Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Conversation--July-August-September 2014

Osage Blog Conversation continues at


  1. Alice Buffalo and John Maker who have poor attendance at committee meetings are both going to Hawaii at your expense. What a way for the 4th Congress to start.

    1. What's going on in Hawaii ?

    2. Vacation and party time.

    3. OK...How is that at "Our expense" ? Please explain.

    4. The Nation is paying for it. Some of them can hardly make it to work but ever trip they can take they take. Then they don't attend the convention meetings and get sauced every night while they are out of town. They're a total embarrasment. When will things change? Hear now that the infighting has already started with some of the new ones who are supposed to be focussed on the job and not one stupid slight after another. How many adults do we actually have up there on the Hill? I'd really like to know.

    5. I asked John about this & he tells me he is not going to Hawaii, period.

    6. If you want to know about Alice you need to contact her & ask.

    7. In this day and age when you have skype and or the technology to communicate, travel isn't necessary and going to Hawaii on our dime is not acceptable period....

    8. When people began to find out and criticise the Hawaii trip, John backed out. Sometimes an informed public can improve govrnment and prevent waste.

    9. Its called transperency.

    10. Why does it matter if John were to go to Hawaii? Be happy now because he's not attending the conference. The person who is going attended the same conference during Mardi Gras. Now is that fair? Did he/she not get informed enough the first time? What do you think of that. Talk about wasting our people need to get your facts straight before you start complaining.

    11. Aren't you informed enough to know if it's a he or she who is going to Hawaii to attend the same class they attended during the Mardi Gras?

    12. Yes I am. Did you not read the earlier comments ?! You seem to know ALL about the trip and who was going. Draw you own conclusions, you are quick to make remarks as to what you think goes on at conferences. The way you talk, I thought YOU knew everything.SMH.

    13. In New Orleans? Who paid for that? So what's the conclusion? The one who went to Hawaii couldn't master the Leadership classes the first time around and has to attend all over again with our money, not once but twice?

  2. Happy Fourth....of July...:)

  3. Congratulations!

  4. Had a suggestion, Osageblogger could you install a like button...would it be a lot to add on this site...sometimes its just nice to let the person who wrote a comment without really having to reply to say we just agree.

    1. Sorry, been busy. Can't do it. This Blog is a Google product and they don't make such a feature available as far as functionality goes.

    2. Thanks Osageblogger.

  5. My prayers are with those who lost there lives on Maylaysia Airlines. Sad.

    1. Yes! I keep trying to wrap my mind around the loss of 295 souls on this airplane on top of those they lost on that plane that went into the ocean. What in the world is going on with Malaysia Airlines? Who in their right mind would put together a flight plan or fly into the center of a war zone for that matter?

    2. Thats what we are all saying to. Did these poor souls know they were flying over a war stricken region some calling a beginning of a cold war. What is disconcerting your not hereing from Malaysia Airlines there thoughts.

    3. So, when I reported where to find the first Malaysia Airplane, you cut the post. Well, AP posted it and in time we'll find out it was within sixty miles of that prediction.
      Souls, lost , poor or not have a way of reaching out to us , boom then doom. H

  6. What Denver thinks of Tocabe at

  7. 2 also. $23 Million allocated already and the roof looks like an Arab flying carpet. Are we going Middle East with the design? How did it happen and who all gave the green light to go ahead with it? Not in keeping with our Culture and our Traditions.

  8. 2 to. I'ts gona be ugly.

  9. Definite 2. Goofy lookin. Should have asked us first.

  10. The Pagota on the Prairie has not a hint of Osage.

  11. The Pagota looks like it was designed by the same fine folks that brought you World War II. 2.

  12. A quonset hut with the roof pealing off? That's really funny. 2 two.

  13. "He wants visiting tribal dignitaries to be impressed when they visit the Osage Nation." By what? The Big Nouveau(sage) Riche? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! This must be his variation on Big Chief Wahoo.

  14. You know what , why not, the waste at the Nation needs to end, go Standing Bear. The Executive Dept. and office should look the part, but doesnt need to look like the Pagoda or the Oval Office. And can be done tastefully and cheaply. This is what we wanted was the waste and efficiencies shored about that Per-Cap Chief..give and take Chief.

  15. A fixed asset manager? What the heck is that...looks like a made up have a an IT dept for lans sake...this dept is not always busy and can handle office supplies and any equipment that is electrical from computer's to copiers, phones and including sound systems to ordering toners and retruning the cartridge for credit for example. This way there is no excuse to find 42,000 dollars of equipment that shoild be donated rather recycled. Can anyone explain why these DVRS were not put tot use? And why there were not returned for credit no sale is final...?

  16. The IT dept. is a joke! A lot of times employees have to wait and wait for toners and other things to be replaced. And what's wrong with Chief Standingbear wanting a first class office? After the embarrassment from the previous executive office, I think change is good.

    1. Certainly these inefficiencies can be shored up..waiting for toners is no excuse. You order ahead of time the ammount you need as you cycle the old cartridges the new ones will person in a office such as a Office Manager will designate a person to be in charge of supplies then that person goes to the IT dept signs for the supplies. This is so a system is in place to track not it enforces each Dept. To conserve and not take the supplies home. With concerns of records that have to be on the premises for so many years should be labeled accordingly with your weeklys by weeklys and your monthlys to your yearlys by date in cronicle order and should be staffed with someone who can handle this workload. They can also invoice as well and file them away...this job has always been a thankless job especially at year end...everyone should whoever is in the office help during this time of year ending in a night out for dinner. Its not that hard to organize. If you can take just a few of these suggestions this will create a better environment. A happy office always almost always is a winner when there is teamplayers...Good luck to you all at the Osage Nation..looks like Ou Chief is looking at the big picture and doesn't want to play thats a Leader. Looking forward to the future to see some real leadership and the impact on the Osage Nation.

