Thursday, May 8, 2014

Archive #10: Osage Shareholder Matters--May-June 2014


  1. per cap -- the best decision for Osage Nation. The people we have to select from for government officials have no clue!

    1. A per-cap will be nice, once we have some surplus funds to distribute. But we must have a comfortable cash reserve accumulated first! Of the entire field of candidates for congress and executive branch, only 3 or 4 seem to have any plan to offer for generating more revenue. Listen to the debates and you will see what I’m talking about. The rest of them have lots of ideas about how to spend the money, but offer nothing that would start generating new revenues. Standing Bear, Supernaw, and a few others understand this, and they are already working on several plans to do this very thing. Whether they win or lose in this election, they will offer these plans when the details are worked out. If they are elected, it will be so much easier for them to get this done. Let’s don’t elect someone who only knows how to spend the money. We need to earn the money first. The per-cap will come, but with over 17,000 Osages standing in line, if common sense prevails, a per-cap is down the road several years. But it will come.

    2. Drivel. There is ALWAYS an excuse. We have 8 (EIGHT) casinos and they have generated enough revenue in the last three years for a per cap. People here are savvy to such inflated membership numbers that don't go much over 13,500 to date, if that. There are more Boards and Commissions and Study Groups that are funded by the Osage Nation into the Millions and Millions of dollars, that the last bill they approved and had signed by the Chief had every other page in the PDF document missing and those were ones the highest dollar figures!!!!! Budgets for the Offices and Department so inflated they are 15% higher than what is really spent with a minimum $5 Million dollar return yearly to the Osage Treasury of funding unspent yearly. A total of TWO MILLION DOLLARS of Osage Nation money for the Pawhuska arbor when they receive lease income from the casino on Pawhuska Village land. Salaries so high that Osages were fraudulently falsifying income amounts on documents to qualify in order to get WIC vouchers to be able to keep funding amounts coming in from the Feds at the same level. And on and on and on. If they can't figure out a way to screw us one way they will come up with another. That excuse won't work anymore so don't even bother to insult us with it again.

    3. I'm telling you here and now. Get rid of these selfish greedy people the entire LOT of them who spend our money on themselves like degenerate demoniacs. The only chance of a per cap with these ghastly people is when they get their hands on the money coming from the Mineral Estate and hand it out to all of us and only what's left after they eat it up with the same kind of spending they indulge themselves in today. A comfortable cash reserve my A**!!!!! Who do you think you're kidding? What are you? Some kind of a jerk?

    4. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!May 8, 2014 at 12:20 AM

      'Standing Bear, Supernaw, and a few others understand this, and they are already working on several plans to do this very thing?' If they were going to do it, it would have been done three years ago with Standing Bear and seven years ago with Kugee. LMAO!

    5. MAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!May 8, 2014 at 12:21 AM

      Never mind that Turkey voucher. Where's my hundred buck Osage Nation Mother's Day voucher? HUH?

    6. YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU Osage County Osages First and Last and In-between. $3.3 million that will turn into $5 million before its over. Like Dr. Ron Shaw said, did you ever ask the entire membership if we want to spend this kind of money on yet another multi-million dollar facility for too few Osages living there to justify the overall expense and at our expense and to our individual detriment as well?

    7. 11:52.....I can possibly see a per-cap in the future coming out of casino and other revenue souses, if there are any. But, why do you think by any stretch of the imagination you are entitled to money from the Minerals Estate, unless you are a shareholder? That is shareholder money, by law and doesn't belong to every Tom, Dick and Harry that thinks they are entitled to it. Our kids would like to have some of it also but understand that, by law, they will have to wait until we die and they become shareholders.

    8. With either one of these two Chiefs elected, if I were you, I'd stop living in the past.

    9. PER-CAP is dam straigt, indianlawyer care to repond please.

    10. If the Congress approves the Tulsa Cadino expansion at $400 million dollars there will be no money for a per cap or much else. Kugee and I have been trying to hold this spending and debt to the level recommended by the top Oklahoma bankers at Bank of Oklahoma to $80-100 million. $100 million dollars would build so new event center and new casino and would leave a hotel as phase 2 if, and only if there was profit to build it. Beware that fees for our casinos are for the most part based on percentages. The larger the project, the more of our money goes to fees and out the door.

    11. Alice Buffalohead has said she would join Kugee and me to stop the demand for the $400 million dollar expansion. Also, Raymond Redcorn, and now Shannon Edwards are considering it. Raymond and Shannon have said they would support increasing the Osage Nation share of gaming profits. Right now we recieve $42 million of the $80 million net revenue profit. That is money as profit after all operation expenses and all debt payments on current existing casino debt. The extra money is held by the a Gaming Board and we cannot get to it because the majority of a Congress will not change it. The 6 Congress Members who are not up for re-election only have Shannon who has announced she wants a change, and I am eager to see if the other 5 will say the same.

    12. This post looks to me like a ==> campaign story <== for you, Kugee and the others named here. $400 million is beyond our reality.

      In the first place the casino should be Osage Nation property and 100% revenue belongs to the Osage Nation. The casino management are hired hands and only have the authority given by the Nation. Before money is spent in the Tulsa area some thought should be given to the share of the gaming and hotel market the Osage can expect, given this late entry into the marketplace.

    13. I think it does too. They are only trying to conserve money for higher salaries and new government hires in the coming years, money for that absurd $200 million Campus Plan we don't even need that will serve to enhance their egos at the expense of every Osage who needs a per cap and for Standing Bear's pet projects, especially the one named in his recent campaign literature that went out before that stupid primary we didn't need either so they can get the jump on anyone from the outside coming in to clean up their mess, which is to build a SECOND Cultural Center on top of the one we already have today. This is his biggest campaign story yet and I don't believe a word of it. What happened to the Constitutional Convention he was so on fire about before he was elected to Congress? Nothing. That's exactly what will will happen to the per cap if he is elected. NOTHING! I've even heard a member of Congress put it out there that this government for the government and not for the Osage people is right because what do the most of us do to deserve a per cap. Don't think that most if not all are against us back home and this view is so well represented in Congress that we need to get rid of them all and start over. These people pander after the families back there from morning until night day after day to the detriment of all of the rest of us. I don't see the word families in the Osage Constitution that they have all sworn to uphold but never do on this issue for certain. What I see is the power comes from the Osage People and that means every member of the Osage Nation as fairly represented by our government officials as humanly possible and NO MORE EXCUSES PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    14. $30 MILLION is about $2,000.00 - $2,150.000 a year for every man woman and child registered as a member of the Osage Nation. For a family of four that's $8,000 to $8,600 a year that they will run through and spend on themselves. The Gray family are dead set against a per-cap but then we know it will be insane if that woman is elected as Chief. As usual, the deck is always stacked against the overwhelming majority of us members. I couldn't agree more. You have identified the elephant in the living room. We need to get rid of this unbalanced government controlled by these families back in Osage County even if we have to take a trip ourselves to Washington D.C. to outline the bigotry and spending discrimination, especially with gaming proceeds that are supposed to be spent on all of us, which we suffer with under the new Osage Nation government and personally lobby the members of the U.S. Congress ourselves. The Osage People and OUR NEEDS first and all this nonsense spending they come up with for themselves LAST.

