Thursday, September 11, 2014

Conversation--September-October-November 2014

Osage Blog Conversation continues at


  1. Let's not forget to say prayers for those we lost on 9/11/01.

  2. To continue the thread of the conversation about Congressional spending posted today, take a look at the lower part of the web page here --->>>

  3. What a liar liar liar the Chief is!!!!!! ...that his office’s budget is trimmed to $1.9 million and is “the lowest amount ever in the new government since 2006, we believe that was a good accomplishment.” The budget for the Office of the Chiefs for 2007 was $737,613 according to ONCA 07-33 which was signed into law on April 23, 2007. Did he think we wouldn't go to the trouble to check?

  4. Justice in the Osage: ON Trial Court Judge Marvin Stepson dismisses the criminal conspiracy case against Daniel St. John.

    1. Now if the Chief will do the "right thing" and reinstate his employment.

    2. Don't count on it. They probably wanted him out for their own reasons.

  5. Watch or listen live to the Session today and Committee Meetings scheduled to monitor Osage Congressional spending at

  6. Update checks to commence for Cobell on Monday! Wonder who the one person who will be receiving the 10,000,000. Check? Hope everyone puts a little away for a rainy day.

  7. Back to Language Class Cookout Flyer is available at

  8. Here's the best part! Congress is making everyone cut their budgets, but I looked at what they got last year and what they want this year:
    2014: Asked for $1,808,010 Chief did line item veto on different parts and it was down to $1,641,493 (onca 13-89)
    2015: Congress wants 1,954,118! That is 8% more than they requested last year and 19% more than they actually got. (onca 14-65)

  9. Thank you! I'm glad someone else is paying attention to these budget numbers.

  10. An update on spending bills passed is located at

  11. Wouldn't a budget passed in late April only be fro 5 months?

  12. No surprise.

    1. You don't exceed market employment rates, iPad Ray? $11.50 an hour when the State pays $7.25 minimum wage and the Cherokee don't pay more than $9.50 an hour? Don't you ever get tired of hearing yourself tell lies to the Osage people?

  13. What's all this about a bust going to the Panama Canal associated with the 100 year celebration of the building of the Canal?

  14. Maker is right in committee health. No compacting by Osages or the whole deal will go up in the same smoke of incompetence we see today. Imagine having to call over there and no one ever answers the phone with management levels six deep and no one ever responsible for what is going on. Our healhcare is more important than having to have everything strewn out on the lawn and who knows where it will lead in the end plus the loss of Federal funding. No Dr. Shaw and we hated your amendment to reduce 14-78 downward from $7.9 million today too. I thought what the Osage people want was of value to you during the campaign and prior to your election to Congress. Looks like you're another bag of wind just like most of the rest of them.

    1. What I'd like to know is how much of the Congressional budget pays for healthcare benefits for each member of that Congress?

    2. Call public records.

    3. Well...hmmm. That Shaw amendment to the health card bill is a set back for the Osage people, isn't it?

    4. Yes and why the cut back? Soon that per cap will happen.

  15. $50 million appropriations with $44 million max cap. At $7.9 million for the Osage health card for all Osages, interesting how 15% is spent on 85% of the members of the Osage Nation and 85% is spent on 15% of the membership. That's upside down isn't it?

  16. Just read the letter from the Tax Commission Board and their objection to being eliminated, I found it quite humorous, that their objection is that the Tax Commission will be left with no oversight....WELL where was all the oversight from the Tax Commission Board when the Director embezzeled 40,000 dollars plus, and then did not have to make restitution, where was the oversight when the Tax Commission got involved in this car theft ring, that is still under investigation, and where is the oversight over all these cars owned by white people, that have been tagged with Osage tags. Looks like there has been NO OVERSIGHT FOR YEARS!!!!!!!! You go Chief Standingbear and Congress women Buffalohead, push that legislation and Congress do the right thing and pass that Bill, now maybe we will get some real oversight. You people on the Tax Commission Board are hilarious.

    1. Ha ha lol, how can they have this entitled attitude especially when they wreak incompetence.

    2. Good example. Now imagine our Osage healthcare system compacted and run just like this......

  17. Doesn't Shannon live in California?

  18. Can anyone tell me if the tribe helps people to start a new business? Or where to start or go about getting help.

    1. Wow, call the constituency dept. They will direct if not call the Osage LLC.


  19. Congratulations Osage people and Osage Blog posters! Today ONCA 14-78 passed the Congress at $6.4 million down from $7.9 million but up from $5 million as it has been in the past. Keeping the pressure up on our members of Congress to do the right thing by all Osage Nation members no matter where we live has been successful to increase the funding for the Osage Health Card for the upcoming year. All of the members of the Congress voted for the bill with the exception of Shannon Edwards who was absent for today's Session. It now heads to the Chief for his signature.

    Osage News Facebook web page:
    U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor met with Oklahoma's tribal leaders Sept. 11. Osage Nation Principal Chief Geoffrey Standing Bear was among them.
    "Justice Sotomayor greatly impressed me with her intellect and insightfulness," Standing Bear said. "All the Tribal leaders present appreciated her frankness as to the present views of the U.S. Supreme Court on Native Nation sovereignty. She cautioned us on the dangers of adverse decisions against the Tribes under the present Court."

