Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Conversation--Part 4-January 2014

Osage Blog Conversation continues at


    Did not take them long to get back into the Executives Business.....

    1. Good. They are doing what they were elected to do. Go Congress!

    2. How is that not an abuse of power? Their job is to write laws not "department" disciplinary actions.

    3. Checks and balances. I am in support of our Congress. They had a very hard job and have been very unpopular throughout the process. I hope they know there are many more Osages like me who look up to all of them for a hard job well done!

  2. To review all of the Removal Trial comments on the Osage Blog see:

    1. When is the video of the trial going to be put up on the Nation's web site? When are the employees going to start humping for the Osage People and not the Congress that indulges and coddles them? Are they even at work today?

    2. New article>>

  3. New article>>

    1. On the chance that he would become the new Chief, at least he could have worn a suit.

    2. Looks are not everything...especially back home...respect..

    3. Yeah yeah yeah. Like I put earlier>>>>>>>>>> Wheel of Fortune>>>>>>>>>>Last month his kids get thrown in jail for getting caught over at his house for a domestic and drugs and who knows what all else. This month he's Chief of the Osage Tribe. Hail Chief! The sick Osage saga continues............. Respect for the Osage people is how to behave right and then do things right.

    4. Is there anybody Osage in OC who we should have respect for? Sure looks like a nest of vipers and criminals, and a den of liars, embezzlers and thieves. We need people from outside this geographic area to run for office to clean all this up and get it sorted out in the next election. We can't let the people responsible for our brand new Constitutional government run into the ground like this. The fullbloods with their families and cronies and political paybacks have had their day and they can' t cut it.

    5. Benefit of the all I am saying. I used to think the motto was don't do as I do but do as I say....his children are adults he has no control over their behavior at this point and if this be the case sounds as if The Current Chief needs to show some hard love...we don't know his house of cards but we do....and can do something about our house of cards because now we know what we are up against..sounds as if your trying to bring dirt in and we traded for more dirt...time will tell...let him get some work done and not let this be a lame duck...let him find his way to right the wrong and get that Per-Cap to the People, The OSAGE . Let that be his legacy no matter how small something is better than nothing and after all the illicit spending by the Former Chief. get the Osage LLC...underwraps either with an Outside Independent Committee, an Oversight Board of Directors to examine and help the Osage LLC.Board..and get an Audit of the Books, that will be telling as I think I had mentioned the front is no longer carrying the back's our money and if need be we will be asking through the Open Records act to comply if action is not addition each dept should be scrutinized for to if there is more than 8 hrs of work to perform. And to be sure their are no violations with the time cards issue....Legislation to support no picketing for Raises...Legislation a Chief cannot inquire on a family matter if they are under investigation by the A.G or the Police....Lastly get those Accounts over the M/C. This is a new beginning and to some extent some people do have a past but for some this does not speak to who they are just a bad choice...there is room for forgiveness and understanding...Hear our Voice Chief and do the best you can that's all we can ask for...

    6. To Poster at 12:06 the former Chief has given the impression that this type of behavior of stealing through loopholes in the system has gone on for some time...Yet they can get caught with their hand in the cookie jar yet they don't want to share is Hypocritical and like the kettle calling the pot black...oh I'm saying share in the stealing but share in the Profit...Look at the Five man board where is the case sitting at? Come on there is a statue of limitations and this was by far Grand Theft...of our Money, is this favoritism at it's best that because JOE DON paid back his Share? Does not right the wrong....this breaks down the System and belief and moral among our Tribe and worse goes against our New Constitution...This is what happens when you become a Gov...not normal in any sense... so you point well taken...yes I will be running for M/C...JUST FOUND OUT WHAT I have now I have another 2 months of testing and alls well ends well hopefully...

    7. oops meant to say...Oh I'm not saying share in the stealing but share in the profit. By means of a Per-Cap..give and take and we are on the end of the receiving stick...

    8. I think it's about time that all of us started asking questions about whether these REAL Osages are worthy to even serve in an elected capacity. They carry on and on about the culture but it never seems to improve their character. They don't live in lodges, or hogans or tepees. They don't wear blankets and they don't really live the real Indian ways day in and day out. They just talk big, throw their considerable weight around and then behave in the worst possible manner all the while they are stealing the treasury blind with salaries they don't even qualify for or deserve with two Chiefs now and that pitiful excuse of a Congress shoveling out millions of dollars a year on them as fast as they can. If the U.S. Congress had any remorse for what they've done to all of us Osages, they'd shut the whole thing down tomorrow and start over.

    9. We don't need Congress this is our Gov. and our Sovereign Right to Right the Wrong and if we want an Osage Constututional Convention then we can organize...I haven't gone that path because I believe that the wrong can be righted.. that their is a happy medium that can be met and we are not going to wait much longer and our Congress is feeling the heat from the Constiuency on several matters of couse just a few of important ones thus far..better legislation to close the loopholes and get that Per-Cap in legislation...As I've said before not a GOV. FOR GOV. BUT A GOV. FOR THE OSAGE just can't vote yourselves raises..the People need to vote..Look and study Bell Calif. each and everyone of you...They can vote everyyear for one and whats going to stop this, this is a conflict of interest...The area is depressed...we get that does not justify a salarie with in your means..

    10. My impression those who live far and away did not get that vote if we wanted to become a Gov. We would have been handling some real questions as to what when and where etc but you get the drift...where I'm gong...most of us would have bargained a Per-Cap into that equation...this would not allow for a runaway Gov. like the one we view as of today...The Vote was not fair in 2006. Anybody wish to take this on wouldn't have an argument to stand on.

    11. Huh? I thought the Chief they just removed was supposed to be some sort of religious leader.

    12. Did you read the new Chiefs statement? Blah Blah Blah Spend Spend Spend Blah Blah Blah............................not on any of us I'll bet.

    13. You got that right. Takes the oath to do right by all of us and right away he's assuring people he's going to continue the home spending. We have got to rid ourselves of these political types in OK if it's the last thing we do.

    14. New article>>

    15. Bighorse is gonna be more of the same Redeagle tactics. He just hasn't been called on the carpet yet. He needs to be cleaning house to send us all a msg that the Redeagle executive office is no longer calling the shots in order for us to trust him.

    16. If we want change then we have to do it ourselves in the next election. Again, the Osage Blog continues to announce its Election Initiative that we are calling the Osage Surge for Candidates to come forward from outside of Osage County and the State of Oklahoma to run in the upcoming Osage Nation elections; "The Osage Surge" for short. We need boots on the ground, Osage members, to turn around the policies and spending practices of the Osage Nation government to one that is sensible and reasonable that includes ALL Osages no matter were they reside which was promised to us if we were to support a new Osage Constitutional government. We need to reestablish a proper balance from the top down and the bottom up! Please join this initiative and if you can, run for office in the upcoming Osage Nation elections in 2014. Since they won't, each one of us need to stand up and take responsibility and BE RESPONSIBLE for what our new government does in the future. Now IS the time for all good Osages to come to the aid of their new Constitutional government.
      STEP ONE: Request from the Election Office a Filing for Candidacy packet.
      The filing period for Congress: March 15, 2014 - March 31, 2014
      Applications will be accepted during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
      File with the Election Office your packet with a Cashier's Check or Money Order made out to Osage Nation Election Office for the amount of the office you are seeking.
      Submit a copy of your Osage Nation Membership Card and a government issued ID.
      YOU MUST have proof of an established separate bank account in the name of the candidate or candidate's campaign must be provided upon filing. NOTE: the banking laws are different in every state of the Union. Some require that you have to open a business account and file paperwork as a business with the Secretary of State where you live. This can be time consuming and costly far above what it is in the State of Oklahoma and some banks there will not allow you to open an account at all if you are not a resident of Oklahoma. Don't plan on getting this done at the very last minute before you file to run. You have to have proof of this bank account whether or not you plan to accept campaign contributions and you must have proof of it when you file at the Osage Nation Election Office.
      For additional information see

    17. So, you, other anonymous blogger, want Scott to clean house? He's there for another 5 months plus or minus a few days. What's he supposed to do, sit in an empty office building? How many applicants is he going to get knowing that its a 5 month gig?

