Anonymous January 9, 2014 at 9:05 AM Let the best man or women take our Tribe to a new and different level of respect in this Office...bring closure and bring light to really what has transpired in the last 8 yrs...We Osage deserve better...and hopfully they will not pander to politics but pander for the The Constituency near and far....let our voices be heard loud and clear....get rid of Gov. waste....and spending....lets hope for a leader and not a bottom feeder....A person with a real conscious of what needs to be done...without blinders...hear the call of the Osage and do what is right as opposed the opposite...we do not want a big Gov....that panders to it's own needs as opposed to the needs of the Constiuency. Good luck....we do not need Carreer Politicians like in Washington.....doing the same thing over is redundant and insane...we all know how that is working isn't...
Judging from what I've seen on other Osage internet sites, people seem pretty disappointed. I think this will come back to bite the ones who are trying to get reelected to office or running for a new position.
I'm disappointed with the Canidates running for Chief but thus far I am going to reserve these feelings and not put the cart before the horse sort a speak and listen to their Agenda and what they expect from the Gov. as to performance and what it is that they can do for the Constiuency....and listen to their Goals...we have some social areas of which I would like to see accomplished and these area especially for our elders of which I would like to see shored up sort of speak...and how we are going to tighten up the Budget and ring in the The Osage LLC. and get that Forensic Audit of our finances and I want to see the Passive and Agressive investments posted in the News....we should have options to vest as well in these investments....We need structure..and we don't have this is a lot of ways..most importantly get those accounting records over to the M/E.....One Question is that Boone Guy Cynthias husband...This Campus Plan how is this going to forward the needs of the Nation of the Osages and how does the New incumbants plan to push this Agenda of a Cost forward...and is the Canadate going to select his own Cabinet in the Executive office all the way down to the interns sort of speak....If we are going to clean office we might as well do a clean sweep...I do not trust anybody who is sitting in there....Sorry but you become complicit not by your fault but the domino effect that role by our Current Chief has left a sour taste that no one can be trusted....I know one thing for sure is I would like to see Amanda Office...she has a Conscious and a desire to do what is right and can bring a lot to the Table....
Not if she's going to put statements out like this, “That is the message we need to get out to people. We need those Osage headright holders to come forward who have lost their headright, or know of a living family member who has lost their headright, by unlawful means," when she knows or should know as one of the attorneys of record in the the case that 10th Circuit has recently ruled that an accounting is due to the shareholders but that there would be no redistribution or repatriation of headright income past, present or future or the setting aside of estate trusts and wills in the case. The attorneys have for years appeared to be holding out this possibility as a carrot to the Osages when this issue has already been settled and finalized by the Court. I find it to be disingenuous to be doing this and suspect that they may be doing so to raise money for the lawsuit going forward on false hope. Not exactly a good beginning point for anyone running for ON elected office.
Fletcher v. United States, No. 12-5078, "Neither does the plaintiffs' accounting right necessarily mean that they will even be able to attack through collateral litigation headright transfers long ago approved according to statutorily prescribed processes — processes that already have in place means for objectors to challenge proposed headright transfers. See, e.g., Act of Oct. 21, 1978, Pub. L. No. 95-496, § 5(a), 92 Stat. 1660, 1661 (discussing notice and hearing required before Secretary can approve transfer of headright interest by will). Put simply, a duty to account is a duty to account, not a duty to respond to and disprove any and all potential breaches of fiduciary duty a beneficiary might wish to pursue once the accounting information is in hand." See
I am truely sorry I could not run but still I have hopes for the M/C...when ever they give us the dates...getting my health back in order or should I say I guess I have been fighting something for the last couple of years and the symptoms now manifested but not to worry I am strong and still waiting for the results my hope it is as simple as just to taking a pill for the rest of my life..but we have huge issues and can't wait for this exciting new year of another battle of some sort to arrise but not to fear we will take it one day at a time.....Be Positive...There is a lot of good and it is waitnig to be gobble up by our Constiuency..and we must implore being and bringing those near and far to be active and pro-active with their Tribe the Osage Tribe and long live the 1906 ACT...Love my People and Family....
P.S....There's nothing we can't accomplish when we come together....after all this is Our Tribe the Osage. Lets get the word out to all Osages....we care.
I really feel that you would have been a caliber, that would have saved the Buffalos, instead of destroying in that time, . Your words seen to continually give wise, conservative pointed and piercing to the heart of the problems. All of the candidates have a expensive road to hoe just to reach everyone, so the vote splitters will soon be left behind, the cream may or may not rise to the top and you 'll see.
Wow Willa you speak so sincere....wish I was there but one day I will....let the rain bring the truth and wash away the tears and bring light of truth with the sun so pure as my heart is...So disappointed....I could not be there....we will meet Willa...Your word bring strengh and so shall it be...
The 11th Congressional Special Session information is now posted at Day 1-January 13, 2014, 9:00 a.m. Agenda: 7. Removal Trial of Chief John D. Red Eagle - 10:00 a.m.
The word is that Judge Logan has approved live internet streaming on the opening day of the trial, tomorrow, January 13, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. CST located at mms://
Reception of the video and audio is intermittent and comes in, stops and then begins again. Hope you are having better reception if you are watching online.
Don't have video but audio is working loud and clear....Unbelievable that Paul Allen cannot be found to be served it wouldn't be that hard to hire a P.I. to find him....follow his bank account transactions and so forth...this is telling is he being paid off to hide? Most importantly why is he in hiding does he think we are going to go after the funds for work not being performed? We Should...
Raymond Red Corn, do you hear your own Congressional attorney, Mr. Lyons, when he hammers in the concept of ACCOUNTABILITY TO THE OSAGE PEOPLE IN THIS TRIAL? -- "ACCOUNTABLE TO THE OSAGE PEOPLE UNDER THE NEW FORM OF GOVERNMENT." PAY ATTENTION TO THIS RAYMOND. After all these years, you might finally learn something important about the form of government you have so richly been paid to serve under with this duty owed by you as a member of the Osage Congress to the Osage People and it AIN'T WRITTEN DOWN IN THE CONSTITUTION. IT'S AN IMPLIED POWER OF THE OSAGE CONGRESS. Before you leave office after NEARLY EIGHT YEARS ON THE DIME OF THE OSAGE PEOPLE it might be efficacious for you to finally master an understanding of this all important concept!!!!!
I find it interesting the Defense is posturing.....some of us drive 2 hrs to work 8 hrs and another 2 hrs to get back home and the defense can only ask for a lunch break becuase they drove an hour to get there. LOL now we know this the defense is going use stupid tacktics in my opinion and will not be in favor of the Chief...the Chief shame on you for not resigning.....
RED ALERT! POSTED 1:11 P.M. CST: I was finally able to get a clear hearing of part of the Judge's instructions to those participating in the Trial. Don't attempt to contact anyone in the case, even your members of the Osage Nation Congress or your name will be turned into the Judge per her instructions!
What I am hearing from kickingbird is excuses for the Chiefs behavior and useing Agencies as serperate then follows to the M/C is entitled to there difined by the his own words now just hung the Chief....
He seems to be entirely ignorant of the statutory laws in the ON Code that prohibit the behavior of the Chief in each of the six allegations from an ON legal standpoint. If this is a defense, it's really weird and it won't fly.
Witness Hopper, who is the head of the Election Board, seems not to understand that he is independent of the Chief as it regards any improper influence under Article X, Section 8. Where do they get these people?
Chief Red Eagle, who exactly (name names) is stealing time from the Osage Nation? It's your obligation to have this matter investigated if you know this to be true as the Chief of the Osage Nation.
He is complicit to this for not doing something that he knew about...this leads me to say that he also is stealing...obviously this is why you can't find Paul Allen...because if you take a look at his bank accounts it would be telling....
All this hoopla about a receptionist how is this going to affect the removal process really a dog and pony show by the defense...who cares this is about what the Chief did or did not do lol....what a waste of time by he defense and to get so upset is so out of line....who cares about the's in the report of which if the defense wanted the information they could have bought the report from the records dept' there for the public to see and I correct...grasping at straws...
I like that the Indian Trust website now has updated Cobell to say the payments will go out in 2014 rather than as first reported in the first quarter of the New Year, now changed again without an announcement of any sort and my bet the big fat cats are living high on the hog....whats up?