    1. And we're taking away from this comment she made as hint of what?

    2. Stay out of Federal Court if you want to keep the little remaining sovereignty that you have left in tatters from losing our Federal reservation recognition status. If I were StandingBear, I'd pay very close attention to what Justice Sotomayor had to say.

  21. this is good news read.section 5.02 (2) a (i) adds housing programs that pays down payments clairifys that rent payments include deposits and deletes on or near reservation.

  22. The Rules and Ethics Committee cut out in mid-transmission. I wonder what happened.

  23. Remember, today is the presentation for the Pawhuska Arbor during the Cultural Committee Meeting at 1:00 p.m. See and

    1. Playing via the internet live now.

    2. $2.5 million, my foot! They reduce the budget for the Burial Assistance Fund and add a million dollars to the price of the new Grayhorse Arbor built a year ago. Shame on you Arbor Committee and your metal building, Mr. Cass. For that price it should be gold plated!

    3. A concession stand and restaurant?!!!? These dances are a religious ceremony, not a baseball game!!!!!!!! $17.30 per each dancer? Nonsense!!!!!!!! What kinda Bullcrap is this? This is not in keeping!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Cost per dancer over 60 years. If you members of Congress buy into such a budget justification, you are as dumb as a bag of hammers.

    5. A new bathroom is good, a concession stand and restaurant IS NOT! Amortized over 60 years at $40,000 a year and $15,000 a dance per year? WTH?

    6. $300.00 a square foot? Get over it!!!!!!

    7. Eddy RedEagle is involved. Now we see why it's a million more than it should cost!

    8. $1.5 million more than it should cost..........

    9. Coke and popcorn peanuts sno cones and cotton candy. This isnt a circus. Right heres the Osage government scandal of the week!

    10. A "Do Pass" recommendation from the Cultural Committee on this bill ONCA 14-56...

    11. This crap better not stand when it gets out on the floor of the full Congress.

    12. Your million and a half bucks for our healh card went right into this metal building folks. No doubt about it. Why when big construction projects are around and up for funding is Eddy RedEagle is lurking around? Running up the construction costs always seems to happen when they see him coming.

    13. They amended the bill down from $2.5 million to $2.4. There was discussion about the tradition of the benches being paid for by the families. If the Nation pays for them then they should belong to all of the Osage people and not be able to be reserved to a particular family. In other wards, open seating for everyone who attends the dances in Pawhuska. Dr. Shaw said the concession stand was an add on. I took this to mean an option or bell and whistle that is not essential to the project. Good! Get rid of it. Unless you're going to give concession items away for free, it's a clear cut case of "money changers in the temple" so to speak.

  24. You hope we're ready to Compact the Nation's Heath care Services, Congresswoman Edwards? By now you ought to know. Every outside venture that the Nation has gotten itself into has F A I L E D miserably and has cost millions and millions of dollars of the Osage peoples money that you have appropriated nearly 100% of the time. You should know, of all people, that this direct service to the Osage people should be protected from the intrusion of the Osage Nation government in any way whatsoever on the basis of what has gone before. You don't even have the money to begin to go in this direction anyway and why are you letting this Junior member of Congress have his head and his way on this when he's been around long enough to know the Osage Nation isn't even close to ready. Then you step away from accountability and transparency on the new policies and procedures for a new venture like this? Before you make another move on this basis, ask yourselves if you are mature enough to make colossal mistakes just like this one and so many more like it that have gone before. Trust me. You aren't older than 12 year olds with a treehouse back in the day. Now is the time to put this folly before the people as in your campaign promise Dr. Shaw. You aren't elected to office to end run your own agenda. You are there to do what the Osage people want AND WE DON'T WANT A COMPACT WITH OUR ALL IMPORTANT HEATH CARE RUN BY YOU BY ANOTHER INCOMPETENT COLLECTION OF YOU UNQUALIFIED OSAGE NATION STOOGES. Get over your pompous selves and do what is right for once for the Osage people.

    1. Just look at the mess the Drug and Alcohol Counseling Department has been. This is health care related and that footcare place where all the equipment ended up out on the lawn. You Congressional people are to be feared for the way you destroy everything good we already have in place. Not funding the College and University students for an entire year but spending $45 million for this travesty of a government including $2.5 million for a new arbor with no contribution coming from the Pawhuska Village gaming lease funds and a campus plan with new buildings we hate the very sight of? You should all resign in disgrace. The "Congressional Creep" weighed in too with no funding for the students past December. Why am I not surprised?

    2. What the hell is this Tallgrass Prairie LLC bills introduced by Supernaw? What do we need a thing like that for? This should come under Historical Preservation. Why is it that every idea they come up with has to have a new office, department, division or LLC to get it off of the ground? These people are certifiable, I'm telling you. This is going to mean a new Board for this new LLC. What is Kugee thinking?

    3. Someone said the College funding bill could be revisited after the first of the year but what they don't tell you is that the new penalty for appropriating over the amount they take in in income is now subject to a fine and jail time. They, along with the Executive Branch are already in violation I'd be willing to bet but who will turn them in to the AG with everyone involved?

    4. I love this: "The Treehouse Twelve!" and bats in the belfry every one of them.

    5. Take a look at ONCR 14-16. Take it all and give to those who live in Osage County alone? I say NO. Let the gaming side have some money to work with and run their all important business to the Osage people.

    6. Gaming Commission over $8 million? In what bill do we find this amount? $1,250,000 in interest payments for what? That stupid campus plan?