    15. I'd like to see Standing Bear and iPad Ray Red Corn lose just for putting into law this partisan primary election who are now in a position to benefit most, that has left us with two bad choices for Chief and two more bad choices for Assistant Chief. This is so ugly it's hard to believe that they have put us all in this position. I heard that half the people who wanted to run for Chief didn't even know about that primary and missed getting to run for office. That's probably what they were counting on to get the edge, winnowing out any competition. One of the worst possible types of corruption a government and the officials who structure it can engage in is corrupt elections.

    16. Amanda Proctor is FOR [exploring and promoting] a Per cap but that's more lawyer speak. She doesn't say she that she will move heaven and earth to make it happen for all of us if she's elected AP Chief. iPad Ray has that Osage County Historical Museum thing hanging over his head that he won't offer anyone an explanation about. Amanda should ask him about that and on the basis of moral imperative, get that information out to the voters before they vote on June 2. Ugly is right.

    17. B.S. Anyone and I repeat, anyone that wanted to run for Chief or any position in the primary should have made it their business on how to file for office and run in the primary. To say they didn't know makes them look foolish and this is yet another rumor with no facts.

    18. So you got an advance notification in the mail from the Osage Election Board about this Primary several months before the prospective candidate had to file for office during the Christmas season and when the election was to take place in March? Because I sure didn't.

  2. I will figure out the proper posting procedure later.

    1. No Geoffrey. Figure it out now. I am not a Blog valet or ladies maid to the esteemed members of the Osage Nation Congress or anyone else for that matter. When you start a topic (thread) and/or want to reply to it, do so by clicking on the reply button underneath the last comment in line with that topic. Please don't begin one thread after the other with comments that belong under the original topic thread. Thank you!

    2. GOOD LORD Osageblooger! . There was nothing said, that I could see,that required such a ugly response. The man just said he would figure it out later and you demand "Figure it out now" I don't understand your attitude.

    3. You don't have to spend the time to clean this up this Blog either. I have issued a number of requests on this basis and expect them to be respected. I provide this service for free and for everyone to have a place to go to share their thoughts and concerns but I don't want to have to spend unnecessary time to maintain it because posters disregard my requests. You may think this is harsh but I don't because I'm the one who has to do all the extra work. Please have respect for my time and effort on your behalf.

    4. The Northern California Osage are now filtering what is posted on their FB page so get over it. There you have sign in with no anonymous posting at all.

    5. Come on guys. Enough! Let's refocus our energies on the Mineral Estate Trust. We have one candidate for Chief who has a brother who was Chief who has openly advocated in the past for compacting the BIA. This candidate may and probably does share the same view about compacting and probably sees a per-cap in the same light as does the rest of her family, which is, that such a program is prohibitive. We have a second candidate for Chief who has openly advocated for a Federally Chartered Corporation under the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act as a solution that will, in effect, replace the current Federal Mineral Estate Trust in his campaign literature four years ago when he was running for the Osage Nation Congress. For those who want to keep the current mineral estate trust, this is the most important issue where the Osage Headright Shareholders are concerned. Let's keep our eyes on the ball here. I am closing out this particular thread and we are moving on to focus on the larger issues that have an effect on all of the Shareholders where the Mineral Estate Trust is concerned.

  3. Now that the Nation and Mineral council has partnered with other Osage County enterprises how long will it be before the land owners (Ted Turner, Fred Drummond, Church of Later Day Saints, etc.) lobby to have the Minerals returned to the land owners as was originally written in the 1906 act. Just an act of congress away.

    1. The mineral rights have been taken into perpetuity for the Osage Tribe now the Osage Nation. See the 1978 Act to Amend the 1939 Act to Amend the 1906 Allotment Act. That means forever. See also

    2. The same government that amended the Act in 1978 can amend it again.

    3. Right. Look up "in perpetuity" without the possibility of another Act of the U.S. Congress to amend it. State governments have done this effectively with property rights. In our case, this has taken place at the Federal level.

    4. The deal was made in 1978 for the State of Oklahoma to receive Gross Production Taxes from the Mineral Estate in order for the mineral rights to have this final and permanent extension. If the mineral rights were to revert to the land owners, the State will lose this revenue. It's in the best interest of the State of Oklahoma for this agreement to continue forward.

    5. That's what I dont get. It wasn't their land to negotiate in the first for the gross production tax.

    6. True but it is what it is and we do have a permanent extension in perpetuity.

    7. Perpetuity -- end of life plus 21 years. The last allottee passed in 2011. A good lawyer could probably make a case that the amendment was improper in the first place.

    8. Twisting the facts to make an argument is disingenuous. The mineral rights are reserved to the Osage Tribe as an entity that is legally survived by the Osage Nation, not any one single human person. That business about the Tribe dying with the last original allottee was an artificial legal argument made to scare people into voting for the new Constitutional government. It was a manipulation then and it's a manipulation now.

    9. The land owners never had the mineral rights. Prior to the allotment act, the Osage Tribe owned the land. When the Osages sold their land, they didn't own the mineral either. If you read the 1906 Act, it states that the tribe owns the minerals.

  4. Amanda Proctor Meet and Greet tonight in Bartlesville at 7:00 p.m. at TK's Steak House, 3121 SE Frank Phillips Blvd., --->

    1. Hear it went well and was well attended.

    2. So. Standing Bear is now partnered with Amanda and not Raymond. That means she comes under his cloud on that Fed. Chartered Corp. to end the ME Trust? Woah! This is one wild election!

    3. I don't care who Standing Bear partners with...IPad Ray doesn't have my vote anyway.

  5. Fantastic News! The Wind farm permit for the new Trade wind Energy project gets sent down and denied by the Board of Adjustment. See

    1. Thank you Osageblogger this is great news. Hope this is the last we heard from them but I doubt it.

    2. New article>>

    3. Also

  6. Election events are listed at

    1. Revard Reunion and Candidate Rally! See

  7. How did Margo's Bake off and auction go on Friday?

    1. It's tonight. We don't know yet: FRIDAY, MAY 9TH | 4:30 PM | WAH ZHA ZHI CULTURAL CENTER

  8. Quarterly Annuity Payment $9,335.00 per Full Headright as of June 1, 2014 - See more at:

  9. Mineral Council best!!! Cheryl Potts, Curtis Bear, Linda Heskett, Joe Cheshewalla, Talee Redcorn, Cynthia Boone, Stephanie Erwin, Myron Red Eagle.

    1. YOUR KIDDING !!

    2. Not Cheryl, not Joe, maybe Talee and definitely not another vacillating Red Eagle!

    3. Here is my list of people I'm NOT going to vote far. . Not Curtis, not Cynthia, not Stephanie, not Cheryl, not Linda

    4. I to am adding these people on my list not go vote for.

    5. Add- R.E. Yarbrough.

  10. While these guys are wanting to be re-elected how about Andrew explain about what is being done with any income from the Kansas property.

  11. Deadline Approaching: The ballot request for absentee ballots must be made in writing on or before MAY 23. 2014! The form is available for immediate download at by clicking on the text: Absentee Ballot Request Form. To confirm if your absentee ballot request form has been received send an e-mail to Minerals Council Election Supervisor Faren Revard Anderson at

  12. Is this number right by the Doi? 989 members.

    1. DOI? This web site is from the Cobell lawsuit not the DOI.

    2. The Class Counsel for this Settlement has recently sent two emails to all individuals who had signed up for an “Ask Elouise” mailing list. If you did not receive an e-mail from the administrator of the Cobell settlement and would like to join the mailing list for the Ask Elouise emails, please send a request to

    3. Just read the Cobell update. Can someone or somebody would you happen to know what the issue with OK is and why is the issue holding up the scheduled payout of the Settlement? And I went to the site for unknown whereabouts and my Family Estate was listed which I thouhgt was odd considerrng I received my confirmation?

    4. "During the week of June 2, 2014, David Smith, Class Counsel, will be in Oklahoma. If there are groups from Oklahoma interested in meeting with him during that week please contact him by phone at 866-383-6554 or by email at We will do our best to accommodate all requests." See

  13. Amid Opposition, Extension School Club of Harvard Will Hold Satanic Black Mass Demonstration at Apparently, it's been cancelled but how did this thing ever gain any ground to begin with?

    1. I believe it was canceled, unbelievable.

  14. Let's cut right to the chase - Mr. Standing Bear, you wrote this post as ndnlawyer on this blog on May 7, 2014 at 9:20 PM:
    "There is no plan for a federally chartered corporation. I have been in the Osage Congress for four years and it has never been mentioned."
    Will you pledge in writing that as long as you are Chief or hold elected office in the Osage Nation government that you will not introduce, create, institute, develop with any party or individual; be it the Federal government or any other Osage official, appointee or employee of the Osage Nation government or put in place, introduce or sign into Osage Nation law, legislation for a federally chartered corporation either for or in place of the Federal Mineral Estate Trust as it exists today?

  15. On the horizon soon the ban to export crude will be lifted. Lets build the refiner.

  16. So, if you can't attack Cynthia, you have to go for Jenny Miller? I am upfront about this and I mean it; personal attacks are not allowed here on the Osage Blog. As soon as I find them, I will delete them. This is an issues web site and that's the way it's going to be from now on. You have been so advised.

    1. Yes. I agree with you. Never mind Cynthia or Jenny, this is the issue I posted earlier and I'd like Mr. Standing Bear to respond:
      Will you pledge in writing that as long as you are Chief or hold elected office in the Osage Nation government that you will not introduce, create, institute, develop with any party or individual; be it the Federal government or any other Osage official, appointee or employee of the Osage Nation government or put in place, introduce or sign into Osage Nation law, legislation for a federally chartered corporation either for or in place of the Federal Mineral Estate Trust as it exists today?

    2. Don't think we don't know what you're doing and that's to provide a diversion so that Mr. Standing Bear doesn't have to answer the question. It won't work so don't even bother. It's obvious what you're doing and has been obvious all along. You want to end the Federal Mineral Estate Trust in favor of some kind of corporation so all of you who live in Osage County can pile on and deplete the income from the mineral rights so that those outside of OC won't get any of it. Nice try but we see right though you and what you're up to.

    3. See what I maen.

    4. Yes I do. One or more have been throwing up a smoke screen and diversions by trashing one member of Minerals Council so Geoff can get by unnoticed. This blog forsed him to pledge that he won't use some corporation to end the M/E Trust. We should all be grateful it's here to stay in focus on what's the most important issue of all ==> Future protection of our Mineral Estate Trust.

  17. Justify this GALEN

    1. Change everything. Ruin everything. The Osage Nation will destroy it all.

    2. Really!! After studying the New Nasa map showing how temperatures in America have changed, must have passed Osage Nation bye, a little hotter around my"H" old much quoted Fouraker "Foraker", could have been those hot bits coming up from that 10,000 foot well, or there could be a feed lot near by, fill in your own maybe's.

    3. The Osage operators’ manual was first developed nearly 20 years ago by area producers, BIA and the EPA as a guide to help the operators sort thru the overlapping regulatory responsibilities and environmental requirements of these two agencies. There have been many changes to environmental law during this time, such as the “clean air act” which didn’t even exist at that time, so everyone felt it was time to update the manual and also the much smaller “handbook” that is a condensed version suitable for carrying in a glove box or brief case.

      This time around the Minerals Council, surface owners, even headright holders were allowed to observe and participate with comments and suggestions during several public meetings.

      The Manual is meant to help all parties understand the various federal laws and regulations, but in no way changes or adds to these requirements. These are federal laws already on the books being enforced in the Osage and everywhere else. The manual is merely a tool to help people understand who to call for assistance and what agency is responsible for what particular type of situation in the Osage.

      We just finished a full day of meetings yesterday with many representatives from the surface owners and producers. (no Headright owners showed up for their evening session) And since we are getting to the end of this process the main topics had more to do with unclear language in places, typos and formatting suggestions rather than anything that would affect content. It took about half the time allotted for the producers to make their suggested improvements to the current version.

      Ray Tuttle (who didn't even attend the meeting) of the Journal Record did his usual job of yellow journalism by using half truths to attempt to create controversy when there is none. This process is really a good example of different groups getting together to create a useable tool for everyone to better understand how environmental issues are handled in the Osage. Of course this manual is going to be bigger than the last one, because it contains information on a lot of federal laws that didn’t exist when the last one was created. And to use the example that this manual is twice as big as the much condensed previous “handbook” version is just plain silly. The handbook is half the size of the previous manual also.

      The most controversy that happed all day was when Vanessa Ray-Hodge, legal council for the BIA, informed a representative of the State of Oklahoma DEQ, in no uncertain terms, that the Federal government did not agree that the Irby case changed the status of the Osage reservation and so the BIA would maintain their preeminent jurisdiction in the Osage, thank you very much. That was a pleasing exchange to watch.

    4. Thank you, Galen. Hopefully this information will put a few minds to rest.

    5. Thank you Galen.

    6. Chaparral Energy - Osage Mineral Council

      Coffeyville Refinery - Transports a lot of oil from the Osage. A by product of their refinery process is CO2 gas. It was very expensive to dispose of this dangerous product.

      As the process of CO2 injection was improved they own and leases and Osage County land. When someone in their management found out they could negotiate a concession in the North Burbank Field this was a natural for increasing the profit of production and reducing the cost of refining.

      The Mineral Council who had no experience with CO2 injection or technical expertice was very motivated to cut a drilling concession in the NBO field.

      Chaparral then built a pipeline from Coffeyville, Kansas to the Burbank field and injects this gas into the shale to increase the production of the wells there.

      While the Osage mineral owners get benefit from the increased production no income is received from the savings the Refinery gets from taking care of their buy product gas.Had the mineral council realised the benefit to Chaparral for the land they leased with the concession they could have probably gotten a premium for leases in this field..

      The point of this story is that Galen,Sonny,Andrew and Ray Mc Clain are not the sharpest tacks in the barrel and that instead of spending your money on lawyers they should hire a Oil and Gas production consulting firm.

