferment and the lawyers do. How many lawsuits have been filed since the Constitution was ratified? Government against Government-Government against BIA-Executive against Congress-Congress against Executive- Government against the State-Congress against the Chief- Chief against the Congress. 15-20? In the real world, if you were this lawsuit happy they would have you committed on a psychiatric and you'd be given given shock therapy. Too legally aggressive!

  3. Villages are supposed to be under the BIA == 25 CFR Part 91 which would mean the Tribal Council. Where the Osage Nation comes into this is gray water. Most of the Tribal Property seems to be used by the Osage Nation without any formal settlement with the Tribe as far as transfer of deed or payment to shareholders goes.
    The National Council around 1997 muddied the water. I think Tillman and the Council of that era innitiated gaming and made the agreement with the 5 man board. Somewhere it must be documented, who knows where. It was a % of the gaming income on the property. I personally doubt if any law has been broken as this whole deal is beyond any legally established entity. ( I guess we are about to fing out.)

    1. What gave them the Authority under the BIA? Under what entitlement does the ONG have to the Proceeds of the Casino's? And then you have the 1906 ACT that clarifies? And it was talked about before 1997...before it went to the National Council...what a conundrum but if you look at the law..we have to look back at and to the BIA? This goes before we were a Gov....

  4. If I-pad Ray loses in his bid for asst chief does he still retain his seat in congress

  5. No, he hopes to go to work for the LLC.

    1. I see the humor in your reply but even at that it's not too funny! As much money he has voted to pour down the drain, he should apply for CEO of the LLC. Seriously...what happens to his current position if he should lose.

    2. The election rules prevent him from filing for Congress this year. He could file again in 2016.

  6. More help is needed on the Flannigan pipeline. See

    1. Daxn it, thought one of those LLC had converted the old 300 ft steep Flanagan Hill into a Olympic style slope, training a reliable pipeline for the next, never mind. If you don't know where Flanagan Hill is located, its Prudom St., ask a Bighorse.

  7. Affordable Care Act – Tribal Exemption Form, see

  8. Osage Nation Scholarship Meeting information, see

    1. See also

  9. Where our government money has been going and what it's been paying for>>>>>>>>>> plus


    1. Thank you! Osageblogger, I may act ,write and talk like a hick, but since ya'll welcome me back some months ago, and told me you were happy I found you, Oh! I'd been there all along , just didn't have much to say. Believe it's time to quieten and tone it down a bit, but will keep my eyes and ears open for interesting pieces like the above. Also my IT man is back so if you still need that two pages I have in on two IMG JPG. You may use it over on the next Osage SH Matters 200. Got it done. HomerJF

  11. According to the Osage News, four former members of the Pawhuska village board were to appear in court on Feb 13 to enter a guilty or not guilty plea. Depending on their plea then a trial date will be set. Anyone know how that went?

    1. All not guilty next court date march 13.

    2. That's interesting. I understand the plea and it will be interesting to hear them explain just exactly where the money went. I understand one of them paid some of the money back but that was only after the s *^t hit the fan, so to speak. Wonder if they would have came with if they hadn't been exposed ? They need to pay every last cent of it back OR do some time!

    3. AND do some time

    4. They need to be banished for stealing and made of what if Joe Don paid back 12,000. dollars does not make it right... They all knew exactly what they were doing. 100,000. was funnelled to Joe Dons personal business all their assets need to be attached as and so forth...and we need stronger legislation to prevent this sort of thing ever happening again....

    5. A lot of that legislation that has been passed into law has no penalties specified. It's virtually worthless until it does.

    6. See

  12. iPad Ray has his slogan, Leadership Matters. Is it leadership to vote to fund and lose $12 million on that Osage, LLC and I'll take a WAG; vote for another $12 million in total for legal expenses since he first started out in 2006? He even tried recently to sponsor a bill to nearly double the legal fees for the Chief to help out with his legal battle against removal from office. The best leadership he could offer to the Osage people is to lead himself off in a direction far away from the Osage Nation government. Since he won't do that, we need to do it for him by not voting for iPad Ray Red Corn in the primary in March.

    1. I couldn't agree more...

    2. I'll second that !! He has shown NO fiscal l responsibility while in Congress. Can't imagine what he would try to pull as assistant Chief. And to carry that a step farther,as someone posted to the effect, think about who is the asst. Chief if something should happen the the Principal Chief. Chief I-Pad Ray ?

    3. The #1 "Fiscal Irresponsibility" culprit iPad Ray:

    4. Obviously, no one on this blog actually knows Raymond Red Corn. It's easy to criticize from the blissful state of ignorance.

    5. OHHHH Yeah. Right.
      Voting Record? Do those words mean anything to you?
      Know Raymond? Nahhhh. I hardly think we need to.

    6. What's extremely important to remember about Raymond is that he has fought accountability, transparency and oversight since he first took the oath of office. I don't personally agree with the Superboard concept because we were told that the business boards were supposed to be populated with professionals in those fields who would act in the capacity of oversight for every venture we have going and adding another board layer with additional salaries and expenses doesn't make sense to me but in Raymond's case as a member of Congress charged with the responsibility of Congressional oversight and developing the tools to enable it, he was reported to immediately turn around within a few hours of when the concept was introduced to find examples of why it wouldn't work. He has approved nearly every appropriation that has come up on the floor of Congress, ignoring what his other colleagues have believed is right and what the constituents have wanted him to do. If Jim Gray had to go down for going back into court with that tax lawsuit that lost us our Federal reservation status, Raymond Red Corn must go down too for having funded it as a member of the Osage Congress. He's glib and charming and appears to be ever so much more intelligent than we are but we have to accept the responsibility for holding him accountable for what he has done. This dispossession of our prior Federal reservation status protection was and is a devastating loss to the Osage Nation, the Osage people and the Shareholders who derive income from the mineral rights. He voted to fund this lawsuit and it's high time that he pay for his actions.

    7. Irresponsible actions.

  13. New article>>

  14. Why is everything that is wrong with congress blamed on one person? Is this person the ONLY one that can sponsor a bill? Why don't you get your favorite congressman or congresswomen to sponsor what you believe to be needed?

    1. Why? Because they don't know the first thing about representing the constituents. If you ask them to do anything, they behave as if it's more of an imposition than anything else, that is of course, if you don't get an outright argument that what you want done, is to them, the wrong thing to do. They NEVER ask what can I do for you? It isn't in their vocabulary.

    2. My experience more than once is that at least one of them says, "Well, no other constituent has asked me to do what you want me to do." They're totally FOS.

    3. How to defuse a bombshell: Call the Election Board. First: The requirement for a checking account is not new. It was required in the last two general elections. Second: The checking account should be held exclusively for the campaign. It could be named: Jane Doe, Jane Doe Special, Jane Doe for Congress, etc. If the title you select requires special filings in your state, then use another title. Many people have more than one checking account at the same bank and that, as far as I know, should not be a problem in any state.

    4. I stand corrected. Yes, the 2010 Election Board Rules did require a bank account (II, Section 2, B, 10). I cannot find any such candidate qualification for the General Election in 2006 when the OGRC ran it. According to the banking rules in Colorado, however, if an account is held for campaign purposes accepting campaign contributions it must be opened as a business account. This requires filing the necessary paperwork with the Secretary of State and such an account cannot be opened other than to run as a candidate in the State of Colorado and must conform to the campaign finance laws of Colorado. Using an already open personal bank account or opening a personal bank account for this purpose won't cut it in Colorado. Especially when deposits are made to the account and red flagged by an efficient teller who takes the check or checks identified as a campaign contribution to a manager for further review and clarification. None of this is required, as far as I know, in the State of Oklahoma presumably because they are familiar with Tribal elections. This places an undue burden and expense if an account could even be opened for this purpose in Colorado which it cannot and therefore on those who live in Colorado, prohibiting 321 of us who live here from being able to meet these arbitrary and unfair qualifications to run for Osage Nation elected office and possibly involving Osage Nation members in other States of the Union as well for the same or similar reason. To my knowledge, the election board will not accept a legal waiver or a notarized signed statement from out of State candidates that they will not accept campaign contributions during the election period who find themselves in this situation. Every employee of the Osage Nation used to be on the honor system with their time sheets until just recently and look what was disclosed from the Chief about that during the trial. Why then should there be such an election board rule and regulation stranglehold on the members of the Osage Nation who want to come forward and serve as an elected official when what was revealed at the trial indicates how badly needed those of us from the outside are in the effort to clean up the mess that has been made of this new government since the ratification of the Osage Nation Constitution.

    5. Kugee Supernaw please answer Osageblogger if you would please. Though Osageblogger stands corrected, this situation non the less could be contrued as discrimination....if this is the case for their State then have the Election Board pay the added cost...

    6. Thank you. I expect he's fairly annoyed right now. As am I.

    7. Your welcome it seems when you have a real genuine guestion that can't be answered that is pertinent Supernovae disappears. Hope he is just researching this matter of issue.

    8. Sorry supernaw.

    9. Trying our best to accommodate you Osageblogger. There are banks here in Oklahoma that will open an account for out of state residents. You have to come into the bank to do it, but you have to come here to file anyway. You can get the name of a bank from the election board. Also, according to the Election Board Supervisor, the Wells Fargo Bank in Denver, where you live, will open a secondary account for this purpose. Even if you don't bank there, your own bank shouldn't have a problem with this especially if you won't be depositing any campaign contributions as your post suggests. Then you may consider that even if you don't want to do this you still have the option(according to your post) of opening a business account, and over 500,000 people have done this in the state of Colorado.

      The requirement for a checking account is not new and in the past there have been candidates from California, Florida and Texas file for Osage Nation offices. If there is some unique law in Colorado that prevents you from filing, I am sure the election board was not aware of it; however, I am told that the board will discuss your situation next Tuesday. Again, I suggest you call the Osage Election Board for advice.

    10. Thank you. Kugee Supernaw...

    11. Now, Osage Nation Members and readers of the Osage Blog, THIS is an exemplary and exceedingly outstanding example of superb constituent representation on the part of a member of the Osage Nation Congress. Congressman Kugee Supernaw, you have both my sincere public apology and should you choose to run for office, you have my assured vote in the upcoming election in June of 2014. YOU can bank on it.

    12. He has my vote as well.

    13. Real men and women can withstand criticism without rancor. Pretty impressive of Congressman Supernaw.

  15. On another web site, this question was posted, "What are your expectations and hopes for the Judiciary?"
    Answer: Publish what you are doing on the Judicial area of the Osage Nation web site including all of your opinions and court dates with schedules.

