Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from us at the Osage Blog! Thank you again for making this an active communication tool on the internet for the Osage Shareholders.
What is of utmost concern right now is how the Congress and the sponsors and voters for the Osage Nation Election law have set themselves up to have only a few run for Chief and Assistant Chief with this skunk Primary Election they have cooked up to control the playing field for those who live back home. If no one else runs for Asst. Chief, Raymond Red Corn will get in by default and the time to file run for both positions will be over by January 6, 2014. So far, the three running for Chief are Margo Gray, Chief Red Eagle and Geoffrey Standing Bear. We need more choices than just these four. You can smell this one all over the U.S. Dating back the last two years or so, the gift tag on it is from Raymond Red Corn and recently in 2013 from Kuggee.
For Election Board updates while the Osage Nation web site is "being upgraded" see the Osage Nation Election Office at
Here's a thought for you. I recently asked a member of the Congress about changing the ability to file for office in the election law from just the limited venue of Pawhuska for the upcoming elections to where they live anywhere in the U.S. The answer formed as an excuse was, "No one else has contacted me about making a change like this." Here I was, on the phone seeking representation from my representative in Congress and he didn't get the fact that I was the one WHO WAS seeking representation. Never mind any other constituent who wasn't. If every constituent who contacts their ON Congressional representative gets this kind of response, what is the point of even having a congress under this form of government? In an earlier conversation, this same member of congress disclosed that he had been contacted by another member whose kid hadn't received his scholarship money for college. He openly admitted that he hopped on this constituent request getting right to work to find out what happened. Now let's look at this situation. Did he tell that member that he hadn't been contacted by anyone else with regard to this matter essentially refusing such a request? NO. He did not. Therefore, why are my legitimate requests for representation any less viable and important than ANY OTHER constituent who calls him for representation no matter what the matter might be or his willingness to represent my interests even though he doesn't personally want to see such a change made for the benefit of the full membership? Are any of you getting this kind of response from your elected Congressional officials?
Take your pick. None of them want you to be able to file anywhere but at the Election Office in Pawhuska. They won't change it even if you ask them to do it. They won't even allow you to legally authorize anyone like with a PoA who lives there to file for you.
Weird. The Chief seems not to realize that we have a government that was reformed, in part, to do away with exactly what he's yauping on an on about, which is patterned after the American form of government representing American values and the sentiments of its Constitutional democracy for all including the rule of LAW. Why would a guy run for office when he doesn't even seem to get or have a basic understanding of the form of government he's been elected to lead? All these years employed by this government as an elected official and the guy is too lazy to do his homework to find out and come to a basic understanding what kind of government under which he's been elected to serve? Besides that, it wasn't humility that got the Chief in so much trouble. It was his arrogance, wasn't it? So much for traditional Osage values all the way around. If this article isn't the biggest political gaffe in the history of the Osage Tribe, I don't know what is! Who wrote this piece for JRE? Jim Gray?
Please, I hope there are enough intelligent qualified voters that will express themselves with their ballots to show the Tribe that such "executive action" we have seen in the past, will not be tolerated in the future.
Doesn't that depend on if there are enough intelligent qualified candidates running for office? You can thank the current sitting Congress for this new Executive Branch Election Primary. The window closes right after the holidays on Jan. 6, for candidates to even file for Chief and Assistant Chief with the Election Office. So far, as "qualified" you've got Standing Bear who wants to separate from the BIA altogether and manage the trust in-house. How do you do that without somehow bringing to an end the Federally managed trust created for the benefit of the Headright owners under the 1906 Act as amended? In addition, imagine what life will be like with an attorney as the Chief and the millions being spent by his office under his direction with the appropriations aid of the Congress on litigation of one kind or another in the next four year cycle. You also have the Chief who is under a cloud with a removal trial scheduled in January and many will argue that he was never qualified to be the Chief in the first place.
Still having some issues with this junk of heap of a I agree with Bah.....who thought it was appropriate to have a window open for sign up during the holidays? And in no way StandingBear will separate the trust. Again the Nation will have a fight from the Shareholders.....and it's not likely the Fed. Gov. will acquest either and as bad as the litigation against the Chief is costing enough...and who ever wrote the cry me a river story doesn't get a sorry gram from this Osage Shareholder....nor any Court has plenary power to change the 1906 Act. US.Congress has the Authority...TO alleviate any impropriety in the Executive Office take away the Checkbook....Even in the real world a CEO OR EXECUTIVE..would have the Payables write him a check....checks and balances people. This is like just giving him at will to sign off on anything....Where's the lawsuit against the five man board? Did the Chief sign off on that issue as well? He did..I bet he said under his Authority he approved..that's the way it appears......So lets sum this up is the Nation paying for the Chiefs Litigation yes and Congresses Litigation against the Chief is what around 500000. Let this not be a game. At some point it does not matter whether the Chief was qualified it's that Congress did nothing in the first but turned a blind eye and now this is costing the Nation unnecessary funding and waste...The Chief got in their by default executed then by the failed diligence by the Election Board...Just what I see to no to be true....failures of applying Policy...or badly and poorly written Policies by no means an accident....It's easy to read and see the shenanigans. And another thing we as Shareholders in the first dictate the direction we need to take when it comes to the M/E. The Mineral Council is a Manager for the Stakeholders in the First and that's you and I and we are the Moral Majority....rules...and the OUTCOME must always be in favor...of the M/E. This can be argued if need be...but it's the truth...we shouldn't be worried about this everytime someone gets elected....What we want from them from a constituent point of view we should be posting our expectations as well....our vote matters and since some of the Candidates have already put their names in the hat...start campaigning....What I EXPECT IS NO LESS IS GET A PER-CAP OUT TO THE CONSTITUENCY...If I have to I will go to Congress and the Fed. Gov...Our Congress and the APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE GETS A BIG F FOR NOT SENDING OUT TURKEY VOUCHERS TO ALL CONSTITUENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS YET WE ARE THE MAJORITY AND THE FEW VOTE THEMSELVES A RAISE BY WAY OF DEFAULT. Picketers and how embarrassing that was...and soooo unethical...I would have fired them because it's not an entitlement and we need action to take place so this is not allowed ever again and should be based on merit by performance as in the real world...Folks...This is Greed..and it needs to end.....clean house is what needs to be done....this did not happen overnight...
Jim Gray cried "Open Sesame" and the floodgates to the ON Treasury flew wide and the employee raid on it has been going on fast and furious ever since. You did get a Turkey Voucher. It was sent out and it said "NOTHING FOR YOU, TURKEY!!!!!"
Why hasn't that sidewinder Standing Bear gotten an amendment or whatever it takes out there for a Constitutional Convention? That used to be his big thing didn't it? He's had three years where is it or was that just political big talk before he was elected the last time?
lol smh again you said it right...I HAVE A FEELING THE FLOOD GATE AND SPIGOT WAS RIPE FOR THE TAKING WITH THE ON SET OF THE Casinos...and it looks to be we lost half a million that probably could be accounted for if we do a in depth forensic audit on the financials. What the Osages want is honesty and integrity with accountability for all and any improprieties that exist handeled in the most expiditious and bring back what has been lost is our good name from a few sour apples...with a sour taste in our minds. I do not see this in any one of those canidates that are running and by golly the Chief has the nerve to continue his sad state of affairs blinded by greed....the nerve of him running again shame on you and the Election Board with these type of charges should not be allowed...and this goes out to Congress to...
The Osage government gobble - gobble - gobbled up all the money in the Nation's Treasury with nothing left for the poor downtrodden membership because they spent everything on themselves. The End.
Remember this? How New Mexico Does It... From: Constitutional Convention Information Date: 9/2/2007 Time: 11:22:32 PM Remote Name: Comments: Sec. 2. [Constitutional conventions.] Whenever the legislature, by a two-thirds vote of the members elected to each house, deems it necessary to call a convention to revise or amend this constitution, they shall submit the question of calling such convention to the electors at the next general election, and if a majority of all the electors voting on such questions at said election in the state votes in favor of calling a convention, the legislature shall, at the next session, provide by law for calling the same. Such convention shall consist of at least as many delegates as there are members of the house of representatives. Revisions or amendments proposed by a constitutional convention shall be submitted to the voters of the state at an election held on a date set by the convention. The revisions or amendments proposed by the convention may be submitted in whole or in part, or with alternatives, as determined by the convention. If a majority vote favors a proposal or alternative, it is adopted and becomes effective thirty days after the certification of the election returns unless otherwise provided by the convention. (As amended November 7, 1911 and November 5, 1996.) Then Galen Crum wrote: From: Galen Date: 9/2/2007 Time: 11:51:09 PM Remote Name: Comments: I’m told some tribal governments don’t even need to call for a constitutional convention. It’s set as a matter of law that they just have one every ten years or so. That way they are forced to look at how their government is being run and let the people decide if they want to initiate some corrections to make it better. They don’t fear letting the people examine and tweak their government, they use it as a tool to make sure the government continues to improve. In response, Geoffrey Standing Bear wrote: From: G Standing Bear Date: 9/3/2007 Time: 1:24:56 PM Remote Name: Comments: But we need some system which the majority view as legitimate. This strongly implies, in my view, a role of the existing government. At such a convention it needs to be free as possible from the existing government but how we get there needs as many groups, factions, families, clans, flocks, herds, or whatever so the results are not rejected, and, this is critical, the results must be federally recognized. Even though the amendments or the constitution or resolutions do not have to be federally approved, the United States will not fund the governement, the National Indian Gaming Commission will not sanction or allow the gaming, the Indian Health Service will not provide the needed health care, and so forth, unless the government to government relationship is recognized by both sides. Federal recognition is a real requirement, like it or not. I do not like it, but this is how it works.
Very good comment Galen. Nothing wrong that I can see with us doing exactly that. Geoffrey? Because you're an attorney, you can work the angles on this idea can't you?
Nothing? No? Mr. Standing Bear? Too good to leave comments here or what? I know you read this blog because you've posted the exact same stuff under your own name on Facebook sites I've seen in the past.
To: Ray McClain. See the comment of osageblogger at on December 15, 2013 at 5:33 PM: The chart referred to by Galen Crum is now located at
Because he published a document titled "013-12-28 ACCOUNTABILITY, Something We MUST Have.pdf" at In it, Ray makes the claim on December 28, 2013, "Councilman Galen Crum responded, and as a part of his explanation of the reasoning behind this proposal, offered to produce a chart generated by the Federal Government if the Webmaster would display it. The Webmaster responded “That I will,” but so far, I haven’t seen it there." Clearly, I did put up a link to this chart back on December 15, 2013. I am also posting the three responses after the link posting for review.
Galen Crum December 15, 2013 at 8:40 PM To Anonymous December 12 @ 10:11pm : Steve Manydeeds is the Division Chief of the Division of Energy & Minerals Development, Bureau of Indian Affairs. So the make-up of the federal side of the Neg/Reg committee was 2 BIA employees, 1 BLM Employee and 1 ONNR employee just as I stated. I worked with these people many long hours for nearly a year. Do you really think I don’t know who they work for? For some reason you seem driven to hostile challenges of everything I say even when it serves no purpose in supporting your wild accusation about a dark plot to load the deck in favor of the BLM. Even under your inaccurate count of the agencies represented there is still only one each from BLM and ONNR. And no one, BIA or Osage wants the BLM to have any authority in the Osage. NTL’s or Notices To Lessees are merely written notices to producers about policy directives. A simple example of a NTL might be if a regulation requires signage at each well location telling who the operator is and an identification name for the site. A NTL could be issued telling the producer how big the sign must be or where it should be placed or similar guidelines on how to properly comply with the regulation. In the BLM world they are subject to specific adoption processes and must be vetted and approved up the chain of command. Under current regulations in the Osage the BIA Superintendant can pretty much issue these types of directives at will. As to your claim that issuing these types of directives is somehow improperly changing the lease agreement, all our leases plainly state that operations are to be conducted in accordance with BIA/DOI regulations and policies and the CFR’s are very plain on what things can and cannot be changed. Onshore orders or NTL’s could never be used to change those areas. Again your statement about the TAMS computer system not being implemented in the Osage is false. There are parts of the TAMS system being used right now and more is likely to come. The problem with going totally with TAMS is that it was developed for the rest of the BIA world, so it will work with ONNR and BLM systems, but has no capability to perform the functions the systems those other agencies now perform. For instance there is no oil and gas accounting or auditing capability in TAMS because the ONNR system takes care of these areas for all other Tribal lands. So in order to bring all these services to the Osage the TAMS system must be supplemented in some fashion. I find it humorous that you condemn the BIA for not properly protecting the Three Affiliated Tribes from being exploited by the oil companies in the Fort Berthold area, since these oil companies used the exact same scare tactics there that they are using here in the Osage to try and defeat the Neg/Reg changes. Claiming that if they have to pay more royalty or give bigger lease bonuses they will not drill on tribal lands. They will just pack up and go else where. In the beginning, before the full potential of the play was realized they were successful and convinced a lot of alottees to settle for $100 lease bonuses and 1/6 royalty. Now they are paying 1/4th royalty and $50,000 dollar per acre bonuses to those folk’s neighbors. Those that signed early are now mad at the BIA for not using its crystal ball to stop them from falling for the oil company claims.