      Get a Mineral Council that admits no Knowledge of current Oil & Gas Production technology and is willing to hire a consulting firm. with current and future technology.knowledge.

      The Osage Oil and Gas production is out of control and no one knows how much is really being produced.

    7. Overall I agree with what you have just posted, but about 8 years ago CO2 injection had been used in a field in the Osage, believe the BIA agency petroleum whatever he was, said this technique a 20 well producing with I quess tanked in CO2, I'll check my old notes further.H

    8. To anonymous, May 15, 2014 at 10:25 AM-----Your post is a perfect example of what happens when someone “who (should) admits they know nothing about Current Oil and Gas Technology” starts giving out free instructions on who should be overseeing the operation of an oil and gas business.

      First of all, Coffeyville Refining was not disposing of CO2. They were simply venting it to the atmosphere. Now they sell it all to Chaparral.

      Next of all, there is no concession for the Burbank. Where in the world did you get that? The entire Burbank field was leased up in the 1920’s by Frank Phillips and others when oil was $1.50 per barrel, at a 12 ½% royalty rate, and it has been held by production ever since. It has been sold several times, most recently by Calumet Oil to Chaparral Energy, who saw the potential for CO2 enhanced recovery. The 12 ½% royalty was grandfathered in, and it stays with the leases until they are terminated. This made it even more attractive to Chaparral. They already had it leased. Why would they need a concession? Do you even know what a concession is? Have you ever read one?

      Then you seem to blame the mineral council for Chaparral making a deal with Coffeyville Refining to acquire the CO2. THAT REFINERY IS IN KANSAS. I don’t know what you expect to see the mineral council do about someone purchasing CO2 in KANSAS. Some people will say anything to get attention, even if it exposes their stupidity. Somebody is sure getting desperate for votes here.

      One thing you are right about tho, no one knows how much oil and gas is being produced here, and no one will until the new cfr’s are effective. Once these are implemented, we will know exactly how much is being produced and we will have a pretty good idea of how much we haven’t been getting for the Osages. I’d bet you have been right in there, trying to delay the cfr’s as much as possible, right along with Boone, Whitehorn, Bear, Red Eagle, and Core haven’t you. This is what people who know nothing about the oil and gas business do, I guess. The council had an oil and gas consultant for the nrc meetings and these 5 fired him, a week before the final meeting. They also have another one. Crum, Yates, and Mcclain will probably thank you for the plug. Any more of this ignorance, and their campaigns will get a lot easier.

    9. Now would be a good time to strongly suggest that all voters go to Ray McClain's web site "Osages-You-Need-To-Know" and read his campaign flyer. The first of it starts off with the "Things I believe the MC needs to do" Brief and to the point outline. Then on the same page click on "See Resume" You will see that he has extensive experience in just about all aspects of producing and transporting oil. Then click on his "Platform Details" I believe you will find this to be about as transparent if not more so than any other candidates for the MC and come to the same conclusion as I did....that this is exactly who we need on the MC. Additionally I believe he will work together with Galen and Yates to re-energize the concepts of transparency, truthfulness and much needed stability to the MC.

    10. To anonymous @ 10:25

      The later poster at 5:30 called you out pretty well on your many misstatements, but I can shed a little more light on the subject that might be interesting to others that actually care about accuracy.

      First, as has already been pointed out, the North Burbank unit is not a concession, it is an enhanced recovery unit and has been since Frank Phillips first turned the water valve on to start the water flood process. This basically means that the whole unit is treated much like a single lease so that the water flood process can push oil from non-producing areas into the producing areas in order to recover oil that can’t be pumped up by conventional means. Neither this Minerals Council, nor any Tribal Council for many previous years had anything to do with creating it.

      Secondly the CO2 that Chaparral is capturing and pumping to the Unit is from a Coffeyville fertilizer plant not a refinery, and it was just being dumped into the air. Chaparral spent about $110 million in building the capturing facility and 68 mile long 8 inch pipeline. But adding CO2 to the water flood process will make it much more efficient and should allow them to recover an additional 88 million barrels of oil from the field. Total cost to Chaparral is close to $500 million.

      Also your suggestion that the Council should hire an Oil & Gas consulting firm to evaluate our production potential brings to mind a little known clause in the new CFR’s. I found out that the rest of the Indian world can ask the BLM to perform this service for free. The BLM usually always hires a large outside consulting firm to handle this duty for them. I thought this was a good idea so a section was added to the proposed regulations that will allow the Minerals Council to ask the BIA to perform this service for us. The regulations will require them to comply. Your idea of a consulting firm was a good idea, but I think getting the service free of charge to the headright holders is an even better one. Thank you for providing me an opportunity to point out yet another of the many improvements contained in the new regs.

    11. I thought the O&G guy was from Akin Gump and all five voted to suspend the changes to the CFRs indefinitely until the unintended consequences could be fully thought out and understood. I'm the producer wanting to do business or stay and continue doing business in Osage County. So far, I have at least one but possibly two wind farms on the way that may interfere with my doing business. I have Ladd and Ree Drummond (Mrs. Cooksie and her very wealthy hubbie from one of the largest land owner families in Osage County) setting the example of putting up gates and locking them on land where mineral rights are being developed. I am also aware of at least one man who has taken out after the employees of one producer with a shot gun. I have to deal with a whole new Code of Federal Regulations as well as a new Osage Operators Manual put together by the Minerals Council and the BIA. In addition, I have no idea what other challenges I may have to face as a working producer in Osage County since the foolhardy Osage Nation government went to court over the tax position of one Osage and, as a result, lost their Federal reservation status by decision of the Federal Court and upheld at the Federal appellate level. Is anyone here willing to take a look at this situation from the standpoint of the long view and admit to the truth of it that the situation for the producers; large, medium or small is growing less and less tenable by the day and that Osage County is becoming less and less attractive a place to do business day by day? Does the word PROHIBITIVE mean anything to anyone?

    12. OK guys. This thread is an excellent example of a superb issues discussion. Outstanding! Keep it up.

    13. To anonymous, May 15, 2014 at 7:44 PM----Well, Mr. “producer who wants to do business or stay and continue doing business in Osage County,” you sure have a lot of problems with everyone around you. Maybe you are the one who SHOULD leave! Find the nearest county line that’s downwind from you and head for it. Please don’t live the rest of your life in misery by staying here and following the rules the rest of us work with every day. Oh, and be sure to write when you find work.

    14. Awesome!!! This is just about the perfect gotcha. I'll just bet this response is from an Osage working for the Osage Nation government or living in Osage County or both. This is exactly what and who we have to be afraid of Shareholders. This is what they think and the sum total of it. This attitude against the producers, written right here on the page, will continue to diminish quarter by quarter, the income coming into all of our headright checks. We need a pro-producer environment in Osage County and it just doesn't exist in the Osage Nation government with the exception of very few.

    15. Sorry if this is a producer complaining, nothing your complaining about is new to the indusrty who are you kidding. A real producer would not be ashamed to announce their disappointment, especially on this site.

    16. You're busted. No way to walk it back now. This is what you think about the producers who do the work to put money in all of our payment checks. We shouldn't have to be held hostage to this anti-business unprofessional attitude of most of those who are in a position to control what's going on with the Osage Nation Mineral Council with very few exceptions. You'll deserve to see your payments drop every quarter but we won't. Not that you care about anything other than getting your way and being right from the OC Osage point of view. At the rate you're going, you'll have the Mineral Estate business flat on its back in a coma before you ever have the chance to steal it.

    17. The entire Burbank field was leased up in the 1920’s by Frank Phillips, the 12 ½% royalty was grandfathered. If this is true the MC should spend some of their legal funds to get this declared invalid. When the leaser sells a lease the terms should be renegotiated.

    18. This seems to be an issue for clarification by Vanessa Ray-Hodge, Senior Council to the Solicitor and legal council for the BIA. Her e-mail address is While you're at it, find out why the BIA hasn't run to court to stop the Drummonds and the build now starting up on that wind farm with a Federal restraining order on behalf of the Osage Nation because these actions are clearly deleterious to the future development of the mineral estate and the income generated from the mineral rights coming into the ME Trust. Fiduciary obligation is what is owed by the BIA to the Osage Nation and the Shareholders in these matters. It's as simple as that. Apparently, they need to be reminded. AGAIN.

    19. I second that. Who has autonomy? I still feel the methodology behind the concessions.needs updating? And a long time ago.

    20. To poster @ 11:03 am. You would think maybe the MC has already inquired on these matters of concern and or in the process of addressing these matters aggressively, and will keep the shareholders comprised after all we are all in the same boat together?

    21. To anonymous May 15, 2014 at 9:02 PM…I guess the timely proposed resolution by Cynthia Boone today to raise the minimum bid at lease sales is an example of this “pro producer environment” you speak of. What’s going on here? Not long ago she was saying that she “loved the big producers” and that she “loved the little producers.” Now she wants to tighten the thumb screws on ALL the producers. It’s getting harder all the time to know when she is lying. This is a good example of how morally corrupt this woman really is. And it is all just getting her a few votes.

  18. Election day camp site information is located at

  19. New article>>

    1. What are these folks getting from Standing Bear that they've given so much to his campaign?

    2. DUH !! They are hoping to get a good Chief for once.

    3. OK. I was thinking more along the lines of jobs and political favors after he's elected. Keep an eye on the list of political campaign contribution donors and let's see what turns up.

    4. You ain't seen nothing yet....Wait and see what happens if Margo Gray gets elected!

    5. There is already a pretty good disunion on the Conversation part of this blog concerning all the Red Corn family members that he has on the payroll and possibly another one to be brought in on the Pawhuska arbor upgrade.Wait until he gets in as Asst. Chief.

    6. Sure does look like some awful choices no matter which way you vote. They think it's good to do all these things no matter what we think and that makes it even worse. I wish there were some way to suspend this election until that damn primary can be given a second look and a third party proper review. No one wanted it but the members of Congress and the Chief. They benefit most from it. Not right at all.

    7. Oh forgot this...

  20. New article on amendments to the Const.>>

  21. Ray McClain == What is your answer to this statement??? The entire Burbank field was leased up in the 1920’s by Frank Phillips, the 12 ½% royalty was grandfathered. If this is true the MC should spend some of their legal funds to get this declared invalid. When the leaser sells a lease the terms should be renegotiated.

    1. As far as I know, a lease can be held by production as long as it is producing enough to pay the operating expenses, and the royalty on the product produced is paid. These lease agreements are valid, binding contracts, no matter when they were agreed to, and unless all parties agree, the royalty rate and the acreage per lease can never be changed unless the lease is terminated for cause. Should that happen, the royalty rate would change to 20% when a new lease is made for that acreage. A prudent operator will make every effort to comply with the Code of Federal Regulations governing operations on these leases, if only to be sure that doesn’t happen. It’s a big step from 12 ½% to 20%, just like it’s a big step from $2.00 oil to $95.00 oil. >>>>> Our predecessors had no idea that the $2.00 oil would be $95.00 in less than 100 years. 12 ½% was fair for the $2.00 oil, and that’s the deal that was made. Deals are made, money is borrowed, mortgages are created, and companies are formed and bought and sold, all based on these “grandfathered-in” royalty rates. The Minerals Council could spend a lot of their legal funds trying to get this declared invalid, but I think it would be a total waste of money. The leases are legally binding contracts, and I don’t see how any court could rule any other way.>>>>> I don’t like it either, but that is the hand we were dealt. We can still win (make money) with this hand, and we will be making a lot more when we start getting paid our due royalty for 100% of the production being taken from the Mineral Estate. The new CFR’s will do that for us.

    2. Thanks Ray McClain.

    3. Ray, Don't take a stand just let the shareholder get ripped off by Chaparral. When did the BIA or the MC have the lease documents examined by a competent land firm?

      Is it possible that where they inject CO2 could effect where the oil is recovered?

    4. I was asked for, and I have given you my position on “grandfathered-in” royalty rates. Obviously you don’t agree. If you have a lawyer who will give you a formal opinion stating how it is possible to circumvent age old contract law, why don’t you hire him and then share that formal opinion with the rest of us. Maybe you could change my mind with a bona fide legal opinion. Your personal opinion has about the same value as my personal opinion. But, you use your own money. Not Shareholder money!
      And besides, I can’t think of a better way to chase off Producers, than to start dragging them into a court with a bunch of foolishness. This would give us the reputation of being disingenuous and attempting to change existing contracts unilaterally. If we don’t honor our contracts, who would ever want to do business with us?
      I don’t quite understand your question about the CO2. “Where it is injected” will certainly affect “where the oil is recovered.” If you have a specific question, I will try to answer.
      Chaparral is not ripping anybody off with their lease agreements in the Osage. They are the largest single Producer we have, they are a strong Company, and I am very happy they are here. Not many would be willing or able to pony up a half billion dollars to take a 3rd shot at recovering the oil remaining in the Burbank. 12 ½% of what they produce with this investment is a whole lot better than 12 ½% of nothing.

    5. The Osage Headright holders just got a settlement from the government for not managing the trust accounts properly. Doesn't the government have a responsibility to manage the trust property ie. the mineral estate. It would seem to me that allowing a property that others are willing to pay 20%/Barrel for to be sold for .8,3%/Barrel would considered neglectful. Your headright payment should have been higher every since Phillips Petroleum is no longer operated leases in Osage County. .If you accept what has been done you has been done you lose!!!!!!!.

    6. As is laid out clearly in the CFR’s, two things that cannot be changed in an existing lease are the rate of royalty and the term or length of the lease. Since the term of all our leases is a given length of time to bring the lease into production, and then once in production, it is HBP (held by production) as long as it is producing in paying quantities. This is very clear language and anyone who knows anything about the oil and gas business knows that this is standard practice everywhere.

      Another thing that is standard practice and is clear in the leases is the right to “assign” the lease to another party. Without these conditions few producers would even think of drilling a well in the Osage or anywhere else.

      The necessity of the first two conditions is fairly easy for anyone to understand, but the right to assign may not seem as necessary unless you understand the nature of the oil industry and the production evolution of an oil well over time.

      After an oil well is drilled the IP or initial production is generally high with a very sharp decline after the first few weeks or months (this quick drop is even more dramatic in horizontal wells) and then if it is a good well it will plateau into a much shallower plane of decline that will remain more or less steady for many years.

      Companies that are large and well capitalized enough to drill lots of oil wells generally have a lot of built-in resources such as their own drilling rigs, geologists, land men to acquire new drilling sites, and financial backers that expect high earnings and fast return on their money. In order for these types of companies to remain profitable they need to keep all these people and capital busy drilling new wells.
      Once a lease is all drilled up and producing at full potential, all these resources are no longer necessary and start to become a liability to the profitability of that lease, because it is now unnecessary overhead. So in a few years when these wells start to loose their bloom with falling production most of these big aggressive companies start looking to shop these leases to smaller companies with lower overhead and whose business model is more geared to long term production rather than the risky business of wholesale drilling that requires huge capital assets. Someday these companies will likely shop the leases to third tier companies with even lower operating costs.

      Without the ability to someday assign leases, no companies with the assets to fully develop an oil field will wish to come here because they know these leases will at some point become unprofitable for them. And without these big companies drilling lots of wells the second and third tier companies may never be able to acquire the production necessary to make them profitable.

    7. And you learned this while serving as a firefighter in Tampa, Ks. What you state => any producer wanting to get sweet deals will quote from memory. Which Osage County producer wrote this for you?? Can you tell me if that is the way it is done in TX, LA and other producing states? "assign" is standard pratice so you say but is it legally binding??? Has the government managed the mineral trust for the best interest of the shareholder as they are required to do or for the producer who they have no mandate to protect? You seem to support all the leasee's that are paying less than the current rate. What percent of the oil produced in the Osage is sold at this discount price?.

    8. Believe you're right on , a few mystery writers with some law,petroleum technology and with a flow of words belong the firehouse brand.
      My opinion ,lets get right down to the chase, Galen, is Sonny Boy furnishing the writers for these different replies and why? Impersonating is one thing ,but at least being honest about putting your name on a reply.
      Take the Galen out, and it's also my opinion you can add Rays with the same writers juggle.H

    9. AND....WHO ARE YOU with the pointed finger? The man gave an answer and all you want to do is be critical.. I guess, if he didn't give an answer you would have been critical of that as well. Why don't you study up on the legal aspects of the oil business and come back then. It's obvious you don't know "squat" so all you can do is make accusations and blame people for what you don't understand or know nothing about.

    10. I've seen both in person and witness their campaign spill and the writing doesn't match either one .

    11. OK... Temperature is getting a little high. Let's cool it down please. Thank you.

    12. Since facts are facts, there’s just one way to tell it, and that’s “how it is.” Misstatements, errors, lies, and deliberate deception can come from many angles, but the facts and the truth are always the same. I’m sure some of the above looks like it could come from one writer. But there’s just one truth, and McClain and Crum are trying to tell you like it is. Anonymous May 20, 2014 at 7:16 AM, I’m sure they know they will never change your mind.

  22. rThere will be no meeting of Osage Shareholder Association this month...We are encouraging all to go to Grayhorse for the nominees meeting. Next meeting will be announced.

  23. Wow! The cat's out of the bag on Raymond Red Corn===>

    1. Ask Raymond about the OCHSM theft later on today at the Candidate Forum at Grayhorse Community Building beginning at 1 p.m.

    2. How did the Candidate Forum go today?

    3. Candidates got to speak for two minutes each. No questions allowed.

  24. Read thru the paper that was delivered today with many of the campaign advertisements for the Osage Congress and Minerals Council. I read thru them pretty carefully and was interested to note that only one candidate in their resume or literature chose to slam some of the other candidates. But, that's just the way she is.

  25. Upcoming Candidate Forum at Skiatook Casino on May 20, 2014 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

  26. If you are an Osage and are coming in for the election, there are discounted rates at our Osage Casinos available. See and call the Reservation Desk for more information.

    1. Be certain to bring your CDIB card and Osage Nation Membership Card with you when you come in to register for your hotel room. Call now to reserve your room in advance.

  27. Don't Forget: The Revard Reunion/Rally is Sunday, June 1, 2014 at 1:00 P.M. See More Revard Reunion events are located at

    It is time for political action in regards to ONCR 14-11, a resolution to approve a loan agreement and limited waiver of sovereignty in order to obtain a 10 million dollar loan for the construction of the Campus Master Plan Phase 1. We should ask Congress members to vote against this resolution because;
    1. Congress members have not been provided the loan document. Who among us would sign any loan agreement without having first read the loan document?
    2. This loan is unnecessary. We have in the last few months seen that our gaming enterprise provided 30 million dollars beyond the original projected cost for our Skaitook and Ponca Cjty casinos. We have been told by Congress members that these expanded casinos have increased our gaming revenues dramatically. Why would we need to pay interest and fees on a new loan, when we could pay the construction costs out of current revenues and save these costs?
    The Campus Master Plan Phase one will be built. Congress has already dedicated 13 million dollars of our reserves to this project. The question is, why should we go into debt when we could use current revenues to pay for the construction. This is the way we built the Bartlesville casino and financed the 9 million dollar remodeling of our Sand Springs casino. Putting our Nation deeper into debt for this purpose makes no sense. Below is a letter that I have sent to Congress members urging them to use common sense and vote against this resolution. Feel free to copy and paste it, or create your own letter. In less than a month we will have a new Chief and a different mix of Congress members. It would be wise to wait until after the election to make this important decision.

    Dear Congress member,
    I am respectfully asking you to vote against ONCR 14-11. I believe that the Osage Congress must be provided the loan document before a final vote can be made to approve this resolution. As representatives of the Osage people, you should be allowed to read and understand this document in its entirety before making such an important decision.
    Thank You,
    Jim Ryan Osage,,,,,,,,,,,,

    1. Thank you Jim for putting up this information. I agree that Congress shouldn't be having anything to do with a loan of this size or far less than this for that matter until they know what the terms and conditions are in advance. It never fails to amaze me when I hear that the Congress isn't kept in the loop when they really need to be.

  29. I see the problem with the Osage Nation Government as the people in office not the Constitution. Get some new blood and get rid of Kugee, Geoffrey and Raymond. Next election Shannon and Archie would be a good start.

    1. The only two-Kugee and Geoff-that have provided some level of accountability since The Osage Treasury Run started eight years ago and you want them out of the way? You must be a Gray who wants the decks cleared so you can pick up where you left off in 2010.


    2. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Quote from: Albert Einstein:

      Replace the non-performing congerss

  30. 1. So who can get that list of the ones that has already voted in early voting, a little known election technical time saver?H

  31. Quote from: Albert Einstein: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the former."

  32. Maybe before we vote, we should have a conversation about the amendments to the Constitution. What do you think about them?