  16. Construction has begun on the campus master plan which is becoming known as the PAGODA ON THE PRAIRE. This project which is rumored to possibly reach a final cost of $100,000,000 has no hint of Osage influence. Does anyone know who approved the design?

    1. I agree. Took one look and said the same thing awhile back. Not just that 100,000,000 dollars!

    2. No,Oh Buddha.
      pagoda- Architecture- Encyelopaedia Britannica
      pagoda- a tower like , multistory, solid or hollow structure made of stone. brick, or wood usually associated with a Buddhist temple complex and therefore usually found in East and Southeast Asia where Buddhist was long the prevailing religion.

      A couple of years ago a influx from the far East, or is it West anyways Japan, China that region visit the Osage. Don't know if they are taking care of the financing for this complex. Expect an announcement at anytime , stone masons,bricklayers, will retrain welders
      , Osages given the highest consideration, full blood top,1/2,1/4/,1/8,1/16,1/32/1/64, next non-Indian, and last all other American Indians, or viceversa on the last two. Top pay, great benefits., now this is a good opportunity for a mobile meatpie,taco wagon, maybe get Sally's #2 a rolling lunch wagon with a little backing from the Osage LLC, workers got to eat. H

    3. See article at Members of the Government Ops Committee at the time of the April 3, 2013 Committee Meeting when the campus plan building presentation was made were: Maria Whitehorn, Chair, R.J. Walker, Vice Chair, Daniel Boone, Shannon Edwards, Archie Mason and Raymond Red Corn.

    4. See also What do they mean by "...and an extensive public and stakeholder involvement program." I wonder?

    5. And‘-beginning-beginning’

    6. The earlier presentation in 2012 of the Campus Plan see

    7. The "Pond" Plan see photos 12-15 at Go Fish?

  17. The Osage News reports that Margo Gray is no longer under a bench warrant advisement. It states that the plaintiff is not going to pursue collection of the summary judgement " At this time".Osage News further states that the lawyer for the plaintiff ( Terracon ) has not been paid and Margo has done nothing to satisfy the debt. He says that he doesn't know what Terracon is doing. I smell a rat! Let's see if Terracon gets some Osage contracts if she gets elected AND lets see if Terracon decides to pursue collection if she doesn't get elected. The timing of this development is highly suspicious and I don't think someone is going to let a $56,000 debt slide unless their going to recoup it in another manner?

  18. New article>>

    1. Amanda can't make a living as a lawyer and is always complaining about getting her children in the Skiatook day care. 1/128 Osage, 127/128 something else? Leave her to make it on her own. She is now going to get her mothers headright share which is a whole lot more than her blood quantum..

    2. I think that such a comment is contemptible. You have no idea what she is or isn't and to be so disrespectful to her at this time when she has just lost her mother is utterly deplorable. Shame on you!

    3. What does your comment about Amanda getting her mothers headright have to do with anything? When my dad dies I will get a portion of his headright. It won't change my blood quantum. This applies to all Osages, so what's the problem? I, would rather my dad live forever than inherit his headright and I am sure Amanda feels the same about her mother.. Have you got nothing else better to do than begrudge someone of their inheritance? Secondly, You nor I had anything to do with our blood quantum neither does Amanda, so get over it!

    4. Amanda is not what she says she is. She is the lawyer on the return of non-osage owned headrights (Fletcher) case, yet she is just barely Osage herself. "What a hypocrite." She came to the debate the day after her mother passed "What a show of respect on her part.." My comment may be preceived as deplorable to you but she is the one who put herself oin public view.

    5. You have no idea how much Osage she is and if you had any idea about this new Constitutional government you would know that it is inclusive of every single Osage, even if they have a single drop of Osage blood as long as they can trace their ancestry to those on the final roll of the Osage Tribe pursuant to the 1906 Allotment Act. She can. She said that she believed that her mother would have wanted her to be there at the debates and she knows her mother's mind a whole lot better than you do. Now go away with your nonsense. You keep this up, I will call for the moderator to start deleting your ugly out-of-line comments. I mean, some people!

    6. Smh, why do you let this non sense get to you. You are much better then dealing with this type of rhetoric. Negativity loves the challenge. Amanda is a very respectful person who's tenacity is proven over and over. Much respect for her.

    7. "smh" If you can tell me where I am wrong and how you know, I will concur, otherwise I will continue to believe my current information. The Catholic Church is probably the biggest non-Osage holder of headrights, my relatives that gave headright shares would be dishonored for their bequest to be overturned.

    8. Yeah, well somebody has to step up and come to her defense with stuff like this being slung at her. There are Osages, even prominent Osages, who question what Amanda is doing with this lawsuit but they don't ever stoop to stuff like this.

  19. Gee Geoff.

    1. Look's let it's working they pull you're trigger.

    2. Unconventional sentence construction. In good plain written English, what exactly do you mean by that?

    3. Making fun of tweets let get it look's let get it, correct word I think is YET!!! siSter LOL

    4. Feb.23, 1:39 AM Pull you're trigger. What's an old Vegas supply and demand quip ?
      English langue for fifty dollars. If a Twitter sends out Tweets, what does a Osage Blogger sends out?

    5. It's you're story you tell me

  20. Keep up on interesting information available at

  21. Super Sized,or Super Sizer were the words we were looking for.
    What does those words mean; to form a judgement of(~up the situation
    Super and Osage goes together, one bigger,car,house better stop there. H

  22. I noticed on a Facebook page that some of Margo Gray's supporters are saying the lawsuit against Margo has been dropped according to the Osage news. I went to the Osage News site and it says that the plaintive is not pursuing collection at this time. It doesn't say the suit has been dropped all together. Also it says that according to the lawyer for the plaintive she has not settled the debt she owes. Quite a contradiction between the two versions.

    1. Margo herself has posted that the suit has been stricken, actually it has only been stalled. Probably only until after the election. Truth has already become a casualty.

    2. Isn't truth always a casualty with the Grays? Love that phrase. I'm afraid I'm going to have to appropriate it. Of course, the plaintiff would want the lawsuit judgment postponed until Marge has the chance to become gainfully employed with a fat salary to garnish. She has other amounts owning too, so that makes perfect sense.

  23. Who is Adam Proctor and what connection does he or Interstate Advisors, LLC have to Margo Gray?? What a tangled web we weave when at first we deceive. Margaret Mildred-Adam Lee Proctor connection?

    1. If she ran in 2010 for a seat in the Osage Congress as Margo Gray Proctor, what conclusion can be drawn from it?

    2. The point is do we need a wife/husband team leading the Osage Nation when they both have failing business ventures. Think Think Think The dishonest lawyers and the failing business people are not what the Osage Nation needs.

    3. I thought they were separated. Of course, if she gets Chief it'll probably be another matter altogether.

    4. Margo Gray website is located at

  24. New article>>

  25. Replies
    1. HIGHEST ALERT FOR OUT OF STATE AND OUT OF OSAGE COUNTY OSAGE NATION MEMBERS--I have reviewed the campaign literature of Terry Mason Moore and she is OPENLY for districting by school or zip code and a voter registration that takes a year because you have to live in that district for an entire year before you even register to vote. This sounds like she is trying to cut all of us members out of the herd who don't live in the three villages robbing us of our current Constitutional rights to vote. Since she does not clarify where these districts are to be located, take her off the table immediately as a possible candidate for Assistant Principal Chief. This is always the first step. The next step is to purge all Osages who live outside of the "designated" districts. This government was created to include all of us, not to exclude us. That's how it was sold and that's the way it's going to be as long as those of us Osage Nation members draw breath and are able to continue to fight to see that it stays that way. If you value your right to vote and the privilege of your right to register to vote in Osage elections no matter where you live, tell Terry Mason Moore where to get off on your absentee ballot or in the ballot box on Primary election day on Monday, March 10. If she makes it past that point, continue to send her on her way on Election Day, Monday June 2, 2014. The BIA is now reported to have been saying that the Osage Nation can choose to have one man one vote on Mineral Council shares so this could one day come to mean that you can't vote your shares if you don't live in the villages districts. Protect your own interests and do the right thing for yourself and your children in the future and don't vote for anyone, who in any way, appears to want to rob you of your vote or your membership in the Osage Nation.

    2. Plus it says on this here page Terry Mason Moore sent out that she coordinated with outside litigation counsel-- the lawyers--for John Red Eagle. He lost his case in trial so imagine what it will come to if and when we get into court with her in the mix. Forget it. No vote for her from me.

    3. That's what I call Super Selfish. She must have had a nightmare to write that.

    4. What's on my "wish list" is that she doesn't get elected for anything even dog catcher. Wait a year in a district to vote. What the hell?

    5. Terry Moore wants districting? Where has she been? Raymond brought this up over a year ago and it was so unpopular that he tried to blame the idea on Maria Whitehorn.

    6. New article>>

    7. Since when does the Osage Nation have to provide millions to put in a grocery store for that area when it paid millions already for that failed venture in the Palace Grocery? What is this? The Cry Baby Ranch over there? They all got HPP settlement money. Put that up for your own grocery store. Why should they have such privileges when the rest of us can't get anything from the Osage Nation government?

    8. That sneakin little twink went wrong when he tried to district on the basis of voters alone and not the entire Osage Nation membership. This put Osage County at the top with two districts and the highest numbers to qualify for representation. In reality, when the total membership numbers are taken into consideration, OC qualifies for 5% - 15% of the total population as the numbers come in somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 to 1500 with a truthful claim on district representation that equals only two out of the twelve members of Congress at most. Review the map of eligible voters here:

    9. I'm for districting. And this is why this will work in my opinion and maybe not. I've brought this up before. though I do not live back home I do know who , what, and where my family settled as to which camp they are from. That being said, thats the district in which your vote would matter. All other Osages would be considered independent voters. That means that each district would be responsible for getting those independent votes their support including future candidates as well?

    10. No. The way the numbers actually run, the entire State of Oklahoma qualifies for 5-6 Congressional representatives and the rest belong to districts created out of the rest of the States in the Union. Raymond's plan was rather elaborate on the basis of districts created using the voters in the 2010 and 2012 elections rather than the entire membership of the Osage Nation who are currently eligible to vote (12,309). He had the map divided into 7 districts with nearly all of the districts (5) in the State of Oklahoma including the State of Texas which should have stood alone as a district all of its own. That left the entire rest of the U.S. which he divided into only two districts. It was the most manipulative tactic I've seen coming from him yet. Despite the fact that the majority of the members live outside of Oklahoma, he had what looked like a skewed plan of districting that gave only two or three Congressional representatives at most to the majority of those who live outside of Osage County and the State of Oklahoma (6,551). At the very least it should have been 2 for Osage County (2,000), 4 for the rest of the State of Oklahoma (3,758), 1 for Texas (1,325), 1 for California (1082) and 4 representatives for districts in the rest of the United States (4,144). That's roughly 6 representatives in Oklahoma and 6 representatives for the rest of the members who live throughout United States. I believe the principal reason that his plan failed is because of how fundamentally unfair it was to the majority of Osage Nation members. If he can work an angle he'll do it and this was one of the best examples of Raymond doing exactly that to the detriment of the majority of the members of the Osage Nation.