Anonymous December 24, 2013 at 10:11 AM In response to Galen Crum and his chart which does not reveal the source of the data for verification, we all know that you can make numbers say anything that you want them to: 1. Increases in Tribal and allotted Indian Leases are not due to any superior management by BIA. It is due to Tribes luck in having huge mineral rights located in fairways of Bakken Oil boom in Montana, N. Dakota and in Shale-Oil Horizontal Drilling plays in other Northern USA States. 2. Verify sources of data used in your Charts! Was it some BIA employee trying to save Mike Black's rear-end. Verify, verify -- all statements fed to you by BIA top management; who to quote Bob Jackman”Manage Indian Mineral Estates like a 1930s One pump gas service station. " 3. Have you taken the trouble to read Montana's Ft. Berthold Tribal Members Class Action Suit against BIA? It's more of the same stupid management as at Osage Agency. 4. Increase of oil prices the last 8 years have covered up BIA's semi-criminal management. Why don't you brag on Office of Inspector General's reports on hostile management by BIA -Eastern Oklahoma which includes BIA Osage Agency? Why have you become the mouth-piece for BIA?
smh December 24, 2013 at 11:08 AM So glad I didn't have to post this one! Yes. Harvard started with that self-reporting of statistics in Indian Country that has subsequently spiraled out of control with anything hitting the fan that looks like numbers and stats without any legitimate verification. I guess this works with stupid uneducated people. Thank God we have had money in the Osage for 100 years and our children have been educated throughout that period. This won't fly Galen. Find something more legitimate that is properly sourced and verified.
"This won't fly Galen. Find something more legitimate that is properly sourced and verified." You TOO Ray........ Also to Anonymous poster on December 24, 2013 at 10:11 AM, so you would rather trade hostile trust management by the BIA for hostile, greed driven incompetent management by the Osage Nation under a compact of some sort? I heard that even members of Congress have to send out faxes to certain Osage Nation departments just to get a call back on messages they've left over and over again!!!!!! How long do you think that's going to fly in the oil field when some employed Osage gets mad at some caller about something and decides to start punishing that person right and left and others they don't like as well?
To Anonymous December 30, 2013 at 9:25 AM & 9:35 AM
I’ll bet Galen and Ray are both already on a plane to somewhere with a plan to “verify” these numbers that the U.S. Government has published. All just for you. Just exactly, pray tell, how would you prove or disprove production numbers. Do you think they will go to one of these leases in Wyoming, or North Dakota, or Montana, and each stand by a pump jack and count the strokes for awhile? Maybe they’ll just go to Kevin Washburn’s office and kick down the door and tell him they don’t believe these numbers and they want them proved. As for knowing how to count, since you have learned to count to 5, you should be able to figure out that that averages almost a 60% per year increase. Just what would suit you? Why don’t you explain to them exactly how to proceed with proving these numbers. Better yet, give them a call. Maybe you’ll make more sense to them than you do me.
The EPA under the BLM is supposed to be taking over the accounting for the tribe. The 1906 allotment act has been changed as has the 1912 act and the 1978 act. The part of the 1912 act that has been changed makes it ok for the superintendent to approve a family agreement, without the family agreement being considered a contest of an Osage Will and have to go before the federal district court which that should have never been changed because the tribe govt. has been making deals with members of the families to sell their portion of the land to them in which they then can purchase the whole thing. I can't believe that instead of making a whole new act they just kind of re-wrote both the acts in a subtle way but it will have a grave affect on how it is actually done because the superintendent makes those family agreements right and left to where theeir won't be anything but tribal land left..
That's a good question...where not talking about the M/E and though times are hard for some I just can't see for the life of me how this is going to change any or all circumstances with this proposal by the Cobell Settlement...hog wash...anybody in their right mind is not going to sell back to the Gov. to give back to the Tribe...unless like the Pine Ridge riddled with many social issues the Gov. preys on the weak....And all that money waiting for 10 yrs for it all be dispersed is exactly what the Gov. is holding out knowing that most Indians what they do have and maybe what little to some is significant and cultural to them would use common sense and pass what they have to their family.
Essentially, it's another path to Native American assimilation. Instead of the U.S. government acting as the repressive culprit, Cobell is a game changer because it turns the Tribal peoples against the Tribal government itself that has in the past helped to sustain the community and provide cohesion to one degree or another. If the Tribes don't use the money to buy the land from the Tribal owners before a certain point in time the funding in the settlement for this purpose expires and the money goes away which the Feds get to keep and not pay out. It's very clever but not equitable. The Cobell lawsuit was supposed to pay out money to those who have been harmed, not get the government out of having to service IIM accounting on land and royalties.
Thank you for the reminder...I understand this to be true and factual..and the inequity is a understament...saw this from the beginning but in your opinion why has this fact not been brought up?
It was. In fact there were people who challenged the settlement that the Cobell attorneys were accused of threatening. One of them-a fellow named Harper- has just been send down by the U.S. Senate in his nomination to become a human rights ambassador with the State Department. Look over here
Happy New Year to my brother and sister Osage...Long live the 1906 Act and the Osage Tribe....Thankyou Osageblogger..much respect...we have still a lot to be happy and thankful....Though the Tribe did not sponcer turkey vouchers for is my hope that legislation is passed with respect to our fellow Osages who are not forgotten...who live away they matter and are in our Hearts...and mabe legislation will come with a Per-Cap to all Osages....
Happy New Year! Have a good one. Thought for the year: "It costs so little to teach a child to love, and so much to teach him to hate." Father Flanagan, founder of the Boys Town.
No declaratory judgment opinion from the ON Supreme Court. See
RED ALERT: After today there are only THREE more business days left for filing for Chief and Assistant Chief. If you are wishing to file for candidacy please remember to bring the following with you:
1. Cashier's Check/Money Order made out to Osage Nation Election Office. Filing Fees are $500 for Chief and $400 for Assistant Chief. No personal checks or cash will be accepted.
2. Osage Nation Membership Card
3. Government Issued Photo ID. Example: Driver's License or Passport
4. Proof of a separate bank account in the name of the candidate or the candidate's campaign.
Come on people, file to run for office if you can. THE NEXT FOUR YEARS ARE CRITICAL! If the ON can get their business act together enough in the next three years to file to start compacting the ME, the people they have running for Chief and AP Chief right now will do it in a heartbeat. As it stands currently, the Chief can compact on his own without anyone to stop him once the U.S. Congress/BIA agrees to allow compacting or worse, forming a new Trust with a whole new set of ON hand picked Osage Shareholders, not Headright owners, by way of a Federally Chartered Corporation under the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act. If this is where you want this thing to go with ON Oil and Gas Departments, Offices, Boards, Commissions and God knows what all else to eat alive what you receive in income in your checks in the future then do nothing. Do some forward thinking here people. You are potentially facing an all out personal financial emergency in the not too distant future. ACT TODAY to protect your own financial interest and that of your children to prevent this from happening by running for Chief or AP Chief if you possibly can.
Like any good lawyer will tell you, never ever forget that you are a step-child. We are step-children to those who live back home. Never ever forget this: they don't think that we are really Osage Indians and because of that they don't think we even have a right to a headright check. Osageblogger is right. Run for Chief or Asst. Chief if you can. These two elected positions really control of everything in the ON government.
Ok. Tell me why there are not more canidates running for Chief? What Qualifications is required....? Outside of the fact you are a member with the proper credentials to prove. I'm willing to throw my name in there....but the way I see it will I JUST BE A STEPCHILD to all who live in the local community? A HEADRIGHT Check they will never see and unforutunately this was left to the original allotees who migrated to the Reservation....but this does no mean they do not deserve a Per-Cap from the Casino's....If the Newpaper would put a vote to this watch and see what happens? K-know? We need to start acknolledging the Constiuency period and make sure we do not compact the M/E....long live the 1906 Act and the OSAGE TRIBE......WE ARE A NATION OF PROUD PEOPLE NOT A NATION TO NATION GOV..... FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.....let us not assimilate but to assimilate for the people with a cuase. We need to grow as a People together and sew our future together and not as a divided people.....we are Osage.....
P.S ....Most importantly we cannot compact our M/E away...feared we should be but fear is a good thing because at least we were warned by our Ancestor's of the yesteryears...let us not forget who we are born where we came from....most importantly, the past is today, the future is today and at least we we warned but it does not surprise....Politics has always been bountiful in all tribes and we are Sovereign. Doe's not mean we get to abuse that word Sovereign...We are all Sovereign and let us bring down those walls of communication and bring to our People the Osage.....we have a lot of issues nothing resolved just a endless roundtable and why? There are redundancies that need to be looked at for intance....the Osage LLC...I would like to look at the passive and aggressive investments and post in the Newspaper the results and post what true Financials as well...if we are a Nation of People then we need accountability.....just one example of many fine things to come....I believe someone said we have social issues as well so important we take care of our Own....nah I listened and I have watched from afar and something eludes me and I haven't put my finger on it...sure to see in a day dream or for the matter in my sleep....I will prey.
FILE...FILE...FILE! See Do I have to come out of the heart of Colorado to do this for you and the rest of the membership? Come on guys! "Let your love for one another be intense. Be hospitable to one another without complaining. As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace." The first letter of St. Peter, Chapter 4, verses 7 through 10. Just do it. MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Tom Boone files to run for Chief. See
Ahh So that's why that gal went after Cynthia with such a vengence. She must want one of the other candidates to get elected Chief. These people who live in OC never come at anything in honest straight forward manner. Do they? Always with the sidewind.
Happy New Year! Attention West Coast Osages and all candidates... Make sure to mark Saturday March 15th on those new 2014 calendars for the Northern California Osage meeting at the Executive Suites & Bayside Hotel in Oakland. Agenda: Osage Nation candidate & Minerals Council candidate panels and an Osage Nation Foundation presentation. More details to follow soon. ~The Northern California Osage Steering Committee~
The Supreme Court has today denied the Chief's attempt to stop the trial. He has now lost 100% of his lawyer's motions to delay or derail the process. Trial is slated for January 13. He should resign and not cause the nation any more grief.
"Given the gravity of the matter before us, we must consider our path forward and the precedent we have set. We acknowledge the influence of past historical and cultural Osage governments throughout our long history, and we acknowledge how we have continuously reshaped, restructured and reinvented ourselves as a Nation. Our ancestors were 'logical, rational and pragmatic people struggling to understand and survive in a world of infinite complexity.' As we consider the complexity of the issues that arise before us, we use the lens of a dynamic people who adapted and endured and in doing so we strive to carry their legacy forward with meaning and purpose."
The Supreme Court of the Osage Nation
Meredith D. Drent Chief Justice
Jeannine Logan Associate Justice
Drew Pierce Associate Judge, Sitting by Designation
"The Supreme Court set the burden of proof at “Clear & Convincing” which is a high standard. That standard is closer to the criminal burden, rather than the general civil standard of “more likely than not.” This requires that Congress have strong evidence to prove their allegations, which we believe they do not have. The impeachment of a Principal Chief should require a high standard of proof." If you admit of your own free will that you have broken the law while testifying on not one, but two separate counts that have been brought against you; that's beyond a shadow of a doubt, it's absolute and an incontrovertible admission of guilt. That's a far higher standard than is mentioned in the Chief's response to the Judicial Opinion. If the Chief can't or doesn't perceive this fact as the most important reality associated with the situation he finds himself in then he needs to go of his own volition or be made to go because he writes as if he's delusional and we don't need the highest elected official of the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation to be exhibiting this sort of cognitive behavior while in office. This just gets worse and worse.
Determining whether Facebook or whatever is the most popular social media source is a minor issue. If we may offer a suggestion for a new Osage News poll it's this: Do you think the Chief should resign?
"Do you think Chief Red Eagle has been treated fairly throughout the removal proceedings, instigated by the congress?" What the hell kind of W I M P - A * * poll question is that, you phonies over there at the Osage News? You people just persecuted the Chief and his good friend Rod Hartness yourselves when you sued him to get that employment contract. "Instigated by the Congress?" One of the allegations was to uphold and take your side against the Chief. Are you people skitzo or so puerile that you can't help it. This is a serious job you have over there for serious times. What are you playing politics now to get someone you are professionally allied with elected to office? Try and develop some substance and depth with mature questions in the polls you cook up for Osages to answer.
HAPPY New year I've been studying this land buyback program,and what I think it's insanely unsatisfactory,75$ to file and 7.50 per acre, please tell me I'm wrong.
So the idea is that they will working toward getting a fair price for the Tribal governments, not the Indian land owners. That makes sense because the fiduciary obligation is owed to the Tribal governments not the individual members of the Tribal communities. Bottom line...WATCH OUT! Another tactic for final assimilation--Tribal government + the BIA working against the best interest of the Indian land owners pitting the two against one another. To structure a settlement agreement that works like this seems hideously unethical to me.
Questions to the candidates will be asked from the public this year at the Osage News Candidate Debates. To submit your question, see
my thinking this plans in place not work so the money's go back to the treasury,then routed to back pockets of the official who have the keys to the safe,once back the money we just vanish and nobody will be the wiser.SLICK WILLY STRIKES AGAIN.
What's to be missed on Monday evening, is the chance of a great Chief ,protempore on the blogs...but with a following...spaced by thought...well most Osages...not a corporate raider but a savor... could extend what has been put in words into reality... catch that flight to the fight... down from the mountains.. soar into the hills...into the run-offs... without a bill of goods..Go ahead look back the spacers....... will scout your way for the trail of a future Chief.
Wow, "Pro tempore" There is something to be said about success and that is...success can be a indirect result of consequeences of greed...and arrogance whch in turn the domino effect and role has on the constiuency.....and you are only successful by the support of the the concept is please do apply you just don't know....let the intellectualls tell them selves anything which is why they are patsies for the ruling class...
It's you, that the trail been woven with words like a braid reaching the future elected Chief office a strand to every Osage...embedded into what real and needs to be done. So you say not how, then when?
FYI: The Osage Nation Election Office has just sent out a post card with all of the important dates for the Primary Election and the General Election. Look for it to arrive in your snail mailboxes and stick it to your refrigerator or home message board for future reference.
