Friday, February 7, 2014

Archive #6: Osage Shareholder Matters--February 2014

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  1. A situation involving potential conflict of interest are these accusations against Minerals Council member Sonny Abbott pulling another Team Osage where Geoffrey Standing Bear is concerned by paying for dinners and meet and greets that have been going on for the last few weeks. It is rumored that Abbott has had a function at his home to introduce StandingBeer to the heads of all of the prominent Osage families in order to get him elected to office. Plus, there's this BBQ dinner coming up this weekend that is being hosted by and presumably paid for by Abbott to introduce Geoffrey to the general Osage public. Abbott's an elected official who's in office today. He's not Geoffrey's father or mother, sister or brother. Is he trying to buy votes for Geoffrey by having these events? As a Mineral Council member, is it appropriate for Abbott to be having these functions for only one candidate or at all for another elected official? Is it ethical? Should Geoffrey even be participating in these events hosted, sponsored and paid for by another elected official of the Osage Nation? Look what happened the last time Team Osage put in a Chief. Disaster!!!!

    1. Where is the BIA in this matter? This is a Huge Conflict of Interest. Ah time to vote him off the Council. He is an official....we don't pay him to sway the vote on our behalf...ah Election Board time to react!

    2. This is not a conflict of interest. Who ever said an elected official can’t support a candidate? That’s ridiculous. We rarely see it done, because it’s not good personal politics, and most won’t stick their necks out at all, for anyone. But Abbott told us all in 2010 that he wasn’t a politician. If you want to claim some of Abbott’s personal business to gripe about, why don’t you tell everyone how he hasn’t drawn one red cent of shareholder money for a salary for 3 ½ years, and how he has paid much of his own expenses and some of others expenses in support of the shareholder’s interests during that 3 ½ years, including plane tickets, hotels, meals, and countless other things. We shareholders already owe him a hell of a lot more than he, or any of the rest of us for that matter, will ever spend supporting qualified candidates who will keep on working for the mineral estate. Geoffery Standing Bear is the only candidate on the 2014 ballot who is qualified to run this tribe. One of the others can’t seem to take care of their personal responsibilities, and the other can’t seem to take care of anything. Who would you want Abbott to support?

    3. Really????? What does Abbutt think he's going to buy doing all these countless political favors for these others? Who are they? Name Names or get off the pot!!!!!!!!!

    4. Standingbear's less than succesful law practice has prepared him to be Chief??? He makes statements but puts forward no supporting evidence of his success. The position of Osage Naton congressman is the best job he has ever had.

      Abbott apparently has headright income he needs to spend to give his ego a boost. He should donate money to a fund to help disadvantaged Osage children if he wants to do something for his people.

    5. StandingBear Only qualified candidate!! 1 Bad business decisions.Tribe had to redo all work@Bvill casino her company did.millions.Other one nice guy.but Has Zero experience in business of Any kind.except school board.

    6. Boone is honest, this makes him head and shoulders above the other two.

      Lets give him the job!!

  2. What I would like to know is what Amanda Proctor thinks she's doing asking for $50,000 for the Fletcher lawsuit from the Mineral Council. If she wants to get paid, she can get it from Sammy Fletcher or Charlie Pratt. And what's all this about her making the statement that StandingBear will get her the appropriation if the Minerals Council won't? You vote for him he'll be in every orifice of Minerals Business in and out of sight. If the Minerals Council wouldn't support the Jech lawsuit, they have no business supporting any other lawsuit period outside of the auspices of the Osage Nation or the Minerals Council. Amanda Proctor did nothing the whole debate but differ with everyone until it became monotonous. I differ with her candidacy because she'll be problematic. She always has been>>>

    1. I see a different picture...She's done a Great Job...she's done her work...and the way I see it many Osage's and Entities that do not have a right to a Headright...and was illegally and outright stolen from the family that deserves their Headright lawfully..and or the Headright royalty will come back to the Estate to the Shareholders..and it isn't chump change that we are talking about and will allow us that deep audit that is needed in this area and truth will be there for us to see, the corruption.The way I see it...this is no threat but only to those who know they do not deserve the Headright Royalty...This has languished in the Courts for 12 years....and The Fed Gov...has done everything to detract and stall...she's not asking for millions, it breaks down to 4500.00 dollars a year give or take...common sense here folks..M/C. What has the M/C done to bring any income back to us? Outside the Obivious, Why do we have a Osage Shareholders Association that the M/C could be doing and getting paid to do what the Shareholders Ass. do and lord knows the M/C have enough time on their hands...and are getting paid enough...It is time that we start protecting our rights and go with forward thinking...What is Ray McClain getting paid for to post the Monthly's that our M/C does not do...why don't we have our own Web site separate from the Gov...and start Marketing our product...there's a lot lacking..and if I run and plan on running for M/C I will make changes for the Shareholders....and get that voice out to the M/E Shareholders....yes long over due the Communication and yes you own the Estate not just the few who sit on the M/C...we are many..I have accounting background, Management Background and HR experience and my biggest call is Customer Service which is so vital to any Corporation...look at where we are at today still at square one. We have a draw down of a million dollars and it is time we use that money that is going to benefit the Estate and put our Money where it counts...We need to set the Standard for the Shareholders and I for one poster who said it, we need to start having those executive minutes produced...we need to eleminate any and all improprieties..after all we are Shareholders in the first...we didn't buy our Royalties..big difference...You have a say so...more than you know...

    2. To Curious Osage: The funding to carry forward the Fletcher case that Amanda asked the Council to consider helping with was not for attorney Fees. In fact no attorney working the Fletcher case has ever been paid any fees for their work. Their only hope of collecting payment is if they win the case and the Judge directs the U.S. government to pay the plaintiffs attorney fees. Any funding they might receive from the Osage MC or Nation would be placed in a separate trust account and only used for other non-lawyer fee expenses to carry the case forward.
      With the recent overturning of the Tulsa Judges’ ruling by the 10th circuit, the government as part of the “discovery process” will be forced to make available more information and records about how these headrights were separated from Osage hands and who may be improperly receiving these funds. Tracking down these documents, making copies and investigating where their trail leads etc. costs money and these are the types of expenses that the Fletcher plaintiffs are asking for help with.
      As to your comment about funding the Jech case it was a completely different situation. The asked for funding was for direct payment of attorney fees. And at the time they requested this money the plaintiffs were in arrears a little over $25,000 dollars on fees owed the Grimm law firm. Since our Minerals Council Chairman at the time Dudley Whitehorn is a plaintiff in the case, the MC was being asked to pay $25,000 toward a previously accrued private debt that was at least partially owed by our Chairman. And the rest of the $50,000 would have gone toward ongoing legal fees that would otherwise be owed by these same plaintiffs, including Dudley, if outside funding was not obtained. People have gone to jail for less.

    3. Aw quit defending your niece Galen. You SHOULD be counseling her to walk away if she isn't getting paid and take care of her responsibilities that are very substantial instead of spending her time screwing around with this nonsense. She ain't got a leg to stand on. If it were any other attorney, you would ignore it as just more legal troublemaking from Fletcher and Pratt just like everybody else does. Explain this new thing they've introduced in court where private law suits can be brought by Osages to get the money back from umpteen years ago. Everybody will be suing everybody by the time this is over if that lawsuit is successful. Get over it. ITS NOT YOUR MONEY AND IT NEVER WILL BE. Don't you ever get sick of yourselves coveting everything everyone else has that you don't? LIFE ISN'T FAIR. PEOPLE GET TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF EVERY DAY. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GROW MATURE ENOUGH TO ACCEPT CERTAIN FACTS OF LIFE? ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU WEREN'T EVEN BORN 100 YEARS AGO AND IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU AND WASN'T EVEN YOUR BUSINESS OR YOUR MONEY? Don't you dare use your influence as a member of Council on your niece's behalf to give these crackpots that money. We just threw a Chief out on the street for doing something just like this which involved a whole lot less money and if it ever comes up for a vote on the Council floor and you don't recuse yourself, I will be right there to file a complaint against you with the Attorney General's office so fast it will make your head spin. Are you crazy?

    4. I guess they think that no matter what they do it's right and everybody else ought to think so too. It's unbelievably arrogant this mindset. It's just amazing. I'll bet Galen didn't even realize that what he was writing mirrors what the Chief did with his niece Macy. It's astounding. They are so lacking in self-awareness that it's just plain pitiful. No wonder this government is a mess. Those running it are so selfish, self-centered, jealous, scheming, partisan, prejudicial, discriminatory, envious, name it, they've got it and it's no wonder. Scratch the surface and they give every evidence that they are just like Sméagol, the unrecognizable and disfigured creature under the power of the One Ring in the Lord of the Rings. Substitute the Ring for the Mineral Estate and you're got the picture. I don't even think they see it or know what this greed that they feed all the time has turned them into. Really sad. Unbelievably sad but very dangerous. Everyone should be on notice that none of this stuff has been sent on its way since the new government came into power. If anything they now have the money to make it even worse. So we must pay close attention to what they're up to on a daily basis.

    5. The Osage Mineral Estate may be termiated if you guys-- Goeff & Amanda keep up this litigation. Remember the original time was 25 yrs. Then it was extended several times before the word meaning forever was put into law by U. S. Congress. They can take it all back and return the minerals to the land owners as was the origional intent of the 1906 act. The reservation status was deminished by the Gray administration. Maybe Standingbear can loose the mineral rights.

    6. Why would someone sue for money they do not deserve in the first ,you don't make sense especially when it can be proven? You sound worried...why? Is it because you do not want the truth to be exposed?

    7. The truth has been exposed. Every single one of these estates were legally settled years and years ago by litigation in the U.S. Courts. It's done and over and it should be forever. The speculation has always been that Charlie Pratt, whose mother Lottie lost her headright portion to her sister, who actually took care of her mother at the end of her life and deserved it, and ever since it's been Hell Hath No Fury!!!!!!!!. Lottie reigned it down and so has her son Charlie. It's insane. I don't know what Fletcher's problem is over the many lawsuits has he filed over the years other than the only way he can get attention and punish people for what and who he is is to get into court and make everyone's lives as miserable as possible. It demented and screwed up from hell to breakfast. Crackpots are the only way to view these two who have a bone to pick for personal reasons that never seems to end year after year, decade after decade a lot like cancer attached to a host that never seems to die. They always seem to find some mark who is stupid enough or greedy enough to front enough money or put time as an attorney to keep the lawsuit alive for the last 11 years and counting. They have a personal agenda. Don't buy into this. You'll be a fool if you do.

    8. Right. If there's anyone who can lose our mineral rights>>>>> my money is on Geoff StandingBear. He gets in as Chief and it will be litigation central for the next four years. In the debate he said he can control these people at State who want everything we've got. HA HA HA! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!

    9. To Anonymous @ 11:23: I’m pretty much an equal opportunity guy when it comes to setting the record straight when I see people making gross misstatements about what occurred within a Minerals Council meeting, even if it doesn’t particularly help some position I’ve taken. In this case some poster calling themselves “Curious Osage” made some totally fictitious statements about the Fletcher law team presentation made to the Council. I’ve always seen it as my duty as an elected official to set the record straight whenever possible.
      By the way, I purposely stayed out of the discussion about providing possible funding and even though my niece would not actually benefit financially from MC sponsorship of the Fletcher case I invoked a recusal from the vote as I always have whenever Amanda has some item in front of the Council.
      I guess you can be for or against the Fletcher case, but I personally think it is wrong for all these non-Osages and corporations etc. to be receiving income from Headrights that the BIA allowed to be taken from Osage families often times by fraud and even murder. White “guardians” appointed to protect vulnerable Osages instead allowed their Anglo buddies and business partners and ranchers to acquire these people’s headrights (and land) for a song. If Amanda can help return the Headright to the Osages that a young Osage widowed mother was forced to give up to a local merchant to pay off a small grocery bill I will be proud of her. I think the wording of the 1906 act prohibited the BIA from allowing these Headrights to go into non-Osage hands. And so they should be returned. (This does not include headrights in lifetime estates and Osage adoptees)

    10. And how do you feel about Osages that have given their headright to only one of lets say six children? Are you planning to repatriate those or is it only non-Osages and entities that have Headright income that you plan to see restored to the rightful Osage family? How fair will that be to the families of the Osages who have no such special treatment and have been willed out over the years? This is a complicated situation that will become like Pandora's box. If you believe nothing I have ever said before, believe this: the whole business has every chance of going down very badly.

    11. And how is it exactly, Galen, that you think this is your wrong to right? What you're talking about involved maybe 30 headrights out of 2229. Why tear the whole tribe apart again with litigation we didn't initiate, don't own and never should?

    12. For once Galen I see the pro's outway the con's in this situation...more good can come than evil and the intent is more than justified. You can't change that a person willed one person of six their entire headrigt or headrights to one person..and that headright would go to said person why? Remember the person who willed the one of six children probably knew that a headright was stolen and or didn't know in the first that there was another head right that belong to him...depending of course the situration, but that head right goes to that person who already was willed the other headright and of course it could be a quarter of a HeadRight just an example...I beleive our family is missing a quarter Headright....and of course I would love to see that come back to my Osage Family....special treatment is not what is happening hear...their common ancestor wanted for what ever reason for that one famiy member to have his Headright..not for us to judge..unless we are talking that's a different story...This is now a class action lawsuit on behalf of the Shareholders...I can't see this in other way....

    13. First, the Fletcher 2 case has nothing to do with how Osage people willed their Headrights, unless they willed them to non-Osages. It is only trying to bring back the 400 plus Headrights that are currently in non-Osage/non indian hands. This is a conservative number and does not include lifetime estates or Osage adoptees. It does not try to right any perceived wrongs in how Osages willed their Headrights to other Osages. That may have been part of the Fletcher 1 one case, but Fletcher 2 is a completely different case.
      Secondly, I don't consider it my wrong to right, but I do agree with what they are trying to do.

    14. Are you trying to illustrate how mindless you are? Those 400 headrights will NEVER be returned. In any event, it isn't Sammy's or Charlie's or Amanda's or your place or your right to even try. That's it in a nutshell. Amanda will be much better served when she concentrates on what is her place and what is her right and in particular, her obligation to seek gainful employment so that she can feed her three kids, not embark on providing free legal services, like she's on some sort of Karen Silkwood quest, to two men on an absurd ego trip like her two clients. Fletcher 1. Fletcher 2? Stand back and look at yourself for just one moment, take a breath and clear your head. Hopefully some day very soon you will see the foolishness and futility of what you believe should happen before $50,000 of Minerals Estate drawdown money is spent on this stupidity. You are a fireman, What happens when you open a door with a backdraft behind it? These men brought this lawsuit. They are responsible for it and they should pay for it. If they can no longer afford it then they should withdraw the lawsuit and hang up their spurs.

    15. I wish you would stop making grossly inaccurate statements of fact so l can leave you with your delusions of being endowed with both the wisdom and right to tell others what causes they should support and how they should live their lives.
      First, there was never any consideration of giving Mineral Estate drawdown money to this case.
      Secondly, I didn't vote to provide funding, nor did I encourage my colleagues to do so.
      Thirdly, the motion to do so failed, so it's all a moot point.
      Lastly, Amanda is a grown woman with a successful law practice, and I unlike you, have not been endowed with the right to tell others how to live their lives. Besides, it wouldn't do any good anyway. My sister Karen, who just made her last trip to the Boulanger cemetery on Thursday, taught all her children to live their lives in such a way as to make a difference in the world.

    16. Galen has made some good points, get off of Amanda...believe this at least she's a doer and a fighter for what she believes in and has passion...and I believe in her she has...tenacity...and has strength and who are you to bring her children into the mix of this...if she is inspired because of her kids say's a lot more...and I for one am glad that Galen Crum is posting here to set the record..or at least try to...Someone is very afraid of what Amanda will accomplish...

    17. Galen - your statement

      "First, there was never any consideration of giving Mineral Estate drawdown money to this case."


      "Thirdly, the motion to do so failed, so it's all a moot point."

      seem to be in direct conflict. Someon must have made that a motion to have had a vote on the matter.

      If you can tell what Amanda has done for the Osage People it might be helpful. Perhaps she should concentrate on taking care of her own before she is creditable as a Osage Nation executive.

    18. For review, when did this vote on the lawsuit funding take place?

    19. Oh Yes. Very afraid. If GSB is elected Chief with Amanda as Vice Chief you will have not one but two lawyers in there and one of them will be an exofficio officer of the Congress with the ability to vote on huge sums of money to be appropriated for lawsuits left and right. Chief has line item veto and what that means is if two million are appropriated for litigation and the Congress reduces that amount, Chief can go in and put the number back up to where it was before the Congress reduced it. In the debate, GSB also made the statement that he will be able to control those who want to control the ME at the State level. I have never heard a more absurd and arrogant statement in my life. The Federal Courts are not going to uphold anything associated with our reservation status period and that probably includes the water. Going to the U.S. Congress is the only option but I believe these new government candidates want to go with these new CFRs to run the ME into the ground so no one will really care when they try to get it away from the BIA altogether. If this is true, it's very diabolical but we've had every evidence of this in the nature of these people running this government since the very beginning and to say it isn't so would be to be deaf, dumb and blind. It's also rumored that GSB wants to bring back Wilson Pipestem. If that's true Akin Gump won't be far behind and they will pour millions of our gaming funds into one lawsuit after another. Amanda will go along. So will the other lawyer Terry Mason Moore. If Amanda sees benefit in stealing those headrights from hundreds of already adjudicated Osage estates in probate court and hasn't the least sensitivity as to the privacy that those families may wish to have, who knows what she is capable of if she's elected. Once they start giving money for this lawsuit, they will be coming back and back for more and more. Not one of these people in the Osage government has anything but resentment when we suggest that the gaming funds should be fairly distributed among all Osages under the constitution. That won't change with most of these people currently running for office. GSB's campaign literature says nothing about a Constitutional Convention or a percap. It suggests some universal heathcare idea -health system- for everyone but that one has been shot down time and again because it isn't doable. That could be anything from an exercise program to a series of health recommendations that require no financial commitment whatsoever. A percap is the only way for a fair distribution the way they throw money away on everything in sight. You'd have pull every tooth out the heads of those in government today and probably tomorrow before they will give us a dime beyond that health card they toss at us like a scrap from the big table yet they will implement government departments, management levels and programs that are worthless or lose vast sums of money and act like they aren't responsible for any of it or the fact that they chose to continue to give when they knew they really shouldn't be doing it. They still won't dissolve that idiotic Osage LLC and are looking for a new CEO to continue the losses. So, yes absolutely. Very afraid.

    20. Amanda is running for office. Everything is scrutinized. She's fair game. Her past, her family status, her financial situation, her associations, her relationships. Everything. If Galen or anyone else thinks that this isn't so or isn't right or shouldn't be so then he should recommend that she back away and not continue to run for office. I remember that Judge Revard did this back in 2010. There's no shame in it.

    21. Replying to Poster 2-8-14 @2:08pm: As stated regarding the Fletcher Case & the two individuals Sammy Fletcher & "Chuckie" Pratt whom instigated the lawsuit. These two should be solely responsible for the $50,000. which has been requested from the MC by Amanda Proctor. Why has this been requested from the MC? Was the MC involved with this lawsuit? Was it promised to these people? This seems very questionable and a definite CONFLICT OF INTEREST, going against Osage Shareholders whom they are to be representing. Since "Chuckie" Pratt has a personal vendetta and obsession over an estate and Sammy Fletcher unknown reason, weird and evil thinking. I question this attorneys thinking and motive after knowing the vendetta behind this case. The MC had better be careful in approving any monies for attorney fees. Wouldn't be surprised if families, individual Osage Shareholders filing lawsuits. As always, Osage against Osage.

    22. Since the court has seen fit to mention the idea in the 10th Circuit Court decision, why doesn't Amanda put in an open records act request to the Osage Nation government on behalf of the shareholders to provide them with the records that the ONG received during HPP lawsuit? The court seemed to think that sharing these documents would be a good thing to do. Why not ask first and sue later if the records are not produced? If they have to go after each record after record piece by piece ad nauseam year after year from the BIA like Cobell, won't that provide even more impetus and motivation to drive the BIA away? Or is that the hidden goal and the real point of the exercise?

    23. If Amanda and Charlie Pratt want all these records made public, let's see how Charlie feels having the estate of his grandmother made public where his mother Lottie is willed out: This is what they are talking about. Everything private right out in the open for everyone to see and go over. It's just nothing but hideous with Fletcher and Pratt. Nothing is sacred, to be respected or kept private. Just tear the world apart and the hell with it. Is this what you want the Mineral Council money to go toward funding or for GSB to get the Congress to give an appropriation for? Nuts. They are a bunch of nuts and crackpots.

    24. If we keep this up and the BIA gets so sick and tired of us that it works with the U.S. Congress to agree to allow the State of Oklahoma to have jurisdiction, then we will face State estate laws where real estate is concerned in association with the prohibition or rule against perpetuities. Ask Mr. Big Lawyer Geeoffrey StandingBear what that means. One phone call from the Secretary of the Interior, the Trustee of the Osage Mineral Estate Income Trust, to one of the Congressional Indian committees will be all it will take to get the ball rolling. Remember, it no longer takes an act of the U.S. Congress to step away from the trust: "...unless otherwise provided by Act of Congress." has been changed by the 1978 Act to amend the 1938 Act the amend the 1906 Allotment Act to read: "...until otherwise provided by Congress," whatever that means in reality. If we weren't Indians, we would have been long ago slapped down so hard we would have never been able to get back up. You want to manage your own stuff in the real world? There will be people who have been waiting decades to take what you have away from you because of your "entitled arrogance." just for fun, never mind for drill. Heed this warning! Heed This Warning! HEED THIS WARNING! Let it sink into your thick heads and NEVER FORGET IT if you in any way value what you have today. These people, Amanda, Sammy and Charlie have no right to engage in harrassing legal actions against the Federal government that may prove and very soon to threaten what everyone else has coming in from quarterly headright income from the Mineral Estate trust.

    25. To remind you, this is what Galen Crum wrote earlier up on this page:
      "With the recent overturning of the Tulsa Judges’ ruling by the 10th circuit, the government as part of the “discovery process” will be forced to make available more information and records about how these headrights were separated from Osage hands and who may be improperly receiving these funds. Tracking down these documents, making copies and investigating where their trail leads etc. costs money and these are the types of expenses that the Fletcher plaintiffs are asking for help with."
      Such an endeavor will cost a whole hell of a lot more than $50,000. The BIA and other state agencies that handle probate will have to deal with all of this and it will go on for years and years and years and years. Your family could be involved and they could be pawing through estate matters that you don't want to have to deal with but will if they subpeona your family records and you find yourself in court in Tulsa at your own expense. This could get a lot bigger than you can even imagine believe me.

    26. Wow really had to think this one out Poster at 12:49 AM...I am for a lack of words but I'll try to phase it this way...I've looked at this from all sorts of the end the favor must go to the Indian...If a family member or members have a share and they find that there is another share to come their way than it is divided amongst the individuals who have shares already and not to the rest of the family and as evident in this case the share would be divided between Gladys and The son...equally..or by percent based on the percentage each recieves? In the end...the Grandmother's last word did not fall on death ears..and you could see the sibiling rivalry..why? It wasn't their money to begin with, the sense of entitlement is astounds..sure this isn' the first case like this in court..

    27. Here's a quetion wha'ts NEXT..have the list of 1746 defendents been served? As we know the list that was given by the BIA was give or take a few...and if not when do you expect Amanda they will be served? And is in the future is the scheduling of conferences between both Attorney's will they be made public?

    28. It won't work that way. This won't be about what headrights Osages have today that they have inherited from other Osages. It will be about what non-Osages have and entities too; like churches and banks.
      Example: Great Aunt Nessie couldn't stand her greedy badly behaved children who had been after her for money for them and their children who did as little as possible by way of getting a job to take care of themselves and when she got old and none of them would do anything for her after all she'd done for them for all those years, so she gave her headright to her church in her will to punish her worthless children with HER HEADRIGHT SHARE THAT BELONGED TO HER AND HER ALONE AND THE MONEY THAT CAME WITH IT.
      OK. This is the kind of situation we're talking about. In the main, only about 30 or 40 of the headrights were lost to some kind of swindle, undue influence or murder. The rest were legally sold, given away in exchange in order to satisfy debts unpaid because a lot of those originally alloted Osages left debts all over the place and walked out on paying them or, left them to banks, churches and other entities and the like because they didn't want to leave them to their relatives for whatever the reason and so forth. Initially the mineral rights under the 1906 Act were to revert back after 25 years to the original allottees or whoever owned the land at the time. Many Osages wanted this to be so especially those who owned real estate property in the Burbank field. It didn't work out that way though because the Osage Tribal government went to the U.S. Congress and negotiated several extensions to reserve the mineral rights to the Osage Tribe itself.

    29. Thank you. Makes so much more sense.

    30. Patricia Spurrier Bright wrote on another web site that the MC, BIA reps from Washington D.C., land owners, and reps from the State of OK came together for a meeting. According to what she wrote, "The BIA told the collectives group that the Osages have been handling their oil business for over 100 years and will continue to handle it for another 100 years. They (BIA) said they weren't going anywhere either. That pretty well shut everyone up - landowners and the State of Oklahoma got the message!" This is encouraging but the U.S. Congress is the one who calls the shots as to what the BIA does or does not do in Osage County because it holds the Plenary Power. If we keep harassing the BIA with lawsuits involving years and years of discovery, they may start feeling very differently. The BIA has only so much budgetary money to go around and other Tribal communities not nearly so litigious to take care of too. The last thing the Osage Nation should do is give funding to or join this recent Fletcher lawsuit. We must stop being the "problem adolescent" for them or expect negative consequences. Galen, if you know, how does one opt out of or be removed from this class action lawsuit?

    31. Understanding what was your ok with not fighting for what is right? That your ok with this because you may get a check and are comfortable as I am because we know our easier said than done for those who know for sure that they had a share taken from them illegally or that they sold their share to someone to pay off a bill and wasn't compensated in the right way...Hello..if you put your self in those peoples shoes you would be holding out for the truth...Here's a story...I have a friend that was and is in the Hospitality Business of taking care of elders through the State...and after about six months of helping her with her chores or taking her out for lunch movies and of course errands she grew attached to her and felt she was a daughter she never had and of course she really cares for this lady and goes out of her way...they bonded of thing she knew she was the owner of a Cougaran...we discussed that it needed to be returned because she felt friend after the weekend was going to give the coin back but when her son got wind of it he said return that coin imidiately, he said just because my mother nice does not mean you need to take advantage of a nice old lady...This belongs with our family and said if it was not returned he would have no choice to call the authorities..she explained to him that she would be returning the coin on her next visit and agreed to what he was saying...and she still takes care of this lady to this day....thought I would share this with you...

    32. I absolutely do not believe that what they are doing is right with this lawsuit. These headrights never belonged to them. They belonged to the individual headright owner and it was personal property that each Osage had the ability to dispose of as they pleased at the time that the exchanges took place. Many were foolish and stupid or drinking and didn't hold on to what they had. Try and get away with driving drunk these days and find out what happens to you if you kill or injure somebody. You are expected to be responsible for what you do. The Federal government at no time during that period had the fiduciary obligation to prevent 2229 Osages from selling, exchanging or in any way alienating their personal property Headright after the first twenty five years as per the 1906 Allotment Act and it if you think they did, then you are mistaken. People are taken advantage of by others every day and at some point individual responsibility must prevail if our tribal people are to every grow up and own their actions. The Federal Court in Tulsa could choose to do damage to all of us in some unanticipated way with unintended consequences just like it did over the tax/reservation law suit and the only way to prevent that from happening is not to go there. The BIA could choose to walk away with the approval of the U.S. Congress as well because we are just too litigious and expensive to have to deal with now and in the future. That means all of the Headright owners will no longer have any income because the trust from which they derive income will be terminated. The 10th Circuit told Amanda and Charlie and Sammy that they were owed and accounting and nothing more. The language of the opinion clearly indicates that all those wills and trusts will not be set aside or the laws that have governed them and here they go again with this nonsense of trying to get these headrights back by means of some other legal argument. It's a waste of time and money. The 10th Circuit Court won't let this happen and the Supreme Court will uphold that decision.

    33. The important thing to remember here is that the 1906 Allotment Act as amended specifically states that the income from the mineral rights BELONGS TO THE OSAGE TRIBE BEFORE IT IS TRANSFERRED TO THE FEDERAL INCOME TRUST CREATED BY THE ACT ITSELF. If this Federal mineral rights income trust for the benefit of the Headright owners is terminated then the chain of ownership for this minerals income will legally revert back to the Osage Tribe. The legal survivor of the Osage Tribe since the new Constitutional government came into power is the Osage Nation. Should such an event take place, THE OSAGE NATION, AND LEGAL OWNER OF THIS MINERALS INCOME, IS UNDER NO LEGAL OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER TO CREATE A NEW TRUST WITH IT. THIS MINERAL INCOME COULD AND MOST LIKELY WILL BECOME ANOTHER REVENUE STREAM JUST LIKE THE GAMING PROCEEDS AND THAT WHICH COMES IN FROM TAXATION. Think about this VERY carefully. Do you want those headrights returned so badly that you are willing to risk your own quarterly check to try and make it happen?

    34. Another thing to think about is this: The mineral rights were extended into perpetuity by the 1978 Act to amend the 1938 Act to amend the 1906 Allotment Act. One of those extensions involved a deal that was struck to pay Gross Production Taxes to the State of Oklahoma in exchange for that particular extension. If the current Federal Mineral Estate Income Trust that pays these taxes to the State of Oklahoma does not survive because it has been terminated, what will become of such tax payments? If they are not any longer paid out, what then becomes of the extension of the reservation of the mineral rights to the Osage Tribe/Nation? Will they be lost to the Osage Nation and revert back to the land owners? Protect the Trust by your actions and it will protect your personal income.

    35. I think the original allottees would be horrified if they knew what was going today with their greedy ancestors. Is there no end to it? If I were the BIA, I would walk away on principal and let the U.S. Congress figure out what to do with us. Those who support this travesty know no shame and I don't even think they care one way or the other. When people can't be shamed by what they do to others then they are damned or so the Bible says.

    36. Galen - The personal debt of which you speak was towards the Complaint that our Shareholders were not allowed to elect their own chief and assistant chief. You make it sound like Mr. Whitehorn had a personal debt that he asked someone to pay. Not true. The MC didn't have the guts to stand and fight - they, including you, still have not supported the Shareholders wishes. This Council has caused harm to the Shareholders. They have allowed the Executive branch to control monies. You did not push hard enough to remedy JRE's actions. You allowed a lobbiest to control the HHP lawsuit. The lobbiest stated in public that he did not represent the Shareholders. You allowed a vote to be cast : vote yes or no to accept the Settlement BEFORE the Shareholders were given the terms of the Settlement. So...I think you are the last one on the list, no I will put Sonny Boy right under you to deserve the right to voice complaints about personal debt for attorneys which have been paid by for our of personal funds from Shareholders pockets...those same shareholders which you were elected to represent. Thank heavens we have some Shareholders who have been willing to stay in this dog fight because you all have dropped the ball big time. Of course, if the Shareholders were allowed to elect their own Chief and Assistant Chief....which we are entitled to do, we wouldn't have these huge problems would we?

    37. To anonymous Feb. 11 @ 9:06: It sounded like I was saying the Council would have been donating money to pay off a Councilman’s private debt because that is exactly what we were asked to do. There is no way around this fact.
      When a person or group of persons contracts for the services of a law firm, they are also agreeing to pay the lawyer fees unless the case is taken on a contingency basis or pro bono (like Fletcher). When the Council was asked to pay $50,000 to the Jech case law firm, the plaintiffs account was in arrears about $25,000 and climbing. This was a private debt that the plaintiffs (including Chairman Whitehorn) had already accrued.
      When the plaintiffs made their presentation to the Council we were told their bill was current or nearly so. Soon after Cora Jean Jech brought us a billing statement from the Grimm law firm that showing that not to be the case. The statement showed that they had owed about $25,000 at the time of the presentation and the current balance owed had already risen several thousand above that. It also showed that the last payment of $1,000 dollars had been made a couple of months prior, and also that Grimm was demanding payment.
      This clearly shows that most of the Council’s $50,000 would have immediately gone to retire the plaintiffs previously accrued debt, including the portion owed by Councilman Whitehorn. The relative merits of the case cannot change this fact. And as I stated before elected officials have gone to jail or been removed from office for lesser offences and rightly so.

    38. One good thing, I liked Amanda's campaign postcard and platform issues. If she could lose this threatening lawsuit of Fletcher and Pratt, she might have my vote.

    39. Amands is 1/128 Osage

    40. That makes her a lot less Osage than I am. So what?

  3. Now that the election for principal Chief is over, other than protesting the chief's pick for Asst Chief, we need to turn our attention to the up coming MC campaign and get those removed that do nothing, are problem child's and DO NOT represent the shareholders as in "I work for you" ! I am talking those that go to Washington with the producers and kiss there behind every time the wheel squeaks. including giving them financial breaks in these made up Executive sessions. One would be where a producer was put on the agenda and instead of just him going in he took every produced in the room with him! Did we get to hear what that was all about? And the time in Executive session that a MC person told a producer that their offer of 4 million less than the going rate for a concession was fine. By the way that particular producer was the leader of the trip to Washington some of the MC took. Lord knows what else goes on behind closed doors. Granted there might be times to go into Executive session but since the MC ( supposedly) works for us then we should at least have shareholder representation in these meetings and minutes produced! Some on the MC are just drawing their dime can't think for themselves and follow where ever their told to ! Time for a change and if we don't we will just be stuck with the same, ole, same ole.and be left out in the cold whenever they seem fit to go behind closed doors with their little secrets! Now many minutes of MC meetings have we seen and with no shareholders there we are told just what they want us to hear.

    1. I thought these Exec sessions were Galen and Sonny's idea in the first place. They didn't have this going on during the first Osage Mineral Council of the Osage Nation. Don't try and blame Cynthia for this.

    2. The election for Principal Chief and Assistant Principal Chief hasn't even begun. There will be a Primary in March and the General Election in June of this year.

    3. You are correct. Rather than say "now that the election is over" I should have said "the new chief and Assst chief appointment" Thanks for catching that.

  4. Any news on March payment total?

    1. Not until around the 15th of February.

    2. March Headright Payment = $ 8,890

    3. $8990..@ typo by Osage website will be corrected

    4. thank you for the post.

    5. The actual March payment is $9275 rather than the previously reported $8990. Councilwoman Boone jumped the gun on reporting the erroneous figure. Past custom has been to wait for the Council Chairman to approve the figure before it is made public. I informed Mrs. Boone moments after this amount had been released to the Council that the Chairman was getting in touch with the Superintendent because this figure appeared to be in error. Her reply was that “it is too late; it has already been made public so it can’t be changed.” Fortunately, Chairman Yates and acting Superintendent Hale chose not take direction from Councilwoman Boone, instead opting to pay out all the funds that rightly belonged in this payment. During yesterday’s Council meeting the Councilwoman still seemed miffed that the payment amount had been corrected, saying something to the effect that “Cultural people would have preferred waiting till June to receive this extra money”. I may not be very cultural, but I think we should make every effort to ensure that the correct amount is paid out each and every quarter.
      Even this greater figure is something of a disappointment however. Clear Mountain Resources had made a payment of about $795,000 for the first lease bonus pre-payment on the 31,800 acres they had negotiated to lease this year. However there was a temporary hold up in receiving the proper paper work that kept it out of this quarterly payment. This would have raised this payment nearly another $360 per share.

  5. Not sure what make of this story but maybe there starting cobell second round of payments

    1. well the link I just posted doesn't seem to work maybe this one will

    2. here just one good read, I find the Oklahoma part interesting

    3. (The deadlines for filing claims was extended earlier this year to provide all potential claimants a reasonable opportunity to establish eligibility to participate in the settlement, particularly for those in areas such as Oklahoma where information regarding the ownership of trust or restricted land may not be on Interior’s land records systems. Payments cannot be made until final membership of the Trust Administration Class can be determined.) So what's this going to take? Another twenty years for the OK Indians get paid?

    4. This would be for everyone not just the Ok Tribes and this would take some time but they have had three years and then some to identify those who's estates are in pro-bate. Or the will still needs to be recorded and this is causing the delay..It took two years before we were going to sue for our father's estate....everything had been done accodingly and there should have not been a delay...once the BIA realized what was going to happen then it was finally disperced but what was the hold up at the administration level? Was the will recorded legally on the books at the time the will was submitted and approved? These are the delays of which should have not happened and could be happening all around the US..I would not think the GCG would start the second round of payments without everyone else getting paid at the same time.

    5. Yet there is no announcement and this timeline is going to pass us up we are almost near the end of the first quarter and GCG needs to get out a press release...this should not be taking this long..6 weeks give or take and time goes by fast...everyone should be on the phone hounding them for answers and calling class counsel Mr.Smith i it?.

  6. Well my take on the five board we should ask for ten yrs brandishing and garnish their check an till the funds have been recovered,Surely this will send a message that we won't stand for behavior anymore period no matter who embezzled from Osage people.

    1. and take any asset of value including liens on their businesses and so forth...

  7. March payment will be $8990 per share.

    1. Down. Considerably. Galen? Sonny? Mr. McClain? How do you explain this?

    2. I kinda keep my on the production and it's been off around 600 bl per day for this payment plus down in price by about $10 per bl so really it's not as bad as it seems.

    3. Right and with the refineries shuting down for maitenence and for summer greade the prices will get back up a degress then you have to take winter into consideration... a lot of factors comes into play...

    4. Why is production down so much?

    5. Just read the posts above

    6. Thanks anyway, but I'd like a statement or comment from a member of the Minerals Council if possible.

    7. NOTE: March 2014 Quarterly Annuity Payment is $9,275.00 per Full Headright. This is official and is posted to the ON website at

    8. Of course. Nothing from McClain or Galen or Sonny on this

    9. See see post in thread above about the March payment.

    10. I posted this payment amount correction and explanation a couple of days ago in the other thread above dealing with the March payment amount. Things are getting a little spread out on the site so I thought it might be helpful to re-post it here also

      The actual March payment is $9275 rather than the previously reported $8990. Councilwoman Boone jumped the gun on reporting the erroneous figure. Past custom has been to wait for the Council Chairman to approve of the figure before it is made public. I informed Mrs. Boone moments after this amount had been released to the Council
      that the Chairman was getting in touch with the Superintendent because this figure appeared to be in error. Her reply was that “it is too late; it has already been made public so it can’t be changed.” Fortunately, Chairman Yates and acting Superintendent Hale chose not take direction from Councilwoman Boone, instead opting to pay out all the funds that rightly belonged in this payment. During yesterday’s Council meeting the Councilwoman still seemed miffed that the payment amount had been corrected, saying something to the effect that “Cultural people would have preferred waiting till June to receive this extra money”. I may not be very cultural, but I think we should make every effort to ensure that the correct amount is paid out each and every quarter.
      Even this greater figure is something of a disappointment however. Clear Mountain Resources had made a payment of about $795,000 for the first lease bonus pre-payment on the 31,800 acres they had negotiated to lease this year. However there was a temporary hold up in receiving the proper paper work that kept it out of this quarterly payment. This would have raised this payment nearly another $360 per share.

    11. Galen, since there is so much apparent consternation associated with this Minerals Council letter that has been recently sent out to the non-Osage and entity shareholders about surrendering their headright/s, will you please explain the provenance of how it came about. Thank you.

    12. Osageblogger, I already did, see thread below that deals with this subject.

  8. Why is Secretary/Trust Clerk Assistant for the Minerals Council Dena Rackliff showing up in the Osage County Sheriff's Office Booking Report at This is the second time I've found one of the Trust Clerks with a mug shot on this web site! When is Sonny Abbott and Galen Crum going to get this cleaned up? These people are handling Mineral Estate Trusts for the Shareholders. Instead of throwing parties for Standingbear, get your act together as a member of the Mineral Council. Disgraceful!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Just to make it clear, this lady was arrested for failure to appear at a court hearing that she WAS NEVER NOTIFIED about, concerning a protective order THAT SHE HAD FILED because she had been beaten up. She was told that she couldn’t be found for notification of the hearing. It seems strange that, once a warrant was issued for FTA, they had found her and arrested her within hours. Coincidently, this is the same lady that Councilwoman Cynthia Boone has been stalking and harassing and trying to get fired for 5 or 6 months. The first incidence of finding a mug shot of a council employee was for DUI, PARAPHENALIA, ETC. That subject is still employed by the council. Cynthia Boone seems to like her just fine.

    2. I am wondering if this is the same employee that was out in her car, smoking a cigarette ON HER BREAK and it is reported that Cynthia walked out to this persons car and stood there glaring at her the entire time as if she was doing something wrong! Reminds me of the time she threw a hussy fit about the snacks, sugar and coffee creamers the office was using. She just can't seem to keep her nose out of things that don't concern her ! I would think she would have MC work to do rather than harasser an employee. If she had a concern, we have an office manager and she could have gone thru the proper channels. Lucky she didn't get sued for harassment.

    3. ..a Dui under any circumstance is humbling I'm sure...People make bad choices under what ever emotional duress..and has been judged by a court and has paid her dues..This incident does not make or break someone's long as this pattern of behavior is not repeated..Cynthia is someone who I coin as someone who has too much time on their hands and in retro really just want's to be acknowledged and I bet she would give anything to be your best friend...but really a leopards spots does not change colors over nite...I feel sorry for her that she can't see herself in a positive light...once she doe's then change can come...and then she would stop the Witch much wasted time wasted on her..we got bigger issues and the way I see it she's a part of why the system is broke...


    4. To the poster on Feb 12 at 8:51 AM. I agree with everything you said except that I believe Cynthia does see herself in a positive light and is happiest when she is causing trouble. Just my opinion based on several years of observations.There just never seems to be an end to it until she is no longer in office and even then she will probably find ways to cause trouble. To bad because at times she can be very pleasant.

    5. What is she doing hanging around with people who are beating her up? How is it that she didn't proactively go to the trouble to find out when her court hearing was to take place? Nothing about this makes sense. We should have people working in the MC office who don't get themselves into trouble like this. These employees are handling sensitive estate matters associated with probate and trusts for the Shareholders. It is prohibitive to have people working in this capacity whose mug shot appears online in the Osage County Sheriff's Office Booking Report. There are professional standards of practice in the real world that apply to the behavior of those who work in this area and it doesn't include mug shots appearing online for people escorted out of the office who are subsequently placed under arrest no matter what the situation. Are you so under water that you don't know this? I could care less about the pity party no matter what the circumstances. Hire mature, competent, seasoned, experienced people in the Minerals Council office to handle this work for the Shareholders. Anything else is unacceptable. Anyone who doesn't understand this must not be reelected. What do we have to do? Get a petition going to make these changes and get this done in service to and for the Osage Shareholders?

    6. Whoever the office manager is, he needs to get things back in hand. What level of confidence should the Shareholders have when both girls in the office handling this trust business have both been placed under arrest with their mug shots online? You minerals council people need to start minding the store and forget about the next election or the last one in '10 will be the final one you ever win. I am so shocked with everything that goes on up on that Hill!!!!! Do you people even realize that it's a government you're supposed to be running and not a Tribal soap opera?

    7. Add stable to the list from poster on February 12, 2014 at 12:11 PM.

    8. Is anyone elected or hired in this government strong enough to be capable of a management smack down BEFORE they have to start throwing people out of office or out of work? Set the rules and standards clearly so people know what is expected of them and then ENFORCE THEM ACROSS THE BOARD AND TREAT EVERYONE EQUALLY. It's not that hard. What becomes hard is when it gets so out of line that drastic measures have to be taken.

    9. I certainly agree with the post about Cynthia not keeping her nose out things. She is the most annoying council person that's ever existed. At least the others, whether wrong or right, are focused on objectives and business matters that concern the Minerals Estate, not petty things that revolve around secretaries and ego-centrism. She is on a quest to deliver herself out of self-hatred by breaking other people down rather than improving upon her own faults and imperfections. A true leader projects positivity and progress. She is the one council person we can all depend on to bring negativity and criticism to each meeting. It is no surprise when she files complaints against secretaries for common mistakes they make but refuses to admit to her own mistakes or ill characteristics. It is obvious that she is fully focused on harassing this young, educated woman that serves as a current secretary for the OMC. She's far more intelligent and amiable than Cynthia and probably epitomizes from the inside out what Cynthia loathes. Cynthia hates any woman that's attractive, intelligent, successful or confident. But she puts on the façade of being "pleasant" as one poster commented, when its someone that directly affects her votes or reputation. She manipulates the mass of Osage Shareholders and Constituents to believe that she is a good-hearted Christian woman who cares about the Shareholders and has a giant S on her chest for "SUPER CYNTHIA" when in fact the only thing SINthia is SUPER at is criticism, negativity and dishonesty. Im glad this young woman who is having to withstand the mouth piece on this awful woman and the schemes she lays up at night strategizing, is emotionally and spiritually strong enough to stay firm and wait for the tangled web Sinthia is weaving to entrap the preying fanged black widow that we all know and love to hate. I hope that the day she is NOT re-elected, this girl gets to grin and find peace from the hell she has faced diligently.

    10. Furthermore, I have collected information about the girl that is being targeted. She did indeed get arrested for failure to appear for a protective order hearing that she herself had requested. She was not properly notified of the court but nevertheless had to pay consequences for not appearing. I'm sure she will be more court date conscious from this point on, but no one seemed to point out that she is dedicated to her job that in fact the morning she was supposed to be at that court date she was conducting an OMC meeting at the Cultural Center. Why doesn't anyone get on the forums and point out things like, Dena Rackliff is a honorary veteran, educated, holds a certificate in medical assisting, has led a ministry at a church, or helped sponsor a hand game for her dying step father before he passed. I understand the Cynthia Boone called Cynthia Cass Pradmore and had her print facebook pages of the Facebook community for responsible citizenry where Dena's mother defended her and referenced Melvin Core as an office manager aware of the abuse Cynthia Boone launches at Dena. Pradmore then insinuated that Core should not defend Dena because it might cause him to not be re-elected. Thankfully enough, people are still defending her. GROW UP CYNTHIA AND CYNTHIA HIGH SCHOOL IS OVER.

    11. Oh please!!!! Do you write for Hollywood or what? Such fiction. Who had their mug shot online for being arrested? Not Cynthia. If this woman is so fine and upstanding, why did this happen? Who does she associate with that is so unstable? It happens, we know that but there are other jobs available that don't involve sensitive estate matters for the Shareholders. Perhaps Dena should work for the ONPD. If she's that competent, well trained and successful, working there would put anyone on notice to behave themselves around her or face the consequences. Yes? Solutions are available that are a win-win for everyone involved.

    12. "what is she doing hanging around people that are beating her up" is that anything like "that girl deserved to be raped because of the way she was dressed"? The intelligence of some people that get on here just bewilder me. And as far as hiring mature, competent, seasoned, experienced people in the Minerals Council office to handle this work for the Shareholders...does this apply to Council members? UMMMMM...because I don't think I see any of the other Council members harassing secretaries or acting immature during live streamed meetings. There are some pretty biased comments on here that are just targeting a hard-working gal that is probably smarter and more mature than Cynthia Boone or her FEW supporters. And I'm sure the poor girl is so ran down trying to keep up with 7 Council members' requests, 1 Council person's demands, and trust cases...sounds like to me she neglected herself personally but is more than dedicated to her job.

    13. No. People choose their relationships. Rapists don't always know the victim but if a woman dresses in a come hither manner then such choices may have unpleasant consequences. My Osage grandmother always used to say, "Never advertise that you are a woman. Men know what you are. They are very smart that way. If they're interested, they'll be sure to let you know."

    14. the point I was making is that your comment about her "hanging around with people that beat her up" is very unintelligent. You don't know the circumstances. I'm sure she didn't plan to be beat up. And to continue to defend the whole if a woman dresses like that she is asking to get raped, just goes to show your narrow mentality. The people who need to be arrested and convicted are the two abusers in these paragraphs...the one who physically abuses and the one who psychologically abuses...SADLY ONE ABUSER IS AN ELECTED OFFICIAL.

    15. easy one...SINthia BOOOOOOne

    16. Good work ethics is all that is required...most of this non-sense, though Cynthia is on the war path and this could be harassment by another employee...This is a H/R decision and not the decision of another employee no matter who you are and is at the discretion of the person who is hiring...I for one have and understand in common people make mistakes...we are all human...get over it...I personally want Cynthia off the M/C she is a cancer and just from everyones opinion is not well liked...and is not a team player...and now that her son is running for Chief...ah let me see..If I was her son I would tell her to shut her trap and do the job she was hired to do...ultimately he will not get to be Chief with the likes of this women in the background and that's the reality...he needs to do damage control..not just that he is not capable in my eyes his views did not reflect on real reflection of the Needs of Many in my opinion...and you could see his inexperience.

    17. If I were that poor girl I would get a restraining order and have the court shut her trap...actions speak louder than words..and defamation should be brought up as do you like those apples...Cynthia is so out of control...and does not understand boundries..

    18. This is called vilification...and under defamation this girl could sue the heck out of Cynthia....and need I say more.

    19. Used to have a boss like Cynthia. The one word description we coined for him was " Evil " From what I have been told from several people she has always been this way and that corresponds with my dealings with her as well. She can be very cordial if she wants but will turn on you in a New York minute! Certainly not the professional caliber of person we need on the MC.

    20. One way to get Cynthia to. as one poster put it " To Shut her trap" would be to see to it that she doesn't get re-elected to the MC.. That's the only way I think she will ever get the picture. so to speak. Re-electing her will only affirm we approve of her actions and will reflect on us as to the caliber of people we want to represent us. Think about that when you vote! As disillusioned as she is, she darn sure doesn't represent me or as she says " I work for you" Heaven forbid that I would ever act like that or treat people like that.

  9. I read a copy of Boone's Bulletin dated 2-10-2014 provided by Osage Pre-Election News In it she talks about various things concerning the MC. At the bottom of the second page there is a statement printed in "Caps" that says...."We will be voting for Tom Boone Jr. for principal Chief" I strongly object to her wording and do not for a minute think this was just a slip of the tongue ! After talking about MC business and then to use the word "We" implies that the entire MC will be voting for Tom Boone Jr..I would question that and here again Cynthia's use of half truths and mis-leading statements continues.

    1. My she could have said We is that in her family...I for one will not vote him in...he is not experienced in no way shape or form...You will be voting in Cynthia..and not just that we do not need incompetent people to hold that office..I don't see him in this capacity..

    2. Only a former chief can be considered experienced at this position. None of the candidates have ever been in that position. All of the candidates have experience at something but to be a leader requires many skills like organization, consideration, listening, cooperation, compromising, etc. Some are simply experienced at talking.

    3. The singular thing that she wrote about that should be of the utmost interest to the Shareholders is this statement, "No oil business was discussed on the January 10 or 15 meetings." Now why is that? If production in the oil patch isn't drying up like a creek bed in Africa during a drought why are we getting this report? "We" does not indicate any such thing. Quit twisting their words. It's the Boone's Bulletin so identified and not a report from the Mineral Council. Who do you expect that Cynthia and Daniel are going to vote and advocate for? Margo Gray? Get a grip!


    5. Cynthia is a member of the Minerals Council and if she is not satisfied with the work product of Dena then she has the right to make that clear to her. Dena has other employment choices and it seems that she's not the right mix. As a shareholder, I don't want people who are pulled out of meetings and placed under arrested working on my estate matters or any trust that I may create there. I have the right to impose professional standards and expectations. You can trash Cynthia all you want but really I don't care in the least about the personal dynamics of these two. Cynthia was not arrested. Dena was and that's all I need to know. This is substandard in the real world and I want someone working on estate matters for the Minerals Council who does not have personal problems connected to the police or arrest warrants that interfere in any way with their work. This is strictly business. I expect it to be handled in a professional manner and this is not professional. Get it done that's all that matters or should matter in this situation. If you want to run the minerals agency yourselves then such standards are going to have to be imposed at some point or no one will work with you. The shareholders are of utmost importance here. They take precedence. Anything that is alarming or unprofessional or even unprofessional in appearance needs to be cleaned up, squared away and corrected for the sake of the shareholders who are being served by this employee in her capacity as an assistant trust clerk. No excuses.

    6. To the poster on Feb 12 at 9:41. You don't know Cynthia very well. The way she used the word "We" after talking about the MC was intended to imply that the whole MC was voting for Tom and still let her an out when she got called on it. You or I would have said " My family and I are voting for Tom.

    7. dena is in her thirties and has NEVER been arrested before nor does she have a criminal background of any kind. this was a civil matter and its literally the only thing that any of u sinthia supporters can say against dena. no boone hasnt been arrested but she certainly deserves to be for the grief she causes and the lies she tells...

    8. Sometimes you guys act like you are so dense. I DON'T CARE about whatever goes on behind the scenes. The personal relationships between these two is none of my business. I don't want to know and I shouldn't have to know. It's unfastidious and unprofessional. Don't smear these personal issues all over me like play-doh in a playpen. A seamless, professional atmosphere, superior work product, reliable, non-threatening, cheerful, well ordered, all told; a work environment that the shareholders can rely upon to be trusted to handle sensitive estate matters in a timely, correct and exemplary manner. That's it and that's all.

    9. I have to agree. The less drama and conflict where estate matters are involved the better. Who cares what the reason, arrest warrants are frightening and they undermine confidence. If Dena can't keep up on her own personal legal matters, how can anyone be expected to have faith that she can keep up on those of the Shareholders? Not good.

    10. My reply to the above posters is, that we have an office manager and as far as I know he hasn't raised any issues with Deana's work. It's interesting that among Cynthia's buddies on the MC, she is the only one causing a stink. I may not like the way they vote together but again...she is the only one always causing trouble. It's sad that she just can't seem to quit sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. She drug some of the council members into that mess about going to Washington and if I were them I would be making a concerted effort to distance myself from her before the election. And it may be already to late !

    11. Miss Dena has a good true heart. She is also a caring beautiful person. That is the kind of person that Cynthia is jealous of, because this is a person she will never become or ever look like and can only hate. I am proud to know her. WE all have struggles in life and the fact that the court was given the wrong address goes back to Lavina Clark. It was all a game and then Dena had to pay the price. As usual our esteemed AG Jeff Jones does not know an "Apple" from an orange and believes anything and everything anyone tells him so he agrees to whatever he is told without any real investigation. Just like he believed what his so called "investigator" Brian Herbert said. The other poster is correct, she is a veteran and we would not treat a male veteran this way - not a warrior - and yet Jeff Jones and Cynthia Boone disrespect her and ---- wow what an ODD COUPLE that is --- Jeff Jones and Cynthia Boone. The old ways say to honor and at the very least treat the veterans with respect and not harassment.

    12. Yawn. Can we move on P L E A S E???

    13. I agree with the poster than felt Tom Boone Jr was not qualified to hold the office of Principal Chief. Read his Bio. that is in the Osage News. I see nothing in that that would qualify him for that office. We need someone with better credentials than being on a school board, member of a church in Pawhuska and worked with Head Start... etc, etc. It makes interesting about his linage but voting for a person with a known family name is what got us in the fix we were in with JRE.
      Then we have the full page color ad for Margo Gray for Principal Chief. Her ad list among other things, " Proven Leadership in Economic Development" and " Skilled Management and Administration" It's inter4esting to note that in the same issue of the Osage New is an article headlined as " Bench Warrant Under Advisement for Principal Chief Candidate" I'm sorry but after reading about a $58,639 summary judgement for breach of contract I personally don't want her any where near the Osage Nation money. Coupled with the thought of Jim Gray being appointed for a position by her or him advising her and pulling the strings....NO Thanks! We've been down that road already!
      There are several unfounded rumors about Standing Bear and he has addressed them in meetings with the public. But at the very least he has experience in tribal matters, been asst. chief, is a member of Congress and as lawyer is well versed on the legal and economic problems we are going to face. I think he will restore trust and true transparency to the Executive Branch.

    14. The post on Feb 13 at 1:17 states " The less drama and conflict where estate matters are involved the better" I couldn't agree more. If anyone is taking note over the past months and couple of years, most if not all of the "Drama and Conflict" in the MC have been instigated by Cynthia Boone. Get her out of there along with several of the ones that fall in line with her every time her wheel squeaks then we can spend more time on things that matter and not have to discuss her counting condiments used in the office and checking up on someone out in the parking lot on break!

    15. I agree with poster at 6:49 pm....StandingBear is the choice at this moment, the thought that Jim Gray could be appointed to another position with the ONG in my Judgement would not be healthy for Our Gov...and the fact that Margo has not paid off her debt is astounding...and unprofessional...that's her bad....AND I do think Dailey is the winner for A.P...Why he's out spoken and touched almost every area of huge issues of which he can bring a different flare of fairness and I'm sure he walks the talk...and both would make a great team....Opposites attract and we need different Idea's and he is someone I would not feel intimidated by..most importantly he is someone I feel we could trust...with diplomacy and represent in the most sincere way for Our People the Osage...Yes for Dailey...close the Osage LLC assign new Board Members to the New LLC...This has to happen...get rid of the Toxic...No more Nepotism and down with the Crony Capitalism...

    16. StandingBear is on record wanting to get rid of the BIA. You can't do that and keep the Federal trust as it is today. It will have to be dissolved and if that's the case, the income will come in to the Osage Nation government who now owns it before it's transferred to the current Federal Trust account. At that point it will become another source of income for the Osage Nation government to spend as it wishes. There is no legal motivation or mandate to form a new trust and the non-headright shareholders will want to be included in getting a check too under the Constitution. It will be such a nightmare, the Osage Nation will undoubtedly keep the mineral income and that will be the end of it and everything the shareholders have today. If you value your headright check, StandingBear is NOT the one to vote for in the upcoming election nor is Margo Gray. She will compact the Mineral Estate away from the BIA and the same or similar circumstances will eventually result with low headright checks and then no distribution because the headright money will go to the new government for bureaucratic growth and development of the Mineral Estate. Tom is the only one left to vote for. Jack Kennedy himself said that no one has any real experience for the Presidency until he is elected and walks into the Oval Office. I believe that statement to be true.

    17. Standingbear knows everything (just listen to what he has to say), never actually managed a even a law office successfully.. Margo failed in her management adventure. Tom will seek learned council for the decisions he makes.

    18. That's what scares me about a person in the Principal Chief's office that doesn't know what they are doing. That was what got JRE in trouble.. He had bad advise and wasn't smart enough to figure it out. I would rather have someone ready to step in with out having to ask " What do I do now'

    19. I thought we had a smoke free campus. Now the girl's defenders are admitting that she is breaking Osage Nation law? No wonder Cynthia is dogging her. She's a walking law violator wherever she goes. Snacks should be paid for by the employees not the Osage Nation Mineral Council Office. Eating crap food like that is as unhealthy as smoking cigarettes.

    20. I hope we are not feeding everyone snacks or water on our dime...say it isn't so folks and this kind of waste adds up..

    21. It is so and hundreds of our dollars are adding to the already ample waist lines of those who work for the Osage Nation, the majority of whom are already morbidly obese. Do you think the Osage News would do a poll on this issue? Of course not. Now guess why.

  10. When are we going to get information about the Minerals Council election and filing period to run for the Minerals Council?

    1. See

  11. Cobell is seeking information on those whose whereabouts are unknown. Go to and follow the prompts.

  12. New article>>“osage”-dailey-announces-his-candidacy-asst-principal-chief

  13. Keep up to date with the Osage News at

  14. Why hasn't the Osage Nation put up the Mineral Council meetings schedule for 2014 up on that web site they never seem to get finished? How much have we paid for that damn thing so far? Get the lead out!!!!

  15. Where our government money has been going and what it's been paying for>>>>>>>>>> plus

  16. Was it a Valentine greeting or a Valentine massacre attempt ? But, it was in a United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs Osage Agency, P.O. Box 1539 Pawhuska, Oklahoma 74056 envelope marked Official Business Penalty for Private Use, $300 Return Service Requested, presorted Standard United States Postage U.S. Official Mail Penaalty for Private Use $300 $00.309, Feb11,2014 Mailed from zip Code 74056, Then the enclosed two page letter or better known has the Valentine offer. And, the offer is on Osage Minerals Council letterhead, Osage Minerals Council Osage Nation below that heading the official seal of the Osage Nation. To the left top , I presume in alphabetical order, or after what I've been reading on here it could be a monetary rating or ranking of some type. Anyhow the upper left top of letter had listed Joseph B. "Sonny" Abbott, immediately below and centered, Curtis O. Bear, likewise Cynthia J. Boone, then Melvin Core. Following on right side of letter the same height as the Honorable Mr. Abbott, you'll find Andrew Yates-Chairman, Myron F. Red Eagle, Dudley P. Whitehorn, and finally bring up the end out of most order abc's or $ maybe , you'll find Galen Crum. Next January 31, 2014 Dear Headright Owner:" We, the Osage Minerals Council, the elected body for the minerals affairs of the Osage Mineral Estate, write to offer to engage in discussions with you for the purchase or voluntary return of your headright. You may contact us at 918-287-5346 at any time to discuss this offer." A brief history lesson, end of front page." The Osage Minerals Council is asking all persons of goodwill who are not Osage and who have come into possession of such interests to voluntarily return ( cold day in Xxxx) or sell them to Minerals Council." Why that may make some sense, the sell part. Let's see if you have previously quoted, what 400 headrights in non-Osage,non Indian possession. Man your going to have to clean up a lot, from the non Osage housekeeper of John Stink, up and down the chain. Back to this offer, I'd we need all the records that you keep away from the Cough Shareholders. I may not be about to wait for my girl to come down from the mountains to help on this matter, I think I still have enough facilities "We hope that you will carefully consider our request in light of this history. We also note that now that the settlement payments for the 2011 trust case settlement have been distributed," ( that was a screwing)"the value of your headright interest is relatively easy to ascertain. Determining the fair current value of a headright interest is easier now that past claims have been finally settled and paid. " "Moreover, pending litigation brought by individual Osages against the United States for allowing headrights to transfer into non-Osage ownership may not be decided for many years. The Minerals Council would prefer, if possible, to recover Osage headrights through negotiation with individual non-Osage headright holders rather than wait for the final outcome of litigation over whether the ownership of headright by non-Osages is lawful.""Please contact the Minerals Council at 918-287-5346 at your earliest convenience to find out more about participating in this effort to repatriate headright interests to the Osage people,. We hope to hear from you soon." Best regards, Andrew Yates , Chairman Osage Minerals bottom of page 813 Grandview. P.O. Box 779. Pawhuska, Ok. 74056 Telephone 918. 287.5433, Fax 918.287.5693 Now, lets see how bout starting at a million. Oh, not like history, numbers are exact especially when you add a dollar $ sign.

    1. I agree print the letter as stated or at least copy and paste...This is in translation poor written post...from poster at 2:37 we can at least relate...

    2. I truthfully can't make that print jumpoff that letter onto this screen. So, if you wish, and I presume you do, maybe you can call on one of the official officeholders of the official Shareholder Minerals Council. As far as opinions, having been on the different Osage Blogs since the early 2009's, and with my limited Lynn and PHS schoolling, besides that I' haven't seen any guidelines on this or any other Osage blogs. I have no doubt about shareholders being smart and understand by reading however primitive the outsourcing. Whatever you want to call it I believe it to be a service to all shareholders Osage, non-Osage, non-Indian ,you, me. If you don't know what's a happening, that's a very disturbing tactic.And as I predicted who the next Chief would be a long time ago, Which blew my 30% all to smithereens, closing hoping you can use a few of the bits and pieces.HJF

    3. Why did you butcher up the letter? If you want to inform the Shareholders of something, please copy and paste something like an official letter in its entirety. If you have opinions, please group them either at the beginning or at the end. We share holders are smart enough to read and understand. Please, at least give us that much credit. This is a “Cynthia Boone” tactic, and a huge disservice to the share holders.

    4. Don't think for a split second that you can drop this one on Cynthia Boone. This is the Yates, Abbott, and Crum "Cabal" that have been persecuting Cynthia from the very beginning. This letter has Yates signature on it. The unmitigated gaul of these people! As if any of these shareholders or organizations would even think of accepting such an insult that someone in their family or establishment would have stooped to swindling the Osages out of their headright share or shares! How many producers of Osage ancestry do we have as working in the oil patch today? None? What do you think the white producers in solidarity will do when they get wind of this insanity on the part of this "Cabal" and I EXPECT that production will dry up as soon as they get wind of this deranged letter from them. We just threw a chief out of office for being as crooked as a dog's hind leg and these stupid people have the nerve to suggest that the ancestors of the non-Osages receiving headrights are themselves crooked? Under the circumstances, how would the Cabal even know what crooked is with a Osage government formed like this one? I am so blown away by this depth of duncery that I can hardly believe that this is happened and that it's reality. Surely this cannot be true.

    5. I am not sure why the non-osage shareholders are not represented by the mineral council and only osage blood owners get to vote now that the Osage Tribe has become the Osage Nation. Sonny Abbot, Galen Crum, Melvin Core, and Andrew Yates are reason challenged - with people like this in charge the mineral estate will not last much longer.

    6. Non-Osages can't be represented by a government formed by Osages. You have to be Osage and a Headright owner in order to be represented.

    7. I completely agree, the insult is only the very beginning going and in and it is substantial. Where does Yates think the money is going to be coming from in order to buy these headrights? Is this supposed to be part of the Cobell settlement that has been set aside to buy fractionated shares of Trust property?

    8. "osageblogger" you are probably thinking the mineral council is something it is not. It is an arm of the U.S.A. via the BIA and other than being referenced in the Osage Constitution has no real government connection to Osage Nation.

    9. You couldn't be more wrong if you had to be. See and take a look at the whole of the Osage Nation Constitution Article XV.

    10. Homer, can you please copy and type out the historical segment of the letter sent to you by Councilman Yates? Thank you.

    11. To Anonymous February 15, 2014 at 12:05 PM------At 8:08 AM, I posted that “we share holders are smart enough to read and understand”. You have proven me wrong. Your post, much like the butchered letter, is incoherent, it has bad grammar, it disrespects the Producers, and it disrespects EVERY Osage, including one candidate for Chief who professes to be a “oil & gas man”. Now, in effect, you say that there is no such thing as an Osage oil and gas man. I hope this doesn’t cause Cynthia Boone to fire her top PR executive. You are a true reflection of Cynthia.

    12. January 31,2014

      Dear Headright Owner:

      We, the Osage Minerals Council, the elected body for the minerals affairs of the Osage Mineral
      Estate, write to offer to engage in discussions with you for the purchase or voluntary return of
      your headright. You may contact us at 918-287-5346 at any time to discuss this offer.

      You are receiving this letter because the records of the United States Department of the Interior's
      Bureau of Indian Affairs show that you (1) are the current owner of a headright interest, which is
      the right to receive the proceeds of the Osage Minerals Estate; and (2)are not an Osage Indian.
      If this not correct, you may disregard this notice, but are asked please to contact the federal
      Bureau of Indian Affairs at its Osage Agency in Pawhuska, Oklahoma, at 918-287-5700 so that it
      may correct its records.

      Our interest in talking with you arises from events that date back to the very beginnings of the
      Osage headright system itself. This history shows that many Osage headrights were alienated
      from Osage Indians in illegal and unethical ways. In 1906, when Congress divided and
      distributed Osage Reservation surface lands to individual Osages, each living Osage enrolled on
      the statutory roll under the 1905 Act also received one headright. Even though each headright
      gave its Osage owner important political rights to participate in the internal governance of the
      Osage Tribe, headrights sometime passed out of the ownership of individual Osages and into the
      hands of non-Osages, corporations, and other organizations. The circumstances that dispersed
      these headrights varied greatly. Some headrights were bequeathed by their owners to charitable
      organizations; some were taken by trickery; and some were taken by violence by persons who
      fraudulently married or became "guardians"of Osages and then murdered them to inherit their
      headrights. (Although a few of these infamous murders were prosecuted, most were not.) In
      1925, Congress restricted the transfer of headright interests. See Act of February 27, 1925 43
      Stat. 1008. However, today a large number of Osage headrights remain in the hands of non-

      Transfer of Osage headrights is now highly regulated by federal law. See Pub. L. 98-605,98
      Stat. 3165 (Oct. 30, 1984). Headrights may be transferred only to an Osage Indian or to the
      Osage Minerals Council, and then only with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. In
      accordance with this federal law, the Osage Minerals Council is asking all persons of goodwill
      who are not Osage and who have come into possession of such interests to voluntarily return or
      sell them to Minerals Council. (There are exceptions for persons who possess life estate in a

      (This completes page one, some spelling errors and the the being left outlast line,a short break
      and I'll complete the last, which is a 1/2 page.

    13. (2)

      headrights or who are legal adoptees of Osage Indians. If you possess only a life estate in a
      headright or are a legal adoptee of an Osage Indian,you may disregard this notice, and you may
      contact the Osage Agency at 918-287-5700 if you would like to be removed from future mailings
      of this kind.)

      We hope that you will carefully consider our request in light of this history. We also note that
      now that the settlement payments for the 2011 trust case settlement have been distributed, the
      value of your headright interest is relatively easy to ascertain. Determining the fair current value
      of a headright interest is easier now that past claims have been finally settled and paid.

      Moreover, pending litigation brought by individual Osages against the United States for allowing
      headrights to transfer into non-Osage ownership may not be decided for many years. The
      Minerals Council would prefer, if possible, to recover Osage headrights through negotiation with
      individual non-Osage headright holders rather than wait for the final outcome of litigation over
      whether the ownership of headrights by non- Osage is lawful.

      Please contact the Minerals Council at 918-287-5346 at your earliest convenience to find out
      more about participating in this effort to repatriate headright interests to the Osage people. We
      hope to hear from you soon.

      End of transfer of two letters to a blog comment reply) I believe any spelling errors were on the letter.HomerJF

    14. To February 15, 2014 at 3:14 PM. You must be some kind of a nitwit. You wait and see what happens over this gargantuanly stupid and foolish letter. You are so obsessed with Cynthia that you give us every indication that you are unbalanced and in need of an psychiatric intervention. Really. Get yourself in hand if you have enough self-control left to be able do so.

    15. Thank you, Homer for reprinting this letter.

    16. Persons of goodwill? Who in the world of any goodwill at all would want to deal with a money-rabid Tribe of Indians that are this pathologically selfish? This has got to be a historically significant moment in the annals of mankind anywhere in the world. I am utterly dumbfounded.

    17. I think that's way too harsh. On the other hand, the idea that modern day Manhattanites are going to surrender the island to the Native Americans is just about as far fetched.

    18. The letter that non-Osage headright income recipient, Homer J, is so incensed about came as part of the Trust case settlement agreement. The Federal Government agreed to send out two letters at the Minerals Council request to non-Osages who receive income from Osage Headrights, informing them that the Osage Minerals Council would be interested in negotiations to have these Headrights returned. Participation is completely voluntary and will not to include lifetime estates or adopted Osages, only those who receive income in a manner that would not be currently allowed.
      What many people might not understand is that the Osage government, Tribal Council days or currently, has never been allowed to know the identities of these people or entities. The DOI/BIA keeps these records and will not share them. Thus if the Council is to contact these people the BIA/DOI must initiate the contact.
      The letter was composed by our lawyer and the content approved by the entire Council. It was something of a shot in the dark since no Council in the past has ever had the opportunity to contact these folks, and they likely had no clear idea on how to contact us. We had some indication from events in the course of the “Fletcher” case that there were entities and individuals that would be interested in somehow returning these headright shares. The response in the first couple of days however has been astounding.
      There are still many details to be worked out between the Council and the BIA on how to make these returns happen, but getting these headrights back in the fold is a very exciting prospect for me.

    19. Thank you. Presumably there is a plan. Are they going to be returned to the families directly, to the Osage Nation or to the Federal Osage Nation Mineral Estate Trust account for general disbursement to the Osage shareholders?

    20. Also, where are you planning to get the money to buy these shares or partial shares? If shareholder money from the drawdown is used then the recovered headright money should go to all of the shareholders. That's not going make the families very happy. Are you going to disclose whose original headright these share/s are coming from to the shareholders? If you can't even get contact information from the BIA, how are you going to get them to give you the information about where the headright originally came from; what family, original allottee or heir who willed it away later on?

    21. We as I can only speculate the details as to working the details there will be shareholder input? and as Osage Blogger has asked I would also like to know as well, Galen...understanding the detail are still in the negotiation process the only way I see this to work that it would go to the respectful lifetime estates first? and if there is no heir alive to pass on the missing headright would revert to the fed. ONME trust account for general disbursement to the Osage Shareholders....? Appreciate you posting again on this site. And I to find this an exciting prospect...Thanks for keeping us comprised.

    22. Good questions Osageblogger....

    23. To Osageblogger: As I stated, the details are still to be worked out, and some of the deciding factors are unknowable at this point. One option you list that is not on the table is that of them going to the Osage Nation, at least in the sense that income from returned headrights would somehow become part of the Osage Nation treasury. I make this caveat only because from a legal standpoint the Osage people are now known as the Osage Nation and thus even headright income returned directly to Osage families or into the Mineral Trust account in general could technically be said to have been returned to the Osage Nation (meaning Osage people).
      I can only speak for myself, but my preference would be to first try to get them back to their rightful families. Even attempting this option hinges first on the BIA having complete enough records to determine who this might be. It is thier responsibilty to do this research. Many of these headrights were lost generations ago, so even if it can be determined who first lost the Headright, who the current heirs are and where they can be found could be impossible to determine. However I feel it is at least worth the effort.
      In my opinion, the second best option would be to “retire” the headright share. That is to say if we are able to somehow negotiate the return of say the equivalent 29 full headrights, payment to those shares would stop and future quarterly payments would be figured on the bases of 2200 equal shares rather than the current 2229 shares. (Actually it’s only 2228 ½ shares but that’s a whole different story). This method of dealing with the returns would be by far the simplest, but even it would have to be rectified with the wording of the 1984 amendments to the 06 act dealing with Headright transfer. I believe this is doable but we have a ways to go all before aspects have been nailed down by the Council.
      At this time using drawdown money is if we decided to purchase shares is not being contemplated by me, this should be a perfect use for S-510 account funds.
      To me the most important thing is to get this mineral income back in the hands of Osage shareholders, the details are a problem for the Council, but they are good problem to have.

    24. Galen, since I'm only a spectator, but when they bring out Giver, Galen, a little angry may seep out through these two arthritic hands.
      Osage politics, a very interesting spectator blog reading exercise . And, like the Federal and State Congress and Senate gets the free mail outs, now the Osage Mineral Council free campaign letter head, questionable at the response, I'll view it at election time, hey there's 1700 plus of us nons IO's,don't know about the break up of non-Indian and non-Osage. After reading blogs in Osage for as long as I havve, I'd keep a eye on the buy back proceedings. Oh, our recipient case went to the Supreme Court of the United States D.Ware B. Beach . HomerJF

    25. To Osageblogger : you’re welcome, glad to help.

      And Homer, you just hang onto tightly to that Headright share with your arthritic old hands. We’re not trying force you to do anything you don’t want to. Instead, we’re just giving you voluntary options you never had before.

    26. There is no evidence that the headright are not where they belong. The injustice I see is that the non-osage blood shareholders have no representation. The BIA is failing their trust responsibility allowing this activity to take place. The BIA approved each transfer of the headright share at the time it was done. Let people who have these andidotal tales prove it and recover their property, the money being spent is shareholder money not the property of the Mineral Council or the Osage Agency.

    27. Someone posted a day or two ago that there were 30 lawyers representing the non-indian share holders, and still more were there by teleconference at the last hearing. How many lawyers will you need? Looks to me like we should think about helping “Fletcher” with some of those expenses. Sorry I didn't finish my statement on the above post.

    28. To poster on February 16, 2014 at 6:22 PM. That is a very interesting point. I'd like to have an opinion from the Solicitor at the BIA on it.

    29. Everyone knows the injustice of what has transpired in the past with the Headrights.if you don't then you need to do your homework and study the Osage History.and you have to remember the BIA has not always did the dilegence that was required...and that the Shares should come back to the Shareholders as by and by the 1906 Act and as Judge Emily Hewitt stated this belongs to the M/E Shareholders per the Hpp. settlement...that being said...and the Solicitor would say let the Osages after a 100 years of taking care of the M/E would say the same thing, it is the right of the Osage to account for all those lost Headrghts...Thank you Galen for posting your thoughts and thanks for clearing some of the Smoke...

    30. I do know the history. The shares based on mineral rights income, the rights of which were to revert back to the land after the first twenty-five years after the 1906 Act was passed. There was an extension and a third to take those rights into perpetuity. When the rights were due to revert, the trust would have ended because there would have been no collective income in the trust because it would have been terminated after the mineral rights were returned to the land. The BIA had no obligation to keep shares with the Osages because they were initially legally considered personal property headrights fully owned with all property rights to sell, exchange, and will to whomever they pleased after the first 25 years. There was no expectation until 1978 that the mineral rights would be permanently reserved to the Osage Tribe. Nor was there the expectation until 1978 that the minerals income associated with the mineral rights wouldn't revert back to the land at some specified point in the subsequent Acts of Congress that have amended the 1906 Allotment Act. Despite the revisionist history that Pratt, Fletcher and their attorney might put forward, the BIA was under no fiduciary obligation to stop any Osage from doing with their personal property headright what was fully allowable under the law at that particular time. This isn't about protecting the Osages way back then. This is about greed driven avaricious Osages born several generations later who want to plunder the estates of their ancestors by using a historically disingenuous legal argument in order to do it. In the main, it's grave robbing pure and simple. There is a curse associated with this activity that tracks all the way back to the ancient Egyptians who built the pyramids. Beware..........

    31. If it so happens that it can be proven that a headright share was gotten in an underhanded manner and that particular headright or portions of it have since been purchased by an Osage or Osages, will those shares be captured and returned to the original Osage family?

    32. Isn't that what Galen Crum would hope that it would revert to the original Osage family...what also was not said that a lot of Osages were also scammed out of their Headrights and not paid the right amount for that Headright...but proving this is not going to be easy..which can drag out for those non-indians...and at this point way before 1978 the BIA was more than just a I do see where they have accountability to insure the accounting going back a hundred years would bring us up to date with the 21st Century...

    33. This is going to get really complicated. As far as I know, they have been selling Headright shares to Osages out of the Osage Agency when they come up for bid for the last 50 years or more. Galen, can you weigh in on this issue, please? This isn't going to hurt just non-Osages and organizations with headright shares, it's going to hurt Osages with purchased headright shares as well.

    34. Well, finally got through to the Osage Minerals Council Goodwill Offer Hot Line, I was the 64th caller since Jan.31,2014 and said Galen Crum would get back with a ??

    35. No, no mention of a offer, but I will ask how he knows these weather beaten hands are old. Does a profile pop up when a Goodwill inqury comes into the buy down , or is it a reverse headright hot-line.

    36. We use to ask what ever happen to the Doctor that delivered mom on Grandview in the late teens. Grand folks answer was that when Doc W and his wife both non-Osage,non-Indian,had got 12 headrights they moved to the mountains.

    37. On another website this information was posted:
      Senator Maria Cantwell
      Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
      838 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
      Washington, D.C. 20510
      (202) 224-2251

      If you think that the Osage Nation and the BIA needs the supervision of the U.S. Congress because it has sent out that irresponsible letter to the non-Osage shareholders and organizations that have headrights, call Maria Cantwell at the above listed phone number.

  17. RED ALERT SHAREHOLDERS! Public Meeting Notice – BIA & EPA at

  18. "History is hard to know, because of all the lured bullshit, but even without being sure of "history" it seems entirely reasonable to think that every now and then the energy of a whole generation comes to a head in a long fine flash, for reasons that nobody really understands at the time--and which never explain, in retrospect, what actually happened."-- Hunter S. Thompson

    1. Drugs. That's what happened. Thompson was referring to the occlusion of those who came together during the Hippie generation. "Turn on, tune in, drop out," was the phrase at the time by its biggest proponent, Timothy Leary of LSD fame. This is a good analogy. A group of individuals with a Peter Pan mentality may believe that Disneyland belongs to them and "reach out" to the ancestors of Walt to have the good will to return it. Such an event will happen a lot sooner than these 400 Headrights will be returned to the Osage Nation or to the families whose hands they got out of somewhere along the line for whatever the reason. A private lawsuit is one thing but the Osage Nation Minerals Council further antagonizing the non-Osage community and those who run these organizations that now own headrights with this "good will" letter is another. The Osage Nation or any of its instrumentalities has no right by its actions and on ITS OWN BEHALF to threaten the relationship and good will with the outer community by its foolhardy, reckless and stunningly inappropriate actions and in so doing threaten the future income of every single Osage who receives a quarterly payment check.

  19. Now, lets see how sincere the Osage Minerals Council is about this "Goodwill Offer".
    Feb.17,2014 8:13 am. , no answer, just a tape message about weekend, and evening closing at 4:30
    was it Heather, or maybe it/s a paid holiday Presidents day.
    Timing everything, so its first in line gets the choice price deal.
    Astonishingly all the local post non-Osage, non-Indian get the first stab at the cut.
    Then the after thought us'em spread out over the prairies, hills, mountains of the USA.
    Yea, the old technique that worked around the Forts of yesteryear is alive today.
    Oh! Dan I got your non-Osage relative that buy out, don't forget me at election time.(Example)
    8:13am, 8:15 Am ,8:48 am. need to get Sonny over there answering those telephones, Galen or Yates.
    Someones paying for the postage, the letter, envelope, stuffing the letters,
    The miss spelling and punctuation in that Goodwill offer was of my qualification but a paid lawyer.
    9:01AM Feb 17,2014 well that emergency has passed no answer guess I'll wander over to Skeet's pool hall
    I've always liked those little Cola Cokes in those heavy green glass bottles, add a package of Tom's peanuts
    Maybe a Osage will come in and bet a rancher,at some 8 ball pool always does this Old Non-Osage Non-Indian some good.
    Already forgot what got me up so early. HomerJF

    1. I'm sorry to suggest, but being a fan I can't help it, for I believe you may be running for Osage Minerals Council this year. If you don't mine a tip every now and then. You have been using Anonymous on most of your post, like most of us do, maybe one passed thru with your real name, which was great but you have left a trail of dots ... through out your post. Trail of Dots is really a consistent manifesto, so just put the trail of dots together and come up with a winner. H..

  20. "The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity” Know Geoffrey Standingbear, his wife and son work for the Osage Nation since he became a Congressman, is this for their qualifications or for who they know. Does this remind you of the John D RedEagle legacy. Read the signs, if you are Osage it is in your hertiage. Say NO to four more years!!!

    1. It's unfortunate that the choice of Chief to pick is so narrow...not one of the Candidates are great picks...sad...Jeff after hearing about how his family works for the Nation...ah are they qualified or is it a matter of who you know? Just leaves a bitter taste of Nepostism that exists...

    2. This has bee addressed time and time again. Your choose of qualified people in Pawhuska is limited. I don't fault a relative for working for the Nation AS LONG as they are qualified and can and will do the job for which they were hired. However we don't need someone that as JRE said "She will work at my leisure" .

    3. New article>>

    4. You guys got it right...we want answers and change and if need be a Constitutional Convention may need to happen. This can't get any more crooked.

    5. If you are a member of the Osage Nation Congress and you hide what you know to be illegal and unethical behavior and don't bring it to the attention of the AG by filing a complaint, you are just as guilty as the perpetrator. It became your obligation to come forward in upholding the Constitution and the laws of the Osage Nation when you took the oath of office.

    6. The #1 Election Primary culprit iPad Ray:

    7. Kugee "Quapaw" Superaw is a real good politician, he has no loyality to the people who think he is the best congressman.

    8. You'll get no argument from me.

    9. Apparently not to those who live out of the State of Oklahoma.

    10. If you live outside of the State of Oklahoma, will you please call your bank tomorrow to find out if you can even open a bank account as a candidate or in the name of a candidate's campaign if you are running for office outside of the State where you currently live? Thank you!

    11. That is Superaw!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Galen is 1/64 Osage, How many headrights does he have?

    1. How do you know this? Such a comment is absurd.

    2. It is no more absurd than him stating that non-Osage people shouldn't own headrights.

    3. All this should have ended 25 years after the 1906 Act was passed. The tribal government stepped in to take what should have gone back to the land owners more than once and look what's come of it. If there had never been a government put on its feet by the U.S. back then, we wouldn't be having the trouble we're having today. The one thing Osages can't handle is a government of any kind. It goes to their heads and then they think they have the right to own everything in sight. Silliest group of people on the planet and the most irrational too. Galen has always lived in the non-Indian community in Kansas. What he knows about Osages you could probably pour into a thimble and now they have him punting as their spokesman. He used to be onto this government. Boy did they turn him around to their own purposes. Sonny and his Money. What a farce.


    5. My opinion is, and most likely will not mean a thing. Headrights should go back to the families, to many were beaten out of theirs. That is plain as you can get, and no way should that family or families have to pay for what is theirs.. Remember this Minerals Council, and don't vote them back in. What is happening is bad. Many of our people will be sick. You plan to use shareholders monies to do this, it goes back to the shareholder

  22. This thread is now closed. Go to:

  23. Does Keystone Pipeline have any affect on the Osage oil?