    11. Fairfax to Walmart in Ponca City. 34.0 mi, 38 min driving 42 min with traffic. If they really want to serve the people they could provide transportation say maybe twice a week.

    12. Or they could spend their HPP settlement amounts and get there by themselves. I drove to work 60 miles one way and 60 miles back, five days a week for a year. It can be done. Never mind the moan, moan, moan. Get out your checkbooks and pay for it yourselves. You leeches on the treasury of the Osage Nation are unbelievable! You should be ashamed of yourselves.

    13. What the Osage Nation needs is not districts but and IQ test so the idiots are not allowed to vote.

    14. Or run for elected office. Judging from your sentence construction, you ought to know.

    15. That's why we call him iPad Ray. The end-run master in Osage government par excellence.

    16. I note that G. Standing Bear has introduced Bill Number ONCA 14-10 for expenditure of $3,302,500 for a grocery store in the Fairfax area, dated March 31, 2014. Three interesting things (1) he's a candidate for Chief and apparently is short on votes in the Fairfax area (2)does he think that he has it figured out down to the hundreds of dollars (note the $500) on such a large proposed project--at the rate that other things go on in the Osage Government why doesn't he just round it up to an even $4 million, and (3) why it the document dated March 31, 2014??? Yes, when I was growing up in the northern part of the County, we drove 4 miles on a dirt road, 9 miles on a gravel road, and 13 miles on blacktop to get to a grocery store--no cell phones, only a party line when it was functional. Didn't go looking for entertainment when the sun went down, too tired from work, that we were happy to get supper and go to bed!!! Learned a lot of basic lessons of life in those good days.

    17. When I grew up in the Osage we had a house so small you had to go outside just to change your mind. Walked 3 miles to school every day until I was in the 8th grade and someone told me it was only 8 blocks if you went in a straight line. When we got hungry we sometimes only had an old tire swing to chew on. And you think you had it rough RELOCATED OSAGE- shame on you.

    18. Bill Number ONCA 14-10 "relocated Osage", can you provide a link to this bill or post it here??

    19. Contact Barbara Rice--Clerk of the Congress and ask for a copy of ONCA 14-10 or contact Bill Kennedy and ask to be put on his mailing list.

    20. Next time, you might what to check the facts. The money is for a Child Care and Senior Center. It has nothing to do with a grocery store. See

    21. On districting, I think the way iPad Ray put that map thing he sent out in one of his old updates is the best indication that he believes and has believed all along that the only constituents he has to do anything for or serve are the ones who vote. In the US if the representatives of the people only had to represent and do for those who vote it would be a different country today. A constitutional form of government with elected representatives has an implied right of representation given to all of the people that its governing document includes and is meant to serve, not just those who vote and I'd like to see him argue with us about that. From the literature that Terry Mason Moore sent out, she appears to have the same problem.

    22. Geoffrey Standing Bear's website:

    23. The Nation would be sued. End of story!!!!!

    24. iPad Ray's districting map based on only 17% of the Osage Nation membership: Theater is right. He really thinks this is fair too. Such self-centric people should never be elected to a position in government. Terry Mason Moore is still going on about her big plan of not getting to vote for a year because you can't register to vote until you have established residency in a district. That would practically stop Osages from voting every time they move unless it happened in an off-election year. This gal must have studied politics in the Ukraine. I can't wrap my mind around people who are running for elected office who think they have the right to rob others of their ability to freely and easily participate in the election process and then are loutish enough to put such tripe out there to the voters in their campaign literature. Unreal. Steer clear of these two and anyone in Congress who votes to confirm Moore as the Assistant Chief in the upcoming regular session. I honestly don't think they have a full deck between them.

    25. Watching closely with these fools.

    26. If you want to gauge the strength of the opinion of those who live in Osage County and the State of Oklahoma who want to cut you out and leave you with only two district representatives for Osages who reside in 48 of the 50 states of the USA, review Terry Mason Moore's post and the comments under it beginning -- Section 4.5 of the Election Code is titled "Apportioned District Representation" and it is blank, it just says [reserved]. -- These comments are very revealing>>>

    27. **WARNING* ONCA0014-10 by Standing Bear and Moore proposes spending $3.3M that is about $11,000 for each registered voter in the Fairfax on the children and elderly. There are only about 13 children in the headstart and how many elderly do they plan to serve? How much is planned for the children and elderly of California and Texas that have a much higher number of Osages than Fairfax. The idea of equality seems to be missing somewhere here. It won't be long if you get Standing Bear as Chief that you will need to live in Osage County to benefit in any way for being Osage.**WARNING**

    28. Standing Bear and Archie Mason, not Moore.

    29. Good post 10:19 AM. I'm glad that someone sees the disparity and total lack of fairness inherent in the behavior of these two this early on before the election in June. Standing Bear hasn't started up with a bill yet for the new "Cultural" Center to duplicate the one we already have that he intends to build according to his campaign literature. Keep your eyes peeled for this freeload for those who live in Pawhuska. If the ON Congress doesn't get something off of the ground for all of us at the upcoming session at the end of March it will be nothing more than the usual lip service to everyone they travel to "visit" during the campaign. When they arrive in your area, keep their feet to the fire and confront them about the horribly unfair way they indulge themselves with the Osage people's money that belongs to all of us and don't share it. Don't be fooled by how gracious they appear to be in person.. Your vote is all they care about. They'll talk about you, tell everyone else they talk to about how you don't get it and how easy you are to fool and laugh all the way to the bank. They will always have an excuse to spend the money on themselves or find one. That's been the pattern for the last seven years and many of them have business interests outside of the Osage Nation that motivate them to keep the money in the local area in Osage County. It's not rude to expect a politician to fairly represent those whom he/she has or will come to represent and it's very wrong to stand down, stay quiet and say nothing about it.

    30. Can you believe that kugee is backing standing bear? He backed johnny red eagle and look what happened to that recommendation. He was so bad a Chief that kugee had to take him out of office. What will be in store for us if this one gets elected?

    31. How did he do that? He only has one vote. Will you ask Kugee to do something about this weather? Thanks

    32. He got the ball rolling by sending out the AG's e-mail to Ray Red Corn about the Chief calling Officer Herbert in order to try to interfere with an ongoing investigation about Macy Williams. Didn't you read the transcript of the SCOI hearing?

    33. Pardon me, but it sounds like the Chief got the ball rolling by calling Officer Herbert in order to try to interfere with an ongoing investigation about Macy Williams. Didn't you read the transcript of the SCOI hearing?

    34. If Kug-a-lug hadn't sent the At Gen's e-mail out to his list, I think Chief Red Eagle would still be in office today. Who knows, but after all that's gone on in the past 7 years that could have come up for a removal trial, it's odd that this is the only incident of so many that got things going. Kugee needed to distance himself from the Chief to support Standing Bear anyway. I don't think he would have supported Red Eagle in the election this June. Many of them back there want a new trust and they'll do whatever it takes. I'm not saying Kugee's for this to happen but he's certainly backing the wrong horse in Standing Bear because this lawyer not only knows how to bring such a situation over the goal line, he can write the legislation in order to get it accomplished. Standing Bear has had open supporters in the Congress since before the last Congressional election in 2010 and they have certainly arranged it so that it has turned out that he's the front runner with this Primary Election they've cooked up that smells of legislative manipulation from top to bottom. Somewhat surprising that Kugee has this donkey tail pinned to him but he sponsored the most recent election legislation and has come out for Standing Bear so he's made those choices and will have to live with them. Figuratively speaking, It's shaping up to be the battle at Kruger with the baby being the minerals trust itself.

    35. This has got to rank as a top contender for the most foolish logic ever posted on this blog. Whoever posted this at 12:09 has dreamed up a vast conspiracy that manages to blame everyone in sight for John's behavior, except John ,and then twists off to another conspiracy to harm? help? (who knows what he/she is saying) the minerals trust.

    36. Attempted deflection won't work here anon. It's the surest form of confirmation that what is suspected is coming uncomfortably close to the truth.

  26. If we could get rid of our "LAWYER" candidates using this method.

    A man walked into a curio store and was shopping around. After awhile, he chose a brass rat and brought it up to the counter.
    "That will be $10 for the brass rat and $1,000 for the story behind it," said the proprietor.
    "Thanks, but I'll just pay the $10 and pass on the story." He purchased the brass rat and left the store. As he was walking down the street, he started noticing all sorts of rats following him. The further he walked, the more rats followed. He walked down to the wharf and still more rats came out and followed him. So, he decided to walk out into the water, all the rats drowned. He returned to the store shortly.
    "Ah-ha!" said the proprietor. "You've come back for the story, right?"
    "Nope," said the man. "You have any brass lawyers?"

    1. To which the proprietor replied, "Yes, I have three."

  27. New article>>’s-first-primary-set-march-10

    1. Have you sent in your absentee ballots for the Primary Election? If not, it's a good idea to do it today.

    2. Froma Osage News May, 05,2012 article still-absent- in-some-mailboxes

      So, here Feb. 28,2014 as of Feb 24, 2014 Rencountre reporting to the Osage News that so far 628 absentee ballots has been mail to the Pawhuska Post office per the billing charge..
      Total absentee ballots ? mailed in 2010 were 1370 absentee ballots.
      Total absentee ballots ? mailed in 2012 were 1677 absentee ballots.
      You may remember that number, outnumber the in person total of 1258.
      In the 2010 Chiefs race, there was 2561 votes cast total in the Primary Election.

      So, what's the analysis of all these numbers?
      Well, my prediction, 2444 votes total for Chief, lowest voter turn out in 4 years, Apathy wins again. H

    3. Homer, the actual URL is

      NEW PRIMARY ELECTION ABSENTEE BALLOT CONFUSION: We received this message sent to OPEN today:
      Absentee Ballots have not been received....and were requested.
      There will be new voters who turned 18 since the last election but FORMER ABSENTEE VOTERS
      will not be voting because of confusion......I did not realize I had to REQUEST AGAIN for a ballot.
      Where was the announcement to request again for an absentee ballot.?
      I hope this is not a typical situation...There are 13 eligible voters in this family.

    4. If you are having problems with your absentee ballots, the contact information for the Election Board is located at The phone number for the Election Office is (918) 287-5286 or Toll Free at (877) 560-5286.

  28. Osage Travel Beneficent Fund coming soon, a be announced sponsor and co-sponsors ON 14-44.
    Maybe Highest Hopes for Out of State and out of Osage County, Osage Nation Members. I've studied the
    travel vouchers for Veterans and believe you can adapt and get passed a Out of the Osage bill On14-44; to provide a
    a per diem travel pay. Lets say within the boundaries of the continental USA. Good for travel to a
    hospital, health related facility, funeral, wedding or a trip back to the Osage.

    EXAMPLE: Breakdown , Full blood Osage gets 4444 miles per year ,no rollovers. 1/2 Osage 2222 miles,
    1/4 1111 miles, 1/8 555, 1/16 138, 1/32 69, 1/64 35, 1/128 18 ran out. Amount of reimbursement per mile to be conceived.

    How , now to pay for this, the Casino frequency players card showing any out of State ,( Country) users ,
    this Fund gets a very small per cent to be set aside for this Travel fund and the administer, bureaucracy of it. H

  29. One thing that hasn't been brought up yet about iPad Ray's platform is that he has come out to say that from him it's going to more of the same and that don't cut it with me.

    1. As Assistant Principle Chief you will put Raymond in a figurehead spot with no real job unless the Chief is kicked out or dies.

    2. Not. You think Raymond will stand for that? If I were you, I'd think that one through a little more carefully. He's a pushy little #^()**.

    3. The thing to think about is IPad Ray as Chief if something happens to the Primary Chief. besst way for us to defend against that will to not elect him as asst.Chief.

  30. ====>>Standingbear's campaign characterized<<====

    GENERALLY, "smoke and mirrors" may refer to any sort of presentation by which the audience is intended to be deceived, such as an attempt to fool a prospective client into thinking that one has capabilities necessary to deliver.but in this case no measureable substance is contained in his message.

    1. I don't think it's quite as benign as you suggest.

  31. Another three from Congress back on the dole? FAREN REVARD ANDERSON>>>>>>>>>>> MARK SIMMS and EDDY RED EAGLE, JR. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How many of them no longer in Congress are collecting a paycheck from the Osage Treasury through this revolving door? Every single one of them? Meanwhile Osages who need the money go without so these leeches can enrich themselves at our expense.

    1. The Standingbear family and his supporter Supernaw are and have been milking that cash cow for all they can get for quite some time.

    2. Yeah, but don't you know that they don't mind if a family member can get the job done and do it well. That's the only rule.

    3. I agree, if a family member is the best qualified and can do the job well, they should not be excluded from consideration. No one should get a job over more qualified people just because they are family. That has been the downfall of the last two Chiefs.

    4. What experience does Anderson have to run the Minerals Election? Do they see these people walking down the street and pull them back in? What is this? Who ran the election last time? This is so crazy.

      Several people have asked me who I would be supporting for Chief in the coming election. I will be supporting Geoffrey Standingbear.
      I have worked with Geoffrey in the Osage Congress while he was the Congressional Attorney and during nearly 4 years he has been an elected member of Congress. I had the pleasure of working with him over a decade ago when we hired him as our Gaming Attorney when I was the Gaming Commissioner for the Quapaw tribe. As many of you know, he served as Assistant Chief of the Osage National Council back in the 1990’s. He has specialized in Indian law and was legal counsel for the Muskogee Nation in the 1980’s when they pioneered gaming in the state of Oklahoma.
      The Osage Nation has had the unfortunate experience of electing to the high position of Chief, men who had never stood the test of power that our Constitution gives the Chief. Afterwards, the Nation was sadly left to consider an old saying that I have paraphrased: “Everyone would think he would be a great Chief, if only he had never been Chief.”
      The Nation does not need to go through that again. We need to elect someone who has already been tested, and passed:
      Geoffrey will be holding Meet the Candidate functions at the following locations:
      Monday, March 3, Bartlesville: Hilton Garden Inn, Meeting Room 7 pm
      Tuesday, March 4, Ponca City: Osage Casino Ballroom 7 pm
      Thursday, March 6, Skiatook: Osage Casino Ballroom 7 pm
      Friday, March 7, Pawhuska: Landrum Community Center 11 am – 5 pm
      Saturday, March 8, Pawhuska: Landrum Community Center 9 am – 4 pm
      Osage Voters, please drop by and share your suggestions with Geoffrey StandingBear

      Note: Kugee Supernaw(Quapaw) was Gaming Commissioner for the Quapaw tribe. He must have found being Osage more profitable..

      If you remember the last election he supported RedEagle, he seems to have forgotten. Is his pick any better this time around??.

    6. Some people just can't take a warning and this is what results. Oh well...

    7. In the last election I along with a majority voted for JRE , that's how he got in office. It seemed like the better choice at the time so I guess that makes all of us at fault ! We made a get over it !

    8. 1345 other people felt the same way as you did then. I expect that most of them now feel the same way you do now. The problem was JRE, not the voters.


    The Goodwill offer letter;

  33. Candidates already irresponsible!

  34. This is way off subject but would someone please let me know where to find a renewal application for my medical card online?

    1. Try the link

  35. If Standingbear wins the election, it's got nothing to do with Supernaw and Sonny A. because 90% of the voters don't pay any attention to the two self appointed leaders of the Osage Nation.

    1. Sooooo, aren't you paying attention to them now? Okay, I know, your part of 10%, right?

    2. No, only because you keep mentioning them.

    3. If StandingBear and iPad Ray win this election it's because they put together this ersatz Primary Election that requires filing to run during the Xmas season which tilts the playing field in their favor as legislators to seek higher office. StandingBear has been lusting after being Chief since the days when he was involved with that TU law professor who helped come up with that National Council in the '90's when he was elected Assistant Chief that Tillman and the 30th Council sent to its timely death. He has been after laying plans for this scheme of his to be Chief for many years. As predictions go, I believe that there will be no end to the money he will spend and the litigation he will get us involved in to the detriment of the Mineral Estate in the end. If there isn't a new Osage trust with an entirely different set of shareholders by the end of the next four years it will surprise me greatly. Certainly if he is reelected in the subsequent four years. Mark these words today because they will be true someday in the future just as if they were written in stone. If they aren't proven to be true, it will only be so because he will have failed but it will not be for lack of trying.

  36. New article>>

  37. Primary Election Day TODAY at the Cultural Center. Campaigning is located on Campus. See

    1. Updates today from the Osage Nation Primary are located at

    2. Unofficial Election Results:

      Principal Chief:
      Geoffrey Standing Bear -- 1080
      Margo Gray -- 359
      Tom Boone -- 347

      Assistant Principal Chief:
      Raymond Red Corn -- 707
      Amanda Proctor -- 503
      Terry Mason Moore -- 441
      Randolph Crawford -- 79
      James Dailey -- 60

    3. It's Official! See

    4. See

    5. Looks like Margo and the Gray family nasty grams backfired on them. They don't learn fast because they are starting again this morning on Facebook.

    6. Well, at least we got rid of one Boone member, now if we can just get rid of the other two. One does nothing and the other is a trouble maker.

    7. There are over 10,000 Osages on the voting roll. Only 1790 voted, that is less than 6% cared to make their wishes known. Does that say IDGAS in spades. .

    8. If you have any grade school children in you home, you should ask them how to figure percentages. FYI

    9. I can't believe someone would post the percent of voters when they can't do fundamental math ! You learn this in grade school, or should have. If it wasn't so sad it's almost funny.

    10. Ridicule all you like, just made me reserve 1700 , 1700 two more years for future use. H

  38. What's up with this? How can we be expected to sign up on the Nation's new website if we get a message like this preventing us from going forward? Who did they hire to do the web work on this one? The guys who worked on the Obamacare website?

  39. Maybe we can be senesitive and get an all woman executive Go Margo & Amanda!!!

  40. My take on the election. You can read the "Tea leaves" anyway you want but I believe by looking at the vote count, Osage people had their fill of the Jim Gray era and don't want to return there with Margo as Chief and perceived that Jim Gray would be pulling the strings. She only beat Tom Boone by 12 votes and he didn't put on much of a campaign !. That should tell Margo something, but I doubt it ! As far as the Asst Chief election goes I can only hope Amanda puts up a fight and beats IPad Ray. I don't think we can afford him and his spending sprees.

  41. 1080 only use in extreme cases of predatory control, secondary problems abound if used,outlawed and regularity by the EPA. H

  42. This is telling

  43. Heads Up! The filing period to run for Congress is March 15, 2014 - March 31, 2014. See FAQ at

  44. New article>>

  45. .Standingbear and Redcorn are introducing a bill to spend your money on an arbor at Pawhuska Village when they get income from the casino and embezzel it for the five man board.

    1. Poster at 8:11 AM. Your post makes no sense. If I understand correctly, income from the Pawhuska casino or at least a portion of it belongs to the Pawhuska Village and is controlled by the 5 man board. Therefore spending money to improve the arbor would hardly be embezzlement. If I am not correct, please explain hoe you think improving the arbor would be embezzling. Additionally, improving the Pawhuska arbor facilities has been talked about for years and is much needed !

    2. It might be another method of shameless buying of votes by the two of them. There is plenty of money coming in from the Pawhuska Casino lease to build their own arbor. This has been a bone of contention for many years since that Casino opened on Pawhuska Village land that they haven't built a new one or made renovations to the one they have with that money. If this is an appropriation authorization to spend lease revenue for a new arbor, that's one thing but if they are giving Osage Nation money in the Treasury for a new arbor that's another.

    3. I agree ! Of course with the $800,000 missing ( stolen ) we could have a new arbor built or improved for a portion of that.

  46. Today is the first day for filing to run as candidates for the Osage Nation Congress. The first four to file to run are Alice Buffalohead, Dr. Ron Shaw, Otto Hamilton and Michael Kidder.

  47. Minerals Council Election Absentee Ballot information is located at

  48. Standing bears transition team allegedly includes Jim Gray and Libby Gray and Standing bears personal "secretary" Cheryl. I think Margo just got my vote.

    1. Joe Don Mashunkashey is more honest than Geoffrey Standingbear !!!!!! Margo look like the best choice.

    2. That is spreading rumors. Ask him & he will tell you

  49. New article>>

  50. State of the Nation video is located at

  51. Osage Blog Conversation continues at
