Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Archive #12: Osage Shareholder Matters--July-August 2014


  1. Poor pitiful thing doesn't even know as the Editor of our newspaper to capitalize the word Mass. Wouldn't know to place a public apology in the paper if she had to.

  2. Everyone...write to the MC members..Written Minutes are necessary for any MultiMillion Dollar Business and we must remember that this is a Business! And a Mujlti Million Dollar one !!!! If someone pushed the wrong button everything is lost...or if someone wants to delete a part...then no one has anything to go one...Who amongst us remembers all the details.

  3. See MC Inauguration at

  4. Congratulations!

  5. IEA, International Energy Agency, who adivises the Industry will be coming out with a report on Friday. .Interesting, less demand for OPEC coming in the New Year as we the U.S. are becoming more energy dependent and the forecast for next year is looking great, thanks to shale and the extraction process. However it is important to see to it that we are in the game for Natural Gas....and or by the way...what is the news and where do we stand thus far with said changes of the CFR'S ? Isn't the comment period over with and what if there is a hold up what is the challenge we face?

    1. To delay is another dollar lost without these changes to the CFR'S.

    2. Ms Boone makes the Osage News. I think this is a BIA issue, the Osage Nation has no authority to be involved. The MC resolutions have no authority not given by the BIA, where is the Superintendent? "Get the Osage Nation out of BIA issues."

    3. Ah let me see now Boone is using her sexuality as a ploy to subvert her ill actions is nothing but pure deflection and denial of the truth...called grasping at straws...ah Boone the Shareholders in the First can vote you off the M.C and don't think this cannot happen...if we can't get this cancer of this sic behavior under control by establishing policies to protect the office staff from her behavior so be it...this has gone on long enough. Do you get it Mrs. Boone...seriously. ..I do not want this to happen.

    4. I heard one guy tell his wife that if she ever decided to divorce him, he had found the perfect lawyer for her.

    5. I'll repeat....If she were to take her complaint to trial, I see no other outcome than for the defense to air out all her dirty laundry ( actions ) for everyone to see. After it was all made public, going all the way back to MC 1, there could be but one conclusion, in that the new resolutions were needed and justified. Surely, even Cynthia isn't that stupid to take such a chance. Is She?

    6. Just because she brings a lawyer to a meeting is considered hostile to the Shareholders and MC. This is not conducive behavior. Really. The Lawyer does not decide how we run our business or make decisions for us...we do. Greapjng at straws...

    7. Lol grasping at straws her time is numbered and watch her behavior is so predictable.

  6. I wish she would and then we could get rid of her once and for all. There is so much documentation of her actions and her lying.that the shareholders and public needs to hear. also her friend at the ONP who should be fired for disclosing info to her. She follows Deana everwhere.

    1. Well, the facts are that the MC voted for the resolutions to curb unacceptable behavior and hostility in the office ( work place) and they are in place. Now...this MC is a four year term and frankly, I don't see Cynthia being able to control herself for four years. All we have to do is wait and see what she does and what the consequences will be. The resolutions need to be strongly enforced by the chairman and MC.and applied to everyone.

    2. Seems like Deana is the employee and if she can't do the job she should be replaced. She needs to do what she was hired to do or get out. Yates, can not act on hear say from an employee. He said She said BS.

    3. I understand that at the upcoming MC meeting on Wednesday, Cynthia Boone is going to introduce a resolution to resend a previous resolution addressing her access to the office. That will be interesting to see who supports her resolution.

    4. Her behavior is not conducive period....she is hostile and has proven that this behavior has a cuase and effect and wasted time on this type of rhetoric is not the foundation of principles our M.C. was founded and created...Yates needs to remind Mrs.Boone these new Resoutions are here to stay that there will not be another vote on this matter, if she violates the resoution she will be held in contempt and removed from the M.C. by No Vote. These new Resolutions are here to protect the rights of the staff and member's and what is there to understand...she is wasting everyone's time to only prove time after time she is in the wrong...enough already.

    5. New chairman of the MC and the office manager is Everett Waller. I understand he is a no nonsense person and is well versed on Cynthia's actions. I doubt there will be even a vote on her resolution but if there is I hope it's reported on how the vote goes and who voted yes or no. Especially interested to see how her side kick Stephanie votes, if there is one.

    6. Don't know where you all get all this information on one Mineral Councilwoman, You should check some of the others out. I sure hate it that you would continue to pick on one, when you need to check others. Shameful you all are just awful. I am glad that I don't know who you are. You should be encouraging our MC. But instead, you only complain. I will pray for all you, cause it is plain, you are "Stink People". and need prayers. Shame On You All!!!

    7. I agree. You people who continue to gripe and write negative comments need to get a life, a happy one if possible.

  7. Let's change the subject and move on. Seems that Vince Logan who was with Merrill Lynch as a financial account executive has now been appointed to be the new Special Trustee for Native Americans. See -- I wonder how that will go.

  8. Wind fight on three fronts! See

    1. See also

  9. Old well being plugged at Pawhuska High. See

  10. I don't know if you have to have standing in a case in the county court but the Osage Nation has no land on either Wind Farm location. The mineral rights owners have no status with surface rights issues. The Osage people should be disgusted with the waste of money spent for lawyers, that could be better spent to serve the people.

    1. Please explain " the Osage Nation has no land on either Wind Farm location" I understand that thanks to Jim Gray we lost our reservation status but are not the Wind Farms proposed sites in Osage county and would we still be represented in court if we choose to be?

    2. The 1906 Act, not Jim Gray ended the reservation status of most of Osage County. Allotted land became private property and is now held as Fee Simple title land by the owner. The land owners of the locations where the windturbines are to be placed are not the Osage Nation property. The three villages and some other key properties where all that was preserved as reservation.

      Property rights would say the owner is not restricted as to h

    3. There are two Wind Farm projects planned for in Osage County Oklahoma. These are on private land with a Fee Simple title land, the power company propose building windturbine generation on land leased from the land owners. The Osage Nation has title to very little land in Osage County none that will host any part of the Wind Farm. The 1906 Act, not Jim Gray ended the reservation status of most of Osage County making allotted land private title..

    4. Thanks for the info.

    5. Does not mean anything...we will prevail.

  11. Cobell update commencement of settlement will commence in Sept. Providing the DOI can provide accurate records to GCG with respect to land records affecting possibly thousands and their fare share of the settlement. From my understanding a lot of the class members who are affected by this gross error by the DOI are here in Ok. I my self had to send GCG last and final records. Attatched was also said restricted land records to be sure GCG would have all proper records concerning our Estate.

  12. New leadership article>>>

  13. At the July 16, 2014 MC meeting it is reported that Councilman Boone made a motion to resend Resolution 2-250 which was passed at the last MC 2 meeting. This was the resolution that dealt with Hostility in the Work Place. The vote was 5 no votes, 2 abstentions and 1 yes and the motion failed. Does anyone know who abstained ?

    1. Duh look at the other posts before yours. Look above.

    2. Joe Cheshewalla and Talee Red Corn abstained. Stephanie Erwin voted no, and then tried to change her vote to abstain. Chairman Waller would not allow her to change it. Stephanie was overheard apologizing to Cynthia immediately after the vote.

    3. What's happened so far is summarized at Soon, I presume, someone at the Osage News will write up an update on the vote.

    4. Just read the update on the vote on Ray McCains site Osages-you-need-to thank you Ray. Yes tne Poljcy stands as a Osage Estate Shareholder I couldn't be happier. Thank you M.C. I find Mrs.Boones actions deplorable, and not a team player or for that matter someone who is capable of or even understanding what work ethics is and this says alot about someone personality put out there for all of us to see is not who I want representing a multi million estate...very unprofessional in my opinion. And if this behavior continues I will be calling the Chairman for a proxy vote by the shareholders. But this matter seems to be resolved for the time being. And looks to be our new Chairman is a guy that does not mess around.

    5. To the person that posted dated 7-18 at 11:04 PM..... "Dun"...What other post are you referring to that tell us how people voted on Boone's motion? Where would "Look above" be? Or, did you post your reply under the wrong topic?

    6. So I guess you don't know that this so called team player, that Cynthia is supposed to be playing ball with in the MC Office like she's the Senior and Cynthia is the Junior, has just been escorted to jail this evening about a half an hour ago to serve her sentence for having been convicted in court of committing perjury. This is a woman who is given the responsibility of handling the legalities of helping to put together Shareholder Trusts who has more legal trouble herself than she knows what to do with. You wouldn't know what professionalism is if it hit you up the side of the head. Some of us actually have business standards and resent this ongoing government coverup about the activities of this employee on the part of those on the Mineral Council who have no professional standards and are only using her and the other employees to get back at Cynthia as a vendetta because she does have standards and does expect a higher level of professionalism than the other members of Council. She also has stood in the way of those crazy new BLM CFRs that they want to railroad through so Sonny Abbot can get paid a hundred bucks or more every quarter. Don't be fooled by all of this. They just want to harass Cynthia to the point where she has no access to any of the employees and they get away with not having to do any work for her whatsoever now. This is harassment and it's illegal and they have no right to do it and should be prosecuted for doing what they are doing to Cynthia. I hope they are brought to justice and I mean all of them on the Mineral Council past and present who have harassed her and that she gets pain and suffering for what she has had to put up with with these flunkie employees who include convicted jailbirds, druggies and tarts who couldn't get a decent job anywhere except with the Osage Nation Mineral Council who should never have hired them in the first place. You should be ashamed for taking a stand against Cynthia.

    7. Be careful what you wish for. For Cynthia to get "Justice" as you suggest, she might have to file a law suit and go to trial. I certainly hope she does and the defense will air out all her dirty laundry, for everyone to hear, going back to MC 1. Won't that be fun? ALSO...get your facts straight. The Hostility resolution keeps her away from the office employees but does not prohibit her from requesting work through the office manager. Let's not forget the druggie she highly recommended for an office job! Don't admonish me when you can't see the facts if they were stuck to your nose!

    8. She didn't hire the druggie. Your Office Management Council Members did and they have actual responsibility for the action they took in hiring the employee. These support staff are hired to do the work of all of the Mineral Council Members, equally and without discrimination or separatism of any kind whatsoever. That includes not having to go through any other member of the Mineral Council to get work done. This is not only unprofessional, obstructive and discriminatory toward Cynthia, it's insane to place her under the constraints of this kind of hostile working environment and conditions. If you think you can sell this idea as good or equitable to anyone intelligent, you are an even bigger fool than you appear to be.

    9. Again you ignore and twist the facts. You are correct in that Cynthia didn't "Hire the druggie" However she did highly recommend her and put a lot of pressure on the manager to hire her. This is old news now, the rules are in affect and there needed to be rules set for conduct and office procedures anyway. Another fact is that Cynthia created this situation and she is the one that has been unprofessional. Get over it and lets move on. If you or Cynthia are not satisfied, get a lawyer and take this thing to trial. :) :) P.S. Wasn't her son dating one of these druggies or tarts ( as you put it ) and hence the recommendation to hire her in the office ? Some standards!

    10. Sorry but I'm amused at this discussion. What Court would take a case that has to do with nothing but hurt feelings because office policie were finally created. There's no harassment coming from the M.C towards Cynthia a matter of fact this rule is created to protect her from herself and others in tow sorta speak...Every Office I have ever worked for, there was never an issue that couldn't be resolved. Cynthia has been warned and put in her place and now the control that she thought she had or any trust that she thought she had does not exist with her peers and that is so obvious. And I find the that her using her orientation as a women, being the only women on The M.C a huge mispresentaion of the facts becore us...She has a long laundry list of just bad choices. And this is telling because her ego gets in tne way...not about right and wrong here. We are the Shareholder's in the first and long live the 1906 act as ameneded and the Oasge Tribe...oh sorry about the duh post...after I read the original post over again by someone else again for whatever reason I missed interpreted what I this is what real people do when they make mistake....learn somthing Cynthia..know when your wrong and own up to it plain and simple...Go M.C...I see a strong MC for our future building and bringing a sound and ethical environment with rezpect to our M.E long over due....Oil is at $103...just thought I would share this as I watch the Markets and stromy weather is ahead with Cobell coming in Sept. Please be sure to put some rainy day money away for safe keeping...have a great weekend...miss everyone.

    11. I agree 100% with the 7-18 at 3:40 PM post. Now that this resolution stands as passed, let's see if Ms. Boone can behave herself and be a team MC player and follow the rules like the other MC members.

    12. To suggest that Cynthia is working in a hostile work environment is absolutely crazy. She IS THE HARRASSER. Do you realize what Mrs. Boone has cost the Shareholders with staffing turnover? It's not cheap to hire and train a single employee, let alone the countless staff she has chased off, by getting in their face, etc. If Boone is allowed to cause any more trouble, it will destroy this council's creditability and no one will want to drill here or do any other business with the shareholders.

    13. Stephanie Erwin, you are loud and clear on the audio of the meeting apologizing to Mrs. Boone for your vote.

    14. I am not happy that Joe Cheshewalla and Talee Red Corn abstained in the vote. I hoped they had more backbone and that they would at least take a stand for something rather than bug out. I was surprised that Stephanie voted "NO' but it doesn't surprise me at all that she tried to change her vote and apologize to Cynthia afterward. I posted earlier that we will have to watch her and when Cynthia squeaks so will Stephanie.

    15. You may not be happy with the person abstaining, but there are reasons why one would. Why, conflict of interest. But all M.C. members should also remember that not voting could also be seen not honoring your fudiciary duties as well. In most corporations with boards see abstaining as a yes vote.

    16. They know how to dodge what's coming at them when it hits the fan. Good for them. They don't want to take part in such nonsense nor should they. Two of the smartest and personally mature men elected on the Council and it shows.

    17. You dont know that silly bird.

  14. Keep your eye on the ball, people. We have a new regular legislative session coming up with a Chief and Congress that can just about do anything with the Mineral Estate they want to do as soon as they clean up the Nation's act. We need to be concentrating on the Nation and the legislation coming out of it beginning right now! A new Special Session is being held at the end of July. Does anyone know what they plan to do during it? I doubt it. Enough on all this and your prurient obsession with Cynthia. You're so unbalanced on this issue that Chief Geoff could steal the ME Trust right out from under you and you would still be sniping back and forth over politics in the Mineral Council office. Wake up!!!

    1. Good idea. We've heard quite enough about the Cynthia situation from now on. Any posts that mention her will be deleted. You've worn out your welcome with these comments about her and we've had enough of them.

    2. That figures !

    3. Yes indeed. You don't get away with this on Facebook and I see no reason to take advantage of the situation here. You have a voice for Minerals business and trashing out a three time duly elected member of the Minerals Council by an overwhelming number of Osage shareholders indulging yourself day after day is off the table. You are defending office staff who would never be employed in any legal capacity to handle any legal trust matters anywhere else in the real world while behaving they way they do. My question to you is how do you justify, "On Feb. 28, Rackliff is arrested for perjury (and in a jail cell as I write this passage) after being caught on a Kum & Go camera kissing Kent in violation of her protective order, according to police reports. Her minerals council cell phone is seized as evidence."? Kissing on a man who beats the living tar out of her and this ugly mess comes to the attention of the Shareholders in the Osage News? And if this isn't unfastidious enough, you have a former Chairman of the Minerals Council acting like as bad a complete "nutter" as she is by writing a letter to the Court vouching for this person who is reported to be going around claiming that her Aunt Kathryn Red Corn will protect her? What world do you live in? Trashing out a good Christian woman for someone so unstable by choice that she lies her way into a jail cell? None of this should be affecting the shareholders or coming to their attention whatsoever. I don't care who the players are. I expect the Osage Nation to hire personally well ordered professional business people to work in the Minerals Council Office, not hirees who behave like they are in some soap opera scenario with characters acting out a plot on the order of "Lord of the Flies." As far as I'm concerned, this is what everyone I know expects and the new Chief should get in that office and sort this out tomorrow morning, get rid of any such people and insist on a smooth, professional and well run operation as is seen in the outside world. It's not too much to expect when legal trusts are being prepared for Osage Headright owners. Either that or take this responsibility away for the sake of the Osage Shareholders and transfer the preparation of these trusts to the BIA solicitors office in Tulsa where they should be prepared in the first place.

    4. Good post. Get the Chief right in there to clean this up and get rid of employees who act like riff-raff. All this is really coming from Sonny Boy Abbott who will spend any amount necessary to harm those he doesn't agree with or like. Spewing this flatulence and worse all over the shareholders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The whole thing is super disgusting. Get this office back in hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Then that idiot Yates sending that letter to Judge Stepson justifying the behavior of that nitwit jailbird by letting Wakonda judge??? "I humbly request your assistance in resolving this issue in a discrete and respectful manner." ??? I've never seen anything so manipulative written to a Judge in Court of law in my life. You want to get rid of somebody on that Council, get rid of Yates. He makes me want to puke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. A shareholder shouldn't have to be afraid to call that office to get work done right on our Trusts. If all this is going on we know about-what else is going on behind the scenes? I'm hearing people are starting to threaten one another with physical harm now. This is all crazy because of one lying thief in jail. This is still an Executive Branch Office. Chief's ultimately responsible and it's gotten way out of hand in that Minerals Council office. Council people having to prep their own resolutions with workers in that office sitting on their you know whats and saying they don't have to do any work for this one or that while members of Council have to do their own work for the Shareholders when office staff should be doing it for them. What employee gets to refuse to do what the boss says because the other bosses are ganging up on one of them with resolutions and who knows what else? If it starts out this way this soon, it won't take long till those employees will be charging all of the bosses in there with harrassment and they will be controlling the whole show. Hostility in the workplace will be charged on every member of Council in there before its over. You wait and see. I looked up Lord of Flies and that really nails it. This is so dumb I cant believe it.

    6. Office policies prevent this type of behavior this is why you have to have a standard. This also allows due process, when the policies are broken and become a matter of record thus prevents harrassment. Office Employees have to answer to a Office Manager and if there is any additional work the M.C needs handled protocol is to see the Office Manager she will know the work loads of each desk. You know what is success is believing in your employee. I ran into a stranger the other day and she was talking about an employee she hired and she was saying she was going to let her go, I gave her my imput, I said second chances is somtimes worth the second take some people aren't always on the skill level but with in time they will be your best employee. Respect is earned really without command... Oh this is a seperate agency from the Osage Nation Government. The Chief is a tie breaker in a Vote...the M.C. is a body of shareholder members representing the Shareholder's interest per the 1906 act...The M.C has to answer to the Shareholder's in the first and that is you and me and never has a M.C member not return my call ever and never have I been so proud of the work that they do and never had I been ever intimidated. Long live the Osage Tribe the 1906 Act as ameneded.

    7. I agree. The very idea that these estate trusts are being prepared by people without legal backgrounds and outside of a proper legal office is a legal insufficiency in and of itself and therefore a huge black mark on the record of the Secretary of the Interior who is tolerating such a situation when she is the actual Trustee of these Osage Headright owner trusts. 50 of these Trusts found stuffed in a drawer and prior to that Mineral Council employee after employee hired to help the one in charge because she was 50 or 60 trusts behind? What was the excuse for that and why hasn't it been looked into by the Department of the Interior? Where is the Secretary of the Interior's responsibility and accountability in all of this mess? She should instruct the BIA to take over from the Mineral Council staff and transfer Trust preparation to the BIA Solicitor's Office effective immediately. We should have someone in the Minerals Council charged with looking at the Osage County Booking Report every single month and if an employee of the Mineral's Council's mug shows up they're suspended without pay and then transferred out, relocated to another department in another city or fired altogether. The standard must be, as an employee of the Mineral Council, you keep yourself out of trouble or you don't work here anymore. We have a right to expect this and we should expect it from now on. No excuses accepted whatsoever. Raise the bar and you raise the quality of employee and the quality of the work they do for the Shareholders.

    8. Smiling like this in front of the Sheriff's Department camera. Disrespectful. Shameful! Who does this girl think she is? A joker? This is a joke to her? Judge Stepson suspended a six month sentence for perjury down to only two weekends for this nitwit. What a disgrace to the Osage Nation Court he is to let a foolish flippant no-mind like this escape the full punishment of the court she so obviously deserved before he let her off with a mere pinch on the cheek. Terrible ! ! !

    9. Have you ever looked in the mirror to see how stupid you sound? You have been so brainwashed by Cynthia you can not think for yourself. You must on osageblogger's friend list because she does Not want anyone to tell the truth about Cynthia either, but does let you and others open their mouths about our Chief, Sonny Boy, and office help. Have you listened to the tape recordings of Cynthia ranting and raving at the office help, have you watched her stalking office help even after office hrs? If not , others have and recorded it. It was her druggie friend that refused to take drug test!!!

    10. I think with pages of Shareholder Archives on this Blog and negative comment after comment after comment about Cynthia, no one could ever accuse osageblogger of not giving your side a chance to vent. What you can't stand is comments about this Dena character who is known around the Osage Nation to be a troublemaker and crazy as a bedbug. Admit it. You can't stand a differing opinion from yours and you are about as unfair about this as you can possibly be. We know all that stuff about Cynthia. What you don't seem to realize is we want her to run off the crazies, the lazyies and the incompetents from the Mineral Council office until we get good people in there who will do a professional job for the Headright owners.

    11. I guess you are saying that the last 12 or 15 Osage office workers Boone has chased away were all crazies, lazyies, and incompetents. The only crazy druggie was the one Boone recommended for hire and who was later fired by the council for refusing to take a drug test. After listening to the last meeting, it looks to me like this council has given Boone fair warning, and if she doesn’t stop it, I’d bet this council WILL stop her.

    12. Yeah, I think the case could be made for that, in one way or another. We'll see if they stop her. I mean Everett Waller... Come on.

    13. Is it true that they made Waller the Office Manager of the Minerals Council? Now with his patronage job with Standing Bear at $4,000 a month as his new Cultural Liaison, Waller will be raking in more than iPad Ray. I hear this guy has "big head" problems and that the Wallers are wild men. If our new Council and Chief are so smart, why are they placing this guy in positions of this much authority? Making bad choices this soon doesn't inspire confidence and bullying everyone around, if that's what's really going on behind the scenes, isn't the solution either. This is the same guy that Spurrier-Bright wanted to give the Chief's proxy to when the Chief can't vote on Mineral Council resolutions because the Council and its members are part of an Independent Agency of the Osage Nation government. If Waller doesn't understand at least that much, why is he being given so much authority and responsibility in that office? Obama doesn't go over to the CIA or any other Independent Agency of the Federal Government and sit in on proceedings and break tie votes. Same thing with the Minerals Council. This smells to high heaven of Sonny Boy Abbott continuing to pull the strings behind the scenes even though he's no longer on the Council. I suspect if he's got "his man" in the Chief's office too, he can keep tabs on what Geoff's doing and get reports on both the Minerals Council and the Chief's office from the same source. If I'm right, we don't need this kind of backroom dealing in our government. We already have iPad Ray for that. If ever there was one who has had loyalty issues, no matter where he's been placed in the new government, it's Ray Ray. We really don't need two men in this government who can't be trusted.

    14. Ahhh... A Venetian/Florentine type of a deal. Ooooo. A paid spy in the Chief's Office and in the Mineral's Council. The sweet smell of intrigue. I like it!!! What did you expect? He is indeed the Abbot of our little Osage "Monastery" even though he worships at the altar of his own headright money. I'm sure where he's concerned, he got his positioning now with Waller firmly in place and it's all good.

    15. Actually, I'm hearing a lot of encouraging things about the new Chief. He's letting Congress have access to what they want and need and he has an open door policy literally. These things are very good and it seems as if the Congress is very happy with how it's going so far. So. Let's build on this and move forward.

  15. Why don't you, let MC work out their own problems, if you want your nose into other business, why didn't you run for MC.

  16. Please keep your comment replies in line with the topic thread. I am too busy right now to have to clean up after you. Thank you in advance.

    1. so why are you letting your friends trash the former and present members of the MC? what is the difference? I would bet anyone $100. that Sonny Boy never NEVER post anything on this blog. He would never lower himself like so many do on here with their lies to make Cynthia look good

  17. Very interested reading

    1. Wow, all that read to come to the only conclusion the original intent of the settlement could only have one outcome in favor for the American Indians. Your opinion please?

  18. Updates on the Cobell Settlement from the COO of GCG. Her Testimony in short under court updates I believe. She was very clear why the second payments have not gone out. Still waiting on the amount by the DOI so they can begin the payout process and distribute the checks. I find this disconcerting. What is taking the DOI so long? They have X amount of time yet they can't put pen to paper and calculate these number's in a fashionable time, yet GCG did all the footwork all but the little step they have to take is like moving a mountain under there feet, are they that incompetent? Also 480,000 applicants or who submitted claims only 180,000. Give or take were approved. So with the 4 who appealed this settlemnt in the beginning and all those who thought they should be included of the 300,000, 53,000 upon second request was found to be apart of this settlemnt, give or take a few, and those who appealed to the special master 2000 and like I said the figure have been presented why cant we get a final count from the DOI?

  19. Can someone please tell me the fees spent on the Windfarms litigation?

    1. Well. Part of it is a Professional Service Contact for Scott Bighorse to get about $24,000 a year to work on the Wind Farm situation. What's weird about this is I talked with someone who remembers when he ran for Oklahoma State Representative. At that time he was pushing the build out and development of Wind Farms in Osage County as part of his platform to get reelected. Does anyone else remember this? I'd say that Standing Bear has really stepped in it now. If Scott was touting Wind Farms back then, what is Standing Bear doing hiring him to stop development of them in Osage County now? You know, he can't just keep giving patronage jobs to his friends and those cronies who have lost their jobs with the Nation. It has to make sense that the hire is right and qualified for the job. In other words, you don't hire the devil to trim the Christmas Tree just because he's out of job, now do you?

    2. Right...still need numbers on the overall cost thus far? Lets not have a repeat like the last Chief...or else succomb to a removal, this time we wont tolerate any croynism. Hire qualified Osages but remember the one percenters will always have thier hand out.

    3. We already have croynism in the form of Scott Bighorse at $24,000 a year AND Everett Waller at $48,000 a year in a new made for him position as "Cultural Liaison"What is that? Does anyone know? Looks like we are headed back where we started when JRE was chief. I am really already disappointment in Standing Bear

    4. Right I am can relate...

    5. Both the MC and the Nation are paying a bunch of high paid lawyers who will take the money as long as it is offered. The windfarms would likely benefit all Osage County County. This kind of backward thinking is why Osage County is one of the poorest per capita in the U.S.
      =>> What happened to "For the people platform" ????

    6. It gets even more grotesque than that. The latest wife of Jim Gray, Libby, now has her hooks into the Osage Nation Treasury due to Standing Bear giving her a professional service contract to be paid out at $6250 a month. That's SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND BUCKS for the next twelve months!!!!!!! Won't that personal income, at our expense, benefit her husband Jim too? We also have Standing Bear on the hook for another one out of a job and that's Terry Mason Moore for $66,000 a year. This is total crap. Utterly filthy. We need to impeach him in the first month already!!! Then we'll be stuck with that little creep iPad Ray as the Chief. Clean up your act Standing Bear. YOU ARE DISGUSTING with these patronage jobs you're handing out right and left and the damn Congress went right along with it when they passed the bill for the line item shifts in the budget to open up enough money in it to hire these cronies and create these political patronage jobs. BUH on every single one of you who had the gaul to agree do a thing like this with the Osage Peoples money!!!!!

    7. Right. SIC. THE windfarms are a boondoggle and just another tax...and the killing of Eagles goes against our beliefs and no I do not want them building on one of the most lucrative spots in Ok is the Burbank area is frothing with Oil....and now you see why it is necessary to get that per-cap out its our money we decide.

    8. He's got Wilson Pipestem back again on the payroll for $65,000. A management consultant for $42,000 and OTHER potential contracts, political patronage in nature no doubt, for $104,020. Filthy and sickening!!! Stop spending our fiscal resources on yourselves you disgusting self-centered money degenerates.

    9. Haven't you figured out yet that that phony Congress always gets into a discussion to make it look like they are really seriously reviewing the spending and then usually, down to a man and woman, if they are even there, they vote for the spending instead of sending it right back to the Chief to lower the amounts before it even gets out of Committee. This is a shadow puppet play from the ground up with the OK hand sign the only one they know how to make. I know of another one we should be sending right back at them every time they pull this B.S. and think they're getting away with it.

    10. Waller needs to choose. Work for minerals or work for the Osage Nation. Yates said it all when he testified against Chief Red Eagle. He said he ran into the Chief JRE in ALCO and the Chief JRE made a remark about it being dangerous to take a position against him as long as he works for the Osage Nation. Same is true for Talee, Kathryn and Yates too. Two masters don't work and never will. I think it's a breach of fiduciary duty to work in an Agency capacity as a Member of Council and have other outside employment financial interests that may cause a Councilperson to come into a loyalty conflict. Standing Bear of all people should know this and yet he goes ahead with a contract for Waller anyway. If you think Waller won't do what GSB tells him to do to keep his cushy job with the Nation, rethink it. This move makes StandingBear even more powerful by controlling the office manager of the Minerals Council to the potential detriment of the Shareholders in the future. Does this pass the smell test to you?

    11. I said that it was a conflict of interest and we may need to recall Waller not impressed with any of this period.

    12. You may disagree with the personalities of some of the people I am working with but I look at who it takes to get the work done immediately. We do not have time to wait for the perfect Osage to arrive to help us. Each person I choose has a purposeful direction for our total benefit. More changes are coming quickly. The Osage LLC and our gaming are going to recieve immediate attention. There is strong resistance to these changes. I'm working in an environment built by years of those who were here before. I need people who are completely new to the Osage and people who are familiar with what has been built and how it was built. The system in place is complicated and full of land mines.

    13. I'm impressed! I don't think a Chief of the Osage Nation has ever directly communicated on a Shareholder's Blog in history. Thank you! Waller? You might want to rethink this one. It's a bad idea with the electorate to hire elected officials and double dip after the election. Also, if this is your plan, you better watch out for APC Raymond Red Corn. He's been the biggest protector of both the LLC and Osage gaming in the Congress of all. Keep an eye open and look out for his wily ways. Good Luck. I'm for cleaning up those two renegade business organizations of the Osage Nation. I hear they have taken large advantage up top and I'm glad you're about putting a stop to it.

    14. I want to thank the Chief of our we can be proud. Transperency with accountability and most important communication with his people. Than you for listening Chief.

    15. I heard a rumor Waller was hired as a political favor to one of your campaign contributers. I would lose him fast. Just tell the man with the money that this employment contract won't fly with the members of the Nation and especially the Shareholders. Waller aint all that and most of us who live around here know it. He has his hands full with the Minerals Council as it is already. Thats what he should be concentrating on and you know it or should know it by now. I'll thank you for listening when you do the right thing and tear up that Waller contract on Monday morning.


    16. It looks to me like Anonymous, August 2, 2014 at 11:11 AM, just might be a sitting council member who has been told exactly how the cow is going to be eating the cabbage from now on. Ain’t it a shame!! We’re going to have some rules from now on. Hang in there Mr. Waller. You’re off to a great start. This council has too much to do for you to be looking over your shoulder all the time to see who is sniping at you.

    17. Not even close boo boo. Ha Ha Ha! Did you ever get that one wrong. Like you say, walla walla Waller has enough on his plate as it is with all these rules he's getting put together. Nice of you to make my point and nail it down for me.

    18. Point of fact The rules that you are referring to concerning conduct of MC members were put in place by MC 2 and were approved by a majority vote. MC 3 reaffirmed the rules by a majority vote as well. No matter who the chairman is it is their job to see that the rules are observed. Your statement of "all these rules he's putting together" is incorrect and not factual.

  20. Would like to hear the rime line for the CFR'S?

    1. I would like to have an explanation for how this was allowed to happen: Tribal Works Director Daniel St. John and tribal works employee Wayne Wilson will appear in court on Aug. 14 at 10 a.m. =====> Do these elected Osage government people ever mind the store before it comes to this?

    2. Right lets hear now whats going on with the five man board?

    3. Sure they are minding the store. But what we have hear is selective enforcement of the law.

    4. "Selective enforcement." Please enlarge upon the topic.

    5. Ah that would open a can of worms " Selective Enforcement". Then all the money that has gone towards the reform at the BIA in administrative cost has no merit with the hiring of and training of field technicians, was done for nothing. Not. As a matter of fact, the complete opposite will happen. Its been my experience in similar situations, new hires follow directions well...and will commit to a higher standard of ethics and will out perform. I know coming from experience out in the field. Scare tactics and fear mongering as the closer we come to the CFR'S being approved.

    6. I thought we were talking about the Tribal Works Department and other divisions of the Osage government, not Minerals or the CFRs.

    7. We were. I believe "selective enforcement" was addressing the enforcement of the law (in this case the Tribal works dept) as apposed to enforcement of the law concerning the five man board, which we have heard nothing about. Strange that we have heard all about the $800 plus the Tribal Works Dept messed with and nothing about the thousands of dollars the five man board misplaced! Why can't we get an update on that. If Standing bear wants to "right the ship" the missing money would be a good place to start and tell us what is happening.So far o looks like the five man board is going to "Skate" I guess it depends on who you are and who you steal from? If the five man board is going to get off then we as a Notion should not be pointing a finger at the Tribal Works Dept OR anyone else for that matter! How can we justify that ?

    8. We can't. The AG has the predominant responsibility for this situation. Has he dropped the ball? Because $806K in Village revenue needs to be accounted for especially since the guy who took the money who was writing the checks admitted that he did it just like Chief JRE did. This should be a slam dunk but now were beginning to see the Osage elected or appointed officials start closing ranks where any gaming money is concerned that has gone missing, been misappropriated or has been embezzled because they have to account for how it's spent to the NIGC and they seem to be trying to cloak or hide aspects of the investigation or not having one come to a final conclusion so they won't have to be accountable for they way they weren't accountable for how the money was handled and spent in the first place thereby incurring potential fines from the NIGC. This is the the wrong thing for them to do people and for those in the government like, "Congressional oversight isn't written anywhere in the Osage Nation Constitution iPad Ray," who fought Congressional accountability, transparency and oversight from the very beginning where lawfully and properly monitoring the gaming money proceeds appropriated and given to the Executive Branch is concerned; the results of such oversight appropriation negligence in the Osage Nation Congress has finally come home to roost! This is the last I've heard of anything moving forward with this trial so far. Our money pays for the Tribal web site that's supposed to provide information to us about what is going on legally. Do you see any information about what is going on here? --->

    9. The Congressional body has the fudiciary responsibility to uphold the oath they took or be on the hook for removal for incompetence. To not uphold the ONC does have its consequnce we can make a differnce by calling upon our Congress to do the due dilligence. You are right poster, to charge someone and not the other and mind you a leesor amount makes no difference in both cases. What is going on with the Five man Board? I've only been asking in the past week and would like an answer as well? When you pick and choose gives the element of corruption.

  21. Does anyone know if work on the Pawhuska Village arbor has started?


  23. Wind Farm battle updates:

    1. The last two Osage Chiefs are Catholic the first two commandments do not allow for this kind of worship of Eagles.

    2. Shows what you know about Osage culture and the relevance of the eagle in that culture. No one that I know worships the eagle in the same light as worshiping God. The argument against the wind farms is that it is acknowledged that they will be a number of eagles killed a year because of these. There will be a limit set and more than that killed there will be a fine paid. HOWEVER#R...who is going to verify this? Certainty not the wind farm operators. There are just so many eagles and once we kill them off there will be no more in Osaage country.

    3. Well said. You believe what you want to believe and leave church out of this argument.

    4. "If you don't sand for something, you will fall for anything" Scott Bighorse said many times the eagle carries our message to the great spirit. Before you unconditionally support what is being done by this administration judge by (performance) of how you a served.

    5. Wow great post.

    6. If you will do your history studies you will note that the Native Americans did indeed believe that the eagle carried their message to the "great spirit" Why ...the great spirit? that was before the coming of the gospel to the Native Americans and the teaching of the holy spirit and God. The Native Americans were keenly aware of a higher power that was over every living thing and the earth and before the teaching of the gospel they had no other name to use. This is fact and can be documented by more books than I can list :)

    7. Also, it is told that if you take an eagle and lay it on it's back and spread its wings you can see the image of a man. After the coming of the gospel the Native Americans came to believe that image was Jesus Christ on the cross.

    8. Where in history does this say this?

    9. I always heard the falcon was the most honored bird as it only eats it"s own pray, where the eagle will scavange dead pray like a buzzard.

    10. Chill out. Soar with this ======>>>

    11. Not written in history...this is an old oral belief

    12. Yes. Who that's Osage hasn't heard of Tribal Oral History? Weird.

  24. Anyone heard a dollar amount for September's payment?

    1. Userally we don't get the numbers till mid month.

    2. I know we don't get the official number until mid month, just curious if anyone thought it would match June's, be higher or be lower.

    3. $9,445 per the Minerals Council web site:

  25. Ah, Chief this is not looking well for you...please explain and Congress needs to be aware of why these appointments for all appearances is viewed as by the constituency as crony capitalism. Pay to play?

  26. Did Standing Bear actually vote to confirm and put Mark Simms on both of these business boards when he should have known better? Woah! If true, that's really ugly isn't it? Even if only one board confirmation when Simms was already on the other is a foul, so anyway you want to look at it it's rank and bogus and it stinks.

  27. This is a ggod read for all

  28. Wrong! Simms was on the board of ONES, LLC, but before being appointed to the Gaming Enterprise Board he had to resign that position. By the way, he has been doing a great job on the GEB and several positive changes have been made and more coming. He has discovered and exposed areas of the operation that were money losers and has helped to eliminate them. Makes you wonder why the million dollar management team didn't do something before?????????

  29. Where do you find these "Executive Directives" on the Nation's web site?
    I can only find two earlier ones here
    These should be available online to the Osage people so we can know what the new Chief and Executive Branch is up to.

    1. I think it is the plan lo keep information from the members. Employee and Department lists have been removed so you now have to call: as e-mail addresses are no longer available -- let go back to the low tech times.

    2. At the bottom of the home page. Click on what you want and there is the numbers and addresses.

    3. No list of Job title or e-mail, persons name. This is 1060's office

  30. This is a credible report and it is SERIOUS:
    The Journal Record in Tulsa is reporting that a Federal lawsuit could halt all oil and natural gas production in Osage County. Read more:
    Apparently, an Osage woman, Martha Donaldson, has filed a lawsuit with Gentner Drummond as her attorney to stop oil drilling on her land. Though the details are sketchy at this point, it has to do with the BIA not having enforced the inclusion of a required environmental system of some type for each well in production over the last ten years. These systems are expensive and may seriously hurt the small producers in Osage County. Ray McClain and Galen Crum, please explain the details if you have them. The Minerals Council Meeting is this Friday. Be sure to attend to find out more about this situation!

    1. Osage Shareholders Association Meeting is Sunday, August 17 at Dave Landrum Community Center. The program is Speakers from the Producers.....Potluck and we furnish the Chicken...All new Council members are especially invited...maybe we can hear more about this lawsuit!!!!!

    2. See the lawsuit at / The Enemy Within

    3. This is a must read document, Shareholders, Thank you, Ray McClain.

    4. Really, this is how our Mineral Council is looking out for our best interest...and to boot The BIA as well.... this is serious. The buck stops here folks...I suggest the M.C and the BIA get together on this matter ASAP. TIME TO KICK SOME behind here. Why would a shareholder cut her nose to spite all of our faces....

    5. We need damage control here folks and I say ban this person from the tribe and remove her family from the rolls...all because she doesnt want to comply with said agreement.

    6. According to this article, Oklahoma and Texas are responsible for half of the oil and gas drilling in the U.S.
      What will be the impact nationally if one of the most important and productive oil producing counties in Oklahoma is instantly shut down? It seems to me that the BIA needs to run to Federal Court with an injunction to stop this lawsuit today. Even though the Devon agreement was made, what legal standing, if any, did Martha Donelson have before she inherited the property from her mother? Unless there is some sort of shared ownership of the property before Fannie Donelson died, the legal agreement should stand from the time it was signed by the actual legal land owner and the terms and conditions should continue apply to any subsequent owner or any all heir/s from that point onward into the future. Yes? I can't sign off on legal agreements associated with real estate property I don't even own, so why should Martha be able to do this? This property ownership aspect of the case needs to be thoroughly investigated and attacked in court seeking an injunction immediately until Martha's legal standing to sue can be determined.

    7. I get that but maybe many don't Osageblogger. Though it is nice to have the end rhe BIA has fudiciary responsibility to the Estate, our Trust and to, above all protect the interest of the Shareholder in the first. I see her suit frivolous and a conflict of interest. And hold her responsible and if harm comes to the Estate, we as Shareholders our many. That note on the passing of a realtive, her mother is legal and binding. Having experience in probate. Similar situation happened with our family...the note was a 100,000 dollars. Just because the family member died did not make a bit of differnce, the balance had to be paid back to the closing, we all want the work on the Estate by producers to be compliant..and the superintendent is already working on this matter, so I see this as bullying.

    8. After reading Ray's article and the lawsuit, I feel as a shareholder that our Mineral Council should have spent more time taking care of Shareholder matters instead of 'Office Etiquette Resolutions' and who is paying for the soda pop in the vending machine. I seems a motion should be put in place to 'Stay' this lawsuit. It states non compliance however the damages, if any, are referred to as 'May' have happened. Legal council should be sought immediatly, forgoing ' Potluck Supers'. The Mineral Council should explore any oil production on 'Sovereign Nation' land as that may be immune to halting production there and this could lesson the immediate monetary impact. It also appears on the surface, that Martha Donelson may have breached a contract by taking money yet neglecting her obligation to sign the contract. Neglect and mismanagement seem to be abound again by the DOI and BIA, however I am sure many shareholders count on this income to survive. In the long run there will be time to place blame and litagation for 'Punitive Damages' created by the BIA pertaining to the shareholders. We all should know by now how long this could take. I would think the DOI and BIA would side with the Osage shareholders and come at this situation supplying legal council with 'Both Barrels'! Many situations require a strong offence as a good defence. There are alot of areas for spectulation, but first action should be to overwhelm the plaintiffs with breaching contracts, as well as be liable for not allowing access to leased contractual land. Ray is right, there is an enemy within and always overwhelming action offencively pronto, negates slow methodical inaction.

    9. All Osage mineral headright owners need to read this document. It is the BIA's own handbook for mineral estates. It clearly and repeatedly states that the BIA is responsible. See page 2 and page 3 and then do a search within the document for the word ENVIRONMENTAL. But read the entire document. Many oil and gas operations have been excluded from various environmental laws including NEPA and others. Also, look at the 2005 energy policy act which strengthens the exclusions of oil and gas. These big landowners (aka Drummond) are using the Donnelson woman to extort money from the Osage. And the environmental nuts are bypassing the existing laws they don't like and bypassing Congress to change what they don't like and using the courts to get what
      they want.

  31. It's mid month, anyone heard anything about September's payment?

    1. Not yet listed for September 2014:

    2. Are they actually starting to keep the website up to date?

    3. $9,445 per the Minerals Council web site:

  32. I think that is a great idea! The website looks worse than it did before.

  33. It's important, with this new lawsuit filed in Federal Court in Tulsa against the BIA and the Oil Producers, that you establish or reestablish your membership and relationships with other Osage groups and Osages around the country to keep current with what is going on right now in the Osage as it concerns your future Headright income!

    From Ray McClain at "Martha Donelson has hired attorney Gentner Drummond to file a class action law suit to not only stop further oil and gas activity on her ranch, but, if successful, it would effectively STOP all drilling and production activity in the entire county until certain long standing EPA rules, which have been ignored by everyone for over 10 years now, are adhered to....Adding fuel to the fire, I am told that Drummond has issued a letter to all landowners asking that they lock all gates and not allow any oil related activity to happen on their property until the law suit is resolved."

    See the current list of Osage groups below:

    United Osages of Southern California: contact William Myers (760) 500-2266 or e-mail

    Northern California Osage web site: and Facebook at e-mail

    Osages of the Pacific Northwest web site: and e-mail

    The Association of New Mexico Osages: contact Richard Chissoe at (505) 659-6235 or e-mail and Facebook at

    Texas Osages web site: and e-mail

    The Association of Osages in Arizona (AOA) at

    The Texas Osage Association at

    1. What does the MC have to say? Most importantly what does the SUPERINTENDENT OF the BIA have to say? If the offer was accepted the contract is obligated. Even if one of the parties dies.

    2. The time for social media is over. Spread the word off of office hours, WHAT WE NEED; After reading Ray's article and the lawsuit, I feel as a shareholder that our Mineral Council should have spent more time taking care of Shareholder matters instead of 'Office Etiquette Resolutions' and who is paying for the soda pop in the vending machine. I seems a motion should be put in place to 'Stay' this lawsuit. It states non compliance however the damages, if any, are referred to as 'May' have happened. Legal council should be sought immediately, forgoing ' Potluck Supers'. The Mineral Council should explore any oil production on 'Sovereign Nation' land as that may be immune to halting production there and this could lesson the immediate monetary impact. It also appears on the surface, that Martha Donelson may have breached a contract by taking money yet neglecting her obligation to sign the contract. Neglect and mismanagement seem to be abound again by the DOI and BIA, however I am sure many shareholders count on this income to survive. In the long run there will be time to place blame and litigation for 'Punitive Damages' created by the BIA pertaining to the shareholders. We all should know by now how long this could take. I would think the DOI and BIA would side with the Osage shareholders and come at this situation supplying legal council with 'Both Barrels'! Many situations require a strong offence as a good defense. There are alot of areas for speculation, but first action should be to overwhelm the plaintiffs with breaching contracts, as well as be liable for not allowing access to leased contractual land. Ray is right, there is an enemy within and always overwhelming action offensively pronto, negates slow methodical inaction.

    3. There was no way of knowing that this particular Shareholder was going to file suit, that being said, but could have been predicted, office etiquette is appropriate. The standard of which allows for a process to occur. I can't see million of dollars being shut down. What is right is what is equitable and a dialogue needs to take starts with the Shareholder's? Understanding these problems did not occur overnite and will take time to resolve. I'm sure frustration plays a huge factor, coupled with delays of the passing of the CFR'S. This is a BUSINESS. ..and by all means the M.C has the obligation to make sure along with the BIA to insure that policy and procedures are the top of the list of protocols. We as Shareholder's in the First, require and expect no less than exceptional Management starting with the BIA and the M.C. We are soon coming in the year of 2015...we should not be having this problem period and excuses are not a form of resolve. And this is why the BIA has hired and trained 12 or there of,field supervisors. This new year is sure to be a good year for all of us. The producer's know whats coming and I'm sure they are preparing for the mandatory changes that's ahead of them...they have had several years to prepare, costly yes, but long over due. We still want to hear from the M.C, Mr. Waller do you care to respond and put the panic to rest? Sorry if I did not spell our speaker last name right...

    4. Anonymous Poster on August 15, 2014 at 9:54 AM, Please post your comment under the reply section of current topic thread. Thank you.

    5. This may be the enemy from within, but I also see another enemy from within, called incompetence on our behalf of and by the BIA and our very own within our M.C. this goes with out saying, those newly elected get a hall pass, and 10 years down the road with the same issues just a differdnt day and another dollar to another Lawyer. We just might need to address the Policies, because the moderating has not been effective. We shareholders expect nothing less than exceptional work ethics with a multi billion estate! We have shaeholders on the M.C. earning a check from us as well as receiving a roylaty check as well....maybe the dynamics and the demographics might just need to be tilted. And in a direction of solitude for the Shareholder's if at all possible.

    6. My question is...If in fact the lawsuit is based on non-compliance of EPA regulations for the past ten years....who was responsible to see that these were enforced? The BIA, the past superintendent and or the MC checking that the regulations were enforced ? How did we get into this mess if proper oversight was in place? During all the recent turmoil over the new CFR's surely someone had to know the regulations referred to in the lawsuit were not being enforced. OR, on a more serious note were these knowingly "Turned a blind eye" to? If we don't have the answers to this how are we going to correct things in the future?

    7. Corruption is one word...that comes to mind. And yes all to your question on who shares the responsibility. Especially the M.C. Complacency is another word that comes to thought is the M.E just does not take care of itself by itself. And we need on hands council members to take on more responsibility. This is today, not yesterday or tomorrow. Front and center...we have the answers. Just nobody is willing to take the steps necessary to implement what priorities that are dire...we would not be in this position period had the M.C. taken the lead period. And this is why we need those CFR'S to pass...alot of regulations will come into play. Which I have been saying for a while we need to look how we negotiate with the concessions with a real incite to transperency, and accountability. In addition as I've been saying for a while the Shareholder's need to take a better perspective on these matters of concern and we take it to flight. Which is what I plan on doing in the future. Our future is here today and tomorrow is right afound the delay is another dollar down the drain..and we want our dollar working for us period. Done are the excuses. The M.C has the last why did this situation fall on deaf ears by our M.C. Waiting for answers from our speaker or for that matter anyone on the council can respond?

    8. Maybe Osageblogger or someone with knowledge to this question can answer. WHO is responsible for enforcing the EPA regulations? Is it the DOI, the BIA or the MC OR should they all be working together.? Responding to the above post concerning negotiating concessions, transparency and accountability, kind of makes you wonder about all these "Executive Secessions" the MC has with the producers, which by the way is mostly at the producers request! I was hoping the new MC was going to put an end to these?

    9. Right. Thanks for responding. It is as if these issues continue like a broken record. No punt intended. The ole addage why have someone do the work for you when you can do the work yourself....Clearly inefficiencies exist from within and out. Does that answer your question where the last and first buck starts, with the M.C. This Estate cannot be manage on blind faith, it is as if you almost have to know whats in it before you read it approach, the producer is going to be or not going to be compliant if the cats away if you get my drift. Becoming compliant in and to speed with the 20 th century was way long over due....we are losing once again fist over dollars in this delay of the CFRS. As a Shareholder in the first and we are different from just a shareholder, is imperative that the shareholders have a voice and network because lastly is the last place is where I want to be is kept in the dark about these types of issues. Its inexcusable. What is equally important is to read our Histories past...Starting with the BIA. You will get a better picture as to why most do not trust the BIA. Ours is unique and at this point we need the BIA. There is another saying, I'd rather be at the table for supper than be the supper. In and ahead of the forefront is where we should be yet we can't get away from the Past, because these issues was on purpose ignored. And we have council members who have been on the council how many times? Time for term limits sitting on the council? I call it on the head and its a lack of initiative and poor leadership skills. As for this example the predicament we are in at this vey moment no word from the council on this matter of real importance. They all bear the responsibility especially the M.C. After reading thoroughly the Plaintiffs complaaints there are inconsistent details to which the suit is flawed from the get go...but that is my opinion. This is exactly what happens when you choose to ignore a problem and the unforseen consequnce will be paid dearly once again.

    10. Saturdays are not usually good for expecting timely responses. I am under the impression that the BIA is chiefly responsible for what has happened because they are charged with the responsibility of enforcing the regulations.

    11. Does anyone know just exactly what the EPA regulations are ( in general ) that the lawsuit wants addressed and what is it going to take for the producers to get in compliance if this goes forward? Surely those that should have been responsible have known for years that environmental regulations were not being enforced in the Osage, including the producers.

    12. Good example. If no one knows who is supposed to be enforcing the regs, imagine how it will be with more regs from the BLM in addition to the BIA. Bad road to travel people and this is a perfect example of how much worse it's going to get.

    13. To Osageblogger we are all linked together because ultimately you can squarly put 99.9 percent of the blame on the BIA for once again the excuse for lack of administration, which will in turn cause another suit man,what a round table... the lack of follow through on the part of the M.C. and 10 years we are still at square one with these issues has no room for excuses when it comes to issues of this sort and if we had a full running office I can asue you these issues would be kept to a minimum. And dealt with in a timly matter. We have the resources put it where our dollar is working for us. We take the lead and pick up where the BIA fails. There are no rules to suggest any differently. AND WE BILL THE ADMINISTRATION FOR THE COST. In the end the shareholders are liable till proven otherwise and that is what makes us different from just a shareholder. They don't absorb the liability.

    14. We are an Agency, we should act like one instead of always pointing the finger...I can assure the Council knows of these issues. We don't have to be at odds with the landowners...we need someone who should be in control of damage control...and set up I agree an entire office not just with girls handling probate.

    15. "When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - you may know that your society is doomed."
      Ayn Rand

    16. I can't believe the stupidity of your statement! The MC office is not responsible for regulation enforcement. Another saying goes...You just opened your mouth and your brains fell out :) Instead of calling people names why don't you stick to the facts!

    17. Non one said they the M.C should enforce the Regulations what is being said is that we have is an obligation to follow through. This is a buisness. And I can assure this little prevention would save the Shareholder's money in the long run. You are talking with someone who's expertise is in the field of Hospitality. Getting your businees to perform at a 5 star level. My best was in 6 weeks. Thats hard to do, but if the processes are in place it can happen...when you have team players it can be done....the skys the when I say we need a full working office, we need one.

    18. To Anonymous August 17, 2014 at 2:02 AM: Charlie Wilson aside, enough on that!

    19. Then why is this regulation that has not been enforced by the BIA become an issue and part of this lawsuit? Everyone I'm speaking with says the NEPA regulation applies to the wells in Osage County and that it hasn't been enforced for the past ten years.

    20. It has been enforced. The environmental assessments that have been prepared in the past covers all the general items. The site specific environmental items are covered in the application to drill...i.e. the drilling permit. The Pawhuska BIA office doesn't even have an understanding of what they already do. Did you read the BIA handbook?

  34. The Minerals Council meeting is now streaming live via You will need to sign up with this service in order to hear the audio of the meeting.

  35. So Galen, things are not going to be as rosy as you said they'd be if the producers pulled out because of the new CFRs. The back up company to Encana has defaulted on a $1.6 million payment due on July 31 and Devon Energy is pulling out of the Osage. This pretty much guarantees that your checks are going to drop like a lead weight to half or less of what they are now you greedy sob Sonny Boy. Didn't get your C-Note more for each of your quarterly headright checks now did you? This goes for Andrew Yates and Galen Crum too. Looks like you three stooges have really screwed things up in the oil patch after you were soundly and loudly warned over and over again. Looks like the producers are in full rout and the blame lies squarely on your shoulders. If all those attorneys, including Gentner Drummond, hadn't been crawling all over the CFRs old and new to be in a position to find things wrong, this would never have happened. This is what happens when sheltered naive men are foolish enough to think that they take the field with real hardened professionals and manage to hold their own. We ought to sue all three of them personally for incompetence and negligence for continuing forward with this arrogance after they were warned off over and over again. Andrew Yates and Galen Crum, you both should resign immediately from sitting on the Minerals Council for the disgraceful mess you've made of everything! Look at the PDF of the latest Minerals Council meeting over at

    1. To the Aug 17, 1:07 post....while you are slamming MC members why don't you include the MC members that went to Washington with the producers to protest the new CFR's ? Also lets not forget a MC member that tried in Executive session to lower a producer's concession payment by $4,000. Lets not forget the "naive and foolish" women on the MC. One serving their 2nd term and another serving their 3rd term. They also have been around long enough to have known what was going on.

    2. Uderstand your point, use common sense and stay on topic. This all goes in tandem with our histories past, I'm not slamming anyone. What we need is to put a match under their pants sorta speak and get some real dialogue going on these matters that should have not fallen on deaf ears. Believe you and me we cannot forget our past and this is where we are at today and we have real issues that incompasses or calls for immediate attention. Once you have the standard set everything else will fall into place. Integrity is restored. You can take this law suit that was filed and see a lot of inconsistencies, I owning oil outside of the M.E, you just can't operate without following through with compliance. To many regulations. I'm looking at the big picture. And we as Shareholder's need to know front and center. We want a stronger organization within our Agency is a Goal we can all appreciate.

    3. Clearly they were acting in our best interest when they went to Washington to try and turn back the oil producers flight out of the Osage because of the new CFRs. You should thank them for what they did on your behalf. Soon there will be no oil men around for any concessions to be offered or otherwise. You, the Osage Nation and the BIA are so dense where real business is concerned it's pathetic. All this tracks back to the Jim Gray administration and the hideous way he laid the seeds of destruction of the Osage Mineral Estate that are now in full bloom as we speak. This goes for that screw loose niece of Galen Crum and her foolish lawsuit to reclaim those headrights from the non-Osages which include the Drummonds. As you can now see, two can play at that game and you were warned about that too and to stop sticking your fingers in the eyes of the most powerful people in Osage County. You don't behave like adults who understand that there can be negative consequences for your behavior in the outside world and this is what comes of it.

    4. WHF? "...of the approximately 60 leases advertised as available for the September lease sale and then subsequently nominated by prospective purchasers, about 40 of them had been withdrawn by the BIA because they were not actually available for various reasons." Look at Osage Minerals Council Meeting 8/15/2014 -->>>
      Sec of Interior at the DOI, Sarah Margaret Roffey Jewell get out of your REI gear, swift like get your backside to Pawhuska, roll up your sleeves and get this horrific mess figured out and cleaned up ASAP! You too Vince Logan. There's nothing to celebrate here except a Wake for the Osage Mineral Estate unless you both get to work on this problem right now that your offices have let become a threatening Black Swan business event for all Osage Headright owners who you have a fiduciary duty to protect by law.

    5. I believe this is a good idea. We need a "powwow" from officials at the highest level on this situation. We are owned an explanation right now from the BIA, the Office of the Special Trustee and anyone else on the Minerals Council who knew about this non-compliance. This situation negatively effects hundreds of Osages all over the country who rely on this income on a daily basis and here we are waiting on hold to find out something from official sources when nothing is forthcoming. I say get them to come into Pawhuska and answer for themselves and the offices of the Federal government who have dropped the ball and are responsible for this travesty.

    6. All this upset over one Osage woman who throws everything into an uproar. BIA isn't being sued any longer by us so it must go back to the legal fiduciary obligation to act in our best interest and give us and explanation of what has happened and what is being done to correct things as they are right now. Saying they can't comment is a dodge and a breach of fiduciary duty of the Trust relationship. Acting like they can get away with such a flimsy statement won't cut it because it's wrong and they know it or should know it by now.

    7. The BIa and the DOIwill be sued again. You can see the fallout.

    8. All Osage mineral headright owners need to read this document. It is the BIA's own handbook for mineral estates. It clearly and repeatedly states that the BIA is responsible. See page 2 and page 3 and then do a search within the document for the word ENVIRONMENTAL. But read the entire document. Many oil and gas operations have been excluded from various environmental laws including NEPA and others. Also, look at the 2005 energy policy act which strengthens the exclusions of oil and gas. These big landowners (aka Drummond) are using the Donnelson woman to extort money from the Osage. And the environmental nuts are bypassing the existing laws they don't like and bypassing Congress to change what they don't like and using the courts to get what
      they want.

    9. Then why is this regulation that has not been enforced by the BIA become an issue and part of this lawsuit? Everyone I'm speaking with says the NEPA regulation applies to the wells in Osage County and that it hasn't been enforced for the past ten years.

    10. Smokes and Mirrors.

    11. To poster at 10:36 AM, NO KIDDING...!

    12. It has been enforced. The environmental assessments that have been prepared in the past covers all the general items. The site specific environmental items are covered in the application to drill...i.e. the drilling permit. The Pawhuska BIA office doesn't even have an understanding of what they already do. Did you read the BIA handbook?

    13. I did. The BIA in terms of their protection of the Royalty Shareing according to the fudiciary requirment that the best interest of the Indian Mineral owner and potenionally as the responsible surface management agency. Right I read exactly what you are talking about. Went futher to read the new updates on the new Changes or ammendments to the energy act of 2014 as well to the water act. I said this law suit had many inconsistencies. Ah damage has occurred as a we speak. Unbelievable.

  36. Is there any report on what happened at the Osage Shareholders Association Meeting today?

    1. At this point who cares...who and what doe the OSA do for the Shareholder's? Absolutely nothing...

    2. That's your opinion. From what I am hearing, the meeting went well and was very informative, especially the producer who came to speak during the meeting.

  37. Read about more of Gentner Drummond's “legal shenanigans” along with Judge Kane's who sealed the records:

    1. The Judge should have ruled differently in the csn predict how this divorce will end.

    2. What I want to know is why she didn't get after her husband when he stole that art from the Osage County Historical Museum. Standing Bear still hasn't come out one way or the other on that and have you seen the pinch on the cheek that the Judge gave another thief we had employed by the Osage Nation? According to the Osage News Facebook page, "Former ON Maintenance worker, Wayne Wilson, pleaded guilty and was given a six month deferred sentence (probation) and ordered to pay $55 in court costs and $838.60 in restitution. He is due back in court on Feb. 12, 2015." That is a felony theft amount anywhere else in the world. He should have gotten at least a $1000 fine and a weekend or two in jail! "Let 'em Slide" Stepson strikes again? That includes the AG too. We need laws with teeth that take a bite out of employees who take advantage and steal from us and from public museums to the shame of all of us. Where are we on that Joe Don Mashunkashey embezzlement trial by the way and why isn't the Osage News reporting updates on that? What happened to a speedy trial process for the accused or does our Court operate on "Indian Time" as well as do the 200 + employees stealing time from the Nation as Chief JRE admitted in his removal trial? This Osage Nation government isn't a play pretend video game and it shouldn't be operating like one. Respect displayed for our institutions on the part of the elected and appointed officials breeds respect for the Osage Nation government on the part of all of us.

  38. This thread is now closed. Go to:
