Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Conversation--Part 2-January 2014

Osage Blog Conversation continues at


  1. Audio is now available for the Removal Trial for Day 2 at See the list under the heading Day 2-January 14, 2014, 9:00 a.m.

  2. Suggestions and thoughts so far from today's trial viewing , few color tabs on witness handouts would speed search, larger water glass on witness stand, Chief had his own water bottle, was that a endorsement? Just for Men franchise going strong, a few touch ups needed. Black Gold flowing over a lot of follicles in the Osage `note' check in hair dye causes cancer??. Finally did I hear right when the Chief Red Eagle ask for some candy bringing the Judge to say something about a illness he had , Judge therefore adjoining till 1:00PM.

  3. So let me get this straight...The Chief has paid for The Court Costs to fight for a friend, his Niece not working and getting paid and Paul Allen isn't it dandy he got paid over 70,000 for no work performed.

    1. Pual Allen if he had performed his duty as described by his Contract and did the work he would be here and not hiding to contest or swear by the work he did and still he cannot be found and hiding? This is telling and I WOULD NOT HIRE THIS GUY..You can have knowledge of the IT world and if you do not go to school to refresh and stay up with the standard of current times you will not know what you are is obvious possibly that he could have been used a way to funnel money back to the Chief...just a thought...You have to be able to perform web apps and social networking...In any business that I've been in we paid an expert if we had difficulty with IT issues we would pay per performance...on occasion we would hire someone full time but we would delegate other duties as to keeping copiers well supplied with ink and paper and needed repairs throughout the organzation and was full time. So in my opinion here's another friend getting paid on the sly.

    2. So Paul Allens testimony by the SCOI is sick and could not perform his duties most of the time....and blames Haney but himself for lack of work performed...He should have been fired immediately....sounds like another crony..Then the Chief personal blog was removed because the Chief did not want to hear from the constiuency their Grievences because they had no value? That in a nut shell...Wow. This is just of many of excuses....

    3. I'm not a computer expert but even I have a back he was no expert and I don't believe him and his testimony...or his resume.

    4. no wonder just a High School diploma.

    5. The Chief is now on stand and seems to be contradicting himself.

    6. The Chief already spent 100,000. dollars is this benefiting the Osage Constiuency...a meritless lawsuit...he knew was illegal and violated the law.

    7. How much has this man spent on our Money on matters that are mertiless and or other wise what else do we not know about.

    8. So the 3% merit raise was substantiated becuase there is a economic depressed community?

    9. It is clear we need laws to take away judge jury and prosecution from the Executive but can only answer as to an opinion with respect.

    10. Has the Chief ever heard of sticks and stones. Really

    11. Where did we get this Judge...wishy washy if I had ever seen one...unbelievable.

    12. No argument there.

    13. No the 3% is nothing but a handout from the Osage Treasury to 200 and more employees who steal time from the Osage people. The Chief volunteered this information on the stand about the 200. He needs to resign over this issue alone. Who cares what previous Chiefs have done. This trial is all about what HE has done.

    14. Now the Chief has proof of burden to produce material for work done at the rate of 4000 a month by Paul Allen and still does not answer the question..and he should have proof...if he doesn't this is telling...anything and all work that was required. He worked at the benefit of the Chief. OMG No work performed...this is sick....

    15. Time to recoup the Money lost by the Chief and the 100,000. dollars he spent knowing what he was doing was illegal....

    16. The Chief is hung by his own mouth....sad

    17. So Paul Allen took his computer so we could not examine his hard drive? This is telling.

    18. So Paul Allen knew he was not performing any work still collecting a check ah this is stealing and he knew it. This is why he is not hear. And the Chief is complicit.

    19. No work product produced at end of contract of Paul Allens contract and The Chief cannot produce any work product unbeleivable looks to the The Executive needs to now watched with kid gloves. What a mockery he has made for himself and the Constiuency.

  4. Day 3 -- Dawn Haney has just left the stand and Paul Allen is MIA as a witness. Attorney Lyons is reading his testimony from the SCOI proceedings. We now have the written testimony up on a visual presentation screen in the courtroom.