    18. He has already appointed a new assist chief, so I am sure he is more than capable of replacing those jokers in executive. Or maybe he has an axe to grind so he is gonna keep those Chief Redeagle executive people so they can retaliate against those employees and members that they feel didn't support them or the chief.

    19. New Chief--AP Chief and Congress members should be required to take independent drug and alcohol tests. The only thing would be that it be given on Monday mornings. I wonder if the Chief/AP Chief candidates would all agree to this too? Once a week like clockwork.

    20. Especially Standing Bear and Raymond Red Corn and that Shannon Edwards.

    21. Standinghbear for chief! And, I will be voting for Shannon Edwards so take your spine less remarks and go away. You must be one of those Osages that lives in a bubble with all disregard of truth or facts.

  4. The Primary candidate list has been recertified and updated at The Osage News is reporting that the drawing for the order that the candidate names will appear on the March 10 primary ballot took place this morning and a meeting was held with the candidates at the cultural center regarding the upcoming Primary election.

    The order of names on the ballot for the Primary election is as follows:

    1) Tom Boone
    2) Geoffrey Standing Bear
    3) Margo Gray

    1) Raymond Red Corn
    2) Amanda Proctor
    3) Terry Mason Moore
    4) James "Osage" Dailey
    5) Randolph Crawford

    1. Who is Tom Boone...would like to know more about him and is our Chief BigHorse planning to run in our next Election? He can do a lot of good in the Short time in office...and I will vote for him. Geoffrey could be smelled a mile away and Margo to..neither a great choice we cannot carry on on the path the same path as yesterday..they are either directly or indirectly a part of what we didn't like and electing them in my opinion would put another nail in the coffin..after what we have learned about the executive office and everyone in that office they will have a bridge to cross to bring integrity back to our Tribe...don't trust them....especially the former Chief I felt gave the impression that everyone was complicit of wrongdoing was like throwing everyone under bus as he was going down...He should write a book and let us know everything...wouldn't that be a hoot....Amanda is my next vote...she has hit home that we have issues especially when it comes to taking care of our Elders...and I would be proud to have her as AP. Chief...we cannot have more of the same thing going on is redundant and insane and we ensure this by not electing career Politicians and we have seen in the U.S senate how this is not working...obviously...I do not know James or Rudolph...lets get the campaigning going so we can make up our Minds....

    2. Tom Boone is Cynthia's kid and he's a wild card. Who knows what he'll do. Standing Bear will probably bring getting rid of the BIA over the goal line while suing everyone in sight to get rights back that the 10th Circuit has determined are gone. Margo will likely compact the Mineral Estate as soon as she can get away with it and she's not qualified to run anyway. Don't you get what's happening here? Raymond Red Corn back with the 2nd Congress and probably his buddy Standing Bear put in this sham primary election into the law we don't even need to up the odds and skew the election so Standing Bear gets Chief and Red Corn gets Assistant Chief. Kugee helped put it in too but as soon as they get in, they'll dump him like the outed Chief did. He thinks he's this big deal behind the scenes but they just use him because he's really from another Tribe and has this Indian store where they like to buy things. Scott Bighorse has family troubles so he has to stay home after the next election never mind politics for him for a while.

    3. What kind of family troubles?

    4. The candidates are the candidates. At least they have the courage to step up knowing that it subjects themselves to all the scrutiny, abuse, ridicule, and criticism that everyone so readily dishes out to Osages in leadership positions. Margo is as qualified as any to seek office and she is direct and straightforward as to her views, so one doesn't have to wonder where she stands on an issue. Standing Bear certainly has the strongest educational credentials, but he is lacking in experience in leading large organizations or managing people. Of the three, Margo has the most experienced in organizational management and leadership. Other than the fact that Tom Boone does or has served on the School Board in Pawhuska, there isn't much available about his professional background to be found on-line, so it's hard to draw any conclusions as to his qualifications to serve as Chief at this time. The candidate debates will be held at the Community Center in the Hominy on Feb. 1, 2014 - not sure of the time. This will provide a good chance to folks to find out more about each candidate and how their skills, qualifications, and credentials stack up as between each of them. As for the Congress, give them at least some credit for standing up for accountability. It's really hard to make the case that it was a witch hunt when the Chief admitted to his own wrongdoing on the witness stand under oath. Nobody is happy about recent events and a lot of Osages, myself included, feel a strong measure of sympathy for the Chief as one would for anyone in his situation, but broad allegations of generalized corruption in our government are not only unfair, it is wrong. People would be equally harsh in their criticism has the result been the opposite. Kindness, generosity, and love of family are wonderful values, but not when it comes out of someone else's till. You can't pay people who don't earn the pay. You can't give jobs to friends and relatives just because they are friends and relatives. You don't give away other people's money. Congress has made clear that these things won't be tolerated in the Osage Nation. They deserve praise not recrimination for taking their obligations to the Osage People seriously and for standing firm for integrity in Osage public office.

    5. What about this rigged election for the Chief and Asst. Chief that your beatific Congress has come up with? Do you expect us to believe with only 9 candidates originally in the running that this primary is necessary and cost effective? You won't come close to sliding that one past anyone no matter how you try. We need people outside of this local gang and their ring of corruption. We've seen enough of the slight of hand coming from this bunch so don't fill in their canonization papers just yet. I hope JRE goes ballistic and outs every single sanctimonous one of them.

    6. Couldn't the election board have waited one single day before they swept Chief Red Eagle out the door. Shameful.

    7. The big losers with regard to the primary are the two top candidates from each field who now have to run and raise money for two campaigns and, I would add, it's really hard to raise money to campaign for a primary. When you do, it's even hard to get more funds to campaign for the general election. I'm sure that the candidates who as members of Congress voted to have a primary have a much keener insight as to the downside of such decision or will shortly. Having said that, I fail to see how the election is "rigged" as you suggest, but maybe as an outsider you have keener insights. Moreover, I fail to see the logic in your argument that it is less cost effective for the Nation to have a primary than it is to have a run-off election after the general election. At least this way, we don't have to wait until August to seat the PC and the APC.

    8. What makes you think we won't have a run-off? If nearly every candidate gets the same number of votes with only two that survive, and the votes that initially went to the third candidate are evenly split in the general election with neither candidate pulling ahead by a 55% or 65% majority of votes or whatever the number is, you'll have a runoff as well. Used to be if you had a higher number of votes than the other candidate you won the election. Now we have more Congressional meddling and expensive rules and crap regulations tied to the elections and they just keep going with more changes every election cycle all geared toward making it harder for those outside their main circle to run and be successful in winning an election.

    9. It may have seemed disrespectful to swear in the Chief so quickly, but the position was immediately vacant upon the vote for removal, so to prevent a lapse in the office it was necessary to swear in the new Chief immediately. Also, it wasn't the election board that acted in this regard, it was a justice of the Osage Nation Supreme Court, which is also in accordance with Osage Nation law.

    10. Who said anything about the swearing in? I'm referring to the recertification of the candidates so soon and taking Chief Red Eagle's name off of the list the very next morning.

    11. Throw in enough ifs and anything's possible.

    12. How much of this work that Margo Gray has had in the past includes jobs other than those contracts she's had with the Osage Nation? I don't see anything about her credentials on her facebook page.

