Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Archive #2: Osage Shareholder Matters--September-October 2013

This thread is now closed. Go to http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2013/10/osage-shareholder-matters-october-2013.html


  1. New Wind farm article>> http://www.tulsaworld.com/article.aspx/Eagles_vs_wind_farms_Osage_Nation_wins_round/20130902_11_A1_CUTLIN389891

    1. New article>> http://www.sacbee.com/2013/09/19/5750769/osage-county-wind-development.html

  2. Just a quick update on Cobell- they are still saying payments for Trust Class are "estimated" to go out at the end of fall. My amount has not changed but sounds like we will not be getting that payment anytime soon. The final appeals had to be postmarked today so we will see.

    1. What do you mean by final appeals? I thought the Cobell settlement had been accepted and it was a done deal.

    2. Some people had to appeal because they were told they did not qualify. I think it has to do if the original person named has passed away- I am not really sure. They had to appeal by July 1, then the Claims Administrator would review and answer by August 1, then the person appealing had to have their reply postmarked by today for him to review again. I suppose another 30 days for him to review and then hopefully we should start seeing some kind of payment I would think.


    3. Thanks for the clarification but a relative of mine received a letter about the qualifying process to inherit from a deceased Osage with an open ended time period available. Is this what you are referring to or is it for the individual Osage trying to qualify for the Cobell settlement themselves?

    4. I'm sorry I don't understand a lot of the technical stuff. This is what it says:

      Important Updates: On August 1, 2013, the Claims Administrator mailed letters detailing its second determination of eligibility to all persons who filed a request for reconsideration. For further information please refer to the FAQ’s on Determination Letters and Eligibility Documentation.

      Then those people had another chance to send back a request for consideration and it had to be post marked no later than today.

    5. Thank you Orbi-Osage for the wind update. On the Cobell issue I called GCG. They still have our 10 highest paid years wrong. What I thought was a frudian slip but I called out the call center when they started to read the 10 yrs listed. He started to say in 2012 you received so much money and then paused when I said what how do you have that personal information? He then went to say that he was callig off some other numbers etc.....BTW...Are they entitled to that information and what does our settlement have to do with the Cobell? And then I said I would get back to them. Understanding that they are going back as far as the year "85" per the settlement. My thought that our trust has been in trust for how many years? And yet I was told that they are counting the years beginning when the IMM account was opened? That does not sound right. And then they said in the year of "2009" and "2008" I had two payments. What is that about? I have all kinds of payments throughout the year, my point is you need to call and verify your information.

    6. oops the personal information I was referring to was our HPP settlement. What does our suit have to do with this suit and he quoted me how much I had received? I then called him out he started to do a back flip and tried to recover the converstation of which I left alone but does not take away what I heard. This is personal information and this is just a call center. How much information are they entitled to?

    7. They've never asked me about the HPP settlement. The amount they provided me has always been the same It has never varied not even by one penny. What years do you believe they should go by? I've only had my IIM account since 2001 when my Dad passed.

    8. He qouted me what I had earned from the HPP for 2012 which I thought was weird, then I questioned him why he would have that data right, He then changed the subject. I had been inquiring about the 10 highest paid years not what I had received in 2012 or for that matter what total all together I had earned which he should not be privy you would think. You still did not answer the question. Does the years reflect from "85" to Dec of "2010" For all Osages, because what GCG is saying they are going back to time when the IMM accout was opened and remember this is a call center and thats, that. And if thats the case another question is why would they say in 2 yrs, in 2008 and 2009 I got paid twice that year? I get paid from different IMM accounts but when you get paid from the trust and for damages paid, could that be considered a extra payment? If that is the case then they took eight years and because I had 2 extra payments in those eight years they took off 2yrs to account for the difference which does not make any since? 8 yrs+2 extra payment paid one in 2008 and one 2009 = 10yrs? Does this make sence?

  3. Reprint from Facebook posted by Attorney Amanda Proctor: The Osage County Bar Association will present information for elderly Osage tribal members regarding estate planning and elder care issues for Osage Indians with Section 8 royalty interests and other restricted Indian assets. This presentation is being made in connection with the Oklahoma Bar Association statewide day of service. We will have several Osage County lawyers in attendance, as well as one of the District Court judges. We will not answer questions regarding specific pending cases but will present general information that we hope we be of help. The event is Friday, September 20, 2013 at noon at the Landrum Center in Pawhuska. Please let me know if you have any questions. -- Amanda Proctor, President, Osage County Bar Association.

    1. Flyer for the Osage County Bar Association event-- https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=576474679080030&set=a.153834188010750.33094.134873493240153&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf

  4. To whom it may concern:
    The Mineral Council is in big trouble and it comes from within. The Council is now deadlocked 4 to 4, and as a Shareholder, I am very upset. If you want to question what I am saying or question the facts, then call the Mineral Council Office at 918-287-5433 and ask for an audio disk of the meetings or go to the Mineral Council’s section on the Nation’s Web Site and listen to the meetings. The one I would suggest first is the Friday 16 August meeting. ................... In essence the Oil Producers arranged and financed for Cynthia Boone, Curtis Bear, Mel Core and Dudley Whitehorn to go to Washington DC. along with some of the Producers to LOBBY against the changes in the CFRs. I am beyond who paid for what - Dudley right-off at the meeting said he paid his own way and now Cynthia is saying she paid her own way. She clearly told us at the August 16th meeting that the producers had financed the trip. Don’t know about Mel Core and his reasons for going. He was not at the meeting. I guess Curtis Bear has been thrown under the bus. All I can say is, show the Shareholders your receipts showing that you paid. Remember most hotels and airlines do not accept checks and require a credit card to secure both items, in case you are going in that direction. ...................... Remember these people who went to Washington on behalf of the Oil Producers are the same ones who negotiate with these same Producers for leases and consignments on our behalf. And they do it behind closed doors in Executive Session. ..................... To me and others, the ethics violation comes with the fact that Mineral Council members have become LOBBYISTS for the Oil Producers who would rather pay us a “less than fair” price for our oil. The producers do not want to put up bonds to clean up the drilling site once they are done. (They haven’t in the past and that is why we have over 3,500 abandon wells in Osage County.) The Producers do not want regulations in metering the Natural Gas, so they don’t have to pay us our full share. The Oil Producers by way of rejecting the CFR’s do not want any regulations for handling the H2S (poison) gas. This lists only just a few of the improvements the Rule Making Committee has put together. These same Producers ran a full page ad in the Bigheart Times saying in a round about way that if they have to abide with the changes they are going to leave. Cynthia in defending the Producers, says we don’t understand the oil business, if we didn’t agree with her. And I say to the Oil Producers if you don’t like it here, leave. If you weren’t making money, you would already be gone, anyway. On
    August 29, 2013, the HPP (Highest Posted Price) was $106.75, that’s the highest it has been recently. That’s very near the highest in the U.S. AND if you leave, there will be others that would love to drill here. We have the sweetest oil around and plenty of places to sell it!
    Patricia Spurrier Bright

    1. I will be making that phone call now that the tune has changed Cynthia cannot be trusted end of story. Her lies are catching up and well as, we are tired of the trouble she stirs for the benefit of the Producers and in addition most of her facts are false time after time. All four should be removed as I've said before understanding that she thought was in the best interest lobbying for the producers rather than for the shareholders is counter productive for the future of the M/E. I do not want her or the other 3 on the Mineral Council and time to remove. End of story. Nah I want those meters installed nah I want to work with the Ranchers on these issues of non compliance, is so critical the M/E and the future. Has anybody ever priced meters? Lets say you have a 50 wells for example if not more. These meters could cost the producers anywhere between a 1000.00 and up. In essence 50,000. They knew this day was coming and had 2 yrs to prepare. Leave if your not happy. There are a lot of other Producers who have been compliant in the private market and already live by the same standard.

    2. Reprint from August 23, 2013: Cynthia has sent us her statements that she read into the record during the last two Minerals Council meetings. Included are the AG letter and the OSA endorsement letter of the trip to Washington, D.C. To download these documents, go to http://edigital.iserver.net/osages/Cynthia_AG_OSA.pdf >>>>>> I think that Cynthia has the right to her point of view too. Unlike most of us, she is in communication with what the oil producers want and don't want and what they will agree to in order to continue doing business in Osage County. You're not the only two headright owners that matter and there are a lot of shareholders behind Cynthia because she understands that protecting the Shareholder is a two way street in the professional business world. Without the oil producers pulling oil and gas out of the ground, you won't have a quarterly disbursement and your check will drop to nothing over time. That might be OK with you but it certainly isn't with me and a whole lot more just like me.

    3. Cynthia Boone is a renegade with no professional standards and no ethical standards at all. Tell me how professional and ethical it was to sneak out of town with the producers for that meeting. Tell me how professional and ethical it was to buy the Osage Tribes historical records from that storage unit and then refuse to tell the council anything about it. Tell me how professional and ethical it was to try to get a letter of support for her sons girl friend who she says got banned from the hominy village. Maybe before you start telling us how professional and ethical she is you should review her oath of office. You 3 or 4 dummies who post your fairy tales on her behalf have a big job ahead of you.

    4. As far as Cynthia having an endorsement from the OSA, means NOTHING! The OSA is now run and controlled by Cynthia's supporters with her husband as chairman. Anything Cynthia wants from the OSA is granted! Therefore I say...so what if she has a letter from the OSA. She might as well have written it herself or had one of her supporters write it.

    5. Maybe we should ask Cynthia just why her sons girl friend was banned from the Hominy village. Then ask her why she wanted a letter of support from the MC? Which by the way was not exactly MC business. Here again, she will do anything and try anything she thinks she can get away with. I would propose that anyone that wants to get re-elected to the MC distance themselves from her. There are those that have been keeping a very long list of her lies and antics and who supports her and it will all come to roost at election time.

    6. My some people should have their heads examined. In no way shape or form lobbying for the Producers is oppositional and contrary to the Oath she took. Facts as they are. There you have it. So I said in my earlier post just because she went for her personal beliefs is contrary to the Osage Shareholders. It may have very well in the past that this behavior was accepted, I don't know. But now that the shareholders are more in the know, We are saying, especially when it comes to business you do not do something of this nature especially when you are a Officer. And as I have said before who are the OSA? Waste of money spent there when we have a Mineral Council and a Chief. And her husband is an officer is a conflict of interest as well. I do not charge Cynthia to take it upon herself without the support of her Team and Shareholders. I'm sorry the Chief and is saddens me he is in a position of similar circumstances and is being investigated. And so should Cynthia, by far and far what the four did can not be trusted period....I'm not saying they are bad people but their actions speak louder than words. And cannot fall upon deaf ears. The Tie Breaker is the Chief. And we need rules to insure this type of behavior does not happen again? The cronyism must leave. And now that Ms. Currey has retired and hope she gets over her injuries from the accident we can now get a better perspective of what has been going on with the agency....When you are removed from the thick of the kaos back home you do get a better perspective of what has been going on.

    7. Get over Cynthia. The regs might change on internet taxation and you all think it's OK for Amazon and eBay and other online retailers to lobby to stop it on behalf of their customers, their retailers and their businesses. If business dries up for them all that won't be OK. They know that and so do you. Yet, if the four try to stop these new BIA regs from causing the oil producers to abandon Osage County with the result that your checks dry up overnight, that's OK with you? Well it's my check too and it's not right by me or anyone else I know with a brain in their heads. Read this again carefully: "These same Producers ran a full page ad in the Bigheart Times saying in a round about way that if they have to abide with the changes they are going to leave." Are you people really so ignorant of how professional businesses work and how they are run? The word is starting to spread that the oil producers are going to boycott the Osage Oil Summit. You people back home are again negatively effecting what goes on back there just like you did with that ridiculous law suit that lost us all our Federal Reservation recognition. TOP PLAYING YOUR STUPID MINDLESS HERD MENTALITY OSAGE POLITICS and start thinking for yourselves, if that's even possible. Haven't you done enough harm to the Osage Mineral Estate as it is already?

    8. Let them leave. They do not dictate the terms and in this business its cut and dry. Cynthia is child's play. Make no mistake. And remember we are all entitled to our opinion. Where there is money there will always be politics. Lol . As far as the reservation goes the nation lost it and truly the blame lies with the nation.

    9. Thank you for your comment. You're right. Best to bring the temperature down a bit. All the same, we aren't talking about elected officials in the government of Iran, now are we?

    10. Bravo....could not have said this any better, to the point and accurate, no hear say, we are in great trouble with the Mineral Council this year especially, their secret trip to DC is beyond understanding, for numerous reasons...... and after visiting at the Aug. MC mtg. with one of the producers who took them to DC, he said he asked those 4 to go because he knew the other 4 would NOT agree to go on this secret trip. As elected Council members BY the shareholders, we hold them to a degree of truthfulness and hoonorable ethics as they present us, the shareholders...I am embarrassed by their secretive actions

    11. Were their actions really in secret or were the uninvited others just simply out of the loop? Are those that went really obligated to share what they were doing by law? If so, what law and what are the penalties? Chapter and verse if you please.

    12. The rules of common sense, dummy. Out of the loop? What kind of a question is that? You will get the chapter and verse of the laws of common sense next June. The shareholders will see to that. We have a 8 man council. Half of them can’t run off on a wild goose chase to tear down everything that has been done, expenses paid by those they supposedly negotiate with from the other side of the table, without telling the other half of the council what they are doing. Cynthia tried something like that with the first council and look what it got her. Now she has 3 more of them doing it. Is she contagious or something?

    13. OK Dummy. I'll tell you exactly where that got her. Cynthia was the only one reelected to office and got the highest number of votes in the last Mineral Council election in 2010. Ha ha ha ha ha! The Minerals Council is not only there for the Shareholders, they are there in a professional capacity to help facilitate the airing and addressing of the concerns of the oil producers with the BIA when they have them and this has gone on in a wholly acceptable manner for more than 100 years. Where have you been? Don't act like you're the smartest lick to ever come down the road because you obviously are not judging from your last post.

    14. When in the last 100 years did a councilman get all of their council duties taken away by the rest of the council? When in the last 100 years did any council members sneak off and try to do council business without telling anyone? When in the last 100 years did a councilman buy up Osage council property and refuse to tell the council about it? Where will the ha ha be next June. The Osage shareholder jury will decide that one.

    15. You're funny. When the member of Council felt that something inappropriate was going on and reported it directly to the BIA? What was wrong with that? Who snuck? That's your perception. Finally, your top dogs in the Minerals Council who have been in tight with certain members of the Congress apparently weren't paying attention to the job they were supposed to be doing and left a storage unit rental unpaid for 4 years. As a result, the contents were sold for non-payment of the rental amount for that storage unit. What kind of incompetence is that? You're lucky that Cynthia caught it in time and bought what was in the storage unit.

    16. To SMH if you ever ran a business of which I don't think so or for that matter had rental property etc....In the real world this behavior is not accepted and if this person Cynthia was an employee of mine just like the girl who worked for Famous Daves she should be kicked to the curb and don't come back cryin. I'm a Shareholder and for all of you who do not understand business 101 this is a classic mistake when no body is at the helm except a speaker that is afraid to take the initiative to what needs to be done. And if they do not take the nessasary steps then we as shareholders need to fire each and everyone of them including the board or the OSA.....And it's not a perception its the perception a intended perception Cynthia caused. And not paying for the rental if you don't see an invoice it can go without payment and who and when and where and what ever happened it's not the councils fault it wasn't paid....This would not happen if someone had been watching the payables and receivables. if sceduals are ran weekly, dated and monthly and so forth. And the failure was also with the storage as well. Like I said before this behavior will not be tolerated and the ppp's are severly needed in conjunction we need to get this M/C to function accodingly. ASAP. Each and everyone of you naysayer go to work for a year or two in the real world then you would clearly be on the same page as most of us shareholders are on.....We want a strong council united for the Shareholders not the other way around. The Rouge Four not the fantasic four, must go....I am for looking forward to voting them out. Just another day in paradise.

    17. Would this real world of yours be located somewhere in the neighborhood of this paradise you mention? Delusional is more like it. Not in the business world the rest of us are acquainted with on a day to day basis. And how is it exactly that they don't see the billing invoice for this storage unit when it has been listed in the yearly budget for the last four years? Stop writing in circles to try and make it look like a legitimate argument. It doesn't work.

    18. Just exactly what business world is it that the rest of you are so acquainted with? If the storage unit was listed in the budget for the last 4 years, then Cynthia had as much opportunity to know about it as anyone. Didn’t she vote on that budget? Is that how she caught it? Is that why we are so lucky? What does she plan to do with it? This could be confidential material that is the business of the council. Who knows? Maybe she needed the furniture. The only thing going in circles here is your mind. What will your next excuse be?

    19. I wish I was delusional then it would explain the mess we are in...LOL but really how true...then you explain how the invoice got missed not being paid? There are only one reason why it didn't and common sense dictates that a storage unit would not go unnoticed for four years. I may be surmising as it is to anybody's guess as to what happened. But in my Accounting Years you just didn't leave much room for mistakes because it just didn't happen, that is if you did the diligence that was required of said person. Still in the end the property does not belong to Cynthia. Shes an officer and by all and all she took an oath to protect and not to protect her own self interest but the interest of the Shareholder.And as the facts presented by the one and only and her flaunting such behavior is counter productive to the M/E and now has gone coo coo for coco puffs spreading all around town like Mrs. Kravitz lol, to her own demise. Sometimes the Squeaky wheel does not get greased.

    20. I thought Cynthia had been moved away from that detail by the "G.O. Boys" in the office and the whining Eye Candy that they have hired over the years. Yes? No? Don't blame her for being competent when they aren't. She came in and saved the day and you just don't get it because you refuse to. I know that misogyny is very hard to conquer. Time for you to get to work on it because it's an ugly trait, totally unacceptable in the REAL business world.

    21. Misogyny? Careful, you are getting close to the bottom of your excuses barrel. Is that what those ladies on the first council had when they relieved Cynthia of all her duties pertaining to the MC? I suppose the ladies and gentlemen who she conned in to reelecting her had it to. Funny I’ve never senced any misogyny directed at me, except maybe from you. Another thing, nobody is blaming Cynthia Boone for being competent at ANYTHING in the business world.

    22. The only person on that MC for the past eight years besides Curtis Bear and most of the time, Dudley Whitehorn, that has stood square in the way of nationalizing that Mineral Estate is Cynthia. You want it so bad you can taste it and you'll do anything to get rid of anyone who stands in your way. We know what your agenda is and we've known from the very beginning. It's going to be an uphill battle that won't be successful because we have no intention of letting you get away with it.

    23. Just read the artical in the Osage News. Ok the Storage Owner says the Storage Unit was never paid on after the first payment. Wouldn't you have sold the contents a lot sooner than four years later? Duh. Something's wrong here. LOL. Not my Business. 35 dollars a month and 4yrs later and your willing to take the loss and thats ok? And knowing the contents wouldn't you have tried to recoup the loss and get in contact with the M/C? Thats roughly $1600.00 My guess thats chump change. But most importantly who gave said person authorization to change the Name to their Name is what I'm wanting to know? And everyone knows this is a one man war Cynthia has created.

    24. Everyone? Not so. Good point on who authorized the change of name and the name of the non-Osage whose name the storage unit was in for all those years who never paid the rent for it. I believe that this name change would have taken place during the Gray administration.

  5. Is the Osage Nation starting to move in on the Minerals Council election? What's all this crap about one man one vote on headright shares? BHT has an article posted on their web site, http://barnsdalltimes.com/http:/barnsdalltimes.com/news/one-man-one-vote-maybe-one-day

    1. We are a separate agency and this is recognized largely. Ray's site www.osages-you-need-to-know.com can help you put into perspective what has transpired. We have to obey the laws of the Nation. But we are still telling the agency that just because they see the Nation as the Osage Nation and we have the right to evolve does not discharge their responsibility to The 1906 ACT. or for that matter should change our vote and how we vote period. Only divided are we assured,failure.

    2. What"s going on with the new Standing Bear bill ONCA 13-97 and the Osage Congress getting copied on everything that comes in from the BIA to the Executive Branch? This means the Mineral Council folks, make no mistake. When is the Osage Nation going to keep its nose OUT of minerals business and LEAVE THE INDEPENDENT MINERALS AGENCY ALONE? Also there are some questions coming out about privacy issues too. Standing Bear is looking more and more like an ONO Osage Nationalist, make no mistake. Remember that when you vote in the next election.

    3. Mr. Standing Bear, what do you mean by "If the NSA has the technology, all the people should have access to it too." The U.S. government National Security Agency has nothing to do with the Osage Nation unless you know otherwise. We have no access to their database of information.

  6. Pay Attention Shareholders: This is exactly what will happen if the Osage Nation compacts the Mineral Estate with a new LLC or some other similar business entity with another government bureaucracy created to take over the minerals business with governing documents in place to keep everything secret just like it is with the gaming operation: http://osagenews.org/article/osage-casinos-share-org-chart-and-ethnicities-employees What you are seeing here is based on the Harvard Project Business Model that insists that Indians must be totally hands off with their business interests with little if any accountability and transparency to and for the parent Tribal government owner. This situation makes it rife for corruption and God only knows how much money they are making disappear on a daily basis under the guise of keeping everything hidden, "in order to protect competitive advantage." This is completely bogus and you know it and so do I. The ON Congress set it up this way from day one and they are entirely responsible for it.

    1. Right I saw that. Let Them try. Osageblogger Thanks for the eyes. Mine are wide open and let them try to compact just let them try and that's all I have to say.......Corruption is in our Tribe. And we will weed them out slowly but surely. My bet the naysayers will say it isn't so. PER-CAP. Maybe as I've said before we need to picket just like the employees did for there bonuses. It's our money.....One thing is for sure the younger generation is right behind us and yes in deed my Children are in the know about where we are at with this DE FACTO GOV. We need A Osage Constitutional Convention? Wow I'll be sure to copy and paste so when the hammer comes down I can look at everyone of them in Congress and wave in front of thier faces they are the ones who allowed failure by not doing the diligence that is required. If I was a Congress Member I would be going what the heck are these charts about. They only show the dynamics of the Business? And no real information like this is going to appease Please.

    2. The minerals estate is in a federal trust for the benefit of the share owners. The ON can make laws now that will control it if they want to. The chief already controls the bank accounts. Its already as nationalized as it can get. The amendments last year would have changed all that, but Boone, Bear, Whitehorn, the Chief, and others liked it like it is and would not support the change. Real smart wasn’t it. Now I suppose you going to tell us going to Washington with producers and buying the storage building contents makes them heros. That’s not real smart to. They need to find another way to make $31,365 per year and stop taking our money.

    3. So you would have preferred that the original buyer of the storage unit spread the documents around all over Pawhuska? Try and think first before you answer this question.

    4. SMH, CYNTHIA IS NOT THE BOSS, The storage unit did not do the due diligence. Letting a storage unit with 1600 dollars at least in the arrears and they only take how many dollars and to the poster at 12:40 you are exactly right.....SMH has little to say. And remember we are in the first as in shareholders. And remember we are a seperate operating agency. And we can set the standard and as far as the stiepend goes that my have to go unless The M/C does not take charge to bring allegations of unethics against the rougue four. I do not care that her husband sits on the OSA and who ever they claim they are and what they get paid for? Ray seems to be doing there job, better at it as well.

    5. I never said she was but you still insist on pathetically picking on her despite all attempts to reason with you. She has done nothing wrong in spite of how you howl about it. The only thing that has taken place is that she has exposed the incompetence of the Osage Nation or the members of the Minerals Council staff who were assigned to be handling the payment of bills and supposed to be paying attention to this Osage Nation property who clearly dropped the ball. Why aren't you squalling about the Mayor of Pawhuska who originally bought the contents of the storage unit at auction? Not sexy enough for you? Doesn't further your agenda to trash out Cynthia? Why aren't you trashing Sonny Abbott, Galen Crum Andrew Yates or Myron Red Eagle and giving them hell too? According to your version of things, if Cynthia is responsible, SO ARE THEY. Here's the list at http://www.osagetribe.com/minerals/uploads/2-OMC/How_to_Contact_Your_Osage_Minerals_Council.pdf Go for it!

    6. We shall see. I agree with you on the matter that all of them need more than a reprimand. And of course I have everyones number but thanks anyway. I can care less what the mayor was doing. Stay on topic....Cynthia exposed her incompetence way before this incident. My logic is just simple. I've handled many accounts with many dollars attached. And in this day and age we have here a huge lack of communication. And we need to get this show on the road.....cut through the B/S sort of speak. And even though we agree to disagree with eachother at times I do appreciate your imput. Sorry that I said you did not no much, was back from the dentist and my mouth sometimes gets the best of me. I hope that on this very signifcant day 9/11 everyone said a prayer. Saw something incredible today. Was driving the freeway when I approached a over pass lined with nothing but fire engines with their booms high in the sky flying flags everywhere. Of course I honked...

    7. She did expose neglect. All eight ARE responsible for not paying the bill. But she should have turned it over to the council immediately. You should have said SHE HAS DONE NOTHING RIGHT. Now you are blaming the mayor. My God! Whats next. We are lucky the mayor happened to buy it. From what we read, the first thing he did was to agree to sell it to a councilman. That was one of his ethical and moral responsibilitys as mayor of the city. How was he to know he was selling it to a renegade who was going to act so crazy. I bet he doesn’t have that misogyny desese either. It looks like the first thing she did was hide it and refuse to tell anyone anything. Ive had enough of her and her trouble making ways.

    8. Do you actually believe this yarn you spin out or are you making this all up as you go along? This stuff is utter nonsense from a completely undisciplined mind. I haven't blamed the Mayor. Don't you understand what you read? That wasn't how the article read at all. The Mayor bought the contents of the storage unit thinking he could double his investment and he did when Cynthia bought it. We were lucky she bought it from him and it was out of the hands of those who have nothing to do with the Osage Nation. If they want it back then they should ask her what she wants for it and with this much abuse, I wouldn't sell it below a price of $10,000+!

    9. Misogyny is the word of the day...Really? I agree with you 10:15. You are absolutely right about the Mayor. And the right thing is to do is turn over the M/C the material that belongs to the ESTATE not Cynthia's state of mind-fantasy she lives in. Done with her lying ways......her cry wolf goes on deaf ears. Sorry but she did this to her self.....the camel that broke the straw was when she and the others went on their own to delay what? We all knew the changes to the CFR's are the result of the HPP. There's no going back. She was apart of that and she had 2yrs as well as the Producers. The transition of these rules and regulations will hold true to the value of what we produce for the stakeholders and not the other way around. As I've said before the producers will now come current and compliant, be held liable and will be costly in the beginning, to the end of the day we can be sure that we are getting paid on value based now on measurement and now we meet the standard to go Nymex....I have not heard from one producer how this will affect the production of Minerals and in fact I've had talks with other producers in other area's and they have said the same thing how is it they got away with not metering in this day and age of corruption. They have also said where's their supply and demand these mom and pop shops either will comply and or open room for more producers to come and not enjoy the monopoly they had.

    10. OK guys. I think we've had about enough comments about Cynthia. I am starting to get messages that this is a bore. Let's move on. Thank you in advance.

    11. Just an FYI for everyone. If you think this Osage Blog isn't edited...think again. I don't know who is running it BUT I posted a reply to Osagebloggers comment made on Sept 12 at 11:22. It got posted and was on the site however it isn't here now! Does Osageblogger run and edit this site according to his fancy. If that's the case one has to wonder how many other post Osageblogger or whoever is in charge has deleted?

    12. Yes. It is edited. Most of us have learned an important lesson when we lost Kent Radcliff's OSA Blog because of the "Bash and Trash." That is not our mission here at the Osage Blog. Now you've had your say about Cynthia and I've made it quite clear that it's time to be moving on.

    13. Glad you cleared that up. I can assume that when election time gets here and people want to post opinions , one way or the other about candidates, their past actions and their current positions on issues those will be edited as well. Hardly a non bias Blog...we'll see? Your correct that Kent didn't like the "Bash and Trash" as you put it but the straw that "Broke the camels back" was when a member of the OSA board threatened to sue him to change the name of the OSA site and did so on the floor of the OSA meeting! In addition, with the elections coming up where else is one supposed to voice their approval or disapproval of the many issues that will come up unless Kent fires his site up again hopefully under a different name. There will be a lot to discuss and the question will be if both sides of all the issues will be presented with out being edited here.

    14. It is what it is. If you can't write about the four-five as opposed to bashing and trashing one particular person, then you are more than welcome to start your own Blog venue where all bets are off. Like I said earlier, the more the merrier. We've learned a lesson from Kent's OSA Blog. I believe that your explanation is an oversimplification as to why he backed away. Let me reprint Kent Radcliff's post on the matter verbatim on May 24th of this year on HIS Blog: "Excuse me! Redcorn doesn't have anything to do with this forum. I do. From accounts of the last meeting of the shareholders and the current slanders and personal attacks that I keep reading I'm thinking that June 1st this little operation needs to go blank. I can take the funds I spend here and have more fun losing them at one of our casinos." (The accounts of the last meeting of the Shareholders were reportedly from Kugee Supernaw and perhaps others.) So I think that pretty much gives you the entire truth of the matter. We've made a choice and there is nothing wrong with that. You have choices to make as well, it appears. Go for it!

    15. The shareholder meeting Kugee and others were referring to are exactly the one I mentioned. You still didn't address the question of how open the Osage Blog will be to different opinions on candidates and issues or are things going to be edited or eliminated according to your opinions of the person or issues. If we are not going to have open discussions then how are different points of view going to be presented? After all is said and done, at least Kent didn't edit or eliminate someones post. There is going to be a lot said about things come election and I hope this blog can be the place to express our opinions with out being criticizes for them. Just because you obviously have a different opinion of Cynthia and her followers on the MC doesn't mean everyone else agrees!

    16. Can't answer that question until I see what comes into the Osage Blog at election time. I think we all know what "bash and trash" is but some want to press the envelope more than others. We'll all find out soon enough. Oh and by the way, Kent did indeed delete posts on his OSA Blog and I have proof of that as well. Now, let's move on. Again, thank you in advance.

  7. REMINDER--TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE--HEADS UP! RED ALERT--THE COMMENT PERIOD ON THE NEW CFRs for 25 CFR Part 226 HAS BEGUN! Comments on this proposed rule must be received by October 28, 2013: "Comments on the information collections contained in this proposed regulation are separate from those on the substance of the rule. Comments on the information collection burden SHOULD BE RECEIVED BY SEPTEMBER 27, 2013 to ensure consideration, but must be received no later than October 28, 2013. ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by any of the following methods: —Federal rulemaking portal: The rule is listed under the agency name ‘‘Bureau of Indian Affairs’’ and has been assigned Docket ID ‘‘BIA–2013–0003’’ at http://www.regulations.gov. —Email: osageregneg@bia.gov. Include the number 1076–AF17 in the subject line of the message. —Mail or hand-delivery: Mr. Eddie Streater, Designated Federal Officer, Bureau of Indian Affairs, P.O. Box 8002, Muscogee, OK 74402. Include the number 1076–AF17 on the outer envelope. We cannot ensure that comments received after the close of the comment period (see DATES) will be included in the docket for this rulemaking and considered. SEE THE FULL NOTIFICATION IN THE FEDERAL REGISTER at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2013-08-28/pdf/2013-20764.pdf

    The following notification came in the Minerals Council Newsletter e-mailed August 30th, 2013:

    Attention Shareholders: The proposed changes to the CFRs have been published in the Federal Register. The changes are not beneficial to the Osage oil producers and will hinder their attempts to further their activity to increase oil production. If you have any concerns you can write the Secretary of the Department of the Interior and or the Oklahoma state representatives. You can also write the Designated Federal Officer of the BIA:

    Senator James Inhofe
    1924 S. Utica Ave.
    Suite 530
    Tulsa, Ok 74104
    (405) 350-7744

    Congressman Frank Lucas
    P.O. Box 1726
    Oklahoma City, Ok 73101
    (918) 748-5111

    Senator Tom Coburn
    1800 S. Baltimore
    Suite 800
    Tulsa, Ok 74119
    (918) 581-7651

    Congressman Markwayne Mullin
    104 S. Muskogee Ave.
    Claremore, Ok 74017
    (918) 341-9336

    Secretary of the Interior
    Sally Jewell
    1849 C Street N.W.
    Washington, DC 20240
    (202) 208-3100

    Mr. Eddie Streater
    Designated Federal Officer BIA
    P.O. Box 8002
    Muscogee, OK 74402
    Include the number 1076—AF17 on the outer envelope. Comments on this proposed rule must be received by October 28, 2013.


    1. It is so important for each and everyone us stakeholders do the diligence and come to your conclusion as to the changes as I have read them to be not caustic to the M/E but will further require the implementation at a Administration level to hold the producers accountable. With the sequestration on going and understanding the BIA in Pawhuska is understaffed to manage the four billion Mineral Estate it would be in the best interest of the Stakeholders to draft what it is that the stakeholders expect from the M/C. Not the OSA. Whoever they are. They support Cynthia and the Other Three who went rogue on the Shareholders and supported the producers opinion and not the opinion of the shareholder which is counter productive and must not be trusted and unfortunately be terminated. I being of sound mind and a major stakeholder have found only one problem with the changes and minor it is and not so.....at a level of accountability the BIA has to the shareholder if regulations are not met in a timely matter? In the end it does not matter, you can make all the changes in the world and if you do not fix the heart of the problem which is so basic, changes to the CFR's becomes redundant. This is not childs play. By all means we now know what our M/C is making and in my opinion for what they do they can do more and we should require such service....They need to bolden themselves to orchestrate leadership and command of themselves to live by the oath they took. Openoffice M/C. Start the diligence that is required. No longer can we just except meetings and so forth...We have eight council members who are getting paid enough to require them to.

    2. Why do most of you think it was so wrong for the "Rogue Four" to have gone to discuss the detrimental New CFR with OUR Director of the BIA and Department of the Interior when the Minerals Council VOTED and PASSED a Resolution in March NOT to send the CFR to DC? It was a VOTE of 5 - 3 to NOT vote for the new CFR yet at the NEG REG in April those THREE voted to send it? And the BIA refused to include that RESOLUTION in the packet that went to DC for review and even commented that those 3 were not acting as Minerals Council Members on the NEG REG but INDIVIDUALS? Since you could not be placed on the Committee unless you WERE Minerals Council Members (according to Galen Crum and Mike Black) how could those THREE REFUSE to vote how the Council Majority Voted? You are either a MC Member or you are NOT but you can't keep changing hats to suit yourself. THEY were acting in their official elected capacity and should have voted the Majority Vote of the Resolution, otherwise why have a Council at all? I am glad that they went to DC to convey to the DOI and the BIA that it was NOT in the Best Interest of the $4 Billion Mineral Estate to pass this new CFR as written. When are we going to realize that the producers are our partners and if they don't prosper, we won't either? I don't see anyone beating our doors down to come and do business in the Osage, there were TWO LEASES nominated for the upcoming November Lease Sale at the last MC meeting and the last Lease Sale was November 2012 and it was sad and embarrassing to say the least. We had quarterly sales in the past, when we had as many as 100 leases for the sale, where are the door beaters now?

    3. omg. This is a cut and dry business they are here to make money and they are not our friends the Producers....Prove the changes the CFR'S WILL BE DETRIMENTAL to the M/E HAVE YOU VERIFIED WITH QUALIFIED EXPERTS? I HAVE. LAWYERS, I HAVE. AND YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAID BS. Someones trying to stir the pot. That's all. Go to RAYS SITE and read and read and tear apart what you do not understand simple as pie. You as well can comment on the changes as well and send letters of your beliefs but you need facts to support what you are saying and you don't have them. Do the diligence.

    4. Believe you an me there are a lot of eager beavers out there and the monoopoly will end. Updating the CFR'S are not the issue here and is clouding the real issue at hand and that's exactly what is going on here and for quite some time. This and everything else that is going under the radar for so long. You don't get chummy with the producers. You may joke on occasions but at the end of the day this is a business. In the end these changes are to protect futher errosion of the estate by monopoly and will set the terms so when new producers in the future understand we are in compliance for the protection of the estate and for them as well. It is not ok to lobby for the producers in no way shape or form. Still waiting for someone or how about one of the rogue four post there grievances to the Shareholders as to why these changes will hurt the M/E? What, afraid of the truth or the competition? Afraid someone did the diligence? And another thing it is up to the persons or corporations to pay for the dilivery of the product and should not be on shareholders. Ray McClain has it wrong....fair is fair....I deal with Asphalt, a by product of OIL here. WHEN THE PRODUCT LEAVES THE SHIP IS PAID FOR BY THE PURCHASER AND THE PURCHASER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DELIVERY NOT US SHAREHOLDERS.

    5. I sent in my letters today. Have you?

    6. Annette can u share your thoughts on the matter or copy paste your letters. Your thouhgts are appreciated.

    7. Thank you for asking. Yes I can. You might not agree but I wrote:

      Mr. Eddie Streater
      Designated Federal Officer BIA
      P.O. Box 8002
      Muscogee, OK 74402

      Dear Mr. Streater:

      With regard to the comment period for the new CFRs for 25 CFR Part 226, it is my request that these not be approved by the BIA as they are already short staffed enough with no budgetary increases anticipated to handle the additional work. Common sense dictates that if they are, at the Osage Agency, already overwhelmed at this point in the attempt to handle the expediting of the old CFRs, it would be untenable to add more of a burden to what they are expected to accomplish already.

      The changes are threatening to the oil producers who help provide the income to the Osage Minerals Estate and to the individual Headright Shareholders. If they move out of and abandon Osage County because they came in with a set of numbers and negotiated leases on the basis of those numbers that through no fault of their own will change if the new CFRs go into effect, pulling the proverbial rug out from under them cannot be in the best interest of those who derive income from the quarterly Headright payments. For the above stated reasons, please do not approve the new CFRs for 25 CFR Part 226.

      Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.


      Annette M. Gore
      Osage Nation Member and Osage Headright owner

      Cc: Senator James Inhofe
      Congressman Frank Lucas
      Senator Tom Coburn
      Congressman Markwayne Mullin

      On the front of the envelope, I also wrote: RE: 1076–AF17 along with the address for Mr. Streater.

    8. It does not matter whether we agree OR not. It is that fact that you care and that sharing will, I hope more letters to be inspired by those who are not intimidated to send a letter and is inspired to do so for the love and future of the M/E ensconced in our culture....

    9. I meant to say Thank you Osage Sister and Osage Shareholder.

    10. Second day in a row I'm either not paying attention to where I'm posting but the 9:30 post follows the 9:19 post for Annette.

    11. Thank you very much. Yes, I hope my letter does inspire other Headright owners to communicate their thoughts to the BIA about the new CFRs. I also sent the identical letter to Sally Jewell, the Trustee of the Osage Mineral Estate and Secretary of the Interior.

  8. Hi everyone- I just called to check on the Cobell settlement. They gave me an estimated time frame for distribution of "late fall". but for the first time in over a year the amount I should be getting went down by quite a bit. I don't understand a lot of the legal mumbo jumbo. Can anyone here help explain why it would go down? I would think it would be accruing interest and would have gone up


  9. Prediction from old discussion site, Cobells check by November 11,2013. Amounts unknown!

    1. Homer hello, Prediction in Oct...16th and no later than the 22nd of Oct....

    2. Homer! You found us. Welcome. We've missed you.

  10. FYI: Meetings set for residents along Enbridge oil pipeline route at http://www.tulsaworld.com/article.aspx/Meetings_set_for_residents_along_Enbridge_oil_pipeline/20130910_49_E1_Reside61902

  11. For those interested, Ray McClain has 2 letters commenting on the CFR changes on his Osages you need to know.com web site. One is dated 2013/9 /3 and one is dated 2013/9/12.

  12. Osage Congresswoman Whitehorn has put forward a new Resolution to change the Constitution that is very interesting and will protect the Headright owners specifically with changes to the governing document. Her post with information about this new resolution is located on the Facebook page for the Osage Community for Responsible Citizenry at https://www.facebook.com/groups/yanman/

    1. The particular post is in regard to Resolution ONCR 13-22 REVISED.

    2. Permission to reprint post from Congresswoman Whitehorn:

      I have filed a Resolution ONCR 13-22 which asks the Osage Nation Congress to agree by affirmative vote, a question be placed on the ballot June 2014 to amend the Constitution of the Osage Nation.

      This constitutional amendment corrects and clearly defines who the Osage Nation government protects, where the right of income from the Mineral Estate is concerned. The current language states the government protects "members of the Osage Nation" which is incorrect. Federal law, including the 1906 Allotment Act, protects the Osage Mineral Estate and protects the rights of Osage headright holders to receive a quarterly distribution of funds derived from the Osage Mineral Estate. It is pertinent our constitution agree in concept and language with federal law. This amendment will eliminate a gray area and add correct language.

      In April 2008, Congress felt it necessary to affirm by resolution ONCR 08-24 the recipients of the distribution from the Trust Settlement were Osage headright holders. I believe this constitutional amendment will dispel any future question or legislative action on this subject.

      Links below:
      Marked-up constitution
      ONCR 08-24





    3. Thank you Congresswoman Whitehorn. It's about by God time someone started to mention the Osage Headright owners in the language of the ON Constitution.

    4. The right of income is connected to the 1906 Act. You can add this language to the ON Constitution but is already recognized clearly who is entitled, recognised through and through by the Courts and especially by the U.S. Congress. Especially once again the Fletcher case says it again, Our direct relationship puts us in the first...as in Shareholder. This Motion shows great effort on Maria Whitehorn but I'm going to be reserved on this one....The Gray area is the OPPOSITION, those who are the naysayers. The common law affords us the right to income by "Wills" as well. Most of us who receive income from a deceased realative will not be stripped. But though the 1906 Act in Generic form is simple in simplicity and is living active to this day...But we are entitled to much more and we know it to be true.....There is no arguement with the SHAREHOLDERS or The Courts or The Federal Gov. who is recognised by the 1906 Act. This is Estate matter and concerns only the Headright owners not all voting members.....since they are not the Governing body of our Estate....AT THIS Point and juncture I will be voting no......We are a seperate agency....Protected by the 1906 Act no arguement there.

  13. Ray McClain has updated us on matters of the last M/C. meeting. Great meeting and lots are to happen for the future of our M/E. With the Osage Agency hiring 6 or 7 field men we will have the proper staff to monitor the M/E long overdue and the HPP brought this about. I always said that the changes to the CFR'S are great but becomes redundant if you are understaffed. Ray mentioned by the way we need to get our staff up to par with pay. I am for that as long as there are PPP'S in Place and everyone is trained. Now does anyone see the M/E falling apart I don't. And I said it wouldn't. It's about compliance, when was the last time you seen a check for damages or repair on our wells? Over 2 yrs. If I am correct. And you know problems arise. Speaking of which, Ray said Mrs. Kravitz in so many words or of the lack of fell on deaf ears at the meeting with her teammates. My guess there is no respect there. I get the feeling this person likes to stir the pot for Political Gain for thy self and the exercising of divide and conquer attitude isn't working so well. I wonder if this person is like this at home. Really......Ray did mention nothing more was said about the trip to Washington hope that this matter is handled in a professional matter and dealt with and not thrown to the curb......Stay on it Patricia Spurrier-Bright. If this matter is not dealt with what's to stop the appearance of impropriety in the future and lets not set this for future precedent.

    On Saturday the 28th of September, plan to attend an afternoon obtaining knowledge and being entertained at the same time ........... a Big Steak dinner ........... ending with a live Auction. All for the price of $19.06. At the end of this article are just some of the items being auction to raise money to erect a statue to honor Chief James Bigheart, who was our Principal Chief for over 31 years. Tickets are being sold by Patricia Bright and the Osage Tribal Museum.
    The stage play begins at 3:00 pm at the Constantine Theater. The play is called “The Dawes Act” and will be performed by Muscogee Creek Actors. Following the play Dr. Garrick Bailey, an excellent speaker will talk about what the Osages went through during the time of the 1906 allottments.
    Then we want you go to the Wakon Iron Hall located in the Indian Village, where you will enjoy a delicious steak dinner with all the fixings. Once you are full and content it is time to sit back and get your wallet out for a live Auction, with Mr. Jim Taylor as your auctioneer. We have a great variety of items on the block. A partial list is ........... Signed framed Print titled Drum Keeper by David Lloyd George ........... “A Quiet Day’s Traveler”, oil painting by Bob Chesbro ........... Original framed painting title “Polorgonium Flowers” ........... Bead Bird Necklace ........... Signed award winning, print of 4 horses charging called “Rurry” unframed by Frank Lorenzo ........... Joe Don Brave signed Print “Wahzhazhe an Osage Ballet” ........... 2 modern wood statues artist unknown .......... Native American Ceramic Nativity Set ........... OSU colored orange shawl ........... A Golfer metal weather vane ........... A wooden stand for your Putters or golf clubs ........... Oil painting titled “Bird Waits” ........... Boys Bandoleer set ........... Bronze of a Buffalo - artist John Free, Sr. ........... Mounted Otter Hide ........... Bigheart Christmas Decoration Red White Heart ........... 2 Louie XVI gold leaf chairs

    1. If we wanted to donate something for the auction who are the proceeds going to? And where would we ship it to? I have an original oil painting I may want to donate.

    2. Call the Osage Museum where you can purchase your tickets as well and might be able to give information about the auction house.

  15. 10th Circuit revives Osage beneficiary historical accounting suit. See http://www.indianz.com/News/2013/011149.asp

    1. Looking forward and this is a day to remember. Thank you Amanda Proctor. Hope your little one is doing well and you as well......The BOARD should be lit up with questions. Where is everybody.

    2. See http://barnsdalltimes.com/http:/barnsdalltimes.com/news/osage-shareholder-case-back-on-appeals-court-reverses-lower-court AND http://barnsdalltimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/10_circuit_fletcher_reverse.pdf

    3. The ties that bind and the 1906 ACT and the direct relationship the Federal Government has to the Osage Headright Owner can no longer ingnore at will the trust relationship as identified once again by the 1906 Act. That all monies are to be placed to the credit of each Headright Owner then to disburse to indiviual headright owner a pro-rata. Under 162A. The language is clear to "account for", explain, etc This case is similar to the Cobell and in my opinion the Courts are hoping that this could come to resolve as soon as possible by allowing the Fed. Gov. to use a model similar to their findings. As much was said the fat cow the Lawyers, like in Cobell, let this be expediant and will be there to render help when need be. Well one thing is for sure we now, will no who is illegally receiving royalty payments by deposit and who has headrights that should not own and I believe the next is to find out if there are accounts with money just sitting in them not disburse to the trust and is collecting interest. These accouts are probably locked in probate and should not be. If there is no will then it should be coming back to the trust, and I'm going out on a limb but I believe Fletcher has had the years to find out as much and just a little more info will just clairify all a long what has been happening with the trust all together. I could not be more supportive anymore than when I first heard about the case....There is a long laundry list of people who should not be receiving any Royalty. And as the Court has said that the Federal Gov. has met its obligation to the Nation to supply the Accounting information why has the Nation in Paticuliar not saught Litigation armed with such information and try to account for the lost funds for the Headright Owners? That means the M/C should do the diligence and work together on this issue keeping the Headright Owners comprised is a must.

    4. The materials in Fletcher v. United States: at http://turtletalk.wordpress.com/2013/09/18/tenth-circuit-rules-in-favoring-of-trust-accounting-claims-of-osage-headright-holders/


    The parties’ agreements in this case provide that, subject to the Court’s approval, up to $12 million of the settlement funds may be used to pay for Class Counsel’s post-settlement fees and expenses. On September 10, 2013, plaintiffs filed a motion seeking the Court’s approval to pay Class Counsel $11.25 million in post-settlement fees and expenses relating to work performed from December 8, 2009 through June 30, 2013. The motion states that Class Counsel incurred more than $12.8 million in fees and expenses during those 43 months. The amount requested in the motion reflects the $12 million cap on post-settlement attorneys’ fees and expenses, and that there is additional work required of Class Counsel to complete the distribution.

    The motion and supporting affidavits can be read by clicking here.

    Class Members may object to the requested payment to Class Counsel. All objections must be in writing and filed with the Court no later than Friday, October 10, 2013. All written objections should refer to “Cobell v. Jewell, Case No. 96-1285.” The Court’s address for filing is:

    Clerk's Office
    United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    333 Constitution Avenue N.W.
    Washington, DC 20001

  17. This section of the Osage Blog is for Osage Shareholder business. The Chance Rencountre post belongs under the category, Conversation August-September 2013 at http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2013/08/conversation-august-2013.html I have reposted it for you there.

    1. Good you moved it to the right spot.

  18. Did anybody attend the candidacy dinner of Geoffrey Standing Bear for Chief? How was it?

    1. Was there a dinner this early in the game. He won't get my vote. lol

    2. But he'll get 30% of the votes in the first go around, as predicted.

    3. HI homerjf,.30% of 2% of the Osage Vote....So in hind sight you are right if you look at that way.....

    4. Look at the Standing Bear Bill ONCA 13-97, An Act to require all correspondence from the U.S. Department of the Interior and its Bureau of Indian Affairs to be copied to the Osage Nation Congress; and to establish an alternate effective date. ( http://osagenation.co/government/congress/ ) This will get the Osage Nation directly involved in Shareholder business and undermine the independence of the Mineral Council, won't it?

    5. 30% of normal 2500 Osage vote , that's about 750,and that total got the 2010 candidate into the runoff for Chief.

    6. Wouldn't you say 750 is a low vote. So my point is Homerjf, where is the majority of the vote? It's in my opinion that 12,500 Osage Indians across America are unaware that we have a Gov?

    7. To Anonymous 9.23 @ 12:30 PM::: This bill will Absolutely Not get the Congress any more involved with Mineral Council affairs than they already are. Its called T R A N S P A R E N C Y! The Chief and the Mineral Council had this letter from the BIA to the Jech head attorney William Grimm on March 12, 2012. Congress AND the shareowners were never told about it until Mr. Core made it public in September of 2013. It should have been put out on day one. As far as I know it has still not been formally posted where the shareowners can find it. Where is the transparency we were promised? This was important information, yet everyone was and still is being kept in the dark. Mr. Standing Bears bill will at least require that Congress be informed of these critical decisions and opinions of the BIA. The Chief and the mineral council have both failed in this responsibility to inform the people.

    8. For the BIA letter, go to http://www.osages-you-need-to-know.com/ and click on the text: 2013-8-26 BIA letter to B. Grimm-Tilman suit.pdf (PDF — 584 KB)

    9. So how exactly how is giving all correspondence from the U.S. Department of the Interior and its Bureau of Indian Affairs to the ON Congress going to get it out to the Osage People? They have proven time and time again that they are the least transparent branch where gaming, the Osage LLC and other proprietary matters are concerned, have little if any accountability to us and almost always appear at every turn to shun their responsibility of oversight unless we find out about it and raise a stink first so that they are forced to act. We can't even get them to eek out a few anemic sentences about what is happening with the SCOI when again, nothing is ever as advertised with the ON Congress because the SCOI Press Committee was supposed to keep us informed about what is happening with the internal workings of the SCOI all along the way and not just once a week, every so often, or when they can stop fighting with one another in order put the Osage people first and get something out to us on a regular basis with some substance in it.

    10. Your right the Osage People deserve better. This is not THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS who wastes tons of tax payers money it's the Osage Constiuents money, Not the other way around. Congress needs to step up to the plate and put demands on the SCOI to get out the latest information period.

    11. I think what needs to happen is we the Shareholders need to develop a Supervisory Board comprised of only Shareholders only. That way we can be sure that accountability for the Shareholders will be transparent. There are conflicts of interest at this point and this Board would be able to dismiss with the vote of the Shareholders who stays on the council and the OSA.

    12. I am of sound mind and will make it clear to the ONC to stay away from the M/E as per the 1906 Act. Which requires a Chief and AP Chief and eight council members......ONCA 13-97 is not good timing for this bill. Unless they are in a huge mood for another LAW SUIT.

    13. Thank you anonymous sept 24 2013 1:04 pm. For pointing out the letter.

  19. RED ALERT! TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. Osage Shareholder's Association Letter to Mr. Eddie Streater:

    September 25, 2013

    Mr. Eddie Streater
    Designated Federal Officer
    Bureau of Indian Affairs
    P.O. Box 8002
    Muscogee, OK 74402

    Dear R. Streater:

    The proposed changes to the 25 CFRs are a concern to us as Osage Headright owners. If these proposed changes to the CRFs are implemented they will in effect delay the drilling process by requiring a longer time to obtain approved drilling permits, potentially levy heavy fines on the existing oil lessees for even small infractions, and make the Osage a less attractive field for new producers all of which will ultimately result in less production and bonuses thereby resulting in lower quarterly payments for the shareholders.

    If Osage is forced to comply with pseudo BLM regulations like every other Tribe in the United States, we will lose our appeal as a true “One Stop Shop,” something that other Tribes have attempted to become over the last few years. As an Osage (add Restricted if you are one) Shareholder, I feel that this proposed negotiated regulation process on the 25 CFRs needs to be revisited.


    Osage Shareholder
    (City, State, Zip)

    Send letter via e-mail by the deadline date of September 27, 2013 to osageregneg@bia.gov. Include the number 1076–AF17 in the subject line of the e-mail message.

    1. As a Restricted, Osage Indian and Stakeholder ( Major) , This is just inane dribble. We know and you know, the changes to the CFR's will not hold up drilling. What was problematic was held at a administration level. It is in my opinion everyone involved including the Ranchers, these changes to the CFR'S will create a better Enviornment all around and will attract more Producers. And will protect the Stakeholders and the already Producers and the future Producers from harm. Will hold them "Accountable". Bakken field is an example of Regulatories that must be complied and in place and is booming and we are right behind them......There is only one side to this, and getting to the truth of the bottom barrel is in the best interest of the Stakeholders. Has anyone done the diligence and hired a lawyer to verify these claims. I have and you know what they said, Wow how much money has the Osage Shareholder lost in the 100 yrs, they assertained it could be in the Billions. To not hold the Producer compliant is giving money away. Their last words who's Governing this Estate for the Interest of the Osage Shareholder? This should not be in this day and age of technology. A new Chapter is on the Horizon for the Osage Shareholder and the one stop mom and pop shop will no longer exist alone for the monopoly. With the BIA now hireing 6 to 7 field men should cut down even more time and help eliminate any redundancies,we hope. The luxary of not holding the producers accountable will end ,the croynism and favortism and will now hold them responsible in the future as to set precedent from this day forward.

    2. Very eloquently said, and so very, very true. We can make it even better next June!

    3. Review Steve Wilson's excellent Post on the new CFRs at https://www.facebook.com/groups/234024393278360/

    4. In response to the above post (Anonymous Sept 26 at 1;36PM), in particular the last sentence about holding the producers accountable....and end the cronyism and favoritism. This should apply to the MC as well. How are the shareholders going to know as long as the MC continues to go behind closed doors in "Executive Session" with the producers? After some MC members went to Washington on the producers dime it raises the question of cronyism and favoritism even more and doubt will continue to exist as long as executive sessions with the producers continue. So much for transparency and why can't we demand or vote that this stop?

    5. To Anonymous sept 27th 2013 at 8:58 AM, Thank you for responding. I have said as much without saying. I realize the huge conflict of interest with the M/C. Especially with having two officers on both committees the OSA and the M/C and having a Brother who is Chief and one sitting on the M/C is a conflict as well. And right, I am looking forward to ending the conflict of interest and looking to petition if this matter in particular is not remedied. Especially for those who went on this trip to Washington. I've stated one or two things can happen. We the shareholders can formulate a special committee just for the benefit of the Shareholders and only for the Shareholders......It is my belief we do not need the OSA because we have a M/C and a Chief and an AP Chief as well. If you had received your Osage Minerals News the propaganda that was printed without any merit to support this information was not printed in regards to the changes of the CFR's and this is just one of many conflicts of interest......There is no information to support this. And I have asked. This just an example of being mislead and not to the Benefit of the Shareholders. Thats a huge conflict. We have 5000 who receive a share from this estate, I have been directed to set up a Hotline with a Fax to hear from the Shareholders exactly what it is that they expect from the M/C and so forth......and to petition if needed. There is hope on the horizon. I see a future and it is up to the Shareholders to be in the Game as well because we have that direct tie the 1906 Act. It is time for someone to stand up and take initiative. Right trust reform is needed. It isn't always easy to see the forest for the trees but now my eyes are open.

    6. Great post by Steve Wilson......I do agree that the word to consult should change, as we are in the first as stakeholders, and because of the direct relationship unlike anyother tribe the tie that binds is the 1906 ACT, the language that needs to be addressed should be changed. Though the truth of the crutch is still in the pudding sorta speak. The current Producers will adjust to the changes as stated already and must come to compliance and become current, they have made untold ammounts at the expense of the Shareholders and I do agree with Mr. Wilson all fines should come back to the shareholders and I haven't seen one in a while over two years as a matter of fact......

    7. In reply to the letter sent to Shareholders to be signed and sent to "Mr Eddie Streater" the OSA does not represent me or my shareholder relatives. In fact this letter originated form the OSA group in Pawhuska, who has a paid membership of possibly 40 or less and hardly represents all shareholders as the name "Osage Shareholders Association" implies. I will be sending my letter in with a note attached that the OSA does NOT represent me and that I feel the proposed changes to the CFR's will be a good thing and bring the operations in Osage county up to date with better regulations and procedures and have been needed for a long time now. I am glad to have such a letter with a name and address of someone that might listen to those of us that agree with the proposed changes. I will not be signing the letter indicating that I agree with its contents!

  20. Is OST Holding Money for You? Find out at http://www.doi.gov/ost/wau/index.cfm

  21. This goes out to Patrica Sperrier Bright. Sorry if I did not spell your name right. I am an accountant with strong emphasis in Management, skills in Customer Service and I do have knowledge in the Oil Buisness. And I am considering running for the M/C...It is time we restore the faith and leadership and trust where it is lacking....It is now the time to create a functioning Office without having to rely on the BIA to do everything for us By golly we need to get this show on the road and I willing to travel at my own expense out of my own pocket if I GET ELLECTED. I'm listening and reading the Posts on facebook and I'm reading and hearing a lot of excuses......Time for that to end.....

    1. To 9/29/2013—9:53 AM Good for you. Ms. Bright has the right idea. If you feel you are qualified, and if you have the time, go for it. It looks to me like 3 or 4 need to be thrown out right now, but im sure it won’t happen until election. How far away do you live. How much time could you spend representing us each week? We need some business type people on this council. Cultural background would be nice, but not required. This is business. Millions of dollars of busines

    2. Glad to hear someone that is willing to step forward and run for MC that has some business knowledge as well as knowledge of the oil business. There was a suggestion by one of the MC people that those elected should have some experience in the oil business, management skills and or training . Interesting enough there are several on the MC that have neither other than presently being on the MC. They need to be voted out and let's get educated, knowledgeable people on the MC and ones that will truly represent us! Hopefully Ms.Bright has your name and we can get it from her. The time for family names and relatives with out qualifications being on the MC needs to come to and end!

    3. The big O families and relatives. You got that right. Before they destroy it all.

    4. First and foremost I know my Heritage and the clan of which I came from, just lost two great relatives and the Love I have is my ferver for the truth and numbers do not lie...People do. Second It is time the Shareholders get what they deserve. The respect of having transperency and accountability. It is my belief the voting numbers are low and it will be my endeavor to the core to represent what we have been lacking. So elemental is communication. We are the stakeholders in the first and each and everyone of you have the right to know and not after the fact. Like I said earlier in my prior posts I am building a second home in Pawhuska or Tulsa and if need be I will be available. Well here I am with a lot business background. Right I get the Millions of dollars it does not intimidate but to appreciate and thankfull for what I have. I believe we should do more than just receive a check, it's more or less a sense of duty that we follow through on the commitment our ancestors had in mind. If it wasn't for the forethought they had I wouldn't have what I have today. So in some ways it is, I feel a civic duty in retrospect. Each and everyone of us basically want the same thing just getting there we can do it and we need a younger perspective and someone who has been around the block or two.....We are a seperate Agency charged by the 1906 Act, vests the Osage Mineral Council with the powers to administer with in the laws of the Nation. In addition.....We need common sense to some very basic issues that should not exist...in the first. Time to end the cronyism and nepostism and bring true ethics back to the M/C. Yes the four are to blame for siding with what they believe in, you can't fault them for what they believe in, and I have empathy for them and you have to, it's like I said earlier this is not the first time this has happened but ignorance is not an excuse in this day and age....and I do understand that they have a right to an opinion and meant well but should not take away that they need to be removed. All kinds of ethics have been violated. And it is in my opinion the Shareholders have the right to a panel of their peers our brother and sister Osages who could be trusted to do what is right and not for special interest. The Special Interest is the Stakeholders not the other way around....We have the right to know if any or if at all repremands are going to take place or is this just lost in translation? And this is why we need in short to establish that dialoge with the Shareholders. This, in one word would create a co-hesive enviornment which is long over due. So in my opinion a lot can happen just by changing a neg to a positive would be condusive to the Growth of the M/E. These are just many reasons I would run for M/C if I should decide to.....

    5. One thing you might want to consider is disclosing your name so a consensus can begin to be formed to build support for your candidacy in the upcoming Minerals Council election. Congressman Standing Bear has thrown his hat into the ring for Chief so it's none too soon. The Osages back home don't "own" this new Constitutional Osage Nation government though many of them have given the impression over and over again that they do. The vision for this government is far too narrow, self-involved, and self-concerned as it is already and from what has gone on in the past where the understanding of how a government like this is supposed to work and the level of spending maturity that has been exhibited, we need outsiders to come in to begin to influence the current mix that we have had for the last seven years.

    6. Thank you Osage Constiuent. Will do when the announcement takes place or if I should decide. This is a huge step to take and a position that should be honored and not taken for granted. I do though have a lot to offer and with more encouragement and support as the time nears I will be listening to each and everyone of you as I have in the last 6 yrs....and if not longer....We cant' have the same thing over and over again because that's the meaning of insanity.....and pretty much sums it all up in a nut shell. We need to set the bar and values a lot higher and to achieve that we put foot to mouth action, not another day should go by without another dollar unaccounted for. We do this by holding ourselves accountable......

  22. FYI: The Facebook web page for the Pawhuska Five Man Board is located at https://www.facebook.com/groups/340704749311746/

  23. RED ALERT--IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: In view of the plethora of inexplicable choices that the elected officials of the Osage Nation have made during their tenure for the last seven years, the most recent of which was reported by Congressman Raymond Redcorn in his Update #170: "For employees, the full $1.4 ($1.5) million salary adjustment increase also made the cut, along with the full 3% Merit funding attached to salaries.", the Osage Blog is announcing its NEW Election Initiative that we are calling the Osage Surge for Candidates to come forward from outside of Osage County and the State of Oklahoma to run in the upcoming Osage Nation elections; "The Osage Surge" for short. We need boots on the ground, Osage members, to turn around the policies and spending practices of the Osage Nation government to one that is sensible and reasonable that includes ALL Osages no matter were they reside which was promised to us if we were to support a new Osage Constitutional government. We need to reestablish a proper balance from the top down and the bottom up! Please join this initiative and if you can, run for office in the upcoming Osage Nation elections in 2014. Since they won't, each one of us need to stand up and take responsibility and BE RESPONSIBLE for what our new government does in the future. Now IS the time for all good Osages to come to the aid of their new Constitutional government.

    1. Here's a typical example: The Osage News has an ongoing poll that they change about once a week. With all of the critical issues of profound importance and substance that are going on currently with the Osage government, what do you make of this one, "What is your favorite powwow food?" Does this look like we are dealing with people in control of our news, our offices, our departments and our institutions of the Osage Nation that are truly on the ball who can evaluate what is really important to be focusing on and what is not?

    2. SMH I agree. Dumb and Dumber must have been working together on this one. Or how about is your school providing decent food for your children, eh that one was great.....

    3. Congress has no backbone. Neither does the MC. The solution is not in electing new members. The solution is getting rid of the source who is controlling Congress and the MC. Any guesses as to who that is???

    4. Wow you put me in a corner that even I don't want to offend but ha ha I know.....Put it out there for us to agree upon today....

  24. Will the BIA Agency at Pawhuska be closed Tuesday, October 1, 2013 due to the government shut down?

    1. YES Ray McClain explains this on http://www.Osages-You-Need-To-Know.com at 2013/9/29 Gov’t Shutdown Closes BIA.

    2. Isn't the checks already calculated for Dec. Payment? The Months JULY, AUG, and SEPT, goes out in Dec? The housing will be affected and building a home on federal land will be held up and the drilling and lease approval will stop. As I had predicted this would happen, it is in my opinion this shut down will be short lived lets hope.

    3. Usually mid-month of the month before payment. Example: mid-November for the December payment.

  25. The Patricia Spurrier Bright comment on October 2, 2013 at 10:33 AM: "This might be the wrong place to publish this, but it is so important that everyone should know about the problem..." and subsequent responses have been carried over to Conversation August-September-October 2013 at http://osageblog.blogspot.com/2013/08/conversation-august-2013.html

    Copy the above listed URL, paste into your web browser, hit the return button and bookmark or add as a favorite for easy return to follow this thread. Also see the "Notify me" on that web page to add your e-mail to be contacted every time the original comment has a response. Thank you.

  26. Woah! If things are going so great with the oil producers, what is this all about? Request for Donations? See http://osagenation.co/request-for-donations/

  27. HARVARD PROJECT and LANCE MORGAN AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN? See Osage Nation Energy Services, LLC meeting Agenda #6-Discuss Next Steps for BIA IEED Program Review at http://osagenation.co/337/ Then take look at "...Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED)...funded an executive training for Tigua’s tribal leaders with the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development...Lance Morgan Ho-Chunk Inc. CEO was also instrumental in providing strategic guidance." I'LL BET HE WAS! See http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=cache:j6PlRj-1aDcJ:http://www.bia.gov/cs/groups/public/documents/text/idc002688.pdf%2BBIA+IEED&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&ct=clnk

    1. This new ON-Energy Services LLC is a Free/Standing Bear legislative creation. Formation resolutions are listed here as ONCR 12-20 and ONCR 12-26 at http://www.osagetribe.com/congress/info_sub_page.aspx?subpage_id=264

    2. This is the first documentation that I've seen that has been produced that directly links the BIA (IEED Program) with the Harvard Project. This is proof that a link exists between the two and another clue that at some point the BIA is going move away from the administration and management of the Osage Mineral Estate sometime in the future. Lance Morgan's influence was last seen with the formulation of the Osage LLC., and we know how well that is doing for us. Any dividends being paid to the Osage Nation as of yet?

    3. Ugggggg Not Harvard again. They screwed up the Constitution, the Osage LLC and now the BIA is involved with them too? That will taint in a bad way the Osage Energy Services.

    4. Like I've heard it said before, if we had a real leader we wouldn't need Harvard or its grad school project.

    5. Thats right we don't need another bottom feeder, we want a leader for their people, the Osage ,not for special interest.....

    6. The Harvard Project didn't screw up the Constitution. The Constitution was purposely screwed up by its backer so we would be in the exact mess that we are in. READ my fellow Osages read, please. Shareholders are in a seriously dangerous position. How did we get here?

    7. It was their language in the Osage Constitution that came directly from the Harvard Project database and I have a firm confirmation on that. Read what? Where? Source your remarks please.

    8. Now thats a scary thought the Harvard Project. I was watching I believe these Grads from Harvard on the tele, and their opinions were out there were outspoken but aggressively, that when just a common sense question was asked totally ignored the common facts of the question but had a lot of great excuses and the feeling I got with most of the grads with the exception of a couple who realized that their life is handed to them on a silver platter could not understand the basic economics and the role it is playing on a society in it's totallity . Most of them believed that taxes was a great start to heal what plagues the GOVT....But could not understand that where is the disposible income of which in some states and the numbers can be higher or lower depending where you live. The dollar is losing it's value because sixty percent of that dollar and in other states it can rise as high as seventy five percent of the dollar is going to taxes..Local, State and Gov...Now you add Obamma Care to that and it can be castastrophic for some family's of just four, the cost of living goes up a considerable ammount. And the deductable for some could be in the thousands. Bottom line is that their is no bottom line to the silver lining when it comes to real ecoconomics and the plight of the americans who are at the crutch of this over bloated Gov..what are these kids being taught? I do know one thing ,these kids have never and I'm saying all but you could tell who never had to worry about economics because they have lived such a lavish life that reality was not a concept as much as the concept that they were taught about economics on the face was not in line with reality.....as well and this goes without sayin.....So when I look at the Harvard Project Socialism does not work period and our tribe will and should not take this stance or concept....not really a big fight considering if all else fails we might just have to have that Consitutional Convention. Theres one thing for sure, Pensions and over bloated Pensions will not break our Gov't or should it be allowed to..and here is where corruption can begin as well...I say what goes to the few should also come back to the many. How about the PER-CAP. The Money is there and I say share......it's long over due folks on the hill wanna be I say...and this arguement can be argued and they will lose because they are unarmed and we the Osage People have all the power and they know it and so do we.....So I say to the Osage Gov. find common ground with the Osage People....Let not other factions distort the reality of the Osages Plight for truth honor and integrity....Help the first Americans your brother and sister Osages...

    9. P.S. A word by Pres. Rossevelt "The point in history at which we stand is full of promise and danger. The world will either move forward to unity and widley shared prosperity or it will move apart."

    10. You're going to need some elected people in the ON government who don't use the ploy of calling it the Osage people's money until you want some of it and then when you do, they ask you what you are doing to deserve any of it. Things won't change until we each stand up and take responsibility. That's why this Blog is calling for The Osage Surge. File to run for office if you can and step up and DO SOMETHING about what is wrong. They've had seven years and they won't do anything to change the way things are now. God love 'em for the higher death benefit and I'm grateful but I don't want to have to be dumped in the cold ground before I see money come my way from the ON government. Do you? DO forgive me, but I'd actually like to be alive and not dead, especially the crazy way they spend our money on themselves. Remember the Trip to France?...

    11. Right sorry I have to say lol when you said I do not want to be dead before we see something. Why don't you run OSAGEBLOGGER! I'm going to make my stance on the M/C first then I might head in that direction......Or maybe the other way around. Who knows. StandingBear is a piece of cake to win over unless you want the same insanity taking place...Not a Study case....not to say he's not a good person folks just that I feel his priorities are missed placed and then sum.....no pumt intended either. We need to start hearing who is running.

    12. Standing Bear? NOT in a million years! That one will end the mineral trust as soon as he can and give the money away as fast as he can in bloated salaries to the Osages who live in Pawhuska and OC.

    13. I believe it's called the "Harvard, Yale, Wharton Syndrome." Employers usually have to spend a few years dealing with the "attitude" that most Ivy Leaguers have when they get out in the workplace. Some of them never get over it.

  28. RED ALERT: 71 days are left before the first candidates can file to run for election for Chief and Assistant Chief! Mark your calendars that the Osage election season officially beings for 2014 on DECEMBER 16, 2013!

    1. See updated FAQ at http://www.osagetribe.com/electionboard/info_sub_page.aspx?subpage_id=2

  29. What do you make of this? http://osagenews.org/blog/reflection-osage-constitution

    1. I posted this on the side of Conversation. But this was my thought. And here is food for thought, the bills the Chief vetoed, where was the 6% funding going to and the same with the one million dollar request and why? and just quickly can someone tell me who was the author and sponsor? And I still find it unethical either way a Chief still in office with pending matters with the AG and an Investigation led by Congress to be signing off on anything is so counter productive as well and really a conflict of interest.....Really Any right leader in the right frame of mind of oh thats right when he became Chief I guess Ethics do not matter would step aside and we as Osage People need to wake up to recognize once again what it means to be Osage....and this bleeds to our Elders who can see what colors are flying and it's not for the Osage People....in the end this was not to be designed and fashioned this way.....or most thought. I can now surmise as to now how the Osage Nation Constitution and the promised Rose Garden because all you have to do is look in their backyard and understand what happened during the making of the Constitution.......I can tell you this is for sure, what did happen and rest assured they were betting that the due diligence that was required of the Nature was not done and is still continued practice to this day and if your don't see it something is wrong to kingdom come. Just seeing this happen is just unbelievable.....Our forefathers are rocking in the cradle of which they should be at peace...This restricted Osage is no fool. And no I'm not just waking up I have had my eyes opened up. And you have to ask why as many rights have been violated at many levels from the Chiefs Office and really this reflects on the Nation as a whole. So when I say I didn't get a vote on this matter of becoming a Gov. I say my rights were violated wouldn't you. Because I had been a long long time member did we have to get a new CDIB when Gray went into office. And as I have said since the OSAGE NEWS carried the absentee ballot did not mean that somewhere somehow their was a glitch who did not subscribe at the time or know that there was a Newpaper period and it is also in my opinion there are others out there as well that are in of the same circumstance I've seen to befallen this ill act. So yes my rights was violated there should have been other notification outside of posting it in the local and Osage News. Other means and devices could have been used as well to notify the constiuency of what going on like mass e-mailing , phone calls but this did not happen....and you have to ask yourself why this did not happen? I'm not anti-gov I just believe every vote counts and I believe in a truthful Gov. for the Osage People and we have the right to this.

    2. Now we can see the hard drive.....Information is so powerful. And if I were Redcorn I wouldn't be proud of a Constitution that was poorly written.......Like I said the Constituents had the right to help construct and fashion their own Constitution not this commitee nor the fat cat lawyers. I'm for the Osage People all the way. Stop the spending. Get Your Prioities out of you pockets.

    3. As a Shareholder and Member it is our right not to be decriminated against. Accordingly to the laws of the UN....and now seeing the big picture how this all came about with just one phone call by... Chief Gray.... where was our phone call when the ON Constittution was being constructed? Who gave him authority to require a new tribal id? Because all that came about because a Gov. for the people was formed and really it was in the beginning it was the force that changed , this was supposed to be about giving other Osages a voice and a Gov't we became and where is that voice. In addition now all osages have the right to vote in Osage Mineral Business and we are by all means a seperate agency and really have nothing to do with the Nation other than required by the 1906 Act to have a Chief and Ap Chief should clarify who is allowed to vote on Shareholders matters. And then you have someone who can vote like the Chief is the tie breaker in matters and signs his name and yet he gets to vote on matters as a individual in shareholder matters as well is a huge conflict. And now you know why outside Osages are wakeing up to the huge gaps in the poorly O.N. CONSTISTUTION.....It is my belief that Congress get on a per-diem system. Getting paid for only the meetings they attend...We all know pensions are the number one killer....This is not a Career. Most of them have second Jobs and other means of support as well with a husband or wife working also in the family and have access to good health care if not use IHS like everyone else. We still don't have funding accountablity and transperency and the buck stops with the Executive as well. This way we can focus on the value of the Osage and not the pockets of the few who think they are the only ones entitled and I am calling B.S.

    This is the first of the start of my bi-monthly statements. It seems that the Shareholders are not getting the truth from Cynthia Boone and her posse. You might think that I have an axe to grind, and in a way I do. I do not like being lied to, and Ms. Boone lied to me twice in an open Mineral Council Meeting. The First lie. The background is; I was invited to attend a Policy and Procedure Committee Meeting, when they were working on the Election P&P. (Cynthia told me that they really didn’t know what they were doing, and by the end of the meeting, I knew she was for once telling the truth.) During this Meeting, Cynthia spent at lot of time working on a new Oath of Office, with help from the Committee, which consisted of Curtis Bear, Myron Redeagle and Mel Core. When Cynthia finally brought the proposed Election P&P to the Council to vote on, the election to change the Nation’s Constitution Amendments was over and had failed so we (Minerals) were still under the Nation. In the discussion part of the procedure I asked Ms. Boone if she had changed the Oath of Office back to what it was before, because the amendment changes had failed, leaving us still under the Constitution. Ms. Boone replied she had changed it back. (This was at the Friday Meeting where the Council proposes resolutions and discusses them.) They do not normally vote until the Wednesday meeting. So on Wednesday, wondering what the changes were, I asked one of the other Council Members if I could look into his book and see how Ms. Boone had made the changes. To my surprise, I found out she had lied and had not put the old Oath of office back to what it was before. During the Meeting, at the first opportunity, I asked Ms. Boone why she had not told me the truth about the changes. Then came the second lie at the top of her voice, when she told me she didn’t even remember talking to me. She is not a team player and twists the truth and my job is going to be to expose her. I have been attending the Mineral Council Meetings, have made notes and have asked the MC office for disks of the meetings over the years. Plus Ray McClain reports the events of the meetings on his web site. , if you need independent verification of what I am saying. The meeting that I am talking about was in March 2013. Shareholders need to know how destructive Ms. Boone is and has been. This is a prime example of someone getting elected to a Council who is not qualified and spends their energy undermining what the Council is trying to do. Ms. Boone has shown disrespect of her fellow Council Members on both Councils. She has belittled employees. One of posse yelled at the top of her voice twice for me to “Shut up, that no one wanted to hear what I had to say’. Well Ms. Boone, paybacks are hell, aren’t they?

    1. Now you see her as most see her. She forgot conveintly, Sorry she is a liar.....and not only that her posse is her husband who sits on the Committee and is a huge Conflict of interest. I want to end the conflicts...Remember keep on throwing the truth at them they can't stand it. We'll get there one way or the other......I'm not afraid to address any truth as long as it is the truth you. That's if I get chosen for the M/C.

    2. Are you serious? Youre making all this fuss over an oath of office that she is trying to change in order to pledge Mineral Council loyalty to the Shareholders not the Osage Nation? Thats in your best interest, not the Osage Nation. Are guys you OK?

    3. Theres no real problem, accordingly to the 1906 Act the M/C is required to have a Chief that's it and all it says. The Shareholders will protest if status quo changes. We are still a Seperate Agency and will always be. It is up to the M/C to grow the Estate and the Shareholders in the first....Not the OSA, a committee we don't need...The M/C is charged by the 1906 Act for the benefit of the Shareholders. They are to live by the rules of the Nation and why haven't ethic charges be brought against the four who took the tripon behalf of the Producers? Right now none of them are looking to good in my eyes and this is why Someone from the Outside needs to stir some ruffles and get the flufff going. Why haven't we built a refinery? This is a good job source in the area and not only that we are going to be one of the biggest if not Producing Country to export. We need a Council to look to the future yet they can't even set up THE PPP's....

  31. Does anyone know if the shutdown will impact our quarterly payments?

    1. I don't think it will if we can get the Gov. to open up again before to long....Though. you might want to call the M/C to be sure on that or go to Ray McClains site at www.osages-you-need-to-know.com.

  32. What say, Ray? http://stateimpact.npr.org/oklahoma/2013/10/10/ok-congressional-delegation-not-happy-with-osage-county-drilling-rules-process/

  33. An MOU with The Nature Conservancy at the NCAI convention, Oct. 15? What's that all about? What sort of understanding? >> http://instagram.com/p/ff-2ZxL-wx/

    1. Apparently they have entered into an agreement together to fight the wind farm/s.

  34. Water Rights Task Force Meeting Agenda>> http://osagenation.co/on-water-rights-task-force-meeting/

    1. Orbi-Osage are you familiar with The Lawler Study?

    2. Nope. Never have. Please explain.

    3. Not sure hope someone can please explain.

  35. RED ALERT--VOTER INFORMATION--To help you cast your vote in the upcoming elections, take a look at the Legislation Vote Records for the members of the Osage Nation Congress: http://www.osagetribe.com/congress/info_sub_page.aspx?subpage_id=183 and the Congressional Attendance Records: http://www.osagetribe.com/congress/info_sub_page.aspx?subpage_id=184 that have NOT been updated for the Third Osage Nation Congress. Someone has clearly dropped the ball on NOT getting out the Third Congress Session Attendance records. When will this information become available to the voters Speaker Raymond Red Corn? The Committee attendance reports are located at: http://www.osagetribe.com/congress/info_sub_page.aspx?subpage_id=225

  36. Cobell update, checks can go out by the second week of Dec...

  37. Has anybody read Ray McClains latest letter. Anyone still wanting to support the producers? The facts speak for themselves and you cannot dispute the Numbers. Cynthia do wish to explain? Oh thats right we just don't know how we Osages do business with the Producers. What a conflct of interest. And I diagree with the propaganda in support of the producers, that was posted in the Osage Mineral News in the AUG issue regards to the changes to the CFR's...Attn Shareholders.

    1. Thank you for your comment. In future, as a courtesy to the readers, please post the URL so they can copy and paste it into their browser: http://www.osages-you-need-to-know.com/

    2. I read the letter and it's a report of who is pulling back on oil production and "pulling in their horns." Again, Crum got up their with a skewed report. If you are going to base facts upon what the oil producers are paying, give us the monthly oil purchase prices paid to all of the Osage producers in a chart, not a cherry picked 16 of them. We're not stupid, Galen, so stop treating us like we are. You want to present the facts, present all of them. If the “old BIA” allegedly ignored diligent natural gas collections procedures for years because they were overwhelmed with the work they've had in the past, how do you expect them to add to the work load? Get Osages in there? Look at the new government. You do that you'll have people paid a grotesquely high starting salary with benefits and 3% merit bonuses every year pretty much across the board and suspicious in-house reports from HR every few years that will give them astronomical salaries, bonuses and benefits that will eat the oil and gas revenue alive in two years or less with irresponsible politicians that throw money at the employees in order to get elected to another position or reelected to one they currently hold. Minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. Osages are now paid, $11.00 or more an hour, correct me if I am wrong. If there is one statement that characterizes the path that the Osage Nation government has taken and continues to take, it is that the leadership never properly weigh and consider the consequences or the unintended consequences of their actions and decisions. This can't happen with the Osage Mineral Estate because too many people will be effected negatively if it dries up. This is the guy you're taking advice from? https://www.facebook.com/ray.mcclain.106

    3. To SMH on 10/18/2013 at 11.42 am

      Yes, that’s the guy. Lots of people seem to think he is just fine. He’s given us more information in one letter than you could give us in a book. What is wrong with that. Listen to him and even you might figure out whats going on around you.

    4. To smh, first of all producers at one time pull back at different locations depending on the circumstance which is fostering better seismic activety in areas that support better output. Does not mean that the last well that they drilled was not a success or that it does not have the potential to either.... because once the easy oil is extracted then you have the most expensive oil to extract and so forth and I really believe that the Producers paying attention to the Rhetoric that has been displayed by our Politics should have any effect on production or the price they get paid by NYMEX. And the likely role the economy and it's affects are yet to be seen such as deflation and another Resession worse than the one we are still in is likely and this is reason to extract the easy. Another Bubble is on the way. Lower prices of oil lead to less production......And this is why we won the HPP case what we could prove with what informtion was afforded us by us doing the researh and what we could find but the untold truth could have been in the billions and this is why the changes to the CFR's were needed to update us on these very important issues and the buck stops with us. We need to step up to the plate and start thinking outside the box and utilize the resource to develope. And we start this by building... OUR INFRASTRUCTURE... and how we want to play a very important role for the future of the M/E is in the hands of the Major STOCKHOLDERS and that would be we in the first Shareholder.......Protected by the 1906 Act and our Soveriegn Right....Goverend by the M/C abiding by the Laws of the Nation. Our success guarantees the future success of the M/E. Right now is not the time to be wasting.

    5. And the Osage Tribe operated on $1,000,000 through Sept. of 2006 and now the Osage Nation operates on $42 MILLION with much of it going to pay for Offices, Departments, Boards, Commissions, and so forth THAT WE DON'T EVEN NEED with the bulk of Tribal funding going to pay salaries, bonuses, travel expenses and benefits for employees who never answer the phone and are often not there to answer it. Here's the list. Try it out for yourself -- http://www.osagetribe.com/main_departments_directory.aspx Pick a day next week and start calling each and every one on the list and see if a live body picks up and answers the phone. If so, rate your experience with the employee you talk with on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best and 1 being abysmal. I dare you... As long as the BIA and the Secretary of the Interior holds the reigns of the Mineral Estate Trust you'll have money in your headright checks. When that changes you can kiss your income from this source goodbye forever. 5 out of 8 of the members of the Minerals Council voted to delay the implementation of the new CFRs. Cynthia isn't the one I have my eye on. Dudley Whitehorn is a member of the five and was also elected a member of the 31st Tribal Council where he served a four year term. He seems to think these new CFRs are a bad idea too and he has hands on experience from both sides of the Osage government old and new. Why aren't you bashing him too?

    6. No one is bashing anyone just pointing out the other facts that have revelence. And I do hear you loud and clearly your point is well taken these of which as I have said that if the Nation cannot scale back and bring forth transperency and accountability there will be a Constitutional Convention. If all it took was one phone call, I can do the same, for that matter anyone can.T We cannot implore alone and obviously we share the same opinion on these matters at heart near and dear Our Tribe the Osage....We have obvious issue no doubt. And we are armed by the 1906 Act.....which is the Last word....well at least in my true account of what that document represents........Patience is all I have to say....This election will be ripe for the asking if you Know what I mean......Let this election be about, it's not what you can do for me but what I can do for you........Our Gov. is needing more than an attitude adjustment. And we know the doers and what not...sort of speak and who and where the special interest lies. But keep posting I may not agree to agree at times but I do feel your pain. It's in your writing....You have a heart.

    The subject of today’s article is disrespect, and rudeness. Councilwoman Boone is at it again. Do realize the Mineral Office has been through 10 employees in a little more than three years? This is largely due to Ms. Boone’s actions. Even two employees of the last Council (MC1), said they would no longer work for MC 2 because Cynthia got reelected.

    The staff puts together large black notebooks all the pertinent information needed for the meeting, which includes information needed to make Resolutions, copies of past minutes, etc. There are 8 books done, plus 1 for Mr. Waller, who is the Chief’s liaison. It is funny that Councilwoman Boone in a strong voice will tell everyone she is missing a page, and every time the books (9) done, she is the only one to have pages missing. At the last meeting Cynthia is talking loudly about her missing page, the Secretary walked all the way over to Cynthia and gave her another copy. Did we or do we ever hear. “thank you” or “I found my missing page”, NO. The meeting on 16 October 2013 is only one of many meetings where MS. Boone has stated she had missing pages, so I guess Cynthia’s next victim is the current Secretary.

    Cynthia also made the former Secretary’s life hell, and tried to embarrass her every chance she got. Pulled the same thing about missing pages at most of the meetings. Even discussed the secretary’s salary in an open meeting. Where Cynthia showed her contempt, was when the then Secretary was honored by being appointed to represent the Nation at a State-wide event on the harms of smoking. She asked Mel Core for time off and said she would use some of her vacation and or comp time, which she had already earned. Cynthia had a fit in the Mineral meeting, saying she didn’t want to pay her at all. This is what Cynthia does in public with a recorder on, now let me tell you what she does to the employees back in the mineral office. The employees are harassed by Cynthia getting two inches from their face and yelling at them. Most of these young women need their jobs and have to stand there and take her verbal abuse. Cynthia also finds fault in everything the employees do, but will not take the time and patience to show them how things are done or explain anything. No wonder the MC has gone through so many employees. If Cynthia keeps this up, we can probably add three more to the list of former employees very soon. There are times Cynthia spreads her venom and has gone after her fellow Councilmen. She has a nasty mouth! How would you like having to work under those conditions?

    I guess Cynthia is the President of my fan club! After the Meeting, as I was getting in my car, she ran out of the building and called my name. As I turned around she took my picture and thanked me.

    That was nice of her, but Boone Three is coming soon!

    Patricia Spurrier Bright

    1. Do I get that in a round about way, you are justifying the persecution of one of the members of the MC on the part of the staff who make sure that the member's booklet is without all of the pages of information that are needed during the meetings? If true, that's really twisted.

    2. Wasn't this the same employee who was arrested for drunk driving or was it drugs who left shortly thereafter? Didn't she reportedly dress like a tart and behave that way with the men in the office? Wasn't she so slow with her work that two others had to be hired to help her get the trusts and trust business handled? Wasn't she the one who was sending out Trust instructions to Osages by mail to leave their headrights in life estates when those Osages specified to her that they wanted to pass them on to family members in full ownership and without restriction? Didn't they hire another girl in her place who had an arrest record for driving without a license, drug/alcohol possession in the car and a DUI all at the same time? Yes. I believe it's true. Run a find in your browser for Minerals Council Secretary/Trust Clerk Ciaradon Carpenter on the web page at http://www.ocso.net/booking/200910.htm Under such circumstances, how nice is Cynthia supposed to be with incompetent workers like these who she can't get through to any other way? You're better off concentrating your intellectual capabilities on homes for children of parents who behave just like the ones I've mentioned right here in my post Ms. Spurrir-Bright, and not employees of the Mineral Council. These are estate matters that are being handled in the office of the Mineral Council and they require competent employees to professionally expedite them.

    3. If I hadn't seen it myself I wouldn't believe it. Thx for putting this up for us to see online. What could these men on the Mineral Council be thinking about putting people like this to work on our sensitive estate business matters? Why hasn't the BIA out of the Solicitor's office done something to stop hiring practices like this? Who is Claradon related to?

    4. Passive aggressive behavior on the part of the employees of the Minerals Council is what it sounds like. Very unprofessional and shouldn't be tolerated. If you don't like who you work for, transfer to another department or division or find a job elsewhere.

    5. What is passive aggressive behavior

    6. Ex girlfriend of Daniel Boone. Cynthia had been scaring off employees so fast they had run out of options. Then Cynthia conned them in to hiring her. I think Mrs. Bright is correct on all counts. Rumor has it that Ciaradon will be running for mineral council, along with another of Cynthias followers next year. Maybe the woman banned from the Hominy village will run also.

    7. Patricia Spurrir-BrightOctober 19, 2013 at 3:08 PM

      I have been working on a list of things that Cynthia has done to try and manipulate the employees and members of both Mineral Councils. I am going to keep reporting monthly until the election, just to make sure that Cynthia does run or get elected again. The Mineral Estate is too important and worth too much money to have amateurs like Cynthia on the Council causing so much havoc.

    8. AH, Lets see I know including myself there will be others running for a Position on the Council. Either way any tollerence of this type of behavior regardless of these girls past are is their business. Where's the empathy. Just because they made a mistake does not reflect the person they or can be.... These are People just like you and me and if they are not quailified for the Position that they were hired does not empower a Person to take advantage of someones disadvantage regardless. And or by the way Cynthia knows she's out of there anyway.....please keep on posting Patricia. Keep us imformed but be tastful as much as possible......

    9. Patricia, targeting one person in particular is a little thin. She hasn't been brought up on charges for anything that she's done like the Chief so I don't think we should be going in this direction. That's not really the mission of the Osage Blog. You may have certain issues with an elected official and that's fine but I question an intentional campaign to ruin a particular candidate's chances of winning a seat in the next election.

    10. Patricia Spurrir-BrightOctober 20, 2013 at 12:39 AM

      Thin huh. Trust me, the plot will thicken. I’m just getting started. Lest we forget, Cynthia Boone knew about the storage locker for several years, and thus, is partly responsible for the contents going to auction and 100% responsible for buying the stuff from the purchaser and then refusing to offer to give or offer to sell it back the the MC. By her own admission and actions, she is 100% responsible for accepting money from the producers for the trip to Washington, and partly responsible for not bringing the matter before the Council for approval. And there is much, much more. Ask anyone from MC1. Their biggest failure was not doing a better job of telling us about her before the last election. I don’t intend to let that happen again. I will continue to attempt to bring the facts to you on this blog. If you want to shut me off, it’s your blog. Facebook will work just as well, and it’s getting quite popular with the Osage voters. Remember Cynthia has brought all of this on herself. Perhaps Boone Three I will write about Cynthia’s last trip to Washington and what she tried to put then.

    11. Right on Patricia. I thought this blog was for shareholders sharing what they know to be true. Facebook is fine with me also then the whole world will know how untrustworthy she is. She is for lining her pockets with the producers.

    12. Were you there in person to witness all the stuff about Cynthia you go on about or are you just relaying stories you heard from other people second and third hand?

    13. I am the same mindset as Patricia Spurrir-Bright.....We should post but be tasteful. The fact are just this, this is Mineral Business. Cynthia is Mineral Business, We the Stockholders are Mineral Business and the fact that she crossed the line ethicly with the Producers is a Mistake in Judgement but that is not our fault........Now she needs to pay the cost of insubordination. What she did was contrary to the M/E and Stockholders....This is a 4 BILLION Plus Estate and we have the right to air our displeasure or this Blog means nothing and the attempt to Push for THE OSAGE SURGE becomes and falls on death ears if the facts go un-heard. And what is just blatent dis-respect for her fellow M/C members and taking this trip and not reporting this trip undermines her credibility and the OSA.

    14. And if you don't agree with Patricia? Are you open minded enough to take a look at the fact that Cynthia went to Washington D.C. with Dudley, Curtis and Melvin? Why isn't Patricia nailing them up on the wall for target practice any trying to destroy them too? I've never seen reports in my life of oil producers backing away from whole sections they lease in the oil patch. Everyone is saying that this is a good thing just like people who never go to the grocery store talking about deflation when everything on the shelves is higher in price. That's inflation guys, not deflation. osageblogger put it out there from the start that this blog isn't going to descend into the ugly morass of the OSA blog and open season on certain candidates or elected officials by one or more who come in here and post is moving in that direction. We have a place to post completely anonymously and Facebook doesn't allow for that. I don't want to lose this blog and I appreciate the fact that someone has stepped up and put it online for us to share our thoughts. Facebook has a ton more rules and regs than this one does and that's a fact.

    15. Facebook suc*s big time. All those silly people going on and on about themselves endlessly. Stupid. As if anyone really cares.

    16. All of you need to be just patient....This happened for reasons and this has been going on for a long while....But was this right and is it right, no....for the most part.....the four should not be removed....Listen to what I HAD POSTED ON AN EARLIER POST. DO YOUR DILIGENCE....ALOT OF THIS IS SPURRED BY THE ECONOMY...JUST BECAUSE THEY LEFT THE WELL DOSE NOT CONSTITUTE THAT WELL AS NOT BEING PROFATABLE or they are abandoning. There are two types of Oil the easy and lets say the more expensive. Producers all the time based on the economy will rotate for the easy oil....So the scare tactics will not work. Deflation will affect the Oil Business it's predicted....once the deficit is reached and we are not longer able to borrow and when the Gov. says time for a Budget and so forth another proven fact History repeats,....Talking about morass, does not pay my check.....and you can't have one side without the other...and this is why we are where we are at, is because of the lack of communication otherwise we wouldn't be where we are at.....I disagree with you....These people are the Constituents, Osages and Stockholders....The OSA blog got shut down because the OSA did not like their feelings getting hurt, And the fact the was not an official site for the OSA. oh welll, the truth hurts then don't lie....problem solved.....And please Facebook does allow for free speech. They will not allow bullying big difference here.....when they can catch it.....This is not a media site to make money and this is why for all the regs, like Facebook...You can have a dialogue about someone especially one that holds a seat and husband that holds a seat as well is a huge conflict of interest. Anyone can open up a blog site and you should do the same if you feel the Retoric is tough. It's going to be for the future sake of the M/E....A lot ethics and vilolations have taken place so do you see the inconsitency and where is the accountability and where is the moral compass when making the decision to keep the M/E records? and who cares if there are duplicates..at least bring the material and let THE M/C as a team hello decide what to do with the Records.....and pay Cynthia back....but she did not do what was right...I don't want this person on the Council I cannot trust her....And like I said I don't her and I am not saying she is bad I think it's funny to a certain extent but reality is just that she crossed the line. So when you here people are upset that action has not taken place to correct the insubordination it's exactly that for all four....Their is no cherry picking here,,,

    17. Oops should have said should be removed...