    1. Warning: By Order of Judge Logan, you will not be able to take photographs from any device or use video cameras in the courtroom if you are attending the Removal Trial proceedings.

    2. I signed up for a newsletter from the Chief's web site to be sent to me and never even got one by mail or e-mail.

    3. Paul Allen's testimony: He could have got us space on a server for $500 a month when the Nation's been paying $1000 a month with and probably still are to some extent. Does Ryan Red Corn still have a financial interest in onefastbuffalo? Did Raymond Red Corn work to help his son get this contract in any way shape or form back in 2006 when the nation's web site was first put up there on the internet. We've paid that company a fortune probably twice what it was worth for web site services over the past seven years.

    4. Break for lunch...will begin again at 12:30 p.m. CST.

    5. Correction to my comment on January 16, 2014 at 9:35 AM: Attorney Lyons is reading the testimony questions to Paul Allen aloud from the SCOI proceedings. Another prosecution attorney is reading the testimony of Paul Allen aloud.

    6. Not to be discounted. That shingles is a DREAD disease. My step father had it and because he had just come through a serious lung infection, it got him and started to spread all over his entire body. They put him back in the hospital and put him on drugs to kill it out but by then the damage had been done with sores all over him that were about the size of a dime. He recovered but was left with this thing called "Postherpetic Neuralgia" that is like being hit by a stun gun and an electrical shock both at the same time. He said it was the worst pain he had ever had in his life and he was no whiner. In my life, I have never seen anyone suffer so much on a daily basis and he had that horrrible pain for the rest of his life. They now have a shingles shots for those who are over 60 years old. GET IT as soon as you can because it will lessen the effect of the disease if you are stricken with an outbreak. This is a serious illness and I am not exaggerating about it one bit.

    7. Terrible thing to have sounds like....thanks for the word about this awful thing to have..

    8. It is and you're welcome.

    9. The Chief's attorney keeps objecting and stepping in the way of the evidence being presented earlier that the Chief is to confirm on the stand. That he calls a fishing expedition? Hartness was overpaid in many cases twice as much a month as the contract cap specifies that he should have been paid.

    10. That's what it amounts to...still stuptified.

    11. Shoot! I want to be a political appointment of the Chief too and get paid to not work. Where do I sign up for that job?

    12. Really sign me up too.

    13. I get that he was trying to protect the weak but you can't break the law in order to do it as the Chief of the Exec Branch that you have sworn to uphold.

    14. That's basically the core issue of this trial right there.

    15. Makes sense the Chiefs weak.

    16. No way to look at it like the Chief was taken advantage of by Paul Allen?

    17. A kind and charitable man never gives up on a friend.

    18. The Chief or for that matter can be charitable on his own dime and time....

    19. Good. Let's go there. Motive and intent in the case is important here. What precipitated what he did and why? Was his intent to break the law or was it to defend those who he was trying to protect who were under his employment umbrella as the head of the Executive Branch? Was he trying to throw his weight around or stop others from doing so where his Branch of government is concerned? These are hard questions.

    20. He broke the law knowing it was illegal to refuse to give DOCUMENTS to the Osage News request for the records according to the open records act, that was intentional at the expense to the Constiuency....He did this because he felt the NEWS PAPER made a mockery of him and his personal opinion got in the way of doing what was right . Now the way I see Paul Allens contract...just lazyiness and no follow up...again at the expense to the Constiuency and imcompetency is not an excuse. And yes he was throwing his weight around to obstruct to getting to truth of the matter...This could have been setteled much differently if the Chief would have allowed communication with his dept. on all matters...and your point Osageblogger if you would please. I find nothing Charitable in his actions...and Guilty....of his own arrogance.

    21. How can the Chief on stand say he did not pay Mr. Allen for no work performed....he's lying.

    22. I agree with dime and time. You have to look at how much time passed with no substantive work product produced online that the Chief continued to tolerate. Paul Allen wasn't being paid for planning meetings with the Chief. He was being paid to do work as a webmaster. JRE has to be responsible for the total amount of the Nation's money being paid out to Paul Allen. He is the principal custodian of the money that is spent by his branch of government.

    23. Intent on no intent still broke the law..of which he swore to uphold.

    24. oops the oath he swore to uphold.

    25. Rod Hartness has been responsible for 200 Osages getting work on the Enbridge pipeline. The only thing everyone else that's been elected other than the MC has done has hired people to work for the government and their efforts to diversify have resulted in an $11.5 million LOSS to the Nation of our money. Has the Chief been wrong to hire Hartness and want to protect his privacy?

    26. Why are the Lawyers for the defense going over his testiment again of these allow him to recant any prior testimony and why is the Judge allowing this? Seems redundant and a waste of time....

    27. To me it appears that Enbridge wanted to build a Pipeline on our property the only way to negotiate would to be is hire Osages. This was going to happen with Hartness or not....

    28. Omg now he's useing the M/E as an excuse...Now lets keep on building the Campus Plan when the economy is so depressed.

    29. Nonsense. This was a Union contact involving much more than our property. There was no expectation that Osages would even be hired. Unions are closed shops and this one was opened up because of Rod Hartness and his negotiation efforts to get employment for Osages.

    30. Now the Chief feels threatened again and wants to walk off again.

    31. My point it was going to happen anyway I know about Unions in one and have a family member who sits on a board and have anothr family member who is negotiator for the Union....What I'm saying this could have been negotiated with out Hartness and was going to happen.

    32. Why does this Judge not tell the Chief that he will be held in contempt of Court if he walks out of the courtroom. Imagine if this happened in civil or criminal court. Every criminal in the world would control the entire Judicial process. Who is in charge here? The Judge or the Chief? Call the Chief into Chambers and get him squared away, your Honor!

    33. Excellent point on the Campus Plan.

    34. Ok so now our Chief in Executive does not understand budgets really? Oh he was so not qualified to sit in this position...

    35. It could have been negotiated without Hartness but it wasn't. He was responsible for negotiating it.

    36. All I have to say is we need to turn this economy around where it will benefit everyone back home. Since 2006 it's been about Gov. time to bring this Gov. to a halt on spending today...and stop the bleed of wealth of stealing from the Constiuents who voted you back at home. It the economy is so depressed it makes sense why people are leaving there jobs early because there's not enough work to be had...the revenue chain is the Gov...for the Gov and by the Gov. Time to rewrite the Consitution or close this Gov. down....

    37. Is Shannon Edward's off road again? This events planner business hasn't even been introduced into evidence anywhere has it? Has this document been given out as part of the discovery process with the defense? NO. Is she trying to throw this trial? This budget business should be impeached. WTH!!!!!

    38. The Campus Plan was really about status and if you follow the money trail then you will understand this was all political status and has nothig to do with the enhancement of the economy.

    39. 5 minute break before the next witness is called.

    40. And toss more than a few crumbs to 85% of the members of the Osage Nation while you're at it. The way they throw away money they've already had their share 10 times over. $5-$10 million spent on us in total and HALF A BILLION ALREADY ON THOSE WHO LIVE BACK HOME BECAUSE OF THIS NEW GOVERNMENT AND THE WAY THE ELECTED OFFICIALS CHOOSE TO SPEND OUR MONEY ON THEMSELVES AND THEIR FAMILIES AND THEIR FRIENDS. ISN'T THAT WHAT THIS TRIAL IS REALLY ALL ABOUT?

    41. You know the appearance of impropriety is there.. No hiding from it...sick this is why I want to get a per-cap to everyone because we don't want big Gov...isn't this what our ancestor loathed? And look what has happened...a laughing stock because the left does not know what the right is doing or vise/versa.

    42. Joe Tillman is now on the witness stand.

    43. Ahhhh...... The ONO heir apparent?

    44. A hostile witness for sure.

    45. Oh this man should not be laughing this is no laughing matter shame on him....

    46. Mr. Lyons, ask the direct question: "Did you hear the Chief say to Brian Herbert over the phone, "You will not touch Macy."

    47. Joe answer the question and stop saying I DON'T KNOW,,, if I ever run into him I will say I don't know...and walk away...looks to be he is hostile and not for justice.

    48. Why can't Lyons ask a simple direct question that the witnesses can actually understand and answer. This guy is the most verbose attorney on the planet.

    49. I understood everyword on both sides of the council....

    50. Court is adjourned for the day and will begin tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. CST.

    51. Is Mr. Lyons trying to win this case or lose it?

    52. I understood every word on both sides of the council too. This guy, Joe T. is FOS.

    53. He's the division leader for education and culture. I wonder how that's going for everybody. $60K in salary plus benefits I'll bet. I agree he is a smart a^*. Bad news.

    54. Really hope all the witnesses for the defense don't have an attitude like this one does. The Judge isn't tough enough to deal with punks like this fella.

    55. Like it or not, it's an interesting and compelling process to watch. Highest praise for an outstanding job from Dawn Haney and the IT Department. Really well done.

    56. He will forever be.....I DON'T KNOW JOE.

    57. Thats exactly right forever I don't know Joe....You can have loyalty but when it came to getting a direct answer as to the law that tells me if he were in the position of the Chief he would do the same thing...You could tell he really did not want to be there and I do not believe in his testimony either....end the end this has been a learning process for us all to choose wisely and listen to everyones campaign and lets hope it's going to be for building the economy not big Gov...

  5. Day 3 audio is online:

    1. Thank you for posting this information.

    2. Where the heck is the video of the trial so we can hear and SEE what went on? They recorded it. Why isn't it up on the web site?

    3. It will be in due course, the staff who upload it are working at the trial full-time. They are doing the audio in their own time after-hours, but the video takes a lot longer.

    4. OK. Sorry. Thanks for letting us know.

  6. All Candidates who have filed to run in the ON Primary Election have been certified. See

  7. Correction: Listings for the Trial dates have been misidentified. They should read: Day 1 -- January 13. Day 2 -- January 14. Day 3 -- January 15. Day 4 -- January 16.

  8. Interesting article on why "Nation Building" doesn't work: See

  9. CNN Breaking News: U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn, an Oklahoma Republican, says he will retire at the end of the current congressional session, ending his six-year term two years early.

  10. Day 5 -- Beginning with the testimony of the Chief and HR Director Delary Walters is now on the stand. Questions as to employee cheating on time sheets and the "Osage Way" of stealing time from the Nation yet reporting a full days work.

    1. She's skilled at the art of CYA for sure. Like pulling teeth to get testimony. Questions from Congresswoman Buffalohead with a Master's Degree in HR as to Osage HR created to protect employees from unfairness in the work place. Lecturing the witness on the inappropriateness of her having called the Chief about the Macy Mashunkashey investigation.

    2. Ooo. A tattletale.

    3. It looks like she has been threatened by a member of the Chief's office when she was called out of a Congressional meeting from the testimony. What do you expect?

    4. Was Congressman Supernaw implying that the HR was not doing her job according to policy....That Vacation took president? And why did she not follow through on the Merriam case if I have it correctly.

    5. Louis Gray is now called to the stand to testify.

    6. It sure looks that way.

    7. It has been in my past experience that someone who is not certified to make sure that they were certified while interning. It was policy. Is the policies so laxed? These are real people with real problems..

    8. Kaotic as to not knowing what their duties are? No policies for training and Luis Gray is in charge? What is he getting paid for?

    9. To run the place.

    10. Strike that...forget this...the Chief's attorney seems poorly prepared today.

    11. He was the supervisor. Macy's mother and the Chief reprimanded her? "You need to behave yourself at work." WHAT?

    12. I feel the ATTORNEY'S for the Chief are just not prepared but have conceded to some extent that the Chief does not have ground to stand on at this point...because the the Chief had admitted he was wrong on many occasions in his testimony and I also feel the Attorneys probably Coached the Chief as to what to not say and the Chief did complete opposite...

    13. So Gray just admitted he did not do the Job that was required by him?

    14. Right I agree Macy and the entire family are exactly how they presented themselves and now the Chief is in that mix because he was fed a bunch of Horse crap of Lies by his family...and he can't see this but everyone is wrong and not him...

    15. Its a blog. you write what you feel, think, and see. Shouldn't be monitored by the Admin.

    16. Ha ha ha! "You might have to remind me." He gives testimony a few weeks ago and can't remember that she's been caught on Facebook when she had called in sick. Is this what a liar looks like? "It's been relaxed and people (who work for the Nation) can now check their Facebook account?" What do these people do at work? Is this nothing other than Romper Room? This is a serious job to help people with real problems - serious problems with drugs and alcohol. How are people in treatment supposed to have any respect for people like this? This is horrible.

    17. Shhh "there might be a lady present..."

    18. No write up after one time you get a write up the third you are fired really....It has been my experience in HR....and you make them bring in a Doc's notice....

    19. The Counseling Center in general is a joke, Not one person up there is fit to help others. One is Drunk, the Other is a Cheater, Another one steals. Just sad how they are up there.

    20. I think we need to train new Supervisors for this Position or give lessons to how to supervise employees..Unreal Gray.

    21. That's exactly what I said about the couciling center...everyone should be certified....everyone...why no write up? My thought is that they gave her Macly prefferential treatment.

    22. Of course they did. He said others that had disciplined the wrong person were no longer working there.

    23. Get a wall Clock for signing in and do not allow employees to sign in on a can walk away from your desk and still stay signed in and HR would not no the differenc OTHER WISE...

    24. Where was the Consequence? There was none. So the Counceling Center is complicit to this behavior...And why would you hire for the position just to fill the position and with someone who had no it because they would lose fed funding to some degree?

    25. Break for lunch...the trial will resume at 12:40 p.m. CST.

    26. Fed funding. Possibly. I heard they have a policy of filling positions with unqualifed people if no ones else applies for the job.

    27. Pull Federal Funding this would be a lesson not what to do MAYBE we should call and make aware of the circumstances at the counciling center that they have hireing practices that is illegal from my stand point....

    28. I agree. The Chief seems very gullible about his choices of people to place his faith in and trust. This trial has brought that out big time.

    29. The audio is now available for Day 4-January 16, 2014, 9:00 a.m. at

    30. New article>>

    31. SMH, I agree to the Gullible but not to use as an excuse to abuse his position of Authority...and I know you agree...ultimately he will pay the price for him being so naive not to think his family was not using him in the worst way because of his infinity of the love he has for them..He's hurt his people and the ONG..worst not to hand over the accounts to the M/C inspite of his personal feelings...He did not honor the Oath he swore to uphold...and has admitted wrong but will not hold himself to a level of standard to be held accountable...It would have made all the difference and in my opinion got a lot of wrong advice from his council Kickingbird. He should have not, not communicate and this gave a grave appearance of impropriety.

    32. Jennifer Oberly has been called to testify.

    33. oops it would have made all the difference if he would have kept the line of communication open...

    34. MBA and Division Leader for Health and Human Services. Additional time sheet testimony.

    35. Testifying about the WIC investigation when they were handing out vouchers to those who didn't qualify for them.

    36. Some flap about Officer Herbert yelling at people.

    37. I would hardly think Officer Herburt was yelling?

    38. WIC has always been a can of worms. Big CAN.

    39. Why is the Judge allowing so much hear say is unbelievable...

    40. It's the same dept. where that lady was embezzling grant funds to put carpet in her motel in Eureka Springs, ARK. She's doing Federal time now I think.

    41. And then she says overruled or sustained but in any case says, make it short....what kind of Judge is she? Just becuase she is a Judge does not mean she is qualified to handle these types of cases...Talk about qualifications..

    42. Oh and the WIC staff just had to take a cruise to Belize to learn how to tell pregnant and nursing women not to drink and drug. We paid for this out of the funds of the Osage people.

    43. She's sharp and professionally dressed. She leaves a very good impression.

    44. I hope Mary gets called up to testify, that would be very very interesting

    45. You don't KNOW that falsifying a time sheet is a crime and that it's embezzlement? WOAH! I can't believe my eyes and ears.

    46. Mr. Herburt is now a liar.....

    47. Her crediability with this last question went down the tubes...the question was real clear...and she does not understand..what ever...She is in HR SHE KNEW THERE WAS A INVESTIGATION GOING ON.

    48. 560 employees in total and she's four levels up as a supervisor over Macy? Are we paying for too much supervision here? You don't have this many levels with 10,000 - 15,000 employees in a professional government setting.

    49. Why are these people who testify so evasive? They must REALLY be terrified of losing their jobs.

    50. She doesn't know the law where governmental professional behavior is concerned? Has she even looked at the constitution?

    51. Clearly, they must not train the managerial staff properly. Still, it seems like she could have done a bit of homework on her own.

    52. A dog has to be licensed as a Therapy dog....and bringing a dog or daughter is extremely disruptive..what I would like to know is how many clients did Macy council with no certification?

    53. "Don't say anything I'm not supposed to say?" Repeated by the Judge? Has this witness been coached? By whom? Ask Louis Gray about the certification. He's the first in line in the supervisory chain of command.

    54. Please turn on your microphone Speaker Red Corn.

    55. HR is responcible for all incidents and file it regardless of a fall so you can track and trend...she failed in her duty.

    56. Verbals as well.

    57. She talked to Mr. Herburt and found that this was going to criminal in nature...she should have just drop it until further notice...

    58. If you felt threatened of course you would be livid.

    59. I find her testimony not credible. I find it compelling that verbals are not written down. Really in my experience in HR we documented everything and no matter how small this protects the HR dept from scrutiny as well as the individual who is being reprimanded.

    60. Why is she going to the Chief about this matter anyway? Does she answer directly to him or does she have her own directorial authority and autonomy?

    61. It was my feeling that some of the witnesses were coached I heared through my speakers I believe it was when yates was giving his testimony someone whispered to him what to say on one of the questions....

    62. You can't threaten or even appear to threaten an officer of the AG's office in any way without serious repercussions. It's against the law. Does anybody even know the law around there or are they all just shooting from the hip?

    63. The Court is on a 15 minute break...

    64. It is a conflict of interest when this is concerning a criminal investigation of a realative that you allow the investigation to continue until final report is issued then you get an attorney to Address this issue for the sake of impropriety does no occur. And as Oberly said in her testimony I may have pushed the wrong button sort of speak.and fired up the Chief...but the blame is squarly on Macy and her lies.

    65. This is why when a patient comes in on medical emergency a realative that is a surgeon who would be on staff cannot operate on their own family member...because your emotions run so high...and clearly this has happened with the Chief not being able to discern right from wrong and was not advised by even his own staff....

    66. Action needs to be taken with Macy and not sure what needs to be done but for sure she should not work for the Nation ever again...and she'll probably won't be able to find work locally and if I were her I would not show my face around there just out of the Nation to the Constituency to the Chief...I would be apologizing left and right...she caused this and the Chief rolled with her lies...This could have been a administration task but it wasn't and went in a different direction and as I've said before when it became criminal everyone should have backed off does not matter at this point it is out of your hands...end.

    67. Your remark begs the question, if the Chief knew this, why did he not back off? Why did try to take the matter out of the hands of the AG's office and place it back in his own and the HR Department with Walters? He called the AGs office. They didn't call him. Looks like he has a battery of little kiss up tattletales that surround him that ought to learn to keep their mouths shut. They have gotten him in a lot of trouble because they couldn't keep stum.

    68. Cheryl Nelson from WIC is now testifying.

    69. Ashley Hartness former legislative liaison with the Chief's Office is called to testify.

    70. They are testifying about Walter Hopper and his testimony to the SCOI. She alleges that the other members of the Election Board were wanting to fire Alexis Rencountre for sending out a questionnaire mail out to those underage members who can't yet vote but that Walter didn't want to do so. This testimony directly refutes Hopper's testimony to the SCOI.

    71. Why was HR there at the time of the meeting with Water Hopper unless the meeting that took place wasn't an ambush?

    72. Is Water playing both ends against the middle?

    73. No. I believe that you have it wrong, Walter never testified about anyone firing Alexis. He testified that the Chief told him that he couldn't discipline her.

    74. Rod Hartness is called to testify and is being sworn in.

    75. He appears to be a surprise witness to the ON Congress.

    76. Why is he even testifying if he was not held in sequestration.

    77. The Judge and the Chief's attorney made a mistake and didn't put him on the list or recognize him when he was in the courtroom? Weird.

    78. I object and so should Congress.

    79. Here we go overruled but get to the point what Judge that you are aware of uses this type or verbage? lol..

    80. Judge Judy? lol

    81. oh goodness no comparrison..Judge Judy gets paid to act this way...she's really a nice lady..

    82. "Little guy named Benny." Funny.

    83. Why didn't the Osage News not write an artical on the hiring of many Osages for the Pipeline? Regardless and why not a phone interview.

    84. I think Judge Logan is a nice lady too. Maybe a bit too nice in this legal setting.

    85. Judge Logan seems to be like she's trying to be fair but this type of venue she seems not to be qualified.

    86. He's brought up a good point Hartness...said where was ONES....we need to look at that board as well.

    87. I'm under the impression that the Osage News did do an article on the Union opening its books to admit Osages for the Enbridge pipeline job and a favorable one at that.

    88. Yrea I recall they did.

    89. Chief did not follow protocol no surprise at this point....

    90. Osage News did not write that article...Chief's Office paid to have it published.

    91. If HR is not requesting additional funds and putting 100s of additional Osages to work then why is Shannon concerned?

    92. Funny guy. I can see why the Chief likes him.

    93. Court has ended for the day. On Monday, the defense will conclude its case. On Tuesday, the Congress will vote on whether or not to remove the Chief.

    94. Did I hear that Hartness guy say that there were "secret meetings" held with the Mineral Council members at Sonny Abbot's house that included Yates, Abbott, Crum and "them all." UH OH! We need to initiate a new Removal Trial immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reconvene the SCOI. Call the Osage News to get Shannon Shaw Duty to write another award winning report and Shannon Edwards to get the Chief to file a law suit. RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    95. AND I DON'T MEAN MAYBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    96. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!January 17, 2014 at 5:38 PM

      Why is Shannon Edwards ever concerned? You'd think for once she'd be happy. She's probably just jealous that Hartness's idea is making money for Osages and putting them to work when she's voted to give millions to the Osage LLC and they've lost $11.5 MILLION of what she's given them so far.

    97. Everyone in Congress is complicit to throwing money at the Osage LLC....sick

    98. I really want to take the time to thank you for your excellent thoughtful comments and input this week. I'm really impressed with what we have so far and all of the ground covered in the last five days. Really impressive and outstanding! Please continue to follow the trial and register your thoughts here on the Osage Blog on Monday and your reaction to the vote of the members of the Osage Nation Congress on Tuesday of next week.

    99. I loved the question " do you know-how many hours hr has spent on these people." Response how many hours have you spent in here. They are concerned about a few thousand that has given osage career opportunities.Talk about how much resources they have spent for this.

    100. I agree. They want to throw millions at the LLC and are worried that HR has to spend a few hours to get work placement for Osages who need jobs. They ought to be more than happy to help facilitate job creation on this pipeline project. I don't get this parsimonious attitude of Edwards when she is responsible for the loss of millions of the Osage people's money that has put what? Two or three Osages to work in the last six years? She is so upside down half the time, it's hard to view her point of view as anything other than a strange and opaque curiosity.

    101. Thankyou Osageblogger for this forum is to enlighten to bring a solution. to has given us a voice...I can't imagine what is going on in the Heads of OUR Congress members sure to make the decision hopefully for what is rght and right the wrong...we know we cannot continue down the path or road we are on...we've become what our Ancestors deispised should we less forget...Our eyes forever open long live the Osage Tribe and the 1906 ACT. My prayers sent to you all back home....this Osage Indian has a heavy heart...I did not want to see this day come for our Chief and wish he would apologize to his constiuents...Ultimately he has the last word..and I guess that's to much to expect..

  11. At the end of the first week of the Trial, what is your reaction to what you have seen or heard? Who do you think is winning the trial? The Chief or the Congress, at this stage of the proceedings?

  12. I'd have to admit after the first three days, a little witch hunting was taking place. Remembering the way things use to be to the membership that regularly vote in a election could be bad not good. But, this is exposure enough to get someone reelected, and it may not be who you want. Drop the Harness, turning out to pasture could be too much to ask after so many been feeding at the stable

  13. Osage Blog Conversation continues at