    13. Of the three, Margo has the most experienced in organizational management and leadership? 11-50 employees? NOT!

    14. Margo will definitely keep Deidre Bigheart employed with the nation since they are very close friends. Be aware. As we all know, this Deidre Bigheart woman has been THE utimate demise of the chief and has clearly treated Osages badly. Talk to our nation's employees.

    15. If we want change then we have to do it ourselves in the next election. Again, the Osage Blog continues to announce its Election Initiative that we are calling the Osage Surge for Candidates to come forward from outside of Osage County and the State of Oklahoma to run in the upcoming Osage Nation elections; "The Osage Surge" for short. We need boots on the ground, Osage members, to turn around the policies and spending practices of the Osage Nation government to one that is sensible and reasonable that includes ALL Osages no matter were they reside which was promised to us if we were to support a new Osage Constitutional government. We need to reestablish a proper balance from the top down and the bottom up! Please join this initiative and if you can, run for office in the upcoming Osage Nation elections in 2014. Since they won't, each one of us need to stand up and take responsibility and BE RESPONSIBLE for what our new government does in the future. Now IS the time for all good Osages to come to the aid of their new Constitutional government.
      STEP ONE: Request from the Election Office a Filing for Candidacy packet.
      The filing period for Congress: March 15, 2014 - March 31, 2014
      Applications will be accepted during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
      File with the Election Office your packet with a Cashier's Check or Money Order made out to Osage Nation Election Office for the amount of the office you are seeking.
      Submit a copy of your Osage Nation Membership Card and a government issued ID.
      YOU MUST have proof of an established separate bank account in the name of the candidate or candidate's campaign must be provided upon filing. NOTE: the banking laws are different in every state of the Union. Some require that you have to open a business account and file paperwork as a business with the Secretary of State where you live. This can be time consuming and costly far above what it is in the State of Oklahoma and some banks there will not allow you to open an account at all if you are not a resident of Oklahoma. Don't plan on getting this done at the very last minute before you file to run. You have to have proof of this bank account whether or not you plan to accept campaign contributions and you must have proof of it when you file at the Osage Nation Election Office.
      For additional information see

    16. Scoff if you want, but as compared to the management experience of the other two candidates, Margo has the most leadership and management experience - that's a fact. GSB has essentially been a solo practitioner with maybe a law clerk or two and possibly a receptionist for the last 20 years. Other than serving on the Pawhuska School Board, there isn't much available in relation to Tom Boone's professional background - have searched Bing, Google, and Facebook. Margo on the other hand established and ran her own engineering company until recently, was the Board Chair of a national organization with business centers throughout Indian Country and which sponsors of the largest Indian business development conference in the country - the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development. She's also been a Board member for the American Indian Business Network Board Member of the National Indian Gaming Association and she has co‐Chaired the Economic Development Sub‐Committee of the National Congress of American Indians.

    17. Well, whether you decide to be part of a candidate Surge or not - at least vote. The turnout for the last election was pretty pitiful, especially in relation to the absentee voters. If you do join the surge, do it for the right reasons. This Osage voter is pretty dismayed by the increasing demand for handouts in the form of per caps. Greed is a terrible thing - we need to build the Nation not rob it.

    18. Okay, let's see if I got won't vote for Margo because she's friends with Deirdre Bigheart and, therefore, might not fire her? Deirdre Bigheart is the source of Chief Red Eagle's demise??? Come on! The Chief was the source of his own demise. I don't know her and I don't know how she has treated individual Osages, but blaming an employee for the Chief's demise is just petty. Also, I don't much like candidates that promise to fire or cut deals to hire. I hope that whomever is elected show more integrity than you, other anonymous blogger, suggest.

    19. Anonymous at 7:26 So you think that if the Osage people get per cap it's robbing the nation. My self I'd think it's helping the people,that's should be the nations first an foremost job! If wasn't for the Osage people their wouldn't be a nation.So to speak if need some help from the nation I'm robbing it? Or maybe I don't get the big picture and understand what you're trying to say here about robbing it.

    20. See

    21. Deidre Bigheart is part of executive and not a regular employee. And yes, I work for the tribe as a regular employee and know first hand how she manages Osage people and how she managed Chief Redeagle. So that post about not electing Margo Gray is a post I can stand by because we do not need more of the same and that is what we will all get if she is elected. And yes, I do know.for a fact that Margo Gray is planning on keeping Deidre Bigheart so I will NOT be voting for her. I don't call it petty, I call it being informed. I will not vote for someone that runs with snakes like Deidre Bigheart. No way no how.

    22. I won't vote for margo either because we cannot trust Deidre.And mostly because we do not need the same career family politicians. Boone is part if that circle as well.

    23. Deidre Bigheart HAS got to go!

    24. I believe the general concensus is NOT to vote for Margo Gray as chief. She and Deidre Bigheart are both sketchy no matter how you look at it. We don't need another chief with an agenda that fills our house with people of low ethical and moral character.

    25. Supernaws store>>>>>>>>>> Click the tab on Shopping and look for Where’d you get that? Supernaw’s Oklahoma Indian Supply

  5. Now might be a good time to change the focus and learn something:

  6. Did anyone hear the part of the trial that outed Chief Redeagle on not being a full blood Osage as he has claimed?

    1. No. I was listening for evidence that he had broken the law in the articles of removal. He wasn't on trial for blood quantum or being a fullblood. Sheesh! Give it a rest will you?

    2. It's people like you who disregard liars like Chief Redeagle. Did you not watch the trial where he not only admitted to everything, but severely boasted about his full blood lineage? That's what makes it so astounding. Calling it what it is - unethical and morally unstable.

    3. Chief Redeagle was on the stand and swore on the bible that he would tell the whole true and nothing but the truth so help him God. It is a FACT that he lied about his blood quantum numerous times on the stand. He is the one that offered the information and the prosecution called him out on it. The truth usually comes out in the end.

    4. Here we go... This is the best we can come up with:
      Nathaniel Hale Pryor (one of the men in the Lewis and Clark expedition) came into Osage Territory to set up a trading post between 1820 and 1831 when he died.
      He had three children one of whom was a male child born of an Osage woman named Asinga or Osinga. Some records indicate that this child was named William (Quiver) Pryor.
      There is another Pryor by the name of John (almost certainly William (Quiver) Pryor).
      John was married to a woman named Mary. Mary had a sister named Rose or Rosa, another sister named Julia and a brother named Baptiste Mongrain. His father, Joseph Noel Mongrain had a passel of children (8 or more) that included Mary, who married John William (Quiver) Pryor, Rose, Julia and again, Baptiste.
      Rose is identified in the annuity records in the late 1800's as Rose Pryor the wife of Henry Red Eagle.
      Both Mary and Rose have the same parents and they and their parents (John Noel Mongrain and his wife) are fullbloods.
      After Mary married Pryor, her sisters came to live with her and her husband and may have been adopted by John William (Quiver) Pryor and lived and dressed as the white people did.
      Baptiste Mongrain lived as an Osage.
      Rose was married to a man named Henry (the Younger) Red Eagle and they had Paul Red Eagle who married Cecelia and they had a number of children.
      One of the children is Ed Red Eagle Sr.
      John D. Red Eagle is his son.
      Clearly, Rose is not a Pryor nor was Mary until she married William John.
      There would be no genetic connection through the Red Eagle side of the family but there would be a legal connection through Rose or Rosa Pryor if indeed an adoption took place. If this is the case and it most likely is, John William (Quiver) Pryor is Nathaniel Hale Pryor's son, therefore John D. Red Eagle can be both a full blood and still legally related to Nathaniel Hale Pryor on his paternal great grandmother Rose/Rosa's side.

    5. Thank you so much for putting this lineage issue to rest!!! The ones who have had a problem with this fullblood, must not be a fullblood and really is envious of the proven fact!