Crony Capitalism at best but a liar yes and I find it interesting the Chief isn't present. Could it be he is already clearing his desk...getting ready for Washington is another excuse. LOL. video player is up and working. but they announced chief wouldn't be back for the rest of the day. IF THERE WAS A TRIAL TO REMOVE YOUR ASS FROM OFFICE, DONT YOU THINK YOU'D LIKE TO FKIN BE THERE!!!!!
We need to push for the removal of Carol Leace from the Osage LLC...losing 5 million dollars is not chump change and where did it go we have a right to know today.
It's the Osage LLC Board but they have always left me with the impression that they try and protect the interests of the Osage LLC, not the owner/member which is the Osage Nation. Replacing Leese won't remedy the problem. The Osage Nation Congress needs to shut the thing down and pull its charter legislation to exist. It's a loser and has no other future doing what they're doing and they will undoubtedly continue to do what they've done in the past and that adds up to losing more money. For years everyone that can think clearly or reason at all has told them to get rid of it and as always, they ignore constituent and Osage member feedback and requests for representation on this basis.
Thank you and your are exactly right this is just insane what the heck is going on on the hill. Are we remain in the backgroung to rob blindly think not...we need to investigate serously before this goes even further cut funding today....get your heads out of your arce..something stinks to heaven high kingdom...
Still it;s a begining...removing leese...who can justify to the constiuents that this is normal when it isn't...tells me there's stealing going on all around....and if the Gov. can't get a hold of it time to shut the Gov. down....they are complict as well.
Not really a big deal considering it was all over a name but who knows if this information isn't available because the investigation is still on going then this is why...this can't throw the trial...but the defense could not dispute any of the witnesses testimony on what they overheared with the conversation with the Chief just on this allegation can stand alone and convict the Chief....sounds like the last guy was thinking to hard on what he should say as opposed to just telling it like it was.
Knee deep in hot water? No! not now, but maybe later. See, i f you put professional staff, in double wides and stacked like sardines, no secrets , no rhythm , no reason. Knocked out Judge Judy Judy today even if Tribal Justice a reality hearing . that's signal was off and on.
First day of the trial has concluded. Testimony will be heard from the AG, Jeff Jones and Chief John Red Eagle tomorrow. Thanks to Congresswoman Edwards, the trial will continue with both video and audio streaming on the internet as ordered by Judge Logan.
Witnesses who gave testimony today include Walter Hopper, head of the ON Election Board, Brian Herbert, Criminal Investigator for the ON AG's Office, Debbie Miles, Administrative Assistant for the AG's office, Morgan Currey, paralegal for the ON AG's Office and the final witness was Clinton Patterson, ON Assistant AG. His testimony will resume tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. CST.
Hard to get mad with someone like the voice Morgan Currey love that voice...Hopefully Clinton Patterson won't edit what he is saying and come across a natural as can be...My feeling the defense will see him as a weak link...but there's nothing there to worry about.
The Osage Nation Election Office is reporting on FB: Candidate information was sent to the Attorney General's Office today to request background checks! See for more information.
Day 2 -- Finally, the trial audio is working with the video perfectly. They're on a 15 minute break. Any reactions as to the testimony of Officer Herbert and the Jeff Jones, the AG? See
Is it my observation is the Judge playing with a full deck....because some of this arguement presented by the Plaintiffs Council is irrelevent to the Crime that was committed by the Chief...we all know how this rolled out...a Crime just by threating someones position by the Color of Authority is a Crime, end of statement...and before the Court has instructed the Witnesses to not talk about this case with anyone, to Opinion probably was already formed just because everyone knows everyone at the O.N. Gov.....Still does not change the facts on these Grounds...this becomes a crime when you extort more than five hundred dollars....This we would not be in if it wasn't for the crime committed in the first and to put the Chief in a position of this Nature shame on that Girl his Niece....shame on her and shame on the Chief...and if this was a committed as proven by the SCOI to found to be true then why would a ethics case conflict with his the AG'S decision as to influence his decision I find a conflict there?
Testimony from the Chief: 200 + employees coming in embezzling time sheets because of the common practice of a leniency policy where attendance on the job is concerned.
Unspoken policy 200 employees to cheat the people of Nation to forge their time sheets unbeleivable...I would start picketing today. I can't believe it OMG....UNREAL
They are taking a break for lunch. The Judge doesn't seem to be requiring the Chief to answer the questions put to him in a straightforward manner. She doesn't seem strong enough with him does she?
What the hell I want to know is why the Att. Gen. is transferring THREE confidential ongoing criminal investigation reports to the Chief that came out during the Chief's testimony!!!! Is it legal for the Att. Gen. to be doing this? All this coming out is sickening with these shady underhanded doings. If this is illegal behavior then FIRE the Att. Gen. too! They are throwing our tribal funds money at these employees and appointees and not sharing it with us as members of the Osage Nation and doing all these horrible illegal things embezzling our funds by submitting fraudulent time sheets. Clean this cesspool up today or get rid of this government.
We must have a Congressional Investigation and Hearing on a repatriation and surrender of all 3% pay raises and merit bonuses from every employee suspected of cheating on their time sheets since this government started in 2006!!!!!!!!
Did I also hear the AG say under oath that he told Mary Mashunkeshey that he would not criminally prosecute her daughter Macy during the time of this confidential criminal investigation that is currently ongoing and not yet finally concluded? EXPLOSIVE!
Chief is back up on the stand and said WIC employees were being criminally investigated for giving out benefits to those employees who didn't qualify for them which involved Federal money? Why haven't we heard about this scandal until now?
It does not matter at what point Mr.Jones said he would not investigate and may have been to early to speculate at the time this was said in any event if this is registered with the Police then it has left the AG'S hands and the time frame was with in reason to do so?
The ON obviously is built on a wall of lies....We the Constiuency should be mad...I guess what stays in the family is all in the family..Everyone is now complicit to this behaviour...Oh by the way, you can walk away from your desk clocking in and out and stay clocked in on your computar and HR would be non the wiser...This is why you need a time clock mounted on the wall. In our Office we had left the honor system to them but found out they could still stay clocked in and walk back in..
Stalking Macy. If she isn't at work during office hours and an investigator swings by to see if her car is parked at home - that's not stalking - it's investigating a timesheet crime. That would be like an ATF officer swinging by a crack house to find out if a dope dealer's car was parked in the vicinity and the dope dealer claiming he was being stalked by an ATF officer. LMAO! Is this guy really the Chief of the Osage Nation or is this SNL?
Family? Chief: "We take care of our own." Really? 95% of us Osage Nation member OSAGES never get taken care of by JRL at all. They toss money at these dishonest cheating employees? It's a government for the government blanket fiscal spending policy. I think it's in the best interest of the Osage people and high time to get rid of every single elected official in the Executive and Congress no matter what office they are running for who knows or should have known about all this and has in any way approved pay raises and bonuses for the "Osage 200 +" in the upcoming election.
Right thought the same thing..why don't they just get to the threat of the Conversation in addition wouldn't it be a conflict of interest to investigate his own Grand Daughter...and now the Court is letting the Chief speak out of line really.....You Chief disrespected yourself and the Nation....
CHIEF: "HURT THAT MY PEOPLE WOULD TREAT A PRINCIPAL CHIEF IN THIS MANNER." Are you our of your mind? WE ARE HURT THAT YOU WOULD INGAGE IN SUCH UNLAWFUL BEHAVIOR TOWARD THE OSAGE PEOPLE TO HURT, SCANDALIZE AND BE DISRESPECTFUL TO US BY USING YOUR OFFICE TO BEHAVE IN THE WAY YOU HAVE THAT HAS BROUGHT ABOUT THIS WHOLE TRIAL. YOU ADMITTED IN SWORN TESTIMONY THAT YOU HAVE BROKEN THE LAW THAT YOU HAVE SWORN AS THE CHIEF TO UPHOLD. What right do you have to throw the color of your office around inappropriately like this and complain about this tribunal being disrespectful to you and the Office of the Chief like you are Hitler and above the law of the Osage Nation? You have used your position to throw your weight around and break our Osage laws. You deserve our contempt not our respect!!!!!!
Sorry I missed that explain Osageblogger...You don't have to pee for clients it as easy as strapping on a aparatus and keeping the pee to body tempature...and of course useing someone else pee. but how did this report come about?
I have no idea. Wouldn't such an act be indecent and criminal? Was she being paid by clients to give them her urine to subvert and falsify drug tests being taken at the D&A counseling center? This is hideous. Why hasn't she been placed under arrest pending a criminal investigation?
Now there challenging the law of the Constitution and comparing it to the POUS....OMG! Wasn't this voted by the Constituency as well and was the will of the People?
Those employees or elected officials who have falsified their work records in any way must also be removed or fired immediately! This includes any and all appointees who have looked the other way. This involves WIC, time sheets and work or education credentials. CLEAN HOUSE ACROSS THE ENTIRE OSAGE NATION.
I disagree. I don't think they have any idea what an independent agency is, just like they don't know what a three part democratic government is all about. They are operational on ignorance of this form of government from sunup to sundown. Even the smartest ones don't have the least idea and you can't tell them anything because they know it all. It's an embarrassment to every Osage around the country.
Ha ha ha. Yates just said on the stand that the Chief threatened his job too! JRE must threaten everyone with their job if they don't do what he wants. Get rid of this arrogant pustule sucking up a fat paycheck from the ON at the behest the Osage people. I've had enough of this guy.
Galen and Yates should have there facts straight the only one who had her facts was Cynthia and she was clear and concise...Galen now comes across as a Yes Man....Yates at least had the cahonies to say his opinion had changed non the less why hasn't the council followed up with setting up a date for a court date on this matter?....Yes having these accounts does not mean that it would cost more to the Shareholders in the long run it would pay for itself .....but how is the M/C able to branch if these accounts are not under there control. And I do not mean compacting the Estate...It is clear the Chief is abusing his power and should have given the accounts to the M/C as by law and then contest it...
YES! Implement and execute the law and if you don't agree, take the matter for a determination to the ON Courts. What happened to seeking a court order to perform where executing the law is concerned?
So sorry for all you folks back home. If I ran into him I would look the other way. He let his personal opinion get in the way of the oath that he took shame on him.
Let's add this up. How may people have had their job threatened so far? Officer Herbert and Councilman Yates. Anyone else? I heard from someone in the courtroom who watched as the Chief flipped the bird to a member of Congress. He has also physically threatened at least one member of Congress before the trial during the SCOI phase saying out loud, "I should kick your a~~." This is a pattern with this Chief of bullying and intimidation and inappropriately using the power of his office to be abusive to others. Any other reports?
What this trial should bring home to all of us in a huge way is that we need new blood in the elected offices of the Osage Nation. Again, the Osage Blog is announcing its Election Initiative that we are calling the Osage Surge for Candidates to come forward from outside of Osage County and the State of Oklahoma to run in the upcoming Osage Nation elections for Congress and the Minerals Council; "The Osage Surge" for short. We need boots on the ground, Osage members, to turn around the criminal activities, lax and lenient policies and crapulent spending practices of the Osage Nation government to one that is sensible and reasonable that includes ALL Osages no matter were they reside which was promised to us if we were to support a new Osage Constitutional government. We need to reestablish a proper balance from the top down and the bottom up! Please join this initiative and if you can, run for office in the upcoming Osage Nation elections in 2014. Since they won't, each one of us need to stand up and take responsibility and BE RESPONSIBLE for what our new government does in the future. Now IS the time for all good and honest Osages to come to the aid of their new Constitutional government. Add your voice to this initiative at
During the testimony today, the Chief kept talking about the process they had to go through with Human Resources (HR) for employees that needed to be disciplined. Now it sits in my memory that one of the former employees in HR, Norma Merriman, tried to do exactly that in the case of Macy Mashunkashey and she was reprimanded for attempting to do so by the Chief or one of his minions; I think perhaps it was Deidre Bigheart who I believe told Merriman that Macy was untouchable and not to go any further with her actions to discipline and correct the behavior of the girl. It seems to me that this is the proof that the Chief acted to obstruct this managerial disciplinary procedural path of HR. Therefore, why isn't Norma Merriman on the list of witnesses to testify in the Trial to Remove the Chief? Clearly with her testimony about the obstruction she encountered from the Chief's office where Macy was concerned at the time, this would prove that the only path of justice left to the Osage Nation officials was that of a criminal investigation through the Attorney General's Office. Does anyone know if Norma Merriman has been called in to testify because if she isn't, she should be.
Smh you're exactly right..sure there are many more people who's job was on the line because of the Chiefs empty threats were taken seriously by the color of Authority....what about the former treasurer?
Respect? its earned not given. Chief had the respect of the people, but he pissed it away. He's done nothing for the people, he doesn't care for the people. He's so disrespectful to his own people.
The Chief talked a lot about how he should be respected because he was Chief. He implied that all he cared about was the Osage people. Take a look at the charges. Most of them are because of his improper use of his authority or Osage money to help his relatives or political hacks that gave him money. He has totally disrespected the Osage people.
Sieg Heil! Hail Victory! For the Osage people against the lawlessness of this Chief and all of the ones he mentioned in the trial today who have come before him.
You'll find a lot of those a^* kissing saps over on some of those Osage Facebook pages for sure. That bunch will jack boot around the Chief all day long most of them anyway.
Have you missed any of Day One of the trial? You can hear it again at Scroll to the bottom of the web page to the text: 11th Special Session Day One Audio
Audio – Part 1 of 5 Audio – Part 2 of 5 Audio – Part 3 of 5 Audio – Part 4 of 5 Audio – Part 5 of 5
New articles>> and
Thank you Orbi-Osage....I find we are in a predicament of which is unconfortable to watch a Human Being of the likes of the Chief to be in denial of the Oath he swore to uphold knowing he broke laws admittedly yet still will not hold himseld accoutable for the illegal actions he took up himself...On the flip side of the proverbial coin....there are other factors of which I can see how he is lost in his image of the yesteryears you can't help feel sorry...As my thoughts pander to when he was ellected Chief I could only suspect this would not end well and my suspistions come true.. caught between a rock and a hard place his arrogance would be his down fall.. betrayed by a family member .This all will come to pass in the pages of our History let this be a lesson to learn from...we are human. Let us breath easier today for tomorrow is gone ,today is a different day and now I feel sorry....not for us....our Voice will be heard and the Chiefs will fall on death ears...only to live in the past as we go forward and move swiftly for Justice for the Osage People...Our Journey forever intertiwined with unwanted politics, we shall overcome the wrong let the Voice of the Osage be heard. Long live the Osage Tribe and the 1906 Act....
Keeping in mind what Senator Sam J. Ervin Jr. said to his fellow Watergate committee members. "My colleagues on the Committee are determined to uncover all the relevant facts surrounding these matters, and to spare no one, whatever his station in life maybe... The nation and history itself are watching us. We cannot fell our mission."
This man has arrogated power from the Judical Branch by arbitrarily declaring laws (ONCA 11-78) of the Osage Nation unconstitutional on the basis of the opinion of an attorney and not an official opinion of the ON Court as to the constitutionality of this law? WOAH! He is totally out of control. He does not even grasp how this governmental system works and he is the head of one of the three Branches of our government! This is outrageous. Did he even pay attention during Civics class and learn anything he was being taught about this form of government?
Your right he does not grasp the concept of the word yes or no and hiding under the Umbrella of Sovereign immunity is not going to fly and in fact he admitted the Law ONCA 11-78 is in full force....unbelievable now we know who's been running the Executive not him...
Once the money from the MC drawdown has been transferred to the Osage Nation and to the Minerals Council, it is no longer under the control of the BIA and is then under the auspices of the Osage Nation Minerals Council as it has always been handled in the past. Every Board and Commission of the Osage Nation has its own budget and autonomy to spend its own money but the Minerals Council despite the independence of the Minerals Agency specifically stated in the ON Constitution? If the money from the drawdown is being misused, it is my understanding that the BIA has the right to go back in and check up on things in the C395 account but it doesn't have overt overriding Federal control any longer. Any other account associated with the Minerals Council has no Federal control associated with it at all, like the "Map" account.
Yes, substantially, he is calling Galen a liar and he knows that he has been evading Galen on this issue for months and months. This guy takes the term "criminally evasive" on the witness stand to a new brand new level. The Judge should seriously hop on him for this but she treats him with kid gloves like he's a mildly retarded toddler. He's a man, not a baby, your Honor. He can take it and if he can't then he has no business being the Chief of the Osage Nation. Nixon would have loved this Judge!!!!!!
I would like to know if these accounts had been abused and clearly he does not want us to see the truth or for that matter as well Congress...just to what extent...? Question in one of those account was noted that there are Headrights of which is royalty income to the Shareholders is that going to the Shareholders...ACCT.S-510 ACCT I believe?
Essentially, the major problem here is the difference between the mantle of power between the old form of government and the new. On the stand, clearly JRE has grown into the role of Chief in the same way as Jim Gray did. His understanding is that he is the head of some bastardized form of a Constitutional Monarchy like the Queen of England has in Great Britain. The Osage Constitutional form of government does not call for Chief Red Eagle to invite anyone to form a government in his name. It is a Constitutional Democracy with a three part form of government where power is shared and evenly distributed between three branches of government. To lord it over the Congressional Court yesterday as if we are minions that are expected to scrape and grovel before his throne was entirely inappropriate on his part because he is the head of a government that has no place for a Monarch or any behavior owed to him on that basis on the part of the Osage people. Now, outside of government and its setting in the cultural context, how he chooses to establish his role is another matter but from my point of view he has been elected the Chief of a government not as a monarch in any capacity. He can't take the mantle of the old and wear it because he is then stealing and arrogating power from the Osage people that was given up when the new Constitution was ratified by a vote of the Osage people which transferred that power to us not to him or any other Chief. In short, he can't have it both ways. He has now become THE SERVANT of the people in the context of being the Chief of our Constitutional democracy anything else is disrespectful to the people who have elected him to SERVE them while in office.
The ACCT. S-510 is the map account I believe and the Feds have no authority over that account at all. It should belong to the Minerals Council. I have been told that there is no mechanism in place to distribute those funds to the Shareholders at this time.
Why is the Judge allowing an election issue into the Court testimony? Under our Constitution, the Congress creates and passes the laws, not the Osage people unless it's a referendum to reject a law or citizens's initiative to add a law which is not the case. What does an election issue have to do with anything? This Judge is way out there on a limb on this one.
This bullying regardless of ones feelings of another shows no respect...I was taught that when you work with others you are there to work regardless of ones feelings to get the job done...Here's an example especially when you are confined as close as you are when you are only inches from each other everything else does not matter...and you walk away knowing the job got done. This person was a Pilot....and did he not like other Pilots for sure...this is where maturity comes the circumstance isn't really that much different..we are all in this together we are Osage....and we have a Job to do for the Constituency not to cover up or hide the truth...nothing is accomplished and creates a image of impropriety. We would not be here if this basic concept was applied. Team work and it is obviously the Chief put himself on a Pedestal and thought he was better and the laws did not apply to him...
Rod Hartness was paid $4,000 above what he should have been paid per the contract agreement per month, time and time again? How illegal is that?
So the Osage News gets to be independent by statutory law but the Minerals Agency and Minerals Council doesn't when the OSAGE CONSTITUTION states in plain english that it is? Wait a minute...
Yes it looks to be Teemans choice will be her downfall....she IS very involved in these matters the way it looks from my perspective and I agree Shannon Duty is handling herself as would any Reporter - Editor. We Indians have a memory and we don't forget because that is what we are taught.
There's something Hanky Panky with Rod Hartness and the mere fact we still do not have accounts and we are recognized by the Constitution voted as independant by our Congress....? So the only thing I can draw from this is when we do get control of said accounts what are we going to discover and how deep the wound...and what to do next is to insure that what ever has transpired with these account does not happen again....I know I'm jumping ahead hear but 2 + 2 does not add up to four...I like to be positive but I have a gut feeling.
One of the richest women in Osage County and she comes to trial looking like she's going jogging or about to do the laundry. She's got great basics. With a bit of effort she could shine up like a new penny.
I thought she looked like an Editor and for her age and the blue with a pink undershirt was fitting thouh I will say everyone back home looks to be over weight. Wow.
ReplyDeleteJanuary 9, 2014 at 9:05 AM
Let the best man or women take our Tribe to a new and different level of respect in this Office...bring closure and bring light to really what has transpired in the last 8 yrs...We Osage deserve better...and hopfully they will not pander to politics but pander for the The Constituency near and far....let our voices be heard loud and clear....get rid of Gov. waste....and spending....lets hope for a leader and not a bottom feeder....A person with a real conscious of what needs to be done...without blinders...hear the call of the Osage and do what is right as opposed the opposite...we do not want a big Gov....that panders to it's own needs as opposed to the needs of the Constiuency. Good luck....we do not need Carreer Politicians like in Washington.....doing the same thing over is redundant and insane...we all know how that is working isn't...
Outstanding comment! In a nutshell; a great path for the future and for our future leaders to take and follow as their guide in 2014.
DeleteThank you Osageblogger.
DeleteYou're welcome!
DeleteNew article>>
ReplyDeleteFollow the ON Election Office information at
DeleteReaction to the candidate line up?
DeleteJudging from what I've seen on other Osage internet sites, people seem pretty disappointed. I think this will come back to bite the ones who are trying to get reelected to office or running for a new position.
DeleteI'm terribly disappointed. We should have had a lot better in the running than just these few.
DeleteI'm disappointed with the Canidates running for Chief but thus far I am going to reserve these feelings and not put the cart before the horse sort a speak and listen to their Agenda and what they expect from the Gov. as to performance and what it is that they can do for the Constiuency....and listen to their Goals...we have some social areas of which I would like to see accomplished and these area especially for our elders of which I would like to see shored up sort of speak...and how we are going to tighten up the Budget and ring in the The Osage LLC. and get that Forensic Audit of our finances and I want to see the Passive and Agressive investments posted in the News....we should have options to vest as well in these investments....We need structure..and we don't have this is a lot of ways..most importantly get those accounting records over to the M/E.....One Question is that Boone Guy Cynthias husband...This Campus Plan how is this going to forward the needs of the Nation of the Osages and how does the New incumbants plan to push this Agenda of a Cost forward...and is the Canadate going to select his own Cabinet in the Executive office all the way down to the interns sort of speak....If we are going to clean office we might as well do a clean sweep...I do not trust anybody who is sitting in there....Sorry but you become complicit not by your fault but the domino effect that role by our Current Chief has left a sour taste that no one can be trusted....I know one thing for sure is I would like to see Amanda Office...she has a Conscious and a desire to do what is right and can bring a lot to the Table....
DeleteI agree with you and feel Amanda would be a good asst chief. She will have my vote!
DeleteNot if she's going to put statements out like this, “That is the message we need to get out to people. We need those Osage headright holders to come forward who have lost their headright, or know of a living family member who has lost their headright, by unlawful means," when she knows or should know as one of the attorneys of record in the the case that 10th Circuit has recently ruled that an accounting is due to the shareholders but that there would be no redistribution or repatriation of headright income past, present or future or the setting aside of estate trusts and wills in the case. The attorneys have for years appeared to be holding out this possibility as a carrot to the Osages when this issue has already been settled and finalized by the Court. I find it to be disingenuous to be doing this and suspect that they may be doing so to raise money for the lawsuit going forward on false hope. Not exactly a good beginning point for anyone running for ON elected office.
DeleteFletcher v. United States, No. 12-5078, "Neither does the plaintiffs' accounting right necessarily mean that they will even be able to attack through collateral litigation headright transfers long ago approved according to statutorily prescribed processes — processes that already have in place means for objectors to challenge proposed headright transfers. See, e.g., Act of Oct. 21, 1978, Pub. L. No. 95-496, § 5(a), 92 Stat. 1660, 1661 (discussing notice and hearing required before Secretary can approve transfer of headright interest by will). Put simply, a duty to account is a duty to account, not a duty to respond to and disprove any and all potential breaches of fiduciary duty a beneficiary might wish to pursue once the accounting information is in hand." See
DeleteI am truely sorry I could not run but still I have hopes for the M/C...when ever they give us the dates...getting my health back in order or should I say I guess I have been fighting something for the last couple of years and the symptoms now manifested but not to worry I am strong and still waiting for the results my hope it is as simple as just to taking a pill for the rest of my life..but we have huge issues and can't wait for this exciting new year of another battle of some sort to arrise but not to fear we will take it one day at a time.....Be Positive...There is a lot of good and it is waitnig to be gobble up by our Constiuency..and we must implore being and bringing those near and far to be active and pro-active with their Tribe the Osage Tribe and long live the 1906 ACT...Love my People and Family....
ReplyDeleteP.S....There's nothing we can't accomplish when we come together....after all this is Our Tribe the Osage. Lets get the word out to all Osages....we care.
DeleteI really feel that you would have been a caliber, that would have saved the Buffalos, instead of destroying in that time, . Your words seen to continually give wise, conservative pointed and piercing to the heart of the problems. All of the candidates have a expensive road to hoe just to reach everyone, so the vote splitters will soon be left behind, the cream may or may not rise to the top and you 'll see.
ReplyDeleteWow Willa you speak so sincere....wish I was there but one day I will....let the rain bring the truth and wash away the tears and bring light of truth with the sun so pure as my heart is...So disappointed....I could not be there....we will meet Willa...Your word bring strengh and so shall it be...
DeleteAre you guys out to lunch?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOh, don't be so unpoetic.
DeleteThe 11th Congressional Special Session information is now posted at
ReplyDeleteDay 1-January 13, 2014, 9:00 a.m.
Agenda: 7. Removal Trial of Chief John D. Red Eagle - 10:00 a.m.
The word is that Judge Logan has approved live internet streaming on the opening day of the trial, tomorrow, January 13, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. CST located at mms://
DeleteAccording to sources the trial is to begin at ten a.m. I am receiving video but no audio and nothing appears to be going on at the moment.
DeleteThe forces are amassing and everyone is coming into the Congressional Chamber awaiting the arrival of the Judge. The Chief has just been seated.
DeleteIt has begun.
DeleteReception of the video and audio is intermittent and comes in, stops and then begins again. Hope you are having better reception if you are watching online.
DeleteDon't have video but audio is working loud and clear....Unbelievable that Paul Allen cannot be found to be served it wouldn't be that hard to hire a P.I. to find him....follow his bank account transactions and so forth...this is telling is he being paid off to hide? Most importantly why is he in hiding does he think we are going to go after the funds for work not being performed? We Should...
DeleteRaymond Red Corn, do you hear your own Congressional attorney, Mr. Lyons, when he hammers in the concept of ACCOUNTABILITY TO THE OSAGE PEOPLE IN THIS TRIAL? -- "ACCOUNTABLE TO THE OSAGE PEOPLE UNDER THE NEW FORM OF GOVERNMENT." PAY ATTENTION TO THIS RAYMOND. After all these years, you might finally learn something important about the form of government you have so richly been paid to serve under with this duty owed by you as a member of the Osage Congress to the Osage People and it AIN'T WRITTEN DOWN IN THE CONSTITUTION. IT'S AN IMPLIED POWER OF THE OSAGE CONGRESS. Before you leave office after NEARLY EIGHT YEARS ON THE DIME OF THE OSAGE PEOPLE it might be efficacious for you to finally master an understanding of this all important concept!!!!!
DeleteTrial is in recess for lunch. We're off to a good start.
DeleteThe trial will resume at 1 p.m.
DeleteSmh that goes to everyone in the O.N GOV....hear us loud and clearly.
DeleteI find it interesting the Defense is posturing.....some of us drive 2 hrs to work 8 hrs and another 2 hrs to get back home and the defense can only ask for a lunch break becuase they drove an hour to get there. LOL now we know this the defense is going use stupid tacktics in my opinion and will not be in favor of the Chief...the Chief shame on you for not resigning.....
DeleteRED ALERT! POSTED 1:11 P.M. CST: I was finally able to get a clear hearing of part of the Judge's instructions to those participating in the Trial. Don't attempt to contact anyone in the case, even your members of the Osage Nation Congress or your name will be turned into the Judge per her instructions!
DeleteThank listening, to the defense lol this trial is not about him or God...really.
DeleteTrial is back on.
DeleteWhat I am hearing from kickingbird is excuses for the Chiefs behavior and useing Agencies as serperate then follows to the M/C is entitled to there difined by the his own words now just hung the Chief....
DeleteWeak defense.
DeleteHe seems to be entirely ignorant of the statutory laws in the ON Code that prohibit the behavior of the Chief in each of the six allegations from an ON legal standpoint. If this is a defense, it's really weird and it won't fly.
DeleteWitness Hopper, who is the head of the Election Board, seems not to understand that he is independent of the Chief as it regards any improper influence under Article X, Section 8. Where do they get these people?
DeleteI agree with both statements made about the statutory laws and witness Hopper,
DeleteNow others are stealig from the Nation no surprise but are these individuals the ones who picketed for their Bonus...
DeleteChief Red Eagle, who exactly (name names) is stealing time from the Osage Nation? It's your obligation to have this matter investigated if you know this to be true as the Chief of the Osage Nation.
DeleteHe is complicit to this for not doing something that he knew about...this leads me to say that he also is stealing...obviously this is why you can't find Paul Allen...because if you take a look at his bank accounts it would be telling....
DeleteGood question about those stealing time also picketing for bonuses. I'd like that question answered too.
DeleteAll this hoopla about a receptionist how is this going to affect the removal process really a dog and pony show by the defense...who cares this is about what the Chief did or did not do lol....what a waste of time by he defense and to get so upset is so out of line....who cares about the's in the report of which if the defense wanted the information they could have bought the report from the records dept' there for the public to see and I correct...grasping at straws...
DeleteI like that the Indian Trust website now has updated Cobell to say the payments will go out in 2014 rather than as first reported in the first quarter of the New Year, now changed again without an announcement of any sort and my bet the big fat cats are living high on the hog....whats up?
ReplyDeletechief is a tyrant, a thief, a lier. he is not a leader. he doesnt know the virtues of leadership. he should have never became chief.
ReplyDeleteCrony Capitalism at best but a liar yes and I find it interesting the Chief isn't present. Could it be he is already clearing his desk...getting ready for Washington is another excuse. LOL.
DeleteI thought I saw the Chief enter the Courtroom when the trial began.
DeleteWish I could see. video player is up and working. but they announced chief wouldn't be back for the rest of the day. IF THERE WAS A TRIAL TO REMOVE YOUR ASS FROM OFFICE, DONT YOU THINK YOU'D LIKE TO FKIN BE THERE!!!!!
DeleteCareful. There might be a lady present.
DeleteRight sounds as if he knows he is a sitting duck.
DeleteWe need to push for the removal of Carol Leace from the Osage LLC...losing 5 million dollars is not chump change and where did it go we have a right to know today.
ReplyDelete5? $11 million + loss is more like it.
DeleteWhere is our money? 11 million bar none he must go...and we must do a thorough investitgatin Gov. OPs board do your job!
DeleteWe bee to look at the front end and back end of the books....
Deleteoops need not bee.
DeleteIt's the Osage LLC Board but they have always left me with the impression that they try and protect the interests of the Osage LLC, not the owner/member which is the Osage Nation. Replacing Leese won't remedy the problem. The Osage Nation Congress needs to shut the thing down and pull its charter legislation to exist. It's a loser and has no other future doing what they're doing and they will undoubtedly continue to do what they've done in the past and that adds up to losing more money. For years everyone that can think clearly or reason at all has told them to get rid of it and as always, they ignore constituent and Osage member feedback and requests for representation on this basis.
DeleteThank you and your are exactly right this is just insane what the heck is going on on the hill. Are we remain in the backgroung to rob blindly think not...we need to investigate serously before this goes even further cut funding today....get your heads out of your arce..something stinks to heaven high kingdom...
DeleteCareful. There might be a lady present.
DeleteStill it;s a begining...removing leese...who can justify to the constiuents that this is normal when it isn't...tells me there's stealing going on all around....and if the Gov. can't get a hold of it time to shut the Gov. down....they are complict as well.
DeleteThank you Osageblogger for allowing to post our comment on this very important day!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. We appreciate your feedback on the trial proceedings.
DeleteI wonder how many people have been fired, because chief wanted them fired...
ReplyDeleteAnother good question.
ReplyDeleteUH-OH! It looks like we may have a problem with discovery item/s that have not been given to the defense in advance of the trial.
DeleteNot really a big deal considering it was all over a name but who knows if this information isn't available because the investigation is still on going then this is why...this can't throw the trial...but the defense could not dispute any of the witnesses testimony on what they overheared with the conversation with the Chief just on this allegation can stand alone and convict the Chief....sounds like the last guy was thinking to hard on what he should say as opposed to just telling it like it was.
DeleteKnee deep in hot water? No! not now, but maybe later. See, i f you put professional staff, in double wides and stacked like sardines, no secrets , no rhythm , no reason. Knocked out Judge Judy Judy today even if Tribal Justice a reality hearing . that's signal was off and on.
DeleteFirst day of the trial has concluded. Testimony will be heard from the AG, Jeff Jones and Chief John Red Eagle tomorrow. Thanks to Congresswoman Edwards, the trial will continue with both video and audio streaming on the internet as ordered by Judge Logan.
ReplyDeleteWitnesses who gave testimony today include Walter Hopper, head of the ON Election Board, Brian Herbert, Criminal Investigator for the ON AG's Office, Debbie Miles, Administrative Assistant for the AG's office, Morgan Currey, paralegal for the ON AG's Office and the final witness was Clinton Patterson, ON Assistant AG. His testimony will resume tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. CST.
DeleteCan't wait to see what the Chief has to say for himself......nothing.
DeleteHard to get mad with someone like the voice Morgan Currey love that voice...Hopefully Clinton Patterson won't edit what he is saying and come across a natural as can be...My feeling the defense will see him as a weak link...but there's nothing there to worry about.
DeleteDid anybody else see the Chief make a vile and inappropriate hand gesture to a member of the Congress while he was in the courtroom today?
DeleteNo I didn't...
DeleteThe Osage Nation Election Office is reporting on FB: Candidate information was sent to the Attorney General's Office today to request background checks! See for more information.
ReplyDeleteDay 2 -- Finally, the trial audio is working with the video perfectly. They're on a 15 minute break. Any reactions as to the testimony of Officer Herbert and the Jeff Jones, the AG? See
ReplyDeleteThe Chief has just been called to the witness stand.
DeleteIs it my observation is the Judge playing with a full deck....because some of this arguement presented by the Plaintiffs Council is irrelevent to the Crime that was committed by the Chief...we all know how this rolled out...a Crime just by threating someones position by the Color of Authority is a Crime, end of statement...and before the Court has instructed the Witnesses to not talk about this case with anyone, to Opinion probably was already formed just because everyone knows everyone at the O.N. Gov.....Still does not change the facts on these Grounds...this becomes a crime when you extort more than five hundred dollars....This we would not be in if it wasn't for the crime committed in the first and to put the Chief in a position of this Nature shame on that Girl his Niece....shame on her and shame on the Chief...and if this was a committed as proven by the SCOI to found to be true then why would a ethics case conflict with his the AG'S decision as to influence his decision I find a conflict there?
DeleteVerbal fireworks in the Courtroom between the Chief and Attorney Lyons.
Deleteas to the decision to file a crime in this case?
DeleteTestimony from the Chief: 200 + employees coming in embezzling time sheets because of the common practice of a leniency policy where attendance on the job is concerned.
DeleteUnspoken policy 200 employees to cheat the people of Nation to forge their time sheets unbeleivable...I would start picketing today. I can't believe it OMG....UNREAL
DeleteSay it isn't so...time for a New GOVERNMENT. End of Stroy...what has the Chief started....
DeleteThey are taking a break for lunch. The Judge doesn't seem to be requiring the Chief to answer the questions put to him in a straightforward manner. She doesn't seem strong enough with him does she?
DeleteMy same opinion as well.
DeleteWondering what the Big Heart times is thinking....if reporting the facts is considered slandering it should be the Other way around...
DeleteWhat the hell I want to know is why the Att. Gen. is transferring THREE confidential ongoing criminal investigation reports to the Chief that came out during the Chief's testimony!!!! Is it legal for the Att. Gen. to be doing this? All this coming out is sickening with these shady underhanded doings. If this is illegal behavior then FIRE the Att. Gen. too! They are throwing our tribal funds money at these employees and appointees and not sharing it with us as members of the Osage Nation and doing all these horrible illegal things embezzling our funds by submitting fraudulent time sheets. Clean this cesspool up today or get rid of this government.
DeleteWe must have a Congressional Investigation and Hearing on a repatriation and surrender of all 3% pay raises and merit bonuses from every employee suspected of cheating on their time sheets since this government started in 2006!!!!!!!!
DeleteDid I also hear the AG say under oath that he told Mary Mashunkeshey that he would not criminally prosecute her daughter Macy during the time of this confidential criminal investigation that is currently ongoing and not yet finally concluded? EXPLOSIVE!
DeleteMr. Lyons, ask the direct question: "Did you say to Brian Herbert over the phone, "You will not touch Macy."
DeleteOMG. The Mother embezzles, the daughter embezzles and both get a pass from Gray and Red Eagle.
DeleteChief is back up on the stand and said WIC employees were being criminally investigated for giving out benefits to those employees who didn't qualify for them which involved Federal money? Why haven't we heard about this scandal until now?
DeleteDon't be dumb. They hide everything from the Osage people.
DeleteIt does not matter at what point Mr.Jones said he would not investigate and may have been to early to speculate at the time this was said in any event if this is registered with the Police then it has left the AG'S hands and the time frame was with in reason to do so?
DeleteThe ON obviously is built on a wall of lies....We the Constiuency should be mad...I guess what stays in the family is all in the family..Everyone is now complicit to this behaviour...Oh by the way, you can walk away from your desk clocking in and out and stay clocked in on your computar and HR would be non the wiser...This is why you need a time clock mounted on the wall. In our Office we had left the honor system to them but found out they could still stay clocked in and walk back in..
DeleteStalking Macy. If she isn't at work during office hours and an investigator swings by to see if her car is parked at home - that's not stalking - it's investigating a timesheet crime. That would be like an ATF officer swinging by a crack house to find out if a dope dealer's car was parked in the vicinity and the dope dealer claiming he was being stalked by an ATF officer. LMAO! Is this guy really the Chief of the Osage Nation or is this SNL?
DeleteFamily? Chief: "We take care of our own." Really? 95% of us Osage Nation member OSAGES never get taken care of by JRL at all. They toss money at these dishonest cheating employees? It's a government for the government blanket fiscal spending policy. I think it's in the best interest of the Osage people and high time to get rid of every single elected official in the Executive and Congress no matter what office they are running for who knows or should have known about all this and has in any way approved pay raises and bonuses for the "Osage 200 +" in the upcoming election.
DeleteMacy was sleeping in her office, brought her dog to work. Was caught peeing for clients, didn't do her work.
DeleteRight thought the same thing..why don't they just get to the threat of the Conversation in addition wouldn't it be a conflict of interest to investigate his own Grand Daughter...and now the Court is letting the Chief speak out of line really.....You Chief disrespected yourself and the Nation....
DeleteNot accepting a apology is very disrespectful
DeleteThe chief sitting in the Court room and not listening that is disrespectful to the Executive...omg
DeleteHE is such a crybaby!
DeleteCHIEF: "HURT THAT MY PEOPLE WOULD TREAT A PRINCIPAL CHIEF IN THIS MANNER." Are you our of your mind? WE ARE HURT THAT YOU WOULD INGAGE IN SUCH UNLAWFUL BEHAVIOR TOWARD THE OSAGE PEOPLE TO HURT, SCANDALIZE AND BE DISRESPECTFUL TO US BY USING YOUR OFFICE TO BEHAVE IN THE WAY YOU HAVE THAT HAS BROUGHT ABOUT THIS WHOLE TRIAL. YOU ADMITTED IN SWORN TESTIMONY THAT YOU HAVE BROKEN THE LAW THAT YOU HAVE SWORN AS THE CHIEF TO UPHOLD. What right do you have to throw the color of your office around inappropriately like this and complain about this tribunal being disrespectful to you and the Office of the Chief like you are Hitler and above the law of the Osage Nation? You have used your position to throw your weight around and break our Osage laws. You deserve our contempt not our respect!!!!!!
DeleteThe Chief is going on hear say regarding the stalking, and the Judge should not admit this...
DeleteWas caught peeing for clients? What does that mean? Was she in the bathroom letting clients watch her do this?
DeleteSorry I missed that explain Osageblogger...You don't have to pee for clients it as easy as strapping on a aparatus and keeping the pee to body tempature...and of course useing someone else pee. but how did this report come about?
DeleteI have no idea. Wouldn't such an act be indecent and criminal? Was she being paid by clients to give them her urine to subvert and falsify drug tests being taken at the D&A counseling center? This is hideous. Why hasn't she been placed under arrest pending a criminal investigation?
DeleteI need my smelling salts!
DeleteI guess its not who you know, but what you know.
DeleteStalking is heresay. Agree.
DeleteGalen Crum, OMC member, is now up on the stand giving testimony.
DeleteNow there challenging the law of the Constitution and comparing it to the POUS....OMG! Wasn't this voted by the Constituency as well and was the will of the People?
DeleteThose employees or elected officials who have falsified their work records in any way must also be removed or fired immediately! This includes any and all appointees who have looked the other way. This involves WIC, time sheets and work or education credentials. CLEAN HOUSE ACROSS THE ENTIRE OSAGE NATION.
DeleteIs anybody listening to Galens's an Indian thing...ah the Constistution is vague that we are a Independant Agency?
DeleteJudge Stepson. HA! A do noting jugde if there ever was one
DeleteWere these drug tests at the ON Counseling Center paid for with Federal Funding?
DeleteThey know what an independent agency is. Like everything else they ignore the Const and laws whenever they want to.
DeleteCynthia Boone is now on the stand to give testimony.
DeleteAndrew Yates is now on the stand to testify.
DeleteI disagree. I don't think they have any idea what an independent agency is, just like they don't know what a three part democratic government is all about. They are operational on ignorance of this form of government from sunup to sundown. Even the smartest ones don't have the least idea and you can't tell them anything because they know it all. It's an embarrassment to every Osage around the country.
DeleteHa ha ha. Yates just said on the stand that the Chief threatened his job too! JRE must threaten everyone with their job if they don't do what he wants. Get rid of this arrogant pustule sucking up a fat paycheck from the ON at the behest the Osage people. I've had enough of this guy.
DeleteGalen and Yates should have there facts straight the only one who had her facts was Cynthia and she was clear and concise...Galen now comes across as a Yes Man....Yates at least had the cahonies to say his opinion had changed non the less why hasn't the council followed up with setting up a date for a court date on this matter?....Yes having these accounts does not mean that it would cost more to the Shareholders in the long run it would pay for itself .....but how is the M/C able to branch if these accounts are not under there control. And I do not mean compacting the Estate...It is clear the Chief is abusing his power and should have given the accounts to the M/C as by law and then contest it...
DeleteYES! Implement and execute the law and if you don't agree, take the matter for a determination to the ON Courts. What happened to seeking a court order to perform where executing the law is concerned?
DeleteTrial is adjourned until tomorrow morning.
DeleteIt's an embarrassment to every Osage at home too.
DeleteSo sorry for all you folks back home. If I ran into him I would look the other way. He let his personal opinion get in the way of the oath that he took shame on him.
DeleteLet's add this up. How may people have had their job threatened so far? Officer Herbert and Councilman Yates. Anyone else? I heard from someone in the courtroom who watched as the Chief flipped the bird to a member of Congress. He has also physically threatened at least one member of Congress before the trial during the SCOI phase saying out loud, "I should kick your a~~." This is a pattern with this Chief of bullying and intimidation and inappropriately using the power of his office to be abusive to others. Any other reports?
DeleteWhat this trial should bring home to all of us in a huge way is that we need new blood in the elected offices of the Osage Nation. Again, the Osage Blog is announcing its Election Initiative that we are calling the Osage Surge for Candidates to come forward from outside of Osage County and the State of Oklahoma to run in the upcoming Osage Nation elections for Congress and the Minerals Council; "The Osage Surge" for short. We need boots on the ground, Osage members, to turn around the criminal activities, lax and lenient policies and crapulent spending practices of the Osage Nation government to one that is sensible and reasonable that includes ALL Osages no matter were they reside which was promised to us if we were to support a new Osage Constitutional government. We need to reestablish a proper balance from the top down and the bottom up! Please join this initiative and if you can, run for office in the upcoming Osage Nation elections in 2014. Since they won't, each one of us need to stand up and take responsibility and BE RESPONSIBLE for what our new government does in the future. Now IS the time for all good and honest Osages to come to the aid of their new Constitutional government. Add your voice to this initiative at
DeleteDuring the testimony today, the Chief kept talking about the process they had to go through with Human Resources (HR) for employees that needed to be disciplined. Now it sits in my memory that one of the former employees in HR, Norma Merriman, tried to do exactly that in the case of Macy Mashunkashey and she was reprimanded for attempting to do so by the Chief or one of his minions; I think perhaps it was Deidre Bigheart who I believe told Merriman that Macy was untouchable and not to go any further with her actions to discipline and correct the behavior of the girl. It seems to me that this is the proof that the Chief acted to obstruct this managerial disciplinary procedural path of HR. Therefore, why isn't Norma Merriman on the list of witnesses to testify in the Trial to Remove the Chief? Clearly with her testimony about the obstruction she encountered from the Chief's office where Macy was concerned at the time, this would prove that the only path of justice left to the Osage Nation officials was that of a criminal investigation through the Attorney General's Office. Does anyone know if Norma Merriman has been called in to testify because if she isn't, she should be.
DeleteSmh you're exactly right..sure there are many more people who's job was on the line because of the Chiefs empty threats were taken seriously by the color of Authority....what about the former treasurer?
DeletePlease use the reply button to keep your comments in line with the topic being discussed.
ReplyDeleteRepost your comments under the right thread please.
DeleteRespect? its earned not given. Chief had the respect of the people, but he pissed it away. He's done nothing for the people, he doesn't care for the people. He's so disrespectful to his own people.
DeleteThe Chief talked a lot about how he should be respected because he was Chief. He implied that all he cared about was the Osage people. Take a look at the charges. Most of them are because of his improper use of his authority or Osage money to help his relatives or political hacks that gave him money. He has totally disrespected the Osage people.
DeleteThat wraps it up. Good comment.
DeleteHe also implied and so much said or not...Monkey see Monkey do...He was and is a poor could see through his physad,
DeleteDummkoph! It is verbotem to question the Feuer. You just need to obey. To question is disrespectful.
ReplyDeleteWell gosh... Why didn't you say so?
DeleteSieg Heil! Hail Victory! For the Osage people against the lawlessness of this Chief and all of the ones he mentioned in the trial today who have come before him.
DeleteYou'll find a lot of those a^* kissing saps over on some of those Osage Facebook pages for sure. That bunch will jack boot around the Chief all day long most of them anyway.
DeleteHave you missed any of Day One of the trial? You can hear it again at Scroll to the bottom of the web page to the text:
ReplyDelete11th Special Session
Day One
Audio – Part 1 of 5
Audio – Part 2 of 5
Audio – Part 3 of 5
Audio – Part 4 of 5
Audio – Part 5 of 5
New articles>> and
ReplyDeleteThank you Orbi-Osage....I find we are in a predicament of which is unconfortable to watch a Human Being of the likes of the Chief to be in denial of the Oath he swore to uphold knowing he broke laws admittedly yet still will not hold himseld accoutable for the illegal actions he took up himself...On the flip side of the proverbial coin....there are other factors of which I can see how he is lost in his image of the yesteryears you can't help feel sorry...As my thoughts pander to when he was ellected Chief I could only suspect this would not end well and my suspistions come true.. caught between a rock and a hard place his arrogance would be his down fall.. betrayed by a family member .This all will come to pass in the pages of our History let this be a lesson to learn from...we are human. Let us breath easier today for tomorrow is gone ,today is a different day and now I feel sorry....not for us....our Voice will be heard and the Chiefs will fall on death ears...only to live in the past as we go forward and move swiftly for Justice for the Osage People...Our Journey forever intertiwined with unwanted politics, we shall overcome the wrong let the Voice of the Osage be heard. Long live the Osage Tribe and the 1906 Act....
ReplyDeleteKeeping in mind what Senator Sam J. Ervin Jr. said to his fellow Watergate committee members. "My colleagues on the Committee are determined to uncover all the relevant facts surrounding these matters, and to spare no one, whatever his station in life maybe... The nation and history itself are watching us. We cannot fell our mission."
ReplyDeleteSo right. Thank you.
DeleteDay 2 -- Shannon Locket has just left the stand and testified about the Election Board/Congressional Hearing.
ReplyDeleteLoved her necklace! Nice to see professionally dressed women working for the Nation.
DeleteTerry Hazen of the ON Election Board is now testifying.
DeleteHer testimony was wishy-washy.
DeleteThe Chief is now giving testimony.
DeleteIs the Chief EVER on top of anything where business matters of the Osage Nation are involved?
DeleteThis man has arrogated power from the Judical Branch by arbitrarily declaring laws (ONCA 11-78) of the Osage Nation unconstitutional on the basis of the opinion of an attorney and not an official opinion of the ON Court as to the constitutionality of this law? WOAH! He is totally out of control. He does not even grasp how this governmental system works and he is the head of one of the three Branches of our government! This is outrageous. Did he even pay attention during Civics class and learn anything he was being taught about this form of government?
DeleteYour right he does not grasp the concept of the word yes or no and hiding under the Umbrella of Sovereign immunity is not going to fly and in fact he admitted the Law ONCA 11-78 is in full force....unbelievable now we know who's been running the Executive not him...
DeleteThe Chief is calling Galen Crum a liar...OMG
DeleteOnce the money from the MC drawdown has been transferred to the Osage Nation and to the Minerals Council, it is no longer under the control of the BIA and is then under the auspices of the Osage Nation Minerals Council as it has always been handled in the past. Every Board and Commission of the Osage Nation has its own budget and autonomy to spend its own money but the Minerals Council despite the independence of the Minerals Agency specifically stated in the ON Constitution? If the money from the drawdown is being misused, it is my understanding that the BIA has the right to go back in and check up on things in the C395 account but it doesn't have overt overriding Federal control any longer. Any other account associated with the Minerals Council has no Federal control associated with it at all, like the "Map" account.
DeleteYes, substantially, he is calling Galen a liar and he knows that he has been evading Galen on this issue for months and months. This guy takes the term "criminally evasive" on the witness stand to a new brand new level. The Judge should seriously hop on him for this but she treats him with kid gloves like he's a mildly retarded toddler. He's a man, not a baby, your Honor. He can take it and if he can't then he has no business being the Chief of the Osage Nation. Nixon would have loved this Judge!!!!!!
DeleteBreak for lunch. Court will be back in session at 1:00 p.m., CST.
DeleteI just said the same thing about Nixon funny but not poster AT 10:48 I agree. The Chief once again hung himself.
DeleteI would like to know if these accounts had been abused and clearly he does not want us to see the truth or for that matter as well Congress...just to what extent...? Question in one of those account was noted that there are Headrights of which is royalty income to the Shareholders is that going to the Shareholders...ACCT.S-510 ACCT I believe?
DeleteStill would like to understand better why the AG did not enforce the Law ONCA 11-78.
DeleteEssentially, the major problem here is the difference between the mantle of power between the old form of government and the new. On the stand, clearly JRE has grown into the role of Chief in the same way as Jim Gray did. His understanding is that he is the head of some bastardized form of a Constitutional Monarchy like the Queen of England has in Great Britain. The Osage Constitutional form of government does not call for Chief Red Eagle to invite anyone to form a government in his name. It is a Constitutional Democracy with a three part form of government where power is shared and evenly distributed between three branches of government. To lord it over the Congressional Court yesterday as if we are minions that are expected to scrape and grovel before his throne was entirely inappropriate on his part because he is the head of a government that has no place for a Monarch or any behavior owed to him on that basis on the part of the Osage people. Now, outside of government and its setting in the cultural context, how he chooses to establish his role is another matter but from my point of view he has been elected the Chief of a government not as a monarch in any capacity. He can't take the mantle of the old and wear it because he is then stealing and arrogating power from the Osage people that was given up when the new Constitution was ratified by a vote of the Osage people which transferred that power to us not to him or any other Chief. In short, he can't have it both ways. He has now become THE SERVANT of the people in the context of being the Chief of our Constitutional democracy anything else is disrespectful to the people who have elected him to SERVE them while in office.
DeleteGood Comment agree he want's his cake and ice cream at the same time and it's not going to happen...
DeleteThe ACCT. S-510 is the map account I believe and the Feds have no authority over that account at all. It should belong to the Minerals Council. I have been told that there is no mechanism in place to distribute those funds to the Shareholders at this time.
DeleteNow Walter Hopper is a liar....
DeleteAren't they all where he is concerned.
DeleteWhy is the Judge allowing an election issue into the Court testimony? Under our Constitution, the Congress creates and passes the laws, not the Osage people unless it's a referendum to reject a law or citizens's initiative to add a law which is not the case. What does an election issue have to do with anything? This Judge is way out there on a limb on this one.
DeleteThe principal job of the ON Chief is to execute the law (implement it, get it on its feet up and running and then enforce it) not the AG.
DeleteShannon Shaw Duty of the Osage News is now giving testimony.
DeleteThe Chief's office stonewalling the Osage News right and left for multiple open record requests.
DeleteLinda Teeman threatened Shannon Duty. I wonder how many others employed by the Osage Nation that she has threatened in the past.
DeleteNew article>>
DeleteThis bullying regardless of ones feelings of another shows no respect...I was taught that when you work with others you are there to work regardless of ones feelings to get the job done...Here's an example especially when you are confined as close as you are when you are only inches from each other everything else does not matter...and you walk away knowing the job got done. This person was a Pilot....and did he not like other Pilots for sure...this is where maturity comes the circumstance isn't really that much different..we are all in this together we are Osage....and we have a Job to do for the Constituency not to cover up or hide the truth...nothing is accomplished and creates a image of impropriety. We would not be here if this basic concept was applied. Team work and it is obviously the Chief put himself on a Pedestal and thought he was better and the laws did not apply to him...
DeleteMy next guess is the Chief is going to use as an excuse is his Lawyers missed directed him.
DeleteYeah. On a pedestal. Teeman thinks so too. Now she'll be sorry. Who disciplines her in the Chief's scheme of things?
DeleteShe's handling herself very well. I'm impressed.
DeleteRod Hartness was paid $4,000 above what he should have been paid per the contract agreement per month, time and time again? How illegal is that?
DeleteSo the Osage News gets to be independent by statutory law but the Minerals Agency and Minerals Council doesn't when the OSAGE CONSTITUTION states in plain english that it is? Wait a minute...
DeleteYes it looks to be Teemans choice will be her downfall....she IS very involved in these matters the way it looks from my perspective and I agree Shannon Duty is handling herself as would any Reporter - Editor. We Indians have a memory and we don't forget because that is what we are taught.
DeleteSpeaking of William Kimble did he feel pressured to leave as well?
DeleteShannon Duty exuded great presentation the Defense could go no where with her....
DeleteFormer Congressional Speaker Jerri Jean Branstetter is now giving testimony.
DeleteWho is speaking of Will Kimble? No one that I am aware of.
Delete10 minute recess...waiting for a new witness to arrive in the courtroom.
DeleteThere's something Hanky Panky with Rod Hartness and the mere fact we still do not have accounts and we are recognized by the Constitution voted as independant by our Congress....? So the only thing I can draw from this is when we do get control of said accounts what are we going to discover and how deep the wound...and what to do next is to insure that what ever has transpired with these account does not happen again....I know I'm jumping ahead hear but 2 + 2 does not add up to four...I like to be positive but I have a gut feeling.
DeleteEditor Louise Red Corn of the Bigheart Times is now testifying.
DeleteGo Lulu!
DeleteOne of the richest women in Osage County and she comes to trial looking like she's going jogging or about to do the laundry. She's got great basics. With a bit of effort she could shine up like a new penny.
DeleteTime out! She's a very busy working woman and not a fashion plate. Don't be so critical. She looks fine.
DeleteSo the Chief went to Court on the Nations money to protect a friend? Is that a hoot.
DeleteThe trial has come to an end for the day. It will begin again tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.
DeleteI thought she looked like an Editor and for her age and the blue with a pink undershirt was fitting thouh I will say everyone back home looks to be over weight. Wow.
DeleteTo protect a friend. That's about the long and the short of it.