    8. Today in the Commerce Committee, Congressman Supernaw stated that he is courtesy sponsoring this bill in order to replace the Osage, LLC with this new business entity in order to start over and restore public confidence in an entity that will diversify Osage Nation business interests.

    9. P.S. My comment pertains to the new Tallgrass Prairie LLC.

    10. Woah thats jim dandy but the resolve of the toxic assets are? And the rememdy? Are we creating new redundancies? This needs to be thought out clearly. Put this up for a vote amongst the tribe asap. Understanding that we need to stop throwing money or better yet pretend we are diversifying in order to avoid what? This is our money folks being used like a mqtch stick if i ever saw.

  25. Always hooey with these Osages and their revisionist history they print in their "Award Winning" paper.
    "Albert Pike, Confederate Commissioner of Affairs, negotiated treaties of alliance among the Creek, the Choctaw and Chickasaw, the Seminole, the Osage, and the Seneca and Shawnee to join the Confederacy."
    Compare this information to this article:

  26. Resolution to waive Sovereign Immunity with the City of Pawhuska? For a road round about opening us up to lawsuts? WHAT Congressman Walker? If you don't understand this resolution, DON'T SPONSOR IT.

    1. Supreme Court clarifies tribes' sovereign immunity Arbitration clause changes contract --->>>

  27. Heard in Session where they are passing budgets with only the Chief's signature on them when they require a signature from the acting ON Treasurer. What's happening here?

    1. Oh I forgot. Congressman Walker said something about being concerned about it was as pertinent as asking a woman how she curls her hair!!!!!! Looks like we need to rebrand him "Beauty Parlor" Walker. Congressional discipline on legislation matters and so does the law and legislative rules too!!!!!!!!!


  28. Government Osages at it again. Another Red Corn pushing in to the center of things. Understandable since his dad is iPad Ray. But Standing Bear? What are you trying to do? Become the most hated Indian Tribe in America? You certainly have that designation in Oklahoma. Isn't that enough? Not even Jim Grey took things to a National level.


    2. I couldn't agree more. I'm sorry to say. To add, the Washington Redskins issue, I am ashamed at our Tribe, an ICONIC name, free advertising that kept us on the map. Way before the Casinos folks and I am one Indian that is not offended. I grew up in a school of many back grounds, let me tell you the respect that I had received from many. Man a lot of my family is employed by this company, and a company that is huge a target at someone's agenda. We got biiger fish to fry with in our own watch out. One mad Osage.

    3. I'll bet if a pole was taken among the Osage you would find more reasonable people out there. "Washington Redskins"...good lord, it's the name of a football team!! I have yet to hear it used in a harmful manner unless they are loosing and then the comments are directed towards the team and not Indians in general. Standing Bear might not like the name but I believe he has over steeped his position to speak for all Osages. Maybe we are starting to see him getting a little big head on his position. This didn't do anything but make us look like fools! Again...this is 2014 and it's just the name of a football team...get over it! BTW...I've got some stuff being delivered Tues by sue me!

    4. Right, thank you for responding. He did over step. The Post Office uses FED X by carrying mail all over the US through there carriers on planes as well. ARE WE TO BOYCOTT THE US postal service as well?

    5. Part of this has to do with the D.C. Attorney and lobbyist, Wilson Pipestem who is buds with Standing Bear. I suppose that he's helping to carry the torch but it would be best to stay out of it. These government Osages don't know how to keep themselves out of trouble it seems. The Nation shouldn't have to take the hit, nor should the Osage people. He needs to realize that he's in a position of authority and responsibility and advocating for political causes like this should be carefully considered where push back and consequences go.

    6. Well said. I do agree firmly.

  29. This year it's on Friday, September 26, 2014.
    Standing Bear Park
    E0210 Road and N3280 Road
    Ponca City, OK 74601

  30. This Standing Bear is a real Indian Hero, not at all like the Osage Chief who is lacking in any redeming quality.

  31. This needs to stop.HARVARD is an institution of greed and needs to get out of the OSAGE BUSINESS. WHY ARE WE LOSING HANDS OVER FIST IN Huge revenue for them, when we have millions that can be best applied for our benefit our PEOPLE and not based on a fictional agenda......?

  32. So far it would seem that Standing Bear is a lot better than the two before him but I wouldn't go so far as to call him a "real Indian hero"

  33. Oh and get that Harvard boy Jonathan Taylor that was on the Osage LLC Board and take him to task for the $18 million lost. He was behind everything they did and worked hand in glove with that Carol Leese character to milk the Osage Nation out of every dime they've lost of our money. Those members of Congress were warned about these two from the about the time that Leese was hired on and still voted to give these jokers huge sums of money year after year. Kugee caught on to the game earlier on than most but Red Corn and Edwards were the ring leaders and Eddy RedEagle too as long as he was a member of that Congress. They should be held legally accountable for their actions or should I say inaction to protect our money from a foolish and foolhearty venture that took a wrong turn from the minute Taylor/Leese started up buying those passive investments. That Congress with few exceptions, promoted this scam by giving millions and millions of dollars of our money when they knew the Osage LLC was a loser or should have known after the first two years of reported losses. This is horrendously ugly and should be put right and rectified just like what happened with Chief JRE. Do the right thing AG and begin your investigation of the responsible members of Congress N O W before you wind up losing your job too.

