At the end of the first week of the Trial, what is your reaction to what you have seen or heard? Who do you think is winning the trial? The Chief or the Congress, at this stage of the proceedings?
I'd have to admit after the first three days, a little witch hunting was taking place. Remembering the way things use to be to the membership that regularly vote in a election could be bad not good. But, this is exposure enough to get someone reelected, and it may not be who you want. Drop the Harness, turning out to pasture could be too much to ask after so many been feeding at the stable
I'm not convinced that the Congressional lawyer made the case. He kept asking questions that were long winded and all over the place and never really seemed to pin many if not most of the witnesses that were called to testify. Granted, I have never seen witnesses more evasive or a Judge more lenient but all the same, they would have done better with Trey Gill asking simple questions like he did when he was at bat during the SCOI proceedings. Much of that testimony had to be read into the record. Even Alice Buffalohead had to have Louise Red Corn read part of it to make sure the testimony made it into the record. Her going on about her Master's Degree was a bit puffed up. I'm surprised Shannon Edwards didn't go on about her law degree from Georgetown as she is never to be outdone. Any way, without the SCOI testimony, I think the Congress's case would be dead in the water. That testimony is crucial because the Chief admitted that he broke the law in two of the allegations and the Congress cannot arbitrarily set that legal testimony aside. If only those who worked for the Chief had not gone running to him then this whole thing would likely be a very different situation. Testimony did indicate that he stepped in the way of certain employees being disciplined by superiors and any record of it being kept. Certainly the Norma Merriman testimony a year or more ago blew the lid off of what the Chief has been doing along these lines. If you can't get begin the disciplinary process at the lowest supervisory level in conjunction with HR because you are impeded from doing your job by the Chief then you have a work force who feel that they can do anything they want to and when salaries from Federal grants are given out and ONE THIRD of the work force is stealing time and falsifying time sheets, you open the Tribe up to a major Federal investigation. If Macy's salary falls in that Federal funds category, then we need to clean this matter up as soon as possible. The next move the ON Congress should make is to have a Special Committee hearing to open up all of the HR files to see if any written disciplinary records of employees even exist and to initiate a full scale investigation as to who is stealing time and getting paid for this massive scale time sheet fraud going on in the Osage Nation government. If the Congress does not vote to remove the Chief with the SCOI testimony now a matter of record in the trial, there will certainly be repercussions in the ballot box. What the members of Congress have often done in the past is to play a form of legislative "pass the hot potato" to those who will not be coming up in the closest election cycle who vote down what they don't want to go forward in hopes that the voters won't remember when it's their time to be reelected. They've done it with percap legislation and other legislative measures they don't really want to see pass that will benefit all of the membership. This won't cut it with the voters this time. We will remember and they'll all be out and they should be if they don't make an example of the Chief in order to preserve the integrity of the Osage Nation government as an institution.
The Lawyer did not have to prove his case Chief John Red Eagle did that all by himself...Those that break the law tend to damage the system....and I do not believe a investigation is considered a witch hunt as some witnesses tried to convey...saw right through there physad. What I gained from this is I saw people complacent and imcompetent people to hold the positions that they had...what I saw was a waste of constiuency money. What I saw is a Chief who not hold himself to a higher standard and hold himself accountable to the Constiuency that voted him in....this is not a leader. I do understand that we have become what are ancestors of our past have warned against less we should forget the road our ancestors took for us....sad is the day Tuesday a day I thought I would never see..a choice the Chief made not so easy to make but my words are just what I see and not to far from the Heart is hope Congress makes the right decision to right the wrong and bring Integrity back to our Tribe and build upon what we have learned from yesterday....Peace is long over due...Long live the Osage Tribe and the 1906 Act and we must vote and vote with everyone in mind and not allow big Gov. to get in the way of our Voice. Thank you Osageblogger...for once again allowing us to post our thoughts...
It's so awful. It's just hard to believe that it's happening but it has to be dealt with properly because this is a crux point in the history of our new government. Everything will turn on this Congressional decision, either for the good or to continue in the bad direction it has been going in since the beginning. You are more than welcome.
The Choice is you can only come to one conclusion and my Hope is this was not a dog and pony show by the Congress...we will encourage a re-write of the Constitution....for a New Gov. for the People...the Osage...if they fail to come to the right decision...unbelieveable the Chief spending 100000. for a friends honor is inconceivable..knowing he withheld the Rod Hartness contract illegally...We need laws of which the Executive office can no longer be Judge Jury and Prosecutor. This is why we have boards and division leaders...not that the Chief should not be kept comprised but must allow them to do their Jobs..speaking of Boards, we need to look at the Board of directors for the Osage LLC...look at Carol Leeses contract and do an audit of the financials and trace every time this Corporation has is my belief the front end is not carrying the back end . To the eye it seems crony capitalism is at play...and the Chief had dropped the ball on this one as else can it be me another person getting paid for a poor performance with no oversight from the Board...Get these numbers posted in the Newspaper and who we are investing in...if need be we will supoena the records as well....the Board of Directors are there to take the Company to another level this has not a loss in the turn of ll million dollars...lets see the Osage llc began when? and since we have been a GOV. not much to the eye has developed except excuses it's the economy...then the finding must be put in the News Paper...We own this company and we must insist...a day late is another wasted dollar spent....we must act diligently...Congress wake up....
The Osage LLC tracks back to Jim Gray's administration. Certain "protections" were put it place because the "Harvard Way" is that Indian governments won't have successful business ventures if they meddle in company affairs. I question their research on this sweeping business generalization where Indian Tribes are concerned. In one paper they published, Reloading the Dice: Improving the Chances for Economic Development on American Indian Reservations by Stephen Cornell and Joseph P. Kalt, they were basing their conclusions on self-reported surveys by the head of a number of "Tribal Chairs" of Indian Tribal governments. The Harvard Project is a school of government not business and I would hope that the Harvard Business school would fail anyone who tried to draw blanket business conclusions on the basis of such questionable statistics. Because of this they locked down the Osage LLC legislatively so that the Osage Nation/Member can't get in there and take a look around at the books at will or really find out independently about anything that they are doing with the money that has been given them by the Osage Nation. The LLC Board is supposed to be handling those protections for the Osage Nation but they have a Harvard Project man actually seated on the LLC Board who is a Harvard Research Affiliate who writes white papers for the Harvard Project so you can image how effective his protection is and how powerful his influence is on the LLC Board. In what appeared to me to be a very defensive manner toward two members of the ON Congress, during one of the allowed yearly meetings that was held with the ON Congress and the Osage LLC Board, this man, Jonathan B. Taylor, had the unbelievable effrontery to ask the members to fund the Osage LLC yearly with a $3-5 million yearly cash infusion or a one time payment of $20 million! All the while, they had been (and still are) losing vast sums of the money right and left that they have been given by the the Congress as seed money and subsequent capital investments. I watched this meeting and presentation because, like the trial, they streamed the video of it live on the internet. The original idea was that the Osage LLC would return a dividend yearly in six years after the thing had a chance to get on its feet. From my point of view, it's never been anything but a slush fund for a few white guys to be paid grotesquely hugh salaries with perks and benefits that gives the Osage people's money to small businesses in passive investments or that cash investment scheme, where they are actually giving out business loans to small companies somehow that always seem to have someone connected to them that has gone to Harvard or have other Harvard investors. I don't believe that it started out as a scam but it has certainly turned into one over the past several years especially. How much, if any, over the years that we have given to the Harvard Project alone I have no idea but it was paid and involved with the writing of the ON Constitution and the OGRC. If we still are, we shouldn't be because Harvard is by far the richest Ivy League University with a $32 BILLION endowment fund. See and the bottom of page 32.
Randy, I received an e-mail copy of your comment. It was a valid one. Don't back away from it. We have to have more than just one point of view put forward on the Osage Blog.
The key question is. not so much as the generalization to that meaning but sounds more like a theory and theory is not generalization but a collection of facts and in theory this is our funds and in theory they are beholding ,to the Nation which is the Tribe of Osage People. Who is Harvard..Harvard is not Indian, Harvard is an institution...not an institution of open funds to our pocket books with a running spigot...And Obviously we know that they did not hold up their end of the Contract null and void where is the return? and lets hit I've said in the past we are privy to see those funds and what they are vesting in. it is our Money and we have a right to know...This is so not to allow for any improprieties that may be going on...ah let me see we might just need to get an Oversight Committee to help the board make better decisions. People who are isolated to what is going on and know one knows anybody..with this New oversight committee. I really don't know what to think or even guess to what is going on until some of us get to looking at what has been going on and I suspect there could be a scam but this has gone on too long....and we the People are to say the least. not happy with what has been going on... hypothetically we could to go to the courts to prove otherwise the facts speak for themselves contractually and the mere fact they have been operating somewhat in the dark but more evident is and bottom line this is our Money...we shall see but if there is nothing else but to have a constitutional convention.
Harvard was originally chartered in 1650. It pledged the University to “the education of English and Indian youth." If I have it correctly, the English have been gone for sometime now and I think it's safe to say, in view of its original mission, that things have gotten a bit out of hand...
A man’s life hangs in the balance, knowing that his accusers are the jury. He is Osage. He thinks Osage, acts Osage, lives Osage. He does not know anything else. His accusers were sworn to uphold the same constitution that he has been sworn to but there appears to be a double standard. Part of the preamble of the constitution states: Having resolved to live in harmony, we now come together so that we may once more unite as a Nation and as a People, calling upon the fundamental values that we hold sacred: Justice, Fairness, Compassion, Respect for and Protection of Child, Elder, All Fellow Beings, and Self.