  33. 2. Not exactly a Swiftboat technique, but I've used it a couple years ago on a Mayors campaign she won by 260 votes. It consist of a Robo Call at 7:00 PM inviting the register voters to dance,food and entertainment with the chance to get on the band wagon of the opposite. Unfortunately some calls didn't get through till after 9:00PM, literally discouraging them from voting period. Temporary naming the failing city facility after the opponent, The XXXXX StarLight Dance Hall, took care of a lot of the religious right. Oh! the 100 or so that showed up ,we all had a great time . So, you see sometimes it's the votes that are lost, and I guarantee, seating this one out, clean hands on this one but keep your ears and eyes open , you never know. H

  34. Take Note: General Election Information at

  35. Don't vote for the Abbott candidates, "McClain, Crum and Yates". Actually it might be a good idea to replace the complete Mineral Council.

    1. That very well can happen. With a vote from the Shareholders.

    2. Replacing the entire MC would be like " throwing the baby out with the dishwater' We need Crum and Yates in there because they know what's going on and have done a good job and McClain will bring a lot of expertise to the table. However there are others that need to go. This is our chance to finally have a MC that will work together and get rid of one or two that have caused so much turmoil and ones that have followed them. I didn't see Yates or Crum going to Washington with the producers to protest the new CFR's, which are needed to run the minerals estate in an orderly fashion and bring things up to date. We need people on the MC that will respect the shareholders and not continually lie and come out with half truths as we have been subjected to in the past.

    3. I couldn't agree more. The reality is that at any time this could happen not that it needs to happen today. No, I appreciate and understand what has been accomplished.

    4. Osage ShareholderMay 30, 2014 at 1:31 PM

      New CFRs will kill business in the oil field. Half of something is better than little or nothing in our checks at all. The small producers are the ones who will be hurt and they are the ones who will be bringing out what's left of the oil in Osage County. Yates is a double dipper also on salary with the Osage Nation. Galen wants the new CFRs and so does Yates. They both are reported to have convinced the other members of the Minerals Council to go with the deep well that was supposed to gush way big out of the ground and the horizontal drilling and both have gone no place for the most part but oil dry and muddy. Think ahead to beyond just the moment today. Running off the small producers with a ton of additional regulations will shut down the oil field in Osage County. I know most of you don't have the smarts to take a warning because you have displayed no set skills on taking a look at what's up ahead and self-protectively adjusting for it but if you all don't listen to reason this time, we all will suffer right along with you Osage County Osages and that's not fair to the interests of the Shareholders overall. This is a government line just like a company line they are touting and it's in the best interest of all of us to see right through it and call it for what it is; bad government policy makes for bad business every time. Less is always more where government regulations go.

    5. Crum, Yates and McClain are all talk and don't even know how much oil was sold last quarter at each royality rate, nor does the BIA. They kiss up to Sonny and the shareholders think what they do is important. We need someone who will hold the BIA to account and not give the big producers everything they ask for.

    6. You evidently haven't been reading the operations reports on Ray McClain's web site and as for giving the producers everything they want you need to look elsewhere to other MC members. One of them went to Washington on the producers dime and is on record for trying to cut a deal where they would pay thousands of dollars less concession money. So don't try to blow smoke where you don't know the facts.

    7. You have no idea what Ray's BIA copies of Operation Reports tell us. I am talking about what we are paid for the oil produced, they don't have a clue if the producers pay what the lease agreement requires or some other amount. Don't fall for anything Ray and the others tell you, they are looking out for themselves.

    8. I hope that Anonymous 1:34, 9:54 and 5:42 is not running for the Mineral Council, for they do not know what they are talking about.

    9. To not too Bright -- you sure as shooting don't, but will follow them down the path to distruction.

    10. I'm one heavy hitter here and if anything you couldn't be further from the truth, I have a lot of interest here to lose and my bet is 2015 is looking great. Though a recession is not far at the heals of our feet and stagflation coupled with inflation, the CFR'S couldn't be approved fast enough. Of which where do we stand at this point and what is the delay?

    11. I usually don't reply to cowards who won't use their real names, but pray tell HEAVY HITTER what is going to happen in 2015?

    12. PSB I'll try this post again. You are one person of many I support. I choose for many reasons to be anonymous for more than one reason. I assure you I'm no way near a coward as if you knew me I'm to straight forward. People use their families names as an excuse to move ahead with this de facto government, like a wet blanket. I do not wish to be apart of that political farce of an ecuse. The PPB will rise in 2015, as we could be headed in the worst way to another recession is on the horizon followed by stagflation. There are quite a few who have more than one headright. Do you think they would want the ME fall through the craks here? Noooo. This is Black Gold here. And the Shareholders in the first have a voice in the matter. After all we didn't have to buy our shares. And this is why the scaretatics coming from some are laughable.

  36. Cobell has been approved to disburse the second payment ASAP per Judge Hogan. Go to or to Indian Though it is peenies on the dollar I am greatful.

    1. Fantastic! It's about time.

    2. See live link to the Cobell web site at the top of this web page for updates.

    3. Great News Osageblogger.

  37. Early Voting for the General Election ONLY (not the Minerals Council election) is today, Saturday, May 31: 10-4 p.m. at the ON Election Office.
    Election Day is June 2: Voting is from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Wah-Zha-Zhi Cultural Center.
    The Election Office is located at 608 Kihekah Avenue, Pawhuska, Oklahoma.
    The Cultural Center is located at 1449 Main Street, Pawhuska, Oklahoma.

    1. This election may well be the most important one since the vote on the ON Constitution. Please do whatever it takes to get there and get your vote in and registered to be counted by the ON Election Board.

      You will need a Government issued ID (Example: Driver's License, Passport, Military ID, etc.) OR positive ID by 2 persons serving as Election Staff
      Any enrolled member of the Osage Nation, 18 years of age or older whose name is found on the Osage Voter Registry on or before Election Day.

  38. Did I read that they will be passing out those Cobell checks election day??

  39. Here we go again. In the May 22 Bigheart Times edition Cynthia Boone wrote a letter to the editor accusing Ray McClain of telling lies about her and in the same article told several lies about Galen and Yates. There is no record of Ray McClain telling lies about any candidate or anyone else for that matter. And the things she said about Galen and Yates were entirely false! Folks...this is a desperate woman and is not able to run her campaign without trying to smear the other candidates. This was evident in her campaign literature when she said a bunch of negative things about other candidates. If you think she is going to work well with others on the MC ...guess again. Hasn't happened yet and was the reason she was removed from committees in the first MC.

    1. We do not need this type of rhetoric attitude period sitting on any board or council for that matter let the record of her behavior speak for itself. It is time our Speaker on the MC to make a decision as to what action to take? As a Shareholder I sense her number on the MC is up, but not to worry, I'm sure the OSA will pick her up, the headache, as pointed out in another blog, how theses lifers are moving arround amongst themselves like little busy bees with really no mission other than to make a fast buck on the backs of the constituency.

    2. What I simply do not understand, is why a person can't run a campaign, state their accomplishments or qualifications without running down and lying about the other candidates. I have read thru all the other candidates campaign flyers and ads both for Congress and MC and have not seen anyone else do this except one MC candidate. I must say it doesn't leave a very good impression or respect for this person or idea on how they will interact with others if elected.

    3. HAH! I buy every word of what was said in the Boone editorial titled "Setting the Record Straight." I'm glad she finally put it out there so that this cruel and incessant Abbott and Crum campaign to malign her is challenged. I don't want her to work well with these creeps. I want her to challenge them and stay on their backsides night and day!!!! These new CFRs benefit the Federal Government just like that land settlement part of Cobell does and Sonny Abbott and Galen Crumb and Andrew Yates are behind the new CFRs and the Federal Government in this 100%. Whose pocket are they in people? There is more than one side to this story. The five M/C members voted against the new CFRs and to postpone the Negotiated Rule Making Committee work. The only ones who voted against the railroading in nine months, as opposed to the usual two year period, of these new CFRs were Abbott--Crum--and Yates. Those in the minority and that's a fact on record.

    4. You don't see double-dipper Andrew Yates coming on here giving Boone hell, do you? No, he keeps his mouth shut, his head down and his eye on the dollar signs. Who, of all of them, got a Suite at the hotel at the last Osage Oil Summit paid for by the oil producers? Yates. BTW $80K was paid by the oil producers for that oil summit in total. Who gets two pay checks from the Osage Nation government? Yates. Who is for the new Federal BIA CFRs? Yates. So are Crum and Abbott. Do you see where this might be going or is it too tough for you?

    5. I did read Ms. Boone’s article. Funny but when a person sets the record straight, you expect the truth, not more of her twisted versions of what happen. You can check my facts by listening to the tapes of the meetings. Cynthia is still trying to make excuses for her unethical behavior by going to Washington on behalf of the Oil Producers. By the way, the Oil Producers would not have paid for the four council members to go to Washington, if they were representing the Shareholders. What would be their reason? Also if this trip was on the up and up, why didn’t they inform the Chairman they were going? They had plenty of time. That is what phones are for.
      What is in jeopardy by voting for the wrong people your current headright check could be cut in half. Just check Cynthia’s voting record it will show her incompetency by accepting the lowest instead of the highest bonus offers. Please do some serious thinking about your vote and I plead with you not to vote for the four that went to Washington. You do not want unethical people making decisions for you.

    6. I think it is ethical to represent the side of those who pull the oil out of the ground that directly benefits the shareholders. They go away, my income does too. You're way too pro-Fed. government for me Patrica and that's no joke. I want some balance here and you have none where these four members of the minerals council are concerned and Cynthia in particular. They're against the new regulation loaded CFRs that are only going to be a headache and half for the producers to have to do business in Osage County. You refuse to see this but I don't and I am not alone in my thinking. According to the Boone editorial there were over 400 responses objecting to the NRM changes--> new CFRs. Those didn't come out of thin air. I see all this regulation running the oil producers off and that's not an improvement. Now those darn wind farm people are running to Osage County Court to file an appeal. This came as an end result of this new Osage government meddling and trying to make changes that never should have been made in the first place. It's a nightmare and you seem to be blind to what effect this will have on professional businessmen who may consider doing business or choose to do continue to do business in Osage County. All because Sonny Abbott does favors for certain people and throws his money around to get a marginal amount more in his headright checks? What? Do you have to be slapped up the side of the head before you get what's really going on here? Who does Galen Crum from Hoxie, Kansas, or wherever it is, stay with when he comes to town for the Mineral Council meetings? Footsie-wootsie here girl? Get up to speed.

    7. BTW-You made the statement, Patricia, you check the record and publish who all voted and how the vote went right here. Make it happen or dry up. I get tired of all these half-truths with you and what you write. Prove it.

    8. Yates and his eye on the moneyball, don't ya mean there big fella?

    9. I am sick and tired of all you people that think "the sky is falling " because of the new CFR"s Even with them in place they will still be making a good profit and we will be making more money due to correct measuring of the oil and gas produced. If Cynthia was so interested in protecting the shareholders then why does she try to cut deals in getting them lower concession fees?

    10. To anonymous poster june 1st @ 1:21pm, clearly you have not done your home work because if you did, you would not come across as ignorant.

    11. What? For $10.00 more per headright share you want to set the world on fire or tear it apart or both? Gimmie a break!

    12. Shoot! Sorry. ---> Yes. moneyball. Must've been a Freudian slip.

    13. The only desperate woman here is you Particia. Trying to run Cynthia down on this blog at the last minute before the vote tomorrow. Pathetic!

    14. She has support and facts to support.

  40. Myron Red Eagle
    William St. John
    R.E. Yarbrough
    Stephanie Erwin
    Curtis Bearl
    Melvin Core
    Cheryl Potts
    Linda Heskett
    If you haven't voted yet these are good ballot choices.

    1. Vote for the protector of the Mineral Estate TRUST-------> Cynthia Boone. Tomorrow! Core keeps hiring these jailbirds to do the Shareholder trusts. He has served to the best of his ability and we are grateful but at 88, he needs to retire. Vote for Boone in June!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Good for what....the producers? All this crap about the new CFR's is B.S. they are going to bring us up to date with the rest of the world and put a stop to the Osage people being cheated on our oil and gas.

    3. Post at 3:05 Look who Cynthia recommended to work on the MC office and what were the results? Kind of stepped off in it didn't you?

    4. All Cynthia is trying to protect is her own b-hind and the salary with her "I work for you" B.S

    5. Core hired 'em. He has to live with it. Why can't you? Too difficult for you to acknowledge the truth? Go Cynthia! Boone in June 2014!

    6. Put a stop to oil production in Osage County, don't you mean?

    7. Post at 3:32 You sound like Cynthia with half truths. Yes Core hired them. Why don't you also mention that they came with high recommendations from Cynthia. AND...that's the truth...acknowledge that!

    8. They? Only one had her recommendation that I know about.

    9. Your right. However Cynthia tried to run the rest of them off and several others wouldn't come to work there because of her.

    10. From what I've seen in the past of those who have been preparing the trusts for the shareholders, I'm glad she did. I can't emphasize that enough.

  41. "During the week of June 2, 2014, David Smith, Class Counsel, will be in Oklahoma. If there are groups from Oklahoma interested in meeting with him during that week please contact him by phone at 866-383-6554 or by email at We will do our best to accommodate all requests":

    1. Thank you, will any of you be attending?

  42. I will admit thatweI blindly supported Cynthia in the last election. Thought we were friends but immediately after the election she dropped us like a "Hot Potato" We sulked around for a while wondering "What did we do" It became clear to us that we didn't do anything and we had been used. SO...any of you that are supporting Cynthia that are not part of her little OSA group, don't be surprised when it happens to you :)

    1. Not so for us. She's been as good as gold about getting things done when we ask her to do so. This is a professional business relationship and we understand it as such. It's not a friendship and that's probably where you guys made your mistake. You were probably expecting too much from Cynthia.

    2. You don't know squat !! We didn't expect diddly from her and it was her that initially extended the friendship. Our mistake was in not seeing through the game she plays.

    3. Immature reasoning. If you didn't expect something from her, what's your beef?

    4. Patricia Spurrir-BrightJune 2, 2014 at 11:24 AM

      The immature reasoning is accepting Cynthia's ever changing excuses for going to Washington representing the Oil Producers, when we elected her to serve on the Mineral Council to represent the Shareholders.

  43. This thread is now closed. Go to:
