Friday, May 16, 2014

Conversation--May-June 2014

Osage Blog Conversation continues at


  1. New article on amendments to the Const.>>

    1. I see the problem with the Osage Nation Government as the people in office not the Constitution. Get some new blood and get rid of Kugee, Geoffrey and Raymond. Next election Shannon and Archie would be a good start.

    2. I say that all three of those guys have done very well for our tribe. You must be one of those voters that hold a grudge for them all doing their jobs when they got rid of our last chief for his antics to say the least.

    3. I agree with Kugee doing well but not Raymond with his Osage LLC that he got started but the jury is still out with Geoffrey. Shannon and Archie can go too when the time comes. Raymond needs to answer for that OCH Museum situation as well.

    4. I"m sorry but I don't know what the OCH Museum situation is about.

    5. OCHS museum brought in Raymond as a Board Member. Well they noticed four artifacts were missing that were under Raymond's custody. He admitted to taking them and said he'd return them but only found 2 of the 4. They came up with a restitution agreement wherein Raymond would reimburse them for the two missing artifacts for $50,000, I think.

      Naturally, the restitution agreement is arguably a personnel record for the museum, they won't release it, but the Museum isn't under tribal sovereignty. Oklahoma Open Records Act should apply and since the OCHSM receives state and federal funds. Someone ought to ask them for the record.

    6. Maybe it was $200.

    7. I don't care if it was a kleenex box that cost a buck and a half. What has been written here more than indicates that the man running for the second highest office in the Osage Nation is a thief! Thank you for posting this information. There should be a review of his candidacy by the Election Board as soon as possible and he should have to answer for what he has done. In fact, he should step down from running for elected office. This is a felony offense. How does he get off of not having to be charged for committing a crime like this?

    8. I agree and would like to know what the four artifacts were that he stole AND jsut exactly where are the two that can't be found. I don't buy the B.S. thaqt he can't find them. If we can't trust him in the meuseum how in the world would one be able to trust him as Asst. Chief?

    9. Something STINKS ! If this is true, You have Kathryn Redcorn in charge of the museum and Raymond Redcorn was brought in as a board member and he took four artifacts, two of which he claims he can't find ? HOLY COW !!! How can you possibly take four Osage Museum artifacts and then claim you can't find two of them and who allowed him to take them in the first place? Either Kathryn allowed it or he flat out stole them ! I don't know what they are but they belong to the Osage Nation and both Kathryn and Raymond should be held accountable for their return. I agree that this should be investigated as a felony offense and Kathryn should be held accountable as well. Makes you wonder how much other stuff has gone missing from the museum that we don't even know about? Both of these people are running for office and should be removd from the voting list until such time this is re3solved, possibly it court AND Kathryn should be removed from running the museum and I-Pad Ray should be removed from the board IMMEDIATELY !

    10. If the museum receives state and redural funds then could someone please telll us how to ask for the records of what is missing under the open records act/ Do we ask through the Osage court, Fed court of State court ?

    11. How can we trust or believe any restitution agreement when we don't know what is missing, and Raymond sits on the board that most likely aproved of the restution amt. We haven't even gotten past the eletion and already there is question concerning the honesty of two candidates. UNBELIEVABLE.

    12. Wait just a minute. You're confused. This isn't the Osage Nation Museum. It's the Osage County Historical Society Museum. Two different museums entirely. Despite this, do you really want Raymond Red Corn in charge as Assistant Principal Chief with top level Executive Branch access to both the Museum and the Osage Nation Archives? I sure don't! Take him off of your voting list for certain.

    13. Either way, he took the artifacts and still has two of them and he didn't have my vote anyway nor will he have for a variety of reasons.

    14. UNBELIEVABLE is right! How did he think he was going to get away with it? What a dummy.

    15. Well, four of the Pawhuska Village board members got away with somewhere around $800,000 and returned some of it ONLY when they were caught. Ray had good teachers. If they can get away with that much money, what's a few artifacts here or there? Maybe as Asst. Chief he wants to open his own museum.

    16. I suppose he does but where does that leave the rest of us who do value honesty, integrity, and an upstanding character in our elected officials? I take it that felony grand theft isn't much of an objectionable issue with you. I understand that it takes all kinds but this is ridiculous. Did you just get back from the Somalian Coast?

    17. to poster 5-17 at 6:44 Pray tell, who are you talking to? I don't find anyone writing about this subject that condones theft or do you not understand sarcasm when you rad it?

    18. Frank Red Corn got the smallest amount of money. Under $8,000 and most of it for mowing lawns for elders in the village. Is anybody checking to see who in Congress got half of that for renting the lawnmower?

    19. Then there's the artist, Ryan and who knows how much he's been into the Treasury for over all these years? Louise probably makes a killing with Osage Casino advertising for her paper and last I heard, there is another of Raymond's sons who has moved back to town to get involved with building the arbor in Pawhuska. I heard two million dollars will be spend on it. Who will be getting all that money before it's finished? No way it could ever cost that much. Raymond always fights putting penalties into the law for not responding to the OFPR. It's no wonder why. If we had a forensic audit, the whole passel of them might be going to jail.

    20. Ask Raymond about the OCHSM theft later on today at the Candidate Forum at Grayhorse Community Building beginning at 1 p.m.

    21. If there is work to be had and a waged earned I'd rather we help our osages near or far and I personally don't care who earns as long as it is a honest wage to be earned. We have many talented osages. If someones family member comes looking for work who are we to judge.

    22. There are a lot more Osages in need of work and financial assistance than in the families of those who are in power in the Osage government. Far simply never applies. If you're going to sell this idea, you have a long way to go. This is the usual ubiquitous excuse that is trotted out to justify the never ending full court press raid on the Osage Nation Treasury by these greedy unprincipled people and their family members. In Raymond's case, I believe the term ==> t h i e f <== also applies. Stealing from a County museum. What a disgrace to the entire Osage family that he has brought down upon all of us as a result of his choices and actions. What sort of person would even conceive of doing such an awful thing?

    23. Raymond Red Corn. We've been telling you for years that this guy is a stuck on himself jerk from the word go. Do you get it now or what?

    24. Why hasn't the Osage News picked up on this yet? That team over there is such a bunch of light weights when a controversy like this comes out.

    25. It's probably a bit bigger than Osage News. Too many feelings would be hurt if Osage News (where you'll see a giant Red Corn banner) reported. I'm sure if it can be confirmed, that news will be broken on a Tulsa or OKC newspaper first.

    26. From where I stand, a clarification about this theft from Raymond Red Corn by the Osage News is placement perfect. This newspaper is charged with publishing the news going on at any one given time with the Osage Tribal community, the staff are paid a salary to bring us the news and this election with news about a candidate of this importance is not only vital for the Osage people to know, it becomes a moral imperative that the Osage News investigate this situation. Raymond may have a restitution agreement with the Osage County Historical Museum but he has no such agreement with the electorate. We're on a need to know basis and we need to know. The Osage News will be remiss if they don't get to the bottom of these allegations and publish what they find in the press. I don't care how tight the Osage News editor is with Raymond's wife nor is the money paid to advertise his campaign in the Osage News some kind of payoff. Feelings have nothing to do with it. This is a government and if our elected officials are out there stealing from anyone in the community, we need to know about it immediately and especially before the election takes place. In fact, if they don't investigate it, the employment of the editor should be reviewed by the Osage News Board and they should seek a replacement for her for appearing engage in favoritism where Raymond is concerned. If any other candidate had such allegations lodged against them, the Osage News would be on it double time. Why isn't the Congress looking into this and where is the Congressional hearing? This is a County Museum subject to the laws of the State of Oklahoma. Review the provision §21 1739. Library theft right here --->
      Before the theft was discovered, how much was the total amount of all four articles that were taken from the Museum? This is the determinative amount for grand or petit larceny on the basis of aggregate value.

    27. Maybe it is over due we hire a New Editor. I agree with you. Mr. RedCorn should recuse himself. How embarrassing another JRE.

    28. You are slandering people about events that are based on rumors, not facts. This blog is a vicious rumor mill. If this is how you get your information, you need to get a life.

    29. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! That's just not the truth. You know it and so do I. This little conversation about Raymond's extracurricular activities got you upset?

  2. Can u tell any major + Kugee has made in all his year in congress.

    1. How about working out the deal in 2007 to pay cash for the Bartlesville Casino construction instead of borrowing $14 million plus at 9.5% interest that the Gaming Board had approved? Saved over $2,000,000 in interest and even more by taking control of our floor space. Working out with Finley & Cook, the deal to pay off the note on the Sand Springs Casino with an estimated savings of $ 3,000,000 to the Nation. Authoring the first major gaming reform act of the Constitutional government, Act to establish the OFPR and Competitive Bidding. Recognized the need and sponsored the resolutions to obtain our share of the Motor Fuel Tax that now brings the Nation over $300,000 a year and to get the Tulsa, Skiatook and Ponca City casinos in trust, narrowly avoiding closure when we lost the reservation case. Starting the first major effort to buyback reservation land. I believe most of these efforts were backed unanimously by the Congress. Nothing happens without a majority.

    2. All fhe savings support a Per-Cap today not tomorrow, Kugee?

    3. Kugee is the very best watch person we have in the Congress who keeps a vigilant eye on what's going wrong and where and most importantly, he keeps us informed about it. Without him, we wouldn't have a prayer of a chance of knowing what is really happening in the Osage Nation government. For that reason alone, he has my vote and always will as long as he runs for office. Most of the rest of them aren't even connected to the Osage people even to bother to let us know what's going on up on the Hill. Think about that when you vote on June 2.

    4. You might take note that Mr. Supernaw didn't refer to the Bill No's. for all the good things he did. More BS - PH&D

    5. Kugee has the votes of our extended family as well.

    6. What difference if Kugee posted bill numbers or not. His work speaks for itself and is a matter of record. If you want to get so darn picky, look them up for your self.

    7. I'd trust Kugee with my money and my family's future. He is a careful man.

    8. The only careful one we have in Congress or ever have had from what I can tell.

    9. Kugee always has my vote.

  3. Upcoming Candidate Forum at Skiatook Casino on May 20, 2014 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

  4. Good idea.

  5. The Osage Headright holders just got a settlement from the government for not managing the trust accounts properly. Doesn't the government have a responsibility to manage the trust property ie. the mineral estate. It would seem to me that allowing a property that others are willing to pay 20%/Barrel for to be sold for 8,3%/Barrel would considered neglectful. Your headright payment should have been higher every since Phillips Petroleum is no longer operated leases in Osage County. .***If you accept what has been you lose!!!!!!!***.

  6. Principal Chief Scott BigHorse signed ONCA 14-28 into law on April 15.
    $1.5 million for Osage County land purchases
    In congress it was reported. “17,000 members benefit from us owning our reservation, so to me, this is a priority over almost anything else we’re doing.”
    I fail to see how the membership benefits from owning this basically non-productive, non-marketable land.

    1. Cobell settlement funds for the purchase of shares of fractionated land probably. We do need to rebuild our reservation from the loss of the Federal reservation status that Margo Gray's brother, former Chief Jim Gray and the Osage Congress brought down on all of us with the exception of Faren Anderson and Kugee Supernaw when they sued the Oklahoma Tax Commission and lost in Federal Court. We don't have 17,000 card carrying Osage Nation members. Is this new Chief a liar too? Holy Hoot!

    2. Cobell land purchase has nothing to do with the Osage People's money.

      ON Congress authorized spending $1.5 Million to buy Osage County land. Osage People's money being spent on this activity.

      I am asking how the membership benefits from owning this basically non-productive, non-marketable land at a cost of $100 for every man woman and child..

    3. The losses in the LLC amount to over $1,000 for every man, woman and child in the Osage Nation. We have the land, do you have any of the $1,000? Where were you when the LLC was losing $16,000 a day? How productive is that?

    4. Not so much as what it cost and what profit buying back this land of really no value at this moment, but this land has been in our families passed down a couple of generations and my family will always hold on to the land. And if it were not the economy in such a disarray, understatement, this is the only reason someone would sale. Has anybody been approached by the Nation?

  7. If you vote for the temp assistant chief [Terry Mason Moore] you'll then be getting that same ole underhanded Redeagle crew we've been dealing with. If you vote for Amanda Proctor you get a woman who is more worried about pow wow's and getting an indian guy to pay attention to her (have you seen her on Facebook?). If there are no official charges or instances with Redcorn and nothing more than heresay, this gossip really means nothing and should mean nothing at this point. From what I saw with the removal process - he did an outstanding job and proves to serve our tribe well.

    1. See the above posts on Raymond Red Corn. It's hardly more than heresay. He and Louise know exactly where this blog is located and they have had plenty of time to respond which they haven't since this theft was outed here on May 17th!!!!!! He kept a low profile during the removal process and for such a take charge guy like he is, it was very suspicious.

    2. Where have you been? Terry Moore got knocked out in that crooked primary election that Raymond and the rest of the Congress put on its feet to give them the edge to stay in office. What I wouldn't give just to have the privilege of voting for her in the general election now. Not that I would. Just saying.

    3. John Red Eagle do you know anything about this theft at the Osage County Historical Museum? Was anything reported to you about it while you were Chief?

    4. I have Jeff Irons have checked this rumor out. I feel I now know what happen. I will not say this is true or false but only say we have more important issues facing the Osage tribe. This issue has no bearing on me voting against Raymond in the upcoming election. My reason for not voting for him is his spending record. I feel he has spent way too much money and his support for the LLC at the rate of almost 50% of the money they received was sponsored or voted for by him.
      I wish whomever started this would ask questions before putting something like this out. As I said this issue has and/or had no bearing on me not supporting Raymond for Assistant Principal Chief. Who knows a vote for the other person might allow us to find out where the money went?
      Thank you Jeff Irons

    5. First two words should be I am not I have

    6. I'm glad that you're honest enough to admit it but it makes a defining difference to me. I don't want an Assistant Chief of the Osage Nation who steals. If he would do that, why wouldn't he continue to do it? This is as bad to me as some of the stuff JRE did when he was Chief.

    7. As far as I know, Raymond voted for all but a $1 million of the money and assets transferred to the Osage LLC. That's 97% of the total amount appropriated or approved for transfer:
      Excerpt from an e-mail outlining the cash appropriations and asset transfers to the Osage LLC:
      "Below are the Capital Infusions bills to the Osage LLC. The property transfers are also below; I do not believe that any of them were put in legislation.
      ONCA 08-30 $1,000,000 15 Oct 08
      ONCA 09-35 $3,000,000 17 Apr 09
      ONCA 09-77 $7,500,000 14 Apr 10
      ONCA 11-61 $5,000,000 20 Apr 11
      ONCA 12-112 $2,600,000* 06 Dec 12
      *$1,500,000 set aside to use as collateral for the purpose of Bonding and is maintained in the Osage Nation Treasury until Bonding is required.
      Real Estate Property $388,794* January 2009
      Osage Data $99,162** June 2009
      Osage Gift Shop $210,999** June 2009
      Palace of the Osage $785,596** October 2009
      Tulsa Airpark $5,332,446** June 2009
      * Value as recorded from the Osage Nation Properties Department Expenditures
      ** Value as recorded by Osage LLC (2009 Annual Report, dtd 7 Apr 10)"

  8. Don't vote for Angela Pratt or whatever name she is going by this time around. She does not show up for the job that was provided her through her mentor "Diedre Bigheart". She is supposed to be the director of the TANF Department at the Osage Nation and she is NEVER there. The real person running that whole department is a Non-Osage that has no college diploma who was put into her position by Arthusa Iron (who was fired for not showing up for work among OTHER things). That department is a joke with no leadership. Vote For Angela Pratt (AKA: Barnes, Peyalo, Gray, etc...the list goes on and on) if you want poor leadership, unethical and moral character, want Diedre Bigheart back in action, or want another congress person to be always late or just never show up.

    1. Another Gray? I had enough them the last election. Thanks. I won't go anywhere near that.

    2. This Angela Pratt lady is the laziest person who has been hired by the Osage Nation yet!! My case and others in need cannot be handled in a timely manner and she has had several complaints with no reprimand at all. When are we gonna have accountability people?

    3. hopefully we will have someone that will listen and demand accountability of all offices when Standing Bear gets elected.

    4. I am also an Osage that has seen how that Angela Pratt-Gray lady works - still waiting on an appointment to get help for my family as I am furthering my education. This TANF office doesn't even open ontime; and when it does the people who are doing the interview don't even bother to show up. It's a sorry excuse for a department. Why do we keep hiring lazy people like Angela Pratt to run our programs!

    5. If she is so bad why is she still working for the Nation? Doesn't her director have a responsiblty to the Nation to control the department under his/her guidance. Are the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a federally-funded program not monitoring what is going on. If Standing Bear gets elected maybe he has another relative that can be employed.

    6. Blame the director as so apparent during the trial of JRE, so many people who I thought the positions they held were incompetent for the position they carry with no oversite to regulate or guage and so forth. And then there are Depts. from within that deserve praise. It's so easy to judge and a lot harder to give praise.

    7. Not sure what points those last two posts were trying to make, but that Angela "Angie" Pratt girl is the TANF Dept director hired by the Redeagle administration and her hiring was spearheaded by Diedre Bigheart. Diedre Bigheart was the right and left hand of Chief Redeagle and is Ms. Angela Pratts Best Friend. The circles she hangs in alone should disqualify her from being elected into the Osage Congress! Sheep in wolves clothing to the max.

  9. Fat kills. Help to get thin right here

  10. Don't Forget: The Revard Reunion/Rally is Sunday, June 1, 2014 at 1:00 P.M. See More Revard Reunion events are located at

  11. If you are an Osage and are coming in for the election, there are discounted rates at our Osage Casinos available. See and call the Reservation Desk for more information.

    1. Be certain to bring your CDIB card and Osage Nation Membership Card with you when you come in to register for your hotel room. Call now to reserve your room in advance.

    It is time for political action in regards to ONCR 14-11, a resolution to approve a loan agreement and limited waiver of sovereignty in order to obtain a 10 million dollar loan for the construction of the Campus Master Plan Phase 1. We should ask Congress members to vote against this resolution because;
    1. Congress members have not been provided the loan document. Who among us would sign any loan agreement without having first read the loan document?
    2. This loan is unnecessary. We have in the last few months seen that our gaming enterprise provided 30 million dollars beyond the original projected cost for our Skaitook and Ponca Cjty casinos. We have been told by Congress members that these expanded casinos have increased our gaming revenues dramatically. Why would we need to pay interest and fees on a new loan, when we could pay the construction costs out of current revenues and save these costs?
    The Campus Master Plan Phase one will be built. Congress has already dedicated 13 million dollars of our reserves to this project. The question is, why should we go into debt when we could use current revenues to pay for the construction. This is the way we built the Bartlesville casino and financed the 9 million dollar remodeling of our Sand Springs casino. Putting our Nation deeper into debt for this purpose makes no sense. Below is a letter that I have sent to Congress members urging them to use common sense and vote against this resolution. Feel free to copy and paste it, or create your own letter. In less than a month we will have a new Chief and a different mix of Congress members. It would be wise to wait until after the election to make this important decision.

    Dear Congress member,
    I am respectfully asking you to vote against ONCR 14-11. I believe that the Osage Congress must be provided the loan document before a final vote can be made to approve this resolution. As representatives of the Osage people, you should be allowed to read and understand this document in its entirety before making such an important decision.
    Thank You,
    Jim Ryan Osage,,,,,,,,,,,,

    1. Thank you Jim for putting up this information. I agree that Congress shouldn't be having anything to do with a loan of this size or far less than this for that matter until they know what the terms and conditions are in advance. It never fails to amaze me when I hear that the Congress isn't kept in the loop when they really need to be.

    2. I agree with Mr. Ryan. Congress shouldn't have acess, how can they make a formidable decision based on blind faith, sorry we traveled down this road already. To understand a loan is to see who's involved, the logistics and demographics. Economics is at play here. Why would we bite our nose to spite our face? We have the funds borrow from ourselves with interest paid back on the principal. Look to the people who are proposing ONCR-14-11, this is huge and theirs a lot money, cost overruns etc...Congress needs to take a economic course. You need to know whats in it before you sign it, duh. Yep Political action is needed.

  13. To help take the edge off of politics, Stephen Campbell, Osage, has great taste in music and this web site on his Facebook page is fine with a capital F. Listen and watch Paul Desmond at and Ben Webster at sublime.

  14. I see the problem with the Osage Nation Government as the people in office not the Constitution. Get some new blood and get rid of Kugee, Geoffrey and Raymond. Next election Shannon and Archie would be a good start.

    1. The only two-Kugee and Geoff-that have provided some level of accountability since The Osage Treasury Run started eight years ago and you want them out of the way? You must be a Gray who wants the decks cleared so you can pick up where you left off in 2010.

    2. Shannon, Kugee, Geoff, Archie and Raymond have been doing there jobs and doing them well. I saw how they have handled JRE and for that our nation should be proud that we have accountability. Isn't that what we have all been hollering about all this time? These people and all the others in congress at this time have my unwavering vote as an Osage voter.

    3. I was borderline on voting for Raymond because of his spending record especially concerning the LLC. After the missing artifacts issue came to light that convinced me that he does not need to be trusted as Asst Chief. We had enough issues with JRE. As far as Archie goes I have seen nothing from him in Congress to warrant re-electing him. He has been there for show and that's all.

  15. Voting in person!!
    While you are in Pawhuska you can purchase 138 acres of the origional homestead of Allotee #956 Leonora Boulanger. Go north on Hwy 99 and find the town of Boulanger.

  16. On May 23, Walter Hopper was sworn in to serve on the Osage Nation Election Board? He's on. He's off. What's going on with The Hopper?

  17. Maybe before we vote, we should have a conversation about the amendments to the Constitution. What do you think about them?

  18. thought Judge Sotomayor coind this issue.

  19. Has anyone listened or witness the electorial race? Equally as important is Gov. Reform, and we don't get that with adding a super Board and would create more debt. to the Nation. I did not like how Standing Bear had said there are millons unaccounted for, He indicates why do we not know where 40 millon from our 80 million a year gaming indusrty, why do we not know? Is he kidding? Also indicating millions is being spent by these commission, boards with no accountability?

    1. Good post. All that each board was supposed to have by way of qualified people to serve hasn't worked. Why would it work if we have the same kind of people for the super board? Just more gravy train for Standing Bear to pay out money for when he gets Chief. If the best can't be found with the umpteen boards and commissions and study groups now, where are they going to find better for this one? Ex members of Congress to get on the dole if they fail in their bids for reelection? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

    2. Right and the meaning to insanity is? And what does this super commitee do for the the Cherokee Nation people? And more importantly, what we can accomplish ourselves by doing the due diligence outselves? I would surmise or venture to say I heard not one time how they were to accomplish these goals on their platform. I would have pointed several factors where we can cut costs. And I would have said it starts internally and the inefficiencies that exist. And most importantly I would have expressed thhir would be serious insight as to how the LLC could lose as I coin 19 million with respect to transperency. Just to much sugar coating going on. How can we not know where millions are going, what is this a Gandofini auditing Gandolfini?

    3. I can already envision Raymond being on either the super board or a commissioner of some sort, with pay if he doesn't get elected as Ass Chief. Woopie Do !

    4. Almost predicted to happen. To easy.

  20. thought this was a good read.

  21. The Osage County Historical Society Museum board of directors is holding a special meeting tomorrow to discuss the Redcorn allegations. FWIW, Shannon Shaw Duty trivializes the incident as "not newsworthy"

    1. Really, I want to know so I can make a informed decision as to the way I will vote and at this point the Osage News is discriminating aganst the truth. They can post what happened with JRE a Thief.

    2. Tell me...the Osage news is not bias! When you have a sitting Congressman who is running for Asst. Chief has "misplaced" artifacts he took from the museum and the Osage News calls it "not newsworthy" Give me a break !!!

    3. I agree. The Osage Neqws should be all over this just like they did with JRE. Is Shannon related to I-Pad Ray somehow?

    4. The Osage News thinks this is not newsworthy? That in itself is newsworthy. I wonder if the Bigheart News will find it newsworthy.

    5. We'll see. I just shared the information on their FB page.

    6. Yeah, Bigheart news at least has balls to investigate and does there J.O.B. like a News Paper. You just don't misplace an artifact. Wouldn't this be a surprise if Ray were to come out and say the artifacts were stollen under my care or that somehow these artifacts were stolen his family a long time ago, just trying to understand his reasoning for his actions, non tne less he is responsible vor his actions and if he is not voi g to come out with ghe truth and this is no head hunt here, he's runing for an executive position and we don't need a simba the lying king. If he is covering up the truth no telling what he will try to cover up in office?

    7. At this point because RedCorn refuses to address this issue and because our Osage News will not report on this matter says a lot. I will not be voting for him. To many unanswered variables. 1 +1 does not equal 2.

    8. So much for transparency. If Raymond can't address this straight up as a man why do we think he would be honest and open on anything else. JRE lied in his campaign elected anyway and look where that led us. Raymond has seemingly been caught and will not address the issue and expects us to vote for him. I see the same parallel situation playing out as with JRE. Elect Raymond and don't be surprised on down the road. We will not be voting for I-Pad Ray.

    9. Barbara Pease, museum director assured me I'd be informed as the meeting outcome. I've heard nothing. My guess is that they'll avoid any public disclosure 'til after the election. Maybe some of you a little closer to the action can stir things up a bit.

    10. Just been informed that the museum board meeting to discuss the Redcorn allegations did not take place. My guess is that they were asked (told?) to 'sit on it' 'til after the election.

    11. Do not let this flat line. Thanks anyway.

    12. My point is this; let's say that the Speaker of the House of Representatives was appointed to the Board of the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. and was discovered to have stolen selected paintings from this museum. Let's say he makes a restitution agreement to keep it quiet but, as things like this always do, it leaks and everyone in America finds out about it. At that point, under pressure, he would have to resign from not only the Speakership but from the U.S. Congress and from any bid for elected office that he may be pursing at the time of the discovery of the theft by the American people and rightly so because we expect and let me repeat this, we expect that our leaders are possessed of moral character including including personal integrity and ethics. Stealing, when you are placed in a position of trust indicates a deep moral corruption and destitution of character as it concerns both personal ethics and integrity. This is well beyond any selfie that might be sent around the internet. We would be shocked and astounded if the U.S. Speaker of the House engaged in such behavior because he would have violated the tenants of moral turpitude. The definition of moral turpitude is, to be exact:
      "Written opinions from the federal Board of Immigration Appeals (B.I.A.) describe moral turpitude as a “nebulous concept,” and one that “refers generally to conduct that shocks the public conscience as being inherently base, vile, or depraved, contrary to the rules of morality and the duties owed between man and man, either one's fellow man or society in general.” The person committing it should have had either an “evil intent” or been acting recklessly."
      Analysing this situation, I don't know how evil of intent in helping himself to the artwork at the OCHM that Raymond Red Corn was at the time, but I think that we can agree all around that this is certainly reckless behavior on his part. Furthering my point, though this is a microcosm in comparison to the Federal level, nonetheless, are we supposed to expect less from the Osage Nation government and its elected officials including those running for office especially when the Osage Nation Constitution lists as one of the causes for removal from office, the conviction of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude? This matter should be referred to the Attorney General of the Osage Nation for investigation and prosecution. Obviously, Raymond was caught and has admitted to having committed the theft and made a restitution agreement with the OC Historical Museum Society. To steal from a County Museum is either a misdemeanor or a felony depending on what was stolen and the value of it. Why should we have to settle for less rectitude and moral character in our elected officials at the Tribal level than we do at the Federal level? A complaint against Raymond Red Corn should be filed with the AG's office for investigation as soon as possible.

    13. You hit the nail on the head dead square and true true. The real overall tragedy of the existence of this new Osage Nation government is that we always have to lead these elected officials around like they have a ring in their noses in order to get them to behave like they know right from wrong.
      To BTW: Ya think? Scroll down to the bottom of the page, you lazy lick. When you post, use the pull down menu and click on Name/URL where a window comes up and you type in your name or are you too lazy to do that too? Some people are born complainers and never happy with anything. Jeeze!!!!!!!!!

    14. Well said....Are you reading this RedCorn? Stealing is Stealing no matter how you surgar coat. A lie is a lie. Pretty black and white. How does the Election Board stand on this matter? As a constituent a member voter and restricted land owner and M.E. shareholder in the first, lets get a special committee to open a investigation to these allegations. If we can oust JRE for cause, lets not play favortism here. This isn't looking good. I believe this is a worthy cause here. Who's to say this can't happen again by someone else. He needs to bow out just like Jay Carney respectfully.

    15. The museum has 'circled the wagons', is not returning calls, has not responded to my request for information under the Oklahoma Open Records Act. I keep hearing from people who fear reprisals. I have been warned. I'm not anonymous, BTW, this blog won't let me just use my name...AND, this should be arranged with the most recent posts on top. Campbell.

    16. The thing of it is if the Historical Museum won't give you the record because they seem to be hiding it, you should go to the next level and find out what department governs such museums in the State of Oklahoma and file a complaint against the OC Museum Board with them to have the restitution agreement released to the public. This is a matter involving the public trust and an official being elected to the second highest office in the Osage Nation government should have to face the music for the public good. Does the State government really want to be doing business with a guy who has stolen from one of the museums under their jurisdiction should he ever become the Chief? What is the State's moral obligation to the Osages who are citizens and live in Oklahoma? Raymond will never back away for the public good. It's just not in him so we need to find a way to make that happen anyway.

    17. I couldn't agree more.

    18. Re; The museum board meeting to look into the Redcorn allegations, I'm told the meeting was cancelled because, "there are no records"

  22. Take Note: General Election Information at

  23. Elect the women to the executive branch:: If Virginia Rometty, CEO of IBM and Mary Barra. CEO of GM are right for these great companys, then surely Margo Gray and Amanda Proctor are right for the Osage Nation.

    1. I agree with electing Amanda Proctor but believe Jim Gray would be running the show in the background if not from an appointed office if Margo gets elected. We have had enough of the Gray family to put another one in office. Margo can't handle her own financial affairs so why should she be trusted with the Nation's business. Let's not forget that the lawsuit filed against her was dropped "Temporary" and I would suspect that they are waiting to see if some business can be thrown their way if she were to become chief.

    2. Your Kidding ?? I will be voting for Amanda and think she will do an excellent job but would hardly put either one of these women in the same league with the CEO of IBM or GM.

    3. You should remember Geoffrey, Kugee and Sonny spent a lot of money to get John RedEagle elected and look what happened with that. These guys lack judgement to lead the Osage Nation to anything but disaster. If StandingBear gets in it will be the worst thing yet to happen to the Osage Nation. Jim Gray was an honorable and respected Chief.

    4. I'm going out on a limb here and say because everyone used JRE. That they all knew they could pull a fast one over and non the wiser. And there you have it.

    5. Amanda seems more likely to support Geoff in ripping away the 'veil of secrecy' and demanding accountability.

    6. Jim Gray was an honorable and respected Chief? Where? On another planet? He was abysmal in every way possible.

    7. Hey, anonymous post at 2:41 pm. You think Geoffrey, Kugee and Sonny got Johnny Red Eagle elected? Over half the voters voted for Johnny, weren't wrong too? Or do you think they used some kind of mind control and the voters just couldn't help themselves?

    8. I ask the same question as does the poster at 5:19. Where was Jim Gray thought of as a honorable and respected Chief and who by? One of the big concerns at the time, that prevented Tim Tallchief from being elected was the concern that he would keep or bring in a bunch of Jim Gray's people. Jim Gray, honored and respected...I don't think so !

    9. Chief Sue Gray was gruesome. Nuff said.

  24. Early Voting for the General Election ONLY is today, Friday, May 30: Noon-8 p.m. at the ON Election Office
    Saturday, May 31: 10-4 p.m. at the ON Election Office.
    Election Day is June 2: Voting is from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Wah-Zha-Zhi Cultural Center.
    The Election Office is located at 608 Kihekah Avenue, Pawhuska, Oklahoma.
    The Cultural Center is located at 1449 Main Street, Pawhuska, Oklahoma.
    Early voting is still going on now and until 8 p.m. this evening.

    1. This election may well be the most important one since the vote on the ON Constitution. Please do whatever it takes to get there and get your vote in and registered to be counted by the ON Election Board.

      You will need a Government issued ID (Example: Driver's License, Passport, Military ID, etc.) OR positive ID by 2 persons serving as Election Staff
      Any enrolled member of the Osage Nation, 18 years of age or older whose name is found on the Osage Voter Registry on or before Election Day.

  25. please see #7

  26. Let's try this again, refer to # 7

    1. Sorry, guess I don't know how to post a live link.

    2. Cobell settlement representatives coming to Oklahoma for a Q&A, Should be lively.

    3. Like, David, when do Y-O-U stop getting paid and when do we get our settlement checks? Sorry.

    4. Go to the meeting.

  27. Has the subject of Raymond "mis-placing" artifacts from the museum been swept under the rug ? Evidently the Osage News and the museum board have refusefd to comment on this. That's a fine kettle of fish. We get rid of our principal chief for numerous constitutional violations and now we have Raymond caught with his hands in the cookie jar and no one is talking. Very suspicious !

    1. Yep looks that way.

    2. Don't forget about this theft when you vote tomorrow. You may not like the other candidate but a vote for her is a vote against putting a thief in the second highest office in the ON government. It's up to you to seek out and vote for those who are personally honest and have integrity.

  28. Election Day TODAY! From years past experience, it's a wonderful time to be in the Osage and a better party you won't find on the planet! Fry Bread. Meat Pies. Lemonade. Fried Chicken. Election tents. Family and friends to visit with and see again. Candidates collected there on Campus to talk with. What a time is always is... Not to miss! We'll be here on station so let us know how it's going. We'll report the General Election results as soon as possibly can.

    1. New candidate information is available at

  29. Still waiting on the General Election Results. Another site is reporting a problem with one of the voting machines and a hand count of the ballots has begun. It may be 6:00 a.m., before the results are available. We cannot confirm that this information is correct.


      Sad day foe Osage prople

    2. Geoffrey Standing Bear has been elected Principal Chief and Raymond Red Corn has been elected Assistant Principal Chief. We have two members of the Osage Nation Congress retained; Alice Buffalohead and Kugee Supernaw, and four new Congressional members; Ron Shaw, Angela Pratt, Otto Hamilton, and James Norris. Congratulations to all of the winners! We extend our gratitude to all who ran in this election who did not win. You stood up and put yourselves forward in the effort to serve the Osage people and we thank and greatly admire all of you for having done so.

    3. Well, I guess that does it ? I guess we are not going to get to the bottom of the Red Corn, museum caper. He was able to get the museum board and the Osage News to lay off the story long enough so he could get elected. I don't ever want to hear him talk about honesty, intercity and transparency as long as he is involved in any way with Osage politics!!! He is just as much a fake as JRE was.

    4. Thankyou. That adds it up perfectly.

    5. I agree with poster june 3rd at 12:54 pm. Everytime he speaks we will remind him. And he's not going to like it.

    6. I feel the same way toward Shannon Shaw the editor of the Osage News. The Osage news jumped all over every details of the JRE mess, and they should have. To call this thing with Red Corn " not newsworthy" is a dis-service to the readers and IMO lessens their credibility of being a non bias newspaper. Their omission of coverage was the height of bias reporting and stinks of a cover up. Since the ON funds the paper the board that oversees the paper should demand answers and possibly remove Shannon from her position.

    7. I do agree with you.

    8. So do I. This shouldn't just go away because of the results of the election. Now this guy is in a position to do a lot more harm as the second of the Executive Branch hierarchy than he ever was before. I can't believe the Osage people would elect a thief to such high office but there you have it.

    9. He is one to watch. And we must stay vigilant. And I'm full of zspit and z vinegar. All aside, no kidding.

    10. It's a darn crying shame that we have to be represented by an asst. chief that already has a veil of deception and lack of honesty hanging over his head and he hasn't even been sworn in yet !! I would have respected the man if he had just stepped up like a man and addressed the museum issue. Instead we have him hiding behind the museum board, which declined to report and the Osage News who also declined to report. We used to tell our children that no matter what..."Stand up and take it like a man"...evidently Raymond was never taught this way. IF...Standing Bear is to bring some confidence to the ON in matters of trust, honesty and transparency he will have a tough time of it with an Asst Chief who is starting out with a cloud of deception over his head! Red Corn may have gotten elected but has a long way to go to gain any respect.

    11. Something else is in the wind too. Osage News has a blurb on Facebook about Osage Nation Tax Commission Administrator, Mary Mashunkashey resigning her post. She's the wife of Joe Don Mashunkeshey of the Pawhuska Village scandal -- -- and Macy Mashunkashey's mother. I wonder if this is tied in somehow. Does anyone know what is going on?

    12. Maybe they will go ahead and make her repay the money now. There are rumblings of things amiss.

    13. I thought she got caught embezzling another time during the Gray administration and had to make restitution to pay it back but Chief Gray forgave the debt. That was about $30,000. Are you implying that she's done it all over again? Woah!!!!!!

    14. The family is just corrupt as all heck...and the Osages are fit to be tide. How does one get away yet still is able to work for the Osage Nation? What I also don't get is I heard she made all but one payment in her agreement for restitution. What happened to Justice on a plate? And so what was the deal here in other words why was she not convicted?

    15. This was not Jim Grays money to make that call, so where was the diligence? We can convict a Chief , we can go after the fiveman ex- Pawhuska Boad members for theft and understanding the statue of limits maehave run it's course with Mary. Though she may have resigned she still and the rest of the lying pack are all peas in a pod and have mud on their faces. To prevent this from happening again their should be a clause in the employee's hiring pack that is you still you will be convicted and you will no longer work for the Nation with all benefits denied.

    16. Lol steal. My bad.

    17. Let's watch and see if Standing Bear can enter the picture and get charges brought against her, if he can. Time to clean house in all offices on the hill. Could be that's why she quit?

    18. Yep hard to tell but I have also said the same thing a while back.

    19. I hope that finally we have a new admin that will stop all these criminals types from handing it out to one another.

    20. Some have some deep rooted roots and just feel no matter what there is entitlement example, JRE, the Pawhuska five man board,Non the less still steeling, such as rumored Red Corn and the art or artifacts gone missing of which Our Chief needs to adress this issue publicly and announce he is in support of Red Corn on this matter. Other wise his newly appointed position is tainted from the get go,

  30. Voting machine malfunction? Coincidence?

  31. The Osage News is reporting that Amendments 13-19, 13-20 and 13-22 have passed in the 2014 election. Amendments 14-03, 14-04 and 14-05 failed to garner 65 percent of the "yes" vote.

    1. Where can we find these Amendments written in full ? Thanks

    2. See summary at

    3. You can read in the Osage News (hard copy) Volume 10, Issue 5 - May 2014; the amendments verbatim in the Sample Ballot on page 16 and the next page gives you an explanation of each of the amendments and what they are supposed to mean.

  32. If all went well today at the ON Election Board Emergency Special Meeting, the unofficial election results for the General Election should be certified. See and

  33. Grayhorse In-Lon-Schka this weekend!

  34. I'm a little slow, but is the Angela M Pratt that got elected to Congress the same one that people have been complaining about as not doing her job, not being in the office on time and generally sorry at her job? If so, how in the world did she get elected?

    1. You're not slow at all. I'm puzzled by it too. That's really strange and came out of nowhere. She was on no one's voting list that I know of and I don't know how she got in there. One thing Congress really needs to do is put in place legislation to get in hand the time the members of Congress are absent when they are supposed to be there at work. The Third Congress just voted themselves a PAY RAISE of NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS plus expenses on May 22, 2014!!!!!!! That Pratt girl had by God better be there and the Sponsor of this bill ONCA 14-39 --> Shannon Edwards right along with all of the rest of them.

    2. People need to watch this from the beginning of the term, don't wait until the next election.

    3. That's Just Great! No wonder things are such a mess on the hill. Angela couldn't or wouldn't do her job, people have complained about her for one ever corrected the problem and now she got elected to Congress and we wonder why people don't show much interest in the tribe. It's one incompetent after another. Nothing ever changes. I feel so sorry for Standing Bear having to deal with all of it. If you gave a run down to other tribes on the type of people we elect to Congress and several on the MC they would fall over laughing!

    4. Most in Congress don't care as long as they can vote themselves a raise. That needs to be changed!

  35. Spending: Loan to be approved by the ON Congress during the 14th Special Session of the 3rd Congress. Information is located at
    The Osage News is reporting that Osage Inauguration Day will be held on July 2, 2014. See
    More events are located at

    1. Didn't they appropriate thirteen million bucks for that campus debacle already? and no green included which was how that pagoda building thing was sold to the Osage people in the first place? The first thing these new members of Congress had better start doing is making sure the Osage people are told the truth about the spending and stop the perennial side-wind that has gone on from the beginning. Dr. Shaw got voted in to a seat in Congress and he said we should be able to voice our opinion on how this much money is spent. When is he going to set this up, what will happen and how will we get to be involved in the decision making process on big spending items just like this?

    2. I think they should delay this vote until the new Congress members are sworn into office. They should have a say now that the election is over and they've been elected. We will have to wait for the recount and after the vote has been certified by the Election Board and they are sworn in, they should be the ones to vote up or down on a loan amount this high this soon in the construction process. If Red Corn, Free, GSB and Boone are allowed to vote now, they will vote yes and we don't need more spending or loan amounts just like this, right now. When are they ever going to learn to spend as they go. We had that post-schooler from Harvard on the Board egging them on to spend more and more money in larger and chunks on that Osage LLC and look where that got us. Those days are over and this new bunch must hit the floor running with the new conservative spending and loan approval agenda now and not leave it to those in that Congress who have proven in the past that they never seen a spending bill they didn't like. Haven't we been appalled by these officials and the spending they generate for long enough?

    3. See for Inauguration Day

    4. I agree that this vote should be delayed too till the new bunch can be put in place vote on it.

  36. Congressional Election recount! See

  37. Should we be concerned about the Campus Plan?

  38. Another good read.

    1. Thank you for posting this link. Since we seem to be going back into Iraq, at least on a limited basis, this web page of Foreign Affairs Backgrounders may also be of interest. See

    2. Thank you for your post linked to it already unbelievable and why does the UN exist? Kinda puts this in a nut shell whats going on all fronts at once and is mind expanding is a UNDERSTATEMENT.

    3. Caveat. One thing you should keep in mind is that the Council on Foreign Relations is an ultra conservative think tank with pro-Israeli leanings. This article is pure revisionist history at At no point in my life since it happened has it ever been questioned that the U.S. government and the U.S. Oil Corporations in particular Chevron were in part, along with the Brits, behind the coup that ousted Mossadeq that put in the Shah of Iran.

    4. and another revealing book published some years ago at What's interesting is that if any political criticism of the Jews in Israel takes place in the United States, immediately the charge of anti-semitism is raised and that card is played in short order. Sort of like having an analysis of some positive aspect of communal living back in the McCarthy era would bring a charge of Communism and anti-American thinking. It's reverse bigotry of the worst kind. I have wondered for many years about our policy of supporting Israel when they have no oil which is strategic to the American lifestyle and business interests in the U.S., especially when in doing so, we antagonize and isolate ourselves to one degree or another from the Arabs and Iranians in the Middle Eastern region who have in good supply the oil we need to get along and prosper as a society. It doesn't make much sense except to those American companies that supply weapons to the Israelis.

    It is time for political action in regards to ONCR 14-14. This resolution would wave our sacred sovereignty to obtain an unnecessary 10 million dollar loan. We are asking every Osage who reads this to write our Congress members to vote no on this resolution. This loan is not necessary. Please listen to the audio recording of the Governmental Operations Committee meeting of May 5, 2014. The link is provided below.Please reference these points to see why;

    14:30 Chief elect Geoffrey Standingbear addresses the legal problems associated with this loan, pointing out that sovereign immunity is considered to be sacred by Native Nations and he points out the lack of any specific language that would define our liabilites if this resolution is passed.

    20:27 He describes the lack of due diligence in preparing this loan.

    21:30 The treasurer describes the collateral for this loan; 50% by CD’s of our gaming money and 50% the full faith and credit of the Osage Nation. The full faith and credit of the Osage Nation means that if we would default on the loan, they can take money from any program, or asset that we own. A very bad deal for the Osage Nation and a risk we do not need to take.

    24:49 Congressman Kugee Supernaw weighs in emphasizing the need for more study and legal opinion before even considering this loan.

    30:10 THE SOLUTION Chief elect Geoffrey Standingbgbear offers a simple positive and final solution that will finish the Campus Phase One project without having to borrow a cent. Here is what he said in the meeting; “There’s an easy solution, “We (Congress) just as a body, with the Chief’s cooperation, direct our gaming enterprise to move 15 millions of the Osage Nations money that they are holding, hopefully drawing interest, to the treasury to pay for this. Because, I can assure you there’s a lot more than 15 million dollars being held by our gaming, from gaming revenues. It is a simple solution. It’s a logical solution. It’s our money. Move it over here , pay for it. What are you saving it for? Oh, a 400 million dollar deal that even the economists tell you is a mess.”

    Please contact our Congress members and let them know how you feel about this issue. By self financing we will save hundreds of thousands of dollars and keep our sacred sovereignty intact. Our gaming enterprise has demonstrated time and time again that they have the money to finish this construction, spending 9 million dollars for the remodel of our Sand Spring casino and 30 million dollars for additional construction on Skaitook and Ponca City from their reserve funds. 70% of the voters in the last election gave Chief elect Standingbear their vote of confidence. Please let the current congress members know that you support his opinion in this matter Below is the message that I have sent to congress members. Please feel free to copy and send it, or create your own message and let them know how you feel.

    Dear Congress Member,
    I am respectfully asking you to vote against ONCR 14-14. Chief elect Geoffrey Standingbear has pointed out in committee, that our gaming enterprise has the money to complete this project. Please create new legislation to move our money from the gaming enterprise to our treasury in order to finish the Campus Master Plan Phase One and avoid waving our sacred sovereignty and the waste hundreds of thousands of dollars of our gaming revenues. Thank You Jim Ryan Osage

    Link to committee audio Government Ops 5-21-2014,,,,,,,,,,,,

    1. I for one be asking Congress to remember the oath that they took as well as ask the to do the due diligence that is required by them no longer the excuse we have to wait and see before we read it to know whats in it attitude will not cut it for an excuse anylonger, can we ignore the facts as they are before us. This is serious as it gets this is not chump change we are talking about. Time for a new vote on a new G.O.C. Time to start the petition.

    2. Add to that, we don't need to be advertising 23 million bucks in total out there anyway. If they know the money has been appropriated, they'll figure out a way to spend all of it in the first phase. Pay as you go. Pay as you go. Pay as you go.

    3. There is nothing wrong with financing your own project with your own money, and this would give more attention to invoice so there is no corruption. Though there are start up fees and so forth but we have the money. Pay as you go! All of this needs hands on accountants 24-7.

    4. Well. It's a good thing Terry Mason Moore's 15 minutes of fame as the Assistant Chief are soon over. There was a 5/5 split in the vote on the floor of the Congress with Jech and Edwards MIA. When there's a split, the Asst. Chief gets to vote and Moore broke the tie voting for the loan to be approved by the Congress. This seems grossly unfair. This is definitely an Executive Branch choice, not that of the Congress who are supposed to responsible for the appropriation process. How gross is that? She should have abstained and that would have rightfully left it for the 4th Congress to decide.

    5. The Cherokee by managing thier Casino Construction coined in another way as I said you have to be on deck 24-7. Just bad business to do it any other way." Said you have to have someone there who is living and breathing the details of the project". This would be our Congress, our eyes and ears. Why have a Congress if this is the case? I see huge conflicts arising in the long run with cost overruns. This especially, we need Congress to really pay attention to every dollar is spent. Whats to protect against the risk?

    6. Quite a lively discussion about this topic is going on over at Jim Ryan's "OFFR" Facebook web page at Of course, you have to be a member of Facebook to get in there to join the discussion and you can't post anonymously. They may have a read-only capability for non-FB members, I'm not sure.

  40. CNN Breaking News Alert:

    The U.S. Patent Office has canceled six trademarks belonging to the Washington Redskins football team, saying they are offensive to Native Americans.
    In a decision released today, the office's Trademark Trial and Appeal Board ruled that the "that these registrations must be canceled because they were disparaging to Native Americans."
    The board also said it lacked the authority to prevent the team from continuing to use the trademarks.
    The decision came in response to a suit brought by what the board called "five Native Americans."

  41. More "Gray Days" for other Tribal Communities>>>

  42. For Colorado residents, click on "Resources for Native Americans brochure" at

  43. Learn something:

  44. Of the eight people appointed, two of them show up on his campaign contribution list at

  45. I heard of another guy he promised a job to for his support in the campaign.

  46. Alice Buffalo and John Maker who have poor attendance at committee meetings are both going to Hawaii at your expense. What a way for the 4th Congress to start.

    1. What is the business justification?

    2. I would likw to know as much as well....If is Osage official business it can be held in Osage County or via skype...not on our dime than you.

    3. Alice and John care to expound?

  47. Osage Blog Conversation continues at

    1. Osage Nation Child Support Department
      Julie Standingbear, Director --- isn’t this nepotism now that Geoffrey is Chief Executive of the Nation’s employees?
      Dana Daylight, Case Initiation
      Delana Taylor, Case Manager
      Dana Cass, Finance Specialist
      Kathy Sherwood, Investigator
      Ms Sherwood apparently had a disagreement with Ms Standingbear and is now charged with 50 counts of discussing cases with a board for employee appeals. Might be a good idea to not subject your personel policy disagreements to HR procedures if the Chief’s family is involved.