  34. No but I think everyone I know wishes she did. lol

  35. I can read between the lines and we need to pass legislation that will put the fail safes in place to minimize the effect on the Osage Constituency, to assure more thought will go into the risks they take with our money not the Osage Gov.and who says we want our money vested in risk taking but vested in our home, is a Arbor building the economy in your districts? Not to say it isn't needed, just not that One way to assure for every dollar spent match it for the Constituency. It's really a simple solution. Another was replace the board all together and another is get that PER CAP out to all Osages. And now that the Tribal welfare exclusion act has passed, what about handling our own business when it comes to our Health Benefit assistance card? Policies defined for the Osage People will bring respect and trust for THE OSAGE PEOPLE and will bring back the sound of the Drum.

  36. Be specific: "Tribal welfare exclusion act has passed." ONCA? or ONCR?

  37. Posted For Nannette KelleyOctober 2, 2014 at 8:26 PM

    All Osages and their families and friends are welcome to the Northern CA Osage Gathering. Saturday October 4th, Petaluma Community Center, California. Agenda:
    • Introductions
    • Chief StandingBear on the threats to our mineral production and the wind farm issue: Q & A during the day one on one.
    • Osage Tribal Museum Director Kathryn Red Corn will present a talk about the show "We Walk in Two Worlds," an Osage Tribal Museum presentation done in Littlerock, and have a *genealogy reference table set up with Senior Researcher Lou Brock for individual family research including the 1878 Osage Annuity Rolls; the Authentic Osage Indian Rolls, Kansas Osage Mission baptismal, marriage and internment records, and all four volumes of "The Osage An Imperious Ancestry" three of which are available for purchase at (*Museum will be collecting copies of historical photos. Xerox, photo reproduce or disc copy your Osage ancestors or family photos for submission to museum collection. Also note the museum is still trying to gather images for the original 1906 Allottee Exhibit).
    • Senior Researcher at the Osage Tribal Museum Lou Brock will also have his Osage Nation Timeline book research to show to speak about, and the newest edition (updated to 2014) will be available for sale.
    • Osage Nation Language teacher and Database Specialist Cameron Pratt– talk on Wahzhazhe ie (language) and language study in small groups for both children and adults. (He will also host a study group the day before the meeting to RSVP)
    • “Traditional Osage Foods with a Healthy Twist” cooking demonstration by Congresswoman Shannon Edwards
    • Artists and Musicians: Yatika Fields- Artist Talk & “Live Painting” a work for auction at the meeting; Marca Cassity- singer/ songwriter; Terry Filer- Flute and artwork, and author Ruby Hansen Murray leading a writing group
    • Osage Constituent Services Director Jacque Jones will be available to provide information about tribal resources and help with any constituents’ questions or issues of concern
    • Elected Osage Nation Officials & Mineral Council guests
    • Danette Daniels & Julie O’Keefe from the Cedar Chest Indian Shop, Pawhuska Oklahoma with custom Osage Clothing & Indian Goods
    • Lunch (Traditional dishes with a healthy twist) & Dinner
    • Raffle (please bring any gently used or new item for the raffle)
    • games
    The Community Center is located at 320 N. McDowell Blvd. in Petaluma There is an adjacent park with playground for children.
    Questions? Please email

  38. Told you St John would be found innocent, not enough evidence and his character was harmed, he will be taking further acrion. In other words sueing the Nation for defamation, wrongful termination. My bet. Read the Oasge News. Talk is cheep when it comes to accountability.

  39. This is wonderful, Osages!!! Get on board with this, please. Free Online Osage Language classes now offered

    1. Spend your time learning something completely useless. Your contribution to the future will be impaired. Better to spend your time with chinese they are now the wealthyest country in the world .

    2. And crashing and burning as we speak in Hong Kong. See
      Certainly not useless to me and to many many others who want to keep this tradition of the Osage culture alive. Language is always at the heart of any given culture and must remain alive and thriving if the culture is to remain vibrant and to survive from generation to generation into the future.

    3. Really would be so nice if the old pages with the language phrases and audio and pronunciation audio for word of the week and so on would be put back up on the new Osage Nation web site so that it can be accessed online.

    4. The language is not real. ?Orthography? until it was decided to revise the language as a result of the BIA requirement, there was never a written "Osage" so this is all made up. The spoken language contains words for articles that were never known to the historical "Osage People" yet we spend no time on the "creation story" and other cultural history that is being lost. .

    5. This post confirms what my Father always told me back in the 1940s, "there is no written Osage language".

    6. Living languages change and adapt. That's why they are living and not dead like the Latin language. If there is a new alphabet introduced for the Osage language, what's the big deal? There's nothing wrong with it. The Osage language isn't set in stone.

    7. Spend your time with something of no value and live on welfare.

    8. I find value in it and most of those who do don't live on welfare. Keep your ugly philistine remarks to yourself!

  40. The patient in Texas has died. If you have any questions, joint this Twitter Chat event today 10/8/14 at

  41. Is this a joke? When are they ever going to get this feedback program up and running?

  42. Learn something: Osage Book Club Meeting is back for October 2014! See

  43. Read this....

  44. This is goi going to come out one way or another why the secrecy? After all your check is OSAGE MONEY.

  45. If I understand it correctly, another tradition is going up in flames in re guard to the Pawhuska Arbor. Supposedly all the family benches are going to be removed and replaced with benches that are all alike! MANY of us paid good money to have our bench made and had our family name put on it and kept the bench up with paint or stain.In addition the benches that are several rows back are raised up on blocks so you can see the dancers. I haven't heard how that's going to be addressed but it wouldn't surprise me if some person on the arbor committee will want all the benches on the same level so it will look uniform. Now that the ON is going to remove these are they going to reimburse people for their bench. Ours cost about $300 ? We were very proud to have our own bench, with our family name on it so we would be assured of a place to sit. How is that going to work...will everyone have to camp out days before the dances just to get a seat? I don't know who is making the decisions but THIS SUCKS ! Sounds like yet another bright idea from the ON government with no input from the people that come yearly to attend the dances!

  46. UOSC is Back in a Big Way --->>> Two Osages to take over UOSC leadership:

  47. The Market is continuing to be unstable. See

    1. See

  48. Uh oh! From the O News: "Osage Nation Gaming Enterprise Board unanimously selects Byron Bighorse as interim Osage Casino CEO." Is this scary or what? I thought they were supposed to have professional fully qualified people like CEOs, CFOs and COOs hired before they got rid of the old team and every one of those guys are either gone or recently suspended by the Gaming Board. Will this one turn out to be like that inexperienced Treasurer they hired a while back and confirmed who didn't know his keester from third base? It's getting to be as bad as Hiroshima/Nagasaki with this Osage Nation government and the crazy weird decisions they make. Look at what's been happening with the Minerals side blowing up in all directions. Amazing.

    1. They're killing the golden Goose and slaying the fatted Calf !!!!!!!!! Now the casino end is going down the drain due to their greed. Is that what you mean? This is serious. With everything in a big mess, who will they get to set things right? It's that first and second Congress and their lack of oversight because Raymond and Eddy fought it all the way with the gaming operation. This is the reaped reward and end result right here. Osages aren't ready to run things over at gaming. They hardly want to work never mind handle operations at eight casinos. I heard it's almost a chore for them to come in to pick up their paychecks. Our gaming operation is doomed if they don't hire a fully qualified experienced CEO and CFO who really know what they're doing. This will be another warning that goes unheeded to the doom of all of us who iive in the Osage and depend on gaming revenue to fund the Osage Nation government and the Osage Casinos. Just you wait and see.

    2. Looks like they're pulling another Will Kimble and we all know and remember well what happened when they put that homeboy in as the Nation's Treasurer. What was the cost for that staffing misstep, by the way, a million or more?

    3. You better hope Bighose knows what he's doing. A lot of peoples income depends on it.

    4. The Kemble appointment cost the nation around $500,000 to get back on track. Poor boy was just totally unqualified to be treasurer. Now he spends most of his time on Facebook commenting about every issue he is equally unqualified to address.

    5. How wretched it that? Now divide that number by every single Osage Nation member now at about 18,000. They don't seem to understand that the money they are responsible for losing is money out of the pocket of every Osage Nation member that we could have spent much more wisely than they have in the past. In other words, their loss is our personal loss with every single cent that goes down the drain.

    6. Statement recently made on a Facebook web page: "I hope that the next CDIB/Membership Director is one that will see that the work of the two programs is done daily from 8 to 4:30 and staff not be on the internet or facebook during work hours." This is just ludicrous.

  49. Motherlode of information:
    Wild but worth watching:

  50. Geoffrey, you have other mouths to feed besides just Osages who live in Fairfax. If you float this loser again, there will be hell to pay!!!
    Palace Grocery building in Fairfax..."Tentative agreement reached between Osage Nation Executive Branch and business to bring a grocery store...contingent upon funding appropriation approved by ON Congress." Don't even think about funding this stupidity members of Congress or you'll pay too...

    1. Who is going to own this Grocery store? And the negotiation is?

    2. Are they kidding? They've lost millions of dollars on that Palace Grocery before they made the Osage, LLC take over that loser so part of what the LLC has in losses associated with the Palace grocery store is probably into the thousands if not a million or more!!! This will be added to the list off what the Feds need to look at when they come in to make a review of the way gaming funds are being spent on only a very few to the detriment of all Osage Nation members.

    3. Have em start out with a small store front dairy with basics like milk, eggs, bread, cheese (not from France) and such. Drive through dairies around the country do very well. If they can make a low inventory establishment like this work and be profitable then, and only then, have them grow into a larger grocery venue. It's insane to go at this failed idea again just because of a ludicrous campaign promise, that is, unless Geoffrey wants his legacy to be full court press stupidity and fiscal negligence with Osage Nation funds in the Treasury. Surely he can't be that dumb. If he is we're in as much trouble as we've ever been before. No excuse for this no matter what is offered up as such. I don't give a damn how mean those Fairfax Osages are, they have no right to bully their way into another grocery store using Osage Nation Treasury funds or a $3.3 million Senior Center and Child Care facility for a mere 200 Osages. If they had supported the last grocery store by buying things in there to keep it alive and thriving, they wouldn't be in the position they're in right now. Tell em to get off their lazy duffs and drive to buy groceries just like everyone else does who lives around there.

    4. BREAKING: Tentative agreement---read
      $300,000? Are these elected officials posessed by demons? This is beyond insane. These people are certifiable.

    5. The profit margin for a Supermarket is some where between 1% and 3% and then you take into effect associated costs.. So, then you should do a Market analysis. Where is your profit going to come from? Mark up. And the way I see it the consumers in the area will be paying for the Convenience and catch on and will make that drive elsewhere out of principle. We pay for it all the time. Such as in cards, batteries, that occasional light bulb, or of all things spice...milk and magazines. And then you have to attract consumers with sales hoping that they will shop. Though everyone needs to eat and occasionally out of convenience I'll shop at one of my least favorite stores out of convenience, why don't I shop there most of the time, price and lack of variety, though the produce dept. I like. So many factors and the diligence is required. No one is JACK BROWN. I've worked and have many family in management who work for him. Tuff buisness.

    6. Any discussion up on the Hill should be off the table. It's substantially shocking that this idea keeps floating around when millions of dollars over past two decades have been lost by both the Tribal Councils of the past and the Osage Nation directly and indirectly by the Osage, LLC that Jim Gray and his team are reported to have made them take on when they didn't actually want to do it. Now, looking at the numbers, Fairfax has a grand total of 389 Osage Nation members when there are a grand total of 17,919 total members. How do these few qualify for $300,000 more to be spent on reopening this colossal loser while 17,530 members go entirely without? To re-fund this grocery business venture is gross fiscal negligence on the part of every single elected official who moves forward with it, by vote or signature and that's all there is to it. How they would even dare to float this idea again says that they are unqualified to be in elected office and in charge of spending the money of the Osage Nation in any further capacity whatsoever. Pay attention to this situation because it is totally inexcusable if it moves forward.

    7. So is the $3.3 million to be spent on a new Fairfax Senior and Child Care Center for only 200 Osage Nation members. Insanity is what it is and with our money! It's the worst kind of insult imaginable to the overwhelming majority of the Osage Nation members who they do nothing for by way of spending and prove that they care even less about from the way they spend the money of the Osage people.

    8. So now you guys are catching on, the FEDERAL FUNDING, is based on membership...of which you can draw a conclusion what is going on with your money as well. An Arbor for 2 million really. This type of spending by our Nation is going to come to a halt soon if a BOYCOTT Of the Casinos Happen.

    9. FUN FACT: A total of $2 million has been lost on the Palace Grocery over the years.

    10. Woah, and again who is supporting this waste? And where is the money coming from non the less our revenue the CASINOS. The facts as they are folks. How can the appropriation commitee continues in bad faith? The incompetence and inefficiencies and redundancies most important where is the diligence?

    11. Only diligence is to spend the money on themselves as fast as they can

  51. NOTE! The 4th Osage Nation Congressional Special Session - November 3, 2014 10:00 a.m. See

    1. Is anyone else having trouble with this crazy "dropbox" system the Congress is using now? I can't get a thing there to download. This is supposed to be for the ease and facility of the constituents, not the workers in the Congressional Office. Get rid of this system and start uploading the files direct so you can click on a direct link to download the documents you want to look at like we used to be able to do. Why do these government Osages have to complicate everything to the point to where it's just unacceptable all the time? Used to be the Congress was the only branch that actually had it together online. Now they're as bad as the rest of the other branches.

    2. Yes. Older computers are especially problematic with downloads from this dropbox site.

  52. FYI: Ted Turner is selling off his private island in South Carolina: See This property is also affiliated with The Nature Conservancy. The Tall Grass Prairie Preserve is owned and managed by it. Interesting connection.

    1. He sure owns alot of biodiversity. Lol. We have been or should I say have visited the thought about six or seven years ago, what role does this federal agency, "The Nature Conservancy" play where it concerns most of all our land and Ted Turner? Your thought Osageblogger?

    2. I really don't know. It could be a lot of entirely different things. I just thought it was an interesting connection to the same organization. Tongue in cheek, I do hope he isn't selling that island preserve in order to help fund the Donalson lawsuit. I've heard that he's behind it and backing it financially. Whether that's true or not, I don't know.

    3. Feel the worry, it may or not make a bit of difference, the Donalson lawsuit, for sure one thing will prevail, or several things can happen as I may surmise for a moment, whats the worse, enforcement? Right now supply and demand is the issue and the war on shale here in the U.S with OPEC. Plus with the refineries down for maintenance are factors in the slow production. This will fall back on the BIA and the Federal Government the DOI. Plus the economy is sputtering with stagflation similar to the what happened in the 70's. High unemployment and credit hard to achieve. But, Ted is a fair person he sees the big picture and understands the failures of Government. Understanding, is half the battle. As much as I don't like this lawsuit and hope the judge finds the Donalsons are in breach of their contract and finds the case has no merit or if the Court should find credibility, either way its a win win for the M.E. The BIA is still on the hook for the damage that may arrive from this. They know this and Robin Philips is feeling the heat. And so should the M.C. we want accountability. I one with great organizational skills with accounting back ground, high management skills, and trained in Hospitality with strong leadership skills and for the life of me I can't fathom the disfunction that has crippled our M.E and this falls back on the BIA and the M.C. Why we don't have a full working office with damage control and a legal dept...and so forth is just pure incompetence. Who's the driver and the leader? Like I said our M.C needs to define ther roll and duties to the SHAREHOLDER'S WITH accounting in hand. This is why we won the HHP should we expect anything less from our M.C who right now I don't trust for the better word.

    4. Lol role, still have the habit since I was little I like to spell my words the way they sound. Glad I can laugh at myself.

    5. The President of the U.S. should get the Oklahoma National Guard in there to reopen up these properties to the oil producers and to stop this wind farm company from digging up our minerals. IMO this is gross prejudicial behavior against the wholly legitimate business interests of a Federally Recognized Indian Tribe located on U.S. soil on the part of this Italian government owned company ENEL. They have no right to disregard the laws of the United States of America or any Agency of it! We just won a lawsuit to establish with the U.S. government that they need to fully and completely observe their fiduciary obligation to the Osage Nation and its shareholder members, end of story. CALL THE GUARD Mr. President and get these ENEL people back in line or risk complaints to the FBI for not observing your lawful fiduciary obligation to the Osages and for allowing prejudicial behavior to prevail against the business interests of the Osage Nation and the Osage Headright owners.

    6. Since when does a foreign national government doing business in the U.S. have diplomatic immunity where the violation of the ownership rights and theft associated with those rights are concerned that belong to another foreign (dependent) Native American Indian Tribe or Nation?

    7. If what you suggest is actually fact based and legally viable, this could build into an international incident of some note. Declare war on Italy? Can the Osage Nation really do that?

    8. Montauban is our Sister City in France. Maybe they will stand in solidarity with us and declare war on Italy too. My, my, we're really getting somewhere.

    9. Are we perhaps having a little too much fun today?

    10. Maybe not. Let's see what President Obama has to say about ENEL stealing our minerals when the Chief shares what's going on with him:
      WASHINGTON, DC – On Wednesday, December 3, President Obama will host the 2014 White House Tribal Nations Conference at the Capital Hilton in Washington, DC.

    11. Wind hearing tomorrow: "...hearing on Oct. 23 in Osage County District Court. The Nation has called a community meeting later the same 6 p.m. at the Constantine Theater in Pawhuska." Read more about this at

    12. BIA has filed a Motion to Dismiss the Donalson lawsuit:

    13. Totally G R O S S! click on the photo to enlarge it: How in hell do these Italian bstrds have the right to tear up the land in Osage County like this?

    14. reply to the Oct 21 12:32 post. I frankly don't see anyone on the MC that has the organizational, management and or accounting skills to set up a well run office. Here in lays the problem. Unless we hire someone qualified in this field we are going to end up with another round of people in the office that are there because they are friends or buddies of a MC member! Past events confirm that and the ones that did know what they were doing were run off by the same afore mentioned MC members.

    15. To poster 10:39 in response back at you, I find it peculiar in that the writing is on the wall yet nothing is going forward. So this is why I say it is now up to the SHAREHOLDER'S to decide the future of the M.E...we have a Chief and may have to replace the M.C and reorganize the OSA as well. Procrastination on the SHAREHOLDER'S dime is a waste of time and effort attending conventions all in the name of what? To sit at the round table and hob knob? Applied knowledge and technique where it applies please and tell me where when this is going to happen because we sure don't have a running office to support the M.E either way. Is our M.C functioning at a level of competency? Yes for and no for 2 please. And a short explanation for improvement.

    16. Yes for 1 no for 2.

    17. 0 here I'm afraid. The MC was elected in part to run that office and it's part of their official duties to do so. Kathryn Redcorn is a pretty sharp cookie and and a no-nonsense businesswoman. She'll get the situation well in hand soon enough.

    18. Please refer your minerals comments to the active Shareholder's web page on the Osage Blog at
      Thank you.

  53. Read this folks.

    1. Without a doubt, the Osage Tribe --->>> Osage Nation was "by the book."

    2. I see the writing on the wall spelled out in layman terms. Wow.

  54. its a world gone mad on the hill. You can not believe the naked grabs for power and money. The chief's son in law to head gaming, His son to run our biggest property. The new Osage reign of terror is being waged on Osage people. Stay tuned.

    1. I now have it that you can't be considered to be an Osage or get any benefits if you don't belong to the Osage Nation as a member. I believe Chief GSB signed that bill recently. I guess all those who were members of the Osage Tribe are now "Stateless" Osages if they don't have a Chief signed membership card. What does that make of Osages who inherit a headright check but don't belong to the Osage Nation as a member? Not only has this new government robbed the members of the Osage Tribe their membership benefits, he's robbed them of their very status as an Osage. How does this not violate the section in P.L. 108–431, "...provided that the rights of any person to Osage mineral estate shares are not diminished." Part of the rights associated with a mineral estate share was the right to membership in the Osage Tribal community. Taking away this fundamental right on the part of the new Osage government, I truly believe, was not what the U.S. Congress ever intended or meant to have happen when it passed P.L. 108–431 and sent it to President Bush for his signature.

    2. The M.E is seperate from the Osage Government we are an Agency supported by the Shateholdrrs. It would take an act of Congress to rule differently and if the Nation is not careful, And I don't say this with the intent really to scare but the fact that their is no reservation, that money coming from the CASINO'S does not belong to the Nation, but to the OSAGE PEOPLE.. the monopoly will end. And that per cap will be sent to all OSAGES. So if the Nation wants to let the Courts to decide, the dollar amounts, which could be higher, I suggest the Nation come to a conclusion on this matter and get that per cap out. Let us decide how we want to spend that money you put towards the health card. It's not like there isn't IHS. and the Nepotism by hiring the Son in Law bad bad move . So if your not a member take the time to file for a membership card, this is how the Nation Trends so they can keep and ask for more funds for their federally sponsored programs. Of which only 14% of the Nation is making up these laws to control what is not theirs to be had solely. So say I Chief lets have a dialogue with your constituency. Or maybe not and ignore the obvious, and then Osage Constitutional Convention in light and not so far from reality just might need to happen.

  55. Is this pet project a waste of your Osage Money? Aquaponics project another step in food sustainability, psoted by the Osage News.

    1. Anything, no matter how utterly stupid or preposterous, to tie up and spend the money so you don't get any of it and they get 86% of it. This is criminal what they are doing with OUR money which amounts to roughly $44 million of tribal funds yearly and what amounts to total spending negligence toward 85% of all Osage Nation members. --->>>
      Mint for heaven's sake????? Give us a break!!!!!!!!!!!! They couldn't keep fish alive if their lives depended on it.

    2. $95,000!!!! "The group traveled to the Chickasaw Nation"... How much did that little jaunt cost us? This entire aquaponics project shouldn't cost the Osage people more than $5,000.

    3. "He said he hopes to use Americorps workers, college interns, tribal members who want to learn and volunteer." I'll just bet he does. And pay them how much of our money for this nonsense I wonder? There are actually Osages out there who have real needs and wants while this money is being thrown around on extracurricular Osage Nation spending projects. BTW, how is this Walker related to Congressman R.J. Walker? Filthy and putrid!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. What was the $95,000 spnt on exactly please?

    5. Sounds fishy to me, no pun intended. Lots of examples of people getting money who never do what they're supposed to with it. Native American Church appropriations is one area that should be investigated by the AG right away.

    6. Right, this needs more attention would like to see how the funds were spent on this pet project to no where. Thk u for ur response.

  56. Event tomorrow night:

  57. This is in regards to ENEL and why they think that because they are supported by these federal subsidies gives them carte blanc on our M.E. MISI report found that non-hydro renewable energy (primarily wind and solar) benefited from $74 billion in federal subsidies, or 9% of the total, largely in the form of tax policy and direct federal expenditures on research and development (R&D). This taken from Wikipedia. What gives them public domain?

    1. Further more, reported by fox, We offer our full support of the current process undertaken by the House Committee on Ways and Means that will allow the most anti-competitive and economically harmful tax provisions, specifically the wind energy production tax credit (PTC), to expire,” the letter stated. “Ensuring that our nation’s patchwork tax code undergoes significant reform is a noble goal and, as part of this process, we believe Congress should stop picking winners and losers and finally end the wind PTC.” Keep fighting the Wind Company ENEL. What a boondoggle.
      The lawmakers argued that the PTC costs taxpayers too much while inflating energy costs.

  58. Help do your part to keep the internet free of sales taxes:

  59. Wow a native student shot at other students is this for real?

  60. Here comes Santa Claus! --->>>

  61. Where is the payments fro. Hula lake, this should have been paid out 25 years ago if not longer? I've known about this for a long while Realty?

    1. Same place as the warped looking building from warped government Osages who think they have a right to have it all and share it with no one but themselves

  62. Thumbs WAY UP to the Chief for "dropping poundage" and setting a good example --->>>

  63. 4th Special Session of the ON Congress begins in about a half an hour. Should be broadcast live at that time. See

    1. A ton of litigation issues discussed during the Chief's opening message. Be sure to listen to the opening day of the Session when it's posted to the archive section:

    2. Speaker Whitehorn issued a special invitation to all Osage Nation constituents to call their members of the ON Congress to discuss the issues on the Agenda in this Special Session.
      Good idea:

    3. So they are really going to go with that prairrie chickn Llc deal theyve drummed up and keep the Osage LLC too? Its alwys a travesty with them.

    4. Edwards said she wanted the bottom line on projected revenue so they wouldn't violate the law and get fined or penalized for spending above the number. Now isn't that something? Without penalties in the law in the past the ON Congress would have breezed by that number without even thinking twice about it. Where do we get that number and why isn't the ON Congress publishing that number for the Constituents to refer to?

    5. AHA! In the Committee of the Whole on the floor of Congress came the verbal admission that they have already over-appropriated above the amount of projected revenue. Another comment was about going into the permanent fund to get the money. WHEN are these people going to live by the laws they have passed and WHEN are they going to clean up this sloppy unlawful legislative behavior? You have the CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE not to overspend, not the Executive Branch MR. WALKER. When are you going to stop passing the buck and take a look at the Osage Constitution and read the provisions in the section on the Legislative Branch? Get the AG involved and he'll get the picture real quick, I'll bet!

    6. OVERSPENDING ALERT! What do they need another million dollars plus for land properties etc.?
      plus taking on that dead use property on the railroad tracks that we don't need and will cost a fortune over time in the future. Owning land is good if it can be put to a highest and best use of some sort.

    7. Tallgrass Prairie Chicken LLC bills are going to be withdrawn by Sponsor Supernaw. Yea! No new spending for this cash cow.

    8. Dead use railroad land that will eat them alive with maintenance but no per-cap? Here's where the money is going non-Shareholders making the shareholders pay out for those who don't get a check when the Osage Nation promised they would be taken care of with gaming revenue. Well guess what folks? Not so and who do we see about that? The AG?

  64. Osage Blog Conversation continues at