And whose behavior has broken the laws of our new government that has destroyed this harmony? We can't live in fly by the seat of our pants environment nor can we respect anyone who chooses and I emphasize the word chooses to violate our laws and rule without regard to the laws of the Osage Nation. It won't work that way. We must have a government that ENFORCES its laws and put away from us those who choose not to do so. There is no other viable option.
If the Osage from Osage thinks that we can survive with a leader who disregards the rule of law he's fooling himself. Leaving a man in office who has admitted that he has broken the laws we have will be nothing other than leaving him in place to preside over complete chaos. Even if the Chief blows the lid off of everything that has been going on around here, at least we can find out how deep the corruption is and for how long it's been going on. I hope he does. There is no way that the Osage Nation government could possibly have gone through and make disappear a quarter to a half a billion dollars in the last seven years without something very wrong going on in more than one place and on more than one level. The accusers are the jury in the same manner as the U.S. Congress is in charge of impeaching the President. The Osage Constitution calls for this to be case and it's the only way a removal process can be handled under our new system of law. If thinking, acting and living Osage means that he believes that he has the right to rule lawlessly then he needs to find another venue in with which to be an elected official other than a democratic form of government that incorporates the rule of law. If he lacks the sophistication to abide by the law as the head of the Executive Branch then he must either step down or be brought down. He has had a copy of the Osage Constitution and has been there in some capacity for every single law that has passed since the Osage Nation has been formed as a government. He has no excuse. If his being Osage somehow means that he's not up to the job then he has to move on. The position of Principal Chief of the Osage Nation is too important to have someone occupying it who cannot master this job.
By the way, I believe our own Amanda Proctor had something to do with establishing the Harvard PowWow back in 1997/1998. See and Amanda's mother was the Head Woman Dancer at the 4th Annual Harvard Powwow:
To review all of the Removal Trial comments on the Osage Blog see:
I am interested to know more from the person who make this comment: "The Campus Plan was really about status and if you follow the money trail then you will understand this was all political status and has nothing to do with the enhancement of the economy." Could you expound? Thank you.
no witnesses that heard what he heard. three witnesses that heard what the Chief said. Brian relayed to Jeff in the parking lot his version of what the Chief supposedly said. I repeat "Brian is a verified, known liar and braggart". Truth is not know by him. I promise that to you.
Peyton Manning Quarterback calling the snap count today for the winning Denver Broncos, down set, and what was the hike word? You're right a Indian word, Omaha, Omaha,. It could have has been Osage, Osage, or Kaw, Kaw, Ponca, Ponca or Quapaw, Quapaw which were all a group of the Dakota family. Omaha means "those going against the wind or current. A little the late Paul Harvey like insight. Osage means up the river without a what?
Sports, Tribes and Politics should be enough to cover on the web, but add in keeping a eye out on that New Yorker who's writing a book that includes the Osage murders and the start up FBI. On Tweeter Jan 13 this author says procrastinating, new target date for book end of 15. I've tweeted back " Please step it up a bit, for time is running out for some of us. The AWL told of his David Grann office floor being covered with research material , believe was started three or four years ago. Guess Matthew and even Burns took years on their books.
The jury or members of Congress and the witnesses were to be sequestered until the Judge let Rod Hartness testify who had been watching testimony in the Courtroom on various occasions while the trial was ongoing. He seemed to be a surprise witness to the jury and not on their list. I don't know how strident she expects these rules to be or apply to the jury or the witnesses when she allowed such a stunning breach during the proceedings on Friday.
Objections from the Congress should have been flying all over the room but I don't recall that I heard even one speak up to say Objection. That's odd, isn't it?
Here we go again with a new witness nobody knows about-this Ida Doyle gal and the Judge allows it! I don't know why and how she can do this and expect everyone to tow the line as to sequestration.
A particular member of Congress was posting to FB after being sworn in right where the trial was being discussed online. I don't think they even pay attention to what the judge has to say to them. Why should they? She's all over the place.
Don't be flippant. Someone ought to weep over all this. It's a travesty that the Chief has done these things, admitted to them in testimony and here we are in this royal mess today!!!!! He should have resigned after the SCOI hearing.
Yes he should have resigned but he didn't and should be walking around with his tail between his legs as sure as his pinnochio nose knows no boundries.
And BIA oversight over the MC bank accounts and any problem with turning over the accounts to the MC. No good reason not to turn them over as to ONCA 11-78 but requiring a separate annual audit. (Costly)
Why does the Chief covet these accounts? If nothing else why has he refused other than he does not want to relinquish his authority? Is there something more other than ego?
Ida is the ON Director of Education. Fed law and Fed monies as to PL 102477 Program and work force program to co-mingle funds. To use these funds for the pipeline project to get Osages employee training, education and employment.
One guess when you join the Pipeline you travel....albeit the per diems you get when you travel but depending on the travel you always end up spending more on other necessities..and some do not like starting at the bottom of the barrel as a laborer....was the number inflated to look better?
The defense rests? No rebuttal evidence from the Nation. The Judge orders that the attorneys have one hour and fifteen minutes to prepare their closing arguments and she has adjourned until then. This will be at approximately 2:15 p.m. CST.
Thanks Orbi-Osage, just read the article still find the Contract hokey pokey with no details as to minnutes performed. No detail and we do not know how the Nation has benefited.... we know their was a lot of man hours spent on this in the Education Dept and HR Dept. and to give preferential treatment to a friend in more than one way, as one, he did not give One's an opportunity to negotiate properly to be sure these extra expenses would be included and since these numbers are inflated that means 36000 was his services capped then the 100 people give or take he got for each individual would be 360 dollars and if Enbridge was coming here anyway how has the Nation brought in 3.4 million that is a lie unless we see numbers from the Chamber of Commerce right? So maybe the Chief is so unqualified for this position and he could have prevented this by living the Oath that he took for the Constituency...So then the appearance of impropriety exists....we don't know the Chief did not get paid on the sly...and we do know from testimony the Chief may have not meant to cause harm by his threats but ignorance is not an excuse either...lastly rather bowing out Gracefully by his family's name now has tarnished his Name...his Arrogance was his downfall...You heard him it is only enough that I am Chief and that's all that matters that all respect to that name is all it takes...respect is earned Chief and you were no leader and this will go down in the books of History Justice comes to the Osage...
Can't wait to hear the closing Arguments from the Defence's point of my Opinion Congress has made up their decision way before this hearing. 12-0 vote to go ahead with the removal process is telling...lastly the Chief hung himself all over the place he put the nail in the coffin...sad. Next it's too bad we could not locate Paul Allen in time of the Trial...tells me what a man he is not...not to take a stand and tell the truth in front of his peers or at least contradict the Nations side or defend his Great Friend the Chief for that matter is a chicken little piece of a man...with no bone to stand on....Justice for the Osage People and not a day late...There is nothing set in stone that we cannot carve out as long as United the Osage People for the Osage People and not big Gov. Hear our Voice loud and clear long live the Osage Tribe and the 1906 ACT.
A Percap long over due....lets see who puts that out there come ellection time...this will be telling also..we are tired of the Excuses coming from them on the Hill...Justice for the Osage fro all not just the Gov. People....
Just think if Shannon Edwarfs had benn able to get most of those chargers dismisedd but one. Whew!!!!!!!! Glad she got beat up behide the backdropp ofer that.
Yes. Excuses up and down and oh how hard they have to work. Whine, whine, whine... They all would be a lot less corpulent if they had to work 90 hour weeks like in LA or Chicago or NY and the Nation didn't pay for their candy, cookies and soft drinks. I wonder what the dollar value is in total over the years on that crap they gorge themselves on every day at the office.
Great Closing arguments.. you can't argue stupidity. No fight there. Lets hear the Defense side beat this one duh slam dunk the proof of the burden laid out in black and cannot argue with reason and the truth was revealed.
Criminal charges trump civil charges everywhere but the work environment of the Osage Nation? Since when? No rabbit out of a hat on that one there buddy.
The Chief wouldn't waive sovereign immunity so that the Mineral Council could move forward to sue the Chief to get their accounts back under their independent agency you dope. This was established during the trial. Were you asleep?
Excuses for what he did and why won't cut it. He admitted he broke the law when he didn't release the Hartness contract under an open records request in a timely manner.
That's right what court did he expect to take up this issue poster at 1:56. If I remember correctly...under the so used term sovereign immunity is used like a wet rag is not for the basis to hide under that color of not be held accountable but on the contrair to the complete opposite should happen under the name of Sovereign. The Supreme Authority to rule in favor of the Constituency by the Oath he took. To honor your do what is right and right the wrong...not take your own side and hide...unbelievable..
You put the Nation at risk by YOUR behavior. You gave preference to pay back political favors and stop justice from going forward with your own relative. You are neither sorry or apologetic for what you have done to the Osage Nation and every member of it.
Not truthful and honest. Obstructionist. Not humble. $500,000 spent. Unapologetic. Reckless with Nation funds to give to an old man who was part of his election committee. Political favor pay back to Paul Allen with our money for doing nothing. Rise to the level of impeachable conduct? Absolutely. Do your job to remove the Chief and vote guilty!
Question on disqualification? What is all this about? The Judge has adjourned until 9:00 a.m., CST. tomorrow for the vote by the Congress to remove the Chief.
The Chief has a hard decision to make overnight and I think he has a duty and would do us all a service if he would resign at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.
My question is there something I'm missing with Paul Allen...was he being paid off for political reasons and that begs to be researched. And now raises the answer how did the Chief really get elected?
Chief we are asking you to resign do it for your people and do what is right once and for all...this is your last out...don't stress anymore..go home and enjoy the rest of your life...let his family that is near and dear persuade you otherwise...
to Poster @ 2:37 I get that even back then I suspected as much in 2010. He finagled the count....knew no one would be less to suspect or count you think the Chief was smart enough to go this far...someone had to do his forward thinking for him lol.
You're welcome. Thank you to all who have commented on the Trial in the last week. Great comments and reactions here on the Osage Blog. Please keep them coming!
Overall you have my comments already on this subject can't elaborate more on...still one last word not surprised. If the diligence were applied correctly meaning Congress has some accountablity as well we wouldn't be in this predicament...thier is copability on their part..we need better legislation to support the Consitution as to define or redefine the Chiefs position..he is a liason to the Constiuency. Not a dictator...The Chief is not in the positon of Judge , Jury and Prosecutor...
It should have been that RAB Jim Gray. He set the tone and took the lead for every bit of what's happening today. This govt would have had a chance of a decent foundation if he hadn't been the first Chief of the Osage Nation.
The Chief asked to speak for 10 minutes after the closing arguments. It was a sad performance as he displayed arrogance and defiance toward the nation and the laws of the nation. Some people had expected him to at least pretend to be humble. It was clear from his statement that if he is left in office he will continue his disregard for the rule of law. He lied about being a full blood Osage, most people know that he is descended from the Pryors who are not even Indian. Then he went on to say that no other Osage Chief has been removed from office, another lie that most people will recognize. Boy, this guy is a sad piece of work.
Jim Gray played favorites and promoted his friends and family. Louis was forever threatening people with "i will tell my brother". Cindy Williard and her crew got away with millions under the two terms of Gray until the FEDs stepped in and stopped her. Same thing with the Director of Counseling Ctr. She outfitted her whole house and her boyfriends. Oh yeah he was so strong and fair,.
So many women want Margo for Chief, but worry about how Jim ran things and wonder if she will be like him and let Louis bully people and harass women on the hill. Will she give her son a directorship? OMG
To Osage Blogger: Maybe that is why Chief fought so hard for Alexis to keep her job. The votes were put in shoe box and taken by her to the the election board office. HMMM???? People on the hill have always thought she is incompetent. What is her education? What is her training?
Actually, my impression of her is that she tries to do a good job and what's right as the Election Supervisor of the Osage Nation. I have met her and find her to be a nice and hard working girl.
During the campaign Paul Allen hacked into several candidates web sites and crashed them. I know this for a fact. We had to pay someone to find out what happened to our web site. Then we paid extra to find out who did this to us and the firm traced it to Paul Allen. We found this out the day of the election while all candidates were feeding everyone. We were sad and then an ON Congress person approached us and asked if it was true our site was hacked and we said yes and he said his was also hacked as well as a friend who maintained a controversial blog. They also traced it to Paul Allen. The Congress person said what are you going to do about it. We said what can we do? What are you and your friend going to do? This person said "build a better fire wall". We did not pursue it since Chief won. We figured it would seem like sour grapes all the way around and let it go. So it is good to see maybe... Paul Allen will get his pay back if only in shingles.
Thats what I thought Rencountre lied. Because their once again no matter of record to chase as to passing wind...wisdom comes with age and Recountre will better align herself remember you were young and sure she was reserved and that bothered me some what and I'll tell you why she didn't want to be there and say something that others would remember to and she still works for the Nation. And sure to wanting to go higher up to another level in her employment. Paul Allen needs to pay back funds for no work performed..and no record to prove is guilty guilty of fraud.and like I said he moved with his hard drive because he knows we would seize computer....if said allegations are true. Though I missed for whatever reason the Chiefs cry me a river story I did get a little in and came to that conclusion. Paul Allen is a scammer...
Alexis was trying to save her job. "let's stop saying reprimand". Does the employee who does a poor job get to say that or does the employee who knows the Chief will protect hr job get to say that? Her crunching that ice in the microphone was painful to hear almost as much as her untruths.
Quote on 1-20 at 4;43pm : " He went on to say that no other Osage Chief has been removed from Office,another lie that most people will recognize." You're not counting the dismissal of Chief BaconRind are you? That fiasco was orchestrated by the old East coast Standard Oil Company. Believe it even wiped out the others tribal officers, you can find more under the Uncle Sam Oil Company about a blanket lease .
Holy smoke! "...many Indian country and federal officials are questioning whether an Office of the Special Trustee is really necessary, and legislation has recently been introduced that would get rid of it. Will the office still be there by the time Logan is confirmed?" Read more at
Day 8 and the final morning of the 11th Congressional Session - We are anticipating a vote of the ON Congress either for or against the Removal of Chief John D. Red Eagle. The deliberations are to begin at 9:00 a.m., CST.
The camera is on and we are awaiting the arrival of Judge Logan and the members of the Osage Nation Congress. This is a historic day for all Osages everywhere.
This goes out to the Congress Members who sat during this procedure good luck...may the outcome be for the Constituency...and not in vain. Remember those that tend to break the law disrupts the system....this is a open and shut case as I see it knowing the Chief admitted to breaking the Law and all it would take is for one of these allegations to stand for removal why would a Lawyer take on a defense when the Chief had no defense to stand on?
Wow I didn't see the Chief...Chief Resign. save face. this is your the Nation and the Constituency Money...500.000 dollars to help a friend or friends is pure waste...
I think that they are going to let the Chief off!???! Despite admitting to having broken the law?!!!? I hope they enjoy their salaries for the present because they are outta there when the election time comes. The sword hangs over the back of their necks if they let him go when he has admitted to breaking the law.
By a vote of the ON Congress the Chief is disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust or profit. By a vote of the Congress, Assistant Chief Bighorse will be sworn in as Chief of the Osage Nation. Recess for 10 minutes to get the materials to swear in the new Chief.
The vote to remove the Chief: Article 1- 11 Guilty, 1 Not guilty. Article 2- 11 Guilty, 1 Not guilty. Article 3- 10 Guilty, 2 Not guilty. Article 4- 12 Not guilty. Article 5- 12 Guilty. Article 6- 12 Guilty. The vote to disqualify John D. Red Eagle from holding any office of honor, trust or profit: 11 Yes, 1 Abstain.
It is sad the Chief could not see his mistakes and hold himself the end it's the Osage People that matter not the adivise of a lawyer who got it wrong and advised the Chief to do wrong..knowing the law was broken that is sad, that is sad he wasted 500000 dollars a half a million to pay his lawyers to get the wrong adivice all because he wanted to support his friends well look what his friends have done for him but put him in this predicament and shame ,shame on Macy....sad. She can have a Child and what kind of Mother is she going to be by setting the example it's ok to lie and steal.....shame on her...
This was a very difficult job and the Osage Nation Congress is to be commended for having the courage and fortitude to do the right thing by the rule of law and by the Osage people who look to them to provide us with good government.
The Congress did the right thing; every single one of them. They gave Chief Red Eagle way more wiggle room than he deserved. And, they took this seriously, unlike Redeagle when he went after Osage Nation employees and constituents for his own personal gain. He swore in court that he always adhered to the proper policies and procedures when it came to employee reprimand. I know first hand that he lied about that. I just wish Congress could fire Redeagle's whole executive office. They are all poisonous to the tribe. Especially that Deidre Bigheart lady. I almost think she is alot of the reason Chief Redeagle got himself in this situation. Oh yeah, and that Linda Teeman has been a big player in this house of lies as well. The Chief may be removed but his hosts are still there.
Lets just hope Bighorse takes note and cleans house, especially Deidre Bigheart and Linda Teeman! Also would someone list who voted "Not guilty" on the counts? Also If the report was correct I am surprised at the abstaining vote by Standing Bear....what could be his reasoning ?
Don't get it twisted. John Redeagle did the kicking. He kicked Osages right in the teeth. Just because he denies it doesn't mean it isn't true. He is a liar and a fraud. He proved that on the stand when he lied numerous times about his blood quantum. It is a proven fact that he is NOT a full blood Osage. If anyone has it twisted it is John Redeagle, not our Congress.
Blondes will inherit,blood has no merit, watched,read they quoted the dead,listen for the dove cold still on the move,for we'll all be dismiss in the sweet oil buy and buy.
Chief Redeagle is a proven liar and is being punished for his unethical behavior. For this, I have renewed faith in my tribal government. Attention Chief Bighorse} Get that Redeagle executive staff out of there. Do the RIGHT thing so we can all heal and trust that your leadership will be done in a morally ethical way. The only way you will gain respect is to cut out the cancer that is killing our tribe, it's employees and it's people.
All Congress members voted to remove with the exception of Standingbear who abstained.They all voted guilty or not guilty on each allegation. They had to have at least 10 votes on each allegation for the court to find Redeagle guilt of a particular allegation. They also had to have at least 10 to vote for removal in the end. The only item they found him not guilty on is #4 (which I believe was the election board accusation).
I believe, that as a candidate for Chief in the up coming election, Standing Bear was morally correct in his vote to abstain on the last item. That was the correct thing to do so no one could say he voted to bar Redeagle from running against him.
SO....Now what? If Paul Allen admitted to doing no work for the $73,000 the nation paid him, who stands good for the money...Redeagle or will Congress go after Paul or just let it slide? If Johnny paid Paul for no work done then how do we know the bill to defend Johnny ( which we paid) is correct and Johnny didn't pocket some of it?? I'm sorry, but if he bulked the Osage people once it makes one wonder if it hasn't happened again.
Get over it, it's done! You ignorant people got what you wanted, ChIEF Red Eagle is gone. But 73, 000. Is NOTHING compared to the losses of LLC! You fools, worry bou that now and give your praise to ole blondie-Shannon, see how much more she can allow to give away and sell us down that ever lovin' HILL!!! Or how many more raises do they need (ONCongress) to disagree between themselves& for what$$$$THEIVES & EMBEZZLERS!!! ARE YOU ALL HAPPY & PLEASED WITH YOURSELVES. Get the whole picture before you accuse just ONE!!!!!
Whether u are a blonde haired, brown haired, red haired Osage you are still Osage. Long are the days where that kind of comment resonates. The Osage tribe doesn't exclude it's members due to what they look like and many Osages in the tribe agree with that stance. TEAM SHANNON EDWARDS! I voted for Shannon Edwards and she did her job. She fought for justice. I will definitely be voting for her again.
It was mentioned earlier on today's comments that Shannon Edwards gave a good speech as did Congressman Supernaw. I would like to hear them if someone can tell us how. Thanks
Go to Scroll down the page until you find the text: Day 8-January 21, 2014, 9:00 a.m. Agenda (Click on the) Audio Part 1 of 2 or Audio Part 2 of 2
How dare they try to speak; the got what they set out to do!!! They are nothing but EVil forked tongued SNAKES and pheshe part-breed whites! LIARS LIARS LIARS LIARS
It's obvious you and others did not watch the trial online before you spewed your hatred and lies. At least come up with facts in your rants. And, if you are that upset then run for office. Shannon Edwards is brutally honest and that is the reason my family and friends keep voting for her. She gets the job done and keeps our government honest. Chief Redeagle was called on the carpet and showed his true colors to us all. I voted for him and wanted him to flourish but that didn't happen people! Did you see where he has been untruthful about his Osage blood quantum? He is not a full blood Osage. What a terrible lie.
You guys wanna listen to white people about how they know the real Osage ways I doubt that very seriously because you guys are calling john redeagle a thief when they are stealing right in front of you giving themselves raises and more, and another thing nobody tried to do any of this when are other chiefs stole from our tribe and had all there family members in high paying jobs.
So, so true! At least someone is speaking and telling the truth! It all started n thr Jim Gray admn. Face it, all the $$$ amts you want to put red eagle down is NOTHING to what he & his family embezzled, as it's referred to now!
Oh, now it is Chief Gray ' s fault that Chief Redeagle is a lier and breaks Indian law. Poor chief Redeagle who, by the way, lies about how much Osage he really is all a while thinks he is above most all other Osages that are not full blood like him. NEWS FLASH CHIEF REDEAGLE 》》》YOU ARE NOT A FULL-BLOOD OSAGE EITHER!! What a leader he was. What a lierface. Chief Gray never lied about how much Osage he was and I am not even a big supporter of him. These are facts.
A petition need to be started for per cap.this should show the nation,This is the will of the people and get it done or it may never's time for all Osage's to come out and stand up for what we want,
Chief Bighorse I agree I brought that up earlier as well his staff can not be trusted...Chief bring in your own staff...get rid of the ugly that has happened in that office...And Chief Congratulations....lets get some work done Chief....Please make it illegal to petitions for raises should be based on performance not because the area is depressed....This is fair...that way the Employees who do a great job will be recognized...Chief it is time to recognized that the Citizens of the Tribe the Osage, are now waiting for a Genuine Chief who will recognize we do not want big Gov. to Get in the way of PER-CAP....however small, now is the time.....And get out to all Osages during the Holidays a Turkey Voucher...Now we know that if 500.000 DOLLARS that we do know about, that was spent on the ill part of the former Chief based on lies going to his Attorney's and even his Attorney's knew this was a shot in the Dark.. if he even had a chance to win this case still took his money...It was so obvious from the start that 12 members of Congress already had made their mind up before we went through this process of removal...It wasn't so much the Chief was living in the Past as so much he lived in a Fantasy turned to a figmant of the Chiefs imagination that he thought he would get away with his lies, .. what a waste. Now gong down in the History Books as the Laughing Hiena of the Tribe.. we know now That 12000 Osages are ready for their share. it is our Money not the's not only right but it is fair...We are tired of the MILLIONS going to the do nothing Osage LLC in the tune of Millions. The Osage People want a spent on Utilities is better served the People or a Small car payment or someones child going to college better spent than throwing money in the toilet hoping it will come out smelling like Roses...This would be your Legacy....Let it speak loud and clear...for itself....and Please look at the Contracts get from Kelly Catcher a Audit of the Osage LLC...and get with the Board members and tell them how we feel about them because ultimately they are not doing their Job but just getting a Pay Check...and go forward with forward thinking for the Osage People.....Long live the Osage Tribe and now we have a New Chief that was a part of the Chief RedEagle staff as well we will give you the respect you deserve don't let us down...bring integrity and hope to the Osage once again...
Wheel of Fortune>>>>>>>>>>Last month his kids get thrown in jail for getting caught over at his house for a domestic and drugs and who knows what all else. This month he's Chief of the Osage Tribe. Hail Chief! The sick Osage saga continues.............
At the end of the first week of the Trial, what is your reaction to what you have seen or heard? Who do you think is winning the trial? The Chief or the Congress, at this stage of the proceedings?
ReplyDeleteI'd have to admit after the first three days, a little witch hunting was taking place. Remembering the way things use to be to the membership that regularly vote in a election could be bad not good. But, this is exposure enough to get someone reelected, and it may not be who you want. Drop the Harness, turning out to pasture could be too much to ask after so many been feeding at the stable
DeleteI'm not convinced that the Congressional lawyer made the case. He kept asking questions that were long winded and all over the place and never really seemed to pin many if not most of the witnesses that were called to testify. Granted, I have never seen witnesses more evasive or a Judge more lenient but all the same, they would have done better with Trey Gill asking simple questions like he did when he was at bat during the SCOI proceedings. Much of that testimony had to be read into the record. Even Alice Buffalohead had to have Louise Red Corn read part of it to make sure the testimony made it into the record. Her going on about her Master's Degree was a bit puffed up. I'm surprised Shannon Edwards didn't go on about her law degree from Georgetown as she is never to be outdone. Any way, without the SCOI testimony, I think the Congress's case would be dead in the water. That testimony is crucial because the Chief admitted that he broke the law in two of the allegations and the Congress cannot arbitrarily set that legal testimony aside. If only those who worked for the Chief had not gone running to him then this whole thing would likely be a very different situation. Testimony did indicate that he stepped in the way of certain employees being disciplined by superiors and any record of it being kept. Certainly the Norma Merriman testimony a year or more ago blew the lid off of what the Chief has been doing along these lines. If you can't get begin the disciplinary process at the lowest supervisory level in conjunction with HR because you are impeded from doing your job by the Chief then you have a work force who feel that they can do anything they want to and when salaries from Federal grants are given out and ONE THIRD of the work force is stealing time and falsifying time sheets, you open the Tribe up to a major Federal investigation. If Macy's salary falls in that Federal funds category, then we need to clean this matter up as soon as possible. The next move the ON Congress should make is to have a Special Committee hearing to open up all of the HR files to see if any written disciplinary records of employees even exist and to initiate a full scale investigation as to who is stealing time and getting paid for this massive scale time sheet fraud going on in the Osage Nation government. If the Congress does not vote to remove the Chief with the SCOI testimony now a matter of record in the trial, there will certainly be repercussions in the ballot box. What the members of Congress have often done in the past is to play a form of legislative "pass the hot potato" to those who will not be coming up in the closest election cycle who vote down what they don't want to go forward in hopes that the voters won't remember when it's their time to be reelected. They've done it with percap legislation and other legislative measures they don't really want to see pass that will benefit all of the membership. This won't cut it with the voters this time. We will remember and they'll all be out and they should be if they don't make an example of the Chief in order to preserve the integrity of the Osage Nation government as an institution.
DeleteThe Lawyer did not have to prove his case Chief John Red Eagle did that all by himself...Those that break the law tend to damage the system....and I do not believe a investigation is considered a witch hunt as some witnesses tried to convey...saw right through there physad. What I gained from this is I saw people complacent and imcompetent people to hold the positions that they had...what I saw was a waste of constiuency money. What I saw is a Chief who not hold himself to a higher standard and hold himself accountable to the Constiuency that voted him in....this is not a leader. I do understand that we have become what are ancestors of our past have warned against less we should forget the road our ancestors took for us....sad is the day Tuesday a day I thought I would never see..a choice the Chief made not so easy to make but my words are just what I see and not to far from the Heart is hope Congress makes the right decision to right the wrong and bring Integrity back to our Tribe and build upon what we have learned from yesterday....Peace is long over due...Long live the Osage Tribe and the 1906 Act and we must vote and vote with everyone in mind and not allow big Gov. to get in the way of our Voice. Thank you Osageblogger...for once again allowing us to post our thoughts...
DeleteIt's so awful. It's just hard to believe that it's happening but it has to be dealt with properly because this is a crux point in the history of our new government. Everything will turn on this Congressional decision, either for the good or to continue in the bad direction it has been going in since the beginning. You are more than welcome.
DeleteThe Choice is you can only come to one conclusion and my Hope is this was not a dog and pony show by the Congress...we will encourage a re-write of the Constitution....for a New Gov. for the People...the Osage...if they fail to come to the right decision...unbelieveable the Chief spending 100000. for a friends honor is inconceivable..knowing he withheld the Rod Hartness contract illegally...We need laws of which the Executive office can no longer be Judge Jury and Prosecutor. This is why we have boards and division leaders...not that the Chief should not be kept comprised but must allow them to do their Jobs..speaking of Boards, we need to look at the Board of directors for the Osage LLC...look at Carol Leeses contract and do an audit of the financials and trace every time this Corporation has is my belief the front end is not carrying the back end . To the eye it seems crony capitalism is at play...and the Chief had dropped the ball on this one as else can it be me another person getting paid for a poor performance with no oversight from the Board...Get these numbers posted in the Newspaper and who we are investing in...if need be we will supoena the records as well....the Board of Directors are there to take the Company to another level this has not a loss in the turn of ll million dollars...lets see the Osage llc began when? and since we have been a GOV. not much to the eye has developed except excuses it's the economy...then the finding must be put in the News Paper...We own this company and we must insist...a day late is another wasted dollar spent....we must act diligently...Congress wake up....
DeleteThe Osage LLC tracks back to Jim Gray's administration. Certain "protections" were put it place because the "Harvard Way" is that Indian governments won't have successful business ventures if they meddle in company affairs. I question their research on this sweeping business generalization where Indian Tribes are concerned. In one paper they published, Reloading the Dice: Improving the Chances for Economic Development on American Indian Reservations by Stephen Cornell and Joseph P. Kalt, they were basing their conclusions on self-reported surveys by the head of a number of "Tribal Chairs" of Indian Tribal governments. The Harvard Project is a school of government not business and I would hope that the Harvard Business school would fail anyone who tried to draw blanket business conclusions on the basis of such questionable statistics. Because of this they locked down the Osage LLC legislatively so that the Osage Nation/Member can't get in there and take a look around at the books at will or really find out independently about anything that they are doing with the money that has been given them by the Osage Nation. The LLC Board is supposed to be handling those protections for the Osage Nation but they have a Harvard Project man actually seated on the LLC Board who is a Harvard Research Affiliate who writes white papers for the Harvard Project so you can image how effective his protection is and how powerful his influence is on the LLC Board. In what appeared to me to be a very defensive manner toward two members of the ON Congress, during one of the allowed yearly meetings that was held with the ON Congress and the Osage LLC Board, this man, Jonathan B. Taylor, had the unbelievable effrontery to ask the members to fund the Osage LLC yearly with a $3-5 million yearly cash infusion or a one time payment of $20 million! All the while, they had been (and still are) losing vast sums of the money right and left that they have been given by the the Congress as seed money and subsequent capital investments. I watched this meeting and presentation because, like the trial, they streamed the video of it live on the internet. The original idea was that the Osage LLC would return a dividend yearly in six years after the thing had a chance to get on its feet. From my point of view, it's never been anything but a slush fund for a few white guys to be paid grotesquely hugh salaries with perks and benefits that gives the Osage people's money to small businesses in passive investments or that cash investment scheme, where they are actually giving out business loans to small companies somehow that always seem to have someone connected to them that has gone to Harvard or have other Harvard investors. I don't believe that it started out as a scam but it has certainly turned into one over the past several years especially. How much, if any, over the years that we have given to the Harvard Project alone I have no idea but it was paid and involved with the writing of the ON Constitution and the OGRC. If we still are, we shouldn't be because Harvard is by far the richest Ivy League University with a $32 BILLION endowment fund. See and the bottom of page 32.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThe dice are loaded on this deal an were on the wrong end of it. How much are we down now? $11-12 million?
DeleteRandy, I received an e-mail copy of your comment. It was a valid one. Don't back away from it. We have to have more than just one point of view put forward on the Osage Blog.
DeleteThe key question is. not so much as the generalization to that meaning but sounds more like a theory and theory is not generalization but a collection of facts and in theory this is our funds and in theory they are beholding ,to the Nation which is the Tribe of Osage People. Who is Harvard..Harvard is not Indian, Harvard is an institution...not an institution of open funds to our pocket books with a running spigot...And Obviously we know that they did not hold up their end of the Contract null and void where is the return? and lets hit I've said in the past we are privy to see those funds and what they are vesting in. it is our Money and we have a right to know...This is so not to allow for any improprieties that may be going on...ah let me see we might just need to get an Oversight Committee to help the board make better decisions. People who are isolated to what is going on and know one knows anybody..with this New oversight committee. I really don't know what to think or even guess to what is going on until some of us get to looking at what has been going on and I suspect there could be a scam but this has gone on too long....and we the People are to say the least. not happy with what has been going on... hypothetically we could to go to the courts to prove otherwise the facts speak for themselves contractually and the mere fact they have been operating somewhat in the dark but more evident is and bottom line this is our Money...we shall see but if there is nothing else but to have a constitutional convention.
DeleteHarvard was originally chartered in 1650. It pledged the University to “the education of English and Indian youth." If I have it correctly, the English have been gone for sometime now and I think it's safe to say, in view of its original mission, that things have gotten a bit out of hand...
DeleteA man’s life hangs in the balance, knowing that his accusers are the jury. He is Osage. He thinks Osage, acts Osage, lives Osage. He does not know anything else. His accusers were sworn to uphold the same constitution that he has been sworn to but there appears to be a double standard. Part of the preamble of the constitution states:
DeleteHaving resolved to live in harmony, we now come together so that we may once more unite as a Nation and as a People, calling upon the fundamental values that we hold sacred: Justice, Fairness, Compassion, Respect for and Protection of Child, Elder, All Fellow Beings, and Self.
And whose behavior has broken the laws of our new government that has destroyed this harmony? We can't live in fly by the seat of our pants environment nor can we respect anyone who chooses and I emphasize the word chooses to violate our laws and rule without regard to the laws of the Osage Nation. It won't work that way. We must have a government that ENFORCES its laws and put away from us those who choose not to do so. There is no other viable option.
DeleteIf the Osage from Osage thinks that we can survive with a leader who disregards the rule of law he's fooling himself. Leaving a man in office who has admitted that he has broken the laws we have will be nothing other than leaving him in place to preside over complete chaos. Even if the Chief blows the lid off of everything that has been going on around here, at least we can find out how deep the corruption is and for how long it's been going on. I hope he does. There is no way that the Osage Nation government could possibly have gone through and make disappear a quarter to a half a billion dollars in the last seven years without something very wrong going on in more than one place and on more than one level. The accusers are the jury in the same manner as the U.S. Congress is in charge of impeaching the President. The Osage Constitution calls for this to be case and it's the only way a removal process can be handled under our new system of law. If thinking, acting and living Osage means that he believes that he has the right to rule lawlessly then he needs to find another venue in with which to be an elected official other than a democratic form of government that incorporates the rule of law. If he lacks the sophistication to abide by the law as the head of the Executive Branch then he must either step down or be brought down. He has had a copy of the Osage Constitution and has been there in some capacity for every single law that has passed since the Osage Nation has been formed as a government. He has no excuse. If his being Osage somehow means that he's not up to the job then he has to move on. The position of Principal Chief of the Osage Nation is too important to have someone occupying it who cannot master this job.
DeleteBy the way, I believe our own Amanda Proctor had something to do with establishing the Harvard PowWow back in 1997/1998. See and Amanda's mother was the Head Woman Dancer at the 4th Annual Harvard Powwow:
DeleteAudio is now available for the Removal Trial for Days 1 - 4 at
ReplyDeleteTo review all of the Removal Trial comments on the Osage Blog see:
I am interested to know more from the person who make this comment:
ReplyDelete"The Campus Plan was really about status and if you follow the money trail then you will understand this was all political status and has nothing to do with the enhancement of the economy."
Could you expound? Thank you.
never believe a word out of Brian's mouth. he is a liar, liar. chief did some wrong things -- yes --- but never believe a word from Brian.
ReplyDeleteThere were three witnesses to the conversation in the AG's office. His testimony cannot be discounted as a lie.
Deleteno witnesses that heard what he heard. three witnesses that heard what the Chief said. Brian relayed to Jeff in the parking lot his version of what the Chief supposedly said. I repeat "Brian is a verified, known liar and braggart". Truth is not know by him. I promise that to you.
DeleteWell, believe this..."We're going to the Super Bowl!" See
ReplyDeletePeyton Manning Quarterback calling the snap count today for the winning Denver Broncos, down set, and what was the hike word? You're right a Indian word, Omaha, Omaha,. It could have has been Osage, Osage, or Kaw, Kaw, Ponca, Ponca or Quapaw, Quapaw which were all a group of the Dakota family. Omaha means "those going against the wind or current. A little the late Paul Harvey like insight. Osage means up the river without a what?
DeleteA canoe and a paddle in the land of the people of the Middle Waters?
DeleteSports, Tribes and Politics should be enough to cover on the web, but add in keeping a eye out on that New Yorker who's writing a book that includes the Osage murders and the start up FBI. On Tweeter Jan 13 this author says procrastinating, new target date for book end of 15. I've tweeted back " Please step it up a bit, for time is running out for some of us. The AWL told of his David Grann office floor being covered with research material , believe was started three or four years ago. Guess Matthew and even Burns took years on their books.
DeleteCould someone state the admonishments that the judge gave to the jury?
ReplyDeleteI would like to hear the admonisments as well, missed it.
DeleteThe jury or members of Congress and the witnesses were to be sequestered until the Judge let Rod Hartness testify who had been watching testimony in the Courtroom on various occasions while the trial was ongoing. He seemed to be a surprise witness to the jury and not on their list. I don't know how strident she expects these rules to be or apply to the jury or the witnesses when she allowed such a stunning breach during the proceedings on Friday.
DeleteHe should never have been allowed to testify if she wanted to be consistent with her admonishments to the witnesses and the members of Congress.
DeleteObjections from the Congress should have been flying all over the room but I don't recall that I heard even one speak up to say Objection. That's odd, isn't it?
DeleteHere we go again with a new witness nobody knows about-this Ida Doyle gal and the Judge allows it! I don't know why and how she can do this and expect everyone to tow the line as to sequestration.
DeleteA particular member of Congress was posting to FB after being sworn in right where the trial was being discussed online. I don't think they even pay attention to what the judge has to say to them. Why should they? She's all over the place.
DeleteWho was the Congress member and really as long as that person was instructed not to talk about the trial they could get on FB...
DeleteInternet was included as part of the sequestration.
DeleteDay 6 -- Alexis Rencountre is testifying. Her testimony refutes what Walter Hopper testified to during the SCOI.
ReplyDeleteI got that impression as well....Walter Hopper must be crying about right
DeleteOn a 15 minute break...
DeleteWeepy Walter?
DeleteDon't be flippant. Someone ought to weep over all this. It's a travesty that the Chief has done these things, admitted to them in testimony and here we are in this royal mess today!!!!! He should have resigned after the SCOI hearing.
DeleteYes he should have resigned but he didn't and should be walking around with his tail between his legs as sure as his pinnochio nose knows no boundries.
DeleteON Treasurer Callie Catcher is now on the stand.
DeleteGoing over the law with reference to the ON Mineral Council bank accounts
DeleteGoing over whether or not separating accounts of the MC would call for a separate audit.
DeleteAnual audit is simple to close the books with the Nation and simple hand over all simple....
DeleteAnd BIA oversight over the MC bank accounts and any problem with turning over the accounts to the MC. No good reason not to turn them over as to ONCA 11-78 but requiring a separate annual audit. (Costly)
DeleteWhy does the Chief covet these accounts? If nothing else why has he refused other than he does not want to relinquish his authority? Is there something more other than ego?
DeleteWitness Ida Doyle is called to the stand.
DeleteThere is no risk to these accounts.Your right Osageblogger.
DeleteWitness not even on the list? Attorney Lyons is objecting as it relates to the Open Records Act.
DeleteIda is the ON Director of Education. Fed law and Fed monies as to PL 102477 Program and work force program to co-mingle funds. To use these funds for the pipeline project to get Osages employee training, education and employment.
DeleteOnly a 100 Osages work for the PIPELINE give or take? What happend?
DeleteBreak for lunch...will return at 12:30 p.m., CST.
DeleteGood question. Rod Hartness said two hundred didn't he?
DeleteOne guess when you join the Pipeline you travel....albeit the per diems you get when you travel but depending on the travel you always end up spending more on other necessities..and some do not like starting at the bottom of the barrel as a laborer....was the number inflated to look better?
DeleteWhere the heck is everybody?
DeleteNew article>>
DeleteThe defense rests? No rebuttal evidence from the Nation. The Judge orders that the attorneys have one hour and fifteen minutes to prepare their closing arguments and she has adjourned until then. This will be at approximately 2:15 p.m. CST.
DeleteThanks Orbi-Osage, just read the article still find the Contract hokey pokey with no details as to minnutes performed. No detail and we do not know how the Nation has benefited.... we know their was a lot of man hours spent on this in the Education Dept and HR Dept. and to give preferential treatment to a friend in more than one way, as one, he did not give One's an opportunity to negotiate properly to be sure these extra expenses would be included and since these numbers are inflated that means 36000 was his services capped then the 100 people give or take he got for each individual would be 360 dollars and if Enbridge was coming here anyway how has the Nation brought in 3.4 million that is a lie unless we see numbers from the Chamber of Commerce right? So maybe the Chief is so unqualified for this position and he could have prevented this by living the Oath that he took for the Constituency...So then the appearance of impropriety exists....we don't know the Chief did not get paid on the sly...and we do know from testimony the Chief may have not meant to cause harm by his threats but ignorance is not an excuse either...lastly rather bowing out Gracefully by his family's name now has tarnished his Name...his Arrogance was his downfall...You heard him it is only enough that I am Chief and that's all that matters that all respect to that name is all it takes...respect is earned Chief and you were no leader and this will go down in the books of History Justice comes to the Osage...
DeleteCan't wait to hear the closing Arguments from the Defence's point of my Opinion Congress has made up their decision way before this hearing. 12-0 vote to go ahead with the removal process is telling...lastly the Chief hung himself all over the place he put the nail in the coffin...sad. Next it's too bad we could not locate Paul Allen in time of the Trial...tells me what a man he is not...not to take a stand and tell the truth in front of his peers or at least contradict the Nations side or defend his Great Friend the Chief for that matter is a chicken little piece of a man...with no bone to stand on....Justice for the Osage People and not a day late...There is nothing set in stone that we cannot carve out as long as United the Osage People for the Osage People and not big Gov. Hear our Voice loud and clear long live the Osage Tribe and the 1906 ACT.
DeleteAnd a percap for all the members who have had to watch them blow through our money for the past 7-8 years.
DeleteA Percap long over due....lets see who puts that out there come ellection time...this will be telling also..we are tired of the Excuses coming from them on the Hill...Justice for the Osage fro all not just the Gov. People....
DeleteJust think if Shannon Edwarfs had benn able to get most of those chargers dismisedd but one. Whew!!!!!!!! Glad she got beat up behide the backdropp ofer that.
DeleteYes. Excuses up and down and oh how hard they have to work. Whine, whine, whine... They all would be a lot less corpulent if they had to work 90 hour weeks like in LA or Chicago or NY and the Nation didn't pay for their candy, cookies and soft drinks. I wonder what the dollar value is in total over the years on that crap they gorge themselves on every day at the office.
DeleteCourt is back in session and the attorneys have been called to the bench to speak with the Judge.
DeleteClosing arguments begin with Mr. Lyons, the Congressional attorney.
DeleteThose who break the law tend to damage the system. The ONC.
DeleteGive that per cap to the constituency in the name of Democracy in the Name of the Osage Tribe it is your funds make that demand.
DeleteGreat Closing arguments.. you can't argue stupidity. No fight there. Lets hear the Defense side beat this one duh slam dunk the proof of the burden laid out in black and cannot argue with reason and the truth was revealed.
DeleteSuperb and logical summation by the Congressional attorney for removal of the Chief.
DeleteCriminal charges trump civil charges everywhere but the work environment of the Osage Nation? Since when? No rabbit out of a hat on that one there buddy.
DeleteLaughable to listen to Mr. Cowan to even try to argue after the stellers performance by the Prosecutor.
DeleteThe Chief wouldn't waive sovereign immunity so that the Mineral Council could move forward to sue the Chief to get their accounts back under their independent agency you dope. This was established during the trial. Were you asleep?
DeleteDon't witnesses ever tell lies in court?
DeleteExcuses for what he did and why won't cut it. He admitted he broke the law when he didn't release the Hartness contract under an open records request in a timely manner.
DeleteYES! It rises to a removable offense.
DeleteProof of Paul Allen's newsletters introduced in court? NO!
DeleteThe burden has more than been met when the Chief admitted that he broke the law.
DeleteThat's right what court did he expect to take up this issue poster at 1:56. If I remember correctly...under the so used term sovereign immunity is used like a wet rag is not for the basis to hide under that color of not be held accountable but on the contrair to the complete opposite should happen under the name of Sovereign. The Supreme Authority to rule in favor of the Constituency by the Oath he took. To honor your do what is right and right the wrong...not take your own side and hide...unbelievable..
DeleteThe Chief is now making a statement to the court.
DeleteYou put the Nation at risk by YOUR behavior. You gave preference to pay back political favors and stop justice from going forward with your own relative. You are neither sorry or apologetic for what you have done to the Osage Nation and every member of it.
DeleteRebuttal from Mr. Lyons.
DeleteI'm going to have to hit replay on his testimony my computer part of it and what I did hear was cry me a river.
DeleteNow 500,000 dollars.
DeleteOr be a friend of the Chief and what did I say long gone is crony capitalism a while back.
DeleteNot truthful and honest. Obstructionist. Not humble. $500,000 spent. Unapologetic. Reckless with Nation funds to give to an old man who was part of his election committee. Political favor pay back to Paul Allen with our money for doing nothing. Rise to the level of impeachable conduct? Absolutely. Do your job to remove the Chief and vote guilty!
DeleteQuestion to the Judge on the form of the question or questions on removal from Congressman Standing Bear.
DeleteQuestion on disqualification? What is all this about? The Judge has adjourned until 9:00 a.m., CST. tomorrow for the vote by the Congress to remove the Chief.
DeleteGuilty for removal.....
DeleteThe Chief has a hard decision to make overnight and I think he has a duty and would do us all a service if he would resign at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.
DeleteWhat doe the rules follow under disqualification or what is the criteria?
DeleteMy question is there something I'm missing with Paul Allen...was he being paid off for political reasons and that begs to be researched. And now raises the answer how did the Chief really get elected?
DeleteBy the preponderance of his election campaign lies and misrepresentations to the Osage Nation constituents during the last election.
DeleteChief we are asking you to resign do it for your people and do what is right once and for all...this is your last out...don't stress anymore..go home and enjoy the rest of your life...let his family that is near and dear persuade you otherwise...
DeleteWe don't know about the disqualification rule as of yet. It will be presented to the Congress tomorrow morning.
DeleteI'd the Chief had his day in Court and it was a fair one from what I saw take place.
Deleteto Poster @ 2:37 I get that even back then I suspected as much in 2010. He finagled the count....knew no one would be less to suspect or count you think the Chief was smart enough to go this far...someone had to do his forward thinking for him lol.
Deleteoh thankyou now I'm really curious...
DeleteThe Chief should be preparing a statement for his resignation and clearing out his desk...
DeleteWhat are your ON member reactions to the Trial overall?
DeleteYou're welcome. Thank you to all who have commented on the Trial in the last week. Great comments and reactions here on the Osage Blog. Please keep them coming!
DeleteOverall you have my comments already on this subject can't elaborate more on...still one last word not surprised. If the diligence were applied correctly meaning Congress has some accountablity as well we wouldn't be in this predicament...thier is copability on their part..we need better legislation to support the Consitution as to define or redefine the Chiefs position..he is a liason to the Constiuency. Not a dictator...The Chief is not in the positon of Judge , Jury and Prosecutor...
DeleteIt should have been that RAB Jim Gray. He set the tone and took the lead for every bit of what's happening today. This govt would have had a chance of a decent foundation if he hadn't been the first Chief of the Osage Nation.
DeleteCorrection: It appears that it is actually Day 7 today, not Day 6 of the Congressional Special Session for the Removal Trial. Tomorrow will be Day 8.
DeleteJim Gray never did anything like Redeagle has put this tribe through
DeleteYou're grotesquely misinformed now aren't you?
DeleteThe Chief asked to speak for 10 minutes after the closing arguments. It was a sad performance as he displayed arrogance and defiance toward the nation and the laws of the nation. Some people had expected him to at least pretend to be humble. It was clear from his statement that if he is left in office he will continue his disregard for the rule of law. He lied about being a full blood Osage, most people know that he is descended from the Pryors who are not even Indian. Then he went on to say that no other Osage Chief has been removed from office, another lie that most people will recognize. Boy, this guy is a sad piece of work.
DeleteJim Gray played favorites and promoted his friends and family. Louis was forever threatening people with "i will tell my brother". Cindy Williard and her crew got away with millions under the two terms of Gray until the FEDs stepped in and stopped her. Same thing with the Director of Counseling Ctr. She outfitted her whole house and her boyfriends. Oh yeah he was so strong and fair,.
DeleteSo many women want Margo for Chief, but worry about how Jim ran things and wonder if she will be like him and let Louis bully people and harass women on the hill. Will she give her son a directorship? OMG
DeleteWhat about Macy's mother Mary and what she got up to in the Gray admin? Tell us about that.
DeleteOh and how many frivilous lawsuits was Gray responsoble for?
DeleteTo Osage Blogger: Maybe that is why Chief fought so hard for Alexis to keep her job. The votes were put in shoe box and taken by her to the the election board office. HMMM???? People on the hill have always thought she is incompetent. What is her education? What is her training?
DeleteNo women I know of want that Gray woman for Chief. Where do you live?
DeleteActually, my impression of her is that she tries to do a good job and what's right as the Election Supervisor of the Osage Nation. I have met her and find her to be a nice and hard working girl.
DeleteDuring the campaign Paul Allen hacked into several candidates web sites and crashed them. I know this for a fact. We had to pay someone to find out what happened to our web site. Then we paid extra to find out who did this to us and the firm traced it to Paul Allen. We found this out the day of the election while all candidates were feeding everyone. We were sad and then an ON Congress person approached us and asked if it was true our site was hacked and we said yes and he said his was also hacked as well as a friend who maintained a controversial blog. They also traced it to Paul Allen. The Congress person said what are you going to do about it. We said what can we do? What are you and your friend going to do? This person said "build a better fire wall". We did not pursue it since Chief won. We figured it would seem like sour grapes all the way around and let it go. So it is good to see maybe... Paul Allen will get his pay back if only in shingles.
Deleteshe is nice and hard working, but not bright. anyone would know to check the break down of ages. anyone.
DeleteDon't you think Rencountre lied on the stand this morning about Hopper?
DeleteThats what I thought Rencountre lied. Because their once again no matter of record to chase as to passing wind...wisdom comes with age and Recountre will better align herself remember you were young and sure she was reserved and that bothered me some what and I'll tell you why she didn't want to be there and say something that others would remember to and she still works for the Nation. And sure to wanting to go higher up to another level in her employment. Paul Allen needs to pay back funds for no work performed..and no record to prove is guilty guilty of fraud.and like I said he moved with his hard drive because he knows we would seize computer....if said allegations are true. Though I missed for whatever reason the Chiefs cry me a river story I did get a little in and came to that conclusion. Paul Allen is a scammer...
DeleteAlexis was trying to save her job. "let's stop saying reprimand". Does the employee who does a poor job get to say that or does the employee who knows the Chief will protect hr job get to say that? Her crunching that ice in the microphone was painful to hear almost as much as her untruths.
DeleteIn the News heard North Dakota holds the most millionaires in one state....
ReplyDeleteSoon to be one less in OC now!
DeleteQuote on 1-20 at 4;43pm : " He went on to say that no other Osage Chief has been removed from Office,another lie that most people will recognize." You're not counting the dismissal of Chief BaconRind are you? That fiasco was orchestrated by the old East coast Standard Oil Company. Believe it even wiped out the others tribal officers, you can find more under the Uncle Sam Oil Company about a blanket lease .
DeleteHoly smoke! "...many Indian country and federal officials are questioning whether an Office of the Special Trustee is really necessary, and legislation has recently been introduced that would get rid of it. Will the office still be there by the time Logan is confirmed?" Read more at
ReplyDeleteDay 8 and the final morning of the 11th Congressional Session - We are anticipating a vote of the ON Congress either for or against the Removal of Chief John D. Red Eagle. The deliberations are to begin at 9:00 a.m., CST.
ReplyDeleteSee the article, "Vote on possible removal of Chief Red Eagle today" at
DeleteThe camera is on and we are awaiting the arrival of Judge Logan and the members of the Osage Nation Congress. This is a historic day for all Osages everywhere.
DeleteGood morning everyone. Did not sleep a wink last night...Today will be a day to not forget...and will be telling.
DeleteI'm reading you loud and clear. What's that old song? "I tossed and I turned all night."
DeleteYes....thats bout the gist of it...they must be going over the question at the last minute...
DeleteWhat are the odds the Chief resigns 0 to none...
DeleteThis goes out to the Congress Members who sat during this procedure good luck...may the outcome be for the Constituency...and not in vain. Remember those that tend to break the law disrupts the system....this is a open and shut case as I see it knowing the Chief admitted to breaking the Law and all it would take is for one of these allegations to stand for removal why would a Lawyer take on a defense when the Chief had no defense to stand on?
DeleteAgree. 0 to none. The attorneys are now at the table and the Judge has just come to the bench.
DeleteAnd so it begins.
DeleteThe Chief is also at the table with his attorneys. Going over the instructions to the jury.
DeleteWow I didn't see the Chief...Chief Resign. save face. this is your the Nation and the Constituency Money...500.000 dollars to help a friend or friends is pure waste...
DeleteClear and Convincing means substantially more likely than unlikely be true
DeleteWhy would there be a debate?
DeleteI have no idea.
DeleteMason asked the Chief for permission to speak...
DeleteAn excellent and truthful speech from Congressman Supernaw.
DeleteBuffalohead is all about herself.
DeleteWell, we all knew that Buffalohead would be the weakest sister.
DeleteDoes she not understand the Constitution and the Oath she took for the Constituency.
DeleteCome on Buffalohead keep it to the law.
DeleteI think that they are going to let the Chief off!???! Despite admitting to having broken the law?!!!? I hope they enjoy their salaries for the present because they are outta there when the election time comes. The sword hangs over the back of their necks if they let him go when he has admitted to breaking the law.
DeleteI don't see it that way...he has broken the law.....
DeleteGood speech from Shannon Edwards. The vote is in and it appears as if the Chief will be removed from the office of the Principal Chief.
DeleteWOW, would I like to hear what The Chief no longer has to say about his peers...
DeleteBy a vote of the ON Congress the Chief is disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust or profit. By a vote of the Congress, Assistant Chief Bighorse will be sworn in as Chief of the Osage Nation. Recess for 10 minutes to get the materials to swear in the new Chief.
DeleteYes the speech from Shannon Edwards was great...
DeleteTerribly terribly sad.
DeleteThe vote to remove the Chief: Article 1- 11 Guilty, 1 Not guilty. Article 2- 11 Guilty, 1 Not guilty. Article 3- 10 Guilty, 2 Not guilty. Article 4- 12 Not guilty. Article 5- 12 Guilty. Article 6- 12 Guilty. The vote to disqualify John D. Red Eagle from holding any office of honor, trust or profit: 11 Yes, 1 Abstain.
DeleteIt is sad the Chief could not see his mistakes and hold himself the end it's the Osage People that matter not the adivise of a lawyer who got it wrong and advised the Chief to do wrong..knowing the law was broken that is sad, that is sad he wasted 500000 dollars a half a million to pay his lawyers to get the wrong adivice all because he wanted to support his friends well look what his friends have done for him but put him in this predicament and shame ,shame on Macy....sad. She can have a Child and what kind of Mother is she going to be by setting the example it's ok to lie and steal.....shame on her...
DeleteIs the Chief going to clear his office with a Marshall present?
DeleteEnding of the 11th Special Session by the Speaker and the swearing in of Scott Bighorse as Principal Chief by Judge Logan.
DeleteAdjourned for the day. It's over and we have a new Chief. May God go with the Osage Nation and all Osages today and every day into the future.
DeleteBefore he has to clear out his office, let's give John Red Eagle a minute to catch his breath why don't we.
DeleteWho was the weakling that obtained???
DeleteGeoffrey Standing Bear.
DeleteWord gets around fast! See "Osage Nation Congress impeaches John Red Eagle as chief" at
DeleteThis was a very difficult job and the Osage Nation Congress is to be commended for having the courage and fortitude to do the right thing by the rule of law and by the Osage people who look to them to provide us with good government.
DeleteCorrection: The vote to remove the Chief: Article 1- 12 Guilty.
DeleteThe Congress did the right thing; every single one of them. They gave Chief Red Eagle way more wiggle room than he deserved. And, they took this seriously, unlike Redeagle when he went after Osage Nation employees and constituents for his own personal gain. He swore in court that he always adhered to the proper policies and procedures when it came to employee reprimand. I know first hand that he lied about that. I just wish Congress could fire Redeagle's whole executive office. They are all poisonous to the tribe. Especially that Deidre Bigheart lady. I almost think she is alot of the reason Chief Redeagle got himself in this situation. Oh yeah, and that Linda Teeman has been a big player in this house of lies as well. The Chief may be removed but his hosts are still there.
DeleteNot for long...
DeleteYou don't have John Red Eagle to Kick around anymore. Next!
DeleteLets just hope Bighorse takes note and cleans house, especially Deidre Bigheart and Linda Teeman! Also would someone list who voted "Not guilty" on the counts? Also If the report was correct I am surprised at the abstaining vote by Standing Bear....what could be his reasoning ?
DeleteHe has his own house to clean.
DeleteNew article>>
DeleteHey uninformed Standingbear had to abstain. He is running for Chief. It was proper to abstain.
DeleteDon't get it twisted. John Redeagle did the kicking. He kicked Osages right in the teeth. Just because he denies it doesn't mean it isn't true. He is a liar and a fraud. He proved that on the stand when he lied numerous times about his blood quantum. It is a proven fact that he is NOT a full blood Osage. If anyone has it twisted it is John Redeagle, not our Congress.
ReplyDeleteBlondes will inherit,blood has no merit, watched,read they quoted the dead,listen for the dove cold still on the move,for we'll all be dismiss in the sweet oil buy and buy.
DeleteChief Redeagle is a proven liar and is being punished for his unethical behavior. For this, I have renewed faith in my tribal government. Attention Chief Bighorse} Get that Redeagle executive staff out of there. Do the RIGHT thing so we can all heal and trust that your leadership will be done in a morally ethical way. The only way you will gain respect is to cut out the cancer that is killing our tribe, it's employees and it's people.
DeleteAll Congress members voted to remove with the exception of Standingbear who abstained.They all voted guilty or not guilty on each allegation. They had to have at least 10 votes on each allegation for the court to find Redeagle guilt of a particular allegation. They also had to have at least 10 to vote for removal in the end. The only item they found him not guilty on is #4 (which I believe was the election board accusation).
ReplyDeleteI believe, that as a candidate for Chief in the up coming election, Standing Bear was morally correct in his vote to abstain on the last item. That was the correct thing to do so no one could say he voted to bar Redeagle from running against him.
ReplyDeleteI totally thought that was an appropriate move on Standingbear' s part. I agree.
DeleteCame away with clean hands.
ReplyDeleteSO....Now what? If Paul Allen admitted to doing no work for the $73,000 the nation paid him, who stands good for the money...Redeagle or will Congress go after Paul or just let it slide? If Johnny paid Paul for no work done then how do we know the bill to defend Johnny ( which we paid) is correct and Johnny didn't pocket some of it?? I'm sorry, but if he bulked the Osage people once it makes one wonder if it hasn't happened again.
ReplyDeleteGet over it, it's done! You ignorant people got what you wanted, ChIEF Red Eagle is gone. But 73, 000. Is NOTHING compared to the losses of LLC! You fools, worry bou that now and give your praise to ole blondie-Shannon, see how much more she can allow to give away and sell us down that ever lovin' HILL!!! Or how many more raises do they need (ONCongress) to disagree between themselves& for what$$$$THEIVES & EMBEZZLERS!!! ARE YOU ALL HAPPY & PLEASED WITH YOURSELVES. Get the whole picture before you accuse just ONE!!!!!
DeleteWhether u are a blonde haired, brown haired, red haired Osage you are still Osage. Long are the days where that kind of comment resonates. The Osage tribe doesn't exclude it's members due to what they look like and many Osages in the tribe agree with that stance. TEAM SHANNON EDWARDS! I voted for Shannon Edwards and she did her job. She fought for justice. I will definitely be voting for her again.
DeleteMake the pot whole
ReplyDeleteIt was mentioned earlier on today's comments that Shannon Edwards gave a good speech as did Congressman Supernaw. I would like to hear them if someone can tell us how. Thanks
ReplyDeleteGo to Scroll down the page until you find the text:
DeleteDay 8-January 21, 2014, 9:00 a.m.
Agenda (Click on the) Audio Part 1 of 2 or Audio Part 2 of 2
How dare they try to speak; the got what they set out to do!!! They are nothing but EVil forked tongued SNAKES and pheshe part-breed whites! LIARS LIARS LIARS LIARS
DeleteIt's obvious you and others did not watch the trial online before you spewed your hatred and lies. At least come up with facts in your rants. And, if you are that upset then run for office. Shannon Edwards is brutally honest and that is the reason my family and friends keep voting for her. She gets the job done and keeps our government honest. Chief Redeagle was called on the carpet and showed his true colors to us all. I voted for him and wanted him to flourish but that didn't happen people! Did you see where he has been untruthful about his Osage blood quantum? He is not a full blood Osage. What a terrible lie.
DeleteYou guys wanna listen to white people about how they know the real Osage ways I doubt that very seriously because you guys are calling john redeagle a thief when they are stealing right in front of you giving themselves raises and more, and another thing nobody tried to do any of this when are other chiefs stole from our tribe and had all there family members in high paying jobs.
ReplyDeleteSo, so true! At least someone is speaking and telling the truth! It all started n thr Jim Gray admn. Face it, all the $$$ amts you want to put red eagle down is NOTHING to what he & his family embezzled, as it's referred to now!
DeleteOh, now it is Chief Gray ' s fault that Chief Redeagle is a lier and breaks Indian law. Poor chief Redeagle who, by the way, lies about how much Osage he really is all a while thinks he is above most all other Osages that are not full blood like him. NEWS FLASH CHIEF REDEAGLE 》》》YOU ARE NOT A FULL-BLOOD OSAGE EITHER!! What a leader he was. What a lierface. Chief Gray never lied about how much Osage he was and I am not even a big supporter of him. These are facts.
DeleteI just wondering if anyone going to pursue criminal charges now 😉
ReplyDeleteA petition need to be started for per cap.this should show the nation,This is the will of the people and get it done or it may never's time for all Osage's to come out and stand up for what we want,
ReplyDeleteChief Bighorse,
Chief Bighorse I agree I brought that up earlier as well his staff can not be trusted...Chief bring in your own staff...get rid of the ugly that has happened in that office...And Chief Congratulations....lets get some work done Chief....Please make it illegal to petitions for raises should be based on performance not because the area is depressed....This is fair...that way the Employees who do a great job will be recognized...Chief it is time to recognized that the Citizens of the Tribe the Osage, are now waiting for a Genuine Chief who will recognize we do not want big Gov. to Get in the way of PER-CAP....however small, now is the time.....And get out to all Osages during the Holidays a Turkey Voucher...Now we know that if 500.000 DOLLARS that we do know about, that was spent on the ill part of the former Chief based on lies going to his Attorney's and even his Attorney's knew this was a shot in the Dark.. if he even had a chance to win this case still took his money...It was so obvious from the start that 12 members of Congress already had made their mind up before we went through this process of removal...It wasn't so much the Chief was living in the Past as so much he lived in a Fantasy turned to a figmant of the Chiefs imagination that he thought he would get away with his lies, .. what a waste. Now gong down in the History Books as the Laughing Hiena of the Tribe.. we know now That 12000 Osages are ready for their share. it is our Money not the's not only right but it is fair...We are tired of the MILLIONS going to the do nothing Osage LLC in the tune of Millions. The Osage People want a spent on Utilities is better served the People or a Small car payment or someones child going to college better spent than throwing money in the toilet hoping it will come out smelling like Roses...This would be your Legacy....Let it speak loud and clear...for itself....and Please look at the Contracts get from Kelly Catcher a Audit of the Osage LLC...and get with the Board members and tell them how we feel about them because ultimately they are not doing their Job but just getting a Pay Check...and go forward with forward thinking for the Osage People.....Long live the Osage Tribe and now we have a New Chief that was a part of the Chief RedEagle staff as well we will give you the respect you deserve don't let us down...bring integrity and hope to the Osage once again...
DeleteWheel of Fortune>>>>>>>>>>Last month his kids get thrown in jail for getting caught over at his house for a domestic and drugs and who knows what all else. This month he's Chief of the Osage Tribe. Hail Chief! The sick Osage saga continues.............
DeleteKick-back, may I respectfully refer a new defender, Dewey,Cheatum and Howe
ReplyDeleteNew article>>
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