Saturday, August 10, 2013

Conversation August-September-October 2013

August 2013 Comments continue here as we have run out of room for all of the comments to post on one page at Conversation July-August 2013.


  1. When available, the 7th Special Session of the Third ON Congress will be located at

    1. I been looking for them to post the agenda for tomorrows Special Session and they still don't have anything up yet. What is going on? Are they opening the 7th session on the 19th or not? This is a pretty important matter with the SCOI and all and the Osage People will be following what is going on. We need to know. Where are these people and why aren't they getting it together before now?

    2. See and the Osage News has a SCOI update on their Facebook page at

    3. IMPORTANT: The Congressional SCOI meeting for August 20, 2013 is now posted to the Audio/Video Archive web page at

  2. To review spending measures for the upcoming Congressional Sessions and comment on them, see the bottom of the web page located at

  3. More on the AG's ethics complaint continuance from the Court at

    1. See also the article at’s-case-against-chief-delayed

    2. In addition, see I'm not certain what it means that the hearing will be reset upon application.

  4. I heard that there was going to be some kind of a special group appointed to be sending out press releases on the SCOI. When are we going to get one of those press releases on the preliminaries that are going to be taking place in advance of the 19th of August? When will we get to know who the ON Congress will be hiring as outside legal council for the SCOI proceedings? Congressman Standing Bear can you give us an update on this? thx

  5. IMPORTANT UPDATE: Congressional Select Committee of Inquiry Meeting (SCOI):
    Osage Nation Congress Chambers
    August 19, 2013
    11:00 a.m.

    1. Call to Order
    2. Roll Call
    3. Prayer
    4. Election of Officers
    5. Executive Session - Personnel
    6. Motions and Notices
    7. Recess

    2:00 p.m.

    1. Call to Order
    2. Executive Session - Personnel
    3. Motions and Notices

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Congressional Office at (918) 287-5543 or my office directly at (918) 287-5689.

    Barbara Rice
    Clerk of the Congress
    918-287-5689 (work)

    1. The Chief fights back>> and

    2. Oh Boy! The SCOI had better start publishing some press releases right away. If not, the Chief will soon have the upper hand and start to win in the Court of Public Opinion before the Committee can even convene its first meeting on the 19th of August.

    3. Cry me a river. Hogwash. He should resign that's all I have to say. You will be judged by a higher council Chief. And I'm not talking about the SCOI either. I do not feel sympathy over a hypocrite and a liar.....Chief you shoulda woulda coulda done something a long time ago. Damage control a tad late now that you're singing a different tune because you had your hand in the cookie jar and got caught. You lost your credibility when you stopped listenng to your constiuents. Dang and I thought Jim Gray was bad you make him look good. lol

    4. NOTE: The above Agenda for the SCOI meeting on the 19th of August may have changed to the 20th. See the two Agendas published below. If you have any questions, Call or e-mail:

      Barbara Rice
      Clerk of the Congress
      918-287-5689 (work)

  6. September payment?

    1. See

  7. Business idea: Since Harvard has been all over us since day one, what about a partnership in the Osage? Look at this: FDA awards contract to develop promising new technology to test radiation countermeasures--

    1. Ka-ching! Ka-Ching!August 12, 2013 at 2:47 PM

      The Post Office wants to deliver liquor. Let's open a warehouse, negotiate a partnership on that basis and also put 5 to 10 slot machines in every Post Office in Osage County with a dispensation/waiver from the Feds for the U.S. Postal Service to include slot gaming. What the hell, huh?

    2. Are you joking? At the rate this new government is going, get them in on a program like this and they will have radiated the whole county inside of a month.

  8. We extend our condolences to the family of Former Principal Chief George Tallchief who has passed away.

    1. Sad day. Wish I knew him better.....lost for words....

    2. A memorial service for George Tall Chief will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 24, 2013 at the Gray Horse Chapel east of Fairfax.

    3. See George Eves Tall Chief Obituary at

    4. See also

  9. Important Updates: Congressional Select Committee of Inquiry Meeting
    Osage Nation Congress Chambers
    August 20, 2013
    9:00 a.m.

    1. Call to Order
    2. Roll Call
    3. Prayer
    4. Approval of Minutes
    5. Election of Officers
    6. Executive Session - Personnel
    7. Motions and Notices
    8. Recess

    1:30 p.m.

    1. Call to Order
    2. Executive Session - Personnel
    3. Motions and Notices
    4. Adjournment

    Congressional Select Committee of Inquiry Meeting
    Osage Nation Congress Commons Area
    August 21, 2013
    9:00 a.m.

    1. Call to Order
    2. Roll Call
    3. Prayer
    4. Approval of Minutes
    5. Executive Session - Personnel
    6. Motions and Notices
    7. Recess

    1:30 p.m.

    1. Call to Order
    2. Executive Session - Personnel
    3. Motions and Notices
    4. Adjournment

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Congressional Office at (918) 287-5543 or my office directly at (918) 287-5689.

    Barbara Rice
    Clerk of the Congress
    918-287-5689 (work)

  10. Congressional Public Communications Sub-Committee Meeting
    Osage Nation Congress Chambers
    August 20, 2013
    1:00 p.m.

    1. Call to Order
    2. Roll Call
    3. Prayer
    4. Consideration of Press Release from Congress
    5. Adjournment

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Congressional Office at (918) 287-5543 or my office directly at (918) 287-5689.


    Barbara Rice
    Clerk of the Congress

    1. WTH? So the Chief is all over them with press releases like stink on stink and they are waiting to finally pull themselves together until August 20th to make a public comment? Who's running this deal and who's on this subcommittee? What kind of a crazy deal is this? They'll be meatpies by the Chief's rolling press office by that time.

    2. UGH! Here we go with this upside down on it's head new government agaaaaaain

    3. Is Speaker Red Corn finally back from his vacation?

    4. Remember He's on damage control. Does not take back those charges and playing naive is not an excuse. OmG he is so predictable And in his case less is better said or you would think his legal council would advise. Our motives should be left to him and his legal council to keep on guessing. His pleas fall on deaf ears and my blinders of shame on my shoulder will be lifted once and for all when the ON Congress gets it right for the Constituency who voted them in office and the Oath they sworn to uphold and Justice for the Osage Tribe. Lets get this right for the Books.

    5. An alarming report has been circulating that it's only one or two members of the ON Congress who have made up these charges and are just out to get the Chief. Such nonsense couldn't be further from the truth. In one instance only three of the 15 have been brought by one member of the ON Congress who was a witness along with multiple other witnesses to the allegations. In the other twelve allegations, they have been brought by others separate and apart from the member of Congress who brought the three allegations mentioned in this comment. Don't believe everything you hear or read. These allegations have merit because there is a foundation for every single one of them to have been brought by the ON Congress.

    6. Are you directing your comment in General or responding to me of my post on Aug.13th at 2:41 pm? Your up awfully early. Just noting. Hard to turn the mind off when you see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is just the beginning and if I WERE CHIEF AND IN HIS PREDICAMENT I would RESIGN. I do understand there are going to be rumors and I try not to respond to them. And as I have said the Chief is way over his head. Beware a wolf in sheeps clothing where theres one you can be sure there are more. And just maybe we might get that forensic audit by another company that has been in business for thirty yrs. Nah we need to know what our true assets to debt ratio is and look at this Campus Plan and take a heavy look at the invoicing and anything this Chief has touched concerning any business relationship and so forth.......for the Integrity of Our Beloved Tribe THE OSAGE. And then you read in the Osage News the Chief came to the conclusion this was his interpretation of the law because he said this was a Govt. entity and I got a good laugh at that one in a earlier post by the Osage News. Childs Play, and I'll say it again he's reaching for pie in the sky........If he had stayed away from cronyism, and nepotism and the list goes on and on maybe he would have a beat to bounce on in his heart. But the heart of the problem is the Hypocrisy and the lies. Comes to mind the Emperors New Clothes. The Chief is in hard core denial. As his cries fall on deaf ears in the Court of opinion will the Osage People finally see Justice and Due Process at it's finest and we will persevere.

    7. In general and your concerns are understood. I totally agree. I just don't want one or two members of the Congress to be hung out to dry because they know that the time has come for a major correction to take place with how this Chief or any other for that matter, handles himself in his official capacity as Chief of the Osage Nation. Obviously, it's long overdue or the list of allegations wouldn't be as long as they are. We need people in this ON Congress to be heroic and stand up for doing the right thing now and forever. If they can't manage to do that then they we need to get rid of them and make them go away. Fortunately for us as constituents, it's going to be a simple choice when it comes to entering the ballot box for the Primary and General Elections next year. If they get it done, they will have the opportunity to continue to serve, if not, well, you know the rest...

    8. The voting numbers and the way I read them from my point are skewered. The numbers purport with last elections for the Chief show he won by 57%. I don't believe that and the count is much lower if you take the 14,000 eligible voting OSAGE INDIANS and not who just voted from the three districts. And this is telling. Lost in Translation? When you consider the facts he did not win by 57% and do the math. So is incumbent of this Nation to get the word out your vote counts and every Osage matters? Lets get these issues out there for the rest to see and we know how they will vote. Someone who understands economics 101. Someone who is savvy to understand the needs of everyone and not the few and someone who can fit this position, I always said Tim Tallchief. Oh by the way nice chat...

    9. GOOD! We ALL need to pay attention here whether you agree with the numbers from the last general election for the Chief or not. You may or may not side with the Gray family but during the Election Board/Congressional hearing that took place earlier in the year, Libby Gray spoke saying that 600 + absentee ballots were never counted in the last election for the Chief in 2010. This is a fairly high number and it was her assertion that such a large number could have made a big difference in terms of who was elected. We need to keep on top of this without a doubt.

    10. I did and do like the Grays. My belief is that this Tribe was not ready for or wants big politics but that's another story...But I don't believe you have to have bad politics or bad policies, what is dangerous is Centralized Control. The control over Security vs. Freedom....Short term and long term effects and how Govt. uses energy and learn not what to do from Washington. 30yrs of this Round Table and no Budget and so forth. We don't want that here for the Osage, we require no less than accountability and transparency and just better decisions for all is where we are at in this young Govt. And or until we have a house and a senate then our politics may just matter where you just might fare better equality, but we have people playing house and this house of cards can come down if the hand that we were dealt is not handled in the most Civil and Moral way . It is in my opinion that The Prerequisite to being Chief is to have knowledge of CIVICS HISTORY, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, and ECONOMICS and so forth. I do have to say at least the Grays had a strategy just too large, not that that the 25 year strategic model plan would have not worked. A lot of factors play a huge role why it sits where it does tabled. But it was and still can have a beginning but needs public input as to what and how it should be implemented and not by some over paid board. We are a different breed of Govt. in so much we fashioned our Constitution by use of the U.S Constitution as a model, yet we find ourselves in predicaments we should not be in. Ask yourselves how did we evolve and why is it that we are so divided and how did we get there? This coming election will be ultimately impacted with some real hard lined questions by the Constituency or should happen. Just in my opinion Policy and Education before Politics is going to have to rule along with cutting Big Gov. and Waste to a Per-Cap, the Executive and Congress should follow suit for good legislation that promotes a Healthy Osage and what I find interesting and important is not let anyone who is running for office pander for your vote. Politicians do it all the time offer you a little Security and give you that wink or handshake to no avail but to grow big Govt and the pocket of lies......This is my can of worms and I see the big pic. When you understand politics it kind of keeps you wanting to stay in touch this is your fight brought on by a much larger seed. And thats putting it mildly. I say plant the seed of truth for the OSAGE and bring back integrity. This Govt is too predictable. Lets get to work and do what is right by the Osage and not to Lobbying. Logic not based on emotion here but when you mix your family, the rich history of our tribe into this mix you gotta say to yourself there's more we can do for the Osage.

  11. So I read the Second half of the cry me a river story, The Chief is so self absorbed. A true leader wouldn't go out there put his laundry out for someone to see but would apologize to his people for any appearance of impropriety and that hopefully once the truth by my peers prevails we can go forward as a Tribe for the People, of our People and by our People. No accountability. You almost feel sorry for him because you just feel that he does not have proper council. He's already reaching out to his community because he knows he will be removed and now all eyes are upon him and thinking what we are all thinking, just not saying it. On the other hand I'm different sometimes the truth hurts better to live a truth than a lie. Get this black cloud that shrouds our Tribe away and bring sunshine back to the faces the Osage Tribe. Justice for the Osage and that deep audit, Forensic Audit is needed folks go to the petition site sign and pass the word.


  12. Boones Bulletin-Part IIIAugust 16, 2013 at 12:16 PM

    From the desk of Congressman Boone:

    1. The Select Committee of Inquiry begins August 19.
    2. Fall Session begins September 3.
    3. I will be asking for $350,000 for community gardens.
    4. Budgets for all the departments will be the main topic of discussion.
    5. Construction projects on the Ponca City and Skiatook casinos are moving along quite nicely and will be a dramatic change from what is currently in place.
    6. A native seed bank has been planted behind the cultural center

    The views described herein are not representative of any other Osage Minerals Council or Osage Nation Congress member. They are our own views.

    1. That's a lot of money what do you hope this will accomplish? And how do you wish to see it spent? and In the future will you asking Congress for more?

    2. The Chief may have outdone himself on pulling dumb stunts with this one. Embridge, Inc., is putting a pipeline through Osage County and promises to provide jobs for a lot of Osages. They have made it clear that they do not want to be part of any political problems occuring in the Osage Nation. Now, the Chief is organizing a group to picket the Congress with some of the newly hired workers on the Embridge project. Apparently to make it appear that his other problems have something to do with Embridge, which they do not. Drawing Embridge into the fray may have harmful fallout for a lot of Osages. Who advises this guy?

    3. That is shockingly inappropriate behavior. It won't help his cause in the least. It will only make him look more feckless and incompetent.

    4. Rumor? The Chief Knows He's going to get the axe. Of which it couldn't have happened sooner.....Not that this is a day to celebrate a lot of work needs to be done. Encana can read between the Lines and so can we. His loyalist will band together and try to insinuate or cause distraction or thereof, try. That's expected to some degree. But the problem here lies that his Control is dwindling and now he's just a Osage, and he will be humbled down and his family will feel the aftermath for years to come. Shame on you Chief.....

    5. Very unprofessional of a Chief to try and lead a cabal like that against the ON Congress.

    6. It also makes him look manipulative and desperate.

  13. Osage News gets its day in Court. New article>>’s-motion-dismiss-osage-news-lawsuit-denied

  14. New bill to exclude Tribal government services from Federal income tax>>

  15. REMINDER: The ON Congressional Special Session 7 opens today, August 19, 2013. This is the one that involves the Special Committee of Inquiry that will hear the testimony concerning the allegations against Chief John D. Red Eagle.

    1. The opening of the 7th Special Session is now posted for on demand online listening at

    2. See and the Osage News has a SCOI update on their Facebook page at

    3. IMPORTANT: The Congressional SCOI meeting for August 20, 2013 is now posted to the Audio/Video Archive web page at

    4. SCOI Committee Meeting Minutes are available at

    5. The 7th Special Session will be extended by three days to September 3, 2013.

  16. Congressional Select Committee of Inquiry Meeting
    Osage Nation Congress Chambers
    August 22, 2013
    9:00 a.m.

    1. Call to Order
    2. Roll Call
    3. Prayer
    4. Approval of Minutes
    5. Executive Session - Personnel
    6. Motions and Notices
    7. Recess

    1:30 p.m.

    1. Call to Order
    2. Executive Session - Personnel
    3. Motions and Notices
    4. Adjournment

    Congressional Select Committee of Inquiry Meeting
    Osage Nation Congress Chambers
    August 23, 2013
    9:00 a.m.

    1. Call to Order
    2. Roll Call
    3. Prayer
    4. Approval of Minutes
    5. Executive Session - Personnel
    6. Motions and Notices
    7. Recess

    1:30 p.m.

    1. Call to Order
    2. Executive Session - Personnel
    3. Motions and Notices
    4. Adjournment

    Congressional Select Committee of Inquiry Meeting
    Osage Nation Congress Chambers
    August 26, 2013
    9:00 a.m.

    1. Call to Order
    2. Roll Call
    3. Prayer
    4. Approval of Minutes
    5. Executive Session - Personnel
    6. Motions and Notices
    7. Recess

    1:30 p.m.

    1. Call to Order
    2. Executive Session - Personnel
    3. Motions and Notices
    4. Adjournment

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Congressional Office at (918) 287-5543 or my office directly at (918) 287-5689.

    Barbara Rice
    Clerk of the Congress
    918-287-5689 (work)

  17. The Congressional Public Communications Sub-Committee Meeting (CPC) for the SCOI was yesterday. Why have we not had a Press Release? The Chief has been hard at it to influence public opinion. When is the CPC going to respond I wonder?

    1. Public Communications Committee Meeting
      Osage Nation Congress
      August 23, 2013
      3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.


      1. Call to Order
      2. Roll Call
      3. Prayer
      4. Approval of Minutes
      5. Consideration of Press Release
      6. Adjournment

      Shana Walker
      Assistant Clerk of Congress
      (918) 287-5559

    2. New article>>

    3. See

    4. When are these Committee members going to put out a press release or progress report of some kind?

    5. What's going on with these stories that Deidre Bigheart who is a member of Executive Staff was bothering witnesses who were waiting outside the Chamber before going in to testify before the SCOI? Is this true or not?

    6. WHEN ARE WE GOING TO GET WORD IN A PRESS RELEASE ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THIS SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO PROSECUTE THE CHIEF? Are they closing ranks so we don't get any information about what is happening or what? This is looking bad AGAIN. When are the processes of this government that have been set up EVER GOING TO WORK FOR THE MEMBERS OF THE OSAGE NATION? I get sick of this crap. Don't you?

    7. If that Bigheart girl is intimidating the witnesses, she may qualify to be up for an ethics violation/s in every case and for every person she's talked with, direct with the AG's office. Yes? Can the ON Congress pull her into the SCOI to have to testify or give a statement as to her activities with the witnesses on an allegation of tampering or attempting to do so?

    8. smh--I completely agree! This is not looking good for the Press Release committee. I believe that Congresspersons Standing Bear, Edwards, Whithorn and Speaker Red Corn may be on this SCOI communications committee and you may be able to contact them directly to find out when they are going to finally get out something to the Osage people. The Contact web page for the ON Congress is located at

    9. The last MC meeting had police. Why aren't the ON police being called by the Congress to protect the witnesses who are going to testify before the SCOI and to bear witness to any such tampering or intimidation by those employed by the Office of the Chiefs?

    10. There is no reason for Police Period. What's going to happen someones feelings will get hurt. And of course there should be secruity at these meeting of the SCOI.

    11. Robert Jackman responding to Galen Crum: First are corrections to his recent blog minimizing my interests in producing property’s value to Osage Shareholder, as a
      “ small gas field.” Fact of record; R. Jackman owns interests in 18 good producing oil and gas wells in Osage County which since 2002 have paid millions in royalty to Shareholders. And without being required in leases or drilling program agreements originated by Jackman, the Operator in early 2000 donated at my suggestion, thousands to Osage Museum and Pawhuska Dance Arbor’s needed repairs and maintenance.
      Next, I wonder if Mr. Crum and I attended the same Osage NegReg meetings? His questioned description of reactions to my public remarks and suggestions to NegReg Committee members and general public, are in complete opposite to comments and reactions I received; A standing ovation at one meeting, and often many operators, Mineral Council Members, Shareholders and ranchers thanking me in person for my stand-up remarks made at the various meetings. To summarize my NegReg meetings remark’s message: “ It is BIA’s Continuing Willful Mismanagement –Stupid.” And where Mr. Crum and BIA Officials and I respectfully disagree; They totally support BIA’s top management in Muskogee and Wash DC in their blame–shifting of all the $380 million in damages from the BIA’s past mistakes and negligent - to the Operators. Therefore by his incorrect statements Mr. Crum is obviously guilty of the denier’s classic act; “ Ignore the Message and Shoot the Messenger - Jackman.”

    12. Mr. Jackman I have reposted your reply under the Post for Osage Shareholder Matters at You should be able to see Galen's response there shortly.

  18. Washburn Extends Comment Period on Federal Recognition Regulations. Read more at

  19. Nearly TWO weeks without a press release on the activities of the SCOI? WTH? Can't these people even bother to get something out to let us know what is going on with the activities of the SCOI? I can't believe this. What is going on with these folks?

  20. The Fall Congressional Regular Session begins September 3, 2013. See

  21. I am reposting from an Osage FB page to let everyone know why we have not heard from the special committee:

    Alice Buffalohead wrote, "This was our third day hearing testimony. We are scheduled all of this week and next week. So far we have been in our meetings from 9am until around 5pm. It's a lengthy process and we have a lot of questions and there is a lot to cover. The witnesses provide testimony in Executive session which is not open to the public, however we are recording everything. I am not 100% certain but I will get back with you.....I believe Congress plans to issue a findings report at the conclusion of the investigation which will be made public. Again....I will double check on that and post as soon as I get confirmation on that."
    August 21 at 7:09pm

    Alice Buffalohead wrote,"Follow up for everyone. Any type of a findings report that would go public would need to have yes votes from the Congressional body. Several of us on the committee would like to see this happen."

  22. Finally! A Press Release has been issued about the SCOI. See and click on the text: Select Committee of Inquiry Press Release 8-30-13

    1. A new Press Release can be viewed at

  23. Select Committee of Inquiry Committee Meeting
    Osage Nation Congress
    September 3, 2013
    1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

    1. Call to Order
    2. Roll Call
    3. Prayer
    4. Approval of Minutes
    5. Executive Session - Personnel
    6. Adjournment

    Shana Walker
    Assistant Clerk of Congress
    (918) 287-5559

    1. Is it true that it will take weeks to months before the the SCOI will be making a recommendation about whether to go to trial or not to the full ON Congress? What would be the purpose of taking so much time to come to a decision on the part of the members of the committee and pull together a recommendation?

  24. TOTALLY DISGUSTED OSAGESeptember 3, 2013 at 11:22 AM


    1. And these jerks won't even think about a percap? A million to one in the end they will go right on and pass the $3.5 million increase. When are we going to get a government that these people have enough respect for to do the right thing by all of us? This is nothing but a money pot for them to hand out to everyone who gets a paycheck from the Osage government and nothing more.

    2. WTH is a Merit Market Survey and why do we need $1,530,477 appropriated for it? This ONCA 13-86 is a Standing Bear sponsored bill and I'd like to know what the big idea is with it. Is this a part of the 3% across the board merit bonus that nearly everyone got when these are supposed to be earned and not just handed out?

    3. 30 + Osage Nation employees picketed the Congress because these spoilt big babies don't get yet another yearly pay raise PLUS a bonus across the board for doing what? Next to nothing? Why don't they come to the Congress to sign resignation letters for being so ungrateful? They are lucky to even have a decent high paying job in today's market. What a load of you know what. The should have a huge protest rally and all of them resign at once so we can start over with employees who don't behave like they are so entitled and at our expense, no more and no less.

    4. The Osage News photo of some of the 30+ employees was shocking. Do all of them dress like this at work? I bet they didn't when they applied for their positions. I think they should have shown up looking more professional and deserving of a raise and bonus.

    5. You got a point. No wonder they don't pick up the phone. From the look of them, I wonder if they can even find it.

    6. One gal is reporting on another web site, "The new phone system the Nation has. All the phones go to voice mail, so you don't have to show up for work on time." I take it that this is also for employees who are not there to answer the phone during regular business hours too. And they are picketing to demand bonuses when they're not even there at work when they should be? And the ON Congress is at serious fault for supporting this by appropriating money for these undeserved bonuses? And these people come dressed for work like they are on a camping trip or cleaning the house on a Saturday afternoon? Are these Osage Nation HR lack of employment standards? How crazy is that? Why doesn't the the Osage News do a poll asking the Osage public whether or not anyone ever answers the phone the first time for them during regular business hours or if it always goes to voice mail? That would be a good common sense poll for them to have right away. And get rid of the candy and soda pop fund too. From the look of it, that's the last thing they need in the office.

    7. OK Ray-Ray. Now you're finally in the ballpark with your most recent Update #168 when you asked the question, "The point is this: We have a constitutional mandate to create and maintain a Merit System of employment. But is this merit system effective (when 74.10% are to get the full 3% merit bonus for 2013-2014)?" Good point and good job! I say NO to that question. I think the idea is that you're supposed to put in a merit system that works and if it doesn't, fix it until it does.

    8. Osage News poll: How do you like your chili? Is this vapid and lacking in substance? Who is running this Osage News rag anyway?

  25. Congressional Public Communications Sub-Committee Meeting
    Osage Nation Congress Commons Area
    September 9, 2013
    11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


    1. Call to Order
    2. Roll Call
    3. Prayer
    4. Approval of Minutes
    5. Consideration of Press Release
    6. Adjournment

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Congressional Office at (918) 287-5543 or my office directly at (918) 287-5689.

    Barbara Rice
    Clerk of the Congress
    918-287-5689 (work)

    1. The SCOI is looking into hiring Tulsa attorney Mark Lyons to help them with their investigative proceedings.

    2. We are now finding out from another Facebook site:"I was assured this week the written report of the Committee of Inquiry will be a public document. I was also informed the court reporter needs a couple more weeks to type the transcripts of the sworn statements and whatever else is being recorded. So, the Committee will not have the report until after the transcripts are completed and the documents subpoenaed have been received and reviewed. Since it will be a public document there should be a lot of discussion. The next step for the Congress is to vote on going forward or not going forward with a public trial of Removal on the matters in the Committee Report. That vote or series of votes will be soon after the Committee Report is published, I am told." G. Standing Bear wrote this to Kelly Bray. Since when has the nation's court upheld a subpoena request? You probably couldn't get a piece of unused toilet paper under a subpoena because this court will probably rule that the request is too vague or causes an undue burden or hardship to have to produce it. That's got to be the end of it right there because it will take months to get those documents if they ever do because the subpoena will probably be quashed and if they need them as evidence to move ahead with a trial for removal, it will never happen because they won't have enough time to get it off the ground. Like Kelly Bray said, "OK, business as usual." In total, just more of the Osage people's money down the portholes of a group of attorneys.

  26. August and September PDFs of the Osage News are now available for immediate download at

  27. What's going on with the Audio/Video Archive web page not being updated since July 16, 2013? Take a look for yourself>>

    1. Committee Meeting Notices for the ON Congress too since July 10, 2013. Who is responsible for keeping this updated? The current Second Speaker?

    2. Nor is the Legislation ONCA web page for 2013 since July 2013 at What's going on here? We have no way to follow the SCOI meetings or the Regular Fall Session of the ON Congress with Committee Meetings, on demand audio or Legislation? NOT GOOD...

    3. Word is the Nation's website is having IT problems. That a whole bunch of stuff has disappeared. The way things work on a server, someone has to make things disappear by deleting them. There is no other way that I know of that things like this work. The Osage people need to have the opportunity to follow what is going on with spending and new legislation in this Congressional Session for FY 2013-2014 and with the SCOI. Someone had better get to work on restoring this information online and fast...

    4. Osage News

      NEWS RELEASE FROM THIRD OSAGE NATION CONGRESS: The Osage Congress is experiencing serious difficulties in placing our records and documents online. The Congressional website is part of the Nation’s website, which has become unstable, making most documents generated during this session unavailable.

      The Osage Nation IT department maintains the website used by the Congress. The Congress, in turn, populates that website with documents, records, and notices. Until the website is stabilized or replaced, the Congress will not be able to post documents, records, and notices as we usually do.

      If constituents have specific requests for information or documents, please call (918) 287-5543, or email your request to We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this event.

    5. Osage Nation Congress documents, notices, and agendas are now available at

      According to the email below, you will be able to access the temporary website at the old website address,, by noon today. While the format is different, the content is the same. New information is being added each day, including meeting minutes. Congress does not yet have the ability to post recordings of meetings on the new site. When that capability becomes available, recordings will be posted as usual.

      If there is a particular document or recording you need and cannot find, please call 918.287.5543, or email Until further notice, all new notices, minutes, and legislation will be posted at the location above.

      Please note the information below, sent from the IT director, regarding the website issues we have been facing. We are currently working diligently to get as much of the information posted as possible and as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

      THANK YOU!

      Barbara Rice
      Clerk of the Congress
      918-287-5689 (work)

    6. Thank you! Follow the FY2013-14 Tzi-Zho Session with Session Day information and Legislation at

    7. PLUS new Constitutional Amendment Resolutions.

  28. Wow! This is funny. Election time must be coming around. Raymond Redcon has just sent out a new update about overbudgeting by about $5 million for this FY. According to an informed source, this has gone on for as long as Raymond has been in the Osage Congress and just now they want to start doing more things for the Osage membership with that money? He says that it has been overbudgeted for no apparent reason. The agenda and the real reason has always been so that all that money is spoken for and not available to go to the members who live and work outside of Osage County. DUH! Making it right now when a grand total of $35 million over the years could have gone to a yearly percap that would have benefitted all of us? Too little too late fella. You won't buy my vote this late in the game. I want members of Congress who go to work for me and for my benefit on DAY ONE not on day 2,555. And that goes for all of the rest of you who are coming up for reelection and those who aren't who will vote any new benefits for ALL OF US down.

    1. To receive Raymond Redcorn's Updates, contact him directly to be placed on his e-mail list at

    2. New article>>

    3. Reply to truth to tell, your absolutely right. The waste from this gov.needs to end. A long with bonuses without progress reports etc Redcorn will not get my vote either. Get a per cap to our people cut spending and down size the gov. Stop acting like Washington wanna bees.

  29. Flyer for the Osage County Bar Association event--

  30. Why is Wilson Pipestem promoting Jodie Revard (Satepahoodle) to be on the ON Foundation Board? Wasn't she the former member of the 31st Tribal Council that got caught with drugs while driving around? I thought the nominees weren't supposed to have criminal records. Is this all Chief Red Eagle knows to nominate for this post? The Facebook page on this is over at

    1. Great.

  31. Now the latest article in the News about Chance Rencountre, The Awesome Fighter, why can't we sponsor an Osage who lives out of Oklahoma who is trying to make a Success of his Career and we all love the MMA AND THE UFC. And is recognized by his peers and is successful in his endeavor to conquer in this sport not be sponsored period by is own peers at home? We have only 10% of the OSAGE POPULOUS who live in OK. I smell discrimination not by default but by geographics. He is obviously aware of his Culture not just by the tattoo on his shoulder he lives and breaths Osage as much as possible. These are the people we should be sponsoring. And this is our money and we should make it law the we be in the know who is being sponsored and for how much, this is not a business deal, now there may be proprietary information that we are not privy to does not mean we do not have the right to know who we are sponsoring. We are not a third Party when it comes to our Money being spent. Crooked is the way I see it and we need to get on the straight path as to know how our money is being spent.....Who benefits from the NON-DISCLOSURE? Not the Osage Constituents by these Non-Disclosures. How can we object if we do not know how our money is being spent? Think about it?

    1. So Rod Hartness gets a sponsorship from the Osage Casinos and Chance Rencountre doesn't? How does that work?

    2. Fundraiser for Chance. See flyer at

    3. Thank you OsageBlogger.

    4. You are more than welcome. Please keep us posted about Chance's activities in the future.

    5. Since when does the Osage Casino get to declare that its sponsorships are confidential, proprietary and offer them to those that require nondisclosure? Another Osage asked these questions and they are damn good ones: "How specifically is sponsorship proprietary information? And more importantly, we sponsor people/organizations on the sly? Secret sponsorships?" This ON Congress, in the name of the Harvard Project and its business principals for Native American governments has really let these businesses of ours run amuck.

  32. The National Indian Taco Championship flyer is located at

  33. Did anybody attend the candidacy dinner of Geoffrey Standing Bear for Chief? How was it?

    1. The event was well attended. Probably 150 to 200 people and many of them were the movers and shakers of the Osage Nation. Mr. Standing Bear talked about the future of the gaming industry and how it is likely that the state will be wanting a larger share of the income when our compact expires in 6 years. He also mentioned, and questioned, the large amount of borrowing the Nation is considering for the Campus Plan. He talked about how the loss of the reservation case has weakened our sovereignty and what we need to do to strengthen it. His comments were encouraging and uplifting.

    2. Look at the Standing Bear Bill on Merit bonuses for for 1.5 million bucks-- ONCA 13-86, An Act to provide an appropriation to the Osage Nation Treasury for the benefit of Osage Nation employees for fiscal year 2014; and to establish an alternate effective date. Why does this guy keep throwing money at the employees of the Osage Nation when 80% of us Osage members see no increase in services year after year until the election comes around? If he's trying to buy votes this way, he's appealing to the wrong constituency because we are in the majority. And he's not alone either. Look at Jech, Maker, Supernaw, Mason and Whitehorn ALL gave these bonuses a full pass with a Do Recommend in the Appropriations Committee. Is anybody answering your phone when call over there to the Osage Nation or do you get an answer phone? How is it that 98% of these employees deserve a huge chunk of all this money and we don't? Governments are supposed to provide services and service the people not the employees who don't provide service or service the people. Where is the hotline to call in to report employees in offices who never answer the phone, who never answer an e-mail in a timely fashion and who are never ever there when you try and contact them during business hours? Congressman Standing Bear? Also, services to the OSAGE PEOPLE get cut in funding until they can sneak them in later on with some other session so the employees can come first every single time-- You know, TO HELL WITH THIS SELFISHNESS AND THESE PEOPLE THAT PROMOTE IT YEAR AFTER YEAR. SHOW THEM A PETITION SIGN AND THEY ALL FALL FLAT ON THEIR HIND ENDS ON THE FLOOR. They DISGUST ME. NEW PEOPLE have got to come forward from the outside to run for office and win in the next election to get this situation back under control.

    3. Don't you have the numbers wrong? According to Raymond Red Corn's latest update, he makes this statement: For employees, the full $1.4 million salary adjustment increase also made the cut, along with the full 3% Merit funding attached to salaries. Looks like the employees of this self-serving government are making a killing during this budgetary cycle. Didn't he complain about the Merit Bonuses a week or so ago?

    4. Yes. I guess I do. I wonder what the total dollar value will be for these employees for FY2014 at our expense. What we have on our hands is a corrupt and self-serving government starting right from the top of the Executive and Legislative Branches; the elected officials and their hires that put all this together for these employees who look and behave unprofessionally. Where is the dress code? In the garbage can? Where are the phone protocol and e-mail communication policies? In the trash can too? Wouldn't it be great to get your hands on all that money in the Osage Treasury and start handing it out by the hand fulls to your family, friends, your business associates, your cronies and for every hair brained idea under the sun like they do?

    5. Time for a New Beginning with a good ole Osage Constitututonal Convention and hit re-start or Get that per-cap to all the of our Brother and Sister Osages and cut Gov. Spending....

    6. First to announce to run for Chief>>

    7. UPDATE: A petition is circulating among the Third Osage Nation Congress seeking to discharge ONCA 13-86 from the Congressional Appropriations Committee table AND Osage Nation employees are headed to the Congressional chambers this morning after the Appropriations Committee voted to table their merit raises yesterday to a subsequent session. See

    8. What a quandry. This is a business, since when is it ok to petition a merit raise. It's like the employees think this is ok and it's not. A merit raise is based on overall Goals and Benchmarks as set forth by management. Via Human Resources as directed by Management. This is a process based on also the current cost of living as well. And we all know the cost of living in your area pales to the rest of the U.S. Yes, there may be a few who deserve but let it be defined by the work they do, how they dress, have they been insubordinate in the past and so forth, do they show up on time? Is the work that is required turned in on time? I still haven't from the language dept. a returned call I left 2 months ago. And understanding the committee is to approve based on what decision? This should be a private matter before Manangemet not a committee who does not have the right to read a employees profile. And if the resources are not there then there is a problem because the resources should be there in the future. But to reward a employee just because you can does not mean it is right, as for their work is why they get paid. Where's the incentive? and or are these Merit Raises going to be on the table every year. Com'on here. Remebering the hub is paramount to a successful business and the hub is the employee but their must be merit and recognition in tandum. Not everyone is on the same playing ground and not everyone should get a merit just because the other received one. You lose the battle of incentive when this happens.

    9. Acting like they are entitled to this money and have no humility about it? Out there protesting and carrying on like adolescents? And hang the rest of us who have needs that this government SHOULD be servicing and isn't so they can shovel cash at these spoiled brats? I say they should lose their bonuses for behaving this way and qualify for no future bonuses until they can behave like normal employees who are grateful to have an job and and even get a bonus. What kind of a monstrous situation has this new government created where the employees think that they have the right to carry on like this?

    10. Osage Congress passes ONCA 13-86 the $1.5 million bill to fund market salary increases!!!!! What scum. To hell with your phony self-serving study. We can see right through it to the depth and breadth of your corruption. They were paid at a rate 30% higher than anyone else in the State of Oklahoma and the surrounding area and now they will be at what, 35-40% higher? We'll remember this day and what you've done here--at election time--when your constituents have had to wait or go without while you continue to pack the wallets and pocketbooks of your family and friends as fat as you possibly can. Talk about a conflict of interest-- this member of Congress makes enough to donate the statue for the good of the Osage Nation and the Osage People-- How much is he going to get paid for this statue? It just gets worse and worse with this government. They do anything they damn well please and to hell with anybody else.

    11. A job market survey conducted by the ON Human Resources Department (in-house?)???? It wasn't conducted by an independent company? To determine if all employee positions are being paid adequately to remain competitive with other regional employers? Didn't they pull this stunt when the program was first put in place that was advertised to be on a one time basis in order to determine where the Merit Program should begin? In what region and where exactly would these salaries be competitive? Manhattan? London? Zürich? Geneva? BAH!!!!!!! This is rubbish, plain and simple. Obviously they must ALL be in collusion with one another no matter who is getting a paycheck from the ONG.

    12. Osages for Financial ReformSeptember 28, 2013 at 11:14 AM

      Reform! Reform! Reform! Reform! We need candidates in the next election who will campaign on a platform to financially reform this new government, all of its policies and procedures, expose its excesses from the very beginning and send these ON employees to government reform school.

    13. Gotta read Standingbear post beginning Of course we all want a per cap on the FB page Defund what few programs there are for everyone? What a manipulative f. We don't have 16,000 members. We have at most 11,000. This guy is totally FOC. All for his special political class and nothing for us? Take your shot sb. We'll take ours June of Next Year. I can't wait.

    14. Hahahahaha nothing sucked the oxygen out of the entire Osage Tribe like Jim Gray did when he was Chief and look at the legacy of his Osage Nation government now. Everbody running it has been like a delusional money sucking wraith ever since. putrid and loathsome

    15. Remember Standingbears bill ONCA 12-86 An Act to provide an appropriation in the amount of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for a donation to the University of Tulsa College of Law Worcester Sovereignty Project. More for his blood sucking lawyer friends but none for the people he's supposed to represent. He gets Chief and he'll keep the lawyers in OK and DC in the chips prosecuting for years and years to come.

    16. You're wrong. It's Washington D.C. Look at and run the name Melissa Currey. $109,581? Woah! Why should a tribal government that never takes care of 80% its own members pay salaries to its workers at this level?

    17. This section of the Osage Blog is for Conversation. Your post to Patricia Spurrier Bright belongs under the category, Osage Shareholder Matters-September 2013 at I have reposted it for you there.

    18. This is a major election issue. If these elected officials won't EVER represent the interests of all of us as mandated by the Constitution they have sworn to uphold they don't deserve to be elected to a new office or reelected to the one they now hold. Who voted for these merit increases to the base pay and the 1.5 million in merit bonuses in ONCA 13-86?

    19. That is true. Do you ever see a questionnaire sent out by the ON Congress yearly to the whole of the membership before the Fall session of the Legislature asking whether or not we think that what they have done with the money in the ON Treasury in the ending FY by way of appropriation is right or fair? Who are our men and women in the ON Congress who represents the interests, wants, and needs of 80% of the registered members of the Osage Nation who live outside of Osage County? We need some of those Constitutionally mandated representatives in the ON Congress don't you think? I heard one time that many of them just curse us under their breaths. Can anyone confirm if this is true?

    20. Good point and it doesn't take a million dollars either for a Strategic Illusion of Inclusion Plan either. They've sent out Christmas Cards in the past and they can sent out a yearly questionnaire in plain english that asks us what we think about every appropriation bill that has been passed that year including the dollar amount for every one of them. This questionnaire should also include every single loan amount that they approve as well. They behave like they are afraid of all those Osages back home and this will give them the yearly ammunition that they need to be more fair and balanced in their approach to the appropriation process. If you don't get a headright check, and you aren't going to college or university, and don't file for the Osage health card and you haven't died recently, what benefits does this new Osage government actually provide for you? Congressman Standing Bear asked this question on another web site: "Any suggestions?" Yes! Find out what we want and need and PAY the Osage People FIRST.

    21. Don't answer a question from Standing Bear. He's one of the the biggest schmoozer turncoats in the entire history of the Osage Tribe. Look at how he got in so tight with the So Cal bunch over the years. What has he done for them since he got into office? Z e r o? The answer to that is Y E S. But the flood of money from his legislation into the bank accounts of all of those collecting a paycheck from the ONG has been astronomic since he was elected to office.

    22. Elders (65+ years old) receive a Christmas Bonus of $300.00 a year and another $300 for Christmas in July. If the Osage Nation can't compete with the Kaw Tribe right next door that has 1/100th the money available, in comparison to how they respect and support their elders, what is this world coming to? This can't be more than about 200 ON members altogether for a total of $120K yearly. Chump change for the Osage, the way they throw government money around.

    23. This goes to commenter, Sept. 29th 12:21 pm. Not everyone in So. Cal believes in the hog wash Standing Bear brings. Remember we all have vested interests in these matters. Though some not able to travel back home, because of travel related expenses veiw this as a connection to the tribe and not the Politics. And we are not blind to the fact that we know 80% of the Osage Population is outside of Osage County. So as I have said in earlier Posts something needs to be done about how we The 80% are represented and not just the few the 20% of Osages and we do this by down sizing this Gov. Get a PER-CAP to all Osages. Or face the reality of a Osage Constitutional Convention......Prime example of not representing is a Good Osage is Chance Rountree. A up and comming UFC fighter sure to be a success and was willing to put our Good Name out their as a major sponcer. Then you have the Health Benefit Card. What with having IHS which pays for all of your care and now the health exchanges are taking place and making it even easier for Indians accross the Nation to attain, I say what can this Gov. Offer to their own People is A Per CAP....The Fed. Gov. thru Hud has a decent program which allows Federal Housing affordable and attainable for Indians to have Housing......Their is no accident when you have a failure to communicate with your Constituents who put you where you are at not the other way around and we can by having a Constitutional Convention to uproot if these matters of lack of communication is not resolved....and get that vote up it's not like we can't see the forest for the trees.....We have someone posted a number of 11,000 Osages yet we have 10% of the voter base and not the Majority. This is why we are at a disadvantage but not for long.....Once we wake up those who have been as I like to say kept in the Dark and not by accident will we get a better perspective and support and this is the answer to change and change is good. This Gov. asked for it and we command and demand as such.....Gone are the archaic way less should we forget the wisdom but let it drive us to incentive and growth not for the few but for the moral majority. We want true representation that reflects the Osages needs not the fact cats of special interests. If we don't stop the bleed of complacentcy and imcompetnce surely will be the downfall as we must insure fair competiveness. John Quincy Adams said "If your actions inspire, others to dream more,learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader". Remember who feeds you it's not the ONG it's our money and the Constituents feed you. So when I hear A Canidate speak it's not what you can do to grow Gov. It's really about the hub, the constituency The Osage People....

    24. You know, you're right. We need to stop the Osage Nation government's Paycheck Express as soon as humanly possible. I agree too that there will be some redundancies if Obamacare ever actually gets off the ground. One item of interest that came out in that Election Process Hearing-- --that was held on February 12, 2013, was that over 600 absentee ballots were never counted in the last general election for the Chief and Asst. Chief in 2010. Those who receive their absentee ballots need to make certain that they fill out each and every one of them correctly during the Primary and General Elections. You can download your absentee ballot request form here--

    25. Like I wrote over on the Shareholder side of this blog, the Osages back home don't "own" this new Constitutional Osage Nation government though many of them have given the impression over and over again that they do. The vision for this government is far too narrow, self-involved, and self-concerned as it is already and from what has gone on in the past where the understanding of how a government like this is supposed to work and the level of spending maturity that has been exhibited, we need outsiders to come in to begin to influence the current mix that we have had for the last seven years.

    26. Will respond to you later dinner is on. Thanks Osage Constituent and once again to OsageBlogger as well.

    27. Where is the ON government database for the Osages to look up their salaries and benefits?

    28. This should be a matter of public record, Call HR.

  34. Osage Nation Looking to Add 200 Positions at Casinos see

  35. OSAGE GOVERNMENT AUDIT PETITION--Sign this petition NOW at

  36. RED ALERT--IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: In view of the plethora of inexplicable choices that the elected officials of the Osage Nation have made during their tenure for the last seven years, the most recent of which was reported by Congressman Raymond Redcorn in his Update #170: "For employees, the full $1.4 ($1.5) million salary adjustment increase also made the cut, along with the full 3% Merit funding attached to salaries.", the Osage Blog is announcing its NEW Election Initiative that we are calling the Osage Surge for Candidates to come forward from outside of Osage County and the State of Oklahoma to run in the upcoming Osage Nation elections; "The Osage Surge" for short. We need boots on the ground, Osage members, to turn around the policies and spending practices of the Osage Nation government to one that is sensible and reasonable that includes ALL Osages no matter were they reside which was promised to us if we were to support a new Osage Constitutional government. We need to reestablish a proper balance from the top down and the bottom up! Please join this initiative and if you can, run for office in the upcoming Osage Nation elections in 2014. Since they won't, each one of us need to stand up and take responsibility and BE RESPONSIBLE for what our new government does in the future. Now IS the time for all good Osages to come to the aid of their new Constitutional government.

  37. Given that the Federal Funding is in advanced, have we amassed any reserves to handle this Gov. Shut down? And was there any planning done by the Osage Nation should this event take place as I had predicted would happen?

    1. You mean a fully funded ON Crisis Management Program that many of us have called for since before the 2008 banking debacle? They do have an Emergency Management Department but I'm not sure if their funding applies to this situation. They are located at See the notification on the Federal Government shutdown at

  38. The 8th Special Session of the Congress will be held on October 21, 2013 and the Agenda includes the meeting of the Select Committee of Inquiry (SCOI) to issue its report to the full Osage Nation Congress.

  39. Patricia Spurrier BrightOctober 2, 2013 at 10:33 AM

    This might be the wrong place to publish this, but it is so important that everyone should know about the problem.

    Do you know there are children in Pawhuska that do not have enough to eat and if it wasn’t for the Nutrition Program making backpacks for the weekend, these children would not eat the two days they aren’t in school. I am sure this is going on in Hominy and Fairfax too. This may not upset you, but I find it appalling. How can the Osage Nation let this happen and do nothing? The chiefs and councils of yesteryear took care of their people, be they young or old. Today these are the ones that are being shuffled aside. Shame on us.

    I would bet the ranch, these children’s parents are drug addicts, because anyone doing drugs and have children, those children are being abused. You don’t have to be beating your children to abuse them. All drug addicts care about is the drugs. Just look in the “Bigheart Times” and you will see all the drug arrests. In August alone 41% of the felonies were drug related. Everyone talks about what a drug problem we have here, but they don’t mention or seem to care about the children, who are hungry and alone. We have programs like CASA, DHS, but there is never enough money or people to protect the children. I read a few weeks ago that there were 73 or 78 children missing from the DHS system in Tulsa alone. After reading about that couple in Skiatook that are accused of horrendous acts against their two foster children, I am convinced that a majority of the people that take children in, do it for the money. I am not saying everybody, but one person abusing a child, is one too much.

    AND with all this going on, we have the Osage Nation Congress appropriating $350,000 to a Osage War Memorial Fund; funding the LLC and talking about funding that ugly statue again. After reading the list of final Legislation Tracking for 2013 most of the Bills that would benefit the majority of the people were tabled. I tried for years to get the Nation to do something for the Elders getting an assisted living facility and it fell on deaf ears. BUT to do nothing to improve the life for these children is unspeakable. I am going to die soon, but the children have their whole lives to live and we are doing nothing to help them.

    There is a solution to this problem if anyone is interested.

    Patricia Spurrier Bright

    1. Bring it on. I'm listening.

    2. What I do agree on is programs that assist in rehabilitation with provisions of day care, and job training. It's not that hard to assess one's needs as to requiring them to follow through with mandates required under the provisions such as drug testing, is their children getting to school on time.....The way these programs should work get lost in translation and then the manpower to follow through with every individual on a one to one basis.....I am appalled at the Nation though remember we should be helping our family at the very most....not everyone is handed a life on a silver platter.....It is time for the Fat Cats in the ONG to hear the Osage loud and clear, this is priority. Each and every Congress Member should be reading Patria Spurrir-Bright post. A QUESTION FOR OUR CONGRESS MEMBERS why is hard to do what is right? Nah I my eyes are closed, my hearing is filled with wax, yet my hand is always open for a salary increase based on Market Value not on Job Value set with benchmarks. Shame on you.

    3. The truth is that it isn't based on Market Value. Minimum wage is somewhere around $7.25 at the Federal and State level, not $11.00. This is all smoke and mirrors based on values that have nothing to do with the real salaries and bonuses being paid in Pawhuska and the surrounding area. This is the real scandal that the employees are eating up the money available for government services to the Osage members near and far and judging from the way they came into the last session of Congress to protest, I wouldn't be surprised if they wouldn't have knocked you down and kicked you to the curb on the way in to get what they DEMAND. These enablers in Congress need to be voted out of office in the next election for bowing and kowtowing to the employees like this every year. Governments are mandated to service the people for whom it is created to serve not those employed by it. From my point of view they have done nothing other than structure a run on the Osage Nation Treasury with this situation, plain and simple.

    4. Thank you OsageBlogger, And this is why we must not vote for this insanity and not vote for Standing Bear......Time to get some real work done and as I have said earlier maybe we should just end and shut down our de facto gov...and have that OSAGE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION...Never in my world does a petition of this sort to happen in this day and age each and every one of these employees should be fired...This is not a right or entitlement and if I were them I would be embarrassed.....seriously. We need a law to protect the Osages Money from this happening again......

    5. Whts to stop a emploee union from forming?

    6. Sorry sometimes the keys stick. Employee.

    7. Patricia Spurrir-BrightOctober 2, 2013 at 10:41 AM

      You all missed the point. It isn't about jobs or how much you make. It is about children whose parents are DRUG ADDICTS! Going without food because their parents take all the money and buy drugs. Are you all so involved with yourselves that you can't look up and see what is going on? Shame on you.

    8. Patricia, I'm not going to claim that shame. We are discussing freeing up money from the ON Treasury for the children and other needy Osages. That's the point of the discussion in enlarging upon your topic. If all the money flows elsewhere from where it should, we need to identify those funding flows that are excessive and unnecessary, stop them and get them going in the right direction to pay for Osages who really need the money beginning with these children. Let me throw this out there; could it be that these egregiously high ONG salaries are actually funding some of this alcohol and drug addiction?

    9. Patricia Spurrir-BrightOctober 2, 2013 at 10:44 AM

      Sorry I jumped the gun. How can we put pressure on Congress? Congress would rather build a new campus. If the Osage Nation can start a pilot program to save the children, wouldn't that be wonderful. Although this problem is in our neighborhood, it is also in neighborhoods all over the country. What is so sad, is these children who are hungry think this is how life is. They don't know any difference.

      I have asked many of the Congressmen what their plan B is. I told them that the Federal Government is broke and as soon as they figure it out, the Grant programs are going to be the first to go. I asked them can the Nation fund these programs, as most of them are for the children and elders. They all looked at me as though I had grown horns. We need to really look at who we put elect for Congress next June.

    10. To Patricia , It is the truth of the crux is staring at them in the first, but if it was happening in their backyard they would be thinking a little bit differently, since their family has a full plate every night on their table. This is not the GOV we had hoped for or promised. Let their conscious be heavily burdened on their shoulders to do what is right! Lets take care of our Back Yard First and Set an example for Indian Country. Building a Statue not on the prioritized list to get funded, and we have clearly areas where funding would be best applied this would be it for the elders and the children our future. In addition get that Per-Cap funded as well or I will be petitioning. And by golly so should you Patricia this will be a beginning. If the employee can do this so can you. I'll sign so we can get this on the ballot.

    11. Motivating the Congress to spend the money wisely and well is a difficult business. Most really don't want to do what you want them to do and therefore they aren't acting as representatives of the Osage People. One in particular finds his role as a leader more important to him than serving your interests or mine. So many of them don't appear to understand what they are there for nor do they have an intrinsic understanding of the fact that leadership under the ON Constitution is structured to belong mainly within the Executive Branch. Most of the money spent for the ON government comes from the Executive Branch side so the spending problem really begins there. They seem to see nothing wrong with spending 90-95% of the money they take in from all Tribal revenue sources on employee salaries and on those who live in Osage County when they have much more of a constituency than that. Most other Tribes spend their money on business development with 20-30% spent on government as opposed to growing the government with what I have heard are now 52 ON bureaucratic areas (departments, offices, salaries and benefits, boards and commissions, maintenance, property acquisition and management etc,) and much of it unnecessary. It's my contention that there is not only a resentment but a discrimination against 80% of the constituency by those who have been elected to serve under the ON Constitution. And they really believe that they have a proprietary right to keep all this money at home when the Osage people, including Osage children who have needs all over the country are their constituents too. They may have orientations on the implementation of Roberts Rules of Order but I doubt that they are ever involved in seminars on how to be a good Congressional representatives. They seem to want to shun on-the-job training or continuing education of any kind. If it happened on a cruise ship however that might be another matter altogether. When too much money is flowing around with a lot of discretionary income, you always seem have drug and alcohol problems across the board and that includes both blue collar and white collar workers from Pawhuska to Washington D.C. If most people spent their money on travel overseas as opposed to drugs and alcohol and were able to get out there see that 15-20% of the world lives like we do and 80% of the rest of it does not, people who live in this country would have a vastly greater appreciation for our way of life and what they have here. Even the poorest in this country are middle class in most countries around the world. It's really amazing. There is a lot less reason to seek mind altering product here that in many other areas of the globe.

    12. Patricia Spurrir-BrightOctober 2, 2013 at 10:52 AM

      THe following is my solution to show you that this problem can be fixed:

      My idea is a Children’s Home. I know they used to have a bad reputation, but we can learn from past mistakes and make it better. I would be so proud if the Osage Nation would built a Home, as a pilot program for the rest of the Country. There would be a place to put the children, where they are safe, fed, clean and loved. I was told that when there is a drug related arrest, the children are taken out of the house immediately. Given the number of drug arrest in Osage County, there are a lot of children out there. Where are they putting them? If we had a children’s home, DHS would know they have a safe place to take the children.

      The different programs that cities and counties have, such as CASA, Department of Human Services are understaffed and under funded. There are other agencies that also can be put in the group. Then pool the resources to run a Children’s Home. This would a place to keep the children until their parents cleaned up their act. Now when the children are put in the foster program, sometimes they are treated worse then they had been. For those people who truly love and care for children, I don’t know how they can give all the love to these children and then have them taken away, to go back to their parents. I don’t think a children’s home would be difficult to staff, as they could have volunteers working along with paid staff. Have a board of professionals to oversee the operation. I don’t think the cost would be that horrendous. We could get companies to donate needed items, such as clothing, food. toys, etc.

      If I am not seeing the correct picture and someone out there knows why this won’t work, please let me know.

      I know if the Osage Congress would get off their duff, not spend hundred of thousand of dollars on studies (they like to do that), but have professionals sit down and discuss how this can be done. We as Osages could be very proud when this program is copied around the country. This is something we need to do NOW. It can work!

    13. Patricia get your draft on paper, that's the first step. Set a criteria, what is your core objectives and requirements, this is huge yet very simple in nature, finding the right mindset is even harder...The down side you know you are doing the right thing, it will take someone like you with a big heart to do this and I believe you can......I say this because I know what it is and what it takes to take this job on and I would not be able...I would get attached to everyone, that's just me......Years and years ago When I was a young kid, motivated highly, at the time, working two jobs, was I nuts, one of those jobs was in a hopise hospital, ah, after two months, I had to quit.....though I knew my care was doing good, you have to be able strong, and or it was to much of a culture shock into the real world to a 15 yr old, so I commend you on this endevor. Don't give up.....Old Ideas and incorporating that logic in to today is a great idea.. Now plant that seed...

    14. I just feel like the Osage Congress really works hard and does a damn fine job but they have their spending priorities all wrong just like the Federal government. Growing government and throwing money at employees is a dead end and it leads to nothing but a bunch of rich politicians and employees who are complacent and think they have a right until the money runs out and they get the axe. The politicians never get salary cuts however. Under this system, the people in power prosper and the people the government is supposed to serve never do as time moves forward. There are countless examples of this in Indian Country. You have a good idea Patricia and contacting an NGO like the Catholic Church there in Pawhuska and Osage County for a joint effort with the Osage Nation might not be a bad idea. The State government is involved too and they have rules and regulations about children. A pilot program for a half-way house might be a better idea for the parents and children to be placed together because children need their parents. We don't want to get involved in a situation where we are mopping up the water without turning off the faucet. Drugs are the foundational problem and this needs to be attacked first and foremost. I hear there are councilors with the Osage Nation who are being paid beaucoup bucks and are rarely if ever there. True? Who?

    15. And this is why the fat cat will end........If all tribes are caught in this madness of a Gov't. Shutdown we need to worry about the Trust Obligations and here they the Osage Nation thinks they are entitled at any given time to enrich their pockets with bonuses and wage increases is ok and it's not, when the time suits them is not ok especially with the crisis going on with the Govt. shut down. And it never fails just right before the holidays and what about a surprise for the rest of the 80% oh thats right they or some may have voted you in the position that you are in, In retro the hypocracy never fails. We built this Gov. and by golly it continues to folly, That deck of cards can come crashing down fast. Just Read earlier post by OsageBlogger......Oct. 2nd at 10:47 am. We need a canidate who is for the people of the people and by the people who is going to represent us and not just a few. We need a leader who is willing not to be the bottom feeder but a leader who will listen to what the needs are and there of the Osage People. We do not want the same thing that has plague our tribe of corruption. We want transperency and accoutability and the Waste Gone.......So come this election who should decide to run wacth out for the hardlined questions coming your way....Long gone should you deflect your answers will Identify your stance. We want real answers with dignified answers. So my hope is Tim Tall Chief will run again and pick a strong running mate or at least get someone from the Outside to run for Office......You can't work hard if your to busy spending....This Gov. needs to stop the bloat..This election should be about not what to but heck they have big brother to mimic....

    16. In reply to many of the post that are complaining about ON services, waist of money and lack of transparency, I offer this as food for thought. This is exactly what happened during the French revolution. The aristocrats had it all and ignored the wishes of the people. The result was a revolution where they were loaded up in wooden carts, paraded down main street and were beheaded in public! We need to have a revolt come election time and get rid of those in Congress and the MC that think they are above us and DO NOT LISTEN! Looking at recent events it doesn't take a genius to figure out who they are.

    17. Off with their heads then? Well, that's a thought, isn't it?

  40. See Osage Day flyer at

  41. See Impact of Federal Government Shutdown at

  42. If we keep cool heads and unite, we have a lot of power. Elections are coming up. Maybe we can convince Congress into spending money on programs that are needed for the people rather than their pet projects. That is if they want to get elected again. We do not need a new campus at this time. Take that money and build a home for the children.

    1. New article>>

    2. I couldn't agree more Patricia. The members of this Congress, they vote to put up $13 million and borrow $10 mil more for this campus plan? Deranged if you ask me. They don't like what they have up there, let them plant the bad Southern architect's best friend, Kudzu. We have more important priorities than building new buildings so the Congress can get their own place by the pond. Tell them to Go Fish!!!!!!

    3. Patricia add this to your spread sheet. This is some current statistics in Indian Country. Sad. Because if we had reliable ecocomic resources available this would not be as high What ever the circumstance is I'm sure was calculated I believe.

    4. Is NCAIED in bed with the Harvard Project? Look at Our Osage government politics is separated from our business decisions as far as you can get and these guys in charge of our businesses are running through our money like you know what on you know what!!!! This Harvard Project policy is a breeding ground for corruption and there is no doubt about it. Most Tribal elected officials don't want to look at the facts, know whats going on and look the other way or I've heard it said that many arent shrewd enough to get to the bottom of what is going on. This is bad government policy straight up. No matter what may have been going on in the past, how many of the board members -- who are supposed to keep an eye on this kind of thing for the Osage govt -- who've come up for review have our Congress passed through? How many havent been confirmed? Less that what you can count on one hand? Some of these people are known out in the community to be dishonest and some of them even have a record of criminal arrest.

    5. I get that and understanding there is a problem in denmark make no mistake. I wrote about how I feel about socialism. And this is why we need to stop our Govt. Bloat we may just need to hit re-start if we don't get a Gov. for the people and not the pockets of corruption for the few who think they deserve. And they need to stop pretending because the gravy train may end and this is no scare tactic..or fear mongering going on here.....It just takes one person to do what is right.....and hopfully will get that person in our next election.

  43. Now this what was talking about

    1. Outstanding! Fantastic article. Someone needs to send a delegation of committed Osage constituents to this meeting as well: "Among other things, several Montana Native American leaders plan to speak in front of the U.S. Senate Select Subcommittee on Indian Affairs later this month." This is further concrete evidence that we need The Osage Surge!

    2. It's time and long over due....

    3. I thougt it was a great article. I have brought up that something of this nature on a larger grand scale as creating a coalition or committee of Osages Constituents to oversee that this Gov. is transparent and accountable to the Osage Constituents who voted our Congressman in office, to do the due diligence by the Oath they took to represent us, is falling through the this point and juncture the representation is sub par to the expectations of the very people who voted them in office....a better Union for the People of the People and by the People. However the course or deciding factors will take us, is up to what the ONG and the future holds for us is to see and lead us in the direction we need to take for Our People local and a far. We are almost ripe for the blossoming. And time is on our side depending of which I like to try to be as positive. We can turn a Neg into the Positve. You have to have the right mind set because this won't come without hurddles but who isn't in this for the long haul though I do see the light at the end of the Rainbow. So how high is our deficit, and I say stop the borrowing. Lets show true Soveriengty by not spending the Money away but bring it back to our people the way it was meant to be used.....Let our People have a Voice! and let it be Heard Loud and Clear! We want a Gov. for our People.

  44. RED ALERT: 71 days are left before the first candidates can file to run for election for Chief and Assistant Chief! Mark your calendars that the Osage election season officially beings for 2014 on DECEMBER 16, 2013!

    1. See updated FAQ at

  45. New article on the AG and the ethics case against the Chief>>

    1. Just because there is a scoi appointed to investigate ethics charges does not mean the charges the AG has filed against the Chief should not have a calander date set in Court already? Whats the delay?

    2. Who knows. Theyre probably dragging it out to run out of time. Probably not to throw JRE out of office but to ruin his reputation sos someone else can get Chief.

    3. Corruption and the Abuse of Power will be better defined by laws that will restrict them from abusing their position, and followed by immediate action. Is this posturing in hopes that a Chief is elected from within could continue the same poor policies and practice if we don't demand action asap, and set the future precedent by following the due process of the law. There is no doubt whatsoever the ON Constitution was and is by design, was no accident.....

  46. Rah rah sis boom BAH!October 7, 2013 at 4:30 PM

    CHARLES H. RED CORN aren't you SO Special? From Mr. "I'm Wah-Zha-Zhi. I can do Anything." the guy responsible for the mess were in today-- P E R F E C T? Who do you think you're kidding Charlie? TFOS.

    1. Hepsi (The Tank) Barnett? She WAS the Harvard connection right there. Another Harvard graduate was rabid about this ON constitution at the time it was first released to the Osage people. She couldn't say a good thing about it and as time has moved forward she was right.

    2. Wow, keep putting this info out hear. It's good to know who's who and where the special interest started.

    3. And now the hard drive is exposed ah I would not be standing so proud because look at the reality show that is going on now. Just unbelievable. And CHARLES H. RED CORN is in denial like the wool pulled over your eyes is akin to your eyes deceive you sir with blinders purposely on, as complicit you are, nothing could be futher from the truth.......

  47. What we take for granted: On the prestige of even being able to get an education: See Malala's Story at

  48. Does anyone know when the Health Limited Benefit Re-Enrollment Forms for 2014 (Osage Card) are going to be made available?

    1. Contact: Mutual Assurance Administrators
      Name: Katrina Harkey
      Mailing: P.O. Box 42096
      Oklahoma City, OK 73123
      Phone: (405) 607-2648
      Toll Free: (800) 825-3540 ext. 2648
      Fax: (405) 858-1125

  49. This is in regards to the Aritical in the Osage News Whistle Blower, Why do we have a committee that only can suggest but has no real authority is redundant? What good is it to have a hot line if it goes unreccognized? Redundant and becomes a Waste? Is this how we treat our Employees at the Nation? Walk all over them and then mock them? Uh guys get your act together today.
    What Chief would not want a Personna non Grata as the likes of Teeman and should not be above the law! Hello who is representing the OSAGE? And talk about giving the impression and the question begs to be asked is there a story here I think there is more to the story? Think about it. I cannot think of one person especially in a position of Chief given the news would even allow for this behavior to exist in the first. Just sayin folks open the eyes to the corruption that lies before us, is revealing itself. Once again the laws were written to protect the special interest and not for the Greater Osage. This can't touch this attitude has been exposed and we should eradicate and redesign the ethic laws with clear language this type of behavior will not be tollertated in any office and will be cause for removal immediately and if no representation is applied then the conflict must go to court outside the Nation and yes this can be done. The Chief arrogantly stole from the contiuents in excess of 70,000 for persoanl use of his P.C What is going on here. Do the Osage the people need to storm in your offices and shut this place down for violotions of not honoring the laws even if they are poorly written follow the laws that do exist and start the clean up? Where and what and when are charges going to brought againts Joe Don Mushunkashey, The five man board in Pawhuska? Who's to blame for the missing 800,000 ? Who can you trust in the Nation to take on the Reposiblity? We our Money not the Gov. Not the Boards money, not the fat cats money, its our money to represent us the Greater Osage and not the special interest. It is up to the People to fight for what is right and there is a lota wrong going on for lands sake and no punt intended there either. This is not a make believe world all of you on the hill thinks it is.....All of you need to get your priorities in align with the Oath you took or you become apart the problem and a Constitutional Convention will take place I can assure you of this......

    1. It just gets worse and worse by the day, doesn't it?

    2. In a typical office setting it is not unheard of women PMS'ing at the same time and basically you would call out on a day like that which for women you have to have empathy some you know it wrecks havoc during that week and understandable and if your office can stand missing a body you allow for this. But this type of behavior is bullying and should not be tolerated period.....I had one in my Office and all it takes is a strong reprimand and day off would square the problem.....and getting to the root of the problem is really jealousy and cattyness but I had to remind each and every employee is valued and we are here to do a job and at the end of day you could go home with a smile....drawing the line in office politics...She works directly for JRE. She's no one special.

    3. Lol. Not that this is the case I should have stated, just trying to come to some logic for this type of behavior understanding this is not the case of which my logic isn't that far fetched I suppose, but definitely abuse of power is a understatement. I said there is something more to this story. Just seen a lot of crazy stuff going on here never like this. In my house as I like to call it you don't get respect you earn it.....

    4. Now this is a point. Why hasen't Jones filed against Joe Don. He's got one case going. If he had been elected the OC DA, he would have 15 of them going all at once. We still don't have a court date on the ethics allegations against the Chief yet, even though the scoi has finished up its work. This AG is paid more than he would have been paid with a municipal job as the DA and he can't get things in gear and going up on the hill? Is this more laziness as reported in that article?

  50. And here is food for thought, the bills the Chief vetoed, where was the 6% funding going to and the same with the one million dollar request and why? and just quickly can someone tell me who was the author and sponsor? And I still find it unethical either way a Chief still in office with pending matters with the AG and an Investigation led by Congress to be signing off on anything is so counter productive as well and really a conflict of interest.....Really Any right leader in the right frame of mind of oh thats right when he became Chief I guess Ethics do not matter would step aside and we as Osage People need to wake up to recognize once again what it means to be Osage....and this bleeds to our Elders who can see what colors are flying and it's not for the Osage the end this was not to be designed and fashioned this way.....or most thought. I can now surmise as to now how the Osage Nation Constitution and the promised Rose Garden because all you have to do is look in their backyard and understand what happened during the making of the Constitution.......I can tell you this is for sure, what did happen and rest assured they were betting that the due diligence that was required of the Nature was not done and is still continued practice to this day and if your don't see it something is wrong to kingdom come. Just seeing this happen is just unbelievable.....Our forefathers are rocking in the cradle of which they should be at peace...This restricted Osage is no fool. And no I'm not just waking up I have had my eyes opened up. And you have to ask why as many rights have been violated at many levels from the Chiefs Office and really this reflects on the Nation as a whole. So when I say I didn't get a vote on this matter of becoming a Gov. I say my rights were violated wouldn't you. Because I had been a long long time member did we have to get a new CDIB when Gray went into office. And as I have said since the OSAGE NEWS carried the absentee ballot did not mean that somewhere somehow their was a glitch who did not subscribe at the time or know that there was a Newpaper period and it is also in my opinion there are others out there as well that are in of the same circumstance I've seen to befallen this ill act. So yes my rights was violated there should have been other notification outside of posting it in the local and Osage News. Other means and devices could have been used as well to notify the constiuency of what going on like mass e-mailing , phone calls but this did not happen....and you have to ask yourself why this did not happen? I'm not anti-gov I just believe every vote counts and I believe in a truthful Gov. for the Osage People and we have the right to this.

  51. And here is another great atitcle posted today from Indianz.com

  52. Positions open at the Pawhuska Indian Health Center. See

  53. Osage Day is Monday, Oct. 14, 2013.

  54. What kind of affordable health care is it when the cheapest insurance policy I can get is 35% higher than what I had? This looks like institutional bait and switch to me. How in the XXXX can they get away with this? Can't the State file an injunction on the part of its residents who are being harmed here? The insurance companies are making a killing. Worse case scenario, I pay out $10,000 bucks a year and for that price I get a wellness exam, a free flu shot and mammogram? And we think the Secessionists are crazy?