The Harvard Law Review is the place that performs the writing of the Laws. The Osage Congress just donated or gave them several thousands of dollars. Why? To write in to those acts like the 1912 Act which governs the Probate of estates and allotted or restricted lands. It was really strange to see how they have changed it. The superintendent can now approve a family agreement. A family agreement in actuality is a contest of a persons Will. Which only a federal court is to have jurisdiction over. This enables the superintendent to be in control of how your lands are inherited. Of course only Congress is supposed to be able to change those Acts but the tribal government has weasled a way through their big donation to the Harvard Law review. How underhanded. It needs to be brought to the attention of Congress and changed back the way it was.
Reference the Act (ONCA 13-?) of the ON Congress you are speaking of or a link on the internet to this information. How did you find this out? We need more information in order to help you fight this situation.
I second the motion. Can you get the document to verify and under who's authority's. Never should congress be bypassed. This I hope is not so. And was the charged Osage M/C Informed?
We are a separate Agency by and by the Osage Constitution. And if need be challenged and should be challenged at all costs. And which congressional members supported this or did this happen through the EXECUTIVE? Did StandingBear have a in
The good news PFD is listed as from March of 2013. So what? Encana is beating feet out of the oil patch and the MC has agreed to pay twice the salary of the last one who quit due to lack of interest on the part of the producers wanting to participate in the O&G Summit. Could there be more spin than this guy Mcclain is capable of? Give me a break.
To smhJanuary 6, 2014 at 12:49 PM Yes, according to what Mcclain says, Encana is beating feet out of the Osage, and I am also told they have closed a regional office in Texas and are liquidating oil and gas assets in Louisiana, Texas, and Oklahoma. I guess you’ll say that’s all happening because of the CFR changes. Then, someone bought Encana’s Osage assets and committed to drill over 80 wells where Encana was only obligated for 14, and paid the stakeholders $2.5 million for the privilege of doing that. As for the summit, if Mr. Torix happens to attract just one more producer like the one that bought Encana, we could pay him 20 times what he is asking. Give you a break, huh. You wouldn’t know a break if one hit you over the head.
NOBODY has bankrupted Encana. They got 6 good producers out of the 7 wells they drilled, and they have made money every day they’ve been here, and they probably made more when they sold. They have one of the highest producing wells in the county just on the west side of town. The only one’s that will be harmed by the new CFRs will be those few who have been paying less than what’s due in royalties for years. That will come to a stop. I hope they find a way to collect these overdue royalties. That will harm—the crooks.
Osage Nation Chief and Assistant Chief candidate application deadline is now extended to Jan. 7, 2014. GO FOR IT! See
Don't let the sitting members of the Osage Congress throw the election in their favor in June with that crooked election law that they just slipped past us last year.
Chief and Assistant Chief: December 16, 2013 - January 6, 2014 - Due to the weather the filing period for Chief and AP Chief has been extended through January 7, 2014. Congress: March 15, 2014 - March 31, 2014 Applications will be accepted during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
NOTE: The Osage Nation Minerals Council has not yet reported their filing period for candidacy.
How dare you members of Congress leave us with such a poor field of choices for Chief and A, Chief and you of all people Kugee. You better fix this now or none of you will be elected or reelected. shame on you Kugee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No end to what the Chief won't do to get out of removal process>> Oklahoma Delegation of Congressmen write letter concerning Minerals Estate --
O'boy....Orbi-Osage with due respect your Opinion Please. It is the wish of the M/E that the Shareholders are in the first and we will fight tooth to end not to compact....Now, The Chief is Desperate....What has the CHIEF done for the M/E absolutely nothing......but hold up our accounts...there's something there and there is a problem and someone wishes to keep this information from being disclosed....We won this HPP lawsuit at a pennies on the dollar....and any letter written to any State Official and under what capacity of any authority could or would interoperate on our Sovereignty. Funny how this word is used so loosely, but to those of us has great meaning and should not be thrown like a spent cannon as it has been in the the Chief....what means will now accuse the ONC. We all said this was a conflict of interest the way he has used us all....the word Deception comes to mind but neither the less...we must move forward and this scare tactic is by far a wicked excuse of a ploy....the Producers will still make their money and the mom and pop producers will survive and exist and now the big players can come in and more monopoly. On my way out the door....not enough time to express... will later.
Best option for everybody looks to be resignation before the trial starts on the 13th. 11th Congressional Special Session>>
Thanks Orbi-Osage.....we want laws so this does not happen again....and we should create them before any Chief takes office and this is a Opinion the in regards to the letter that was written to Kevin How would the State of Oklahoma like us to write a Letter to Obama and expressing our opinion how the State of Oklahoma is operating their Gov. affairs and that is not our Place...we are both Sovereign no less and no more than each other.....There will always be a division....The M/E is what it is left to those by their Ancestors to their relatives and the Fletcher Case will prove those entities that should not have a Headright....The only division that has created a division is when we became a Gov....we would not be in knee deep you know what I mean if the Corruption did not take place in the first....You can read and understand what has exactly has happened....and who was hoodwinked....the 31st Council...and they were....they did not do the diligence that was required...we know this to be true...and we can not sit idle Obviously now we have to babysit this latest Council.but none the less..this is where we are are at and we were fully warned this day would come by our forefathers and here we are...not pretty....Our timeline is too easy to read like a book....There are no two sides to this....The State of Ok needs to back off....The Fed. Gov will not relinquish our M/E for compacting...they will lose funding... so this becomes an endless round table at the expense of the Shareholders forever perpetuated in the cyclone of a fight...ha! Why don't we Picket for the Chief to resign and rid the Shame....if the ON employees can do it so can the Constituency...or is that the Constituency back home so blind to do nothing. At any rate the Chief should resign he created this mess now he needs to pick up after himself and by the looks of him he's in sad shape...all around....
Chief to the ON Court to delay the Removal Trial see Court's Response to deny the delay see
Chief's trial to begin on Monday, January 13, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. in the Congressional Chambers. See
Sorry to change suject but land buy back is all wrong to say the least hear a simple mathematical equivalent.1.500,000,000 divided by $300. equal 500,000 people there are 10,000,00 million acre divided by 500,000 people equals aprox.$300. for twenty acres plots, now this is just a simple formula and not sit in stone but it won't be far off
UPDATE: Jimmy "Osage" Dailey, Terry Mason Moore and Amanda S. Proctor have filed to run for Assistant Chief as well. GOOD! Keep filing. You have until 4:30 p.m. TODAY to file to run for elected office for Chief and A.P. Chief. The Osage people need you to serve in their best interests and not that of the Osage Nation government. See AND AND
Randolph A. Crawford has filed for Assistant Chief! See
Filing period for ON Chief and ON A.P. Chief has ended. The 2014 Primary Filed Candidates roster is available at
Run for Chief! Like osageblogger said we don't need an attorney as Chief and frontrunner candidate who can actually write legislation for a Federally Chartered Corporation under the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act that will end our Federal mineral estate Trust in the next several years. It's up to you. You still have time. Get in there and file to protect your own financial interest and your future headright payments.
See Candidate bank accounts available at the Citzen's Bank in Pawhuska in 30-45 minutes from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. or by appointment. Call Aubree (918) 287-4111.
2nd Osage Minerals Council Meeting -- January 10 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. See Agenda at
What segregated fund are they talking about that is not HELD into Trust for the HEADRIGHT OWNERS?
Has the Nation had there hands in the cookie jar? And this is what I am talking about.....someone is going to head butt us all the way and we shall see what happens in guess there is corruption but at what extent...will the Nation be liable if this is the case? The Consequence of the funds not held in Trust by the Fed. Gov. as per the 1906 ACT section 4 allows indisputably for this to happen..and the Federal Gov. going back a hundred years goodness this could be a lot of money of which they will be proven to be held accountable this is no small issue and to be able to trace the Headrights and who is owed what will be proof in the pudding as to who what and where those who do not deserve a headright will be forthcomming. In any event, here's a question, Do those who have Headrights know that they should not have a Headright? I know my Headrights are intact...but this can be scary for those who might think otherwise.
The "segregated fund" is the trust account in the name of the Osage Tribe/Nation for mineral income held in the U.S. Treasury and disbursed by the OST for quarterly payments to the headright owners, a yearly drawdown for the Minerals Council and gross production taxes paid to the State of Oklahoma. I believe that the 10th Circuit recently ruled that an accounting was due to the shareholders but that there would be no redistribution or repatriation of headright income past, present or future or the setting aside of estate trusts and wills in the case. The attorneys have for years appeared to be holding out this possibility as a carrot to the Osages when this issue has already been settled and finalized by the Court. I find it to be disingenuous to be doing this and suspect that they may be doing so to raise money for the lawsuit going forward on false hope.
Fletcher v. United States,No. 12-5078, "Neither does the plaintiffs' accounting right necessarily mean that they will even be able to attack through collateral litigation headright transfers long ago approved according to statutorily prescribed processes — processes that already have in place means for objectors to challenge proposed headright transfers. See, e.g., Act of Oct. 21, 1978, Pub. L. No. 95-496, § 5(a), 92 Stat. 1660, 1661 (discussing notice and hearing required before Secretary can approve transfer of headright interest by will). Put simply, a duty to account is a duty to account, not a duty to respond to and disprove any and all potential breaches of fiduciary duty a beneficiary might wish to pursue once the accounting information is in hand." See
Thank you Osageblogger...A half accounting is no accounting....How can the Fed Gov. justify their actions or lack of except only to deposit....accounting is just that and by the looks of it they are only concerned with privacy issues of which I find ridiculous and frivolous at our expense not the Gov....and the way it looks they are confused on the issue because at issue is they cannot provide the information because now the resort would be to create another Graph based on what statistics or standard of which to unacceptable...but must end in favor to the Osage accounting is just trend and analyze financial transactions...the obligation rests with the Gov. and our Trust...It's funny we know which Clans arrived first and whose families receive a interest from the M/E....what we want to know and get back to the Trust is Those who should not be receiving a Interest in the M/E and why would the Gov. not want to correct this very important matter at hand? Right the Wrong...
The 11th Congressional Special Session information is now posted at Day 1-January 13, 2014, 9:00 a.m. Agenda: 7. Removal Trial of Chief John D. Red Eagle - 10:00 a.m.
This is what I call sitting on pins and needles situation...that we all find ourselves together as we watch, wait and see...I would think the outcome must be for the favor of and let the facts speak for themselves and I cannot wait to see what the defense team will conjure defense of the Chief...ah he didn't know...sad.
The word is that Judge Logan has approved live internet streaming on the opening day of the trial, tomorrow, January 13, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. CST located at mms://
Reception of the video and audio is intermittent and comes in, stops and then begins again. Hope you are having better reception if you are watching online.
Raymond Red Corn, do you hear your own Congressional attorney, Mr. Lyons, when he hammers in the concept of ACCOUNTABILITY TO THE OSAGE PEOPLE IN THIS TRIAL? -- "ACCOUNTABLE TO THE OSAGE PEOPLE UNDER THE NEW FORM OF GOVERNMENT." PAY ATTENTION TO THIS RAYMOND. After all these years, you might finally learn something important about the form of government you have so richly been paid to serve under with this duty owed by you as a member of the Osage Congress to the Osage People and it AIN'T WRITTEN DOWN IN THE CONSTITUTION. IT'S AN IMPLIED POWER OF THE OSAGE CONGRESS. Before you leave office after NEARLY EIGHT YEARS ON THE DIME OF THE OSAGE PEOPLE it might be efficacious for you to finally master an understanding of this all important concept!!!!!
RED ALERT! POSTED 1:11 P.M. CST: I was finally able to get a clear hearing of part of the Judge's instructions to those participating in the Trial. Don't attempt to contact anyone in the case, even your members of the Osage Nation Congress or your name will be turned into the Judge per her instructions!
First day of the trial has concluded. Testimony will be heard from the AG, Jeff Jones and Chief John Red Eagle tomorrow. Thanks to Congresswoman Edwards, the trial will continue with both video and audio streaming on the internet as ordered by Judge Logan.
Witnesses who gave testimony today include Walter Hopper, head of the ON Election Board, Brian Herbert, Criminal Investigator for the ON AG's Office, Debbie Miles, Administrative Assistant for the AG's office, Morgan Currey, paralegal for the ON AG's Office and the final witness was Clinton Patterson, ON Assistant AG. His testimony will resume tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. CST.
Day 2 -- Finally, the trial audio is working with the video perfectly. They're on a 15 minute break. Any reactions as to the testimony of Officer Herbert and the Jeff Jones, the AG? See
See article at OK Congressional Delegation Not Happy with Osage County Drilling Rules Process at
Holy smoke! "...many Indian country and federal officials are questioning whether an Office of the Special Trustee is really necessary, and legislation has recently been introduced that would get rid of it. Will the office still be there by the time Logan is confirmed?" Read more at
Who is going to be responsible for getting out the headright checks to us shareholders if the OST closes down its shop? The BIA or the Osage Nation? This is worth paying attention to and these questions need to have an answer very soon. March is right around the corner.
I do not see how they can get rid of the OST...discharge thier duties to who? It's a known fact in Indian Country many do not trust their Gov't....and we are in the same boat...ah and the BIA has faild Indian won't happen any time soon...
The Removal Trial process is over and the Osage Nation Congress voted today to remove Chief John D. Red Eagle from office on five of the six allegations against him. Scott Bighorse was sworn in as the new Principal Chief of the Osage Nation by Judge Logan immediately after the 11th Special Session was closed by Speaker Raymond Red Corn.
The Primary candidate list has been recertified and updated at The Osage News is reporting that the drawing for the order that the candidate names will appear on the March 10 primary ballot took place this morning and a meeting was held with the candidates at the cultural center regarding the upcoming Primary election.
The order of names on the ballot for the Primary election is as follows:
PRINCIPAL CHIEF: 1) Tom Boone 2) Geoffrey Standing Bear 3) Margo Gray
ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL CHIEF 1) Raymond Red Corn 2) Amanda Proctor 3) Terry Mason Moore 4) James "Osage" Dailey 5) Randolph Crawford
Smart of osage blogger to stop that PS-B from trashing Cynthia. As it turns out, her son is the only candidate on the list who has any possibility of protecting our mineral estate as it exists now.
You don't know this to be true until you hear what their campaign is going to be about...and as for Cynthia contradicts her own self and doesn't need the help of others....and now to have her son maybe elected to be Chief and husband and herself all officers and sitting on a board ah I see a conflict of interest and if the board does not do something about this it will be time to impeach them as well, having two members in the same family sitting on a Board is a huge conflict....Congress listen up hear...
I agree with AnonymousJanuary 27, 2014 at 12:14 PM. Usually the nuts don’t fall very far from the tree. Let’s see how he handles himself in the debates, if he even shows up. Then again, he probably needs a good job, since he will soon be feeding and financing his mom.
Really seems to be the trend as of late....the appearance of impropriety..but we have a lot of will and the ability to use common sense and must pursue the Surge and right the wrong and we do this by letting our Voice be heard....and demonstrate that though we live with in a Gov. for the Gov...does not mean we like it...and must insist smaller Gov. and a Gov. for the People of the People and by the People...Long live the Osage Tribe and the 1906 Act...
A harbinger of the future if we compact the Mineral Estate or get rid of the BIA and try to run it by ourselves.
They keep on moving the Dates around first it was the end of Christmas, then the first quarter of the New Year and now it says sometime in 2014....Hello why has GCG not announced a Date? Everyone knows if you are in a certain bracket the most one will receive is 13000. dollars which I kind of find it odd that There was a lot more activity in some accounts but still the payment seems to be divided equally...for those who have high activity...and more or less I would like to know from the our Tribe have they negotiated in the Land buy back process? and were we left out in the negotiations? Not that I am going to sell heck no they can bite is why it is going to be a fall out on this end of the deal and will revert back to the Federal Gov. if I have it correctly....Everyone must flood the Gates at GCG and talk to a super...because most just read from a script and bad at it as well...when you ask a direct question that they cannot answer it's back to the script...
I'm talking about the funds on the Land buy back program will revert to the Fed. Gov...if no one sells their property and the Gov. is betting this will happen...what a sham.
Just called GCG and they are waiting from the Court...and I said Indian Country is getting restless and that it would be beneficial to Indian Country to get a Press Release out there to them as to where this case stands..But it looks to be the Courts are holding up the process or still is verifying the accuracy of the amounts...
Example list of questions for the candidates sent to the Osage News at
1) What are you going to do to expose the crime and those Osages who have broken the law which has been funded with Federal grant money and/or Osage Nation tribal funds?
2) Will you publish a list of offenders so that all Osages can know who is taking advantage of the largess of the Osage Nation?
3) What are you going to do specifically to see to it that all Osages, no matter where they live, participate fairly in the gaming and other revenue of the Osage Nation?
4) As Chief or Assistant Chief, will you help to sponsor a Per-Capita payment for all Osage Nation members?
Send yours in today!
From the Osage News Facebook web page Is this notification:
THIS SATURDAY IN HOMINY: The Osage News is hosting the primary election candidate debates in Hominy at the Co-op building on Main Street starting at 5 p.m.; To submit questions for the debates, email The debates will be broadcast live via the internet.
See the Osage News Debates Notice at
Not as advertised now is it Galen? "provisions of the proposed rules would give too much regulatory power to the federal government by completely removing the Osage Minerals Council as a regulatory authority" More>>>>>
Hello, my name is Tom Boone Jr. and I am announcing my candidacy for Principal Chief of the Osage Nation. I am from the Grayhorse District. Girard (John) Blackbird, the last full blood, male original allottee from Fairfax named me. Archie Mason roached me.
On my father's side, my great-grandfather was Joe Daniels. My grandmother was Cynthia Daniels Boone. My dad, Tom Boone Sr., is on the Grayhorse Committee. On my mother's side, my great grandmother was Rosa Strikeaxe. My grandmother was Naomi Myers. My mother, Cynthia Boone, is serving her second term on the Osage Minerals Council. I am married to Jessica. We have a daughter, Rachel.
I was elected to the Pawhuska School Board for a five year term. I'm a fourth generation member of the First Baptist Church in Pawhuska. I have served on the Osage Head Start Parent Committee.
For eight years, I've been involved with Youth Works, a Christian group that helps the elderly with home improvement projects in Pawhuska during the summer. I'm a firm supporter of the 1906 Act and I will not support redistributing of the headright shares of the minerals estate, nor do I intend to compact the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). I believe the Osage Minerals Council can take care of the minerals estate for the headright owners.
Caring for the elders and our children will be my primary focus, whether that is trying to provide a better quality of life for our elders or continuing to educate our youth past high school so they can enter the workforce prepared and with the confidence they need to be successful.
If elected chief, I will have an open door policy and be transparent in all of my actions. I am also for accountability and communication. I will personally return all my telephone calls. I will be there for you because you were there for me.
I respectfully request your vote on March 10. My name is Tom Boone Jr. and I'm number 1 on the ballot. Thank you.
Mr. Boone, your announcement says you want to be the Osage Principal Chief. So far I have read about your cultural back ground and some of your civic activities, but you have not listed one thing that qualifies you to be Principal Chief except that you are of Osage descent. There are over 15,000 of us with these qualifications, but very few who would have the back ground to make us a good Chief. In the debate broadcast, you stated several times that you were a oil and gas man. Yet you don’t tell us in your announcement anything about your affiliations with the oil and gas business. Could you explain this further for us. How many leases do you operate? How many employees do you have? Are they Osages? I wasn’t aware that redistribution of our head right shares was an issue. Please explain this. Also, you say you do not intend to compact the BIA. What are you talking about? What does compact mean? What do you plan to do about protecting our water rights? I am glad to read that you support the 1906 Act. Do you also support the several amendments thereto? I agree that caring for our elders and our children are important. Also, a open door policy at the Chief’s office will be a welcome change.
I am glad to see that you believe in transparency. That assures me that you will answer some of the questions I have about your qualifications. Thank you.
That's all we need is another "Boone" in our government! We already have a "Boone" in Congress and a "Boone" in the MC and I'm not impressed with either. One I've not seen do anything and the other can't be trusted and continually causes problems.
Causes problems or exposes them? Don't hang the whistleblower. Her son won't compact the ME or change it to a Federally chartered Corporation with a new set of shareholders under the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act. Standing Bear will do just that as soon as he gets a chance. That means no more BIA, no more Trust and NO MORE MONEY IN YOUR HEADRIGHT CHECKS. Think about that before you start to go after Tom.
Tom Boone didn't post the notice. I did. You can ask him your questions yourself after you download the contact information sheet:
What do you suppose Standing Bear meant during the debates when he said that the BIA was "fading away"? How can he possibly think that he can "control" the forces that are coming together from the State of Oklahoma against us legally on water rights and the Federal government continuing to run the Mineral Estate? This is going to require the cooperation, protection, and intervention of the U.S. Legislature not the courts.
The question is, who in the Federal government has the fiduciary obligation to the Osages per the Cherokee Deed to the Osages of 1883 and the 1906 Act as amended? Do the courts of the U.S. have the responsibility to uphold this fiduciary obligation and what are the penalties if they don't do so? Surely this must involve Judicial misconduct on some level if they don't.
Candidate Margo Gray Bombshell: See the article, Bench warrant under advisement for principal chief candidate at
Thank you if I recall wasn't it about a thousand or so who are receiving Headright Royalties that should not be receiving? And what's next?...Wow going back a Hundred years...Thank you Amanda Proctor.
I too would like to know what ties or experience in the oil and gas business Tom Boone has that he referred to ? JRE made claims about his qualifications in the last election that turned out to be untrue. Do we have another candidate at it again ?
It's not that hard to understand the Oil have supply and demand and marketing have refineries which are going to switch to summer grade gasoline and really if you study the Market you get a keen sign how to judge what's going to happen a cushing...the in's and out's so to speak....mapping, drilling, plugging and don't need to go on acertation is he does not have much qualification other than his parents sits on a boards and council....and looks to me he really doesn't want to be where he is at...didn't have much passion...and you hear the same ole thing social issues...We want to hear how you plan on addressing the issues of financial and fiscal responsibility and how you plan on bringing commerce to the disclosure...for all Osages...I did not get that from him and that concerns me...This is sad because I do not think Margo qualifies or Standingbear.....There's not much to pool from....
I did though like the fact that the Osage M/E can take care of itself....and leave it to the Council....that much I will give him a Plus..but there's more dwellving issues of the up most concern....and it takes a strong leader to lead their any tribe..and must do it for the People and not big Gov....
A situation involving potential conflict of interest are these accusations against Minerals Council member Sonny Abbott pulling another Team Osage where Geoffrey Standing Bear is concerned by paying for dinners and meet and greets that have been going on for the last few weeks. It is rumored that Abbott has had a function at his home to introduce StandingBeer to the heads of all of the prominent Osage families in order to get him elected to office. Plus, there's this BBQ dinner coming up this weekend that is being hosted by and presumably paid for by Abbott to introduce Geoffrey to the general Osage public. Abbott's an elected official who's in office today. He's not Geoffrey's father or mother, sister or brother. Is he trying to buy votes for Geoffrey by having these events? As a Mineral Council member, is it appropriate for Abbott to be having these functions for only one candidate or at all for another elected official? Is it ethical? Should Geoffrey even be participating in these events hosted, sponsored and paid for by another elected official of the Osage Nation? Look what happened the last time Team Osage put in a Chief. Disaster!!!!
Where is the BIA in this matter? This is a Huge Conflict of Interest. Ah time to vote him off the Council. He is an official....we don't pay him to sway the vote on our behalf...ah Election Board time to react!
This is not a conflict of interest. Who ever said an elected official can’t support a candidate? That’s ridiculous. We rarely see it done, because it’s not good personal politics, and most won’t stick their necks out at all, for anyone. But Abbott told us all in 2010 that he wasn’t a politician. If you want to claim some of Abbott’s personal business to gripe about, why don’t you tell everyone how he hasn’t drawn one red cent of shareholder money for a salary for 3 ½ years, and how he has paid much of his own expenses and some of others expenses in support of the shareholder’s interests during that 3 ½ years, including plane tickets, hotels, meals, and countless other things. We shareholders already owe him a hell of a lot more than he, or any of the rest of us for that matter, will ever spend supporting qualified candidates who will keep on working for the mineral estate. Geoffery Standing Bear is the only candidate on the 2014 ballot who is qualified to run this tribe. One of the others can’t seem to take care of their personal responsibilities, and the other can’t seem to take care of anything. Who would you want Abbott to support? And besides that, that $25 thou…has to be the dumbest, wildest, most frantic lie I have ever heard concocted.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from us at the Osage Blog! Thank you again for making this an active communication tool on the internet for the Osage Shareholders.
ReplyDeleteWhat is of utmost concern right now is how the Congress and the sponsors and voters for the Osage Nation Election law have set themselves up to have only a few run for Chief and Assistant Chief with this skunk Primary Election they have cooked up to control the playing field for those who live back home. If no one else runs for Asst. Chief, Raymond Red Corn will get in by default and the time to file run for both positions will be over by January 6, 2014. So far, the three running for Chief are Margo Gray, Chief Red Eagle and Geoffrey Standing Bear. We need more choices than just these four. You can smell this one all over the U.S. Dating back the last two years or so, the gift tag on it is from Raymond Red Corn and recently in 2013 from Kuggee.
ReplyDeleteFor Election Board updates while the Osage Nation web site is "being upgraded" see the Osage Nation Election Office at
DeleteHere's a thought for you. I recently asked a member of the Congress about changing the ability to file for office in the election law from just the limited venue of Pawhuska for the upcoming elections to where they live anywhere in the U.S. The answer formed as an excuse was, "No one else has contacted me about making a change like this." Here I was, on the phone seeking representation from my representative in Congress and he didn't get the fact that I was the one WHO WAS seeking representation. Never mind any other constituent who wasn't. If every constituent who contacts their ON Congressional representative gets this kind of response, what is the point of even having a congress under this form of government? In an earlier conversation, this same member of congress disclosed that he had been contacted by another member whose kid hadn't received his scholarship money for college. He openly admitted that he hopped on this constituent request getting right to work to find out what happened. Now let's look at this situation. Did he tell that member that he hadn't been contacted by anyone else with regard to this matter essentially refusing such a request? NO. He did not. Therefore, why are my legitimate requests for representation any less viable and important than ANY OTHER constituent who calls him for representation no matter what the matter might be or his willingness to represent my interests even though he doesn't personally want to see such a change made for the benefit of the full membership? Are any of you getting this kind of response from your elected Congressional officials?
DeleteWho was the Member? We need to know who not to call for representation....
DeleteTake your pick. None of them want you to be able to file anywhere but at the Election Office in Pawhuska. They won't change it even if you ask them to do it. They won't even allow you to legally authorize anyone like with a PoA who lives there to file for you.
DeleteComments? See
ReplyDeleteBoy do I feel the pain for the Chief, NOT or the new gov we have in place it's A BIG JOKE BUT I'M NOT LAUGHING!!!!!!
DeleteWeird. The Chief seems not to realize that we have a government that was reformed, in part, to do away with exactly what he's yauping on an on about, which is patterned after the American form of government representing American values and the sentiments of its Constitutional democracy for all including the rule of LAW. Why would a guy run for office when he doesn't even seem to get or have a basic understanding of the form of government he's been elected to lead? All these years employed by this government as an elected official and the guy is too lazy to do his homework to find out and come to a basic understanding what kind of government under which he's been elected to serve? Besides that, it wasn't humility that got the Chief in so much trouble. It was his arrogance, wasn't it? So much for traditional Osage values all the way around. If this article isn't the biggest political gaffe in the history of the Osage Tribe, I don't know what is! Who wrote this piece for JRE? Jim Gray?
DeletePlease, I hope there are enough intelligent qualified voters that will express themselves with their ballots to show the Tribe that such "executive action" we have seen in the past, will not be tolerated in the future.
DeleteDoesn't that depend on if there are enough intelligent qualified candidates running for office? You can thank the current sitting Congress for this new Executive Branch Election Primary. The window closes right after the holidays on Jan. 6, for candidates to even file for Chief and Assistant Chief with the Election Office. So far, as "qualified" you've got Standing Bear who wants to separate from the BIA altogether and manage the trust in-house. How do you do that without somehow bringing to an end the Federally managed trust created for the benefit of the Headright owners under the 1906 Act as amended? In addition, imagine what life will be like with an attorney as the Chief and the millions being spent by his office under his direction with the appropriations aid of the Congress on litigation of one kind or another in the next four year cycle. You also have the Chief who is under a cloud with a removal trial scheduled in January and many will argue that he was never qualified to be the Chief in the first place.
DeleteStill having some issues with this junk of heap of a I agree with Bah.....who thought it was appropriate to have a window open for sign up during the holidays? And in no way StandingBear will separate the trust. Again the Nation will have a fight from the Shareholders.....and it's not likely the Fed. Gov. will acquest either and as bad as the litigation against the Chief is costing enough...and who ever wrote the cry me a river story doesn't get a sorry gram from this Osage Shareholder....nor any Court has plenary power to change the 1906 Act. US.Congress has the Authority...TO alleviate any impropriety in the Executive Office take away the Checkbook....Even in the real world a CEO OR EXECUTIVE..would have the Payables write him a check....checks and balances people. This is like just giving him at will to sign off on anything....Where's the lawsuit against the five man board? Did the Chief sign off on that issue as well? He did..I bet he said under his Authority he approved..that's the way it appears......So lets sum this up is the Nation paying for the Chiefs Litigation yes and Congresses Litigation against the Chief is what around 500000. Let this not be a game. At some point it does not matter whether the Chief was qualified it's that Congress did nothing in the first but turned a blind eye and now this is costing the Nation unnecessary funding and waste...The Chief got in their by default executed then by the failed diligence by the Election Board...Just what I see to no to be true....failures of applying Policy...or badly and poorly written Policies by no means an accident....It's easy to read and see the shenanigans. And another thing we as Shareholders in the first dictate the direction we need to take when it comes to the M/E. The Mineral Council is a Manager for the Stakeholders in the First and that's you and I and we are the Moral Majority....rules...and the OUTCOME must always be in favor...of the M/E. This can be argued if need be...but it's the truth...we shouldn't be worried about this everytime someone gets elected....What we want from them from a constituent point of view we should be posting our expectations as well....our vote matters and since some of the Candidates have already put their names in the hat...start campaigning....What I EXPECT IS NO LESS IS GET A PER-CAP OUT TO THE CONSTITUENCY...If I have to I will go to Congress and the Fed. Gov...Our Congress and the APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE GETS A BIG F FOR NOT SENDING OUT TURKEY VOUCHERS TO ALL CONSTITUENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS YET WE ARE THE MAJORITY AND THE FEW VOTE THEMSELVES A RAISE BY WAY OF DEFAULT. Picketers and how embarrassing that was...and soooo unethical...I would have fired them because it's not an entitlement and we need action to take place so this is not allowed ever again and should be based on merit by performance as in the real world...Folks...This is Greed..and it needs to end.....clean house is what needs to be done....this did not happen overnight...
DeleteJim Gray cried "Open Sesame" and the floodgates to the ON Treasury flew wide and the employee raid on it has been going on fast and furious ever since. You did get a Turkey Voucher. It was sent out and it said "NOTHING FOR YOU, TURKEY!!!!!"
DeleteWhy hasn't that sidewinder Standing Bear gotten an amendment or whatever it takes out there for a Constitutional Convention? That used to be his big thing didn't it? He's had three years where is it or was that just political big talk before he was elected the last time?
Deletelol smh again you said it right...I HAVE A FEELING THE FLOOD GATE AND SPIGOT WAS RIPE FOR THE TAKING WITH THE ON SET OF THE Casinos...and it looks to be we lost half a million that probably could be accounted for if we do a in depth forensic audit on the financials. What the Osages want is honesty and integrity with accountability for all and any improprieties that exist handeled in the most expiditious and bring back what has been lost is our good name from a few sour apples...with a sour taste in our minds. I do not see this in any one of those canidates that are running and by golly the Chief has the nerve to continue his sad state of affairs blinded by greed....the nerve of him running again shame on you and the Election Board with these type of charges should not be allowed...and this goes out to Congress to...
DeleteThe Osage government gobble - gobble - gobbled up all the money in the Nation's Treasury with nothing left for the poor downtrodden membership because they spent everything on themselves. The End.
DeleteRemember this? How New Mexico Does It...
DeleteFrom: Constitutional Convention Information
Date: 9/2/2007
Time: 11:22:32 PM
Remote Name:
Comments: Sec. 2. [Constitutional conventions.] Whenever the legislature, by a two-thirds vote of the members elected to each house, deems it necessary to call a convention to revise or amend this constitution, they shall submit the question of calling such convention to the electors at the next general election, and if a majority of all the electors voting on such questions at said election in the state votes in favor of calling a convention, the legislature shall, at the next session, provide by law for calling the same. Such convention shall consist of at least as many delegates as there are members of the house of representatives. Revisions or amendments proposed by a constitutional convention shall be submitted to the voters of the state at an election held on a date set by the convention. The revisions or amendments proposed by the convention may be submitted in whole or in part, or with alternatives, as determined by the convention. If a majority vote favors a proposal or alternative, it is adopted and becomes effective thirty days after the certification of the election returns unless otherwise provided by the convention. (As amended November 7, 1911 and November 5, 1996.)
Then Galen Crum wrote:
From: Galen
Date: 9/2/2007
Time: 11:51:09 PM
Remote Name:
Comments: I’m told some tribal governments don’t even need to call for a constitutional convention. It’s set as a matter of law that they just have one every ten years or so. That way they are forced to look at how their government is being run and let the people decide if they want to initiate some corrections to make it better. They don’t fear letting the people examine and tweak their government, they use it as a tool to make sure the government continues to improve.
In response, Geoffrey Standing Bear wrote:
From: G Standing Bear
Date: 9/3/2007
Time: 1:24:56 PM
Remote Name:
Comments: But we need some system which the majority view as legitimate. This strongly implies, in my view, a role of the existing government. At such a convention it needs to be free as possible from the existing government but how we get there needs as many groups, factions, families, clans, flocks, herds, or whatever so the results are not rejected, and, this is critical, the results must be federally recognized. Even though the amendments or the constitution or resolutions do not have to be federally approved, the United States will not fund the governement, the National Indian Gaming Commission will not sanction or allow the gaming, the Indian Health Service will not provide the needed health care, and so forth, unless the government to government relationship is recognized by both sides. Federal recognition is a real requirement, like it or not. I do not like it, but this is how it works.
Very good comment Galen. Nothing wrong that I can see with us doing exactly that. Geoffrey? Because you're an attorney, you can work the angles on this idea can't you?
DeleteNothing? No? Mr. Standing Bear? Too good to leave comments here or what? I know you read this blog because you've posted the exact same stuff under your own name on Facebook sites I've seen in the past.
DeleteBest search term yet for the Osage Blog: "where the hell is my cobell check!!!"
ReplyDeleteTo: Ray McClain. See the comment of osageblogger at on December 15, 2013 at 5:33 PM: The chart referred to by Galen Crum is now located at
ReplyDeleteWhy did you post this?
DeleteBecause he published a document titled "013-12-28 ACCOUNTABILITY, Something We MUST Have.pdf" at In it, Ray makes the claim on December 28, 2013, "Councilman Galen Crum responded, and as a part of his explanation of the reasoning behind this proposal, offered to produce a chart generated by the Federal Government if the Webmaster would display it. The Webmaster responded “That I will,” but so far, I haven’t seen it there." Clearly, I did put up a link to this chart back on December 15, 2013. I am also posting the three responses after the link posting for review.
DeleteGalen Crum
DeleteDecember 15, 2013 at 8:40 PM
To Anonymous December 12 @ 10:11pm : Steve Manydeeds is the Division Chief of the Division of Energy & Minerals Development, Bureau of Indian Affairs. So the make-up of the federal side of the Neg/Reg committee was 2 BIA employees, 1 BLM Employee and 1 ONNR employee just as I stated. I worked with these people many long hours for nearly a year. Do you really think I don’t know who they work for? For some reason you seem driven to hostile challenges of everything I say even when it serves no purpose in supporting your wild accusation about a dark plot to load the deck in favor of the BLM. Even under your inaccurate count of the agencies represented there is still only one each from BLM and ONNR. And no one, BIA or Osage wants the BLM to have any authority in the Osage.
NTL’s or Notices To Lessees are merely written notices to producers about policy directives. A simple example of a NTL might be if a regulation requires signage at each well location telling who the operator is and an identification name for the site. A NTL could be issued telling the producer how big the sign must be or where it should be placed or similar guidelines on how to properly comply with the regulation. In the BLM world they are subject to specific adoption processes and must be vetted and approved up the chain of command. Under current regulations in the Osage the BIA Superintendant can pretty much issue these types of directives at will.
As to your claim that issuing these types of directives is somehow improperly changing the lease agreement, all our leases plainly state that operations are to be conducted in accordance with BIA/DOI regulations and policies and the CFR’s are very plain on what things can and cannot be changed. Onshore orders or NTL’s could never be used to change those areas.
Again your statement about the TAMS computer system not being implemented in the Osage is false. There are parts of the TAMS system being used right now and more is likely to come. The problem with going totally with TAMS is that it was developed for the rest of the BIA world, so it will work with ONNR and BLM systems, but has no capability to perform the functions the systems those other agencies now perform. For instance there is no oil and gas accounting or auditing capability in TAMS because the ONNR system takes care of these areas for all other Tribal lands. So in order to bring all these services to the Osage the TAMS system must be supplemented in some fashion.
I find it humorous that you condemn the BIA for not properly protecting the Three Affiliated Tribes from being exploited by the oil companies in the Fort Berthold area, since these oil companies used the exact same scare tactics there that they are using here in the Osage to try and defeat the Neg/Reg changes. Claiming that if they have to pay more royalty or give bigger lease bonuses they will not drill on tribal lands. They will just pack up and go else where. In the beginning, before the full potential of the play was realized they were successful and convinced a lot of alottees to settle for $100 lease bonuses and 1/6 royalty. Now they are paying 1/4th royalty and $50,000 dollar per acre bonuses to those folk’s neighbors. Those that signed early are now mad at the BIA for not using its crystal ball to stop them from falling for the oil company claims.
DeleteDecember 24, 2013 at 10:11 AM
In response to Galen Crum and his chart which does not reveal the source of the data for verification, we all know that you can make numbers say anything that you want them to:
1. Increases in Tribal and allotted Indian Leases are not due to any superior management by BIA. It is due to Tribes luck in having huge mineral rights located in fairways of Bakken Oil boom in Montana, N. Dakota and in Shale-Oil Horizontal Drilling plays in other Northern USA States.
2. Verify sources of data used in your Charts! Was it some BIA employee trying to save Mike Black's rear-end. Verify, verify -- all statements fed to you by BIA top management; who to quote Bob Jackman”Manage Indian Mineral Estates like a 1930s One pump gas service station. "
3. Have you taken the trouble to read Montana's Ft. Berthold Tribal Members Class Action Suit against BIA? It's more of the same stupid management as at Osage Agency.
4. Increase of oil prices the last 8 years have covered up BIA's semi-criminal management. Why don't you brag on Office of Inspector General's reports on hostile management by BIA -Eastern Oklahoma which includes BIA Osage Agency? Why have you become the mouth-piece for BIA?
DeleteDecember 24, 2013 at 11:08 AM
So glad I didn't have to post this one! Yes. Harvard started with that self-reporting of statistics in Indian Country that has subsequently spiraled out of control with anything hitting the fan that looks like numbers and stats without any legitimate verification. I guess this works with stupid uneducated people. Thank God we have had money in the Osage for 100 years and our children have been educated throughout that period. This won't fly Galen. Find something more legitimate that is properly sourced and verified.
"This won't fly Galen. Find something more legitimate that is properly sourced and verified." You TOO Ray........ Also to Anonymous poster on December 24, 2013 at 10:11 AM, so you would rather trade hostile trust management by the BIA for hostile, greed driven incompetent management by the Osage Nation under a compact of some sort? I heard that even members of Congress have to send out faxes to certain Osage Nation departments just to get a call back on messages they've left over and over again!!!!!! How long do you think that's going to fly in the oil field when some employed Osage gets mad at some caller about something and decides to start punishing that person right and left and others they don't like as well?
DeleteBring the Source to the Web for verification Ray and Galen.
DeleteAnd over all once you break down the numbers monthly and yearly the average increase is very little in 5yrs...some of us do know how to count....
DeleteTo Anonymous December 30, 2013 at 9:25 AM & 9:35 AM
DeleteI’ll bet Galen and Ray are both already on a plane to somewhere with a plan to “verify” these numbers that the U.S. Government has published. All just for you. Just exactly, pray tell, how would you prove or disprove production numbers. Do you think they will go to one of these leases in Wyoming, or North Dakota, or Montana, and each stand by a pump jack and count the strokes for awhile? Maybe they’ll just go to Kevin Washburn’s office and kick down the door and tell him they don’t believe these numbers and they want them proved. As for knowing how to count, since you have learned to count to 5, you should be able to figure out that that averages almost a 60% per year increase. Just what would suit you? Why don’t you explain to them exactly how to proceed with proving these numbers. Better yet, give them a call. Maybe you’ll make more sense to them than you do me.
You're the cheapest and easiest sell I've ever seen bar none.
DeleteThe EPA under the BLM is supposed to be taking over the accounting for the tribe. The 1906 allotment act has been changed as has the 1912 act and the 1978 act. The part of the 1912 act that has been changed makes it ok for the superintendent to approve a family agreement, without the family agreement being considered a contest of an Osage Will and have to go before the federal district court which that should have never been changed because the tribe govt. has been making deals with members of the families to sell their portion of the land to them in which they then can purchase the whole thing. I can't believe that instead of making a whole new act they just kind of re-wrote both the acts in a subtle way but it will have a grave affect on how it is actually done because the superintendent makes those family agreements right and left to where theeir won't be anything but tribal land left..
ReplyDeleteAre you referring to the Tribal land purchasing section of the terms and conditions of the Cobell settlement?
DeleteThat's a good question...where not talking about the M/E and though times are hard for some I just can't see for the life of me how this is going to change any or all circumstances with this proposal by the Cobell Settlement...hog wash...anybody in their right mind is not going to sell back to the Gov. to give back to the Tribe...unless like the Pine Ridge riddled with many social issues the Gov. preys on the weak....And all that money waiting for 10 yrs for it all be dispersed is exactly what the Gov. is holding out knowing that most Indians what they do have and maybe what little to some is significant and cultural to them would use common sense and pass what they have to their family.
DeleteEssentially, it's another path to Native American assimilation. Instead of the U.S. government acting as the repressive culprit, Cobell is a game changer because it turns the Tribal peoples against the Tribal government itself that has in the past helped to sustain the community and provide cohesion to one degree or another. If the Tribes don't use the money to buy the land from the Tribal owners before a certain point in time the funding in the settlement for this purpose expires and the money goes away which the Feds get to keep and not pay out. It's very clever but not equitable. The Cobell lawsuit was supposed to pay out money to those who have been harmed, not get the government out of having to service IIM accounting on land and royalties.
DeleteThank you for the reminder...I understand this to be true and factual..and the inequity is a understament...saw this from the beginning but in your opinion why has this fact not been brought up?
DeleteIt was. In fact there were people who challenged the settlement that the Cobell attorneys were accused of threatening. One of them-a fellow named Harper- has just been send down by the U.S. Senate in his nomination to become a human rights ambassador with the State Department. Look over here
DeleteHappy New Year to my brother and sister Osage...Long live the 1906 Act and the Osage Tribe....Thankyou Osageblogger..much respect...we have still a lot to be happy and thankful....Though the Tribe did not sponcer turkey vouchers for is my hope that legislation is passed with respect to our fellow Osages who are not forgotten...who live away they matter and are in our Hearts...and mabe legislation will come with a Per-Cap to all Osages....
ReplyDeleteY E S !!! From your computer keyboard to the eyes of the elected "gods" up on the Osage Nation hill !!!
DeleteHappy New Year! Have a good one. Thought for the year: "It costs so little to teach a child to love, and so much to teach him to hate." Father Flanagan, founder of the Boys Town.
ReplyDeleteNo declaratory judgment opinion from the ON Supreme Court. See
ReplyDeleteRED ALERT: After today there are only THREE more business days left for filing for Chief and Assistant Chief. If you are wishing to file for candidacy please remember to bring the following with you:
ReplyDelete1. Cashier's Check/Money Order made out to Osage Nation Election Office. Filing Fees are $500 for Chief and $400 for Assistant Chief. No personal checks or cash will be accepted.
2. Osage Nation Membership Card
3. Government Issued Photo ID. Example: Driver's License or Passport
4. Proof of a separate bank account in the name of the candidate or the candidate's campaign.
Come on people, file to run for office if you can. THE NEXT FOUR YEARS ARE CRITICAL! If the ON can get their business act together enough in the next three years to file to start compacting the ME, the people they have running for Chief and AP Chief right now will do it in a heartbeat. As it stands currently, the Chief can compact on his own without anyone to stop him once the U.S. Congress/BIA agrees to allow compacting or worse, forming a new Trust with a whole new set of ON hand picked Osage Shareholders, not Headright owners, by way of a Federally Chartered Corporation under the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act. If this is where you want this thing to go with ON Oil and Gas Departments, Offices, Boards, Commissions and God knows what all else to eat alive what you receive in income in your checks in the future then do nothing. Do some forward thinking here people. You are potentially facing an all out personal financial emergency in the not too distant future. ACT TODAY to protect your own financial interest and that of your children to prevent this from happening by running for Chief or AP Chief if you possibly can.
DeleteLike any good lawyer will tell you, never ever forget that you are a step-child. We are step-children to those who live back home. Never ever forget this: they don't think that we are really Osage Indians and because of that they don't think we even have a right to a headright check. Osageblogger is right. Run for Chief or Asst. Chief if you can. These two elected positions really control of everything in the ON government.
DeleteOk. Tell me why there are not more canidates running for Chief? What Qualifications is required....? Outside of the fact you are a member with the proper credentials to prove. I'm willing to throw my name in there....but the way I see it will I JUST BE A STEPCHILD to all who live in the local community? A HEADRIGHT Check they will never see and unforutunately this was left to the original allotees who migrated to the Reservation....but this does no mean they do not deserve a Per-Cap from the Casino's....If the Newpaper would put a vote to this watch and see what happens? K-know? We need to start acknolledging the Constiuency period and make sure we do not compact the M/E....long live the 1906 Act and the OSAGE TRIBE......WE ARE A NATION OF PROUD PEOPLE NOT A NATION TO NATION GOV..... FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.....let us not assimilate but to assimilate for the people with a cuase. We need to grow as a People together and sew our future together and not as a divided people.....we are Osage.....
DeleteP.S ....Most importantly we cannot compact our M/E away...feared we should be but fear is a good thing because at least we were warned by our Ancestor's of the yesteryears...let us not forget who we are born where we came from....most importantly, the past is today, the future is today and at least we we warned but it does not surprise....Politics has always been bountiful in all tribes and we are Sovereign. Doe's not mean we get to abuse that word Sovereign...We are all Sovereign and let us bring down those walls of communication and bring to our People the Osage.....we have a lot of issues nothing resolved just a endless roundtable and why? There are redundancies that need to be looked at for intance....the Osage LLC...I would like to look at the passive and aggressive investments and post in the Newspaper the results and post what true Financials as well...if we are a Nation of People then we need accountability.....just one example of many fine things to come....I believe someone said we have social issues as well so important we take care of our Own....nah I listened and I have watched from afar and something eludes me and I haven't put my finger on it...sure to see in a day dream or for the matter in my sleep....I will prey.
DeleteFILE...FILE...FILE! See Do I have to come out of the heart of Colorado to do this for you and the rest of the membership? Come on guys! "Let your love for one another be intense. Be hospitable to one another without complaining. As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace." The first letter of St. Peter, Chapter 4, verses 7 through 10. Just do it. MAKE IT HAPPEN!
DeleteTom Boone files to run for Chief. See
DeleteAhh So that's why that gal went after Cynthia with such a vengence. She must want one of the other candidates to get elected Chief. These people who live in OC never come at anything in honest straight forward manner. Do they? Always with the sidewind.
DeleteHappy New Year! Attention West Coast Osages and all candidates... Make sure to mark Saturday March 15th on those new 2014 calendars for the Northern California Osage meeting at the Executive Suites & Bayside Hotel in Oakland. Agenda: Osage Nation candidate & Minerals Council candidate panels and an Osage Nation Foundation presentation. More details to follow soon.
ReplyDelete~The Northern California Osage Steering Committee~
The Supreme Court has today denied the Chief's attempt to stop the trial. He has now lost 100% of his lawyer's motions to delay or derail the process. Trial is slated for January 13. He should resign and not cause the nation any more grief.
ReplyDeleteSee the Slip Opinion of the ON Supreme Court at
DeleteNow THIS is gorgeous prose:
Delete"Given the gravity of the matter before us, we must consider our path forward and the precedent we have set. We acknowledge the influence of past historical and cultural Osage governments throughout our long history, and we acknowledge how we have continuously reshaped, restructured and reinvented ourselves as a Nation. Our ancestors were 'logical, rational and pragmatic people struggling to understand and survive in a world of infinite complexity.' As we consider the complexity of the issues that arise before us, we use the lens of a dynamic people who adapted and endured and in doing so we strive to carry their legacy forward with meaning and purpose."
The Supreme Court of the Osage Nation
Meredith D. Drent
Chief Justice
Jeannine Logan
Associate Justice
Drew Pierce
Associate Judge, Sitting by Designation
Beautiful. Really inspiring.
DeleteSee also
DeleteGrasping at straws at this point would you not say?
DeleteWho are you referring to? The Chief or the ON Supreme Court?
DeleteNew article>>’s-challenge-removal-process
DeleteThe Chief Responds to Judicial Opinion at
Delete"The Supreme Court set the burden of proof at “Clear & Convincing” which is a high standard. That standard is closer to the criminal burden, rather than the general civil standard of “more likely than not.” This requires that Congress have strong evidence to prove their allegations, which we believe they do not have. The impeachment of a Principal Chief should require a high standard of proof." If you admit of your own free will that you have broken the law while testifying on not one, but two separate counts that have been brought against you; that's beyond a shadow of a doubt, it's absolute and an incontrovertible admission of guilt. That's a far higher standard than is mentioned in the Chief's response to the Judicial Opinion. If the Chief can't or doesn't perceive this fact as the most important reality associated with the situation he finds himself in then he needs to go of his own volition or be made to go because he writes as if he's delusional and we don't need the highest elected official of the Executive Branch of the Osage Nation to be exhibiting this sort of cognitive behavior while in office. This just gets worse and worse.
DeleteSorry Osageblogger posting to fast...on Jan. 3 at 9:10 am....the Chief..
DeleteThe Chief...agreed. He does appear to be grasping at straws.
DeleteDetermining whether Facebook or whatever is the most popular social media source is a minor issue. If we may offer a suggestion for a new Osage News poll it's this: Do you think the Chief should resign?
DeleteWhat happen to common sense polls? Lol
Delete"Do you think Chief Red Eagle has been treated fairly throughout the removal proceedings, instigated by the congress?" What the hell kind of W I M P - A * * poll question is that, you phonies over there at the Osage News? You people just persecuted the Chief and his good friend Rod Hartness yourselves when you sued him to get that employment contract. "Instigated by the Congress?" One of the allegations was to uphold and take your side against the Chief. Are you people skitzo or so puerile that you can't help it. This is a serious job you have over there for serious times. What are you playing politics now to get someone you are professionally allied with elected to office? Try and develop some substance and depth with mature questions in the polls you cook up for Osages to answer.
DeleteHAPPY New year I've been studying this land buyback program,and what I think it's insanely unsatisfactory,75$ to file and 7.50 per acre, please tell me I'm wrong.
ReplyDeleteSome not all federal land is way below the Market....the Gov. is known to undersell....happens all the time.
DeleteSo the idea is that they will working toward getting a fair price for the Tribal governments, not the Indian land owners. That makes sense because the fiduciary obligation is owed to the Tribal governments not the individual members of the Tribal communities. Bottom line...WATCH OUT! Another tactic for final assimilation--Tribal government + the BIA working against the best interest of the Indian land owners pitting the two against one another. To structure a settlement agreement that works like this seems hideously unethical to me.
DeleteQuestions to the candidates will be asked from the public this year at the Osage News Candidate Debates. To submit your question, see
Deletemy thinking this plans in place not work so the money's go back to the treasury,then routed to back pockets of the official who have the keys to the safe,once back the money we just vanish and nobody will be the wiser.SLICK WILLY STRIKES AGAIN.
ReplyDeleteWhat's to be missed on Monday evening, is the chance of a great Chief ,protempore on the blogs...but with a following...spaced by thought...well most Osages...not a corporate raider but a savor... could extend what has been put in words into reality... catch that flight to the fight... down from the mountains.. soar into the hills...into the run-offs... without a bill of goods..Go ahead look back the spacers....... will scout your way for the trail of a future Chief.
ReplyDeleteWow, "Pro tempore" There is something to be said about success and that is...success can be a indirect result of consequeences of greed...and arrogance whch in turn the domino effect and role has on the constiuency.....and you are only successful by the support of the the concept is please do apply you just don't know....let the intellectualls tell them selves anything which is why they are patsies for the ruling class...
DeleteIt's you, that the trail been woven with words like a braid reaching the future elected Chief office a strand to every Osage...embedded into what real and needs to be done. So you say not how, then when?
DeleteFYI: The Osage Nation Election Office has just sent out a post card with all of the important dates for the Primary Election and the General Election. Look for it to arrive in your snail mailboxes and stick it to your refrigerator or home message board for future reference.
ReplyDeleteThe Harvard Law Review is the place that performs the writing of the Laws. The Osage Congress just donated or gave them several thousands of dollars. Why? To write in to those acts like the 1912 Act which governs the Probate of estates and allotted or restricted lands. It was really strange to see how they have changed it. The superintendent can now approve a family agreement. A family agreement in actuality is a contest of a persons Will. Which only a federal court is to have jurisdiction over. This enables the superintendent to be in control of how your lands are inherited. Of course only Congress is supposed to be able to change those Acts but the tribal government has weasled a way through their big donation to the Harvard Law review. How underhanded. It needs to be brought to the attention of Congress and changed back the way it was.
ReplyDeleteReference the Act (ONCA 13-?) of the ON Congress you are speaking of or a link on the internet to this information. How did you find this out? We need more information in order to help you fight this situation.
DeleteI second the motion. Can you get the document to verify and under who's authority's. Never should congress be bypassed. This I hope is not so. And was the charged Osage M/C Informed?
DeleteWe are a separate Agency by and by the Osage Constitution. And if need be challenged and should be challenged at all costs. And which congressional members supported this or did this happen through the EXECUTIVE? Did StandingBear have a in
DeleteGreat news coming form Ray's web at osages-you-need and why did Boone not vote?
ReplyDeleteThe good news PFD is listed as from March of 2013. So what? Encana is beating feet out of the oil patch and the MC has agreed to pay twice the salary of the last one who quit due to lack of interest on the part of the producers wanting to participate in the O&G Summit. Could there be more spin than this guy Mcclain is capable of? Give me a break.
DeleteTo smhJanuary 6, 2014 at 12:49 PM Yes, according to what Mcclain says, Encana is beating feet out of the Osage, and I am also told they have closed a regional office in Texas and are liquidating oil and gas assets in Louisiana, Texas, and Oklahoma. I guess you’ll say that’s all happening because of the CFR changes. Then, someone bought Encana’s Osage assets and committed to drill over 80 wells where Encana was only obligated for 14, and paid the stakeholders $2.5 million for the privilege of doing that. As for the summit, if Mr. Torix happens to attract just one more producer like the one that bought Encana, we could pay him 20 times what he is asking. Give you a break, huh. You wouldn’t know a break if one hit you over the head.
DeleteWe'll see about that.
DeleteHave we really bankrupted Encana with these new CFRs? Who else have we harmed?
DeleteNOBODY has bankrupted Encana. They got 6 good producers out of the 7 wells they drilled, and they have made money every day they’ve been here, and they probably made more when they sold. They have one of the highest producing wells in the county just on the west side of town. The only one’s that will be harmed by the new CFRs will be those few who have been paying less than what’s due in royalties for years. That will come to a stop. I hope they find a way to collect these overdue royalties. That will harm—the crooks.
DeleteOsage Nation Chief and Assistant Chief candidate application deadline is now extended to Jan. 7, 2014. GO FOR IT! See
ReplyDeleteDon't let the sitting members of the Osage Congress throw the election in their favor in June with that crooked election law that they just slipped past us last year.
DeleteChief and Assistant Chief: December 16, 2013 - January 6, 2014 - Due to the weather the filing period for Chief and AP Chief has been extended through January 7, 2014.
Congress: March 15, 2014 - March 31, 2014
Applications will be accepted during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
NOTE: The Osage Nation Minerals Council has not yet reported their filing period for candidacy.
COME ON GUYS -- "If we roll all night she'll be comin' into sight...
DeleteDue to the weather the filing period for Chief and AP Chief has been extended through January 8, 2014.
DeleteHow dare you members of Congress leave us with such a poor field of choices for Chief and A, Chief and you of all people Kugee. You better fix this now or none of you will be elected or reelected. shame on you Kugee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteWill be ready example
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteNo end to what the Chief won't do to get out of removal process>> Oklahoma Delegation of Congressmen write letter concerning Minerals Estate --
ReplyDeleteO'boy....Orbi-Osage with due respect your Opinion Please. It is the wish of the M/E that the Shareholders are in the first and we will fight tooth to end not to compact....Now, The Chief is Desperate....What has the CHIEF done for the M/E absolutely nothing......but hold up our accounts...there's something there and there is a problem and someone wishes to keep this information from being disclosed....We won this HPP lawsuit at a pennies on the dollar....and any letter written to any State Official and under what capacity of any authority could or would interoperate on our Sovereignty. Funny how this word is used so loosely, but to those of us has great meaning and should not be thrown like a spent cannon as it has been in the the Chief....what means will now accuse the ONC. We all said this was a conflict of interest the way he has used us all....the word Deception comes to mind but neither the less...we must move forward and this scare tactic is by far a wicked excuse of a ploy....the Producers will still make their money and the mom and pop producers will survive and exist and now the big players can come in and more monopoly. On my way out the door....not enough time to express... will later.
DeleteBest option for everybody looks to be resignation before the trial starts on the 13th. 11th Congressional Special Session>>
DeleteThanks Orbi-Osage.....we want laws so this does not happen again....and we should create them before any Chief takes office and this is a Opinion the in regards to the letter that was written to Kevin How would the State of Oklahoma like us to write a Letter to Obama and expressing our opinion how the State of Oklahoma is operating their Gov. affairs and that is not our Place...we are both Sovereign no less and no more than each other.....There will always be a division....The M/E is what it is left to those by their Ancestors to their relatives and the Fletcher Case will prove those entities that should not have a Headright....The only division that has created a division is when we became a Gov....we would not be in knee deep you know what I mean if the Corruption did not take place in the first....You can read and understand what has exactly has happened....and who was hoodwinked....the 31st Council...and they were....they did not do the diligence that was required...we know this to be true...and we can not sit idle Obviously now we have to babysit this latest Council.but none the less..this is where we are are at and we were fully warned this day would come by our forefathers and here we are...not pretty....Our timeline is too easy to read like a book....There are no two sides to this....The State of Ok needs to back off....The Fed. Gov will not relinquish our M/E for compacting...they will lose funding... so this becomes an endless round table at the expense of the Shareholders forever perpetuated in the cyclone of a fight...ha! Why don't we Picket for the Chief to resign and rid the Shame....if the ON employees can do it so can the Constituency...or is that the Constituency back home so blind to do nothing. At any rate the Chief should resign he created this mess now he needs to pick up after himself and by the looks of him he's in sad shape...all around....
DeleteChief to the ON Court to delay the Removal Trial see
ReplyDeleteCourt's Response to deny the delay see
Chief's trial to begin on Monday, January 13, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. in the Congressional Chambers. See
DeleteSorry to change suject but land buy back is all wrong to say the least
ReplyDeletehear a simple mathematical equivalent.1.500,000,000 divided by $300. equal 500,000 people there are 10,000,00 million acre divided by 500,000 people equals aprox.$300. for twenty acres plots,
now this is just a simple formula and not sit in stone but it won't be far off
UPDATE: Jimmy "Osage" Dailey, Terry Mason Moore and Amanda S. Proctor have filed to run for Assistant Chief as well. GOOD! Keep filing. You have until 4:30 p.m. TODAY to file to run for elected office for Chief and A.P. Chief. The Osage people need you to serve in their best interests and not that of the Osage Nation government. See AND AND
ReplyDeleteRandolph A. Crawford has filed for Assistant Chief! See
DeleteFiling period for ON Chief and ON A.P. Chief has ended. The 2014 Primary Filed Candidates roster is available at
DeleteWith luck we'll be rid of more than just one career politician. Particularly the one reported to be making deals with other career politicians.
DeleteI'm disappointed. I thought we'd have way better people running than these ones. Jim Gray could have beat this bunch out in a heartbeat.
DeleteTaking bets on a new trust in 4 years time. 50 bucks they bring it before the next election in 2018. What say?
DeleteRun for Chief! Like osageblogger said we don't need an attorney as Chief and frontrunner candidate who can actually write legislation for a Federally Chartered Corporation under the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act that will end our Federal mineral estate Trust in the next several years. It's up to you. You still have time. Get in there and file to protect your own financial interest and your future headright payments.
ReplyDeleteSee Candidate bank accounts available at the Citzen's Bank in Pawhuska in 30-45 minutes from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. or by appointment. Call Aubree (918) 287-4111.
DeleteSee also comments at
ReplyDelete2nd Osage Minerals Council Meeting -- January 10 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. See Agenda at
ReplyDeleteWhat segregated fund are they talking about that is not HELD into Trust for the HEADRIGHT OWNERS?
ReplyDeleteHas the Nation had there hands in the cookie jar? And this is what I am talking about.....someone is going to head butt us all the way and we shall see what happens in guess there is corruption but at what extent...will the Nation be liable if this is the case? The Consequence of the funds not held in Trust by the Fed. Gov. as per the 1906 ACT section 4 allows indisputably for this to happen..and the Federal Gov. going back a hundred years goodness this could be a lot of money of which they will be proven to be held accountable this is no small issue and to be able to trace the Headrights and who is owed what will be proof in the pudding as to who what and where those who do not deserve a headright will be forthcomming. In any event, here's a question, Do those who have Headrights know that they should not have a Headright? I know my Headrights are intact...but this can be scary for those who might think otherwise.
DeleteThe "segregated fund" is the trust account in the name of the Osage Tribe/Nation for mineral income held in the U.S. Treasury and disbursed by the OST for quarterly payments to the headright owners, a yearly drawdown for the Minerals Council and gross production taxes paid to the State of Oklahoma. I believe that the 10th Circuit recently ruled that an accounting was due to the shareholders but that there would be no redistribution or repatriation of headright income past, present or future or the setting aside of estate trusts and wills in the case. The attorneys have for years appeared to be holding out this possibility as a carrot to the Osages when this issue has already been settled and finalized by the Court. I find it to be disingenuous to be doing this and suspect that they may be doing so to raise money for the lawsuit going forward on false hope.
DeleteFletcher v. United States,No. 12-5078, "Neither does the plaintiffs' accounting right necessarily mean that they will even be able to attack through collateral litigation headright transfers long ago approved according to statutorily prescribed processes — processes that already have in place means for objectors to challenge proposed headright transfers. See, e.g., Act of Oct. 21, 1978, Pub. L. No. 95-496, § 5(a), 92 Stat. 1660, 1661 (discussing notice and hearing required before Secretary can approve transfer of headright interest by will). Put simply, a duty to account is a duty to account, not a duty to respond to and disprove any and all potential breaches of fiduciary duty a beneficiary might wish to pursue once the accounting information is in hand." See
DeleteThank you Osageblogger...A half accounting is no accounting....How can the Fed Gov. justify their actions or lack of except only to deposit....accounting is just that and by the looks of it they are only concerned with privacy issues of which I find ridiculous and frivolous at our expense not the Gov....and the way it looks they are confused on the issue because at issue is they cannot provide the information because now the resort would be to create another Graph based on what statistics or standard of which to unacceptable...but must end in favor to the Osage accounting is just trend and analyze financial transactions...the obligation rests with the Gov. and our Trust...It's funny we know which Clans arrived first and whose families receive a interest from the M/E....what we want to know and get back to the Trust is Those who should not be receiving a Interest in the M/E and why would the Gov. not want to correct this very important matter at hand? Right the Wrong...
DeleteThe 11th Congressional Special Session information is now posted at
ReplyDeleteDay 1-January 13, 2014, 9:00 a.m.
Agenda: 7. Removal Trial of Chief John D. Red Eagle - 10:00 a.m.
This is what I call sitting on pins and needles situation...that we all find ourselves together as we watch, wait and see...I would think the outcome must be for the favor of and let the facts speak for themselves and I cannot wait to see what the defense team will conjure defense of the Chief...ah he didn't know...sad.
DeleteThe word is that Judge Logan has approved live internet streaming on the opening day of the trial, tomorrow, January 13, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. CST located at mms://
DeleteAccording to sources the trial is to begin at ten a.m. I am receiving video but no audio and nothing appears to be going on at the moment.
DeleteThe forces are amassing and everyone is coming into the Congressional Chamber awaiting the arrival of the Judge. The Chief has just been seated.
DeleteThank you. This is good to know Osageblogger.....
DeleteIt has begun.
DeleteReception of the video and audio is intermittent and comes in, stops and then begins again. Hope you are having better reception if you are watching online.
DeleteRaymond Red Corn, do you hear your own Congressional attorney, Mr. Lyons, when he hammers in the concept of ACCOUNTABILITY TO THE OSAGE PEOPLE IN THIS TRIAL? -- "ACCOUNTABLE TO THE OSAGE PEOPLE UNDER THE NEW FORM OF GOVERNMENT." PAY ATTENTION TO THIS RAYMOND. After all these years, you might finally learn something important about the form of government you have so richly been paid to serve under with this duty owed by you as a member of the Osage Congress to the Osage People and it AIN'T WRITTEN DOWN IN THE CONSTITUTION. IT'S AN IMPLIED POWER OF THE OSAGE CONGRESS. Before you leave office after NEARLY EIGHT YEARS ON THE DIME OF THE OSAGE PEOPLE it might be efficacious for you to finally master an understanding of this all important concept!!!!!
DeleteTrial is in recess for lunch. We're off to a good start.
DeleteThe trial will resume at 1 p.m.
DeleteRED ALERT! POSTED 1:11 P.M. CST: I was finally able to get a clear hearing of part of the Judge's instructions to those participating in the Trial. Don't attempt to contact anyone in the case, even your members of the Osage Nation Congress or your name will be turned into the Judge per her instructions!
DeleteTrial is back on.
DeleteFirst day of the trial has concluded. Testimony will be heard from the AG, Jeff Jones and Chief John Red Eagle tomorrow. Thanks to Congresswoman Edwards, the trial will continue with both video and audio streaming on the internet as ordered by Judge Logan.
DeleteWitnesses who gave testimony today include Walter Hopper, head of the ON Election Board, Brian Herbert, Criminal Investigator for the ON AG's Office, Debbie Miles, Administrative Assistant for the AG's office, Morgan Currey, paralegal for the ON AG's Office and the final witness was Clinton Patterson, ON Assistant AG. His testimony will resume tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. CST.
DeleteGood comments about the Removal Trial at
ReplyDeleteDay 2 -- Finally, the trial audio is working with the video perfectly. They're on a 15 minute break. Any reactions as to the testimony of Officer Herbert and the Jeff Jones, the AG? See
ReplyDeleteThe Chief has just been called to the witness stand.
DeleteGood comments about the Removal Trial at
ReplyDeleteAll Candidates who have filed to run in the ON Primary Election have been certified. See
ReplyDeleteSee article at OK Congressional Delegation Not Happy with Osage County Drilling Rules Process at
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know where we are on this situation?
DeleteGalen? It would be nice if you would weigh in.
DeleteWhy is North Dakota Oil Boom not hit the Osage with a 13% incline of Millionaires? The largest State with the most Millionaires.
DeleteNow that's the best question that's ever been asked on this blog.
DeleteHoly smoke! "...many Indian country and federal officials are questioning whether an Office of the Special Trustee is really necessary, and legislation has recently been introduced that would get rid of it. Will the office still be there by the time Logan is confirmed?" Read more at
ReplyDeleteAre they really going to do away with the OST?
DeleteWho is going to be responsible for getting out the headright checks to us shareholders if the OST closes down its shop? The BIA or the Osage Nation? This is worth paying attention to and these questions need to have an answer very soon. March is right around the corner.
DeleteI do not see how they can get rid of the OST...discharge thier duties to who? It's a known fact in Indian Country many do not trust their Gov't....and we are in the same boat...ah and the BIA has faild Indian won't happen any time soon...
DeleteThe Removal Trial process is over and the Osage Nation Congress voted today to remove Chief John D. Red Eagle from office on five of the six allegations against him. Scott Bighorse was sworn in as the new Principal Chief of the Osage Nation by Judge Logan immediately after the 11th Special Session was closed by Speaker Raymond Red Corn.
ReplyDeleteNew article>>
DeleteThe Primary candidate list has been recertified and updated at
ReplyDelete The Osage News is reporting that the drawing for the order that the candidate names will appear on the March 10 primary ballot took place this morning and a meeting was held with the candidates at the cultural center regarding the upcoming Primary election.
The order of names on the ballot for the Primary election is as follows:
1) Tom Boone
2) Geoffrey Standing Bear
3) Margo Gray
1) Raymond Red Corn
2) Amanda Proctor
3) Terry Mason Moore
4) James "Osage" Dailey
5) Randolph Crawford
Smart of osage blogger to stop that PS-B from trashing Cynthia. As it turns out, her son is the only candidate on the list who has any possibility of protecting our mineral estate as it exists now.
DeleteYou don't know this to be true until you hear what their campaign is going to be about...and as for Cynthia contradicts her own self and doesn't need the help of others....and now to have her son maybe elected to be Chief and husband and herself all officers and sitting on a board ah I see a conflict of interest and if the board does not do something about this it will be time to impeach them as well, having two members in the same family sitting on a Board is a huge conflict....Congress listen up hear...
DeleteI agree with AnonymousJanuary 27, 2014 at 12:14 PM. Usually the nuts don’t fall very far from the tree. Let’s see how he handles himself in the debates, if he even shows up. Then again, he probably needs a good job, since he will soon be feeding and financing his mom.
DeleteReally seems to be the trend as of late....the appearance of impropriety..but we have a lot of will and the ability to use common sense and must pursue the Surge and right the wrong and we do this by letting our Voice be heard....and demonstrate that though we live with in a Gov. for the Gov...does not mean we like it...and must insist smaller Gov. and a Gov. for the People of the People and by the People...Long live the Osage Tribe and the 1906 Act...
DeleteA harbinger of the future if we compact the Mineral Estate or get rid of the BIA and try to run it by ourselves.
ReplyDeleteTo receive e-mail alerts from the Osage Nation see
ReplyDeleteHas anyone heard anything about Cobell?? My gosh this is beyond the point of ridiculous now....
ReplyDeleteThey keep on moving the Dates around first it was the end of Christmas, then the first quarter of the New Year and now it says sometime in 2014....Hello why has GCG not announced a Date? Everyone knows if you are in a certain bracket the most one will receive is 13000. dollars which I kind of find it odd that There was a lot more activity in some accounts but still the payment seems to be divided equally...for those who have high activity...and more or less I would like to know from the our Tribe have they negotiated in the Land buy back process? and were we left out in the negotiations? Not that I am going to sell heck no they can bite is why it is going to be a fall out on this end of the deal and will revert back to the Federal Gov. if I have it correctly....Everyone must flood the Gates at GCG and talk to a super...because most just read from a script and bad at it as well...when you ask a direct question that they cannot answer it's back to the script...
DeleteI'm talking about the funds on the Land buy back program will revert to the Fed. Gov...if no one sells their property and the Gov. is betting this will happen...what a sham.
DeleteJust called GCG and they are waiting from the Court...and I said Indian Country is getting restless and that it would be beneficial to Indian Country to get a Press Release out there to them as to where this case stands..But it looks to be the Courts are holding up the process or still is verifying the accuracy of the amounts...
DeleteNew article>>
ReplyDeleteBloodbath: Linda Teeman, Deidre Bigheart, Roseanne Sutton are out as of today.
ReplyDeleteNew article>>
ReplyDeleteExample list of questions for the candidates sent to the Osage News at
Delete1) What are you going to do to expose the crime and those Osages who have broken the law which has been funded with Federal grant money and/or Osage Nation tribal funds?
2) Will you publish a list of offenders so that all Osages can know who is taking advantage of the largess of the Osage Nation?
3) What are you going to do specifically to see to it that all Osages, no matter where they live, participate fairly in the gaming and other revenue of the Osage Nation?
4) As Chief or Assistant Chief, will you help to sponsor a Per-Capita payment for all Osage Nation members?
Send yours in today!
From the Osage News Facebook web page Is this notification:
THIS SATURDAY IN HOMINY: The Osage News is hosting the primary election candidate debates in Hominy at the Co-op building on Main Street starting at 5 p.m.; To submit questions for the debates, email
The debates will be broadcast live via the internet.
See the Osage News Debates Notice at
Delete2014 Primary Election Candidate Contact Information is available at
ReplyDeleteNot as advertised now is it Galen? "provisions of the proposed rules would give too much regulatory power to the federal government by completely removing the Osage Minerals Council as a regulatory authority" More>>>>>
ReplyDeleteWarning: The DEADLINE to request an Absentee Ballot for the Primary Election is FEBRUARY 10, 2014!
ReplyDeleteThe Absentee Ballot Request Form is available at
DeleteOMC Meetings and BIA Operations reports are up at
ReplyDeleteCobell information:
ReplyDeleteWas there something new posted? All I see is the same old drivel.....
DeleteHello, my name is Tom Boone Jr. and I am announcing my candidacy for Principal Chief of the Osage Nation.
ReplyDeleteI am from the Grayhorse District. Girard (John) Blackbird, the last full blood, male original allottee from Fairfax named me. Archie Mason roached me.
On my father's side, my great-grandfather was Joe Daniels. My grandmother was Cynthia Daniels Boone. My dad, Tom Boone Sr., is on the Grayhorse Committee. On my mother's side, my great grandmother was Rosa Strikeaxe. My grandmother was Naomi Myers. My mother, Cynthia Boone, is serving her second term on the Osage Minerals Council. I am married to Jessica. We have a daughter, Rachel.
I was elected to the Pawhuska School Board for a five year term. I'm a fourth generation member of the First Baptist Church in Pawhuska. I have served on the Osage Head Start Parent Committee.
For eight years, I've been involved with Youth Works, a Christian group that helps the elderly with home improvement projects in Pawhuska during the summer. I'm a firm supporter of the 1906 Act and I will not support redistributing of the headright shares of the minerals estate, nor do I intend to compact the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). I believe the Osage Minerals Council can take care of the minerals estate for the headright owners.
Caring for the elders and our children will be my primary focus, whether that is trying to provide a better quality of life for our elders or continuing to educate our youth past high school so they can enter the workforce prepared and with the confidence they need to be successful.
If elected chief, I will have an open door policy and be transparent in all of my actions. I am also for accountability and communication. I will personally return all my telephone calls. I will be there for you because you were there for me.
I respectfully request your vote on March 10. My name is Tom Boone Jr. and I'm number 1 on the ballot. Thank you.
Mr. Boone, your announcement says you want to be the Osage Principal Chief. So far I have read about your cultural back ground and some of your civic activities, but you have not listed one thing that qualifies you to be Principal Chief except that you are of Osage descent. There are over 15,000 of us with these qualifications, but very few who would have the back ground to make us a good Chief. In the debate broadcast, you stated several times that you were a oil and gas man. Yet you don’t tell us in your announcement anything about your affiliations with the oil and gas business. Could you explain this further for us. How many leases do you operate? How many employees do you have? Are they Osages? I wasn’t aware that redistribution of our head right shares was an issue. Please explain this. Also, you say you do not intend to compact the BIA. What are you talking about? What does compact mean? What do you plan to do about protecting our water rights? I am glad to read that you support the 1906 Act. Do you also support the several amendments thereto? I agree that caring for our elders and our children are important. Also, a open door policy at the Chief’s office will be a welcome change.
I am glad to see that you believe in transparency. That assures me that you will answer some of the questions I have about your qualifications. Thank you.
That's all we need is another "Boone" in our government! We already have a "Boone" in Congress and a "Boone" in the MC and I'm not impressed with either. One I've not seen do anything and the other can't be trusted and continually causes problems.
DeleteCauses problems or exposes them? Don't hang the whistleblower. Her son won't compact the ME or change it to a Federally chartered Corporation with a new set of shareholders under the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act. Standing Bear will do just that as soon as he gets a chance. That means no more BIA, no more Trust and NO MORE MONEY IN YOUR HEADRIGHT CHECKS. Think about that before you start to go after Tom.
DeleteTom Boone didn't post the notice. I did. You can ask him your questions yourself after you download the contact information sheet:
DeleteWell, so much for accountability and transparency to the public. It didn’t take him long either. “And now there’s only two.”
What are you talking about? I received the e-mail and posted it here. He did nothing wrong and if you think so then you must be deranged.
DeleteSee Tom Boone's new web site at
DeleteWhat do you suppose Standing Bear meant during the debates when he said that the BIA was "fading away"? How can he possibly think that he can "control" the forces that are coming together from the State of Oklahoma against us legally on water rights and the Federal government continuing to run the Mineral Estate? This is going to require the cooperation, protection, and intervention of the U.S. Legislature not the courts.
ReplyDeleteThe question is, who in the Federal government has the fiduciary obligation to the Osages per the Cherokee Deed to the Osages of 1883 and the 1906 Act as amended? Do the courts of the U.S. have the responsibility to uphold this fiduciary obligation and what are the penalties if they don't do so? Surely this must involve Judicial misconduct on some level if they don't.
DeleteIf you missed the Candidate Debates they are now uploaded online for on demand watching at
ReplyDeleteCandidate Margo Gray Bombshell: See the article, Bench warrant under advisement for principal chief candidate at
ReplyDelete“And now there’s only one!”
That's true if you value the quarterly amount you receive in your headright check.
DeleteNew article>>
ReplyDeleteThank you if I recall wasn't it about a thousand or so who are receiving Headright Royalties that should not be receiving? And what's next?...Wow going back a Hundred years...Thank you Amanda Proctor.
DeleteWonder why this is not in the Osage News....?
DeleteI too would like to know what ties or experience in the oil and gas business Tom Boone has that he referred to ? JRE made claims about his qualifications in the last election that turned out to be untrue. Do we have another candidate at it again ?
ReplyDeleteIt's not that hard to understand the Oil have supply and demand and marketing have refineries which are going to switch to summer grade gasoline and really if you study the Market you get a keen sign how to judge what's going to happen a cushing...the in's and out's so to speak....mapping, drilling, plugging and don't need to go on acertation is he does not have much qualification other than his parents sits on a boards and council....and looks to me he really doesn't want to be where he is at...didn't have much passion...and you hear the same ole thing social issues...We want to hear how you plan on addressing the issues of financial and fiscal responsibility and how you plan on bringing commerce to the disclosure...for all Osages...I did not get that from him and that concerns me...This is sad because I do not think Margo qualifies or Standingbear.....There's not much to pool from....
DeleteI did though like the fact that the Osage M/E can take care of itself....and leave it to the Council....that much I will give him a Plus..but there's more dwellving issues of the up most concern....and it takes a strong leader to lead their any tribe..and must do it for the People and not big Gov....
DeleteA situation involving potential conflict of interest are these accusations against Minerals Council member Sonny Abbott pulling another Team Osage where Geoffrey Standing Bear is concerned by paying for dinners and meet and greets that have been going on for the last few weeks. It is rumored that Abbott has had a function at his home to introduce StandingBeer to the heads of all of the prominent Osage families in order to get him elected to office. Plus, there's this BBQ dinner coming up this weekend that is being hosted by and presumably paid for by Abbott to introduce Geoffrey to the general Osage public. Abbott's an elected official who's in office today. He's not Geoffrey's father or mother, sister or brother. Is he trying to buy votes for Geoffrey by having these events? As a Mineral Council member, is it appropriate for Abbott to be having these functions for only one candidate or at all for another elected official? Is it ethical? Should Geoffrey even be participating in these events hosted, sponsored and paid for by another elected official of the Osage Nation? Look what happened the last time Team Osage put in a Chief. Disaster!!!!
ReplyDeleteReprinted from Anonymous February 7, 2014 at 3:51 PM at
DeleteWhere is the BIA in this matter? This is a Huge Conflict of Interest. Ah time to vote him off the Council. He is an official....we don't pay him to sway the vote on our behalf...ah Election Board time to react!
DeleteThis is not a conflict of interest. Who ever said an elected official can’t support a candidate? That’s ridiculous. We rarely see it done, because it’s not good personal politics, and most won’t stick their necks out at all, for anyone. But Abbott told us all in 2010 that he wasn’t a politician. If you want to claim some of Abbott’s personal business to gripe about, why don’t you tell everyone how he hasn’t drawn one red cent of shareholder money for a salary for 3 ½ years, and how he has paid much of his own expenses and some of others expenses in support of the shareholder’s interests during that 3 ½ years, including plane tickets, hotels, meals, and countless other things. We shareholders already owe him a hell of a lot more than he, or any of the rest of us for that matter, will ever spend supporting qualified candidates who will keep on working for the mineral estate. Geoffery Standing Bear is the only candidate on the 2014 ballot who is qualified to run this tribe. One of the others can’t seem to take care of their personal responsibilities, and the other can’t seem to take care of anything. Who would you want Abbott to support? And besides that, that $25 thou…has to be the dumbest, wildest, most frantic lie I have ever heard concocted.