    6. There is another variation. Rose and Mary's parents are identified by name as Sah-pah-shin-kah, father and He-ah-to-me, mother. William (Quiver) Pryor is listed in the records as having been born in California in 1834 three years after the death of Nathaniel Hale Pryor if his birth date is correct. This would place Asinga in California at the time of the birth. We know that Nathaniel was in Osage territory at the time of his death. The question is, did Asinga have a boy and name him a Pryor. There is also some indication that Nathaniel had a son with his first wife in Kentucky. She may have died before he joined the Lewis and Clark expedition. This son was also seen in the records to have traveled to California and was also with Nathaniel in Osage territory at the time that he was married to Asinga. Could Asinga have had a child with this son after the death of Nathaniel? Could this child then have been John Pryor the husband of Mary? Catholic baptismal records show that this Osinga was baptized about 10 years after Nathaniel died as were her daughters by Nathaniel listed as Marie and Mary Jane. She shows up around this time as living in the home of her daughter Sophia in Missouri. Sophia's husband was the sponsor for the Catholic baptisms of Osinga, Marie and Mary Jane. This Sophia is also identifed as the younger sister of Baptiste Mongrain. At the time of the baptisms, an Achinga is living with Sophia and is identified as her mother (or perhaps the mother-in law of her sister Mary?) Another possibility is that this same Asinga/Osinga and John Noel Mongrain had children together sometime after the death of Nathaniel and after the birth of John Pryor. The records will have to be further looked into as to the wife or wives of John Noel Mongrain. Fun with genealogy! And the trail leads on...

    7. Then why is it that, when the prosecution revealed that Chief Redeagle lied about his lineage, the Chief nor the defense attorney objected?

    8. Why would they? What does the prosecution know about his lineage? They didn't introduce genealogical records to prove that he was lying. Moving on, what is fascinating about genealogy is the twists and turns associated with it and what can sometimes just drop right in your lap out of the blue. Congressman Standing Bear has just sent out campaign literature with a small photograph of a family photo taken with Frank Phillips of the Phillips Petroleum Co. In that very photo is woman identified as his great-grandmother Julia Mongrain Pryor Lookout! So this must be the Julia who came to live with her sister Mary who was married to John Pryor. Did Julia marry him after her sister died? Was it a plural marriage that included her sister Rose as well? After John Pryor died, did she then marry a Lookout? How was she related to Chief Fred Lookout? One question leads to another...

    9. More appears that Julia Mongrain is the daughter of Mary and the step daughter of John Pryor. The records also list Rose/Rosa as the sister-in-law of John Pryor. Julia Mongrain Pryor Lookout is the wife of Chief Fred Lookout.

    10. You can view at the free go to The Wheel of Tribes then Spin land on the Osage Tribe, on the picture to your right you'll see Chief Bacon Rind, evangelist Billie Sunday, Rosa the Chief's wife, Sunday's wife, my grandfather E.E.Beach , former Governor. of Oklahoma Henry Johnson , and Frank Phillips brother in front of a touring sedan and The Chiefs house in the Indian Camp, believe time frame 1929-31.


    12. Thank you, Homer! Fascinating. They might have been and still be today the "finest looking" that was ever seen but like my Osage grandmother used to say, "Pretty is as pretty does!" And she meant every word of it.

  7. Thank you Congress for doing your job.

    1. Doing the right thing takes courage and is seldom appreciated at the moment. The Osage Congress did the right thing and they deserve acknowledgement for it.


    3. You're funny - Congress Hater. No human institution is flawless, but tagging every member of the Congess as evil is silly

    4. No one said the Osage Nation Congress is flawless and what really matters is we have a Congress for the People and not for themselves but for the Constiuency....the Osage People get that Per-Cap and stop the Gov. Bloat....end

    5. So set us straight about the facts. If these people are doing wrong themselves then have the guts to put it out there. This Tribe has the worst record of keeping secrets so the majority of the members won't really know how bad it is. If you want it cleaned up, get it out there so everyone can see whats been going on. Stop hiding all this stuff. Next on the list is the employees cheating the Osage people by not working and turning in fraudulent time cards. They get the money, don't work for it half the time and we never see any of it unless we file for the health card or are going to college. Keep an eye on the new Chief too. He is known as slacker if there ever was one. Who will be minding his time card in the next six months? The AG?

    6. I don't think it's secrets as it is misinformation from people that would allow themselves to support a chief that went on a stand and confessed to the allegations. And now have the wherewithal to badger and blame a group of people who followed the law and did the jobs us Osages voted for them to do.

    7. What I think is most important to realize is that FINALLY this government is beginning to show that it works. We have waited a long long time to see signs that what is wrong will be corrected and put right. It took a lot of courage for the members of Congress to do what they did to prove to us that we can begin to have faith and confidence that we have a real government that will enforce the laws. This is imperative in order to have a viable democratic institution now and sustain its integrity into the future. I know for a fact that 3/4 of them didn't want to make the decision to remove the Chief at all. But they did what they knew was the right thing to do. This was a hard choice to have to make and I think that they are to be commended for it.


    9. Go Congress! I voted for you and you did the job you have been elected to do. You should be commended.

  8. Thank you Congress we know the decision did not come easy for all of you have worked with the Chief for quite some time and some very close friends with the Chief was even harder to make that choice though you knew it was the right thing to get those accounts to the M/C ASAP. Chief are you listening...

    1. I agree with everything in your comment. I hope we haven't gone through all this only to have the next one balk on getting the Mineral Accounts back in the hands of the Minerals Council where it belongs by law.

    2. Thanks, it's not that hard to audit those 3 accounts or shouldn't be if the books are up to date. And once we get control of said ACCOUNTS it would be advised that I would get a company or external auditor to do a forensic audit of the accounts...if at all possible..just a thought....I was surprised the Chief Bighorse did not address this issue in the first after all we just found the former Chief guilty for not abiding to the law...I;m sure the M/C has made an appt with the Chief on this matter of importance? Any M/C wishing to address this question please...a DAY LATE IS ANOTHER WASTED.

    3. Thank you Congress!


  9. TDTKBJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:46 PM

    Anonymous at 7:26 So you think that if the Osage people get per cap it's robbing the nation. My self I'd think it's helping the people,that's should be the nations first an foremost job! If wasn't for the Osage people their wouldn't be a nation.So to speak if need some help from the nation I'm robbing it? Or maybe I don't get the big picture and understand what you're trying to say here about robbing it

    1. Misinformed: in reality, the way it works to get help; that is if you apply for help, you don't stand a china-mens chance unless you know "someone" on congress or a relative then they abuse their power as a glorified ONCongress person, they make their calls to the appropriate people and voila you get whatever you apply for. And remember EMBEZELLING IS A BIG ISSUE NOW SO YOU COULD GET ACCUSED OF THAT TOO! Pretty shameful how ONGOV-CONGRESS WORKS.

    2. Per cap, are you kidding, the monies referred to as ours meaning the 13, 000 Osages, it goes for congress' raises, trips to California & other places. Also, word on the block, 401k & retirement plan for themselves. So per cap is designated for them. Congress only thinks of themselves not THE OSAGE PEOPLE! So they also steal & rob from the OSAGE. THE OATH THEY TOOK ALSO HAS BEEN BROKEN. SHAMEFUL, SHAMEFUL, SHAMEFUL!!!!! NEED TO MAKE A LIST OF ALL THE THINGS THEY GET AWAY WITH.

    3. Boy I'm mad as h*** about the robbing the nation! O let's see what the nations has done for lately bought a dirt pile in St Louis, Some Airport property, Invested 11,000,000 in this Llc store,And god only knows what else, PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR SHORT COMINGS' BUT JUST THE STORE LOSSES EQUAL 146$ FOR 15,000 OSAGES' A Year FOR 5 YRS,

    4. Yeah pretty sickening but that's the great ONcongress for ya! Got some real doozies in there, smart ones, huh!?

    5. Haven't forgot about the money pit...the Airport, the Purchase of the Park, and if Congress is only helping those just near then the more reason we need to get that pertition out for a Per-Cap...think it is time to adrdress and personally get a Pamplet out to all Oasges and start organizing this Project....My theory is Like I said earlier, if I had known we were going to be a Gov. this would have been seeded.....and don't get a hall pass on this is the are fit to be tide and Like I said times are hard for many...I'm doing just fine but this is for all of you my brother and sister Osages....I didn't get the memo we were becoming a Gov..I would have been there all the way to ensure the CONSTITUTION WAS WRITTEN well, would have enlisted my Lawyers. If this Gov. does not understantd what the Costitunecy is asking , then maybe a little Lawyer action will....You don't have to be smart to know from right or wrong.

    6. To TDKB your short comings are well is all our short comings and we are all in that mix, nor are we perfect but we do know from right and wrong and a lot of us have a lot of common sense in our little pinky. I hear you loud and clearly....Long live the Osage Tribe and the 1906 Act...ah forgot about the money pit store as some great ideas how to stimulate your economy back home...I will be talking with our Chief very's going to cost but if structured right this can pay for itself in a very short 3yrs...don't want to put this out there yet....but if we do it right I'll put a lot of you to work....Trying to get healthy and off of the Caffeine not that this has anything to do with anything concerning my Health but as the day by day goes..I'm gettig my ferver for the truth and the love I have for my People is and always will be with you in mind.....

    7. Aside from everything else..the.airport,the LLC and the question of a Per-Cap what is needed is a forensic audit of the Nations books. Especially now. Even if such a thing as a per-Cap was to be initiated, how would we know what we should be receiving, after expenses without a complete set of up to date books? As far as I know we have yet to see the LLC turn a profit yet we continue to throw money at them and the board salaries.

    8. Number one priority is to get that forensic audit. Long overdue. I've been very loud on this matter for quite sometime. Once we know where we stand then move forward. Long overdue. It is and still is what many of you thought would happen and should happen. And petition if the ON does not hear the voice of the Constituency. Stop the waste and Gov.bloat in their pockets.This is what the original intent was I know! And this is not a lie.

    9. They throw MILLIONS and MILLIONS and MILLIONS at those Boards and Commissions yearly. It's insane. Just another way to soak up funds for them and KEEP them away from US. What that Osage LLC has lost in the past few years is chicken feed. The Osage Congress is sneaky about it too because they put all this unnecessary spending in separate appropriation legislation that goes by unnoticed if you're not paying attention. God only knows where this money actually goes yearly and to whom. The one they passed for this year in September of '13 has pages of print missing so you can't really see the big dollar amounts at The best you can do is look at the appropriations for FY 2013. Now here they get really clever because they separate the spending into two bills separate and apart from the rest of the Executive Branch spending and for the Office of the Principal Chiefs. The first one is for the big spending on September 27, 2012 and "cultural donations": The second one is for supplemental spending on October 1, 2012: Why did they even need a supplemental spending bill 5 DAYS LATER? LOOK at these eyepopping numbers!!!!!!!!! Remember that these bills are for FY2013 spending not FY2014 and the presumption is that the numbers are much higher for this year. In addition, these boards and commissions are supposed to protect the interests of the Osage Nation and the money of the Osage people but where the Osage, LLC board and the Gaming Board and Gaming Commission is concerned there is plenty of evidence that they do just the opposite and protect the interests of these companies from any oversight on the part of the Osage Congress or the Osage Nation and there are certain members of Congress over the years who have aided and abetted this situation all along no matter how much money continues to be lost despite the best efforts of certain other members of Congress to get to the bottom of these suspected losses at the time as opposed to after the fact when the damage has been done to the financial interests of the Osage Nation. The only reasonable conclusion to be drawn is best framed in a question. Why are we paying all this money for these boards and commissions when we are being harmed by them and not helped?

    10. There is enough money in these bills for a decent yearly percap for all of us outside of OC. OC Osages benefit from $15 million in Federal money that we don't so they are already on the gravy train. Yo turkey voucher guy! I found the money for it right here, a percap and a yearly Christmas bonus for the people too.

    11. If you follow the business world outside the Osage Nation you will notice that companies that are not producing or fall short of projections often the Board of directors or the CEO is replaced. OH NO not the Osage Nation. We just keep trowing money down a sink hole and whose fault is that? I blame Congress....all of them, from top to bottom!! Time for a change to people that will be fiscally responsible. Notice I didn't say " more" fiscally responsible because I have seen none of it in years past. Hard and direct questions need to be ask of the candidates especially those coming from of Congress! Just because they might have a big Osage family name, or have served in Congress several terms shouldn't automatically give them a free pass to higher office..

    12. Now this is what I am talking about getting everyone of the Constituency to look and Identify the problem areas that need to be addressed....and clearly we know the Executive was a problem and still can be if we don't tighten up with some stiff legislation...and it is evident Congress needs to take a look at our boards and spending...truly this is where we should not be and we must continue to seek the Attention of the Congress that the Constituency is to remember who they work for...if not We can if we choose to do so bring this Gov. back to the Osage.....The Osage Tribe...long live the 1906's not what we know it's what we do with what we isn't always easy to do right but we must right the wrong...This is our Tribe and the future of our Childrens Tribe and we must lead by example....right the wrong...

    13. Outstanding post Anonymous January 25, 2014 at 5:15 PM. If we don't demand accountability from our elected officials like it says in the Constitution, we will never get it. They've been on the honor system long enough and what can we conclude from that about this bunch?

    14. We just may need to impeach the Board Members of the Osage LLC....not sure what the bylaws are for the Corporation....the Board has fiscal responsibility and has faild tremendously....all of what we know 11 million dollars and I want every dollar accounted for A.S.A.P....

  10. So,to which one of these Chief candidates will the political groups in EXILE pass the feather of support?

    1. Really, you asked the question now give your opinion if you would please. Or elaborate. Thank you.

    2. I didn't ask the question but I will venture an answer. Follow the money and who will be most likely to keep it flowing. My money is on a tight race between Standing Bear and Margo Gray. Standing Bear has sponsored a lot of the spending bills for employee raises and bonuses so he's been the one ladling out the fish in the bucket since he's been in Congress...the hand that feeds, so to speak. Gray may be the only alternative if the people punish the members of Congress in their election or reelection attempts for ousting JRE. She ran in the last election for Congress but wasn't very impressive in the debates. Again, Tom Boone is a wild card. He could surprise everyone because he likely will leave the Mineral Estate alone.

    3. Thank you . That wild card not so sure. But Margo would be a just a thought snd StandingBear can pound sand.

    4. If you think we need another "Gray" member in office you forget about the mess Jim Gray had us in.I don't believe there are any qualifications there for the office of Chief. As far as punishing Congress for ousting JRE, you weren't paying attention to the charges he faced and was found guilty of and the way he ran the executive branch and tried to run other departments. I like JRE as a person but believe his down fall was...#1 bad advise...#2 he was way in over his head...and I think he was so full of himself that he thought he could do anything he wanted.

    5. Due to the 2nd and 3rd Congress, we now have three candidates that we don't WANT TO VOTE FOR and DON'T WANT AS CHIEF. There is still time for them to open the positions of Chief and Asst. Chief by amendment to the Election Bill and return it to what it was before with being able to file to run for all elected offices in March. If they value their jobs and plan to be reelected or elected to a new office they had better hop on this Monday morning and schedule a Special Session right away to do it. Don't you get sick of the manipulations of these self-centered people?

  11. Breaking News: Chief BigHorse has appointed Terry Mason Moore to be the AP Chief. The ON Congress will have to confirm this appointment.

    1. Good. Checks and balances!


    3. I'd say the comment about payback from him in the next six months is probably right on target. If she was advising him, it didn't exactly work out well did it?

    4. URGENT MSG TO CONGRESS: Do not confirm Terry Mason Moore!

  12. More of our money spent on lawsuits?

    1. Sure would had been profitable for the Tribe to have quick claim all of that right-a-way that the railroads had abandon, instead of giving it to the ranchers. Phillip 66 is building 100's of railroad oil tanker, in smaller oilfields , makes sense. Oh, on that exile post, I'll surely follow that up this weekend for it maybe lengthy.

  13. Is it true that Carol Leese of the Osage, LLC has resigned?

    1. Yes. It is. See

    2. Isn't this coincidental after the Chief has been removed and now that the Constituency is asking for accountability for quite some time..what really moved him to resign after the pressure has been on the Board to look at the books expose the truth of the Matter of what has been really going on? Someone earning a Salary for no work or shoddy work to the tune of Millions and now we need to look at the Board of Directors..ultimately the Accountability lies with them. And in regards to the Osage LLC...was the Chief being fed a bunch of lies to keep this failed venture a live because he felt sorry for them? and in the last five years just gave away our Money...Do you see how when one breaks the law it tears down the System and their is room for impropriety...we need to see where what and when how our money was poorly spent no more cover ups just get it out there...

    3. The Next Phase is to examine the Heads of the Osage llc and maybe replace them all...with new Heads..or get an OVERSITE COMMITTEE.

  14. Hey Texas Osages, there is a new group called the Texas Osage Association. The Facebook page is here

    1. Each state must organize no matter how small your faction is because Obviously the word is not getting to every Osage that their Voice Matters because the Truth bring culture and awareness to those near and far...Lets get the word out that you Matter....That you care...No longer can the Gov. just govern the few but hear the Voice of the Many....Congratulations to the Texas Osage Association.

  15. From the Osage News FB page -
    BREAKING NEWS: Osage Nation Principal Chief Scott BigHorse has appointed Osage attorney Terry Mason Moore as Assistant Principal Chief.

    Moore served as general legal counsel for former Principal Chief John Red Eagle before her appointment announced this morning. She has also filed to run for Assistant Principal Chief in the upcoming ON primary election scheduled March 10.

    Moore is subject to confirmation by the Third ON Congress, per the 2006 Osage Constitution.

    1. Thank you for posting this information, Lou. Is there any news on the next performance of your wonderful ballet?

    2. I would like to as well.

    3. Thank you so much for the compliment. Not just yet, but don't give up...stay tuned to and "Osage Ballet" on Facebook. They will keep you advised!

  16. Has anybody been watching the Markets? And what is going on in Argentina? I warned everyone earlier some time this is the Year of Inflation and your money and try not to spend all of your settlement from Cobell. Save...there is if I am right some rough years to come...

    1. THANK YOU! Glad someone else is paying attention to what goes on in world. See

    2. See also

    3. Right it's only fair we try together to watch out for each other makes sense...Thanks OsageBlogger for the additional information...that I didn't post.

  17. Moore as Assistant Chief, you have got to be kidding. If she was legal counsel to Red-Eagle she sure led him astray! Looks like if Congress confirms the appointment, if that's needed, this leaves us right back to where we started. Does it never end? O Happy Day!

    1. I thought the very same thing. Who advised the Chief that the law 11-78 was unconstitutional.

    2. My guess would be Terry Mason Moore. Wasn't she an advisor on this issue to Jim Gray too?

    3. I thought it would be kickingbird? But if it is Terry Mason Moore I would not want her as AP but what the Heck the term will be short lived.

    4. Kickingbird? He's a lawyer and non-Osage. They have a regular session coming up in March where millions more can be spent. Six months is a lot of time to do a lot of damage. Moore was on the 31st Tribal Council that authorized the OGRC that came up with this screwy Constitution along with Jim Gray and the others. She's another lawyer as well and with a lawyer Chief elected and a lawyer Asst. Chief it will be lawsuit city for the next four years and more millions down the drain but you can't tell them anything because they wouldn't recognize good advice if their lives and livelihoods depended on it.

    5. Right SMH we can assume and you know what that means....Congress is going to have to exercise better Judgement and start to realize these pet projects who does it benefit? We can get mad and that's ok to a certain extent but to progress with forward thinking is on the Horizon....After the the Chiefs RedEagle's trial was an Eye the insight of what has transpired since 2006 and before and I said the truth will reveal itself...And we the Osage must stand our Ground...Get rid of the Waste and stop the Spending, Get that Per-Cap on Legislation...and more to be done....A Lawyer Nation is what we have become with Boards getting Paid what to meet a couple of times of year...and surely Over Paid with no Oversight...or...Control...example, the Board for the Osage LLC is just one example...This is not what we should expect and it appears everyone is sleeping at the Wheel....When laws are past or come up for Legislation appropriate time to investigate these laws as opposed to just accepting this law as the word because you know this person and list on the Ballot the Pro's and Con's as in the real world does. The Crony Capitalism is to stop....when passing laws it must be for the Osage Constituency in mind and not what it is going to do for the GOV....Congress must insist how do we recover the funds the Chief spent during his trial and how to retrieve the funds the It GUY who moved to Arkansas....file against the five man board...they need to be held accountable for the lack of diligence on their part and not a day later...the system was broken for the Nation and now we must insist our Congress to wisen up to the Fraud...the's rampant...and remember we would not be in this mix had we known that This Gov. was really about family's or certain family's feeling entitled....just because...This is the impression the Former Chief set as and by...this all needs to change and we do this by standing our Ground...Look Carol Leese just resigned why? Give us the books and then we will know why? He was just earning a Check....for work that I am sure is incomplete and we were made to look like the longer are we to look the other way...we must stand our Ground and we must see what the Board of the Osage LLC has been doing since 2006 and why the waste has occurred and hold them accountable and you know excuses will not fly anymore...Notice not much said on the Press Release on Carol Leese...we must insist that the books be opened up for the Nation to lies....The Millions more spent should be without having to pay for said Construction and whatever is outstanding in Payables should be paid but anything else should be put on hold...time to which the Thinking process with our has to benefit the Constituency it is our Money....end

  18. why does Bighorse gets to choose the AP? Would it be the next in line for this office?

    1. Because the Constitution mandates the process.

    2. Scott Bighorse has the opportunity now to move this nation in a positive way and get away from the cronyism of the past, or he can renew the questionable attempts that the former Chief tried but was blocked on. Say a prayer that he will be his own man. We can’t have more of the same type of nepotism.

    3. Yeah. Right. So explain why this is turning up in the Court Report? Norris Noble Bighorse — Possession of controlled substance. Isn't this Scott's son? Let me tell you what those members of the Osage Congress have done while they give us excuses up and down why no percap. They've been shoveling fistfuls of money at these other public officials and employees which has created a criminal organization involving friends, family members and cronies that extends to the villages and the government with that stolen car ring and ON license plates and on and on with drink and drugs. OH NO! Don't give the Osages a percap it will be the ruin of them!!!!!! Meanwhile all of our money has gone to destroy those who live back home and their young! Filthy! Filthy! Filthy! SHAME ON ALL THEM but most of all the OSAGE CONGRESS AND THE TWO CHIEFS GRAY AND RED EAGLE WHO HAVE FUNDED ALL OF IT AND THOSE MEMBERS WHO HAVE SPONSORED AND CO-SPONSORED THE BILLS FOR THESE BLOATED SALARIES.

    4. Let me get this straight. Terry Mason Moore was an adviser to Jim Gray? Also she advised JRE to spend thousands of dollars of Osage money on a defense he couldn't win rather than resign and now Scott Bighorse wants her for assistant Chief? Who in Congress, in their right mind would approve her? We need to watch this and who in Congress approves it and then vote them out!

  19. Showing the importance of a former Chief, read back on Jan.24, 25, 26 and a little history. Oh! by the way this last week has shot my predictions to smitten ring. Thirty percent is not workable, but the out come probably will be the same.

  20. Brilliant idea! We need to invite the Year Up people to train our Osage Nation employees as to behavioral standards in the work place. See

  21. To receive e-mail alerts from the Osage Nation see

  22. Terry Mason Moore to fill the now-vacant position of assistant chief. Moore was RedEagle’s general legal counsel prior to his removal and was part of his defense team during the trial. Why would Congress EVER approve this appointee!? Chief Bighorse has clearly sent a huge kick in the face to the tribes members by doing this. He doesn't want to move forward, he wants to grind axes and maintain the status quo. This is an outrage!

    1. Clearly a conflict of interest...Congress?

    2. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!January 30, 2014 at 11:52 AM

      Sworn in this morning. There are actually members of Congress advocating for her to be Assistant Chief. They also advocated for Chief Red Eagle in the last election. So much for that recommend. Best to not listen to any member of Congress and who they plan to vote for in June.

  23. New article>>

  24. Bloodbath: Linda Teeman, Deidre Bigheart, Roseanne Sutton are out as of today.

    1. Is that confirmed that Linda,Diedre and Roseanne are out of a rumor? IMO should have happened a long time ago. Congrats to who ever was responsible and lets just hope they are not replaced with someones pets!

    2. That would be welcome news, but it seems too good to be true. Furman should be next. The Congress had to get rid of her a few years ago.

  25. Fed.funding should not go to wealthy Tribes from

    1. So now is the time to get that Per-Cap out to all Osages.

    2. How is it exactly that this Tribe hands out $50,000 plus other distributions up to a MILLION DOLLARS a year to each and every registered member and the Osage Nation hands out nothing to us on a revenue participation basis? The members of Congress control this money along with the Chief. We need new people in there who understand the meaning of the word equity. Where are our cultural programs and outreach beyond Osage County and the State of Oklahoma? Half a BILLION DOLLARS spent on them so far to create nothing but a criminal organization with a pittance spent on the rest of us? THIS MUST ALL CHANGE NOW! Remember when they did a sweep of the villages and arrested over 100 people? Who are these people that we are getting soaked over financially? And they get a pass plus anonymity? They need to have their little world torn apart over all this Osage government money, what it's gone to pay for and what it's lead to yesterday and today. Aren't you tired of they way they hide their secrets and the lies they tell us?

    3. Right and this is why United we Stand and in numbers we command but nothing more and nothing less should we expect of Ours Selves shoud we require any less....this is why, Sovereign we Stand and must extend the Demographics to bring a inter-cohesion with it's voting members the Osage. We must stay informed and it Starts with our ONG...communication is no longer the secret kept behind the eyes of those who feel entitiled...Our Eyes are watching and sore they are..we hear and is ending in a sour note...we chomp with a taste left behind that the word SOVERIEGN has been taken advantage....Ha, the yesterday is all but here left behind our Ancestors to remind us what we are to become...we are still growing less should you leave behind your Brother and Sister Osages..Not musch longer can we continue the Path the ONG is on....Now is the time to come together and meet the Goals that was intended....No Osage Left behind wheather Far and Near....;ong live the Osage Tribe and The 1906 Act...Get those Accounts over to the M/C.

    4. The discourse will come if need be in the form of a Osage Constitutional Convention or worse this Govt. gets shut down if it does not start hearing the Voice of the Many Voting Members of the Tribe...Moral Majority rules and we have the Voting Numbers which out way the few back home...we Know California and Texas have High Number of Voting Members...we can and should get the Associations who are representing themselves to send a member from each Association and formulate and get a forum or root foundation organized for the Osage Voting Member.. to get to the Voting Members informed and to get More Voting Osage Members to Vote....and formulate a cohesive form of Communication between the Associations...and the ONG....The truth never lies but man does as numbers never lie so shall we come together in numbers...Just a thought.

    5. Leadership comes from all corners.

    6. What is that supposed to mean?

    7. It means Spongebob Squarepants could be a good leader.

    8. In the Osage Nation government? That would be hard to argue with.

  26. New article>>

    1. Example list of questions for the candidates sent to the Osage News at

      1) What are you going to do to expose the crime and those Osages who have broken the law which has been funded with Federal grant money and/or Osage Nation tribal funds?

      2) Will you publish a list of offenders so that all Osages can know who is taking advantage of the largess of the Osage Nation?

      3) What are you going to do specifically to see to it that all Osages, no matter where they live, participate fairly in the gaming and other revenue of the Osage Nation?

      4) As Chief or Assistant Chief, will you help to sponsor a Per-Capita payment for all Osage Nation members?

      Send yours in today!

      From the Osage News Facebook web page Is this notification:

      THIS SATURDAY IN HOMINY: The Osage News is hosting the primary election candidate debates in Hominy at the Co-op building on Main Street starting at 5 p.m.; To submit questions for the debates, email
      The debates will be broadcast live via the internet.

    2. Now that you mention it, why was that Officer Herbert in there at WIC yelling at those women during his investigation? This came out during the Chief's trial. What was he investigating and why? What could be criminal going on over at WIC? Why is the Osage News hiding this information because they surely must know something about it? Why haven't they broken open this story? Are they involved in the criminal wrongdoing? Who else is involved?

    3. Here's a question, and really we should here about more of what's going on with WIC....and lets add this to the pool of questions do you want to compact the M/E?

    4. Here ya go. Whose gonna explain what went on with the Osage kids on this list? Where did the money come from for all this? One or more of these kids are right out of high school. Where were the parents of these kids and what were they doing at the time these arrests were made? Is the Osage News hiding this story too?

    5. Part of the problem is that they now throw so much money in salaries at the Osages who work for the government that they can't qualify to participate in the Federal programs that have a salary limit beyond which you cannot qualify. So to not lose the total amount of the funding from the Feds they apply anyway, falsifying their applications when they shouldn't. Later on they get caught. Maria Whitehorn sponsored a bill to pay back with tribal funds a chunk of funding that was used fraudulently on WIC vouchers. They don't want us to know the names because they'll have to fire those who get a paycheck from the Osage Nation that were involved. There is probably other Fed funding programs where this is going on too and all this needs to be investigated and brought out into the open. If they are paying salaries that are so high that other Osages, not employed by the Osage Nation, who really need the funding won't be able to get it, then all this needs to be reviewed and examined openly and salaries brought back in line with where they should be for the local area, not this fiction that they come up with in in-house reviews to justify pay raises for the Nation's employees based on nothing other than greed.

    6. and keeping the money all for themselves

    7. I like to coin it as slight of hand and the Federal Gov. should come in and Investigate....I kind of see it as switch and bate with the Osage Money...and Possibly with Federal Funding...

    8. All this festering boil stuff needs to come out. It needs to be lanced and a clean breast made of it. The trial was a good start but we need to keep going until we know that things are really on the up and up. All this money is doing is making criminals of Osages back home and that's the last thing it was supposed to do. If it's that harmful, take it away and give it to Osages around the country who really need it and can use it.

    9. Time to do what that money was intended truly to share the proceeds in form of a Per-Cap. And was intended to build the economy. Help with social issues.

  27. 2014 Primary Election Candidate Contact Information is available at

  28. For those who cannot attend, we will be watching the Candidate Debate as it is broadcast live via the internet on Saturday at 5:00 p.m. CST, and at the computer for your reactions and comments here at the Osage Blog.

    1. See the Osage News Debates Notice at

  29. Well this S***S!!!!!!!!!!! The voting for this stupid primary and the general election will be at the Cultural Center this year instead of at the Campus. Talk about ruining the best party on the planet. Who the hell are these people who work for the Osage Nation new gov't who have to put their p*ss marking on everything they touch. Doesn't tradition or anything that has gone before ever matter to these jerks?

    1. Sample Ballot and Election Notice is located at

    2. They have started the Campus Plan construction and this is probably the reason why the voting has been relocated to the Cultural Center this year.

    3. Still. Where are they going to put everybody that's campaigning?

  30. What are the current compensations of the Chief and Assistant Chief and the congress salaries and perks?

    1. Why do you ask? I am of the same sound of mind as well on this matter...we also need to look at pensions as well as any profit sharing and etc...may well exceed what they should be earning for part time work? And maybe a roll back including Congress and the Boards...for at least they shouldn't Pensions for life because the held office for part time work and these positions or seats they hold are not Carreer Seats..

    2. Last I heard the Chief got $95,000 plus benefits, access to travel expenses, legal fees and so forth. The Assistant Chief gets $75,000 plus benefits, travel expenses and access to legal fees. This may be higher now. What they do as of recent years, as opposed to what they used to do, is hide the salary amounts in lump sums in the budget that is titled, The Office of the Principal Chiefs. It used to be that there was a line item for every employment position on the budget and only the benefits line item was lumped together. The more money they blast at these people the more clever they get at keeping it a secret. They will tear the world apart over one salary but try and get them to come forward with who is paid how much and you run into a brick wall. The ON Congress is up to the eyeballs on this because they could send these budgets back to the Executive Branch for delineated line items but they don't because they do the very same thing with their budget where salaries and benefits are concerned. It stinks to high heaven but there it is... See and

    3. Congress makes $65,000 a year which includes a stipend, benefits, matching funds for a retirement plan (?), access to travel expenses and legal fees. This may not be quite accurate. I don't know if they have been successful in recent years in giving themselves a raise or a cost of living increase. Remember, this is a part time job and they don't work 9-5, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. We're lucky if they work 1/4 of that amount of time per year.

    4. Time to make some cuts if they want to keep their Pay, get that Per-Cap to every Osage or we will be having that talk about having a Osage Constitutional Convention...Congress start printing in the Osage News the Quarterly Net income from the Casino's and Profit margins...Or do we need to get a Court Order....and they need to get the Osage LLC in order as well and get a New Board all together....11 million that we know of gone...didn't come back to the Constituency..but cost the Constuency...Please explain what is a Highway Safety Plan? And what is going to be appropriated and where are the funds coming from?

    5. ON Congress has that all locked down so they can't get at those numbers unless the Boards give it to them. The Boards of these two business ventures have always seemed to me like they want to protect the interests of the businesses and not that of the Osage Nation. It should be the other way around but it isn't. This is the Harvard Project model where businesses have to be separate and apart from the Tribal governments or they fail. There should be a way for trust with verification but this isn't in place for the Osage Nation as the owner/member and from my point of view it's nothing but a pressure cooker for waste, massive revenue losses and corruption to happen. The governing documents of both the gaming and the Osage,LLC need to be amended to allow the Congress to verify on a moment's notice; the books and the spending practices of both businesses and both Boards and the Gaming Commission as well.

    6. See Carol Leese's resignation in the news at Five years of service? To whom? Himself? He's been getting a yearly salary plus perks and benefits according to one member of Congress valued at between $200,000 and $300,000! On average, that adds up to a cool million. This is part of the $11.5 MILLION that went down the drain under the helm of his "leadership".

    7. Disagree with osageblogger 1:14 post. ON annual financial statements are audited by Eide Bailly LLP. Such financials include component detail of both Osage Casinos and Osage LLC, the most recent available to all at In addition, at least quarterly (and perhaps monthly) Casino internally prepared financial results and analysis is presented to Congress.

    8. Sorry…1:14 should have been 12:59

    9. To Poster at 2:12............Only components and not true realative to a pin hole...Please enlighten those who understand financial records as to where the 11 million dollars has gone? And I do beleive the Constitluency would like to know....

    10. What I meant was that the ON Congress itself cannot independently go in and demand to look at the books of the Osage, LLC., or the gaming enterprise with their own accountant. Now, whether or not the Office of Fiscal Performance and Review can do this, I don't know. It's under the ON Congress as their investigative arm but how far they can go in determining financial problems with these business ventures, I am uncertain.

    11. I thought that was understood and this is why I said in a earlier post that it is incumbent of Congress to investigate. From my perspective that is...The Constitution authorizes this does it not? Does the Oath they took have any meaning? Does the past and present vision of the Osage require this? This is today and not yesterday....We have now witnessed the shenanigans of the Executive...So now we turn our heads back to the focus of Reality....The Constituency has leverage more than they know...and they Know what they want....nothing less than the truth is that all too much to ask?,,,who is better to judge away from the Politics than the Constituency...and by far way the looks of this system as perceived is broken....Though as I said earlier we can no longer turn a blind eye....and we have a voice...

    12. Casino internally prepared financial results and analysis is presented to Congress?

  31. Wasteful Spending of the Week: What the hell do we need a road safety plan for? More money out of our pocket and into theirs who live in OC? Isn't this constant diverting of funds that should be coming to us bordering on the criminal?

    1. Another wasteful spending is this Campus plan construction!!oncongress is this all you do is sit there with thumbs up your "B**T" and get these ridiculous ideas of how to throw more money down the drain. We did NOT vote you people in these positions to come up with outrageous spending. What about your Osage people! Help them, FYI-your people need help in all aspects of their lives & can't receive help for one idiotic reason or another!!!! Oncongress your just worried about that almighty dollar in your greedy hands, you all don't deserve to be in those positions, can't wait to see you not voted in!!!!!!!

    2. I agree with the Poster, Jan 30,120:15 PM. I-Pad Ray , who is now running for Asst Chief has been one of the biggest supporters of waist full spenders in Congress for two terms now. He needs to be voted out as well as not elected to Asst Chief.

    3. I so agree with you and the poster January 30, 2014 at 10:15 PM. In the years ahead if the voters dump him now we may have some chance of reasonable and fair spending for all Osages. If not, the trend Osage, LLC/iPad Ray Ray set from the very beginning will continue. His future influence on spending needs to end now. If he can be unseated in the primary, we'll have one of several more that need to be put out to pasture.

  32. Warning: The DEADLINE to request an Absentee Ballot for the Primary Election is FEBRUARY 10, 2014!

    1. The Absentee Ballot Request Form is available at

  33. Better yet how is the Osage Campus Plan going to bring diversification e.g., (commerce) to an already depressed Area? Isn't it putting the Horse before the Cart? Economics is the driver of any community...and Education is also a component of that driver....Can someone please inform me of the projected cost with the cost overruns..facts as they lay the economy is going in the direction of some serious inflation...and stagnation...

  34. Cost overruns? There is a story that's beginning to circulate about that, which hasn't come out yet, fella. Believe it!

  35. The Osage News is reporting that the AG has filed suit against four former members of the Pawhuska Indian Village Five-Man Board over the $806,000 that could not be accounted for properly. No word on whether the AG is still going to pursue the ethics charges against former Chief John D. Red Eagle.

    1. Wonder what took so long, this is a good day...It couldn't be because the Chief got in the way? Glad the Statute of limitations didn't run out....Can't wait to see the paper bet Joe Don was the mastermind..This is the beginning to cleaning house and no longer the diligence not swept under the carpet...time to subpoena the Bank Accounts...and folks this is the amount we know long has this been going on?

    2. Arrest warrants were issued for Joe Don Mashunkashey, Kenneth (KC) Bills, Theodore Brunt and Frank Redcorn. They are due in Tribal court on Feb. 13, 2013. Details are listed at

  36. Osage Blog Conversation continues at