    2. Oh yes change is good.

  17. I second that, a Per-Cap Chief...give and take before you set yourself up in fancy digs no one will be impressed with anyway. It's the man, not the trappings he surrounds himself with and the same is true of the government or organization. How successful it is depends on how it performs for those it's meant to serve, not how it looks to the outside world.

  18. Does anyone know why the Chief wants to ammend the Open Records Act......?

    1. Find out tomorrow>>>

    2. ONCR 14-08, Boards and Commission payouts for stipends and more from the slush fund out of the ON Treasury Dept. they set up to pay to 50 to 100 people. In part for Osage LLc and Energy Services LLC Board members at $16,800 each to $21,000 for Chairman plus travel and meals and is obcene because STill losing money or never turned a dime yet. Filthy. Your money and mine going to only those who live in or around Osage Cnty instead of all of us. Take action Boycott the Osage casinos everybody, till we shut them down for good because of their greed. See the spending
      ONCR 14-09 too. Going forward with Casino expansion when they now know they shouldn't go there. Oh and ONCR 14-06.
      New legislation just being introduced isn't up on web site for 2nd Special session.

    3. On Kent's OSA Blog they were told time and again that it was stupid to build out with hotels when too much competition exists because the hard costs to carry them would overwhelm the then existing profit margin. You can't tell these dummies a damn thing because they think they know more than you do. Still they go ahead. They have proven every time they turn around that there's no more foolish a Tribe with money than the Osage Nation government and the dolts who run it. When are they going to stop being an embarrassment to all of us? Ever? Why would Bighorse pocket veto that bill? Why isn't there Federal legislation at the NIGC level for stress tests with gaming money to evaluate how a tribe uses it for the benefit of all of its membership or legally be penalized for losing it due to incompetence, stupidity, pride, arrogance and outright malfeasance? When is the NIGC going to come to the table to initiate additional regulations to determine when a Tribal government is no longer engaging in self-determination but rather fiscal self-destruction to the detriment of its membership? $17 million and counting on the Osage, LLC and they put forward and pass a Congressional vote of confidence. Who at the NIGC holds them accountable for gaming money lost like this because that's what we need right now. Contact them directly and ask your questions -- - Tel.: (202) 632-7003 Email: Ask them first if they approve of all the spending on the list over at when most of it benefits only 2,746 of 17,919 Osage Nation members. We should be as indignant and as belligerent as possible with the Osage Congress and Executive Branch. They don't deserve any better for what they tolerate and what they do with our money when they vote to spend it on everything and everyone they know BUT the Osage Members in a fair manner. Look at ONCA 14-10. A Child and Senior Center in Fairfax $3.3 Million spent on a grand total of 120 members in those age categories? According to the most recent Osage member populations statistics, everything for the most part in Federal and Tribal spending spent on 15% of the total membership if they haven't lost the money outright on one or more of their foolish money soaking schemes. Buh! GET MAD PEOPLE because we should be damn sick and tired of them shaking us down all the time. New Chief is paying his staff and appointees more per person than any other Chief before him? Buh! He tries to justify this with less people hired. That may be true now but let's wait and see how many are on staff and appointed at the end of his four year term not the beginning. He can do his Big Chief Wahoo imitation with his own money out of his own pocket and not ours. Has he transitioned out of his law practice yet or will we be second on his list for another four years? Buh! Buh! Buh!

    4. Understood. I say the honeymoon with StandingBear and his little buddy sidekick is over today. He must send money our way and not be awarding new or continuing political patronage contracts with the Old Guard like Rod Hartness, Scott Bighorse to work on the Wind Farm issue and Libby Gray to update the Policies and Procedures of Human Resources of all people. Her husband ran a fascist regime if there ever was one. What could GSB be thinking? It's OK for me to do this but not the rest? Since when does he get a political patronage dispensation?

    5. "According to Chief Standing Bear, the modification (in the current Office of the Chief's budget for 2014) is not requesting additional tribal funds from the Congress, but rather requests to shift available funding in the Chief's office $2 million budget to fund proposed professional contract fees." Really? $99,220 more for legal fees? He must be beginning to build his legal water war chest...
      "I done tole you and tole you!"

    6. Got it wrong. In part, it's to give recently elected to the Mineral Council, Everett Waller, a personal service contract for 15 months work to act as the Cultural Liaison to the Executive Branch for a total price of $60,000. He is to report his findings quarterly. How sweet is that? He'll be making more than the Asst. Principal Chief in total and have no clock to punch or schedule that's firm to adhere to. This is what we mean when we say we are completely disgusted with this kind of B.S. spending on cronies or political patronage paybacks or whatever brought this decision about on the part of the new Chief. How exactly is this any different than what JRE did when he was first in office? Big discussion about this at the Gov't Ops Committee Meeting today. Hear it right here on

    7. Is it true that they made Waller the Office Manager of the Minerals Council? Now with his patronage job with Standing Bear at $4,000 a month as his new Cultural Liaison, Waller will be raking in more than iPad Ray. I hear this guy has "big head" problems and that the Wallers are wild men. If our new Council and Chief are so smart, why are they placing this guy in positions of this much authority? Making bad choices this soon doesn't inspire confidence and bullying everyone around, if that's what's really going on behind the scenes, isn't the solution either. This is the same guy that Spurrier-Bright wanted to give the Chief's proxy to when the Chief can't vote on Mineral Council resolutions because the Council and its members are part of an Independent Agency of the Osage Nation government. If Waller doesn't understand at least that much, why is he being given so much authority and responsibility in that office? Obama doesn't go over to the CIA or any other Independent Agency of the Federal Government and sit in on proceedings and break tie votes. Same thing with the Minerals Council. This smells to high heaven of Sonny Boy Abbott continuing to pull the strings behind the scenes even though he's no longer on the Council. I suspect if he's got "his man" in the Chief's office too, he can keep tabs on what Geoff's doing and get reports on both the Minerals Council and the Chief's office from the same source. If I'm right, we don't need this kind of backroom dealing in our government. We already have iPad Ray for that. If ever there was one who has had loyalty issues, no matter where he's been placed in the new government, it's Ray Ray. We really don't need two men in this government who can't be trusted.

    8. Im am particularly concernd about the Contract and the definition of his Job responsibilities as Cultural Liason....please define? Second he has a fudiciary responsibility first to the M.C he was elected.

    9. Ahhh... A Venetian/Florentine type of a deal. Ooooo. A paid spy in the Chief's Office and in the Mineral's Council. The sweet smell of intrigue. I like it!!! What did you expect? He is indeed the Abbot of our little Osage "Monastery" even though he worships at the altar of his own headright money. I'm sure where he's concerned, he got his positioning now with Waller firmly in place and it's all good.

    10. I saw this room once on TV that the Pope or one of the Caesars or some big wig type back in the middle ages had where you could stand in one place and the acoustics were so good in another area of the room that you could hear clear as a bell what your enemy was saying to another enemy. Very clever. Maybe the Chief can design his new office with an area just like it and have iPad Ray or Waller stand there to so he can hear what they are each up to on the phone or have them confer to find out what they are plotting individually or together. This could be fun.

    11. Are you daft? Give us a break.

    12. Actually, I'm hearing a lot of encouraging things about the new Chief. He's letting Congress have access to what they want and need and he has an open door policy literally. These things are very good and it seems as if the Congress is very happy with how it's going so far. So. Let's build on this and move forward.

    13. My thoughts as a whole are of the same as yours Osageblogger, though it is hard to get over the past we must embrace a different approach, is not always a bad concern though it ways on many not so much that money is a problem, it is how it is spent, and the Osage LLC, and so forth...we just can't keep on fist over fist handing dollars to a failed business adventure never taking off. Now we have a cultural liason why for? It would be better to explain to the Constituency how this would benefit the Osage? We can create jobs but we can't seem to get that Per-Cap out.

    14. "We can create jobs but we can't seem to get that Per-Cap out." In a nutshell, that says it perfectly. Along with building buildings and hotel rooms we don't need plus add the money they just throw away, I couldn't agree more.

    15. 30 people hired within the last 90 days by the Osage Nation to do what exactly and we can't get a Per-Cap. What about Osage Member preference for a fair distribution of gaming and other Osage Nation revenue. They'd rather give the money to non-Osages than to us who belong to the Osage Nation. This is wrong.‘osage-preference-priority-nation’s-hiring’

      The Kaw Tribe was reported to send out a $200 Christmas in July check to all of its members above 65 years old. This is in addition to the $200 Christmas Bonus they send to those who are over 65 every December. No application is necessary. No forms need to be filled out. All you have to be is alive, a member and a Senior. Why are the Osage Nation elected officials, with 100 times the fiscal resources at their disposal than the Kaw Tribe, so stingy and selfish with the money to the detriment of the Osage Nation membership? We know the Osage Nation officials have the money available in the Treasury because they throw it around so openly.

    16. Shrink this government and grow financial caring for Osage Nation members. We need the money more than you need hires who can't do the job you hire them for to work in offices you don't even need in the first place. Remember Macy Mashunkashey Williams? The only thing she could do well was to pick up her paycheck.

    17. Thank you all for the support on this issue. My point is the Nation may be understaffed in some areas and then in other areas overstaffed. I get there are gross inefficiencies possibly, but my point and your point of which we do not want our mirror a very bad example of what is happening in the real world. Tne O.N undedstands this is not their money to say no either...they can argue but we have one known Document, the 1906 act as ameneded. Now a turkey voucher or a Christmas Check, one or the other would have sufficed but watching this pagoda of a building go up is a sight for sore eyes, sorry it's the truth and a huge waste of our money...just the design alone does not represent but truly shows a persona of my sense we seem to be falling on death ears, time to start a petition. And time to start talking with the Shareholder's in Texas, Northern and Southern California ah There are a few in Colorado, Kansas and so forthe with mailers mailed out to each...this is and should be discussed time for representation of the Constituency...I will be mapping and formalizing in the next couple of months. Have weddings and vacation planned, but my focus will be soon is to make this happen for all of you, of which our Gov. Just doesn't get its hard times for a lot of Osages and 200 a month for each and everyone is chump change to the Nation. Not much to ask for...especially for those who can't just pick up and leave to work for the Nation.

    18. If you are really interested in mapping, the Osage News published the current membership statistics in the May 2014 issue and it's handy to keep around when you want to see what the numbers are for locations where the spending is going on. If you want the list of eligible voters, the Osage Election office has an electronic roster with addresses you can can buy for about $10 or so.

    19. Thank you Osageblogger.

    20. Are there any construction pictures of the pagoda floating around and where do we look?

    21. Try this

    22. Look farther up this web page to review the Pagoda. So far, reactions are not good.

    23. That's what you got when you voted for Mr. Suck-Up-for-the-last-twenty-five-years-to-be-the-Chief. Hail Caesar. Are you happy now?

    24. I think that building is dead-on and what could be a better metaphor than the Osage Nation government having a workplace that perfectly reflects the fact that they've all flipped their lids. HaHaHaHaHa

  19. Thats exactly what will happen when a stiff wind comes along to finish the job of lifting that silly looking roof right off of the building. This is what happens when you hire an architect firm located on the West Coast with entirely different weather conditions and people designing buildings who don't understand what the wind stresses are in Oklahoma. 2.

  20. 2
    Wheres the gaul darn poll over at the Osage News:
    "Do you like the building design of the new Welcome Center?"
    Darn Primary Election results were six months ago. Get the lead out Editoy Shannon Shaw Duty and edit your dang poll with a new one.

  21. Why is iPad Ray signing off on the amended call to the 3rd Special Session Proclamation for July 31, 2014? Where was the Chief?

    1. This is the Session that will deal with the Open Records law amendments.

    2. Hope this goes in the right direction. We want a transparent Nation for the Osage, of the Osage and most importantly for the Osage. Long live the Osage Tribe and the 1906 Act as amended.

  22. I went to the Instagram site listed to look at the construction of the "Pagoda" it looks like "crap" Someone is getting their pocket lined and WHO approved this. Also, since when do we need a arbor for the dances with a roof that is that tall ? It would seem obvious that no Osages were in on the design. Again...who approved this?

  23. The Pagota of the West is not being built for Tribal dancing. It's supposed to be an Osage Nation Welcome Center. It does look like a heap. You're right. 2 too.

  24. Pagoda of the Prairie. 2. You missed the meaning. I think its supposed to mean the Japanese that brought WW II and the building looks like it was designed by one of them. Thats how I'm taking it anyway.

  25. BTW what ever happened to the AGs prosecution of Joe Don Mashunkashey and the Pawhuska Village money misappropriation. Is the AG just too lazy to prosecute this case in a timely manner or what? We expect justice in this case and every other where wrongdoing is found to be going on anywhere in the Osage Nation government.

    1. Jeff Jones and Standingbear are too busy with purging the employees.

    2. I couldn't agree more with your concern...Justice for the Greater not the 1 percent.

    3. Get the lead out! Government weight loss incentives and programs to keep their jobs so they don't continue to eat their way right through their paychecks. Get the staphangers out who are along for the ride on this gravy train the Osage Nation government has become. If the AG's involved, it must have something to do with more wrongdoing. Get rid of them too. Toss the complainers who haven't got the stamina and self-discipline to work 10 hour days with time on weekends. No more stealing time by the employees from the Osage Nation paid with the Osage people's money. JRE said during his removal trial that more than 200 employees of the Osage Nation were stealing time. Purge - purge - purge. Anyone who can't work through lunch without complaint, hand them a pink slip too. Streamline - streamline - streamline from the waistline on down, on up and out.

    4. This St. John guy would risk a substantial salary as the Tribal Works Director, his job, his good name and the reputation of the Osage Nation for $838.60? Do they ever interview these people to evaluate them for whether or not they're stupid? Seems like this should be a priority item during the pre-employment evaluation interview. Testing for employment skills along with a personality evaluation is never a bad idea. Why aren't we doing this? According to the Osage News both of these slugs, Tribal Works Director Daniel St. John and tribal works employee Wayne Wilson are due to appear in court on Aug. 14 at 10 a.m.

    5. Why was he not suspended this St. John, instead of fired? I have a funny feeling he's innocent folks...

    6. Yeah. Right. They're all innocent. Every single one of them.

  26. Is the $450,000 really worth it?

  27. Does anyone know if work on the Pawhuska Village arbor has started?

  28. Mexican Consulate to open in Plaza Mayor in OKC? What's going on?
    On Tuesday, the Mexican Consulate will open a 2,700-square-foot mobile office at Plaza Mayor at the Crossroads. The office will have six employees who will be in Oklahoma City for two weeks each month. Read more:


  30. Why do we need a child support worker when in fact HR should be handling these matters? Is the programs not available to update the IT and or is the system archaic? This is so simple of a program. With Child support is all of a matter of entering a figure which might change from time to time with an order but thats it...we have some serious inefficiencies at the Nation and it looks to be our Chief is recognizing this fact. To many chiefs and not enough Indians? And why hire a Lawyer for this position in the first. Over qualified.

  31. DOUBLE DIPPER MARK J. SIMMS, FORMER MEMBER OF OSAGE CONGRESS NOW GETTING TWO STIPENDS PLUS TRAVEL AND MEAL BENEFITS FOR A TOTAL OF $38,100 YEAR FOR BEING ON TWO SEPARATE BUSINESS BOARDS!!!!!!!!!! The People's money in the Osage Nation Treasury is not a trough for your friends, cronies or former members of Congress to have access to after they have lost their bids for reelection!!!!!!!!!! Executive may appoint but you confirm these Board appointments you lousy ^*(%$&*s!!!!!!!!

    1. Wrong! Simms was on the board of ONES, LLC, but before being appointed to the Gaming Enterprise Board he had to resign that position. By the way, he has been doing a great job on the GEB and several positive changes have been made and more coming. He has discovered and exposed areas of the operation that were money losers and has helped to eliminate them. Makes you wonder why the million dollar management team didn't do something before?????????

    2. To Anonymous 8-7-14 12.27 PM: No one in the Osage Nation sets on two Osage Nation boards.

    3. Yes, the website needs an update. Since the last update Simms is no longer on the ONES, LLC board and Eddy Red Eagle ( who voted for every appropriation to the Osage, LLC) has been appointed to the ONES, LLC board. Look for this entity to begin the down hill slide. Candy Thomas has resigned from the Gaming Enterprise Board, which is an improvement in the board, and is now director of the Planning and Grants Department. Sadly, even this is probably an improvement in that department............that's how sorry that department was functioning.

  32. Who was contracted to do the last expansion on our last casino, and who is contracted for the future buildout of the Tulsa Casino? Is there a bidding process? Say no to Internet Gambleing. What happens when you take the live experience away there is no incentive and in addition all the other vendors will experience a decline in revenue. Why cut your nose to spite your face? And in addition since we get taxed on the air we breath, the costs associated and the unforseen costs. And how about opening these ventures to the Osage people? IPO? Not just the few in the Osage Gov.

    1. Osage Nation Child Support Department
      Julie Standingbear, Director --- isn’t this nepotism now that Geoffrey is Chief Executive of the Nation’s employees?
      Dana Daylight, Case Initiation
      Delana Taylor, Case Manager
      Dana Cass, Finance Specialist
      Kathy Sherwood, Investigator
      Ms Sherwood apparently had a disagreement with Ms Standingbear and is now charged with 50 counts of discussing cases with a board for employee appeals. Might be a good idea to not subject your personnel policy disagreements to HR procedures if the Chief’s family is involved.

    2. Isn't it strange in a sad sort of way, that as we look at the Jim Gray era, the JRE era and now already in the Standing Bear era we see the same old pattern of rewarding your cronies and nepotism running through all of them. I think the saying goes " The more things change, the more they stay the same" I was hopeful of a new beginning and an end to all of that but I guess it was just wishful thinking?

    3. Wrong again!! Julie worked for the gaming operation and applied for and got the position of Child Support Director, but resigned and when back to gaming. All that happened before Geoffrey became Chief.

    4. How soon before? Says here on July 18th Sherwood was charged by the AG's office after a grievance hearing she filed failed
      The case has been continued to Sept. 4, 2014

  33. The entire Osage Mineral Estate is now under legal threat from one of our own! For more information see

    The Osage Shareholders Association Meeting is Sunday, August 17, 2014 at the Dave Landrum Community Center in Pawhuska, OK. The program is Speakers from the Oil Producers...Potluck and the OSA will furnish the Chicken...All new Mineral Council members are especially invited.

    It's important, with this new lawsuit filed in Federal Court in Tulsa against the BIA and the Oil Producers, that you establish or reestablish your membership and relationships with other Osage groups and Osages around the country to keep current with what is going on right now in the Osage as it concerns your future Headright income!

    From Ray McClain at "Martha Donelson has hired attorney Gentner Drummond to file a class action law suit to not only stop further oil and gas activity on her ranch, but, if successful, it would effectively STOP all drilling and production activity in the entire county until certain long standing EPA rules, which have been ignored by everyone for over 10 years now, are adhered to....Adding fuel to the fire, I am told that Drummond has issued a letter to all landowners asking that they lock all gates and not allow any oil related activity to happen on their property until the law suit is resolved."

    See the current list of Osage groups below:

    United Osages of Southern California: contact William Myers (760) 500-2266 or e-mail

    Northern California Osage web site: and Facebook at e-mail

    Osages of the Pacific Northwest web site: and e-mail

    The Association of New Mexico Osages: contact Richard Chissoe at (505) 659-6235 or e-mail and Facebook at

    Texas Osages web site: and e-mail

    The Association of Osages in Arizona (AOA) at

    The Texas Osage Association at

  34. How many Executive Directives have been issued since GSB took office?

    1. Good question! I'm hearing that the non-Osage workers are starting to get worried......

  35. Osage school? Nutzoid Chief wants to initiate a school like Phillips Exeter Prep School!!!!! Any excuse to spend money is a good one, I guess.

    1. Standingbear sites himself as a product of private schools. He was barely able to make a living until he got work at the Osage Nation. The funds used to study feasability are most likely going into his pocket.The members not living near Hominy will need elther a long bus ride or boarding arrangement. If you are not in Osage County your share is being taken care of for you by local interests.

    2. "When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - you may know that your society is doomed."
      Ayn Rand

    3. WTH? First you need to teach them the basics like arithmetic and how to read and write. Phillips Exeter, my a**! Why not a Switzerland style Finishing School for Osage girls to teach them how to fill out divorce papers in case they come to discover that they've married colossal fools exactly like this one.

    4. GSB administrative goals presented on Titter

  36. Matthew 15:10-11King James Version (KJV)
    10 And he called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and understand:

    11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

    Todays lesson for the self absorbed Chief.

    1. Remember when he said during the debates that he could control all these people in Osage County. Looks like things are pretty out of control where the Mineral Estate is concerned. Way to go Chief LyingBear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. Standing Bear still hasn't come out one way or the other about iPad Ray stealing that art from the Osage County Historical Museum and have you seen the pinch on the cheek that the Judge gave another thief we had employed by the Osage Nation? According to the Osage News Facebook page, "Former ON Maintenance worker, Wayne Wilson, pleaded guilty and was given a six month deferred sentence (probation) and ordered to pay $55 in court costs and $838.60 in restitution. He is due back in court on Feb. 12, 2015." That is a felony theft amount anywhere else in the world. He should have gotten at least a $1000 fine and a weekend or two in jail! "Let 'em Slide" Stepson strikes again? That includes the AG too. We need laws with teeth that take a bite out of employees who take advantage and steal from us and from public museums to the shame of all of us. Where are we on that Joe Don Mashunkashey embezzlement trial by the way and why isn't the Osage News reporting updates on that? What happened to a speedy trial process for the accused or does our Court operate on "Indian Time" as well as do the 200 + employees stealing time from the Nation as Chief JRE admitted in his removal trial? This Osage Nation government isn't a play pretend video game and it shouldn't be operating like one. Respect displayed for our institutions on the part of the elected and appointed officials breeds respect for the Osage Nation government on the part of all of us.

    1. Osage News reports on Facebook

      An Osage Nation delegation is touring the Citizen Potawatomi Nation's health care facilities today. According to Principal Chief Geoffrey Standing Bear the Osage Nation is going to compact its Indian Health Service clinic, following the models of the Potawatomi, Choctaw and Cherokee Nations.
      Those tribes do not allow dual citizenship and have the SS# of their members associated with health claims.

      The Osage nation is about be found to be claiming as citizens for federal programs that are also being claimed on other tribes head count.

      Go D-A- Standingbear.

    2. Why wasn't Brothers charged, isn't that the AG applying the law to Osage Citizens in a selective way? Is he as guilty as JRE?

    3. The crime fits the punishment. Where as JRE it does not. In his mind he did nothing wrong, but that all changed when we became a Government if you can call it one I say this lightly, there is still existing inequities as I coin it in its simplicity. It is equally our sovereign right to insist on a Per-Cap. long over due inefficiencies are not being over looked and soon hopefully remedy the incompetence and bring back integrity to our Osage Tribe. Change is not so hard to come by its what you do with that change. And being Chief isnt that hard, only when ego gets in the way of earning the respect of the Constituency. So balance is what we want and that goes without saying. For ever dollar spent on a pet project match it for the Constituency in a interest baring account. And let each District apply where the most funds are needed. This could go towards a new Grocery store and take it from there...when people hear of us I want them to see us in a cultural manner of respect and this pet pagoda is a site for sore eyes. Just my opinion. Patience says the Chief and thus far I see strides in his efforts, but he needs to listen to his people when it comes to the Fiveman Board and not brush under the table the indiscretion that occurred with the Artifacts gone missing (Redcorn) and any updates concerning the LLC, we want to no the losses to date. And most importantly get with the Shareholder's, bring the M.C and lets have a dialogue about the current situation with the Donelson suit. How this situation got ignored for so long..I read the MC hand book..I'm sure this person notified all involved 10 years ago, that protocol was dropped. Yes the BIA is ultimately responsible, but we are complicit to do we have questions Chief. And as Shareholder's in the first like you and the M.C should not be privy to information alone becauss it becomes a conflict of interest when you hold yourself hire and really you are shaeholders as well, the MC works on our behalf for the greater good the many 5000 or so Shareholder's, give or take...this would dispels any impropriety, and rest assured fears that are real.

    4. Inquiring minds want to no. Duh!

  38. Good information from the "Expert."

  39. This is below post is from the Osage Nation Website. When you submit your e-mail to this office ==>who has a list of your personal information???

    All the Osage Nation Government that choses to share this information. Where is your reasonable expectation of privacy?
    Office of the Chiefs Soliciting Feedback

    Executive, Featured

    The Osage Nation is embarking on an unprecedented effort to learn what you think about our performance as a government, and about needs in our communities. Different methods can be used to gather your opinions and find out about your needs. The most efficient method is the internet.

    Soon we will begin surveying Osages on everything from general satisfaction with government to whether your scholarship arrived on time. To survey affordably, we need your email address.

    Worried about privacy? The Osage Congress recently passed a law that protects your email address from misuse and keeps it from becoming a public record. No junk mail, no propaganda. Just an opportunity to communicate your views in a helpful way.

    You can help shape our performance through honest feedback. If you are a member of the Osage Nation and at least 16 years of age, send your name and email address to

    Let us know what you think, and we’ll make this a better Nation


    2. See also

  40. Bloodbath? Gaming CEO resigns as does the ON Treasurer and HR Director. What the heck is going on?

  41. G only knows but the ego will prevail. At who's expense? All Osage People not in the Chief's grace.

  42. WHAT HAPPENED at the Five man board trial today???

    1. This is not related to the previous board members on trial for misusing funds.

  43. More trouble with the new campus plan?

  44. So great!

  45. HUGE NEWS! Osage language classes online are soon to begin! See Osage language classes online registration at

  46. 4th Osage Nation Congress convenes Tzi-Zho Session at

    1. The Fall Osage County Language Class Schedule is available at

    2. On demand audio via the internet for the opening day of the new Congressional Session is available at

    3. What does the heck does the Chief mean by a welfare state? No per-cap past the crumbs they throw to the majority of us from the lavish banquet table they gorge themselves on day in and day out. So the Congress is only going to work during this Official 24 Day Regular session as a total group on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays when in full session for the next ten days? WTH? That's roughly only 15 days to transact the people's business as a whole Congress out of 24 total days with weekends off!!!!!!!!! Why not just come in one day a week you lazy worthless louts!!!!!!!!! Recommendations so that not a full year of full appropriations for Fall, Spring and Summer where the educational scholarships for students getting a higher education goes???? Does this stink to high heaven or what? And another new government bureaucratic division of Governmental Operations for the Executive Branch? Give us a break!!!!!!!!!!! AK Chief GSB spearheading the $2.5 million for the Pawhuska Arbor and what will the cost overruns be on this? You have to listen to one bill after the other for thousands and millions being spent hand over fist. WOAH! Does any of this spending benefit most of us Geoffrey Standing Bear? Is Edwards backing away from the Seniors having the higher amount appropriated for them on the Osage Health Card? No open meetings notice for official Congressional meetings or small groups of members of Congress? What is this Buffalohead and capturing all of the proceeds of $10 million to impoverish the gaming enterprise of funds they need to operate and function properly? What in hell is going on here? Things look like they are seriously deteriorating on the very F I R S T day the 4th Congress's first Regular Session.

    4. The Congressional Health and Social Services Committee will be hearing the Edwards Bill ONCA 14-78 on the Osage Health Card.

    5. The Osage Nation Congrssional Committee List FY2014-2015 is available at

    6. Contact information for the Osage Congress is available at

  47. Cobell update!!! Checks will comence in 3 weeks providing the Judge approves the final distribution.

  48. Good information: My Dog Has Cancer: What Do I Need to Know?

    1. Sorry to hear about your dog. What kind is it? Depends on where the cancer is. About all you can do is follow the Dr. advise and keep your dog as comfortable as possible. Watch for changes in the eating and drinking habits It's HARD but once you see that the dog is in pain...let go and don't let him suffer. You will cry like a baby, I did but it was time. And please...if your dog has been a loving companion don't let he go down that road by himself. He will need your love until the very end and will know you are there. I miss mine still. You might find some solitude in a poem called "The Rainbow Bridge" You can "Google" it on the net. I cremated my dog and he is in a nice wooden box, with his name on it, on a bookshelf in the den. I talk to him often and after you read the "Rainbow Bridge" poem you will understand.Again...sorry to hear.

    2. Thank you. That's very kind and thoughtful of you. Actually, my dog died of cancer in January of 2011. And yes, it was terribly hard to part with him then and still is to this day. I wish I had had the above posted information back then. We did have an excellent medical team in place for our little fellow at the time and I have no regrets. His (Honeyfox Mr. Todd's) remains are in a porcelain urn with dog prints on it in our Prayer Room next to our other Welsh Corgi's urn, (Dandy Duke Porgy) that passed in 1993.

  49. Something to be very happy about...

    1. A Doctor. Great. Will he be returning to Osage to give back for the funding he has received from the Nation's scholarship program I wonder? It should be a requirement like the Military Academies in the USA and other sovereign countries.

  50. "Services to the people or employment to Osages..." Shame on you buffalohead! You always want to spend at home and never on your overall constituents. What a creep you really are. So glad I wasn't fooled by you and didn't give you my vote in the last election. Same for you iPad Ray. Still stealing from the Osage people for yourselves at home. You have had enough of a share. Now give back a paltry $2.9 million to the rest of us. $21.9 million for the Government services budget PLUS what you get from the Federal Government....that's a grand total of $38-40 million on yourselves and you get that much from the Feds based on our membership totals....not yours!!!! You "representatives" have got a hell of a lot of nerve!!!!!!

    1. Pure racial prejudice against other Osages who live away and tribal funding spending bias in Osage County when 18,000 members are the numbers for the total Osage Nation enrollment for which the money is based for Federal funding when only 2,746 of them actually see any real benefit. The members of the Osage Congress NEVER EVER count the $15-20 million that is spent on those Osages who live in the County which is never spent on the rest of us. Make the NIGC and the Indian Committees of the U.S. Congress aware of what these biased jerks do every year. Fund that Osage health card for $7.9 million right away! $2.5 million for the Legislative Branch to engage in such prejudical racial and economic spending bias is a CRIME that must be rectified for all of us who belong and are therefore worthy members of the Osage Nation under the new Constitution.

    2. Yes. That's so right. The members of the Osage Congress NEVER EVER count the $15-20 million in Federal funds that come their way every year when making funding decisions that include the total number of Osage Nation members. Pitiful.

    3. You don't exceed market employment rates, iPad Ray? $11.00 an hour when the State pays $7.35 minimum wage and the Cherokee don't pay more than $9.50 an hour? Don't you ever get tired of hearing yourself tell lies to the Osage people?

    4. Next time Ray Ray, if you feel you're unprepared to speak in the Congressional session, shut up!

    5. Next year is a New Year folks and we as a people will unite for all Osages one for all and all for one. LETS TAKE A STAND AGAINST THE GREED AND BLOAT IN OUR GOV. LETS GET that per-cap out to all OSAGES.

    6. Interesting blll came up by Congresswoman Edwards in Session today. Apparently, from what she said, the Merit based pay program that is supposed to have a two year salary review is happening yearly instead. She mentioned a figure added of a million dollars this last go round if I got that right and there is no need for that much money to be added every year to the budget for the Merit Based pay program. Here's where our per-cap is going people and millions more are padded into those phony budgets they come up with every year of Tribal funds they spend on themselves day in and day out. It's an insult to the majority of the Osage people. 20% get representation and 80% do not from this bunch and they really don't give a damn.

    7. Time for that petition to start. I'll get the signatues for the petition to circulate. The waist of our Gov. Our own Gov. Needs to stop period, our own Gov. Sticking it to there own people the Osage robbing them blind of their rightful percentage of the cream of the crop from the Casinos. A per cap is long long over due.

    8. Run the numbers. 15% get Federal Funding benefits and all of the rest don't. Page 6 and 7 of the Osage News May 2014 issue has the breakdown of membership numbers. You know the one with $3.3 million of Tribal gaming funds appropriated for a Child and Senior Center in Fairfax for about 200 Osage members in those age categories. Another Geoffrey Standing Bear sponsored bill to get your vote and thumb his nose in your face if you don't live home. He talks a good game but the legislation he's sponsored doesn't tell lies.

    9. All eyes are watching and that is right about the numbers. I've been saying all along the way the numbers do not add up here and are so disportionate by no exaggeration. This is why we must do the diligence and get that petition for all Osages a per cap. It is my belief that all Osages who are with their State Health Exchange plan can apply for even better Ins with that funding from a Per-Cap. Or however, I will be setting a site up for all Osages who wish for a Per-Cap sign a petition on line in conjunction with a letter addressed that will explain why it is Time to do so. Have lots going on so, ASAP I will impliment such action and dedicate my full attention.

    10. "We are being judged, not just by how smart we are, or by our training and expertise, but also by how well we handle ourselves and others." -Daniel Goleman on Emotional Intelligence
      This is a quote at the bottom of an e-mail sent from Jacquelin Boulanger, Osage Nation Legislative Branch, Adminstrative Services Support. I think it's wonderful. How well are the members of the Executive Branch and the Congress handling themselves where a fair and equitable distribution of benefits associated with Tribal funding goes to 85% of the members of the Osage Nation? Since we will never see a poll requesting this kind of information from the Osage News, type 1 for thumbs up or 2 for thumbs down. Thank you.

    11. 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 for every year of the Const. government. At least if we had the tribal council our families would have benefitted from other generous family members. Dismal record of sharing with us who now have a right to expect fair treatment. It's a fraud really the way they keep it all for themselves.

    12. As it happened today: the Health and Social Services Congressional Committee amended the Osage Health Card bill, ONCA 14-78, upward from $5 million to $7.9 million for all of the Osage people. Voting in favor of this amendment were Congresspersons Jech, Pratt and Mason. Congresswoman Edwards was in the Committee meeting to put forward the amendment to raise the amount of the bill $2.9 million. OUTSTANDING! IMPRESSIVE AND EXCEEDINGLY WELL DONE on the part of four of our members of the Osage Nation Congress. You earned your pay today for the benefit of all Osages no matter where they reside in the world. WONDERFUL AND KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
      Today I change my vote from a "2" to "1" in a big way for A THUMBS WAY WAY UP!

    13. Theres still a lot of creeps in that congress who will vote against that bill when it comes up for a vote on the floor of the congress. Chief could also veto it if the congress votes to pass it. You got a long way to go here and I wouldnt hold your your breath. These folks are Osage County centric and they want it all. I heard the committee chair Shaw and Norris vote against the amendent and I didn't hear Maker vote today. He must be out with a hangover again. AP Chief is in the meeting and doesnt have to be so this makes Maker look even worse. He's always out but is reported to go to every seminar and convention out of town that comes up. When are they going to begin drug and alcohol testing of the elected officials of the Osage Nation too?

    14. Still, this IS progress in the right direction.

    15. Maybe. That $5 million they hide in over budgeting every year is money out off your wallet in a percap of $275 a year. $18 million in Osage LLC losses is another thousand bucks you could have had in the last few years too and still they give that damn thing a Congressional vote of confidence. I have an idea. The Congress don't get a paycheck from the Nation until that Osage LLC stops losing money and shows a profit. Don't think they wouldn't vote to make it go away the very next day if that were ever to become the case. They are always so harsh with spending on 85% of us, they should see the same harshness themselves for Congressional negligence of the loss of $18 million of the Osage people's money.

    16. Who do we have to see about that? That dead lazy AG? Two or three official legal actions with one resulting restitution slap on the wrist in how many years he's been getting benefits and a six figure salary from the Osage Nation.

    17. Follow Benny's Tzi-Zho Blogs at

    18. Rule of thumb: "What was spent (of last year's budget) plus 5%," R.J. Walker? Trying to cut the gaming commission budget and then they added 5% to a portion of it? Did I understand this correctly in today's Government Ops Committee?

    19. ONPD has 30 Sargents and 13 Patrol Officers when we had only one patrol officer in 2006 at the time of the vote on the Constitution? WOAH! When there are only 2,750 Osages who live in Osage County? Is that overkill or not? Between both budgets Federal and Tribal the amount is a grand total $1.3 million? That's incredible. How much are these people paid? With this much money flying around we have a right to know!!!!!!!!!!!

    20. What's all this reduced by last years budget crap I'm hearing on here? They just subtract what wasn't spent last year and then try to act like they are really reducing these budget amounts? Is that what these jokers are up to now?

    21. That AG is going to return $29,000 of just under $1.5 million!!!!! To do what? Find the most expensive outside legal council in the State of Okla? LMAO!!!!!! Appropriate money out of the minerals agency budget for legal fees not the Nation. Borrow the money from the Nation but don't co-mingle funds between Executive offfices and the minerals agency.

    22. $400,000 - $700,000 in four years into the future... plus the Donalson lawsuit comment from Galen Crum as guest speaker. Unintended consequences of all these lawsuits from Kugee. How can the AG predict how bad it may get until a judgment from a Court is issued. What are our chances of winning is a fair question.

    23. $200,000 for that stupid Super Board? Oh iPad Ray Ray you said the same thing about the Osage LLC when you said that what has been spent before will be all for naught if we don't keep throwing money at it. How well did that work for you and all of the Osage people $18 million later lost due to your foolishness and fiscal immaturity?

    24. Cutting funds to IT is cutting a direct service to the Osage people.

  51. Ask Standingbear to show his CDIB card for Osage blood quantum. He is a complete fraud.

    1. What does it say...

    2. CDIB cards don't specify in percentages how much of a percentage of each particular Tribe you are if you have more than one Tribe that you are related to genetically. If all you are is Osage and from no other Tribal community then this is true but otherwise it isn't. Where are you getting your information about the new Chief?

  52. The total blood volume for an average 70 kg human (150 pounds) is approximately 5.5 liters If this were Geoffrey the amount Osage blood would be less than 0.11 liter

  53. they finally did it they hired Brooke ashlock, the only witness that lied about JRE, and her reward is being paid. She has been hired to be the director of the Osage Nation Counseling center by de facto chief Libby Gray. Heard she is already creating a mess and the whole center is threatening to walk off the job. Shameful.

    1. This was one area where you could see the incompetence and I for one am glad to see this one area of many issues that policies are needed to set the criteria for a better work environment. I'm not a fan of libby, but I am also not a fan of throwing dollars away at employees who dont work an honest days work. I do respect her and she will get the JOB, done. Go libby.

    2. heard all the credentialed and licensed people can't work for Libbi or Brooke, neither of whom know anything about counseling or management. Its far worse than you can imagine

    3. Brooke Ashlock did not even tertify at JRE trial. One that did was Louis Gray.Now there is the Osage champion purveyor of myths. His testimony distilled into its basic elements would produce a pile of BS so large that the methane gas it would yield could heat the city of Tulsa for a year and it justs come natural for him.

    4. Regardless, the fact is that Brooke does not have any credentials related to counseling. Furthermore, the changes Brooke is making are out of compliance with CARL and State guidelines. Thus will eventually cost the tribe money because the counseling center will no longer be able to bill third party.

  54. Nominate a health champion at

  55. ***ALERT*** There will be a Beginners Genealogy Community Enrichment Class that will be held from October 13-27, 2014. See

  56. Osage Blog Conversation continues at
